#so there you have it: three people trying to meditate and they all just really suck at it
gen-is-gone · 5 months
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The Gang Attempts Meditation
hello tumbles there is a reason I never post art but terrible phone picture quality aside, have some blorbos
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
have been helping a bit to look after a little girl who is almost three, about six months older than my nephew, but who unfortunately hasn't been looked after as well as my nephew has.
had her in the kind of baby swing that you buckle a baby into, and she was being very very quiet and meditative. not smiling or engaging with me at all as I chatted away at her, or even looking at me. which is fine of course
but after awhile I said "are you all done swinging?" and she didn't answer or look at me. I said "are you still having fun in the swing?" and she didn't answer. I said, "do you want to keep swinging?" and she didn't answer. I said "are you hungry? ready for a snack?" and she didn't answer
I knelt down in front of her and said "let's unbuckle you and we can go get a snack, ok?" and she just stared at me. but when I reached for the buckles she whimpered and sobbed and tried to push my hands away from them
so of course I was like "oh! you do want to keep swinging!" and she didn't answer, but when I pulled the swing back to get her swinging again she smiled really widely
and it got me thinking about how sometimes, especially if it doesn't seem like anybody ever listens to you, or cares what you think or feel, it's hard to think of language-- including the language of gesture-- as a tool to communicate. because even when she started to cry and pushed at my hands it wasn't really like she was trying to tell me something, or even ask for something. she can talk, I've heard her say a three word sentence, and her speech and articulation are probably better on a purely technical level than my nephew's. but why should she? grown-ups do whatever they want. she didn't communicate her wishes to me, not because she wasn't able, because why bother? she cried because she was sad and frustrated, not because she thought I wanted to know what she wanted. she smiled because she was happy, not because she wanted me to know she was happy.
and I get it, you know? sometimes you have a breakdown because it's easier to get to the point when things are so bad or upsetting that you just have to cry out in protest, in organic despair that just overcomes you, because it's too hard / it seems too hopeless to choose to ask for something before it gets to that point. even if people are actively asking how they can help. because how do you know they mean it? what if you choose the wrong answer? better not to imagine you get to choose.
wish she'd yell "no snack!!!! more swing!!!" like my nephew. who knows I'm listening
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starryknight-tarot · 3 months
𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls✨ Today we will be looking into what kind of people your future friends are and maybe a little more into your dynamic together. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Credit to @benkeibear for the divider and @thuminnoo on instagram.
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Pile 1 Cards: Temperance, Three of Swords, Six of Swords, Strength, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Cups rx Back of the Deck: Five of Pentacles
The energy for this pile has a lot of layers to it. While I was shuffling, I heard the word "first" pretty clearly, so your future friends might be the first time you can really call someone a friend or simply your first time having friends at all . I feel like all of your future friends are going to have very big personalities. If you are an introvert, you are going to feel like you were adopted by a bunch of extroverts. I am actually getting Mean Girls vibes from this pile, like in a school setting, all your friends would be the talk of the school. The cool kids so to speak lol. And the energy you are going to feel with them also feels pretty complicated. In friendships, you can have good days where everyone is getting along and having fun, and then other day when things can feel more awkward and even a little uncomfortable, your friend group isn't going to be safe from this. Although, you may feel like you may feel like you don't truly fit in with them. I am hearing "Imposter Syndrome" so with your future friends, you may feel like you don't deserve to be around them. But I am getting that your future friends REALLY don't want you to feel this way. In fact, I feel like there may be a moment in your friendship where all this doubt in yourself comes to the surface and you and your friends have a deep conversation about. I am getting for some of you that really don't resonate with this self doubt energy, it might be the other way around where one of your future friends isn't too confident in their friendship with you. Also, no matter what gender you identify as, your future friends are going to help you embrace your feminine energy. For some specific groups of yall, your friends are going to spark your interest in makeup. Some of yall are going to be making new friends at the gym or on a run, something physical. Like I am seeing the visual of someone running a marathon and chatting it up with the person next to them. I think for my pile 1's, yall need to start having a clear idea of what you want and need in a friend. Because if you just let anyone that shows you kindness, you might end up in a distasteful situation. If you don't feel like you and another person have a connection, it's time to cut ties with that person. But with the Page of Pentacles, I feel like you guys will actually find friends that will feel like manifested them into existence. If you have a manifestation journal, it may help to dedicate a page for qualities you want in a friend and spirit is saying that this will bring you closer to these friends. I also keep hearing "They aren't perfect" so even if you are manifesting them, they may not be the perfect person but they are going to be there for you. Also one last message for my introverts, you may want to try and put yourself out there to find friends.
Advice Cards:
Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspects of your life
Spend some time in stillness to reflect
Be adventurous. It's time to go for it!
A powerful dream will guide you
Your heart is a center of institute intelligence. Listen to it!
You are greater than your story
Channeled Songs: (I laughed when I got Please Me but some of yall may have a message there lol)
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Pile 2 Cards: Ace of Swords, Nine of Wands rx, King of Swords, The Tower rx, Ten of Wands rx, The Fool, The Emperor, Two of Pentacles Back of the Deck: Three of Swords
So I was picking up a few different types of energies for this pile, I feel like a lot of people may pick this pile so there is a lot of different people involved or each one of your friends is going to be very different personalities, take it how it resonates. One of the first things I was picking up was that your friends are gonna be labeled as the "weird kids" lol. I don't mean that in a bad way at all, they just might be the type to be labeled as nerds or dorks or whatever but they are just have really silly energy. Specifically, someone in your group is gonna be quite eccentric and unique but I think you will love that about them. This eccentric friend has lovely energy. I keep hearing ENFP or they may might just be really into MBTI. I am also picking up on someone that has a really regal vibe to them? Maybe, they feel like they were royalty in their past life or they could come from wealth. But I am getting such a sweet vibe from this person. This friend group seems like a bunch of softies and I am living for it. I was also picking up that you might have to go through some really shitty friends before you get to the friends that we are currently looking into. Spirit said "those people were never truly your friends" so some people who you thought were your friends may actually be pieces of shit and never even truly saw you as a friend. I am hearing for someone of you that these might be your current friends, of course that isn't going to be for everyone but you are seeing some signs from your current friends that they don't truly respect you as a person, or that they are leave you out of stuff, those people aren't your friends. But with the Fool, I feel like you guys are really going to start a new journey in terms of friends so there are going to be quite a few people who are coming into your life. I heard "They are going to turn your life upside down" so you may start seeing the world differently after meeting them. I do feel like you and your future friends may not always see eye to eye and may have a falling out, I'm not too sure why, it seems like a lot of misunderstandings may happen between yall. These misunderstand may cause yall to have prolonged times apart for a little while. But I do think you will come back together. I'm also not too sure this energy is for everyone or perhaps that keeping this message in mind may cause these misunderstands to be avoided. Spirit is saying "Keep an open mind" so you may need to just hear each other. I am also getting for this pile that your group of friends may be really big, like a lot of people that are gonna hang around you.
Advice Cards:
Hold your life from a sacred viewpoint. Witness the universal picture
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
Your are greater than your story
Pay attention to your breathing, it's reflecting your life
Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy
You are wiser than you think
You are a natural teacher
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: Three of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, The Emperor rx, Six of Pentacles rx, Ten of Pentacles, The Fool rx, Ten of Swords Back of the Deck: Four of Cups
Excuse me for my language, but I fucking love this pile so much, your future friends have top tier energy. These friends might be people from your childhood that you rekindle with or just friends you have known for a while. Actually I am also getting that for some of you, you may meet them very suddenly and become friends very fast in your adult life, but I'm not really getting an in between. For some of you, I feel like you are already around your future friends. They seem to be more of the rebellious vibes, I am hearing Lost Boys energy. Your future friends may be strong activists and are very vocal about what is right and wrong. Your friends seems like the type of people that really stand out in the crowd. Probably for a very specific group of you, I feel like you may meet in an art class or just somewhere surrounded by art. And your future friends are SO creative and have such big imaginations. For some of you, you are going to make a career with these future friends and I am hearing starting a Youtube channel or something like that. Whatever it is, it seems like it will be really successful because of the chemistry you and your friends share. Especially with all the pentacles in this pile, yall might make major bank together. For a lot of you, these friends are going to be your soul family. For some of you, there is going to be someone in your friend group that takes up a sort of mother role and they are going to help heal you through a lot of childhood wounds that you may not have even realized you had. I heard for some of you, they are going to get you out more and get you out of a hermit period for you. There is a very small group of you that I feel like you will very suddenly stop seeing each other or perhaps this friendship will have been going on for years and some of you will want to expand your friendship to other people and not talk as much, I am getting maybe two people. A little larger group of you may just drift part after time and find new friends, but you guys would never forget each other and always hold so much love for each other. Yall story seems like it could be made into a story lol. But even then, I won't let that stop you from enjoying your friends with these people and trying your best to make it last since yall do seem really compatible. For real it's so beautiful I almost want to cry. But there is a group of you that I see growing old together basically. Yall will still be causing trouble till yall's hairs grey and you are chilling in the nursing homes lol.
Advice Cards: Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life
Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy
Be aware of your inner messages
A powerful dream will guide you
The key is in the application. Practice!
Spend some time in stillness to reflect
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: King of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, Four of Pentacles rx, Five of Swords, Six of Pentacles rx, Nine of Swords, The Tower, The Fool rx Back of the Deck: Six of Wands
This pile is very interesting indeed. So one of the first things I was picking up was that you may marry one of your future friends and it is going to be like "Marrying my best friend" kind of moments. Which is real cute for yall. I was also getting that your friend group might be pretty well off, like they all grew up in a pretty wealthy area or something like that. I am kind of picking up on those people that grew up rich but don't really even realize it until you point it out. But they seem like might spoil you a little, take you around to see things you may have never seen without them. I am also hearing some of you may be the rich friend. I am also getting that the way you guys will meet will be through shared struggle. Like I am getting that you and your future friends will go though an experience that not many will have gone through and while you will walk away with a lot of trouble from this experience, you will also walk away with new friendships because not many have gone through what yall have gone through. I am getting that you will have around three or four friends that you are particularly close with. With the mixture of the Tower and the Five of Swords, I feel like you are going to have a big falling out with these people. Although since we have the Six of Wands at the back of the deck, I feel this story will have a very satisfying ending. I just suddenly saw people meeting at a very tropical setting. It could just be the beach but for some of you, this feels like a different country and you will meet up there and it will feel so nice. I am also getting that instead of this falling out energy, your future friends are going to have A LOT of trauma and they may feel like they don't deserve your friendship, something along those lines. Your future friends have very shy energy. They don't seem to trust a lot of people but you managed to gain their trust. Although I feel like one of your friends is very shy and the another is very bold and confident, but even this person seems to have some inner struggles as well. I'm sorry because I feel like there is part of a puzzle that your future friends don't really want to share here. Perhaps your story with them is just something they really want you to experience without any expectations. They seem to have really good intentions with you.
Advice Cards:
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Take a lighter approach and smile about all facets in your life. A smile reflects a heart at peace You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded!
The key is in the application. Practice! You are intuitively gifted. Trust you guidance
Pay attention to the issue that time plays in your life right now
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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beomgyw · 2 months
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PAIRINGS: guitarist!beomgyu x afab!reader, surfer!yeonjun x afab!reader
GENRE: love triangle, multichoice, fluff / smut (all depending on the paths you choose) plot heavy.
WARNINGS: your choices matter for the outcome!! you can choose not to engage in nsfw. IMPORTANT!! FOLLOW THE LINKED POSTS CAREFULLY and if you get lost, click back to the beginning to retrace your choices. (praying you won’t get lost.)
FEAT: le sserafim yunjin, le sserafim chaewon
SUMMARY: after a college-induced mental breakdown, you convince your parents to let you go back to your hometown and stay at your grandma's beach house for the summer. you used to be the ugly girl growing up, but not anymore. it´s your choice to opt for flirty and charismatic surf coach yeonjun (your childhood crush who had never noticed you until now) or gentle and romantic beomgyu (the boy who's always had a secret crush on you)
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poor naive you had always wanted to be a writer, and poor naive you thought that a literature degree would help you become one.
you worked your whole life to get into a good university, thinking that it would be different from high school. that you would learn critical thinking instead of soulless arbitrary facts and trivia, that classes would be passionate and that exams wouldn't consist of just throwing up memorised material to be forgotten the next day.
poor you. after a year of linguistics and syntax courses you realised you hadn't been able to read a single book or write a single paragraph. was that really it? was college also gonna be a competitive hell of always studying but never really learning?
sick and tired of uni, you tell your parents that you need to get out of the city. you need time to think and make decisions about your future. however, and rather strategically, you don't specify which decisions. you don't mention that you´re thinking about quitting school, or that you'd like to become a full-time writer. you don't want to worry your parents as much as you don't want them to kill you.
after some hard negotiations, you succeed in getting them to let you spend the summer at your grandmother's beach house, back in the town where you grew up.
after a few phone calls and arrangements, your grandmother is not only delighted with your visit but has even offered to find you a part-time job. she says she knows of a small book shop in town where they could use some help. that's perfect! a bookshop sounds like a dream job! now all you have to do is pack your bags!
after you're done packing your essentials, you still have space to pack one more thing. choose one! (note, some are more important than others. also, remember your choice!):
books. are they really that necessary though? i mean, you got a job at a book shop. what could go wrong?
an extra swimsuit. trust me, you don’t wanna borrow a bikini from chaewon. 
camera. remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. 
besides your bag, you're allowed to carry one more piece of luggage on the train ride. which are you choosing?
yoga mat. after all, the concept of this retreat is to ponder, decide on your future and better your mental health. yoga and meditation are definitely the way to go. many people think that the beach is the perfect place to meditate.
guitar. that poor guitar that has been sitting in a corner of your room untouched for the past three years. now that you’re gonna have free time for the first time in your life, why not give it a try? you're probably gonna need someone to teach you tho.
please !! as you go on, don't be shy to comment the choices you make so i get to know your tastes better!! pretty please :)
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midheavenastrology · 1 year
🎉🧁Super rando 🎉🧁Astro Observations 🎉🧁
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🍥I do not recommend dating someone who has ur chiron sign- in one way or another they will hurt you unconsciously and trigger you 😔😔😭😓🫣of course this is good in a way because all trauma is meant to be healed ❤️‍🩹🩺🩻but you have to be with someone who is conscious of the hurt they are causing. The chiron person is only really meant to surface these hurts not heal them. Think about it: ur chiron sign is literally embodying the wound that u have so to date that sign is like dating a walking red flag 🚩
🍥People with prominent Jupiter aspects to their ascendant, sun, midheaven will naturally just emit light ! ✨🌞🌻 u shine ! U so sparkle ! Jupiter expands anything it touches, so imagine having sun 🌞 aspecting Jupiter: big energy, big beam of light !!! They also have the loudest, biggest laughs lmao- this is me and everyone always tells me they love how much I laugh at everything/have the biggest guffaw- sound like a dang donkey🐴 sometimes srry not srry 🥲🥲🥲
🍥Someone with a lot of mutable placements absolutely needs fixed energy to ground and stabilize them 😇🥺when it comes to synastry. Especially when it comes to moon sign compatibility. Mutable moons are legit the most moody 🌝😩🌚Cardinal can work too but sometimes feelings will burn out quickly 🐒🔥🌪️💦
🍥However with that said: have y’all ever dated ur opposite moon sign ??? Because that sh*ts fire 🔥
🍥Be careful who you meet romantically during mars or Venus retrograde ⏪⏮️these are past lovers that come back to try sumthin, sumthin out again. Like I went on a dating app 🤪during mars ☄️retrograde and had a super casual fling that burned out super quickly💥💥💥but not with some big lessons. The seggs will be ahmazing because youve fucked around before lol 🍌✨ are the lessons worth it tho, who knos 🥲
🍥Libra and Taurus placements will always be attractive ! trust ! Venus blesses them in some way or another 🌸💅🧖‍♀️ pretty privilege y’all ✨Scorpio and Aries placements will always be sessy, trust ! mars gives them sexy privilege 🍌🍆🌶️ if u got both in ur big three, boy r u trouble 😈
🍥I read somewhere that when you’re embodying your true soul essence you take on ur vedic/sidereal placements: literally have been feelin my triple fire 🔥 placement in vedic ! 😬🌶️🔥
🍥Neptune+mercury placements ….you literally manifest when you speak so be careful what u wish for 🫶 it’s because Neptune: higher spiritual plane, angels 👼, ancestors and then mercury: communication: u are literally speaking to angels mmkay 🥲✨🫶
🍥If you lack fire 🔥 in ur chart, u tend to run V cold 🥶 like ur probs the friend who has cold hands and feet constantly ! Me 🙋‍♀️
🍥Too much mercury in ur chart or air placements can make u constantly in ur head: like u can’t detach ur mind from ur body and soul. It’s gonna be hard 4 u to meditate 🧘‍♀️ tbh. I recommend breath work 4 y’all, so u can get more in tune with ur body/or working out, running, moving ur body 🕺💃🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🤹‍♀️
🍥biggest flirt placements of the zodiac goes to Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius- if u have all four shidddd…I hope ur significant other is ok 🥲 honorable mention: Pisces (but it’s cus we fall in love like 5 times a day…doesn’t mean we actually know how to flirt tho..we’re just sweet lovers by nature) Aries, Gemini, libra and Sag are the ultimate smooth talkers of the zodiac 🥵
🍥biggest non flirts of the zodiac goes to Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus. Ur flirting style is basically being mean, uninterested or cold. Earth+ Scorpio is very self contained, they like to keep it together and flirting feels stupid and petty. When in a mood, they don’t want to talk to anyone unless there’s a reason for it..like what do u want ? Tell me what u want, set a date and make a plan. Also lez be real: their main love is cash money 🤑
That’s all y’all 🍭🎨🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️💅💅💅💅💅☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️🧋🧋🧋🧋🧋🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Hope y’all have a magical day 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Thanks for reading+scoping !! 🥰
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velvetures · 4 months
Helluuuu!! I saw your post about sending requests and mine is actually a really simple one cause I don't have a creative but I just though about a ghost hurt/comfort story
Little Secrets
A/N: So this is very self-indulgent... I hope you don't mind. I think there are quite a few people who struggle with taking meds for depression/anxiety or feel guilty for it. Me included. Hopefully, this helps everyone feel valid, seen, and supported. Summary: Task Force 141 is where you belong. But it doesn't make the work easy by any means. You finally get the help you need and try hiding it. Ghost notices and is the one who sets you straight. T/W: depression/anxiety themes, medication, guilt, insecurity of reader, fem reader, and I'm sure I've missed something, so let me know.
photo by: pedropcl
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You couldn't keep fighting it for any longer.
Staring down at the two orange bottles of pills in your hands and the directions packets in the other, you felt like you'd failed despite the psychiatrist you'd spoken to reassure you that this was certainly not a failure. Your brain kept refuting that this was a step in the right direction. Working as a professional and legal murderer should've meant you had no feelings. No failures of regulating your emotions or having such miserable trouble falling asleep at night. That nice woman who'd put the prescription in for you said it would take two to three weeks to see a difference. It felt like no time, yet an eternity all at once. Relief felt so far away, but insignificant compared to other people you often compared your personal struggles with.
You weren't homeless, you could eat without worrying, you had clothes and shoes all of the time, and never needed to wonder if you would have enough money to take care of your responsibilities. Education hadn't been a problem, you were well-respected despite being a woman in such a male-dominated field and kept up with your work extremely well. At least, when your brain decided to deny that you had the ability to do anything. Or... repeatedly try to convince you that nothing you did was worth a damn or actually made you useful. Vicious cycles of fighting with your own brain, knowing that you shouldn't feel or think this way but have no strength or way of stopping. None of the "hacks," meditations, or affirmation bullshit touched that panicky feeling you had mere minutes after laying down at night.
The pills shaking around in your hands were your last resort. And they made you feel so fucking embarrassed as you tucked them in your pockets before entering back into HQ. Praying to god that none of the 141 would see you with them or hear that slight sound of them rattling in their bottles. By grace or luck, you were able to avoid all of them and got back to your quarters to stash them under your bed in a small ammo box repurposed for some personal belongings. The directions you'd thrown away on your drive back, just taking a picture of them for reference and ditching the paper copies so you wouldn't have to keep track of those.
"This better fucking help," You breathe out heavily to yourself.
Staring up at the ceiling and almost dreading having to take one tonight before bed and the other when you wake up the next morning. Daily reminders of how you couldn't be hard and cold like the others. Cool and collected like Gaz, confident like Soap, unaffected like Ghost, or just so very reliable like Price. It made you feel like the weak link needing support. You'd never needed it before, and within two years you'd suddenly realized that your own mind was winning in a fight you'd never even been aware of fighting in the first place.
Keeping all of them in the dark about this would be safest. If they didn't need to question your stability, then it wouldn't feel like such pressure to perform. And hopefully, after a few weeks, things might start to shift a little. Maybe enough to where you could begin sorting out the other problems without the image of a cluttered attic representing the state of your head. Taking care to not raise the alert of the 141 wouldn't be easy. Always noticing everything out of sheer training and sharpened instincts. Having no other good ideas... You just settled on doing everything you could to keep your little secrets under wraps.
In the following couple of days, you’d become adjusted to the routine of taking your medications on the surface level. While the one tasked with easing you anxiety and depression wasn’t going to take effect for quite a while longer the other -a sleeping aid- was definitely making a significant impact. You were able to actually fall asleep and stay that way, problem was, with a couple missions impending in the near future, you were getting concerned that if you took them when you were supposed to -on a schedule- that staying awake would be next to impossible. And if you didn’t take them at all… you didn’t want to deal with the consequences of breaking a much more healthy habit.
And the reason you were so worried about the missions was because of a reoccurring problem that the 141 began finding you falling victim to. Thankfully you were all on leave, making it a lot more acceptable, but they still began walking into different rooms around HQ to see you sleeping soundly. No matter the noise level, temperature in the room, or the space you’d fit yourself into. And no one was quite as intrigued with your sudden change in behavior was the Lieutenant.
Ghost liked things to have order, and often used regiment or habit as a very small form of comfort when he felt that his physical situation was one that could be trusted. And while the others just thought you’d found a new safety in HQ and enjoyed sleeping somewhere safe, Ghost could see that something much different was happening. Your sleeping wasn’t a new habit.
It appeared far too quickly, and you oftentimes didn’t look like you had much control over it. There had already been three times where he’d watched you fall asleep on one of the guys late in the evening without as much as a single attempt to fight the drowsiness. While Ghost didn’t like to think that he cared that much about you, he found himself paying even closer attention to you than he had before.
“There she goes…” Soap chuckled quietly, pointing to you on the couch; head laying in Captain Price’s lap, eyes closed and sleeping deeply with your arms tucked against your chest and lying on your side.
Price had a loving hand on your head, and had been idly petting your hair much like a father would despite being hardly of age to act it. Yet, Ghost felt that Price’s warmth towards you wasn’t the entire reason you had yet again fallen asleep before 11 o’clock. Purposefully he’d been keeping count, and this was the fifth time in a week. More than enough to raise alarm with the others… but he was still waiting silently for someone else to bring it up.
Price chuckled, glancing down at you. “I carried her to bed last time,” His pointed look at each of them was more than enough to guess what he was about to say. “Someone else needs to, otherwise you’ll be voluntold.”
Ghost internally groaned. Not only was that kind of behavior what made people soft, but it also made seeing through the mask of affection far more difficult. But before Soap or Gaz took initiative, the Lieutenant was up on his feet and approaching Price with every intention of being the one to take you back to your quarters. Looks got thrown around the room, and Ghost wasn’t stupid enough to not notice. It was the first time he’d gotten this involved, and there was certainly a spectacle of him picking you up carefully enough to not wake you.
Even though he was quite certain it would take a lot more to get you up than that.
Your door opened up into warm, glowing light from a little lamp you’d left switched on. He catches sight of your quilt on the bed and the little rug that made the polished concrete floors look so much less like the jail cell his own quarters resembled. The whole room smelled like you too. Sweet, and a lot like cinnamon rolls. Probably some type of candle or other smelly thing that you had thought was worth spending money on. Plenty more reasons added to the list of what separates the two of you. Debating your differences or the reason you preferred your quarters smelling like a bakery wasn’t his purpose for bringing you back to your room.
But even with laying you down on your bed and pulling the sheet and blankets over you, Ghost wasn’t seeing any of the possible signs that could lead him to better understand what was going on with you. Nothing is out of place though. Your room is pretty much spotless save for a sleep outfit you’d laid out for tonight, but wouldn’t have the chance to get changed into. And right about the time Ghost decided he’d been looking into your business too much, he bumped into your nightstand.
It knocked something off into the floor, bouncing under the bed and clattering a bit.
Ghost sighed, eyes rolling up towards the ceiling and having quite the frustrating experience of dealing with the sudden responsibility of making sure you were cared for. And that meant picking up whatever shit he’d been too busy watching you, to not knock somewhere under the bed he’d have to fish around and find. So he knelt down and pulled his phone from his pocket and used the flash to spot a tube of chapstick near the bed frame foot.
That, and an ammo box with your initials spray-painted onto the side of it.
Compared to everything else, it didn’t look like it fit amongst the rest of your things. And damn if Ghost didn’t have a sudden gut feeling that it was the reason you’d been sleeping so much. Why you’d been so out of character; Setting his teeth on edge. Reaching out… Ghost grabbed the lip balm and got back to his feet and sit it down on the nightstand where it couldn’t be as easily disturbed again.
“G’night kid.” His whispers fell on your unconscious ears as your Lieutenant dismissed himself from your room and back down to his own space.
You woke up in your bed after falling asleep somewhere unintentionally, for the who-knows-which time. Just like before, left in whatever clothes you’d been wearing and all of your blankets tucked up tightly around you. It left a lingering sense of disappointment in yourself. A little pinch of sadness rested like a rock in your stomach. You couldn’t really remember falling asleep to begin with. If you ended up keeping this little habit going, there’d be no doubt you would risk everyone on a mission falling asleep at the drop of a hat.
All because of this damn medicine.
One that you needed to grab from under your bed, and sneak into the kitchen so that you could have some water and food. You'd seen one of the tens of sites -during your research of your pills- that it would help digest it better... whether it actually worked or not wasn't something you could tell. But either way, a doctor had said it, and plenty of people taking it agreed. So you grabbed the pill, shoved it in your pocket, and went out into the kitchen to find a glass.
The floors felt cold even with socks on. And while a steady rain poured from the sky, you were more heated with concern that someone would notice you. Notice your sleeping issues, the way you crawled around in the morning for the first couple hours before the pills began working, or the shady way you hid your face in the refrigerator while swallowing down your medication. Surely the stuff had to be working since you'd not been struggling to get your work done throughout the day. But maybe that was the hard part. Taking pills to fix your head, but needing your brain to recognize whether or not you felt better.
"Oh god help me..." You mutter quietly, searching past Soap's energy drinks and Gaz's revolting jug of green juice to find something you could make for breakfast.
A cabinet door shutting behind you nearly stopped your heart. Seeing Ghost's dark eyes evaluating your reaction didn't make your heart rate drop back to normal either. In his typical day-off wear, a pair of well-worn jeans hung low on his hips and an old SAS t-shirt you'd seen him wear countless times stretched tightly over his chest and shoulders. No doubt he'd been up since four. Quite certain he never actually slept, you wondered momentarily if he could benefit from the sleeping tabs you took. But quickly that got covered in anxiety when his eyebrows furrowed at your expression.
"Nothin' to eat?" He asked with a smooth voice, nodding to the refrigerator door you still held open dumbly.
"N-no... just a bunch of shit drinks." You reply, letting the door shut and noticing that he's got a brown bag with grease spots at the bottom corners. He just nods, looking off into the empty common room. Like he's trying to think of the right way to talk shit about both Gaz and Soap's bad choices in hydration.
"Sit. I've got enough to share." He jerks his head to the other side of the counter, turning that wide back to face you, leaving no room for argument.
You're swallowing down a thick bite of a bagel with god-knows-what in British style as Ghost brews tea. Silently making you a cup as well and standing stiffly with both milk and sugar on the table with the expectancy that you tell him how you like it. Not really unusual behavior from him... typically you get along just fine. But it's the fact that he watches so heavily.
"Just sugar, please." You say through a mouthful, covering your mouth with your hand.
He nods, but then starts putting the sugar in, mentioning something about fucking Americans before sliding the mug closer to you with a couple of fingers. Those damned eyes are just as observant as ever when you crumple up the finished sandwich before he even steeps his own drink. It made you nervous. Wondering if those pills were helping with your appetite too. The psychiatrist said it could; Something about feeling less stressed can give your body more opportunities to worry about being hungry. It was one of those facts on the medication packet you'd taken pictures of.
"Plans for today, L.t.?" You ask, sipping the tea, eyes grazing over the cup rim as you stare at the back of his head.
Mask rucked up high enough to eat and drink freely he nods his head. Leaning his lower back against the edge of the kitchen counter
and resting one hand back.
“Yeah, you?”
You shake your head uselessly, “No. Maybe some laundry, but I’m not really even due. Wouldn’t be worth the water in the machine.”
He hums lowly, taking a drink of his tea. You can hear his swallow and a steady exhale of air that follows. Whether it’s him cooling off the steaming cup or just breathing, you cant tell. But it’s so steady that you actually mimic the tempo of it. Feeling the way it expands and contracts your lungs smoothly. Almost settling. Much like L.t. himself in that way. Terrifying until you see just how easily you can be around him. He’s always quiet and composed, even when there’s plenty of reasons not to be. You wished it was something you could do too. Maybe it would help the task force if you didn’t have to spend your energy keeping yourself at an unnoticeable level of consistent panic.
“Know anythin’ about cars?”
“No,” You’re quick to add on. “But I can learn fast.”
You watch the way the back of his mask slides down further and how his head tilts from side to side to settle it comfortably. Seeing the rest of the tea get dumped into the sink and his own sandwich bag get crumpled up. He’s silent as he washes the cups used and methodically cleans up after the pair of you. Even reaching across the counter to swipe a couple of crumbs off your t-shirt with a subtle nod to his own satisfaction.
“I like to hear it,” His hand palmed at the back of your neck. Gently tugging you off the barstool, and grabbing your jacket to toss it to you. “You’re comin’ with me then.”
Learning about cars actually became quite easy… when Ghost was teaching.
He explained the parts clearly, what his goal was, and didn’t get pissed when you handed him the wrong size socket wrench on the first try. On the other end, you’d only been working next to him -well, sitting on the wheel well- for a couple of hours when you started getting tired again. Almost helpless to your own frustration, you yawned. Fighting the sleepy feeling valiantly, and taking as detailed of mental notes as possible while watching Ghost’s greased knuckles tighten a bracket holding his master cylinder in place. Surely it was a cosmic joke. L.t. was fixing his brakes, and it felt like someone had stomped on yours.
“Hand me that,” He muttered, head stuck down in a gap between his engine block and alternator, still effortlessly pointing at a pair of channellocks. “And get in for me.”
You did as he asked, yawning one more time. Trying to blame your sudden exhaustion on the rain pelting the metal roof above you. Sliding into the back of the car and kicking off your boots to let them rest on the concrete floor outside of it. Attempting to be polite by not getting any dirty spots on the mats of the -very original- DB4 GT Aston he’d given you trust to even sit in. The leather seats help you glide into the driver’s seat, giving you a very slim look at Ghost through the gap in the hood.
“What exactly am I doing in here?” You ask, loud enough so that he can hear you.
It prompts his head to pop up from inside the engine bay, giving you those same, observant eyes from earlier. He looks back down, reaches in and taps on something harshly, then looks back to you.
“Roll it over.”
The car starts effortlessly. Practically purring under you, and echoing in the metal hangar making it sound all the more ruggedly beautiful. The whole car hums, and as you watch Ghost go back to focusing on something in front of him, you feel the heat come through the dash. It’s a perfect storm that lulls you even closer to sleep. A dangerous thing, considering the one man who could figure out what was wrong with you was the only one close enough to see. Hell, you weren’t even sure he didn’t already have it figured out, and wasn’t planning some way to tell Price about it and have you removed from the task force.
Unfit for duty.
You could just picture it now. Red pen in Price’s handwriting detailing your medications and how it was grounds from honorable discharge. Perfectly common in the military, but it felt like death in your hazy mind.
Not that you could fight it for much longer.
Because by the time the Lieutenant had finished his little bit of work, he came into sight of you, slumped over in his driver’s seat with you lips parted and your arms wrapped around yourself. Nothing short of a pretty sight for sore eyes. His car had damn near rocked you sleep, and for once, Ghost felt his heart couldn’t take the feeling of waking you up. He’d watched you all morning. Gauging your reactions, your lack of conversation, and the way you tried to keep from showing him any sign of being tired. Initially he wanted to be angry. Mad that you were hiding something from the team… from him. But seeing you sleeping there, he knew there was a fight in your head. A fight he knew well. So he left you there to sleep.
Turning off the engine to keep from filling the garage with exhaust, but pulling up one of the small space heaters close to the open door to keep you from getting cold while he worked. Making small adjustments, looking over future jobs, and even entertaining the thought of adjusting you over in the seat a little bit so that he could drive-test his handiwork. But that didn’t come, because Soap arrived with a grin on his face and no idea that you were sleeping.
Until Ghost told him to lower his goddamn voice.
“Sleepin’ again bonnie?” Soap chuckled to himself, looking at you before back to Ghost. “How long’s she been out?”
Ghost shrugged, “Few hours.” Really he hadn’t been watching the clock; far too comfortable to concern himself with it.
“I know you’ve been tryin’ to figure it out,” He started back, resting his hands on the hood. “Why she’s doin’ this so much. Have ya’?”
Ghost shook his head. “No. Not yet, but I’m not concerned.”
Johnny laughed softly, slapping Ghost on the back and beginning to walk away. “I never took you for the type to be worried, L.t.. But since you’re so reassurin’ I’ll take it t’heart.”
Any way Ghost came at that statement, he felt himself on the end of a losing battle. Maddening. Losing a fight wasn’t in his nature. Even if that meant he had to take some of the most fucked up torture to reach it. But what bothered him more than Soap knowing he was concerned about you was the knowing you weren’t okay.
Days out in the field were bad enough. But when they got worse, you were always there. And maybe you didn’t feel much better than he did, yet you always held softness. For everyone. For him. A kind of understanding and acceptance that wasn’t required, or exactly approved of in this line of work. You could keep a secret better than anyone he knew, and while he didn’t burden you with a single one of his, there was always the foreign comfort in being able to come with them if he wanted to. Hiding your own feelings wasn’t right though.
Selfish maybe. Thinking it was okay to linger in his own issues and still demand you give him yours.
But hiding behind his rank and position over you meant he could make that kind of decision without any questioning. A type of don’t fucking ask why that saved him face when carrying you from his car back to your room after you still hadn’t woken up nearly seven hours after passing out in his car. Shouldering open the door just like the night before, he expected to see nothing out of place. The same lip balm on the side table, the same rug, and maybe a different night shirt since you’d mentioned doing laundry. But there was something out of place. And damn if it didn’t make his gut twist up in a ugly kind of feeling. One he’d not felt in years, but certainly recognized as soon as he spotted the orange pill bottle sitting on your bed.
It made sense.
The sleeping. The different behavior. The reason you’d practically swallowed a whole fucking sandwich for breakfast when a cup of tea would typically be all you stomached until afternoon. And thank god… you were finally starting to look a bit fuller. Getting prettier every day, and he finally had something to place the blame on. All hesitations about you being able to handle the upcoming missions faded once he got a good look at the bottle. A medication, funnily enough, that Ghost was well-acquainted with. It wasn’t part of his own personal line-up in his medicine cabinet, but it was one he’d taken for a while.
You’d been in need of some help, and luckily for you, it hadn’t been nearly as hard for you to get help as it had been for him. Actually asking for what you needed -and while frustrating- decided to try and manage it without anyone else’s knowledge. Ghost couldn’t think of a better scenario. Realizing that the only thing he needed to know about was your side effects, and how to best manage them alongside you. Thank fuck you weren’t sick… well… sick in a way that someone couldn’t help you with. A way that he couldn’t help.
So, he sit down in on the floor in your room and waited.
Your wake-up call came in the form of sleepy eyes opening to see the massive silhouette of Ghost sitting in your floor. Dark eyes much softer than you’d expected, and a much more concerning sight of your pill bottle resting in his massive hand. A sight that sat you up ramrod straight in your bed, gasping softly and staring at him with wide eyes.
“Don’t tell Price.” You sputter, rushing to get the words out of your mouth. Terrified that he’s going to get up and run out the door. Just sitting long enough to let you get a good look at his plan before exposing you to the Captain as some sick kind of satisfaction.
His eyes narrow a little, “Don’t tell Price?” His voice sounds hoarse. “Don’t tell Price?”
It sounds that much more broken and gritty when he repeats it. Standing up to meet you a bit more level, fisting the pills in his hand, and lightly making them shake. He can’t understand your fear. Completely blind to the fact that -much like him- you’re fearful of being shamed. Misunderstood for it. Or worse. Ghost can’t recognize why you’re looking at him as if he’s going to be the reason your life ends. When in all reality, you don’t see how he’s trying to figure out why you didn’t feel safe coming to him.
“You’ve been takin’ these… fallin’ asleep on everyone, and-and struggling for who knows how the fuck long…” It’s hard for Ghost to keep his tone even, thinking about it. “Why didn’t you tell me. you should’ve told me. Said something. Anything.”
Caving in on itself, your chest burns. Eyes locked on his and scanning every confusing moment of emotion and each shift as it comes and goes.
“You wouldn’t…”
Ghost takes a fast step closer, “I wouldn’t what?” His hand drops the pills on the bed and quickly grabs your face, soft fingers pressing into your jaw. “I wouldn’t get it? I wouldn’t do what you needed me to? Wouldn’t let you sleep on me?”
Your lips open in surprise at the softness in him. All of him. The gentleness of his fingers, how his eyes lay silkily on you. Even his voice, falling so softly despite it’s rough tone and deep sound, feels like he’s terrified of you being scared away from him. Like that gentle hold on your face is all he can manage, and he’d rather do anything other than let you pull away from it.
“You have to know…” he starts weakly. “You have to know that - that I would do… anything you needed me to. Anything to make this easier for you. Even somethin’ small, I’d do it for you, honey.”
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reblogs & comments are appreciated 🤎
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hollyhomburg · 4 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.66)
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(Sneek peak)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Your track record with trying to survive is a checkered one. This is a red spot among the black and white.
Tags: Blood, Guns, violence, near death experiences, everyone lives nobody dies...but someone does die this chapter, horror, non-lethal injury, talks of death and dying, a bit of body horror, forced murder? Trans! tae, Tae is briefly dead named in this, implied/referenced intimate partner violence, flashbacks, brief suicidality.
W/c: 8.0k
A/N: ahhhhhh <3 we're finally ready for this part of the story <3 i wonder what your guys reactions will be, i'm really glad i decided to split this chapter into two peices! it's much cleaner this way. don't be 🥲 too mad at me.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
Chapter 66: Go for the Throat
You hold your breath. Still peering around the corner, watching and waiting for the man to spot you.
But he doesn't, after a breath where his soft footsteps echo, you wait, but nothing happens. You peak back around the corner. 
You absorb and catalog the details as fast as you can; the black ski mask, covered by one of those traditional masks, wooden with red lacquer. This one is a little different than the one that Jimin had; this one is white with red splotch on the cheeks, not twisted with thick eyebrows in a snarl. Like a ghost sent down from above to rob you of your humanity.
The bulletproof vest stops at the collarbones. The gun itself is black and a generic model. The long end is extra bulbous with something that might be an attached silencer. Hands covered in black nitrile gloves, leathery at first glance. There is a knife at his waist along with a barrage of other small things. Rope and a knife, duct tape and handcuffs. His heavy boots look steel toed and reinforced.
The man (because it is a man you realize; tall, maybe taller than Namjoon) trains his gun at the landing on the top of the stairs. Pointing it in the direction of Hobi, Tae, and Jin’s hushed voices.
Hobi giggles and it sounds so bright. Echoing off the walls and filling the house.
There is a phone cord tangled in your hands, long and white. You grip it tight.
This man might be silent but you’re quieter as you slide your bare feet across the smooth floors. Your strides are so quiet, you take one step and then another until you're behind the man, mirroring him.
You remember when Yoongi redid the floors, it was one of the few things that he did right away- before the pack came to live here (to love here). It took him weeks and weeks of sanding before he got them to his liking. Days more of brown dark stain that colored his hands ruddy until the soft matte finish stuck. Every pass with the belt sander and dirty rag a movement of love, a meditation for it.
Yoongi made every inch of this house with the same loving intent; to make it a home for all of you. You won’t let it become a grave. You won’t let this person stay here and ruin it.
Most people get it wrong; In order to kill, it is not a matter of elegance or effort. There is no such thing as a perfect kill, emotionless and analytic. it being justified only gets you halfway. There is no way to do it perfectly or cleanly. People die just as they live, messy and hopeful and dirty.
Murder isn't a matter or wanting or wishing, It’s a matter of rage.
It’s always been this way. Rage has been chewing a hole through you from the moment that you pulled the trigger with Geumjae. From the moment you said ‘I do’. Rage that these violent things have been done to you, that they continue to happen, that you can’t just get away from all the hurt and trauma.
Rage has eaten you clean through to the bone. Only now you're the hungry one. Right now, only three words run through your head;
How dare she.
How dare she send this man into your house. How dare she point a gun at the upstairs, in the general direction of your nest and your packmates. The altar at which you so desperately cling to, for sweet dreams and sweet worship. How dare she even think about hurting the people you love.
There is no courage, no bravery, no thought in your head about how stupid it might be as you step closer behind the man. You are not a trained assassin. You’re just an omega.
The adrenaline rush is an old friend, you know how to use it. You grip the phone cord in your hands and take a quiet steadying breath. He doesn't see you, he doesn't hear you, he doesn't know that you're behind him.
Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
The assassin’s foot ascends the bottom step. You don’t let him get to the second before you’re moving, hurtling forward. Footsteps light as a butterfly’s wings. Your hands go over the man’s shoulders. The cord no more than a white flash across his vision before you draw it tight across his neck.
Coming Saturday February 3rd at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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copperbadge · 4 months
More on mindfulness and meditation
I feel like perhaps I came across as anti-meditation in that last post I did on it, and there were some folks who were a bit vocal about not liking meditation in the notes, but the notes also had some great and interesting discussion of what can count as mindfulness that isn't traditional meditation and what some alternatives might be, so I wanted to do a follow-up. Especially since I don't think I'm going to get to respond to everyone individually.
The post was not meant to be anti-meditation, but to express frustration with the way meditation frequently is, or rather fails to be, taught. I can understand why people would struggle with "mindfulness" (vastly overused term) and meditation, so I'm not here to argue with or shame anyone, and I really appreciate the alternative suggestions. But because mindfulness can mean so many things, and people can meditate for many different reasons, I wanted to talk a little about why I'm being asked to do it.
It's easy to lose track of why one might try meditation for mental health, because the cause and effect are so temporally dislocated from each other. I try to keep in mind that my specific goal is emotional regulation deriving from increased present-moment attention. Some of the stuff that was suggested is great for a goal other than this, like puzzle games that allow people to empty their racing minds or activity that brings someone back into their body when dissociating -- both extremely laudable functions! -- but that's not why I'm here. Meditation is meant, for me, to be a maintenance medication, not a rescue inhaler.
There is science that suggest that mindfulness practice, under a specific definition of the term, can help to manage emotional dysregulation, ameliorate Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and reduce depression and anxiety. I discuss the science in a slideshow here but essentially this specific form trains the attention into the present moment, which improves executive function -- and as we know, emotional regulation is a facet of executive function, so this leads to better emotional regulation.
There is not a lot of science on it yet so there is room here for yoursamplesizeissmall.jpg, but it's all we've got so I'm running with it. There is one foundational practice and three practices that build on it which effected this change in subjects of the study:
Breathing Meditation doesn't really confer any benefit the others don't, but the others all employ it as a basic practice. We know this can calm the parasympathetic nervous system, although to be honest I have not found that to be the case personally. As soon as I stop the deep breathing I'm right back where I was, likely because my issue is ruminational, not situational. But everything else wants you to breathe first, so I still have to do it.
Body Scan focuses attention on the body and as others have pointed out is good for people prone to dissociation. As I said in the other post, I live here; paying extra attention to my body isn't something I need. I was asked to try it anyway as part of a practice in keeping an open mind about stuff I think is dumb, and clearly I do need practice in that. Still, it's likely I'll be able to let this one go pretty soon.
Loving-Kindness asks you to think positively about others, expanding compassion from a single point outward to the world. I've encountered this before in reading Pema Chodron; I don't do it as meditation, but I do try to practice it in life because I am not naturally a patient or compassionate person, and that has been helpful in the sense that it keeps me from getting punched in the face a bunch. For me there's no real "train the attention to be in the present" aspect on account of that, however.
Observing-Thought is where you just sit with your thoughts, let them arise, sometimes label them in some way, and let them go. I was most interested in this purely because it's the only one I hadn't already encountered. I haven't found it useful so far, but I don't have enough data about it to be definitive, and if it is training executive function I would expect that to take time.
Now, I know that all four of these have science backing them, so I know that we're not just dealing in new-age woo here. The problem is functional, not theoretical. The issue overall is not "meditation is boring" -> "find a way to make it interesting", although I do appreciate that it may be an issue for others and I like that people were offering solutions. The issue for me is that the boredom derives from the fact that the meditation isn't being taught. There's no progressional learning -- there's no step-progress-reward-step-progress-reward like with most difficult skills.
Any task is boring if you aren't deriving any reward from it or you are being expected to execute it without skills or training, and in this case I'm facing down both. Long silences from a meditation leader are fine if you're there to engage with a practice you already have familiarity with, but if you're trying to learn, they are the opposite of helpful, and they are actively punishing to someone with ADHD.
I don't want to be entertained (I mean, generally I do, but in this case I don't expect it). What I want is a pedagogical approach that steps up to the practice rather than beginning with it, so that I know I'm doing it right, I experience rewards along the way similar to how I currently do learning Italian, and I have more confidence that what seems dull and fruitless actually will produce results.
Uh, so yeah thanks for coming to my TEDtalk; the fact that a practice that's especially hard for people with ADHD helps with almost every problem ADHD presents really sucks, and I wish we approached teaching meditation as if it were something you actually did have to learn rather than something you're supposed to Do Until You Get It. In the meantime I guess bumping the speed on the recording isn't the worst thing I could be doing.
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esamastation · 7 months
Part thirty-four of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three
Sephiroth feels a little better after an evening of meditation and a full night of sleep. Things look a little better in the light of day, and though the question of what the fuck he'd going to do about the war is still there, it has been put off. In favour of monster hunting!
"You seem… excited?" Angeal comments as they prepare to go.
He is! "Mn," Sephiroth answers, and carefully doesn't bounce with eagerness.
Even if the monsters of Final Fantasy can't hold a candle to the convoluted, messy and lazily put together nature of the monsters in PIDW, they're still interesting! Especially since he isn't sure what they actually are and how they work. Advent Children and Crisis Core really make it so unclear, because, like, everything turned into energy sparkles when it died? And he thinks in the movie one of the Sephiroth copies - weird to think about them now - summoned some monsters with magic? And then there was Zack in Crisis Core. Who turned into sparkles when he died!
Not everything can just disappear into energy, right, you need living things dying and rotting and composting to make up soil and stuff! If plants just disappear when they die, what do people eat, what were all these buildings made from? Plus he distinctly remembers coal being a thing in this setting, there was a whole town that got shafted because of it and everything, so fossil fuels exist, therefore stuff must leave behind physical remains! Except when it doesn't?
So! Is death like instant ascending here? Or like it descending, since all energy returns to the Planet? Sephiroth is pretty sure that Aerith left behind a body, and there were definitely corpses in the original game - but again, in the prequel it was really unclear. Enemies in combat disappeared, but cutscene death left a body. Except when it didn't!
Ah, the limitations of technology.
Still, he's interested in seeing how the creatures would look and feel and compare them to those he knows from PIDW. Final Fantasy VII had some really weird monsters, and he has a bet going with himself about how much they resemble awakened beasts or yaoguai. 
Angeal looks at him and then smiles, hoisting the Buster Sword to his back. "Ready to go, then?"
"Ready," Sephiroth agrees.
"We're going to have to talk to the Colonel first, but don't worry - I'll handle the talking," Angeal says. "He's an… old-fashioned soldier." 
Sephiroth arches a brow. It sounds like a warning. "Which means…?"
"He doesn't like SOLDIER, he thinks we're stuck up and get our abilities handed to us, we don't deserve our reputation, the usual stuff," Angeal shrugs. "Just ignore it and let me handle it."
"... If you say so."
They head outside together, and Sephiroth takes a moment to look around and try to be an objective observer. This place isn't really anything like the towns back home, in PIDW - the aesthetics are mixed, and though they're more like home than Midgar was, it's as if the place was squeezed through a funhouse mirror. It's just a little off.
And of course, there are no locals anywhere to be seen for a full comparison - just Shinra troops, infantry men and SOLDIERs. Who, the moment they notice him and Angeal, stop to stare and point and whisper.
Has the… incident in Midgar already spread this far, or is this really what it's like being Sephiroth all the time?
"Here," Angeal says and leads him to another house, apparently being used by the Colonel. "Remember, let me do the talking. You just stand there and look imposing, okay?"
Sephiroth snorts. "I think I can manage that."
The Colonel didn't look happy to see them, but then, he doesn't look like a man that's ever really happy. He sizes Sephiroth up and then scoffs. "It's about time. I don't know what kind of discipline you SOLDIER Firsts enjoy in Midgar, but this is a war front, sir, there are rules here."
Does that mean Sephiroth isn't a General then? 
"Right, you're right, of course, sir," Angeal says placatingly. "Well, we're here now, and we already have missions lined up, so -"
The Colonel ignores him and comes around his desk and to Sephiroth's face. "You've been in and out of Wutai for most of this war, isn't that correct, SOLDIER?"
Sephiroth blinks at the man, slowly. "I suppose so." Behind the Colonel Angeal looks panicked.
"What was that?" The Colonel asks dangerously, narrowing his eyes. "You suppose so?"
Sephiroth narrows his eyes back.
The Colonel continues. "When talking to an officer of superior rank, you answer yes sir, or no sir. You do not suppose! Now, do you have experience in the war or not, SOLDIER?!"
Oh, someone is feeling very insecure in their boots, aren't they?
Now, Sephiroth could handle this with all the tact and delicacy of Shen Qingqiu… but even Shen Qingqiu wouldn't have swallowed that kind of spiel without biting. The original definitely wouldn't have! And Sephiroth is supposed to be a villain… well.
Sephiroth smiles - the Colonel recoils.
Last night he'd reread everything there was on his phone about Wutai, going through all his missions again, trying to get as much intelligence as he could. Funny, the things the tutorial left out. 
"I'm sorry," Sephiroth says sweetly. "Who are you?"
The Colonel goes a little red. "Excuse me, SOLDIER?"
"You're barking at me as though at a private, expecting me to go yes sir and no sir," Sephiroth says mockingly. "And yet I have no clue as to who you even are."
Behind the Colonel Angeal gapes and then lifts a pleading look to the ceiling.
The Colonel sputters. "You, you - How dare -"
Ah, you gotta love zero IQ bullies.
"I was given a whole slew of missions and orders," Sephiroth says softly. "All are very vital and high priority. I'm to slay monsters that have killed your men, I'm to hunt down spies you've clearly failed to find, I'm to clear a guard station you haven't been able to get near, I'm to weaken a fortress you cannot even touch, and ten other things besides. All my mission files are very clear. And you know what they all have in common?"
He leans a little closer to the Colonel - right in his purple face. "Not a single one of them mentions you."
Then, before the Colonel can recover, Sephiroth turns on his heel with an imaginary mike drop and saunters out, feeling a whole lot better about everything. The sun is shining, the troopers are scattering at the mere sight of him, and the air is fresh and sweet with natural Qi.
Already this day is looking up.
Angeal, clearly deciding that evasion was the better part of valour, hurries after him. "We're going to pay for that later, you know," he says, sounding defeated.
Of that Sephiroth doesn't have any doubts. What good is a one-time bully? There'd either be a horrifying scene of comeuppance to bring home the realities of war, or a heartfelt discovery and understanding about how they're not so different after all, or whatever else. 
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it," Sephiroth says cheerfully. "Now. I was promised monsters."
Angeal sighs, glancing back at the house commandeered by the Colonel. "... I guess we better clear out anyway. Alright," he motions. "Right this way to the monsters."
Sephiroth grins at his bitchy tone, and together they head out.
SY can have a petty bully scene, as a treat.
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lavenderbexlatte · 8 months
day 13: threesome
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nct 2.1k words female reader insert Reader x Johnny Suh x Mark Lee NSFW
🖤 warnings: caught in the act, various mutual crushes, a hint of oral sex, markspeak, i am a johnmark enthusiast and you all must enter hell with me🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
He wasn't supposed to be home.
That was the whole point of waiting until this weekend to finally, finally make a move on Mark. You'd been trying it for ages, and he was always interested right back, but there were things standing in your way, not least of which being his roommate.
But this weekend, his roommate is supposed to be out of town. His very hot roommate. His roommate who definitely didn't kindly but firmly turn you down your freshman (his junior) year at uni, and who definitely hasn't been spotted getting cozy with Mark himself at not one, not two, but three parties this quarter. No way, no how.
He's not supposed to be home, this weekend, see.
And yet, here you are, down to your bra and your jeans in Mark's room, Mark standing frozen with his t-shirt pulled halfway over his head, both just staring at the vision in the doorway.
You hadn't closed the door because why would you? Home alone and all.
Johnny wears insufferable so terribly well, as he smiles at you and Mark in your compromising positions.
"What's this?"
"Hyung!" Mark laughs, overly loud and uncomfortable but not quite fake. "Hey! What's...wassup?"
"I asked you first."
You feel like you should say something, but then again, you can't think of anything to say that would make things better. Only worse. You compromise by saying nothing.
"Oh, haha," Mark, in a moment of spectacularly poor judgement, takes the shirt all the way off rather than putting it back on. "Well. Like."
"Nice to see you," Johnny says, glancing at you like it's an afterthought.
You nod in kind, still not trusting your mouth.
"Whaaaaaat are you doing home so early?" Mark asks.
The answer is casual, shrugged. "Water main burst."
"Whoa," Mark frowns. "And, like, flooded? The..."
"Cabin," Johnny supplies. "I should be drinking a nice smoky red with Ten and Jaehyun in the mountains right now, but instead..."
He waves his hand at the two of you.
"Ha. Free show, at least?" Mark says weakly.
You're suddenly very, very aware that you're not wearing a shirt.
"Free show," Johnny agrees slowly.
Finally, you find your tongue, and your filter. It's like the spell on you is broken, and you glance around, half-crazed. Your shirt can't have gone far-
"I'm sorry," you say, leaning down to retrieve your shirt from under Mark's desk (did he really throw it full-force?). "Sorry, I'll - let me get dressed and-"
"What's the hurry?" Johnny asks.
You're clutching your shirt over your chest, but you do pause to just kind of stare at him. "I mean, I'm kind of not wearing..."
"I noticed."
"Me either," Mark says, meditatively, like he's just noticed it.
Johnny looks at him with that expression he usually wears, when things relate to Mark. Exasperation, and just the softest, most half-melted affection.
"Noticed that, too," Johnny says.
"Sorry 'bout this," Mark says, this time. "You were supposed to be gone all weekend, didn't think there'd be any problem."
"There's no problem," Johnny replies.
Mark shrugs. "We were kinda gonna hook up and you kinda walked right into it, dude, it's a problem on some level."
That's true, but him saying it so plainly has your face absolutely burning in shame.
"Nah," Johnny insists.
"We could have closed the door," Mark considers.
"Are you guys going to...continue?"
Excuse you?
Mark shrugs again, limp shoulders. "Dude."
"I was thinking I could stick around," says Johnny lightly.
There's no way.
There's no way he means what it sounds like he means. You've entered another dimension. You actually died sometime back and this is your personal purgatory, sentenced to die of embarrassment over and over in front of the hottest uncoolest people you've ever met.
You're too honest. "Why would you want to do that?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"You don't like me," you say.
It's overly simple to say it that way, sure, but that was always kind of the vibe you got. Especially after he turned you down at that party three years ago. Even as you got closer to Mark and some of their other friends, Johnny was always just...there. Never making an effort. But always around.
Johnny gives you an audaciously over-offended look. "Who said that?"
"You shot me down," you point out.
His expression doesn't waver. "I turned you down like ten years ago the literal week after I got dumped by that one girl from Taiwan. That doesn't mean I don't like you."
"Three, three years ago," Mark corrects.
You turn to stare at him. "Why do you know that?"
He shrugs. "I pay attention."
"Do you?"
"I like you," Johnny interrupts. "Don't leave."
"Isn't - this ain't even a little bit weird, to you?" Mark asks.
Johnny bites his tongue, grinning. "I like you, too."
"I know," Mark says, not even blinking, even as your jaw is hanging somewhere around your knees. "But still, like, jeez, dude. Man. Fuck."
You're not entirely sure what's going on, but Johnny nods like Mark's speaking only the truth.
"You're right," Johnny turns to you, still standing with your t-shirt pressed over your chest like a shield, like a lifeline against whatever this is. "If you actually wanna leave, please, be my guest."
"Hold on, yo," Mark sputters, "Wait, you're not - seriously, you're not tryna hijack this, bro, because that's legit kind of-"
"How is it hijacking if she wants to leave?" Johnny argues.
"If she leaves, you're gonna have to take care of that by yourself. I might as well help."
That is the moment you realize Mark is still hard. Because of course he is.
And really, that clarifies things for you.
If you walk out, like you were going to, if you haul your ass back across the district to your own apartment in the world's saddest walk of shame, you're not just leaving a blueballed Mark behind. He and Johnny are gonna do...something, without you.
You'd rather they do something with you.
So your drop your t-shirt.
"Oh," Mark says mildly.
"Love it," Johnny says.
He's so weird.
You can't believe how thirsty your freshman self was for upperclassman fuckboy Johnny.
Or, well...no, you can believe it, because your current self is feeling some type of way about this current Johnny. This tattooed Johnny, tall and stupid as ever, handsome in his backwards hat, still dressed in the outfit he picked to get cabin-drunk with his besties.
But you're here for Mark.
You came over for Mark, and you intended to have Mark. That's still what you want.
So you turn your back on Johnny, somehow still standing in the doorway, leaning on the wooden frame, and you slot yourself right back into Mark's arms.
He must really be unperturbed by Johnny's presence, here, because Mark just lets you sidle right up close, holding you loosely by the waist, like he had been before.
"Imma be real," he says. "I always thought you were only into hyung."
Mark tilts his head toward Johnny, indicating unnecessarily, as if you would think he meant any other hyung in this moment.
"Y'know. And not me," he adds, also unnecessarily.
"Then you're stupid," Johnny says brightly.
"Hey!" Mark squawks.
"You're very obvious," Johnny tells you.
Mark is looking down at you with doe eyes and a pout so priceless, you'd bet he practices it in the mirror.
"I'm not stupid," he grumbles.
"You're not," you placate, because goddamn is he cute, even if he is kind of stupid sometimes.
Johnny's moving around, behind you, but for the moment your attention is on Mark. He so rarely takes his shirt off, even to swim and stuff, so you're really enjoying the feeling of his thin chest beneath your palms. It's like being let in on an especially good secret, being able to bypass his usual modesty.
"Are we really gonna...y'know," Mark reaches down, bolder than you expected from him, and pinches your ass. "Keep things goin'?"
"As long as you don't mind Johnny being here," you reply.
Johnny answers that one for him. "He doesn't mind."
You would turn around to tell Johnny to stop it, if he didn't choose that moment to sneak around behind Mark. But there he is, looming, putting his considerable height to work as he presses himself to Mark's back and snakes his hand down to Mark's waistband. His hand is trapped awkwardly between your torso and Mark's, but he doesn't seem to care in the slightest, as he pops the button and zip on Mark's jeans.
"Yo, you didn't even ask," Mark complains, leaning against Johnny's shoulder to tilt his head up and meet his eye.
Johnny gives him a simpering grin. "Can I take your pants off?"
"Yeah, sure."
The jeans are pooled on the floor in a matter of seconds, and then Johnny's fingers are tugging at your beltloops, too.
"You?" he asks.
"If you want to," you answer.
Johnny laughs. "I want to."
You did not think, when you came over to Mark's house with the explicit purpose of turning a movie night into a very messy hookup, that you would end up standing alone next to his bed while he gets pressed bodily to the mattress and kissed into next week by a very enthusiastic and fully-clothed Johnny Suh, but you know, there's a first time for everything.
Might as well join in.
You take the opportunity to finally slip your bra off, figuring that the time to be self-conscious has long since passed, and you climb onto the mattress to sit up on your knees and take in the scene before you.
They're just kissing, Johnny playfully pinning Mark to the bed with his much greater wingspan, but it's comfortable. Too comfortable. You've heard the stories about them getting caught being too cozy at those kickbacks, but you hadn't seen the proof for yourself.
Yeah. They've done this before.
The only variable this time is you, and you're not about to let them forget that you're here.
Johnny's wearing a button-down shirt, which makes things very easy. Well. Easier than they could be. You've got that straining third-highest button (the first two are already undone, that harlot) in your hand in an instant, and it's only a few tugs and a little bit of creative reaching (he refuses to stop kissing Mark to let you do this) before you have the shirt in your hands.
The sharp sensation of teeth - hard, but not hard enough that it actually hurts - on the underside of your breast makes you yelp. "Hey!"
You look down to see Mark grinning. Your leaning into Johnny had put your chest right in his face.
"Couldn't help it," he says.
"He bites," Johnny warns you, too late.
You decide not to grace that with an answer, just sitting back on your heels. You're going to toss Johnny's shirt away, to join your pants and Mark's on the floor, but after a second, you slip it on. The linen is warm from Johnny's skin, and it smells like his strong perfume.
"Oh shit."
That's Mark, and it's practically a moan.
He's looking at you upside-down, taking in the new combination of just your underwear and Johnny's shirt. Johnny is looking too, but he just looks amused, approving. Mark looks ravenous.
The next sentence out of Mark's mouth is one of those sentences that bypasses his already-scant filter entirely.
"Sit on my face."
You blink down at him. "What?"
He reaches for your thigh, firm. "Sit."
Johnny backs off, at that, climbing off Mark and off the bed entirely. "You should do that. He's very good."
It would be a health risk, you think, to consider why Johnny knows that. Your heart is already beating too fast as it is, pounding in your ears.
"Where are you going?" you ask, instead.
"Getting a better view."
True to form, Johnny moves to lean on the opposite edge of the bed. Mark's fingers dig harder into your thigh.
Aw, what the hell.
Johnny helps you out of your panties, careful and gentlemanly. He keeps his shirt on you, though, pulling it back up when you try to shrug it off.
Johnny helps you balance as you turn, and plant a knee on either side of Mark's head.
His breath tickles your inner thigh. "Fuck yes."
"I'm not gonna hurt you, am I?" you ask, uncertain.
"Can you...breathe?"
"Don't care."
Johnny grins, evil. "He's a pro."
"I got one more request, y'know, if you don't mind," Mark says.
He bites your leg, this time, and you jump.
"It's gonna be hard, but, like. I want you to keep lookin' at hyung."
"Looking..." You're already embarrassed, already shy. Keep eye contact with Johnny while Mark...while Mark...
Mark's laugh is just a breath. "Don't be gettin' shy on us, now."
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f4nd0m-fun · 7 months
So in a lot of these monster hunting fantasy webcomics, you have these things called monster cores. Imagine, if you will, an AU where the Justice League has always been in a world like this. Maybe an alternate earth, maybe the aliens are from different planes instead of planets, maybe you've got magic as the primary force and yet there's some who still manage to stick almost entirely to tech/magitech (like Bruce). These cores are essentially batteries, and the more powerful the monster the more energy you can draw. Also, I love the idea that, if you put it together right, you can technically recharge it.
Enter, the Phamily. Either they are from this world and the Fentons are monster hunters trying to find the origin place of the monsters, or this isn't their original world and they're trying to open a portal home.
Danny, Ellie, Dan, and Vlad if he's there, have cores. These can be considered batteries just looking at the way ectoplasm is used (imagine how much more potent the cores would be than the globs). Jazz, the parents, and Danny's friends if they're there too are liminal. This could mean that magic considers them part monster despite no cores, or maybe they're considered akin to warlocks or sorcerers, looked down upon but not actively hunted or something. Although the presence of the half monster kids and what seems to be a half monster dad... (yes this is probably a family breakfast ship, sue me if you dare) well, Vlad is gonna be determined to fight off the rumors with whatever he's got, there's no need for his darling Maddie to get worked up about idiots, aside from him and Jack of course. (I also love Vlad x Connie so this could either be Vlad is just an uncle or we get Connie in and call it Family Party or something - Party cause alcohol?)
Also not entirely sure on how I'm writing Bruce and Dick here, I want them to be able to access magic in some way, but sensing magic might be more of an Oracle/Barbara thing, I'm not sure, but also they can't do anything big or flashy with it, it's more tiny stuff which is why they rely on magitech. Also the idea that even if people can sense magic, usually they ignore changes aside from moving away from it if necessary cause usually it means a bunch of monsters are coming through a breach. Honestly, not sure how to run this but, eh.
The below segment is written with Native!JL and Isekai!DP in mind.
Bruce had been tinkering with his latest animaga, a monster core whose energy had been threaded through one if his favorite inventions, intended to allow him and his ward flight with the use of monster wings.
He tensed but refuses to startle as his ward all but jumped on top of him. "Yes Dick?"
"The magic feels weird!"
Bruce paused, setting his tools down. He knew as a half elf, Richard was sensitive to magic, but wasn't nearly as strong with it as most full elves.
Of course, Bruce had always been considered... disabled in that regard, a full elf who could only feel the energy close to him, though it wasn't public knowledge that he knew of. "That's good to know, Chum, why don't you meditate on it and I'll investigate tonight?"
His ward seemed to understand the intent to leave him behind and started to protest.
"Chum, I was going out alone before you showed up, if the magic really has changed, it'll be safer for me to go out and use the radar."
Dick whined but didn't protest again.
Bruce hoped he wouldn't sneak out this time.
As night began to fall, a family of 9 was gutting a strange metallic ship. Well, the three elder ones were, while the younger ones worked together to scout out the area.
Bruce had just arrived to the location, but chose not to interfere just yet. Batman was the embodiment of night to many, a fearsome predator to others, and some even thought he was a monster himself. Reconnaissance was his strength, as was stealth.
"I don't know, Jazz, the energy here is weird. Muggy almost." His form gave off a soft glow, not unlike that of the whisps, though much larger in body.
The girl with red hair, Jazz he presumed, did not appear impressed. "Like you're the expert on energy. Maybe you should ask Sam when we get back to Mom and dad."
"And Vlad."
"Don't remind me."
The glowing one shuddered. "I know him and our parents have been buddy buddy again but why did he take you find along?"
"Because you're still in training, Daniel."
Both children shrieked.
"I see your core has accepted me into your Fraid."
Bruce froze a bit. Core? Thier energy was certainly strange but not entirely monstrous, hence his inactivity, but the presence of a core presented issues.
"Whatever, Fruitloop. Go back to camp."
"I don't think I will, you're being watched and I can't have my son or daughter being in harm's way."
"Give it a rest, Frootloop, we're not your kids." Despite their attitude, something about their reaction and stance suggested they were worried about being watched as well.
Bruce wondered how they knew about him, perhaps he should have asked Lucius for help with a dampening field to hide the energy of the animaga?
"Don't bother flying away, you'll be surrounded before you can think." Vlad placed a hand on Danny's shoulder.
Before Bruce could react, there was a flash of light that all but burned onto his retinas, but the light was all wrong, a deep black instead of a glowing hue. By the time he was back to his senses, Vlad was gone, and in his place was another strange Whisp. Batman didn't have to turn around to find there were identical ones behind him. Clearly, this was an opponent not to be underestimated.
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hugmekenobi · 24 days
S3: The Bad Batch (3)
Chapter Three: Shadows of Tantiss
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Gif by @theworstbatch
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: Time is against Omega and Crosshair as they finally make the move to escape
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mentions of food and the importance of self-care, the Force and meditation works how I say it can, reader is a bit more forceful in making Hunter look after himself lol, Hemlock and Palpatine, threatening insinuations, light angst, again my interpretations of headspaces, limited use of (y/n)
Word Count: 3.7K
Author's notes: The people have spoken (it was three people but people I greatly appreciate and it was enough) so here is the third chapter too! Very much sticking with the episode plot because the main focus is on Crosshair and Omega for this one but there's still an added moment in the beginning! Enjoy and I'm excited to start chapter four!
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“You picking up anything?” Wrecker asked your cross-legged form that was seated by the tree at the top of Pabu.
You heaved an annoyed sigh as you sat there. “Nope. I don’t know if it’s cause I’m out of practice or if she’s really somewhere I can’t reach or both, but I can’t get a read on her.” You then sensed Wrecker’s slight unease. “What’s up?”
“Well… um… Hunter’s talking about heading out immediately.”
“Mm-hmm.” You said, shielding your eyes from the sun as you opened them to look at him. “And that’s a problem because?”
“Come on, (Y/N), we can’t just drop the kids here and leave. That’s not fair to them. Plus, Shep offered us a break and- and I- I think it would be good if we got some actual food in our systems. Supplies haven’t exactly been easy to come by when you’re travelling as much as we are.”
You had to agree with him there. You got to your feet and followed his eyes and saw Hunter disengage from a conversation with Shep and stride back to the Marauder. “And what exactly do you want me to do here?”
“Just…” He breathed heavily. “I dunno. Talk to him? Try to get him to listen? He won’t hear us out but- but your relationship is different and- and it’s not just for me, okay. Do it for him. I know things are better but…” He trailed off. “But I’m still worried about him that’s all.”
His sensitivity to the situation never failed to strike a chord with you. You patted his arm. “We’re family, Wrecker. I’d do it just for you anyway.”
Wrecker let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I know.”
You walked away from him towards the ship and as you stepped aboard, you saw Hunter sitting back by the navicomputer with his sight fixed firmly on the datapad. “You know, the sector isn’t going to change if you don’t look at it every two minutes.”
“I’m just making sure we have it correct and ready to go. Can you get Wrecker?” Hunter asked without looking at you yet.
“About that…” You came to stand in front of him and placed your fingers under his chin to get him to face you. “What’s this about you wanting to just leave the cadets and take off? Shep’s offering us some decent food and we could rest up before we depart.”
“We don’t have time.” He maintained.
“No one’s talking about a five-course meal. It’s a quick sit down where you can put those clones at ease about this new situation that they’re in and you take a moment to just look after yourself.”
“I don’t need-”
“Hunter, when was the last time you had something to eat that wasn’t just rations?” You interrupted sternly. The mere fact that he couldn’t answer told you that it had been far too long. “Look, we don’t know what we’re going to face out there and we all need to be at full strength and ration bars can’t always cut it. It’s not just you involved in this either. Wrecker has been at it non-stop too and he deserves a moment of respite and something that isn’t a flavourless stick and so do you.
“Thirty minutes. That’s all I’m asking.”
As Hunter saw the determined look in your face, he heaved a sigh, but put the datapad down. He had never wanted his tunnel-vision with this search to negatively impact the rest of you but thanks to you, he realised now that if he had insisted on leaving immediately, then that’s exactly what he’d be doing.
Taking that as your answer, you took a hold of his hands and started to pull.
“Half an hour?” Hunter double checked as he let you tug him from the chair.
“Half an hour.” You confirmed with a nod. “Then we can get going again.”
Omega was already on her feet and waiting by the door when Emerie opened it.
“Good morning, Omega. Come along, there is much to do today.”
Omega followed Emerie through the usual route to the testing room but as she walked in and hopped up onto the examination table, she noticed there were more troopers patrolling and there was a new kind of tension in the air. “Something’s different.” She shared her observation aloud to Emerie. “Why are there so many troopers around?”
“I’m not certain.” Emerie replied.
“You don’t know?” Omega queried, not fully understanding how Emerie could be so content not knowing about what was going on around her.
“The doctor will inform me if it’s necessary.” Emerie prepared the blood drawing equipment and took the sample from Omega.
The door opened and they both turned to see Hemlock and Nala Se enter the lab.
“Emerie, a word?” Hemlock called over.
Emerie put the sample in the tray and walked over to him.
“An unexpected guest arriving shortly. Nala Se and I will be indisposed until he departs. Oversee the lab in her absence.”
“As you wish, Doctor. I will begin testing the latest samples.”
“That is unnecessary.” Nala Se interjected. “I will see to them when I return.” She had been doing her job in keeping Omega safe and having Emerie carry out the tests jeopardised all of it.
“Dr. Karr’s quite capable of handling such matters.” Hemlock ignored the Kaminoan’s objections and faced Emerie. “See it done.” His attentions were then commandeered when Scorch walked through the doors.
“Is everything in order?”
“Affirmative. The shuttle has left the orbital station and the coordinated were transmitted.”
Nala Se stepped away from Hemlock to walk over to Omega as she saw Emerie gather the samples and leave the lab. She pretended to examine the records on the screen as she quietly addressed the young girl, “Omega…  listen carefully. If Emerie tests your sample, you will be in danger. You must flee this facility before it is too late.”
“Wait. Is that why you’ve been destroying my sample?” Omega whispered back.
“Yes.” Nala Se replied. “Project-” But Hemlock’s voice interrupted her.
“Nala Se, come along. Our guest is arriving.”
“Go to the lab, retrieve my datapad and use it to escape. Sneak aboard a shuttle and flee.” Nala Se instructed before she left with Hemlock.
Omega made her way to the lab, her nerves growing as she saw the vast number of patrolling troopers, but she couldn’t second guess now, Nala Se made it clear she had to go, and she could make it work, she just needed the datapad and Crosshair.
She entered the lab and saw that Emerie had already placed all the samples, including hers into the centrifuge.
“Did you need something, Omega?” Emerie asked.
“I… Hemlock said there’s a guest arriving.” She released an awkward chuckle. “Who is it?”
“It’s best not to ask questions.” Emerie replied briskly. “See to your tasks for the day.” When Omega made no move to leave, she properly looked at her. “Are you feeling well? Forget your assignments and get some rest.”
“Okay.” Omega said lightly before she made her way over to Nala Se’s datapad but Emerie’s voice stopped her from taking it.
“Omega, I can handle things here. Go. I’ll check on you later.” Emerie insisted.
Double checking that Emerie’s attention was elsewhere again, Omega grabbed the datapad and ran out of the lab.
“We have quadrupled our objectives in record time.” Hemlock informed Emperor Palpatine as he led him to the vault. “The exotic matter facilities have expanded, providing alteration and testing of much larger assets.”
“I have need of such grand designs. However, that is not the reason why I am here today.”
“Of course. Project Necromancer.” With that, Hemlock activated the door to the vault.
Omega made her way to the detention level and covertly ran to the cell where her brother was lying on the cell cot. “Crosshair.” She whispered.
“What are you doing here?” Crosshair asked irritably.
“Escaping. And you’re coming with me.”
Crosshair reluctantly sat up and regarded the girl with scepticism. “You found a weak point?”
“Not exactly. I’m kinda improvising.”
“Is that some kind of a joke?”
“I’ll explain later. Just get the guards’ attention.”
Crosshair sighed, “That’s not a plan.”
Omega released a disgruntled scoff, and she did not want to entertain this argument, “Just distract him.” She insisted.
His longing for freedom trumped his displeasure at the fact that this kid seemed to lack any sort of proper strategic thinking. So, he got to his feet and walked towards the bars of his cell and addressed the two troopers standing down the corridor. “Guards!”
Omega waited round the corner and watched as one of them approached Crosshair’s door.
“Unlock this cell.” Crosshair demanded.
“What did you say?”
“I was giving you an order.”
The guard scoffed and called back to his partner, “This clone thinks he outranks us.”
“I do.” Crosshair replied simply as he saw the other guard coming to join. “And I’ll take your blaster too.”
“Oh yeah?” The trooper challenged with a mocking laugh. “How are you gonna do that?”
Whilst this was happening, Omega used the opening to place her datapad into the now unmanned centre console and programmed Crosshair’s cell door to unlock.
“You’ll see.” Crosshair didn’t have to wait long until his door opened, and he instantly overpowered the trooper. He stole his blaster and used his body as a shield from the oncoming stun blasts from the second stormtrooper whilst he fired his own stun blast in return and they both fell the ground.
“Nice work.” Omega praised as he put them back behind the cell door.
“Didn’t have much choice.” Crosshair griped as he picked up the second blaster.
“You’re out of the cell, aren’t you?” Omega countered smugly as she removed the datapad and caught the blaster he tossed to her before they both started running.
“Well? Start talking.” Crosshair said as he waited for her to get the next door open.
“I told you. We’re escaping.” Omega repeated.
“Why now? What’s changed?”
“Nala Se said I had to. And I wasn’t gonna leave without you.”
Crosshair let that sink in for a moment. It wasn’t a sentiment he was used to hearing or experiencing, and whilst he held responsibility for that, it was still strange to here coming from someone who had no true reason to have any loyalty to him.
“She told me to use her datapad to access the base and find a shuttle. We just need to get to a hangar.” Omega continued explaining as she finally got the door open.
They took cover behind the hallway’s centre console as a squadron of stormtrooper passed and they overheard part of their musings.
“We’re not supposed to be on patrol until midwatch.”
“Commander’s orders. All hands-on deck until the Emperor departs.”
“The Emperor’s here?” Crosshair hissed.
“What? I didn’t know.” Omega said defensively as she looked through the manifest of available shuttles.
Crosshair released another exasperated sigh. “Another reason why this was not the day to wing an escape.”
“Thanks for the reminder, but I think we’re past that point.” It was then that Omega noticed the tremor in his hand as he held the blaster. “Your hand’s getting worse, isn’t it?”
“I- It’s fine.” Crosshair said with a dismissive grunt as he willed it to stop shaking.
Not having time to push the matter yet, Omega turned her focus back to the screen but what she saw was not good. “Uh oh.”
She took the datapad out. “All the shuttles have been grounded, except the Emperor’s. We’ll have to steal it.”
The sheer simplicity in which she said that had him realising that his brothers may have entertained one too many crazy ideas in his absence. “Impossible. It will be too well-guarded, even for me.”
Omega pondered through any possible alternatives in her head and then she came to the realisation with a gasp. “Wait. I know a shuttle we can use. It crash-landed outside the perimeter back when I first came here.”
“How does a crashed shuttle help us?”
“If the comms are still functioning, we can contact the others.”
He could concede that that part of this ill-conceived ‘plan’ wasn’t totally far-fetched. “And how do we get outside?”
“Follow me.”
“As you can see, the specimens are well-guarded to ensure they remain viable for testing. However, with more time, and additional resources, I am confident that we will have a successful M-count replication.” Hemlock revealed to the cloaked figure.
“There is nothing of greater importance to secure the future of this Empire. Whatever is needed to accomplish this goal, you will have it.”
“Thank you, Emperor.” Hemlock made to show him out, but he only turned to face him. His yellow eyes the only thing visible underneath the cloak as they regarded him with curiosity but also with a hint of disappointment.
Palpatine did not follow the scientist immediately. “I did here word, however, one such specimen escaped your grasp.” He commented. “One that perhaps could offer you more than those that are already under your… observations.”
Hemlock’s posture stiffened and he massaged the palm of his gloved hand. “It was an unfortunate error but one I am hoping to rectify.”
Palpatine only silently nodded before he started to walk out.
As they entered the kennels, they didn’t give the droid much time to react. A few blasts from their blasters and he was down.
“Now what?” Crosshair asked.
“We’ll use the kennel chute.” Omega said as she readied the controls. “It leads outside, but it’s protected by a timed ray shield. We’ll have to move fast or we’ll be trapped.”
Crosshair regarded the aggressive barking hounds uneasily. “Oh, I can hardly wait.”
“We can use Batcher’s empty kennel. Be ready.” She opened the chute, but the door whirred open.
Crosshair cocked his blaster towards the woman that walked in.
“Don’t!” Omega placed her hand on his arm to get him to lower it.
Crosshair didn’t listen, he kept his sights trained on her.
“You should go back to your room.” Emerie advised as she advanced towards them.
“You mean her cell.” Crosshair snapped.
“You’re not thinking clearly. Neither of you.” Emerie said. “But it’s not too late. Come with me and no one needs to know about this.”
“I can’t do that.” Omega responded firmly.
“I spent most of my life confined on Kamino. I won’t be trapped here too.” She looked imploringly at the older clone. “You’re a clone like us, Emerie. Help us.”
Crosshair could tell Omega’s words weren’t doing enough to convince her and he set his blaster to stun.
“Escape is not possible, Omega. This is for your own good.” She pressed the security alarm, but the stun shot hit her immediately afterwards.
The dreaded sound of the comms steady chirp told Crosshair he’d reacted a split second too late. “We have to go.”
Omega activated the first kennel door and the two of them ran down the chute.
Hemlock watched the Emperor’s shuttle depart with a growing sense of pride as the possibility of becoming the scientific minister felt closer than it ever had before.
Hemlock half turned his head to the sound of Scorch’s voice. “What is it?” He asked tightly.
“Omega and CT-9904 are missing.”
He turned around fully. “Missing?” He glanced over at Nala Se and though her face didn’t give much away, he was sure she was involved somehow.
“An alarm was just triggered in the lurca kennels.”
“Seal it off.” He ordered.
An alarm blared through the tunnel and the shields throughout the chut started to turn back on.
“The shield’s not supposed to be active yet.” Omega said in distress.
“They know we’re in here.” Crosshair realised before he increased his speed. “Move faster!”
Together, they both managed to dive out of the exit just as the last shield activated.
Crosshair peered into the dark forest ahead. “What direction is the crashed shuttle?”
“Not sure.” Omega replied.
“Oh, great.” Crosshair muttered impatiently before he looked up to the sound of a shuttle leaving the base. “We’ll follow the flight path.”
“I’m picking up something.” Omega said as she looked at the datapad whilst they both came to a stop. “I think it could be the ship. That way.” She pointed ahead but the cry of a vicious snarl grabbed both their attention.
“Oh, good. The killer hounds.” Crosshair said wryly.
They started their run again but with Omega being so focused on the screen, she tumbled over a tree root.
Crosshair picked up the loose datapad and helped the girl up to her feet.
“Thanks.” Omega said but then she heard a new kind of animal growl, and she peered past Crosshair to see a giant bear-like creature standing tall on two legs. “Crosshair.” She said nervously.
Crosshair pointed his blaster, but he knew by the sheer size of the creature that there wouldn’t be much he could do.
Suddenly, the hounds came running in and rather than come after them, they charged at the creature, and they gratefully took the opportunity to keep running to the downed shuttle.
They reached the shuttle and Omega got to work on powering it up whilst Crosshair kept watch.
Having been dismissed by Dr. Hemlock when she’d come too, Emerie made her way back to the lab to do as he instructed and monitor things there. The monotonous click of the centrifuge blended into the background as she worked.
“Anything?” Crosshair asked.
Omega hit the control panel in sheer frustration. “It’s not working!” She let out a defeated sigh. “Comms are completely dead.” She put the datapad into a supply pack she’d found, grabbed her blaster, and put the pack on her back and came out to join Crosshair.
“They’re coming.” Crosshair said as he heard the low sound of engines approaching and he signalled to Omega to take cover to the side of the shuttle.
“I’m sorry. I thought this would work.” Omega
He may have been doubtful in the beginning, but it was clear that what he originally thought was careless thinking was actually rooted in that out-of-the-box thinking that had gotten him and his brother’s their success during the war and time thereafter. She had done something just by finding a way outside. Now, he could bring in his own experience. “You got us this far. And we’re not done yet. Did they teach plan 72?”
“Mm-hmm. Tech had me memorize all the plans.”
Despite the situation, he couldn’t help the small but fond smile that graced his face upon hearing that. “Of course he did.”
The two of them got in position as the shuttle arrived.
He looked at his hand with anger and infuriation as his aim was off with the first shot and all he could do was retreat into the treeline whilst they fired back at him.
With Crosshair’s distraction giving the opening she needed, Omega made her way to one of the cables the troopers had used to descend. But before she could get up, a stormtrooper cocked his blaster.
“Stand down.”
She awkwardly turned and waved to the soldier. “Hello.”
“I said, stand down.” He repeated forcefully.
Omega watched with shock as a lurca hound came snarling out from a bush and took out the trooper and when he got to his feet and aimed at the hound, she got her own stun blast away. “Batcher?” The answering happy bark told her the answer. “Stay close.” With that, Batcher went to take care of the troopers and she hooked onto the cable and ascended.
With the hound Omega had befriended making her appearance, Crosshair was able to take out more guards than he thought he would’ve been able to.
If things had gone according to plan, he would be able to join Omega in the shuttle in a few minutes. He just needed to bide his time.
Sure enough, as he took out one other trooper, the shuttle started to move wildly out of position and as he took cover from an onslaught of blaster fire, the shuttle fired down on the remaining troopers, and he hastily made his way across the rocks to reach the opening ship doors.
Omega steadied the shuttle and came down the lift to provide Crosshair with cover fire as he came in board and headed up to the pilot’s chair.
Crosshair reached the seat and chucked the pilot out the hatch.
Hearing the doors getting ready to shut, Omega took cover and whistled for Batcher. “Batcher, come!”
When the dog was safely inside, Crosshair shut the doors and got the ship in the air.
Emerie had gotten so used to the monotonous drone of the centrifuge that it had become mere background noise. So much so that she almost missed the new rhythmic beeping that chimed as a new sample clicked into position. Emerie stood up and investigated the screen and the realisation with what she saw, stunned her.
The troopers had only been half the problem. Despite having escaped the ground assault, they were now trying to out fly V-wing shuttles and the bases’ laser cannons and one of them managed to hit the shuttle.
“They’re locking onto us!” Omega shouted as alarms blared throughout the shuttle. “I can’t shake them! Systems are failing.”
“I want that ship neutralized.” Hemlock insisted heatedly as he watched map in main control room.
 “Stop! Don’t shoot them down!” Emerie urged as she entered the room.
“What?” Hemlock snapped.
“The clone’s sample supported a positive M-count transfer with no degradation from the specimen.”
“CT-9904 was ruled out long ago.” Hemlock argued.
“Not him. It’s Omega.” Emerie revealed, showing him the results.
Hemlock studied the datapad and saw what she was talking about. “Call them off!” He directed Scorch.
“But, sir, they’re escaping.” Scorch tried to protest.
“Stand down!” Hemlock insisted. “We need her alive.”
Not looking to question the reason as to why they peeled off, Crosshair shouted to Omega. “Now!”
Omega launched the ship into hyperspace.
Hemlock watched the ship disappear off the map.
“They’ve jumped.” Scorch confirmed.
Hemlock released a short sigh. “A minor setback. I have the full resources of the Empire at my disposal. We will find her. And with her gone, she will lead us to someone else who will prove most useful to our endeavours.” With that, he exited the room.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @dominoeffectsworld, @nightmonkeysstuff, @arctrooper69, @starwarsnerd111, @fuckoffthanos, @graciexmarvel, @tpwkcalli, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @sunkissedclones, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya
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starryknight-tarot · 10 months
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 -- > pile 3
pile 4 -- > pile 5 -- > pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls✨ I am back with another future spouse pick a card reading. Today we will look into how you will meet your future spouse! Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Divider by @ribboniel
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Pile 1
Cards: Justice, Three of Swords, Ten of Wands, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, Two of Swords, Page of Cups
Back of the Deck: Six of Pentacles
This pile is being me serious webtoon or like k-drama plot line vibes. I am also getting that some of you may be lawyers or may be fans of the k-drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Anyway, I am getting that you will meet you fs in a moment of pure vulnerability. For a good amount of you I feel like you could be going through a really big breakup. You may experience many strong emotions, or feel very anxious about something. Some of you may suffer from severe anxiety I'm hearing. I am also hearing that this may be a work problem, like a project didn't go through or you got scolded by higher ups, something that would raise your stress. I just heard that for some of you this event has happened already. Some of you may meet you fs very soon or have already met your future spouse. But I feel like after this, you might feel like you need to push yourself away from the people close to you and distance yourself. You could be stepping out of your comfort zone. But I feel like this is where you are gonna meet your fs. I feel like this place will be a crowded area, specifically a concert. Around the time you meet your fs, you will try to distract yourself from your stress and anxiety. I see your fs approaching you first, someone really cheery and just excited to be there. Someone that frequents the place you meet. For some of you, this may be someone you already vaguely know, specifically a co-worker. Your fs is giving puppy energy to me. They will be very excited to see you, it seems like a really cute introduction that will may make you laugh. I feel like they will compliment you on something you're wearing. I keep hearing that you will be a lot less excited to see them than they are to see you lmao. I don't think it's for any bad reasons like they are mean to you or something but they may remind you of whatever is causing you stress at first. I feel like they are gonna try to buy you a drink, or they have been drinking. Your fs gives off a very trustworthy vibe. You and your fs will talk a lot your first time meeting. I am getting a lot of laughter and silly little jokes. Originally you will feel like you guys are complete opposites, but after a while you will realize you have a lot of common. I keep hearing your first impression of them is that they are a cute doofus lol. (A kind of side note but I kept thinking of Brazil while shuffling and when thinking about your pile so you may be from Brazil or you could meet in Brazil)
Advice Cards:
Awareness opens a field of possibility in your life
In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do or be whatever you choose
Be aware of your inner messages
Something you've planted is coming to harvest. Results are forthcoming!
Be alert for your opportunity
Weigh your situation carefully
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2
Cards: Queen of Wands, Ten of Swords rx, Seven of Pentacles, King of Cups, Four of Wands rx, Two of Swords, Strength rx, Queen of Pentacles
Back of the Deck: The Hierophant
One of the first things that popped into my head when shuffling for this pile is that your first meeting is gonna be embarrassing for you. The reason for embarrassment will vary for all of you, of course, but overall I feel like you will be very emotional at the moment of meeting your fs. I am kinda of sensing some similarities to Pile 1 so if you felt called to that one please do read that one as well. Anyways, I feel like there is a possibility you could be getting bullied when you first meet your fs. I'm not getting that they will be the one bullying at all, in fact they might even defend you from these bullies. Like I am seeing them physically fighting them off or threaten them if this is bullying, and violence isn't the answer, but they will only try to help you. For some of you, your fs is a childhood friend or someone you have known for a very long time. I am also hearing some of you will already be in a relationship when you meet your fs. I feel like you are normally a very confident and brave person Pile 2 but at the time of meeting your fs, you will just be so over something that your tough persona will be faltering. I am also getting that some of you may try to stay positive about everything and never show discomfort in anything but this time something got to you and it's showing (ngl yall are giving me Tohru Honda vibes but that's for the Fruits Basket fans lol). For some very specific people, this event will take place in a church or will be about religion. But I feel like your fs will notice that you aren't acting how you normally do or that you just aren't doing well. I really feel like your fs won't really know how to comfort you but will end up doing something cute anyway and it might even make you feel better. They might give you something, I am seeing specifically candy. I do feel like your fs will almost immediately make an impression on you, you might even start crushing on them right when you meet them. Your fs seems like someone that doesn't really know how to express themselves but they wanna learn and be better so they can deserve someone like you.
Advice Cards:
No better time exists than right now
Your body needs your attention
In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do and be whatever you choose
You can make an important contribution
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
Issues of balance are at hand
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3
Cards: The Fool, Knight of Cups rx, Three of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Temperance, Four of Swords, Seven of Cups, Knight of Pentacles rx
Back of the Deck: The Sun
This is a very interesting pile. For some of you this could a gay relationship or if not, your fs could have very masculine energy. Unlike the other piles, this is the first where your fs is almost definitely someone you haven't met before or known about before. For some of you, your first meeting with your fs will be completely random. I almost feel like your fs doesn't want you to know how you will meet, like it's a surprise. But I do feel an instant connection here. Like you will immediately be like oh shit this person is my person. I just saw a gym (but I won't say this is for a lot of you because I really think your fs wants to keep some details of your first meeting a secret) . This is definitely a soulmate/twin flame connection. Maybe even love at first sight. You guys will act as if you have known each other your whole lives after just talking for a little bit. Although this sounds very much like everything will move very fast but I feel like both of you are pretty patient people and will wanna take your time with this connection. I just heard you have your whole lives to get to know each other. For a small amount of you, I feel like your first interactions will be recorded, maybe one of you is an influencer. But I am really getting that this first meeting with your fs will just be really fun and full of laughs like you almost can't breathe because you are dying of laughter kind of funny. I am getting your fs has a really big personality, like they are very noticeable when they walk into a room, all eyes on them. They may have dyed hair or very bold fashion. I am hearing some of you will be wearing something similar which is why you approach each other in the first place. The angel number 333 will have some connection to your first meeting so you may see 333 a lot when you are about to meet them, or March might have some importance to this connection. When you meet your fs, you are going to feel like you have reached the end of long and tiring journey, and now you can finally start a new chapter with your fs. I also just heard they are a keeper lol.
Advice Cards:
Considerable and consistent effort may now be required
Complete the project or task. Something is calling for closure
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
It's time to realize the blueprint of your soul
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
You are divinely protected. Remind yourself how safe you are
Channeled Song:
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Pile 4
Cards: Nine of Pentacles, Page of Swords, Ten of Cups rx, Five of Cups, King of Cups, Page of Cups, Seven of Wands, The Sun, The Magician (you get an extra card my special pile 4's)
Back of the Deck: Knight of Wands
While shuffling, two different locations showed themselves to me. A comic book store or just like a kind of geeky store and a sports game. Kinda random but could resonate with some of you. I was also hearing some of you might just be into a lot of geeky things like anime, marvel, fandoms in general which isn't too surprising if you have found your way to this reading, but spirit kept bringing my attention to that, so that kind of stuff could be very important to you or your fs. I am also seeing an interest in sports, so you or your fs could be very into sports. Anyway, I am getting you and your fs will meet very casual. I don't see you meeting through a dating app or a blind date or anything like that. I am seeing your fs approaching you first, although I feel like this is SUPER out of character for them. I am getting that your fs is more on the introverted side or they get very nervous talking to new people. I'm hearing "I just had to talk to you." so your fs will most likely be interested in you first, maybe even immediately caught feelings for you. I am even hearing that they will tell their friends "I just met my future spouse.". I can feel the blush that paints their cheeks and anxiety they are feeling just thinking about talking to you. Ngl Pile 4, the first interaction with them may be a little awkward at first cause they are just so nervous lol. I specifically see you looking at something like a book or painting I am hearing, and your fs just starts talking about whatever you are looking at. I recommend watching the mv to the first channeled song, as a specific part where the couple are looking a painting came to mind. also the song is just a banger But I do feel like you guys will eventually have a very fun conversation. Whatever happens, your fs will leave the interaction REALLY happy. Like they have a spring in their step. I am hearing you may give them your number or social media after meeting. I just heard some of you fall under the category of "big titty goth gf" and that is your fs's type (not for everyone ofc). I don't really see you viewing your fs as a romantic interest at first, they are someone that will grow on you eventually. Your fs has a lot of charm that they can only show when you get to know them better.
Advice Cards:
Boldly imagine what you can do and be
Act on what you know
You can if you think and believe you can
Create an internal structured frame of reference and stay focused
Give yourself your own approval
It's time to try something new
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 5
Cards: Six of Wands rx, The Wheel of Fortune, Seven of Pentacles, Four of Cups rx, Ten of Pentacles, Strength, Four of Wands rx, Queen of Wands
Back of the Deck: Ace of Wands
I flipping love the energy of this pile so much. For a lot of you I feel like you will meet your fs at work. You could be your own boss, starting a small business, and maybe even a CEO of a successful company I am hearing. You give off such a lovely energy Pile 5, I can't over it. Anyway I feel like your fs is someone you will rely on. I am seeing a lot of teamwork with this pile. I don't think you and your fs will ever be properly introduced, it's like they could just be in a group of people that you end up with and somehow just become acquainted with. I am seeing things like paintball, board games, or online games and you will just end up doing something together. If this is a work environment, it's at a work party. Spirits don't seem to want to focus so much on how you will meet and more on your connection with this person. This person is gonna be your rock. You could be in need of assistance and your fs will come to help you. Your fs will immediately give off the vibe of someone that works very hard and has worked for everything they have. They also may have evident bags under their eyes. Your meeting with them is gonna be pure fate. You were at the right place at the right time. Something you will look back and think, I am so glad I was there when I was or else I wouldn't have met them. Yall are absolutely soulmates. I really keep hearing your fs will be your assistant, you may decide to make a business with them when you first meet them. Your fs will just feel like home. I just saw two different fictional couples that I feel are similar to the vibes I get from yall. I see Barbie and Ken and Princess Carolyn and Judah from Bojack Horseman. You will meet your fs when you both need each other the most, this connection is divinely protected. When you guys get together, you will be each others support system and have a really stable and strong relationship. Your first impression of your fs will just be that they have a strong warmth to them as a person. An almost addictive personality. (very random last note just I kept seeing it and I'm seeing signs of it happening so your first introduction may be them spilling coffee on you lol)
Advice Cards:
You can manifest your heart's desire
You are healing at a cellular level
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
The conditions are primed. Yes, it can happen, and if you believe, it will!
You need to make the first move
The Universe supports your stance and decision
Channeled Song:
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Pile 6
Cards: Ace of Swords rx, Knight of Cups rx, Nine of Wands, The Chariot rx, Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Eight of Wands, King of Cups
Back of the Deck: The World
This connection is most likely starting on the internet. This could be through a dating app or something like discord. I am getting around the time of your first meeting, you will be working on yourself or working towards loving yourself more. That may be something you have struggled with in the past or currently. Spirits are working to bring this person closer to you. I feel like your person either lives really far away from you or super close to you, no in between. If you do meet through a dating app, I don't think either of you would be particularly looking for love, just someone to talk to and find similar interests to. I keep being brought to a couple I know that met through MySpace and now are happily married and travel the world, I am getting their vibes from this pile. They also have a youtube channel so you might even make content together. I heard that one of you may be from Asia, specifically from Japan and another one of you would be from the west, take it if it resonates. This connection won't manifest in person until after you have really took the time to get to know your fs more. It's like you will meet your fs two times, once online and another when you finally decide to meet in person. For some of you, you may not even meet this person until after you already started dating. I am even seeing for some of you this may be a person you have watched or stalked on social media and have been a fan of. But I am not seeing a power imbalance with you guys. I feel like you will see each other as equals. You guys will find what you have lacked in your other relationships with your fs. If you guys are at a distance or meet online, I feel like when you finally met in person it will be a big event for both of you where you almost feel like you are finally complete. Your first impression of your fs will be someone that just gets you. Someone that you feel like you could pour your heart out to without being judged. It won't be that you share everything in common and be very similar people, but you will compliment each other in a way that works beautifully. You have very compatible birth charts or MBTI's. I heard either you or your fs could be an ESFP. You and your fs will meet at a moment when you are both emotional ready for a relationship.
Advice Cards:
Weigh your situation carefully
The conditions are primed. Yes, it can happen, and if you believe, it will!
Your acts of love, kindness, and unlimited forgiveness bestow grace upon you
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Align your body, mind and spirit with your heart
Yes, you can .... Set it in motion!
Channeled Song:
If you got to this point, let me know if you would be interested paid personal readings! I would also just love to hear your feedback on the readings!
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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hellobabydoll333 · 2 months
Fixing My Bad Habits {goals + how to achieve them}
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Asleep by 10:00 pm
Sleeping by 10 PM allows your body to keep a consistent melatonin secretion pattern, which in turn helps the body's internal rhythms function properly and provide natural rest and renewal at night.
Drinking more water
For optimal health and well-being, it is recommended to consume around 2-3 liters of water per day as a rough guideline.
Regular exercise
Lots of benefits that maintain & improve physical body such as flexibility, increased energy levels (which I definitely need), sleep quality & strength and mental health such as enhanced productivity, confidence and self-compassion.
To reduce my stress & anxiety levels, as well as increase my self esteem as I’m spending more time with myself and my thoughts. But also improving my focus & concentration while also taking a break from the world around me.
I have a course I have to prepare for me and I’m not tryna be the only person who don’t know shit.
More Positive Self Talk
If you know my blog, you know I do a lot of vaunting- basically affirmations- but I sometimes even stray away. However I noticed that when I do stay talking positively about myself, I see everything from such a lighter perspective. I talked a bit about this in LOA Reminders, but I’m all about self love & acceptance and even though I have this blog I’m still on this journey as well.
Journaling is so fun y’all. It’s like… why tell other people my problems when I can tell myself…? It enhances self AND emotional awareness, provides a healthy outlet for your thoughts & feelings, helps you reflect & understand yourself more and provides a safe, non-judge mental place for you vent & express your frustrations. Journaling also provides a sense of clarity & direction & helps with setting goals and maintains focus & so much more. 10/10 def recommend. You don’t even have to write or type.. you could do video diaries. I def wanna try that.
Good Posture
Y’all ever seen that video of wonyoung sitting with such good posture like… I need that. Good posture supports your spine and promotes good breathing and circulation while also enhancing your self perception & self awareness & making you seem more approachable
How I am going to achieve them
By starting off small. I noticed that when I rush into things, I often give up, thinking it’s too much for me to keep up with. And that’s okay...
Asleep by 9:45 pm
Drink 3 bottles of water everyday.
I do about three exercises per day.
5 minutes meditation twice a day.
2 educational videos everyday & at the end of the day, write out what I’ve learned
Say a vaunt at least three times a day- morning, afternoon & night.
Journaling at the end of every day and whenever else I need to rant. Y’all ever feel like y’all over share cuz that’s definitely me… but honestly sometimes you just need to talk to yourself. Self reflection is important.
Posture. I’m already pretty aware of my posture when I sit most times so I just sit up right, but I will be practicing self awareness more and eventually perfect posture will be natural to me.
As soon as I find myself naturally in a routine, I will then do a slow & small increase which will lead to another increase.
Remember: Don’t rush yourself and it’s okay to slip up. But it’s also crucial to try your best to not fall off of a routine because getting back on it can be really hard.
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I haven't seen it yet but full hc for the m6 with an MC on the ADHD spectrum
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who has ADHD
~ @themushroomgoesyeet hope you like these! I'm writing half from personal experience, half from what I've read and heard. Please let me know if there's anything that need correcting! ~
ADHD is a less familiar subject for him, if only because his areas of specialty so far have been contagious diseases and battle wounds
He's also not really one to judge you for difficulty keeping a sleep schedule, self-medicating with caffeine, or spending days on end obsessively learning everything you can about a specific subject
What's abundantly clear to him, though, is that you do not deserve to live with the guilt that comes from your own brain hijacking every commitment and interest that it doesn't prioritize
He knows what it's like to feel guilty for something that wasn't your fault, and he doesn't like seeing you live with it
The way he sees it, he's even more to blame for his shortcomings than you are, because you're actively working against your own brain and he's just ... sad (you'll have to tell him that this is not true)
This is going to become one of those shared challenges you tackle together as a couple
He'll write down all the bad effects of too much caffeine to motivate him to reduce your combined intake
You remind him to go to bed with you at a decent hour and call it "poetry time" instead of "bedtime" to trick both of your brains into not thinking of it as the end of the day
They love you. They love you so much. They never, ever want to get in the way of your preferences and vision
He enables you maaaybe a little more than he should
Staying up late is a great idea! Spending the entire day on your current fixation with no break to go outside or talk to people? Hey, don't let them ruin your fun ~
Thankfully, he cares about you far too much to leave you to engage in anything genuinely self destructive
Once the amount of caffeine you've consumed goes from "inadvisable" to "concerning," once your sleep schedule goes from "not ideal" to "dysfunctional", they'll step in in the gentlest way
Another cup of coffee? Let him get you some soothing tea. Another all-nighter? Snuggle him first, let him help you meditate a bit and see if you don't get drowsy
Nobody can combat executive dysfunction like this magician
All it takes is them feeling the slowly building dread through your bond, and they're lovingly poofing you off of the couch/floor/counter and into a very ticklish hug
His lifestyle is heavily ADHD coded as it is. He remains completely unfazed by the roller coaster that your brain can be
To her, you are the best possible version of her opposite
She has a hard time changing between trains of thought. You reboot yours every time you walk through a door!
She sometimes forgets to slow down and appreciate the small things in favor of the bigger picture. You, on the other hand, are constantly pausing to notice them
And don't get her started on how much she admires your capacity to learn so much specialized knowledge in such a short period of time. It's truly astonishing and she adores it
However, she can tell that leaving it unchecked and untreated will make it difficult for you to function in the Palace's normal setup, much less follow regular routines
Quick to find a specialist in your condition and set up a few sessions with them, coming up with ways to work with your diagnoses and exploring medication options that you like
Insanely good at helping you keep your mind on track and regulate your attention and focus levels, even when it means pulling you away from a task that's about to eat up half your day
Likes to idly study the chaotic way you manage your personal spaces and try to figure out what the method to the madness is
What, you think he's not used to living with a chaotic being that'll start three projects in a row before randomly walking out and not reappearing for several hours? Please.
Truthfully, there are some small things that annoy him. He likes predictability, and your base state of functioning is taking the next random tangent. That's not easy to not worry about
However, he knows that living with him takes plenty of patience as well. As long as you two can be patient with each other's quirks, and respectful when you lovingly intervene, that's what matters
He still loves hearing you ramble
He likes watching your eyes light up, listening to the excited lilt of your voice as you infodump all the new specialized knowledge you've gobbled up
That aside, he does love learning. Each of your new fixations is a new field of education for him by proxy
He's also someone who thrives on habit and routine and isn't afraid to put his foot down when your wellbeing is involved
He will scoop you up in his arms and lovingly carry you to bed when the bags under your eyes get too prominent and you start to nod off mid-sentence
Portia looks at you like you hung the moon. Portia thinks that every magical thing you do is mind-blowingly amazing. Portia assumes that all of your little quirks and non-habits are just you being you
Hey, if finding one specific food and eating it and only it for days on end is something you want to do, cool! Maybe it's secretly satisfying some magician's craving!
You're going to think about one thing and one thing only and learn everything there is to know about that thing? That's some badass scholarly behavior right there.
Well - except for the part where you forget something exists as soon as it's not in your hand anymore, or where time really does seem like a social construct, or where you somehow get physically and mentally stuck in one spot without being able to move
That looks ... miserable
Nobody can manage chaos like she can. She'll help you snap out of it, she'll remind you to eat and sleep and take your meds, she'll regularly ask when last you went outside or took a bath
And when you mess up - when you miss an event, or fall behind schedule, or leave things to pile up until they're too much - she'll be right next to you with an encouraging smile and plenty of grace
This works either really well or really poorly, depending on the day, how he's doing, how you're doing, what you're both supposed to be doing, what the weather's like ...
It's unpredictable, but that's the fun of it!
Much of the time, your strong points support each other. There are few feelings Lucio hates more than boredom, but with a brain like yours around, there's always something new to try or think about
Few things cause the kind of bone-deep discouragement and guilt that constantly missing things does, but nobody values the importance of trying again like he does
On the other hand, sometimes you accidentally enable each other
Lucio's still learning the self-regulation involved with choosing to do something unpleasant and important over doing something enjoyable and completely useless
And if your brain decides that said pleasant thing is the only thing it's going to function for, well, not getting sidetracked is almost impossible. Good luck to you both
Thankfully, you both have a lifestyle that allows for unusual schedules and working styles. As long as you have each other to keep trying growing, you'll never get stuck for long
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Homewrecker - MV1 Part Three
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summary: “who said you were my best friend? lewis is.”
warnings: jealous max, crash hehe, protective george, max and george fight, swearing hehe 
pairings: max verstappen x oc
word count: 1664
taglist: @ravenqueen27, @octaviareina​
“You can’t love me, Max, you need to hate me.”
George and Lewis had become Blake’s closest friends, especially after that stupid confession in the Red Bull Racing hallway back in Zandvoort. She made it to the meeting with more than enough time, a coffee in hand and all her devices, papers and notes in the other. She sat beside Toto throughout the whole race, sliding over little tidbits he needed from the crew behind them. It was certainly a race to witness. 
It was safe to say that Kelly and Max broke up after Blake ran off in the hallway that day. It was the worst performance of his life, going from pole position to fourth place, his rivals at Mercedes taking the top two spots with Pierre in front of him. It was an embarrassment, especially after he won the race prior. He was at the top of his game, really giving Lewis a run for his money but he really let the events earlier get to him. 
The next few weeks were absolute and utter hell. He went no contact with Kelly and Penelope and not speaking to the young girl was torture enough, he was getting threats from Nelson Piquet for falling in love with someone that he referred to as ‘The Help’ and Christian was really not impressed with his performance. To top it all off he wanted to clear things up with Blake, but it seemed as if she was avoiding him at all costs, not that she was seeking him out before the confession. He was used to seeing her mingling with other people from the other teams but he now only saw her or got glimpses of her when she was with George or Lewis. 
George. George fucking Russell. His performance was excelling whilst behind the wheel of a Mercedes car and Max was done with it. He was sick and tired of watching all the Instagram stories of Blake hanging out with the two Mercedes drivers, sick of watching her being her goofy self with George, tormenting a meditating Lewis with George. Everything she seemed to do, she was doing it with George. 
Max followed her Instagram, when she eventually put it on public due to popular demand from the fans. It was usually behind the scenes images of the boys, travelling photo dumps and sneaky pictures of Toto for all the fans. He was guilty for following it, especially when she didn’t follow him back. He should just move on, he should just focus on being the World Champion or trying to become World Champion but he just couldn’t keep his mind off her. 
Austin was the one race that Blake was looking forward to the most. She had been to Silverstone, gushed over ageing actors that she could have only dreamed to be in the same vicinity of, drank fancy alcohol in fancy clothes and danced on tables with her boss and his wife. But America, especially Austin? Boy, she was excited. 
Over the course of the weekend she had met so many celebrities she could only dream of meeting, being introduced to on a first name basis by a now close friend that was Lewis Hamilton. She attended work dinners at steakhouses and shared a whole plate of ribs with George (that was posted on both hers and George’s instagram) but she had Max lingering in the back of her mind. 
“What the fuck is this George?” Toto cursed into the microphone attached to the headset, Blake looking at the screens to see her friend neck in neck with Max. 
“I’m trying to defend Lewis from Max.” With her own headset on Blake could hear the chatter coming from all the engineers trying to instruct George on how to proceed. 
“He keeps trying to run me off the fucking road, Christ!” Blake’s eyes flickered from one screen to the next, watching as the Red Bull race car driver kept driving dangerously close to Blake’s close friend. She watched in horror as Max slowly started to gain more speed approaching turn 12 from the straight after turn 11 and he showed no signs of slowing down. He was trying to call George’s bluff. 
“I’m going to keep pushing, he’ll have to slow down.” George spoke through the coms, Toto and his engineers agreeing with the last minute strategy. Her eyes should be focused on George but instead Blake watched Max’s car with eagle eyes, waiting for the moment that Max’s vehicle would slow down.
But it never did. 
“This is not right!” Toto yelled angrily, throwing his headset off and at the screens before jumping down from the platform. Blake sat in her seat, a hand over her mouth as she looked at the wreck that was on the screen. It played the crash again, this time in slow motion to capture every last second whilst the safety was deployed and Toto came back to his position, placing his headset on. 
“George? Are you okay?” There were some muffled sounds from the other end as Blake continued watching. The cars spun around each other onto the gravel before Max’s car clipped the wheel of George’s and flipped on top of it. “George?” Then she saw as they collided with the tire wall, Max’s world upside down. 
“I-I’m fine. I’m okay.” George’s voice finally cleared up and then footage of George climbing out through a gap was shown, yet no Max on the screen. Blake let out a sigh of relief when George started to make his way to some officials and to get away from the wreck. Blake’s eyes flickered to Max’s car, noticing a small spark and a body still in the vehicle. He seemed rather disoriented before he seemed to come to his senses, trying to get his way out. 
Blake seemed worried for a second and whilst she would feel worried for any driver in this situation it felt almost different. She didn’t want to see him harmed, in any sort of pain. She wanted him to be okay. It was a foreign feeling that's for sure, and not something she could ever equate to wanting someone like George or Lewis to be safe. 
“Shit! George, Max can’t get out. The car is on fire!” Blake spoke into her coms. It wasn’t very often she spoke but this seemed to snap George’s head to the wreckage. He immediately sprung into action, rushing back towards the cars and beckoning over some of the officials to help. They all bunched around the small gap that George had emerged from earlier and worked together to wiggle Max out whilst the spark turned into something a little more harrowing. Fire marshals armed with fire extinguishers rushed towards the end of the car and started to try and get rid of the fire, it only growing in return. They finally freed Max and dragged him away from the wreck as the track turned into a red flag and all cars returned to the Pit until they were allowed to be back on track. 
“Is he okay George?” Blake questioned, watching everything live on the screen yet getting no answer. 
It was a bittersweet win for Mercedes with Lewis winning the Austin GP, Charles and Sergio following in taking the other two spots on the podium. As instructed by Toto, Blake was to accompany George to get a routine check up and fill out incident reports before the following weekend in Mexico. Max was coming out of the infirmary room with his PR advisor and looked up to see George and Blake in front of him. He saw red. All he could see was George and Blake together, not Blake being a supportive friend and making sure he wasn’t alone. 
Together Blake and Max’s PR advisor watched in shock as Max pushed George up against the wall, the very few people that were in the building and not at the podium to watch the champagne celebration watching the drama unfold. 
“Max, what are you doing?” His PR advisor was pushed away as she tried to get in the middle of it, trying to pull him off the large, slender Brit. 
“That was fucking crazy out there man, you should have let me past.”
“I should have let you pass? You should have slowed down, like an actual fucking human decent human being. That crash was all you mate.” George stared down at Max, the two glaring at one another. Max’s PR advisor just looked to Blake for some sort of help. The two women were both unsure what to do. “I saved your fucking life, mate, a thank you would suffice.” George had a smug look on his face. Blake stepped forward, reading to intervene but stopped when George briefly held up his hand. 
“Your girl coming to rush to your aid? How cute.” The whole thing turned into one childish argument on Max’s behalf. 
“If it wasn’t for my girl, you’d probably be getting treatment for third degree burns. Have a bit of respect mate and do your research before you accuse friends of being something more. Though, I guess you have a bad track record about labels, you know, being in love with someone that isn't your long-term girlfriend.” Max was getting ready to raise his hand when Blake finally decided to intervene. She grabbed his arm, squeezing on his bicep through the race suit and he looked to the side for a moment before looking back up at George. 
“Max, just leave.” Everyone seemed to be waiting to see what he would do next. Would there be a punch thrown? Another shove? Some more words shared? Instead he let George go and stormed off, leaving his PR advisor with the Mercedes driver and Blake. 
“The man says he loves you then he goes and starts trying to kill her best friend. Shameless act honestly.” 
“Who said you were my best friend? Lewis is.”
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