#soa requests
tumbleweed-writes · 1 month
From your smut prompt list....how about #1 and #44 for my favorite scotsman Chibs?
I have zero idea how this got so filthy. I would apologize for the filth, but it's smut. What'd ya expect???
18+ Only obviously.
Chibs pushes Y/N away in a poorly thought out attempt to protect her . Y/N decides to go on a date with a rebound to mend her broken heart and Chibs is left trying to remind Y/N that they belong with one another.
This date was a terrible idea. In fact, it might be the worst idea she’d ever had in her entire life. The thought danced through her head as she studied herself in the floor length mirror in her bedroom. A voice in the back of her head exclaimed that the polite and handsome rookie cop who’d asked her on a date was not quite worthy of the pretty little floral dress she’d chosen to wear.
The white knee length dress was adorned with red roses and the sweetheart neckline gave a perfect view of her cleavage. The red heels she’d worn with it made her legs look so appealing. She’d spent far too long curling her hair and picking out a perfect shade of red lipstick to match the roses on her dress.
The dress had been bought with a much different man in mind. Her heart ached as it reminded her that this man was clearly no longer worthy of this dress.
When she met Filip Chibs Telford she should have been wise enough to know he would break her heart.
She had been new in town opening a bakery not far from Floyd’s Barbershop on main street. She’d used what little inheritance she’d received from her grandfather to follow her dreams and open a bakery. She’d taken a huge risk having left her safe and stable job to follow her passions and open her own business. She’d been praying the risk would pay off.
She’d chosen to move from San Francisco out to Charming, California. She’d been charmed by the name, no pun intended, and the small town atmosphere.  It felt like the perfect place to follow her dreams.
One of her very first customers had been one Gemma Teller Morrow.
The intimidating looking Queen of SAMCRO had been looking for a birthday cake for her grandson and had been impressed with Y/N’s work.
Y/N had been nervous but delighted to have her first big client and she’d thrown herself into making the Harley Davidson themed cake for the toddler.
The men who had been sent to pick up said cake had not been what she’d been expecting. The Scotsman in particular had caught her attention; the accent quite uncommon in the middle of northern California.
She’d been unaware that she had caught his attention as well. 
At the time of their first meeting she’d been a bit distracted by Bobby Munson who’d been talking to her about the secret to a perfect muffin. She’d not noticed the Scottish Son admiring her during the discussion she’d been having with Bobby over preferred leavening agents and the perfect ratio of fruit to batter in blueberry muffins.
Bobby had become a frequent visitor to her bakery after the birthday cake job, and much to her shock the Scotsman had joined him more often than not.
The very first conversation Chibs and she had ever had one on one had been over shortbread, in particular his praise for her shortbread. She’d taken it as a genuine compliment when he’d admitted that her Scottish shortbread was the best he’d had stateside.
A friendship had formed between Chibs and she, although she knew to outsiders it might appear to be a strange friendship; the scary looking forty something year old outlaw biker being so buddy buddy with the young sweet looking baker. It was an odd mix; leather and whiskey with floral dresses and cupcakes.
The change in their friendship had come unexpectedly. She’d had some trouble with a local developer who’d been visiting Charming; the man had begun attempting to intimidate Y/N into backing out of her lease. He’d been quite pushy with a few of the businesses on main street.
He had intentions of building some upscale condos and high end retail on the street. He thought Charming would be a perfect getaway for yuppies looking to escape the big city. 
Apparently the landlord who owned this particular strip of buildings on main street was not interested in selling the property. He’d figured he had a pretty good deal going with the businesses operating there as most had been there for decades. 
So the developer had taken to attempting to get the business owners who were renting the shop spaces to back out of their lease. 
His attempts to get Y/N to give up her retail space had been friendly at first, until it had become clear that she was not interested in moving from her place of business no matter how much money he was willing to throw at her. 
He’d gotten quite demanding and it had become full on harassment. 
SAMCRO didn’t take kindly to the developer taking an interest in Charming’s real estate if it meant bringing in outsiders to the safe haven that was Charming, and Chibs had not taken kindly to the man attempting to intimidate the pretty young baker who he’d taken such a liking to.
SAMCRO had been willing to come to her defense and Chibs had seemed to take quite the pleasure in scaring off the developer.
Y/N’s intention to thank the guys with baked goods, and Chibs with his own batch of Scottish Shortbread, had been started with innocent intentions.
The guys had appreciated the muffins she’d baked them as well as the cake. Chibs had appreciated the shortbread…but somehow her thank you to him had gotten a little out of hand.
One second he’d been standing in her shop accepting the box of shortbread and the next minute her lips had been pressed to his; his hands caressing her body.
She was grateful that the bakery had been closed and it had been late enough at night because Chibs had wound up taking her back to the kitchen and one thing had led to another. She was sure the health department would shut her down if they’d ever known just what she allowed Chibs to do to her, bending her over the counter, and what they’d done on the floor. 
They’d laid side by side nude on the kitchen floor both out of breath staring up at the ceiling when the words had left him. “I think it kinda goes without sayin that I like ye a lot.”
The giggle that had left her made a smile cross his features, the smile only growing as she spoke in response. “Good, I like you a lot too.”
Things had been good; they’d been happy.
Then things had changed. Jax Teller had taken the gavel becoming club pres and Chibs had become his SGT At Arms.
With the new title came some unexpected distance between Chibs and she. Y/N had figured at first that perhaps Chibs had just been busy given all the changes in the club, but then weeks had gone by and then before she knew it a month had gone by and she barely heard from him.
She’d made several attempts to reconnect with him and find the spark they seemed to have lost; but he’d just seemed to brush off her attempts. She’d called and paid visits to TM Auto…she’d even visited the clubhouse and his apartment, but he’d seemed so eager to push her away.
The last interaction they’d had told her all she needed to know.
They’d been standing in his dorm room at the clubhouse after she’d paid a visit practically begging him to just give her a moment of his time. 
She could remember the words that she’d said to him. “Lately, I just feel like maybe you don’t love me as much as I love you. I just feel so…neglected. I know you’re busy, but I’d like to at least feel like you still have a moment for me in your life. Lately, it feels like I have to fight tooth and nail to get you to glance my way. I know there’s been a lot of changes for you in the club, and I’m trying to be supportive…I am trying so hard to meet you halfway, but it feels like I’m the only one trying. I feel like I’m fighting so hard for us. I’m so tired of fighting, Filip…I can’t be the only one fighting for us.”
The words she’d gotten in response had felt like a knife to the chest. “Maybe it aint worth fightin fer.”
“I love you, how is that not worth fighting for?” She questioned not above pleading with him. This just seemed to be coming out of left field. She didn’t understand how he could claim that they weren’t worth fighting for.
He’d always made her feel so loved and adored. She felt so connected to him. He made her feel so wonderful. How had he changed so quickly without even a moment's notice? 
The response she got cut her all the more deeply. “Jus leave me alone, Y/N.”
He paused the next words that left him sounding uncharacteristically cruel. “It was fun while it lasted, aye? Ye were a good fuck. We got each other off and it was all good n’ well. Shite is getting too deep between us lately; too personal. It’s gettin a wee bit pathetic on yer half. Yer clingy and desperate. Like I said, shite is pathetic. I can’t do commitment, Lass. I ain't the type to give ye the white wedding and white picket fence. We’re two different people from two very different worlds. We should own up to the fact that our paths ain’t goin to align. Ye shoulda known from the start what this shite was between us. This was never anythin serious fer me. I don’t love ye.”
Those words had shattered her heart; she only managed to step back from him as though he’d slapped her. She spoke, her words harsh, tears flooding her vision. “I wish I had never met you.”
With that she’d turned away and fled from his room and his life.
She’d allowed herself time to cry and have the biggest pity party known to man. Then she’d done her very best to put on a brave face and carry on with her life without Chibs Telford. She had returned to work and pasted a smile on her face. She’d thrown herself into her work. She had ignored the looks of pity that had been sent her way as Bobby and a few brave members of SAMCRO had dared to still come to her shop for baked goods.
She’d not seen neither hide nor hair of Chibs Telford though, and even though her heart might claim differently, her head insisted that it was just as well for her.
Even if her heart screamed that it was a lie; she swore that she never cared to see Filip Chibs Telford ever again as long as she lived and breathed. 
When a handsome young rookie cop had stepped into her shop with his little sister in tow looking to buy a treat for the girl; Y/N had been flattered by his obvious flirtation. She hated to admit it was cute. Guys who were good with kids were appealing. 
Though she didn’t quite get the same weak kneed putty feeling she got when Chibs flirted with her; she’d forced herself to flirt back with the young officer.
When he’d come back a week ago and asked her out for dinner, she’d said yes despite her heart screaming at her that she was not ready.
That was how she wound up sitting at an Italian restaurant on main street with her date. The restaurant was nice; romantic and cozy. The candlelight failed to invoke romantic notions in Y/N though as she stared at her date.
Seth; his name was Seth.
He was sweet, intelligent, handsome, and funny. He was kind and seemed as though he was passionate about his work. He had brought her a bouquet of roses and complemented her outfit. He’d held the car door open for her. He’d hung on every word she’d said tonight. He didn’t do a thing for her though. 
There was no spark there at all. He didn’t make her heart skip a beat. He didn’t make her feel that stir of lust deep within her. He didn’t make butterflies fill her belly. He didn’t make her feel like a nervous schoolgirl. 
She found herself comparing him to a certain Scotsman. He had a nice smile but his smile was missing the dimples she adored in Chibs. He had a charm to him; but it was not the same charm Chibs Telford had mastered. He was handsome and young, but Chibs was handsome in his own right and she was fond of the gray along his temples. Seth had a slow California accent but it was nothing like Chibs’ thick Scottish brogue. Seth was brave due to his career, but she didn’t feel the same sense of protection she felt around Chibs. He was funny, but he failed to make her laugh as hard as Chibs though. He was sexually appealing, but she didn’t find herself picturing what he might be like in bed. A voice in the back of her head exclaimed that he could not please her the way Chibs had done.
Chibs Telford had ruined her for other men, and she despised him for it. 
It felt hopeless. She hated that she was on a date with a nice and socially acceptable man and all she could think about was the socially unacceptable man who had been awful to her the last time they’d spoken. How was she this pathetic?
She loved a man who did not want nor love her. She could not think of anything more pitiful. 
She frowned as Seth spoke a frown crossing his features. “What do you think?”
“About?” She dared to ask hoping it was not so obvious she’d not been paying attention to a word he’d said thus far. She had no idea what they were even talking about.
“The sushi place they’re putting in? It’s going in out near that coffee shop by Jones Appliance Repair. Everyone’s been talking about it.” Seth explained the frown deepening he most likely picking up on the fact that she’d not been paying attention to him nor the conversation he’d been attempting to carry along with her.
“Oh, uh, I’d be curious to try it out.” She remarked her cheeks flushing ever so slightly mortified it was obvious she was not able to focus on this date at all.
Seth scrunched his nose up at the response he fast to reply. “Oh, I don’t think I’d be brave enough to try it. Eating raw fish just seems kind of unsanitary. I don’t know…seems like it might make you sick. I mean you really aren't supposed to eat raw meat, ya know?.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, tempted to snap that people ate sushi all the time and fared just fine. She pushed back the comment ignoring the voice in the back of her head that claimed Chibs would endure trying it with her even if he felt wary of it. He would try it if he thought it would make her happy.
She hated the thought, reminding herself that Chibs cared very little about what made her happy. If he cared about her happiness, he would not have broken her heart.
He didn’t love her. He’d said the words himself. Nothing between them had been serious according to him. He did not want her. 
“Are you okay? You seem miles away.” Seth observed she cringing at the statement.
She sighed, deciding to just be honest with him. He seemed like a nice enough guy and she felt guilty that she was unable to really commit to this date. She was using him as a rebound and she felt awful for using him in such a way. She felt like an awful person. Didn’t hurt people hurt people though? “I just got out of a relationship…he broke up with me and I guess, I’m still kind of heartbroken over it. I found out he wasn’t taking it as seriously as I was…or at least that’s what he said. I guess I'm still in love with him…which sucks, because he doesn’t love me. You’re a nice guy, but my head and heart are kind of a mess right now. Rejection stings, and my heart just feels so heavy lately. I guess, I’m just not entirely ready for any of this…I thought this date would be a good idea, but I’m just not ready.”
Seth nodded his head, reaching down to toy with the polished fork on the table. “Your ex is that Scottish guy, right? The biker, he’s in that club, The Sons of Anarchy?”
She furrowed her brow at the comment. She knew SAMCRO was well known around town…but she found it strange that Seth would have enough knowledge about the club to place the fact that she’d been previously involved with Chibs. She spoke the words flying from her lips. “How do you know that?”
Seth shrugged his shoulders he fast to respond. “I’ve seen them around town…saw you on the back of the Scottish guy’s bike once a few months back.”
He was fast to speak again. “Sheriff Roosevelt knows the Sons of Anarchy are up to no good despite their company line of just being motorcycle enthusiasts. The last sheriff Charming had was apparently way too willing to turn the other cheek when it came to SAMCRO. Pretty sure old Unser was just as crooked as the MC. Now that San Joaquin has absorbed the Charming Police department, the days of turning the other cheek are over. Most honest cops worth their salt would love to bust those guys. I’ve seen the records these guys have, the Scottish guy too. They’re criminals, there’s no way of sugar coating it. It’s some crazy shit. They’re an international organization, don’t know if you knew that. The Feds have tried and failed to bust them. The ATF were in town a few years back and they didn’t manage to pin them down the way they’d hoped. So, if the local PD did it, it’d be impressive.”
He paused, shrugging his shoulders the words that left his lips sounding so nonchalant. “I imagine you have to know something about what they’re up to given you dated one of them. I mean, I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to see the red flags he must have been giving off.”
“Did you ask me out so you could dig for information about my ex and SAMCRO?” She snapped, the thought making her blood boil.
She was being used wasn’t she?
“Not entirely. I asked you out because you’re attractive and you seem like a sweet girl despite your dating history. Anything you might say about your ex and his friends is just a bonus.” Seth remarked.
 Y/N reacted by picking up her wine glass, tossing the liquid within it in his face.
Seth wiped his face, a scoff leaving him, his dress shirt now stained with red wine that had managed to drip down his face before he had a chance to really wipe it away. “Guess you’re really not over the ex if you’re this defensive over it. The guy seriously broke your heart and you’re still protecting him. Dude is a scumbag and you’re this upset about the idea of him being busted.”
He spoke nodding at the large windows, to their left, that gave a view of the street outside the restaurant. “Guess he’s not over you either. I noticed him following us when I picked you up. I’m surprised you didn’t hear his bike or notice him. Like I said though, you’ve been miles away all night. He really did a number on you. It’s a shame. You seemed like such a sweet girl and he’s ruined you, clearly.”
She turned in her seat spotting the motorcycle across the street and the familiar man standing beside it. She could see him standing by his bike, his arms crossed, his eyes squinted as he struggled to peer through the restaurant windows in the dim light of dusk.
She grimaced, torn between wanting to stay here and endure this horrible date or wanting to go outside and risk confronting the man who had broken her heart.
She sighed deciding that her heart was going to hurt either way. She might as well go with the devil she knew.
She spoke, gathering her purse and her jacket. “Lose my number. I am not going to be a career stepping stone for you. I may be ruined, but I’m not stupid nor is my self esteem low enough to let myself be used by another man ever again.”
With that she gathered what little she had left of her pride, ignoring Seth’s comment as she walked away from him. “Don’t come crying to me when he winds up in prison. He’s a criminal, Y/N. Don’t forget that. He’ll never change.”
She kept her head down as she left the restaurant pretending she did not see the Scotsman watching her every move.
She cringed as she heard the sound of a bike starting up. She moved a little quicker knowing it was a futile endeavor as she could not outwalk his Harley especially not in red open toed pumps.
“Get on the bike, Lass.” The comment sounded out beside her.
“Fuck you.” She snapped, daring to glare at him, not stopping her pace.
Chibs sighed, rolling his eyes at the comment. “Aye, I deserve that.”
“No kidding. You’re a real piece of shit, showing up here after the last time I saw you. I hate you.” She remarked her pace speeding up Chibs not giving up riding along beside her slowly.
“Now that ye got that outta yer system, will ye please jus get on the damn bike? What do ye think yer even doin? Are ye seriously goin to walk home? Ye live miles away, Love. Jus let me take ye home.” Chibs responded, flinching a bit at the venom behind her words.
“No, I don’t need a damn thing from you. I am no longer your concern. We were never serious, remember?” She snapped back, turning down an alleyway attempting to escape him.
Chibs remained undeterred, parking his bike at the curb and dismounting it. He followed her down the alleyway, his voice sounding drained. “Come on, Y/N. This is fuckin insanity.”
“The only insane thing is you bothering to show up and crash my date. I think you made it perfectly clear that you wanted me to leave you alone the last time we spoke. You made your thoughts on me and how pathetic I am perfectly crystal clear. Nothing has changed.” Y/N retorted groaning as she neared a dead end, it hitting her that her escape route was useless.
Chibs sighed, unable to stop himself from saying it. “Ye ain’t pathetic. Yer date didn’t look like it was goin so well. A fuckin cop, Love? Really?”
She scoffed at the comment she turning to glare at him, the words falling from her lips, unable to stop herself from taunting him. “Remember we come from two different worlds. In my world I can date a cop and you can’t do a damn thing about it.”
He stepped closer to her his eyes growing dark as he stared down at her. “Aye, maybe so. Ye didn’t look like ye were havin much fun with him though, Lass. Ye looked fuckin miserable all night.”
She glared up at him, deciding to push his buttons all the more, lying through her teeth her words far more vulgar than she’d ever dare them to be in any other conversation. “Oh I’ve had plenty of fun with him, Chibs. You did say I was a good fuck. I thought I’d test the theory with him. I might be desperate and pathetic, but you know how good I feel wrapped around a cock. Maybe I thought I’d try his dick out, see how good I could feel.”
The words made his eyes grow all the darker. He stepped even closer to her his voice picking up a possessive tone. “We both know he can’t fuck ye as good as I can, Love. We both know I could do ye so well ye couldn’t walk the next day. Ye seem to be walkin jus fine righ now which tells me he’s nowhere as good as me.”
Her eyes narrowed, she shoving back the lust creeping up in her at the reminder of just how good Chibs Telford had been in bed. “You lost the right to fuck me the second you broke my heart”.
She paused, stepping back closer to the wall, her words harsh, the pain evident in her voice she clenching her fists refusing to cry in front of him. “You don’t love me, remember? So, why the hell are you even here?”
He cringed at the statement a sense of something she did not expect to see in his eyes washing over him; shame, regret.
He sighed the words leaving him. “I made a mistake.”
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, she sounded as emotionally drained as she felt. “You can’t just show up like this, Filip. You can’t throw me away and then get mad because some other guy wanted me. I’m not something you can just drop and pick back up at your convenience. I can’t deal with the emotional whiplash. I deserve better than someone who only wants me when someone else shows interest.”
“It ain’ like that. I ain’ jus showin up because some prick wanted ye. I won’t lie and say that Bobby mentionin ye had a date didn’t push me to get off my arse and stop bein so stubborn. This ain’ about me wantin ye only cause someone else does. I never stopped wantin ye.” Chibs struggled the explain the comment, his words only confusing her further.
“You didn’t act like you wanted me very much the last time we spoke. You told me I was the only one taking anything between us seriously.” She pointed out the hurt evident in her voice.
Chibs cringed at the comment, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, a sigh leaving his lips. “I didn’t mean any of it…I thought I was protectin ye.”
“From what?” She exclaimed, annoyance joining her confusion.
He sighed, shaking his head. “From me, Love. I know we never said the words…never acknowledged the truth…I never said out loud jus what I am…what SAMCRO is. I knew ye were smart enough to figure it out…that I’m an outlaw. I’m a criminal and yer innocent.”
She parted her lips wanting to snap that she was not that innocent. She didn’t have the chance though as Chibs spoke again. “I have seen ol ladies come and go in this club. I never took an ol lady before ye…Even after I divorced Fiona…I figured I’d not find anyone I wanted to spend my life with…I watched my brother’s and their ol ladies though…I’ve seen em be treated like shite by my brothers. I’ve seen men treat the women they claim to love like dog shite.”
“You never treated me like that…I mean aside from how you dumped me, that was kind of shitty.” She remarked, her voice soft.
Chibs nodded his head, a heavy sigh leaving him. “Aye that may be true. It wasn’t jus kinda shite love, I was a piece of shite.”
He paused, forcing himself to say the words he should have said to her from the start. “The violence that the life I’ve chosen requires…I never wanted ye to experience it. The role I’ve taken in the club..Sgt at Arms..it requires a certain level of violence…violence I’m perfectly capable of…it’s a side of me I never wanted ye to know existed in me…the life I’ve chosen to live chews ye up and spits ye back out. I’ve seen it break more people than I care to admit…and I’ve lost more than a few people in my life. I got in my head thinkin bout ye, thinkin bout how much I love ye…how pure bein in love with ye feels. Told myself the life I chose to live would jus taint that purity, that the world that comes with me would break ye. I couldn’t let it happen. I love ye, and I’d rather let ye go than lose ye or make ye think I’m a monster.”
“So, you just broke my heart instead of telling me how you felt? That was the plan?” She snapped, absorbing the words rolling them around in her head soaking them in.
He loved her.
She knew of course just what he was…she was not stupid. She didn’t buy the whole innocent motorcycle enthusiast lie SAMCRO loved to spin. She had spotted the occasional signs that Chibs’ day to day life consisted of more than just being a mechanic at TM Auto. He carried a burner cell and weapons for heaven's sake. Those were pretty big red flags if there ever were any. 
The red flags had never pushed her from Chibs. He’d seemed so sweet and had been a perfect gentleman to her. She’d told herself that anyone who could treat her with such adoration could not be a danger to her. She’d ignored any sense of self preservation that told her he was dangerous and had followed her heart with him.
She also heard the whispers around town. Charming’s local populace seemed to be well aware that SAMCRO was up to no good. They seemed to tolerate the club as a necessary evil of sorts.
She’d told herself that the men she’d gotten to know, who so often frequented her bakery, were not a threat to her.  
Chibs sighed nodding his head wordlessly as Y/N spoke the words leaving her. “You’re an idiot, Filip.”
He felt a small smirk cross his features at the comment. “Aye, been called worse.”
He sighed the smirk dropping from his lips the words sounding certain as they left him. “I fucked up, Love. I thought I was doin the righ thing…lettin ye go. It fuckin hurts though. I miss ye. My heart misses ye. This past month has been miserable without ye. When I found out some fuckin cop was takin ye out on a date, I bout lost my mind. I came out here tonigh to…I don’t know…see ye from afar, maybe work up my nerve to crash yer date…try to win ye back. I figured if I got here and ye seemed happy, then I’d let ye go…but ye don’t seem happy. I don’t think either of us are happy apart, Love.”
She sighed resting against the brick wall of the building behind her the words leaving her. “I don’t know what to do with this, Filip. I mean it. I can’t deal with the emotional whiplash. This past month has sucked. I’m not happy apart from you…I’m afraid of letting you back in though. How do I know you aren’t just going to drop me the next time you get too lost in your head? I know what you are, Filip. I’m not an idiot. I care about you enough to learn to accept that side of you…I’ve been accepting thus far…I’m so hesitant to learn to trust you again though… I can’t listen to you tell me you don’t love me again. I can’t let you break my heart in some hairbrained attempt to protect me again.”
He let out a sigh of his own, his heart sinking, fearing that it was too little too late. Perhaps he’d ruined the one good thing he seemed to have going for him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat knowing he had to try to fix this. He was going to try as hard as he could. “I know I really fucked up, Lass. I swear to God though that I will spend the rest of my life tryin to make up fer how much I hurt ye. I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m beggin fer ye to give me a chance. I will do whatever it takes to get ye to let me back in. I’ll work fer it day and night if that’s what it takes. Yer the best thing I got in my life…the purest, I aint known many pure things in my life. Bein with ye made me feel like I migh jus be a good man even with all the shite I’ve done and all the pain I’ve caused fer the club…Bein without ye, it’s been hell fer me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I can’t focus. I’ve been a grouchy fuck, accordin to Bobby at least.  I fuckin broke yer heart and my own in the process. I want to fix it, Love. I want to fix our hearts if yer willin to give me the chance. Jus give me the chance to put our hearts back together. Let me try.”
She felt her throat grow tight at this, her eyes growing damp, Chibs fearing she was about to tell him that there was no chance for them. His fears died as she spoke, her voice weepy. “Oh, Filip.”
She reached for him, her hand pressing to his cheek he leaning into her touch as she spoke. “I don’t want to feel this miserable ever again. Please, don’t make me feel that awful ever again.”
“Never, Love.” He reassured her his hands reaching out to press to her sides, thankful that she did not yank away from him as he pulled her into an embrace.
He leaned down his lips sliding across her, the kiss starting out slow and sweet, almost as hesitant as their very first kiss.
The kiss quickly grew deep and impassioned the realization of just how much they’d longed for one another growing apparent. 
She slid a hand down his body resting it against his denim clad cock massaging it as it began to perk up the lower region of his body very aware of just how much he’d longed for her. He groaned, pulling from the kiss his words thick with need. “Fuck, Love. Yer playin with fire here.”
She smirked at him, the words spilling from her. “I don’t mind fire.”
He moaned his hips rocking against her on their own accord eager to chance even the slightest hint of stimulation from the woman he’d feared he would never have a chance to have ever again.
He spoke that jealous little voice, unable to stop itself from working the words from him. “I have to know, Love. Did ye really fuck that cop bastard?”
She sighed, deciding that lying to him would just be cruel. She pulled her hand from his crotch ignoring the low whine that left him. “No, Filip. The last guy I slept with is you.”
He nodded his head frantically, a sense of relief washing over him. “Aye, okay…even still...”
He paused for a moment finding the words unable to stop himself from still feeling possessive of her. “I’m going to fuck ye so hard yer going to forget that guys name”
She felt a wave of lust wash over her that she knew Chibs was only capable of dragging from her. “Please.”
His lips met hers, the kiss somewhat harsh that possessive voice in the back of his head insisting that he had to claim her right here right now. She was his and she needed to be reminded of it.
His lips left hers pressing down her neck nipping at her skin roughly sucking against any marks his teeth may have left behind ensuring she’d have plenty of love bites to remind her of who she belonged to. 
His hands roamed her body she practically melting against him doing all she could to run her hands across his back caressing him over the leather of his kutte.
He ran his hands up her body yanking the front of her dress down so hard he was amazed it didn’t rip the fabric. His lips pressed down her chest nipping at the delicate skin along her cleavage wanting to leave his mark there as well.
She moaned, her head falling back, his name leaving her lips. He groaned against her his words muffled against her skin. “Aye that’s right, Love. Say my name, let everyone know jus who ye belong to.”
He yanked her bra down her breasts spilling from the cups, his lips locking down over a breast suckling harshly a whine leaving her.
He ran a hand up her dress along her hip caressing her skin as his lips focused on her breasts nipping at the skin and taking her nipples between his lips suckling eagerly.
She whined as he wasted no time to slide a hand along the lace of her panties, a groan leaving him the noise vibrating against her breast as he continued to suckle.
His hand slid eagerly under the waistband of her panties, his fingers finding her slit. He grunted rubbing her for a moment before allowing his fingers to slide between her damp center. He thrust his fingers in her stroking her walls, her knees practically buckling.
He spoke pulling from her breasts his voice sounding almost awestruck. “Yer so fuckin beautiful, so fuckin wet fer me. Just grippin down on my fingers pullin me in. This pussy missed me, aye?”
She nodded her head wordlessly a whine leaving her his fingers stopping a frustrated noise leaving her. He spoke his voice demanding. “Tell me, Love.”
“I missed you so much, Filip.” She admitted the words so needy and so true. 
He groaned, rewarding her with a thrust of his fingers curling them just right to hit a part of her that made her tremble against him. “Good girl. That’s my lass. Drippin down my fingers takin em so well.”
She moaned, not caring who might just hear her. She was sure a marching band could make their way down the alley at the moment and she would not give a damn as good as she felt at the moment.
His fingers slid across her clit, the action making her knees grow all the wobbly, her fingers digging into the leather of his kutte a high pitched whine leaving her. “Fuck.”
He smirked, rubbing circular patterned into the sensitive bud, the action making a few more curses leave her lips. 
He balanced stimulation to her clit with the thrust of his fingers into her core, the action making her feel dizzy. The only thing she could focus on was rocking her hips to chase the stimulation he provided. 
He spoke a teasing tone to his voice. “Christ, look at ye, Love. Riding my fingers, so needy fer me. Ye love this don’t ye? Me fingerin ye in the alley where anyone might see us.”
She whined nodding her head knowing this was the most risky thing she’d ever done in her life and she found it thrilling.
She knew she’d realistically be mortified if anyone walked upon this, but the risk of it all made her wetter than she was sure she’d ever been in her entire life.
He spoke, pushing her all the more. “Imagine if yer fuckin date walked up on this aye? Saw ye riding my fingers moanin fer me like a whore. Fuckin seein I’m the only one who can make ye feel this good by my fingers alone.”
“You make me feel so fucking good, Filip. No one else feels this good.” She whined the statement, working a moan from him, his lips pressing to hers in a deep bruising kiss.
She continued to ride his fingers eager to chase a release.
He encouraged her his voice demanding as he pulled from the kiss. “Play with yer clit, Love. Touch that pussy while you ride my fingers.”
She moaned, pressing her fingers to his lips, he taking them between his lips sucking them wetting them for her.
She pulled her hand from his lips reaching down as he demanded toying with her clit, the task not easy with the fuss of working around the skirt of her dress and her panties.
She rubbed circles into her clit frantically trying to increase the pleasure she felt.
She whined the heat beginning to pool in her abdomen, a coil tightening within her proving that she was so incredibly close to falling over the edge.
She spoke the words needy. “Going to cum.”
“That’s my love. Want ye to fuckin cum. Cum on my fingers, sweetheart. Let go fer me.” He encouraged her his eyes unable to leave her as she neared her release, her skin flushed, her lips parted, her head fallen back, her chest heaving. 
She was unable to stop the high pitched moan from leaving her as she let go her thighs shaking her center clenching and unclenching around his fingers.
He continued to finger her throughout the orgasm he moaning his cock throbbing desperate to be within her his manhood feeling envious of his fingers.
She whined as she came down from her orgasm, his touch becoming too much all too quickly. She slumped against him as he pulled his fingers from her.
She kept a tight grip on him almos sure she’d collapse to the ground if he was not holding her up.
She moaned as he pulled his fingers up to his lips, sucking them, cleaning her taste from them, a satisfied groan leaving his lips.
 He pulled his fingers from his lips pressing his lips to hers sharing her taste with her. She moaned against the kiss his hand roaming her body as she recovered from the intensity of her orgasm.
He pulled from the kiss his words needy. “Want ye so bad, Love. Let me fuck ye.”
She whined nodding her head the words that left her just as full of need. “Please, Filip. Need you so much.”
He groaned, reaching down and unfastening his belt with skilled hands. He unzipped his jeans unbuttoning them. He yanked his boxers down just enough to pull his hard cock from the confines of the fabric.
She moaned, reaching between them her hand wrapping around his cock he grunting at the touch. Her thumb ran along his slit spreading the precum leaking from him, he moaning at the action.
He spoke resisting the urge to thrust against her hand though the temptation to spit in her hand and demand she jerk him off a tempting one. "Shite, m'love."
He could picture cumming from her touch spilling his release against her hand, maybe even letting a little of it land on her sweet little dress. He smirked at the thought a possessive voice in the back of his head exclaiming that he’d mark her so clearly making it obvious she was all his.
He spoke his voice demanding as he reluctantly pulled from her touch. “Get rid of those panties, Love. Give me room to fuck ye.”
She did was she was told, reaching down to place her fingers under the waistband of her panties, sliding them down her legs letting them land against the concrete below them not caring what happened to them as long as it meant having his perfect cock buried in her.
He groaned, taking himself in hand, sliding it along her wet pussy, the words leaving him. “Gonna fuck ye so good, Love. Gonna ruin ye for any other man.”
“Already have.” She whined the words so honest. 
She knew her heart was his. She was trusting him to take care of her and make this right with her.
He groaned the words spilling from him. “Fuckin ruined me too, Sweet Lass. Ye belong with me. Yer all I fuckin want, forever.”
He moved his hands to her thighs encouraging her to wrap her legs around his hips allowing him to press her against the wall for support.
She wrapped her arms around him clutching on to him desperately trusting him to keep her held upwards. She spoke the words needy. “I’m addicted to you. You’re mine.”
He spoke positioning his cock at the entrance the words possessive. “Yer fuckin mine too. My ol lady, only mine, till the breath leave my body.”
She didn’t have a chance to respond as he slid himself home entering her inch by inch hissing at the sensation of her velvety soaking walls enveloping his cock. 
He spoke his words low and full of praise. “Perfect fuckin pussy. Belongs wrapped round me, only me.”
“Only you.” She moaned agreeing her head falling back as he began to rock against her his hips jerking against her desperately proving he was intent on fucking her.
His hips rocked against her frantically pushing her back up against the wall, his hand reaching up to press to the back of her head not wanting to slam her head into the rough brick wall behind them.
She whined clutching on to him all the tighter, letting herself sink into the sensation of him. Her lips pressed to his trying her best to muffle her moans.
He moaned against her lips the sensation of her wrapped around him so heavenly. He knew no one had ever felt so incredible wrapped around him.
He may have taunted her commenting that he was capable of fucking her so hard that she couldn’t walk the next day, but it was the truth. He knew she was so capable of taking all he had to give her.
She thrived equally on the rougher encounters they had as well as the softer slow love making sessions. Each time he had the privilege of taking her he was reminded of how lucky he was.
He had not been lying. She had ruined him for other women. 
He was hopelessly devoted to her. She took him so perfectly and she loved him so deeply. She loved him for all he was, even his imperfections. She saw the good in him that others disregarded.
She was his saving grace at the end of the day. He knew he could protect her. He could make sure she could remain his sweet loving ol lady who made him shortbread and slept peacefully by his side at night trusting him to care for her.
He kept thrusting in her his hips not losing speed knowing he was desperate not only to chase his release but to help her reach hers as well. 
He spoke his voice low and filled with adoration. “Look at ye, fuckin cock drunk on me. Can’t think bout nothin but how good I feel.”
She whimpered, nodding her head the words struggling to leave her lips. “Feels so good, Filip.”
He spoke a moan of approval leaving him. “Feels perfect, Love. Takin my cock so well. Shite, I love ye.”
“Love you.” She responded, her fingers digging into his back as he continued to take her against the wall.
She whined, able to hear the sounds of cars passing by only feet away.  The alleyway was dark enough out and there were no lights nearby to reveal that she was being fucked in such a public place.
This felt so filthy but so perfect. This was so dangerous, just as dangerous as him, and she loved it. She loved how risky this felt. She loved the man desperately fucking her making her center ache around him dripping against his cock. 
She knew he was the only man on this entire planet who could make her feel this good and the only man she would trust to take her in such a vulnerable place.
He would protect her; she knew this. She trusted him to take care of her and keep her safe. He would prove to her that he was devoted to her and would cherish her heart just as dearly as she cherished his.
He moaned the words leaving his lips. ‘Gonna take ye slower the second I get ye home. Gonna take ye so many times tonight, Lovely girl. Gonna remind ye that this pussy belongs to me.”
She whined, nodding her head frantically. “Missed you so much, Filip.”
He groaned, nodding his head. “Aye, missed ye, Love. Never goin to make ye miss me again. Never gonna fuck this up ever again, Love. Gonna keep ye by my side as long yer willin to have me.”
“Want you forever.” She whined the words so certain, making his heart ache with absolute adoration.
“Aye, forever.” He worked out his eyes locked on her, she by far the most stunning woman he’d ever seen and ever had the privilege of loving. 
She moaned, her hand pulling from his back sliding down her body finding her slick clit. He moaned realizing what she was doing as she began to rub at the bud of nerves so eagerly. “Such a good lass. Touchin that pussy fer me. Jeysus, Love. Play with yer wee clit make yerself cum on this cock.”
She whimpered his words encouraging her, she wanting to make herself cum for him. She wanted him to know how good he made her feel. She wanted him to know he was the only man capable of making her feel so good. 
He spoke becoming lost in lust, the words falling from him, his balls aching knowing he was closer than he’d prefer to be. “Fuckin cum on my cock and let me cum in ye. Fuck, make yerself cum. Wanna fill ye up so bad. Want my cum to drip from ye. Gonna fuckin put yer panties back on ye, not clean ye up even. Want ye to know I’m claimin what’s mine. Gonna be our wee secret, Gonna take ye home on my bike with my cum leakin from ye.”
She moaned at the statement knowing he was truly the only man who could say such absolute filth to her without her feeling bashful. If anything the dirty talk just egged her on.
She’d not had too many partners prior to him but he was by far the best she’d ever had. 
She rubbed her clit knowing just how to touch herself to help her along the path to a release. She’d had more experience in getting herself off before meeting Chibs Telford.
She’d discovered that with Chibs around she rarely had to rely on getting herself off. He was always eager to make her feel incredible even when he was exhausted.
She felt her toes curl at the sensations building up in her, she knowing it wouldn’t be much longer now.  She could feel her orgasm building in her, the fire spreading through her knowing it would burn so hot for him. 
She trembled against him, her thighs growing tense, her body jerking against him. Her fingers did not let up on her clit, her center clenching around his cock eagerly attempting to milk his release from him as she fell over the edge.
She pressed her lips against his a cry leaving her lips as she came.
He moaned the feel of her fluttering around his cock absolute perfection. It did not take long for his own end to sneak up on him, his balls drawing up close to his body, his cock throbbing.
He spilled into her as he fell over the edge, his words spilling against her lips, his accent growing so thick she could not even make out the words. “Fuckin take it, Love. Yer mine.”
She whined the warmth of his release filling her in hot spurts making her shudder against him. She clung on to him, her body feeling weak and so incredibly satisfied. 
He moaned the last of his release, desperately spilling from him into her his own knees feeling wobbly.
He pressed her further into the wall knowing he felt shaky enough that he feared not being able to hold her up as well as he should.
He pressed lazy kisses to her lips a low moan leaving him as he softened enough to slide from her body a shudder leaving him as the cold air hit his spent cock.
He spoke a drowsy giggle leaving him. “Christ, Love. Thank God fer the pill.”
She felt her own giggle leave her, she shaking her head. “Beats the hell out of condoms.” 
He smirked knowing she was the first woman he’d been with in a long while where condoms weren’t an absolute necessity. 
His experiences prior to her had consisted of croweaters who he was so not going into fucking without a rubber. 
He’d made it quite clear to her though that he only had eyes for her and he had a clean bill of health. So the pill had become their main form of contraception until the day they decided they might want to bring a few tiny Telfords into the world.
It was a possibility they’d discussed, and Chibs had been shocked to find that he didn’t mind the idea of possibly giving her a child at some point in the future even if it worried him to know he’d most likely be an older parent.
The idea of her having his child did fill him with an undeniable sense of pride though. 
She lowered her thighs from his hips he continuing to hold her up her knees feeling like jello at the moment.
She rolled her eyes not missing the proud smirk on his lips at the realization that he’d made her so unsteady on her feet especially in heels.
He tucked himself back into his boxers hastily zipping his jeans back up and refastening his belt.
He pressed his lips to hers lowering her dress back down the words leaving him. “Never goin to risk losin ye again, m’love. Need ye in my life. Never fuckin this up ever again. I love ye.”
She placed a hand on his cheek, her lips pressing to his, the words spilling from her. “I love you too, never letting you take the risk of losing me again. You can’t get rid of me, Filip. I’m yours.”
He nodded his head, a sense of comfort washing over him any fears he’d had of tainting her or destroying her seeming way too far away to grasp. “I’m yours. Ye ain’ gettin rid of me either.”
She closed her eyes as he held her against him, rocking her against him soaking up the comfort of belonging to one another.
Her heart once again felt full.
She knew they would not part again. He was hers just as much as she was his.
She would never lose him ever again.
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seafoamdew · 1 year
For your promps can you do jack and hiccup as Achilles and Patroclus from “The song of Achilles” :0
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First of all, how fking dare you-
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drakoneve · 9 months
How do you think tig would be with a cat person since he's the resident dog lover?
ooo okay okay!!
so the first time Tiggy comes over to your place you'd already pre-warned him that your two fluffy felines, Margie and Skit, would be curious about him. He didn't think anything of it at first because cats are cats.
In all his years Tig had never connected with a single cat the way he had his precious dogs. Cats were too independent for Tig, who needed the emotional connection of a more dependant loyal little friend. But he knew, from the way you spoke of them, the way your face light up as you turned the key and pushed your front door open to be greeted by Margie and Skit, that these cats were something special.
That evening as you made dinner in the kitchen, Tig was determined to befriend your kitties. He first started with the treats you handed him, which warmed Margie and Skit up to the biker.
As you chopped vegetables to fry, you stole glances into the living room. Tig had shed his precious kutte and his boots to sit on the floor. He had one of your feather on a stick toys in one hand playing with Skit, the other hand petting Margie who laid next to his thigh.
Tig looked up just then to catch your eyes. His face broke out into that big goofy smile you loved. "I think they like me, baby," he says triumphantly."
You smile at him, heart swelling with the love you had for this man. "I had faith in you, Tigger."
"Really, I should have known," he shrugs. "Pussies usually like me."
You can't help but laugh and shake your head before turning back to dinner. "Oh my god. How did I not see that coming?"
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ravennaortiz · 6 months
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Hello Lovelies! I have made some updates in regards to request. Below you will find the characters I write for and the current prompt list. I am more than happy for you to include things such as fluff, smut, Angst or minor details.
I am also open to headcanons or ask about any of the guys below! Want to know what I think? Send me your question as an ask and I'll let ya know!
Simple Rules: Must be 18+. Choose a character and prompt. Send me an ask.
Return to Masterlist
Prompt List
You hate me.
I'm not the right man for you.
Why did you save me?
Are you hurt?
I can take care of myself.
Are you afraid of me?
Stay away from my sister.
Your drunk. No I'm not.
Will you let me take you out?
Shit. Theres only one bed.
I'm not enough for you.
Do you wanna come in?
I promise.
Please, be okay.
Are you gonna kiss me or not?
Your scars are beautiful.
I love you.
Go slow
Lets get married
Like what you see?
Make me
You are more than a one night stand.
No panties?
Don't act shy now.
Tell me
What if someone sees?
You look better in my clothes.
Give me attention
I need you.
You're mine.
Are you blushing?
Say it
Dont touch me.
Want a hug?
Who was that?
Blank is your dad/brother? Why didn't you tell me! ( let me know if you have a specific guy in mind)
That hurt/hurts
How did you get that bruise/those bruises?
Lets have a baby
I would kill for you
I'm scared
Please dont hurt me
I thought you were dead
I did something terrible
we cant be friends
kill me
will you pretend were on a date?
you could have died
I miss you
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
1. Abel Teller 18+
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Abel Teller 18+
Y/n P.O.V
         When I first became friends with Abel and Thomas people told me they'd get me hurt, but I obviously didn't listen. We grew up together, running around the compound, and causing trouble. When my parents died the club took me in, and I have the biggest family I could ever imagine. The only time things got hectic is when this cop would come around asking questions, and would only pissed people off. Like when they told Thomas the truth about Tara, and then told Abel he almost died because of Wendy. They both went to the cabin, Thomas came back after four months, but Abel stayed for almost a year. When he came back he told the club he wanted to join, but they didn't take him seriously. It wasn't until yesterday when Jax and Abel got into a fight about him being a prospect. 
"I've seen everything you do anyways. What's the problem?"Abel argues.
"Because there's deeper shit you have no idea about!'' Jax yells back. 
"I can handle it. I've survived this far." Abel just shrugs as he sits his beer down. 
"I knew I should've made your mother take you away, but no she wanted you to be here in Charming." Jax sighs. "You can't join the club, and be okay later. It eats away at you. I've tried for so long to get this club in order, but you can't stop a train wreck." Jax shakes his head as he walks into their meeting room.
          The bar is quiet until Abel slammed the door behind him, and they went back to what they were doing. I look at the door, thinking how Jax could be right, and how much pain I've seen the ol ladies go through. Abel won't listen though, he's always had a timer even when we were kids, and he beat up this boy for making a constant noise. Thomas sitting across from me takes me out of my mind. Now Thomas is different, he's more of the quiet, shy guy, but like they say you have to watch those quiet ones. Thomas learned a lot from Happy, so I could only imagine what he can actually do.
"Can you go calm him down? I can't deal with him today." He asks.
      I nod, drinking the last of my beer, before walking outside. By the slamming of metal it didn't take long to figure out where he was, so I headed toward the garage. He was crouched by his bike, mumbling under his breath, and throwing tools around. 
"Abel." I softly say as I shut the door. 
"What (y/n)?" He doesn't turn from his bike. 
"I just wanted to check on you." I tell him as I mess with a wrench on his table. 
"Yes, sure. Thomas told you to come out here, and honestly I wish you wouldn't." He grumbles. 
"I wanted to check on you before he even said a word to me, and if you're going to be an ass I won't check on you." I snip at him. "I hope you lose a lug nut." I curse him as I turn away.
       He grabs my wrist before I could walk away, pulls me down so he is sitting on the ground with me sitting sideways on his lap. I can never breathe when he is this close to me. 
"I'm not trying to be an ass to you." His hand rubs my thigh. "I just want them to leave me alone, and let me make my own choices." He rants. 
"What if he's right, Abel?" I lean my head against his chest. "What if something happens to you?" 
"I'm not saying nothing will happen. I'm saying I'm not running in fear of what could happen." He leans his chin against the top of my head. 
"If this is seriously what you want then I'll be there whenever you need me." I softly say.
       I feel a hand hold onto my side as the hand on my thigh moves my face up, so I'm looking up at him. 
"I'll always need you." He kisses me softly. 
        His stubble burns my face as our kiss turns deeper, and his fist tightens in my hair. The hand on my thigh slides up to the dip of my waist. We pull back just a bit, enough I can feel his tongue wet his bottom lip. Talking in the yard has us pulling away, and he helps me stand. I stop him when he goes to mess with his tools again. 
"Please be careful." I beg as I walk out.
        When I walk outside Jax and Thomas are standing next to their bikes. I just go back to the bar, and just leave as people come in for the club party. 
Abel's P.O.V.
       I lit a cigarette as I watched her get into her car, and drive out the lot. I knew she wanted to tell me not to join, like everyone else, but she would never tell me to not do something. As I walk toward Thomas my dad comes out of the bar, and toward us. 
"I'm joining." I tell them before I walk away. "Oh, and don't use her against me anymore." I yell over my shoulder as I go into the bar. 
       Over the next six months I'm put through the most stupid bullshit, and I do it to prove my point. I haven't seen (y/n) lately, that's on me for working so much, but I think it's my dad seeing if he could push my buttons enough. The only time we really have time together is at night when everyone is asleep. 
       Right now I'm at her apartment, everyone was busy doing their own thing, so I snuck over here. As soon as I walked through the door she asked if I was hungry, for her cooking always. 
"How are things going?" She asks, turning the stove off. 
"It's going. I think I'm getting more work than usual." I grumble.  
         She walks to stand in between my legs as she giggles at my grump face, she says it reminds her of one of those wrinkly dogs. My hands rested on her hips to get her to stand perfectly still, so I could rest my forehead on her stomach. 
"You're just grumpy, because it's been four days." She laughs when I snap my head up. 
"That's too long." I place her on top of the table.
        The smile on her face has me dropping to my knees pulling her pj shorts off, and pulling her closer to the edge of the table. Her hands grip in my hair as I kiss up her thigh.
(Y/n) P.O.V.
         I love how he kisses my body before he actually touches me, but he knows I hate it when he teases me. 
"Abel please." He just chuckles at my frustrated moan. 
"I know, baby. I'll get there." He talks softly, making me relax.
         I almost come off the table when he finally connects his tongue to my clit, and gives a hard lick. His tongue moves over my opening, and he has to hold me down from moving so much. I couldn't hold back my release when he locked eyes with me, and gripped my leg to his shoulder. He stands over me with my legs on his shoulders. He kisses me deeply as he enters me, and lets me get comfortable. We both have to pull back to moan when he starts to move. 
"Abel...you…please." My head arches back against the table when he somehow understands me, and rams into me quickly.
         The grip he has on my hips is so hard I just know I'm going to get bruises, but I wouldn't dare tell him to stop. He pounds into me so hard the table scratches the floor. I just grip the end of the table, and lean back on the cool table. He moves a hand up my body, through my chest, to my throat with a hard grip as he uses my body for his own pleasure. 
"God look at you." He groans as I grip his wrist to push harder on my throat. "I love when you let me take you." He leans his head against my thigh as he groans."I could stay inside you all day baby." 
         My eyes roll back as my body feels like it's floating over us just watching him pound into me, and bite my thigh. I couldn't slow down my release as it hits me like a train, but he doesn't stop. He has my legs completely pushed against my chest as he moves in and out of me. I wrap an arm around my knees to hold them still as he spanks the back of my thighs. 
"Abel!" We moan together as he releases. 
          My legs fall to his waist as his head falls to my chest, and with him still inside of me he carries me to my room. I kiss along his neck and shoulder as I feel him get hard again. Just as he lays me down on the bed his phone rings, and he grumbles in my chest. 
"God damn it. Baby I'm so sorry." He kisses my forehead. "I have to go." He pulls away. 
"I understand, just come back." I smiled up at him. 
         He gets our clothes, and as he is getting dressed he kisses me hard. I giggle as I fall back from how hard his kiss is, but his phone ringing again stops him. He grabs his phone as he rushes to put the rest of his clothes. I could tell it's Jax when he answers, because he's completely distracted. I am pulling clothes out of my dresser when I'm spun around, and kissed against the dresser. He smirks at me as he walks out. 
"Dad, I'm standing in front of my bike now." I heard as the front door shut. 
Six months later
         Abel's been a prospect for a year now, and he's finally being patched in tonight. Obviously he doesn't know, because they have parties every Friday. When he walks in I'm serving drinks, and he comes behind me, grabbing my ass. 
"I won't get too drunk tonight." He says into my neck. 
"Yea right." I laugh at him, knowing the truth. 
         He's about to give me a mouthy answer, Jax calls him into church, and after a quick glance at me he goes into the room. When the doors open about thirty minutes later my stomach is swarmed with butterflies, but I calm down when they are pushing and laughing. Abel looks good in his new kutte, and he knows it. I look at Jax, leaning against the door, watching his son cheer with his brothers with regretful and proud eyes. I walk over to him, and give him a hug. 
"You can't always protect him, Jax. He's going to do what he wants." I slightly laugh, hoping to lighten him up. 
"Yea I know. He's definitely a Teller." He looks down at me. "At least he has you to keep him in line." 
"EVERYONE! Hey, I have something to say!" Abel yells over everyone to quiet down. "Okay I just wanted to say was fuck all of you for what you did to me, and I know my ol lady would agree when I say I'm never taking this kutte off." He gets pulled around as they cheer with him.
       When he said ol lady Jax looked at me, I was stuck looking at Abel. Ol lady? Who? Abel got through the crowd, smiling so wide at me. When he steps in front of me I just look at him.
"What? Aren't you happy?" He asks, very confused.
"Ol lady?" I cross my arms.
"Yes ol lady. I wasn't wasting my time with you.'' He pulls me to his chest. "I told you I'll always need you." He kisses me, only stopping because they guys make noises behind him. 
         A week after his patch in party I found out I was pregnant, and it first seemed like Abel wasn't excited about it. He just said alright, and then went to work on his bike. I didn't take it too well, which led to me going back to my apartment, but he came that night with a little baby onesie with the reaper on it. He said he was freaking out, scared he wouldn't be good for us, but I told him he was the best thing already. Grace, after Tara, was born and Abel was so much in love with her. Whenever she'd make a noise he'd look at her, or rush to check on her. When she first said Dada I thought he'd blow up. 
          I became pregnant with our son Conner "Little" when Grace was six. His nickname came from him being a premature baby, but sadly he had the family flaw. It took so much to get Abel to understand it wasn't his fault. Conner grew up to be just as strong as Abel. Abel became president after Conner's second birthday. 
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nocturnal-milk-dud · 9 months
Attack of the Spooky Season Requests! ⚰️
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Please send one piece of media and one character. Here are a couple of fics from previous years if you want to get an idea of what these will look like.
If you don't care for any of the media I have listed (honestly that's fair) there's also a creature feature option. Send me your character of choice and a creature.
If you don't see a piece of media or a character that you wish you did let me know and I'll see what I can do. Characters and media from previous years are an option as well. Except From Dusk Til Dawn that one's in a cool down
As with all horror there's the potential for main character death, sluttiness, and smut. If you have a preference regarding smut, let me know. I usually just go with how I'm feeling. However, if your request is anonymous or your age is not listed in your bio, then the potential for smut is zero.
Send me as many as you want. Requests will close October 30th.
Also I apologize if any of the lists are difficult to read, if you have any questions, please let me know
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Let's go!
@massivecolorspygiant @acrossthesestars @cheesybadgers @withmyteeth @heythere-mel @unicorn-cloud @maevesdarling @cruzwalters @saltyunicorn079 @artemiseamoon @thesandbeneathmytoes @guiltgoreglory @brattyfics @cregan-starks @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @chocoholicbec @heresathreebee @axreliono
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manipulatiff · 4 months
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joyfulfxckery · 2 years
Request/prompt for chibs being his sweet self?
Sorry, it took so long but I hope you enjoy your date!
*Any Scottish Gaelic I use is provided by Google*
Part One
Mo ghràdh, (My love)
Be ready at 7 pm, I'll meet you in front of the house.
Love, Filip
That's it. That was the whole note which was attached to this beautiful royal blue dress/suit that was delivered to the house at noon by a Samcro prospect who was also holding a single black rose.
You continued on the rest of your day like usual while wondering what this was for. "It's not any special occasion... Am I missing something?"
"Oh my Gods, did I forget something?" With an exasperated sigh after trying to wrack your brain for clues as to what's goin' on, you check the clock that reads 5 pm and decide to go get ready. After having a thorough shower, making sure you're shaved and scrubbed, you put on your housecoat to do your hair and make-up, if you want it. Deciding to make loose curls with your hair parted to the side and put some light makeup on, a more or less natural look, not knowing exactly where he's taking you makes it seem silly to put on an elegant look and I think only Gemma sees the need to go bold in a small town like Charming. When you're happy with how you look you put on the dress/suit while silently praying that it fits right, you go to look in the mirror and see that it fits perfectly.
"I have a feeling Gemma or Venus helped pick it." You say aloud as you spin slowly in the mirror, doing a once over and if you have the dress you watch the skirt spin. With the dress, you pick out your favourite silver strappy heels and with the suit, your black dress shoes silver with the last touch on both outfits being the necklace Filip gave you when he first said he loves you, a half a heart made of silver on a small silver chain.
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(Sorry if you don't like the dress, it was the closest I could find that matches😅)
The alarm on your phone goes off to say that it's time so after looking yourself over in the mirror you smile and grab your phone off the end of the bed before heading downstairs while sliding your phone, wallet and lipstick into the black clutch you decided to use earlier. After making sure you have everything you might need, you grab your keys and open the front door, turning to lock it before looking back where your eyes, out of habit, immediately go to the driveway. The sight makes you choke on nothing. How does he look so effortlessly good? It's unfair. He's just sitting on his bike. In a suit. A fucking suit. With, of course, his cut. He always wears that unless he can't, it's like a second skin. Does he know what he's doing? Does he do it on purpose to fuck with me(Us)?
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"Are you just gonna stand there sweetheart?" His thick accent cuts through your thoughts causing you to snap out of your thoughts and look to see that he's smirking. Shaking your head slightly you walk to stand beside him, as you get closer you take in little notes; your outfit colour that matches his tie and he has his necklace on, his half of the heart that's black and on black thread. He always thinks of little details that seem to make your heart soar. His eyes are looking over you as his smile gets wider until he stops at your half of the matching neckless you added on a whim then he smiles with a gentle shake of his head.
"Good evenin' luv." He wraps his arm around your waist when you stand beside him, reaching up to touch your neckless with a smile, while you wrap a loose arm around his shoulders. "You look stunnin', I should pick clothes for you more often."
"You picked this?" I guess the shock showed because he laughed.
"Why are ya so shocked luv?"
"I thought Gemma or Venus helped you pick it." At that, he feigned being hurt while holding a hand to his chest.
"You've wounded me mah dear, you think I don't know what would fit my baby?"
You smile and laugh, leaning down to kiss his mouth in apology, "I'm sorry Chibby." He seems to think about it for a second before shaking his head in response.
"One kiss just won't take away the pain away sweetheart." He says with a smirk forming before gently pulling on your small chain necklace to put your lips against his into another more passionate kiss. It lasts until you both need air, both of you breathing heavily towards the other as he laughs at the little dazed state you have going on. Yes, he knows and he does it on purpose. You huff playfully at him and which causes him to laugh again while reaching toward the luggage bag on the side that holds your helmet and giving it to you, placing it on your head before you hold the hand that was waiting for you use to help balance yourself while getting behind him. While he still has your hand he brings it to his lips to leave a kiss before placing it down on his stomach so you could wrap your arms around him. After putting on his helmet he starts his motorcycle, backs out of the driveway and heads towards wherever you're supposed to go.
He pulls into one of the more expensive restaurants in the town to your surprise after. He backs into a spot and shuts the engine off and waits for you to get off, keeping still so you can use his shoulders as leverage. You stand beside and take off your helmet, shaking out your curls and putting the helmet back in its spot before waiting for him to stand. Which he does and then takes your hand in his before starting to walk towards the doors, when you two go in there's a sign that says to wait to be seated, he pulls you in front of him to wrap his arms around you as you two come to a stop and wait, you smile and place your hands on his arms. If you have long hair he gently pulls it off of your neck, he nuzzles his face in your neck and places small kisses in various spots while gently swaying the both of you.
When the waitress comes up and asks if it's just the two of you, Chibs nods without lifting his head up, with the hint of a blush as she escorts you to your table. Chibs lets go of you so he can get a couple of steps ahead and pull out your chair for you, you smile while nodding in thanks and sit down. After he pushes you in he gets in his own chair as the waitress sets your menus on the table before excusing herself.
"Order anything you want, Mo ghràdh." (My love)
"Anything, Chibby?" He smiles and nods in reply with,
"Yes, luv, this is a treat for you."
"I knew I didn't miss anything." You let out a soft laugh, "Why you treating me Chibby?" He reaches his hand to the middle of the table so he can wrap it around yours. His smile never fading while he looks at you and explains in his Scottish accent.
"Tha club has been so hectic with the Cartel an' the extra time I've been away an' you haven't complained, you've been my own personal Saint, sweetheart."
With a blush, a small smile graces your features as you squeeze his hand. You have nothing to say as you stare at the man you love across the table from you. There was a sparkle in your eye as you stared at him and it made Chibs falter as he realized just how much he missed you and how much he needs this time with you. Almost as much as you needed this time with him. You may not have complained, because you knew your love is stretched thinner than one would think possible. But you definitely missed him before all this cartel shit going on. You never agreed to the clubs' decision, but only being an old lady didn't give you much say in club business.
"A-mhàin dhut, Mo Ghràdh. (Only for you, my love.)" Hearing your soft response he smiles, always happy to hear you speak his home language.
~ Ghoulie 💜
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Jax Teller x Alessandra Trager
For @hcwthewestwaswcn
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witchthewriter · 1 year
Do you know if you have a ton of soa reqs? I'm sorry to keep bothering you but I don't wanna pile on if you have a ton! Have a good day<3
I don't have any :)
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freerebelmentality · 5 months
Requests are open!!!
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mybxdcruz · 1 year
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My request rules.
Put the character you wish to request for in the ask as ones without verification will be discarded, thanks!
Nothing about Rape, Incest, Pedophilia, Scat/Piss play, abusive relations (no matter who it is) and other bodily fluids (i.e. vomit) will be accepted.
Respectful and Kind is what I like!
Make sure you have okay-ish grammar! If you don’t speak english/speak it well it’s okay, I understand.
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I may update these in the future, thanks!
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Chibs with a reader around the same age as Juice and they do it on Chibs’s bike at the club house thinking nobody is there but they get caught by a few of the members
Teach Me How to Ride.
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Synopsis - Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
Pairing - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Female Reader
Warnings - smut. cursing. age gap.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - thank you SO much for this request, anon. it made me feral. that old man owns me and i'm not sorry about it. always open to SOA and chibs requests. <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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"Any weekend plans, darlin'?"
You smile at the blonde man sat on the other side of the bar you're wiping down.
"Nothing too exciting. I think I'm gonna try and get out on my bike."
His brows raise in curiosity.
"You have a bike now?"
"Yeah. Chibs is teaching me how to ride."
"I bet he is."
You roll your eyes at the snickers that come from the other guys who are dotted around the room.
"Real mature, Jax."
"Is he charging you for these lessons, or are you paying him in other ways?"
You put down your cloth and look up.
"I'll jump over this bar and beat your ass right now, Tig. Don't think I won't."
They all laugh, and you can't help but chuckle along with them. You know they mean well. They'd do anything for you, in a heartbeat.
Eventually, the sun sets, and all of the guys make their way home. You've been restocking the bar, not minding staying a little later if it means you get the job done.
You're crouched down filling the fridge when you hear a familiar Scottish accent echo though the clubhouse.
"You still here, sweetheart?"
You stand up and smile at him, grinning wider when he reciprocates.
"Still here. Trying to get my shit done."
"That's my girl. Always working ten times harder than the rest of us."
You laugh, throwing him a beer.
"You're here late. How did the run go?"
"All good, nothing to worry about," he winks.
You think back to Jax's comment earlier, and decide you've had enough of avoiding the truth. You want answers. You also just kind of want to know what he'll say.
"Why does everyone think we're fucking?"
Chibs practically chokes on his drink, taken aback by your sudden brashness.
"You heard me."
He takes a moment to process, before a slow smile etches itself onto his face.
"Why do you ask that?"
"Just something Jax said earlier."
"Ignore that bastard. He doesn't think before he speaks."
You chuckle in agreement, finishing up your jobs for the day.
"You wan' a ride home?"
You nod gratefully, making sure to lock up before walking over to where Chibs is leaning against his bike. He's parked by the door, under the shelter, obscured from the yard. He slips a helmet onto your head, before standing in front of you to do up the buckle. His rough fingertips slide under your chin, clasping the straps in place. He swipes a thumb over your bottom lip gently, eyes never leaving your face.
"You're too good for me," he murmurs. "Pretty young thing like you."
"Everyone already thinks we're fucking anyway," you whisper, smirk on your face.
He chuckles lowly, before leaning in to capture your lips with his. He kisses you with need, unbuckling the helmet he just put on you and dropping it to the ground. He's grabbing at you - your hips, your ass, anywhere he can find. You've got your hands tangled in his hair, yanking roughly when he bites your lip.
The two of you waste no time. Chibs is shrugging his jacket off while unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down. You're fumbling with his belt, undoing his jeans with shaky hands. You're both high on adrenaline, desperate to feel the other person. He smashes his lips back to yours and you groan, reveling in the way he tastes like smoke and peppermint.
Chibs grabs your hips and walks you backwards, twirling you around so you're bent over his bike. You can't help but laugh, remembering what Jax had said.
"What?" he chuckles into your ear, hot and heavy against your back.
"Nothing," you giggle. "I'll tell you later. You gonna fuck me, old man, or just stand there?"
He growls under his breath and smacks your ass as punishment, smirking when you whine.
"You gonna ask me nicely, sweetheart?"
At this point, you're not above begging. Besides, you know it'll do wonders for his ego, and you don't entirely mind that.
"Please, Chibs," you whinge. "Waited so long for this."
"Oh, ya have?" he coos. "Better not keep you waitin' then."
In one smooth thrust he slides home, both of you groaning in unison. He plants a hand on the back of your neck, the other with a firm grip on your hip, providing him with leverage. He sets a steady, even pace, careful not to knock the bike over.
He tilts his hips upwards a little and you keen, seeing stars.
"Right there? Yeah? That's it, isn't it?"
You only nod in response, holding onto the motorcycle for dear life. You trust him, though. You know he won't let you fall.
"Fuck, darlin'. You feel so good."
"So close," you choke out.
"I know, I know. Can feel you squeezin' me. Come on, that's it. Good girl."
The lilt of his accent combined with the glide of his hips is lethal, sending you over the edge in no time. You see stars, heart racing and mind blank.
Your undoing is also Chibs'. He groans as he finds his release, leaning over to rest his head between your shoulders. You're both panting, chests heaving as you recover.
After a moment, the bike groans, and you both jump up, laughing as you do it. You're redressing, Chibs stealing kisses from you, when you hear a voice cut through the darkness.
"Well, shit. I was only kidding earlier."
You can hear Jax's teasing drawl before he comes into view, cocky smirk drawn across his face.
You groan as Chibs rolls his eyes and throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. Both of you know you're not going to hear the end of this for a long time.
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sprout-fics · 4 months
Sprout, you’re spoiling us with this the Valentine’s Day requests! I’m so excited to see what you come up with for them 🥰
Could I please request Soap x Reader with the following prompt?-
“If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity, and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.”
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"If I wed your sister..." (Valentines day requests)
Tags: Arranged marriage, Royalty AU, Courting, Prince Soap, Forbidden love
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The young prince of Scotland, you think, is as handsome as he is brash and bold. 
He arrives in your kingdom with great fanfare from your royal family, riding atop a great dark steed and flanked by three of his most loyal knights. His eyes are the color of a cloudless summer day, and when he speaks his voice carries the melodies of his highland home.
You are utterly besotted by him. 
At dinners held in his honor you listen raptly as he regales the court with tales of conquests, hiding giggling laughter at his sharp wit and broad smile. His eyes twinkle as he catches your own wide-eyed stare, grinning broadly at your delight.
You sister is not as enthused as you. She listens politely, but you catch her examining his fingernails, eyes wandering over to some of the prince’s heralds with their battle-worn eyes. When the prince tells her the nickname his fellows gave him, she wrinkles her nose and asks “What on earth kind of name is ‘Soap’?”
Your jealousy that she is to be his bride knows little bounds.
She seems unenthused at the prince’s attempts to woo her, entertaining them only out of duty and little else. She rises with a sigh from the sitting room you share when a maid announces the prince is there to take her on a long stroll, eyes the favors he’s given her with blatant disinterest, and returns his letters with dry responses.
You, however, watch Soap as he spars with his knights, watching with warm cheeks as the sun catches his nimble form and skin glistening with sweat. You catch him at the stables as he tends to his mare as opposed to letting some young servant boy do so. When a bard comes and strings melodies of love, he risks leaning towards you with a sarcastic remark that makes you cover your sorting laughter with a cough. 
He comes to you under the guise of seeking guidance on courting your sister, but you find yourselves hardly ever speaking of her. Instead you spend long hours discussing his homeland, the kingdom’s politics, his fondness for the arts and his time spent in battle. The brief meetings begin to evolve into a secret rendezvous after dark, sitting in a dark corner of the garden under the moonlight as you watch his eyes soften as your laughter. He catches you alone in the hallways and presses kisses to your knuckles, blue eyes never breaking contact, winking mischievously before vanishing.
You want so desperately to be his.
Yet you’re forced to keep to appearances. Your sister’s hand in marriage must come first by birthright. To have you, her younger sister, marry first would dishonor her. Instead you must wait for her to be wed before you find a match of your own. 
Yet when you ask her about the Scot her answer remains the same: “If I must.” She comments idly, eyes distracted as she watches the knights training from a balcony high above. Distracted, deferent to tradition but indifferent to the man who would be her groom. You find her instead giggling with some knight who stuffs her kerchief into his doublet, or a young marquess who sends her flowers with a love letter scrawled with praises of her loveliness. 
Yet she does not send Soap away. 
You catch him outside, staring at a lake at the perimeter of the castle grounds. His eyes are fond but lonely, gazing reminiscently at something you can’t see. When you appear at his side, his visibly brightens. 
“Reminds me of home.” He tells you. “Of the North Sea.”
You’re silent, contemplative before answering: “My sister has always hated the water.”
Soap nods, sighs.
He turns to you then, eyes grim, jaw set. It startles you, this stormy look of his, but your surprise pales to your shock at his next words. 
“Let me ask for your hand.”
You blink, tongue-tied, before offering “B-but, my sister-”
“Will never understand me.” He finishes for you, taking your hands, grimacing as he gazes down at them. “Not like you.”
You try to speak, but find yourself empty of words. At your silence, he continues.
“If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity, and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.” 
He looks up, and once more you’re enchanted by the blue of his eyes.
“I want you, bonnie. Just you.”
You find yourself lost helplessly in his gaze.
And you know inside your heart, you’ll never be able to deny him this. 
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nocturnal-milk-dud · 2 years
Revenge of the Spooky Season Requests 🗡
It's time! Put the reader and a character of your choosing in danger! Updated rules and lists are under the cut. Send if you dare mwahahaha
Please send one piece of media and one character. Here are a couple of fics from last year if you want to get an idea of what these will look like.
If you don't care for any of the media I have listed, there's also a creature feature option. Send me your character of choice and a creature.
If you don't see a piece of media or a character that you wish you did let me know and I'll see what I can do. Near Dark was not on the list last year but I found it and sat my butt down and watched it. Characters and media from last year are an option as well.
Send me as many as you want. Requests will close October 30th.
As with all horror there's the potential for main character death, sluttiness, and smut. If you have a preference regarding smut, let me know. I usually just go with how I'm feeling. However, if your request is anonymous or your age is not listed in your bio, then the potential for smut is zero.
Also I apologize if any of the lists are difficult to read, if you have any questions, please let me know
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Hit me up!
@massivecolorspygiant @acrossthesestars @cheesybadgers @eddington-munson @withmyteeth @heythere-mel @unicorn-cloud @maevesdarling @kesskirata @cruzwalters @saltyunicorn079 @1zashreena1 @mcrmarvelloki @artemiseamoon @thesandbeneathmytoes @guiltgoldglory @brattyfics
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sfehvn · 7 months
hi hello! saw you had requests open and were looking for some prompts to work on?
i hope you dont mind me sending in one :0
possessive or jealous astarion x reader maybe?
reader is divorced, has been for a while, but their ex and them are still good friends. it was a mutual, respectful separation, because the two had different life plans after being together for some time. ex is a great person with a kind heart (and js brilliant artificer or inventor maybe?) and decided to visit reader some time after the game. nothing nefarious, just some nice catching up with one of their closest friends.
just want a lil astarion jealousy here. how reader reacts is up to you. itd be fun if they just roll their eyes but indulge his possessive behavior a tad.
no need to follow everything to a T of course.
other reasons the ex could be visiting (if theyre an artificer or inventor) is because reader commissioned them for a ring or jewelry or something that lets astarion walk under the sun. fun ideas there where astarion sees the ex hand reader a ring, is almost heartbroken, but it turns out reader got the ring for him was gonna propose or something (ring lets vampires walk under the sun). some angst there wahaha
im so sorry this is so long, i had multiple ideas i wanted to offer but didnt wanna flood you.
i understand if you dont wanna work on this (these?). its still just a joy to share these. thanks!
green eyed devil
A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it! xx Rating: M (18+ minors DNI) Word count: 2,290 Characters: Astarion x Tav
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  In the months following the removal of your unwanted little brain passengers you and Astarion had been tirelessly in search of a cure for his vampiric condition. As much as you tried to discourage his masking, there were many mornings you woke to see your lover longingly staring at the covered windows surrounding your bed. Astarion would play it off cooly once the realization he’d been caught dawned on him, but he knew as well as you the agony that hid behind ruby-red eyes. The remorse ate him alive as the color in your own skin began to fade from your previously sunkissed appearance to reflect that of paleness. It stilled in comparison to his, but it was a constant reminder of the fact that, in his judgment, he’d doomed you to a life in the shadows.
  You held him close to your chest and the sound of your beating heart against his ear prompted a moment of weakness. “I feel like I’m destroying you.” His words were a shutter as they left his mouth. You place a small hand on his cold cheek at the sudden confession, commending him to look up at you.
  It was unspoken. You needed no words to tell you how sun-starved you had become and you vaguely recalled the last time you had gone out while it was still beaming. “Hey, I’m alright. We’re making decent progress and have more than a few promising leads. I’m not the slightest worried about it.” Even your reassuring smile and soothing words couldn’t placate the shame he felt.
  “Would you go for a walk at least? You thrive in the sun and instead you’re cooped up in this little room with me until sundown, darling.” You let out a sigh of disapproval and before you can argue the suggestion, he continues. “Do it for me. I can’t bear seeing you like this.” Astarion knew without a shred of doubt that one day you’d grow tired of skulking in the dark with him, given a cure was never found. He’d do everything he could to make sure it never happened. If it did, though, Astarion believed he’d have no reason to continue his miserable existence.
  After a few beats of silence, you finally nod. The look on his face was enough to tell you there was no use arguing the matter away. Evidently, this was important to him, so you sat and readied to do what he could not, what he wanted so desperately: to bathe in the rays of daylight. 
  You trudged about the city with no end in mind. Feeling the warmth of sunshine on your skin was a welcome change, and you soaked up the sensation eagerly. There was heavy remorse weighing in your chest at the thought of not being able to share this feeling with your lover all the while. You’re stopped in your tracks at the familiar face before you. “Tav! Well, you’re looking worse for wear.” The man teased. You grinned widely and wrapped your arms around him in a chaste embrace.
“I would say your words hurt, but it is a testament to your honesty, I suppose.” You quipped and stepped back to get a good look at him. It had been a lengthy amount of time since you had last seen him. You recall the last time you had been in each other’s company was when you had attended his wedding to his new wife, a lovely half-elf you had regularly messaged with. From said messages, you knew they had just welcomed a new addition to his family, and you felt great pride in the man he had become. While, yes, you had once shared a bed and a last name, it felt like a lifetime away.
  “You look well, Conrad. It seems fatherhood suits you well.” He did indeed look great, not a day older than when you had last seen him despite the years passed. Black hair that somehow always looked tousled and neat at the same time, bright green eyes with no darkness marring under them, and he’d taken to toning his physique since you’d been with him, ostensibly.
  You were both far too young when you had made the rash decision of running off and eloping together. Just as hastily as you two had agreed to spend the rest of your lives together, things had begun falling apart. Conrad wanted to settle and start creating a family as quickly as possible, while you were keen just the way you were. You were confident you never wanted children to begin with. Though your thoughts on the matter have recently changed, it is a testament that finding the right person has shown you things you weren’t even aware of about yourself before. 
  “Despite the lack of sleep, we can agree on that.” Conrad chortles gleefully, motioning you to follow him to a nearby bench. Once seated, he turns his body to face you. “You are a tough one to find, my friend. Amira told me you have been holed up in Elfsong for a while, and it was still much like digging through a needle in a haystack. The same old adventurer, hm?” He questions fondly, recalling your nature without abandon.
  “You could say that.” You shrugged casually. Your head quirks as if a thought just popped into your mind. “Why are you back in Baldur’s Gate? You should be home tending to Amira.” You think back to her last letter, detailing the struggles she had been having caring for their new babe. Conrad was a journey away.
  “I am here at her request.” He corrects with a wave of his hand. “It seems you and Astarion have troubled her heart with your story. She can’t stand the thought of two people so in love plagued by such great hardship. Ever the romantic she is.” You smile sadly as you remember your lover confined to the inn's room. He holds up a finger, beckoning your brow to crease as he dug into the pockets of his robe. A quiet ‘aha’ emerged as he seemingly located what he sought. He outstretched his hand to you, a simple silver-banded ring held between his fingertips. “It’s not the cure, of course. At the very least, your search won’t have to be restricted during daylight hours.” 
Your breath catches in your throat as you bite back tears at the kind gesture. “Conrad, I can’t believe this.” You whisper as he drops the ring into your palm. The magic-infused band feels almost as if it hums against your hand.
“Ring of the sunwalker. I must say, it was one of the most challenging feats I’ve committed to.” Conrad muses, clearly proud of his work. You had been in search of one to gift to Astarion but they were impossible to stumble upon and even more impossible to find an artificer who was skilled enough to conjure one up. You clinch the ring in your fist and pull the man into a tight hug, painfully aware of the tears that assaulted his robe.
  “Thank you, Conrad. I don’t know how to repay you or Amira for this kindness.” Your words were earnest, and you dab under your wet eyes.
  “No repayment necessary, Tav. You’re family to us. It pains us to know you’re in such a tight predicament. However, a visit once you and your other half are ready would be welcomed. Got to lay the law out and let this vampire know who he’ll have on his tail if he ever hurts you.” His teasing cadence elicited a laugh from you, bumping his shoulder playfully with your own.
  You two chat for a while longer before bidding goodbye to one another. “Just make sure that gets put to use, Tav. You look like you haven’t had a drop of sunlight in your life.” You reassure that you will with a broad smile.
  The walk back to the inn is painstakingly long given how eager you were to present Astarion with his new ring. The image of your lover once again bathed in sunlight made your heart swoon. When opening the room’s door you can hardly contain the excited smile on your lips. Astarion was unmoving on the bed, trying to slip into a meditative state when you entered the room.
  “The sun is still up, my darling—plenty of fun to be had out there.” There was feigned annoyance in his words but in reality, he was contented to have you back where he knew you were safe. There was something off, though. Astarion pushes himself onto his elbows and stares at you with narrowed eyes. The look made your breathing hitch, your smile faltering the slightest bit.
  Within a second, he’s in front of you, faces a mere inch apart. “What’s wrong?” You asked carefully, hand instinctively reaching for the ring in your pocket. You twiddle your fingers around it but hesitate to pull it out.
  “You reek.” He deadpans, inspecting your body as if searching for a physical sign you’d been laid up with another man. 
  “Well, that’s kind of rude.” You joked, but the silence that followed told you there was more to it than he’d let on.
  “You reek of another, my dear.” His words dripped with condescension, and you let out a chuckle, ready to explain away his worries.
  “Oh no, that’s just Conrad. He actually-” Before you could say anything more, you were pressed firmly between the solid oak door behind you and Astarion’s firm chest. He looks down on you, and you can’t discern if his red eyes radiate that of rage or lust. Perhaps both.
  “Your ex-husband. I leave you alone for all but a few hours, and you find your way into another man’s arms?” Accusatory words were whispered into your ear, the sensation of his soft lips tickling the sensitive skin. His fingertips firmly planted into your hip as he led you to the bed, pressing you roughly to the soft comforter you two had spent so many days wrapped up in one another atop. His greedy hands expertly flip you over. Your ass stood in attention before him, and he worked the skirt of your dress up until it pooled around your chest.
  Before you could comprehend his jealous fit, your underwear was ripped from your body, and his hard cock was buried deeply inside of you. You let out a moan at the sensation of him filling you. His hand slid up your back until it reached the back of your head, taking a fistful of your long hair into his palm as he plowed into you, hips slamming loudly against your skin throughout the otherwise quiet room—your back arches as you allowed him to take you. Your eyes rolled back, and you grasped the sheets tightly in your own hands.
  Astarion had become increasingly possessive of you since the Mindflayer incident came to a close. Still, you’d never put him in a position to react so passionately to any jealousy he may have felt. When his hand wrapped around you to make contact with your clit, you knew you were putty in this man’s hands. He rubbed slowly and firmly, his other hand still in your hair. You cried out in pleasure, everything in your mind melting away as he fucked you into the bed.
  “Bet Conrad never fucked you with such tenacity, hm, darling?” His words were confident, fastening his pace as he failed to receive an answer, a silent reminder that he expected a response from those pretty little lips.
  “N-never.” You stutter feeling winded from the intense pleasure coursing through your veins.
  “Good girl.” He grunted in response, finding a smoother pace. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer with how your drenched core gripped his cock, and his fingers continued their attention over your sensitive clit. “You’re mine. Understand?”
  You nod numbly as stars flood your vision, crying out with the orgasm that electrified your body. “Say it. Say you’re mine.” His words came from gritted teeth, and you obliged, the words falling from your mouth causing him to reach his completion, his seed filling you full. As he shifts to lay beside you, he looks at you with darkened eyes. “Why were you with him?” There was no hiding the distaste in his voice.
  “Before you so rudely, but pleasurably, interrupted me, I was going to explain that to you.” You hummed teasingly, sitting up beside him. Your dress rested around your knees as you did so and you reached for the ring in your pocket. You offered it out to him and you didn’t have to speak a word for him to know what possibilities the simple-looking ring possessed. 
  He slipped it onto his finger and stood from the bed. He walked to the covered window and pushed the curtains aside. There he stood in all his glory, the sun's rays illuminated against his pale skin. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, letting out the faintest cry of satisfaction at the warmth he had so longed to feel again. You move to stand behind him, your arms wrapped around his waist. Your forehead rests against his back, and a content smile plays on your mouth. “You thrive in the sun, too.” You pointed out softly.
  “Perhaps I owe that artificer a thank you. His scent on you tells me he touched you one too many times, though. That said, I will not like it. And I will not like him.” You knew Astarion would never accept Conrad as a friend due to his possessiveness, but you knew he was thankful. That was a step in the right direction at the least.
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