#soft kanej
You ever just having a normal day and then suddenly you remember how when Inej put Kaz’s gloves on she noticed the thin slashes in the fingertips? How she acknowledged that they were so he could keep contact with cards/coins/wallets when doing slight if hand? How she described it as ‘touch without touch’? And how it really meant that her wearing his gloves was the closest they could come to holding hands? That they were touching without touching?
Yeah me neither.
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Absolutely broken by Freddy and Amita’s performance during the butterfly antidote scene
The way Inej knows that Kaz can’t be touched but she has to in order to save his life
The pain and suffering an unconscious Kaz feels as Inej touches him
Inej’s “forgive me”
Kaz turning away so no one else can see him weak and Inej wanting to turn to him
I will never recover
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fanaddicted2000 · 9 months
I need a Fanart of Kanej laying side by side in a wild flowers field, like that moment in Twilight. It's for science.
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padfootsaphrodite · 1 year
“How is he so f!cking hot?! And respectful?!” But it’s me talking about Kaz Brekker literally murdering someone for Inej and then turning around and saying he “protects his investments”…
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dreamtigress · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday, have a short section from Thuiskomst, (Homecoming) featuring Inej coming back to Ketterdam after six weeks. Kaz greets her at Fifth Harbor, but ends up having issues with a hug in public in the rain. She meets him back at the Slat...
“I think I can offer a better hug now,” he rumbled, and Inej could hear the yearning there.
She stepped forward even as she replied, “I’d love that.”
This time they were dry, with no hats in the way, and no one to see them press together. Kaz wrapped her in his arms, and Inej was home. She returned his embrace with every fiber of her being. His lips brushed the top of her hair as he murmured, “Me mangave pa.” 
It took Inej a moment to realize what she’d heard. Oh my sweet man… your pronunciation needs a little work, but I adore you. She wasn’t about to let him go, even if she wanted to stare at him with shock for telling her in Suli that he loved her. With her face nuzzled against his soft black dress shirt, she replied softly, “Me isto, me drage.” Me too, my beloved.
They stayed entangled in each other’s arms for a few long minutes. Krai decided she needed to be a part of their reunion, and was twining around their legs. The cat was largely ignored as they communed with each other. Kaz laid kisses on Inej’s hair, lightly massaging over her leather vest. She returned the favor, rubbing his lower back. A low, satisfied groan came from him. Aside from his lips on her scalp, no skin touched yet. Just getting to be within the circle of his arms again was captivating. Inej inhaled, reveling in Kaz’s scent. But there was also the smell of hutspot and sausage and fried dough, and her stomach reminded her aloud it had been a long while since lunch on The Wraith. Kaz chuckled, the delightful sound vibrating her cheek. “I think you might be hungry, my beloved.”
Inej pulled back enough to be able to gaze up at his face, admiring the sight up close and personal. As much as she wanted more in the way of contact with him, she had to admit that eating was a solid plan. “I am. And you got us a lovely dinner, from the looks of it.”
“There’s one problem,” Kaz said with a devilish glint to his eyes. He was far more at ease now. 
Saints, I missed him like this. “Oh, and what’s that?”
“I am fairly certain I have to let you go in order for us to eat.”
Inej laughed, and watched as his face went tender, the glint in his eyes replaced with softness.
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andykilldragons · 2 years
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saratopic · 1 year
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this ship owns my heart
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
hey google play 'feel your pain' by SYML
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But seriously, can we talk about her face. She's so compassionate and gentle while she speaks to him. And the way she lets him pull away his hand after because she knows the mention of lips touching makes him sick. So understanding.
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I just found this picture two minutes ago and now I can’t live without it
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deckerstarsilcey · 1 year
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kaz & inej | six of crows | s1 vs s2
"and part of me wants to walk away 'til you really listen"
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fanaddicted2000 · 1 year
Kaz reads to Inej
"Why?" you may ask, to which I shall answer, "Why not?"
Sharing a bed is a milestone they both fought for, and it only worked thanks to a precise organization - separate blankets, long sleeves, Inej with her back to the wall, Kaz with the easiest way out. And yet the struggle continues, some nights harder than others. Tonight they both sit - it's safer than lying down. Talk to me, she asks, and he rambles on for a moment about the latest addition to the Dregs, but he can feel it's not enough tonight, his words aren't enough. Without thinking, he reaches for a book on his nightstand - some forgotten poetry lying around the club that he had intended to throw away. Maybe if he can gently jolt her out of their usual script... He picks a random page and reads Good Morning, Midnight / I'm coming Home / Day got tired of Me / How could I, of Him? His voice feels strange, unused to the way words demand to dance on his tongue, but her breathing slows and her hand slides closer to his. He reads each stanza, growing more confident with each line.You are not so fair, Midnight / I chose Day / But please take a little Girl / He turned away! With a sigh, she lays her head on his shoulder and murmurs Again, please?. So he does - how could he not? He starts from the beginning and the rasp of his voice coupled with the softness of the words slowly lulls her to sleep.
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lilyevansmywife · 1 year
Kanej is the type of ship where Inej says something like the view is incredible and Kaz says yes it's true while he looks at Inej and not at the view itself
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dreamtigress · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday, have another short section from Thuiskomst, (Homecoming). After some dinner and some reconnection time, Kaz brings up the vacation idea they'd talked about before Inej sailed off on her mission. But he's troubled, and she isn't sure why.
Inej could hear unexpected stress in Kaz’s words, and she was rather curious as to its cause. The abrupt change of topic, from the snippets he’d shared of his past, about his family, to the vacation trip, wasn’t all that surprising. She could understand him wanting to step away from the former. The things he’d said, about his father, his mother, had been heartbreaking. But why did the vacation idea sound like it also pained him? 
Keeping her voice even, she asked, “And where is that?”
“It’s…” He took a deep, shuddering breath in. “It’s down in the south. Outside Lij.”
Lij? Wait… “Outside Lij?”
“While you were away, I went down for a trip… to inspect the… the farm.”
“The farm?” Inej wanted to study his face, but she was afraid that if she pulled away from him, Kaz might freeze up. There was something different in his voice. So she stayed snuggled against him, resting on his chest, her hand on his heart. She could feel that his breathing was slightly erratic. 
So quietly it came out like the scrape of stone on stone, Kaz answered. “The farm where I grew up.”
Thuiskomst needs at least one more edit run before it goes up on A03, but I promise it will be up soon! I am also working furiously on like, the next three stories in a row, because so much of it all links up.
Soft tagging: anyone who has a WIP they wanna share!
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arany-studio · 1 year
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Six of Crowmance day 4 & 7: First "I love you" & Hand holding
Instagram • YouTube • Tiktok • Redbubble • Commissions
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frostywulf90 · 1 year
Jesper: What is one thing you’ve always wanted to say to Inej that you’ve been afraid to?
Kaz: *checking outside the window and the rafters and in the small hidey holes* You’re not just my Wraith, you’re my heart and soul and humanity, without you, what is left of me would have lived in darkness forever.
Jesper: 😧🫢
Kaz: What?
Jesper: Saints…*reaching out to poke him* It’s so life like.
Kaz: *slapping his hand away* Shut up…what about you?
Jesper: Oh no, I’m not saying a word.
Kaz: Jesper Llewelyn Fahey…
Jesper: Hey! No!
Kaz: ….
Jesper: ….Fine…you saw me, Wylan, you saw me.
Kaz: You saw me.
Jesper: Yeah, he saw me, Inej sees you, and now…*slowly standing*
Kaz: Jesper… *also standing*
Jesper: *runs* Inej!
Kaz: I’m going to end you!
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padfootsaphrodite · 1 year
Remember, Kaz Brekker, a man who would do anything for money gave up the money he had to buy Inej her freedom. He was saving his girl.
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