#sooo basically no real improvement.
flash-from-the-past · 1 month
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Dream Pet Link 2
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minustwofingers · 10 months
exoplanet part 7
pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used)
series masterlist (read parts 1-6 here!)
summary: you’ve won the life lottery as one of the few people on earth with parents who gained admittance to the most prestigous safezone in the world after the outbreak. but after a lab accident sends you out to jackson, wyoming, real life hits you fast. it’s a good thing that a hot lesbian finds u. (lol). mean ellie at first, slowburn, enemies to friends to lovers, fem reader asf
warnings: stuck up awful rich people. mentions of: abortion (sowwy ** i can't write kids), homophobia, throwing up, general awful elitism, heavy drinking, implied minor character death, and we talk about stuff like unethical labor practices/basically slave labor. depictions of: violence, guns.
a/n: hey yall....sorry for taking literal months to write this. and sorry in advance for what you're about to read, since this is admittedly a little far removed from tlou. and i'm also sorry if this isn't what you guys are expecting—i know i made you wait a long time for this, so it was tough for me to finally get around to posting because i didn't want to disappoint anyone. also it was just sooo sad writing the last scene because i just didn't want it to end!! anywayyyy enjoy
wc: 14.6k (i know...i know...)
tags: @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie @galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl​ @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28 @sugarqueencosmos @iriswalrus @chiao1209 @lovecaraya @thatgiraffefromtlou @alwayslongingforyou @thelastofshimmer
May 16th, 2029
Welcome to AskAI! Enter your questions below and I'll try my best to answer :) 
How does Cordyceps spread?
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is mostly commonly spread between humans by the medium of bodily fluids, though this was not always the case. In the early stages of the outbreak, most carriers were infected by the presence of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis spores in flour from a Jakartan mill. It is still unclear how the contamination occurred. 
Is saliva included in bodily fluids that carry Cordyceps?
Yes, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis can be spread through human saliva. Other bodily fluids include blood, feces, mucus, and semen.
So if someone were to kiss someone infected with Cordyceps, would that person be infected too?
Yes, because Ophiocordyceps unilateralis can be spread through human saliva. 
How long would it take before seeing symptoms?
If Ophiocordyceps unilateralis spores were to be introduced to an individual via mouth-to-mouth transmission, the approximate incubation window has been recorded to be no longer than 8 hours.
How long would it take to be detected by a standard testing device?
Our testers would detect the presence of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis within an hour after exposure. Note that this only refers to the conditions outside of Terranova. There has never been a detected case of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis in Terranova’s history. 
Thank you.
You’re welcome! Please leave feedback on the AskAI Feedback Form if you have any ideas as to how I can improve <3
One year later
“And there’s no way we can skip?” 
“You know the rules.”
Dina rolled her eyes and sighed as you two stood at the door of your parents’ penthouse, waiting to knock. “Maybe if you went and I said that I was sick or something.”
“They’d know you were lying.”
“They’d probably be happy if I missed dinner.” 
“I don’t know if happy is something they can be,” you said. You tried to make it light and joking, but it came out with the heaviness of truth. “Plus, they’re not exactly thrilled with me either.”
“Not exactly thrilled” was the understatement of the century. Ever since you’d come home with a pregnant outsider toting a gun and covered in dirt, your parents had convinced themselves that you’d somehow become corrupted over your time living outside. 
But Dina had it way worse. Your parents were so scandalized by her rugged ways and the fact that she’d gotten pregnant out of wedlock that they’d nearly fainted upon realizing you were advocating for her Terranovan citizenship. 
You both had had the good fortune of avoiding any further tense interactions with them for the last few months, but that morning you’d awoken to an email that contained an invitation to their home for dinner. It was noted that Dina had to attend.
So here you two were. Dressed in uncomfortable, stiff clothes and nervously twiddling your thumbs. 
“You’re going to be fine,” you promised Dina. It sounded like a lie. “I’ll do most of the talking, okay?”
“If you say so.” 
You rang the doorbell.
It took just a few moments before the door swung open.
“Hi Chris!” you greeted, plastering a smile on your face. 
Your family housekeeper smiled back with a neutral warmth. She looked slightly thinner than you remembered when you saw her last just a few months ago. “Hello. Miss Dina, please remember to keep your shoes on this time.” 
Dina flushed bright red. The last time she’d come over for dinner, she’d taken her shoes off and had been given a very stern lecture by your mother about how improper stockinged feet were for dinner. “Of course not, ma’am.” 
You sent her an apologetic look and stepped inside.
“Your parents are in the sitting room,” Chris told you as she took your coats. 
You thanked her.
“Why don’t they ever come up to greet us themselves?” Dina whispered to you. 
You shrugged. “No clue. They just never have. They probably don’t want to have to take a break from whatever stimulating conversation they’re having about the country club happenings.”
She snorted. All of a sudden, you were overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude for Dina and her spirit. After your family had essentially decided you were hopeless, family get-togethers had become torture. Dina was your lifeline.
As Chris had said, your parents were found lounging in the sitting room, your mother fanning herself with one hand and holding what looked to be a gin and tonic in the other, your father sitting across from her in a tastefully worn armchair. 
“Girls,” your mother greeted. Her eyes looked flinty and flat. “How good of you to come. I was worried you’d lost your way.”
It was a classic Y/L/N insult for latecomers, but it was barely a minute past 6:30. 
“The elevator wasn’t working,” you offered. “We had to take the stairs.”
“Hm. Well, come and sit. Petra can get you a drink.” 
A tall girl who couldn’t have been much younger than you was standing at the other end of the room next to the bar. She had bright ginger hair that stood out starkly against the neutral beige of her uniform and a small, squatty nose. You’d never seen her before in your life. 
“Is she new?” you asked.
“Who, Petra? Oh, I think so. It must’ve been…oh, I’m not sure. This March, I believe? What do you think, darling?”
“Around then.” The solid ice globe slid against the glass with a clink as your father answered, taking a long pull of his bourbon after. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Dina politely.
Your mother let out a labored sigh. “Dear, I’m very glad to see you working on manners, but there’s no need to engage with the help.”
Dina didn’t answer, instead sending you a meaningful look. 
“Well, not usually,” she continued. “Though it is appropriate to interact with them in matters that are considered strictly business. Take, for example, the fact that neither of you have managed to order a drink yet. Petra, come.”
You stared at your hands, folded tightly in your lap. If there was anything you hated more than your parents, it was how they treated the help. And, though you’d never say it out loud, you didn’t understand how two middle aged adults needed more than one full-time housekeeper on hand. Chris made sense. Petra was entirely unnecessary. 
“We really don’t need anything,” you said to Petra when she was in front of you, looking rather pale. “But thank you.” 
The tension in the air refused to dissipate, not even when you were relocated to the dining room and had the crutch of picking away at the three courses served to you. 
Dina, having been thoroughly scolded by your mother the last time she dined with her, was clinical in choosing which utensil to use for each course. 
Your mother babbled on and on about the country club and the book club. Your father occasionally butted in with a few dull, lifeless comments. There was something especially dead in his appearance, like he was running on zero sleep.
“You may be curious as to why I asked you two here today,” your mother said after the main course plates had been cleared. “First of all, I wanted to extend my congratulations to my daughter for graduating in just a few days.” 
“Thank you,” you said stiffly. 
“And more importantly—” 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“—I wanted to announce that your father will finally be retiring,” she said. “He’s been working so hard for the last few years. Isn’t this wonderful?”
“That’s really great, Father,” you said, feigning a smile to hide your confusion. You hadn’t known that your father had even worked, much less hard enough to warrant a formal retirement. 
“Thanks, dove,” he said.
“When’s your last day?” you pried, wondering if you could manage any more information out of him. 
“This Friday.”
“Hm.” So much for that. You exchanged glances with Dina as Petra reappeared with a tray of small goblets filled with colorful globes of sorbet. 
“You’ll both be expected to be in attendance at his retirement party,” Mother added. She was frowning deeper now. 
“Even me?” said Dina.
“Yes.” She smiled tightly. “And please note that they’re unaware that we helped you through your…little problem. I can’t imagine why that would ever come up in conversation, but I would really prefer it didn’t.”
“Uh huh,” responded Dina, her eyes wide. 
When Dina had arrived, your family had given her two options—have her child and give it up for adoption, or terminate the pregnancy then and there in secret. Refusing to comply would lead to your parents being entirely unwilling to sponsor her citizenship as it was far too unseemly to be an unmarried mother. Though it was clear your parents thought she was devastated by the prospect, she’d confided in you later that she hadn’t realized that that had been an option for her. She’d taken the second option without a second thought, telling you that she didn’t feel ready to be a mother. 
The unfortunate part of it all was that your parents held this over her head on occasion, using it as leverage to make Dina feel like she owed them. Hence why she never felt entirely comfortable with telling them off. 
That your parents had kept the abortion a secret was hardly a surprise. Abortion was one of those issues that no one liked to talk about. Though it wasn’t the hardest procedure to get, it was never publicly discussed. You’d never personally known of anyone who had gotten one before, but the clinic had been so full when you’d attended with Dina nearly a year ago that you were beginning to second guess that fact. 
“Anyway,” said your mother lightly, “Darling, have you heard anything from the Thompsons recently?” 
“Oh, no. I haven’t seen Richard in quite some time.”
“It’s funny you say that. Melanie was supposed to host the Garden Club party last week, and you’ll never believe what happened.”
“What, honey?” Your father stared dully at the tablecloth, entirely unengaged. 
“When I stopped by, the rest of the girls were already there,” your mother said. “Just sitting out in front of her building looking very confused. I walked right up and asked what was going on—you know, now that I’m co-president, I need to keep things in order—”
“Yes, honey.”
“—And Angie tells me that they’ve been ringing her for ten minutes and she hasn't answered. I decided to give her a call, and straight to voicemail. So we all sat out there until it started raining. We never even got an apology text.” 
“Oh,” said your father, looking a little more engaged. “Is that really?”
“Yes,” your mother said. The attention made her sit up straighter. “It absolutely was. It was incredibly inappropriate. I couldn’t believe it. And to think that she stole that hosting spot from me…”
“Do you know if she’s alright?” your father asked,
She shrugged. “I should hope not. That’s the only excuse she could have for what happened.”
“Hm.” Your father moved the melting sorbet around without clinking his spoon to the crystal. “It seems that quite a few of us have been dropping off the face of the Earth.”
“It must be because of the long winter,” you said diplomatically. “Too much darkness makes us all a little loony.”
Your mother raised a brow and hummed in assent. “I suppose so.”
“Is that why groceries are so expensive now?” you asked. It had become a new development. About 6 months after you and Dina had returned, the prices on the shelves had rocketed upwards.
“Something like that,” your father said vaguely. 
“What does that mean?”
“Y/N,” your mother warned.
“It’s alright, dear,” your father said, waving his hand. “It’s really nothing interesting. Supplying this city has always had its challenges. This year just happens to be especially hard.”
“What kind of challenges?” pried Dina.
“Shipments are always difficult to orchestrate,” he said. “As is quality control. It’s nothing that we haven’t seen before. Prices will go back to usual within a few months. The pendulum always has to swing back.”
It was a saying he always used—the pendulum analogy.
Dessert wrapped up quickly. Your mother gave you the official date for your father’s retirement party and ironed out your graduation details, and before you knew it you and Dina were off into the night. 
“Thank fucking god that’s over,” said Dina as you two trotted down the street to the metro. 
“Tell me about it.” You zipped up your jacket to ward off the slight chill in the evening air. “I’m really sorry you had to deal with all of that. I appreciate you coming with me. I know they’re awful to you.”
“Well, they’ll be worse if I don’t go,” she responded, her eyes cloudy for a second. She was right. One misstep and they could have her citizenship and their financial sponsorship rescinded. 
“True,” you conceded. 
The metro was bustling with people as you and Dina hopped on to the yellow line that would take you to the university residences. It was modeled right after the Parisian metros, with its Art Nouveau signs and themed stops.  There was only standing room, so you two clutched onto the stainless steel poles in the middle. 
The doors made a groaning sound and a speaker crackled as the announcer came on.
“Doors closing. Please stand clear of the exits. This is an express train with service to University Park. Other stops include 25th Street and North Village. There will be no evening service to Rotingham.” 
You and Dina seemed to come to an unspoken agreement to remain silent and process the hell that had been dinner with your parents as the train lurched forward into motion. You closed your eyes and would’ve rested your head against the handrail had it not been so gross. 
The only fortunate thing about your parents was the fact that they were incredibly easy to get to, despite living on the other side of the city from the university. What would’ve normally taken 40 minutes with transfers was cut down to 15 with the use of an express train that ran right from the station outside of your apartment. 
You had resolved to just sit in silence when the train came to a screeching halt. 
Your eyes shot open, meeting Dina’s confused gaze. 
The lights above flickered, then sputtered out to leave you in darkness. 
There was a hushed silence amongst everyone in your train car. 
“What’s going on?” Dina whispered to you. 
“This happens sometimes,” you said quietly back, but it was sort of a lie. It wasn’t entirely uncommon for the lights to go out, but you’d never had it happen in tandem with a train stopping on the tracks before reaching a station. And especially not an express train…
The lights flickered on again, and there was a shared sense of relief as a few of the train’s occupants let out a shaky laugh. 
“Thought we were going to have to walk!” said a ruddy looking old man sitting across from you. The car responded with polite chuckles. 
“Apologies for the delay,” came a voice over the loudspeaker—a human voice, not an automated one. “There was a disturbance on the tracks that had to be dealt with. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Service will continue as usual.”
The train lurched back into movement, the dark walls of the tunnel moving past in a blur.
“That was weird,” Dina remarked once you two had gotten to your stop and were walking up to ground level.
“Yeah,” you said, frowning. “I didn’t want to tell you then because I didn’t want to freak you out, but normally express trains never stop, especially not at this time of night with less trains in service.”
“What qualifies as a disturbance on the tracks?”
“I have no clue,” you confessed. The sun was hovering just barely over the horizon, its last rays of light reflecting aggressively off of the skyscrapers in the distance from which you came. “Someone probably dropped something big like a suitcase onto the tracks and blocked the way. It happens.” 
You were purposefully avoiding the elephant in the room—that it had probably been a person on the tracks. It wasn’t especially common—not nearly as common as you heard it was in places like New York before the outbreak—but it happened on occasion. Terranova wasn’t the best place for everyone.
“The Thompsons are Simon’s family, right?” Dina asked you. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the cheerful chatter of fellow university students socializing and drinking on the green next to the sidewalk.
“Yeah,” you said. You and Dina had occasionally hung out with Simon since returning. You noticed that Simon had really taken a liking to Dina, but neglected to mention it since his parents were actively attempting to arrange a marriage between him and some girl in the Art History program at your school. “Have you talked to him at all? I haven’t heard from him for a week or so.”
“Me neither.” Dina tightened the dark braid that fell over her shoulder as she walked, looking rather troubled. “I didn’t realize his parents were missing.”
“They’re probably fine,” you said. “I seriously wouldn’t worry about it. There’s nothing here that could hurt them.”
“You’re right,” she said. “I just forget that there’s no infected here sometimes. Like, tonight, I thought I was gonna have to start swinging on someone in the train when the power cut.” 
“God, same.” You shivered. “It’s weird to know that we don’t have to worry about that anymore. But I think it’ll get easier with time.”
“Yeah,” said Dina, but she didn’t sound convinced. “Well, I’m going to text Simon and see if he’s alright. Or maybe call him. I’m sure he’ll know what happened.” 
“Let me know what he says.” You’d ascended the steps up to your shared apartment and were slotting the key into the keyhole. “By the way, did I ever formally invite you to my graduation?”
“Not that I recall.” Dina followed you in and kicked her shoes off.
“Well, consider this your formal invitation,” you said, turning to grin at her. “It’s this Saturday. Be there or be square.”
“Will there be free food?”
“And anything you want to drink,” you told her, though you weren’t entirely sure of that fact. You’d only ever been to one graduation in your life, and that had been years before it was socially acceptable for you to drink anything beyond the odd glass of watered down wine—but you recalled a memory of particularly free-flowing champagne flutes being passed around. 
“Consider me sold.” 
You had to be going crazy. There was no way. 
You entered the numbers back into the graphing software again. Then again. Then one more time, just to be sure you were seeing what you were seeing. 
“Everything going alright over there?” asked old Professor Gunther, looking up from his grading and his steaming cup of tea. 
“Um—” You blinked, hard, then looked back down at your calculations. “Professor, can you look at these for me? I think I must’ve made a mistake.”
“Of course, my dear.” He graciously accepted the notepad full of barely legible numbers that you came up to hand to him and adjusted the glasses on his face so he could squint more efficiently. “And what is this exactly?”
“I’ve been parsing through the data on that star—that K star you’d been watching for a while—and, um, I’ve noticed something.” Your voice shook nearly as much as your hand as you pointed to the scribbled numbers. “Can you, uh, graph these? And put them into a different program than StarBlast? And look at the spectra? It’s giving me what I think is—actually, I don’t know. You do it and I’ll show you what I got.” 
“I’m confused about what you could have possibly done wrong,” he said, though he was already opening his own laptop and starting up a different program that you hadn’t used before because of how much you hated the GUI. “Did you try to parse it by hand to check?”
“Yes,” you said. “Horrible idea. Took me forever.” 
“And you got the same result?”
“Hm.” He took off his glasses to wipe them off, then began typing in the data you’d emailed to him earlier for bookkeeping purposes. “Let me see what I have.” 
The agonizing few minutes it took for him to enter him already had your mind spiraling with possibilities as the implications sunk in. If you were right—if this was right—everything was going to change in your field. 
The spectra graph roared to life.
“Jesus Christ,” you heard your professor say. “Is this—”
“I think so,” you said. “I think so.”
What you two were looking at held more than one piece of crucial information. The first was nothing but basic calculations of a Doppler Shift that detected that there was a planet. Your calculations estimated its size at roughly the same as the Earth, with a similar orbital period and distance from its star that placed it in the habitable zone.
That wasn’t anything earth-shattering. There were plenty of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone, implying that if the conditions were right, there was an environment conducive to organic life. 
What was, however, were the spectra emissions that you were staring at, slack-jawed and skin prickling. 
“Methane,” you whispered. “And oxygen. And phosphine.” 
And not just a little—enough that it suggested biological processes that could only occur with the presence of life.
“I think you should finish writing this report,” Professor Gunther finally said. 
You froze. “What?” 
He turned to you, his glasses sliding down his bulbous nose and a kind smile on his face. “I’ve made enough discoveries in my life. This one is yours to claim.” 
You were overcome with so much gratitude that you launched yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
Gunther good-naturedly patted your back with the enthusiasm of a grandfather being pestered by his grandchildren. “This is your moment. Take it.” 
“Thank you,” you said, pulling back with tears welling up in your eyes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” 
He smiled again. “It’s truly my pleasure. I feel lucky to have had a student like you.” 
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to start crying.”
“We can’t have that,” he said, standing up and handing you back your sheet of calculations. “You have work to do.”
You settled back into your work across from him, nearly buzzing with excitement as you finished typing up your findings. It would be a long process for the study to actually be published—long, painful, and undoubtedly draining—but it would be so worth it. You’d be the one who discovered a planet that (most likely) harbored life. For the first time in history. 
Though you wouldn’t be publishing a paper any time soon, you still had to log the planet into the “global” (not exactly global given that there was no other place on Earth with the same technology as Terranova) database. And with that meant giving it a name.
In that moment, it was like time froze as the cursor blinked in the box. There was nothing but the blood rushing in your head, the dull hum of the fluorescent lights above, and the slight stickiness of the leather desk chair beneath you. 
You gulped. It was standard in the department to name planets after the astronomer that discovered them. You’d never had a planet named after you before. You’d only ever crunched numbers that Gunther had given to you to analyze spectra emissions. This was the first time you’d ever actually discovered something that hadn’t already been logged before it had landed on your desk.
And yet…
You closed your eyes. Suddenly you were back in the meadow at Jackson, tracing the wisps of the Milky Way with your finger as you and Ellie talked about the constellations. You saw the childish excitement on her normally stern features when she held the moon rock for the first time. You saw the wonder in her eyes when you told her a new space fact that she’d never heard before. That she’d never had the opportunity to learn before. 
Your fingers moved before you could stop them, quickly tapping out the name “Ellie” into the box and hitting the enter button. 
For the rest of the day, you regretted it. You tried not to think of her anymore. It was something that you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t do after you spent the entirety of last summer miserable and doing nothing but turning over the memories in your mind until Dina made you do something with her. 
It was difficult. You wanted to put it in the past, because you couldn’t think about her without thinking about how she probably wasn’t even alive anymore. Which didn’t make any sense. Nothing ever made any sense about Ellie. Even before you predicted she’d been bitten, she’d already been behaving erratically—not packing her things, not saying a real goodbye to Joel, catching more food than their small group of three could possibly need near the end. It was like she knew that she wouldn’t be able to go.
Which didn’t make any sense, because why go all that way knowing that it was for nothing?
Which made you think about how bizarre she was before leaving. How sad she seemed when she told you that she was going, like even then she knew that it wouldn’t happen. 
And you hadn’t gotten sick from her, even though you should have. She’d kissed you long after she would’ve been bitten. And you knew from your frantic research upon arriving that you should have tested positive when Simon checked. 
So why hadn’t you? And why had she?
It was things like this that could keep you up for days if you weren’t careful. It was awful, but sometimes you liked to believe that she had really been sick and had died shortly after. You had a vision of her killing herself before fully turning, and even though it hurt to imagine it, it was the most humane end of them all. If she was dead, then maybe there was an afterlife, and maybe a piece of her was watching over you. Maybe she was still with you. Maybe she finally was able to rest. 
You hoped that little piece of her had seen her name the first planet with life after her.
A tiny smile crept across your face, but inside you felt devastated. You were going to mourn her again all day, like you always did when something reminded you of her. And you were probably going to dream of her, of her stupid grin and the way her hair felt when it tickled your face. 
Pull it together you thought glumly. You had to be normal for your father’s retirement party that night, and you had just under 4 hours to do so. 
“Ugh,” you said, staring at your phone as you stood with Dina near the door, both of you dolled up and ready to go to the party.
“That’s how I feel too,” said Dina. “I’m going to kill myself if anyone brings up anything about how hard my childhood must’ve been and how I’m doing such a good job adjusting one more time.”
“Ha,” you said. “Mom just texted me to tell me that we need to stop by theirs first.”
“Why? Aren’t they already at the venue?”
“Yeah,” you responded, wrinkling your nose. “But apparently she forgot her gift for him—some vintage Rolex she got restored for him.”
“A vintage what?”
“Stupidly overpriced wristwatch,” you explained. 
It took less time than usual to get to their building. Despite it being at peak busy hour, the platforms seemed eerily empty.
“Is there some holiday going on?” Dina asked, sitting across from you so that you both had your own row of seats. 
“Oh, I’m such an idiot,” you said, clapping your forehead with your hand. “Of course there is. That’s why my father held his retirement party today. It’s the first day of this festival that goes all week.”
“What’s it for?”
“I honestly don’t know the background,” you admitted. “Most people just use it as an excuse to get incredibly drunk. I think it has something to do with the founding. It’s, like, the only time that public intoxication is okay.” 
“Damn,” said Dina thoughtfully. 
“The trains will probably fill up on our way back,” you said, sighing. “Hopefully it won’t be too bad. Worst comes to worst we can walk.”
“It gets that bad?” 
“There’s hardly standing room,” you said, recalling the last festival you’d been around for—the summer before you’d been catapulted to Jackson. “And it just reeks of drunk people. And you have to be really careful, because I hear the custodial staff has to work overtime to clean up all the vomit.” 
“Gross,” said Dina. “And here I was thinking that it was just all being proper and mannerly.”
“Everyone has their limits,” you said lightly.
The penthouse felt just as oppressive as when you came for dinners, like you were walking into the lair of a dragon who was coming back at any moment. Chris was gone—likely participating in the festival herself—but you were surprised to see the figure of Petra bent in a corner as you entered, dusting the top shelf of their bookcase.
You and Dina politely greeted her before ascending the steps to your father’s office.
“Why did your Mom put it in here?” Dina asked as you began shuffling through papers to find the box that your mother had described over text.
“My father doesn’t work in here all too often,” you said, opening a few drawers and seeing no trace of the green and gold box. “He just uses it to file away things.” 
“What does he do?” 
“I actually have no clue,” you confessed. “He doesn’t talk about it, and I don’t ask.” 
“Do you want to see if we can find out?” Dina asked with a conspiratorial raise of her eyebrow as she motioned towards the filing cabinets. “Just a quick look. They’ll never know that we were here.”
You took a moment to consider. If Chris had answered the door to let you two in, you would’ve told her that you couldn’t, because she would definitely snitch if she knew. But she was nowhere to be seen, and Petra looked like she was busy enough downstairs. 
“Sure. Why not.” 
The first few cabinets held nothing interesting—just spending reports and copies of contracts that were written in legalese. 
“It looks like he works with whoever supplies this place,” remarked Dina as you two skimmed the papers and saw records of contacts all over the continent, from the old continental US and South America, each detailing something boring about shipping dates and inventory. 
But then came the third cabinet, with papers dated back before you were born with what looked like sketches of barren looking buildings and hand-scrawled notes. 
“What are these?” you breathed, laying them out on the ground. 
“I think…” Dina squinted. “I think that these might be manufacturing plants?” 
“Oh?” You dug further around in the cabinet to see if you could find any further illuminating evidence. 
“Yeah,” said Dina, staring as she began to flip through the pages already on the floor. “Holy shit, dude. This is…sort of messed up. Look at how small these living quarters are.”
You peered over her shoulder to see the architectural sketches of what looked to be more of what you imagined a prison to be. There were long bunks stacked on top of each other in what looked to be a never ending line, the mattresses barely even large enough to be considered twins. 
Someone cleared their throat behind you, and you nearly leapt.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” said Petra. Her voice was low and raspy. You noted that it was the first time she’d ever spoken.
“Oh, uh—” You began to frantically gather the papers, hoping she hadn’t seen. Would she tell your parents? “Sorry if we disturbed your work. My parents, uh, they asked us to get something from—”
“It’s fine,” she interrupted, holding up a hand. “I won’t say anything.”
“Thank you.” You stared up at her steely green eyes, wondering what had compelled her to approach you and Dina. “Um, is there anything we can do to help you?”
“Don’t drink the bourbon,” she said, so quickly that it seemed to fluster her. 
“What? Why?”
“Just don’t do it,” she said again. “Better yet, don’t drink anything except for the water.”  
“I’m sorry,” you said, feeling genuinely apologetic. “I’m not sure if I understand.”
Something crossed over Dina’s face, and suddenly something in her seemed to shift. Her features paled. She knew something you didn’t.
“I came from one of those places,” Petra said, motioning to the diagrams that you were staring at. “They’re not—they’re not somewhere you want to be. We all try our best to come here. That’s what they tell us, you know. Do well enough and you’ll get sent to where everyone gets to live a life of grandeur and luxury. But they barely send anyone, and when they do, they get shitty positions like this.” 
Your breath caught in your throat as your understanding slowly grew. Of course. How had you been so stupid to think that wealthy people were ever going to have any of their kind work any real job? 
“You two were the ones who came from outside, right?” Petra continued. When you two nodded, she crouched next to you. “And you were wondering what was going on with the prices?”
You nodded again, awestruck.
“Your Dad’s little spiel on it being about bad weather is bullshit,” she said, her words hard. “People are getting tired of this. They’re realizing they’re never getting out. You know what it’s like out there—it’s scary. It’s tiring. So many people get sick, so many die. So when people finally caught onto the fact that the work they’re doing is nothing but dressed up slavery and that their chances of getting out are basically zero, they start doing things to mess with the system.”
“Like contaminating the products?” Even as she said it, it seemed like Dina already knew the answer. 
Petra just gave you two a long look. 
“So that’s what he meant by quality control,” you said, the realization hitting you. 
“Among other things.” 
“How long do you think we have?” asked Dina.
“Not very long at all.” 
“You guys can’t be serious,” you said, nervous laughter catching in your chest. “Do you seriously mean that Terranova isn’t going to be around for much longer? Is that what you’re saying?”
Petra shrugged and stood up. “Believe whatever you want. But from where I stand, it looks like there’s only two possible ways out of this situation. That is, unless you guys all become farmers.”
“I don’t think I’m following,” you said.
“Two options,” Petra said, sighing heavily. “Either we starve or we don’t. And the latter means taking a really big fucking chance on what we bring in.”
“But the system has worked for so long,” you said, more to yourself than anyone else. 
“Too long,” she amended. “It was never sustainable. Maybe if you people had been okay with just eating native plants and wildlife. Maybe if you people were okay with changing your way of life. But no, you just had to have your fucking oranges from Florida and your coffee from South America.” 
“Don’t lump me into this,” said Dina. “I just got here.” 
Petra laughed, but it was a hard and sharp sound. “Well, chances are you won’t be here for long.”
“Hang on,” you said. “We’re still doing quality control inspections. The most likely scenario is that we’re going to have to cut down on imports—not that we’re about to go up in flames any minute.”
“I hope you’re right about that,” she said in that voice that told you that she thought that you definitely weren’t and didn’t see the point in arguing further. “Anyways, I’ve got to finish working so I can get home before dark. Be careful, okay?” 
“You too,” you said. “And thanks for…not saying anything.”
It was a bit presumptuous considering that Petra hadn’t really given you any good reason beyond her word that she wouldn’t mention you lurking in your father’s cabinets, so you and Dina were thorough in carefully placing each file back into the correct place, just in case. 
“Do you really think what she said is true?” you asked once you and Dina had located the watch and were on the metro once again.
Dina shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense.”
“Does it?”
“Look,” said Dina. “I know that this might be hard for you to hear, but I’m pretty sure this place lives off of what’s basically slave labor. If there’s any humanity left in the world, I would like to think that Terranova would eventually fall.” 
You swallowed hard, then blinked. For a moment you thought you were going to throw up. “I never knew. I didn’t realize.”
“Of course you didn’t.” Dina’s voice was surprisingly patient. “You were a kid. But you’re not anymore, so it’s time to grow up and face the music.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t either.” 
The two of you fell into a silence as the train sped past empty platforms bathed in shadows and you thought and thought and thought. 
There was just too much happening today. First Gunther’s lab, then Ellie, now your entire worldview toppling. 
As the train windows continued to blur the background of the tunnels and empty stations, your mind spun with reflections of your childhood—of you enjoying simple luxuries that you didn’t realize came at the expense of others. That you didn’t even think to ask about. You’d mindlessly trudged along, eating your exotic fruits and drinking your expensive tea and wearing clothes built from indulgent fabrics just because you could. Even when Dina had asked where the oranges came from all the way back in Jackson, you hadn’t let yourself wonder. You hadn’t let yourself consider the possibility that it was anything less than the sanitized fairyland that you’d been brought up in—perhaps because you knew all along. 
And that made it even worse.
Dina seemed to understand, sending you a few glances without prodding. 
“Do you think we need to leave?” you asked, your voice just barely a whisper.
“Us leaving isn’t going to do anything,” Dina said, like she’d been expecting it. “And how would we even do that? It’s not like we can just charter a helicopter again to drop us off back in Jackson.” 
Something twisted inside of you. “Oh, God. You’re right. We couldn’t even leave if we tried.”
And you might have to try, a sinister voice inside you whispered. What if Petra was right about the contaminated products? What if they missed something when checking imports?
You’d never been taught how quickly the fungus spread in the original outbreak, and you knew little about the normal amount of time it would take any sort of disease to infect the entire population. But you did know how densely populated everything was. How reliant everything was on a few strictly maintained channels, like public transportation. 
It wouldn’t be hard for it to all come crashing down, really. It would just take the right place at the right time and—
“Don’t freak out, Y/N.” Dina laid a hand on your shoulder. “We’ll figure something out if it comes to that.” 
You smiled at her, grateful that you didn’t even have to put your words into thoughts. “But if we can’t leave, what do we do? It’s not like we can just sit by and do nothing.”
Dina pulled her bottom lip under her teeth, worrying it before answering. “I don’t really think that we have a choice. Right now, at least. I don’t know if there’s anything that just the two of us can do.”
“I’ll find more,” you said. “I’ll talk to my professors—my friends at university—Simon—”
“Do you think that we’re the only two that know about this?” asked Dina. “Because I really don’t. Maybe your friends don’t. But anyone in the military and anyone who was around when this was founded has got to know. They just don’t care enough.”
Something slowly iced over inside of you as the implications sunk in. 
Gunther had probably known. No, scratch that—he definitely did. He was an academic who had been in his 30s when the world fell apart. Any adult would have asked the same questions that Dina had upon arrival. 
“We’ll figure something out, I’m sure,” said Dina firmly. “Okay? Don’t worry.” 
“Speaking of Simon,” you said, narrowing your eyes, “Did you ever get in touch with him? Is his family okay?” 
“Oh, yeah.” said Dina. “He texted me back a bit ago. Said something about how he was just busy and that his family had been camping up in the mountains.” 
You two faded into silence. 
The retirement party came and went without much trouble. On the outside, at least. You were a mental wreck, barely able to keep it together as near strangers came up to you and expressed how much bigger you were since they’d seen you a decade and a half ago. 
You noted with muted suspicion that Simon’s parents were nowhere to be seen amongst the crowd, not even by the lavishly decorated bar. 
That night, you did dream of Ellie. It wasn’t the usual. Ellie wasn’t turning in front of you or bleeding or crying out in pain with a bite mark on her arm. She wasn’t yelling at you for failing her and letting her get bitten without even noticing. No; instead, she lay beside you in your meadow spot and talked to you.
And somehow that was so much worse.
“I named a planet after you,” you said, feeling hot tears pool at the seams of your eyes that you squeezed together to avoid sobbing. You knew you were dreaming. You always knew you were dreaming—seeing Ellie always seemed to prompt a degree of lucidity that was otherwise missing in your sleep. 
“That’s really fucking sappy of you.”
“I miss you.” It came out like a compulsion, like you couldn’t stop it. “Are you here? Are you with me?”
“Y/N,” Ellie said, turning to look at you. The darkness made it difficult to see her whole face, but you could see the look of pity on her features in the gray-blue of the moonlight. “Of course I’m not here. Don’t be stupid. I’m dead.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re not. Like, if something happened.”
“Something did happen. I died.” 
“Fuck you.”
She smiled sadly, and for a moment you thought her eyes looked more reflective than usual. “It’s not very helpful to think that way. And what can I tell you? I’m not even real.”
“I’d like you to try,” you whispered.
“Fine.” She sat up, pulling her legs into a lazy tangle as she looked at you. “What did you seriously expect, dude? You were never going to stay. I wasn’t going to go. If I hadn’t been bitten, I’m sure I would’ve orchestrated some way to get out of it. My family is back in Jackson. I liked you just fine, but you’re not my family. That shit’s deeper. Different.” 
You opened your mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. The sharp pain in your chest faded into a cold sense of familiarity. Then, because she wasn’t real and there was no reason to feel embarrassed about bearing your emotions: 
“You feel more like family than anyone here.” 
“Then that sounds like a you problem,” said Ellie, flatly. “I’m not gonna let you guilt trip me like this. Boo fucking hoo, you grew up richer than everyone else on Earth and had to deal with strict parents. Do you realize what actual, real problems are? What about the people who make your lifestyle possible, huh? What about them?”
“I didn’t know.”
“Then you’re fucking stupid.” 
The tears were streaming freely down your face now. “I would do anything to be back with you. I wanted to stay. I miss you so much. I don’t know what to do with myself without you.”
“And I’m sorry you have to deal with that.” 
“Will you just say that you miss me too? You don’t have to mean it. I just want—I just want to hear it.” 
“I can’t miss you. I’m not around anymore.” 
Ellie watched as you curled in on yourself and sobbed so hard you thought you were going to be sick. 
“You’re so weak,” she said after a few minutes. There was no venom in her tone. It was as if she was merely relaying something as inconsequential as the weather to you. “All you do is expect other people to care for you.” 
Not real. Not real. Not real you repeated to yourself in your mind with growing franticness. 
She wasn’t real. None of this was real. Ellie was never that affectionate with you, but this was another level. This was something personal. 
“You said that being weak isn’t bad.”
“And you said that you were going to make sure I was going to get to Terranova.”
 “And it’s not my fault that you decided to go gallivanting alone in the woods.”
“You could’ve tried harder.”
“I did as much as I could.”
“Sure you did.” 
You bolted awake. The hair at the nape of your neck was wet with the slick of sweat. For a moment, you let yourself catch your breath, reorient yourself in your surroundings. 
Your room. You were in your dorm room, with your space posters and your books. Ellie hadn’t been here. She hadn’t said that. You were okay.
A blaring noise jarred you as you realized that your alarm had made you wake up. Your alarm, because it was graduation day and you needed to be ready for a full day of festivities. 
“Fuck,” you muttered, scrubbing your face with you hands. The last thing you wanted to do after this was have to see your parents and pretend like you like them for appearances. 
She's gone. She's gone. She's gone you repeated in your head like a mantra. It was over. You shouldn’t have named that stupid planet after her, because she was gone and she always would be.
It would only be a matter of time until your parents would start asking you about your dating life, you realized as you brushed your teeth over the shiny white basin of your sink, the minty bubbles making your lips tingle. They’d been willing to entertain your reasoning of wanting to focus on your studies while you were at university, but you knew they’d been looking for prospective engagements behind your back.
It took you longer than usual to get ready, your mind wandering as you lingered in different corners of your apartment. You kept the lights off, opting to let the cool, gray daylight from the gloomy clouds wash the surfaces of your room. 
“Hey,” said Dina, appearing from her own room and leaning against the doorframe. 
“Good morning,” you greeted blandly, your attention on the necklace that just wouldn’t clasp around your neck.
“Looking spiffy,” she said. “By the way, did Simon say anything to you?” 
“No.” You paused and turned to her, a frown on her face. As far as you were concerned, you really had no reason to be in contact with Simon beyond the general pleasantries. 
“He just called me,” said Dina. “He seemed—I dunno. Like, weirdly frantic. He was saying that we need to stop by his.” 
“His” was inconveniently on the opposite side of the city, even further past your parents’ place. 
“Why? Pretty far for a short jaunt.” 
“He was really insistent,” pressed Dina. Her long black curls were unruly, her skin sallow in a way you hadn’t seen in a while. She hadn’t been sleeping as well recently, it seemed, just like you since you’d spoken to Petra. “Maybe we should just stop by.” 
“Did he say anything about why?”
“I tried to ask,” said Dina, frowning. “But the call dropped.”
“I hate how horrible service is in your room,” you said. 
“Me too. Anyway, are we gonna see him?” 
You shrugged. “I guess. We have some time. I’ll text him too just to see what’s going on.” 
Dina was ready in just a few minutes, pulling a light blue sweatshirt over her shirt and stepping into her shoes. 
“You look soooo cute,” she said, pinching your cheeks. “My little grad.”
You rolled your eyes, but the size of your smile ruined it. 
For once in your life, you noticed that the university green outside of your apartment was suspiciously empty. 
“Quiet,” Dina noted as you made your way to the metro. “It’s eerie.” 
“People were probably partying all night,” you said. “Celebrating graduation and whatnot. I imagine everyone’s sleeping off a hangover instead of having to get up at the crack of dawn to voyage across the city.”
Dina held up her hands. “Gee. Sorry.” 
The train was a little more populated. Some older Terranovans had newspapers cracked as they licked their fingers to turn the page. The silent hum of the train lulled you into another soliloquy as the tunnel plunged you into darkness.
You had to stop thinking about Ellie. You needed to move on, as awful as it was. You’d named a planet after her. She’d be forever remembered in the stars, and that should be enough. You didn’t need to keep dragging her memory behind you like a corpse, because she was dead and she was never coming back and she was—
On the platform?
Your mouth dropped as the doors of the train slowly rolled open to reveal a short girl with shoulder length auburn hair slowly ambling towards the platform. She was wearing a pale green short sleeve that had some sort of edgy spatter pattern on it—something that was very Ellie-esque. But something wasn’t…
It took you one breath to notice that neither of her bare arms had any tattoos. It took you another to see that what you had initially assumed to be a pattern was actually blood-soaked fabric formed from red rivelets that trickled from a wound on her neck.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, grabbing Dina’s hand. “Do you see—”
“Everybody run!” Dina screamed, leaping up from the train seat and dragging you with her as she bolted off the train and to the opposite exit. 
The girl wailed and barrelled towards the train car, her eyes locking onto the nervous movement of the passengers. You froze. It was slowly becoming obvious that this wasn’t Ellie, from the slightly different set of her eyes to the unfamiliar button nose. But it was hard to not feel anything but sympathy for the monster before you. She was just a girl, probably younger than you. 
“Fucking go, Y/N,” Dina snapped, yanking you harder and onto the platform just as Not-Ellie leapt onto one of the newspaper readers. “It’s not her.” 
She didn’t need to tell you twice. In seconds you two had sprinted to the mouth of the stairs, feet pummeling against the pavement as the sounds of the carnage unfolding behind you followed. 
You ran. You didn’t stop running, not even when the screams faded and you and Dina were blocks and blocks away, hidden in an alley. Not even when your lungs were so empty and sore that they felt like they were breaths away from breaking, not even when you were sure there was nothing left inside you.
Dina kept your pace, blindly following your lead as you darted in between streets and side alleys until you reached your parents’ apartment. 
“Do you think there’s more?” you managed to whisper through heaving voices once you stood on the steps. 
You and Dina hadn’t ran into anyone after the metro, undead or alive. 
“Not here,” hissed Dina. “Inside first. Then we evaluate after we’re safer.” 
For a moment, the phantom dread from your normal life spilled over and you were afraid of facing your parents. It was almost laughable—there were deranged infected hosts looking to eat your flesh roaming the streets, and you were worried about seeing your parents. 
“I’d almost prefer out here, too,” said Dina, looking as if she’d read your mind. 
The apartment complex was also empty and eerily quiet as you two ascended the steps. Dina had insisted that you took the stairs, pointing out that the elevator was far too risky. 
“It might get stuck,” she’d whispered as she’d pulled you away from pressing the button. “Also—unnecessary noise.” 
You nodded wordlessly, following her up the steps until you reached the top floor.
Still no one to be seen.
The spare key was still hidden under the flower pot, and the penthouse door swung open easily. You and Dina locked it behind you before dragging a small bookcase in front of it, piling on books until no one could physically break through. 
“Sweep the apartment,” Dina said lowly, reaching over to grab the fireplace poker that was in the entryway. “Behind me until you get a weapon.” 
For a few tense moments, you cowered behind Dina as she navigated you both into the dark, empty kitchen. Every breath that left your lips was shaky and uneven. Your fingers trembled around the handle of the butcher’s knife that you’d retrieved from the block. 
Nothing was on the first floor. 
Nothing on the second floor, either. There was no sign of your parents anywhere. By all accounts, it seemed that they’d just up and left for coffee. Which is probably what they’d done, given that your father had just retired and had nothing better to do. 
“Fucking thank god,” you’d cried out once you’d swept the last room, collapsing onto the sitting room sofa. “Jesus Christ, Dina. What the fuck. I can’t believe I just—”
The words petered out as the adrenaline rush that had been keeping you at least someone composed dissipated, leaving you a shaking and inconsolable mess. 
“We’re so lucky that we got out in time,” said Dina, her eyes blurry and unfocused.
You took a break from your crying to look at her. “What?”
“The doors close automatically,” she said flatly. “No motion sensor. If that girl had shown up any later—if we hadn’t noticed her in time—”
“We would’ve been stuck on the train with her,” you said, cold realization trickling into you. “Oh my god. That probably happened to the people on the train who weren’t quick enough.”
“Or didn’t know any better,” Dina added. “Didn’t you say that no one here really understands what the infection is? That it makes people hosts?” 
Your heart dropped. “We’re so fucked. We need to get out.” 
“Have a plane anywhere?”
“Oh, god, Simon,” you wailed. “He was probably—he must’ve known—his parents must have—”
“Let’s not dwell,” said Dina firmly, brushing her hands off on her pants. “Okay. Let’s take inventory of the situation. That girl likely wasn’t patient zero. Wherever she came from was around…8th street?” 
You nodded.
“Right. 8th street, which is where the majority of non-student residential living spaces are. Chances are that if it wasn’t already, it’s all over that area. We came south, which is away from the most densely populated area and probably why we haven’t seen anyone else. We’re up high with what seems to be currently running water, no current activity in the building, and plenty of both perishable and nonperishable food. 
“But this isn’t permanent. The power grid is going to fail soon, and plumbing is likely going to go next. And if we somehow make it long enough, any infected in the building are going to turn into clickers, and they’ll stop at nothing to get in. Our window is limited. If we wait to get out, they’re going to get stronger and grow in numbers. We need to play this right.”
“So what you’re saying is that if there’s any possible chance of escape,” you said, feeling the blood drain from your face, “That we need to take it.”
Dina nodded, her face hard. 
“How long do you think we have until we have to make that choice?” 
She winced. “Probably 2 hours ago. There’s likely enough infected scattered around the city after the metro incident that it’s all over now.”
Your stomach dropped. 
“But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try,” said Dina. “It’s only going to get worse the longer we wait. So if that big fancy scientist brain of yours has any genius plans of how to get us out, please hurry it up and say so.” 
“Well,” you said, your mouth dry as you brainstormed aloud, “We are at the southern tip of the city. We’re probably not all that far from the border. The problem would be getting across—and, of course, getting there in the first place. It’s designed to be deceptive so that raiders can’t find it.” 
“We’re not going to cross the border,” said Dina. “We’re never getting across on foot unless it’s been destroyed. Simon told me about how it works. There’s quite literally zero chance unless we start tunneling underground.” 
“So no crossing on foot,” you said weakly. “Noted. Well. Uh. Can you fly a plane?”
“Depends. Do you have one?” 
You buried your face in your hands. 
“Come on, Y/N. Think. There has to be another option.” 
Another option. Another option. Think, think, think…
Scientist brain. Science. 
Like your degree. Like the lab you’d been working in last year. Like the ill-fated experiment that you’d scrapped after the university cut funding for it after your accident.
Like the time that you’d actually succeeded in inventing teleportation, even if it was accidental.
Like the contraption that was likely gathering dust in an unlocked lab room just a few blocks away. 
“Dina,” you said, “I’ve got it. But I need you to get me to Gunther’s lab.” 
The only good thing about today was the fact that Gunther’s lab, which was normally an inconvenient train ride away from your apartment, was in fact within perfectly reasonable walking distance from your parents’. 
There were many bad things, though. Namely the infected now roaming the streets. And the plumes of smoke rising in the distance, suggesting that the Terranovan authorities were attempting to quell the issue the old-fashioned way. 
With two knives and a pistol in your hand (you’d never been more happy to see something actually useful in your father’s antique collection), you were at least feeling more prepared to slowly creep back down the staircase of the building and out onto the streets. 
For the first two blocks, everything remained uneventful. You and Dina stuck close to the shadows, being careful not to speak, make any noise, or bump into anything noisy. 
Then a girl that looked somewhat familiar to you came stumbling around the corner, cloudy orange saliva dripping from her ashen lips. She locked onto you and began to excitedly chitter, her jerky movements becoming more pointed as she started approaching. 
“Knife,” Dina whispered, flicking your arm once she saw you raise your pistol. “Too loud.” 
It was your first kill without the help of a bullet. As the blade slid across the throat of the girl, you realized where you recognized her from—she’d been one of the students you’d tutored back in high school. You’d always liked her. Her name had been Liesel, and she was one of your best pupils. She’d been so bright. You thought she’d end up skipping senior year and just coming with you to college. 
Not anymore. You tried not to think too hard about the look you’d seen in her eyes right as you severed her carotid artery—something human, something cognisant. You couldn’t cope with what that implied. 
Did Ellie look like that? No, surely not. It’d been over a year. She was likely a clicker by now, her freckled face entirely swallowed by the spore shards. But was she still in there, like Liesel had been?
The next ones were easier—random men whose eyes remained flat and flinty even as you sent them to their ends. By the time you and Dina had broken into Gunther’s lab, you were splattered in blood and assorted mystery fluids. 
The sterile building was empty and deathly silent. Each step on the tiled floor echoed, the fluorescent lighting painfully bright. 
“Are there any workers in here usually?” Dina asked, her voice low. 
“Rarely,” you whispered back. “It’s normally totally empty beside me or Gunther.”
“I hope you’re right.” 
A long screeching that sounded like it came from a few doors down made you freeze.
“Let’s move,” Dina said under her breath. “I don’t want to find out who that is.” 
Gunther’s lab was nearly just as you remembered it. The only difference was the missing files on his desk, which suggested that he’d taken his work home with him. 
As you’d hoped, the prototype you’d developed in your third year was under a white sheet, almost entirely untouched. 
“This is what sent you to Jackson?” Dina whispered in wonder, her fingers hovering over the wires but not daring to touch.
In actuality, it was a very small contraption, just transistors and gates and wires that crossed over each other like veins. It had been intended for use on laboratory rats. It’d never been sized to people. But if this was your only shot…
“I can’t remember exactly what Gunther and I did to—”
Your blood ran cold. Something was outside the door. 
“I’ll cover it,” said Dina, her voice firm. Don’t worry.”
And you wouldn’t—not when there was one zombie against you and Dina, armed to the teeth.
“Uh, anyway—” You blinked as you stared down at the mess of wires. “Technically what happened was it short-circuit—”
Scratch scratch scratch
You gulped. “Um, like I was saying, it short—”
To punctuate the point, the door creaked and shifted. 
Dina pressed her finger to her lips as she slowly crept over to the door, standing on her toes to look through the thin strip of plexiglass that ran across the top of the door. 
For a moment, you thought that she’d frozen. Then she quietly stepped over to the desk, snatched the pen Gunther had lying around, and scribbled something onto it. She handed it to you, her finger still posed over her lips. 
7 of them. All big. I think they followed us from the street.
Just as you finished reading it, the doorknob began to turn, back and forth and back and forth against the lock. 
Dina pulled the note from your fingers to scribble something else out. 
Don't say anything. Noise will send them into a feeding frenzy. Door won't hold long. Do whatever you need to fix it and get us out.
You nodded, your heart crawling in your throat. If you couldn’t figure out how to fix this in time…Gunther’s lab was on the 6th floor. 
There were only 3 bullets in the pistol—you’d checked. And a kitchen knife was fine when you were out on the street facing one infected at a time, but 7 in an enclosed space was different.
You probably weren’t going to get out of here alive. 
Not unless you pulled it together right now. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you tried to run through all possible ways to recreate the conditions that had sent you to Jackson. You needed that special iridescent wire, which you could see shoved into the corner. You needed a power source. You needed a working circuit board. 
You had all of it. You could do this. 
SIlently, you retrieved the spool of wire and began reattaching it to the board in the pattern you vaguely recalled from your work. 
The lights flickered above, and it was all you could do to keep yourself from swearing out loud. 
The power needed to hold. It needed to hold for just one more minute, just for a moment while you finished configuring the—
Your hand knocked the spool to the floor.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
The thudding started slower but crescendoed into the sound of groaning wood as the infected outside began to pound at the door. 
Dina waved a slip of paper in front of you with wide eyes that said Hurry the FUCK up!. 
You sent her a desperate look back. Your hands were shaking so hard that it was a miracle you were even able to feed the end of the wire through the pliers to snap off the end. You dug your nails into the protective sleeve at the end to expose the tip of the wire.
The door held just until you plugged the wire into the input. 
As it hummed to life, sputtering and sparking and shimmering in the air, the lights flickered once, then plunged you into darkness as the sound of wood splintering came from the door. 
Someone—it was probably you—screamed as a crowd came barrelling through the door, all hunched shoulders and gaping maws. 
Then you grabbed the hand of Dina and felt yourself tumble into nothingness. 
The sky was clear and bluebell blue above you when you came to, your back pressed uncomfortably against the sun-warmed earth. Every part of you ached like you’d just been run over, just like it had that day one year ago that started it all.
You didn’t need to look around to confirm—you were certain of where you were. You just knew it. 
A groaning sound made you shoot up, clutching at the pistol in your hand. 
Dina was sprawled on the ground next to you, rubbing her forehead with her hands. 
“We did it,” you said, astonished. “We actually did it. We got out.” 
“And you launched us out to Jackson.” Dina was sitting up now, looking around with wide eyes. “Jesus Christ. Are those things coming with us?”
“I don’t think so,” you said blandly. Your hands were still shaking, just as they had in the lab moments before. 
The backpack you’d packed with supplies lay strewn on the ground, covered in the dust of the clearing. 
“Are we—”
“I think so,” you said. “Funny how it sent us to the same place it sent me. I guess we’ll never figure out how, though.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you acclimated to the bright Wyoming sun, the warmth of the air against your skin.
Your heart lurched as the implications sunk in. Now that you couldn’t pretend like Jackson had been some sort of distant memory, you were going to mourn Ellie all over again whether you liked it or not. 
“It’s going to be weird without her.” Dina was apparently on the same page. 
You choked back the sob that came up, rubbing your eyes angrily. You would not cry right now, not when you had more important things to attend to. 
“She really did love you, you know,” Dina continued, also apparently oblivious to the fact that you were just barely holding it together. “Even if she never said it. I’ve never seen her like that around anyone. I hope you haven’t been beating yourself up over what happened.”
You sent her a tight smile. It was odd, talking about Ellie like this with her. You’d never had before. It was one of those topics that you both knew to just avoid. “I just hope Joel is alright. I can’t imagine how difficult that would be—losing two daughters just like tha—”
A twig snapping in the woods sent you into silence, your hand drifting back down to your pistol as you spun around.
For a moment, all you could hear was the breath that hitched in both your and Dina’s throat. Then a girl with short brown hair burst through the tree line, her gun set on you. 
“Ellie?” you gasped. 
She fell still, mouth agape and eyebrows nearly touching her hairline.
“Ellie, what the fuck?” said Dina, recovering much quicker than you. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I—” Ellie dropped her pistol so it pointed to the ground, staring at Dina incredulously. “What are you doing here?” Then she rounded on you. “What did you do? You promised to stay in Terranova.” 
You couldn’t answer. You were just so starstruck that all you could was stare, taking in everything about her. She was certainly Ellie—with her stupid little flashlight on her backpack strap and her fern tattoo and the perpetual grumpiness etched on her face. It was strange to think that you could have mistaken anyone else for her.
“Well?” she pressed, stepping closer, her mouth in a hard line. 
“Terranova fell. It’s gone. I did what I had to do to get us out.” The words came out quietly. Then, without thinking: “You’re alive.” 
“Long story,” said Ellie. “I think the scanner was defective.” 
“That sounds like a pretty short story.”
She stared at you with an expression of such odd devastation that you felt your heart drop.
Dina jumped to her feet and launched herself at Ellie, throwing her arms around her neck and laughing hysterically. “I can’t believe it. I just—I just—you’re alive. I’m so glad you’re alive.” 
Ellie, for her part, stood mostly still, awkwardly patting Dina on the back until she was released. “I’m glad you are, too.”
You tried not to feel jealous, but it was hard not to. Dina could jump into Ellie’s arms and tell her nice things like that without having to think twice because they’d always been friends. You did, because you weren’t sure if Ellie would want that anymore. 
You didn’t try to touch her as she walked you and Dina back. She followed suit, not even trying to speak to you. 
By the time you were walking through the walls of Jackson and waving to the gaping passerbys who were shocked at your return, you felt like you were going to be sick. 
Ellie was alive. She’d never been dead, and you’d left her out here while you and Dina got to eat fancy Brazilian chocolates and Floridian oranges and artisanal bread. You’d been actively trying to forget her instead of trying to find her.
And now she was here, next to you. And she didn’t seem even remotely interested in you. But could you blame her? It had been a year. You’d left her to come back to Jackson all by herself. She didn’t have any reason to wait around for you. She’d probably found someone else. Or gotten back together with Cat.
And who were you to think that she’d even be interested in you if there wasn’t the guaranteed casualness from a definite end date? 
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Joel appeared on the front porch as you and Dina approached with Ellie flanking you, his eyes wide. 
“Joel!” you cried out, your angst briefly forgotten. 
His eyes darted between the three of you, his face awash with shock. “Did ya just get sick of living there or something?”
You looked down and surveyed your outfit. You were clearly wearing something that was intended to be formal—a flowing graduation dress—but you were splattered with blood and viscous mystery substances and covered in a healthy layer of dirt. You’d clearly gone through some shit. 
You were struggling to come up with a response other than “hey” when you were reminded of something you’d shoved into your bag while you’d been preparing to leave your parents’ penthouse. 
Feeling smug that you’d managed to remember, you reached into your pack and fished around until you found what you were looking for.
“We just figured you’d be almost out of this by now,” you said dryly. The value-sized bag of coffee beans dangled from your fingers, its maroon packaging catching in the sun. 
His face split into a wide grin as he shook his head in disbelief. “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I guess I’ve got to tell Tommy that we don’t have to ration anymore. C’mon, let’s get you settled.”
Joel insisted that you move back into your old room instead of the vacant cottage down the street, which was equal parts touching and equal parts terrifying. Ellie lingered by the doorway as you unpacked, disappearing down the hall when you finally lifted your head from your few belongings to say something to her. 
You let out a long, labored exhale, dropping onto your bed and curling your knees up to your chest. You’d since changed and showered the dirt and blood off, shed your tattered graduation dress and left it gathered in the corner like a snake’s molt. The setting sun filtered through the curtains, turning the walls golden. 
You didn’t know what to do. That you could even come back to Jackson had been a thought you hadn’t dared to consider until this morning, when there were no other options. That Ellie was still alive—well, you hadn’t had any time to strategize or plan for that one. You were still reeling from seeing her for the first time in a year, all summer freckles and flyaway hairs escaping from a loose hairband.
She’d looked even better than you’d remembered. There were certain parts of her that you realized you’d forgotten—like the scar on her eyebrow, the way her voice sounded. It made you feel nauseous, knowing that despite your best efforts, you hadn’t been able to keep the real Ellie alive in your head. 
You’d already eaten something with Tommy and Maria, who had been insistent on hearing from you and Dina about the events in Terranova. Joel had left you to your own devices with instructions to see him tomorrow to figure out work after you’d had a decent rest, so there was really no reason to go roaming around hoping to run into Ellie. 
But you really wanted to. You checked the clock again, seeing that it was already past 9. Dusk had already fallen upon Jackson, the setting sun now just a suggestion of a golden line on the horizon.
You had a feeling you knew where she was. 
The meadow was just as lush and green as you remembered as your feet carried you across the grass. It seemed that really nothing had changed—except for the horses in the distance, where you could see a small foal beside a chestnut mare that you were pretty sure was Shimmer. 
“Hi,” you said, settling down next to Ellie’s spot under the tree. 
If she was surprised to see you, she didn’t show it. She just sighed and fiddled with the sleeve of her shirt. 
“I’m sorry for bothering you,” you said, keeping your eyes locked on the darkening sky. “I just wanted to come find you to tell you that I understand if you don’t—want me like that anymore. I’ll leave you alone if you want me to.” 
Even when she took her time responding, you didn’t dare look her way. 
“Is that what you want?” You couldn’t quite decipher the tone she’d used. 
“Obviously not,” you said mildly. “I would never want that.” 
“I wouldn’t either.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, your gaze dropping to meet hers. You were just about to speak when—
“The scanner wasn’t defective,” said Ellie. Her voice was soft, her own eyes falling to look at her tattooed arm. 
“Of course it was,” you said, feeling very confused as to why she was suddenly detouring into something so unrelated. “If it wasn’t, you’d be dead already.” 
“I’ve been bitten twice.”
You blinked, sure you’d heard her incorrectly. “Sorry?” 
“I’ve been bitten twice,” said Ellie again, this time with more conviction. “That’s why the scanner came back red. There was nothing wrong with it.” 
“Then how…” Your words trailed off. 
She didn’t let you ponder long. “I’m immune.” 
You closed your mouth—it’d been hanging open unceremoniously for a moment—and tried to fit this very startling fact in with everything else you knew about her. What did being immune mean? And why was she telling you now?
“You knew from the start that you couldn’t come with me to Terranova,” you realized aloud. 
Ellie was gnawing at her bottom look as she looked back at you. You noted that she didn’t offer up any corrections. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You couldn’t hide the hurt in your voice. “Why did you lie to me like that?” 
“I found out that I was immune when I was back in Boston,” Ellie said, the words spilling out of her. “I was in this abandoned mall with my best friend—Riley. She told me she was leaving to be a Firefly, and I begged her to stay and kissed her and for a moment I was so sure that something was going to change between us—something for the better. But then…” She waved her tattooed arm in front of her. “We both got bit. I survived. She, obviously, did not.”
Something deep inside you twisted as you tried to imagine how traumatizing that must’ve been for someone that couldn’t have been older than 14. 
“And so I thought that maybe, you were my chance to right what I’ve done wrong,” continued Ellie. Even though she wasn’t looking at you anymore, you could see the reflective sheen of tears in her eyes. “I’ve gotten to live while so many other people have died. I just can’t handle another. It’s not fair of me to keep someone here when there’s somewhere safer for them. It’s selfish, and I’ve been that enough.”
It was as if you’d found the last puzzle piece for the jigsaw of Ellie Williams. All this time, you’d been struggling in your attempts to understand why she was pushing you away—and why she changed her mind so suddenly. 
Now you got it. Ellie had come into this knowing that she’d likely never see you again. She’d been betting on it, even. It was all some convoluted way for her to set things right in her head, for her to forgive herself for Riley and whoever else she’d lost. 
“You could have told me,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “I would have understood.” 
Ellie sent you a sad smile, shaking her head. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone that I’m immune. It’s one of those things that only Joel and Maria and Tommy know about. No one else. They’d fucking kill me if they found out you knew.” 
“I’m really sorry.” The fabric of her t-shirt was soft under your fingers as you rested a hand on her shoulder. 
“I’m really sorry for how much of an asshole I was to you,” said Ellie. You didn’t miss the way her eyes had widened when you’d reached out to touch her. “I didn’t want to be that way. I always wanted more. I just couldn’t handle having that, knowing that you were going to leave anyway. I thought it’d be easier for the both of us if you thought I was awful.”
“Didn’t work very well.”
“I forgive you,” you said, moving your hand so you could thread your fingers into the loose strands that she hadn’t pulled into that baby bun she always wore. 
Instead of kissing you like you thought she might, she threw her arms around you and crushed herself against you, burying her face into your neck.
You held her there, feeling the way her frame trembled under the weight of a sob and tracing patterns across her back. 
“I missed you,” you whispered, your chin rested atop her shoulder. “I thought about you every day.”
Ellie clung to you harder as you shifted.
“I’m really sorry,” she said again, muffled against your neck. “I’m sorry for everything.” 
“I’m not.” You finally pulled away so that she had to look you in the eyes. Under the soft bath of moonlight, her green eyes glowed. “Terranova shouldn’t have existed in the first place. I’m glad that I got out. And I’m even more glad that it brought me back to you.” 
Her hand found yours, your fingers tangling.
“I used to spend all my free time wondering what you were doing up North,” said Ellie. You felt her thumb brush across the top of your hand. “I thought that maybe if I imagined you happy, it’d be easier.”
“What did you think I was doing?” 
The corner of her mouth quirked up. “Lots of studying, I assumed. And going to fancy events for rich people, eating all that expensive shit that the rest of the world can’t have.” 
“Not far off,” you admitted. “But you missed how much time I’d spend wondering about you. I dreamt about you all the time. Sometimes I’d see people who looked similar to you and it’d ruin my whole day. I couldn’t believe that you were gone. I think that deep down I knew that you weren’t.” 
She squeezed your hand. When you looked down at where you were touching, you noted how there wasn’t such a stark difference between you and her anymore. The doll fresh-out-of-the-box skin had disappeared in favor of scars and marks collected from your time in the real world. 
“I really thought you’d be safe there,” said Ellie. 
“You don’t need to worry about me like that anymore,” you told her, cupping her face with your free hand. Her eyelids fluttered half-closed as she leaned into the contact. “You’ve done enough. You can care about me without taking responsibility for everything bad that ever happens to me. You deserve to have something good without suffering because of it. I promise I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Not anymore,” she agreed. 
When you kissed her, it felt like coming home. There was something so achingly familiar in the slope of her neck, the slight chapped-ness of her lips, the almost silent click of her jaw as her mouth parted with a gasp as your hands twisted in her hair. 
You weren’t quite sure how you managed a year without it. 
The skin of her neck was just as soft as you remembered against your lips, her response just as reactive. 
“What’s this?” you asked, pulling away to point at what looked like a small tattoo on the side of her neck. You hadn’t noticed it before—her hair had been covering it. 
“Oh.” Ellie looked sheepish. “My free birthday tattoo from Cat. It’s the moon.” 
“I see that,” you murmured, brushing her hair back more intentionally to get a better look at it. “Why that phase?” 
“It’s the phase it would’ve been on the day we met,” said Ellie. She was bright red now. “Don’t fucking laugh. I know that it’s stupid. Shut up. Stop!” 
You desperately tried to stop your giggles, schooling your face into something straight and no-nonsense. 
“I spent so long wondering if you even liked me,” you told her. “And now you’ve gone and gotten a tattoo dedicated to me. I feel so validated.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“I have you beat, though,” you said, quieter now. 
She looked back at you, her brows furrowed. “Huh?” 
“When it comes to grand, stupid gestures,” you explained, your finger pointing up to the sky in the general area that you’d collected your data from. “There’s a planet named Ellie up there now.” 
Her jaw dropped for just a moment. “You’re kidding.” 
“No.” Now you were feeling slightly self-conscious. 
“You would do something like that,” Ellie muttered, more to herself than anything. “A whole fucking planet.” 
You let her drape an arm around you, pulling you into her until your head fit into the space between her shoulder and her chin. 
“So,” Ellie said, and you could feel the words vibrate in her diaphragm, “What now?” 
“What do you mean, what now?” 
“I mean, what are you gonna do now that you’re stuck here with me for the foreseeable future?” 
“Enjoy being stuck with you,” you said. “Maybe get a matching tattoo. Give you the piece of the meteorite I nabbed from the display case in my lab. But mostly spend my time bothering you.”
When she didn’t answer, you shifted so you could look up at her. She was already looking back, her eyes soft and the corners of her lips pulling into two dimples. 
“Is that alright with you?’ you ventured.
Her arm tightened around you, fingers gently pressing into the flesh of your forearm like she still couldn’t quite believe you were there. 
“You can be so fucking stupid sometimes,” she said. “I get a tattoo for you and you’re still asking if I want you around.” 
“It’s been known for you to make rash decisions,” you offered dryly. “I didn’t want to jump to any assumptions.”
 She rolled her eyes, still smiling down at you, eyes awash with the reflections of the stars above. 
Slowly, you reached up and touched her face again, letting your fingers relearn her features, tracing the paths created by freckles—just like you had in her bed all those months ago. 
But unlike last time, she didn’t stop you. She didn’t do anything except let you. There was something in her demeanor, something that was fragile and vulnerable and everything that you wanted her to be with you.
“Is this going to be enough for you?” she asked suddenly, her voice raw. 
“What do you mean?” Your fingers paused and rested at her cheekbones.
“It’s just—” She blinked hard and cast her gaze up to the sky. “You grew up so differently than me. I’m not going to be able to give you that fancy Terranova life. Are you sure this is going to make you happy?” 
She looked at you, an eyebrow raised skeptically. Your hands moved to cup her face, fingers threading back into her hair. 
“Don’t make that face,” you chided.
“I just find it really hard to believe.” 
You took in a breath. Perhaps more elaboration was in order.
“I’ll put it like this,” you said. “I spent most of my life thinking I needed to be something extraordinary to be happy. I put so much time into trying to be special and nothing I did ever felt like it was enough. But then I met you, and one day I realized while I was here that I didn’t need that anymore. Just being around you makes me more content than I’ve ever been. I don’t want to be like what I was before. I would consider it my greatest success if I got to lead an ordinary life with you.”
You took her brief silence as an opportunity to press your lips to the corner of her mouth.
“Believe me now?” you asked. 
Ellie nodded, leaning in to drop an affectionate kiss at the top of your nose. 
And as you sat there, nestled into the warmth of her side and craning your head up to the sky, you’d never been more sure of yourself. 
This would be more than enough. 
final a/n: ok so some apologies are in order for this one! first of all, sorry for aborting jj lmao. i just couldn't envision doing light speed travel with a baby strapped to dina. big apologies for not including a final smut scene. i actually had one semi-drafted out because i wanted to write one where ellie bottomed bc i feel like it would really hammer in that she was finally choosing to be vulnerable, but the shift in the scene tone just didn't sit right with me. sometimes i write bonus scenes for big fics like this, so if there's enough interest i might write a short one shot of the scene i scrapped/other scenes that i also scrapped. also, speaking of things i scrapped: i had an alternate ending in mind where joel actually did die and ellie went on her seattle rampage + y/n realizes she's alive and tries to sneak out with dina to find her. i might end up writing that one too, depending on interest! anyway, thank you all for coming along on this journey with me so far! it's not totally over yet...the epilogue is still in the works! i appreciate hearing what you guys think of this and hope you all enjoyed !!!
also idk if this is important to bring up but i will say that i didn't realize the kind of message i'd be sending when i wrote a protagonist who's from a place like terranova—exoplanet isn't meant to be some sort of piece that makes you empathize with ignorant beneficiaries of slave labor...it's just the way it shook out and for that i'm sorry 😭
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Cater Diamond - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Cater: This museum's real neat~ There's a ton of real picturesque paintings here!
Cater: I should study these as much as I can, 'cause I might be able to learn a thing or two about snagging awesome pics from the way these are composed ♪
Cater: ―Hey, look at that painting…
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???: Woah, it's the card soldiers. Cool, I can really see their brisk little walk in the paintin'.
Cater: I totes agree, Ruggie-kun. I was just thinking the same thing.
Ruggie: Oh, Cater-san. Guess ya can't pass by this painting without checking it out, 'cause you're one of 'em Heartslabyul Card Soldiers, eh?
Cater: Sooo true~ 'Specially 'cause this painting's got the diamond-suited card soldiers, too ☆
Ruggie: Riight, you got the diamond marking. How do y'all decide who gets what suit?
Cater: Fantastic question. This little mark, y'see…
Cater: Gets decided by the Housewarden's whim ♪
Ruggie: A whim!? That's actually a pretty random way of pickin' 'em…
Cater: Oh, no, it's more like the Housewarden draws on the suit they feel will "suit" the new student from their looks.
Cater: Although, there is rule that the suits need to be doled out as evenly as possible, so…
Cater: Could be that the last few assignments might be more like… whatever works, or something like that~
Ruggie: So basically, it all comes down to the Housewarden's intuition and discretion, huh. You happy with the suit you got given, Cater-san?
Cater: Obvi. I was really hoping for the heart or diamond mark, so I really did get just what I wanted.
Cater: 'Sides, if I had gotten the spade or club, I'd've had to buy all new cosmetics, too.
Ruggie: Gah. You tellin' me that you guys in Heartslabyul gotta shell out your own cash to buy makeup depending on the suit!?
Cater: Oh, no, no, it's not like we absolutely have to do that or anything.
Cater: But I felt like the cosmetics I already had wouldn't have really gone well with one of the black suits, sooo~
Cater: And so, don'tcha think it'd be better for me to have some makeup that'll suit both me and the given suit?
Cater: That's why when I knew I got the diamond painted on, I started thinking of the cosmetics I had with me.
Cater: I got to thinkin' like how I could use a brown multi-makeup palette with it, or how it could match with my orange eye shadow…
Cater: I started trying to put together combinations of all my favorite makeups and it got me really excited~
Ruggie: Ah, I get that.
Ruggie: It's a great feelin' whenever you can use whatcha got on hand and not have to buy new stuff, huh! 'N I'm not just talkin' 'bout cosmetics.
Cater: Yeah, yeah. Also, we sometimes end up painting the suit some color other than red whenever we have events or special outfits, right?
Cater: I do borrow stuff from my other dormmates when I need it, but before I know it I find I've bought all sorts of cosmetics, y'know~
Cater: But hey, I get to play around with some cute and cool styles of makeup, so it's all worth it in the end…
Cater: Chattin' about it like this makes me realize just how happy I truly was to get the diamond suit picked for me.
Cater: And 'cause of how I have to always paint the suit on my face, I also got real good at applying eye makeup, too ♪
Cater: So when I think of it that way, I guess Heartslabyul was the best dorm to improve my cosmetic skills.
Ruggie: I'm someone who just throws things together based on whatever hand-me-downs and random stuff I get from others, so I don't really get it, but…
Ruggie: I definitely get the feel that you're enjoyin' yourself, so.
Cater: Ahaha. That prolly just means that Heartslabyul is the dorm that suits ya boi Cay-kun the best, I guess~
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Cater: Oh hey, this is… a painting of a princess and price from a certain country riding a magical carpet on a date.
Ruggie: Uhh, right, and the prince invited the princess out, right?
Cater: Yep, yep. They say that these two weren't actually officially dating yet, either.
Cater: But, man… Don'tcha think it's a little embarrassing for them to have their dating life passed down in stories like this?
Ruggie: Y-yeah, now that you put it that way, I guess it could be a little… or maybe very embarrassing.
Cater: Riiiight~!? And on top of that, their backdrop is the night sky. Looks to me like just another generic date plan.
Ruggie: Oho, if you're gonna say it like that… You mean you'd have done things differently, Cater-san?
Cater: I mean, a nighttime view of the sky's not a bad choice… But if it was me, I prolly woulda chosen a super popular touristy attraction. What about you, Ruggie-kun?
Ruggie: Hmm, probably any park that I can get in for free. Though, if they're payin', then I'll go anywhere. I'd always be down for an all-you-can-eat buffet!
Cater: …Oh hey! Look, Ruggie-kun. Lookin' at the painting closer, you can see the magical carpet handing him a flower. What a cute scamp~
Cater: Oh, that reminds me. I once received a flower from someone in the crowd after the Pop Music Club finished a set at the school's culture festival.
Ruggie: Eh, you're kidding!?
Ruggie: If we're talkin' about a Pop Music Club performance, that includes all the chaotic stuff like Lilia-san's screamo and stage divin', right…?
Ruggie: You tellin' me after all that, you actually have fans, and one of them even gave you a flower?
Ruggie: …Heh. Cater-san, even if ya wanna try to rewrite your bad experiences, ya shouldn't lie like that.
Cater: Hey, wait, Ruggie-kun, don't look at me with pity in your eyes! It really happened!
Ruggie: Suuure, so did they ask for your deets?
Cater: Nah, they ran off as soon as they handed me the flower.
Ruggie: Seeee~ No way they just ran off without gettin' a phone number off ya, that'd be a waste of givin' you the flower.
Cater: But why would I even give them my… Ah! Ruggie-kun, I think you're misunderstanding something.
Cater: The kid who gave me the flower was about 4 or 5 years old. And it was just some cute flowers they picked in the wild, too ♪
Ruggie: Eh… 4 or 5 years old?
Ruggie: ―Pfft, ahahahaha! S-Seriously? Man, suddenly, now that's just way too cute of a story…
Cater: Oh come on, you don't need to laugh about it that much. You're the one who misinterpreted it in the first place.
Ruggie: It's your fault I got confused, Cater-san. Like, we were literally just talkin' about dates 'n stuff right before.
Ruggie: But I think I get someone at that age enjoyin' themselves regardless of the actual music goin' on.
Ruggie: Or maybe it was love at first sight? That's the kinda age where ya might see cases of puppy love. You stunner, you~
Cater: Who knows? Whatever it was that they thought or felt…
Cater: I'm just happy to know there are people out there that think I'm pretty swell ☆
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Cater: Oooh, I really like this painting of the King of Beasts~ He's so relaxed, it looks like we get to see him truly in his element.
Ruggie: Is he lounging on a rock? Amazin' that he can still look regal even when lazin' around.
Cater: Someone striking a cool pose makes a good painting, sure, but sometimes the natural look is pretty fresh, too.
Cater: It's got a pretty good style, without being too pretentious, if that makes sense…
Cater: And it super feels like if I snagged a pic of this moment and uploaded it to Magicam, it'd end up the top trending photo ever ☆
Ruggie: Oh yeah, speaking of, I saw that photo you uploaded just the other day got a ton of likes.
Ruggie: It just happened to come across my dash, so I don't really remember the context, but it was you with a cat in a pretty chic place.
Cater: Yay, you saw that!? Pretty sure that was when I snapped a pic with this one café's pet cat.
Cater: I like to visit café's, right. So on days off, I usually go and get lunch or drinks at places that catch my eye.
Ruggie: You go to a café whenever you get a day off!? That's gotta cost a ton!
Cater: Oh, no, it's not every day off! I'm just sayin' that I do it often, but there's days I just chill in my room, too.
Ruggie: Kinda feels like it'd be hard to pry you off your phone even on those kinda days, huh.
Cater: Ah, that obvious? Even if I'm just lounging in bed, you know I gotta check the 'cam ♪
Cater: I guess I also sometimes read whatever comic is currently popular, or play some games.
Ruggie: I wasn't expecting you to say you play games. Oh, is it like you have online friends you play with, or something?
Ruggie: There's a ton of co-op and pvp games out there, so.
Cater: Uhh, I don't really play those sorts of games.
Cater: Sometimes whenever I need to clear my head, I'll just play a puzzle game, or something that just has simple tasks.
Cater: One game that I've recently got into is one of those puzzles where objects fall down the screen…
Cater: And this one always has a lot of new characters, all cute and round and plush-lookin'.
Cater: I get a nice and fuzzy feeling just watching 'em go, so I don't really do good with the whole collecting items or raising my score, though.
Cater: Most of the time I'll end up falling asleep if I'm playing it while laying down and just wake up to terrible scores.
Ruggie: The fact that you're not houndin' for a high score, and just play for fun like that definitely sounds more like your speed.
Ruggie: Alllright, well, I've checked out all the art in this gallery, so I'm thinkin' of headin' to the next one. See ya, Cater-san. I'm off.
Cater: Okay, bye-bye, Ruggie-kun. Maybe I'll go check out the shop~ …Oh hey―
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Cater: It's a painting showing that one story of the girl who fell adrift into the ocean, huh.
Cater: If I remember right, this girl drank some mystery drink and her whole body shrunk. Poor little thing.
Cater: She'd open her mouth before thinking and stick her neck into whatever she could… Seriously, what a meddling little girl~
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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mister-ious · 8 months
YouTuber!Ghost participating in YouTuber collabs omfg..
There was a million requests for collabs in his comments—many others in videos—since there was no email address linked to the YouTube account. It was mainly fitness influencers that have asked for Ghost to appear in their videos and vice versa. It was kind of funny actually, just seeing comments in an email format under his videos asking for collabs, with thousands of likes from their and his fans.
Ghost was hesitant at first. He didn't know these people; they were complete strangers that just wanna monetise his appearance in their channels. Price and a couple of higher ups that monitored the channel were indifferent about it, they would allow collabs if Ghost wanted to—of course with very strict rules.
There was an influencer that had wanted to make the usual 'I tried military training' with Ghost. Another wanted a fitness competition, something having to do with an obstacle course. Others wanted to make a video to review and go through Ghost's workout routine and diet to find out how he stays so big.
Ghost was coaxed to agree to the invitations by 141. I don't exactly know how, but to make this scenario work let's say they—Price—bribed him with a really nice room at the barracks with a private shower room and offered to do most of his paperwork, or they were just really good at talking him into it.
Sooo... Ghost agreed to do the workout review one with a YouTuber (imagine it was someone like Kim Jong Kook where he'd basically review Ghost's workouts and help him with form and even improve the routine). Ghost was invited to their gym. It's funny to imagine how sketchy the other YouTuber would think of his arrival; Ghost would come with like two other big military people that would make the YouTuber sign papers—it was basically a paper that makes them send the video over to the military incase there was anything that needed to be cut out.
Their eyes widen, gasping, "Wow. You are so much bigger in real life... uhm, sir...?" "Ghost." He grunts from the black surgical mask plastered on his face. His furrowed eyebrows giving himself a stern countenance. Very intimidating but he reaches his hand out for a handshake. "You'll need to talk to my people first before we start." Ghost points behind him; two more big hunks of muscle. "Christ." They whisper.
Ghost in these collabs would wear an all black attire. Hoodie, with a fitted shirt under, and sweats. Sometimes he'd deck out a beanie or baseball hat. However, he wouldn't wear his skull balaclava—or any balaclava for that matter—he'd just wear a surgical mask with some shades. Yes, the fans would go absolutely ballistic for this, making edits and thirst posts of that tiny scar that would pop out of his mask/shades for like five seconds in a video.
I didn't get to mention this but yes they'd also go insane for his full sleeve of tats. Yes, velocity edits on his arms flexing when doing anything. Yes, thirst posts of when they see his eyes crinkle from making a facial expression that they couldn't make of in his videos. Yes, making sound bites of the "I like my women how I like my coffee" joke—anything that he said that they thought was sexy. And yes, Brittany TikTokers making videos about him.
Anyways, back to the collab.
Ghost would definitely let some curse words slip, some bleeped out and some are kept in. He'll be talking about stories from his earlier days in the military, grumbling about how fucking bleeping punishing it was. Also, his voice would still be obscured post editing.
After they'd made their greetings outside, walking into the underground gym, they ask, "Was it hard in the military, Ghost?" "'Course it fucking [bleep] was. That's a stupid question." Ghost curtly replies, slouching his shoulders to fit in the stair case as he muttered something about it being too small. "I don't even know how I survived some of the training—there were too many arseholes for sergeants when I was still new. The real missions were even worse." He goes on further, "Can't tell you shit about all of it on video though. Maybe I'll tell you about them later."
When both of them finally start the workouts and reps, the questions about Ghost's routine and diet finally come.
"How did you get so big? Natty too." "I participated in mandatory training everyday, also went to the gym often. I also ate a lot of protein bars at base, albeit tasting horrible."
Ghost would also be asked to show off his muscle. I think this part would be what he anticipated the most, to flaunt his herculean body, the amount of discipline that it took to look and be this strong. He'd take off the hoodie and roll up the already short sleeves of the shirt underneath, tensing his muscles.
"Good god, dude, you can see his lats and everything under his shirt." They comment, pointing their finger as Ghost rowed one of the machines. "Do you mind if I touch you?" They request, Ghost lets out a grunt of approval as they moved their hands to his back muscles, squeezing the tautness, exclaiming that "He's tough as a brick!"
They'd also ask him for workout/gym advice for the people at home watching, but I don't think he'd have the most useful tips for us. He'd talk about the usual gym tips, but he can't really go into more detail and elaborate since he's a soldier, and none of his actual good tips would be helpful for (most of) the people watching him.
"Also, if you guys are wondering, he sounds exactly like you think he would." They wink to the camera. "S'that supposed to mean?"
Ghost would further talk about his routine, how many sets he does and how many reps there are.; what his favourite workout was; when his favourite time to workout was; if he liked working out with other people.
I workout everyday. I don't have designated days for the different parts of my body; I do workouts that I think I haven't done in a while. I like to do calisthenics, but I also lift weights and use machines. I prefer working out early in the morning, after waking up and before eating breakfast. I also prefer to workout alone but I sometimes can't help some of... my acquaintances from joining me. Er, if I had to choose, I'd pick brutal bench as my favourite workout. It took quite a while for me to learn and properly do.
Then he'd demonstrate what a brutal bench was and his shirt would 'accidentally' ride up his torso showing off his abs. Though they weren't defined, you could still tell that he trained them and that they're strong. He'd mention that he did (still does probably) a whole lot of them in his earlier days in the military, then shows off his calloused palms to the camera.
Lastly, lower body workouts. I can just imagine how mouthwatering Ghost would look in a hip abduction/adduction machine: His hands gripping the seat while he looked up, his thighs pushing in on the steel leather padded squares, each set to 80 kilos (~176lbs), holding in his groans.
really abrupt and weird ending to this one i know but what can i do.
Next video he'd appear on would be him demonstrating and putting an influencer through the training of the special forces. I think some of 141 might appear if they were coincidentally at base for the recording.
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taddymason · 3 months
What are your thoughts on each of the Ninja? I'm just curious
Ooooo okokok this is going to be so long, I'm going to explain my first impression of them when I was a child and how it has changed over time.
Cole: I really didn't care much about Cole when I saw the series for the first time, like, as I remember he was my least favorite character on the team and he seemed boring to me. Now? Easily my favorite ninja. It's funny because of the team it's easily the one I identify with the most in terms of personality. I LOVE how most of his arcs have to do with the potential of his elemental powers, probably one of the ninjas who has grown the most in terms of skills over the course of the series. I know I don't talk much about the way they develop him and how much he matures throughout the series, especially how he becomes more and more open with the team, but he is one of my favorite characters.
Zane: I always liked Zane and he always remained my second favorite ninja. One of the parts I like most about his development is how he becomes more confident and sassy, especially in the new seasons. What I do not like is how many other ninjas's jokes about him are limited to "Zane, we need to adjust your honest/sarcasm ciurcuits", etc. It gets pretty tiring and somewhat contradicts the whole point of his character to be reminded that he's a nindroid when the whole point is that he actually sometimes ends up being a lot more human than everyone else but that's it. (ALSO Why did the writers forget that he had a falcon?)
Lloyd: sooo Lloyd is a complicated one because I don't really have strong feelings about his character. I guess one thing that kept me away every time I rewatched the show was thinking that he's like they put every cliche of a protagonist in a blender and most of his arcs feel that "predictable" when you compare him to the others. BUT I like what they are doing with his character on DR and I think it is his best season so far, SO definitely in DR it is more entertaining to see his development and his relationship with the kids.
Kai: Kai is a character that for me... is fine, I don't love him too much like most of the fandom. Again I think that in DR they are doing justice to his character since he feels that in Wildbrainera he was quite forgettable as if the creators didn't know what to do with him (like, I'm not a fan of his arc in S11 because we have definitely seen that lesson a Lot of times). I really love the development of him anyway and his relationship with Nya & Lloyd is one of the best parts of the series.
Nya: I'm going to be honest, I only started to like Nya in S9, before that with the sexist way the writers wrote her in the first seasons when I first saw the series I found her annoying (and S3 and S6 didn't help) . I think her character definitely improved after the Oni trilogy onwards because the creators began to give her REAL CHARACTER FLAWS and take her more seriously because then I started to like her character more.
Jay: soo, when I saw the series for the first time Jay instantly became my favorite ninja. I liked that there was a balance between the sarcastic jokes and the fact that he would then do something surprising like being the first to do spinjitsu, being a genius on roller skates, him shooting in space, etc. It's those moments in which he proved to be the thinker outside the box of the team that were very entertaining along with his humor, his powers, the duality in which he could be a bastard, an idiot and a genius at the same time was what made him that was my favorite on the team
Now, I'm not a fan of Jay when it comes to the new seasons where they basically removed all the traits I'm listing and turned him into a man child who only makes pee jokes. They literally took away EVERYTHING that made him a useful member of the team, he is a completely different character that really the only thing he has is... he is just the "uwu guy on the team". Honestly, it could be a whole essay explaining how I hate Jay from S11 onwards but I'll just leave it at that I hope DR gives him real development (and for a change it doesn't have to do with Nya)
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icey--stars · 30 days
first off, i love you. thank you for the excitement XD
okay, the full overview of the idea is to be a sister to aelin or eris. onto the individual things... hehe. just did it in bullet points for my own sanity. (i went overboard, but YOU ASKED! i was having fun XD)
also please nobody steal these ideas without asking 😭 because i really like how unique i made it and i DO want to post it eventually
Aelin's Sister:
first off, she's the older sibling
i actually fully wrote out a timeline for this particular one because i felt like i had to get the ages right and stuff sooo lemme just give you this first off and then go over the points
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basically, i named the OC "Aeress" because yes. had to keep the "AE" vibe going.
Aeress is 9 when Aedion is born and 14 when Aelin is born
At the age of 21, however, Aeress basically went missing. She was with her family (mom and dad) in the Whitefang mountains when a tribe attacked.
She was determined to be dead after being missing for an entire month
HOWEVER, the real story is that she was captured.
Here's the actual written version:
“When I was in the White Fang Mountains, just a simple vacation if you remember, sidekick, a wild tribe attacked us. Humans, all of them, but some had ice magic. We defended ourselves and the guards got Mother and Father to safety. However, they didn’t notice me getting grabbed and thrown on the back of a horse, bleeding from my calf that’d been cut.
“They took me, traveling far. I healed myself when I could, but they put me in iron after the leader realized that I was with them. There was no returning me without full blown war, so instead they faked my death. They took me as a war prize and a slave.”
“For a year, they kept me in the Ferian Gap, hidden in the tunnels there. They didn’t even notice when I Settled. I was to mine ice for them, and to appease them. It was impossible for me, an untrained idiotic princess, to escape, so I stayed and waited. My chance came soon after when magic fell. I’d been unchained with only iron cuffs on at that moment. I ran in the chaos of the mountains shuddering, to where the witches trained. A mountain in the Omega.”
“After that, with magic gone, I was not skilled enough, I felt, to leave the Ferian Gap, and brave Adarlan with the news I spied on from the tribe. I survived off of them for a good six years, unwilling to brave the valleys and predators without my magic and without any skills of survival. I was untrained and very killable at that moment. I did my best with a sword I stole, but… an untrained arm can only do so much. The mining helped slightly, but not enough.
“Anyway, six years later, humans appeared at my little mountain hideout. These were the humans who created and tested out the current wyverns of the witches’. However, I was still a goddamn idiot, so I got captured. I was a prize for the wyverns and they didn’t even know who I was. But they kept me alive, so I lived like that for a little. 3 years or so, which wasn’t that bad. 
“The wyverns were useless for a while, but the humans seemed to not think of me like a slave after a little bit. I was a partner, who helped a little to improve them. Though, I never dared with their dark magic. 
“When the witches came, I escaped. And got captured again, by a Blueblood coven. I was pissed, but I was given as a prize to Petrah, the Blueblood Heir. Quite a nice female, actually. She wasn’t as bloodthirsty as the rest. She knew who I was based on scent, I think, but she never told anyone. 
“I stayed in her room and one day, she decided to teach me to fight. I learned later it was because of a foolish hope beginning in her heart. Of freedom. Then she taught me to ride wyverns, showing me in secret the beauty of a wyvern. One day, during the day of the games where the covens fought for Wing Leader, I tamed my own wyvern. His name is Ryder. Pitch black, small-sized male who was fast. Perfect for what I needed. 
“When the Yellowlegs witches went to Morath, I followed. I blended in quite well, actually. I could pretend to be a servant to the witches and a witch to the humans who knew none the better. When they flew for Adarlan, I escaped. I flew for Terrasen.
“From there, I supported the war as a healer,” I finished. “Took some time to build enough courage to see you, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t compromise your position on the throne, little flame. You deserved to rule. More than I ever did. I know a little about your history as an assassin, and I know you knew how to fight. How to lead, when I heard of your court. And I knew Terrasen was in good hands. I can offer you advice for the finer tuned things of ruling, but leadership was never my forte.” ("you" refers to Aelin)
So basically, that's that. that's how I inputted an older sister into the mix
HOWEVER! Aeress is the exact reflection of Aelin in power. She has majority water (like SUPER powerful) and a tiny bit of flame. Barely a candle light.
This is also where I inputted a very cool concept: the reflection of the powers means that if either of them died, they would've known because the little tiny bit of the power (aelin's water, aeress's fire) would go to the other sister. my previous-self explained it better so here:
“I knew, Aelin. I knew you were alive. I knew because of the goddamn magic in our veins. The small bits of our magic that we can barely use… the water piece you have… if it had come to me, I would’ve known.”
“But magic-”
“That feeling transcends magic being gone,” I cut her off. “It is a deep feeling, of something being lost and gained at the same time. It is rare for any fae to feel, but sometimes, when the magic is reflected, it happens.”
however, some cute things I think you'll appreciate are the NICKNAMES!!
Aeress calls Aelin "little flame" BECAUSE AWWW
And she calls Aedion "sidekick" while he calls her "Queen Bee"
And also like Aeress and Rowan actually get along so well
Aeress is kinda like Aedion in that way and saw Rowan as this powerful ancient fae warrior and is very surprised to find him to be quite chill. she's nervous at first and basically is like "Rowan, if you don't want your mate doing this then just tell me... I'll get away right now-"
but Rowan, at the end of what I actually have written (it is not being finished considering it has no plot XD), basically ends up making them siblings. brother-sister bonds!!
Also Ryder is the cutest wyvern of all time- the one that Aeress gets. pitch black, small, but fast and agile as hell. but he's quite literally a teddy bear. he likes cuddling. he's a ferocious beast who cuddles.
anyway let's stop talking about aelin's sister and get onto ERIS'S TWIN!
Eris's Twin Sister:
I wrote the most for this part, but I have the least amount of worldbuilding for it.
basically, it's a secret twin thing.
please note that "Merle" is the Lady of Autumn!!
“When I was young, I was married off to Beron Vanserra. I was soon pregnant with my first child. But what the healers told me only days before the birth was that there… I had twins. Fraternal twins. They didn’t tell me out of fear before then, but I knew right then and there, that I had to save them. Get them out of the Forest House. Both of them, if I could manage.
“Beron wanted the genders, so I told him one. It was a male. When I gave birth, I kept Beron out for a few days while I recovered. Long enough that he was antsy. I… I gave him the male because he’d wanted a son and winnowed the female to an old friend’s barn and left it, content with wards of warmth and a pacifier.”
Basically, that "old friend" is named Martha and raised Seraphine (OC for THIS one XD. nickname = Sera).
BUT... then Eris kills Beron. And the magic doesn't go to him and he goes on a hunt to find it.
Seraphine, however, has found herself bowled over and now with double the amount of power she had previously.
Now, mind you, she's quite ADHD, so she's not super confident, but she's stubborn as fuck.
Eris promises to help her as much as he can because he's ACTUALLY a good bro and doesn't want to make the same mistake with Sera as he did with his brothers.
Eris helps her get settled in, and Sera manages the court basically by signing random shit and having him help her because surprisingly, their goals align. like making the poor less poor
Sera has a lot of the skills required to be a High Lady, like writing, so luckily, she's quite good at what she's doing.
Eventually, because Sera is very forgetful and disorganized, they get an assistant, an older nanny figure who basically helps manage Sera's day so she doesn't get overwhelmed.
BUT! hehehe... Eris and Sera want an alliance with the Night Court.
The NC doesn't want her to die before their meeting, so they send Az to basically secretly protect her.
however... Azris is canon in this universe. Seraphine gets jump scared by Az because Eris basically wants to make sure that she knows the plan. and that plan is to reveal their mate bond at the meal >:)
Honestly, the NC is pretty chill about Seraphine. Sure, she's nervous, but everyone's pretty chill.
Rhys tries to read her mind one time cus he's suspicious, but they move past it. (Sera can shield her mind well) honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Rhys would be scared in that moment.
Azris revealed... WOOOPEEE.
Anyway, that's basically that besides me quite literally just going off on an Azris spree and writing a wedding/mating bond scene 🤦
I went overboard, but honestly, these might be full-on wips probably never to be posted, but they're so much fun to tell you about.
thank you for the ask my beautiful anon. i love you.
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celaenaeiln · 3 months
hi howve you been!
much better, thank you anon! I hope you're doing great as well!! <33
Just for that, do you want to hear a fun story?
In 1955, there was a Great Onion Debacle.
Yes. Onions.
A little backstory - in finance, there are financial contracts called "futures". What futures are is a contract that lets a person buy an item in the future for the price it costs today.
So in 1955, onion futures (contracts) -of all things! Onions are amazing though so I guess I understand - were the most traded commodity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange which is like a trading company sort of like Wall Street. Two men, Vincent Kosuga and Sam Siegel, realized this and were like "man, we can make a fortune out of this!". So what they did was they bought literally metric tons of onions and onion futures. They bought so much they controlled 98% of all the onions in Chicago. They were now an onion monopoly.
Because they controlled all the onions, they now decide to short sell the onion futures. Short selling is when you sell an item now and then decide to rebuy it in the future when the price drops.
So basically imagine your selling a house. You'll make tons of money but once the economy improves, the the price of the house will drop and you decide to rebuy it and thus make a profit. Because you sold it for more than what you bought it again for.
And that's what the two men did. Because they had control of all the onions and onion-related trading, they controlled the onion market (lol this is literally so funny. "onion market") using supply and demand. In the market, the more you have of something, the less if costs because there isn't a need for that much of the item. Like if you have a super rare pokemon card or baseball card, you're going to sell it for more because there's a less quantity. Whereas if you had a normal card, you would sell it for less because it's in abundance and everyone can get it.
So that's what they did. After collecting all the onions in chicago, they basically dumped all the onions at once back into the market, and because there was so much, the price of the onions shot down. Not only that, once the onions spoiled, they would throw out the old and bring in new ones. From an outside perspective, it looked like there were sooo many onions and onion shares so the price of the shares dropped drastically too, making it really cheap. And when I mean he dumped them, HE LITERALLY DUMPED THEM! He took what onions he had left in storage and trucked them to the Chicago Board of Trade, literally flooded the market and streets with onions. Onions, worthless at that point, were dumped into the Chicago River! 30,000,000 pounds of onions! 14,000,000 kgs!
Kosuga and Siegel made millions. $1 in 1955 is equal to $11.51 dollars in 2024. Kosuga, mainly, made $8.5 million which is equal to $97,835,000!!! THATS ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS COMING FROM SELLING ONIONS. That's freaking insane 😭😭😭 biggest almost scam of the century and listen to this -
While the guys were raking in the big bucks, the sheer amount of onions being shipped to Chicago caused nation-wide shortages of onions everywhere else!!!
The Commodity Exchange Authority caught wind of Siegel and Kosuga’s little game and they immediately initiated an investigation, while congressional held actual hearings on the issue. In the end, congress created an Onion Futures Act which banned the futures trading on onions 😭. The law is still in effect today, making onions the only banned trading commodity in the United States.
And here's the kicker - after creating possibly on the the biggest scams of the century, Kosuga got away with all this scot free. Despite the massive amounts of damage his calculated betting did to literally everyone else but him, he technically didn't break any rules because there were no rules on this for him to break. He even became a businessman and philanthropist and later on he opened up a restaurant called "The Jolly Onion Inn", and became a chef. The restaurant quickly grew until it was one of the most popular restaurants.
I don't know what the moral of this story is but if you're smart you can get away with any thing 😂😅
But the fact that onions caused the biggest scam of the century 😂😂😂 wild.
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kttykssbpd · 10 days
7am: "god I fucking hate everything about myself im such a waste of space."
10am:"Oh Hell Yeah, see that bitch in the mirror? They're Hot as shit. "
1pm: "ew...why do i have so many pimples...ew im disgusting."
5pm:"...im a terrible horrible person..."
7pm:"...i love you sooo much..Mwahh!!."
10pm:"...ew we need to stop eating so much..."
11pm.:" *Vibing out to music* "I'M A BADASSS."
4am.: *Drained as shit and emotionless*..I Need myself a drink."
anon this is actually so real of u this was literally my daily until i got slammed with a reality check. except it was weed as my ending to the day 90% of the time. (weed can be good and healthy for ur mental health as long as its not over used!! i realized that) my first steps to improving is basically.. forcing myself to follow a better life style which has already proven to be difficult lowk 😓 i try to start my day off with positive affirmations to set my day off good but of course that never stops all the symptoms. im hoping to just.. somewhat regulate my symptoms if im following a strict but healthy schedule LOL
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thegeminisage · 6 days
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. friday we FINALLY kicked off ds9 season 4 with "way of the warrior" pts i & ii and oh my godddd:
firstly, i miss sisko''s hair. the beard looks GREAT it's a HUGE improvement but i miss his hair!! i also kinda miss kira's really butch cut. jadzia's hair is still touch and go...important ds9 topics
drilling changeling combat with odo is SO fun. but like also, such a dramatic turn from like, s1, when he pretends to be objects and doesn't want anyone to remember he can do this, because he wants to be able to spy on them. it's fun and funny etc but i could also write an essay about it. he's allowing his body, once a subject of scientific study that traumatized him, to be used again by his allies as a…if not subject of study again, exactly, a teaching tool. he's teaching them how to find and contain and maybe even hurt his people but at the same time HE IS USING HIMSELF TO DO IT he is ALSO TEACHING THEM HOW TO HURT HIM. yes, they're comically bad at it NOW, but they're just getting started, and it also illustrates how horrifically underprepared they are for his people to come and fuck with them at any time. i can't keep thinking about odo i'm going to make myself insane
spn has traumatized me bc i was half convinced yates was a changeling for most of this episode, since she was in and out so often. but he just gets to have a girlfriend!!! i think it's kind of a shame he never seemed to get any romantic chemistry with the rest of the cast…picard and janeway and kirk all get love interest from the main cast…but i still love watching him flirt and make eyes at this lady
THOLIAN MENTION!!!! my beloveds…someday i wanna see what they look like
julian and obrien doing…whatever it was with the peas. they scripted shot and greenlit this. he is suffering so bad without his wife
I KNEW THEY WOULD START JUST FUCKING CUTTING EACH OTHER EVENTUALLY. right across the palm, too. like speaking of being traumatiozed by spn. jesus.
what in the sweet lesbian fuck was going on with dax and kira in the holosuite…kira basically said no matyter how sexy this is it isn't any good if it isn't real and dax DIDN'T immediately fuck her? star trek's cowardice when it comes to gay people ESPECIALLY dax she's literally kissed women off screen. come on
garak getting racially profiled and jumped in his little shop :(
and then we get to WORF……………tbh i was so worried about him changing the atmosphere and i really liked how the atmosphere was already. but the s4 atmosphere is already different in a great way. it was a serious episode w a serious plot yet i was giggling nonstop. and klingon stuff is SO dry on tng and so lively on ds9. idk why i was worried. i am very sad they prince zuko'd him again though
also, the wof/obrien tng reunion…….besties :')
ALSO lol when he ordered prune juice and quark laughed at him and worf gave him the look. this is the most i have liked quark in like an entire season i'm so afraid something bad will happen and ruin it
the dax/worf comes on a little strong ESPECIALLY when i am still sooo :( over no riker e worf e deanna content but they ARE fun to watch. dax seems like a natural choice too since curzon was buddies with so many klingons, i just wish she was SLIGHTLY less forward...this is his first episode...give it time to breathe. maybe odo/kira and bashir/garak has just got me stuck on slow burns for ds9
i do like worf's position here too…he's always stuck in the middle of klingon and starfleet bullshit. it sucks that he got racially profiled YET AGAIN but at least sisko was like "and you absolutely do NOT have to do this" instead of putting on the pressure like picard talking to a bajoran. also, him starting a bar fight on purpose was great
worf and odo conversation………..theyre gonna be so grumpy w each other and i cannot wait
i missed gowran. his eyes are so huge. i didn't always really care when he showed up in tng but somehow he and his enormous eyes have become really special to me. same genre of character as dukat i think
at first i thought sisko was dadding worf a little and maybe he was a TINY bit but i also think it's nice that he's just seeing himself in worf and trying to help him out. i liked all of their conversations a lot because sometimes people are weird about worf being klingon and sisko was actually totally normal and respectful about it. he would never be like worf kill yourself. never.
sisko was SO good in this ep i love when he bends the rules also. getting measured for a new suit and letting garak overhear shit on purpose is very clever but at the same time he's not even trying to be subtle. he knows the right thing to do isn't always following the rule book and he's not even pretending he can do both. unlike PICARD. i think he went bald to flex on picard actually like he does do it better love and light to sir patrick stewart
bashir advising his little guys in the infirmary…please he's so in charge. i also loved him and odo very earnestly wishing each other safety int eh upcoming attack. THEY'RE FRIENDS!!!!!
dukat and sisko were gay this whole episode. i think very seriously there should be a sisko/dukat movement just like there's a bashir/garak movement. i didn't think much of dukat first but i like him more every time i see him. he's just really funny and also gay
quark and garak talking about the cloying qualities of humanity over root beer ??? that was also gay. again, quark in this episode…a breath of fresh air. for once he's just being the fun kind of horrible. also when he wanted to defend his bar and rom stole his weapon lol "i will kill him" "with what?" i love odo sm
i love that kira pointed out the irony of her saving and GETTING STABBED for the cardassian government. times have CHANGED WORF LOOKS GREAT IN RED! he's not head of security anymore but i like that he gets a thinker's job…"worf is a big ugly dumb brute" jokes were OLD AND TIRED on tng!!!
anyway, s4 seems amazing so far. it's almost everything i already liked about ds9 but much more serious and funny at the same time. i will miss the post-war atmosphere since we're not mid-war again but i am really excited to see where it goes
TONIGHT: voy's "non sequitur" and "twisted."
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
awww thank you for this so much darlin! sorry it took me forever to do!
to you i'm just a man (to me you're all i am)
i absolutely have to rec my first son au because this fic is the love of my life and my heart and soul are splattered across every sentence. i really loved placing buddie and the rest of the 118 in this world and they actually fit really well into it and it was just such a blast exploring buck's relationship with everyone in this context and basically writing an epic fuck you to the buckley parents. also this was the most angst i have ever written and it was difficult but also sooo fun
today i live for a single drop of you
also affectionately known as the blowjob fic because there are soooo many blowjobs (even though technically only one of them is real). never thought i would write this many blowjobs and it was a bit challenged doing 6 of them and making sure i wasn't being repetitive, but it was also really fun too and i think this fic really helped me improve my smut writing skills
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
oh this one is definitely a pride and joy of mine. eddie comes out to buck and buck gets him a cute gift to help eddie embrace it and feel comfortable and show his support and i think writing this fic healed me a little and i loved writing them all cute and soft and fluffy
when the violence causes silence
my post-lightning strike fic which i wrote in one hell of a daze after watching 6x10. this fic poured out of me and i really enjoyed exploring eddie's grief and then giving him and buck a sweet and easy happy ending because i needed that desperately
we live and breathe words
the poetry fic as i fondly call it (and which will hopefully have a smutty sequel soon). i have always had a hc that eddie was good at writing and delved into poetry so this fic was born and i just fell in love with the idea of buck finding eddie's poetry and being able to tell eddie is in love with him just from those words. i had such a good time writing this because i love when they are sappy disasters
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withlovefromsimtown · 7 months
Get to know you- Sims Style
I got tagged by @12raben & would like to procrastinate cleaning my entire house for Thanksgiving, so here we are.
What’s your favorite Sims death?
Run With Scissors! It was available on the official Sims 2 site wayyy back in the day & is now located Here (link)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Can't it be both? Realistically this is one of those that just doesn't apply to Sims 2, because almost all of the BG hairs are made of alpha panels & so is the lace on the bottom of the BG silk nightgown. But yes to improved & later-EP Maxis textures.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
If I have a specific outfit I want them in, & the outfit doesn't have a fatmorph or has one that breaks through the top/bottom of the outfit, sure. Until the next time I close the game, at least... adding & fixing fatmorphs is stupid easy, resisting the urge to throw out the clothing & create a whole new wardrobe is very hard. Then I'll cheat it back if I remember the next time I load the game.
Do you move objects?
Favorite Mod?
ACR (link).
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Either Livin' Large or House Party. I wanna say House Party because that was the one that had celebrities come to your house for a good party, right?
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
I've actually never said the words "live mode" out loud. I could see both being accurate. aLIVE. Like "go live" in software terms, they are software that is becoming operational. Or LIVing... Build/Buy/Live, as the actions that you as the player are taking in the game. I would probably swap back & forth if I was ever forced to talk about it using the words "live mode".
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oh nooo... I don't often make my own Sims, but use premades or recreations of Sims from different games... so... Goopy Gilscarbo.
Have you made a simself?
Yep! Sim-Me helps facilitate photoshoots in games that I'm playing, since my house is located outside of time in terms of the game. (Any unpaused action while there is another playable Sim on the 111 Lifa Lane lot is not saved lol). I also like to play around in my Sim house to figure out redecorating & rearranging ideas for my IRL house.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
(sarcasm) Piss Yellow. (/sarcasm) For real though I like Pooklet colors.
Favorite EA hair?
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M&G stupid anime hair lol. Although I also like a few of the store hairs (link)
Favorite life stage?
Everything but Baby. I'm so glad that Baby only lasts a day in the unmodded game, they're little screaming larval annoyances. I love the little mischievous things that the Toddlers can get into, like playing in the toilet, hugging the pets, & stealing bottles from their siblings. I think the Child anims for everyday activities are sooo cute, like when they whip out the step stool to put away dishes or brush their teeth, or sitting on books to play Chess. Teen Wants can be a bit annoying but they're chaotic in a fun way, like sliding down the stair rails & playing on the fridge door. YA is a good age stage even if college is kinda tedious, specifically because they're super resilient & have a ton of freedom & very few responsibilities. Adult, well, that's most of the game, isn't it? If I hated Adults I probably never would've played at all. Elders, even when retired, can be really sweet especially if you have them in close friendships & group homes - it can be pretty chill to hang out in the retirement home lot for an afternoon watching Sims play Myshuno & Mahjong.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Are you a CC creator?
...If I said "no" would literally anyone here believe me? (Yes. Yes I am.)
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Sure do!
Do you have any sims merch?
Official merch? No.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I've thought about making one, & have been asked to make one... but not currently no.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I'm more into making neutral & basic things now; I used to be VERY Hot Topic type of vibes. I mean, I still am that way, but most of my Sims are normies because for the most part it doesn't make sense to park Grandpa in the goth club in all of the old ClubCrimsyn outfits, ya know?
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many it would be hard to list them all! Just the fact that everyone who currently creates CC is still around making things for this ancient game is amazing to me.
How long have you had Simblr?
Over 10 years? I think I got on Tumblr in like 2010 or so, & it was specifically to publicly post gameplay pics to a small group of friends.
How do you edit your pictures?
I crop it in Photoshop & then slap text on it. You've seen my CC preview pics, I'm not doing anything fancy.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Nightlife! I mean, come on... Spooky haunted house, vampires, cars, bowling, karaoke, restaurants, & ALSO the goth club? Sign me up.
Tagging: No tags just vibes, if you feel up to it you can join in the fun.
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scorchrend · 8 months
if u would like to share ur marx thoughts…… and make us all feel physically ill alongside u…….. this random anon is very much interested in hearing 👀👀👀
thats the problem istart feeling physically ill because i cant verbalize what i'm thinking it;s that bad. but since you asked this might be the push i need. UHHHHH marx thoughts. what are my marx thoughts it's like rummaging through my junk clearbook where everything is just placed anywhere and everything gets lost i do answer better and more coherently with specific questions.. btw.... hehe. Love Questions okay. random thoughts go
marx is a really attention seeking guy. thrives out of getting a rise from other people. pre super star though, i don't think he has any real friends despite being a common sight due to his tricksterisms and funny things. i don't think he's done this in canon really, but personally i like to make it so that marx used to work under dedede. you know. big castle, you think it has cool stuff, should give pretty good benefits to staff right? but then kirby's dream land happens and hes like Bro this Sucks and skedaddles. so yeah no meaningful relationships
i like the idea that marx is friendly with kirby pre kirby super star, but i don't think it's a relationship that can really be described as "friends" more than "staying on good terms and excitedly saying hi whenever you see each other, have a little small talk, and go separate ways." i mean, to kirby, they're friends. i don't think marx knows this when he asks kirby for help in milky way wishes, he's relying on kirby's helpful nature the trust is just kind of a bonus. as for why marx soul is like that i dont fucking know man these are random ass thoughts
thing is i think marx genuinely thinks kirby's a cool stand up dude especially after kirby's dream land but i think he just got Sooo Fucking Pissed thats why mww happens or whatever but i'm not sure either since i'm just spitting words. whatever his reasons are they always change in my head, marx is an enigma to me Even as a local marx enjoyer
as for his relationship with magolor it's the average They meet after Marx Blows Up and magolor is in the area and like Damn well i'm not gonna leave that guy out there am i. then bla bla friends (menaces) and puts the idea of nabbing that crown from landia. less of an intentional thing you know, but even if marx blew up he still kinda had something to show for it you knoe. the wings and the nova power. i can't say why they'd part ways (i don't know either) but basically before that they enjoyed some weird shit like pranking randos maybe Way Too Hard
anyways, after they part ways, marx probably goes planet hopping for a bit but eventually settles back on popstar. guys got the wanderer bones in him but i really think he thinks life on popstar is swell. he wanted to rule it for a reason i guess?? also the nearby planets he can fly to are Pretty Empty. I think.i actually genuinely don;t inow what im saying though im making a lot of this on the spot
reason for thinking marx has been hiding out on planet popstar: he's readily available in kirby star allies from the first dream palace. i know the dream rod summons them but like for my purposes i think it's just kinda like YOU. COME HERE.
okay but you know who else is in wave 1 that's right rick kine coo and gooey. i think they become friends. i think they're marx's first real friends (if you count them becoming friends while marx is disguised? they keep it up even after they find out. trying to be the kirby they want to see in the world or something.) like i got a little idea where its kinda like Damn i kinda wanna Fuck Up Everything but then he experiences laughing With people and not just Laughing at or Being laughed at and is like Fuuuckkk this is kindasick actually. UGH plans POSTPONED!! he is still 100% a shithead though these improvements dont really happen until marx drops his disguise after he meets magolor again (between rtdl and dream collection)
as for marx and magolor's reconciliation i feel like it's really smooth at first while magolor recovers from an arduous warp or whatever but when magolor starts showing discomfort at the ... hobbies marx has there starts to be tension because marx starts feeling like magolor is ignoring him and doesn't want to associate (even if magolor does want to keep being friends). however they deal with that is still up in the air but it required a lot of arguing, magolor apology to the dream team, marx blowing his "presumed dead" cover just to cover for magolor on something, etc. stuff that shows both parties really value their friendship even after they've changed and paths diverged quite a bit. fyi their arguments are so fucking bombastic because they WERE so SIMILAR that any insults they toss at the other is a double edged sword, and evidences some kind of self loathing
for marx's relationship with kirby i honestly think they're chill. but ofc marx exasperates kirby at times.
also marx has to get hisinfo from somewhere so i think he does in fact read stuff. only stuff interesting to him but he does read and when he does he Reads reads. thats how the Loser hatched his plan regarding nova anyways. somehow taranza finds outabout this and hes like Oh my god someone who understands media. Marx vehemently denies this (but cannot resist screaming at other people who have shit takeaways from x book he likes) (Marx has opinions on notoriously polarizing character Eon based on historical figure Aeon Hero) (not anything i consider important just something funny)
i could go on forever but for now i think my brain is all worded out. not even sure if any of this makes sense. here you go anon. enjoy.
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bluejaybytes · 3 months
@snowshinobi Hiiiii :3 I'm responding to your tags on a new post and not the original since the original was already somewhat lengthy, and I plan on being LONG and RAMBLY, but I have sooo many thoughts on what you said and I'm going to say them. Also my browser crashed TWICE (TWO TIMES. 2) when trying to write this post so I'm really fighting for my life out here to get my silly little OC posts done. Also it's under the cut because it's looooong as hell LMAO
Firstly, you're so nice to me forever <3 Secondly, I think you've basically hit the nail on the head. The majority of the issues Maggie has coming back from death and her 9 years gone are really tied almost exclusively to her close family, because she... never really had anyone else. While in-universe it's only 9 years, realistically the jump in technology and culture is around ~20-30 years (Maggie died in the 90s/early 2000s essentially, and wakes up in a just barely futuristic city), but... the most jarring thing to her in terms of what she missed out on is just. Flipphones are no longer popular. Other than her family, she's only close with one other person... who just so happens to be a ghost, and therefore both 1. Wouldn't change much over the timespan due to how long she's been a ghost and 2. Unlike her family, was aware that something happened, since she could see the ghost-of-a-ghost Maggie left behind (The ghosts name is Opal, she positions herself as a sort of "guardian angel" figure, though she's not actually, and serves as just another parental figure for Maggie while also getting after the ghosts that constantly harass her to pass on messages to the living). Maggie has no real relationships outside of her family, and while her relationships with her family are massively impacted by her unknowing death, other than that... the timeskip itself doesn't weigh on her because she had no one regardless. Her struggle to adjust to everything thats happened would've happened regardless of the timeskip for her, because she was such an isolated shut-in that it's the same whether it happened the next day, or nearly a full decade later
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So another very interesting thing is that you've actually completely seen where I was going with everything, in spite of everything I said being very surface level and not actually delving into the plot at all. I completely skimmed over Jenna (She's very important to the plot, but she's by in large a regular person as opposed to Maggie's... everything), but for some additional context, Jenna has a horrendously shitty homelife, so her moving in with Maggie is both a gradual process (It goes from spending time there, to spending nights, to eventually just never going back home and moving in fully), and also serves as an escape for her. Part of that is also, so vitally, the food aspect. For some additional additional context, souls essentially serve as a persons lifeforce, practically every bodily function is improved by a soul that's stronger, though the "strength" of a soul is essentially entirely random, and not dependent on the individuals actions of any kind. Maggie had a generally weird soul before (Seeing ghosts inherently means she has to have something going on with her soul), but when she wakes up after her death, her soul is now even weirder, and part of that is that it essentially lets her get away with bad habits she absolutely should be seeing more consequences for. She barely eats, and when she does, it's basically exclusively crackers and whatever other safe foods she has around the house, because actually making food is a level of care and effort she just... doesn't give to herself in the slightest. Part of Jenna staying with her is that Jenna, without really discussing it, entirely takes up the mantle of caretaker of the apartment, with the biggest task being food prep, Jenna sees Maggie's unwillingness to take care of herself and silently steps up and starts making her actual meals so she's eating properly.
The problem is is that this also kinda... just straight up sucks? Jenna doesn't think much of it, it's something that needed to be done so she's doing it, she wants Maggie to be well fed even if she won't do it herself, and she's already been responsible for making all of her own meals for years prior anyways, so it's just another thing she does. Except that's shitty! Maggie's seen firsthand how terrible her homelife is, and it really weighs on her how even in her escape from that, Jenna's still being put in a position where she feels like she must care for her or else she just won't eat properly. So food is such a massively important thing to both of them, it's this symbol of love for both of them, it's love on the part of Jenna, for stepping in and taking care of Maggie when she can't do it herself, and it's love on the part of Maggie, for realizing how her own bad habits impact the people she cares about and wanting to lift that weight by taking care of herself better. It's also very vital for Maggie because she just... doesn't... have hobbies. Learning how to cook becomes really her only hobby and she puts all of her love and care into it, because for the first time in a long while she's actually passionate about something! ...Unfortunately she also is very very bad at it. She's inventing new dishes like "Burnt Salad" and "Please Help I Fucked Up Kraft Mac N Cheese" and still having to have Jenna come in and help her. But it's the thought that counts, and it'll only be a matter of time before she can make something vaguely edible.
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And finally, the stuff about names! I didn't post it here, but while idly talking about her in a Discord server I'm in, I definitely think that had I made Maggie like even a few months later than I would've done she would've been nonbinary. As it stands right now though, I'm saying she's probably some form of genderweird but too busy trying not to die to think about it <3 Growing up knowing that ghosts are real and routinely being shut down by authority figures in her life about it has made her very aware of how bullshit a lot of things are and how the people who claim to be knowledgeable tend to not know what they're talking about (Beyond just the "people don't think ghosts are real", she's also got ghosts willing to tell her when people are lying because they've got nothing better to do than just gossip) , so if she spent even just a moment thinking about gender as a social construct she'd instantly recognize that and probably take up some form of genderweird label, but as it stands she's just too stressed with Being The Protagonist to think about that
Now, the thing with Margaret. I'm not even going to lie to you, I think you made a better connection to how a name connects with community in terms of the narrative themes than I did. The thing with Margaret denying the name "Maggie" existed for two reasons, the in-universe explanation is that, with the little scrap of soul Margaret has leftover from Maggie, it's essentially working overtime just to keep her vitals working, it can't dedicate time and energy to making her an individual with preferences and a personality, so part of that is that she doesn't respond to "Maggie" because ultimately, that is not her name. Her name is Margaret and she's not going to respond to "Maggie" because "Maggie" isn't her name. Of course, out of universe the reasoning is that I wanted an easy way to distinguish between Maggie as she is the protagonist, and the version of her that lived in the years she was gone, so different names makes the most sense.
I think your connection to how name relates to community genuinely works on a level I hadn't fully pieced together myself yet and I really love that because I think that absolutely works with everything. One of the main conflicts of the plot is how Maggie is entirely disconnected from her family thanks to the years she was gone, with Margaret having no priorities beyond "survive", she basically never spoke with her parents or brother for years. While her family tried to reach out to her repeatedly (Especially given that, while they're unaware the truth of what happened the night Maggie was murdered, they do know something happened, and they believe that whatever it was severely traumatized her, and that's where the sudden and drastic shift in personality came from), there's a point where they just... gave up. She wasn't trying to talk with them or contact them in the slightest, so around a year or two after Margaret moved out, her parents gave up on her. Her brother would still be there a bit, but he also didn't really... try... anymore.
When Maggie wakes up, she tries to call her parents... and they don't pick up. They'd grown resentful over the years, and now that Maggie wants to talk to them, they don't forgive her for the years of not speaking to them, and aren't interested in whatever she has to say after nearly a decade of trying to reconnect with her and being met with nothing. It's her insistence that she wants to be called Maggie that actually gets her brother to realize she's telling the truth and that something happened. She shows up at his door, already something that Margaret wouldn't have done, and that combined with her being visibly upset when he calls her Margaret and tells him that's not her and that she's Maggie, it signals to him that whatever's going on is real (...though he would've figured this out eventually, given that she also literally 17 again and not in her mid-20s, and has a giant glowing stab wound in her chest). I think it works absolutely perfectly as being a symbol of community, her disconnect from her community is what led to her being called Margaret, and her desperation to be returned to that community is when she's Maggie again. So uh. Congrats on getting the themes of my OCs better than I did <3
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And uhhhh closing thoughts! I honestly did still skim over the majority of the plot (Literally never even mentioned Eli or what's going on with her stab wound </3), but I think you reeeeally hit the nail on the head with everything I'm kinda getting at with these OCs, which is... frankly wild given how little main plot I actually got at. Basically everything I mentioned in my original post was the setup, not the main plot. But waaaaugh thank you for being so niceys to me and also giving me another excuse to ramble endlessly <3
#my OCs#uhhh MAGGIE FUN FACTS:#Animals can tell when a soul is weird so she has a colony of stray cats that hang around her apartment door#she doesnt even LIKE animals that much (She barely takes care of HERSELF shes not taking care of any animals.)#but they all like her weirdass soul and keep hanging around because of it#When the plot ends she gives one of the stray cats to her parents as a 'sorry i died' gift#The cats name is Marge- named by Jenna and also specifically its 'Marge' said in a Simpsons impression. any Simpson#It's Jennas FAVORITE cat out of the strays bc she says she looks like Maggie. also Marge is a male cat#Neither Jenna nor Maggie know how to tell the difference between a male and female cat reliably so they assume Marge is female- hes not#Also Eli's the closest to the 'main antagonist' the story gets. hes an old coworker of Margarets and basically her only friend#and Maggie's too scared with her whole 'is actively dying' thing and doesnt know how to tell him 'hey im not your friend- she died'#ELI thinks that Margaret is essentially have some sort of extreme mental breakdown and is trying to get her help bc he cares about her-#-unaware that Maggie is essentially a different person and doesnt know him#anyways uhhhh Maggie attempts to beat him to death with her laptop once. sorry Eli. luckily shes 17 and scrawny as fuck-#-so he's able to throw her off of him but its still. BAD#Maggie's got INSANE insomnia for a large variety of reasons- and falls asleep on the floor one night while on her laptop#Eli- having gotten off work late and going to check on Margaret- who hasnt shown up to work in weeks and isnt answering her phone#-spots Maggie passed out on the floor and assumes shes having some sort of medical emergency#Margaret had left her spare keys at work which he'd grabbed- so he lets himself in to get her to a hospital#Only for Maggie to wake up. With a strange man in her apartment in the middle of the night. Wuh Oh !#THIS time however- when she's home alone (shes not alone Jenna's asleep in the other room) and she spots a stranger in her house-#-she ends up with a fight reaction and NOT freeze <3#also her full name is Margaret Elisabeth Newell and her brothers name is Hawke#one of the very few times i will give my OC a full name- and entirely bc my friend suggested her last name LMAO#also she believes in bigfoot. GHOSTS are real and theyre WAY less believable than 'big ape' so she fully believes it#Opal keeps trying to tell her no that ones ACTUALLY not real and shes like uh huh. sure. ill believe it when i see it
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
YOOOOO that's so cool :00
My first dnd character was a cleric, but that one was premade for me, so the first one i properly played was actually a wood elf ranger lmaooo twinning
And then my 3rd character for a campaign I made was a human college of swords bard
My fav character I made tho (as a guest character) is a water genasi wild magic sorc :))) wild magic is SO MUCH FUN also i just love water vibes sooo rahhhs
I love all my characters tho
(Tho only the cleric campaign ever finished 😭😭 the other two got demolished from covid big rip, one day I'll get back into dnd... one day)
BUT YOOO THATS COOL!! I think i remember u mentioning smth abou the discord rp in an old ask. Feel free to ramble about ur character here !!! I'd love to learn more, that's so cool :000
going through older asks time anyway hi again icy
omg twinning with the elf rangers!!
oooo human college of swords bard sounds like a fun time. I think I technically started making another dnd character at one point for a different campaign that never turned out, but I think she was going to be a tiefling monk? oh well lost ideas...
ooooo a water genasi with wild magic sounds SO fun. I don't know the details of wild magic mechanics that well but from the little I do know it sounds like that would be a lot of fun
ok well. the discord rp thing I was a part of was technically a fandom thing but the people running it very quickly took the plot in their own direction and by the end it was pretty unrecognizable what media it was originally inspired by. but um that's just a disclaimer in case anyone recognizes the format. pls don't snitch. anyway I'm gonna ramble about it under the cut so it will be long I am sorry
anyway! the gist of the game was that all our characters were thrown into a discord server and told we had to participate in trials run by a godlike beings (entities) who liked tormenting people for entertainment and all that jazz. we would have to submit videos of us completing tasks given to us in order to stay alive, and later on could also participate in puzzle games in giant vc calls if we wanted to basically just get extra kudos with the entities.
the rp was mostly done through in character texting, but again we could also film videos for tasks, and could participate in ic vcs. the rp itself was improv, but there was a team of admins who played the entities running the game, while also having characters of their own that participated in the trials as well. these characters had their own larger plot going on, but along with that the admins would work with individual player characters and give each of us our own plotline that connected to the larger story. so actually very similar to how the qsmp works right now, and somewhat similar to how dsmp worked
also fun fact, we had a 3 lives system! and this was july 2020, so, like, we did it before dsmp lol.
every participant was assigned a number, and was only allowed to be referred to by that number in the in game discord server. so while most of our characters technically shared our actual ooc names, I think of my character by her number.
my girl's number was 28. technically this rp game was a sequel to a similar one we'd done way back in 2018, so 28 was a continuation of my character from that. 28 was known as a peacemaker in the group who tried to keep everyone else grounded, but wouldn't take shit from others. she was definitely one of the nicest people in the group, but would call out bullshit if she saw it. when us participants started trying to find ways to plot against the entities running the games, 28 ended up becoming more of a leader-figure in the group along with a few others and tried to keep things between the other participants stable as these death games just got more and more stressful.
these games spanned over the course of nearly 9 months in real time so it's impossible for me to talk about everything that happened, but some highlights include 28 falling in love with another participant (22) and the two of them continuing to date even when 22 started working directly for one of the entities running the tournament while 28 herself was one of the leaders of the rebellion against the entities. communication goes a long way LMAO
later on in the rp a rival entity organization basically hijacked the games and forced all the og entities running it to either hide or become participants themselves. with this rival organization one of the new entities (known as the quarterman) picked out 28 and basically forced her into working for him as a hitman. the change happened over the course of like a month with 28 hearing dimes whisper to her all the time, until her soul got ripped out of her body and put into a dime that she had to keep on her at all times. after this though she could teleport, which was pretty cool!
I loved 28 as a character bc she tried so hard to be kind and keep everyone together but it was such a stressful situation and people got so harsh and bitchy with each other (all in character of course. we'd all have a huge argument and then hop into the ooc server to meme about it). the conflict she had between wanting to help the rebellion while her own gf worked with the 'enemy' was sooo much fun to rp. and of course my lovely friend lisa who played 22 was an amazing rp partner to have. lisa if you're reading this I miss our girls :(
it was just such a fun experience overall. I once had to order some really weird stuff off amazon once to build a fake radiation detector for a task video and my mom straight up thought I was building a bomb 😭 We did in character vcs both for plot but also sometimes we'd just drink and chat ic. the admins I worked with were so lovely and I'm so glad I had that experience bc it taught me so much about how rp games like that work and what style of improv rp I like. fun times :,)
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pixiestein · 11 months
bigstupid ramble/rant incoming feel free to ignore//cursing cw
it’s actually very disturbing to me how many people in the monster high fandom think it’s ok to say that abbey & twylas g1 sculpts are “ugly” or “offputting” because they have strong/square jaws & the new molds are sooo much better bc they no longer have them. like i really really really try to be nice here & pardon my language but are you fucking stupid? did you miss literally everything monster high was trying to teach you? did you miss the whole “everyone is unique & beautiful in their own way” thing? or did you just forget that the features you’re calling ugly are features that real people have? genuinely asking because it’s baffling to me how many people who praise g3 for it’s body diversity are foaming at the mouth excited over characters’ unique features being replaced with conventionally attractive ones. u don’t like strong jawlines? awesome, people who have them still deserve to feel beautiful & have gorgeous dolls that look like them & the fact that mh had that & got rid of it is objectively bad. like first of all, a franchise that preaches accepting ppls differences SHOULD have characters with both body types & facial features that aren’t considered “conventionally attractive”. that was one of the issues w g1, their message was about everyone being different but everyone had the exact some skinny body type. & now g3 has greatly improved on body diversity (pls give us an actual plus sized doll tho) yet they’ve been removing diversity in facial features. it fucks me up bc WHY can’t we have rep for diverse body types AND rep for diverse facial features?? and second, bro they are literally monsters. they absolutely should have features that challenge traditional beauty standards because hello she’s a yeti, she needs jaw space to house those bigass tusks. and if those unconventional features look strange to you? GOOD. bask in their strange weird abnormal beauty!! i literally don’t care if u think abbeys new face is cuter & her old jaw was ugly, if you see a person with a prominent jawline & think “hm not aesthetically pleasing enough” unpack that with your therapist, don’t post it on the internet where impressionable kids with those exact features get to see it & gather more fuel for their insecurities. this goes for literally any facial feature or body part btw. basically, bottom line, if it’s a feature that real people have that they can’t control, don’t fucking say a WORD about how aesthetically unpleasant you find it. criticize the fashion, criticize the quality control & messed up face screenings, criticize the weird continuity errors & questionable representation, but if your issue with a doll is their body type/facial features look ugly to u, shut the fuck up!!!!!!
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Can you maybe (only if you want to) rank Taylor’s albums and maybe also explain why you’d rank them like that?
oh okay ill try
evermore - my beloved, i love how every single song has such a strong identity if that makes sense. like there's this common debate that evermore is the better album but folklore has better songs? i think folklore has a strong identity as an album but the songs dont as much as evermore. every song is so unique and lives in it's own world and i LOVE taylors voice with real instruments and her storytelling is peaked here.
folklore - everything that i said about evermore basically but slightly less. i love the vibes she was able to capture and the whole album paints such a picture- i've always felt like taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and this being such a new place for her (genre and writing wise) shows how refreshed she must have felt.
speak now - the most dramatic, messy and honest album in my opinion. its so late teens/early 20s to me in terms of subject matter and i love when she uses some rock influence in her songs and theres so much guitar in this album i love it. also the fact that it's entirely self written insane.
1989 - a modern classic. this also strengthens my theory that taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and challenging. i cant believe the first time she tried pop she came out with style, ootw, blank space, etc.... like wtf. the lyrics arent as poetic as one would hope but there still good and very impressive.
fearless - my baby. there's just something so bittersweet about this album and it's so solid. there's not a lot i would cut (from the standard version... vault tracks are different) and its so wholesome and full of whimsy. i love the production on it too, i think it works with her voice so so well and it's aged beautifully.
midnights - okay heres the thing, every criticism ive seen about this album makes sense and i agree but for some reason after seeing it live... idk i like it a lot. there definitely are skips and i get why people were just unimpressed truly... but some of the songs are so insanely catchy and i like the way her voice sounds... cant explain it.
red - i think this album is really good when you're in a certain place in your life or a certain mood, it's not an everyday album for me. i think it has some of her best ballads/slow songs but the upbeat ones lack for me. the best ones are holy ground and state of grace tbh. plus with how long red tv is... it's a bit overwhelming.
debut - she's cute but she could be improved upon and it's her first album so we can cut her some slack, i love iomwiwy, tim mcgraw, picture to burn, should've said no, our song, etc. she has standouts she's nice.
reputation - this is where we go into the negatives outway the positives. this production is way too much for me, like i said her voice sounds it's best with real instruments underneath is to me- so this really fake manufactured production just doesnt work. it also aged sooo badly to me. this album live is a different story tbh but recorded it's just not my fav. when she's performing it live she adds real instruments and im praying that she does that with the rerecording because it helps so much. the only songs i would literally die for her not to change is lwymmd, dress, so it does, and ready for it. i think dont blame me is so overrated and dont understand why people love it.... im sorry. it's so basic to me... we've seen the whole 'your live is my drug' this so often and the production is basic too... i feel like anyone could be singing it.
lover - my god what this album could have been. this has some of her best and some of her worst. my list of complaints is long. i dont like the production- same reasons as reputation, way too fake and clunky. some of the lyrics are.... wild. the setlist is strange, i would cut like 4 songs tbh. i love cruel summer, inthaf, sygb, lover, london boy and false god.
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