#sorry cecil
horsemage · 3 months
When walking back from dinner my friend was talking about how tender it was that a bush was sheltering a pile of snow from the sun and I was so checked out that when he asked me what I thought of it I just turned and was like “what 😐”
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marklikely · 1 year
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finding out theres people in the sexyman tournament notes who dont know who cecil is
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srslyarts · 1 year
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
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some of the tags on my edit are making me think:
do you think random sinners who watched everything in stayed gone and never met alastor in person have like fan interpretations of how he looks like based on this one shitty drawing and his voice.
some draw him with a full body of fur. some draw him with a nose, some draw him without a nose. they come up with their own colour palettes too and they all look very different. there are some popular, agreed on interpretations of him too that are commonly drawn
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some have interpreted the monocle to be a goofy mismatched eye so there are a lot of people who draw him like that too with one big eye and one small eye
vox has seen all of them and lost his mind about them because they're so WRONG AND INACCURATE (okay maybe he laughed at some of them, but how the hell is he going to enjoy sexy alastor art if they all draw him wrongly? and val doesn't care enough to draw him often) and he wonders if he should have just used the actual picture he had of him for his news broadcast instead so he wouldn't have to be subjected to these horrendously inaccurate interpretations of him. this is why he sent a proper reference when he commissioned luci--
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
When she Cecil on my Gershwin til I Palmer
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nespolkei · 26 days
my ARMY !!!!🔥💥‼️🔥‼️💯💥🔥💯‼️💯
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cozymochi · 6 months
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I made another boy (months ago). It’s not as fanciful or nice as Emilio’s post, but this is Cecil Mugwort 🌿 Twisted from Cedric the Sorcerer from “Sofia the First.” Apologies for my handwriting.
When I watched that dang show making a twst Cedric was always on the back-burner as kinda a joke idea, but it never actually came to fruition with flying colors ‘till I learned NRC sophomores share a room with one other person. Then came the painful question of “oh god can u imagine how miserable Silver’s roommate must be with all those dang alarm clocks-“ THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THE USELESS SOFIA KNOWLEDGE CAME FLOODING BACK—
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The amount of shenanigans that can fit into this rat is insane (so much so I couldn’t fit it here). I hope u like him as much as I’ve been quietly invested in the background the last gajillion months.
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crabjest · 1 month
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Welcome to Night Vale has been living in my head for basically my entire life (elementary school. Explodes.) anyways I relapsed for the 50th time, heres what the major freaks look like in my brain
Also episode 51 doodle because what the fuck. And Cecil on my microbiology
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shelbbot · 1 year
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*It's a beautiful day outside. The sun is hot, the moon is beautiful...
*And on days like these, guests like you...
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cecil "cecil night vale" gershwin palmer,, cecile,, aaa
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hypocrisy-incarnate · 3 months
people will really just sit around and try to win the 'think of the most depressed, traumatized, self destructive, threadbare washcloth of a man' challenge. and then decide to write a podcast about him.
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Young Cecil doing his homework with no help and walking past his mom’s half-open door hoping she doesn’t hear him sneaking out and doodling things like “CGP + EH” in his notebook (crossed out) and turning in permission slips at school that the teachers reject because they’re all signed by his big sister and feeling a shiver down his spine whenever he sees a too-tall tree and stealing makeup from drug stores but popping out the mirrors first and falling asleep to the radio and stacking cassette tapes next to his mattress because he never got a frame for his bed and leaving out bowls of water for stray cats and chasing the mice out of his room and learning Torah verses even though he knows no one other than Abby will come to his Bar Mitzvah and crying himself to sleep at night but making up stories in the morning about the citizens he’s seen around town and bumping into Josie at the supermarket where she offers to drive him to the bowling alley and bringing his mom mother’s day flowers even though he’ll be the one who puts them in water, plucks away the dead leaves, throws them away while she watches with blank eyes and when he stares at the loud sunrise he feels an ache in his chest he can’t explain yet and hating that Abby can get a summer job but he’s not old enough yet, it’s starting to feel like decades have passed and he’s still not old enough, and failing his practice SATs because he had to teach himself all those big words and dying in front of a broken mirror and looking at a mirror with broken shards that’s still intact and being a beautiful person in spite of everything and dragging his boy scout recorder into a blanket fort to record cassette tapes about how one day things will be better, one day things will be better, one day things will be better. 
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fluctuating-fanby · 1 month
Yeah, Kevin's the mirror that shows everything Cecil fears and never wants to be, but do you think Kevin ever looks at Cecil and is reminded of his past imperfect self that Strex killed? Cecil has his silhouette but is drawn in the darkness that the Smiling God finds abhorrent; Kevin is Cecil's broken reflection but Cecil is Kevin's shadow.
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midnightfrappe · 1 year
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i really love the chaos of these polls and i had to do my part at posting some shitpost. Tbh i don’t have a specific design for Cecil and couldn’t chose one so i just drew the fkin eye.
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burnpyygmalion · 4 months
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cecil nightvale
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willowcrowned · 1 year
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do your civic duty
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