#sorry if that mentions u Nyx <3
helsex-moved · 2 years
I saw a angst post on your blog the other day that im still rotating in my mind and it's very much pain and agony that I can't find it
Twas about Bdubs leaving doc for impulse and I would love to find it again so I can cry over it /hj
omg yes anon that's actually the work of my lovely friend @nyx-stories-unknownown you're thinking of, and the post in question is this one here!
Nyx's stuff is always lovely and absolutely heart-wrenching so I would 100% recommend you give zir a follow!! /gen
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 3
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C H A P T E R   T H R E E
summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
chapter warnings: lotssss of angst (ofc), nervous mc, nervous bangtan, insecure mc, breakdowns, not much
*words in italics are spoken in Korean*
masterlist // chapter 2 // chapter 4 
taglist: @imnotlauriane​  @mageprincess7​ @m1sss1mp​ @0funsite0​  @strawberry-moonpies​ @this-isthe-way​ @singukieee​ @btsw1fe​ @gooooomz​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @carolinexkpop​ @agusfree​ @sakurarukas​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @skyys-universe​ @toughbook​ @plutoneu​ @whisperssuga​ @welcometomyworld13​ @yuzon3​ @wittyreader​ @jnghs​ @cyd0129​ @exfolitae​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​ @nen-nyy​​ @pandxthings​​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​​ @juju-227592​​ @jinseartharmysmoon​​ @wooya1224​​ @ddaeng-angmoh​​ @gratefullygrateful​​ @rorythme​​ @gratefullygrateful​​ @kimrona​​ @jjjj-ssi​​ @maysgarden​​ @lovelgirl22​​ @doublebunv​​ @reallysparklychaos​​ @jayjayy-57​​
permanent taglist: @yourleftsock​​​ @cryingpages​​​ @strxwbloody​​​  @drissteele​​​ @dustyinkpages​​​ @crushedblackroses​​​  @blaaiissee​​​  @iiitsmaria​​​  @azazel-nyx​​​  @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​​ @knjkitten​​​ @kleirielk​​​ @foreverweareyoung7​​​ @lachimolala22019​​​ @namuficxs​​​ @94z-93​​​ @kimgmzmc​​​ @thenaverse​​​ @veronawrites​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @black-rose-29​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​​ @stellauniverse​​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​​ @tinyoonsblog​​  @tatyhend​​ 
Previously on baby (you complete us):
You clicked on the messages first, tears coming to your eyes as you scrolled all the way to the top, replies waiting to be clicked on for every single one of the messages you have sent over the past ten years.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, needing to rub your tired eyes more than once as English and Korean replies were sent, responding to each and every one of your own messages. Hundreds of apologies written as you scrolled, each one sorry for waiting so long to wear their bracelets.
You moved over to the ‘matches’ button, needing to confirm with your own thoughts what was happening. And there it was, seven matches, their profile pictures and names only confirmed that you were the missing soulmate to BTS.
You sat on your bed in shock, not knowing what to do as your brain froze, the seven people in your matches folder staring back at you. You just kept reading their names, over and over again, trying to tell yourself that this was a dream that your subconscious gave you to build your hope up again.
But then you remembered that the official tweet said that they sent a message with the number of one of their team members, a number to call so they knew it was you. You searched your messages, scrolling all the way down to the bottom to see that same number with the message:
“Hello. This is Sejin with BTS’s management team. Here is the number of one of our translators. Please contact us as soon as you receive this. BTS would like to get into contact with their last soulmate and meet you.”
You wasted no time in calling the number, not even thinking if your phone plan had international calling or not. It didn’t occur to you that it could be midnight where they were, you just had the urgency to call them, to see if they were real.
When the translator heard her phone ring, shock and excitement moved throughout the room. Everyone had been waiting in one of the hang out rooms within HYBE, waiting for the slight chance that the boys’ last soulmate would see their message.
“Answer the phone!” Jimin couldn’t help but yell, not wanting you to have to wait too long and think they were ignoring you. He wouldn’t blame you in the slightest if that thought went through your head.
When Sejin gave the translator the go ahead, a simple nod, she answered the phone call and put it on speaker.
“Hello? Is this Miss, Y/n?” The translator spoke through the phone, causing your eyes to widen.
“Uhm, yes, it is. Can I ask who this is?” You wanted to be sure, needed to be sure that this was real.
“This is Sohye with HYBE. I am one of the translators with BTS. Is it okay if I switch this to facetime so we can be sure of your identity before we move any further?” Oh, wow, she was quick with this. It makes sense; you wouldn’t want to give any information out to just anyone.
“Uhm, okay, please just give me one moment.” You answer back, moving to place your phone against your lamp so you could be seen within screen. It took only a couple seconds for your phone to alert that the translator requested a video call. Taking a deep breath, you accepted the call only to be face to face with Sejin.
You were not expecting right away to meet one of the people who had always been by the boys’ side. Everyone loved Sejin for how he treated the boys and took care of them.
“Hello Miss Y/n. If it’s okay with you, I would just like to verify your Soul Connection identification number.” It looks like he has a phone in his hands, and when you start reciting your id number, he seems to follow along on the phone. 
Since your soul mark was only unique to you within your soul bond, it wouldn’t exactly indicate you were their soulmate, as so many have seen their marks throughout the years and have tried to tattoo the mark on their own skin, pretending to be their last soulmate. 
“Okay. Thank you! Well, it seems like you are who you say, so I would like to start with saying thank you for reaching out to us. The boys are ready to talk with you now, unless you have any questions first?” Sejin looks behind the camera before gesturing for someone to move back. A small sigh leaves his lips.
You have so many questions but don’t know if you can even ask them. You want to know why they only just put their bracelets on. Did they even want you? They had been together as a soulgroup for so long, you feel like you would only be messing things up. You had almost nothing in common with the boys, would you even fit in socially?
“Miss Y/n?” Sejin sees the tears pooling in your waterline, can see your lip trembling. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself as you look away from the camera really quick.
“What’s going on?”
“Why is she quiet?”
“Is she okay?” Sejin turns to the boys, shaking his head as their questions, motioning them to wait a second.
“Miss Y/n, we can take a break if you need. We can call you back later.” Sejin suggests, and you want to take it but know that if you do, you will ignore the call. You wouldn’t have the courage any longer.
“No, uh, it’s okay. I-I don’t have any questions.” You manage to choke out as you try to hold your emotions back. You didn’t need any of them to see you break down.
“Okay. I will hand you over to the boys then.” Sejin reluctantly moves over so the boys can take his spot. Once they do, they see you visibly regulating your breathing. The tears you’re holding back immediately make Jimin start crying.
It was quiet for a couple minutes as you and the boys take in each other. You weren’t exactly sure how to start a conversation, and neither was Namjoon. They weren’t sure if you knew any Korean, but they also didn’t want to have to use a translator every time they wanted to talk to you.
“Hi.” Surprisingly, Jungkook was the one to start the conversation, his smile almost blinding as he looked at you. He couldn’t believe that you saw their message and called them. He was hoping every second that you might put the bracelet back on and see their matches. He wondered if you read his messages.
“Hello.” Your voice had them wanting to touch the stars, see if they shined as brightly, felt as warm. And when you shyly waved at them, Yoongi wanted to clutch his heart in his hands and offer it to you on a silver platter.
All of them wondered how they could have gone this long not knowing about you, not having you by their side. They could all feel the missing piece in their souls, the ache that teetered on painful as they looked at you, fiddling with the stack of bracelets on your left wrist, just barely covering your soulmark.
You were nervous, and they didn’t blame you.
“We’re sorry.” Taehyung had gotten tired of the silence, wanting to talk with you. He wanted to know everything he could about his baby soulmate. He wanted this awkward time to be over and for you to be with them.
“You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t know.” And it was true. It was one of the thoughts that crossed your head as you looked at them. You could see their red eyes and puffy cheeks, evidence of their crying.
However, they knew that you had it worse. They didn’t know you existed, they spent ten happy years together while you had none. You knew they existed and waited years for them. Nothing they felt right now could compare to what you did.
“But you did.” And with Taehyung’s words, you broke.
They watched you bring your knees to your chest and place your head on them, sobs breaking through your lips as you tried and failed to hold them in. Namjoon’s hands clenched in his lap at the fact he couldn’t just bring you into his lap right then and there. They couldn’t comfort you.
“Please, baby, do not cry.” Hobi’s english was soft and had you looking up at them.
“You have every right to be upset with us. We forever wish we put those bracelets on sooner. But we cant take that back, no matter how much we want to. What we can do, is work hard in the future to make you as happy as we can. We can only hope that you still want us…” Namjoon finally spoke up, trying his hardest to put all of his emotions into his voice. He wanted you to know that they were willing to do anything to make up the past ten years to you.
“You have to realize, I never thought I would meet my soulmates. I went years thinking you didn’t want me and that was why you didn’t wear your bracelets. That you were happier without me. Who would want a disabled soulmate?” You chuckled at your own deprecating humor, not even seeing the way their jaws clenched in anger.
Who in the world would ever think that? Jin couldn’t help but think after the translator finished. He wanted to hurt whoever planted that in your head.
“I know you read my messages. I went through a lot these past couple years and have a lot of baggage. I have bad days where I can barely walk to the bathroom, and I have good days where I end up pushing my limits because I feel no pain. I need you to really think if you still want me before I end up getting my hopes up and you change your mind.” You lay it all out for them. Every one of your thoughts condensed into a single minute. You didn’t want to meet the, feel the bond and start to fall only for them to not catch you in the end.
“Come stay with us.” Yoongi’s tone was cool as he suggested, like he had everything planned out. Everyone’s eyes widened at his words.
“What?” You managed to ask, wondering if you heard him correctly.
“Come stay with us. We want you and this bond more than anything. Ever since we found out about you, we have spent countless hours reading every message, searching for any sign of your whereabouts and who you were. Let us show you how much we want you. You won’t have to worry about anything when you are with us. Give us a chance to get to know each other. Get to know us before you decide that we won’t catch you.” You always thought that Yoongi was eloquent, but to hear the translation from the translator… you almost wanted to start sobbing again.
You’ve never had anyone outside of your family try to fight for you. Even your friends since childhood wouldn’t fight for you this much. You’ve never really had anyone beg you for your presence. Beg you to give them a chance.
“I—I don’t have the money for a plane ticket.” Were the only words you could articulate at the moment. Everything seemed to blindside you and your brain was overwhelmed. It wasn’t an excuse. Your coping mechanism was humor, and you didn’t want to breakdown again as you knew you were fated to if you said you would give them the chance.
“Don’t worry about that. Let your soulmates handle everything.” Jin was the one to speak this time, a wink accompanying his words. You remember him saying he did that when he was nervous or feeling awkward.
“Can we, uhm, have your number?” Jimin asked, wiping the tears off his cheek. He hadn’t stopped crying the entire time, too much emotion spilling from him now that he was able to see you and hear your voice.
You nod your head before giving it to them, all seven of them and Sejin putting it into their contacts before messaging you so you would have their own numbers. You were quick to receive a selfie from Jungkook, a message saying hello accompanying the picture.
“Please don’t be afraid to message us. We will always make time for you. Also, please let us know when the earliest we could have you fly out.” Namjoon smiled at you, his phone in hand as he tried to memorize your number.
“Well, I work from home, so I can pretty much work anywhere. I need to get some luggage first though and a couple of other things.” Before you could say they could get you a flight for next week, you notice Hoseok has his phone out.
“Don’t worry about the luggage. You can send Hoseok your address and he will have some from our favorite brand delivered.” You felt like your eyes were going to be permanently widened from the number of surprises that kept coming your way.
You wanted to object but from the look they were sending you, you figured it would be better to not argue with them. So, you nodded your head and sent the older man your address, slightly uncomfortable with them knowing it but you knew they would probably ask for it sooner or later.
“What’s your favorite color, love?”
“It’s this light blue color.” You turn to grab your favorite water bottle and bring it close to the camera to show them. They all nod like they were taking notes before looking off screen for a second.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n, but we have a meeting to attend with our directors. Thank you so much for giving us a chance and we will definitely talk to you soon.” Namjoon’s dimple smile had your full attention as everyone said their goodbyes and promises of contact. Even as you said goodbye and the video call was ended, you had their bright smiles burnt into your cornea.
After checking to see if your phone still had some charge to it, you were quick to go to your phone app again, this time to your recent calls list.
“Hey, so I think your joke isn’t so much of a joke anymore…”
Next Chapter
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
would you be comfortable sharing your bg3 ocs with us? i LOVE hearing and seeing other peoples ocs so much it inspires me to make them too
u always write reader personalities so amazing so ik ur ocs are just as good <3
WAH. YES. THANK U FOR ASKING. a lot of my ocs start out as fun self-inserts and then become... Something else. for bg3 in particular i normally play as my insert so they have the same face HEKJSDKJ. but they are ocs and they look diff in my brain i just dont care to change the face
oh my good GOD this is so long im so sorry. i guess this is my intro post for them now.thank u for asking me.. i love you... humbly presenting my little guys
CW FOR IMPLICATIONS OF INCEST (?) sort of in nyx's story. its complicated!! other than that just canon typical angst + drug use.
i have two main charas i consider more oc than insert. THE FIRST ONE IS MY BELOVED DARLING GIRLTHING SOULIKHA
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goes by soul in camp, mid/late twenties, she/they pronoun haver, true neutral alignment, istj + 5w4
motifs ; black oleander, darkness and shadow, bones but not blood / decay, teals and purples and blues.
close with marisol, lae'zel and wyll. thinks astarion is a little sad and gets annoyed at mystra trying to demand death of gale.
she is a cleric of kelemvor and sacrificial survivor of a myrkul death cult. she escaped nearly dying at the age of 7 bc kelemvor saved her from near death.
she is not from baldurs gate!! she is from the outskirts of omorath but after escaping she lives on the streets.
the second time kelemvor comes to get her (nearly died in an alley) she becomes a cleric and returns to the city. joins the tower of skulls in omorath and does most of her work taking care of the diseased and guiding people in the fugue plane.
a Doomguide and part of a doom clergy.
she is originally darker skinned / tan but turns grey using her powers. when she blushes she becomes her original color lol
she ends up closer to baldurs gate on pilgrimage. she meets marisol (lambs oc) her best friend there.
she is a cleric of kelemvor, the god or judge of death. she tends to wear like a plague doctor sort of uniform and is very attached to a necklace she has that she prays over!! in general she prefers to be covered because she normally is response for helping the diseased as well as the deceased.
always wearing gloves for the same reason ^ special gloves that she has with her even after the kidnapping on the ship.
her personality is very blunt 😭and straightforward but never mean. she is just super direct and a little clueless about social cues... VERY HONEST LOL.
her main story arc is around her parents! like i mentioned she is a cleric of kelemvor but she spent her childhood in a death cult. in act one she hears rumor of a tiefling couple who worshipped myrkul being seen kidnapped on the towers to moonrise. in act two, her major scene, you have the choice on whether or not to kill or rescue her parents.
soulikha as a character puts her duty as a cleric above all else, even herself. she never expresses her feelings, never complains, just does as she believes is of expected to her. it gives her identity. up until this point, it's very rare to see her break down. this is the first scene where she makes a decision for herself
she also believes part of her job is assuring the people suffering die with the dignity and honor they deserve. part of this is because of her upbringing.
she also believes admantly in people dying when they are supposed to. as a cleric of kelemvor with particular favor of her god, she can hear whispers and regrets of death. the shadowfell lands are hard on her.
her main romance partner is karlach
her main romance with karlach has to do with touch and intimacy.
soulikha normally has her face covered and her body so if she were an origin and romance companion chara they'd be surrounding them but in her story she is dating karlach
karlach is soulikhas first love. they are tragic to me. soulikha is constantly telling karlach it's not her time and they often talk about death. she has a line to karlach:
"i will be there. when your soul burns brightest in the fugue plane, i will lead you. till the end of your life and in mine. my hand will find you. you will know its me."
she is shorter than karlach a bit. their whole romance is soulikha saying over and over that she knows karlach is bound to die, and comforting her through that.
but after the actual end of the game, soulikha cries for the very first time and begs karlach to live. it's the first time she ever says the words "i want you to live.) very heartbreaking
their ending is opening. ultimately soulikha wants to stay with karlach. they promise each other to live. the ending varies depending on other stuff but YEAH.
her bad ending is letting herself become myrkuls new chosen so karlach can have her heart back. fucking AWFUL ending gkdjsd theyre so sad.
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this is nyx! no last name, he/him pronouns preferred, any fine. neutral evil allignment, late twenties. entp + 7w8
close with astarion + minthara. fond of jaehira. thinks wyll is fun and likes karlach. neutral to shadowheart and halsin.
nyx is not from baldurs gate either, explicitly from the city of calimshan, in manshaka. son of a common whore, born in a pleasure house.
tiefling with the blood graz'zt. this is relevant later. fdkjsdk.
learns music from the musicians in the pleasure house. naturally gifted. starts composing his own music at ten when one of this mothers regular customers gifts him a cli' lyre, enchanted with magic
has a complicated relationship with his mother. his mother is a prostitute but also very addicted to drugs. she wasn't motherly and often made advances on him when he grew up into puberty. his only family. when she was coming down the high, he would play her music to fall asleep.
practiced a lot on his own, other musicians taught him other instruments. very talented. most of his music and songs were about his one true love, roxana
roxana was another child of the house. they grew up together. she wasn't particularly talented but she was soft, kind, and beautiful. they both knew she would end up staying in the house, but nyx did try to protect her from customers when they were both underage.
roxana is full blooded human. she has a tattoo of roses down her spine that nyx dedicated one of his songs too and got matching trellis tattoos for. his most popular song.
his composition reached far and wide and he was offered many times to leave the pleasure house to perform. but he loved roxana and she often begged to say with him - so he never went. for her he'd do pretty much anything.
spent most of their lives together as lovers. first kiss at 13, lost their virginity to each other at 16/17, when they are in their early 20's nyx saves up to propose.
nyx is betrayed by roxana, though nyx by default does not care if Rrxana were to take lovers. 
because of nyx’s upbringing and roxana’s work, all nyx had ever asked Roxana for was to keep no secrets between them 
(growing up, roxana was naturally meek and often was in dangerous situations. Both because of this and because of his mothers commentary after she’d invited him for sex (“let’s keep this a secret between us,”). nyx had asked Roxana to never keep things from him, if she could.) 
roxana ultimately chooses another man over nyx, one she’d kept a secret. she’d told nyx that she couldn’t be with him anymore. That she wanted more from life, and that she would go with her new lover to see greater sights. 
“I loved her. Beautiful like a rosebed. I was a fool, of course. Only a fool forgets that the first rule to pick roses is dethorning them, lest they make you bleed.”
nyx sets off for college the same night. packs his belongings, says by to the pleasure house. his mother kisses on the cheek. he doesn't tell roxana about this
after that he commits to a life of debauchery at the college of swords. many flings and makes more music but never gets tied down despite peoples offers and efforts.
very charismatic in general and good at behaving in slimy and manipulative ways fhfksd. acts in self-interest.
very weak to soft and gentle women (hung up on his ex.... rip)
never ever mentions roxana by name even as an origin character. a lot of his story is about getting him to open up. he has a confrontation with his ex in act 3. his story is similar to astarion
in act one he hears rumor of a beautiful prostitute in the city who works the cities leaders and follows this. his main decision is meeting roxana again and deciding whether or not to forgive or save her
(you learn through the course of his story that roxana was never particularly good or honest to him, though it's not easy to figure out. the best ending to for him to save her but not take her back, the worst is dying for he)
his primary love interest is lae'zel !!
they have a silly and funny relationship at first. it starts as a sex thing but their tent is next to each other. lae'zel likes calling him a jester but loves his voice too.
he likes that she's very different from the women he dates. she's very harsh towards him but he also trusts she would never lie to him. he comforts her through the situation with vlaaktih and she in his story helps him realize that not everyone is out to betray him. he wants to love her and does.
he is SO affectionate towards her act three. she is constantly pissed she has romantic feelings for local emo clown
lae'zel having no propensity for manipulation and also being very honest is really refreshing for nyx. they have a minor age gap fdkfskjd
at the end of the story - nyx encourages lae'zel to travel and save their people. he makes a life for them in the city and writes hundreds of songs about her in her absence. they raise a gith child together
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moonlit-imagines · 1 year
Steve Harrington x reader
warnings: just a scar mention!!
a/n: willow!!!!! hope ur well!!! sorry this took forever and is kinda short 🥺🥺 <3 u
prompt: @mrs-steve-harrington: “As for a request (very excited to see that it's song prompts!): Skin by Sixx:AM. Steve Harrington, Stranger Things, and romantic. And absolutely NO worries if this doesn't inspire any ideas, I won't mind. But congrats again on your followers :D”
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Fragility. That’s all they saw when they looked at you. You may have all gone through the same battles, but they’d still tiptoe around the facts when you were around.
Of course you were emotional, you hated the thought of the things you saw, the things you had to do to survive. They forget that you pushed limits they hadn’t even considered were possible. You had scars from horrible things you did for the greater good.
But Steve knew better than to act like you were weak just because you couldn’t always handle the memories. Steve knew you were stronger than anyone else he’d ever met, or fought with, so when he started to notice your friends treat you more delicately.
“They just can’t handle what you did for them, y/n. They can’t handle that they had you resort to that.” Steve whispered to you, rubbing your back gently and tracing the prominent scar through the fabric of your t-shirt.
“It’s fine, Steve. I can’t control if they’re uncomfortable.” You whispered back, which others quickly noticed. It wasn’t long before they started whispering, too. It was funny, though. You went to great lengths to protect them, maybe now they were just trying to protect you.
“Bullshit, half of them wouldn’t be here without you.” People were starting to notice your sideline conversation and little glances around the room.
“Is there something wrong?” Nancy interrupted, almost as if she were annoyed by the way you two left the rest of your friends out. Awkward silence and the clearing a throat or two within the room followed as you looked over at your boyfriend. You merry chuckled at the question after a few moments and Nancy cocked an eyebrow.
“No, not at all.” You offered a kind smile to her and the rest of your cautious friends, lifting your bag off the ground beside you. “But I gotta cut this meet short, right Steve?” You stood up and Steve didn’t waste a second to follow.
“Yeah, gotta get out of here.” He grabbed your hand tightly and you took to the door, waving bye to everyone.
“See you next time.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @ripoffadora // @mrs-steve-harrington // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thereagles // @imaginesbymk // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @brutal-out-here // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @zoeyserpentluck // @augustvandyne // @summersimmerus // @azazel-nyx // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @retvenkos // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @prettysbliss // @sapphireplums // @beth-gallagher22 // @ravenstrueluv // @your-local-questioning-agender // @rqmanoff // @you-bloody-shank // @amirahiddleston // @elenavampire21 //
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spacestationstorybook · 5 months
NYX i just read the message u keft on my tree where u mentioned wanting to get into vnc because the women look cool and i am here to encourage u :3!!!!! the women are VERY cool there r two super cool ladies introduced in the first 3 episodes and probably more later but i'm not that far yet! but anyway the point is that i can see u liking both jeanne and domi (i think they both might be canonically bi also?) and what i've watched so far has been very fun :3 and anyway if u do end up watching it ur always welcome to come into my askbox to chat abt it if u want to :]
HI‏‏‎ ‎ICARUS sorry it took a little while to get to this i was in the car on the way to my maternal grandparents' house (pray for me it is so overstimulating here and i'm surrounded by right wingers) but yeah it seems like something i'd totally be into!!!‏‏‎ ‎domi's‏‏‎ ‎character‏‏‎ ‎design‏‏‎ ‎is sooo top tier and i've seen some really cool content of‏‏‎ ‎jeanne...‏‏‎if they're canonically bi that's so awesome yuri win!!! maybe once i'm a little less busy like after new year's or something i'll check it out :) ‎
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nexusnyx · 2 years
nyx, meu amor, meu anjo… ヾ๑ˊᵕˋ๑◞♡
i wish i could read “if i get high enough”, bUT! i literally cannot handle angst without a happy ending, so i’m sorry but i’ll have to skip this one 🫣🫣🥲
howEvEr !!! when i checked the warnings you mentioned something along the lines of “crazy-in-love sex”? and i’m curious. i’m so so curious… so is there any chance you’d consider writing something in the future that features such thing and the sweet but dirty kind of bucky that you also mentioned in the warning but with a happy ending?
no worries if not but i just thought i’d ask
ps: i really wish i could read this one but i’m heeding your warnings so as to not trigger myself lol but i want to add that i’m oh so sure whatever it is you wrote was absolutely fucking marvelous
glad you read the tags and decided to preserve your mental health luv 'cause i won't lie, i might've hurt myself a little w that one! lol but yes, harmo, for u i can put on my shelf an idea to write maybe a second part (where you won't need the first one to understand) or just something sweet and dirty with canon!bucky and a happy ending <3
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aziraphool · 2 years
read ur pinned post
i want the hour long rant about ur ocs-
Okay but remember u asked for this <3 /j
There is a (long) story behind them, as I will summarise under the cut.
So we start off with our "hero" (they're kind of a dick) nyx. I also think that that's ur name and pronouns (they/them) which is a cool coincidence I guess. Nyx was orphaned when they were very young and taken in my this guy Asher. Nyx might be a dick, but Asher is the biggest dick of all and so Nyx wasn't too happy growing up. Like, not at all. However, Nyx wasnt the only one dealing with this bullshit because Asher basically owns some other kids. Nyx and these other kids are all trained to become thieves, which Nyx excels at.
As previously mentioned, Nyx isn't happy with this life because it's just a really toxic environment in which you have to be the best in order to get any kind of respect. So Nyx runs off. Did I mention this is all backstory? It is. They're about 9 at this point btw. Whilst on the run from Asher, they run into this family which has a boy nyx's age. Hes called joey. They have a mildly rocky relationship at first because, again, nyx can be a bit of the dick, but by the time they're 12/ 13, they're besties and Nyx has basically become a part of the family.
So one night theres this parade going on and Joey's parents wont let them go for the completely valid reason of they can't go and aren't letting 12 year olds go to a place where there will definitely be drunk people and violence. But Nyx is rebellious and convinces Joey to sneak out. And this goes HORRIBLY. Basically Joey's parents were right and there was violence. A lot of it. Joey's leg gets seriously injured and he has to get it amputated and Nyx gets a big scar over their left cheek.
Nyx manages to drag Joey home but they feel really bad. Mostly because, you know, their friends leg has to get amputated but also because they feel like they failed. So, without even saying goodbye, they leave. Dick move.
The thing is, without the protection if a house, nyx is quickly found by Asher and taken back, specifically by a girl 2 years older called Finch.
If the plot seems mangled already, oh oh boy, it gets worse. Now, onto the actual story.
Nyx is 17 and has recently been commissioned (read: told by Asher) to steal the Crown of Suns. I didn't mention that this does not take place in this universe, which I probably should have.
So this story takes place in the fictional island of Helion. It's basically a medevial Europe inspired country but it has a lot of greek names because I just steal stuff from greek mythology. There's no magic, though, because I can't be bothered to figure out a magic system. That's just about it you need to know but there is more detail to it than a name.
So, nyx takes the job. After some wacky shenanigans, they eventually get to the palace, which is where the crown is. They manage to break in, but meet some problems when confronted by the princess, Anastasia. You see, Anastasia has always been kept inside the palace for her own protection, first by her late father, Ragnar, and now by her brother King Julius II (no, not the lemur from Madagascar, that's Julien. I almost had a heart attack when I thought I had accidentally named my oc after a fictional lemur).
Anyways, Anastasia just really wants to explore the world, and wants Nyx to be her guide. I could say Nyx felt sorry for the princess and let her come but that would be a lie. Nyx just liked how they could probably hold her hostage in order to keep the crown in the face of confrontation. Because nyx is a dick. So, they let Anastasia come along and they take the Crown of Suns with them.
Only thing is, nyx got injured (I should probably mention things when they happen lol) and needs to lay low for a while. Asher is to far away and the only person Nyx could trust around here is - you guessed it - joey.
So the just show up announced at his door and joey is just like. "What. What the actual fuck. I hear nothing from you for years and then you just walk up with a princess and helion's most prized crown????" And Nyx is basically just like "yeah now lemme in I think my ankles broken". So he does because, unlike nyx, he is nice.
So while nyxs ankle heals, they're left in the house of their former best friend whose disability they kinda caused. So basically its awkward. Despite all this, Joey's still excited to see them because Nyx was kinda his only friend and when they left he was alone. Nyx is secretly happy to see joey but doesnt want to admit it or even to talk to him due to the overwhelming guilt of having caused literally all of his problems. Joey eventually thinks Nyx hates him (an easy impression to get when someone wont even look you in the eye) and becomes more snarky and rude to Nyx, tho he's still nice to Anastasia because she never did anything wrong. I'm also gonna start calling her Sadie now because that was a nickname she got when she was young.
O K A Y. The rest of the story is basically just our trio (because joey wanted to come) getting into a lot of shit whilst trying to find Asher to give the crown to him whilst avoiding authorities so Nyx will get paid. They need to get paid because Nyx and the gang will be able to cross the border into some other country with the money, and escape their old lives. Nyx finally gets some character development (thank god) and possibly starts dating Joey??? Idk I might leave that out because I'm actually writing this shit down and idk how to write romance. It does eventually work out and they all live happily/ traumatised every after. The end. Also Finch and Julius is a much bigger characters than just getting name dropped like once.
Ok, so I know this sounds insane, but there is an actual story hidden in there somewhere. Thanks for reading if you got this far I guess???
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foxie-roxie · 4 years
why rayllum is a MASTERPIECE part 3
i even rewatched it for this!
this time i’ll try to have SOME order, and go by episode. this will however still include unintelligible screaming
first off, affectionate eye rolling, nose boop, and head bonk is the best thing.
third, their teamwork and decision making is excellent. they agree to try and sneak past sol regem, and when that fails try talking to him and then decide to simply trick his senses with the scarf. and instead of rayla shooting down callum’s “smelltriloquism” idea, she simply adds onto it! LOVE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS
“i think it’s good luck!” YES IT IS RAY THAT’S UR BOYFRIENDS SCARF
also, here you go. you’re welcome.
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first, CALLUM BEING SO EXCITED BY ALL THE MAGIC IN XADIA IS S O CUTE! MY SON. this might turn into an overrall review of s3. o well
third, THE ADORABURR FIELD! their smiles were so fond and soft and A. they make me cry of joy. 
an overall look on it, i like how this episode really shows their feelings clearly. no “will they won’t they”, at least for rayla. it’s clear she has feelings.
first i love how when rayla mentions that she’s excited and happy but also terrified, callum tries to comfort her. good boi. best boi.
second, elf callum. i love that scene so much even if the second-hand embarrassment kills me, and rayla is j like “why the fuck do i love you. im gonna kill him.”
third, DANCE! callum not being rude and saying her home is “modest” before rayla explains it’s an illusion, his BLUSH WHEN SHE HELPS HIM, and the softness in general. rayla’s excitement that she’s home and talks abt that she can show callum where she went to school, the best moonberry surprise place, until...
fourth, AH FUCK. A N G S T T I M E. rayla being crest-fallen before callum says that it must’ve been a mistake, and she realizes that ethari would probably understand!
rayla realizing ethari ghosted her too and then callum GOING O F F. he angy and when rayla runs out callum IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS (like in a later episode) and comforts her again.
when ethari comes down and breaks the spell and says to callum “trees to meet you too” and rayla’s like “don’t encourage him”
also callum trying to get on the shadowpaw and ethari being Concerned is AMAZING. concerned dad content
i’ll talk more about ezran/ruthari/the dark magic trio in a later ted talk
4. H E R E W E G O
first, rayla clearly being sad and callum picking up on that quickly (he even seems to be almost falling on purpose, perhaps to make her smile?) and asking if she’s ok before being shot down by rayla insisting she is fine. GOD DAMN. THAT HURTS.
second, their interaction with nyx is so amazing. rayla being protective of zym and callum being a DORK is awesome, but also their decision making.
after rayla reluctantly decides that they can go see how nyx could get them across the desert so quickly, they see the ambler and then their reasoning is amazing.
“what do you think?”
“the dragon queen is dying.” and then i forget the rest of the exact quote but they give a subtle nod to eachother. they make their decisions TOGETHER. AS A TEAM. AND THAT’S ON HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS X2!
third, callum continuing to gently press for rayla to express her emotions. he doesn’t pressure her, but seems to simply let her know that if she needs to talk (when she insists she’s fine), he is there. 
four, MORE FLUSTERED RAYLLUM. YES. TY NYX but also fuck u for taking zym but also ur hot- A N Y W A Y
rayla’s crying and callum tries to reassure her. nyx is plotting, while rayla runs away and callum follows. Y E S.
rayla talks about how there’s nobody left that cares about her and she lost everything.. and then the SPEECH. i have this speech memorized i’ve watched this scene so many times
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and then rayla kisses him and that’s all that happened. callum was not a dumbass. right? RIGHT???
first, rayla saving callum from the soulfang serpents and callum helping her get up is AMAZING, LOVE THAT.
second, callum tryna get a good position and rayla j saying to hold onto her and callum GETTING FLUSTERED. BOY IS PINING also he didn’t have to hold her that close.
also here you go again
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what can i say except YOU’RE WELCOME
once again won’t b talking abt ezran specifically but there’s some passing mentions of him from now on
first, rayla and callum reaching the stone thunder and callum asking “is it... a statue?” and rayla sadly saying “no. it’s not a statue” A. I CRI.
1.5 ayla and callum best dragon parents
i’ll get to an actual analysis later
second, THIS MOMENT IS UNDERRATED EVEN THO IT’S ONE OF MY FAVS why has nobody mentioned the lil tender moment where ezran is by phoe-phoe and rayla puts her hand on callum’s shoulder AND CALLUM PUTS HIS HAND ON HERS. SO SWEET.
callum is upset because of thunder and rayla sympathizes immediately. this is similar to how callum lets rayla let out her own emotions, and rayla is doing the same. he explains how he feels angry, upset, confused, sad, and rayla quickly empathizes. he keeps on venting, not knowing whether to feel regretful, or glad, and how he’s confused because that’s sarai’s spear. he feels sorry that all this happened, but rayla reassures him that zym and ezran are going to break the cycle! that’s hope! and then they hold hands and i screech
AND THAT’S SO FUCKING HEALTHY AND I LOVE IT. THEY RLLY BREAK ALL BAD HET RELATIONSHIP STEREOTYPES (coughbutistillheadcanonthembothasbiandcallumistransilldieonthishillcough)
7. angst but not rayllum angst so its ok
first, they begin to go up the storm spire and i really love their banter. “and i’m guessing the dragon queen didn’t make her den at a nice, halfway kinda place?” “nope. tiptop!”
four, AHSDHGDHFG THEY DEADASS FORGOT EZRAN WAS THERE. more flustered rayllum i love that
one, ibis is j a good boi. back to rayla and callum
two, rayla going in to see the dragon queen and when she runs out callum QUICKLY FOLLOWS to see if she’s ok. asks her if she’s ok, and she OPENS UP!! CHARACTER GROWTH BABY!!! and then they hold hands and i once again shriek
before we go to the actual angst, can i say that THE LAUGH AFTER RAYLA SAID “STORM SNEEZE” IS SO CUTE. CALLUMS IN LOVE. MY SON.
oh no.
*bonks rayla on the head* nO SELF SACRIFICING!!
although their fight is super angsty and i hate it, it does provide some conflict and more plot because it gives callum a reason to want to find out the truth about rayla’s parents. and then he does! people argue that this fight was unnecessary or that callum was a jerk, but this was needed i think. he did let his worry become a bit of anger, and that was not a nice move, but he knows he fucked up and fixes it!
and then we get soft rayllum this is fine
there’s not much rayllum featured in this ep, but the amount we do get is 80 PERCENT ANGST AND I WASN’T OK WITH IT
first, the fluff! callum trying to do the wing spell and rayla teasing “did you pull a muscle in the middle of a jumping jack?” is so cute. i LOVE THEM. also they hold hands and i SH RIEK again. 
also soren how dare you interrupt callum he was abt to confess
second, callum when he’s explaining the battle plan and his ZAP HAND. rayla is j watching him like “yep. that is my dork.”
skipping forward in time a bit for the angst oh no
third, callum going up to the storm spire after ez encouraging him to go to rayla. love that soft brotherly relationship. and we think “oh, soft rayllum, right?”
fourth, THEY DIDN’T NEED ME TO BE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR WTF. the fact that rayla’s blade went right in front of callum and he looks up and sees zym in danger, viren is there, and RAYLA is there, p a n i k.
and then rayla jumps and the entire rayllum fandom SC REAMS after callum’s “no!” before she jumps and “no, no, no, RAYLA!”
fifth, CALLUM NO WHY ARE YOU JUMPING TOO- oh wait its ok he did the wings and im still crying fuck
THAT CONFESSION THO- i cri tears of joy now. they’re in love
sixth, I J WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE EZRAN SHOWED UP. like it’s clear that they’re talking or something, but abt what is the question. also yes they hug and raylas fond
seventh, THEY HOLD HANDS!! soft bbs,,,
AAAND IM DONE! this is. quite long so if you read all of this i hope u have a good day and thnx for listening to me ramble with some coherent thoughts
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housebeleren · 4 years
Theros Beyond Death Odds & Ends
We got a lot of updates regarding Theros Beyond Death this week. I’ve already talked about the trailer, so now I’ll just run through some of the other items and give my quick thoughts.
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Elspeth & Ashiok
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These are super sweet. Elspeth is looking fierce as ever, and that spear is fucking fantastic. As a card, I think she’s going to be a major player in Standard, as a recursive threat that’ll just keep generating value for you. Ashiok is gorgeously illustrated by one of my favorites, Raymond Swanland. The purples, blues, and blacks are basically all my favorite colors, so I’m sold. As a card, I think it’s super well balanced. Could be a great alternate finisher for control that comes down a turn earlier than Liliana or Ugin, but isn’t quite as clearly game-ending as those if it sticks. That said, pumping out a 2/3 every turn is pretty sweet unto itself. So yeah, I’m feeling both of these. My only wish is that they had flipped one of the arts so they’d be facing each other, Duel Deck style. That would have been just one extra little touch of awesome.
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Also, these are freakin gorgeous. I particularly like the Ashiok one, but I’d be excited to get my hands on either of them.
Also, Maro has confirmed that there are 3 Planeswalkers in the set. Wonder who the third would be? By color alone, it would be someone Green/Red, But there aren’t a ton of those that seem like good fits, and it would be too similar to Theros, round 1. Only time will tell.
Gods & Demigods
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We also got previews of a few other fun cards. Athreos, Shroud-Veiled is the buy-a-box promo for the set, which makes some amount of sense. My guess is, after the strong mono-color theme of Throne of Eldraine, we’ll see the five mono-color gods return in this set with new versions, and not get any of the other 2 color gods except Athreos, since he will likely play some part in the story, either as an element in or an obstacle to Elspeth’s escape.
We also got a Demigod, which is a new creature type that’s pretty awesome. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun is an interesting title, especially given it’s opposition to Elspeth’s “Sun’s Nemesis” title. My speculation is we’ll see Elspeth exact her revenge on Heliod, then she takes over the mantle as God of the Sun, and through her newfound God-power brings back Daxos. Totally speculation, but that’s what I’m reading from this.
We got a Theros Beyond Death Mechanics article, so I’ll run through them real quick:
Escape - This is the only new mechanic in the set, representing Elspeth’s escape of the Underworld. Seems like a solid workhorse mechanic for Standard, and there will almost certainly be at least one card that’s completely obscene in Modern or Legacy, because what’s ever gone wrong with graveyard mechanics in the past?
Devotion - Oooh, I called it. As soon as the strong mono-color theme in Throne of Eldraine became clear, I was sure we’d see Devotion again. It’s perfect seeding between sets. This is a fun one, and will continue to swing the pendulum towards 2 and 1 color play, which is honestly a good thing. It’ll be interesting to see if they find some new design space for it.
Constellation - Oooh, I called it again! Maro has been harping about the biggest mistake of original Theros block being that they didn’t do Enchantments-matter early enough, so it seemed all but certain that they would jump right on board with it this time around. Plus, it’s another perfect through-line from Throne of Eldraine’s W/U theme. Looks like they’re going to put Constellation on some non-Enchantment cards as well, so that’s a little new for it.
Sagas - I loved Sagas when they showed up in Dominaria, and I’m stoked to see them again here. They’re fun, they have interesting gameplay, and they’re just gorgeous to look at. My guess is they’ll play around with the number of chapters this time, just to keep it interesting.
Of course, we’ve got Enchantment Creatures coming back, and I did see one card that had a Heroic mechanic on it (sans keyword, of course), so that could be a fun limited archetype in this set. Plus, it’ll give Feather decks a little boost to maybe bring them back to playability. 
Basic Lands
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Okay, then there’s this. Truly, I do love the look of these, though I understand some people’s aversions to them. They do look a little like Pokemon Energy cards, for sure. That said, I am very excited to pull them, and some people will really love having them. 
But I also want to mention these:
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These are also basic lands for this set, and they are STUNNING. Every land has 2 variants, an overworld and an underworld version. You can see all of them on Wizards’ Twitter account. The catch? These lands are only available in the Bundle and Planeswalker decks. That’s it. You can’t open them in any booster product, at least to my understanding as of now.
And that’s a shame, because as cool as the full art Nyx lands are, these are beautiful works of art and should be seen! And lots of people just won’t. I would have strongly preferred they handle this like they did with Amonkhet, and have the full arts as just one of the standard rotation, along with these beauties.
This really gets at the heart of the biggest issue I have with Wizards’ product design at the moment, and it’s that it’s so hard to keep track of everything that’s out there. I love the spirit behind Project Booster Fun, but I’m sorry, it is so fucking complicated to figure out what comes in each product at this point. I’ve had to correct the shop owner of an LGS about the specific contents of Collector Boosters, and I don’t blame him for the mistake one bit. Because who can keep it all straight? Anyway, rant over. But Wizards, if you’re listening, tone it back a little. Stop dividing your cards in to a million different products.
Anyway, on one final good note:
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Whoever this hotness is. Holy shit, I thought Wizards was going after the “Gay & Thirsty” contingent with Oko but it’s clear they have no intentions of letting us ignore this set either. 
That’s a gay Halloween costume right there, ready to go.
Given the landscape orientation here, I’m guessing he’s a generic card from the set, not a Planeswalker. But it’s possible we’re only getting some of the art, but I’d say that’s a long shot. Either way, I’m 100% here and living for more acceptably sexualized men in Magic. May the gods bless the Thirsty.
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lucianhuntress · 7 years
Love Colored Pens Chapter 2 - Midnight Party - Part 2
Word count: 3639 Pairings: Gladiolus x OC, Noctis x OC, Prompto x Cindy, hints of Nyx x OC. Warnings: Alcohol, SFWish?
Tagging @glaive-eve​ because damn that Eve knows how to dance ;)
Note: It might have some awkward typos and shit, but I did my best fixing this and I hope you can still get something out of it <3
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
“You okay?” Noctis asked with concern, when he noticed Eve glancing at the direction she had walked from. Her heart was still happily pounding in her chest and overall she felt marvelous — but she wanted to keep it to herself for now.
Eve just ended up nodding and throwing a bright smile at Noctis. Her legs still felt wobbly after talking to Nyx and her mind came up with alternate endings to their small conversation.
“Where’s Caitlin?” Eve questioned casually, taking a sip from the drink Nyx had ordered for her. It had a taste of orange and strawberry. It soothed oddly her burning cheeks.
“I think she went to bathroom,” Gladiolus answered. Eve laughed at Gladio’s level of wariness.
“She did drink quite a lot,” Prompto nodded and pulled his camera out of a pocket on his jeans. “I think I should start taking photos for the article before I’m too drunk to do this.”
“Maybe you’ll find a chick for yourself,” Gladiolus chuckled, making Prompto blush.
“Maybe you should take a photo of Eve,” Noctis suggested, flashing an innocent smile and glancing at Eve, who had ,once again, fallen to her own thoughts — sipping her juicy drink. Her mind was still buzzing with the thoughts of Nyx.
“That’s a good idea!” Prompto said while pointing Eve with his camera. Ignis moved politely out of the way. Though he would have added some nice presence to the shot. Eve lifted her brows curiously at Prompto, who tried to find the correct angle.
“Eve, don’t look so distant,” Prompto pouted, still pointing his camera at Eve.
“Sorry. I just thought of something,” Eve said still thinking those sky blue eyes and that flirty smile that swept her legs. If only they could’ve talked longer. Noctis narrowed his eyes incredulously and stared at Eve.
Nyx had messed up Eve’s mind completely.
“Hey, it’s time to party!” Gladiolus chuckled and stood up. “I’m going to get us more drinks! You coming with me Iggy?”
“Fine,” Ignis sighed, sounding oddly defeated. He stood up and followed Gladiolus to the counter. Eve straightened the wrinkles on her dress and quickly glanced at Noctis. Their eyes met and they traded small smiles while Prompto was browsing his camera, preparing to leave the two of them all alone.
The partygoers started to get more drunk and the dance floor was slowly filling up with people, bouncing up and down to the rhythm of electronic dance music. The dance floor was lit up with different coloured UV lights and occasional clouds of smoke were released upon the dance floor from the machines.
“You want to dance?” Noctis asked suddenly. Eve had been leering at the dance floor, holding her straw a few inches away from her mouth as if she had forgot to drink.
“Are you asking me?” Eve inquired and flashed a wide grin at him.
“Not really. Unless you really, really, really want to,” Noctis sighed and the corners of his mouth curled slightly up. It had been years since Eve and Noctis had danced together.
“I’ll need more drinks, if you want to see me dancing,” Eve giggled and glanced back at the dancefloor, seeing the people really enjoying themselves. Noctis wasn’t sure if he wanted Eve to drink more, but he would’ve gladly watched Eve dance.
Caitlin emerged from the bathroom, rushing to take the seat next to Eve. Her cheeks were rosy red and she hiccuped, her chest heaving lightly from the sprint. She threw drunken stares at them in turns. Eve and Noctis eyed her, slightly astonished by her presence.
“How much you’ve had already?” Eve asked curiously. Caitlin’s movements were slightly wobbly and delayed. She giggled mildly at random things and made funny poses when a new song started playing.
“Not—enough,” Caitlin noted. Her eyes widened in surprise as if she had only just realized that she was sitting there with Eve and Noctis. She was greatly relieved not to see any well-formed muscles near them. “Eve, We need more drinks.”
“Well lucky me, I’ve got coupons and I believe there is a beer pong somewhere,” Eve said reaching her neck out to see, if there was actually a table somewhere. She had heard someone talking about it at some point.
“Woah. Eve, are you sure about this?” Noctis almost shouted in surprise. “And where did she get those coupons from?” He had knew that only the 4th year students got them for the party. “Do you remember what happened last time?”
“No, no I don’t,” Eve said flashing a mischievous grin at him. She was using the drink coupons as a fan to create a cool breeze, because she felt her cheeks burning hot again —  probably from the drink she was having.
“Ugh. I ho—pe there is so—mething else than be—er,” Caitlin muttered and stood up again. Noctis was snickering at Caitlin’s hiccups. “Eve let’s g—o and pl—ay.” She was pointing at something as she had apparently located the beer pong. Eve glanced up at Caitlin and stood up. Noctis felt like he should follow them, just in case something would happen.
Caitlin grabbed Eve’s wrist and literally dragged her towards the corner that had a mass of people in one cramped bunch. They pushed through the tight line and arrived at the front row, seeing two teams playing beer pong and the crowd circling around them — cheering and gasping as the game progressed.
“Do we ne—ed a team?” Caitlin asked bemused, almost as if she had never taken part of such a game.
“Yeah, we could team up,” Eve suggested. Caitlin focused her attention on the game, which started getting harder after all those tequilas she had poured down her throat.
“I could ask someone to play with me, so we could have a proper team match,” Noctis smirked behind Eve, making her jump from the scare. She hadn’t realized that he had followed them.
“Gladio would definitely volunteer,” Eve said thinking all the possible options. Caitlin felt her heart making a jump when his name was mentioned. Gladiolus was an option she didn’t really want in their game, but she wasn’t going to say that out loud.
“I’ll go find him. Don’t start without us,” Noctis said flashing a greedy smile at Eve. Caitlin’s mind had gone blank and she just stared at the table with glazed eyes.
Eve noticed the girl in orange dress she had seen a moment before. She was playing the game with a guy, who wore black clothes. His hair was short, slightly curly and he had dark stubble. Orange dressed girl looked really unhappy, because they were losing their game.
“Pelna! Are you even trying?!” Eve managed to hear the girl snap at the guy. The guy sighed, wavering moderately in his place. He threw the ball and missed. The girl was obviously drunk too, but she looked extremely pissed off as she had to drink their last cup empty. The atmosphere around the crowd dropped from joyful to awkward, as people started noticing the girl raging at the her teammate. Her blonde wavy hair was bouncing at every word she let out of her mouth.
“Cindy- please,” the man sighed, trying to calm the lady down. His eyes had a drunken haze in them and he was completely powerless in front of his friend. Some people started snickering at their quarrel.
“Eve.” Noctis suddenly said, appearing behind Eve. Gladio and Ignis pushed their way through the crowd, curiously eyeing the drama happening at the beer pong table. Caitlin woke up from her slumber, when she heard Noctis’s voice again. Only to trade glances with Gladio, making her more flustered about the situation.
“They just lost,” Eve said quickly turning her eyes back at the drama. Cindy threw a cupful of something, possibly beer, straight to Pelna’s face and stormed out of the circle. Pelna glared after her with fury flashing through his eyes.
“Anyone willing to participate next?” someone asked at the table, taking a sip from a fancy looking bottle. Caitlin hurried to register them before anyone else could. She wanted to keep her distance from Gladio. Noctis gave Eve a challenging smirk and Eve answered him with an unsure half-smile.
Caitlin motioned everyone to gather around the table. Gladiolus and Noctis going to the other side, while Eve and Caitlin took the other. Ignis moved to the side with crossed arms, already observing each teams.
“I’m not going to go easy on you,” Noctis said his eyes full of excitement.
“You’re so w—rong if you think yo—u can de—feat me,” Caitlin said, rubbing her hands together for warm up.
“Okay, let the ladies go first,” Gladiolus said to Noctis. Noctis gave him a scornful look, but decided to comply. Gladio rolled his eyes at him.
“Fine.” Noctis said dryly and bit his lip. He was waiting in anticipation, while Caitlin had decided to start the match with a successful hit.
Eve found out soon that she wasn’t good at throwing the ball on target. Caitlin barely missed any, even when her movements started to slow down after drinking a few — thanks to Eve. They had fun though, Noctis and Gladio were winning and Eve thought Gladio missed a few on purpose, so they would actually get to drink. Noctis shouted at Gladio for making silly mistakes. His lust for victory was prominent.
Eve and Caitlin giggled drunkenly every time they missed, or managed to score. The match ended faster than anyone would have guessed and they headed out of the circle, cheerfully giggling and chattering. The next team was already waiting impatiently for their turn.
“Eve!” yelled Caitlin, her eyes glinting with a wild new idea.
“Cat!” Eve shouted in return, her eyes sparkling from excitement. Noctis and Gladio traded amused looks and chuckled at the two girls. They weren’t nearly as drunk as the two ladies were.
“How— about,” Caitlin said hiccuping and pointing to the bar counter, “we g—et more dri—nks?”
Eve paused for a brief moment and stood on her place, staring at the busy bartender flabbergasted. An idea like that hadn’t occurred to her yet.
“Maybe you two should sit down while we get you drinks,” Gladiolus smiled and waved as he made a beeline to the bar counter.
“But—I want to pa—rrrrrty!” Caitlin protested. Noctis directed the girls to a new pair of couches. Their old spot had been conquered while they were off having the beer pong match. Ignis followed them, sipping his drink with elegance.
Caitlin and Eve sat on the couch throwing disappointed stares at Noctis. An awkward silence fell around them, as the girls frowned at their seats. Noctis and Ignis traded worried looks unsure what to talk about. Gladiolus arrived at the table with a tray full of drinks. He placed it on the table and sat down with Noctis and Ignis, studying everyone’s expressions curiously.
How did the mood shift so fast?
“Is it a good idea to let them drink any more?” Ignis questioned picking up a glass of cider and taking a sip.
“H—ey,” Eve frowned and hiccuped. Caitlin was about to choke on her laughter. “I’ve been wai—ting for t—his party.” It was Gladio’s turn to throw a worried look on the girls and he reached his hand to take the drink out of Eve’s hands, but she pulled it away from him and Caitlin stole a sip from Eve’s drink, while she was busy glaring at Gladio.
Gladiolus felt his heart speeding up a bit when he saw Caitlin having the straw in her mouth and flashing a dirty smile on his direction. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from that sight. She was way too drunk to remember the promise she had made to herself.
“Mmmmm so go—od,” Caitlin purred and took her drink from the tray. Eve tasted her drink too and smiled approvingly. Noctis and Gladiolus were having a hard time watching the drunken girls taste their drinks.
Prompto dashed from somewhere, his hands on his camera. He was so excited, that he was about to explode.
“Yo guys, where did you go?” Prompto asked picking up a small shot from the tray Gladiolus had brought. He poured the drink quickly down his throat, letting out a rugged goran. “Ugh! That was horrible!”
“I meant it for Noctis,” Gladio sighed, slowly lifting his gaze from Caitlin to Prompto.
“What’s your goal?” Noctis grunted at the fact, that Gladio had ordered him something nasty.
“It’s time for you to man up!” he chuckled at Noctis and winked at Caitlin. She was shamelessly undressing Gladio with her eyes, completely lost in her own world of hunger. Noctis frowned and took a shot from the tray. He gulped it down faster than anyone would have thought.
“So Prompto, met anyone yet?” Ignis asked with a wry smile. Prompto blushed hard and laughed nervously, trying to think a way to escape such a question. They all turned their eyes on Prompto — except for Gladio and Caitlin, who were having a flirty and silent conversation with their eyes.
“I-I’ve been getting awesome pictures!” Prompto avoided the question, fiddling with the camera in his hands. The pictures he had got consisted pictures mostly of girls rocking the dancefloor but he wasn’t going to share that piece of information with everyone.
“Uhuh,” Noctis said and narrowed his eyes. Eve noticed Caitlin and Gladio having an eye-fucking-session and rolled her eyes displeased.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to go and take more pictures!” Prompto chuckled and turned away from his friends with the speed of light. He moved along the party guests to find more photo material. He had to zigzag through the dancefloor, to get to the other side of the apartment. There were tables and chairs everywhere and of course — more drunken people.
He took a few more pictures of the people bouncing on the dancefloor and moved on. The music was loud and the place felt like a fire pit.
Prompto saw the lights flashing and his eyes found the girl in the orange dress, sitting alone at a table — crying. He felt the urge to talk to her, to calm her down. Prompto walked over to take a seat next to her.
“Hey — what’s wrong?” Prompto asked, sounding worried. He had lost his nervousness to talk to a girl. She was literally begging for company. Her head was leaning against her palms and she was shaking heavily from all the crying. She didn’t even lift her head and completely ignored Prompto’s presence. He sat there, staring at the girl unsurely. “No one should treat a girl like her that badly.”
“Are you okay, miss?” Prompto asked, leaning closer. The girl leered at Prompto through a gap between her fingers, revealing a pair of olive green eyes, now red from crying. “If you need something, just— let me help you.”
“Go away,” she growled. Prompto wasn’t ready to give up.
“That’s not a good idea. You shouldn’t be alone… whoever made you cry doesn’t deserve anyone as amazing as you are,” Prompto said blushing after he realised what he had blurted. The girl chuckled halfheartedly and continued sniveling.
“You don’t even know me,” she mumbled.
“I don’t have to,” Prompto said after a brief moment. Maybe the alcohol he had drank was giving him a slight boost or the girl was just way too heartbroken to make his instincts kick in. He laid his hand carefully on the girl's bare back and the girl flinched but didn’t protest at Prompto’s hand.
“I just broke up,” the girl finally said. Prompto had somewhat guessed that.
“He obviously doesn’t know what he is missing now,” Prompto said trying to cheer her up. The girl lifted her red face from her palms. Her makeup had smeared all over her cheeks and her eyes were swollen from sobbing.
She leapt to Prompto’s arms and started crying again. Against his shirt. “This isn’t the way it was supposed to go,” he cursed in his mind. He gave up and stroked the girl’s curly blonde hair slowly, feeling his shirt getting wet from her tears. He patted her back slowly and unsure of what he should do or say.
Noctis saw Prompto soothing the girl he was now gently holding in his arms. Noctis had gotten up to buy Eve something non-alcohol — she was wasted enough anyway. But seeing Prompto holding a girl like that he couldn’t stop thinking about Eve. “Wish we could be like that,” he thought, ripping his eyes off Prompto. At least he could definitely use this information against Prompto, if such a need would arise.
And oh, it would arise.
He quickly glanced at Prompto one more time before returning to the others. Smiling deviously with the new information he had acquired.
“What’s your name?” the girl mumbled against Prompto’s chest. She wasn’t crying anymore, but she still refused to back off.
“Prompto Argentum,” Prompto chuckled quietly. He was still stroking her hair softly, with a soothing smile printed on his lips.
“I’m Cindy Aurum,” the girl replied, tugging the back of his shirt with her fingers.
“Cindy is a pretty name,” Prompto blurted and felt his cheeks flush, after he realized what he had said. “Be cool,” he reminded himself and he felt Cindy chuckling weakly against his chest.
“Why are you being nice to me?” Cindy asked and pulled back finally. She swept her messy cheeks. Prompto felt his stomach doing a flip when she stared directly into his eyes.
“She is so cute.”
“I can’t stand seeing pretty girls like you crying alone in a place like this,” Prompto sighed and pulled a smile on his face. “Have you actually seen what the others are doing here? You’re missing so much if you spend the night crying! I think I saw someone doing a chicken dance on a table over there.”
Cindy giggled and Prompto felt his heart melting under the sight of her smile. She really did smile like she would light up the room.
“Thank you,” Cindy said, “you’re very kind to me.”
“It’s not a problem, now off you go and rock the dancefloor while you still can!”
“Wanna come dance with me?”
Noctis arrived at the table where Gladiolus and Ignis sat, drinking and talking. He glanced and saw no sign of Eve or Caitlin.
“Where’s Eve?” Noctis questioned from Gladiolus, placing Eve’s soda on the table, “and Caitlin,” he felt like he needed to add to not sound too suspicious. He noticed Gladiolus was staring at something and followed his gaze to the dancefloor. His jaw dropped instantly as he saw the two girls dancing along some electrical beat.
“Damn,” Noctis mumbled without thinking much. Eve had jammed his brain.
“Damn right,” Gladiolus breathed, his eyes nailed on Caitlin’s swaying hips. They heard Ignis sighing frustratedly in somewhere back, but it was very distant and extremely indifferent.
“Noctis, someone’s stealing your car,” Ignis tried. Noctis had his eyes locked on Eve’s waist, hands, legs, butt… his eyes were completely hypnotized by the sight.
“Huh?” he said breathing heavily, ignoring Ignis completely. He didn’t seem to care at all.
“Gladiolus, there is a cup noodle cart coming over,” Ignis tried.
“I wonder if she is single,” Gladio huffed. Ignis rolled his eyes and leaned to his palm, his elbow resting on the armrest.
After a while, two giggling girls tottered back to the table. Noctis and Gladio were both flushed and they were drawing long, exhausted breaths. Ignis was completely focused on his delicious fruity drink, while he was browsing his cellphone.
“D-did yooouu— see Prom—ptohhh and thhhat—girl?” Eve asked Caitlin. They were completely ignoring hungry looks they got from the other side of the table.
“Th—at was addd—orablle,” Caitlin hiccuped and drank more from the glass she had left on the table unfinished. Noctis cocked his eyebrow curiously.
“Did you see them too?” Noctis asked.
“They we—rrrre dannn—cing,” Caitlin said, Eve nodding rapidly next to Caitlin. Ignis lifted his gaze from the phone and eyed the girls, invested in the information they were providing.
“What? Prompto and a girl?” Gladio asked, not believing a single word.
“Yeah. It’s weird,” Noctis agreed. A silence fell among the guys, out of all the possibilities Prompto, who had never even been on a date before, was dancing with a girl, while the others were just chatting and making no progression of finding company for the night.
“Cait, let’s go dannnn—ce agaaain!” Eve suddenly shouted, when she heard an Imagine Behemoth-song bursting out of the speakers. Caitlin rolled her eyes and took a long sip from her drink.
“I thi—nnnk I’ll go get a new driii—nk,” Caitlin groaned, trying to keep herself drunk. She wasn’t that much into the Imagine Behemoth anyway and the intense looks Gladio was giving, were suddenly making her all hot and bothered. She needed a place to escape again.
“I think you’ve had enough for the night,” Noctis said to Eve with a sad smile. He hated intercepting the fun Eve was having but it was a necessary evil.
“But I want to da—aaaa—nce!” Eve protested, but took Noctis’ offered hand. He helped her stand up.
“You sure you don’t need help?” Ignis asked sounding eager to leave the party already. Gladio threw Ignis a knowing look. “Actually nevermind, I still have to meet someone.”
“I can handle this,” Noctis assured turning his eyes on Eve, making him blushing slightly. “If you see Prompto, tell him that we know.”
Eve sighed and Noctis wrapped his fingers around her wrist to drag her to the elevator.
“Bye Ignis! Bye Caitlin! Bye Gladio!” Eve shouted and waved at her friends as Noctis dragged Eve to the elevator.
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alynshir · 7 years
1, 3, 8, and 15?
1 has been answered!
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. (for contrast I’m gonna add favorite character as well! so like ID character / favorite character)
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Feyre Archeron / Amren
Throne of Glass: Celaena (but not Aelin), Elide Lochan / Manon Blackbeak
Overwatch: Lena Oxton / Amélie Lacroix
Kingdoms of Amalur: my own protagonist, Niamh. if that counts / ALYN SHIR
Dragon Age: Alistair Theirin OR Leliana OR Merrill this was hard / Morrigan
Mass Effect (trilogy): Miranda Lawson / JANE SHEPARD
Mass Effect (Andromeda): Peebee / Vetra Nyx AND Jaal Ama Darav
Book of Deacon: Deacon and Ivy / AYNA WHO ARE WE KIDDING HERE
The Witcher: Dandelion / YENNEFER OF VENGERBERG
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
Jasmine Thompson, Florence + the Machine, Mandy Harvey, Alanis Morrissette, Halsey, Alessia Cara, Marina and the Diamonds, the original cast of Wicked. all of them
15. five most influential books over your lifetime (in order from earliest in life to latest, a bit about why they’re influential, and if it’s a series it cOUNTS AS ONE).
Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling) - the catalyst to me becoming a voracious and lifelong reader, gave me friends where I didn’t have them, literally was where I learned most of my social cues from?? is that bad?? maybe
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Patricia Wrede) - had all of the elements of a fantasy story that I loved: princesses, dragons, swords, magic, fairytales - but instead of a typical damsel story, it gave us a badass princess protagonist who did not want any part in being a damsel at all. introduced me to feminist fantasy! the best kind!!!! inarguably!!!! also so many dragons!!!!!!!!!! I also discovered them at a library. if you ever get them make sure it’s with the old fashioned, harsher cover art and not the cartoony one. just do it. for me
The Book of Deacon (Joseph Lallo) - I found this on Amazon after literally typing in ‘fantasy’ in the books category, in like…middle school. AND HERE WE ARE GUYS. Another awesome example of feminist fantasy, with badass ladies EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. including when you look at dragons. and the author is a super cool, stand up dude, and really my first experience with an author interacting with his readerbase? which I thought was extremely cool. ALSO!!!!!!! had a massive massive impact on my art skills improving - the first fanart I ever drew and posted was of Ayna, one of his characters (AND STILL MY FAVORITE, WHERE IS HER STANDALONE NOVEL), and ever since then I’ve been drawing like mad. tru story. Please go check his stuff out! if I recall correctly the first book is free on Amazon for kindle/the kindle app on your phone!
The Witcher (Andrzej Sapkowski) - what a fuckin INCREDIBLE world this man has built. honestly has inspired me with my worldbuilding with something like The Witcher as my end goal. His protagonists are truly characters who interact with the world, someone who could have been selected at random to tell stories about - the world is that fleshed out and rich and well done. Also has YENNEFER OF VENGERBERG, who aside from being a badass sorceress, is every bit as developed and complex as Geralt (as she should be), and is not nice and appealing for the audience!!! She’s selfish and dismissive and brusque and can be cruel and manipulative and she IS NOT FUCKIN SORRY!!!!!!!!! I love her!!!! what a gal!
A Court of Thorns and Roses - completely just re-lit my creative bonfire. What characters. W h a t c h a r a c t e r s. Talk about a romance done fuckin WELL! Where I love the love interest just as much if not more than the protagonist! Not to mention, the raw emotions addressed in this were always things I was like, afraid to talk about in stories? Nervous how they’d be received if I discussed them for more than a few seconds? Realistic relationships (if u look past the soulmates stuff come on it’s high fantasy shh) and FRIENDSHIPS!!! ARE SO GOOD!!! the characters fuck me up in summary. So wonderfully done. I’ve reread them 2.5 (on book 2/3) times in three months.
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 4
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C H A P T E R   F O U R 
summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
chapter warnings: some awkward moments, feeling overwhelmed, talks of pain and discomfort, mc’s shoulder shifts, disability discussions, jin and yoongi being protective, 
*words in italic are being spoken in Korean*
taglist: @imnotlauriane​​  @mageprincess7​​ @m1sss1mp​​ @0funsite0​​  @strawberry-moonpies​​ @this-isthe-way​​ @singukieee​​ @btsw1fe​​ @gooooomz​​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @carolinexkpop​​ @agusfree​​ @sakurarukas​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @skyys-universe​​ @toughbook​​ @plutoneu​​ @whisperssuga​​ @welcometomyworld13​​ @yuzon3​​ @wittyreader​​ @jnghs​​ @cyd0129​​ @exfolitae​​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​​ @nen-nyy​​​ @pandxthings​​​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​​​ @juju-227592​​​ @jinseartharmysmoon​​​ @wooya1224​​​ @ddaeng-angmoh​​​ @gratefullygrateful​​​ @rorythme​​​ @gratefullygrateful​​​ @kimrona​​​ @jjjj-ssi​​​ @maysgarden​​​ @lovelgirl22​​​ @doublebunv​​​ @reallysparklychaos​​​ @jayjayy-57​​​ 
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​ @yourleftsock​ @skyys-universe​ @cryingpages​ @strxwbloody​  @drissteele​ @dustyinkpages​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @crushedblackroses​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @blaaiissee​  @iiitsmaria​  @carolinexkpop​  @azazel-nyx​ @strawberry-moonpies​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​ @knjkitten​ @kleirielk​ @foreverweareyoung7​ @lachimolala22019​ @namuficxs​ @94z-93​ @kimgmzmc​ @thenaverse​ @dahliasbouqet​ @black-rose-29​ @tinyoonsblog​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @stellauniverse​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​ @tinyoonsblog​ @veronawrites​ @tatyhend​ @singukieee​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​ @lilcritan​ @exfolitae​ @butterymin​ 
masterlist // chapter 3 // chapter 5
Previously on baby (you complete us):
“I’m so sorry, Y/n, but we have a meeting to attend with our directors. Thank you so much for giving us a chance and we will definitely talk to you soon.” Namjoon’s dimple smile had your full attention as everyone said their goodbyes and promises of contact. Even as you said goodbye and the video call was ended, you had their bright smiles burnt into your cornea.
After checking to see if your phone still had some charge to it, you were quick to go to your phone app again, this time to your recent calls list.
“Hey so I think your joke isn’t so much of a joke anymore…”
That next morning, you woke up to the luggage set Hoseok bought waiting in front of your apartment door. You were actually lucky your neighbors didn’t take it or bang on your door wondering when you got a sugar daddy and didn’t tell them (thanks Ms. Tanner).
It was an expensive, you could tell by the label, three-piece luggage set container with two hard-shell suitcases and a small duffel bag for a carry on. It was, indeed, your favorite color and when you opened the large suitcase, you found a note within the stitched in pocket. It was a cute note saying that the boys couldn’t wait to meet you in person and that they hoped you like what they picked out for you.
Not only did you get surprised by the luggage set, but your phone also hadn’t stopped going off since you turned it on that morning. It seemed you were in three separate group chats. You were added to one called ‘Maknaes Only’ with little stars around it, one that had everyone in it called ‘m8tes’ that had a smiley face at the end (which you were 100% convinced Jin chose the title), and one that had just the older members, and now you, that didn’t have a title.
The one you were added to with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had a menagerie of selfies they sent you, some of them not even being of them, just of their feet as they are walking. Also, you’ve noticed they use lots of emojis. You were kind of overwhelmed as you read Jimin describing his afternoon to you and asking if you had gone to bed.
You weren’t really used to people just texting you. Like you had friends and siblings who texted you but not in this way. It seemed like every second you got another text notification.
When you finally looked away from the maknae chat, after messaging “good morning😊”, you moved over to the main group chat which had the most recent message. You were thankful for the translate button that came up when you highlighted the text, happy that you didn’t have to try and figure it out on your own.
Hoseok: hey pretty girl. I just got the notification that the luggage was dropped off. I just wanted to know if you got it.
Jin: Oh! We can be affectionate already? Well, then, princess, did you get our other packages yet?
Yoongi: She probably hasn’t if she hasn’t said anything yet. Isn’t it also like 9 am there? She’s probably still sleeping.
Jin: Just because you sleep in doesn’t mean our princess does, you old man.
Yoongi: 😐 you’re older than me
“Other packages?” You think aloud, trying to figure out what he was talking about while also ignoring their use of pet names so you don’t blush. You look back out your door to see if you missed a package when you were dragging the luggage in but you don’t see anything.
So, you grab your keys, put your shoes on and walk down the stairs to the mail room for the apartment building. You hated the stairs because there was always, a very certain always, chance one of your knees would pop out when going back up them. 
Your elevator hasn’t worked for about a year, and no matter how many disability requests you put in, nothing was done. You didn’t really have the money to just move either, so you were stuck using your cane and the side railings, hoping you didn’t fall.
You walked slowly, holding onto the railing as you did, but you managed to not hurt anything as you finally walked into the mail room. You walked over to the locker that had your apartment number on it and put in your key, turning the knob. You opened it to find several small packages with your name on them.
You didn’t recognize anything on the packages other than your name, so you took them cautiously out of your mailbox and went back upstairs. It took you longer this time, as going up stairs always gave your knees issues.
It seemed as though you were lucky today, nothing popping out as you unlocked your door and took your shoes back off. You move to your kitchen counter, grabbing your scissors and cutting open the first package.
You were surprised to see small box, no logos or anything on the outside. When you took the top off, you found a little note along with a HYBE badge that had your picture from the Soul app and your name on it with the words “All Exclusive Access” at the top.
You ignored the buzzing of your phone again as you tried hard to keep your shock in check, grabbing your scissors and choosing to open the next package. The contents were a little overwhelming.
You found a, what looks extremely comfy, t-shirt, a coloring book and markers, and a passport, oddly enough. You were extremely confused. You already had a passport, and this one was from South Korea. You were an American citizen, meaning you needed an American passport. Unless one of them accidently sent you theirs.
Thinking that there was going to be a huge problem, having one of their passports, you grabbed your phone and called Namjoon, knowing he spoke English and you didn’t need a translator. It took only a single ring before the phone picked up.
“No! Let me talk to her!” You hear a lot of shuffling on the other end followed by shouts and grunts. You couldn’t really understand anything so you just waited, wondering if you should hang up.
“No. I didn’t get to talk to her yet!”
“I speak more English than you!” Another grunt was heard as the phone seems to fall onto the ground.
“Give me my phone back!” You can distinguish Namjoon’s voice as he gets closer to the phone.
“Should I call you back? I can call back if you are busy.” You ask causing silence before another couple grunts are heard and a loud cry.
“NO!” You pull your phone away from your ear, cringing a little as your ear now rings. “Please. I’m sorry. Jungkook had my phone and was fighting with Jimin and Taehyung over it.” You only nod your head at his explanation.
“What can I do for you, baby?” You blush at the term of endearment, feeling tingles move up and down your spine. You clear your throat before answering, not even realizing he had just put you on speaker phone, everyone now in Namjoon’s studio with him.
“I think one of you accidently sent me your passport. I have a Korean passport on my kitchen table and I don’t want any of you to get in trouble.” A little laughter can be heard as a couple voices start talking at once.
“Baby, did you open the passport to see who’s it could be?” Namjoon asks, making you shuffle closer to the passport and open it. You were shocked to see your own name and picture.
You felt stupid as you realized it was a Soulmate Passport.
When you are matched with your soulmate or mates, depending on the eldest member’s nationality, you may gain a “soulmate citizenship” for their home country. Since Seokjin was Korean, you now were granted a South Korean soulmate citizenship. You practically had all the same rights as a South Korean citizen, but you couldn’t own any property, pay taxes, or vote, that would be up to your soulmates. 
“Baby?” Namjoon’s voice broke you out of your stupor, making you blush red in embarrassment.
“Uhm, never mind.” Your voice was small, now understanding the laughter.
“See what you did?” Namjoon turned around to look at Jimin and Taehyung who laughed at how cute you were being. Their eyes widened in shock as they realize how their laughter could have come off. Namjoon spoke quickly hoping that you wouldn’t hang up the phone.
“No baby, please. They didn’t mean it, I promise. The uh, the second we got our match, we had to have it registered with the government so you could come over. Given the circumstances and the Soul Pain that could start any minute, they expedited your passport and soulmate citizenship papers.” Namjoon explained to you, making you remember about the Soul Pain.
Soul Pain happened after a bond is acknowledged by all parties. If you don’t gain physical contact or fully accept the bond within a week’s time, the body will start to deteriorate. You will start off getting sick, maybe just the flu or a mild cold, and then it begins to get worse. It’s fate’s way to ensure that the bonds she creates are solidified.
Physical touch only helps for so long. The only way to really end soul pain is to either accept the bond or reject it. But fate created another way to ensure her bonds came to be completed. Rejection leads to lasting physical pain in the chest in the person being rejected until their death…something you wouldn’t really wish upon anyone.
You weren’t really given any options.
“Oh, I forgot about that. It’s been, what, about four or five days since you matched with me? So, I say within a couple of days the Soul Pain should start.” You were looking down at your mark, the simple full moon staring back at you.
“We can get you booked within the next couple hours. Just let us know the closest airport, baby.” Namjoon’s tone was full of worry, now realizing just what everyone might be going through soon.          
He questioned if you would feel the Soul Pain more than they would, given they had all already completed their bond. You hadn’t completed yours and wouldn’t have the chance for maybe a couple of days, if you were ready to complete it, that is. They wouldn’t push you into anything.
“Uhm, give me the rest of the day to figure everything out. The earliest I can probably fly out, if everything goes well, is tomorrow. So, if you can, maybe book a flight for the early morning.” You voice wavers as you think of the things you need to do.
You still need to call your family and tell them everything. You could probably wait to tell Anna. You didn’t want to disturb her honeymoon. Your job, you could do from anywhere as long as you had wife and a stable internet connection. You just needed to pack your things.
“How many things do you think I can fit in my suitcases before I have to pay for it being overweight?” You ask into the phone, trying to remember what the weight limit was for suitcases.
“Don’t worry about that. We’ll have everything already figured out. And Jimin wants me to remind you that we can buy you anything you need here too.” You balk at that, not wanting them to feel obligated to buy you things.
“Can you tell me what airline you were planning on having me flying with? I need to check their disability requirements and see if I can bring my cane on board or if I need to mark it as a carry-on.” The thought hits you last minute, remembering the time you had to do that before, paying for your actual carryon.
“You don’t need to worry. Let your mates handle it.” A different voice spoke up this time. The spoke in English, making you question who it was. The deep, raspy voice had you thinking Yoongi.
“Pretty girl, did you get all of the packages yet? We made sure to overnight everything.” Hoseok’s voice came through this time, you recognize the cute pet name.
“I got everything; I think. You only sent the luggage set and three packages, right?” You ask just to make sure since they never specified how many things they had sent to you.
“That’s all we sent so far, Y/n!” That voice was definitely Jungkook but wait. So far?
“What do you mean, so far?” You ask a little wary of what else they could have sent you. You could hear a little slap, laughter, and then some kind of apologizing, thankful for the little amount of Korean you could recognize after years of listening to kpop and watching kdramas.
“Nothing. We haven’t sent anything else since we knew you would be coming soon. We just thought that you needed some things before you make the trip over.” Namjoon’s voice came through again.
“What have you opened so far? Can we video chat?” Jimin’s timid voice is next to come through the speaker. You can’t help but want to coo at him, to fulfill his wishes and you know you were in dangerous waters already.
“You guys aren’t busy?” You ask, your own voice timid and unsure. Despite their words the night before, you still weren’t sure how well you would fit into their life, if they would be able to make time for someone not already within their established group, soul or otherwise.
The boys, even from where they sat in Namjoon’s studio, could imagine the small pout on your lips and the way you might twist your fingers. They had promised you they would always make time for you, and that was a promise they were quick to reassure.
“We have plenty of time, baby.” Namjoon’s normal baritone was pitched, the love and reassurance he was pushing forward could be felt across the ocean as you moved to fiddle with your phone.
“So beautiful”
“So cute”
A chorus of voices called out as soon as you turned the camera on, catching you off guard as you recognized the compliments. You move a little off screen, trying to hide your now inevitable blush as you move everything you opened so far into view on your counter.
“Uhm, this is what I opened so far. I have one package left.” You gesture to the slightly medium sized box as you pull it in front of you.
“Okay!” Jin nearly shouts out. Looking at the screen you see them all intently watching you, waiting for you to open the box.
You just nod your head, feeling a little awkward, before grabbing your scissors again. You open them up and maneuver them so you could cut the tape across the box only for Jin and Yoongi to cry out, making you drop the scissors almost cutting yourself.
You look up, startled and wondering what happened to make them scream like that.
“You don’t hold them like that!” Jin screams out, while Yoongi nods his head.
“You don’t use scissors to cut things like that. You don’t have box cutter?” Yoongi asks you, watching you very carefully as you shake your head.
“Aish. Can we book a flight for now to go and get her?” Jin turns to Namjoon and Hobi, who both shake their heads. The two eldest mates were protective, and the boys all already made bets on how quickly they would become protective of you and if it would be worse than with Jungkook or not, given you were the same age.
“What if something happens and we’re not there? We just want to keep her safe and make sure she is taken care of.” Yoongi adds on, slightly hopeful as he looks over to Jin who also nods his head at his words. But Namjoon just lovingly rolls his eyes, used to the two eldest’s ways.
“No, we cannot. She will be here in two days. You both can wait.” Namjoon gave Jin a look, making him sit back in his seat next to Jimin while Yoongi continues to stare down Namjoon.
“Sorry, Y/n, you can continue. These two just get a little protective.” You nod slowly at Namjoon, checking his smile for any clue as to what just happened.
You slowly grab the scissors, seeing Yoongi sit forward a little and Jin move to cover his mouth, and cut the tape across the box. You put the scissors down, again looking up to see Jin and Yoongi now relaxed and sitting back in their seats and remove the packing paper from the top of the box.
However, once you reach further into the box, you feel the beginning of a stretch in your shoulder, making you pause. When you try to move your shoulder back, you feel it shift out of the joint, only slightly thank goodness. Unfortunately, the boys hear the pop on their end and begin to freak out.
“Are you okay?!”
“Baby what happened?”
“What is the number for the doctors!?”
“Pretty girl, what happened? Do we need to call doctor?” Hoseok’s voice came through at the end as he moved forward, scanning your body with a dark look.
“Oh, uh, my shoulder just shifted. I can pop it back in, just give me a second.” You turn around  and move out of view so they won’t see the discomfort on your face as you moved your other hand to your bicep, leaning against your kitchen wall.
“Wait, darling! We should call doctor!” Jungkook shouted as he scrambled for the phone. You only closed your eyes, half in embarrassment and half in discomfort as you popped your shoulder back in.  You roll it a little to ease the stretch and to make sure it didn’t shift again before turning back around.
The boys all had varying faces of pain, discomfort and even awe as you turned back around. They could see the wince on your face and how you didn’t use your right arm this time to reach for the things in the box.
“Y/n, please. Are you okay?” Namjoon’s concern was evident in the way his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed.
Yes, they had read all the messages you had sent, but it didn’t mean they were aware of just how easy it was for your joints to shift or pop. They didn’t know just how much you dealt with daily apart from the times you messaged. They looked to each other and swore you would never lift a finger while with them.
“I’m okay. I promise. It doesn’t even hurt anymore. Just some slight discomfort.” You answer, looking up to see disbelief and worry on their faces this time. You can’t help but feel the need to reassure them of your state.
“I promise. I’m okay. I will let you know if I’m ever in pain, okay?” You try to compromise, earning only a couple of nods while Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook remaining silent as they watch you.
You move along and begin to remove the items with your left arm, keeping your right one by your side, the bottom of your shirt clenched between your fingers to keep it stable.
The first thing you pull out has you letting out a small laugh. It was an eye mask that had a cute kitten face on it with tiny ears coming off the top. You immediately move to put it on your head, adjusting the strap around your head with your left hand as you grin.
“Aigoo she’s so cute. I can see why you picked out the kitty eye mask for her, Yoongi.” Hobi looked over to Yoongi, who wore a smirk across his lips as he saw how excited you got. You didn’t even notice the interaction as you pulled out a pair of noise cancelling headphones.
“For the flight and whatever you want.” You looked up at Yoongi’s words, the words ‘are you sure’ hanging off your lips, stopping once you see the look he gives you, as if begging you to question him. So, you just nod and say thank you, taking the easy way out.
At the bottom of the box was a sweatshirt with the words “AGUST D” written across in the font that resembles his D-2 mixtape logo. A matching beanie can be found underneath. At this, everyone turns towards Yoongi who just smiles.
“How did you manage to sneak that in the box?” Hobi asks only for Jimin to shout: “How did you even sneak an extra box past us?” This has you raising an eyebrow at Yoongi, not realizing that the entire box was from the rapper.
“I guess I should thank you for the box then, Yoongi?” You lean forward, causing the male to blush a little. He just nods shyly and says you’re welcome with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Well, thank you a lot, Yoongi. I appreciate the package and will make sure to wear this to the airport.” You smile, your small cheek dimples poking through as you do making Namjoon smile back. You move the items back in the box as the others shout protests. Claims of cheating thrown around, all of them wanting you to wear something they picked out to the airport.
“Maybe next time you guys!” You try to ease the play fighting, thoroughly amused by the proud smirk on Yoongi’s lips.
Next Chapter
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h4kutaku · 7 years
4, 6, 11, 16
Fa16) Favorite ma11) H4) Do you like your name? Not really? I just think my parents were super unoriginal and like...  Idk I’m tired of having forty other Jessica/Jessie’s around. I do introduce myself as Jessie though as that is a bit more uncommon than Jessica.
6) describe your personality in 3 words or lessgives no shits
11) favorite social media accountUm...  Probably facebook or tumblr honestly? FB because idk I like to stay in touch with my family and friends since majority of them live forever away. Tumblr just because I can look at all the gay shit I want without feeling judged.
16) Favorite makeup brands
So Drugstore makeup brand top favorite:Primer 2.0: Master Primer: Blur and Redness Control, I use this with my Clinique primer that will be mentioned after.Color Corrector: Now I just found this stuff the other day, and I love this and adds an extra layer of color correctness that I need: Hard Candy’s Color Corrector Radiant Primer  it says primer but i only use it in target red spotsFoundation L’oreal true match, while a bit heavy, it is full coverage, and with a proper primer doesn’t feel as heavy and greasy as the day wears. Mascara: Now I used to used Sephora’s brand name, but honestly there are so many amazing drugstore brands. My current obsession is called Lash Sensational by MaybellineUnder eye color corrector/concealer: Maybelline Cover stick Color Corrector and just recently found Hard Candy’s Color Correct Expert Creme Highlighter: Hard Candy’s Iridescent Pearl Highlighter is the newest love, super sparkly! Though I also love NYX’s Illuminator Contour Palette: Profusion Studio Contour Palette High End: Setting Spray: Urban Decay All NighterPowder: Sephora Baked Foundation Face PowderPrimer: Clinique Superprimer Face Primer - Colour Corrects RednessBlush: Too Faced Love Flush Long LastingLipstick: Jeffree Star CosmeticEyeliner: Stilla Stay All Day Liquid Liner or Make Up Forever Ink LinerEyeshadow: Fuck u i can’t do eyeshadow
Some other brands I enjoy are Anastasia Beverly Hills, Tarte, and yeah lmao sorry I’ve been on a makeup kick... Let me know if you have any other questions regarding the last question!
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