#sorry im at a loss on how to properly tag this
squuote · 1 year
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haha okay! *makes his design more complicated
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jascurka · 3 months
this is purely out of curiosity and i don't want to send hate your way, but do you ship mob and reigen? and if so, why?
I do, yeah. An ex-friend of mine asked me the exact same question (just more... harshly I think and with what I assumed was prejudice) before they decided to part our ways and I could never properly answer them because I was so stressed by the situation, it was hard to gather my thoughts. So I'll do my best to explain here, hopefully to make myself understood better.
Sorry if this gets lenghty >_< I'll just put a readmore right here.
I think the biggest reason for why I like them is their canon relationship that has been explored in the series already quite thoroughly - that they have changed eachother, helped eachother grow and one wouldn't be the person they are without the other. I think most of us understand the depth of it. Reigen is Mob's teacher and friend, someone like an older brother. There surely is a strong bond between them and they've seen each other at their best and worst and still acknowledged and accepted eachother's flaws. They trust eachother, they would give their life for eachother even (at least Reigen would, he almost did in the finale after all). And I do think that they love eachother but in a way that isn't actually romantic in canon. I'm perfectly capable of realizing that and I value it a lot both in the series and in fanworks (one of my fav works of fanfiction is about exactly that).
It was my curiosity that made me search up a ship fic of them, I was just confused why people ship them in the first place and whether it can be good and I found myself enjoying it a lot (to my surprise). It was set into the future, and dealt with some serious topics like loss and acceptance, it was kind of bittersweet. Then I felt that maybe it was just slightly ooc because all of the serirei fics I was busy reading depicted Reigen slightly different. Nontheless, I had the other ship on my mind then so I never really dived into Mob/Reigen, but it changed my perspective on them a lot.
And at some point into all this I realized, why not? Why can't I haz 2 cookies? (god im sorry that was terrible sfjgsdkj). What I mean is that the buildup canon offers can be taken further - more of their relationship can be explored in terms of new tropes, sometimes romantic too.
On a personal note I'll just add that I'm rather picky about them and tend to stick to fluff, hurt/comfort and slow slow burns. And I like them most post-canon, a few years into the future. It turns out that it all depends on how they're portrayed for me to like them anyways. I talked on here recently about a work that really had it all and portrayed their relationship in a very satisfying and mature way, with all the complicated feelings, it felt very realistic, especially on Reigen's side. So if anyone wants, here's a rec from me again -> in my dreams (I seem to be more honest) on ao3, just because I think it has all that I like about the ship.
I think that this is the whole point of fanworks - to kind of look further and have fun with it, to see "what if?". Even if it's something sort of.. taboo I guess? Because you get to take it apart in a fictional dimension (if that makes sense). And I completely understand if this is something that can ick some people out or that someone doesn't want to ruin their perception of the characters' relationship. That's totally fine by me and I'm not going to force anyone into liking the ship of course. And there are definitely tropes and tags I really don't want to look into - not everything is for me either.
And I think this goes without saying but I'll add it here anyways: what I like to see in fiction doesn't mean I would like or encourage anyone to do the same thing in real life! It's just interesting to explore from a safe distance where no one can get hurt.
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primaviva · 3 months
i'm not sure if you're aware of the representation of the israeli occupation being the entirety of the wlf vs the seraphites section and that that's actually where neil's zionist views are most prevalent. i think it's disingenuous to call out the performativeness of ellie content while completing negating all the content of other popular characters content especially because the zionism propaganda is grossly apparent in them. i don't really want to get into the semantics.
but i do agree with your post, i thought about it the other day and it's genuinely jarring to see links for palestine introducing a fic of fucking a fictional character/s from a game that perpetuates the very violence the author is supposedly calling against, the irony is just ludicrous. but anyway, i'm sorry for ranting omg i just wanted to add that it applies for all tlou content/characters/actors not just ellie and not just the remastered even part i has zionist propo. (bella ramsey called for a ceasefire after liking several of neil's zionist posts, the actress who's playing dina in the show is also a zionist, pedro's not a zionist i think but he was silent for weeks before saying anything and is close friends w several zionists so i would'nt say calling him one is far fetched)
yes, i am aware of the symbolic parallels in the game because i followed the news about the zionism in the game since it first started coming out in january (funnily enough when tlou was coming out…) but i also don’t personally agree that it’s “disingenuous” to call out performative actions on the behalf of people who favor ellie in the game compared to other forms of propaganda in the game because im simply not talking about that. my focus in my rant was the ellie stans because of the abrupt switch up that occurred during this week compared to the past few months based on what’s been happening in palestine as well as the extent zionism influences the game—especially its creator. i was simply making a comment about what i was mostly seeing promoted in the tags, which was the hypocrisy of ellie writers and stans. i didn't think it necessary to include other parts of the larger story about how deeply ingrained zionism is in the history of the game in order to highlight how ellie writers fail to understand how to properly advocate. it just had nothing to do with my original point to be honest but you are right that other aspects of the game if not all include some inspiration from his zionistic narrative on palestine.
my whole point was drawing direct parallels to neil and his own experiences being put into the characters as i feel he sees himself as ellie, being enraged by the loss of joel and in a means to avenge his death as well as make herself feel better for the loss ultimately go out and kill the people responsible, which makes ellie have some zionistic elements to her character. i am not talking about the idf v. wlf and the battle for land because i interpret that as israel v. palestine whereas the cofmlct between ellie and abby (along with her friends) as neil v. palestinians. i got another anon like this that used similar wording and don’t know if it was you as well but i thought i made this quite clear in my original post and other ones. again, i never addressed the idf and the wlf because i never mentioned it originally as i am solely talking about characters and the writers such as ellie/ellie writers because that’s the big chunk of it.
and i am so so so SO glad you brought up the link trees being put under fics. it’s honestly like a double edged sword because on one end why the hell are there links to help give humanitarian aid to a ethnic cleanse/genocide happening in palestine under a fic of ellie strapping down reader in the bathroom of a party happening at jackson ???? it just looks absurd, out of place, and a bit disrespectful considering the juxtaposition of content cus how we going from reading smut to addressing a real issue killing thousands. but at the same time, i do acknowledge that there are people who don’t care enough as they should about these issues and rather ignore what’s going on by sticking to their regular routine instead of taking action so maybe by putting links at the end of multiple fics it will push people who didn’t care before to start engaging in free palestine content. i can see the vision but it depends on what type of fanfiction it is yk because if it were fluff i would say okay it’s appropriate but if it’s a smut… idk i see both the benefits and its problems. and yeah all the actors have been disappointing to say the least especially after bella made a palestine highlight after liking SEVERAL zionist posts just to save they own ass 😭😭😭😭😭 and i don’t think pedro is a zionist but it’s not like that matters because one of the worse things you can do is be silent which is arguably worse like it is better to say something than nothing at all. i compare it to taylor swift who refuses to mention the genocide and almost operates as if it doesn’t exist, similar to most celebs being favored in the media right now, because that makes them appear neutral and avoids the risk of losing a large amount of fans based on “political” views which is just gross.
but don’t apologize for ranting!!! i actually find what you said really interesting about how writing for ellie while opposing violence towards palestine is basically hypocritical because she is doing the same violence in the game. i didn’t ALWAYS know about the stuff with neil because tlou isn’t one of my most favorite games but i interpret you saying that based on the knowledge that we all know now which is that the game is based on a foundation of zionism. i feel like you could view the story of tlou2 (or at least by how it ended) as a story about grief and how certain actions come back to haunt you, courtesy of joel, as well as the road to redemption/making peace because after ellie goes on a rampage she does choose in the end to not kill abby which is like wow cus after everything you lost you didn’t do what you said you would due to her change in heart yk. but you can’t really separate the fact that it is based in zionism so hypothetically if the genocide happening in gaza simply wasn’t happening, would it then be okay to write/edit ellie? because the vibe you are giving is that it isn’t morally right to edit/write/etc for ellie as well as other characters who have the same elements of zionism engraved into their character (not that i am saying this view is bad, wrong, or invalid) and if that’s so i would love to hear you elaborate because that’s a whole other point of view on this whole thing.
anyways sorry for being a d1 yapper anon but you’re so so right and brought up some really good points i just had to type like i had 48 hours of free time‼️‼️
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markiza297 · 6 months
。*♡ :✦。 Glad to see you! 。:✦゜♡✧。
‧₊˚ My name is Ksenya, but you can call me Loss! Im your local boar-bunny-angel-thing!
✦‧₊˚ ( |˶ᵔ × ᵔ˶) \
✦₊✧This is my personal blog! ✧₊✦
which means that I'll be posting stuff other than my art.
I'm 23 year old girl and live in St.Petersburg! (eng/rus)
I like to create art in different forms. You can find it under # my art !
If someone's interested :
My sun sign is libra, moon in pisces and asc. is sagittarius!⋆‧₊˚⁺ ☾⁺₊‧˚‧˚ੈ
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inst | fa | flickr
ੈ✩‧₊˚。*:✦♡`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ♡。✦。 ੈ✩‧₊˚
I don't usually indulge in fandoms, so I can't call myself "multifandom". I like a lot of different stuff! For example :
My comfort shows are :
♡ Hellsing
♡ everymanHYBRID (and Slenderverse in general, but emh take a special place in mi heart)
♡ Steven Universe
(and 10th kingdom but im convinced that no one remembers what it even is)
My comfort games are:
♡ The Sims 2
♡ Don't Starve
♡ Stardew valley
♡ and many more (lile minecraft, animal crossing, legend of zelda, etc.)
♡ also Homestuck played a great role in mi life but idk where to put it
If you want to request something that's isn't on this list, you can just ask me anytime! (˶•ᆺ•˶)\ ✿ ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚。*:✦♡`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ♡。✦。 ੈ✩‧₊˚
I'm heavily against war and any form of discrimination. Please don't interact with me if you support any of those. There no place for hate here. Thank you.
Free Palestine. Save Ukraine. Russia will be free.
I'm not against dms or any form of interaction w/ me, just keep in mind that I find it hard to talk through texts and probably won't be able to maintain a good dialog. And if I don't respond to you, it's not because I don't care or ignoring you, but because I simply don't know how to respond to you, sorry abt it! ╮(´- × -`;)╭
I won't write much abt my mental health, I don't want to overshare on here. Just know that I'm neurodivergent.
My blog can contain media about death, blood, suicide, self-harm and other non-pleasant things. I don't promote anything of this nature, obviously. I'll make sure to tag them properly, so you can avoid them! Please be careful about the type of content you expose yourself to, and please seek help if needed.
Remember : You are loved. ( |・ × ・) \♡
ੈ✩‧₊˚。*:✦♡`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ♡。✦。 ੈ✩‧₊˚
Alright, I think that's all. I don't really know how to do this kind of stuff, but I hope I cleared some things up. (ノ×ヽ)\
Thank you for reading through this! 
- With love, Loss ✦
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pink-booty-butts · 1 year
Curry and Cheesecake (Ariel Conroy x Reader Smut)
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Pairing: dark!Ariel Conroy x fem!Reader
Word Count: 7,168
Summary: Ariel is desperate for you to tell him what you want to make you happy after he kidnapped you.
Warnings: minors, please go read something else!! there is smut. dark, pls don’t read if you don’t like. creepy ariel. bro, he kidnapped you. stockholm syndrome is the vibe. he’s pretty sweet in most of this, but he’s still crazy and obsessive so you’ve been warned!! choking. lots of cuss words. kinda degrading but mostly praise. orgasm denial. unprotected sex bc im too lazy to write about condoms.
A/N: this is for the nugget gang, tagging @demontoucansam​ per request!! this fic is so long it’s my magnum opus. also the diner is in reference to the singular denny’s in the entire UK, which is in wales. i really want to go there and compare it to US denny’s haha. i’m so sorry if this sucks, i’ve been working on it for a while and i feel like idk how to fix it anymore so now i’m just posting it lol
You stare at the ceiling for a few more seconds before you slowly turn your head to the sound of footsteps coming down the basement stairs. Ariel smiles when you look at him, and continues walking towards you.
“I’m back my love,” he coos as he crouches down next to your laying form. “I brought your favorite,” he says hopefully, bringing the plastic bag in his hand up to your eye level. You stare at him with drooped eyelids—trying to express as little amusement as possible—despite the pleasant scent of garlic naan and curry wafting to your nose. A corner of Ariel’s mouth twitches down in disappointment, but he maintains his composure. He sits down on the floor with his back against your bed frame, though it's so low to the ground it barely reaches the middle of his spine. It creaks a little as he does so, the rusty poles not enjoying the pressure of his weight resting against them. He unties the plastic bag, beginning to separate his food from yours.
You sit up and calmly swing your legs to the edge of the bed, desperately trying to maintain your facade of displeasure as you sit next to him on the floor. Though you did genuinely hate being kept in Ariel’s basement, it had been a while since he brought you food that he hadn’t made himself. He was very insistent on you eating properly to maintain your health, but despite his painstaking efforts to cook dishes you would enjoy, you would reject all of it. Refusing to let you die of starvation, Ariel began force-feeding you with nutritional smoothies, an often upsetting experience he had to participate in every morning as you thrashed around trying to get away from him. At a loss with what to do, Ariel hoped that bringing you food from your favorite restaurant would get you to eat without him having to do that again today.
Ariel’s eyes widen, relishing in the simple act of you moving closer to him of your own free will. He opens the take-out container with your curry in it and places it on your lap, along with a plastic fork provided by the restaurant. He stares at your face expectantly, lifting his elbow to rest on the mattress as he waits for you to take a bite of your food. Once again, you’re trying to maintain an air of disinterest and avoid giving him the satisfaction of seeing you enjoy yourself. However, it’s been weeks since you ate anything vaguely resembling normal human food. With all you’ve had to endure, you decide to let your guard down and accept this meal as a treat for yourself for hanging in there so far. You tear a piece of naan lazily, scooping up the aromatic curry as unenthusiastically as possible, while mentally praising the heavens for being able to eat such delicious food again.
Ariel watches you eat for a while, delighting in the sight of you eating without him having to force your mouth open or hear you cry uncontrollably. He carefully observes you chewing your food, his eyes not missing the tiniest, slightest hint of a crinkle in your eyes displaying your enjoyment as you swallow. He sighs blissfully, the simple micro-expression causing a wave of pleasure to roll over him. Though he still wishes you would thank him for what he’s done for you, he’s confident you’ll make it up to him once you give up your childish act of pretending to not be madly in love with him.
Ariel turns his head down to his food, finally beginning to eat the curry he picked out for himself. Ariel was typically a rice-with-curry kind of man, seeing as he found the whole ‘eating with your hands’ thing to be rather messy and unsanitary. However, he elected for naan this time as well, hoping that with this small gesture perhaps you would see how much effort he is willing to put in for you.
“Tomorrow, I’ll bring you breakfast from that American diner you like,” Ariel announces, trying to make his voice as gentle-sounding as possible to prevent from upsetting you.
“The one in Wales? It’ll be cold by the time you come back,” you respond automatically, before cursing yourself for not being able to prevent the words spilling from your lips. Damn Ariel for bringing your favorite curry from your favorite restaurant!
Ariel’s face lights up in glee. This is the longest sentence you’ve said to him since he kidnapped you! Not only that, it has nothing to do with you begging him to let you go or to see your family. His chest swells with pride that he came up with the idea to bring you your favorite food, and he makes a mental note to bring you more of your favorite things in the future.
“No silly,” he grins. “I know that one is your actual favorite, but you’re right, it would be cold by the time I come back. I was thinking of the one near your old job that you used to go to that’s similar.”
You give an imperceptible nod and continue to eat your curry. Ariel frowns, he got so excited hearing the sound of your beautiful voice speaking to him, and now you were back to giving him the silent treatment. He feels a pang in his heart and his self-esteem deflates; feeling inadequate at the idea of not being able to cater to every wish and desire that you could ever ask for. He speaks quickly, hoping to rectify his error and get another response from you.
“W-well,” Ariel starts, stuttering as his throat closes up. He didn’t want to ruin all of his progress with you simply because your favorite diner was too far away. “When you’re feeling better, we’ll drive over there, yeah?” He takes off the rubber glove of the hand closest to you, and moves his hand to touch your clothed thigh. His touch is barely perceptible, his fingers dancing along your leg in an effort to reassure you. You flinch, and Ariel removes his hand from your leg, sighing dejectedly.
You begin eating again, deigning to not respond to Ariel’s proposal. There’s no way in hell you’d willingly go anywhere with him, so you’ve resigned yourself to the possibility of being locked up in his basement forever. As you munch on your food in silence, Ariel looks down at his styrofoam plate of curry and naan intensely, as if it holds the key to how to get you to fall in love with him again. His face tightens in anger and frustration, not knowing what else he could do to stop you from being so stubborn. The anger quickly dissipates, knowing he can’t be upset with you for too long because of his love for you.
“Tell me what to do,” he demands, causing you to stop chewing mid-bite. He was still staring into the abyss of the charred bubbles on his naan, but he turns to face you with his next sentence. “Tell me what you want to make you happy. I’ll do anything.” There is a certain desperation in his voice, and it almost makes you feel bad that you’ve reduced him to such a pathetic state. At the end of the day though, it’s still Ariel, and his voice is as domineering and forceful as it always is.
“Anything?” you question. You want to know if he truly means it, or if this is simply frustration due to your lack of a response to his elaborate fantasy of going on a road trip to Wales.
Ariel’s face brightens in relief at the sound of your voice escaping from your lips. “Yes,” he responds immediately, desperate to hear you speak to him again. “Anything,” he repeats, though this time it has a darker undertone to it.
You suspect the answer will be no, but decide to hedge your bets on the possibility of a yes. Though Ariel has been exceptionally obsessed with trying to please you since he’s kidnapped you, everything he’s provided you with thus far has been based on estimations due to your relationship before this. He’s never asked you what you wanted, most likely because it would be an admission that he doesn’t always know what’s best for you, or that he doesn’t know you as well as he thinks he does. Perhaps this request was a breakthrough.
“I want to leave.”
“Except that,” he scolds, glaring at you as if you should know better than to ask him such a thing.
“Then don’t ask me what I want if you won’t actually give it to me!” you exclaim in frustration, your hands shooting up to flail above your head. Your sudden movement causes your container of curry to wobble over your outstretched legs, but you quickly bring your hands down to steady it and prevent it from splattering over the floor. This curry was a brief taste of the outside world since you’ve been stuck here; you refused to let it go to waste.
Ariel’s face scrunches up. His mind races as he frantically tries to prevent you from getting more upset with him. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” he apologizes sincerely. “I’ll give you anything you want except that.”
You groan in disappointment and let your head fall against the mattress behind you. Your eyes close tightly; you were really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. His question gave you the briefest glimmer of hope of finally escaping and it was snatched away in an instant. Your eyes start to well up with tears, helplessly not knowing what else you could do in this situation.
Ariel sighs sadly at the sight of you, knowing that he was the cause of your current state. You were so happy just minutes ago, he should have not said anything more after you finally spoke to him. He just couldn’t help himself, he was so desperately in love with you and your response was a drop of water reaching his lips after struggling through a desert. He should’ve accepted it and moved on; where one drop of water appeared meant that there were more to be found nearby. Now he feels like he’s been trapped in a sandstorm and carried all of the way back to his original starting point.
The two of you stay like this for a few more moments. Ariel’s mind is screaming at him, wishing he could force you to see that he is doing all of this because he loves you, and the thought of you seeing him as an uncaring monster pains him deeply. You sit there in silence. After a little while longer, Ariel knows that this disagreement has most likely put you off your food, so he closes his take-out container and puts it back in the plastic bag. He slowly and gently removes your take-out container from its place on your thighs, hoping that if he refrains from sudden movements he won’t upset you further. Ariel puts yours on top of his in the bag, and then ties the handles into a bow and stands up from his seated position. He brushes the back of his trousers, hoping to stall for a while longer in hopes of you saying something. He looks down at you again, disappointed that you are still choosing to ignore him.
“I’ll be back in a few,” he tells you, sounding like a puppy that was just kicked by its owner. His tone causes your eyebrows to furrow angrily. How dare he speak like that as if this is your fault?
Ariel waits a few seconds for a response to his statement, but turns around once he realizes he will get no such thing from you. He walks back up the stairs and into his kitchen, setting the bag of take-out on the kitchen counter with a disappointing flop. He washes his hands in the kitchen sink, looking around his empty home. His place was filled with comfortable furniture, as well as various photos and trinkets, most of which he collected from the apartment you used to live in as an attempt to make you feel more comfortable. There were only a couple boxes left of your things that he still had to unpack, but they were mostly filled with your clothing. Ariel hadn’t unpacked them yet because he was still sorting through them; he was only intent on keeping things he bought for you or things that you bought specifically to impress him. His home didn’t feel cold and empty due to a lack of material items, but rather due to a lack of you. He blissfully daydreams about past memories; the two of you cuddling on his couch watching movies, him fucking you on his countertops after cooking and eating dinner together, and waking up next your sleeping form every morning. He smiles to himself while shaking the excess water off his hands and drying them with a kitchen towel. Ariel feels invigorated in knowing that—despite your current reluctance—the two of you will return to such things soon enough, he just has to be patient.
You sigh in relief once Ariel goes back upstairs, enjoying the comforting presence of your own solitude. You wish the two of you could go back to how it was before, though you’re not sure that you would want to after all of this. Pre-kidnapping you loved him so dearly, despite his clear abandonment issues and possessive tendencies. At the time, you didn’t think much of it—if anything you relished in it. You had always been fiercely independent, and as such you felt a constant pressure to be strong and not show your weaknesses. Deep down all you ever wanted was for someone to tell you that you didn’t have to be strong all the time; that it was okay to let your guard down and just relax sometimes. When you met Ariel you felt like all your wishes were granted, as you saw his constant desire to be near you a small price to pay for what you received in return. Now all you can do is feel regret.
Ariel places the bag of leftovers in the fridge, right next to the cheesecake you had made him for his birthday. Your cheesecake was one of the only birthday presents he’s ever received in his entire life, and you went through the effort to make it yourself, just for him. There were still a few slices remaining since Ariel was trying to stretch it out for as long as possible, knowing it might be a while before you made him another one. He briefly considers having a slice of it now, as he tended to indulge in it whenever you were being particularly difficult. It was a way for him to remind himself of the love you clearly had for him, a reminder he so desperately needed after the past few weeks.
Instead, he decides to take out your favorite juice and pour it into a plastic cup, knowing you hadn’t had anything to drink since before he left to get food for you. He pours himself a glass of water and downs it quickly, tossing the glass in the sink once he is finished. Then he picks up your filled cup from the counter, breathing in deeply before opening the door to the basement again.
You let out a sharp exhale of air after hearing the basement door swing open and his footsteps coming towards you again. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone? You see him holding a plastic yellow cup and roll your eyes. On any other day perhaps you would’ve yelled at him and tossed it in his face, but if your earlier conversation was anything to go by, you were tired of this entire situation and all you wanted was to go back to sleep and pretend like nothing was happening. You take the cup from him silently, taking a few sips and then setting the cup down next to you. You expect him to leave at this point but he doesn’t. Instead, he looks down at you expectantly.
“…What?” you finally spit out after a few moments of silence. You didn’t want to acknowledge him at all. In fact, you wanted him to leave as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you knew Ariel well enough to know when he wanted something from you. You start praying he’ll tell you whatever it is soon, so that you can go back to pretending like he doesn’t exist.
Ariel’s mouth turns upward, extremely pleased at you initiating a conversation with him. Seeing as you’re still sitting on the floor against the bed, he decides to plop down next to you again. He’s significantly closer this time though, so that your thighs are brushing against each other. He wraps his arms around your waist, slowly pulling you closer to him and breathing you in. You try to pull away from him, but unfortunately your strength is no match for his desperation. “I love you,” he mumbles into your neck as if it will somehow soothe you. “I just want us to be happy together.”
“We were happy, Ariel! I was happy, and then you kidnapped me!” you yell.
Ariel rests his head on your shoulder as he brings one of his hand up to your neck, fiddling with the collar of your shirt. “I’m just trying to protect you,” he explains. “There are a lot of people who want to take you from me.”
“Oh my god, you’re insane,” you groan, bringing your hands to cover your face. You attempt to reason with him. “Ariel, please just… let me go. We can go back to how things used to be, I’ll forget this ever happened. We can still be together, I promise,” you plead.
“I can’t, you’ll try to run from me again.” He sighs, before chuckling. “Though I don’t know why you bother, both of us know there’s nowhere you can go where I won’t find you.” Ariel presses a kiss to your neck, intent on it being just the one, but he has never been able to resist you. He continues kissing your skin; his arousal growing as he recalls all the previous times he would do this and you would become putty in his hands.
“E-exactly!” you say quickly, trying to shove out the same memories from your own mind. Though you were disgusted at him for touching you right now, there was another part of you that was reacting on muscle memory. Your cheeks start to go a light shade of pink, and you swear you can feel your heart skipping a few beats. “Why bother kidnapping me when you always know where I am anyways?” You start internally screaming at yourself, hoping if you can do so loud enough you can prevent your inappropriate thoughts from coming to the surface.
He pauses his kisses to respond, allowing his lips to brush against your collarbone as he speaks. “Because it’s not enough,” he tells you, his grip around your waist tightening. “You should be within arms reach at all times.”
His response triggers something within you that causes tears to start falling across your face. Maybe it was the fact that you can’t seem to be able to reason with him anymore, or the realization that there’s no escape from him. You sob quietly, and Ariel shifts his body to start rubbing soothing circles into your back. You don’t even have the energy to be disgusted anymore. Your torso falls against his, and you sob into his shoulder in surrender.
“It’s okay,” he whispers, trying to comfort you despite his internal elation at you pressed against him willingly. “I’ll take such good care of you.”
You continue crying, wishing you were able to comprehend how someone could be so mentally screwed that they perceive this situation as a positive one. You want nothing more than to go to sleep—to forget how fucked your situation is—but unluckily you were wide awake with the realization that the sweet and caring boyfriend you once had was an absolute psychopath, and you’ve fallen far too deep into his grasp for any hope of escape. You briefly wonder what the breaking point was for him to decide to kidnap you, and the memory of his birthday from a few weeks ago briefly flashes across your mind. He was practically bouncing up and down at the cheesecake you had made for him that day. At the time you just thought Ariel was grateful you made him something with your own hands, but now you wonder if your gift unlocked something darker within him.
Little do you know, it did. Ariel already had uncontrollable thoughts when it came to you, his casual possessiveness was merely a contained form of his deep desire to own every part of you. However, when you gave him that cheesecake, something clicked. No one had ever given him a present before, much less make one. He vividly remembers the look on your face when you gave it to him, an excited-yet-nervous expression hoping that he would enjoy it after all of the time you spent on it. When he saw you like that—so desperate for his approval and so in love with him—he knew he could never let you go.
With your nose pressed against Ariel’s shoulder, you involuntarily smell his familiar scent. Before all of this, the smell of him always brought you comfort. You were able to get through so many tiring days because of him; excited at the prospect of being able to fall into his comfortable embrace upon return. Over the past few days the smell of him disgusted you more and more, as if his cologne was tainted with the stink of the betrayal of your trust. In this moment, however, that stink is nowhere to be found.
Your tired mind needs that familiar comfort so desperately that it conjures up the possibility of surrendering to him. If you weren’t so exhausted and upset, maybe it would be easier to deny that nagging feeling. But as your tears flowed freely, so too did the thought of continuing to resist it.
“You said you’d give me anything I want, right?” you ask hesitantly, your question muffled against his thick sweater and your pooling tears.
“Of course, babe,” he responds, laying his head on top of yours and pulling you further into his lap. Your legs were a tangled mess resting above his, so he removes a hand from your back to adjust them so you are straddling him. He contentedly smiles at your compliance, enjoying the familiar feeling of this position as he brings his hand to your back again.
You sobs begin to slow down as you internally war with yourself. You want to go back to how things were when Ariel was your mostly-normal boyfriend. It’s too late for that, but perhaps you can forget for a short while. You mentally curse yourself for your thoughts, knowing that even though this want was born out of a need for mental protection, it was opening a potentiality for your full cooperation with him. You didn’t want to do that, but if this was what your life was going to be, you felt you deserved to at least have some say; some semblance of control. If you could never truly escape him, perhaps it would be enough for you to be able to live with yourself.
“I want you to fuck me,” you let out, feeling relief wash over you. You still felt dirty and ashamed, but at least something would be on your terms now. You were briefly grateful in the knowledge that Ariel was a spectacular lover, as your desire to forget about everything would definitely be achieved with his incessant need to pleasure you until your breaking point.
Ariel grins widely, his nerves electrifying with excitement at your statement. Today had been a rollercoaster with you. One moment he was hoping for the smallest word from you, and now here you were asking him to have sex. He puts his hands on your shoulders and pulls you slightly away from him so he can look at your face, wanting to make sure he heard you correctly.
“Really?” he asks, failing to hide the pure euphoria in his voice. You bite your lip at the feeling of his length rapidly hardening beneath you, but nod your head quickly in response. It’s barely been a few seconds, and already you feel yourself excited at the opportunity to forget how absolutely horrible everything is for a while.
Ariel’s smile widens further. He practically laughs, positively elated at the unexpected outcome of today. He removes a hand from his back to push down against the concrete floor, readjusting his body so that he is sitting up straighter. As he does so, you smash your lips against his desperately, not wanting to wait any longer for the promise of forgetting. Unaware of your motives, Ariel chuckles into your kiss and tugs your neck harshly towards him; pressing your hips against his with his other hand. He wants you to feel how hard he is, as if it would demonstrate how completely you affect him.
The seam of his jeans rubs against your covered slit and it causes you to whimper, allowing Ariel to quickly slip his tongue into your mouth. He practically groans into you, the familiar feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth causing an overwhelming wave of relief to wash over him. The past few days have been absolute torture for Ariel. The last time he went without your touch for so long was back when he was doing research and just observing you, prior to your first date. He pulls your face closer to him, desperate for you to be as close as humanly possible to him. His hips involuntarily buck between your open legs, unable to control himself at the thought of being inside of you again. You moan again, and his fingertips dig into your skull as he tries to smash you against him. This was the part you loved most of all when having sex with Ariel, it always felt like he could never get enough of you and was constantly desperate for more.
You feel the large hand around your waist begin to fiddle with the band of your sweatpants, his thumb slipping through as his remaining fingers tightened around your hip bone. His nails dug into your skin, trying to get a tighter grip on your waist so that he could continue moving your hips along his length without moving his other hand from your head. His thumb roams around your smooth skin purposefully, searching for the elastic band of your underwear. He tugs on it harshly to provide you with more friction.
All thoughts about your kidnapping had completely left your mind at this point, despite the two of you still being on the floor of your concrete prison. All you could think about was Ariel and his obsessive desire to please you, and you were so caught up in it that you wanted to please him too. You bring one of your hands to his hair, tangling your fingers and tugging on them lightly to show him your appreciation, as was customary for the two of you. He quietly groans at the act and a deep chuckle reveberates through his body in satisfaction. Your other hand rests on his shoulder for support, despite Ariel doing most of the work for you right now.
Ariel moves the hand from your neck to your waist, seeing as you are plenty capable of maintaining the closeness of your passionate kisses. His thumb rubs small, gentle circles into the skin of your waist, before snaking his hand up your shirt to your clothed breast. He squeezes it, enjoying the weight of it in his hand. His thumb passes over your clothed nipple a few times, causing it to harden. You moan into Ariel’s mouth, and his fingers move away from your breast to the clasp of your bra. He unhooks it expertly, before moving his hand back to your breast to play with it again, this time underneath your loosened bra. The warmth of his hand in contrast to your cold skin shocks you, but it causes you to lean into him further, wanting nothing more than to melt into him and have your bodies be indistinguishable from one another. Ariel continues fondling your breast and nipple, tugging on it harshly every now and then.
You reluctantly remove your mouth from his, gasping for breath as the two of you had been making out without pause for ages. Ariel reluctantly opens his eyes once you do so, smirking at the sight of your disheveled state and swollen lips. He moves his hand to your neglected breast, and you inhale sharply due to the sudden attention being applied to it. Ariel shifts forward to bring his face closer to yours, causing his cock to rub against your mound again. By this point you were positively soaked, and Ariel was well aware of that.
The hand on your breast moves to your waist, trailing down to grab your butt cheek harshly as he pulls you closer. His other hand—still on your waist—moves to continue his ministrations on your breast, effectively switching the placement of his hands. The hand on your ass squeezes hard, and you understand this to be a silent demand to hold on, so you wrap your hands around his neck as he stands. He tosses you on the bed somewhat forcefully which causes the rusty frame to creak again. Ariel smirks seductively at your laying form before removing his sweater in one swift movement, leaving him shirtless. His hands move to his belt to unbuckle his trousers, and as you look down to follow them you see a rather large wet spot between his legs. You blush shyly, looking down to your sweatpants and seeing a similarly shaped spot there as well. Ariel chuckles at your embarrassment as he removes his belt and throws it on the ground. He then crawls on top of you with just his boxers on.
He rests his body weight against you, pressing his length into you harshly. You moan louder this time, the lack of obstruction from his thick jeans allowing you to feel so much more of him despite your sweatpants still being on. His forearm moves to the side of your head as he leans his upper body weight against it, and he presses his lips against yours for the second time today. His other hand moves to the bottom of your shirt and tugs it upward; impatient to see more of you. He separates his mouth from yours and looks down at you intensely as he pulls your shirt further up. You lift your back off the mattress and raise your arms, allowing him to pull your shirt completely off you. You fall back on the mattress and you swear you can see his patience thinning as more of you is revealed to him. Ariel tears your loose bra off and throws it as though it offended him, admiring you intently after having not seen this much of your skin in so long.
Ariel trails his hands slowly along the expanses of skin he just uncovered. He shivers at the feeling of your soft skin underneath his fingertips and briefly considers keeping you naked at all times so he never has to go without it. He bends back over you to bring his mouth to one of your breasts, sucking it harshly as the other is attended to by his hand. Your soft moans and whimpers are music to Ariel’s ears as he uses his free hand to violently tug your sweatpants down. You raise your hips off the mattress to help him, allowing him to pull them past your knees. He moves his mouth away from your breast to yank them completely off your legs, before staring down at your clothed mound as he sits on his ankles. His eyes widen in glee, the only thing separating him from being inside you is a flimsy piece of fabric that does little to hide your arousal.
He brings both of his hands to your waist, his tongue darting out to lick his lips in anticipation. He slips them both underneath the band of your underwear, pulling it away from you, leaving you completely bare before him. He looks back up to your face, wishing he could keep you in this position for the rest of his life. He delicately brings one of his hands to your uncovered slit, gently allowing his index finger to caress it. He smiles as your eyebrows furrow slightly, proud that his light touch can cause such a reaction. Once he gathers more of your wetness on his finger, he pushes it inside of you, gazing at you as your mouth opens in pleasure. He pumps his finger in and out of you slowly, enjoying the reactions he is able to extract from you. Ariel brings his free hand to rest next to your head, pushing another finger inside of you as he leans down to capture your lips with his own.
You bring your hands up to the base of Ariel’s neck, pulling him down as he kisses you. You moan into his mouth while he fingers you, which only encourages him to move his fingers faster and harder. Overcome with the need to feel more of him, your legs widen on instinct, allowing him to reach deeper into your walls. Wanting to hear your moans more clearly, Ariel moves his mouth to your neck, pressing open-mouth kisses and lightly biting you intermittently.
As your climax approaches, you feel a sudden pang of guilt at the thought of you cumming all over your kidnapper’s fingers. Your face scrunches in disappointment, and you begin attempting to prevent yourself from doing so. You fear it will only encourage his delusion that you want to be chained to him forever. Ariel mistakes this hesitancy for the assumption that you expect him to deny your orgasm, so he speaks.
“Just let go for me love, you can cum,” he whispers reassuringly in your ear as he kisses your neck. He curls his fingers inside of you and rubs circles in your clit with his thumb a few more times in an attempt to force your orgasm forward. It works, and your previous feeling of guilt is washed away by the comforting aura of bliss. Ariel delights in the sight of you like this beneath him, knowing that no other person on the planet could possibly make you feel as good as he does.
Ariel removes his fingers from you, using his other hand to pull his boxers off one leg at a time. Once you open your eyes he brings his soaked hand to your swollen bottom lip and taps his fingertips lightly against it. The two of you share intense eye contact as you open your mouth and he pushes them inside, darting his eyes away from yours to watch as you lick his fingers clean. His chest heaves as he watches you, the simple act making his stomach churn with excitement. He slowly removes his fingers from your mouth, using that hand to pump his cock a few times before lining it up with your entrance. He buries his face into your neck, biting it harshly to prevent himself from cumming at the euphoric feeling of you stretching around him.
You whine, still sensitive from your recent orgasm. Your legs attempt to close as he enters you, which causes Ariel to roughly grab one of your thighs and press it against your torso, keeping your legs open for him. You gasp for air, struggling to accommodate his size as he pushes further into you. This was Ariel’s favorite part of having sex with you, as it never failed to inflate his ego. No matter how well he prepped you beforehand, it always took some time for you to adjust. Unfortunately it was always a struggle for him as well, as your tight clenching when he entered you always made him want to cum right then and there. Sometimes he did, but this time he had to control himself. Ariel hopes that if he pleasures you well enough tonight it will change things between the two of you.
Once Ariel is fully inside of you, he leans up to kiss your jaw, giving you a minute or two to adjust before he moves. “You always take me so well,” he praises, muttering little ‘I love you’s’ in-between his kisses. Ariel opens his eyes after a few seconds, frowning in annoyance that neither of your hands are touching him. He allows you some leeway on one of your arms, seeing as it’s currently trapped on the other side of your leg that he is still pressing into you. As he lays against you he uses his other arm to grab for your free one, bringing it to the back of his head and encouraging you to tangle your fingers in his hair. Once you do so he begins thrusting in and out of you slowly, wanting to feel as much of you as humanly possible.
Ariel watches your face closely, seeing you shift quickly between pleasure and confusion—though he’s not sure what’s so confusing about him making love to you. Typically he’s a lot rougher with you, but he wanted to go slow this time, seeing as it’s your first time in a while. Not wanting to leave you without a second orgasm, he reluctantly asks, “Do you want me to go faster?”
“Y-yes,” you let out. Though you were still enjoying it, slow, passionate love-making was the last thing you wanted right now. You wanted Ariel to break you into tiny little pieces until you forgot your own name, forgot him taking you away, forgot this basement that he refused to let you out of until he was sure you wouldn’t try to escape. “I told you to fuck me, didn’t I?” you snap at him.
At this, Ariel wraps his hand around your throat, squeezing it lightly. Your narrowed, challenging eyes completely shift into docile submission as you start gasping. Ariel leans down closer to your face, picking up his pace and giving you exactly what you asked for. Moans escape between your desperate breaths, and Ariel’s previous look of adoration and reverence for you is nowhere to be found. Instead, it is replaced with something far more sinister and angry.
“I told you I’d give you anything you want,” he sighs in disappointment as he squeezes your throat tighter. “But don’t forget that I’m still the one in charge here,” he seethes proudly into your ear. “Now apologize for your poor manners like the good girl we both know you are, and maybe I’ll let you cum again.”
“P-please,” you manage out, your hand moving to your neck to try to pry his fingers off you. Ariel refuses, moving the hand previously holding your leg down to your neck as well, harshly pulling your hand away and forcing it down against the mattress. Despite this, he eases the pressure on your neck slightly, allowing you to speak a bit better. “I’m-I’m sorry Ariel,” you gasp. Ariel smiles, pleased with your compliance. He kisses you between moans, moving his hand away from your throat and to your other hand, pushing both of them deeper into the mattress as he continues his sharp thrusts.
“Good,” he praises. “Much better.” He moves one of his hands away from yours, lowering it to your breasts to pinch and pull at your nipples. He alternates between them, pleased at the additional moans coming from you as a result. “Your tits are always so soft,” he tells you, blissfully enjoying the feeling of them in his hand again. “Maybe I should just leave you like this and fuck these instead,” he threatens.
You whine at Ariel’s proposal, feeling your orgasm approaching and not wanting it to be denied to you. “Please don’t,” you whimper, struggling to speak as pleasure overwhelms your senses. Seeing you like this, Ariel’s eyes brighten in realization at the opportunity before him. Normally he wouldn’t stoop so low—well, he would, but he always wanted your love for him to be real—but he hasn’t heard his favorite words from your lips in so long. Surely it would do nothing but bring you closer to his loving embrace?
“Tell me you still love me,” he whispers harshly, “and I’ll let you cum.” His voice is somewhere between a desperate plea and a threat, and with your lack of surety on that you decide to open your eyes and look at him.
Your heart tightens, seeing the man you originally fell in love with in front of you. Of course you still loved him. Despite his insane actions, your love was not so easily dismissed and you couldn’t deny that, no matter how much you wish you didn’t love him anymore. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? Maybe the man you loved was still in there, and you just needed to bring him out?
You war with yourself, but ultimately decide that you already knew there was no escaping him. If you were going to be stuck with him for the rest of your life anyways, it was better to be in a prison of your opposing feelings instead of a literal prison.
“I still love you, Ariel,” you tell him gently, your voice surprisingly level for someone who’s currently getting railed. Ariel smiles lovingly at you, bringing one of his hands to your face to stroke your cheek. The same hand then moves down to between your legs to rub harsh circles against your clit, and you feel Ariel spill into you shortly after your orgasm overtakes you. He stays buried inside of you, letting his arms fall to his sides as he rests his head on your chest.
“I knew it,” he pants against your skin. “I knew you still loved me, you had to.” As you feel him smile against your sweaty skin, and your high slowly dies down, you start feeling the same wave of guilt pass over you again. Did you still love him? Or did you just say you did because you wanted your release? You weren’t entirely sure, but it’s not like you were going anywhere, so you had plenty of time to think it over later. Ariel hugs you as he lays on top of you, repeating the last few moments in his mind over and over again.
Maybe Ariel would get another cheesecake sooner than he expected.
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at1nys-blog · 7 months
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Hi, I don’t know how to properly make one so if it looks chaotic just know I don’t have any clue how to make this properly. Let just start then.
How to requests posts:
You can: request as an anon
But: leave an rappresentative emoji/letter/phrase/whatever
Why: so I know if you already requested, in that case it will pushed unless no one new requested something.
You can: ask me to write a fem/male!reader
If: you don’t I’ll automatically make gn!reader
You can: give reader a specific nationality/job.
You can: request a SMAU
But: you HAVE to give me more details, which can be discussed on private if you want
Or: you can trust me and leave it to me
But: in this case it might take me longer than usual.
In this case: at least tell me how you want things to develop; any plot twists involved I WONT ACCEPT A SMAU REQUEST FROM ANONS SINCE I WILL TAG PEOPLE
Please: say if you want a male!reader because my SMAU are always a fem!reader, is easier for me like that
You can: request a Character x Character
Might add more
Things I won’t write:
Romantic xreader insert for minors celebrities. As for now just Xikers. Just give me a name to use
Anything with cheating involved.
Anything with pregnancy.
No smut. Might change but as for now I won’t. I have nightmares since the last time I tried
ANYTHING THAT ROMANTACISES MAFIA RELATIONSHIP. This is very important pls take it in consideration.
ANYTHING FOR YUK1O OKUMURA AND T3TTA KISAKI. Another important rule to follow. I don’t like the guys I won’t write for them no matter what. Of course they’ll be mentioned, I just don’t want the focus to be on them.
I will not write kdrama ff. Both reader insert or Character x Charaxter
Might add more
I will not make a gn!reader SMAU AND THIS IS JUST BECAUSE IM NOT VERY COMFY WITHOUT A SPECIFIC GENDER FOR THOSE TYPE OF FANFICTION I’m pretty sure you can find blogs that does that, sorry if I’m not that type of blogs 😞
What might be taken down:
Why: they might not tell me anything. But try your luck I guess
Requests with celebrities or fandoms I don’t know
Why: I don’t have enough knowledge about them
Requests for latest MCU tv shows
Why: I didn’t like them, I don’t know what happened
Requests for fandoms I don’t follow anymore. Ex: Harry Potter; Doctor Who
Why: I might not have any ideas for those unless you have one
Attack on titans. I liked the first couple of seasons but then it got meh for me
Might add more
Things I will write:
Enemies-2-lovers my favorite
And so on
Suggestive is a green light so ask if you want
Single parent!Au
Fantasy!Au and more
Fake texts
Might add more
For who I write:
But 1st, a couple of important things:
I might need to age up some underaged characters depending on the request
Is going to be divided in 5: List #1 is about my top favorite show/anime/manga/celebrities not counting One Piece and the MCU tv shows are about fandoms that I think no one writes for/writes less for THIS IS A FIXED LIST WILL MAYBE CHANGE SLIGHTLY IN THE FUTURE BUT ONLY IF I FIND SOMETHING THAT I LIKE AS THOSE FANDOMS AS WELL; List #2 is about fandoms I write for rarely because I am always for a loss of ideas; List #3 fandoms I haven’t wrote for yet; List #4 list of fandoms I never thought to write for but I won’t mind writing if someone asked.
List #1:
Mainly: Bon, Renzo and Rin
One piece
Mainly: Zoro, Eustass Kid, ShanksxBuggy
Tokyo Revengers
Mainly: Mitsuya, Haitani brothers and Hanma
Block B
Mainly: P.O.
Six of crows
List #2:
Actors in general will take longer if I don’t know the one you requested
Stray kids
Grey’s anatomy
Criminal Minds
My hero academia
Alice in Borderland
Mainly: Chishiya and Kuina
List #3
Other Marvel movies/tv shows
Mainly: Floki (non romantic), Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar
The last kingdom
Mainly: Dean Winchester
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw man
Fullmetal Alchemist: brotherhood
List #4
Avatar the last Airbender
Trigun Stampede (2023)
Fire Force (anime ver.)
The legend of Korra
(western) singers
2 Broke Girls
One Chicago
Stranger Things
Sweet Home
The Last of Us (tv show ver.)
The umbrella academy (might take a while I have to rewatch it)
Game of Thrones
Doctor who
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
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hellhoundlair · 11 months
Happy DFF! Would the dynamic between Sam and Dean Jr be similar to the one between John and Dean or is it something entirely different?
hiiii happy friday! thank you for the ask!
this is a really good question. i think they both have the same heart to it (of course with dean conflating dean with mary and sam conflating dean jr with dean) i think they would be set apart slightly because of course the backdrop and circumstances of their relationships are different but at their core they follow the same rhythm. also im going to mostly go into this in a non-sexual abuse way because i want to go into the more broad dynamics these relationships have and that goes so much further than sexual aspects. so im sorry for the lack of dadfucking. instead u get psychoanalysis. fun.
i feel like john and deans relationship has a lot to do with how john parentified dean, relied on him emotionally, relied on him as a hunter, to take care of their his kid, to mediate, to be his right hand man, all that shit. dean filled so many different roles for john and dean did it all because dean was isolated and john was all he knew. i dont think john intended to fuck dean up like that but he sure made all the decisions that lead to the environment that dean grew up in.
things with sam and dean jr are much different. i feel like the two schools of dad sam thought are either sam very consciously telling himself "im not going to be like my father" while making decisions involving his son OR sam unintentionally spiraling into john like behavior. i personally -- despite loving angst and bad endings or whatever -- am a fan of the first one mostly for the sake of mixing up dynamics (but also sam can still slip into classic john treating his son like his dean partner every now and then before realizing to his horror what hes doing. as a treat.)
which would really set sam and deanjrs relationship apart from dean and johns. there is no isolation to the level of sam and deans upbringing, or treating dean jr like an equal when he should be treating him like his 13 year old son. but i do think sam falls into obsession with dean jr.
like dean jr is a normal kid with a normal life but when his friends ask if he can have come over for a sleepover on friday dean jrs like sorry i cant my dad doesnt like me being out of his sight for more than 12 hours at a time otherwise he has a breakdown and also he and i are going on our monthly trips where we drive around aimlessly while he talks about his glory days and about my uncle dean and how perfect and wonderful and great he was and he'll eventually slip into talking to me like im not his son and it's a little weird but i like it because he treats me like an adult and it feels good to have that sort of respect even if its not because he respects me its just because he projects his brother onto me because he physically cannot grieve properly from a loss that big though it does kinda suck because now i feel like i have to live up to the infallible legend of this man ive never met and i feel like i have to do everything right because i dont want to disappoint him but id do anything to make him love me the way he loved his brother.
so sam - even in all his attempts to give his son a normal life - has basically achieved a "normal life" version of john and deans dynamic. i will say i do think sam is a good parent outside of this. like he tries, but its just not going to be possible for him to be normal and just move on after losing dean. its always going to haunt him and his relationships no matter what.
u probably asked this in regards to sexual abuse bc of the tags i left on a post abt that. im fine with talking abt that. i dont usually tend to because i dont want to be indelicate on the topic because. its fucked up! but this is ur warning if ur sensitive to those topics bc im going to touch on it.
again, i think the core of john and deans abuse - as well as sam and dean jrs abuse - is the conflation of their child with their lover. and this can also manifest sexually too. i wouldnt think sam and dean jr would have anything frequent going on. not like johndeans relationship which i tend to imagine as being more similar to them being lovers, almost like fucked up husband and wife type shit where they are lovey dovey behind closed doors and dean embraces being johns wife. i think with sam and dean jr it would be something more. casual? not the right word, but i mean stuff like casual nudity, or physical contact that seems atypical for a father and son that r mostly are explained away by a lack of physical boundaries set between them, until you remember that sams brother lover and how sam gets into these mindsets where he treats dean jr more like a brother than a son and thats what causes alarm bells to go off.
i dont know if dean jr would know that his father was in love with and fucking the brother that dean jr lives in the shadow of. i dont think he'd find out about that until he was older. but i think things would all start to line up and make all too much horrifying sense after he realised it.
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todusts · 1 month
#𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐒, a heavily canon divergent multimuse for rwby; exploring the themes of loss and hope, horrifying beings in the dark, hardship and its rifts and bridges, love enduring, and more. taught by naminé, 2wenty, he / they / it. muselist, aesthetic sideblog. icon border by my beloved valentine. ♡ ⤷ teamed with: noblessing, omenlink, roseasunder, scythette, thisanger, thisgrief.
one. standard rp etiquette applies. don’t be a freak, don’t be weird, we’ll be fine. two. triggers will be tagged as “ __ / ” and i ask that the following be tagged: animal abuse, images of realistic gore, and insects. three. my muse list is constantly changing, and im sorry for how long it is. i add characters at the drop of a hat. please speciy muses when interacting. i have no dupe anxiety! four. i am pro-callout as long as it’s substantial; i will tag them as “ callout / ” . if someone i interact with has a history of awful behavior, please tell me. five. dni if you support / write / write with people who like attack on titan, hetalia, think the rising sun earrings in demonslayer are okay and won’t properly edit them out, etc. i’m not above blocking you if i eventually find out.
0 notes
the-kipsabian · 5 months
Crush anon here I went through a stint when I was younger of losing some people back to back tho it was months / a year apart and I’ve lost a couple people a few years apart here recently one I just lost a few weeks back another just a few months ago
Grief is never ever easy but it’s much harder when you don’t experience it for a while and then suddenly you’re hit with it so quickly so much at once
The regrets are very very real and valid and I understand the connection disconnection thing felt that way about my paw he was good to me most of the time but was terrible to my mother and bad mouthed my dead nana his ex wife fairly often and she was my entire universe tbh so made for a very mixed relationship with him
Fond memories of eating out with him or going to the library
But then horrible ones of him bad mouthing my nana and him not being allowed at her funeral and him being horrid to my mom who despite my admittedly terrible relationship I still felt so much anger seeing her treated so wrongly
Point is people are complicated grief will be complicated often the more complicated the relationship with the person before they died the more complication with the grief is what I’ve found
I find myself feeling a mixture of hating not visiting my grandma in the nursing home more vs remembering times she blamed me for things that weren’t my fault or had meltdowns over small things and not necessarily feeling glad I didn’t visit more I will always regret not visiting more but it sorta in a way removes the rose tinted glasses I had as a kid before I realized and was told some of the stuff she was doing to me was wrong
I’m so sorry for such back to back losses I could never begin to imagine your exact feelings everyone grieves and feels differently and being numb is sometimes a way we can feel whether it be because we’re not ready to feel properly or we feel like we can’t because we have to remain strong for anyone else or whether it just happens
It’s okay like I said people are complicated and therefore grief will be as well and all that matters is we find what works for us and we work through it at safely and at our own pace
Sometimes it will be all at once other times it will be much more sporadic and sometimes even if it’s all at once there can still be smaller times or even bigger times we have random breaks and everything
It’s all okay, I hope you’ll be alright and I hope this makes sense and helps you somehow
I often use my own experiences to try to help others so <3
yeah its. its a lot rn. my grandpa passed away on thursday and my grandma last night so thats. yeah
the thing for me is, apart from getting hit with all of this rapid fire after not experiencing loss in years, its just.. i didnt really have a relationship in the recent years with either of them. mostly cause my grandpa wasnt really a great person and my grandma was secluded and didnt really like me so like.. yeah. i have a lot of guilt of not trying to mend any relationships like that and just having the rest of the family to handle them, but ive been living with the regrets and could-have-beens the past few days a lot and. its just a lot. especially since now theres two people like that and two relationships that are no more that i somehow need to try to deal with
idk like i said in the tags its a very complicated thing for me. im trying to do this at my own pace but its just.. odd to me. and i know its normal but i also feel guilty about it. about a lot of things, like said. i'll be fine eventually, probably cause thats just how life is and since these relationships werent that good or close.. but it still hurts. idk man
thank you tho, i do really appreciate you reaching out 💜
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marcnutz · 3 years
could you do a poly!dt x afab reader, where y/n is being a brat and gets punished by having to watch dom!sapnap and dom!dream give switch!george all the attention
hi! i dont rly write for afab reader so i made it gn since the readers genitals weren't rly important to the story, hope that's ok!
sorry for being mia but im slowly starting to get back into the groove of things, probs not gonna be fully back till august tho since that's when i move out :) I've just been rly tired from life stuff
Tags: poly!dteam x gn!reader, ~900 words, dom!dtream, sub!reader, degradation, voyeurism, orgasm denial, double penetration
That one damn word is what put you in this mess. You were normally so good and obedient for your doms, doing everything they say and taking such good care of them. However, you finally slipped up today. All you wanted was for Sapnap to touch you, but when he told you that you needed to please George first you got upset. It wasn't that you didn't love George or didn't want to please him, he was just too gentle. You didn't want to talk from how hard you got your throat fucked, but now that wasn't going to happen any time soon.
"I hope this teaches you a lesson, whore." Dream spit out at you as he finished tying your hands to the headboard. All you could do was try and squirm against the restraints.
Both of you looked over to the other side of the bed where George had let out a loud moan, Sapnap taking his cock in his mouth down to the base.
"Look at George, he was good and now he gets to have fun. You were bad so you don't get that. Hopefully, this will be a good reminder to you so you know how to act in the future."
With that Dream crawled over to George, kissing his forehead before moving to make out with him. Dream groaned lightly as he pushed his tongue into his mouth, gripping at his jaw.
Sapnap began to notice that George's thighs were beginning to twitch, the tell-tale sign that he was getting close. He slowly pulled off of his cock with a pop, before running his hands up George's thighs.
George was not happy with this and whined at the loss of stimulation. "Why'd you stop?" He asked, pulling away from Dream, who growled and forced their lips back together.
"Gogy you know you can't come yet, Dream and I haven't even gotten to the real fun yet. Go on, lay on your stomach." Sapnap said as he began to help flip the smaller man over.
Dream and Sapnap began to undress, looking over at you to make sure you were still watching. It was impossible not to. The need you felt in your core was almost painful, yet all you could do was struggle against your restraints and rub your thighs together in an attempt to get SOME kind of stimulation.
Sapnap laughed at you as you struggled, "Aw, look at our dumb whore. You know it's your own fault you're here. If you were good like Gogy you wouldn't be tired up." Sapnap turned and let a firm slap to George's ass, who just pushed his face into Dream's hard chest. Sapnap grabbed his cock from the base and began to push in. "If you were good like, George, ugh, you would get to be fucked." He bottomed out inside George with the last word, who let out a loud moan at the sudden stimulation.
After a few moments, Sapnap grabbed Dream's dick as well, applying more lube to it. Once they deemed he was properly slicked up, Sapnap pushed the cock inside George next to his. Once inside, they gave George a moment to adjust to having both of their cocks inside of him at the same time.
"What a good boy, George. Shame that dumb bitch had to be mean to us that I had to share with Sapnap, though." Dream said as he began to slightly rock his hips up into George. "I bet you like taking both of us, though."
You had to look away, the sight of George being stretched out by Sapnap and Dream's cocks was too much to handle. Sapnap was the first to notice that your eyes had been taken off them. Admittedly, it had taken him a few minutes as he was focused on slowly fucking into his best friend.
"Hey! Fucking slut, look at us! You can't look away or we're going to stick a vibrator inside of you and make this a hell of a lot worse." Sapnap said before setting a rougher pace into George. Your disobedience angered him. You didn't want George to suffer because of you (even though you knew he was enjoying himself) and you didn't want your punishment to get worse either, so you continued to watch.
You could tell George was close by how loud he was being, tears streaming down his face as he held onto Dream's shoulders for dear life.
"Ugh, fuck baby," Dream moaned, "You close?" George could only nod in response. "Go ahead and cum for us, baby. Cum all over our cocks."
It only took a few more strokes for George to do just that, and the sensation of his hole getting even tighter around the two cocks quickly sent Sapnap and Dream over the edge as well. Their cum shot inside of George, filling him up, before spilling out onto the bed below.
The three laid there for a moment before your whimpers brought them back to reality.
Dream chuckled, "Aw, did seeing us cum make you want it too? What do you think Sap, should we let the disobedient bitch cum?"
Sapnap looked over at your squirming form, an evil smile forming on his face. "Nah, let's leave 'em there. I think we should get the vibe too."
Dream laughed once more, "Oh you're too evil."
You were going to have a long night.
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unalivejournal · 3 years
u mentioned only reading kripke era fic do you have a reclist 👀👀👀and if not could you link some of ur faves cuz the stuff that gets circulated the most right now is all like late late seasons fic and kripke era is my favorite too but im having trouble finding that many fics for it or even seasons 6-10 era which im fine with also. its just that like. the last five seasons were so bad that it makes fic generally worse too because people have to jump off of just Thee stupidest plot choices no matter how good their prose skills might be. but anyway yea if u have recs that would be awesome :)
hi anon i was thinking abt making a reclist and u just gave me the perfect excuse thank u
jess adamilligan’s kripke era fic recs
from making this ive learned that i never bookmark ANYTHING. sorry all of these r like….. 10k and under. i DO read longer fic but i don’t have any kripke era longfics bookmarked & tbh i prefer short oneshots
season one gen
disclaimer because it’s unfortunately needed: NONE of these are w*ncest! they’re all completely tagged as gen and i did not read them with the intent of consuming ship content.
Coaster Park by fogsrollingin, 10.4k, G, gen
Coaster Park had been experiencing an unusually high frequency of technical difficulties. Dean wouldn't have pulled a shift treating nauseated, heat-stroked, or dehydrated park-goers for that if he could've helped it, but when 'technical difficulties' were accompanied by rumors of things moving and stopping on their own in front of the operators' eyes, Dean had to throw down.
No historical tragedies or disasters in the area, ectoplasm, or EMF. Dean's only lead was a battered-looking kid that'd been coming to the park every day since it'd all started.
really interesting au fic! slightly ‘it’s a terrible life’. dean winchester is a hunter/EMT and sam wesson is a college kid destined to die on a roller coaster ride.
two basic motivating forces by sahwen, 7.8k, T, gen
He can’t cry, it’s not allowed; even as a child he was hushed into silence, whether his tears were from a long car ride or a late night or a raging fever. It’s never been an option, it’s never been an available outlet, and it’s not about to start being one just because he’s having an emotional breakdown on the bathroom floor.
Sam isn't only afraid of clowns.
BIG emetophobia tw (both for graphic depictions of nausea/vomiting and for the fact that this fic is about sam suffering from emetophobia) for this one but it’s my favorite sickfic. portrays anxiety over getting sick really well and is a fascinating examination of the different ways that sam’s fear of loss of control can manifest itself. also has lovely brothers content <3
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning (Remix of Just as Easy as 123) by nwspaprtaxis, 4k, T, gen
Dean’s functionally illiterate and Sam’s determined to remedy it...
PLEASE READ THIS ONE god it’s so sweet. dean never learned how to read properly due to his nomadic childhood and sam teaches him how.
Broadway Musical by Griftings, 9k, M, m/m
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
somewhat of a fandom classic and the humor holds up wonderfully. a very silly fic completed with commentary from angel radio throughout the entire thing.
Sappiest Season by dollsome, 2.7k, G, m/m
In which Dean and Cas have to stop an evil Christmas tree (like you do), and it requires a little fake couple action.
hilarious little s5ish fic. one of the first i read when getting back into spn. i don’t want to spoil anything but this is my favorite pick me up and i still giggle randomly whenever i think about it
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by tuesday
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
another fandom classic. ik this one is recced a lot but how could i NOT include it. dean and cas get married (mostly by accident) and they’re huge cunts about it
the one thing in the galaxy god didn't have his eyes on by prufrock, 2.4k, T, gen + m/m
“Wait,” Dean says. “Let me get this right. You can fly, right—you can teleport—but you can’t drive a car?”
or, after the events of S5E03 "Free to Be You and Me," Dean teaches Cas to drive. Cas finds it stressful
im always a sucker for a good ftbyam fic. also i can’t drive so. resonation
So Says The Sword by komodobits, 85k, E, m/m
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
NO introduction neede. i think everyone on spntumblr has read this already but still. if you haven’t then i am demanding that you read it NOW. tbh i’m just adding this one so that i have at least one long fic here 😭
the weight by @myaimistrue, 3.5k, T, gen + m/m
“Do you…” Bobby sighs. “Listen, Dean, do you have something you wanna tell me?”
It’s the conversational equivalent of being punched in the stomach.
Or, Dean works through some things with Bobby's help.
WHEN I SAW THE USERNAME I GASPED I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS U. anyway i Love coming out fics idk why i just do. the world is ending and dean comes out to bobby
canticles by 2street2car, 10.3k, T, m/m
“But you know something? If I couldn’t get you laid, at least I gave you a good first date.”
feat: footsies at a Ruby Tuesday, stargazing, the recreation of an iconic "Dirty Dancing" scene (no, not that one—the other one), and practicing for When You're With A Girl.
another ftbyam fic that skepticalfrog (i believe?) recommended a while back. made me feel at least 28 new emotions
Epilogue by JayneL, 28k, E, m/m
Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means-- Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means--
Cas is no longer when he was. Lucifer sent him back.
Coda to 'The End'.
2014 cas gets sent back to 2009, feelings ensue etc. i don’t remember all the details of this one bc it’s been a while but it’s really good
currently reading
Fragile As We Lie by perilously, 11k, E, f/f
Dragging Bela Talbot out of perdition isn't so much a decision as it is a frantic choice based on gut instinct. Her soul is bright, if fractured, and Anna yearns to do good again after the perversion of free will that immediately preceded her death.
Bela's no ordinary human, though; she's prickly and damaged and beautiful, and Anna doesn't want to leave her side. So maybe they can figure out how to navigate post-resurrection, post-Apocalypse-that-wasn't Earth together.
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Is this your deaf ear?
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x reader.
Summary: You weren't really suprised to find that Jack is deaf in one ear due to the nature of his job.
Word count: 943
Warnings: inaccurate medical stuff. Swear word.
Tags: @scribbledghost @phoenixhalliwell
You wasn't really suprised when you had learnt that Jack was deaf in one ear. The nature of his job made it a high possibility of hearing loss, especially when the job is fighting pretty much every other day with guns and explosions.
The first time you had noticed Jacks deaf ear, you were asking him a question. He had his left side faced towards you when you asked the question.
"Hey honey, what do you want for dinner today?" You asked.
Nothing. You furrowed your brows wondering if he was just ignoring you for no reason.
"Jack?" You asked this time getting his attention by rubbing his arm,
"Hmm?" He turned to you, his eyebrows raised a little smiling.
"What do you want for dinner?" You repeated your original question,
"I don't mind darlin' whatever you'd like." He responded kissing your forehead.
The next time you tried saying something to him, he didn't even notice that you had walked up behind him.
"Jeez work was so damn long today." You said, looking out the window in front of the table. And again there was no response, so you bent down next to him. Your mouth was right next to his ear,
"Is this your deaf ear?" You asked "you're a beautiful man Jack Daniels, I love you." You continued. You made Jack jump slightly as you kissed his cheek.
"Oh hey honey" Jack smiled "I didn't hear you sneak up on me." He continued giving you a proper kiss,
"I gathered that baby. Is your ear ok? There's been a few time where you haven't heard me." You asked frowning slightly.
"You know what doll I think my ear has been a bit funny lately, I'll get ginger to check it out tomorrow alright?" Jack replied looking over some of the papers that were scattered across the desk. You smiled and nodded sitting down on his right side so he could hear you properly if you said anything.
Jack sent a text over ginger, to ask if she could check his hearing the next day.
The next day:
The next day had come around and Jack was off to work. He placed all his stuff in his office, said morning to Champ and went down to a lab for a check up with ginger.
"Mornin' ginger." Jack said brightly coming into the lab,
"Good morning Whiskey, you ready for your check up?" Ginger asked giving Jack a smile.
"Yep, gotta make sure my ear is working order although I don't think it is." He replied sitting down to make it easier for Ginger.
A while passed, most of it checking Jack’s hearing in both ears just in case. By this point the testing had been a couple of hours and was now lunch time.
"Well Whiskey, all the test are finally done. But you are deaf in your left ear, and to be honest I'm not suprised. We really should develop some sort of ear protection that isn't big and bulky. So we're gonna get a hearing aid fitted and developed so it can be used as an ear piece for missions aswell as a normal aid." Ginger explained to him putting all the equipment away.
"Ok." Jack responded watching ginger pull out another device,
"Right im gonna put some foam stuff in your ear which will take a mould of your ear so we can design something for you." Ginger said walking back over to him. Ginger started to put the foam into Jack's ear and he tried pulling away.
"Shit that's cold." Jack exclaimed,
"Sorry, try not to move will ya." She replied holding his head still "it'll take a moment to dry." She continued.
Jack sat there waiting for the foam to dry, and then felt Ginger pull it out of his ear.
"It may take a few days for us to sort something out for you, but it won't be too long." Ginger stated,
"Alright thanks Ginger, let me know when you're done yeah?" Jack replied.
"Of course, see you later Whiskey." She said,
"See ya Ginger." Jack stated. When Jack was done for the day, he went back home to you. When he got back home, he found fast you fast asleep on the couch.
Smiling to himself, he walked over to you and knelt down stroking your hair out for your face.
"Hey honey, you gonna wake up so I can see those pretty eyes?" He asked, but as he suspected no response. "Come on darlin' let's get you into bed." He stated picking you up bridal style, carrying you to your shared room. Gently setting you down with a kiss to your forehead, he got changed and climbed in bed with you.
"Jack?" You mumbled half asleep, "is that you?" You continued,
"Yeah it's me baby, I'm home now." Jack responded quietly kissing your head.
"What did ginger say about your ear?" You asked,
"I'm deaf in one ear, and they're gonna make an aid for me that counts as comms for when I go on missions." Jack stated.
"M'kay." You mumbled,
"Go back to sleep baby. I love you." Jack said.
"Love you too cowboy." You mumbled again falling back asleep.
It took a few days until Jack heard from Ginger, so that he could pick his hearing aid up.
"How does it feel?" Ginger asked,
"Not bad, I can hear which is a good thing. How does the comms thing work?" Jack replied looking at Ginger.
"We managed to get it linked to base and you'll be able to hear whats going on at the same time, while you're out in the field." She explained to Jack.
"Ok, thanks Ginger." He said with gratitude.
From that day on, Jack was able to hear better. Although you did miss sneaking up on him on his deaf side.
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thepictureofsdr · 2 years
I know when they first came about TMT were compared quite a bit with the marauders (though I didn’t join tumblr until a few months after ChoG) but I’ve been reading Harry Potter and looking on it actually:
James - James
Matthew - Sirius
Thomas - Remus
Christopher - Peter
Because: Sirius being charming & headstrong but not always in a good way (like his ongoing rivalry with Snape) screams Matthew, just like comparisons with James & James are fairly straightforward (although JH is more judgmental than arrogant? if you know what I mean?). (& Lily/Daisy??) And the loss of James in relation to how he hasn’t been himself for years plays similarly to the loss of JP so young?
But. Thomas knowing what some of his friends (& himself) do is wrong but not stopping them & being clever & kind is very Lupin behaviour. And this is nothing against Kit - none of TMT are exactly like the marauders - his obliviousness to the worse parts of the friendship, & not quite understanding everything that goes in between them reminds me a lot of Peter. (cough Kit being a Slytherin discourse)
In many ways I see the potential for all these characters to overcome flaws in the ways some of the hp characters weren’t able to: Tom standing up against his friends, Kit and his talent being recognised, Math/Alastair ending their rivalry, etc. They could be the marauders with a happy ending
(Sorry this is so long :/ it’s fine if you ignore it because it’s fairly rambly - I just wanted to say I love reading your posts!)
okay first yes absolutely, both the james kinda being the leaders in some way of the group, and sometimes being the only voice of reason. and i think we could draw a comparison to james herondale losing his youth to grace, but potter also loses his youth the war that started when they were all young (not exactly the same time period of youth but still) and i def see what you mean about the arrogance vs judgment, id say its bc potter is more the extrovert so his haughty emotions come out more exuberantly as a loud arrogance, whereas herondales quieter nature has them manifest as more subtle emotions like judgment
SIRIUS AND MATTHEW my lil tortured gay artist assholes. they 100% have that detached coping mechanism, where they both care almost too deeply about things but only let it out as a borderline annoying disattached mindset from the world that comes off as that careless aloofness ie, both of them being seen as the more prominent jokesters in the group while literally dying inside, as well as the deep set family trauma they both have. also chronic flirts.
w the recent marauders renaissance, i saw someone point out that james is actually the mum friend not remus, james is more likely to tuck you into bed while remus is more likely to pull an all nighter doing something stupid, he just seems to have his life together and that fits thomas so well 😭 they’re both the good boy that everyone assumes to be the most sensible and mature when in reality they are absolutely unhinged under the surface its quite beautiful, they somehow manage to be the most mentally stable AND unstable ones of the group, along with the shared love and exasperation for their friends, they’d get along so well
and yes 100% kit and peter being the underappreciated slightly out of it besties who don’t fully follow what the group is doing but are just happy to be there (and everyone else is equally happy to have them along for the ride) i know i started the 2021 alastair ravenclaw discourse but im not deep enough into kits characterization to make a strong case so i just tag along with headcanons of how everyone else’s ideas fit into my sacred ravenclaw!alastair and something!kit friendship 😭
tmt healing marauders trauma? absolutely beautiful i don’t fully trust cassie but all i can do is hope
(I LOVE LONG ASKS i’ve gotten my life under control so now i can answer everything properly >:) smooches and hugs to you anon mwah <3)
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mochimiyas · 4 years
he got the spirit - a miya atsumu smut.
pairings: miya atsumu x reader, mentions of suna rintarou and miya osamu
tags: dirty talk, cunnilingus, slight size kink, slight overstimulation, rough sex
a/n: sorry for being mia once again. life fucked me in the ass and today was the day i decided im gonna post some filth. please enjoy! content under the cut...
“babe, my dick game is fuckin’ immaculate,” atsumu smirked at you, “gonna make sure you know who your pussy belongs to.” 
he trailed his lips downwards from your neck to your navel, hands spreading your legs farther as he leaned down to give kitten licks to your clit; the sensation making you whimper his name. your gasps, the little mewls you let out whenever atsumu makes you feel so fucking good gets him fired up. he knows he has to be gentle with his princess but the cute moans you’re letting out is killing his restraint little by little, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can take. 
atsumu adjusted his position on the bed before diving in, lips wrapping around your clit and suckling harshly, making you moan loudly. one of your hands reached down to grip atsumu’s hair in hopes to keep you grounded, the pleasure overtaking your senses as he nibbled, suckled, and roughly played with your clit. 
“a-ah! ‘tsumu, it’s t-too much!”
you felt the coil in your lower abdomen tighten, and when atsumu sneaked a hand up to your entrance and slowly slid in two fingers to the hilt, he immediately pressed down on your sweet spot, causing the coil to snap and your orgasm hitting every single nerve in your body. 
the setter picked up the pace, pumping his fingers in and out rapidly as your legs shook from the overstimulation. you felt another orgasm build quickly, but as soon as it was about to snap, atsumu pulled his fingers out, leaving your entrance to clench around nothing as you whined from the loss. 
the hand that was still holding your other leg slid down to your puffy lips, spreading them as his other hand fumbled with his zipper, pulling it down enough for him to pull his cock out. 
“ya ready for the best fuck of your life, princess?” you looked down to see tip of his girthy cock, red and leaking pre-cum. you nervously licked your lips as atsumu lined his cock up to your entrance. his cock was thick, and that alone scared you because you didn’t know if it was going to fit or not. 
it seemed like atsumu could sense what you were thinking, because he leaned down to lay his forehead against yours, the action bringing some relief to your thoughts. you felt his hand caress your cheek lovingly, and you nuzzled into his hand which made him drop his cocky act to give you a sweet smile. 
“we don’t have ta do this if yer not ready princess,” his hand traveled from your cheek to lift up your chin to look at him properly, “i’m not gonna force you ta do anything ya don’t want.”
you gripped his wrist, “i’m sure atsumu. please fuck me.”
the blonde setter smirked, and without a word, inched his cock slowly into you, feeling your gummy walls constrict around his cock pleasantly. the grip was indescribable, and it’s the best atsumu has ever fucking felt in his life. he leaned back up to grip your ankles, lifting them to push your knees into a mating press. the position allowed him to surge even deeper inside you and holy fuck, it almost made you lose your senses again. 
you let out a small whimper as atsumu finally bottomed out, his tip barely touching your cervix. you felt so overwhelmed, so fucking full of his cock and all he barely did was put it inside you. you never knew how sex could feel so good, and now you can see why. 
atsumu slid his cock in and out as you adjusted to his size, and once you gave him the okay to fuck your brains out, the restraint inside him snap. 
the sounds of skin slapping against each other, the heavy grunts and moans falling from atsumu’s lips, the breathy, stuttering moans coming from you was the only thing you could hear as atsumu pounded into you like there was no tomorrow. it felt as if your senses went into overload, and you couldn’t think straight other than his meaty cock deliciously bruising your cervix. 
he planted a foot on the bed to bring more stability to his harsh thrusts, the motion driving his cock in a different angle than before. it allowed him to hit your sweet spot, making you almost black out in shock. 
“oh f-fuck! nah-n-not there- SHIT!” you screamed, your hands frantically pushing his hips away from you. atsumu let out a chuckle as he let one of your ankles go in favor of slapping your hands away, your feeble attempts to push him away fueling his drive to fuck you even harder.
he grinned, “don’t try to deny me, princess. just fucking take it.” his words had your legs shaking and your toes curling, feeling your walls clenching desperately around his cock. 
you could sense that your orgasm was starting to build up and before you could sneak a hand downwards to play with your clit, you felt atsumu pick up the pace, feeling his cock throbbing inside you. 
something inside your mind clicked, so you opened your eyes to see his handsome face scrunched up, as if he was about to cum. you smiled inwardly and reached up to snake your arms around his neck, whispering how good he felt inside you, how well he was fucking your wet cunt while you were rubbing his shoulders. 
the lewd words spurred atsumu to cum, painting your walls white and groaning loudly at the sensation. he didn’t notice you holding back your giggles as you gyrated your hips to prolong his orgasm. once he calmed down, he slumped forward, laying his body onto your frame without a care in the world. 
while you were catching your breath, atsumu got up and went to the restroom. shortly after, he came back with a damp towel and started cleaning you up, giving small, tender kisses to your thighs as you caressed his hair. 
after atsumu finished cleaning you up, he threw the towel in the laundry bin and then laid on the bed, throwing an arm around you as you pressed your back into his chest. you both laid there for a while, the warmth from his body slowly lulling you to sleep. as you were on the verge of knocking out, it finally clicked for atsumu; why he felt like there was something off. 
he didn’t even notice if you said you were cumming or not. 
he didn’t even make you cum. 
atsumu fucking came like the minute man he vehemently denied to osamu and suna about. the one fucking thing he said he wouldn’t be when he told those two about wanting to have sex with you. 
he cursed at himself internally, the embarrassment taking over his mind as he thinks about the never-ending roasts about ‘how big boy miya atsumu nutted like a fuckin’ virgin’ and ‘poor y/n couldn’t even get the satisfaction she wanted.’ 
the boys are never gonna let him live it down as long as he lives and you won’t either.
atsumu held your body tighter, 
‘i’ll just have to make up for it next time,’ he resolved internally.  
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt81
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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As soon as the portal closed behind them Chloe and Luka dropped their transformations. Marinette was once again piggybacking Chloe as they turned to look at Tikki and the other Kwami. She hadn't wanted to transform again because she wasn’t certain what Tikki had done and was worried the other four would disappear along with her. She couldn’t afford to have the League members find out if they were just temporary, and she had no way to ask Tikki with them all there.
“You couldn’t have given me some type of heads up or warning?” It was so strange talking to Tikki while she was in human form. It also hadn’t escaped her that all five of the Kwami were in her designs and she wasn’t sure whether she should be flattered or if Tikki had just picked the first things that had come to mind.
“I’m sorry Marinette. I’m tired of watching them treat you like that and I had to do something. I was going to discuss this with you to see if you were okay with it but I really do think you could use the extra help and they volunteered.” So not temporary then, that would require some serious thought. “As I said Plagg can destroy their bodies so if you don’t want to keep them here it’s an easy fix.”
“It’s not that.” Marinette just sighed. This was just one more complication that she really didn’t know how to deal with at this point. “They’ll need identities, papers, and I have no idea how to go about getting those. I’ll need to look for a much bigger place than I was thinking and I’m not sure I can afford that yet and be able to renovate it for wheelchair access as well. Not to mention-” She cut off as Damian shoved his phone in her face. She’d noticed him on it but assumed he was trying to calm down his family. On the screen was a huge house not too far from her current school.
“What do you think of this?” She could only blink at the screen for a moment before she grabbed the phone to get it at a better distance so she could read it properly. It wasn’t a house either, it was a freaking mansion. Twelve bedrooms, fourteen bathrooms, two kitchens for crying out loud, and that wasn’t counting the guest house, or groundskeepers house or whatever it was. It was three stories plus a basement but it did have an elevator. Then she looked at the price.
“Damian there’s no way I can afford that right now, and honestly it’s probably too big.” He was shaking his head before she’d even finished.
“You don’t need to afford it. Since I’m staying here for the foreseeable future I need a more permanent residence that lives up to the Wayne name and can house whatever family members happen to show up. If it happens that when I end up leaving Paris you like it and can afford it you can buy it from my father, but until then since you’re such a ‘good influence’ on me he thinks us staying in the same residence will be beneficial to the both of us. And don’t worry about documentation for your new friends, Alfred is already preparing everything.”
She could only stare at him. He’d said everything in such a matter of fact tone, as though her answer were a foregone conclusion. She wanted to be annoyed with him but she knew it was his way of showing support and caring. She looked back at the phone and really looked at the pictures. The front entrance didn’t have steps and there were at least two bedrooms on the first floor. Even with the elevator she’d rather not have to be dependent on it in case of repairs or power outages. It could work.
“Fine, but I’m paying for any renovations that need to be made for me. And I’m paying rent since there will be five of us living there and I have a feeling Chloe will be there more often than not.” Damian just raised an eyebrow at her.
“I can tell my father that but he won’t listen. This won’t be a drain on our resources at all and he’ll want you to save for your future. I will try to talk to him though.” That sounded about right. When you have money to just throw at a problem you don’t necessarily consider how other people will see it. Damian was tapping away on his phone again and frowning in annoyance.
“He says if it will make you feel better about it you can be the family designer and instead of rent comp the materials. Sadly enough that probably will work out about right given how many of us there are.” She blinked at that. Sure, the materials wouldn’t be cheap but the exposure she’d get from the Waynes wearing her designs exclusively would far outweigh the cost. Damian was now scowling at his phone. “He also wants to see if you’d be willing to work with our R&D department to make materials for protection that can be put into all sorts of clothing. We actually commissioned you for suits with Kevlar once and he was very impressed with both the utility and design.”
“I remember those. It was a fun challenge if a rather odd request. Granted I didn’t think it was too strange given the amount of people in the public eye that get attacked.” But could she really just let Bruce Wayne pay for her housing like this? Wouldn’t people talk? It could hurt his reputation to be housing a teenager. At best they would think he was keeping his son happy by keeping his girlfriend close, at worst… she didn’t even want to think about it.
“He also wants to circulate a story that you were attacked after you revealed yourself as the designer behind Functional Fashion and that’s how you were paralyzed. Between that and having you actually work with Wayne Enterprises it would make sense that we would be concerned about your safety enough to house you in a secure location.” But would it?
“What if my parents technically lived there as well? Maybe even in the guest house or whatever. They wouldn’t be there much because of the bakery but I think it would help with the public image if they were part of it as well.” She didn’t realize until she said it that it meant she was agreeing to this plan. Given the satisfied look on Damian’s face he realized it too.
“And we can have the Kwami make appearances as your staff. Digg would obviously be a bodyguard. Primm looks more like a customer service type or receptionist, and Jett perhaps something with design or tailoring? They don’t have to actually do anything but if the press thinks they’re living at the house because that’s your base of operations it would help. Lyccen…” He seemed at a loss for the Kwami of Anarchy. Granted they could change her look if they had to but she had a feeling Tikki had chosen their attire for a reason.
“Personal assistant. The way people view the disabled everyone will assume my having someone with me all the time to help with things is completely normal.” As much as she hated to say it, it was true. If she could afford to pay someone to help her with normal day to day tasks that were ‘harder’ in a wheelchair no one would question it. Especially since she’d only just lost the use of her legs. As much as she wanted to be independent she could see the use of having a ruse in place to make it seem like she wasn’t. “But how do you plan to get around the fact that there was no police report? Or hospital stay for that matter?” It was a problem she’d been trying to figure out herself. How was she just supposed to show back up paralyzed when she had absolutely no explanation or proof for what happened.
“My father invited you to Gotham to talk about this collaboration and you were attacked there. We are very private and prefer to deal with things in house so it won’t be hard for him to convince the Commissioner to make a report after the fact. We can falsify medical and travel records easily enough.” It was amazing how much morally gray area there was when all you’re doing is trying to save the world.
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dracosearlgreytea · 4 years
indelicate marks (13)
indelicate marks: chapter thirteen - the window ledge 
A/N: hello everyone! sorry its been so long since my last update.. but finally here is chapter thirteen!! thank you again for the support and i hope you enjoy. there should be around another seven chapters left. all my love - ivy 
warnings: language, descriptions of kissing, nothing really nsfw, angst if you squint
lovely tags: @h-annahayy @okaydraco @fanficflaneuse @thatoneasrastan @biinspiration @honeymelon22 @bitch-im-a-fangirl @erinisbadger
indelicate marks index 
You couldn't breathe. Not that you cared, with the way Draco's lips fit so well against yours. They remained for only a moment, dragging so carefully across yours that your heart stopped, dead. And then you'd fallen back, hand pulling away from his skin and hovering in the air as you stared at him. A confusing mix of lingering delight and terror swirled in the pit of your stomach, breath catching in the back of your throat. Oh shit. Did I actually just do that? Did I just kiss Draco bloody Malfoy? You were waiting for him to jump up and leave, body flashing cold. Yet, Draco hadn't moved. He'd had to lean in a little with the force of your grasp. and he'd now frozen in place. Despite the glaze of shock, however, his eyes were stormy and dark, fixed on you, unwavering. Finally, you allowed the smallest breath of air to escape you. "I shouldn't have done that." You whispered, shaky. Draco's lips twitched, so slight, yet your gaze followed the movement exactly. "No." The single word prompted a more enforced, agonising stab at your chest. Though, a fire still managed to spark within your gut, with the way his voice had dropped an octave lower. It was dark, captivating, even within your own dismay. Draco was capable of making you feel everything at once, and it was addictive. Yet, as you prepared yourself for him to finally leave - he gave another, low mutter. "No, you fucking shouldn't have." And then his hand snapped to your jaw, and dragged you back towards him. With no hesitation, you met him halfway, hand dropping back into place at the back of his neck. Every single thought and every slight movement became dedicated to Draco. The way his lips moved, hungry and passionate, yet so careful, the edge of peppermint on his breath. He shifted with ease from where he once positioned himself on the edge of the window sill so his body shadowed yours. Spare hand set on the wall beside your head to prop himself up, his fingers brushed over your hip. His touch ignited your skin delightfully, teeth dragging across yours in the slightest. It was very clear that Draco had done this before - and it was most likely obvious your hadn't. Every tiny movement earned him small, involuntary gasps, and each time Draco would deepen the kiss as it left you. Your arms wrapped around him, desperate to drag him closer. Yet, as your neck strained back a little more to meet him, a jolt of pain shot through the back of your head. A yelp came before you could pull away, and you winced as he shot back to stare at you with wide eyes. "Shit - what's wrong?" Tone panicked, but still breathy, Draco set his hands on each shoulder. "Are you okay?" "Yeah - no - Draco, I'm fine." His eyes were frantic as it searched you for any form of injury, and you cupped his face to tilt it back to you. Lips flickering into a gentle smile, you met his gaze. "I'm alright. Just a little pain in my head, that's all." Heart rate picking up at the sight of his swollen lips, they straightened, a flash of guilt shooting over his features. "Sorry, I shouldn't have been so-" "I said I am fine, Draco." You interrupted him, an amused glint twinkling in your eye. "Well, excuse me for caring about your well-being." Draco grunted, hands pulling back from your shoulders. He readjusted himself on the ledge, crossing his arms across his chest - withdrawing. Before you could come to worry, however, he shot you a glance, brimming with a good humour. Scanning his features, you allowed yourself to smile, a full feeling settling in your chest. There was a small silence, then.   Your eyes didn't shift from him once, and eventually, you spoke. "Are we..." You hesitated, even as you began, instinctively fiddling with your sleeve. Head shooting up, Draco's brown tightened at your sudden change of atmosphere. "Are we going to talk about that?" His features stilled. Anxiety filtered back to you, a pang of nausea hitting your stomach as he did. "No." Draco finally said, tone firm. Something in his eyes was dark, but not in the greedy manner it had been earlier, and you tried to ignore the regret that crept up on you. "I think we should." You tried, voice soft, glad you could keep any indication of your concern hidden. Still, the corners of his mouth only pulled into a subtle frown, his entire attitude unsettled. Because he wasn't acting angry, or cold. He wasn't withdrawing into himself, like he tended to do whenever you dared bring up feelings. Yet, he was still acting on edge, as though he was nervous. Conflicted. "Not now." Draco shook his head to emphasise his point. He was searching your expression with an unexpected earnest. "You need to rest more, and I don't want to have to argue with you tonight. It's been eventful enough already." It was your turn to scowl. Nails squeezing into the palms of your hands to release the tension, you avoided his eyes. "Why are we going to argue?" "I said, not now." Set, Draco only fixed you with a glare - but it softened a little at your pained expression. He let out a sigh, hand creeping to yours to uncurl it as he did so. Something in that mix of stubbornness and softness overcame you. With a slight shake of the head, you murmured a reply. "Fine." Mouth quirking up, almost in a thankful manner, you captured his expression before it fell. His fingers withdrew from yours, and your chest shifted desperately at the loss of contact. "Come on." Draco sighed, again. "Let me walk you back to the dorms." The room had gone mostly dark. It was definitely past curfew, most likely late into the night at this point. Although, you had no idea how long you had passed out for in the first place. Worry shifted back into your chest, shooting Draco a glimpse. "I-" Another hesitation. Draco arched an eyebrow up with his usual dead expression. "Could we stay here? For the night?" Draco stilled again. Jolting back into panic, for another time too many that night, you began to fall into a rant. "I just mean, after everything I don't want to be on my own and it's - it would be nice to have someone to be with-" "If we're staying here, at least give me a bit more room so I can actually sit down properly." He spoke, ignoring your rushed explanation. You gaped at him for a moment, mind going blank. Until, he shifted his eyebrow up again, watching you expectantly. "Oh-" You tried to bite back the heat in your cheeks at your delay. Shuffling yourself further into the corner, Draco was quick to place himself next to you, swinging his legs onto the ledge with an exhale of relief.   You were close, again. Very close. Usually, Draco would sit at the other end of the ledge, like he had been before. And whilst you'd been close a number of times now, lingering tension caused you to freeze up. It must have been obvious, though, as Draco turned his head to throw you a disbelieving glare. He spoke with a scoff. "Merlin, you're getting shy now?" "You're the one that made it bloody awkward, you arse." Shooting back a reply, you refused to look at him, but still sent a glare in his direction as you folded your arms. You could almost feel the roll of his eyes, but then he had slung his arm around you. Tugging you into the crook of your elbow, you fell into him. Heart jumping, you managed to push the tension anyway and soon relaxed into him. Draco rested his chin on your head, as always. Melting into him was easier than breathing. It was surprising how you'd become so comfortable wrapped in his arms. "Draco?" You mumbled, after a moment, voice muffled by his shirt. He replied with a simple hum, chest rumbling under your head. Thumb sweeping over your shoulder, a small shiver ran down your spine, and you allowed your eyes to sink shut. "Thank you." His breathing paused - prompting your heart to follow suit. The gap between your words and his reply stretched out so long that you expected him to say something unexpected. But, then, he pulled you in the tiniest bit tighter, and you felt the faint brush of his lips over the crown of your head. Your entire body squeezed with adoration. It was the only reply you needed. Body heavy, fatigue hit you very abruptly, and you let silence consume you. Silence, all except the dull throb of his beating heart. You'd stay there, folded into his chest, forever, if he asked.
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