#edit: fixed the text colors lmao
squuote · 1 year
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haha okay! *makes his design more complicated
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six-sticks · 2 years
qin shen shen’s version of 那片海/听海 makes me insane
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leonenjoyer69 · 7 days
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Goopy and non goopy version bc idk which I like more, BUT!!!! THEY GUY!!! HARRY!! HE GOT CONTROL :3 also the "I am me" is a Chonny Jash reference (from the soul eclectic, bc as I've mentioned I draw a good few things from Soul for him)
Ngl I kinda,,, don't really like coloring, especially shading, least favorite part of the art process, but I kinda ate this up, especially once I started throwing in the gradients 🗣️🗣️ still took me forever tho lmao, I hate color theory.
(Also, tysm @lesbianturrets for hyping me up about the pose, you're so cool, ily 🫵🫵🫵)
Anyways!! Other version below the cut, along with a bit of lore drop
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So yeah, he gains control while barricaded in his office, after Jekyll mixes the wrong salts into a single vial he was able to find. Harry freaks tf out upon gaining control, though he doesn't have much time to as Lanyon breaks into the office and such. Of course the first thing Lanyon questions is the HUGE mess and the fact that Jekyll looks different, to which Harry says it was from a potion falling on him, which is quite believable in this situation. They talk and Harry eventually leaves the office to go fix everything, giving Frankenstein a sort of "I'll explain later" look. Well, he does seem to successfully fix everything, albeit a bit suspiciously, but he does it!
Anyways, I need to lore dump more on him on an actual text post later, bc I've got a lot of things I've cooked up while talking with @dustmint >:3 that'll come later tho bc I've gotta figure out how I wanna format/write all that
(Edit, very sick of my tumblr screwing up the composition of my posts 😍😍 why do you keep getting rid of my cuts and scattering my images I'm gonna lose it)
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angelbymadonna · 21 hours
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sorry about the handwriting, I was practicing cursive ;P check the transcript below if it's too messy to read.
I just couldn't get the idea of Niko calling an important meeting at a diner (for some reason) over something silly like this ever since I saw her reaction to "not for nothing but it is doable" LMAO also, idk if it's clear from the comic, but they're in a diner and that's why Niko said she will buy lunch bc she offered earlier when she called the meeting. It was haunting me and I literally had to draw it, but of course now that I have, im not laughing anymore.
I might still polish it up to make the diner thing obvious and to fix Monty's hair color lmao, will post. edit: posted! link here
because of the difficult font, I separated the transcript from the description, I hope that's okay, but just ask and I will totally write a new description!
[Description: pen drawing on paper, a comic of characters Crystal Palace, Niko Sasaki, and Monty from Dead Boy Detectives having a discussion. each time a character speaks, they are facing straight and drawn from just below the shoulders and upwards. dialogue in following transcript. : end description]
Niko: thank you both for being here, this research is of the utmost importance to my creative writing.
Monty: I bet! I'm new to texting, but your message sounded pretty urgent!
Crystal: do you still need our help with your "creative writing" if I tell you neither of us has actually had sex with a ghost before?
Niko: unfortunately, no. I'll still buy lunch, though.
Monty: wgat
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sollucets · 7 months
talkin about the space girls set. it was. hard, i spent a long time on it
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so, nearly all of these were pretty intense color manipulation. i used keyframes for a lot of them, including this^ one, to keep the color consistent; namtan's chin moves around a lot in this shot so i had to shift the layer mask around to keep the green purple
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this one is also keyframes, to keep ongsa's hat colored purple; and now you can see the glitch that i couldn't get rid of that i ended up covering with the text LMAO
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this one was difficult to recolor without that flickering effect that you can sort of see over on the left; like with ongsasun before them i did fix some of the ongoing problems by just covering problem parts of the gif with other stuff. a lot of the weird effects are hidden behind the cutin sun/moon/star gifs or behind text or whatever else. it's a living
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the galaxy effect is a gif i made from a free overlay video. it *is* moving, and i adjusted it so it went the same fps as my gifs because otherwise it looks very odd. i think this is the best in-gif use of it: it looks so cool on the truck. this gif too has funky lil color glitches i couldn't fix and hid with other elements, lmao
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the final version so i can talk about it: this gif uses keyframes as well, since part of the background is red and recoloring it was a pain :')
the text in this first gif is warped like that using paths; i made a circle shape around the sun, changed it to a path, then put the text around the path like that. id never done it before and it confused the shit out of me OTL
the fonts in this set are, as seen in 23.5 & pluto, "blue ocean", and as seen in uranus 2324, "doky". the small sans serif font that's in all the gifs is called "moon"; it's one of my favorites and i've used it before (notably in the akk hollow moon edit), and it's also thematically appropriate
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inkforhumanhands · 6 months
What do you use to make your comic edits? I really like them!! And is there like a process you follow? Like do you storyboard the rough idea first? Sorry if you've answered this somewhere before
Ohhhh man this is going to have to go under a cut due to pictures. Luckily whenever I make an edit I tend to DM my friend process pics while screaming about how horrible they look and how I can't figure out how to fix them. 💀 So some of the record exists!
I use a mix of three different programs. To be honest even though it's free, Photopea.com is my go-to for most functions, especially since they have a large pool of fonts to choose from which means I don't have to go into the font mines and download 500 different ones just to see what's going to look best. I also use Paint Shop Pro, which is the program I learned how to make edits (icons, back in the day) on when I was like 14. I have a newer version now since I finally had to retire the 15-year-old one on my broken laptop, and I still don't really know my way around it that well. It's not the most user-friendly software, but it is a lot better than Photopea at resizing images to make them larger. I also use Clip Studio Paint whenever I need to draw anything for an edit.
When I need resources, I often use dafont.com for fonts. I have a bunch of texture packs from various places on the internet, but my go-to nowadays for new stuff is pexels.com where you can get stuff with a royalty-free license. I also occasionally use my own photos for textures (took a bunch of wall photos in Italy- my dad thought I'd lost my mind). I don't use brushes all that often but there are other free resource spots.
As for process, I usually start with comic panels that I like visually and cut out the characters, then figure out what I want to do with them. For Kill Krew, I knew I wanted to use a bunch of the tiny Foggies, but I didn't know that I wanted to make it a story per se until I finished the first section of the edit where Foggy's holding a bunch of papers and I decided to make it kind of like he was authoring his own memoir. Then I just followed the events in the comic. For my volume 5 edits I did have more of an idea for the story I wanted to tell from the start and looked for comic panels that would fit it. (By the way: never forgiving the volume 5 editors for allowing so many different artists. It pained me to have to use a couple different artists in one edit.)
Anyway though kind of like when I'm writing fic, I just start with pretty much a blank canvas, plop the characters on, and hope they arrange themselves into something that looks cool. This is a very early draft of one of them next to a slightly more advanced draft:
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A lot of the work honestly goes into choosing the background and marrying it to other elements such as the text and the cutouts. I use a lot of rectangles for this, as you can see in this Kill Krew one next to a near-final draft below. This is also the phase where elements get resized, whether for story-telling reasons or design reasons.
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I also fool around a lot with layers and coloring. An unexpected layering choice can totally make or break an edit. See the original comic coloring (left) versus my coloring change (right):
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Or this original panel (left) versus a combination of a picture of a starry sky and a coloring layer (right):
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Font is also hugely important to me. I try to find ones that fit thematically AND also look great on the image. Like bad coloring or a bad background, an ugly font can also kill an edit. Choose wisely lmao.
Another thing to watch out for in an edit that's multiple images is to make sure they all look nice together and like they're part of one set. I find this probably the hardest, since different source images (comic panels in this case) often have different coloring requirements, but you want the colors to mesh well between different images. It's tough! And if you make extremely long edits like I do occasionally it's hard to even see what they look like together. Sometimes when I'm looking at them stacked in Photopea it looks like a tiny, tiny photostrip and I have to figure out what's working and what isn't. It's tough out there!
Anyway I think that's all I got! Hope that gave you some insight lol I'm glad I had these process pics because I usually just kind of go into a fugue state while making them and come out covered in blood!
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pixiemage · 1 year
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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dinnerbug · 2 months
Thought I'd leave my ao3 skin thingy here because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find one with a yellow background (other than one that was wayyy too bright for my liking) and I realised recently yellow backgrounds make it easier for me to read so I tried my hand at making my own with absolutely zero experience or idea of how to do so. It's a bit scuffed, you can't really see whatever you'd call the bit that's says the number of chapters, kudos, words and so on but only while you're on a fic. When you're scrolling through looking for fics you can see them just fine and that was good enough for me lol. It's mostly just a messily recoloured version of a skin I found on a random reddit post (if I remember who's I'll probably come back and edit the link to the post onto this) but I tried my best and it kinda worked lmao
I have the colour pallets I used saved on my phone I think? So if anyone actually sees this and wants to fix the scuffed colours I'll happily send them (I'm also quite certain the dodgy colour bits are the ones more towards the end since I kinda just filled the parts I couldn't figure out what they changed with dark brown)
Enough of my rambling now so here it is, my quite banana looking yellow background ao3 skin:
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0 notes
vivivifier · 3 years
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💚💚💚 i love vandagyres 💚💚💚
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
ramble time, go
ok, so i've been thinking abt putting some more symbolism and foreshadowing into my au, but i didn't really know how to do that
until i remembered there was supposedly a show that aired around 1983 in fnaf 4, so i made plot for it :]
(i'm just gonna put this under a "keep reading bc this fucker's gonna be l o n g)
just tl;dr: fredbear goes missing, freddy and friends + spring bonnie go out to look for him, find the funtimes, get kidnapped, villain gets revealed, spring bonnie escapes, comes back with new friends and beats main villain's ass
so, the show first started when an indie animation studio asked william and henry to make a kids show based off of their characters, and they gave the go ahead. the show was called "fazbear and friends", and here's kinda the general stuff:
your main character is spring bonnie, who is looking for their lost boyfriend best friend, fredbear. he had been kidnapped not too long ago along with some other people in their village by an unknown villain. they go to the fazbear crew-- freddy, bonnie, chica, and foxy -- for help. they accept bc fredbear is their friend too and they wanna help ppl
so they start heading out, and whenever they think they're a step closer to fredbear, they meet one of the funtimes. the first one they encounter is ballora, a ballerina mother who is looking for her daughter. they next meet funtime foxy and funtime freddy, who are star-crossed lovers who were banished from their village. they then meet circus baby, who at first was hostile towards the group but then saw ballora and calmed down.
now, all of these characters have special abilities:
freddy: an enchanting, really good singing voice. it's able to scare away enemies because they hate positivity (this is a kids' show may i remind you lmao) bonnie: really good at playing guitar. he often accompanies freddy's singing. chica: amazing drummer and also accompanies freddy and bonnie. when she's not doing that, she's making pizza for everyone. she also has a magic rainbow as a pet, but no one knows where it came from foxy: really good storyteller and a cool pirate man with good skills with his sword. he needs work on sailing a ship though fredbear: the ability to communicate with people from far away as well as spirits spring bonnie: the ability to disguise as anyone they want, but they have to do the voice impressions themself (which they're pretty good at) circus baby: can turn her arms into claws to fight people. she can also make ice cream from her stomach ballora: she can dance fight. and she's very flexible and can walk around like a spider funtime freddy: really good magician and can actually use magic to make things appear and reappear. also can make anyone laugh by telling a joke (stand up comedian shit) funtime foxy: very jazzy dance man and can dodge most attacks with ease
they all become somewhat good friends and get along!
anyways, so they all finally stumble upon what seems to be an abandoned palace. they find fredbear inside what seems to be a throne room. fredbear and spring bonnie rekindle, but then all of a sudden, their magic is taken away. fredbear's magic seems to be different as he was able to cuff everyone's hands with a weird magic and he introduces someone he's been working for this entire time: the pink peril.
so pink peril explains that he was the one kidnapping people because he wanted to take all the magic in the world and take it over for himself because evil reasons. and he found out that you can take someone's magic away when they are at their most vulnerable (for example, spring bonnie is most vulnerable around fredbear). he then explains that he had kidnapped fredbear but promised him a small fraction of pink peril's power if he joined him. so fredbear did just that. plus, he wanted to ensure that pink peril didn't hurt spring bonnie or any of the others.
spring bonnie and the rest of the gang are of course hurt, and spring bonnie declares their romantic relationship friendship over. before everyone is locked away so they can get their powers taken away, pink peril notices chica's pet magic rainbow and says something about it being connected to someone called the white rabbit. so he tries taking it away from the gang, but spring bonnie manages to escape the magic binding their arms, takes the rainbow, and escapes. everyone else is cheering them on, and they promise that they'll come back to rescue everyone.
[end of season 1]
now, this is representative of william's first travel through fnaf world, but it's a little different. so william burns in the ffps fire and wakes up in fnaf world. he meets fredbear and is told that if he wants his punishment suspended for a bit, he's gonna have to go and gather all the other souls he burned with. and fredbear also sends the missing children with him so he doesn't try anything funny. so they find kathryn, mike schmidt, fritz smith, charlie, and elizabeth while on their travels. they also meet up with carol and chris bc they were sent by fredbear to help. the group then meets up with fredbear again but they then get transported to a weird dimension where they meet someone who calls himself "king mikah" (who is really king michael but michael decided to be an identity thief for 2.2 seconds). so "king mikah" explains that he had taken over fnaf world to indulge in experiments with remnant and also to give william a "proper punishment", so they all fight, the group succeeds, and "king mikah" escapes and goes into hiding. william then goes and finds that "king mikah" had been building a place for himself, and as he was being chased bc he broke into the place, he found a room full of portals to different dimensions. he jumped into one and was never seen again. unfortunately though, that portal led to the vr game fazbear ent was developing, which starts the rest of act 3
SO now onto season 2 of fazbear and friends! so spring bonnie had escaped pink peril's clutches and comes upon a forest of glowing trees. here, he follows a mysterious figure to someone called the white rabbit. the white rabbit explains that she has been trapped in this realm for years because of an unknown force stripping her of her magic and sealing her there. she then recognizes chica's magic rainbow, and they merge to form the white princess, who is just the white rabbit but her powers have been restored. she gives thanks to spring bonnie by telling them she will help them with whatever they want. so they then explain the stuff with pink peril, and white princess is really sad bc they used to know each other in a positive way :'( but they were also granted some magic to help fight.
as they go on their way to pink peril's palace, they meet up with a refugee from the palace, the marvelous marionette, who gives them shelter to hide from pink peril and plan out their attack. sadly though, they are eventually found by pink peril, and white princess is kidnapped. behind the scenes though, pink peril had brainwashed her into becoming pink peril's own magic rainbow, and now that he has her on his side, he can take over the world.
spring bonnie finds themself in the glowing forest again, but this time they meet the white king, who is white princess's father. spring bonnie notices there's a seal placed on him so he can't escape, but spring bonnie, using the magic white princess had bestowed them, frees the king and they face pink peril once and for all.
they first free the fazbear gang and the funtimes. then, they face the evil magic rainbow. as they face pink peril one-on-one, they use the power of friendship to defeat him, and peace is finally restored to the land. fredbear tries rekindling his and spring bonnie's relationship, but they reject him and he gets put in jail.
[end of season 2/show]
now this one is a bit more complicated to explain. so william and vannie fight and they die together in a fire vannie had caused. they wake up together and face "king mikah" immediately. they are taken to his palace where he explains what he's gonna do to them. vannie then exposes him as michael and not mikah, and he gets mad. william and vannie escape together before anything happens.
as they're running from king michael as far as they can, they meet up with spring bonnie, who helps them on their journey to stop king michael. they explain that they're not working with king michael because they and fredbear had a really bad falling out. spring bonnie didn't want to work with a cruel king who took the land by force, but fredbear ensured they'd have great power. william knew that was familiar, but couldn't put is tongue on it >:/o
then, they meet up with charlie, and she offers them shelter to plan out how to defeat king michael. she and cassidy also had a falling out of their own, but charlie still loved her with all her heart and wanted to save her. but then vannie gets kidnapped and brainwashed into becoming chica's/michael's magic rainbow.
william them stumbles upon the lord scott, who was the old ruler of the land before michael had taken over. he agrees to help william if william can accept his fate of punishment. william accepts and then they go face michael.
they fight for a bit and as michael is about to serve the final blow, vannie comes up behind him and stabs him in the chest, leaving him fatally injured. scott becomes ruler of fnaf world again, everyone's happy, and michael and william get sent to their respective levels to be punished.
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aenslem · 4 years
some people need to learn how to work with psd colorings instead of just adding it on the gif after downloading psd  :|
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frogtowns · 6 years
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i decided to upload the really simple road designs i made for liten.
sidewalk is this one
EDIT: the crossings had a mistake in them, please rescan the “road crossing 2″ and “road crossing” designs (bottom right) if you’re using them, thanks!
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jinxhallows · 3 years
Method Writing (Lucifer x Fem!Reader Explicit One Shot)
HAHAHAHA I wrote this on a whim after exchanging some DM’s with the incomparable @scarlettriot​ (if you haven't checked out her Red Riot shit its incredible!) so shout out to you for the idea queen LOL. Dis just a lil snackie yall aint nothing too crazy LOL as far as I’m concerned in my head this is as subby as im gon get from daddy LUC lmao
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ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ (ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
ᴄᴡ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴅᴏᴍ, ʜᴜᴍɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱQᴜɪɴᴛ ʟᴏʟ, ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴀʟ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
ʟᴇɴɢᴛʜ: ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛ
ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ: ✩⋆  🎀  𝟤.𝟣k  🎀  ⋆✩
You sigh in frustration as you lean back in your computer chair, staring hard at the few lines of text you had written.
“Hit another wall?” Lucifer asks, peering over his glasses from across the room where he sat, reading a tattered old book.
“Yes.” You frown, adjusting the display settings on the screen.  Maybe if you made the page black and the text a soft peach color, it would help shock your vision enough to reset your creative juices into flowing again.
Lucifer sets his book into his lap and takes off his glasses.  “What’s causing it this time?”
“I just…” You’re frowned up at the screen, trying to click around and make unnecessary adjustments.  “I’m not used to this kind of sexual dynamic.  When I write, its sounding too...fifty shades of grey-ish.” You settle on a brown page with an orange text instead.
But now you’re bothered by the font style.
As if anyone reading the manuscript would give a shit! You were supposed to use 12 point Times New Roman on the final copy anyway!  Damn it.  You were beginning to overthink and it was affecting the entire writing process that you used to enjoy.
“Isn’t that book wildly popular amongst human suburban wives? I’d perhaps argue it should sound like that if you intend for people to have an interest in purchasing it.”
You drag your hands down your face, pausing over your mouth, carefully trying to choose your next wording.  
“I’m not just doing this for money.  I’m trying to become a better writer, love.” You add the term of endearment at the end of your sentence, trying to sound less annoyed than you actually were.
“You are a marvelous writer, Y/N.  Your thought pattern is girded at the moment, no doubt; but that doesn’t negate the quality of your penmanship.” Lucifer stands up, gently placing his book on the small table next to him as he crosses the room to hover over your shoulder, looking at your screen.
“What a dreadful eyesore, why have you edited the screen like this?” His arm crosses over you to stabilize himself as he leans in front of you, clicking around on the screen to return it to normal.
“Because I was trying to inspire myself, Luc, wait—” You reach underneath him and place your hand over his on the mouse.  He glances down over his shoulder at you.  “Maybe you could help me?”
“That’s why I’m fixing the screen.”
“No, you have to let me write it Lucifer.” You use a stern tone, “You could write this entire book in minutes, I want to be able to do it myself.  I need you to help me in a different way…”
He stands up and raises a brow, “This is an erotic novel.  Do you want me to fuck you?”
You’re briefly taken aback when he drops out of his tightly constructed pattern of speech to say a brazen phrase like ‘Do you want me to fuck you’.
“How do I explain this…I need you to be…submissive for me.”  Your eyes darken, “Allow me to dominate you.  Just a little bit, so I can get a feel for it.”
“My sweetheart, I would love to help you, but submission is not a part of my framework.” He chuckles, “I would have no idea where to start.”
“Exactly.  You wouldn’t start, I would.” You lean back in the chair, folding your arms across your chest as you challenge him.  “I have no idea how to be dominant but if we try together, maybe we can figure it out.  At the very least, it’ll give me a break from all this.” You tilt your head at the screen.
Lucifer runs his thumb over his lower lip, considering your proposition.  “Let’s say I agree to this arrangement, for tonight only...” his eyes meet yours, “You never breathe a word of this to anyone.”
You bite back your shit-eating grin.  “I promise.”
“I’m very serious my love…” He’s towering over you, placing both his hands on the arms of your chair, leaning you back as his scarlet eyes burn through you. HIs lips ghost your cheek and rest right next to your ear and you nearly shiver as he whispers,
“If I hear that anyone knows about this, I will devour you.” he pulls back to look you in your eyes once more.
“Am I understood?”
Wide-eyed, you give a slow nod.  His gaze flits over your face for a moment before he’s satisfied and stands back up.  
“Alright then,” he starts to pull his shirt over his head,  “What would you like for me to do for you?”
You watch him, your thoughts racing and your adrenaline causing you to get a little too excited about this experiment.  Suddenly, this powerful man was going to be at your mercy.  Well, Lucifer wasn’t someone who would go down willingly of course.  All the better, you had to work for it.
Talk about method writing.
You arch your foot, dragging your painted toes up his leg until you were over his groin.  You never take your eyes off of his as you press the sole of your foot slowly into him, taking the time to feel the outline of his cock through his silk pajama pants.
“First thing I need you to do is get on your knees.” You push in a little harder, feeling the slow firmness in his building erection.  “I’m not going to be looking up at my pet.”
His stare remains intense as he slowly drops down onto one knee, followed by the other.  “Like this?” He asks, now at eye level with you.
“Much better.” You praise and reach out to push a few stray wavy black locks behind his ear, “Good boy.” You study his expression and although he remains stolid, his fair skin betrays him as the redness rises in his cheeks.  He claims he doesn’t know what to do, but he listened well; and he was enjoying it to some small degree.  You stand up and push the chair away, beginning to circle around him, contemplating what you were going to do.
Damn it, he was so much better at this than you were.  He seemed to take command of you quickly and confidently, and here you were, overthinking again.
Still, it was turning you on to see him on his knees like this, waiting for your next move.  You suddenly have a strange idea, so you stop directly in front of him and he looks up at you from the ground.
“Release your horns for me.”
Lucifer silently obeys, two curled black rigid horns merging and curling from atop his scalp.  His hooded gaze makes you intoxicated with power and arousal.  It’s like he’s still the one in control, and is only allowing you the brief fantasy of believing you’re the one in charge.
This kind of irritates you, as you want him to fully submit to you.  You curl your fingers around his right horn and give it a tug, “Come.” You command.  He’s down on his hands and knees, crawling across the hard wooden floor as you guide him with your tight grip over to the bar cart.  You let go of him and he’s now staring at the floor.
Maybe he’s beginning to learn some humility.
His obedience is making you want to just sit on his cock already, but you want to truly focus on the feeling of being dominant more than just the act of intercourse.  You two knew how to fuck, that much was very clear; but you didn’t understand how this dynamic worked.  So you extended the slow burn just how you liked.
You sit upon his back, knowing the limits of his strength.  Of course, he doesn’t waver, and you grab a glass and pour yourself up some of his aged scotch.  You take a sip of it before spattering it back out.
“This is disgusting.” You look down at him and dump the remaining expensive scotch over his head without a thought.  
At first you gasp.
You went too far.
That was mean.
But he shakes his head to clear the liquid from his hair; reminding you of some kind of....goat-dog hybrid, what with his horns exposed and everything.  You notice his hands curling into fists on the ground but he doesn’t look up.  It makes you smile.  Good thing he can’t see that.
“What a good boy you’re being for me Lucifer.  Do you want me to reward you for your behavior?” You run your hands over his head several times, peeling back the wet, soaked locks from sticking to his brow and temple.
He exhales through his nostrils.  “Yes.” He mutters.  You can tell he wants to say so much more.
“Aht aht.” You give a tight yank of his horn, “Yes, what?”
He swallows, “Yes...M...” he’s struggling to say it.  You yank again, harder, forcing his head back at a painfully unnatural angle.
“You better not make this fucking difficult Lucifer, I can get real fucking nasty with you and you’re pissing me off.”
“Yes Mistress.” He finally mumbles, nearly inaudibly.
You stand up and walk in front of him, kneeling down and grasping his chin with your hand as you force him to look you in the face.  “I don’t think you understand what it means to be submissive, Lucifer.  You are not in control right now, I am. So all this useless pride can go in the garbage. I am your Mistress and you will address me as such or I’m going to fuck—you—up–” You squeeze his face tightly, digging your nails into his skin as your teeth clench together; before you finally let go.
You shake your hand from the pain of squeezing.  The deep, reddened nail marks you’ve imprinted into his skin begin to slowly fade as he watches you with an angry glower but doesn’t dare to object.
“Massage my hand you fucking worthless demon.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
You place your hand out and he sits up onto his knees again, taking your hand in his own and running his fingers over your skin, kneading into the muscle.  It feels so good, you almost forget the intention you had behind him doing it for you.
“That’s enough.” You snatch you hand away, “Good boy.” You look him up and down before your tone eases by a hair.  “I don’t want to have to be mean and nasty to you Lucifer, but please understand that your ego will be checked accordingly.  Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Mistress. Crystal.” He replies tersely.
“I’m not a fan of that tone; but we can work on it...” You begin to undo your robe, the satin fabric falling around your body as you sit in his reading chair, your leg hanging over the arm.  His eyes scan over your naked body hungrily.
“You should allow me to clean you up.”  The lust building in his loins was getting overwhelmingly frenetic; but if there was one thing that Lucifer was going to do, it was maintain his composure.  He cleared his throat before asking again, more appropriately,
“Mistress, may I please clean you up?”
Your eyes lit up, “My sweet handsome pet, of course you may.”  You watch as he crawls over to you and obediently makes quick work of the wet arousal you’ve leaked over your thighs from the start.  Your flavor dances over his tongue as he swipes your inner thigh, over your folds, and slowly spreads them apart his lips closing over your pulsing bundle of nerves.  He’s sucking and licking and you are coming undone with how good it feels.
“Oh god that feels so good–” Your head falls back against the chair as the breathy words tumble from your lips.  He stops so abruptly, your head darts up again to look down at his beautiful face between your legs.
“Ah, there’s my pretty Mistress.  I just wanted to see your face.” He kisses your mound, “I love watching it twist up, when I make you feel this good.” His warm tongue flattens over your slit before slipping in between and caressing your clit. You struggle to keep your eyes on him, feeling your chest huffing with your quickened, irregular breathing pattern.  He drops you off the edge of a splintering orgasm that makes your back arch out of the chair, hand tangling in the hair between his horns, your grip tight as you ride out your release with a few bucks of your hips.  You come down with a pleasant sigh, relaxing into the chair.
“I think I have enough now…for the scene at least...” You giggle softly.
Lucifer stands up, and you are at eye level with the prominent stiffness in the front of his pants.  He then leans down to you with a malevolent smile.  
“Oh but we’ve only just begun.” He places his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up.  “This was a fun little game; but now you’ve made me so hard, it hurts. You wasted a very expensive glass of scotch being such a little brat.” He uses his thumb to pull down your lip, pressing the tip into your bottom teeth, hard.  You stare up at him, hooked onto his every word.
“I’m going to have to punish you for that.”  His voice becomes impossibly quieter, almost a demonic whisper, “You’ll have to forgive me, Mistress, but I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk tomorrow.”
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Lacking Love
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Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Slight Angst/Fluff
Words: 1.7k
A/N: Hey, this is my first anime based fic! I hope ya’ll like it~ (They’ll get less shitty as I continue lmao)
Warnings: None!
"I'm sorry again, Y/N. I didn't mean to be late to our date."
You're sitting across from your boyfriend in a nearby cafe. He noticed how unnaturally quiet you've been for the past hour, his concern growing with every passing moment.
"I had gotten caught up-"
"It's okay, Sho. I already know how you've been feeling."
Todoroki tilts his head, confused at the statement. "I don't quite understand-"
"I know you don't love me." You cut him off. "At least, not like I love you."
Todoroki's eyebrows furrow, a taken aback look on his face. "W-What? You don't think I love you?"
You let out a soft giggle. "I know you don't. And it's okay. Not everyone falls in love with their partner right away."
His mouth drops open slightly in shock. "Y/N, b-but I do…" He trails off.
You shake your head. "You're quite often late to dates. You never call me any pet names. You rarely kiss me. I haven't even heard an 'I love you' leave your mouth first. How often do we cuddle or hold hands?" You speak in a quiet voice. "Shoto, do you even know what today is?"
Your last question catches him off guard. Shit, today is a special day? Why couldn't he remember?! Taking his silence as his answer, you smile sadly. "It's okay, Sho. It wasn't anything special."
Suddenly, your phone rings. Todoroki looks down, noticing Mirio's picture pops up, signaling an incoming text. He furrows his brows in confusion, wondering why the Big 3 member was messaging you. You read the text and put your phone away. Todoroki is surprised when you suddenly stand up.
"Hey baby, I gotta go. But I'll see you later tonight, yeah?"
Todoroki opens his mouth to speak but closes it and chooses to nod instead. You give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I love you. I'll see you later."
"I-I love you…" you were out the door of the cafe before he could finish his sentence. "...too." Todoroki sighs and stands up to leave.
On his way back to the dorms, Todoroki's head is spinning. Your words and your disappointed expression flashes in his mind. He never knew this was how you were feeling and now all he could do is worry.
"Hey, Todoroki. How'd it go?" Midoriya greets him as he walks through the door. Todoroki mumbles something before walking into the kitchen. Midoriya follows closely. "Are you okay?"
Opening the fridge, he continues to ignore Midoriya, choosing to mindlessly stare into the fridge. Midoriya tilts his head at the boy. "So I take it something happened?"
"Y/N said something…" Todoroki trails off, still in shock at what happened in the cafe. Midoriya gestures at him to keep talking. He sighs. "She said I don't love her-"
"Move the hell outta the way, half-n-half. You're letting the cold air out." Bakugo shoves the boy out of the way before rummaging through the fridge for his drink.
Midoriya stares wide eyed at Bakugo's rudeness before turning back to the duo quirked boy. He shakes his head, confused. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"
Todoroki shifts his eyes to a certain explosion boy who finally found his drink, now just leaning against the counter listening with a curious scowl. Todoroki rolls his eyes but turns his attention back to Midoriya.
"I'm not sure. She just started saying how I never show affection or say 'I love you' first." Todoroki runs a hand through his bi-colored hair. "I've never really been in a relationship before but Kaminari had mentioned how girls like guys who play hard to get-"
Bakugo chokes on his drink, nearly dying from a coughing fit. He bursts into laugher. "You're taking relationship advice from dunce face?! Dude wouldn't even know what to do in a relationship if it bit him in the ass."
Todoroki's face turns bright red and holds out his hand, freezing Bakugo's drink. Bakugo stops laughing and glares at him. "HEY, WHAT THE HELL, ICY HOT? WANNA DIE?!"
Todoroki huffs, clearly embarrassed. "Shut up. I just have no idea what I'm doing, clearly."
Midoriya sweat drops, holding up his hands and trying to calm his two friends down. "Alright, let's all just calm down. This is easily fixable. You just have to do the opposite of what Kaminari suggests, right? Easy enough. Did at least the gift you got her help kind of ease her worry?"
Todoroki's furrow his brows. "Gift? Why would I give her a gift?"
Midoriya's jaw drops. Before he can say anything, Bakugo speaks up. "Isn't it like, her birthday or some shit today?"
Upon hearing those words, Todoroki freezes. "N-no, that can't be…" He fumbles with his phone to check the calendar. "Her birthday isn't until-" His eyes widen and his face pales. "-today." He slams his head against the kitchen wall. "Fuck!" He slides down against the wall onto the floor, his hands over his face. "No wonder she doesn't think I fucking love her. I'm such an awful boyfriend."
Bakugo was able to unfreeze his drink. "Yeah you are." He takes a sip before heading out the door. "Better hurry the fuck up and fix it before she dumps your emotionally challanged ass."
"Kacchan! What the hell!" Midoriya throws his hands up at the explosive boy. Bakugo flips him off before heading back to his room. Midoriya sighs and turns to Todoroki once more. "She's not going to dump you."
Shoto leans his head back against the wall and side eyes his friend. "Why wouldn't she? I sure would."
Midoriya shakes his head. "Y/N isn't like that. She's an understanding person."
"Mirio texted her earlier. She's probably with him right now. Probably treating her to a birthday dinner or something." He clenches his fists, frost building up from his right hand.
"Okay, you need to calm down before you freeze the entire dorm." Midoriya sweat drops. "You can fix this, I have a plan. I promise, everything will be alright."
"Thanks for the ice cream, guys! I really appreciate it!" You smile at the Big three members.
"Of course, Y/N! It's your birthday, after all." Nejire giggles.
The corners of your mouth twitch, suddenly remembering how your boyfriend forgot what today was. Tamaki furrows his brows, noticing your sudden change of mood. "A-are you okay, Y/N?"
You shake your head to rid yourself of those thoughts and smile at the shy boy. "Yeah, I'm okay. No need to worry about me!" Suddenly, you feel your phone go off in your pocket.
♡Shoto♡: Please come to the dorms when you're done, love.
You smile slightly at the text from your boyfriend and quickly send a reply.
You: I'll be there soon. ❤
"Um, sorry to run out on you guys. I have to meet back at Heights Alliance."
"Oh, we're headed that direction anyway! Why don't we accompany you?" Mirio speaks up with a smile.
You giggle at his always sunny attitude and smile back. "Sure, that would be great."
Todoroki paces back and forth in the dorm common room. Anxiety overwhelms him, the only thing running through his mind is you breaking up with him. He knows he royally screwed up, but you love him too much to leave him. You'll forgive him… right?
He looks over at the dining table, set up with your favorite take-out and a beautiful birthday cake that Sato helped him make. Your gift lay wrapped behind him, wanting to surprise you with it. He really hoped this would help make up for his stupidity.
His head whips up after hearing the door to the building click open. You poke your head around the door giving your boyfriend a smile before closing it behind you. Todoroki rubs his hands on his pants, his anxiety causing him to sweat. 
You walk up to him and give him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, Sho." Your eyes wander behind him to see the table set up. "What's all this?"
Todoroki takes your hands into his shaking ones, avoiding your eyes. "I-I know I've been a horrible boyfriend from the start. I haven't shown you how much I appreciate you. How much you mean to me." He squeezes his hands over yours, his eyes now fleeting to meet yours. "How much I love you."
You tilt your head. "Baby, you're not a horrible boyfriend."
"Yes, Y/N. I am. I've kept myself so distant from you, I've neglected you. Fuck, I forgot your fuckin birthday was today!" His eyes turn hard, his tone angry. But not at you, at himself.
"Sho, it's not a big deal-"
"YES IT IS! WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT'S NOT?!" He raises the tone of his voice, making you flinch slightly. He notices and immediately regrets it. He brings his tone down to his natural softness. "I've been so busy training and thinking about becoming a Hero, I neglected to remember an important event. Even fuckin Bakugo remembered."
"Pfft!" You cover your mouth with your hand before bursting out laughing. Todoroki's face turns confused at your reaction. You wave your hand. "I'm sorry, just the fact that Bakugo remembered for some reason is hilarious to me."
Todoroki sighs and smiles softly at your beautiful laugh. He runs a hand through your hair, caressing your cheek. "God, I love you more than anything, baby. I really truly do." His smile drops, anxiety once again taking over. "Please, don't leave me." He practically whispers, his other hand squeezing yours again.
"No no no." You grab his cheeks with your hands and kiss his nose. "I absolutely was not even remotely considering it. I promise."
Suddenly Todoroki pulls your body against his, making you squeak. He tilts his head slightly before meeting his lips to yours. You melt into the soft kiss, feeling nothing but love being poured into it.
"Oh, I have something for you." He speaks after pulling away. He picks up the nicely wrapped package from behind him and hands it to you. "Please, open it."
Carefully tearing the paper off, you gasp. "Oh my god, Shoto! This is the limited edition Mirko figure! I thought these were sold out weeks ago?!"
Your boyfriend smirks. "I was able to snag one before they sold out. I'm assuming you like it?"
You squeal and throw your arms around the hot and cold boy, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you so much, Sho! I absolutely love it."
Todoroki buries his face into your neck, holding you tightly as if he's still afraid of losing you. He smiles into your neck and murmurs.
"Happy Birthday, Baby."
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shai-manahan · 3 years
Hey Shai! Genuine question, how do you make some of the words in your description colored differently? Is it an HTML thing? (I am on Tumblr mobile 99.9% of the time so i'm kinda clueless here.)
I'm gonna be honest. I have no idea what I've been doing when I first edited them all lmao. But considering that I've forgotten all my knowledge of html before creating an account here, I've only used that in embedding the description links (pls don't perceive, I will fix that shit when I have the time).
Not sure if the mobile app has it, but if I remember correctly, you can edit the color palettes of the texts if you go to "change themes" in the web version (under the edit appearance section) and toy around with the options. But yeah, it's been months, and I'm literally a tumblr noob so take all that with a grain of salt.
If someone has a better answer, pls do mention it cjhsgsbs
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kindlespice · 3 years
Tumblr media
late ass replies but this time i have so much stuff to reply to that i actually need to split things up into categories :))))
also i apologize if any of this is no longer relevant / i am of absolutely no help :)))
otherwise, if you’ve asked a reshade related question...uh... sometime between christmas and now LMAO then it’s probably here!
nonny :
Hello Mikayla, I hope you're having a lovely year so far. I just wanted to ask this about the dove preshade (1st question here) kindlespice/tumblr/com/post/632163463099269120/ft-reshade-questions-a-theme-question-nonny i'm having the same problem, i have a new computer and after installing the game and it's last 3 updates and then the reshade it's not looking the same and it sucks bc i know how it's supposed to look (1)
the shadows are not as noticeable, the transparency between the walls is not there and the blur is gone (i have miiko´s ghibli's cloud override but i had that on my old computer and the reshade still looked normal) idk if it's the game or the reshade but it sucks bc i love how the original looks like anyways it would be really helpfull if you could answer. Take care and stay safe :))!!! (2/2)
hi hi! thanks for the kind message and i hope your year is going well! if I had to take a guess, I would say that maybe some of your settings in-game have changed? I would double check and make sure you’ve got edge smoothing off, and you could try turning off post-processing as well (im not ACTUALLY sure if turning off post processing does anything but it’s worth a shot!) otherwise i would try removing the preset and redownloading it? maybe the settings of the preset got jacked up and you can fix it by re-installing. let me know if this helps! if not, then you can always dm me so i can see pics of your situation!
Hi! Sorry if this is worded odd but I just downloaded your Leif reshade and have completed all the steps, however there is still this blur over the screen which isn't the best for game play. If you could help explain how to toggle it for gameplay/cas that would be great :)
hi hi! the blur is the DoF (depth-of-field). it’s used for taking screenshots and is supposed to make the background all blurry. to disable it, you can use the hotkey shift-2 or open the reshade menu and manually untick the DoF option!
Hi, i just installed the latest version of the dove preset and my game is dark. It is the MXAO that is doing it but i don't have the preprocessor definitions box. How do i fix it?
hello! im assuming you have a 4.0 version of reshade if you can’t find the box. in this version, it’s a blue tab called “Edit Global Preprocessor Definitions” beneath all the toggleable effects. if you have an earlier version, it should be under the “settings” tab at the top though.
Hello!! Thank you so much for your work! I have a really quick question - so I am trying to work with the reshade and got it all set but when I play around with it, my objects don’t look “rounded”. If that makes sense. Other people who use it, their objects look rounded and smooth and just different (I have an image for reference) but mine just looks like the normal objects just different colors. Is there something I’m missing or doing something wrong? I have all the settings correct. :)
hi hi! hmm, im not really sure what that could be... probably something to do with mxao bc it’s always something to do with mxao lol. I would double check to make sure you have this line in your preprocessor definitions: RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED = 0 this line should equal 0 for the mxao to work properly. that might give you the “rounded” look. if this doesn’t fix it for you then you should go ahead and dm me so i can see what the game looks like!
Hey, I tried your Dove preset but my game just can't handle it, it's pretty old and I just have to uninstall the reshade (even though I really loved the effect) but I'm scared to do anything in the Game folder or delete anything. Could you please help me with what to remove? I'm scared to break my game if I delete something that souldn't be deleted :( I tried searching for this in your WCIF and reshade questions and couldn't find an answear. Please help
hello! sorry to hear that your game can’t handle the preset :( here’s to hoping you can get an upgrade in the future! anyhow, to uninstall; i believe you only need to remove 
ReShade - config settings (it’ll have a little paper w/ gear next to it)
d3d9.dll - application extension  (it’ll have a little paper w/ gears ON it)
d3d9 - text document (little paper w/ lines icon)
reshade-shaders - folder
your reshade presets - config settings (if you remove the files above first though, you won’t be able to use/see these in-game)
that should uninstall reshade from your game! and don’t worry, if you accidentally remove something you didn’t want to, you can “verify your game files” through origin and that should restore any missing files. unless you.. *ahem*... acquired your game through other means... in which case be careful XD
Omg I don't know if you are active or not but I'm having some problems. So I downloaded the 3.0.8 and it was going smoothly but I loaded the game it said that magic bloom had issues.
i don’t know if im active either. probably not tbh XD but im here now so here ya go! i would recommend deleting the shaders you’re having problems with and then putting back the 3.0.8 shaders you downloaded. it’s really easy for things to break / be incompatible during the install so your best bet is always to delete the ones giving you trouble and put the new ones in.
hi! I’ve been jealously stalking your page for a while, because I’m in love with the dove preset, but I’m very confused about how to download it. My computer keeps marking it as a virus, so i was kinda scared to download it. and when i finally did, it didn’t show up in my game. could you walk me through how to download it?(i have a pc laptop)
Thank you so much,
hi hi! lol im flattered for the jealousy stalk! anyway im not sure why it wouldn’t be showing up in game? unless you were so excited that you forgot to install reshade with it? i have a video here explaining how to install a recent version of reshade and set up dove with it so you can check that out here !
Hello, I've been trying to fix the dove reshade for a long time, but the new version just doesn't support it, and the old version spoils the game and sometimes it won't even start ... Would you consider trying to make the same preset version for the latest reshade version? I'll be very grateful because your preset is the most beautiful I have ever seen?! 😘😂Don't know if you still play of work on your game but like I said if you have time to try make new one couse everyone was looking for it!!! 😉😘😘😘
hi hi! i totally understand not using the earlier versions--these later ones are soo much more user friendly!--but i’ve been able to get the preset to work with later versions (4.7.0 is the latest i’ve tried though) and it looks, if not the same, then very close to the original. I have a video here explaining how i did it if you’re really eager to have it
in the future i guess i could try to re-release the preset? i can’t give you an eta bc im lazy and i fall off the face of the earth regularly, but i do think it would help to have updated instructions right on the face of the download. 
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