#sorry that i cropped the reaction out (not on purpose) but she was shook that the mari-ya~ was complied with such ease
michyeosseo · 7 months
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It's an honor for me. Actually, I have too much time that today, I've been wondering what I will do. This worked out well.
Yoon Hae Young and Lee Kan Hee as NOEL & HAN MA-RI THIRD MARRIAGE (2023) 1.07
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nightingaelic · 3 years
could you do Fallout New Vegas companion’s reactions to a Courier Six who is also the Lone Wanderer telling their stories from their time in DC? (bonus points for Arcade’s reaction to them hating the enclave, and if that would make him decide to keep his past hidden even longer, or if he would still tell them?)
The logistics and implications of this make my head spin. This is also super long, honestly I should just quit writing reacts and start writing fics OH WAIT
Getting the courier talking was a tough thing to do, but on nights where the moon was full and the coyotes' howls were miles away or at least behind some stout walls, on nights where they were a few beers in and they hadn't seen another living soul in a few days, that Mojave Express deliverer started to reminisce. That wasn't really the surprising part, though. No, the surprising part was what they would remember, fondly or not-so-fondly: A world apart from the desert, a continent away on another coast, and stories of life in a vault, a missing father, pure water and a Brotherhood divided.
Arcade Gannon: Arcade didn't mind these moods, at least when they first cropped up. He nodded along as the courier talked about living in their father's shadow, about feeling cornered by their own family's legacy. He hung on their words about living in the cradle of America's history, about Project Purity, all of the gritty details of modifying a GECK to bring water to a devastated wasteland.
Eventually though, the courier's memories soured, with the arrival of Enclave remnants in their life. Arcade folded into himself with every harsh word, every jolt of plasma that had disrupted his friend's world relived in horrific detail. They gestured angrily as they described their newfound purpose, their battle for power with the fractured Brotherhood of Steel at their back, and their smug satisfaction at the moments they were able to crack open Raven Rock and the Enclave's mobile base crawler and lay waste to their tormentors.
It took a few rounds of these stories before the courier noticed he shrank and grew quiet whenever they neared the end of their story about breaking into another vault to find the GECK. They stopped abruptly one night. "What's up with you?"
"Um..." Arcade scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "Nothing. Nothing, I just... have some personal experience with the Enclave, myself."
The courier sighed. "Yeah, there's a few people walking around the West Coast that have similar stories to mine. Arroyo's full of them, for one. Is it something like that?"
Arcade took a deep breath. "I feel... well, it's a lot closer to home, for me. Close enough to raise questions, so I don't talk about it much."
"Close enough to..." The courier twisted their face up in confusion for a moment, before realization set in and their eyes grew large. "You were... your... oh."
"Well, fuck me." The courier smiled and popped a cap off of another beer. "I've been doing all the talking, haven't I? Let's hear your story about working with the guys in power armor who ruined my life, right after dad did."
Craig Boone: Whenever the courier started up like this, Boone couldn't help but notice a familiar twinge of regret and self-doubt in their voice. It shone through most clearly when they spoke about their time with the Brotherhood of Steel, the men and women they'd fought alongside and lost during their struggle against the remnants of the Enclave. It was there, too, in their story about returning to the vault they grew up in, setting the chaos that had arisen in their wake to rest, but not being able to go back to the way things were.
Boone didn't pry. He knew that feeling well. Instead, he cracked open bottles of beer, liquor, soda, whatever they had on hand during their nights in the desert, and just listened. He'd done the same for Carla, when they were younger and new to each other and he couldn't get enough of her voice and how it flowed endlessly, easily, the way his never could. He absorbed it all now as he did then: The joy, the pain, the loss, the fear, the triumphs and falls and abandoned dreams that filled the courier up and drove them to travel west, beyond anything they had ever known.
That last part stumped Boone a bit, though. "Why didn't you stay?" he finally asked one night.
They looked surprised. "Stay? Stay where? I didn't have a home anymore."
Boone shook his head. "With the Brotherhood. Or some other settlement."
"Like Megaton?" The courier sighed. "I thought about it. Close to the vault, friendly people, easy work... I guess I just didn't want to wind up... stuck."
They flushed red and looked away from him. Boone knew why they were embarrassed, but he also knew the truth in their words.
Sometimes the courier cried after they had finished, though they did their best to hide it. Boone pretended not to notice. He was pretty sure they knew he was pretending, but he was also pretty sure that pointing it out would be worse than just letting it be an open secret between them. The silence between them endured, but something grew inside it and flourished. Some kind of deeper understanding.
Lily Bowen: The more the courier spoke, the more Lily made connections in her muddled mind. Of course they knew the basic layout of most vaults, they had grown up in one. Of course they were extra-sensitive to the Mojave heat, they had come to the desert from the cooler of the two coasts. Of course they'd been extra-wary around the super mutants or nightkin of Jacobstown, they had only known angry super mutants looking to grow their own numbers through any means necessary.
Their shared experience of growing up inside a vault reminded Lily of happier days, and she often asked questions about Vault 101 during the courier's stories. "Were you sweet on anyone inside your old home?" she asked, with a big smile befitting a proud grandma.
The courier blushed. "That's not very polite, Lily."
"Oh, I'm sorry, dearie."
"No, no it's okay." The courier smiled. "There was a boy who picked on me a lot, but I never figured out whether he did it because he hated me or liked me. His name was Butch. And there was Amata, my childhood friend. She was the daughter of the Overseer."
"Daughter of the Overseer?" Lily grinned. "I'm sure she was a lovely young woman."
The courier looked a little misty. "Yeah. She was. Probably still is."
Lily pulled a handkerchief that used to be a small tablecloth from inside her overalls and handed it over. "Maybe we can go back there together, pumpkin," she offered. "I always wanted to travel to the capital. We can visit your friends, see the sights."
"Yeah, maybe someday." The courier accepted the gift and blew their nose. "I've got some things I need to finish up here before I even think about wandering back east, though."
"Then let's make a list and do our chores," Lily said happily. "Number one?"
"Ohhhh, man." The courier smiled up at her. "I wouldn't even know where to start."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul got a faint smile on his face whenever the courier started up like this, as if their memories reminded him of another place he had come from, another time. While they couldn't have more different backgrounds, pasts- hell, he had several hundred years on the courier, even if they shared the same road today- there was something in the description of the other roads they had walked that made him feel warm on a cold night.
"What's on your mind?" The courier asked him one night, when Raul's smile grew larger than usual.
"Nada, boss," he reassured them. "You're just a good reminder that I can change my mind about the future anytime I'd like. Tell me the one about that radio DJ again."
"Again?" The courier rolled their eyes. "Why? I could tell you a million stories about Underworld and all the ghouls that lived there, but all you want to hear about is Three Dog. You'd probably have more in common with the Underworld folks, honestly."
Raul nodded noncommittally. "Sí, but my favorite stories are about people who had to rise above bad situations and become someone uncommon. Anyone who's able to do that is either fighting for something great or running from something terrible. Sometimes both."
The courier shot him a skeptical look. "Three Dog's holed up in his radio station 24/7, he's not running from anything or out fighting for anything. All that stuff about 'the good fight' is a load of bull."
"Now, now, Six," Raul chastised. "Just because he looks like your average pendejo doesn't mean he isn't doing his part. You even told me his radio show is inspirational for the Capital Wasteland folks."
The courier held their hands up in the air and bobbled them, as if balancing an invisible scale. "The duality of man. Being an average pendejo, or convincing everyone around you that you aren't actually an average pendejo and can pull off miracles."
Raul laughed. "And which one are you, boss?"
"Eh, I'm still figuring it out."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Cass was never one for fixating on her own past, but she couldn't help but sympathize with the courier whenever they deigned to add onto their unbelievable story. It was hard enough for her to navigate her own damn life: She couldn't imagine being called upon to steer an entire area's destiny.
After another night of recalling their life inside a vault with their dad, then their unexpected loss of him right after being reunited on the surface, the courier stopped suddenly. "I'm sorry," they said.
Cass paused her swig of precious whiskey. "What?"
"I keep going on and on about my dad, and here you are not knowing what happened to yours."
"Eh." Cass took her drink and waved her hand around until the burning swallow made its way down. "S'loads of people in the wasteland without a clue what happened to their pops. I'm not special. In fact, I'd say it probably hurts a bit more, what happened with yours."
"Well, all the same." The courier sank deeper into their seat and examined their own bottle of spirits. "I feel like an open book, tonight. Anything you want to know about where I came from that I haven't already spilled?"
Cass thought for a moment. "Tribals."
"What about them?"
"Does the East Coast have them? You're not the first traveler I've met from there, but none of you have so much as mentioned any tribals out east."
"Mmm." The courier looked thoughtful. "I guess we do have them, though maybe not in the traditional sense. There's a mess of them in Point Lookout for sure, and at least one tribal group in the Capital Wasteland outright, but beyond that things are more... loose. Fewer intact families, fewer intact homes."
"Huh." Cass took another drink. "Maybe that's where my dad went."
She let the courier stew in the awkward silence for a bit before she grinned and reached out to smack them. "Just kidding. Keep going. I want to hear about that giant robot again."
Veronica Santangelo: Veronica usually sat and listened, spellbound, picturing a chapter of her order that had realized the very thing she kept trying to tell the Elders and made the ultimate sacrifice to follow their hearts anyway.
Well, maybe Elder Owyn Lyons hadn't come to the same realization as her, but he had had a change of heart that split his company and cut them off from almost everyone they had ever known. It had been five years since the High Elders had instituted radio silence toward their East Coast chapter, and so far there had been no attempts to re-establish contact.
Veronica prodded the courier for any info she could get about the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel. The courier let slip pretty early in their friendship that Elder Owyn Lyons had passed away, which wasn't unexpected. The man was 76 years old, after all. She learned on one particularly emotional night that his daughter, Elder Sarah Lyons, was also dead, something she wasn't sure even the Western Elders were aware of. That memory was clearly painful for the courier though, so Veronica didn't press for details.
"And the Enclave?" the Scribe asked one night, arms wrapped around her knees. "Are they completely gone?"
The courier grew cold. "Yes. I made sure of it."
"Right." Veronica nodded. "So the Brotherhood took over the air force base they were at. It must have been chock-full of tech and resources, if it was the Enclave's last stand."
"It was." The courier sighed and shifted in their seat. "And it woke up some of our brothers and sisters to their original mission in the Capital Wasteland. I thought maybe that selfishness had died with Liberty Prime, but... well, I didn't like it, so I left."
"Mmm, yeah." Veronica nodded again, sympathetically this time. "I know how you feel. Felt."
"Feel," the courier agreed. "I just wish there was more I could've done. Maybe there wasn't anything else, short of seizing power."
"You'd definitely get pushback for that in the Brotherhood," Veronica agreed. "But you might get that chance out here in the broader Mojave."
ED-E: At first, ED-E enjoyed the stories, trumpeting and cooing various beeps at the appropriate moments for emphasis. The one time the courier began badmouthing the Enclave, however, the eyebot waited until they had finished before playing back the first tape that Dr. Whitley had recorded before its trip.
The courier listened to the scientist's words from years ago, deflating slightly as it played out. When the tape had finished, they stood up and checked the eyebot over. "He sent you toward Navarro, huh?"
ED-E beeped affirmation, and the courier sighed. "But Navarro was already gone. I'm sorry. I guess I'm... well, me and the Brotherhood of Steel back east are responsible for your previous master's decision to send you away. Might be responsible for more, too."
ED-E beeped sadly. The courier pressed their forehead against the eyebot's metal dome in apology.
Rex: Well, surprising for most. Rex was not most. As soon as the courier got really into their recollections, Rex usually yawned and went to sleep. He stirred when he felt their hand reach down to scratch the ruff of his neck, or pat the glass dome that held his brain.
"Good dog," the courier said, through the veil of sleep. "You remind me of another pup that used to follow me around."
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Hello there! Would you please consider writing a fic where maybe Leo or a fan wears a dress or paints his nails or something else feminine and gets bullied online so the entire team then starts wearing dresses out in retaliation? I think Leo is the perfect example of flipping the V to normative gender ideals
Hi! Thank you for this ask. I hope you don't mind, but I kind of took this as inspiration and ran with it. I used Finn just because it fits my own personal headcanons that he would be the one that would be a bit more adventurous fashion wise, although I definitely agree Leo is the nail painter in that relationship! I hope you like it!
Apologies for the excessive use of italics in this fic!
CW: food mentions, some swearing, implied Instagram bullying and a child with very mild illness (hay fever).
Rating: T
Let me know if you think I missed anything or need to change the rating.
All characters in this fic are from Sweater Weather universe and belong to @lumosinlove
“Are you going to take that dress off?” June asked, blowing on the undercoat she’d just applied to her nails. Finn’s eyes dropped from the TV screen to the black fabric draping over his body. He brushed his fingers over the material, enjoying the texture of the sheer polka dots that decorated the dress. From afar, they were difficult to see, but at this distance they shined. His own little secret.
“No,” Finn replied, the word slipping from his mouth felt foreign, as if he hadn’t chosen to say it. “ Is that okay?”
“It’s generally considered polite to ask before you borrow people’s clothing, but sure, why not?” A loud cheer erupted from the TV notifying Finn the score on the basketball game he had been watching had changed. He desperately wanted to check it, but he continued to hold June’s gaze. “The Knicks,” June offered and Finn breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you going to wear it out later?” She didn’t wait for his reply, proffering two bottles of polish for Finn’s perusal, a redcurrant and a mauve.
“The red,” Finn decided after a beat. “No, I think I’ll get changed before we go to the theatre.”
“Alright then,” June hummed, glancing at her cell. “Logan is trying to call you, by the way.”
“Yes, my cell, I know exactly where that is,” Finn muttered to himself, stabbing at the remote to pause the TV. It took a few minutes of searching, the device hidden between the folds of the bean bag he was lounging on, but eventually Logan’s face was filling all 6.1 inches of the screen. “Lo!”
Finn loved the greeting on Logan’s tongue, one of those that he never seemed to be able to stop his accent dripping through. Finn thought perhaps the sentiment was painted on his face, Logan peering at him curiously through the lens. “Isn’t that June’s dress?”
The dress. Finn had forgotten all about it. “Yes.”
He hadn’t meant for the reply to be said with such abruptness, but it felt good, all the tension coiling in his chest being released in the word.
Logan’s expression was challenging, similar to that June had given him earlier. “I was just going to say you look better in it.”
June unfurled her legs from beneath her, throwing herself into view of the screen, her left hand held awkwardly in front of her. “I’m right here, Tremblay!”
“Love, you need to get out of the kitchen. You’re being very distracting.”
Finn frowned at Leo’s statement. “I’m not doing anything?” And for once, he wasn’t. He wasn’t trying to guess the weight of irrelevant objects. He wasn’t playing with the stray bits of dough Leo had left aside for decoration. He wasn’t even relaying facts about his current favourite interest. Finn was just watching.
Sometimes he liked to do that. He liked seeing Leo’s long fingers curled around the handle of the knife, his movements fluid and confident, his expression soft with quiet concentration. Occasionally, he’d cock his head, humming contemplatively and Finn could take the opportunity to offer his taste buds.
“It’s not a you problem, it’s a me problem,” Leo chuckled, setting the knife down on the chopping board. “I keep looking up and you’re just -” Finn followed Leo’s gaze as it wandered down to the exposed skin between Finn’s t-shirt and his skirt. “- I’m trying to meal prep and it’s going to take all week at this rate.”
The t-shirt had belonged to Logan, an old Harvard hockey throwback that had managed to make it through several wardrobe purges, so, whilst it was wide enough for Finn, the length was awkward. He hadn’t really considered his boyfriend’s reactions as he’d cut the item to fall several inches above his belly button, the crop looking far more purposeful than it previously had.
“Oh this old thing, I just threw it on,” Finn smirked, as he pushed off the counter he'd been leaning on. He rounded the island, stealing a carrot as he passed, until he planted himself in front of Leo. "Do you want help? It'd be quicker?"
"Now we both know neither of those things are true." Leo raised a critical eyebrow, his laughter smooth and sweet. He turned to face Finn more fully, his hand reaching to pass the forest green material of Finn's skirt through his fingers. "I like this colour on you."
"It has pockets! I totally get why Lily's always shouting about them. They're very convenient." Finn shoved his hands in the well-concealed pocket, pulling his cell from its depths. "See."
"Nice," Leo said, his smile making the edges of his face crinkle. "How about you let me finish up here and then we can find Lo and get his opinion on this outfit?"
"Fine," Finn groaned, resisting the temptation to draw Leo in a hug, and perhaps something more. "I'm gonna go and look over that report the accountant sent over. Do you want me to check yours over too?"
"Please," Leo nodded, his smile growing wider. "You're the best."
"You feed me, I make sure you don't get arrested, that's what relationships are all about, right?"
"Right," Leo ran his fingers over the skirt one last time and stepped back to put some space between them. Finn turned to leave, barely getting a few paces in before Leo called him. "Wait!"
"Just one kiss now would be okay."
Finn shook his head, letting Leo draw him back in with a chuckle. Leo's hands, always warm, settled on Finn's waist and he leaned down to press their lips together.
Finn winced as Aveline sneezed again, the forceful burst of air covering his sweater in droplets. He felt sorry for her; she was struggling with a bout of hay fever that was making her red-nosed and irritable, but the sweater was one of Finn’s favourites. A vintage, hand knitted blue thing he’d found in a thrift store in Cambridge for an absolute steal. Back then, it had been the scene of Bambi and his friends on it that had grasped Finn’s attention, however, he’d come to love it for its perfect fit and the fact it never failed to spark a conversation.
“Harzy, thank you. You’re a lifesaver.” Finn tried not to let his relief show too much seeing Kris’ approach, his arms outstretched to gather his daughter. “I can’t even put her down to go to the bathroom at the moment without her screaming.”
Finn chuckled, holding a wriggling Aveline tighter to stop her launching herself before her father was close enough. “Papa!” she cried, the exclamation melded neatly into a large yawn.
“Come, mon chou,” Kris soothed, letting Aveline bury her face into the crook of his neck and playing a gentle pattern with his fingers over her back. “Let’s go and see if Vroom-vroom has any magic up his sleeve, ey? He always knows what to do.”
“Vroom-vroom?” Finn whispered the question.
“Sergei,” Kris explained with a gleeful smile despite the tiredness etched into his face. He shifted Aveline into a more comfortable position. “Thanks again for holding her.”
Finn had barely been alone in the Dumais’ second living room for a minute when Katie came crashing in. He wondered briefly if he should redirect her back to the other room where everybody was gathered, the thought quickly interrupted by Katie tugging on the hem of his skirt. “Can you spin again? Please?”
Unable to resist her large doe eyes, Finn twirled for her, his skirt swirling and billowing around him until he began to go dizzy.
“Encore! Encore!”
Finn didn’t need Logan around to translate that for him, he’d seen enough Broadway shows to understand the request.
“No more, Katie Belle. I’m going to puke,” Finn laughed, lifting Katie into his arms. “You’re growing too quickly! I swear you were only this big the last time I saw you,” he teased, spreading the thumb and index finger of his free hand a few inches apart.
“I’ll be as tall as you soon!” Katie giggled, patting Finn on his head.
“Then you can carry me,” Finn teased. He was just reaching to bop Katie on the nose when the unmistakable sound of a camera shutter closing grabbed his attention.
“Logan!” Katie gasped, struggling in Finn’s arms for a second like little Aveline had done. “Put me down.”
Finn obliged, watching Katie run toward Logan with a fond smile.
“Did you fix it?” she asked, her voice hopeful.
“Ouais,” Logan nodded, “I gave it back to Maja.”
“Merci, merci, merci!” Katie wrapped her arms around Logan’s hips in a hug before running off, presumably to find Maja.
Finn crossed the room, opening his arms for Logan to walk into. He rested his chin on Logan’s head, breathing in the familiar smell of his shampoo. “What were you up to?”
“Just taking a photo of two of my favourite people,” Logan mumbled into Finn’s chest.
“Can I see?”
“Oui, it’s very cute. ” Logan stepped back, pulling the photo up onto the screen. It was a nice one, both Finn and Katie’s head tipped back slightly with bright laughter. Finn tracked down the photo, Katie’s legs clinging to his waist where the faux leather skirt started. He breathed in, filling his lungs with air and then expelling it quickly.
“Post it.”
Logan looked at him, eyes wide. “Are you sure?”
“Not really, but I’m fed up with changing my clothes all the time and I’m surprised I haven’t been papped anyway. I’d rather do this on my own terms. It’s a fucking skirt, it shouldn’t be a big deal.”
“Tell me to do it again,” Logan reached out a hand, squeezing gently as Finn took it.
“Post it.”
“Stop reading,” Leo sighed, plucking Finn’s cell from his hand.
Finn matched his sigh, burying his head into his hands. He didn’t need to look at the screen anyway, the words burned into his eyes. How anybody had looked at a photo of two people, one of whom was a child, laughing and had churned out hatred was mystifying to him. Finn had been expecting that though, he’d been around long enough to know there were some assholes out there. When he’d replied to one of the nicer ones he hadn’t really considered how he would feel about that going viral. About becoming the face of something he hadn’t really asked for.
Roaringlion17: Harzy! This fit is spectacular, I love the skirt <3 I just wanted to ask if you are trans and what pronouns you would like us to use?
OfficialFOHara: @roaringlion17 Thank you! He/him pronouns are great! I’m not trans. I just think it’s dumb that boys can’t wear skirts. Or dresses for that matter. I like clothes, not boxes.
The reply had now been featured on every gossip column possible and was beginning to filter into more esteemed news too. One of them had even called him, the face of a revolution, which had made Finn cringe. He supposed it was better than the hateful slurs his PR team were battling to keep off the photo.
“Hey,” Logan took the seat next to Finn where he’d slumped himself at the dining table. “Look at me.” Finn lifted his head, meeting Logan’s eyes, the deep green something he wanted to get lost in right now. He thought Logan was going to ask for the thousandth time if Finn wanted him to delete it, but all he got was the fierce, determined gaze Logan sported on the ice. “This is going to pass. Tomorrow, somebody will cheat on somebody and you will be old news. Do you want to see something?”
Finn nodded. He didn’t know what he was consenting to, but he trusted Logan to make it something that would make him smile. Leo dragged another of the chairs around to sit on Finn’s left hand side, setting his confiscated cell in front of him, the Instagram app open to Thomas’ profile. Logan leaned forward, tapping on the latest photo.
Thomas’ smile was wide as he sat on a window sill, kicking out the long zebra print skirt cloaking his legs. The caption underneath read ‘You’re just jealous that I wear it better than you! #boyswearskirtstoo’
“That’s -”
“Wait a second,” Logan reached for the phone again, setting it down with a picture of James’ visible. He was wearing an ochre coloured corduroy skirt that clearly belonged to Lily, the fabric straining on thighs. I’m feeling myself in this, tbh. Please hold whilst I order one in my size #boys wearskirtstoo.
Finn snorted, the sound wet with the tears he was struggling to hold back.
The hashtags kept coming.
Cap and Loops in their respective jersey’s tucked into pleated skirts. These Lions know fashion is not gendered #boyswearskirtstoo
Ollie in a shimmering gold knee length piece. Shine bright! #boyswearskirtstoo
Nado, Kuny, Smitty and Kane, arms slung around one another's shoulders, all wearing varying shades of pink. On Wednesdays, we wear pink #boyswearskirtstoo. Finn would bet good money that Kuny was behind that caption.
Dumo, Sergei and their wives, alongside their troupe of children, each one of them wearing a different coloured tutu. Dumo had opted to just include the hashtag, or rather his social media team had, because the man himself most definitely did not know how to upload the photo.
Kasey and Natalie looked effortlessly cool dressed in white tennis skirts and floral bomber jackets. I’m not sure what all the fuss is about? #boyswearskirtstoo
Alex was wearing a very similar black skirt to Finn's in his photo. Who wore it better? #boyswearskirtstoo #thatsmylittlebrother
“He’s an idiot, but I love him,” Finn laughed wetly.
“There’s more,” Logan smirked as he tapped at the screen again, almost brimming with an excited energy. He placed the cell back down, leaving his hand to block the next photo a little longer. Finn grabbed the device as soon as Logan revealed the image.
It was perfect.
Leo and Logan lounged on the sofa, a little further apart than they would normally sit. Leo clutching his favourite mug and Logan with sketchpad in hand. They both looked easy in their outfits, as if the skirts were a part of them. Leo’s was long, hitting just above his ankle, a navy lining coated in a tulle that was embellished with celestial bodies. Logan was looking at the camera, his eyes just visible under the brim of his cap. His skirt was shorter, the denim flaring over his thick thighs. In this house we respect people’s right to wear whatever the fuck they want #boyswearskirtstoo
Finn stopped trying to fight the tears, letting the moisture well in his eyes. “Thank you,” he choked out, pushing himself from his chair. Leo and Logan had their arms around him before he could ask. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” He couldn’t seem to make the words stop, his body shaking with sobs, his boyfriend’s arms remaining sure around him until Finn wiped at his face and muttered an apology. “Sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologise for.” Leo swept his thumb over Finn’s cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “What can we do? What do you need?”
Finn let out a heavy breath, leaning into Logan’s hold. “I think I want to send a thank you to the group chat and then snacks and cuddles? I can deal with the world tomorrow.”
“Okay then, snacks and cuddles. We deal with the world tomorrow.”
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Revenge is sweet but a well-timed dick joke is sweeter. xoxo gossip girl. Please supervise one Bucky Barnes on the internet. Questionable music taste. Detention is the price we pay for justice. Bruce Banner is too precious for this world, too pure.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings @vozit​ @littlegasps​ @pilloclock​ @shereadsinquiet​ @downeyreads​ @hermione-grangers-wife​ @individualistfem​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings ! 🎶🎵I love you biiitch ain't ever gonna stop loving you biiitch 🎵🎶
"Initiate phase one," I added a growly undertone to my whisper, holding my phone inconspicuously, as if I was making a simple phone call. There was no answer but I didn't expect one: I was testing the voice recorder app that I had downloaded for the sole purpose of documenting and relaying the inevitable fall of one Flash Thompson. 
Making my way through the crowd of students during the busiest time of the day, I made the most intrigued and outraged facial expression I possibly could. Spying my targets, I leaned against a nearby wall, putting a hand over my mouth in fake outrage, keeping my eyes wide and trained on the opposite wall. Just as I had predicted, the two sophomore girls started giving me side-eye by minute two of my staring and finally approached me as I contemplated the wall for whole five minutes.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The brunette asked, her blonde friend hanging a step back.
"Yeah, totally," I mumbled. "I'm, like, shook beyond imagination, but nothing, like, bad."
The girls traded a curious look, seemingly coming to some sort of conclusion. The greedy gleam in their eyes had me internally cheering. "What happened?" The blonde one asked, coming closer.
"I'm not sure if I should tell that to anyone," I stammered, watching them bodily move forward. "Well, okay, I can't keep quiet. But you must never, ever speak of it or I'll get expelled or something," I said nervously. They both nodded so rapidly it reminded me of Funko Pop figurines. "You know the senior guy, Flash? Brown hair, kinda hot?" Again, they both nodded, conspicuously grinning. "I think I just saw him in the closed girls bathroom on the third floor with, like, some brunette from Ms. Johnson's History class," They both gasped. Predictable. "But that's not the worst! They were like, y'know," I made an obscene gesture with my hand and they instantly covered their own mouths with their palms in shock. "And the chick was like 'is it in yet?' and he was like 'yah' and I just closed the door and ran, oh my god I hope they didn't hear me," I squealed at the end, playing the part of a mortified teenager.
All three of us giggled uncomfortably for a moment. The blonde girl stared at me suspiciously. "And what were you doing there?"
I faked a nervous stammer, looking around briefly and showing them my lighter for a moment. They both gasped and nodded in recognition. "Don't tell anybody or my mom is going to have kittens," I pleaded. Both of them nodded solemnly, noticing their own group of friends approach. I used the brief moment to get lost in the river of pupils and by the time they turned around to introduce me, I was already at the opposite part of the hallway.
For the time being, everything seemed peaceful. There were a few giggles and side-eyes directed towards Flash Thompson but nothing out of the ordinary. He was disliked by most of the student population even if nobody dared to admit it outright. I took care to walk around without my earbuds for the day and pulled out my phone to record the most interesting conversations around me whenever I caught the tell tale signs of a gossip mill beginning to run its course around the school.
"Oh my god, I heard about this girl that was caught fucking Flash in the girls bathroom and she literally said 'is it in yet', can you imagine the shock, jeez!"
"Some chick literally just rejected Flash because his dick was too small."
"Rebecca from AP chemistry told me someone saw Flash's micropenis. Poor guy!"
"I wonder if his girlfriend dumped him because he can't do shit, I mean, he doesn't look like the type to eat the kitty."
Those were just the highlights of the Friday afternoon. Come the weekend and the news of Flash's unfortunate condition will make the rounds through every single group chat that the school has and by the time Monday rolls around, nobody will have a clue who started the rumour in the first place. I had to carefully select the girls who were to distribute the rumour and I was happy with the outcome: Marissa and Layla with their squad of chatty, bored rich girls were the perfect choice. I thought they would jump at any opportunity to cause drama and I was right.
It was sufficient to say I was bristling with pride as I cut and compiled the audio track from today's school day before sending it to the group chat.
Clint, Peter and Natasha appeared online as soon as the message delivered and I was delighted at their response. Romanoff's kind words, specifically, made me all warm and mushy inside. I didn't resist the feeling, basked in it even as I did a happy dance around my room. Peter's nonsensical string of emojis was another point of laughter for me. 
It wasn't exactly the smartest way to go about killing Thompson's reputation... Alas, simplicity is the way to success when it comes to large crowds of teenagers. That tiny little vindictive part of me was very much looking forward to the weekend and the results of the inevitable distortion of the rumour I had started. Who knew, maybe by Monday Flash Thompson would not only have a micropenis but horns and hooves as well.
Near bedtime, I had all the avengers send me their regards and thumbs up. I answered the flurry of texts as quickly as I could but there was no point in keeping up with ten or so people constantly streaming their questions, opinions and comments. 
I settled on a single easiest response: pulling my dad's old uni sweatshirt over my tiny lacy pajamas to preserve some modesty, I settled in front of my mirror, turning on my Bluetooth speaker to play "Boss Ass Bitch". In true gen-z fashion, I put on my best resting witch face and solemnly lip-synced to the song's eponymous chorus. My eyeliner was sharp enough to cut paper and my prismatic highlighter glittered enigmatically in the cold light of my blue lava lamp.
The response was, once again, delightful and I genuinely belly-laughed at the adults' attempts to meme after Peter. His blushy face emoji started a whole nother conversation that I didn't participate in but watched from the sidelines with glee, snorting every time his friends and mentors gently teased him about the very obvious crush he harboured on me. 
Seeing Peter starting to go absolutely nuts, I interjected with an offer (more like a dare) of a lip sync battle. He jumped on the bandwagon, immediately going offline to undoubtedly film an epic video of what I thought would be dorky-dancing to some hipster song. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a pre-recorded tik tok video of him and Ned fighting with lightsabers while mouthing the words to Fergalicious that played over the Imperial March.
Weirdos. I still followed him on the app, though, it was pretty funny.
Bucky interjected with a very well executed rendition of "Bring Me to Life": he was wearing his full Winter Soldier get-up, complete with an AK-47, dramatically serenading Steve who looked seventeen shades of done with his partner's antics. Wanda's following twenty second voice message consisted of nothing but pure hysterical laughter, summing up everyone's reaction to the video. Bucky was going to go viral one of these days...
Obviously, I had good competition and nobody else seemed to want to participate so I rearranged my surroundings a little bit and stood up at my full height and swapped the old sweatshirt for a cute crop-top hoodie. My thigh-highs were on display and with my make-up, I looked like a proper internet e-girl. I leaned against the mirror as I mouthed along to the song with my best interpretation of the famous Lucifer smirk, seasoned with a tiny bit of angelic innocence: "Doctor, doctor, give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you..."
Needless to say, I won the competition. Eventually Wanda joined in, looking menacing and ominous with her dark clothes and Natasha's red hair flashing somewhere in the background; even Tony did a round (AC/DC as his soundtrack of course) with one of his Iron Man suits but nothing beat my stunt and the reaction that it caused.
I had accidentally called out Bruce with the choice of my song and his teammates gave both of us a lot of cheeky comments about it. We relented and flirted with each other a bit as the conversation flowed into more mundane discussion; I said my good nights somewhere between Tony's bitching about the hobbies of my generation and my nightly skincare routine. The little green heart that I'd become accustomed to over the past few weeks greeted me just as I was about to lock my phone.
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Bruce was really too precious for this world. My crush on him was different than the one on Tony, it mellowed out in comparison. I wanted him to hold me, to stroke my hair, to call me his darling and wrap me up in one of those dorky button-ups that he insisted on wearing in spite of Tony's unwanted, however very valid, fashion advice.
For all that's worth, the scientist probably knew or at least suspected and had the good grace to play along just enough to satisfy my deep need for attention... Without crossing any actual lines. It was frustrating, it was disappointing but I had virtually nothing to complain about. Besides, I didn't want to lose the quirky friendship that we had. Banner was, probably, the least judgemental person I knew and I wasn't about to trade that for an awkwardly stolen kiss.
Monday and Tuesday passed in a flurry of giggling and snorting every time Flash walked by. His girlfriend broke up with him, very publicly, accusing him of cheating and he didn't even deny it - just insulted her and stormed off, leaving even his friends looking lost and clueless. I started dragging Peter and his two pet nerds along with me just about everywhere I went in case Thompson decided to do something stupid again. If judging only by the looks he was throwing our little company, he was on his way to figuring out who began nibbling at his reputation.
The week was coming to an end and the rumour began dying off, slowly. That just didn't sit with me, I wanted the fucker gone. Due to the obvious time constraints, I approached MJ regarding Peter - after a brief argument, we came to an agreement regarding Peter's safety should I need to leave him alone in the hallways or at lunch. 
I needed to do this alone so if I got caught, I won't drag them down with me. Granted, I would probably get something like a suspension and the school will attempt to call my mother (she never picks up) but that's about it. That's where her reputation comes in handy-people consciously avoid dealing with her, she can be that unbearable.
But first, I needed to get a teacher that's on my side. After carefully considering the candidates, I settled on my Social Studies professor - he taught the college-level classes and was overall a very chill, nice dude. And he disliked bullies with a flaming passion. So it didn't take me long to work him into a righteous fury - just a quick chat over a cup of tea in his homeroom and a few pictures of Peter's bruised face, complete with my own pleading puppy eyes. We agreed Mr Davies would "accidentally" leave the teacher's lounge unlocked during third period and I would sneak in. The plan wasn't foolproof but if it worked, not only Flash, but also his whole misogynistic, bigoted family would go down.
As I was leaving, Mr Davies looked up at me with a bright smile: "Give them Hell, alright?" And I suddenly noticed he was, in fact, very attractive. The smile brought out the fine wrinkles around his mouth, the crow's feet around his eyes - he smiled a lot. Silver strands mixed in with the wooden brown of his hair.
I let my eyes slide over him briefly before baring my teeth in return. "I owe you one," I don't know what possessed me to say that. My mouth really had a mind of its own sometimes. The room suddenly became hot.
"Sure," He replied, totally oblivious.
On Friday, I made myself a small nest in the empty classroom opposite the teacher's lounge and sat waiting for the signal from Mr Davies - he'd tap on the door once and I'd quietly go inside the teacher's lounge, retrieve Thompson's file and make my way back to the empty classroom to grab my backpack and carry the file to my locker for further examination. 
The first part went successfully and I managed to snag Thompson's file. It was heavy and hefty, all the evidence of his rowdiness compiled into one flimsy plastic folder. There were A LOT of pink slips and I rejoiced internally: at least there was a paper trail of his exploits. The principal didn't do anything about it which was... If not against the rules then at least frowned upon; the plan was to take copies and anonymously submit them to the school board prompting at least an investigation into the blatant disregard for Flash's immoral and illegal behaviour.
On my way back I stumbled upon the principal herself which got me not only a stern talking to, but a whole detention for skipping class. Whatever, I was too elated from potentially ruining the life of a dumb fuck who ruined my friend's face.
Surprise came in the face of Mr Davies, who, having heard the commotion in the hallway, stepped out of his class and saw me being lectured by the principal. 
"I'll take her for the detention," I heard the familiar voice behind me. The principal nodded solemnly and I had no choice but to sigh in resignation. "Three thirty, be here," He nodded to me, walking back, looking way too smug for his own good. So I wasn't the only one excited about the successful completion of stage two of my nefarious plan. Cue evil laughter.
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your-1up-girl · 4 years
Working on Weapons (Cindy Aurum x Fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: I love Cindy. This is my first time writing smut. I hate it. Please enjoy :)
Word Count: 4756
Link to AO3
Ever since you and the guys first showed up at the garage and you saw her walk towards the car with a smile that seemed to taunt you and a sway in her hips that spoke a language of their own, you knew that you stood no chance against this woman’s spell.
Every so often when you had to make a visit for supplies or do a task for her, you would do your best to turn on the charm. You weren’t bad at flirting, hell one time when you were at a bar, you and Gladio made a bet to see who could get the most numbers by the end of the night. Long story short, you had him beat and had an amazing night with one of those numbers. 
The problem with flirting with Cindy was that she just seemed so used to it that it felt like nothing you did even phased her. Much to your dismay (and Gladio’s utmost entertainment) all of your subtle and not so subtle advances had no effect on her. The winks, cute nicknames that you reserved only for her, lingering touches, soft eyes and smiles that seemed to convey both innocence and hidden suggestive messages. Absolutely nothing. It was driving you crazy. It was at the point that even poor Prompto was rooting for you (“I have to live vicariously through you so you better make this happen,” It was a joke, one followed by a playful shove and a wink).
Just when you were at that point of giving up, it finally happened one afternoon. You all were returning from picking up headlights from that Gods forsaken sewer system. The whole party was exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to take a shower in the caravan. 
“Hey Cin!” You called out catching her attention from another hunter who, from the look of dejection, struck out with her. “We got it.” 
Cindy took the headlights from you but not before giving you elevator eyes, your appearance was intoxicating to her. Perfectly disheveled hair, a tank top that clung deliciously against your chest and hips, small bruises perfectly stamping your skin (some, she made note of, appeared to be about the size of her mouth), and a light sheen of sweat on your skin. If she hadn’t known why you were gone, she may have just gotten other ideas in her head about your look. Not that you noticed of course, Gladio convinced the others to take a hunt that was also in that sewer system. It took far too long to find and kill; with the exhaustion setting in you hadn’t noticed how the tables were turned and the woman of your dreams was now unapologetically checking you out.
“Didn’t realize these little ol’ things would be such trouble.” You smiled at her, combing your hair back with your fingers causing Cindy to flush ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about it, we’re back and no one got too hurt other than Noct’s pride. But I’m letting you know now, if you want us to go back there for anything else, I’m gonna have to tell you to go fuck yourself.” Cindy laughed. It was a joke and she knew it, the smirk on your beautiful lips and the playful glint in your eye told her that.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind darlin’,” Turing, she saw that Ignis had put the car in her garage to prepare for the lights modification. “Looks like I got to get back to the ol’ girl. She’s gon be shinin’ so bright that the stars’ll wanna take notes.”
“If they wanna learn so badly they should just look into your eyes.” Gods that was corny even her face scrunched up on that one, but she still had that sweet, weak-in-the-knees smile so you assumed she somewhat enjoyed it? Thought it was cute at least?
“Anyways, to save myself from further embarrassment, I'm gonna go. Got a nice cold shower and a hot meal with my name on it.” You turned on your heel thinking the conversation would just end at that but what Cindy said next would forever stay in your mind.
“I thought I was the only hot meal you wanted to eat baby girl?”
Did you just hear that correctly? You tripped on your own two feet and barely had the nerve to turn around to see the beautiful mechanic giving you a small smile with slightly parted lips and half lidded eyes. She looked you up and down once more and licked her lips with a subtly that almost went missed by you. You knew that she was practically undressing you with her eyes because you had done the same on many occasions. Wondering if she was thinking about the same lewd thoughts made you unconsciously rub your thighs together. Opening and closing your mouth trying to think of something to say, Cindy just shook her head smiling at the ground before leaving you with, “Have a nice cold shower hun.”
Later in the evening, after you and the boys had cleaned up, and Ignis was making something in the caravan because no matter how late it was Ignis always wanted to make sure everyone was fed. You sat outside reading with Gladio, Noctis and Prompto as they played rounds of King’s Knight. But couldn’t care less about whatever they were doing or about what you were doing for that matter. You read the same page about 20 times now, but you just couldn’t get that interaction out of your head. Had all your flirting finally worked? Or was she just playing you? 
“How y’all doing?” Speak of the gorgeous devil. All heads turned as Cindy approached the caravan. She wore black skin tight leggings, a loose gray crop top that hung off her left shoulder, and of course her signature cowgirl boots. It was nice to see her in casual clothes. The domestic look was one that suited her nicely you thought. You loved it when she wore her work attire but seeing her so relaxed, it made you imagine a possible future with her.
“You look comfortable Cindy. Done for the day? Thought you never close up shop.” Gladio asked. 
“Yeah just about wanted to finish early today; the Regalia looks real nice now that she’s got new lights on ‘er. And you don’t gotta worry about those damn daemons either.” 
Prompto gave out a happy shout at both the no more daemons news and for winning the match. 
“What would we do without you Cindy.” Noctis relayed the gratitude with a slight pout.
“Aw don’t give me too much credit now. I just connect some wires and do some modifications. Speaking of, (Y/N).” Your head snapped so quickly to her she giggled making you blush, “My reason for closin’ early was so I would use you as my guinea pig.” She paused on purpose, wanting to get your reaction at her choice of words. She approached you to where you were, sitting on the table with a tilt of her head and a sly smile she continued. “Well, your weapons that is. See, with Paw-Paw modin’ things for the Prince, figured why not throw my hat in the ring too. If everything goes well, I could fix up equipment for other hunters as well.” Cindy crossed one leg over the other bouncing the top leg lightly as she spoke giving you an eye full of her calves. And dammit, you could not help yourself as your eyes wandered up to her thighs to the curve of her ass. Up her hips and exposed waist and to where the shirt peaked from her breasts, the soft skin of her neck just waiting to be bitten and finally to her face where a knowing smirk and lecherous eyes watched you take in her appearance. 
She had you now more than ever. To think, you had been flirting with her on every occasion you could. All of a sudden she struts over here and says the right words, acts a certain way and you become putty in her hands. “So (Y/N) what’d ya say?” Prompto had to kick you lightly under the table to get you out of your shocked state. 
Stuttering you gave an answer, “I yeah-yes, of course you can use me—My weapons! You can use- fix them if you want to.” Gods just kill me now! Face beat read you could hear Gladio and Noctis containing their snickers at you making an utter fool of yourself in front of Cindy. She didn’t seem to mind however, just turned that smirk into a smile and hopped off the table and began to walk towards the garage. She was about half way there and you were still glued to your seat like an idiot when someone spoke from the door of the caravan.
“I don’t think you should keep her waiting (Y/N).” Ignis took a sip of Ebony.
“Wha-? Weren’t you cooking-? How long have you been-”
“Long enough to know that you won’t be joining us for dinner. Now, you have much better things to attend to than staying here with me and The Three Stooges.” He was right, you got up from your seat already noting how you felt a bit of slickness at your core as you began to walk over to the garage. “Oh and (Y/N),” Turning to Iggy you saw the smirk as he took another sip of coffee, “Have fun.” 
You didn’t say anything and just made your way to the garage. Taking the back entrance seeing that the large main door was closed early for the afternoon. Once inside you saw Cindy working on something at the workbench biting her bottom lip in concentration. She looked up at you when she heard the door shut, “Hey doll come ‘er.” You approached her as she told you to place your weapons off to the far right of the bench. Doing as you're told, you summoned your short sword and placed it on the bench. You turned around but as you did Cindy came up to you and kissed you. She had her arms on either side of you, effectively trapping. The kiss was one with a fever that you made your whole body tense and heat go straight to your core. That feeling bubbled so pleasantly within you.
However, you were in such a state of shock because Cindy Aurum was basically making out with you that you had yet to return the kiss. Cindy stopped to look at you with a hint of fear in her eyes.
“Have I overstepped my boundaries? I’m so sorry hun’ I just, you were always flirtin’ with me, so I took that as an opportunity to- You can leave if I made ya uncomfort-”
“No.” It was soft, you didn’t want to scare her any more that she clearly was. “It’s just that-” You dragged your hands across the exposed sink of her waist and brought her closer to you. Taking your time to feel just how soft it was. Your left hand played with the shirt hem and your right drew small infinity signs on the small of her back. “In all the ways I’ve had this dream play out, that’s all it ever was. A dream.”
It looked like that relaxed Cindy because next thing you knew she placed her lips on yours once more and pulled you close as well. Thank the Gods that your brain returned to a functional state as you kissed her back. Making sure to match the force and passion behind it. 
“Let me tell you baby girl, I am very,” Cindy grabbed your hand, “Much.” Open palm she allowed it to ghost over her breast. “Real.” A quick glance down and a nod was all you need to knead the soft flesh in your hand. The sigh that fell from her lips sent shivers throughout your entire body. 
“You're not wearing a bra?” 
“Oh? I guess I ain’t.” She bit her bottom lip and laughed. “Honestly (Y/N), I’m surprised you just noticed. Just so you know, I ain’t wearing a thong either darlin’.” A whine escaped you and you leaned forward to kiss her again moving in tandem with her as you gave the other breast some attention as well. Her arms found their way around your waist and down to your ass, giving it a squeeze. Every moment that passed you expected one of the boys to shake you awake but the way Cindy felt, her breasts and hands, her dangerously addicting mouth, it all felt too real to be anything but reality. And thank the Astrals for that.
With caution, you allowed your fingers to graze over the nipple, already, it began to harden under the shirt at your touch. The kiss broke only for a moment as Cindy whispered in your ear, “Pinch it darlin’.” 
And that is exactly what you did. Tweaking and twisting the small bud between your index finger and thumb. The action rewarded you the most intoxicating sound as Cindy moaned softly in your ear. In a bold move on her part, she brought one leg in between yours. The moan was one so sinful you didn’t even realize that you were capable of making such a noise. 
That noise gave fuel to Cindy as she applied more pressure to your core with her leg. More sounds escaped both your mouths and you grinned into her thigh, mentally wishing you wore something much thinner than skinny jeans.
“Want to take this somewhere more private?” The infatuation in both hers and your eyes were apparent and Cindy laughed.
“We have a whole garage to ourselves, that not enough privacy for you?” 
“Well, as hot as it would be to eat you out on the hood of the Regalia, I feel that if Noctis found out then he would literally behead us.” 
Cindy smiled at you, with a peck on the lips and said, “I don’t think he’ll mind. What he don’t know won’t kill him, right? But, a bed is always good.” With your hand in yours, she led you to a side upstairs part of the garage. Opening up the door at the top of the side staircase revealed a quaint, rustic studio apartment of sorts. One central open area that had a small kitchen and dining area. There were some built in bookshelves that contained various books and pictures. A small love-seat with two pink pillows located near a door which you assumed was the bathroom. And on a more raised part of the room was a small dresser and her full sized mattress, adorned with pillows and a gray, chunky knit throw blanket. 
On said mattress was the woman of your dreams. Seated on her haunches, leaning forward ever so slightly to accentuate her breasts and hair tousled from your hands moments before, she beckoned you to the bed. Wasting no time, you all but ran to her, crashing your lips against her and laid her gently against the soft duvet covers. Her hands were on your hips again, fingers finding their way to the button of your jeans. You smiled into the kiss and helped her out undoing it yourself and shimmying out of the article. 
“What were you thinking about over there when you came in hun'?” The small circles being rubbed on your clit made it differently to answer but you did.
"Ahhh, just thinking that you got a real nice place. I guess it kind of surprised me." Deciding to return the favor and give an eye for an eye, you lifted her shirt off and tossed it. Taking in her beautiful upper body; chest of full display and nipples harden from when you played with them. Further grinding into her fingers you took one nipple into your mouth and began to suck and flick your tongue across the skin. Cindy arched her back at the sudden stimulation and momentarily stopped the rubbing.
"Oh God's (Y/N) that feels…"  She couldn't finish as you moved to the next breast but still played with the other with your expert hands. "Ah! Based on how much attention you give my boobs, I take it that you're a tit girl then?"
You released from her with a pop, “When it comes to you, I just adore everything.” and began to attack her neck and collar bone. Kissing and nipping at the sun-kissed skin. She held you close running fingers desperately through your hair and leaving scratches along you back, your shirt discarded a long time ago. 
"Keep doing that and I'll have to wear an actual shirt tomorrow hun'." The smirk on her lips was evident that she would do nothing of the sort. The thought of her working tomorrow with the bruises, bites and hickeys exposed for all the world to see made the fire in your core burn even hotter.
"Something tells me you'll be fine. And if you can still form sentences then I'm clearly not doing a good enough job." You started at the valley of her breasts and left a trail of kisses and worked your way down to where her leggings laid just above her pelvic bone. 
"My my my, aren't you all worked up." The comment acknowledged the prominent wet spot on her leggings. You looked Cindy dead in the eyes, hers were a bit furrowed.
"Oh please darlin', don't act all high and mighty like you aren't as wet as- AH!" You rubbed your fingers on that mark and Cindy moaned so beautifully that it grew a smirk on your face. 
You positioned yourself between her legs and licked your tongue across her sex. Cindy threw her head back against the pillows and begged you to do that again. Her thighs found homes on your shoulders and your hands on her abdomen to pin her down. 
You licked her through her leggings knowing that the fabric both gave a good feeling but also was a frustrating barrier. Sucking on her clit one more time, it was time that you took off her leggings. She got the queue and lifted her hips to help you and threw them off the bed. 
Just to even the playing field, you took off your panties and unhooked your bra. Your boobs bounced out of the lacey prison and Cindy didn't even try to hide how she stared. 
Legs spread wide, her clit wet from her own arousal and your mouth you added one finger and watched as she arched up from the bed. The perfect arch of her back made her look like a sculpture at the Citadel. Along with a gorgeous "O" forming on her mouth. 
Your finger moved back and forth. Cindy's grip on the messed up duvet below her tightened. You took this as an opportunity to add not only a second finger but also your mouth to the party. Your other unoccupied hand found and held hers as you continued. 
Some instructions were given, A little to the... Yeah there. Curl your fingers (Y/N). No, that’s more like scratchin’. Oh! That’s perfect. Now, if ya can… go deeper. Ah. Ahh! AH! Yes darlin' right there!
You devoured not only her but every moan, gasp, shudder, and sigh that left her mouth. You sent your fingers deeper, down to your knuckles and Cindy screamed out. “AH! YES! YES! YES! Oh sweet ASTRALS baby girl! Keep going! AH!!” Hands took desperate hold of your hair pushing your face further into her wanton sex. You could feel her walls tighten around your fingers; it encouraged you to go faster but then Cindy called out.
“WAit… wait (Y/N).” There was a hard tug on your hair that lifted you from her slick center. You took a deep breath mouth wet from her arousal and took your fingers out of her.
“Did I do something wrong?” It took a moment for Cindy to respond. It was obvious that she missed your feeling already, what with her flushed face, blown out pupils and the sheen of sweat on her body.
“Naw baby girl… you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“It ain’t fair for me to be the one getting all the attention.” The mechanic found strength to give you some attention, her hand rubbing against your sex, she took your moan to memory and held nothing back as she gave you much needed friction to your core. Cindy was more rough with you. Even when she took one nipple in her mouth, she sucked and flicked the bud with force. Teeth were used to lightly tug and twist, her ultimate goal was to bring the soft bud to peak. 
Breaths began to shudder at the stimulation you were receiving. Cindy turned you around so you could lay against some pillows at the head of the bed. Her fingers entered you with ease, you slick with arousal as you held her close. Minimal assistance was given on your part, what with your brain practically shutdown from her actions but Cindy knew how to read you. Noticed little movements, subtle gasps or even when your face scrunched slightly telling her to try a different spot. The ragged breaths that came from both your bodies and the squelching noises that were produced from her working your mercilessly were the only things heard in the studio room. She worked her way up from your breasts and to your neck, leaving the same, if not more marks against your skin that would be a bitch to cover in the morning. 
She gave you a heated kiss and you could feel the smile on her lips as she danced with you. Your bottom lip earned a small bite when you snaked your arms up her back and clawed your way down. When she released your lips, the smile was more present than ever and Cindy licked her own.
“You never told me that I tasted so good darlin’.” A small peck on the lips. “You wanna find out how you taste?” Her fingers left your core and you whined at the emptiness but it was cut short when she put her two fingers in your mouth. You sucked them letting your tongue rub against the pads of her digits. When pulled out she laughed at the face you made.
“Kinda bitter, but I’m not surprised. Noct has been taking more hunts at night and coffee is the only thing keeping me awake.”   
She hummed and you barely caught the whisper of, “Mind if I try?” Before she put her two fingers back in and massaged you. Fingers curled in just the right way, the slow pumps along with her thumb rubbing your clit. Not breaking her gaze at you as your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud at the languid pace she kept. The blonde woman placed a small pillow behind your head to keep you from hurting yourself. 
“Gods! Cindy! Please!” Fingers were removed and placed into her mouth, self-satisfied smile at the flush ever present on your face. Legs on either side of you in a straddle, she put her fingers back in you, catching your neck with her mouth as you bucked at the insertion. “I think you taste divine baby girl.” Whispered against sensitive skin, it formed goosebumps all along your body. 
Finally, you put your fingers back into her. Your breaths mixed beautifully with her moans against your skin. Cindy took your nipple in her mouth again. Deft fingers worked you so well that when you finally climaxed, you stopped working Cindy for just a moment. The way you called out her name as your orgasm washed over you was music to her ears. “AH! CI-CINDY! Don’t stop! AH-AHH! OH GODS!” How she was able to get you so loud, you would never know. Normally, you were a quiet love maker but with Cindy it seemed she could turn you into a pornstar. Giving you one last pump she took in her work. Your chest was heaving, mouth slightly parted, pupils dilated and hair an absolute mess; you looked like sin in your post orgasm state. 
Cindy didn’t blame you for being so worn out but she was impressed when you still pumped your fingers into her. She took mercy on you and began to ride your fingers but not before removing hers from you and placing them back in her mouth lapping up the release you left on her. Her bundle of nerves got stimulation from your thumb. You just enjoyed the sights and sounds of her breasts bouncing, whimpers from sucking her own fingers clean of you, and the soft wet slaps of her grinding, as she took her own release on your fingers.
One final desperate shout escaped her as she fell forward against your equally exhausted body. Both parties laid on the bed and tried to catch their breaths. Cindy sat up against and kissed you, this time it was soft, meaningful and somewhat fleeting. 
“I think we ruined your duvet…”
“Aw don’t worry ‘bout it darlin.’ Nothin’ a quick wash won’t fix. How ‘bout you get this off the bed and I’ll get us a warm towel to clean us off.” You nodded and she hopped off you and to the kitchen to wet a towel with warm water as you made quick work of the duvet and throw pillows. Cindy came back, pulled the sheets back and motioned for you to get into bed with her. Gently you cleaned each other up and placed the towel on the nightstand near her bed once finished. That was also when you noticed that it was so late into the night and you hadn’t eaten anything. Stomach catching up with your mind it made a loud rumbling noise that you both laughed at. 
“I totally forgot that I skipped dinner.”
“It was worth it though right?”
You caressed her chin and guided her to a small kiss. “Oh absolutely. But Ignis’ll flip if he finds out I didn’t eat.”
“Well (Y/N) you kinda did eat.” Cindy sat on her haunches with her legs just barely spread. “I’d say you had yourself a full course meal.” A playful tackle to the bed wiped that smirk off her face as laughter filled the room. You blew against her stomach and she tried, in vain, to push you off. “Okay okay! How ‘bout this: You get yourself to the bathroom if you need to I’ll leave you a shirt of mine and get started on makin’ us something proper to eat? May not be like the Prince’s Advisor, but I consider myself a good cook at times.”
“Sounds like a plan.” To the bathroom you went and did what you had to do there, and true to her word, Cindy left you one of her shirts. The soft fabric was gentle on your skin, it was much larger than you expected it to be, just going past the curve of your butt, and it had the smell of Jasmine, vanilla, and motor oil. When you met Cindy at the stove she already began to warm up what appeared to be a breakfast like dish. She asked you to watch the food as she went to the bathroom herself.
Maybe five minutes passed. You hummed a tune as you cooked the food. Cindy wrapped her arms around your waist, she too wearing an over-sized shirt.
“You look nice like this.” It was whispered against soft fabric and love-bitten skin.
“Like how? In one of your shirts?”
“That, and here with me.” One kiss was barely pressed on your shoulder. “I could get used to late night or, I should say early mornin’, meals with you. Waking up with you. Being able to call you my girl.” The food sizzled on the stove as Cindy all but confessed to you. “That is… if you’ll want to. Don’t wanna force you or anything but, having you here with me has made me more happy than you could now.”
You turned and kissed her. The answer to the request, your hands grazing up and down her back while hers gripped tightly to the shirt you wore. Both of you were smiling before, during and after the kiss. Your foreheads rested against one another as you happily whispered, “Cindy, nothing would make me happier.” 
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waejinyoung · 4 years
Can’t Swim - EP . 7
word count: 4.3k+
a/n: hehe, hate me all you want but i’ve been having so much fun with this series. i hope the same goes for you guys. i haven’t heard much from you guys feedback-wise so i hope it’s because the content im putting out is fun to read. enjoy!
warnings: swearing, a lil saucy at the end, pretty much it
EP . 1 , EP . 2 , EP . 3 , EP . 4 , EP . 5 , EP . 6 , EP . 7 , EP . 8
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Was this doctor joking? How could there be good news next to this sort of bad news?
Tuesday Morning 
“Doc, what good news do you have?”
“… for 2 months.” The doctor finished her sentence.
You let out all the air you had held since the doctor had announced that Jinyoung wouldn’t be able to sing. You held your heart and felt a little lightheaded and crashed back onto the bed. She did you dirty.
“Miss, are you okay?” The doctor dropped Jinyoung’s records to aside and rushed to you. 
Your heart rate skyrocketed before the doctor mentioned that he won’t be able to sing momentarily rather than permanently.
“I’m fine. Maybe finish your sentence quicker. I thought it was permanent that he won’t be able to sing until you mentioned 2 months.”
“I apologise Miss. Here’s a glass of water.” The doctor gave you a glass of water and you turned your attention back on to Jinyoung. He had also left a sigh of relief.
“D-doc. Until then what will happen?”
“Routine scans to check your recovery rate. Our recommendations now are to speak as less as possible, in a couple weeks time we’ll have you back on food and liquids.”
You smiled hearing that they’ll be a happy ending at the end of the dark corridor. You looked at Jinyoung with glee but remembered you had to change for work.
“I’ll celebrate in a second. I need to get changed!” You legged it to the bathroom to change and the doctor and Jinyoung let out a chuckle because of your obvious excitement towards the good news.
“Your girlfriend is so supportive.” The doctor commented after Y/N had entered the bathroom.
“G-girlfriend?” Jinyoung sat upright in his bed.
“Oh, I apologise Mr Park. I just thought Miss was someone of that status. Sorry for assuming.”
“It’s fine, Doc. You’re c-close anyways. Soon-to-be girlfriend I-I hope.”
“Ahhh,” The doctor chuckled, “I hope she accepts.”
“Me t-too.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Hair out from your twisted bun, lovely curls were achieved. You straightened your cropped cream blazer and fixed your lace top on the inside. You tightened you waist belt and then realised your heels were outside. Brushed your teeth with your belongings Mona brought in and then you were out.
“Me t-too.”
Jinyoung and the doctor looked at you as you were out.
“What?” They both looked at you without saying a word a bit too long.
“You l-look…”
Jinyoung started.
“… Like a mess. I know” You placed your feet in your black stilettos and looked back at the both of them and they were still staring.
“Now what?”
“Miss. You look really classy and elegant… if that’s your definition of a mess.”
“Good one, d-doc. You l-look great Y/N.”
“Hmph… Thank you for your compliments. I need to get to work as you can see I’m already running late. Doc, he’s all yours. Well, not all but you get what I mean. Jinyoung,“ You checked phone to see if Mark had replied to your morning message and he had, “Mark will be here in 10 minutes. I’ll be back in the afternoon. Anything you want that I can bring-“
“Pause. My b-brain doesn’t register that quick.”
“Mark will be here soon. I’ll be back in the afternoon. That’s all you need to know.” You said much slower.
“Ring me if anything happens. Same goes for you, doctor. Bye~” You rushed out the room smiling and went to the garage of the hospital. Like Mona had said, your car was parked near the exit and you were off to work.
“Great acting, doctor. She absolutely fell for it.”
“I must say Mr Park, your acting skills are much better than I expected. I almost believed your acting too.”
You both chuckled.You knew how much Y/N cared for you, so you took it to your advantage. The strangling and Max situation is all true. Although, those test results? Absolute bullshit. You were actually not that badly damaged. 2 months seemed like a reasonable time for you and Y/N to become close and then finally ask her out properly. You weren’t sure if you could last that long, but you were sure it wasn’t going to take any longer.
“I even thought I had really bad damage done to my throat.”
“Just some minor bruises Mr Park, I can assure you. Your eye will be fine in a one weeks time too. Ready to ask Miss out.”
“Thanks doc.”
“It’s my pleasure Mr Park. I’ll be off for my morning rounds. I’ll be back to check later.” With that the doctor left and you were left waiting for Mark.
You were driving and decided to switch the radio on to catch up with the world. To your surprise, a story familiar to you was being voiced so you turned up the volume. The report was as follows...
“GOT7’s Jinyoung suffered from a vicious attack yesterday in Jinhae’s well-known leisure centre. The suspect allegedly strangled Park Jinyoung until he had passed out. Park Jinyoung has now been hospitalised. We are waiting for further notice from JYP Entertainment about Jinyoung’s current condition. The suspect is now being kept in custody as officers continue with their investigation. It’s been speculated that the attack was triggered by the news published yesterday about GOT7’s Jinyoung and his potential new girlfriend. We’ll be back with more news once we are informed.”
Max.. held in custody? The guy who helped you through such hard times has now ended up in the hands of authority for violence. It was only 2 weeks ago where he would have been the closest guy friend to you and now he’s one of the furthest. How pathetic.
You arrived at the company entrance only to see paparazzi yet again. You wasn’t going to adjust your lifestyle to them; You were going to hold your head high. They all realised the arrival of your car and started to surround it like moths to a light. You waited for your company’s security guards to come near your door and opened it for you whilst creating a safety bubble. It was about a 15 second walk up the stairs and then threw the doors. That’s it.
“Miss, whenever you’re ready.” One of the guards told you. You gave them all a nod and started to walk. The questions came streaming through.
“Was the female at the beach you?”
“What response do you have for all the dating rumours?”
“Is it true that you were handling both Mr Park and the suspect at the same time?”
Dating both at the same time? These people are outrageous. These allegations were much worse than you expected.
“We are halfway there Miss.”
“Are you with Mr Park for his money?”
“Some fans are blaming you for the situation, what are your thoughts?” (ahgases are not like this but this is for the soul purpose of the series x)
That was the end of the bombarding questions. You guys had made it to the building and the guards let you through to safety whilst they blocked off the paparazzi. You looked back and gave them a thumbs up whilst they put up with the paparazzi. You turned around to see Beck looking at your distress after the swarming of strangers.
“Good morning to you too Beck. Now can you stop with the staring?” You waved your hand in front of his face. He shook his self back to reality.
“Y/N. What is going on?” You realised his stern and agitated face. He was expecting an explanation as he should.
“Damn. Not even a morning greeting. Fine, I’ll explain in my room.”
You guys took the elevator to your office. Beck sat down and was waiting in urgency for your explanation.
“Where do you want me to start?” Which bit was he the most curious about?
“Why did you need to leave from the meeting?”
“Jinyoung, the actor from the news, he was strangled by Max at the leisure centre after the lesson had ended.”
Beck’s face dropped after hearing about what Max had done.
“I was hoping the radio was lying. I guess not.”
He was feeling a sense of disappoint in Max. Beck knew of Max, but you wouldn’t regard them as friends. Beck just assumed people you were friends with had some sort of value. Max was an anomaly, as he described it.
“I wish it wasn’t true too. I didn’t get to see him at the hospital. Apparently he only had some minor scratches and once sorted out he was taken by officers.” You gave a sigh, sick and tired of things not going well.
“Here’s some good news, to make you a little happier,” Your face lit up immediately as soon as you heard the words ‘good news’ come out of Beck’s mouth, “The dinner with Mr Chan went really well. He was a little gutted to not have you there, but I think I did a good job making up for it. He’s a really chill person considering his age and status in the world. He does want to have another dinner but with you this time so make sure to give him a ring when he’s back in the country.”
“I most definitely will. That’s so good to hear. At least something went well yesterday.” As soon as you finished your sentence, you were getting a FaceTime call from your mother.
“I’ll leave you to it. Once you’re done with your call can you come to my office?”
“Will do. This shouldn’t take long anyways; It’s mum.”
Beck left you to have your call and headed to his office across yours. You then accepted the FaceTime call.
“Hi mum! Isn’t it really late there for you to be calling me?” 
There was a large time difference between you and your hometown, so it was weird to be getting a call from her right now.
“Y/N darling, please tell me that the news isn’t true.” You gulped.
Your mum picked up on the silence which meant that it wasn’t a lie.
“Mum, it’s true. Although the news will be taken down soon.” You hoped anyways. You waited for her reaction.
“Since when did my daughter go kissing men in the middle of the night on a beach. Those photographs are atrocious Y/N. Did you forget you have a family back home who faces relatives every day?”
“Mum I’m highly aware but this isn’t a fling. I don’t go kissing guys on a daily basis. His agency is working on taking down the news as soon as possible. Could you be happy that I’ve found a guy that I can trust in? Forget about what others think. Isn’t this what you always wanted? For me to settle with someone that I-“
“Love? If you’re about to say the word love…”
“I think I am mum. He’s exactly what I’ve ever wanted. The only down factor is that I’ve only known him for 2 weeks but I’m not planning on progressing quickly. That kiss solidified so much, it’s not just a kiss for me. It meant so much and I’m 100% sure it meant a lot for him too.”
“Y/N!! You should have said this earlier. My girl has found herself a man. It looks like you’re at work. We’ll talk about this later. About you and my soon-to-be son-in-law, bye!” 
She abruptly ended the call and left you gobsmacked. Wasn’t she slewing you off a second ago and now she’s excited about her potential son-in-law? Sometimes even you couldn’t understand women.
“Welp… I guess time to go to Beck’s office.” You spoke out loud.
“Mark hyung… You fell for it as well.” You started laughing your ass off.
“Jinyoung, I swear to god. Once you’re out you better run from me and most likely Y/N. You and doc played us to get Y/N worried sick all for a surprise. Do you know how distraught she was? You’re mean man Park Jinyoung.”
“I know hyung. Please don’t remind me. When she came into the room and broke down I struggled to contained myself. I felt so bad. But I’m going to make it up to her. I also got some time off work.” You smiled and winked at Mark.
“You sneak. You’re lucky you actually mean a lot to me or I would have snitched.” You blew Mark a cheesy kiss just to annoy him a little more.
“Please, nothing cringey. Do you have anything planned?”
“In a months time I want to take her out and ask her the second big question. I’ve been thinking about going out and doing an activity. Do you have any suggestions?” Mark always liked doing activities and sports, so he was the best person to ask.
“I’m sure she would like any water sport. You on the other hand. We can’t risk a drowning so let’s stay away from water. Why don’t you guys go horse riding? Its nearly the end of cherry blossom season but the field just out of town is still full of them. It would be perfect.” This is exactly why you ask Mark for ideas.
“You never disappoint Mark hyung. I’ll give that a go but erm… where do we get the horses?” Mark gave you a grin knowing he had the solution to your problem.
“I have a friend who works on a farm. I’m sure if I beg a little she’ll be up for lending two horses.” You clapped due to Mark’s surprises.
“You’re amazing Mark hyung. Don’t know what I would do without you. I’ll let you know when I’ll need them so you can sort it out. Until then, I want to get to know Y/N more. It has just been the handful of occasions we’ve seen each other so this month I want to know everything about her.”
“She’s not a subject Jinyoung. You won’t be having an end of topic test on her in a months time, chill out.” You both chuckled at Mark’s comment on a typical Jinyoung move.
“I know, I know. You understand what I mean though. There’s so much I want to know about her.”
“Alright love boy. Focus on getting better asap so you can fulfil what you’re planning on.”
“Will do.”
With you revealing to Mark about the real truth behind your recovery, you guys talked about what you had missed at the company plus what happened at the centre. All the legal actions being taken place now with Max and the news about you and Y/N. Your whole day was spent with Mark who had gotten the day off. He also went to get Milo to help with the recovery. Soon later the clock was showing afternoon hours and you were hoping Y/N would walk through the door any second.
“She’ll come soon Jinyoung. Now can you give me and Milo the same attention you’ve been giving the door for the past 10 minutes.” You moved your gaze from the door to Mark and registered what he said.
“Sorry, hyung. I just want to see her. Ask her how her day went, what she did today and so on.” Mark was grinning at Jinyoung’s in love state. It was nice for him, seeing his younger member finding someone who he thought completed him.
“She’ll be here soon don’t worry- “ And right at that moment the door opened to reveal Y/N with paperwork and what you guessed was food in a bag.
“Hi Mark. Who’s this?” She gestured at Milo.
“This is Milo. Milo, this is Y/N.” Y/N knelt down and gave Milo loving kisses and a rub on the tummy. Your heart won’t be able to contain any longer the overload of cuteness the two excreted.
“Another male from the club. Have you looked after Jinyoung for me whilst I was gone?” She cooed at Milo as if the puppy could give her a reply. You were sure your heart was about to leap out of place.
“W-what’s in the b-bag?” Mark whipped his head round towards you since you were back to acting badly injured duties. He couldn’t help but let out a helpless smile.
“I figured Mark wouldn’t have had a proper meal yet, so I brought a late lunch/early dinner over. You on the other hand. Bon appetite to your syringe meal.” Mark laughed at Y/N’s comment and you gave her an annoyed gaze hoping she’d get the idea.
You weren’t going to sulk now. Not when Mark was here.
“Thanks Y/N. I’ll eat here and part to meet with the rest. Won’t you be eating?”
“I haven’t had much the appetite lately but don’t mind me, enjoy the food.” Mark gave you a gaze knowing Y/N’s loss of appetite was mostly likely related to you being in hospital. You felt bad but you were going to make it up to her.
“You bought steak! I love steak. Cough it up, who told you.” She smiled as if she knew he would be happy.
“I have my ways.” She brushed her shoulders.
“I need to learn your ways. Thanks for the food. Bon appetite Jinyoung!” He held up a piece of steak and cheers with the syringe tube that was feeding you.
“Y-you’re actually pathetic Mark hyung.” Y/N let out a laugh and Mark choked on his steak laughing at your comment. Milo had taken his place lying on Y/N’s feet slowly falling asleep. She realised the puppy’s position and gathered him onto her lap so he could fall asleep in a comfier place. You just looked at her in awe at her loving character.
“H-how was your day?” She focussed back on you and gave you a smile.“Busy as usual. Sending out documents to third party teams for the eco hotel. Held a company meeting. Got an invite for an architecture festival award thing that’ll be taking place in 2 weeks times, debating on whether or not I should go.”
“That sounds like really good news. Why wouldn’t you want to go?” Mark questioned.
Y/N let out a self-conscious chuckle and continued, “These awards end up always being a load of guys trying to either have a fling or get my number. It’s a bit disturbing if I’m honest. It has it’s good sides, my shareholder is able to make good connections but when I try to do the same the opposition is more interested in me rather than the work. I tend to just not go.”
“I’ll c-come.” Y/N and Mark looked at your sudden invite to the occasion.
“I’d like to remind you Jinyoung that you won’t be fully recovered until 2 months. This night will be in 2 weeks.”
“Y-Y/N, I’ll be better in 2 weeks. It’s not l-like I’ve b-broken my l-legs. I could still attend.”
“And why would you want to attend?” Mark was grinning at the situation since you were making it extremely obvious that you were jealous.
“Because…” She’s got you on the spot again. She’s good at this.
“Because?” She repeated waiting for you to continue.
She interrupted the silence, “It seems to me you’re jealous. Don’t you think Mark?” She directed to Mark hoping he would agree with her.Mark made only one comment which led her to smile widely.
“You’re making it obvious Park.” He ate another bite of his steak whilst grinning at his self. Mostly because he just sold you out in a second.
“Waaa, Mark hyung. Thanks f-for selling m-me out.”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s say this… If you are definitely well enough in 2 weeks time. Then sure, you can accompany me at the awards. If doc says it’s fine too.”
“T-This is going to b-be fun. An architecture a-awards festival. Will y-you be getting an a-award?” You were curious about how things worked in her field.
“I don’t want to sound vain, but I think our company will be receiving an award. Don’t know about the individual architect awards though. We’ll find out that night.” You couldn’t wait. To get to see other people’s achievements, especially someone’s who you care about so much.
“C-can’t wait.”
“I can’t stand the flirting. Me and Milo are leaving. I’ll continue with the steak later this afternoon. Thank you for the food again Y/N.” Mark waved you both goodbye and left the room whilst you guys laughed at his childish behaviour.
“He can b-be a k-kid sometimes.” Y/N nodded.
“How was today? Did you hold up well?”
You gave her a nod and an okay sign.
“Good, good. I brought over some of my work to do here. I hope that’s fine by you. I might zone out so beware.” She smiled as you waved her okay.
She gathered all the paperwork and her laptop. She took off her heals and slipped on the slippers the hospital had given her and headed into the bathroom to clean up. Soon or later, she came out of the bathroom with her hair held up in a bun with a pen and no makeup on. You were happy that she felt comfortable to show this side of herself to you.
“What will y-you be working on?” She propped back on the bed with her legs crossed and her laptop on her lap.
“I need to get back to some emails. Then send some blueprints to our construction team for the hotel. Send an apology email to the client for the hotel too. Start coming up with ideas for a fruit orchard-“
“Damn. You’re b-busy.” She nodded as her eyes were fixed on her laptop screen.
“Don’t you think y-you should take a b-break, having c-come from w-work.” She lifted her head from her screen and looked at you.
“This is the life of an architect Jinyoung. We are busy from day 1. I had my little break last week. Back to action.”
You gathered that it was going to be hard to get Y/N’s attention when she worked. You were thinking of ways you could get her off her laptop and a sneaky idea came up to mind.
“But I don’t f-feel too well.” She immediately retracted her eyes from her laptop to you and left her laptop to aside.
“Shall I call doc? Or a nurse?” She was close to hitting the notifying buzzer, but you got a hold of her wrist before she could. You stared into her eyes, wishing it would last forever. You also noticed the shift in colour of her cheeks.
“What can I do to help?” You pulled her closer to you, so she was now sitting on your bed with her face above yours.
“This.” You closed the gap between the two of you. You didn’t even know where you had gained this sort of confidence from, but you weren’t complaining.  Your lips moulded with hers moving at a slowly pace, enjoying every second of the kiss. Your hand reached behind her neck pulling her closer in order to deepen the kiss. It had been so long since you wanted to do this. You also thought it would be the best way to get her to stop working for a bit. She reciprocated with the same amount of passion and emotion. You could sense how much she also wanted this. You would wanna do more, but your current state and the location was exactly appropriate.You guys parted from each other, both breathless from the passionate kiss.
“You are an absolute dick, Park. How do you think I’ll manage to do my work, now that you have me all…” Her words drifted into a silence and she bit her lip restraining herself from continuing. If she continued on like this, you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself from going in for round 2.
“All what Miss?” You gave her a pair of innocent eyes knowing she was about to say hot and bothered but you wanted to push her to say it.
“You know what I mean?” She tried to loosen her hand out of your grip, but you weren’t going to let her go that easy.
“All what Y/N?” You gave her a stern look almost demanding her to say it. You liked this affect you had on her, let’s see what she was going to do about it.
“You’re a bit overly confident for a man handicapped to a hospital bed, don’t you think?” She fluttered her eyelashes at you and eyed your face. She built up her defences and wasn’t planning on giving in easily to your game either. Competition, ay?
“Imagine how I might be out of this hospital bed then.” Your eyes dropped to her lips for a millisecond only to look back up to make eye contact with her beautiful eyes again. She wasn’t going to continue was she? Surely, you’ve got her on the spot.
“A bit hard to imagine. Gonna have to wait for you to just show me.” She really is something else, you thought to yourself.
I’m not teasing this episode. It got a little saucy near the end, I hope you guys liked it! I have so many plans for future episodes, but they are further along after all of what is done. I love the cocky attitude’s both characters are displaying towards each other although I don’t know if I can get into naughty writings, so I apologise. I feel like Mark is a really good big brother figure, so we’ll see a lot of him too. Also, Jinyoung is lying to Y/N but she has no clue. I probably gave some people heart attacks making you guys think Jinyoung won’t be able to sing again EVER. 
I’ll be back soon with another episode! 
writer-nim x
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Crimson|Ink. (m)
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↳ chapter twelve: good boy
❧ genre:  tattoo-shop/hitmen au | tattoo artist/hitman kirishima
❧ fic warning: major character(s) death; happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: alcohol/social drinking
❧ chapter song: Good Boy by GD X TAEYANG
♬crimson|ink playlist | ♧ character profiles 
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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“Where the hell is (Y/N),” Sero whined when Kirishima and Bakugou walked into the loud club without you.
“She’s on her way, calm your tits,” Kirishima smiled as all the men greeted each other.
Bakugou smirked and elbowed Sero.
“Speaking of tits, our very own sweetheart got hers pierced today by yours truly!”
Deku was sitting at the bar behind the blonde and almost choked on his drink, Shouto chuckled and pat the green haired man's back gently. Everyone gathered around and asked how the session went. Kirishima took a spot by Deku and quickly ordered something extremely strong. 
While Bakugou explained everything in precise detail, the red-head quickly chugged down the drink, hoping his own gulps could drown out Bakugou’s words. Deku turned in his seat and looked at Kiri, sympathy in his eyes.
“You know he’s only doing this shit to get a reaction out of you Red.”
Shrugging, Kirishima ordered another drink.
“The two of you are still on good terms right?” Deku asked before taking a drink of his beer.
“Of course ... but the closer I get to her the deeper I fall. I can’t think rationally anymore when she’s around. I don’t know what to do.”
Deku sighed and shook his head, “Why do you keep dragging this out and doing this to yourself Kiri, I think it’s very obvious that she’s quite smitten with you as well. I’d say your feelings are reciprocated.”
“I just still don’t know if its safe.”
“If something happened to her, would you save her, friend or girlfriend?”
Kirishima looked at Deku wildly when he asked the trick question.
“Of fucking course. If anyone even breathed the wrong way in her direction I’d lose it and snap every finger until they were apologizing. Deku, I’d die for her if it came down to it.”
“I know you would Red and you’re not the only one, she’s got the rest of us too. We’d all make sure that nothing ever happened to her, if by some chance someone slipped through our iron wills, then there will be a lot of bloodshed and a lot of finger nails pulled off until we got her back. She’s family, we protect our own and we help our own. Stop over-thinking shit and do something before someone else does.”
Kirishima smirked and nodded.
“Thanks man, before I tell her anything though, she has to know about us. I’m not dragging her into this life with me, not when she has a choice.”
Izuku hummed in reply, it was fair. He just hoped his friend wouldn’t prolong what his heart truly longed for, for too much longer. 
As time went on, all the men started to drink together, branching off into their own conversations until someone would bring up something that they all had to voice their own opinions on. They truly did act like brothers, playfully fighting with each other when one would embarrass the other, sharing stories of their most recent ‘clients’ and what method they used to dispose of them. Denki and Deku’s eyes both sparkling and their mouths drooling over talks of their blade and torture device collections.
Kirishima wasn’t exactly ever ashamed of what he did, he knew he was a sort of anti-hero, but after spending a few days of doing nothing but cracking skulls, hearing screams and being drenched in blood that wasn’t his own, it was hard coming back to the shop to see you there. Pure, pristine, and so unaware that you were literally inside of a wolves den. Secrets weren’t Kiri’s favorite thing, in fact keeping all of this from you gnawed at him 24/7.
“Holy shit,” Denki suddenly shouted out before placing his fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly.
Kirishima looked up from his drink and turned around, his ruby eyes widening and his heart stopping briefly. 
You were walking towards the group, that famous smile on your face that literally sparkled from the stud in your lip. A maroon body-con dress wrapped around your figure, catching every pliant and curvy shape of your frame, the neckline low and exposing your cleavage. A cropped black leather jacket covered your shoulders and arms, randoms straps hanging from it that the red-head wanted to grab hold of while he dragged you out of the club away from lustful eyes. 
This was the first time any of the guys had seen you so dressed up and they were all showering you with compliments. Kiri loved the dress but hated the things it made him want to do. 
Suddenly, purple hair peeked over your shoulder and all of Kiri’s arousing thoughts were dosed in freezing cold water.
“Sorry we took a little longer to get here, I couldn’t exactly decide what to wear,” you smiled while going around and giving everyone hugs and kisses and the purple thorn gave handshakes.
When you walked over to Kiri finally he looked at you from head to toe and chuckled.
“Even wearing heeled boots, you’re still such a little one huh?” He teased, your eyes level with his own while he sat on the stool.
“Fine, no hug and kiss for you then,” you replied and stuck out your tongue, quickly going to turn around.
“Get back here.” 
Kirishima smirked and caught you by the hip, pulling your body between his knees and hugging it from behind. You hummed and melted into his chest, face turning and nuzzling his own with a smile. He could smell the lotion you used, taking in deeper inhales of it and his arms tightening as he did.
“I’m shocked you can even walk, usually you get paralyzed from the cold like some fucking reptile. You’re not freezing in this,” he asked genuinely.
Before you could reply Hitoshi leaned back from his seat on the opposite side of Deku to where he could see the both of you and smiled smugly.
“Don’t worry rock-head, I kept my girl nice and warm.”
Your eyes cut at Hitoshi and he cackled, holding his hands up in surrender and returning to his chat with Denki. Once again, Kiri’s hold on you tightened more and you chuckled.
“You didn’t mention that he was back in town,” Kiri mumbled into your shoulder, a pout on his face.
“Eijirou calm down. If it wasn’t so easy to get you riled up or make you jealous, no one would fuck with you.”
“It’s not easy and I’m not jealous,” Kiri huffed out and turned his face, cheek resting on your shoulder.
“Oh it’s not? Well then you won’t mind if I go talk with Katsu - ah.”
Kirishima tightened like a bear trap, fully pulling your entire body into his own like he was a child not wanting to share his favorite toy. You giggled and brought a hand up to pat his spiky red hair, neck craning sideways so you could place a warm peck to his forehead.
“Whatever you say Ei.”
The red-head smiled and continued holding you close to him for the next ten minutes as everyone fell back into conversations. You and him in your own world for the most part, playing red-hands and dealing each other trash talk. Suddenly your fun game was interrupted when Denki jumped up on the bar and started to light up with electricity.
“Who wants some fucking shots!”
After everyone took multiple rounds of shots together, Kiri pulled you away and decided to have you cut off from them for the rest of the night. You weren’t getting sloppy or anything but he could tell you weren’t enjoying yourself, if anything it looked like you were starting to get sick and he asked the bartender for some water and a snack to try and make you feel better. 
You were compliant and very thankful, sitting in his lap and eating your fries with water. After a few minutes Kiri felt your face, the flush in your cheeks was dissipating and your temperature was normalizing.
“You feeling better?” Kiri asked and wiped a crumb from the corner of your mouth.
“Mhm, was is that obvious that I was getting a little queasy there?”
“Just a little. I know the guys can go pretty hard. I can appreciate you trying to keep up but if it's going to make you sick and miserable I rather not let you continue. You know you don’t always have to take everything as a challenge little one. No one is going to give you shit about not drinking.”
You smiled and laid back into Kiri’s chest, head resting on his shoulder. He smiled back and turned his face to place a kiss to your temple.
“I know that Ei. Thank you for taking care of me. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting your time with the guys or being a bummer.”
“Not at all little one.”
You finished your water and snack. There was a hand pulling on your own that wasn’t Kirishima’s and you looked up to see Denki standing there with a smile.
“If you’re not going to drink with me you have to at least dance with me.”
Your head turned to look at Kiri, he smirked and let go of your body, watching as you and Denki eagerly bolted to the dance floor together and wasted no time falling in tune with the music playing. Another hour or so passed and you’d drag each man out to dance with you one by one, even Shouto. At the moment, Hitoshi was the lucky guy dancing with you. Kiri stayed sitting at the bar and glanced over every now and then. 
Ever since the two first met the red-head knew Hitoshi wasn’t his biggest fan, in fact the tired eyed guy made it very clear he wasn’t. In a way Kirishima respected Hitoshi and how he never budged when it came to defending you. He was glad you had such a caring friend but Kiri was always green with envy when you’d chime over the guy coming over for a few nights. You and Hitoshi acted just like you and Bakugou, but it was worse. Kiri never thought he’d meet a guy more cocky and smug than his friend but he was so wrong.
The smirks and petty remarks Hitoshi would make towards Kiri drove him up a wall. It's like it was Hitoshi’s life purpose to just aggravate the fuck out of him. If it were anyone else Kirishima would’ve beat the guy within an inch of his life a long time ago, but Hitoshi was your best friend and apparently your only family and Kirishima would be damned to come between that and make you feel like you had to choose sides. For you, Kirishima would suffer the wrath of your best friend forever.
Finally the song playing came to an end and there was a tap on Kiri’s shoulder as he took a sip of his drink. He smirked and turned to you, immediately crawling back up and onto his lap. You asked for a water and sunk back into Kiri’s chest.
“Either those shots really fucked me up or I’m really out of shape, all I know is I’m dying of thirst.”
Hitoshi chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
“I of all people would know you’re definitely not out of shape kitten. You’re just a lightweight.”
You smirked and pushed Hitoshi away towards the others. Kirishima’s red eyes watching him as he smiled smugly at him. Once your water came you downed it and sighed with content. Kiri wrapped an arm around you and brought a hand up, his knuckles feeling your cheek and forehead that were somewhat warm.
“How are you feeling little one?”
You melted more into his body and hummed. “I’m fine Eijirou, but if I stay like this much longer I can’t promise I won’t pass out so we should go dance.”
“(Y/N) if you’re tired then don’t push yourself, I can - “
Your hand came up and wrapped around the side of Kirishima’s neck, head falling back on his chest.
“Eijirou I said I’m fine, now do you want to dance with me or not?”
“Well yeah but -”
Before he could finish you were sliding out of his lap and tugging on his hand, making Kiri grunt from being dragged. You grinned back at him, leading him straight into the mass of bodies and loud bump of the bass and wasted no time as you pressed yourself back against his chest. 
Kirishima didn’t move much, his ears trying to pick up the song that was playing. It was slow and moody, your hips rolled back into his, body melting and leaving virtually no space in between the two of you as you molded to him. Your head fell back onto his chest, hair squishing up against it and your eyes glimmering up at him.
Kirishima smirked down at you, his hands coming to rest on your hips and guide as you both swayed and slowly grinded. He could feel the hum rippling up from your body and out past your lips. Once your hips both started to roll in sync, your hand came up and wrapped around the back of Kirishima’s neck, his face lowering and nose brushing along your cheek to kiss it. You purred at his touch and how he controlled the slow and heavy moves. 
The scent of your lotion was overwhelming as your body temperature rose and made it permeate in the air. Your face turned and kissed his cheek while he keep nuzzling your face, jaw and neck. He couldn’t help the strained breath that left his own mouth from listening to you sweetly singing along to the song as if you were telling him your exact thoughts, your breath hitching each time the tip of his teeth grazed a certain spot on your skin.
Kirishima let a hand wander from one of your hips. His fingertip lingered all over your neck and collarbone, causing it to breakout with chills and goosebumps, the touch feather light on your heated skin. Kirishima chuckled upon hearing you whimper and your voice falter as it sung. His lips kissed your cheek again before his teeth dragged across it and nipped, hand sliding down between your breasts, stomach and back to your hip. Kiri’s red eyes scanned the room and saw that the two of you had somehow made it further off the floor with your dancing and almost into a secluded corner.
“Eijirou,” you whined and pressed your hips deeper into his.
He growled and turned you around to face him. 
All the grinding, the teasing, the warm air and your sounds were gnawing at Kirishima and he decided to finally give into them and give into you. 
He still held you close until you were backed up against a wall, a satisfied noise dripping from your smirking lips at the rough push. Kiri smirked and trapped your head between his strong tattooed arms, eyes looking down and taking in how your chest rose and fell with your breathing and how flushed all your visible skin was. He lowered his head, your hands flattening on his chest as he kissed teasingly under your chin.
“What is it,” he asked with a husky voice, his nose running up your jaw and face until your own brushed with his and your mouths were breathing into the others.
“W-want,” you breathed out as his sharp teeth took your bottom lip and tugged, “mmm I want -“
He hummed in response and kissed the corner of your mouth, bringing in his body closer to yours and pinning it down against the wall. His arms still trapping you and his lips trailing more kisses down your cheek and towards your ear, each feeling like a match trying to strike into a full flame but barely achieving it. Suddenly there was a hand hooking under your knee and hiking it up to wrap around Kirishima’s waist, earning you a growl.
“Want what my little one?”
Your heart erratically thumped harder in its cage from Kiri subtly adding that claiming word to the pet name - your pet name. 
Furiously your lips pouted with a drawn out whimper and you felt like you literally melted on the wall.
“... you.”
Red eyes stared down on you and you could hear the sound of Kiri’s hardened fingertips digging into the wall. 
“Are you sure about that?”
You looked back up at him, eyes soft and pleading, begging. Your hand snaked up from his chest and wrapped around the side of his neck, thumb brushing the sharp jawline you gawked at so much and pulled him closer again.
“Please Eijirou.”
“Fuck,” the red-head huffed out before his lips were crashing with your own.
Finally the match inside of you was struck into a full flame and it engulfed you entirely. Neither of you were merciful or gentle with your kisses and touches. You were starving for each other and trying to get as full as you could. 
Soon your feet were no longer on the ground at all, Kirishima hoisted you up and wrapped your other leg around him letting his body press yours even more into the wall. The end of your dress was riding up and allowing more skin for his massive hands to grab and squeeze. 
Kiri was drowning in your panting between kisses, the soft purrs and mewls that would drip from your mouth and into his as his tongue controlled your own but with a tenderness. He finally broke the hot kisses and your tongue cleaned his lips of saliva.
There was a cursed and sultry smile on your face, head leaning back against the grimy wall and exposing fresh untainted skin all for him to mark. It was so beautiful to Kirishima though, how the majority of your skin was devoid of ink unlike his own, so clean and perfect. 
He didn’t want to tarnish it just yet, instead he leaned forward and showered your throat in kisses and soft dragged out licks. He chuckled and his warm breath against the wet spots had you shuddering and becoming a soft moaning mess in his hold. The red-head smirked dangerously, pushing your dress up more, his hands grabbing handfuls of your ass and giving him more leverage to grind into you, earning a rough tug to his hair and cute moan from your mouth.
“Eij,” you whined out, “Mmm, mouth - kiss.”
Kirishima softly laughed as you tried your best to function, it was adorable. 
One of his hands came up and cupped the side of your neck, face moving close so he could grant your wish and start to kiss you again. The two of you were so lost in each other, finally giving in and savoring every bit of it. The way your lips tasted and perfectly melded together, the way Kiri held you so close and his fingertips dug into your pliant flesh. You were so fucking soft and sweet and Kiri was becoming addicted rather quickly. He’d groan and pant when your own teeth nipped at his lip or your tongue tried to wrestle his own, showing off that spitfire attitude he loved so much.
“Yo, get a fucking room, damn,” Sero yelled out from the bar.
You and Kirishima hesitantly paused your heated make-out session, both turning your heads to look and see that the whole gang was in eyesight and watching with shit-eating grins on their faces, Denki giving two thumbs up. Bakugou was staring as well, a cocky smirk on his face and arms crossed as he leaned against the bar.
“Eijirou,” you softly purred while kissing under his jaw and bringing his attention back to you.
He chuckled, trying to hide the shudder that ran down his spine when your tongue tasted his neck.
“You know, I’m surprised,” he breathed out while you continued to abuse his skin with licks and bites.
“Surprised about what Ei?”
“That Blasty over there hasn’t tried to come over here and take you away from me,” he replied.
You paused to lean your head back against the wall and look at Kirishima with a smirk, he smirked back and leaned in closer teasing your lips with his own and making butterflies flutter in your stomach, eliciting a moan.
“Why - fuck, why w-would he,” you stuttered, letting Kiri lick the corners of your mouth and kept up with his teasing, making your thighs squeeze tightly around his waist.
Kirishima quirked a red brow and shrugged before his hips were grinding into you again harshly, making you bounce lightly against the wall and his own body with a groan. 
“You know how he is when someone encroaches on his territory, especially me.”
“H-hold up,” you grunted and stopped Kiri’s mouth with your finger, pushing his face away to fully look at him. “What are you talking about - his territory, you know we aren’t a thing right?”
Kirishima nodded and took your hand, “I know that little one.”
“Okay, so why would you say that?”
“(Y/N), it was a joke.”
You looked away, fist clenching as Kirishima held it.
“Yeah? Well it wasn’t a very good joke,” you sighed and squirmed slightly, “Let me down.”
Kirishima blinked at you and shook his head, “Wha - no! Look, I’m sorry I did -”
“Now Kiri!”
Immediately Kirishima nodded and gently helped you stand on your own two feet again but he hesitated in backing away from you, his hand still holding yours and not wanting to let go.
“(Y/N), I honestly was just joking, it’s nothing to get pissy about.”
Your eyes narrowed at the massive tattooed red-head, a finger from your free hand quickly coming up and poking his chest.
“For your fucking information Kirishima, I don’t belong to anyone, I’m not anyone’s territory, I’m not anyone’s claim, I’m not anyone’s girl! Just because me and Katsuki flirt, or me and anyone else in that fucking shop, doesn’t mean I’m theirs. And what does it matter to you anyway if I get attention from someone else huh? Is there something you want to tell me maybe?”
Kirishima swallowed thickly as you put him on the spot, his heart stopping and brain trying to figure out how to reply. This wasn’t the time nor the place for him to confess to you, hell, he still wasn’t even sure if he wanted to. 
There was a look in your eyes though, even if you were chewing him out, there was some sort of sick hope in those cursed (e/c) hues that maybe he’d reply with something you wanted to hear. 
Kiri sighed and lowered your hand, finally but slowly letting it fall from his own. Your hand didn’t entirely leave his though, giving him one last chance to come to his senses, which he almost did. His index finger stretched out wanting so badly to hook around your own but it didn’t. You clicked your tongue and lightly swatted his hand away before brushing past him, hiding your face and sniffling.
“That’s what I fucking thought.”
Kirishima sighed and hung his head low as you walked away, his own fist clenching and teeth baring. At the bar Sero let out a curse when he saw you beelining for the exit, he went to go after you but Bakugou was already on it and halfway to you. Sero groaned, rubbing the side of his neck and he leaned back against the bar, watching Kirishima make his way to them.
“Dude what happened,” Sero questioned.
Shaking his head, Kiri took a seat between Hitoshi and Denki. The lavenderette beside him chuckled after taking a drink of his beer and twirled the bottle around on its edges.
“He fucked up, that’s what happened.”
Red eyes cut at Hitoshi and Denki tried to keep from snorting.
“Why the fuck are you even here?” Kirishima snarled.
“Whoa Red, calm down,” Sero interrupted and walked up behind his friend to squeeze his shoulder.
Hitoshi only grinned in a way that had Kirishima’s blood boiling, he really didn’t like this dude.
“Well something in my head just screamed that you were going to fuck up tonight and that I couldn’t miss it, plus she begged me to come - she does that a lot actually, but in a different way you know.”
On the other side of Hitoshi, Deku spit up his drink and Denki was trembling from trying not to laugh. Hitoshi smirked and shrugged while he took another drink. 
“They think I’m funny.”
While Kirishima was trying to keep his composure and not murder the man next to him, Bakugou had you stopped at the door of the club, his hand quickly shutting it before you could fully open it and escape. Your face stayed forward looking down and being hidden behind your hair.
“Where do you think you’re going princess.”
Your shoulders shrugged at the question, eyes still refusing to look at him, refusing to answer him but Bakugou knew exactly where you were going. He knew you were dead set on escaping the club, the guys, Kirishima, dead set on going home and probably crying your eyes out all over again over his idiotic friend and whatever he did this time. You were feeling like shit, he knew that and this time it was his turn to be there for you.
“You have three seconds to answer me before I make you.”
You let out a sigh and shook your head, hand pulling at the door handle and trying to pry it open under Bakugou’s strength but failing miserably and only causing you to become more aggravated.
“One ... two …”
“Katsu ... please, just let me go home,” you replied with a strained voice.
“Look at me.”
“Katsu -”
Bakugou groaned, “Don’t fucking ‘Katsu’ me, I said look at me dammit.”
You chortled, lifting a hand to wipe your nose, finally your face turned and looked at Bakugou. He didn’t bare any expression whatsoever, he was expecting this look. Eyes showing evidence of tears, wet in the corners, jaw clenched and lips flat from you trying to keep from frowning or smiling. 
Bakugou turned his head to look over at the bar, Denki and Sero chuckling as Hitoshi seemed to be saying something to Kirishima whose back was to him.
“You feel like shit huh?”
Your eyes rolled and you moved, back slumping against the wall next to the door.
“Nothing gets past you,” you replied with dry sarcasm.
Bakugou smirked and placed himself before you. Your face was turned, looking away from him once again with arms crossed. The male placed a hand on the wall behind you, his other coming up and grabbing your chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning your head to look at him.
“Do you remember what I told you the last time you felt like shit?”
Your brow quirked, eyes searching his own crimson ones for the answer. You didn’t feel like thinking, didn’t feel like recalling how you felt the last time Kirishima managed to get to you so badly. With a sigh your shoulders shrugged.
“I don’t know, a lot of things. Uh - not to wallow alone, call one of you?”
Bakugou nodded. His fingers moved from your chin and his hand fully cupped the side of your face, the pad of his thumb brushing the corner of your eye and drying it. He leaned forward and kissed your cheek. Unconsciously, your face nuzzled his own, a sad sigh leaving your pouting lips.
“I also said that if you were still feeling like shit, I’d take real good care of you,” he spoke softly, lips still kissing your cheekbone and down to your jaw.
Your entire face tingled suddenly, eyes blinking. A genuine smile finally grew on your lips and Bakugou took advantage of it and kissed the corner of your mouth.
“That was weeks ago Katsu, are you telling me you have rollover minutes or something?”
Bakugou snickered, “If I do, would you be willing to accept the terms?”
“Oh man I don’t know, do I get unlimited talk, text and data?”
Bakugou nipped your cheek between his teeth, making you gasp.
“Nah, but you get my company,” he replied, removing his hand from the wall and dragging it down your side causing you to shudder as his fingers danced along your thigh before hooking underneath it and hiking it up around his waist.
“My body,” he spoke low with a husky tone and ground his hips into yours, causing a quiet grunt to evade your lips.
“And,” he started, fingers threading in your hair and tugging to pull your head back and make you look up even more at him. His lips kissed at the corner of your mouth again, “My mouth.”
You chuckled and grinned slyly.
“If all I get from your mouth is little bitch kisses like that then I don’t want it.”
The hand on your thigh dug its nails into your flesh, only making your grin grow wider.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head princess, you’ll get what you want from my mouth, I’ll have you reduced to absolutely fucking nothing but a trembling sweet little mess for me. But before I give your spoiled ass anything else, I need to hear you agree to it.”
Your eyes smiled and arms uncrossed, hands roaming the hard and broad chest that was pressing against your own. Your lips went to answer but Bakugou cut you off to state a final term.
“But - we do it my way. ”
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, red eyes watched it closely.
“What if I agree and you turn out to be a shitty kisser. That would really su - “
With a growl Bakugou silenced you, his lips collided with your own in a heated and prideful kiss. You hummed, he gave you exactly what you wanted, hands fisting in his shirt and pulling him closer. 
To be honest you expected kissing Bakugou to be a literal fight of teeth and tongue but he shocked you. The second his lips had met yours, the grip he held in your hair loosened, palm falling and cupping your face again, thumb brushing your jaw. His other hand rubbed under your thigh with a softness as his body rolled into yours making you pant on his lips. His lips controlled your own skillfully and you didn’t bother putting up a fight with them, red eyes staring into your own warned you not to. Kissing Bakugou felt - right.
Once the kiss broke you were trying to chase his lips again, whimpering. He continued to kiss you but avoided your mouth just like before, each time you’d turn to catch his mouth he smoothly evaded you. You whined his name, eyes fluttering shut when his tongue teased the corner of your mouth before another kiss was trailing towards your ear and he whispered.
“Tell me princess. Do you want me to help you forget all about him - to take care of you?”
Your cheek nuzzled his own softly, hands coming up and combing through blonde unruly hair, teeth nipping at your cheek again possessively. The hand on your thigh moved to squeeze your ass roughly and knead it as he groaned. You sighed in the Bakugou’s ear, pressing your body to his, wanting and needy. In the background there was a grungy Marilyn Manson song playing that made you grin and feel filthy suddenly. Your tongue slipped out and licked up his own cheek before biting it in return then tugging on his flesh.
“Yes, Katsu, please. Just kiss me again.”
The blonde chuckled and granted your wish but the kiss was short making you pout when he pulled away and looked at your face.
“I told you, you’re spoiled. From now on, you have to earn the things you want, like a good little girl, got it?” Bakugou spoke with a teasing tone and smile.
Bakugou shook his head and lowered your leg, “You agreed princess, my way. Now go tell mind-fuck over there you’re coming home with me tonight and let’s go.”
You smiled and stood on the tips of your toes to kiss the blondes cheek, “Yes sir - and thank you Katsu ... I know you’ll take good care of me.”
Before you started to walk away Bakugou grabbed your elbow and pulled you back against his body, hand cupping your throat and lips finding yours once again. You couldn’t help the smile that grew as you kissed back, body melting yet again and hand resting on his shoulder. When the kiss broke, Bakugou tugged your lip between his teeth and let a hand snake down your back to squeeze your ass, making you giggle.
“Didn’t you say I needed to earn those?”
Bakugou smirked and draped his arm over your shoulder, walking you both back to the bar, “Consider it an add on item for your rollover minutes.”
You elbowed the blonde with a laugh and applauded his humor. The two of you made it back to all the guys, ignoring the looks they gave. Bakugou started to say his goodbyes to Shouto and Deku while you made it over to Hitoshi. 
He grinned at you while shaking his head and you stood between his legs. His hand came up to brush a strand of hair out of your face before kissing your cheek.
“I’d give you a proper kiss but I don’t feel like indirectly kissing Rockhead and Blasty.”
You chuckled and cupped Hitoshi’s face while kissing his cheek and giving each other a hug.
“You have a key right,” you asked your friend.
He nodded.
“Yes kitten. Go do your thing, don’t worry about me being lonely in bed tonight.”
“Wanna have a sleepover?” Denki suddenly popped his head between the two of you.
While you laughed and kissed Denki’s forehead, Kirishima watched and listened from his own spot. Blood boiling over in his veins and jaw clenched. His eyes cut from you to Bakugou who was talking to Sero, catching his own eyes. The blonde smirked at him and squeezed Sero’s shoulder before walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist in a greedy manner, dragging your body away.
“But I didn’t get to tell my Deku goodnight!” You whined and reached out for the freckled faced man.
He chuckled and jogged to you, Bakugou stopped long enough for you both to peck the other’s cheek. He then tossed you over his shoulder and smacked your ass again.
“We’ll see those fucking extras tomorrow. You’re mine for the rest of the night,” he stated while walking towards the door with you.
The group watched as you both left. Kirishima sighed, feeling his heart sink deep down into his gut. Hitoshi glanced at him and clicked his tongue as he turned back around to face the bar.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
The red-head turned around as well and flagged down the bartender yet again then nodded.
“I know.”
143 notes · View notes
hunnybadgerv · 4 years
Remy & Matt: “Why did you choose me?”
From Prompt List I
Bonus: Spots to Kiss Prompts: a kiss on the space between the eyebrows for Matt & Remy
Leaning back on the pillow, the blonde woman shifted her hand slightly behind her neck, but not enough to move the rest of her body. Remy never minded the quiet, and there was something about the weight of Matt’s head on her stomach and the rhythm of his breathing that relaxed her. Her fingers threaded through his black hair; it was still damp from the shower and his body was warm, at least the parts of it against her side and the arm draped over her hips.
She couldn’t tell if he was actually awake still, but the movement of his long cool fingers along the waistband of her panties suggested he wasn’t asleep quite yet. He sighed deeply, his breath playing against her skin, while she continued to comb her fingers through his fine hair.
“Hmm?” she answered. She’d expected him to break the silence when she felt the breath. It tended to signal that his active mind had settled on something it needed to share.
His hand stilled and moved over her belly button so that when he picked his head up and rested his chin against her it wasn’t digging into her gut. “Why’d you choose me?” he asked.
“Matt,” she started to say, her fingers still in her hair.
“Don’t Matt me,” he argued, dramaticizing the tone she’d used as he sat up in the center of the bed. “I’m not a child.”
It was through his reaction that she realized the condescension in her tone, which she’d not intended at all. Remy scooted across the bed to sit beside him. “I know you’re not,” she agreed, leaned her shoulder against his arm. “I’m sorry for the tone. I didn’t do it on purpose.”
He pushed his hair over his ear and peeked at her from the corner of his eye. “I hate it when you say my name like that.”
Remy gave him a gentle smile. “That’s why I apologized,” she reminded him leaning her cheek on his shoulder. She wanted to wipe the grimace from his face, wanted him to smile at her. “And I know you are very much not a kid.” Though she couldn’t stop the thought from dashing through her mind, she did keep her realization that they’d known one another since he was seventeen to herself. Sometimes it still felt strange when she thought about how long she’d known him.
But that hacker kid with the ego was not quite the same man she’d met several years later. Maybe it was the multiple near death experiences that matured him faster than most guys in their twenties. Either way, that’s the person she became interested in. The man he was now.
“Truth be told I thought you were kind of a twit back in Stilwater.”
He actually turned her head to look at her when she admitted that.
“I mean you emptied my bank account, bugged my place—”
“It was actually the DeWynter’s place, at least when the mics and cameras were installed,” he said with a smirk.
“Fair enough,” she chuckled. “Still, you were kind of an annoying dick.”
Matt’s grin welcomed his laugh. His reaction widened her smile as well. “To be fair, you have a reputation.”
“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear,” Remy chided.
“There was video, too.”
She shrugged up her other shoulder as she looked up at him. “Don’t believe everything you see?”
He shook his head at her, but leaned over and pressed a kiss on her forehead at that space right between her eyebrows. She tipped her head and, holding his cheek, pressed her mouth to his. She still hadn’t answered his question and a part of her wasn’t quite sure how to. They traded lighter and light kisses until she was looking up at him once more.
“Not sure I chose it at first. Falling for you,” she clarified. “I just … I wouldn’t have picked it. I think because in some ways even though I know you’re not that scraggly teenager from Steelport that memory of you is still prevalent from time to time. Like when I say your name like your child about to be reprimanded.”
Matt didn’t interrupt her. He was listening, intently. It bordered on intimidating to have someone’s full attention the way he gave it.
“There was this feeling that just kind of cropped up. And even right this second, when you look at me I can feel that same butterfly stampede in my gut that sparks a tingle under my skin. For a long time I quashed it. Hid from it. I thought it wasn’t fair to you. But I wanted it—you, us,” she said.
“Eventually you did choose,” he reminded her.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “I like how you make me feel, the way I am when I’m with you. And I don’t want that feeling to go away. So, I chose you. Choose you,” she told him. “Every morning, every night,” a smirk played over her lips, widening her smile. “I choose you, Pikachu.”
“Oi!” he crooned, his hands going straight for her ribs.
Remy collapsed against him, giggling wildly. Breathless in seconds, she tried to push herself across the sheets to escape, but Matt grabbed her and pulled her back toward him and tucked her beneath him into his embrace.
“And people call me a dork,” he teased.
“I don’t know all the ins and outs of it, I just know I love you. I want you in my life.” She brushed her hand over the side of his face. Heaven help her, she’d fallen hard, but she found contentment there for the first time since she could remember. Matt had become her safe place.
“I love you, too,” he told her, brushing the backs of his fingers against her neck. “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t just using me for my body.”
Remy grinned. “Oh, I am, but that’s only part of it.”
Matt seemed to consider that statement for a moment. “Okay, I can live with that.” He pressed a kiss to her lips and the boss wrapped her arms tight around his neck.
Yep, this is home.
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camimcndcs · 4 years
mile high club
TAGGING: KJ @itskenetiapa, Cami.
LOCATION: Airplane bathroom on a flight to NZ.
TIMEFRAME: April 12th, 2020
NOTES: Cami and KJ join the mile high club on their flight to New Zealand.
KJ: Their flight had taken off over a little hour ago though it barely felt as such. With their line of work, they had quickly gotten used to being on planes for whatever reason, yet KJ still had a hard time with the lengthy travels. The only downside of visiting his family in New Zealand was the time spent on a plane in the first place -- although there was nothing he wouldn't do to be able to visit them. "Hm?" he hummed absently, directing his gaze toward Camila and the stewardess currently offering beverages and snacks. The view from the window had been so breathtaking, he had found himself lost in thoughts before he could even realize it. "Sorry-- a beer for me. I won't say no to that can of Pringles though," he added with a smile, nodding gratefully once the woman handed him what he had asked for. They needed to enjoy the free benefits of being first-class anyway. The redhead was more often than not flying economy, especially when he simply went back and forth from Vancouver and LA. During long trips as such though, he preferred the comfort the first class provided -- it seemed his girlfriend and Truffle were also on the same page. "I can't believe she's still asleep." he whispered as he dipped his head slightly to catch sight of the dog sleeping soundly in her little bag. "You totally drugged her, aye." A chuckle rumbled from his chest as he straightened himself in his seat and brought the bottle up to his lips to take a sip.
Cami: Watching KJ as he glanced out the window from his seat, Camila couldn't help but feel her heart bursting with happiness and anticipation of seeing his family and the beautiful country he'd grown up in. She'd heard many stories from him, but getting to see it all in person was going to be such an amazing experience. When the stewardess came to ask for their beverage order she asked for a glass of wine and took a bag of pretzels that were offered. Camila nudged her boyfriend's arm as the stewardess was looking at him expectantly, giggling when he finally realized what was going on, she snagged a chip from his can when he opened it, placing it in her mouth as she opened her bag of pretzels. "I can't believe it either," Camila replied in a hushed tone following his gaze to the maltipoo resting in her carrier. "I did not drug her, you just wore her out in the backyard this morning," she giggled, taking a sip of her wine as a satisfied hum left her lips. "Once we finish our drinks I reckon I'll need a trip to the bathroom," she whispered into his ear, wiggling her eyebrows at him suggestively.
KJ: The smile etched on his lips widened into a full-blown grin as the sound of her giggle-filled his ears -- brown orbs settling on her features and taking in how effortlessly beautiful she always looked. There was a fondness swirling in his eyes he simply couldn't disguise. Not that KJ wanted to, but he had learned over the past few months that he seemed to be like an open book. His feelings for the raven-haired girl beside him were constantly reflected in very simple gestures. A look, a smile... They had rushed through every step they were supposed to take slow, and god help him he could feel his feelings for her grow even more as each day passed them by. Though, he would keep his mouth shut until the right time would come along. Cocking an eyebrow at the next words she uttered, the redhead couldn't deny the rush of excitement that suddenly appeared regarding the plan they were supposed to set in motion. "What a coincidence. I reckon I'll need one too," he whispered back, leaning sideways to properly face her with a tilt of his head. "We're pretty lucky. People seem to be too engrossed in whatever they're doing to notice anything-- although, the rush comes from knowing we could get caught." He allowed his gaze to roam around them to check once more if everything was still just as animated and distracted as it had been previously. Satisfied with what he witnessed, he looked back at Camila with a smirk. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard."
Cami: The smile that widened into a full-blown grin on her boyfriend's face as her giggle filtered through the air, turned her cheeks pink, blushing when she thought about the happiness that she made him feel in turn making her just as happy. Camila watched his reaction to what she had whispered in his ear, grinning at his response as he faced her. "We're definitely lucky," she started, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair as she took a few more sips of her wine. "There's definitely going to be a rush that comes from knowing we could get caught or that someone might hear us," she added. The last string of words that left his mouth with a smirk on his face, made her groan quietly. "Fuck, baby," she whispered, biting her lip as a feeling of warmth erupted in her stomach. "I can't wait for you to fuck me so hard," she added, closing her eyes as she took another sip of her wine, thinking about what he was going to do to her in that bathroom.
KJ: After being with each other physically as much as they had, KJ had taken note of every little thing that drove Camila crazy. Details he was always quite attentive to -- gauging her reaction to each touch and kiss he bestowed upon her. He had also quickly realized promising to sex her up a certain way would animate the flame that would then lead straight to an inferno they couldn't contain. And he had to admit dirty talking was very much of a turn on, especially when she was concerned. "Shhh-- soon, I promise. I'll make you feel so good." he murmured as he watched her close her eyes, surely giving in to the numerous thoughts her mind was conjuring up. Something he wished he could see for himself. The urge to touch her in some way was very present, though instead he tipped his head back and chugged the beer in his hand as he was reminded they would only partake in such fantasy once they were done with their drinks. And thankfully, Camila seemed to be just as eager to get straight to what they both wanted the most. He could only watch with parted lips as she got up from her seat, bending forward on purpose in a teasing manner before slowly moving in the direction of the bathroom. The wait seemed never-ending, his head torn between making sure he could venture the same way as well and giving into the twitching in his pants. With another look around, he nodded to himself and nonchalantly made his way to the door -- wasting no time in pulling it open and going inside.
Cami: It's not that Camila couldn't have lasted the entire plane ride without being intimate with her boyfriend, she just loved a challenge and wanted to try something new. Even the thought of being alone with KJ in such a way was already stimulating her senses. The dirty talking only increased the fire between her legs. "Don't shush me," she growled under her breath, "How good, baby? How good?" she asked, leaning over to nibble on his ear. With her eyes closed now, she was imagining the position they were about to be in which was really turning her on. Downing the rest of her wine, Camila got up from her seat quickly, bending forward to give her boyfriend a tiny show before her big performance. The raven-haired girl shook her hips as she walked towards the bathroom, thankful that no one else had their eyes on her. Once she made her way into the bathroom, Camila checked her reflection in the mirror, splashing water onto her face just as she heard KJ pulling the door open to join her. "Fancy seeing you here," she giggled, hoisting herself up onto the sink top next to the sink. First-class offered many perks and right now she was extra thankful for a more spacious bathroom. "Show me how good you're going to fuck me," she whispered, pulling him towards her by his belt buckle.
KJ: The bright grin returned to his features as Camila greeted him, teeth digging into his bottom lip while his brown orbs raked over her form -- the anticipation of the moment filling his senses. They couldn't take their time, that much he knew, which is why KJ was quick to slide one of his hands between her legs and past the fabric of the cute little sweat shorts she was wearing. Seeking the warm flesh she had left uncovered just as he had requested. "What a good girl," he whispered with a mischievous glint in his eyes, feeling for himself just how much her thoughts had already gotten to her. Fingers trailing back and forth along her slit and teasingly probing her entrance -- the proof of her arousal coating the tips. "Already so wet for me. What's it's gonna be like when I'll be deep inside of you, aye." The redhead knew his words would only increase the excitement coursing through her being, which was exactly what they needed. Despite time not being on their side, he still found himself pulling her into a hungry kiss; muffling the sounds that escaped her mouth as he moved his fingers past her walls and into her core.
Cami: Watching as he dug his teeth into his bottom lip and raked his eyes over her body, a quiet sound fell from her lips. Camila gasped as his hand slid between her legs and past the fabric of the sweat shorts she had paired with a cropped sweatshirt for their journey. She, of course, had packed underwear and leggings into her carry on, but right now this was what she needed to be wearing for easy access. As his fingers came in contact with her already wet heat, Camila's face fell into the crook of his neck as she tried to keep quiet. She felt herself getting even wetter as he praised her, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. "I'm so fucking wet for you, baby," she whispered, "When you're deep inside of me I'm going to explode," she added with a smirk on her face, pulling back from his neck to look at him. Camila groaned softly as he pulled her in for a hungry kiss, she let out a louder moan into his mouth as his fingers pushed past her walls and right into her core. "Fuck, fuck," she whispered against his mouth, bucking her hips slightly in pleasure at the feeling of him touching her in the perfect way that he always did.
KJ: Nipping her bottom lip as a reminder to keep quiet, KJ increased the pace of his fingers inside of her depths — needing to be sure she was ready for their first mile-high experience. Which was already the case for him. His erection was twitching in the constraint of his jeans; seeking the pleasure and comfort he knew she always provided. “Not a word. Not a sound.” he murmured as he pulled away from her mouth, where he had lingered after their heated kiss. He loved hearing just how much he affected her, but the circumstances didn’t allow them to rejoice in the numerous sounds that spurred them on. Withdrawing his digits, he trailed them upward to brush against her clitoris with a quiet chuckle before stepping away from her form. His hands quickly making work of his belt and the zipper of his pants. “Turn around, baby. You can hold onto the sink.” It seemed like the most practical position for them considering just how small the space was — even if it was indeed bigger than the ones people used when they were flying economy. All he needed was enough room to partake in this as properly as possible.
Cami: At the feeling of his teeth on her bottom lip, Camila let out a quiet whimper, biting back a groan as he increased the pace of his fingers within her depths. Camila closed her eyes as he pulled away from her mouth, doing everything she could to stay quiet. When he withdrew his digits from her heat, Camila felt a shiver run down her spine as he brushed them against her clit before stepping away from her. Watching, eyes wide as his hands made quick work of his belt and the zipper of his pants, Camila longed to see what her wetness had done to him, smirking as he pulled himself out of his pants. "Are you so hard for me?" she whispered, turning around and obeying his suggestion. Camila gripped the sink and looked forward into the mirror where she could see her own reaction and his. "I want to feel you inside of me," she whispered, biting down on her lip in anticipation, waiting for him to rid her of her shorts and take her all for himself.
KJ: Returning the smirk painted on her lips, KJ nodded in answer to her question; a light moan he couldn’t quite hold back filling the space they were in. “You’re gonna feel just how hard,” he whispered back, his brown eyes venturing downward to take in the view of her firm and round ass waiting for him. The redhead stroked his length with a quick flick of his wrist before reaching for her shorts and pulling them down. There was so much he could do and yet wasn’t truly allowed to — not when this was supposed to be a quickie in the first place. Gripping his throbbing member once more, he lined himself up at her core, his free hand holding onto her hip tightly just as he nudged himself inside. His mouth opened in a silent groan as he pushed forward until he was filling her up. “Ready?” he asked, one hand still holding onto her hip while the other moved to her right shoulder; not waiting for an answer before starting his back and forth motions. Hard and fast.
Cami: Through the mirror, Camila could see KJ taking in the view of her ass which made her bite her lip, shaking it for him as she caught his reflection. When she felt him pull her shorts down, Camila gasped. She wasn't used to him being so quick and not teasing her, but she knew they didn't have much time. As his free hand gripped her hip, she felt him nudge his twitching member into her folds. Camila swallowed hard as she heard him ask if she was ready, but before she could say anything he had gripped her right shoulder and was starting his back and forth motions. Keeping her left hand on the sink to steady herself, the raven-haired girl dropped her right hand down, stimulating her clit as she felt KJ rocking back and forth against her ass. "Baby, you feel so good," she whispered, throwing her head back and biting back another quiet moan. "I love how you fill me up with your big, hard cock," she added, knowing that dirty talk in these situations always turned him on. "I can't wait to come."
KJ: Willing himself to focus on the current motions instead of their surroundings, KJ trapped his bottom lip between his teeth; hoping to contain any sound that might want to escape. The thrill that came with the possibility of getting caught couldn’t be ignored — it was almost as if his entire being was craving to see just how far he could push her. How far Camila would be able to take it before she’d do the opposite of what he had instructed. Even if it was already the case as she uttered a string of words that made him twitch as he kept pounding into her. “Good girls who don’t moan out loud get to come,” he said with another smirk, finding her gaze in the mirror and gripping onto her body harder while he increased the pace of his movements. “God, I love this so fucking much.” Here he was breaking his own rules and speaking when they were supposed to be quiet, but he couldn’t stop himself. Nor the way his pelvis kept smashing against her ass the more he thrust inside from behind.
Cami: At his words, Camila quickened the pace of her fingers, throwing her head back as he caught her gaze in the mirror. "Well, maybe I'm not a good girl," she whispered, "Maybe I need to be punished," she added quietly. As his grip on her body tightened, Camila sucked in another breath as he increased the pace of his movements. His hot breath hit her ear as he praised the feeling of being buried inside of her, which made her smirk. KJ's pelvis was smashing against her ass with every thrust and she was starting to feel breathless. Camila removed her digits from her clit, knowing that if she kept it there any longer she would explode in a matter of seconds and she wasn't ready for that just yet. Placing her fingers into her mouth she caught his gaze in the mirror and began to seductively suck on them to clean them of the dampness left on them.
KJ: As much as he wanted to punish Camila like she had suggested, KJ knew they couldn't get too comfortable -- someone was bound to notice they were both missing from their seats after all. Or another passenger would choose that very unfortunate moment to come along. And he couldn't let that happen. Not before she would get to come in a very different way. "Don't push me," he muttered between gritted teeth, relentlessly moving against her as hard and fast as he was able to. The sound of their flesh colliding filling the small space they were in. The sight of his girlfriend's reflection licking her fingers dry was like lightning striking his mind -- knowing he could use that against her as a punishment she probably hadn't thought of. Not when he had pretended she wouldn't be able to come if she wasn't good in the first place. It was time to shift his plan. A smug grin took place on his features, brown eyes intently fixed on the mirror so she wouldn't miss one bit of the expression crossing his face as the hand holding onto her shoulder ventured along her back and down her stomach -- to find its way over the bundle of nerves she had stopped giving her attention to. "Let's punish you then, shall we?" His middle finger repeated the motions she had bestowed upon herself previously, with vigor and purpose. Intent on making her come although she had done her best to slow down the process.
Cami: She knew they didn't have much time, but she selfishly wanted more time to spend in these close quarters with her boyfriend like this. They had never really had a quickie because they both enjoyed teasing each other during sex, but today was different. She knew he couldn't really punish her in the way she wanted, but still, the words had slipped from her mouth. At KJ's mutterings, Camila smirked, "What are you going to do about it?" she whispered, closing her eyes to focus on the sound of their bodies colliding. Gripping the sink with two hands again, Camila watched a smug expression fall onto her boyfriend's face, watching as his eyes caught hers in the mirror. Watching as the hand that had been on her shoulder traveled along her back and down her stomach, stopping at her bundle of nerves. At his next words, Camila felt herself shiver, biting her lip in anticipation for his finger to make contact with her folds. He was stimulating her in every way and she was soon throwing her head back in pleasure, doing her best to stay quiet. "Fuck, fuck," she whispered, "Baby, I'm close, I'm so close," she added, feeling the fire burning in the pit of her stomach with every thrust and hit against her bundle of nerves.
KJ: The smirk crossing his lips only widened at the reactions he was greeted with. Another rush of excitement coursing through his being and intensifying his own pleasure -- KJ could feel it building up at the pit of his stomach, needing a little more before being able to let go. "Don't hold back. Don't," he mumbled breathlessly, eyes fluttering shut as he kept up with every motion going. Fingers pushing her toward the edge, blunt nails digging into the warm flesh of her hip and his length mercilessly delving into her cozy depths. As much as he wanted to hold back from the sensations that were threatening to wash over him, eager to make her come more than once, the redhead still knew better. They would have to find a way to make up for how quick their encounter had been later on. Right now, all that mattered was fulfilling not only their needs but the fantasy they had both been delighted to partake in. "I'm gonna come, baby. I'm gonna..." He bit his tongue to keep himself from speaking, just willing his body to maintain the pace and drive her to the edge first. Knowing he wouldn't be trailing too far.
Cami: Of course as soon as he'd found her bundle of nerves she felt closer in an instant, she had been trying so hard to drag this out and hold back but as soon as his finger was inside of her, her body had other plans. "I won't, baby, I won't," she replied, just as breathless as he was. Camila bucked her hips against his fingers and whimpered quietly at the feeling of his blunt nails digging into her flesh. She could feel her walls clenching around him as he continued to thrust deeper inside of her. "Baby, wait. Don't. Let me... and then I'll ride you," she breathed out, gripping the sink and throwing her head back, biting her tongue as she came around his cock and fingers. Camila was breathing heavily through her orgasm, panting as she leaned forward to splash water on her face from the sink. Not being able to make a sound had been tricky, but she had done it and now she wanted to turn the tables so she could make him feel as good as he had made her feel. "Pull out and sit on the toilet," she commanded, her voice never reaching above a whisper.
KJ: He bit back another groan as Camila requested he didn't come along with her and was on the verge of reminding her the rules of a quickie -- yet found himself unable to do so. The walls clenching around him, urging his being to give in to the numerous feelings he was submerged with were almost his downfall. KJ ended up doing the one thing that would prevent him from coming; think about something else altogether. Quite the hard feat, especially when everything felt so amazing. But the numerous sights he wanted to take Camila to in New Zealand did the trick enough for a brief span of time -- especially when she finally let herself go and he was able to feel her release coat his throbbing member. The best thing he could do in this moment was to stop his motions altogether, no matter how painful and frustrating it was. The redhead simply nodded at the command she uttered, not trusting himself enough to do anything but sit on the toilet and reach out blindly for her frame. His brown eyes still shut and his chest heaving up and down. He could only hope they would be able to finish what they had started. For his sake more than anything.
Cami: She knew that asking him to wait and pull out was going to cause him some pain, but she wanted to make him feel as good as he had made her feel. Camila wasted no time once he pulled out and sat down as she had commanded. Taking two steps towards him to close the distance between them, his hands found her hips as she slid herself down on his throbbing member. "Good boy," she whispered, rolling her hips towards his pelvis as she began to ride him, quickening her pace to relieve some of the pressure she was certain he was feeling. His tip was hitting her in all of the right spots and Camila knew if they could drag this out she would come again, but she wasn't sure that was an option right now. "Come on baby, go ahead, I'm right here," she whispered into his ear, running her fingers through his hair as she bounced up and down on his lap. "I want to feel you come inside of me," she added with a smirk, tugging at his hair with her fingers, leaning forward to capture his lips in a hungry kiss. It felt like they had been in this bathroom like this for forever, but it really hadn't even been that long.
KJ: Only when he felt Camila take him back inside of her core did he allow his eyes to open once more — finding her features momentarily before she found refuge in the crook of his neck. The current situation was still just as sexy and exciting, something he could easily get lost into, but his entire body was yearning the release he had been so close to. “Cami...” he breathed out, the hold on her body tightening as he helped her bounce faster on his lap. His mouth found her shoulder and he bit harshly the flesh that was uncovered by the top she was wearing — retaliation for making him wait in the first place. He pulled back when she ran her hands through his hair and eagerly met her kiss with as much passion as she poured; his tongue seeking her own for a vigorous dance. The sensation at the pit of his stomach picked up again, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he would finally be tipped over the edge. The redhead still moved one of his hands between their bodies and rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves in hopes she would follow along for another orgasm. “Cum with me.” he murmured against her lips as they pulled back from the gesture.
Cami: At the rate, this was going, if they suddenly his turbulence right now she was certain she would hit her head on the ceiling. When KJ breathed out her name, she felt a familiar warmth return to her stomach and her head rolled back as his mouth found her shoulder, biting harshly on her flesh. Their tongues became tangled in their kiss and soon she was moaning quietly into his mouth as his hand came between their bodies to rub at her sensitive bundle of nerves. "Oh fuck," she mumbled against his lips, dragging her teeth against his bottom lip as a grin formed on her face. Camila ground her pelvis against his, tugging at his hair as she felt herself getting close again. "Baby, oh baby, I'm gonna," she whispered, taking a deep breath as she anticipated both of their releases happening at once.
KJ: The way she moved on top of him was maddening, and the little control he had left evaporated like the fog surrounding LA early in the morning. Leaving place to mind-blowing sensations KJ could only embrace with open arms -- the pleasure that had been bubbling up previously washing over him with a force he had not anticipated. The longing and wait only intensifying the moment. He reattached his mouth to her shoulder, muffling the grunt that flew past his lips as he bucked his hips upward and came inside of her. A feeling that was hard to describe, something he was certain few were able to and always left him completely breathless. Her walls squeezed him yet again, Camila following suit mere seconds after he had. No words were uttered as they stayed put in their current position, holding onto another as tightly as they had been all along. Simply basking in the aftermath of their orgasm and willing their bodies to calm down. Though it didn't take long for the redhead to chuckle against her skin, peppering it with kisses before he pulled away to meet her gaze. A grin breaking out as he caught sight of her beautiful face. "So much for a quickie."
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ranjxtul · 5 years
Have some. aralyn angst, loves. TW for panic attacks and abuse
Since she’d been reincarnated, Aragon’s stomach dropped at the initiation of conflict. A deep feeling of uneasiness would creep through her gut and spread to the outer edges of her body. If she was involved in the conflict, she did her absolute best to diffuse it before it could get worse.
In no way did she want to the cause of, or in the crossfire of a large conflict. In her mind any outcome to that was completely detrimental. If she caused the conflict then more than likely, all anger would be directed toward her and should something happen, her opposition so to speak could devalue her or decide she wasn’t worth it. For that reason, she did her absolute best to not start conflict.
The other foreseeable outcome to conflict was having her words used against her. Anything she said in the heat of the moment could be twisted later, or held against her, regardless of how or what she actually said.
That being said, Aragon stayed out of conflict for the most part. The closest thing to true arguing she came was snarking back and forth with one of the other queens. If and when any real confrontation seemed likely, Catherine did everything in her power to appease  whomever she needed.
The other queens had noticed this, but saying it aloud served no purpose. They noticed Aragon’s slightly wider eyes when she feared conflict for herself or one of the other queens. The aftermath of one of the only serious fights she’d been a part of since reincarnation had, unbeknownst to the others, resulted in a long, sleepless night during which she agonized every single detail of the encounter and her heart rattled against her chest as if it were trying to break free of the confines of the ribcage.
She tormented herself, deciding what to do differently the next time, wondering if her new at the time friends would perceive her as something she wasn’t. She wondered if they’d call her cruel or see her as arrogant. In all actuality, she’d been expecting those insults after.
To put it lightly, Catherine absolutely loathed conflict. She loathed being yelled at even more; this played into her avoidance. If she could back down before anything started then no one would yell. Being screamed at brought her back to Henry and his manipulation.
What she didn’t know was that simply observing a situation could trigger her. She learned this on one of the most unfortunate occasions she could’ve. Anne was taking her out for a dinner date.
Anne had promised to take her to this new Italian restaurant that had opened across town, and in a very  Anne fashion, she’d been hyping the date up since the idea had come about. That was a hallmark of most dates Anne planned. She loved to advertise but keep the details secretive. She said it was for the allure and the mystery of it all, and Catherine found it endearing. She didn’t admit it though, she’d just go with it.
Granted, knowing they were headed to the new Italian restaurant was more detail than she’s gotten before. The day of, Anne had simply walked downstairs and announced to Catherine that she should wear something nice and be ready by six.
“Catherine, babe, we’re leaving at six tonight wear something nice,” Anne called as she walked into the kitchen.
Anna glanced up from her coffee, “Are you two finally going to that restaurant?”
Catherine shrugged, “We should be, that was the plan at least.”
Anne simply shrugged,”I dunno. Maybe. We could be going there, or to a different place.” The smirk at the edges of her mouth gave it away though. Anne couldn’t hide her excitement at taking her girlfriend out to a dinner she knew they were both looking forward to.
Aragon’s lips quirked into a small smile, “Mhm. I’ll be ready.” She couldn’t contain her own excitement either, Anne’s was infectious and truthfully Catherine needed a day to destress.
Nine shows a week took a lot out of a person as it was, and then throwing in personal matters of the week, life could be incredibly hectic and stressful. A date with Anne was almost always a perfect way to destress, and never boring.
She understood Catherine and as much as it sometimes made Aragon a bit uncomfortable, she knew all of her ticks and the warning signs. That level of understanding was lovely though on a different level. It meant if she needed physical affection she didn’t have to ask for it, Anne could pick up on it.
In turn, Catherine did her absolute best to learn Anne’s warning signs of when she’d had a nightmare, or been unable to sleep, or needed to talk. Getting to that level of communication and understanding between the two had been admittedly arduous, but ultimately worth it.
As many doubts as Catherine had about the permanence of her relationship and whether or not Anne would realize she wasn’t what she wasn’t or that she wasn’t good enough, she clung to what she had with Anne. Once she let it happen, it was arguably one of the most positive things in her life.
At six, Catherine made her way down the staircase wearing a short sleeved, pale yellow dress that clung to her body until it hit a bit above her knees, a trail of pale pink flowers dusting the sides of it. Anne stood waiting for her toward the kitchen door. She wore a black skater skirt and a form fitting emerald green crop top.  
She grinned, seeing her girlfriend approach, “Oh my god, you look stunning.” She met Catherine as she stepped off the final stair and pulled her in for a gentle kiss.
As Catherine pulled back from the kiss, a smile of her own spreading across her face, she took stock of how Anne’s waves framed her face and how her green eyes seemed alight with excitement. “Says the angel herself,” Aragon finally complimented back.
Anne’s smile widened, “Takes one to know one,” she quipped back taking Catherine’s hand and pulling her toward the door. “Shall we walk? It’s not too far and it’s nice out.”
At Anne’s first response, a small blush had begrudgingly made its way onto the first queen’s face, but she nodded quickly hoping to cover it up, “Sounds perfect to me.”
Anne had been correct in saying it was nice out. No clouds obstructed the sky, the sun’s rays weren’t unbearably hot, and a quiet breeze filtered through the air. The couple chatted idly about different topics as Anne led them toward the restaurant.
Once they arrived and had been seated, Anne immediately took Catherine’s hand over the table. It taken a long time for them to get there and for Catherine to feel okay with this, and Anne couldn’t have been more proud of her.
The meal began as normal as possible, the two oblivious to the people beside them, preferring to stay much more focused on each other. It was right after Aragon’s entree had arrived she got distracted.
“Babe? Did ya hear what I said?” Asked Anne tilting her head curious as to what had caught her girlfriend’s attention.
“Hm? Oh what, sorry,” she shook her head apologetically. “Can you repeat that, love?”
“I was just asking when your random show off this week is,” Anne repeated glancing over to where Catherine’s eyes had been seconds ago. A couple sat a bit away from them, and at first glance nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“It’s Wednesday matinee, when’s yours this week?” Catherine responded glancing intently at Anne.
The brunette glanced back, “Thursday night. I was hoping for a matinee so I could slip out and get Anna a birthday present without having to really try and hide it,” she shrugged, her face contorting for a brief second in disappointment.
Out of the corner of her eye, Catherine saw the man at the table nearby jerk his girlfriend’s wrist away from him, her face twisting in pain. Subconsciously, she winced. Once she realized what she’d done, she attempted to play it off. “What do you want to get her?”
Anne wasn’t a fool; she’d noticed Catherine’s reaction to an unknown stimulus. She glanced back around briefly, attempting to determine what could have caused the woman across from her to wince, but nothing immediately caught her eye. So, she turned back to the conversation, “Well, I thought about a dog, but realized Jane might kill me, so I was thinking maybe that leather jacket she saw a while back,” she shrugged.
“That’s a good one. I’m still not sure what I want to get her, but I do know Jane and I are going to cook her something for dinner,” Catherine nodded. In her peripheral again, she could see the angry expression on the man’s face and a sneering glint in his eye now. She could imagine his date’s reaction.
“Oh you should make bratwurst. She loves that,” Anne suggested eagerly with a nod. She opened her mouth to add onto her previous statement, but this time she noticed the couple Aragon had noticed. From her perspective, she could see the woman hunched into herself and frankly looking terrified.
“We were considering-“ Aragon nodded back, her conversational tone staunched by a venomous male voice.
“Why are you being such a bitch? I’m just trying to talk to you” It was the male from the table nearby. His voice was cold and hard as flint underneath, but overtop the malice a note of plea rang out.
That tone struck a chord in Aragon, it was too much like Henry. Too much like all of the times she’d tried to stand up for herself only to be shot down, or told she was a bitch. It was like all the times her vulnerability and candor would be used against her. She didn’t continue her sentence, or pay attention to see if Anne said anything. She only listened for a response.
The woman’s response if at all present was inaudible. The man’s was anything but, “Like hell you are. All I’ve been trying to do is have a civil conversation with you, and now you’re making me yell because you want to be such a bitch about every little thing.”
The underlying manipulation and implications of that statement burned in Catherine’s mind. There was no way that woman had done anything remotely ‘bitchy.’ She’d hardly spoken the whole time. The condescension in his tone, the guilt trip, and the anger were all too familiar.
It made Aragon freeze in her body, and it made her mind spin. A part of her mind remained in the present empathizing with the cowering woman, and the other found itself back in England in the sixteenth century enduring Henry.
Anne was torn between worrying about the couple who by now, was drawing attention to themselves, and Catherine. She’d stopped speaking abruptly and now she stared as inconspicuously as possible. That decision was made for her though when she saw Catherine’s eyes go distant and her chest started to rise and fall faster than it should.
Then it hit Anne as she replayed and listened to the man’s words, his attitude was reminiscent to that of Henry. A bolt of anger and a bit of anxiety of her own began to boil in Anne’s stomach, but she pushed it down and reached across the table to take Catherine’s hand again, “Babe, can you hear me?” She asked gently.
By now, Catherine’s mind buzzed with insults Henry had thrown at her back in the day, and instances where he had twisted her own words and victimized himself. Despite knowing he had been in the wrong, some broken part of Aragon still recoiled in guilt at those thoughts. She remembered how her pleas to stay had been received and how no matter what she’d done for herself or for Mary it had been out of control.
The vivid, swirling memories seemed almost palpable and brought Catherine a sense of being out of control in the present. That is, if she could identify being in the present anymore. Anne’s voice registered as a distant hum in her head against the white noise of thought.
Anne frowned when Catherine didn’t respond. Occasionally she’d flinch and the hand Anne gently held suddenly jerked away as if Anne were fire. “Catalina, Catalina,” Anne said again, standing up this time and going to kneel near her girlfriend’s chair.
Luckily nobody noticed the movement on their part as a waiter and several other people had gotten involved with the other couple. Before Catherine could start scratching at her arms like Anne knew her propensity was, she took both hands firmly. “I’m here. Try to find my voice, I promise. It’s Anne and nobody else.”
The hum of someone’s gentle voice created a contrast against the violent thoughts in Aragon’s head, but she couldn’t place the voice with distinct words or a name. All she could tell was that she liked the voice. Black spots started to crowd her vision as her lungs raged at the lack of air.
“You’re in that new Italian restaurant, and we’re on a date. It’s Sunday and we have a show tomorrow,” Anne continued. She attempted to use tactics she’d used before when helping Kitty or occasionally Aragon, but in those instances, she’d been able to remove her from the cause of the panic. In this instance, Catherine couldn’t move and the source was immovable as of now.
As Anne continued to speak, Catherine did her best to focus and finally put the voice to a name, Anne. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me,” came her voice again. After a heavy pause, Aragon gave a weak squeeze and Anne let out a sigh of relief. “Good, that’s so good. Try and breathe.”
Try and breathe. Well, that was easier said than done. While Anne’s voice was slowly beginning to drown out the buzz and tether her to the present, it wasn’t enough just yet. She could only do so much at once, but she tried nonetheless, her mind fighting biological instincts every step of the way.
Against all odds, she rattled out a shallow, harsh breath which helped clear the spots in her vision. Anne gave a nod of encouragement, “Well done Catherine. Try that again. Here, follow me.” She started to overexaggerate her breathing, hoping her girlfriend was lucid enough to attempt to follow.
Behind the couple, someone had thankfully called in security so the man was being escorted away, but the damage was done, both to Catherine and presumably his ex. Aragon followed Anne’s commands to the best of her ability, and as she forced breaths in and out of her aching chest, the buzzing quieted to a hum and the room came into focus again.
Alongside that, almost immediately a deadening exhaustion and overwhelming guilt flooded her limbs when she realized what had happened and noticed Anne kneeling beside her. “I’m sorry,” she apologized in between breaths.
“You don’t have to-“ Anne started.
“No I do, I ruined our date,” Catherine shook her head. If she had been able to focus on Anne rather than someone else then she wouldn’t have panicked, and then they wouldn’t be where they were right now. This was supposed to be a fun, relaxing night and it had turned into whatever this was.
Anne shook her head, “No, you did not. Before you interrupt me again and insist you did, let me speak,” she said gently giving her girlfriend a pointed look. “You has no idea that you’d hear what was going on over there, and I did too. I don’t know what exactly was happening in your head, but I have a pretty decent guess. That man reminded you of him and sent you on that spiral, and that is not your fault. I don’t blame you for it at all,” she reassured her.
Catherine glanced down at her lap, biting back the tears that now threatened to fall post-panic. Anne had already seen this, she didn’t need to see tears now. Even with Anne’s reassurance she couldn’t help but feel like she’d ruined the night. She lacked the energy to argue though, so she just nodded, “Yeah.”
Anne nodded in return, observing Catherine’s clearly exhausted state. “Do you want to just pay now and head back? We can cuddle in one of our rooms instead of staying out,” she suggested.
Catherine gave another dull nod, “Can we?” As soon as those words left her mouth, another wave of guilt washed over her. She was making Anne miss part of a night out of her.
“Sure thing babes,” Anne nodded giving the top of one of Catherine’s hands a gentle kiss. She then released her hands and returned to her seat across from the first queen. As soon as the waiter passed by again, Anne waved him over and asked for their check which he promptly brought and she paid as quickly as possible.
All the while, Catherine’s thoughts ran wild, but at a much more lathargic pace. Aside from overwhelming guilt, the situation puzzled her. She knew she hated being involved in serious conflict, but could watching one go down really a catalyst for something like that? The thought made the woman frown. She’d seen Jane and Katherine fight and the situation had been unpleasant to witness but nothing like this. She supposed it had to do with the nature of this particular ‘fight.’ It had been one sided and abusive, much like Henry’s actions.
“We’re all set,” Anne’s voice broke her train of thought once more.
Aragon glanced up to see Anne beside her chair, holding her hand out. She took it pulling herself up, only to find the telltale aftermath of a panic present in her limbs: weakness. Her arms felt like deadweight by her side and moving a leg felt like moving a fifty pound box.
Sensing this, Anne wrapped her arm around Catherine’s waist to support her as they walked, and as much as Catherine wished she could have pretended like she didn’t need it, she leaned into it. “I love you, so much,” Anne said quietly as they walked.
Catherine held back the question of ‘why.’ She’d just ruined a date and before this she’d probably done a whole host of things to cause Anne major grief. Somewhere in a logical part of her brain, she knew Anne did love her and a panic attack wouldn’t change that, but seldom did that logic ever make itself known. Instead, she simply replied, “I love you too.”
When Anne and Catherine arrived back home, no one was expecting them to be home so early and so when the couple made its way into the kitchen the faces of the queens presents morphed into those of shock and upon noting Aragon’s state, confusion.
“Why are you back so early?” Asked Kitty from the table where she sat finishing up her own dinner.
“Is everything okay?” Anna added, eyeing her two best friends warily.
Jane stayed silent for the moment from her place doing the dishes, clearly everything was not okay, but now was not the time to press the subject.
Parr spoke up next, “Hey, let’s not push it.” Anne gave her a grateful smile before she led Catherine through the kitchen and up the stairs toward her room.
“You want to change before we lay down?” She asked, making sure to keep her typically loud voice a bit quiter than normal for Catherine’s sake.
“Yeah,” the Spanish queen nodded, reluctantly detaching herself from Anne. She dragged herself over to the chest of drawers that held her pajamas and pulled out a pair of shorts and one of Anne’s hoodies that she’d ‘borrowed.’ As quickly as her sluggish state would allow, she changed and made her way over to the bed where Anne already lay tucked halfway under the covers, her arms open.
Without hesitation, Aragon lay in Anne’s arms and curled up as closely against her as possible. Nearly instantaneously, a feeling of safety spread through Catherine’s body. It was the first time since the restaurant she’d felt safe. Anne’s gentle fingers rubbed small circles into her shoulders as she lay there and the tension in her spine began to release.
“I’m sorry, again,” Aragon apologized after a few more minutes.
“Shh, there is absolutely no need to do that,” Anne shook her head. The pure kindness and lack of judgement in her voice was enough to quiet Aragon down.
Anne knew her girlfriend wouldn’t last long awake now that she was less alert, so she simply awaited for her to fall asleep. In a matter of minutes, Catherine found herself fighting consciousness and soon after, her breathing evened out indicating a much needed sleep.
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic - Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer - (1/?)
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stained-carmine · 5 years
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“...” The young vampire pulled her knees closer to her chest, lowering her head. She gently bit her lip as memories surfaced in her mind. Memories of her time imprisoned in the basement. When she was starved of the sustenance all vampires needed to survive. Seldom times servants would descend into the basement, leaving a tray scarcely covered in food. The bare minimum in order to ensure Flandre didn’t starve to death. Thinking back on it now, she probably would have been better off letting herself die.
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It was after her wings had been removed that it happened for the first time.
One day a servant descended into the basement. By now Flandre was used to them bringing her small morsels on the orders of her sister. But today was different. The usual echo of footsteps as they slowly approached was accompanied by cries of protest, begging and blubbering.
“Please! Do not do this! Let me go! I will not tell anyone so please—”
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The vampire lifted her head slowly. What’s going on...? She wondered to herself as she peered into the darkness, beyond the bars of her cage. A strange voice, pleas answered only by silence, got closer and closer, until finally it’s source was within view.
A human. Held firmly by a servant of the Scarlet Devil herself.
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Flandre raised her head in awe. She watched as the servant opened the door to her cage and shoved the human inside. The young man grunted as he hit the cold cement floor. Despite his best efforts to get up as quickly as possible, he was too late to force his way out of the cell. The heavy sound of locks being engaged echoed through the empty halls of the basement.
“Wait! Do not leave me here! Please, let me go!” In desperation, he yelled over and over. Screaming and begging for the maid to change her mind. But the only sound that could be heard was the solid slam of the large door leading to the basement. Soon after his shouts lowered to whimpers. He fell to his knees, sobbing. So frantic was he, that he hadn’t even noticed the other occupant of the cell.
“Who are you?” Flandre called out to the young man who flinched in response. He spun around, eyes searching the darkness for the source of the voice. He was greeted by the sight of a young girl with blonde hair. Seeing a mere child huddled up in the corner, the young man seemed slightly relieved that he was not alone in this place.
“...I am René Laurent“ He said as he moved closer. “You are?”
“Flandre.” The vampire purposefully leaving her surname out in fear that he would realize she was the sister of his kidnapper.
“Ah, Flandre. What is a child doing locked up down here?”
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“I...” She lowered her head, reluctant to tell the man the truth. “...My parents were killed by...” The vampire trailed off, hoping that the man would make his own conclusions and that she wouldn’t be forced to tell him the truth.
“...I see.” His tone was somber. “I am sorry to hear that...How long have you been here?”
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The girl shook her head. “I don’t know...” She wasn’t lying. She had no idea how long it had been since she had last seen the light of day. If there was one benefit to being trapped underground, it was that the sun couldn’t reach her here. The only shred of relief she had really. The human lowered his gaze for a moment before asking another question.
“...Have you tried to escape?”
Flandre nodded solemnly. “I have, many times. Every time the punishment is worse... so I stopped trying...” She watched as the man’s spirits lowered visibly, a twinge a pain in her heart as she continued to speak. “...There’s no point in trying to escape. The mistress of this manor is a monster. She occasionally comes down here to torture me.” Red eyes took in the man’s reaction of surprise and anger, but she kept going. “You’re the first person to be brought down here since I’ve been imprisoned...” Indeed, this was the first time anyone besides herself had been locked in this dungeon. It made her wonder why. What purpose is there to bringing a human into this godforsaken basement?
It was several days later that she found out why.
The next day, Flandre was awoken by her cellmate.
“They have brought us food.” He said as he pointed to the tray that had been left outside the bars of their cage.
The vampire rubbed her eyes as she lifted herself off the floor. That was strange, usually she wouldn’t be fed this soon after a meal. Was her sister taking pity on her? A faint light of hope filled her heart as she made her way over to the tray, where the young man was already partaking in their meal. When she got there she paused. Wait. Where’s the blood? She looked the tray over. There was no blood to be seen. She lifted up a piece of bread, searching for anything that might have contained her sustenance, but there was none to be found. I guess the food is here early for his sake... She thought as she glanced at the man. Resigning herself to only half of what she needed, she ate with him, the occasional conversation cropping up between the two. It had been so long since she had spoken to anyone like this. For the first time since her parents had died in that accident, she felt happy. She had a friend. The first in nearly a hundred years.
Each day, a tray of food would arrive for the two, and each day Flandre would look for the blood she needed to survive, only to find she had not been provided with any. The two would often tell each other stories of their lives prior to being imprisoned here. When they grew tired, they would huddle together to keep each other warm. With no blankets or bedding, the cell was cold and damp. Curling up next to each other was the only way they could stave off the icy grasp of death that reached out for them. It wasn’t much, but it was more than she had before. Feeling the warmth of his back against her own was comforting, a feeling she hadn’t felt in ages.
A little over a week had passed since the arrival of the man named René Laurent. Flandre had grown close with him through their talks. She enjoyed listening to the stories he told her of things beyond the darkness of the basement. Things she wished she could go out into the world and experience.
As usual, the young man had woken her when their meal tray had been delivered. The vampire had found herself increasingly tired over the past few days. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the girl slowly made her way to her feet and stumbled over to the iron bars of her prison. She groggily stared at the food. No blood again... She thought as she reached out for a piece of bread. As she was chewing she heard a yelp from the man who sat on the floor across from her. Turning her gaze to the man, she saw him gripping his left hand.
“What’s wrong?” She asked him softly.
“It appears there had been a shard of glass among our meal.” He winced as he let go of his hand, revealing a cut on his palm. Drops of blood fell from his hand, staining the floor.
The vampire froze up, mind going blank. The next thing she knew she had moved over to him, holding his injured hand in hers.
“Ah, Flandre, is something wrong?” He asked, but she couldn’t hear him. She just silently gazed at the blood that seeped from his wound. Her thumb stroked his hand gently for a moment before pushing down hard.
“Ow!” He grimaced at the pain. ”What are you—” It was then that he realized she had her lips to the wound. He could feel the pressure as she sucked on the cut. In a panic, he reeled back, yanking his hand away from her.
“W-What the hell are you doing?!” He shouted as he moved further away from her. The girl remained dazed for a moment before she realized what she had done.
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“...R-René...” She reached in his direction, garnering a frightful look in response.
“W-what the hell are you?! Stay away from me!”
Her lip trembled as her heart throbbed with pain. She had let her instincts take control of her. Now her only friend was terrified of her. Terrified of this monster with which he was trapped in here with, unable to escape. Tears welled up in the girl’s eyes as her mind raced. Is this why he’s even here in the first place? Was he taken from his home and thrown into this cell for this?! As nothing more than food for me to consume?! Tears slid down her face as her heart sank. Her sister had not taken pity on her, but in fact, had come up with a new way to torture her. By forcing her to use this man as sustenance.
Flandre scrambled to her feet and fled to the far corner of the cell as tears streaked her face. “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...” She muttered to herself between sobs.
The following days were not unlike the first, with the exception that the two no longer spoke to each other. Their nights were spent in opposite corners of the cell, the young man always waiting for the vampire to fall asleep first before allowing himself to doze off. He would no longer wake her when the tray of food arrived, opting to keep as much of the food to himself as he could.  Still no blood was brought down for the vampire, causing her to bite her lip in frustration.
One day, after the food had arrived, Flandre noticed something was different. Shortly into his meal, the human has dozed off, which was strange not just because he always stayed awake until the vampire herself had fallen asleep, but also because it hadn’t been that long since he awoke. Concerned, the girl cautiously approached the food tray, examining the remains of their meal. With a sniff, she could tell something wasn’t right with the food. She turned her gaze to the man who was sound asleep.
“My servant told me you haven’t been eating properly.” The familiar voice of her sister rang out from the darkness, causing Flandre to flinch in response.
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“What did you do? Why are you doing this?!” The girl shouted at the shadows beyond her cage.
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“Isn’t it obvious? I’m teaching you how to be true to your kind. Any vampire worth their salt should be able to feed from live prey without battling an eyelash ‘dear’ sister.” Her tone as condescending as could be. “He’s so afraid of you, I thought I’d make it a little easier for you. Aren’t I so kind?”
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“B-but...I don’t want—”
“ENOUGH OF YOUR WEAK WILLED BULLSHIT!” Remilia screamed, her sister cowering at her wrath. “You will feed from this man. You do not have a choice. This is how we must act if we wish to survive. Perhaps...” She trailed off for a moment. “Perhaps if you do well, I may yet release you from your cage. Don’t disappoint me, ‘dear’ sister” And with that the flapping of wings and shortly after the slamming of the door could be heard. After the echo faded, only silence was left. Flandre glanced over at the sleeping man, watching him as he slowly inhaled and exhaled. The vampire bit down on her lip, a fang piercing it, drawing forth her own blood. As much as it pained her, her sister was right. She didn’t have a choice, precisely because her sister had given her no other option. Her hand was forced. It was either use this human as food, or die. Even if I didn’t, knowing her, she’ll probably kill him herself... Flandre clenched her fist. I...don’t have a choice...I don’t want this but...René, I’m so sorry... Making her way over to the young man, she propped his slumbering body up against the wall, gently caressing his face before leaning in closer and sinking her fangs into him.
Several hours later, the young man awoke. Drowsy, he absentmindedly rubbed the back of his neck. That was when his fingers brushed over the two holes in his neck. In horror, he glanced around, finding the other occupant huddled up in the corner with a despondent look on her face.
“You...What did you do to me?!” He said as he tried to rise to his feet, only to be bombarded by the dizziness associated with anemia. “You...You took from me...!”
“I didn’t have a choice...” Flandre mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. “It’s either I feed off you, or I die of starvation...Either way you’re going to die.” She lowered her head as she spoke. “...I don’t want to do this...” Tears rolled down her face. “But if I don’t...I...I’ll die...I don’t want to die...I haven’t even gotten to live yet...I don’t want to die...I’m scared...”
Seeing the young girl sobbing, the man frowned. Carefully, he rose to his feet and slowly hobbled over to her. She let out a gasp when he had suddenly sat down beside her. “So I am going to die no matter what?” He asked, staring ahead. The girl nodded between sobs, to which he gave an exasperated sigh. “And if you die, the owner of this manor, they will kill me in your stead?” Again, Flandre nodded, garnering another sigh from the man. “I also do not wish to die...” He said, pausing to think for a moment. The smiles of his loved ones filled his mind, bringing forth tears of his own. “I want to get out of here. I want to go back to my family. I want to forget this ever happened.” He declared to no one in particular. “I am not ready to die yet...” The two sat there in the darkness, sobbing over the cruel hand fate had dealt them.
Days dragged on, slowly turning into weeks. It had been over a month since René Laurent had been forcefully dragged into the basement of the manor and thrown into the cell with Flandre Scarlet.
Flandre rose to her feet and sauntered over to the food tray, grabbing as much as she could carry to bring over to the human who was now too weak to move from the anemia caused by repeated feedings from his vampire cellmate. Kneeling next to him, she held out a piece of bread. Slowly, he managed to eat with the girl’s help. After he was done eating, Flandre took as seat next to him as she stared out into the dimly lit basement.
“I wish I could have......seen my fiancee just once more...Wish I could have told her...just how much....I loved her...” The man said weakly. “I wish I could...have told my...parents how....grateful I am to them...for taking care of me...” A tear slid down his face. “I wish I....could have done...more...with my life...”
The young vampire nodded solemnly as she listened to him. After a few more minutes, she rose to her feet, turning to face the man. “I need to feed...”
The human gazed up as her with glassy eyes before nodding faintly. They both knew it had to be done, that there was no other way. No way they could both survive this.
Flandre hesitantly bent down, gazing into the man’s eyes for what would be one of the last—if not—final time. With reluctance, she leaned in, putting her lips to his neck, before biting down.
The human didn’t even have the energy to flinch from the pain, instead giving a low grunt. As the vampire drank from him she could feel the weak pulse of life in his veins. The slow beat of his heart, that with every mouthful grew ever slower.
Then it stopped completely. Tears welled up in the vampire’s eyes as she continued to drink. She knew it would come to this eventually. That her actions, her selfish desire for survival, would end his life. There was no other way. All roads led to one outcome. Fate orchestrated by invisible strings, Flandre had killed yet again. Just like with her parents, she had killed someone she cared about. The only difference being that this was no accident. She knowingly acted, fully aware of the consequences, yet still she did it. Tears streamed down her face as she choked on the sickly iron taste of blood. At the same time both nauseating and irresistible, she drank until she could drink no more, at which point she removed her fangs from the now lifeless human. Staring at the corpse before her, she begin to cry out, wailing as loud as she possibly could. Lamenting her reality with all her might, she screamed, with only cold echoes resounding in the darkness of her prison.
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peachyhyvck · 7 years
a little something more
request: anon: I have a request!Can you do a Johnny friends with benefits smut?Kinda angsty, but kinda fluffy in a way :) Also I love your writing!Keep up the great worka
summary: in which you and johnny become friends with benefits, but you can’t seem to shake the rapidly growing tenderness in your heart that yearns for him in more ways than just sex.
characters: johnny seo x female!reader
genre: pure smut, lil angst, lil fluff
warnings: smutty smut smut & explicit language
author’s note: so this is my first time writing a smut scenario… let’s hope I don’t completely flop lol. HERE GOES NOTHIN
You clutched onto your best friends hand as the two of you walked through the doorway, and into the chaos filled house party. The music was so loud you could feel your insides rattling and everyone in your line of sight was completely wasted. You took a deep breath before your friend was dragging you along to the kitchen for a couple drinks. Not 20 minutes into the party your best friend had already left you in the corner of the kitchen with a drink in your hand as she was off and about doing god knows what. You were never the “party” kind of person. You much rather enjoyed a quiet night in doing something far less stressful.
You took a small sip of whatever it is your friend had given you as you heard someone clear their throat from beside you. You turned your focus towards the poor attempt at an attention grabber as you were met with a very tall and alarmingly handsome gentlemen.
“I couldn’t help but notice such a pretty woman like yourself all alone. Did your date leave you here by yourself?”
You smirked at his sly choice of words, cleverly asking you whether or not you actually had a date.
“I came here with my friend, but I’m not quite sure where she’s at right now… This isn’t really my ideal setting,” you laughed to yourself as you made possibly one of the biggest understatements of your life.
“I completely understand… My friend dragged me here with the promise of a good time, but all I’ve gotten is separated from the only person I know here and booze spilled all over me,” he replied, annoyance very evident in his voice.
The small talk continued for another half hour or so before you finally got around to introducing yourselves.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you smiled as you extended your arm.
“Johnny,” he retorted, as he returned the gesture and shook your hand.
Your eyes scanned over the pages at lightning fast speed as the climax to the novel you were currently reading was approaching. But before you could even get to said part, your phone buzzed next to you. Sighing, you laid down your book and picked up your phone to see who could possibly be texting you. An all too familiar name was displayed on your screen as you read the same texts you’ve read so many times before.
Hey, wanna come over?
You laid your phone down in your lap as you contemplated your options for the evening. You could, A: Politely decline and continue spending your Saturday night with your nose shoved in a book, or, B: Accept his offer and have yourself a little “fun.” You laughed to yourself at your own childish innuendo, and quickly texted Johnny back, accepting his invite.
You hopped off of your bed and shuffled over to your closet to change out of your worn out sweats, and into something a little more flattering. You stripped down into nothing before you bent down and picked up the tiny, pink Victoria’s Secret bag off the ground. You smirked to yourself as you pulled out the brand new bra you had treated yourself to the other day. It was jet black with the perfect amount of silver embellishments to give it that sexy feel. You retrieved the matching black thong, and slipped into your new “number” as you observed yourself in the full length mirror in front of you. Not only did the lingerie look amazing, but you felt incredibly gorgeous wearing it. With one last full body scan, you threw on a pair of leggings and a loose fitting, see-through crop top, slipped on your converse, and headed out the door.
No more than 15 minutes later you pulled up to Johnny’s house. Checking yourself one last time in your rearview mirror, you hopped out of your car and headed towards his front door. You knocked twice before you heard the shuffling of feet from inside the house. The door flung open as you were now face to face with Johnny. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt, a grey pair of joggers (that hung dangerously low on his hips), and not to mention his disheveled hair; which looked way hotter than bedhead should look on anyone. You barely had one foot through the doorway before you were yanked inside and slammed against the cold wall, trapped by Johnny’s arms on either side of your head.
“Well, hello to you, too,” you giggled.
Bringing his lips tauntingly close to your ear he whispered, “How are you, princess? I’ve missed you,” all the while his fingertips barely grazing your sides.
You let out a shaky breath due to the abrupt change in the atmosphere. With his lips still teasingly close to your neck, he leaned in some more and placed a gentle peck on the exact spot he knew would send chills down your spine. You tilted your head to the side, giving Johnny more access area. With this obvious indication, he attached his mouth onto the newly exposed skin. Without warning, he bit down on your neck, eliciting an unintentional moan from you. That sound was all it took for his grip on your waist to tighten, and a low growl to arise from his throat.
He hooked his hands under your arms as you jumped, wrapping your legs securely around his waist. The two of you made eye contact for a brief moment before your lips were connected. Johnny carried you upstairs without disrupting the very heated make out session you two were currently having. His hands found their way to your ass, squeezing it rather harshly. Your hips jolted forward in response to his roughness, as you let out a small squeak. The sudden movement of your hips generated a great deal of friction against Johnny’s growing erection, causing him to gasp in pleasure. Wanting to get more of a reaction out of him, you continued rolling your hips against his clothed member, finding it surprisingly pleasurable for you, as well.
“Y/N…” he growled with his lips still pressed against yours.
“Yes?” you questioned, ever so innocently, as you ground your hips even harder.
Before you knew it you were being tossed on the bed like a rag doll, only to have Johnny tower over you in an intimidating manner.
“I know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not gonna work. In case you forgot, I’m the one in charge. And I don’t think you wanna test me, princess, because I promise you, you’ll be sorry. Understood?”
“Y-yes,” you croaked back. So much for that plan… As much as you loved pushing his buttons sometimes, none of it’s worth the punishments he gives you for “misbehaving.” The last time he disciplined you, you were constantly reminded of it every time you sat down for the next week straight…
He began placing open mouthed kisses all around your collar bones while his hands made their way up your shirt. You sat up slightly as he pulled the soft fabric over your head, and threw it somewhere else in the room. His kisses started trailing down towards the valley of your breasts before he paused and sat back.
“Is this a new one?” he questioned, as his hands reached out and cupped the bra, running his thumbs over the intricate designs.
“Yes, it is,” you replied with a smirk plastered on your face.
“I like this one a lot… It might just be my new favorite. Good choice, baby,” he retorted as he leaned down to continue his sequence of kisses. “But as much as I do love it, it’s gonna have to come off…” he says while simultaneously unhooking your bra and tossing it over his shoulder.
He immediately grabbed both of your breasts and squeezed them roughly as you let out a satisfied gasp. You feel him smirk as he continues his string of smooches all the way down your stomach, and to the top of your pants. He hooked one of his fingers under the waistband of your bottoms, and started pulling them down at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Johnny, please go fas-”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he cut you off, “patience, babygirl.”
After what felt like forever, Johnny had finally removed your pants, leaving you in just your underwear. He lightly rubbed you through your clothed heat as you emitted a breathy moan. 
“You’re already so wet for me, Y/N,” he remarked, satisfaction evident in his voice.
“Mmmm,” you moaned in response.
You peered down and made eye contact with Johnny right as he was biting the waistband of your thong and pulling it down your legs. He went back to his previous position between your legs and started kissing your inner thighs, all the while maintaining eye contact. The tingle in between your legs was now turning into a burning sensation as you needed so desperately to be touched.
“Johnny, please,” you whined as you bit your lip.
“Please what?” he asked with a smug smile on his face.
“Please touch me.”
Without another word Johnny was licking a long stripe up your pussy while he prodded at your entrance. You threw your head back with a loud gasp at the feeling of Johnny doing, what you assumed, he was born to do. The flicks of his tongue increased as he added a second digit inside your heat. You threaded your fingers through his smooth hair as you pulled lightly, causing him to moan against you. The vibrations sent a whole new kind of pleasure through your body as your back arched off the bed, and you let out a high pitched moan. Before you could register what was happening, Johnny had forced a third finger inside of you and was now sucking on your clit, purposely moaning this time. The heat in your stomach was rapidly growing as you let out multiple cries, begging Johnny not to stop.
“Johnny, I- I’m,” was all you could get out before you came, calling out Johnny’s name along with a string of curse words.
By the time you opened your eyes, that you didn’t even realize you had closed, Johnny was directly above you. He had his fingers in his mouth, licking your juices off them like it was candy.
“Mmm, I will never grow tired of doing that,” he said, more to himself than to you.
“And I will never get tired of receiving that,” you giggled as you continued to come down from your high.
“Baby,” Johnny softly called out, causing you to look up at him, “I need you so bad.”
You peered down at the tent in his pants, and then back up at him before whispering, “then have me.”
Johnny hopped off the bed as he shed himself of all his clothes, and walked over to the nightstand where he retrieved a condom. He bit it open the package, and rolled it on as he gave himself a few pumps while walking back to the bed. He crawled on top of you and proceeded to put his length right at the entrance of your pussy. You let out a faint gasp as you anticipated his next movements.
With one harsh snap of his hips, Johnny thrust into you. Throwing your head back you let out a high pitched groan as the man above you voiced an equally sinful moan. His pace started out as slow, but deep, sensual thrusts. The intensity of his movements, along with his piercing stare, left you a whining mess.
“Agh… You look so good underneath me, baby,” Johnny moaned in a rather deep and lust-filled tone.
“J-Johnny- Oh god!” you squeaked, as he hit one particular spot that had you seeing stars
Without warning, he quickened his pace. You let out a cry of pure pleasure as you unintentionally tightened around him. His grip on your waist tightened as he let out a strangled grunt. The both of you were losing your composure with every snap of his hips. He continued to assault your pussy as you felt the knot in you lower abdomen growing at an alarming rate.
“I- I’m gonna…” you whimpered as your eyes fluttered shut and your eyebrows knitted together.
“Mmm, come for me. I’ve got you, babygirl,” he hummed.
You gripped onto his shoulders and raked your nails down his toned, muscular back. You threw your head back and let out an ear piercing scream as your high completely washed over your body. Johnny’s thrusts became sloppy and erratic as he chased after his own release. Your nails dug into his biceps as whimper after whimper escaped your lips, while tears prickled at the corners of your eyes. Oversensitivity was becoming too much for you to handle, and right as you were about to say something, Johnny cut you off.
“Y/N… Y/N- Agh!” He shouted as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, and panted heavily.
You laid sprawled out on the bed, chest heaving, as he rolled himself off of you, and disposed of the used condom. He waltzed back over to you and collapsed on the bed. He draped his arm over your waist and dragged your body flush against his. His frame completely covered yours as he rested his chin on the top of your head. The two of you simultaneously let out content sighs, sparking a fit of laughter from you both. After you settled down you hear him sigh once again, but this one was different from the last.
“What’s wrong, Johnny?” you asked as you tried to tilt your head up to look at him.
“Y/N…” he paused, “I can’t do this anymore…” he whispered, barely audible.
“What do you mean…?” you immediately questioned, slightly sitting up.
“This…” he trailed off, motioning to the two of you on the bed.
“So did you just call me over here for one last fuck before telling me you want nothing to do with me anymore?” You angrily snapped, trying to bite back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.
“No! T- That’s not at all wha-” he retorted in a rather panicked tone.
“You know what, just shut up and listen cause if I don’t say this now, I never will,” you interrupted him. Taking a deep breath, you continued. “Sometime in the past 7 months, I’ve fallen head over heels for you. But you were the one who suggested the whole ‘friends with benefits, no strings attached’ idea, and I was afraid if I told you about my feelings that I’d scare you off… But now that I still somehow managed to drive you away, I might as well tell you the truth.”
By the end of your confession you couldn’t stop the tears that had started rolling down your cheeks as you dropped your head, unable to look at Johnny. You felt all sorts of empty and broken. All you wanted to do was curl up in your bed and cry yourself to sleep.
All of the sudden, you felt a hand under your chin picking your head up, and another wiping away the salty tears that covered your cheeks. You hesitantly lifted your head up to look at Johnny. He was already staring at you, a small smile painted onto his face.
“You’re such an idiot…” he chuckled.
“Excuse me?” you asked him, beyond confused by the situation at hand.
“You never let me finish what I was trying to say. I sure could’ve saved you all these tears; although, your eyes look gorgeous when you cry,” he paused, taking a moment to gaze into your eyes intently. “But that’s beside the point,” he snapped back, shaking his head. “What I was trying to say in the first place was I can’t do this whole ‘friends with benefits’ shit anymore because I’ve fallen so hard for you, Y/N, and I want to be more than just a ‘booty call’ to you.”
You looked him in the eyes in complete and utter disbelief. Johnny started to laugh, finding you reaction somewhat amusing.
“Johnny I swear to god if you’re fucking with me…” you warned him.
“I swear! I meant every single word. And with that being said… Y/N, will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?” He asked, failing to suppress the stupid grin making its way onto his face.
“I would love to,” you whispered, blushing like an idiot.
The both of you laid back down, and resumed your previous cuddling session. Johnny was stroking your hair, slowly lulling you to sleep. Right before sleep was about to take over your body, you felt Johnny kiss you on top of the head as he whispered,
“You have no idea how happy I am to finally be able to call you mine. Sweet dreams, princess.”
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Say You Won't Let Go - Chapter 4
AN: Trigger Warning. Child Abuse later in the chapter.
Throughout that day, Lauren couldn’t keep her eyes off Camila, she continued to flirt with her while the younger girl continued to reject her. Lauren didn’t understand, both men and women practically fell at her feet.
Camila didn’t want Lauren to give her horrible pick lines and talk about her outer beauty, she wanted the Lauren that complimented KC’s passions. She thought about telling the girls, especially now that they were all there, but she couldn’t. She thought it was too much of a coincidence, and they would think she purposely sought them out.
Normani and Ally came home very confused at the sudden appearance of Dinah, who explained she came because of Lauren. She wanted to make sure that everything was okay, and she also wanted to bring in the new year with her best friends.
The five girls spent the day getting to know each other. Dinah and Normani trying their hardest to embarrass Lauren with old stories from on tour and school. Lauren tried to do the same, but it was hard when it’s two against one.
It didn’t matter much to her, she was too focused on Camila, admiring everything about her. They bonded over being Cuban, as well as being from Miami. Lauren still couldn’t shake how familiar Camila seems. She brushed it off, assuming that she probably saw her around Miami growing up.
It was time to get ready for the New Year’s party that Normani was taking the girls to, and everyone was scattered around her house. While shopping Normani and Ally decided, they wanted to match for the party. Main color theme would be burgundy. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find anything that color for Camila. Normani just brought her a black short lace dress.
Lauren and Ally were the first one to finish. Lauren’s outfit was a simple black turtleneck, tucked into burgundy pants. Ally wore a burgundy turtleneck and a burgundy high waisted patterned skirt. The two hung out downstairs while the rest were finishing up.
Ally turned on some music and started dancing in the living room. Lauren brought two glasses of champagne, she handed one to Ally and started dancing as well.
Ally giggled, “You’re a much better dancer than me.”
“I’m nothing compared to Mani. She could do tricks with her ass.” Lauren said. “So what’s up with Camila, why doesn’t she want to go out with me?”
“Maybe because you’re an asshole,” Dinah declared, barging into the living.
“Damn Dinah. You look good!” Ally said.
Dinah had packed many outfits for this evening, and luckily had a tight burgundy skirt, and a matching long sleeve crop top. Her smooth stomach was left exposed.
“You’re hot but you’re mean. I’m not an asshole!” Lauren proclaimed.
“Oh come on, you talk to the poor girl like she’s supposed to like you! You realize that just makes her think you just want sex. Which you do, but you can’t.” Dinah told her.
“My best friend isn’t like that Lauren,” Ally said.
“Okay, okay. So what if I actually want to take her out like for real? How do I do that?”
Both Ally and Dinah started laughing, and Lauren furrowed eyebrows in confusion. Dinah saw Laurens reaction and widen her eyes. “Oh, you weren’t joking?” she asked.
“Lauren, no offense but you don’t seem like the dating type. Seriously, you see Mila. She wants the fairytale type of love kind of girl.”
“I take offense,” Lauren said. “But you’re saying that I have to make sure tonight before 12 she loses her shoe, and tomorrow give it back to her?” she joked.
“Pretty much,” Ally concluded, and the three girls laughed and continued pregaming.
Upstairs Normani was finishing up on Camila’s makeup. “Girl are you sure you want to look this good? Lauren isn’t going to being able to keep her hands off you,” she said to Camila.
“Ugh, is she always like that?”
“To be completely honest, no. She gets what she wants. I don’t know what it is about you, maybe it’s because you keep denying her.” Normani suggested.
Camila had spent the whole day rejecting Lauren. “She’s too much of a—”
“A fuck girl?” Normani chuckled.
Camila laughed, “Exactly! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Most people would kill to have Lauren Jauregui flirt with them.”
“That’s true, but it’s okay not to want to hook up with an arrogant prick,” Normani said putting the last touches on Camila. “Okay, all done!”
Camila looked at herself in the mirror. She had her hair to side wavy. Her makeup was very simple, yet beautiful.
“Fuuuck” she groaned. Normani looked at her confused. “She really isn’t going to stay away tonight.”
Normani starting laughing. “Come on silly, they are waiting.”
“Go ahead, I’ll be down in a second.” Camila grabbed her phone to quickly call Shawn but before that, she decided to see if people liked her new video. She was completely blown away to see it had over half a million views and so much positive feedback.
She wrote a few thank yous on twitter, and proceeded to call Shawn.
“Hey, Mila! What’s up?” Shawn picked up the phone excitedly.
“Hey Shawn, I have so much to tell you!” Camila said with equal excitement. “But I have no time. I just wanted to call and make sure you were doing okay. And ask if you saw Sofi? Is she okay? Is she mad at me?”
“Slow down, Mila. I’m good. I’m home, some family came in from Canada to celebrate the new year. Sofi is actually here, running around with my little cousins. Earlier I stopped by your dad’s house, he didn’t look…good. I told him I’ll take her for the night. My mom was so happy to see her.”
“Thank you, Shawn.”
“No problem. She’s family as much as you are. Anyways did you see how many freaking views you got?! Shit is crazy!” Shawn exclaimed.
Camila squealed, “I know! It’s crazy. I’m really excited to see where this takes it,” she stopped talking when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned and saw Lauren leaning against the doorway looking sexy. “Um Shawn, I gotta go. I love you, happy new year!” she hung up.
Lauren couldn’t help but stare at Camila, she looked absolutely flawless. Lauren took a couple steps forward and grabbed Camila’s hand. She twirled her around, causing the younger girl to giggle. “You look beautiful, Camz.”
“Thank you, Lo,” Camila replied shyly, looking down at their still connected hands.
“So, who were you talking to?” Lauren asked. She felt an unusual feeling of jealousy. Whoever Camila was talking to she said she loved them.
“Oh, that was just Shawn,” Camila said nonchalantly.
“Is Shawn someone I have to worry about?” Lauren raised her eyebrow, intertwining their fingers and pulling Camila closer.
“Well, let’s see…being that I’m not yours…” Camila said pulling away from Lauren, “Everyone around me is someone you should worry about.” She smirked to herself, walking passed Lauren to leave the room. “You coming?”
“You can’t deny this thing between us!” She shook her head following Camila downstairs.
They reach the living room, and Lauren still couldn’t focus on anything except for Camila. She watched her interact with Ally. The pair started dancing together to the music that was playing. Everything happened in slow motion for Lauren.
With every movement the younger girl did, Lauren found something new to admire. She couldn’t comprehend how someone can be so perfect. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, and she didn’t understand what she was feeling.
Dinah nudged Normani and nodded towards Lauren. “What’s wrong with Lolo?” she whispered.
“I think Camila broke her,” Normani replied. Both girls started laughing, causing Lauren to get out of her trance.
“What’s so funny?” Lauren asked.
“You being all heart eyes over Mila,” Dinah mocked.
“It’s not even like that,” Lauren scowled at her best friends.
“Let me ask you something…all day today have you thought about your online crush?” Normani smirked talking about KC.
Lauren thought for a moment. Truthfully, she hasn’t thought about KC at all since being in Camila’s presence.
“That’s what we thought,” Dinah concluded. “Okay girls, let’s go!” she said towards the two girls who were dancing like fools.
The five headed outside, but not before taking a picture together. All the girls were excited to party together and bring in the new year. When they got into the limo that Normani got for them, Ally’s excitement tripled.
“I’ve never been in a freaking limo before! Normani you sure know how to treat a lady,” she joked.
“For you Ally, I will go to the ends of the earth,” Normani replied dramatically as all the girls laughed getting comfortable in the limo.
The car ride consisted of drinking champagne and singing from the top of their lungs. Camila opted out of singing for fear of being found out.
“Mila, sing with us!” Ally said already feeling buzzed. “You have such a great voice!”
Camila’s eyes widened. Earlier that day she and Ally discussed whether she should tell the group about her being KC. Camila convinced Ally that they probably won’t see the girls again after tonight, and there’s no reason to make a fuss over it. Ally felt that she and Normani would remain in contact and she didn’t like the idea of hiding something from her.
“You can sing?” Lauren asked intrigued.
“Not really,” Camila quickly answered.
“Come on Camz, sing for us.”
Lucky for Camila the limo started to slow down. When the girls looked at the window towards the club, they saw a red carpet leading inside, along with a shit load of paparazzi.
“Mani, what’s this?” Dinah asked.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you guys?” Normani said innocently. “It’s ‘Bieber’s New Years Bash’. He rented out this whole club, and invited literally everyone.”
“Maniiiiii” Lauren groaned. She didn’t feel like dealing with this many paparazzi she just wanted to enjoy her time with the girls.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t say anything because I thought Ally and Camila wouldn’t have come!” Normani explained.
“We most likely wouldn’t have,” Camila said. She was definitely nervous about seeing even more celebrities. She barely held it together when she met Normani. And the only thing that made her not freak out about meeting Lauren was her panic attack. “But we are already here. So fuck it, let’s go.” She climbed over everyone exiting the limo first. Giving Lauren a perfect view of her ass.
“You going to keep staring or are we getting out Ralph?” Dinah said with a smirk, while the other girls snickered.
“Yeah, whatever, come on.”
After taking pictures on the red carpet, the girls entered the club. They got drinks and socialized with other celebrities for a little bit. More like The Holy Trinity socialized, while Ally and Camila tried their hardest not to fan girl.
It was about 15 minutes until midnight. All the girls were out on the dance floor. Throughout the night they stayed closely to one another dancing in their small group of five.
Ally and Normani were drunk, while Lauren was probably beyond drunk. Camila doesn’t drink, and Dinah decided not to drink. The Polynesian wanted to take care of her friends, even the new ones. She especially wanted to keep an eye on Lauren, that was her whole point of coming.
All night, just like all day, Lauren had her eyes on Camila. She loved watching her dance. The way she swayed her hips, moving her body in a sensual way staying in rhythm with the music.
Lauren grew increasingly jealous whenever someone came up to Camila asking to dance. She didn’t understand her jealousy, she just wanted to hook up with the girl. She shouldn’t care what Camila did.
Camila had to admit, the way Lauren was watching her every move was pleasing. Like she wanted to devour her. So many people kept coming trying to get Lauren’s attention, but her green eyes were solely focused on Camila.
Ally, Normani, and Dinah were paired off with random guys dancing, and Lauren couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to be close to the younger girl. All night she’s been fighting the urge to grab her and dance. She finally slowly found her way behind the Latina. Laurens hands gripping Camila’s waist.
“What are you doing, Jauregui?” Camila asked still not facing the girl, swaying her hips to the music.
“Shhhh, just dancing Camz.”
Camila slid her hands down her body while grinding closer to Lauren. She stopped her hands over Lauren’s, holding them for a second before pushing them away. When Lauren let go, Camila lowered her body against the older girls, coming up slowly.
She was driving Lauren crazy. She grabbed her hands again, placing one on her hip and the other on her stomach. Laurens grip tighten, making sure the girl wasn’t going anywhere. Their bodies moved in sync.
Lauren brought her face closer to Camila and starting saying the song’s lyrics in her ear.
Let me see you dance.
I love to watch you dance.
Take you down another level,
And get you dancing with the Devil.
Take a shot of this.
But I’m warning you,
I’m on that shit that you can’t smell baby.
So put down your perfume.
Bring your love, baby I could bring my shame.
Bring the drugs, baby I can bring my pain.
I got my heart right here.
I got my scars right here.
Bring the cups, baby I can bring the drink.
Bring your body, baby I can bring you fame.
And that’s my motherfucking word too,
So let me motherfucking love you.
Camila could feel herself shiver listening to Lauren, and feeling her breath against her skin. She felt herself wanting Lauren closer. She couldn’t allow it. She didn’t want to be another notch on Laurens belt. So, she pushed the older girl away. Before she could say anything, Lauren pulled her back.
Facing her now, “Don’t be like that Camzzzz” Lauren slurred. Camila realizing, she definitely shouldn’t go there with Lauren.
“Let me go, Lo,” she said breaking free from Lauren’s grasp.
“What’s your p-problem? Why are you sssso uptight? You need help loosing up? Letsss go get drinks!” Lauren drunkenly said.
“No Lauren. You need to stop drinking.” Camila said, but it was too late. Lauren was already on her way to the bar.
Camila followed her, trying to get her attention but it wasn’t working. Lauren reached the bar, down one drink quickly and waited for the bartender to get her another.
“Lauren seriously, you need to stop!” Camila pleaded.
Lauren scoffed. “Listen Camzzz, you don’t know me man! You can’t tell me w-what I can or can not handle, okay?!”
Camila saw Lauren getting angrier by the second, she saw this look in her eyes that was all too familiar. A look that scared her.
Lauren grabbed the next drink, “Cheersss Camilaaa!” she said raising the glass. People started counting down to the new year.
Camila grabbed the drink quickly from Lauren.
“Hey! Give me my fucking drink!” Lauren tried to take the drink back, but Camila tightened her grip on it.
Both girls held on, pushing and pulling.
Lauren roughly yanked the drink away and shoved Camila away, causing the smaller girl to stumble backward. She fell, hitting her head on the bar before smacking into the ground hard.
Everything around Camila was blurred. The only thing she could see was images of her dad. A flashback hit her while she lied on the floor groaning.
“1…Happy New Year!”
——Trigger Warning——
Camila was walking home very chipper. It was the last day of her freshman year. She had just gotten her report card and she had received straight A’s. She wanted to tell her dad, hoping it would make him happy. Ever since her mom died last year, he just wasn’t the same person.
She ran through the door and was immediately greeted by her 3-year-old sister, Sofi.
“Hey princess,” Camila greeted her with kisses while picking her up. “Where’s papi?”
“He not happy today Kaki,” Sofi said, hiding her face in Camila’s neck. “Basement.”
“Did he yell at you or anything Sofi?” Camila asked, knowing her father’s temper. He yelled at Camila all the time for anything. She was happy that she never saw him raise his voice at the 3-year-old.
“No, he went downstairs. I heard him shouting but I just stay in my room playing” Sofi said.
“Okay, how about you go back to your room and wait for me so we can play together?” Camila told her sister, who gladly went to her room.
Camila made her way to her basement. Her dad had turned it into his own personal hangout. It was dark and a little bit dirty. He had a small TV, an old sofa, and a bar stocked with all kinds of liquor.
He was sitting on the sofa watching a soccer game. As she walked closer to him she noticed several beer bottles on the floor and a beer in his hands.
“Papi?” she said timidly.
He turned to her, eyes filled with anger. “What do you want, Karla?”
“I-I just wanted to show you my r-report card. I got straight A’s.” She said.
“I-I” he mocked, “How did you do that well when you can’t even speak properly.”
Camila just looked down, trying to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. Her father got up and threw the bottle against the wall next to her causing her to jump, and let out a small whimper. “Look at me when I talk to you!”
She didn’t look up and he walked towards, “Karla,” he warned.
When he was near her he grabbed her chin and forced her face up. Holding onto her he said, “You killed her, you know that? It’s your fault she’s dead. You ruined this family.” He pushed her face away.
“That’s not true—” Camila felt a sharp stinging sensation land on her face.
“Don’t fucking talk back to me!” her father said, voice laced with hate. He lifted his hand back again landing another slap to Camila’s face this time harder, forcing her to fall to the ground. She put her hands over her face trying to prevent any more hits.
He removed the belt from his waist and grasped tightly it in one hand. “You know you deserve worse than this. You killed her. Left Sofia with no mother. Left me with no wife. You’re a mistake.” After each sentence, he whipped her harder with his belt.
Lauren woke with a pounding in her head like none before. She looked around to trying to figure out where she was. She sat up on the couch, realizing she was in Normani’s living room. As she looked around she felt the room spinning.
She held onto her stomach feeling like she was going to throw up. She tried taking deep breaths, but it was no use. She got up and ran to the bathroom, luckily making it to the toilet before letting out all she drank the night before.
Normani and Dinah heard noises coming from the bathroom and figured it was Lauren. Dinah saw the whole situation unfold last night. She had followed the girls to the bar. When Lauren pushed Camila, Dinah rushed over to make sure the young Latina was okay.
She was beyond pissed at Lauren. Although Dinah had only known Camila for a couple hours there was no reason for Lauren to take her anger out on the innocent girl.
Normani got up to check on Lauren. She reached the bathroom and saw Lauren hunched over puking her brains out. It took everything she had in her to ignore the smell, but she walked up to Lauren and held her hair away from her face.
“Let it out Lolo,” she said while rubbing Lauren’s back.
When Lauren had nothing left in her to throw up, Normani got her some clothes so she can shower. After she was clean, she just stood under the shower allowing the warm water hit her. She tried remembering last night, but all she could remember was watching Camila dance.
“I feel so shitty,” Lauren said, clutching her stomach as she entered the kitchen where Normani and Dinah were eating breakfast. Just looking at the food made her feel worse.
“You deserve it” Dinah muttered.
“What? What’s your problem?” Lauren said defensively taking a seat at the kitchen table.
Dinah scoffed, “You’re my problem, and you don’t even fucking remember it.”
“Dinah, calm down please,” Normani said softly.
“No please, let her continue. Obviously, she has shit to let out.” Lauren was getting angry at her friend’s sudden outburst.
Dinah was about to say something, but Normani interjected trying to defuse the situation between her bandmates. “Lauren, you were really drunk last night. You and Camila ended up arguing, and well…you shoved her.” Laurens’ eye widened.
“You fucking pushed her for no reason, Lauren!” Dinah shouted. “She tried to stop you from drinking more. You were fighting over a fucking drink. All she was trying to do was get you to calm down, and you let that horrible Jauregui rage take over. You let go of the drink and push her down to the ground. She hit her head fucking hard.”
“What?” Lauren asked shocked.
“Yeah, she was in such a daze afterward. Her eyes glossy, barely speaking to any of us.” Normani said putting her hand on Laurens’ knee.
“Did anyone see?” Lauren asked.
“Did anyone see? Are you serious, Lauren?” Dinah stood up, “You could have hurt her, badly. And all you care about is it anyone saw? If anyone is going to write an article on how shitty of a person you are.”
“Dinah, enough,” Normani said sternly.
“I wasn’t…that’s not how…I was just worried about the group,” Lauren said.
“How about you worry about the group next time you decide to get uncontrollably drunk,” Dinah huffed.
“I’m sorry, okay?” Lauren said softly not looking at either girl.
“You’re selfish!” Dinah starting walking out but she turned to Lauren, “You might want to ask how Camila is doing. You know? Act like a decent human being.”
Lauren did want to know if Camila was okay, she felt horrible about it. She couldn’t believe she did that to Camila. They’d only met that morning, but she felt different around her. She actually felt something different for Camila. It was unexplainable.
Lauren felt her stomach turning and she got up running to the sink to vomit.
“Oh, Lauren,” Normani said sympathetically.
Lauren looked up from the sink after washing her mouth out, “Do you know if she’s okay?”
“I don’t, but I could text Ally. Are you okay, though?” Normani questioned.
“I just found out I hurt some innocent girl…the first thing I thought of was our reputation…Dinah hates me…I’m great.” Lauren answered sarcastically.
“Lolo, you really fucked up. Like really fucked up this time,” Normani told her. “Everyone was too drunk to notice your altercation. I’ve checked online like a million times, no news article has been posted about it, so I guess we are in the clear. Dinah saw what happened she checked on Camila, who was in a crazy scary daze. It was like she wasn’t all there like she was stuck in her head or something.”
Lauren stared at Normani with sad eyes. She felt horrible.
“Lolo, it was like you didn’t care. Dinah got Camila to stand up, then she went to get us. You just kept trying to get more drinks,” Normani said. “It took me bribing you with more drinks to get you out the club. We all left through the back to avoid paparazzi.”
“I need to apologize,” Lauren whispered more to herself than Normani.
“Let me text Ally, and see if everything is okay.” Normani picked up her phone.
ManiBear: Hey Ally…How you doing?
AllyCat: Hey Mons I’m good, thx for last night. I had fun except for the end of course.
ManiBear: I’m really sorry about that.
AllyCat: Your not the one that needs to apologize, and I’m not the one that needs an apology. I’m fine, last night before falling asleep mila said she was fine, but it still isn’t okay for what Lauren did.
ManiBear: I know, I’m still sorry. Can she talk to Camila?
AllyCat: She should call later. Mila is still sleeping.
Ally placed her phone on the nightstand, and she continued to watch her best friend sleep. Last night did scare her, she’s never seen that look in Camila’s eyes before. But if Camila said everything was okay, then that was that.
“You going to keep staring at me, or what?” Camila spoke, eyes still closed.
“I’m sorry Mila, I didn’t know if I should wake you or not.” Ally stated. “Are you okay?”
Camila sat up, putting her hand on Ally shoulder. “I was asking for trouble when I attempted to take a drink away from a drunk person. I’m fine,” she smiled. “My head hurts a little, but that’s expected.”
“What happened to you? You weren’t saying anything, I was so scared Mila.”
Camila closed her eyes taking a breath. “Ally…You know I don’t have a good relationship with my dad,” she said and Ally nodded. “Um…sometimes when he gets really mad at me, and um…well he hits me.”
“Yesterday when Lauren pushed me it just brought back memories. I couldn’t really react, I was stuck in those memories.” Camila tried her best to explain.
Ally started crying and hugged her. “I don’t understand Mila, why haven’t you ever said anything to anyone.”
“Why? They would have taken me and my sister away from him, separated us. He never laid a hand on her. I’ll take all the hits for her Ally, gladly!”
“It’s not right,” Ally hugged Camila, crying harder. “You’re such a…kind person. Why would anyone want to hurt you?”
“Ask Lauren,” Camila mumbled bitterly. She was okay, other than a headache she had. Physically she was fine, emotionally she was hurt that Lauren could hurt her. At the same time, she understood that Lauren had no control over her drunken state.
“She didn’t mean it. I talked to Mani, who is very sorry.” Ally tried calming down, very upset about finding out what her best friend has gone through.
“She has no reason to be sorry, she didn’t push me,” Camila said.
“Would you want Lauren to apologize?” Ally asked.
“I don’t know, I’m upset but I’m not. Does that make sense?”
Ally was about to answer when Camila’s phone started ringing. She didn’t recognize the number but answered anyways.
“Hi Walz,” Dinah said sounding sad on the other line.
“Cheech, what’s a matter buttercup?” Camila asked sensing Dinah’s sadness.
“I’m sorry about last night…I yelled at Lauren a little while ago. I don’t like fighting with the girls, but she deserves it.”
Ally got off of the bed, whispering to Camila that she was going to cook her some food. Camila nodded, refocusing on Dinah. “DJ, I’m fine. Lauren was drunk, it was my fault.”
“Don’t do that, don’t blame yourself. She fucked up.”
“I appreciate your protectiveness,” Camila said.
“Who else is going to protect you? Ally? She’s like two feet tall,” Dinah joked. “Ugh, Lolo is my sister, you know? I’m here for her, but she always rather turn to a bottle.”
“Cheechee,” Camila said softly.
Dinah sighed, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m more than okay. Especially now that I know you have my back.”
“I know I’m like super famous, and whatever,” Dinah started to say and Camila could swear she heard Dinah flip her hair. “But I’m going to try and keep in touch with you.”
“I’d like that DJ,” Camila smile and the two started talking about other things. They were on the phone for over an hour before Dinah had to go. The Holy Trinity had to skype management, they had a meeting about where they would be staying to record their next album.
Dinah made her way to the living room, where Lauren and Normani were setting up a laptop for the call. They were going to talk to Simon Cowell and their manager, Will. She sat on the couch quietly, and let the girls finish.
Lauren looked up at Dinah remorsefully. She has never been yelled at that badly by the Polynesian, she definitely didn’t like it. “Um Dinah,” Lauren cleared her throat. “I know I put you and Normani through shit. I’m sorry for last night.”
“I appreciate the apology Lauren, but I’m not the person you should be talking to,” Dinah said flatly. “I’m sorry I lost my shit, I hope you understand where I was coming from.”
“I get it, Dinah. I know I should talk to Camila. I will talk to her later,” Lauren said and Dinah simply nodded.
Before awkward silence could take over Normani addressed both girls, “Hug it out.”
Lauren and Dinah looked at her confused.
“You heard me, hug. Now.”
“Okay, mom,” Lauren said sarcastically walking over to Dinah. The two hugged awkwardly at first but eventually relaxed into it.
“By the way Ralph,” Dinah said pulling away, “I ship you and Camila SO HARD, but my ship won’t sail if you hulk out every time you see her, okay?”
Lauren rolled her eyes, “Whatever.”
“I’m serious. You can’t fall in love if you kill her,” Dinah spoke nonchalantly.
“Dinah,” Normani groaned. “Shut up.”
“How about that meeting?” Lauren asked, and they skyped Simon and Will.
During the meeting, Simon informed them that they would be working on the album for 4 months. Their first single was to be done in a month, so they can start performing at upcoming award shows.
The girls were ecstatic that they would get more time than the last album. They all assumed they would be going back to LA to record it, but Will said they’d be going to Miami to work with one of the labels new producers. Simon also mentioned solo endeavors for all three girls.
The label rented out an apartment for the girls right by the shore, downtown Miami. Normani was delighted. She couldn’t wait to start the new album and spend time with the girls in Florida. She would be close to her parents and go home whenever needed.
She was excited that she would be able to spend more time with Ally. Being around her gave Normani this sense of normalcy which is hard to find being in the spotlight all the time.
Lauren was equally as excited, hoping this would give her time to spend with a certain brown eyed beauty, that is if she ever forgave her.
Also, like Normani, she would be closer to her family. She’d be able to escape every now and then, and go home. She felt sad when she thought about her dad. She needed to talk to him.
Dinah was happy, but not as happy as she would be if they recorded in Cali. She was happy that she wouldn’t have to try to stay in touch with Camila long distance, hoping they live nearby.
When the girls were done with their meeting, Lauren went to Normani’s room to call her father. She didn’t know exactly what she was going to say to him, other than sorry. As the phone rang she grew increasingly nervous.
He answered and the first thing out of Lauren’s mouth was an apology. She felt so heavy with emotions. Today was rough for her, waking up with the worst hangover finding out she hurt Camila, fighting with Dinah. She wanted something good to come from this day.
Her father apologized for kicking her out, telling her that he could’ve reacted better to the situation. After the apologies, Lauren told her dad she would be staying in Miami for a little bit. He was more than happy.
Mike told her that the family was going to have a bbq at a park in a week for Taylor’s birthday and he wanted her, Dinah, and Normani to go. She agreed, of course, eager to make up with her Dad. They talked for a bit, he passed the phone to Clara, then Taylor, then Chris. All happy that Lauren will be in Miami for a couple months.
When they hung up Lauren laid in bed thinking about Camila, she knew she should talk to her but she was scared Camila hated her. She wasn’t ready to deal with that. Instead, she just hung out with Normani and Dinah.
The trio spent the afternoon poolside, alternating between swimming around and just tanning. When evening fell, they watch scary movies and snuggled on Normani’s sofa. Lauren was happy that things were kind of fixed with Dinah, she knew the younger girl was still upset about the situation but did her best to ignore it.
It was around two in the morning, Lauren was awake while her bandmates were sleeping soundly next to her. She tossed and turned, finally giving up on sleep. She decided to scroll through Tumblr.
It didn’t help much, Camila was stuck on her mind. She looked around for Dinah’s phone because she had Camila’s number. She wondered if she was crazy for calling her so late, then she got upset with herself for not even trying to reach out earlier.
“Fuck it,” she mumbled dialing the number.
“Hello?” Camila’s raspy voice answered after a couple of rings.
Lauren felt a weird feeling in her stomach at the sound of her sleepy voice. “Hey Camz,” she replied softly. “Sorry if I woke you.”
“Lo? What time is it? Are you okay?” Camila asked concerned.
“I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about you…I want to apologize.” There was silence on the line before Lauren spoke up again, “Camz?”
“I’m here, Lo. You said you wanted to apologize, but you didn’t. I’m just waiting for the 'sorry’ part of it,” Camila half-joked.
Lauren chuckled, “Right…so…Camila Cabello, I’m sorry. I wasn’t in the best state of mind. I should’ve never put my hands on you. I should’ve called you earlier, to see if you were okay. I’m sorry I’m a bad person—”
“Lauren,” Camila whispered and it sent chills down Lauren’s spine. “You’re not a bad person, you make mistakes. Physically I’m fine. Emotionally, I may be fucked up. I’m a bit shaken up by your rage, but I mean are you perfect?”
“Well, neither am I. I’m not upset with you. I had all day to get over it. I’m hurt that you would do that Lo,” Camila said.
“I’m sorry,” Lauren whispered.
“I think it will be okay,” Camila responded.
“So, are we okay?”
“Sure, Lauren.”
“So, you’ll let me take you out on a date?” Lauren joked slightly.
“Really?!” she exclaimed.
“No, but nice try,” Camila chuckled.
Lauren laughed loudly forgetting she was next to her sleeping best friends. She looked out and saw them still asleep. “You’re a jerk, Camz.”
“Payback for last night,” Camila joked but Lauren just became silent. “Too soon to joke? I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.”
The two continued to talk and Lauren felt like everything would be okay now. They stood on the phone until they couldn’t take being awake any longer. They fell asleep without hanging up, very contently.
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Moving In
Clare: shuddered when Drew got to the part about the ferret bringing him and Audra a mouse as a gift. “It’s great that they can sense whether or not the filthy thing is diseased. I’m not sure if cats can make that distinction? But ew. I would die if any pet came to me with a rodent in it’s mouth. If we ever get one, I hope it can sense that too and just kindly take it outside to dispose of. Did I tell you that I’ve never actually had a pet? Mom wouldn’t let us have one even though no one in my family has animal dander allergies or anything. I thought about getting a cat or a dog when I got my own house but I decided it wouldn’t be fair because I was at work all day and it would be alone most of the time.” Clare watched Drew describe the squirrels up in the attic. She chuckled picturing him banging on the walls and jumping on the roof. She shook her head. “Okay I guess there’s nothing to worry about. If the squirrels don’t bother us, there’s no reason to disturb their winter home. I’m just relieved nothing else is up there! But I still want to take a look around the attic sometime.” Clare smiled at her boyfriend. “Uh-huh. You were holding out on me on purpose. Don’t worry, I’ll only come for visits in your man cave. After all it’s not like I want to hang out down there and play video games. I would hope not. That’s kind of how living together works.” Once the lingering kiss came to an end, Clare added. “Besides I plan on turning one of the empty rooms on this floor into an office/library for me. That’s only fair right? You can come visit me too whenever you want.” She was sure this would feel like their home in no time and not just Drew’s. “Fuck.” Clare whispered groaning a little as she looked at the picture of Drew with facial hair. “You look hot, baby. I knew it.” She giggled. “There is no look you can’t pull off. How come you don’t look scruffy at all?” She smirked at Drew. “Good because I want a copy of this with just you.” Clare wasn’t jealous of the girl in the photo though. Allison was pretty but it wasn’t like Drew was going to go looking for her. She kissed Drew lovingly again. “You’ll still be handsome when we’re old, Mr. Clause. I’d love to give kids something to believe in. It’ll work to some degree whether or not they really believe you’re really Santa. They can at least count on us to show them a couple can stay happily married.” Clare giggled. “Once we actually are husband and wife that is.” She looked at Drew. “I just thought you’d need more time to focus on the restaurant. I knew it was running smoothly but you’ve been so busy. You were the one who said it would be best to wait two or three years before we started trying.” Clare reminded him. “I agreed because I’m not emotionally prepared right now.” She explained. “Even if you can take of us and a baby financially, I still have to feel like I’m contributing. My job isn’t secure enough and I can’t be worried about it or anything else when I’m pregnant. Stress is bad for the baby. However, it‘s not like we are getting married tomorrow. I probably will be ready by then. I do want to have a baby with you. That‘s why I was asking. I was hoping you were okay with it happening a little sooner. Leaving it up to fate is more than fine with me. I‘ll stop taking the pill after we get married.” Clare had paid attention when Drew pointed out the safe and she was glad he was putting up money just in case. But she didn’t ask any questions about it. Clare would rather put it out of her mind for now because it reminded her of robbers. “You’re right. I do. My boss thinks I’m overworked because I didn’t tell him what was going on. All he knows is I’m falling asleep at my desk and handing in the wrong articles.” Clare stated with a frown. “I was never asked to work late. I’m the one who puts the pressure on myself. I’ve been trying to convince my boss to give me my own column. I was determined to prove to my family that I could live in that house by myself and make it on my own. Instead of confiding in you sooner, I waited until all this pressure has built up inside me and I’m about to explore. All because I don’t want to be a failure.” Clare reached for Drew’s offered hand and got to her feet. “Okay Drew, I’m ready to go down there.” She leaned up to peck his lips. “I love you. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.”
Drew: listened to Clare mention pets and looked at her. "We can get a pet if you want. Any kind you want, just not cats simply because they can't determine if a rat has a disease and the last thing we need is our cat bringing a diseased rodent into the house especially if we have it when we have our baby." he stated and kissed her head. He knew that they were still going to wait for them to start working on their family, but not as long. "I wasn't really holding out on you, I mean I you weren't exactly living here and when you were over I just wanted to hold and cuddle you. Now that you're living here, you'll be here a lot more and at times here when I'm not so it's only fair if you know what's in all the rooms I know about and where they are." he assured and smiled at her when she mentioned a room of her own. "If you want, I can knock down a wall or you can have two rooms one office and one library. After all I have my man cave and it's pretty huge, you should have a pretty big room yourself or two." he agreed. "Though when we have a kid, he or she is getting their own playroom." he added. A soft chuckle fell from Drew's lips at Clare's reaction to seeing him with a lot of facial hair. "I think there are a few looks I can't pull off." he assured and thought to a few looks he's tried off in the past. "I don't look good with long hair, a friend put a wig on me of long black hair, it was thin like mine and trust me it didn't look good. As for not looking scruffy, I don't have an answer to that." he stated honestly and kissed her chastely. "It's yours, I'll get a friend to crop her out in Photoshop." he assured and listened to her calling him Mr. Clause as well as talking about them being married. "I can't wait. Though when I'm old, I might need Viagra." he smiled at her and listened to her mention his previous estimate about reproducing. "I thought it'd take me months for my restaurant to be up, but Jazz advertised it and I got a lot of people which was why I was busy plus the guy that Jazz sent whipped my guys into shape and I had my general manager hire someone and they did a great job at it. Not only that, but he called and asked if he can fire someone for trying to shop lift. I gave him permission and he's been doing great. No complaints, no missing money, no nothing." he stated. "It probably helped that my general manager was the general manager at a different restaurant that closed down. He knew what he was doing, but we had to teach him the menu and about my restaurant." he shrugged and listened to her mention not being stable enough for a baby. "We can still wait. I mean we do have time to have a baby." he assured and kissed her head. "I don't know when we're getting married and whenever that happens, we'll stop using protection and leave everything else to fate." he smiled and kissed her lovingly. "I love you and nothing's going to change that. I'm ready to have a baby when you are." he smiled at her and listened to her mention work, he didn't know that she was so stressed especially since she didn't seem stressed around him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were that stressed. I would've cuddled with you more, spent more time relaxing and giving you massages to make you feel better." he cooed and licked his lips. "You should tell your boss everything that's been going on, from getting robbed to moving in. And you're not a failure." he stated. "Or told me how stressed you've been." he added and wrapped his arm around her waist as she got up. He hugged her when she thanked him feeling she'd need one and kissed her head. "That's what I'm here for." he assured and smiled down at her only to lead her to his man cave. When they got down there, Drew pulled Clare in close and kissed her for a few minutes, then lead her over to the couch and held her. "Do you want to christen this room or just relax and christen it another time?" he asked curiously.
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