#sorry the last batch took a minute! Got one comm left
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A commission of @incarnateirony's lovely character Kion! Thank you so much for commissioning me @amaniaclikenoiz!! :)
Commissions are back open for May!
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
Where Your Road Leads
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader, platonic Torrent (Kix, Jesse & Rex) x reader, platonic Echo x reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, temporary spousal death, pregnancy, fluff, language, throwing up...I think that's all
A/N this is possibly my longest one shot ever...
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A knock sounds on your door.
You'd been expecting him for the last two hours and he’s just now made it to your home. You open the door with every nerve buzzing.
“Kix, what took—”
You pause in fear when his face reveals only sadness and guilt.
“What's going on?” You demand, ushering the medic inside.
“I'm so sorry, vod'ika.” Is all he can manage with tears gathering in his eyes. Fives. Something bad happened to Fives. You’ve heard the report that he'd tried to kill the Chancellor, and that he was wanted by the Corries. But you thought he'd be safe with Rex. After all, the captain had been worried about him when he stopped by earlier.
“Kix.” You repeat. “Where's Fives?”
The medic takes a deep breath.
“He’s been,” he chokes on a shaky breath and his already unstable voice lowers to a whisper. “killed.”
Your knees buckle beneath you and you want to throw up. You stumble to the ‘fresher, Kix following behind to hold your hair as you empty the contents of your stomach.
“Oh, maker! No….fuck no.” You cry, dry heaving now. “There's no way.”
Kix runs a hand over his face to hide the haunted look in his eyes.
It takes a few minutes for your breathing to calm down. “And the test?” You quietly ask the question you've been dreading since he came in. It’s the reason you were expecting him, after all.
He turns to face you.
“Conclusive. You're two months pregnant.”
For the next six months, Torrent is always a comm away. Kix stopping in to make sure you're eating well enough to support both you and the baby, and Jesse helping you set up a nursery. Rex goes with you to most of your appointments if he can. You're grateful to have a family, even if they're not blood, and even if you and Fives weren't officially ‘married’. He’s still your husband, and they're your family.
It still hurts to wake up with a cold back where there would normally be the warmth of his chest, pressed against it, and anything that reminds you of Fives in your apartment remains untouched
When Echo is brought back, he finds out all about what happened and decides that the Bad Batch can wait. For now, he needs to uphold a promise that he'd made to Fives when the two of you first got together. If anything were to happen to a domino twin and his significant other was left behind, the remaining brother would take care of them. Even with the looming realization that his best friend is dead, Echo couldn't be more excited to be an uncle.
A year and a half later, you're sitting at the table, reading about the Chancellor’s ‘accidental' death and a subsequently revealed plot to kill the Jedi via the GAR, when you hear the front door open. Echo must be back with little Fiv'ika from the store earlier than expected.
But the footfalls that find their way into the kitchen aren’t mechanical like Echo's, and there's no excited babbling from your son.
You turn to see just who had let themselves into your house and—
Well…damn. This is new.
Fives is standing in the doorway. His curls are a little longer and his shoulders hang a bit, but he still has that light in his eyes, and his goatee is kept the way he always used to do it, and the tattoo is on the same spot that it always was.
You don't trust your eyes with the image. He can't be alive. He would have been here this whole time if he was alive.
It’s only when he speaks that you accept that he's here.
“Ner runi…” he murmurs, and you cross the distance to throw your arms around him. He's warm and soft and above all, he's real.
“Fives!” You cry, bitter tears rolling down your cheeks. “Where the hell have you been? You were dead!”
Instead of letting him answer, you grab his face and crash your lips against his. He returns the kiss with a relieved hum and tugs you closer. When you pull away, he wipes a few tears off your cheek with a calloused thumb, and his own eyes become glossy.
“I went in deep cover to investigate the chancellor. Commanders Cody and Fox are the only ones who know that I'm alive at all.”
The front door opens again, and this time it’s the sounds of your laughing child and Echo announcing “We’re home!”
Fives, however, stills with panic and pulls away from you.
“Osik,” he curses himself. “I should have realized that you could have moved on.”
I didn't.” You cut him off. “I didn't move on. You're in for the surprise of your life, Babe.”
His eyebrows scrunch as Echo and Fiv'ika enter the room. Echo stops in his tracks when he registers Fives’ face and you silently take the child from his arms.
“Firstly I want you to meet your son, Fives Jr., or as we call him, Fiv'ika.”
Fives’ eyes go wide and his knees suddenly feel shaky. He's not sure that he trusts his voice, but he tries anyways.
“You had our first kid and I wasn't there? Oh, maker. Fuck.” he brings a hand to cover his mouth, and tears spill over his cheeks. He falls to his knees and looks up at you.
“Ni ceta, Mesh'la. I don't know what to say…”
You shake your head and tug on his sleeve, silently asking him to get up. You wrap one arm around the love of your life and press your temple to his, while the other arm holds your son.
“It’s okay. You whimper. “We’re here. Were together.”
Fiv’ika reaches tiny hands up to grab his father’s goatee. Fives lets out a wounded noise and kisses your cheek.
You pull away for a second.
“Secondly, you’ll want to see who’s been helping me.”
Confusion crosses his face and you look over to Echo, who’s been standing outside the doorway of the kitchen.
“Who is….” Fives trails off, eyes locking on his twin. “Echo?”
The paler clone’s eyes fill with tears and he nods.
“Su cuy’gar, Fives.”
Your husband gives your shoulder a squeeze and rushes towards his brother with open arms. The two quickly fall into a sobbing embrace and you watch, practically beaming.
“I would ask how you’re alive but if I survived being blown up I’m pretty sure that it’s not that hard.” Echo laughs.
Fives only looks horrified. “I am so sorry to both of you. I should have been there-”
“Hey,” you stop him, moving next to both of them, Fiv’ika in between. “We’re safe.”
Fives pulls you all together in a hug, mumbling “I love you all so much.” He’s holding his entire world—his wife, his son, and his twin brother—in his arms, and he’ll be damned if he’s letting any of you go soon.
Mando'a translations:
Vod'ika: Younger sibling
Ner runi: My soul
Osik: Shit
Ni ceta: I'm sorry; I kneel
Su cuy'gar: Hello; You're alive
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) He Sees You Wear His Blacks
(Author’s Note:  This is actually how the most recent Crosshair fic “This is War” came to be.  It was originally part of this, but I decided to make it it’s own thing
These are just lil blurbs for each Bad Batcher about you wearing his blacks for the first time.  Enjoy!)
   His mouth stretched wide open in a yawn as he made his way through the main hall of the Marauder to his bunk.  After the day the squad had, he was finally ready to settle down for a nap.  His tired eyes widened in pleasant surprise at the sight of you already curled up on his bunk.  You were laid down with eyes closed and hair messily splayed out on the pillow, enjoying a sleep so deep and peaceful that you didn’t stir upon his approach.
   Wrecker’s smile was nearly giddy as he pulled back the covers to climb in next to you and get cozy.  He paused, noticing suddenly that you were wearing his extra set of blacks as pajamas. Though snug on him, the fabric hung loosely on your form, and you had the sleeves rolled up past your wrists.
   It was so cute that Wrecker couldn’t resist leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.  He really hadn’t meant to wake you, but the action drew you from your slumber with a quiet groan.
   “Sorry,” he said sheepishly.  “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
   You offered a sleepy smile that had his heart thudding at a quicker pace.  “That’s okay.  Cuddle with me?”
   He was beyond happy to grant your request, finally getting settled beside you and pulling the covers up over the two of you.  “You look cute in my blacks,” he commented in a low voice, bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek.
   “Yeah?” you yawned.  The new warmth he brought was already lulling you back to sleep.  “You look cute in your blacks too.”
   He chuckled, seeking a kiss with the brush of his nose against yours.  You met his lips in a single, soft peck before snuggling up to his chest, his arm tightening around you.  “Goodnight, _________.”
   “Goodnight, Wrecker,” you mumbled, already drifting.
   “Here,” he said, holding out the mass of dark fabric in your direction.  You lifted your gaze to him, mouth pressed in a firm line, and accepted the clothing, being careful not to get it wet.  Hunter couldn’t help but observe you in silent mirth.  The way you stood there with shoulders sagging, clothing drenched, and hair a soggy mess made you look like a damp lothcat.
   He didn’t mean to find amusement in your disheartened state, but part of him admittedly found you adorable.  You were scouting ahead when a downpour hit. You’d arrived back at the Marauder soaked to the bone. Your sleep clothes were hanging in the refresher to dry- it had been time to do some laundry- so Hunter had offered you his extra set of blacks so you could hang the rest of your gear to dry.
   Despite your mood, you caught the glint in Hunter’s eye and couldn’t help but smile.  “What?”
   “Nothing,” he denied evenly, though the corner of his lips were turned upward.
   You gave a playful roll of your eyes before stepping into the refresher to slip out of your damp clothing and into the blacks.  When you’d hung the rest of your clothes to dry beside your pajamas, you emerged from the refresher hugging your form as your body warmed itself up.
   Hunter had already busied himself with giving orders to the squad down the hall, but when his eyes skimmed over you passively he had to stop and do a double-take.  He glanced away momentarily.  “Tech, be sure to keep me updated.”  Then, his gaze was back on you.
   He liked everything about it.  The sight of you wearing his blacks and his scent covering yours, showing everyone else that you were his…
   All previous amusement was completely gone from his expression as Hunter approached, stealing a glance over his shoulder to ensure no one was paying attention before leaning in for a firm kiss, arm wrapping around you to pull you closer.
   “I’ll be sure to let you borrow my blacks more often,” he murmured.
   Echo tipped his head back to sip the last of his beverage.  He had to admit, Cid served up some decent drinks.  Catching movement out of the corner of his eye, Echo nearly choked on his drink when he took a second look.  There you were, taking a seat next to him at the table, wearing your usual clothes but with the top half of his blacks instead of your own shirt.  His heart went into overdrive.
   He coughed a few times to clear his throat before facing you.
   “Oh, hey,” you greeted, eyes lowering sheepishly.  “I’m sorry I didn’t ask...Is it okay if I borrow this?”
   “Trust me,” he said, his tone heavy with approval.  “I’ve got no problem with that.”
   “You sure?”  The way you looked at him with eyes wide and lips parted in concern left him breathless, which sent him into another coughing fit.  You leaned forward to pat his back gently.  “Love, are you okay?”
   His final sputter turned into a chuckle, and he shook his head.  “I’m fine.  You’re just...you look good.  Beautiful.”
   The smile that spread across your face was stunning, and Echo found himself smiling for the first time today.  You had a habit of doing that to him: changing his grumpy mood entirely.  He watched as you ordered something and got more comfortable in your seat, reaching a hand across the table to rest over his.  He entwined his fingers with yours.  Echo realized that he still hadn’t stopped staring, and he embarrassedly glanced away, feeling very much like a shiny seeing a beautiful woman for the first time all over again.  You’d been dating for some time, and usually he was a little smoother than this.
   “You’re so sweet,” you said, bringing his hand up to kiss it.
   He accepted the token of affection with a reassured smile.  “And you” -he kissed your hand in return- “are welcome to borrow my blacks whenever you’d like.”
   You quickly pulled on the top half of Crosshair’s extra blacks that had been folded neatly at the end of his mattress.  He’d be done scrubbing his prized rifle quite soon, and you wanted to be found waiting for him upon his return to the bunk.  Once you were cozy in comfy pants and his shirt, you pulled back the covers and crawled in.
   A few minutes later, the door slid open, and Crosshair entered.  He halted, eyes sweeping over you as he stood there.  He seemed to unfreeze when you smiled and held out your hand towards him, beckoning him closer.  He took it and tilted his head down at you.
   “Someone made themselves at home,” he said.  His tone was casual, but you could tell he was pleased-and even amused- by the way his eyes crinkled at the corners in the beginnings of a small smile.
   “Mhm,” you hummed, scooting farther in to make room.  “Care to join me?”
   He released a sigh, as if it was some chore, and climbed into the bunk beside you, though you didn’t miss the smile that finally did appear as he watched you get settled against his chest.  He grasped a bit of the fabric of his blacks between his fingers.
   “Looks good on you.”
   “Yeah?” you glanced up at him, pressing your lips absently to his collarbone.  He took a deep breath, releasing the fabric, and held you tighter in response.  Crosshair didn’t speak for a few minutes, only rested his chin on your head as you buried your face in his shoulder.
   “Yeah,” he finally said, giving you a kiss against your temple.  “Looks good on you.”
   “I have a hypothesis,” you stated, unfolding the dark fabric that you’d found in a messy heap hanging off the side of his bunk.  You’d brought his blacks back up to the cockpit with you where Tech was busy tinkering on a few things in the co-pilot chair.  The others were off-shift, most likely napping.
   “Oh?” Tech responded without looking up from his project.  “And what’s that?”
   You watched him for a moment from behind the chair.  While you had to admit he looked rather attractive with his broad back to you while he worked so diligently on Wrecker’s busted comm device, you wanted his attention.
   “It’s a secret,” you replied.  His focus gave you the opportunity to slip on the top half of his blacks that you’d found over your tank top.  “I want to conduct an experiment before I tell you.”
   “If I’m made aware of this hypothesis, are you concerned that it will compromise the collection of data?” he finally swiveled the chair to the side so he could peer at you over his shoulder.  It was obvious he noticed you wearing his blacks because his eyes widened ever-so-slightly.
   “Something like that,” you said with a nod.  You approached him, and his eyes moved with you while the smile on his face grew.  Once you were beside him, you casually looked at the repair in progress over his shoulder.  “How’s it coming?”  It took him a minute to tear his gaze from you and glance back down at the device in his hands.
   “It’s coming along rather nicely, I’d say,” he replied.  Then, that cheeky smile returned.  “Or rather, it was until you showed up looking like...that.”
   You shrugged innocently.  “Looking like what?”
   He fell silent again as he met your gaze, mouth pressing in a firm line as if he was internally debating something.  You held back a smile at the sight of the wheels in his head turning.  Finally, he set down the device on a nearby panel.
   “You look…”-he sighed, reaching a hand to take yours- “like I could kiss you.”  With a gentle tug, he pulled you just close enough to lean up and press his lips to yours.  “You look good in my shirt, my dear.”
   You hummed against his lips and pull away to smile.  “My hypothesis was proven.”
   He lifted an inquisitive brow.
   “If I wore your blacks, you would kiss me.”
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crab-instruments · 3 years
Dust in the Wind Part 5 (tbb)
Master <Part 4 Part 6>
Pairing: Hunter x Secret Jedi! Reader (GN)
Rating and warning: General audience, fighting, injury, panic/stress
Words: 2.2k
a/n: Action! We fight some people. Notes at the end. I hope the action is somewhat easy to follow and interesting.
My writing process involves me thinking of fight scenes as I listen to music while I walk, this one is choreographed to Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy. This is unimportant and uninteresting but is how I get a lot of my ideas.
Surprisingly, this is the longest part of written and I cut it short. Thanks for all the likes and reblogs, y'all. Keeps me going.
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Cid had given the Batch a mission to the Outer Rim. Tech had told the squad what planet but you had zoned out. Restarting your life every time something goes south was taking a toll on you and while your new crew was accommodating, it didn’t stop the stress of existing. You had gotten closer with the Batch on the trip to the next mission since it was a bit further out and you had time to get to comfortable. Wrecker and Omega seemed to enjoy your company the most, wanting to play games and share stories with you. Otherwise you helped Tech and Echo around the ship and chatted with them. Down times were spent with Hunter in the cockpit, watching hyperspace.
“Maxis… do you know how to sew?” Wrecker had caught you outside the armory, holding something behind his back.
You blinked, not used to seeing Wrecker so timid. “Uh yeah, I can sew. What do you need?” With a swift movement, he brought a red and black tooka doll between you. One of the arms had a rip in it, showing the stuffing inside.
His eyes looked sad as he said, “Lula got caught on a hook.”
“Ah, that should be easy. I can patch Lula up while you’re on your mission, so she’ll be ready when you get back.”
Wrecker smiled wide and pulled you into a hug. When you separated, he then held Lula out for you to take. As your hand touched the doll, your senses were overwhelmed with a rush of emotions and your head filled with memories that the doll contained. It stunned you for a moment and you had to close your eyes, not having experienced a force echo in a while. Luckily none of the memories were traumatic, just loud since Wrecker had strong emotions.
“Are you okay, Maxis?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking how cute Lula was,” you said with a smile.
The time between taking Lula from Wrecker and entering the planet’s atmosphere was fuzzy. Your mind was still on experiencing the force echo. Psychometry was a force ability that few Jedi had but most of the time it was a pain. You had to train a lot to get it under control when you were younger and when people found out about it, they wanted to do study you and learn everything about it they could. Since you had left the Jedi life and mostly disconnected with the Force, the echoes had dissipated. Having one suddenly didn’t sit well.
Tech’s voice grounded you back to the present as he alerted everyone he was landing the ship soon. Hunter appeared in the seat across from you, something in his hand. “This mission shouldn’t take very long, just a few hours. Here’s a comm, we will let you know when we are on our way back or if something goes wrong. I know you can’t fly but it would be useful if you could get the ship ready in case we need to leave in a hurry.” You nodded and took the comm. “Will you be okay, Maxis? I did say this would be dangerous. Although it’s unlikely, they could come to scout the Marauder.”
“Oh yeah. I’ll be fine. If anything goes wrong on my end I can let you know as well, though I bet the worst thing is I prick my finger sewing Lula together or shock myself with a live wire.” Hunter’s face softened and he seemed to relax a bit. Your eyes held his until the ship shook when it landed. When he got up, he put his hand on your shoulder for a moment before getting ready to head out.
You watched as they shuffled out of the ship, saying a quiet “be safe, please,” as they disappeared from your view.
The reality of being by yourself seemed to set in, making the Marauder daunting. There was Gonky, at least. Shaking that off, you settled in and got to work fixing up Lula’s arm. You made quick work, almost wishing you had more to work on. Taking apart the ship to make repairs was risky if they needed to leave quickly.
Slumping back in your chair, you held Lula in front of you. “What do you think I should do, Lula? I could go clean the air filter or organize the wires in one of the control panels, even though Tech does a pretty good job at color coding them. A few of the sensors could be looked at but… I’m still a little stumped on… why I got a force echo from you. You are special, I’m sure, but… I guess I could meditate for a bit, see if that helps clear things up.”
You crossed your legs in the chair and put Lula in your lap. Meditating was supposed to be relaxing, but it was harder to find a calm now. It felt empty, in a way. You tried hard though, seeking an answer as to why now.
After a few moments, your eyes shot open. Something was wrong. You gasped for breath the feeling of overwhelming apprehension. Someone was heading toward the ship. Three, maybe four, people and they didn’t feel like your crew. Hunter did say he would alert you when they came back and it hasn’t been that long.
Swiftly, you got to your feet and headed towards the cockpit where the comm was still sitting on a chair. However, you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a white bucket helmet walk around the front of the ship through the windshield. Troopers. Your heart pounded in your ears and you sank quickly to the floor. The fear of being caught by the Empire was arguably your biggest fear, they hunted Jedi ruthlessly, even hearing about troopers trained to fight Jedi specifically.
A noise came from where the entrance ramp was, they were trying to get on the ship. You remembered that Tech had told you about an escape hatch in the cockpit, so you quietly crawled to it and lifted it up. You did your best to make sure that you were in the clear and dropped down.
“Dank farrik! It’ll be another minute to open the hatch,” one of the troopers exclaimed. It seemed the others were spread out around the area, so making a run for it wasn’t necessarily the smartest decision but taking on four troopers by yourself wasn’t wise either. Close quarters combat was a strength of yours, training to not depend on your lightsaber was a priority for your Master. Long range combat would be more of a struggle, as your shooting accuracy left something to be desired. One of the reasons you ended up leaving the Order was it became less about peace keeping and more about being a soldier, and the senseless death had caught up to you.
You did your best to keep calm. Everything in your body told you to run, escape, survive, but… what about the ship? This was your home now. Hunter… the squad… depended on this ship. If you didn’t do something to protect it, what would happen?
Unfortunately for you, the choice to run or fight was taken from you, when the trooper noticed you crouching by the front of the ship.
“Hey! Foun—” before he could finish his sentence, you rushed him. The trooper had his blaster pulled out when he saw you. You used the element of surprise to go for a disarm, checking his blaster arm with your left, getting your right hand on the opposite side to redirect his hand. The blaster clearing your stomach as you brought your right arm across your body. While sweeping with your right, you used your left to get a grip of his wrist. With this, you were able to free your right hand to strip the blaster from him, squeezing his wrist to force his hand lose and you were able to swipe it out of his grasp. Once the blaster was out of his hand, you pulled his left arm back, hooked your foot behind his right to destabilize him, and then gripped the front of his armor tightly to put as much power as you could into pushing him into the ground, you kneeling next to him. While not quiet strong enough to knock him out, it was enough to stun him for a moment since you used his and your weight against him.
You heard a movement behind the ship, the other troopers had been alerted. Scrambling for the blaster, you switched it to stun and shot twice, knocking out one trooper. The third trooper came from around the front of the ship and shot. You had just enough time to twist your body and dodge a majority of the shot, but it still skinned your left arm, leaving a nice wound for later. Two more shots from you to knock him out.
While your arm screamed in pain, you had one last trooper to deal with. Keeping crouched, you rounded the front of the ship.
“Freeze!” The trooper was right in front of you and you were staring down the barrel. Kark! Slowly, you put your hands up in a half surrender, but in that moment you thought of a plan.
“Catch!” You tossed the blaster towards him and the trooper, confused, went to catch it. You pulled your knife out of your thigh holster and rushed him. Using his now bent knee, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his mid-section, using the boost of the jump to shove him to the ground. You pressed the blade to his neck, ready, but hesitated. You couldn’t follow through, even when your life seemed to depend on it.
No good deed goes unpunished. The trooper pushed you off but you land within arms reach of your fallen blaster and you made quick work of stunning him.
For a moment, you sat there, breathing heavily and you hands shaking. Your pulse raged in your ears and adrenaline rushed through your veins.
Achievement Unlocked: You protected the Havoc Marauder! But now what? And what if… the squad finds out? Something about them knowing you took down the troopers didn’t sit right. The odds were stacked against you, what if they start getting suspicious? What if… What if Hunter gets mad?
Checking the trooper in front of you, you found a pair of handcuffs. More than likely they would all have handcuffs and you could move their bodies away from the ship, effectively disposing of them.
One by one, you dragged the troopers bodies away, putting them in some foliage after handcuffing one arm and the opposite ankle behind their back. Hopefully this would keep them relatively immobilized when they woke up. After moving the last one, you could no longer handle the pain of the blaster shot and headed to the ship.
You looked for the med kit and handled it with shaky hands. After applying the bacta and patching it up, you did your best to hide the wound with your sleeve. You then went to your backpack and grabbed the small notebook and pencil. Something about writing felt better than using a holopad, so this is where you kept your notes for supplies and such. Though it was difficult, you wrote ‘bacta and bandages’ to your supplies list. Hopefully they wouldn’t get mad at you using their supplies but just in case, you would just silently replace it. No one would know.
As everything seemed to wear off, all you wanted to do was crawl into a small area and hide. You found an area between some crates and sank down, willing yourself to melt into the floor. In an effort to calm yourself, you muttered a few bars of the song that had stuck with you.
“♪ Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind ♪”
A beep cut into your thoughts. “Maxis, come in, do you read me?” Hearing his voice, you became renewed with a sort of energy. You stood up, walked over to the cockpit once more, and grabbed the comm. “Loud and clear, Hunter.”
“Great, we’re done and on our way back, we had a small set back but no other problems.”
“I’ll start up the ship for you.”
When Hunter and the squad got close, Hunter sense something was off. He signaled for the group to halt as he went to go investigate. Hearing some slow breathing from a few sources, he approached the bush carefully and paused when he noticed four knocked out troopers tied up chaotically. Tech noticed Hunter’s hesitation and walked forward.
“What did you fin—Oh. How did four Imperial Troopers end up here? You don’t supposed they went for the Marauder and Maxis took them out?”
“Who else would have? Four troopers… they have the strength to take out four troopers by themselves?” Hunter sounded bewildered. He finally looked at Tech, “Maxis didn’t attempt to alert us and I missed it, did they?”
“No, but it could have been inconvenient at the time. However, there wouldn’t be a reason why they wouldn’t have contacted us after dealing with the situation. Perhaps something else went wrong.”
With that, Hunter signaled the rest of the crew to board the ship with caution.
Part 6 _______________________________________________________
Psychometry/Force Echo: This is the next Jedi Fallen Order reference, also seen in 1 or 2 episodes of TCW. I based the reader's ability from the game. Fight scene choreo: Warning, video contains fighting scenes. I love MGS and specifically the CQC in MGSV. For this scene, the first disarm is a combo of the moves described in 1:08 (beginning) and 4:01 (ending). It was mainly supposed to be the second one but the arms are switched so as an artist of my craft, I must adapt. The last move is mostly just the Peter Pan jump from 5:23. I tried to describe the action as best as I could without being like "left right must left right" but here is the visual aspect of it.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 12: Little!Mari
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
Sorry this is late I’ll be late for a bit as I try and catch back up, hopefully.
Marinette was back in Wayne Manor for the winter holidays. And just like every morning she was awake before almost everyone else. Granted she just came back from patrol and it was already too late to fall sleep.
She had noticed she was running low on transformation macaroons for Tikki, so she decided to make a batch. And she did but she may have fallen asleep after placing the Macarons in Tikki‘s designated cookie jar, accidentally leaving out a couple of the potions.
Jason was the one to find her and noticed that she was asleep so he moved her to her room. So that got the boys to talking. They wanted to make sure that this was the best Christmas break ever, as it was their first Christmas together, so what better way to make their youngest sibling smile like the little sunshine she is, than to surprised her with baked goods like she always does with them.
Surprisingly it was Bruce who stepped up to the plate. Granted everyone kind of just stared at him. Alfred’s expression was a mix of shock and horror. Shock because Bruce was in the kitchen and asking Alfred where a list of ingredients were. Horror because Bruce was in the kitchen and it seemed as if he was going to cook. By the time it seemed he had all his ingredients in front of him Bruce looked up and noticed them all staring.
“Is something wrong” Bruce asked with a completely straight face.
“Yes!!!” Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all yelled..
Alfred, oh poor Alfred, seemed to be close to fainting as he was probably imagining the mess that was going to be occurring. “ Master Bruce what are you about to make.” Alfred asked.
“Sir where did you learn of the recipe you are to be using?”
“From Mini”
Once they all knew that the recipe was from Mari, they begin to work, still eyeing him warily.
"Vanilla has anyone seen it?"
"There it is Little Bat must have left it out" Dick handed Bruce the vid that was labeled with the letter 'V' and had a violet cap from a line of vials.
They finished the batter and Alfred set it in the oven.
"That went better than the last time" Bruce sighed as they left the kitchen.
"Now I need to know" Jason stopped Bruce looking straight at him. "When the hell have you baked, and what happened the last time ?"
"same occasion, the same day I met Marinette, she took out the ingredients left and I started making the recipe." He looked at his boys and they were silent for once, giving him their undivided, attention. "And I ended up covered in flour." With that he left.
Mari woke up a couple of hours later and heard a knock on the door.
"Breakfast will be served soon Miss" Alfred called.
"Thank you Alfred" she returned rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She got dressed and went down. Everyone was already at the table and they all ate relatively peacefully.
"And finally the masters have made you brownies Miss Mari" Alfred stated setting a plate of brownies in front of her.
"You guys. Thank you." I took two from the plate and handed one to Tikki. "Yummy" that was when there were two flashes.
"Mari" several voices shouted looking where she was previously sitting.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no" they heard Tikki but could not see her.
"Tikki, what is going on?" Bruce finally asked.
"Humans aren't..." that was when she began to grow in front of them. "humans shouldn't have transformation potions" She looked around, and so did everyone else. That was when they saw the blue eyes and black hair peeking over the table at them.
"Mini are you okay" Bruce tried asking softly.
"Dad" she called out running over to him. At least she still remembers we are family.
"Mari what is the last thing you remember" he asked her, she was curled up in his lap.
She shook her head. "I don't know everything is fuzzy"
"Hey there Bluebell" she turned to face Jason, who sounded to be the calmest at the table. "Do you remember us?"
She seemed to study them all. "Jay or Red" she faced Jason.
"Bluebell" he responded with a smile.
"Dick or Blue" she faced Dick.
"Little Bat" he smiled and she giggled.
"Tim or Genius" she was now smiling at Tim.
"That's right Bean" he gave a nod and yawn but she laughed at his actions.
"Damian or Qamri" she was now looking at Damian.
"Correct mon Sol" His second youngest said giving her a rare smile.
She then turned towards Alfred "Grandpa Alfie" she was now smiling and bubbly, while Alfred seemed close to loosing his composure at being called Grandpa. He simply nodded his head and gave her a smile.
"Tikki how long do you think this will last?" Bruce asked.
"I'm not completely sure" she responded.
"Fairy!" Mari cried looking at Tikki smiling. Tikki giggled.
"Well there is only one thing to do then" Dick clapped his hands a large smile spread on his face.
Tim seemed to suddenly wake up completely, Damian was eyeing him suspiciously a scowl now on his lips, and Jason well "I'm out, I am not getting caught up in any of your insane plans." he started to rise out of his seat.
"Come on Jay let's have a family fun day. We didn't know Mari when she was, how old are you right now little bat."
She scrunched her nose and furrowed her brows "Um nine if think" she finally responded.
"See we need to be with her" Dick began to plead, giving him puppy eyes.
"Please Red" Marinette looked at him giving him her own puppy eyes.
"Ugh how can I say no to those puppy eyes"
"Works every time" Dick answered.
"Not yours" Jason responded, Dick appeared hurt. "so what's first?"
"Puppies" Mari cooed as Titus and Ace entered the room.
"let's go outside then" Damian stated reaching out for Mari's hand. She readily took it and they walked out, the rest of the family following soon after.
The majority of the morning was spent playing with Ace and Titus as well as a very difficult game of hide and seek within the manor.
By lunch she was in the kitchen alongside Alfred. After which, everyone had to deal with an Arkham breakout. So Mari wandered the cave while Alfred manned the comms. She ended up on Dick's gymnastic equipment. Once everyone was back they found out she was on the trapeze.
"Blue your back!" she yelled in mid flight. As she landed she turned and again yelled. "Come and fly with me Azur"
Dick began to move towards the ladder when Bruce grabbed his shoulder.
"I think it's best you come down" he called up to her.
"She's a natural B just a few minutes" Dick stated as he climbed the ladder.
A few minutes turned into two hours. After a bath she was curled up in the library next to Jason as he gave a dramatic reading of the Odyssey.
That was where they stayed all afternoon until Alfred called them for dinner. After which Mari dragged Tim to the living room to make a blanket fort to end all forts. Where she proceeded to tuck her brother under several blankets to get him to sleep.
All five of them ended up watching Disney Movies all night. Where they all fell asleep in the fort.
"Why are we in a blanket fort?" Marinette questioned the next morning.
"Mari go back to sleep" Jason grumbled next to her.
"Jay?" she asked out finally waking up. "Dick? Tim? Damian? What how?"
"Breakfast will be ready shortly" Alfred called from outside the fort.
A chorus of ‘Ok Alfred's’ were heard from inside the blankets.
Her and her brothers all got up and went to prepare for the day, and when they sat for breakfast she was still confuse Id.
"What happened yesterday?” she asked. Everyone shared a look and began to laugh.
"Would you prefer the photos or the videos?" Alfred asked and everyone seemed to laugh even harder.
@mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox 
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
I also love some nice Angst with a hint of fluff in the end 😄 So how about after Sera told them about Umbara and what happened, she gets a really nasty nightmare about what happened there and this time the batch is there too and Hunter takes the place of her Captain and everything is even worse. Then Hunter wakes her up, comforts her with a cup of hot chocolate he hates because of the intense smell but makes it for her so she feels better. And they cuddle.
If this doesn't fit with the storyline just ignore this ask 😅
Just a Dream
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2.4k
Pairing: OC x Hunter
Warnings: War Scenes, death, and trauma.
Summary: Sera relives her worst and last battle of the clones wars through a nightmare. When Hunter arrives as she wakes, Sera tries to confide in him.
Authors note: I've had this draft sitting for like ever im sorry it took so long, I get so perfectionist-y about my fanfics even though im trying to just do it for fun asdakljf anyways I thought this was nice so enjoy! Thank you for the ask! :)
P.S. I went full out on this and studied the war tactics and how it actually happened on Umbara, this is just like a snippet of the details that I had figured out! tags: @mangoberry99
“General!” Captain of the 401st ran to Sera. He had his blaster in hand, ready to fight despite the fact that they just crash landed.
“Yes?” The Jedi General, Sera, looked up from her work. She knelt over an injured clone trooper, trying to do what she could to ease his pain. Based on the charred hole in his body, he wasn’t going to make it.
“We only have stray survivors from our ships, casualties are high-“ Sera and the Captain both ducked as rocks flew over their heads from a nearby explosion.
Sera glanced around the field and calculated quickly. “We need to retreat. Try seeing if you can reach General Kenobi or Skywalker, they’re the only battalions we’re close to,” Sera’s Captain nodded in agreement as she spoke, reaching for his comms.
“I’ll round up the survivors and try to find the best direction to retreat.” The dark planet's sky lit up with more enemy fire from the Umbarans. Sera’s face and the Captains helmet were lit up from the brightness. They only stared at each other in silence for a brief moment as the Umbara sky ignited above them. Sera’s expression was somber, and while she couldn’t see the Captains face, she knew his expression mirrored hers under the helmet. Neither of them liked their odds right now.
The heavy fire landed, exploding the nearby ships. Blood curdling screams came from the same direction. A sense of urgency filled Sera as she heard the screaming. “I’m counting on you, Sharp!” Sera began to turn away, yelling to Captain Sharp over her shoulder. “Yes Sir,” The Captain nodded, already working with the comm unit in hand. Sera glanced down to the clone she had been trying to heal moments ago. He was frozen, his head slumped and body limp.
The Jedi forced herself to continue, telling herself she can mourn once the battle is over. She had to save whoever she could now. “Troopers!” She yelled across the field, looking at a group of clones who were taking cover behind a flipped air transport. Their heads perked up from across the battlefield, and some hopeful expressions appeared as they saw their General. Sera squinted, then her eyes widened when she saw Wrecker was among the soldiers now, throwing scrap metal towards the enemy tanks. Tech suddenly flickered into existence, taking cover behind the same transport. One of the soldiers that had turned to Sera now saluted her. His arm was prosthetic, and the soldier suddenly morphed into Echo.
Sera shook her head, then suddenly something felt off and a sensation tugged at her gut. She froze. She knew it was the force, and it was a warning. Her eyes widened and turned to look toward the enemy lines.
Umbaran airships whizzed by and began firing down on the survivors. She looked to the surviving soldiers with a horrified expression. The Umbarans fire landed right in the center of her men, and she only heard their screams before her vision blacked out.
Sera got thrown back far, her body slamming to the ground hard. While her head snapped back and hit the rocky terrain, she felt her troopers' lives get instantly snuffed out from the heavy fire that rained from above. It felt like cotton filled her brain, her body not responding to her quickly enough. She opened her eyes, and tried to gather whatever strength she had left in herself and through the force that flowed through her. She rolled over to her side, and felt blood coming down her forehead.
Once she rolled over, she saw a soldier's charred body not too far away. He held a rifle in his hand, and she recognized the tattoo marks on his eye that formed a Crosshair.
Sera looked away from the disturbing sight, then tried sitting up. She halted her movement, then gasped and gripped her side. She had felt a sharp pain, and looked to see blood was on her hands. Her vision began to get cloudy, blood dripping into her eyes from an open wound on her head.
“General,” the whisper cut through the haze, and she recognized the voice immediately.
She ignored the pain and crawled over, seeing her Captain sprawled body lying feet from her. “Captain-“ Seras voice caught in her throat, and she couldn’t speak more, the sight of his broken body stealing her voice away. More flashes lit up the sky, and more fire came from the enemy’s tanks and airships. She squeezed her eyes tight. This can’t be happening. It’s just a dream.
“General-“ Sharp coughed weakly. He brought Sera back to the scene before her. She let the tears fall and she sat up as best she could, reaching to grab ahold of his bloodied hand.
“Stay with me Captain.” She forced herself to speak, and tried to sound confident. She tried to sound like the General these men deserved, not the one that had just failed them. He reached and lifted up his helmet.
Sera saw it was Hunter's face that was underneath the Captain's helmet, and he squeezed her hand tight. She sobbed quietly, letting the tears fall.
This isn’t how it happened
“Hunter, stay with me.” She remembered speaking this sentence before, the words came out forcefully and with passion just like they had the first time.
“It was an honor, General.” The words that had been spoken by Sharp came out of Hunter's mouth, now in his voice too instead of the Captains. Sera only sobbed harder.
“No! Not you, no no,”
The light left his eyes and his hand stopped gripping hers.
Sera awoke in bed, gasping for air. She sat up and ran her hands through her hair, trying to remember where she was.
He’s dead. They're all dead.
The door to her bedroom opened, and someone came through. Sera didn’t look up, but kept her fingers tangled in her short blonde hair, gripping her head tightly.
“Sera!” Hunter's smokey voice echoed through the room as he ran in, his vibroknife in hand. Sera kept staring down, trying to recall where she was and how she wasn’t injured. She pressed a hand to her side and felt no pain.
“What’s wrong, are you hurt?” He looked around, trying to find a threat.
“I-“ Sera couldn’t get another word out, and she tried to steady her breathing. Her memories started to come back to her now that she was awake.
It was just another nightmare. Everyone in clone force 99 is alive.
“I'm sorry, it was just a dream.” Sera's voice came back to her and she looked up to Hunter. His hair was messy, the bandana still in its rightful place though, and he wore his blacks.
He relaxed, then set the knife down on an end table, and looked down at her. He took in the scene, Sera shuddering in the bed, coated with sweat, breathing shakily. His expression softened as he began to comprehend what had happened. “A nightmare.” It didn't quite sound like a question when he said it, but Sera still nodded in confirmation.
Hunter looked away, placing a hand on his chin as he thought hard for a moment. Then an idea came to him and he looked up to Sera. “Will you be okay if I go for just a minute?”
Sera examined his expression. His eyes didn’t waver from her, and he waited patiently for her answer. She could tell that if she asked him to, he would stay with her no questions asked.
“Go, I’ll be okay.” Sera tried to smile and nod. She still felt herself shaking a bit, and she knew the smile probably wasn't convincing. Hunter nodded back and slipped out of the room.
While Hunter was gone, Sera sat herself up in the bed and tried to get more comfortable. She wiped away the layer of sweat that covered her forehead, and took slow, deep breaths. Her dream felt just like what happened on Umbara, it was almost a perfect replay, like the other times she had this nightmare. The difference this time was that the bad batch was there too, dying alongside her soldiers. But they’re alive, she reminded herself.
Sera’s thoughts were interrupted when Hunter opened the door, and held a steaming cup in his hand. His nose was wrinkled a bit, but he managed to maintain a normal expression otherwise. “Here.” He handed it to Sera. She looked curiously, and then took the cup. She instantly felt it’s warmth, and recognized it was Hot Coco.
“Hunter, you didn’t have to do that.” Sera looked at the cup gratefully. She knew the smell of the drink bothered him, ever since she made it for herself the first time she stayed aboard the havoc marauder. After seeing how it irritated Hunter's senses, she never drank it around them anymore.
Hunter shrugged, trying to act like it was no big deal. She could see his nose was still wrinkled, and turned away from the cup. “You’ve had a bad night. I know you like drinking this when you can’t sleep, Echo told me.”
Sera would’ve denied it if he hadn’t mentioned Echo, but it was true. Sera and Echo both had a habit of being insomniacs, and sometimes the two would pass by each other on a shared sleepless night, and sometimes they would keep eachother company
Sera sighed and decided not to fight Hunter on this. Despite what the clone thought, the Coco smelled amazing to her, and the warmth she felt from gripping it was inviting. “Thank you.” Sera quickly took a few sips, which turned into a few gulps of the chocolate drink. Hunter chuckled as she easily downed the drink.
“You're welcome.” He smiled and looked away, then sat at the edge of Sera’s bed. After she finished, she set the drink on her nightstand, just by her bed. She saw Hunter's knife was sitting just next to her now finished cup. She decided to reach for it, bringing it to her lap as she held it in her hands.
Hunter watched her fiddle with his knife, and decided to speak up. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked her. Sera looked up and met his eyes. He was leaning back on his hands, and she could tell he didn’t want to push her.
“Just bad memories.” She answered briefly, then looked back down to the knife. She held the point at the tip of her finger. Her brow furrowed as the memories flickered in her mind, and she mindlessly fiddled with the blade, scraping the tip of it on her fingers. Hunter's hand came over hers, and her eyebrows came up, slightly surprised. She didn’t move.
“We all have bad memories from the war.” Hunter opened her hand and took the knife away gently. After it left her hands, she squeezed her now open hand into a fist. She nodded at his words.
Sera had these dreams so many times, too many times to count. She’s even had these nightmares while traveling with the group of rogue clones. Something was different this time though. She didn’t have someone here when she awoke from the bad dreams.
Sera’s chest felt tight as the emotions began to overwhelm her. Despite not following the Jedi code anymore, She still found herself in the habit of trying to have no attachments. Being attached to her soldiers, her men, it’s what hurt her the most when they died. But here they were, more clones once again breaking her walls down.
Hunter's arm came around Sera’s shoulder, and she easily leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder.
“You’re safe now, Sera.” Hunter squeezed Sera’s shoulder, trying to comfort her.
“It’s not me I’m worried about.”
Hunter turned his face a bit to eye her suspiciously. “You’re worried about us?”
Sera didn’t look at him. It felt like history was repeating itself. Sera finding more clones, joining arms with them, creating a close bond with them. There was only one thing left to make both of these stories the same.
No more deaths.
Hunter's chuckle brought Sera’s attention back to what was happening. “You know we can handle ourselves, right?” He was genuinely amused at the idea of Sera being worried about them.
“That was part of my nightmare.” Sera lowered her voice when she spoke, just breathing the words out.
Hunter didn’t laugh at that. Sera closed her eyes, and pressed her face into Hunter's shoulder. Hunter frowned at this, beginning to see how real her fear was.
“Hey,” Hunter shifted, moving so he could see her face. Sera lifted her face up when Hunter moved his shoulder away.
“We’re not going anywhere.” Hunter looked Sera dead in the eyes, both hands on her shoulder. He squeezed her shoulders gently. “You’re stuck with us as long as you’ll have us.” The corners of his mouth turned up a bit as he finished his sentence.
Starting to feel a surge of emotions come, Sera put her arms around Hunter and pulled him into an embrace. He wasn’t expecting it, but easily returned the gesture. He had gotten used to hugging more with her, and easily patted her back comfortingly.
“Thank you,” Sera breathed into Hunter's ear. Hunter froze for a moment, then straightened himself up and pulled away.
“Alright mesh’la, lay down and try to sleep.” Hunter gently grabbed onto Sera’s shoulders and started guiding her back down onto the bed.
“Mesh what now?” Sera yawned as she spoke. She didn’t know mando’a, except for picking up on some of the insults crosshair would direct to her occasionally.
“Sleep.” Hunter ordered, ignoring her question.
Despite wanting to argue, Sera’s eyes felt heavy, and she willingly laid back down on the bed. A few minutes passed, with Hunter staying diligently at the edge of the bed. He listened to her breathing, and glanced at her occasionally. He waited to be sure no signs of another nightmare came, and that Sera would sleep soundly. Once he was confident she was fast asleep, Hunter planned to quietly leave the room and go back to sleep.
Once he shifted though, he felt fingers grip his wrist. He turned to glance at Sera. She wasn’t awake, but when he moved she reached out and grabbed him. Hunter tried to peel her fingers off, but she shifted in the bed, only tightening her grip.
Who knew she could get so attached?
Hunter gave up on leaving, already entranced by watching her sleep. He did, however, feel too uncomfortable with sitting on her bed any longer, so he instead reached over to a chair just a few feet away and pulled it up. He settled in, leaving his arm on the bed that Sera would not release. The chair and his body were parallel to the bed, and he continued to watch her carefully, ready to chase away any nightmares that came.
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chancellormatt · 4 years
Episode Sixteen - The Cost
Eight years ago…
A teenage Shiro walks down the Garrison halls. He stands tall, confident in his stride. He receives respectful nods from those he passes, which he returns in stride.
Finally, he arrives at a door with a plaque labeled: “Admiral.” He takes a breath then reaches a hand up to knock.
“Come in, Ensign.”
“How does she always do that?” He mutters, opening the door and stepping inside.
Admiral Sanda sits behind the desk, fingers interlaced below her eyes.
“Ensign Shirogane.” She greets.
“Admiral.” He salutes.
“At ease. I’ve got an assignment for you.”
A smile nearly jumps onto his lips but he quickly suppresses it. “What is it? High-speed transport? Space flight? Showing the new cadets how it's done?”
“You’re on the right track with the cadets, just a little off.”
Shiro tilts his head in slight confusion.
“There’s a cadet in the new batch that’s been trouble. Got in a scuffle today. I want you to speak with him. See if you can’t talk some sense into the kid.”
Shiro sighes. “Admiral...don’t you think that’s a bit of a waste of my abilities?”
“Oh? And you think just because you’re the young new hotshot, you’re too good for the grunt work? Think you’re better than everyone else just because you know how to fly a shuttle better than your whole class?”
Shiro doesn’t reply, though his expression is it's own confirmation.
Sanda chuckles. “Well there’s more to being a good pilot than just knowing how to pull tight turns and when to floor the throttle.”
“Like nailing targets with the blasters?” Shiro jokes.
Sanda’s stern gaze chases the humor out of his face.
“Talk to the boy Shiro. You might learn something.” A smile grows on her face. “And you might just find something familiar about him…”
Shiro walks into the office, immediately seeing the dark haired boy with the black eye seated off to one side. On the other side of the room are three other boys, all with bruises. None of them meet each other’s gazes. 
Shiro hesitates, wavering just inside the doorframe. However, after a moment he sighs and walks over to stand in front of the boy.
“Hey. I’m Ensign Shirogane.”
The boy doesn’t reply, instead he grunts and stares off past Shiro. 
Shiro rolls his eyes. “Too cool for that huh? Come on kid, at least tell me your name.”
“Why? Not like you really care.” The boy mutters.
Shiro opens his mouth to reply then hesitates. He looks at the boy more closely, as if seeing him for the first time. He notes the black eye as well as the other scratches and scraps on him. 
“...you’re right I don’t care.” Shiro finally says, shrugging.
The boy looks up at Shiro confused.
“Just being honest.” Shiro shrugs. “I was told to come here. Ordered, actually.”
“At least you admit it.” 
“Yeah. I was also told that I might find you a bit familiar. So then, kid. How’d you get so banged up?”
The boy hesitates before responding. “...got in a fight.”
“Naturally.” Shiro nods. “With who?”
“...them.” The boy nods to the boys opposite him.
Shiro turns to study them for a moment.
“All three of them?”
“Did you win?”
“Got broken up.”
“Were you winning?”
“...yeah.” A ghost of a smile touches the boy’s lips before vanishing just as quick.
Shiro nods and sits down next to the boy. The boy eyes him dubiously.
“That’s pretty impressive. But if I'm talking to you that means that you started it.”
“They started it.” The boy replies immediately.
“...but they didn’t throw the first punch?”
The boy doesn’t reply. Shiro nods again.
“So they said something worth punching them for.”
Shiro massages his chin. “Let me guess...said something about your Mom?”
“...my Dad. Said...said if he’d been better at his job he would’ve come out of that fire. Said I’ll end up like him. Screw up and die on the job…” The boy’s voice trails off.
“Do you want to be a pilot?”
The boy nods ever so slightly.
“Then don’t beat them down here. Beat them up there. That’s one lesson that took me longer to learn than it should have.”
The boy nods again, looking up at Shiro differently now.
“You hungry?”
“Let’s get something to eat. There’s a great diner not far from the base.” Shiro gets up.
...okay.”  The boy gets up, then hesitates. “I’m...Keith, by the way. Keith Kogane.”
Shiro smiles. “I’m Takashi Shirogane. But you can call me Shiro.”
Eight Years Later…
Shiro reaches up with his robotic arm to knock on Admiral Sanda’s door. 
“Are you going to wait out there all day, Lieutenant?”
Shiro chuckles and walks inside. “I guess some things never change, Ellen.”
“In respect of how long you’ve served under me, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that breach of protocol.”
“I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic lately, sue me.”
Sanda sighs. “...alright Shiro. What’s this about, then?”
Shiro shrugs, then pulls a small disc out of his pocket. He hands it to Sanda. She does not take the disc, instead choosing to stare at it.
“...is that what I think it is?”
Shiro scratches the back of his next, and gives another shrug. “Yeah.”
“You’ve never had one of those.”
“I never thought I’d need one.”
“But now?”
“A lot has changed. We’ve got a big battle coming up. Maybe the last one. I just...want to be ready.”
Admiral Sanda hesitates, but reaches out and takes the disc.
“Who’s it for?”
Shiro gets the hint of a smile and raises an eyebrow.
“Alright, I think I can guess.” She admits. “Anything else?”
“Can’t think of anything…oh quiznack!” He slaps himself on the forehead. “I was gonna get that bottle of scotch!”
“Thinking of celebrating early?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I’m afraid you’re out of time now.”
“Figures.” Shiro shakes his head.
“But I’ll hold you to that bottle for when you get back.”
“Can I consider that an order?”
“Sir, yes sir.” 
And with that Shiro salutes, and walks out of the room.
“Sorry I was late.” Shiro says stepping onto the bridge of the Atlas. He begins to strap himself into the control harness.
“Another few minutes and we were gonna leave without you.” Matt says from the science officer’s chair.
“I guess that means you’d have to pilot this thing.”
Matt makes a sour face. “No thanks.”
Shiro smiles and shakes his head, before turning on comms. “This is Shiro...checking in.” 
Shiro lies  within the control fixture on the Atlas.
“Copy that.” Keith replies. “Just waiting on the rest of our Galra allies.”
“Hey!” Skriel objects. “These ships are prototypes! It's not my fault if-”
“Not looking for excuses Skriel. We’ve all got our jobs today, just take care of yours.”
“Loud and clear, Grand Regent!”
Shiro chuckles.
“Kid’s come a long way, huh?” Matt says.
“You don’t know that half of it…”
Zarkon prowls back and forth across the room. A display shows the bright view of the altean colony, in stark contrast to the otherwise dark interior of the room.
There is a hiss as the door on the far side of the room pulls open. 
Zarkon stops in place, but does not turn to face those who enter. He instead chooses to stare out at the colony.
The first is Prince Lotor. He tepidly steps inside, his reserved expression barely masking the unease. 
Honverva follows after with a more confident stride.
Sendak and Raimon follow one after the other, both entirely neutral in their stances and expressions.
For a tense moment nothing is said. Zarkon stares at the display, while the other four Dark Paladins are forced to wait.
“...I’ve been told a narrative since we came to this reality.” Zarkon says, still not turning. “A story of what happened to myself, my allies, and my empire. The story goes that I, Zarkon, was defeated and killed by a group of children piloting a stolen Voltron. Then, following my demise, my loyal son Lotor, picked up the torch and continued the fight. Unfortunately, he too was eventually was slain by these children. And the Galra Empire was left to fray and rot. While it is a rather hard series of events to swallow, the results seemed to support the story. There was just one issue…”
Zarkon whirls around. “That wasn’t even remotely what happened!”
Lotor is so shocked he takes a step back. Even Honverva has a momentary look of unease. Zarkon uses the opportunity to push one.
“I’ve been quite busy since we came here. Add that to the mass confusion and misinformation that made it quite difficult to get any kind of clear picture of what happened following my supposed defeat. But I make time for the important things. You see, while communications got very jumbles, the central command of the Empire remained intact right up until a few months ago. And since we’ve seized the remainders of that Empire, I finally had members of high command to help clear up the picture for me. I interviewed each of them. Their stories had their fair share of uncertainties and variations. But I was able to piece together a far more accurate tale...”
Lotor swallows. 
“...in spite of everything, it seems that this universe’s Zarkon was really defeated by those child Paladins. But they had Voltron. I suspect there may be more to the story to that but I have little more information there. What I do know however, is that my alternate did not die after the battle. Wounded certainly, but not dead. Lotor was only called in to maintain order in the absence of the real Emperor. And that is where the story gets far more interesting. Because shortly after Zarkon returned to power, Lotor was branded a traitor when he sided with the Paladins.”
“That couldn’t be-”
“Silence!” Zarkon bellows. “I am not done talking boy.”
Lotor looks down and gives the barest of nods.
“Following this...betrayal came a confrontation. An exchange was made. One of the Paladins allies for the traitorous son. But Lotor was armed with the Black Bayard. A fight ensued. Zarkon was in actuality killed during that fight, by his own son.”
The room is silent. Zarkon does not let it stay so for long.
“The details get hazier after that. One thing I do know for certain that Lotor claimed the Empire for his own at the Kral Zera. And I know that for a time he remained allies with the Paladins. But apparently the friendship was short lived. He betrayed them same as his father, as far as I can tell. Lotor used a Voltron-like mecha of his own making in the battle against the Paladin’s Voltron. How he built such a machine I neither know, nor currently care. In the course of the fight Lotor was trapped inside the quintessence field and thought dead.  He remained there until our experiments pulled him out. The rest is history.”
“This...is shocking. But the people in this room are not the same as the ones in that story.” Honerva points out.
“I agree. Or...at least I did. Because all of this...I could ignore. Much of it is concerning. But different events lead to different results. The smallest changes can result in the largest changes. My alternate’s defeat is one example of such. But there’s one thing I simply cannot ignore…” 
Zarkon slams a fist into the display behind him cracking it. “YOU KNEW!”
This time both Lotor and Honerva take steps back. Sendak even shifts his stance. Raimon is the only one that remains impassive.
“Honerva and Lotor. My wife and son. You both knew of these events and told me nothing.” 
“And how did you surmise as much?” Honerva replies coldly.
“Lotor was simple. I listened in on his conversation with the Princess. She not only mentioned it then, but indicated they had spoken on it before.”
Lotor stares at the floor. “I-I didn’t think it could be true…”
“Or really!?” Zarkon exclaimes. “Is that the case? And you can say for certainty that you never once felt a spur of ambition. That maybe you boy, could actually kill me? After all if it happened once in this reality why not again?”
“I-I-I would never-”
“The evidence says otherwise.”
“I only failed to tell you anything because I knew you would react this way! I knew you would become so paranoid that you-”
Zarkon raises a fist silencing Lotor.
“...take care, Lotor. I am not paranoid. Paranoia comes from fear. I do not fear. If I thought for an instance that you were actually will and capable of killing me I would have removed your head from your shoulders the moment you stepped inside this room!” 
“And there you are again! Acting like I should be thankful that you spare the life of your own son!”
“You should be.” Zarkon says in a tone colder than the vacuum of space itself. 
Lotor doesn’t manage to produce a reply for that.
“And you.” Zarkon turns on Honerva. “You covered your tracks well. Made sure only you spoke to your alternate and kept the news of her escape quiet. But you forgot one simple thing: The Galra are loyal to me. Not to you. And while none of them could tell me exactly what was said in that room, I was able to surmise the rest. She told you the true story of what happened to this reality’s Zarkon, and rather than tell me, you hoped I’d never find out.”
Honerva scoffs. “If you wish to frame it in that manner.”
“How would you like me to frame it?” Zarkon growls.
“As your wife, keeping an unnecessary distraction from you before your greatest triumph.”
“And you expect me to believe that?”
“I would think that over ten thousand years of loyalty amounts to something.” Honerva narrows her eyes.
Zarkon does not reply immediately. He looks back and forth between Honerva and Lotor, clenching and unclenching his fists. Zarkon opens his mouth.
Before he can ever speak an alarm blares throughout the compound.
“...they are here.” He states, instead.
“Shall we postpone this discussion, then?”Honerva suggests.
“...for now.” And Zarkon leaves without another word.
Raimon walks out shortly thereafter.
Lotor gives his mother an uneasy look before also departing.
Honerva and Sendak are the only two who remain in the room.
“...did his reaction surprise you?” Sendak asks.
“No. Unfortunately.” she replies. She eyes him sidelong. “What are you, Sendak?”
“I am the hand, Mistress. I do as the mind commands.” 
“Good. Await the call.”
“I always do, Mistress. I always do.”
Coalition ships flow into the Quantum Abyss. The ships of the Galra fleet creep out from their orbits of dark stars and black holes. Beams of energy year across space, stray shots warping as they are drawn into the immense points of gravity. 
Through all of this charge four of the Lions of Voltron, followed by the Atlas. 
“Keep a tight formation, and follow me closely. Go to far into any direction and you’ll get pulled into the abyss. And it could be years before you’re pulled out. At least to you anyway…”
“Roger that!” They all reply.
The Lions and the Atlas blaze a trail through the Quantum Abyss. Countless galra fighters are mowed down by their mad charge. Cruisers soon move in to meet them, but they don’t provide much more challenge. The Lions slice them to exploding bits in moments, while the Atlas incinerates entire ships with blasts from it's fists.
More galra ships are shot down, but by other galra this time.
“Ohoho! How do you like the guns on these things, Grand Regent!?” Skriel boasts over the comms. The four warlord destroyer ships emit powerful blasts from their central cannons, bringing down even the cruisers with one or two shots.
“Great work Skriel, just keep ‘em off our back for a while.”
“Yes sir!” The warlords chime in.
The Lions and the Atlas crawl deeper, the enemy lines begin to fracture. 
“Yeah! We got them on the run now!” Lance cheers.
“I wouldn’t celebrate just yet…” Keith says wary.
A squadron of five robeasts ride out in wake of the retreating galra. 
“Had to open your mouth didn’t you Lance?” Pidge sighs.
“It's kinda my thing, so...yeah.”
“If you don’t mind Keith...I think we got this.” Shiro speaks up.
“You sure? That thing kinda has a shaky track record.”
“I’m sure. We’ve got a handle on things now.”
“Then show us how it's done, old man.”
“Don’t you start calling me that just yet!”
The Atlas charges. It's fist glows with a bright blue light and it punches the first robeast in the face. The robeast goes flying backwards, smashing into one of it's comrades. But Shiro isn’t done. The Atlas catches the next robeast’s weapon before the energy-draining tip can hit home. The Altas then yanks the robeast to one side before kicking backwards. The next two robeasts advance, but more cautious than the previous. The Altas blasts them with it's forearm cannons, but the robeasts block with their rotating staffs. The robeasts move in but the Altas dives to the side. As it does, the Lions unleash their mouth blasters. This does little more than distract the robeasts, but it's enough. The Atlas body slams on robeast into the other. As both tumble backwards, the Altas throws one hand out to the side. A glowing blue blade slides out from the arm. 
Shiro swings, the Atlas mimicking his movement. 
The blade slices clean through the waists of both robeasts. Pods eject and the armors explode. 
“Woah, nice going Shiro!” hunk cheers.
“Well, thanks, but I’m not exactly the only one contributing here.” Shiro nods to the others on the Atlas’ bridge.
“Yeah, do you have any idea how hard it was to make this arm blade?” Matt chimes.
“Maybe we should just save all congratulations until the enemies are beaten.” Keith suggests.
The other three robeasts are moving to attack again, with several more joining in to provide backup. 
“A novel idea, Keith.” Shiro acknowledges, bringing the Atlas’ arms up in a defensive posture.
But the robeasts all suddenly hault. They part, opening the way for a new arrival. 
The five Lions of Darktron.
“Those four Lions are ours. Destroy the rest.” Zarkon’s voice comes over the comm.
“Here we go guys.” Keith says. “Phase one is complete.”
Some ways behind the thick of the fighting, a single small shuttle slips out, unnoticed. It quickly vanishes, it's cloaking function engaging. 
Sincline Lotor stands inside the shuttle, unperturbed by ever bump and tremble from the wild flying and nearby explosions outside.
Several members of the Blade of Marmora surround him in the cramped belly of the shuttle. Krolia and Acxa. The latter is making a point of not looking at Lotor.
“They chose you to be on this mission?” He finally asks.
“Yes.” Acxa says simply.
“Really? We have a past. Aren’t they worried you might help me escape, or something of that nature?”
“They shouldn’t be.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because if you betray the goals of this mission, I’ll kill you before any of them have a chance.”
Lotor smiles at that. 
“That’s my girl…” He says under his breath.
The shuttle weaves through the cosmic battlefront of the Quantum Abyss, making its way past the enemy lines undetected.
At long last they make it to the colony planet, it's dark moon casting shadows over one side of the planet. A small dome can be seen on the half of the planet in light.
Lotor stares down at that dome from the shuttle’s viewscreen
Then the moment passes and he averts his gaze. As if in agreement, the shuttle’s path adjusts, moving towards the darker side, away from the colony dome.
The shuttle touches down onto the hard, cracked surface. A moment later the hatch opens and Lotor and the Blades spill out.
“This area should be near your hidden entrance, correct?” Krolia asks.
“Indeed. But keep your wits about you. It's unlikely they’ll be scanning for us here, but few underestimate Zarkon and live to tell about it.”
The group moves along, keeping low and behind larger rock outcroppings when possible.
Eventually they come to a cave. It's little more than a dark hole leading down into a stone outcropping. 
“In here.” Lotor says, stepping down into the dark.
The blades follow, wary as they step down after. The cave does not reach far, ending just a few dozen feet from the entrance. A stone wall is all that meets them now.
Lotor feels around the cracks along the wall. The blades watch on with uncertainty. His hand slips into a larger crack and there is clicking sound.
Lotor smiles, then moves in front of the end wall. A line of light shoots out from the top of the cave, starting at the top of Lotor’s head and moving down to his feet.
The light vanishes and for a moment, nothing happens. 
The silence shatters as the stone wall falls away, opening up a tunnel of further darkness. Lotor wavers at the opening. He starts to take a step but hesitates.
“Lotor?” Acxa asks with concern.
His eyes flicker over to her as if suddenly reminded of her presence. A series of glowing red lights appear in the tunnel.
“Everyone down!”  Lotor commands.
The Blades dive to the floor a moment before the tunnel lights up with the blaze of energy-fire. 
A squad of sentries emerge from the shadows, firing blasts from glowing staffs. They appear similar to those of the galra, but more lithely built.
“What is this Lotor?” Krolia demands, dodging an energy blast. “You said this place was keyed to your biometrics!” 
“It is keyed to mine. Just not yours.” Lotor explains causally.
While the blades duck and dodge around the cramped tunnel, he stands stock still in the middle of the scene. Not a single blast fires in his direction.
“Well that would have been nice to know before!”
Lotor ignores her and starts walking forward. He reaches the middle of the sentries lines, and looks about to walk past them. But then, he looks back and sees Acxa, as well as the rest of the blades still struggling to survive.
He sighs, then turns back around.
In a flash Lotor produces his swords. In a single swing he strikes down down two sentries. They fall, sparking hunks of metal. The next ones he advances are not so easily destroyed. They dodge his swings, and retreat backwards, out of his reach. This, however, puts them in range of the blades. Two are brought down by luxite swords, leaving the remaining two to take further evasive maneuvers. Glowing staffs spin in bright arcs as the sentries knock aside attacks from every side. Any of the blades that get too close are thrown back by an energy charged blow. 
Lotor moves in, past all the others, to dart between the two sentries. Both swing for his head as he down, but halt at the last moment. Their programming strains unable to strike him. Lotor uses the opportunity to cut one of them down, while Krolia and Acxa bury their blades into the other.
“That was...more exciting than we’d anticipated.” Krolia says, narrowing her eyes at Lotor.
“You’re all alive aren’t you?”
She doesn’t reply.
“Very well, I’ll ensure any future safety measurements are neutralized before they become an issue.”
“You do that.”
Lotor starts walking again, and the blades resume following. This time however, they allow Lotor to stand a handful of steps ahead. Acxa, however opts to remain at his side. She studies him as they walk.
“What?” He asks, annoyance thick in his voice.
“You thought about leaving us.” She whispers.
“...you can’t prove that.”
“Maybe not.”
“And would you blame me if I did consider it? Being saddled with keepers is not exactly how I prefer to operate on the battlefield.”
“I don’t care that you thought about it. I’m more interested in that you didn’t.”
Lotor doesn’t reply at first. “...I think you’re reading into it too much. I merely had a fleeting thought. I simply decided it would be more tactically important to have the rest of you at my back.”
“Maybe.” She allows. “Or maybe there’s more honor left than you want to admit.”
He scoffs. “A lot of good that would do me. In my entire life, what single thing has honor ever gotten me?”
Acxa stares ahead, and does not form a single expression as she makes her next statement.
“It got you me.”
Lotor doesn’t have anything to say to that.
The four Lions of Voltron battle against their Darktron counterparts. Hunk meets Sendak blow for blow. Pidge avoids the toxic blasts of Honerva. Lance trades shots with Prince Lotor. Keith and Zarkon race through the Abyss, unleashing everything onto each other. 
“This didn’t go so well for you last time, boy.” Zarkon taunts. He dodges a blast from Keith’s lion, which destroys an asteroid just behind.
“Maybe we just needed proper motivation!” Keith resorts, spinning out of the way of Zarkon’s replying shot. 
“But this time you are also a woman short…”
Raimon’s lion blazes through the center of the fighting, unleashing a sonic burst that stuns the other three lions. He then blasts Hunk with his mouth laser, peppers Pidge with the tail, and slices Lance with the jawblades.
Keith tries to fire off a blast at the Dark Blue Lion, but is struck in the back by Zarkon.
“Don’t forget who you’re fighting boy!”
Keith is forced into close combat with Zarkon’s lion, while the other paladins struggle against superior numbers.
A short distance away, the Atlas fights half a dozen robests at once. It uses blasts from it's forearm cannons to hold back the advance of the robeasts. Anytime one gets close they are greeted with the glowing arm blade. 
But the robeasts adapt quickly. They sound their staffs to deflect the Atlass shots, and gradually close in. They reach out for strikes, meeting the Atlas blade for blade. But they never overcommit, and any time the Atlas tries to counter, another keeps it occupied.
One of the robeast finally gets a little too close and Shiro pounces on the opportunity and slices one of the machine’s arms off.
But the victory is short lived, as another robeast hiding just behind the first, plunges it's spear through the gap, grazing the Atlas’ shoulder. The other robeasts pounce and the Atlas is posed to be swallowed a storm of attackers 
A volley of blasts from the warlord destroyers however, forces and opening in the robeasts, allowing the Atlas to slip away.
“Thanks!” Shiro says, gracious.
“Having trouble with these pitiful foes, eh!?” Skriel replies.
“They’re playing it safe and waiting for us to give them openings. Need to find a way to put them off balance.”
“Well that might do it.” Erva suggest.
“Indeed it might.” Mutava agrees.
“Best bet we got at the moment.” Ublok chimes in. 
“We are in agreement, then?” says Skriel.
“What are you guys talking about?” Shiro asks.
Matt only chuckles. Shiro looks over at him with confusion. 
“Just watch.” He says.
“Ohohoho! Congratulations, lowly humans!” Skriel cries. “You have the supreme privilege of seeing the brand new weapon of Grand Regent’s commanders!”
With that, the destroyers pull into a tight formation. Engines begin to glow, and seams open up across each ship. 
The transformation begins. 
All four of the warlord destroyers shift and open up, exposing their metallic innards. The machines connect, shifting and turning in place. The Pieces stretch out, forming a massive humanoid form.
It pulls an axe out from it's back.
“Behold! The Paladin Crusher MKII!!!”
“The...Paladin Crusher?” Shiro says dubious.”
“Listen when you’ve got a good name, you’ve got to stick with it! Besides, the enemy has paladins too, so I say it still works!”
“Wait which one of you is the head?” Matt asks.
“No one.”
“Then...who’s in charge?”
“We...take turns.” Skriel finally admits.
“We could never decide on who should do it. Skriel might be the loudest but no one’s about to let him be leader!” Erva explains.
“Shut up Erva!...though she is correct. Besides, The Grand Regent is our head, in spirit, so we don’t need one in the robot!”
“Doesn’t that get confusing?”
“We’re about to find out now aren’t we!? Ohoho!”
“Fair enough.” Shiro raises both fists, the Atlas mirroring. “As long as you think that bucket of bolts can keep up with the Atlas.”
“Keep up!? Why we’re about to outclass you by several leagues!”
“Bring it.”
And with that the Atlas and the Paladin Crusher charge the small army of robeasts.
“This is the place.” Sincline Lotor says stepping into a deeper alcove of the cave.
“Looks like the rest of it.” Krolia points out.
“That’s the idea…” Lotor pulls a stalagmite like a lever.
A portion of the rock wall slides down, and lights shine inside the cave. Inside the new passage is a railcar following a track down to an unclear location.
“That railcar will take us right underneath the colony. It's our way in and out.”
“Perfect for our cause.” Krolia nods.
With that, Lotor and remaining Blades step aboard the railcar. Moments later the door closes behind them and the railcar rockets down the tunnel. Lotor stares out at the shadowy path ahead as if able to perceive their destination through the darkness.
“Worried?” Acxa askes.
Lotor only grunts. Acxa scowls. He pretends not to notice. After a few moments, he sighs.
“I suppose this will be the first time seeing either Allura or the colony alteans again since...well since this.” He motions to his changed face.
“And nothing.”
She eyes him again. “I’d imagine you’ll have quite the reaction from both parties.”
“I doubt it.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I’m not planning on them knowing it's me.” As he says this, Lotor touches the back of his neck and a dark mask materializes over his head. 
“So you just plan on avoiding the problem altogether?”
“The plan will go smoother if there aren’t any...complications.” His voice is distorted and muffled through the mask.
“If you say so…”
The railcar pulls to a stop a few minutes later, and the group pours out into the small cavern outside. Against one wall is a ladder leading up to a small circular hatch. Lotor climbs the ladder, and pushes the hatch open. He pulls himself out onto grass ground. A forest surrounding the area the hatch opened up to. Not a soul is in sight. Nodding to those below, Lotor pulls himself up and the others follow. 
Krolia turns to the last two blades to exit the hatch. “Stay here and secure the exit. If we’re not back in an hour, take the ship and leave without us.”
“Understood.” They both reply.
She turns back to Lotor. “Lead the way.”
He nods and turns to move into the forest. Lotor and the blades stalk among the trees, keeping low and in the shadows. 
Eventually they approach a clearing. The altean town lies only a short distance away. The Lotor statue looms above all.
“Really made sure they knew who was in charge, huh?” Krolia notes.
“The statue was their idea.” Lotor says, impassive. He scans the town with the augmented vision his mask provides.
“But you didn’t stop them.”
“No. No I didn’t.” 
His gaze zeroes in on the form of a girl tied to a post. 
“Found her.”
Lotor starts to move. Krolia catches his arm. 
“Hold up there. She’s right in the middle of everything. Extracting her unseen might be impossible.”
“A distraction, then?”
“What do you have in mind?”
Lotor pauses, as if thinking. He looks back at the massive statue of himself.
“...do you have any explosives?”
Allura shocked into alertness when the bottom of the Lotor statue explodes. The metal cracks and begins to warp under its own weight. Alteans scatter, but non are close enough to the statue to be in the way when it falls. The ground shakes as it collides with the dirt, spraying up debris.
Alteans watch on, confused and panicked. 
And so none of them see the dark-garbed figure move up to Allura. 
Allura flinches as the figure approaches, but he stops in place a few steps away. For several seconds the man in the dark suit merely stares at her.
“Well? Just who are you supposed to be?” She asks cautiously.
“...your friends sent me.” The man replies, in a distorted voice.
She cracks the smallest of smiles. “They’re trying to rescue me? I guess I can’t blame them...”
The Masked Man materializes a sword. “Now don’t move I’m getting you out of here.”
Allura eyes the sword dubious, then glances up at the chain holding her arms up. She closes her eyes and takes a breath. Her muscles swell and she pulls her arms in opposite directions. The chain shatters into individual links.
The Masked Man man lowers his blade and tilts his head. “You could have gotten out at any time?”
“Of the chains? Yes. From this place? No. I imagine you have an escape route?”
“Something like th-”
He is cut off when an energy blast shoot past just inches from his head. Both hit the ground and turned to see a squad of galra sentinels advancing on them.
“You are aware I was bait for a trap, aren’t you!?” Allura yells over the blasts.
“Working on it.” The man grunts.
He charges the sentinels, deflecting energy blasts with his sword. He chops the first one down the middle, puts his blade through the head of a second, and slices the third in half. The fourth and fifth he skewers in on strike, then whips his sword out to fling it into the chest of the final one.
“Blades, come in. I’ve got the girl.” He says into his wrist communicator.
“You’re with the Blades? I guess you do sort of look the type. Though the outfit seems a bit off.”
“We’ve run into come company over here!” Comes the reply from Acxa. 
Sure enough blasts of energy can be seen near where the statue fell. Alteans race indoors.
“The Princess is the priority! Get here to the evac point, we’ll meet up if we can!”
“...roger that.” He turns to Allura. “Try to keep up.”
And with that he takes off towards the forest.
Lotor leads an unaware Allura through the foliage.
“Who are you?” She asks after a moment.
“I told you. Your friends sent me.”
“That isn’t an answer.” She shoots back.
Lotor doesn’t reply.
“...your sword isn’t luxite so even if you are with the blades, you aren’t one of them.”
Still he doesn’t reply.
“I’d think my friends would have sent someone I know.” She goes on.
“...I guess you could say I was the only person who could do the job.”
“What’s that supposed to-”
He raises a hand silencing her. “...hear that? Energy blasts.”
“There’s still fighting going on.”
“Not behind. Ahead.”
Lotor doubles his speed and Allura struggles to follow. In moments they stumble onto a grisly scene. There are several fallen trees around a smoking hole in the ground where the escape hatch was. Galra soldiers and sentinels surround the area, blasting in every direction. One of the blades lies unoving on the ground while the other is taking cover behind a tree, while clutching a wounded arm.
“That’s not good.” Lotor growls.
He launches into action, cutting down the nearest sentinels. Allura isn’t far behind. She quickly snatches up one of the galra rifles and starts blasting. 
In less than a minute the enemy troops are either fallen or pushed into retreat. Lotor immediately moves to the smoking hole where the hatch was. Allura moved to the fallen blade. The other blade slinks out to stand at Allura’s side.
After a moment of feeling at the blade’s neck she looks up and shakes her head at the other.
Lotor joins them a moment later. “What happened?”
  “Ambush.” The blade explains. “Came out of nowhere, hit us hard. Held out as long as we could, but they tossed a grenade down the hatch.”
“I could see that. The railcar is destroyed and part of the tunnel collapsed. We aren’t getting out that way.”
“...what then?” Allura asks. “Is there any other way to escape this dome?”
“Not from the inside.” Lotor shakes his head. “It was designed to keep these people in.”
She looked at him curiously after that. 
He accesses his wrist-comm. 
“What are you doing?” She asks.
“Enabling long range comms.”
“We were supposed to maintain silence on those channels.” The blade argues.
“I think it's safe to say they already know we’re here.” 
Keith’s Lion reels from Zarkon’s latest blast. He pushes his Lion into a small debris field, gaining cover and by extension a short respite. He isn’t given much time to clear his head.
“Coalition this Extraction Team, we have trouble! We’ve got the Princess, but the evac point is destroyed and we have no easy way out from inside.” A distorted voice comes over the comm.
“What!?” Keith exclaims. “You’ve got Allura but can’t get out?”
“That is what I said.” The voice replies.
“I’m here Keith!” Allura’s voice comes over the comm.
His expression visibly softens. “Halfway there then…” He closes his eyes as if thinking. “...what’s the easiest way to get inside that dome?”
“There’s a shuttle bay entrance, but they’ll most certainly have it locked up tight, with cannons at the ready.” The distorted voice chimes in again.
“Any helpful suggestions, then?”
A pause.
“...there is...an override switch for the dome. It's located just nearby the fifth third power generator. It’s on the dome’s westmost side. If you could get to it, you could open the dome itself. Could fly a transport right in.”
“Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” 
“Well you’d have to actually get past all their fighters and cannons first. Then slip inside the dome itself and fight through all the defenses. And I’m sure they know about the switch so-”
“I get it, it's hopeless.” Keith cuts him off. “But are there any better options?”
“...none that I can think of.”
“Alright. So we’ve gotta get past all those fighters and cannons. Impossible for most of our ships, but something smaller?”
“Even your Lion wouldn’t be able to make it through.”
“I wasn’t talking about the Lion.” Keith looks to be thinking again. He’s forced to push his Lion back into motion when Zarkon comes up behind him. Keith forces the Emperor into a chase through the debris.
“Alright here’s the plan: Extraction Team, get to the middle of the colony and try and stay somewhere easy to find you. Hold out as long as you can.”
“To what end?”
“You’re all going to be picked up real soon, and I want them to be able to find you. Shiro, Skriel?”
“Yeah, Keith?”
“Yes, Sire?”
“You guys done mopping up those robeasts?”
“There’s still a few holdouts. Guessing you need us to pave the way for you?”
“Afraid so. I need the path to that planet cleared by the time I open the dome.”
“How you planning on doing that?”
“Let me worry about that…”
Keith turns off his comms. He whirls his lion around to face Zarkon’s.
“Alright now, just me and you…”
In the distance a temporal wave ripples along another portion of the Abyss.
Keith starts blasting back at his darker counterpart.
“Finally going to face me head on, are you?” Zarkon scoffs, dodging around Keith’s blasts. He brings out his Lion’s jaw blades and advances on Keith.
Keith pulls back, just out of reach of the dark lion’s swing. He unleashes blasts  from his lion’s mouth and tail. Zarkon shifts out of the path of the peppering shots, pulling around to flank Kieth. But Keith whirls, Blasting just to the size of Zarkon’s lion.  But he wasn’t aiming for the lion. Instead a nearby asteroid explodes, pelting Zarkon with debris. Keith uses the opportunity to bodyslam Zarkon, sending his lion reeling. Keith then tries to follow it up with a jawblade slash to the gut. But Zarkon recovers quickly, deflecting Keith’s swing sixth his own jawblade, and following up with a shoulder-bash that pushes Keith’s lion backwards.
The two hover in space for a moment, sizing each other up.
“...I’ll grant you this, child: I think you’ve improved since our last meeting.”
“Is that it? Or maybe I’m just not scared of you anymore. And maybe without that fear you aren’t all that after that.”
Zarkon chuckles. “Trust me, boy. When our blades cross for real, you will understand true power. You may have some miniscule skills in piloting that lion. But this battling among dead stars, in pieces of the greater machine, is nothing more than a distraction. A way of you and your kind to delay the inevitable.”
“I don’t know about all that…” Keith says eyeing something in the corner of his vision. “...but I think there’s something to be said for fighting among dead stars.”
And then Zarkon sees it too. A temporal wave coming right for them. Zarkon fires his lions jets in the opposite direction. He is jerked to a sudden stop. 
The jaws of Keith’s lion are wrapped around the leg of Zarkon’s. He fires his jets in the opposite direction. 
“What are you doing!?”
“Heh. if we get caught in one of those, time starts to pass differently for us. We could fight in here for days, weeks even, and hardly any time would pass outside.”
“So unhand my Lion, you fool!” Zarkon kicks keith’s lion, but it doesn’t budge.
“Nah. don’t think so.” Keith replies.
Zarkon activates his lion’s wings. Keith does the same. There is a burst of violet and blue energy. Waves of energy go out, as the tug of war continues. The temporal wave grows closer.
“...fine.” Zarkon eventually says. “We will be trapped here. That just gives me more time to kill you.”
“Oh, sorry but I’m not staying.” Keith turns around in his seat. “Kosmo you ready?”
The wolf barks enthusiastically, and in a flash both are outside the lion, hovering just in front of Zarkon.
“See you later. I’ll pick my lion back up after we’ve beaten the rest of your troops and have gotten our other Paladin back.”
“You insolent little-”
Keith and Kosmo teleport away, leaving Zarkon to be enveloped in the temporal portal. They appear on the back of an asteroid. They hit the ground running, soon teleporting to further asteroid.
“Just like old times huh, boy?” 
Kosmo barks in agreement. They teleport onto the back of a galra fighter and ride it a moment into the thick of enemy lines.
“That dome isn’t gonna know what hit it.”
The Atlas and the Paladin Crusher float in space, surrounded by the torn wreckage of felled robeasts. Still more robeasts stand in their way.
Behind, the three remaining paladins in their lions battle against their four darker counterparts. Shiro glances back at them, torn. The paladins fight well, but are still outnumbered. 
“They are playing their part lieutenant. We will play ours.” Skriel advises.
“I know.” Shiro replies, turning back. “Well then, Keith wants us to clear the way.”
“Oho! Should not be a problem for us!”
“Coalition ships! Follow our lead!”
And with that the two mechas burst into motion. Robeasts race up to meet them, but are cut down just as quickly. Galra cruisers fire at them, but are quickly met with the coalition support ships.
Gradually the forces to the coalition inches ever closer towards the colony planet. But the closer they get, the stiffer the resistance. MMore and more robeasts file in, to meet the charge of the Atlas and the Crusher. While they cut them down at first, the sheer number of attackers slows them down. Damage is scored here and there. Soon the armor of both mechas are battered. A storm of robeasts begin to envelope the two mechas.
“This is...becoming...a bit much!” Mutava exclaims.
“Nonsense!” Skriel insists.
“He’s got a point!” Shiro replies.
“But the planet is right there!” 
Sure enough they are well within sight of the colony planet.
“I...might have an idea.” Matt says, hesitant. “But you aren’t gonna like it!”
“Do it, Matt. I trust your judgement.”
“Alright, but just remember you said that…”
Matt’s fingers fly across his control panel. “Just a couple more adjustments...okay!” 
The Atlas begins to glow. Matt’s hand hovers over a key. The robeasts close in. “Really hope this doesn’t kill us.”
“What’s that?” 
“Nothing!” Matt slams down the key. 
A surge of blue energy explodes out from the Atlas, passing through the Crusher, and all the surrounding waves of robeasts. 
The Atlas and the Paladin Crusher, as well as all of the nearby robeasts go dead. 
“Matt...what exactly did you just do?”
“Emitted an energy pulse to stall out the enemy’s systems.”
“I can see that. Did you happen to notice that it affected our systems too?”
Matt waves a dismissive hand. “They should reboot in a few minutes. Besides, we’ve still got communications and life support, so what are you complaining about?”
Shiro sighs but nods his head. “Good work. Let’s just hope that the galra don’t decide to use us as target practice while we’re dead in the water.”
“We’ll strive to make use of your opening Atlas.” Ryner says over the comms. Her ship along with an escort of fighters flies past. Galra ships fly out to intercept them, but are blocked by other coalition ships.
Through it all two small forms flash from ship to ship, getting closer to the colony each second.
“Go get ‘em Keith.” Shiro says to himself.
Allura and the Masked Man dash back into town. The entire place is now crawling with galra sentinels. They rain energy blasts down on the blades taking cover in the rubble of the Lotor statue. 
Most of the alteans have already taken shelter within their homes. But they still watch, through windows and cracks in doors. 
Allura blasts a pair of sentinels moving on the blades, while Lotor clears away another two with his sword. They scamper behind cover with the blades.
“L-” Acxa starts to say before her eyes settle on Allura. “...Operative, good work getting the Princess.”
Allura tilts her head at this, but is distracted as an energy blast flies within inches of her head. 
“Yeah. Too bad the escaping part of the plan didn’t work as well.” The Masked man replies, deapan. “Any idea what the kid up there is planning? Staying still while pinned down isn’t exactly an ideal tactical situation ”
Acxa shakes her head. “No idea.”
“Knowing Keith, it's probably something reckless.” Allura sighs.
“You can say that again.” Krolia says, climbing over to the other three. “And despite how it might seem from down here, we are going to follow our orders. Mostly because he’s in charge, but also because we don’t have a better option.”
“Fine.” He grunts. “We’ll stick to the plan.”
“It is so nice when underlings can follow orders.” A new voice says.
All four jump back, striking defensive stances. 
Silhouetted by the artificial sun, standing atop a large piece of rubble, stands Prince Lotor, of the Dark Paladins. 
“Lotor!” Allura hisses. 
“He shouldn’t be here…” Krolia says, worried. “He’s supposed to be out there, fighting the Paladins.”
“And miss your daring rescue attempt?” Prince Lotor smiles. “I think not.” He twirls his hand and a wickedly curved bayard blade appears in his hand. “I’ll be honest Allura, I have little interest in killing your friends. But I will if I have to. Tell them to stand down and maybe I won’t slaughter them in front of you.”
Allura grits her teeth, glaring daggers at the man. Her eyes flicker briefly to her allies. She raises the energy rifle. 
“I’m not letting you hurt anyone else, Lotor. But I’m not surrendering, either.”
“Pity.” Prince Lotor lunges for Acxa, the nearest one. Before his sword and swing true, or Allura can fire, he is stopped.
The masked man deflects Prince Lotor’s sword with his own and sends a flying kicks into the man’s chest. Prince Lotor stumbles back, glaring as the Mask Man steps up onto the rubble, to meet him on even ground.
The two stare each other down, swords held in mirroring stances. The masked man deflects a stray energy blast in a casual motion.
“Blades, try to keep those things off me.” He nods to the advancing sentinels. “I’m a little busy.”
Krolia nods to some nearby blades and they dash out of cover, engaging the robotic soldiers.
“You can’t beat him alone, he-” Allura starts to say.
“Trust me Princess. I’m something of a match for him.” The Masked Man replies. “Oh but if you must busy yourself, that one looks like trouble.”
A couple dozen meters away, Raimon charges on a group of blades, unleashing blue lighting on them.
“On it.” Allura narrows her eyes, and takes off after Raimon.
Acxa is the only one who lingers.
“Go after her.” The Masked Man, really Lotor of Sincline, says. “She’s the mission.”
Slowly Acxa nods. “Just don’t...die.”
He chuckles. “Now wouldn’t that be an ironic way to go?”
Acxa runs, leaving the two Lotors to face each other. 
There is only the briefest of pauses, as the two size each other up. Then, light lightning, their blades clash.
Keith and Kosmo hit the dome’s metal surface running. He keeps running until he nears a hatch. Keith activates his bayard and slices open the door, before diving inside. Kosmos jumps down, jon Keith’s heels.
They are met with blinking lights and a blaring alarm.
“Guess sneaking in is out.” Keith remarks.
Kosmo barks in agreement.
The two take off down the hall.”Hey, I’m on the west side of the dome, but how the heck am I supposed to know if I’m getting closer to this level?”
Over the comm, there is the sound of swords clashing, followed by a brief pause. “...assuming...you’re already inside-” More sword clashing, “-then follow a corridor, it doesn’t matter which one...until you find-” An explosion. “-a series of power lines. They’re from the main power relay. You’ll know when you find them.”
“They will be glowing.”
“It should be brighter from one direction. Follow the duller end.”
“Got it. Thanks L-”
“Don’t. Just open that dome.”
“Roger that.”
Keith rounds a corner to find a hallway rimming with sentinels. They open fire on Keith. Kosmos immediately teleports both of them behind the ground of sentinels. Keith and Kosmo launch into motion, slicing and biting through the robots. They make short work of the squad. Keith cuts the last one down and doesn’t waste a moment launching back into motion.
“Now where is that…” Keith rounds another corner. “...oh.”
A series of glowing power lines trial over the corridor’s ceiling. Keith looks down either way before running down the path where the line is reducing in brightness. 
He doesn’t get far before there is another hall full of sentinels. 
“Never can be easy can it?”
Allura unloads her rifle on Raimon. He dodges the first few blasts, then blocks the next with the blade of his sword. He closes the distance, deflecting each oncoming blast. Before he can reach Allura he is intercepted by Acxa. She meets his bayard sword with her luxite one.
Acxa gives her all in the brawl with the dark paladin, but her skills only take her so far.  He turns aside ever strike she throws and continues to put her off balance. One of her swings in particular he expertly parries, leaving her guard wide open. Raimon swings for her neck.
His sword is deflected at the last second by a shot from Allura’s rifle. The opening gives Acxa an opportunity to retreat back by Allura’s side.
“Much appreciated.”
Allura nods in reply, not taking her eyes off Raimon. 
“Is this all you are now?” Allura says. “Just Zarkon’s thug?”
Raimon does not respond. He remains still, sword in guarded position.
“Do you even remember what it was like before? Who you were, what you stood for.”
“What are you doing, Princess?” Acxa asks, confused.
“I’m appealing to his better nature.”
“But he’s the enemy.”
“Yes. He’s also my father.”
Acxa blinks, then looks back and forth between the two.
“...technically my father from another reality. It's a long story, and I don’t know all of it..”
“That sounds complicated.”
“...there are no complications.” Raimon says eventually. “I serve Zarkon, and you are his enemies. Anything else, who I was and what I did, is irrelevant.”
Raimon launches into motion. Allura and Acxa dive in opposite directions, his first strike hitting air. Raimon goes after Allura, spinning his sword in a series of wide arcs. Allura shuffled back, ducking and weaving around the man’s swings. She tries to fire the rifle, but he cleaves the weapon in two with a flash of violet light. 
Acxa takes a swing for Raimon’s exposed back. He ducks low and throws out a kick that takes her in the chest. Allura uses the distraction to take a swing for Raimon’s head,. He ducks the swing and jabs the pommel of his blade into Allura’s gut. She doubles over and stumbles away from Raimon. She finds her back against a large piece of rubble and is forced to dive to the side. Raimon slices through the jagged metal, spraying dust into the air.
Allura retreats away and meets up with Acxa again.
“He’s...really tough.” Acxa observes.
“He has thousands of years of experience on us. And it doesn’t much help that I’m without my weapon. I wonder…”
She takes a quick survey of the battlefield, and zeroes in on Prince Lotor. Her bayard hangs from his belt.
“Operative!” She yells over to Sincline Lotor. “I need that bayard.”
“Little busy!” He grunts, deflecting a swing meant to take off his head.
“Take your time, we’ll try not to die in the meantime!” Allura calls back, launching into motion again as Raimon resumes his assault.
“Got to do everything myself…” Sincline Lotor mutters.
“Do you want this?” His counterpart asks, tapping the bayard. “Well come on then, stranger. I’ll rip that mask off your corpse.”
Sincline Lotor chuckles. “You might be surprised by the result.”
Prince Lotor gets a confused look, but Sincline doesn’t give him much time to think about it. He unleashes a torrent of powerful blows against the dark paladin. He swings his sword in overhead arcs, like a blacksmith with a hammer. The prince is caught off guard by the power of the blows at first. However, he soon recovers and begins to expertly knock the messy strikes aside. He moves in to thrust into a perceived opening, but his masked opponent easily side steps the strike. Sincline shifts his stance in the same motion, and begins to swing short, quick strikes at his opponent. The Paladin Lotor is caught off guard again, but adapts even quicker. He turns the table on his masked opponent and is soon the one pressing the attack. He brings down a powerful overhead strike, forcing Sincline to block. There is a loud clang as the two blades meet. The two stand there for a moment locked together, struggling against each other.
“You are a skilled one.” Prince Lotor remarks. “Where did you learn to fight? In this ‘Blade of Marmora’?”
“Hardly. And it's not just skill…” Sincline begins to push back against his opponent. The Paladin Lotor cannot meet his strength and slowly gets pushed back. He growls and frees up a hand to punch the other in the gut.
Sincline doesn’t seem to notice.
Shifting tactics, Paladin Lotor shifts to the side and lets his opponent slide past. He shifts his bayard into an energy whip which he cracks against Sincline Lotor’s back. That causes the masked man to stumble. Paladin Lotor pounces on the opportunity, thrashing Sincline with the whip from every angle. Sincline stumbled back from each whip crack. He falls to his knees and tries to weakly block with his sword. Paladin Lotor wraps the crackling tether around Sincline’s wrist and yanks hard. 
Sincline releases a distorted howl and drops his weapon. Paladin Lotor smiles and yanks again. To his surprise Sincline doesn’t move. Instead the man rises, clenching his fist against the energy whip biting into his arm. Then, he pulls.
Realising his mistake as he is jerked forward, Paladin Lotor shifts his weapon back to a sword, but is already stumbling towards Sincline. He swings wildly in an attempt to defend himself, while at the same moment, Sincline swings with his bare hand.
The two fighters shuffle past each other, before whirling back around to face each other. Paladin Lotor smiles when he sees the glowing cut along Sincline’s arm. Sincline looks down at his own wound and shrugs. He raises his other arm, Allura’s bayard held in his hand.
Paladin Lotor’s eyes widen with shock and he looks down at his belt as if expecting the weapon to still be there. Obviously, it is not.
“Princess! Catch!” Sincline Lotor shouts, throwing the bayard.
Allura is dodging another swing from Raimon when she sees the blue bayard sailing through the air.  She kicks Raimon in the gut, buying herself a moment to leap into the air and catch the weapon. She lands in a crouch, whipping the bayard out into a spear.
“Much appreciated!” She calls back, taking an offensive stance.
The masked Lotor shrugs, and turns back to his opponent.
There is fury burning in Paladin Lotor’s eyes. “You should have kept that weapon for yourself if you wanted to survive this day.”
“We’ll see. After all I was only after the bayard. I haven’t started trying to kill you in earnest yet.” Sincline crouches, raising both fists.
Paladin Lotor only scoffs, and raises his wickedly curved bayard sword. 
“Opervative! It's your time to catch!”
Sincline turns just in time to see Acxa throw her luxite knife at him. He catches the weapon by the hilt just in time For Paladin Lotor to swing for his head. He awkwardly blocks with the smaller weapon, and retreats back a few steps.
“You’ll need a longer blade than that!” Paladin Lotor declares, advancing on him.
“I’m grateful for this much.” He nods to Acxa, who nods back, the hint of a smile on her lips. “...stars know I don’t deserve this much. But that’s right, I was going to kill you.” He ducks below another of his opponents slashes. In reply he swings for Paladin Lotor’s gut, missing by inches. “After all, the one person I hate almost as much as Zarkon...is you.”
Keith and Kosmo madly dash down the corridor, following the glowing piping through the dome. Every few steps Kosmo teleports them forward, pushing them along even faster. 
They round another corner only to find they piing disappear into a wall beside a large metal door.
“Think that’s it?”
Kosmo barks. 
“Yeah. Only question is...where are the guards?”
They both do a double take down the hall, but it remains empty.
“Too late to worry about it now.” Keith sighs. 
He summons his bayard sword and slices through the door twice. The shards of the door fall to the floor with a series of clangs. The room about twenty paces aside, and  is dark inside, with the only light being the dull glow of a single pipe running down the middle of the room.the pipe ran all the way to a panel on the opposite end of the room. 
A large figure stands next to the panel.
“Hello again, boy.” Zarkon says.
Keith steps back, shocked.
“How...but you…” His voice trails off. Kosmo growls.
Zarkon scoffs. “I thought that might confuse you. It just shows how little you know of Voltron’s potential. You haven’t even learned to control your Lion from afar, have you?”
“From...afar?” Keith says, dumbfounded. 
Zarkon chuckles. “When a paladin fosters a strong enough connection with their Lion, they can control it without even needing to be inside. They need only their mind. Even delayed as it is, my own Lion is already on it's way back here.”
“So you...you’ve been here the whole time. Waiting for...me.” Keith swallows, the realization dawning on him. 
“Indeed. Lotor and Raimon are down inside the dome, as well. We’ve all trained enough that we can even fight while still maintaining control of our Lions. The one thing we can’t do is assemble Voltron in this manner. A pity, but I determined it to be a worthwhile sacrifice in this instance. So do you see now boy? Just how wide the gap between our skill is? Just how certain my victory is?”
Keith wavers at the entryway. From where he stands, Zarkon seems so very tall. His eyes flicker to the hallway just behind. His gaze shifts back and forth between the two subjects. Even Kosmo seems uncertain.
“Keith!” Comes Ryner’s voice over the radio. “We can only avoid the dome’s cannons for so long! Are you going to be able to open it or not?”
Keith blinks, as if coming out of a haze. His eyes focus on the lever just beside Zarkon.
“...sorry for the wait.” He brushes his bayard. “Shouldn’t be much longer.”
Zarkon actually smiles. “A decision as foolish as it is predictable.”
“What can I say? I’m just a dumb child.”
With that, Kosmo teleports to the space just above Zarkon’s head. Keith brings his blade downward, gravity aiding his strike. Zarkon casually steps to the side swings a fist out, burying it into Keith’s gut. Keith gasps as he is thrown across the room. Kosmo, who lands on the other side of Zarkon, growls and lunges for the emperor’s neck. But Zarkon whirls around, backhand the wolf into the far wall.
Kosmo yelps with pain as he slides to the floor.
Keith surges back to his feet and launches himself at Zarkon. The emperor sidesteps the first three swings then catches Keith’s wrist on the fourth.
“Surly this isn’t all you have?” 
He knees Keith in the face sending him spinning to the ground. Keith struggles back to his feet again, notably slower this time. He doesn’t immediately attack Zarkon, this time. He stands there for a moment, eyes flickering between Zarkon and the lever. He goes for the lever. Before he can get two steps closer, Zarkon dashes forward, summoning his bayard in the form of a massive sword. Keith is forced to leap back away from the lever, narrowly avoiding getting sliced down the middle.
Zarkon swings again, and Keith blocks. Though he meets Zarkon’s blow, the force of it throws Keith backwards, and he stumbles, nearly falling.
Zarkon walks slowly, yet inevitably towards Keith. Keith spits in reply and pulls out his luxite blade, extending it to it's full length. 
Keith sprints forward, swinging with his bayard sword, then the luxite one.  Zarkon knocks both aside, almost casually. The Emperor swings his own blade horizontally, poised to cut Keith in half. Keith dodges, the blade sailing over his head. He swings for Zarkon’s legs. Zarkon shifts his sword into an energy shield, blocking both blades. He then shoves forward, pushing Keith back. Keith stumbles back, regaining his footing. Zarkon allows him to.
Taking a breath, Keith crosses the two swords over each other and charges. 
Zarkon swings his own sword in an overhead arc. There is a deafening clang as Keith catches the wicked sword between his two blades. He strains from taking so much force, but he manages us his position to twist Zarkon’s sword to one side, then lash out with his luxite sword. Zarkon deflects the blade on his gauntlet, then slams into Keith, shoulder-first. 
Keith ends up on the floor yet again.
“Bring as many weapons as you like. Power comes from the user. The greatest blade in the universe is worthless in the hands of a toddler. Much like Voltron.”
“For someone so certain of his own victory, you sure seem to have a lot to prove.” Keith coughs, rising yet again.
“Prove? Oh I have nothing to prove. You could call this...my entertainment. Your useless sturgle, is amusing in its own way.”
“Well how about you laugh at this!” Keith throws his luxite blade at Zarkon’s head, and dashes for the control lever.
Zarkon easily dodges the thrown blade, but doesn’t bother trying to intercept Keith. Instead he raises his bayard, and shifts it into an arm-cannon. Keith is nearly in arms reach from the lever when the blast hits him in the side. Keith is flung back against the hard metal wall. He slides down to the floor groaning. He tries to rise, but his legs almost immediately buckle. He reaches vainly, at the lever which is so close, yet so far.
Zarkon laughs. “You see? Quality entertainment. The fighting pits don’t compare to this.”
Using the wall as a crutch, Keith forces himself up to a semi-standing position. He raises his bayard ina shaky grip.
“You’re out of steam son.”
Keith manages to give a weak smile. “Maybe. But he isn’t yet.”
Kosmo sails through the air at Zarkon’s exposed back. The emperor whirls around, catching the wolf by the throat. He chuckles.
“Now what did that acc-”
Kosmo teleports them both to the hallway just outside of the room. Zarkon has a split second to whirl around and reorient himself. He see Keith, stumble over to the lever and throw it down. 
“No!” Zarkon bellows. 
A tremor, from deep within the dome shakes them both. A voice sounds over the intercom: “Commencing with dome opening procedure.”
Smirking, Keith swings his bayard through the lever console.
Zarkon roars, slamming Kosmo down into the floor so hard the metal cracks. The wolf wimpers, but does not move. Keith turns to face the galra emperor, and eyes the wolf with sympathy.
“Thanks boy. You did great.” 
Then, with extreme effort he raises his bayard towards Zarkon. 
Zarkon takes a single heavy step inside the room. His next words lack any trace or humor that they did before.
“Alright boy, congratulations. You are no longer entertaining. Now you’re just dead.”
Allura gazes up as the false sky of the dome splits apart. The image of a clouded sky gives way to the slowly expanding view of black holes, stars, and battle. It's a sight that somehow manages to be both tranquil and yet violent at once. 
The Princess allows herself a small smile before turning her eyes back down to her opponent. Raimon stands before her, blade held low.
“...I cannot allow you to leave.” He says. 
“Because Zarkon says so?” Allura replies.
“Yes.” Comes the quiet reply. He move forward.
Allura meets his advance with a thrust from her spear. Raimon deflects her strike, and moves in low. Allura twists, swinging the other end of the spear towards his face. Raimon blocks the strike with an armored forearm, sliding back a few paces. 
She tries to push her advance with a spear thrust, but Raimon deflects and kicks her legs out. Allura rolls onto the ground. She starts to rise, but notices something on the ground.
Raimon swings, poised to strike down the prone Allura. 
Allura stands, weapon held at her side, open hand held up. She makes no move to defend herself.
Raimon’s blade stops an inch from her skull. The Princess stares into the visor of the dark helmet, unmoving.
“...why?” He asks in a low, horace voice.
Allura raises her hand up higher revealing what she holds. A pink flower.
“Do you remember what this is?”
Raimon doesn’t reply. 
“It's a juniberry flower.” She explains, looking down at it. “I don’t know how Lotor did it, but they’re here.”
Still Raimon says nothing. 
“...when I was a child, my father and mother used to take me out to play in the juniberry fields on altea. The smell of these...they’re some of the fondest memories I have. It was a time when we were all so happy, and everything seemed right in the universe.” 
She looks up from the flower, facing Raimon again.
“I don’t know what Zarkon did to you, or what different events transpired differently in your timeline. But deep down, I do believe you’re the same man that I grew up knowing. In spite of what was done to you, I think you’re still Alfor. Because if you weren’t...” She nods to the blade just above her head. “...I’d be dead right now.”
For a moment Raimon is silent. Then he takes a wary step back.
  “I’m not...It doesn’t matter who…” A hand goes to his head, and he sways unsteadily.
“He can’t change who you are!” Allura shouts.
“I am Raimon!”
“No you aren't’!” 
Raimon stumbled back, sword quavering in his hand. An image of Allura and her Mother flashes through his mind. The image however disappears just as quickly, replaced by darkness. Then, Zarkon standing over him, a burning altea around them. Then, only Zarkon.
Raimon straightens. “I must...must...fight you.”
Allura sighs, then hefts her spear. “Go on, then. Do as Zarkon wishes.”
Raimon strikes first. Allura blocks with the haft of her spear. She takes the spear in one hand and  thrusts for his head. Raimon parries and moves to counter. Allura’s fist begins to crackle with blue lighting. She swings at the same time as Raimon.
Allura’s fist collides Raimon’s head in a blinding flash of light. 
He flies back, smashing into a chunk of metal debris, before sliding down to the ground. He lays there, still for a moment, helmet cracked.
Allura stares, face conflicted. She looks down, managing a bittersweet smile.
“You let me do that.”
Raimon shifts. “That...would be impossible. I am a servant of Zarkon.”
Allura opens her mouth to reply. She is cut off by the sound of a ship’s engine. She looks up to see Ryners ship descending inside the dome. 
The blades retreat back to cover as the ship opens up on the galra sentinels. After a couple of short vollies all of the sentinels are burned up in energy-fire. The ship descends further, making it's landing approach.
When Allura looks back down, Raimon is gone.
“I’ll see you again soon…father.” She whispers, determination in her eyes.
Sincline Lotor watches the ship land, chuckling to himself. Paladin Lotor sneers at him.
“You think just because your friends made it here, you’re safe?”
“Not my friends. Don’t think I really have any of those left.” He glances down at the luxite dagger in his grip. “Well…maybe one.”
Paladin Lotor pounces on the opportunity, thrusting for Sincline’s head. But Sincline dodge, having anticipated the attack. He retreats back, moving towards the ship. 
“Don’t you run away from me!” Paladin Lotor snarls.
“Make no mistake, I’m not that coward here.” Sincline fires back.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh come now, Lotor. We both know how what a scared sniveling little recreant you are.”
“Shut up!” Lotor yells swinging wildly at Sincline. “What do you know about me!?”
Sincline sidesteps the swing. “ I know how much you hate your father and his way of rule. 
Paladin Lotor grits his teeth. “I am loyal to my father, scum.”
Sincline chuckles. “You can’t even say out loud. But deep down, you know.”
Lotor swings again, but Sincline easily deflects the wild strike.
“You know what he's done to you. What he’s done to the people he should be protecting rather than oppressing? And you, who stands by and lets it happen.”
“SHUT UP!” Lotor bellows, swinging again and again at his counterpart. Sincline blocks the first few strikes, but his smaller weapon puts him at a disadvantage. Small cuts are made on either arms. Sincline retreats back, and only barely blocks  Paladin Lotor’s blade from decapitating him. Lotor puts his weight behind the blade, forcing Sincline into a metal chunk behind.
“Your attempts at...at distracting me are as ineffectual as they are iditioic. My loyalty is to my father and the Galra Empire. I’m from a proud line of brave warriors who conquered an entire universe! If the lesser species were weak then...then they got what they deserved.”
“You…” Sincline strains against the push of Lotor’s blade. “...don’t believe that. You are disgusted with yourself. You hate that galra blood that flows through your veins. And most of all you hate every single vile act you’ve committed for that man.”
Lotor’s eyes widen and he wavers for a moment. Sincline seizes on the opportunity to shove the other man back. 
“I know you’re a coward Lotor!” Sincline levels the tip of his dagger at Lotor. “I know because if you weren’t, you’d have tried to kill your father long ago.”
Lotor stumbles back.
“Wh...who are you?”
“No one of consequence.” 
He turns, seeing that the ship’s landing ramphas opened. Allura and the blades dash for the escape craft. Acxa wavers, not far away, starting over at him.
“And with that, I’m afraid our chat ends. It’s been...interesting.”
With that, Sincline Lotor turns away, and sprints towards the ship.
Paladin Lotor stays there, stock still for several moments. He grits his teeth, and shakes his head. Then, finally, he dashes after Sincline.
“I’m not done with you!” 
Allura steps onto the landing ramp of Ryner’s ship. However, she wavers at the edge, turning back towards the altean village. 
“Princess, we need to go.” Krolia urges.
“I concur!” Sincline shouts, dashing towards them, with Lotor in tow. Acxa fires off  an energy pistol at the Prince, but he proves difficult to hit.
Still, Allura wavers. She can see many of the alteans from where they peek out from their homes.
“Princess!” Sincline urges, stepping onto the ramp himself.
“Give me a moment!” She replies.
“Fine.” He growls, turning back to face Lotor again. Once more their blades clash. Acxa moves in to help, but is waved off.
“Alteans!” Allura cries out. “I know you’re there!”
A few creep out from their homes, but most remain inside.
“Do you really want to stay here!? In the service of these liars and monsters!?” She motions to Paladin Lotor. “After how he’s betrayed and used you! After how he...he pretended to be the man you knew!?”
“Do not listen to her!” Lotor growls, straining against his opponent. “Her propaganda is meant to poison your ears, and turn you against me!”
“Please!” Allura urges. “I know you...I know you’re better than this...better than him…”
All of the alteans, inside or out are watching now. They shift and mumble at Allura’s words. Not one of them moves.
Sincline looks at them, standing there passively. Then he looks back at Allura. And then, finally at Paladin Lotor, who he struggles against. He sighs, then shoves the other man back. He dashes up to the top of the ramp, to stand beside Allura.
“Alteans…she’s right! That isn’t the Lotor who saved you all...” 
Lotor, pilot of Sincline, one-time Emperor of the Galra Empire, pulls off his mask.
“...I am!”
Every altean watching gasps. Allura nearly falls over from the shock. She blinks several times, as if not believing the sight. Paladin Lotor’s knees buckle. He stares up at his counterpart. The dark mirror of himself. Sincline offers him the coyest of smiles before continuing.
“My appearance is different from my last visit, but it is me.” He singles out one of the alteans. “Yonvar! There isn’t a better wood carver than you.” He points out another. “Ravell, you cook pies for the annual festival.” Another, final one. “...Sahan. I couldn’t think of a wiser woman in the whole universe.” 
The old woman chuckles in reply, but she smiles with a bright warmth.
“I know you all. And I think you all know that. This man…is nothing but a liar, and a coward.” he lowers the luxite knife towards Paladin Lotor. In a flash of light it extends to it's full sword length. 
“So...will you trust me, one more time?” He offers his hand out, as if to help each and every altean up.
There is a pause, filled by a deafening silence. Then, every single altean streams out in a flood towards the ship.
“No...no, stop all of you!” Lotor cries out, stumbling to his feet.
They do not.
He grits his teeth, and moves as if to attack Lotor. A half dozen blades, including Acxa move to intercept him. From atop the ramp, Sincline Lotor points the Luxite sword at him.
“Run away now, coward. We both know you will.”
Paladin Lotor stands there for a full three seconds looking back and forth between his counterpart and the alteans. Finally, cursing every star to ever burn, he turns and flees off to the side.
Sincline Lotor lowers the blade, and lets out a long sigh. He turns to see the scowling face of Allura.
She looks at the approaching alteans, who are beginning to stream up onto the ship. She looks back at him, her expression saying everything.
A flicker of guilt enters his eyes.
“It was the only way they’d listen.” He says quietly. 
Her eyes linger on his for a moment later, before she drops he gaze and shakes her head.
“This isn’t over.”
“I’d be surprised it was.”
The alteans stream onto the ship, many of them swelling around Lotor. He smiles at them, while politely ushering them further inside. Shortly after, with all inside, the ramp pulls up and the ship takes off.
Shiro sits in the control harness of the Atlas, watching Ryners ship escorted out of the dome, unharmed. He smiles and gives small shake of his head. “Not bad kid…”
“They actually got her out.” Matt remarks.
“You sound surprised.”
“Just impressed.”
“Well we’re not out yet. How long until our systems reboot.”
“Just a couple more minutes. We should be able to bring up the rear without slowing them down.”
“Similar situation over here.” Erva adds from the depowered Crusher.
“Good, we need to be out of here as soon as possible. We caught them off guard with that bum rush before, but those galra are starting to regroup. Not to mention how those robeasts are probably gonna come back online pretty soon, too.”
“Does that mean we can finally break off?” Pidge askes.
“Yeah, we’re getting hammered out here!” Hunk adds.
“Copy that, give them the runaround, then rejoin the main fleet.
“Roger that, cap’n.” Lance replies.
“We’ll be right behind you soon as this thing comes back online. Only other thing we’re waiting on is…” Shrio straightens. “Wait, where’s Keith?”
There is no initial response.
“Come in Keith.”
“L-” There is static.”-little busy.”
“Are you still in the dome?” Shiro asks, concern rising.
“Don’t-” Grunting followed by metal clashing. “Don’t w-wait up. I’ll get out just...fine.”
There is no response. The bridge of the Atlas is silent for a moment. Shiro stares down at the dome.
He starts unstrapping himself from the control harness.
“What are you doing?” Matt asks.
“I’ve got a real bad feeling about this. I’m going in after him.”
“You what?” 
“We came this far to get one of our Paladins back.  I’m not about to leave another here. Now where are the inertia packs.”
“The...the compartment over there.” Matt says standing. “-wait, who’s supposed to pilot this thing while you’re gone?”
“You.” Shiro says, strapping on an inertia pack.
“...oh.” Matt swallows.
“If I’m not back in ten minutes….well let’s just hope I’m back in ten minutes.
Shiro takes a breath, pausing for only a moment. Then he slides a helmet over his head and enters the Atlas’ airlock.
Keith spins through the air before slamming back down onto the hard metal floor. He barely managed to roll out of the way of Zarkon’s sword, burying itself in the floor where his body just was.
“You think you’re so clever.” Zarkon snarls, savagely kicking Keith in the gut.
He rolls back, wheezing. 
Zarkon tears his sword free and marches to the prone Keith. 
“Just because you slow my plans down by ticks, you think you are on the same level as me!? You think you’re worthy to breathe the same air!?
It's a struggle for Keith to even get up on all four. He picks up his bayard from where it fell when he rolled, and extends it back to it's full length. He uses the blade like a cane, and forces himself back to standing. He sways back onto two legs, just in time for Zarkon to swing for his head.
Keith manages to throw up his own blade just in time to avoid decapitation. But the force of blocking the strike, sends him backward, slamming into the wall behind. Zarkon steps in and swings the sword in an overhead arc. Keith stumbles to the side, just slipping out of the way of the sword’s deadly path. He stumbles, nearly falling.
Zarkon whirls swinging again. This time when Keith attempts to block, his bayard is flung out of his hand from the force.
“You’re a gnat.” Zarkon says. “And an extremely annoying one at that. But even if you nip at my flesh, at the end of the day you are an insect, nonetheless.”
“F-funny.” Keith coughs, diving for his bayard. “I th-thought Lance was supposed to be the annoying one.” He sntaches his weapon back up and sways back upright.  He He can barely lift his blade in opposition to Zarkon. “Guess I’ll have to tell him I t-took the title.”
“Jokes? I suppose your kind has to deal with impending doom somehow.” Zarkon steps forward, and suddenly thrusts out with his sword.
Keith is unable to block and gets stabbed through the right shoulder. He stumbled seething. Zarkon kicks him down to the floor. He raises the blade above Keith’s head. The young Paladin makes no move to defend, lacking the energy for even that. 
“I’ll spare you the opportunity of last words. I’m sure they’d just annoy me anyway.”
Keith closes his eyes as the blade descends.
There is the sound of clashing metal. Keith’s eyes shoot open. 
He sees Shiro standing over him, holding back Zarkon’s sword. He smiles down at Keith.
“Hey kid, you did great. I’ll handle it from here.”
He shoves Zarkon’s blade back, leveling his own at the Empero..
“And just who are you?” Zarkon asks, voice dripping with annoyance and not a sliver of concern.
“My name is Lieutenant Takeshi Shirogane, of the Galaxy Garrison. Former Paladin of Voltron. And I’m here to take you down.”
“Former Paladin?” Zarkon says with interest. He spins his sword in one hand. “Well at least you aren’t as much of a whelp as that one. Do you think you can entertain me for a bit longer than he did?”
“I think I can bring an end to this war by taking you down, here and now.”
Zarkon grins menacingly. “Take your best shot, former Paladin.”
Shiro launches himself at Zarkon, green armblade flashing. Violet and green clash as the two blades meet. Shiro unleashes a flurry of strikes against Zarkon. The green blade flashes in blindingly quick arcs, not giving Zarkon a second to counter. Zarkon turns away every strike, blade whirling just as fast as Shiro’s. 
Keith crawls onto to one wall, propping himself up, helpless to do anything but watch. Unseen by any, Kosmo begins to stir just outside the room.
Shiro goes low, aiming for Zarkon’s legs. Zarkon moved to lock, but Shiro feints and goes high, forcing Zarkon to finally take a step back. 
Zarkon frowns. Shiro moves forward, pressing his advance. Zarkon slaps the blade aside, and swings a fist at Shiro’s head.
Shiro ducks, then leaps up, driving at Zarkon’s face. Zarkon blocks with his forearm, but not without being forced back another step.
Zarkon growls. Shiro allows a small smile. 
“You know, I fought another Zarkon once.”
“You seem pleased with yourself for that fact.”
Shiro shrugs. “I won the Black Lion and my baard from him. Then along with my friends we beat him in Voltron.”
“And you think this means you will win now?”
“It's not a bad track record.”
Shiro attacks again. He throws a bladed fist for Zarkon’s head. Zarkon twists, deflecting the blade off his shoulder plate, and bodyslams Shiro. The former Paladin stumbles back. Zarkon leaps forward, swinging downward. Shiro spins, raising an arm to deflect Zarkon’s sword. He follows up by putting an elbow in the Emperor’s jaw. Zarkon twists from the impacts and snarls, turning back for another swing. Shiro leans back just out of range of that strike, then throws a roundhouse. 
Zarkon catches him by the foot.
Shiro strains but cannot break free. Zarkon lifts him up and flings him like a ragdoll into the far wall. Shiro tumbles down to the floor.
“Noble effort, but you’re still weak like the rest of them.”
“If I were you…” Shiro says, standing back up. “...I wouldn’t congratulate yourself for a fight that isn’t over yet.”
With that Shiro raises his arm, and fires the blade. Unprepared, Zarkon struggle to block the flying blade. The blade hits him in the wrist, causing Zarkon to drop his sword.
Shiro launches forward, artificial hand glowing same as the blade.
Zarkon sidesteps the punch throwing a knee into Shiro’s gut. Shiro twists avoiding the brunt of the blow. He drops low, kicking Zarkon in the side of the leg. Zarkon stumbles. Shiro swings a glowing uppercut for Zarkon’s chin. Zarkon throws up a forearm to take the hit. 
But it's a feint.
Shiro pulls back at the last second to drive his glowing fist into Zarkon’s chest. The metal chest plate cracks open like an egg and Shiro’s fist sinks through, into the flesh beneath.
Zarkon howls, falling to his knees. He lays there, for a moment, unmoving. Shiro smiles triumphant.
“You…” Keith mutters. “..you did-”
“That....” Zarkon’s voice rumbles. “...hurt.”
Eyes widening, Shiro tries to pull back, but Zarkon’s hand clamps down on his arm.
“I…” Zarkon rises back to his feet. 
“...AM…” He punches Shiro so hard the other man is floored.
“...ZARKON!” He pulls his sword off the ground. 
Shiro stumbled back up, throwing a sloppy punch aimed at Zarkon’s gut. Zarkon cuts off the metal arm at the shoulder. Shiro stumbles back, shocked. 
Zarkon stabs Shiro through the heart.
“...and I do not lose.”
“NO!” Keith screams, trying to rise. He stumbles up only to fall back to his knees. 
Shiro’s knees buckle. He stares down at the sword in his chest, mouth agape. He looks over at Keith, and suddenly seems to regain a bit of strength.
Zarkon wrenches the blade free, and Shiro goes limp.
“...do you know the difference between me and the other Zarkon, you fought?” Zarkon asks the limp Shiro. His eyes turn to Keith. “...I finish what I start.”
Zarkon crosses the room quickly and raises his blade to make it's second kill for the day. Keith can’t even lift his bayard in defense. 
He blinks.
Keith is in the hallway outside. He turns in shock to see Kosmos standing beside him. The wolf is wounded, and favoring one leg but it stands. Keith looks back at the fallen form of Shiro,
Keith swallows, eyes welling up.
“...get us out of here.”
Keith and Kosmo vanish in a flash of light.
“You aren’t getting away again!” Zarkon bellows. He steps forward to charge after them. His leg immediately buckles and he falls to one knee. He gasps, hand going to where Shiro’s hand broke through the armor.
The hand comes back covered in violet blood.
Shiro chuckles hollowly, then coughs. Blood leaks out from his lips.
“Amused by your own death?” Zarkon asks.
“Just a...strange feeling. Never thought I’d make it this far, to be honest. Should’ve died a long ways back. So...not really that broken up. Hell of a way to go out, too.” Shiro laughs but it turns into a cough.  “...kids are gonna take it hard, though. Especially him.”
Zarkon rises onto unsteady legs. He walks gingerly over to where Shiro lies.
“...you fought well.” 
“I guess that’s something...” Shiro coughs again “...coming from you.”
“For a lesser species...you were strong.”
“There it is.” Shiro chuckles, then winces with pain.
“I’ll make it quick. Your suffering is...useless to me.” Zarkon raises his sword. “You’ve earned some final words, if you want them, former master of the Black Lion.”
Shiro shakes his head. “Already took care of that.”
“Very well. If it's any consolation, your friends will soon be joining you.”
“I wouldn’t...bet...on it.” Shiro forces a small smile.
The blade falls.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 78)
For the etherite the cell was made of, the others in the control room could only guess at what had happened in the dreamscape as they all came to.
But a look at Weiss would easily tell you it wasn’t good.
She clutched her head, groaning in pain, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes as she was caught between the disconnect of what state she had left dreamscape in—a crying, sobbing mess—versus the state her real body was in—calm as can be.
Ruby rose up from the cushion beside her; she shook her head, before she wiped her moist eyes with her sleeve. She looked at Weiss, frowned, and reached out to her.
Weiss slapped her hand away in a panic.
Ruby winced and pulled it back, ice beginning to seep into her skin.
Winter raised her head, her suit’s systems just finished rebooting; she saw Ruby nursing her hand, the frost and the ice pouring from all around Weiss as she scrambled back up on her feet and stepped away from Ruby.
“Weiss…? What’s going on?!”
Ruby ignored her. “Weiss… you believe me, right?” she asked as she slowly, carefully walked after her.
Weiss turned tail and fled, more frost pouring from her whole body, thin sheets of ice forming and spreading out from her feet; she ran into a wall with her palms out, an inch thick layer of ice exploded all over the surface, almost trapping her hands.
Her whole body began to shake. “Abner… take me out of here…!”
Qrow finally came to shook his head, reeling from the dreamer’s honey and the Soul Eater fight beside. He looked at the scene in front of him, at the ice that was the etherite was just keeping from spreading. “The hell did I miss now...?”
“Weiss!” Ruby called out, tears welling in her eyes. “You believe me, don’t you…?!”
Weiss looked at her, saw the hurt, the confusion, the fear on her face. “I… I don’t know, Ruby…!” she cried.
Ruby reached out for her again. “Weiss, please--!”
Ruby yelped and jumped back as a wall of icicles erupted around Weiss, the sharp tips dangerously close to her piercing her.
Weiss’ eyes widened in horror, she looked down at her hands, and the rest of body, her skin covered in frost and ice.
Then, a rip in reality opened up beneath her, the world rushing past as she fell through it, back onto the teleporter in the control room.
They all yelped and jumped well back as frost began to pour out Weiss’ body, ice spread out on the floor. She ran past them and out to the halls, freezing the walls, the carpets, and the paintings as she did, her eyes stinging as she felt hot tears pouring down her cheeks, her skin prickling as they froze near instantly.
Weiss slipped on a patch of her own ice, instinctively threw her arms out in front of her; the soft, luxurious carpet turned into another inch thick layer of ice, her palms slid out, and her chin hit the floor.
She cried out and whimpered as she curled up into a ball, eyes squeezed and frozen shut, shivering and holding her hands to her chin, feeling the pain ebb away as her nerves went numb from the cold.
She didn’t resist when she felt Penny’s hands wrap around her, warmth seeping into her body as she carried her off to the infirmary.
Because her gauntlet couldn’t hold back her magic anymore, and Abner had to take it back to his Foundry to study and upgrade it, Weiss had to be put inside one of his other, less fortified containment units for dangerous and/or highly radioactive specimens.
He had spared sheets and pillows from the guest rooms to line the floors, and for some semblance of privacy built a curtain in front of the barrier that separated her from the rest of the lab, but there was no making it feel like anything other than what it was:
A prison cell.
She sat on a pillow with her knees pulled to her chest, an enchanted blanket wrapped around her and keeping most of her warm. Her jaw still ached, but the Fae bandage wrapped around it constantly supplied a steady flow of pain-killers as it helped accelerate the healing process.
Her comm-crystal had been removed for fear of permanently damaging it, leaving her with no communication with the world outside, or a means of telling the time. Abner had offered to put up a tablet on a stand between the barrier and the curtain, queue up plenty of entertainment holos, but Weiss told him not to.
She was sure her magic would ice the barrier over and make it impossible to see out, anyway.
She didn’t know how long she stayed there, how long it took for her magic to finally calm down and give the air-vent’s defrosting mechanisms a break, how long she sat in a corner of that frozen prison, indifferent to the frost nipping at the soles of her feet and her butt.
But she did know her seclusion was nothing compared to the aching pain she felt in her chest.
There was a knocking on the barrier. There was a part in the curtains outside, the light from the halls flashed on the ice inside and blinded Weiss for a moment. She was prepared to scowl and make her displeasure clear, until she noticed that exactly the ice was so thick it was nearly impossible to see out.
She could see a familiar silhouette and a pair of reindeer horns, however.
“Weiss...?” Ruby asked, her voice muffled and faint. “Are you okay in there…?”
Weiss looked down at her feet, at the blankets and pillows she was sitting on.
“Weiss?” Ruby knocked on the barrier again. “You asleep in there? ‘Cause if you are, I’ll just wait a while and leave...”
Weiss sighed, watching her frozen breath linger in the air. “What are you doing here, Ruby?” she asked.
“I wanted to ask if you’re okay. Abner says the vitals scanners say you are, but I just wanted to make sure...”
Weiss scowled. “I almost killed you, I’ve just learned that everyone being so supportive of me and my relationship with you was because it’s vital for us to make more miniature clones of you for this ongoing 1,000 year old clean-up job of the huge, realm-threatening disaster zone that is the Viridian Valley, and I almost hurt several of my friends and damaged a good chunk of Abner’s lab because I can’t control my powers, so now I’m stuck in another prison cell until he can upgrade my gauntlet.
“What do you think…?”
Ruby paused. “… Was that the, uh, retori… rhetora… did you actually want me to answer that question or…?” she trailed off.
“… I’ll just assume you were doing that… look, Weiss: I’m not mad, alright? I’m not surprised you freaked out like that. Most of the Keeper’s mates and especially the ones that didn’t work out also freaked out.
“Dad freaked out really bad, and it was a pretty big reason he decided to try a relationship with Aunt Raven instead.”
Weiss sighed. “Is that how the Council always tried to find mates for Keepers, Ruby? You keep them in the Bastion, give them enough time to get attached, before you reveal the secret to them when they’re high on hormones and least likely to say ‘No thanks, I’ll go see what my other options are’...?”
“Well, no, that’s not how it works. Like, at all.”
Weiss scowled. “Then how does it work, Ruby? Please, enlighten me! Expand my knowledge of how forces beyond my control and the authority figures in my life are once more emotionally terrorizing and manipulating me for their own self-serving purposes!”
“… I’m sorry, what was that you just sad…?”
“Oh! Well, the Council doesn’t actually do any of the picking; it’s not like, you know, every time we capture a human and don’t try to release them back ASAP, there’s this committee that goes and tests how badass or how powerful they are, and think to themselves, ‘Oh, it looks like this human/hybrid will probably make a Keeper baby!’
“The Keepers and their mates just kind of… you know... happen!”
“How so ‘happen’…?”
“Did you know that dad met mom at the Eve of the Ether fair at Candela, way, WAAAY back…?”
“He told me, yes.”
“And did he tell you about how he was trying to break the record for a test-your-strength game?”
“Yes. I’m assuming that’s why she made her move: she saw the numbers, thought this was a very strong human, right...?”
Ruby paused, before she laughed, and laughed hard, so much Weiss could hear her horns banging against the barrier when she doubled over.
Weiss scowled. “What’s so funny?!”
Ruby laughed for a few more seconds, before she stopped. “Weiss… he didn’t tell you what he looked like then, did he?”
Weiss paused. “… He wasn’t always that strong...?”
“You look at a ‘Then’ and ‘Now’ photo of him, you’d think that ‘Now’ was just ‘Then’s’ bigger, stronger, buffer older brother than the same person after a few years!
“He was a poor kid from Valentino, Weiss; most of his meals were nutriblocks and vita drinks, and he fueled his strength training with protein paste—the batches that they were giving away or throwing out because they came came out tasting even funnier than usual.”
Weiss winced, remembering the awful taste of nutriblocks when she’d made the ill-fated decision to try one so many years ago.
“The only exercise he got was lifting boxes for the people that couldn’t afford drones and were willing to break the law and pay poor kids way below minimum wage, getting into fights with others, and filling up old bottles with water for dumbbells.
“He did win a lot of his fights, but that was only because he could last long enough for the other guys to get so tired he could push them really hard and they’d still fall flat on their asses!”
Weiss blinked. “So why did he make that bet…?”
“Because he was desperate, and the guy at the test-your-strength game was a dick who was sure he couldn’t break the record. He didn’t even come close his first and second try, and it looked like he was about to fail at his third and his last, too…”
“So what did he do?”
“He stalled. Tried to psyche himself up, prayed to Piper, did some last-minute push-ups. None of these actually helped, but it did waste enough time that Aunt Raven got fed up and told him to get on with it already—mom REALLY wanted to try to break the record, too, and Uncle Qrow REALLY wanted that beer she promised him.
“Dad was about to do it, then, he got the idea to give them his last shot, said he’d pay for their own game if they couldn’t break it either.”
“Which he couldn’t, because he had bet his last Urochs...” Weiss muttered.
Ruby nodded. “Oh yeah! He was hoping that Uncle Qrow would do it, but the guy running the Test-Your-Strength game caught onto him so he gave the hammer to the person he thought was even less likely to break the record than dad.”
Weiss smiled. “Which would be Summer, a Keeper of the Grove.”
She could feel Ruby smile, despite the ice still covering the glass. “Mom broke the machine. The guy was in such shock, he gave them the money without a second thought, and by the time he snapped out of it dad was already buying Uncle Qrow that beer he really wanted at a bar ten blocks away.”
Weiss chuckled, before she paused. “… Why did she help him…?”
“Because, she saw that he was someone in need, and that she could help him out. Plus, she could get a free chance at the Test-Your-Strength game, so it wasn’t like she wasn’t getting what she wanted in the first place!
“You know, kind of like that night when you first went into the Valley, except I was looking for a way to stop even more of these expeditions without having to kill anyone.”
Weiss frowned. “So that’s what I was... a means to protect the Valley.”
“And someone that didn’t deserve to get roped into this messy business! I knew just from the chatter on the comms that you weren’t some foreman or a rich tycoon who wanted to oversee their latest project in person…
“… You were just a girl like me, probably out looking for adventure and excitement.”
Weiss looked down. “… I was actually trying to escape my father... find a new life somewhere else, where I could be free to decide what I wanted to do, without someone else trying to control me, dictate how I was supposed to live my life.
“I thought I’d found that here in the Valley… but in hindsight, I probably should have known better.”
There was silence on the other end for a long while.
“… You don’t have to be my girlfriend, you know? We could… you know… break up. It’s… it’s not like you’re the only badass human or mostly human hybrid in the realm, right…? Besides, what was that saying you humans have? About when you love someone…?”
“’If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they’re yours. If they don’t, they never were.’”
“… Yeah. That, thanks...” Ruby paused. “… I guess… I guess this is my letting you go, Weiss. And whatever happens—whatever you do—I’ll… well I’ll try to be fine with it, like mom was with dad...”
Weiss felt tears well in her eyes. “Why…?”
“Because I love you, Weiss. And that’s what you do you love someone, right...?”
“No!” Weiss shouted, pouring down her cheeks. “Why do you love me, you dolt?! What do you even see in me?! Haven’t I already proven to you several times over that I am a literal ticking time bomb of emotions and personal issues waiting explode and possibly kill you with my freaky ice magic?!”
Weiss sobbed, her voice trembling as she whispered, “Why…?”
There was only the quiet, almost unnoticeable hum of the air vent for a long while.
“… You have that something, Weiss—what wasn’t there with all the others. I don’t know what that something is, or if it’s a bunch of somethings… but I just know that you have it.”
Weiss sniffed, stared at the silhouette of Ruby standing outside her cell, before hung her head, wrapped her blanket around it.
“… I need to go, Weiss...” Ruby muttered. “It’s late, I’m tired, and the hunts are going to start again soon since the red alert’s over and we definitely won’t be having a Soul Eater attack until the start of the Flood, at least...”
“So soon...?”
Ruby nodded. “We can’t stay at home, watch the news, and panic for weeks or months like you humans do, Weiss. Besides, it’s not like we Fae don’t have our very lives threatened every day...”
Weiss sighed. “I suppose so...”
“Do you want me to stay for longer?”
Weiss thought about it. “No. You go get some sleep, Ruby—the last two nights have been crazy...”
“Okay. I will. Good night, Weiss...”
“… Good night, Ruby.”
Silence. Ruby didn’t move.
“Hey Weiss…?”
“… Yes…?”
“Do you still love me…?”
“I… I don’t know, Ruby. I don’t know if I can love you, knowing I’m going to be part of… whatever this Valley actually is, whatever’s lurking in it that makes all of us—human or Fae—need you Keepers around.”
“… Do you want to try…?”
“You can sleep with dad at the cabins, and I’m sure Yang won’t mind switching places with you. We could go on dates together—you know, go out to eat together, watch some holos, or we could just make-out for a while, if that’s what you’d like!”
Weiss blushed. “… Ask me again in the morning, Ruby… it’s… it’s been a really long night...”
“Okay. I understand. No rush, alright? I’ll wait for however long it takes.”
Weiss frowned. “That’s a bold claim to make, Ruby.”
Ruby chuckled. “Dad dated Aunt Raven for several years, had Yang, then went through an ugly divorce before he changed his mind about becoming a Keeper’s mate. Waiting for the people we love to figure things out and become okay with the idea of a relationship with a Keeper is nothing new to any of us, stretching right back to Gabija.”
Weiss frowned. “And if I decide not to try, and if I find I’m happy with someone else, or if I do and we don’t work out?”
“Then we ‘never were,’ and I should go find someone else! That was what mom did, after dad told her he was going to become Aunt Raven’s mate as she was for sure pregnant with Yang.”
“So, is there anything I can do for you before I leave? For real, this time.”
Weiss thought about it. “No, nothing, thanks.”
“Okay. Goodbye, Weiss.”
Weiss peered out of her blankets, watched Ruby’s silhouette walk away to the side and out the exit of the specimen containment wing.
She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, even with the aching pain in her chest having grown worse in the meanwhile...
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Crosshair x Reader: Chilly
Warnings: blizzard, cold, Crosshair being grumpy for thirty seconds, some cuddles, and some kissy-kissy.
   Your teeth chattered and body shuddered in futile attempts to warm itself.  Even though the fire your rescuer had built emanated warmth, you hadn’t felt much of a change in the last several minutes laying in the cold sleeping bag beside it.  The rickety ice-fishing shelter was a haven from the snowstorm outside, but you weren’t out of the woods yet, so to speak.
  Getting lost in a blizzard during a mission sure had its downsides.  You were fortunate that Crosshair had found you when he did.
   Speaking of the man, you glanced up as Crosshair ducked into the doorway, pulling the wooden door shut behind him.  He removed his helmet and set it down on the icy floor before throwing another log onto the fire.  The roar of its flames was so pleasant.  An ache settled in your cold hands as you let them hover in range of the warmth.  You almost didn’t notice how Crosshair started removing his armor.  Almost.
   “Cross, w-what are you d-d-doing?”
   Without looking at you, he unbuckled the last of his armor until he was just in his blacks and boots.  “I commed the others to report that I found you.  Tech said you were exposed to the cold for too long.”
   “Sure f-feels like it,” you muttered.  “What d-d-do we do?”
   “We need to get you warm.”  With expression gruff, he climbed over until he was right beside your sleeping bag and peeled back the cover.  His intense gaze watched you expectantly.  “Take off a few layers.”
   “O-okay.”  This time, the stutter wasn’t from the teeth-chattering.  You reached up a cold hand to the collar of your heavy coat, fingers fumbling around the zipper.  The action was difficult as it was with your hands being numbed from the cold, but having him watch you like a hawk didn’t help.
   “Quickly,” he snapped.
   “Sorry, i-it’s a little hard to move.”
   He sighed, but despite his earlier display of impatience, his hand was gentle as he pushed yours away and set to work on removing your coat.  He helped you shrug your way out of it. You were able to pull the sweater off over your head, leaving you in the tank top and pair of leggings you had underneath your gear.  Goosebumps bloomed along the bare skin of your arms, and another shudder racked your body.
   Crosshair wasted no time in climbing into the sleeping bag, pulling the cover up over the both of you, though he hesitated when you drew closer to his lean form.  You were desperate for warmth at that point, but you didn’t want to make it too uncomfortable for him.
   You peeked up at him shyly from where your head rested against his chest.  “M-mind if I…?”
   “Do what you need to.”
   You shifted to tangle your legs with his and breathed a sigh of relief.  Your one arm wrapped around his torso, hand accidentally brushing a patch of skin left exposed by the hem of his blacks riding up.  He jolted from your ice-cold touch with a hiss.
   “Sorry,” you mumbled.  Your heart began to thud wildly when he reached for your hand and tucked it under his blacks to place it on the hot skin there.  “Thank you,” you breathed. Crosshair fidgeted for a moment as he got used to the temperature.
   Neither of you spoke, so you listened to the soothing sounds around you as your body began to heat up.  The campfire crackled and snapped nearby.  It cast shadows on the old walls of the shelter.  If you listened hard enough, the howling winds outside could be heard.  What fascinated you the most was the steady drumming of Crosshair’s heart inside his chest.  His breathing hadn’t slowed, signalling that he wasn’t completely relaxed.
   You hated the thought of making him uneasy.  Over the time you’d spent with the Bad Batch, the snarky sharpshooter had grown on you.  Well, he wasn’t always snarky.  He sometimes acted like that when it came to newcomers, or once in a while he’d throw in a sarcastic remark to tease his brothers.  Most of the time, he was just quiet.  You had learned to read his body language, and you could tell at the moment that something occupied his mind.
   “You okay?”  You were finally able to stop the chatter of your teeth.
   “Next time, report back to the ship when you’re told,” he grouched.  “We didn’t know what to do when we lost connection to your comm.  Hunter nearly had a heart attack.”
   That was Crosshair code for, “I nearly had a heart attack.”
   “I tried,” you argued.  “My comm was broken, remember?  I couldn’t hone in on the ship’s signal.  My tracks were snowed over, and I got lost.”
   Crosshair went silent again for a moment as he brooded over it.  There really hadn’t been much you could do after escaping the snow beast other than remain where you were and hope the others would find you.  So that’s what you did.
   “Perhaps next time you should let one of us come with you,” he said curtly.
   He did have a point there.  Maybe if you hadn’t gone off alone in the first place, things might’ve turned out differently.  But you had insisted that you didn’t need to be watched.
   Oh, the sweet irony.
   Crosshair huffed, seeing that he had won the argument.  His chest rose and fell with the action.  As much as you wanted to be irritated, you didn’t have it in you.  Not while you were laying in his arms with your face buried in the shoulder of his blacks.  Guilt seemed to be the only emotion other than relief that you were capable of at the moment.
   “I’m sorry.”
   The apology was quiet, laced with humility as you abandoned your pride and simply let yourself be grateful.  Crosshair had braved the snowstorm to find you, after all.  He was doing everything he could to make sure you were safe, allowing you to cling to him with ice-cold hands and feet by the fire.
   He shifted a little, draping an arm around you.  Despite the fact that you were already pressed against him, the action felt more intimate.  He was finally holding you in return, actively helping you to get warm.  You took it as his way of accepting the apology, and fortunately, he didn’t stay on the topic any longer.
   “Are you doing any better?” he asked, glancing down at you.  His eyes didn’t hold the same irritation as before.  They even softened a bit as you met them.
   “Yeah, much better,” you said.  “It’s nice to be able to feel my fingers again.”  You flexed the digits experimentally against his skin, and Crosshair’s breath hitched.  His arm had subconsciously tightened around you.  The unexpected reaction piqued your interest.  This time, you let your hand run just a little farther up past the hem of his blacks.  Crosshair inhaled suddenly.
   “Does that bother you?” you murmured, glancing up to try and read his expression.  Though his face showed the same indifference it usually did, his eyes met yours with smoldering intensity.
   Without breaking eye contact, you did it again, letting your hand roam farther up his side.  You felt the expansion of his ribcage as he inhaled deeply.  As it contracted, you released a breath that you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.  For several minutes, the two of you stayed like that.  Your palm smoothed across the length of his side, fingertips brushing over a few prominent scars.  Your skin had gone from cold to warm to searing in Crosshair’s arms.  Did he feel it too?  Did he notice the pounding in your chest?  His heart had picked up its speed.
   He studied your expression like a hawk as his hand came up to brush your shoulder.  It was a light touch, delicate, as if he was testing the waters.  His eyes flickered to the spot before returning to your gaze.  The tension was unmistakable.  
   Crosshair took in your reaction; how your eyes fluttered closed and how lips parted slightly.  You were completely at ease with his touch, and you could feel that he had finally relaxed into yours.  With eyes shut, you felt his hand run down the length of your arm.  His warm breath fanned your face.
   “Cross,” you sighed.
   Both of you had pulled the rubber band as far as it could go.  With your utterance of his name, it finally snapped, and his mouth was on yours.  Heat exploded in your chest at the realization that he was kissing you.  The hand that you let linger at his waist clenched around  his blacks.  Crosshair shifted to lean on his elbow, bracing his other arm beside your head on the pillow, as he kissed you harder.  He could appear cold, calculated...but his kisses weren’t.  They were scorching.
   When you separated, so many questions flew through your mind as he gazed at you.
   Was this a dream?  Why, oh why, did his lips feel so warm and good against yours?  Was this a slip-up, or did he feel for you the way you felt for him?
   Only one way to find out.
   “I care about you, Crosshair,” you confessed.  He didn’t withdraw from you or give a look of annoyance, which was a good sign.  It was only when he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead that you fully understood.  You beamed and nuzzled farther into the crook of his neck as he got settled on his side again.  The sleeping bag had become a cocoon of warmth, though his arms still encircled you for good measure.
   His heartbeat had gone steady.  His breathing slowed.  And you relished the minutes of peace until the storm cleared and the others were sure to find you.
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