#staff post
threepatchpodcast · 8 months
TPP Episode 145: A Study in Fic - "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma" Part 1
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🚨NEW EPISODE! A very special Study in Fic series, where we give #GoodOmens fic "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma" the book club treatment. Join @foxestacado @waltz_tales @mickeyralph Sofia & Topher for a discussion of chapters 1-4.
Show notes and direct download information at three-patch.com. Or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
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"Tumblr’s competitive advantage lies in its unique content [that we banned] and vibrant communities [that we disproportionately targeted]."
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angelbabygiraffe · 9 months
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[230914] Staff Post - stay only
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bluescarabguy · 11 months
"The underlying problem is that Tumblr is not easy to use"
Bitch, Tumblr is INSANELY easy to use as far as I've seen! You search things you're interested in and/or follow the tags, you follow the accounts that post stuff you like, and then you view your feed in reverse chronological order. It's super easy to write a post and add tags, and unlike other social media sites, you can actually integrate attachments into the body of the text rather than them just fitting into the assigned attachment box. You can view replies, reblogs, and likes at a glance in three separate but easily viewable submenus. And you can do all of this fairly simply whether you're on the mobile app or the desktop site!
The only way you could think that Tumblr isn't easy to use is if you think "easy to use" means "no interaction necessary, we will feed you the content slop we believe you desire". Aka, the thing everyone hates about every other social media platform!
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wolrith · 4 months
I didn't know predstrogen or her blog but that doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you. if they came for her they will come for you. if you're not trans they will come for you when they're done with them.
hate doesn't start and end with one target, it morphs and amalgamates until no one is safe, and it lashes out a lot.
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modernrp · 6 days
we all know how difficult it can be to join a site without really knowing anything about the staff, so we wanted to each post a little introduction here to say hello! we look forward to meeting all of you when our discord drops at 3pm est on saturday!
— ANGEL (30, she/her, cst, mod)
i am a full time parent and a writer for about 14 years, getting my start writing anime fanfiction. i love to read and will genuinely spend hours reading books if i get engrossed deep enough. i also bake part time and am currently learning a new language, keeping my mind and muse sharp. easily enabled character maker, so don't hesitate to throw plots at me!
— CERULEAN (22, she/her, est, mod)
i identify as a canadian though i’ve been living in the usa for about 4 years! i'm an avid reader and always up to chatting about my favourite books or basing plots around them! i also enjoy playing video games, some of my favourites are the horizon series, red dead redemption 2, and assassins creed games! i'm a stay at home mom to my sweet daughter and love to talk about her <3 i love to plot and write so i cannot wait to get started!
— DANI (27, she/her, nzst, admin)
hi all! i'm dani, your resident new zealander. i've been rping for close to fifteen years with no plans to stop! i'm a new mom to a baby boy and many plants. i'm up all day and all night. i run on chocolate chip cookies and true crime podcasts. will swap baked goods for plots. so super excited to rp with you all <3
— IVY (36, she/they, est, admin)
36 years old living high on a mountain in the est! i prefer the pronouns she/they, but i'm not bothered if you get it wrong! i've been doing this roleplay thing a little too long tbh, but i love it + can't stay away! i'm a momX2 and a furmomX15! work all day, write all night kind of life --- sometimes!!!! resident character whore of the staff team! ⧼bows⧽ ↝
— NIAMH (22, any pronouns, gmt, admin)
hey everyone! i'm niamh (pronounced like eve with an n at the front for the uninitiated), and i'm the resident request-a-holic of the staff team. i've been rping on and off for coming up on nine years now, and i've definitely had a long journey over that time! i'm super easily persuadable into taking characters, and i can't wait to get to know everyone and see what characters you all bring <3333
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samgiddings · 6 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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fullcolorfright · 7 months
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Relax! This Book is Just a Phase You're Going Through: Gay Comics from Christopher Street, by Charles Ortleb and Richard Fiala, 1978.
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allthingsroleplay · 1 month
I was wondering what is your guideline of a site to post their ads when the admin is a bully and dictates people of how they want their site run? If this is not appropriate question you can delete it.
ATR has always taken the stance of "we are not the roleplay police." While we will blacklist ads, it is not common, and only after undeniable proof has been submitted. Typically these cases have to do with skin ripping and code theft however we have also reacted to some of the larger mass rpc issues/individuals that have popped up over the years. We do not blacklist based on anonymous he said/she said. We communicate thoroughly with the party submitting evidence and we cannot do that if you remain anonymous. With that being said, we do not condone bullying of any kind. Please take care of yourself and advocate for yourself. You deserve a community where you feel safe and welcome.
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cheddar-baby · 2 days
it is wild that the top post in #gay is a closeup shot of a hairy butt not marked sensitive but if a trans woman even says that shes a trans woman the post immediately gets blasted into the void by staff.
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threepatchpodcast · 5 months
TPP Episode 146: A Study in Fic - "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma" Part 2
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NEW EPISODE! Our very special "Study in Fic" series continues, where we give Good Omens fic, "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma" the book club treatment. Join long-time fans of this fic, @foxestacado and Charles, re-read this fic with first-time readers, Sofia and Topher, and discuss chapters 5-10.
LISTEN at: https://three-patch.com/2024/01/18/episode-146/
Missed our discussion of Chapters 1-4? Listen here! https://three-patch.com/2023/10/11/episode-145/
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I think Staff is forgetting that Tumblr wasn’t “difficult to use” and it wasn’t struggling with “bringing in new users” a few years ago when it was in the top ten visited sites, globally.
Now, if only anyone could remember what we were doing differently back then, that we’re not doing right now… hmm…
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samble-moved · 10 months
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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hemipenal-system · 4 months
taking the moment to archive my entire blog tonight! trans people i recommend y'all do too. you know. just in case.
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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salamispots · 9 months
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dream wip
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