#stockholm whump
strudelbumsen · 2 years
“Dude, you’ve already taken two... I’m bleedin’ a lot. You do this a lot? You’d think you’d be-” 
“Buddy, talk big game, lose more blood, now hush hush and tell me if you feel it this time!”
Riley flinches, their bloodied hand twitching in the rope that ties it down, spread out along a dark oak table. The table has many puncture marks and slashes. Their arm is just as punctured and sliced, sutured and bandaged, kept carefully clean by their captor. Strade adjusts his cigar in his lips, humming along to an energetic heavy metal song playing from his computer.
A spare cigar rots in ash on the skull shaped ashtray, laid out for Riley by Strade almost 35 minutes ago. As the rolling paper burned to mess, Riley had been stabbed, sliced, and tested in any way Strade could think. Kidnapping is a step up from the usual reaction to sayin’ I can’t feel pain, that I’ll say, Riley muses as the large man positions a knife above the second knuckle on their ring finger. 
A firm chop of metal against oak, and that same feeling. Numb, wetness, and a sense of loss, a sudden emptiness. Riley flinches and groans, but not from pain. More from annoyance. More from the wriggling ghost of flesh where there once was a knuckle. Strade grins. 
“Feel it yet, buddy?” he teases, sounding good-natured and entertained as he taps out his cigar. 
“Nope,” Riley sighs. “Same as I told you before. I just feel all the blood getting on me, but not even that, much. Man- I mean, sir. I told you, I don’t feel pain, none.”
“None,” Strade repeats, giving a dumbfounded expression their way. “Buddy, you kill me, bahaha! You are a riot~”
“Do I wanna be a riot, sir?” they say, deadpanned and staring at the blood gushing from the joint. Strade pauses for a moment, then howls with laughter, hand pressed to his forehead. 
“Riley, liebling. You are just funny enough to kill a killer. Say, buddy. You want a break? Must be tired after a few days of fun.”
Riley’s face furrows into a frown. “Break... how? What, sir, another protein bar?”
Strade shakes his head, grinning, always grinning. “More like... a comfy bed, a home-cooked meal, and a cuddly pet!”
“Um... Well that does sound nice, but like you said, I’m not leavin’.” 
“What if I said... you don’t have to leave to get those things, hm?” Strade says casually, popping open his first aid kit and preparing to suture closed the gaping wound of a stub where a ring finger used to reside. 
“I’d say cutting me up turned you crazy, sir.”
“Maybe it just has, buddy, maybe it just has..” Strade scratches his stubble, looking them over with a smile soft enough for a bedroom. Riley shudders, cold coils up their whip-stung spine. “Say... You like collars much? You were all done-up in bracelets when you came to me. I can give you a gift. Made it just for you, just finished up yesterday!” 
“Gift? From you, man? I don’t know if I trust that.” Riley’s eyes feel heavy. No matter how little pain, a body is a body, and four days of blood loss and little food wears it down quickly. 
“Oh c’mon buddy, I’m a perfectly trustworthy guy! That’s why you told me all about yourself in that bar, yeah? All about how you’ve no friends, no family, no one who would look after you...” Strade strokes their tightly braided hair softly, coming to cup their face, almost loving. Almost possessive. “Riley. I can be that. I could tell, that night, all you wanted, liebse... was someone to finally look after you.”
Riley can’t help it, exhausted from days of torture, so much of them stolen, so much blood. They let the tears well up and spill over, and wail quietly into Strade’s palm. Strade lets out a soft “ohh” and hugs Riley to his chest, petting their dreadlocks in a mockery of care. But to Riley, to Riley it feels just like an old lover’s touch
“Come stay with me and my pet, Riley. Come stay, let me care for you and play with you. Come home and sleep.” Riley sobs and nods, face pressed to Strade’s bloodstained military shirt. Strade holds them until they’re done crying, but behind their back he is still grinning in that same crocodilian way. They are covered in sutured wounds. They are missing three fingers. They are so, so worn. 
When the cold, unforgiving metal of their gift settles around Riley’s neck, they do not kick or scream or fuss. When Strade leads them into the soft glow of a deceptively nice-looking house, they stumble and fall back only on Strade’s shoulder.  And, comforted into a warm bed beside a nervous fox and a kidnapper, Riley comes home to a pair of arms they will never leave again. 
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saigoat · 1 month
Being tortured to the point of passing out cold, then in a haze as they regain consciousness, see they are cradled in the lap of their tormentor. Skin clammy and crawling as a bloody hand cards through greasy, limp hair. The unwanted tender touch would be etched in their memory for the rest of their life. In months of agony, it was the one solitary moment of softness. Some part of them wants more, some part loathes themselves for it.
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justbreakonme · 3 months
Whumper that treats pet whumpee like a lapdog meets whumpee who had lived their whole life touchstarved and hated equals the most toxic but enjoyable relationship either had ever had.
Whumper likes how whumpee leans into their touch, the way they panic when they leave the room.
Whumpee relishes the “best” treatment they’ve ever had, and chalks up the overly close and possessive nature of it to love.
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solar-eclippse · 1 month
"If you love someone, set them free."
The whumper lets their whumpee go. They tell them that they're free to leave, that they don't want to see them again. It's a lie, of course.
They don't know if whumpee will return. They hope they will. If not, well... they would just have to hunt them down and kill them. Such a shame, but they can let them tell anyone.
Three days later, there's a knock on their door. They open it to see whumpee staring at them, shaking, eyes glossy with tears, pleading whumper to take them back, whatever it is they did wrong, they're so sorry, they won't do it again, please-
They're still shaking when whumper wraps them in their arms, smiling. They're never letting their pet go again.
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painsandconfusion · 11 months
Forced Comfort
Because who doesn't like a little bit of intimate whumper vibes?
[Prompt Masterpost]
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Whumpee wrapped up in a blanket. The soft fabric hides the fact that their hands are still bound behind their back.
Gentle fingers brushing the hair from Whumpee’s face - carefully peeling it back through the sheen of sweat that’s left.
“Shhh…you’re okay. I’m not gonna hurt you anymore..”
Kissing tears from the corners of Whumpee’s eyes.
Whumper keeping Whumpee sedated between sessions to 'help them cope'.
“Hold still- hold still or I’ll start again.”
Pinning a squirming Whumpee in an embrace. Grip tightening the more they struggle. 
Whumpee being so tired. So so so very tired. They can’t help but lean into the gentle touch. 
Whumper ignoring every shiver and twitch that accompanies the gentle pets they give their broken toy.
“Nnnnono-sst…d-on’ t ouchme-!”
Whumpee thrashing to the point of hyperventilation as Whumper wraps them up in blankets. The panic in their eyes ever so slowly fading as they realize they’re not being hurt anymore.
Whumpee desperately not trying to lean into it or accept the comfort. They don’t want it from them - don’t want to melt into the hands that ripped screams from them just a few minute before. But they need something. And Whumper knows it.
“Look at you. Pathetic little thing~”
Shoving Whumpee into a bath to trigger some kind of calming response. Whumpee just thinks they’re going to be drowned. …….maybe they will be. Just a little bit.
Whumper combing a hand through Whumpee’s hair - soft and rhythmic and sweet - as they carve into Whumpee.
“Shhh..just focus on me. Don’t look at  it- just look at me. Listen to my voice. You’re doing so good, little one.”
Kisses peppering over Whumpee’s cheeks, lips, forehead, brows, jaw, etc as their face puckers up, trying to twist away. 
A hug that looks gentle until you notice Whumper’s hand fisted in Whumpee’s hair. Keeping them exactly in place.
“Don’ don t t-ouch me- STOP-”
Drugging Whumpee to ‘help with the nerves’. Watching their panicked sobs slowly peter out into nothing as they stare miserably at their captor. 
“Make the most of this. We start again in the morning.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35 @scribbelle)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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whump-queen · 3 months
a carewhumper who’s constantly engineering situations for whumpee to need them, to run to them crying, to fall to their knees, broken and shattered and so easy to convince that all they need is whumper.
- slashing their tire so they’ll have to call whumper for a ride
- paying dudes to go rob and beat them up so they’ll be bloody and broken and weak and whumper can happen to ‘stumble upon them’ since they were just in the neighborhood…
- sabotaging whumpee’s finances (stealing their rent checks, running up their credit cards) to get them kicked out of whatever meager housing they’ve managed to rent. make them destitute. desperate. and all whumper has to do is waltz in with open arms, maybe a warm coat, and an offer whumpee can’t afford to refuse.
whumpee just doesn’t know why these things keep happening to them. whumper doesn’t help of course; their every word implies it was all whumpee’s fault. that maybe if they weren’t so careless and reckless with these things, maybe they—
no, whumper should just take care of these things for whumpee from now on. that’s what’s best, since whumpee has clearly proven they aren’t responsible enough to manage money, or shopping, let alone a job or really any human responsibilities.
after all, whumpee’s just a broken thing, and only whumper can put them back together.
only whumper will let them break down. only whumper can make them safe. only whumper can hold them close, warm, and just let whumpee collapse into their arms and sob against their neck until they finally drift to sleep.
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Whumpee who, when rescued, doesn't want anything bad to happen to whumper.
Whumper who's in prison, on death row or being tortured by whumpees team.
Whumpee who keeps begging for people to be nice to whumper, to not torture them, to not kill them, to just leave them alone in a cell.
Whumpee who is so scared that they'll do anything even slightly bad and become like whumper, or become the living weapon whumper had wanted them to be, that they'd rather nothing happen to the person that had tortured them for months.
Because if something bad happened to whumper, it would be whumpees fault. And they couldn't live with that.
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whump-bunny · 5 months
About a month after being kidnapped, Whumpee… isn't doing well. They're not broken or catatonic, or even particularly depressed. They still daydream about escape, not that they've actually tried anything since the first week or so. They learned quickly that Whumper won't hesitate to make their life a living hell if they feel they need to. And as much as it hurts, Whumpee knows they can't try anything unless they're absolutely positive it will work. Failure is not an option.
But… spending a month with only having Whumper to talk to is starting to take its toll.
Whumper is clearly lonely, and they get frustrated when Whumpee refuses to speak to them, or at least acknowledge them. And though Whumpee would love to ignore them out of spite... loneliness is something they have in common.
So they chat. Whumper talks about their life on the outside. About annoying people at the coffee shop, their demanding boss, funny things they read in the news. And Whumpee talks about anything that won't make them cry. Which forbids topics like family, friends, aspirations, and generally anything else related to their life before Whumper.
Whumpee doesn't have a lot to talk about.
But Whumpee does like to write stories. So they ramble about half-formed plots and original characters. And strangely... Whumper is the first person in their life that seems genuinely interested in what they have to say.
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astrowhump · 11 months
Give me whumpers who do absolutely horrid things to their whumpee, with no follow-up comfort; But god forbid someone else tries to hurt whumpee—even worse, they try to steal whumpee away—that’s when whumper will burn the whole town down to rescue their beloved whumpee, only to drag them back into that old familiar basement.
“No one else gets to make you scream. No one. You will kneel at my feet, beg for my mercy. You’ll cry your sweet tears for me and only me.”
Bonus point if whumpee has stockholm syndrome.
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whumpshaped · 6 months
been spinning this idea around in the microwave that is my brain for a while now.
pet/slave/etc whumpee being rescued, seemingly improving and going along with what caretaker asks of them, and then immediately bolting and returning to their master the moment they get the chance.
they feel sorta bad for caretaker, but ultimately where they belong is at their master's side. whumpee's life was miserable and empty before they found them, but with master they were fed, had a warm place to sleep, and were shown more affection than they'd ever experienced before.
whumper, who in this specific scenario is more like a carewhumper/soft whumper, wanting to keep whumpee as their pet/slave but otherwise not being cruel to them, is of course elated to have whumpee back, lavishing them with praise and love and affection, further cementing in whumpee's mind that this is where they belong.
tw pet whump, conditioned whumpee, stockholm syndrome, caretaker new master, betrayal, abandonment
When Whumpee caught a glimpse of the article, it was like colour had suddenly returned into their world. Like the storm clouds had parted and finally allowed the sun to shine through, making all their worries and sadness dissipate.
All charges dropped.
Caretaker seemed to have the opposite reaction, throwing the newspaper across the room and groaning in frustration. Whumpee flinched, alerting them to their presence. “Oh, shit… Whumpee, I’m sorry. I didn’t– fuck, did you see the article?”
Whumpee suppressed their eagerness and slowly nodded, attempting to keep their expression neutral. Whatever Caretaker had interpreted it as, it made them open their arms for a hug.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Would you like a hug? Or… or would you like to talk about it?”
Oh, they wanted to talk about it more than anything, but they doubted what they had to say would’ve been to Caretaker’s liking. They accepted the hug anyway, holding their temporary owner tight for what was probably the last time.
“You did your best,” Caretaker whispered. “I’m so sorry that… that they’re a bunch of incompetent idiots there! You gave all that evidence, all those testimonies… I don’t get it… I’m so sorry.”
“Let’s not talk about it?” Whumpee hoped that was a reasonable request. They hated hearing about all the ways in which they’d betrayed Whumper, but they hoped their reasoning wouldn’t be readily apparent.
“Of course. I’m sorry. I got carried away.” Caretaker took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, and Whumpee had the feeling this hug was more for their friend than it was for them. “You wanna do something tonight? As a little distraction? We could make those new cookies you found a recipe for. Or watch a movie.”
Whumpee pulled away so they could look Caretaker in the eye. “Would you mind if… if I went for a little walk?”
Caretaker hesitated. “Can it be another time?” they asked cautiously. “I don’t like putting restrictions on you, I really don’t, it’s just…”
“Okay,” they said without knowing what Caretaker was going to say. “Another time.”
They could seek out Whumper any time, right? The sooner the better, but they didn’t need Caretaker following them.
“I’m a little nervous about letting you out of my sight after news like this,” they finished anyway.
“Okay,” Whumpee repeated.
“You’re not mad?”
“Of course not.”
Caretaker smiled and pulled them in for another hug. “Alright. Thank you.”
It was two days later when Caretaker finally let them go. It was honestly a little heartbreaking to know they would never go back, but… It couldn’t even compare to that time the police had swarmed the building and took Whumper away from them.
Whumper had been their everything. Their best friend. Their owner. The only one who cared. The one who had always provided for them, food, shelter, love. It didn’t matter what others had told them — they had to get back. And now that Whumper was finally let go, they could.
They kept looking over their shoulder, hoping Caretaker really wasn’t following them. They weren’t. They were left to their own devices, and they were about to betray every morsel of trust Caretaker had placed in them.
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered outside of getting back to Whumper. Whumper was the only one whose trust counted for anything.
They rushed back to the house they’d used to stay in, and the ugly police tape was finally gone. It looked just like the first time they’d seen it: friendly and inviting.
Whumpee walked up to the door and knocked before their anxiety could’ve gotten the better of them. They stepped back and waited, rocking back and forth on their feet, shifting their weight from heels to tiptoes.
The garden seemed a little neglected, but it looked like Whumper had gotten to work since their release. There were fresh seeds in the bird feeder, and fresh water in the bowl they used for any stray creature that might’ve needed a sip. They were so caring. It was ridiculous that any investigation had even been conducted.
The door opened, and Whumpee’s eyes snapped up to meet their owner’s. They jumped into their arms without thinking, burying their face in the crook of their neck. “Master, you’re free!” they exclaimed, delighted when Whumper’s arms closed around their waist.
“I’m free!” Whumper parroted, just as giddy as their pet. “And you’re back!”
“Of course I am! I missed you so much!”
Whumper brought them inside without letting go, pushing the door shut with their foot. “I missed you too, sweet thing. I’m not quite packed yet, but now that you’re here, I’ll try to make it quick so we can leave tomorrow.”
Whumpee pulled away, frowning a little. “Leave?”
“Of course. They’d never leave us alone if we were to stay; not the police, and definitely not Caretaker.” Whumper moved their hands to cup their pet’s cheeks, smiling at them softly. “We’ll go somewhere peaceful, hm?”
Well… When they’d left the house and told themself it’d be forever, that they’d never see Caretaker again, that they were ready to leave all of this behind… They didn’t think it’d be so permanent. So irreversible.
They didn’t think they’d have to leave Caretaker so far behind.
Some of the cookies they’d baked the night before were still waiting for them at home, soft and sweet and tasting of friendship.
“I’d love that,” Whumpee said with a smile of their own. “We can go whenever you’re ready, Master.”
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[tw choking, manhandling, captivity, stockholm syndrome, masochistic whumpee]
"What the fuck did you say to me?" Whumper growled, tightening their grip on Whumpee's throat. "Do you think you can talk to me like that?"
Whumpee made no move to defend themself. Their hands stayed by their side, albeit twitching a little as they fought their own self-preservation instinct.
"What, now you have nothing to say?" Whumper pulled them away from the wall, only to slam their head back against it. Whumpee let out a breathless whimper.
"You haven't... done this in... a while," they choked out, the corners of their mouth twitching up into a smile. It faltered quickly when Whumper dug their fingers in even deeper.
"Oh? I guess you just wanted to see if I'd gone soft, then? Are you satisfied?" Whumper squeezed until Whumpee was desperate enough for air that they lifted their hands, wrapping their fingers around their wrist. They looked like the dumbest fucking fish. "Hm? I can't hear you. Where's that stupid grin now?"
'I am' was all Whumpee could mouth before Whumper bashed their head against the wall again. They were tired of these stupid games. Whumpee wasn't the one in charge here, they didn't have any right to try to find enjoyment in it, and Whumper was going to make damn sure it wouldn't ever happen again.
"I want you to think long and hard about your position here while you're throwing up from the concussion later," they hissed. "I don't care what kind of a disgusting freak you are, I guarantee you, you can't be into everything. And this is not a theme park — I will find shit that feels like torture."
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urlocalwhumper · 7 months
pet whumpee who is still so naively loving and affectionate towards whumper (or anyone really) no matter what they do to them.
it's not even like they're fawning in the hopes they won't be hurt - they don't even seem to have a problem with being hurt in the first place. they don't enjoy it, and they scream and cry and plead for mercy when the pain becomes too much, but if hurting them makes master happy, then they'll happily tolerate it without complaint.
besides, master is always so sweet to them afterwards, cleaning and bandaging their wounds with gentle hands, wiping whumpee's tears away with their thumb and telling them that they're a good girl/boy, they did such a good job for master.
they just want love and affection. like a puppy who always returns to its master, tail wagging happily, no matter how many times it's kicked or shouted at.
and in the event of whumpee being rescued, they're... honestly so permissive and docile it kinda freaks caretaker out at first.
caretaker was fully equipped to handle someone terrified, or potentially violent, but whumpee is just... calm. they even seemed reluctant to be taken from wherever whumper kept them, but they still went along all the same. their skin was marred with all kinds of horrible scars and bruises, but they still leaned happily into anyone's touch, their eyes full of love and trust for someone they might have just met moments ago.
it leaves caretaker conflicted. whumpee has seen unimaginable trauma, this behavior is surely a result of that, they can't possibly be in their right mind... but caretaker can't help but wonder if they should even bother trying to 'fix' them. whumpee seems perfectly happy this way, and it'd be a lot of slow, painful work to try and make them into a person again.
caretaker would never dream of hurting whumpee. so... is it really so bad to just let them keep living this way? just as caretaker's pet instead?
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
A Whumper who, in the eyes of a traumatized Whumpee, is a Caretaker compared to the absolutely horrendous treatment they had been subjected to prior to being kidnapped by them
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written-by-jayy · 4 months
Prompt #6
Whumpee was kidnapped to be sold to other Whumpers (maybe this is an au where its commonly accepted to own a whumpee, or maybe it's some kind of trafficking thing).
Caretaker is a part of some kind of team/organization that goes undercover to help people in Whumpee's position. But neither Whumper, nor Whumpee know this.
So when Whumper manhandles Whumpee and basically showcases them to a seemingly apathetic, and possibly slightly harsh Caretaker, is whumpee scared that they might be handed off to a worse Whumper? Are they attached to their Whumper and don't want to be sold period? Are they neutral or even happy because nowhere could possibly be worse then here?
Caretaker maybe tries to mingle the price down just because they only brought so much money with them, but regardless, they don't leave until they have Whumpee.
After they arrive at Caretaker's home or the hospital or wherever they're taking Whumpee, how does Whumpee react when Caretaker's personality completely shifts, and they're now sympathetic, worrying and gently tending to Whumpee and their wounds?
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solar-eclippse · 17 days
Honestly, I think any whump trope is more interesting if it's consensual. Obsession is more interesting if it's mutual. Ownership is more interesting if the owned offers their neck to be collared. Any form of harm is far more delicious if the victim urges their perpetrator on, because of love, and a desire to be closer, no matter the horrible, painful, irreversible cost.
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a-living-canvas · 2 months
How Do You Spell Home?
CW : Stockholm Syndrome
It's been a few days and Whumpee still sat by the window, looking outside. Searching— waiting for someone to come and pick them back to their home. It felt suffocating to stay here, without any routines or rules. They just wanted to see Whumper again, their beloved. 
"Whumpee?" Caretaker called them from the doorway. Looking worried, like usual. They uncrossed their arms before walking over to Whumpee and wrapped their arms around Whumpee's neck. Whumpee let out a sigh, Caretaker frowned,
"Hey, you good?" 
Whumpee silent for a few seconds, their gaze locked on the view outside. Watching every movement, every car, every sign of Whumper. They shook their head. 
"I miss Whumper…" 
Whumpee said and Caretaker's heart broke in an instant. They lifted Whumpee's chin upwards so their gazes locked with each other. Caretaker brushed Whumpee's cheeks with their thumbs gently. "I told you…they won't come back. Whumper has…died. Remember?" 
Whumpee laughed half-heartedly, "You are lying to me."
"That's not a—"
"You are lying to me!!!" 
Caretaker flinched before they stepped back from Whumpee. They never thought that Whumpee would ever scream at them. And yet they did, and that's all because of Whumper.
"Whumpee, calm down…!"
"Tell me the truth!" Whumpee demanded. Their hands balled into a fist, their face flushed with anger. They looked like they were on the verge of crying. Caretaker tried to approach them again,
"It's the truth, Whumpee…! They got shot by Team Leader."
Whumpee gritted their teeth in frustration. A broken sob escaped them. "And you didn't…save them?" Whumpee asked. Their eyes glazed with tears. Caretaker seemed flabbergasted for a moment.
"Y-you said, you care about me…! But you didn't even save…the only person I've ever loved in my whole life…"
"W-whumpee, are you serious? You love that ass—"
"Don't call them that! Or anything! You don't know anything about them!" Tears were streaming down Whumpee's face. They sniffled a few times before they became a sobbing mess. Caretaker pulled them into a hug, comforting the poor soul. 
"Shh…hey, hey…it's okay, now." 
Whumpee shook their head weakly, "N-no…it's not okay at all…I want them to be here…"
Caretaker sighed while stroking Whumpee's hair gently. They kissed the top of their head before carrying them to the bed and tucked them in. "You need to rest." 
Whumpee nodded, they wiped their tears with the blanket. "I-if Whumper comes searching for me, can you please tell me as soon as you could?"
Caretaker smiled sadly at them. They brushed a few strands of hair out of Whumpee's face. 
"Sure thing, sweetheart."
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