share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
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FUTURE TENSE | chapter six |  @stoprobbersfic 
They will, he thinks. They will, they will, they will.
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twin-scars · 2 years
Because A03 is atrocious with the Stranger Things tags it can make it pretty impossible to find Jancy fan fics. I see so many people asking where all the fics are. Here’s a list of amazing writers:
Storybook_Wolf stoprobbers Jancys_Blue_Bayou AlwaysKatie7 fakelight VerityR heartofwinterfell MissAtomicBomb givupdafunk CasaByers Arctic_comet ashyblondwaves shroomyystar mediocre_atbest Gnarly_Love leslie057 Musicalchaos07 maddie_grove throttlegainwell
And you can always find my fics on A03, under the pseud theprincessandtheoutcast
a little advice from @stoprobbers:  i cannot recommend enough going to an author’s ao3 bookmarks (if they have them) when you find someone whose writing you love. you can filter ao3 bookmarks the same way you can filter search results so you can see if they’ve bookmarked any jancy fics.
If anyone wants to add to this list, let me know and I’ll update it! :) The more Jancy writers the better!! (Or if you don’t want your name listed here I will remove it.) This list will be updated as suggestions come in.
Please give them all kudos, comments, and bookmark their wonderful works <3
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jancy-central · 11 months
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It’s that time again… Jancy Smutty Saturday!
Once again, we are back with more smutty prompts… AND a fic rec! 👏🏼
(Prompts are below the cut!)
This week we are recommending an amazing fic, untitled document, by @stoprobbers. Nancy and Jonathan write their thoughts and feelings out to each other while working on a school project. Pure perfection. Enjoy! (Oh, and don’t forget to leave comments, kudos, etc.!)
Don’t forget that @jancyweekend is quickly approaching! We have been regularly posting prompts for the daily themes so definitely take a look if you need any!
Also, July will be coming to end soon so before it does, take a look at our pinned post about this month’s prompts, Fireworks and Stars. We also did a post with some good ideas for using these two prompts so take a look at that one too. (Pssst… these prompts would work well in conjunction with the Jancy Weekend prompts, Summer Nights or Sun & Moon!)
As always, please send us any prompts you have for Jancy fics, any Jancy fic recommendations and any questions, comments or concerns.
more smutty prompts
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karma police, i’ve given all i can
surprise gift for @stoprobbers <3!!
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fleurdeneuf · 11 months
meme me
i was tagged by @skyler10fic. it's been a while since i've done one of these. thank you, friend!
Favourite color: pink
Currently reading: i just finished "daddy crush" by adriana anders last night, and there are a couple of other books i was in the middle of and set aside...not sure what i'll pick up next (since getting back into book reading, i've turned into a chaos reader)
Last song: the canadian and australian national anthems (i'm catching up on today's women's world cup games)
Last series: rewatching star trek: discovery!
Last movie: the murderer lives at number 21, a french murder mystery from 1942 that was bonkers and delightful and not at all what i was expecting (in a good way)
Currently working on: knitting a chemo hat for my aunt, and a blanket with a bunch of leftover stash yarn for charity
tagging the last few mutuals in my activity: @joi-in-the-tardis, @perfectlyrose, @redthreads, @linnealurks, @stoprobbers, @chiaroscuroverse, @tinyconfusion, @veritascara
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year
I know only one fic that explores the college dilemma. What are the other two??
Future Tense by stoprobbers is one of the best Jancy fics I have ever read. If I had to pick the definitive multi-chapter Jancy fic, it may very well be the one. Jonathan takes a gap year and Nancy has her own struggles figuring out the college situation. I really love the characterization of Nancy--she's so determined, yet vulnerable and messy.
i was a lonely soul (but that's the old me) by scoutshonor is a multi-chapter Jonathan-centric fic, set immediately after S3, in which the Byers (including El) move to Illinois after Starcourt. It features Stoncy (long-distance) but I wouldn't say that's the main focus. It's very sweet and funny, but it also goes into Jonathan's trauma over the hospital fight and anxieties (both financial and emotional) about leaving home to go to NYU.
break them right, also by scoutshonor, is also a Jonathan-centric post-S3 fic with lots of Byers-Hopper family stuff plus Stoncy. The main differences are that (a) it's an AU where Hopper is merely badly injured and he and El move in with the Byers immediately after Starcourt and (b) it's heavier, in that Jonathan has an even tougher time with having killed Tom Holloway and that there's a lot of exploration of his Lonnie-related trauma. I love this fic so, so much. For one thing, I think the author "gets" the kind of relationship one has with a parent like Lonnie amazingly right.
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fireflywitch · 1 year
stranger things fic rec friday, 12/23/22
focus on the teens this time, mostly jonathan, with some nancy/jonathan and jonathan/steve/nancy thrown in
People Watching - frutescence (T, 4.5K)
if will and jonathan had one more chance to have that conversation after the piggyback. in between the “two days later” and really nicely well done!
try this trick and spin it - stoprobbers (T, 7.4K)
jonathan after will’s possession, grappling with the trauma of season 2. i will forever love those directly post-s2 fics, and this is no exception! from 2018
reminds you of innocence - dharmainitiative (T, 5.8K)
steve pov of nancy and jonathan and how he could ever fit into that with some speculative season 5 (steve/nancy/jonathan)
i love him well - scoutshonour ((T, 13K)
jonathan on brothers, fathers, and father figures over the years. close focus on family and this author has so many great fics!
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Lmaooo @stoprobbers​ re: Prince William but yeah that makes sense esp with this response too: 
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Thx @nancybadassbyers! these answers def both help answer your question anon; so maybe everyone who goes to these events (idk if guests/plus ones) is a member bc they paid their bafta dues (so charlie would be a BAFTA member bc he pays the dues). I wonder if the people who have been nominated for baftas in the past no longer have to pay bafta dues. 
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wanderleave · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @thelovelyballroomgeek! Does anyone else listen to interview podcasts and have their answers locked and loaded? Because I uh, definitely don't. (This is a lie. Brett Goldstein, call me.)
Last Song: Raffaella & Hippo Campus - Maps which is a just fine cover but once again the best Maps is the one Ted Leo does in the middle of his Since U Been Gone cover
Currently Watching: I started rewatching Sense8 during Pride so I'm toggling between that and starting Star Trek: Strange New Worlds bc a friend gave me her Paramount Plus password. I'm liking it so far!
Currently Reading: I just started Witch King by Martha Wells and I'm slowly rereading Dark Age by Pierce Brown because the 6th book in the series comes out soon and despite me having a very love hate relationship with it, I'm still gonna read it.
Current Obsession: Honestly tomorrow is the 2 month anniversary and I'm still as into Tears of the Kingdom as I was at 12:03 AM on May 12th when Nintendo finally let me start playing it (per my frantic WhatsApps texts). Am I 1700 words into a fic? Maybe. Am I 60 words into another? Again, maybe! Will they ever see the light of day? Probably not but who knows!
Tagging people recently in my activity so: @allatariel @stoprobbers @beef-a-ronie @ichabodjane @kikilovestosleep
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jancys-blue-bayou · 2 years
Regarding scriptgate or what you call it
Even aside from that it’s quite obviously a scam, I don’t get why people are so interested in seeing scripts, real or fake, after we’ve already seen the actual episodes. Because, canon = what we see on screen. Scripts aren’t canon. Canon is just the actual show we watch not a script bc even real scripts differ from the finished product. Things change A LOT between the script stage and airing through filming (improv), editing and other post prod etc. A script can’t ever be viewed as canon since it will include or exclude things that are in the actual show, the only true and real canon. And yes what we’re shown on screen is up to interpretation but uh that’s kind of a basic point of all fiction, and you can’t then point to a (real or fake) script and claim “see my interpretation is the right one because look at this in the script”. Because the same script will also be missing improvised lines etc that quite clearly are canon because they happened. You can’t pick and choose, it’s either all or nothing. All that’s on screen is canon, everything else is not.
In case you’re wondering, the “script” going around is really obviously fake and a scam. How can you tell? Inconsistencies between the confirmed legit scripts 1x01 & 2x09 as pointed out here by @stoprobbers + as many have observed, lines that have been confirmed by actors/writers to have been improvised are in the script, they shouldn’t be. Aside from all these issues just, the uh whole thing just reeks of a scam? Apparently this dude got people to give him money through gofundme and kept delaying releasing the scripts? Both are HUGE red flags. Don’t trust the Internet, people. Don’t give strange men on the Internet your money.
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
Fic writer asks! 14, 16, 32, 39 :)
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
The spirit of Nancy Wheeler or Jonathan Byers enters my body, possesses me and it results in a paragraph. The serious answer is I don't feel like I write really big emotional scenes, but I'm also very specific about what music I listen to when I write so I think that's how I tap into emotions. For emotional dialogue specifically, I try to imagine if I could see/hear the character saying it and then edit as necessary
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
PLS 😭 SO MANY SO SO SO SO MANY. The one that infected my brain today is a Modern AU for Byler where they're coworkers at a Barnes & Noble, Mike sells Books & Will is a barista but idk if anything Will come from that. I'm also rotating Jonathan & Nancy in the microwave per usual (who can say what their up to) but the big one I want to start is the 10 Things I Hate About You Byler/Jancy AU
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Stoprobbers, maddie_grove, gnarly_love & You ofc! (but also I love all of our Jancy writers so much)
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Nancy adjusts her bangs and applies lipstick as final checks. She's not going to stay out long, but Mike has practically begged her to join him and Will. So now she's meeting them at some bar downtown to celebrate Jonathan's birthday. She's halfway out the door before she remembers to grab her phone.  'ur late'  A text from Mike reads she rolls her eyes. She's not even that late. Her phone starts buzzing in her hand, God could her brother be more obnoxious.  "What?!" Nancy snaps answering the phone "Hello to you too" Jonathan laughs Technically, Jonathan is her ex. But they had both been so young Nancy really doesn't feel like it counts. They had dated for a while in high school but broken up right before college. There were no hard feelings really, they just wanted different things. So now they're just friends, quasi in-laws and she ignores the flips in her stomach after too many glasses of wine when he looks at her. She makes a mental note to stick to vodka sodas tonight. "Sorry Mike is on my ass and I didn't-" Nancy starts to explain "Oh good so you're late too" he jokes "How can you be late when you live with them?” she questions “Despite what your dad thinks I do have this thing called a job” he snarks  “Ha ha very funny” “But you are coming right?” he checks  “I am literally on my way” she promises “Good I don't want to spend the whole night with Mike and Will being Mike and Will” he complains “Yea I figured” she half-laughs back Their brothers had gotten engaged recently and made sure everyone knew it. Nancy would consider it cute if they weren't obnoxious in front of a newly single Jonathan. In her opinion it was bad enough he had to move into their brother's place, but the boys seemingly have no worries over whether or not they're upsetting him.  “Ground control to major Nancy” he jokes  “Yea yea sorry lost in thought” she apologizes  “You don't say” he teases “Why did you call again?” she sasses back at him “Do you need a ride?” he questions sincerely "No Jonathan, I don't need a ride to your birthday dinner" she assures him exasperated “Alright just checking, I'll see you soon” “Yea see ya” she tells him ending their call
^ Idk if that will become a fic we'll see
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
the duffer brothers wrote in the comments that there will be no time jump in the mid season.
The writers' exact comment: "Not a time jump. Does it mean anything? 🤔" (thank you to @stoprobbers for providing a link)
And I wouldn't take the 'does this mean anything" part too seriously. They have to troll us a little bit 😊
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jancy-central · 9 months
Hello and Happy Saturday, Jancy shippers, Jancy fanfic writers and Jancy fanfic readers!
So, moving forward Smutty Saturdays will be the first Saturday of the month and the rest will be Spotlight Saturdays. If there is a fic you want to see us Spotlight, please send us a message.
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Today’s Spotlight is a fic by @stoprobbers that just feels so… REAL when I read it. It feels so true to Jancy and the show. It is just so… GOOD. Check it out and as always, leave comments, kudos, etc.;
Please note the prompts that we’ve put out thus far for this month’s theme, SCHOOL. All general info is in the pinned post. 📚✏️
Reminder: Jancy Fanfic Central is working collaboratively with Jancy Week 2023 so if there are any prompts/themes you’d like to see, feel free to send them to us here. Be on the lookout for more info on Jancy Week soon but until then, check out their page at @jancyweeks.
As always, feel free to message us with any questions, whether you are a fic reader or a fic writer. Both of us write fanfic so we are open to helping however we can. Need a beta? Message us and we’ll either help you or put out a call for beta help! Hit writer’s block? Maybe we can help? SEND US AN ASK OR A DM.
Happy Saturday! 📖 ✍🏼
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thedalektables · 2 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University Series: Part 1 of Sweetheart!Verse Summary:
i belong with you, you belong with me, you’re my sweetheart
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willel · 3 years
Quick point to make about the source of the blood in the room. I'm 99.9% sure it can't be a Demogorgon.
That's because we SEE the first Demogorgon enter our universe in season 1. El opens the rip between Hawkins and the Upside Down in the isolation tank as Brenner pushes her further and further. And if this is a flashback to before 1983, and it's strongly implied in the teaser that it is, then that's before El ever opened that rip.
And we also see, explicitly, in s1 that they don't know what a Demogorgon is.
Number extermination makes (horrific) sense. So does number berserker mass death. But they'd have to totally retcon one of the biggest, and most explicitly shown, parts of s1 to make it a Demogorgon attack.
I think people were saying these kids died that night when El let loose the Demogorgon, just like that scientist.
Because you’re right, until El opened that rift, there was no Demogorgon. Brenner and the scientist clearly knew little to nothing about it or the upside down
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thebadddestwolf · 3 years
ER is streaming on Hulu!
omg yessss
publishing as a psa. Thank you!!
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