oheyfox · 2 months
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Satan from "kiss in hell"
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chersbows · 6 months
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Why is this game so underrated currently obsessed with it
(yes this a post where ı try to get people play the game)
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alzirr0 · 2 years
"Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Part 1
Feat: Spica, and Alpheratz
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Crack
Warnings: Second half has very mild spoilers for floor 2, and the limited beach event.
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2: Pollux, Sirius
There's an infinitesimal moment of silence as you wait for his response, his emerald orbs stare back at you. The two of you are leisurely drinking your warm beverages that he prepared on a cold morning when you asked him the question.
"Pray tell," he begins, setting his now empty cup down on the table with such grace befitting someone as elegant as him, before sending you a questioning look. "Why would you be a worm, of all things—"
"It is a hypothetical question," you cut him off.
"Did someone threaten to alter your form—"
"No. No one did," you cut him off again, not wanting him to go off into a tangent about how you must summon him if anyone is bold enough to harm you; he really can be a worrywart at times. This earns you a disapproving look from the sorcerer, though.
"I am just asking purely because of curiosity," you add. That's a lie, you are asking not out of pure curiosity, but because you're bored and what greater way of entertaining yourself than engaging in nonsensical casual conversations with the First Sorcerer of Virgo. But he doesn't need to know that. You offer him a smile, which you hope looks innocent and unassuming enough to be taken as a form of assurance.
"I will try to find a way to turn you back into—"
"No magic allowed!" You interject. "Come on, like I said, it is just a hypothetical question."
"Y/n," Spica utters out, sounding almost exasperated, "I am not liking this new habit you developed where you kept on interrupting what I have to say."
You give him a sheepish smile as you mutter an apology.
He gives you a curt nod in return, before promptly crossing his arms against his chest along with closing his eyes in contemplation. "Mind telling me why you ask me such bizarre question?"
Holding back the urge to groan, you reply, "I already told you, I'm just curious. Just answer with a yes or no, please?"
Spica remains eyeing you for a moment, eyebrows knitted tight enough to form subtle lines on his forehead. He's so confused and the facial expression he has makes him look constipated, you are at the brink of breaking your resolve and to just let your laughter bubble out, but you persevere.
"Well?" You egg him on.
He decides there's no harm in indulging you.
"To answer your question, yes, and I'd still care about you just the same. Though, if I have no way to turn you back into your original form, then it's important for us to find an environment which will be optimal for your new one," he responds, nodding to himself, "I would have to take you to your natural habitat."
"Wow that's a roundabout way of saying you'll get rid of me."
"That is not my intention, y/n . Neither the mansion nor the Contell Academy is the ideal place for a worm to live in. What if you get caught up and trampled on during a dorm war or something even worse? I take it you don't fancy having to live in a jar just to secure your safety, do you?" Spica tries to reason out.
Really, he's not certain why he still hasn't detached himself from this trivial conversation. A change of topic is very much welcome, but seeing how invested you are with this inquiry of yours, he goes against his better judgement.
He sighs before continuing, "The best solution I can see is ensuring you'd reside somewhere more convenient for you. I'd monitor your condition on a regular basis. Under no circumstances would I ever abandon you."
You're not sure what could be worse than getting trampled on by rowdy sorcerers, maybe the idea of living in a jar that had been repurposed into being your new home. Atleast he made it clear that he'll still have your back even if you hypothetically transform into a worm. You stifle a giggle and opt to feign disappointment as you merely look at him, trying to appear sullen.
Spica looks conflicted upon studying your face. "What course of action is acceptable to you, then?" He heaves a sigh of defeat, "You're hard to please."
You crack up laughing, finding this whole ordeal and his exasperation amusing. Once you regain your composure, you finally take pity on the man before you, deciding you've entertained yourself enough. Afterall, you still have more important matters to discuss. Besides, you'll have more chances of bringing up questions like this in the future.
"You know what, let's drop this. So, why did you request for me to meet you?" you say, referring to the message you received on your stella tab earlier.
Spica sighs for the umpteenth time, but this one is of relief. "Yes. I am in need of your help for this particular visit. As a matter of fact..."
He lays out the details of the mission and you dutifully listen. You voice out your queries relevant to the current topic every now and then whenever something seems unclear to you. Spica is more than happy to address your queries, since these kinds of questions are much... easier to make sense of than the one you asked him earlier.
"You really woke me up for this?"
"You weren't asleep."
"I was just about to be before you smacked me." Alpheratz deadpans, before closing his eyes again. You remain quiet as you let him go back to trying to get a nap.
You don't really want to disturb him, especially since he's the one who graciously invited you to settle on the spot next to him under the tree. You suppose he assumed you're in need of a nap too like himself, but you're not feeling particularly sleepy. Hence, why you tried to start a conversation meant to be humorous for you, but it seems like the man beside you is not up for it, which is understandable given how trifling your question was.
Accepting that you'll have to pass the time on your own, you turn your attention towards the sky. You recall that large mammals, which roam the oceans on Earth or Mid Eartheim as they call it in this world, are instead can be seen roaming the skies of Bound Arlyn. You squint as your eyes strain from the sunlight, scanning the horizons to see if you can catch a whale fleeting by.
"I don't know what you want me to say, but I'll tell you what I'd do instead," Alpheratz suddenly drawls out followed by a deep sigh, eyes slowly fluttering open to find yours.
You're pleasantly surprised, you're no longer really expecting a response from him. There's a triumphant grin on your face as you bask in the fact that despite of his 'i-can't-be-bothered' bravado, you most often than not managed to make him relent to your whims, even ones as nonsensical as this.
You turn the upper half of your body from your sitting position and tilt your head down to face him, still laying on his back on the grass, both of you shielded from the sun under the shade provided by the abundant leaves of the large tree you're resting your back against. You blink at him as you motion for him to continue.
"I'd pick you up," he starts, sounding nonchalant. "Like this," —He then brings his arm forward, reaching out to present his hand to your eye level, making a show of pinching his forefinger and thumb close together until they're almost touching— "and then put you on my shoulder. Carry you around Bound Arlyn with me, like a talisman to ward off troublesome situations and bothersome people."
"First of all, please, that's disgusting. Second, I did not say that I'd be capable of warding off anything!"
"A feature you should consider having if you decide to live in that form." Alpheratz grins, chuckling as you shoot him an indignant look.
Quickly, you change tact. "You still haven't given a direct answer to my question though, a simple yes or no would have sufficed," you point out.
Alpheratz props himself up on his elbows, adjusting his body into an upright position as he throws you a look of disbelief. "I just told you that I'd put you on my shoulder even if you're a... worm, out of my own free will Y/n. What else do you want from me? Profess my undying devotion for you? That'll give the both of us goosebumps."
This elicits a bright laugh from you, something that Alpheratz finds endearing and somehow makes this odd topic more bearable.
"If it's anyone else, I'd use them as fish bait instead," he adds.
"As if," you quip. "The last time you went fishing you didn't even bother to use a bait."
"Nevermind then, I'd just feed them to a bird," he says airily. "But since it's you, I'm doing none of those. I'd be taking care of you instead. If that isn't love then I don't know what is."
"Should I feel honored?" you ask in jest. Alpheratz only casts you a furtive glance as he barks out a laugh with his eyes turning into the shape of crescent moons in reply.
"Now to think of it, wouldn't that be beneficial for the both of us should you really turn into one? I won't have to go to greater lengths in driving the old man away, and preventing you from getting involved even more in our mess," he casually remarks. Humming to himself as his eyes subtly shift to the side, seemingly caught up in his own mind, deliberating about turning the idea into reality.
You gape at him incredulously. "I don't see how that would even be beneficial to me."
"Whaddya mean? You'd be safe. How is that not beneficial to you?"
"I'd be literally a worm?"
"But, an alive and well worm," he counters, "Now, should we really turn you into one? Which do you prefer, flatworm or roundworm? I'll even let you choose what kind you'd like to be."
Your eyes widen at the prospect. You've seen Sirius use transformation magic before, that time when he appeared as Betelgeuse. You're aware that other sorcerers are capable of altering their forms, too. However, in your stay in Neb Aula, not once have you seen anyone use any kind of transformation magic towards someone else, atleast not yet. You wonder if it's really possible, perhaps it is. Knowing Alpheratz' exceptional prowess in spells and magic, you don't want to risk subjecting yourself into the life of being an invertebrate.
"Hey," he breaks the silence, after several seconds of not receiving a response from you.
You whip your head back to his direction, your eyes are met by his lavender ones, with his brows raised and his visage tinged with mirth.
"If you can't already tell, which you obviously can't, I'm just joking," he snorts, "You look like you're ready to bolt."
You really are, to further prove this point, you stand up from your position, opting to escort yourself out from this situation without so much as saying goodbye to your companion. You can hear Alpheratz' jovial laughter as you make your hasty escape.
a/n: Based on those tiktok videos trending back in 2020.
It's been a LONG while since I've written a fanfic. But I was so smitten with ArTw that I can't help myself from contributing something to this community. I've been playing for only 3 weeks as of writing this, so I may not have a firm grasp of each character's personality. I apologize if I haven't managed to portray them very accurately. Regardless, I hope you'll enjoy this piece.
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daheitu · 4 months
I've been without wifi for the last three days so sorry for not posting lately ,, I could only work on my drawings and without references so here's some stuff I made Kylar inspired by 'Le mal sorcier by Amatsuki-san' and Shamhat WIP
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fishfish-228 · 1 month
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barbierosie · 3 months
can somebody who speaks korean ask storytaco about season 2 i am crying sobbing screaming i miss the game so much 😭😭😭
no events either 😨😨
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vivixrocks · 1 year
Lucydream…. Please continue the zombie apocalypse story sometime… EVERYONE DID SO WELL ON DANGEROUS FELLOWS…
Dangerous fellows is such a small game and it’s so sad. I feel like it had more potential in it and you can see it but whether it’s do to budget or something else we don’t get to see that. It’s also such interesting story I want to learn more about everyone!
Like there’s a bigger picture here, Zion had two cousins, Jae and Zoey and Jae is looking for Zoey and Jae also a childhood friend Shane and they found this random ass kid Lily. Lawrence has a brother and Ethan mentions he has a sister in his episode card I think, Sue was student council president,,, the original Mac from dfel is missing from havenless and dangerous shelter?? Also something about the beginning of dangerous fellows talking about protests against the government and then all of a sudden there a zombie break out??? What the fuck.
Please…. Spin off game please…
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ellobosh · 11 months
I think dangerous fellows has so much potential and is so well made. The story, plot and characters are all amazing. It's unfortunate that StoryTaco isn't working and making developments to this game. I really love this game and hope that maybe one day, there may be a petition for StoryTaco to add more functions, story lines, and events like a lot of other otome games. It's been years and there isn't more development. I think StoryTaco should work on developing their games instead of just making new ones. Last of all, I really think that the data saving/data transfer system thingy should add something similar to obey me, like a code and password instead of just saving by email. I've had a lot of trouble with games that had me save by email and ended up losing my progress and quiting. I didn't bother contacting them because almost all of the time, they don't respond.
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lookingfornews3738 · 4 months
Planning to write a Dirty Crown Scandal fanfic.
So I'm having a brainrot and obsession moment because of that game.
Sorry about that moment of weirdness.
So my plan about it is to write a pre-canon arc slash a moment of transmigration of Matias(MC) and then the canon(game) arc where the divergence happens. Or the divergence already happened because of the pre-canon??? Anyways, I'm gonna write about it.
*cheering urself: LEZZ GO SELF! WHOOO
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chuuyastinysock · 1 year
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blue-howlite · 10 months
I just finished Eternal Afterlife (kinda, still haven't obtained all of the memories and epilogues), and can I say I loved it.
Spoilers ahead so skip down if you haven't gotten the secret ending yet.
I can proudly say I was going after "MacGuffin" since the first time I saw him as a cosmic-smoke mass in a suit. Like alright he was weird but he never seemed harmful to me, and in my head I liked to call him "daddy universe".
And my instincts just decided to kick in like motherfuckers I guess.
This guy waited 720 years for MC to see every ending and live with everyone. He literally changed the way he talks, that's how long he's been away and he felt it, he can't lie about that shit.
Not only that. He is fine with MC not remembering anything and is actually relieved she won't feel guilty about the time he waited for her.
This man committed mass genocide in two worlds, waited for more than seven centuries even though all he had to do was show MC his memories and tell her the truth, and still worried about MC seeing the bodies laying around in that other universe as he lied to her about what really happened. Then proceeded to marry her the very next day.
If this man doesn't appear on (and wins) a husband contest I'm going to throw hands.
Plus his first words to MC- it felt so relatable.
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He was laying down, reading in the garden, giving zero fucks about what others thought, and I love it. Such an absolute introvert thing.
I could write a paragraph about him I swear. I should stop.
No I'm sorry he's such a menace and I have a sweet spot for menaces.
This one made me wheeze out loud.
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Sir why do you look flustered after she threatened to break your head-
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Yeah also men covered in the blood of their enemies after saving the life of their loved ones, anyone?
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The little smirk as he lies is just a treat because he's still covered in blood but he's also brushing off the centuries he waited for her.
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redheadkittys · 1 year
...bc of a friend i started secret crossing...
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...and i'm asking myself already: wtf do i play here😂...i mean i play with plants😳 PLANTS...
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...of course i selected the most annoying one🤣...
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...and i'm curious if this is what i think it is 😏(i mean it's an R18 game so yeah it is what i think it is🥵💦)...
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alzirr0 · 2 years
"Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Part 2
Feat: Pollux, and Sirius
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Crack
Warnings: Mildly suggestive on Sirius' part of the story (we all know how he gets)
Navigation: Part 1: Spica, Alpheratz | Part 2
"...Huh? Where's the punchline?" Pollux asks, voice slightly muffled with his cheeks adorably puffed out in mid-chew of a spoonful of pancake he shoved in his mouth moments prior. He's clad in his casual attire, sitting across you in a café you frequent together.
"There's no punchline. I am asking you." You fix him an expectant look as you repeat your question, "Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Pollux tries his best not to gawk at you as if you've grown two heads. His bicolored eyes dart across your face, trying to gauge whether you're really expecting an answer from him or not. Seeing the unyielding gaze you're giving him, he deduces that you, in fact, are waiting for an answer to your rather odd question. He remains unresponsive for several seconds more. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think your inquiry had broken Pollux.exe.
“For how long are you going to resemble a mute?”
Pollux finally snaps out of his trance, swallowing his mouthful of pancakes before granting you a response, “Geez, give me a break, I just can’t believe you want me to answer that,” he grumbles, pushing the food around his plate with his cutlery, suddenly not finding his meal very appetizing. "I don't know... is this a trick question? Can I just answer with a no?"
"You can, but that'll only imply you wouldn't have taken an interest in me if—"
"What?! That definitely isn't it!” Pollux protests, not even allowing you to finish your statement. He runs a dainty hand through his soft locks in mild frustration. He really is the type who's easily worked up, you note. “But... you'd be a worm."
"And?" There’s a defiant tilt to your chin, as if you’re challenging him.
“I mean, how is that going to work for us? Should I start learning how to communicate with a worm? Would you still choose to love me if you were a worm and I am still me? ” You bite the insides of your cheeks to refrain from breaking into an amused grin as Pollux fires at you his barrage of questions, "If I ask you the same thing, how are you gonna answer then?"
"You're evading my question, I asked you first."
"Fine! Fine..." he trails off, mumbling barely audible words, which you somehow manage to discern are actually complaints. "Yeah, yeah, I'd still love or whatever the worm version of you."
"Now you're just saying that because you know I'd be disappointed otherwise."
He shoots you a disbelieving look, whining as he throws his arms in the air exasperatedly. "Y/n, Y/n, what should I do then? Why are you even asking me this? It's so weird..." His brows begin to furrow in concern. "With my luck, what if something bad happens to you because of me? I won't be able to forgive myself."
You give him a reassuring smile, dismissing his worries as you reach out to give a comforting poke on his cheek, which he playfully swats, a coy smile forming on his lips.
"Forget it then, Pol. But can I ask you another question?" You inquire saccharinely, trying to lighten up the mood.
He perks up and nods in agreement before taking a large gulp of his drink, happy to change the subject.
"Would you still love me if I were a louse?"
It's almost comical how fast he visibly deflates, shoulders sagging exasperatedly as he slumps back on his seat. "Y/n, Y/n, that question doesn't make sense at all either!" He exclaims.
You snicker as Pollux frowns, looking so done with your shenanigans. Scoffing, he gestures his hand in your direction. "What would you want me to do then? I'll just go with whatever you want."
You look at him dead in the eye as you reply, "Put me on your scalp and let me thrive there."
Pollux recoils in horror, heterochromatic eyes blown so wide you fear they'll fall out of their sockets. "The hell?! Y/n that's gross!"
Feigning being crestfallen by his reaction, you jut your lower lip out in a pout and painstakingly avert your gaze. Upon seeing your expression, Pollux immediately backpedals.
"Wait! Fine! What you said," he begrudgingly concedes. "On my scalp, you'd stay. Make it itchy I don’t care anymore. Go wild."
You can't help but cackle at his defeated tone, offering him a pleasant smile once you regain your composure.
"But, how are we even going to hang out if things are gonna be like that?" he sulks. His face crumples in a mix of deep thought and perhaps, the still lingering confusion your question had left in its wake. He's pensive for a moment as he mulls over his previous query, as if not being able to hang out with you would be his biggest problem in a scenario where you’re no longer a human.
"Well I don't know about you. In my case I'd literally be hanging on your hair strands," you wheeze when Pollux just raises a hand in surrender. "Don't fret about it too much, let's just say I’m still capable of human speech even as a louse. More chitchat time for us since we'd be practically glued together."
"That would be a different twist to having a conversation in my head," he notes thoughtfully.
"More like having a conversation with the parasite on your head."
"People who would happen to see me talking to you like that would think I'm a loony," Pollux murmurs, but after picturing himself getting caught in mid-conversation with you as a louse, he can't help but let out an amused snort. Shoving another spoonful of his food to his mouth, Pollux goes back to enjoying his meal as your conversation comes into a lull.
Suddenly remembering that you’ve been meaning to ask him to lend you his notes for a lecture you’ve missed when you’ve fallen asleep zoned out during the discussion in one of your classes, you call for his attention once again.
“By the way Pol, I’ve been meaning to ask you about—”
Pollux snaps his head in your direction with a dreadful look in his heterochromatic eyes.
"Please don't ask me 'would you still love me if I were a mosquito?' next and demand that I let you bite my arm and suck my blood dry," he pleads.
You blink at him before you roar with laughter as you double over. Pollux looks at you with an affronted expression, before eventually seeing the humor in it too as his shoulders shake when he laughs with abandon. In between your fits of laughter, you manage to assure him that you won't ask him questions like that again… for now.
Cue Pollux whining in protest.
"Absolutely,” he confidently replies without even batting an eye. His eyes that fondly remind you of a kaleidoscope twinkle mischievously when he smiles at you. "For you I'd be a worm too, Summoner. I'd be keeping you company."
You snort a laugh as you nod approvingly. “Not the worst answer. You pass, I guess.”
His eyebrows quirk up at your remark. “Was that supposed to be a test? Such a strange way of phrasing it, I must say,” he comments before turning his head to focus on the path ahead.
Sirius gravitates closer to you as the both of you trek down the streets leading to the theatre to watch another play, which Sirius had insisted on buying tickets for, so you can watch it together. A comfortable silence envelopes you as you fall in stride with him. The sun is just beginning to set, but in spite of the fact that the day is coming to an end, there’s still a busy flow of people in the area that is yet to dwindle out.
"Do you know that some worms are hermaphrodites? An individual’s body has a set of both male and female reproductive organs,” Sirius muses out loud, breaking the serenity.
You turn your head to face the man beside you, paying attention to what he has to say as you expect him to further elaborate his little trivia.
Sirius meets your gaze, his lips pressed into a sly smirk. “If we are to live as one of them, we should pick a type that had long gone extinct, and repopulate it together."
You nearly trip, and almost choke on your own spit. "You did not just say that."
"Oh but I just did,” he pipes up, rather pleased of himself for a reason unbeknownst to you.
You give him the side eye as you brace yourself for whatever kind of nonsense he's going to blabber about.
“I'd finally have you all to myself. I don't mind whatever shape or form I'll have to take," he continues, not breaking eye contact, you note that they're sparkling in a way that you can't read what really lies on his mind. “The idea isn't extremely repulsive. Think about it, Y/n. No duty, no responsibility, and most of all, no… distractions.” Sirius lists each advantage he can think of, lifting a finger for each one.
"Yep, not happening," you proclaim.
"Is that rejection I hear? Lacking tact too, I see," he laments, clutching his chest in faux hurt. "You really do know how to wound a man, Summoner."
"Quit with the dramatics, that won't sway me," you chide.
“Let’s give it a chance. If things go awry we can always just return to our true forms,” Sirius stresses almost every word as if doing so will make you see his point, which you firmly believe is non-existent anyway. "So, what do you say if I tell you I’m more than ready to go and give it a try right here and then?”
"If you transform yourself into a worm right now I'd crush you under my shoe."
"Lovingly? A bit on the sadistic side, but I don't mind if you're into that. I'm always willing to try new things with you—"
"You're breaking my heart here." Sirius sullenly shakes his head, sighing dejectedly in an attempt to pull at your heartstrings.
You wrinkle your nose at his theatrics. "Why don't you tell me something about this play we're about to watch instead? You were so adamant in convincing me to watch it with you."
"Eager to drop the subject that you, yourself, were the one who brought it up in the first place?" he taunts, quirking an eyebrow teasingly.
You shoot him an unamused look. Eyes narrowing dangerously, to which Sirius only gives you a winning smile of his in return.
"Alright, I digress. As always, I picked only the best seats for us. Wouldn't want my wiggly worm to miss out on anything since what we're about to watch—"
"Your what? " you squawk as you turn to him in horror. Sirius opens his mouth to reply but just before he can say even more absurd things, you interject, "You are not calling me that."
"You may call me yours, too. It's the perfect pet name for us, is it not?" Sirius responds, deliberately ignoring your earlier demand.
"You better not be serious right now."
"How can I not when I actually go by that name?"
Intent on leaving him behind, you quicken your pace. Not wanting to garner the attention of the other people passing by, you resist the urge to become a runner and a track star just to increase the distance between the two of you. Your attempt turns out to be futile anyway, for within a few long strides, Sirius manages to keep up with you with no trouble at all, smiling down at you brightly. You silently curse his long legs.
You can only hope that he won't actually keep on calling you that horrendous and absolutely not flattering pet name he came up with. The nerve of this man, you initiated this conversation expecting that you'll get a few good laughs out of it because of his reactions. But this man pulled an uno reverse card by turning you into his source of entertainment instead.
Sirius slips his hand into yours and gives it a tentative squeeze. "I meant every word I've said Y/n. Well, atleast most of it." He playfully winks as the both of you enter the doors of the building hand in hand.
a/n: I hope you'll find it in yourself to enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed the writing process.
I didn't expect I'll have that much fun, haha. Once I've laid down the general idea, the characters pretty much wrote their own dialogues and I just went with the flow. Busying myself in making this helped me cope from the lack of new in-game content 🤧 let's all hang in there. xx
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daheitu · 6 months
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So far?!?! It’s been … good … and kinda … WEIRD!? I’ve only go a little bit for Episode 00!! 😩😫😭
I needing them star gems!! X)) <33 I like how we get to see MC’s face!! ^^ This new style of how they are laid out in ‘Lobby’ area’s sooo cool!! ^^ ❤️‍🔥
I played Love Pheromone like finished it alll da ways , it was MIND BOGGLING!! 😂😭🖕🏼🖕🏼 Loved it!! xD So far, THIS one’s beginning’s giving me a wholee lot of “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ONNN?!?!” — it’s kinda like … how Jet (in Red) & Pulsar (in White) , were feeling too when MC appears with them!! ;0
Anyways, will be posting updates on it alll later onnn!! ^^ ;* Oh!! ^^;; alsoooo~~ will be speaking on the OTHER Storytaco Otomes tooo!! (>.<) I’ll get there soon!! ;D just been busy haha!! 😂💕🥰
P.S: I LIKE THE WAY HOW I DID NOT REALISE THAT BOTH JET N PULSAR WERE… GHOSTS!! Dx There is Macguffin too!! ^^ ;33 He’s sexyyy!! ;0 from the CG we unlocked !! DD:
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lys-lilac · 2 years
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So what
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