#street kings fan fic
wiypt-writes · 2 years
Rock ‘n’ Roll People, In A Disco World
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Part 17: Disco Dancing With The Lights Down Low
Part 2: Well hello, Stud.
Summary: You and Paul take an ‘adults’ only trip to Mexico. Sun, sea…and all the other things beginning with S…
Warnings: Bad Language, NSFW (18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCS that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Reblogs are fine and are my jam, baby.
W/C: 5.9k
A/N: Okay, so… i know I said by end of the month but I realised that’s not that long off so…here it is. Remember, Part 3 will be the Paul Diskant entrance for mine and @spectre-posts Kinktober
Rock N Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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When feeling returned to your bodies, the pair of you collapsed into bed as the sounds of the ocean at night lulled you into a deep sleep. The next day was as promised, sun, sand, laziness. Around lunch the two of you returned to the villa and with snacks in hand, fell asleep together sharing the macramé hammock on your deck.
Before dinner, you face timed again to check in with the kids who gleefully told you all about their day at the pier with Grumpy and Nanny. Connor won Jack a new teddy, Jack unfortunately won another fish but Paul's parents just seemed so happy with them both and Woody was doing just fine being a good guard dog.
“So Batman has his Robin, huh?” Paul snorted as the pair of you both laughed at how Jim explained he’d been forced to go back to your house and deposit him in the tank in Jack’s room.
“I was hoping he’d miss,” Jim snorted, “but we also realised next time you wanna do this we can just come to stay at yours. Don’t know why we didn’t do that this time round. Would be the most logical thing to do…”
"Change in scenery wasn't going to kill them, Pop.”
“Hmmm more like you wanted them to trash our house so you didn’t have a mess to clean up.”
Dot laughed, "I wouldn't leave it like that."
Jim rolled his eyes as Paul laughed, “it was an adventure for them. Camp Grumpy, remember? You know they love coming to stay with you guys.”
"How's Jack behaving?” You asked.
“He’s been fine.” Dotty assured you. “They both have. We’ve had a few small little squabbles but nothing major. And they’re sharing a room. We heard Jack crying on the first night but just as Jim was heading across the hall to get him, he saw Jack take himself over the landing and crawl in with Ceej. And that was it.”
You smiled, the news having warmed your heart. Your eyes welled up as you glanced at Paul. He winked at you before he looked back at the screen. “They love each other deep down.” He smiled. “Well, we gotta go get dinner. Let us know once they’re handed over tomorrow and we’ll call Nick and Maria.”
"You got it," Big Jim nodded.
You missed the goodbye between Disco and his parents as you'd gone to slip into your dinner dress. It was a casual affair, so you slipped into a backless linen halter dress, black and long.
You heard Paul shuffle into the room and two large hands fell to your hips, bearded lips kissed your neck from behind.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in your ear.
"Thank you.”
“Gimme five and I’ll be ready.” He kissed your cheek and then moved to pull his outfit from the closet.
You headed down the stairs and waited for Paul there, looking out across your patio at the beach. Your mind flashed through your entire life together and it made you emotional. The love you felt for this man, a man who absolutely worshipped you and desired you daily was indescribable. Sometimes, you felt unworthy of such a love, of such a man. But most times, you kept in the forefront of your mind how lucky you were.
And a reminder of just how lucky, was permanently on display through that now well faded, but still visible, scar on the left side of his neck.
He'd made this trip all about you, the two of you. Not rekindling of romance, as your relationship had never lacked on that front, but it was certainly unearthing the connection the two of you had that had somewhat been set aside with work and parenting. Now, as you waited in the warm evening air, you decided that after dinner you were going to make the evening about him. You knew each and every trigger Paul had that would arouse him, make him putty in your hands and it all started from that mark, that reminder of so much in your lives.
He disturbed your thoughts as he walked out onto the balcony, dressed in a pair of khaki coloured chinos and a short-sleeved black button down
“Well hello Stud," you smirked.
“Mrs Diskant,” he winked, his hand outstretched, “let’s eat, babe.”
You held hands as you walked along the plank board walkway through the outskirts of the jungle and towards the main lobby. You dined along the sand that night, the beach lit by Tiki torches and thatched roof coverings over the tables. It was local fare, a combination of Caribbean and Mexican flavors. You shared wine over your meals and when you were through, you walked along the rolling tide back to your villa.
Paul opened the door and then stepped aside, letting you in first, his hand falling to the bare base of your back. When you heard the click of the lock, you turned on your heel and looked at your husband. Your eyes roamed his frame, his thick, muscular and broad shoulders filling out that button down. You stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of you. Your fingers touched his collar and dragged along the buttons of his shirt. You plucked the top two and whispered, "find a spot to sit", as you worked the rest of his shirt open.
A flick of his eyebrows and a smirk made sure you knew he’d understood as he backed up to the soft sofa along the edge of the room. You untied the halter of your dress while you stalked toward him, the garment falling to the floor as you stepped out of it. Your eyes were locked on his as you kneeled between his legs.
He said nothing, merely watched you as you slid your hands up and over his toned thighs. You worked his belt loose, popping the button open to his chinos and slid the zipper down along its teeth.
"Lemme take care of you, huh, Stud?" You said with a rasp.
Paul’s large hand curled softly around your face, “as long as I can repay the favour.”
Your hands worked at him, pulling his waistband away from his skin while the other dipped into his boxers and wrapped around his hardened cock. You pulled him free with a gentle twist and tug of your wrist. Your lips enclosed around the tip of his dick and you sucked. You glanced up, his eyes still locked on yours as he gave a soft murmur and a sigh of delight. Hollowing your cheeks, you swallowed his shaft as your free hand cupped his sac.
His right hand rest on the crown of your head, the other gripped at the cushion of the sofa.
You played with him as you sucked him down, rolling his balls in your palm. You bobbed your head and sucked with the hollow of your cheeks, your tongue laving against that vein on the underside of his dick. Your breasts bounced a little as you sucked him off, your knees on the floor of the villa.
“Jesus, baby…” his hips tilted gently, “fuck…so good.”
You hummed around him, careful to find the balance of not too little but not too much so you could claim your prize above; his scar. You knew, of course, just how far you could push him. How could you not after all those years together?
His fingers gripped your scalp through your hair, blunt nails running along your skin. He was close so you backed off and rose to your feet. He watched you, a little v between his eyes as he pouted at the loss of your warm mouth. But he didn’t protest, instead he merely waited.
As you began to take a knee to either side of his hips, your fingers pushed against the open collar of his shirt. You lowered yourself into his lap as he shifted to remove his button down. His hard cock nestled between your folds, moistening him with your arousal.
“Baby?” He questioned softly, his hands on your hips.
"Hmm," you leaned forward to kiss him, his face in your hands. He kissed you back, eagerly, thick swipes of his tongue against yours.
You rolled your hips, sliding your folds along his dick. You pulled back and kissed his jaw, along the cut line of bone toward his ear and down his neck. Your tongue licked at the dip above his collarbone before finding your mark. You kissed the skin tenderly at first, then ran your tongue along the raised shape of his scar.
“Shit…” his neck strained as his fingers dug into the flesh at your waist. His hips jolted upward a little, a groan slipping from his swollen lips.
"You feel that, huh, Stud?" You whispered against him.
He swallowed, a little nod of his head to show you he did. Your left hand cupped his chin and turned his head a little to his right, exposing his neck more. Your lips covered the scar and you sucked at the mark like you had just done to his tip.
You felt a rumble in his throat as his body trembled beneath you, his hips pushing up again as he rubbed against you. His tip hit your clit and you whimpered. Reaching between the two of you, you brought his dick upright so you could slide him right into your aching hole. All the while your assault on his skin with your lips never ceasing.
“Fuck, fuck…” he chanted as he rolled upwards into you, “sweetheart…”
"Yeah, baby," you hummed, "right there, Stud."
“I can’t…” he groaned, “can’t…I need…”
"Give it, baby," you titled back.
He looked up at you, and in a flash you found yourself on your back, the cool floor of the villa beneath you, as a surprised squeal escaped you.
“Jesus…” Paul gripped your hips as he pushed back into you, his hand sliding down your legs to wrap them round his waist.
Your back arched off the floor as he thrust into you. "You better fuck me hard," you managed.
His reply was simply a growl. "Fucking tease me like that, fuck Sugar," he grunted, “you’re such a fucking minx at times…”
Now you chanted profanities as he railed you. His eyes were blown black as he stared you down. He groaned as he pounded into you, his hands placed flat on the floor either side of your head. His hips snapped and snapped, and you could feel every inch of him inside you. Over and over he hit that sweet spot, and you were fast building towards cuming.
“Come on, Sugar…” he almost snarled through his teeth, his jaw twitching as a sheen of sweat covered his brow, “come on…come on…”
You knew he was struggling to hold back.
"I'm... So.... Oh shit," you cried out.
“Oh, god…fuck, fuck…” he practically roared as he came, the pair of you lost in the throes of your bliss.
He collapsed over you, barely missing a crush to your frame as he rolled to his side, taking you with him. The pair of you couldn’t talk, instead you laid there, drawing in ragged breaths.
When you could finally move, Paul pulled you to your feet and grabbed your clothes. You showered together before collapsing into bed.
The morning of your spa day, you found yourself delightfully cuffed to the driftwood headboard as Paul had his breakfast between your legs. You were boneless when he finished, and your spa day only further added to your blissful relaxed state.
The day nearly spent in luxury pampering, the two of you returned to your villa for a nice, long, deep nap. And when you woke, you wanted to do nothing but lie in bed and listen to the beach and jungle surrounding you.
"Can we just have room service?" You asked Paul as he lazily drew circles up and down your spine, your face led against your forearms.
Propped up in his palm and elbow, Paul spoke, "I'm fine with that, but I was looking forward to the tasting...."
“Oh…I forgot!” You giggled.
"That relaxed, huh, Sugar?"
“Mmmhmmm.” You hummed.
"Good." Paul kissed your shoulder. "I'm gonna shower, want to join me?"
You grinned, “to save water, right?”
"Dur..." He sniggered.
“Okay…but you’re gonna have to help me up.”
He smirked, "with pleasure."
You were quickly in his arms as he carried you bridal style to the open air shower.
There was nothing more than a little bit of kissing and a lot of laughter, and soon after you were both heading towards the main part of the resort, ready for your evening activity before your dinner.
The mezcal tasting was a lovely private affair, just the two of you on an air conditioned little hut with thematic decor and a gentleman from Tulum, expertly scholared in Nakawé Mezcal. You both enjoyed it thoroughly, and left a little buzzed and slightly peckish but not fully hungry following the snacks and sides you’d had during the tasting to accompany the drink.
So, you had tacos, small in size and loaded with fish and shrimp in the street style manor as you sat in the sand and ate. You were nestled between Paul's legs, beer each on either side of his knees, stuck in the sand. The waves rolled along the shore as a dark sky was nearly settled overhead. The stars were out and you just sat there, together quietly. Then you thought of something.
"This reminds me of our early dates. We used to get the corn dogs or hot dogs from the pier and a couple of drinks and sit on the sand."
“Yeah…” Paul chuckled, “both of us living with our parents, working all the shifts we could, raking in the rookie overtime.”
You smirked but he couldn't see, however, you turned your chin toward him to speak, "I adored our early days, but I love this life now."
“I wouldn’t change a second of any of it, babe.”
"Me either."
You nestled back against his chest and the two of you stayed that way for quite a while. His hand gently ran up and down your arm as he drank his beer with the other. You had no idea how much time had passed, but eventually you were forced to concede you needed to move for high tide was close as the water reached your toes.
Paul rose to his feet, and offered you his hand to pull you to your feet.
“Can you believe we only have two more days," you sighed as the pair of you began to walk towards your villa.
“I know…but we’ve had fun. And we’ll do it again.” He squeezed your hand. “Maybe not here but somewhere.”
"Maybe the next one is in winter..."
“Yeah, you got somewhere in mind?”
"Could be fun." You shrugged, "in another five or so years." You then chuckled. "This one cost us a fortune, gotta save again."
“We don’t do it often, I just wanted something special for us. But, we’ll get somewhere alone again before five years is up. In the meantime, I was thinking…maybe we could take the boys to Disney. Florida, I mean.”
"Great idea, Jack's just big enough."
He nods, “I know we have Disneyland a little more local but…well, I like the idea of the different parks. We can go for a fortnight, get a villa…bet Mom and Pops would come.”
"Probably mine too."
You reached the villa and Paul led you inside.
“Which is good…”he grinned, “as it’s on tap babysitting so we can sneak away.”
You smirked. "I love you, Disco."
“I love you too.”
"You wanna take me to bed or take a break?"
“Is that a rhetorical question?”
"Legitimate one..."
“I always wanna take you to bed…but I also know I might have worn you out.”
You sighed. "A little," you lowered your chin shyly.
Paul’s finger gently tipped your face to look at him. “Then we can sit out with a beer, and then curl up and fall asleep.”
"Okay," you said softly. "I'll go change."
When you came back in your sleep shorts and cami, Paul was on the balcony. He smiled, passing you to change quickly himself. Soon after he was back, a pair of shorts and a tee nestled on his frame. It was an easy night, the pair of you sat out until the early hours talking and laughing before you both headed to bed. There, you curled up next to him, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as you closed your eyes
The two of you were bathed in morning sunlight from the open wall, the glass having been slid open by Paul before bed. Today saw your last adventure trip, a day in the Gran Cenote. A continental breakfast awaited you and Paul, delivered once again to your room while you readied for the day's trip.
You slipped into a rather cheeky one piece while Paul wore a different coloured pair of the same trunks he'd had all trip. A single backpack with sunscreen and essentials was all you needed and you'd quickly charged Paul with carrying it. You slipped your old LAPD SWAT cap over your head and pushed your aviators up your nose, following your handsome husband out of the villa and to the awaiting Jeep.
Through the jungle they drove you to the spot where the opening of the Gran Cenote sat and after some rules, and a hand off of your snorkel gear, the pair of you were free to explore the caves.
It was unbelievable. You’d snorkelled before, seen some pretty cool marine life up close but this was simply stunning. The waters were cool and clear, the rocks and nooks and little overhangs you found were adorned with so much greenery and flowers. And you couldn’t breathe for laughing at one point when a turtle got very up close and personal with Paul, biting his toe as he lay on his back, floating in the water.
You couldn't remember a time when the two of you had this much fun or felt this close in a while. And while you missed your boys, a part of you wasn't ready to go home.
Again, you retired with a quiet night in your villa, room service for dinner, the night sky and the double hammock calling you both as the meal settled with you. You had mezcal cocktails and relaxed, his hands on your body. But as things began to get a little heated in the hammock, the pair of you ended up flipping the entire thing, dumping the two of you to the deck.
Your laughs were uncontrollable and your sides hurt, your giggles interrupted by your phone ringing and two very happy boys' faces filled your screen.
Jack and CJ were calling from your parents’ house, just before bed.
“Hi my babies!” You grinned
"Hi, Mommy!" Jack beamed as Conner waved excitedly.
“Are you having fun?”
"Yeah, we got to go to the zoo today," Connor beamed.
"I saws a awigater," Jack bounced. "And feeds the..the futter-byes!"
“Oh wow!” Paul joined in. “Was it a big alligator?”
"Dis big!" Jack's arms flew out straight from his sides, almost smacking CJ in the face.
“Hey!” CJ warned him, “careful!”
“Tell me about the butterflies,” you cut in quickly.
"Dey tickewld." Jack giggled.
"Papa said they're good luck," CJ added. "They were orange ones and blue ones and all kinds, Mommy."
“Wow, that’s amazing!” You smiled. “We’ll go back one day all together.”
"Cans we sees the ewifants?" Jack wondered.
“We can see anything that’s there, buddy.” Paul nodded
“What else have you been up to? Ceej, you ready for soccer tomorrow?”
"I am.”
“Is Grumpy going to watch you this week?”
“Yeah. Nanny said she'll film it and send it to you." He said with a slouch to his shoulders.
“I’ll be there next week, bud.” Paul said gently.
“I know."
"I goes," Jack said in an odd caring change of character. Normally, you stayed home with him, as he was a nightmare to keep an eye on when you were trying to watch, usually complaining loudly he was bored. Occasionally, you left him with grandparents or Barnes, meaning you could see the odd game too but it was very much Paul that was there week in, week out on the sidelines with the other parents.
CJ blinked and looked at him. “You can’t. You don’t like it. You’re staying here with Papa.”
“No, I wanna goes.”
“But last time-“
“Ceej,” Paul cut in, and Ceej sighed. Paul then turned his attention to Jack. “You promise to behave if you go this time?”
“Yeah. I cheers. Go Ceej!" Jack looked up at his big brother.
Despite himself, CJ smiled a little, then he gave a roll of his eyes and grinned. “Okay, you can come.”
Your heart, which had just shattered at the look in your eldest’s face, now was mending at the warmth your little Tazmainian devil had shown and the fact CJ was allowing him to go. You felt Paul squeeze the back of your neck gently.
"Be good for Nanny and Papa, okay, and call us right after your game, Connor." You said cheerfully.
“Okay!” He beamed, “Nanny says she wants to say hi…hang on…”
“Bye Mommy, bye Daddy!” Jack yelled as he hurried off.
Soon, your mom's face hit the screen, "Hi kids."
"Hi, Mom," you said at the same time Paul said, "hi, Maria."
"How's everything?"
“Absolutely fine, they’ve been so good. Your dad had them grilling with him before and they’re off to bed with a movie.”
"Thank so much, Mom," you smiled warmly. "I was worried. But you guys and Dot have said they've been so good."
“They always are for us,” your mum chuckled, “and as I keep telling you. If they behave for everyone else, and keep the naughtiness for Mom and Dad, then you’ve done your job.”
With a snort you shook your head.
“Anyway, I’ll let you go. Have a good evening.”
"Night, Mom," you nodded.
"Lots of pictures and video tomorrow, huh?" Paul hoped.
"It'll be borderline spam." Maria winked.
He chuckled, “did I ever tell you that you’re my favourite mother in law?”
"I better be your only mother in law, Paul Diskant."
"Night, Mom!" You called and snatched the phone from Paul, ending the call.
Paul closed up the villa on the first floor as you headed up for bed. You washed your face and brushed your teeth before he'd even come back up. You were just tucking into the sheet as he appeared.
"I'm exhausted," you chuckled.
“Yeah…” he yawned and nodded. “I’m kinda whacked too.”
"C'mon, Daddy, let's nuggle," you patted his side of the bed.
“Two minutes…” he leaned over and gave you a quick kiss.
You nodded and hunkered down into the soft bed. Your eyes were heavy as Paul climbed in. The second he was settled, you rolled into his side, your head in his chest. His hand gently ran up and down your back, fingers soft. It was the last thing you could remember feeling before the world went dark and dreams filled your eyes.
The day was already mid-morning when the two of you woke up. Drained from such a great day before, you were thankful for the lie in. The sun was glowing across the water, the sand almost pure in color, the ocean a glittering match to Paul's eyes. This was paradise and you softly sighed knowing it was your last day. But you smiled knowing that by tomorrow night, you'd be holding your babies in your arms and hearing all about their adventures with both sets of Grandparents.
You checked the time and it was still early back home, by two hours, and Connor's day hadn't started yet. His game wasn't until 10 in LA.
“We’ll call in an hour or so.” Paul spoke softly. “Wish him good luck.”
You looked over at your husband with a smirk, "you always know."
He chuckled, “I was thinking the same thing as you, Sugar.”
You led your head back down on his chest contently. "Room service for breakfast?" You began running your fingertip along the bottom edge of his medallion. Back and forth along the metal, the semi-circular motion soothing.
“Sounds good,” his hand gently stroked between your shoulder blades as he kissed your head. “You want coffee?”
“Oh, yes please.” You sighed happily.
Paul kissed the top of your head just before you turned away so he could leave the bed. Minutes later he returned to you, fresh faced from cool water, a minty scent to his kiss and a mug of delicious Mexican coffee in his hands for you both.
You ordered your room service and sat on the veranda with your mugs, the ocean lapping the shore with high tide. You glanced at Paul, his sunglasses wrapped over his eyes, his bare and newly tattooed chest flexing unknowingly. Your heat pooled at the thought of what he could do to you with the flip of a switch.
“You want a photo?” He smirked a little.
“Just admiring the view.” You popped a shoulder.
He snorted as he lifted his mug to his lips.
The morning carried on. Breakfast on the veranda, topless sun bathing for you on the lounge chairs next to your dipping pool. This time it was Disco who cheekily quipped about taking a photo.
For the time that you sunbathed, your mom spammed your phones with images from CJ's game. Your heart ached a little knowing you hadn’t been able to make him his usual special pre-soccer breakfast, and undoubtedly Paul's had to have been missing being there to watch and cheer on. But your boy looked tough out there, enjoying the game. Jack seemed to be the faithful cheerleader sat atop his Papa's lap in the still images while the grainy video showed an assisted goal.
And then you let out a little gasp as the latest video came through.
“Paul…he got the ‘Man of the Match’ award.”
You watched as his face expressed pride and a hint of sadness. "I can't wait to talk to him!"
“He’s so happy…look!” You passed your phone over for him to watch CJ accept his little trophy from the coach.
Almost simultaneously, Paul’s phone pinged with a message from his Dad with a great photo of CJ and Jack. CJ’s kit was a little dirty with grass stains and various other marks from the game, his face was sweaty but his grin was enormous as was Jack’s as they stood next to one another, CJ’s trophy held in his hands.
"Oh, Sugar, look at this one," Paul turned his phone toward your line of sight.
You gasped at the happy photo in surprise. "My babies."
“Maybe this means we can both start going to watch now, and you’ll get to see him play more than you do.” Paul shrugged, a hopeful tone to his voice.
"I'd love that. It's frustrating when Jack can't sit there and just watch or play with his toys when he's disinterested. I miss half the match."
“I know.” Paul wrinkled his nose, before he snorted, “remember the last time when you gave up and decided you’d just stay home?”
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned at the memory. Jack had been playing with his truck, or so you had thought. You’d been watching the game when the referee had blown to halt. At the same time, loud laughter had rung out and you’d turned to see Jack was on the pitch running towards CJ with a water bottle, trying to squirt him with it.
Paul laughed, “Ceej was so mad, remember him declaring Jack was officially banned forever?”
"Oh I honestly can't forget it." Your head fell into your hands. "I love those stinkers. We've been so lucky really. From how hard it was to have CJ to how fast Jack came out, I'd do it all again."
“Yeah?” Paul grinned, “I mean, we could always…you know…” he wriggled his eyebrows.
You popped your shoulders, "yeah, I think I want one more. But it's not a have to thing either. Just if it happens it happens and if it doesn't in the next year, we're done. What do you think? How do you feel about it?"
“I’d have a football team full with you.” He grinned, “a team of disco balls.”
You smiled warmly, and when you opened your mouth to say something, your phone started chiming for a FaceTime from your mom's number.
“Oh, it’s mom…” you sat up and grabbed a towel, holding it round you to cover your bare chest. When you answered, immediately CJ’s excited face and voice blared out of your phone as Paul moved so he could see.
"Hey, Pal!" Paul grinned. "How was it?"
“We won, five nil! And I didn’t score any but I helped with three and I also stopped their side scoring as I kicked it off the line!”
"That's great, Ceej! So proud of you, bud! Nanny was sending us the videos so we can watch later!"
“And I won player of the match!”
"Oh my gosh, That's great, baby!" You chimed in. "I'm so proud of you, Connor!"
He beamed as Jack then pushed his way into the picture. “I hit the nasty boy.” He grinned, proudly.
"What?!" You and Paul shouted.
Hastily the phone was taken and it was your dad then who was looking at you, his face a mixture of amusement and sheepishness. You could hear Big Jim in the background with your mom, and you waited.
“Well…to be fair, the kid asked for it…” he began.
"Nice way to start the conversation, Dad."
“So, there was a bit of a commotion on the pitch, and this kid shoved CJ over then kicked him. We got a little distracted. Jim was shouting at the ref, I was trying to stop your mom running on the pitch to see if Connor was okay…and somewhere in the middle of it all, Jack barrelled straight on and ran over. Punched the kid straight in the gut.”
“Great right hook…” you heard Jim add.
"Oh my God," you cringed, mortified and now concerned there would be repercussions from the boy's family.
Paul, however, let out a snort. “Any trouble?”
“Well, said boy started crying like a right baby,” your dad chuckled, “Jim and the kids dad went on the pitch to sort it out. He then cried even more when he got a red card for pushing and kicking CJ. No hard feelings though, Jim took CJ over afterwards to shake his hand. We also took Jack to apologise.”
"Oh good." You sighed in relief.
“And he did.” Your dad was now actively fighting back his laughter. “Here, Jack Jack, tell mommy and daddy what you said.”
Jacks face filled the screen and he grinned. “I saids sowee.”
“And?” Your dad prompted, “what else did you say?”
“Whats Daddy says. Ack-shuns has con-see-quentzez.”
You bit back the laugh as Paul snorted next to you.
“They do…you’re right.” You licked your lips. “But you can’t just hit people, baby.”
“He hurts Ceej.” Jack frowned
"I know. This time you're not in trouble, but you can't always do that." You shook your head.
“Buddy, let me speak to Ceej, huh?” Paul directed the conversation back to your eldest.
Jack disappeared and Ceej’s face once more filled the screen.
“That douchebag hurt you when he kicked you?”
"Paul!" You scolded at his douchebag comment
“What?“ he gasped as CJ cackled.
“A little…” he grinned, “I got a bruise on my leg…look…” the phone panned down and CJ showed you the mark just above his knee, in the space between his socks and his shorts.
You shook your head and groaned. "Get some ice on that, baby."
“It’s okay, mommy. Nanna says she has some stuff to help the bruises. But…he did say some mean things before he pushed me. He was real mad coz I tackled him.”
You frowned, "What'd he say?"
“Well, he called me a rude name…and then said his dad would beat my dad up.”
“He sounds like a peach.” Paul scoffed.
“But I said my dad was a police officer and he could beat anyone up.”
Besides you, Paul grinned with pride. "Oh, Connor." You chuckled.
Connor shrugged. “But I didn’t swears at him like he did to me. Grumpy said he was just a rude little moron.”
"Grumpy's not wrong." Paul agreed.
“So, what are you doing tonight?” You hastily changed the subject before Paul could carry on.
“Papa says that grumpy and nanny is coming over to their house for food and drinks.” CJ beamed, “and we’re getting tacos!”
"Who doesn't love tacos!" You beamed.
“I nots want tacos!” Jack spoke as he pushed his way back into the frame. “I’ms getting fan-jee-tas!”
“Jack, you don't like those! You just want chicken and red peppers." You shook your head.
“No!” He frowned, “I wants dem!”
You started to try and explain but Paul hushed you by placing his hand on your shoulder. “Your mom knows.” He said gently, “leave him be, babe.”
“I gets dats and grab-a-moley.”
“You love guacamole,” you chuckled before you sighed, “we can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. We’ve missed you.”
CJ smiled, “we can have a movie night?”
“Absolutely.” Paul smiled.
"You guys enjoy your last day. We'll see you tomorrow!" You mom popped into frame.
“Thanks mom…” you took a deep breath. “Sorry there was trouble today.”
"There was nothing of the sort."
“Okay…” you bit your lip, “enjoy your evening, sounds like you guys have fun planned.”
“Don’t let my dad drink too much scotch. He can’t handle it like he used to.” Paul grinned.
“You cheeky little shit.” Came Jim’s reply off screen followed by Jack’s loud yell.
“Dass a no-no.”
“Yeah, what you gonna do about it?” Jim shot back, his tone playful.
“Yous needs da bad word jar!” Jack continued.
“You tell him, son!” Paul laughed.
Loud giggles and shrieks came from off the camera as no doubt Jack was now wrestling with his Grumpy and you chuckled.
“Love you guys, see you soon!”
The screen went dark as the line cut off and you chuffed as you shook your head, then rest it against Paul's bicep. “So maybe Jack doing karate isn’t quite such a good idea.” You scoffed as your husband roared with laughter.
Paul pressed his lips to the crown of your head with a deep chuckle, "I think it'll be good for him."
“He just hit some kid, like what, two, three years older than him?”
“He was sticking up for his big bro. I’m not gonna lie, Sugar, it makes me both proud and very happy to hear.”
"Alright, you're right," you groaned. "But if it becomes a habit, you're on the hook for it, got it?"
“I will take the full consequences of my actions.” He smirked
"Deal." You sat up on your knees from the lounger and then stood. "Let's get some drinks and head to the beach?"
“Sounds good.”
You grabbed your sarong and bikini top, fixing them both as Paul grabbed his tee. He slipped it over his thick and cut frame before following you out the villa.
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Nice how about to give you one of my old DC DP crossover prompts
Danny is a big fanfic writer for Batman, most of the time doing Tim joins the bat family early and Alternate attack on Titan's Tower. After his accident he decides to write a Jason Todd is a halfa straight out of the grave fic. Just to get his emotions out there and to vent and it gets incredibly popular.
As Time evolves the fic itself evolves from a vent fic to a under the table way to reanalyze his ghost fights and do better by transplanting his ghosts into the fic for Jason to fight. This happens generally okay until Penelope Spectra of unlike the other ghosts she was known by the rest of the world and was actually tracked by Reddit. Making the fans realize hey this is actual going on maybe not by Jason Todd but someone is using this to reanalyze their fights under the veneer of being fiction.
Danny starts to get famous for his fanfictions when he introduces the idea of halfas for the second Robin. He's not sure what happened to the second Robbin, but there are rumors he didn't die; he just retired, and the fans all accept that as the truth.
At first, Danny writes the second Robin struggling with his double life, as alive and dead, forced to hide his existence from Batman as a secret helper at night. He uses the second Robin to freely speak about his struggles with his powers in the early days, using fiction to cover his venting.
He even gave Robin a secret identity- with a disclosure that it was all made up and he did not know anything about the Bats because fans can be crazy- with the name Noir.
He made Noir a loser in school- consistently bullied, his grades were low without Batman's help, and he even had Noir live on the streets for a while before getting flung into the Ghost Zone.
Danny didn't realize it, but his writing made Noir a loveable character to his fans, who all loved "how flawed but kind-hearted" Noir, the halfa Robin. One of Danny's best commenters always claimed that Danny captured the second Robin's character.
He quickly develops Noir into someone who grows comfortable in his role after defeating the old Ghost King and getting discovered by Batman. He made the series with Noir, focusing more on the threats of the other ghosts that came to challenge the Ghost King.
Each ghost was based on his own rouges- all fighting the same way but with different names. Danny switched his main focus from Noir being confused by his powers to Noir getting stronger and stronger through all his fights.
Instead of venting on what life had done to him, Danny used his fanfiction to analyze his fights. He often wrote about what he could have done better, only after writing the actual scene and using that in a fight later on.
He even threw in there some questions that Noir started having about boys- which in high sight he should have known Jazz would have quickly picked up on because she took him to Pride "just to experience new things, Danny!"
He confirmed Noir was bi two updates later and sat back with a smirk when all the comments started rolling in.
Noir's Double Life was his pride and joy. He thought people had to search for his fic, and no one besides his sister would ever read it. Then he made the mistake of writing in a new ghost- Penny Spectra- using her exact powers, thinking no one would recognize her.
What he forgot was that back before Danny kicked her ass into the ghost zone, was that she was a well-known school counselor. A miracle worker, they called her.
Because she always found the teenagers about to fall apart and "saved" them. She had made her way clear across the country, bringing to light issues parents and guardians had no idea their children were going through and getting them the help they needed.
Mr. Lancer had been proud of getting her to come to the school for good reason.
Most adults also didn't know that teenagers talk to each other or, like Danny, post online to vent. Her past victims- for they were victims as some had not been able to pull themselves from the darkness she plunged them into- had started a riddle trend about her.
People began to piece together that whenever she went young people became more and more depressed. They had no proof of course, so she became an urban legend, a demon that appeared as a woman in schools.
Like when a celebrity is turned into a meme for being a secret serial killer, no one takes it seriously, but they think about it in the back of their minds.
Danny just wrote about her with a far too honest retelling of what she had done and how he had found out she was a ghost. He hadn't realized that one of his readers would be one of the original responders for the old Reddit thread about the fact he was a past victim.
That same reader would later link his work for the thread- especially the chapter where she appeared- and everyone would agree that the real Penelope Spectra was a ghost.
And that would be read by Tim Drake, a young member of Riddit who always took mysteries to heart and knew what was real and what wasn't.
This sane Tim Drake would later present Jason to the fanfiction in an effort to tease him about someone adoring him so much they wrote a fic about it and Jason would surprise him with claiming to have already been following the story. \
Their bickering would grab the attention of Bruce, Zatanna, and Constantine, who were in the room next door talking about protection against the dead.
John will be alarmed to see how accurate the fanfiction writer's description of ghosts and King Phantom is, then even more alarmed to find that the writer knows about halfas.
Two days after he posted the newest chapter, Danny is hunted down by Batman to find the human with an insane amount of knowledge about the Infinite Realms and his second son's condition.
Danny would be busy trying to decide if he should give in to the idea of giving Noir a ship and who it should be with while his friendlier ghosts beta-read his work.
"Honestly, I'm a little flatter about how hot you made me sound. Noir definitely has a crush on James the ghost biker." Johnny says flouting to read over Danny's shoulder.
Kitty nods eagerly from where she is lounging on the couch. "I agree, James and Noir are meant to be Danny!"
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
listen i know we all love steve “completely ignorant of queer culture to the point that bisexuality is a surprise” harrington being roasted and educated in turns by robin and eddie, yadda yadda, good stuff. i read “they made a horror version of rocky?” in a fic recently and cackled. also a big fan of “he knew he was bi from the start and just never talked about it” as a trope, love it excellent well done
but what about steve who realizes after starcourt that the most important person in his life now has this thing that’s a major part of her life that he knows nothing about, and what if he fucks it up? what if he says something ignorant or rude by accident, and hurts her? what if he loses her because he didn’t know the right thing to say? what if he can’t keep her safe because he doesn’t know what to look out for? absolutely fucking not, this steve says
and listen she’d never say anything, because she can tell that he can tell how much she likes teasing him and teaching him things, so he plays dumb, and she thinks it’s very sweet. but she notices when the zines she keeps under her bed that she buys at that one secret bookshop in indy when she can sneak away on family trips start going missing, always one at a time, and replaced in a few days with another disappearing. and she finds the new ones he must have gone to buy the weekend she was at her aunt’s house hidden in the back of his closet when she goes to steal one of his sweaters. and she notices when he slips more of her queerer movie recommendations into his personal take home pile rather than the movie night stack when he thinks she’s not looking.
she doesn’t notice when he drives to indianapolis after she tries to explain to him why she can’t just ask out a cute girl, tries to impress on him the fear attached to every moment of attraction that he simply has never had to feel, but later she finds a crumpled receipt from a diner in one of his jacket pockets when she’s looking for his keys, and the address is across the street from the bar the gorgeous woman at the bookstore told her about, the one she memorized the address of but hasn’t worked up the guts to think about visiting, and she knows he must have gone looking for a place like that, must have been trying to understand, must have been scoping it out to make sure it was somewhere she could feel safe, after she told him she never had.
so when eddie nearly pops a blood vessel when they clock each other and she mentions that steve is the only person she’s ever come out to before, her hackles come up. because she gets it, she does, he’s only known king steve until recently, so it makes sense that he would be afraid, be concerned for her safety.
but steve is her person, and no one- no one- has ever made her feel as protected or as cared for as he does. no one has ever tried as hard to understand her, no one has ever put so much work into making her feel safe and seen and loved. and she thinks maybe even if no one else ever does, that’s ok. because she has steve, and more importantly steve has her, and that means no one gets to question his ally credentials in her presence without a dressing down to remember, no matter how well they mean or how recently they helped save the world.
(and maybe she’s not as surprised as she could be when he figures out bisexuality all on his own, because she’s been reading all the same pamphlets he has, after all. and she’s seen the way he looks at eddie, i mean come on. maybe no one else has noticed, but then, nobody knows steve harrington like she does.)
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seeingivy · 1 year
satoru gojo as taylor swift songs  ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
an: welcome to the satoru swiftie-verse!!! for my fellow gojo and tay tay fans, this is my most delusional brain rot yet. since I clearly have a problem, I thought I’d compile all my taylor inspired satoru fics into one post! 
fearless - friends to lovers
you belong with me - friends to lovers, highschool!au
mine - fake dating
enchanted - arranged marriage, part 2 to king of my heart
speak now - friends to lovers, love confession
the story of us - enemies to lovers kinda
never grow up - dad!gojo w/ megs and tsumiki
electric touch - second change romance, ex-husband gojo
out of the woods - amnesia au 
gorgeous - strangers to lovers 
king of my heart - arranged marriage trope
dress - friends to lovers (kinda)
new year’s day - friends to lovers
lover - established relationship
cornelia street - arranged marriage w a lil bit of enemies to lovers
death by a thousand cuts - fwb to lovers! 
labyrinth - strangers to lovers
sweet nothing - established relationship, dad!gojo w megs + miki
mastermind - established relationship 
paris - established relationship 
high infidelity - second chance romance, hurt comfort ish 
hits different - older brothers best friend!satoru 
you’re losing me - established relationship, hurt comfort 
extra: gojo at the eras tour
you can always request satoru w/ a song as well (since knowing me, i’ll end up writing it anyways at some point so you might as well speed up the process) <3  
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davinashifts333 · 6 months
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⚫️summary; once again, first part to MINGI’s section in the new ATEEZ fics or requests i am taking. this one’s for my new friend @ateezatinyfan 🩷! this is basically what dating idol!mingi would be like as a famous person yourself. STREAM ATEEZ!! STREAM CRAZY FORM!! STREAM THE WHOLE DAMN ALBUM BECAUSE IT SLAPS!!
⚠️warnings; iNsAnE fLuFf, Mingi being Mingi (aka HOT & baby at the same time), smutty topics, swearing, idk tbh, whatever else is in here but if you’re not 18+ YOU SHOULDNT BE HERE ANYWAYS. STREAM CRAZY FORM!!
-Dating THE BEST RAPPER OF 4th GEN KPOP, the King himself, S O N G M I N G I, the killa of ATEEZ, was something you never expected.
-He always needed attention, whether it be texting updates every 1-2 hours (sometimes even every half hour) because he just missed being around you? Or whether it be you ending up at his dorm & accidentally falling asleep.
-We’re getting ahead of ourselves here, let’s go back to the moment you met. At the yearly [insert award show name here] when you introduced them before their performance & he was insanely flustered going on stage until he remembered he had to put on his stage face & absolutely sent it.
-He had been a longtime Ideal Type for you so, your fans knew from the moment you were asked to announce, that you were super excited to announce ATEEZ as performers. What you didn’t know was that all of ATEEZ already knew who you were, were huge fans of your work & would constantly here updates about you from their little Princess Mingki.
-Mingi legit had NOTIFICATIONS on for your instagram, tiktok, twitter, vlive, etc.
-Yunho had reached out on his personal IG once to ask you to collab but, you didn’t know they had secret personal pages so you simply ignored it, being afraid of it being a bot.
-after ATEEZ gave their usual show stopping performance, you went back out to thank them & one by one they shook your hand & bowed in a sign of respect & acknowledgement of your admiration for them.
-Mingi, being last he held your hand softly & evidently gained a bit of courage since he had placed a soft kiss to your hand which just made the crowd erupt in applause.
-backstage he was being scolded by HongJoong for doing that without notifying you or anyone for that matter until you stepped in.
-“Ani! It’s okay! I found it very sweet. No need to scold him HongJoong Hyung.”
-“Ah! Y/N-ssi, I’m so sorry about that, I don’t know why I did it, I just saw you there & thought it was the perfect moment. I’m so sorry.” Mingi hurriedly apologized.
-You stopped him by kissing his already flustered cheek. A huge ear to ear smile forming on his face as you came down from your tippy toes & the rest of ATEEZ standing there in shock at the event unfolding in front of them.
-safe to say from then on, you exchanged numbers with all OT8 & had a group chat within a week of the award show.
-Mingi would ask you only days later to go on a date & you obviously agreed. He took you to the beach, you had an adorable candlelit picnic & then ended up going to the street market & meeting up with the boys for karaoke.
-after karaoke he drove you home & ended the night with an actual kiss after he had been embarrassed by his members exposing his attraction for you from a long time ago.
-on the drive back to your house you took hum the long way just to talk more & sat out in the car for another 2 hours just chatting & getting to know one another more.
-you were very similar but had keen differences that just made it even more perfect. you were an extrovert & he was obviously an introvert who became extroverted around those he felt most comfortable with, you liked things he didn’t & he respected that & the other way around. but what made him go in for that real first kiss was hearing how passionate & admirable you were about your job, how hard you fought to be in the place you were now & how you would do anything for the people you loved.
-he saw you as a completely different person from what he imagined, better even.
-& he simply blurted out his confession.
-“Well, even though you already heard it from the members, I wanted to say it myself. Yes I have liked you for a long time, how couldn’t I? You are so beautiful Y/N-ssi. So talented, so amazing & I would love to keep seeing you like this, no matter what comes our way. I feel so comfortable around you & I like it & when I like or believe in something I am honest about it.”
-you froze, it was all happening so fast but it didn’t feel wrong, it felt like it was going the way it was meant to go.
-so as he stood with your hands in his, admitting his attraction to you, you decided to do the same.
“Mingi-ssi. I completely agree. I appreciate you telling me yourself too & I want to admit my side as well. It feels right, whatever is going on between us & I have liked you as well for a while. My fans all hear it in interviews & such. You are always who I name as my Ideal Type & I constantly get told why don’t I tell you. Well, I guess I was just afraid of it being a schoolgirl crush. But now, talking to you openly & comfortably, I like you even more. I would love to keep seeing you like this & potentially more.”
-this boys eyes SHONE. you couldn’t tell if it was tears or sheer happiness in them but he was just so precious & handsome & caring how could you say no? plus you had to admit seeing him smile at you with such care made your heart almost burst out of your chest.
-you finally say your goodbyes, even though it was killing you both inside & he drives back to his dorm only for an hour or so later you see a notification on the group chat.
-it read “this is how your boyfriend came home.” with a video of him gushing about how perfect & how much better you were now than in his head or just from videos he had seen of you in the past. San sent it, teasing the both of you, which he loved.
-you saved the video & kept re reading the text. ‘boyfriend’ made you giddy. your Idol, your Ideal Type WAS yours. it was crazy how a simply little kiss on the hand had evolved into this.
-from then on, you two were inseparable, always in the news being captured together, or on Dispatch, Enews, etc.
-he constantly has flowers sent to your house to remind you he’s always thinking of you.
-has to ALWAYS have you close by.
-WILL fall asleep on you even if he is damn near 2X your size.
-is always gifting you small things that remind him of you or that he knows you like.
-leave his jackets & baggy shirts over at your place “by accident” but really on purpose because he loves seeing you post instagram stories wearing them.
-posts you on his ‘#FIXON_stagram’ posts but it’s mainly candida or cropped pics where your tattoos (if you have any, nails, shoes, silhouette, shadow, etc. Which both your fans LIVE for.
-you always end up meeting him & the boys at the studio, dorms, bars, or for dinner because the boys love you just as much but definitely not more than Mingi because he’d kill them.
-HongJoong & Yeosang being your closest members aside from Mingi but you loving them all equally.
-Mingi being the definition of “Golden Retriever Boyfriend” & you being his “Black Cat Girlfriend”.
-fans LOVING your relationship & how open & honest you both are in interviews & everything but how private you keep certain things as well.
-MINGI WRITING SONGS ABOUT YOU. YES, THE SONG MINGI, writing about you because he is so head over heels he is already planning baby names 6 months into the relationship.
-you meeting his family 1-2 months in because he just HAS to show you off to them.
-“Y/N-ssi! Mingi-ah has told us to much about you! Welcome come in please! You can call me Eomma Song, please sit, tell us about yourself.” with the biggest most warm smile on her cute little face. You see where Mingi gets his loving heart from.
-Mingis dad pulling him aside to tell him he picked a good one, which Mingi tells you later. (because he can’t hide ANYTHING from you… no literally, he asked you to check a cut on his big toe because he thought it was infected…)
-Eomma Song loving you & being a fan of you herself so much that she asks to take a picture with you so she can frame it. You gladly agree & laugh at Mingi’s 😲 face when he hears her already planning to frame your photo.
-“Eomma! You don’t have a photo with me or my members! I will get you one!” Everyone bursts into a fit of laughter at his subtly jealous remark but he is only joking.
-in conclusion for this part, dating this Princess is a full time job on top of your full time job BUT, you love him so much you can’t help but feel like you’re on cloud 9 anytime you’re with him just like he surely feels with you!
-he is YOUR Princess Mingki & your only.
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(you don't have to respond to this :D) I found your blog a moment ago and I'm a fan of all your fics! If you would like to, of course, it would be nice to see another Rosie & Alastor fic from you (I love these two) (your previous fic about them was amazing, I'm sure any similar story would be just as good, especially since not many people put Rosie in the role of a lee, that's a sweet change) Please don't do anything you don't want to tho! It's just a suggestion in case you're bored or something ^^
Thank you so much and I most certainly will!
I wasn’t sure which one you wanted as the lee but I think it was Rosie, so sorry if I got it wrong let me know if I did!
Long Nights
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Summary: Rosie’s working late quite a lot to the point where Alastor notices and investigates the reason
Why him. Lucifer was getting on his last nerve again teasing him about being a deer and calling him Bambi and whatnot and it was getting on his nerves.
He watched as Lucifer got up in his face and started teasing him. “To think a powerful overlord like you has the form of one of the most fragile and scared animals on earth, isn’t that adorable~” Lucifer taunted him and his eyes shifted to radio dials, his antlers grew and a pale green aura started glowing around him.
“I would suggest you stop sometime soon Your Highness.” Alastor bit out that last part, displeasure clear as day on his face. “Oh? And why would I do that? You’re so much fun to mess with!” Lucifer grinned, summoning his wings before lifting himself to Alastor’s eye level and flipping himself upside down.
Alastor’s tendrils grew from his back and his grin became wider before he used one of the tendrils to point behind the King.
Confused at what this Bellhop was pointing at he flipped himself right again and fluttered down to the ground again before turning around and nearly flinching at the sight.
Charlie stood there, arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face, her tail and horns were out as well. “Dad.” Charlie snapped, “Sorry Char Char.” Lucifer apologized and stole one more glance at Alastor, “This isn’t over Bellhop.” Lucifer sneered at him and in turn Alastor did the same.
Lucifer averted his gaze from Alastor and put his wings away, twirling his cane behind him and walking off to Husker’s bar for a drink.
Alastor then relaxed, his features reverting back to normal. He then noticed the concerned Princess approaching him and he turned to face her. “Are you okay Alastor? I know how my dad can be.” Charlie asked him, concern present in her voice.
“Not to worry my dear I am perfectly fine.” Alastor replied with his usual grin, “Now if you’ll excuse me Charlie dear I have a few errands to run, I’ll be back soon.” Alastor told her, sweeping past her and out the door, hearing the princess’s goodbye over his shoulder as he left.
He didn’t really have errands to run, he was on his way to visit his dear friend Rosie. He’d noticed she’d been working a lot lately and wasn’t free as much as she used to be and kept canceling plans so he was going to find out why and what was wrong with his friend.
He walked down the streets of Hell on his way to Cannibal Town, most demons giving him space on the sidewalk in fear of his position and the other more foolish demons that wanted to start a fight with the infamous Radio Demon well…you know what happened.
When he’d reached the gates of Cannibal Town he walked into the town, quickly being greeted by some shop owners and playing kids which he returned the greeting with a small hand wave.
By now with how much he visited, most of the cannibals recognized and knew him even without his stories.
He walked to Rosie’s emporium and opened the door, closing it behind him and looking up finding himself shocked to see that the line was its usual length, so what had kept this woman so busy? Alastor quickly found a free table and ordered himself a drink as he watched his friend work.
She seemed very occupied in what she was doing, constantly rushing from one thing to the next trying to get everything done, he supposed she didn’t get all that tired?
But still he watched her, making sure she wasn’t overworking herself and so far she was doing a wonderful job and he’d hoped it stayed that way.
A little while later he saw that Rosie had only gotten busier so he decided to try to help her out. He merged with the shadows disappearing from his chair and reappearing at her side making her jump.
“Alastor good to see ya but don’t scare a girl like that and I’m workin!” Rosie grinned, smacking him on the arm playfully while going back to her work.
“My apologies my dear it just seemed like you could use a little bit of assistance.” Alastor told her, gesturing to the long line leading from her counter but she only waved him off.
“It’s fine Alastor I can handle it, I’ll call you when I’m done but for now I need to work so shoo!” Rosie told him, raising and using one hand to shoo him away. Alastor chuckled at his friend’s antics, she was always rather dismissive when he visited while she was working, a trait he admired in her.
So heeding her request he merged with the shadows once more and reappeared back at his table where his microphone staff sat.
He picked up the precious artifact and placed a few bills on the table to cover his earlier drink before waving a goodbye to Rosie and exiting the emporium.
Alastor then with nothing to do decided to wander Cannibal Town maybe for something to do. Alastor wandered the town square where he saw children playing with each other, shop owners selling things like balloons and food, other cannibals talking with each other, you know the normal things you would see in a town square.
Being well known and not too feared in this town a group of young cannibals spotted him and waved him over for a conversation. Alastor noticed their request and walked over, quickly being dragged into their conversation.
“So Mr.Radio Demon, how are things with Ms.Rosie?” One of the cannibals asked him, “Quite well I must say, although it does seem like she’s been rather busy as of late.” Alastor replied and the group then understood why he was here.
“Ahh yes Ms.Rosie has been quite backed up with all the orders she’s been getting, she’s managing herself well but it is a lot of work.” One of the other cannibals told him, placing her chin in one of her hands.
“Do you know why that may be?” Alastor asked her and she nodded, “A lot of our people are a little shaken up by the last extermination so they’ve been going to Ms.Rosie for help seeing as she is our leader.” She answered him.
“I see, thank you but I really must be going.” Alastor told them and waved goodbye as he wandered off. He then started wandering towards the exit of the town when he remembered….he could just teleport.
Annoyed radio static came from him at his own foolishness and walked to a rather shady spot under a building and merged with the shadows to return back to the hotel.
When he returned he walked through the door and was quickly greeted by Charlie. “Alastor! You’re back early, how’d it go?” She asked him as he twirled his cane behind him.
“Quite well, I had to return early because I had already gotten everything I need.” Alastor replied, “Now if you’ll excuse me dear I need to return to my room.” He finished, brushing past her and up the stairs, hearing her farewell as he left.
He walked up the flights of stairs and down the dimly lit hallway until he reached his room. When he arrived he entered the space and found himself to be rather hungry.
To solve this problem he shifted into his more demonic form and placed his microphone staff against the wall before disappearing into his foggy swamp to go hunt.
A little while later he reemerged with a dead deer and placed it on his table on the line between his swamp and his room and sat down to begin eating.
Shortly after he’d started eating the phone that he always kept for emergencies (not really used for emergencies with Rosie) buzzed and his gaze locked onto it.
One of his ears flicked curiously before pinning back to his head and his grin became more strained, he hated technology.
But with a sigh he stood and still refused to touch the phone and summoned one of his tendrils to pick it up for him and sure enough it was Rosie telling him she was finished.
He hummed in approval and set the phone down, glad to be rid of the disgusting device as his ears raised again and his grin became normal as he abandoned his food and left his room to walk down to the parlor.
He exited the space and walked down the hallway quickly reappearing in the parlor and heading for the door once more. “Where are you going Al?” Charlie’s voice spoke up and he turned.
“Just going for an outing my dear I’ll be back soon.” Alastor replied with his regular smile and swept out the door, shutting it behind him.
Deciding to take the teleportation route again he stepped into the shadows of the hotel and quickly made his way into the shadows and back towards Cannibal Town.
When he arrived once more his shadow just had to put him in the most unfortunate place…
“Why the hell are you here?!” Susan shouted at him and his ears pinned back in displeasure as he stared down at her. “I’m here to visit Rosie dear Susan.” Alastor replied, it was taking all his willpower not to teleport away from her.
“Well leave she doesn’t want you here!” Susan snapped at him, and Alastor audibly sighed.
“Don’t get smart with me!” (Cue more unintelligible Karen shouting)
A little while later the shouting drew Rosie out of her emporium as she swept outside the sight from the source of the shouting almost made her burst out laughing.
Alastor stood there with a sarcastic look on his face staring down at a very angry Susan shouting at him like her life depended on it. Rosie chuckled some at the sight and made her way over to her friend.
“Susan dear can you leave ol’ Alastor alone for me?” Rosie asked her and she huffed, flipping the bird at Alastor making Rosie laugh out loud before shuffling away.
“Whihiy dohoes she hahate you so muhuch my friehend?” Rosie giggled and he rolled his eyes, “I have no idea my dear but come on then, let’s not wait out here all day.” He remarked before heading inside of the emporium with her.
Now inside the building Rosie shooed him to the back and had him sit down at a table there where she had already prepared tea. “Thank you my friend.” Alastor told her as she took her own seat.
“So why’d you come? I know I haven’t been able to hang out as much I’ve been really backed up with work.” Rosie told him but he waved her off. “It’s not a problem Rosie, you do what you need.” Alastor replied making her smile.
“Thanks Al, so what have you been up to?” Rosie asked him, taking a drink of her tea. “Oh nothing important just the usual, dealing with His Majesty, Susan, Charlie back at the hotel, all the works.” Alastor smiled as he took a drink of his own tea and let out pleased radio static.
“This is different my dear, new brand?” Alastor asked her, looking down at the beverage. “Oh yes it’s one of my favorites since the local tea shop owner released it, isn’t it just divine?” Rosie informed him, excitement lacing her voice.
“It is.” Alastor replied, taking another sip of the tea. They sat in silence for a moment before Alastor spoke up once more. “So why have you been buried in so much work?” The deer asked her and she looked up, confused.
“Alastor were you not paying attention? I told you I have a lot of work after the last extermination silly.” Rosie playfully reprimanded him but he only shook his head.
“No my dear I mean you’ve always been so organized but lately you’ve been working late and constantly rushing around, what happened?” Alastor asked her, but little did she know he was up to something.
“Well you see I-“ Rosie’s sentence got cut short when she felt something poke her in the side and she jumped. She shifted her attention to where her side was poked and saw the slip of a black tendril.
Her gaze quickly shot up to Alastor who had also shifted and had his chin in one of his hands leaning on the table with a smug grin. “Al, don’t look at me like that.” Rosie stared at him but also keeping her attention fixated on the tendril beside her.
“Look at you like what my dear? I’m not doing anything~” Alastor replied but she didn’t miss the teasing tone in his voice or the way his fingers flexed. She was left pondering for a moment why his fingers did that when she felt it poke her again and she jumped.
Quickly she stood up and he did the same, practically mirroring her movements as she backed away from him and he followed her until she was backed into a wall.
“Cohome on now Ahal you don’t have to doho thihis!” Rosie tried protesting, holding her hands out. “Oh but you’re wrong my dear.” Alastor replied but then he shadow merged again leaving Rosie temporarily.
He then reappeared behind her and wrapped his arms around her and started dancing his fingers along her ribs “I do have to.” Alastor teased and she quickly burst out into bright laughter.
“Ahalahahastohor” Rosie yelped as he hit a particularly bad spot and a pleased hum of radio feedback escaped him. “Yes my dear?” Alastor teased, playing it casual as if he wasn’t currently tormenting his best friend.
“Whihihiy?!” She asked him through her giggles and he grinned wider, “Because my dear you need to relax! Take a break once in a while you’ve been working too hard!” Alastor replied, moving down to claw at her stomach making her jolt at the change in spots.
“Ihihi’ll take a breheheheak!” Rosie tried bargaining with him but he only hummed, “Mm I’m not sure I believe you.” Alastor told her, grinning at the way she shook her head.
“Seems I was correct then, I must convince you to take a break my dear, I could do this all night~” Alastor taunted and she shook her head with a snort. “Dohohohon’t!” Rosie protested and he laughed, “I’m afraid I can’t do that Rosie dear.” Alastor replied, switching to scribble over her sides.
“Ahahahal!” Rosie laughed as he switched, he was being mean today! “Yes my dear?” Alastor replied all nonchalantly, that prick. “Stahahahap!” Rosie protested again and he hummed thoughtfully, “Will you take a break?” He asked her and she only shook her head.
“Nohohohoho way I still hahahahave work to dohohoho!” Rosie told him and he shrugged, “Suit yourself.” Alastor told her and before she had a chance to question what that meant his hands jumped up to scratch and prod at her upper ribs.
Being so close to her worst spot she jumped and nearly elbowed him in the face behind her making his fingers slow some and distorted radio static come out of him that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“Ihihits not fuhuhunny.” Rosie snapped playfully at him, she wasn’t actually upset. “I beheheg to dihihiffer my friehehend.” Alastor replied before composing himself and going back to attacking her upper ribs, the sudden jump back into the playful torment making the Cannibal overlord jolt.
“AHAhahaHAL!!” Rosie yelped, laughing harder since Alastor was now so close to her death spot and the arrogant ass knew it too. “One last chance my dear, will you take a break?” Alastor asked her, voice now speaking directly in her ear making her shudder, his fingers had also stopped to allow her an opportunity to reply.
She took a deep breath and through some nervous giggles replied with, “No way.” Rosie replied and he raised a brow at her courage and even laughed some before shrugging. “Your funeral.” He told her before his hands wormed underneath her arms and started scratching at the space there.
She immediately jolted, pinning her arms to her sides effectively trapping Alastor’s hands. “AHAHAHAL WAHAHAHAIT!!” Rosie laughed hard as he kept it up, surprised radio crackles escaping him but he still didn’t let up.
“You know what to do to make this end dear~” Alastor taunted her and she shook her head, “IHIHI HAVE WOHOHORK TO DOHOHO!!” Rosie protested and he shook his head, “Not once I’m done with you.” Alastor replied with a cheery grin and she thought about it.
He wasn’t lying she knew how ruthless he could be and he was proving a mere fraction of it right now, would a small break be so bad?
“AHAHLRIGHT AHAHAHAL YOU WIHIHIN I’LL TAHAHAHAKE A BREHEHEAK!” Rosie informed him and just to be a little prick he replied with, “Sorry what was that?” Alastor grinned, “AHAHAHAHAL!!” Rosie cackled and with a laugh he finally let up, carrying her over to a chair and setting her down but she immediately jumped back up.
Alastor grinned, quite impressed by how quickly she recovered, the red from her face had already dissipated and she had a confident look on her face, she is an overlord after all. “Ihihim going to gehehet you bahahack for thahahat!” Rosie challenged and he started backing away.
“Sorry Rosie dear but not today and you better take that break or else you’ll be seeing me again very soon.” Alastor warned and Rosie was confused by the ‘Not today’ part until she saw as he stepped into the shadows and merged, completely disappearing from her emporium.
“Wait that’s not-!” Rosie called but he was already gone, she huffed and crossed her arms remembering his earlier threat.
She might wanna go take that break now.
(Sorry this one is kinda long and sorry if I got it wrong in any way 😓 again let me know if I did but I hope you enjoyed!)
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starsfic · 7 months
Contract Signed
So, I came up with a Beauty and the Beast AU for Spicynoodles but right now, not working on a full fic. I haven't had a lot of time to write because I've been really busy this semester, so I figured I would write the opening as a little warm-up.
Wanna support? Here's my Ko-Fi!
Once upon a time, there was a wealthy kingdom, ruled by a proud king and queen. The mighty king had surpassed his predecessors and had led the kingdom into a golden age. The beautiful queen had carved her way into society from her status as a banished princess, making sure she and her husband were respected far and wide. They were proud of their accomplishments. Most of all, however, they were proud of their son.
Their son, born on the coldest and longest night of the year, was born with a sharp mind and even sharper tongue. The tutors of the young boy called him a genius and he soon developed a knack for machines. He sometimes missed social cues and sometimes got wrapped up in his own head to the point of being impractical or allowing his temper to get the best of him, but as he grew int a handsome young man, they grew into being charming. It was clear that the prince was the jewel of the kingdom and, on his twentieth birthday, the king and queen threw a massive celebration.
The party was in full swing when a hunched over beggar woman came to one of the royals. Nobody knows what happened next. Some say that the prince, drunk on ego, rudely dismissed the peasant. Some say that the queen, wanting nothing to go wrong for her sweet boy, coldly dismissed the peasant, or the king, wanting nothing to go wrong for his beloved heir, demanded that she leave in a yell that drew everyone’s attention. Whatever happened, whether it was the son or mother or father, the result was the same.
The beggar woman revealed herself to be a powerful enchanter, seeing if the kingdom was worthy of being in an alliance with. However, the rudeness they had been given suggested not.
The prince was cursed to reveal his true hideous nature, becoming a monster. The enchanter ended the insult by explaining that, if someone could truly love the prince as he was, the prince would be cured. 
However, his new monstrous form was a source of fear for the kingdom that once respected its prince. Fearing for his safety if he stayed, the king and queen sent their son to a far-off corner of their kingdom. There, in a beautiful manor, he waited to receive the guests that his parents sent, hoping one day that one of them would be able to break his curse.
However, so far, their hopes were weak…
“I thought the payments would be each week?”
“New orders from the king and queen,” the man in front of him huffed. He had introduced himself as General Ironclad, the head of Princess Iron Fan’s guard and the head general of the Demon Bull army. As Qi Xiaotian watched him fold his arms, he had to admit. He showed his experience in the battlefield. “The last girl ran screaming and refused to be bribed back. So, your family will be paid for each day you’re gone.” The general raised a hand to massage his brow. “We were already dealing with the cut down from payment each month.”
Xiaotian glanced back at the contract. The terms were simple, as the poster explaining this job promised. He needed simple.
Recently, Xiaotian’s family had come into some…issues. He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened, but his father, Zhu Pigsy, had broken his arm and back. (Based on the fact that Pigsy refused to explain, he was pretty sure the accident had been an embarrassing one.) The man ran a small inn that provided three square meals to their guests. Unfortunately, with Pigsy’s inability to pick things up, their service was lower quality. That wasn’t great, especially considering that their rival inn was right across the street.
Xiaotian had tried his best to pick up the slack, but he didn’t really know how to cook noodles. Pigsy had only started training him on how to cook, and all he knew was the one family favorite. He did much better checking people in and delivering food across town. Tang, Pigsy’s husband, was trying to help, but he was lazy and had weak ankles.
Long Xiaojiao, Xiaotian’s best friend and a noblewoman, had tried to offer money to hire more people, but Pigsy had refused. He didn’t trust people with his kitchen. Instead, he reduced prices, which was only a small bucket of relief.
They were running low on funds, and fast.
So, Xiaotian had decided to try and find some other part-time work, which had led him to discover the poster about Prince Red.
It was an infamous story by now. Six years had passed since the curse had been cast. Xiaotian himself had assumed it was just a fairy tale with the current royals’ names attached when the news first broke out. Now, however, all he heard about the prince were the twenty-somethings sent to try and break the prince’s curse and running out whenever he scared them off. 
They weren’t forced, however. Red himself had apparently kicked out the terrified prisoner sent to him and had sent word to his parents to send him volunteers. They did this by paying volunteers huge amounts. At first, it had been for each year the person went. Now, apparently, it was each day.
The amount was huge.
Enough to give Pigsy and Tang a comfortable nest egg, enough to close the inn for a little while while Pigsy recovered. Just for one day. Xiaotian stared at the contract, willing himself to focus.
He just needed to try for a week, according to the rules. Money would be delivered to your family or a person you trusted- he wrote Pigsy’s name. If you got hurt, the royal family would personally cover your medical bills…
“The prince always had a fiery temper,” Ironclad huffed. “And now he has control over flames.” He leaned forward, forcing Xiaotian to meet his eyes. “They learned this because a man broke a clock he was working on. He got so mad, he picked up a pillow and set it on fire before throwing it at him. Poor man’s hands were out of commission for weeks.”
Xiaotian blinked. “...why did he break the clock?” He probably should’ve been more terrified by the fact that the prince could set him on fire, but hey. He always noticed the less important details.
“No idea.” Ironclad leaned back. “You can back out now. No shame in that. The guard will take you home.”
Xiaotian glanced back. Said guard, a guy who had introduced himself as Bob, waved. He managed to wave back before glancing back down. It was tempting. He was an artist. Every morning he would poke his head outside and try to draw the sky as it was in that moment. Pigsy had hung his portrait of him, mid chop, up in their personal quarters. The idea of losing his hands, possibly losing his touch while he recovered, was terrifying.
Equally as terrifying was the idea of the inn being boarded up, Pigsy alone in the rain, watching as his life’s work was taken away…
“I’ll do it.” Before he could think about it some more, Xiaotian wrote down his name on the dotted line. The moment his name was down, paired with his trademark monkey face, he shoved it away. Ironclad raised a brow but nodded, reaching over. His movements were smooth as he rolled up the scroll. “When do I go?”
“It depends. Usually, a person needs a day or so to say goodbye-”
“Can we go now?” How was he supposed to admit that he snuck out of his home, leaving behind a note to say goodbye? Xiaotian stood, reaching over and grabbing his bag. He tried to ignore Ironclad’s questioning look at how small it was. “I said goodbye before I left.”
Ironclad pulled his eyes away from the bag to nod. “Fine. We can go now.”
“Thank you,” Xiaotian stood. “I hope I can help the prince.” Probably not, but hey. It wouldn't hurt to try.
Ironclad didn’t say a word.
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kage-567 · 28 days
Sukugo fic recs because it's a scarcity
So I noticed there were a very few sukugo fic recs around here, as a fellow fan myself, this simply cannot stand so I decided to add to the contribution. Here you go folks (for anyone who hasn't read them already).
A funny thing happened on the way to therapy
Satoru Gojo is no stranger to challenge. He’s faced off against hordes of curse users, defeated the strongest of cursed spirits, laughed in the face of reality’s limits and defied even death itself. But this…This new challenge could perhaps be the most difficult yet—infinitely worse than all the others combined:
Couple’s therapy.
After a highly experimental cursed technique goes wrong (right?), Satoru and Sukuna become fathers to a miracle child, Yuuji. Of course, the higher-ups in Jujutsu society are not impressed, and in a desperate bid to protect Yuuji from harm, Satoru comes up with a plan so crazy that it just might work: a fake relationship. With Sukuna.
Maybe Satoru should’ve thought this through.
Infinite Nuisance
“I’m blocked from interacting with the world beyond this Domain so I cannot relay any of this to the Brat. Something clearly wants you trapped in here,” Sukuna scoffed. “I cannot fathom why.”
Gojo’s lips quirked up into a smirk.
“Maybe a punishment from the Gods?” he suggested coyly.
Sukuna rolled his eyes.
“I would never punish myself in this way, so I doubt that."
Gojo blinked at him once. Then twice, before a startled laugh escaped him.
“Did you just call yourself God?”
- When a strange incident leads to Gojo being trapped along with the King of Curses in Sukuna's Innate Domain, what everyone assumes would lead to destruction surprisingly grows into something more.
As Sukuna and Gojo are forced to interact and learn more about each other, they realise that hatred isn't the only tie that binds them.
And, as Sukuna quickly realises, he is far from prepared for the unlikely temptation that is Gojo Satoru.
So someone with your eyes might come in time. To hold me like water. Or Christ, hold me like a knife.
Looking into the face of his future opponent, the face of his soulmate, Sukuna was struck by the thought that this moment, this one night of honesty between him and Gojo, was their Goodbye.
Despite what the future might hold, despite who they were and where their respective paths were taking them, they deserved a proper farewell.
Or, at the very least, Gojo did.
When in Doubt, Buy Him a Brand New Lamborghini
Satoru Gojo had everything he wanted in life.
His father is the CEO of a multi-million dollar company. His face is nothing short of perfection. He's popular and charismatic. Everyone wants a piece of him, whether or not its for his looks and money. He's the perfect man in every sense possible. So why is it that the only light of his life, his precious boyfriend and his one and only lover, decided to dump him without warning and leave him at his best?
Out of misery, Gojo decides to agree when his dear friend Shoko suggests they go to a street takeover. What he doesn't expect is to find unexpected joy in the commotion of it all. And within that commotion emerges Ryomen Sukuna, a racecar drifter who might just turn his entire life around.
You know what they say: When one door closes, another opens.
OR: Gojo falls head over heels for street car racer Sukuna after getting dumped in front of his local KFC.
Like Fire and Oil
Now in full view, Satoru could see that the boy had strange black markings on his forehead and cheeks, as well as a second pair of eyes below his normal one. With every approaching step, he was seeming less and less human.
And while Satoru didn’t know how it could be possible, while he didn’t know what this King of Curses looked like or even quite remembered his name, somehow he just knew. Somehow, everything clicked.
Stopping just a few steps in front of him, Sukuna smirked, baring a set of sharp teeth.
“And what if I am, Six Eyes?”
Sometimes the universe makes it so that when a force of great power is born, a force of equal power is created to counter it. This is a story about those two forces colliding more than a decade earlier than intended, and how sometimes unlikely circumstances result in even more unlikely friends.
[NOTE: There won’t be any ships in this fic, with the sole exception being potentially hinted Satoguru. All other benevolent relationships are platonic.]
The Fox Unaware of the Snare
"You intrigue me, sorcerer." Sukuna says. "Let us create a Binding Vow."
Binding Vows were useful as they were deadly. He'd regret it, should he accept to do so. But Gojo has never done anything without knowing he couldn't handle it, so why did it matter?
"Why not? Tell me your terms first."
Considering that, as long as he lived, no mortal force could ever convince Gojo on what to do.
After losing a fight with Sukuna, Gojo fulfills the Binding Vow and becomes his concubine, as odd as it sounds. And maybe it's just the constant dance with death that Gojo ends up falling for someone who is the very epitome of the word itself. Unfortunately, it comes with consequences much worse than teaching a human who's known nothing but the shadows how to love.
(Or, Gojo roamed the earth back during the Heian Era. This changes many courses of events.)
Teachings of love
They say the Reversed Curse Technique works as long as the head isn't severed. Gojo has come back once before, what is to say it wouldn't happen a second time? After all, throughout Heaven and Earth, he alone is the Honored One.
With the Hands of Gold
Satoru survives the Battle of the Strongest; the King of Curses heals him, and as a result, Satoru loses his memories. His survival means many things and causes many things.
|Part 1| |Part 2| |Part 3|
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littlespacereader · 7 months
AN ~ I’m so sorry it’s long past Halloween but here is the long awaited Hannibal Halloween special!! I got a little carried away and wrote a super long fic but I really hope you guys enjoy it!! Also @shadowlord23, I hope you like the inclusion with the reader being on the spectrum. I hope this did you justice:) Thank you to everyone who has been waiting patiently for this fic! I really hope it’s everything you wanted! With that please enjoy!
The Haunted Maze🎃👻
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Caregiver!Will Graham, Caregiver!Hannibal Lector & Fem Little!Reader
(No one is evil. Based loosely on the Hannibal tv series minus the killings/cannibalism)
Tags - References to Blues Clues, pacifiers, diapers, accidents, Halloween scares, Mathew Brown is your best friend, reader is autistic, cuddles and fluff, protective Hannibal and Will.
Nicknames - Papa for Hannibal, Dadee for Will, Darling, Blue, Little Blue, Sweetheart.
Fall had finally arrived to Virginia and it was beautiful! The leafs were changing colors, it’s finally cool enough to wear sweaters and best of all it was time for Halloween!
I was looking forward to Halloween all month long! It’s my first Halloween with my Caregivers Hannibal and Will and I couldn’t be more excited!!
Though, I thought Halloween night would be spent dressing up, eating a ton of candy at home, and passing out on the couch during a fun Halloween movie marathon.
But that was all ruined when an invitation came in the mail. Dr. Fredrick Chilton was throwing a Halloween party and the three of us were invited. Like myself, Will isn’t too found of Chilton at all. The man is self absorbed and at times rude.
Hannibal also isn’t the biggest fan of his either, but he also isn’t rude. So he accepted the invitation on behalf of the three of us. So now we would be spending Halloween at Chilton’s Halloween party…
But first things first, what would the three of us be for Halloween? What would be our costumes? Naturally since this is my first Halloween with Will and Hannibal, we all had to dress up together.
Hannibal seemed enthusiastic when I brought up the idea. Will…a little less at first but I promised I would find the best fit for all of us. So the three of us started to brainstorm.
First was for me to go as Barbie and Will and Hannibal go as Ken. But as much as the two were handsome enough to go as Ken, it didn’t feel right to them. So onto the next idea.
Next was for Will and Hannibal to go as Bert and Ernie and for myself to go as Abby Cadabby. I’m a huge Sesame Street fan when I’m regressed! But the idea of being Bert and Ernie infront of their colleagues and friends wasn’t too appealing to Hannibal and Will.
Next was having Will as a knight, Hannibal as a King and myself as a princess. Simply and workable! They seemed to like the idea! So off to the costume store we went! But once we got there and started trying things on, we could see it was going to be an issue for both Will and myself who are both on the spectrum.
Most costumes are made with cheap and itchy material that just made mine and Will’s skin crawl! So that costume idea was also scratched.
After an exhausting trip to the costume store the three of us settled into the night and watched one of my favorite tv shows and hyper fixations, Blues Clues. That’s when our Halloween costume hit me.
“That’s it! That’s it!!” I sat up, shaking Will and Hannibal’s arms!
Hannibal smiled at Y/N’s sudden enjoyment. “What is it? Did you figure out the clue?”
“No…not yet. I know what we’re going to be for Halloween!!!” I started to say.
I pointed to Hannibal, “You’re gonna be Steve.”
Then I pointed to Will “You’re gonna be Josh.”
“And I’m gonna be Blue! We’ll be a Blues Clues costume together!!”
Will and Hannibal couldn’t argue with that enthusiasm. And the idea worked well! All Will and Hannibal had to get was the green striped shirt for Steve and a blue striped for Josh. Which would be comfortable and warm considering the weather outside.
As for myself, they found a comfortable onesie of Blue for me to wear, complete with hair clips for Blue’s ears. (They also had a headband option for the ears but that would be too tight on my head and would cause headaches)
So with our costume picked out and our plans set, all we had to do was wait till Halloween.
The wait was over!! It’s finally Halloween day and the Lector-Graham house was bouncing with excitement. Our costumes had come in weeks before and now was the moment of truth!
I couldn’t contain my excitement all day. It’s hard to! Not when your two caregivers are literally the host of Blues Clues and you’re Blue.
Hannibal looked adorable in the green striped polo shirt. He paired the outfit with the tan pants Steve would normally wear. Will also looked amazing in the blue striped shirt Josh wears in the new season of Blues Clues. He especially loved the choice since it was comfortable and not too crazy. Will wasn’t one for being the center of attention, something Hannibal and I knew well. And I couldn’t blame him…I’m the same way.
I ran around the house all day in my Blue Clues onesie! For starters the costume was a great choice because I felt like I was basically wearing pajamas all day! Secondly the onesie was super soft against my skin. It felt like being wrapped in a blanket!
Will and Hannibal couldn’t get over my costume either. They just kept saying how adorable I looked! All day Hannibal and Will would light up every time I came bouncing into the room in my costume. Always asking me if I left a clue being for them or start singing the theme song. It always made me giggle.
It was an hour before the party. Hannibal and Will were in the kitchen gathering everything they were bringing to the party when I popped in.
“Dadee! Papa!” I said as I burst into the kitchen.
Will smiled seeing the still dressed in my costume. “Hello Blue. Did you hide another clue for us?”
I giggled to his question, “Not yet! I have a question though, can I bring Magenta?” I held the pink dog stuffie in the air. Magenta is Blue’s best friend in the show so naturally she would have to join me!
“Of course you can darling. But you must keep an eye on her. We don’t want her to get lost at the party.” Hannibal said getting a big smile from me.
I ran over and took a seat on one of the barstools, watching as the two Caregivers packed a bag to go to the party. Well actually two bags…one being the party’s gift (a bottle of wine no doubt) and one I recognized right away, my diaper bag.
My bag had everything I could need while regressed, diapers and supplies, my pacifier, sippy cups and more I’m sure.
“Papa I don’t need my bag.” I pointed out to him. I was wearing a diaper already. I was already protected.
He stopped mid packing it and gave me a look, a look I knew all too well. “Y/N, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. We talked about this.”
It’s true, we did have this talk. It’s just that I’m new to this dynamic of being out in public while regressed. It was something I was getting used to still. Something I was still shy about.
We had a nice community of friends who had regressed Littles of their own. Jack and Bella have Beverly who’s regresses around the age of a teenager (13-16). Fredrick has Mathew who’s my best friend and closes to my headspace, being a kid (5-7) and Alana and Margot have Freddie who regresses to a teenager as well.
But I’m the youngest in the group being a Toddler headspace. (2-4) I have accidents from time to time, I drink from a sippy cup and I have a pacifier, among other little things.
I just feel shy about my younger headspace around other people. I’m okay with Will and Hannibal helping me through accidents and such while Little. Of course they’re the best, making me feel safe and comfortable all the time whether I’m in a diaper, or pull-up or not. They always take care of me and my needs. But it’s different being in public with others.
“I know, it’s just…it’s a big party and everyone will see the bag and...they’ll know.” Not that they all didn’t know my headspace, but still…
Will put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. “You know no one would judge you for needing a little protection. But if you’re very worried, we can keep it in the car so incase we need it it’s there. But that way it’s not in sight of anyone. Sound good?”
I immediately nodded my head and sighed with content. That did sound better. That way if I did have an accident or needed something I would be okay, but no one at the party would see. It sounded perfect.
Hannibal continued packing. Inside was everything they could need just incase. A change of clothes (blues clues themed of course), a pacifier, extra diapers and pull-ups and supplies for a change.
In the other bag was a bottle of wine for Fredrick as a thank you for the invitation as well as some safe foods for Y/N in case there was no foods at the party she felt like eating. Hannibal was nothing if not prepared!
Finally it was time to go! With the car loaded up, bags packed and myself all buckled up thanks to Will because seatbelts were hard when regressed, we were on their way to Chilton’s house!
When we pulled up there were already a couple of cars in the driveway. It suddenly hit me the idea of seeing everyone. But before I knew it Hannibal was helping me get unbuckled. Once out of the car I paused looking at the house. A sense of dread came over me. Maybe I didn’t want to be social today. Maybe I wanted to go back home.
Hannibal knew immediately how I was feeling by just a look, being the amazing Caregiver and therapist he was. He took my hand tightly in his. “It’s just Chilton’s and Jack’s car. Looks like we’re the second ones here.” He explained.
I nodded my head and with a deep breath we pushed forward. Knowing who was here made me feel a bit better. I hated surprises.
Soon we made our way up the steps and to the front door. I was standing between Hannibal and Will, holding onto both their hands now. The front yard was filled with spooky decorations and lights, but nothing too scary yet.
Hannibal rang the front door and we waited. The door slowly opened by itself causing me to hide behind Will, hiding my face against his back. Will and Hannibal found it adorable. They could already sense who the culprit was.
Suddenly Mathew jumped out dressed in a Superman costume. “BOO!” He yelled causing me to jump slightly.
Hannibal and Will smiled at Mathew, “Happy Halloween Superman. Thank you for inviting us over.” Hannibal smirked.
“What are you guys supposed to be? Guys in striped shirts? And where’s Y/N?” Mathew asked, tilting his head.
I peered out from behind Will, “They’re Steve and Josh from Blues Clues. And I’m Blue.”
Mathew face lit up at the realization, “Y/N! You look great!! I love the costume! Come on! Come in! I gotta show you everything!”
Mathew grabbed my hand and started to pull me inside. I shot a look to Hannibal and Will, as if to ask if it was okay. With a smile and nod from both of them I was lead into the house by Mathew, Hannibal and Will not far behind.
Chilton’s house was all decorated for the holiday. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, there was green and orange lights hanging up along with scary decorations like face blood or scary faces. Both of which had me sticking close to Mathew.
We walked into the kitchen where everyone seemed to be hanging out. All the attention was on me the moment I entered the kitchen.
“Y/N, welcome to the haunted mansion.” Fredrick said with a haunting voice. He was dressed up in his usual suit, nothing special. What was he supposed to be? Himself?
“Hi Uncle Fredrick.” I said softly, stick close to Mathew.
“He’s not Uncle Fredrick, he’s the evil Lex Luthor! My evil villain!” Matthew announced. Fredrick just rolled his eyes but smirked nonetheless.
“Hi Y/N, Happy Halloween!” Jack said as he held his arms up high pretending to be Frankenstein.
“What are you supposed to be? A blue dog?” Fredrick asked me snickering with a roll of his eyes.
Before I had a chance to defend myself and my costume, Bella, Jack’s wife dressed as Frankenstein’s Wife spoke up, “A blues dog?” She rolled her eyes back at him.
“I guess someone doesn’t recognize Blue from Blues Clues.” She walked over to me, “You even have Magenta with you?” I nodded my head and held her out for Bella to see.
She gasped and clapped her hands, “Your costume is amazing! You look adorable sweetheart!” She said wrapping me in a hug.
Bella is someone I liked to be around. She’s such a gentle and kind Caregiver. Plus she always sticks up and favored me out of all the Little friends Beverly had.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Hannibal said as he and Will entered the room and started to greet everyone.
Mathew took the distraction to his advantage, slipping away for a moment and then running back over to me. “Come on! I’ve got us something!” With that I was once again lead away.
Jack started to laugh seeing Will and Hannibal’s outfits. “It seems everyone got it easy this year. The both of you wearing sweaters, Dr. Chilton wearing a suit but Bella and I have to really dress up.”
The three shrugged. “In our defense we were originally going to be Bert and Erinie.” Will joked causing the group of Caregivers to laugh.
Mathew led me to his playroom where Beverly was hanging out. “There you are! I thought you got caught!”
“I just got distracted. Plus Y/N showed up! So now it’s a real party!”
Beverly smiled seeing me, “Y/N! Happy Halloween!” She gave me a big hug.
Beverly’s costume was so cool! She was dressed as Frankie from Monster High.
“You look so cool Beverly! I love your costume!” I really did! She looked just like the character, down to the make up and the outfit.
“Thank you! I like your costume too! Plus you have Magenta with you! That’s cool!”
“Ummm guys? Can we get back to the topic at hand? That being candy!!” Mathew emptied his pockets only the ground spilling all the different candies from it. “My dad says we can only have a few pieces of candy tonight so while everyone was distracted with Y/N, I grabbed a couple of handfuls for us!”
“Great job Matthew!!” Beverly exclaimed.
The three of us all sat around the pile of candy Mathew brought us and started to dig in. I was a bit hesitant at first, after all Hannibal and Will were very careful about what I ate. I had rules about candy, needing to ask one of them if I wanted to eat a piece first.
But if I did Mathew would get in trouble and then he wouldn’t like me…probably…maybe. So I decided that one piece of candy wouldn’t hurt to eat without Will and Hannibal’s permission.
Then after that piece I had another because I wanted to try this new one Mathew had gotten.
And I figured another one couldn’t hurt after that second piece of candy.
Then after that I said four is a nice even number. So I’ll have another piece of candy.
As we were enjoying the stolen candy we heard the front door to Uncle Fredrick’s house open up and people talking. Beverly started to panic. “Matt! Go hide the candy!”
Mathew grabbed all the candy and wrappers and stuffed them into his play kitchen’s refrigerator, then he shut the door with a slam.
He made it in record time because not a second later did Alana, Margot and Freddie walk into the playroom to greet us.
“Hi girls! Hi Mathew! Happy Halloween!” Alana said as she entered.
“Hi Aunt Alana and Margot.” We all greeted.
Alana and Margot were dressed like 1920’s gangsters. Freddie was dressed in a flapper’s dress complete with a beaded hat.
Margret kissed Freddie head, “Now you be good and play with your friends. We’ll be in the living room with the rest of the adults.”
And with that the adults left us once more, the only issue is they left us with Freddie. Out of all the Little in this immediate friend group, I like Freddie the least. She’s bossy, says mean things and away picks on me for being the youngest.
And it isn’t even her headspace because Beverly is the same one as her, but she always treats me nicely while Freddie does not. So I wasn’t too thrilled to see her.
“Beverly! Wow! You look awesome as Frankie! Mathew, looking cool as ever as Superman!” She stopped when she turned to me. “What are you supposed to be?”
“I’m Blue from Blues Clues.” I said plainly, looking down at Magenta in my hands.
“What even is Blues clues? Some sort of baby show?” She rolled her eyes.
“No! It’s a show for everyone! And it’s really good!” I said defending my favorite show.
“How do you not know Blues Clues? Do you live under a rock?” Mathew right away said sticking up for me.
“Yeah Freddie, even I know what Blues Clues is.” Beverly spoke up, siding with me as well.
“Nevermind! Okay? Today isn’t about stupid costumes anyway! It’s about who’s the bravest. I heard Uncle Fredrick has something planned that will test who’s the brave one of all.”
We all looked at her confused, then turned our attention to Mathew. Surely if anyone knew what she was talking about it would be him.
It took him a second to click into what she was saying, “Oh.” He said looking a bit uneasy. “You mean the haunted maze he has in the basement?”
I froze hearing that. Haunted maze? In the basement?! I’m NEVER allowed to go into the basement in my house for safety reasons. But I would never go down to begin with…it’s scary down there…
“I think I’ll be able to complete all by myself. You guys think you’ll be able to complete it at all?” She asked with a very pointed look towards me.
“Who cares about a haunted maze when we have candy!” Mathew grabbed a few from the fake refrigerator and started handing them out to us.
I started to eat my chocolate bar when I heard Freddie dramatically gasp. “Y/N! I thought your dads said no candies since they’re both health freaks.”
I looked at her like she was crazy, because she probably is, “They’re not health freaks Freddie.”
“So they’re okay with you eating candy?”
“Are your moms okay with you eating candy?” I replied back.
Silence hit the room until Beverly cut the tension. “Listen, none of our Caregivers want us to eat a lot of candy so no one is going to tell on anyone else. Got it? Good. Now let’s-.”
“Kids! Come to the living room for some crafts.” Will called out to us.
Mathew and I locked eyes and quickly threw the remaining wrappers into the little play fridge just in time. Will popped into the room just as the two of us stood by the play fridge.
“Come on you two, we have a movie on and some crafts.”
Beverly and Freddie left the playroom first followed by a shy looking Mathew who quicken took off the moment he passed Will. I tried my best not to look guilty but Will knows me better than that. Just before I walked past him he held my shoulder, stopping me from walking.
My heart sank and my world seemly froze. “Y/N? What’s in the fridge?” Will asked sincerely.
I was screwed. I knew I was. It was practically impossible to lie to Will and Hannibal. I mean ones a psychologist and the other is a profiler! Their job is literally reading people. But I tried anyway.
“Nothing.” I shrugged.
“Really? Then I just help myself to some plastic food then.” And with that Will started to walk towards the play fridge.
I grabbed his arm tried to pull him away but it was more like me sliding across the floor as he kept walking. “Noooo Dadee! It’s nothing! It’s empty!”
“Then you shouldn’t have to worry when I open it.” Will grabbed the handle and opened the fridge to reveal the mess of candy wrappers and uneaten candies. Will raised his eyebrow at me as if to say explain this.
I threw my hands up. “It wasn’t me! It was Mathew. He got the candy and everyone warned me not to tell. I’m sorry! I didn’t want to get him in trouble. Plus everyone would hate me if I told you.” I quickly explained.
“Did you eat a candy too or just cover up their lie?” Will asked, a bit disappointed. It started to crush me.
“I had two.” Or three, but realistically maybe seven. But hey! I was somewhat honest here. Did I eat candy? Yes. Did he need to know the amount?…..no.
He closed the play fridge and turned to me. “I don’t blame you for lying, while I’m not proud that you did I understand why you did, to protect Mathew. But what I am disappointed at is you having candy without our permission-.”
I went to interrupt him to explain again but he stopped me.
“Again, I understand where you’re coming from, you couldn’t ask us or it would’ve gotten Mathew in trouble. But that doesn’t means you should’ve had any candy.” Will explained.
I started to get more and more upset as he spoke. I didn’t want to be in trouble! I didn’t even want to be here! This wasn’t even my fault! Plus the whole no candy was stupid and everything was stupid! All at once I became overwhelmed.
Then came the water works and the frustrated tears. “I didn’t even want to come here! I just want to be with you and Papa for Halloween! It’s…this is all so much. I just…I don’t…”
I trail off and start crying. All the frustration, all the anger, all the overwhelming feeling and all the anxiety flooding out of me as I cried.
Will immediately sprang into action, scooping Y/N up into his arms and holding her close. He wrapped her legs around his hips and lightly bounced her in his arms.
If there was anyone who could see someone on the verge of a meltdown, it was Will. He knew with himself how overwhelming thoughts and emotions made him so he knew how Y/N must’ve been feeling.
He halted those emotion right were they started. One arm held her back and the other her head that laid on his shoulder. He softly shushed her and repeated “Its alright, you’re safe, you’re safe with me.”
After a moment or so Y/N’s tears and crying had stopped. She laid tired in his arms, head resting on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck, and a little sniffle here and there.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Will quickly answered back.
“If you want, I can go get Papa and the three of us can go home and relax the rest of the night.” Will started to offer but Y/N whined in response.
“I wanna stay with Mathew…and Beverly. They’re nice to me.” She explained.
“And Freddie isn’t?”
Y/N shook her head, “She always makes mean comments about you guys and about my headspace.”
It broke Will’s heart to hear his Little one was being bullied around by anyone, but Freddie no less. That was not going to slide with him.
“Let’s make a plan together. The next time she says something to you when we’re not around, I want you to let me or Papa know right away. Okay? That way we can put an end to it.“
Y/N nodded her head.
“If you ever feel overwhelmed or upset or anything. You know you can come to us. No matter who’s around, we will always take care of you first.” Will hugged Y/N tightly. “I love you more than you can imagine.”
Y/N hugged him back just as tight. Still happily held in his arms. “I love you too Dadee. Thank you.”
They stayed together in the playroom for a moment more, just the two of us holding one another. It was nice, a quiet moment alone to help Y/N reset and feel comfortable again.
“Why don’t we join everyone in the living room? They’ve got some coloring books and crafts on the coffee tables. They’re also playing a Halloween movie on the tv.” Will suggested after a moment.
Y/N lifted her head to that. I felt a lot better than I did before. “Yeah let’s go.”
With all the frustration let out and a new plan for the two of them. They both felt better as Will carried Y/N into the living room.
Inside the living room all the adults sat on the couches talking about boring adult stuff as always. One of the coffee tables has an assortment of different coloring books and the other had a bunch of crafts.
Beverly and Freddie were making a craft together, with Freddie complaining about how boring she thought it was to Beverly. Mathew sat alone at the other table, absently coloring a picture in one of the coloring books.
Once I came back to the party he lifted his head and smiled. “Y/N!” He ran over to Will and I. “I found the best coloring book for us to color! It has pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons and more!”
Will looked at me almost as if to ask me if I wanted to be put down. I nodded my head and was left down out of Will’s arms. Mathew took my hand and led me other to the coffee table to start coloring while Will joined a concerned Hannibal. He sat down and quietly explain what had happened.
Mathew was right, these coloring books were awesome!! They had some many interesting designs and characters. I started with a photo of a ghost and began to color beside Mathew.
But Mathew stopped me after a minute. I looked up to meet his sadden eyes and guilt ridden face. “Y/N, I’m so sorry if you got in trouble for the whole candy thing. I should’ve stayed with you and told Uncle Will the truth. I’m a terrible friend.”
I shook my head, “It’s okay Mathew. I promise it’s okay! He isn’t mad at me. I didn’t get in trouble. But more than all of this you’re not a terrible friend.”
Mathew wiped a stray tear away, “I’m not?”
“No! You’re my best friend!”
“From now on best friends stick together!” Mathew smiled.
“Forever.” I smiled back.
The two of us hugged and it seemed all was right. Best friends reunited! Superman and Blue!
The two of us continued coloring and watching the movie which was Halloweentown. In the film when they arrive to Halloweentown their taxi driver is a skeleton. The idea of a taxi driver being a skeleton made me giggle.
I turned to Hannibal to see if he saw the funny sight, “Papa that taxi driver is a skeleton!” I giggled some more.
Hannibal smiled seeing my excitement about the skeleton taxi driver, “You’re right! I thought that taxi driver looked a bit strange.”
I giggled some more at the idea that Papa didn’t know it was a skeleton till I said something.
Jack, who was sitting next to Hannibal joined in the conversation, “You know I thought he looked a bit strange myself. Good detective work Blue!”
I smiled to the praise, proud that I had discovered the taxi driver skeleton! I grabbed another page from the book of an actual skeleton and began to color him like the one in the film.
But my coloring was interrupted when Uncle Fredrick walked into the living room to make an announcement. “Alright kids, the haunted maze is all set up downstairs. Which one of you will be the first brave soul to solve the mystery and get the treasure?”
“Will it be my brave Superman here?” Fredrick said giving Mathew a pat on the shoulder.
But Superman was anything but brave. Matthew looked at me with an eyes full of fear. I was right there with him, I’m not sure I wanted to go down to the haunted maze alone.
“I’ll go! I’ll go!” Freddie jumped up. “I’ll show these babies how it’s done.” She said with a pointed glance to Mathew and I.
“Freddie, that isn’t nice to say. Y/N and Mathew are brave in their own regard.” Will corrected.
Alana joined in, “You’re Uncle is right. That not nice to say to Y/N and Mathew.”
“I would apologize or someone isn’t going to do the maze.” Margot added with a pointed look towards her for a change.
Freddie looked like she was going to explode with anger. There was a moment you could see she was debating on whether she was going to fight it or not. But I guess her enthusiasm for the haunted maze won over.
“Sorry Matt and Y/N.” She said loud enough for us to hear but with no real remorse in sight.
“Thank you, now you may do the maze.” Alana explain.
Fredrick started to explain the maze to all of us before Freddie went down to the basement, “Your goal is to find three gold coins in the basement. But watch out, there are evil monsters that protects the coins. Find the three coins and you’ve completed the maze.”
“Pfffff! I’ve got this! Move over!” And with that Freddie pushed past him and went down into the basement.
Mathew and I just looked at each other with a fearful look. But Mathew broke out of it and shook his head, “Good riddens.” He whispered with a wink.
I smiled back and shook my head at him. We both went back to our coloring as the minutes tick by, then suddenly there was a scream from downstairs.
The scream caught everyone off guard. I jumped up and rushed over to Will and Hannibal as Alana, Margot and Fredrick ran over to the basement door.
Freddie threw the door open and ran into Alana’s arms. “There was something down there that attacked me!!” She cried.
By this time I was sitting between Will and Hannibal as the scene unfolded, Mathew joining me. I held onto Hannibal arm and Mathew did the same with Will’s.
“How many coins did you get?” Fredrick asked.
Freddie threw the one and only coin she had on the ground.
“Maybe this is a bit too scary for the little ones.” Bella suggested.
“I have to agree with Bella. How scary is this maze Dr. Chilton?” Hannibal asked.
“Nonesense! It’s not that scary. I’m going to reset the room real fast and then it’s my Superman’s turn.” And with that Fredrick turned and left.
Matthew shot me a look of pure terror. But I knew his dad, there was no way Matthew was getting out of this knowing how stern Fredrick was.
I didn’t want to do the maze at all, especially seeing Freddie’s reaction to it. But Mathew wasn’t going to make it by himself. So…
“I’ll go with you!” I said before I even had a chance to wrap my mind around it.
Hannibal and Will looked at me worried, “Are you sure you want to go down there with Mathew Y/N? It might be too scary for you and that’s okay if it is.” Will asked.
As much as I wanted to take the out Dadee was giving me, I shook my head no. “Best friend stick together.” I smiled at Mathew.
I could just see the relief wash over him. “Best friends stick together!”
Too soon Fredrick returned and it was our turn. Hannibal and Will gave me a reassuring hug and smile. “If it’s too scary just come back up here, okay? No one will be mad or judge you.”
I nodded my head and said goodbye two. Hand in hand, Mathew and I made our way down to the basement. Just like the basement at home, it’s was dark and scary. We took one step at a time will we reached the bottom. Then it began.
“Okay, so we have to find three coins, shouldn’t be too hard right?” Mathew said with voice not filled with too much confidence.
Down in the basement there were boxes set up as the sort of maze to navigate too. There was also a fog machine which added another creepy layer to the dark and creepy basement.
Mathew walked in the front, holding onto my hand for dear life. I hide behind him and followed along as we started the maze.
So far it wasn’t too bad. We came across a table with a simple bowl infront of it. Inside the bowl was a bunch of candies and the golden coin in the middle.
I went to grab it right away but Mathew stopped me. “This is too simple.” His eyes narrowed.
I looked around, there was no ghost or anything in sight. It looked simple enough to me. But knowing Uncle Fredrick, Matthew was probably right.
To prove his point Matthew grabbed a paint brush off one of the shelves and put the handle on the coin.
Suddenly a skeleton arm from under the table jumped out and grabbed the paint brush handle! The two of us yelped and jumped back. When we did, Mathew dropped the paint brush and the hand retracted under the table.
“I have an idea!”
I grabbed the paint brush off the floor and put it in the bowl again. When the skeleton hand grabbed it I used my other hand and grabbed the coin!
I threw the paint brush off to the side and showed the coin proudly to Mathew! “Look Superman! We got the first coin!!”
“Great job Blue! You’ll be in charge of holding our coins.” Mathew smiled.
But our smiles disappeared when we realized we still had two coins left. So with that we cautiously continued on.
Hand in hand we weaves through the cardboard box maze. Cloth hung from the ceiling making it hard to see what was ahead. We must set off some motion sensor thing because suddenly a clown animatronic turned on right next to me.
I screamed and grabbed Mathew for dear life. I was shaking like a leaf behind him as he stood in front of the clown.
“Hey you stupid clown! You will not scare my best friend like that!!”
And with that Mathew grabbed the power cord to the clown and ripped it from the wall. The laughing clown soon died down and become silent and motionless.
Looking down by the clown’s foot was the second coin. “Y/N! The second coin!! We got the second coin!”
But when Mathew turned to me I was a bit of a mess to say the least. Tears fell down my face as I tried to calm down from the shock of seeing the clown. My hands covered my ears, fearing the clown would somehow turn back on and continue laughing.
“Hey! Are you okay? That clown really scared you but don’t worry I took care of it. Superman saved the day!” He pulled me into a tight hug. “It’s okay! I promise it won’t turn back on.”
“Want me to get Uncle Hannibal and Will? I won’t be mad if you want to see them. That was really scary. Plus this maze is stupid anyway.”
Breaking apart I slowly brought my hands away from my ears and wiped my tears away. “I think…I think I’m okay. I can do this. I want to win this together.” I said trying to convince Mathew and myself.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He asked one more time but I shook my head again.
“We’ve got this…together.” I shared a small smile with Mathew, “We only have one more coin to go.”
“Hell yeah!!” Mathew smiled. “Oh and speaking of coins here,” he handed the second coin, “You keep this safe.”
Hand in hand we continue onward. As we began walking I realized that clown scared me a lot more than I realized. My diaper felt cold and heavy against my body. I guess when the clown scared me I was so upset I didn’t realize I had an accident.
Now walking along with Mathew with a bit of a waddle to my walk. It doesn’t seem like he noticed, not that my best friend would ever judge me after all he wore pull-ups to bed. But usually I wouldn’t stay more than 1 minute in a wet diaper, always looking to my Caregivers for a change. The feeling always made me uncomfortable. But I already promise Mathew we would continue on so I put on a brave face and stuck it through, surely it would be over soon enough.
Finally we reached the end of the maze and once again everything seemed easy…too easy…
Once more there was a table set up in front of us with the gold coin sitting in the center of it. But around were no scary decorations, no lights, no fog, no nothing.
Mathew and I shot each other a look. There was definitely something we were missing.
Carefully and cautiously we walked toward the table. I was looking to the right while Mathew was looking to the left. Everything seemed to be fine…for now…
We were about three steps away from the table when we both hit a trip wire of some sort. Suddenly from the roof the grim reaper appeared, swinging down on a rope attached to the ceiling.
Both Mathew and I screamed and fell backwards. Mathew fell first and managed to catch me before I hit the ground. The two of us held each other in a tight hug, hiding our faces as the grim reaper swing from the ceiling and a maniacal laugh track played.
Suddenly it stopped, and the lights to the basement turned on. Loud footsteps were heard rushing down the stairs and over to us. But Mathew and I were too scared to even lift our heads up, afraid it was another trick after all.
“I’m telling you it just might’ve been a little trick that scared them. We don’t have to come down-.” Fredrick began to say but was soon cut off.
“You said this was Little friendly but I do not see anything here to support that. This looks too scary for someone with Mathew and Y/N’s headspace.” I could hear Papa say to Uncle Fredrick. He sounded really angry. Something rare for him, Papa never showed emotions like anger often.
“Y/N? Mathew? Where are you?” I could hear Dadee call out to me.
Mathew didn’t seem like he wanted to lift his head at all to call out to our Caregivers. So I had to be the brave Blue for us. I lifted my tear stained face to call out.
But right as I was going to call out my costume started to get wet. At first I froze, thinking it was a second accident and I was leaking my diaper. But Mathew started to cry and soon it clicked with me what was happening. I wasn’t the only one who got scared and had an accident today.
“It’s okay Mathew,” I held him tight in the hug, uncaring for my costume getting wet. “I had an accident too. It’s okay though. It’s scary down here.”
He shook his head, “I’m s-suppose to be…brave S-Superman…” his voice cracked out.
“You are! You saved me from the clown! You are a brave Superman! But even Superman has accidents too. So does Blues Clues. And they can still fight crime or leaves clues behind.”
Mathew nodded along, “Thank you Blue.”
“Of course Superman.”
It seemed my advice was helping him, though I have to say I was just copying off what my dads usually say to me after an accident. And speaking of them…
The three Caregivers finally found us. The moment we saw them the two of us jumped up and ran over.
“Papa! Dadee!” I ran into Hannibal’s arms.
“Papa!” Mathew yelled running into Fredrick’s arms. It was no surprise to Fredrick seeing the puddle on the ground and seeing Mathew’s wet costume as to what happened.
“Papa I’m so sorry…I didn’t know…I didn’t realize I…the reaper scared me and I…l.” Mathew trailed off saying but Fredrick pulled him into a tight hug.
“Shhh shhh shhh, it’s alright Mathew. I didn’t realize I made this maze a bit too scary for you and your cousin. You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s just an accident. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Fredrick said, taking Mathew’s hands and leading him upstairs to get changed.
While this was happening Hannibal pulled me up and into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and hid my head against his shoulder. I started to cry softly as well, both out of pure relief having Will and Hannibal here and because of the stupid scares down here.
“Papa, I had an accident too. Scary clown tried to get me but Mathew protected me. But it was so scary! And it laughed. And then the grim reaper attacked us!” I explained.
“A scary clown and a grim reaper? This was not a good idea for you to participate in. I’m sorry I allowed you to do this. I should’ve come down here and saw it for myself.” Hannibal explained, though I could hear the anger in his voice.
“It’s okay. Mathew protect me and now you and Dadee protect me.” I hugged him tighter. I felt a thousand times more comfortable now that Papa and Dadee were with me.
“Always darling, always. Now let’s get you changed too. I don’t want you in wet clothes any longer.”
“Wait,” Will said walking away for a moment before coming back over to the two of us.
I lifted my head up to see what he was doing. He gestured for me to hold my hand out. Once I did, he placed the last coin in my hand.
“There you go, I think it’s safe to say that you and Mathew completed the maze.” Will smirked.
I smiled and held the coin tightly. We did it!! We completed the maze!! Now I had three coins!
Hannibal carried me upstairs and into one of the guest bathrooms. He helped me out of my wet costume first. After close inspection he gave me the bad news.
“I don’t think you’ll be able to wear your costume for the rest of tonight. I’m afraid it’s too wet for you. But no worries, Dadee and I always come prepared.” Hannibal smirked.
Soon Will knocked on the bathroom door. He brought my diaper bag along with Magenta who was forgotten on the couch.
“Someone missed you while you were away Blue.”
I happily took the dog stuffie and held it close.
Hannibal and Will helped me get changed out of my wet diaper into a fresh one. Plus they packed a fresh pair of clothes for me, a Blues clues long sleeve and matching blue sweat pants. They were nothing if not coordinated.
“Dadee? Can we keep the diaper bag close?” I asked sitting on the counter as Will and Hannibal cleaned up.
“Of course sweetheart. You’re okay with it staying with us in the living room?” Will asked to double check.
I nodded my head, “I don’t care what Freddie or anyone says anymore. I’m brave Blue Clues who has three coins!” I smiled holding the coins up high.
Will and Hannibal shared a look with one another. But they could help but smirk. Usually they weren’t ones to condone bragging, but tonight they let it slide. Their little one deserved a win.
“You are certainly our brave little Blue.” Will lifted me into his arms and placed a kiss on my cheek.
Once all settled for the rest of the night, Will and Hannibal took me back to the living room. There sitting on the couch was Mathew wrapped around Fredrick. He was wearing a Superman shirt and pajama bottoms.
Freddie, who was sitting with Beverly on another couch, held an evil smirk seeing us enter the room after our maze.
“So the babies couldn’t make it through the maze with a single coin?”
“That is not nice!”
The adult said trying to stop the mean comments where they started but I had one better.
I simply took the coins out of my pocket and threw them into the ground infront of her. The three coins rattled as they hit the ground causing the whole room to go silent.
“We beat the maze.” I simply said, smirking with the same stupid grin she always had.
There was nothing but satisfaction on my face seeing Freddie start fuming internally.
“HELL YEAH Y/N AND MATHEW!!” Beverly said breaking the tension. Mathew and I smiled. We did it!
“My turn! My turn!”
“I don’t know Beverly. I think this proved the maze is unsuited for Littles.” Fredrick tried to say.
“Please Uncle Fredrick! You gotta let me give it a shot!”
Fredrick shot a look to Jack and Bella who just shrugged.
“If she thinks she can do it, then let her give it a try.” Jack said smirking at his brave Little.
Fredrick shrugged, a bit impressed with Beverly’s bravery. He stood up to go reset the maze but Mathew grabbed his hand.
“No!! Don’t leave! Please stay.” After everything I don’t blame Mathew, the two of us were feeling a bit clingy to our Caregivers at the moment.
Bella quickly swoop into action, “How about you come over here Mathew and sit next to me.” Her calm voice and sweet smile won the Little over.
Soon Mathew was cuddled next to Bella and I was cuddling between Will and Hannibal on the couch. The two of us needed a break after all then.
Another Halloween movie played on the tv but Mathew and I were barley watching it, both of us were physically and emotionally exhausted from our adventures. With my head pressed against Will’s chest and my legs draped across Hannibal’s lap, I started to drift off.
A little bit later I was awoken to the sound of Beverly running up the basement stairs saying she won. I sat up, Magenta on hand, pacifier in mouth, and watch the scene unfold.
Beverly bursted into the living room. She threw the three coins on the ground. “I got all three coins and something better!”
Suddenly she threw the decapitated head of the clown animatronic in the middle of the living room. How she did it is beyond me. The entire room gasped in shock. Mathew and I looked at each other both in shock and relief. The monster was dead!
I smiled as well around my pacifier. Beverly is the coolest! With the clown taken out for good I let out a small yawn and I cuddled back against Will, letting the murmurs of conversation fade into the background as I drifted off again.
The clown was dead, I was safely cuddled between my two Caregivers holding Magenta close and surrounded by family friends.
At some point during the night it became pretty late so the adults decided to call it a night for the Littles.
Hannibal picked me up and held me in his arms. My head laid on his shoulder with my face turned toward his neck. I was too sleepy and too cozy in his arms to wake up and say goodbye to everyone. I just feel into a light sleep, hearing the whispered goodbyes and light kisses to my cheeks as Hannibal and Will left the party.
Then I felt the cold outside air hit my face. I whined and pushed myself closer in Hannibal’s arms. I could hear him chuckle.
“Don’t worry my little Blue, we will be back in our warm house soon enough.” Hannibal whispered before placing a kiss to the crown of my head.
Then after a moment in the cold I heard the car door open and felt myself get buckled up. Once the door closed I started to open my eyes and watch as Hannibal and Will got into the car themselves.
I smiled seeing my two Caregiver in their striped costume shirts still. I pulled my pacifier out for a moment, “Thank you for dressing up with me for Halloween.”
Hannibal and Will both turned around and smiled.
“Just as Steve and Josh would be lost without Blue, we would be lost without you.” Hannibal smiled.
“Happy Halloween to our little Blue.” Will winked.
I smiled back at the two of them, then popped my pacifier back in and rested my head against the car door window as we pulled away from Uncle Fredrick’s house. This could possibly be one of the craziest, scariest but also best Halloweens I’ve ever had.
Oh and those coins? I was going to hold that over Freddie’s head till the end of time.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
60 with guro reiten please (if u write 4 her)
A/N: this ficlet turned in a full grown fic.
60 - “I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest”
It wasn’t that you were a player, you simply didn’t want to open yourself up to the wrong person only for them to hurt you……again.
Guro was different to the other girls though. She seemed genuinely interested in you and not just the things on the surface. It first started when the two were assigned to each other on away trips. You remember it was just after the World Cup and you were sour about the way England was knocked out but then the first day of pre-season training you met her and within minutes she had you smiling from ear to ear.
You wanted to get to know her and more important you wanted to let her get to know you. Without realising it you were taking down the walls that surround you heart one by one, or maybe Guro was taking to them with a sledgehammer.
Chelsea had a signing day at the adidas flagship store down Oxford street. You, Millie, Magda, Pernille, Erin and Guro were the players chosen as you were fans favourites, even Emma joined you half way through.
You were sat at the end with Guro next to you. The two of you guys playing games of noughts and crosses as you wait for the next fan in line. Absentmindedly your arm found its way to the back of Guro’s chair, the winger leaning closer to you in response.
A couple of confident fans would sneak you there number but you would hand it back the them stating, in the nicest possible way, that you aren’t interested.
“Y/N turning down a fan, that’s a first” Millie teases.
“Why? She had legs and a beating heart, totally your type” Erin joins in but you can’t help but feel a little bit hurt at her remark. Is this really how she saw you?
“Leave her alone” Magda tells them.
“Thank you”
“At least this way we won’t have her groupies camping outside our hotel just to shoot their shot with the hottest bachelorette in the WSL” Pernille adds.
“Don’t listen to them” you whisper into Guro’s ear.
She doesn’t respond but the look on her face doesn’t fill you with confidence.
Emma, who upon arriving, took a seat next to you at the end before pulling you aside when a staff member calls for a break halfway through the signing.
“What wrong?” She asks and you shake your head, nothing was wrong, this is the happiest you have been in a long time.
“Really? Because the fans are flirting with you and you aren’t giving them the time of day” Emma is straight to the point as always.
“I’m not interested” you response is simple.
“Let’s say I believe you. Can you please just entertain them for the rest of the day. I saw them in line, most of them have your shirt on and we would love for them buy tickets for tomorrow game, don’t you want to play at a sold out kings meadow?”
You sigh deeply. You didn’t want to flirt with the fans especially when the woman you were developing feelings for sat right next to you.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” You want your coach to know that you don’t want to do it but you will if you have to.
“Y/N” Emma says when she sees your face, the cocky confident Y/N she has known for years is nowhere to be seen.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll do what is best for the team”
With that you walk back to the signing table only to find that Guro has swapped with Erin.
“Reunited and it feels so good” Erin sings.
“Fuck off ez” you weren’t in the mood and given your new task you want to get the day over with.
The next hour is painful for you but the fans are loving it. You flirt them, accept their numbers and as asked, you encourage them to come the game, stating that you hope to see their pretty faces in the crowd.
After an hour or so the signing ends.
You missed Guro in the second part of the signing. Erin was great but she failed in comparison to the Norwegian.
“Hello you” you nudge her shoulder.
“Hi” her reply is short and held a little bit of anger.
“Is everything ok? I know these days can be a little bit overwhelming but it’s part of the job” you try to reassure her.
“Well you seemed to be in your element. How many numbers did you get?”
“It doesn’t matter. They are in the bin now”
“Yeah right. I saw you, you loved it”
“No I didn’t, Emma made me. I don’t care about that kind of thing anymore”
“Hey girlies, we are going for some food, do you want to join us?” Millie asks unaware that she is interrupting.
“Yeah sure”
“No” Guro says “I’m going to head home. See you all tomorrow” and with that she was off.
“Guro wait” you say but it is no use as she is already in one of the cars.
Later that night you are out with your friends but you cannot stop thinking about her. You yearned for her company, more so than anyone else’s. It was a feeling that you hadn’t let yourself feel in years.
“Im going to leave, there’s somewhere else I need to be”
You don’t wait for them to respond. You throw some money on the table, enough to cover the bill and then leave.
Standing in front of Guro’s door you are on on your third attempt at knocking. Each time your knuckles are millimetres away you cowardly pull back.
“Jesus Y/N, what is this woman doing to you” you mumble to yourself before ripping the bandaid off and knocking at the door.
It is clear by her face that you are the last person Guro expected to see on the other side of the threshold.
“What are you doing here. I thought you were out with the girls?” She asks.
“I would rather spend my night with you” you say.
Fear washes over you when Guro doesn’t respond, she leaves you standing there.
“Can I come in? There’s something I want to talk to you about” you can see the conflict on her face “please”
She steps aside, her cheeks slightly flushed when she realises that she should have invited you in sooner.
“Why didn’t you come out tonight?” You ask. It is a question that had been on your mind all night.
“They warned me about you. When I first came to the club I let slip that I thought you were hot. Then a few months later I told Erin that I had a crush on you. She told me that you didn’t do the relationship thing and that I would end up hurt if I told you how I felt but then recently it felt you were changing”
“ I have changed Guro, because of you”
“No you haven’t. Today I saw it”
“You saw me pimping myself out on our coaches orders but I didn’t want to. I haven’t wanted to do that kind of thing for a while now”
“What are you saying?” A small smile tugs on Guro’s lips.
“I don’t know. I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest. I really like you Guro but I don’t want to get hurt again” you surprise yourself at your honesty.
“What kind of chance do we have if you are already thinking about the end?”
“Given my last relationship it’s kinda hard not too” you say hoping that she will see this from your point of view.
“I like you too Y/N, a lot” Guro takes a step closer to you, a knowing look in her eye “I don’t know how this will end but I want to try”
“Would you like to go for coffee tomorrow then we can ride to the game together?” You ask.
“I would but on one condition” your brows furrow in both confusion and intrique “no more getting fans numbers”
“Deal?” Guro holds her hand out
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starleska · 11 months
Youth Is Wasted on the Young - Mad Mod x Reader
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Following the events of Revolution, Mad Mod finds himself stranded alone in the centre of Jump City with no way to escape. It isn't until he runs into You - a clever fan who knows just how to get him out unseen - that Mad Mod's life takes an unexpected turn... rating: mature. tags: age gap, mutual pining, internalised ageism, holograms, flirting, threats, romance, fear, bargaining, stalking, yandere, surveillance, obsessive behaviour, technology, fluff, copious Britishisms, and teasing.  this fic is inspired by this wonderful art by @blackthewolf17​ 😉 i hope you all enjoy!!
Mad Mod's surveillance system is a marvel of engineering.
Years of designing and equipping his robots with nearly-undetectable surveillance equipment gives Mad Mod not just a bird's eye view of Jump City, but a civilian's view as well. His cameras pepper every building ledge, every street corner, and every statue. There isn’t a corner of the city that he can’t see... ...and the best part is that no one has a clue. Mad Mod slumps back in his recliner, struggling to keep his eyes open. Here in his 'control centre', Mad Mod is surrounded by a litany of screens, with a single, enormous screen dominating the room. Upon each scream a variety of people zooms past: an older woman crossing the street; a young gentleman tapping away at a laptop. A conveyor belt of familiar and unfamiliar faces blink in and out of existence as Mad Mod cycles through, looking for something, anything that might be different. These are not people Mad Mod knows by name: just your run-of-the-mill citizens going about their days with zero idea they're being watched. Bloody ingrates, Mad Mod thinks. Not a lick of manners in the lot of 'em. Lazily, Mad Mod flicks between channels on his remote with a click, click, click. With each push of a button, one of the screens flips to a different channel. Nothing seizes his attention. Since his failed attempt to erase the American Revolution from history and take his place as the rightful king of Jump City, Mad Mod has laid low, taking in the workings of the populace and trying to formulate a new, grand-scale plan. Click. Click. Twinge. Mad Mod hisses and shifts uncomfortably. Despite the youth he'd managed to steal for the day, his lower back aches with all the ferocity of his older spine. Mad Mod could add as many years as he liked, but his body knows that these young luxuries are borrowed. Click. Click. Cli- Mad Mod bolts upright in his chair. It's you. Quick as a flash, Mad Mod slams the pause button on his remote and then presses a couple more. You flare up onto the large screen—a view through a window and from the waist up. There’s nothing outwardly remarkable about you. It’s late, and you’re reaching to close the curtains of your apartment. You’re dressed comfortably, your hair is a little tousled, and you’re clutching a cup of coffee in your hand. Mad Mod leans as far forward as he can without toppling out of his chair. His eyes scan you hungrily, drinking in every detail of your form. He bites his lip, feeling his heart thrumming horribly in his chest. A scalding flush works its way up his neck to settle in his cheeks. “You oughta close your curtains earlier, love,” Mad Mod whispers. Mad Mod stands on shaky legs and approaches the screen. He stops mere inches away and looks up at your frozen image as if transfixed. Up close, he can make out the finer details of your face: a little half-smile makes your mouth crooked, and your eyes bear the strain of a tiring day. For a moment, Mad Mod reaches out a palm to touch the screen…but then draws it back as if he’s been burned. Get it together, old man. What are you doing? One chance encounter and you’re actin’ like a lovesick schoolboy. Mad Mod groans, running his hand over his face and back through his hair. He looks up at you, a vice squeezing around his heart, and then looks down at his own hands. They’re nice hands—long and delicate and well-manicured— but they’re fake, fake, fake . He’s a walking mirage: a sham of a man, wearing skin with elasticity that doesn’t belong to him. Everything from the hair on his head to his functional knees are from a bygone era. What would an angel like you want with a fraud like me? Every detail of your one and only real encounter is cemented into Mad Mod’s head, because he replays it every night before he goes to sleep: It was just after his humiliating defeat at the hands of those bratty Teen Titans. His empire was gone, his kingdom had collapsed, and even his precious ruby cane was broken, robbing him of his stolen youth. Mad Mod had run as fast his aged legs would carry him. Without the use of his cane Mad Mod was unable to truly alter his body, but he still kept some emergency tech on him for situations like this. He yanked a small device in the shape and colours of a British military roundel out of his pocket and pressed its central button. In seconds Mad Mod was enveloped by a hologram—the colour rushed back to his cheeks and hair, and his clothes morphed from stodgy cardigan to trim Union Jack suit. Yet the illusion wasn’t perfect: as he ran, Mad Mod’s real self glitched in and out through the hologram, showing flashes of his aged skin and balding scalp. It was nothing more than a parlour trick—a shimmering façade at least forty years out of date. But in this moment of desperation, Mad Mod could not bear to be himself. He needed to hold onto the dream just a little bit longer. Mad Mod twisted around a sharp corner. He slipped between the decaying remnants of his city-wide pop art illusion into an abandoned building, and he slammed the door shut. He dropped to the floor with his back against the door and sat there, fists clenched and trembling with rage. “Those blasted Teen Titans!” he growled. “When I get my hands on ‘em, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” “Hello?” Mad Mod froze. The voice had come from the back of the room. Unsteadily, Mad Mod clambered to his feet and felt in his pockets for his Sheffield army knife. Whilst everyone had been under his control mere moments ago, the effects of his brainwashing would have worn off by now, making his former kingdom enemy territory. All the tech in the world wouldn’t stop an angry, unconsenting victim of hypnosis, as Mad Mod knew from experience. But the old man was ready to go down swinging. “Plannin’ a sneak attack, are we?” Mad Mod called, unfurling his knife. “Get out here and show yourself, you crafty sod!” There was a beat of silence…and then you stepped into the dim light. You held your hands aloft in a gesture of surrender. “Oh my God,” you said, breathless. “You’re Mad Mod!” Mad Mod adjusted his glasses to make sure he was seeing things correctly. He had been prepared for someone large and threatening—perhaps even one of those dastardly do-gooders that infested this good-for-nothing city. Instead, he saw a wide-eyed and unassuming adult, with soot dusting your cheeks and clothes. Your hair was tangled and your eyes looked sleepless. He felt a little pang of jealousy for the youth evident in your face. Mad Mod drew his knife and pointed it at you, blade-first. “Take one more step and I’ll ‘ave your guts for garters,” he spat. “Wait! I’m not going to hurt you.” You stepped a little closer to him, and Mad Mod could make out signs of wear and tear on your jumper. Doubtless you’d been caught in some kind of skirmish with his Buckingham Palace guards. Smugness overtook his desire to fight, and Mad Mod laughed in your face. “You? Hurt me? Ha!” he scoffed. “I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back.” “I’m sure you could,” you agreed. “I know what you’re capable of, Mad Mod. So there’s no point in you threatening me with a knife. You could do much worse.” Your words made Mad Mod pause. As a hypnotist, he always felt that he was a good judge of character, and he wanted to register your words as mockery. But when he looked into your eyes, Mad Mod saw no signs of deception: your praise was completely sincere. He stared at you, and weighed up his options. The Teen Titans were on his tail, he no longer had his cane, and the collapsing of his city-wide illusion meant there was nowhere else to go. He needed to retire to his mansion as quickly as possible, and activate all the security measures he could muster. Perhaps it would be best to make an ally. “Sorry about that, love,” said Mad Mod, folding his knife and tucking it back in his pocket. “That weren’t becoming of a gentleman. My day’s gone a bit to pot.” “Yeah,” you agreed. “Sorry about that. I saw the whole thing.” Mad Mod blinked. “Hold on a tick. You mean…you weren’t hypnotised?” You giggled nervously and shook your head. Mad Mod noticed you were bouncing on the balls of your feet. “I’ve known you were going to take over the city for weeks,” you said excitedly. “I wanted to make sure I had a front row seat…but when I caught wind of how big an operation your takeover was going to be, I realised I needed to protect myself. This building sits in a blind spot between all of your hypno-screens. Right here, I was able to watch everything without falling under your control.” Mad Mod gaped at you. A blind spot between his hypno-screens…it was unthinkable. How had you, a dishevelled nobody, managed to outsmart him? The mortification of the day settled into Mad Mod’s stomach, and he felt sick. Months of planning down the drain all because of a bunch of teenagers…and whoever the hell you were. “Well, well, well…you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you, my duckie?” Mad Mod’s mouth twisted into a snarl. He advanced on you, pushing you further into the darkness. You cried out and tripped over something, stumbling backwards, but Mad Mod didn’t stop until your back collided with the far wall. He planted his arms on either side of your head, boxing you in. Your pupils blew wide and dark, and the sight of it gave Mad Mod an adrenaline rush like that of a young man. “Think you’re quite the clever-clogs, don’t you?” Mad Mod hissed. “But that won’t last. You’re causin’ me an awful lot of trouble, you know? A glitch in my system is nothin’ to sniff at…much less when ferreted out by a little muppet like you. What were you hopin’ for, eh? Blackmail? Sabotage? You could well ‘ave been the bastard that tipped off those wretched Teen Titans. Workin’ with them to take ol’ Moddy down, were you?” “No, no, no!” You gasped. “I swear, I would never do anything to get in the way of your plans. All I wanted was to see it all happen and remember it. You have to believe me!” “Tellin’ porkies won’t save you, love,” Mad Mod breathed. “It won’t even get you a trial. When I’m done with you, you’ll be lucky if you remember your own name. Why…” Mad Mod bared his crooked teeth. “...I oughta kill you." The two of you stood like that for some time: one of you seething with barely-contained rage, and the other struggling to breathe from the proximity. Mad Mod clenched and unclenched his fists, wanting, needing to do something, but found himself stuck. “Say,” said Mad Mod slowly. “...How come you aren’t afraid?” “What?” you said. “Oh, I am. Very afraid right now.” “Yeah, o’course, but. Not properly.” Mad Mod took a few steps back. He narrowed his eyes at you, before letting a little squarish device on a chain fall out of his sleeve. A thin white light shot from the device and scanned you, before zipping back into the square. Mad Mod read the display which the display up before him aloud: “Increased heart rate. Heightened body temperature. All signs of any frightened little bugger, and yet…” You weren’t afraid of him. So what the devil was wrong with— Mad Mod’s eyes widened with realisation. You were attracted to him. For a moment, Mad Mod was confused. You were young, and quite easy on the eyes—a thought he’d squashed into the back of his brain before it could cause any damage. What you would want with a man of his age baffled him…until he glanced at his hands and saw smooth, youthful skin. In his confusion, he’d forgotten about the hologram— as well as the effect his younger visage had on others. As long as he didn’t move too quickly, the illusion would hold: to this interloper, he would still look like his young self. That fact gave him a boost of confidence: old man Mad Mod couldn’t get what he needed from this strange, clever person, but the Mad Mod he was inside—the twenty-odd, mischievous, charming Mad Mod—could put his image to good use. Giving his best devil-may-care smile, Mad Mod re-approached his mark with a little sway in his hips. The absence of his cane meant he couldn’t swing with quite the flair he preferred, but he still knew how to off-set someone’s expectations. “Why, I’m flattered, dearie,” said Mad Mod with a toothy grin. “I didn’t realise you fancied me.” You’d shrunk back against the wall, and your hands covered your face. You peeked out from between your fingers, eyes wide in mortification. The sight filled Mad Mod with a perverse kind of glee. He loved nothing more than playing with his victims, and he was going to make you, brainy little toerag that you were, squirm. “What is it about me, then? Is it the suit? The hair? It can’t possibly be the teeth.” Mad Mod laughed and leaned in, stooping to try and force eye contact. “Or perhaps it’s the talent. Maybe you’d like to be hypnotised, eh? Have all that pesky control taken away from you? I know a couple minutes with my hypno-screens would have you ever so relaxed.” You squeaked, and Mad Mod’s grin stretched even wider. What an adorable sound—he was rather starting to enjoy the attention. Slowly, taking care not to disrupt his hologram, Mad Mod took hold of your hands and lowered them away from your face. Heat was radiating from your palms, but your eyes—so wide and innocent—gazed up at him with unspoken expectation. “Y-you’re a very handsome man, sir,” you stammered. “But I started following your schemes because of your work. The scale of your inventions is amazing. You’re…you’re quite brilliant.” “Cheeky,” Mad Mod admonished, feeling a pleasurable heat rising in his cheeks. “You’re not too bad yourself, love. Still, I ought not to encourage you…” Mad Mod leaned in closer, and relished in how you tried to make yourself as small as possible. “You could be one of them groupie sorts,” he said. “Utterly obsessed with me. Posters on your bedroom walls, little messages scrawled with love hearts. Why, you modern fans usually have back-to-back images of your sweethearts stored on your phones. But you’re not like that, are you, pet?” You stared at Mad Mod like he’d just read aloud the pages of your diary. He chuckled, and bent down to speak into your ear: “All I need is a clear way out of view of the Teen Titans,” said Mad Mod. “Get me outta Jump City and to the water’s edge, and I’ll give the teasin’ a rest.” Mad Mod felt the shudder that went through your body: he was close enough for his lips to ghost your earlobe. “Deal,” you whispered. And the deal was honoured. It took the two of you less than fifteen minutes to leave the building and clear the closely-nestled buildings of central Jump City on foot. You’d brought a crudely-drawn paper map, which you used to sneak between alleys and shadowed doorways, always out of sight of CCTV. Mad Mod managed to keep up with you, still being light on his feet. There were a few close moments when you saw a purple shadow flit overheard, and when you heard the telltale sound of a Sonic Cannon, but in no time at all the two of you stood on the beach, overlooking the Mad Mansion fortress sticking up absurdly out of the sea. Mad Mod cleared a space in the sand with his foot. A small circle unearthed itself, and up rose a custom-built elevator tube, connected to an underwater transportation system which would lead Mad Mod right back to his home. The Teen Titans would know where he was, but they wouldn’t be able to get past his security system. “Thanks for all your help, dearie,” said Mad Mod, tipping an imaginary hat to you. “That’s quite enough excitement for one day. It pains me to say it, but I may not have escaped unscathed if it weren’t for your know-how.” A lovely smile lit up your face. “Thank you, sir,” you said, glee evident in your voice. “The pleasure is all mine.” Mad Mod pressed a button to open the door on his elevator, and made to step in—but he hesitated. He looked back at you, and took in the wistful delight on your face. It really was thanks to you that he was able to get here in one piece…and he’d had quite a lot of fun doing it. In a strange way, you’d grown on him…and Mad Mod was nothing if not a gentleman. Perhaps you deserve a little reward. In a few short steps, Mad Mod crossed the sand and stood close to you. When you tried to take a step back, he reached out and steadied you by the elbow. “Flattery will get you everywhere, duckie,” Mad Mod whispered…and he leaned in to kiss your cheek. You yelped and stumbled backwards, losing your balance in the sand. Mad Mod tried to catch you, but you reached out and grabbed first—and your hand yanked out something from his pocket. You collapsed into the sand and brought Mad Mod tumbling down with you, leaving the two of you in a tangled mess of limbs. Something crunched. “Oof,” said Mad Mod, who’d fallen with a soft whump onto his hip. “You’re the ungainly sort, my dear. Good thing about the soft landing, eh?” You sat up, shook the sand from your hair—and then your mouth dropped open. “...What?” Mad Mod blinked. You kept staring. “Are you ‘avin’ some sort of episode, love?” asked Mad Mod, frustrated. He reached out to try and touch your shoulder— —and then he saw his hands. His old, wrinkled hands. “Gah!” Mad Mod sprung to his feet and looked down at his body. His fancy suit was gone, replaced by the dreary old cardigan and dark, sensible trousers. He reached up to touch his hair, and felt the sickening familiarity of his bald spot and its accompanying liver-spotted skin. Desperately, Mad Mod felt in his pocket for his hologramatic remote—and came up with nothing. It was then that he spotted the plasticky remnants of the remote pressed into the sand. The impact of the two of you falling had broken the remote, and taken his youthful illusion with it. Mad Mod looked back at you. You were still staring, open-mouthed. A cold rush of shame and anguish doused Mad Mod’s insides. He needed to get out. As fast as he could run through the sand, Mad Mod made a beeline for his elevator. You struggled to your feet and tried to chase after him, but the clear door slammed shut before you could get in. “Wait, don’t go!” You yelled through the glass. Mad Mod smiled at you sadly. “I’m sorry for the deception, my duckie,” he said. “You take care, now.” He pressed a button…and the elevator fell through the sand. That was two months ago. The night after his failed revolution, Mad Mod couldn’t sleep: he tossed and turned in bed, half-formed images of his stunted kingdom and you mingling together into malformed nightmares. He woke up drenched in sweat, and didn’t even have the comfort of his fake self to hang onto: it was too dangerous to find someone younger and drain their youth with the Teen Titans still looking for him. For the three days it took for Mad Mod to rebuild his hologramatic projector, he avoided all reflective surfaces and showered in the dark. There was one thing that he studied meticulously, however. In your awkward embrace in the sand, Mad Mod had accidentally snagged the paper map you’d drawn to help him out of the city. Although rudimentary, the map showed Mad Mod the locations of all the security cameras in Jump City, as well as all of their blind spots. Brilliant, really. This allowed him to hack into the existing cameras and set up his own, setting his watchful eyes over every possible angle in the entire city. Mad Mod told himself this was so he could reinstate himself as rightful king… …but instead, he found your apartment within 12 hours. He knew it was wrong. But Mad Mod had gotten good at talking himself out of not doing bad things, and he rationalised his watching you coming and going from your home as him protecting you. Because you’d helped him to escape, you’d aided and abetted a known criminal, and could be harangued by those damned Teen Titans at any moment. Of course, that never happened. Days turned into weeks, and Mad Mod found himself becoming familiar with your normal routine. He watched you open your curtains every morning and stretch like a cat, taking in those precious early rays of sunlight. He watched you depart for work, and followed your progress with alternating cameras until he was sure you’d reached your workplace. He watched you select and pay for your groceries, and struggle with your bags while trying to open your front door. He watched you close your curtains at night, blocking his view. He watched you on the night you forgot to close your curtains, too. Now, back in the present, Mad Mod moans in frustration and throws himself back into his chair, covering his face. What is wrong with him! All this time, and he’s scarcely worked on anything to do with his evil plans. You’ve done something to his head, something far more powerful and insidious than his hypno-screens could accomplish. You’ve made him care about you. Mad Mod clicks a couple more buttons on his remote control. All of the other feeds vanish, only to be replaced with more images of you: some still frames, and others loops of video, all from different angles and locations and dates. It’s a cornucopia of you, plucked from a harvest of thousands of hours of video. Eventually, his eyes drift back to the newest image of you, frozen whilst closing your curtains. The little smile on your face makes Mad Mod smile too. It’s an infectious sort of cheer that you have. Mad Mod wishes he could have spent more time appreciating that warmth. For a moment, Mad Mod imagines being there with you. Coming up behind you and slipping his arms around your waist. Laughing into the soft skin of your neck and nibbling playfully on your earlobe. Slipping into your bed and pulling you in after, letting your arms and legs tangle up in one another again just like they did at the beach. He imagines getting lost in your beautiful eyes, and drifting off into a worriless sleep with you curled up against him. Twinge. Mad Mod’s spine protests at the unnatural angle of his chair, and jolts him out of his fantasy. Of course, these thoughts were inappropriate. His behaviour was too. But Mad Mod couldn’t bring himself to delete his collection. He looks up at the newest image of you again, and a painful, boyish blush spreads across his cheeks. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Mad Mod averts his eyes, and tucks his remote control up into his chest. “Goodnight, my duckie,” says Mad Mod quietly. He switches off the video feeds and sits, alone, in the darkness. “Sweet dreams.”
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I loved the daemon fic!!! Could I request a part 2 to reader and Daemon's story?? A bit of a back story of how he picked her? A first time smut for them
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Of course! For more HOTD requests, just submit a strong snack to Vhagar through my ask box 💚 {I will be opening my ask box soon for The Last Kingdom and Game of Thrones requests, so keep an eye out for that announcement! 💕}
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The Gold Cloaks [Daemon Targaryen x Reader]
Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: {This is a prequel to another Daemon one shot. Click here for the sequel 🖤} You are one of the fresher faces in the brothels of Fleabottom, not knowing the true dangers that could lurk in the streets of silk until one night when a man decides to get too handsy….
WARNING: This is a smut one shot. Please read at your own risk.
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You chewed on your lip gently while brushing your fingers through your hair, getting ready for your first real night under Madame Katryna’s brothel. You felt your stomach flutter with nerves, not knowing what kind of men is going to walk through that door.
“Oh, gods,” Katryna mumbled as she walked into the main room where all the girls were gathered, some with their breasts out for appeal matters. “The gold cloaks are scaring off all of our customers.”
“Gold cloaks?” You asked, confused while furrowing your brows.
“The City Watch,” A dark haired woman named Aella spoke up. “The Rogue Prince is the head of them.” She had a smug smirk on her lips as she said it.
“The King’s brother?”
“Mm-hmm.” Aella’s smirk widened. “He is quite a charmer too.”
“And he is going to drive away all of my customers,” Madame Katryna growled out.
You looked over the Madame’s pudgy face, which was red with anger. It was clear that she was not a fan of the Rogue Prince.
“But Prince Daemon pays handsomely,” Another whore by the name of Madelyne spoke up.
Madame Katryna scoffed a bit. “We do not need him causing issues here. Now the lot of you, finish getting ready.”
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“Do you really believe the Prince will be coming?” You asked with bright eyes as you watched Aella and Madelyne finish getting ready.
“Oh, sweet one. Don’t be so full of hope,” A sickly sweet voice called out and your eyes turned to a redhead. Her name was Elyse and she liked to believe she was Madame Katryna’s second. “He only likes to go for the pretty ones.”
“Is that why he has not laid with you yet, Elyse?” Madelyne teased.
Elyse narrowed her eyes. “I was the first whore he laid with here.”
“I believe that title goes to Madelyne, but it is sweet that you think so highly of yourself,” Aella added with a small smirk.
Elyse huffed out a breath and turned to storm out. “I hope your first client is a monster, Y/N,” She spat out before heading off.
You looked down, Elyse’s words of venom staining your mind. You couldn’t help but wonder if her wish would come true. You jumped a bit feeling a gentle touch on your shoulder.
“Do not let Elyse get to you,” Aella said with a soft smile on her lips. “She is a witch in disguise and is envious that the Rogue Prince would rather lay with a sheep than with her.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at that. You didn’t know how true it was, but it comforted you a bit. You rubbed your arms a bit and looked down at the ground, the nerves fluttering in your stomach.
Aella smiled lightly and rubbed your shoulder. “You are a pretty one, Y/N. You should hold your head high with confidence and do not let anyone stomp your flame out.”
“Thank you, Aella.”
The dark haired girl smiled and nodded a bit. “Now, come. Even though the Rogue Prince is loose, I am sure there will still be some brave souls to venture in.”
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You fiddled with the red silky fabric of your dress, a gift from Madelyne when you first came to the brothel, as you watched each girl take a man to a private room; other women already with their clients in the main room. There was truly no such thing as modesty in the streets of silk.
“Now, aren’t you a beaut?”
Your eyes turned to look up at a man who was of a heavy build with a bald head. His eyes were dark and beady, it reminded you a bit of a rat. “W-would you like to go to a place more private?”
His belly shook as he laughed. “I would rather be out here.”
You nodded and took his hand, leading him towards a corner that was a bit more private. You turned to face him but his grubby hands were already on your dress, ripping the front off.
“Now don’t be so shy,” He said when you crossed your arms in front of your chest to keep some of your modesty.
You couldn’t help but whimper a bit as he pushed you down, trying his best to tug his breeches off. You have heard stories from Aella and Madelyne about men such as this, but you never expected it to be your first client.
“I want you to look at me when I stuff your wet cunt with my cock,” The man growled out as you fought against him.
“Let go of me.” You gasped when he suddenly struck you.
“I am paying for your service,” He whispered lowly in your ear. “Now act like a good little bitch and behave…or this will hurt.”
You closed your eyes tight, waiting for the pain to come but it never did. You heard the sound of steel being unsheathed and you looked up gasping seeing the end of a sword sticking out of the man’s throat. He fell on top of you, his breeches still pulled down, and you quickly pushed him off to the side before your eyes met the violet eyes of the Rogue Prince.
“I would have cut off his cock, but his throat was closer.” Daemon blew out a breath as he sheathed his sword and looked over you. “Come, let us get you cleaned.”
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You were quiet as you watched the Prince wet a cloth before he pressed it to your neck gently, lightly wiping at the blood stains that were left there from him killing the man.
Your eyes flickered up to his face, examining his features. The striking long white hair and stunning violet eyes gave away his House. Often times you would hear the girls gossiping about the brother of the King, yet you never imagined that he would be the one to save your life.
“Thank you for saving me,” You said after a moment. “I must repay you somehow.”
Daemon glanced up at you and shook his head a bit. “It is my job as a Gold Cloak, to protect the citizens of King’s Landing.”
You bit your lip gently and leaned over kissing him suddenly on the lips. “Please, my Prince. Let me show you my gratitude.”
Daemon stared at you for a moment before he set the cloth down and brought you close by the back of your neck. His lips felt gentle against yours, which surprised you. You reached up, placing your hands on either side of his face and deepened the kiss slightly, falling back onto your bed.
You looked up at him when you released the kiss for air, playing with the strings of his tunic. You helped him get it off, tilting your head as you traced patterns onto his chest. You looked back up at his face, noticing him watching you.
“Do you see something you like?” You teased with a small smile.
Daemon chuckled and leaned down, his lips brushing against yours. He trailed kisses along your jawline before they connected with your lips once more. You felt his hand trail along your skin, leaving goose flesh. His hands felt rough, calloused from his years of sword training.
You wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands moved between your thighs and furrowed your brows as he took his middle and index finger, pushing them inside of you.
“It will only hurt a little, I promise,” He whispered in your ear. “Do you trust me?” He asked softly.
You heard his breeches fall to the ground as you nodded. You looked into his eyes when he moved back a bit, taking his fingers out. You clutched tight onto his back as he positioned himself before he slowly made his way into you. You winced a bit and squeezed him lightly the further he went in.
“Relax,” Daemon whispered in your ear. “If you do not then you can’t enjoy yourself.”
You nodded and leaned your head against his, your breathing becoming labored as he hit your sweet spot. You let out a moan when he began to thrust, gripping onto your hips tight to keep you in place.
There was a sensation that ran through your body; it was an indescribable feeling. You furrowed your brows as he began to go faster, his thrusting becoming slightly rougher.
You leaned your head back letting out another moan. He moved his head down towards your breast and bit down lightly on your nipple. You tried to hold back a moan but you couldn’t help it as he continued to bite down before sucking lightly.
You ran your fingers through his long silver locks, arching your back lightly. You never imagined your first time in the brothel to be with the Rogue Prince and you certainly did not imagine him to make sure you are getting pleasure as well. When it came to the whores of Fleabottom, it was always give and never take.
“M-my Prince,” You moaned out feeling your legs beginning to shake.
That moan only caused him to go faster, your breath coming in short pants. You moaned while biting your lip gently before a loud moan passed your lips as he reached his limit inside of you.
Your chest was rising and falling fast as Daemon slowly pulled out, seeing blood on the tip of his cock. You laughed as he fell next to you and placed a hand on his flushed cheek.
“Are you satisfied, My Prince?”
Daemon looked over you and smirked lightly. “Quite…you perhaps will be my new favorite here….” He furrowed his brows in thought. “I never caught your name.”
You smiled softly. “It’s Y/N and you, my Prince, are my savior.”
Daemon kept his promise from that fateful night and you were his and only his every time he frequented your brothel. You knew that you could be nothing more than lovers, although he always gave you the title of Queen and part of you believed that one day, when he took on the Iron Throne, he would be King and you would be his Queen.
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idkaguyorsomething · 1 month
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi and Firelord Katara both sound interesting, could you tell me a little about them?
Fire Lord Katara is a slight AU fic where, after the Agni Kai in the finale, Zuko ends up in a coma for a hot minute, leaving something of a succession crisis as to who will take the throne. As it turns out, Katara. Katara takes the throne and becomes Fire Lord because technically she’s the one who defeated Azula in an Agni Kai. What follows is her trying to navigate the royal court, dismantle the bender’s prisons, and pay reparations to other nations without getting overthrown, at least until Zuko’s recovered enough to take back the throne. Iroh, Ty Lee, Mai, Suki, Hama, and maybe Azula are all involved. There’s not actually much romance, mostly just Katara trying to make the best of a tough situation while being her awesome self. A story of politics, trauma, unexpected friendships, Katara badassery, dismantling the prison system, and tea. Technically more of an outline than anything else at the moment.
Sailor Earth and the Crystal Senshi is a Sailor Moon roleswap between the Inner Senshi and Heavenly Kings with a bit of mystery. Mamoru rescues a talking cat one day who discovers that for some reason he is the guardian of the moon, even though by all accounts this shouldn’t be possible. Even more mysteriously, four other teens manifest the power of the other planets despite being boys, and there’s a weird blonde vigilante that keeps shooting top hats at people, plus reports of four young women going missing whose descriptions match up with the generals they’re battling… it takes more inspiration from the old anime than the new one, but it’s not a beat-for-beat retread, and there’s a lot of exploration of gender roles and identity going on in between everyone trying to figure out why all these people have the wrong powers. A story of transgenderism, dysphoria, questioning one's assigned roles, confusing feelings, fabulous crossdressing, mystery, and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP Also I changed the ages to make it a bit less squicky. Here’s an excerpt:
Masato set his drink down and looked at the binder again. The picture stared up at him, that stoic face inscrutable. He’d reread all the information over and over again, and all he’d gotten out of it was a headache.
“Heeeey!” a shout made him look up. Usagi stood across the street, waving at Masato. Behind her stood Jirou, both of them carrying several brightly colored shopping bags.
“What’s going on?” before long, the duo was seated across from him, setting their bags down in the cafe floor, and Jirou was asking him questions. “Weren’t you supposed to be paying off that shrine today?”
“That’s already done,” Masato waved him off. “Something more important’s come up. Where's Mamoru?”
"He was called in to work today," Jirou shrugged. "Some flash-in-the-pan diva idol showed up at the studio and they needed all hands on deck to record a music video."
"I wanted to come along, but he said no," sighed Usagi. She looked up with a dreamy expression on her face. "Could you imagine being an idol and having all those adoring fans?"
"I don't need to," Jirou grinned haughtily. A bit of his model's grace found its way into his pose. "It's good of you to keep imagining, though. Everyone should have at least a few impossible fantasies."
Usagi smacked him with one of her shopping bags. She turned her attention towards the spread of paper that Masato had laid out over the table. "What's all this?"
"Paperwork for the shrine," answered Masato. "I was reviewing how many people worked there to see how many people to compensate."
"How interesting," said Jirou, rolling his eyes. "I don't suppose you have any of that huge allowance of yours left over to compensate the brave heroes who saved the shrine?"
Masato ignored him and kept talking. "However, I learned that one of the workers there had disappeared a few months ago. The granddaughter of the owner, a young lady who was by all accounts very hard working and dedicated to her job. What's more, she disappeared only a few weeks before the youma attacks began, according to Luna."
Both Usagi and Jirou's expressions grew more serious.
"Hey, what're you implying here?" asked Jirou.
Masato laid down the photo on the table and Usagi immediately snatched it up. Both she and Jirou's eyes widened when they saw who it depicted.
"General Mars?" she gasped. Masato nodded solemnly.
"Wait, but- no, the youma transform their victims all the time, so their leaders-" Jirou curled his hands into fists and let out a cry of frustration. "This is a joke, right?"
"Do you think I'd joke about something like this?" Masato snapped. "We may have been responsible for the death of an innocent girl brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom."
Usagi, looking down, clutched the photo to her chest and asked softly "What do we tell Mamoru?"
"I don't know," he rubbed his fingers against his temples.
"We tell him the truth, obviously," Jirou glared at Masato. "And we ask that stupid cat if she knew about any of this, and if there's a way to turn people back from being generals."
"Yeah, maybe Luna can help!" Usagi said with a sense of renewed hope.
"Maybe," Masato let out a sigh. "But let's just give Mamoru some time before telling him anything, alright? It would be counterproductive to not tell him, but with his work and this new 'General Venus', he already has a lot on his mind. Let's just not put everything on him at once, alright?"
The others agreed that it was already a busy weekend, perhaps they should wait until the end of it to lay this revelation on Mamoru. The stresses of leading a double life were known to all of them. Just focusing on one or the other instead of trying to juggle both was practically a break at this point. A little bit of tedium might have been what all of them needed right now, especially Mamoru.
Elsewhere, Mamoru was being chased by a giant record label youma hurling exploding vinyls at him.
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b14augrana · 2 days
Hola , love reading the asks and the fics so much
Will you like to give us any hc of our scrubber that you want to share ? Would love to hear your thoughts and your writing is so wonderful... chef's kiss 😘🤩
I would love to omg strap in guys this is gonna be a big one. Here are some headcanons, let me know if you want to see more x
– Known as something different to every single person. Her nicknames are Pequeñita (Aitana), Bebita (Mapi), Buenaza (also Mapi), Chiquita (Alexia), Nenita (Irene), Kärlek (Fridolina), Herlig (Ingrid) and of course, Scrubber
– Actually pretty tall for her age. The only thing that makes it easy to tell she’s 16 is the fact she looks notably younger than everyone else. She’s very strong though, and everyone underestimates her because of her age
– Shy around most people she meets in football. She’s nervous around them due to her age, but she settles into environments quickly
– Not very confrontational with her words. If someone badly tackled her on the pitch, she won’t really say anything (that’s Mapi’s job), but instead she’ll respond by crunching whoever it was 10x harder than they did to her. Works every time + bonus points for Irene's approval
– She can't speak an inkling of French despite living there for years. Lucy can speak more French than her and she uses that against her all the time. Lucy is horrid at speaking Spanish though, so Bebita has that on her
– Very deep sleeper, it takes an army to wake her up when she's slept for 10 hours or more. She's also a bed hog and needs a whole king sized mattress to herself which is why most of the girls have a sleeping space reserved just for her. They've all experienced sharing the bed with Bebita and they can hardly call it sharing
– It's Alexia's biggest fear that Chiquita will leave Barcelona but Chiquita has no intentions to do that. She'll never go anywhere without her big sisters, so she doesn't understand why Alexia is so worried
– Hates maths in all its shapes and forms. Whenever she sees that maths is on the agenda after training, she does everything in her power to get out of doing it. She has made a break from it down the road just to avoid being dragged into the classroom, Irene had to run after her and looked like a lunatic running down the street
– Obviously a big Hay Day fan. She takes Bagheera Land very seriously. She has actually missed a day of her streak before, and that was almost the end of her as we know it. It was a very bad day for everyone around her when she found out her streak was lost, but she'll never make the same mistake again
– Sucker for some good food. She agrees to go to most functions when one of the girls brings up a good assortment of food, and that really sells it to her. Her and Irene take turns smuggling food out of the venue to have for dinner the next night
– Extremely terrified of any small thing that flies or crawls. Absolutely hates butterflies, moths, and wasps. Bumblebees are okay, houseflies are hated by all. She hates all insects, but spiders are her worst enemy. She always wishes she could Brexit tackle spiders without kicking massive holes in the walls
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boatemlag · 5 months
Hi I read your gift fic to Bee and I am soooooooooo wondering about the funerary rites of every empire pls tell me about them
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[ID: Ask from erstwhilesparrow that says, "[staggers out of ao3 shaking slightly] okay so obviously now i have to ask you for your thoughts on empires funerary practices!! stares at you with big pleading eyes. share thoughts?" /end ID]
HI!!!! im so glad you asked >:) a lot of this is in my brain but this was the initial note for the concept for the gift fic so you see where i'm coming from
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[Text ID: A screenshot of an iPhone notes app bullet point that says: "2. 2. mezalea and complicated system of rebirth and reincarnation-> no sense of grieving funerals? joel has never had to grieve because hes inorganic. clay structures dont die. interested in the connection between golems in judaism and clay constructs in mezalea" /end ID]
my basic concept with mezalea was ultimately that because constructs dont die (joel was made by the mother tree, and in turn made the mezaleans in his image? something like that) they cant properly die? and if they do die their friends and family or joel himself can reinstate them, and theres ritual for that, but its a thing that is ultimately for inorganics. and its not really akin to a funeral.
more under the cut, separated by nation! ones mentioned in the fic first!
mythland: for mythland i was inspired by this story i heard from a classmate of a funeral he attended in his father's hometown in china where they walked from the morgue to the cemetery and it took like multiple hours and they were singing funeral songs and prayers and such and then still had a ceremony at the cemetery. i had an image in my mind of the rain falling through the dark oak leaves and sausage dressed in the robes of a king even though he is so small (way too small for him) and the robes really are wearing him, and the hours upon hours of walking through the streets of mythland to the royal cemetery with hundreds of mythic citizens behind them singing mourning songs and the toll that takes on a boy too young to be king... yes. delicious. after the blood sheep religion is revived, these ceremonies involved ritual animal sacrifice.
gilded helianthia: i really like the idea of helianthians being people of the earth, and not having huge ceremonies for their funerals. people coming from the earth and going back to the earth. planting their favorite plants in their resting place. this one is pretty self explanatory i think? and its a very logical extension of helianthia's values. the bonfire is something i think is very common in surrounding areas of bordering nations.
pixandria: pixandria is, i think, the only canon depiction we have of funerals? its kind of obvious to say "The Vigil" but like. the Vigil. im also a big fan of the idea of something similar to an ofrenda being common, visiting the memorials of lost loved ones. i also think corpses dont preserve well in the desert so cremation is very common. the body is not considered very sacred and its the soul that has to be memorialized.
rivendell: i spend so much time thinking about these goddamn elves its not even FUNNYY!!!!!! religious schisms make me SICK!!!!!! in the head. anyway. i think cremation used to be very very common in rivendell because in the cold of the mountains bodies decompose very very slowly. but after the schism fire is considered weirdly sacrilegious when it comes to rituals, so they sort of have shirked the cremation part of the ritual. theyve always had wakes i think, and theyve replaced cremation with a complex catacomb type situation. elves also dont die super often? so there are centuries of elves buried beneath the mountains but its not like. that many. comparatively. elves consider it important to see the corpses of their loved ones as part of the grieving process and its an egregious crime to desecrate a corpse or modify the body in any way, even back in the days of cremation.
cod empire/codlands: funerals are VERY important in codish culture because the swamp conditions mean uhhh bog bodies are very possible. and thats considered sacrilegious because the only preserved body allowed is the cod head lmao. its a religious symbol as well as a theocratic symbol. that being said, there are a plethora of ways cod folk prefer to care for their dead. for those who are closer in heritage to oceanic peoples, its very common to feed corpses to fish (livestock) and hold a ceremony during then. for those with mythic heritage (before the ravine and erection of the walls of codlands and mythland) funeral processions were very common, though usually taken out to sea. these are just a few of the types of funerary ceremonies the codfolk use.
ocean empire: as mentioned in the previous section, oceanic rituals often involve feeding bodies to the fishy livestock as a funeral ritual. other than that, more land-living oceanic citizens do something akin to a "viking funeral" where flaming rafts are sent out to sea
lost empire: heh. so theres two main things here: pre and post xornoth. the folks of the lost empire used to bury their dead in large clearings dedicated as cemeteries. for more important people in society they constructed tombs all connected by underground tunnels. post-xornoth, cremation was added as a common custom. this was obviously short lived for the empire.
house blossom/the overgrown: similar to gilded helianthia, except instead of the land around, citizens are buried with seeds on their being, to be used as nutrients for the large wild flowers. post burial rituals include several days of merriment and mourning, and i like the idea that bonfires are also common here.
the grimlands: i really like the idea of public burial in the fields outside of the main capital of the grimlands. there are pretty large cemeteries that are multilayered. the tradition has a common ancestor with the lost empire's tradition.
crystal cliffs: I REALLY LIKE THE IDEA OF LIKE. magic being involved in some way. perhaps the crystallization of famous witches and wizards and sorcerers immortalized in amethyst, deep beneath the mountains. because the crystal cliffs is run by the headmaster or headmistress at the time i think the general burial rights actually depend on the nation of origin or wishes of the individual. crystal cliffs is very much a nation of various peoples because anyone can attend.
the undergrove: the burial rights of the gnomes is a dying secret. because there are very few gnomes left, the decimation of the population has erased former traditions in the face of cremation to eliminate chance of Corruption. it used to be something else, but that knowledge is lost to time.
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crestfallercanyon · 27 days
✨Tag Game Wednesday Thursday✨
Thanks for tagging me!! @jrooc — we’re talking music this week!
Name: crest
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? Bombay Bicycle Club just dethroned Remi Wolf because I keep listening to the same song on repeat lmao
What song do you know all the lyrics to? Several — but the songs I sing to loudest in the car are Street You Live On (Live Version) by Remi Wolf and Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don’t? Anything by NSYNC
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? The Japanese House or Glass Animals
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? I’m not surprised by any.
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately? I love music and this was genuinely me narrowing it down lol —
“I was thinking about who you are, Your delicate point of view, I was thinking about you — I’m not worried about where you are, Or who you will go home to, I’m just thinking about you.” Little Freak by Harry Styles (Honestly, Matilda by Harry Styles is also incredible too)
“While you were sleeping I turned up the dials, and I walled up your kingdom with radio wires…” This Empty Northern Hemisphere by Gregory Alan Isakov
“I know I shouldn’t need it but I want affection, know I shouldn’t want it but I need attention, Know I shouldn’t say it but I had to mention —“ Touching Yourself by Japanese Waterhouse
“I am the driver, I am the shadow, and I am the hearse.” Mr. Rattlebone by Matt Maeson
Guilty pleasure band or song? Look, the Glee version of Smooth Criminal was fucking incredible and still holds up. Fight me.
Okay let’s talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you’ve discovered from a Fan Fic? This December (Slow) by Ricky Montgomery and @hamartian-cathexis showed me for Thomally: Take it Out on Me by White Lies
Fave Fanfic Playlist? I’ve only seen broken links to playlists I’ve read actually, so I don’t have one — But it sounds fun!
Fave Gallavich song? I’m going to be honest, I was going to say Basic Instinct but because of jrooc I listened to Thunder or Lightning and that IS a bop so I have the same answer:
Basic Instinct - The Acid OR It’s Thunder or Lightning by We Were Promised Jetpacks
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? Usually! Unless it’s an artist I know I don’t like, I love finding new music.
What song do you think is Gallavich coded? I’m sorry I’m gonna be annoying and suggest a few
I Summon You — Spoon (which I feel like is actually in Shameless but I honestly can’t remember if my brain is tricking me on that or if that’s true)
Run My Mouth by Ra Ra Riot (more just Ian coded but I see it fitting Mickey too)
Also, for something that’s just kind of Shameless/Gallagher coded, I recommend Happy Family by Sundara Karma
(And Thank you for I need a forest fire - Bon Iver/James Blake because now it’s on my playlists btw)
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? Was gonna suggest Chappell Roan but I think she’s covered —
Talk it Up by Sammy Rae & the Friends is a jazzy bop, so there’s my rec to you ❤️
Now some tags!!!
@michellemisfit , @callivich , @mmmichyyy , @sam-loves-seb , @gallawitchxx , @mybrainismelted , and anyone else who wants to do this!
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