#stuff is moving and there's a momentum building
wild-at-mind · 4 months
I don't know what the answer is to Westerners living in countries whose governments frustratingly and upsettingly do not seem to care about conflicts in poorer, less influential countries. I understand why people are frustrated. I even get why people go straight to 'we should overthrow the government' or whatever the revolution plan is supposed to be. But I also don't think it is some kind of character flaw or leftist purity test failture for people to (probably correctly) assume that this government overthrow or revolution will never happen, and therefore we should work within the systen and government that we have.
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lord-radish · 1 year
Tens of thousands of people have been fired in the tech sector in the last six months alone. With the economy the way it is, and with people who are already unable to get a job, I wonder how an extra 20,000+ jobseekers are going to have any luck finding work.
#i just want to point out that this isn't just automation. it's different for every company but a lot of it comes down to profiteering imo#the video game industry made disgusting amounts of money during the pandemic. best three years of sales in history#but that momentum was never going to keep up forever. even when the momentum was at full swing people were getting laid off#Activision-Blizzard laid off over a hundred people just before christmas while bobby kotick got a $250 million bonus#thst might have even been before the pandemic#but you're seeing it with microsoft and ubisoft. wouldn't surprise me if sony and nintendo were following suit in a less public manner#microsoft - arguably the biggest tech conglomerate in the world (next to tencent) - laid off 10 thousand workers alone#i live in a town with just over 10 thousand people. in my entire fucking town. in my perspective that's more or less the world around me#all of those people - jobless#facebook - didn't like 7k people just get fired? that's hot on the heels of john carmack leaving too#john carmack is probably one of the top 100 people in the tech industry. his tech improvements helped aging PC hardware keep up for years#DOOM might be a meme but it ran that well because id software under john carmack revolutionised rendering techniques and scrolling#and stuff like that. john carmack has been at the forefront of graphical technology and game development for 30+ years#that's resulted in a couple duds like RAGE. he was also all-in on voxel technology before he moved into VR#all of that was context for this: john carmack left meta (who bought oculus) and lambasted the company for poor management on the way out#saying that he'd never seen such unnecessary and wanton expenditure in his career. meta were throwing their money at things thay don't work#here's john carmack trying to lay the groundwork of a successful game for meta's metaverse. here's meta chasing superfluous buzzwords#meta spent almost $14 BILLION on buzzwords and marketing at the behest of the actual tech. and then they FIRED 7000 PEOPLE!!!!!!#they had a HAIL MARY working on their game - because metaverse IS A GAME - and they prioritised SELLING THE PRODUCT BEFORE BUILDING IT#IT COST THEM $14 BILLION + THEIR HAIL MARY - AND THEN THEY FIRED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!#Ubisoft and Activision-Blizzard have been facing mass resignations after years of abusive and toxic workplaces#and on top of that they're firing people too. google stadia just went under. it wouldn't surprise me if 2k and rockstar were firing people#I don't know how many other unemployed people there are in america - hundreds of thousands? but 20k more is even worse for everyone#keep in mind that even with a $14 billion loss - meta still makes billions. Microsoft is in no financial danger#tech is more lucrative now than ever. i genuinely believe that these cuts are to keep record profits at record heights#because the pandemic boom is ending and their ALREADY OBSCENELY LUCRATIVE revenue flows are going back to normal#so 20k+ tech workers are losing their jobs to keep $80 billion instead of $79 billion. all of those people - jobless#that's 20 thousand people with individual lives and families and expenses. lost their jobs in the last six months#that example i gave - $80 billion instead of $79 billion. that's not revenue. that's profit.#all of those people out of work due to incompetence at best and rank orofiteering at worst. their salaries and benefits come under revenue
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briefalpacashark · 4 months
~Meeting 141~
The first time you meet the members of task force 141.
Warning: mentions of violence, death, blood.
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It was a typical mission. Neck deep in shit and halfway to hell. The mission was simple. It had two parts. The first part was to collect information off a computer. It was a two team mission, Alpha consisting of Gaz, Soap and Ghost. And Bravo, consisting of Price and Roach. Currently, they were both making their way through an oil rig in the early hours of the morning, with the cover of night. A nice little base for some black market operations. The second part of the mission was harder. Extracting the asset. And asset Price informed them beforehand would be joining their team.
“What ya recon he's gonna be like?” Soap asked as he stood in the main office room, gun raised at the door, ready for anything. The group had many guesses of who the newest member of their team would be. Price wasen't necessarily secretive about them, but he didn't tell them anything about them either. “He's a medic. Probably likes sticking stuff up ass’s,” Ghost, who was positioned by the door, said, making the two guys smirk. “Youll love that then, won't you?” Gaz asked, not taking his eyes off the computer screen in front of him. Soap chuckled at Ghost's dead panned look. “Come on Gaz, you know he's sensitive about that sort of thing,” Soap joked. “I hope you both get shot in the ass,” Ghost grumbled. “Done,” Gaz announced. “Alright, let's move,” Soap said. Getting into formation, they peeled out of the room. “Ghost to Price, we've got the package, on the move out of er,” Ghost spoke into the com's. “Copy that, Asset secured, see you soon,” Price's voice cracked over the radio. They moved through the oil rig quietly, their shadows barely noticeable in the dark as they moved down the outer side of the buildings, the metal racks slick with the rain that had just started. Then it started, a lucky spot, a glint of metal perhaps brought attention to team Alpha. They were set upon by a volley of bullets. They bucked behind the cover of a building, trying to return fire as best they could. Ghost, who had taken point, peeked around the building taking out two men. That was until he felt his leg buckle as pain erupted up his thigh. “FUCK!” he exclaimed as he dropped to one knee.
“WE'RE TAKING HEAVEY FIRE! GHOST GOT HIT!” Gaz yelled into the com's as he helped Ghost to the ground. He took one look at the bullet hole, his face washing itself of colour. It was spurting blood like crazy. “He's hit bad!” Gaz added. His worry for his friend was quickly forgotten when a group of men came around a corner to their left. He raised his gun and started shooting. “Theres too many,” Soap grunted as they tucked themselves behind a few barrels. They were pinned down, unable to return fire and stuck like sitting ducks. They couldn't use explosives, one wrong flame could set the whole place up like a tinderbox. The enemy team slowly moved forward, laying the cover on heavy as they approached the barrels. The soft rapid patter of feet on metal drew the lad's eyes high. And there you were. Your small five foot three frame throwing itself of a higher level soaring across the sky. Knife and gun in hand. Your hair long and braided, whipped in the wind behind you. The assaulting team barely registered your presence before you landed upon the lead. Your knife burying itself beep into his neck, His body toppled over with the hit. You used the momentum to roll up to your next opponent, you dragged the knife across the back of his knee, pulling him into a kneel. Rising up you shot him in the head before propping his body up as a shied as you delivered three more accurate shots. The small assault team now all lay dead at your feet. Fueled with the adrenalin, and the absurdity of the stunt you had just pulled, you slowly tuned around to the three guys peeking over the barrels with shocked looks.
“Friendly,” you raised both your hands. You chest heaved, your eyes scanning over them to see if they would believe you. “Macgyver, the fuck was that!” You snapped around to Price, who stood at the edge of the level you had jumped from. Seeing if from that angle you could see that you drastically underestimate the height of it. “Improvisation?” you shrugged, you didn't really know yourself. You had never done anything that crazy before. yet you had seen your team mates in danger. And you acted. “Fucking hell. Patch Ghost up and let's get the hell out of here! We'll provide cover!” he ordered. You nodded, tucking your gun and knife into the back of your pants. You rushed up to the barrel, vaulting over it and landing in a crouch over the legs of who you assumed was Ghost. What stared back at you was a skull mask, revealing only the dark pools of his eyes. He certainly was a sight. One you didn't know whether to be scared of or impressed by. “Ghost?” You asked. In your adrenaline fueled state, you didn't notice how close you were to him. He could feel your hot breath fanning his face. He could smell the lavender soap you had used that morning. He gave a curt nod, but you had already moved your eyes down his body, looking from the issue. Finding it the gapping whole you quickly knew what it was. The bullet had hit an artery. Your hands ran down the Ghost's vest, searching for the familiar tourniquet. Soap shared a look with Gaz as you practically fondled their friend. Finding the tourniquet, you undid it, slipping it up his thigh. It was a high shot, so your hands were placed dangerously close to his groin as you quickly worked your magic. Ghost didn't know what to do or say as your small hands touched his so closely with no remorse. After all, you were a medic. You didn't care about that sort of stuff. Still, you could feel a blush dusting the tops of your ears. “He's hit an arty, we need to get him out. I've stopped the bleeding, but I need tools to fix that,” you said absentmindedly peeking around the corner of the building. You quickly ducked your head back as bullets volleyed towards you.
“Ok, can't go that way, Come on,” You swiveled yourself to Ghost's left side, taking his arm and hooking it over your shoulders. You huffed as you heaved him to his feet, They were momentarily surprised at the strength your little body possessed. Gaz quickly took his other arm and you lead them quickly to the rendezvous point. Where you practically threw ghost into the boat. The poor lad grunted as he hit the bottom of the boat taking Gaz with him. “Sorry,” you apologized jumping over them to the controls of the boat. “Were at the rendezvoused, where are you?” Soap asked into the com's. “Look up,” Piece said. You all did just in time to see their bodies plunge into the water beside you. You waited till they were pulled into the boat before you slammed the throttle down. The sun slowly started to rise, casting a golden hue over you. “Both assets secured?” Soap asked. Price nodded, wringing his hat out, Gaz doing the same as he lifted up the hard drive. “So,” Soap trailed off. "She's a woman," he stated. "Great deduction skills," Ghost commented. “That is Sargent Y/L/N. Australian special forces. Best medic out there. Can do anything a doctor can do,” Price stated. “Oh Cap, you're making me blush,” you said, looking back at them with the brightest smile you could muster. A smile that seemed to be awfully contagious. “Men meet the newest member of 141,” Pierce smiled back at you. “Glad to be on board,” you nodded before your eyes fell back to Ghost. “Can someone take over?” You asked. Roach happily obliged. Walking over to Ghost you pulled your knife and started cutting away at his pants. “At least buy me dinner first, love,” You chuckled slightly, placing your hand on his bear thigh gazing deeply into the bullet hole. Your hand slipped around the back. “No exit wound. Looks like I'm gonna have to dig it out when we get back,” you muttered. Ghost wasn't listening, he was fixated on the feeling of your hand running across his bear skin. Aside from the burning pain of being shot, it felt pleasant. “I think I might have a bullet hole too,” Soap interjected, raising his hand. "I'll put one in you," Price warned.
And that was how you first meet the 141. Literally dropping into their lives.
--COD Master List Here--
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wecandoit · 7 months
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Hi everyone! I've been doing this challenge called 30 days of intentionality (30doi) and I thought I'd explain how I'm doing it in case anyone wants to join in! I have no prompts for this one bc it is by nature quite personal.
Similar to the 30 days of productivity challenge, this one is really open to interpretation. Anyone can do it and mold it however they like, I'm just here to give a little bit of guidance to those who need it.
For me, intentions include 'keeping in good health', 'studying for my dream job', 'working towards my career', 'maintaining and building good friendships'.
If you're unsure about how to format your posts, this is what i include:
- date - intentions (if you make these vague, it's a good idea to elaborate on how you plan to achieve your intentions) - a recommendation (current reads, songs, movies, videos, etc) - reflection - tags with #30doi here's an example of one of my 30doi posts for reference
other notes:
I usually update my post throughout the day, crossing out the stuff I've done and adding in a reflection before bed if i can.
You can do this challenge manually, I sometimes write my intentions down on paper for a few days and then transcribe (you don't have to transcribe)
This challenge should be for you, don't worry about posting consistently, or making your posts pretty. the important thing is that you are being intentional with your day.
Even if you don't physically post or write your intentions, try to think to yourself what they might be each day, and try your best to meet those.
Off-days are okay, in fact, they are what make this challenge a real challenge. if you're just running on the momentum of having had a perfect streak, there's no difficulty in this
Tag your posts under the tag #30doi so that others can see your posts and interact (including me)
if you want a reblog, i track the tag #heydilli which can be used for non-challenge posts too
That's all I can think of for now, but like I said, the 30doi is open to interpretation and i am by no means taking credit for 'creating' the challenge. like i mentioned for the 30dop, i don't really believe these challenges can be created. Below the cut is a rant about intentionality and my reasons for doing this challenge if you want to have a read.
Hope to see your posts and progress, xx dilli 🤍
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What is intentionality?
We all know what intentions are—your purpose and meaning behind doing something. Intentionality is bigger, it is "the structure which gives meaning to experience." Intentionality is your capacity to have intentions. Having intentions governs how you perceive every experience you have. Take this example: if your intention for tonight is to wind down and relax, settling down in front of the TV will be viewed as a way to rest, reset, recover. If however, your intention for tonight is finish up uni work, watching TV will be viewed as a way that you procrastinate and avoid doing your work. Your perception of anything, then, is informed by your intentions. Without intentions, anything that you do can seem pointless. I often have a never-ending list of assignments, but if I don't actively intend to do work, watching Youtube all night doesn't seem like a bad thing—after all, it's not like I intended to do anything else with my time.
Why am I doing this challenge?
Lately I find myself moving through my daily routine rather mindlessly. I do a bit of schoolwork here, a bit of mindless scrolling there, but I don't really know why I'm doing these things. I have goals that I'm working towards, but they seem distant and unaffected by my day-to-day choices. In reality, though, the choices that I make every day are what determine whether I reach my goals, where I will be and what kind of person I am in five or ten or however many years. By setting intentions, I will make it clear what I should be doing and why it is important that I do it. The idea is that by merely logging my intentions and results over these 30days, I will subconsciously be predisposed to fulfil those intentions
Read more about intentionality here
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iraprince · 4 months
do u have any advice for those that want to run a quest?
it feels a LEETLE silly answering this when all my own are currently on hiatus bc i got busy (SORRY TO CALLIST0 READERS LOL) BUT!!! yes i do. i have only ever run quests/interactive comics on the site questden, so i guess as a baseline this will kind of all be geared towards that, but i think most of this should translate to any hosting situation
you have to be cool with your plots branching and mutating in unexpected ways, and you have to be willing to play ball with your readers. quests are a collaboration between the author and the audience. it often feels a lot like gming a tabletop campaign (and that's the origin!! questden, specifically, was originally an offshoot of /tg/.) -- we've all had or heard about bad GMs who view their position as that of a narrative dictator who exists to punish and prod a captive group of players thru their own personal novel, but a good GM is interested in telling stories as a group. u have final say and have to stay true to the important stuff abt ur story, but if u get mad or frustrated when ur readers want to explore something "off topic" or aren't following the threads of ur narrative the way u expected them to, u don't actually want to run a quest, u just want to make a webcomic w mandatory comments. (the flip side of this is: consider if the story u want to make is the right one for an interactive quest. if it is REALLY important to u that the plot beats of a story go a certain way, maybe save it for a medium where u have more control!)
keep it loose and fast. the art does not matter. i am rly guilty of not following this one, but i still think it's really important! one of the things i like best about quests is the barrier to entry is very low and you SHOULD be able to start and maintain one very quickly. if i were better at keeping my art scrabbly and sketchy and loose, my stuff would not go on hiatus as often as it does. draw fast! it's NICE if the art is gorgeous to look at and definitely will draw readers, but it's way better if the art is simple enough that you can update frequently and without much stress. the quality of ur writing + character building, and whether u are telling a story that's engaging and that ur readers feel meaningfully involved in, is 100000x more important than the art.
on the more nitty gritty side: try to have a hook in each update. one of the most common reasons suggestions die off is readers being unsure of what they're supposed to do next. sure, too much spoonfeeding could end up feeling like railroading, and you don't have to end every single update by getting right in their faces and yelling "WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT??", but when you finish an update try to take a second to put yourself in a reader's shoes and see if there's an obvious next step. is there a course of action to decide on/debate, are there clear questions they can ask an npc, etc -- i can't think of a great way to describe it, but you want to avoid ending an update on a note where the player character and readers are basically sitting there looking at each other like "um... okay. that's that, then." some ppl even just end all their updates w multiple choice options, which is a super simple way to keep things moving if it fits the style of what ur doing. if you don't want it to be that overt but you still can't think of a way for there to be a clear hook, you can at least try to leave a little nudge in the narration that invites the readers to try to tie whatever they've just done/learned back into the pc's main goals/motivations or current tasks. (on this subject, VERY useful for your main character to have a very specific goal or end destination that everyone is on the same page abt. it's harder for your plot to lose momentum if you can always point at what your readers are supposed to be moving toward!)
finally: KEEP UPDATING EVEN IF YOU GET VERY FEW/NO SUGGESTIONS. it's a niche genre. questden is a small website. it's hard to get people to read something new, especially if it's in a new and unfamiliar format (and especially especially when it's on a website that looks like a chanboard lmao). picking up readers takes a long time, and a lot of people lurk without suggesting (ESPECIALLY if it's a difficult/plot-important decision, and also especially in the opposite, if it's a very obvious next step and someone else has already commented what most ppl would say). it's very tempting to want to wait for more suggestions bc u "only" have one or two, and then that wait becomes stagnation, and then you're frustrated and u end up dropping the quest bc "nobody cares." instead u just have to push thru!!!! u only have two suggestions and u wish u had more? maybe next update u'll get more. u have NO suggestions and u feel like that means ur quest is dead in the water? NOPE! the solution is to update again, bc maybe ppl with latch on more and have something to say in the next scene. the more u update ur quest, the more u'll be able to talk abt it (and maybe get more readers), and specifically in the case of questden the more ur thread will be bumped to the front page. think abt how many times you've seen ppl talking abt a webcomic or a book and thought "i need to check that out eventually...." but it takes months for you to actually do it. 99.9999% of the time, ppl need to see something MULTIPLE TIMES before they check it out!! most readers do not come from clicking something the very first time they see it!! i know it can feel lonely and discouraging, but u owe it to ur art and the stories u want to tell to keep trying, even if engagement is very low at first, otherwise you're killing it before it's even had a chance. like, get shameless about it. ask your buddies to comment on your quest. but give that horse a few really good whacks before you decide it's dead!! i think that's my main thoughts. if you have any more specific questions i'm happy to help if i can! but also i think you'll learn the most by just jumping in and fucking around. quests are easy to pick up and easy to drop, and imo do really well as a playground where u test different ways to draw and tell stories, so might as well just get messy.
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commodorez · 4 months
If the Commodore 64 is great, where is the Commodore 65?
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It sits in the pile with the rest of history's pre-production computers that never made it. It's been awhile since I went on a Commodore 65 rant...
The successor to the C64 is the C128, arguably the pinnacle of 8-bit computers. It has 3 modes: native C128 mode with 2MHz 8502, backwards compatible C64 mode, and CP/M mode using a 4MHz Z80. Dual video output in 40-column mode with sprites plus a second output in 80-column mode. Feature-rich BASIC, built in ROM monitor, numpad, 128K of RAM, and of course a SID chip. For 1985, it was one of the last hurrahs of 8-bit computing that wasn't meant to be a budget/bargain bin option.
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For the Amiga was taking center stage at Commodore -- the 16-bit age is here! And its initial market performance wasn't great, they were having a hard time selling its advanced capabilities. The Amiga platform took time to really build up momentum square in the face of the rising dominance of the IBM PC compatible. And the Amiga lost (don't tell the hardcore Amiga fanboys, they're still in denial).
However, before Commodore went bankrupt in '94, someone planned and designed another successor to the C64. It was supposed to be backwards compatible with C64, while also evolving on that lineage, moving to a CSG 4510 R3 at 3.54MHz (a fancy CMOS 6502 variant based on a subprocessor out of an Amiga serial port card). 128K of RAM (again) supposedly expandable to 1MB, 256X more colors, higher resolution, integrated 3½" floppy not unlike the 1581. Bitplane modes, DAT modes, Blitter modes -- all stuff that at one time was a big deal for rapid graphics operations, but nothing that an Amiga couldn't already do (if you're a C65 expert who isn't mad at me yet, feel free to correct me here).
The problem is that nobody wanted this.
Sure, Apple had released the IIgs in 1986, but that had both the backwards compatibility of an Apple II and a 16-bit 65C816 processor -- not some half-baked 6502 on gas station pills. Plus, by the time the C65 was in heavy development it was 1991. Way too late for the rapidly evolving landscape of the consumer computer market. It would be cancelled later that same year.
I realize that Commodore was also still selling the C64 well into 1994 when they closed up shop, but that was more of a desperation measure to keep cash flowing, even if it was way behind the curve by that point (remember, when the C64 was new it was a powerful, affordable machine for 1982). It was free money on an established product that was cheap to make, whereas the C65 would have been this new and expensive machine to produce and sell that would have been obsolete from the first day it hit store shelves. Never mind the dismal state of Commodore's marketing team post-Tramiel.
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Internally, the guy working on the C65 was someone off in the corner who didn't work well with others while 3rd generation Amiga development was underway. The other engineers didn't have much faith in the idea.
The C65 has acquired a hype of "the machine that totally would have saved Commodore, guise!!!!1!11!!!111" -- saved nothing. If you want better what-if's from Commodore, you need to look to the C900 series UNIX machine, or the CLCD. Unlike those machines which only have a handful of surviving examples (like 3 or 4 CLCDs?), the C65 had several hundred, possibly as many as 2000 pre-production units made and sent out to software development houses. However many got out there, no software appears to have surfaced, and only a handful of complete examples of a C65 have entered the hands of collectors. Meaning if you have one, it's probably buggy and you have no software to run on it. Thus, what experience are you recapturing? Vaporware?
The myth of the C65 and what could have been persists nonetheless. I'm aware of 3 modern projects that have tried to take the throne from the Commodore 64, doing many things that sound similar to the Commodore 65.
The Foenix Retro Systems F256K:
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The 8-Bit Guy's Commander X16
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The MEGA65 (not my picture)
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The last of which is an incredibly faithful open-source visual copy of the C65, where as the other projects are one-off's by dedicated individuals (and when referring to the X16, I don't mean David Murray as he's not the one doing the major design work).
I don't mean to belittle the effort people have put forth into such complicated projects, it's just not what I would have built. In 2019, I had the opportunity to meet the 8-Bit Guy and see the early X16 prototype. I didn't really see the appeal, and neither did David see the appeal of my homebrew, the Cactus.
Build your own computer, build a replica computer. I encourage you to build what you want, it can be a rewarding experience. Just remember that the C65 was probably never going to dig Commodore out of the financial hole they had dug for themselves.
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flamingo-writes · 11 months
Moorning dear flamingo I come with another request that was on my mind all night after reading the last update for the 5th time, sorry for bothering you so much in advance.
So ok, I was thinking about something like this, hobie because of all the swings he usually does, he has these recurring back pains so reader makes a special oil/atom for him and they have this super cute scene of care from reader to hobes♡
Midnight, I swear, seeing your blog on my notes makes my day. You’d never bother me btw, keep dropping your ideas and I’ll make them happen 😭💕
Listen, with the whole moving houses, my legs hurt sm 😂 do I think it’s a beautiful timing (however not beautiful that my legs hurt). This took me 4 days to write help 😭
So, seeing from all older spidermen, Peter B Parker (ITSV), Tobey’s and Andrew’s Peters also had back pain, so, for things I’m gonna go for an older Hobie (instead of being Spider-Man for three years, I’m gonna go for more time)
Warnings: not proof read djsjejef
Like Magic — Hobie x Reader
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Being Spider-Man wasn’t easy. The rebellious acts, the recklessly jumping from top buildings, the constantly facing danger. On a superficial level, it all sounded fun to Hobie Brown. But by the end of the day, he always came back home tired. He loved his side job as Spider-Man, he loved wrecking havoc and bringing smiles to people, but it was a demanding job with no free days and no pay check. At most, food the people he helped gifted him, the smiles and good wishes from people. It was gratifying, but it did nothing for his tired muscles.
Especially swinging from one building to the other. The constant tension on his muscles and swinging his hips to gather momentum, had a particular rough effect on his back. All of it. From his shoulders all the way to his lower back.
People always made jokes how one day you woke up, in your late twenties, and trying to crouch to pick something from the ground, something new cracked and nothing was the same afterwards.
While Hobie could still crouch and pick up stuff, he did a lot more rough jobs with his back. He didn’t think of himself as old. But being Spider-Man was not a job that was friendly on your joints or muscles.
With every passing year of being Spider-Man, he resented it on his back.
He slid into your shared bedroom, his body tired, exhausted. You were stitching something on the bed as you looked at him and smiled.
“Hey, baby,” You said cheerfully.
Your radiant smile made Hobie feel like some of the weight lifted off his shoulders, despite the ache all over still being there.
“Hey sweet’eart” He smirked and groaned as he took off his mask and put his guitar down. He went punto your bed and cupped your face, directing your attention to him as you giggled and pressed your lips against his, humming sweetly into his kiss.
“Watcha doing?” He asked curiously.
“Fixing my favourite skirt,”
“Good. I like that skirt on you,” He sighed. “I like it even better when you take it off,” He winked as he collapsed on the bed and groaned loudly.
“Are you alright?” You asked softly, Hobie groaned in response. “Is your back bothering you again?”
“Yeah…” He sighed. “You know, swinging and shit,” Looking at you with a sleepy smirk. “Baby…”
“I know,” You said anticipating his request as you got up and looked around one of the drawers of your closet, taking out some ointment. “You know the drill…” You said as he sat up and took off his shirt and top part of his suit. Lying back down, over his stomach, Hobie relaxed on the bed as you rubbed some ointment in your hands. “Lower back?”
“All of it actually…” He sighed deeply, closing his eyes.
As you started massaging his back, he let out a soft groan. Burying his face on the pillow. You chuckled. Gently pressing your fingers, you admired the little details in Hobie. His wild hair, thin complexion, the fading scars from wounds from earlier events, his enhanced healing factor quickly erasing any tracks from previous fights.
Your hands, soft and delicate against his skin, a lot warmer than your hands, as your fingers pressed on the tense points of his back. Each touch, making him sigh in relief. Following the line of his spine, the contour of his muscles, brushing his sides, tickling him every once in a while.
“God, how do you do it?” Hobie moaned softly. "It’s like magic,"
“Well you see, when you have to massage your boyfriend’s back on a daily basis, you learn a thing or two on massaging…”
“Lucky guy,”
“You think? I think I’m the lucky one, actually” you giggled as you leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss on his shoulder, making him hum.
“Are you sure? I’ve heard he’s a total punk,”
“Love that about him. He’s perfect for me so, people can say whatever they want about him, I won’t love him any less…” You purred against his ear.
“Would it be too bad if tomorrow I decided to stay in bed with you all day long?”
“I need to go to work,” You giggled.
“No you don’t. Your boss won’t mind,”
“When was the last time you called in sick?”
“Yes, you have a point there but,”
“Let’s be real, the book shop won’t crash just because you aren’t there. I know you love working there, and your boss in nice to you, but how many people buy secondhand books on a daily basis?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “You’re right. We don’t get a lot of people, he can handle the store on his own for a day…” You sighed. "You win, Hobart…" You rolled your eyes playfully at him.
"I always win," he said with a cheeky smirk, rolling over his side as he looked at you with an inviting stare.
Sighing and dramatically putting your hands on your waist. His stare changing into a puppy look, making you giggle as you went over the bed and laid down next to him. As he pulled you into a tight hug. Nuzzling his face against the crook of your neck, you wrapped your arms around him.
"Thank you…" He whispered, his voice much lower and softer. A voice you only got to listen in times like these. "I promise I won’t ask you to skip work for the rest of the year…"
"It’s July, Hobie…"
"It’s my best offer, take it or leave it…" He chuckled as you kissed his forehead.
"You’re impossible," You joked.
"You love me this way," He smirked.
"I do. Very much, actually"
"I love you too,"
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party-gilmore · 2 years
(Spoiler Free) Reasons Why "Violent Night" DESERVES to be the Breakout Blockbuster Hit of the Holidays
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I haven't laughed that fucking hard or consistently through a movie in my fucking life. My throat and chest are both actively hurting right now from all the yell-laughing and the breathless wheezing I was reduced to by the midway point.
I knew it would be entertaining, but I was in no way shape or form prepared for it to be that good.
Seriously this movie was a technical masterpiece. Every single actor brought their A game. Every scrap of script was perfectly tailored to each character. The corniest lines imaginable on paper delivered with such conviction they immediately get launched into the stratosphere of Coolest Thing That Could Possibly Have Been Said In That Moment. The way Alex Hassell (Jason) did literally every facial expression he makes throughout the entire movie? But specifically how he looks at Alexis Louder (Linda) from behind the [SPOILER] when she's [SPOILER]? Effervescent. The COSTUMING???? The details in Santa's Coat ALONE I will be obsessing over for the next three months.
On a more technical side, the LIGHTING! Perfectly able to see everything even in dark rooms/scenes! The SETS? Full environments completely utilized! A masterclass in Chekov's Gun! Every single set-up had a payoff, and every single payoff had a setup.
And PRACTICAL EFFECTS!!! HHGNGDNWHNG some of the BEST blood work I've ever seen! And the prosthetics! Like, I know gory stuff hasn't been hit as hard by the Replaced With CGI curse as other genres but still it was so fucking refreshing and well done.
And the way the gore slowly ramped up!!! The gore and violence starts off a little light (comparatively) and just sloooowly and steeeaadily ramps up and up and up until it peaks PERFECTLY at the climactic moment! And the individual scenes themselves were crisp, perfectly timed, not unnecessariliy drawn out of lingered on for shock value - in fact, more often, they were kept short and quick to emphasize how fast these fights were moving, realistic and delightful little BURSTS of grotesquery and then already carrying you away to the NEXT swing and spray of blood! It kept the violence constantly fresh and fascinating, building not only momentum but the audience's tolerance/expectations to the cresting point.
Seriously I got so fucking worked up by how good and funny and action packed it was that I had to take off my fucking sweater and NOT (just) because of the shirtless Santa scene they put in there just for me.
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUDDY holy FUCK. That scene. Th. The bloodiness and th. The [SPOILER] and the [SPOILER] and the girth. The thickness. The titties and the stomach and the little bit of overhang and the [SPOILER]. HOOOOOOO santa treated us GOOD tonight boys holy FUCK david harbour bless you bless you bless you bl-
-ahem- sorry anyways uhhhhhhh where was i...
I think that was pretty much it, without getting into blatant spoilery stuff. So. Fuckin uhhhhh watch this movie.
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homoeroticgrappling · 12 days
The issue with being a Danhausen fan is that in my head Double or Nothing is The Hookhausen PPV, and despite two good options for reasons he could appear it's a pretty safe bet he won't
Hook is fighting Jericho and Shibata for the FTW title, if Hook wins it'd be cool to see him have friends to celebrate with or commiserate with if he loses, either way it'd be nice for a Hookhausen reunion so they could rid us of Jericho. Sure, Big Bill would be caught in the crossfire but sacrifices must be made. If Hook loses tonight they can't just have him go after the FTW title forever, so having him redirect by having Hookhausen reform to go after the tag titles would give him a way to do something new instead of getting stuck! It's absolutely insane that Hookhausen got one tag match, I can't ever wrap my head around the abrupt ending there, it's not like AEW aren't aware there's a not insignificant chunk of people rooting for it since they've raked in money from selling Hookhausen stuff and I'm sure it would only take the tiniest bit of effort to rebuild the hype/momentum for them as a team (this doesn't even go into my "Danhausen as FTW champion so Hook can move on to bigger things knowing the title is in good hands" manifesto, which I have put extensive thought into)
Orange fighting Trent and having limited allies left would be a perfect time to have Danhausen pop out from under the ring to help! After all, coming out from under the ring to help OC was how he made his debut in AEW, and when we got Evilhausen at Full Gear it was to help fuck up people who attacked his friends. Hell, Orange was the one who finally got Danhausen back on live TV when he came back from injury by saying his friend had something to say and bringing him out! Him just suddenly not being involved after that just seems odd. It'd make sense for Danhausen to show up for Orange, even more so for him to go darksided to help fuck up Trent especially when Trent screwed Danhausen over too
I am aware I am very biased and center Danhausen in all my fantasy booking/storyline spitballing but I think there's so many ways he could easily be involved that would build on previous events while still being interesting, and it's such a pity to know it almost certainly won't come to anything
That being said, let's hope this is a great PPV
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 5 months
Lightning flashes persistently across a jade colored sky, and wave after wave of heavy rainfall plasters Mousetuft’s fur to his flanks. The ground beneath his paws is slick with wet clay and it slows his gate significantly, as he hurries to make it back to camp in one piece. Just a little further, he thinks to himself, nearly there now. His lungs are burning from the effort.
He has a bundle of catmint clamped in his jaws, a rare and highly sought after herb that Oaktrail has been struggling to find the last few moons or so. While Leafbare is still a ways off, it’s good to have a strong supply of the stuff, as it’s beneficial for combating greencough, among a large number of other ailments. Mousetuft knew of a patch from his younger days, helping Cliffclaw often as an apprentice and after his promotion, so he’d offered to grab some for Oaktrail before night fell.
Mousetuft thought he had more time— the storm ravaging the territory blew in much faster than he’d expected. Before he knew it the pines were bent sideways by a terrible gust of wind, and the sky went from pink, to blue, to the ominous green it now boasts overhead. Rain drops cascaded down from above and soaked him to his skin in an instant. It’s a storm unlike anything he’s ever seen.
He finally breaks through the tree line, and his goal is in sight. Although it’s still quite a ways off, and he’s fearful of having to cross the river with the way the downpour has affected its swell, he has little other choice to make. There’s no shelter between here and the caves up the cliffside. He takes a moment to recover his breath, and continues on.
Just a bit further. Keep going, Mousetuft. Just a little further—
Beneath the blood pounding through his ears, beneath the moaning of the wind and the groaning of stressed wood, beneath the rumble of thunder… There’s another sound that catches Mousetuft’s attention. It’s faint, unfamiliar, and it comes from above him. He slows to a stop and lifts his head towards the top of the cliffside.
Is it the rain confusing his eyes? The edge almost seems to be… Moving.
The longer he watches, the more the rock shifts and shivers, slowly at first, building momentum. It’s as though a second waterfall is emerging from the cliff, but it’s not water that careens down its sheer face. It’s the cliff itself that moves, sloughing off in one smooth motion, crackling and scraping in a discordant chorus that drowns out all other sounds the storm has to offer.
As the hillside crumbles, Mousetuft’s blood runs ice cold. The land is sliding down, down, down…
And it’s heading straight for him.
Fate help me, he thinks, a moment before his vision goes dark.
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sangwooooh · 1 year
can u do another bruce x male reader angst
Definitely 😌 I’ve got a lot of angst in me.
Since you didn’t specify, I took it and ran with it. Anywayss Enjoy 😉😮‍💨
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Soo, this is longer than I planned 🧝🏻🥹 And there’s gonna be a part 2, probably 🫣😮‍💨
Warnings of sorts: major injury, character death, diverging from canon.
Small summary: After an attack by the Joker, the bat family is thrown into an unlikable situation, unfortunate even. M/n is stuck in the hospital, barely living. And who knows what happened to the rest? Alfred won’t really talk about it.
“This is your legacy. Watch careful, love, as it all falls and burns. To the ground with your house of stone.”
They were tied together by the moon, under the stars of a clear sky, on the rooftop of the manor. A lapse in time, a glimpse of the universe. They were happy in that moment. Only them and the quiet world.
M/n recalls it being a clear sky. Yes, it had to be in order to light up Bruce’s face just so. Or maybe it was the man’s eyes, those who lit up the whole sky. Often times, M/n thinks about this and that, and everything is muddy, but the brightest memories still shine through.
That’s what makes him sure they’re real. They are too strong to be stomped down by the heaviness, too alive to dissipate.
There are days in which he feels he forgets everything, but then Alfred visits, and the memories are alive again. Painfully so.
“Master M/n,” Alfred would say, “How is your morning?” And M/n would understand it was indeed morning.
“Hello, Alfred.” Momentum, he remembers both of their names. “I see you better today.” He tries for a smile, uncertain of the success.
“That is great news, sir.” M/n can’t make out the details of Alfred’s face, but he hears the extension of a smile in his voice.
Later, they are drinking tea, the tension in M/n’s shoulders not soothed by the liquid, “Alfred, when can I come home?” Silence follows.
M/n sees the movement of Alfred placing down his cup, “Soon, sir. Probably next week, if things go well.”
“Yes, but you’ve been saying this for a while now.” He recalls in the haziness. “I reckon, if I stay here more, I’ll go crazy, Alfred. I wanna come home. I wanna see Bruce and the kids.” His voice is overwhelmed with tremors. He can’t feel his face half the time, but now he feels the stinging in his eyes.
M/n is almost startled by Alfred’s hand over his own. “Master M/n… I’ll see what I can do. I’ve been trying, remember?”
Right. He… remembers. “Thank you, Alfred.”
Later that week M/n is allowed to go home. Happiness fills him. Like fireworks on the night sky, his chest is filled with emotion.
Yes, he is finally going home.
Alfred comes to pick him up around 1 p.m. He is moved in a wheeling chair through the hospital. He can’t see all the faces around him, but the doctor and the few nurses he does see and recognize, he says goodbye to. He is happy, so he leaves them all with a smile.
In the car, Alfred tells him all about the changes around the house and the land around it. Like how the rose garden is gone —there is a momentary pang in M/n’s chest, but he doesn’t let himself be deterred by it—, or how the paintings from the hallways had been moved to a guest room now turned storage room, or how Jason moved all of his stuff back into the mansion, but he didn’t actually come around to inhabit his old room, or how Damian is now taking care of most of the affairs of the mansion and company.
“Since you’ve been gone, young master Damian has been given a lot of new responsibilities.” Alfred adds, not as an after thought, but carefully building up to it. “He should be home, at the moment, but there is always the possibility of him being away. He is leaving two weeks from now, for a conference in Vienna.”
“That’s wonderful. Such a nice place. I… Bruce took me there. Yes. A few years ago. Very nice.” M/n is sure his smile persists. How could it not? He is finally going home. To his Bruce. To his sons. To his life, after the endless time in that horrid hospital room with white walls and shadows and the buzzing of the fluorescent light above, barely perceptible.
The car parked, Alfred helps M/n up the ramp and into the foyer.
The door opens before Alfred goes for the handle. Beyond the opening door, the tired face of one Damian Wayne comes as the most welcoming sight. As soon as the boy’s —he is still the small boy M/n used to read to sleep, or sing to— eyes landed on his parent, he visibly relaxes. His stance falls into something more fitted for his age. M/n can’t see a smile on his face, but that isn’t saying much. He can’t really see much anyway, in the light. Nonetheless, even through the sting caused by daylight, M/n can’t help the unabashed happiness slipping onto his every feature. He extends his arms, wide and welcoming. And Damian falls to his knees, into his parents arms.
“Hi, dad.” The boy whispers softly.
“Hello, baby.” M/n feels tears soak his shirt. “Oh, baby. What happened, love?” The man gives Damian’s head comforting caresses.
“I just missed you.” Damian gets out through a shudder. Oh, why is his baby crying? No, he shouldn’t be crying. M/n is here now, it’s okay.
“I missed you too, honey.” Damian lowers himself until his head rests in his father’s lap. M/n’s hand still moves through Damian’s raven locks.
Damian squeezes M/n’s waist, “I’m sorry, dad. I’m sorry.” His son is trembling. He must be so tired. Did he sleep well? His poor baby. M/n should’ve been here for him.
“Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for, love.” M/n feels his own eyes sting harder, but not from light.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come see you. I’m so sorry.” Damian’s voice is muffled by him being pressed against M/n.
“Hey. Hey. Honey, it’s okay. Alfred told me you’ve been working so hard. My baby isn’t a baby anymore. You’re taking care of the family. I’m so proud of you, Dami.” M/n feels a tear falling. Alfred places his warm hand on M/n’s shoulder, but he can only look at Damian’s blurry form falling apart at his feet.
“No, dad. I… I didn’t come because… I was afraid. Of what I’d see. So I used everything as an excuse to stay away. I’m sorry, dad.”
M/n’s lower lip is filled with tremors, tears glistening in his eyes, “It’s okay, it’s okay, Dami. I’m home now.”
M/n holds his son for a while, caressing him, trying to reassure him with all the love he has.
“Where are the others?” M/n asks as Damian raises to shaky feet.
Damian visibly freezes, but forcibly relaxes himself, “Well… I’m not really sure what Todd is up to, but he literally moved his stuff here, then proceeded to up and go.” The boy pauses as he moves behind M/n, wheeling him to the stairs, where there is already a built in type of elevator just for him, one you see in movies. Damian attaches the back of his wheelchair to the machine. “And father… Father doesn’t leave his room during the day, only at night, but as Batman.”
“What?” M/n stares at his son incredulously, as he is raised by the machine, Damian following closely by, walking up the stairs.
“I know Batman is doing a great job, as always. But I don’t know how father is doing. He wouldn’t talk to us.” Damian looks into his parent’s eyes pleadingly. The boy can guess that his dad doesn’t see this detail. But, still, he can’t help but want to beg for M/n to make things better, like he always did.
“I’m sorry, baby, that you had to go through this. I’ll talk to Bruce myself. Only with a bit of help.” M/n chuckles as the machine gets to the top of the stairs.
Damian’s lungs and heart finally seem to realize that M/n is home, that he isn’t alone, that maybe they can do this. Call it false hope, but it’s everything the boy can cling to.
Once at the door leading into the master bedroom, M/n looks at Damian with the intent to reassure. As if telling him ‘it’s okay, you can rest, I’ll take care of things now’. And so, he is left alone by his son, followed closely by Alfred, who also seems different all of a sudden, lighter even. He is gonna make them a nice dinner, for four, and not for one.
M/n would be lying if he says he doesn’t hesitate. Because he does hesitate. And he hates himself for that. His Bruce needs him. This is no place or time for backing away.
“Bruce?” The silence is deafening. “Are you there, honey?” He wheels himself —his arms are weak, so he finds it a tiny bit more difficult than he originally thought it would be— closer to the door. Where he places his open palm on the hard oaken door. There is no answer from the other side, but M/n isn’t known for giving up easily. It’s how him and Bruce got together, then married. He knows when to push and he knows when Bruce is keeping himself from his own happiness.
“Bruce, I’m home now. You can open the door.” M/n says a bit louder. And this time he is startled by the sound of hurried steps and crashing from beyond the door.
The door opens before he can say anything.
And his Bruce is there. He looks tired, and his features are clearer because in the manor there is darkness. And M/n sees how much Damian is becoming more and more like his father, for Bruce falls to his knees in front of him, hands grabbing at his face and hair, cupping his cheeks in hurried strokes. M/n believes the tears that fall from Bruce’s eyes and onto his blotchy cheeks. He doesn’t know how many times he’s seen Bruce cry before. It hasn’t been much, but there were plenty times to know that M/n’s husband doesn’t trust people with his tears and his pain. And most of the time, he doesn’t even trust himself with it. It pains M/n to see the man he loves in pain, so he ends up placing his hands over his darling’s hands, keeping them on his cheeks.
“… M/n” His husband’s voice is coarse, unused.
“Bruce.” M/n says his name, to ground Bruce with his own voice. “What happened to you, my Bruce?”
Bruce doesn’t say anything at first, but after long seconds, there are those same two words that came out of his son’s mouth, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, love.” He has never seen Bruce like this. This broken. Falling apart. What happened? Where are Dick and Tim? Nobody said anything about them yet. What were his memories trying to keep away from him? M/n really needs to know. “I can’t remember what happened that well. Please, tell me what happened, my Bruce.” M/n squeezes Bruce’s hands into his own and brings them to his lap.
M/n is afraid of the unknown. What is he missing? Why is everyone so down? Why was he in the hospital for weeks on end?
“What did you do, love? Why are you upset?” Bruce raises to his feet, slowly and weak, and M/n has never seen him like this. Bruce goes behind him and wheels him into their bedroom.
Bruce lifts him up with care. Closer to his face, M/n can see his expression better and it hurts him to see his husband in this pain. Bruce places him on the bed, with soft movements and soft touches.
“Talk to me, Bruce.” M/n cups Bruce’s cheeks in his palms when the man sits next to him on the bed.
“No, no, I can’t, M/n, I can’t, no.” Bruce shakes his head. M/n can’t help but feel out of balance, out of place, out of touch. He has never seen his husband this startled. They’ve had moments in which they’ve shared their fears and problems and what not. But M/n has never seen his Bruce this shaken up.
“Come on. Talk to me, Bruce.” He presses on.
“I.. Oh god…” Bruce whispers through a clenched jaw.
“Love, please…” There is desperation in M/n’s voice.
“God… God, how, how can I tell you? How can I possibly tell you?” Bruce puts a distance between them as he rises from the bed. Covering his face, he blocks away M/n’s view of his expression.
“Bruce? Bruce… Bruce!” M/n raises his voice, feeling his tongue become numb and surplus in his mouth.
“Ah, I, I…” Bruce takes a deep breath looking at the ceiling, “Di…” His voice fades. “Dick and Tim,” M/n fees the air become stale around him, and the constant pressure in his chest that never seems to go away increases. Breathing suddenly becomes harder and there is the faint feeling of suffocation. “They are gone. Because of me. I …killed them.”
And that suffocating feeling is back tenfold.
The world is swimming around them and he can feel it all flowing beyond the ground, and he is falling too, into his own hell. He doesn’t know where he is anymore, but his body is too small for him and his heart is so big and so loud it breaks at his thoracic cavity. His lungs aren’t big enough, however, cowering before his beating, pumping heart, smaller and smaller by the second. There isn’t enough air. There will never be enough air. This is how he is dying. He wants to die. He wants to die now, to disappear.
He hears screaming. After long seconds it becomes obvious it is him who is screaming, clawing at his throat, eyes hurting with tears that burn him to the core. He scratches his throat like he wants to get out of his own skin. And if he were any more conscious, he would now exactly how to kill himself in that moment. The words keep repeating in his head, however, in an endless loop that wants to keep him there, caged in his disbelief.
He must’ve passed out.
Because, when he wakes up, he is in the rose garden, somehow.
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bropunzeling · 8 months
as someone who also hates (!!!) the editing process do you perhaps have any tips to share? 😿
you 🤝 me
im not sure how helpful these tips will be to you, but here's my two cents:
so you finished your first draft. yay you have a draft! a messy, incomplete one? aren't they all! feel free to coast on finishing for at least twenty-four hours. you want to vibe in the still writing, not editing phase. otherwise i (at least) start feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, instead of pleased that at least i have a starting point.
try to think about the goals of the editing process before you even open the doc. for some fic, it can just be a general spelling & grammar & removing repetition & fixing weird errors check (what's a weird error? one time in a first draft a character finished her beer three times in six paragraphs. that's a weird error). for others, you may need to check that the vibes feel right, or the pacing seems appropriate, or the world building is internally consistent. write down your goals in a notes app note or a comment! that way when you go in, you aren't overwhelmed; you know what you're trying to do
as you do a first pass, don't be afraid to leave shit for later. i constantly highlight sentences or paragraphs or half a scene and leave a comment like, "fix somehow" and then move on. often the way to make it better will strike me ten or twenty or fifty pages later. it's better to have momentum than get stuck on one frustrating sentence.
at some point, you have to stop word smithing. not because every sentence is perfect, but because you're going to annoy yourself if you keep trying to figure out why something doesn't flow right. done is better than good, and if you are planning on using a beta, they might be able to pinpoint the issue
don't be afraid to cut things. put them in a comment and keep it to the side if you don't want to lose the words. half the time you don't need them!
you've finished a first pass! this is generally when i call in a beta for anything over 5k. tell them what you're looking for when they read it over! this time, im probably going to ask things about pacing, relationship development, world building, if there are any moments where something comes across weird and not in a way i intended. sometimes, it's just line editing. you'll know what you need.
you've addressed their edits! my last and final process is something my pal ohtemporas suggested: use ctrl f and look for "filler words" - words that make your sentences less direct and immediate. things like "just," "a little," "still," "feels like". it's going to be mortifying. you don't have to cut them all, either!!!! but you'll be amazed what it does to make you really think about what you're trying to convey
at some point, you just gotta be done. this is fic. it will never be perfect. it doesn't have to be! go forth and hit publish
i hope this is at all helpful!!!! and you don't have to do all of it!!!!! at the heart of it, this is fic, and community, and stuff we do for love (and comments). it's nice to check for spelling and grammar errors (or at least i think so!), but anything else is gravy.
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esthermika · 10 months
So as part of a deal with @cheriepleasantries I promised that if she posted about hacking I would post about some advanced Celeste movement tech. She did, so here's that post.
Minor spoilers for Celeste here. Nothing about the story will be discussed but I will go over some more complex movement from chapters 8 (specifically the C Side) and 9 (Farewell) which are technically optional content.
Also I used a screenshot from AverageImposter's amazing Mechanics YOU Need to Speedrun Celeste (Beginner's Guide) video. Check him out if you are serious about speedrunning this game, his videos are some of the best on this subject! Also the Celeste fandom wiki is great resource to check out as well!
Basics of Celeste
Celeste is a precision platformer where you control Madeline over a series of 9 chapters in a journey of self-discovery, anxiety attacks, pink hair and a lot of strawberries.
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Madeline is your typical platformer protagonist. She can jump and climb walls, but she also has a special ability to dash in all 8 directions, regardless of whether she's in the air or on the ground.
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These are your basic movement options and are the foundational building blocks for more advanced techniques. In this particular post we will take an in-depth look at how exactly dashes work, down to the frames.
The Stuff You Learn Normally
Now let's get into the good stuff. Specifically hypers and wavedashes. You learn about these in chapter 8 The Core's C Side and in chapter 9 Farewell.
Hypers (also called hyper dashes) are introduced at the beginning of chapter 9's C-Side and are preformed by dashing down-diagonally while on the ground and pressing jump soon after. This technique gives you the vertical momentum of the jump and the horizontal momentum of the dash at the cost of consuming your dash. On top of all that Madeline gets a 1.25x speed boost when she hypers.
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Hypers are super useful for moving horizontal distances quickly and crossing gaps efficiently.
There's also supers (aka super dashes) which are the exact same concept as a hyper (dash + jump) but you instead dash horizontally instead of down-diagonally. This gives you less distance, but earns you more height.
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So remember hypers? You should, you literally just read about them. I'm concerned for you. Well here is a very similar technique. Introducing wavedashes!!!! The game straight up has a pointpoint explaining this so here:
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Now you might notice that this very similar to a hyper! It's just done in mid air. Why is that important? Well, it let's you regain your dash. (notice the red hair meaning Madeline can still dash)
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This essentially gives you 2 dashes and let's go super fast! Crucial technique for speedrunners.
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The game also explains why you can't seem to do it. The actual explanation is more complex than this... but we'll get into that later on...
And that's basically it... or rather it would be... if we played by the rules >:3.
Extending On What We've Learned
Now we are getting into the stuff the game doesn't teach you. We've officially entered the world of dark Celeste speed tech. I promise it's not as intimidating as it seems ;p
So you know how hypers/supers don't give Madeline her dash back? Well... what if they did?
Extending hypers and supers
Back when we learned about wavedashes, I said the reason you got your dash back is because the wavedash is preformed midair while hypers/supers are done on the ground. I lied. That's not the real reason why. To understand what is really happening we need to delve deeper into how Madeline's dash really works.
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Here's a quote from the developers:
The way it works is pretty straightforward. When you hit the dash button, she flips into a separate ‘dash’ state. A timer is set, her hair turns blue, and she’s given a set velocity in the direction you were holding when you hit the button. The timer then starts counting. For .15 seconds you have no control over Madeline, but then the game gradually gives control back while also decreasing her velocity until you have full control again and her normal state is reinstated. It’s all over in well under a second.
Let's break this down. They mention a timer is set when Madeline dashes. This timer has several functions but the most important one is that it prevents you from regaining your dash if less then 5 frames have passed since it started. 5 frames is about 0.08 seconds since Celeste runs at a constant 60 fps. This is the real reason hypers/supers don't give you your dash back but wavedashes do! We'll comeback to this in a bit.
Next they mention that you don't have control of Madeline for .15 seconds after dashing. This is only half true. You don't have control over her movement, but you can still jump and grab! If you jump mid dash, you perform a hyper/super and Madeline's dash ends immediately. This is also the time period when she's unaffected by gravity. The rest of the information is all correct and unambiguous.
But wait! The only thing preventing us from getting our dash back after a hyper/super is a timer? Can't we just wait it out?
Yes we can!
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This is called an extended hyper. It's called "extended" because we have to wait out the 5 frame timer before pressing jump. The same concept also applies to supers, in this case called extended supers!
This is, mechanically speaking, the same exact thing as a wavedash!
Some extra notes on extending hypers/supers:
The jump can be performed at any point after the 5 frame timer expires and before the dash ends (a dash ends around when Madeline starts getting affected by gravity again).
You can use coyote time (a small time frame after Madeline leaves the ground when she can still jump) to extend hypers/supers! Just make sure to still be on the ground for the 5 frames!
An extended hyper/super can also be performed by touching the ground mid dash or even in mid air (like a wavedash!)
Extending hypers/supers let's you chain them together. So you can extended hyper into another extended hyper! Just like with wave dashes!
Again wavedashes are just fancy extended hypers!
Also did you notice the pun in this section's title? :3
Phew! That was a lot! Feel free to take a break because we are about the get into the weird stuff!
Bunny Hop Hypers and Cornerboosts
We are in the final stretch don't worry! I know those words sound scary but it's ok. I'll hold your hand so you don't feel afraid :)
Bunny Hop Hypers
So to explain bunny hop hypers we need to learn to bunny hop first. It's a term you probably heard before from other games, but in Celeste it simply means 'jumping as soon as possible and for as short of a time as possible' usually being a 1-frame jump, where you press the jump button then release it on the next frame.
Why is this useful? So, remember how dashes start out really fast and get slower as the dash comes to an end? Well, jumps preserve some of Madeline's horizontal momentum. Letting us keep top-hyper speeds for longer! This is important because normally when you extended hyper you only get hyper speed after you jump. With a bunny hop hyper, you get hyper speed the entire time!
Now let's finally see a bunny hop hyper in action:
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See that wasn't so bad!
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All joking aside, if you are having trouble replicating the tricks I discuss, don't worry! This stuff will just get better with practice! A few months ago I couldn't do bunny hop hypers and now I can manage them pretty consistently. It's all about practice and determination!
Before moving on, I wanna say that bunny hop hypers are rare in Celeste speedrunning, at least not as common as extended hypers. They require a lot of specific conditions to be optimal, where as extended hypers can be done just about anywhere! You'll most often see bunny hop hypers in mods rather than normal gameplay.
Now, on to the last trick I wanna show off!
This one is a doozy and also the only grab related trick I'll discuss here. Maybe in the future I can talk about overclocking and neutral climb jumps :3
So what's a corner boost? It's a super difficult way to either build up speed or skip entire sections of gameplay of course :D and unlike bunny hop hypers, cornerboosts are used all over speedrunning! So you better get used to them :)
Explaining how exactly they work is difficult and this post is long enough as is, so let's just see how to perform one:
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The most important part here is step 1. Madeline needs to be at a very precise position vertically relative to the wall for this trick to work. Try aiming for Madeline's chin to match the top of the wall. Also you might notice the green bar. That's Madeline's stamina (the stuff you consume when climbing). I'm using a mod to demonstrate that doing this trick costs some stamina.
Cornerboosts don't have to be preformed with a horizontal dash, they can also be done with diagonal dashes, but the timing is more strict.
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As I said cornerboosts are used all over the speedrun, both to build up a lot of speed in combination with other tech and to skip certain sections. If you wanna see the real power cornerboosts can provide, check out this video of the last checkpoint in chapter 2 and try to count how many cornerboosts are performed. Good luck ;3
Putting All That Into Practice
So. That was a lot. But I have one small challenge for you left. Watch the following clip and try to figure out which strategies where used.
Pause and rewind as many times as needed before reading the next section. Try and play along ok ;p
no cheating >:(
Did you guess: bunny hop hyper into an up-diagonal dash into a cornerboost? If so then you're a massive nerd and I love you!
By the way, this is the (to my knowledge) fastest strat to clear this room in chapter 1.
Hope you had fun reading all that and that you ended up learning something :) If anything is unclear then just read it again cause I don't make mistakes.
If this gets me the attention I so desperately crave I might do another one of these things! No promises tho ;3
Also have strawb for reading all that <3
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osakanone · 28 days
Sexuality is a myth, and we are legends
Also I realized why I can't be a lesbian (surely?):
Its the literature I read.
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Its all terrible.
Being a girl is like being an angel, and the feeling is
"if men don't reach to the sky, am I really flying or not?" "Is it not my duty to relieve them with death?" "How could I be so kind as to ignore them?"
I don't know if that's "wow I'm into dudes" or "wow so gender" because some bizarre part of my brain has decided I can't or don't get to or deserve to one-circle or two-circle with another pair of wings banking at the speed of sound.
But lesbians dogfight. It opens with spying each-other over the horizon with brilliant electromagnetic-echolocation, gaining momentum and altitude and speed to break the sound-barrier to interrogate glimmers of whispers in the dark. All to save the effort of Valkyria lances of cyclops eyes and wax wings they bow across rockets, saving their burns to go as far and high as possible: throwing them beyond sight before immediately cranking pre-emptively to play coy as they close in the joust comes to an end.
Soon, they dance. Rarely, almost never, always beautifully, they dance.
To my understanding, the straights do close air support: Line it up, keep on straight, pickle, release, see it all happen dispassionately from a distance. A white wall of light. Next target. There is no dancing here.
Instead I'm stuck dumping rounds into men on the ground like some kind of novelty; some bizarre mythical creature. A unicorn. Something to be ashamed of, that nobody talks to their friends about.
I'm terrain masking for my own protection as a prey animal to everything: the lurching hypermasculinity of the tank. The angels above me.
I gain flight, but with some bastard mixture of vtol and lifting body effect. I have affordance like a tank. I climb. I lay. I roll. I peek, and I throw wishes at twice the speed of sound from my right arm.
I do things with my hands.
I aim at two things at once, with my ears of RWR, and my eyes of IRST and AESA. My atom heart is crying. My fingers are stimming across switches, every foot tap lurching me, rocking my whole body as if I'd sighted the incomprehensible.
I see where fairies called "missiles" are going, and I sigh swarms of rounds down before they get there: hair bristling like the hairs standing on the neck of an institutional battleship's neck, protecting it as horrors close in from unknown.
I do this as they do, as I move, effortlessly, as an individual.
I get stuff done; I build things like a mother throwing a pre-fab castle called "forward operating base" for her warrior children on holiday mornings with the camcorders rolling.
I am the all-mother, and every footstep is a lithe gong: both deafening and silent.
I put myself back together when I break. I put you back together, when you break. I am here, with you, with me. Together.
I'm Gerridae: I stride both spaces yet occupy neither.
I stand tall enough that they reach for me, but I don't stay high enough to be like the other girls.
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azrielgreen · 4 months
Hey, I was just wondering how you stay motivated to write. I used to be really good at creative writing in school, but I fell off with it and don’t feel I’m half as good as I was. I have some amazing ideas in my head but fear I can’t execute them that well. Or I start something and have no will to finish! Does it come naturally to you? Do you find it hard to stay on task some days? Thanks.
Hi, thank you for this important question. I think so many of us struggle with this and it's really important to share in it.
Firstly, I believe that energy is cyclical. It waxes and wanes. We have to respect the times when we can't do as much as we could the week before, the month before even. Creative writing requires creative inspiration, hence why writing can feel so easy when you're newly inspired by a hyperfixation. All energy ebbs and flows, though, so there absolutely will be times you need a gentle break to indulge in things you love again. If you plant seeds in the same nutrient-depleted soil over and over again, what grows there will be void of minerals and vitamins.
When you find yourself starting new stories (because that feels SO GOOD) but being unable to finish them, you know you're running low on creative sustenance. You can only go so far and what's worse, your brain - a dopamine hungry thing - will notice that you get a little rush when you start something new, but get nothing much from forcing yourself to push on with it and it will annoyingly guide you towards that kind of thing unless given balance.
Looking after yourself and romanticising your process as much as is ✨HUMANLY POSSIBLE✨ and even beyond is always what I recommend. When writing starts to feel like work, get away from it. Take a break, find new songs, watch new movies, write other stuff, weird new stuff that's just for you. Move your furniture around, make a candle, go for a swim, but don't write for a week at least. Then come back to your desk, light some candles, make a new playlist, let the air in and go absolutely fucking wild.
This is what I do. I make a huge fuss of my process, I treat myself to little things before I sit to write, I make the house nice, I check off errands first (this is actually very helpful too - the uncluttered mind), and I light candles, play Debussy and drink my tea while holding onto the fucking JOY that will come from "that scene" I have planned in my head.
Doing this a little bit every day helps build momentum. I don't push myself as hard as I did before, but I do write every day (outside of monthly breaks), in one way or another and I make it a beautiful indulgent process rather than a harsh grind. Writing everyday, even just 200 words, helps get movement and momentum flowing, helps build your confidence again and above all, prevents burnout. Taking breaks is essential too as I said. I have creativity days where I do new things, open myself up wide to the universe and it's on those days I usually realise how easy it is to close myself off and hold tight to the feeling of "writing felt good before, it felt good again, it's all I need". Writing isn't enough, comments and kudos aren't enough and they should never become what it's all about. If you write ONLY for those things, you'll live in a perpetual state of stress, insecurity and disappointment because those things will fade regardless.
Write for yourself. Make it a process you look forward to. Go wild, have fun, indulge, explore, stay open, look after your body and your mind and let your spirit touch nature once a day. Don't let other people dictate how you spend your energy and above all, please, don't compare yourself to others.
This is what I do.
All my love to you.
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What makes Midori Asakusa from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Asakusa-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a low-quality screenshot of Midori Asakusa sitting on a large orange beanbag. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"She's clearly excited about animation and often ends up infodumping about stuff she's interested in, she often is in "her own world" and ends up goofing around during club work when alongside her friends in the film club, but also she gets clearly anxious and uncomfortable around strangers, stumbling over her words and clutching her plush bunny when trying to explain stuff to the student council. i just love having a character who can be BOTH silly and excitable and also more shy and awkward around different groups of people... relatable tbh (also a good article: www.animeherald.com/2022/07/02/a-neurodivergent-examination-of-eizoukens-asakusa-midori/amp/)"
"She loves animation. She knows so much about animation. She has drawings full of sketches and concepts and I will be honest with you I am not great at infodumping because I have bad memory but BELIEVE ME SHE HAD THE TISM SO MUCH"
"when i see her im like yaaay yaaay yaaay inthink its a sign"
"Our girlie here is NOT neurotypical! From the first pages of the first chapter we discover her special interests in the place she lives in and in animation as a medium (she infodumps). This results in several notebooks worth of schematics of the town and how it could be used as the base for wordbuilding an interesting setting for a cartoon. She also piles up vehicles sketches with detailed internal structure. In a later chapter she thinks so much about how a giant robot would work that arrives at the conclusion it would not work and tries to scratch the whole project she and her friends are working on, because if she cannot make it work irl other people would notice. The only way her friend could make her continue to work on the mecha suit stuff is convincing her that she was not making it for "other people" but for her own enjoyment. With this new rule in place she can move on. Asakusa does not fare well in crowds and with strangers. She constantly pushes forward her friend to do the speaking and when she speaks up for herself she rambles in dialect or uses quotes and catchphrases to keep the momentum. She gets soooo distracted by small things. A piece of obsidian in the back of the schoolyard, how did it get there? And oh my god I know we where talking about something serious but IS THAT A TANUKI? Also do not tell me a neurotypical sixteen years old girl has ever saved up for a big army regulation backpack to stuff it with things like a torchlight, a multitool, several feet of paracord, light-up shoes, and a stuffed bunny. She needs them to explore closed down buildings even if she is afraid of the dark. She needs her emotional support bunny." End ID.]
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