#sub jimmy mcgill
kissingrhi · 1 year
what are your nsfw jimmy headcanons? (i really see him as a subby service top, eager to please, to do anything you want.) idk i just love ur headcanons id love to hear!!
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oh yes. absolutely. do u see this man. i know what you are jimmy!
early jimmy (seasons 1-3) is on a completely different realm than late jimmy and saul (seasons 4-6).
by that i mean, early jimmy is the most fragile, shattered-shell of an individual, and that 100% seeps into the bedroom.
a crier. he's sensitive, what can he say? (his words)
sheepishly weeps when you tease him too much, whining when you only push him further for a fresh set of pretty tears.
stuttery, bated breaths escape his throat. "i- i don't understand why you're being so mean?" he asks, his voice cracking right on the highest octave he can reach.
he only groans and wails the more you push him. he definitely gets harder no matter what.
gets nervous every single time you two interact sexually!
a whore for semi-public acts.
if you two are in the car in a (mostly) empty parking lot, he'll almost cum in his pants the moment you press a mischievous hand against his tender thigh.
100000% a service top (you are so real anon!!)
will literally cry against your neck while he's inside of you, continuing even when he's came "God-knows how many times."
all because he "wants you to feel good"
such a sweetheart, huh?
a tease......big time.
he is still the infamous jimmy mcgill.
will pull faux innocence till it's near snapping like a band of outstretched elastic.
"i was literally just resting my hand. you're being over-fucking-dramatic." knowing damn well his hand under the dining table was far too close for comfort.
the moment 'fucking' drops from his mouth, he's mentally preparing himself for the steady hand against his throat, airing out his windpipes.
you can bet your sweet ass that even when he is fucked stupid, a sheer layer of sweat against his forehead, a deep maroon spreading all over his skin, he will still have a smart remark!
it's only when he's hissing and cursing through his teeth at the stimulation of his very sensitive head, or begging to breathe from between your thighs, that he actually keeps his (very beautiful) mouth shut.
LOVES bondage. like LOVES. BONDAGE.
adores when you've got pent up anger at work, so much that you call him and let him know he needs to have on of his colorful ties ready for you after work. makes him feel so special :>
cracks SO many corny ass jokes during the act.
loses his mind if you play with his nipples. if you even run a hand over his dress shirt after giving him a hug and his knees will literally buckle underneath him.
his praise kink.
as we know from the show, jimmy early-on was pretty insecure, and often seeking validation from chuck.
so if he ever needs an escape, away from any sort of attention, you refuse.
instead, you'll hold longer, more intense eye contact when you run your fingers along his sides. you'll make him look. praise him for "how well he handles you." how "good of a boy he is."
it makes him want to melt into the floor, but he loves every minute of it.
he swears a part of himself is healed when you praise him.
.....whimpers "thank you" over and over again every time he cums. if you want to make him blush, mock him after.
in conclusion, early jimmy is an insanely praise-deprived, emotionally needy sub
thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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caleblandrybones · 2 years
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this show was always about sacrificing yourself for love etc etc
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lewyn-martell · 2 years
you're so right about a lot of the "oh they don't fuck" coming from "Jimmy isn't dominating like I want him to be". not just the guys who called him a cuckold (while calling Walt a cowboy lol) or an eunuch but there's so many boys in the depth of yt comments mad bcs "ruined their image of Saul" the sex pest
oh thank you and i know you really get it, char.
it's an old and trusted pattern unless you're already into it or having an awakening jsbsjsbshbhsbsh people generally prefer to see men fucking and women getting fucked and there's nothing wrong with that, but i count my blessings every time that's subverted and especially not only on the man's end. i still can't wrap my head around something that's so obvious to me but reads as a complete lack of sexual chemistry for others.
i guess even for the enjoyers of the women-and-queers variety there was a learning curve: jimmy has a submissive AND loser-at-sex vibe and kim likes him just like that and this manages to confuse both men who want the guy to take whatever he can get and be loud about it (i.e. jimmy harassing francesca, which is a disgusting show of power from a "non-powerful" pov since she always shuts down his advances but he can continue to do it anyway as her boss, something walter white fanboys might be all for) and women who like seeing them being submissive but in a dreamy / good-at-sex / good at giving women what they want way (if we're talking female demographic centric which is most of what i seek when it's not straight up porn ig, jimmy feels more like a male/femalesub to a maledom would rather than the perfect little malesub to a femdom, and that makes Kim even more boyfriend/husband and straight up Dom instead of Domme coded jhabsjsbaha SHE is the dreamy, cool protector who gets soft only for her lil sub and moves heaven and earth for him. kim wexler straight up acts like the fantasy dom boyfriends of romance books and comics and jimmy is the clueless protag going through it).
ANYWAY jimmy is a bit of a loser at sex!! he's bad at pacing, he's kinda self absorbed (in a 'omg this feels so good it must feel good for her too or she would tell me off :)' way), he needs instructions, he comes early and he kinda sucks at fingering (have you seen his level of i don't know what to do with my hands?). I'M RIGHT
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mangabacaxi · 1 year
i finished better call saul. i wanna die.
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quiltedgold · 2 years
baby blues - jimmy mcgill
pairing: jimmy mcgill x f!reader
genre: smut. 18+ please
wc: 2.9k
contains: unprotected sex (ALWAYS WRAPPIT BEFORE YA TAPPIT KIDS), age gap (early/mid20s reader), use of pet names “sugar”, “kid”, and “sweetheart”, hint of sub!jimmy if ya squint but both him and reader are switchy tbh, gratuitous eye description because gahdayum bob odenkirk’s eyes are MESMERIZING, ya that’s p much it
notes: back from the dead to share my silly lawyer smutfic with the world. haven’t finished bcs yet, so this takes place early s1! don’t take this too seriously because i didn’t either :) more ppl gotta get crackin on the jimmy fic train tho bc there’s a sad lack of content. anyway enjoy!
The first thing you noticed about Jimmy McGill were his eyes. Entrancingly blue, fringed with dark, delicate lashes. They drooped slightly at the outer corners, giving him that sad-puppy look. Even through the TV screen and newspaper article, his eyes stood out.
His other features weren’t too hard on your eyes either: that cutely crooked mouth that moved a mile a minute when it wasn’t screwed up in thought, a nice strong nose, neat hairstyle with a stubborn cowlick that you noticed him brushing aside out of habit. And of course, the gentle lines of his face, mouth, and under his eyes that only added to the basset-hound look he had going.
You weren’t sure it was him at first–the hero you’d seen on TV, a lawyer who scaled a billboard to rescue a worker in danger. The paper had gotten a kick out of his heroic stunt and you’d seen his face on the front page the very next day. Yet here he was now, across the bar, alone and nursing a drink, and the similarities were undeniable. This definitely was Jimmy McGill.
And gee, was he handsome. Normally you’d end it there; text your friends with an omg you guys guess who i saw at the bar?? and move on, but you already had a few drinks coursing through your system, were a few stale weeks out of a breakup, and ready to try something new.
You grabbed your purse and scooted off the barstool, adjusting your skirt and checking your top before strolling over to where he was sitting.
“Hi, this seat taken?”
Jimmy started upon hearing your voice, shaken out of whatever trance he’d been in, and blinked a few times. Your heart skipped upon having those eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes trained on your own. “Huh? Oh. No, no. Be my guest,” he gestured at the empty seat.
You thanked him and slid on to it, signaling the bartender over.
“I’ll take a martini, please.”
“That can go on my tab–thanks,” Jimmy said to the bartender.
“Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to.” You flashed your most charming smile at him, and he perked up a little. Always worked.
“My pleasure. I gotta say, though, you look a little young to be at a bar.”
You wave his implication away with a roll of your eyes. “I’m legal, I promise. Just young for my age, that’s all.”
“Hm,” he smiled. “Alright, miss…?” You supplied your name in response, and he repeated it. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“You might laugh at me for this, I’m sure you get it all the time…” you tucked a hair behind your ear, glancing at your shoes demurely. “I thought I recognized you from that news story. Jimmy McGill, right?”
Jimmy illuminated. “That’s me, alright! Though I gotta admit, the hero stuff is more of a part-time gig,” he said with a wink. “My day job is law.”
“Law, huh?” You knew this. You’d already looked him up. Still, you pretended to be surprised and a little impressed. “Wow. What would I have to do to get you as my lawyer?”
He chuckled, face a little pink, either from the alcohol he’d already consumed or your shameless flirt. “Just don’t go falling off any billboards.”
“That’s probably a good start,” you said.
Your drink arrived, and then your second and third as the two of you continued your conversation. Jimmy was sweet–a charmer, but you sensed there was a lot that was genuine about the way he listened to you speak and avoided flicking his gaze down to your cleavage, despite how much you wanted him to. As heat collected in your stomach from the alcohol and your growing attraction to him, you stopped listening to the anecdotes he supplied and began paying more attention to his hands, the ring on his pinky, the way he placed one hand on your knee and began rubbing his thumb lightly on your bare skin, how the pads of his fingers were just slightly rough and how nice his touch felt, how his soft blue eyes bored into yours.
Eventually, you reached your limit.
“How would you feel about getting out of here?” you interrupted, voice low and suggestive.
With no hesitation, he replied. “Best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Before you knew it, the two of you tumbled out of a taxi and through the door of Day Spa and Nail (weird place to live, but hey, who were you to judge?). Jimmy locked the door behind the two of you and then stopped rather awkwardly in the lobby, dragged out of his inebriated haze by his surroundings. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the back area and the curtain of fairy lights decorating the door. It was cozy, but he seemed more embarrassed by it than anything.
You sensed this change immediately and approached him to rectify it, backing him slowly against the glass front of the store.
“Do you bring girls here a lot?” you said, one hand toying with the collar of his dress shirt.
“Can’t say that I do,” he chuckled sheepishly. “Couldn’t tell ya why. Maybe it’s the decor.”
“I, for one, like the open floor plan,” you hummed, sliding your hand down to his tie, playing with the tail of it. “Don’t mind the full length window, either.”
Jimmy swallowed. “We can always head to the back, if you want. This is a little public.”
“You know what?” you said, tilting your head. “I kind of like it that way.”
Gripping the knot of Jimmy’s tie, you tugged, leading his face down to your level, and captured his lips in your own. He groaned, melting into the kiss and bringing his own hands up to cradle your head, knotting his fingers in your hair.
The sound sent shivers down your spine and you opened your own mouth a little wider, returning his pleased noises with a few of your own.
Jimmy, without breaking the kiss, spun you so that you were the one backed against the glass. He pressed his body into yours, deepening the kiss and caressing your jaw with deft fingers.
“Shit, kid,” he huffed in between kisses. “Definitely wasn’t expecting this to be how I ended out the night.”
“From the moment I noticed you across the bar, this is how I wanted it to,” you returned lowly, pressing an open-mouthed kiss below his ear.
“Ah, geez,” he said (if you didn’t know any better, you’d say whimpered), breaking away to hold your face in his hands and examine your blown-out eyes. “Look, not like I’m complaining or anything, but why me? Why not someone your own age? I mean, you’re so gorgeous, you could get anyone you wanted, honest.”
“I’ve never much been into guys my age,” you admitted. “Not daddy issues or anything like that, just… older men are more attractive to me, that’s all. And bonus points if they’re famous.”
“Famous,” Jimmy repeated. “Don’t say that, it’ll go straight to my head.”
“Good,” you said, carding a hand through his hair with an experimental tug at the roots. “That’s where I want it to go.”
Jimmy keened, diving back in for another kiss. Meanwhile, you were at the perfect vantage point to observe the salon, and it caused another idea to blossom.
“Any desire for a massage?” you asked, and steered him over to the row of chairs. “We don’t have to pay for these, right?”
“No, no. But why…?” he asked, squinting.
“Sit down. I’ll show you,” you instructed.
He obeyed without further question, loosening his tie and situating himself in one of the plush seats. You grabbed a remote and quickly figured out the controls, setting his chair at a low setting, then set it aside.
He watched you curiously, waiting for your next move. Flicking your eyes towards his crotch, you couldn’t help but notice the tautly stretched fabric. You licked your lips.
As smoothly as possible, you slipped off your shoes and climbed into his lap, straddling his form with one of your legs on either side. You watched his face as you positioned your core right over his crotch, wiggling a little for good measure, and he gasped.
“Ah, shit, kid…” he groaned, hardness pressing up against you. “Sorry, lemme adjust myself–”
You grabbed the hand he’d moved downwards to shift his erection by the wrist and brought it up to your mouth.
Slowly, slowly, you slipped his pointer finger into your mouth, lathing over the callused skin with your tongue and teeth. He moaned at the sensation as you added another finger, then three.
To be frank, his erection’s throbbing presence against your clothed heat was making it near impossible to focus on the task at hand.
You removed his hand from your mouth and pressed yourself against his chest, laying a feather light hand against his jaw and whispering, “I want you to fuck me, Jimmy McGill.”
“Jesus, kid,” he hissed. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
The two of you scrambled to undo his pants and shift his boxers aside to free his dick, your panties not far behind. You didn’t even bother to shuck your skirt off, instead allowing his large hands to shimmy it up to your waist, squeezing at the softness there with a whimper.
“Wait, wait a sec, do you have a…” He palmed his forehead, flushed pink and sweaty.
You hovered over his rock-hard erection, teasing the tip of him at your entrance. “I’m safe. I’d rather you fuck me raw. Is that okay with you?”
“Is that okay? Jesus, what a question. Yes, absolutely, just please, please, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so badly in my life,” Jimmy begged, hands falling to your thighs and squeezing hard, resisting the urge to buck upwards into you.
You paused a moment before committing, drinking in the sight beneath you. Jimmy McGill, looking positively debauched. Unkempt hair, cheeks the color of cherries, a light sheen of sweat shining in the warm ambient lighting. His eyes were the definition of puppy-dog, the sweetest blue you’d ever seen, swimming with want, eyelashes fanned across his lids as he blinked heavily. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone, and almost without thinking, you dipped your fingers inside and trailed them down the light hair on his chest. He sucked in a shuddery breath.
“One more time?” you asked. Jimmy understood.
“Please,” he croaked.
You plunged your hips down, fully sheathing his length within you. The sensation sent sparks across your eyesight and you cried out, squeezing yourself around him. Jimmy reacted in kind, throwing his head back with a whine and jerking his hips upward to attempt to bury himself deeper. The two of you began to search for a rhythm, him canting upward with an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, you grinding in circular downward motions in return.
It didn’t take long to align, the two of you quickly establishing a steady rhythm to follow, listening closely for the other’s pleased moans and adjusting movements to allow for more of them to spill out.
You clutched Jimmy’s arms, his chest, carded your fingers through his hair, splayed your hands on his stomach for balance. He palmed your breasts, your ass, your thighs, each touch sending electricity straight to your core, but his hands always seemed to migrate back to your waist, which he gripped firmly and used to guide your movements, an action you were grateful for somewhere deep in your lust-addled mind.
You also quickly learned that he was a vocal partner, which made sense knowing his personality and profession. He let his mouth run, moaning about how good you were for him, how pretty, how much he needed this. At one point you could have sworn you heard him hiss “That’s my girl,” and you nearly came right then and there.
Soon, his movements began to speed up, thrusts becoming messier, and you knew he was near his peak. Truth be told, you were surprised he’d lasted this long at his age, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
Clutching your flanks, he pushed himself up to press against your chest and you wrapped your arms around him, twisting your fingers into the back of his dress shirt.
“Sweetheart, I’m close,” he huffed. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside,” you answered without hesitation. “Please, please, inside.”
Jimmy choked out a laugh. “Don’t have to convince me, sugar.”
Upon hearing the pet name, you clenched your walls involuntarily and whimpered.
“C’mon, you can’t–can’t do that…” he groaned. “Ya like being called sugar, huh?”
You couldn’t summon up a reply, nearing your own climax.
Jimmy, seeming to sense your proximity, snaked a hand down to your cunt and quickly located your clit, rubbing in small circles with the callused pad of his thumb to match the speed of his thrusts.
His touch sent a jolt up your spine and you squealed, to which he let out a hoarse chuckle in your ear. “Feels good?”
“Fuck, Jimmy, yeah. Please, please, I’m close…”
“Me too, kid. Just… a little… more…”
He increased the intensity of his ministrations on your clit, sending fresh waves of pleasure through your body, sending you soaring over the precipice of an orgasm. Tremors rached your body, radiating outward from the source of your pleasure, where Jimmy was still circling his thumb. You cried out a string of expletives, sagging against him when the pleasure started to seep out of your system.
Jimmy wasn’t far behind. A few more thrusts and he was coming, clutching your waist in a bruising grip as his seed flooded your insides. He released a shuddering breath and let his forehead fall against your shoulder, collapsing back into the still-undulating massage chair. Your ragdoll form fell with him. The two of you caught your breath in silence, listening to the slowing beats from within each other’s chests, slowly descending from your intense highs.
Slowly, you lifted yourself from his hips, his length slipping out of you followed by globules of white, collecting in little puddles on his soft stomach. You stared at his juices for a moment, then experimentally swiped a finger across them and stuck it in your mouth, sucking to evaluate the flavor.
Salty, bitter. Run of the mill. Except, his had a hint of sweetness, an aftertaste that bloomed after a few moments in your mouth. Interesting.
Your gaze raised, and you realized he’d looked up from your shoulder. His eyes were trained firmly on the finger in your mouth, and his pupils were blown as wide as the sun.
“Jesus, where have you been all my life,” he wondered aloud, then screwed his face up in that cute way you’d observed earlier at the bar, his mouth disappearing into a crooked line. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.”
You giggled tiredly, grabbing a towel from a nearby table to wipe up the cooling cum on his skin, then collected it from your own leaking hole.
He smiled lazily, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “If I were twenty years younger and in shape, I would suggest we go another round.”
You set the rag aside and pressed a kiss to his lips, sweet and lingering. He leaned into it, corners of his lips turning up against yours.
“I would have to agree,” you said, pulling away and trailing a hand across his jaw. He gazed up at you with those hooded blue eyes, gentle adoration practically radiating. “But I’d like to get cleaned up. I don’t want this salon looking like a crime scene when the ladies come back in tomorrow.”
Jimmy clucked his tongue. “You’re right. Bathroom’s down the hall on the right.”
You reluctantly hauled yourself off his chest and headed to the bathroom, legs sore from the intense upwards-downwards movement you’d sustained for the past fifteen minutes.
When you returned, Jimmy was finished tidying up the salon and waiting awkwardly outside the door to his room slash office. He wiggled a pile of clothes he had clutched in one hand.
“Change of clothes, ah, if you want them. You don’t have to stay, of course, I can call a taxi, or go back to the bar and get my car–”
“I’d like to stay,” you replied, taking the clothes from him with a peck. “Thank you.”
Snug in the law firm t-shirt and worn sweatpants he’d lent you, you watched as he set up his room’s nighttime configuration, tittering in amusement at the soft curses he let out when the futon mattress got stuck on the frame. Once he’d set the bed up, fretting abundantly about which side would be more comfortable and which pillow you might prefer, the two of you crawled in and you slotted yourself against his side, resting a hand on his broad chest.
From this position, you could peer up at him and meet his pretty blue eyes, and he could see you staring.
“See something you like, kid?” he yukked, half asleep.
“Mmhm,” you said. “Your eyes. I’ve been looking at them all night. They’re beautiful.”
Taken aback, Jimmy blushed. “Can’t tell you I’ve heard that before. Maybe it’s why I get all the ladies.”
“It’s how you got this lady,” you teased.
“What, that wasn’t my incessant charm or stunning fashion sense?”
“No, but that might have been a small part. The eyes were most of it,” you said, drawling the ends of your sentences as your brain urged you into drowsiness.
“Hm. Good to know,” Jimmy conceded, and the two of you fell into a sleepy lull.
You heard his heartbeat slow, pumping steadily against his chest, and the sound drifted you safely into contented oblivion.
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depressopax · 2 months
Jimmy McGill relationship headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || NSFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill x gn!reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content. MDNI! Sub/dom dynamic. Switch Jimmy :) Degradation and cuss words. Semi-public sex. Words: 700 Summary: Dating Jimmy McGill would include… (NSFW version) English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || SFW version ||
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Being over or under you? Submissive or dominant? Doesn’t matter.
He loves dominating you just as much as he likes being dominated by you
He’s a switch but leans more towards being submissive in bed.
When “being” Jimmy, he’s definitely more of a bottom, whilst Saul is more of a top.
ALTHOUGH… If he comes home stressed or frustrated one day, he’s the type of guy to like some roughness for stress relief
Fast and rough sex whilst he tells you about his day, muttering about his own problems >>>>> Therapy
Also… 👀 Reverse it! Nothing better than you slutting him out when he’s had a rough day ;)
He likes being degraded, but PLEASE don’t forget to praise this man. He needs it. <3
Just tell him he’s a good boy and watch him melt
VERY vocal in bed, deep grunts, cuss words, moans… You name it.
If you top him, you’ll definitely earn yourself some whimpers, maybe even tears
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HEAR ME OUTTTT, brat Jimmy 👀
Usually when he doesn’t get “enough attention”
He’ll be the most annoying man ever until you give him what he wants (aka attention)
Are you busy with housework or even work? Too bad!
He’ll be all over you with kisses, dirty talking and challenging you to give him attention
Him pushing your buttons, enjoying it when you lose your patience with his bullshit.
Jimmy is only satisfied once you bring him to the bedroom, giving him exactly what he wants…
He loves it when you dominate him tbh
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He is a needy man, even when you’re out in public
He’ll always look for excuses to touch you, and to him - there’s no “wrong moments” for love.
He’s the definition of “🥺🥺” when you don’t give him attention 💀
He has no shameee
“Meet in the bathroom in 2 minutes” at a local cafe
…Or in a changing rooms at stores
You name it
He likes the thrill of getting caught. ;)
Don’t get me started on ✨office sex✨
Almost every visit to his office ends up with you bent over his desk
…Or on your knees by his chair
Fuck it, switch it up - him kneeling before you whilst you sit in his chair - both works 👀
Honestly it’s his favorite place to do it
Maybe not the most comfortable, nor hygienic place - but oh well
Once again he likes the thrill of getting caught, or knowing he has clients waiting. But they can wait. He has better things to do
He makes sure you walk away from his office feeling satisfied (and with shaky legs) <3
He’s a big fan of quickies. Why wait all day to sleep with you, when he can do it multiple times? “What do you think quickies are for??”
He’ll legit turn you on “by accident” only to ignore you later
Why? “Because I can” 
And to see you beg for him. Yep, he’s unfair
Having you beg for him to do you is just hot to him. Especially when you’re angry/frustrated
…If you did the same to him tho? He’d be close to tears. And beg without shame lmao
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When it comes to oral he prefers receiving.
That way he can lean back, close his eyes and enjoy being “taken care off” 
If you have longer hair he runs his hands through it, twirls it between his fingers and might pull it a bit.
Very loud and praising when receiving “Yes… Right there”“Fuck… You’re so good at that. So damn perfect.”“Keep going, sweetie. Take all of me in your pretty mouth.”
However, he does love giving too. 
Getting heads is nice, but there’s something rewarding about using his mouth to make you feel good. 
He’s damn passionate when giving, too. 
Slow, teasing movements
And caressing other parts of your body to make it more satisfying. 
Your moans and the praise he receives could make him go at it for hours. And he will…
Jimmy just finds it adorable when you whine and whimper from the pleasure being overwhelming.
He tries his best with aftercare, as long as he’s not too tired afterwards or if it was “just a quickie”
But he always tries to make sure you’re alright afterwards. 
appreciates cuddles afterwards
And he LOVES it when you give him aftercare after you’ve dominated him 
He falls asleep quick afterwards, but does so safely in your embrace 
Homeboy just needs love and affection basically <3
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Not really happy with this one 😭 But I hope ya guys liked it either way lol!! <3
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thoughts on submissive jimmysaul ???? 🤔 need 2 spread the good word -🍒
using this gif bc im a menace
combining w/ this ask too
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ok so saul is not a sub. not unless you beg him or take him by surprise but more on that in a sec. he is way too egotistical to let himself get pushed around. he NEEDS to be top dog.
but jimmy??? jimmy mcgill is the whiniest bitch to ever bitch 😌 and underneath all those personas and every front he tries to put up he is still a whiny little bitch at his very core. he’ll crack under the tiniest bit of pressure.
he would absolutely pick a goofy ah safe word like “constitution” or some shit. don’t tell me he wouldn’t.
whines and moans when giving you head. he honestly likes it more than you do. he just wants to do a good job and make you proud 🥺🥺🥺 ruffle his hair and he’ll DIE
he doesn’t like hard impact play like anything that’ll bruise/bleed but he’s a baby painslut. slap him, spank him, pull his hair, pinch and twist his nipples >:3
bondage and sensory deprivation really rile him up bc he gets so frustrated! he wants to touch you? kinda hard w/ his hands tied to the bed frame :/ he wants to see what you’re doing? too bad! he’s blindfolded. he keeps running his mouth and whining and begging for release? enjoy the ballgag, bozo 🥱
speaking of running his mouth i think he would try to crack a few jokes at first to try to maintain some semblance of dignity. but that goes out the window when you answer his quip with a bitchslap.
“c’mon kid, is that all you got? my grandma could hit harder than-“ (SMACK) “ngh! ok i’m sorry i’ll be good…”
praise/degradation/humiliation combo meal. whatever you say to him is guaranteed to make him moan. ESPECIALLY if you make him say something.
“ah… i’m a… i’m a dirty old man…”
“what was that, jimmy? say it louder, i couldn’t hear you.”
he whimpers before he says it. “i’m a dirty old man!”
“good boy! that’s right! you’re a disgusting pervert, too! let me hear you say that.” (jimmy mcgill cums in his pants.mp3)
^make fun of him for cumming too early. call him pathetic. he’ll be hard again in no time.
why do i feel like he’d be into small dick humiliation too 💀
TOP HIM TOP HIM USE HIS HOLE HE WILL GO INSANE!!!!!!! i doubt he plays w/ it much by himself but having a partner take care of him like that….. oml he just melts
he’s really scared to bottom at first but then you touch his prostate and it’s like he sees god. he’s DEFINITELY gonna experiment with it on his own next time :3
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
The urge to make a Jimmy McGill sub energy gifset that would get me so hit.
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kissingrhi · 2 years
♞ = smut ♛ = angst ♚ = fluff
‣ stranger things
› eddie munson comforting you when you’re anxious ♚
› imessage games with eddie munson ♚
› eddie munson going down on you ♞
› mirror sex with robin buckley ♞
‣ breaking bad
› one more, jesse pinkman ♞
› safe haven, jesse pinkman ♛
› hurt/comfort, jesse pinkman ♛♚
› just "friends" (that makeout every so often), jesse pinkman ♚
› insivible string, jesse pinkman ♚
‣ better call saul
› unreadable, lalo salamanca ♚
› fuel, lalo salamanca & nacho varga ♚
› jealous lalo salamanca headcanons ♚♞
› howard hamlin + an s/o soothed by his voice ♚
› jimmy mcgill headcanons ♚
› jealous gus fring headcanons ♚♞
› sub jimmy mcgill headcanons ♞
› the heart will not stop, lalo + nacho ♛♚
› howard hamlin + neck kisses ♞♚
› kim wexler headcanons ♚♞
› misc. bcs headcanons ♚
› seaweed, nacho varga ♚
› filthy, jimmy mcgill ♞
› nacho varga + reader with feminine style ♚
› employer, kim wexler ♞
‣ baseketball
› doug remer + size kink ♞
› touchy doug remer ♚
› joe cooper + hand holding ♚
› doug remer + goofy dirty talk ♞
› aftershocks, doug remer ♞
› beach day, joe cooper ♞
› joe cooper + loss of a family member ♚♛
‣ succession
› roman roy drabble ♚
› character matchups (1), (2)
› roman roy + pillow fucking ♞
‣ five nights at freddy's
› william afton/steve raglan + dirty talk ♞
› william afton/steve raglan + edging/knifeplay ♞
› william afton/steve raglan + making reader feel exposed ♞
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nadezhda-wexler · 2 years
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5x09- Bad Choice Road
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he knew because you are obviously a sub, next question
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lewyn-martell · 2 years
Lmao at Saul saying he lives to serve (blood money). And dudes are surprised that Jimmy is a sub?
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Updated: 08/31/2022
WIPs - Long stuff
Things I might post someday!!! Feel free to ask about or suggest ideas for these.
Handholding reqs
Active • revising currently! Tsukishima x Reader - messy goofy committed relationship sex.
Jimmy McGill and Jesse Pinkman prompt filling 😤
Takeda x Reader - outline done! Voyeurism, sort of 👀
Ushijima x Reader x Goshiki - holy fuck I want to do this but I need to do other stuff first. Cumplay.
MSBY Black Jackals threesome to gangbang (Reader x Hinata x Bokuto, halfway through add Atsumu and Sakusa)
Sendai frogs foursome (Reader x Tsukishima x Kyotani x Koganegawa) - planned out, 1/5 written at this point, on hold bc I don't like how I'm writing the characters.
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi x Reader - outline done. I'm literally transcribing a dream I had lmao
Osamu x Reader - bite fic p2. filling in outline.
Reader x Osamu x Akaashi x Bokuto - rough ideas down, love the concept, keep getting tied up in dialogue
Kageyama x reader - the fetish ones. you know why. Outlines done. A few in rough ideas currently. I am probably going to scrap a lot and re do these.
Sub kiyoomi AAAAAAAAAA
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douxreviews · 5 years
Quantum Leap - Season Five Review
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It had been awhile since I watched season five, and some of it was better than I remembered. Unfortunately, some of it was worse.
Celebrity leaps
The Kennedy assassination? What were they thinking? ("Lee Harvey Oswald," 5.1 and 5.2.)
Quantum Leap always played with celebrity encounters as cute little supplemental by-the-ways and isn't-this-fun, like Buddy Holly and Michael Jackson, and honestly, I totally understand their desire to try something new, to do a high concept two-part episode. But "Lee Harvey Oswald" was terrible, uncharacteristically grim and unforgivably dull. Quantum Leap is a science fiction adventure show with a great deal of humor and charm. It is not a documentary.
Not to mention that Quantum Leap's raison d'etre is to fix "what once went wrong." How on earth could they possibly fix the Kennedy assassination without changing a massive event in American history? Having Sam save Jackie Kennedy, who died in the original history, was an interesting twist, but it was also a cop-out. Especially when you consider what Jackie did with her life after Jack Kennedy's untimely death. (No judgment there, honestly. I'm just saying.)
It also felt wrong to see Sam so affected and influenced by the person he leaped into that he couldn't change anything, and it's telling that this was the only way they could make the script work. We all know that if Sam had been himself, he would have found some way to stop the assassination. I understand from the internet that Donald Bellisario believed that Oswald acted alone and that it was the point he was trying to get across. And I will respond by saying that a show like Quantum Leap was not the place to do it.
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"Goodbye, Norma Jean" (5.18) didn't work either, despite a good performance by Susan Griffiths as Marilyn and some enjoyable faux cameos by actors playing Clark Gable, John Huston and Peter Lawford. The big question for me again was, why? What did Sam put right that once went wrong? Supposedly, Marilyn needed to live a little bit longer and do one last film, and if The Misfits had been one of the greats, I would get it, but honestly, it's not a great film. If they had to do Marilyn, wouldn't it have been great if Sam had kept her from committing suicide earlier in her life?
The other two celebrity leaps this season were outright fun, though, and those did work.
I loved Scott Bakula doing an actual impression of "Dr. Ruth" (5.14) in an episode that featured the real Dr. Ruth Westheimer. While the double entendres were uncomfortably thick on the ground, it was pretty much the perfect celebrity leap to illustrate the differences between the reserved and prudish Sam, who had a terrible time doing a radio show about sex, and Al, who didn't hesitate to avail himself of free sex therapy in the Waiting Room with Dr. Ruth herself. We also got a timely reminder that Al has been married five times, and that he still loves his first wife, Beth.
I also enjoyed "Memphis Melody" (5.21) where Sam leaped into a young Elvis Presley. It was so much better than Lee Harvey Oswald and Marilyn Monroe because it wasn't depressing, and Scott Bakula got to sing as Elvis. Very nice. Especially his version of "Amazing Grace." (Which is not what they're singing in the photo below.)
Movie tributes
One of Quantum Leap's constant go-tos was movie tributes and/or ripoffs. In "Leaping of the Shrew" (5.3), Quantum Leap did The Blue Lagoon, and they even got Brooke Shields to guest star. You'd think that wouldn't work, but it was actually pretty darned cute. They also did Coming Home in "Nowhere to Run" (5.4), and it even guest starred an adorable pre-Friends Jennifer Aniston. But honestly, the way they got around Sam walking around while he was supposed to missing his legs was pretty darned weird.
Points for trying
I liked the idea behind "Trilogy" (5.8, 5.9 and 5.10), an interesting twist in the formula where Sam leaped into three different people while trying to save the same person, Abagail Fuller. It was almost like they finally addressed the "what happened to the person Sam saved later on" question. But the story acquired a mildly incestuous feel when Sam went from being Abagail's father figure in part one to her fiance in part two. And the idea of Sam fathering a child while not in his own body was interesting, but also weird. Although I did like the idea of Sam's brilliant daughter Sammy Jo helping out at the Quantum Leap project. Were they thinking about casting her as a permanent character? That could have been fun.
I also liked "Killin' Time" (5.5), where Sam leaped into a serial killer and had to explain the truth about the Quantum Leap project to his hostages. The best part about it was that there was actually action at the project in alternate universe 1999 as the killer escaped and Al took off after him, while Gooshie had to replace Al in the imaging chamber. I'll admit that the face paint, neon decoration and strange computer stuff didn't work, mostly because we all know now that 1999 didn't look like that. Maybe I should have taken that to mean that all of Quantum Leap happened in an alternate universe?
I wasn't as crazy about "The Leap Between the States" (5.20), the first and only time that Sam leaped out of his own lifetime, inhabiting his great-grandfather and romancing his great-grandmother back in 1862. It might have been a little better if they'd managed to resist white savior syndrome.
"Promised Land" (5.11) was a nice idea in theory, popping Sam back to his own home town with people he grew up with. Maybe a little hokey, but at least he got to see his late father one last time. But couldn't we have spent time with Sam's family again instead of getting stuck in a bank for the entire episode?
No points for trying
And then we had the evil leaper. (5.7 "Deliver Us From Evil," 5.16 "Return of the Evil Leaper," 5.17 "Revenge of the Evil Leaper")
Okay. I can see where the writers would have hit on the idea of an evil counterpart to Sam, but I thought it made absolutely no sense and was in fact never explained. Was Satan carrying on a Quantum Leap project of his own to put wrong what once went right? Although it was nice to see the characters from season two's "Jimmy" again and the carrying on in the women's prison was sort of fun, it just didn't work for me. Plus Alia's existence made Sam non-unique, which is something you don't want to do with your lead. The evil leaper concept didn't deserve to take up three full episodes of their final season.
The series finale
I hadn't seen "Mirror Image" (5.22), the final episode of Quantum Leap, since it aired, and was really looking forward to it because I remembered how choked up I was by that last scene with Beth and that final card about what ultimately happened to Sam. Unfortunately, I am sad to report that I found the rest of "Mirror Image" to be sub-par.
Sam arrived in a barroom at the moment he was born, and for the first time, when he looked into a mirror, he saw himself. That was actually a powerful scene, and it was touching that his hair had started to become gray. There were many scenes in the barroom in the coal mining town of Cokesburg that included actors from previous episodes playing other characters. I'm sure they were going for some sort of huge metaphorical what's-is with the mine collapse, but I just didn't get it.
I also thought it was sad that, even though the resolution of the series was all about Al Calavicci, we saw too little of him in the finale. Instead, we got Bruce McGill as the enigmatic Al the bartender, who kept giving Sam clues about what's going on. Was this new Al supposed to represent the God who had sent Sam on this strange journey? I suppose so.
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We also learned that it was always Sam's unconscious choice to keep leaping, that his leaps would become more difficult, and at this point, Sam could choose to go home. The fact that Sam chose instead to leap back to the end of "M.I.A." and change Al's life forever was by far the best part of this mishmosh of an episode. Sam's ultimate choice was a selfless expression of love for his closest friend. It was also a radical, series-changing choice, breaking all of the rules we've come to accept as governing Sam's leaps. It was emotionally satisfying, though. So like Sam to give such a huge gift to someone else instead of taking advantage of his one last opportunity to go home. Tragic.
That last title card, "Dr. Sam Becket never returned home," really got to me way back when it first aired in May of 1993. This time, when I saw it, the one big thing that struck me was that in their rush to close down their series, they spelled their lead character's name wrong. (It's "Beckett," with two T's.) Maybe they made that mistake because "Mirror Image" wasn't supposed to be the series finale and they were forced to tack on an ending.
While that last scene with Beth, and its implications, were a worthy end to the series, and I loved the idea of Al happily married to the love of his life, the thought of a sad and exhausted Sam choosing to continue leaping forever was emotionally wrenching. In a way, it also negated everything that happened in the entire series. The Al Calavicci that helped Sam on every step of his journey is no longer the same Al Calavicci. I guess I need to remind myself that I must never try to apply logic to time travel stories.
Bits and pieces:
-- The credits for season five featured a new arrangement of the original theme song. It was terrible. Awful. Blech.
-- Notable actors: Neil Patrick Harris, age twenty, in "Return of the Evil Leaper," Stephen Root in "Goodbye Norma Jean," Hinton Battle from the Buffy musical in "Revenge of the Evil Leaper," and Meg Foster of the amazing eyes in "Trilogy."
-- Bruce McGill, who played Al in the series finale "Mirror Image," was also in "Genesis," the pilot episode. That was a nice touch, since I assume it was deliberate.
-- I hadn't known this until I looked it up, but Susan Griffiths ("Goodbye, Norma Jean") has made a career out of playing Marilyn Monroe. And Michael St. Gerard, "Memphis Melody," played Elvis several other times as well.
-- Just a general observation: when I was finished my rewatch, I figured out what years Sam leaped into the most, and which months of the year. There were very few winter leaps, which makes sense since they filmed in Los Angeles. It also makes sense that the writers would mostly choose the 1950s and 1960s because they could do more interesting period stuff. The year Sam leaped into the most was 1957 (seven times).
And in the end:
Despite this mostly negative closing review, I enjoyed rewatching Quantum Leap more than I thought I would. It was a creative series that aired at a time when there was very little quality science fiction on television, and the two lead characters and the actors who played them were exceptional. There's also no question that Quantum Leap is showing its age a bit sooner than it probably should.
There are a lot of series revivals going on right now. What would a reboot of Quantum Leap be like? I bet that in today's "it's all about the arc" environment, they could go in some truly interesting directions.
What do you guys think?
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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depressopax · 5 months
Being in a throuple with Jimmy and Kim would include...
Pairing: Jimmy McGill x Kim Wexler x gn!reader  Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content, age gap, authority kink, dom/sub dynamic, degradation, semi-public, cusses, secret relationship, threesome, oral (male receiving), boss x employee, polyamory, reader uses they/them Words: 1199 Summary: Being the intern at Jimmy and Kim’s law firm, until they both fall in love with you. For this scenario - let’s pretend Jimmy and Kim are still married, happy and running a law firm together lmao (These headcanons are probably not very "canon" to Jimmy and Kim's behaviour in BCS. But I've had this idea for a while and wanted to try it out) English is not my first language, so lmk if there's any grammar- and/or spelling mistakes so I can fix it and learn! :)
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You met them both when you were an intern at their company
You had heard about them both before, and was nervous yet excited to work for them.
Kim and Jimmy being the hot, power couple - you can’t tell if you want to be them… Or be with them. 
You get to do simple tasks, but once they notice your talent the couple gives you bigger tasks, in which you get to spend more time with the couple.
Kim and Jimmy fall for your wit, kindness and that smile of yours. 
They both start fantasising about you; what it’s like being with you, the dates they’d take you on, and the things they’d do to you… 
You notice something is up once they both give you extra attention at work, complimenting your outfits, making jokes and always wanting you close. 
Jimmy would get your attention by doing reckless “charmy” things around you, make sure to always have people around to laugh when he says something funny - just so you’ll know just how “funny and amazing” he is.
Kim would be more seductive and sweet. Being very close to you, helping you with tasks and teasing you by leaning close when doing so - so you can smell her sweet perfume and get a good view of her cleavage…
Out of the two of them, Kim succeeds best to seduce you. 
They both playfully flirt with you, until you flirt back, watching them both turn into blushing messes. 
The couple are very good at reading each other, so when they catch the other stare your way, they know.
Somehow, they’ve both fallen in love with you. 
Though they don’t always succeed, Kim and Jimmy try to have good communication with each other. “So… You like them?” “So do you.” “...Yea.” “What do we do now, Jimmy?”
I feel like they like trying new things, and are very experimental.
Their love for each other runs deep. The “jealousy” part in the relationship is not something that bothers them anymore.
Therefore, they openly talk about people they find hot - you, included. 
Kim and Jimmy realise that they both want you.
…And they know how to share ;)
They can tend to be selfish - doing things for their own pleasure.
But they don’t want to do that to you. Hurting you is the last thing they want.
That’s why they keep their feelings hidden from you for so long.
Like, it would take them ages to come forward and tell you.
…But observant as you are (or maybe the fact that Kim and Jimmy act like two love-drunk fools around you), you had already figured it out. 
When they tell you, they’d probably make it really awkward.
But you just find them adorable, and love knowing that the power couple - two confident and cocky lawyers - has a soft spot for you.
When they ask you on a date, you agree.
Since they both have lots of money, they take you to a fancy restaurant, spoiling you with expensive wine etc, even if you want it or not.
The three of you just click instantly. It feels right. 
…But, you being their intern causes a lot of problems. 
That’s why you have to keep the relationship a secret, to not cause drama or scandals. 
But that doesn’t stop Kim and Jimmy from being flirty and teasing you at work.
During meetings, they always make you sit between them.
…So they can tease you under the table, squeezing your thigh and making you flustered. 
Jimmy whispering dirty things to you - but making it look like he’s saying something work related. It’ll be things like: “Fuck… You look sexy in that shirt. I wanna rip it off you.”
Kim just sits besides, holding back laughter from the interactions. 
The couple likes to fluster you, making it into a competition.
…Kim dropping papers on the floor, bending down to pick them up right in front of you, giving you a view of her ass.
Once you get comfortable around them, you eventually start teasing them back. Wearing provocative clothes, biting on a pen whilst staring at the couple, bending forward to grab things and making sure your legs touch theirs when sitting down.  
Both Kim and Jimmy are pretty reckless and impulsive.
You often have to be the one to stop them from doing stupid thing; You: “No.” Jimmy: “But we were just gonna…” You: “Don’t.” Kim: “Come on! It’s just for fun!” You: “...Fuck sake!”
It doesn’t take long before Jimmy and Kim realizes that they have fallen in love with you. 
They haven really been open to polyamory earlier, but with you in the picture… They would change their mind.
If you agree to be in a throuple with them, they’d be so loving, but also really awkward at first. 
You would probably have to keep the relationship hidden for a while, and you would find another place to finish the internship.
The three of you want to do it the right way, without creating trouble or drama from the dynamic etc. 
They want you to feel comfortable, that’s why you get to control the type of relationship you want to have - sexual or romantic.
Spending a lot of time in their apartment. Watching movies, hanging out… And lots of sex of course. Now for the veryy spicy ones lmao
They are both dominant and like being in charge. 
...Especially when it's you.
At work:
Jimmy makes you give him heads in his office whilst he does paperworks. He also likes quickies during lunch, and having you stumble out of his office afterwards.
Kim having you sit in her lap/or the other way around when you do paperwork, helping you with it if needed. She would also tease you with neck kisses/having her hand in your underwear. 
They can either be really selfish - or very giving - in the bedroom.
It depends on what you’re comfortable with.
They sure can be too rough, but will check up on you regularly to make sure you’re comfortable and satisfied. 
You would probably have a safe word to use if it gets too steamy to handle.
Kim and Jimmy would make sure no one feels left out. 
…But they would probably ignore you sometimes, only focusing on each other, to make you jealous/make you beg for attention
You would probably have to address them as “Sir” and “Ma’am” when having sex. They won’t satisfy your needs until you use those titles.
Your nicknames? Probably: Pet, sweetie, brat, honey, slut, etc… 
They like degradation and praise.
Probably into the whole idea of “rewards and punishments”
If you behave well, they will treat you like a royal, making sure you’re satisfied.
But if you don’t… Be ready for a lot of teasing and overstimulation. 
Although the two of them are rough and a bit selfish, Kim and Jimmy will make sure to give you good aftercare.
There’s two of them to take care of you, after all. 
Sometimes they’ll fight over who gets to do what for you
Expect lots of cuddles, warm baths/showers, and LOTS of praise. Jimmy: “You did so well for us, sweetie.” Kim: “You know how proud you make me and Jimmy?”
GOD I'm so obsessed with Jimmy and Kim lmao 😭 I felt cringe writing this but oh well 🫶
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Fics are in red
Drabbles are in blue
HCs are in green
Shitposts/Miscellaneous are in pink
Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill/Gene Takovic
Terms of Employment
Breeding Kink
Remote Control Vibrator
Gene Takovic
FTM Chaser
Hair Pulling
Gender Neutral Reader Assistant
Closing Time
Kitten Petplay
Take the Edge Off
Positive Reinforcement
Jimmy McGill x FTM!Reader
Dom!Reader x Sub!Jimmy
Piss Kink
Slip of the Tongue
Watersports Sub Jimmy
Buttslut Jimmy McGill
Lunch Break
NSFW Alphabet
Saul + Lalo teaching Reader to suck dick
More Piss Kink
Did I stutter?
VCH Piercing
Mike watching Reader/Jimmy in the parking garage
Chaser Jimmy being gross
First Time for Everything
Rimmy McGill
Gustavo “Gus” Fring
Meeting GenderNeutral!Reader (SFW)
Brat Taming
Tug of War (Lalo x Reader x Gus)
Obedience Training
Box Cutter
Jesse Pinkman
Orgasm Denial/Wetting
Misery Loves Company
Are We There Yet? (Jesse x Reader x Mike)
Tuco Salamanca
General HCs
Tuco x Younger Feminine Boyfriend
Brandon "Badger" Mayhew
Splash Zone
Howard Hamlin
Take Control
Lalo x Reader x Howard
Breeding Kink
Kim Wexler
Mommy Kink
Nacho Varga
Bear Witness (Lalo x Reader x Nacho) 2
General HCs
Nacho's Childhood (SFW)
Mike Ehrmantraut
Rise and Shine
Are We There Yet? (Jesse x Reader x Mike)
Mike watching Reader/Jimmy in the parking garage
Sit Still
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Upstairs Neighbor
Joel Miller x FTM!Reader
Butt Stuff
Burning Rage
Breeding Kink
Talking you through anal
Old Man Dick
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