#superman: lost
sisaloofafump · 5 months
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Superman: Lost style study
I really struggle drawing Superman/Clark Kent so I thought I’d look at how my favourite artists draw him. This is of Superman: Lost and the artist team of Carlo Pagulayan (pencils), Jason Paz (inks), and Jeromy Cox (colours).
This is my favourite depiction of Clark and I reference it a lot. It’s the default way I picture him (in the modern era at least). I like how soft he looks while maintaining very strong and sharp features. The hair is my favourite part
Version with colours:
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soranatus · 8 months
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Superman: Lost (2023)
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shinynewwriting · 7 months
Since Superman: Lost is still ongoing, I am trying to reserve judgement until it concludes. One thing I do really like, however, is whatever wild psychosexual thing with Superman that Lex Luthor has going on in it.
We're currently at issue 7, and Lois has scheduled lunch with Lex Luthor. This is the first time Lex has shown up in the series. Not to worry though, he's definitely very calm and not at all frothing with rage that his nemesis is completely non-functional, has been for weeks, and no one will tell him why.
He's definitely not going to take it out on Lois, either.
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(Lex is referencing Edith Galt Wilson, the wife of US President Woodrow Wilson who essentially took over his duties as president after he suffered a stroke during his second term in 1919.) Anyway, Lex makes a token effort at pretending he doesn't care at all:
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Lois, however, calls immediate bullshit:
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Holy crap, Lex has been on the page for like five panels and Lois is saying every quiet part out loud. Let the man breathe, Lane!
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I am fascinated by whatever is happening in that self-diagnosis. Because the thing is...there's nothing in either the regular canon or in the past issues of Superman: Lost to indicate that Lois and Clark have anything but a healthy relationship based on mutual love and respect. But the minute Lois starts describing Lex as obsessed, he hops in with, "See, we're just like each other!" Lex assumes that whatever he feels about Superman is basically equivalent to how Superman's wife feels about him.
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And then Lex rolls out his ~evil plan~ that will result in Lois' death and tells Lois to send Clark his way.
I gotta say, in my wildest dreams, I never thought we'd get an actual plotline consisting of:
Lois: "Clark is VERY SAD, so you need to do your usual stupid bullshit and cheer him up." Lex: "Uuuugh, fine, but only because I'm obsessed with him. I'm going to kill you, just FYI."
I also enjoy how both of these emotional bulls-in-a-china-shop independently arrived at a plan of, "Maybe some good ol' crimefighting will fix the PTSD!" Clark truly has a type.
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f4nd0mlife · 7 months
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Superman: Lost #9 variant cover by Stephen Segovia
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natesune · 1 year
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Why is this variant Cover so relatable. I just want to pat his shoulder and sit next to him.
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smashpages · 1 year
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Variant cover for Superman: Lost #1 (DC, March 2023) by Lee Weeks
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blorb-el · 4 months
superman: lost finale
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tldr: huge L for people who want to see clark reintegrate into his life with people who love and accept him even when he doesn't feel he's 'being' correctly due to his enormous amounts of horrible trauma (me). but also huge W for people who want to look at clark ultimately addressing his trauma by doing something so batshit insane he would never ever inflict on another person but his self standards are so toxic babygirl you are SO fucked up (also me)
short plot recap: at the end of this issue, clark and hope go back in spacetime to the beginning of where he was dumped out of the space trawler's ship, and send past!clark back to earth. then the clark we've been following goes on to help the evacuation for ten years, and then become the time loop clark we saw in issue 7, warning his past self not to try to escape, while the past!clark he and hope sent back goes on to live with lois and be the in-continuity clark we're familiar with.
various disorganized notes upon this:
clois book and clois divorce book at the same time
the book is metacommentary on how editorial will never allow clark to actually have lasting effects from trauma because that's not marketable/palatable to people both inside the dcu and outside
nerds bein like 'ohhh that's not how time travel works' news flash: time travel is not real its a storytelling device. if it serves the author then it's how it works
i. loved lois in this. all throughout. i know some people think she's ooc but she's so angry and compassionate and her concern and drive is what intersects with clark's self sacrificial brain in the end to make his FUCKED UP choice it is just. tickles the brain in a capital T Tragedy way. fatal strengths/fatal flaws chefs kiss
immediately headcanoning Gatekeeper/timeloop clark to eventually become the superman-null of Strange Visitor even though i think he was visually based on Maggin's Ghost of Superman Future from Superman 416 (which, if you like time loops, you should read, and if you dont like time loops you should read anyway because it fucks). let me have this. or, i know that Gatekeeper says he's had this conversation over and over, but i would would also accept if he figures out how to break it eventually and then becomes an iterant space paladin
the hope-is-pregnant jumpscare was. fine whatever 😔 a concession to serialized storytelling demanding cliffhangers. shoutout to parthenogenesis was nice but That Aint How It Works......like That's The Point Of Asexual Reproduction You Don't Need Another Person's DNA.......
this issue was fun to read alongside the current arc of WF since mark waid is also pointing out clark's flaw of impossibly impossibly high standards for himself in the way that main universe clark is so furious and disgusted with kingdom come clark; main universe bruce has never seen him that angry before bc clark's hatred/fury/fear of his own failures is obviously usually internalized
lex's part in this book was so damn good. that egotistical genius delusional psychosexually obsessed loony. especially the bit about the paintings. stop imagining yourself in a naked wrestling match with your enemy. time to listen to les troyens i guess
throughout the whole book the art has just been. incredible. coloring lines inking the whole thing. the stylistic change in 7 was interesting, not my favorite art, but it worked bc they were in a black hole at the time. i got some of the lee weeks variant covers and they're so incredibly good.... but the mainline covers were also wonderful.
slaps roof of superman. this fellow sure can get lost
anyway. if you made it to the end low effort mspaint sillies
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freedvmrouge · 5 months
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character(s): clark kent.
word count: 555.
tags & warnings: pov clark kent, superman: lost is. 4, dissociation, creeping insanity.
summary: clark loses his personal survival kit (psk) and smashes marquis in frustration. he doesn't know how much time he's lost.
2024 superfam horror week | @weaveituponyourheart day one / isolation
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He's floating.
He's on the floor.
"Good morning, Marquis."
He doesn't know where he is.
He's floating.
He's lying on the floor.
He's sitting on a red space rock that might be classified as a dwarf planet on Earth.
He's staring at the wall.
There's a blanket around him that doesn't quite cover his legs.
He doesn't really know where he is.
He doesn't know how long it's been.
"Good morning, Marquis." He waits for a theoretical breath. "How far are we from the last checkpoint?"
Breath stops automatically. He's trained himself not to breathe as much. Maybe only a couple every few months. He should conserve his oxygen. He looks out into the vast abyss where light is sparse and he barely sees a thing. He should conserve his solar energy.
"What's the estimate to get back to 'Kansas'?" He asks in a bout of whims. He isn't sure he wants to know. There aren't that many civilizations out here. Perhaps 'Kansas' was the only habitable planet with co-existing species for another several light years.
He's so tired of calculating distance by lightyears.
He's never yearned for miles and kilometers in his life.
Is this much of a life?
"Good morning, Marquis."
He's a little fed up.
He's trying to keep his thoughts and feelings in the absence way back in the hidden crevices of his mind. He wants no part of it. He doesn't want to think. 
Because if he starts, he won't ever stop.
He won't stop thinking about Earth, and temperature, and photographs, and screaming, and showers, and...
He takes a breath.
"Good morning, Marquis."
Clark unsticks from the dwarf planet. It's been his home for the past several months for all he knows. There is no sun to rise and set. There is no concept of time out here.
Marquis would know, though. He gave Marquis the parameters to measure that sort of thing.
Distance and time and maybe even his sanity. 
He searched for something like a year for his luggage. The personal survival kit holding his very heart and home, the last pieces of it, in the form of his Superman suit.
He's human at heart. He wasn't built for this.
"Marquis, take me back to 'Kansas'."
He moves, and moves, and floats, and kicks at his blanket. He feels short threads of carpet poking at his soles. There's a small breeze coming from the door or the window. He doesn't know. He's not looking that way.
He should breathe again.
"Good morning, Marquis." He blinks, finding himself shivering at the non-existent temperature. It's all in his head. He knows it is. Right? "I'm sorry, Marquis."
He looks down at his left palm. It's much the same as before. He hasn't actually looked at it in years, though. But now, it holds the mangled bits of his sole conversation partner.
He continues on. He'll find 'Kansas' again. It'll only take another year if he keeps heading straight. He might recognize these stars, far and few as they are.
At some point, he allows the thoughts to wash over him momentarily. It gives him that brief respite from apathy, from the cold, from the singularity.
He flinches from it.
He blinks, slow and wanting.
He's floating.
He's on the floor.
"Good morning, Marquis."
He doesn't know where he is.
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pseudo-hero · 5 months
Superman: Lost (BUT OUT OF CONTEXT)
Before I read this issue some time ago (and found out what Lenvatinib is), these panels without context looked...
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... Yeah.
Anyone else? (See tags for more embarrassing/disturbing info.)
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Preview: Superman: Lost #4 (of 10)
Superman: Lost #4 preview. Can even Superman withstand being pushed past the point of emotional and psychological endurance? #comics #comicbooks #superman
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dispatchdcu · 5 months
Superman: Lost #10 Preview
Superman: Lost #10 Preview #superman #supermanlost #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcu #amazon #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #actioncomics #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #clarkkent #krypton
Superman: Lost #10 Preview: What is the price of one man’s soul? Having finally regained everything he lost, will Superman risk it all again to save his second adopted world from an unhinged Green Lantern? This critically acclaimed series concludes in a blockbuster finale! Written by CHRISTOPHER PRIEST Art and cover by CARLO PAGULAYAN Variant cover by LEE WEEKS 1:25 variant cover by CHRISTIAN…
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hollow-keys · 9 months
Superman: Lost could be great. The set up is that Clark gets lost in space and they actually consulted a scientist to get all the sci-fi stuff right, which sounds so cool, but then he gets stuck on this one articular planet with terrible social happenings that he's trying to fix but the people don't want help because the government is entirely run by the people which is apparently a bad thing? Because people apparently vote against their best interests?
The main section of society is called the Republic, and they live in what is apparently a utopia, but there's a section of society called the Arkasians who apparently always vote against their best interests and refuse to move off their polluted ancestral lands to the underground city of the Republic, so they cut ties with them and left the Arkasians "to their mud."
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This is clearly meant to be a commentary on conservative America, but it misses the mark. For one, there is an Arkasian boy called Schzemi who doesn't appear to act in this way at all and is very agreeable with Clark.
Secondly, the book lands on the idea that the problem lies with people having free will rather than recognising disinformation campaigns as the problem. Clark advocates for "unity" and not leaving people behind by... just forcing good decisions onto the people making bad ones? It appears??? Like that isn't overly simplistic bullshit that fails to address the root of the problem and will inspire backlash.
The Republic doesn't want to help the poor misinformed backwater conservatives and said conservatives don't want to help themselves. What is a hero to do? Why won't they listen to this one Great Man/Saviour and do what he says? A bit of benevolent authoritarianism will solve this situation, surely? Maybe people are just doomed to destroy themselves, I guess.
It's all very cynical. There's no commentary on the systems that create misinformation or why they do it. No attempt at actually trying affective solutions built on communication, community building or grassroots action. Just "Someone's gotta force people to do the Right Thing and all these people doing the wrong thing are making Clark Sad."
So instead of the adventures in deep space and finding your way home story that I was expecting, he's just stuck being sad on the "allegory for what this writer thinks earth politics is" planet.
Also Priest can't write women
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TLDR it's all bad political/social commentary + making the hero really sad and expected that to be #deep in and of itself with a side order of not writing women well. So basically, a Tom King book that wasn't written by Tom King.
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shinynewwriting · 7 months
Excellent Lex Luthor news, he is still a delightful menace in Superman: Lost #8. We open with an armed burglar breaking into his home. Does he care? Not in the least. His only concern:
Superman has not yet Kool-Aid Man'd his way through the wall where Lex has hung the stolen(?) original of Dante and Virgil in Hell because of course that's something he has
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This is Lois' call history two days after Lex realizes she isn't playing along:
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(There's every indication the burglar goes home with a new job and 401K stock options, so at least someone is having a good time.)
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laufire · 6 months
I kept getting whiplash during this week's comics reading. beast world: gotham tour?the least said about it the better. robin lives? full of poor writing choices but honestly benefited from being read after the previous one. batman: gargoyle of gotham? not as solid as the first issue and idk how I feel about certain choice but still pretty good and with a really interesting bruce, and I love me some catholic horror shit. batman: justice buster? the plot didn't advance much but it remains really engaging, and look! it's dick! batman and robin? so so so bad and flat I'm thinking of just dropping the run. batman: city of madness? FUCKING AMAZING (even if I'm disappointed it didn't take the chance to [redacted]). world's finest: teen titans? did a 5yo write the dialogue ffs, if didn't just finish I WOULD have dropped this one. detective comics/batman: outlaw? weird, curious, some odd dialogue but I'm really looking forward to the next issue. outsiders? made me question what the hell it was that I found so charming last month; another one on thin ice. superman: lost? quite good and then that last panel... well theres only one issue left so we'll see how it goes. waller vs. wildstorm? *chefs kiss* I'm always here for amanda waller wrecking havoc.
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foeofcolor · 10 months
Superman: Lost is just Clark's depression era but this time EVERYONE can see it and they're going oh fuck.
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