#sweet nicknames
Engineer x pyro
Pyro showing engineer there face for the first time and scare he'll freak out due to all the fire damage and scared they'll lose him
I love this ship. It's one of my favorites! Pyro is such a chaotic lil fire guy and Engineer is ready to help/prevent any mischief.
This is so sweet, and I was crying as I wrote this! Thank you so much for this lovely request.
Pyro grasped the bottom edges of his mask nervously as he stood facing the mirror in Engineer's workshop restroom. The yellow lighting made the whole room appear pale yellow, the buzzing from the florescent lightbulbs accompanied by his soft breathing were the only noises to break the harsh silence. A thousand...no, a million thoughts ran through his head as he peeled up the bottom edges of his gas mask. Rough, scarred, horrid skin starred back from the mirror. It hurt to be like this. Harsh to look at, so strange and unsettling...even to him. How could Dell even love him?
How could Dell even accept him if he couldn't bear to even look at himself in a mirror? Feeling his breath become shallower, he gripped the edge of the bathroom sink to steady himself. His palms felt sweaty, and his harsh grip hurt. The tips of his fingers started to tingle. Startling him from his intrusive thoughts; two slightly burly arms wrapped around his waist and the feeling of a familiar face pressed down into his shoulder.
"Everything alright in here Py?"
Shaking his head slightly no, Pyro tugged the mask back on even lower. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. The feeling of his eyes burning with tears made him sniffle softly. The sound of Dell sighing gently met his ears.
"Oh Fireball....don't cry. It's okay. I'm here, what's wrong?"
Dell gently turned Pyro around to face him and wrapped his arms around him in a warm embrace. The smell of engine oil, sweat and some deodorant met his nostrils. Inhaling softly and exhaling just as softly Pyro let his shoulder relax into Dell's embrace. The feeling of just being held in his lover's arms made him feel so loved and yet so disappointed. Not disappointed with the situation, just disappointment with himself. How could he ever let Dell see him like this? So broken...so scarred?
"Hey now. You don't have to show me your face if you don't want to. I love you just the way that you are. I feel in love with you for your personality. I love you for you and nothing else."
Pyro felt his shoulders shake with messy inhales and sobs. It felt so good to hear those words. Burying his face into Engineer's neck he peeled off his mask slowly. The sound of rubber and latex rustling echoed across the tile. With his mask off the two stood and stayed there. Just the two of them holding each other close in the yellow florescent lights of the bathroom. It couldn't be more perfect.
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willgrahamscock · 9 months
My headcannon for Crowley is that he’s always eepy, and he often falls asleep in the bookshop if there’s prolonged silence because he just feels safe. Aziraphale always takes off his glasses for him so he can be more comfortable, puts it by the entrance. This always wakes him up and he sleepily mumbles “Azira” and he never tells Crowley because he only does it when he’s half asleep but he daydreams about it and gets excited when Crowley seems tired, hoping to hear how soft his name sounds in his mouth
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ccycloneblogging · 3 months
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"Hold on! Ca-can't we talk about this, Moonbeam?"
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waitineedaname · 1 year
okay I've finished making my big spreadsheet of how mp100 characters refer to each other! some thoughts on this under the cut because it got long
the Kageyama brothers are very polite in how they refer to people. their parents must have really instilled etiquette into them bc no one else is as consistent about using polite honorifics/titles as they are. the only people Mob doesn't give an honorific/title are his brother and Dimple, and the only people Ritsu doesn't give an honorific are Dimple and Shou, who he just calls "Suzuki"
Reigen, on the other hand, is pretty inconsistent and casual with his use of honorifics. he says "Mob-kun" a couple times and "Ritsu-kun" once, but usually they're just Mob and Ritsu (or "Mob's brother" lmao). the only honorific he consistently uses is "Tome-chan"
it's infrequent, but both Reigen and Dimple refer to Mob as "my boy" at some point :') he's their boy!
Ritsu doesn't refer to the Awakening Lab kids at all until he asks their names after being kidnapped lmao the only exception is when he calls out to the older Shiratori brother after the younger one is taken away and he calls him "Shiratori-kun." considering the fact that after asking their names, he refers to both of them as Daichi-kun and Kaito-kun, I think there was absolutely a moment when everyone was freaking out about the Shiratori brothers where he was like "ohhhhh that's his name"
also he switches from "Onigawara-san" to "Onigawara-senpai" when he realizes he's friends with his brother lmao fakeass
even though Mob starts calling Teru "Hanazawa-kun" as soon as they exchange names, Teru doesn't give him the honorific until they decide to raid Claw together. I guess that's the point when he decides they're friendly enough for it? he calls Ritsu "brother-kun" as soon as he realizes they're related and never refers to him by his actual name
everyone calls Teru some variation on his nickname EXCEPT Mob and Dimple. Dimple actually only calls him "brat" and "that guy" for a while until he managed to track him down again during the alleyway incident, which I realized is because he was exorcised before learning Teru's name lskdjflkdsf from the Seventh Division arc onwards, he just calls him "Hanazawa"
I love that Dimple tries to refer to the brothers with cutesy nicknames and both of them are like "if you do that again I'm killing you all the way dead" and he's like "understood." and then refers to them by given name from then on lmao
Teru refers to Dimple as "Dimple-kun" and Tome calls him "Dimple-chan," both of which are SO funny to me because he's way older than them. rude as hell, this evil spirit deserves no respect
Shou doesn't use honorifics or titles for ANYONE. Ritsu is just Ritsu, the Ultimate 5 are all their last names, his dad is just Pops. he also exclusively refers to Mob as "Ritsu's brother" dkfjldskfj
Serizawa alternates between "Shigeo-kun" and "Kageyama-kun" with no real rhyme or reason to it. just seems to depend on his mood I guess
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martyrbat · 11 months
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action comics #655
[ID: a photo of young Clark Kent getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He's using a stool to climb on top of the countertop and is looking over his shoulder with a shocked expression! The caption underneath the photo, written by Martha, reads: ‘Caught in the act!’ END ID]
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navybrat817 · 5 months
It’s -7° here, Navy! Which Bucky will keep me warm?
I hope you're staying safe and warm, nonnie! Snowy and cold in my area, too. 🥶 So, who am I sending your way?
Edit courtesy of the beautiful @nixakimbo
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This Bucky is conditioned to handle the cold and he is more than happy to keep you close so you stay nice and warm. Of course, there's a roaring fire close by and a blanket wrapped around you, but it doesn't feel as nice as being in his arms. Who wouldn't want the burly man to hold you?
In fact, you probably call him Burly Barnes.
He doesn't mind.
Especially when you trace his muscles with your fingers. And tongue. He returns the favor by not leaving a single part of your body untouched.
Isn't that what you deserve?
Love and thanks! ❤️
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bakudekublogblog · 5 months
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scuderiahoney · 5 months
saw this earlier this afternoon and I'm pretending this is oscar with sammy because is it !!
+ hope you had a great monday, wishing you a wonderful week lee bee 💗
- 🐈❤‍🩹
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i audibly screamed at this. look at him. the smile. the raised eyebrows. that is so Oscar & Sammy ur so right.
i don’t think I’ll ever get over this photo. i want it tattooed on the backs of my eyelids. ily thank you for sending me this.
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crocchompers · 6 months
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I can't work on this anymore, I wanna draw Draft smoking or something akjsdkja (Draft killed his mom and Beta isn't very happy about it, because Beta is such a sweetheart to care about someone and he's not evil enough to kill his mama)
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cheruib · 1 year
i think nicknames are cute and all but when ppl call me by my name and then say something so heartfelt and tender it feels like each word they said was purely invented for my ears to hear and i don’t know how to explain it but it does Things to me
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amitywrights · 11 months
I've been rewatching Osomatsu-san and have been keeping track of the times the brothers have said each other's names/nicknames because I have always wondered about it so yeah this is very self-indulgent TT_TT but I will be sharing it below.
1. Included are Seasons 1-3 and The Movie (2019), however I did not include AUs apart from F6 and Girlymatsu, and skipped over recap episodes as well as ending songs and previews
2. I did not include times when their names was said but it wasn't pertaining to them specifically so things like "Osomatsu-kun/-san" as titles or "Karamatsu Girls"
3. I did not count the times where a brother would refer to them as a whole like when Karamatsu would say "brothers" or when Totty says "niisan-tachi" (brothers)
4. The term "niisan"/ "chounan" (older brother) and "suekko" (youngets child) are counted only if they are used as a non descriptor so things like "I'm the eldest", and "Todomatsu, the youngest" do not count. However, they sometimes translate as nicknames based on context so things like "Share with your big bro" and "Come on, little bro" count, I hope this made sense lol
5. This is not 100% accurate 'cause I might miss some, especially when they aren't put into the subs but I did my best to compile it :DD

Season 1
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Season 2
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Season 3
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Final Tally!
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Link if you wanna see better
That out if the way, let's award some NEETs yeah?
Below will be the ranking of: Who's name they said the most/least, and who said their name the most/least :DD (Apart from themselves ofc)
Said the most: Todomatsu (80)
Said the least: Jyushimatsu (50)
Said his name most: Todomatsu (45)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (13)
Said the most: Jyushimatsu (51)
Said the least: Ichimatsu (20)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (51)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (22)
Said the most: Todomatsu (55)
Said the least: Osomatsu (29)
Said his name most: Todomatsu (70)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (13)
Said the most: Jyushimatsu (59)
Said least: Osomatsu & Choromatsu (13)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (68)
Said his name least: Karamatsu (20)
Said the most: Osomatsu (40)
Said the least: Choromatsu (23)
Said his name most: Ichimatsu (59)
Said his name least: Choromatsu (34)
Said the most: Choromatsu (70)
Said the least: Karamatsu (31)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (80)
Said his name least: Karamatsu & Jyushimatsu (37)
Has the most names: Choromatsu (19)
Has the least names: Todomatsu (6)
Mannn I love this, hope you guys enjoyed the data as much as I did lol. If you find mistakes feel free to correct!! And also, ask questions if you have them :DD
My thoughts in tags! Add your thoughts as well I wanna see how mad you guys go with this info
#Osomatsu san#Ososan#Osomatsu#Karamatsu#Choromatsu#Ichimatsu#Jyushimatsu#Todomatsu#AHHHHH I DID IT#First off the way the totals keep increasing had me rolling lmaoo#I thought Kara's 199 was a lot but Totty came in with the 287#I love how 'Totty' was used once and all of them ran off with it TT_TT#“Ichimacchan” is a blessing#Alsoo I ranted about this already but aaahhhh Oso using Suekko (little/baby brother) on Totty#The nenchuu skit in S2 is so funny when I realized that Ichi only said Choro's name once and it was as a skit#Choro only had that much for Ichi bc of whenever they would go around and say the next person in birth order#KARAMATSU my sweet boy has not ONCE used insult as nickname TT_TT he calls out Oso but never seen 'Shitty Eldest' from him#“Shitty older brother” in a sentence yes but not as a name#Oso has an oniichan count of 6 and for some reason it seems very comforting that he refers to himself as such when talking to his brothers#He could use more formal words like 'Ani' or 'Niisan' as words for older brother but he sticks with his little niichan TT_TT#Most of Jyushimatsu's name count is from season 1 Jyushimatsu Festival ep lmaoo I had such a hard time keeping track of it#Choromatsu has so much names that I wanted to smack my laptop 😭#Like 9 of them stem from the accident and rising episodes#Also by the way the fandom uses their insult nicknames (Shitty eldest. Shittymatsu. Dry monster.) they don't actually say it that much#Speaking of shitty eldest even with how they always tell him he's such a bad brother and stuff#The most used name for him is still 'Osomatsu-niisan'#They love their niisan and i will run away with this#Totty loves his Choromatsu-niichan 😭 like boi 70 times#will add more tags later
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chalamet-chalamet · 4 months
Carol Cheng: Timothée, you were voted most handsome in the world. Yes! In 2023 you were number one. How does that feel?
Timothée: 😯🤨 What?! I didn’t know that.
Austin: How about that?
Timothée: It feels great! A lot of hard work. A lot of gum chewing to keep the jaw. It’s hard to hear that next to someone as genuinely beautiful as [Austin]. Beautiful facial hair coming through…
YouTube credit to The Do Show
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
what do you think kate, aleria and farah’s fav pet names to call their s/o’s, or even if they like pet names! i absolutely loooovvvvvvveeeee your stuff by the way, love! <3 you are feeding the lesbians in the cod fandom
Hey there! Thank you! I'm glad to hear that I can make something for the women lovers in the CoD fandom! That was my intention all along!
Pet Names That Valeria, Farah and Laswell Use
Valeria: I don’t think she’d use too many pet names as she does believe they’re somewhat embarrassing. Will absolutely not use any in public, but might use some when she’s drunk and alone at home with you. When she’s drunk she usually speaks some Spanglish, so chances are, unless you know both languages, you won’t fully understand her. And even then, her pet names are very few and far in between. They’re also nothing too special. Something along the lines of cariño/a or querido/a. Really, it’s nothing too fancy as Valeria isn’t usually one to show her affections through words. However, you can call her jefa and she’ll go wild internally. Naturally, she’s the boss among the two of you, but it’s nice to hear that anyway. Also the implication of you being family is nice.
Farah: Unlike Valeria, Farah is all for sweet pet names. Loves calling your romantic things that show you just how much she cares about you. She can go either way as well, either calling you something adorable in Arabic or English, she’s fluent in both languages after all. Calls you “my love”, “my moon” or “my heart”. It’s important to note that she usually puts “my” in front of your pet names since it’s important to her that you are hers. However, in Arabic she’ll call you something along the lines of habibi/habibti, rohi or ya amar. Maybe I should mention that she’d also love nothing more than to be sweet with you in Arabic, so her saying things to you in that language aren’t restricted to just pet names. She’ll compare you to the most beautiful things in existence. Farah can be quite eloquent in Arabic, actually, so it’ll always be sweet.
Laswell: Oh, she can probably go any way. Laswell knows so many languages, there’s a good chance she knows yours as well. So she likely wouldn’t be above calling you a pet name in your own language. Besides, if she doesn’t know your language then she’ll simply learn it, she really wants to indulge in the joy of speaking your native tongue with you. So she’ll definitely learn some sweet things she can call you in your language. However, if we go by English alone, then she won’t be too fancy on that one. She could be, don’t get me wrong, but she usually chooses to stick with something that will convey that she loves you, but won’t go overboard. You can expect something along the lines of “my love”, “sweetheart”, “sweetie” and, if she’s feeling especially daring that day, “cutie” from her.
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rarilight · 3 months
Anyway, today’s RariTwi thought:
In a humanized setting, pinkie gave them matching shirts that have an awful pun and neither wanted to wear the awful pun one
They settled it over a game of chess, which somehow Twilight lost, so she had no choice but to wear the silly shirt
Anyway, imagine if you will, a delighted Rarity wearing a shirt that says “she’s my sweet potato” and a flustered Twilight wearing a shirt that says “yes I yam”
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cuntyvicodin · 2 months
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save me white boy
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merry-andrews · 7 months
But what if in another universe, Kenshi stays in Yakuza with Johnny being his not-so-secret-celebrity-lover?!❤
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