goodlucksnez · 4 months
Well here it is as promised! I made a resolution that in 2024 every month i would make a surprise wav for one of my snzblr friends, so i made a random wheel with friends on it and spun it so this months friend is *drum roll* @ithadtobesneezing
I had this thought a long time ago and well I had to put it to use! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hc that T/oge can make Y/uta snez from the cursed energy, so of course I ran with that..also my own hc that T/oge is sensitive to champagne. So without further rambling enjoy!
guide: Bonito flakes (agreement), Caviar (curse word like fuck or shit),samon (agreement but more casually kinda like the word whatever), mustard leaf (im sorry, or apologetic)
For my peeps with audio/hearing issues transcript is below
TOGE:  and YUTA:
YUTA: Here to a job well done *clicks glasses*
TOGE:  Bonito flakes
YUTA:  hey don’t be like that you did amazing! I mean that move where you jumped of that railing and you slide on your heels that was strght out of a action movie
TOGE:  *sniffs and rubs at his nose* Salmon
YUTA: think how rare this we actually get to just hang out and have a drink TOGE: ther…it is nice is it not?
TOGE: hmm *nods and sips and hiccups*
YUTA:  oh I guess you would be a lightweight haha
TOGE: hmm*grumpling before sniffling
YUTA:  oh im sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset are you-
TOGE: sneezes 2 times in quick succession
YUTA: ohh,oh um *hitches* bless you *sneezes harshly* bless you
TOGE:  Mustard leaf
YUTA:  you do not need to apologize it happens, *sneezes* phew a few sneezes are not going to kill me
TOGE: *in his head* but it is my fault, this would not be happening if I Wasn’t so weak*
YUTA: hey hey no look at me I know that face, no this isn’t your fault, heck if I wasn’t so su*starts hitching* susceptible *sneezes harshly again* ugh phew sorry this would not be a issue
TOGE: laughs and grabs a couple napkin
YUTA: hey I said issue not tissue snez again harshly
TOGE: just take it
YUTA: *blow nose before looking up starlted* wahh did you actually  just speak to me oh wow
TOGE: hmm Salmon *sips more drink*
YUTA:  wow you much really trust me..or your drunk
TOGE: *flustered gay noise before hitching*
YUTA: oh go ahead
TOGE: fanning face before ducking into his sleeve with snez 1….2
YUTA: *hitching* go one 1 more
TOGE: sneeze
YUTA: sneeze…ugh bless us
TOGE: mumbles and runs out of bar
YUTA: hey wait don’t go, where are you going
TOGE: in alleyway *stupid stupid I’m sorry this is all my fault he should not be anywhere near me
YUTA: TOGE:  yoge where are you hey come out dude come on
TOGE: all I have to do is stay quite I can do tha*-hitch oh no not now
YUTA: wait what is that I can feel his cursed energy…. I can sense him…
TOGE:  no no..not like this now..large snez
YUTA: woah hey no need to run I am unarmed. I didn’t need to search that hard hey no,no look at me…you eyes are all red so is your nose…have you ever had champagne before?
TOGE: shacks head
YUTA: I think you might be allergic to it
TOGE:  Caviar
YUTA: hey you kiss your mother with that mouth come on lets get you back
TOGE: whines and rubs at his nose
YUTA: I know allergies suck; I know better then most this *points at his face* nose of mine I definitely understand try to not to rub at it will just make the itch worse
TOGE: sniffs and rubs and sneeze
YUTA: see what did I tell you..oh great now I have to *hitches*
YUTA: sneezes trice *with stronger intensity*
TOGE: blessing him after each one
TOGE: activating his curse technique stop it
YUTA: hitches and stops hey…what
TOGE:  Caviar..clears throat commands him to sneeze
YUTA: sneezes harshly into his chest….oh thank gojo…oh my gosh I didn’t even know you could do that, stop a body from functioning *sneezes* wow that really cool
TOGE: bonito flakes
YUTA: im not complaining but try not to do that again I don’t know how much more my nose can take
TOGE: cute sneeze
YUTA: laughs bless you *kiss* I love you, lets go home
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caramelfuzz · 6 months
Had this thought earlier today:
Someone writing some special, super strong talisman/seal thingy for T/oge to wear under his mask/collar that will help keep him from accidentally using his cursed speech. He still can’t say words outside of his limited list, but the seal cuts down on some of the risk with everyday activities.
Only problem is: he’s got a horrible, drippy cold. He doesn’t want to sniffle every four seconds because that would tip people off and everyone is having such a good time, but he knows for a fact that if he’s not careful the seal’s ink will run and it will lose its effect. He has a snz fit after consistently rubbing his tickly nose as gently as he can and as much as he tries to stifle he can’t stop it from happening. People aren’t near him, but they can sure feel it when the seal loses effect (in my mind they can feel his cursed energy rolling off of him in waves whenever he does snz).
So everyone’s like “what the heck T/oge, what’s going on with you?”
And then someone manages to apprehend him and pull down his mask/collar and he’s got ink smeared all over the lower half of his face and his nose is bright red and runny and he’s just a mess.
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they'll transport just about anything on here!
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lenfantdeverone · 5 days
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Happy Pride month to the best piece of clothing ever made this shirt is so pretty it's my top 1 thing ever
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angermango · 3 months
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finally got around to drawing the gang destroying a home depot
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pop-roxs · 5 days
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gay souls
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artisan-king-morleus · 8 months
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♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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thedocs-in · 6 months
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You cannot convince me that this didn't happen.
Also, yes, I know, said I was gonna get the second part of the fic out. But I've been busy the past few days and out of the house, so now I can finally sit down and do shit. And I draw faster than I write, and I wanted to christen my new art tablet with a meme of an art piece. And the comic was mostly started.
This thing, this damn comic, has been sitting in my folder for about two years I think. The reason I say that is cause the original version I drew that's in my old style I started like a year or so ago. Never finished it, never plan on finishing it. Looking at my old art style makes me cringe lol. But, I actually started this one like, back in July I think.
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autism-corner · 20 days
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got a new chat in NB. what does this mean.
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x05 - Become
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mooniedangbiiachay · 1 month
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Little lad and his many alter egos.
H vẽ xong merch art cho ông hoàng mất trứng dái bữa sau t vẽ bê đê trong thang máy cho mn.
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goodlucksnez · 9 months
Happy belated birthday @ithadtobesneezing You are such a amazing writer and give so much...I had to do something! I do apologize it is late and a very rushed concept.
CW/TW:moaning, general sickness,1 cough, stifles sneezes loud sneezes (warning), bath sounds-running water,splashes,ect 1 kiss (lol)
Plot: T/oge catches a cold and want to just spend the time alone away from everyone, specifically Y/uta. He doesn't want to bother anyone, so he goes to the bathhouse to try to relax and...someone might join him (please do not judge my y/uta voice it is v bad)
Because he is mostly mute character T/oge is hard to voice but basically when he is "talking" he is "he is talking in his head" and i used his words in general terms; I tried my best. Salmon - Used for affirmation.. Salmon Roe "Well, well" or "My, my". Caviar - Used as an expletive/curse word.
Also aster has the best hc that because of cursed speech it can cause others to snez so i ran with that idea and yes y/uta cannot control his snez to save his life so loud and wet lol
anyway if you read all this umm hi..im posting this and running it is bad, but i hope you like it
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 10 months
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ominouspuff · 5 months
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boxedwinedean · 1 year
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inspired by @ihategreghouse ‘s wonderful iceberg! go check it out
house md iceberg !
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zuzu-draws · 11 months
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Heian Era! Sukuna, back when he was a human Curse-Sorcerer ; If Gege won't give him to us, I will =_=
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