#tabletop mini
vivsemporium · 6 months
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Sooooo I have been painting a lot these last couple of months, but have I actually been posting anywhere but Etsy? Noooooo. SO we are finally catching up on products that I have completed before the year is over!
This is the last roper out of two that I have sold, and it comes with its "normal" counterpart. These are considered large as they would sit on a 50mm base.
Created by Mammoth Factory and their collection “Temple of Time” before being printed in resin and painted by yours truly.
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noir-raven · 4 months
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Meet my Rusty's Bootleggers! WIP, waiting on paint at the moment.
First up, we have Billy-Bob, in the Rum-Runner. He's mounted a big ol' 50 caliber to his roof for when he falls behind. He's completely redone the engine, added some big bull-bars to keep things off his front, and his back is loaded with Moonshine and tools. He's armoured up his driver-side too, just in case one of his competitors gets any ideas.
Next up, Kletus in Ol' Bessie, the super-tractor. Bessie belonged to his pappy, and his pappy did his own work on her. When Kletus inherited her, He decided to do everything he could to make her a true machine. Her engine has been completely stripped out, replaced with the biggest, meanest engine Kletus could get. He then spent even more time tuning it to perfection. He replaced her front wheels with some all-terrain treads. While they marginally slow her down, it makes it much easier for Kletus to slip away from undesirable tails. After all, she can drive where others can't! Lastly, she's got two heavy machine guns to fight off the cops. Bessie is Kletus special lady - nobody else is even allowed to touch her.
Lastly, Moe is in his fast, light, and powerful buggy - The Dust Devil. She's fast and lightweight. While he can't pull Haulage like Billy-Bob or Kletus, Moe is talented at escaping and running messages. He can find the best route through anything, get there faster than anyone, and lead the way for the other booze runners. Moe runs forward, carving out a path for the rest of his gang to follow.
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mootmead · 2 years
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Verena Talos. 
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estragonhelmer · 6 months
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First Toa painted up, and my last mini for the year.
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canopiancatboy · 9 months
A fun project I took on after I realized I didn't have the shelf space for all the gunpla I would like. I'll just make em battletech scale instead. Here's my 6 standard Zaku ii I printed n painted
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birdsintheory · 6 months
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starfleetskunkworks · 23 days
Put the finishing touches in my Regulans last night and had time for a little photoshoot before work this morning. I'm particularly proud of the battle damage/leaking coolant on the Wolverine, the torn up city park on the Awesome, and the graffiti on the wall at the Crusader's feet.
The coolant was done with a mix of snot green and water effects. The city park was just some flocking and stirland mud. The graffiti, my absolute favorite detail, was freehand.
All the sidewalks and curbs were modeled with greenstuff and the crumbling wall is part of an old cork coaster.
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zilentis · 6 months
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While I much prefer to make brighter minis, I’ve always wanted a go at trying todo a Turnip28 mini. While it’s still brighter than most lol, I’m really happy with it’s style and basing.
Turnip28 is a grimdark setting where root-vegetable people fight each other in muddy lands, he’s a carrot man!
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Black Legion Forgefiend
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I wanna build a knight army with this theme now
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flowersnax · 1 month
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ladies, gentlemen, and those otherwise not specified i give YOU. the coolest fucking ninja this side of the long rim
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betuspaints · 7 months
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Display board is done!
This build was mostly to test my terrain building chops and I think I did pretty well here, it definitely has made me want to build more terrain.
Very happy with how it all turned out, I think my favorite part is the Aquila and banding that I sculpted onto the big pipe on the right.
The other thing I'm really pleased with on this is the color choice. Some of my minis I'll look at afterwards and think "this isn't quite the right shade" or that I wish I'd picked something different, or mixed a color with different ratios. On this however I think I got everything spot on.
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ratofscience · 1 month
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My current projects: Friendly Trash Hill and Jedza I have a bit more motivation since I am starting commissions soon!
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minis-i-painted · 7 months
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The last mini from faraway sea I finished up, and I gotta say, I just fell in love with that little rogue red panda. Painting the face was such a blast and it feels good to know that I don’t have to deal with skin tones when painting when it comes to those haha
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estragonhelmer · 6 months
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Painted the Matoran to go with my Fikou Spider!
These models are so well designed, I'm loving them! They've got perfect balance between being faithful to the original designs, and clever changes to improve their posability.
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canopiancatboy · 3 months
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Helldivers 2 is pretty great. I'm a really big fan of (Verhoevan) Starship Troopers, and I feel like I could write a whole essay about how "seen" I feel with this game. I do love that this game has resurrected the old discourse about the film, some things never change
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My friend got me the game after he found out I hadn't been on it yet, declaring it "made for me" and "wtf are you doing", and yeah he's right. Thanks Gman
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Yada Yada for Democracy, feet first into hell, c'mon you apes, all that jazz
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