#take it with a grain of salt
kitocrystal · 11 months
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Since Tumblr doesn't show reblogs in regular tag searches. I'm gonna make a separate post from the last one.
Lo and behold, a more accurate biblically accurate Robin summary.
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magicpotatothoughts · 3 months
TGCF reread new finds #1
Xie Lian actively and consciously knows that he is attracted to HC the MOMENT THEY MEET in the Ox Cart. Like it’s not just blank gay panic, he knows.
His beauty was deadly like a sword, sharp and mesmerising. Xie Lian only met his eyes for a moment, then lowered his eyes in defeat.
MATE, normally wouldn’t you continue to be mesmerised and can’t peel your eyes away? That is, UNLESS YOURE WHIPPED. XL knows that SL's looks affect him to this degree. Defeat is the key word here.
The distance between them had closed too fast. he suddenly didn't know what to do[...]Xie Lian blanked on the spot. He watched as the tall and slender youth walked away with his giant bag of junk as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do, and it made him mutter inwardly, Forgive my sins.
Making a rich young lad carry your things? Making him sleep in your crappy temple? That doesn't warrant the weighty thought? FORGIVE WHAT SINS Xie Lian??!!!
Many village girls saw (HC) and blushed [...] Xie Lian didn't know what they were going to ask, but felt instinctively that it must be stopped at once, and cried, "No!"
Jealous jealous boi! XL WAS POSSESSIVE after ONE night spent together at Puqi Shrine. Didn’t XL just say to SL that he will have no problem in the love department because girls will throw themselves at him? Yo, why are you cock-blocking? Everyone says HC is insane, no XL is equally insane for the other!
Also, when HC revealed that it's his real skin after the Banyue arc, XL instinctively poked him. Then
He looked at his own finger then hid it away, betraying nothing of his thoughts.
What thoughts XL ?!! Explain yourself right now!
Jumping back to OX CART scene, Xie Lian's character development was foreshadowed when they were talking about the gifting of ghost ashes.
Book 1: Xie Lian sighed. "It certainly is painful to think about, to have given everything for love and lose everything in return."
This is what Xie Lian is most afraid of! Like even thinking back to Xie Lian pushing Feng Xin away in Book 4, he definitely operated under that mindset. Love is a risk, it's something to be feared. Even now 800+ years later, he still feels that way and doesn't allow himself to get close to anyone. It just hits so much harder thinking that he operated under that for so many centuries.
Then Hua Cheng says
"What there to be afraid of? If it were me, I'd have no regrets giving away my ashes"
Which I think really changed the way that Xie Lian thought about love. Book 5 Xie Lian completely operates with Love is empowering and isn't something to be afraid of.
TGCF isn't about XL realising his feelings, literally from Book 1 it's about him wondering if it's worthwhile to act on them.
Three things, is this person worth losing cultivation over for?
He needs the reassurance that this person must reciprocate his feelings.
Then HC changed his perspective on love from FEAR -> EMPOWERMENT.
XL is soooo self-aware (unlike SQQ from SVSSS and WWX from MDZS), he's an unreliable narrator in the way that he doesn't reveal everything to the reader, especially his own feelings until he was absolutely sure that there really was both a physical and romantic attraction. I wanted to make this post to dispel the assumption for XL it was easy to forego 800+ years of cultivation. It was not? He ABSOLUTELY thought about it carefully.
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ᴀᴍ?"
[ɢᴇɴ ᴀꜱᴀɢɪʀɪ 𝗑 𝖦𝖭!𝖱𝖤𝖠𝖣𝖤𝖱]
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"What kind of flower you'd be?" you ask, giving him a confused look.
"What's with the sudden question?"
Gen merely tilts his head with an amused expression. "I'm just curious. You've been looking at flowers lately, haven't you?" he queries, but still keeps his gaze on the shimmering surface of the water.
"A little birdie told me you're well versed in flower language too."
Your eyes roll in exasperation. "I bet it was tattletale Chrome who told you."
"Maybee~" he teases.
Sighing, you plant your hands on your hips. "Listen, I'm not an expert at it, I only know the few basics. Like roses, sunflowers, orchids, and stuff like that."
"That's still sufficient enough, you know? Besides, I'm not asking for a whole arrangement. Just one, one you think would describe me the most." he assures, smiling at you patiently, and tucking his hands into his sleeves.
The way he springs up this question out of nowhere is weird, but not too odd. Maybe he really is just curious? You put that thought aside for now and focus on thinking of flowers instead.
"I think..." you mutter, cupping your chin pensively in thought. Your gaze lifts up to the clear sky while you sift through your memories.
"....A Gardenia."
Gen blinks, eyes widening slightly in surprise. "A Gardenia...?"
Then, he breaks into a awkward chuckle. "How does a Gardenia make you think of me?"
At this question, you turn your head away. The reasoning was quite embarrassing, but you knew that you couldn't leave the mentalist unanswered.
"Uhm, clarity... hope, and... yeah." you mutter out, sweating.
"Hm. I don't really know what a 'yeah' is." the man drawls, amused.
"You... You get what I mean!"
"Mmmm. No, I don't."
Scoffing, you cross your arms. "Liar. Weren't you the one who started going on about flower language in front of Hyoga?"
"Well, there's just sooo many flowers... Can't you remind what Gardenias mean again?" he says cheekily.
Groaning, you bury your face in your hand. "C'mon man. You know."
"I'm afraid you'll have to spell it out for me." the mentalist says with a smug smirk on his face.
At this point, you're tired of the roundabouting. Groaning even louder, you turn your head to the side, away from him.
"...It means 'you're lovely'." a dust of pink coats your cheeks in embarrassment as you say this.
"Aweee, was that so hard to sayyy~?" Gen teases loudly, going all up in your side. "You could've just went on and said you liked me~!"
"Wh- I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" you nearly screech at him, face erupting in a bright shade of red as you stumble back. The man cackles at your reaction.
"Ohh, but you're mushy enough to tell me I'm lovely?" he leans in, sporting an even more smug look.
You roll your eyes in exaggerated exasperation. "Don't inflate your head over it. It was just a random pick."
"Ho, you say, but the fact remains that that was the first thing you thought of when asked what flower I reminded you of, the most."
"Okay, and?" You argue, feeling defensive.
"A red Camellia."
His voice suddenly changes, turning a little softened, though still confident in tone. This makes you pause, raising a brow. "What about red Camellias?"
"It reminds me of you."
It's silent, for a little while. Your face is blank, staring. Gen seems to get even more hesitant as the seconds tick by, a tint of regret in his face.
"Uhm, and they mean...?" you speak up, breaking the silence.
Gen blinks in confusion, as if he hadn't expected you to ask. "O-oh, you don't know what they mean?"
"I did tell you I only knew some floriography."
He nods, in a daze, as if in realization. "Oh... I see, I see..."
If you weren't mistaken, his expression seems to be a mix of relief, but also a tinge of disappointment. Though, he quickly shakes it off once he snaps out of it.
"Aha, well, I would tell you! Buuuut I think I heard Kohaku calling for us already! Seems Senku's got another session of grueling labor awaiting us, huh?" he rambles suddenly, shifting the topic. His gestures are weirdly exaggerated, but you dismiss it for the bigger topic.
You groan, already getting flashbacks to the torturous furnace pumping.
"Ghh, please, just let it be something else, like an announcement or something..."
Gen shrugs, already sauntering off, back to the where the others were. "Well, we have to get back to find out. C'mon." he beckons.
With a big, defeated sigh, you trudge after him, stepping off the rocky riverbank, and to the dirt path.
Following after him, you still grumble about how sore your arms would be after working, again.
"I should treat myself to like, 10 fruits after this, as reward." you keep on mumbling to yourself, not taking notice of the man's unusual silence.
Meanwhile, walking ahead of you, the mentalist lifts up his sleeves, attempting to cover the burning red that coats his cheeks.
[P.S. A red Camellia can symbolize love, passion, or a deep desire for someone.]
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headcanon mori tries to bribe ada members to join the mafia to get back at fukuzawa for taking yosano, dazai, and kyouka 
it has yet to work but a for effort ig
bonus points if at some point he approached like junichiro or something and juni didn’t recognize him and mistook his invitation for something completely different like an emo band
bonus bonus points if he tries to get atsushi with a paycheck and atsushi goes ‘im not gonna do it.... but....’ but ultimately rejects it becuz he wouldnt fit in the mafia and he doesn't know how to politely tell mori to take a shower becuz bad smells hurt his nose
bonus bonus bonus points if ranpo tries to bite him at some point
kunikida seems like the only person who’d give a normal horrified response but he pulls out his ideals notebook and explains how the mafia doesn’t meet most of his 84398 requirements for an ideal workplace and mori doesn’t meet a single one of his 839584 requirements for an ideal boss
kenji politely says no and offers him a cow in consultation 
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
Do you think Hannibal considered that Will could've been in the house when he sent the dragon after Molly and the boy?
Pretty sure he knew Will wasn't there, considering he was investigating the case. Either way, taking the opportunity to talk about this.
Hannibal doesn't pity Will and doesn't see him as weak. He doesn't feel like he has to defend or protect Will.
I know it's hard to understand this since most of us come from other fandoms and other ships that behave perhaps more "traditionally". I come from Supernatural and I was used to the overprotective, will die for you, go crazy when you're hurt vibes, and Hannigram isn't this at all.
Yes, they save each other when they're on the verge of death, like the Dragon fight or with Mason, but they also send each other to their death, consciously and intentionally, many times.
Hannibal would not be as interested in Will if Will wasn't capable of enduring his tests and trials. Hannibal went through a lot, and in his eyes, no one who hasn't gone through the same deserves his affection.
Their perception of each other's bodies isn't the normal reverence and care lovers usually have. It's a reverence for endurance, for "how much can you take? How much can I hurt you before you walk away?". It's a question of worthiness, as much as it is an answer to the fear of opening up to love when you're sure it does not exist. At least not in the way you are capable of feeling it. A fear of not knowing how to live without it after it leaves, because it will.
Their bodies are like host, take it, consume it, drink it, cut it open, lay it at the altar and mourn for the destruction you caused.
I don't think they accept the physical separation of having two bodies, I think this generates a compulsion towards destroying the body.
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6flyingosprey6 · 6 months
Ok can I just say something
I know we’ve been talking about some of the decisions that the admins are making at the moment when it comes to story direction, and the thing that absolutely annoys me the most is how they’re not allowing some players to enter the server right now.
It’s for the story’s sake, I know. Some people like Baghera and Pol (who have both said that they are currently lore-locked) should still be stuck in purgatory, and I’m sure they have their reasons for telling Slime to wait but
It’s been like, three weeks??? Idk, I know the admins are constantly working their asses off, but I feel like making sure that players can log on should be at the top of their list.
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nunalastor · 20 days
Just a thought (Don't mind this if you're busy-) why God didn't just erased Lucifer from existence? I mean- he created him right?
This is a question I've thought about a lot and discussed a lot with several friends at different theological levels and coming from different theologies wherein Lucifer exists. And as the monotheistic versions of the religions are the most popular and the one relevant to the show God will be referred to as one being.
By no means do you have to agree with me or even consider my words, but it's Good Friday (at least it was before I stopped typing this up and forgot to finish it.) so let's go. Let's talk about why Lucifer was not simply erased from existence by God.
So, let's talk about angels first. Angels exist as pure spirit = energy, often described with some kind of light and they are hard to look at and are often times frightening. What we know is that they were created before the existence of time and space by God.
They differ from humans who are made in three parts = soul, spirit, body. Our bodies are our physical homes and they are organic matter. This is where "dust to dust comes from". Keep this in mind for the next parts.
Our souls are what makes us human and animated, it's what carries the weight of distinguishing us from other beings. It is also where free will is processed and in many religions or theologies this, or its equivalent, is what is weighted in the afterlife to determine where the spirit will go after death. It becomes our currency when we are no longer physical beings and have left our worldly possessions.
Now, let's go back. The third part of a human is the spirit. That would be you and your consciences. This is the part that connects human beings back to God directly. This is the part that continues to exist, even when all else is gone. This puts humans as equals to God and the angels.
Angels and human are spirits which are made of pure energy. Now to bring back the part that angels existed outside of time before the earth was created, we can turn to science and infer that because of this they are also a form of matter.
So, as matter, according to the Laws of Conservation of Matter, it cannot be made nor destroyed.
Assuming that God exists outside of these laws, He made everything, because yeah that's how the story goes. He made all of the angels, and decided to make them pure energy. Lucifer was among them, and of course this meant he was not exempt from being created to always exist. He was also just... spoiled. Pretty, beautiful, awe inspiring. Dripping with all of the best of the best. He was the favorite and it was known. Some people believe that he was the closest thing resembling God and humans before Adam was made.
Then God made his new favorite, He made dumb little little humans, firstly putting the first of them in a protected garden. Now Mister Favorite was no longer the favorite, even worse, God decided these things were to be served by the Angels who up until now did not have beings that were equals.
The Lucifer hrew a fit, God said, "Don't do that. Or you'll be punished." Lucifer was like, "Nah I do what I want. I can be god." One thing lead to another then the big fall out and fall happened. All occurring before the debacles in the garden. Where he did attempt to play god when he convinced humans to really become equals by biting into the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Only, the thing is, God wasn't the one who struck Lucifer down, it was the Archangel Michael. Michael is the one who performed the act of striking Lucifer down to hell, Michael was the one who lead the fight against the other angels who would soon also fall. So what happened to Lucifer was that he was punished. He lost his looks, his station, and simply put everything.
But when Lucifer was cast down, when he was speared and thrown to hell, he didn't die. He couldn't die, he couldn't cease to exist, because matter cannot do that. Instead he became the ruler of Hell or at least the poster boy for it.
There also exists the theory of how everything is in circles, and so with that comes the theory that perhaps God is still waiting for his once favorite to realize and atone for his mistakes and come back home. So it could be that this is the reason why God didn't go ahead and destroy Lucifer at his rebellion. After all in Genesis when Adam was receiving his punishment for sinning, he was told "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." And then in Ecclesiastes 12:7: “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”
Biblically, we know that God has called a flood down to erase the sinners of the world before via the Great Flood, however, he saved Noah and his family. So we know he is capable and willing to destroy swathes of his favorite creation and has done so before. So why not just kill everything and start over? Because of mercy and restraint and the hope that I think he has for his creations, which I don't think he understands until the New Testament. AKA Jeezy boy time.
So it brings up the question: can the devil himself be redeemed? After all he still is a spirit made by God. Is God wanting and waiting for him to find a stall in his pride for him to even consider redemption?
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our-king-bree · 9 months
Adam staying a good person throughout the whole series is so good don't get me wrong but it's also just a waste of potential like he could've been the most vicious and perfect antagonist and you know whom he would've had by side? Ronan—like yeah Ronan loves Gansey, Ronan would've killed for Gansey but for Adam? He would burn and destroy cities and countries and everything. Literally, everything for that boy.
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sukibenders · 27 days
Even though I have gripes with the PJO TV show and all, I feel like where they could really eat down is when it comes to the casting for Aphrodite. Like, rather than just having one actress (or actor) they could switch occasionally so it's a more diverse representation of the goddess of love and beauty and just those things as a whole. Even in the books, it says her appearance shifts to fit the image of someone you love, so obviously it would make sense if she didn't look the same.
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dragondream-ing · 4 months
I have a headcanon that Aegon loved Visenya far more than the F&B sources said, but the sources misunderstood (and/or disapproved of) their relationship and punished her in the accounting because she very blatantly didn’t conform to their limits of womanhood. She’s a warning to women: if you want your husband to love you, stay in line. And isn’t it their duty to please their husband???
I also believe they punished and/or misunderstood Rhaenys in the narrative, but she was more “conforming” in their narrow view, so she was treated with more sympathy. It helps that she died young, we all know how dead silent ladies are treated vs living vocal ones.
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a-mythologynerd · 11 months
I may be totally wrong but a whole part of Hell Bent is the idea of visiting Hell changes you a little (or brings out what was already there…) as both Darlington and Dawes acknowledge about himself and Alex in terms of Darlington’s demon form and Alex’s flames. Except it’s more than that. Dawes is able to read the writing on the second descent
“The scholar. What knowledge had Dawes brought with her from the first descent?”
So that got me thinking. Dawes is the scholar in both plains, obviously checks out. Turner as the priest, checks out but curious how that’s gonna expand especially as his tingle thing and the way people talk to him is like a literal confession. Alex as the soldier and cannonball but also potentially a soldier/warrior queen(?). But more importantly, Darlington as the prince. Which confused me as his whole arc thus far is realizing he’s not the main character or hero but the knight/servant. So why a prince?? Which would normally imply a main character hero vibe.
So with all that in account, I think the idea is he either is or has the capacity to become a demon prince like Golagrot. With Alex as his queen. Queen consorts typically take the title of prince. As we are aware, G refers to Darlington as Alex’s demon consort. Darlington is apparently very scarily good at being a demon and seems to actually rival G. Anywho. Darlington has demon powers cause he’s a demon prince and Alex has her hellfire cause she’s a conquering queen. That’s it. That’s the theory.
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conspire24 · 3 months
Why a Kalos game actually makes sense right now (crack theory)
So, I'm super excited we're getting a Legends game in Kalos featuring Zygarde. As a longtime fan in the XY anime, I always wished Zygarde was done justice in the game side of things, and once Legends Acreus came out, I knew another Legends game would be the perfect way to give Zygarde they're dues.
That said, this was definitely out of left field! Literally everyone was guessing we were going to get a Johto or Unova game this gen, since they're the only two that have yet to be remade in 3D. At first, skipping straight to Kalos makes no sense. But the more I thought of it, the more I've noticed a pattern, a pattern that I will now present as:
The idea is that the region that gets remade is influenced by its age as well as whether or not the region's generation number shares a common denominator (that isn't 1) with the current region's generation number. I know, I'm bringing math into this, but trust me it'll make sense when we go through it.
Let's start simple, the first gen to get remade was Kanto (gen 1) during generation 3. Easy enough, it was the first gen where it made sense to remake past games, and oh look, 3 is a multiple of 1 (though to be fair everything's a multiple of 1).
Then we get to gen 4, where after the sinnoh games, we got a remake of John (gen 2). Oddly enough, 4 is a multiple of 2.
Then there's gen 5. Now, 5 is a prime number, so the only factor 5 has is 1, but gen 1 has already been made available on DS (along with every other gen, so it's not like they could do much anyway).
But then we get to gen 6, followed by the Hoenn remakes (gen 3), and 3 is a multiple of 6. Now, 6 also a multiple of 2 and even shares a common denominator with 4 (that c.d. being 2), but it seems gen 3 takes the precedent because it is the earliest set of games to have been released, since Johto and Sinnoh had games out more recently.
We move to gen 7, and you know, I remember back in 2017 when everyone thought we were gonna get Sinnoh remakes next. But why would we? 7 isn't a multiple of 4, 4 and 7 don't share a common denominator. 7 is a prime number, it isn't a multiple of anything - except for 1. And wouldn't you know it, this is the generation where we got a set of Kanto remakes - and 1 was the only thing that could factor into 7!
As we go to gen 8, suddenly it's apparent what would get remade next. Sinnoh was the region that had been out of circulation the longest, and 4 goes into 8 just fine, meaning now is finally the time to give Sinnoh another spot in the limelight with BDSP and Legends Arceus!
And now, we have reached gen 9, and again I say we all had thought we would get a return to Johto or Unova, but why? I mean, 9 isn't a multiple of 2, or 5. Rather, 9 is a multiple of 3. And you what else is a multiple of 3? 6! And since gen 6 had come out a year before the Hoenn remakes, it seems Kalos was the earliest game to pass the threshold for a modern reimagining.
So, in short, it appears that the region that gets remade or reused next coincides with whether or not the generation number shares a common denominator greater than 1 as well as whether or not the region's last release has been longer than other regions'. If this theory holds water, gen 10 may yield some interesting results, as 10 is a multiple of both 2 and 5. Though, there has been more time since the last new Johto games than there has been since the last new Unova games, so by my logic, Johto would be the next to be remade. Though if you count the Johto VC releases on 3DS, maybe that would mean Unova has spent more time out, so maybe Unova would be next on the docket?
Either way, I just think it's interesting that all the generations' numbers line up this way. Who knows, maybe each generation, GameFreak has been playing a simple numbers game when deciding their remakes.
Well regardless, I'm happy that we're getting another step into Kalos next year, and in a way, maybe the timing makes more sense than we realize. That said, definitely take this theory with a grain of salt. I highly doubt the numbering of generations (which I don't think GameFreak has ever actually acknowledged officially) truly factors into how GameFreak and the Pokemon Company greenlight what projects. But if nothing else, it's fun to notice those kinds of patterns. I'd take this in the same vein as that fire starter zodiac theory from a while back. It's probably not true, but it's funny how well it fits together!
That said, I'm calling it now, a Legends game in Johto is gonna be the game for 2028!
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csphire · 7 months
Just wondering what Dammon's Parents were like.
(Why is there an elf? My headcannon is Dammon is biracial.)
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More of my silly headcannons for Dammon under the cut.
Take it with a grain of salt.
Dammon is on decent terms with his affluent wizard father Sorren Meadowlark, who mostly raised him. But it took some convincing to stop pushing his son into learning spells. Although his father instilled in him to be an avid reader and study hard, Dammon had no interest in following his father's footsteps. What captured his fascination most was how magic was infused into weapons, armor, and other items. From a very young age, Dammon craved a more hands-on approach and how magic, along with other sources of power, could fuel gadgets and machinery. His relationship with his rouge mother Nyla is a little rockier. His parents split up when he was around ten. A free spirit who loves adventure, and fed up dealing with her husband's uptight mostly elven and human social circle, she took off. This wasn't an easy choice for her. But she felt Dammon was better off and safer with his father than traveling with her. She did visit as much as she could but Dammon still holds onto some resentment over being left behind. It's also partly due to he rarely got any time to spend with other tieflings growing up in his father's social circle. Most elves and humans were civil but some were not. He and his mother have more in common than he's willing to admit but this causes them to clash rather than get along. His parents' current relationship is civil, for the most part. She will still, on occasion, do a few jobs for his father to "procure" or "borrow" some of the more rarer magical tomes and items he requires on occasion. It's in fact how the two met.
(If Larian drops a DLC let's hope they make him an Artificer and romanceable.)
Many probably could see Dammon being the kinda kid that if you left him alone, chances are he would take something apart. This was not to be malicious in any way. He just loves to figure out how things work.
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batwynn · 2 months
Block that person??
Trust me I have. But they’ve been talking shit and twisting things around to make themselves look like a UwU victim while tagging my username/account in a few of the posts so someone sent me a few screen shots. It’s also just… not great that people will potentially see this shit if they look up my username. Or that their friends that they’re bad mouthing me to can also connect the dots between one post mentioning me and another talking about the ‘ex friend’ immediately after.
I mean, yeah, all this is doing is proving to me that I made the right choice to cut them out of my life. But jfc the back stabbing high school bullshit of it all is exhausting. Like I don’t have enough bs to deal with. 🥲👍
Anyway, this will be the last post about it because I have stuff to do and I generally don’t like to talk about this stuff to anyone unless it’s something that’s potentially harmful to others.
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blazichu · 1 year
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Hey, I thought I lost this when my computer freaked out awhile back, but it turns out that it still exists! It's basically just a concept piece for 'By the World, I Was Taken' from before I wrote anything, but it didn't turn out badly!
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cycle-hit · 2 months
the justice alliance, in the novels, is a group of people all united under the idea of "justifiable righteous murder". this is the idea that there exists evil in the world that cannot be judged by law. if they cannot be judged by courts, then someone else has to pass judgement onto them- through murder.
the idea was inspired by a unnamed female college student hunting down a murderer the police were incapable of catching and killing them in the name of justice- she was not the one that started it, but rather she inspired someone ELSE to start the justice alliance.
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