#common denominator
soulinkpoetry · 13 days
The sea will always be that common denominator for us ….
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conspire24 · 3 months
Why a Kalos game actually makes sense right now (crack theory)
So, I'm super excited we're getting a Legends game in Kalos featuring Zygarde. As a longtime fan in the XY anime, I always wished Zygarde was done justice in the game side of things, and once Legends Acreus came out, I knew another Legends game would be the perfect way to give Zygarde they're dues.
That said, this was definitely out of left field! Literally everyone was guessing we were going to get a Johto or Unova game this gen, since they're the only two that have yet to be remade in 3D. At first, skipping straight to Kalos makes no sense. But the more I thought of it, the more I've noticed a pattern, a pattern that I will now present as:
The idea is that the region that gets remade is influenced by its age as well as whether or not the region's generation number shares a common denominator (that isn't 1) with the current region's generation number. I know, I'm bringing math into this, but trust me it'll make sense when we go through it.
Let's start simple, the first gen to get remade was Kanto (gen 1) during generation 3. Easy enough, it was the first gen where it made sense to remake past games, and oh look, 3 is a multiple of 1 (though to be fair everything's a multiple of 1).
Then we get to gen 4, where after the sinnoh games, we got a remake of John (gen 2). Oddly enough, 4 is a multiple of 2.
Then there's gen 5. Now, 5 is a prime number, so the only factor 5 has is 1, but gen 1 has already been made available on DS (along with every other gen, so it's not like they could do much anyway).
But then we get to gen 6, followed by the Hoenn remakes (gen 3), and 3 is a multiple of 6. Now, 6 also a multiple of 2 and even shares a common denominator with 4 (that c.d. being 2), but it seems gen 3 takes the precedent because it is the earliest set of games to have been released, since Johto and Sinnoh had games out more recently.
We move to gen 7, and you know, I remember back in 2017 when everyone thought we were gonna get Sinnoh remakes next. But why would we? 7 isn't a multiple of 4, 4 and 7 don't share a common denominator. 7 is a prime number, it isn't a multiple of anything - except for 1. And wouldn't you know it, this is the generation where we got a set of Kanto remakes - and 1 was the only thing that could factor into 7!
As we go to gen 8, suddenly it's apparent what would get remade next. Sinnoh was the region that had been out of circulation the longest, and 4 goes into 8 just fine, meaning now is finally the time to give Sinnoh another spot in the limelight with BDSP and Legends Arceus!
And now, we have reached gen 9, and again I say we all had thought we would get a return to Johto or Unova, but why? I mean, 9 isn't a multiple of 2, or 5. Rather, 9 is a multiple of 3. And you what else is a multiple of 3? 6! And since gen 6 had come out a year before the Hoenn remakes, it seems Kalos was the earliest game to pass the threshold for a modern reimagining.
So, in short, it appears that the region that gets remade or reused next coincides with whether or not the generation number shares a common denominator greater than 1 as well as whether or not the region's last release has been longer than other regions'. If this theory holds water, gen 10 may yield some interesting results, as 10 is a multiple of both 2 and 5. Though, there has been more time since the last new Johto games than there has been since the last new Unova games, so by my logic, Johto would be the next to be remade. Though if you count the Johto VC releases on 3DS, maybe that would mean Unova has spent more time out, so maybe Unova would be next on the docket?
Either way, I just think it's interesting that all the generations' numbers line up this way. Who knows, maybe each generation, GameFreak has been playing a simple numbers game when deciding their remakes.
Well regardless, I'm happy that we're getting another step into Kalos next year, and in a way, maybe the timing makes more sense than we realize. That said, definitely take this theory with a grain of salt. I highly doubt the numbering of generations (which I don't think GameFreak has ever actually acknowledged officially) truly factors into how GameFreak and the Pokemon Company greenlight what projects. But if nothing else, it's fun to notice those kinds of patterns. I'd take this in the same vein as that fire starter zodiac theory from a while back. It's probably not true, but it's funny how well it fits together!
That said, I'm calling it now, a Legends game in Johto is gonna be the game for 2028!
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dig-jules · 1 year
The saddest moments of Star Trek TOS belonged to "throwaway" characters
They all deserved better.
1. Lieutenant Riley - Conscience of the King
Faced with the chance to kill the man who once ordered the executions of thousands (including his family) in the wake of a famine, Riley's chance is stripped from him and he is ordered to stand down.
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This is also a devastating moment for the captain himself as the only other remaining survivor of the colony. Kirk stops Riley's drastic actions, which, although damning, were perhaps his only chance of overcoming the guilt of having once been selected to live while others were sent to death.
Both enter a confrontation regarding their shared past, but neither heal.
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2. Janice Rand - The Enemy Within
Although it was an "evil extension" of Kirk who perpetrated the assault on Janice Rand in her own room, at this point she only had reason to believe that the assailant was Kirk himself.
Rand is forced to testify with Kirk (the man she thought she loved, a captain with both power and position over her, an officer flanked by his two closest allies, and a man whose proximity in the same ship could endanger her after the testimony) standing over her. Rand even admits to "not wanting to get him into trouble", highlighting how closely her struggle mirrors the victims of everyday workplace violence against women.
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What may even be worse are the blatant intimidation tactics Kirk employs throughout the scene. Although he knows he didn't do it (and perhaps suspects foul play), Kirk makes no attempt to empathize with the testimonies of Rand and Fisher regarding what they saw, and he even hints at the danger of them conspiring against a man of his rank.
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Rand endured constant objectification in each of her appearances in the series, and would go on to be entirely forgotten after its first season. (Though she would return in The Motion Picture.)
3. Lieutenant "Joey" - The Naked Time
Joey delivered perhaps the most poignant monologue of the series, just moments before his impending death. Though Joey's inhibitions were altered by the infection that would soon kill him, we see later in the episode that the infection forces people express existing wants and needs. Therefore, real are his pleas begging to understand why humanity should be in space at all when it has merely taken and taken... leaving only destruction in its wake and its own to die.
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Not only did he bare his own insecurities, Joey also established a central conflict of the entire series: can a utopian vision of the future include acts like leaving six people to waste away on an empty planet?
Tragically, Joey couldn't bear the burden of this conflict alone (no one else had or would mention this guilt at any point in the series) and though his death was prompted by the infection, it only acted as a catalyst for what was truly a su*c*de.
McCoy ruled in the autopsy that Joey might have survived, but he simply gave up fighting.
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j-august · 1 year
"I must say," said Sir Henry ruefully, "that I dislike the way you reduce us all to a General Common Denominator." Miss Marple shook her head sadly. "Human nature is very much the same anywhere, Sir Henry."
Agatha Christie, The Body in the Library
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indefensibleactions · 4 months
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jinxed-fates · 11 months
generic vent post
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zaiinab · 1 year
jason winning an emmy after their seperation and harry winning grammy and brit’s after they broke up like you really can’t make it up. now can jason invite harry in ted lasso
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william-r-melich · 2 months
I Believe... 03/27/2024
I don't think you need to follow an established religion or believe in God in order to be a moral person. I'm an atheist who believes in good. I believe in freedom. I believe that love transcends all time and space. I believe that our rights come from truth and reason. I believe in spirituality, that our souls are eternal. I believe there exists an eternal energy field that is everywhere and is within everything; people, animals, plants, all matter and energy both living and non-living. Like the force in Star Wars. I just don't believe in a creator. Instead, my idea of God is the most fundamental aspect of truth, the smallest element in all of existence that is omnipresent. Like the most common denominator in math. I believe existence is eternal, without beginning or end. I believe in capitalism. I believe that good will always and ultimately win over evil. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the good old U.S. of A. I worked hard all of my adult life, and outside of a D.W.I, I have never broken any major laws. I was arrested once for shoplifting a bottle of cheap vodka when I was an alcoholic, otherwise I never stole anything. I've never physically attacked anyone unprovoked, only in self-defense. I've never cheated on a girlfriend. I've always paid my taxes. I really believe I am a rational, good person. Although I do have a few bad habits and get on people's nerves with my silly, passive-aggressive behavior. I just don't believe that someone created the universe. I don't know, maybe "nothing" got bored and decided to become everything.
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serenityscribes · 1 year
Put ‘em Together (2023)
My lines My ways My quirks My gaze My wits My smile My words My whiles
E. Ecker, April 2023
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emotinalsupportturtle · 6 months
neil gaiman and RTD are absolute legends for being the showrunners of 2 mainstream shows funded by large production companies in the year 2023, and proceeding to make the most queer positive episodes ever seen by man
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meanwhile david tennant is just vibrating with joy because he gets more opportunities to wear his one-thousand-and-twenty-four pride pins
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difeisheng · 7 months
characters who suffer the most tragic fates not because they were destined to die but because they were doomed to survive
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got2gofast · 1 year
Not my roommate accusing me of stealing his packages again 🙄
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recrudescia · 1 year
Just a fraction of your love Fills the air And I fall in love with you All over again Girl, without you I'm lost Can't fix this compass at heart Between me and love You're the common denominator I'd face a thousand years of pain For my girl
Justin Bieber
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hussyknee · 7 months
I know some dickheads have now decided that Judaism is the "bad, violent, terrorist religion" and Islam is the "good, peaceful" one, which is only to be expected of white people, but how much of an issue is it currently? Like I've seen some USAmericans sharing how the Islamic faith shapes Gazans values and perseverance (good) except with that distinct white hippie "I'm about to imprint on this like the world's most racist duck" vibe (bad), but I didn't think they're already turning on Judaism in numbers.
Do they realize that Christianity is also the same kind of comfort to Christian minorities in Asia and Africa? That it was Buddhists that genocided the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Tamils in Sri Lanka? That Hindu fundamentalists are even now trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims in India? How Hindus and Christians are terrorized and persecuted in Pakistan? That Muslims have a history of persecuting and ethnically cleansing Jews too?
Really tired of asking y'all to be normal about people's religions man. There's no religion that's inherently violent or exceptionally peaceful. It's just like any other ideology that becomes a weapon in the hands of ethnic power. Interrogate power, not religion, and respect people's belief systems insofar as they aren't in your business.
Edit: I've amended the "long history" of Muslim persecution of Jews because it might be misleading in the current political climate. Zionism and antisemitic Arab nationalism are twin births resulting directly from Christian colonization, and Islamic empires tended to actually be more tolerant of other religions compared to Christianity, especially Judaism, which was considered a sibling religion. Antisemitism wasn't ideologically entrenched in Islamic tradition. It's simply that ethno-religious power will lead to ethno religious domination and intermittent cleansing of minorities, and Islam is no exception. Humans be humaning always.
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my mom be like oh yeah i don't know where the three of you got autism from and then calls me at midnight to infodump about art nouveau
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v-toast · 2 years
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dog club
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