#talk escape room: tournament of champions
sisterfright · 8 months
Let’s see what Escape Room: Tournament of Champions is giving
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god i wish the escape room movies had more of an audience becuase i NEED to talk about danny kahn like like LIKE
spoilers below obviously
this kid is the youngest player (I don't think it's specified but he's at oldest early 20's) and he lost his ENTIRE FAMILY to carbon monoxide poisoning either very recently or REALLY YOUNG (I can't remember if we know) and is also he is so fucking good at escape rooms like really good at escape rooms
and then he has the only death that's pretty much exclusively unavoidable regardless of how clever you are
like you can make the argument it wouldn't have happened if ben hadn't been a dick but also there were clearly explosives in the ice and a fast current and regardless it's clear minos wanted to kill him; it wasn't about luck it wasn't about being smarter it wasn't about making mistakes he just dies because they explode the ice he's standing under
and it almost makes you wonder if minos had underestimated him? like they hadn't realized quite how good he'd be, and wanted it to come down to luck more than it came down to skill or maybe they HADN'T underestimated him but his death had just been a preplanned and especially cruel way of setting the stakes for the other players
like idk where im going with this and it's not expanded upon at all in the movie because he dies first and obviously from like an Art perspective he's clearly just the peppy, vaguely likable scapegoat character who dies first so the audience invested in the stakes but also I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM I WANT FANFIC ABOUT HIM I WANT TO THINK ABOUT DANNY KAHN FROM THE ESCAPE ROOM MOVIES-
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victoryrifle · 1 year
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I was tagged by @georgeromeros (thank you!) to post   ✨ 9 favorite films that I watched (for the first time) in 2022 ✨
I didn’t watch a lot of movies last year, if I count out re-watches of movies I already liked. However, when I did watch new (for me) movies I came across some pretty good ones, at least in my opinion. No surprise in seeing it’s all horror in a way or the other.
I’m tagging anyone that sees this and wants to do this! It’s fun
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nr1flapjackfan · 7 months
hi non-existent escape room fandom
do you guys ever think about the fact that
a normal young person can't be at fault for a carbon monoxide poisoning, a targetted soldier can't be at fault for an IED blast, an innocent miner trying to do his job can't be at fault for a mine collapse, a person just trying to sail somewhere can't be at fault for the boat turning over, a normal passenger can't be at fault for a plane crash, but the driver IS at fault in a car crash!
cause i do! i think abt that A LOT.
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Nothing's Wrong with Dale: Part Eighteen
It’s been a week, but you’re fairly certain your fiancé accidentally got himself replaced by an eldritch being from the Depths. Deciding  that he’s certainly not worse than your original fiancé, you endeavor to keep the engagement and his new non-human state to yourself.
However, this might prove harder than you originally thought.
Fantasy, arranged marriage, malemonsterxfemalereader, M/F
AO3: Nothing's Wrong with Dale - Chapter 18 - MoonshineNightlight - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Seven.5] [Part Eight] [Part Nine] [Part Ten] [Part Eleven] [Part Twelve] [Part Thirteen] [Part Fourteen] [Part Fifteen] [Part Sixteen] [Part Seventeen] Part Eighteen [Part Nineteen] [Part Twenty] [Part Twenty-One] [Part Twenty-Two] [Part Twenty-Three] [Part Twenty-Four] [Part Twenty-Five] [Part Twenty-Six] [Part Twenty-Seven] [Part Twenty-Eight] [Part Twenty-Nine] [Part Thirty] [Part Thirty-One] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Three] [Part Thirty-Four]
You have to remind yourself not to go through the mead too quickly, but you can't help wishing for any escape from this conversation.
You can tolerate some degree of martial talk on any given day, but it has been over an hour. 
What had begun as a general training discussion among Grandfather, Dale, the Captain of Connton’s city guard, and a few knights, some who had performed in the tournament over a week ago, had moved from there. The various benefits of polearms had at least come with some visual information, as the Governor who was hosting this particular betrothal gala had a large display on the wall of such pieces. 
However, the conversation has only continued to grow more in depth. Between personal preferences and a number of, likely embellished, stories to best champion said preferences, you’ve long grown bored with nothing to contribute and every sip of drink is both something to do and a reason not to say anything. The discussion has devolved to the minutiae that differentiate different—near identical from what you can tell—swords from one another. 
“Lords and ladies,” a demure voice catches your attention and you see a footman gesture to a table freshly set with hors d’oeuvres. “Please, help yourselves.” 
A small chorus of absentminded gratitudes comes from the group at large, with the majority continuing to carry on their conversation, but you, Manuel—the cousin who traveled with Dale for part of his abroad trip, you remind yourself—and two of the knights from the tournament, head for the table with the nibbles. 
Usually you’re too nervous at these sorts of parties to be particularly hungry during them. This often results in needing to ask your maid to fetch leftovers from the kitchens afterward, but you’re bored enough that your nerves aren’t suppressing your appetite. You busy yourself with a small plate, taking one each of the toasted breads offered—all with a different sort of topping. 
You’ve keep an ear tuned to the conversation between those who came with you. You’re looking for an opportunity to contribute something innocuous to the changing conversation of the food so they don’t think you a complete dullard. The rest of you is still paying attention to Dale, monitoring him for any sign of inhmanity as is your habit these nights. Without even thinking, you’ve positioned yourself to keep him in view.
Honestly, Dale’s been in fine control these last few days—and if he’s not kept so out of your sight, then no one’s noticed enough to raise a fuss, let alone call for a purge. You’ve all been tied up in making arrangements. Since your arrival, you’ve barely had time to settle into the Northridge city home between the meetings and introductions with city officials. It feels like all you do in your rooms is sleep, dress, and then head out.
Connton’s position at the crossroads where Northridge, Eastmont, and Centria meet leaves it in a relatively uncommon position of having both its own authority and also having to balance three overlords. Northridge has the closest main estate to the city and provided more of the land and funding, leaving it with more influence than the other fiefs, but it is also more important and vital to Northridge as only one city within its borders is comparable—and Fallridge is on the other side of the fief. 
Seeing an opening, you tune back into the conversation to chime in, “I agree, Lady Catherine—this ricotta is by far the superior spread.” She grins in triumph at the other two and you feel relieved to have contributed something since you’ve done nothing but make agreeable or interested hums for the past half hour. 
The closest call by far had been with that sanctif on one of the first nights in town. However, not only is Sanctif Ellon doing alright after his reaction, but Grandfather has backed off in nearly every way. He still seems particularly attentive to both yourself and Dale—especially when he first rejoined you that night, but he far more easily loses that wary edge. Even though initial wariness before he settles is still enough to make you tense, it’s also relieving to see him let go of his suspicion faster each night. 
Slowly, you’ve felt some of those fears surrounding Grandfather and Dale and demons be replaced with worries over keeping straight all the officials you met, making good impressions, and future plans. It’s exhausting and nerve-wracking, for all you are aware no one expects you to memorize or be able to perfectly recall the mountain of information you’re receiving. Grandmother has even gone out of her way to reassure you of such, but it feels like failure not to do your best. 
Every night, after long hours of meetings and socializing, you try to write down everything you can—sometimes in a neater hand than others. Then in the morning, you painstakingly copy what you’d jotted down the previous night and flesh out the details—trying to keep the facts all straight. The only good thing about entering week two of these events is that the rush of new people is slowing and you’re starting to get to know some of the more important players better.
You’re hopeful in the next day or two you’ll be able to have a strategizing session with Dale and his grandparents. Then you and Dale can focus on scheduling meetings with those you want to meet with rather than introductory meetings with everyone. Not that you’ll have too much time for that because eventually even more people will arrive for the wedding proper and then it will be time to return to the Northridge estate with those guests in tow.
You’re pulled from your thoughts by the sound of your name. You can’t help but jump a little as you turn to see Lady Breighton looking directly at you. You blink at her in surprise before you straighten. Of all of Grandmother’s children that you’ve met so far, she is the one who most seems like her personal heir, most similar to what she must have been like in her prime in the capital. You can’t help but feel scrutinized whenever Breighton so much as glances your way. 
“Lady Breighton,” you greet her with a nod. She seems to have come over looking for you and you’re not sure what that might mean. “How are you?”
“I am well,” she replies with a polite nod. “Yourself?”
“Myself as well,” you say, taking notice of how much more comfortable she appears the few times you’ve seen her in Connton—she’s clearly used to the city lifestyle. There had been a hint of discomfort with the more rural estate, with the tighter way she held herself, that you hadn’t noticed until it was gone. Her stylish suits, her ease in the various government buildings you visit, her competent navigation of the maze of streets all speak to that comfort. She’s accompanied you, Dale, and the grandparents to a number of meetings and clearly was familiar with most of those officials for all she lives up in Verlind. “Is there something I can do for you?” You can tell she’s sought you out for a reason and she’s the type of woman to prefer the direct approach.
“Yes,” she says, her eyes intent enough to make you somewhat retroactively relieved that Grandmother’s eyesight is not as good as it once was. Her blue eyes are piercing, making you feel as if she can read every thought in your head—reminding you strangely of Dale, the newer one. You doubt it is her intention to single you out though. They certainly appear to be as sharp on everyone else as they are on you. “I would like to introduce you to someone, if you can be parted from your present company.” 
The others are quick to murmur politely about rejoining the previous weapons discussion you all have taken a momentary reprieve from with the food. You smile and bid them farewell, eyes following them back to the group where Dale and Grandfather still are embroiled in debate. Dale and one of the knights who had also traveled with him abroad are describing some particular foreign style of blade workmanship and you see no evidence that Dale has any memory lapse with this particular story. Grandfather seems engaged enough with the conversation, no hint of suspicion in his expression or body language.
You do catch Dale’s eye and they meet yours with a straightforward question in them. Then you can see them flicker to Breighton and you tilt your head in that direction to indicate you’ll be heading off with her. Dale gives a minuscule nod to show his understanding. You turn back to Breighton to see she has a faint smirk on her face, as if she’d watched your little silent conversation with Dale with amusement. You feel some heat fill your face at the thought and try not to sound flustered as you say, “Of course, please show the way.”
Breighton offers you her arm, which you take, letting her steer and allowing you to use your other hand to lift your skirts enough to ease your movement. “My interests are particularly scientific, as you may have heard. I primarily study geography with an interest in seismic activity and study. My travels, while not frequent, have let me have personal experience with most mountain ranges on our continent and even some of the southern and eastern ranges.” 
You had heard some of this before, with Grandmother and Grandfather proud of her accomplishments—her books are proudly displayed in a specific section of the library back on the estate. 
“Regardless,” she waves her free hand, “I have interest in all manner of academic subjects. Given your interest in medicine, I thought you might enjoy meeting a colleague of mine.”
“Oh,” you blink in surprise, not having expected her to have either taken notice of your interest or to have thought of you much outside the various meetings and Northridge itself. “I would be honored to meet such a scholar, although I hope you understand my interest and study are primarily amateur.” You feel the need to verify that Breighton has not gotten an inflated view of your own knowledge—nor passed this impression on to an accomplished professional.
She glances over at you, that same sensation that she is weighing your words and your worth present once more. “You’ve had no formal education in either the medical or botanical areas of study at all?”
“Well,” you hedge and her eyes brighten. “I attended South Ardere Academy and they provide a certain amount of basic heath in their curriculum.” She nods as if to say ‘go on’. “They also offered a degree of flexibility to the lessons available, as one aged, which included the ability to go further in depth in some select areas. I was interested in health and medicine so I took a few more classes in those areas than was required. Not enough for any sort of certification—let alone a degree,” you try to stress, before allowing only, “but enough to grant me perhaps more knowledge than the average layman.”
“I see,” she says, effortlessly weaving through the crowd with you. “What prompted this interest, if you do not mind my asking?”
“I was sick as a child,” you reply without thought, before hurrying to add, “Nothing catching and nothing which greatly impacts my health presently.” You don’t want her to think you would pass on poor traits or sickness to your own children, Northridge’s heirs. She didn’t need to see the full physical report Grandmother and Grandfather had received—far more detailed than the report your own parents had required of Dale since he had no history of physical complications. A typical requirement for noble marriages, primarily revolving around ensuring the couple could produce children since when it came down to it—continuing the family line is the most fundamental reason for noble marriages.
Breighton doesn’t seem troubled by your admittance and so you continue with less urgency, “It was enough to make such matters ever present in my young mind and therefore of great interest when I grew older and more able to truly understand what had afflicted me.”
“Do you have any interest in pursuing additional scholarly studies or even becoming a physician yourself?” she asks, the most interested you believe she has ever appeared to be in your words. 
Your first instinct is a vehement denial, not wanting her to think you would prefer to neglect your duties to Northridge. To reassure her that you do know how much work and effort being a Lady entails. That you are dedicated to your role going forward, dedicated to Northridge. But you stop yourself before those automatic words come tumbling out. Thinking over what you know of her, you don’t think that is a major concern to her. While it may not be her place in the family, she has not married and has dedicated herself as a scholar so you doubt she would think too negatively of such things.
“I considered it,” you say slowly, still choosing your words carefully, but making sure to be truthful too. “And I enjoyed those lessons. However, I ultimately prefer to learn those topics as a personal interest, rather than a profession. The day-to-day life, the experimentation, the care for patients—I find books or papers or case studies of such fascinating, but I have no desire to conduct them personally.”
Hoping you had not read her wrong, you look back up to see her nodding with understanding. “Yes, I know many who feel similarly. I personally greatly admire sculpture, yet I’ve no interest or talent in creating such works myself.”
You smile. “Yes, precisely. All I would say is that I do believe perhaps the general curriculum could be expanded—some of what I learned seems like it would be useful for all to know.”
Breighton grins at that. “Yes, many who find themselves with specialized knowledge believe their area should get more prominence with the general educational curriculum.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean—”
“Not a comment on you specifically, dear, I assure you,” Breighton says with a wave of her hand. “We’ve all thought so—for why would we study something we don’t see as valuable?”
There’s a knot of people below one of the musician’s balconies—the dancing and music having taken a break over an hour ago—that you seem to be headed for. When one catches Breighton’s eye, you're sure these are the ones you’re coming to meet. 
“Some of these went to the same university that I attended, others I met at various scholarly conferences,” Breighton explains. “As interesting as city officials are, I admit that academia is where my interest lies. Not that governments cannot be instrumental in acting on and spreading learned information. And business is necessary to make these discoveries actionable and relevant to people’s everyday lives. But a good debate between scholars is what I enjoy most, much in the way Mother used to in the senate.”
“There you are, Breighton,” a short woman closer in age to you than Breighton says. “We were beginning to think you’d gotten lost.”
“And did you manage to catch the mouse you sought?” an older man with an impressive mustache asks, clearly teasing as he peers around Breighton to look at you.
What exactly did Breighton tell these colleagues about you?
“Yes, you lout,” Breighton replies with a roll of her eyes as she knocks her shoulder into the man who asked. “Do try to remember to act as if you are in the presence of lady while we attempt to entertain her.”
“Are you not also a lady?” a woman in a green dress asks with a purposely sweet grin. “Have we not already been on our best behavior?”
“By the light, I hope not,” Breighton replies dryly. “This is my nephew’s fiance.” She gives your full name, including your family name, which you hadn’t been aware she even knew—already Grandmother was introducing you with Dale as the future lady of Northridge at meetings. The six others all introduce themselves and you frantically try to keep up with all the new names.
“Now, as lovely as you all are,” Breighton says, scanning the group. “I was hoping to introduce her to Louisa. Did someone else pull her away?”
The woman in the green dress—Teresa of Goldam—shakes her head, her curled hair bouncing with the movement. “She went to ask after the study rooms as she never likes how noisy these grand halls can get. In fact, here she returns.”
Teresa nods at a woman in a bold red brocade gown, her sleeves long despite the time of year, and her skirts fuller than your own, separating her from the others around her by just that additional amount. Her brown hair is pulled up in a tight circular braid pinned to the top of her head and the locks framing her face are straight, rather than curled.
As she gets closer, she says, “They’re clearing out the Governor’s personal study for us. My voice is already tired from trying to be heard above this noise.” The others thank her for securing such a room for them before her eyes land on Breighton and you. 
Breighton moves in smoothly to introduce the other woman, “In return, please allow me to introduce you to Doctor Louisa of the Viska Isles.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” the other woman says. Despite the similarity in your heights, she gives the impression of looking down on you.
“And you as well,” you reply, although you’re not certain it is. Louisa seems particularly smug, something very self-satisfied with her general countenance. It rubs you the wrong way, reminds you of similar students back at school: Gareth of Hilsbury and Nadine of Timodul. Both had condescension down to an art form. Louisa seems cut of the same cloth. 
“Dr. Louisa has a Physician’s degree from Silverkeep University, with a concentration in chemistry and an additional philosophy masters in Demonology, with a concentration in botany, from Oroburum University.”
You feel your stomach drop. Oh, crap.
[Part Nineteen]
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new2fivesauce · 2 years
Anywhere is Better with You - Eddie Munson
Summary: You come back to Hawkins two years after graduating only to find out that your friends' dungeon master is someone from your past. (4.7k words)
Warnings: smut, implied intoxicated smut, cursing
Pairing: eddie munson x f!reader
A/N: like everyone else on here, im head over heels in love with this fictional character. i got this idea and put it down in less than 24hours. not revised and might be a tad sloppy, but nonetheless maybe ive gotten my writing chops again.
It was weird to put it bluntly. Weird being back in Hawkins. 
You never thought you’d come back after that incredulous, almost dreamlike, school year of 1983-1984. It was your senior year. You were friends with power couple at the time, Steve and Nancy. Nancy’s kid brother, Mike and his friends pulled you into this out of world adventure of finding a fragile, but telepathic, girl by the name of Eleven and defeating this monster called a demogorgon. As soon as you walked across that stage with your diploma in your hand, you peaced the fuck out of there,hoping to never to come back… but your life had other plans.
Of course you had kept in contact with Nancy and she always asked when you planned on coming back even for just a visit. You worked, lived, and breathed NYC though and it was hard to get away, but you found an exception some two years later. Nancy had mentioned in a phone call that she was head of the newspaper, she was working on covering the potential basketball champions of Hawkins High if they won. They were still in the tournament, just a couple more games to go. She practically begged and you didn’t understand why until you were sitting in her living room, college applications sprawled out across the floor and coffee table.
“Look, see! I want to go here!” Nancy exclaimed excitedly holding up a brochure for some college on the East Coast. “I want to get away from this place, Y/N. I want to get away like you. Jonathan left…” There was a soft sigh that escaped her lips. Her wide blue eyes looked sad, but unsure. “We keep saying we’re going to go to the same college, but I don’t know anymore. He’s been distant and probably I have been too. I don’t know how this long distance thing is supposed to work.” Nancy mused.
You reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder to console her. “You will figure it out.” you said confidently to boost her mood up. “Seriously, any place is better than here.”
The two of you continued talking, trying to keep an upbeat mood and helping her narrow down her college choices. If it had been easy for you, it would be much easier for Nancy. She was brilliant. 
You were supposed to get together soon with Steve and his friend, Robin for a hangout. Nancy mentioned that although she was no longer with Steve, they were still pretty close… considering that they had saved the world two more times since you had left Hawkins.
It wasn’t long before the Wheeler’s front door abruptly opened and loud, boisterous voices carried into the living room.
“HEY!” a voice that you barely recognized announced. “Who’s car is that in front of our house?!” The voice was Mike’s you figured out when he stepped into view, his friend Dustin coming up behind him. The last time you’d seen the two, they were practically minute. Tiny boys with tiny voices. Now they were in the midst of puberty and Mike, just from your view from the couch, for sure towered over you.
“Holy shit!” Dustin called out, seeing you now where you were sitting. “Y/N, Mike! It’s Y/N!” 
Mike took notice and suddenly the two boys were collapsing on top of you, hugging and speaking in rapid, inconherable voices.
There was a fast interchange of How you been, What you been up, etc. Nancy had to push them out of the living room when they brought up Dungeons and Dragons. You were not the avid player that they were, but you knew of the game and was pretty familiar with the rules.
“Nancy, pleeease!” Mike whined as he put his jacket on over a shirt that read Hellfire Club. “Y/N, tell Nancy that you want to see us play. We have to pick up Lucas on the way back to school. You will definitely like our dungeon master!” 
Dustin agreed with his lanky friend. “Yeah! He’s so cool! He’s old or whatever, but he’s fuckin’ amazing.”
It took a lot of convincing Nancy that you were fine with hanging with her younger brother and nerdy friends.
“I’ll meet you up at Steve’s later.” You promised as you stepped out the front door with Mike and Dustin in the lead. “I promise, this is not a burden. I miss these kiddies as much as they did me. I only wish I could see Will and El too.” You mused. Nancy shrugged, still not sure whether or not it was a good idea for you to be dragged to some D&D sesh. You sensed that there was something else that she wasn’t saying, but decided that whatever it was, she would tell you later.
After picking up Lucas from his house and all three teens boys were scrunched into your not so big car, you headed to your alma mater. Lucas was chatting in the front seat, telling you about how he had joined the basketball team when they got into high school, but had to keep his nerd side a secret. Mike scoffed and mentioned something about real friends. Lucas pretended to not hear him and continued the small conversation by changing the subject to a girl named Max. You had heard a lot about her from conversations and letters from Nancy but had never met her. She seemed like an overall sweet girl and a good fit for Lucas Sinclair, but he did mention that they had broken up after the mall accident and her brother dying. 
When you got to the school, you weren’t even in park when the boys all began to scramble out, rushing to get inside. 
“We’re late!” Dustin remarked.
“I swear this fucking watch is broken.” Mike commented, looking at the timex on his wrist and shaking it furiously. “Agh!!” 
You followed them into the school and the memories of your high school years immediately flooded your mind. You looked around and reminisced about past classes, teachers, friends, parties, clubs, boyfriends, hook-ups, kisses… 
“Y/N! We don’t have time for you to get all weepy!” Mike beckoned you out of your thoughts, turning back to look at you impatiently. You laughed as you sped up your walk to catch up. 
“You’re late, freshman.” a low, calculating voice said as the four of you entered what you thought was a very decorated AV room. There were Christmas lights hanging around the room of all colors and candles lit up, posters of horror films and books on the walls, film equipment abandoned in the corners. In the middle was a table big enough to fit at least 10 people. There were all sorts of game pieces and an assortment of snacks to tide over everyone’s hunger.
“Sorry, sorry.” Mike, Dustin, and Lucas said simultaneously as they got into their assigned positions, pulling out their costumes from their backpacks that you hadn’t even noticed that they had brought. You didn’t know where to go, but Dustin had made a head motion towards the head of the table. 
This so-called dungeon master hadn’t even bothered to look up at them, but was so inclined to be sitting on an actual throne. That chair had to come from the drama theater room. You cautiously scuttled to the throne and cleared your throat before speaking.
“Sorry they’re late. That was my fault.” You said even though you hadn’t been aware that there was a specific time they had to arrive and like Mike had mentioned, his watch was broken. 
The guy sitting at the throne laughed an almost evil laugh. His wavy hair was covering his face, but you felt you knew this laugh. “Excuses.” he muttered, now pushing his hair back from his face as he raised his head to look at you.
Eddie Munson’s big, beautiful, brown eyes stared you down. You know your face must have been one of shock, but not Eddie’s. He was cool, collected, and calm. A smile spread across his face as he took you in. 
“Well, well, well…” he began flicking his eyes over you and then looked at your three teen friends. “I didn’t know you were acquainted with Wheeler, Henderson, and Sinclair.” His eyes flashed back to you and you could feel a warmth spread over your face… were you actually fucking blushing?
“You know Y/N?” Lucas questioned, looking between you and the now-long haired Eddie. Eddie shrugged so nonchalantly and you nodded slowly. “Weird.” he mumbled. Eddie shrugged again before motioning at the empty chair to the left of him. He didn’t have to say any words for you to understand that it was a hint for you to sit.
Eddie was still in high school? You questioned yourself as Eddie began to ramble off the rules for their game. But how?! The last time you had seen him, you were both seniors.
As the game progressed and you watched with feigned fascination your mind was swirling with the past.
You’d known Eddie since elementary school. He had always been a troublemaker and  against the patriarchy type of person, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t smart as hell. In fact, you thought Eddie was even smarter than you. He just didn’t like to show it. He hadn’t had the best childhood growing up, you definitely knew that. He hated seeing his uncle almost kill himself everyday just to support the two of them. You’d known for a fact that Eddie wasn’t ready to do the same. Is that why he’s still in school?
You peeked a glance at the 20 year old boy. His hair had grown out so much since the last time you’d seen each other. His face was clean-shaven, but you could see a bit of stubble starting to poke out. He hated facial hair; he shaved every day. His eyes crinkled at the sides when he smiled after a good play and that made you smile. You had missed him… there was no denying that.
Eddie and you had had a bit of history. You had almost every class in high school together. You hadn’t belonged to any particular group in school, but you had gotten along with almost everyone. You always wondered if the reason you hadn’t advanced up the social ladder was because you had been openly friends with Eddie. You didn’t regret that you had been though. Eddie was an amazing guy.
But things during your senior year and Eddie’s first of many senior years hadn’t ended particularly well. You had had your fair share of suitors at this point in time and although Eddie was “a freak,” girls were no stranger to him. Word had spread that he was well endowed beneath his ripped jeans so girls were secretly banging him and he wasn’t complaining. Girls or her former classmates to be exact, bragged about “climbing the Freak” in the restroom between class changes.
At first you didn’t understand what all the talk was about even after being questioned if you had conquested Eddie before anyone else since you were close to him. But after all that happened when Eleven was discovered, you were dismissive towards everyone. The events had taken a great toll on you and you couldn’t even speak of it unless it was Steve or Nancy. You had pushed Eddie away but he had slithered his way back into your life after a night of weed and cheap beer in his trailer.
The effects of the drugs and alcohol led into a whirlwind of passionate sex that didn’t stop after that first time. You had practically become girlfriend and boyfriend without the labels. You had fallen hard for him and you thought he had felt the same for you, but when you told him about your plans for college out of the state, he shut down.
“You’re going to leave me?!”
The way he had screamed it out into the universe with the most broken, straggled voice still echoed in your mind. You blinked your tears away remembering that night.
Eddie kept his distance after that and you were heartbroken. Eventually graduation came. Eddie didn’t walk the stage and you only thought that was because he didn’t want to see you. You now realized that he had purposely failed to not graduate and stay in this shitty town. 
Your hand reached up to your chest and underneath the tanktop you wore, your fingers clutched around a ring that hung from a necklace you never took off. It was the last remnant of Eddie you had before you left Hawkins. He had left it on the nightstand in your childhood bedroom. You never knew if it was on purpose or by mistake, but now you were back and you were debating if you should return it. He probably didn’t even miss it.
The game finally ended and everyone was mentally exhausted. Your boys had been given clean up duty so they rushed you out the AV room while they cleaned so the janitor wouldn’t complain about their mess the next school day. 
As you waited in the hallway, back leaning against the lockers and head down looking at the watch on your wrist, a pair of scuffed up white sneakers appeared before you. You raised your head until y/e/c met Eddie’s soft brown ones.
His eyes twinkled with mischief and amusement.
“Fancy seeing you here.” he said, a smirk playing on his lips. His eyes flitted over you like they had earlier. His eyes lingered on your tank’s lifted area on your chest before going back to your eyes.
“Could say the same about you…” you replied. His face turned to stone momentarily.
“Before you lecture me…” he started seriously, “I already know I’m a fuckin’ disappointment. I don’t need you to remind me.” he arched his brow. It was your turn to shrug.
“It’s been awhile… Just thought I’d come back to visit for a bit. New York is…”
“OOOH! New York!” Eddie exclaimed, putting his hands on either side of his face in fake surprise. “Come to brag?” he challenged suddenly. “Come to tell me how I fucked up and how much better you are now that you’re not living in his hick town?” 
He was pacing now, occasionally looking from his feet to you as he walked left and right in front of you as you remained silent.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here, Eddie.” You sighed. “And you know it’s not me to brag about whatever the hell I’ve been doing. You know I would have much rather been anywhere, even here, with you.”
He let out a sarcastic, dark chuckle. “Yeah right.” 
You sighed heavily. This conversation had taken a turn for the worse and luckily you were saved by the reappearance of Mike, Dustin, and Lucas.
Lucas looked between the two of you like he had before the game had started. He didn’t say anything but you sensed that he could feel the tension in the air. Mike and Dustin were oblivious as always as Dustin cheerfully walked alongside Eddie to ask him questions about how well they had played.
After dropping off Dustin and Lucas, you arrived back at the Wheelers to drop off Mike before heading to Steve’s. You pulled up the driveway and began to bid your goodbyes to Mike when he interrupted you.
“I’m sorry about not mentioning Eddie to you. I remember Nancy mentioning to Steve or Jonathan that you had dated or something. It didn’t end well, I think.” He looked at you apologetically. You reached out to ruffle the waves on his head. “I just didn’t think, you know. Sometimes I do that. Not think things all the way through.”
“We’re good, kid. It’s not a big deal. Eddie and I are good. We’re, uhh… we’re okay.” you stuttered on your words, not sure if you meant what you were saying but you didn’t want to leave Mike feeling bad.
Mike gave you a small side smile and nodded. He thanked you for joining them for the D&D session before folding himself out of your car and dashed inside.
It'd been 10 minutes since you parked your car outside of Eddie Munson’s trailer. You had started driving to Steve Harrington’s house, but you couldn’t let go of the dumb conversation you had had with Eddie. Your brain went into autopilot and before you knew it, you were outside his home. Only one light was on; Eddie’s bedroom light.
Your window was rolled down. The evening air was breezy but still warm. You had a cigarette between your fingers and took long drags of it between arguing with yourself if you were going to be brave or a coward.
When your second cig burned down to the nub and nearly burned your fingers, you flicked it outside. You reached towards your passenger seat for another, but realized that your pack was empty now. You sighed.
“Just do it, you coward.” You said to yourself.
“Do what?” A voice suddenly replied. You jumped so high off your seat, your knees hit the steering wheel and your head banged the ceiling of your car. Your hand flew immediately to clutch the ring under your shirt as you felt your heart pounding hard against your rib cage.
“Holy shit!” you screeched, looking outside your window to see a smirking Eddie. You could tell he was suppressing a laugh by the way his lips twitched. “What are you doing out here?” You asked him, unbuckling your seatbelt to get out the vehicle.
He laughed suddenly. “Uhh, I think the better question is what are you doing out here? Are you stalking me Y/N?” He was being playful now. You didn’t get it. At the school, he was acting so cold/odd… tough?
He opened your car door and extended his hand out to help you out. You took it gingerly. His hand was firm, warm, and a bit rough from his guitar calluses. He closed the door for you before closing in around you. You were backed into the side of your car, his arms were stretched out on either side of your head, his hands resting on the roof of your vehicle. He tilted his head to the side, his hair flopping over as well. His eyes had grown dark as he drank you in with them. 
“You haven’t answered my question yet.” he mused as he watched you squirm in place. His strong gaze was making you uncomfortable. He lowered his head and placed his mouth right next to your ear. “I asked… What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” he whispered.
His breath engulfed you. Your eyes fluttered closed. A wave of goosebumps passed from your head to your toes. You instinctively rubbed your arms to try to make them disappear but he noticed. 
“Y/N…” he whispered once more into your ear. This time he watched as your skin prickled with just a murmur of your name. “Fuck…” he exhaled.
He pulled his head back to see that you were looking at him. Your eyes dug into his. You wanted him to see your fucking soul. You’d been dreading coming back to Hawkins not because of a super-power girl and some creepy monsters, but because of Eddie. He had broken your heart. You hadn’t been able to combat your feelings before. You’d slept with just about anyone who would pay attention to you just to forget him… yet the only person you ever saw behind your eyelids when you closed them during sexual ecstacy whether by your hand or someone else’s was Eddie fucking Munson. He owned you and he didn’t even know it.
“What?” he questioned suddenly, quirking his head to the side. 
You blinked. Your mind had lost its focus again. “What what?” You asked. He squinted his eyes at you.
“You were looking at me weird,” he said. “You went somewhere just now… Where?”
You grimaced, embarrassed suddenly.
Eddie placed a gentle hand under your chin and tilted it up. You would feel your eyes well up with tears. Your heart was hurting so bad. He was so close to you. His scent of weed, cinnamon gum, and preferred bar soap enveloped you and it time-turned you back two years ago when you were both 18. 
A single tear slipped and he was so quick to wipe it away. “Hey, hey, hey…” he mused so softly. His lips were suddenly kissing your face gently and like a feather. “I missed you too, Y/N… Please don’t cry. I’m sorry.” 
His lips trailed over your cheeks and slowly he maneuvered them just above your lips. “I’m sorry I gave up on us so easily. I thought you were running away from me. I thought you were willingly trying to leave me. I didn’t know you were wanting me to go with you. I didn’t understand. I should have–”
You tiptoed to raise your body upwards towards him. Your lips touched his softly. You did so to shut him up. You didn’t want him to apologize right now. All you wanted was for him to devour you and fill you up so good. 
You reached to the waist of his jeans, hooking your fingers through the loops. You pulled him closer to you leading him to delve deeper into the kiss. His hands cupped your face. His teeth gently pulled on your lower lip before he pulled his face away for a fraction of second.
“Inside!” his voice whispered hoarsely. He took one of your hands, pulling you impatiently inside his trailer home. There wasn’t enough time to look around but you did notice that his uncle still had his mug collection and you were able to spot a couple of the ones that you had gifted him.
Eddie tugged you into his room, slamming the door shut after the two of you were fully inside. He pressed you against the door, his hands roaming over your body and kissing you again with an intensity so ferocious you were about to burst at the seams. 
“Eddie,...” You moaned as his lips nipped at your jawline and lowered onto the soft spot of your neck that he knew got you going. He muttered something but you couldn’t make out what he said. You were enthralled by what his mouth was doing. Yeah, you definitely missed him.
“Off, off…” you finally understood what he was muttering as his fingers tangled themselves at the base of the tank top you were wearing. You nodded and pulled the shirt off in a quick motion. Eddie growled lowly at the sight of your boobs being held in the grasp of your favorite black bra before his eyes flickered to the ring that hung in the valley between your breasts.
His ring-clad fingers reached out to hold his old class ring. He examined the emerald stone surrounded with the words Hawkins High School Class of 1984. He chuckled before letting it drop back onto your skin.
“Cute…” he muttered before attacking your lips again with his. He eased the both of you towards his bed. Your clothes and his hastily were all removed by the time his knees hit the edge of the mattress. He sat on bed, his member in full salute in his underwear. Your groin ached in anticipation at its sight. He beckoned you to straddle him. Your clothed heat rubbed against him as you brought your legs on either side of him and you both hissed. 
“How many guys have you let have you?” Eddie questioned as he gripped your waist and rubbed you against him. You moaned, because you were horny and then suddenly annoyed by his question.
“What?” you questioned. He repeated himself, again grinding you against him. “Why does that matter?” You rolled your eyes at him and he gripped you tighter. You’d forgotten that he didn’t like bratty behavior.
“I want to know if anyone has been as good as me…” As he said this, he raised your body upwards. With a strategic hand, he removed his dick from its confines and bunched your panties to the side to allow him to slide into your slick folds. 
Your breath hitched as your body released an internal sigh. He lowered you slowly, allowing you to enjoy the moment and get yourself accustomed to his size once more. It took a few gentle thrusts to get you to the base of his dick and once you were, you swore you could feel him twitch in the area behind your belly button.
Eddie’s eyes were almost black, his pupils fully dilated as he looked down at the area that connected you to him. He raised you almost to his tip and then brought you harshly down. You moaned, reaching up to grip his shoulders and maybe some of his hair. You didn’t know. All you knew was that you were feeling fucking fantasic.
“Say you want me.” Eddie whined, placing his forehead to yours. “Tell me you need me. I want to hear you say it.” There was a hint of gushy emotions in his tone.
“Are you getting lovey dovey on me, Eddie?” you teased as you tried to give yourself relief by moving your hips, but he kept a tight grip on you. So tight you knew you’d have bruises in the morning. 
He threw his head back and laughed. “C’mon…” he whimpered. “Tell me and I’ll fuck you into oblivion. Please, baby.” 
Your heart melted then. You nodded your head and announced to the room that you wanted him, that you needed him, and you needed him to fuck you until you saw the stars.
He flipped the two of you over before removing what remained of your clothes and his. He spread your legs and ran a finger along where you needed him most. “So wet for me, baby.” he mused as he looked longingly before lining himself and inserting. 
His thrusts were quick, rough and when you would stop moaning, he would position your legs higher onto his shoulder to get you at a different angle. 
“Fuck…” You spewed when you felt that tightness in your abdomen. Eddie looked down at you, first with concern, but then with full-on lust as you reached down to the bud between your legs. He slapped your hand away and you gave him a dirty look. He tsked.
“Mine.” he murmured before he pulled out completely once more and ordered you to get on your hands and knees. You obeyed him quickly. You spread your legs whilst on your knees and dropped down onto your elbows. Eddie was right behind you and helped arch your back down with a push of his hand. 
His pace was fast but hard as he reached around and down until his middle ring could rub swift circles on your clit. You felt your body wanting to press down and disappear into his mattress. Your mouth was slack open, drool dribbling. Your brain was completely shut off to everything but the way that Eddie was making you feel right now.
The tightness began again and you knew you were close. Eddie felt it as well by the pulsing clench your pussy had on him. 
“C’mon baby.” he groaned, slowing down just a bit to prepare you for your orgasm. “You can do it.” he egged you. “Y/N, you can let go… C’mon, cum.”
It didn’t take much longer for the wave of euphoria to crash over you. Eddie whined as you came on him and gave you several more hard thrusts before he, too, spilled his seed in you. Your bodies collapsed, his arms and legs intertwined with yours.
The two of you laid still, gasping for air. Eddie recovered faster and squirmed about, trying to get him and you into more comfortable positions and pulled a blanket over the two of you. You cuddled into his chest and inhaled him deeply.
“Are you smelling me?” he inquired. You peered up at him through your glassy, hooded eyes and barely nodded. He stroked your hair as your eyes began to droop. You were so spent, but you felt so good. The ache in your heart had lessened, you felt like you were whole again…
Just as you felt sleep coming onto you, Eddie pulled you closer. “I’m coming with you.” he suddenly whispered. You didn’t know how long you were going to stay in Hawkins, but you knew he wasn’t staying behind again. You didn’t respond, just nodded your head and he understood that that was a yes…
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mklegends-smokescreen · 7 months
Mortal Kombat: The Requiem Mirror; Chapter 3: Battle of the Realms
We cut to Cassie, in a chamber, with her weapons on the opposite side.
Cassie: Guys? Can you hear me? Where are you!?
Robin: Yeah, where are we?
Kung Jin: Some kind of... Room?
they quickly realized they were in some kinds of chambers, seperated from one another.
Robin: Hold on, there's a door here, let me just... OPEN SESAME!
he yells out, as the door opens, but not to his command.
Cassie: I don't think that was you, dude.
Robin: Shut up and step outside.
They all walk out to the coliseum grounds, standing infront of millions of tournament fans who were once banished to this realm, and a ominous voice, who reveals to be Valthor, starts talking:
Valthor: Welcome, viewers and champions, to tour de Rellum!
he yells out, as the crowd goes wild, and the hundred fighters who compete in the tournament stare in awe.
Valthor: I've waited many millennia for this, and I've come a long way to be here. In this great 100 man (and/or woman) melee, anything goes! You make someone bleed? that's five points. You shatter some bones? ten. Slay your opponent? You move on to the next round! every round ends if half the ammount of current kombatants have been defeated. With that in mind. Let the Battles begin!
As the crowd roars, the fight begins. Cassie, Kung Jin, Jaqui, Takeda, and Robin rush to defend themselves and fight their opponents.
As the battle rages on, Kombat Kids and the rest of the fighters face their opponents and fight with everything they have. They use their skills, knowledge, and weapons to their advantage as they battle for their lives and freedom. The stakes are high and the fights are intense, but they know that the only way out is through. As they fight, they each realize the importance of their mission and the gravity of the situation. They know they have to fight hard and stay focused if they want to have a chance of winning and escaping. With the first round being over in minutes, Valthor yells out an announcement.
Valthor: Our first round is over. And we're down to 50 fighters. We'll be back after the ten Earthrealm minute break.
The Kombat Kids, exhausted and wounded, take a breather and rest as the remaining 45 fighters prepare for the next round.
Cassie: Well, I'd say this went better than expected.
Takeda: We're not out of the woods yet, Cass. There are still 45 fighters left, and we have to beat them all if we want to get out of here.
Cassie: I know, Takeda. I'm just trying to stay positive.
Jaqui: Yeah, we gotta keep our spirits up if we want to have a shot at winning.
Robin: There was a girl back there, I, feel like I've seen her before...
Kung Jin: What? You got a crush on her?
Robin: What? No! I'm trying to say that I feel like I've seen her before. She wasn't an Earthrealmer or anything like that, but I couldn't really tell.
Cassie: We have 5 minutes left before the next round. We should try and get some rest and save our strength.
Meanwhile, Billie is training. She practices her fighting moves and prepares for the next round. She has her doubts, but she knows she has to keep her focus and stay positive if she wants to have a chance at winning. Billie takes a deep breath and steels herself, knowing that the next round is going to be a tough one.
Valthor: Alright, welcome back, fans and fighters alike, to Tour de Rellum!
some fighter: Come on! You could have come up with a better name!
the fighter says, before he is blasted into oblivion by the sinister figure.
Valthor: As. I. Was. Saying! ...Welcome back. We have 25 fighters left, not counting the one I just eradicated, so 24, and it's time for the 2nd round to begin. Buckle your engines and start your seat belts, because its time to FIGHT!
the crowd cheers, as the 24 fighters charge at one another. Cassie and Kung Jin square off against two large, muscular men. They put their fighting skills and martial arts training to the test as they battle their opponents. The two men are skilled fighters, but the Kombat Kids hold their own. Takeda, Jaqui and Robin fight their opponents as well, using their powers and skills to their advantage. Billie is on an absolute spree, slashing and slaying left and right. She notices Red Robin in the fray and decides to give him a run for his money, which he returns. The two young fighters trade blows and parries, each one looking for an opening to take the other down.
Robin: You Know, we could settle this over some coffee, if you'd want! I know this cute little coffee shop back home, I could treat you if we get outta here!
Siris: (smirking) How about we finish this first, and then we can talk about your date offer.
Kung Jin: Hah! Called it! You two're dating!
Both: Shut up, you're ruining this for me!
They yelled as they looked at one another, and kept on fighting. Takeda and Jaqui are fighting together, back to back, their powers and skills on full display as they battle their opponents. The two of them work in sync, using their abilities and weapons to their advantage as they fight for their lives. Meanwhile, Cassie is battling her opponent, using her martial arts skills and gun experteese to take him down. She lands a series of quick, powerful punches and kicks, before finishing him off with a devastating Shadow Kick. The dragoness toppled Robin to the ground with a knife at his throat, but just before anything could happen, the 13th to last fighter has been eliminated. Siris, Cassie, Robin, Kung Kin, Takeda, Jaqui and six others were the last twelve to remain, and they were the only ones left, in the 3rd round. Valthor looks at the crowd, and speaks.
Valthor: Ladies, gentlemen, and other, the 3rd and final round is upon us. Only one lucky winner will be granted their freedom. But before we get to the next round, I'd like to thank the tournament's sponsor, Hetap, whom's CEO's life I have put into custody until he decided to sponsor this tournament. And now, another 10 minute break. Get your snacks, have your drinks, these final few rounds'll be...*intense*.
Siris: You were lucky, but I guess you haven't changed a bit. See ya in the next round.
Robin: Yeah, uh, see ya! (he whispers to his friends) What's a Hetap?
Takeda: I'll explain later.
Meanwhile, back on Earthrealm, Johnny with his squadron discovers some kind of strange energy looming around the last spot where the Kombat Kids were. He tries to restore it with his green glowing hand, which eventually, succeeds. He calls base for a status report.
Johnny: Status report: Opened a portal to yet another dimension. Sonya, do you read me? Over.
Sonya: Yes, we do, Johnny. Please, be careful. (she says, a hint of fear in her voice) Over.
Johnny: We might need a few choppers, on the way, this is a big portal. Over. (he turns to the squad) Okay guys, the rest is up to you, I'll have my daughter and the others out of this mess, and then we'll go home. Understood? (the team nods) Good.
The image cuts to Kano in his unsupervized cell in the SF headquarters, relaxing while drawing, which is his favorite past time. Suddenly, a red puddle is on a floor, out which Skarlet pops out of, but Kano barely notices. Skarlet is surprised at how easily he was distracted. Then she remembers, and walks up behind him. She touches his shoulder.
Skarlet: Hello, Kano. Did you miss me?
Kano: Oh hey, luv', how's work goin'?
Skarlet: Working on it.
The blood mistress says, as she takes Kano out of the cell back through the puddle to the Black Dragon base. Kano and Skarlet share a brief, but passionate kiss, after Skarlet is quick to recap what happened in the past few hours.
Skarlet: Our daughter is captured and I am not sure where, her captor has disapeared around here.
Kano: Through a portal?
Skarlet Through a portal. Wait, how did you know?
Kano: (smirking) I know a lot more than you think, luv'. But the important thing is, we're gettin' her back. Together. We need sum' wizard or sorcerer to restore this portal.
Skarlet: I prioritize in blood magic, but I could try. But it will take a bit of time.
Kano: Take all the time you need, luv'. I'm here for ya. But we gotta hurry. If anything happens to her, I'm slittin' someone's throat.
Skarlet continues, but she makes it work. The two Black Dragon leaders with a team of they're greatest fighters prepare to enter the dark realm, to save their daughter and free her. Skarlet and Kano prepare to enter the portal, with their weapons at the ready. The two leaders, prepared for anything, enter the portal. The first thing they see is nothing but a dark void, with comets, random objects that were the worlds greatest mistakes, and in the middle of it all, a large coliseum with cheering. But as soon as they see this, one Black Dragon member acknowledges the Johnny Cage and the Special Forces beside them. Skarlet and Kano, along with their group of warriors, ready their weapons and prepare to engage in battle.
Johnny: Woah, woah woah! Everybody, chill the "F" out! I know, a lot of you have a hate boner against one another, but the coincidence that we're all here, implies we're here for similar reasons. Kano! How's it goin' ya sick bastard. 'See you hooked up with someone, and you're not in your cell? What a whacky situation. (he laughs) And who is the lady?
Kano: Listen, I'm on my mission, you're on yours, so shut up, get off me sausage, and bugger off.
some S.F. solider voiced by Nick Landis (offscreen): We get it, you're australian!
Kano: Alright, mate, calm down.
Johnny: Look, just tell me what you're here for. Whatever it is, it can't be much different than why I'm here.
Kano, starting to lose his patience: We're here to find our daughter.
Johnny: You have a daughter?
Skarlet: Yes, and some sinister force has taken her.
Johnny: Oh cool, same, and her entire squad, too.
Kano: Yeah, so we're all in this mess together. But let's not get all sentimental about it. We find our kids, kick this Edge lord's arse, and then we go back to being enemies. Agreed?
Johnny: Agreed, but if you cross me, you'll be seeing more than double, got it?
Kano: Wound't have it any other way, Cage.
Tremor, who's been in the back the whole time: Okay, are we doing this or are you two just gonna keep having this dick-measuring contest?
Kano looks at Tremor firmly: Traitor.
Tremor: Ass-
Johnny Cage: Alright, enough bickering, people. We've got a mission, and that's to find our kids and bring 'em back. Tremor, you coming along?
Tremor: Yeah, I'm in. Don't think this makes us pals, Kano.
Kano: Trust me, I'd rather stick my hand in a blender than be pals with you, Tremor.
They head to the not-so-ominous and dark coliseum to search for the kids.
Johnny: So, how do we get it?
Kano: I don't fuckin' know, you're suppose to be the smart guy in the situation.
Tremor: Hold on, I might have an idea.
The golem turns into rubble and fuses with the ground to get under the door and open it from inside of the coliseum, letting the two groups in.
Johnny: Well, look who's the smart guy now.
Kano: Ey, fuck you, pretty boy.
Skarlet: Let's just keep moving.
The groups look for a way in, but don't find one in time for the begging of the semi-final round.
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awek-s · 8 months
Hello my beloved alex 💜
So I do this thing every year for halloween where I basically marathon watch horror films/shows/miniseries starting from august to november (I mix in some lighter halloween/spooky themed things too like monster house or paranorman).
BUT the reason I'm telling you all this is bc I was wondering if you, the horror expert, had any recommendations for me to watch? If not that's fine!! I just wanted to ask! ily 🥰
oh my gosh this is incredibly late and im so sorry, i keep telling myself i'll reply and then get very distracted and never do! i hope these are worth the wait though! even if you've watched these before i still rec a rewatch because i'm totally obsessed <3 and i do have to say i'm a huge lover of wes craven, jordan peele and mike flanagan in particular and when seeking out horror recs you should never trust what ppl in social media tags (like tumblr) say about a movie/show say bc they have literally 0 idea what they're talking about (and most of the time they're ari aster fangirls so. that explains it).
scream franchise (but especially the 2nd movie)
happy death day
the exorcist (series)
the purge (series)
midnight mass (series)
the conjuring: the devil made me do it
all the boys love mandy lane
the final destination franchise
house of wax
they (slash) them
get out
knock at the cabin
insidious: the red door
ready or not
escape room: tournament of champions
trick 'r treat
my bloody valentine
the forever purge
the midnight meat train
the stepfather
the hamiltons
the invitation
blood red sky
the fear street trilogy
funny games
the midnight club (series)
yellowjackets (series)
channel zero (series)
devil in ohio (series)
slasher (series)
the mist (series)
AND OF COURSE lightest possible horrors i can suggest is any animated scooby doo movie ever sfjkgfdlkg all of them are my personal favourites :3
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miras-ash · 11 months
Epilogue of "Just as the stars love the night"
Ash's pov
One year later...
I strolled with Yumiko through the parking lot of the stadium. In front of me I pushed the buggy in which Estella babbled and next to it ran Maho who was very amused about it. They both grew up so fast, I remembered exactly how small they used to be, time passed so quickly and soon we would welcome dwarf number three in our midst. Yumi was heavily pregnant with Jordan's child, they were supposed to start their planned trip around the world months ago but that plan was promptly scrapped when they found out about their blessing. I was so happy for them, they deserved all the happiness in the world. As for me, or rather Elena and I, our family planning was complete. With Estella and work we had our hands full. It took us a long time to adjust to a normal everyday life again but with the help of our friends it worked out.
Together we entered the stadium, it was a hot summer day and we had spontaneously decided to visit our loved ones at the training. The Tournament of the Champions was in a few days and everything was running at full speed. This year Lena would still be competing for Nighthaven since she was still under contract and even though it seemed strange to me I was cheering for Kali's troop this year. She should just not get used to it, next summer she would have no more chances should I be released for the service and participate again. I hoped so much, I loved being a mother but I wanted to get back in the saddle and work but I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. Sometimes nightmares and panic attacks still plagued me but with time it became less and less.
Yumiko and I crossed the lower area, past the changing rooms and entered the interior of the large dome. We walked the familiar path along the side to the benches where the various teams sat. I got Stella out of her stroller and put her on the grass, there she could crawl in peace as she wanted without anything dangerous lying around. Maho got all jittery, she had hoped that Jordan was already done and took her to the training building where she was allowed to drive around with a drone as long as it was not one of Twitch's, the last time she had zapped Mozzie with it a few times who did not find it as funny as the rest. She kept an eager lookout while playing with Estella.
Yumi sat down on one of the benches and stroked her round belly. She was beaming like the sun.
"Oh Liz, are you sure you don't want another one? You're such great mothers and I'm sure Stella would love a sibling. Maybe we can even get pregnant at the same time then, imagine that."
Her eyes shone with joy at the thought and she seemed to have her head in the clouds.
I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.
"No for the last time, you know how I feel about it. I love my daughter and wouldn't trade her for anything but I also want to finally do something for myself again. I want to get healthy and start back at Rainbow, I miss it so much. Besides, she already has a sister and soon a brother. We all spend so much time together that she will never feel alone. And another thing you douche, both of us pregnant at the same time? Our partners would leave the country. We're bad enough as it is."
She shrugged and replied "Well maybe I'll talk to Mira, she might see it differently."
Suddenly a voice sounded behind us "What do you want to talk to me about?"
Elena was standing there, she had already changed her clothes. Apparently she had finished her workout and had gone to take a shower while we waited. Jordan also appeared next to her, which did not escape Maho's notice. She ran up to in and let him lift her into the air.
"Hi Dad!!! Can we go?"
She had started calling him that over the last few months and Jordan couldn't have been prouder. Together they went off to play with the drone.
Mira picked Estella up and then joined us.
"So what about me?"
I rolled my eyes and said "Yumi thinks we should expand our family."
Elena laughed "Why, she's already doing that for us with Jordan or is she talking about a dog?"
She earned a nasty look from Hibana who got up and waddled away. Someone should have told her that she couldn't be taken seriously like that.
We amused ourselves for a while, then Mira changed the subject.
"So what do you say? Do we have a chance against Rainbow?"
I snorted, she knew how to draw me out.
"They don't stand a chance against you guys. You'll flatten them."
Never would I have thought to root for Nighthaven, I guess I was more mentally unstable than I thought.
The rest of the afternoon passed quietly. We went for a walk as a large group and family and then ended the evening without children in a restaurant. I had missed that so much, to lead a normal life without being on the run or having to fear for my loved ones. But now everything was finally good. I had people around me who loved me and for whom I felt the same. When I think about it, I had everything I ever wanted and needed. I was happy.
The end.
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Top 5 Best Films of 2021
I promised a top 5 of 2021 and here it is. Severely delayed, I know, but I’ve been trying to do other things with life and the days just got away from me. There will also be a More button on this status but I’d really appreciate if you guys gave the entire post a shot and not just scroll away. Cheers! Anyway, here it is, with the general theme of “yeah, this surprised me too!”:
5. Another Round (Druk)
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Very dry, darkly funny Danish drama which manages to condemn as well as celebrate the drinking culture that seems to have a grip on North Europe as a whole, which is kind of interesting. Fun fact: the original title roughly translates to ‘Binge-Drinking’, something as blunt as the film itself.
4. Malignant
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The kind of film made by someone who said “hey, my last film made you $1bn, can I have some money to do the thing I REALLY want to do?”. Basically an hour and a half of batshittery improved by a very divisive twist that [REDACTED] and I enjoyed very much.
3. The Suicide Squad
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The one film I definitely saw coming with regards to it being on here. It’s exactly what one would expect from a James Gunn movie: dark comedy, people literally having a blast, a soundtrack consisting of songs one hasn’t heard since they were a teenager (looking at you, “Whistle For The Choir”). Can also confirm that it is just as good seeing it sober and in IMAX as it is seeing it drunk in standard definition.
2. West Side Story
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Absolutely thrilled to have this here considering my attitude towards this film since seeing the teaser in May. Everyone fits into their characters as comfortably as if they are regular performers, and it manages to define itself as being an adaptation without caving into the ’61 adap and being its own beast. Highlight is 100% Rita Moreno singing “Somewhere”, which absolutely destroyed me. It would probably be number 1 were it not for the guy who played Tony, whose name I don’t want to say in case he materialises in my living room and starts mauling “Something’s Coming” in front of me or some shit.
And now, the honourable mentions (which were surprisingly hard to pick) in no particular order:
In the Heights: Did slightly drag over the last half hour or so, and I cared more about the secondary romance than the main one. However, god DAMN is the songwriting tight, the camerawork fluid and coherent, and the one-two of “Paciencia y Fe” and “Alabanza”… whoof.
Annette: It, uh, sure is a film. I don’t know how to talk about it without sounding like I’m giving it backhanded compliments.
Candyman: A beautifully shot gem which, like 2018’s Halloween, took a risk in being a belated sequel. However, it also has a solid cast, the themes were well-executed, and the shadow puppetry was devastating. The cut to the scene with the girls in the bathroom was hilarious, too.
Encanto: Lin-Manuel Miranda’s had a fucking good year, hasn’t he?
And finally, top of the list…
1. Dune
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I enjoyed it a LOT more than I expected, and not reading the book beforehand didn’t hinder it. Great cast, great music, and meme-able, which is always a good thing. The pacing was also even and the visuals beautiful. Very Villeneuve, very much what I imagine reading the book is like. And between this and Call Me By Your Name (which I watched when ill with Covid), I’ve come to the conclusion that watching something in which Timothée Chalamet has a prominent role is stressful because PLEASE can somebody feed him? Please?? Thanks.
And that concludes the top 5 of 2021. I’m not doing a full-on bottom 5 because I’m exhausted by negativity, but I’ll just do a summary here: Halloween Kills exists, Spider-Man: No Way Home & The Matrix Resurrections were let-downs, Escape Room: Tournament of Champions was annoying and unnecessary, and Old made me want to punch a fucking wall.
Thanks for reading!
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partofyourcrisis · 11 months
hi guys (my like. 4 followers) i was tagged a while ago to do one of those get to know you things with the questions or the prompts and so i tried to write this earlier but then i didnt know if i was supposed to do the same prompts or if there was a different post somewhere but then i just got nervous and never did it because i never actually write my own posts on this hellsite (affectionate) but anyways here goes (thanks jo @fluxofdaydreams for the tag you are so cool) (also im pretty sure i put a readmore right below this text but i never make posts so i cant be sure so im so sorry for putting a long post on your dash if i did)
1. last song: according to what was up on my spotify when i opened the app just now its beyond the mist from the alice in borderland soundtrack but the most recent. lyrical/non-instrumental song ive listened to was apparently i am my own muse from the new fall out boy album which i find hilarious because its buried in my spotify history surrounded by a bunch of other scores and soundtracks and other instrumental music and its possible that i love it so much because it reminds me of those. anyways. sorry to ramble
2. last show: the bear season 2
3. last movie: escape room and escape room 2: tournament of champions both of which i watched last night because i love shitty horror and i love puzzles. they were pretty good for entertainment purposed and “try to beat the characters to figuring out the puzzle” purposes
4. currently watching: im in the middle of. so many things. ive started one piece but can you really say you’re currently watching one piece if its more like you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that watching all 1064 and counting episodes of one piece will take years of your life, rather than days?
5. currently reading: i just finished ninth house and hell bent by leigh bardugo yesterday and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by gabrielle nevin like 20 minutes ago
6. current obsession: honestly nothing is making me chew drywall rn surprisingly. i also dont have a good enough memory to tell you what it was most recently. i only really let myself obsess over something after ive finished it because i try to avoid spoilers so. idk.
i dont really know who to tag who would explicitly welcome being tagged since i havent really talked to anyone on here (i mostly communicate by liking and reblogging things from people i like) but if anyone does actually want to do this i would love to learn more about any of you
thanks for listening, void
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b-rainlet · 13 days
I know people are talking about how the Tournament of Champions Extended Cut makes more sense logically but have you considered how much harder it fucks to have Minos design an escape room for Zoey just so they can lure her into another escape room???
There's truly no way out
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straydog733 · 1 year
2023 Reading and Watching Resolutions
2023 Reading Resolution
A book written in North America: The Harrowing of Hell by Evan Dahm
A book written in Central America/Caribbean: 
A book written in South America: Space Invaders by Nona Fernández
A book written in East Asia: The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 1 by Kousuke Oono
A book written in South Asia: 
A book written in Africa: My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
A book written in the Middle East: Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H
A book written in Australia/Pacific Islands: Better the Blood by Michael Bennett
A book written in Russia: The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3 by Kira Yarmysh
A book written in Europe: Fabulosa!: The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language by Paul Baker
A biography or memoir: Shadows of the Workhouse by Jennifer Worth
A non-fiction book:  A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup
A collection of short stories: I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
A collection of poetry: Harmless Medicine by Justin Chin
A play: 
A book you’ve seen adapted: Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
A graphic novel: Fence, Vol. 1 by C. S. Pacat, illustrated by Johanna the Mad
A children’s book: The Guardians of Ga’Hoole #1: The Capture by Kathryn Lasky
A book older than 200 years: Popol Vuh, translated by Dennis Tedlock
A debut novel: Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfař
A novel by a famous author, other than the one(s) they are best known for: Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
A sequel: 
A book by an author you’ve never given a fair shot: 
A book you’ve heard bad things about: Killing Stalking by Koogi
A book released in 2023: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Wild Card: Strong Female Protagonist: Book Two by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag  
Wild Card: We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets
Wild Card: Money Shot, Vol. 1 by Tim Seeley and Sarah Beattie, illustrated by Rebekah Isaacs
Wild Card: Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada
Wild Card: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
List Progress: 25/30
2023 Watching Resolution
A foreign film: Talk to Me (2022)
A black and white film: Nightmare Alley (1947)
A silent or dialogue-free film: Different from the Others (1919)
An animated film: Pink Floyd- The Wall (1982)
A film based on a true story: Spoiler Alert (2022)
A documentary:
A film based on a book: Bastard Out of Carolina (1996)
An Oscar-winning movie:
A trashy movie: Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Your friend’s recommendation: The Blues Brothers (1980)
A children’s film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
A film released in 2023: Missing (2023)
List Progress: 10/12
Movies Outside of the List:
1. M3GAN (2022)
2. Knock at the Cabin (2023)
3. Dungeon & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
4. Firestarter (1984)
5. Renfield (2023)
6. The Pope’s Exorcist (2023)
7. Polite Society (2023) 
8. Blazing Saddles (1974)
9. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
10. Barbie (2023)
11. The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023)
12. Strays (2023)
13. Theater Camp (2023)
14. The Truman Show (1998)
15. The People We Hate at the Wedding (2022)
16. Bottoms (2023)
17. You Don’t Know Jack (2010)
18. Searching (2018)
19. A Haunting in Venice (2023)
20. Saw (2004)
21. The Boogeyman (2023)
22. Dream Scenario (2023)
23. The Holdovers (2023)
24. Creep (2014)
25. The Iron Claw (2023)
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rachel-rxth · 3 years
now who wants to talk about escape room(2019) and escape room:tournament of champions(2021)
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wheninitalyy · 3 years
Jealous Benny Watts imagine
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A/N - hiii ! I have been having a writer’s block with ,,France is no escape” so here’s a simple imagine. I got a (anonymous) request for a jealous Benny Watts story so I said, screw it even if I wasn't going to do requests, because this actually was refreshing to write. I’m not very satisfied with how this turned out because I felt like I couldn't get enough detail in- but I didn't want it to be too long.
A bit of context : the reader has known Benny for around a year and they have been rather close friends, there has never been any romance in their relationship. You can view this as either platonic or romantic.
(also this is gender neutral again because they didn't specify if they wanted the reader with any specific gender or pronouns)
Pairing : Benny Watts x reader
Word count : 2260
Warnings : swearing, that’s basically it :]
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I pulled my shirt over my head as I sat down in front of my vanity.
I’ve had a miserable morning. 
My morning started off with the ringing sound of my smoke detector—which was wrongfully going off—so I had to stumble out of bed to run and turn it off. 
After a bit of fidgeting and bothering the stupid ringing machine on my wall, I decided to try and cheer my morning up with some breakfast.
I hit my hip harshly against the corner of the counter while I was making myself eggs and then burnt my eggs on the stove. 
No wonder I don’t wake up early.
The frown stuck on my face no matter what I looked at.
I pulled myself out of my chair, hissing from the pain that has seemed to spread farther than just my hip. 
I walked over to the window and peeked through the curtains; it was barely light outside. 
The scent of damp concrete from the New York rain was paired with the wet autumn leaves that scattered my little corner of this large city.
I was rudely awakened before sunrise with no reasoning to be up.
I am recently unemployed and can’t seem to find a job that uses my skills, I had the money to keep up my rent and bills for a couple months but after that I may as well be asking my parents for money... again. 
I jumped at the sound of the phone, “Jesus Christ,” I mumbled as I put a hand on my chest stopping my ghost from jumping out of my body.
I grabbed the phone that sat on my withering nightstand, I cleared my throat and spoke.
“Hello?” I answered,
“You’re up early,” the man laughed,
“Yes, yes I am. What do you need Benny?” I asked him, I wasn’t exactly the friendliest this morning, but this was not new treatment for Benny.
“Fancy a morning walk?” 
“Now?” I looked at the vanity mirror behind me, an irritated half-dressed zombie looked back at me. 
“It is morning, isn’t it? Anyway, be ready in ten- I’m on my way out,” he hung up abruptly.
I pulled the phone away from my ear, “Fuckin’ Benny,” I growled dropping the phone back onto the stand. 
A knocking came from the front door as I fumbled shoving my last-minute toast in my mouth and grabbing my coat. 
I rushed to the door and unlocked it; Benny stood on the other side playing with his house keys.
The tall man in front of me looked up and smiled, Benny dressed himself in his multiple shades and fabrics of dark clothing. His leather hat sat on his dirty-blonde waves of hair; his trench coat ended at his knees.
“Woah... you look terrible,” he joked and slipped his keys into his pocket,
I mumbled an inaudible insult through the toast I was holding in my mouth, he sighed and pulled me outside. 
Benny, slim yet strong, barely let me lock the door behind me before he tugged me down the stairs outside of my small apartment. 
“You’re so pushy,” I told him and let out my first laugh of today.
He held my hand as he guided me down the stairs and down the sidewalk. 
Benny always held my hand when we were together- when we were with friends, when we walked together, when he introduced me to chess reporters and interviewers.
His hands were always cold, always boney, and the metal of his rings always rubbed rather uncomfortably against my fingers, but I didn’t mind it so much anymore.
“So- you know how I was going to do that interview with Chess Review?” he asked me, glancing over. I let out a quiet ‘mhm’ and sped up my pace to keep up with his large steps, my hip was in pain, but I kept quiet and just tried to keep up. 
“Well, we are going to the interview right now,” my eyes widened,
“We are what?” 
  It didn’t matter how much I protested Benny having me tag along to his interviews, because here I sat in a diner at 6:45 AM with Benny and an author for one of the most read Chess magazines.
  I pulled my mind away from their conversation after a while of hearing the same average interviewing questions-
How are you feeling about this up-and-coming tournament?
Is there anyone you are nervous about playing?
Any new love interests in your life?
I watched the traffic out the diner’s window, the people walking past, the leaves and city trash carried by the weak wind.
“I think that’s all I’ll need for today… oh sorry, who’s this?” the reporter asked Benny.
I glanced over to Benny and then to the reporter.
“Uh, yeah- this is Y/N,” Benny introduced me, I felt weak, so I simply smiled.
“Not very talkative, huh?” the reporter joked, I looked the man dead in the eyes almost amused by his behavior.
“You want to talk? How about you ask better questions while you have a US Chess Champion in front of you?” I straightened out, “Like what’s your thoughts on what high school chess players are being taught? And do you plan to play in France next year against Borgov?” I turned to the man—who was dressed in a dull colored suit—and smiled, a bit proud of myself.
Benny held back a laugh as the reporter sat speechless for a moment… he reporter smiled and then burst into a laughter that caught the whole diner’s attention.
Unlike most interviews, we planned to meet for dinner with the reporter—who’s name I learned was Henry—due to what I said.
Benny agreed only because he got to choose the place and he seemed to be interested by the reporter and his ability to feel less like an obsessed interviewer and more of a ‘friend’ which I believe he took back those words later in the night.
  “You ready?” Benny asked me, I had spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with him in his apartment.
I straightened my dress-shirt and sighed, I turned around and checked my back in the mirror for any imperfections in my outfit.
After we left the diner, Benny had me grab a new pair of clothes for the dinner on our way to his apartment. And thank goodness I grabbed new clothes since my jeans had been rubbing against my hip just a bit too roughly.
Benny opened the door to his room, where he offered me to get dressed in instead of his small bathroom.
“You look nice,” he complimented me, I whipped my head in his direction and smiled.
“You too, is that a new hat?” I teased him. He never changes, and I’ve never even seen him dress to impress once.
He snorted and walked up beside me, “This might be weird,” I paused and turned to face him. “Do you think I could get an editor position at Chess Review if I… charmed Henry?” I asked him.
He stared at me, he never seemed to be afraid of eye-contact.
“Charmed?” he questioned,
“Not like that- I mean,” I sighed as he smiled, “You’re the worst,” I straightened his coat as he stood in front of me.
“Let’s get going before Henry writes me out to be known to ditch dinners,” Benny joked and pulled me to the door.
  Henry greeted us both with a hug when we arrived at the restaurant.
Benny picked a downtown restaurant, not too well-known, not too sketchy.
The place was lit up in strings of lights of all colors giving the place almost a festive feel, the place was Italian as far as I could tell.
60s pop music played quietly behind the laughter and chatter of the guests, everyone wore their coats indoors because of the random breezes that came from the open windows and doors.
  I pushed a couple strands of hair behind my ear as I listened to Henry enthuse about some writing class he went to; he was quite the writer as well as a decent reporter.
“So, what does it take to get an editing job there?” I asked Henry,
“Oh? Looking, are we?” he laughed quietly, “You might be in luck, one of our editors is moving to our branch in California. Need a reference from a trusted, handsome, reporter?” he smiled and leaned back in his chair.
“I might,” I took a sip of my drink,
“Let’s say I get you an interview- could I ask you to dinner some time?” he flirted, I almost choked on my drink.
I whipped my mouth with my napkin and smiled nervously, I looked at Benny who rested his head on his hand. Benny was staring at me, his eyes told me to decline but if I declined, I wouldn’t be sure I would get this interview.
“Ask me when you get that interview,” I told Henry looking away from Benny’s judging gaze.
He chuckled, “That’s fair, you have your priorities,” he didn’t seem to take it as a no, but he didn’t flirt again.
  I thought the night ended nicely, Henry said he would work on getting me an interview with Chess Review and he asked Benny a lot of more relevant questions that he should’ve asked this morning.
Benny took his chance to offer to walk me home before Henry could, Benny seemed tense and a bit upset after Henry flirted with me, but I wasn’t going to turn down a job to make him happy.
  I shoved my hands in the pockets of my coat as I walked home, I glanced beside me at Benny who refused to let me walk home by myself at this hour even if it was a couple blocks away by now.
“Really, you can go home. I’m fine,” I told Benny, he scoffed and stopped.
“You shoulda’ turned him down, told him you weren’t interested,” Benny told me bluntly,
“Are you seriously upset about this?” I turned to him,
“Yes, yes I’m fuckin’ upset that a man tried to make a move on you while we were all at dinner,” he spat, he pulled his hat off and ran a hand through is hair.
“Benny! I turned him down!” I walked over to the stairs up to someone’s apartment, I went to sit down on the stairs and hissed in pain.
Benny’s eyes darted to me, “What’s wrong with you?” he asked.
“It’s nothing! I just hit my hip against the counter this morning, it’s just bruised,” I said, stress tangled in my voice.
Benny sighed and crouched down by me, he lifted my coat and pulled my shirt out from tucked in my pants. I held my coat and shirt out of his way, and he moved my pants to look at my hip,
“What were you doin’? Dancing around and shit?” he almost laughed as he ran his thumb over my bruise,
“Could you not do that?” I held back a squeal from the feeling of his cold fingers against my hip.
He exhaled heavily due to the cold weather and helped me pull my clothes back down, he pulled me up off the stairs.
“C’mon,” his fingers found their way in between mine—which he hadn’t done on our walk back previously—as he walked me back home.
  Once we got to my door, Benny grabbed my keys from me and unlocked my door. He walked in, pulling me in after him.
Benny made himself at home as per usual as he took off his hat and coat on his way to my small kitchen.
I sat down on a stool in my kitchen as I watched him open my freezer and grab my ice-tray, he wrapped some ice in a cloth and put the tray back.
“Really?” I groaned as he handed me the cloth with ice, he nodded and gave me a look that said I didn’t want to test him.
“Fine,” I sighed.
I unzipped my coat and threw it on the counter behind me, I pulled my shirt up on the side just a bit and made my bruise visible. I hadn’t really looked at the bruise since I got it, it was all kinds of shades of purple and blue and it even looked like it hurt.
Benny suddenly pressed the cold rag against the side of my hip, “Ah!” I yelped.
Benny snickered and held the cloth against my hip as he leaned his side against the counter and faced me.
Silence filled my apartment quickly and all you could hear was distant cars and wind from outside.
“Thank you,” I filled the silence, Benny looked away from the window to me.
“You wouldn’t go to dinner with some self-absorbed asshole reporter, right?” he asked for reassurance of some kind,
“Not Henry… maybe one who wore a hat,” I paused, Benny raised an eyebrow. “He of course has to be blonde, and a trench coat would be a nice addition,” it took only seconds to see Benny realize what I was doing.
Benny pressed the ice against my hip harshly, “Ah! Okay! I’m sorry!” I laughed.
  In all the time I’ve known Benny, this was one of the first times he had actually been openly jealous. Of course, it’s not every day I get asked for dinner while he is around, but it was strange. It was strange because it felt nice, I liked thinking he didn’t want me dating others, maybe it proved my suspicions.
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Wilfords Demands: Simple As That
Summary- 7.3k Curtis Everett x You. Realization of your predicament really sinks in, but Curtis wont simply let that happen. Wilford seems happy to extend the deal, after all Curtis is his favorite fighter, always has been. Confident that things wont be as bad as they could be, you and Curtis settle into preparing for the new child. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- talks of pregnancy, hint of possible abortion (a sentence), smut. 18+ Only. 
A/N- I can’t claim to know anything about pregnancy except what research has informed me. So descriptions will be vague and probably not accurate. 
Chapter 4 / Wilfords Demands Masterlist
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“Then my Dear, you better encourage Curtis to win.” 
Those words sunk deep as you looked into Wilfords cold ice-sharp eyes, the way he was grinning as if this was a game. But it wasn't a game, this was your life, Curtis's life and ultimately the new life growing inside of you right now.
And right now it was better to stay with the devil you knew. Your hands flew to your still flat stomach, pressing it lightly while gasping out. 
“But I'm pregnant, with Curtis’s child. You can’t give me to another while raising his child.” You pointed out, hoping that the facts would be on your side in this. 
Wilford pulled back with a hearty laugh that made you feel sick, wanting to vomit hearing it. Claude to snickered at you as if you were to stupid to understand. Your confused look clouded your face. 
“Girl, you think you get to keep that baby? No woman like you gets to keep them.” Wilford wiped under his eyes to clear the tears. You could feel the blood ringing in your ears now as panic settled in your chest. 
“You are going to take away my baby?” 
“Of course you stupid bitch, you all are not fit to be mothers. Other more capable women will take them, raise them.” Claude snapped out gleefully at your distress. Wilford leaned forward giving you what was supposed to be a comforting pat on the hand, which you pulled back to your chest out of his reach. 
“Girl, you will birth that child and give him up to us. I might even keep this one for myself. If Curtis wins. I only keep winners. I expect you to be good to whoever gets to claim you after the tournament.” He shifted to a stand, putting his chair back. You were in too much shock to even comprehend what Claude and Wilford were saying to one another. 
“Ah, Claude, you better take her back to Curtis. The pretty thing seems to be in shock.” Wilford sighed a bit. “If she wasn't a tail ender, I would keep her for myself. She is a lovely thing. I'm sure Curtis will do his best to keep her.” 
You just stared ahead now while Claude pulled you to a stand with a mutter. “It is a shame Sir. But you don't really want to lower yourself to that.” 
All of this was just mumbled nonsense to you, still rolling over what they said earlier, neither you nor Curtis were going to get to keep the baby. 
Heading back towards the rooms, Claude paused you at the door and gave a nod to have it unlocked. 
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Curtis had been pacing the room. To watch him was like the large cats in the zoo, coiled muscles back and forth pacing, snarls of frustration escaping at his predicament. The creak of the door made him pause though and you stepped through, your arms wrapped around your midsection and a blank look on your face. That scared him. And when the door slammed shut behind you, you flinched and blinked suddenly realizing where you were. 
“Y/N? Say something.” Curtis finally broke the silence, crossing the room to grasp your forearms, looking for another reaction from you. Anything to snap you out of the silence. 
You blinked a few more times and opened your mouth to say something but the words seem to be stuck somewhere. 
Curtis drew you to sit on the edge of the bed and lowered next to you waiting. Finally you looked at him, drawing in a breath. 
“There's a tournament? And I'm the prize?” You asked it like a question, still disbelieving. Curtis’s face darkened with a nod. 
“Yes. It's a gladiator style tournament once a year. I swear Y/N, I'm not going to lose and let anyone else have you. It’s why I have been training so hard.” He shifted in closer and let his hand rest on your thigh, squeezing lightly. “I have been training for these tournaments for years.” 
You looked down at his hand and studied it a moment, his knuckles were thick with scar tissue, some still busted from use. Fingers dug slightly into your thigh, as if holding you to him in case anyone tried to take you. 
Hands of someone who lived a hard life, but managed to be gentle on you most the time. You knew you would have to tell him the next part. This you didn't know how to deal with. It should have been joyful news, but it was so tainted by the situation. “I'm also pregnant, several weeks now. Did you know… when you got me pregnant that I wouldn't be keeping the child?” You cleared your throat a bit. 
Curtis withdrew his hold on you, flexing his hand. “Y/N… I never was sure but I suspected. The other women I had with me, I never saw them again. I don't know what happened to them or if they were allowed to keep their children.” His shoulders hunched. “But you… Wilford told me you were going to stay. He told you specifically that he would be taking it away?” 
You swallowed and pulled back into the bed, to use the wall as support, your legs stretched out before you and your hands resting on your stomach. 
“He did, he plans on taking it as soon as I give birth.“ You say darkly, already feeling protective and deep sadness that you wouldn't be able to prevent this. 
Unless… the idea was so dark, it made your stomach churn. 
Curtis was quiet for that moment watching you, worried at how quiet you had turned. He made a move to touch you and you withdrew from him. 
“Please don’t… just this once.” You asked and Curtis for the first time withdrew from you and moved to the chair at the table, rubbing a hand over his head. 
Any other time this happened, it didn't mean much to him except that his current charge was leaving. But to hear that you had his baby growing inside you made conflicting feelings. Part of him was thrilled, for whatever reason he wanted to see you grow and need him. To cradle his child to your chest and whisper sweet nothings. Warming his bed and filling his life. 
The dread followed close on that feeling, because nothing good ever happened on the train. Even if he won, you were still going to lose the child. And Curtis didn't think he could handle that pain, but more importantly, that you couldn't handle it. Pushing to a stand, he pounded on the locked door. Hard enough for you to jump “Curtis, what are you doing?” The door opened once more. 
“I need to see Wilford.” 
The guard shook his head. “Not till your appointed time.” Curtis surged forward, pushing the man back into the hallway wall and fisted his hand in his gear to lift him off his feet, snarling out. 
“I need to see Wilford now.” 
Let him come. Came a cackle in a walkie and Curtis let him go.
He didn’t look back as your panicked voice called to him once again. “CURTIS! What are you doing?” You were trying to untangle from the bed when the door slammed shut, the last view Curtis had of you was your look of confusion and panic. 
Without a word, Curtis was escorted back to Wilford’s. Being let in, Curtis didn't even hesitate as he brushed past Claude, who huffed in annoyance. “Asshole.” 
“You can’t take her child.” 
Wilford was standing up in the engine. “Isn't she just beautiful Curtis? Every part of her has a function that keeps us alive and moving. I’ve worked so hard to keep her running so smoothly” Curtis went up the steps into the hellish thing, not finding the beauty that Wilford seemed to be admiring. 
“Let her keep the baby.” He started again, clenching his hands at his sides to keep from grabbing Wilford. He knew if he did Claude would shoot him in two seconds, but the urge not to snap the man's neck burned through him.  
Wilford finally broke from whatever he was admiring and turned sharply to ascend down the steps, leaving Curtis standing there. “You two can just make more Curtis. Why this time? You never cared before what happened to the women or children.” 
“Because Y/N is staying with me, you take away that child and you will destroy a part of her.” 
“Make her easier to handle then wouldn't it? No fight left.” 
Curtis growled a bit. “She isn't a problem now Wilford.” 
“Listen, I’m not an unreasonable man. You win, you keep it all. The girl, the baby. We will change the terms of your contract. You Curtis were always one of my favorites. If it makes you happy, then I can give you this.” Wilford finally said, acting as if he was doing Curtis a favor by the way he spoke to him.
“What's the catch? If I lose?” Curtis asked knowing there would be more and Wilford shrugged. 
“Then you lose it all Curtis, just like always.” Wilford stated, snapping his fingers to have the guard come back in waiting for Curtis. “She belongs to the champion, she will lose the child and the terms of her contract with you will pass to whomever gets to claim her. Like I told your little Sweetheart, don’t mess up if you want to keep her with you that badly.” 
Curtis glowered at him, straightening to his full height. “I don't plan on it.” 
Wilford looked nothing but joyful and calculating. “Just what I wanted to hear.” 
After that Curtis was directed to leave the engine, the steel door slamming in his face. 
There is no other choice, not that there was much of one before going into the ring ever. If Curtis was to keep you safe, he was going to have to win. With that resolve, he went back to find you curled up on the bed, knees pulled up, arms hugging around yourself. As if you were trying to fold in on yourself and escape. Lifting your head when you heard the door open, Curtis could see the relieved sigh that escaped you. Your tension loosening in your hold as you shifted to sit at the edge of the bed. “What happened?” 
“I just talked to Wilford.” He made his way to the chair at the table, easing down in it for a minute while the silence stretched between you two. 
When Curtis leaned down to untie his boots, you ventured with your next question. Playing with your fingers. “About the child? Curtis if they take me away…” Your voice drifted, cracking a bit at the thought even passing your mind, let alone saying it. “Maybe it's just better that this baby doesn't come, you know? Maybe it's best to just-” 
Curtis immediately snapped his head up, eyes blazing in anger as he barked out sharply. “Don’t even go there Y/N. You and that baby are not going anywhere.” 
You quieted for a moment, looking down at your hands after his raise of his voice and you heard Curtis curse from his seat, moving to grasp your chin and make you look up at him. “Trust me okay Y/N. I'm not going to lose.” 
You wanted to, you could see the resolve in his gaze as he made you look at him. 
This sadness that was all over your face pained Curtis and he wanted nothing more than to take it away. His grasp loosened slightly on your chin, your eyes still uplifted to bore into his, but you made no move to pull away from him. He did what he could only think of to do, lowering his head, his rough lips pressed gently against yours and his hands sliding to cup your face. You were so soft in his hard life. 
This time Curtis didn't demand you to open for him, he waited, the top of his tongue tracing the seam to be allowed in. The action spun your head, and immediately the tickle enticed your lips apart, allowing him to tangle his tongue with yours. Pressing you back as Curtis continued forward, you fell back into the mess of the bed, Curtis moving over you while never breaking the kiss till you had to pull away to draw in a breath. But he didn't stall, bringing his mouth down to your jawline and the curve of your neck, pressing his knee in between your thighs so he could slot his hips there to press his weight over you. 
A while ago you learned how pointless it was to fight against him and now at this point maybe you no longer wanted to. He could give you mindless pleasure, let you forget the mess of your existence for just a few moments if you just let him. Curtis’s fingers expertly plucking away at the ties of your pants and drawing them down, muttering for you to lift yourself which you listened to, raising your hips under him while dragging your palms to brace against his back, digging in your fingers through the layers of his clothing to hold onto him. 
“Do you promise Curtis? I don't care what happens to me anymore. But this baby, Wilford cant have. Please promise me.” You gasped slightly under him as you felt his fingers start to stroke you, seeking for you to open once more for him. Arousal pooling with each expert touch heated you to a warmth that couldn't be found any other way. He dragged your shirt over your head, kissing against the top of your breasts and drawing a nipple into his mouth to suck between his teeth while you started to wither at the sensations he was drawing out of you. 
“I promise Y/N, you just focus on growing our baby, m’kay?” He grunted as his hand covered your fluttering belly, not yet round or even showing. But knowing it was in there and for once he was going to get to see it all happen stirred something in Curtis. Something he never wanted or cared for before. Flicks of his tongue traced around your nipples, the warmth of his mouth was such a contrast to the coolness in the air, it drew out these soft little gasps that delighted the man. 
Your hips started to rock into his hand while he started to finger you, stroking velvet walls while he lifted his head to watch your reactions. Always so expressive, you fisted your hands in his shirt while your head tilted into the pillows with a soft whimper, knowing that you were close. Curtis was rewarded when your eyes glazed over and warmth flooded his hand while you clamped around him. “Good Girl, don't hold back.” He praised you while tilting down to kiss you slowly, swallowing the aftermath of your orgasm, the tiny whimpers of his name and your pleas for him to finish. 
How badly you wanted him to finish in you now. 
Curtis pulled back to yank his shirt off and shove his pants down enough to release his cock, stroking himself over you. Your eyes lowered to watch him and for the first time ever, you reached to wrap your hand around his length. “Oh shit Y/N.” His voice stuttered when you squeezed slightly. He hunched over you, falling to his elbow while you pressed him between your swollen folds, looking up at him with a bite to your lip. 
“Promise me Curtis.” 
Blue eyes that were once so damn harsh and cold towards you simmered heatedly. You didn't know how you could ever think of them as cold as they sharpened with desire. Curtis pressed his forehead to yours for a moment, whispering. “On my life Y/N.”  
You gave a slight nod at his answer and his mouth pressed against yours as he started to press into you. The stretch had you gasping though, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him down to press your mouth back to his, his hands held onto the side of your head as he started rocking his hips, dragging himself in deep to the place only he has ever been. Dragging against your sensitive walls, you wrapped yourself around him while placing kisses against his mouth, gasping whenever he dropped his weight on you and speared back into your heat. 
With everything going on, you let yourself enjoy being with him. The push and pull, the feel of his heavier body pressing yours into the bedding beneath. His heavy length filling you till you were clamping around him to keep him there. 
Your fingers curled into his neck, twisting into the short hairs at the back of his head, and Curtis continued pressing harder grunting kisses against your shoulder, his hands curling around under your arms and grasping your shoulders to hold you close as his hips ground into you, his pelvis pressing against your clit. 
The rush of it all, the feeling of him kissing you so passionately while he kept claiming you to spiral under him was so much. A cold fire in your belly and the flutters in you turned to clamping, trying to hold him to you while you came. 
“That's right sweet girl, just let it happen.” He grunted once more when your body under him locked, twitching as you dug into the back of his neck and your knees gripped his hips to rock with him. His hand loosened on your shoulder and pressed between your bodies, his palm slightly pressing against your stomach to feel how full you were from him and then fell between your bodies to rub your clit to bring you to arousal again. 
“Curtis-” You whined and he nudged your head back, sucking on your neck, pressing faster. 
“One more, that's it. I know it feels good.” He hissed feeling you buck underneath him. “Feel s’good, right?” 
You nodded your head hurriedly while he played you so expertly, all those other times he had grown to learn what made you wither and whine for him, the only man to ever make you feel like this. Which after the stress of the day, you needed to go mindless. “So-so good.” 
Nip of teeth with a touch of his tongue, had you arching, the room filled with the harsh sounds of his body colliding with yours and the squeak of the mattress underneath you. Your toes curled and you sobbed out, dropping your hand to cover your mouth to keep your orgasm from bouncing off the metal walls, but he jerked your hand down, filling your mouth with his tongue. Harsh thrusts turned to grind out his own release, warmth flooding you in an all to familiar pleasure. 
You dug fingers into his shoulders and dragged him over you, quivering underneath him while pressing your face into his chest, willing your heart to start to slow while his rat-a-tat-tat rapidly in his own chest, deep inhales expanding his chest and pushing you into the mattress while he gasped for air. Curtis went to move, but you clutched tighter. “Dont, please not yet.” 
Reaching underneath him, he pushed to an elbow and fisted his hand in your hair gently to pull your head away to look up at him. “I'm not, just be patient Y/N.” 
Curtis eased down enough so he wasn't smothering you, but could lay his head on your chest, his arms looped around your midsection. His hips kept your thighs pinned underneath him and his belly pressed against your waist, keeping you under him. 
“Soon I won't be able to lay like this on you, you know.” He pointed out after a few minutes and you slipped your hand tentative over his scalp and along the back of his neck. Another first he thought to himself while he closed his eyes to enjoy the way you were willingly touching him. 
“I know… I actually never knew I liked the way it felt.” You admitted, having always pulled away from him before after they finished. 
Curtis didn’t either, sex had always been a means to an end, there was no intimacy really in it for him. It was a necessity to survive, so he never allowed himself to enjoy it like this, it was simply good in the moment and when it was over, it was over. It never really occurred to him that it could be this simple moment of bliss. But feeling the softness of your body just cradle him so easily, your warmth envelops him into a lull of relaxation. Well, maybe he could get used to feeling this way. 
Feeling this way with you. 
“Curtis… I have to get up.” You said after a while with what he hoped was regret in your voice. Planting his hands against the mattress, he pulled himself off to lay at the side while you shifted out from under him to sit on the edge of the bed and reach down to grab something to cover yourself with. 
“Why do you do that? Cover yourself?” He asked, while you slipped the shirt over your head so that it pooled down around your thighs. You glanced over your shoulder, where he laid stretched out, comfortable in his own skin. 
“Why wouldn't I? It's not like I'm anything special Curtis. Also it's safer in the tail end to not get noticed.” You said while pulling to a stand and disappearing in the bathroom. Curtis frowned to himself, he could understand not getting noticed, but the other he couldn't agree with. He was still genuinely surprised that you were a virgin when you were brought to him. 
When you came back out, running your hands over your shirt and moving to crawl back in the bed, Curtis reached over and grasped your chin in his forefinger and thumb. “That's not true Y/N.” 
You blinked at him wide eyed, confused in such an innocent way. The corners of his mouth tugged a bit seeing you blink at him owlishly. “What's not true?” You wriggled into the dip in the mattress you had left earlier. 
“You claim you're not anything special. You are beautiful Sweetheart. Especially now that your health is returning. I'm not the only one to notice.” His fingers loosened and trailed along your cheeks that were filling out and were always so warm against his fingertips. 
You huffed a bit and your eyes went downcast while settling back in the bedding. “I don't know if that is a good thing.” You wrinkled your nose and Curtis reached over to let his hand settle on your stomach. 
“You are not going anywhere.”
First Trimester
Changes started so subtly. One morning your stomach turned at the sight of eggs Curtis brought that had you sprinting to the bathroom and over the toilet. You grasped the sides as you gagged over it, and Curtis cussed while placing the tray down, following you in to stand behind you, pulling hair back and rubbing your back. Once you stopped gasping and fell back to sit on your ankles, he let go of you and went to the bathroom sink to fill a cup with some water for you to clear your mouth with. Taking it, you swished some water and spat it out before handing it back to Curtis. “Thank you.” 
“What was it?” He questioned while giving the cup a rinse and reached down to help you to stand. 
“Uhh, the eggs maybe?” You took a deep breath just thinking about it and felt your stomach roll again while moving to the sink and grabbed the tooth brush. 
“Want me to get rid of them?” 
“Can you Curtis?” 
He gave a smile and rubbed your back once before exiting the bathroom, giving you some privacy. Going back out, you saw the offending pile of eggs was gone. Alot of it was trial and error. You soon learned that you had a constant craving for milk as well, which Curtis was sure to start adding to all the meals he brought you. 
You craved back rubs and shoulder rubs, which Curtis was good at you found out. As well as being so tired. All the time. You took several naps throughout the day, which at first you apologized for. Curling up in bed to sit whenever Curtis caught you dozing off. One day with a sketch pad stretched out before him, making lazy swipes with his pencil, he gave a shake of his head. “Sleep. You have to listen to your body and right now you are growing a person, no wonder you are tired.” When you started to protest by throwing the blankets off you, Curtis gave you a hard stare till you sunk back down, blinking back at him. 
“You are being serious.” 
“Aren't I always Y/N? Finish your nap.” He said curtly and went back to his sketch. The sun heated through the glass and the beams fell over you, lulling you back to sleep. When you woke up later, Curtis was gone. But his notepad was left, which when you got up, you leaned over it to see what he had been working on. 
A sketch of you stretched out in bed, your hair falling around your sleeping face. You could tell he had been practicing his shading as he did it from several angles, and one where you had rolled to your hip, sure to focus on your hand pressing against the slight bump you had.
When he came back, Curtis would offer to take you around the train as long as you weren't tired. At first you declined, worried about further run-ins with people like Grey, New Years Eve not far from your mind. But the more times he offered and you grew restless, you took him up on the offer. 
The greenhouse car was one you always looked forward to, the natural lighting in it for the vegetation soaking into your body, the air felt fresh from the plants and you would wander the aisles to attempt to learn from the greenhouse workers what they were growing. Curtis simply watched as you started to get braver, ask questions and help with the weeding, just wanting to feel the dirt. 
One day you two were sitting under the trees, Curtis nodding off in the warmth, and you were reading a new book out loud to him when you eased the book shut. 
“Curtis? I need some water.” You mentioned and his eyes snapped open, pulling himself up to sit. You would have just gone yourself to get it, but you knew he wouldn't allow that. So you stayed there while he pushed to a stand. 
“How about a snack to? You haven't eaten much today and I saw them picking the cherry tomatoes when we first came in.” He inquired. 
Giving a nod, he soon dipped out of the aisle to get what you asked for and you tilted your head back to relax against the tree trunk. But your peaceful moment was short lived. A shadow passed over you and a snickering voice taunted you to spring your eyes open and pull your legs back. “Well well well, Curtis left his little pet to wander around all alone?” Grey moved to a squat in front of you, a few of his friends crowding around behind him, all leering down at you while you tried to shrink away. Your tongue swelled up, unable to speak. When Grey reached a hand out to touch you, you pulled further away. 
“Don’t.” You finally were able to say, causing him to jerk his head back and laugh deeply at your attempt to put space between you two. 
“Oh you shouldn't be scared of me, I was your friend on New Years remember? Curtis is the one who beat you, not me.” 
You folded your arms around your legs to hold yourself away from him, but Grey wasn't allowing you to shrink away too much, his hand moving to touch your knee, grinning at the way you jerked. “Don't touch me.” 
Grey shuffled closer, the men behind him closing in further till the space of the greenhouse seemed to no longer exist. 
“You're like a little unsoiled dove, so innocent in all this. I promise you though once I take you, you won't be able to play this act anymore.” Grey said coldly, his gaze glinting with promise as it raked over your face. He was close enough to feel his hot sour breath washing over your face. 
The tension stretched between you two and you felt like you were going to snap when a low deep voice came from behind. “Step the fuck back from her.” The group parted enough to show Curtis striding closer the handful of cherry tomatoes in his palm crushed to drip the juices and seeds from between his fingers and the tin cup of water sloshing over the edge as he sped up, pushing past the others to grasp the back of Grey's collar and fling him back. Grey easily straightened, pulling an innocent look as Curtis moved to block you from them. You scrambled to get up, using the back of his shirt to pull yourself to a stand and stay behind him. A barrier between you and Grey. 
“I thought I told you not to go near her again?” Curtis’s rage was laced in his tone and Grey shrugged a bit. 
“Just saying hello Curtis, I missed seeing your girl since the party.” You eased around Curtis a bit and Grey caught sight of you, aiming a wink towards you. “Till next time Y/N.” 
You pressed in behind Curtis, your gaze looking down the aisle to see members of the greenhouse take interest. From afar it would appear to be just a passing of words, and the tremors going through Curtis told you how he was holding back from attacking Grey. If he did, it would all seem unprovoked, Curtis words and yours against Grey and his crowd. It wouldn't end good for Curtis. 
Curtis watched long enough to make sure they were out of sight and turned swiftly towards you, wiping his hand against his jacket till the tomato residue was off his palms and touched your face afterwards, tilting you to look up at him. “He didn’t touch you did he?” 
A firm shake no answered him and he offered the mug of water which you tilted back to calm your nerves and moisten your mouth. “No Curtis, not really.” 
“Son of a bitch.” He clenched his hand at his side, looking over his shoulder again and you reached to press your hand to his chest, bringing his focus back on you. 
“Let’s just leave here, please?” Last thing you wanted was Curtis’s anger to sit with him the rest of the day. 
He took a deep breath to let it settle in his chest before turning to you blinking up at him and part of him softened. “Come on… Got somewhere else you might like to see.” Wrapping an arm around you, you followed along with him as you two made your way out of the gardens aisle. Your fingers played at his sleeve nervously as you glanced behind once more, but Grey was nowhere to be seen. The silver train door whooshed and crossed into another threshold. Once it closed behind you, you turned your focus to the area Curtis had taken you. 
It was filled with wild greenery, and the echoes of songbird calls bounced off the towering glass of the train's ceiling. Your lips split into a grin when you stepped from Curtis hold, your gaze lifted to see brilliant colored birds darting around one another. “I remember coming through here when I was brought to the front, what is its purpose?” 
“An aviary, the last birds on earth that we know of.” Curtis informed you, his head tilting back to look up in the treetops crowding against the glass of the train, straining for freedom that would forever be denied them from growing to their full size.
Curtis watched your child like wonder as birds filtered down to land on you, tiny trills and warbles inquiring as they inspected you. You stretched out your arms for other curious birds, hoping down to peck at your palm looking for food. You happened to giggle with the ticklish feeling and to Curtis it was far better then all the songbirds in the aviary. 
You were such a light in Curtis’s life now. These kinds of moments where you seemed to forget that you were held against your will but found a reason to laugh, your eyes bright when they looked at him and you danced into a small circle, the birds lifting off of you in a flurry of cries and wings, so you could come back to him excitedly. Curtis couldn't believe that he once saw you as a job, something he had to tolerate. 
Now he didn't want anyone else sharing his space with him. 
“There were so many Curtis! I didn't know there could be that many on the train…” Your hands fluttered back and forth with your words, rambling about how much you loved the moment, thanking Curtis for bringing you when he cupped your face, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks and his eyes bright while looking at you. It paused you in surprise as his head lowered against yours and pressed his mouth against yours. This was a different kiss then any he's given you before. 
But this was a gentleness that was asking permission, his hold cradling and gentled, slightly rough lips easily pressing against yours and the tip of his tongue just swiping as in a way of saying ‘Please?’ 
Your hands braced against his chest and slid around behind him, allowing him to swipe in and roll his tongue with yours, pulling you in closer to him till your body was flushed with his own, his hold sliding from your cheeks and sliding down your back. When the two of you parted, foreheads leading against one another, panting slightly. 
That kiss simply took the air from your lungs and you could feel it meant something more this time. 
More than being forced together or trying to comfort. This one had something behind it. Part of it scared you that maybe this man meant more to you then he had before. 
Second Trimester
You sat on the edge of the bed, a hand braced against the curve of your stomach, waiting. Curtis was nearby, nose in a book but he noticed that you had moved up to sit. A curious glance looked over the spine of the book. “Whats going on?” He questioned as you sighed a bit, sliding your hand to another spot, scrunching your nose. 
“He was just moving, I swear he was getting ready to kick.” you looked down at your now protruding belly, rolling your shirt up enough to slide your palm against it. “But feels like he has settled down.” Curtis chuckled softly and set the book aside on the table, moving to kneel on the floor before you and ease his hand around the sides, exploring for himself. 
“That's because he's decided to treat his mama well.” 
You snort a bit and roll your eyes. “More like he's saving it for tonight when I'm trying to sleep.” 
Curtis smirked a bit, and rested his hands against your thighs, winking at you. “Well he does take after his dad.” 
You shoved at his shoulder with a scoff, leaving Curtis laughing heartily while falling back to rest on his ankles looking up at you. Moments like these he seemed so boyish, his laugh was genuine and rare. But the longer you two lived together, the more you got to hear it. It was a pleasant sound, one that seemed to make you forget for a moment that you two were stuck together in a glorified prison. “We keep calling him he, do you think he is a he?” 
Curtis shrugged a bit. “Honestly, boy or girl doesn't matter to me. But yea...I think it's a boy. Just feels right when I think of seeing him for the first time.” He admitted admiring the glimpse of skin showing where your shirt had ridden up. 
It was also easier letting him see more of you. It probably helps that during your pregnancy, you had cravings. Serious cravings. 
Which even now started to curl in your lower belly and clench your thighs slightly under his hands that still rested against them. He felt it and arched a curious brow as you shyly looked away as if distracted. But he knew, he shuffled in closer and slid his palms warmly back up to your belly. “You know you just have to ask.” 
Caught. You knew you were caught and you shifted slightly, twisting your fingers together. “I don't wanna ask though. I mean it's not like your job to have to anymore.” 
“Y/N- will you just lay back? You want it and I don't mind giving it.” He instructed, pressing you to lay back on the bed, leaving your legs dangling over the edge of the bed. His hands grasped in the band of your shorts and started to draw them down to leave your lower half naked and you folded your hands together to rest on your stomach, looking down your body to watch Curtis. 
“You may not mind, but I still don't want you to feel like you gotta.” You rambled on as he brushed his chin against the top of your thighs to nudge them apart and drew one leg up over his shoulder, brushing a kiss to the inside of your knee. “Your damn kid is making me horny, but I have other ways to handle it whenever-” 
Curtis rolled his eyes in amusement to your rambling. Honestly he would be happy taking care of you like this, seeing you pregnant was driving him crazy with want. Knowing he made you need him so much, be able to take care of you and see you satisfied in his bed. Right now nothing was better than seeing you post orgasm bliss. You were still going on above him, but he stopped listening, his goal now to make you forget about feeling guilty for wanting him. Flushing kisses up your thigh and he brought the other one over his shoulder, he heard his name while he dragged the tip of his nose through your curls and to your folds that were starting to glisten with arousal. 
“Are you listening, Curtis?” you voiced above him and he snickered a bit while spreading your folds apart and lapping along your quivering cunt, hearing your question turn into a gentle moan. 
“I was, but now I'm not Darling, because honestly eating you out is my main priority right now.” He lapped again, sucking on your outer folds and was rewarded with another gasp above him and your hand falling to his head, curling your fingers against his scalp. 
“Do that again?” You breathed out and you felt his tongue curl through you once more, just making you pulse and arousal seep from you that he was quick to collect with a growl as he sucked on you. You let your eyes close and mind clear to just the sensations he was creating in you. His fingers massaged the tense muscles inside your thighs as he looped his arms over the top of your thighs and spread them just a bit wider, burying his face in between your legs. He found your clit and proceeded to tease it in just that way that had you arching your hips for him and whimpering into your shoulder till you couldn't keep quiet anymore. 
“Oh god Curtis… Curtis…” You started chanting his name while he played with you, continued pressing his tongue in all those places that made your core clench and thighs quiver and strain in his hold trying to clasp around his ears. 
“Just let it happen Y/N, why are you holding back?” He teased you, the graze of his cheeks scratching along the inside of your thighs that he released so they clasped around his head and your hands started to press his face into your center. He plunged his tongue into you, teasing your fluttering walls till they were driving you blissed out, rocking into his face till you finally did as he said, letting go and letting your orgasm wash over you till you were floating happily in pleasure, a sigh escaping you as your toes curled into his shoulders then they collapsed over his back, humming out your bliss. 
Curtis rolled his shoulders to let your legs fall off, one last lap through your core and a kiss to the top of your mound before he sat back and massaged your thighs till the tension seeped through them. Planting his hands on the mattress to pull to a stand, looming over you as he pushed your shirt up to kiss the curve of your belly. 
“Better?” He asked as he fell to the other side of the bed, his hand massaging your hip, the other hand running through his beard and you slid an eye open to see him watching you for an answer. 
“Thank you, he's settled down.” Your hand slid over your curve and he mimicked your touch, feeling for himself. 
“Perhaps he decided taking a nap was better than being aware of his parents intimate time.” He teased and you covered your face in embarrassment, sighing. 
“You are terrible Curtis.” 
He snorted with a grin while pushing up to a stand. “That I am. Alright, time for me to go to the gym. Do you need anything before I go Y/N?” 
You shook your head while pushing up to a stand yourself and brushing past Curtis to reach into the little fridge to grab an apple. “Nah, I'm good. Afterwards do you think we could go walking somewhere? My back has been killing me and the baths are not helping so much anymore. Walking around seems to help though.” 
He gathered what he needed while nodding. “Sure, we will do that when I get back.” Curtis promised before heading out, and you plopped down in the seat he occupied earlier, easing back a bit and picking up the book he had been engrossed with earlier, looking to see where he was. Taking bites of the apple, you suddenly felt the baby start to wriggle again, and this time he gave the kicks you were expecting earlier. 
“Oh now you wanna be a wriggler. Apparently your father was wrong, you have been awake.” You chuckled a bit while settling back. 
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A whoosh of doors announced Wilford as he stepped into the enclosed space off the engine. Humming to himself as his eyes glanced over the screens to different sections of the train. Everyone was right where they needed to be, his eyes glinted gleefully appreciating the order of Snowpiercer. Everything so wonderfully balanced, just as it always has been. He was there god, giving them life. Each one he looked at was absolutely perfect, all constructed by him. Wilford viewed them as stories, each one he could maneuver in the way he wanted. Settling down in his seat, he twisted his chair towards his prize tv screen, the biggest and clearest one. 
On the screen was a black and white version of Curtis’s room. So far Wilford had let you and Curtis have moments of domesticity. Let you two get comfortable, sure that your lives were going to continue being peaceful.
Wilford grinned coldly while leaning forward to trace a finger over your form sitting in the chair, singing to your belly. 
“That's right Dear… you keep on taking care of my baby so sweetly. You will be the perfect mother to my son.”
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