#tc fan anon
randomnameless · 1 year
I remember on Tvtropes one editor tried to argue Rhea was a female Gharnef because she wanted to resurrect Sothis.
TV Tropes is the same website where a dude uses Leigh's interview and Pat's direction to make a trope about Rhea, but then says the inverse regarding her depiction by her seiyuu so...
my earlier warning still holds, the first one who will lust about gharnef here will be blocked lol
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~ Sem' System Intro Post ~
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So this is us! Info cards under cut;
Oliver Suraci - 🌿 - OS
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Cis male
Fictive(Source: Pokémon)
16-18 y/o
Azlo - 🍄 - TC
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No gender
Fictive(Source: OC)
Winged CatRabbit Creature Animal
No set age
Trauma/Pain keeper
Rabb1t i23 - 🐰 - R1
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Transmasc Nonbinary
18(Shares age with the body)
Canonically smokes despite the body having asthma
Knife collector
Likes fire
Noah - 📚 - TD
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Either cis or trans at any given time
Fictive(Source: Total Drama)
Human(Ghost/Siren sometimes but we don't talk about that)
Therapist that needs therapy
Sarcastic cynical realist
Likes reading(lmao nerd)
Ash - 🐀 - AIM
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Demiromanric Androsexual
Void animal
Sensory soother(auditory)
Sevyn - 🐕 - PUP
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He/Him/Good Boy
Pupplay Alter, idk
~ 1 d/y
Stim holder(tail wags)
Appellisian/Sexual Alter(in-scene only)
Fukase - ❤️ - FV
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Masc-leaning Pansexual
Fictive(Source: Vocaloid)
No canon age
Confidence holder(unfortunately /hj)
Pain manager
Ex-persecutor(got us admitted oops)
Pulls from songs a lot
🌲 Headspace 🌲
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Description: A cozy lakeside single story wooden cabin in a large forest in rural Michigan(pulled from a childhood memory). Slightly whimsical, think Cosmo Sheldrake. It's fully stocked, insulated, hooked up, etc. so bugs/climate aren't a problem. The forest is quite large, perfect for meditation or a calming walk. Alters who sleep have their own rooms inside the cabin, decorated accordingly including bathrooms and a mini fridge because it be like that sometimes.
💞 Inter-System Relationships 💞
Ash & Rabb1t - Platonic brothers
Rabb1t/Noah - Friends with benefits, smoke together
Azlo & Sevyn - Play together, be animals
Oliver & Noah - Bond over video games
Ash & Noah - Fan/Idol type beat idk
Ash & Fukase - Make music together
Noah & Fukase - Banter, get along surprisingly well
Sevyn & Noah - Noah is a dog person
Fukase & Everyone - Annoying /j
Noah & Everyone - Therapy
Sevyn & Everyone - Emotional support dog
➖️ End ➖️
Thank you for reading! Thought it was about time we organized ourselves ^^
Have any questions? Just send an ask(anon or not)! We're open to answering most things. Feel free to direct at all of us or a specific Alter. Thanks again <3 love you all /p
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laracrofted · 5 months
What exactly is Miles’ career supposed to look like after TGM? The other actors are working more because their careers ‘took off’ after Top Gun because it was a breakout role for them. It wasn’t a breakout role for Miles, that happened over a decade ago. He’s established himself enough that he can pick and choose what roles he does and doesn’t want.
hi anon!
i have been a fan of miles teller for a looooong while so you really don’t need to come into my inbox and defend him. miles got so much buzz after TGM — and TC was carting him around so much — but i always knew glen would be the person whose career would really change.
i don’t know what miles’s career is supposed to look like after TGM because i’m not him or his agent, but after being the most well known of the younger actors in the movie, he’s now in almost nothing.
if you want to call that being picky in his roles, you are welcome to, but as someone who likes him as an actor, i’d like to see him in movies again lol.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 1 month
hi there, the delusional anon again lol I'm really lighting candles hoping we can finally get the deleted scenes 🕯️
I really wanted to see Louis shooting Lestat and the whole scene they filmed with the first makeup, just out of curiosity. The Trial™, and the scene with louis in the church, killing the priest
and TC as the marquis is GENIUS !!!!!! The tvshow has already made so many references, I would like other actors to appear even for a second! Even the young fop actor (btw did you saw his interview on youtube with a fan?); and jokes aside, I have a lot of fun whenever someone says they would like to see Nicole Kidman in the show as Gabrielle, it's kind evil tbh BUT yet would be cool
I've already spent HOURS on your blog just looking at the deleted scenes, I don't understand why Warner Bros just doesn't release it
anyways, THANK YOU! love your blog 💕
I've already spent HOURS on your blog just looking at the deleted scenes, I don't understand why Warner Bros just doesn't release it anyways, THANK YOU! love your blog 💕
Aww thank you! 😍 That means a lot. I collected this stuff for ppl to enjoy, if Tumblr ever goes down and we lose this archive, I'll definitely be sad. It's too large for me to download 😂 So definitely save stuff for yourself.
Light your candles, Anon 🕯️, but don't hold your breath. Truly, if we were going to get deleted scenes from the '94 movie, the golden opportunities (the 10th and 20th anniversaries 😂) for that have passed. This year will be the 30th, can you believe it?? If anyone is connected to the powers that be, TELL PPL WE WANT THIS STUFF. I'm sure it exists somewhere.
I think those cut scenes could have been great, but I suspect, other than being cut for time, there were good reasons to cut them from a writing perspective.
They may have been too cheesy for what the movie was going for?
Or they might have slowed down the action or detracted from the story?
--- Louis doesn't shoot Lestat that night in the book; Lestat gets shot at the Theatre de Vampires (before it's called that) in the Vampire Lestat, so it's possible that it was filmed, and then cut from the IWTV '94 movie with the intention to include it properly in the sequel TVL (not that Lestat can't get shot twice! but still! Getting shot on stage in front of an audience rather than in a bedroom with no other witnesses is, debatably, more shocking).
I felt like there was a somewhat feverish pace with Lestat coming to Louis at his bedside, that scene went by pretty quickly, it made it more vibrant and precious. In the book, Louis had been in poor health and then ppl had bled him to try to "cure him of his madness," so Lestat really didn't have the luxury of waiting too much longer to turn him; Louis could have died 😭. And maybe the whole Louis-shooting-Lestat might've killed the mood Lestat was aiming for, which was seductively offering Louis the Dark Gift. Shooting Lestat might've been more than a little off-putting in that moment 😂 Do you really want to turn someone into your immortal companion after they've JUST SHOT YOU? It might not kill Lestat, but it would still hurt!
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I mean I LOVE Tom!Lestat, and this is one of the few BTS pics we have of the Trial scene (you can see the theatre crypts behind him 😭)... it's charming to me bc I love that movie, but it might have been cut bc in a way it's more painful to excise the whole trial. Like barely seeing the shark in JAWS. With no trial, it would mean that Louis and Claudia had absolutely no chance; it was all up to Santiago's (or Armand's) whim 😭 Lestat wasn't even there to try to advocate for either Louis or Claudia (or maybe he WAS there, but locked in a cell somewhere and unable to help them!).
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and TC as the marquis is GENIUS !!!!!!
Right?? That could be amazing.
The tvshow has already made so many references, I would like other actors to appear even for a second!
I haven't heard of that happening... don't hold your breath there, either, I think they would have done it already if they intended to do so. My guess is that AMC really wants to do their own thing apart from the 1994 movie (other than rewriting a few scenes), so I don't think there will be any cameos in the future, but maybe I'm wrong!
Even the young fop actor (btw did you saw his interview on youtube with a fan?);
I didn't see the video, but I met that actor, Lee Scharfstein, IRL in NOLA in 2022, he was lovely!
and jokes aside, I have a lot of fun whenever someone says they would like to see Nicole Kidman in the show as Gabrielle, it's kind evil tbh BUT yet would be cool
That is kind of evil haha but Nicole has been a favorite of fanartists and roleplayers for years, that's not a hot take. If I had to choose Tom as the Marquis OR Nicole as Gabs... bc putting them together would be A LOT to ask... I think I'd prefer Tom, because of the deliciousness of having him play his own father... but we have a better chance of getting Nicole so I would LOOOOVE to have her as Gabs paired w/ Timothy Omundson as the Marquis.
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Oh and BTW since you've read this far, I accepted the headcanon that the Marquis' name was Valere de Lioncourt, as per the legendary @gairid/ @vampchronfic 😭💕
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sha-biest · 2 months
hello, please disregard this ask if it crossed any boundaries that I am not aware of. do you allow suggestive fan art of any of the couples in the golden future AU? only adult characters and no tc*st. if answer is no, I will not ask again thank you 😊
Hey anon!
I do allow suggestive content with the adult couples in the AU, BUT the chances of me sharing it are lower because I do want to keep my blog mostly sfw!
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Do you think the theory that TRR and TFS series got so many books and why Pixelberry has been milking the romance/smut books while eschewing other genres is because ATV was supposed to be their next TC&TF, and it bombed? Do you think it has something to do with Nexon? Or do you think Pixelberry would've gone in this direction regardless? Realistically, how much longer do you think Pixelberry/Choices will last as a company w/all the upset fans and backlash they've gotten over the past few years?
Excellent questions, anon. This is going to be a long post, so buckle up.
I do absolutely believe Nexon was at least partly to blame. Before Nexon entered the fray, collectibles were pretty much nonexistent in Choices. Endless Summer was the first collectible-heavy series, and as much as I loved it, it was VERY costly. To collect all the clues, dossiers, idols, and embers, it costs a grand total of 895 diamonds. BUT, since one of the clues in ES book 3 can only be obtained by marrying one of the love interests, the actual cost may be much higher.
But while Nexon was partly to blame, I truly do believe AtV's failure screwed Pixelberry over BIG TIME. Like, more than any of us actually realize.
Using Endless Summer as an example again, Pixelberry took a huge risk with the series. Ultimately, it a was a risk that paid off, because Endless Summer was very well-received and is still lauded as one of the greatest series in the app.
Across the Void, in my opinion, was a bigger risk than Endless Summer. It was (until WtD) the only series in the app that actually took place in the future, and it was also the only space-fantasy story. But more on the risk-factor in a minute, we'll come back to that.
Across the Void was also a very, very long book. It's actually the third-longest in the game tied with TRR book 3 at 22 chapters, only beaten out by Witness: A Bodyguard Romance at 28 chapters, and My Two First Loves at 100 chapters.
In addition to being a long book, it was originally titled Across the Void book one, until it was later changed to just Across the Void. This means Pixelberry had plans for at least one more book in the series but they had to change plans at the last minute due to the book's poor performance.
But when, you may ask, did they make this huge change?
Across the Void's release ran from August 20, 2018 to November 5, 2018, when they announced the book would be on hiatus. The book returned in MARCH. It resumed releasing from March 18, 2019 to May 13, 2019.
In those four months of hiatus (the longest hiatus a book has EVER been on, by the way), they had to hasten to conclude what was once a multi-book series rich with lore and background. And that couldn't have been easy on the writers or the budget.
Back to the risk-factor of the book. We've already established that it was unique, long, and had at least one other book planned, possibly two. But the biggest financial losses in the book came from quite literally everything imaginable.
Every background, every character sprite, every music, every miscellaneous item, all of it was brand spanking new. And believe me. There were a LOT of backgrounds, characters, music pieces, and miscellaneous items. Additionally, the love interests had different sprites and outfits, too, so those were also probably pretty costly in the art department. And there were TEN love interests. Ten!
We also got a brand-new set of MC faces and hairstyles, and you know what else? There were male and female MCs. Eight new faces, eight new hairstyles, and twenty-two new outfits. And the worst part? None of the faces or hairstyles were reused. Ever.
In fact, a LOT of the assets in this book were unusable due to how niche and out there they were. Occasionally one or two of the characters with tamer designs or miscellaneous items or even some of the music gets reused in other books. But a lot of AtV's stuff doesn't, and won't, be reused. The financial losses from the book won't be recouped.
Another costly aspect of the book was definitely the writing, though it definitely wasn't as expensive as the art. You could tell the writers busted ass creating lore. There were over a dozen alien races with their own histories, worlds, traditions, you name it. And there was the Vanguard and the Jura, who were at war with each other, which divided the galaxy far and wide. And, of course, there was the Void, which had its own lore.
Like Endless Summer, the book was very lore and detail-heavy. Unlike Endless Summer, about 90% of it was locked behind paywalls, including the majorly important bits of information. And as we all know, that just doesn't work.
Across the Void had a lot put into it. A lot of money and resources, a lot of writer's investment, a lot of time. And in kind, it had a lot of potential. Like, I don't want to say Across the Void could've been an S-tier book, but it could've definitely been up there. A-tier at lowest.
Unfortunately, it got a rough start, and when things didn't get better, that's when Pixelberry put it on hiatus and scrambled to wrap things up. It's why a shit ton of characters died if you didn't pay diamonds to save them. It's why the four endings we got were rushed, sloppy, abrupt, and unsatisfying. And it's why we were left confused as hell and saddled with more questions about the lore and story than answers.
To put it simply, Across the Void is the perfect example of Great Taste, Awful Execution.
2017-2018 is pretty commonly regarded as the Golden Era of Choices, and 2019 was the year Choices started to steadily decline. It still had some good releases, but we got a lot of really mediocre ones that year, and unfortunately, the dip from the Golden Era to a decline directly coincides with AtV's release and its poor performance. The timeline fits. And the 2020-2022 era was seriously rough. Granted, part of that was a result of the pandemic, but I don't think AtV financially flopping helped. Things are sort of starting to look up again, but I'm not holding my breath.
So yeah, AtV took a lot of financial risks. It was probably the riskiest book they've ever written due to how ungodly expensive it likely was and the sheer amount of effort and resources that went into making it, and because it performed poorly, it was a huge blow to Pixelberry.
And that really sucks, because like I said, AtV had a lot of potential. It truly could have been one of the greats if they had executed it properly, but they didn't, so the story suffered as a result.
Funny thing is, if AtV released now, in 2023, I think it would be received much better than it was in 2018-2019. What was mediocre and disappointing back then would probably be considered half-decent or even good now.
As for The Freshman and The Royal Romance, The Freshman ended at the tail end of 2018, so I don't think PB milked it because AtV screwed them financially. The timeline doesn't fit.
But The Royal Romance? Absolutely. The Royal Romance performed so well Pixelberry has implemented several rewrites and remasters, including the brand-new photo gallery in book one and even new outfits in the rewrites. What blew me away most of all were the two art scenes of the MC. Six different MC faces, eight different hairstyles, three different dresses for both scenes. AND the Liam art scenes had three different Liam faces to account for.
It also performed well enough that Pixelberry felt comfortable enough to budget for extra art for the outfits and cutscenes. One that comes to mind is the cutscene of the MC's spouse holding the baby after she gives birth. Three Liams plus Drake, Hana, Maxwell, plus six variations of the heir. I know that couldn't have been cheap.
So they milked The Royal Romance series and even invested more into it because they knew it performed well and wasn't a financial risk like AtV was. They weren't afraid it was going to fall through and flop on them. AtV was a risk while The Royal Romance was a secure, safe choice. Hence eight books in the TRR series.
I'd say, realistically, PB will last for a long while. I truly can't pinpoint a time where they'll go under. I mean, look at Episode. It's been around since 2014 and it's still going strong.
Pixelberry found that soulless smut attracts them the biggest paying audiences with the least amount of effort. VIP has also evidently worked well enough for them that they're now catering to VIP-only crowds. So while I (and many, many others) hate that Choices has gone in this direction, it's obviously working out for PB, so they're not going to make any changes anytime soon.
The only thing that I could see potentially screwing things up for PB is if Blades of Light and Shadow 2 either doesn't release or flops. This, however, is unlikely, and even if it did happen, it would probably just be a minor bump in the road for PB.
TL;DR: Across the Void's financial risks and poor performance directly led to the decline of the quality of Choices books. Particularly well-received books/series like The Royal Romance were milked to death as cash cows until PB discovered that low-quality smut would keep the app afloat.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
confession - i'm starting to not care about this press tour on social media because the fans make following it insufferable. there's unnecessary digs at tom already even though he's not even IN this press tour and is minding his own business as usual. the timdayas frustration over flo and z being paired together or austin's existence is transparent and hypocritical. those stans whine whenever tom and z are mentioned together but apparently it's this big crime that they're putting the ladies together despite them actually having valuable and insightful things to say as two women in the industry so far. so many aspects of this fandom are completely delusional and insufferable, i'll be rawly honest. something else that's interesting is that i see a lot of complaints about 'insecure' tomdayas, and yet i never really SEE these insecure tomdayas anywhere. feels like it's just a scapegoat for certain stans to use cause they're upset their fave nonexistent ship haven't been paired together yet when its only been 4 DAYS and there's plenty of time for them to get their fantasy ship fodder or whatever. i'm more excited for the challengers press tour, honestly, at least there isn't an aggressive group of stans who ship z with josh or mike. and being z's first real headlining lead film role where she is front and center? that is so, so exciting. i hope that the fan energy will be a lot more fun and relaxed than what i'm seeing right now.
another confession - timmy's voice in trailers so far pisses me awf! like bro i should not be able to tell that you were raised in new york when you are on a desert alien planet! even when he's shouting it's obvious. austin however surprised me hugely, his voice is unrecognizable. and i'm not saying that all actors should have to do that, it's just that when i can tell you're the actor and not the character like so often with tc im over it. i know this might annoy some anons but it's confession sunday so had to be straight up!
Thanks Anon for your Confession. 😁
there's unnecessary digs at tom already even though he's not even IN this press tour and is minding his own business as usual.
Ugh... SERIOUSLY?? 😒🙄 Tom isn't even in the film? What on earth? Show me what people are saying, cuz I haven't seen those digs. I must not follow the people you all do lol.
the timdayas frustration over flo and z being paired together or austin's existence is transparent and hypocritical. those stans whine whenever tom and z are mentioned together but apparently it's this big crime that they're putting the ladies together despite them actually having valuable and insightful things to say as two women in the industry so far. so many aspects of this fandom are completely delusional and insufferable, i'll be rawly honest.
Yea Anon, it's crazy and awful tbh. These ladies are giving great insightful answers to interview questions, and all some people can do is complain. 🙄
something else that's interesting is that i see a lot of complaints about 'insecure' tomdayas, and yet i never really SEE these insecure tomdayas anywhere. feels like it's just a scapegoat for certain stans to use cause they're upset their fave nonexistent ship haven't been paired together yet when its only been 4 DAYS and there's plenty of time for them to get their fantasy ship fodder or whatever.
Yea, I don't get it either?? Like, I could possibly see someone making that claim/argument if Z and Timmy have actually done an interview together during this press tour, but so far, they haven't! 🤷🏾‍♀️
What's there for Tomdaya fans to be "insecure" about lol? 😅
Like I keep saying, OG Tomdaya stans are NOT the least bit threatened by Timothee. We're super secure in our ship lol. 😅
i'm more excited for the challengers press tour, honestly, at least there isn't an aggressive group of stans who ship z with josh or mike. and being z's first real headlining lead film role where she is front and center? that is so, so exciting. i hope that the fan energy will be a lot more fun and relaxed than what i'm seeing right now.
Giiiirrrrrl.... Don't speak too soon lol. 👀 And don't count on a more "relaxed" press tour with challengers. I've just come to realize that anything having to do with Zendaya is gonna be "fan drama" lol.   You know these weirdos out here wanna ship Z with every Tom, Dick, or Harry lol (no pun intended lol 🤭). There are just some weirdos in her fandom, I'm sorry. I guess that's what happens though when you get SUPER huge. But don't let a vocal minority speak for the whole entire fandom or press tour.
But anyway, yea, I can't wait for the Challengers press tour either! I'm enjoying the DP2 press tour so far as well. I just ignore the nonsense and focus on my faves lol.
It should be exciting seeing Z doing press for her first LED film on the big screen! 😁
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callmearcturus · 9 months
Just watched MI 1, on my way to watching the others (sorry I am incapable of not going in order and I'm really curious how all your fic differs from MI 3...)
Oh boy. Twinkthan, the knife, the elevator, Luther (Luther!!!), the fuckin train/helicopter?? I am so curious how the train and the helicopter stunt worked, it was so agonizing the whole way through. Wow. I am 100% down now and I was already like 80% down from the fic.
oh anon you are gonna have to get through the two worst movies that way but godspeed, glory 8C please know that once McQ gets his hands on the series, it's a tremendous rebirth
lmao the stunts in the first three movies are.... fine. i remember during our commentary of MI3 I told Punct the fulcrum jump was not real and they were SO MAD.
for MI1, the most impressive stunt is the Langley sequence. like, you can see TC's body control as he spins and tilts himself on those pivot points. and obvious he nearly didn't pull off the cable drop itself but managed it on the last take DePalma was going to give him.
the train was mostly CGI but i know there's a stunt where they used high-powered fans to blast TC from the helicopter onto the train. which would be impressive if it sadly didn't look dumb. (I'm not a fan of that entire sequence, MI1 to me ends with the Jim/Ethan confrontation and the lovely Luther/Ethan bit at the end is a coda.)
for MI2, I MEAN. THERE'S A LOT OF WEIRD PRACTICAL EFFECTS AND ALSO CGI EFFECTS? like the death star dive into the lab is obvsly greenscreened to hell and back and his building dive, that one too. HOWEVER almost all of the motorcycle shit is real and began TC's lifelong affair with decelerator cables--
which, basically from MI2 onward, if you see Ethan get thrown from a motorcycle or slide down a building or basically anything that makes you go "oh he'd be fucking dead at that speed" that is TC attached to a Decelerator Cables, invented by Dar Robinson, maybe the greatest stunt man of all time, and the cable will slow the stuntman (or batshit lead actor) down so they DON'T get squished on impact. the very cool hit-and-roll in Fallout is this.
ANYWAY yeah iirc even the stunt of the motorcycle jousting is real with both actors on cables but the truly Most Batshit stunt is the knife-to-the-eye stunt in the climax. which was TC's idea. and imo is like top three for Most Dangerous Bullshit This Idiot Has Done.
for MI3 there are only really two stunts in that movie but you haven't gotten there yet so hit me up later.
also if you wanna hear me expound on each stunt as it happens, Punct and I did those audio commentaries. they are Super Spoilery and full of Dubiously Fun Facts so maybe after you watch all the movies first.
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uswnt5 · 2 months
Who is that breakup anon a fan of because anyone who loves TC either one can see how happy they make each other. So are they a delusional person who thinks they have a shot if they aren’t together or a fan of another player they ship them with? Like what is the purpose 😂😂😂😂
no idea.
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airlocksandaviaries · 11 months
Ok so I wanna preface by saying that this is in no way trying to be mean or come across as rude.
Why do you support Tom cruise? Like genuinely
He's like *the scientologist*
And if I'm not mistaken scientology doesn't favor the lgbtq+ community.
Again not trying to be mean, just a genuine question
Hello Anon!
I’m realizing how my blog might come off to some lately and I want to start by saying that I do NOT in any way support scientology. It’s very famously anti-mental health which is terrible. I try to raise awareness online and in person about not engaging and not contacting irl scientologists so as to not fall victim to their cult.
So I do not support that aspect of TC. However, I have always been a HUGE fan of his movies, and his acting. The fandom spaces for the movies have also been incredibly lovely and welcoming and I enjoy engaging with them very much.
I’ve mostly tried to stick to talking about the movies rather than the actor himself. But recently he’s done some rather important things in support of the SAG strike, which I feel is incredibly relevant and vital to talk about and support, especially since I’m in the industry.
To top it all off, I’ve not seen him come out and speak about or support the cult recently at all (although I could be wrong, I don’t see everything). So suffice to say I don’t think it’s harmful to post about these movies that I love so much and engage in a fandom that’s been so incredibly welcoming.
If I’ve been harming things in a way that I haven’t noticed, please feel free to dm me and let me know, I’ll try to change as quickly as possible.
I hope this helps and I truly hope I haven’t been spreading anything harmful through my posting! I don’t normally answer anons but this was very polite and I hope this clears things up. Thanks!
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
Pretty much after he no longer is a decepticon and is working with the military he becomes obsessed with this show called nurse whitney (it's p much just like Grey's anatomy or smthn ig) and he becomes so inlove with this show he watches it and bases scripts of it and his dream is to become a screenwriter. After the war whenever he comms other decepticons they usually answer with "no I haven't read ur screenplay yet" 😭 which I think thats super cute bc almost everybody he's met he is obsessed with showing his writing and having ppl review them for him (also also, in some panels he's wearing reading glasses which is chefs kiss)) also important to note that even tho both starscream and skywarp betrayed him (fucking shot him after finding out he was no longer a decepticon on multiple occasions)) he was willing to just forgive them and let them all be buddies again. He also talks abt movies alot and when he gets reunited with them he tells them how he's always seen them as the three amigos and asks them if they've seen that movie 😭
Do you know marissa faireborn? She's the leader of the group he works for. Some speculate he has a crush on her (which I also agree with) bc the main character of his story and her lover are lowkey hinted at to be him and her (her name has been scribbled out in his script and replaced with his oc's name, and her bf in the story is apparently as handsome as an f22 jet and can travel at mach 10)) but he's very sweet to her and helpful even tho she's lowkey kinda rude to him ahehwhwv she was the one to gift him his dog tho. She reads his scripts even tho she dreads it and he said he'd only work with that military group if they offered marissa a job. They also go on vacation alot together. I'll think of more things but those are just some of the reasons he's so fuckin sweet.
- from number 1 idw thundercracker fan
I had heard about Marissa before but I didn't know TOO much about her other than the fact that she was a bit abrasive, they were friends and coworkers, and she would read his work even if she wasn't super interested.
He seems so SWEET and like such a lovable DORK I really love that he's an aspiring writer and he's always showing off his work. That's confidence in your art, babey! And I'm glad he's still buddies with Skywarp and Starscream cause I love trine dynamics SO MUCH. Thank you so much for the crash course on this sweet boy! To be honest I have been working on a little pet project starring TC based on what I thought his personality was like and this makes me a lot more confident in my read of him, so that may be something to expect in the future!
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leighlew3 · 1 year
To the anon about the M.G. factor in TC:
That’s... unfairly reductive. Most people that I’ve seen, myself included as indicated previously, are repulsed by him. Most people are simply supporting their favorite other actor(s) and/or a franchise they love, along with considering the literally hundreds of talented, wonderful cast and crew that worked hard on a project that happens to unfortunately include a horrible person.
When AK was fired from SGCW, and he still received his EP credits and money (including a massive pay off) -- does that mean every single viewer who continued to watch “supported” a sexual predator? Not at all. It does not. People obviously just supported the WOMEN/POC/LGBTQs involved that they enjoyed, related to, and/or were at times inspired by. 
IMO, this M.G. thing isn’t like people doing or purchasing Potter content and putting shit tons more money and power into someone like JKR’s hands to do further vast and widespread harm. M.G. is just one awful man in a supporting role in an ensemble project from a popular franchise. Now, if he was THE lead, it would probably be a different story for many people, similar to how lots of people are conflicted on the upcoming superhero movie with a lead currently under numerous accusations of harm. Some people want to support the WOC in an iconic role, and they want to support the talented cast and crew, etc so it’s... complicated. And at the end of the day that buck stops with the active, direct enablers -- not costars nor fans now put in a shitty position of having to make hard choices and be judged either way. 
Look, most people I’ve seen are planning to watch the show in question DESPITE that man, and trying desperately to ignore him (after expressing obvious disgust that he’s involved), and hope this never happens again in the things they look forward to watching (or participating in).
In a dream world, people like that would simply never be employed in this industry again, as there are so many better options. Alas, it is the sad reality of the industry and our planet in general that this happens, and all anybody can do is hope karma sorts that person out, and decide individually whether you can stomach watching or participating in something they are or were involved in. Some people can, and some people can’t. And each situation is very different. I personally have turned down an opportunity where it would further empower a very harmful person who created the original piece of material. I’ve also gotten into a clusterfuck behind the scenes for merely subtweeting about an abuser and their enabler, and was seen as more of a problem for calling it out than the actual abuser and enabler, lol. THAT is the industry we’re dealing with. 
Either way, the concept of ‘guilt by association’ even though costars didn’t hire that person and most fans didn’t want him in it — is incredibly unfair. And realistically speaking, if that rule has to be applied across the board that to watch something with a problematic person in any way involved is to intentionally support them directly -- every person who watches ANYTHING would be guilty... and there would literally be nothing left to watch. 😩
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Liveblogging Knight and Day from the wrong blog seems to be the right thing to do. Keeping in spirit with the movie and all that. Also, I desperately need you to liveblog the whole movie. Reading through your posts makes me feel like I'm watching all the fun parts of the movie again. ❤️❤️
AHHHHHHH ANON I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED MY K&D LIVEBLOG!!! the rest will come at some point!! in fact i may just finish it tonight before we start liveblogging the last of us, otherwise it will come tomorrow afternoon or sunday night! i'm glad my liveblogs are entertaining you!
(also for any fans of tc's the mummy i will be finishing that liveblog up in the next couple days too hehe)
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
Hi I need it help to add anon mode to tcs blog I'm a huge fan but if not ok
Nah, dont come on anon to beg me to make another creator open up anon. That's not cool bro.
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gourmet-trash · 10 months
Big fan of your TC and Bumblebee: ex-roomates verse! Any plans to continue black and blue?
wahh thank you anon! yes, i do!! i have a regretfully "feast or famine" style of writing, but i've been pulling out my notes and thinking about those idiots (affectionate) a lot lately, so hopefully when some of the more aggressive bullshit at work settles down, i'll be able to get properly back into the swing of things!
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cowplant-pizza · 1 year
hey thanks for taking on all the anon feedback on this ♡ & I’m sorry if any of it came across as harsh
I was a fan of true crime for a long time, and even as someone with a true crime story in their family who would get a sick feeling in my stomach imagining my family member’s story popping up as someone’s “hometown” on an episode of MFM or something, it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that my feelings weren’t the exception but the rule. and to recognize how much that genre of content impacts and retraumatizes victims’ families, for the rest of their lives, whenever the story comes up. the scab never heals.
of course there is room for “ethical” true crime that is victim family-created or centering, accurate, and truly focused on solving their case or getting justice for them, but when that isn’t the focus, it’s just exploiting that deeply painful story and ripping up that scab for “content,” for subscribers, for ad revenue. its made me completely re-examine the amount and kind of TC content I consume.
honestly you don’t need to post this or anything, ((and it sounds like I might not be the only one reaching out based on personal experiences as a family member? which, wow, breaks my heart) but I just wanted to thank you for listening and being cool about it and stuff
thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience nonny. i wanted to post it because i am genuinely very grateful for the way that everyone has messaged me about this. i never intended to upset anyone and im glad it came across that way too. i hate hate hate the idea of hurting anyone, so i'm actually really glad that people have come forward an told me its not a good idea so i didnt unintentionally make issues for people like yourself. love you nonny
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