chrysalizzm · 10 months
Ill-gotten gains? 👀
Ranboo realizes he knows how to cook on their fourth day straight of ordering takeout when he strides into the tiny kitchen to fry an egg, which Charlie had failed spectacularly at the day before. He knows how much oil to put in, how long to wait, how to crack the shell with one hand. He knows to put a lid over the pan so the whites go opaque and the yolk sets just so, and knows, deep inside, that this is how he likes his eggs done.
When Charlie walks into the living room fluffing his hair dry with their only towel, Ranboo is crying into his egg.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
magical realism and fantasy as a mundane thing keeps happening. big fan of body horror. messy endings that still tend towards being hopeful. I like dialogue-heavy bits. big fan of people talking about things without actually talking about them. these are a few off the top of my head!
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queentoriel · 2 years
I got one of your prints, the flowerfall one! I've been wanting to get some of your art for my wall for ages, so I'm delighted to have the opportunity. I can't wait to display it above my desk!
i’m so glad!! thank you so much!
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fleckjayky · 5 months
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eekonis · 2 years
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I had a really really good learning experience with this piece! Here‘s the progress of it if you‘re interested. Highly recommend istebrak on yt. Her videos has helped me with this immensely!
Aaand it‘s a redraw of this painting i did for @tea-with-veth ! check her out as well, she’s a great writer and artist :)
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
my impressions of the mighty nein as a critter who hasn’t watched campaign 2
fjord: hot cowboy orc man who’s british sometimes??? also he is haunted by some eye bitch under the water
molly: hot. everyone thinks he’s hot. bisexual, and doesn’t know what a gender is. really sweet but hides it by being horny on main. also dead
caleb: arson trauma man who really likes cats and is secretly hot under 4 months of dirt
jester: chaos incarnate. draws dicks on everything. loves her mom very much. has the power to start a cult and is very aware of it
yasha: tall. buff but also soft. no social skills, really likes flowers for what’s probably a heartbreaking reason. she misses her wife, tails
beau: daddy issues lesbian who likes to punch her problems instead of confronting them. a monk, pop pop bitch
caduceus: graveyard man, makes dead people tea. gets trapped?? places??? he is stupid. i love him. he is my favorite
nott: a goblin girl who is the equivalent of a mom trying to be hip and cool with her kid’s friends. also a klepto. also sometimes british????
veth: nott but she’s embracing her uncool mom side now. has so many buttons
essek: he’s a floating war criminal apparently???? also hot boi?????? who is this lost grad student
lucien: mollymauk?? but again???? but more eldritch this time
kiri: the best creature to ever exist but who let the m9 raise a (bird) child
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waltwhitmansbeard · 7 months
this fic contains spoilers for the mighty nein reunion: echoes of the solstice. please read at your own discretion.
There is celebration, cheers and drinking and the spectacle of fey magic as the quaint homes of Blumenthal are put back together. Glasses are clinked and songs are sung and throughout it all, Caleb is keeping expert track of the minutes. He lets his friends, heroes, each of them, have their revelry as long as he dares.
They sleep in the tower, and first thing in the morning, he uses the boy as an excuse. Luc needs to go home. Veth will be out of her mind with worry. A teleport to Nicodranas, another to Zadash. Caduceus offers to stay and help Beau and Yasha look into the mystical misgivings after the solstice, though everyone knows his role will be in making sure that the two of them see the better part of a pillow every now and again. Caleb will be back to aid in the effort. There is somewhere he needs to go first.
He sees pacing through the curtains as he appears in the front garden of the little cottage. It almost makes him smile. He makes it up the few steps to the front porch, and then the door is wrenched open and he is yanked inside. "For the love of the Light!"
Caleb can barely breath against the knit of Essek's sweater. "Guten morgen," he says, muffled.
"Three days, Caleb Widogast. Three days." Caleb swings backward as Essek holds him at arm's length, an unusual wild look in his eye. "You run off with Beauregard to save the world, and for three days I do not know if you survived." Essek runs a shaking hand through his hair. "Why could I not send to you, what is going on—" Essek cuts himself off as curious recognition sparks in his face. "Something...happened."
And Caleb can do nothing but laugh. It starts quiet, a humorless chuckle, but then it overtakes him, growing louder and louder until it is something deafening, something monstrous. Vaguely, Caleb is aware that Essek is watching him with profound concern, but he can't stem the tide of violent laughter that has him doubled over in the tiny entryway of this cottage.
When Essek speaks, lost and afraid, it is suddenly very, very not funny anymore. The laughter quiets, but Caleb remains with his hands on his knees, too exhausted to stand back up. A hand, fingers long and sure, runs up and down the curve of his spine.
Something happened.
"I don't know where to begin."
Essek lets the whisper hang ominously in the air for a few moments. "Shall we begin with tea?"
And they do. Caleb is shuffled to the sofa, cats shooed out of the way, and Essek fills a kettle and prestidigitates the water to boiling. As the tea steeps, Caleb begins with where it all went wrong, because it is easier to think about what happened on Marquet than the horror he faced back in his hometown. When he speaks of the magic collar, of the shackle meant for Ludinus and used on him, Essek's fingers come to brush along the side of his neck, as if he could will away the feeling of stone on his skin and cold in his bones.
When he has described the horrible shunting across Exandria and the subsequent gathering of the Nein, he speaks of the magic mouths, of the words Trent Ikithon left to haunt him, the specter even Jester's magic could not turn. Essek's hand grips his with strength that would put Yasha to shame. "Caleb..."
Caleb almost doesn't tell him. There is no need for Essek to know, no need for a new worry when the threat has already been handled. But Caleb has kept so much from so many for so long, and well he knows that the most important part of loving someone is the bravery it requires.
"He spoke of going to the Bright Queen," he says quietly. He watches the warm amethyst of Essek's cheeks blanche to lavender. "He threatened to turn you in, because he knew that the best way to hurt me would be to hurt the person I love the most."
There is a long pause, and then Essek sets down his teacup, the liquid inside long gone cold, brings his hand up to cup Caleb's face. His fingers gently scratch into his scruff, and not for the first time, Caleb wishes he could purr like a cat in sunlight. "I would let him drag me by the ears before my queen if it meant you were spared even a moment of his torment. You know that, don't you?"
And he does. It is a wild, magical knowing, a certainty unlike anything he has experienced. He presses his face into Essek's palm. "I'm glad he said it. Even after all this time, all of the work I have done within myself to forgive the sins of my past...I must admit, it was...rattling. His voice, the memories it evoked, the ghost of his hands on my skin.
"But then he spoke the word Shadowhand, and it was all gone. The pain, the shame, the fear. All that was left was rage, and the need to free Exandria of his influence."
"And did you?"
And so Caleb continues on with his tale, the illusion of a familiar farmhouse, the use of a wish to protect his best friend's son, the sight of his family home for the first time since he was a boy. He stops himself mid-word as the memory of his parents, dead, reanimated, puppeted by the worst person Caleb has ever known, nearly knocks him from this place, from this moment. But there is still a hand in his, and the tightening fingers keep him where he belongs.
Essek listens to the whole story with rapt attention, clearly straining to keep his myriad emotions from his face. But Caleb knows him well enough by now to pick out the shock, the horror, the disgust, even the barely-contained smile at the thought of a one Caleb morphed into a dinosaur and the other into a massive white dragon. Caleb spares no detail when describing the implausible feats of his friends, giving Beauregard the full credit for wrenching the artifact from the demonic entity summoned by Ikithon, and after recounting tossing the thing into a demiplane, Caleb says, "When it was over, all I could think about was coming back here to you. If I weren't so tapped out on magic, I would have been here last night."
"Come here." Caleb allows himself to be dragged along the back of the sofa, Essek's arms tight around his chest. For the first time in three days, he is not afraid that at any moment, his very atoms will scatter into a million directions. He buries his face into Essek's chest, lets his love hook his chin over his head and whisper, "I do not know what this solstice has wrought upon our world. But I know that I'm very grateful that neither it nor that man took you from it. From me."
There are no more words left. There is nothing Caleb can say, for all his reading, for all the magic incantations he has memorized, to convey the depth of his relief that, contrary to what he may have intoned to Beau, he did not die on the land his parents lost their lives on. There is no telling what horrors are yet to come, nor what they may demand of Caleb and his friends, but he will not begrudge himself this quiet moment in his love's arms, not after these last three days.
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firebound-press · 1 year
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Just finished my first fic for @renegadepublishing’s binderary!!! Today on the chopping block, this is about a stuffed bird, by @theminecraftbee!! I’ll be honest I started this project completely on a whim while waiting for paper to arrive, but I’m so so proud of the results.
This fic was a present for my wonderful roommate, @majestic-ruiqing, since I know it’s one of her favorites and wanted to do something nice for her!
The cover art was done by my friend @tea-with-veth, who sent me some art that she drew a while back so that I could use it.
For the technical side, I actually leaned how to chisel a textblock correctly!! So this book has some of the nicest edges I’ve ever done. Not to mention, this was my first time doing splattered edges, which turned out very nice. Also my first time making paperless bookcloth!
You can read the original work here:
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demisexualemmaswan · 1 year
it’s very important that caleb widogast has two cheeks because it means:
-two tieflings can kiss him at the same time 
-two purple men can kiss him at the same time
-two of his schoolmates can kiss him at the same time 
-a tiefling and a half-orc can kiss him at the same time
-veth can kiss both cheeks twice!!
-yasha can cup caleb’s face in her hands while beau gives him a noogie 
-caduceus can watch his friend’s face warm up after a good cup of tea 
all i’m saying is it’s such a good thing caleb widogast has a kissable/holdable/lovable face!!! he deserves it!!!!!!!!! 
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chrysalizzm · 2 years
12 :)
12: gold - james marriott
my mind is infested with c!dream Always especially after the Snake Monologue. keeping with the "your silence is gold" lyrics, i think this fic would be a sort of absurdist retelling of the torture in pandora's vault as c!dream newly rationalizes and recalls it - lots of color, chordal jabs, in line with the wild carefreeness of the song. "you played the game / you've never won" "won't you learn your lines and do your part" "you silence them all / just remember which fragment you keep them in" c!dreamcore quite frankly! the game in question being his time in the prison. he certainly kills the intensity and dehumanization of the prison by turning it into just another gauntlet for him to run in the pursuit of a big happy family. honestly this would work as an animatic too but i Cannot Start Another Animatic <- is working on an animatic now shhh dont tell anybody
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dasnercaret · 2 years
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for @tea-with-veth ‘s sing a song of sixpence, featuring potato farmer/general cottagecore guy technoblade and philza, who is definitely not supposed to be a crow
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It sounds like a joke to say (as I just did in a much more concise post) that Fjord's stress would be alleviated by some room dividers and a desk and by rearranging the furniture, but it really is my impression that one of a great many sources of stress for Fjord is how space in the house is portioned. Jester has her studio, but Fjord complains that the entire house is her studio. She tries to say there is the couch on the opposite side, he goes, "My haven: the couch." It's clear Fjord does not have a dedicated space, worsened by the open floor plan. He seems to have recently noticed and become bothered by having nowhere specific to belong in a house that he insisted they have.
It is not that Jester takes up too much space—absolutely not what I'm saying. I suspect the real issue is that Fjord does not know how to take up space, both within a domestic space but also in life, and does not know how to assert what he needs. He never had a space of his own, having grown up in an orphanage and then lived aboard a ship. He and Jester talk about this in 2.62: Domestic Respite while the Nein move into the Xhorhaus, that he never had a house before and that he was getting used to having a room of his own: "Well, my own room's pretty strange." We never get any suggestion that Fjord decorated his bedroom in the Xhorhaus beyond putting up shutters.
I feel like this is what's happening with Fjord in their house in Nicodranas. He never lived in a house before, and they stayed at the Xhorhaus so briefly, so he never learned how to live in one, especially one that he's building with a partner. He never learned how to assert spatial boundaries or how to need space, and thus he inadvertently allowed Jester to have everything and make all decisions. He's just now understanding that the small corner is not enough, and he is feeling boxed out of a house that he personally wanted—simply because he does not know how to assert himself in his own space. (Compare how Beau and Yasha have their own spaces, Caleb has a dedicated space for work at home, and Yeza and Veth have entire separate spaces to pursue their ventures. A ship is also largely communal space, and Jester lives in Fjord's captain's quarters.)
In contrast, Jester is very comfortable taking up space, especially within a home. Since Fjord offered no pushback until recently, she's naturally (and understandably) taken most of the space in the absence of Fjord asserting boundaries for her to follow. His gentle grumbling about the paint and her studio space feels to me to be the first time he's expressed unhappiness with the way their home is divided. It's my feeling that's how the situation developed: without any expressed boundaries, there was no way for Jester to understand how to share the space with Fjord. Negotiating these boundaries and learning to coexist together in a way where you have your needed space without crowding the other out is a crucial and often difficult part of a relationship, and one that Jester and Fjord have very little practice in. Fjord is clearly just now learning to voice his needs. I get the impression Jester is noticing this and is slowly processing how to work this out with him.
And I think this is a very intentional thing in the way that Travis and Laura have arranged this house? The rhythm of the description feels like many of these details and dynamics were discussed in advance.
Fjord is not settling well into his house because he never learned to take up space and there is a lack of obvious space for him to exist in, and negotiating and asserting those boundaries takes time and articulation. Without that, Jester has no signals on how to share the space with him. No joke, it would help to get a desk for him to work at or a table to read at, or maybe expand into a patio or something for Fjord to drink tea in alone in the afternoons. Rearranging their furniture and setting down some rugs, using room dividers if necessary, to break up their open space and create a semblance of separate areas will actually, sincerely, help with all this.
It's a very real growing pain, and it's fun to see it here.
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ariadne-mouse · 1 year
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blorbologist · 7 months
could i get a trick or treat with the empire sibs?
Ended up kinda hurt/comfort-ish, but!!
Major spoilers for Echoes of the Solstice below! A bit of an alternative ending, before Caleb throws up the tower, bc I love me some Trauma.
Trent is dead,
(Impossible. Not possible. That is why they did not kill him then. And even - even - it would be childish to hope, and that child is buried with two townsfolk and a cat.) and Blumenthal smolders still, and he can’t leave Veth to worry for Luc, and the world quite literally hangs by a thread that they need to sever and Caleb can’t -  
“Caleb! Oy, Caleb!” Beauregard punches him hard in the arm, and says: “Breathe”
Soot clings to Bren’s tongue on the inhale. Caleb tastes blood on the exhale. 
She whacks him again. This time it stings, and he brings a hand to clutch at his elbow. 
“There you go.” With a jut of her chin she points to - “No, hey, stay with me. Look - Caleb, look.”
His eye has always been drawn to flame, gaze a moth seeking to burn. Hoping to see something different each time.
He does. He - he does. 
Unfamiliar townsfolk comfort eachother in huddles, some rushing to and from the well with soaked cloth. Some faces he recognizes - a moment given to age, not injury. There’s laughter, relieved laughter. A woman catches his eye and waves, the toddler in her arm clumsily mimicking the gesture.
Caleb still sees what he does not. 
“Even now,” he murmurs. “Even now, after all - after everything… and still Trent can ruin more lives. All this, to get back at me.”
Beau sighs. “We’re not getting into the - fucking scales of human life here.”
“You’re right.” Caleb straightens. “Where are the Nein? We need - Veth will kill us. Veth will kill us, and Luc needs to go home right now. And Ludinus is ultimately responsible, and needs to be held accountable, stopped. And - what Tent said about Essek -”
“Caleb.” The pain registers dimly as Beauregard squeezes his forearm. “Let’s just - slow down.”
Their crow’s feet match: perched on the same podiums at trials, side by side in the libraries, hopping down the roads of Wildemount and beyond much like Kiri still does. 
“You don’t need to run,” she says. “You’re not going to be chased out. Or - or locked up. You didn’t do this. And we can fix it.”
“Yeah, we should probably get to all that, and soon.” Beau scratches at the nape of her neck, looking out over the town. “Fuck. But! But - there are people here. And maybe, I don’t know, it’d be good to fix some things - actually fix them - before we head on to the impossible problems again.” 
Caleb finds a wry smile in himself. “Like explaining all this to Veth?”
“Oh, I’m planning on saving that for last.”
He chuckles - absolutely not. Beauregard carefully keeps her gaze on Blumenthal as Caleb wipes his eyes. 
And then he looks again.
Jester heaves up a beam so Fjord can pull two children - and then their parents. Caduceus pads with tea in one hand, lichen in the other. His ear twitches as Yasha helps prepare a house to hold the neighbors, as Luc herds some star-struck teens into making tents, Brenatto-patented.
Caleb Widogast does not know Mending. 
But, then again, neither does Beau. 
He rolls up his sleeves… and opens his home to his hometown.
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eekonis · 2 years
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first chapter of my comic-fic collab with @tea-with-veth!! She’s a phenomenal writer, that has inspired my work in the past and I’m super grateful for the opportunity to collab with her.
Her fic „home in this place“ accompanies these pages. Better check it out to understand the second chapter of the comic better, which will be posted soon :)
For now, enjoy 💚
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icyfox17 · 1 month
New tag game bc I'm bored
List 5-10 of the most obscure crossovers you have floating around in your brain !!
1. Dumbass!crimeboys x halcyon!crimeboys
-> arguably the most obscure since it's a crossover between two aus that aren't even posted publicly, but i gen adore it sm<3 db!crimeboys is a hero au where tommy is just. Welp. A dumbass<3 he's my fav tommy ever guys 😭😭 he's my friend's au and I just SOBS most precious guy ever... And halcyon crimeboys is a detective au. Basically take the dumbest tommy and tired older brother Wilbur and make them meet the smartest crimeboys. It's very silly:))
2. Psych x Dsmp
-> okay hear me out. Hear me out. Shawn Spencer is literally Tommyinnit. They are the SAME. Now Phil as Chief Vic, Techno and Wilbur as twin detectives who both function as Jules and Lassiter (platonic ofc), and Tubbo as Gus. It fits way better than it should 😭😭
3. Critical Role (specifically Mighty Nein) x Dsmp
-> guys. Guys. I went on a rant on here like a year ago BUT CADUCEUS AND TECHNO'S CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE EERILY SIMILAR TO EACH OTHER. Tall pink dude w animal traits (cad is more cow, tech is more pig)? Cad is like c!Phil and c!Techno to me... (Is it bc of the tea obsession? Maybe...). I just also think that clingyduo would get along with Jester and Nott/Veth like a wildfire. OR OMG FOOLISH-- Does anyone remember Foolish building dick statues everywhere?? Yeah, he's definitely a follower of the Traveler.
4. 911xMCU
-> okay ngl guys this just came 2 me bc I realised that everyone calls Bobby Cap like how all the Avengers call Steve Cap and I was like lmfao imagine a scene where someone says Cap and they both respond to it.
5. Cw Flash x Pjo
-> okay this isn't my idea but it's one of my fav fics ever WHY DOES IT WORK SO WELL LMFAO
6. Spider-Man x Dick Grayson & Wally West
-> PETER IS LITERALLY DICK AND WALLY IN ONE PERSON 😭😭 SUPER SMART SCIENCE BRAIN + SILLY GOOFY + ACROBATS they're the same. I need them to meet so badly sobsosbsosbsosvsosbsosbsisbsjs Not sure which versions of which I just. Need it. Pls 😭😭😭
7. Justice League Unlimited x Young Justice (tv show)
-> This one has its own separate post here, but omg it makes me SO UPSET GUYS 😭😭😭
8. TMNT x Batfam
Okay not obscure bc they have had both a movie and a comic BUT HEAR ME OUT. SPECFICALLY THE 2007 MOVIE VERSION OF TMNT. This scene is literally Dick and Jason I can't do this guys WHY DO THEIR COLOURS EVEN MATCH
9. Dceu!Bruce & Barry x MCU!Irondad
-> okay my mental illness is full blast here but omfg they are the same duo THEY ARE THE SAME I need them to swap sons for a day plspslspslspspspdlfkfdishskdfjdksklaskd
10. Any vigilante au Tommy x Spider-Man
-> this is hidden in my notes app and is both like my own version of Tommy and Spidey but omfg I'm attached it's such a fun idea to play around with rahhhshshshss. I have a scene where Tommy and Spidey have a miscommunication over Blade lmfao and it lives rent free in my mind. Like Blade is a vampire but does NOT dress the same as Technoblade who might also secretly be a vampire in Tommy's universe lmfaooo
Okay and Bonus One that literally no one will understand except me
11. Magnum PI remake x Orphanduo (Techno and Skeppy)
-> Katsumoto is literally Technoblade guys. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. And omfg Magnum and Higgens are so happy duo ngl 😭😭😭
Tag time :D
@sammiekel @jiksvokrat @cristalmystery @ghosts-and-blue-sweaters @sleepdeprivedofmycorn @sunflowervc @angrilydancing and anyone else who wants to join in!!
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