#tfa dinobots
clitoris-maximus · 3 months
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lolathepeacocklord · 9 months
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the OFFICIAL doodle page where I make my incredible breakthrough of how to draw and design humanformer swoop trasformer. waowie!!!!!
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TFA Earthbot AU, where the Main Autobots fall in love with the Bots created on Earth by the Allspark Key… Bumblebee + Soundwave 🐝🎵 Optimus + Grimlock🚒🦖 Prowl + Swoop🏍️🦕 Bulkhead + Snarl🚙🦕 Ratchet + Wreck-Gar 🚑🚚
Bumblebee x soundwave:
1- cat x yappy dog energy you can't change my mind.
2- neither of them know how to mind their own business and have no shame about it all.
3- they also have no shame in being affectionate with eachother in front of everyone they don't care at all when they're holding eachother.
4- almost always holding eachother because soundwave likes having his love in his arms and bee likes feeling wanted by his love so it works for them.
5- they are eachothers top priority no matter what.
Optimus x grimlock
1- grim is incredibly protective and has a major jealous streak meanwhile op is just as protective but knows grim only has optics for him.
2- spar as bonding time winner gets kisses from the lower.
3- op playfully calls grim "my king" on occasion and grimlock gets insanely flustered about it every single time.
4- grim likes carrying op around at every approtunity and loves showing off for him.
5- optimus prefers to keep things mostly private. Grimlock on the other hand has absolutely zero shame.
Prowl x swoop
1- medidate together cause prowl got him into it.
2- swoop likes to show off his flying to prowl and won't hesitate to break out the mace on anyone who interrupts his displays.
3- prowl is usually reserved with affection but likes kissing swoop on the cheek just to see him smile.
4- bird watch together. Well prowl is watching the birds swoop is watching prowl.
5- every so often swoop will scoop prowl up and smother him in kisses and nuzzles until he feels prowl is sufficiently cheered up.
Bulkhead x snarl
1- BIG cuddlers.
2- bulky takes to painting portraits of snarl to show him how handsome he is.
3- snarl prefers the much more direct method of tackling bulk to the ground and covering his face in kisses to express his love.
4- wrestle with eachother alot usually on the island so they don't break anything important.
5- they are shamelessly doting with eachother.
Ratchet x wreckgar
1- wreckgar gives ratchet anything he finds in the dump he thinks ratchet might like and ratchet keeps every single thing.
2- ratchet is throwing a hammer at anyone who insults wreckgar primus help you if you make him sad.
3- wrecks likes to serenade ratchet with his accordion, ratchet happily listens and uses the wrench on any who dare interrupt.
4- at random points wreckgar will just decide to carry ratchet around while kissing him a bunch. Ratchet acts like it's perfectly normal.
5- ratty likes to flustered his garbage boy any chance he can and he is very good at it. One little kiss and wrecky is clinging to him with a dopey smile on his face the rest of the day.
BONUS- grimlock and snarl wag their tails in beast mode whenever their around there partners.
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compaculaaa · 2 years
okay but elita drama aside-- percy/wheeljack sparklings except its just baby dinobots
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Who knows, maybe these little guys can show percy how to feel again
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toomanybrainrots · 5 months
Hello! Can you do Dinobots and/or autobots, from TFA, with a Bot based on Plesiosaur (an Aquatic Dino). Can be romantic or platonic
Bot's gentle giant, a motherly yet curious and somewhat child-like personality and dislikes violence/destructions of any sort yet can be passive-aggressive and sometimes protective/aggressive for their friends/family
Thank you for the request. I decided to do . Since Reader’s based on a Plesiosaur, I decided that they would have a Plesiosaur alt mode. This can be read as platonic or romantic but I had platonic in mind while writing
Note after writing this: i just looked up a Plesiosaur’s size only after I wrote this so…yeah, reader’s extra big
Autobots & Dinobots with a Bot Reader that has a Plesiosaur alt mode and a dinobot
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You first met them when you were sleeping
They had heard of rumours going on about a giant sea monster living in a lake
Optimus and Ratchet weren’t that concerned, after all it was just a rumour
Prowl was a bit curious but left it alone due to it just being a rumour
Bumblebee was the curious one and decided to drag Bulkhead along
The duo didn’t expect to see a massive dinobot underwater
“Come on, Bulk! It’s fine!” Bumblebee called out, waving his servos in the air “The waters fine, there’s no stupid lake monster!”
Bulkhead looked at the minibot with wariness, fidgeting with his servos. “But what if- what if there is?”
“Awe, come on, Bulk! There’s no way—“ Bumblebee cut himself off as water splashed onto him, covering him in water. Annoyed, he turned around to see the perpetrator
“Hey, who do you think–“ Bumblebee was met with a chassis. Slowly, he looked up, meeting your gaze as you loomed over him. He let out a nervous chuckle, backing up slowly, before he grabbed Bulkhead’s servo and ran as fast as he could
When they came back, they told the others everything
Ratchet didn’t believe them one bit
That was, until they went to the lake and saw you themselves
You were bigger than Bulkhead, probably the size of a Decepticon!
Thankfully, you managed to let them know you were friendly
After that, you slowly became friends with them
They visited you at your lake, you usually played with Bumblebee and Sari, or chatted with Prowl and Optimus, occasionally playing a prank on Ratchet, and helping Bulkhead with his confidence
You worried over them a lot. They were just younglings!(except for Ratchet) they shouldn’t be fighting big bad Decepticons
You took their word that they were able to defend themselves, but that didn’t stop you from worrying
So when Decepticons had managed to corner them to the lake, you knew you had to do something
You watched as a Decepticon blasted lasers at your friends, them nearly dodging it. Another Decepticon threw a vehicle at them, slamming Bulkhead into a nearby building
You watched with anger and frustration bubbling up as they threw around your friends like toys, like scrap.
Having enough, you swam up to the surface of the water, intercepting one of the Decepticons and Bumblebee, preventing them from landing a blow on the minibot
You loomed over them, letting out a roar. Thankfully, that scared them off, making them fly away with their tailpipe between their legs. Serves them right.
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You lived on the island with them
You were probably the most controlled one out of all them
You had to stop them all from tearing each other apart or destroying the island, it just became a daily occurence
Of course, that didn’t stop you from having your fun pranking them
But you were usually busy stopping them
You were relaxing in the surrounding water of the Island, drifting along to the current, your frame relaxed in your alt mode
Suddenly, you heard the loud cry of Swoop, along with Grimlock’s yelling. Soon enough, the two dinobots tumbled out of the Island’s trees, wrestling back and forth in the mud on the shore, getting it all over themselves and flicking some in your face.
You let out a sigh, before you inhaled, and let out a roar that startled both of them, causing them to stop wrestling and stand up straight. These bots were going to be the death of you…
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aviatrix-ash · 11 months
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Skyfire visits Earth to help his friend Cosmos out of a sticky situation, he ends up making some dino (+1 Constructicon) friends too.
Got another comic brewing up in my head I'll play with after I finish SkyGliding and some 1-2 page one shots after. Mostly going to be a twist on the G1 Marvel UK comic that also featured Skyfire and some Dinobots.
I think he and the Dinobots + Scrapper could be friends :3
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- Meet me, these are my wards!
- Nice to meet you
(Oh Primus save)
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
“From the outside it would seem we're not alike But if you're like me, and I mean you surely could be Then you might be afraid you're gonna have to join the fight
You've probably known this life of war For so long you've forgotten what it's for And your armour can't protect you from the fear you feel inside And the war is coming now, you see, there's nowhere left to hide
But You're okay, you're alright I'll never, ever, leave your side
I will stay, my little guy With you”
-Scrapper, singing to Snarl
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shokveyv · 4 months
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xenussx · 2 months
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Omg Snarl and Scrapper💥
-I just rewatched 3rd TFA season, and Scrapper is SO SILLY HELWP I CANTT
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thenamesblurrito · 7 months
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sticker art! i'm calling this my blep sticker series lol
this was the first batch for the con that you can buy here, and i've just made a whole new set that should get printed soon
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hi I happy that your open how would the tfa Dino bots react to finding a sparkling Dinobot and becoming attached to glimlock
YYYEEESSS! I love the Dinobots and giving them a child is just perfect!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Dinobot Sparkling with Grimlock, Swoop, and Snarl
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was a robot brought to life from the Allspark.
After the events of the Dinobots, the park still needed something to replace the robots.
The first one they did was a baby Spinosaurus with its mother still in the works.
A fragment of the Allspark had gone into the baby’s frame.
The baby woke up and looked around.
Somehow, they knew they needed their parents and began looking around.
They saw the mother bot being worked on and ran up to it purring into its leg.
 The robot did nothing to respond to the affection.
The baby was confused and tried again.
After a few more times the baby decided to leave.
The ‘mother’ wasn’t doing anything which confused and saddened the baby.
 They saw some cargo boxes and hid there. Maybe the next day would be better.
The box as it turned out would be on a ship that would be passing by Dinobot Island before reaching the next port.
As the ship began turning from the island, one of the straps holding the baby’s box had snapped, and the box ended up falling from the ship and straight into the water.
The baby got scared with the sudden feeling of falling and bobbing up and down with the waves created by the ship.
The box somehow stayed bobbing long enough for it to get semi stuck in the shore’s sandy banks.
The baby, shaken, after the rough tumbling and let out a cry.
It was dark, cold, and they were all alone.
Meanwhile Grimlock had decided to take a walk outside before the storm hit the island.
He liked the feeling of the wind against his armor.
Grimlock minding his own business while walking near the shoreline.
“Wind feels nice. Wind noises nice.”--Grmilock
“Wind sounding strange today.”--Grimlock
“Me Grimlock thinks it not wind. Me Grimlock look for noise!”--Grimlock
He went to go and investigate it.
He got curious when the noise he heard came from a box in the sand.
Grimlock grabbed the box with his mouth and set it down a bit further from the water. With one swipe from his tail, he smashed the inside of the box.
Baby’s helm pokes out.
“You make noise?”--Grimlock
“Wait… You Dinobot! Small Dinobot, but still Dinobot!”--Grimlock
“Big lights—wait where you go?”--Grimlock
Grimlock looks down to see the baby huddled next to his pedes shaking.
“No need to be scared! Big lights are far away! No hurt.”--Grimlock
“… That one was closer. Let’s go see Snarl and Swoop.”--Grimlock
“You Dinobot. Dinobot’s together strong.”--Grimlock
Grimlock picks up the baby with his mouth and walking back to the cave.
To say that Swoop and Snarl were surprised was an understatement.
Grimlock left for less than 5 minutes and came back with a kid.
Snarl is a bit hostile to the baby, snorting at them.
But Grimlock makes sure that he gets the memo.
Don’t touch the child.
Swoop on the other hand takes a near immediate liking to the baby waddling over to see them.
The baby was chirping up a storm. They liked this a whole lot better than being in the box.
“This new Dinobot.”--Grimlock
The baby shrieks and hides next to Grimlock’s pedes.
Snarl moves in front of the baby to block out the outside weather and lays down.
Swoop wraps one of his wings over the baby like a blanket.
Baby still shivering in fear.
Grimlock finally curled up around all the Dinobots using his backside to shield them from the outside world.
Baby stops shivering and falls asleep.
“…How about Tiny?”--Grimlock
“They are really small. Good name.”--Grimlock
“Tiny. Tiny good.”--Swoop
Tiny sneezes a bit before curling closer to Grimlock.
“Good night, Tiny.”--Grimlock
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lolathepeacocklord · 9 months
the tfa dinobots are all lesbians btw. In case you didn’t know.
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candychameleon · 10 months
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New earrings, enamel pins, and self-inking stamps!
All pin & earring pre-orders within the US will get free shipping! (free shipping is for earrings & pins ONLY) Earrings I've made in the past, for reference. Pre-orders will run from August 7th to August 25th! Reblogs appreciated! 💕
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speedygal · 2 months
And the colorized version of Beachcomber's demise.
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scarletarrowtf · 4 months
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Dinobot has always been associated with Vikings, so powerful and free, that's why I painted him like this (I still grieve that dinobot really got to Valhalla)
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