#thank you for the tag!!!!
runawaymun · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Sunday
I was tagged a while back by @niennawept to share a bit of any WIP I'm working on. So here's a bit from To Partake
“I would speak with you,” Gil-Galad says, and he does not have to specify alone.  “Whatever you have to say to him, I will hear also,” Erestor growls, his entire body is squared at Gil-Galad and shaking. It’s taking everything in him not to launch himself at the king. Gil-Galad’s chin lifts. Elrond can see the way the muscles in his face tighten. No, no, no. He cannot have them getting into some kind of altercation. Erestor will get hurt.
no pressure tags for @jaz-the-bard @maglor-my-beloved and back at @niennawept (BONK.) & whomever else has something to share! Just say that I tagged you ;)
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aureli-us · 10 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
i was tagged by @2lim3rz but the og post was getting pretty big, so i remade it!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
30! soon to be 31 😎
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1,166,343. 😳 woah
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mainly skyrim! it's my most beloved, my bread and butter. however i recently also wrote for one piece, dragon age, spiderverse, and some older stuff for jojo's and star trek!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. apocrypha
2. dragonmark
3. smut drabbles (not really a fic but im lazy)
4. break of dawn
5. sic parvis magna
5. Do you respond to comments?
ALWAYS‼️ i love love LOVE commentors and do my best to respond within 1-3 days!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
UGH i wish i could but i don't often do REALLY angsty endings. so this would probably have to be dragonmark, since it ends with tharya and miraak quite estranged from one another and quite a frosty exchange of dialogue, as well as setting up for the next fic (which ends a teensy bit angsty as well, but not really)
possible runnerup to this is from the new world with love, since it ends rather ambiguously on what happens next.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
easily revenant. it's a rollercoaster of a fic, approx 40 chapters iirc, but ends with the thing i set out to do when i initially started writing the first & last series :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
NO, but i have gotten bot comments! i'll take it as a mark of fame 💅 lmao (jk i have no allusions of grandeur)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES. YES. YES. i'm probably a boring smut writer bc i kinda just write tharya and miraak over and over and over and over and over. but i do enjoy experimenting with them!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really - though i did write a dragon break fic once and asked a few other writer friends to lend me their characters for it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  
nope! would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also not really, but for that same dragon break fic i had those writer friends write scenes and brainstorm with me to fit everything together! so in a way, sort of :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
god....would it make sense to say even though i write, i'm not very active in fandoms? i've never really considered myself well and truly a PART of a fandom (aside from skyrim), just someone who likes to orbit the fandom and extract ideas from the source content. so i don't have many fandom/canon ships i like. can i say my own characters instead??? if so. my ldb/miraak 10000000%
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm....well, it was arms of chaos before i gave up and deleted it. i have two longstanding WIPs (jojo fic and miguel fic) but i'm in love with their content and ideas, so i do have full intentions to finish them both! might just take a while
16. What are your writing strengths?
i would say putting emotion and description into my work. i LOVE trying to perfectly capture emotions as i feel them, even if that sometimes means the way they get written can be unorthodox. and, ofc, im obsessed with describing stuff all. the. time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description is a double edged sword LMAO😭 sometimes (most times) i go way too overboard or in depth. i also have a hard time writing kids 💀 and am not the best at writing normal fluff, i always need some kind of emotion or drama or problem/underlying plot to latch onto. i really wish i was, bc then i could write the cyrodiil vacation fic i've been dreaming of for two years
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
supporter! i do it occasionally with miraak and tharya. the original shōgun miniseries from i think the 80s is what first showed me that not all dialogue needs to be understood by the audience - in fact, it can be a powerful plot device when it isn't. so i'm a big fan of untranslated dialogue (in moderation) when it serves a purpose. otherwise i just denote the dialogue is in a different language after writing it in english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
god....probably transformers (i've gotten over that shame and am now in love w transformers again)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i often say revenant because it is in a way my crowning glory. but it's also stuck in my old style of writing (which is not bad, just less matured imo, and more flighty). but revenant is probably my fav ever content for a fic, it's something i wanted to write for like 4yrs before i did - from the new world with love is the only fic currently completed in my newer, aged wine style, and i really enjoy that one as well!
((but my coming soon fic is probably gonna take the cake whenever it drops))
i'll tag @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nuwanders @elventhief @nusaran and absolutely leave an open tag for anyone who wants to do it :) tag me so i can see it!
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bishicat · 9 months
Get To Know Me ✨
Thank you so much for the tag @seeker-of-truth <333!!!!!!
Favourite colour:
powder blue (I've always loved blue but this specific shade is totally not cause of a certain solavellan fanfic....)
Currently reading:
two books actually, Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin and Pandora by Susan Stokes-Chapman (and they've both been sitting on my bookshelf rotting away)
Last song:
I'm Your Man by Mitski -> guys when the dogs start BARKING I almost cried on the bus istg
Last movie:
Talk to Me (2022) -> this movie was actually genuinely freaky! I'm kind of a horror junkie and this scratched all the itches
Last series:
Alice in Borderland (the first season was INSANELY good)
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?:
can I pick all three? A combination perhaps? Hmmm I can't live without savoury food so...
donairs — specifically one with maple syrup, peppers and beef ughhhhhghghhh
Tea or Coffee?:
it depends, if it's hot then coffee but if the drink is chilled then I would prefer tea (milk tea).
Currently Working On:
artistically, I'm working on this River Ward sketch study dump but I'm not super happy with the colours so I might just post the lineart one of these days
academically, I've got a couple assignments due in a few days and I'm procrastinating (ಥ◡ಥ)
No pressure tagging these lovely folks @sacrecoeur-art @wistereia @totentnz @seraphfighter @housevael and anyone else that would like to share a few things! <3
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connie-rubirosa · 1 year
Tagged by @lordjohnwgrey 🥹🥹🥹 thank you for the tag!!
(I’m not gonna list L&O because we already know it’s my entire personality lmao)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Poker Face
The Practice
Pushing Daisies
Homicide: Life on the Street
Tagging: (no pressure!) @alexcabotgf @sonnet77 @thefirsthogokage @nicolamurrays @nikolatexla @ianmckellen @shane-west @zoyanazyalensskys @valenshawke @ciceryo @tonymarias @sit-drink-smile @cycat4077 @5ivebyfive @det1stgrstabler @detkatebenson @lawandorderforevercsi @victoriahughes
+ anyone else who wants to do this! 🥰
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ghostalservice · 10 months
Tagged by @chocolatepot !! Thank you!!!
Rules: Post the last line in your current WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
He’s in charge of his body, regardless of the form: that was the first lesson, when he was given the power to morph, no matter the desires of the human flesh he currently inhabits.
From the Animorphs AU!! A Very Long Sentence for a Very Confused and Horny Andalite.
Not tagging that many people, hah, but! @feliciadavin @clairegregoryau @fakestgeekboy @zombee @outpastthemoat @gaypiratebrainrot @bomberqueen17 @yerbamansa !
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"Pass on the happiness! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 more people! get sending. 💖💐"
got tagged by @makahitaki, does that count as happy thing 1?
rice + indregence (its me and my cucumber salad against the world these days)
my neopets
comfy sweater
bugs and pigeons! bugs ive always liked but pigeons are new to the list
being on my puter
and im going to tag @norsferatu (sorry, im doing tag memes again uwu) @outstorm @dottie-wan-kenobi @obscene-visage and @mushroomwriter as well as anyone else who wants to do it ^-^
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darkandstormyranger · 9 months
I've been tagged by @muigiel ^-^
Last song: "Oh Traveller Come" by Reinaeiry & Genshin Impact from Hoyofair..... I love this song so much, holy shit, the way all the characters??? have their little moment??? ITTO'S GRANNY AS A GHOST?? OLDER NOELLE BEING KINGHTED BY JEAN???? i may have cried the first time i watched & listened to it
Currently Watching: The Office, for the second time, and Good Bad Mother with my parents
Currently reading: The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See. I have been recently trying to get back into my reading game by reading literally anything and Lisa See's novels proved to be a pretty good choice, since they are easy to read, but also I usually learn at least one interesting fact about history of China so like... yeah. So far, nothing beats The Shanghai Girls and Dreams of Joy though.
Current obsession: i am haunted by the ghost of my happy past that i can never go back to. Waiting for another hyperfixation to take over and give me a semblance of feeling things. Apart from that, I'm still sailing on that Xicheng boat, even though I am much slower with drawing and writing now :')
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cuideag · 10 months
Get To Know Me!
Tagged by @ashenbun! 
Last song: Kilo Kish - Nice Out
Currently reading: In between books right now. I picked up Shadow and Claw by Gene Wolfe at the suggestion of some RP friends but I have not started it. Most recent read was actually a re-read though of North American Lake Monsters by Nathan Ballingrud.
Currently watching: oh god. I’m re-watching the Patlabor OVA right now when I SHOULD be watching Monster.
Current obsession: Monster Hunter. I’m feeling so sentimental about this gen...
Tagging: oh god I’m so allergic to tagging people but if you see this please assume that I would love to know more about you!!!
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hazystars · 7 months
ty @lonuely 4 the tag <33 😽
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
tagging my mooties obvi :) - @akashicrecord @radiodepts @yellowwperil @bazpitch @shamemp3 @lvagirl @daimonios @cosettegf @airsigh @contraltos no pressure !! much love <3
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wineonmytshirt · 1 year
thank you so much for the tag @erastours !! 🫶🫶
rule: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
favourite colour: purple!
song stuck in my head:
favourite food(s): popcorn, croutons lol, my mom's homemade cheesecake
last song i listened to:
dream trip: anywhere in italy, london, paris, and new zealand
last thing i googled: how to spell Forsythia correctly hahaha
tagging if you'd like to do it: @tisthedamnseasns @taylorswiftaylor @starryglitch @youbelongwith @actual-sleeping-beauty @ilostyou @magicwemades @withothergirlsinlove @snownonthebeach @theoneivefallenfor @taylorswifff @notesonartistry 💞💞💞💞💞
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I was tagged by @galacticlamps to share the titles of my current unpublished WIPs, so thank you friend!! I love stuff like this, and it’ll also be useful to get my WIPs in order, I think. I’ll split them up by fandom for the sake of clarity, since I currently have WIPs for Doctor Who, DS9, Voyager, and the video game Final Fantasy XII.
Doctor Who
A Duchess and a Sailor Walked Into a Bar - A Ben/Polly fic which follows their relationship from their childhood, to meeting each other and the Doctor, to departing the TARDIS. If you’ve read my fic ‘A Tale of Two Soldiers’, it’s got the same format, with one half of each chapter being Polly’s POV and the other half being Ben’s. It’s pretty bare bones at the moment (I’ve only written Polly’s POV for the first chapter), and I haven’t worked on it since January, but I’m sure I’ll get back into it when I’m more in the mood for writing Doctor Who fic again.
Five Times Ben and Polly Got Married (and the One Time They Didn’t) - Does what it says on the tin, really. It’s part of my AU where all of the Second Doctor’s companions travel in the TARDIS at once, and it’s pretty light and fluffy. Again, I’ve only made a start on the first chapter, so it may be a while before it sees the light of day.
Here Falls the Shadow - This is the first fic in the series I want to write about Sarah-Jane and Mike Yates solving extra-terrestrial mysteries after they’ve finished adventuring with the Doctor. It involves haunted house shenanigans and is lowkey inspired by Charlotte Perkins-Gilman’s short story ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, but the creepy thing in the wall is an alien actually. I’ve written a chapter and a half for this one, and it’s probably the Doctor Who WIP I’m most likely to finish. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
A Thousand Summers - It’s post-canon Siskoshir baybee!! Well, kind of - I headcanon that Benjamin is away for ten years following his disappearance at the end of ‘What You Leave Behind’, and this fic follows what Julian gets up to in those ten years. There’s post-canon Bajor, Sisko family feels, and, like most of my DS9 fics, plenty of angst to go around. It’s a multi-chapter fic, but it’s more a collection of one shots than a linked narrative. I’ve written two of the stories already, and I’m honestly very tempted to post the first one soon. I think I’ll try and finish one of my already active multi-chapter WIPs first, though.
Living in the Arms of Freedom - So this is an AU where Sisko, Jadzia, Julian, and Miles all left Starfleet pre-canon for Angst reasons and became a crew of space pirates instead. They’ll get involved with the plot of main canon eventually, and they’ll meet the non-Starfleet characters too. I’ve written some of the first chapter of this one, but I’m putting in a pin in it because I like the idea so much that I kind of want to turn it into a work of original fiction instead? I’m not sure yet, so bear with. 
Untitled Siskoshir Kid Fic - Once again, it does what it says on the tin (although I’m sure it’ll have a proper name eventually). I’m actually four chapters deep into this one, and I’ve shared the first chapter on the Siskoshir Discord server, but I’m very hesitant to post it publicly just because I don’t want the subject matter to be misconstrued or misinterpreted. But if enough people show interest, I may post it - you never know.
Star Trek: Voyager
The Storm Inside - Because I am apparently doomed to rot in rarepair hell, I was possessed to write a fic for B’Elanna/Kes, and this is it. Again, I’ve only made a start on the first chapter (I’m starting to notice a theme here), but this is basically a fic where these two lovely lesbians bond over their mutual uncontrollable rage and fall in love <3 
Final Fantasy XII
Fear Not the Darkness You Must Walk - Quite simply, this is my take on a novelisation of the game. It’s been in the works since about 2016?? I think?? Well, there have been kind of two versions of it, the old version and the new revised one - the first version I wrote when I was a teenager and actually posted on FF.Net, and it was... not good. So the version I’m working on now is Vastly Improved, if I do say so myself, but also distinctly unfinished. I’ve written ten chapters and a prologue, so that must count for something, right?
(Also, I don’t really post about Final Fantasy at all on this blog, but I have a sideblog dedicated to it @sky-pirate-penelo, so take a peek if you want to see some good FFXII meme content)
I’ll tag @lady-sci-fi, @nerdy-flower, @nostalgia-tblr, @enterprisery, @irresistible-revolution, @cordrazine-official, @xomby, @stopthatbluecat, and anyone else who’s interested! (no pressure of course <3)
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reverecurrent · 2 years
I was tagged by @sensualthoughtexperiment to list my 5 top songs for the moment 💿🎧🎶📻
1- Je ne sais pas by Lous and the yakuza
2- price of fame by Brent faiyaz
3- wicked game by Chris isaak
4- awkward by sza
5- tout est gore by Lous and the yakuza
Tagging @keeperoftheflame @trashpaintedgold @smokedsugar @lovefingers no pressure !🤍
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beebfreeb · 4 months
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An Interview with Dot.
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dear-ao3 · 6 months
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beebundt · 3 months
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(non-sexual nudity) accumulated doodle page with charlie and her gf i never talk abt that she's so in love with. both she/her
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ourrosette · 29 days
💖, 🤩 , 🎭, 🏡, 💪
Thank you for the ask!!!!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
Hands down, When Lines Intersect. That one is not only SO self-indulgent, but I am absolutely obsessed with how I managed to flesh out all the characters. It was the second series I started, so I also had a little more experience and practice to tell the story I wanted to tell.
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
This is a really hard one, just because every comment means so much to me. I've must have read through all of my comments dozens of times, especially when I get down about my writing. But there is one that comes to mind.... "Thank you author i needed this closure before i go to sleep 🥹 its so tender hujhdskjljk i read everything in one sitting cause its so good?????!?!? Also i rlly love ur energy in the notes section of every update, like its so cheery haha. OH AND It makes me happy that you really like writing this story cause I RLLY RLLY LIKE THIS STORY SM like if this fic were a food, I've already inhaled it, plate and all. Its really good.. anyway im looking forward to the one shot!! Happy hiatus and take care of urself out there💘💘💘" - Box_kun Consumption as a form of love is my FAVORITE way to show appreciation.
🎭 What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
Easy, angst. Whump. Anything that has to do with emotional and physical damage. I'm the happiest when my characters are not.
🏡 What is your perfect writing environment?
At home, covered in blankets on my couch, with a cup of iced chai and my laptop. Cozy girl to the core.
💪 What motivates you to write?
Without going too much into detail, I've gone through a lot of traumas through my past. A lot of hurt. A lot of pain. All that haunt me still. Unfortunately, as someone who has a very active and detailed imagination, its really hard to escape the flashbacks sometimes. So, when journaling became to painful, I turned to reframing my traumas. Giving them to imaginary characters so that working through them became so much less painful. Its cathartic, being able to revisit painful experiences through a different lense. All while finding community with an amazing bunch of people who loves these characters just as much as I do <3
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