#thank you so much for humouring me!!!
lovesickfolly · 8 months
Question time! What's your favourite BL airing right now and why?
My favourite BL right now is Kiseki: Dear To Me. Not because it's the best BL out there - that is I Feel You Linger in the Air - but because it gives me excellent headcanon material. It's still very open ended, the characters all have a push and pull dynamic to them, there is good enough chemistry from everyone involved, and the side couple is providing tons and tons of sad pining. I love pining and (seemingly) unrequited love between friends that later turns into something more. I have had entire storylines running through my head about where they might be heading and I've made myself super sad about the, as of now, unrequited love Ai Di is dealing with. And that's a good thing. It means I'm involved and feeling creative about the show. They pulled me in.
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whinlatter · 4 months
ask game -- ginny and seamus, harry and tonks , ron and sirius, hermione and neville
gorgeous options for the characters and dynamics ask game, thank you anon 🤙
ginny and seamus: seamus hated ginny for years. he did NOT want to believe that man-stealing harlot had good craic. ginny, on the other hand, was vaguely aware there was an irish guy around sometimes. then they fought in the DA together under the carrows and seamus had to begrudgingly accept she is actually exceptionally good vibes and ginny had to learn his name. and then they became good mates and ginny ships deamus like it’s her job and they have a lovely rewarding funny friendship which is only partly based on their shared acute mummy issues
harry and tonks: the fact that harry sort of thinks tonks is fine but low key annoying is an extreme source of amusement for me. other characters like tonks a lot but harry’s like - meh! she literally has his dream job and he’s unimpressed. when she’s introduced in canon his grouchy narration is like, can you stop fucking knocking things over? and then when she does up lovelorn over lupin in HBP he’s actively pissed off that she’s not very helpful lmao. gossiping about her to hermione like, ew is tonks in love with her cousin? huge ick if so. i know sirius was fit but come on. also when tonks shows off her wedding ring and harry yelps ‘you got MARRIED?!’ like ok judgy judgerson! you know when he had to step in to fix tonks and lupin’s marriage that the boy was tired
ron and sirius: ok i think about this one too much. but one of my favourite things about ron and sirius is that while ron really respects sirius, he doesn’t think the sun shines out of his arse like harry does, and worries about sirius as someone self destructive that harry reveres in a slightly troubling way. at the end of the day, ron more closely aligns with hermione’s view of sirius than harry’s, and that’s visible in their dynamic: friendly, but restrained. i think sirius thinks highly of ron and is kind to him, but he’s singularly focussed on harry, and not hugely interested in building a relationship with harry’s mates (and, obviously, he clashes more openly with hermione, and ron rides hard for his lady at all times). i think sirius sees ron and harry’s dynamic as something very different to his and james’, because ron doesn’t enable harry and the two of them aren’t troublemakers in cahoots, and that makes him feel a bit blah (because he senses, a bit guiltily, that harry and ron are more mature than he was at their age, and that ron looks after harry in a way that reminds sirius of the guardians that have been missing in his childhood)
hermione and neville: neville's first crush one hundo. hermione had to let him down easy i am convinced of it. neville makes a joke about it at romione’s wedding and sends ron spiralling when he realises that all of the occupants of his dorm bar seamus at some point either wanted to bang his sister or his wife
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So I remember you saying how you headcanon that wukong despises oranges cause when he was a baby he bit into the skin, didn’t like it and hated it ever since, so i bring you: mk showing wukong orange juice, without telling him that it’s literally made from oranges (cause He thinks he already knew) and wukong actually ends up liking it, and asks him what it’s called
And when mk says that it’s orange juice, he’s shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU that they can make what he remembers as the most repulsive thing he’s ever tasted into something sweet. and he suddenly needs to lie down
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only my burnout kept me from making this into an entire comic bFLSK;JFASDF
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kafkaguy · 2 months
fuck, marry, kill, 4th option: peter tork, davy jones, mike nesmith and micky dolenz
i actually don't want to kill any of them. like initially I thought "Oh easy, kill mike" but honestly it would be more beneficial, to the both of us, if I fuck him....
so: marry peter of course, fuck mike, kill micky BECAUSE he is forever and eternal and also jumps off the bridge first in head. he's micky dolenz he'll survive. and secret 4th option davy which is where we go horseback riding on the sands of the norfolk coast together.....
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f1-techsupport · 9 months
nav post
my main where I post my art: 💕 @superion-artworks 💕
blogs I love & recommend in the F1 space because let's share the love!!! let's go!! 👇
@monacobasedgirldad Amazing humor, Nico Rosberg afficionado, very entertaining tags
@estiebestieban fantastic fic writer who made the bride!Esteban and bodyguard!Fernando period fic Ambiramus
@n-ico-ando very sweet & creative, writes & makes fem edits of the drivers
@cedobols wonderful creator, backbone of sebmark shippers, draws the most beautiful twink seb I've ever seen, cute personality
@kimio7 very talented artist with a very strong visual language and intense colors / gazes, loves to put our boys in situations
@husbono very talented artist with an amazing, soft style that fits retired seb incredibly well. fellow bono enthusiast
@sunshinesebby writer of Sebchal wilderness survival / horror / monster fic Sanctuary which has consumed me for the last 2 months. read this even if you don't like Sebchal I'm begging you
@rosyjuly writer & artist who understands my sebmick insanity. Wrote Worked the Blade and Spoils of War who are a must read (heed the tags).
@umlewis posts super beautiful gifs! also has more side blogs for mick and seb for example!
@vicsy writer with a very flirty, rough style of writing Fernando and Lance, giving us classics such as the crime lord Fernando AU
@kritischetheologie writes very intense fics, gorgeous writing style. likes to explore emotional burdens & kinks of the characters.
@feraltwinkseb just think they're neat, very entertaining blog, and they knit, so I love them
@fernandoalonzoo fellow Nando fan, shitposts every now and then, very entertaining tags
@flopnandoalonso Nando slander (beloved). Nando fan with lots of humour
I'll expand the list soon!
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pokimoko · 4 months
hiii--- i know you mostly post/write about other fandoms but i just want to say that graceful degradation is probably one of THE best fics ive read of all time and i love it so so so much, it had me screaming into my pillow at like 2 in the morning. its such a unique and creative take on his backstory and the ANGSSTTT. oh my god...u are a genius
Thank you so much!!! Portal 2 was something I never imagined myself writing for, but I'm very glad I did, because writing that fic was a blast. It came out of my fondness for 'Flowers For Algernon' (which I read many years ago but has been stuck in the back of my mind ever since) and my need for a Portal fic that suited my particular niche of interests (which included, of course, my dear old friend angst). I'm so glad to hear you think of it so highly! That really means a lot 🥰
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noxexistant · 1 year
IM SORRY i was too busy fully crying over the overwhelming response encouraging me to keep talking about my blorbos :’) i got very in my own head that i was being annoying, particularly about the delanceys, but hearing SO MANY PEOPLE ask to hear more is so wild n lovely n auuuuughhh i love you all
ANYWAY. we’re pulling the boys out of the blender to psychoanalyse them for once
cw; talk of food issues, abuse, substance abuse, plus all the usual stuff for my delancey interpretations
it’s rambling time
first of all, oscar.
he absolutely has symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, to start us off.
antisocial personality disorder, like bpd, can be caused both genetically and by abuse/neglect/instability during childhood, and details such as parents abusing alcohol or other substances can factor in. i headcanon both the delanceys’ parents to have abused alcohol, and particularly their mother to have been bipolar, which affects their upbringing and their own genetics/vulnerability to mental illness.
oscar is just so angry, all the time, as a child - nothing is fair, nothing is okay, and there isn’t even anything he can do about it. it’s this crushing sense of frustration and fear and helplessness. even at school, even when he’s really, honestly trying his best, he can’t pay attention. he knows he’s incredibly lucky to be going to school at all - morris’ll never go - but that just means he’s in trouble there as well as at home. he gets caned at school and then comes home to get beat. it’s not fair. nobody listens, nobody treats him well, but he has to look after morris anyway even though nobody’s ever looked after him.
the anger calcifies as he gets older. solidifies into this mass that sits inside him, taking up all the space for anything good. he becomes aggressive and impulsive, and learns to stop caring about other people because none of them can be trusted - enough people have proven themselves awful, his parents and everyone on the streets and snyder and the other kids in the refuge and weasel, so he’ll stop trying and trust they’re all the same. even someone who might not be a threat is probably worthless and useless, he has nothing to gain from doing anything but getting them out of the way, and oscar recognises his hypocrisy because he used to think similar things about morris, but morris is different.
morris is a part of oscar. he isn’t an outsider, he isn’t like anybody else, he’s the only thing in the entire world worth caring about, and oscar does. he doesn’t feel anything when he hurts or scares anyone else, at most feels a sense of satisfaction, but his stomach drops out when he accidentally scares or hurts morris, by shouting at him or moving too fast or doing one of the things that makes morris go empty-eyed and far away. oscar feels sick with guilt then - really, physically sick with it, like it’s surrounding the black mass of his anger and there isn’t enough space for it and it all just starts spilling out - and he doesn’t know how to cope. he doesn’t know how to stomach his love for morris. especially not when it has to sit next to all the anger like that. he tries so hard to keep the two away from each other, but he still gets angry at morris often, although nowhere near as often as he gets aggressive with anybody else. he hits morris sometimes, even though he really doesn’t mean to, and morris always says it’s okay. he says he’s not scared of oscar, not really, no matter what, because they’re them - the two of them, one entity. they’re entirely codependent.
morris has borderline personality disorder. which is also influenced by his autism - these two types of black-and-white thinking and sense of justice and general perception of the world, feeding into each other and creating a sense of isolation that keeps him away from everyone but oscar. oscar’s the only person who can be trusted, and morris loves him more than anything - way, way more than he loves himself, which is not at all. every part of morris, his moods and emotions and his worth and his willingness to do anything, ride wholly on oscar’s mood at that moment and how he’s treating morris. morris is far more likely to hurt himself if oscar is upset with him or not talking to him, which oscar knows, so once they’ve been in the refuge for a while he stops being upset with morris for any longer than the duration of one of his outbursts. he won’t let morris hurt himself anymore, will often encourage morris to hit him instead of hitting himself when he’s upset or frustrated.
still, morris is forever terrified that oscar will leave him just like ma and pa did, so he tries to be good. he tries to always agree with oscar, and keeps quiet when oscar’s having a bad turn, and he doesn’t get mad back even when oscar hits him, though that’s also in part because he can’t. the second morris gets hit like that, he shuts down - thinking about pa - and then everything’s gone for a few hours, maybe a day if it’s really bad. he’s lost months to dissociation before, whole years with only brief glimpses of the surface before he went back down, particularly while he and oscar were in the refuge. there’s things that scare him and upset him that he doesn’t understand because they’re parts of memories he doesn’t remember. he has little to no sense of self and no sense of self-worth, he has bouts of being sure he doesn’t need anyone but oscar and bouts of feeling so lonely he can hardly breathe. he feels empty a lot, but also feels angry and sad and desperately scared, and sometimes giddily happy but it never seems to last long. he thinks about dying a lot.
he also definitely has arfid. it’s a mix of a lot of triggers - his autistic sensitivity to foods, all his trauma surrounding food, and low interest in eating anyway because he can’t understand his own hunger cues and tends not to really enjoy food. he’s been malnourished his whole life, and largely still is, even nearing adulthood - he won’t eat like oscar does, wolfing down a whole plateful of whatever’s on offer, he can’t. he’s sick if he tries to eat food he doesn’t want, and/or has meltdowns. it terrifies oscar, who is just desperate for morris to eat at least enough to be healthy, but even oscar usually can’t convince morris to eat. he focuses on getting the particular foods that morris does like instead, and always keeping them so that he can get morris to eat a bite or two at a time throughout the day. on morris’ worst days, oscar will get him candy - his favourite, the only thing he’ll always eat - and let him eat that like a meal so he’s at least eating something.
that being said, oscar isn’t great about consuming stuff either. he likes alcohol too much, and he’ll do his damnedest to not drink a drop in front of morris but he’ll often sneak out once he knows morris is asleep and duck into a bar for an hour or two. he drinks like he’s trying to knock himself out, which he usually is. he likes a bar fight too - meaningless, usually, and no-holds-barred. he’ll glass someone for saying anything bad about his brother, or anything good about his parents. he drinks what his father used to, because he knows what it’s called and what it tastes like - he’d used to steal swigs from the bottles left out, when he was a little kid. he’d made morris try too, when he was the age oscar’d been when he first tried, but he’d spat it straight back out. oscar’d laughed at him, but now he’s grateful. morris hurts himself enough without adding drinking to the mix.
both of them have c-ptsd. morris has nightmares every single time he falls asleep for long enough, and doesn’t sleep much because of it. oscar has adhd - it influences his aggression and frustration, this constant burning restlessness that exists within him. he’s deeply impatient with anything he finds boring, which includes most people, and he most commonly “stims” with violence. the vast majority of morris’ stims border on self-harm, and he self-harms to stim too, but he has some positive stims - rocking back and forth, bouncing on his heels, stomping his feet, tracing the edges of objects, echolalia. he chews on things, including his own thumb, which he does both because it feels nice and because it hurts. sometimes that’s the same thing to him. he sucks his thumb too, especially for comfort, which ties into one final detail
morris age regresses, or does something adjacent. it’s this kind of undiagnosable no man’s land between his trauma and autism and developmental disability, but mainly just characterised by vulnerability and childishness. oscar’s the only one who really knows, mostly because he’s the only one who could ever notice, but he gets even more protective when he knows morris is more vulnerable - entirely nonverbal, just stimming and comfort-seeking. that’s when oscar sticks right by morris’ side, not getting restless or seeking out any fights for once, not talking for any reason other than to give morris something to listen to. just…looking after his brother, as best he can.
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filthyjanuary · 5 months
feeling sad :(
#sorry this is such a dumb thing to be sad about im a grown ass adult but like two thirds of the people i invited to my birthday#either cant come or said they would then bailed and like#some of them have legit reasons but some of them i'm kind of like :/ ok well i put in so much effort for yall would be really nice#if a crumb of that was reciprocated#idk i dont ask for much on my birthday i just want to have a nice dinner with my friends#and i have friends who like throw the biggest tantrum fusses about their birthdays and make it this entire spectacle#and people still humour them so it's kind of like#idk#do i really suck that bad that you cant make a saturday evening work to like eat good food#idk maybe next year i just wont plan anything#and everyone'll be like BUT SIMA IT'S THE BIG ONE and i'll be like well! i wish it werent!#bc it'll suck even more to have people not come lmao i dont actually think i've ever had a milestone birthday people just dont give a shit#this includes my parents idk like they are nice to me on my birthday but like no birthday was ever like hashtag special#and like the holidays already sucked so bad this year they did not feel like the holidays half the people i got presents for#didnt get me anything which is like fine i dont give presents to get them back but it kind of sucks to not even get a card? a thank you???#idk this is so stupid i am turning 29 i pay taxes this should not be a big deal#maybe it's bc i feel like half my 20s were pandemic years so it kind of sucks that theyre basically over and idk im just feeling sad and ol#and lonely and just kind of shitty and unlikeable#AND IT'S DUMBBBBB TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST IDK WHY I'M CRYING FUCK MY STUPID BAKA LIFE
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
if you play male farmer it's gotta be the growth from skirt chaser to bisexual himbo, at least that's his appeal for me. ugh how cute is his 10 heart event??? and he loves his family and dog???? love is stored in the tiddie
shiro from ridgeside village though is kinda,,,, you know,,,,,
i didn't want to expose myself and say it but i mean if ur gonna go first.. yes that is exactly the appeal. i play as a male farmer & the acknowledgement of us being TWO GUYS IN LOVE? it's just so... Agh. ASSHOLE JOCK GUY TO LOVESICK BOYFRIEND WHO'S PASSIONATE AND SOFT AND LOVES HIS FAMILY. makes me kick my feet n shit gets me every time i love You Alex SDV
ALSO YES I AGREE ABOUT SHIRO. haven't talked to him enough yet i've been holed up in the mines, but Man. So far he's just. very. The scar? come on now
i'm also interested in ian so far purely because he's tall and has a beanie. but i have the dcburger portrait mod for the ridgeside bachelors (no one else though because having these random anime boys in a sea of pixel art was too good a concept to pass up) and they're all so 🤲🤲🤲🤲
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drawthething · 1 year
Out of aaaalllllll the Bob’s Burgers episodes, which moment between the family do you think is most under-appreciated? (I know, it’s a tough question)
IT IS TOUGH, dang it babs! But such a good one 😒😭
Weelll there's one at the top of my head that's both hilarious AND sweet and I don't see people talking about it enough:
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The voice acting and animation is so fricking good and aren't y'all just in total awe of the family not wanting Bob to go, Linda & them Belchers babies clinging onto him while yelling the funniest dialogues ever? ("What is seeeex? I don't know what sex issss!!" Perfect delivery 🤌). Between the phone call scene and this part I don't know which one's funnier but this one's clearly the sweetest 😭
There're some bonuses, like when the family & Randy are walking home after the food truck is destroyed in the Food Trucking ep. Bob's frustrated and tired and Randy's back at it again with his bullshit but that little silence game they're playing kinda eases the mood and shows the tiny positive and playful side the Belchers remains to have when it comes to all types of bad lucks and disastrous situations. It's nice :D
And - and that little part in the Ga-Ga ball ep. Them muppets just having fun playing gaga ball in the livingroom and the kids being competitive as heck towards their parents are so cute 😭
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
a decade later sure i'll put it into Text Post "tumblr user claims: plausibly may feasibly" form, starting with these classic screenshots i still have saved
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this being dialogue from 2015's always watching: a marble hornets story, which is like hey this is a pretty well produced indie venture & you can sure like sit through it even if you then never watch it again b/c it's still kind of overly on the beaten path & "i'm not sure this choice is justified in much of anything" (see: bizarrely omnipresent thread of a love triangle just to be There; typical Mental Patient(tm) Harbinger; several real marked More Is Less instances arguably) that is still a better time than other random horror material i've seen & hated vs. only mostly been underwhelmed by but in an Overall Shrug way alone. yeah imdb's 4.7 out of 10 seems fair enough if you consider like 5 stars truly middle of the road solid if forgettable vs that anything < 7 stars is for [Bad!] or whatever
anyways the main character is named milo & indeed the creator(s) / actors / writers troy joseph & tim were involved in the production at all: tim at least by being the first step in doug jones's casting by reaching out directly (online), but troy & joseph also via Some writing, like in that slender game sequel also: not the Primary creators / writers, but still officially involved in the creative process at all. & i knew of them & they knew of me by this time & in a [source: dude just trust me] style of way, i, a tumblr user, am like "i think milo alwayswatching Could be named after me, milo unproduciblesmackdown. lol." b/c also like yeah i can take it on the chin if it's a coincidence, which is also likely. great name & it's just not being used enough in fictional & nonfictional people's names. you might also be aware that some role in tribetweIve is named milo (maybe the main guy. i never watched it) so you might also speculate it's named after that guy, which seems plausible also, But: afaik there are no other similar plausible shoutouts at all, to that series or to emh which was just as majorly like One Of Those 3 Biggest Online Series. may or may not add a grain of salt to take it with. like my own "of course, there's a grain of salt in 'milo just like me milo, and Uncoincidentally?' b/c how wouldn't there be. a name people have"
the dude just trust me argument: distilling it down to "i went to their first convention & then the same one the next year, & in these experiences i Know they knew of me from that + also online, where people knew my name was milo as well" and "it seems feasible enough it's an easter egg Not Coincidence that i first knew this character's name happened to also be milo b/c someone who experienced a clip sent me an ask about it, so they assumed it was a possible actual connection too lol." and, of course, it might be a fun coincidence after all. but i'm still like "yeah no it Could be a funny little shoutout to me specifically for real" and mean it and, again, i can endure it if i'm completely wrong. b/c who could care, and also b/c it's so funny that the character is a guy who basically just is like "i am going to have a bad attitude. b/c of the insistent tiresome love triangle thing. well now I'm insistently tiresome" and fucking everything up but like, sure. exasperating epic fail protagonists
the only relevance i think it has besides "to me, b/c i can go haha yeah. that might be like: just like me!!" is that it's Also plausible b/c yeah marble hornets Is the kind of series that might go "this could be an easter egg about some queer autistic tumblr user we know about" lmao, its Inherent Queerness both re: the material and in the creators' knowledge like yep that's how our Appreciators skew! like it's low stakes to be like [lol, Me. perhaps] b/c it's obviously of zero importance like it adds no info, i'm just some rando queer fan from back in the day, but it's this potential Fun Fact that's funny to know & it's about "yeah like they knew i was trans back then too & that it was like, amidst the MH Fans, like nobody's cishet man (shaggy rogers voice)" Gay Rights!
#marble hornets#It's Possible And Someone Should Say It#and like fr i'm saying it with a swagful humility b/c yeah ofc it feels like an overreach to be like ME Milo???? but it could be fr#and ofc it's just a funny little detail If So so it's also really not that much of a reach b/c nobody else could care one way or another#the only possible Reactions beyond ''main character named milo? this has zero extra meaning for me''#is Me; Specifically going [gasp!] (which i did anyways b/c Pointing! & b/c yeah thee whole time it's like It Could Be Just Like Me Fr)#and tribetwelveheads going ''like as in tribetweIve?'' which like still maybe but gotta keep it real with you chief: Less Likely#it's funny if i'm right And it's funny if i'm wrong so like yeah ofc i'll Just Say It. i can endure in good humour if Knowing no it's not#and like i could just ask. but in my prior chitchatting with [Yeah We Know Of Each Other] quadruple A status#(amicable and/or allied acquaintance) like it just hasn't ever been much or really At All abt marble hornets or anything else ''official''#yeah i Could barge into tim's dms like HEY do you MAYBE KNOW this trivia?? about MEEE??? but like. i'm not gonna lmao#i'm gonna be like: post more new kittycat pics worstie!!!! if anything.#or be like ''you're So right. recommend skinamarink to all past present future marble hornets fans'' hell yeah king#(as someone who Hypothetically enjoys horror; thus in actual practice virtually always hates horror. That Fr! sm good fckg food)#anyways like it can't possibly matter. sure just as plausibly a ''haha no it Is coincidental'' situation like & so i can endure that though#it's most plausible thanks to the [i did manage to make it to their first convention! a lot of fun. & i bought their mask]#like this fact was 99% irrelevant to Anyone Else; e.g. anyone online then or now#but it did boost making me a specific person the main creative / production trio guys Knew Of lol. being a queer autistic fan can do that#i also never use these screenshots lol but i did save them & still like just now stumble across them like oh yeah that guy! that Mystery!#we can keep it up for that mystique & ambiguity. & b/c again i have no cause to barge in at an A.A.A.A. like Answer My Trivia Boy!!#this would Also be funny but for the sake of any actual 4A rapport i will not be attempting it for Detached Jests#(conveniently this prevents me from bravely enduring taking it on the chin anyways! hence casually posting a Fun Fact. we'll never know)#also remembering i don't even have my name being milo on my blog header. But It Is
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leenaur143 · 7 months
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happy birthday minho, the cutest 🐰🐱 to ever exist
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waterfallofspace · 8 months
Hi hello!! Local lurker here. Im sorry to hear youre having a rough time!! D: hopefully itll get resolved soon enough!! Your recent skk piece was. Coughs. It was. Very very nice so this little distraction is the least i can do FHDJDJ
A little general question to distract, if youd like: ive noticed you have vnc in your fandom list-- WHICH AHH. Vnc has been living in my head rent free for a hot minute now. I wanted to ask about your favs and also general thoughts on the recent chapters, if youre caught up? (not that theres alot that goes past the anime BUT STILL. gosh the them)
Aww, thank you!! and aghsagjk I'm glad it was enjoyed hahahaha~
OMG I DO!!! AHFOSJIAKLG AHHHH I'm so out of my mind excited to talk about it but I do have a confession... I haven't read the manga yet ToT It's not on the site where I read my manga, so I have to find/purchase it somewhere else, and I just haven't had the chance yet~
BUT!!! I adore the anime with all my heart and omg so I'm Basic and apparently have A Type and so my favourite is V/anitas. Hands down. I adore N/oe too, he's a complete sweetie, (and uhh.... D/omi is pretty uh.... she's good.... haha~) but V/anitas holds my heart in his slightly-clawed-gloved-hands.
They're SOOOO- I stand by the take that they are in love. And you know what??? Their canonical love interests are basically just versions of the other. Which is a whooooole thing I won't get into, (and don't get me wrong, I love the girls too, just... why not with each other sfhsjfhsj) but I definitely love their bond either way!! (and hope to GOD that we get another season once the manga keeps going!!! so many questions aughh-)
(also just gonna add that yes. I have The Thots [snz] about them/this show, and I may one day act on it. I do have a lil google doc with Notes To Self about them hehehe~)
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pmd-loi · 2 years
Big thanks to trix (friend of mine on discord) for this amazing art. Logo was done by another friend, element. The art features chapter 13, nearly just as i imagined it!
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crabussy · 2 years
hi! i barely interact, but you said a bit ago that you needed a distraction, so im going to ask you some REALLY random questions to do just that. feel free to respond however you please, as long as it works
if you were to have one celebrity as a piece of furniture, who and what would you choose?
would you rather have to wear a full fursuit, regardless of weather, every time you go out in public or only be able to eat swiss cheese for the rest of your life? no health repercussions btw.
and a normal one. whats the weirdest passing conversation youve heard out in public? this includes school
hope these help :-P
first one WHAT DOES TGIS MEAN. IM SO SCARED also that made me laugh out loud thank you so much. ed sheeran ottoman
secondly. can I choose both. I’m serious can I have both of those things PLEASE I fucking love cheese and I love fursuits also. pleas
third, oughggg not sure- I am The Forgetful 💔 plenty of strangers have overheard my weird convos though Im sure. screamed about indigo earlier and scared the bus warden ):
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
T-poses in your askbox
-attempts a cartwheel and aborts when I remember I can’t do gymnastics- hey bb come here often?
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