#that that's a totally reasonable response to have; you're not weird for doing that. so this isn't precisely tma but i think it fits anyway
the-raindeer-king · 19 days
(A/N: prt 3 of Mama Riley! One use of pronouns but it's nothing too gendered. Ignore any spelling error. I wrote part of this half asleep.)
Silence stretches out between you and Mama Riley. She's dropped an absolute bombshell of information so casually, as if it was like talking about the weather. And she's so confident in her statement, leaving no room for argument.
You're not entirely sure how to respond. But you manage to squeak out, “Is that so?” which is such a bad response. You can't help but cringe at yourself.
It makes Mama Riley laugh though. She really does like you. You're a firecracker, in her opinion, and she thinks you'd be good for Simon. But she promises that if you don't want to date him, that's okay. You two were friends before Simon caught feelings, and she won't let anything change that. She tells you to at least consider it.
You spend the next week considering it. Looking back over your interactions with Simon, knowing how he feels, it feels almost obvious. He's tense around you because he likes you. He keeps bringing you gifts and remembering your favorite drink because he likes you.
But where do your own feelings lie? You hated him in the beginning, and gradually warmed up to the mountain of a man. But do you have feelings for him? The thought process makes your head spin, and there's a weird feeling in your chest. The question is no closer to being answered.
Not until he returns from deployment. He's got a new scar on his ear, and there's a limp in his walk. Caught a knife in the side, just barely missed anything important, he informs you and his mum. And your heart clenches at the thought.
Before you can really think about it, you're scolding him for being so casual about being injured. He's got people who care about him, he can't be so flippant about these things. He has a reason to come home, so he needs to act like it. If not for his own sake, then for you and his mom.
Despite the fact that you're chewing him out, there's this tender look on his face, affection in his eyes. He quietly huffs out a ‘yes ma'am/sir’, and the warmth in his eyes is reflected by the warmth growing on your cheeks.
There's a pause, something heavy in the air. Simon opens his mouth, ready to say something, but the moment is broken when Mama Riley comes bustling into the living room, dinner plates in hand. Her eyes dart between the two of you for a moment, a knowing smile on her face. But she doesn't comment on anything, just passes out dinner and settles down on the loveseat.
Over the next few weeks, you and Simon have a lot of tense moments, ready to finally admit your feelings to each other. But each time is ruined by some interruption. Mama Riley interrupts, your phone rings. Once, the kids down the hall came running past, shrieking about the upcoming snowfall.
Poor Simon is trying not to totally lose it. This is the closest he's gotten to admitting his feelings, to have you finally, and every time something interrupts you. He doesn't want to mess this up. It needs to be perfect because, in his head, that's what you deserve, that's how he's going to win you over. Unbeknownst to Simon, he's already won your heart. He just needs to ask you out.
Once again, it's Mama Riley to the rescue. You three have a tradition: the days leading up to Simon's next deployment, you all spend the night at Mama Riley's flat together. Now, Simon's on leave for the next few weeks, but she can't bear to watch the two of you struggle like this.
So she invites you both over, insisting that it'll be nice to have you both over for something fun instead of sad. And then she conveniently remembers that she's got a book club tonight, and she leaves, telling you two to get comfy, watch a movie. She'll be back.
Now's a better time than never, especially since Mama Riley's practically given you the chance. She's gone all of two seconds, before you whip your attention onto Simon, blurting out, “Your mom told me you're in love with me. Is that true?”
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les4elliewilliams · 3 months
bound by love // ex-girlfriend!ellie
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☆・・・・☆ ・・・・☆・・・・☆
daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist.
wc/warnings: 5.6k ; strap-on sex (r!receiving), tribbing, oral (r!receiving), cheating, use of names like whore, slut, baby etc. and toxic relationship. do NOT read if you're sensitive about this kind of stuff!! do not romanticize toxic relationships and run far away from toxic people.
a/n: also first time writing smut so please be kind😭. not proofread so i'm sorry if you find any mistakes
pairing: toxic!ellie, ex-girlfriend!ellie also stalker!ellie???(just ellie stalking your social media and location) and jealous!ellie ig.
☆・・・・☆ ・・・・☆・・・・☆
I know that you're shitty and you're bad for me
But I can't stop thinking 'bout it
✩ You used to console yourself by saying that the problem was not you but her. You believed that she was the one who caused all the issues in the relationship. However, as time passed, you started to realize that the situation was more complex than you initially thought. You began to question your own actions and words and wondered if you could have done things differently. You tried to stay positive by reminding yourself that sometimes things don't work out, and it's okay to move on. But you couldn't move on.
✩ Despite all your efforts to move on and forget about her, you always found yourself drawn back to her for some weird reason. You tried everything you could think of to let her go — you blocked her on every platform you could, hoping it would help you move on, but it never seemed to work. No matter how hard you tried to forget her, you always ended up unblocking her, usually within an hour of blocking her. It was as if you were powerless to resist the pull she had on you, no matter how much you wanted to be free of her.
✩ You were the one who broke up with her, claiming she was too toxic for you. However, you cannot deny that you also had your fair share of faults. Both of you were aware of the toxicity in your relationship, but still, it lasted for three whole years. You often wonder how you were able to tolerate her for so long. She always seemed to go out of her way to provoke you and get a reaction out of you. She would intentionally make you jealous, making nasty comments about other women's bodies to make you insecure and maybe even cry. She loved it when you got possessive and jealous; that was the only way she felt cared for and loved. She constantly needed reassurance, and her overthinking would stop only when you got possessive of her or extremely jealous; it didn't make sense, and she knew it wasn't normal, yet she couldn't help herself. But it wasn't only that. She was also extremely manipulative and a liar. It was a never-ending cycle of negativity, and both of you were caught up in it.
✩ If she was a toxic girlfriend, imagine how toxic she was once you two were broken up. When you broke up with her, you thought you were better off as friends, but soon enough, you started to realize how wrong you were.
✩ Even though she treated you poorly throughout your relationship, you always returned to her. Your love for her was strong, and it seemed as though returning to her was the only thing that felt right. Even though she was responsible for causing you a significant amount of emotional pain, she still felt like home to you — like the person who you could always run to whenever you needed it. She always knew the right thing to say to calm you down, cheer you up, and sometimes even make you cry. That was the thing about Ellie that confused you the most; She could be either the best person ever or the worst.
✩ When something big goes down in your life, she's the one you call up first. It doesn't matter if it's something totally dumb or something that seriously ticks you off, she's the one you rely on for comfort and support, and she's always there to baby you.
"S'okay baby— mhm, you got this," whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you rambled about your day "Want me to beat them up for you? You know I would," and she wasn't kidding, sending whoever made you mad to the ER without you even knowing it. You have always been someone who disliked violence. In fact, you were never the kind of person who would resort to violence, no matter how heated a situation may have been. You've always been the rational one between the two of you, thinking things through before acting. On the other hand, she was more impulsive, acting without much thought or consideration for the consequences of her actions. Anyway, you would find out what Ellie did to your coworker when he showed up with a cast around his arm, threatening to take legal action against her. You always found yourself in the middle of the conflict, pleading with your coworker not to sue Ellie and trying to smooth things over.
✩ Lots of
"you're the hottest girl i've ever dated" "i would take you back in a heartbeat" "i still have a soft spot for you" "best pussy i've ever had"
✩ She'd randomly show up at your place in the middle of the night, pounding on your door, little did you know she'd be pounding into you the second you let her in
"nfuckk— my pussy…s'all mine" Murmuring nonsense into the crook of your neck as she fucked your tight little hole with the new strap she desperately wanted to show you (which became your favorite for obvious reasons). "think anyone else can make you feel like this, hm?" and she wouldn't let you cum if you didn't reply, she wanted to hear you say that you belonged to her and her only.
✩ She constantly checked your social media accounts like a fucking maniac, fearing that you may have moved on or started spending time with other girls. This behavior was not healthy, and she was aware of it. Despite that, she couldn't help herself and even had access to your location, which she used to stalk you whenever you didn't respond to her messages or calls quickly enough. On two separate occasions, she unexpectedly showed up while you were on dates with other girls. At first, you brushed it off as a coincidence, but after the second time, you realized that she still had your location and that her sudden appearance was not coincidental at all. Therefore, you turned off the location sharing. and in no time she was blowing up your phone with texts
"why the fuck would you turn it off?" "moving on already?" "where the fuck do you even think you're going?" "try all you want, but you know who you belong to"
✩ It became increasingly clear that you and her were not meant to be friends. You still belonged to her in her mind — and perhaps it wasn't just in her mind. Deep down, you knew that she was right even though you were no longer together.
✩ Although you had repeatedly told Ellie that you wouldn't get back together, she remained convinced that you would eventually return. Instead of giving up, she actively pursued ways to reconnect with you. She would often surprise you by showing up at your apartment with a bouquet of your favorite flowers or things she knew you would like.
"Ellie, what're you doin' here?" you asked as you saw your ex-girlfriend holding a lovely bouquet of flowers in her hand. You were taken aback as you looked at the bouquet  — it was a Hello Kitty bouquet. You had mentioned this type of bouquet to Ellie before you broke up, and you were surprised that she even listened to you when you kept rambling about how cute it was. You had seen it on Pinterest before and never thought she would remember. Her green eyes met yours, and she scratched the back of her neck before flashing a warm smile your way. She knew you'd love it.  "Hi, angel," she said. She handed you the bouquet and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. Her free hand quickly found its way to your waist. She leaned back enough to gauge your reaction and asked with a cocky smile, "What d'you think?" The sudden appearance of Ellie took you aback, but you couldn't help but admire the bouquet in your hands. The Hello Kitty plushie and the colorful flowers were so cute. You didn't expect her to remember your love for this particular bouquet, but you were grateful that she did. "May I come in?" Her tone was confident, and her eyes shone with a mischievous glint. You couldn't help but wonder what she was up to, but you stepped aside to let her in nonetheless.
✩ She would listen intently to everything you said during your relationship and make mental notes of all the things you wanted or needed. However, she never acted on them until you broke up with her. Suddenly, she would start getting you those things, being the girlfriend you always wanted her to be, trying to convince you to give her another chance. But you weren't stupid; you knew that as soon as you let her back into your life, she would go back to her usual self, and her toxic behavior would come out once again.
✩ She showered you with compliments, gifts, and attention, making you feel like you were the only person in the world that mattered to her. When she realized that her love bombing wasn't working on you, she changed her tactics. She began dating a girl she had always insisted was "just a friend," even though you had always felt insecure about her because you thought she was prettier than you. But Ellie was using this girl only to get to you. She wanted to make you jealous and make you feel like you were missing out on something she could provide. She hoped you would come back to her, begging for another chance. You were devastated and couldn't help but compare yourself to this other girl, wondering what Ellie saw in Dina that she didn't see in you. But as time passed, you began to realize that Ellie was playing games. She didn't care about this girl, or about anyone else for that matter. To her, you were the one that got away, the one that she couldn't have. And so she used this other girl as a pawn in her game, hoping to win you back. But you didn't fall for it.
✩ She just went ahead and started posting pictures with her new girlfriend on Instagram to make sure you saw them and felt like shit. And, well, it worked like a charm. Even though you knew she was doing it on purpose to upset you, it still hurt like hell because she never posted pictures of the two of you together on social media, claiming she preferred to keep things private but as soon as she started dating her new girlfriend, she suddenly started posting about her non-stop, which made you feel even more hurt and insecure.
✩ You realized that cutting ties with Ellie and blocking her from all platforms would have been the wise thing to do. but let's be honest, getting revenge felt much more satisfying than being wise sometimes. You wanted to show her that you were not someone to be toyed with cause that's what you felt like: a toy. You started seeing a girl you had recently met, but you made sure not to make it too obvious. You didn't want Ellie to think you were only doing it to get back at her. Of course not, it had to look natural. You wanted to show her that you had moved on with your life and that you were over her. Even though it was quite the opposite, you weren't over her.
✩ When you began sharing pictures of your new girlfriend, she dropped her fake composed demeanor and started bombarding your phone with messages. You finally had her exactly where you wanted her.
2:33 am "who the fuck is that girl in your story?" 2:34 am "hello?" 2:36 am "answer your goddamn phone" 2:37 am "Why do you even care, Ellie? you're in a relationship." 2:39 am "what the actual fuck" 2:42 am "tell me" 2:46 am "who is she" 2:53 am "My girlfriend."
✩ After that, she vanished from social media and every other platform for nearly a week, leaving you on read. You had mixed emotions about it. On one hand, you felt a sense of pride for getting back at her. It was working because she seemed jealous. On the other hand, there was a part of you that couldn't help but miss her. You longed for her presence and wished she would come back. Her presence wasn't the only thing you longed for; you missed her hands all over your body, touching you just in the right places. She knew you like the back of her hand. She knew exactly how to make you arch your back and make you scream her name.
✩ You couldn't cum. It had been weeks, maybe a month, and your little friend down there was starting to ache. You were horny, so fucking horny, but you couldn't cum. All you could think of was your fucking ex-girlfriend almost as if your pussy had a mind of her own. Not even your favorite toys were helping. it felt good, but you felt like something was missing. You reached out to the nightstand and grabbed your phone, unlocking the screen with a swift gesture and opened the messaging app. It was wrong, so wrong and you knew you would regret it the next day, but you needed her. Your fingers moved effortlessly across the virtual keyboard as you typed a message to her.
 1:15 am "Els, I know it's wrong but"  1:15 am "I'm horny"  1:16 am "I need you, please"
You let out a deep sigh of frustration as ten long minutes ticked by, convinced she wouldn't text you back. The last conversation you had hadn't gone well, and you were starting to think it was all over between the two of you, for real this time. Just as you were about to give up and put your phone back on the nightstand, you heard a familiar chime. Your heart leaped into your throat as you saw that it was her.
1:27 am "lol your little gf can't make you feel good like i do?" 1:29 am "omw"
In just 10 minutes, she was back in your apartment, in your arms, and inside you. It was almost like nothing happened like she hadn't just made you cry for a whole month for getting with the girl who made you deeply insecure. All her 8 inches buried deep into your soaked hole, stretching it out and making it hurt, but it felt good. "Is this what you wanted, hm?" she kept mumbling random things into the crook of your neck, not that you were listening to anything she was saying; she was fucking you dumb, and you couldn't seem to focus on anything else but her thick strap pounding into you relentlessly, hitting your cervix just right. You were a mess, literally. "Ellie...nngfuck.. slow down" you breathed out between incoherent moans, panting like a fucking dog in heat "Take it, slut. Show me how much you missed me." She hissed, thrusting hard into you, all your juices spilling out of your pussy, making a mess on your pink sheets. All she wanted to do was destroy you, mark you as hers.
"C-can't," you whined as pornographic moans left your throat. She groaned deep in her throat, savoring the sounds of pleasure falling from your lips, almost as if her life depended on them. She missed this so much. She missed you so much. She increased the pace, pushing deeper into you each time. Her hands moved to your hips, gripping them tightly as she continued to thrust her hips against yours, her thrusts becoming faster and harder, your breath coming out in heavy gasps. "So fucking tight, baby," she panted, her voice hoarse with need "You belong to me, don't you?" She bit down on your neck, her teeth grazing lightly against your delicate skin, leaving behind a mark as evidence of her claim over you; you whimpered at the sensation. You were hers, no one else's. She wanted to mark you all over, hoping your girlfriend would see the hickeys on your breasts and neck the next day.
All you could do was nod frantically, "m'yours, all yours" you babbled out, painfully arching your back. So fucking incoherent. Especially after promising yourself that you would never let her lay a finger on you ever again. But you were desperate, you needed to cum, and you needed her right now. "That's my girl, only I can fuck you like this, yeah?" Her hands roamed all over your body, pinching your nipples and rubbing your throbbing nub harshly. She wanted to hear you beg for her and admit how much you needed her. She needed you to need her.
"Tell me how much you missed my cock." She demanded, slamming into you again and again. Your high-pitched moans filled the room, each one driving her wilder. She could feel her own climax building as her clit bumped against the back of her strap with each thrust; the sound of your pleas combined with the tightness of your pussy around her strap-on were enough to push her closer and closer to the edge. You felt that familiar sensation build in your stomach; you were close. "Soo much, ahhh!...missed it, yeah.." you couldn't even put together a proper sentence. Her grip on your hips tightened, tugging slightly as she continued to thrust into you, hitting the spot that had you rolling your eyes into the back of your skull, over and over until you couldn't hold back anymore.
"That's it, whore. Cum for me. You don't belong to anyone else," she snarled, her voice laced with possession. She knew just what to do or say to push you over the edge, and it worked every single time; that's why you ran to her whenever you needed a good fuck. She could feel your body tensing up and your pretty pussy clenching around her strap-on. You came simultaneously, your combined moans filling your cozy bedroom, her well-defined abdominal muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat. She rolled you over, so now you were on top of her, riding out your orgasm on her silicone cock as she ground her clit against the back of her strap.  "Oooh fuuuck!" you cried out as pretty moans left your mouth. She took in the sight of you on top of her, her strap still buried deep inside you, riding her cock; your tits bounced as you did so, a sight that she loved. No one did it like you. No one was remotely as good as you. She took a glimpse of your cum sliding down the strap, you were so fucking wet, and nasty wet sounds filled the room, but she loved it. "Fuck, baby," she groaned, clenching her teeth tightly together, causing her jaw muscles to bulge prominently. Her hands gripped your hips, guiding you as you moved your hips, setting the pace, your eyes locked on hers the entire time. Her fingers dug into your skin, leaving small marks that she knew would fade within hours but would always remind her of this moment. Her veiny hand reached up, grabbing one of your breasts, squeezing it firmly and twisting the nipple between her fingers. Your breath came out in ragged gasps, her eyes never leaving yours as she watched you take her cock like the fucking slut you were. "Taking me so well, such a good girl f'me, aren't ya?"
"El..." you whined as she toyed with your nipple. You weren't going to last long; you were still sensitive and your pussy couldn't handle it. "'m gonna cum again!" you cried out once again, bouncing faster on her thick strap. She watched you with unabashed hunger, her eyes never leaving your body as it moved above her. She thrust up, meeting your movements, pushing you closer to the edge. The sight of your tits bouncing in time with your thrusts and the strap disappearing inside your juicy-coated pussy almost made Ellie cum right then and there. Your thighs started to tremble, and she could feel you clench around her dick; your gasps and moans becoming more frequent. She wasted no time, her fingers digging into your hips as she slammed you down on her strap, making you cry out her name, "Just like that, yeah...take it."
When you finally collapsed against her, panting heavily, Ellie couldn't help but smile. "Mine," she rasped, her voice thick with possession and satisfaction. As your bodies finally came down from their highs, breaths slowly returning to normal, she pulled out of you, leaving your wet and sore pussy gaping open. You whined at the sensation, suddenly feeling empty.
The smile plastered on her face faded as you pulled away, the coldness in your voice seeping into the air between you two as you told her to return to her girlfriend. She reluctantly mimicked your movements and sat up, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her eyes met yours, searching for any trace of warmth or affection, but all she found was distance. She grabbed her clothes and started to dress herself quickly, trying to calm down, her movements precise and controlled, hiding the hurt and anger she felt at your words. She was confused. You had called her, and she thought you were ready to take her back into your life. She wasn't expecting you to discard her like a toy. "I see how it is," she muttered, her voice cold and distant. She gathered her belongings, not meeting your gaze. "I shouldn't have come here." When she was fully clothed, Ellie turned to face you, her eyes filled with regret and anger.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have," your tone coming off as sharp and cold. You put your shirt on, struggling to process what happened. You missed her so fucking much, and the sex with her was also something you missed a lot. You knew she was right when she told you that no one could fuck you like she did; your girlfriend couldn't even make you cum, while Ellie knew precisely how to touch you to make you feel good. "Can't believe it...Dina, really?" you muttered under your breath as you got dressed, catching her off guard. Your outburst was so sudden neither you could understand it. She could sense the jealousy in your voice and knew exactly what was going on, and the realization made her feel a twinge of satisfaction. "Is this what it's all about? Me fucking with Dina?" she scoffed, her eyes rolling in annoyance. But despite her outward annoyance, she was secretly glad you still cared and got jealous. It meant that you had never indeed gotten over her. You struggled to maintain eye contact with her, the words "Just…get out" barely escaped your lips. You felt a burning sense of shame for letting your jealousy get the best of you, but at the same time, you couldn't help but release all the pent-up emotions you had been holding in for so long.
She snorted from her nose, shaking her head in disbelief, almost amused by all this "Just say the word, and I'll dump her ass," she said in a flat tone, her emerald green eyes staring right back at you as she placed her hands on her hips. You could tell she was serious, as there was a hint of desperation in her voice. She was hoping you'd ask her to drop Dina's ass and come back to you, but of course, you didn't. "I would do anything for you" desperate, so fucking desperate. You let out a deep sigh and firmly shook your head, looking into her eyes. You could see the pain and desperation in her gaze, but you couldn't just let her back into your life like that. "Go," you repeated yourself. "Fine, whatever," she sounded so pissed, disappointed. For a moment, you wanted to take your words back, but you knew that letting her into your life again was the worst idea ever.
✩ That night only made it incredibly difficult for you to move on from her (not that you could before), but she was all you could think of. You found yourself constantly yearning for her at every moment of the day. You'd often text her, and she would always come over, no matter what she was in the middle of. She was willing to drop everything to be with you and 8 inches inside you or between your thighs. Even if she was out with Dina, she didn't seem to care — it became obvious that something was going on between you and Ellie. You couldn't understand how Dina couldn't tell that Ellie was cheating on her with you.
6:34 pm "Baby, need you" 6:36 pm "I'm so wet, been thinking about you all day :(" 6:37 pm "proof??"
✩ One of the things you used to do quite regularly was sending her nudes. You would send her nudes on Snapchat unexpectedly, mostly to surprise her or get some sort of reaction from her. Sending snaps to tease her was one of your favorite things to do. Whether it was a picture of you in sexy lingerie or a video of you playing with your pussy, riding the purple strap she had left at your place weeks ago. You loved making her horny, and it always worked. She would always end up knocking at your door, eager to fuck you or eat you out.
"Teasin' me like that in public — tsskk," She mumbled against your throbbing core as she teased your clit with her tongue. Your legs were on her shoulders, and you watched her head disappear between your thighs. Your fingers tightly gripped into her auburn hair as she devoured like a starved animal, so pussy drunk. But even in that state, she was such a sight.
✩ You were the only one she could think about, even when fucking her girlfriend. Her mind too fixated on the cute little whimpers that left your mouth when she was inside you or sucking on your clit. The way your legs trembled when you were close, your hips jerking away from her when it became too much for you. No one could make her wet like you did, it was a fucking curse having to fuck someone else while thinking of you, hoping that would be enough to trick her brain into thinking she was fucking you instead.
✩ She would save each of your snaps into her phone's gallery and meticulously organize them into a special and hidden folder she had created just for you. This folder contained not just your nudes but plenty of other stuff — from intimate pictures you'd send her to videos she'd take while fucking you. She would go through the folder occasionally for personal use (iykwim).
✩ Your girlfriend was quick to pick up on something odd going on. She'd notice how you would turn your phone upside down, making sure the screen was facing whatever surface to make sure she wouldn't see your ex-girlfriend spamming your phone with texts (she would do it on purpose, by the way). That's how she knew something was up, but for some odd reason, she brushed it off.
✩ She was fed up with your stupid girlfriend constantly in the way. Why weren't you breaking up with her already? She couldn't understand; she was trying to be the best version of herself for you, yet you were still not hers. She tried everything to get you caught, like texting you while your girlfriend was around, sending you risky snaps, calling you...but nothing seemed to be working. So, she decided to hurry things up by texting your girlfriend and sending her some evidence.
She selected a video from her gallery to send to your girlfriend, writing a text message to go along with it before hitting the 'send' button "is this ur girl?" In the video, she was strapping you from behind, and you were telling her exactly what she needed to hear, "Better than your stupid girlfriend, yeah?" "Y-yes. Oooh fuckk. nhhmmm...faster, please" "Can she fuck you like this, hmm?" "No one can fuck me like y-you do...pleaseplease faster"
✩ Your girlfriend felt hurt and betrayed after realizing that you were using her to make your ex jealous, and she ended things between you two. You didn't seem to be affected by the breakup significantly, as if you had been expecting it all along. Honestly, it was almost as if the relationship never existed to you.
✩ Despite feeling indifferent towards your recent breakup, you were furious that Ellie had been the one who caused the end of your relationship. Who was she to control your life in such a way? Well, she couldn't give a fuck, to be quite honest. Seeing you with other girls consumed her from the inside. Nevertheless, she did not break up with Dina.
✩ But of course, you couldn't just let it slide. You already had a plan.
You were at Ellie's place, your back pressed onto her messy blankets, your leg on top of her shoulder as she held the other one firm, adjusting herself on top of you, to be more precise... on your pussy; grinding her wet pussy against your dripping cunt as filthy wet sounds and whimpers echoed in the room. Her hips moved in a slow motion, her green forest eyes fixated on yours. You reached to her nightstand to grab her phone, "Can I...nghhm... record us, baby?" you managed to utter between soft moans as she rode you, her movements became more desperate, chasing her own orgasm. "Record how good m'fuckin' this pussy?" her voice was husky, her breath ragged. Her head rolled back as she continued to grind against you, moaning at the friction, and her eyes fluttered shut. You unlocked her phone and quickly went through her contacts, pressing on Dina's name to start the call. Although the plan seemed foolish and overused, it worked out perfectly.
Dina appeared at Ellie's doorstep in no time to shout at her while you listened from her bedroom. You were amused by the drama that was unfolding before you. It was entertaining to watch Ellie deny the evidence. Dina's voice rose higher and higher as she accused her of sleeping with her ex. When Dina stormed out of the apartment and slammed the front door behind her, you emerged from your hiding spot and leaned against the doorframe, gazing at her with a mischievous grin on your face. Your arms were crossed over your chest as you watched her, waiting to see her reaction. When she turned to look at you, her face etched with confusion and surprise. You shrugged nonchalantly and said, "My finger slipped," with a lopsided smile.
She snorted and shook her head, but you could see the amusement in her expression, "Such a bitch," she said, though you could tell she was trying to suppress a smile. For some reason, she couldn't help but find it funny, she knew she deserved it.
✩ She gradually made her way back into your life, taking slow but steady steps to regain your trust and affection. And before you knew it, she asked you to be her girlfriend again. You hesitated at first but eventually gave in to the strong feelings you still had for her. The first few months of your second chance together seemed to be going smoothly, or so you thought. Then, one day, out of the blue, she broke up with you, claiming that she needed a break from the relationship.
✩ Your heart was shattered into countless pieces, struggling to comprehend where it had all gone wrong. And to make things worse, it seemed like you were the only one suffering, while she appeared to be completely fine, almost as if she were unbothered by the whole situation. You had poured your heart out, begging her to give your relationship another try, but she seemed to be holding back, almost...distant.
✩ But that didn't stop you; you were determined to win her back. You tried everything in your power to get her to love you again, just like she used to do when she wanted to win you back. You started showing up at her place unannounced, always with little surprises for her: her favorite snacks, flowers, handmade stuff, and love letters. But unfortunately, all your efforts seemed to be in vain. The more you tried, the more she pushed you away. You couldn't tell how she had switched so fast and went from doing anything to get back with you to this. 
✩ When you asked her for an explanation, she said she felt emotionally unavailable. She went on to say that she wasn't sure if she still loved you and that she needed a break. You could see the hurt in her eyes and feel the weight of her words as they slowly sank in. It was a devastating blow that left you feeling utterly destroyed. The pain you felt was almost too much to bear.
✩ She promised to come back to you once she felt better. Months passed, and she didn't return. You were left feeling lost and heartbroken, struggling to cope with the pain of the breakup. To move on, you tried to distract yourself with other things, keeping yourself busy with work, hobbies, and spending time with friends. As time went on, you slowly began to heal and accept that it was over. When she unexpectedly came back, you were already over her.
"im ready to give us another try" "Ellie, it's been a fucking year." "and?"
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celerydays · 5 months
Hi! I have been following you for some time and I notice you draw more and more Sebastian and Ominis doing stuff that makes me... uncomfortable.....
Sebastian and Ominis are best friends, why people are obsessed with drawing them into weird gay stuff? Seriously.... Why can't be friends.... without all Sebinis... Just stop it...
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Normally I would delete messages or simply ignore the things that make me feel uncomfortable–
But, you're on anon and this is my ask inbox, so I can only assume you want an actual, public response. So alright. Fine.
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Like I said: normally I would just remove odd, uncomfortable, or even outright rude messages without making a whole thing of it. I curate my own online experience and I try my best to live by that rule.
However, I've now gotten multiple unsolicited DMs over the course of a couple of months expressing the exact same sentiment (and nearly word-for-word as this ask, so I highly suspect I already know who you are). I have duly ignored or glossed over them hoping that the person/people would take the hint to simply stop engaging with the same message over and over again. But an anon ask is my last straw, I guess.
So if you are the same person as in my DMs, I'm finally giving you a response (and if you're not the same person – which I highly doubt – then I'm speaking to both of you).
Firstly, I want to say that I am sorry that your worldview is so limited that this is your stance and feelings on gay/queer ship content for Sebastian and Ominis.
Next, I ask that you please:
Don't make your homophobia anyone else's issue but your own. Don't come into DMs/ask inboxes/comments to make your discomfort with the content I create my problem. I don't know what you hoped to accomplish by sending this message but it's unlikely that you'll find the same feelings or sympathy from the person who is actively creating queer/sebinis content.
Curate your own online experience. Once again, do not make your content consumption anyone else's problem but your own. The "unfollow" button is there. Tumblr has a tag filtering system and I try to tag my art and content as accurately as possible. If you do not like something/it makes you uncomfortable, then do not continue to consume it. And if you still decide to stick around for whatever reason, then please keep your thoughts/opinions on this matter to yourself because I can promise that I don't actually care why you would continue to be here and looking at my art if it makes you unhappy.
Widen your worldview and try to reframe your perspective. Consider that Sebastian x Ominis is just as canon as Sebastian x f!MC or Ominis x f!MC. As much as we like to ship our various MCs with the canon characters, MC never actually amounts to canonically being confirmed as anything but being just friends with everyone. Using the "they are just best friends" / "why can't they just be portrayed only as friends" could literally be applied to just about any other non-canon/non-confirmed ship between friends regardless of gender. If even one of them, Ominis or Sebastian, was portrayed as cis female in canon, I would suspect that you would better "understand" why a ship between these two "friends" may exist. Then also consider a cis male MC; it's possible you may suddenly reframe all the interactions between Ominis x m!MC or Sebastian x m!MC in your head to be "totally platonic/friendly". Your issue is certainly not with their canon relationship vs. fandom portrayal (but I think we both know that).
Educate yourself. Go outside and meet and talk to people, I dunno. It is 2024 my dude. I don't even know how you're on Tumblr – the most queer-friendly social media site – with those kind of narrowed views and stigma.
I would like to finish by saying: I don't wish you the best. What I do wish is for you to learn, grow, and be better than this.
And also please stop sending me messages of this nature, because the next ask or DM I get like this, we're moving on to blocking at this point. And if your purpose was to get me to stop, I can tell you that these messages have only fueled the explicit sebinis smut maker in me. 😤
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Can you write skz reaction as your s/o to when you are sleeping at their place and you ask if you can sleep naked? 😅
stray kids reaction to their s/o sleeping naked
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genre: fluff, crack, suggestive
word count: 0.5k
warnings: cursing, suggestive
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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yeah so channie sleeps naked too. therefore, not only is he not that bothered by it, he actually loves the fact that you do too. mainly because... obvious reasons... but also because you guys have an understanding: it feels so much more comfortable sleeping naked than when you're wearing pyjamas that just ultimately get in the way, especially when cuddling >:(
lee know
he sort of laughs when you tell him, shrugging slightly. he doesn't mind it and is quite nonchalant about it, but that doesn't mean he necessarily gets it either. he's more worried about you catching a cold because you're still so persistent to sleep naked even in cold weather!! he will try to wrap you up in fluffy blankets and cuddle you so you don't get too cold <////3
it's not a habit he has but, hey, now it is! he'll totally join you in the bare-body-bed routine. after he's done a whole workout sesh and has had a shower, this has just become a habit for him now. you know he's down for anything anyways. he's probably the most excited to find out your little habit, especially because the skin on skin contact is a big yes for him 👀
bro is shocked when he finds you in his bed, fully naked and reading a book or smth like it's the most normal, natural thing for you to do in the world. he's so confused like?? and when you tell him you prefer sleeping naked he's so dramatic about it. 'well you could've warned me?? geez 🙄' like he hasn't seen you naked before?? idk this dude is weird. he will end up loving your little sleeping habit anyways so <3
he doesn't really care. will probably laugh when you confess your little secret, shrug it off and join you lol. it doesn't affect him either way, so long as you're comfortable he doesn't mind at all. he knows everyone has their different sleeping habits. he feels quite flattered that you feel comfortable enough to be like that, although it does come as a surprise to him at first.
he's like 👀🤭 so blushy about it but he doesn't mind at all. honestly, in general, felix is the nicest person to live with only because he can tolerate anyone's habits because he's so freaking kind and just perfect <///3 so if you wanna be naked? be naked! he doesn't feel it's his place to tell you how to sleep and he just wants you to be comfy with him :<
this unbothered king doesn't even bat an eye. he's so unphased by it that it's actually kind of concerning. it's like he knew before you even told him. and his response is just 'ok' when he does find out. like give me some reaction bro????? but he literally doesn't care. that's until he actually stays the night at your place and realises what he's gotten himself into... then he doesn't even know what to say.
thinks he is mishearing you when you tell him you sleep fully naked. i can't wrap his head around how you are comfortable like that?? this is only because he usually wears at least something when he goes to bed. but what's more on his mind is that what happens if you share a bed with him?? hmm?? what then???? he will lose his shit and you know it.
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heart2beom · 1 year
colon and a parenthesis
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pairing: bestfriend!beomgyu x f!reader
genre: fluff, light hearted angst/comfort, best friends to ...lovers? drabble (an attempt), best friends who live together!!
synopsis: getting played has got to be the worst feeling ever. for you, you go through that heartbreak every other month. and now you're wailing on your best friend's shoulder again, for the hundredth time, ruining his hoodie. again.
a/n: "he doesn't deserve you" i'm such a basic bitch because the way i squeal over this line...was watching this show that is totally devoid of any romance subplot but i was okay with it because its a good show!! then this cute guy playing the best friend role just says this and im folding. like im being serious, i would've asked what we were. anyways ahahahahahaha, enjoy this as i slave myself into finishing my other bf2l beomgyu fic.
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"Why do you look like that?"
You blink, processing his words before turning around, cereal box in hand. "What? What do I look like?" You pat your free hand around your face in attempt to figure out what incited that reaction. If it's an unwanted pimple, you're going to go insane.
Beomgyu huffs out a laugh through his nose, still eating his cereal. "I don't know, it's like you didn't get sleep for the past three decades."
He doesn't catch the roll of your eyes since he's focused on his phone, eating his breakfast but you still make sure to do it anyway. You pour the lucky charms in the bowl, the mention of your tired state gets you fighting the large grin overtaking your face. Reason?
You haven't slept a wink last night, inevitably a bad choice since you have morning classes, but digressing, it had to be the most magical of all nights. You recently got Mingi's number, the cute boy in your Music Comp class, who you've been notably crushing on for weeks.
Beomgyu knows this, obviously since you practically tell him everything, but what he doesn't know is that you've done some progression with your pining.
Other than the fact that he's cute, you find out he's also quite funny and witty, all throughout yesterday's overnight chat. Mingi's absolutely perfect. Like a prince charming. You don't even care that you have to spend extra time covering up your under eyes, it's what comes with the package that is Song Mingi.
You set your cereal on the kitchen island, sitting on the stool next to Beomgyu. Checking your phone for umpteenth time today, reading through the texts from last night still makes you smile a little too hard at the realization that yesterday night was in fact real.
You catch Beomgyu turning his head to you, brows furrowed like he was thinking of what to say, still chewing his food. "So?"
You lay your phone face down, "So what?"
"What happened?"
You realize he's talking about your dark circles. "Nothing, nothing happened. Was just studying all night," your eyes look up from your bowl of cereal to Beomgyu's doubtful eyes. "You know, pointing these things out to a woman is very disrespectful."
He laughs, and turns away shaking his head. Beomgyu was equally as tired looking so it wasn't like he had the right to make a comment. His ginger hair had strands poking out everywhere, dark circles even more evident under his eyes. It made sense, he worked late night shifts, and when he didn't, he'd stay up all night anyway, playing video games.
Yesterday he didn't have work, so you were very graciously blessed with having to hear his usual shenanigans through the walls of your room. He had an issue with keeping his emotions on the low when it came to games, which proved to be a nightmare. But thankfully, you were able to filter out his yelling with every response from Mingi.
"I heard you."
You furrow your brows, glancing to Beomgyu. "Huh? Heard what?"
He gets up, done with his breakfast, heading to the sink. "You were giggling all night. It was really weird," he mentions and your eyes widen, slowly chewing your food. Were you really that loud? How embarrassing. "Even weirder now that I know you were studying."
You throw your head back, groaning—of course he didn't buy your lie. "Beomgyu," you drawl.
"No, no, if you wish to keep your life private, keep it private." He was faking his hurt, but you also know there's some truth to it. Sharing things with each other, with no filter, has always been a staple to your relationship. And it's not like you were the type to be private anyway, so it worked out in the end.
"We were texting all night," you start, the dreamy vision of his face clouds your mind as your eyes sparkle at the thought, "Me and Mingi."
Beomgyu halts, his back faced to you— you don't read too much into it before he finally turns around. "Mingi as in... Music Comp Mingi?"
You flutter your lashes, nodding, barely biting down your smile. "He's a total A-plus heartthrob." you swoon.
Beomgyu lays his forearm on the countertop, standing across of you, tilting his head and a scrunch of his face like he’s willing to debate on that. "Yeah, but didn't Yeonjun happen like, two months ago?"
Yeonjun. The upperclassman you dated for six entire months, probably your longest relationship ever. Which is a little sad, at least for a sophomore in college. The added duration of your relationship made the breakup sting a lot more, as well as the fact that you wholeheartedly believed you'd end up marrying him at some point in the future.
Your smile droops, gaze fallen to the sad looking soggy cereal. "Hey, no, I mean, Y/N I'm just worried, but if you're—if you're over him, Mingi is good for you!" You slowly look up at Beomgyu, and you manage a smile on one end of your lips.
"You think so? Mingi's pretty nice, right?"
He huffs out a laugh through his nose again, he's been doing it a lot more often. "You stayed up all night talking to him, you're in love with him."
You break into a smile, eyes back on your spoon. "Shut up."
He points an accusatory finger, "Your ears just got red, oh my god, you are in love with him!"
You roll your eyes, quickly adjusting your hair to cover your ears. He shakes his head in awe, "You're actually hopeless."
"I'm sorry that he's literally the reincarnation of a prince charming. I can't help it."
"You say that about everyone." That was half true. You never said it about Sunwoo. "Anyways, you guys made plans, right?"
You fall quiet, eyes widening before quickly breaking eye contact with Beomgyu, clearing your throat. A few beats of silence and before you know it, Beomgyu grabs your phone, and is typing in your passcode.
You jump off your seat, "Beomgyu! Don't text him! I swear to god—" You have always made a mental note to change your passcode, but your memory fails you each time. And now you're bearing the consequences.
It quickly turns into a game of cat and mouse the more you go after him—each time, he's directly across from you as he focuses on typing as quickly as he could. Even when you calculate to run the opposite direction, Beomgyu is faster, quickly having the kitchen's island in between you both again.
"Mingi, the love of my life, I proposition you with a date at Gorae's—" he announces aloud, reading off the screen.
You rush to his side in his moment of weakness, reaching to grab your phone but Beomgyu's quick to react, raising his arm high enough for you to struggle to get your phone. God darn his height.
"Give me my phone you ass!"
"—and I want to marry you and have nine babies with you in a cottage far away from the world, my love!"
If he sent that, you'd jump off the balcony of your flat. No doubt. So, you attack him with your most effective weapon.
"And—shit. Oh my god, oh my god Y/N—" He wheezes, he's calm drowsiness dissipating, and he's quick to retreat, hands shielding themselves from your evil fingers. But you don't stop, a mischievous smile breaching your lips, because god is it fun to be the one to tease for once.
You aim for his sides, unprotected and perfect for your fingers to start tickling. His giggles are boisterous as he weakly attempts to stop your hands, but you don't let, "Punishment for being a little bitch."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry— oh my god, have mercy!" he manages to muster between his fit of laughter.
His contagious laugh bubbles one up from you until you hear a ping, and you realize that he might've actually sent that in! In horror, you grab your phone from Beomgyu's loose hold, who was still attempting to calm his laugh down, wiping under his waterline.
You check your messages, and it's in fact one from Mingi. "Beomgyu! Did you actually send him something?" you yell anxiously, eyes wide.
You don't give him time to respond, deciding to rip the bandaid, clicking on your chat. Hesitantly you read the messages after the 'goodnight' you've sent yesterday.
Your brows crease flatten as you read the two messages Beomgyu sent.
"I had fun talking. Maybe we should hang sometime?" you look up from your phone, "Who says that?"
He shrugs, wiping his hand on his sweats, "Probably, I don't know, sane people. What'd he say?"
You smile, looking back at the text Mingi had sent in response. "I'd like that. He'd like that. With a smiley face."
A conflicting smile is on his face as he says, "He'd like that with a smiley face?"
You roll your eyes, it's a terrible attempt at a joke, "A smiley face. Colon and a closing parenthesis."
He lets out an oh of realization as if he truly did not know, nodding. "Good luck, thank me when the wedding happens." he comments, walking into the living room you think— you don't really care. Too far gone as you re-read three simple words. And a colon paired with a closing parenthesis.
You really wish it'd work out this time.
You don't exactly remember when you started to consider Beomgyu to be one of, if not, your closest friend.
The time he had stayed on a call with you throughout the entire night, on a school night, falling asleep after the spell of drowsiness won against both of your wills to continue talking? It magically seemed like you could endlessly talk, about anything, everything and nothing at the same time, with Beomgyu.
The time your eyes miracally found each other, in heaps of awkward situations? Like when you both ended up being third wheels to your pining friends, or when a party seemed too much for comfort.
Or when Beomgyu confided to you that he spent days learning makeup through lengthy youtube tutorials to help you out with applying it for prom?
Maybe the time you celebrated your graduation by choosing to invite over Beomgyu's family? No, you think it's probably the time you realized the only person you thought of when meaning to ask someone to move in with you—possibly the biggest next life step— was none other than your goofy, sort of odd, friend.
Or maybe it's now.
When you open the door, a heavish Beomgyu with his chest rising and falling, like he just ran a marathon, iris darting quickly going over your state before crashing you straight into his embrace, a hand gently on the back of your head. "I'm here."
You were holding it before he showed up, really holding it. But the warmth of Beomgyu's body against yours is enough for you to break. Your shoulders shake as you silently sob onto Beomgyu's, and his hold on you loosens, the previous panic slowing as he pat your back soothingly.
You knew Beomgyu, he's always been hyper aware of feelings, his own and others. This time, he set aside his own to make it easier for you to let out yours—you always notice when he does this.
His breathing is unstable against your hair, still attempting to catch it. "Why are you here? Don't you have work?" your words come out as a muffle, especially with the way your head is buried against his hoodie.
"You called, idiot."
"I called to ask if you could get milk on your way." You were in the mood for hot chocolate, your comfort drink, but to your absolute dismay, there was no milk. And you strongly preferred your hot chocolate with milk.
Beomgyu only hums in acknowledgement as if to say, yes, you're correct. You did only ask him to get milk.
Your emotions are one of a rollercoaster, once again sobbing like a child, before you pull your head away slowly, sniffling as you look up at him, your hands still wrapped around his waist. "You called in sick?"
His silence makes you feel uneasy, he could just say yes. Or no. Your brows raise. "Did you just ...run out?" you yell, almost pulling away from him completely, but he has senses for things like this —quickly pulling your head into his chest again. You groan.
"Now's not the time to lecture me." he mumbles into your hair.
After a little thinking, you decide to not fight him, giving in to his embrace. You could talk to him about his rash decision skills later, now, you want to be a little more selfish.
You're not sure where it went wrong with Mingi, and you don't really want to think about it. Your lips tremble against the soft fabric, more tears spilling down your cheeks, snot running.
"Can I blow my nose?" you ask. Beomgyu's a tinge hesitant before he just sighs. "Be gross all you want."
It felt like eternity standing there, in front of your door, Beomgyu's hand wrapped around you, and yours around his. He doesn't ask questions, he only stays silent unless you said something first. Usually saying incoherent things about Mingi, how you thought it'd end well, how he was everything to you, your moon, the sun that shone brightly. All through the occasional hiccups and sniffles of your crying session.
"I swear, Mingi—"
Suddenly Beomgyu exhales, his hands falling from your back to pull your head away from his chest. You guess it isn't a pretty look, with your bloodshot eyes, and gross snot messy on your face. But he doesn't hesitate to rub a thumb over your cheek.
"You know he doesn't deserve a minute of your time, Y/N. He doesn't deserve you. Like at all."
You furrow your brows. You don't believe a word. "You've barely met him, how would you know that I don't deserve him? And he realized that, which is why—"
He cuts your self wallow of deprecation off with a violent shake of his head. "Stupid. I've met you. I know you. That's enough information for me to make judgement."
"That's..." tears well up in your waterline again before you bury your head in his hoodie again, "That's so cheesy Beomgyu. Thank you."
You can feel his smile, somehow, it's like you're both connected by a string. "I'm serious, you're the best person I know. Flaws? Everyone has them, you do too, but you're ...still somehow the best person I know. If Mingi can't see that— if, impossibly, no one else can see that, then they don't deserve you. You know that?"
You nod meekly, soaking up his words. Millions of things could be said in response, something that could tell him how much highly you think of him too, but the dry of your throat prevents you from so.
"Tell me a joke." you say instead.
He ponders a bit before landing on one. "Can I be the parenthesis to your colon?"
You look up at him, silent, before you weakly hit his chest, laughing. When Mingi asked you to be his girlfriend, he said those exact words, and you had came home, raving all about it to Beomgyu, even though deep down, you found it a little ...too cheesy for your taste.
Beomgyu held the same opinion, except he was vocal about it. Making fun of the line for an entire weeks worth.
"Too soon."
He scratches the back of his head, a sorry smile on his face, "Yeah?"
You don't know if this breakup would be worse than the one you had with Yeonjun—only time could tell. All you knew was that no matter what it'd feel like—hell, like you were walking on pins and needles, like drowning in hot soup; Beomgyu would be by your side. That alone is enough, something that reminded you that this feeling would go away eventually.
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ending a/n: you're done!! this might have to be considered the longest proclaimed drabble ever lol (2.6k words this is not a drabble) but anyways, like always, thoughts are appreciated.
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junnieverse · 9 months
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➙ synopsis: your friend was constantly swooning over her new boyfriend and you realise the honeymoon phase wasn't really in yours and sunghoon's relationship. it was nothing but constant teasing and playfulness but you both knew you would never change anything about it for the world.
pairing: park sunghoon x gn!reader
genre: fluff, crack, friends to lovers au
word count: 0.7k
request: [ inspired by this tiktok ] " you and hoon are with your friend who just got into a new relationship and is all like omg he’s so handsome, i love him so much. you and hoon just look at her all weird and say things like “i’d never think of him that way, look at him” cause u guys were friends before dating so it’s just ur dynamic and just being overall playful together but there are still times where you also talk about each other that way. "
warnings: not proofread, alot of teasing and name calling from reader and sunghoon
a/n: here it is anon! I didn't want to make it too long but I think this turned out so cute and pretty funny so thank you for this request angel, enjoy :)
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"Oh geez dude, just the sight of you almost burnt my eyes." you tell Sunghoon who entered the room as you covered your eyes.
"Wow, I'm that handsome. My beauty blinded you." he says proudly smiling.
"More like your ugliness. Man what happened to your face." you playfully remark laughing as your friend holds in her laugh.
Ignoring your response, your boyfriend sits down next to you.
"Seriously, he is the cutest guy ever, I can't believe I get to call him my boyfriend." your friend continues to tell you about her new boyfriend.
"He should run for it while he can. I wish I did." sunghoon says side eyeing you. 
"He's amazing honestly. Last time he came over, he got me a bunch of flowers with my favourite snacks and chocolate." she says sighing dreamily.
"I wish I had a boyfriend to do that for me." you playfully respond sneaking a glance at your boyfriend who pinched your thigh as you had your legs over his lap.
Your friend looked between you and Sunghoon before pouting.
"Oh c'mon, you and Sunghoon have the best relationship ever, you're both pretty much the reason I didn't like being single half of the time." she admits to which Sunghoon chuckles.
"Please, Sunghoon? He's not all that, I could do better. I mean look at him lmao."
"If anything I should get a new partner. This one is all smelly and they like clinging to me." he teases you pretending to gag.
Flinging a pillow at him, he successfully dodges it and sticks his tongue out at you.
If anyone else saw the both of you they would think you and Sunghoon were just best friends who enjoyed bantering and teasing each other but you had both actually been dating for years now.
You'd been childhood friends and that soon turned into something romantic.
Having known each other for so long, your relationship dynamic didn't change much, you still enjoyed bickering and being playful, only difference was you did the couple stuff too now, like... dates and being overly affectionate.
"Oh shut up Hoon, I'm doing you a favour by dating you, nobody wanted you. You literally look like a weird frog." you tell him as you made a look of disgust.
Your friend looked between the two of you as you bickered but despite how you were going on roasting each other, your connection was undeniable.
You could make fun of your boyfriend all you wanted but at the end of the day he still brought butterflies to your stomach with his smile alone.
"Frog? Bro you're built like the hunchback of Notre-Dame. Please look at yourself. I'm gorgeous." he retorts winking at you as he complimented himself.
"Look at you, you're a total simp, giving me those heart eyes-" you tease Sunghoon as you laughed at him and your friend joined along.
"Am not! I'm looking at you because you have a fat booger sticking out your nose loser." he defends himself before he attacks you.
Hovering over you, Sunghoon starts tickling you and he was quick to find your weak spots to make you laugh even harder.
"Stop hahaha, I-I can't take it Sunghoon." you try your best to say losing your breath.
He momentarily stops pretending to think, "Hmm... I'll stop on one condition. You give me a kiss."
"What? No way, your breath stinks like butt crack." you tease him before he starts his ruthless attack again.
"O-okay okay fine! I'm sorry, I'll do it!" you surrender and he stops.
Leaning down, you give your boyfriend a quick peck on his lips and your friend clears her throat indicating she was still there.
"Oh you both are completely whipped. I have an entire boyfriend and you still manage to make me feel single once again." she says shaking her head.
"Bros before hoes. How about I dump him and then we can have a girls night!" you suggest giving her a high five as Sunghoon scoffs.
"You know I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." he sits up ruffling your hair messing it up as you slap his hand away.
"Maybe we do have to get rid of our boyfriend's then it'll just be us. No more boys being gross around us!" your friend joins in the playfulness as Sunghoon glares at her.
"Oh you can't get rid of me, I'll be annoying you until we're 80." sunghoon says with an arm around your shoulder before kissing your cheek.
Rolling your eyes at this, you knew you wouldn't have it any other way.
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 8 months
Hello! I love your writing style!! It's just so on spot, and I wanted to request some headcanons for the mercs with a gn! reader who doesn't really speak but they can communicate through sign language or paper for whatever reason, the thing is, the Merc and the reader find themselves in a really critical situation or just an incredibly intimate and comforting moment, blurting out for the first time something serious or stupid like "y'know when I first met you I thought you're really stupid...(affectionate)" IDK OF THIS MAKES SENSE OR IT'S WEIRD SORRY LMAOOA
(if you don't wanna do all of them you could do your faves & I hope there's a chance to add miss Pauling if possible😔) but anyway, too much to read,, sorry again!! Take care♡♡
Y/N with communication anxiety admits their feelings to the Mercs
- He’s very chill and nonchalant about it. Although have fun hearing him talk his mouth off all the time and rant about random things. He takes a liking to you pretty quickly when you join his team and leans on the wall next to you tossing his ball from hand to hand and blowing bubbles with his bubblegum. “Heeey there slugger. What‘s your name? You look like a total nightmare today.” He says. When you don’t answer him and nervously gesture to your throat that you’d prefer staying quiet he pauses for a moment. “Not a talker, eh?”
- Literally will not shut the fuck up. Will talk to you for hours on end. Venting or just saying plain stupid shit to impress you. You find his personality rather charming and in exchange he seems to appreciate your content silence and preference to listen to him. Something that the other Mercs don’t really do.
- “Y’know, Y/N. I know this sounds fuckin’ weird but like— Thank you I guess? For listening to my nonstop ramblin. I mean.. Not many people stop to consider what I have to say.” He says this to you while you sit in Tuefort’s gazebo with him on a cold desert morning. “They just think i’m annoying I guess..”
- “Annoying yet charming and handsome nonetheless, Scout.” You finally work up the courage to mutter to him. Your voice is rasp and you smile.
- Scout pauses, then looks at you in complete disbelief. Did Y/N just speak? Atop of that it seemed to have been a flirtatious compliment. He takes a moment to process the situation and then sort of chortles. He runs his hand through his own hair and acts chill about it but on the inside he’s absolutely mad with feelings. “Wow.. That’s.. Yeah, OK.” he says, failing to find words. Face flushed with heat.
- He was the first person to approach you in the base. Like ever. When he found out there was a new mercenary he needed to lay the ground rules to them as soon as possible. Instead of giving him a “Yes sir!” like he had hoped, you stared at him blankly. (I’d probably be rethinking this job offer.) Wondering why you hadn’t spoken up to him, he got close to your face and looked up and down you. “I’D LIKE TO HEAR A YES SIR PRIVATE!” Still nothing. You were too busy admiring his muscles. You’ve just met this man but you’d let him throw you off a bridge in an instant.
- When he still doesn’t get a response, he backs up and angrily fixes his helmet “Insubordination I see.. Heh. Okay.” He mutters and prepares to plan a punishment later. You are oddly charmed by his stupid greeting and you head to the nearest chalkboard and explain in writing why you can’t respond back. He lifts his helmet up to read it and then looks back at you. (The other Mercs are kind of stunned that Soldier even knows how to read in the first place.)
- “Ah, I see.. Strange tactical decision but not unheard of.” He responds, then straightens his posture apologetically. You two become close friends from then on. Medic has to explain to him later that you just have “mild” communication issues. For the first few months of your guys’ friendship the dumbass thought you were doing this to gain an upper hand.
- After a match one day you catch him smoking a cigar on a huge pile of bodies in the pouring rain. You step up the horrific mess of blood and guts to meet him. He doesn’t look too happy. Although Soldier never really opens up about anything to anyone. He’s way too deep in his little military fantasy. You sit next to him and put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Whatever the hell he was upset about you knew it wasn’t good. After a bout of silence you whisper “You’re a wonderful strategist, Soldier.”
- You can’t see his expression underneath his helmet but you can certainly hear his heartbeat quicken because of how close you are. His mouth nearly twitches up into a grin. He doesn’t respond to your compliment but he’s relieved to hear one nonetheless after all this time.
- You find him making bombs in his quarters when you meet him for the first time. He doesn’t look too friendly but as you decide to walk by he immediately calls out to you. “Ayeee! New blood. Get ova’ here a second. Wee lil monster.” He beckons his hand aggressively.
- You walk over to him and he puts an arm around your shoulder. Patting you reassuringly. “Aye.. So It’s not gonna be easy livin’ here just so you know. We’re all a wee bit mad. Don’t take the others’ too seriously when dey bother ye.” He takes the responsibility upon himself to let you know as an older Merc it’ll be okay. He slaps you friendlily on the back after his conversation and sends you off. He doesn’t really question the fact you aren’t speaking.
- You immediately take a liking to him though. Mainly due to his explosive personality on the battlefield (pun intended.) He gets horribly drunk before doing any Mercenary work and acts goofy the entire time. His charisma pulls you in like a magnet. You want to speak to him but it’s so hard…
- After months of simping for this guy from afar, you slip a note under his doorframe professing your feelings to him. You hear him pick it up. The next thing you know, he barges into your quarters the next day after a match and grabs you by the shoulders. Asking you in complete disbelief if you actually meant everything you said.
- “Yes, I just think you’re really attractive!” you blurt out instinctively. Alarmed by his behavior. He lets you go; having heard your voice for the first time. The shock of the revelation and the sound of your voice, atop of the alcohol seemed to have done it for him. He immediately kissed you on the lips without warning. You’re the first person in years to say this to him.
- “I… Er.. “ He walks away after that. You have no fucking idea what the hell even happened.
- You hear the sweet melody of a guitar echoing off the intel room. Despite its clearly southern origins you are drawn to it. As if it was some sort of hypnosis. You’d recognize that melody anywhere. The year was 1967 and you were no stranger to your own childhood. That was clearly “El Paso.” You’ve heard that song on the radio a million times already. But somehow this was different. The soothing voice it came from was singing it as if it were his own lullaby to the multiple sentries around him. The ones of his own creation of course.
- Next thing you know, you’re sitting next to him on the intel desk, sleepy as all shit from the melody and the white noise from the patrolling sentries. You wake up an hour later to embarrassingly finding yourself on this stranger’s lap. You want to profusely apologize to your colleague but nothing comes out.
- He doesn’t even seem phased. For some reason he was stroking your hair as he gazed off into the distance.
- Ever since that day you became close to Engineer. He was completely unbothered by your communication issues and actually kind of appreciates the silent times he has with you. He rarely speaks to you while hanging out either, out of respect for your boundaries. Only the occasional conversation here and there. You are both existing together.
- “I love you, Dell.” You finally say, after a night of drinking in his workshop with him. You are perched up on his lap as always and he’s petting you. At first he misunderstands this as platonic. “Aww..” He cooes. “No, I mean it. I’ve always found you so —“ You bury your face into his chest. Muffling the last part of your sentence “Safe to be around.”
- He’s unbelievably boiling with hormones on the inside. He tips his hardhat forward to hide his flustered face. Holding his own chin. “Dammit..” He mutters in an incredibly positive way. You’ve successfully won this man over.
- He’s already met you before the job. Accidentally caught you in a coffee shop in Tuefort being yelled at by an ableist Karen and he took it upon himself to nearly strangle her for you. Heavy doesn’t tolerate behavior like that. You need to insult people with style or nothing at all. Don’t pick on their disabilities. Aim for the most stereotypical high school bully route possible. Come on, you gotta be an asshole skillfully.
- He could tell you were different the moment you joined the team. But that’s fine. He was quite misunderstood too. Heavy wasn’t a dumb himbo. He was a GIANT man with a lust for blood. Although he enjoyed chaos as much as any Merc, Heavy also valued silence. Something that you provided him with your presence. You catch him deliberately body shielding you on the battlefield because he knows this communication issue didn’t come out of nowhere. You’re distressed. This was his subtle attempt to let you know he cared.
- He catches you unable to sleep one night. He opens your door and notes the fact your light was still visible through the cracks. You’re sitting on the bed in an uncomfortable fetal position.
- “Little thing will not sleep?” He asks you. Although he has his typical hardened expression the question suggested he cared. “Hm. Stay here. Heavy will grab bedtime story.”
- He reads you an old Russian classic. Although depending on who you are you might not understand it. Regardless the soft sounds are alluring sleep. It’s clear he’s read people stories many times before because his whispers hit all the right places.
- You mumble to him a thank you. Which makes him pause mid sentence. He doesn’t know how the ever living fuck to process what he’s feeling right now. It’s a mixture of affection and the pang of what is typically the start of romantic attraction. Ew gross he’s feeling soft and fuzzy emotions.
- You pull him under the covers with you eagerly. He grumpily obeys but he doesn’t know why. He nearly destroys your bed with his weight and has to put you on his chest to cuddle. You can hear the sound of the ubercharged baboon heart inside him. Still pumping away and working to keep him going. You slip into slumber easily.
- Talking is overrated anyway. Nobody really understands Pyro when they speak under the mask. Trying to say something simple like “There’s a spy behind you.” is often met with a confused expression. When Pyro meets you, it’s when he’s allured by your skills on the battlefield. In their point of view you are a glorious unicorn prancing around a field of pollen. (More like debris from the enemy soldiers’ rockets but that’s besides the point.)
- There are rare moments where Pyro is completely lucid and self aware of the fact they’re a mercenary for hire though. They compliment you on your abilities after a match and it takes you a while to understand but you nod.
- They won’t. stop. complimenting. you. You are dragged to his tea parties and childish shenanigans and you find over time it’s surprisingly pleasant to escape from the bloodshed once and a while. Cuddling sessions ensue as time goes on.
- You catch their face without their suit while they’re getting changed. That is vulnerability that Pyro wasn’t ready for yet. They break down sobbing and self depreciating and you feel heartbroken. Who the hell taught them to hate themselves so fucking much? You’re having a bit of empathy overload right now as they squeal and choke up. Finding no other alternative but to speak blissful things about their appearance and personality. Hearing you speak for the first time makes them cry more. (In an incredibly positive way luckily.)
- Oh shit. Another person whose super quiet for some reason?! Except your situation is different. You’d like to socialize but it’s difficult. Sniper doesn’t want to socialize and he hates basically everybody. But he has that “grumpy older brother who teases you” energy. He’s well aware you’re younger than the other Mercs and therefore a tad easier on you.
- He’s scoping out a crack in the window when he feels your presence behind him. His shoulders stiffen and that’s how you know he senses you. “Blimey. You’d make a terrible Spy.” he mutters. Bringing his gun away from the hole to put it down and face you. His hypersensitivity to noise is no doubt from being stabbed a million times.
- You wonder how he’s able to tell it’s even you in the first place. He’s possibly grown accustomed to how each Mercenary sounds when they approach his nest. You can smell the scent of strong cologne mixed in with bond fire lingering off him. Couple that with the fact that he’s so unbelievably hot? You came to bring him some morning coffee but you end up setting it down to spontaneously hug him.
- “Wh— fuck.” He growls. Both caught off guard and swaying a bit. Trying to adjust to extra weight. He hesitantly hugs you back. Wondering if you were sick or something and needed soothing. He doesn’t understand why anybody would want this from him. It takes him a minute to put his arms around you and pat you.
- “What’s wrong mate?” he says, in your ear. This man might be giving you a voice kink if you don’t already have one. Holy shit. You don’t want to be humiliated by your own voice in front of him and your lips quiver. Incapable of finding the words you’re thinking of. “You’re cute.” you finally say. In a last ditch effort when no other words came to mind. To say you desperately wanted this man was an understatement.
- You hear him take a sharp breath in. He stifles a groan from the amount of energy you just shot into his godamn stomach. Not only was it a pleasure to hear your voice for the first time but it felt intimate. He was very sensitive to things like this. You swore you could hear this man purring in your ear like a cat. He was evidentially as touch starved as you were.
- No speaking?! Oh! this man has to study you like right fucking now. What a curiosity. He’s never met somebody who had issues speaking like this before. He hates to admit —and won’t admit for that matter — that he might be doing this out of emotion as well. Believe it or not Medic can be an incredibly emotion driven person. Not just for the pleasures of harming people but the unwanted sympathy that comes with being human. He hates the idea he might care for you. Why does he even feel that way? It’s not like you’re different from any other Merc..
- Except you are. You’re you. That’s the problem. You’re lovable in every way and no amount of rumination will ever explain why.
- His first instinct upon discovering this about you is to ask you questions about how bad it is. Obviously quickly realizing how stupid that is — he hands you his clipboard and a fresh piece of paper to communicate. “Do you speak if at all?” “Do you experience this in the presence of certain stressors?” “Did you have traumatic experiences that led to this?” “Is this perhaps a case of selective mutism?”
- You scramble to write down incredibly passive aggressive and sarcastic answers but they are answers nonetheless. He seems pleased with the results. Under normal circumstances you’d hate being treated like a guinea pig but his excited smile was charming. The fact that somebody wanted to understand your situation so badly was a bit riveting. He was hungry for information about the human existence. “Danke!”
- You catch something you’d never suspect in a mad scientist such as himself. While he’s drawing mathematical equations on his chalkboard one night he periodically looks over his shoulder to frown at you while he thinks you’re not paying attention.
- He’s doing a terrible job at hiding his human nature. There was a bout of emotion in his eyes about your health. As much as the doctor tried to remove this from his work, it kept rearing its ugly head in certain situations. “I love you, Doctor.” You tell him.
- SNAP. His fingers break the chalk in half. Just like his crumbling facade. You could see his eye twitch as he accesses ten thousand possible answers he could give you in his mind. “Aheh, could you give me a moment, bitte?” He tells you. Waltzing into the other room. You could hear muffled screaming coming from his bedroom. He regrets taking this job and wished he died in police custody.
- Spy elegantly invites you to his quarters one night after weeks of avoiding you the first time you come here. He pours you some wine and hands you a glass. (adjusting your hand in the process because you’re holding the glass wrong.)
- “Do you know why I brought you here?” He asks. Pacing around the room and lighting himself a cigarette from his disguise kit. In all honesty you have no idea why but the sight of such a handsome older man doing this for you was distracting. “It is your performance as of late. You are throughly calculated I must say.” You couldn’t agree with this, but you wondered if he had some sort of thing for competent people. (Your assumptions are correct.)
- …. “Not to mention quieter than me when I scope out prey.” He mentions. Waving the cigarette between two fingers. He was a Spy and you had no doubt he was trying to read you like a book but having difficulties. He was especially accustomed to having small talk with the other Mercs to better fake their counterparts when disguised as them. You couldn’t help but feel a little flattered over the fact that not even a Spy could properly look through you.
- He looked at you rather frustratingly once he realizes you’re still not speaking. “Not even the slightest bit of speaking. Do you realize how much harder you make my job?” He complains sarcastically. You can’t help but crack a humored grin at this. He isn’t being ableist in this situation, rather he’s angry he can’t psychoanalyze somebody. You knew it was within’ a Spy’s nature to instinctively do this.
- He responded positively to your grin. Moving away and dragging his cigarette. Trying to hide a bit of his own amusement. “Yes, yes. You find my suffering to be equivalent to the entire circus.” He says. “But in in all honesty your silence is preferred.” Spy moves in and lifts your chin up with his pointer finger.
- “Tu es agréable à côtoyer..” He hisses. His voice sounding like a hungry cat as he draws closer to you. Spy has a very distinct look in his eye. One that basically screams thoughtful and mysterious. You nearly passed out at the unintentionally romantic gesture.
- “Please throw me off a fucking building.” You say.
- “What?”
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 Thoughts/Liveblog Thing
Just caught this at the theater for a grand total of five whole dollars, so I thought I'd do some quick opinions while it's fresh.
Non-spoiler opinion: It was Okay(TM), but the movies were considerably stronger as a trilogy. It's worth seeing one (1) time if you're a KFP fan (and really, who isn't), but I wouldn't bother paying full price for it or anything
A list of things that slap:
The animation is stunning and fast-paced. Really loved the use of Chinese-style paint brush strokes to accentuate the action
Also I'll talk about the 5 later but I also really liked the animation change when describing where they are—all KFP movies have at least one animation shift and I'm glad this one kept up with it
Some of the fight scenes were super good, I liked the one that uses the tilting bar on a cliff in particular
(side note: the Missing Link did something similar, just on a ship. Go watch the Missing Link)
The Chameleon served straight cunt the entire time she was on screen and I kind of loved (almost) everything about her. Character design was incredible, voice was perfect, palace design was amazing, abilities were sick
Also the way she rides up chilling in a golden tree branch of all things? Fellas, we have no choice but to stan
Also I just appreciate the choice to both do a female villain for a change and to get a reptile in here after having only mammals and one (1) bird as villains previously
Speaking of character design there were a few really good ones in there, like a pangolin that moves Sonic the Hedgehog-style, a cool looking female boar, and a bunch of Komodo dragon henchmen. Good stuff
The jokes were a very mixed bag for me, some hit and some didn't. I will say that Zhen just going "that's great for you" in response to Shifu stating he's a red panda got me for some reason
If anyone hurts Po's gay dads I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself
Jack Black's cover of Baby One (1) More Time is unironically better than the original
A list of things that Do Not Slap:
This movie lacked a color scheme? KFP 1 was blue (also some gold), KFP 2 was red, KFP 3 was green. These colors weren't subtle either, there are entire scenes in each movie drenched in these colors and it was really obviously missing here
The whole first half the movie feels really breathless and too fast-paced. Apparently it was a studio mandate to have it not go over an hour and a half which is A) stupid and B) hurts the pacing
As much as I love Po's two gay dads we REALLY should not have been wasting time on their journey when the runtime is so tight
Also them tagging along felt off? Mr. Ping was worried sick about Po in KFP 2 but he doesn't tag alone because obviously he needs to let his son have his space. It's more in-character with Li Shan but it doesn't come across like he's talking Mr. Ping into it or something
In general there are so many plot points in this movie that feel under-developed. You could've made an entire movie out of the previous villains returning, Zhen and the Chameleon's relationship (see below), etc.
Po's Character:
People not knowing Po is the dragon warrior is weird, I'm pretty sure he would've been more well known than that
The entire thing with Po needing to give up his role as the Dragon Warrior doesn't really make sense? The Dragon Warrior is literally a made-up title. There's no need to have a Dragon Warrior because there is no such thing technically, it's why Oogway denied Tai Lung the title and then waited years and years to give it to Po. Like it's not a role that needs to be passed down, that's missing the entire point of the Everything
Also Po's only been like Dragon Warrior for a few years? I don't think we're ever given a time scale but it wasn't that long
The jokes about Shifu and Po having trouble with inner peace/mediating feels off given that was the entire plot of the second movie
It felt like Po regressed a bit character wise. He acts like he has no idea how to be a teacher in this movie but he already was a teacher by the end of the third, that was the entire point??
Also he seemed like he was more gullible in this movie but I could be wrong
Why is Po so impressed with Juniper city. He literally spent most of KFP 2 in Gongmen hello?? I think(?) Juniper is bigger but he shouldn't be acting like he has no idea what a city is
Zhen's character design doesn't match anything else, which is weird because most of the new characters in this film keep the distinct style in some form or another
Her wanted poster shows her with the bold markings KFP is known for and it looks SO much better
The plot twist with Zhen working for the villain was so obvious I did not realize it was supposed to be a twist at first
Also, the entire thing with Zhen was entirely unneeded? The Chameleon could've just just stood up and announced her plan to take over and Po would've shown up on her doorstep with the staff
I guess the idea is that Po needed to hand over the staff willingly for it to work? But if that's the case the Chameleon could've just impersonated Tigress or something and gotten it that way in like 1/3 of the time
Originally she was supposed to have kidnapped Shifu which would've been a much better plot point as it would've given Po extra motivation
The other problem with treating Zhen as a plot twist is that it hampers the relationship she has with the Chameleon effectively being her mom, which is FASCINATING. They had some really interesting chemistry together (the whole "stand up straight" thing as one example) and I could've seen it as a Mother Gospel from Tangled kind of deal, but we barely get any interaction between the two and it's like AAAAAAA
Fanfic writers fix this shit. I believe in you
I'll have to chew on it more but my pacing thought would actually be to start with Po finding out about the Chameleon's "take over everything" plan very early due to Shifu's kidnapping. He breaks into the lair like at the 1/3 mark or earlier and he meets Zhen inside which then leads into why she's doing what she's doing and the mother angle, etc etc blah blah
The Chameleon needed to just straight-up murder someone, comically shoving them down the stairs isn't good enough. I know stairs are Po's greatest enemy but I don't think that applies to everyone
Shen was allowed to stab someone on-screen so I think the Chameleon should be a allowed to strangle someone or something. as a treat
If violence was the concern just keep it off-screen like Master Rhino's death in KFP 2
The shapeshifter turning into a giant monster trope is overrated and I'm glad it was just used briefly here and not even for her defeat
Also the Chameleon's thing with her being rejected from Kung Fu because she's too small makes no sense b/c Mantis, which I'm pretty sure everyone's pointed out already. She does say "lowly" I think but was she ever poor? Could make a very interested parallel to Zhen if that was the case but it was never brought up again
I've heard some argue body image parallels w/ Po in KFP 1 but if that was the intent it's not explored, like, at all, which is a shame because it could've been an interesting angle
Also If they wanted a better excuse related to body image just say she was too frail instead of too small. I haven't owned chameleons but I've heard from people who have that they are very frail and very hard to keep alive, which would be a much better reason to turn her away
Yes I'm devoting an entire section to five second cameos don't judge me
I have mixed feelings on the Five not being present (save for the end cameos). On the one hand they are sorely missed but on the other hand they would've just made the plot bloat even worse
Lack of speaking was also bothersome. Part of me is glad they weren't recast with cheaper VAs because it's disrespectful to interchange them, but on the other hand that might've been better than just not having them speak and not paying anyone anyway
Tai Lung had all the best lines and was also the best used out of all the cameos, even if it would've been nice to have him on screen for longer. Also if they stuck with Shifu being kidnapped those two could've had some much-needed dialogue
Side note, while I don't think it contradicts anything from KFP 3 the spirit world having only kung fu masters in it feels off? It makes it seem so small and limited
Kai being there is weird. He's like. dead dead. Deader than dead. I guess you could argue that you can't kill something that's already dead but there's nothing even acknowledging this
Trying to take Shen's kung fu is really weird because the entire point of the fight with Master Rhino in KFP 2 is that he is not? a master?? like he's GOOD but he's not amazing, like if a master is like a 10/10 he's like an 8/10.
"The Chameleon has the powers of all my old nemesises!" WHAT'S SHEN'S POWER EXACTLY. HIS ONLY POWERS ARE GUN AND MOMMY/DADDY ISSUES
She does summon him way later than Tai Lung and Kai so maybe she was just camp spawning every single person she could think of regardless of skill level? she also uses his wings at one point so maybe she just wanted those, I don't think(?) there were other birds summoned
Though speaking of which she claimed she was using his wings but very clearly wasn't? not only were they black but they were raggedy and lacked the five longer feathers on the tips
Also Shen's model was super off, it looked way too fluffy and like an entire row of eyespots were missing from the edge of the train (which might have been a clipping error? unsure) it's been said the new models were made out of glue and popsical sticks and I believe it
Tai Lung has a habit of just like Grabbing anyone that's smaller than him and it amuses me
It's honestly really weird that everyone would just agree to go back into the spirit world willingly?
Like I think it works for Tai Lung because he's a noble person who just goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities. Like I think he'd be willing to accept his death
Also it checks out for Shen because he killed himself and given his "dead belong in the past" mentality I can't imagine him wanting to stick around, he'd probably think it was unnatural
But Kai?? Kai was FURIOUS at being dragged back into the spirit world at the end of 3, like hell he'd just go quietly
Also I can see Tai Lung maybe respecting Po enough to bow to him but everyone else is pushing it unless they have therapists in the spirit world. Po offered Shen some nice advice at the end of KFP 2 and his response was to kill himself on the spot, I don't think him or Kai would be bowing
All of them were definitely in the middle of a mahjong match and were experiencing the equivalent of being woken up in the middle of a nap so they were just going along with things
Chameleon: I'm going to steal your kung fu
Tumblr media
I did like some of the more subtle callbacks. Stuff like Po seeing his reflection in the blade the way Shifu did or the "I can't even beat you to the stairs" scene were nice and not overly overt or in-your-face
If Po actively refers to himself as the "Kung Fu Panda" one more time I'm going to end it all
anyway that was not supposed to be a 12 page essay but it's too late now, goodbye
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artofkhaos404 · 6 months
"Dating Edgar Allen Poe"
Bungo Stray Dogs
Drop any headcannon requests in my ask box or the comments, I'd love to do them! My fandom masterlist can be found at the bottom of my top pinned post.
× Poe is a certified workaholic; total perfectionist. When it comes to his writing, whether it's a novel or some obscure poetry, you can get his attention on nothing else until it's exactly as he first envisioned it.
× Thus, there would be days he's working on a project and can't seem to reach those impossibly high standards. On these difficult days, when he's moping around being hard on himself and declaring he will abandon his career, it's up to you to comfort him. Remind him that his work is amazing, and so is he.
× Because that's his love language: words of affirmation. This man EATS IT UP when you give him reassurance, compliments, anything. He's having a low self esteem day? Just read over his shoulder, praise the intricacy of the written words and flirt. He'll be beaming.
× Poe is just as sweet and considerate when you have low self esteem days, maybe even more so! He's not the most socially aware, since he daydreams so much, so you'll have to let him know if you're down. When you do his response is always "I cannot imagine what for! You are as the moon in the night sky, the flowers of the valley." Corny? ABSOLUTELY. He talks to you like an 18th century poet. You thought it was weird at first, but now it's totally endearing.
× His love style is flamboyant; a traditionally romantic lover. Late night strolls and candlelight dinners- but he always does it his way. His favorite walks with you are in the rain, when you both dress in heavy jackets, you curled against his arm, under the umbrella. The candlelight dinners are always lit by black candles.
× Obviously, he's goth. If you aren't, he doesn't mind... but if you are, he'll love you even more for it.
× Though romantic, he's shy about it. Not the dashing gentleman, sweep you off your feet type. He's more the type that, when you come home from work, he'll have a surprise candle light dinner laid out with some soft goth rock playing in the background, dressed in his very best. He won't address it as anything unusual, but hopes you will praise him. And when you do, he blushes and stammers like nuts.
× I'm sure this goes without saying, but he also writes you romantic poetry. That stuff is like reading "Song of Solomon." Once again, never addresses it, but he'll leave any poetry he wrote for you under your pillow or beside your toothbrush in the morning, get up and get to work before you awaken and find it.
× He's fairly quiet and shy most of the time, content to listen to and watch you rather than interacting. But if you want to hear him talk, ask about his newest novel. He'll go on for HOURS.
× One stress between the two of you is that he struggles to take care of himself. Mind almost always on his work, he lives perpetually in his own fantasy world; the world he's building on paper. That often causes him forget to shower, eat, etc. If you've been out of the house, it's almost certain you'll return to a hungry, frail grease ball of a boyfriend leaned intently over his manuscript.
× Since he's LOADED, he spends ridiculous amounts of money on you like it's nothing. All his gifts are atrociously expensive, often times for no reason. It's rather concerning.
× And lastly, since he's more traditionally minded, he wants to wait to ~do the deed~ until marriage. However, he'll kiss and cuddle you every day, and he is SUCH a good kisser.
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whinlatter · 6 months
The movie ootp showed this differently, but in the books, Sirius doesn't really show much physical affection to Harry. In book 4 he helped Harry to a chair, and held his shoulder, but when he left bc Dumbledore told him to (weird on it's own but that's my opinion) he parts from Harry with a handshake. When Harry stays with Sirius in ootp he isn't described at any point to have hugged him, expect a quick, hurried, half hug at the end of the Xmas holiday. I always found this curious, because the intensity and even co dependency that these two have is huge. Harry relies soo much on Sirius, Sirius does so much to be in Harry's life but that emotional affection never translates into a physical thing. Molly is the first to give Harry a bear hug when he needs it most. Maybe I'm missing something? Harry is far from a physical boi, I know. Maybe it's me, I'm Dutch, English culture is quite different than my own Dutch culture in ways of interaction, we never adress someone in last names, that's considered very rude here for example. We are very direct and familiar, even with authority and family. What do you think of this? Is this JK not computing Sirius's character in every scene or is there a reason I'm just missing? I just wish Sirius and Harry has more physical moments. My Dad and uncles hug me all the time, families do that, I'd just think Harry's Godfather would be familiair and safe enough to hug more than just one time. Their emotional bond seems to impy so. Sorry for the long ask lol. I'd love to hear someone on this!
this is a super interesting question, thank you so much!
i think you're totally right that it's striking how little physical contact/affection sirius and harry share in the books. (film sirius is king of the cuddles). i don't think this is an oversight in the text, but something quite deliberate, both as a characterisation choice for sirius, which i'll get into below, but also to set up something that's still 'missing' in harry's relationships - loving physical affection with a loved one - even after sirius comes into his life, that will be, in part, resolved by ginny.
you're right, i think, that cultural factors do come into sirius' lack of comfort with physical touch towards harry. sirius is a posh english man born in 1959, which would be enough to make for a pretty repressed character prone to limited displays of physical affection towards friends and family members of all genders at the best of times (not huge huggers, that lot). but sirius also enters the series in the canon timeline after twelve years of intense physical and emotional isolation, living in a body that's been through a lot and must be uncomfortable and sometimes painful to inhabit. sirius is arm in arm with james in the marauders photograph on his wall at grimmauld, and at james' wedding, so it's entirely possible he was more comfortable with physical contact prior to azkaban - the kind of breezy, easy display of contact he does on occasion to show to harry that's a bit reminscent of ron (a clap on the back, a hand on the shoulder, a handshake) - and reasonable to assume that an ease with such physical displays of affection might be something prison cost him.
i also think, though, that the physical distance sirius keeps from harry is supposed to be a sign of more complex and difficult parts of their relationship (sirius' attempts to maintain some distance from harry so as not to make harry feel responsible for him emotionally, sirius grappling with the guilt he feels for his part in lily and james' deaths and subsequent inability to be able to protect harry from all that he's endured since). harry wants more displays of affection from sirius than sirius feels he can comfortably or easily give (it's why i've never been much on board with fanon reads of harry that have him as someone touch averse - he seeks and accepts physical contact with friends and loved ones throughout canon, particularly in the later books). harry even seems to experience these moments of one-armed hugs and handshakes as disappointments. sirius, of course, would prefer to show his devotion and love for harry in other ways, including putting himself in danger to protect his godson, which harry increasingly doesn't want him to do by ootp.
for harry's sake, the absence of much physical touch in his relationship with sirius bolsters this sense of something still missing in harry's life even while sirius is alive, and serves to imbue moments of physical contact with other parental figures - and eventually in his romantic life - with greater significance. this is especially true, as you say, with molly. that GoF hug means a lot to harry, and the big hug he gives her in DH after the birthday present is supposed to be an important moment for both characters, but especially for harry's feelings for molly as a maternal figure. meanwhile, in harry's romantic life, it's striking how little he and cho ever actually touch: they have one (seemingly weirdly hands-free) off-stage kiss that harry recalls as quite physically unpleasant, and harry has to give himself a fifteen minute pep talk to try and hold her hand (flop). so then when ginny finally comes along, the reader's supposed to be like, oh damn, finally harry potter's getting a hug or two (and, you know, more than that, but the physical touch love language point still stands!)
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tsukiasaurus · 1 year
Ours. - Chapter 2!
A/N: Gosh, I wasn't expecting this to have such an overwhelming response! Thank you all for your reblogs and likes, it really means the whole world!!
Warnings: hair pulling, sloppy blowjobs, sub!yamaguchi, dom!tsukishima, degradation (slut, whore), fingering, use of pet names (angel, good girl) not really a warning but the boys are referred to by their first names MDNI 18+
You looked at yourself in the mirror, flattening the skirt of the forest green dress that you were wearing. Your hair was slightly curled, falling in little ringlets along your forehead. It was weird, getting dressed up like this, but you were told that you were going to a fancy restaurant, so you needed to look the part.
When you first moved in with Kei and Tadashi, you saw the two of them as your best friends. Tadashi more so because he would always let you come into his room and tell him about anything that was on your mind. He knew more about you than anyone else, including when you lost your virginity at that high school party. Kei also knew things about you now that you were close, and sometimes took the liberty of teasing you about things. A soft knock on the door brings you back to reality.
"Come in." You say, adjusting the neckline on your dress.
Tadashi walks in, a soft smile on his face. He wears a nice pair of khakis, a navy blue button down, and his favorite dress shoes. He looks absolutely adorable and you can't help but return his smile.
"You look stunning." He says. "I knew that dress was going to look amazing on you."
"Thank you Dashi." You reply, looking down at the skirt. "It has pockets!"
You giggle as you spin, hands in the soft pockets of the velvet dress. Tadashi chuckles, shaking his head softly. "Are you excited?"
You look up at him, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
"I'm nervous." You admit. "I don't know why."
"Well, I was terrified on my first date with Tsukki." Tadashi says, sitting on the edge of your bed. "It's totally fine to be nervous. Is there anything I can do to ease your nerves?"
You smile, running your hand through Tadashi's hair. He leans into your touch, something that he does whenever you play with his hair.
"I don't think so," You say softly. "I just feel like I need to make a good impression for some reason."
Tadashi giggles and looks up at you. "You already made an impression, angel." He says. "That's why we want to do this. You're so beautiful and amazing and we want to make you ours."
You feel your cheeks flush as you look down at him, his cheeks also sharing a similar crimson.
"C'mon you two!" Kei calls from downstairs. "I made a reservation, so we need to leave in the next 10 minutes."
Tadashi stands up, giving you a grin before kissing your cheek. "I promise it's gonna be okay." He says. "You look beautiful. And don't mess with your hair, I promise it looks perfect."
At the restaurant, you sit next to Tadashi in a booth while Kei sits across in a chair. Like Tadashi said, it's super fancy. There are so many people in dresses and suits. Each table has a chandelier illuminating it and a bouquet of roses sitting in the center of the mahogany wood.
"Wow, this place is gorgeous." You breathe, looking around at the surrounding decorations. "How did you get a reservation so quickly?"
"I know a guy." Kei shrugs a shoulder. "I wanted a place that was almost as gorgeous as you."
The flush on your cheeks seems permanent as the two boys dote on you the entire evening. Tadashi peppers kisses along your face and neck, making you giggle, while Kei places his hand on your knee under the table.
It's dizzying in a way. You'd fallen for the boys sometime last year, when you were sick with a stomach bug. Both boys had taken the day off work to care for you. It was so out of character for Kei, even when he wore a mask and would tsk at you whenever you did something that he thought was 'too strenuous'. He showed you that there's a secret, loving side of him underneath that harsh exterior. It first presented itself when he took your temperature and it was a pretty decent fever. You'd never felt so cared for.
A soft nibble on your earlobe sends you crashing back down to earth again. You gasp and shiver, making Tadashi chuckle.
"Stop daydreaming, Y/N." Kei teases with a grin. "We're talking to you."
"As I was saying, the relationship that Tadashi and I have isn't exactly traditional, obviously." Kei starts, taking a sip of his water. "Have you ever heard of a dom and sub dynamic?"
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. "Yeah, I know what that is."
"That's what we are." Tadashi says with a smile. "Tsukki takes such good care of me."
You give Tadashi a smile, remembering how he would sit in your room for hours, gushing over Kei and everything that they did. Even if it was 3 am and he woke you up.
"If it's okay with you, we'd like to add you into the equation." Kei says, hunger in his eyes.
"How would that work?" You ask. "I've never...done this before."
"You'd basically be dating both of us, and we'd be dating each other as well." Kei explains. "A polyamorous relationship. Everything is equal, we would all love each other the same."
You nod slowly, taking in the information. You weren't expecting Kei to completely dumb it down for you like that. It did seem interesting though. Having two opposites. Kei's dominant and straight forward nature mixed with Tadashi's submissive and timid nature seemed to appeal to you like nothing else ever had.
"We'll go slow, I promise." Tadashi said.
You nod as Kei fiddles with his tie, something that you observed when he's nervous. His eyes were still filled with lust and hunger, but his hands shook. It was clear that he didn't want to mess this up.
"I'd like to try it." You say. "I know you boys will take care of me."
Back at home, you quickly get out of your dress to shower. As beautiful as a velvet dress looked on you, it was a bitch once you got sweaty in it. Who even thought about putting long sleeves on a dress anyway?
You're showered and in comfy clothes in about a half hour, which is pretty incredible since you usually took such long showers that the hot water would run out. You sit on the couch, curled up with your book. As much as you enjoyed the two boys, they really interrupted you right when the book got good.
You're engrossed in the chapter you're reading when Kei comes downstairs. His heart pangs in his chest as he sees you wearing one of his shirts. It hangs off your shoulder in a way that makes him nearly drool. He needs to mark your skin, needs to hear the sounds you make. So, as you finally get to the good part of the book yet again, you feel his lips on your neck.
You let out a gasp, shivering at the contact.
"K-Kei, I was just getting to the good part." You whine, a moan leaving your lips as he bites down.
"I still can't believe you read for fun, you nerd." Kei mumbles against your skin before licking the now bruised area.
Tadashi walks in, instantly pouting. "I wanna play with her too!" He whines.
With a nod, Tadashi is now kneeling as your legs are spread.
"Pants off." Kei orders in your ear. "Panties too."
You do as you're told, slipping out of your pajama bottoms and favorite panties. Tadashi licks his lips, hand already palming himself through his pants.
"Can I please taste her?" He asks, large amber eyes looking up at Kei.
"It's up to Y/N," Kei says, smiling at you. "What do you say, pretty girl? Want our boy to make you feel good?"
You nod, nearly panting already.
"Words, whore."
"Y-Yes please." You whine.
In an instant, Tadashi's lips are on your cunt. His tongue flicks up your folds and circles your clit. You barely have time to gasp before a moan tumbles out of your mouth. Tadashi hums as he tastes your juices, tongue prodding your hole.
"That's a good boy," Kei praises, tugging on Tadashi's hair. "Make our girl feel good with that slutty mouth of yours."
Tadashi moans against your pussy, sending electricity through you. Your hands find their way to his hair and tug him closer. You're nearly humping his face already.
Tadashi pulls away for a second, your slick covering his mouth and chin. "Can I finger you, angel?" He asks, swallowing thickly.
You whine at the loss of contact, nodding your head. You arch your back as Tadashi goes back to eating you out, gently nipping on the skin of your inner thighs as one finger rubs against your hole. Slowly, he inserts a finger, immediately finding your g-spot. He presses it with a harsh suck to your clit and you cry out.
"That's it, slut." Kei growls, palming himself roughly. "Cum all over his fucking face."
Your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth is open in a silent scream as you begin to unravel. A high pitched moan leaves your lips as your thighs press against Tadashi's head. Your heels dig into his back as you cum on his face, juices dripping down his finger. He laps at your cunt as you finish cumming, hair sticking to his forehead.
"Such a good boy Tadashi." Kei praises. "Isn't he good, angel?"
"S'good Dashi." You manage, swallowing. "S'good for me."
Kei runs a hand through your slightly sweaty hair. He presses a kiss to your temple, smiling against your skin.
"How do you feel?" Kei asks.
"Good." You breathe. "So, so good."
Kei nods, cupping your chin so you look at him before crashing his lips to yours. The kiss is everything you imagined it would be. Rough, possessive, dominant.
"Do you want to continue?" He asks.
"Yes please."
Soon, it's your turn to kneel, as Kei tugs his pajama pants down. His cock springs out, precum nearly dripping from his swollen tip. Kei sits down, legs spread slightly.
"Let's see how good you are at oral." He says, running a hand through your hair. "Suck my cock, angel."
You look at his cock. Despite his slightly thin appearance, Kei's very thick. The tip is pink and swollen, precum finally making its way down his shaft. You wrap your fingers around the base, watching as Kei's hips twitch slightly. With your other hand, you swipe your thumb over his slit, causing him to hiss. Using the precum as lube, you pump his cock.
"I said," Kei groans. "Suck my cock, slut."
You lick a stripe up from his balls to the tip before sucking the head into your mouth. Kei watches, eyes glazed over as you gently suck the head of his cock. He's in awe of how quickly you've made his balls tighten just from a little lick.
"Go ahead, take more of me." Kei orders.
You ease more of his cock into your mouth, breathing through your nose as you relax your throat. Tadashi watches from the couch, his own cock being pumped like his life depended on it. Kei thrusts, making you lurch and gag on his cock, spit falling down your chin.
The noises Kei makes are primal as he fucks your throat. Your eyes water as you drool. Looking down at you, remnants of mascara dripping down your tear stained cheeks, how you're holding onto his thighs as he fucks your throat, Kei's starting to fall in love.
"G-G'na cum down your throat, whore." Kei grunts, his thrusts growing sloppier. "Don't swallow."
You feel Kei's warm cum paint your throat before he pulls out, cum spurting on your lips and chin. He wipes his cock along your face, spreading the bubbly cum all around.
"That's my girl." He says with a smirk. "Covered in my cum. Come add to it Tadashi."
With a whine, Tadashi cums on your lips as well, one rope landing on your forehead. Soon, you're completely covered in cum, and you honestly feel hotter than you ever have.
You look up at the two boys, who are looking back down at you with such adoration it almost makes you cry.
"Such a good girl for us." Tadashi says, smiling at you.
"So beautiful." Kei adds, running a hand through your hair.
After showering a second time, you meet the boys in Kei's room for aftercare. You're almost instantly snuggled between the two, Kei's arms wrapping around your waist as Tadashi nuzzles up to your chest. You're so warm and fuzzy that the throat pain is almost worth it.
You adjust yourself so you're looking at both of them.
"I made up my mind." You say.
The boys both turn to you.
"About what?" Tadashi asks before gasping. "Wait, really???"
You just giggle, running. a hand through his hair with a nod.
"I'll be your girlfriend." You say.
Tadashi squeals, hugging you tight. Kei sighs with relief, nuzzling his face in your hair. That evening, you fall asleep in the safety of their arms, and you don't even mind the feeling of Kei's semi-hard cock on the small of your back.
You're safe. Protected. Theirs.
Taglist (aka my new best friends): @awkwardaardvarkforever @driftwoodsun shookykookie30 ti-mame bollzinurmouth
This has not been proofread, so I hope it's good! As always, thank you so so much for all the love on my stuff. It seriously makes me smile whenever I see new tags or a reply. Love yall!
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canmom · 2 months
i probably would call myself a consequentialist, but not a utilitarian. my objection to utilitarianism is similar to my objection to the absolutist Bayesianism practiced in That Subculture: it's a philosophy that claims to be based around a certain computation, but actually performing that computation is completely intractable. there's no way to actually update your probability assignments of all possible statements in response to new information, any more than it's possible to aggregate the total happiness/suffering/whatever across the entire future for each imaginable course of action.
so this calculation is entirely notional. what you're actually doing is coming up with verbal arguments and vague heuristics for how you think this notional calculation would work. perhaps it's as good an entry point as any. but the supposed mathematical rigour is just rhetoric! you can talk about utilons this and QALYs that, but there is no way to calculate this shit, it's just a mathematical coat of paint.
the second objection is the 'seeing like a state' objection (or seeing like a company/NGO): the 'utility function' is a construct used to make economic models. it doesn't model humans particularly well, who have a variety of competing impulses that don't lend themselves to nice formalisms. and to demand that you should live according to a utility function is accordingly to strip the world of its complexity to make it more tractable. instead of specific people with specific desires and needs and relationships into which you fit, which aren't necessarily commensurable, you have abstract fungible units of pleasure or suffering or whatever else you're trying to optimise.
this worldview appealed to me as a teenager. I imagined that you could model an agent as a some kind of surface between it and the world - a sphere, perhaps, inside your head; the course of your life would be the movement of particles in and out of this sphere, and theoretically there would be a pattern for every instant of time that would lead to the best possible impact on the world, solving 'life' much like a tool assisted speedrun solves a game. the goal would be then to approximate this optimal run as much as possible. then I'd think of problems with this model: couldn't you just spawn high energy photons on the sphere to melt shit like a laser? we'd have to put some restrictions on it, obviously. what if the optimal run was really close to a harmful run, so a small mistake would lead to disaster? perhaps you'd be better to find a stable local maximum instead. and so on.
I'm not sure what good it did me to imagine this funny (or if you prefer, terminally STEM-brained) thought experiment, but it was very nice and mathematical-looking, and back then I really wanted my philosophy to be impossibly demanding for some reason. some weird combo of depression and autism and a self image very much dependent on being told i was good?
these days my feeling is that the pretense of mathematical rigour where it doesn't exist is untrustworthy, and particularly where people are concerned, abstracting too much loses important information. I'm not a court of law where strict consistency matters for the sake of stability or whatever, nor a government trying to figure out which levers to pull to create the ideal society - I'm an organism embedded in a bewilderingly complex system, and I can take each situation as it comes. treating the people I interact with well is important to me. I still sometimes think along utilitarianish lines sometimes - particularly 'this person could use this money more than me' - but I make no pretense to rigour or optimisation with it.
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Full Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
A/N: I saw this tiktok about 'Cingulomania' and thought it would be a great imagine! I struggled with picking a character, but this one fits since I'm back in my Steve Harrington era, although I've always been in my Steve Harrington era.
Summary: Like most college students, relationships were crucial to having a good time. That was until you decided that dating was getting tiring. You had been on so many bad dates, but none of them seemed to work out like you hoped. It wasn't until one shift at Family Video did you realize what was going on. You were focused on being in someone else's arms rather than the random dates'.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/F/M: Your Favorite Meal
Cingulomania - the desire to be in someone else's arms.
Takes place in season four (no spoilers)
Long imagine
Steve Harrington x-reader
I handed a woman a copy of The Breakfast Club. She smiled at me and took the bag from the counter. The bell of the door rang when she exited, and a few people stepped in. Robin greeted the new customers, going back to organizing a shelf. "Question," she walked over to me.
I looked up from the agenda of the day. My friend joined me with two movies in hand. "Which one is better, Tron or The Karate Kid?" she asked. I looked at each movie, tapping my chin in thought. Every Friday, Steve and Robin would come over to my apartment and watch a movie.
"The Karate Kid," I said. She nodded and hid it behind the counter so nobody would take it. The customers from earlier came over to rent out their movies.
Robin took care of the small group while I fixed the agenda. Keith wanted us to do a lot of projects today, but knowing Robin and I, we wouldn't get half of them done. We'd usually blame it on how busy the store was, which wasn't a total lie. "Have a great rest of your day," Robin said, waving them goodbye.
She turned to me with her arms resting on the countertop. "I totally forgot I have that date with Sam tonight," I said. Robin's shoulders dropped. "Another date?" she said with a raised brow. I nodded and closed the journal.
I set it below the register, putting the pen on top. I hadn't been going out that frequently. "I promised Sam that we'd eat dinner together," I said. Sam was in my Geometry course.
The two of us had been partners on a project which led to him asking me out. I would've said no, but Sam was nice, and why not? "Is this the Sam with the weird ears or the one that has that snorting laugh?" Robin asked. She pointed to her own ears.
"The one with the snorting laugh," I answered. She laughed herself, covering her mouth to try and suppress her reaction. "Sam is nice, and I'm actually excited for once," I said. Robin smiled and pat me on the shoulder. "At least you're better than Steve," she commented.
Now it was my turn to laugh. She turned back to the outside of the store, watching as some cars drove in and out of the small parking lot. "Don't you get tired of it? I feel like this is your fifth date this month," she said. "It's not a whole lot," I shrugged, "I mean, all four dates have been fails, but I'm confident that I'll find someone."
I always thought it must've been something wrong with me. But Steve would always say that it wasn't my fault, just the guys I was going on dates with. Robin often commented on how the main reason why I couldn't find someone was because I already had someone in my life who was head over heels for me.
And no, she wasn't talking about Keith. At least, I hope she wasn't. Keith never had a good rep when it came to asking people out. "I just don't see you and Sam working out," Robin sighed. "Thank you, Robin, for the encouragement," I remarked.
She rolled her eyes at my response. She hopped over the counter to grab a pencil that had fallen. Robin set it back into the jar next to the computer. "I'm just saying," she put her hands up, "You have the perfect person in your life, and you just can't see it." She ignored my confused expression and continued speaking.
"Steve. Y/N, I'm talking about Steve."
"Steve. I'm talking about him," she repeated. "Yeah, I heard you the first time," I responded. I shook my head in disagreement, moving over to the computer to type in today's rentals. Robin walked around to join my side.
She set a hand on top of mine, pulling my hand away from the keyboard. "Cingulomania," she said. Now I was really freaking confused. She let out a long, heavy sigh. "The desire to be held in someone's arms," Robin continued. "Huh?" I replied.
"Oh my god. You and Steve are really the same," Robin said. She reached over the computer to turn it off. Before I could stop her, Robin grabbed the notebook and pen and chucked it over the counter. She stared at me with crossed arms. "Cingulomania. It means the desire to be held in someone's arms," Robin repeated.
I turned to her in the office chair, my own arms crossed. Now I know why Robin told Keith that she could cover Steve's shift. "The reason why your dates have failed is because that little part of your brain is telling you not to move forward," Robin explained. "Are you telling me that I'm self-sabotaging my dating life?" I said.
"That is exactly what I'm saying," Robin said. She leaned to the side, so she rested against the counter again. "Why in the hell would I do that?" I said. "Because you don't want to think about how many times you could've been with Steve," Robin clarified, "I know the two of you like the back of my hand. You're extremely the same."
Robin stood up straight to continue speaking her point. "When the both of you make eye contact, it's like there's a conversation going on without the talking aspect. Whenever we have movie nights, there is no hesitation when it comes to holding each other's hands," Robin explained, "And I see the way you blush when Steve puts his arms around you. Same with him." She put her hands on her hips.
I could tell she was very proud of herself. I stood up from the desk to retrieve the notebook and pen that she threw. "Dustin sees it. Lucas, Mike, and Max all see it. You and Steve are just too blind to see it," Robin said. "You're delusional," I retorted.
"No. You're delusional for not using your smart-ass brain to see," Robin said. I stared at her for a few seconds before putting the book down. I pinched the area between my brows, realizing that Robin was right. "Okay, but I'm still going on the date tonight," I said.
Robin's mouth fell open at the sound of my statement. She followed me as I walked over to another shelf that had been messed up. "Did everything I just tell you not reach your ears?" Robin said. "No, it did," I replied, "I've already canceled once on Sam, I don't want to cancel last minute." Robin groaned, tilting her head back. "Why are you so nice to people?" she said.
I shrugged and went back to organized. She kept her eyes on for a split second before walking over to the front of the store to start on some more chores. For the rest of our shift, I couldn't stop thinking about what Robin said.
Sometimes I try to not let the things she says get to my head. But this one really stuck with me. Maybe she was right. Maybe I am self-sabotaging without even realizing it.
(Later that night)
"And so, I told him I wasn't going to buy the truck because it was a waste of money," Sam shrugged, "I mean, you know how much I just love my cars. This guy was really trying to sell me something that would just fall apart." I smiled, nodding along. I should've stuck with what Robin said.
This date was going terribly. All Sam had been talking about was the cars he or his dad had. And all I had been thinking about was how I wish I could be at my apartment with my friends, primarily Steve. While in thought, I hadn't realized Sam had asked me what color he should paint his Corvette.
I cleared my throat and went back to eating my dinner. Sam waited impatiently for my response. "What about red?" I suggested. "Nah. I've already got two red cars," he replied. My lips pressed in a thin one as I nodded in reply. He grinned, taking a sip of his drink. Molly, our waitress, came over and asked how we were doing.
Sam quickly replied that we were doing wonderful. Molly glanced at me. "Great. The food is great, thank you," I said. She looked at me questionably before leaving me and my date to ourselves. Thankfully, Sam hadn't caught the glance. "So, what're you doing for spring break?" Sam asked.
He cut up his steak, pouring a ridiculous amount of sauce on the pieces. "Not much. I think my friends and I might stay at Lovers Lake for a few days," I answered. Sam nodded and then drenched the rest of his steak in the sauce. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Cape Cod, my grandparents have a nice house right on the shore," he answered.
The more the date continued, the more I realized that Sam was just like the other guys. I looked around the restaurant discreetly to find our waitress. "You should see the view," Sam quickly added. He went on and on about the house and, what do you know, his cars. This wasn't anything like our first date.
I finished my Y/F/M and set my fork on the side of the plate. "My father is having an opening ceremony for his work this Monday. I was wondering if you could be my plus one," Sam said, "There will be a great Jazz band. Wonderful food. And you'll get to meet some of my father's successful coworkers."
Molly came over with a pitcher of water, pouring some into my glass. I smiled at her and took a sip. "Um," I began but was interrupted. "Great. It is black-tie attire. You can wear that black dress you wore for your Speech class," Sam interjected. "Sam, I never said yes," I shook my head.
My date look at me, very confused. He pushed his plate to the side, giving me his full attention. "Why wouldn't you say yes? It will be a great party. You'll meet wonderful people, and-" Sam said. Molly walked over to the table, preventing Sam from speaking any further. "So sorry to interrupt," she said.
Our waitress pulled her blonde hair away from her face, her arms behind her back. "Y/N is it?" she asked me. I nodded in response. "I think we went to high school together," Molly said. She winked at me and covertly tilted her head to Sam. I soon took the hint when I noticed Sam's focus on downing the rest of his water.
"Oh, yes. We had Biology together, didn't we?" I said.
"We sure did. Mr. Harris' class," Molly smiled, pulling an act. I smiled in a thankful manner. She then turned to Sam, who looked up from his now empty plate. "Sir, if you'd like to go ahead and pay where you walked in, that would be great," Molly said. I lowered my head, acting like I was fixing the sleeve of my dress.
Sam glanced at Molly and then at me. Molly stood there, smiling. He sighed and stood up from the table. "Just over there, sir," the waitress pointed to the wooden podium. He never thanked her and walked to the front. I watched him as he pulled out his wallet. "Thank you," I said to Molly.
She smiled and set a hand on my shoulder. "Of course. I could tell that he wasn't being very gentlemen-like," Molly said. I thanked her one more time before meeting Sam at the front of the fancy restaurant. It was quiet on the way over to Sam's convertible. Sam hadn't even opened up the door like he did when he picked me up.
And it was quiet on the way to my apartment. I leaned my head against the back of the seat, watching as the trees and light posts flew past. Sam pulled up into the parking lot of my apartment complex. "Thank you," I said as he stopped the car. Sam nodded. He didn't say anything.
I took my purse from the spot in front of my feet. Sam pulled away as soon as I got out of his car. "Well, that went great," I said. I grabbed my keys from the pocket of my purse. The lights were still on when I unlocked the front door, same with the tv. "Your home!" Robin exclaimed, jumping up from the living room couch.
She grinned with her arms up in the air. I took off my shoes, setting them into the basket on the side. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "Extra key," Steve said, walking into the living room from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and shrugged off my jean jacket. The two of them sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn sitting on the coffee table.
"And I see you've also raided my pantry," I commented. I noticed that there were a few bags of chips sitting on the island. Steve put up a thumbs up. "How was the date?" he asked, tilting his head back so he could look at me. "It was definitely a date," I answered. Both of them look at me with furrowed brows.
It was nice to get changed out of my dress and into a comfy pair of pajamas. Steve and Robin were still watching their movie when I stepped out of my room. "So, another failed date?" Robin said. I nodded and grabbed a drink from the fridge. "What was it this time?" Steve asked.
Once I had my drink, I sat down on the couch. "All he had to talk about was what car he should drive next to school. Or trying to decide where he wants to go on vacation," I explained, "And don't get me started on how much he wants everyone to know how wealthy his family is."
Robin handed me the bowl of snacks. I smiled at her. "I take it that the date didn't go well then," Steve said. "Yeah. We had this really sweet waitress named Molly. She knew right away how I felt about Sam," I added. I noticed that the two of them were watching the Karate Kid without me.
"I can't believe you guys didn't wait for me. I thought we were friends," I said, handing the snack bowl back to Robin. "You were taking too long," Robin sighed. She leaned back on the couch and pulled the knitted blanket to her chin. I rolled my eyes. Steve took the blanket he was using and draped one end over me.
I thanked him with a smile and put my head on his shoulder. Steve reached for my hand, lacing my fingers with his. Robin glimpsed at me for a second. She winked and brought her focus back to the television.
(The Next Day - A Shift at Family Video)
"What about this one?" Steve said, showing me another movie suggestion. It was Saturday, and the store was surprisingly slow today. I yawned and shrugged my shoulders. "The Goonies?" Steve suggested again. "Oh, Josh Brolin," I said.
I reached for the tape, but Steve pulled his hand away. "Oop, never mind," he said. He leaned over to put the movie back into the pile. "What? What's wrong with Josh Brolin?" I said, turning so I faced him.
He looked at me with raised brows like I had just asked something absurd. "Nothing is wrong with Josh Brolin. The guy is great. But if I have to see Robin make googley eyes at Kerri Green one more time, I'm banning The Goonies from our movie list," Steve said.
I nodded and told him to look through the stack of movies again. He sighed, bringing the pile over to the two of us. Steve leaned back with a hand at the top of the shelf. I looked through the stack, trying to find one that we haven't seen. "Okay. We've got...." my sentence trailed.
We had at least four or five other options, but I still wanted to watch The Goonies. I held up the movie and waved it around to try and convince him. "C'mon...." I said. Steve sighed. "Yeah, sure," Steve replied (GIF Above). I cheered to myself and walked over to behind the register.
Steve set the basket back onto the cart to put them away later. He leaned against the counter, his arms crossed. Steve looked at me as I logged into the computer. "What?" I said, not glancing away from the screen. "Nothing," he shrugged. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
I finished logging the movie into our store's system. Steve followed me with his eyes as I walked around the register to grab my water bottle from the cart. "Can I ask you a question?" he asked. "Depends on what the question is," I responded, taking a sip of my water and leaning against the side of an aisle.
He smirked and stood beside me, his shoulder against mine. "Do you know what cingulomania means? Robin mentioned it yesterday," Steve spoke, "Sometimes I feel like she just makes up random words to confuse me. Which, if she is, it's working."
[Flashback to the day before. Third-Person View]
Robin and Steve walked through the front door of Y/N's apartment, using the key that Y/N had given them. Robin took her Converse off and dropped them into the basket beside the door. She immediately put the movie in and hopped onto the couch.
She ignored the pillows that fell onto the ground when she settled in. Steve grabbed some popcorn from the top shelf in the kitchen, putting it into the microwave. He glanced at the clock, trying to guess when Y/N would get home from work.
Despite Steve's growing feelings for Y/N, he was eager to hear how her date went. He didn't like to admit that part of him was happy she didn't have a successful date. Steve, too, suffered from cingulomania even though he had no idea what that word meant.
Robin had tried explaining on the way over, but Steve was so confused that she didn't even bother to continue. "You really don't know what cingulomania means?" Robin said. She looked over the top of the couch to see Steve. He shook his head and took out a large bowl from the kitchen island.
She rolled her eyes and turned the volume down on the television. Robin had been looking forward to watching a movie with her friends. She was also hoping Y/N would get home soon so they could finish it together.
"How come I've never heard of it?" Steve said, pouring the snack into a bowl. "Because you're an idiot," Robin corrected. "Wow, how kind of you," Steve remarked. He joined his best friend in the living room. Robin took the bowl from him, shoving the popcorn into her mouth.
Steve picked up the pillows that fell, resting them on the recliner beside the television. He took a blanket from the basket and sat back down. "To put it in simpler terms for your small-minded brain," Robin tapped his head. Steve brought his hands up and fixed his hair. "It basically means that you want to be in her arms, or you want her to be in your arms," Robin said.
Now, Steve was even more confused about how Robin could possibly know about his feelings. "You're not very good at hiding it," Robin said. "Well, I must be. Because Y/N hasn't said a thing," Steve replied, eating the popcorn. She never responded to his reply. Instead, she looked at him with raised brows.
She took the bowl from him and put it on the coffee table. Robin turned down the volume, trying to get her friend's attention. "Steve, you need to make a move or something because it's starting to get exhausting watching you two love each other from afar," Robin said.
Steve sighed and looked back at the movie, pulling the blanket so it covered his arms. "I'll do it," he claimed. "When? Because I talked to Y/N today, and - by the way, you two are creepily right for each other," Robin said, changing the subject mid-sentence. Steve thought to himself, rethinking everything he's done for Y/N and what he's said.
Robin set a hand on his shoulder. "You know her. And you should know that she'll like you no matter what," Robin said, "Plus if it works out for you and Y/N. I could totally add Matchmaker to my resume." Steve looked at her, confused. Robin disregarded Steve's expression and leaned back with a smile on her face.
[Present Day. Y/N's Point of View]
I looked up from my water bottle, remembering what Robin said to me yesterday. 'Cingulomania. It means the desire to be held in someone's arms,' Robin's words popped into my head. "I don't know. What does it mean?" I question, going along.
Steve crossed his arms, playing with the loose thread from his green vest. "The desire to be held in someone's arms," he responded. "Oh," I said, nodding. He nodded as well. "I do think Robin mentioned it to be, then," I said. Steve glanced at me.
"Robin made a comment or two about my dating life. And, how there is a possibility that I am self-sabotaging these dates without realizing it," I answered, "Which I don't think is possible because I've had fun....at least I think I've had fun."
He nodded as I spoke. I felt his hand brush mine. "So, then Robs said the word 'Cingulomania,' to which she followed with, 'You have the perfect person in your life, and you just can't see it'," I paused for a brief moment but was cut short when Steve spoke.
"Who's the guy?"
Steve fixed his position, his shoulder against the wooden side of the shelf. His arms laid at his sides rather than crossed over his chest. "You," I said, "Which I thought was completely wrong, but then I thought about how much I want to be with you at all times and not with those stupid dates who, clearly, have no interest in me."
"So, yes, maybe I suffer from whatever the wor-"
"Yes, that," I pointed at him, "And, so what if sometimes I want to hold your hand or feel what's like to be in your arms. Or, I don't know."
Steve brought a hand out and lowered my arms. I guess I had taken after Robin by waving my hands around when speaking. "I think you're hanging out with Robin too much because you almost poked my eye," Steve joked. I chuckled, feeling my cheeks turn to a light shade of pink.
He laced his hand with mine and kissed the top of my hand. "You don't have another date soon, right?" Steve said. "Nope," I shook my head while speaking. He smirked, leaning his head down to kiss me.
He pulled me closer by the waist, my grip on my water bottle slipping. Steve caught it before it fell on my foot. I felt him smirk against my lips and set the water bottle on the rickety cart behind me. Steve pulled away first, the smile on his freckled face never leaving.
"I don't think I suffer from cingulomania anymore," I said. "Good, that's good," he nodded, leaning down to kiss me again.
Taglist: @b-ritney @ramaalkayyali @midnightstar-90 @nix-rose
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“I also personally LOVE the delusion of "Everyone we know understands why we're meant to be" because it's so integral to the entire point of the song” — THIS THIS THIS. Remember, that line comes after she admits that they’ve both told their friends separately that they’ll kill themselves if the other leaves, one of the biggest and most obvious red flags a relationship can have. As someone who’s had a friend say something similar to me in the past, I can guarantee that everyone most certainly did not understand why they’re meant to be — if Jack’s experience was anything like mine, that statement would have gotten an anxious laugh and an internal she doesn’t mean that seriously, right? The relationship described in little ttpd is neither healthy nor romantic. The narrator is trying desperately to convince herself it is, which is why she’s telling herself all their friends are on board with it when it’s not entirely clear if they are (notice that we don’t hear Lucy or Jack’s reactions to these very concerning statements — we have to take Taylor’s word that they understand why they’re meant to be*, and a recurring theme throughout especially the first half of this album is that Taylor isn’t always the most reliable narrator). For that reason I don’t really struggle with the “how could she write this about HIM??” feelings with little ttpd in the same way I do for songs like loml. Little ttpd is just a detailed accounting of what she’s summarizing in icfh(nric) — an unhealthy, rapidly failing relationship built on lovebombing and delusion. And I am totally fine assigning that to Mr. Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (said jokingly — obviously with the paternity test disclaimer and understanding that Taylor’s music is much more than the men who may have potentially inspired it)
*and yes I realize that all of Taylor’s work is technically based on us taking her word for things, and that even if she gave us the full conversation we would still be taking her word that it’s true, but I think even with that she’s still presenting herself as an unreliable narrator in this song and that the choice to leave out her friends’ reactions/responses was an intentional one
This was fantastically said friend and I so agree and I also think that this extra bit of Required Reading is perhaps why Poets might have such a higher barrier to entry for listeners and also why some of its earliest criticisms lose weight once you give the album its due and listen to it the way it was meant to be consumed - over a long period of time and with careful consideration to the context and the intent of the artist.
The album is too long and overly, unnecessarily wordy. Yes.
Some of the lyrics are super cringe and weird and awkward. Yes.
It's really gross that she's romanticizing being in love with someone who's not a good person. Y E S. YES?!?!?!??! YES!!!!!!
And yes completely agree that while there's a precedent set that if you're listening to a Taylor Swift song you're getting her *biased* POV as in her version of events (which, tbh, her version of events usually goes reasonably unrefuted by people which I'm led to believe means it's typically close to right even if it's fuelled by her own biased personal emotions). But never elsewhere in her disco as we do on TTPD do we have to confront the fact that her biased POV is also a really fucked up one that she herself does not even necessarily believe but is doing her best to convince herself that it's true and good for her and right. And you have to be actively hearing and discerning and comprehending and analyzing what she is saying and how she is saying it in order to *get that*.
Poets inherently does not reward passive listening. And if you tuned out once you grasped who a song might* be about because you personally dislike them** you miss almost the entire point of what Taylor is trying to communicate.
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(The brothers and the Dateables with a mom MC.)
S h o o k. The human is a what now?!
Immediately falls in love with you and your kids.
He's appreciative of how much control you have.
Wants to marry you because he'll get to call you "Mommy" and it won't be weird if he's your husband.
His brothers think you're a gift because Lucifer's leniency and tolerance goes up.
Is deathly terrified of "the look". Even a sadistic demon such as himself is scared by "Momma MC" He is always turned on afterward though.
Anyone can guarantee that he'll fall asleep with your kiddos while they are in his arms, especially after he's read them a story.
He mends his relationship with Satan because you force him to put his pride aside for awhile and you make him spend quality time with his brothers.
When you do get married, he's quick to fill you with more children. He'll be heavily turned on by your pregnant body too. 💙💙💙
W-Wha....? Children?!?! Nope!!!! NoPe, Nopey, NOpe, NOPE!
Secretly loves your kids but he won't admit it.
Flies your kids around HoL.
Throws the kiddos around, he will act like he doesn't care but he enjoys babysitting, he's shockingly responsible too.
Another simp for "Mommy MC".
He'll tell you with no shame how hot you are, especially if you breastfeed, he's into that.
Mortified when he sees "the look". He starts to stutter our of pure nervousness. He ends up running away from you but he'll never escape punishment.
Prefers babies to toddlers, he's also more of a "funny uncle" than a "dad".
He won't complain though if your kiddos call him "Daddy". All the more reason for you to do the same. 💛💛💛
Kiddos? Human kiddos? Awesome!
He'll love to teach your kids all about Ruri-Chan and just TSL in general. He can teach them how to play video games too.
He let's the kiddos play with his tail, they'll use it as a Jungle Gym and he won't mind.
Peek-a-boo all day. He can sit and play Peek-a-boo for hours on end.
Teaches the kids to blep like a snake. He thinks it's cute when they do it and blink.
He prefers toddlers and little kids to babies. He adores their small voices.
He's supportive of you if you do get married and have kids but he's content with the ones you share with him already.
Sweet papa, always had the kiddos in his arms, you can always find them curled up with him in his bathtub bed. 🧡🧡🧡
Ahhh!!!! What is this little thing crawling all over me?!
Not a big fan of kids. He'll learn to like them but he doesn't like physical affection.
Another one of those "cool uncle" types.
Reads to your sweet little angels, no matter the time of day. They wake up and want stories in the morning? They get stories in the morning. Stories during lunch and at bedtime? Same deal.
He's not really the committal type or husband material so and romantic relationship, never goes further than boyfriend/girlfriend.
He hates other kids but yours have softened his heart.
He now understands how hard it was for Lucifer to take care of him and his other brothers.
He and Lucifer have a better father/son relationship because of MC and Satan thanks you for that. 💚💚💚
A baby and a toddler! Awww!!!!! Dress up time!!!!!
Mommy? Not sorry. Mommy? Mum! Mom! Mommy! MC! Mummy!!!! He never says your real name ever again. Its always one of those names.
Finds the cutest outfits on Akuzon, he dresses you and the kids up in similar styles, y'all take group photos.
A power switch who loves the mom look and voice.
While he will love you romantically, he can't really see himself getting married to anyone. Especially with his status as The Avatar of Lust.
He will date Solomon though and they are the best guncles.
Totally down to do a threesome with you and Solomon while you're pregnant, if Solomon's the dad that is~
He'd only share with his brothers if It's Lucifer, Satan, or Beel. And you can bet your ass he wouldn't mind a threesome with Diavolo either.
He's really sweet towards you and your kids, you all love him. 💕💕💕
This papa bear.... Oh my goodness....
He loves kids. Any and All. He has a soft spot for babies especially though. They're just so cute!
But when he found out you were a mom....? "Wife Material, Marry me MC.... Please."
He's also one of the types to toss your kids around and take flight with them.
He loves playing peek-a-boo and pretending to eat their little feet. The giggles he receives just warm his heart.
Sweet boy gets so bashful when he sees you nursing the babies, he thinks you're such a good mom. You never have to use "the look" when he's around.
Will absolutely marry you and have kids of his own with you. He just loves you that much.
A very responsible and loving dad. Be gentle with him, he's a baby too ❤❤❤
Babies. Toddlers.... Great. And I suppose I'm daddy?
When he sees your little tykes sleeping for the first time?
*thump* Oh.... His little slothful heart.
Will stay awake for you and those kids. He'll sing to them, rock them to sleep, and even give them good dreams.
He hated you at first because you were a human but after learning about Lilith and being unable to hurt you.... He couldn't help it, seeing the looks on their faces as he tried to hurt you. He couldn't do it.
After you forgave him and even introduced the kids to him, his whole mind began to shift.
"Dad mode" on.
He loves sleeping with you and those sweet angels. They remind him of you and he starts to see himself marrying you.
Will absolutely have more children with you. He wouldn't mind, your curvy body is hot, don't get him wrong.... But pregnancy changes your body a small bit and he loves it. 💜💜💜
After the initial shock, Daddy mode and Husband mode activate.
He will legitimately propose to you on the first day. He's just that enamored.
Babysitting those angels constantly, sometimes you have to force him back into working because he spends so much time with your kids.
Poor Barbatos..... Butler man already has to look after a big man-baby.... Now he has to watch said man-baby (Diavolo) with kids that could easily be mistaken as Diavolo's. Brilliant, Diavolo and your kids broke Barbatos.
And the puppy dog eyes..... You'll get them from Diavolo and your children if you try to use "the look" or "momma voice".
When you first came to the Devildom, the little ones immediately run up to him, yelling "daddy". He was shocked but he thought it was adorable while you were scared of what he could do.
He'll spend his time trying to court you and make you fall for him.... Your kids are already on his side, with his charming personality and gentle nature, he can easily woo you too.
He finds it intriguing when he sees your body change during pregnancy or when you breastfeed your children. He's also super into the idea of fucking his pregnant wife everyday so watch out.
When you two do get married, and you do. Diavolo's very persistent in wanting more children. His bloodline needs to carry on after all. ❤❤❤
So this is how human children look..... Interesting. He'll have to do some research.
It doesn't take long for him to warm up. Your babies wormed their way into Barbatos' cold and closed off heart. You probably could too.
Will bring you and the kids drinks and snacks, especially if you stay at the castle.
He's already really good with Luke. He loves your kids too.
When they call him "Dad"... Oh. Oh.... His poor heart. He just melts. He loves the idea of being a husband but he's conflicted on how he should go about courting you. It doesn't take much or even a long amount of time.
You acknowledge that you love each other, you have a small wedding because he's not one for extravagance when it comes to himself and you two just have more kids.
He doesn't care if you have 1 or 50..... he's very happy as a dad.
He loves you regardless of your body too, so while you being pregnant is a turn on.... He just wants to love you and take care of you. 💙💚🖤
Another fatherly type.
He loves kids, he's practically raised Luke.
He's likes the idea of marriage because it's sacred but he doubts that he'll find himself in the thrall of a marriage. He has doubts that he wouldn't be a good husband, Which gets shut down real quick.
Sweet angel loves to make treats and food for you and your kiddos. He enjoys teaching them to cook as well.
He'll read the kiddos his books and novels, he loves to watch their expressions.
He will fly your kid(s) around, he's very careful and protective.
And while he loves you, to think any lustful thoughts about your body. He couldn't do it, he wants you to be happily married so you can share yourself with your husband.
He's a total sweetheart too, If and only if it makes you happy and he's the one you and your kiddos love.... He will think about marriage.
When you do get married. He's overjoyed at the though of some little babies crawling or flying around.
Watch out though, that angel has a temper. He is sweet but his "Dad Voice" will over power your "Mom Voice"
You two never fight though you always communicate so you two are both power parents. 🤍💛🤍
Has conflicting thoughts about kids and marriage.
He loves you and comes to love your kids, but he doesn't want any more honestly.
He's already had many in all of his lifetimes, he doesn't want to raise anymore immortal magical spawns.
He'll happily be with Asmo and remain the other gay uncle.
Marriage? No. Not again. He's had at least 13 wives before and he's not into the idea of being locked into the husband position again.
He'll teach your kids spells and how to brew potions, teasing Asmo with the kiddos is a pleasant pass time to him.
Absolutely adores you and your little spawns but he just won't put himself in another position as a husband or a dad. 🖤❤🖤
Luke is overjoyed.
He already thinks of you as his mom, Simeon and Barbatos already share the role of dad.
He treats them like they're siblings. He loves to play with them and act like a big brother.
You'll have more kids with Simeon or Barbatos right? He wants more siblings. 🤍🤍🤍
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part of the reason evangelicals are Like That™ is because the whole "abstinence only" thing is their approach to everything actually, not just sex
like, i was just thinking about how weird seems to be able to just. ask your rabbi questions about judaism or ask your imam questions about islam and then i realized wait, no, that's the normal thing, that's literally the point of spiritual leaders. even catholics have the seal of the confession. but if you ask your pastor a theological question, you're going to get one of two responses:
"here's a free bible, since you obviously don't have one at home or you would be reading it, and you're obviously not reading the bible or you would already know the answer. [end conversation]"
"why do you even know about that? i'm worried about you and i'm going to call your mom and tell her you were asking about it so she can worry about you, too. i'll be praying for you"
(variant) "i have no idea what that is, so it must be bad and you should avoid it and anyone who does it. hope this helps"
a pastor is also not a spiritual leader. evangelicals don't *have* spiritaul leaders, because questions are considered to be admissions of doubt, aka nonfaith, and therefore grounds for the community to treat you like they treat nonchristians and harrass you until you "get your faith back"
which means that not only are their communities structured in a way that trains them to shut down their critical thinking skills, in a lot of cases they genuinely don't actually know what their beliefs are even supposed to be, just that they have to swear up and down that they totally believe everything theyre supposed to
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