#the approach for him is so....nice. and extremely relatable
hydatiid · 2 years
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finally finished up this old pic for olivers bday you are my favourite character buddy
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surreal-duck · 1 year
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do i even need to caption these anymore you already know the drill
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anto-pops · 5 months
Cheirophilia - Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader
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Summary: Following the summer leading up to your seventh year, you return to Hogwarts to discover that Sebastian has undergone changes that greatly appeal to the eye. Your eye, to be specific. There’s no easy way to tell the man you’ve been dating for two years that your attention has been fixed on a part of him otherwise deemed normal, but after a while, you’re forced to face the truth of the matter. 
Alternatively summarized as you have a hand kink and Sebastian Sallow has extremely nice hands.
Word Count: 10.7k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit sexual content, hand kink, size difference
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 (with more diverse tags)
You had to be losing your mind. That was the only plausible explanation for the wild, unrestrained thoughts that had been plaguing your brain for the last week every time you so much as glanced at Sebastian. Yes, he was attractive. He was charming and confident, and quite frankly he was the epitome of male perfection as far as you were concerned. Not a day went by where you didn’t consider yourself lucky to be able to call him yours, and you knew he was just as enamored with you.
But your newfound infatuation with his hands had started relatively recently, and you had no clue what to make of it. 
Sebastian was touchy to begin with, and he always had been. From casually brushing shoulders with you in the Great Hall during mealtimes, to tucking your hair behind your ears at night– the man was constantly finding ways to be closer to you, and your appreciation for his efforts knew no bounds. It made you feel treasured, wanted, revered, and a slew of other things that made your heart swell with affection. Maybe you could attribute your blatant ogling of his appendages to that, or maybe you had just finally started to notice after your Divination class last week. 
Professor Onai, for all her outlandish preachings on clairvoyance, had taken a more mundane approach in teaching her students ‘fortune telling’ a few days ago. “Palm reading,” she had said, “is a delicate and fixed art. It can be as vague as it can be accurate, and it takes an expertly trained eye to decipher the true meaning behind the grooves in one’s hand.” 
You were far from an expert in anything relating to Divination, but you did have an eye for nice things, and Merlin– were Sebastian’s hands exquisite. They were nearly twice the size of yours and covered in calluses, a lingering sign of the grueling physical labor he’d done over the summer in Feldcroft. His fingers weren’t as dainty as Ominis’, but they were long, thick, and lined with pulsing veins that stretched across the backs of his hands and coiled around his toned forearms. As you’d traced the lines on his palm with your fingers, he’d shivered at the featherlight feeling and chuckled at the deferential way you seemed to commit every part of the appendage to memory. 
You didn’t even want to begin to recount the way your heart had hammered in your chest when it had been his turn to read your palm. Maintaining your composure had taken every ounce of willpower in your body.
Since then, your mind had wandered an unhealthy amount.
By some miracle, Sebastian hadn’t noticed your unwavering eye contact with his hands yet. The two of you had been kept preoccupied with the mountains of classwork that came with the start of the new school year, and as a result, your only opportunities to spend time with him had been during mealtimes. Today was different, however, because Lucan had finally set up the first Crossed Wands match of the season. You and Sebastian were both participating, and your boyfriend was all too eager to jump back into dueling after the summer months spent away. 
Your eyes scanned him dutifully from across the room, watching with rapt interest as he chatted with Brattleby about the upcoming fight. Sebastian had grown considerably since your fifth-year, virtually towering over Lucan as he looked down at the curly haired Gryffindor. The latter had gone through a growth spurt of his own, but it was easy to overlook him when he was standing next to your boyfriend. Sebastian was big; broad shouldered with long, powerful legs and thick wrists that complimented his massive, mouthwatering hands. 
Said hands were fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt as he rolled them up, nodding down at Lucan as he replied to something the younger boy had said. You didn’t know what they were discussing, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. His deft fingers adjusted his uniform as he prepared for your duo’s duel, and instead of following suit, you were unabashedly studying his every move. That is, until a voice from your left drew your attention. 
“Did something happen over summer?” 
You startled easily, warranting an eye roll from Imelda as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the wall. It was a rarity to find her in the Crossed Wands courtyard, but you knew she had been hounding members of the Quidditch team to prepare for trial runs and scrimmages, and Sebastian factored into that assortment of people. Schooling your nerves the best you could, you started to shed your robe in an effort to simultaneously get ready for the duel and distract from the metaphorical eye candy across the room. 
“What do you mean,” you asked vaguely, keeping your eyes pointed at the floor as you moved. 
Imelda was having none of it– clearly smarter than you deigned to give her credit for. “Don’t play coy with me. You’re always checking Sallow out, but since we’ve been back it’s ten times worse. Did he sprout a second cock or something?” 
You damn near choked on your own tongue as you whipped around to glare at her. “Do you have to be so crass all the time?” 
She waved you off, “Yes, I do. Who else would rile you up this way if not myself? Now answer the question.” 
Heaving a deep sigh, you draped your robe over a stack of crates and began to gather your hair back into a loose braid as you muttered, “No, nothing happened over summer.”
“But something is going on. Come on,��� she implored with a taunting tone, her brown eyes glimmering with amusement. “At least tell me if it’s something bad.” 
“It’s not bad,” you relented. “It’s– I’m not sure what it is, to be honest. We haven’t even done anything since we’ve been back, we’ve been too busy. But…”
You trailed off, staring at the wall behind Imelda as you brought your hair over your shoulder to finish off the plait. She waited patiently, however, all too eager to get the inside scoop on your love life. “But?”
“I don’t know– have you ever found yourself focused on other body parts? Like, really random parts of another person?” 
The Quidditch captain’s face shifted into a confused expression as she chanced a look at Sebastian, evidently trying to figure out what on Godric’s green Earth you were referring to. “Uh, no? If you’re talking about his feet though then I’m going to ask that you forget I even brought this up–”
“No!” You blurted loudly, drawing the attention of a handful of students in the courtyard, Sebastian included. He cocked a brow at you from across the room, and you flashed him a bashful smile in silent reply before mouthing a timid ‘sorry’. Imelda snickered under her breath when you turned back to her, a deep scowl settling on your face. “Dammit, not his fucking feet. I’m talking about his hands. He has really nice hands– I never noticed before.” 
“You’re telling me you’ve had your knickers in a twist for the last week and a half because of Sallow’s hands?” 
To say Imelda looked dumbstruck would be an understatement, and you suddenly felt incredibly stupid for having said anything at all. You kept your eyes downcast as you tossed your braided hair over your shoulder and slid your wand free from its holster, doing your best to ignore the woman’s burning stare. “Nevermind– forget I mentioned it.” 
“I doubt I could even if I wanted to, but for the sake of your dignity I’ll go grab a seat and let you get your head in the game.” You felt your cheeks heat up instantly in response to her snide comment, and you lifted your eyes in time to watch Imelda turn towards the far corner of the room with a smile on her face. She paused before taking off, murmuring over her shoulder, “Make sure you’re paying attention to your opponents and not Sallow’s hands.”
Sweet Merlin… you should have kept your big mouth shut.
As it turned out, your head was so far out of the game that it became collateral in the midst of your duo’s duel. 
It was your own fault, really. Despite doing your best to focus on the task at hand, your eyes had continually wandered over to Sebastian, tracking his movements as he fired spell after spell in retaliation against your opponents. He had always been exceptionally graceful while fighting– be it in Crossed Wands or in the Highlands at your side– and his sudden growth spurt over summer had only added to his preexisting agility. It was all too easy for you to get absorbed in his fluid movements as he ducked and rolled, then blocked and countered every attack with astonishing finesse. 
Unfortunately, that meant you were left wholly unprepared for the Depulso charm that sent you careening across the room into a stack of crates. Your head had been positively spinning as you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, but your vision cleared in time to watch as Sebastian abandoned the duel entirely to hurry over to where you lay prone against the broken wood. Lucan had shouted something about the match being called off, but you could hardly pay any attention to his words with Sebastian fretting over you, mere inches from your face. 
“Merlin’s bloody balls, what the hell happened?” The brunet hadn’t even given you ample time to reply before he had hoisted you up in his strong, capable arms to carry you to the Hospital Wing. 
That was how you’d ended up where you were now; laid out in an uncomfortable hospital bed with Nurse Blainey hovering too close for comfort while your boyfriend sat beside you with his arms crossed stiffly over his chest. His expression was virtually unreadable, but you weren’t able to focus on him for long without your head pounding in silent protest. 
“Drink this,” Nurse Blainey dutifully instructed, thrusting a vial of Wiggenweld in front of you as she scanned your bandaged temple. “It will help with the swelling and the gods-awful headache I’m sure you’re sporting. My diagnostic spells came back negative for any internal injuries, but that doesn’t mean you can rush back to your foolhardy dueling club. A concussion is a concussion, no matter how small.” 
Your tongue felt like lead in your mouth so you nodded in response instead of speaking– only to instantly regret the movement. Sharp, concentrated pain shot through your head, and you took it as a sign to carefully knock back the contents of the potion she’d given you. A soothing warmth overtook you in a split second, and the throbbing in your skull lessened considerably, prompting you to relax against the pillows situated behind you as your eyelids fluttered. Evidently pleased with your subdued demeanor, Nurse Blainey jotted something down on the clipboard that had been tucked under her arm before turning to Sebastian. 
“I trust that you’ll ensure she actually takes it easy for the next few days, Mr. Sallow?” 
Your eyes cracked open in time to watch Sebastian’s gaze flicker to yours, and the muscle in his jaw ticked as his attention zero’d in on the thick bandage that now adorned your head. “Of course. She’ll be a model patient for as long as needed.” 
Satisfied with his agreement, Nurse Blainey pivoted on her heel and strode to the back end of the room, leaving you and Sebastian alone in a tense silence. 
Heaving a heavy sigh, you gathered your hands in your lap and let your head tip back against the bed frame, wanting nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. All of this because you couldn’t stop ogling your boyfriend for a measly twenty minutes when it mattered most… it was an embarrassing and stupid mistake to acknowledge. Moreover, you’d basically ruined the first Crossed Wands duel of the season– something you knew had to be bothering Sebastian, given his competitive nature. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled half-heartedly. “I should have been paying closer attention.”
Sebastian scoffed to your left, and when you peered at him through the corner of your eye, his head looked like it was on the verge of imploding. “Are you seriously apologizing for getting a concussion right now?” 
There was no stopping the frown that spread across your face, and you nervously started picking at your cuticles as your mouth opened, shut, then opened again. “Yes– I mean– no. I’m sorry that the match got canceled because of me. You were probably excited to get back into Crossed Wands and I just… messed it up. I wasn’t thinking clearly out there.” 
“Obviously,” Sebastian countered easily, the amused glimmer in his eyes vanishing before you could take proper note of it. “You’re never one to let your mind wander when you fight, but you have to know I’m not mad about the duel. I was worried about you– I don’t think you realize how terrifying it is to see you of all people bleeding.” 
You gaze fell to your lap as you pursed your lips and lifted your hand to the bandage taped to your temple, trying and failing to recall if you’d actually bled at all. It was all something of a blur if you were being honest. When you looked up at Sebastian once more, he had sat forward in his seat and was reaching towards you, wearing an expression that was equal parts concerned and curious. With your brain still muddled, all you could really do was stare wide-eyed at the nearing culprit of your misfortune; his Merlin-be-damned hands. Those long, flexing digits came to gently stroke the side of your cheek, turning your head to the side briefly to allow him a good look at your patched up face, and as Sebastian tsk’d disapprovingly, you were fighting back a slew of unholy thoughts that had no business arising in the midst of such a tender moment. 
The side of his mouth quirked up as he thought back to your debacle in the clock tower courtyard. “Did your inability to ‘think clearly’ have anything to do with whatever you and Imelda were talking about earlier?” 
Being reminded of your discussion with the Slytherin woman at such an inopportune time caused your face to flush a deep red, and you nervously clasped your boyfriend’s larger hand in your notably smaller one and drew it into your lap. You gently thumbed over the veins on the back of his hand, taking note of the constellation of freckles that ran up his wrist and forearm, and you saw Sebastian tilt his head to the side as he let you fondle the limb. 
“Maybe…” you drawled lazily. Perhaps you would chalk it up to your concussion later on, or perhaps you just wanted to get your insane obsession off your chest. Regardless of the why, you steeled your nerves and swallowed thickly before muttering, “You have really nice hands.” 
Silence. Sebastian said nothing– and that was considerably worse than him saying something– anything. Your brows slammed down just as you lifted your head to gauge his reaction, only to discover a bewildered smile plastered on his smarmy face. 
“…I think you hit your head harder than I thought. Should I call Nurse Blainey back over here?”
Ah. He thought you were delusional. Brilliant. 
Letting go of him as though his skin were heated metal, you sighed and sat forward to swing your legs over the edge of the bed, shivering slightly when Sebastian placed his hand on your hip to steady you. His face conveyed genuine apprehension as he asked, “Are you sure you should be trying to move right now?” 
Part of you was thankful he hadn’t taken your confession seriously, but another stronger part of you was annoyed that you had said anything to begin with. Here was Sebastian, acting chivalrous and doting on you in the wake of you flying face first into a crate, and all you cared to think about was having his hands on you. On your bare skin, between your legs, around your neck…
Something was definitely wrong with you. 
“I’m alright– stop worrying. I promise I won’t overdo it. At this point I just want to eat and go to sleep.” Thankfully he made no move to stop you when you stood yourself up on shaky legs, instead placing that damnable hand on the small of your back to help you keep your balance. You closed your eyes momentarily to will away the vile, uncouth thoughts that seemed to run rampant in your concussed skull, but if the way his fingers tensed against you was any indication, Sebastian clearly thought your brief pause was due to your injury.
“Fine,” he bit out, sounding all too displeased with your stubbornness. “Food, then straight to your dorm. But if I think for even a second you can’t manage, I’m carrying you to bed myself.” 
It hurt to do it, but your eye roll was heavily warranted. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, dad.” 
As the two of you walked from the Hospital Wing to the Great Hall, you realized just how serious Sebastian was about his promise to Nurse Blainey. His hands were constantly hovering at your side, ready to catch you at a moment's notice in the event you required the help, which you fortunately weren’t in need of. You didn’t think you could take any more coddling– or any more… hands-on-torment, so to speak. 
Ominis joined the two of you for lunch shortly after you’d arrived, and you were unsurprised to discover that he was very much aware of your blunder in Crossed Wands earlier. He made sure you were in good spirits and feeling alright before he began nagging you in typical Ominis fashion. 
“Honestly, a Depulso charm?” He chastised you further, resting his chin on his palm as his other hand came to tap absentmindedly against the surface of the table. “I would have expected something like Bombarda to finally end your win-streak, not a paltry Force spell.” 
“That’s what happens when you get complacent,” Sebastian added helpfully, skewering yet another sausage from the platter in front of you. He had to have inhaled four of the blasted things already. Those deep brown eyes of his darkened as they shifted to the injury on your temple, and if he deposited his food on his plate a little more aggressively than normal, you certainly didn’t say anything about it. “She’s just lucky things didn’t end up worse.” 
Ominis hummed in agreement and looked in your direction. “Yes, do make sure you’re not breaking your fall with your face anymore. I would like to think the three of us will graduate in one piece together, but between the two of you and your extracurriculars, my hopes are lessening by the day.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” came your monotonous reply. “Thanks for the words of encouragement, guys. You really know how to make a girl feel better about getting launched into a bunch of boxes.” 
“Well it was quite the spectacle. I’m sure you’ll be the talk of the school for at least a few days, so get used to it.” 
You didn’t even need to turn around to know Imelda stood directly behind you, presumably with her hands on her hips and a wicked smile stretching from ear to ear. She was exactly who you didn’t want to deal with right about now– especially considering she was the only living soul privy to your innermost thoughts regarding Sebastian– but she had no qualms about sidling up beside you and making herself comfortable at the table. Her face swam into your peripheral vision as she inquisitively scanned the side of your head now decked out in thick gauze and tape. “So, what’s the verdict? Brain hemorrhage? Cracked skull? Memory loss?” 
“Concussion,” Sebastian answered around a mouthful of food. He fixed you with a stern look as though to remind you, “She’s been instructed to take it easy for a few days which means no broom trials, Reyes. Don’t even think about dragging her off the castle grounds.” 
The Quidditch captain’s hands shot up in mock surrender, her expression the picture of innocence as she shifted back a little in her seat. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I take it that means you’ll be out of class for the foreseeable future?” 
You answered swiftly this time around, lest your boyfriend deign to speak on your behalf once again. You’d hurt your head, not your mouth. “For today at least, yeah. I doubt I’d be much good in Transfiguration with a splitting headache.” 
If you were only allowed one word to describe the look that overtook Imelda’s face, that word would be trouble. Her tawny eyes crinkled at their corners as a mischievous glint twinkled within them, and you could practically see her gearing up to say something you knew would piss you off. She folded her hands neatly over one another atop the table and leaned sideways on her elbow to shoot you a conniving look, and you couldn’t help but stiffen as a wave of apprehension crept up your spine. 
“Well let me know if you need a hand getting notes for the day. Though I’m sure Sallow would be more than happy to assist. Isn’t that right, Sebastian?” 
The emphasis she placed on the word didn’t escape you, and judging by the confused expressions on both Ominis’ and Sebastian’s faces, they didn’t miss it either. It took unwavering focus to maintain your composure and not react, and you prayed to whatever higher power existed that your cheeks weren’t as rouge as they felt. You sighed softly and glanced at the brunet through your lashes, all too aware of the puzzled look he now bore. “How about it?” You opted to simply play along for the time being in a bid to hide the true meaning behind Imelda’s telling comment. “Can you bring me the notes later?”
Sebastian nodded slowly, his gaze shifting between you and Imelda for a long moment before he set his fork down and ran his long, dexterous fingers through his hair. Your eyes tracked the movement against your will, which only seemed to intensify the curious glimmer in his dark eyes, and when he flashed you that sinful Sallow smirk you were all too familiar with, you swallowed nervously. 
Surely Imelda hadn’t just helped him put two and two together, right? 
“Am I missing something here?” Ominis chimed in from across the table, a scowl tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“No, no,” Imelda said, the words dripping with false dismissal. The urge to throttle her was intense. “I was just implying that our dear friend here is bound to be a handful for the next few days, so she’ll need help. Let me know if I can do anything, although I’m sure you’d much rather have Sebastian be the one to–”
She was cut off by the booming slap of your hands against the tabletop as you clambered to your feet, desperate to escape her pointed comments and Sebastian’s prying stare. “Will do!” you exclaimed with too much bite. You lowered your voice and did your best to keep your tone even, “I’m sure I’ll manage, but I can’t be bothered to figure it all out right now. I’ll just– I’ll see you guys later.” 
You didn’t dare look back as you swung your legs over the bench and took off towards the massive double doors. At this point, you were wishing that your collision with the crates had put you in a coma. Maybe then you could have avoided Imelda’s inevitable pestering, but even then you were positive your nuisance of a friend would have found a way to taunt you in your dreams. This was something you were going to have to acknowledge with Sebastian sooner or later, but until that day came you would do everything in your power to avoid any more awkward run-ins with Imelda. At least when Sebastian was with you, you reasoned. For now, you needed to get away from the general public and sleep on your deranged thoughts before anything else embarrassing could happen.
Apparently the universe had other plans for you, however. You recognized Sebastian’s heavy footsteps running up behind you without even checking to be certain, and even though you wanted nothing more than to fall into bed and sleep the remainder of the day away, when his large hand came to coil around your bicep to halt you in your tracks, you let him. 
“Hey, are you alright?” His eyes softened as they took in your miserable appearance, but all you could pay attention to was the feeling of his thumb caressing the back of your arm as he held you in place. “I’m sorry if I upset you– I didn’t realize Imelda was trying to poke bruises, otherwise I would have told her to leave as soon as she came over.” 
Shaking your head absently, you stared over Sebastian’s shoulder and directed your next words towards the wall, because that was infinitely easier than eye contact at the present moment. “I’m not upset, you don’t have to apologize. She’s just… a lot to handle right now.”
“I’ll say,” he concurred easily, moving his head so it was in your line of sight– only to furrow his brow when you ducked your chin to avoid looking at him. His jaw clenched and his hand around your arm tightened, if only briefly, and then he was tugging you along after him. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your dorm.” 
He knew. 
He had to know. 
It was the only plausible explanation you could come up with to give reason to Sebastian’s over-exaggerated use of his hands for the last three days. At first you hadn’t thought much of it; you still had a staring problem and Sebastian still had really nice hands, but the difference in the last seventy-two hours was apparent. It was as though your boyfriend was modeling his hands for you, constantly finding ways to dangle the appendages right under your nose and simultaneously letting his touch linger against your skin for far longer than normal. It was driving you insane, and you were positive he was doing it intentionally. 
Realistically it had started the day after your botched Crossed Wands duel. You, Ominis, and Sebastian had been sitting in the Library to study and work on assignments, your motley trio focused intently on your individual work for the bulk of the afternoon. Ominis was using his dictation quill to take notes, his foggy blue eyes narrowed in concentration while he muttered softly under his breath. Sebastian skimmed his own Herbology textbook with hooded eyes, the book propped against the knee he had crossed over his other leg, and his laid back posture coupled with the way his fingers idly played with the hair around his temples was enough to leave you entranced. Once he had taken notice of your staring, however, he’d smirked to himself and made a show of licking his finger to turn the page over, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. 
You didn’t need a mirror to know you’d flushed beet red at the suggestive act. 
The day after that, the two of you had been in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Sebastian had been asked to demonstrate the proper wand movement for Confringo by Professor Hecat, and shortly thereafter she had asked another student, Hector Jenkins, to take point across from your boyfriend for a friendly duel. Naturally you were prohibited from participating without Nurse Blainey’s go-ahead, so you’d stood at the back of the crowd and looked on ahead with rapt interest, eager to watch Sebastian make short work of his opponent, because of course he would. Chocolate brown eyes had met yours from across the room, and the movement that followed was subtle but obvious– at least, to you it was. 
As Professor Hecat droned on and reminded her students of the rules that went hand-in-hand with dueling in class, Sebastian fondled his wand. Quite literally. His nimble fingers had run along the wood, stroking the handle with such a light touch that his pinky had remained elevated the entire time. His thumb and index finger came to pinch at the tip softly before skimming down towards the checkered handle, and he made a dramatic show of wrapping each one of his fingers around the base before deftly angling the thin wood at you. 
Your breath had caught in your throat at the brazen motion, and Sebastian shamelessly winked at you before settling into the usual, confident persona he embodied while fighting. 
To say you’d become a ball of nerves afterwards would be a monumental understatement. You wound up leaning back against the wall with your ankles crossed to ease the rampant ache that had settled between your legs, doing your best to not look like you were going into an animalistic heat, which was easier said than done. 
Later on during dinner in the Great Hall, you found yourself seated next to Sebastian and across from Ominis, as per usual. The evening had started out much the same as always; with the three of you discussing the events of the day and planning for the upcoming weekend. The only difference was your boyfriend had seemingly taken it upon himself to distract you from the conversation entirely, covertly placing his hand on your thigh beneath the table to run the damn thing up and down your leg. Every time he reached your knee, he would steadily drag his palm higher up, teasing you with an occasional squeeze the closer he got to your center. Since you didn’t want to clue Ominis in on his best friend’s antics you were forced to keep your lips firmly sealed– left with no choice but to silently endure your boyfriend’s unique form of torture. 
As Ominis idly discussed wanting to escape to The Three Broomsticks on Saturday, Sebastian’s grip on your leg tightened while he sat forward to spoon a serving of the night’s dessert onto his plate; a colorful fruit tart with a healthy dollop of whipped cream slapped on top. You swallowed thickly as he delicately skewered a strawberry with his fork and brought it to his lips, pausing to reply to Ominis before popping it in his mouth. 
“I’m game, better to go now before Quidditch practice starts again. Merlin only knows how many trials Imelda intends on cramming into my weekends before long.” 
Ominis snorted and set his cutlery down on his plate, “You say that as though she’s doing it to spite you and you alone. In case you’ve forgotten, there’s six other people to account for on the team, and not all of them were blessed with the free time to practice over summer like you.” 
Sebastian side-eyed you briefly, and the corner of his mouth quirked up into a condescending grin. “That has a whole lot of nothing to do with me and everything to do with them being lazy. But my point still stands– that woman lives to invade my free time, so butterbeers this weekend sounds like a solid plan. What do you say, darling?” 
The brunet chose that exact moment to sensually take the strawberry between his teeth and pull it free from the fork prongs, smiling wickedly at you all the while. A tiny bit of the whipped cream had stayed behind on his bottom lip, but before you could point it out to him or wipe it away yourself, Sebastian did exactly that, drawing his finger into his mouth to suck deviously at the remnants. Your eyes were wider than saucers as you watched his tongue lave over the pad of his thumb and forefinger, and the telling squeeze he bestowed upon your thigh immediately afterwards all but confirmed your fears. 
He absolutely fucking knew. 
“I think there’s something on your mind,” Sebastian said from beside you. “Something that’s been on your mind for a while now. Care to share?” 
The two of you were on your way to the Room of Requirement, having just left the Hospital Wing after Nurse Blainey had summoned you there to evaluate your recovery progress following your mentally arduous week. She’d been all too pleased when Sebastian told her you had adhered to her guidelines to the letter– minimizing your physical activity and resting at every opportune moment, much to your boyfriend’s credit. After a few diagnostic scans, mobility trials, and a never ending list of questions designed to test your memory, she had deemed you fit to return to your usual activities– though not before making you swear to stay out of her sight for the rest of the year. 
Affectionately, of course. 
Sebastian’s comment reeled you back to the present moment, however, and you shot him a stern look out of the corner of your eye as you ascended the spiral staircase within the Astronomy Tower. “Unless you’re referring to how stunned I’ve been thanks to your obscene behavior this week, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He skipped ahead of you until he reached the top landing, spinning on his heel to face you as you breezed past him without so much as a second glance. “Oh, but I think you do. Surely you know why I’ve been behaving so ‘obscenely’. You’re the one who gave me the idea after all.” 
Keeping your expression schooled was difficult, but you managed. As the wall concealing the door to the Room of Requirement began to shift and change, you were all too aware of Sebastian sidling up next to you so he could run the tips of his fingers up your arm and over your shoulder, sending shiver-inducing chills down your spine. The gesture was intimate and suggestive, and you sighed softly as you stepped out of his reach to make for the fully formed entryway in front of you– not particularly keen on putting on a show for any students that potentially milled about the tower. 
You made it three steps inside the room before Sebastian grabbed you by your shoulder and spun you sideways, swiftly and effortlessly guiding you backwards until your back collided with the wall, and the startled gasp that ripped from your chest seemed to ignite a spark of interest in your boyfriend’s eyes. The hand he had on you traveled up along the smooth skin of your neck until he had a loose grip on your chin, and the sinful way his thumb trailed over your bottom lip spoke volumes about his intentions. 
“Do I need to coax the truth out of you, or can you be a good girl and say what it is you want?” His other hand slipped beneath the fabric of your blouse, his touch blazing and leaving you hot with want the higher up your torso it traveled. The tantalizing feeling of his blunt nails scraping along the plane of your stomach had your muscles clenching and your breath hitching, and Sebastian dipped his head lower so he was directly in your line of sight. You knew he saw your rampant need for him reflected in your eyes when his pupils dilated, and he moved his thumb away from your lip to caress your cheekbone as you stared wide-eyed up at him. He cocked his head to the side as he goaded you further, “Come on, darling. You’ve never had a problem with saying what’s on your mind before, why switch up on me now?” 
“Because it–” you started to say, cutting off mid-explanation when Sebastian curled his long fingers around your waist to press against your ribs in a way that nullified all coherent thought. His domineering presence over you left you nearly breathless. 
He smirked, all too aware of the effect he currently had on you. “It what?” 
Merlin, he was doing you in with barely any effort. Reducing you to nothing at the hands of his… well, hands. You were pathetic. He waited for your response though, his fingers dancing up your side promisingly while you worked to formulate a sentence. “I-It’s ridiculous,” you stammered out. “It’s embarrassing…”
The hand he’d tenderly ghosted across your cheek slipped behind your head, and his fingers tangled in your hair at the back of your skull to tug gently. The motion forced you to crane your chin up to follow Sebastian’s unwavering gaze, and his lips were close enough to yours that you felt his airy chuckle fan across your nose. “I already know what it is and I can tell you this much; you and I have very different definitions of what qualifies as ‘embarrassing’, darling.” His head dipped into the crook of your neck so he could better bestow wet, open mouthed kisses against your thundering pulse, and your stomach flipped at the sordid sounds he made as he went. “Come on, say it,” he implored you, his voice like velvet. “It’s only us here– tell me what you want.” 
“I…” you began, shuddering immediately after when Sebastian nipped at the spit-slick skin of your throat. Finding the words was only going to get increasingly difficult from here on out, you wagered. “I want your hands on me. I haven’t been able to get the thought out of my mind since school started.”
As though to punctuate his retort, Sebastian’s hold on your hair and your waist intensified, and a barely there squeak weaseled its way past your lips as he pulled away from your throat to fix you with a heated look. “My hands are already on you, sweetheart. Tell me why, use your big girl voice.”
Bastard. Your eyes sharpened in response to his quip, and your palms came to rest flat against the larger man’s chest before you dug your nails into the fabric of his shirt. “Because you really do have very nice hands. Because the mere idea of having them on me does things to me that I can’t begin to describe. And because I’m asking you nicely,” you purred the last bit to the best of your ability, relishing in the insatiable, hungry look that crossed Sebastian’s face at your tone. “Touch me, Sebastian. I want you– all of you. Please?”
As soon as Sebastian’s lips captured yours, your inhibitions ceased to exist. All you could taste, smell, feel, and hear was him, and judging by the demanding way he pulled you flush against him by your waist, that was exactly what he was going for. You keened needily as his nails dug into your sensitive skin and the fingers buried in your hair wound tight around the strands, and your boyfriend eagerly bit at your lips before backing away just enough to stare at you through his hooded, lust-dark eyes. 
“Keep talking to me like that and I’ll do anything you want,” he groaned, utterly captivated by the sight of you so wound up. You caved to his ministrations completely then, your stomach flipping over on itself when his chest pressed against yours and sealed you more firmly to the wall. His groin followed soon after– the long, hard length of him tangible through his trousers as he leaned into your spread legs further– and your own hands finally came to grasp at his shoulders when he rolled his hips against yours fervently. 
“Touch me,” you implored him, the request practically a whisper as it fell from your lips. “Your hands– please, Sebastian.” 
A pleased sound snaked its way through Sebastian’s clenched teeth as he obliged you instantly, releasing your waist and hair to run his hands down your torso before delving beneath your shirt. The rough, chill-inducing feeling of his calloused palms trailing against the bare skin of your stomach had you moaning in earnest, and your head tipped back against the wall with a thunk as he cupped your breasts in those heavenly hands you’d grown to adore so much. Sebastian took full advantage of your submissive position and buried his head in the exposed crook of your neck, his warm breath fanning across your skin as he murmured, “You sound incredible when you beg, darling. So fucking perfect– gods.” 
No words came to you to formulate a reply, especially when your boyfriend’s tongue darted out of his mouth to lave down the slender column of your throat, the biting sting of his teeth on your shoulder following soon after. Your next breath caught in your chest when Sebastian ground his stiffening cock against you once more, and his airy chuckle against you was seductive and ripe with promise. Those nimble fingers of his clawed gently over the rounded tops of your breasts before pinching your hardened nipples, and that was what finally pulled coherent English from your lips. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, unaware of just how much the brunet adored the needy timbre to your voice. 
Sebastian’s hands left your body for the briefest of moments to push himself off the wall, then took you by the hand to guide you towards the small bedroom tucked away in the back of the Room of Requirement. Between the two of you, your combined excitement was palpable– thick enough to cut with a knife– and as soon as you made it through the threshold of the door, he was back on you in a heartbeat. It was all a flurry of lips, teeth, and tongue as he steered you backwards towards the spacious bed, those magnificent hands of his holding your hips steady with firm reassurance. 
Once the backs of your calves connected with the mattress, Sebastian pulled away from your mouth with a wicked smirk, giving you a playful shove that sent you sprawling back on the bed with a startled yelp. It hardly mattered, though. Not when the man before you began undoing the buttons on his own shirt, exposing the tanned, freckled expanse of his toned chest. Not when he shrugged the attire off his sculpted shoulders and lowered himself to his knees so he could peer at you over your bent knees. Nothing else mattered aside from him.
“You know,” he started to say as his hands reappeared on your hips, tugging at the waistline of your trousers so they started to slide over your hip bones. “You’ve inadvertently given me lots of new ideas.” 
A shiver coursed its way down your spine at the suggestive tone he spoke the words with, amplified tenfold by the unrepentant fantasies that flickered through your mind. “Oh really?” 
“Really,” he agreed simply. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards and he gestured wordlessly for you to lift your hips so he could slide your pants down your outstretched legs. You obeyed, if only to get a move on with things so you could see the new ‘ideas’ Sebastian had apparently come up with. Dark, eager eyes met yours as he dropped your clothing to the floor, and then Sebastian asked, “Do you trust me?” 
Without missing a beat, you murmured, “Always.” 
Not another word was uttered, and you watched through hooded eyes as Sebastian prowled up the edge of the mattress to crawl over your prone form. Amusement seemingly glimmered in his lust-laden gaze as he set to expertly unbuttoning your shirt with his adroit digits, revealing inch after inch of your flushed torso, and goosebumps broke out over your stomach in the wake of Sebastian’s knuckles brushing against your heated flesh. 
He didn’t bother removing your blouse fully, opting to instead flick the sides of the undone top outward to let them hang disheveled against your sides. The shallow, anticipatory breaths you let loose was the only sound you made as the freckled man above you gathered your wrists in one of his larger hands to pin them above your head, and the entire time he worked to restrain your arms, his eye contact with you remained unwavering. Warriness and excitement alike pooled in the lower pit of your gut, mixing with the telltale ache between your legs that fueled the heat that slithered through your veins. 
Sebastian’s free hand came to touch you then, starting at the swell of your breasts before he gently thumbed over the peak of one of your nipples. The sensation had you sucking in a breath loud enough to make your boyfriend pause– only for him to repeat the motion a second time. “You’re rather pent up, aren’t you?” 
Despite yourself, you narrowed your eyes in response to his taunting and rolled your head to the side in an attempt to hide the blush you knew spread across your cheeks. “Shut up…”
The hand on your breast flew to your face, gripping your chin and turning your head back so you were forced to meet his penetrating stare. “Come on, be honest,” he goaded you further. “You missed me. Say it.” 
“Of course I missed you,” you relented quickly. “I didn’t see you for two months.”
That damnable smirk of his made its grand reappearance, and you hated how much you loved the sight of it. “You managed well enough last summer. Or were you lying through your teeth about handling the distance ‘easily’ on your travels?” 
Your fingers twitched in his unrelenting hold, the urge to crane your neck away again taking over, but you were forced to keep your eyes trained on his. “I wasn’t lying then, but I still missed you.”
The way his head tilted to the side curiously reminded you of an animal attempting to get a better look at their prey. “So why the sudden change?”
Chewing your lip thoughtfully for a moment, you decided to voice your inner thoughts regardless of how bashful the idea made you feel. “Because you changed. You’re… bigger.”
Your drab attempt at an explanation didn’t escape Sebastian, but that amusement still glinted in his eyes as he released your chin and trailed his hand down your torso towards your aching center. “Bigger, huh? Care to elaborate?” 
Skillful fingers slipped under the cotton of your undergarments, already damp with arousal, and you mewled softly when one of his digits slid through your wet folds before pressing down on your clit with delectable pressure. It nearly derailed your train of thought entirely, but Sebastian helpfully pulled away and snickered when your disappointed sigh slipped through your clenched teeth. “Dammit–”
“You talk,” he fucking purred down at you, looking far too smug for your liking, “and I work. Sound like a fair trade?” 
His offer was emphasized by one of his fingers probing at your slick entrance, further enticing you to oblige his request. When you angled your hips to meet the feeling, he pulled back swiftly, quirking a brow at you with a knowing look. 
Bastard, you thought. 
“Y-You’re bigger,” you started to say. “More muscular than before, and I think you grew a couple inches.” 
Sebastian’s hand resumed its teasing exploration of your center once more, gingerly inserting his middle finger inside of you as his thumb took to rubbing titillating circles against your clit. The flutter of your eyelids brought a coy smile to the brunet’s face, and his hold on your wrists tightened a fraction as he increased the intensity of his movements. He mockingly said, “You like having a big, strong boyfriend or something? The scandal.” 
You barely registered the gibe– not with his thumb slowly working over your clit in time with his finger. It damn near voided all of your brain’s function. All you cared to focus on was the bliss that came with finally having his hands on you. “Yes,” you groaned with blatant need. “I love it– I love it so much– you’re perfect, Sebastian.” 
Spurred on by your praise, Sebastian leaned down to mouth wetly at your throat, biting and sucking at whatever smooth skin he found as he pumped his finger in and out of your wet heat steadily. Your head rolled to the side to allow him easier access as he presumably worked a bruise into your flesh, and you relished in the knowledge that he was rebranding you as his after the summer months spent apart. A guttural moan spilled from your mouth as he laved his tongue over the mark and covertly slipped a second finger inside your cunt, crooking the digits up to reach a depth you could never hope to when you were pleasuring yourself. 
He took it slow, half for your sake and half for his own, but as Sebastian scissored his fingers and upped his tempo, he could see how you fell apart for him. You struggled to breathe, your every exhale colored with a panted, needy little sound while your thighs twitched and tensed on either side of his arm. When he shifted his fingers up just slightly, your entire body shuddered as your back arched off the bed and you choked on a breathy whine. You were so sensitive, so incredibly vocal, and it was driving him crazy. 
Sebastian’s size allowed him to stretch over the majority of your upper body easily, his hold on your arms still firm as he dipped his head lower to lick his way down to your breasts. Ever so gently, he took one of your nipples between his teeth and clamped down with a cautious amount of pressure, increasing the pace of his fingers when he heard your breath hitch in your throat. You could feel his lips stretch into a smile against your chest as your heart rate sped up and your hips involuntarily bucked up into his hand in search of more friction– more of him. 
“Merlin–” you writhed atop the sheets as that familiar ache took root in your gut, your finish approaching dangerously fast as Sebastian pressed the palm of his hand against your clit and somehow managed to pump his digits deeper inside of you. “Fuck, fuck!” 
He pulled away from your torso to watch you with rapt interest, a flicker of something primal flashing in his brown eyes as he observed your features pinching together with obvious focus as you chased the euphoria he bestowed upon you. “You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel it… I never thought just my hands could do it for you like this, sweetheart. Consider me pleasantly surprised.” 
His words meant nothing to you– not right now. Your climax was so close, so painfully close that all you cared to focus on was the steady rhythm of Sebastian’s fingers and his strength holding your wrists down to the bed. Brainlessly, you rolled your head to the side as Sebastian worked you towards the edge, only to blink blearily up at him when he released your wrists to grab the underside of your jaw and force your eyes back on him. 
“Look at me while you come on my fingers. I want to see every second of it.” 
Who were you to say no? 
Your release was akin to a tidal wave– crashing over you violently and stealing your breath as you tried your hardest to keep your eyes open and glued to Sebastian. Mouth falling open around an airy moan, your boyfriend continued to finger-fuck you through your orgasm as he captured your lips in a desperate, lethal kiss. “That’s it,” he groaned into your parted lips. “Good girl.” 
The brunet had the good grace to slide his fingers out slowly while he pulled away, laughing softly at the slight jolt your body gave when his palm grazed over your bundle of nerves once more. Dazed and twitching beneath him, you didn’t notice he’d brought his hand to his mouth until it was inches from your face, and the stars clouding your vision cleared just in time to watch him take the two fingers that had previously been inside of you between his lips. 
“I– what are you doing?” Your incredulous tone didn’t deter Sebastian in the slightest, and he smirked around his fingers before pulling them out of his mouth with an audible wet sound. 
“Tasting you,” he said casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Then with a wink he added, “You’re very sweet.” Nearly all the blood in your body rushed to your cheeks in that instant, warming your face as your mouth fell open in silent shock. It was balmy– completely and utterly bewildering. Yet you couldn’t help but find the brazen move equally… arousing. 
You’d officially lost your mind. 
In a flash, he lowered his hand closer to your own open mouth, shoving the fingers past your lips and grinning when you squealed with indignant surprise. There was nowhere for you to go– nowhere for you to turn your head to escape the taste of yourself on his digits– and so you were left with no choice but to allow Sebastian to run his fingers along your tongue. The added knowledge that you found his hands so alluring only made the whole spectacle more intimate, and before you could stop yourself, you found yourself sucking shamelessly at his skin, working your tongue over his knuckles as you stared up at him with unrestrained desire. 
“Gods,” he muttered, swallowing thickly before pulling his fingers free from your mouth. His voice was shaky, and you dimly registered that your eager submission had gotten to him. 
You licked the remnants of yourself from your lips as Sebastian shuffled back to the edge of the bed, standing straight to hastily undo his trousers and shove the material down his long, toned legs. Numbly, you followed suit, sitting up shakily to shrug off your now wrinkled blouse and toss it aside to join the growing pile of clothing at your boyfriend’s feet. 
Nude as the day he was born, Sebastian confidently stared down at you and took in the full picture of you before him with an animalistic hunger shining in his eyes. His chestnut hair was unruly and curled wildly in every direction, the breaths he hurriedly sucked down causing his shapely chest to rise and fall in a way that dragged your attention to his strong, capable body. You drank in the sight of his tan, freckled skin, your wide eyes roving lower and lower until they landed on his hard cock arching proudly against his taut stomach. 
Maybe you were imagining things, but you could have sworn that was bigger too. 
When your eyes jumped back to Sebastian’s, you were positive he knew exactly what you’d been thinking, if his wolfish grin was anything to go by. “See something you like?” 
“Please fuck me,” you groaned, too turned on by the sight of him alone to be embarassed about how desperate you sounded. 
Sebastian effortlessly crawled back onto the bed and settled over you, pulling you into another intoxicating kiss as he slipped between your spread thighs and rolled his hips, grinding his achingly hard cock against your slit with a dizzying sort of precision. You couldn’t help but moan into the kiss, your eyes squeezing closed before you tilted your head back and arched up against him. “F-Fuck, you’re so hard,” you gasped, loosely hooking your legs around Sebastian’s hips. 
Groaning his agreement, Sebastian nipped at the side of your jaw and murmured, “You have no idea… want you bad.” He nuzzled your ear for a moment, humming at the way you shivered under him, then mouthed his way down your throat with hot, wet kisses that pulled a slew of tiny noises out of you as he rocked his hips again. 
Before you could wrap your arms around his shoulders like you’d planned, Sebastian was sitting back on his heels to manhandle you exactly where he wanted you. Those big hands of his grabbed you by your waist, hauling you down the bed like you weighed nothing so your rear was balanced over the tops of his knees and he was perfectly aligned with your slick entrance. The way he easily moved you around spoke volumes of the physical labor he’d done over the summer, slaving away the muggle way to restore his Uncle’s former home for the two of you to use after graduation. Every stone moved, every log chopped, and every wheelbarrow trundled was cataloged within the corded muscles that lined his body. 
If you weren’t already head over heels for the man, you were certain you would be deemed grossly smitten.
Sebastian’s hands slid from your waist to your thighs to better hold you in place as he bumped the tip of his cock against you, and your breath stuttered in your chest at the first steady roll of his hips, the head sliding home easily into your slick, tight, and warm heat. Your name fell from your lover’s lips in the form of a ragged moan, fingers digging into your legs as he rocked his hips slowly, feeling for any tension or resistance. Everything he’d done to soothe you, however, had paid off, and he found that once he pressed in more firmly, you took him perfectly, letting him slide deeper with every short thrust. 
He really had gotten bigger.
“I could tell you thought so,” Sebastian said around a laugh. Had you said that out loud? “Your eyes just about bugged out of your head when you looked earlier.” 
Embarrassed for the nth time in the last week, you looked away from him and quietly grumbled under your breath, “Whatever… don’t let it get to your head. Your ego is big enough as it is.” 
“It’s not the only thing that’s big apparently,” he countered easily. As though to punctuate the statement, Sebastian pulled his hips back once more before spearing into you with brutal efficiency, and the gasp that ripped from your throat then was followed by a breathless sound that bordered on a wail. 
It was so thick– Sebastian’s cock– and it filled you up and spread you open so incredibly, but it was the angle that was really rendering you incapable of thought. With your hips elevated, the blunt head brushed past your sweet spot with every dragging thrust, re-lighting that fire in your blood that threatened to set you ablaze. You wanted more, but you were almost afraid of how good it would feel, how high it would take you. Sebastian was all around you, with his hands gripping your thighs, deep inside you, stirring you up and coaxing brainless whimpers out of you, not bothering to hold back for your sake– and thank the gods for that. 
A meek keening sound arose from your throat as you gasped Sebastian’s name, and the brunet responded with a rough growl, stroking your thighs tenderly before abandoning one of them to place his hand on the lower part of your stomach. He pressed down with his fingers splayed against your skin, thrusting into you deeper so you could really feel every long, delectable inch of him within you, and the added pressure made your head spin and your walls clamp down on him. 
“Oh, fuck–” you moaned wantonly, arching your spine as much as you were able in a bid to feel as much as possible. Sebastian responded by moving his grip on your thigh to your waist, fucking into you harder until all you were capable of doing was whining for more with your eyes unfocused. Rational thought was gone– you were losing your mind with the way Sebastian was pounding into you now, that fire spreading through you– but you had quickly stopped being afraid of the feeling. The hotter you got, the more Sebastian’s perfect aim drove you higher until you were arching and pleading, noisy and half-coherent as overwhelmed tears filled your eyes. 
When you finally caught hold of words beyond brainless, wavering cries, you threw your head back with a gasping whine to loudly beg, “Sebastian, please, please–” 
“F-Fuck,” he stuttered out, moaning desperately into the empty air before he rasped, “You like it that much, darling? Want more?” 
“Yes!” You clawed mindlessly at the hand he had clamped against your waist, urging him to use the damn thing in the way you had dreamt of every night since returning to school. Ever the fast learner, Sebastian obliged you mercifully and let go of your waist, leaving you to hook your legs around his hips as he brought his hands to your throat to pull you onto his cock harder and faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room and muddling your brain further. 
“You look so perfect with my hands around your neck, darling.” Sebastian growled out in-between bestial grunts. “So pretty, so eager. Is it good?” 
He wasn’t choking the life out of you by any means, but the pressure he applied on either side of your neck added a sort of high that left your tongue useless in your mouth. You could hardly formulate words, much less a full sentence, but you still managed to stammer out a raspy, “Y-Yes, fuck–”
You were fairly certain you were drooling all over yourself, but you couldn’t find the willpower to care. There were too many sensations to keep track of, and through the haze of it all, your climax came into sight. Your hand came to grasp at one of the ones Sebastian had secured around your throat while the other fisted in the sheets, squeezing as hard as you could as you rutted back against his hips the best you could. It wasn’t doing much as far as you were concerned, but Sebastian evidently appreciated your attempt as he groaned roughly, letting his head hang between his shoulders as he began pumping his hips faster. 
“Shit– I’m close, I’m so close–”
Beyond your moans of encouragement, there wasn’t much else you could say. Sebastian took your motivating sounds in stride though, keeping one hand clamped around your neck securely as the other flew down to your clit, instantaneously rubbing urgent little circles around the nub in a bid to take you with him over the edge. Your voice was already raspy but so much louder and needier than Sebastian’s short moans of your name, and his half-baked praises and pleas intermingled with the distant banging of the headboard against the stone wall. Even through all that– through the spiking volume of your pleasure and the blinding need devouring you both– all Sebastian saw was you, and all you saw was ecstasy. 
When you finally came you wailed, long and loud as your hands clung to the sheets beneath you and Sebastian’s thick wrist alike, the latter of which knew better than to stop now. Your muscles tensed dangerously tight, your toes curling hard and your nails scraping fresh tracks down Sebastian’s forearm hard enough to leave welts, and your boyfriend was already holding on by a thread by the time your cunt clamped down tight around him. It was almost too hard to move, but there was just enough give that your climax peaked impossibly further and Sebastian fell right after you, crying your name over and over with the rough, faltering tempo of his hips. 
The two of you were hardly aware of anything as you both slowed down and came off of that high, but you eventually blinked the fog from your mind and came to realize Sebastian had long since abandoned his hold on your throat in favor of laying across your prone form, lightly peppering kisses against your collarbone as he sucked down breaths to catch his breath. The stinging twitch of uncoiling muscles and the swelling bites and scratches only served to bring you both back to reality in slow, leisurely time with one another, and at the end of it all it was Sebastian who found his voice first, murmuring yet another snide comment into the crook of your shoulder. 
“Should I start wearing gloves now?” 
Still breathless and spent from the last hour– hell, the entirety of the last week– your delirious laughter was uncontrollable as you realized and quickly accepted that the truth was now out there, and your boyfriend was more than ready to take full advantage of that. “I don’t think gloves will help, honestly.” 
The remainder of the school year would end up being a testament to just how true that claim actually was, you guessed. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, would most certainly enjoy every second of it. 
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
Ratted out
sometimes friends and family accidentally (or purposefully) reveal things they shouldnt :)
characters featured: Leona, Kalim, Jade, Jack
ufff idk whats wrong with me but i ended up creating an entire (unrelated to this fic) movie plan related to twst this is mentally stable activities, truly
also unrelated but the new event got me SCREAMING how do they look so good😫
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ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Leona Kingscholar
when hanging out with your boyfriend Leona, a little lion boy suddenly jumps him and he immediately lets you go
who is this child???
"Uncle Leona!" the boy clings onto him and you can feel the annoyance eminating from Leona
it's like its own aura thats how annoyed he is🥴
so his nephew (you presume) looks to you all of a sudden and asks "who are you?" with an innocent look on his face
"I'm his lover...?" you said, a little unsure. But when you looked to Leona, he had a look of pure horror on his face...? What is even going on?????
"What?! No way, you're dating Uncle Leona?!" the kid got all excited and ran off somewhere before you could stop him
"...What have you done?" Leona hissed at you through clenched teeth, holding his forehead
you do realise you just revealed that he's dating you to the most big mouthed child in the world, right? that his whole family will know in a matter of minutes, right? that you've basically just invited yourself to every future family gathering at once, right?
and sure enough, in a few minutes he got a surprised text from his brother which he left on read 💀
"Damn brat..." he muttered under his breath, you still confused over what just happened
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Kalim Al-Asim
let's be real babes there is nothing for his siblings to rat him out on because he immediately told his family he was dating you
his siblings happened to overhear a little something...
"Hey, hey." one of Kalim's younger brothers pulled your sleeve, wanting to tell you something
"yes?" you answered absentmindedly, thinking he's going to start talking about a strange thing he saw today or something
"Kalim's gonna marry you." he whispered to you, looking around to make sure no one heard
You laughed a little. "If you think so." you pat his little head
"No, he was like, asking mom if he can marry you soon. We heard it." another one of his brothers joined in after hearing the tea being spilled
"What?! Really?!" you're both extremely surprised and happy and mad at his brothers for ruining the surprise right now
oh well, what's done is done, and now you know Kalim is SERIOUS about you
that gets you thinking about wedding stuff now...🤔
What none of you know tho is that Jamil overheard all of you
"Okay, maybe we need to scrap the whole surprise wedding proposal thing..." he sighs, making a mental note of it and preparing to dissapoint poor Kalim
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Jade Leech
jade is like... oddly nice to you after you first meet him
you're a little wary of him considering his reputation but he hasn't done anything weird at all so... might as well accept his gifts?
one time he approaches you with jade in tow and you think absolutely nothing of it since they're together like 90% of the time anyways
"Hello there, are you enjoying your lunch?" he just sat down next to you without asking if he can at all 😔
"Uh, yeah, I suppose." you didn't really know what to tell him and it seems he doesnt know how to continue the conversation either so u just kinda... stare at eachother while Floyd casually steals a bit of ur food
"Maaaan, aren't you like, supposed to be crushing on Little Shrimpy or something? Then taaalk about stuff, I'm bored." Floyd looked bored when he saw the two of you didn't start talking about weird stuff
Jade simply smiled at you, telling you to ignore Floyd
But on the inside he was planning approximately 10 ways to... get rid of someone without others noticing
or alternatively, just beating the everloving crap out of his twin brother if the first plan is not a possibility
"Do you have a crush on me?" you wanted to know now...
"That's for you to think about." he smiled oddly eerily, but then just started talking abt something mundane 😥
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Jack Howl
You're visiting him for the first time because you got curious what his family is like
his younger siblings immediately ambushed you with their little sniffer noses as soon as you stepped in the house🤔
"Who are you?" they asked, always curious about anyone that Jack brings over
When you told them who you were, they immediately ran away to "TELL MOM" and were literally screaming that the two of you are dating so loudly that the whole neighborhood could hear
You could also hear some woman (who you presume is his mom) laughing from somewhere in the house so uhhh.... atleast she isn't mad about it?
You looked back at Jack who seemed more annoyed than anything
"Aren't you gonna... go stop them?" you asked, raising a brow.
"Nah, I was gonna tell mom I'm dating you anyways. I'm just mad that they beat me to it." he crossed his arms, huffing in annoyance
"Actually, speaking of, isn't me dating you kinda a big deal? You told me before that wolves have one partner for life." you actually got kinda nervous, i mean, you gotta impress his family good now
"It is. But I think everyone's just happy I got someone at all." Jack looked at his overly excited siblings who were still celebrating
"Wow, that's sad." you sassed him 😝
"...I shouldn't have brought you."
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huiyi07 · 10 days
hey so do you guys ever think about how often Diluc is referred to as the ‘uncrowned king of Mondstadt’ since he’s like the only male heir to the noble families and like it or not, where Jean is the authority of the nation, he’s pretty much the symbolic face of Mondstadt and the values the nation projects— and despite his temperament, Diluc has learned to embrace it wholeheartedly. He’s charismatic, extremely righteous, and he blazes bright and gives the people of Mondstadt a fire that guides them in the dark, quite literally. Like he’s literally Bruce Wayne lmao
But he doesn’t want this, no, and here’s the proof- maybe he did, once upon a time, before everything happened— but he doesn’t really care about wine, he only cares about the winery because of the people in it and his father. He’s righteous but doesn’t give a damn about the rules and the knights of favonius. After what happened to him, he’s clearly a rebel at heart now, not some charming superhero who does everything expected of him, unlike before. In summary, Diluc was someone who was quite literally ready to become an (uncrowned) prince, pretty much royalty in every way except title- and on surface level, he still is, but he throws that mantle away in secret whenever he can.
And then look at Kaeya, his brother who’s always lived in his shadow. It’s easy to see that now, people don’t really project Mondstadt’s values onto Kaeya the same way they do onto Diluc, since lots of people hardly even remember that they’re brothers. And yeah people still think kaeya is reliable and nice, but also because of how Kaeya built his image after Diluc left— an excessively over the top personality that pretends to be sadistic, mean, and at the same time dripping with false charm. So despite that people still find him approachable and nice as expected of a knight, hardly anyone would call him befitting of a prince.
But Kaeya is actually so painfully and authentically ‘princely’ and kind, deep down— the way he deals with children, his fierce loyalty and willingness to protect people at all costs, his self sacrificial tendencies that most often appear for Diluc’s sake. Even the tidbits of lore we get about him scream aristocracy- his ‘ceremonial’ bladework, Alberich family secrets that reveal just how central they are to the kingdom of khaenriah. This is kinda obvious to any player who’s bothered to learn anything about kaeya, but to the characters in game, there are very few that know that side of him.
And whereas Diluc is forcibly projected the title of royalty and secretly rejects it, Kaeya was actually born into it- his family is very important to Khaenriah, and much like how he does with anything related to his past and heritage, he loudly and outwardly rejects it. Diluc outwardly rejects what Kaeya shows (a darker, more ‘means justify the end’ nature), and Kaeya tries to hide what Diluc projects (a sophisticated and kind upbringing).
Honestly? It’s as if they were swapped at birth. Kaeya’s real hidden nature, even after everything that happened to him, remains to be so unwavering and people-oriented, while Diluc’s true personality changed drastically over time. Not that Diluc isn’t unwavering or whatever, but Diluc mostly actively rejects relationships and prefers to do everything alone, obsessed with the idea that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, whereas Kaeya always, always yearns for companionship and for people to be by his side- solidarity.
Diluc is the poster image of royalty, but his brother who hides in the shadows is a real king. They complete each other, balance each other out, represent the parts that the other hides. I don’t know if hoyoverse always meant them to be that way, but damn they basically represent each other’s parts of themselves that they lost. Yin and Yang, two halves of the same whole.
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rosettyller · 9 months
some analysis of this scene from 2x02, because i am going absolutely insane over it:
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first up: it's 2 500 BCE. They've known each other for around 1500 years at this point, but they haven't been meeting up very often; it's implied at this point, that they've only met at the Garden, and the Flood, and now here (as well as in Heaven, but there's varying interpretations about how much they each remember of Heaven).
(worth noting that these meetings are all bible-related meetings)
So, they don't know each other very well at all. This is why Aziraphale approaches Crowley so cautiously (apart from the fact that he thinks Crowley's going around murdering goats and soon kids). He doesn't know what happened to Crowley when he Fell, how he changed when he fell in with Lucifer, how God's rejection has warped Crowley's perspective or changed his morals (their meeting at the Flood seemed quite short, not enough time to get a definite picture.)
Aziraphale is still seeing Crowley as demonic, although there's already that thread of doubt - can you really see him trying to talk Hastur or Ligur out of this the way he does Crowley?
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Aziraphale clings to the memory of Angel Crowley - Crowley gets quite defensive.
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Here, Crowley reinforces that he's changed - personally I don't believe that he did fight in the War, but his views of God's Plan definitely got more extreme than "thats terrible god should get a suggestion box".
But, I also believe that here, Crowley is reinforcing that he is no longer an angel, and therefore no longer has to play by angel rules. He can do what he wants. He's a demon, it's in his job description.
And of course, that he is a demon, and he is Evil, and of course he would kill goats.
(more under the cut, because I just can't stop talking)
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This shot is very yellow. Crowley's hair being the season 1 orange rather than red, the yellow walls, all accentuate the colour of Crowley's eyes, highlighting the physical reminder of Crowley's demonic nature.
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I couldn't be bothered to gif it, but here, Crowley leans forward into Aziraphale's face. There are two reasons for this:
Get his yellow Demon Eyes right in Aziraphale face, just to hammer home his point.
It's an aggressive action, moving into someone's personal space like that. Saying, I could hurt you, I'm violent and aggressive and dangerous, I killed those goats, the kids are next.
The way the light hits Crowley's eyes in the above shot and the below shot also make them a very bright yellow. (Edit: I think someone pointed out that Crowley is making his eyes glow, but the overall yellowness of the scene serves to highlight this)
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Clever wording on Crowley's part, because as we will find out, he faked the destruction of the goats to keep them safe, while making himself sound very evil.
You'll notice the repetition of "blameless"; this makes him seem even more evil, hurting the innocent, but also gives deeper insight into one of Crowley's biggest issues: hurting the innocent. What have they done to deserve this? Nothing.
This ties in quite nicely with what we have seen before of Crowley and free will; he gives people the option to sin. It's their actions that decide whether they end up in Heaven or Hell; they get what they deserve for their actions. He just makes it easier to choose Hell. (see: phone lines being down making people crankier and encouraging them to be horrible to each other, but it still being their choice, setting the holy water bucket above the door, so it's Ligur's choice to come in after Crowley that gets him killed.)
Note also the use of "long":
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Aziraphale says to "tell me you want to do this". "Long" has rather stronger connotations than "want", but also rawer, more fundamental. Crowley is reminding Aziraphale that he is a demon, and that he has the traits of a demon, this is what he is now. He longs for violence, for destruction.
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Aziraphale looks quite sad here. If you watch the video I linked, his previous conviction that Crowley doesn't want to do it is very strong. He fully believes in Crowley, that all he needs to do is reframe not killing the kids as within the rules of Hell, the way Crowley so often comes to do for Aziraphale ("Then you can't be certain that thwarting me isn't part of the divine plan too. I mean, you're supposed to thwart the wiles of the Evil One at every turn, aren't you?" "If you put it that way, Heaven couldn't actually mind me thwarting you.").
Aziraphale believed Crowley was still good, that the angel he remembered was still in there. But Crowley rejects it - and it hurts. Crowley has become what a demon should be.
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Crowley looks quite sorrowful here, too: he already cares for Aziraphale (he fell in love at the Garden), and it hurts to decieve him, to disappoint him, to hurt him.
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I would argue that here, Crowley is scared.
He's in shadow, which dims the yellows; his undemonic nature is about to be revealed.
And that is not safe, because Hell does not send rude notes. And here, Crowley is not doing just any temptation, but trying to help Satan win a bet (supposedly). And out of every demon in Hell, Satan is the one you want to piss off the least.
But here, Crowley is scared because Aziraphale could reveal him - because Aziraphale is on God's side, and because it is revealed that Crowley is not nearly as demonic as he makes himself out to be. He's vulnerable. Aziraphale could scorn him, hurt him. But instead:
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Aziraphale is incredibly smug. "I knew I was right", he says. "I knew you were still good".
And here is another issue: Aziraphale conflates God/Heaven/angels with good, and demons/Hell with bad.
And Crowley does not see Heaven as good. He doesn't want Aziraphale to see his angelic core past the demonic exterior. He's on his own side.
This, for Aziraphale, confirms that "the angel you knew is not me", is not correct.
And I think, out of the three minisodes, it's this one that does the most for fleshing out Aziraphale and Crowley's frames of mind this series, and why they choose what they choose in ep6.
Aziraphale has been proven right about Crowley's angelic nature, and that he wants to do good, but can't, for fear of Hell's retribution.
And Crowley does not see Heaven as good. He recognises that being an angel again will not allow him the freedom to do good. (as Aziraphale had to try and talk a demon into helping him save the kids from God.)
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allurilove · 4 days
Hello! can we get yandere!rich!boyfriend x rich!sunshine!reader where reader got extremely kind with this new student at their school…
got my idea from korean’s drama hierarchy thoo..🤓
Sure thing! I’ve seen a bit of that show on tiktok lol, and it looks cool.
It wasn’t odd for him to see you be so giddy. You were always nice to everyone around you, and even more to the less fortunate. He crossed his arms, and leaned against his car as he watched you like a hawk. He saw how your eyes would shine, a big smile on your face, and the way your body was awfully close to the new student made him uncomfortable.
He felt like he had a good reason to be upset. Most of the time people thought you were flirting with them when you were just being friendly. He had to save and steer you away from uncomfortable conversations and situations. Your boyfriend silently got off his car and approached you two. He stood behind you, and his hands in his pockets as he looked at the student you were taking too.
They looked average. They didn’t own anything flashy, and nothing stands out from their clothing except for a bangle bracelet on their wrist. It looked cheap. Your boyfriend watched them try to continue the conversation, they slipped in compliments, and asked numerous questions about the school. So, the fact that this total nobody even believed they have a chance with you annoyed him. His body tensed up as he saw their hand reach for yours, and he instinctively pulled you towards him. Your boyfriend just smiled, pretending that everything was alright, but the tight grip on your wrist said otherwise. He’s not the one to cause a scene, and he wasn’t about to argue with someone he considered to be beneath him.
The fact that you gave anyone the time and day was fascinating. Usually, someone of your status and wealthy background is prone to be a bit snooty. That’s how he’s like after all. There was no use in talking to someone that could barely relate nor afford the privilege and lifestyle you two had.
“Do you mind if I steal my partner for a second?” Your yandere boyfriend said, his brow raised, and really it wasn’t much of a question. He was telling the other student to leave. Just atleast trying to be less of a dick about it.
Before the person you were taking to could say anything, he pulled you with him as you two now walked inside the school. “You don’t have to talk to strangers, you know?” your boyfriend sighed as he had you walk behind him. His hand still on your wrist as he used his body to shove through the crowd of students.
“They’re not a stranger. They’re a fellow student-“
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes. “Tch, same thing. Everyone is a stranger if they aren’t me.” He pushed you into an empty classroom, and he made you sit down onto a chair he pulled out for you. “Do you have to befriend everything that breathes? Are you not satisfied with just me?”
His hand smoothed out your school uniform, and he fixed your red colored tie. “I’m just trying to protect you. No one cares for you more than I do.”
“You agree, right? That I’m the best thing that has ever came into your life.” Your boyfriend dropped this hand down to your thigh. “I love you… and I want everything good to happen to you.”
“Don’t talk to anyone else ever again.”
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush!!
-Yandere Gojo.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: Simp Gojo ig, trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
The car was slightly quiet, besides Gojo’s occasional replies to his phone call. The chauffeur seemed to have his mouth taped shut, only focusing on taking you to the warehouse where your boss's jets are stored.
The 3 a.m. breeze passing through the window and kissing your face is starting to make your cheeks cold to the touch. The night’s temperature makes you kind of regret your outfit choice, but what could you say? Leaving the drugs and mafia behind, it was your first time visiting China! You were so excited for every new experience there was to offer. You may be there on a “business trip,” but considering all your expenses are paid, you might as well make it memorable. That led you to go all out when choosing the first outfit you’d wear when flying private. Your chest was adorned by a burgundy sleeveless turtleneck top, a black miniskirt that hugged your waist, and some below-the-knee leather-heeled boots that combined with your top.
You quickly shook the regret away. Your priority is to progress on this week's worth of work, taking advantage of the current free time you have. Your soft fingertips quickly tapped the warm computer resting on your thighs. Unbeknownst to yourself, the tall figure with fluffy white hair scratched his undercut with one hand while the other lazily held the phone close to his ear. He couldn’t help but dare to take a peek at your smooth legs. He tried to contain himself, which he really did, but his eyes couldn’t help but wander up your thighs. The phone call is now long forgotten, only working as a background nose for his shameful fantasy, where he lies his head on your cushiony, soft thighs while your long nails trace figures along his scalp.
-“Whatcha looking at doesn’t like my outfit or what?”-You question catching him off guard after finally noticing his burning stare.
Gojo’s eyes widened in surprise, but his ego wasn’t going to let him keep quiet and possibly seem embarrassed in front of you or anyone. So he quickly fixed his posture and struck back.
-“Are those the boots I gave you for Christmas? It's the first time I’ve seen you wear them. They don’t look completely hideous on you.”
Gojo thanked whatever god still had mercy on him for giving him the perfect excuse to look your way.
-“It is the first time I’m wearing them!!! How did you notice?” - You giggled at him shamelessly, flashing him your pearly whites. How could you do this to him? Now he wanted to buy every pair of boots in the world just to see your smile as you showed them off to him and blushed at him.-“ I wish I was as easily observant as you. You’re once again correct. I just wanted to save them for a nice event.”
-“You've never been on a plane before?"
-“Not a private one.”
Poor you.
So your first time is going to be with me, huh? How sweet.” Gojo joked proudly, wearing a smug smile.
You threw some sticky notes at his head that you had in your purse, to which he just responded with a low and slow cackle.
The chauffeur looked back in surprise, wondering how you still had all your extremities together after disrespecting the boss like that.
You now rest your chin on the window as you approach the warehouse. After passing various checkpoints with armed men in the middle of nowhere, you finally arrive at his warehouse.
Geto ordered around the employees as they packed something onto the jet. You couldn’t continue snooping since one of your guards opened the door to signal you to leave the car.
As you get off, you feel the rough concrete make friction with your boots. As you start to explore the view, you see like five warehouses surrounding the pathway. As your assistants grab the luggage in the trunk, you look around for familiar faces.
You promptly see your boss appear from the side of the train and shortly walk over to you. 
-“Ladies first.” -He points with his head to the open silver jet door.
You glance back at him in a distrusting manner and soon head into the aircraft. The cabin smelled sterile, the hallways were wide and decorated with cashmere white seats adorned by cedar walls with floating tables and big round windows to your side was a twin bed with feathery pillows and cushiony covers.
-“Can i sleep here? If I fall asleep right now, I might avoid jet lag.” - You ask this question while settling down on the bouncy bed, you avoided giving any compliments to your boss, you didn’t want to seem easily surprised by his extravagant wealth.
-“Tired already? I thought you wanted to spend the night with me.”-He banters as usual.
-“As if you could offer me a good night.”- You joke back, and he simply raises an eyebrow.-“I’m feeling a little groggy, but if you need me up, I’ll be charging you a nighttime fee in USD of course, since we are traveling internationally.”
Gojo opens his mouth to respond but is shortly interrupted by his godmother.
-“Gas tanks are full; flights starting in 5.”-Comments the raven head while serving himself and Gojo a cup of whiskey from the bar.
-“Want some?” -He asks, looking toward your direction.
-“It’s 3 a.m.; what type of question is that? Pass the bottle, bro.”-You respond while tying your hair for a fun night.
Your knocked-out body is seen slugging on the before mentioned bed, neck in a creepy pose and your cheeks painted red. Your skirt is slightly riding up on your thighs,barely noticeable to the untrained eye,but still too much for Gojo's liking.
Gojo and Geto are sitting down in the seats in front of you, enjoying the spectacle of your drunken self. They’re still completely sober from their third glass of whisky.
Gojo takes his phone out and is about to take a picture until Geto grabs his hand.
-“Better not; what if she gets mad and fucks up our taxes.”- His best friend intervenes.
Gojo quietly nods and reincorporates himself into his seat, spreading his legs as far as possible , sliding his Ferragamo shoes across the carpet to touch your boots with the tip of his footwear.
After strutting back into the cabin from speaking with the pilots in the cockpit,Geto  let’s gojo know that they’re landing in Sanduzhen in about an hour, just to later disappear into one of the rooms on the jet. Meanwhile, Gojo is still staring at your freshly run-over deer pose.
You look so uncomfortable.
You may even wake up with neck pain.
He wasn’t very content with the thought of you waking up hungover and with neck pain.
He sat up and looked around to see if anyone was looking at him, then strategically hooked his arm under your knees while grasping your arms with the other hand. Once he had you in a bridal position, he crouched down a bit and grabbed your leather purse to later stand back up again. He was so tempted to just stand there and hold you in his arms like a big baby and feel your hot breath tickle his neck, but he recognized you both have a busy day ahead of you, so he simply had to ignore your sweet cotton candy perfume and lay you to rest. He swiftly headed to the back of the cabin, where his bedroom is located, to next effortlessly open the door and shut it behind himself.
He laid your limp body cozily on the comforter, and he then proceeded to carefully sit on the bed while side-eyeing you to see if you would flutter your eyes open and catch him red-handed. Once he confirmed you were out like a light, he gently unzipped your boots and put them aside to then cover you with the thickest, softest blanket he could find.
He just as carefully stood up and was just about to walk off and do whatever shady shit he usually does when he realized he deserved a treat for being such a gentleman, right?
He crouched down to your face level and took his big, cold, and scarily pale hand and tamed the wild hairs that cover your face. His pointer finger then started to trace all your factions. He could feel his cheeks burn as your soft skin met with his finger tips. As if he weren’t already testing the limits of his self-control, his gaze faltered at the sight of your pink, rosy lips, slightly agape. He was better than this; he knew better than to fantasize about locking lips with his secretary. But he needed to get something out of it, something that was worth the agony he experienced at the thought that he couldn’t just lay next to you and cuddle away the cold, something worth his jagged breaths as he tried to ignore your intoxicating scent or worth making him hate himself as he acted like a teenage boy around you, like he wasn’t beheading some messengers from a rival gang then sending some of their parts to their boss and their families.
So he said, Fuck it, and submerged his head between your neck and hair as he inhaled your essence. After getting drunk on your scent, he backed off and planted a chaste kiss on your bare shoulder. He wishes to plant many more, but one is all he can afford for the moment.
Then he decided to finally leave before doing anything crazy, and to his luck he managed to withdraw from his room a few minutes before Geto left his own.
-“Yeah?” The white-haired man replied, concealing his previous high adrenaline rush.
-“Do you think she’ll find out?”
After his best friend muttered that sentence, every drop of joy drained from his system.
-"What’s done is done.”
The godmothers face winced before an announcement was heard on the cabin speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your pilot speaking; we have arrived in Shanghai, mainland China.”
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Hello my beautiful angels , I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think gojo is hiding from the reader? Did you like the secret one sided romance going on? I’d like to remember y’all that suggestions and request are open. Once again comments are appreciated, until next time, kisses.💋
Poll for funsies
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In my opinion, Will Graham, Holden Ford, and Gregory House are the best autistic characters I've seen. They're very smart, and while House is actually a genuis, the way his intelligence is approached compared to a characters like Spencer Reid or Sheldon Cooper is vastly different. They're extremely passionate and good at their jobs (which are arguably their special interests) but it just feels a lot less... gimmicky and like its not feeding so much into stereotypes. They stim and get overstimulated all the time. They have relationships, but they struggle with social interaction and society's expectations. They're rude quite a lot, not because they're inherently mean people, but because while they can recognize they're being rude, they either can't understand that the reasoning society has put in place for why their actions/words are rude or they don't even really notice because they can't naturally recognize the social cues going on around them (House specifically wants to be an asshole but I'm talking about how he acts unintentionally). They have one person they're really close with who understands them but otherwise tends to isolate themselves. They struggle to understand how they're feeling. They're different. They're weird, but not comically so. They feel like they were written as real people with real emotions and not as some extreme, unrealistically fake character.
Don't get me wrong, I love Spencer Reid as much as the next person, and autism is a spectrum, and I know there are autistic people who do relate to him and other autistic characters. I just feel like autistic characters are so often sensationalized, infantilizated, and written as almost comically unrealistic. And I'm not saying Will, Holden, or House aren't unrealistic because they are in a lot of ways, but they don't feel like a joke. The point is that we are all different, and it's nice to see characters break out of that mold that autistic representation has historically forced them into.
Again, autism is a spectrum, and I know there are people out there who relate a lot to Spencer or Sheldon or whoever, and that's completely fine. But I feel like we so rarely get to see autistic characters actually on a spectrum, instead of being shoved into one box.
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bakubunny · 8 months
thinking about daddydom!iida bc i feel like he'd be the BEST 🤭
thoughts?? 😇🩵
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ok ok ok so. i don’t see iida as the daddy type but if he wasn’t extremely vanilla he’d fall into a dom role pretty naturally. (tbh i think this bbyboy could use a top/domme to get him to fucking relax for once, but i digress.)
but if he was a daddy? hoo boy. here we go.
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if you’re not one for adherence to rules, (i’m looking at you with love, brats,) iida’s probably not gonna be your style. he’s not a brat tamer, he’s a daddy. too much bratting or pushing too hard when you do is stressful for him. it would wear him down.
he’s not necessarily a hard dom, but he is a strict one. an absolute stickler for rules. punishes swiftly but never more than necessary. and he usually picks the ones that aren’t fun because…
he leads with firm guidance and wants to better you as a person. obedience isn’t enough for him; he wants to see you flourish under his hand. he expects that you will better him as a person, too, because you are his equal first and his little girl second.
has you track your progress on whatever goals or responsibilities he gives you. (water intake, self care, diet, hobbies, etc.) and he checks regularly. you won’t get away with it if you skip a few days.
he is the sweetest in his own way. he may approach things too logically sometimes, but he genuinely cares.
he absolutely spoils the fuck out of you and pampers you. he may not always be able to afford to buy you things, but you will be spoiled to pieces nonetheless because you are his baby.
you know those cheesy pictures of guys who grab their girl’s thigh in the car and they’ve got a nice watch, possibly well dressed and shit? that’s his vibe. he also buys you flowers. red roses to be specific, unless he knows you have a favorite.
iida could literally open the floodgates of your cunt just by meticulously rolling up the sleeves on his dress shirt. he doesn’t realize it at first, but eventually he catches on to how flustered you get watching him.
when he’s not in “strict daddy” mode, he’s all about pampering you and your pleasure. he’d be a service dom if he wasn’t a daddy and i will not take further questions on that. 🫣
maintenance spankings, especially if you’re a little masochist. that’s all i’ll say.
related: he doesn’t use things like spanking or pain as a regular punishment because he’s not much of a sadist. but if it’s necessary and gets you to listen? watch out bbg.
having you bent over his knee gets him painfully hard. his hands grip tighter, voice gets rougher. he will absolutely finger and toy you like that until you’re incoherent from how many times he made you cum.
after that? you’ll be on your knees to relieve his predicament with drool running down your chin. or he’ll just have to sink into your poor, swollen cunt. this is one of the few instances where he’d want to fuck you till you cry if you’re into that sort of thing.
he occasionally likes to take pictures and videos during sex for “personal use.”
he’s def. the type that wants to cum on your face. you’re his pretty little girl. you look so adorable and sweet and eager on your knees, and fuck if he keeps thinking of your face, he’s gonna be pulling his dick out in the nearest bathroom to one of your innocent selfies. (or one of your painted face.)
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tag list: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @i-literally-cant-with-this @darkstarlight82
lmk if you’d like to be added. <3
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junicult · 11 months
the bachelors and their thoughts on tattoos and piercings?? and if they have any/want any
!! the bachelors & tattoos / piercings
contains ; talk of piercings / tattoos. farmer has piercings tattoos (not specified). sfw. one minor nsfw comment in shanes (i seriously can’t help myself).
note ; i made this super quickly in literally like 10 mins😭
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- he doesn’t have either.
- and he doesn’t plan on ever getting them.
- i don’t think he necessarily hates them, (on other people at least) but it’s not something he personally seeks out. like, if you just so happen to have tattoos or piercings, he doesn’t care.
- …he might be the type that doesn’t really like extensive amounts of facial piercings, tho.
- at least, if he met you and you already had those piercings, he might not want to seek a further relationship.
- if you’re already together, and extremely committed, you wanting piercings or tattoos wouldn’t change how he loves you.
- if he did have any piercings, they’d probably just be his ears. but i can’t even picture him getting any.
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- LMFAO i just know he’s the person that doesn’t have any tattoos, but he constantly talks about all the tattoo’s he wants to get. (me)
- piercings, however, are a different story🤭
- he started off simple by getting his earlobe pierced for sure. definitely thought it was very “rockstar” to have.
- overtime he got a few more, (all of which taken place in sebastian’s basement), such as an upper lobe & orbital.
- and he definitely has an industrial. ik it.
- it’s probably healed too which is crazy.
- also, i think it’d be cute for him to just have a dainty little hoop on his nostril.
- when it comes to his partner, he couldn’t care less if they have any piercings / tattoos or not.
- butttt he thinks they’re so attractive. piercings especially.
- lip piercings if we’re being even more specific. ik that if u had snake bites, or an ashley piercing…phew.
- it just gives him an excuse to stare at ur lips lol.
- i feel like he would want to have his nipples pierced, but he’d never go through with it.
- same reason why he doesn’t have any tattoos.
- in general, because he skateboards and stuff, i feel like he’s immune to scratches and scrapes.
- he was also definitely the kind of kid that always had his arm in a cast or something.
- but i’ll still die on this hill: he has a low pain tolerance.
- sebastian can attest to it.
- mf is constantly squirming each time the needle even approaches his skin.
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- he’s more of a tattoo kind of person then piercings.
- is it safe to say i think the majority of his are from when he was drunk😭?
- his pain tolerance is fairly high. he’s got a couple tattoo’s, that’s for sure.
- one on his arm of something gridball related to reminisce back on those days, and one on his back or maybe chest.
- of what? he doesn’t even know.
- as for piercings, definitely his regular & upper earlobes. he never changes the jewelry, it’ll always be that.
- i feel like he also has a daith just bc he heard it helps w migraines 😭
- but he is totally attracted to piercings.
- have any kind of facial piercings you want, he doesn’t care.
- but he’s an absolute sucker for body piercings, whether you have them or not.
- if u have ur belly button pierced, or even…u know…ur nipples dare i say; lord😭😭
- if ur dating, believe me he’s not ignoring those.
- when he sees u naked for the first time, or for the first time after u got those pierced—he’d be such a little asshole.
- “oh, these are nice.” he just raises his eyebrows, smirking down. “they healed?”
- if they are then…well. you already know.
- also he’s a sucker for a tramp stamp😭
- those were so popular in the 90s ik he’d lose his mind if u had one.
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- pelican town’s unofficial piercer.
- lord.
- aside from multiple stick and pokes when he was in his teens, he doesn’t have any tattoos.
- they’re all definitely of things he looks back on and physically cringes. he doesn’t even tell people he has them, (besides sam & abby who were around when he was in that phase)
- the only reason you’d find out about them is if you saw them and asked him about it.
- as for piercings, he’s decked out.
- i’m talking lobes, orbital, helix, industrial, daith, conch. his ears are HEAVY.
- his eyebrow, nose, and lip is pierced too.
- his eyebrow might be one of his favs, and i also wholeheartedly believe that was his first ever piercing on himself when he was like 16. he stuck with it since.
- he also just has a nostril hoop. it’s black ofc.
- and…his lip piercing…
- a vertical labret 🤭🤭🤭.
- & u can disagree with me on this, but i’d like to think all of his piercings are properly cared for, cleaned, and healed. he’s not wasting any time caring for an infection.
- i also wanna say he has a few that he’s taken out as he’s gotten older.
- like his bridge piercing. he had it for a couple years before he decided to take it out, so he has a little scar there.
- i feel like abby has snake bites, which convinced him to get snake bites at one point. but when he got his labret, he took those out.
- lastly, i definitely think he had a septum at one point, but pretty quickly he realized it just didn’t suit him so he took it out.
- as for his partner, if you had any piercings—he doesn’t care. why would he?
- he’s incredibly impartial. whether you have them or don’t.
- but let me tell you…if you don’t have any, he’ll gladly change that if you ever asked😇😇
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- he has none.
- zilch. zero.
- he’s not the biggest fan of a ton of piercings. unfortunately i feel like he was raised in that kind of household, so he was conditioned to feel the same way (we’ve all met george).
- like, if you have ur ears pierced or maybe one little face piercing, i don’t think he’d mind that much.
- it definitely depends on how much he likes you.
- if he met you while you had face piercings, he’d probably judge you by cover.
- but if you slowly got them after you’ve been dating a while, i feel like that’s when he’s realize how attractive they can be.
- if you got your lip pierced, and he got to see how plump your lips get from swelling—that might drive him crazy.
- everytime he leans in for a kiss you’d have to pull away, tutting, “ah-ah, no kissing.”
- it’s like ur torturing him.
- and if you ever convinced him to get a piercing, he’d only allow his ears.
- for tattoos, i think it’d be so sweet to imagine him wanting one that linked to his mom.
- like something she’s said before, a nickname she gave him, maybe even if she had a tattoo he’d get the same one.
- because he’s not that emotionally available, he never told anyone.
- not until u asked, and since he’s trusts you more then anyone, he doesn’t mind being vulnerable to you.
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- he has both.
- but his are just so beautiful that you’d literally see them on pinterest, y’know?
- he’s so tasteful with his piercings and tattoos.
- he’s a patchwork fan. like small separate tattoos on his arms and torso.
- each of which have meaning to him in someway.
- and his piercings are soo small and dainty. (GOLD TOO. he’s strictly gold.)
- he has a little stud on his nostril, and his ears are similar to sebastian’s.
- but he’s much more organized then anyone else. his piercings all took place over time, and they’re all matched. he’s a strict gold jewelry person.
- it just makes him look so clean and put together.
- when it comes to you, he in general doesn’t care whether you have them or not.
- physical attraction isn’t the biggest deal to him. so what if you do / don’t have piercings.
- but he can definitely appreciate if you’re just as dedicated to your jewelry / tattoos as he is.
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tinietaehyun · 8 months
Sanguine Lover
[Vampire!Soobin x Researcher!researcher] [Mystic Trail Series]
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Pairing: Vampire!Soobin x Researcher!Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, angst, fluff, friends to lovers, comedy.
Contains: Profanity, bickering, dialogue-heavy, mentions of injury, blood, blood loss, self-inflicted suffering, deprivation, some mature themes.
Summary: You peer at your fellow researcher with slight suspicion. “Are you…okay?” He hums trying to avoid any eye contact with you. Sighing, you say, “You’re pale. Paler than usual I mean. Have you eaten? Had anything to drink?”
Soobin freezes, “What?” You scoff, “Blood, I mean?” The man seems to pale even more impossibly, “You know?” You start laughing, “Doesn’t everyone know?” You realise he’s not laughing with you. You murmur awkwardly, “Wait, is it not obvious?” Soobin murmurs, “It’s not supposed to be, yeah.” “Oh.”
“With that being said, I hope you get settled in. This place is full of surprises, discoveries and much more! If you need any help, don’t be afraid to approach my office, alright?” The supervisor for this particular facility gleams brightly at you ending her long but sweet speech easing you into your transfer here. She was indeed extra happy.
You had to commend yourself honestly, you already scored a point with how much nicer this facility’s supervisor is compared to your previous facility (he was a piece of shit!) Thus, upon applying for a transfer, you were incredibly overjoyed to leave that pit of hell and come here to start fresh.
Here this research facility was responsible for numerous areas of research and study in relation to the mythological and supernatural. It was well reputed and known to produce outstanding findings. Hearing all this had made you extremely excited to start working here. You murmur at your supervisor, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” She cheerily waves.
With that you put on your ID card and and begin walking towards your assigned room. You peer at the sleek white walls with the tiny bolts in the walls. Your eyes glance through the various glass panels of the doors you pass by seeing chambers and various rooms where accomplished researchers and scholars write and type away. You promptly scan in at your workspace and the door slides open automatically making your brows raise.
You walk in to be greeted by the various judgemental stares of your soon to be colleagues. Your hands sweatily grip the strap of your bag. Refraining from shuddering, you tentatively walk in and walks around finding a place to sit amongst the sea of laptops, computers and tables. You’re in awe of the various shelves of books and archives at the back of the room. The sheer scale of everything so far had surpassed your expectations. Excitement was building up within you; you had hoped to develop yourself more and become a more accomplished scholar.
Your eyes widen as you finally spot a nice nook and hope to keep to yourself here until you gain some courage to socialise with the other people here. From what it looks like most of these people also liked to keep to themselves with the way you note the ever so right boundaries of personal space and the quietness of the room being so resounding, that you could hear an ant walking.
You turn the corner and to your surprise you spot a lanky figure sat at the end of the table. At first you’re almost startled but it appears he becomes more startled of you when you turn the corner. “Oh-!” You stammer, peering closely at him.
The male had ebony locks of hair sprawled over his forehead and dark piercing eyes. His gaze was a mixture of surprise and annoyance contrasting his sharp eye shape. His perfect nose bridge glistens under the bright white lighting and not to mention his rose-petal lips, so perfectly luscious.
“Excuse me?” He cuts in timidly. You stiffen. Oh shit! You were caught staring at this fine man. He was just ever so pretty! His features were sharp and enticing, accompanied with the low timbre of voice, ever so slightly husky but soft toned. Oh, he was checking off all the right boxes! You murmur awkwardly, “Ah sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was wondering, is it alright to sit here? Not next to you I mean; across.”
He hesitates for a moment; even the way his bottom lip forms a subtle pout makes you want to squeal. How adorable! You didn’t know there’d be anyone worth looking at here in this lab! A cute colleague, this just made things all the better. He mumbles going back to his work, “Sure.” You settle down two chairs away from him and begin to slide out your laptop and begin to work.
Peering around, you notice the casual hum of the air conditioning and the serious expressions of those around you. People were much more put together and less social here. Perhaps that was a benefit in its own right. You find your gaze peering back to the male beside you and to your surprise he’s staring back at you. Flushed, he suddenly averts his gaze and your eyes widen feeling your own face warm up.
You decide to take a chance and hum, “May I ask what you’re working on? If that’s okay?” He peers up at you startled and he murmurs, “Oh, uh…well I’m currently looking at a thesis on the elves physiological responses to danger.”
Your brow arch and you quirk, “Oh! Yes, I studied elves as part of my main dissertation. The physiological responses are rather fascinating.” He peers at you for a moment, “Ah, yes. Elves are relatively new for me, in terms of subject field. I’m more knowledgeable on…vampires, sirens and griffins.”
You nod impressed, “Ah, now that we’re talking, how about introductions? Hi, I’m y/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve just transferred from the Seoul facility.” He stiffens slightly, “Oh…that facility isn’t all that great. I’m not surprised you got out of there.”
You grin, “Why? You have experience with that miserable place?” He shudders making you chuckle, “Ah, believe me. It was a terrible experience for me there. Here….it’s better. Much better.” He seems to have a particular gleam in his eyes, suggesting that he’s been through something there. It makes you intrigued but you refrain from pushing forward, so early on.
“Oh right, my turn. My name is…Soobin. I’ve worked at this facility for over a year. Yeah…I guess that’s it. I do research, I suppose.” You hum awkwardly, “Nice to meet you. I hope I’m not annoying you or anything. You seemed immersed in your work.” He places a hand on the back of his neck, “Oh that…don’t worry. I always seem lost in thought. It’s a habit of mine. I overwork sometimes to keep my mind off…things.”
You hum in agreement, “I suppose being productive is the best way to stimulate the mind. Nothing wrong with that. Best not to bottle things up always though.” He releases a curt chuckle, “Ah…right, right. Of course.” The air becomes silent again as you both have nothing to continue the conversation with.
To be honest, you were just glad you could begin to get to know this handsome guy! For once you managed to keep your social ineptness to the side and make a move (albeit very small!). You both resume working on your individual tasks with the occasional glances over and awkward smiles exchanged.
You peer at his flawless skin- pale in colour almost like porcelain but flesh. Was he naturally this pale? I suppose you’d seen people like this before. It contrasted his raven hair significantly. Surely…he looked too perfect. Almost inhumanely so. You’d heard of a few places beginning to take on the more humanoid supernatural beings as part of a inclusivity scheme. Perhaps…? As you continue to peer at him he abruptly stands up rushing out taking his bag with him. What just happened?
You look at his empty seat with a confused expression. He’d left his laptop open and the rest of his stuff here. That meant he’d be coming back right? He was already pale, maybe you should check on him? With a moment of hesitation, you stand up and walk out of the double doors with a worried expression coating your features. You walk around the hallway attempting to find him before you hear some clatter right at the end of the hallway. With that, you curiously walk over.
The end of the hallway encompasses a metal stairway leading up to the next floor and you timidly peek over. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Soobin tilts his head back as he squeezes the life out of what seems to be a blood bag. His eyes darker than before and his lips stained with blood. His fingers squeeze on the thick lining of the bag trying to get every last drop. Your eyes scan his fangs that glimmer under the light.
Immediately you twist yourself around and walk back quickly down the hallway into your assigned work room and back into your seat. Stunned, that’s what you could describe your feelings as. You’ve always been interested in vampire, watched a lot of media related to vampires. Vampirism was something that had always intrigued you but somehow you never pursued it as a line of study. Perhaps because elves had caught your eye around the second year of your degree.
This was insane! Your fellow colleague was a vampire. A gorgeous one at that! He didn’t seem to act like one act all, then again you didn’t want to make assumptions. You’d never met one before, you only knew them to be rather alluring, seductive even. They could pass as humans easily without detection in most cases.
As you type away thrilled at this new prospect, you spot Soobin approaching with a disgruntled expression. He sits back done nonchalant but with a hint of dissatisfaction on his features. You ponder; was he drinking human blood? He peers at you for a moment before resuming his work. Staring at him, you hum, “Are you okay, Soobin? You kinda rushed-“ “Yeah, yeah. No need to worry. I just thought I needed to throw up, I’ve been feeling kinda nauseous recently. Perhaps need to change up my health habits.” He curtly cuts in.
Perhaps it’s best not to talk to him about it. Maybe that’s why everyone in this facility kept to themselves. You frown, you hope that they weren’t isolating him. He seemed so nice? Your eyes are drawn back to Soobin. He is indeed handsome, even his look of concentration is endearing.
Upon this realisation, it had made you more excited to come into work each day. You alternated between working on your laptop filling out reports, helping senior researchers or being in the lab for majority of the time- testing samples. A week passes as you and Soobin chatter and wave at each other whenever you pass by. He seemed to be rather reserved.
The other scholars seemed to treat him as normal. Huh, it must just be common knowledge here. You observe Soobin assisting another researcher with a sample and can’t help but admire how dashing he looks in his white lab coat. Sighing you huff to yourself, “What a pretty boy..”
He approaches you as you write up the report for your colleague. “You done?” You peer at his expression. He seemed even more impossibly pale; tired even. Nodding you murmur, “Yeah, just got to get it photocopied. You?” He hums, “Yeah, it was a fascinating griffin sample. Soyeon will be doing the write up.” You nod in response as your brows furrow, “Are you okay, you’ve been off today?”
He stiffens as he peers at you without a word. Soobin mutters, “I’m fine. I’ve barely been getting sleep.” You had to refrain from interrupting. Did vampires really need sleep to function? You swear you read one article insisting that it wasn’t vital for them? You mumble, “Oh? You thinking about anything?” Soobin shakes his head giving you a small smile, “Ah, I guess. Got…a lot on my mind lately. Lots of…thoughts.”
Sighing, “I feel that feeling for sure. I’m here to talk you know? You have my number saved right?” He nods giving you an embarrassed expression. A small laugh escapes your lips, “You’re so endearing.” Soobin scoffs removing his lab coat as you remove yours, “I’m not endearing.” Chuckling, you hum, “Oh? But everything you seem to do suggests otherwise. It’s odd actually.”
“What’s odd?” He enquires with a huff. You shake your head with a smile; you didn’t want to push him to reveal himself. Soobin would probably tell you when he felt ready.
As you hang up the lab coat, you yelp as another researcher shoves past you and you stumble into Soobin. He places his hands on your arms to steady you and your nostrils fill with the scent of his addictive cologne. You mutter, “Fucking hell, people here are rude.”
Soobin is stiff as he hold you and you peer up wide eyed, “Hey? Soobin? I’m steady now.” He removes his arms in a flash and murmurs a small ‘Ah sorry.’ Goodness, he looked sickly now. What was happening to him? “Hey let’s grab some fresh air.” You walk ahead and he timidly follows you. You both reach an open area of the facility filled to the brim with plants and access to the breeze.
Soobin inhales deeply as if trying to keep himself under control. Your eyes widen, “Soobin? Your hands are shaking?” You rush over with concern lacing your visage. “A-Ah that.” Has he not had blood in a few days? But you saw him drinking blood on your first day?
You peer at your fellow researcher with slight suspicion. “Are you…okay?” He hums trying to avoid any eye contact with you. Sighing, you say, “You’re pale. Paler than usual I mean. Have you eaten? Had anything to drink?”
At this point you were going to rip the bandage off. You had to get to the bottom of this! Soobin freezes, “What?” You scoff, “Blood, I mean?” The man seems to pale even more impossibly, “You know?” You start laughing at his question, “Doesn’t everyone know?” A moment of silence passes. You realise he’s not laughing with you. You murmur awkwardly, “Wait, is it not obvious?” Soobin murmurs, “It’s not supposed to be, yeah.” You release an, “Oh.”
So it was not how you envisioned it. You thought everyone knew. You even had various theories in your head how he worked here. Clearly not- everything you thought went out the window! You awkwardly stammer, “Oh- I’m sorry. Was that insensitive of me? I thought everyone knew.” He darkly gazes at you. “How did you know?” His tone lowers drastically sending a shiver through you. Murmuring, you reply, “Okay, I’m gonna be transparent with you. On my first day, when we were in the library, you suddenly ran out right? I was concerned so I followed you out and…” Soobin sharply cuts in, “What. Did. You. See?”
Stiffly you respond, “What you’re thinking is what I saw. To be specific you drinking blood.” Soobin’s stare pierces into you; it was a sharp contrast to his usual soft nature. You tentatively mumble, “Sorry. I really am. I hadn’t expected to stumble upon that.”
“You acted so nonchalant about it? You treated me the same afterwards? Why? Are you planning to use me for your research? Are you luring me to become a test subject?” He snaps; annoyance painting his face.
His words cut into you and you realise the depths of his words. “Soobin I- I would never? You’re my colleague, no, more than that a friend!” He bitterly laughs, “A friend? That’s what they all say. They see nothing more than a specimen for their next paper. An abnormality.”
“Soobin? Who’s they? What are you talking about?” He peers at you in silence observing your concern and worry. He mutters, “Never mind. Just some past memories.”
You find your bottom lip trembling, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to force you to tell me, I also thought everyone here knew. I didn’t want to treat you differently.” Soobin peers at you sighing, “Now that I realise it, I think you’re a bit too kind-hearted and slow to take advantage of me.”
Damn right you were. Wait- slow? You scoff, “Did you just call me stupid?” Soobin scoffs back, “Not stupid, slow. There’s a difference. You lack perception-“ Gawking at him, you yelp, “Uh? Excuse me, no one in this entire facility knows what you are- but my hunch was right! I think I’m plenty perceptive-“
Soobin snorts, “Our facility’s supervisor knows! She let me in and allows me to leave the lab as I please.” You raise a brow, “To feed?” Soobin grunts, “Yeah, to feed.”
He glares crossing his arms, “Anyway, don’t tell anyone. Otherwise…” You smirk, “Otherwise what? You can’t do shit. But yes, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone. I swear on my life.” Soobin rolls his eyes; his lips form a slight pout. “Are we okay now? I like hanging out with you. Having lunch together, working in the lab together. Don’t you?” You question frowning. Soobin huffs as he reluctantly murmurs, “You…you have no self preservation do you? Being friends with…me.”
“Do you not want me to?” Soobin hesitates, “I… I do. I’ve been lonely for a long time.”
Soobin murmurs, “I have a hard time trusting humans. The last facility I worked in, I was included as part of a inclusivity programme. Had a formal introduction and everything. It started off great but soon enough, I found out half of the people were avoiding me, the other half were just purely obsessive; like I was some sort of test subject. Some so called friends that I had there, attempted to use me for their thesis. With that, I left.”
You question, “Your last straw?” He hums, “You could say that. It’s not everything, just a gist of what I experienced.” You mumble, “Not surprised there’s such shitty people there. I worked there after all. A bunch of prissy white coat losers with no heart.” He snorts, “Accurate enough.”
“I’m sorry you had a bad time there. Is here any better?” He nods, “People here just keep to themselves. I also specifically requested to not let my identity be known.” You nod; that was understandable. “Sorry, for snapping at you earlier. It was just unexpected,” he mutters. You smile, “It’s okay. We’re good now?” He nods curtly.
An awkward silence passes but it’s less tense than before. You murmur, “I don’t want to be intrusive, but you keep leaving frequently. You look nauseous? Is…is it anything to do with…?” Soobin stiffens, “Right. Well, I guess there’s no point in trying to hide it anymore. You won’t be afraid of me right?” You shake your head.
“So…it’s my thirst. The need for blood.” You nod slowly, “Yes? What about it?” He hums hesitantly, “Well, I’ve been drinking animal blood from delivered blood bags. As deplorable as they taste, they’re enough to sustain me. Or so I thought.”Your brow raises, “You thought?”
“My health’s been on the decline ever since I switched over to animal blood. As much as vampire can get accustomed to animal blood…” Your mind whirrs and clicks, “You’re still reliant on human blood to be healthy.”
He nods quietly. “So…obviously my cravings have been getting worse. I even considered getting human blood bags but they’re insanely expensive.” You quirk, “Haven’t you lived for awhile? Shouldn’t you have amassed some wealth?” A vampire who’s not ridiculously rich, who’d have thought?
“I’m a young vampire and you’re right but the blood bags I want- I don’t want to take from the hospital, those are for transfusions. The ones I want are from a separate and underground business entirely.” You take a few moments to process his words before a stupidly bright smirk graces your face, “So what you’re saying is you want ethically sourced human blood at a good price?”
“Wipe that damn smirk off your face,” he huffs. “What’s so funny about that anyway?” You snicker, “It’s super sweet actually. You don’t want to hurt humans? You’re so caring!”
The young man peers at you with glimmering eyes and a frustrated expression- that of a toddler who just got their candy taken away. “You’re so mean,” he comments making you burst out laughing. He mutters to himself, “Constantly tempting me…and now this.”
You stiffen, “Soobin?” He huffs, “What? You want the raw truth, no?” You go quiet. He huffs, “You constantly being around me whilst my cravings are increasing, is just so…god…all my instincts drive me wild.” A shiver runs through your body as the rasp to his voice. “I just want to…” he sighs. “I don’t want to lose control but I don’t want to go back to feeding on random people. Your scent too…it’s fucking frustrating,” he vents startling you at his sudden profanity. Damn him and how attractive he was!
“It’s affecting your health,” you affirm. “I know. I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.” You roll your eyes groaning, “I swear it’s always ‘I’m fine’ and ‘don’t worry’ with you. You can talk to me and rely on me, Soobin!” He snorts, “What’s talking going to do about my cravings?” You pause for a moment and find your mind churning with various thoughts.
“Well…as a temporary solution…I’ve got an idea?” You blurt. Soobin deadpans at you, “Do you now, y/n? Let’s hear it, genius.”
Quietly you murmur, “You…could feed on..me?” Were you insane? Perhaps. In your eyes was it budget friendly and ethical (well you were offering first!)? On the one hand, you always wondered what it felt like to be bitten. Not that anyone should know that, of course.
Intense silence ensues with him looking at you with an expression of utter blankness. Embarrassment floods your face. “Did…I say something wrong?” He continues to stare at you with an expression reflecting both concern and confusion. “Are you…are you one of those types…?”
You stare at him blankly, “What do you mean?…”He flushes, “Are you into that kinda thing? Being bitten? Blood?” You feel the colour from your face drain in sheer embarrassment, “Oh.” “Is that a yes?” You snap, “No!”
You do suppose there was a reason why you had watched so much vampire media whilst growing up. “I just wanted to help,” You murmur stiffly. “By giving me your blood? Do you do that for everyone so casually?”
You proclaim in denial, “Well, no I don’t really meet vampires on a daily basis.” He stares blankly at you before he smiles almost as if he’s holding himself back from laughing. “I would think you wouldn’t. You want to give me your blood? Like…for free?” You hum with a mischievous tone, “I mean if you want me to charge you for it, I’d be happy to start naming prices-“
“No, no. Actually no need-“ he stammers making you cackle.
What an odd conversation. You hum, “I do mean it, you know. If you keep going at this rate, it’s gonna become fatal for you. You’re already on the brink. I’d also not rather you encounter blood lust.” He scoffs, “I maybe a young vampire, but I am not a new-born.” You hum, “I’ve studied enough to know what happens when vampires are deprived.” He remains silent.
Soobin’s mind blazes in thoughts before he finally responds, “In relation to your offer, I’ll have to decline.” You hum in surprise, “What? Why?”
“I know my health is on the line, but I can’t bring myself to do it. You…drinking from you feels wrong. You have a good heart y/n. I don’t want to take advantage of that, or put you at risk.” His tone is laced with a genuine gratefulness as he meets your gaze with a soft smile.
A sadness covers his face and he murmurs, “Anyway, I’ll be off. I’ll drink one of my sachets to satiate me for now. Don’t worry your pretty head about it, okay?” He walks past you in a hurry after giving you a small tap on your shoulder. You stand there frowning as your heart flutters. You suppose there’s not much else you could do. With that, you return back to your work space.
A few more days pass and you begin to grow more concerned about Soobin’s condition. A colleague murmurs, “Where’s Soobin? Did he take a day off? I remember yesterday he threw up. Is he alright?” You stiffen. He threw up? He didn’t tell you. Did he not come to work today? With that you press his name on your phone and call him in a panicked flurry. Indeed, he had missed out on work today. He explains how he felt particularly terrible today.
“This isn’t okay, Soobin. I’m being serious. You need human blood. You cannot be picky. Even if just a little,” You murmur. “I’m just going through a tough phase. I’m talking to a potential supplier, I’ll get the blood bags sorted soon. I’m sure of it,” he sighs weakly. You murmur tentatively, “My offer is still on the table.” Soobin’s breath hitches, “Don’t.”
The phone call resumes as the topic gets brushed aside. He comes into work the next day looking as if he got back from a vicious battle. You observe him throughout the morning; he’s excusing himself more often- what you assume is to feed.
You find yourself walking towards his usual spot he retreats to. Soobin is hunched over sinking his fangs into the crushed blood bag. The delirious slurping tells you all you need to know. He was on the brink of blood lust. You were worried; what if he hurt himself…or others?
His dark ebony eyes snap to meet yours and he rips his fangs away from the bag and he snaps, “What are you doing? Go back.” He eyes gaze over you as his breath hitches in his throat. His hands tremble and your heart rate shoots up. “It’s best if you l-leave, y/n. Listen to me,” he shakily heaves out. He was holding back.
You boldly step closer and you snap, “Look at yourself, Soobin! Look at your state, tell me you’re not suffering at the hands of your own stubbornness!” You step closer and he flinches, “Don’t- I’m warning you y/n. Stay out of my business.”
“It hurts me to see you like this, Soobin. Let me help you, if it be just this once! You need to become stable! What if you fucking hurt other people?” He snarls lowly, “Keep it down! Do you want the entire facility here?”
“Stop being so fucking stubborn and indulge yourself for fucking once,” you argue ferociously. “You don’t know how hard it is to control myself right now, you standing there in front of me with your sweet blood pumping through your vessels. The temptation-” he rasps.
“Look at yourself, Soobin. Just this once. Let me help you out. I care about you, I want to help you-“ He snaps, “You can h-help me by leaving.” You flinch at his harshness and his eyes soften and he sighs, “I- listen. I don’t want to hurt you, y/n. Please.” His voice cracks. Your feet stay planted to the ground, “This once. Then I’ll help you look, for other sources. Promise.” Soobin’s eyes churn with a mixture of emotions and his fangs glisten. His mouth waters peering at you in such close proximity.
Soobin shakily straightens up walking towards you and you shiver seeing his intense gaze. His tall frame peers down at yours and he lowly murmurs, “You’re just as stubborn as me.” His breaths are shaky as he suddenly places a hand on your neck, “So tempting…I…you’re making it hard to r-resist. Say you want to leave, I’m giving you a chance, my restraint is snapping by the second.” You peer into his abyssal eyes, “I’m not leaving Soobin. Don’t worry, I’m okay with this.”
His fingers push aside your collar and he leans in making you turn left with your eyes closed. He murmurs against your neck clearly enveloped with the scent of your blood, “Oh…heavens, I- in so long…” You grip onto his shirt. Soobin breathlessly hums, “I-I’ll be gentle, I’ll be…” and with that his fangs pierce into the side of your neck near the base. He suckles at your neck; a whimper leaves your lips.
Then a yelp leaves your lips and you hiss lowly as pain floods your senses. You weren’t surprised at the sheer pain but rather how it wasn’t going away. You had heard about the various properties of vampiric bites aside from turning someone of course.
You grip onto his tighter and utter out, “Fuck-“ he wraps his other arm around your waist as he feels you stumbling back; it’s an intimate position leaving you nothing short of breathless. Soon enough you feel a tingling against your skin, something hazy grips your mind like a vice. Something telling you to tilt your head back and allow yourself to give in. It feels good, pleasant. Soobin gulps and slurps against your neck and you feel the world become blurry and blabber out, “S-Soobin- I feel… light-headed.” He doesn’t stop and panic sets in as you tap his back, “Soobin! Soobin-!”
He grunts and his eyes widen in horror as he gently part way from your neck. He peers at the trickle of blood and the puncture wounds on your neck. Mortified with himself he utters, “God…I- I’m sorry. Shit-“ Your blood stains his chin and lips. He gently sits you down and leans you against the wall; his expression is solemn. Does he think he’s a monster? You tiredly peer up at him with a comforting smile. His eyes glaze over, “Stop that. I already feel so guilty I…”
You close your eyes trying to compose yourself. The tingling sensation on your neck from his bite sends shivers through your body. You hear footsteps running away and you open one eye to find Soobin sprinting down the hall. You’re stunned; he just up and left you here? No way. The fuck? Was he overwhelmed?
You close your eyes once more and release a long sigh. You place your hand on your wound; thankfully the bleeding had stopped quickly. You grimace as the dried blood stains your fingers. A few sanguine coloured drops had gotten onto your shirt.
Suddenly, footsteps approach and your brows arch in surprise. Soobin rushes over carrying a small first aid box. You snort as he crouches beside you and he starts unravelling a cotton pad and several items. You weakly murmur, “I’m-“ He hushes, “Shut it. Not a word out of you.”
You smile at him fatigued and he peers at you with a frown, “I was a bit rough. I’m sorry.” You notice his eyes full of life and his body as active as ever; you blood indeed was nourishing. His skin seemed to have a new glow to it.
He continues to patch your neck up in a discreet manner making sure it wouldn’t appear over your collar. You watch him as offer you a bottle of water and you gulp it down gratefully. Soobin peers into your eyes and you do the same back. His proximity was incredibly close as his hand still lingers over the cotton pad on your neck, “Thank you. I need to say thank you. I feel a lot better,” he articulates calmly. Guilt laces his face and you release a chuckle, “Don’t feel bad, I’m glad you’re okay for now.” Soobin peers at you with a heartfelt expression, “I…you’re so kind.”
“Complimenting me are we? That’s new.” He scoffs rolling his eyes and you grin, “Oh come on, see. I’m fine. Look at me.” Soobin’s eyes meet yours and you feel your heart skip, his gaze is intense. “You make me go insane, I swear,” he murmurs before he suddenly presses his lips against yours. Your eyes widen as you place your hand on his cheek. His hand covers your hand intertwining his fingers against yours cupping his cheek. His fangs caress your lips lightly. His soft petal lips move against yours, his tongue brushing your bottom lip ever so slightly before pulling away just as quick as he started.
Both of you peer at each other breathlessly and wide eyed. An imbecilic grin forms on your lips and he scoffs, “Wipe that grin off your stupid face.” You tease, “Stupid face? But you just pressed your lips to this face.” He scoffs, “That- that was-“ “A thank you? Or have you been dying to do that?” You mischievously hum. Soobin softly glares at you, “You’re a pain you know that.” He goes quiet before saying, “That kiss…I- I’m sorry. It was the wrong time, you’ve already been bitten. I-“
“Oh shut up,” you huff. He scoffs, “Rude.” You roll your eyes, “You’ve said too many apologies.” Soobin frowns, “Well, I feel terrible inside.” You cup his cheeks and coo catching him off guard, “Soobin, Soobin, oh what am I going to do with you?” Soobin muffles, “I’m a vampire, yet this is how you treat me.”
You release his face and chuckle, “Yes, yes, so big and scary.” He deadpans unamused at your remark.
He seems to not be pushing you away so you hum suddenly feeling bold, “…you’re not in a relationship right? I’d assume not.”
“Am I that unloveable?” He questions. You scoff, “Oh come on-“ He chuckles with a soft smile, “I’m kidding. Now you know how I feel. But I’m not. Why?”
You deadpan, “Why? You’re asking why? Can you not tell?” He peers at you, “Well- I have an idea of what you’re implying.”
“I think you’re just oblivious,” you quirk. He scoffs, “I’m not.”
“I’m not in a relationship either,” you hum. Soobin playfully smiles at you, “Poor human, doomed to die alone?” You glare, “Idiot, do I have to embarrass myself further?” Soobin hums coyly, “Yes, that’d be preferable.”
You gather up all the courage you have and blurt out, “Go out with me, Soobin.” You add on rapidly, “Please. No pressure of course.” He peers at you with wide twinkling eyes before his lips break out into an adorable smile. Soobin hums, “You have no self preservation if you were to date me.”
“I think we established that when I literally gave you my blood, no? Or when you kissed me?” You hum and he flushes in embarrassment. He clears his throat, “You have no idea how much I want to.”
You glare, “Hit me with the ‘but’ and ‘if’ then.” He chuckles with a saddened expression, “If you’re constantly around me, what about my cravings? You blood was just…” he reminisces, “so good.”
You hum, “You said you found a potential supplier, right?” He nods, “He said he’d get back to me by the end of this week.” You murmur, “We’ll see how that goes. If not, I’ll help you out. We can try explaining to our supervisor, no? She must have some connections.” He groans, “I suppose she’s too cheery for her own good. She must have some dark connections. I’m not sure though.” You snort, “I’ve thought about that too you know. We’ll see.”
He ponders to himself, you lean forward with a teasing smile, “What are you overthinking about now?” Soobin peers at you with a smile; his dimples prominently at display. How adorable! You place a finger on his dimple and he scoffs. You giggle, “Oh you’re so cute.”
His eyes glimmer before he grips your wrist making your eyes widen and he pulls you forward pressing his lips against yours once more. A muffled yelp escapes and you relax into the kiss as he moves his lips against yours passionately His lips were ever so soft as they merged with yours intimately and he parts from you with a coy smirk. “Was that adorable enough for you?”
Oh how you craved for more. You hum, “Pretty romantic if you ask me.” He rolls his eyes, “Menace.” “I’m not the one with fangs,” you grin.
He raises a brow, “I hope you know with being around me. I might ask for another bite.” You hum, “Is that supposed to intimidate me? Frankly, go for it. It felt good.” Shit, being too honest is never good. Ah, fuck.
His lips form a devious smile, “Oh so you are one of those types…” He helps you to stand up.
You groan, “No I’m not!”
Soobin hums playfully, “Quite the freak aren’t you? Wonder what else your mind up there has in store?”
You whine, “Soobin…I-“ He cackles making your heart warm. This was the first time you’d seen him truly laugh with genuine joy in his features. What a wonderful sound.
Perhaps, some encounters with the supernatural weren’t all bad, hm? Perhaps some were even pretty good.
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ozzgin · 9 months
I love the idea of Papa Pickle and his mate with a little one! What if the little cave child wanted to spar with the fighters and tries instigating fights with each of them?
Their reactions?
I know you requested headcanons of the fighters meeting the baby first, I figured it’d be a nice intro to this one. I recall writing something birth related, but upon further inspection it was mostly focused on the reader and not the baby (twins). This will be written for an infant as singularity, but the twin AU partisans can double that.
Baki Headcanons: Meeting Pickle & Prehistoric! Reader’s baby; sparring with the Prehistoric! Child
Featuring the fighters and their reaction to the newborn, as well as a time skip of the now grown Jurassic child showing interest in training.
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You’d think Baki is the most excited given his attachment to the Jurassic mom and vice versa. And to his credit, he is dutifully standing there with a wide, nervous grin, ready to welcome the little creature. He’s the first one after the parents to be allowed to hold the infant, although he’s a trembling mess and requires a nurse encircling him with her arms, constantly reassuring him. “You can’t just drop a newborn, Baki. It doesn’t work like that. You’ve…you’ve carried heavier. I promise.”
Against everyone’s expectations, Katsumi is the one that seems to mesh right in with the news. He comes from a healthy, loving family and the event is nothing new nor surprising to him. He doesn’t need any advice and casually scoops the infant up with his arm, using his large hand as a head rest. Pickle is surprised by this confidence and cautiously approaches him, observing his technique and taking mental notes. Baki chuckles at the unanticipated sight.
Retsu is the next in line to be introduced. After listening to a short briefing on the proper and safe ways to hold a baby, he breathes in and solemnly receives the child. He allows it to rest against his broad chest and supports the back with both hands. A laugh escapes your mouth as you observe the extremely concentrated frown of the Kenpo master. He’s a little embarrassed and a blush spreads lightly to his ears. “O-one cannot be too cautious when handling such fragile beings. I do not see anything worth of amusement.”
Jack prefers to keep his distance and politely refuses the invitation to also hold the infant. He is grateful to be part of it, but he doesn’t trust himself around delicate things. Perhaps when the child grows sturdier he will approach it with more confidence. Until then he doesn’t mind watching passively. There are other ways to contribute.
The way I see it, growing up among modern humans kind of guarantees that the child will be able to speak proper language. And in the few years that have passed I’m hoping that reader and Pickle have also picked up some basic communication skills. So there might even be some rudimentary dialogue coming from the parents! I wonder how Pickle’s voice would sound like.
The kid’s favorite sparring partner is most likely Katsumi. Within his family Katsumi has always been the younger sibling, but in the Dojo he is the authority figure most people look up to. From the moment your child showed the intent to train, the Karate prodigy promptly responded with tips and playful fights. He’s been teaching for years and knows how to assess the capacities of his opponent without using too much force or harming them. Compared to the rest of the fighters he has the most experience in dealing with novices and amateurs and acts accordingly.
On the opposite end of martial arts teaching is Retsu. He doesn’t like to joke around and believes his Chinese Kenpo isn’t some playtime activity for children. He has no problem explaining certain techniques to your kid, but it will be done by the book. Retsu is a great help if you need a break for the day. Kid has too much energy? It will be jogged and worked until late evening just to learn a fancy kick. No other way around it. The youngster will be returned completely passed out from exhaustion, but with a proud, satisfied smile plastered on its face.
Baki enjoys the idea of having a younger sibling, although he can be clumsy when it comes to sparring. If he’s too enthusiastic he might overdo his hits and next thing he knows, the child is on the grass crying and wailing. He scrambles to tend to the superficial wounds and frantically attempts to silence the screams. He doesn’t want to explain the ordeal to a dangerously powerful mom. Outside these small accidents, Baki is also one of the most preferred opponents.
The child is initially very cautious around Jack, but it doesn’t take too long to warm up to the idea of sparring with him. Jack has a lot of patience and most of the time just acts as a punching bag. If the youngster wants to try out a new move or practice some technique he’s seen somewhere, Jack will gladly receive the little blows and offer advice or encouragements. Sometimes after training they will hang out together doing small things like feeding the koi at the Tokugawa estate. “You’ve been training an awful lot lately. Any reason in particular?” Jack questions the little human, curious about the change. “I wanna hurry up and be strong already. Like mom!” the child looks up, beaming. Jack laughs at the last statement. “You’ve picked one hell of a goal. Good luck with that!”
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Hello! Can you do a dmc boys + V with a rich S/o? Perhaps the boys didn’t know that their s/o was rich when they first started dating but as time went on and the relationship becomes serious the s/o starts to spoil their boyfriends with all kinds of stuff related to the things they like because after the stuff they went through they definitely deserve it.
Aww yes, here you go and enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Rich!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He was completely oblivious to your wealth (as you did a great job of hiding it) and didn't really give it much thought until one day, when his power went out.
-He groaned, suddenly remembering he had no money to pay the bills, but then, astoundingly, the lights flickered back on.
-Was it a miracle? No, even better, it was you. You had paid his bills and gotten him out of debt with Lady--how?! Then you revealed you were rich, and Dante's mind was blown.
-Even after this stunning revalation, Dante still didn't care. He was very thankful for all your help, but he honestly had no sentiments towards being rich. He still treated you the same.
-The only thing he'll ask you for is for you to buy him some pizza, maybe once every week or so. He's not greedy.
-If you decide to shower him with presents anyway, he'll gladly accept and immediately find a way to make it up to you, be it taking you somewhere nice or...something else. No do not read into that
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil never noticed, and never cared. He is far too MOTIVATED to trifle with mundane things such as wealth.
-But then you presented him with a rare copy of a book that was worth hundreds of dollars, and he had to question, how did you obtain the funds for such a thing?
-Thus, you revealed you were absolutely loaded with cash, and Vergil was, understably shocked.
-After thanking you, he went right back to not caring about wealth because now he has this interesting book to read.
-Still, he appreciates it when you gift him little gifts, regardless of what they may be. You could give him a pebble you found on the side of the road, and he'd still treasure it forever.
-To reward you for your generosity, Vergil will do his best to take good care of you, physically and otherwise.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't think much of it either, cause he's not shallow, but one day, Nico's van broke down in the middle of the road and was assaulted by demons who ripped up the exterior. Repairs were going to be extremely expensive, but then you stepped in and promised to take care of it all.
-Nero had to wonder, where'd you get the funds for that? You sheepishly revealed your wealth and he just shrugged.
-After thanking you and all that, things proceeded as usual, with you and Nero splitting the bills for everything as you always do.
-Nero never asks for anything, regardless of how expensive it is, but you don't care. You shower him with gifts, love and affection because this sweet boy deserves it.
-You two end up leaving little treats 'n things for each other at a designated "drop off" spot somewhere in your house.
-Your gifts always seem to be well thought out and expertly made, proving that you don't just buy meaningless trinkets to appease him, you get him things that truly have value.
● V ●
-V noticed you always seemed to be impeccably dressed, but didn't dwell on the subject since it wasn't all that important. His current objective was to get to know you further.
-Then, as things progressed between you, he found himself constantly receiving little presents on his doorstep, usually wrapped in shimmering velvet bows. There was no name tag and no writing on it, so he had no idea who was doing this or why.
-One day, Griffon caught you placing a little gift box and, Griffon being Griffon, decided to rat you out.
-V then approached you the next day and expressed his appreciation, which led to a massive confession on both your parts. You explained you just wanted to give him the luxury he deserves, and he was very touched, but insisted you didn't need to do that.
-But of course, you don't listen, and continued to spoil him however possible, even if you have to break in at 3:00 A.M. and leave it on his kitchen table.
-Eventually you had him move in with you, where you can treat him like the lovely princess he is.
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shiikiyun · 3 months
I know ive gone over this before but i need to bring up again how important i think mikoto's 2021 bday tl convo is for futa's characterization (and mikoto as well but thats not my area of study)
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Futa is an extremely awkward person that hides behind his aggressive attitude to avoid showing vulnerability to others and he /just/ had an awful fallout/betrayal from people he considered friends right. Having all that present in my head at all times i cant help but read this conversation as futa's genuine attempt at checking on mikoto because deep down he cares about his peers, hes just extremely afraid of showing that at all to anyone else again
I always find it funny he (according to what theyre saying) purposely approached mikoto, told him off for daring to ask if hed wish him a happy birthday, then instead of walking away or halfassing a congratulation he questioned mikoto's attitude because it was nothing like his usual self. futa had beef with the entirety of milgram at this point! nothing but shouting and insults from this guy! he was the first person to get mikoto to sorta drop the nice guy act to make a demand (the "your attitude is keeping everyone on edge can you shut up" convo), you wouldnt expect him to care about mikoto's mood dropping. but he did! and in his awkwardness he tried to relate to it for some sort of reassurance. and then he ran away being rude and condescending again because he was getting ahead of himself by opening up too (and surprisingly got mikoto to actually open up ever so slightly too?!?!)
I just love this convo so much. Such little details that show so much. Im gonna put him in the air fryer
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pookapufferfish · 2 months
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decided to do the silly chart, further explination of each under the cut
Fav Character: Pebbles is my fav guy and I find him very relatable in certain ways
Liked by everyone but me: I do like arti, but not as much as the rest of the fandom. Arti is just less of a focus to me but I don't hate arti
Didn't like at first: Yeah I used to think Spearmaster was a bit strange but they grew on me a lot and became my sona scug lol
Would like to know more: Please more sig lore in both canon andmy au (I am actually fine if they keep it a mystery but if I had to have a character to learn more about it is Sig)
Least Fav: As I said earlier, I don't hate arti, they are just less of a fav compared to everyone else
Like design, dislike character: Saint is made to be unlikeable in my au and only gourm tolerates saint
dislike design, like character: I have been thinking of changing some things on my hunter, just minor things. so I guess they go here
Simillar personality: Guys I couldn't draw all of them, I project my personallity onto every single one of them
Fav ship: guys guess what ship PookaPufferfish likes
Least Fav ship: yeah losing a friend who ships this hurt a lot, guys please don't go and attack bathbomb shippers, just know that I get extremely triggered even seeing the 2 together even in a non shipping way. it just still hurts right now
Would befriend irl: I just think they would be really nice and supportive
Would never befriend irl: Pebbles would not let me, and I do not fight. I would probably go "oh, he does not want to be approached? okay!"
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