#the fall guy fic
luveline · 30 days
Maybe colt comforting reader when things for her film aren’t going right 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Colt comes to your rescue (clumsily) when you have a hard day. fem!reader, 1k words
Very minor plot spoilers for The Fall Guy (2024) if any
“I think he’s mad at you.” 
You pause where you’d been scrubbing your eyes with your hands, though you don’t look at him. Colt Seavers seems to follow you everywhere you go, and consequently plays witness to your many breakdowns. “Thanks, Colt. That’s astute.” 
“Are you mad at me? Why are you mad at me? It’s been ten seconds,” he complains. He has a unique talent for sounding flirty and needy at once. 
“No, Colt. I’m tired, it’s been a long day.” 
Colt is grinning when you meet his eyes. He has blood, fake or real undetermined, drying in the scruff of his facial hair. You gesture to yourself in a slow circle in the approximate area, to which Colt smiles again. 
“You look perfect,” he says confidently. 
“You have blood in your beard.” 
“Oh, right.” 
You sigh heavily, taking the few paces back to a stack of safety mattresses for a quick break. You’ll get up and help whoever needs helping as soon as you can feel your toes. Colt stays where he is, squinting against the sun, strands of blonde ends kissing his tan forehead. The summer shoots are good for him, he always looks so beachy. You’re exhausted all the time. 
As he notices. “Are you getting enough sleep?” he asks. 
“‘Cos I was sleeping badly and then I got this new mattress that has four hybrid layers, there’s a foam layer, and then there’s titanium springs,” —he sees your distant expression and his own flickers— “anyways, you could try it if you want. Test it out with me. Or– Not with me. With me if you want. We’d have fun. But not with me if you don’t want to.” 
You’d laugh if you had the energy. “Do you wanna sit down?” you ask. 
“God, yes, please.” 
He has another talent for being insanely handsome no matter the day. You look like you’ve been badly rewarmed before serving, where he looks like he rolled out of bed with a smile. He’s smiling at you now, the foolish kind that’ll fluster you if you let him do it for too long. “Stop,” you say quietly. 
“You’re doing amazing.” 
“Thank you. You’re the only person who thinks so, unfortunately.” 
You smile at him weakly. Worried you look pathetic, you turn your face to your lap and clasp your fingers together. 
“That’s not true. Mayview is old-fashioned, that’s all, he was around when they were still killing horses on TV.” 
You grimace. “Yikes.”
“But it’s the modern era. He doesn’t get to make you feel like shit, or I’ll make him feel like shit.” He pretends to charge a sucker punch. 
You lean forward a touch, not quite hugging your knees but tempted to fold in on yourself nonetheless, the heat of the sun a memory on your neck as the evening begins and cloud cover floods in. 
The safety mattresses beneath you squeak and shush against each other. Your weight and Colt’s slides together slowly. He might be pushing himself a little with his boot, but you pretend not to notice as his hand comes to rest between your shoulders. 
“I just can’t do anything right,” you mumble. 
As soon as you’ve said it you’re hoping he can’t hear you, but he does. He might have injured pretty much anything that can be fractured, sprained, or just plain broken, but he has stellar hearing. “You do everything right. You do!” he says, quietly and passionately at once, “They don’t realise it, but you’re the glue keeping this whole thing together.” 
“What are you?” you ask, bemused.
His hand is warm on your shoulder, unafraid where he hesitates to answer, “I don’t know. The test dummy? The guy who gets set on fire a lot?” 
“How is that?” 
“Warm,” he says, beaming, his face so unexpectedly close that you can see the glucose shining in the blood on his cheek. Fake blood. “You wanna try it? I’m sure I could convince the guys.” 
“No, I’m okay.” 
His voice turns silky. “Good, I wasn’t gonna let you anyway.” 
“Let me?” 
“You could get hurt.”
You give in, melted maybe by his warm tones, or exhausted by a day of playing mom for a director who can barely tell his left from his right. Your face presses to his shoulder and your spine sags under his hand, prompting Colt to pull you flush against his side. He always waits for your signals for stuff like this, no matter how desperate he might confess to being. “Can you make them all leave me alone?” you mumble into his jacket, the fabric rough against your nose. 
“Obviously I can, but… We could run away.” 
“Where would we go?” 
“I don’t know. Somewhere sunny. You can rub sunblock on my back, I can hold the umbrella over your head while you read.” 
“They have stands for that sort of stuff. Or you can shove it in the sand, you know.”
“I wanna do something nice for you,” he interrupts, the sound of a smile in his voice as he gives you a friendly jostle. “That’s the point.” 
“You’re plenty nice, Colt.” 
And he is. He saw you were upset and he came jogging upto you valiantly, and your side-armed cuddle is really pushing the pep back into your life. You take a few deep breaths under the weight of his arm before turning to him, brave, ready to go back to work if it means he’s gonna drive you home tonight. “Thank you for caring.” You kiss his cheek, careful of the fake blood. “You’re super nice.” 
You miss the heat of him the second you stand, but there really is work to do. 
“I’m super nice?” he calls. “How nice is super? Nice enough to get another one of those, or what? Are they by the metre?” 
You bite back a smile. 
“Hello? Can you hear me?” He must catch someone’s eye. “She can’t hear me. It’s cool. We like each other.” 
Nobody saves face quite like Colt. 
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ken-dom · 3 months
I’ll Do Anything You Say If You Say It With Your Hands
Colt Seavers x gn!reader
2k words
∘₊✧ Summary: You comb your fingertips through the wavy lengths of his soft hair, pausing when you find the perfect spot to wind a handful of strands tight around your fingers...
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: Thank you my wonderful K (@heresthestorymorningglory) for beta reading, finding me a Swift song for Colt, and allowing long hair Colt into the Geese Who Consume Us Club. This is my first time writing him and I know it won’t be my last! Title from Trecherous by Taylor Swift
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: NSFW, long hair Colt, crying (both to Taylor Swift and from overstimulation), praise, hair pulling kink, a lot of cum, hand job, overstimulation, orgasm as pain relief, aftercare
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With lips hot and wet at his neck, your nails scrape over Colt’s scalp, threading through his thick locks.
His head drops back into the feeling; it’s sensual and soothing in equal measure, every nerve tingling like a spread of lightning through his body and heat pooling like lava at his aching core.
You've been touching him like this, tender but teasing, for what feels to him like hours since finding him curled into a ball on his sofa with Taylor Swift playing from the kitchen, eyes and cheeks wet, back aching and head pounding. You offered to help him relax, slowly opening him up to you, and, although you didn’t tell him this, your plan was also designed to make him feel good about himself. He fell apart in your hands the moment you began to touch him and as ever, he’s content to let you put him back together however you see fit.
You comb your fingertips through the wavy lengths of his soft hair, pausing when you find the perfect spot to wind a handful of strands tight around your fingers until you’re holding his head still with a firm fistful of thick, luscious blonde.
There’s still one loose strand framing his face, but he looks so gorgeous, you leave it there.
He whimpers as you tug your fist lightly, his wet eyes glimmering before they slip closed.
He feels your free hand glide down the smooth expanse of his chest. You’re raking your nails over his soft flesh too, feeling him shiver under the warmth of your palm until you graze a nail directly over a nipple and he jolts at the sudden spark of pleasure. You continue there, pinching and rolling the soft nub lightly between your fingers, watching his face contort in pleasure that isn’t quite enough but is almost too much to bear.
Watching him unravel.
He's been hard for too long and the front of his loose fitting sweatpants are soaked through. Colt is strong and he has stamina for days, but he really can’t keep this up for much longer, not with the way you’re teasing and coaxing, being so soft and caring with him.
Your hip presses briefly against his cock the hen you reach up to stroke that loose strand of hair, and Colt writhes, biting his bottom lip to keep from letting out the hungry groan that’s been nagging to tear from his chest.
You brush against him deliberately now and again, watching his chest muscles tense while his cock throbs at the hint of contact, and this time he does let out a groan. It’s guttural and almost relieved, and the wet patch grows a little darker.
He’s delicious like this, you think, simmering on the edge of bliss, needy but not daring to ask for anything more than you’re giving him. He completely relinquishes control to you, giving you both his body, and the power to oversee his pleasure however you see fit.
He trusts you, and you take good care of him. It works.
‘Colt?’ you whisper, still massaging that perky, sensitive nipple, and he whines in response. He can’t formulate so much as a thought of anything worth saying, let alone turn the sound into a word. So he gives up and simply nods instead, face scrunching up in pain when the roots of his hair snag against your tight grip.
It’s not just pain, though; it’s pleasure too, and he shudders at the sensation it sends running down his spine. 
It’s almost too much. Every touch is bringing him dangerously close to the edge, and having his hair tugged was a factor he never expected would contribute.
Lips pulling into a smirk at his reaction, you whisper, ‘Do you need to cum?’
‘P-pl-’ he tries, resorting back to a nod, slower this time, gentle against your fist, trying not to let this new thrill he’s discovered overwhelm him too soon.
‘Then tell me you’re handsome.’
‘Tell me you’re handsome,’ you repeat, a clear and simple request, fingers finding the tip of his cock with your and tracing a featherlight touch over the pulsing bulge in his damp sweatpants.
Heat radiates through the fabric as you trace the outline of a vein running down the underside of his length, and he twitches against your finger, cock begging for more — or less, if you want this to continue for much longer.
‘I- I’m- handsome,’ he chokes out, hips stuttering as you circle his sensitive tip again.
‘Tell me you’re smart, too.’
He shakes his head. It’s too vigorous and it hurts, but a spark of bliss shoots down to his core and he grunts as he feels himself leak out another thick drop of precum. His head drops back against the wall, your fist there to cushion the blow.
‘Come on, Colt, you can do it. Tell me.’
Your finger slows to a stop and his breathing turns uneven and ragged.
‘No- no, please- I… I can’t- I’m not!’
‘Oh but you are, and I need you to believe it. I need to hear you say it.’
He dares to open his scrunched up eyes just enough to glance at you.
You mean it. He knows you mean it. And he will never not give you what you ask for, so he manages, somehow.
‘I’m… I’m smart,’ he mutters, embarrassment pricking at his cheeks.
‘Good boy,’ you coo, massaging his tip again, gentle and slow.
Oh, Colt thinks, lost in the sensation, absentmindedly rolling his hips in time with your fingers, worth it.
Because he likes praise. He likes doing right by you, even if he doesn’t always agree with what you want him to say about himself. If you believe it, that’s enough for him.
‘I think you really deserve to cum now.’
‘Oh- yeah, ok-’ he breathes, still trying to please you, to sound agreeable, but it comes out desperate and you smirk as you lean up to press your lips to his for a moment, his cock once again left to throb aimlessly inside his sweatpants in the empty space between you, untouched and leaking steadily.
He feels a sinking disappointment when you loosen your grip on his long hair, but then you dip your head and your lips wrap around the plump nipple you’d been teasing moments earlier, and he moans, loud and unrestrained, bucking his hips and grabbing your shoulders to seek something- anything you might be good enough to give him.
With one hand still loose in his hair, the other drags painfully slowly over his stomach, fingers grazing his happy trail, to hook under the waistband of his sweatpants, open a space big enough to slide your hand inside the fabric and press your palm flat against the underside of his cock.
It’s sticky with precum and he blushes again at how wet he feels.
His cock is thick and heavy, noticeable even just from resting against your palm, and you can feel every little throb of need it gives. Your eyes drag over his burly form, and absentmindedly, you lick your lips.
His jaw clenches at that. He’s trying so hard not to spill yet, forcing his hips still and concentrating on breathing. He needs you to tell him when, but it’s growing more difficult by the minute to wait for that command, even while there’s no friction, no movement.
‘Tell me one more thing?’
‘Anything!’ Colt cries out, voice weak, strangled and cracking, the vein in his cock throbbing against your palm.
‘Tell me what you need?’
‘I need- oh-’
You finally stroke his cock. A soft, gentle massage that, to him, feels like far too much at this point. He can’t hold off, his release is approaching rapidly and-
‘Oh, fuck- I can’t-’
‘That’s it baby, you can, I promise,’ you coo, and your fingers wrap around his length while your tongue resumes its work on his sensitive nipple.
‘I- I need to-’ he rasps, on the verge of more tears. But these are needy tears, not self pitying ones, and you both know that you’ll give him what he needs, eventually.
The tears pour, steaming down his cheeks, and as a reward for trying so hard, you begin to move your fist, pumping faster the more he attempts to spit the words out, and tightening the grip of your other hand to yank his hair, hard.
Colt growls at the combined sensations and your teeth catch on his nipple as he jerks forward. It’s so good, so overwhelming, he knows he’s done for, and every ounce of strength in him diminishes until there’s just your hand, your mouth, your warmth. He’s safe like this with you. Safe and handsome and smart. Fuck.
His vision blurs as the words continue to fall from his trembling lips; ‘I need to- cu-ohhh-oh!-ughhh-mmmnnn-gg-’ and he spills uncontrollably, hips snapping forward into your furiously pumping fist while his cock darkens the front of those sweatpants with a fresh layer of thick, hot seed, dripping down satisfyingly over your hand, too while his whole body turns limp.
You continue working his softening length with slower, softer strokes until he’s got nothing left to give and he’s softening inside your loose fist.
He’s a heap on the floor by now and you’re positioned over him, pushing your fingers through his hair and softly brushing it away from his face instead of pulling at it. The contrast soothes him and he whimpers, nuzzling his face into your shoulder as you settle beside him.
You wipe his release from your hand onto a dry patch of his pants — they’re going to need a thorough wash anyway, and Colt doesn’t even notice.
His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath, his over-sensitive cock relieved and soft and coated in his own cum, twitching with aftershocks.
Slowly, he begins to feel like he’s made of jelly, the feeling spreading from his core out to his limbs, and he can barely keep his eyes open.
He floats away on the haze of bliss while you play with his hair and press soft kisses to his cheek, whispering how good he was for you into his ear, the praise dripping like warm honey.
When he comes to, he first notices that your comforting weight is no longer pressed against his side, and then he recognises the calming trickle of the tap filling his bathtub and the scent of lavender floating through from the steamy room. 
Whatever you did to him has relieved his back pain, however temporary, and he shifts on the floor, seeing how it feels to have more ease in his movements.
There’s a cushion under his head and you’ve stripped him of his cum stained sweatpants, replacing them with a blanket for now.
It feels like you’ve brushed his hair.
He smiles to himself. A big, dumb grin that would make you want to kiss him (and pounce on him) if you were still beside him.
He looks over to where you were laid before he drifted off and sees that you’ve left him a glass of water.
His heart skips.
He’s not sure he can drag himself to the bathtub right now, weak from too much pleasure and somewhat overwhelmed at it, but he knows you’ll help him. And that it’s what he needs.
He knows you’ll massage his shoulders, and that you’ll wash his hair with tender, loving fingers, and gush about how pretty it is all the while. 
About how pretty he is. 
You’ll do it until he sees his worth, and as difficult as it may be to learn and accept that he’s as desirable as you seem to think he is, he’s not exactly complaining about hearing it from you. Especially when you choose this method — the one where he gets to cum.
He knows he’ll be hard again by the time you’re done washing and massaging him, too, but you’ll take mercy on him since he’s so overstimulated. Won’t you?
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gcslingss · 16 days
heart to heart. colt seavers.
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summary: the last two days were being especially shitty. your close friend colt invites you over to a scene shoot, and suddenly everything becomes a little bit better.
pairing: colt seavers x gn!reader
warnings: heavy fluff, slight angst, kissing, mild swearing.
word count: 1.8k
notes: firstly, yes, the fic's name is mac demarco's song. i recommend listening to it while reading this. secondly, i had a terrible day today, thus the birth of this fic. hope you guys enjoy :)
p.s: colt is the sweetest guy ever. i wish he was real.
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Today had been the worst day of the week.
You’d been told off, looked down at, or backhandedly insulted by nearly everyone you spoke to, and that didn’t leave the best feeling in you by the time it was nearly midnight and you were still awake, staring at the ceiling of your room.
Even your mum had called you clingy and ignored you, and your neighbour had started to pretend you didn’t exist, ignoring your attempts to talk to him, to give him the cake you’d made that afternoon, and he made sure to make you see how much of a good time he was having with his girlfriend.
And to top it all off, your best friend hadn’t contacted you in a week. You knew he was a stuntman and therefore was often busy, but that didn’t mean he could completely ignore you.
You really didn’t know what you’d done wrong to be having such a shitty day.
that’s when your phone pinged beside your pillow. You wouldn’t have checked it, but it pinged with the special sound you’d set for Colt Seavers.
What the fuck? There was no way Colt was texting after an entire fucking week.
You were bitter about it, but not enough to ignore it. So you picked up the phone, and saw two new texts from him in the lock screen preview.
Hi :)
You’re probably sleeping right now, but I’m way too excited not to tell you right now
You waited to see where he was going with this. A minute later, the third text came.
We’re shooting a really special scene for the movie I’m part of tomorrow - I have a big role
And then another one.
D’you wanna come? It would be so cool if you did
You would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t feel your heart warm up when you read that, a smile tugging at your lips. Any irritation you felt for him melted away.
You didn’t hesitate to properly open the text and send him a quick reply.
I’m up, shockingly
Yeah, I’d love to come :]]
There was an enthusiastic response, and then he went offline. 
At least there was something to look forward to now.
You placed the phone aside and shuffled into the covers of your bed. You needed sleep if you were going to support him right tomorrow.
… … …
“-and apparently it’s some sort of sci-fi movie, and he’s got a whole lot of-“
“Sorry, I kinda need to go.”
And just like that, your so-called childhood friend walked away, eyes still glued to her phone’s screen, still giggling, not bothering to ever give you a wave or second look.
You stared at her leaving figure rather desolately, feeling numb, yet highly irritated. It only took a few seconds for the irritation to simmer down into severe self-doubt.
Were you annoying? Is that why nobody wanted to talk to you? 
Did you say too much? Or were you not interesting enough? 
What the hell was everyone’s problem?
The only who’d shown any signs of tolerating you recently was Colt, but there was this heavy feeling in your heart that even he was being fake. 
Maybe you shouldn’t go to the shoot. He probably only invited you as a courtesy. he probably didn’t even want you there.
Like a fucking sign from the sky, your phone pinged, and a new message from him read-
Hope you didn’t forget you’ve got an appointment with me today doofus
You didn’t want to laugh, but it bubbled through your throat anyway, and something akin to the feeling of holding a warm candle on a winter day spread through your fingers.
He was so annoying.
… … …
You hadn’t moved a single muscle out of your little square for the past 2 hours, your arms stiff by your sides, your hands anxiously fiddling with each other, your bottom barely touching the chair you were given, and your eyes downcast, staring emptily at the sand.
There had been 3 takes of Colt’s super-actiony ‘falling from the sky’ stunt to be approved by the director. 
It was break time now, and all the present actors and the director had retreated to their trailers. the only people outside were some of the snacking stuntmen, two extras fanning themselves, and you, too absorbed in your self-deprecating thoughts to have even realized the shoot was on break.
“You alright?”
Your neck could’ve snapped with the speed you looked up at, and you physically felt your face muscles cramp when you shifted expressions from despairing to absolutely peachy in less than a second.
“Hey! Yeah, I’m good,” you said, forcing a smile, “Just peachy.”
No. That word should’ve stayed in your head. Fuck.
Colt frowned, smiling almost suspiciously, “When have you ever used that word out loud?”
“…Just now,” you unconvincingly said. You were far too tired to come up with a good response.
“Was I good?” he asked, brushing past it, and you nodded, the smile becoming a little bit more genuine than before. 
“You were great.”
He smiled too, and then observed you for a moment, his eyes searching, searching for any sign that you weren’t okay.
That was the plain truth, but you couldn’t let him know - not on his big day. 
“I’m okay, Colty,” you said, patting him on his shoulder. You could see the extras watching your interaction, and your skin prickled.
“I’m gonna get going now, okay?” you said, standing up as stiff as ever, and turned, only to feel Colt’s hand pull on your wrist, stopping you.
“What?” you whined. Colt turned you by the shoulders to face you and watched your face, and you tried to ignore the way his lips formed the softest, fondest smile as he said, “Don’t go yet, c’mon.”
“You…you’re going to be busy, and I probably have something waiting for me at home, and I don’t want to imp-“
“D’you wanna talk for a bit? Maybe in Tom’s trailer?”
It became clear to you that he was not planning on letting you leave yet. 
You thought about how tired you were, mentally and physically. Your brain hurt from all the buzzing, and your muscles hurt from the constant rigidity.
But then you thought about Colt, and his pretty smile, and his big blue eyes, and his husky laughter, and your mouth mumbled a soft “Okay.”
Colt nodded, and slung an arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked across the set towards the trailers.
… … …
“So Tom doesn’t mind if you use his trailer?”
“I mean, it’s not like he knows about it, so…”
You laughed and punched Colt in the arm, causing him to make a face that made you laugh harder.
But then the laughter died down, and your brain started buzzing again. You went silent, a dormant smile still on your face.
Colt noticed.
“I can tell when you’re feeling shitty,” he murmured, and as his hand slid into yours, you wondered how he even managed to use the exact word you used to describe your day.
You shook your head and shrugged, muttering a “I’m fine,” but then he scooted closed to you and began to rub gentle circles on your palm, uttering your name so softly, and something in you snapped.
Tears came to your eyes as your head drooped and you softly sobbed, throat feeling awfully tight.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, voice muddled, “I didn’t mean to cry, I’m sorry…”
“Hey, no, c’mon,” you heard him say softly, and his two arms wrapped around you, engulfing you in a hug you wished you’d gotten ages ago.
His fingers carded through your hair, his left hand held you close, and you could feel his lips by your temple, silent but reassuring.
You cried for an entire six minutes, because every time you told yourself to stop, the nonchalant gaze of your neighbour or the sharp words of your mum flashed in your mind and the tears came back twice as heavy.
Colt let you cry, and didn’t say a word about how you were drenching his jacket in tears, his little movements being the only thing keeping you from collapsing in your head.
When the weight you’d been feeling the entire day seemed to finally disappear, you pulled away, but only partly, still seeking Colt’s warmth.
“You alright?” he asked, voice softer than a whisper, and you felt so relieved when you smiled so naturally, and nodded.
“Yeah.” You wiped away the tear streaks on your cheeks. “I just… had a really bad few days. Everyone sounds a little extra rude.”
“I hope I’m not on the list,” he said, and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Of course not,” you said. “You made everything better, if anything.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
You looked up at him. His gaze was keen, concerned, and so warm. His fingers were still caressing your palm. 
What a wonderful creature he was.
You found yourself leaning in and kissing him, something he most certainly did not expect, but the  faint sigh he elicited told you he didn’t mind it whatsoever. 
He kissed you back, harder.
The heat of his mouth, the feeling of his chapped lips against yours, his large hands cupping your face, and the little sounds he made when you brought his head close seemed to complete the healing of your tired heart, and after what seemed like an eternity, the two of you broke away.
His eyes were fixed on you, flustered, but appreciative now. His face was flushed. 
After a moment’s silence, he looked down at his watch.
“Tom’s gonna be here any minute,” he muttered, his voice hoarse and hesitating. “We should leave this little hellhole.”
“Yeah. Okay.” It was an automatic response, because your brain really wasn’t functioning.
You got down the trailer, and thankfully no one spotted either of you, because of how Tom liked his privacy. 
“There’s a little bit of the scene left,” Colt explained. “They probably don’t need me, but I should go check it out.”
“Of course. Yeah. I-I should probably head home too. I really enjoyed watching you stunt, by the way. It was great.” You gave him a a pat on his back. 
“Good. That’s good.”
Colt nodded, giving you one final grin, and then turned to leave.
No, wait.
“...Colt?” you called out. 
He stopped in his tracks and spun around. He looked expectant.
You didn’t know if you were crossing any lines with what you were going to say, but at that moment, you didn’t exactly care. 
“I love you,” you said, and the words came so easily. “And thank you.”
You could see Colt’s breathing hitch, his chest raised mid-breath. Then, slowly breathing out, he murmured the words “I love you too” back, before he asked-
“Could I, um, come over tonight, maybe? I’m gonna be free,so....”
You’d forgotten anything and everything that had annoyed you at this point. All you could hear in your head was Colt now.
“Yeah, of course. Please.”
He grinned at your response, and he gave you a little goodbye wave, before walking away.
Two little hearts became whole that moment.
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happy74827 · 21 days
“I watch movies for the plot”
The ✨plot✨:
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bidisastersanji · 5 months
Everyone has seen those those Reddit posts where men force their girlfriends to open the relationship and then get mad when she’s the one who ends up enjoying herself and they don’t find anyone interested in them- that but with Zoro and Sanji 👀
Sanji is in a toxic relationship with Pudding and she gives him an ultimatum- either open the relationship (and let her keep cheating on him) or break up
Our poor boy is so desperate- he agrees.
Now. Right after she forces this on him they go to a house party at Luffy’s and the news spreads kind of fast. Nami goes to Zoro and rants about it to him (Sanji’s friends hate Pudding) and she says she hopes this will finally be what breaks those two up. Despite being in similar circles Zoro and Sanji haven’t interacted much, but he’s had a small crush on him- he’s exactly his type (fiery, strong fighter, nice ass and legs, kind, earnest)
Sanji, bless him, is surprised that quite a few people are flirting and interested in him at this party- with Pedro making a very obvious pass at him after lighting his cigarette in the most homoerotic way possible, and Ace telling him the news of his opened relationship are a dream come true for him and that he’s been waiting for an opportunity to get a taste (he does the call me sign haha)
Sanji’s flattered and flushed a bit from the embarrassment and the alcohol (he’s trying to drown the sorrow about Pudding and her sleeping with other people away). Eventually he starts letting it get to him and he confidently joins the dance floor and has fun with his friends.
(Pudding is seething from all the attention he’s getting, and for the fact that his friends have managed to cheer him up a bit, ie he’s not fretting over her and trying to get her attention.)
Zoro’s been watching all of this go down and is like- “honestly this is my opportunity to finally steal him”. He’s gonna show the shorty cook a fucking great time and what it’s like to be wanted, treated right.
He walks up to Sanji and to everyone’s shock he actually has a lot of game- their banter becomes more and more flirty and explicit, and Zoro gets more and more touchy- Sanji is a bit tipsy and mirrors this, Nami’s encouragements of getting back at Pudding and exploring this for real egging him on- why not indulge in this for once?
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luvrxbunny · 3 months
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homecoming ─ ★ joel miller x f! reader
a/n: i wrote this at like 3:30am 🦢
wc: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ MNDI, really light choking, dry humping, piv, some praise, oh and some hair pulling but i feel like joel miller smut = some hair pulling.. with me at least cus like.. THE CURLS (not proofread and much longer than intended)
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okay so Joel coming back from a trip, maybe it wasn’t even super long, a week or so but nothing you guys haven’t weathered before.
but for some reason; maybe it’s been a long time since he was away from you for even a day.. Joel all but loses his mind without you.
it’s like he goes into heat or something. like his body knows that he can’t have you and suddenly its craving you 10x its usual amount.
he comes back late at night, near midnight. all the guys wanted to take shelter for the night, arrive at the community in the morning but Joel hadn’t mentally prepared himself for another night without you. he refused to go another night without you.
you’re snug in bed when he crawls in. you’re pulled from your sleep by the dip in the bed but you instantly recognize the broad chest pressing against your back.
you gasp and bury your hand in his hair as quickly as possible. you reach over his face as he gives your neck a kiss and presses closer to you, poking you in the back with a feeling you’ve missed.
“is this okay? i’ve missed you so much, love.” you only hum in response, arching your back so he can grind against the plush of your ass, an opportunity he graciously accepts. he groans low and rough into the back of your neck as he starts humping you. “we can stop if you’re sleepy, baby.. shit.” his arm comes to wrap around you.
his forearm stretches diagonally across your torso as he cups your blood with his palm, using you for leverage to grind himself more forcefully into your ass. “could- oh god.. mmm we could w-wait for— until the—”
“baby, shut up.” is all you mumble before twisting to finally devour his lips in a kiss that he whines into. whines
his frantic humping turns into purposeful grinding as you pull away. his breathing is more erratic than you’ve ever heard it. his eyes are shut as tightly as his hand is gripping your hip, surely leaving dents in your skin.
you turn back around to bury your face in the pillow in front of you, too uncomfortable with your body twisted but leaving your hand to play with his hair. “needed me this bad, baby?”
you try to sound teasing, dominant but instead the question comes out high and breathy, sounds as desperate as he’s acting.
all you get in response is a growl from Joel before his hand leaves your boob to flip your body around, letting you face him, letting you— for the first time— really take in his disheveled state.
his hair is mussed— definitely your doing, but his lips are red and bitten, presumably from holding in his sounds to not disturb the silence of the night. his eyes are blown wide, glinting with a crazed look as he grinds into you gently.
he has his hand on your thigh, your leg pulled over his hip do he can grind right into your core, sending convulsions throughout your body.
after taking him in you meet his eyes again and he crumbles. whimpering a loose form of your name before burying his face in your neck and inhaling your scent as his hand coming to your lower back to press your body into his.
“i’ve needed you more that air, dove. been craving your soft body, your- fuck- your sweet sounds.” his voice gets high near the end of the sentence, only reminding you of his need. “swear i’ve been seeing you in the stars at night. m’losin my goddamn mind over ya’.”
his desperation is leaking into your veins now, the same way you’ve started to seep into your underwear, growing tired and teased with Joel’s incessant movements against you.
you stay silent, let him release wet moans into your skin as you take matters into your own hands.
you grab his waist band and pull the buttons apart so roughly you may have broken them. you keep up your urgent demeanor as you free his cock from its confines.
his hips don’t stop moving as you fumble with his pants, he grinds against the air, your hands and your wrists, anything he can reach.
he moans your name when you wrap your hand around him but his breath is stolen as you quickly pull your panties aside and shove him in.
he’s surrounded in your wet warmth before he can take another breath. the same heat he’s been dreaming of, craving, fiending for over the course of the past week.
his head is finally pulled from your neck as he sits up a bit with his hand on your throat, his index finger and thumb holding your jaw in place as he forces you to look him in the eye.
his brows are furrowed and there’s a look of confusion and a softness that feels like begging in his eyes. you’re waiting for him to scold you, remind you who’s in charge, that you don’t do anything without his permission first. but instead he just pants against you, incapable of taking even breaths as his hips twitch softly and against his will into you.
you hold his eye contact as your hands come to the base of his spine, pressing down and curving his hips into you, guiding his slow and gentle thrusts.
his face crumples in pleasure, all his features scrunching in as he tries not to moan into your face. his hand twitches on your throat before tightening again as he leans down to press you against his forehead before resting his cheek on yours as he finally releases all the sounds he’s been holding in.
first you get a guttural groan, something that sounds like it came from the depths of his chest; low and rumbling. as his hips begin to move on their own accord, his moans change. they become more urgent, short and cut off as he tries to catch his breath. every now and then it sounds like the first syllable of your name but he’s never able to get the full thing out. “there you go, sweetheart. just like that.”
you try and stay composed as you guide him but he’s ramming into your g-spot like he’s been searching for it for weeks. your brain is turning to mush, melting out of your ears. when Joel pulls his face away from yours, wanting to examine your state, he can tell. he can tell that you’re not all there, that you’re holding on by a thread for him. it fills his chest with pride.
you watch a lazy smirk slide over his face as his hooded eyes meet yours. “it’s okay, baby.. m’here now.”
Joel lifts one of your legs, gripping your thigh and pushing it to meet your chest. “you don’t gotta be all tough anymore.” it feels as though he’s opened up a new channel inside your pussy, like he’s reaching places that weren’t accessible before. like he’s reached heaven, inside you. “you can let go, darlin’.”
you explode.
its that godforsaken southern drawl of his. whenever he talks to you in his low, smooth voice, like pouring warm honey right into your ear, filling your brain with sweetness. you have no choice but to fall apart. you hadn’t even been aware of how badly you’d been craving him.
you knew you missed him of course, but you thought you’d be satisfying yourself decently in his absence.
you obviously had forgotten when your orgasms feel like when they belong to Joel.
it feels like your body falls completely apart. you don’t feel attached your limbs anymore. all you can feel is the warmth blossoming violently in your abdomen. your thighs shake, and Joel tightens his grip, wanting to feel the rippling muscles under his palm.
he watches your brows furrow as your eyes roll back. you go limp in his arms, your entire body relaxed as your soak his cock in your juices.
Joel fucks into you at a leisurely pace, forgetting his desperation in favor of watching you melt into the bed. but as he thrusts he watches you slowly coat his cock, giving him a milky sheen, an award for his actions and a reminder of your own craving for him.
it’s more than a punch in the gut, it’s like he’s been completely winded, like someone has punctured his lungs and crushed his heart inside his chest.
he gasps once and sees your eyes snap open to his, waiting and watching as his body folds in on itself to fill you with its seed.
Joel almost falls on top of you, his arm catching him before he lowers himself into your lips. he’s too busy moaning your name and praises to kiss you properly. he rests his lips against yours as his mind clears, blank and thoughtless, finally satiated after a week of driving him crazy.
his body weight slowly increases as he blankets you, his cock pulsing inside you gently, gently pumping pent up ropes of cum into you despite the small amount already leaking onto your thighs.
“love you s’much.” Joel mumbles groggily into your ear. his hand comes up to stroke your head, soothing you as he notices your rapid heartbeat. “you’re my perfect girl, y’know that? everything i dream of, everything pure.” you feel that terrifying warmth spread through your chest, that intense, buzzing love that blooms in your chest whenever he opens his mouth.
“i know, joey.” your hand slides out of his hair and down his back, scratching gently and relishing in the way you feel his chest rumble with a contented hum. “i love you so much more, y’know that?”
he chuckles softly before biting you semi-gently. “no way.” he sighs against your skin. “ain’t possible.” he licks over his teeth marks before kissing them.
his lips just barely ghost over the area as he falls asleep, his cock warm and soaked inside you.
a horrid surprise for Tommy when he tries to welcome his brother home with a “gourmet” breakfast in bed service.
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Summary: Colt has a bit of an oral fixation...
A/N: The Fall Guy is my new favourite thing and I personally would gnaw on Colt Seavers like a chew toy.
Colt x afab reader <3
As per usual, it's NSFW 18+ @ken-dom as always my darling, I thank you for your support and inspiration and late night chats.
There will certainly be more Seavers in the very near future ;) but for now, be gentle, I'm no stunt man
Enjoy my loves <3
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There was a heavy knock on your trailer door before it clicked open and Colt ducked inside. 
His shaggy blond hair falling in his face as he smiled that smile that made you weak in the knees. 
He was covered from head to toe in dirt and dust in your favourite outfit; jeans with both knees ripped out and a dirty white t-shirt and work boots in his Miami Vice stunt team jacket. 
“Hi” you smiled, as his large arms slipped around your waist, pulling you against him. 
Your arms snaked around his neck, his skin warm and sun kissed against your forearms. 
“Hi” he whispered before claiming your lips in a heated gentle kiss. He pushed you back gently against the small counter. You moaned softly against his mouth as he sucked on your bottom lip making your stomach flutter. 
His teeth pulled gently on your lip before your tongue tangled with his, returning his kiss with just as much fervor. 
He boosted you up on the small ledge, his fingers sliding under the hem of your shirt, squeezing gently, grazing over the smooth skin of the small of your back. 
The walkie talkie at the end of the counter crackled with chatter, Dan was looking for you. 
You pushed Colt back gently, prying your lips from his, albeit reluctantly, leaning to reach the small radio. Colt paid it no mind whatsoever, opting to continue his assault. His beard scratched over your skin as his teeth nipped along the length of your neck as he mumbled protests. 
Holding his shoulder for support, you leaned further, fingers just brushing against the walkie talkie as he sucked harshly at the hollow of your collarbone. 
You gasped, squeezing his shoulder “Colt, please-” you strained to reach the radio as Dan called again, knocking it over. 
You giggled as his bangs tickled against your cheek, his hand closing around your wrist pulling you back to him. 
“Nn-no” you protested as his frame enveloped yours as he turned you to face him, still stretched over the length of the counter, his weight heavy on top of you as he cupped your cheek, his lips finding yours as you protested half heartedly. 
Your breath caught in your throat against his mouth as you felt yourself slip from the countertop; his strong arm locking around your back kept you from falling to the floor as your arms instinctively wrapped around his broad shoulders. 
You break your kiss a second time, panting heavily against his neck as you try again to protest. 
“Colt” you breathed hard as he moaned against your neck, but made no effort to lift his head; instead his perfect teeth leaving love bites down your throat, leading down toward your cleavage. 
You whined pathetically as his warm tongue licked over your skin. Your entire body going limp in his arms, fingernails scratching against the nape of his neck. He knew just how to push your buttons. 
His free hand pulling the deep v neck of your t-shirt down even further as he dragged his nose between your cleavage. 
“Oh my-” you gasped, licking your lips as he hummed with approval; the support of the counter under you was gone, his arm across your back and one unsteady foot barely touching the floor between his boots, keeping you suspended where he wanted. 
There was a loud knock on the door of the trailer, Dan's booming voice coming from the other side. 
“Colt you better not be in there!”
That stopped him in his tracks, but he only looked up at you from his place between your breasts, his blue eyes meeting yours with a mischievous glint as he stood rooted to the spot. 
You bit your lips together, fighting back a laugh as Colt winked at you but didn't move. 
You squeezed your eyes shut laughing quietly as Colt moved to start sucking on your overheated skin. 
You grit your teeth pushing him gently by the shoulder but you knew it was in vain. “Stop it” you whispered harshly. 
“He's not here Dan!” You yelled and Colt's head shot up
“Shhhh” Colt frowned up at you 
“He knows I'm in here” you whispered harshly 
Colt just rolled his eyes
“Check the coffee cart!’ you yelled, your fingers twisting in his mop of tangled hair. 
“Mhm” was Dan's unbelieving, muffled reply.
Colt only snorted into your cleavage and you pulled on the thick strands of his hair hard, making him growl low in the back of his throat. 
He stood up straight, pulling you with him before he sank to his knees in front of you, his hands pushing up the thin fabric of your shirt, he kissed a trail over your bare stomach; both your hands on either side of his head, threading through his hair. 
His nimble fingers working open the button of your jeans before he slid them down your legs along with your panties. 
You rested against the counter, your eyes fluttering closed as you felt him lean in closer to your core. 
Your heart thudded loudly in your ears as his calloused hands slid back up the length of your now bare thighs. 
He let out a soft moan as you scratched against his scalp a second time, his head dipping to lick a hot stripe between your thighs. 
You cried out, your knees instantly buckled as you threw your head back. 
Colt slid a hand under the back of your thigh, hooking your knee over his left shoulder to move himself closer. 
You balanced against the counter on one foot as he slid underneath you, his hands firmly on your hips. 
He moaned against your slick folds making you whine with need over his head; both your hands holding his head still as he fucked you with his tongue. 
Your weight rested heavily against his shoulder as you bucked your hips, grinding against him as his beard scratched the inside of your thigh, only adding to your bliss.
“Holy fuck” you swallowed hard, eliciting another moan between your thighs. 
You dropped your chin against your neck as his tongue flicked over that oversensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Colt g-god” you whimpered unashamedly as he lapped at your leaking core, desperate to push you over the edge. 
His fingers gripped your hips with a painful need, his short fingernails biting into your flesh. 
His tongue skilfully working between your folds. The entirety of your weight threatening to collapse on him knelt in front of you. 
You shuddered over him and he moaned under you, knowing you were close. 
“Colt I-” you squeezed your eyes shut, struggling to find the words. You hummed, biting down hard on your bottom lip. 
You gasped, trying again failing miserably stumbling over his name a second time “C-Colt”
He simply moaned with agreement devouring you like you were his last meal….and if Dan got ahold of him you probably would be. 
You moaned, desperate and needy over his head, fisting chunks of his thick hair. “Colt” you breathed. 
Again, he moaned against your core with agreement, not even bothering to come up for air. 
“Mhm, mhm, mhm” he attempted a nod, but your grip in his hair made it difficult. 
All at once the one knee holding you steady, buckled, Colt's grip on your hips tightening instantly to keep you stationary as you yanked hard on the hair between your fingers, thrusting your hips shamelessly, grinding against him, fucking his face, quite literally riding out your orgasm as he lapped up and sucked every last drop. 
You nearly collapsed against the counter as he eased your leg from off his shoulder and got to his feet, an impressive hard on, pressing wet against his jeans. 
Barely giving you a chance catch your breath and come down from your high he claimed your mouth in a desperate kiss; his entire face wet with your slick. 
You reached between you, ripping his jeans open and shoving your hand inside, fingers wrapping around his throbbing, leaking shaft. 
He pulled his mouth from yours, his breath hot and heavy against your neck as he growled through grit teeth, his cock twitching hard in your fingers. Precum spilling from the tip, dripping over your hand. 
His teeth sank into your neck, making you whimper and squeeze him harder. He bit so hard on the little hollow under your ear you thought for sure he would pierce skin before he sucked hard, you had no doubt, forming a dark purple bruise in his wake.  
His entire body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat. 
You pulled his cock free, stroking him gently. 
Leaning next to his ear you breathed hard after running your tongue along his jaw. 
“Mark me” you whispered, his cock twitched again and he bucked his hips with a groan. “Then fuck my mouth”
Again, his teeth sank into your neck, this time he did pierce your skin making you cry out with a moan against his shoulder. 
You sank to your knees in the small space, immediately hollowing your cheeks and taking his entire throbbing length into your mouth. 
The deep groan over your head making your core throb as his massive hands gathered your hair into a snarled ponytail, the head of his cock bumping the back of your throat as he fought to keep himself in check. 
Your hands dropped in your lap as you let him take complete control, his hips moving slowly at first as you moaned around his length. Until you looked up at him from under your lashes with a small quiet moan. 
His eyes locked on yours and all at once his hips thrust forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat with enough force to make you choke slightly, but he didn't stop. 
His grip on your hair tightened as he did what you'd asked, fucked your mouth. 
You let him slide over your tongue effortlessly as he breathed heavily through his nose and muttered “Fuck”
You moaned around him, which only egged him on, coating your tongue with the beginning of his release. 
His hips snapped hard and you moaned approvingly before he stumbled over his own words. “C-come I'm g-nnnuh”
Before you had a chance to acknowledge the flurry of noises over your head, Colt grunted and his thick hot release filled your mouth and just like he had, you sucked and swallowed everything he had to give. 
He braced himself on the counter as you let him slide from your mouth before wiping the back of your hand across your lips and got to your feet. 
You both put yourselves back together, and you buttoned your jeans as Colt's arms slipped back around his waist. Both of you still catching your breath. 
He kissed across your face and down your neck, his teeth marks prominent, red and angry against your tanned skin. He kissed it gently before continuing along your jaw. 
You hummed with protest as your hands slid up his back. “You're insatiable,” you giggled “Take up gum chewing or something” 
He shook his head gently, “Uh huh,” his mouth barely pulling away to speak as continued to pepper your neck and face with kisses before his lips found yours, “Kiss more first…” he muttered against your lips, kissing you gently before he pulled back as you giggled. 
“Control yourself, Seavers” 
“Never” he shook his head pushing you back against the counter to once again lose his nose in your cleavage. His mouth sucking and nipping at the mounds of your flesh.
You pushed him back gently with a laugh surveying the bright red bite marks he left behind. 
“God, can you at least hide them better?” You smirked as he leaned over you, you cupped his cheek, pulling him to you. 
“I could,” he shrugged in between kisses “But I don't want to” 
You rolled your eyes, pushing his bangs back off his forehead as he leaned over you. “I miss your long hair” you whispered as he leaned forward to kiss the tip of your nose.
“Wanna go do some donuts?” 
“You mean go make out in your truck instead of in here?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“And maybe a couple of donuts,” he shrugged. When you didn't answer right away he continued “I'll start growing my hair out” he smiled
You smiled and draped your arms around his neck as he pulled you up from the counter. “How can I say no to that?”
He shrugged nonchalantly with that goofy grin you fell in love with. 
“Let's go Stunt Man” you smiled, planting one last kiss on his swollen lips before slipping around him and out of your trailer. 
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kittykatninja321 · 4 days
can I be a hater for a second whenever I see the fic trope of “Talia purposely told Jason about Tim to get Jason to attack him” I’m like guys I’m gonna be real with you I don’t think Talia would care about that little boy at all
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: You're Tom's makeup artist for a movie he's shooting and you absolutely hate him. However, one round of karaoke later, your feelings temporarily shift.
Genre: Fluff, smidge of angst, Enemies to Lovers (very one-sided lmao)
Warnings: Tom is a stupid asshole (but he's also just a mess), swearing, light misogyny, slapping, alcohol, being drunk/high.
The bar is dimly lit and the loud music resounds in your ear as your knee bounces. You stir the straw around your drink, sighing as you turn to Vanessa, your co-worker. "He left me another post-it note on the desk yesterday telling me he wants a new lip oil because his now tastes weird!? His last one is only from last week and it's the same brand he always uses! I'm so sick of his bullshit, V," you drop your head in your arms and then peek up at Vanessa again, "He's such a dick."
Vanessa laughs, sipping on her margarita, as she shrugs, "Didn't you know that when you took the job, honey?"
"I mean, sure. But those could have been rumors," you pout and sit up, moving some hair behind your ear as you look around the room, where other crew members have gathered around the karaoke machine.
"Listen, don't think about Tom Ryder. You're off the clock and everyone knows he's a world-class asshole—a pretty world-class asshole, I will let him have that," Vanessa hums and also turns her attention to the rest of your friends and co-workers as she claps her hands. 
You look down at your drink, your cheeks feeling warmer than usual. Not thinking about Tom Ryder was easier said than done when you had to work on his face 5 days a week. He was so infuriating most times, either talking down to you when you worked or wouldn't cooperate with anything you told him to do because he was on his phone. Sometimes he really makes you want to stab the mascara stick into his eye. 
Still, you can't deny he's extremely handsome and that just annoys you more. 
Suddenly, you hear a bunch of cheers and hoots from outside, directly accompanied by the sound of the door slamming open. When you hear an all too familiar voice, your eyes widen and you snap around to make sure you hadn't just imagined it. 
Tom Ryder coming to one of the crew parties? No fucking way. Obviously, he's always invited to them but in a very arrogant fashion he never shows up—which is one of the reasons you do, because he never does. 
Only this time he did and he's not alone. 
Tom is dressed in another one of his boisterous outfits, his shirt loosely unbuttoned to reveal his chest and a peak of his toned abs. Pink-tinted sunglasses sit on his nose and his dirty blond hair curls messily around his face.
He looks drunk, or high, when he walks in and you can't tell which one it is because he's constantly moving and laughing. He's accompanied by a few other low A-list actor friends he has and a pretty blond model hangs on his arm, her giggles instantly infuriating you. 
How can she stand to be near him for more than a minute? Even less hold his arm and be his eye-candy? 
You turn back around, desperately attempting to calm the bile rising in your throat. God, you hate him. You feel even worse when he leans beside you at the bar and orders a drink from the bartender, snapping his fingers as he does. He doesn't even address your presence beside him and your blood boils. 
Your anger immediately turns to disgust when you hear the man hosting the karaoke scream out Tom Ryder's name.
"Tom Ryder everyone! I loved your new movie, man, it was awesome! How about a song?" the man asks, eyebrows wiggling as the crew clap (mostly out of politeness) and his friends make loud, drunken noises like a bunch of animals. 
"C'mon! One song—for all the pretty ladies in the crowd!"
Tom seems intrigued when the man mentions the girls. You roll your eyes and your hand tightens around your glass as he walks up to the host, raising his hands in surrender and feigning humbleness. "Alright, alright, I have to give the ladies what they want, don't I?" Tom boasts, winking at one of the camera girls he never looks at otherwise. 
Someone put you out of your misery now.
The host seems ecstatic to have someone this famous next to him and asks Tom for a quick photo, which Tom obviously doesn't turn down. You pretend to gag when Vanessa turns to look at you and smirks at Tom's behavior.. 
"How about a duet, Ryder?" The host asks as he hands him the mic. 
"Nah, I usually sing solo," Tom says, his words slightly slurred, and then he leans in to whisper something in the host's ear—which probably goes something like, "Unless she's got a nice rack, then by all means invite her up here." 
You lean in and whisper into Vanessa's ear, "Ten bucks he takes home the girl he ends up singing with," you say with a frown, your voice a little strained. Vanessa laughs and then the worst thing happens.
"You," the host shouts and you look up alarmed. Your eyes are wide when you realize everyone, including Tom, is staring at you. "The angry-looking girl in the back. Why don't you come up and join him? I doubt he'd bite." 
Laughter, including some nervous ones from your friends, resounds around the room as Tom's smirk widens. You'd be surprised, you think. You find your voice again and say, "Um, can't you ask one of them?" you point to the group of eager fangirls swarming around the small stage as they ogle Tom. 
"C'mon, sweetheart," Tom slurs, squinting at you, "One song won't kill you." 
But you might just kill him.
Vanessa, the traitor, nudges you again and you stumble from the stool. You glare at her but when all your friends, including Tom's more obnoxious friends, chant encouragements you feel completely trapped. 
The walk to the small stage feels eerily similar to a walk of shame as you look to your co-workers in hopes someone will save you. No one does and you ignore the stares from all the girls who wish they could take your place. 
You're blinded by the lights as you step on the stage and approach the host. "Atta girl," the man smirks patronizingly as he hands you the second mic. You scrunch your nose at him and then look up at Tom, expecting him to be ignoring you like he usually is, but instead, he's staring. 
His cheeks are pink from being intoxicated and he tilts his head, watching you clutch the mic nervously. 
The host doesn't warn you when the song begins to play and he walks away. You realize too late you and Tom are now alone and everyone is watching you as dread slowly fills your stomach. 
You don't even know how to sing! This is so humiliating. 
 The familiar melody of, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," fills the air and you feel the heat rise in your chest and up to your ears. Your heart is pounding so loudly you can only faintly hear Tom start to sing the song. He sounds fairly good and you aren't surprised considering he's an actor. 
Your voice catches in your throat and you feel tears rise. You don't sing when it's your turn and the crowd is silent. 
Suddenly, you jump when you feel a strong hand on your hip and you snap your head around to look at him. Your hand finds Tom's hand immediately, gripping it, and just as you're about to pull it away, he leans in and whispers, hot against your ear, "Baby doll, you're making me look bad," he states, his tone as condescending as it always is, and your heart does a somersault in your chest.
He looks down at you this time, his blue eyes lock with yours for a moment and his hand falters on your hip. For an actor, Tom Ryder has surprisingly no poker face because when he sees your distressed state, his demeanor shifts, and instead of frustration, he takes on a different approach.   
He takes your hand, suddenly twirling you around and you make a small sound as you stumble. It's been a few seconds since anyone has sung the song, so he sings again and this time, his eyes stay on yours as he sings your lyrics.
"You know this," he mouths, encouraging you as he does this weird, clearly drunk-induced shimmy that makes you laugh despite your better judgment. He points to the small screen where the lyrics are displayed.
You take a breath and then sing, focusing on him instead of the crowd and your head feels light. You would have never guessed there would be a day when you'd find comfort in Tom Ryder. Your friends clap with amusement and laughter swirls around the bar as you both continue to sing and dance. 
Occasionally, Tom will pull you in closer but you'll move away, flustered, and when the song finally ends, you move back and almost trip on the mic's cord. 
With a gasp, you expect to fall flat on your ass but instead, Tom wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into him as your palms press on his chest. You're breathing heavily and so is he, his hand is still on your back as his eyes roam over all your features until you push him away and walk down the small stairs and back to the ground where all your friends are whispering and clapping. 
You feel like you can't breathe, your heart beating so quickly. You mumble a quick "excuse me" to Vanessa, snatch your purse from the bar counter, and open the door to outside. The cool air calms your burning skin and you lean against the building. 
What the fuck was that? Why was he looking at you like that? 
"You know, it's normal to be nervous around someone like me," Tom's voice interrupts your panic and you spin around, not expecting to see him. "But running from me? Now, darling, that's truly a first," he finishes with a chuckle and an obnoxious smirk. 
"You're so full of yourself," you whisper automatically but then your eyes round as if you've realized what you'd said. 
Tom looks surprised but he also remains cool as he strokes a hand down his jaw and puts it on his hip. "Mm, I assume you're not a fan then." 
You cross your arms and look anywhere but directly at him because fuck, why did someone so incredibly stupid and pretentious have to be so darn hot? "You could say that, sure," you shrug. "Not everyone likes you, Tom Ryder." You shut yourself up as soon as the words leave your mouth. This isn't exactly something you should say to someone who you work with.
However, Tom's expression sours and he lifts his eyebrow. "You don't like me?"
You turn to him, eyes locking with him this time. "That isn't what I said."
Tom's eyebrows crease and he squints at you, removing his stupid sunglasses and they push back his blond hair. "You're confusing me." He sounds genuine. 
You can't help but chuckle at his idiocy and surprisingly for you, your laughter makes him smile. He leans in and you lean away, eyes round when you realize how close he's becoming. "You have such a sexy laugh," he says cockily, "Bet I can make you do it again."
You hate to admit this but your heart does flutter at his words. Can anyone really blame you? It's Tom. Fucking. Ryder. You try to remind yourself how much of a dick he is—and always has been—but as you look into the blue of his eyes, his reassuring touch burns imprints on your skin and you feel dizzy. 
"You look familiar," Tom straightens himself, "Have I seen you somewhere? You been in any magazines? You certainly have the look."
You ignore the so-called complement and stare at him. He has to be kidding. You've been doing his makeup for over six months now and he supposedly sees you almost every day. You worked on his face every single day—how could he not recognize you? You open your mouth to ask if this is a joke but he interrupts you.
"Seriously, I must know you from somewhere. Gimme a hint, baby,"
Your stomach sinks and you feel so so stupid. Tom doesn't sense your shift as he's still focused on whatever fleeting emotion may have been between you before as his hand finds your hip. 
Instantly, your palm connects with his cheek, and the sound cracks into the air. "Don't touch me," you say harshly, ignoring how shaky your voice is.
Tom looks at you, his hand over his bruised cheek, "You hit me?!" he says in disbelief, "What the fu—" 
You don't stick around to hear his whining as you turn around and run from him. 
"Hey–wait!" you hear Tom's shout but why would you turn around now? Tears of frustration brim your eyes as you hastily walk down the empty sidewalk.
There is no way you're fucking crying over Tom fucking Ryder right now, you tell yourself and pinch the inside of your eyes. 
No way. 
You ignore Vanessa's incessant calling and her worried texts when you arrive at your apartment. You scream in frustration, throwing your heels across the room and scaring your poor cat, Pumpkin, as she sprints into the living room, her claws against the floorboards.
Quickly, you follow her and scoop her into your arms, "'M sorry, baby," you coo and nuzzle your nose into her fur. "I'm sorry Mommy scared you."
You hear Vanessa's fifth call from your purse but you're too exhausted to deal with her and the fallout from what had happened tonight, so instead you sit on the couch and cuddle with Pumpkin, scratching behind her ears. 
* * * 
When you pull into the parking lot of the new set the next morning, you haven't slept well and you feel like shit—it doesn't help that they're filming outside today, in the summer heat, and grainy sand infiltrates into your Converse. 
You groan as you walk over to the makeup trailer and see Vanessa waiting for you. You almost called in sick this morning until you realized how guilty that would make you look, so you sucked it up. 
"Y/n?!" Vanessa shrieks and pulls you behind the trailer. "Where have you been?! I've called you a hundred times, why haven't you answered any of them? I was worried Ryder somehow took you home and that I'd lost 10 bucks—" 
"Gross, why would you think that?" you say with disgust as if you weren't surprised to hear that after you left Tom hadn't returned to the bar. 
"I mean, for one, Ryder was missing and no one knew where he went. And second, are you shitting me? Girl, the tension was more than palpable! You were practically dry-humping Tom Ryder in front of everyone!" 
You feel like someone has just punched you in the stomach and your voice comes out high and nervous when you exclaim, "I was not! It wasn't like that, V! Is that what everyone thinks?" Vanessa nods as an answer and you want to scream. 
"I swear, I- nothing happened—even outside—I- funny story I slapped him because he's a jerk and I- I don't like him!" you ramble and your heart thumps quicker when Vanessa looks behind you and her mouth curls into a devious smirk.
"Don't look now, sweetie, but your boyfriend just arrived," she pauses and checks her watch, "An hour late. As usual." Vanessa looks you dead in the eyes and then she teases, "Chop chop, time to put makeup on your man." 
Your eyes widen and you pull Vanessa further behind the trailer so Tom won't see you or her. You hold her shoulders. "Please switch with me for today. He won't even notice the difference, and Allie doesn't need to have her makeup done until noon so that way I don't have to see him! Please, V, I'll do anything!" 
Vanessa crosses her arms, "Nothing happened with him, hm?"
You look at her, your eyes round and pleading, "Please."
"Fine, but you're paying for my lunch later," she says and taps your nose, "and giving me a detailed rundown on what happened with Ryder."
You nod reluctantly, whispering a small thank you under your breath as she turns to walk into the makeup trailer behind Tom. You let out a breath, leaning against the trailer. You know you'll have to face him at some point—just not now.
The day drags on and on as the heat is becoming almost unbearable. You stand to the side, your makeup kit secured to your hip as you watch the scene from under a tent. It's another action sequence and it's very obvious Tom's makeup is fading from the warmth and his sweat. 
Shit, you realize, he needs a touch-up. Vanessa didn't use the correct primer. 
You look around, hoping to see Vanessa and tell her Ryder needs a touch but the director's voice cuts in and you tense, "Cut! Someone come to fix his face!" Jody turns to you, her eyes kind as her voice becomes a little less stressed when she sees you're prepared for this, "Can you fix his makeup?" 
Shit, shit, shit. 
This is your job, you can't say no so you walk out onto the set where Tom is leaning against a prop rock. He straightens himself and when he turns, he doesn't have the chance to process your presence as you guide him down and fumble with your kit. 
He's taller than you so he's leaning down so you can fix him up properly. You put your hand on his jaw, near his ear, to steady him as you touch up under his eyes and near his cheekbones. 
He's staring at you and you know he recognizes you this time, his blue eyes wide and puppy-like. 
Silently, you add some powder on his cheeks and nose so the product sticks better this time and when you let him go, Tom opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head no, and then you turn your head and hurry back behind the camera. 
Your ears are burning from embarrassment as you walk directly to the makeup trailer, without looking back at anyone. 
You've barely closed the door when it slams open and you scream. You spin around just as someone tries to hold onto your arm and on instinct you grab the hairspray that's in your kit and spray it directly into… Tom's eyes. 
He screams too, his voice high-pitched and very un-sexy, as he clutches his eyes. Seeing him only causes you to scream again. "Ryder?!" you exclaim and immediately take his arm, pulling him inside the trailer as he wails like a child and rubs at his eyes. 
You slap his hands away and push him down under the faucet, pouring water into his eyes and in the process drenching his blond hair and ruining his mascara. 
"Fuck," he groans as he sputters out water as he jerks away from you. You move closer to him and without thinking hold both of his cheeks in your hands, looking directly into his, now slightly irritated, eyes. 
"Does it hurt?" you whisper, clearly concerned. 
Tom rests his hands on yours and pulls them away, "What do you think?" he groans and blinks a few times. "You're the girl—" he mutters and pinches his nose, "at karaoke. I remember you now."
You realize how close you are to him now and, overwhelmed, you step back. "Lucky me," you mumble sarcastically and take his arm, pulling him to one of the seats. "I have to fix your face again or someone is gonna fire me." 
He's weirdly docile as he looks at your work as you dry his hair. Once you're done, he speaks up, "Why'd you run from me? I mean, c'mon, the way you looked at me with those fuck-me eyes—" 
Tom has no shame and of course, he wouldn't. He's probably never really been rejected in his entire life and women have most likely let him speak to them like this. You pause and pull his chin harder so he's looking at you as you continue with his mascara. 
"Tell me honestly Ryder, do you even hear yourself when you speak?" you ask, your voice strained. 
"What?" Tom asks, sounding genuinely confused. 
"You're an asshole. That's why I ran from you." You drop his chin and your word vomit comes out without you being able to help it as you cross your arms, "I mean—I have been doing your makeup for months! And you've only ever left me your stupid post-it notes when you have a demand! No "Hi," "Good morning," "How are you?" No. Nothing like that. And I tried! I really tried in the beginning because like everyone else on this fucked up planet I thought you were awesome."
Tom opens his mouth to make a snide comment but you instantly press your finger to his lips. 
"I really thought, "I'm so lucky to be Tom Ryder's makeup artist!" and then I found out Tom Ryder is a shit person that doesn't—"  
"I'm not a shit person," Tom deadpans and stares at you as if your words have hurt him. 
You tilt your head and drop your arms to your side. You don't even know what to say to him anymore. 
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I made you feel shitty, okay?" Tom defends and his cheeks are pink, "I just—I am really bad with faces—and I-I was completely shit-faced and high on–" 
He pauses, stands, and wraps his hand around your jaw, his thumb stroking your bare cheek as your eyes widen and you tense. Something about his charm makes it impossible for you to move and because his touch is gentle, you aren't too worried. For now. "'M sorry. I am. Can't we call it even since you hit me and sprayed me in the face with whatever that fucking was?!"
He continues, "—listen, I liked karaoke with you and I was shit-faced so I know I must have been a dick."
"You're always a dick, Ryder," you comment, your tone less mad than earlier.   
"Then, you don't know me very well," Tom shrugs, "or like at all." 
"So—you're saying all this dick-ishness is a persona?" You sound very skeptical and Tom just shrugs as his thumb strokes over your skin once more and then he drops his hand, putting some distance between you and him. 
"No. Not entirely. But, you know, that doesn't mean I'm incapable of genuine feelings, Y/n."
You're surprised when you hear your name fall from his lips. Tom sees your expression and another one of his smirks curls at his lips, "As I said, I remember you now. Always did—my hot makeup artist—ask anyone—ask Gail, I mention you a lot. I was just hammered, you know? High out my mind—and it heightened all my fucking senses that I couldn't get your laugh out my head for hours." 
"If you're joking," you say and glare at him, "it isn't funny." 
Tom puts a hand on his heart dramatically, "'M not. Scouts fucking honor." 
You look at him and for once, you can't read him. "Well, either way, that doesn't change how much of an asshole you've been to me. You never said "hi" but you told Gail about me? Sorry, but that doesn't impress me."
You walk up to him and tilt his head using his chin, examining his make-up once more, and then you take his arm and try to pull him out of the trailer, "Now, c'mon, you have a job to do—go do it," you hiss.
"No," you start but he won't move. He turns around and stares at you. Fuck, he's strong. "Why won't you leave?" you ask, breathless as you step away from him. 
"Do you hate me so much that you won't even consider that I genuinely find you interesting?" he asks with a hint of insecurity in his voice again. "That I liked spending time with you and I think you're pretty."  
Your chest tightens and you sigh, "I- I don't know," you admit and you look up at him. You can't deny that your feelings have shifted and a little voice in your head screams that this is a trap and he'll eventually break your heart. 
"Here," Tom fumbles with the pants of his costume and pulls out a pen and a post-it note. 
"You seriously just carry those on you?" you crack a smile, finding that weirdly endearing. 
"Yeah," Tom says like it's the most normal thing ever and then he writes down something on the paper. When he hands it to you it's the name of a restaurant. You frown, it's your favorite restaurant. He'd written a time beside the name. 
"How do you know this is my favorite restaurant?" you ask. 
Tom looks up, his smirk turning into a smile. "I didn't—it's mine."
Your frown deepens, "Hm, I didn't take you for a low-priced family-run Chinese restaurant kinda guy—don't you have a personal chef or something," you say and look at the time he's written down, "What is this anyway?" 
Tom shrugs and adjusts his hair. "I do but I like this place. The family who owns it never tells anyone I've been there, it gives me some privacy," he sounds serious and he walks closer to you, "Don't tell anyone, it might ruin my reputation and then your favorite restaurant might be swarmed by a bunch of fangirls," he smirks, pleased with himself. 
You can't help but chuckle. 
"And this," he points to the time, "is where I'll be tomorrow evening if you'd like to join me," he says nonchalantly and then opens the trailer door. Just as he does, he takes his phone and takes a picture of the time so he remembers it and he sends you a wink. "I won't wait long but if you do come, it's on me." 
You stare at the paper and realize Tom Ryder has just asked you on a date. You look up but he's gone and your heart does about ten thousand summersaults as your brain screams in agony. Your cheeks feel warm as you fold the paper up and put it in the pocket of your jeans. 
You're so very screwed.
You hear a ding and then a text from Vanessa saying, "Ryder's mic was on—crew heard absolutely everything—we didn't wanna interrupt your moment," she adds a mocking winking emoji but you don't care. 
That's the least of your worries now that you have a date with Tom Ryder.
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idanit · 4 months
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what HO—
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eddiesghxst · 7 months
steddie x sensitive!reader where eddie’s ur best friend that you do ‘more than best friend’ things with and steve was the asshole at school that would tease you and always make you cry.
eddie knew about it but he didn’t know your bully was steve so when eddie and steve start working together and you stop by one day eddie doesn’t think much of it when u see steve and ur really jumpy and look like ur ready to bolt out of there because you’re often shy around strangers.
and steve doesn’t even fucking remember you and so when you leave steve is like “is she always that jumpy?? like was i being weird or??” and eddie just shakes his head and is like “nah she just has a hard time w strangers. some asshole used to tease the shit out of her in high school. she never told me who it was but the day i find out i swear i’ll hunt them down and strangle them myself.” and steve is like wow what kind of an asshole would do that to a girl like you??
because steve thinks you’re pretty and sweet and he likes you and he thinks he wants to ask you out but how will he do that when he: 1 - can’t seem to have a conversation with you and not scare you off 2 - is convinced you and eddie are definitely dating even if eddie says it’s not like that and 3 - can’t decide who he’s more jealous of when he sees how close you two are
because is that even normal? is it normal to like two people at the same time? is it normal to feel left out when you and eddie are snuggled together during movie night? is it normal to want to hold both of your hands, kiss both you, touch both of you??? iS iT ?!!?!
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ken-dom · 19 days
Stay Quiet, Stay Near, Stay Close
Colt Seavers x gn!reader
2.2k words
∘₊✧ Summary: You help Colt unwind with a hot bath and a massage.
Can be read as a part two to my previous Colt fic or can be standalone.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: I don’t know what it is about Colt Seavers (particularly with long hair) that makes me desperately want to soothe him via handjob but here you have the second version of exactly that — unlikely to be the last! @heresthestorymorningglory was my partner in crime as usual and gave me the perfect Colt song for the title, from Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional.
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: nsfw, hot bath, hair washing, massage, handjob, praise, crying, before during and aftercare!! Long hair Colt!
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Even beneath the shimmering softness of warm, soapy bath water, Colt’s body lays heavily against yours as he sinks further into your safe, massaging hands.
With your legs either side of his waist and his back to your chest, you can feel every breath he takes, slow and steady. It’s kind of like a physical meditation that soothes you from the outside in, and you wonder how heavy you’ve become, too, while you’ve been soothing his aches away.
His head rests, lolling in the crook of your neck with long damp strands of blonde sticking to your flesh among the rising steam, slightly darker where the tips have met the water.
Kneading the flesh at his broad shoulders in a soothing rhythm, you bite your lip to resist the urge to let your fingers wander. You want to slide them further down his muscular arms and caress those firm contours, but that would be purely for your own pleasure and this is about Colt.
You can’t quite see his face from here, just a glimpse of his handsome profile out of the corner of your eye, but you can hear the infrequent little catches of breath and feel the way he tenses up for a moment every time he bites back a moan.
You can see the rest of his body clearly enough though, golden in the warmth of the candlelight. His slowly rising and falling chest, his knees protruding from beneath the bubbles where his legs are spread, feet planted firmly beside yours. And you can see the way his body is reacting to your touch; as your eyes drag over his form again, you notice his fingers tighten their grip around the rim of the bathtub.
‘Huhng-’ he grunts, knuckles turning white.
‘Sorry,’ you breathe, withdrawing your fingers and gradually resuming the more measured pace you’d set before letting yourself get carried away with his big strong arms carrying you and the way his muscles might flex as he touches you, and accidentally pressed your thumbs just a little too sharply into his shoulders.
‘S’alright,’ he slurs, dropped against you again, far too relaxed to bother much about separating words unnecessarily. ‘Felt good.’
Despite sharing a hot bathtub, your naked bodies pressed together under hot, steamy water, you’re very aware that you’re here because you’re trying to help him relax, to ease his pain and hopefully to get a good night’s sleep. But the way your body reacted to those two innocent words that dripped off his tongue like warm honey — Felt good —  isn’t exactly conducive to focussing solely on Colt’s shoulder tension.
You close your eyes and recompose yourself.
‘You… want me to do that again?’ you offer, hands hovering, and Colt nods his approval with a quiet hum.
Watching his hands closely, you dig the pads of your thumbs firmly above his shoulder blades, loosening the knots you can feel there with a little more force than before. You feel him jolt as you work them out, and see his knuckles turn white again as his fingers grip the edge of the tub.
And you hear him moan.
Oh no.
You know Colt’s moans exceptionally well. They’re always so loud and unrestrained, and you’re surprised he’s lasted this long through a massage without one or two escaping until now. No mistake, you want to hear them – of course you do! But you’re not sure how good of a job you’ll make of soothing him for a restful night when all you can think about is the way he sounds when you pleasure him.
Please him, you correct yourself.
Then again. Perhaps that would help…
You slow the rhythmic circles to a stop. It’s reluctant, but necessary if you’re going to at least attempt to concentrate. You can always return to rubbing steady patterns into his supple flesh as he lays in bed beside you later. With that in mind, you grab the shampoo bottle to move things along.
‘Scalp next, handsome,’ you say softly, mindful that he’s already somewhat of a puddle and the last thing he needs is a bolt of your over-enthusiasm at getting your fingers tangled in his luscious hair.
‘Mmmh,’ he hums, not even bothering to nod this time. He can feel himself melting against you, feel how heavy he must be becoming while he actually feels like he’s floating.
You wonder if washing his hair will finally send him off to sleep and you’ll have to drag him out of the bath after somehow managing to slide yourself out from underneath his burly frame… but whatever. He needs it, it’s working, let him have it. Worry about the rest later, post-hair wash and scalp massage.
You squeeze out a dollop of shampoo, warming it between your palms, sliding your fingers from the nape of his neck and up, deliberate and so sensual that Colt begins to hum again. It’s a little more high pitched this time. Whiny.
He shivers against you, skin prickling with tingles, and with some effort, he lifts his head to allow you the space to continue exactly what you’re doing. Don’t stop, he thinks, but he isn’t sure how to say it out loud. Maybe he is saying it? He can’t quite tell. It doesn’t matter. You’re not stopping. He knows you won’t stop as long as he needs it. 
A low groan drags from his throat, though, head as heavy in your hands now as his torso feels against yours, and his hair tangles around your fingers as they drag, slow and mesmerising, over his scalp. Another little moan.
You allow your eyes to drag over what you can see of his body again. As a treat. The way the light dances on the contours of his chest, those husky arms, the tip of his thick cock appearing from beneath the bathwater…
‘B-blended… ice…’
You’re brought back to your senses by Colt’s incoherent muttering, realising that your fingernails are scraping quite harshly against his scalp, but he mustn’t mind it too much because there’s still a low groan lacing his stuttered words.
Margaritas. He’s putty in your hands, achingly hard, and muttering about margaritas. 
This is the man you adore. And he needs you.
You rinse the shampoo away as best you can at this angle, and reach for the conditioner, squeezing a helping onto your palm.
‘Wanna make margaritas later?’ he drawls. It's the most coherent he’s sounded since insisting that you use the neroli and amber bath bubbles he likes, but that was before climbing into the tub and immediately melting, mind and body, against you.
Even Colt isn’t sure where his question came from because all he can think about now is how he wants your hands, soft, clever, precise hands, between his thighs now instead. Another question he isn’t sure how to translate from hazy thought to speech. But margaritas, sure. That appears out of nowhere.
Maybe he isn’t sleepy at all but just… zen? Random thoughts he matches up with feeling close to you spilling out while he feels safe enough to let them?
‘I think we can stretch to margaritas if you’re not too relaxed to sit up,’ you appease him.
‘Mmh. I’ll manage.’
‘You sure about that?’
You finally allow a hand to glide down over his chest, soft from the steam, and rest it at his belly where the water gently laps against your movements.
Your breath catches in your throat at how firm he feels under your palm, the way he trembles just slightly as your hand travels lower. The way he whines.
His breath catches at the exact same moment; your touch sending tingles coursing down to his core. The hazy air thickens in the split second that you both freeze, and he grits his teeth, seeming to regain some coherence now you’re doing exactly what he wanted. Kind of embarrassing though, right? To get a hardon from a scalp massage and the way your fingers pulled at the long strands in the process…
‘Was kinda hoping you wouldn’t notice.’
‘Pretty hard not to,’ you reply under your breath, but he hears you and you can practically feel his smirk. ‘You know, I’ve heard that hair conditioner has some excellent… other uses.’
You slide your other arm around his waist, revealing your palmful of the silky product.
‘Trust me?’
Your fingers close around his length, conditioner-covered palm coating the half of him visible above the water. He shifts to reveal more and you begin to stroke, long and slow, kneading lightly, just as you had with his aching muscles.
But it’s easier to massage with the addition of this impromptu aid, the thick, glossy liquid allowing your hand to glide over his skin with ease.
‘Feel good?’ You press your mouth to his neck, keeping the pace of your slicked up hand steady as your tongue slips from between your lips and drags over the sensitive flesh, lips closing now and again to nip at his skin and feel him shudder.
His cock twitches inside your grip, strong enough that you can feel it begging you to jerk him faster before his blissed out brain catches up and he moans, ‘Please- please-’
He’s bucking his hips enough that the gentle lapping of the water escalates to loud sloshing against the sides of the tub and hot, scented water splashes over onto the floor, steaming puddles quickly cooling against the tiles.
Every laboured breath Colt takes in is exhaled laced with a grunt or a low whimper, echoing around the room and surrounding you both with the sounds of his pleasure. It’s turning desperate though, and you don’t want him desperate. You want him to enjoy the journey, ride it out with nothing but bliss.
‘Shhh,’ you soothe him, working the heel of your other palm over his shoulder again as you stroke his cock in the same rhythm. ‘It’s ok. Tell me what you need.’
The combination of the soothing touch at his shoulder and the electric touch lower down – the one setting something ablaze in his gut – is driving Colt wild.
You can feel it radiating from his pores and don’t require a verbal response to decipher what he needs. He needs exactly this, until he doesn’t anymore. And then he’ll need you.
‘You need to cum, don’t you, baby? Is that it?’
Colt’s head drops back against your shoulder, heavy again as the tension that’s been coiling, hot in his gut, subsides with the increased speed of your hand and the languid swipes of your thumb over his steadily leaking tip.
He manages a low hum, and you don’t push it. You could carry on, slow your hand back down and force him to use words, to beg, before you’ll allow his release. But that’s not the point of this, and it’s not what you want. You want him sated and comforted and safe. 
‘It’s alright, let go for me,’ you coo, and without a beat, he does, a thick creamy rope splattering up over his chest and dripping down, mingling into the bath water.
A growl tears from his throat as his peak hits, tapering off into a weak little whimper, and he slumps, his weight almost crushing you if it wasn’t for the small volume of water still in the tub with you. Colt wonders if you’ll notice the tears dropping into it.
You do, but you say nothing. In another position, you’d have wiped his cheeks, so instead you file it away.
You manage to release the bath plug with your foot, letting the water drain as you hoist him forward and upward, clumsily reaching around for a jug of fresh, warm water to rinse the both of you off. Untangling your bodies, already sweaty from shared heat, you climb out and wrap yourself and then him in a fluffy towel and help him climb out of the tub.
Colt’s legs feel wobbly, and his head is spinning a little as his blood finds its way back from his core to his extremities. The heat of the water he’s been soaking in for probably too long isn’t doing much to help matters. He feels woozy, but still safe.
Before he knows it, you’ve dried him off, guided him onto his bed, plumped his pillows to support his back, and slipped his favorite joggers on for him. He can’t remember if he saw you bothering with underwear, and he doesn’t care. He can feel aftershocks in his soft cock, and it’s reassuring, somehow.
You realise as you sit on the edge of the bed that you didn’t actually condition his hair. You’re careful not to cause any knots where it’s still wet as you brush through it for him. It doesn’t matter. Next time, you will, if the feel or smell of it doesn’t get him too excited and distract you both again.
Colts whole body feels incredibly silky against the fabrics, and he can’t remember ever feeling quite this good as he wriggles against the sheets, settling in. 
‘Still want that margarita?’ you tease, and with his eyelids too heavy to keep open now, he just huffs a gentle laugh and lets sleep wash over him.
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happy74827 · 22 days
I Want To Be Your Lover
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[Colt Seavers x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You’ve always felt something for Colt, resorting to a friendship as he is completely unaware. But when he comes knocking at your door… it’s hard to not connect reality to fantasy {GIF Creds: @colt-and-jody // Please go and watch the edit they made of Colt + Jody. Literally Amazing 🤩}.
WC: 2199
Category: Slight Fluff + Spice/Lime, First Kiss, {TW: Mentions of Murder}
Obsessed… I’m so obsessed with him…
His hands grasped your face as he pulled you close, your heart pounding, breath quickening. The way he could pull you up onto him without warning and how it was so effortless. The way he'd hold your thighs around him as he made out with you, his hands traveling up your thighs, then under your shirt, touching your bare back, your waist, your chest.
Then he'd lean into your ear, those stupid lips kissing the bottom of it, gently, delicately, but firm and knowing. It was the way he'd whisper something so unserious that would almost turn you off him for a minute, but then he was smiling with those stupid dimples, eyes sparkling like the stupid sea, and you couldn't help yourself from melting all over again.
That’s what you believed about Colt Seavers. That was the dream, the fantasy, the perfect little love story between the two of you; that was the life you'd created in your head. He was the love, the life, the future.
But the sad truth was, it was only a dream because the real Colt Seavers was painfully oblivious.
He would laugh, smile, and give you that wink that was meant to be sexy but was actually kind of stupid, and then he'd be gone, and you'd be left with that aching in your heart.
The one that showed the fact that you were a friend, nothing more. A good friend, a best friend, someone to be close to, someone to talk to, but not someone to love. Not the way you loved him.
So you would often find yourself in your head, where it was safe, where there were no consequences. Because in your mind, Colt did notice you, he did care, and he did love you back. In your mind, he'd wrap his strong arms around you and kiss you with all the passion that you'd wanted for so long.
In reality, you'd be walking along beside him, listening to his voice, laughing at his jokes, and wishing that he would see you, the real you, and not just the friend.
And then, one night, it was as though the angels had heard your prayer.
You were sleeping, probably dreaming of Colt if you were honest, when you were awoken by knocks at your door. At first, you thought it was your imagination, or the wind, or whatever, but it happened again, and you groaned, throwing the covers off you and shuffling your way to the front door.
When you opened it, you were surprised to see Colt standing there, looking as if he had gone through hell and back. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had the most pitiful expression on his face.
You stared at him for a moment before speaking.
"Colt…?” You still couldn’t believe it was him. “What’re…what're you doing here?"
Colt shrugged and looked down. "Can I… uh, spend the night? Here?"
Your mind immediately went straight to the gutter. The two of you, alone, in your home, late at night, and no one around.
Yes, yes, yes.
But you weren’t completely lost to him. You were still aware of the situation and the fact that you had no idea what was going on.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Don’t you still have a hotel room? Since you’re working?"
He started at you, blinking, while you waited for an answer. He seemed almost taken aback by your response, but he didn’t seem surprised.
In fact, his expression turned a bit sheepish. If it weren’t for the fact that it was late and that you were so confused, you would have found it adorable.
"You haven’t watched the news yet, have you?" He asked.
You frowned. "No. Why?"
“Good, that means you’ll let me in."
Before you could reply, he took the opportunity to step inside. You watched him, eyes wide, as he made his way into your kitchen, opening the refrigerator, pulling out a drink, and grabbing a slice of pizza from your leftover box.
It wasn't until you heard him groan that you snapped out of it.
"Colt? What are you doing?"
"Eating,” he said with a mouth full of pizza. He was sitting on your kitchen counter. “God, I miss this, and I don’t know why."
Sometimes, your crush on him was questionable, especially times like this.
"That's great," you rolled your eyes. "But why are you here? And what about the news?
He paused for a second and then looked at you, eyes soft, a small, apologetic smile on his face. It almost melted your heart.
You didn’t even realize the fact that he was soaked until that moment. And was he… was he bleeding?!
"Colt, are you—”
"I’m wanted for murder, which, to set the record straight, I did not do," he answered, taking another bite of pizza.
"Wanted for—what?!" You practically shrieked.
He held his hand up to stop you and finished his bite of pizza before speaking again.
"I know, I know. Crazy, right? This pizza, by the way… amazing. Where did you get it from? Dominos? This… This is what heaven tastes like, I think. It's gotta be.”
You were stunned. Speechless. Absolutely flabbergasted.
He didn’t even seem to notice your distress as he hopped down from the counter and threw the now-empty pizza box into the garbage.
"Long story short, the world thinks I’m dead after Tom — who turns out to be even more of an asshole than I thought — tried to have me killed to be the fall guy of his murder. Didn’t work, obviously, but it's not like he knows that."
He continued talking, but at this point, you had zoned him out. Your head was spinning, and you could barely keep up with him as he paced around your kitchen.
"So, anyway, I got away, and now I have to stay hidden and all that jazz. Hence, why I'm here, I couldn’t go anywhere else. I figured you would let me crash here tonight. I hope that's cool. And hey, if not, then that's fine; I can… find a ditch of something to sleep in, or a hay bail, or a cow shed, or whatever. It's cool."
You still couldn’t process it. None of it made sense. You weren't sure if you were dreaming or not. Maybe it was a nightmare. You had been thinking of Colt all night, and now he was here, and everything was insane.
You weren’t even sure if he had stopped talking or not or if he had noticed the fact that you were practically catatonic.
You needed to lie down. You needed to think. You needed to…
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Colt waving his hand in front of your face. A normal behavior for him, but somehow, right now, it sparked something inside of you.
He dropped his hand when he noticed the stare you were giving him. But it wasn’t just any stare, no. It was one that said a million things at once.
And you were sure he saw it because he, too, had a look. One that was much different than the one he normally gave you. One that was a bit more… serious.
His eyebrows were furrowed together, he had a frown on his lips, and his eyes were softer but also darker and deeper. They were the eyes of someone who had gone through some shit. Real shit.
It was a look you'd never seen on him, and you were sure the look you gave him was a first for him, too.
Different reasons, of course.
And for a moment, you had forgotten that this was the real Colt Seavers. Not the one from your fantasies, not the one from your dreams.
But the real Colt.
Which meant you had to take a moment to collect yourself. Acting out and getting all crazy and lovey-dovey wasn't something he needed right now.
"You… can stay. Of course you can," you sighed. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed, is all."
Colt's serious face didn’t drop, but he did nod, understanding.
"Thanks. I'm sorry for barging in here and acting all crazy. It's just I had nowhere else to go, and I figured… you'd be the one to understand."
You smiled softly. "Don’t worry about it, Colt. Seriously. You can’t even kill a bug. So, a murder charge is the last thing I'm worried about."
The corner of his lip twitched into a slight smile. "Did I ever tell you about the time I caught a rat?"
"No. No, you did not."
"Yeah, it didn’t end well.”
“For the rat or you?" You grew a grin on your face.
“I’ll leave that to your imagination," he teased, glancing up at the ceiling. It gave you a chance to examine his face. Messed up and bruised, but it was still him—still your Colt.
"So… the rat won?"
"He put up a good fight, I'll tell you that."
"Did you cry?"
"Nope, I was a total badass."
"Oh yeah, I'm sure. Taylor Swift would be so proud."
"I know she would."
"She'd probably write a song about it."
"Well, duh. Of course, she would. How else would she immortalize our love story?"
It was at this moment that your brain and your heart finally got in sync, and you realized exactly what was happening.
By the time you looked at him, just to see if his tone matched his expression, Colt was already staring at you. And even though he was smiling as he normally would, his eyes were different.
You couldn’t make it out, but something was there. Something that wasn’t usually there but was now, and it wasn’t a nice feeling. It made you feel uncomfortable.
It was the same feeling you had when you caught him talking to girls but then flashed his smile at you. When he'd call you his 'best bud' and then hug you for a little too long.
This was that feeling, but worse. So much worse.
You’d see this part in your dreams, but they usually had a happy ending, one that included a kiss. Well, more than a kiss.
You’d take the initiative, and he’d go along with it, slowly becoming more and more in control until it was him, him, him.
And in the dream, you'd kiss him and feel him on you, his hands traveling up and down your body, his breath hot against your neck, his lips leaving marks all over your skin.
But when you opened your eyes, usually you were back in bed, the fantasy ending. And it was hard not to feel sad.
But, for some reason, when you opened your eyes this time, Colt was still there. And his hands were still touching you, and his breath was still hot, and his lips were still kissing you.
You weren’t sure if this was reality or not. You had dreamed about him so many times it was hard to tell the difference.
But the longer you kissed, the more it felt real.
You had no idea how you got there, how it had happened. All you knew was that Colt's hands were grasping your face, your hands were in his damp hair, his mouth was against yours, and the whole murder thing was forgotten.
And it was a good kiss, too. The kind of kiss that made your toes curl, your body tremble, your mind go blank, and the only thing you could focus on was the craving for more.
It was a desperate, needy, passionate, hungry, messy kiss.
When Colt pulled away, you were breathless, and your head was spinning. Your lips were numb, and you could barely stand, but Colt had an arm around your waist, holding you up, his other hand still touching your face delicately, tenderly.
"That was the best pizza I've ever had," he breathed out. "Ever. In my entire life."
It was at this moment you knew for a fact that this was the real Colt and the real you. And you were both awake, and it was happening.
Colt Seavers, the boy or man you'd loved forever, had finally opened his eyes.
And you were going to kill him.
You were going to actually, truly murder him.
He couldn't kiss you like that and say something stupid like that?
But before you could get a word in, he was kissing you again, and you were melting, and all anger had vanished. A lot of power this boy had over you.
This time, the kiss was different. More controlled, calmer, sweeter.
He took his time and savored every second. It was a lot more intimate, and the hand on your face was gone. Instead, it was on your neck, tilting your head upwards, and his other arm was around your waist, keeping you close.
When you were left breathless, he didn't pull away. Instead, he continued kissing you, his lips traveling down your jaw to your neck.
You gasped, feeling his tongue on your neck and his hands roaming your back. It was the exact fantasy you'd imagined for so long. Except this was so much better.
Because it was real.
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It usually takes me about two to three fics before I fully “understand” the character’s personality… and Colt turned out to be MUCH HARDER to write about (I kept rewriting this from the beginning at least 10 times). So, apologizes if you this sucks and is totally ooc 😬😬
I half-heartedly blame it on the fact that my memory is garbage and I’m too broke to rewatch it in theaters.
But, nonetheless, I’m happy to add and help populate the growing fandom — even if this isn’t up to par.
And to everyone who is still reading this, thank you for making me not feel alone with my Fall Guy obsession 🥹🫶
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lost-pen-name · 15 days
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: You were about to leave Tom’s suite when a heavy rainstorm started. Not wanting to risk trying to drive in such poor conditions, you grabbed your stuff from your car, returned back to his door, and asked if you could stay the night. He, begrudgingly, obliged and allowed you to stay in the guest bedroom.
Genre: Fluff, cuddling, comfort
Word count: 2176
Warnings: none
{ you came? you called. }
You were sitting alone in bed, trembling like a leaf, when the power went out in Tom Ryder’s house.
The light flickered for a moment before going out completely, along with the rest of all things electrical. The house was unsettlingly quiet and felt off without the hum of the fridge or air conditioner.
Lightning crackled outside. You pushed yourself a bit out of bed, debating on the idea to go look for Tom, just so you wouldn’t have to be alone. But that would mean leaving the safety of your room.
“Tom?” you called out instead. You looked back at the large window across the bedroom. Even with the curtains drawn, light flashed across the room sporadically.
Farther across the house, you swore you could hear someone moving around. Your heart pounded and you waited, holding your breath, hoping it was Tom coming to check on you. You just needed to know another human existed right now.
There was a THUD and a curse that came after. It sounded like it came from farther down the hall.
A second later you heard an “Oi, what happened?” That familiar voice came from your doorway and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You breathed a sigh of relief and swiped at an unshed tear. You prayed your voice won’t have too much desperation in it. “You came.”
“What? Of course I did. A woman screams my name out in the middle of the freaking night, I’d be crazy not to come.” He sounds agitated and tired but you don’t care, you’re just clinging to the fact that there’s someone here now. “Why’d you call for me? I hope you know I almost died on the way over here. The power’s out, I can’t see a bloody thing.”
Lightning lit up the room and you caught a glance at Tom Ryder standing in the doorway, wearing only a pair of loose fitting sweatpants. A series of thunderclaps shot an arrow of anxiety through the bubble of thought of how gorgeous he looked even at 1am.
You closed your eyes and tried to breathe deeply. “I... I didn’t want to be alone. Not with this storm raging outside.” You gestured towards the window just as thunder booms again.
You heard him sigh. “What am I supposed to do, crawl into bed with you?”
The idea of having someone close to you overpowers all the reason in your brain screaming at you that this wasn’t good for your business relationship. The fear of being alone in this storm trumped all rational thoughts.
“Could you? Even just for a bit?” you said.
There’s a moment of silence before you hear his footsteps and he’s at the side of your bed. You look up at him and gulp. Maybe this was a dumb thing to ask.
“Fine. But give me some blanket.” Without another word, he’s on the bed, crawling into the covers. His bare feet touched yours for a brief moment before you quickly moved your body far away that side of the bed.
He doesn’t seem to notice or care. You watched him as he shifted around, getting the pillow right for him, the blanket pulled a bit over to his side before he relaxed and breathed heavily.
You can feel your heart hitting against your chest painfully and you don’t know if that’s now entirely because of the storm or if it had anything to do with sharing a bed with Tom.
He breaks the silence. “I called Gail, asked her what the whole situation is about the power and all that.” You see him wave his hands around as he talks. “She said it’ll take a few hours, maybe even ‘til morning before we get any power back. So, we’re in it for the long run.”
That was longer than you had hoped but you guessed you should’ve expected it to take that long. “Okay,” is all you can manage to get out through your tight throat.
You both grow quiet again. The awkwardness of this all keeps hitting you so you break the silence. You twisted your head to look at him. “Sorry, I know this is kind of weird.”
“Yeah, well,” he said dryly, “it’s mainly weird because I didn’t need to know how many stuffies my employee has. How old are you again?”
You’re dumbfounded. He’s choosing now to judge you? And for what, bringing in the small stuffie collection you had in your car? That was so like him. It was oddly both reassuring to have the normalcy and frustrating. “You’re such a jerk, Tom Ryder,” you said.
Quiet. Then an indignant harrumph. The blankets shifted and you felt the mattress dip as he pushed himself off. “Well, fine, if that’s how you’re going to treat me.”
You rolled over to his side of the bed, trying to ignore how nice and warm it was. “Wait!” You grabbed his hand before he went too far. “Tom, wait, please don’t go.”
He peered over his shoulder at you. “Make me.”
Your heart sank a bit. There he goes again, always with the attitude. “Well, you’re kinda proving my point here,” you whispered under your breath.
“What was that?” He turned fully around and squinted down at you.
Goodness gracious, he kinda does look glorious standing there, his bare chest making it hard to formulate sentences, his usual strategically tousled hair ruffled and unkempt. And he doesn’t seem to notice you’re still gripping onto his hand, not that you mind. It’s hot and rougher than you expected from a privileged celebrity.
Thunder claps interrupt your ogling and a nervous ripple hits you. The anxiety might’ve left for a bit but the thought of Tom leaving you alone again with the storm sends all of the worry back into you.
“I didn’t actually mean that, you know that. I was joking around,” you said. Your free hand clutches at the covers.
“I come in here and, and, what? I’m being incredibly nice to you and you insult me as a joke?” His tone carried a bit of a whine to it.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You inhale and exhale with a quiet and quick, “pleasedon’tgo.”
His frown softened and he glanced down at our hands entwined. Lightning danced across the room for a moment, lighting up the room enough for you to spy the smallest smile from him.
You gaped at him. What did you say that earned you a gentle smile from THE Tom Ryder?
Before you can think about it too much, he sighed and leaned down to get back into bed. “Hey, scoot over.”
You let go of his hand and moved back over to your side of the bed.
He fell into the covers and put his arms behind his head, cushioning his head on them. He sighed again. “You absolutely should be grateful, you know.”
“I am,” you whispered.
Thunder booms, closer than any of the other times and you winced. Your breathing is becoming too fast, too irregular.
Tom turned on his side, angling his body to face you. “You’re really scared of storms then?” His usual condescending tone is gone. It’s replaced with something softer.
You nodded, even though he probably can’t see it in the dark, and pulled the covers up to your chin. “Ever since I was a little kid.”
He made a thoughtful sound in the back of his throat. “Do you know why?”
“No. I just get anxious whenever there’s a storm. I can never go to sleep when there’s one happening.” You closed your eyes and put a hand on your chest, trying, willing yourself to just breathe normally.
A huge series of thunder crashes outside and the house shudders, breaking off any thoughts you had. Your body reacted in an almost fight or flight instinct. Without even stopping to think, you slid further into bed and towards Tom, pressing your body against his, your face and his pecs aligned. Your hand wrapped around his arm and you squeezed your eyes closed, praying that the noise will come an end. It sounds like the grand finale of the thunderstorm, like the storm is proud of this last act and wants to show to the world just as loud and powerful it can be. The heat coming from Tom’s body and the solidness of him is the only thing tethering you and keeping you from going too far over the edge.
Finally, it’s quiet. You panted and opened your eyes. His flesh is the only thing in your vision. Your eyes focused on a freckle on his chest and there’s a small part of you that has the urge to kiss it. A blush creeped up with your neck. You realized your nails are digging into his arm and you snatched your hands away.
You can not believe you just freaked out and clung to your boss. In bed. This had to be against so many employer-employee work ethics. If this doesn’t get you fired, you don’t know what will.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, sitting up and starting to push yourself back away from him.
His hand shot out and stopped in your tracks. “No,” he said thickly.
Just... “no?” You have no clue what that meant. He’s probably angry at you now or thinks you’re even more childish, reacting like a baby koala clinging to her mother just because of some storm. With a sinking feeling, you overcome your fear of whatever you might see on his face when you look at him and glanced over at him.
Even in the dark, you can tell his expression is the most serious you’ve ever seen in the months you’ve worked under him.
That was not what you were expecting.
“What did you do about these storms when I wasn’t here?” His voice is low, almost stern.
You pushed your hair back awkwardly. “I don’t know, wait it out? Hide under my covers? When my sister stays at my place sometimes, she’ll calm me down.”
“And how does she do that?”
You swallowed hard. What is he thinking? What is he planning to do with this information? “She holds me until it’s long over.”
Tom’s hand tightened a bit at that. You looked down at it on your arm, you had almost forgotten it was there.
“Well.” He sniffed loudly. “Come here then.” He let go of you and opened his arms, like he’s welcoming you to a hug. The most muscle toned and chiseled hug ever.
Your heart pounded. “You really don’t have to do that, you’ve done more than enough. And the storm sounds like it’s almost over.”
“If your sister does it until the storm is completely over, then I’m going to do it better and do it all night.” He waved a hand in exasperation. “I’ll feel like a heroic knight saving a princess. So stop being stubborn and come here.”
His words are said so easily but the weight of them hits you like a brick. Sure, he always likes being better than everyone and doesn’t like being beaten at anything.
But this was excessive, even for him.
And somehow, in a weird way, it was sweet.
Not knowing what else to do but listen to him, you awkwardly scoot closer to him. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you in, forcing your body to be pressed against his and closing whatever distance you had. Now your head is next to his pecs again, his strong arms around you, cocooning you in. His skin is warm and you can faintly hear his heartbeat. It’s a steady pulse, its gentle rhythm is calming to you. You can feel his chest as he inhales and exhales and you start to match his breathing.
The world has calmed. You feel calm. And safe, surprisingly. Safe and secure with the world’s hottest superstar but to you, a flawed man you’re slowly beginning to realize you enjoy spending time with. Maybe you’re starting to like him, not just tolerate him.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said quietly as you stared up at the ceiling.
He shifted slightly and you feel his sigh ruffle your hair. “Mhmm.” It’s just a sound but it sounded like an audible shrug, like he didn’t think you meant it.
You smiled softly and closed your eyes. “No, really. This is helping. So thank you.”
His chin nestled in your hair as he got comfortable. “Whatever, I’m glad to help.”
Did he sound embarrassed? You grinned bigger. “You’re the best boss ever. You’re like... my hero, my knight in shining sweatpants.”
He groaned. “Now you’re laying it a touch too thick. Be quiet now, I’m trying to sleep.”
You covered your mouth with your hand and laughed quietly. “Okay, okay, goodnight, Tom.”
He murmured a goodnight and pulled you in further, his legs wrapped around yours, practically hugging you like you’re a body pillow. It’s nice. Really really nice.
You smiled again and leaned into the hug.
Okay, maybe you do kinda like him.
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hederasgarden · 5 days
First Kiss
Summary: Your first kiss with Colt is different than you imagined.  Paring: Colt Seavers x F!Reader Word Count: 400 Rating: 18+ only. Kissing and suggestive touching.  A/N: Inspired by @svblimes asking how a first kiss with Colt would go. Thank you to N and @ryebecca for your help with this story! Reblogs and comments feed the muse.
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One moment you’re laughing together, trading stories about the crazy actors you’ve worked with, and then the next Colt’s expression turns serious. His gaze drops to your mouth lingering there just long enough for your throat to go a little dry and your skin to warm up despite the chill in the air. 
“I want to kiss you,” he says so abruptly that all you can do is stare at him. “Would you be open to that?” He asks. 
Of course you are, who wouldn’t be?
“I’d, uh, be very open to that,” you tell him. “Really open,” you continue, nodding. 
“That’s good,” Colt replies with a smile, pressing you into the hood of the car, one hand on your hip and the other cupping the back of your head. The feel of his rough fingertips against the sensitive skin of your neck has your eyes closing briefly and you lift your chin in response. For a moment he does nothing but watch you, your breath mingling together. This close to Colt you can see how dark and beautiful his lashes are.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” he whispers and then suddenly he’s kissing you, his lips soft and warm. 
You hardly notice the coarseness of his beard, focused on the way his tongue sweeps into your mouth and draws an embarrassingly needy sound from your chest. That sound seems to spur him on and what was once gentle turns hungrier. You bury your hands in his hair and this time he groans into your mouth, hand flattening on your spine to keep you close. You part for air only when it becomes necessary, pulling in a shuddering breath. 
Colt’s expression is surprisingly tender and he rests his forehead against yours, his breath fanning across your face. "That was intense, huh?”
“Yeah,” you agree, a little awestruck when he presses another kiss to your lips. This one is softer, unhurried, and after he rubs his nose sweetly against yours. 
“Is this a good time to let you know I want to take you out on a date?” He asks. 
“I think so,” you tell him, a little breathless. “You just made a pretty compelling case of why I should say yes.”
“Cool,” he responds. “Until then I think we should keep doing this.”
Whatever you were going to reply with gets lost as Colt’s lips descend on yours and his strong arms pull you tightly against his body.
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barbiehandlrr · 28 days
CW: the fall guy spoilers
thinking about colt and how he spent over a year blaming himself for what happened to him
how he must've gone over it in his head so many times. about how he probably miscalculated and how he must've berated himself for it
only to find that it wasn't an accident, that it wasn't his fault, and he doesn't even have time to fully process it
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