#the feeling
240524 SHINee World VI Perfect Illumination: SHINee's Back Day I
The Feeling (ending)
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herewegobebe · 4 months
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SHINee | The Feeling ✦ Perfect Illumination ♡♡♡
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lukadarkwater · 1 year
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Please... lead him your power
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shineemoon · 1 year
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SHINee 💎 ‘The Feeling’
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deliriousbean · 2 years
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A friend reminded me of him so here he is...
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dubuuya · 1 year
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Clearer Map - The Feeling MV Teaser
Track and Albums Featured :
Love Should Go On
The SHINee World
Year Of Us
Ring Ding Dong
Love Is Still Go On (Love Still Goes On)
The First
Dazzling Girl
The Misconceptions Of You
Dream Girl
Punch Drunk Love
The Misconceptions Of Me
Why So Serious ?
The Misconceptions Of Us
Since 6.23 (Selene 6.23)
Love Sick
An Ode To You
An Encore
Married To The Music
1 of 1
Tell Me What To Do
Before Our Spring
The Story Of Light
Good Evening
I Want You
Our Page
Don’t Call Me
THE Feeling
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Ai art /Artist unknow, sorry~*
Night Night xoxo
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follow the light, into your bright future ahead
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shineestills · 2 months
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drzephyr · 1 year
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SHINee The Feeling
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 11 months
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herewegobebe · 1 year
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SHINee 샤이니 'The Feeling' MV
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Reblog with ONE song rec for the Decepticons
It can be a song:
For the faction.
That alludes to the cause in some way.
That makes you think of a particular Decepticon.
I give you:
Edit: You can reblog as many times as you like, but each reblog should only have one song.
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shineemoon · 1 year
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So I finally got it done, yet another Funnybunny piece. the longest one I think. But I have to confess that this one is a little bit lighter on the romance, since I worry a bit about the formula getting stale. But the upside to this is that I actually got to include all six performers this time. This one is more of my own personal headcanons about what kind of music the cast enjoys, but the Funnybunny enthusiasts will get your food if you pay attention throughout and stick around 'til the end. Also it's semi-interactive; there's a ton of links to outside media in the text, and it's all links to music. If a line is underlined, it's a link to a song. Okay, shutting up now, enjoy. The Jitterbug
Dinner time after another adventure. The Performers were all gathered at the table, picking at their food. It was one of the rare moments of awkward silence between the six of them. The adventure that day hadn’t been anything particularly noteworthy… well, for Caine anyway. It was music themed, a romp through a lush theater populated by anthropomorphic instruments. The goal was to track down the six missing members of the grand orchestra and bring them to the stage within an hour long time limit. The intention was to have the group split up and find each band member individually, a plan which would have gone swimmingly if Gangle had been able to persuade her target to return. She found herself too meek to tell the guy to come with her, which, if it hadn’t been for some timely intervention from Jax, may have cost them the adventure. They were “treated” to a performance by the grand orchestra of instrument people, which consisted mostly of improv and a few subpar renditions of classical pieces. They played Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, although they only managed to pull off “Spring” before scrapping the rest for being “too boring” and moving onto an improv piece. Said piece sounded like someone instructed the orchestra to play The William Tell Overture before putting said orchestra on a bus and driving it off a cliff. The performers’ ears were still ringing after the cacophony of noise, and thus weren’t particularly in a conversational mood. 
Gangle: Mmmgh… eh- Gangle appeared to be struggling to hold her fork. There was a crude double knot in her ribbon right about where her hand would be, and it prevented her from gripping her fork hard enough to stab into her digital pot roast. She managed to spear one prong onto a piece of meat, but it fell with an almost comical plop onto the edge of the table before dropping out of sight beneath her chair. Gangle: *whine of defeat* 
Pomni looked at Jax, who was watching Gangle struggle with minor amusement. The purple rabbit met her gaze and his faint smirk disappeared. 
Jax: What?
Pomni: You know what. *she points at him, then at Gangle with her fork*
Jax gave an exaggerated sigh and got out of his chair, slinking to Gangle’s side and taking her ribbon with the knot in it. 
Jax: Hold still, Crybaby. *he takes the knot between his fingers and undoes it*
Gangle: …Uh… thank you, Jax. *she experimentally curls the ribbon around, it’s undamaged*
Pomni: Is there anything else you wanted to say to Gangle?  
Jax: Wanted to say? No. 
Pomni shot him an exasperated glare. Jax sighed and turned back to Gangle without looking her in the eyes. 
Jax: *speaking rapidly and insincerely* Gangle, I’m sorry I used you as rope to tie up the last band member. *looks at Pomni* There, we happy? 
Pomni: Are you okay, Gangle? Gangle: Oh… um… yeah! I’m okay, uh… I-I’ve been in worse… binds. Eheheh… uh… I’m okay. 
Pomni motions Jax back to his seat. The rabbit plods back to his spot at the table and sits, resting his cheek on his hand sullenly and poking at his food. 
Ragatha: Wow… I never thought I’d see the day! Jax actually said sorry! Jax: Yeah, whatever, toots. I save our butts with some quick thinking and I’m still the bad guy. 
Zooble: Don’t be an @$$. There were six of us and one of him. There could’ve been a way to get him back with the others without having to hurt Gangle. 
Jax: Oh really, and what bright idea did you have, Hodge-Podge? *in a babyish voice* Asking him nicewy? Zooble: You wanna lose an eye, limp&!$#?!  *holds up butter knife* 
Ragatha: Guys… *pinching the bridge of her nose*
Pomni: Alright, stop! Can we please just &%$#ing stop?! My ears hurt and I don’t need you two shouting! Just… sit down and shut up. Both of you. 
Zooble: …Tch. Fine. 
Jax: Yeah. White flag or whatever. You hear me? White Flag. *he waves a napkin around half-heartedly before tossing it over his shoulder*
The six performers continued eating in silence, everyone’s mood set right back to bad. However, one of Jax’s ears twitched and his pot roast froze halfway to his mouth. 
Jax: …What’s that? Ragatha: What’s what? 
Jax: Shh! Listen!
Everyone, sans Kinger, stopped eating and listened. There was a continuous but very faint sound coming from somewhere. 
Gangle: I-I hear it! It sounds like… music?
Zooble: Good music. Like an orchestra. 
Ragatha: Where’s it coming from?
The performers turned their heads to better locate where the pleasant song was coming from. After a couple of seconds of listening, their eyes all fell upon Kinger, who was still eating his dinner. He froze in the middle of cutting his pork chop and slowly looked up to meet everyone’s gaze.
Kinger: I’m being observed… 
Jax: It’s cuz you’re making music.
Kinger: I’m not making music. I’m eating dinner. 
Ragatha: No, Jax is right, Kinger. Do you have something in your robe? 
Kinger looked down at his robes and patted around inside them. He froze when he felt a foreign object clinging to the white inside and pulled it out. Inside his robes was a creature about the size of a baseball, that looked like a mix between a ladybug and the grille of a microphone. The orchestral score emanating from the creature reached a swell before suddenly-
Bug: LOOK! YO!-
Kinger yelped and dropped the creature as it suddenly exploded into a rap verse. It lands on the table and stands back up, bopping along to the rhythm of the song playing from its grille-like carapace. 
Zooble: What the #%!! is that thing? 
Kinger: Oh! I remember you! *reaches his hand out to pet the small creature* I put her in my robes back at the theater. 
Pomni: I guess Caine missed deleting it when he sent us back here for the night… 
Kinger: She’s not an it! Her name is… *there’s a drawn-out pause as Kinger struggles to remember what he called the creature* ...Layla!
Upon hearing this, the microphone-bug suddenly plays a guitar riff that makes everyone jump. Ragatha: I know that song… *beams* That’s a REAL song! From outside! It’s by uh- 
Zooble: Hang on. This thing plays-
Kinger: Layla.
Zooble: …Layla plays music? 
Pomni: That’s… I thought that was impossible… 
Gangle suddenly appeared beside Kinger, moving quicker than anyone had ever seen her move before. 
Gangle: Layla! Play uh, play… Play Melt by Hatsune Miku!
Jax: Play what by who?
The microphone-bug, which was apparently named Layla, began to play a sugary-sweet J-pop song, quiet at first before bursting to life. Gangle stood and watched the creature with a twinkle in the eyes of her mask, her mouth wide open in delight and her ribbon-hands on her cheeks. 
Ragatha: Oh, oh! Can I have a turn? Uh, Layla, play Respect by Aretha Franklin! 
Layla began to play a funky soul song, Ragatha giggling girlishly and beginning to dance along to the rhythm on the spot. Her energy was so infectious that the other performers couldn’t help but watch, especially as she began to lip-sync to the song with an invisible microphone. 
Gangle: giggles 
Jax: My turn. Layla! Play… Sandstorm by Darude. 
Everyone gave a collective groan as Layla began playing a familiar Finnish techno beat. 
Jax: Whaaat? I like this song! You guys have no taste. 
Ragatha: Well, you picked it! Now you gotta dance to it! Come on!
Jax: No I- HEY! 
Ragatha grabbed Jax’s hands and pulled him up onto his feet. 
Ragatha: Come on! Follow my lead! 
Ragatha began to dance along with the music, Jax scoffed and crossed his arms.
Pomni: *trying not to giggle* You made your bed Jax, time to lay in it.
Jax: Oh, have I? Layla, play Everywhere at The End of Time.
Zooble: Ew, Jax, what the h€!!? 
Kinger scooped Layla up before she could begin playing the six-hour depressing behemoth of an album Jax requested. 
Kinger: Everyone, stop! You’re going to make her overheat! *he pets the little microphone bug* There, there, you did good. 
Gangle: Aw, is it over..?
Zooble: Kinger’s got a point. We don’t want to push that thing’s-
Kinger: Layla.
Zooble: -Layla’s processing too hard. You know how weird NPC’s get when they’re overclocked. 
Pomni: Overclocked..? What does- Actually, I don’t want to know.
Kinger: Layla can stay in my room. I have other bugs in there so she won’t get lonely.
Jax: So Kinger just gets to keep the thing that plays real music in his room? 
Kinger: Layla.
Jax: Whatever.
Ragatha: Well, he did find her… and he did go through all the effort of sneaking her back to the tent. That would make her his.
Jax: So if I found a dozen donuts, I’d get to eat all of ‘em and not share, since they’re my donuts. 
Zooble: You’d probably do that anyway…
Jax: I’d share ‘em with everyone but you, Zooble.
Gangle: I’d get a donut, really? 
Pomni yanked on one of Jax’s shoulder straps, a sharp reminder to behave.
Pomni: I’m sure Kinger wouldn’t mind sharing Layla now and then. Is that okay with you, Kinger?
Kinger: Don’t eat her! *holds her away from Pomni*
Pomni: Wh- nobody is going to eat her!
Gangle: Layla isn’t a donut… 
Kinger: Oh. Well. Maybe. As long as you’re gentle with her and don’t let her overheat. 
Ragatha: We can all promise that, right everybody? 
There was a murmur of affirmation, but then everyone looked at Jax. 
Jax: Oh for- *sigh* fine. Yes. I won’t hurt the bug thing.
Kinger: Layla.
Jax: *deep breath, phony enthusiasm* LaYlA!
Ragatha: I’ve gotta say, that’s the most fun I’ve had in a while. Real fun, not Caine fun.
Zooble: I didn’t peg you for an Aretha Franklin fan, Rags.
Ragatha: Yeah? What kind of music did you think I liked? *smiles, amused*
Zooble: I dunno. Sara Bareilles or Taylor Swift. Maybe that song Wildfire. 
Ragatha: Oh, so horse girl stuff, huh? I see how it is, Zooble. *she’s still grinning playfully* 
Jax: We didn’t get to hear what you liked, Hodge-Podge. Who are you to judge? 
Zooble: Call me Hodge-Podge again, Jax, and I’ll tie your- 
Kinger: Frank Sinatra…
Zooble: Huh?
Kinger: That’s my favorite. Frank Sinatra. *he sings a little to Layla* “I’ve got you… under my skin.”
Layla: *Playing a snippet from the real song* “I’ve got you… deep in the heart of me.”
Gangle: Awwww…
Zooble: *they get up* I’m tired. I’ll see you all in the morning. *they walk towards backstage before pausing for a moment* …I like Janelle Monáe by the way. 
Ragatha: G’night Zooble. It is getting pretty late… I’ll be right behind you. 
Steadily, the performers left the stage and headed back to their rooms. Pomni left not long after Ragatha, rubbing her eyes. It was weird how her eyelids still felt heavy despite her body being a bunch of pixels… 
She wished Ragatha good night as she passed her in the hallway, went into her bedroom and flopped onto the bed. It had been a pretty bad day, like most other days in this technicolor hell. But it had an okay conclusion. It was nice to hear real music again, but she wished she had gotten a turn. Although,  she did wonder a little… if that bug could play songs from the outside world, maybe there was a way to get out of here after all… 
There was a knock at the door. One thing at a time. Pomni rolled out of bed and shuffled to the door to open it. She smiled a little seeing Jax leaning against the doorframe, and the rabbit gave her a smarmy grin right back.
Jax: Leavin’ me behind, huh? Pretty cold, Pompom. 
Pomni: You’re a big boy. You can handle being alone for a little bit. Also, you’re knocking now. 
Jax: You should note the date and time. *he strolls into her room* So, what’s the plan tonight, Pomni? 
Pomni: I’m too tired for much of anything… you wanna just cuddle? 
Jax: Sure. But how about a little music? *he takes Layla out of the front pocket of his overalls*
Pomni: Jax! Where did you get- did you steal her from Kinger? 
Jax: You’ll be happy to know I asked before I took. *he sets Layla on top of one of the oversized building blocks in Pomni’s room* 
Pomni: R-Really? He actually let you borrow her? How did you convince him..?
Jax: You really think I can’t be charming? You fell for me, didn’t you?
Pomni: *blush* …Alright, alright. 
The two of them crawled into bed, climbing under the covers, Pomni scooting her smaller frame backwards into Jax’s arms. The rabbit held her close, resting his chin on top of her head.  
Jax: So. Whatcha wanna listen to?
Pomni: …You know what? You can go first. 
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nellysview · 9 months
The feeling when you get home after a long day and start crying<<<
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