#the homophobia accusations was a thing that happened to my friend when they made fun of pete and an amy klobuchar supporter got mad
dashiellqvverty · 7 months
just remembered when a bunch of broadway liberals tried to hold like a fundraiser or just like event in support of joe kennedy when he was running against ed markey and they got bullied into cancelling it. that was beautiful i’ve never been prouder to be from massachusetts
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Do you believe the caesar and nicomedes thing actually happened, or was it just a rumor, or perhaps a combination of the two?
What we know:
Caesar really did have a lot of affairs, and most of them seem to have been with politicians (like Cleopatra) or politicians' wives or sisters.
Suetonius says Cicero, Bibulus, Dolabella, Licinius Calvus, Gaius Memmius, and Caesar's own soldiers believed the affair to be real. He cites specific details from Cicero's letters and eyewitnesses from Bithynia.
Cassius Dio talks about the rumor but doesn't name specific sources. He adds that Caesar swore an oath denying the affair, but that this only made people more amused.
Caesar does seem to have maintained some sort of connection with Nicomedes' family, based on his later advocacy for Nicomedes' daughter.
Although it was common for Roman politicians to accuse each other of gay affairs as an insult, this rumor appears to have been unusually widespread and accepted by more than just Caesar's enemies.
Even if someone sleeps around a lot, that doesn't mean they're likely to have slept with a specific person. We should be especially careful when talking about people who may have been gay, bi or pan, since there's a history of stereotyping these groups as promiscuous.
The Romans had a whole trope of "good Roman boy gets corrupted/seduced by decadent easterner" - a mixture of xenophobia and homophobia. They lobbed this trope at Caesar, Clodius, Antony, and many other politicians. It may have also been a form of gender role policing, as Caesar was a bit of a fashionista and got along well with women.
Suetonius tends to repeat rumors uncritically, and Dio is even less reliable.
There is no other reliable example of Caesar having an affair with a man; Catullus made a poem claiming so, but no one appears to have taken it seriously.
Plutarch implicitly contradicts Suetonius by saying Caesar only stayed with Nicomedes briefly, and doesn't mention an affair.
Jeremy Paterson points out that the Nicomedes story is very similar to other stories of Caesar sleeping with foreign queens; some of the details may have been conflated.
Other theories I've seen:
Colleen McCullough portrayed Nicomedes as more like a father figure to Caesar, which is plausible considering that Caesar lost his father at 15 and Nicomedes was a friend of said father.
Josiah Osgood argued that Caesar's long stay in Bithynia was related to building his patron-client network, which both fits the reason Caesar himself gave for returning and his advocacy for Nicomedes' daughter.
My best guess? The rumor almost certainly existed. But whether the affair actually happened, we don't know. On the one hand, gay/bi relationships were a lot more common than they're usually portrayed, and Suetonius names more than just Caesar's enemies as repeating the story. On the other hand, there was a strong incentive for people to make shit up to discredit him.
Also. I think there's this assumption of "straight until proven queer" for historical figures. Even among queer people, it seems like we try to find evidence to defend our views against straight and cisgender people's disbelief. I do this, too.
But I think we also should ask for evidence of straight cis interpretations. The word "heterosexual" only dates to 1892; isn't it a bit odd to project it onto another culture? If we do accept that "sexual orientation" can apply, why "straight," and not one of many other identities? Are we describing what this historical figure was, or are we simplifying him for our own comfort and discourse?
I don't mean this in a hostile way toward cishet folks. I mean it like, here's something you might've overlooked before. The world is big and messy and there's a lot of different ways to be. Let's have fun with it!
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If this is not too personal, how does your family/siblings etc. react to you being a lesbian? Because I was just having fun with my siblings and my brother joked about beating up my boyfriend if I have one and when I slightly hinted that my ‘boyfriend’ could be a girlfriend he said he’d still beat her up and deadass said ‘don’t dirty this family’ as in ‘don’t fucking pull this family into dirt by being into women and giving us a horrible reputation for having a lesbian daughter/sister’… I’m straight up hurt and furious and feeling like weeping now cause even though I could have guessed my brother is homophobic I didn’t expect him to be like that. My brother believes that siblings should stick together but that apparently doesn’t count if I’m not into men. I’m from a Turkish family too and being homosexual in a Turkish family straight up means that you might as well not be a part of this family at all. Turkish people are rather conservative and still thinking in an old way which is frustrating. :( Especially because it’s Muslim households too, and yk Islam and homosexuality does not go well..
I’m very sorry if you don’t accept vents etc. I was just curious about if your family is or thinks like that too or if you had the same experience? Feel free to delete this if this might be triggering or if my question was too personal etc.
I'm very sorry that happened to you. I wish I had advice, but I don't. All I can say is that there are people out there who will love and support you. I hope you can find them.
My family is democratic but I did worry that I'd be met with homophobia (and I was) when I came out. My father was a deeply Christian man. He straight up claimed to get visions from God. He never directly said anything homophobic. The one thing I can remember is being in a shoe store when I was little and asking my father why pink shoes were in the men's section. He made a sort of disgusted face and said it was for men on the "wise side". Why did he use that phrase as a stand in for being gay? I don't know, but I do think it's kind of funny. Apparently gay men are wise!!
Anyway, as you can imagine, I was not particularly stoked to come out to him.
My mother was worse and better. She was not as religious as my father. She had gay friends. She loved Ellen Degeneres. I never heard her say anything homophobic growing up. However, she was worse because she's abusive 💀 When I was a child, I wondered why my father would be with her when she was so fucking mean and awful. I wanted nothing to do with her. I wouldn't leave my room if she was hanging about. Just generally a really awful mom. I had no strong feelings about coming out to her. I didn't think she was homophobic but I didn't wanna tell her things in general.
Like most gay kids, my parents knew before I told them. When I officially told my dad, he didn't care. Didn't say anything about it. He wasn't homophobic towards me or anything.
Honestly, I'm just now realizing how funny it is that my deeply religious father had no qualms about me being gay but my mom did 😭.
My mom wasn't like. Violently homophobic when I came out. Just casually so. She was all like "so you like to dress like a boy??" in a really unpleasant tone of voice. And she asked me to "keep an open mind" and constantly accuses me of actually being bisexual. She says that I "think" I'm gay. It's just very casual homophobia on her part. She clearly doesn't like the fact that I'm only interested in women even though she claims to love me and accept me no matter what. It's very clear that seeing me with a man would make her happy.
Idk. My coming out wasn't awful. My brother is bisexual. I don't have a relationship with anyone else in my family tbh. So, yea, that's my story. Also, I accept all types of asks. My inbox is always open.
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bubbleslimesoda · 8 months
Sharing My Story
Trigger Warning for mentions of: Eating disorders, abuse, emotional blackmail, self harm, threats of  suicide, sexual assault, physical assault, racism, homophobia/bigotry ideals and manipulation
^Please only read if you have read the warning!^
I’ve been wanting to talk about this for some times as it has been so many years and yet I still get PTSD from this.
When I was 15-16 I was in a relationship with someone I’ll just call ‘that guy’/‘guy’ (I don’t even want to give him a creative name). I will also specify that he is the same age as me although when I started dating him I was told by a doctor that my mental age was apparently “half my actual age”.
Now I can’t even remember how this relationship started because to me it felt like “Oh we’ve been hanging out for a long time, I guess we’re going out now” also just to make it clear I had only been in one other relationship before this one and I’d felt the same way, I currently identify as grey aro/ace although I still question myself on it.
And a small detail about before this relationship, I had actually witnessed ‘that guy’ grab a half full bottle of water and hold a student while repeatedly hitting them really really hard with it, idk why at the time I didn’t see this as a red flag but then again I was about 14-15.
In this relationship at first I was told to be quiet about it unless I’d expressed how it made me feel sad as I was to feel like ‘that guy’ was ashamed of me for some reason.
I don’t want to go into full detail of every single thing that happened as it was very traumatic so the less I think about it the better. I’m going to make a list of things that happened instead.
• Kicked me in the head
• Hit me on my lower back
• Pulled my arm so hard my shoulder was in pain for a few weeks
• Bullied my ex and tried to convince me that my ex assaulted me
• Told me that I was “practically a boy” because I was bi (I wasn’t at the time) and that he was a girl because he was bi (Just pointing out how he seems to associate someone’s sexually with their gender identity)
• Would start an argument if I show little discomfort/felt upset by something he did or said
• Said he would kill my favourite tv show characters if he got the chance (I’m autistic and I think you can see why telling an autistic teen this is pretty fucked up)
• Made fun of and got angry at me for my autistic traits such as not liking loud sounds, bright lights and repetitive sounds and motion
• Referred to my eating disorder, ARFID as “being a picky eater” and when I expressed it upset me he showed no remorse and said he was “just joking”
• Putting words in my mouth. For example if he asked “Why would someone suddenly be acting different?” And I would reply “Idk. A big change in their life, loss of someone close, drugs, alcohol, into something new, money?” He would turn around say I was accusing him of doing drugs (I really don’t know how he would make those stretches)
• Manipulated me into acting in a way that was more sexual than what I was comfortable with
• Would then tell me off for said behaviour but then would make remarks or show disinterest in me when I stopped
• Touched me without permission or while I was asleep even though I had expressed discomfort or even said no (I would wake up from it or have noticeable signs of it when I woke up)
• Made jokes about Asian people’s eyes
• Isolated me from friends and made it so I could only be friends with his friends
• Threats of self harm and taking his own life when he wouldn’t get his way
I know that was long and thank you if you’ve read this far. This is very hard for me to write as I keep needing to take breaks to calm myself down.
When I was 15-16 I was very into Rick and Morty and I suggested it to ‘that guy’ since I genuinely thought he would like it. He said we’d watched it before but I pointed out that he was never paying attention to which he just seemed to flip out about. I told him it wasn’t going to work to which he threatened self harm and worse so I agreed to stay with him. The next day he then “broke up with me” as far as I was concerned it had already ended when I said it wasn’t going to work but we still tried to be friends.
After that I had so many nice and kind people come back into my life which I was a very emotional thing for me because it felt like I was asleep or cut off from reality before hand. It seemed that the rest of the school knew about ‘guy’s’ behaviour as no one wanted to talk to him or be friends with him after everything, we could just stand in this corner staring at me and my friends while texting as we spent our breaks talking and such.
A few days after it happened I was sat with my friends and suddenly got a call from my mum saying that ‘guy’s’ parents had called her saying that I had been bullying him to which I had to point out that no, I wasn’t bullying him. I was just sitting with my friends and talking while ‘that guy’ was staring at us in a corner.
After that I did my exams and went to college only to find out that ‘guy’ had copied me on what course I was taking, I had actual helped him get into a different course to me but he still decided to take the course I was taking.
Now I did try to be civil, I didn’t acknowledge him or talk about him/to him until he asked if we could be friends(I was 16 at the time btw, I’m the UK you go to college at about 16 and then uni after about 3 years). I foolishly said yes.
One day my friend who I’d met in that course who had ME was going to be late and was worried about being seated near someone who kept messaging them about drinking and made them uncomfortable. I had a different class before our one so I asked ‘that guy’ if he could save them a seat and he said no which I was fine with but then he went on to say that I was “bullying him by asking him to save them a seat” and after I told him that’s not how it worked he said “I wouldn’t let him be bi while we were dating”, I was actually very supportive and happy for him during that time. I told him repeatedly to leave me alone and blocked him.
Now for this last bit I’m going to go back about it. Before we started dating he was dating another girl who had left our school due to depression and I was actually close with her and I was very sad and worried when she left. Idk how they broke up but the girl was at my college and I was so relieved and happy that she was okay I went to say hello to her. She screamed at me and I went home that day because someone had told me that ‘guy’ had “told everyone I abused him”(I also found out that she started dating ‘guy’), this was so overwhelming and upsetting that it is actually what started my PTSD.
Despite what I had managed to survive, doing the right thing by not talking to him or about him (apart from to two close friends at the time) and worrying about someone for years who I had no contact with I was now being accused of this horrible horrible thing that I had to live through. I even struggled to stand properly that day because of how scared, breathless and distraught I felt. I had even become terrified of saying his name because that’s how much hearing or saying it would fill me with fear.
They were reported and felt with for what had happened but for the rest of the year ‘guy’ and his girlfriend harassed and bullied me and they even harassed my mother at certain points. It was the worst first year of college I think anyone could’ve had and I would never wish it on anyone.
After that I went into the next year being in a different group to him(it’s also where I met my current best friend)and then the following year the groups merged but it seemed he didn’t have any friends again and I had actually made friends with some of the people he told I was abusive. One even said while I was helping them at their house “I’m sorry that I believed him, you’re actually really sweet and nice” which felt amazing to hear after all that trauma.
Today I still suffer with really bad PTSD attacks related to what happened before and during that first year of college. I guess I get paranoid that maybe the same thing will happen again somehow in the future so making this post is my way of venting about this, and bringing awareness to it as I know I’m not the only one who has been abused only to have that person tell you “it’s your fault” or “you’re actually the abusive one” despite having had to deal with similar or even the same thing as me. And people like ‘that guy’ will always be around trying to snake their way back into your life just to hurt you or make themselves a victim just so they don’t have to feel bad about what they did to you.
To finish this off I want to sort of say what I would to my younger self, dealing with what happened.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you and I’m sorry that you suffered. From the bottom of my heart and everything I am, I am sorry. You deserve better than what happened to you and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. I know you put yourself down a lot but you are going to make some amazing things and meet amazing people who love you and care for you. Don’t let this hold you back, you are more than this horrible thing that happened to you so don’t let it consume you. You are loved and capable of so much. Don’t ever stop being your happy silly and imaginative self, I love that side of you and I will not stop loving you. Please take care of yourself.
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
My friend says not to vote in the upcoming election because our liberal establishment is no different from fascism and because Trump's policies are merely an extension of existing policies (like the ICE concentration camps that were established under Obama). How would you, being a leftist like me and my friend, respond to this attitude?
When I was in high school there was one cataclysmic, catastrophic, Very Important school board meeting.
It was a perfect storm of religious freedom, LGBT Rights, and Holy Shit You’re Talking About Taking Daycare Away from Students Who Are Parents.
The first thing, religious freedom, was exceptionally stupid but I think it’s a great example of how shitty the suburb I lived in was and what we were dealing with. Basically the D&D club that I started was accused of being Satanists and the Campus Christian Club was trying to get us shut down for worshipping satan. (I live in the fucking WORST part of LA County, I swear). The defense for the D&D club was pretty simple: If we’re worshipping satan as an on-campus activity at lunchtime we have every right to do so just like the Campus Christian Club an in fact if the Campus Christian Club got us shut down for practicing a different religion they’d made a very effective argument for shutting down their Praising Christ on-campus lunchtime activity.
The second thing was ANOTHER conflict with the Campus Christian Club - this was more serious. This was “High schoolers shouldn’t be exposed to deviant lifestyles and therefore we need to shut down the Gay/Straight Alliance.” At that point the GSA was also very new and I was also the VP of it. Spoilers: we were allowed to continue existing and we had speakers come in from time to time - we had grownups who talked to us about dealing with homophobia and resources for what happened if your parents kicked you out; we had a trans woman in her 50s come and talk to us (in 2003!) about transphobia and dysphoria and how to cope. The adviser handed out a packet to all of us that had the suicide hotline number right at the top, I know at least three people used that number the first year. The defense for the GSA was actually another handy-dandy page out of the ACLU handbook: The Campus Christian Club’s definition of deviance is something they have a right to hold but not to impose on other people - if you ban the GSA based on being ‘deviants’ you are imposing someone else’s belief system on us so knock it off unless you want to be a fun LA Times story.
The third thing didn’t have ANYTHING to do with the Campus Christian Club and was much worse because it had to do with funding and teen moms. The third thing was “The district believes it’s a waste of money to continue to pay for childcare at the district continuation school; if you can’t afford childcare you should have thought of that before becoming a teen mom, good luck getting a babysitter while you’re trying to finish high school.” Four of the students from the continuation school had showed up with their children and their defense of the daycare program was basically (and understandably) “What the fuck you fucking ghouls we just want to finish school and it’s one fucking daycare provider on campus you already have to pay the insurance for childcare providers for other schools in the district what the fucking fuck.”
The D&D Club, GSA, and Childcare for Teen Parents Program were all allowed to continue existing.
By one vote.
By someone who had recently been elected to the school board.
By four votes.
Four people went out and voted that November. Four people filled in a bubble on a ballot.
The GSA did fundraisers to pay for STI testing and suicide prevention. My friend Michelle graduated on time with her daughter waiting in the crowd. Knowing that adult trans people could survive and exist and thrive and love themselves was lifesaving information for a few kids in the GSA.
Four votes. If four people stayed home that’s a hundred fewer STI tests, that’s wondering if Michelle would ever be able to get a job when she didn’t have a diploma and couldn’t hire a babysitter. That’s three dead queer kids and another two homeless.
And it didn’t happen. Because four people filled in a couple of bubbles one night in November.
Voting is not activism but it is by no means useless. If your friend is incapable of distinguishing fascism and liberalism that sounds like a them problem and it sucks to be them; that amount of nihilism is hard to carry around.
People who criticize leftists for “electoral apologism” or whatever for voting are the “yet you participate in society, curious. I am very intelligent” comic
Yeah, the system’s shitty. Yeah, it sucks and should be overthrown. But it’s not overthrown YET so we may as well take advantage of the few areas of harm reduction the system allows. Voting doesn’t mean you STOP doing direct action or that you stop pushing for change, it just means you’re doing the single easiest real-world thing to alleviate suffering. And if it doesn’t work who gives a fuck - you did the bare minimum and it cost you a small amount of time.
Vote and then go hand out food in the park or cut the valve stems off a cop car if you’re feeling angsty about conceding to the system.
(also FUCK, you have no idea how much I hate having to defend the Obama administration but please go talk to a trans person about whether it is easier or harder to get healthcare in their state under Trump or under Obama. I fucking hate liberals but I don’t think that they’re actively interested in overturning Roe V. Wade. Fuck this political purity culture and go learn about harm reduction.)
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intermundia · 2 years
Will whenever I hear about an anon being rude or hateful to you and other obikin writers it always makes me extremely mad. I am personally wary of social media and only come onto tumblr bc of you and a few others. I especially enjoy your blog bc you have so many really interesting things on here. I also have learned a lot about Ancient Greek literature and language and I love it. LT brought me here but I stay bc your really cool. You’re an amazing writer and I’m grateful that you share with us
Thank you, genuinely. I enjoy blogging on here, connecting with other incredibly talented members of the fandom, keeping my passion for classics fed by following classics blogs, stimulating myself aesthetically with an ever-rolling moodboard of quotes, art, landscapes, fashion, etc. It fills me with so much joy to know that it is satisfying to follow!!
I live in a very conservative area in rural America, surrounded by fundamentalist Christians. I am used to homophobia lmao. I have enough fear of going in public and looking too trans, and haven't gone on T for that reason, even though I want to. If people online think that their shaming, chastisement, or violent threats are going to stop me from living my authentic self in this one free place, they are mistaken.
Being queer to me has two facets: being attracted to the 'wrong' people, and in the 'wrong way.' There are a lot of people who want to be attracted to the 'wrong' people but not in the 'wrong way.' They want to be lesbians without being queer, for the t*rf example. Inappropriate sexual attraction or acts like kink are disgusting to them, and they don't want to see it. They want to slot themselves into the 'right' way to have sex—in a committed, domestic, invisible way.
But Obikin is a very queer ship!!! It is the 'wrong' person in many ways, and not just the same gender. It's got an age gap, structural power imbalance, and it's too-familial. It's mentor-student, and many people add a layer of dom/sub dynamics. People who find sex outside the norm disgusting are quick to accuse it of being abusive (since all power gaps are inherently abusive) or illegal (since all age gaps are inherently predatory), even when it is neither of those things. They think it's gross, so they don't want to see it.
Just because they don't want to see it, doesn't mean that I am going to stop creating it. I am queer, and I am friends with other queer people. Sex means something else to us. It is not an inherently procreative, special, sacred, and domestic act. Homoeroticism happens in inappropriate places, with inappropriate people, at inappropriate times. If both/all of the people involved consent, and enjoy themselves, I would say that to queer people that's a beautiful thing.
Creating queer art and sharing it online, meeting other people and feeling seen and known, having fun talking about a human social activity, no matter how disgusting it seems to others—it has saved my life and made it feel worth living again. Sorry that was all a ramble but I am happy online writing gross, queer fanfic, and I believe in it enough that negative anti-queer pushback won't stop me.
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kkyujikoo · 3 years
These are my... 2...? Maybe 50, cents about the whole "freejk" thing. I'm gonna be extremely petty and at some points a whole lot sarcastic and it's gonna be long but I had to say it. As soon as I get my computer I'm gonna make it under read more, but the app does whatever it wants, as we know.
Listen, this ain't my first fan rodeo, and not even the first fan rodeo where I've been directly or indirectly accused of being some sort of pervert or delulu. I've been in fandom spaces since I was a teen, I was shipping mlm couples when queerbaiting in TV shows was still something that was seen as the norm rather than some cheap disgusting trick. I was there when fanfic spaces saw "slash" fics as something "different" and to be tagged with a more mature rating even when they just looked at each other.
I was in BBC's Sherlock's fandom and I shipped Johnlock during the hiatus between S3 and S4, at this point I'm not even feeling it when people call me delulu or a weirdo.
So, yeah, take this with a grain of salt: as a person who has seen thousands of times fandom drama unfolding and has lived too much of it... This whole situation is so ridiculous it makes me laugh. Like, yeah, it's maddening how people will blame anyone and everyone because they don't even see their own bias and homophobia, granted, but like... It also makes me laugh for the sheer dumbassery of the reasoning behind it all?
Like... Y'all are getting mad and for what? Because it sure as hell isn't the invasion of privacy, since y'all are watching the same content we're all watching and you're paying to see it the same way everyone else is. If you don't want to "invade their privacy", you should just... Stop watching content that isn't their music videos, RUN episodes or interviews. Memories and any kind of dvd/video that shows what they're doing behind the scenes shouldn't be part of their job as musicians, and therefore we're intruding in their privacy... Or aren't we?
Or maybe it's more nuanced than that: maybe the content they release on dvd/on their official channels is part of their job as entertainers, and it's been approved, and it's a small window THEY are granting us.
You know what's the REAL invasion of privacy and what REALLY invalidates someone autonomy? When you, who maybe aren't even paying to see that content (which is something I understand, like, dude, I'm not covered in money either), DEMAND what kind of behind the scenes content you want when I swear ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has asked you. Once again: you don't like it? You think it's some huge invasion of privacy? Don't buy it. Don't interact with it. Convince your friends to do the same. For all I care, just go and petition to boycott this kind of content. I know you won't do it, because... That's the thing, isn't it? It's not the invasion of privacy that bothers these people.
Y'all aren't mad because we get into their business or else you would have gotten real mad when we were privy to REAL private moments like people crying their hearts out.
No, no. Y'all are mad because it's "shipping content" and "fanservice" which apparently bothers you because it lacks authenticity.
Pick a side, lovelies: either you DON'T want to invade their privacy, and thus all the content they release should be focused on what fans want to see, or you WANT to know how they interact TRULY in private.
And here's the catch: "shipping content" can be anything. Shipping existed WAAAAAYYY before the word for it was invented, same way with fanfictions. Shipping means, literally, "seeing two (or more) people interact and thinking they would make a good romantic pair". That's it. That's quite literally it. Everything else is just some nuance of the concept of shipping, but at its core, it's nearly impossible to ban all shipping content when it's a group of seven people, because they should for real go in social distancing mode to do so. Most people who have parasocial relationships tend to have "ships" whether they know it or not, because we've all, at least once, looked at a dynamic from the outside and thought "oh man they look cute together". So, even if, o dear ones, your wishes were granted... What the hell do you mean by "shipping" content? Should they just film solo clips, avoiding talking about the other members? But wouldn't that be fanservice, since it's focused on pleasing the fans? (Which, ultimately, is what fanservice MEANS, and I hate to break it to y'all but the whole concept behind entertainment and thus all the content BTS releases it's... For the fans. Like, they're not going out of their way to just meet our expectations but they're certainly doing fanservice by the mere act of releasing bonus content.)
But it's not even quite that, is it? Because no one bats an eye if it's Tae kissing Nj's cheek. I've seen no hashtag against everyone - and I mean literally every one of them - wolf whistling at Nj. It's okay to show intimacy... Because they're bandmates and it's okay to be close to someone who you see basically 24/7, I hear you. And it's also okay when people see that and gush over that closeness, because it's such a nice thing to see.
Soooooo... We've got to free JK from whom exactly? From what?
Are y'all mad cause people pointed out there's very little way a bruise that stayed for a whole ass night could be a quick bite? Because that doesn't harm jk, at most makes fun of him and jimin and their poor excuses (seriously, guys, next time consider using mosquitoes or "I was doing stuff". It'll be equally embarrassing but at least the meme will be funny), and it's literally... A fair observation. Like. It's a hickey, people are gonna make jokes about seeing a hickey and poor excuses of covering it up in the exact same way they're gonna make jokes over jimin falling out of chairs. And yeah, a hickey is AT LEAST something that happens in a sensual context. Like, I could understand "people who are extremely familiar with each other will have different body language/touch in areas where usually you wouldn't see friends touching each other", but that's not. Not a hand on the thigh. It's a hickey on the neck. I don't even know a more stereotypical placing for a hickey. But once again, are y'all mad because someone is pointing it out? Because that's not being delulu or even being a shipper, really, it's just commenting on something that was approved to be shown and discussed in something that was released BY THEM.
Are y'all mad at hybe for showing something that literally fell onto their hands? Cause like, unless someone (I'm counting on Jimin, since as we know Jungkook was busy spinning him round and round and had both his hands busy) called at hybe headquarters to say "yo bang pd substitute, is it okay if I give my friend jk here a hickey? Cause he's being really annoying rn and he has to pay", I highly doubt anyone expected Jungkook to come to rehearsal all neatly marked up. Or idk, maybe someone at hybe asked them "we need Jungkook to come in with a hickey but refuse to say it's a hickey, so that fans will feel reeeeally served." That sounds perfectly plausible too. Or a good marketing strategy.
Now, if you're a big company and your objective is to have some footage of the rehearsals for a concert, and the fandom is too good at noticing stuff for their own good, and one of your artists comes in with a very visible mark, and he and his bff bropal4lyfe come n with a story about how they were playing and a bite happened, you've got three choices: 1. Cut the artist out of aaaaalll the footage. Someone would have noticed the "bite mark" anyway, you best believe that. If you don't want anyone to notice it, you gotta cut him in most of the footage where it's visible. 2. Keep the hickey, discard the explanations. You could do that, but also it would feel a lot more unfaithful to everyone involved. Also they clearly worked their ass off to invent an explanation, come on! They truly tried to do their best inventing something that was not "it's a mosquito bite", they should get some credit! 3. Keep the bite, keep the explanation.
Notice how none of these solutions include the biting never happening because... They couldn't prevent it? The only thing they have any control over is how they're framing each "accident". And that's not an easy job.
I applaud you, people on the editing team.
So... On whom should we cast the blame now? Ah, yes, I think it's finally time for the ultimate scapegoat of this fandom: Jimin. Which is funny, cause... You know... If this were really about privacy, or being "victims" of shipping... This should be about freeing him too, you know? But obviously Jimin does it for attention, while Jungkook, poor angel that he is, doesn't even know what shipping is.
Furthermore, don't we all know how much Jimin imposes himself in Jungkook's life? To the point where he, multimillionaire man feels compelled to share a car with Jimin even if they're both late in the process. And can't you see how uncomfortable he is, draping himself over Jimin, making Jimin drap himself over him?
Oh lordy, truly such an awful eight years Jungkook spent, choosing to have vacations with someone who made him uncomfortable, spending free time with him, even having to suck his ear in public to the point you can see his saliva just because Jimin was sad :( truly an all-around bad time for Jungkook, as evidenced by alllll those times when he said Jimin was pretty, cute, and all-around knowing every little thing about Jimin. I absolutely concur, the dude would be so much more happy if jimin was not in his life.
Did that sound weird and absolutely ridiculous and a really absurd joke? Because that's what y'all sound like to me. Like. Jungkook is out there living his best life, getting hickeys and showered in affection and y'all paint him as a fucking martyr??? I'm sure he's really truly desperate that Jimin holds him in such high regards 😭😭😭 I can see him suffering whenever he starts doing his own serendipity rendition 😭😭 and when he claimed you are me, I am you as his and Jimin's only 😭😭😭 I cannot believe this poor baby 😭😭😭
I've reached a point where every time I hear this stuff I laugh because the levels of twisting reality when it comes to jikook are extraordinary, Jungkook will have a literally blissed out face and people will cry in outrage.
But coming back to my point: let's pretend you're not mad at Jimin and the possibility that jikook are dating: are y'all mad... At the hickey? Because at this point it seems like the only feasible solution. And if you are, do not worry: I'm sure Jungkook's skin was throughly healed by his boo. A kiss soothes even the worst pain, doesn't it?
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I'm gonna write a timeline for James and Regulus' relationship because I'm ✨bored✨
So, I don't really need to go over much when they were younger; you know, James and Sirius made friends and a year later he met Regulus, they didn't speak much and when they did Regulus was always quite rude and arragont towards James blah, blah you know the story.
James has been asking Lily Evans out from his 2nd year all the way up until his 4th but it seemed he'd started to give up on it. This confused the marauders slightly, as they had no idea why but didn't mid to much- as amusing as it was at times, it did get quite boring watching James ask Lily out again and again and again and... Again.
It's roles round to Regulus fifth year and James' 6th and Regulus knows that it's not long before he'll have to get the Dark Mark on his parents orders, even though he so desperately doesn't want to.
One night he finds himself walking round the castle and ends up in the astronomy tower.
James knew all about what had been going on with Sirius, after he'd left that summer and he was really worried about Regulus. He was looking at the marauders map, and saw Regulus up in the tower so he went there. It was a very short and awkward conversation that ended in Regulus snapping at James and telling him to get out.
After that, they ended up meeting in the astronomy tower every night. Well, Regulus would go up there to get some peace and James would come and bug him, partly for fun but mostly because he was worried about the other boy.
One night, when Regulus was sat in the window seat and James was sat talking to him, Regulus snapped at him over something and James just laughed. He took hold of Regulus' face and asked him; 'when will you just admit that you've fallen in love with me?' Regulus, angry and embarrassed yelled at him for such stupid accusations, but then he realised something. Why was it that he went to the astronomy tower every night, when he knew James would be there to annoy him? Why did he not go somewhere else instead? Why was it that every morning at breakfast he would stare across the hall at James? Why was it all he could think about in his lessons was James bloody Potter?
The two end up kissing, and in the heat of the moment... Something more happens.
After that happened, they decided to have a friends with benefits type of thing, or at least that's what James calls it. Regulus still refuses to say they were anything more than fuck buddies- 'your not my friend James, and your not my boyfriend because I don't have feelings for you. At all.' (I also imagine that after the first time they slept together Regulus told him; 'I don't like you. And I'm not gay.' and James laughed. That's not important but it's funny.)
So, you know they continue their late night meet ups where sometimes they'll just talk, or sometimes they'll do... Other things. It eventually gets to a point where sometimes Regulus would find himself being pulled into a broom closet at random, to be snogged by James. And sometimes he'd find himself pinned against a bookshelf in the library, with butterflies in his stomach and a blush creeping up his neck- but it's not like he's on love with James or anything!
This continues for a while, and to be honest they have quite a toxic relationship at this stage. Regulus will still snap at James and tell him he hates him, but that's because of ✨internalised homophobia✨ and he feels like him shagging James I mean, being with James is wrong even though deep down he knows there's nothing wrong with it. As a result, it makes both of them feel cr@p but even so they continue to do it.
A few months later, and James finally cracked- he and Regulus got into a huge argument, and it wasn't pretty. James ended up yelling at him, and after lal the trauma he's been threw, it made Regulus flinch and pull out his wand. James felt absolutely awful, and they talked things out. It was also the first time Regulus had hugged anyone since he was 7 years old, when he buried his leg and Sirius gave him a hug to make it better. During that conversation, James also admitted that he'd grown real feelings for Regulus and Regulus finally admitted to both James and himself that he to wanted to have a real relationship with James.
So, as well as being pulled into broom closets to shag I mean kiss, they also went on secret dates and were just adorable. They obviously kept their relationship a secret because they didn't want anyone finding out because Walburga and Orion would go ballistic to find that out about Regulus, who still was just very awkward and worried about what people would think. They also had a feeling that Sirius wouldn't be a fan of their relationship... And they were right.
And BAM! all of a sudden it's the summer holidays, they sucked, Regulus was... Well, lots of sh!t happening there and James was missing him but happy to hang out with Sirius for the time.
And again BAM! we are back at Hogwarts, and the two boys are so excited to see each other, because they missed each other and just even more adorable couple things.
So, it roles round to the end of September (James' 7th and Regulus' 6th) are by the black lake together, they've just had midnight picnic for a date and now they're just looking at the view. James turned to Regulus, and for the first time said he loved him. He assured Regulus that he didn't have to say it back, but Regulus did anyway and they shared a very passionate kiss.
But then... Oh then. A loud shout interrupts them and they turn to see Sirius charging towards them, with Remus chasing after him. Sirius is fuming that James would dare lay a finger on his baby brother, and tries to hit him. Luckily, Remus was there to hold him back until he calmed down. Then he told James to *insert swear word here* off and then stormed away. Regulus was really upset about it, but James assured him it would be fine.
Fast forward to the next day, and Sirius just completely blanks James. Ignores him, doesn't talk to him which goes noticed by all the other gryffindors who are very concerned about the two. Remus hasn't said anything about it to either of them, but is constantly trying to get Sirius to talk to James again, meanwhile Peter's stuck in the middle like- screw this.
Eventually, James decides to confront Sirius, but it just ends in a huge argument. James tells Sirius that he's in love with Regulus and Regulus feels the same- they're devoted to each other and trust each other, yadda, yadda, yadda. Sirius gets even angrier and yells at James; 'oh yeah? If he trusts you so much, has he told you about what happened over the summer?'
James, slightly baffled, runs off and finds Regulus who's with Barty and Snape. He drags Regulus off to the bathroom and demands that Regulus rolls up his sleeves. When he refuses, James grabs his arm and does it himself to reveal the dark mark. They get into a massive fight, that ends in James breaking it off with him. He goes back to the dorm and bursts into tears. Sirius apologizes for both being a bit of a d!ck about their relationship but mainly because of what Regulus had done and comforted him.
Later in the year, James ends up asking Lily out for what he promises will be the last time in this life and she says yes. They go on a few dates and fall in love, they leave Hogwarts, get married- you know the story.
Then, a few years later they get a very teary phonecall from Sirius explaining that Regulus was dead. He had no idea what happened, but he was gone. Lily was obviously extremely upset for Sirius, and understood how hard it must be for him- she hadn't spoken to Petunia in years but the idea of losing her was unbearable. Even so, she was slightly confused to why James had gone so pale and teary, and even more so when he went upstairs to the bathroom and didn't come back down again for half an hour. She put it down to the realisation he had about the war, little did she realise James had lost the first and only man he'd ever loved.
I gotta put it out there, he does love Lily, like she wasn't a rebound or a comfort to losing Regulus, he did love her but a part of him still loved Regulus and always would.
I hope you liked this timeline, despite the depressing ending!
I'm going to be writing a fanfic on it very soon on wattpad, I've already got a couple chapters ready to be posted if you're interested. (My account on their is woofstar)
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Drive By ~ part 3
A/n: HELLO I FINALLY DID IT!! This part was hard until I finally rediscovered a few songs that FUELED this part (namely “Falling” by Harry Styles and “Far Away” by Nickelback) and then I managed to finish it! Hope you guys liked it :)
Warnings: Some depressive tendencies (distancing, slight disassociation, etc.). Internalized homophobia. Demonizing of soulmates. Bigoted opinions (Luke and Reggie make fun of them)
Word Count: 5800+
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Luke and Reggie hadn't been the same since seeing Y/n again, but in very different ways.
Whatever Luke was on, it could only be described as overcompensating. His energy was higher than ever, and he could never quite sit still. His voice was louder, and he talked more. He never stopped talking. It stopped making sense after a while, but Julie and Alex were too worried to stop him. When they tried, his face went blank and his shoulders seemed to slouch and he stopped dead. It was like he'd been slapped... There was a sort of distance in the way he looked at everyone, and talked, and even engaged. He didn't even really process the whole shebang with Caleb, he just stuck very close to Reggie.
And then there was Reggie. He was already kind of off to begin with. He was smart, but he tended to zone out sometimes, and when he tuned back in he'd missed something important and was super lost as to what was happening. Or, someone would say something and he would get the wrong meaning, like the context of the situation had gone just over his head. It was adorable above anything else, and the boys loved to gently tease him about it... but now it wasn't something light hearted and funny. He did a lot of sitting and staring off into space and being silent, and it was very much not like him at all. Usually when he got upset all one had to do was talk to him about one of the things he really loved, but even that was a dead end conversation these days.
Julie, Flynn, and even Alex were all completely lost on what to do with either boy. They still responded when spoken to, and if they had to pitch in they did. Luke still wrote songs and Reggie still hung out with Ray and had Carlos' back and Luke still visited his parents and they both still performed. Luke still seemed to be there when Julie gave "Unsaid Emily" to Luke's parents. They were both still THERE when they were needed, it was just in the little hours. In the small moments, they were... far away. They looked through people and seemed to drift far too much. They were spiraling in a very hidden sort of way and no one knew how to even begin to help.
It was a relief at the end of the day that they could take comfort in each other. Neither had to talk about it, so still no one knew that Y/n and Reggie - and also maybe Luke and Reggie as well - were soulmates. It was written off as Reggie and Y/n being best friends. The two had always understood each other better than the others did. They had soft conversations and secret jokes that lead to exchanged looks no one could quite catch up on. Losing Y/n had been as much a weight on Reggie as it had on Luke. It had been the most clear in those last days. Luke could see the unsettled, unfinished business resting in Reggie's eyes. It had been the same look Luke had seen in his own eyes after the argument with his parents. Every day he hadn't gone back, and when Julie had called him from the dead and he'd gone home and felt it in his very bones. He saw that look, that feeling, in Reggie clearly. Which made sense, considering that Reggie and Y/n had ended in an argument the same way Luke and Y/n had. The pair had never really recovered after that last argument. Reggie had been the one to encourage Luke to let it go when Luke's tattoo had gone grey... and now it was all a mess.
Reggie understood the mix of joy and pain that Luke felt when he'd seen Y/n. Had realized that Y/n had died around when they did. That he was still their age, a ghost just like them, and within reach... theoretically. That's where the bitter came in.
It was nighttime that was the biggest relief.
Luke and Reggie spent most of it cuddling, clinging to each other like they did when they were kids. That night, both of them were having a hard time sleeping as was usual of recent. Ghosts didn't really have to sleep, but they did get physically exhausted every once in a while. Usually a good sit down with a side of relaxation would be enough, but sleeping lessened the overwhelming amount of down time the boys found themselves in, with no one else to talk to but Julie and nothing else to do but sit around and write music, and nothing else to think about than all the mistakes they'd made and the people they'd lost and the things they'd left behind. When one's mind ran that quickly, sleep would have been a relief. Except that a racing mind rarely if ever allowed one to rest, especially if it wasn't required.
So they stayed awake and they talked and they let the time pass as quickly as possible.
"Do you really think you could still fit in the kid swings?" Luke giggled, nose scrunched in that adorable way that always made Reggie's heart race.
"Oh absolutely," Reggie responded with a warm smile of his own. His insides always warmed in these moments, despite how cold he'd felt since seeing Y/n again. Luke seemed to make that connection Reggie lost feel... whole again. Like the thing that had broken in him since losing Y/n was just about fixed. Y/n really had meant a lot to Reggie, and as amazing as Alex and Flynn and Julie were and how important they all were to him, Luke was just different.
A soft breath escaped between Luke's lips then, and his large, green, sparkly eyes found Reggie's. "Thank you Reggie. I don't think I've really laughed since-" His smile faltered. "In a while." His forehead pressed to Reggie's shoulder. "You're my best friend, Reg. I hope you know."
Reggie hummed. "Yeah sure." He noticed the way Luke's eyes zoned out again, getting duller as they zoomed in on the freckles across Reggie's neck and arms. "You okay, Lu?"
For the first time since being asked that question multiple times every day by all of his other friends, Luke was honest. "No." His voice was suddenly very broken.
There was a mixed feeling about this whole thing. Reggie understood Luke perfectly, and how sideways this whole situation was. He knew nothing could make it better, or ease the pain. Nothing but time, if even that. This didn't stop Reggie from WANTING to help though. To ease that pain, and lessen it. To make Luke feel better. All he could do was offer himself, knowing how much it just wouldn't be enough.
"Come here." Reggie opened his arms and Luke rolled onto his side so their bodies were pressed together. Luke's shoulder nestled under one of Reggie's collar bones; Luke's head pressed into Reggie's neck. He didn't mean to, but Luke was warm and he wanted so desperately to say something that when his mouth opened... "I'm sorry I'm not him."
Luke's head moved back, his shoulder pressing more into Reggie's chest as their eyes locked. "What does that mean?" Luke's head tilted, eyebrows dipping in silent accusation. No, not accusation. Worry.
Reggie's eyes jerked to the side. "I just... I wish I could give you some closure. Or just talk to him. Or just have him back. I wish I could actually help, instead of just laying here every night and settling with just distracting you." He shrugged.
One of Luke's hand rose to hold the side of Reggie's face, maneuvering it so they were forced to look at each other again. "Reggie, you're enough. Just you. You've always been enough, you have to know that." His eyes were so sincere... They were so bright and honest and earnest.
What else was Reggie to do but believe him?
Suddenly there was a warmth where Luke's shoulder touched Reggie's chest. It was that moment both boys realized two things. First, it was the same shoulder that Y/n had touched the night the two boys had met. Second, Reggie's collar had fallen down, pushed aside in all the squirming around so the same spot Y/n had touched the night they'd had that special heart to heart was exposed, pressed to Luke's shoulders. What followed next was a completely new realization. Their soulmate marks were touching, skin to skin, and there was a distinct, familiar feeling because of it. A tingling. The same tingling both boys had felt anytime Y/n had touched their soulmate mark. The same feeling they'd gotten the night they'd received those special marks. The two nights that had become two of three nights that had changed everything. Just as it was all about to change again.
Reggie jerked away very suddenly. He scrambled to his feet and then suddenly disappeared. Luke was a second slower, just behind him. Too late to stop him. He scrambled after Reggie though, appearing on the floor rather than in the loft where they'd been before. Just in time to see Reggie tripping over himself to get to the mirror in the bathroom. Luke followed, just in time to see Reggie yank down his shirt to reveal-
Two roses, stems crossed over the other like an 'x'. Just black ink outline, like a coloring page before it's been colored in. The same exact rose that had been on Luke's shoulder and Reggie's neck, but two this time. The same roses that had been on Y/n's palm the night he'd given Reggie a soul mark as he had given Luke one.
Luke turned his body, showing his shoulder in the mirror as well.
The same two roses in the same exact fashion showed on his shoulder.
Reaching out, Luke pulled Reggie's shoulder so they were facing each other. "Reggie... what the hell?" He was even more nervous when Reggie looked back with eyes that had answers. Answers Luke was worried he might very much not want to know.
"What are you doing?"
The small boy looked up to see another small boy. Both of them had green eyes and brown hair - that was the first notice. "I'm playing guitar," the second small boy answered the first.
"No you're not," the first argued. "That's not a guitar. It's a- a- well, its a stick with string tied to it is what it is. And it has too many strings at that!"
The second boy hid the stick behind his back, his chubby face screwing up in anger. It was like a pouting puppy, and the first small boy had to admit it was... kind of adorable. "It IS a guitar," the adorable boy huffed. "What do you know about guitars anyway."
A smile adorned the face of the first boy. "My mom has one. She said I could have it one day."
The adorable boy tilted his head. "Well I guess you're lucky then."
The first boy laughed. "Would you like to play it some day?" The adorable looked shocked, and the first boy smiled even wider. "Thought so. What's your name?"
"Luke," the adorable boy answered. "Yours?"
"Reginald. I... don't like it though." Reginald scrunched his nose, shaking his head.
Luke nodded. "What about a sort of nickname then? Something you like more." Reginald sat next to Luke, and the not-guitar-actually-a-stick was abandoned in favor of the conversation. "There's all sort of odd, funny ones. Like um, Gin."
"That's even worse," Reginald complained.
Luke giggled. "Uh, how about Ginny?" Reginald only had to glare for Luke to rush out, "Okay okay okay, HUGE no on that then. I suppose... well you could be totally boring and go with Reggie."
"What's wrong about boring?" Reginald asked immediately. "You need a little bit of it to make everything else interesting." As Luke went to respond, Reginald continued, "Plus, look who's talking! Luke is the most normal name I've ever heard."
"It's short for Lukas," Luke defended.
"Even worse!" Reginald declared. "Why go with Luke? That's the most obvious nickname for Lucas!"
Luke nodded. "Yeah, but my name is spelled Lukas with a K. So it's cool."
After a second, Reginald nodded. "You can call me Ginny if I can call you Kas."
That made Luke bust up laughing. "You can call me Kas all you want. It's a fun nickname I think."
"I think I'll stick to Reggie though," Reggie decided.
Another nod from Luke. "That's fair." He hesitated a moment. "Wanna be friends?"
A grin like no other took Reggie's face, and Luke found his insides warm up and soften. "Absolutely."
Luke's mind was reeling.
Reggie was worrying. Exceedingly.
"Are you mad at me?" Reggie had never been known for holding his emotions in, and really neither had Luke.
Which is why it was no surprise when the guitarist suddenly looked up, eyes wide with surprise and expression open and honest. "Why would I be mad at you?"
For second, Reggie didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to explain the emotions in his chest that hurt so much. But then he looked into Luke's eyes, and the words came on their own. "I know things haven't been easy for you when it comes to mixing band members and romance. Or when it comes to soulmates." He shrugged. "It doesn't help that - I mean, we've changed a lot, and being with Julie has taught us so much. We've learned to accept a lot about ourselves, and we're lucky for that. But we were still born and raised in the 90's. And back then, soulmates were... bad."
Immediately, Luke sighed. Reggie realized it was in relief. "I feel like I'm behind. Like I didn't leave those fears behind when he got brought back. I still feel like... sometimes I still feel like loving Y/n is wrong. Like I need to keep it a secret and hide it away and push it down. I got so scared when Julie found about my soulmate mark - and then was so surprised when she was so casual about it. I still expect her to snap at me, or be secretly bitter that I'm asexual, or attracted to men. I don't know." he shook his head, sighing again. His shoulders sagged, and Reggie realized that he must feel so relieved to have lost whatever huge amount of stress he was carrying this entire time keeping that inside. "Does it make me a bad person? To flinch away from things like that? It's not that I hate it, I just-" He was obviously struggling.
Sitting down next to Luke, Reggie placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Luke you were conditioned from a kid to hate the things about yourself that are most important to you. Things that are ingrained in your coding." He chuckled, and Luke smiled. "Hell, I think even people who were born nowaday still struggle with it sometimes. It's programming. Subconscious. Your emotions don't make you - the way you react to them do."
At that, Luke finally completely relaxed, resting his head on Reggie's shoulder. "Do you ever realize that the only reason people back then demonized soulmates so much is just because it was one less thing they could control? Like, people back then really cared about power so much. Power over people specifically. Like I remember that week that our school did a campaign for fighting against soulmates-"
Reggie gasped. "Oh my god I remember that! They said it was brainwashing. Wasn't it like... like I remember it was so cool for a while, but then people of the same gender started to become soulmates and everyone lost their minds."
"Men and women balance each other out; same sex attraction is an easy way out and ultimately cheats people who deserve better," Luke mocked, his voice snapping and bitter. "This just proves that soulmates are of the devil!"
Reggie busted up laughing. "Don't remind me of Mrs. Kyde-" He snorted, leaning into Luke more, his face light up with a smile.
Luke shook his head. "People are so weird. Literally what does who anyone loves or marries or whatever have anything to do with anyone not involved in that relationship? You don't like the fact that I'm into men? Fine! Go be straight somewhere else." He rolled his eyes. "I hate thinking about how afraid I used to be. Of people finding out about Y/n and me. GOD we were so happy. And the way people treated him..." Suddenly the mood dropped, and Luke raised his hand to wipe away a tear. He scoffed softly. "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry for feeling things, Luke," Reggie reassured, raising his arm to wrap around Luke's shoulders and pull both of their bodies closer together.
Turning his head to thank Reggie, Luke stopped short when he then realized how close they were. "You know," he said softly. "It's so weird to realize you're my soulmate too." He smiled though, so Reggie didn't panic as much as he would have normally. "I mean, you were really right there from the beginning. We met in middle school. I was like. Tiny." Reggie giggled and both of them were suddenly smiling again. "You were there for all my worst phases."
Reggie groaned. "God you were my sexual awakening."
"I wasn't," Luke gasped, eyes wide.
"You were." Reggie laughed again, shaking his head. "I was CRUSHED when you started dating Alex. And then you two were so happy, and I saw how hard it was. Saw you guys figure that out, and then kind of devolve into just being friends. And then we started the band, and I realized it was just so much easier to stay friends with you."
"We took ages to figure that out," Luke recalled. "I don't think we ever really figure out personal space again."
Reggie nodded. "And then Y/n came along and I figured I could just jam with being friends. I was so used to it at that point, and there were so many things to be distracted by. Our band was gaining traction and people were talking to us. To me. You two were so happy, and it was a little dangerous and fun and I was so relieved that I hadn't done anything, because I was watching soulmates interact properly and it was everything I ever wanted. I was glad I hadn't gotten between that." His smile faded. "And then..."
"And then you and Y/n," Luke offered. Reggie nodded. After a few seconds of silence, Luke asked, "So what do we do now?"
Shrugging, Reggie looked back at Luke. "What do you want to do?"
Luke thought about that for a second. "Well I know how happy I was with Y/n, and now the stupid things I was worried about before just won't be a problem. No one can see us unless we perform, and the person who can always sees us doesn't care. We don't have to worry like Y/n and I did. And maybe we'll see Y/n again. But we might not, and even if we do it won't mean things are going to go back to what they were. Do you... like him?" Reggie hesitated, then nodded. "Do you like me?" With less hesitation came another nod. "Can I... try something?" Yet another nod, this time with no hesitation.
His heart racing, Luke took a leap of faith. He knew himself at this point. Knew that there was only really one way to figure out his emotions. If he tried to figure it out via analysis, he'd eventually over think it until nothing made sense and he was just more confused. So he did something he knew would work. He softly grabbed Reggie's face and pulled his best friend to him until they were kissing.
When their lips touched, something seemed to unlock in Reggie. He shuddered and Luke leaned back immediately, eyes wide with nervousness. But then he saw the way that Reggie leaned in after him and he felt his heart swell and his insides warm. Reggie looked at him, unsure, but then seemingly at the same time they both grabbed each other, meeting for a passionate kiss that set them both on fire.
All either of them could think for a while was... Finally.
Luke was so happy to see Y/n getting along so well with his friends. They had met only an hour ago and Alex and Y/n had already bonded over being attracted to men. Bobby was standing back a bit, unsure how to approach Y/n and the situation implied between this new boy and Luke. Bobby didn't mind it, he knew about Alex after all. It had just surprised him because he didn't know about Luke. On top of that, he DID very much know about Y/n and his reputation, so he didn't know what to do with this person that seemed so different than the one Bobby had heard about, being seemingly romantically involved with a dude who Bobby had been sure was straight until today. Reggie and Y/n had distracted from Bobby's awkwardness by hitting it off right out of the gate with how comfortable they were with physical affection, as well as the fact that Y/n just seemed to be so quickly aware of and good with Reggie's little odd ways of doing things that were always so different than how most other people did them. Y/n was extremely insightful, and a fast learner and those two skills came in handy now.
In fact, Y/n and Reggie were getting along so well that Alex and Bobby had settled by Luke. A calm, warm air had settled in the room just like it always did when they were all together. The studio attached to Bobby's house had become like a second home for the three boys. Luke hoped that would carry to Y/n to.
After introductions, Y/n stayed for a little band practice, grinning from ear to ear as he clapped between songs. It seemed to fuel Luke, which only fueled the others. Luke's energy had always been contagious to his best friends, and now was no different. It only took one song for Bobby to warm up to the surprises he'd had tonight and this stranger he wasn't sure what exactly to do with. By the end of it, Y/n was shouting so loud Luke had to come over and gently remind him it was getting late and people might handle a band playing, but they definitely would refuse to tolerate straight up screaming. When the sun began to set, they all headed out to sit on Bobby's roof and watch the sun set as they talked about that day's practice just like they always did. Except, instead of the usual criticism and praises and general discussion, they turned to Y/n to get an third person opinion. Their mistake too, because Y/n grabbed the opportunity immediately to drown them all in praise, sparing no second or word to tell them how amazing they were and how much he loved their music.
"You play at all?" Bobby asked as Y/n began to calm down, blushing as he got self conscious at how long he'd been talking.
Thankful for Bobby sensing his rising awkwardness and distracting him from it, Y/n shot the rhythm guitarist a warm smile. "My older sister did." His smile faltered and the other boys exchanged looks before Reggie - who knew enough about siblings to recognize when someone mentioned something about them they didn't want pressed - shook his head in a firm no.
Luke took that to heart - he always trusted Reggie's instincts - and let it go. "So you've been around music a lot then. Anything you've especially taken to? Favorite band?"
Y/n smirked, but none of them were fast enough to stop him from saying, "You guys of course." The others groaned, but Luke's eyes only widened and he blushed. Y/n winked.
Eventually everyone had to go to bed. Alex, Luke, and Reggie had stayed here hundreds of times easy, but Y/n was hesitant to join them tonight. When Bobby encouraged it, finally he gave in and curled up with Luke on the couch. The first to fall asleep - to everyone's surprise - was Y/n. Bobby, who always slept in the studio when the boys stayed over, smiled at Luke. "So you found your soulmate."
That of course made Luke just beam with joy. "Yeah." Y/n had fallen asleep on Luke's chest and it was the most comfortable Luke had ever been in his light. He loved the weight of Y/n on him, reminding him every single second that this was real. "It's everything I thought it was going to be," he mused dreamily. "He just fits, like a puzzle piece. I totally thought I had everything figured out and then this person drops into the middle of my life and suddenly there's a whole other half of this picture I was sure I'd finished a long time ago..." He shook his head. "It's great."
Reggie chuckled. "So great you took, what, a month and a half to tell us about him?"
Luckily Y/n was a heavy sleeper, because if he hadn't been Luke would have woken him up with how hard he flinched. "I just didn't know how you guys would have reacted. Y/n kind of has a reputation, and I don't care obviously, but he's been through a lot of shit with people who do care and if you guys hadn't all gotten along it would have been the worst." Alex went to say something and Luke rushed to add, "And it's not that I thought you guys were dicks or anything. I just had this... fear, anyway. I mean, I've been standing by the fact that I don't really like anyone for a while and that's why most things like this haven't worked out, and it's still weird and complicated but Y/n is helping me a LOT to figure out that some attractions are different than others and..." He sighed, eyes purposefully looking away from Alex.
Sensing the core of Luke's worry, Alex reached over and touched Luke's shoulder, a genuine smile on his face. "Luke, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you figured out all the stuff you were struggling so much with back then and that you can be happy now." There was an unspoken, 'even if it's not with me' that he didn't have to say.
After that, the conversation died pretty quickly, and Bobby and Alex went to sleep too.
"Do you still think we'll be able to cuddle and stuff?" Reggie asked softly, looking up from where he lay.
Rolling his eyes, Luke answered, "Of course Reggie. The only thing that's going to change is that I might be a little less needy. I'll always be your Kas."
That made Reggie settle more, smiling to himself. There was something about thinking of Luke as HIS that made butterflies flutter in his stomach. "Good because I might've had to fight your boyfriend if that wasn't the case."
Luke chuckled. "Go to bed, Gee." After all those years, Luke had finally come up with his own, original nickname for Reggie that didn't sound stupid, and they both loved it.
Getting more comfortable, Reggie decided to do just that, right after one final, "Goodnight, Kas."
A sleepy, "Goodnight, Gee," came from Luke as they both finally drifted into sleep along with the others.
Things had been complicated, but that had been the case for far too long now, and Reggie and Luke had done everything in their power to make it as simple as possible. With the threat of being erased from existence completely looming over their heads, and no way to mend things between them and Y/n, now was as good a time as ever to let go of the past and hold on to the little time they had now. And they made it work. Despite the fear. Despite the pain. Despite once again losing all of the things that could have been and that they so wanted to be, what they did have was their soulmate mark, and that MEANT something. For now, they'd be fine with that.
Tonight was supposed to be it. They'd said their goodbyes and lined up the performance up so the boys could pass on. But they weren't showing up, and Julie Molina knew her boys well. Too well to think they'd left her again, so that meant two things. They were doubled over in pain somewhere, too incapacitated to play. Or... they were already gone. It had been too late and they'd been destroyed Julie had to do this performance completely by herself. Performing after Panic at the Disco, in one of the most sought after local gigs. In a packed auditorium.
In that moment, Julie did the only thing she knew how to. She went to her mom for help.
Rose Molina didn't show up, but someone did. A boy, maybe one or two years older than him. He was completely decked in white. Just jeans a t-shirt and everyday shoes, except he didn't have even a speck of dust or shirt on him. He was so clean that under the moonlight in the dark, dim alleyway, the boy seemed to glow. He smiled to her and extended his arm, and in his hand was a single flower.
A Dahlia.
She took it, her eyes welling with tears. She'd asked for a sign, and a boy as close to angelic as one could get without causing a scene had shown up to give her the flower that had always been her mother's favorite. He turned around and began to walk away but she rushed after him, reaching to catch his arm. She gasped when her hand went right through him. He turned as if he felt it, that soft, warm smile still on his face.
"Who are you?" She asked with a voice filled with awe.
He seemed to get sheepish. "I'm not an angel, if that's that you're thinking."
"Then what are you?" Julie asked, stepping closer.
For a second, he just thought. "A friend," is what he gave her. "When you need me most, I'll be there. I can promise that." And then he rose a single hand and waved at her before disappearing in a fashion that she had seen more than plenty of times with the boys.
After, when she tried to recall anything special about the boy other than his pristine, perfectly clean white clothes, she remembered few things. She'd been too caught up in the moment that was already packed with stress and heavy emotion and shock to think about anything else. It wasn't until after, when the boys were better and Luke had grabbed Reggie's face and kissed him in pure relief that she thought about the boy again. It wasn't much longer later - just later that night - but that had brought him into her mind was a surprise. For the first time in a long time, Julie was seeing Luke without sleeves, and as he turned to grasp his boyfriend in the heat of the moment, Julie saw his soulmate mark. Except now, it was a little different. It had two roses instead of one.
It was the exact sane mark that had been on the boy in the white clothes' hand as he waved goodbye to her.
She rushed to him touching his shoulder with wide eyes. "Luke, your soulmate mark..."
Reggie got excited, unbuttoning his shirt a little to show the matching one he had on his upper chest. "We're soulmates, Julie. Didn't we tell you that?"
"Well yeah," Julie dismissed, looking between the to marks that not only matched each others' but also the one from earlier that had been on the mystery boy's hand. "But... it changed."
Luke and Reggie looked at each other and decided silently in that moment that they couldn't handle it. Not right now. Not on top of everything else. They couldn't talk about Y/n. So Luke told a half truth. "It changed."
Immediately Julie glared at Luke. "This didn't change Luke, it doubled. Soulmate marks don't do that. They fade at best. There's been three cases total in all of the history of visible soulmate marks that completely disappeared - it's extremely rare for them to even make room for new marks, let alone create a whole new one that looks that similar to the last one you had there." Her face relaxed. "You guys are both soulmates with Y/n."
Reggie sighed, his happiness and relief melting for despair. "Yeah." He shook his head. "But can we please not talk about that? We just barely didn't completely die, and-"
"But I know where to find him," Julie rushed urgently. The two boys froze.
"What?" Luke choked out.
Julie took off, out of the room and returning back again with the Dahlia she'd received from who she now knew to be Y/n. She knew that the boys had seen him when they'd been at Bobby's house, but at the time she hadn't known who to look for and had missed him. She had gotten a description of him though here and there a few times, and from what she knew, this had to be him. If anything, the mark was enough. She didn't know why it hadn't hit her the second she'd seen the two roses, so very similar to Luke's one she'd seen before, right in the place that she knew Y/n's mark to be. Pushing that out of her mind now, she held up the flower to the boys. "When I thought you guys were gone, I went into the alley and I asked my mom to-" her voice got suddenly think with emotion and she cleared her throat, shaking her head. "I asked for a sign. Anything to let me know she was still here and watching me. That she was like you guys, or maybe somewhere else. Helping. And then Y/n showed up with THIS and told me he was a friend and that I could call on him anytime I needed him. That he would be there for me."
Luke ran a hand through his hair. "How did you know it was him?" His voice was strained, but the message still came across.
"He waved at me before he disappeared. He had the same roses on his palm, that you two do. We can find him! We can finally fix what happened all those years ago!" She grinned, her smile making the room brighter. "You guys can FINALLY go and get your man!"
Reggie and Luke looked at each other again, but this time their expressions were unreadable. When they turned back to look at Julie, she thought they were about to have a whole new purpose. Something GOOD that actually meant something. Not struggling for success, or running from life threatening danger, but something purely good that would finally help two of her four closest friends find peace with the one thing they regretted most about their lives before. Then Reggie spoke, only one word. One word that made less sense than anything Julie had heard in her entire life.
Reginald Peters opened his mouth and with complete conviction told her, "No."
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pynkhues · 3 years
.... any succession fic recs? 👀
Yes!! I haven't read a lot for it yet, but some of the stuff I've read has been staggeringly good. I'm generally more into gen fic in this particular fandom, but have enjoyed some Stewy x Kendall, Gerri x Roman and Naomi x Tabitha too.
A few recs under the cut!
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“I wanted to get out. From under all this. Take the money and run.”
Kendall tells Stewy even though he knows he’ll never get it, not like Naomi does. He’ll never understand the crush of it, the heart-stopping head-fucking fear of failing a tyrant. Kendall’s been ignoring the shape of it for a long time, putting pieces of it together in the back of his mind in total darkness like a blindfolded man. It doesn’t matter that one day his dad will die. It doesn’t matter about the money or the hostile takeover or the stolen files or any of it. There’s no running. Kendall’s Logan Roy lives inside his head.
Stewy laughs. Stewy laughs for a long time.
“There is no out, Ken, what the fuck are you talking about? You were born this and you’ll die this. You are what you are, and what you are is a fucking Roy.”
Kendall hates him, for a moment. Lightning-strike furious. What the fuck does he know about any of it, about his dad’s swinging dinner plate-sized hands, about getting 24% name recognition in reliable international polling, about puking every time you think about a car swerving off the road in the rain. About finding out that you can do something unthinkably, unimaginably terrible, and it doesn’t matter to anyone you know but you. There’s a scar on his arm that no one else who hasn’t already been told how it got there can ever know about, and he’s sick of it, and it’s not fair. He hates Stewy for a moment because Stewy’s right.
“I wanted to do the right thing, Stewy, for once in my fucking life.”
Stewy laughs again, more briefly, and the predator flash of his eyes in the neon of the motel sign is a torture all its own.
‘There is no right and wrong, Ken. How the fuck do you not know that yet? Not for people like you. Like us. There’s shit you get caught doing and there’s shit you don’t.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You really, really fucking don’t,” says Ken, and fuck, there it is. The road less travelled, that only he has ever driven on. The path he’s down where Stewy can’t follow. That place beyond Stewy Hosseini where he never thought he could go.
“You’re not telling me something, and when I find out what that is, and I will find out what it is, Kendall, don’t you think I won’t, so I am warning you that when I do find out I am going to be righteously fucking pissed,” says Stewy, and if Kendall thought those were a predator’s eyes before—
“Yeah, you will,” says Kendall, because he knows exactly how perceptive Stewy is. Exactly how weak he is. Exactly, precisely what both of them are.
And treat this night like it’ll happen again by postcardmystery. 8k words. Kendall x Stewy. Post s2. (CW: internalised homophobia, some homophobic language)
I tried to pick a shorter excerpt, but I literally couldn’t, this fic is so. good. The voices are pitch perfect, and it’s got this incredible build to it overall that goes back and forth between time and point of views and just rips your heart out. The premise itself is pretty simple – after the press conference at the end of 2.10, Kendall calls Stewy, and they drive through rural America while Kendall has a breakdown, and it’s just - - unspeakably good. I love it so so so much, I have no words.
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r/roysucks Connor’s gf just posted on Instagram (instagram.com) submitted two months ago by webbedscrum_2279 23 comments share save hide report
[–] DM_ME_SAMESMAIL 40 points two months ago I too like to escape to my yacht in the Mediterranean when my family and I are on trial for covering up rape and murder. permalink embed save report reply
AITA for accusing my father of multiple crimes on his own news station? By amleth 3k words. Gen fic. Post s2.
And now for something completely different – epistolary fic which is just reddit news threads of the Roy family drama. I love an epistolary fic and this is just totally charming, and made me laugh a lot out loud.
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“You’re quiet,” she observes. “That’s a first.”
“Yeah, well, the Turks beat it out of me. Gave you a run for their money.” He waggles his eyebrows. “So what is this? Whips and chains? Are we doing the whole boat-sex thing? I heard Shiv and Tom are looking for a third —“
Gerri finds what she’s looking for: a black leather binder. She drops it on the bed and begins paging through it, and Roman cranes his neck enough to recognize that it’s just full of documents, not like, dick pics. “I’ve given some thought to what you proposed a few weeks ago, and I agree that we should make things official in some way,” she says, and he blinks.
“Uh,” he says. “Which — what part of it?”
“Take a look.”
Gerri closes the folio and hands it over. It’s deceptively heavy, and the print on these pages is way too fucking fine, he thinks, paging through it. “Is this some kind of, like, Fifty Shades of Roy sex contract? Because it’s not that I’m not into it, but I think there’s a strong argument for going paperless —”
“Strictly speaking, this isn’t legally binding,” Gerri says. “Just something I threw together with regard to our business arrangement going forward. But with no respect to the family — the past few weeks have really illustrated that no one should take anyone at their word right now. Give me a little more than your word.”
Evacuation strategies for a yacht on fire by devourthemoon. 11k words. Gerri x Roman. Post s2. Explicit.
After the events of s2, Roman and Gerri fake being married as a professional alliance, only, y’know, maybe it’s not so fake. This fic is just so, so much fun, and messy in the best possible way. The author nails all the character voices, and the sex scenes are just the right amount of hot and ridiculous, and I just love it all a lot too.
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Kendall estimates it will take an hour for the first articles to go up. Some rapid-fire blog without oversight—the New York Post, maybe, or wherever those Vaulter hippies have skulked off to—will slap a catchy headline on it and report his words verbatim. Give or take a gif of his face when he switches to script number two. New York Times, Washington Post, AP, those fuckers take longer. They like to bleed the story like Middle Ages plague doctors for its marrow, fact-check and add context and analysis and as many backlinks as their servers can handle. Still, a couple of hours, and his face will be plastered on every major news outlet. His voice will play over the nightly talk shows. He’ll trend on Twitter. A few more days, and he’ll be the star of analysis segments, podcasts, weekly briefings. Maybe, fuck it, maybe he’ll trend on Twitter again.
It’s been years since Kendall read Shakespeare. But that shit sticks with you, gets under your skin and emerges when you least expect it, like eczema or Keynesian economics. He knows how the media will spin this. Kendall Roy Attacks CEO Logan for Years of Corruption. Prodigal Son Disrupts Family Legacy to Restore Credibility. That’s how Hamlet ends, right? And Macbeth, Lear, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, even Titus fucking Andronicus. The spilled blood sinks into the ground, the seedlings sprout forth from the soil, and a new castle is built on the bones. Order out of chaos, or at least close enough an approximation that the tabloids will buy it.
Legacy for profit by owlinaminor Post-2.10. Kendall Roy. Kendall through Shakespeare analogies – just - - ooooof. It's a beautiful, lyrical character study that weaves through Roy family history and teases at a future none of them are even sure they want. It's gorgeous writing.
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For the next few days Shiv would have to keep the pressure on Kira like an open wound because there were other women, victims that Nate’s people were going to find one by one as soon as that phone call disconnected. Mo was her father’s friend, good friend, for a long, long time. Nate and Gil, Sandy and Stewy, too many sharks in the water and the share price probably dipped to a new low but she would never check a stock ticker. Her husband’s nerves fraying at the edges on national television. She had promised a woman she’d never met before that she would kill roughly one third of the top male executives of her family’s company. Her company.
The last look Rhea gave her before she shut the car door was concern close to fear—no longer the same woman who heard their pitch in the safe room, who laughed with her at Argestes. Rhea had only looked into the abyss; she got cold feet and she didn’t even know what it’s like to grow up in it.
Her family’s company is hers, will be hers. Even from a whale fall, new life would spring.
Feed his flesh to wayward daughters by reogulus. 2k words. Shiv Roy. Set during 2.09.
This entire fic is set around Shiv bribing Kira not to testify, and god, it is so good. It’s bleak and rough, and really hones in on the complex ground Shiv walks as a character. It's another brilliant study of what it takes to be a Roy, and the way they make the awful choices in order to fulfill this legacy that they don't even know they want.
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Kendall sets down his fork. “So. Tell me. Is it everything you wanted? Is it what you thought it would be?”
Roman stills. He never does that. He’s constantly a menace in motion, slouching and fidgeting, worse even than Kendall at his amphetamine peak. “What? The view from the tippy-tippy-top?”
“His regard.” Kendall wipes his mouth with the edge of the white cloth napkin. It comes away pink from the steak. “Dad. He’s all yours now.”
Roman still hasn’t moved. Finally, he lurches, like corroded machinery come uncertainly to life. “Yeah, man. It’s fucking tight as hell. I love every beautiful daddy and me moment I was a good enough little boy to earn.” He snorts. “Fuck you.” His face goes curiously slack then, like something Kendall’s own face would do. An intermission in the performance, an energy cut. Something genuine finding its way to the surface. “Why don’t you tell me. When you got everything you wanted, how the fuck did that make you feel?”
Nauseous, is the first word that springs to mind. Sick. Scared. I’ve never had everything I wanted, there’s that. I’ve never once had a single fucking thing I wanted. There’s that, too.
Interim leadership by arbitrarily 2k words. Roman + Kendall. Post s2.
I love Roman and Kendall scenes generally, but this one which features Kendall and Roman meeting for the first time a few months after the press conference in 2.10 is just a bit magic. The push pull dynamic that's just inherent to them mixed with the genuine affection and brotherly love is really special, and arbitrarily embraces both in equal measure. It's a great little fic.
There are lots more of course, and I'd also recommend checking out other works by these authors, but I hope this is a good place to start! :-)
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
You know, what think I like when you are critical of a content creator is that you know how to separate a fact from especulation, unlike a blog out there that took especulation as facts.
Example, that night when we were critical of Karl, or any instance you have discussed about him, a lot of anons were saying that he gave them clout chaser vibes to them, and despite your opinion, you expressed that those were only especulation and not the truth, and to keep that in mind. That's good critical thinking.
But this blog had some similar anons, saying that he only is friends with the Feral Boys gro clout- In fact, they said the Feral Boys were only in it to benefit from clout and money. And they took it as a truth. I know you instance on them is neutral, but come one, they are friends. All of them. Karl isn't friends with them for clout. Like today Karl was playing golf with salad gang plus Sapnap and George at first and then Quackity and Dream joined bc they had spared time and it all devolved into typical chaos (Poor Corpse and Tina and Brook, had to endure those children lol/lh /j). Like, the stream wasn't planned with the 5/5 yet they joined, missing Karl and just having fun.
Idk, I guess that blog's superiority (They were a SBI focused blog) just irritated me. It's as if they were putting both groups at each other as if those streamers aren't friends or close. They were singing prayers of one while shunning the other based from especulation. Criticissism is fine, in fact recommended to be critical of your interests, but taking rumors as facts to base your crit is yikes. It's as if I wanted to crit SBI and base it only of "Philza hanging only with people younger than him is kinda weird ngl.." or "Sbi doesn't care about Tommy cuz he joined late" like that dumb Tumblr post did or some fuckers in Twitter imply.
The main reason I take so much care to separate speculation from evidence-backed theories and confirmed truths is because I feel like that separation is what distinguishes us from mcyttwt the most. One of the main reasons for mcyttwt's toxicity, imo - for its relentless cancelling of everyone, for its bandwagon campaigns - is that people oftentimes criticize and defend based on their personal feelings rather than rationale or evidence.
For example, I complain a lot about Dream stans on here, but you know the reason I didn't stop watching Dream directly after the cheating scandal broke loose, even though I thought he cheated? Because of mcytblr Dream stans. Mcytblr Dream stans engaged with me in discussion, both publicly and in DMs, about the cheating scandal, and even those who eventually came to the conclusion that Dream didn't cheat accepted the facts and statistics they were given and kept a healthy skepticism throughout the process. On Twitter, Dream stans were defending him before he even made a video following up to the mods' initial accusations because they felt that Dream wasn't the kind of guy to lie or cheat. They were replying to screenshots of statistical analyses from subreddits and to articles from mathematicians and staticians with extremely reactionary responses because of that feeling, which they believed in so adamantly, they had accepted it as fact. The thing is, to believe that Dream didn't cheat in the face of all the statistical and rhetorical evidence to the contrary is, in itself, speculative. Usually we think of speculation as a baseless theory that something is a positive truth- that is to say, that something did happen. But speculation also applies to those theories of someone not having done something, when the opposite has been nearly proven to be true.
For this same reason, I chose not to ignore the anti-technotwt threads with screenshots of Techno's old tweets in them. For me to have simply ignored these screenshots and continued supposing that Techno never expressed bigoted beliefs and/or currently doesn't would have been speculative on my part, and to boot, blatantly wrong, given the evidence to the contrary.
People in this fandom, and in all RPF/RPF-adjacent fandoms need to understand that almost everything they believe about the CCs they watch is speculative, at least to some extent, because of the nature of the content they make. Even if someone, in your opinion, displays evidence of some aspect of their personality - whether that be some form of bigoted, sweet, rude, clout-chasing, or anything else - because of the extremely one-sided nature of sharing one's life through a screen, that theory of ours will almost alwyas only ever be speculation, not a solid conclusion that can be drawn. We will never know these people's true intentions behind something shared to us via the Internet.
That vagueness leads to virtually every viewer creating a different theory in our heads about the CCs we watch, and we can't treat those theories as facts, especially not when sharing them with the rest of a fandom. I'm not a very big blog, but I consider even over 50 followers to be way too many people to spread a theory too, without at least clarifying that what I'm posting is speculation. If I have evidence, I like to list it or, if I can, provide sources; but otherwise, I take care to qualify most things with phrases or disclaimers that will clue followers into the speculative nature of whatever it is I'm saying. This is because theories and "feelings" can blaze through a fandom like wildfire, especially somewhere like Twitter, where so many things are word-of-mouth or based on summary due to character limitation.
You know why mcyttwt was cancelling Andi? Only a handful of original Tweeters under the cancel Andi hashtags actually knew what clips or tweets to criticize her for, or tried to elaborate on that criticism. But because every other mcyttwt user was getting bombarded by their mutuals hate-posting about Andi on their TLs, the "negative feeling" towards Andi grew and grew, even if most people didn't even know what they were supposed to feel negative about, exactly. Our judgement works on a quick trigger on the Internet because of the amount of information we're receiving, and so, even a single bad word against someone you don't have too strong of an opinion on can fundamentally alter your perception of them, usually subconsciously. If the first thing you see about Andi, who you've only seen on a couple LOH's or a couple Punz streams before then, is a tweet along the lines of, "disappointed in Andi for her homophobia and joking about suicide," despite you having no context, you will most likely be pushed to the negative side of her. Thus begins the cycle of hatred, building up and up, leading to you searching for more and more criticism about Andi, whether speculative or not, until you solidly and genuinely believe she is a Horrible Person. It all starts with the vaguest fucking feeling, because that's all speculation has to go off of, and it snowballs into a fucking wildfire across an entire fandom. I'm not about to be another person to let feelings snowball and spread like that.
Now, I don't know what exact blog you're referring to, but as an adamant SBI enthusiast, let me flip the argument many SBI stans have for their speculation upon the genuity of Karl's friendship with the Feral Bois, onto SBI. What do we have to go off of for the genuity of SBI's friendship, anyways? Our perceived brother dynamic between Tommy and Wilbur could very well just be Tommy capitalizing on Wilbur's brand and continuing the charade until now because it's been profitable. Maybe Techno only continues to associate with SBI because he knows how much his fanbase likes headcanon'ing about SBI, so he puts up with streams with them so he can continue to feed his fanbase with dynamics he knows they're obsessed with. Maybe Phil would rather play MC with people his age, and actually dislikes that he's friends with a teenager, but sticks around because he profitted so much off of Dream SMP and SBI-related content. And what could any SBI stan have to argue with me on any of these theories? Just because SBI laughs around each other and seems fond of each other doesn't mean they're actually like that behind the cameras. They so seldomly stream or make videos together anymore, anyways, so maybe they've grown tired of keeping up the dynamic.
Everything I said could be interpreted as utter bullshit, and that's because it fucking is. I don't actually know what Techno wants to do with his life, or how Wilbur and Tommy actually feel about each other, or who Phil wants to fucking befriend. The same goes for Feral Boys. There's nothing wrong with stating your theories or speculation, but to treat them as fact or not at least qualify such posts with the fact that this is all based on your bias and opinion, and no substantive evidence, is irresponsible. Just because you feel like one or more of the Feral Boys is "clout-chasing" doesn't mean you have the right to tout that feeling as truth. I feel a lot of things about a lot of CCs, both negative and positive, but no matter how strong my feelings, unless they have substantive evidence backing them up, I have no right to treat them as facts with my followers.
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bagog · 3 years
What On Earth Has Happened
Hey, no story here, no experiments. Just a play by play of an awful year in my life. Please don't reblog. Trying to just get it down in one place for people who care about me. Long, sob-story beneath the cut.
Air - 'Things are looking up!' I had started to drift a bit from tumblr. The porno purge came and a lot of my friends trickled off the platform after that. I went back to school, attempting to score myself a Masters degree in something that would pay enough to get me out of Student Debt. I was doing great, picking things up fast. I got a new job at a company doing pretty menial work, but the people I worked with were great conversationalists. The work didn't involve dealing with customers at all, paid well, and was small and accomplishable tasks. Essentially I was being prepped to take a better position at the place once I had my Masters. Covid happened, then. Earth - 'The Whole World Sucks Right Now' My company was "essential," so I continued going to work, now on weird schedules. The company I worked for was profiting off Covid, all the while making fun of it as an overblown conspiracy, even as their own epidemiologist urged them to take better precautions. Work became hard to swallow. Water - 'When your lowest place could be lower' The apartment I shared with my boyfriend flooded. The lowest place in any sewage system is typically the bathtub, such that if it backs up, it does so into that tub. Our lowest point is the toilet. So the apartment flooded. Three times. Roots growing through the sewage outflow meant that, often, you needed to wait a solid hour between toilet flushes, or else the toilet would back up with such gusto the sewage would slosh down the hallway and into the living room. We mopped many times. The problem was finally fixed 8 months later, necessitating our having to camp because our house had no water. Fire - 'To destroy all you've done' One afternoon, I smelled burning. Going to our bedroom, I found our shelf a column of flame. I could barely breathe for all the smoke, but I managed to grab a blanket and beat the fire out. On the other side of the room, the pages of the books upon another shelf had begun to crisp from the heat, the blinds on all the windows were warped. The whole apartment had been about to go up. I'm kinda scared of fire now. Heart - 'When moving is too much to ask' Personal health sorta hit a new low. Migraines kept me out of work for two full weeks. I have seasonal foot pain, I always assumed from hiking for a living in my 20s. Turns out it was gout, all the while. Gout is exceptionally painful: it's like a messy pile of razor blades in the ball of your foot every time you step down. At work, I could barely stand. Walking from my car to the door became something I needed to psyche myself up for. Not a lot can stop a gout flare-up once it's in full swing, so I just had to wait it out. For a month. Two. Some of the worst sustained pain I've been in. Little did I know that, in January, come the kidney stones. Kidney stones feel awful. Feel like total shit. Gout and kidney stones are comorbid--brought about as a result of the meds I take to help me focus. So any day I don't drink enough water is a day when my kidneys or my foot just starts aching. But going back to September of 2020... Homophobia - 'goddammit' Finally things are looking better. I'm limping quickly again. Then I am called into the HR office. I am told that two sexual harassment charges have been brought against me. I'm told that one individual has alleged that I, while in the restroom, used a reflective toilet brush to attempt to peep him under a stall wall. I did not do this. I do not understand--reflective toilet brush?? wtf. The second allegation: I just straight up looked over a stall at a guy. I didn't do this either. I'm asked to defend myself, I ask who or date or time of day. I am given nothing. I remark that I don't think I'm tall enough to see over the stall, and I do not understand about the toilet brush. Of the ten minutes of the meeting, I spend 8 of them trying to get my head around how a claim about a reflective toilet brush has me here. "Would you like us to go now to see if you're tall enough to see over the stall? If that would help your defense?" says the HR head. "Yes, I
would," says I. We did not go. I am told that the accusers have no reason to be collaborating, or to even know each other made a claim. This is bullshit, because it was a company of 80 people, and only a quarter of those employees used the restroom where my alleged harassment was to have taken place. Before I am dismissed from work for the day to go home and wait to find out if I'll be fired or not, I march into the HR office once more and say "I hope none of this is happening because I'm gay." The HR head looks positively offended. I got fired cuz I'm gay. Next day I got a call. They'd come to the "objective truth" (that phrase is burned in my mind), and were terminating me. Apparently they discounted the toilet brush rumor, after all. But they really honestly believed I looked over the stall at a dude. Nightmare - 'No Fear One Fear' Let me tell you something: this is a nightmare. This is my honest-to-god nightmare. I've been terrified of getting accused of something in a bathroom since I was 11 years old. I am incredibly self-conscious and careful in public restrooms. To be fired? From a place full of people I like? And all of them will think I'm a pervert. My boyfriend worked at the same place. He would now have to work there every day dealing with people looking at him and wondering what he must think of his boyfriend. That sent me on a spiral. I'm still out of work, almost a year later. It would have been the worst mental health crisis of my life if it wasn't for my boyfriend, my support network, and the meds I've finally been able to get ahold of. Oh, also. My two accusers? Were roommates. HR knew they were roommates. They basically collaborated on a story to get me fired. The story circulating around the place (I still have acquaintances I talk to working there) has dropped the reflective toilet brush entirely. I guess they thought it was too unbelievable. So anyway, the people who accused me are now telling a different set of events than what I was told. Absolute horse shit. Tried to go to my city's human right's council to see if my situation warranted further attention. I gave my side of the story--including tales of the straight manager who had had enough harassment charges brought against him that he was no longer allowed to meet female staff--which indicated I'd been treated differently and wrongly. My old job made an impassioned argument that the committee violated their First Amendment rights(?) ('Freedom of speech' is the biggie with the First Amendment, for people who cba re:USA). I won the vote!! But one member of the committee was missing. So there weren't enough people for the vote to pass. Dismissed. We took it to the EEOC to make an official federal complaint. Just a week ago, an agent of the US Government patiently explained to us that these laws are literally designed to fuck over the worker and protect the employer unless they are epically stupid, and unfortunately, mine had not been epically stupid. So there's nowhere to go, no recourse to be had. It's over, I guess. Family - 'How to sum it up quickly...' My family hit me with the old soft-disown. No more calls, no more communication. They think they are loving me by not having contact with me. By depriving me of my family, they hope it will make me realize that the path I'm on is destructive, and I'll return to them living an upright life. No. I'm living an upright life, now. And if my family can choose to throw me away, then they are not a family I choose. Then my dad hit me back two months later, absolutely gaslighting me and pretending we never had the disown conversation at all. Reality - 'I don't know who I am anymore' I have trouble knowing what's real, anymore. Every message my dad sends on the surface seems loving and supportive and plaintive. I feel I must be the one in the wrong. I got fired for bullshit reasons. It doesn't feel real. "My family can't possibly have ceased contact with me: that's one of those things I know can never happen!!" But that did happen. So what else that feels real, actually isn't? I do
mean to be so dramatic, and I won't apologize for it. But I truly do feel like my mind has been pretty thoroughly unseated by the last year. Whoever I am, I'm becoming someone different. More distilled, at very least. I've discovered a lot of things about myself: trauma that has likely led to a lot of my mental health problems. Discovered I actually have RAGING ADHD, and it has robber me of a lot of things I wanted to do, and now is sort of consuming me completely. I'm looking for help. Trying to get better. Here's hoping. Every bold point above could be its own book, for all my thoughts about them. But enough of that for now. Love you. Thanks for reading.
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Sirius is Disowned, Part 1:
London, July 12th, 2012.
Content Warning: Mentions of Abuse in upbringing, Toxic masculinity, Homophobia.
"Jo! Jamie, has he answered you?"
"Hey Padsie, good morning. What can I do for you on this day?"
James laughed "Who are you talking about?"
"Amm... Moony"
Sirius had been calling him all summer. He always answered. Not this time. Sirius didn't know how to talk to him after the Snape Incident. Sirius was embarrassed. James had been the one to talk and apologize. James was always the brave one. Sirius didn't know why he panicked and couldn't speak. It felt like every word he said, would be misunderstood. So he prefered to not speak.
"Nop, mate" James sighed in response.
"What if he hates us forever?"
"He doesn't hate us" James tried to be comfortive "He said it was okay"
"Yeah okay..." he snorted "You know nothing is the same now"
And Sirius missed him. Remus was quiet when he clearly could make a sarcastic comment. Remus didn't smile at Sirius during class, or exchange notes with him anymore. Remus used to tell Sirius he was acting like an idiot when he was. Now nobody did. Not like Remus. Nobody shared a cigarette with him. Sirius missed how he laughed, or got angry, or relaxed around Remus.
Exams and the week after were torture for The Marauders. And Snape walking around with his purple eye and swollen lip, reminded them of their mistake.
"Yeah you are right, let's talk about something else"
"Okaay...How's your summer?"
"Like hell"
"Mine is boring. Uuh, the other day I was walking with dad..."
But Sirius couldn't concentrate. His mind drove to Remus again.
"I mean it's not like we did something wrong..." Sirius interrupted
"We were bloody defending him! He should be thankful instead of angry, you know? What the fuck?"
"Just to be clear, are you talking about Remus or my dad?"
"Okaay, handsome. No need to yell"
"You care a lot about Remus, ha?"
"He is my friend. Our friend. He's a friend"
James laughed and Sirius detested that. It was as if James knew something Sirius didn't.
"Nothing" James continued laughing, "I mean, you care. You're sensitive and adorable..."
"Shut up!"
James laughed more.
"Don't worry, you'll be able to apologize and give Remus a kiss"
"Fuck you, Prongs. I am not a puff"
James stopped laughing "I was joking, mate"
"Me too"
"Fine" Sirius sighed "Sorry, I wish I could escape this hellhole"
"Please come to mine. You know my parents love you more than me"
Sirius laughed relaxing "True"
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. Sirius froze. Sirius had tried to spend most of his time in his room. Everytime he went out, he ended up fighting with his mother, or being yelled by his father, or being reminded how much of a good son Regulus was, and how Sirius should be more like him. So Sirius prefered to remain in his room the whole summer.
"I have to go, Jamieboy" Sirius whispered
James must've noticed the nervousness in his voice, because he asked:
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah" Sirius snorted fakely "Probably mother to complain about how my hair is too long or something"
"Bye, Prongs" he hung up.
"I hope you're not doing something indecent, kid"
Sirius smiled, recognizing the voice. It wasn't his mother, or worse his father. It was Uncle Alphard.
For Sirius, Alphard was the coolest person alive, after David Bowie of course. Thanks to that man, Sirius had learned to have fun at family gatherings. Last summer, Alphard had taken Sirius to the coolest clubs and places in Paris. Alphard knew how to enjoy life. No wife, no kids. Just himself and his freedom. And the best part was that nobody caught him. Sirius wanted to be just like him.
Sirius ran to open the door. Alphard was always casually elegant, with a half smile on his face, and hands in his trouser pockets.
"Uncle Alphard!"
Although Alphard hated physical contact. Hugging and stuff. So Sirius contained himself.
"What are you doing here?"
Alphard's smile disappear.
"Do you have some time?"
Sirius smiled "Are you gonna take me somewhere? A party? A festival? Lunch with friends?"
"Not this time, kid"
Alphard had never been in Sirius' room. He stepped in observing everything with a smile on his face. Sirius' room was everything that his parents disliked: rock band posters, David Bowie with makeup, Motorbikes with half naked girls on them. The room was messy, everything on the floor. The bed unmade.
"If you want to live like a fucking pig, then that's how you're going to live, Sirius" Walburga had said. Actually yelled. And no one from service had come to clean it. And Sirius didn't clean as well. Just to drive his mother more crazy.
Alphard laughed and turned to Sirius.
"My sister complained about your room"
"Are you here to scold me?"
Alphard shook his head "I'm here to say goodbye"
Sirius raised an eyebrow "Where are you going?"
"Rome" Alphard took a seat on Sirius' messy bed
"Can I go with you?" Sirius beamed "You can convince mother, just like you did two years ago"
Summer of 2010, when Sirius went to The Potter's Beach House at Camber Sands. Alphard had told Walburga Sirius would spend the summer with him. Orion had been reluctant, he didn't like uncle Alphard. Walburga had shrugged "I'm taking Regulus to Paris anyway"
"I need to go alone, Sirius" Alphard sighed "I have important business to do there"
Sirius sighed frustrated "When will you be back? By the end of summer?"
Alphard shook his head.
"By Christmas, then?"
Alphard didn't answer.
"Uncle Alphard, Are you even coming back?"
Panic on Sirius' voice. Alphard was the only one that Sirius considered family. Regulus was far from what he used to be. Sirius' cousins were annoying and hypocritical, now that they were adults. Well Andy was cool. It had been awesome how she left Lestrange on the altar to run away with that Tonks lad. And she wrote emails to Sirius occasionally, but Sirius wasn't that close to her as he was with Alphard.
"I don't think so, kid" Alphard answered carefully
Sirius swallowed his tears. This summer was getting even worse. Remus was angry. Sirius was stuck in his room. Alphard was leaving. Alphard was leaving...
"Fuck you Alphard, you can't just leave me"
Alphard's eyes widened by the bad word, but then he smiled.
"Are we gonna lose respect for each other now?"
"I'll come with you" Sirius assured "I don't care. I can live in Rome"
Alphard shook his head "No kid, you have your life here"
"A shitty life"
"What about your friends?" Alphard asked "You like your friends"
Sirius did. The Marauders were his chosen family. Even if Remus hated him now. And Marlene was cool. Mary was acceptable and funny. And Evans... Evans was not that bad.
"They can come and visit me"
Alphard smiled "I wish I could take you with me, but I can't" he said "Not this time, kid"
Sirius was trying so hard not to break down crying. He had to be a man.
"What would I do without you?" Sirius' voice broke. He maintained his gaze on the floor, otherwise, he was going to cry.
Alphard stood up. He walked towards Sirius and put a hand on his shoulder. Sirius wished he could hug him.
"You are the cool one" Sirius continued "You're...you're..." My only family.
"You are way cooler and braver than me, Sirius" Alphard said
Sirius looked up. And stared into the same grey-blue eyes that he owned. The ones every Black owned.
"I want you to promise me something, kid" Alphard continued "Don't let them change you. Don't let them mold you. Okay?"
"What do you mean?" Sirius asked confused
Alphard sighed he turned away and began pacing.
"I was never brave enough to face my parents and tell them what I hate. I wasn't brave enough to tell them who I was, what I liked and what I didn't like" Alphard sniffed "I wasn't brave enough to defend others from injustice. All I did was hide. Deceive. Lie" he faced Sirius again "I don't want that happening to you, Sirius"
Sirius didn't know what to say. All his life he had admired the way Alphard sneaked out of a family dinner to go to a club. The way Alphard knew how to control everyone. The way Alphard didn't lose patience when Orion accused him of "corrupting" Sirius.
And now, his uncle was telling him that he regretted all that.
"I've always admired you, Sirius" Alphard continued "You say what you think, and do what you think is right. And you're not scared of the consequences"
Sirius was scared of the consequences. The thing was that he didn't think before speaking or acting. Walburga's nasty reactions and Orion's horrible punishments, made Sirius regret everything in an instant. But it was too late.
"I'm not sure about that" Sirius murmured
"Yes, I am sure" Alphard smiled "Sirius, your parents, and your uncle Cygnus perhaps as well, will try to turn you into what they want. But Sirius, being a man is not about being tough, never crying and shagging girls..."
Sirius blushed. That's exactly what Orion had told Sirius last year. The father-to-son talk. Orion had even been nice for a minute. "I'm gonna show you how to be a man, son. Men are not weak. Men do not cry like girls or pussies, okay? Manhood is about toughness and courage. Women don't like pussies. They like men who are strong and who can control their feelings"
"It doesn't matter if you are different, or who you feel attracted to" Alphard added.
Sirius shook his head "I'm not gay"
Alphard laughed "I wasn't saying that. But if you were, it would be okay"
"I like girls, Uncle Alphard" Sirius repeated "I'm just a free spirit, like you"
Alphard didn't answer. He just smiled.
"I want to give you this..."
Alphard took a ring out of his finger. And gave it to Sirius. Sirius recognized it immediately. A silver ring. It had carved a warrior riding on a horse killing a beast, something like a dragon. Sirius had been fascinated the first time he saw his uncle wear it. Alphard had brought it from one of his trips.
"I thought you were never giving this to anyone" Sirius said
"I guess I could make an exception for my favorite nephew" Alphard smiled.
And Sirius couldn't take it anymore. He hugged Alphard tightly. A few tears running down his face.
"I'm gonna miss you"
"Me too, kid" Alphard gave into the hug and patted his nephew's back "Me too"
Sirius broke apart after a while. And cleared his throat.
"Promise me you will write"
"As long as you promise me to be yourself, no matter what" Alphard smiled.
Sirius still didn't understand what he meant. But he nodded.
"I promise"
This is how I imagine the ring that Alphard gives Sirius.
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gisellelx · 3 years
How do you think things would change for edward and carlisle if carlisle had never changed esme? do you think carlisle ever would have changed anyone else? would edward have still left for his "rebellion"? would it have changed the roles that they play?
They eventually become that friendly but reclusive gay couple in your neighborhood that you don’t know very much about but who seem very happy. 
Here’s why. (This got long. I have thoughts.)
Carlisle and Edward are two of the most heavily queer-coded characters in the entire saga. I respect a good Jasper/Edward or Jacob/Edward, but I don’t see those coming from the way the characters talk about each other in canon. Those are slash ships which exist because people want to see that ship. They’re fun, but it’s never felt as “oh yeah of course, these two” like C & Ed.
They already have what seems to be a very intimate relationship in canon. It isn’t his brothers Edward turns to first to ask about having sex; it’s Carlisle, who is ostensibly in the role of his father. Edward’s brain in Midnight Sun is about 50% Bella, 50% Carlisle, 50% the sky is falling. (I realize that’s more than 100% which seems about on par for Edward’s brain.) 
He uses Carlisle’s face to recenter himself when he encounters Bella in MS. He talks about how Carlisle had so many complicated emotions toward him, and then says that for himself, “Love [for Carlisle] came easily.” 
Meanwhile, Edward is pretty oblivious to Bella as a woman beyond her scent, aside from wishing she’d wear the green sweater more to keep him from feeling too horny. He has never been interested in Tanya, even though she’s repeatedly been interested in him. He notices that Siobhan is curvy, but doesn’t apply this same gaze to Bella. 
Carlisle, for his part, is somehow totally unaware that Esme, who probably made very clear she thought he was crushworthy in 1911, has somehow also fallen for him. Edward has to “be on hand to caution Carlisle” that she’s going to be in love with him after her change. And while I don’t personally hold the headcanon that Aro and Carlisle were ever sexually involved (though I enjoy that ship), it certainly seems likely that Carlisle had a certain amount of intimacy with him based on the way Aro greets Edward and then Carlisle in the saga. 
And then there’s the simple fact that where Carlisle has watched other vampires turn mates, or turn allies, he picks this seventeen-year-old boy without having any sense that he might be gifted. He just think he’s beautiful and kind and full of youth. Ohhhhh kaaaay... They are both heavily, heavily implied to be at least bi, if not gay. Men are on the table for them both. Mind you, I don’t think SM meant to put that on the page. But that’s what’s there. 
So Carlisle changes Edward. He, for whatever reason, doesn’t change Esme. Maybe he leaves her in the morgue. Maybe they never go to Ashland. He’s having the time of his life finally being known by someone, and not only known, but known in this deeply invasive, intimate way. They become as close as they are in canon. 
Edward, in my reading, rebelled in part because he was supplanted by Esme. He was heartbroken. Maybe he didn’t realize he was in love with Carlisle, because in that time period, and with their backgrounds, that would’ve been impossible to admit to himself. But he reacted like a teenager who suddenly has to share his parent with whom he’s very close. No Esme, no sharing, no rebellion. 
This probably then means they don’t ever end up in Rochester--maybe they stay in Ashland longer, who knows. Realistically, as soon as you start to remove a piece of the story, the dominoes fall very differently, although it’s hard to say because it never seems like SM had a clear idea of why any given character did a given a thing, just that they did. The only time we ever even get a whiff of something like this is that Maria came to visit when they were in Calgary and they had to move right after she did. So we don’t know why they moved to Rochester, which makes it hard to say if they still do in this AU.
Let’s say they do end up in Rochester, and they’re still doing the friend/father/son/hell no we’re not gay thing. Carlisle finds a woman in the street who has been brutally gangraped and left for dead.
He does not have a wife whose own history of sexual assault he is thinking of.
He does not have a son whose unhappiness he is trying to assuage. 
Edward has never rebelled; Carlisle doesn’t need to do something to keep him around. He has no model of a female companion healing his own heart, so he has no reason to feel even a twinge that such a thing might be true for Edward.
So he spirits Rosalie to the hospital and does his level best to treat her. She dies despite his efforts. It’s very sad; another instance where Carlisle feels inadequate against the world. He turns to Edward for comfort, just like always, and gets over it within a few days. Edward and Carlisle go on living their lives together. They are deeply affectionate, deeply concerned with one another, and very, very close.
One day, they’re having a conversation about something, or nothing, doesn’t matter, and noses get too close, and bam. Suddenly they’re both thinking, My god, I’m kissing my best friend and this feels so much better than I ever would have imagined. 
And that’s it. It’s not easy; they have a lot of self-loathing to get over and their relationship is rocky for years. Sex is fraught with feelings of shame and sinfulness, mostly on Carlisle's part. But slowly they do come to accept themselves and each other. The remaining decades are filled with them trying to slot themselves into society. Being vampires already means they have to hide a lot; compared to that, hiding homosexuality is downright simple. Stonewall happens; they watch the fallout at a distance, afraid to become too involved for fear of outing a lot more than their sexuality (or at least they convince themselves that’s the reason; a lot of it is also internalized homophobia). Edward probably develops the self-control to practice medicine also, or otherwise finds something to occupy himself while Carlisle is working. He doesn’t present himself as a high school student because the last thing they need is Carlisle being accused of statutory rape on top of sodomy, so he’s billed as Carlisle’s equal. 
By 2021, they’re experiencing a very pleasant whiplash about how different their lives have become in the last 30 years. They get married in an Episcopal church in the 2010s. Edward still isn’t very religious, but it is very meaningful to Carlisle. They’re out at work. They don’t march in pride parades, but they do allow themselves to be seen being a little affectionate in public places. It feels good. But they’re still vampires, and they still have a lot to hide. So they keep to themselves and keep their heads down. 
And every now and then, their neighbors get a glimpse of these two beautiful young men walking arm in arm at twilight. And the neighbors’ concerned thought as they watch them isn’t "I wonder if they're vampires" or "I wonder if they're gay" but "I wonder why they don't own a dog."
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g0reoz · 3 years
for awhile i’ve been wanting to try talking about my experiences with ~religion~ and some of the effects it’s had on me. feel free to keep scrolling (if you don’t want to hear abt this or don’t feel like you can deal with the general vibe, i get it. ignore the post! your mental health is more important and you are by no means obligated to listen to anything like this :) ), but i’m gonna put a little bit under the cut. (tw: talkin about catholic school in general, p*dophilia mention, homophobia)
first of all, congratulations to me for figuring out how to make a cut in the first place. didn’t know how for awhile.
anyways, i wasn’t really going to do this because i’m awful at using words to articulate my feelings, but a lot has happened recently that‘s been getting on my nerves. this is kinda general so i guess it’s more for people who haven’t shared my experiences?
as most of you probably know from the reblogs, introduction, and half-joking comments about catholic school, i was raised in a super religious environment. my mom was a hardcore catholic, and my dad converted from being nondenominational to catholic when i was like. 8 years old (his parents are currently born-again christians or something like that, which is another story entirely). from a super young age, there was a lot of indoctrination-y stuff that was terrifying in hindsight. the religious kids books. the Jesus Music™️. the weekly church attendance. hell, even before catholic school started they decided to enroll my brother and i in a lutheran daycare. i was surrounded by “jesus loves me this i know” when i was two years old, and of you think that’s okay for a child i honestly don’t trust you. my parents made nightly prayers mandatory from the time i could speak.
things only got worse when i started going to a catholic school. i had to go there from the age of 4 to 14. that’s just under 2/3 of my life wasted. the first year was pretty preschool-y and normal, save for morning prayer hour and the occasional religious activity. from kindergarten on, though, all grades had to attend a weekly mass every friday during the school day. combined with the fact that i also had to go on sundays, my mental health was absolutely demolished from going to church twice a week. hearing the same hymns on repeat for over a decade really does something to you, man.
in each grade, we had a specific (mandatory!) class block dedicated to religion every day. to speedrun some of the more fun bits: i was exposed to the concept of hell as well as the possibility of me going there in first grade. i was told that it was an honor to be a martyr through the Saint Of The Week. our class had to act out some scenes from the gospels. every year we had these workbooks to do about Christian Morality and The Bible. in fourth grade my class was told that every time you sin, no matter how small it is, the door to heaven closes a bit more and that once it’s closed, you’re damned for good. (keep in mind that this teacher was also a LITERAL p*dophile and that he claimed putting your elbows on the pew in front of you while kneeling was a serious sin) in fifth grade, my teacher made some really serious accusations against a friend who she suspected to be gay. i barely had any real sex ed in middle school, since a lot of it was either outdated, abstinence, how to make a baby, or Christian Teachings like homophobia/monogamy/no sex until marriage (so i got to use videos on the internet to give myself some kind of sex ed). purity culture with the expectation of eventual procreation was shoved down my throat. my religion teacher in middle school was openly homophobic, transphobic, and ”pro life”. there was a question on one test where we had to say atheists and non christians were going to hell or we would instantly go down a grade in our final score. people were casually demeaned for being born female. this is all just a brief overview, but hopefully i was able to get the general point across.
not only did a lot of the religion being integrated into all of my classes kinda fuck with me, but the teachings i heard repeated at home and at church seemed to hit the hardest.
you aren’t worthy or deserving of love. this concept was pounded into me from every direction. at school masses. from my parents’ religious talks. in every other song that was on the christian radio station. from the fucking bible itself. in middle school, i definitely went through some shit that would’ve gone a lot better if i a) had better coping mechanisms and b) wasn’t being bombarded with the “we don’t deserve love” thing. to this day, this concept is one of the teachings that pisses me off the most. it’s always framed as “oh you’re a flawed person who doesn’t deserve shit in life but ~god~ is just sooo good and loves you so much that he won't eternally torture you for the sins of your ancestors! except yeah he will if you don’t roll over at his feet and worship him for how good he is. now get down on your knees” and never as “people are flawed and this is normal and natural. nobody is perfect but that doesn’t mean they can’t be loved and learn to love themselves.” we’re given the illusion that we can choose to serve a god who will punish us for disobedience, but then the only alternative is eternal suffering. it’s definitely an issue.
the whole culture of “you have to be cishet or just stop existing” that seems to exist in every catholic space i’ve been in is sickening. when i found out i was aromantic and asexual, i hated myself for it for awhile. i was the very thing my family and community despised. when i realized i was trans, it was ten times worse. i would have been so much better off without a family and environment where being lgbtq was openly condemned. i felt and still feel trapped by the teachings i don’t believe in because i know my family will never acknowledge me for who i am.
i was forced to take the eucharist before i could comprehend it, i hated reconciliation from day one, and i was recently confirmed against my will. but that’ll be another post at some point.
clearly this isn’t my whole life story, but before i cut this off i’d like to mention that it isn’t all specific things. sometimes it’s just the little pieces that add up. it gets to the point where standing in your church’s basement or hearing your parent pray over you to try helping with a situation or seeing holy water or hearing the phrase “god has a plan” sets off your fight or flight response. it gets to be where you have nightmares about your old school years after you’ve left it. you spend hours awake at night thinking about hell. this isn’t normal or healthy, and i really wish there was more i could do about it.
sorry if this was a mess, but i wanted to try getting some stuff out. hopefully in the future, i’ll be better at this. i’d really like to try explaining some things more in-depth, but i needed to test the waters first.
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meloingly · 3 years
Have Me, Have You, Have Us
@carlosreyesweek Day 3: “Well, that just happened” + Friendship.
Summary:  Five times Carlos reveals something about himself that no one else knows, and it helps him get closer to the 126 crew, and one time the 126 knows something that Carlos doesn't.
This is a multi-chaptered fic. I've tried to write them all in time to be published together, but by God, they weren't having it. I still haven't decided how I'll update, but I'm thinking bi-weekly. Tags will be updated accordingly.
Tags: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwani, Mateo Chavez, Judd Ryder, Owen Strand, Michelle Blake, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Developing Friendship.
Warnings: Mentions of Past Homophobia.
Beta: The owner of my soul @lire-casander
Read on AO3
Chapter 1: Paul: Live This Life, It's All We Have
Carlos walks into the honky-tonk a mere forty-five minutes after his shift ended. He was on the way home when TK called him and asked if he would detour. He likes the man, so it didn't need much pondering over.
He sees TK standing in front of one of the multiple dartboards hung on the wall, alongside Michelle, Captain Strand, Judd, Marjan and Mateo. They seem to be engrossed in a contest, if the annoyance on Marjan's face, the smugness in Judd's and the paper and pen in Mateo's hand are anything to go by.
He hesitates for a moment, the idea of walking into the middle of the group to greet them sends a slight shiver down his back and he quickly decides he'll wait for them to finish. He spots Paul sitting at the self-claimed "126 table." He moves towards the bar, ordering mineral water, before he grabs his drink and walks towards the man. Recognising TK's jacket slung over the chair right next to Paul, he plops on the next stool over.
Paul turns around, a hint of surprise in his eyes, until the realisation of who this hits him, and it's replaced with a smile.
"Hey, man."
"Hey," Carlos greets him back, "how you doing?"
Paul shrugs, and even though it's not much, Carlos understands the meaning behind it all the same. They fall into a comfortable silence, Carlos' eyes roaming the open area ahead of them. Three girls stand in the corner, dancing quietly amongst each other, two elderly men occupy a booth, Carlos gets the vibe that they're trading life-altering experiences. More "dudebros" hang around the snooker tables and dartboards. Carlos is about to focus back on TK, when he notices a singular woman sitting in a booth alone, a drink in her hand, a small, shy smile on her lips and eyes trained somewhere on their table.
Carlos frowns. He turns around, about to ask for some super-human Paul deduction powers when he realises that Paul is staring right back at her. A shy smile on his face too.
Carlos blinks. He looks back at the woman and sees that her eyes are now on her table, and then he turns to Paul, and his eyes are roaming the ceiling of the bar. He turns back to the woman, and now she's looking at Paul again. And Paul has his eyes locked on her.
Carlos curls into himself slightly, trying to get out of their visual field. He's sitting somewhat between them, and he'd like to not be. He concentrates on his drink, and everything else in the bar that isn't Paul and his potential lady friend.
A few minutes later, he can't help but look towards her again. She's got her phone out now, scrolling up and down on the screen. Turning to Paul, he finds he's looking at his drink as well.
Carlos goes baffled. The woman is clearly interested in Paul, and while he might not be a super-detective like the other man, he can tell that the feeling is reciprocated. And yet, they're both just sitting here, alternating between eye flirting and avoidance. His curiosity gets the best of him, and he slides into the chair in between them.
"So, you're just not going to talk to her?"
Paul gawks at him, eyes widening in clear shock before he schools his reaction into some form of indifference.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Man," Carlos starts, rolling his eyes at the man, "I may not have the Gods of perception poised on my shoulders, but I'm not that blind!"
Paul narrows his eyes in response. Carlos is pretty sure he's going for accusation, but he's been trained to pick up on anything underneath, and in this case, it's a moment of contemplation. Whatever it is though, Paul seems to have made up his mind on it rather quickly. He sighs and looks down at his drink again.
"It's hard, man. Last thing I need is another rejection."
Carlos can't help the wave of sympathy that goes through him. The again that Paul’s not saying takes him back to the night they went clubbing. TK hadn't said much about why, just that a friend needed a night to have fun and forget about things.
"Ahh. Yeah. That's the queer life."
Paul snorts in reply, "Yeah, not all of us can find the one gay firefighter transfer and charm the pants off him."
Carlos lets out some mix of a loud laugh and a snort.
"Hey! I'm lucky right now, but that doesn't mean growing up didn't suck."
He can tell he's said too much by the way Paul goes quiet, and the atmosphere around them changes. With both understanding and pain. They look at each other, sharing a sympathetic smile, trying to convey a silent "yeah? You too?"
"Parents took it hard?" Paul asks.
Carlos lets out a genuine smile at that. If there's one thing he was blessed with the moment he was born, it was his family.
"The family was amazing. It's everyone else that wasn't."
Paul doesn't ask after that, not verbally at least. Carlos can see the questions in his eyes. He takes a calming breath. No one knows the story that's swarming around his mind right now. Michelle might have collected and connected bits and pieces through the years, but other than that, no one in Austin knows about his childhood.
But here he is. He's okay. And he has a friend who is in a place he was in years ago. Fighting with acceptance and fear of rejection. He takes another breath.
"I came out to my dad and sister when I was 12. Everything went well. They were supportive, pledged their love, all of that," he starts. "A few weeks later though, I started finding notes in my locker."
Paul lets out a groan, undeniably aware of what kind of notes Carlos is talking about.
"A few weeks after the notes started, I got called into the principal’s office and told that my dad would be informed and they would help us "change my homosexual ways", he added, air quotations included.
It takes him back to a decade and a half ago. When a young, short and lanky Carlos was in science class, the notes hidden in the depth of his backpack. When the school speakers boomed with the principal's voice saying "Carlos Reyes, please report to the Principal's office. Carlos Reyes, please report to the Principal's office." He remembers thinking, hoping, that it was about the notes, that the principal will ask who is sending him the vile words, and will make them stop.
He remembers standing up to leave, and the teacher, Mr. Roger, telling to pack his bag as well. He remembers hearing a strange tone, but not quite understanding it. He knows now it was poison, venom, hate. He remembers doing it anyway. He remembers the walk down the hallway, bag on his shoulders, and the teachers glaring at him through the glass slits in the doors.
He remembers getting to the office. The secretary, Ms. Harding, holding his hand, telling him "The Lord will cure you." He remembers not knowing what they meant. Not knowing what they were talking about. He doesn't get the chance to ask. He remembers being led to the Principal's room, the big office much more intimidating to his twelve-year-old eyes than it should have been. He remembers the nameplate; a large golden script of "Mr. Steve Atwood" and a smaller "Principal of Lubbock Junior High School" on a wooden piece. He remembers thinking it wasn't normal wood, it was red, and he didn't know wood could be red.
He remembers Mr. Atwood speaking, telling him that life is ruled by the Bible and God and Jesus. That he's a child who can still change. That this isn't the way to continue living. That his dad will be informed. That he will get help. That there are camps. That he will stop being this way.
"Were you out at school?" Paul asks, the horror evident in his tone.
It's the same horror Carlos remembers feeling when they were leaving church a few weeks before the incident, his sister by his side and their dad a few steps up ahead, talking to a neighbour. His sister had pointed towards a rainbow flag hung on the house across the street from the church. "We should get you one and hang it at home, that way the other boys like you will know where to find you," she had giggled. He had giggled right along with her, until he heard a gasp coming from behind him, and turned to find Mrs. Atwood behind him, eyes wide as he stared down at him in what he now knows was disgust. He remembers the fear that ran through him. But then his sister ran ahead. And he had followed her.
"Not really, but it doesn't make a difference," he explains. "It's not like they would have been supportive if I sat them down and told them."
Paul shakes his head, and then asks, "And then what happened?"
"My dad came in somewhere through the dialogue, I remember Mr. Atwood standing up, trying to greet him, but he was mad. Angry in a way I've never seen before. He told me to go outside and wait for him."
Carlos pauses, the memory assaulting his senses. "I heard him screaming at the principal, saying that it wasn't Mr. Atwood's place to talk to me, that I was a child, that it was none of his business. That I wouldn’t be coming back to that school again."
He remembers the entire interaction like it was mere days ago. His dad walking out of the office, squatting down to Carlos' level and asking him if he had all his things. Carlos had answered a weak "yes", and his dad was already holding his hand, pulling him out of the school and into the car.
"He was quiet throughout the car ride. We turned into our street, but he just kept going, saying he forgot to get something from the store. He started to joke around with me then, telling me he was the World's Strongest Man and he could carry me, and the car and everything and anything. I played right along, and somehow, I found myself agreeing that if he could carry me then he was as strong as he said. We circled around the block, didn't even go to any stores, and parked in front of our porch. He pulled me through his door, hid my head in his neck and ran me home."
Carlos pauses. He can see Paul frowning over the story losing sense. Just like he had thought for so long. It never made sense to him why his dad carried him. Why that day? Why that fast? Until…
"I later found out that someone had written the wonderful “f” slur on our garage door, and he didn't want me to see that."
Paul smiles and nods. Carlos knows there is nothing else he could do. There are no words or actions to express what he felt when he found that out. His dad, the man that had spent his everything raising him, seeing something he knew would hurt his child, and doing everything in his power to protect him. If he turns out to be half the father his dad was, he would consider himself a good father.
"We started packing almost immediately, and we were out of that town in a week. He wouldn't let me or my sister leave the house, not even to play in the yard, throughout the week. Dad said he got a transfer, but he was home for a month, so I have a feeling that wasn't exactly true."
"He just packed y'all up and brought you here?" Paul asks.
"Yes. That's exactly what he did. He wanted us to live freely. To love freely. And he knew we wouldn't be able to do that in Lubbock. So he moved us out."
"To Austin?"
"Yeah, I mean, it was miles better than Lubbock, so, no complaints." Paul hums, but Carlos isn't done, "And plus, I met you, my new bestest friend in Austin!"
Paul laughs at that, and Carlos can't help but join him at Paul's mumbled "Yeah, right!"
The laughter dies down, and the easy silence returns. Carlos lifts the drink to his lips, eyes searching for TK. He sees him practically hanging off Mateo, arms around his shoulders. Marjan butts in between, shaking her hands towards the board while TK makes some sort of hand gesture. They're trying to show Mateo how to throw a dart, he realises. Slightly to their side, Michelle, Captain Strand and Judd hang around, beers in hands, looking pleased. His vision roams the bar again, falling on the woman, and it dawns on him that he never got to tell Paul what started the whole story in the first place.
The realisation sends him into a frenzy. He turns to Paul, only to, of course, find him looking at the woman. He pokes Paul's arm, and his eyes break off her to focus back on Carlos.
"I didn't tell you my coming out story because I had nothing better to do, you know," Carlos starts. "I have more story."
Paul shakes his head, a smile on his face, before making a "go ahead" gesture with his hands.
"When we moved here, my dad sat me down, and told me that he had my back, and that I should live free. Be the person that I am, who happens to be gay. And I thought that would be it, you know, I'd live now. My family was supportive. I was in an open city. I had it all good."
"But?" Paul interrupts.
"But. It wasn't that easy. That interaction with the principal and the looks of the teachers hit me harder the more I grew up, the more I started to understand what they meant. And I found myself a seventeen-year-old gay guy that was out in every way but wasn’t really out. I wouldn't ask anyone out. I wouldn't flirt. I wouldn't even let myself look at guys. All because I was afraid of that judgement and rejection and hate."
Paul huffs a breath, eyes moving to stare at the table. Carlos doesn't speak either. He knows that's what this is all about. The fear of not being accepted. Of not being taken in and liked because of something as trivial as their identity. He knows Paul is contemplating the situation. The win-loss ratio. He knows he did, many times before. He still does.
"How did you get over it?"
Carlos is so lost in his own thoughts and emotions, he almost misses the mumbled question. He takes a breath, letting it out almost instantly in a sigh.
"My dad told me that I had spent too much time in fear. If I'm out, I might as well be out, live life, love life, and stop taking every rejection like it's the end of the world."
Paul nods, looking away at the woman across the bar, before Carlos continues, "When I still complained though, he then said "stop letting homophobic dickhead assholes control your life, if you like dick then you like dick, if the dick you like is a judgemental dick then find a better dick"."
Paul whips his head up to stare at Carlos, realises he is being serious, and proceeds to break out in a booming laugh. Carlos feigns offence for a moment, withdrawing his hand and holding it to his chest.
"You dare make fun of my father's sage advise?!"
Paul is still laughing, letting out broken no's and never's. Carlos drops the act, hands landing on the table and laughing with Paul, until it dies down.
"How did your nerdy self come from such wisdom?" Paul asks, after they take a moment to catch their breath.
"Hey! I took after his wisdom and handsomeness, I'll have you know!"
Paul snorts as he looks at the woman again, and Carlos turns his head just in time to see her lift her head up, make eye contact with Paul, and smile. He hears Paul inhale, and then, the scratch of a stool on wooden flooring.
He looks back at Paul, and finds that he's on his feet, fixing his pants. A grin takes over his face, and Paul levels him with a glare. It does nothing to diminish the excitement he feels when Paul pats his shoulder as he moves to the woman's table. The happy smile that takes over her face increases his own. And when she gestures at the empty seat across her - after a moment of talking - and Paul slides in, he realises that his heart beats with joy for him.
He's brought out to focus when arms circle his torso, and the very familiar lips of one TK Strand press a kiss on his cheek.
"What's Paul doing?" TK says, gesturing with his chin towards the booth they're in.
"Going after the proverbial dick he likes."
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