#the rest tho? he's right™
sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Hiiii, I loveeeee ur work ❤️
I was thinking about a head cannon of how some of the mw2 characters (ghost, soap, König, etc) would react to their partner sending them a nude photo?👀👀👀
Sorry if you did this already but I’m pretty sure you haven’t tho cuz I definitely would have read it already 😭
MW2 Reaction to Receiving a Special™ Photo from Their S/O
Warnings: 18+ (just to be safe), Non-Specific/Explicit Implications of Smut, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You', Singular Mention of Graves Throwing Himself off a Cliff, Dominant! MW2, Submissive! MW2, Dominant! Reader, Submissive! Reader, Profanity, etc.
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He will literally stare bug-eyed at the picture you’ve sent him like 👁️O👁️
Since it’s a physical photograph, he keeps it on him like a chapstick, which is to say all the time.
He isn’t risking ANYONE besides himself seeing it.
And when he’s about to embark on a mission, he keeps it tucked into his vest right where his heart is so that it’s practically part of him.
He likes to think that, somehow, you can hear – feel – his heart beating, know that he’s still alive and fighting so that he can come home and see you.
And when he returns from a mission and goes to his quarters, he has some…alone time.
You know, to really study the picture.
Not that he doesn’t know every curve and edge of your body already.
But that doesn't stop him growling your name into the pillow as he rocks against it, a hole cut into the bottom of it – a poor imitation of you.
A makeshift lover.
If anyone ends up seeing that picture – if they stole it from him, if by some act of God (because that’s what it’ll take) it slipped out of his vest or pocket – they are in for a World of Pain™.
There won’t be a time they won’t flinch upon hearing Ghost’s name, or when they see his shadow like an omen on the wall as he commandeers the halls. Prowling.
He’d feel pretty guilty about someone else seeing you how he does, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.
So he’s definitely going to make it up to you when he gets back <3
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His heart can’t take this kind of torment.
He’ll be looking down at his phone, the image of you burning into his skin like a holy artefact.
He definitely gets more jumpy around people when he has his phone on him.
Will literally clam up and shove it into the deepest recesses of his pocket if someone comes too close.
Even when your picture is safely stored behind a password-protected photo album.
He has to excuse himself from training or other commitments whenever his mind wanders back to you, and subsequently that image (which is basically all the time).
Sometimes he calls you while he’s sorting himself out.
He just needs to hear your voice – to feel closer to you.
It’s the only way he can finish.
“Engel,” he rasps, his breath stuttering, “I need you,”
And everyone just looks at him like he’s grown a third eye when he returns because, unbeknownst to him, König can’t keep quiet, and everyone who has never heard even a peep from him is suddenly aware of the carnality that lies beneath his skin, wired into his soul.
And at the centre is his love for you, boundless and overflowing so that the rest of his teammates know it, too.
Not that they mind all too much.
They all sit and think that you must be one beautiful person to evoke such a response from König.
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Will tease you back.
Sends a mirror pic of him in a tight black shirt, saying something like ‘You’ll see the rest when I get home.’
Is absolutely ravenous when it comes to you.
No cap, goes absolutely ham in the shower when the image of you in nothing flashes in his mind.
His low moans are enough of a warning for the rest of the 141 to stay away for the next half an hour or so.
Aside from that, he’ll just look at the picture because he finds you beautiful.
Stares at it while he’s in bed. Laments on how much he misses you ☹️.
He’s counting down the days until he can see you again, and with each that passes, he can feel your silhouette becoming tangible in his hands, as if you were stepping out of the photo.
Sometimes, he dreams that you’re there with him, nestled between his arms.
Other times the dreams are a little more…graphic.
But Johnny can’t help it.
He just can’t contain himself when it comes to you.
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If you thought her violent tendencies could never extend to you, prepare to be amazed.
The second this woman sees what you’re trying to do – or, rather, what she thinks you’re trying to do – she is not happy.
You could have sent that image with the purest (within reason) of intentions; just letting Valeria know that you miss her, wishing her a good day – whatever.
What she sees is you trying to manipulate her by using your body as an instrument of destruction.
Dramatic, yes. But Valeria has never been one to take chances.
She’ll be deceptively calm over text: ‘Don’t tease me, Darling. You know what happens when you do.’
All day, all she can see is that image.
Whenever she turns a corner, you’re there; whenever she’s talking to someone, you’re peering at her over their shoulder; when she’s alone, you’re sat with her – on her – trying to take her attention away from her paperwork.
Redemption is a baseless concept when Valeria returns home that evening.
You will not know rest until she’s done with you.
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“Fuckin’ Hell, Love,” he’ll say, the darkness hanging on his voice tangible even through the voice note.
“What’ve you been up to while I’ve been away, hmm ?”
Will not rest until he knows he’s got you hot and bothered.
This entails him sending increasingly risqué images of himself; first, just one of him flexing, his arms thick and crawling with veins.
The next is of his shirt raised just below his chest, the dim light of the room keeping enough of him shrouded that his identity is unknown to all but you, his wide silhouette taking up most of the picture.
And, if you decide to be resilient against his attempts to make you feel as you have him, you’ll receive a series of menacing messages.
‘Don’t get too comfortable, Angel’, he’ll say.
‘You never know when I’ll come through that door–’
He grins as he sees you’ve read his message, hanging on his every word.
‘And ravage you.’
And you know he means it, too.
Meanwhile, he’s multitasking; keeping a clear, professional head and giving orders while resisting the primal urge to drop everything and find you.
And no amount of pleading or tears will spare you from his wrath when he returns.
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Regardless of how well the military life trained his self-discipline, nothing can dampen the sheer need Horangi feels whenever he receives a special picture from you.
I’m talking: he will literally sit in silence for ten minutes because he’s got a raging issue he needs to take care of but can’t risk anyone else seeing it.
Will thunder down the hall to the nearest bathroom when the meeting’s over and take out his frustrations there.
When he calls, you’d better pick up the first time.
If you don’t, you’ll have Hell to pay when gets home.
“Baby,” he breathes down the phone, the fog already making his mind frost over, his body burning up.
“What have you done to me–”
These brief encounters are the only thing keeping him sane while he’s away; they make him feel closer to you.
And, repaying you in kind, he returns one night, in the silence of the moon hours.
He finds you, pulls you to him, clutching on tight as you begin to wake.
And, between delirium and consciousness, his voice is all you can hear.
“Shouldn’t have tested me, Sweetheart,” he says, whispering as though partaking in a secret.
“Now I’m going to have to challenge you.” His arms are snakes as they constrict you.
“Fall asleep before I’m done with you, and I promise there will be no end to your suffering.”
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Teasing a man as passionate as Alejandro is not going to end well for everyone involved.
Expect to receive a barrage of very choice texts back.
‘You have no idea what you’re doing to me’, he’ll say, followed by a photo of the tent in his trousers.
And a sinister: ‘But you will’.
If he’s away on business for even just a few days, he’ll go practically feral whenever he sees that picture of you.
To everyone else, he’ll be the leader Alejandro Vargas they all know him as – ruthless and righteous.
Yet, there’s something different in the way he walks as he excuses himself from the table, his destination unknown.
His gaze is narrowed and his teeth are grinding, rabid in disposition.
And when he gets home, no matter how long of a day it’s been, you’re in for a very long night.
He’ll appear behind you, a spectre, clamping a hand down on your shoulder.
“You shouldn’t test a soldier, Love,” he says, his grip tightening.
You don't turn around, an exhilarating fear keeping you frozen.
He leans down, his mouth just at your ear, his breath hot.
“Because you never know when he’ll snap.”
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This man is usually rather quiet and submissive when it comes to the more personal aspects of your life together.
But when you send him a picture that makes him question how long he can keep his composure for, you’re in trouble.
You’ll be receiving a phone call from a very exasperated Rodolfo, who, despite his best efforts, has succumbed to your charm.
Definitely a growler when he’s in a dominant mood.
More of a whimperer when he’s not.
At times like these, you get both.
“Darling,” he breathes, the back of his head pressed against the cold cubicle wall. “Look what you’ve done to me…”
His whining is more than enough to let you know the effect you’ve had on him.
And it’s what he says next that makes your blood run cold.
“I won’t let you get away with this.”
The husking baritone in his voice tells you he’s being truthful.
And if you try to clap back with something witty, or even an apology, Rodolfo just laughs.
“The time for mercy is long past, mi Amor,” he tells you.
“All you can do now is prepare for the Reckoning.”
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This smug idiot.
Definitely smirks to himself when he gets that picture.
Has to resist the urge to show it off to everyone in the boardroom because he’s just that proud to have you as his partner.
Yes, he is hard. Yes, he’s still going to give this presentation in front of all the major shareholders.
Why ?
Because he’s Graves. Also, because he knows he has more money than everyone else in that room, and, consequently, more power.
Will shoot you back a text like: ‘Mighty fine work, Babydoll’, followed by, ‘You’re getting a promotion when I get home.’
Yes, he uses corporate jargon when discussing intimate matters.
He’s a businessman at heart, he can’t help it.
Definitely more playful than most of the others on this list.
The type to take his time with you and make you laugh while he does so.
But when he wants to be rough (and when you want him to be), he can be.
And he gets mean when he’s like that.
I’m talking hair-pulling, name-calling – basically just bullying you, but consensually.
Does his best to take care of you, though.
If he found out that he’d actually upset you, he’d literally jump off a cliff – he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
Expect many lavish gifts if this happens, though.
But don’t tell him that I told you that 👀.
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Will nearly drop his phone – it turns to butter in his hands.
He looks over his shoulder at least fifty times before he’ll allow himself to look at the photo again.
Poor boy’s face is turning red, his palms are sweating, he can’t think straight.
Paranoid 24/7 that everyone knows he has that picture of you.
But it doesn’t intimidate him enough for him to even try to keep quiet in the barracks when he has some alone time.
Similar situation to Soap; everyone knows to steer clear of whichever room Gaz was last spotted walking into for a while.
It would take him a few days for him to send a picture back.
More than likely, it’ll be of him in a scarcely lit bathroom in nothing but his boxers with a very prominent outline in them.
Followed by a text with something to the effect of: ‘Been thinking about you all night, Sweets’
And God forbid you send him another image of yourself. And definitely do not send a message saying ‘Aww, has my good boy been behaving himself ?’
Will literally send him over the edge.
The rest of the 141 can’t commandeer the bathroom for the rest of the day after that.
And when Gaz gets home, just know that your phone screen can’t protect you anymore.
Not when you have a man made of pure intellect and solid mass running full-force at you with all the pent-up energy seen only in a nuclear reactor.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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n0bluev · 3 months
redraw(ish) link
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Um. Actually, ☝️, Geto is fun. (No offense but skill issue, Gojo. (☝️.))
Very random impromptu god gojo AU thingy ??? I got the idea 5 seconds before drawing this (: brain empty….!! big eyes !!!eyes… GOJO? Gojo has eyes…- "BIG" eyes……..,'God' coded? Lets go with that.) and only thought a little while drawing so theres not much lol
But uhm.; So gojo is a young god ™ (around 20yo, typical gojo.) but despite that, he’s been overpowering other gods who have been there for thousands of years since the moment he was born (breaking the balance of the world as he does) so thats fun -- gods are immortal but he "doesnt count" yet right? his existence is an insult to the rest of the world. ‘Elders dont like him’ (that goes both for old gods AND old worshipers.) [&lt;—aka ‼️OVERPOWERED YOUNGSTER OLD PEOPLE DONT LIKE ✅ (CHECK!) VERY GOJO!]
Theres a worship system thing going on in this AU ; A lot of people are very religious and follow these gods and whatnot (but there are probably groups that reject this lifestyle, or that sought out taboo methods instead, staying away from places where strict laws rule) [hashtag insert worldbuilding] —— GETO (born same year as « gojo ») HAS BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THIS SYSTEM SINCE A RELATIVELY YOUNG AGE AND IS FULLY EDUCATED ABOUT THE MANNERS AND RITUALS HE SHOULD DO AND BLABLABLA. Theres a hierarchy in the church/cult thing so theres higher ups for him to dislike while politely kissing ass (amen). Idk what he thinks of the gods (it’s between him being a model worshiper that truly has faith in them & him secretly having something against them for some reason, only believing in his own gatekeep girlbossness or something¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
EITHER WAY. he goes to meet gojo at some point. Probably because he has been asked to. Maybe the story is about (/or at least starts with) elders ™ deciding they want to find ways to control / restrain gojo (idk), leading to satosugu eventually teaming up to say fuck that.
Something something geto being « favoured by a god [gojo] » thus having a definite place in this world and gojo feeling like geto’s existence « grounds him » and gives him proper meaning in what to use his strength for and whatnot. Whatever (i doubt im going to write this so im not gonna elaborate lol sorry (i love me some character psychology but 💤💤)) Something something they are a destined cosmic pair your honour. Hashtag soulmates in every universe including this one HAh
Kind of an afterthought but: Gojo adopting megumi is definitely canon here too so 👍👍👍👍 (megumi is probably human but idk, as long as theyre wholesome im sold <3<3) SO LIKE, SOME PLOT HAS TO HAPPEN TO MAKE THEM FAMILY YKNOW - but deal with that yourself 😌(💤) (unless i come back to this idea with some deranged brainrot i didnt ask for + the will to create & share it✌️)
(Ps i decided gojo can change size so he can be human sized (oooo sneaky!), but ‼️‼️he can also be pocket size‼️‼️(i think thats the most important to note thank you v much), hes not stuck on giant mode yay :D)
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Everythings so sketchy haha, BUT GETO YOUR HONOUR! ah…no earring on this screenshot tho mybad
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen with an older s/o
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship, headcanons WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.09k
requested from 🌙 anon: hello! i love LOVE your writing! i wonder if you can write about how svt would be in a relationship with an s/o who's like 3-4 years old older than them? thank you very much.- 🌙
notes: hope u enjoy this anon, i rlly hope it makes sense?? for some reason it was a bit hard to write for some of them. ty for ur patience as well djflksdjfl
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choi seungcheol 
used to being the Dad™ of 12 chaotic men so he prob want to take advantage of the fact that you are older than him. loves it when you would be the one to initiate things like wanting to cuddle with him, being the one to cook dinner for the night, etc. sometimes he just comes home absolutely exhausted from the day and prefers to be in your safe and comforting presence where you would whisper sweet things in his ears and take care of him
yoon jeonghan
teases you in a playful way ofc. like maybe you both are having a restaurant date or something and by the time it finished, you ask him “can you call the waiter over for the check if you see them?” and then he’s like “well since you are the grown-up, how about YOU call the waiter?” and you just roll your eyes to his remarks. then he’s like “jk” and calls the waiter over. doesn’t admit but he loves it when you baby him cuz it makes him feel so secure
joshua hong
can be another tease but only when the time is right yk. is prob like a mixture of cheol and jeonghan in a way, but he absolutely melts when you treat him like a baby at times w/ your little pet names and it shows in his face when he has that big wide smile and tries to hide it away. cherishes the little moments when you take care of him and he will def treat you back in the same way no matter the age difference
wen junhui
constantly asking for your approval on things, even the smallest kinds. like if he’s out getting groceries he’d text you asking if he should buy this or that, or if it’s fine for him to stop by the nearby bakery to buy something even tho he doesn’t need permission. already gives little spoon energy tbh so he loves the feeling of falling into your open arms and when you run your fingers through his hair, it soothes him a lot
kwon soonyoung
another one who asks for help and approval on stuff. absolutely adores waking up from a nap or in the morning and sees that you already planned an outfit for him laying at the end of the bed. gets so giddy when you call him sweet pet names or when you pat his head or grab his face in your hands. goes to you for a lot of advice for stuff and he becomes sooo attentive when you are talking to him and takes in all your words very carefully. he just admires you a lot heh
jeon wonwoo
doesn’t mind the age gap at all. I think that he is more into an equal relationship where it’s like a “you give me this, I give you back” kind of deal and you both make sure that one of you doesn’t get any less care or attention. but he doesn’t mind at all if you are to swoon over him and ruffle his hair cuz pretty sure he secretly loves it and won’t admit it
lee jihoon
pretends to hate being babied but don’t worry, he secretly loves it. prefers for you to do it when you are both alone together because if you were to do it in front of the other members, he would go all red in the ears and look down at the floor wishing he could sink in it. at rare times when he does want the affection it doesn’t take long for his cold exterior to melt as he allows you to take care of him
xu minghao
another one who doesn’t rlly mind the age difference, but I think since he naturally loves caring for others he might prefer to care after you more as a way to show his respect n love, age difference or not. like if you offer to cook that night he’d be like “don’t worry, just rest up so I can do it”. if you baby him he’d def pretend to despise it in some way, but he likes the balance between maturity and being babied, and loves how he can be open w you
kim mingyu
gosh he loves the feeling of being babied by you, or when you call him pet names or ruffle his hair and all that. even of this man is tall and huge he can’t help but feel so small when he’s around you and he’s whipped and fonding over your care and attentiveness and responsibility. he also makes sure to repay your care and will literally go all out to make sure you are 101% taken care of
lee seokmin
might be used to being treated like a baby his whole life since he has an older sister. is very playful and attentive and takes all your words of advice as something to treasure and cherish for himself, and he def loves to show you off as well. like “guess what y/n treated for me today???” like he is prob livid on the fact that you spoil him sometimes. loves the comfort n reassurance you give him
boo seungkwan
is also used to being babied. absolutely treasures all the advice you give him and the mature perspective you have on things. the type to prob cower behind you and let you take the lead in things as well. also continuously asks for approval and gives you the utmost respect possible. would act cute around you just for you to spoil him in some sorts. he also loves it when you allow him to take care of you back n also won’t shut up abt you to the members
vernon chwe
also doesn’t mind the age difference like it’s not even there for the two of you. you both seem to balance each other out quite equally and your relationship is already laid back as it is. honestly he might treat you like both are the same age. your relationship flows pretty naturally, but he does quietly appreciate the times you give him comfort and reassurance and he makes sure to show his love in subtle ways
lee chan
man already has to suffer with his 12 older brothers so he def doesn’t mind the age gap at all and is used to being babied, teased, and playfully bullied by them and you (save him). cherishes more from you ofc, and he thrives on the opportunity of being babied and taken care of. feels the immediate relief when coming home to you and you already have dinner cooked and a home date prepared
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae​
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Enhypen hyung line react to their so falling asleep on them
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Its time
Aka i felt motivated again😌
I thought i should continue with the falling asleep reaction soooooo
Should i do a txt one?
Listening to Memorabilia did something to me and im now going through a major Enha phase
Im not complaining tho
Enjoy :3
Ps: Lucifer is my favorite ;)
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Warnings: Grammar mistakes, spelling errors, not proofread, random thoughts, sorry this is so short 😭🙏
He's either a blushy mess or you are
If he's the blushing mess he probably wasn't expecting it
He's happy that you trust him enough to sleep on him so comfortably
Awkwardly pats your head
Poor boy doesn't know what to do
Kinda just stares off into space
But reflexively puts his arms around your waist
He probably stares at you while you sleep
In a non creepy way
May or may not fall asleep
If you're the blushing mess
Prepare yourself for some melting cuz he's gonna fluster you like there's no tomorrow
Will be all "😏?"
I am but a poor innocent girl
Why must you do this to me?
I understand why this man is the most biased in enha ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ
Moving on-
He will still cuddle you back
Hug you around your waist
Ya know, the normal
With a little extra Heespice™ added
Aka he's just hotter when he does thingss
When you wake up he kisses your forehead
Tells you to go back to sleep
And then falls asleep with you
Literally won't care
He would still be happy that you felt comfortable enough to pass out on top of him
But he would just treat it like an everyday experience
Even if it doesn't happen every day
You come over and sit on his lap and he just hugs you untill you fall asleep
May be mildly concerned
But by the time he has processed that he should be concerned
You've fallen asleep
And he doesn't want to wake you
So he does the chivalrous thing and falls right asleep with you
But if you know one thing about him it's that you can't wake him up once he's fallen asleep
He sleeps like a dead body
Like me :D
So when you inevitably wake up before him you have two choices
A: go back to sleep
B: wake him up
Obviously you choose to wake him up because its no fun being awake by yourself
All you have to do is play billy poco for five seconds and it wakes any of the members up-
Anyways have fun trying to wake him up because if you do he will drag you right to bed and fall back asleep
Even if its 3:26 pm
Let the poor man rest
There's no way around it
He's just a generally flustered puppy
He's kinda like Hee where he doesn't know what to do
But he just does things unconsciously
Im a strong believer that Jake is the heater in Enhypen
So he woud be warm
And comfy
He would rub your back
Draw little shapes on your back
When you wake up he would keep doing it and have you guess what he was drawing
I love when people do that
Excuse me while i take my mandatory combustion break-
Would wrap your arms around his waist
And pull you as close as he could to himself
He just wants you to be with him
And how could you deny that face?
You cant
The answer is nobody can deny that face
Would whisper in your ear
Little affirmations
Squeezes you
He hugs you like yourr a giant stuffed animal
He just loves his cuddles🥰
Will cuddle you back to sleep
 ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) 
Oh boy
He will be confused
"why would you want to sit on my lap?"
He just doesn't understand
That he's my bias wrecker~
Even more confused when you fall asleep
Flabbergasted, you could say
I love that word
He would worry that he would wake you up
Evn though he's sitting still
And your fast asleep
But he loves it
Definitely zones out
Because he doesn't know what to do
Hell just sit there like🧍‍♂️😃
Puts his chin on your head
Will probably play with your fingers
Just for fun
Definitely not to keep from falling asleep
Definitely not...
*falls asleep*
Hes a sleeper
But he cant help it because your so comforting
I mean have you ever had someone fall asleep on top if you?
Ok nevermind that's never happened to me
But you can probably imagine
It would be
Youur just returning the favor of sleep to him
If you two sleep for long enough one (or all) of the members will find you and take pictures
But maybe you want that
When else are you going to see how cute a sleeping Sunghoon is?
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patdkoala · 1 year
The Golden Globes
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x female reader Summary: Sebastian Stan and the reader are close friends and one night when he goes to the Golden Globes he gets worked up being there without her. Only one thing can make him feel better. Warnings: Friends to lovers, hair pulling, unprotected p in v, The Pullout Method™
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"I'm exhausted," Sebastian said as he did his curl-ups with Don. "Because of the workout or?" Don's eyes trailed over to (Y/N) who was doing squats with her trainer a few feet away from Sebastian.
"No, (Y/N)'s just a friend, man. I don't know why everyone thinks we are together," Sebastian said as Don rolled his eyes.
(Y/N) and Sebastian has been friends forever and is always cast in movies together.
They have played siblings, friends, a married couple, a friends-with-benefits couple, an enemies-to-lovers couple, and any other couple you could think of in any trope.
Yet, they have remained friends. Nothing has ever even made them question their friendship.
Not even (Y/N) in tight yoga pants doing intense workouts in front of Sebastian.
"If you don't make a move on her someone else will," Don said as Sebastian stopped his workout. "I don't think that's what (Y/N) and I are tho. She's a friend and I'd hate to have something compromise that," Sebastian said as he saw (Y/N) and her trainer have a conversation.
"He is so cute. I just don't understand why you haven't gone out with him yet," (Y/N)'s trainer said as (Y/N) dried herself off with a towel and glanced over to Sebastian.
He was doing curl-ups and looked so good. His toned chest expanded while his arms flexed and caused a certain sensation in between (Y/N)'s legs. She quickly looked away.
"Sebastian is just a friend. I wouldn't want to ruin what we have by doing something so foolish like having sex," (Y/N) said as her trainer rolled her eyes.
"If you don't make a move soon then another girl is just going to swoop right in."
Later that day, Sebastian was getting ready for Golden Globes because he was up for an award with the show Pam and Tommy. (Y/N) was so proud of him but she wasn't going with him because they had discussed previously that being seen together all the time isn't good for either of their reputations.
"Are you sure you'll be okay just here by yourself?" Sebastian asked as he slipped on his suit jacket. (Y/N) was seated on their couch.
They are roommates. ohmygod they were roommates. (Y/N) moved in with Sebastian after her last boyfriend and she broke up. He was a creep and cheated on her. She was living with him at the time so Sebastian offered his couch which soon turned into her moving into his office which became her room.
"Yes, I'll be okay. I'm gonna watch a movie and then go to bed early since I have nothing better to do," she smiled as Sebastian smiled back, and then he grabbed his keys and left.
(Y/N) did not watch a movie or go to bed early. Instead, she stayed up and watched the Golden Globes.
Sebastian walked the red carpet and many photographers took his picture while screaming at him. "Sebastian! Where is (Y/N) tonight?" Someone yelled at him.
He ignored the people's cries and just continued smiling and walking the rest of the carpet.
(Y/N) was at home and was watching this woman interview celebrities. She was really good at her job but (Y/N) only cared to see Sebastian get interviewed.
I mean, that's what good best friends get excited about right?
"Sebastian Stan is here tonight looking so handsome in his suit from Lanvin," The woman spoke as Sebastian smiled and looked at the camera as it panned over his suit.
"Who have you brought as your date tonight?"
"No one. I am flying solo tonight," Sebastian said as (Y/N) sat there and scooped spoonfuls of ice cream into her mouth and smiled at how nice Sebastian looked.
"No (Y/N) tonight? Maybe you'll be going home with someone new after the show," She said as Sebastian sort of rolled his eyes.
The interview ended shortly after that and Sebastian seemed unpleased with how it went. He went home empty-handed in more ways than one.
"Hey, you're home early. I'm sorry about what happened. I sat up and watched the whole thing," (Y/N) said as Sebastian walked through the door and kicked off his designer shoes, and threw off the designer jacket.
"I just hate how they talk about you like you're just some new fuck buddy of mine. It's not fair to either of us," Sebastian said as he slumped down on the couch next to her.
"I wasn't talking about the interview. I was talking about the awards but yeah, let's make this about me," she said as he smiled at her and she lifted her legs and rested them on his lap and then moved the blanket that was just covering her to cover the both of them.
"Why can't everyone be as nice to me as you are?" Sebastian asked as she ran a hand through his hair. "Because not everyone is your best friend."
"Right, friends," he said softly. "What, is there a problem with me being your friend now?" She asked as he turned his head and he rested both arms on her legs.
"I just wish we were more sometimes," He said as she turned a bright shade of pink. "Sebastian you're drunk." "I didn't have a single drink tonight. I didn't make it to the after party and I wanted to stay sober so that I could make it home to you and do this," He said as he leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips.
She held the back of his head gently as he moaned into her mouth. She still had her legs resting upon his lap as he let his hands move to her face.
He cupped her cheeks and then he let his hands go all on their own in her hair. They tangled in at the roots and tugged slightly as she went to his shirt and started to undo the buttons.
"I need you," Sebastian moaned as (Y/N) took her shift off and threw it across the room. "Then take me," She replied as he smirked and he started to undo his belt buckle.
She stood up and removed her pants and underwear and then once he had his belt undone he removed his pants and he lowered his boxers just enough to spring out.
She smiled at him and for a minute they locked eyes and he cupped his hands on her face again. "I have been waiting for this for so long with you. I love you so much, (Y/N) and I never want anyone to ever hurt you ever again," He said as she smiled and then sat down on his cock while kissing him.
They both moaned in pleasure at the first initial feeling. Which then turned into him moaning and her screaming in pleasure. Their bodies rocked back and forth and up and down.
Sebastian flipped them so that he was on top. "Sebastian, please don't stop. You feel so good," She cried as he trusted faster and harder. "Tell me where you want me," He moaned out in broken words as he trusted as she held onto the side of the couch, clenching her insides which helped him indicate that she was close.
"Anywhere," She moaned as he nodded and then thrusted two final times before she came on his dick and he pulled out and came on her stomach.
He laid down next to her on the couch after he cleaned her up with his shirt. (Such a gentleman)
He held her close to his chest as they then dozed off into sleep.
"I'm not going anywhere without you ever again," He said as she laughed and kissed him.
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
fic rec friday 37
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Fade to Black by @yokohogawa
Things between Keith and Lance are changing but Keith is restless, especially with Shiro still weak, and ends up taking a bad decision: he leaves Lance alone in the Castle with a Lion he cannot pilot. Unable to form Voltron without the newly appointed Red Paladin, the four Paladins left struggle against the sudden attack of a Galra ship and later on take damage from the explosion of a star in close proximity. Lance, on the other end, is left to defend the Castle by himself and has little time to succeed: without energy, the Lions have only 6 hours of breathable air. Beyond that point, his friends will be dead.
okay yes technically this series is unfinished. HOWEVER the first two works ARE finished, and they are amazing showstopping incredible etc. tbh im not much of a black paladin lance fan, i genuinely think solo leadership is not what he is suited for, but this fic made me way more open to it. the way he handled severe crises was as fear stricken as it was awe inspiring highly recommend
2. once again i am a child by @lilaclavenders
“You’re not a spare tyre,” Adam interjects.  “I know that,” Lance says, too unsure to sound completely defensive.   “That almost sounded like a question.” “No... it didn’t,” Lance says.
Lance and Adam talk.
i have always been a fan of lance and adam even tho its the most evidence lacking fanon thing in this fandom. its truly just so interesting. and to have lance as a young cadet getting slammed so badly just in so many different directions being given at least one grownup in his corner...its a good read.
3. Lance the language man by @irish-vampire-blog
Lance didn't really try to learn a language. He just, kind of, picks up the basics and then works from there. Its usually unintentional. Ish.
He isn't stupid though. He isn't an idiot. He just isn't the same kind of smart as his friends are.
this kind of smart for lance is so REAL bc no he cannot do like quantum physics or whatever probably but the way he seems to have a pretty innate ability to successfully do many things that he tries. he just can u know?? thats the autism with the gay audacity i would imagine but i love seeing fics like this
4. my boyfriend's back (and you're gonna get in trouble) by teacupfulofbrains
hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back
Keith Kogane has never heard of Vine. Lance McClain takes personal offense to this, and makes it his personal mission to teach his boyfriend to meme. Keith is confused, mostly.
(OR: several instances of Keith not getting the meme™ and two times he did)
I LOVE THIS FIC SO BAD I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT RECCED IT BEFORE. yes i am a cringe zillenial who still finds vine funny and quotes it on the internet but truly idc idc. this fic is funny. this fic is cute. established klance my love and light. also keith comparing lances eyes to the star of bombay is some of the gayest shit ever and also the only time i will entertain blue eyed lance
5. The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love by running_downn
Last time something like this happened to Lance, Keith wasn’t there. He’d thought he would have been able to do something if he had been there, or at least if he was, the guilt wouldn’t be so heavy on his chest. But this time he was there. He was right fucking there and he decided that it was infinitly worse.
Basically there's a new threat after the Galra and it almost kills Lance. Desperate making out ensues, but it's okay to recognize when it's not the right time for it. Keith cries a lot cause he's older and grizzled and therefore not as emotionally stunted.
green sock reality? team still out fighting as adults and lance isn’t a fucking farmer while the rest of the team isn’t? keith’s abandonment issues treated with respect and dignity and also the acknowledgement that he’s older and therefore mature enough to handle those issues in a way that doesn’t risk a relationship that is important to him? lance understanding all this and using the supportive nature he is known for??? yes yes yes. stellar fic that should have way more hits than it does
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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thieves-in-the-palace · 10 months
jumps into ur ask box hello. hi. what are ur ng+ time loop thoughtz
god i have. a lot of thoughts about ng+ time loops in general. in relation to this post tho i specifically have Some Thoughts about Akira going through the loops trying to figure out why he's stuck there, how to get out, etc and also having to contend with Akechi dying every time but also like…the inevitable emotional cycles that come with watching the same guy die over and over.
✧ "Who is more unlucky here? The one who will die every time but never remember? Or the one who will live every time and always remember?" –> "Me. I'm the more unlucky one. What's this dude's fucking problem" –> "What's MY fucking problem? Why does this keep happening to me? Why doesn't anyone else remember? Why can't I escape this? Why does Akechi have to die every time??" –> "What's this dude's FUCKING problem–"
✧ does it count as a parasocial relationship if you know the guy irl and also it's based on the weird sense of kinship that comes with being doomed to repeatedly live through the same year over and over while he's doomed to die every time. hand in hand they are BOTH doomed baybee
✧ You know how Akechi is often portrayed as having Death Note-esque internal monologues when interacting with Akira? That but Akira is having his own wildly different internal monologue that sounds a lot like "okay you shit idiot. what's it gonna take to keep you from dying"
✧ The rest of the Thieves are surprised when Akira doesn't seem to react to Akechi's death, but they figure he's trying to keep it together for the sake of the mission. Truly tho Akira is mentally cussing Akechi out and lamenting the fact they're gonna have to fight god again soon. rip lawboy you would've loved fighting ol' yaldy
✧ Futaba hacks Akira's phone (for enrichment) and sees his most recent google search "is it bad to stop feeling bad after the 15th time you watch the same person die or are you allowed to start getting annoyed about it" – maybe he's going through something similar to what she went through w/ her mom? She starts prodding him about his past, but it doesn't really get her anywhere…
(If u want to get even more into Game-Based Reality Nonsense u could even say that Futaba can't find anything on Akira aside from his criminal record. No hospital records, no school info, no nothing. It's like the guy didn't even exist before the day he got arrested. Akira might not have any answers either, which, u know, doesn't help with the mental strain caused by being stuck in a time loop. Does he even exist outside of the loop? If the loop ended, would he disappear with it? etc etc)
✧ At the beginning of each loop, Akira makes a list of things that might break the time loop, updating it as needed. "Akechi survives" is at the top of the list every time bc it's one of the only things that never happens.
✧ Akira just generally having a slightly shorter temper w/ Akechi bc truly. How do u go through this sort of ordeal w/o wanting to rattle him like a maraca after a point. He won't hesitate to call Akechi cringe when the guy leans too heavily on his Pleasant Lawboy™ persona.
They wind up sparring in Mementos more frequently bc this Akira is more willing to entertain Akechi's bloodlust; fighting is a good outlet for Akira's own frustrations. Akechi keeps getting more and more annoyed each time tho bc why tf can this attic trash keep up with him? How is he predicting Akechi's attacks so well? (Akechi's going to start spitting fire if he ever finds out Akira has been holding back during their fights lmao. Akira can easily trounce him in 1v1 since like…3 loops ago?)
✧ Akira spending so much time annoyed and even furious w/ Akechi for not having enough self-preservation to survive even one loop only to ultimately circle right back into The Guilt + Sorrow bc god, all this time and he still can't figure out how to keep this fuckhead alive?
And it IS guilt Akira feels, unfortunately. Makoto and Futaba were both antagonistic towards the Phantom Thieves at first, too. Just spending some time with them was enough to reveal how getting screwed over by adults guided their actions; it doesn't absolve them of threatening the group, but it makes them easier to forgive.
Akira wonders, sometimes, if he's too quick to forgive Akechi. He's killed people, and he claims to be perfectly okay with being a murderer so long as it means he can reach his goals. But Akechi is a liar all the way down, too, because a cold-hearted killer wouldn't sacrifice himself for his enemies. He wouldn't give up his only shot at vengeance so easily after going through years of hell to achieve it. Yet Akechi still dies in that boiler room every time. Akechi never truly hates Akira, and Akira can't quite bring himself to ever truly hate Akechi, either.
But then Akira sees Akechi alive and well and smiling for the camera in the next loop, and he gets the abrupt urge to lay the guy out.
✧ "I want you to live. I also never want to see you again."
✧ And all of this is w/o getting into P5R's third semester hijinks. Akira thinking he's finally escaped the time loop only to realize that something Worse is happening now.
And Akechi is still there, because of fucking course he is–
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nekioe · 2 months
s2 au where the plan™ works out and c!Dream and c!Punz manages to reset the server
but now the plan worked out. Everyone (except c!dream and c!punz cause they were the ones that caused it) has forgotten what happened and it's more or less peaceful. Sooo what now?
c!Dream has kind of lost his purpose and goal now. He can't keep following the plan cause the plan is already done, so what can he do? It's time for the trauma he's been running from to finally catch up to him. He's having a bit of an existental crisis but it's fine, he's alright, this is everything he wanted, right?
At least c!Punz is there to help him!
s2 Drunz healing fic but everything is going horrible, it's alright tho they're trying their best
(also, the rest of the server is kind of??? fine??? maybe possibly?? at least in the beginning but it doesn't last for long)
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gimyung · 1 year
lookism brainrot otd:
varsity classmates headcanons !!
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it's my first time doing a post of hcs like this so idk what i was doing or where i was going w it, but enjoy !! jus mainly their traits + some x reader interactions as a classmate ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
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zack lee /////// 이진성
athleticism just wayyy over the roof. he's the jock of all jocks atp
he actually follows a strict regimen, and manages to outdo himself every time
nah cus this mf drinks his pre-workout mix few mins before lunch... because he actually intends to do workout during lunch 💀
despite being disciplined when it comes to working out and focused on hitting a new personal record every time, he's just bad when it comes to maintaining a proper diet
liiiike discipline just goes out the window when you open a bag of chips. he's right there before your hand even touches inside the bag 😭
he doesn't skip class, he's always present. there are times when he dozes off but not every time. instead he's just doodling, looking out the window, or sneakily checking soc med on his phone. bottom line is he's awake but his ass isn't reading 💀💀
he's surrounded by a solid friend group so it's hard to approach him, but he goes to you first when he needs help w studies
yeah he the type to copy ur homework lmfaoooo
though he's amazing at stuff when he puts his mind into it... like there'd be a time he would actually try not to fail his exams so that he can continue playing for varsity. he put in effort and turned out to be decent, esp science and english !!
he's good at english because he watches clips of pro athletes from around the world so he picks up a lot of it. lowkey self-taught, he ain't even realize he's a genius when it comes to absorbing information
he aint got the books tho. his bag all sports/gym stuff 😭 he switches seats w your seatmate cus he knows you're kind enough to share your book (and answers) to him
literally a jock w the way he always talks about his sport. "so are you a fan of ___?", "stayed up watching ___'s game"
but he's also encouraging and enthusiastic, "you can be an athlete too, it's not too late!"
the games on his phone are all sports games bless him
the typa jock to buy a ps5 first to play 2k BEFORE a proper mattress 😭😭
cares about his drip too, sneakerhead!zack is canon w the way jiho got scammed just to cop a pair for him
despite being a varsity player, he doesn't skip PE even though he technically can. he loves working out, getting extra exercise. everyone's intimidated tho cus ofc he just does better than the rest
but he's kind, doesn't judge, and instead encourages everyone to finish their PE tasks
"cmon you can do more sit ups!", "whoa nice, you'll do well in track n field", "if you do one more rep of this you'd actually withstand my coach's training", "yooo you jump that high? that's raw talent"
even the most unfit person in the class starts to love PE just because sweating it out w zack is fun <3
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johan seong ///////성요한
he doesn't strike as the jock™ the same way zack does. underneath that uniform nobody knows that he's ripped. on that sleeper build fr
he's really quiet, and perhaps he won't be that well-known if he wasn't playing for the school and basically being a beast in his sport
enviable because nobody sees him put that much effort, but there he is... literally main character for his team. highkey talented (this shit canon tho johan really be talented af)
resting bitch face so nobody dares approach him, but when someone does, johan gives them the softest smile <3
he's just actually shy, he doesn't really know what to say or do when you tell him "johan, good luck on your next match"
johan: [nod and smile]
when it comes to his studies, he's so-so. he puts in just the right amount of effort. liiiike overall, no problems in this area
thing is, he just skips class from time to time. nobody, not even his coach, knows where tf he is or what he's doing 😭 but he keeps getting away with it because he's really so fucking talented
7 times out of 10 he has his homework done. bless this child
he just keeps getting away w being so chill (borderline nonchalant) about studies overall. he gets called to recite one time and he doesn't have the answers, but even his teacher aint mad
guess he really just charms everyone. like nobody wanna get in the way of the genius lol and he's unproblematic overall so nobody really can tell him shit
during breaks he just eats his food then takes a nap
but he's gotten really popular so some of the boiz try to chat him up and he vibes well with everyone. he doesn't have a bad personality whatsoever ^-^
when nobody's bothering him, johan loves to listen to music on his headphones (johan! headphones! imagine! literally begging !!)
even when training on his own. literally no one could bother him 😭 he doesn't even know the music's so loud and everyone can hear
(this one is self-serving but aren't all headcanons) johan probs just a chill person and even when working out he listens to krnb :-)
like that's it, no eurobeats or upbeat music. literally just him enjoying 2 things — getting better at his sport + listening to chill music
his drip: effortless. him just wearing plain everything, nothing flashy or branded, but god he's breathtaking
one time before class ended he got so restless, turns out he was looking for a ponytail or a makeshift one. he comes up to you to borrow your rubber band that you used to keep your bento in tact hehe
ppl in class figured this out, and on the following weeks some of them offered their ponytail to johan
some of them would insist to be the one to tie johan's hair. so some days he really training with pigtails and braids
he's still unbothered but not that unapproachable anymore. got close to the class by allowing everyone to play with his hair :0
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jake kim /////// 김기명
jake's not really a bad student, but he skips the first period sometimes for a morning workout
he's a contender as a team captain so he really focuses on his sport, but at the same time he's lowkey diligent w/ his studies too
when he's in the mood to learn fr, he switches seats with another classmate who's seated in front. otherwise, he stays at the back and snoozes frm time to time
jake probs takes notes sometimes, but shitty handwriting 😭 he sometimes can't understand the shit he wrote cus he was falling asleep in class
great guy despite his popularity, so he doesn't have a hard time finding willing people to help him out in his studies (lending notes and reference materials)
he doesn't always have his homework with him, but he barely asks to copy
just a lil uncooperative with group projects, he literally dashes to the gym after class to train. he got his goals straight and ur project is at the bottom of the priority list. oh well :(
but really, nice guy. everybody's his friend and he's not hard to approach at all. lowkey fans would come up and take pics with him and he doesn't pose properly ever. always gotta look goofy ...
like his teammates can't even get mad at the obvious bias of people towards jake. jake's just so fucking nice
doesn't even have to bring lunch money cus ppl willing to pay for his meals from time to time. and he's a big eater 😭
gets accused of sweet talking his way out of some of his bad grades, being a teacher's pet bc even teachers love this guy. they give him lots of chances during recitations until he gets the answer right
he's in the middle of super athlete zack & chill athlete johan. like he's goal-oriented, disciplined, focused, but he's not obsessed
this guy never skips practice, but on the weekends he relaxes and chills w his friends at the mall/park/cafe
um he has a motivational quote as his lock screen haha.... he just the type to do it ....
and he really hates it when one of his classmates are getting picked on. singlehandedly ended bullying in his school, slay
everyone just follows his peace-loving nature. like if you like jake and you're a friend of jake, you're never supposed to do shit to others
drip: uniform too tight lol (canon) (even that tracksuit hugging his chest well)
he !! remembers !! everyone's !! names !!
like introduce yourself once to jake and he will say hello to you if he passes by you in the hallway
"yo ___, wru heading to" like he asking empty questions the way you would with an acquaintance but it means a lot cus he knows your name
got teased to run for student council despite his busy sched, actually won cus he's popular 😭 mf aint even attend meetings but this win just furthered his agenda of a peace-loving school
anddd because of jake, other sports teams in school are envious of his team because the entire student body are more inclined to going to their matches to support their friend <3
atp jake aint even allowed to be benched cus coach thinks he might get booed for it. everybody wanna see jake play cmon
got everyone moving like a stage dad w the way they'd watch jake's games and cheer for him, always rooting for him
anywayssss that's all for hcs for now !! lmk if you liked this thing, i appreciate every feedback hehe :--) idk where i was going w this so!! hope yall enjoyed or something
shoutout to mica for engraving jock!zack in my head
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sochawrites · 1 year
Hi there, I really enjoyed your task master headcanons! I was wondering if you'd be comfortable doing a yautja X reader HCs where the reader is suffering from baby fever? If not I totally understand! Thank you very much!
Aww, I'm glad to hear that!
Gosh this brings back memories, I read a few of those, way back in the day 😃 (mostly in wattpad tho)
It's not really struggling as much as just some general baby fever hc, so sorry for diverting from that.
And sorry it took so long, I had a lot going on and no inspiration.
Baby fever (HCs)
Yautja x reader
There's a divide to afab and amab at the very end.
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You never thought you'd be one to go through this kind of episode
Sure, you might have played House as a little kid, or created families in The Sims with your sim and your crush at the time
But that was just imagination, there was no real need
And it stayed like that for a long time
But being around your mate seemed to change something in you
Possibly their heat cycles rubbing off on you
And it wasn't until you catch yourself looking wishfully at the sucklings and younglings on Yautja Prime that you even realized what you might be going through
Their parents are very wary of you, so don't hope to cradle one in your hands, but if you have any questions, they will be answered
Chances are that your partner would notice your behaviour on their own, but probably wouldn't confront you 
If you decide to tell your mate about it, be prepared for different outcomes depending on the part of the cycle your partner is in
I feel like the further away they are from being in heat, the less they would like to even hear about the possibility and would get a bit aggressive if you tried to push the conversation
It's just their body telling them that now is not the time for a child, it's not personal
So you better wait with the discussion for once they're a bit closer to the mating season
That being said, once they are, they will be very open to the idea
They'd probably go and babyproof every inch of the ship and your home right away
Maybe make the kid a tiny little toy, way in advance
It's very likely that they'd get on the baby fever wave with you
They might even go as far as getting hands on some technology to help with the difference in DNA
Be prepared, because once they are in heat, they will not let go of you and you'll be in for a few very interesting days
They will be a lot more anxious about the outcome than you
You're a special case and he won't leave any room for errors 
So be prepared for him to be by your side 24/7
He's anxious during the whole pregnancy, but also very overjoyed
It's a weird combination, especially for him, but you both get used to it eventually
If you were already living on Yautja Prime, you will most likely be staying
There might be some problems with the clan after the kid is born, but he's willing to "risk" it if it means they will eventually help with raising it, no matter who he has to fight to make that happen
Males are not the ones who normally raise the cubs, so any help you two can get, he'll take it
She's a strong warrior™, she doesn't need you by her side, but she wouldn't mind it
It's uncommon for their children to be raised by both parents, so enjoy the time before the kid is born, because you will be obsolete
She will most likely want to relocate to somewhere more quiet and peaceful, so she can rise the child without the rest of the clan getting in the way
It would be nice if they would accept the child as one of them, but the possibility is very low unless it establishes itself as a worthy hunter and a warrior 
And your mate is best for that job without a question
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
This is a list of ideas/headcanons of the tfa fandom that crossed my mind, piled into one giant mess. Enjoy.
those are things that i consider canon in my works. (outside of AUs)
1. Bee has a golden voice when singing, he’s anxious about it tho. [the whole headcanon explained] After some time and events this scenario happens and Bee gets more comfortable around others.
2. Bee is basically a stuntman when skating. Casual or on battlefield, his actions are purely impulsive. Sometimes he’s lucky and pulls off that sick move... sometimes he ends up in medbay for many long hours. Here’s an example.
3. Bee is a good actor, he can lie on the spot and get away with it... most of the time. He’s also good at hiding his emotions. Fake it till you make it... or at least before Prowl comes knocking at your door.
4. Bee has 3 modes; Chaotic/Feral Gremlin, Kind Child and on rare occasion; Lazy Ferret. When he dates someone, there comes a 4th one; Lovestruck Idiot.
5. Bee is the early bird and wakes up way before the rest of the Autobots. He’s made a little routine of making the morning oil for the rest of the team. It’s the only thing he can “cook” really.
6. Sari keeps the weird healing powers the key had when she upgrades herself. Ratchet helps her figure it out and teaches her cybertronian first aid.
7. Rachet knows human curses and will use them when things are going down.
8. Sari and Bee are the young sibblings™. Prowl plays the role of the babysitter, keeping those two out of trouble.
9. Bee often vents to Prowl about topics he wouldn’t talk about with anyone. They have an unspoken agreement to never do anything to mess with the other when it comes to these meetings.
10. Prowl is accidentally creepy, he will eavesdrop or spy on someone unintentionally. He doesn’t mean it, but his curiosity can get the best of him sometimes. Here’s a list of things he eavesdropped so far.
11. Optimus is a kindsparked leader, he’ll think of the person’s wellbeing first instead of “is this okay with the law?”
12. Bulkhead sometimes helps the architects with building stuff, he likes the art aspect and the job is easy cuz he can carry like few tons of materials at once.
13. Random!Blitz will eat various things that are definitelly not meant to be eaten. Glow sticks, scraps, paint and even some organic things. He also chews on anything that he find appealing. Somehow, he has yet to end up in medbay for doing that.
14. Blitzwing likes to sculpt, he’ll carve in wood, stone, ice and metal.
15. Bee likes to set up harmless traps to mess with Prowl, his time repairing space bridges taught him how to construct things. He’s quite crafty. Unfortunatelly, Prowl still remmebers how to pull a prank in return. Here’s one of them.
16. There’s 2 versions of Megatron: cold and sadistic villain(canon) or scary but thoughful “father”(Cons Are Good AU)
17. Longarm(Shockwave) actually kinda likes Bee. The bot is optimistic, kind and funny. He likes to hang out with the scout and have some fun, but other than that he focuses on his duties as a traitor Prime.
18. Lugnut is Lugnut, he’s basically in love with Megs. Megs wants nothing to do with him except for work.
19. There’s 2 versions of Decepticons; they either want to to take over Cybertron(canon) or want equal rights and fix whatever the council has fucked up. (Cons Are Good AU)
20. Autobots and Decepticons are not separate species of transformers like i often see. They just have different builds and codings. A transformer who’s not aligned with any of the factions doesn’t have any specific behavior attached, it all depends on what they learn as a sparkling. If they choose a faction, an additional coding is added to their system which might alter their behavior slightly.
21. Since time units are very confusing in the fandom i decided to settle on this: Nanoklik (1 second), Klik (1 minute), Joor (1 hour), (Solar/Lunar)Cycle (day/night), Decacycle (week), Orbital Cycle (month), Stellar cycle (1 year). Then it all goes like normal; decades, centuries, millennia. Sometimes i will use other transformer time terms when i don’t know what else to use.
22. Ratchet, despite being a medic, dismissed his own small damages. He says he will take tare of them later but never does, which later comes back as a bigger problem. Like a trembling wheel, dimmed light or glitched comm piece. He’s learned to go fix himself when reminded about them or look for Sari.
23. Prowl has a bad habit of nightly snacking, he meditates all day long and sometimes forgets to refuel. Bad habit but he’s not really keen on stopping.
24. Shockwave/Longarm is the tech folk, the one who manages files and all, but he’s also somewhat of a medic. He knows how to patch system errors/viruses as well as fix some external damages.
25. Megatron actually remembers Optimus’ name, he just chooses to avoid using it because he has a grudge agaist the Prime for kinda offlining him.
26. Prowl doesn’t die in my timelines/AUs. Nor does Blurr. Nobody does(permanently). I just can’t let them.
27. Claws and sharp dentae are a basic upgrade you get when becoming Decepticon. Based on the frame type, there are few exceptions, example: Blitzwing has both sharp teeth and claws, but Lugnut has only sharp teeth cuz his servos are not compatible with the claws. Same with Shockwave but he's only got claws.
28. Bee was raised in the orphanage, he never brought it up to anyone. The only one to know might be the one he’d date. [See this post but exclude the adoption part]
29. Since Shockwave has 2 forms, he has something similar to Blitzwing’s multiple personalities thing- it’s not that intense, but there is a weird switch in his mind that he can activate on command. He is more laid back and cheery when he’s Longarm. When he’s Shockwave he’s very calm and focused- It’s his peak performance form, so to say. A weird thing that happens with Longarm is that he’ll be focused and calm with everyone but the second he, Bee and Bulkhead are alone- it’s time for wild fun.
30. Everyone thinks Random is the cannibal. He’s not, Icy is the one enjoying devouring a fellow mech. He keeps quiet about it, Random is just hyping it up like he usually does with everything.
31. Blackarachnia may be a mad scientist but she would help someone out if they begged her enough. She’d do everything to fix a bot- but then use them for her own goals. Every “transaction” you make with her will have the consequences... well, unless she’s “feeling generous”- which is like a miracle and you’ve probably made her feel bad if she does this.
32. Bumblebee loves to dress up. He loves human clothes, he loves cosmetic upgrades, he liked the temporary paint that is make up. He’ll never admit or show it though. He feels like if he does, he’s gonna be judged and everyone’s gonna stop liking him. Dressing up makes him feel like he’s truly pretty and amazing. He doesn’t want that feeling crushed if others find it weird and tell him to stop. Idk if “Drag Queen” is the correct term for this but he defo likes dresses and painted details like make up.
33. Bee dresses up for Halloween with Sari. Despite what i said in the previous point, he allows himself to dress up in cool costumes- usually the classics like a vampire or ghost. Never anything cute tho- those costumes are saved for his time alone. One time he made himself look like the haunted black taxi from that one movie- Optimus was on patrol and heard about some shady car scaring people so he went to check it out. Poor Bee tried to scare him too and got send to medbay. Optimus apologized for two days after that incident.
34. Bee has a job that earns him human money- in some weird chain of events he met a guy with a shop that sells old and damaged stuff. He offered to pay Bee money to bring him old stuff from garbage yards/trash stations that may be restored and sold. So now he has a fun and productive way of earning money to buy new games. He goes treasure hunting at least once a week.
35. Bee is really flexible and can basically squeeze anywhere he desires. No one knows how he does it and he constantly gets stuck in weird places. You wouldn’t think he’d fit into that heavy duty airvent, but alas, he’s there waiting for help. 
36. Bumblebee and Prowl are almost the same height; motorbikes are small, even when compared to tiny cars. Prowl is only few inches taller than Bee. He is very thin in build, Bee is more bulky and wide. Bee is also physically stronger than Prowl- Prowl is always using tactics and momentum and physics and such to gain advantage over stronger enemies.
37. Bee is a natural climber- being the short bot, it’s obvious he has to climb to reach that shelf. His servos have rough pads on them to help him stick to sufaces better. It’s especially effective with earth’s buildings since they’re made of rough concrete.
38. Bee naps in riduculous places, he’s like a ferret. He’ll squeeze or climb into places and sometimes get stuck there so others have to get him out. His favorite places to nap are Bulkheads subspace and under his berth.
39. Bee will learn anything about any game just to win. He has a self-claimed title “Game King”. One time he found out about Prowl liking chess- he spend the next few cycles on research and perfecting his skill with online chess. The “Game King” title has been made valid by everyone after Prowl got obliterated in chess by Bee.
40. Prowl has to temporarily move out of his room in winter because there is no roof. He has a back-up room for when the snow starts piling up and he can’t recharge in it. He also has to recharge in the back-up room when there is a heavy downpour and his room floods.
41. Each Team Prime member has their own love language/way fo showing affection/care. [Here i listed them]
42. At some point in the story, Bee and Bulkhead would become Amicas. Not Conjunxes(spouses)- they are Amicas(long-term best friend). [this and this]
43. I imagine Bumblebee would be a great parent- sure he’s reckless most of the time but when it comes to Sparklings- something in his mind switches and he goes full ‘Mama Bear mode’. [exaples: this and this]
44. Optimus is a great cook, he especially loves to bake. Bee is into mixology- he makes morning oil for everyone after all. Prowl cooks with organic ingredients for Sari, he wants her to eat more healthy so he takes it upon himself to make sure she does. [anker post]
45. Bee loves racing, in AU or not. He’ll go up to anyone and challange them to a race. The winner gets the respect of being faster. Blitzwing is Bee’s go-to race rival, they have fun together and mess around on some occasion. [anker post]
46. Bee got crayons from Bulkhead. Sometimes he will draw things- he drew a picture for their first christmas and everyone loves it, it’s hanging in the main room now.
47. Here you have Halloween and Christmas traditions with the group cuz i’m too lazy to write an entire point for it.
48. IMPORTANT FOR ALL NSFW WORKS: Interfacing and Sparklings. My version is different from the ususal sexual spike/valve thing. C’mon they’re ALIENS. I have it all written out in this post.
49: Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead are The Gamer Trio. They always play multiplayer games together when they’re not busy. Sometimes Prowl joins them for specific games. [anker post]
50. Team Prime + Sari have preffered food flavors n such. [anker post]
51. Team Prime + Sari having trouble sleeping/recharging and doing stuff instead of that. Nightly habits list. [anker post]
52. Bee has ADHD, you can’t convince me otherwise. He has also been diagnosed with depression later on. Oh, also Prowl is on autism spectrum. Dw, they take meds for that. [adhd+autism post here, Bee having depression here]
53. Bee talks in his sleep. It’s easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or not. He’s just murmuring what is happening in his dream, not every night but surprisingly often. Funny enough you could have a conversation with him like this. [anker post]
54. Ratchet volunteers as medical assistance in Detroit. The messed up USA healthcare system is beyond what Cybertron had.
if there’s more i come up with, i will update this post. thank you for reading this text wall.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 6 months
okay wait this is an official ask for a crossover oneshot: imagine this shit— idia just fucking spawns into camp half-blood (the olympians series timeline, probably before luke dips out but i'll leave that up to you) and is just stuck there. i need to see this; on hands and knees begging. i'm already imagining idia just being completely terrified like "where TF am i?!" 😭💀
hjsldsdkshsk omg 😭 idk how to write the oneshot so ya gonna get imagines instead :'D
*cracks hands*
gonna set the time to after manhattan's battle, normal day in camp half-blood, campers bustling around and all
,,,,, and then an idia falls down from the sky
i could just imagine my guy just,,,, dies right there in the middle of the camp lmao, while the rest of the campers went ?????
why?? how?? the hades??? is there a guy here?? pale as fuck??? hair is blue flame?? science?? witchcraft??
they'd be so confused help them 😭
everything about him stumps annabeth and the rest of athena's children
eventually idia wakes up and would be bombarded with questions → overwhelmed and passes tf out part 2
chiron has to talk to him bc social anxiety
i reckon idia knows ancient greek bc,,,,, it just fits idk, so they have a talk and idia finds out he ain't in twisted wonderland anymore
cue panicked overthinking™
timeskip to when our guy somewhat calms down, he followed chiron to the unclaimed's cabin
still a bit hesitant bc he KNOWS for sure people will look at him weird
imagine if people finds out his connections to hades and the underworld (not this one but still)
they question the gods and the reality they live in :D
idia meeting THE god of the dead himself would be interesting 👀
hades is rather chill in the books so i guess it'd go well :D they'd exchange ways to manage the underworld probably, hades with the og underworld and idia with STYX
THEM WATCHING DISNEY HERCULES 😭 the group slandering the movie while idia sitting there like o-o
will they connect movie hades with idia though 🤔 annabeth probably would see the similarities and ask him about it
them when they hear disney hades is worshipped in twisted wonderland :D shocking, honestly
hephaestus cabin would be interested in his gadgets tho, probably would pester him about it (poitely ofc)
he would avoid aphrodite, ares and apollo cabins with every fiber of his being, i just know it
also, idia and nico 👀 interesting pair ngl
i wanna imagine idia chilling with hades's child in the underworld, idia teaching him all about video games and nico (albeit reluctantly) teaching him mythomagic 🥺
ouh and then when hazel's found they could do that too!!
honestly idia in pjo could go either right or wrong in so many ways, and i'm down with traumatising the heck out of him lol
tags🏷️ @dove-da-birb @taruruchi @azulashengrottospiano @identity-theft-101 @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @thehollowwriter @twistwonderlanddevotee @edith-is-a-cat
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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tinted-skies · 2 years
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my first or last?
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Mark `~ first.
He'd be your first and he'd make you feel as if you were his first as well (even if that weren't the case).
He would take you out whenever he found the time to and always ask for permission before kissing you or taking your hand in his... wholesome boy™, would never take you for granted.
You could swear he was the boy you were meant to grow old with but his insecurities would get the best of him. Was he holding you back? Were you with him just because you had no ex to compare him to?
Mark would refrain himself from ever being your last because he believed you deserved someone better than him.
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Renjun `~ last.
After too many failed first encounters, you were now 30+ years old, working a random day job with no desire to start a romantic relationship whatsoever.
But unfortunately for you, the moment you decided to give up on love, the universe decided to send you cute coworker!Renjun to prove you that there is still hope after all.
He was kind, sweet and loveable but also very determined - hence why he didn't beat around the bush, asking you on a date quickly after he realised his feelings for you. Cue the start of a beautiful relationship that would last years to come <3
Renjun would be the reason you believe in love again.
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Jeno `~ last.
Opposed to Mark, I believe Jeno's insecurity would be towards you (due to rough past relationships) and he'd fear that you wouldn't reciprocate his level of affection. However, after endless reassurance about how you felt for him, he was finally able to let down his guard.
Now you'd spend the rest of your days being followed around by a big baby who wants nothing more than to bear hug you and give you some cookies!!
This may be a weird thing to say, but in my eyes Jeno is a very responsible person when it comes to other people's feelings, so he'd find great joy in taking care of you and making sure you were happy all the time - aka the perfect last.
You and Jeno would have an happily ever after type of love.
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Haechan `~ first.
Listen... *sighs*... he's a gemini.
I think Haechan would love to be your first, you might not have been his first but that didn't make things any less exciting for him. He'd have fun showing you new stuff and taking you on little adventures and everything would be so cute and chill but also intense because you'd both be so drawn to each other. But then, one day, he'd probably just get bored of it all.
And it doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore (because he DOES), but the spark just isn't there anymore and he likes to live life always searching for that spark, you know?
I think it'd depend on the time you'd start dating tho. Maybe there would come a time when he'd want to settle and find a bit of stability, choosing to stay with you, as long as you promised to search for that spark alongside him.
Haechan would be your exciting and passionate first love.
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Jaemin `~ last.
Hear me out, if I had to pick any dreamie to write a soulmate!au it would be this man right here. Childhood friends to lovers!au <333
In a perfect life you would have noticed the huge crush Jaemin had had on you all through highschool, and he would have been your first AND last. But due to your density college!Jaemin pushed his feelings aside, blaming it all on the raging hormones puberty came with (LIAR)
Although life sometimes got in the way, the world always seemed to put you two back together, and after years of trying to convince himself he was over you, he finally said "fuck it" and risked it all by confessing his feelings for you.
When you revealed you felt the same way, a weight lift off of his shoulders, feeling dumb for not having talked to you sooner. Little did you know that you'd be with him for the rest of your life, leaving you with plenty of time to make up for it.
Jaemin would love you through thick and thin, he'd want to be your first and last.
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Chenle `~ last.
Chenle wouldn't give a shit if he was your first or last, he was  living his life and just happened to come across you (and well now he happens to be stuck with you forever 🙃)
He'd be a super chill but also very responsible partner, taking care of your financial bills, possessions, insurances... *insert other economic stuff idk shit about* He'd show his love through little acts of service but would never shy away from an opportunity to shout to the world just how much he loved you.
You'd be a great team. He had always seen relationships as something stable and long-lasting, instead of passionate and intense (contrasting with Mr. Lee Haechan).
Chenle would be the laidback but very caring type of last.
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Jisung `~ first.
Let's be honest this boy would be a nervous wreck, and chances are you wouldn't be much better.
Jisung was probably one of those people who'd start a relationship still not knowing exactly who he was and what he wanted. So I believe his first love wouldn't be his last because he needed to grow and find himself.
However, I think if you broke up and later in life found him (and you were both single), he'd be up for another try, basking in the way both of you had grown so much and become more aware and determined.
Jisung would be the one to regret finding you first.
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candycryptids · 1 day
Hiya! I hope you're doing well today! I love your characters and how you've structered their bios! Since Chuusday is listed first, is she technically your official WOL or is it someone else? Do you canonically have a WOL in the first place?
Also, I find it SO sweet that you and one of your partners both play FFXIV and have characters paired together ;w; Did you meet ingame or long before either of you started playing? Either way I wish you both the best!!! <3 - gardenofballads 🌻
Awaaaah! Im doing pretty ok!!! Taking time to answer this as a wind down from Emerald Weapon Ex Brain Soupage. And I’m so glad! ;W; I think I butchered one of those “Get To Know An OC” thingies- uhh… oh [this one] actually! I chopped a lot out and I think added a couple different thingums instead because there was so much to that that it felt overwhelming to try to look at let alone fill out LOL but it was a really good jumping off point uvu;
And!!! Hilariously Chuu was my First XIV Character, so she’s dear to my heart for being the first one- but she very quickly made it known being the WOL even as an AU was something of a Joke (Her character showed great reluctance and even frustration at having to do So Much World Saving, maybe a side-effect of me rushing through MSQ to catch up with my other spouse [Who plays Talia, though they’ve got less time for XIV these days ;0;] and the rest of my friends who were all EndGame already at the time in Shadowbringers fhdjfjsjfs.) So I made…… many alts. Throwing spaghetti at the wall but I have SEVERE side-character/NPC brain and kept making “supporting cast” types =w=; it actually took me like. 3? Alts before making an ACTUAL WoL with my husband (Ishi’li and Kizuna) (as of Right Meow, they’re in post ARR, but we’ve been working on Keathan and Tuesday together because Keathan was… Keathan’s first character in xiv XD so we’ve been jaunting through the story together and experiencing every inch of it so we can pick and choose what The Boys™ get up to when we wanna focus on them x3)
🥰 I knew both speece during at least high school- but I actually knew Keathan as early as Elementary school hehe 😌 tho the speece didn’t proper marry until… i’unno, 2017? (For frustrating legal reasons, I’m not legally married, but. As it goes. Someday we’ll have money to visit the one state that has legal poly marriages. Also I struggle to remember our wedding year 🫢)
Since managing to make a Co-WoL with my husband I’ve managed to make one other Alt meant to be a Solo-WoL (Mochiie) but I have to really wrinkle my brain to sink time into playing him, since I’m trying to take screenshots throughout the story at what I find to be inspiring beats xD And even still he has an alt-universe where he’s just a side-character for the ‘Main Timeline’ (where there’s a bunch of spaghetti and like 8+ confirmed WoL’s and the Msq entourage looks HILARIOUS in canon, someday I’ll get all the data together and take pictures, but I think it’ll cook what’s left of my brain x’3) [it’s less concrete than anything I’ve posted about before or I’d try to explain it ;v;’ it’s just interesting mostly to see how the story gets stretched to fit around a larger community of heroes than a solo guy shouldering the whole burden lmfao.]
🌸🌸🌸…. I also hope you’re having a lovely week @gardenofballads !!!! I am tossing flower petals into the air around you !!! Thank you for the ask and well wishes n kind words 🥺💖 🌸🌸🌸
#ask game#day-2-day#I have serious Alt Disease as well which doesn’t help much XD#tho I try to justify it by making them a variety of races/genders/classes so I’m not just making 15 similar guys in different color palettes#like some kinda smash game…. LMFAO.#it helps some tho cos they get to flesh out and add meat color and history to The Boys+Co’s adventures/histories/stories uvu like Lev….)#Solkmyna and Swydghem who are true NPC alts of mine are even slotted into post ShB…#🫢 but they’re mostly just fun for me to occasionally chew on like a squeaky toy#tangy is schroedingers WoL. both is and Isn’t. could be The WoL if the au called for it but also works perfectly as just a Scion instead#…. wordy tags… my bad… ANYWAYS FR HOPE YOUR DAY/NIGHT IS NICE AND PLEASANT#I gotta stare blankly at the ceiling now while trying to retain mechanics but not pressed against the display glass of my brain#🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖‼️#spawn speece#also yes there is something deeply strange wired in my brain where I link to sources but not super consistently like some kinda bad wiki pag#if I had stuff for Keathan + Kizuna to link to tbh I’d link to it here too LOL.#when I get ahold of Talia and Setsuna I’ll probably make little reference posts- not really Bio’s cos they’re not my blorbs#they’re my partners blorbs; but it might be handy to have a frame of reference to point at beyond vague name dropping#actually I love linking to names because my memory is just so piss poor. why not just make it easier for everyone else also#I know I have 185756328 OC’s xbdnfjdnfsnfjs so.#I have to do this for one of my friends uvu; bad memory havers rise up
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docterzerocare · 8 months
so. came up with Another qsmp au (because of course) that i'm calling the "Ghost Dads" au. basically, Quackity and Charlie die trying to protect Tilín and Flippa.
specifically, Quackity had taken Tilín to teach them how to swim, but it started storming. Quackity managed to get her out of the river, but he got swept away and drowned. Charlie had gone with Mariana and Flippa on an adventure, but unlike last time, where Mariana had hit her on accident and killed her, Charlie managed to jump in front of Flippa and took the hit instead. however, this ended up killing him instead.
they both wander as ghosts, watching over their kids as well as the rest of the server. however, nobody besides their kids can see them. well, Mariana can also see Charlie sometimes, but it's usually out of the corners of his eyes or at night while he's sleeping. we're not even gonna try getting into the weird Gegg Situation™ rn. and Quackity just shows up to people they're pissed at. speaking of which...
when ElQuackity came around, he tried to pretend that he was Quackity, saying things like "Oh yeah, uh, I've finally come back after being washed away by the river. I definitely didn't die :)"
and, mysteriously, he started having "sleep paralysis." he'd see a ghostly version of his twin brother, soaking wet with ripped clothes. they almost never speak, as anytime they open their mouth, water pours out. his eyes are wide and glassy as he stare them down. at first he'd appear at the foot of the bed, then, night by night, he'd slowly keep getting closer. one night, ElQ wakes up to find Quackity sitting on his chest, staring into his soul. but hey, it's just sleep paralysis...right?
well, they fuck up big time. they attack Tilín. he doesn't kill them, thank the fucking lord, but they are heavily injured.
(Tilín lays on her bed, in pain and fading in and out of consciousness. he hears his father's voice, and feels a wet, cold hand giving comforting pats to their shell. Tilín almost cries, thinking that it's a surefire sign that he is going to die soon. it's not, it's just Quackity comforting his injured child)
that night, ElQ doesn't just wake up finding someone staring at him. they wake up with cold, clammy hands wrapped around their throat, and glassy eyes filled with rage staring down at them. he tries prying the fingers off of his throat, but it doesn't work. it continues until he finally starts blacking out.
they wake up hours later in bed, gasping for breath. he assumes it's a nightmare; a rather realistic nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless.
because ghosts aren't real, right?
(he tries to ignore the handprints around his neck, as well as the wet footprints that lead to and from his room. they'd rather not think about them.)
(fun fact: the only reason ghost!Quackity didn't kill ElQ then and there is because a worker walked by his room, and he didn't want to be seen :))
Oooo v v cool idea, spooky season appropriate too :D
There are implications™️ for roier tho with bobbys death if you wish to apply the ghosty treatment to every death
Also lemme just au of an au - bad can see em (cause grim reaper n ghost chat) BUT its only played for bits because i cannot imagine bad, quackity, and charlie trio being anything but absurd - angsty implications but they stay silly :3
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