#the tags are probably longer than the post itself
seth-burroughs · 7 months
I will not stay silenced any longer. I really cannot relate to the badass girlboss Yomi truthers crowd. I'm sorry but constantly being so obsessed with proving your prowess and supposed superiority via [gestures at every single time he appeared in the game only to act like an insecure manchild who has to continuously reassert his authority he feels entitled to with continuos self-praise, lashing out with petty insults, violence or even pettier wackier violence] are not the acts of someone who is at all secure and confident in their abilities and themself,
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fourth-act · 8 months
Sorry this took so long I have multiple unfinished drawings that I didn’t have time to finish and can’t post cuz they’re literal anatomy/composition sketches as it stands :( /lh /nm
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So much has happened lately but the big thing that’s been distracting me fandom-wise is the release of The Amazing Digital Circus, unsurprisingly. After Paratober ends and I finish a personal art project (due to the nature of it I won’t be publicly posting or discussing it, it’s not bad just personal), I’ll likely be making fanart for it cuz JEEZ I love those silly fucks and already have way too many headcannons and theories about them. Either way, though, today’s Paratober art is a combination of the canon and fanon prompts for today because I wanted to draw a more meaningful piece but still include the stupids being gay /aff
Day 17 (Canon): Stanley Parable 2
Day 17 (Fanon): Kiss
PS: There’s a chance I may finish the Paratober days I missed, but it’s not a certainty, more just if I want to and have the time to do so. Either way, I don’t want to quit Paratober or anything, it’s not really causing me stress, it’s just some days I don’t have as much time or motivation as others, and that’s not really predictable /gen
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pixelatedmars · 1 year
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neonganymede · 1 year
Being excited to share a scene for WIP Wednesday is hilarious when 1) it’s not Wednesday and 2) you haven’t written the scene yet
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icebrooding · 1 year
I keep thinking abt how the very first person I actually paired Ai with was Sieran bc I was accompanying a friend through personal story and I was like 'DAMN does this girl have the vibes that Ai would just Totally Go To Town With', but then, well, things changed a bit and she ended up in Vigil instead of Priory by the time I took her through story myself and I was like 'I guess they probably wouldn't get to meet' which is sad bc god. Those two would be such a Thing.
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penny00dreadful · 4 months
Rating: G tags: post-breakup, angst, hurt, wedding, happy ending prompt: Love is what makes you brave (@sidekick-hero) For @steddielovemonth AO3
Should he be here?
Was he going to continue to be here for as long as he could take it?
Hell yeah.
Sitting behind the wheel of his stupid expensive car that would have stuck out anywhere else. 
But not here.
Not amongst the BMW’s and Bentleys and limos and wedding cars.
It had been three years.
Three long and fucking lonely as shit years since he’d last seen Steve.
Three years of writing songs about him.
Three years of dodging interviewer questions about who the songs were about.
Three years of the fans creating some nebulous phantom person that all the songs must be about because they all fit together like puzzle pieces if looked at correctly.
Three years since Steve broke his heart.
Eddie wasn’t even really sure what had possessed him to be here right now.
He hadn’t been invited.
But some kind of insane impulse had grabbed him when he’d first gotten into the car fourteen hours ago and it hadn’t left him since.
He needed…
He didn’t know what he needed.
He didn’t know what he expected.
His passenger door opening and a figure sliding into the seat nearly scared the life out of him, so lost in thought and with eyes laser focused on the church doors, he hadn’t noticed anyone approaching.
He was forced to remember again that he was no longer some nobody living in bumfuck nowhere Indiana, he was a somebody, with a fucking penthouse apartment in New York City and an extremely recogniseable look.
Maybe he should have locked the doors.
And maybe he should have dressed down a little before he jumped in the car. Gotten rid of some of the jewellery, covered up the tattoos, tied his hair back, not worn the kind of clothes that always got him noticed in Hawkins in the wrong way. He was more noticeable now more than he ever had been. 
He was the most successful person to ever make it out of this shithole town and the town itself loved to pretend they always encouraged him. 
They advertised it proudly.
Like they hadn’t tried to drown his passions at every opportunity.
But it wasn’t some crazed obsessive fan now staring at him from his passenger seat, dressed in a pair of black slacks and an overly frilly lavender blouse, probably a compromise so she didn’t have to be stuffed into a dress.
Eddie tensed his hands around the wheel while Robin continued to stare at him like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, bewildered more than anything. He supposed that was fair.
There was no reason for him to be here after all.
He’d gotten no hint from Steve that this wasn’t what he wanted, none of the kids had said as much either but…
It just didn’t feel right.
It felt like Steve was falling back into a pattern.
Living the life that had been mapped out for him by society.
Go to school.
Get a good job.
Get married to a nice girl.
Eddie didn’t even know if the person that would be meeting Steve at the end of the aisle in about fifteen minutes was a nice girl.
He didn’t know anything about her at all.
Didn’t know anything about Steve either.
All he knew were the little tidbits the kids would occasionally drop by accident when they would forget they weren’t all one tightly knit group anymore.
Not since Steve shoved him out the door and told him that it wouldn’t work, it could never work.
Eddie suspected Steve had been looking at shadows on a cave wall for so long he had no idea there was a whole world just outside. That they didn’t have to live their lives the way everyone else did.
But there was nothing for it, he couldn’t force Steve to take him back. 
He’d told Eddie he didn’t want him anymore so…
Eddie went and got the life he’d dreamed of since he was a kid. He got the success and the accolades and he was being heard.
But it was empty. It had always been empty.
He had never been able to move on.
Not really.
And now… now he was here.
“Hey Buckley.” Eddie shot her a tight grin. “It’s been a while.”
And it had been. Because along with losing Steve, he’d also lost Robin.
It was understandable, really. 
Robin was Steve’s ride or die and though he’d heard she’d raised holy hell, trying to figure out why Steve had thrown his happiness away, as she herself had said, she was still, first and foremost, Steve’s soulmate.
She would be by his side come hell or high water and though she wasn’t happy with his decision, there was also nothing she could do about it.
Steve was a grown man and he’d made his choice.
“What are you doing here, Eds?” She asked again with so much concern, it was like she was worried Eddie was ripping out his own heart over again just by being here.
Maybe he was.
But he was here now.
He couldn’t leave until it was all over.
“Is he happy?” Eddie asked, rather than answer her question. They both knew why he was there anyway. “Is he happy with Miss… Whatever Her Name Is?”
Robin looked at him for a long time, eyes darting all over his face, chewing on her lip.
She took a big breath in. 
“He’s… content, I think. They both are. I think they’ve both… made themselves content with the situation.”
“Right.” Eddie nodded, tearing his gaze away and staring down at his hands.
He could feel Robin’s eyes boring into the side of his head.
“But not happy.” She said into the silence. “He’s not- I’ve never seen him as happy as he was when he was with you.”
Eddie tightened his jaw, tried to blink away the wetness in his eyes.
“Then why did he end it?”
“I think he was scared.” She almost whispered. “I think he didn’t know what to do with it all. There was no rule book to follow.”
“But that’s the best part, Rob.” Eddie sighed out. “There’s no rules for how we’re supposed to live our lives.”
He didn’t turn back to look at her, but he could see her nodding in agreement out of the corner of his eye.
“I think he’s started to realise that too, recently.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you here?” She asked again, no longer willing to put up with his avoidance.
“I don’t know.” He said, mostly honestly. “One last big romantic gesture?”
Robin sighed, a hand on the handle. “Okay, wait here.”
“Hadn’t planned on going anywhere.” He muttered but it was drowned out as she slammed the car door, speed walking her way back to the church where a crowd had begun to gather at the door.
He tried not to let anything like hope bloom in him, he tried to keep any kind of bubble build up and puff him out but it wasn’t that difficult.
Especially when Robin made her way back to the car only a few minutes later, looking far more stressed than she had before and notably, alone.
“So, slight bump in the big romantic gesture plans,” she said, opening the door again but not getting in. “They’re missing.”
“They? Who’s missing?”
“Rita apparently got a call at the hotel before she was supposed to come here and then just disappeared, leaving her engagement ring behind. And then Steve left sometime when we were talking-”
“Left to go where?”
“I don’t know, Edward.” Robin grit out, tensing her fingers around the roof lip but it was more worry than irritation.
“Okay.” Eddie said, shifting the car into gear. “Okay, get in, we’ll go-”
“No. I’m staying here, I need to keep his parents from calling in the National Guard to drag him back by the hair. You go. You know where he is, don’t you?”
Eddie stared at her, opening and closing his mouth until he could finally form his lips around the words “I think so.”
He knew so.
Or at least he hoped he did.
Robin gave him one sharp nod. “Okay.”
She slammed the door closed and turned back to the crowd.
Pulling out of the parking lot of the church, Eddie tried not to panic. 
There wasn’t much distance that Steve could have gone but the idea of him going missing still had his heart constricting, full of what if, what if, what if?
It wasn’t very far, but finding somewhere to pull over at the edge of the forest where his car wouldn’t be suspicious wasn’t the easiest thing to do.
Though it was probably easier now than it had been years ago, since he no longer had the van and his shiny, sleek and expensive car would be glanced over for any bored cop looking to bust someone for drugs.
Not so much of an easy target now, huh Callahan?
He had just pulled his car into a clearing that was somewhat hidden when he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.
He switched the engine off and was halfway out of the car when he froze, finally seeing the number on screen.
It was Steve. It had to be Steve.
He’d recognise that number anywhere, he knew it off by heart but Eddie had changed numbers at least twice in the last three years.
He hadn’t bothered to add Steve back into his contacts, what would be the point?
It would have just been a temptation on drunken lonely nights.
How the fuck did Steve even have his number?
Eddie tapped the answer button before the call could ring out.
His mouth was dry and his heart was in his throat as he raised the phone to his ear.
“Stevie?” He practically breathed, gripping the door so tight he was surprised he didn't dent the metal.
There was a sound from the other end, like a sigh, like relief or a release of tension.
“Eddie.” Steve said and his voice, different as it was through the phone, was the most painful and comforting thing Eddie thought he’d ever heard. It was followed quickly by a sniffle and a quiet, “Hi.”
Eddie had so many things he wanted to ask.
Why are you calling now?
Where are you?
Why did you run?
How do you even have this number?
Instead he just slammed the car door closed and asked softly “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
A sound came down the line, one that sounded suspiciously like a sob, followed by another sniffle.
“Can’t- can’t I just call to see how you are?”
Eddie didn’t answer as he started to tromp his way through the forest, half worried anything he said would just end up with him begging Steve to call him again and again and again.
But Steve seemed to take his silence as stony.
“Yeah, I-” Steve sniffed. “I guess I deserved that.” 
Eddie could practically hear his lip wobbling through the phone and Steve broke down into sobs again.
“Where are you, Stevie?”
“The past.” He muttered out which was as good a confirmation as any that Eddie was heading in the right direction. “I’m- I… I’m sorry to call you right now and you’re out living your life-”
“Are you sober?”
Because it was high stakes at the moment but this was still a lot of emotion for noon.
“Unfortunately.” Steve sighed out and then quietly, so quietly Eddie could barely hear him. “I’m supposed to be getting married today.”
“So I heard.”
It sounded like the air had been punched out of Steve’s chest and the whine he let out after sounded like one of pure pain.
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie had to duck under a branch and as a result, nearly tripped over a root in the ground but managed to right himself.
“You’re sorry for supposed to be getting married?”
“I’m sorry you had to find out that way. From- from someone else.”
He came to a stop. 
Not sorry I’m getting married.
Just sorry I’m not the one who told you I’m getting married.
Which, like, Steve didn’t need to apologise to him for getting married.
They weren’t together.
They weren’t a thing.
They didn’t even talk anymore.
Eddie had no right to that information.
Didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Eddie.” Steve whimpered out, kicking Eddie back into movement again. “I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.”
“You didn’t fuck up, Stevie, it’s fine.” He sighed, resigned to his fate now. “You can still go back-”
“No, no.” Steve took a large painful breath in. “You don’t understand. I fucked up. I left you. I made you go. How could I do that? Why did I do that? You were- you were the best thing that ever happened to me and I just-”
It sounded like Steve couldn’t speak anymore through hit tears, the raw anguish in his voice making it sound like he couldn’t breathe.
“I pushed you away. I pushed you away. I was so scared and I wanted- I wanted to take it back the second I did it. I wanted to but I couldn’t make myself do it and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry about that, baby. You have to believe me, I’m so sorry.”
The sound of Steve’s sobs were no longer just coming through the phone but were now starting to echo around him from just up ahead and Eddie kept walking.
“I was such a coward. There was no precedent. Nothing in my life was like what I had with you, I didn’t see it anywhere else and I didn’t know what to do. There was just this big vast emptiness in front of me where before there had always been a path, it had always been mapped out, telling me where to go next and I didn’t know what to do about it, I didn’t think it was possible to have-”
Steve cut himself off with another sob and Eddie could see him now, sitting on the dirty forest floor in his brand new designer tux, head bowed into his knees and his back against Skull Rock.
“I’ve made such a mistake, Eddie. I’ve never fucked up like I did with you and if I could take it all back I would. I’d be brave for you, I swear-”
Eddie dropped to his knees in front of him.
“Do you still want to be?”
Steve’s head snapped up so fast he cracked himself hard against the giant rock they used to come to all the time when they were full of young love.
Eddie winced in sympathy but didn’t reach out while Steve stared at him wide eyed, even through the pain.
He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“Eddie.” He breathed out, completely disbelieving. “What- wh- what are you-”
“I was at the church.” Eddie said, sitting himself down fully and bringing his own knees up to his chest. “I was… I don’t know what I was doing there. I don’t know what I expected to happen.”
“You…” Steve blinked at him. His face was wet and blotchy and red, his eyes were raw and still swimming and he was still the most beautiful person Eddie had ever laid eyes on. And he was looking at Eddie like he was the most unbelievable thing in the world. “You were there the whole time?”
Steve’s hands were twitching around his knees, gripping into the fabric of his dress pants and Eddie could tell he wanted to reach out but he wasn’t sure he could handle that yet.
He needed to know.
He needed to be sure.
He didn’t think he’d survive it if he let hope back in only to have it pulled away again.
“What happened?”
Steve’s face scrunched up, like he was trying to push the tears back and he brought his hands up to his face, digging the heels into his eyes.
“I couldn’t… I couldn’t go through with it. Rita, she… she- she’s not you. I couldn’t let her live a life with me waiting for me to love her like I still love you because it’ll never happen. I could never love anyone like I still love you. And she… she’s the same, she didn’t want this, she never wanted this but it was what we’d been told to want for so long and… she couldn’t do it either. So we both- we both ran and I want… I want to be brave for you, baby.”
Eddie crossed his arms over his knees and pressed his lips into his skin, silent and thinking.
He couldn’t take it if Steve did what he did to him again.
He just couldn’t.
And why did it take Steve getting to this stage for him to decide on what he wanted?
Would it have still happened the same way if Eddie hadn’t come?
Would Steve have cried his heart out here in their spot until he was done talking to Eddie over the phone and gone about the rest of his life?
Would he have let the fear get to him again?
But could Eddie live with himself if he turned this chance down because of his own fear?
It wasn’t even a question.
He’d regret it for the rest of his life.
So he had to choose to be brave too.
He unwrapped his arms from around his knees and spread his legs wider, scooching forward until he had Steve’s curled up body cradled in his.
Steve all but stopped breathing with a dramatic hiccup when he felt Eddie’s legs against his own and when Eddie brought his hands up to encircle Steve’s wrists and pull them away from his face, his eyes were wide and disbelieving.
Eddie pulled Steve’s hands into his chest.
“I need to know you’re sure. I need to know you mean it, okay?”
“I do.” Steve nodded and his words were sure if a little breathy. “I do, Eddie. I promise you. I’ll show you every day. I’ll be brave for you I swear.”
“Because I won’t survive you doing what you did to me again. It nearly killed me the first time, Steve. I can’t go through that again. So you need to be sure.”
Where Steve’s hands were pressed flat against Eddie’s chest, his fingers curled in now, balling up the shirt underneath and holding on tight.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Eddie, I swear to you on… on… Dustin’s mom.”
Despite himself, Eddie felt his face crack into a smile.
“Okay?” Steve asked, though his own smile was slowly blooming, even as he started crying again.
“Yeah. Okay. Now kiss me like you mean it.”
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for the magnificent beta work and to the @strangerthingswritersguild for their motivation.
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theshiftanlibrary · 1 year
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┈◦•◦❥•◦ | In their ways...
SYNOPSIS: Uh oh! It seems you have fallen ill! Not to worry dear prefect, they will look after you, albeit in their own ways.
CHARACTERS: Riddle Rosehearts; Leona Kingscholar; Azul Ashengrotto; Jamil Viper; Vil Schoenheit; Idia Shroud; Malleus Draconia
TAGS: Fluff; Established Relationships; Hurt/Comfort; Sickfic
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He couldn't help his smile. You were just too cute. Few would beg to differ, what with your snotty nose and whistling breaths, but they wouldn't dare defy the Queen. Lest they lose their heads. He probably shouldn't allow you to take him as your personal pillow, after all he had so much to do. But... A rest won't hurt him. And even if it weren't for you, Trey would have forced his rest.
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Stupid Ruggie... That soup he gave you should have worked an hour ago. Yet, here he is, still suffering through your little whimpers. The twitching stopped though and so did the tossing and turning. So, small wins for now. He probably should have taken you to the infirmary already, but it's his nap time and he's not going to lose his (favorite) pillow. You were the perfect size for cuddling too, what with your small back fitting perfectly into his chest as his arms cradled you so. Tch... Stupid herbivore, why'd ya have to go and get sick?
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The little coughs from the couch pulled at his heartstrings. A strange thing to feel while also simultaneously hooking a poor unfortunate soul into one of his contracts. But his heart still sang whenever he sees you resting on the couch in the VIP room. You were quite sick and loopy when you first plopped down into the couch, so in his benevolence, he draped his coat over your form. Nothing will come bother you here, he'll ensure it.
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The chicken soup is taking too long, he muttered to himself. Your skin burnt as hot as the desert sands, which was concerning to say the least. Even Kalim's fevers weren't this bad. What made it worse had been the fact that you came into the Scarabian kitchens with the fluffiest blanket Kalim had gifted you and your frame still shivered through all those layers. He silently thanked the Sevens for giving him the time to look after you too, since Kalim had been at the Light Music Club. He'll dedicate his life to you should you let him.
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He couldn't bring himself to scold you. Your bleary eyes and red skin told him all he needed to know. A nasty flu afflicted you and you came to him for help. He's quite flattered. Normally, he'd start applying skin care products while listening to your latest escapades but today he simply tucked you into his bed. After your soft scratchy voice asked him so nicely, how could he refuse? Besides, washers were there for a reason. He left you to rest as he dashed around for flu remedies. At least he would have if it weren't for your whines, begging him to stay for just a little longer.
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His hands kept readjusting themselves on your form, making you groan at him as you tightened your grip on his neck. He was sure you could hear his heart beating out of his chest, after all you did nuzzle yourself into his neck and hair. Speaking of his hair, he was also pretty sure you saw the pink glow from under your closed eyelids. His hair never shined so brightly before. But Ortho left him to get some medicine for you, which is cool. KK, GG. But he's gonna get KO'ed if he hears another contented squeak from you.
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Your weight had been quite a relief upon his chest. He started to worry when he heard your scratchy voice politely asking him to cuddle you. He obliged, of course. Your form curled itself into a ball as he held onto you to trace every dip and divet he could find with his fingers. Your skin burned hot, indicating your fever. A voice very similar to Lilia's scolded him for not taking you to the infirmary, but he couldn't bring himself to move. After all, humans needed to rest when they're sick, yes?
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A/N: Ani not posting Genshin content?! More likely than you think. Anyway, I wrote this when I was sick. So most of what the reader has, I had. Fever, runny nose, the whole works. And can you spot who are my favorites? 👀 And I redid my formatting, if you couldn't tell. what am i saying it's been so long since i posted a fic
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sidekick-hero · 3 months
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(steddie | mature | 2k | tags: established relationship, post-s4, Valentine's Day, Robin is the best, fluff | summary: Steve loves Eddie, he really, really does. He just can't say it. | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is just a four-letter word by @sal-si-puedes | AO3)
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"He probably thinks I don't love him, Robin. Which is... ridiculous. I do! I really, really do. I just can't say it." Steve is pacing around the blissfully empty Family Video Store, his hands making a mess of his hair as they run through it in frustration.
"This is so stupid. I* am* so stupid, it's just four stupid letters, even a preschooler can say it," he rambles, his eyes wild as they look at Robin. "Why am I like this, Robbie?" His voice breaks, along with his heart, at the thought of Eddie doubting Steve's feelings for him for even a second.
Robin walks over to him and grips his shoulders tightly, her blue eyes boring into his as she says in her firmest you-listen-to-me-now voice. "You're not stupid. This is my best friend you're talking about, so watch it." That earns her at least a half-smile, which counts as a victory considering Steve was already pinching his nose to hold back tears.
"I know you love him, Steve. Everyone knows it. One look at you when he's in the room, or even when you're just talking about him, is enough to know you love him. And I'm sure Eddie knows it too. He has to."
Robin's words soothe some of the fear in Steve's heart, knowing that she would tell him if she really thought he had messed up. But even though it's okay now, Eddie won't wait forever for Steve to say those three little words. No one would. Steve knows that his heart couldn't take being with Eddie, loving Eddie and telling him that, only to never hear it back from him.
"I don't know. Even if you're right, I feel like I'm losing him. That something in me is broken, and one day he'll realize that too, and then he'll leave." With an even smaller voice Steve adds: "I can't lose him, Robbie".
They don't hug very often. Robin shows her affection in many ways, but most of them aren't overly physical. That's Eddie's job, clinging to Steve like a koala most days, always touching Steve in some way, even if it's just his shoulder nudging Steve's. Robin pulling him into a tight hug now means a lot to him, but it's also a testament to the gravity of the situation.
With their arms around each other between the horror and action movie sections, Steve takes a moment to just soak in the comfort she offers. What happened at Starcourt messed them both up, caused them both more trauma than any teenager should have to deal with, but on a very selfish level, Steve can't help but be grateful that it happened. A life without Robin Buckley sounds like the greater horror to him.
After a few minutes, Robin gently pulls away from Steve to look at him. He's reluctant to let her go, even though he knows this is an even longer hug than the one she gave him when Nancy told him they weren't getting back together after defeating Vecna. She wanted to go to Boston, make a career, see the world. And Steve? Steve wanted a home, a place to belong, and someone to share that home with. They wanted different things, he realizes now.
That doesn't mean it didn't open old wounds, memories of how it felt to be rejected by her, his love for her thrown in his face like it was worthless. Bullshit.
As attuned to him and his thoughts as ever, a true testament to the fact that they share a brain cell, Robin says, "I think it's understandable that you can't say it. The last time you told someone you loved them, you were hurt, badly. Your heart is probably just trying to protect itself. Like a kid who touched a hot stove and got burned wouldn't touch another stove, you know?"
Steve nods, because in a way it makes sense. It just doesn't help him to know.
"But what am I supposed to do, Robin? It's not Eddie's fault that I'm broken."
"You, Steve Harrington, are not broken. Just a little bruised. There is nothing wrong with you just because you got hurt and have the scars to show for it. Like Max, because of the injuries to her leg, she cannot walk like she used to before Vecna, so she uses her crutch. She's not broken. Is she?"
"No, of course not. If anything, she's even stronger now, I saw her hit Lucas with the crutch and tell him to hurry up on the way to the movies," Steve says, smiling at the memory.
"See!" Robin waves her hand at him in excitement, almost bouncing with it. "All you need is a crutch!"
They look at each other wide-eyed before matching smiles break out on their faces, Robin's giddy at having found a solution, Steve's reflecting the tentative hope blossoming in his chest.
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His talk with Robin certainly helped, but as Valentine's Day approaches, the fears and insecurities start to creep back in. It's not even like Eddie is giving him any indication that he's not happy with Steve or their relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Eddie tells him he loves him almost every time they see each other, at the most random moments. Some days he whispers it in Steve's ear to wake him up, other days it's his way of saying good night to him with his arm around Steve's waist and his hand over Steve's heart in a protective grip. He says it casually when Steve brings him breakfast in bed or lunch to the record store where he now works. Just yesterday he said it while Steve was buried deep inside him, their hands intertwined beside Eddie's head and brown eyes looking softly up at Steve.
It's not meant to make him feel bad about himself, he knows that.
He still does.
So when he opens his front door to the sight of Eddie standing on his doorstep in his nicest jeans and a forest green button-down Steve has never seen before, clearly having put some real effort into his appearance, Steve almost crumbles.
He's a shitty boyfriend, isn't he? There's this amazing guy who goes out of his way to look nice for Steve, even though he doesn't even like Valentine's Day, just because he knows it's important to Steve. And he can't even tell him he loves him.
Some of what he's feeling must be showing on his face, because Eddie's cheerful smile falls and he hurries into the house to pull Steve into his arms, slamming the door shut with his foot.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I told Dustin green wasn't my color, but he insisted. I look hideous, don't I?"
That makes Steve snort wetly into Eddie's neck before muttering a fond "Idiot" into it.
Eddie just hums, obviously pleased with himself for making Steve laugh. "You can tell me. You know I don't mind getting naked for you."
"You're getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
Eddie grinned wolfishly at him. "I don't know, the tear in my Hellfire shirt from when you ripped it off me begs to differ."
Steve blushes at the memory, even as he laughs at Eddie's words. Instead of saying anything else, Steve pulls him back into his arms and Eddie goes willingly.
"Hi, baby," he says, his nose brushing behind Steve's ear.
"Hi." Steve breathes him in, the smell of cigarette smoke and his shampoo strong where his nose is buried in Eddie's hair.
They don't let go for a long time.
It's Eddie who pulls back first, and Steve does his best not to read into it. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
The Steve from before the Upside Down would have just shaken his head and told Eddie that everything was fine before pulling him into the bedroom to reassure them both that it was. Not talking about his feelings, fears, and needs might have worked for hookups, but he learned the hard way that it doesn't work when you want to be in a relationship.
So Steve takes Eddie's hand and leads him over to the couch where they both sit facing each other. They don't let go of each other's hands.
"I know you're probably wondering why I haven't told you... why I haven't said it yet."
Eddie's eyebrows disappear behind his fringe. "It?"
Sighing, Steve watches his fingers run over Eddie's knuckles. "You know. That I love you."
It's hard to place Eddie's tone, and even harder to place the silence that follows, but it makes his knee jiggle with nerves and his stomach churn. Usually it's Eddie who tends to fill the silence between them when it feels too big, too heavy, but today it's Steve.
"It's not because I don't want to, I swear. It's just," another frustrated sigh, the hand currently not held by Eddie's rubbing over his face, "I just can't say it. And I am so, so sorry, because you deserve to hear it. Every day. But I can't... I can't. So I understand if you don't want to do this anymore. You deserve better, Eddie. You really, really do."
Eddie lets Steve's words settle between them, aching and raw, but he never lets go of Steve's hand.
"You're right," he finally says, and the sound of Steve's heart breaking is deafening to his own ears. Pinching his nose, he tries to take his hand back from Eddie, but his boyfriend (if he can still call him that) won't budge. "You're right about me wondering, Steve. But that was before."
Looking up, a frown forming between his eyebrows, Steve asks, "Before?"
"Before I realized that you do tell me that you love me, every day. You say it when you tiptoe around the trailer in the morning to make breakfast without waking me. You tell me every time you pack an extra blanket or sweater when we go to the quarry because you know I always get cold. I hear it loud and clear every time you bring me lunch, even though it means you waste most of your own lunch break driving around town. It's in the way you try so hard to make Wayne like you because you know how much that means to me, and in the way you hold me after another nightmare, and in the way you kiss me sometimes like there's nothing in the world you'd rather be doing, without it having to lead anywhere, just because you like kissing me."
Eddie scooted forward and bridged the gap between them by taking Steve's face in his hands.
"Steve, you've been telling me you love me for months with everything except words. I don't really need them. It's just a four-letter word."
And, fuck, now Steve is crying. Eddie wipes away his tears with his thumbs, and when that's not enough, he kisses them away with his lips.
Steve is so in love with him that he has no idea how the feeling even fits in his body.
"Damn," he chuckles wetly, "that means I didn't even have to find a crutch?"
Now it's Eddie's turn to look at Steve in confusion, clearly worried that his boyfriend might have lost his mind. "What crutch? Is this a sex thing?"
Laughing and shaking his head fondly, Steve raises his free hand to his head, palm facing Eddie. Then he brings his thumb, index finger, and little finger up, keeping his ring and middle fingers down, before moving his hand back and forth slightly.
"Robin came up with this. She said if I couldn't say the words with my mouth, maybe I could say them in a different way. I thought of trying sign language," Steve adds sheepishly.
Before he knows what's happening, Eddie is on top of him, pressing him into the couch with his body weight and showering his face with kisses.
"You're so smart," kiss, "and beautiful," kiss, "and wonderful," kiss, "and I love you so much." The last part is accompanied by a lingering kiss on his lips and Steve melts under it.
Even though he obviously didn't have to tell Eddie this way, Steve is glad that he did.
He also thinks it won't be long before he can say those words, too. If anyone can help him walk without a crutch, it's Eddie.
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iateyourfav · 1 month
Faster (Reprise)
Watching Tech win that race made you feel some type of way, so you show him your appreciation.
Inspired by this post by @bsxcrxts
Based on Season 2 Ep 4!
Tech x Reader
Tags: nsfw, afab reader, no pronouns/gender neutral reader, aftercare
CW: face fucking, rough blowjobs, afab masturbation, handjobs (both receiving), hair pulling, slight praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, switching, orgasm control, shameless smut, bickering, Tech is LOUD
Words: 3.659
I was literally on aphrodisiacs while I wrote most of this I'm sorry
Read on ao3
You were quiet on the flight back to Ord Mantell. While Wrecker and Omega were sleeping in the back of the ship, tired from everything that happened on Safa Toma, you were sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Tech. You were deep in thought, trying to figure out why exactly you were feeling the way you did right now.
Something about watching Tech win that race made you feel giddy inside. It wasn’t just the concept of him winning the race itself. Everything flowed together so perfectly. The way he casually multi-tasked to study the schematics of that tunnel while engaging in a sport he literally learned about hours ago. The way he tricked those other two racers into crashing into each other. The way that it was clear that losing this race was not even an option he considered. That was probably the most attractive thing about the whole thing. The confidence in his own piloting skills.
You looked over at Tech, who was currently getting the ship ready to land. You were so deeply engaged in your own thoughts you didn’t even hear him when he announced you were almost at your destination. You felt the aftereffects of your revision of the previous events as well. Your face and ears were all hot and even goosebumps were making themselves apparent on your arms and legs. You couldn’t just move on from what you had witnessed on Safa Toma, you wanted to revel in the memory just a little bit longer. You wanted to show Tech just how much you enjoyed watching him race. 
You stayed in your seat when Omega and Wrecker left the ship, basically sprinting on their way to get some Mantell Mix. This presented you with the opportunity to stay on the ship with Tech, alone. So when you noticed him get up, intending to leave the ship as well and go after his siblings, you stopped him in his tracks by calling out his name. 
“What is it?” he asked, though you noticed most of this attention was focused on the datapad he was holding in his hands.
“Could you maybe explain to me how exactly you won that race one more time? In detail?" this caught his full intention “Why do you require an explanation? You were there to see it.” He sat back down, indicating that he was expecting this conversation to last longer. Your mind was racing, trying to decide if you wanted to be straightforward about how horny seeing him casually win that race made you or if you wanted to play innocent. You decided on the latter, for now. “I just think it would be beneficial to understand your thought process behind the whole thing.” You shrugged, trying to appear as casual as possible. He raised an eyebrow, though he didn’t question you any further.
“At first I stayed further back, seeing as I was rather unfamiliar with the route..” You leaned forward in your chair, eyes sparkling while a smile crept up on your face. You liked when he explained things to you. You could listen to him for hours, trying not to miss a single detail. So, as if the chair moved on its own, you inched closer to Tech. He noticed, though he didn’t acknowledge your action with more than a quick look at your chair as it moved closer to him. Initially, you didn’t think much about his reaction. But when you moved closer again, wanting to make sure you couldn’t possibly miss a word he was saying, he looked over again, but this time he stuttered as well, barely noticeable, but with the amount of attention you paid to him right now, you couldn’t miss it.
You managed to distract him, even unintentionally.
This revelation changed your approach to this situation. You were eager to keep listening to him explain his strategy, but at the same time you wanted to find out just how much you could distract him from his task at hand. So you moved even closer. This time his gaze lingered on the foot of the co-pilot seat for a bit before traveling up your legs, then quickly looking the other way. All while still explaining, of course.
You decided to throw caution into the wind and just keep diving head first into the situation presented before yourself, shoving thoughts of possible embarrassment, if this situation were to go wrong, to the side. You extended your right leg, slowly shuffling it towards his left. When the toes of your shoes touched, he paused his rambling about how he studied the schematics of that restricted tunnel mid-race. “What are you doing?” 
You tried to keep calm, trying to appear confident in your actions instead of as nervous as you actually felt. You could not think of a single excuse for trying to get this close to him. It seemed you had no other choice than to confess. “I just… Something about the way you won that race was captivating to me. I wanted you to explain how you went about doing that because it made me feel.. giddy inside.” The apparent blush on your face and you obviously staring at the floor to avoid eye contact destroyed any type of confidence or seduction you were trying to display. You swallowed hard before stating the next sentence. “I actually wanted to show you how much I enjoyed watching you during that race.” You dared a look at his face. Tech's eyes were locked on yours as soon as you looked back up at him, his mouth slightly agape. This was very clearly not what he expected you to say. There was an uncomfortable silence as he was thinking of a response. You don’t think you ever witnessed him having to think about something for so long. Then he put his data pad to the side, giving you his full attention.
“Do as you wish.” This was not an answer you were expecting. Your expression matched the one he had on his face earlier, eyes focused on his and lips slightly apart, dumbfounded. Tech, on the other hand, was now back to explaining those tunnel schematics as if nothing at all had happened. You took his statement as an invite to continue your advances. Though you required further communication to be able to proceed with your actions. So, not wanting to interrupt him, you raised your hand as if you were a student having questions about the ongoing lecture. He noticed this. “Yes?” he asked, eyebrows raised, not only interested in how you decided to get his attention, but also what it was you had to say. You asked your question while sinking onto your knees in front of his chair “Tell me to stop as soon as you want me to.” You looked up at him with a serious look on your face, wanting to make sure this was communicated as well as possible. The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable. 
Tech replied instantaneously. “Thank you for your concern, though I do not intend to stop you from anything you may have planned.” A shiver ran down your spine. He was eager for this as well. If it was not clear from this statement, it was from the way his legs shifted apart slightly, making room for you. And then he just kept on rambling, which you were glad to listen to.
Your right hand started at his calf, traveling up to his knee while your left hand landed just above his other knee simultaneously. You could feel him tense up. You were still listening to everything he said while your hands slowly made their way up his thighs. Your gaze was studying him from the top down. You broke eye contact to look at him top to bottom. Your eyes first found leverage on his chest, stomach, then his crotch. You could swear you heard a particularly loud gulp when your gaze landed where it did last. Your hands made their way towards his toolbelt, having to loosen it, at least the main buckle, to reach where you wanted to end up. You unbuckled the belt quickly before removing his codpiece. He did not once stop laying out his strategy to you, though his voice sounded coarser now.
You shuffled further between Tech's legs, your elbows resting on his knees as you undid his trousers. Then you paused. He had stopped his speech as soon as your hand reached his zipper. You looked up at him, eyes huge due to the low angle at which you were positioned. You wouldn't have noticed how much your actions were affecting him from just his voice, as it was barely disturbed before you tried to get into his pants, though a single look in his face revealed how hard he was blushing at your actions. You gave him a small smile before stating: “Keep talking.” It seemed you had now regained the upper hand in this situation. You enjoyed seeing how he reacted to you, the effect you had on him, especially considering how much it usually takes to distract him from his ramblings. 
He picked his sentence back up where he paused it earlier. „I decided weapons were slowing me down too much, so I left them behind.“ You could tell he tried to talk as casually as possible, but with the way he gripped at his chair and his eyes intensely focused on your hands, it was easy to tell just how eager he was. Not to mention how noticeably hard he was by now. Your hand brushed over his crotch, making him shiver, before reaching into his pants to pull his dick out.
He groaned at this action. He was louder than you expected, and you hadn‘t even properly started yet. Even though this sound he emitted sent a shock straight to your core, you didn‘t like how it disturbed his rambling.
“I didn‘t say you could stop explaining.“ Another groan. You knew how much he enjoyed babbling about whatever was on his mind, so it shouldn‘t have surprised you that it turned him on when someone actually wanted to hear what he had to say. 
When he started talking again you began ghosting your hand over his now fully hard cock. He shivered once more but he just kept on rambling. When you looked up at him again you noticed his eyes were now shut, most likely to help him concentrate on laying out his strategy further. A small smile formed on your face, pleased with the power you had over him right now. You started pumping him, almost as a reward, because he did so good relaying the race to you.
A whimper escaped his throat. You noticed his voice had become breathier and quieter. His eyes were still closed and his head pressed against the headrest of the pilot‘s chair, trying his hardest to keep his composure - and failing miserably. Some encouragement might help, you thought. You paused the up and down motion of your hand on his dick to speak.
“Look at me.“ His glassy eyes met yours. Your hand twisted slightly, earning you another whimper from Tech. „ You‘re doing so well explaining, and as soon as you‘re finished telling me all about that race, I‘ll reward you properly.“ He bucked his hips into your hand, accompanied by a low moan. He swallowed hard before snapping back at you. „I do not require your praise. I am fully in control of myself.“ You snorted, disregarding his statement.  „With the way your body is reacting to me, I beg to differ.“ 
This time, instead of talking back to you, he continued his explanation. You noticed he was talking notably faster now, but you let him get away with it and started pumping and twisting your hand again. 
„I-I took the l-left t-tunnel, seeing as I w-was now a-able to go f-fast enough to be a-able to make it a-across the m-missing part of the t-track.“ It took everything in Tech to form a coherent sentence in this state. „Keep going.“ you spurred him on further, studying the way his face contorted in pleasure and concentration.
You shuffled closer, leaning towards his cock. Wanting to challenge his focus even more, you puckered your lips, blowing some air on the tip. A shiver ran down his entire body and his breathing hitched. Again, he paused his debriefing. „I thought you would only intend to let me into your mouth after I finish the revision of the race.“ He was next to breathless. „Don’t be so hasty. This is only a preview to keep you motivated.“ You licked a small circle around the head of his dick to emphasize your statement. A deep, uncensored, guttural moan left his mouth. „Don‘t cum too soon, or I‘ll leave you here with nothing.“, you whispered up at him. „We will see about that.“, he responded, more bratty than did him good right now. You retracted your head, sitting straight on your heels now again, and squeezed him a little; a kind of warning to keep him in line.
You could not deny that his small attempt at gaining back dominance heated up your entire body. So, while Tech tried his hardest to finish the last portion of his explanation, you shifted your hips to rub your thighs together, hoping your attempt at trying to get some friction would go unnoticed. Your hands were still busy, with your right back to pumping him with increasing speed and your left digging into his still clothed thigh.
“…I-I fell back, l-letting the r-racers that b-boxed me in c-crash into e-eachother, allowing m-me to a-accelerate p-past them and w-win the race.“ You could feel his muscles relax after finishing his last sentence.  He opened his eyes to look down at you again. He looked desperate, almost teary-eyed. 
„You explained so well, and now I wanna reward you for it.“, you purred up at him. You lifted your hips, resting your weight on your knees. Your arms found their way to the back of your head to gather your hair so it wouldn‘t get in your way. You would have to hold it back with one hand, seeing as you were not in possession of a hair tie at the moment.
You were about to lean forward to take him into your mouth when something stopped you. Tech's much bigger hand landed on top of yours at the back of your head where you held your ponytail in place. You glanced up at him, slightly dumbfounded. „Let go. I will hold it back for you.“, he elaborated. Your attempt at nodding as a way to show acknowledgement of what he said resulted in him pulling at your hair on accident. You twitched. Tech's eyes widened, displaying concern. „I apologize. It will not happen again.“ You kind of enjoyed the sensation, though. „No. Keep doing that. Feels good.“ You removed your hand that was still in your hair from underneath his. 
Both of your elbows found leverage on his thighs once again. Your right hand gripped the base of his cock while your lips lowered onto him to kiss his tip. This triggered another whimper on his part. You felt his grip on your hair become tighter. Your eyes locked with his. He was searching for affirmation in your gaze. You smiled up at him, biting your lip as a nonverbal sign of your enjoyment. You lowered your mouth back onto him, now taking him until he hit the back of your throat. He gave you a long, deep moan this time. He pushed you down even further onto him, making you gag. Tech moaned again, seemingly enjoying the sight and feeling of you almost choking on him. He bucked his hips into your mouth once before asking: „May I take the lead now?“ You nodded as eagerly as possible with a dick this deep down your throat, giving up the last bit of control you had over him.
His grip on your hair tightened the slightest bit more before he took full control, shoving your head up and down on his dick, his hips bucking up every time his tip met the back of your throat. You gripped his upper thighs, holding on for dear life. Your core ached at the way he used you to his advantage, while he kept on groaning and moaning with every movement, you looked up at him. While all you saw on his face was passion and pleasure, he looked down at you, tears streaming down your face as a response to how he used your mouth like this was the only thing it was intended for.
You stuck your tongue out, which reached his balls every time he pushed your face towards his pelvis. His head fell back, overwhelmed with pleasure. You could barely handle the sight of him.
Your arousal had built up steadily since this whole situation started, and now you had reached the point where you couldn‘t go untouched any longer. Not wanting to interrupt Techs enjoyment with your own greedy need for bodily pleasure you slowly removed one of your hands from Techs thigh. It slowly traveled down your body until you reached your cloth-covered clit. You tried rubbing yourself through the fabric of your underwear. Thankfully, you chose to wear a skirt that day, so you at least had only one barrier between your fingers and your swollen clit tormenting you. 
You groaned in a mix of pleasure and frustration, sending vibrations down the dick still steadily ramming down your throat. This sent Tech over the edge. He gripped your hair tighter, holding your head in place as he came down your throat. You helped him through his orgasm by bobbing your head up and down ever so slightly. He pulled you off him by your hair. He looked out of breath, and when you stuck out your tongue at him, showing him you swallowed everything he had given to you, he groaned one last time before leaning down and kissing your forehead, hands still tangled in your hair.
That‘s when he saw where your second hand had gone. You had completely forgotten about your own pleasure when Tech came, the hand pressed to your core just a remnant of what you had attempted without him noticing. Now he saw exactly what you needed, though.
“I would gladly provide assistance, if you let me.“ except for heavy breathing on his side, there was no indication this man had just fucked your throat until both of you were seeing stars. You looked up at him, lips agape. You didn‘t even attempt to talk, already aware your throat was sufficiently sore at the moment, so you just eagerly nodded your head. 
He offered you a hand, as if he hadn‘t just used your throat as a sex toy, and pulled you up into his lap, your back facing his chest. His hands gripped your ankles and pulled them in towards your ass and spread your thighs by parting your knees. Your hands gripped onto his forearms for balance and security. He put his chin on your shoulder, your temple touching his goggles. He wanted to see exactly what he was working with. 
He brushed his hand over the wet spot on your underwear, exactly as you did with him earlier. He didn‘t even bother to take them off, just pushing them to the side, leaving your core flush, swollen and exposed. You shivered at the cold air of the ship hitting you at your most sensitive area. He brushed his hand over your now naked folds. „I did not expect that using you in the way I did would make you this wet.“
You moaned at his words, feeling slightly embarrassed at his wording.
Tech's fingers found your clit and began slowly tracing circles around it. This time you bucked your hips, needing more. „Don‘t be so hasty.“, he mocked your statement from earlier. His teasing didn‘t last long though, as he soon added a second finger to enhance the feeling. It didn‘t take long for you to feel your orgasm build up. You turned your face towards him, your nose pressing against his cheek as his head was still resting on your shoulder. Your lips parted slightly, whispering small, breathy moans directly into his ear. You could hear him swear before he quickened his movements, pressing down harder. Your moans increased in frequency and volume with every circle he traced until you reached your high. Back arching, thighs trembling, groaning, ignoring the ache in your throat. Your head fell back onto his shoulder. He pressed his palm flat against your clit, his hand quivering slightly, providing gentle stimulation while he helped you ride out your orgasm as his head turned to yours kissing your cheek.
You stayed like this for several minutes before you caught your breath again. He moved your underwear back into place. When he could tell you recovered from your orgasm enough to not pass out and fall over as soon as he let you go, Tech lifted you off his lap, setting you back onto the floor. You looked up at him, cheeks still stained with tears, still breathing heavily.
„You did well, and it is obvious you enjoyed this as much as I did, but I can tell your throat is sore, which needs to be taken care off quickly before it gets any worse. I will make you some tea.“ He tucked himself back into his pants and fastened his toolbelt again before getting up, walking towards a storage cabinet to get some teabags. You looked after him, still sitting on the floor next to the codpiece he had left behind, wondering how this was the same man who used your mouth as a fleshlight moments ago.
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joelsgreys · 11 months
Lonely Too Long l (To Hell and Back Drabble)
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Series Masterlist
Summary: After escaping a group of brutal slavers, you are left with permanent physical and emotional scars. Unwilling to put your trust in another human being ever again, you spend a year fighting for survival alone in the post outbreak world. But when you choose to save the life of a man named Joel Miller, the wall that you’ve built to protect yourself slowly begins to crumble.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+ only, minors DNI. Flashback of implied SA, but no descriptions. Soft Joel, Joel sings to reader. *If you happen to be reading the series, I recommend reading this one because it starts setting up Joel and reader’s relationship. This is also the last flashback she’s going to have since it’s a heavier one than the last two.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Dust to Dust is one of my favorite songs by The Civil Wars. I know the song did not come out until like 2013, but we’re just going to pretend. Also, I know that the gif is video game Joel, but god I love him just as much and it fits this scene so we are gonna roll with it. I know this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I wanted to write it so I did. 🤌🏼 I am still organizing the taglist for this series, it will be start with the next chapter. This was mostly for me but hopefully some people out there enjoy it too. 🤍
You couldn’t scream.
You’re trying to cry out, but you can’t.
Chest tight, your lungs won’t expand.
You couldn’t breathe. 
One hand around your neck, the other is fumbling with the zipper of your jeans.
“Been thinking about this all day,” he grinned, his fingers roughly scraping against the skin of your lower stomach.
In the corner, your cellmate is curled into a little ball in the floor, hands covering her ears and her eyes squeezed shut.
She’s probably praying she won’t be next.
She’s seventeen so even in the midst of your own chaos, you can’t help but pray she isn’t next too.
You thrashed around underneath him. It’s futile, but all you can think about is getting him off you.
Grin fading, he let out a heavy, irritated sigh. His hand left the waistband of your jeans. He reached behind him and pulled out his gun, bringing it up to into your view—it caused you to cease any and all movements. “Listen to me,” he said, pressing the barrel of the pistol against your temple. “It’s simple, really. Keep squirming and I’ll blow your fucking brains out. Do you understand, dollface?”
When he received no response, he dug the barrel deeper into your skin, his finger on the trigger.
“Do you understand?” He repeated, his tone low.
Nearly paralyzed, all you could do was nod. 
“Good.” He roughly flipped you over.
The sound of his belt buckle clanking rang loudly in your ears. As he yanked your jeans down to the middle of your thighs, you closed your eyes.
Both your mind and your body went numb.
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A light, late night rainstorm came out of nowhere, sweeping over the town. The soft, pitter pattering sound of raindrops on the window above your bed had almost lulled you into slumber.
You’re safe.
You’re safe.
You’re safe.
The words blended into a steady but silent chant.
You’re safe.
You’re safe.
You’re fucking safe.
Slapping the palm of your hand to your forehead, you exhaled a long, heavy sigh and stared up into the the darkness of the bedroom.
You couldn’t be certain as to what time it was, but it had to be well into the middle of the night. You’d been tossing and turning for a couple of hours but somehow it felt like a hell of a lot longer than that.
You were fucking exhausted. You nearly ached for some sleep, but every damn time that you closed your eyes, vivid images of the past came creeping in and chased it further and further away.
Your brain just couldn’t seem to wrap itself around the fact that this place wasn’t dangerous.
That you didn’t have to sleep with one eye open.
That nobody was going to hurt you.
That you were safe in a soft bed in a real house.
You weren’t lying on a dirty cot in a human cage.
Sighing again, you thought about Joel who was in his bedroom down the hallway, sleeping.
It brought you comfort knowing he was close. But for some reason you couldn’t quite explain, part of you couldn’t help but feel he wasn’t close enough.
You. The same woman who vowed never to trust another human being ever again—you wanted him fucking closer. Actually, it wasn’t a want so much as it was a need.
You needed him to be closer.
Sitting up, you tossed the sheets back and swung your legs over the edge of the mattress, your bare feet meeting the cold, hardwood floors. You stood and quietly padded out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards Joel’s.
“You know where to find me if you need anythin’,” he’d assured you before he had gone off to bed.
You stopped in front of his door and lifted a curled first, knocking lightly. About a minute or two went by, and just when you started to realize that you’d made a mistake and whirled around to make a run for it back to your own room where you could hop back into bed and pretend that the thought of this hadn’t ever even crossed your mind, he opened up his bedroom door.
“Thought I heard a knock,” Joel mumbled sleepily, rubbing at his eyes with one of his hands. He wore nothing but his sweatpants, his hair looking about ten times more disheveled than usual. “Everythin’ alright?”
You swallowed dryly, trying your hardest not to let your eyes wander away from his face—it proved to be almost too difficult to keep from staring. Joel’s shoulders were broad, his chest was wide, and his stomach was soft; his sweatpants hung on the low side on his hips and revealed the trail of dark curls that started at his lower belly and descended until it disappeared underneath the elastic waistband.
You caught yourself before they could go lower.
“Somethin’ the matter, darlin’?” he asked, stifling a yawn. Thankfully he hasn’t seemed to notice you gawking at him. He rubbed at his eyes once again and then observed you, trying to figure out what it was that had brought you to his room at this hour. “You need somethin’? Are you cold? Did you need an extra blanket?”
You lightly shook your head in response. No.
He tried again. “Are you still hungry?” he asked as he gestured towards the stairs. “I can make you another sandwich if you want—”
He was cut off by another shake of your head that told him that wasn’t it.
“You just can’t sleep,” Joel realized after a minute. He frowned—he could see how tired you were and for as much as he didn’t want to think about it, he had a feeling that he knew what it was that was on your mind and keeping you awake. “What can I do to help, sweetness?”
You blinked, standing there almost dumbfounded.
Clearly, you hadn’t thought this through.
You would knock on Joel’s door and then what?
You would talk to him about what’s on your mind?
Letting out a tiny frustrated huff that was directed at yourself, you waved a dismissive hand in the air.
Forget it. There’s nothing you can do.
As you turned around to leave, Joel reached out to take your arm. He curled his fingers lightly around your elbow. “Well now, hold on a minute. You’re at my door for a reason,” he said. He watched as your eyes flickered to his hand around your arm, but he couldn’t be sure if his touch had bothered you. He dropped it, not wanting to risk pushing you too far or crossing a line, not when he had made progress with you, progress he didn’t want to lose. “You not bein’ able to sleep—it have anythin’ to do with you still not feelin’ safe?”
You hesitated.
“It’s alright, darlin’. You can be honest with me.”
The sheepish expression on your face said it all.
No, I can’t sleep because I don’t feel safe.
“Would it help if you slept with me?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, eyes widening at his proposal. At least, the way he’d said it.
Excuse me?
Realizing how it had sounded, Joel flushed. “What I mean is, would it help if you slept in my bed?” He winced. That hadn’t sounded all that much better. “You sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor,” he sputtered out quickly. “That’s what I meant. That way I’m right next to you and you ain’t alone.”
Gnawing nervously on your bottom lip, you took a minute to think it over.
If you wanted him closer, this was your chance.
But why? Why did you want him to be closer? Why did you need to have him at your side?
You’d been on your own for an entire fucking year.
And it had been by choice.
You didn’t want to be around other people, sure as hell didn’t need to be around other people.
And then Joel Miller makes his appearance and all of a sudden, you’re at his door in the middle of the damn night because you feel the need to have him at your side?
Finally, you nodded your head. Okay.
“Come in.” He stepped aside, allowing you in. Not wanting you to feel trapped in his room, he left the door open. “And you’re free to go on back to your own room whenever you feel like it.”
Joel picked up his discarded tee shirt from earlier, a small labored grunt escaping him as he brought himself back into an upright position, the bones in his lower back crackling with protest. Turning over his shirt right side out, he tugged it on as you took a look around his bedroom, a larger space dimly lit by the small lamp on his nightstand.
That’s when you saw it.
Perched on a stand, it was nestled in the corner.
A guitar.
Curiously, you walked over and knelt in front of it.
You reached out and softly ran your fingers across the strings, smiling to yourself at the sound it had made.
“Found that while out on patrol with Tommy a few weeks ago,” Joel stated as he came up behind you slowly. “Gibson. Little worse for wear, but in damn good condition all things considerin’. Woulda been a crime to leave it out there,” he chuckled. “I know Ellie’s been wantin’ to learn, it’s the main reason it came back home with me. I haven’t shown her yet since I still gotta clean and polish her up.” He took a brief pause. “You know how to play?”
You ran your fingers across the strings once more, and a loud, terrible noise that wasn’t even close to music caused him to wince. You then looked up at him over your shoulder with an amused grin.
Does it sound like I know how to play?
Joel couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ll take that as a no, then.” He leaned over and picked up the guitar. He walked over and took a seat on the side of his bed, patting the seat beside him. “C’mere, sweetness.”
Getting up to your feet, you wrapped Joel’s flannel closer around your body as you padded over to his bed, perching yourself next to him.
Head down and focused, he began to strum a few notes. You couldn’t help but to be mesmerized by how his large hands moved on the instrument, the way his long, thick fingers—
Swallowing dryly, you cut the thought short.
Curiously, you put a hand on his shoulder.
Joel paused the tune. “What is it, darlin’?”
With your opposite hand, you touched your throat and then pointed at him. Can you sing?
He gave a half hearted shrug. “I do like to sing,” he admitted almost bashfully. “Always been fond of it ever since I was a kid.” He chuckled. “Before goin’ into construction, I wanted to be a musician. But I knew it would never pay the bills.”
You squeezed Joel’s shoulder and gestured to the guitar, then to his throat again. Will you sing me a song?
Joel felt the back of his neck burn and he cleared his throat awkwardly. “Normally, I would probably say no,” he admitted. “But, seein’ as you saved my life and all, I’d be a real asshole if I said no to you.”
Lifting your chin, you shot him a smug look. That is very true. So go on then, Johnny Cash. Play me a song.
“Alright. Any requests?”
You nudged him lightly. Very funny.
“Okay, um. Gimme a minute to think of a song.”
Withdrawing your hand from his shoulder, you sat back against his pillows and pulled your legs up to your chest, hugging your knees.
Nervously, Joel inhaled and exhaled a deep breath and began strumming the guitar. Chills shot down your spinal cord as a hauntingly beautiful melody filled his bedroom. He turned and angled his body towards to you as he began to sing.
“You’ve held your head up,
you’ve fought the fight
you bear the scars, you’ve done your time
listen to me, you’ve been lonely too long…”
Your mouth fell open slightly.
“Let me in the walls you’ve built around
we can light a match and burn them down…”
The rich baritone of his voice caused goosebumps to eruprt all over your flesh. Furiously, you rubbed at your bare legs, but it was useless.
With every note Joel sang to you, more appeared.
With every note Joel sang to you, the harder you found it to breathe steady.
With every note Joel sang to you, the more beats your heart seemed to be skipping.
“Let me hold your hand
and dance ‘round and ‘round the flames
in front of us, dust to dust…”
Joel glanced up, his dark brown eyes holding your gaze as he sang the final verse of the song.
“You’re like a mirror, reflectin’ me
takes one to know one, so take it from me
you’ve been lonely
you’ve been lonely too long.”
Even if you could speak to him, you would’ve been left speechless—all that you could do was stare at him in complete awe.
Joel set the guitar down. “I’m alright,” he said with a sheepish little laugh. “My voice ain’t nowhere as nice as yours.”
You stiffened slightly.
What are you talking about?
“Don’t look at me like that. I know it was you who I heard singin’ back at that cabin when I was comin’ back around.” He gave you a crooked grin. “Earlier I was just playin’ dumb, but I know it was you. You have a gorgeous voice, and I’d love to hear it again someday.”
Hugging your legs closer to yourself, you dropped your head down onto your knees, embarrassed.
What was the matter with you?
Here was a man who had taken you in, offered you a warm bed under his own roof—gave you clothes and fed you, even offered to give up his own damn bed and sleep on the cold hard floor beside you to make you feel safe enough to sleep.
And you still couldn’t say a fucking word to him.
“Hey. Look at me.”
Forcing your head up, your gaze met his.
“It’s alright, darlin’,” Joel assured you. “It’s just like I told you downstairs. We’re gonna take it one step at a time.” Lifting one of his hands, he reached out holding it out to you, his palm face upwards. “And I swear, once you find your voice, I’m gonna do all that I can do to make sure you never lose it again.”
Biting your lower lip, you placed your hand in his.
Joel have it a gentle squeeze. “Atta girl.”
Much sooner than you would have liked, he let go of your hand and stood up.
“We should get some sleep. You’re gonna need all the rest you can get before you meet my kid. Ellie. She’ll be here first thing and I should warn you she can be, uh, she can be a lot to process.” He let out an amused snort and reached for a pillow, tossing it onto the floor. “You can have all the blankets, I’ll just take this throw here—”
As Joel reached past you for a green flannel throw blanket, you grabbed his arm to stop him. His face was just inches from yours.
But again somehow still not close enough.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asked, softly.
Warm and laced with mint from the toothpaste he had used to brush his teeth before bed, his breath tickled the tip of of your nose, sending a pleasant shiver up your spine.
Your eyes looked right into his as you scooter over to the other side of his bed—it was firm, cold. Like no one had ever occupied that space before. But it was foolish to think that a man like Joel Miller had never had another woman share his bed before.
You patted the spot beside you.
Sleep up here.
“You sure about this, darlin’?”
You patted the empty spot again. Yes I’m sure.
Joel squinted at you. “You ain’t gonna strangle me in my sleep, are you now?”
His half serious joke was met with a glare.
Keep it up with wise cracks and I just might.
He held his hands up in defense. “Just checkin.”
As you crawled underneath his dark green sheets, Joel slid into bed beside you, making sure to leave a good three foot gap between the both of you; he murmured a quiet goodnight and switched off the lamp on his nightstand before rolling over onto his stomach—not even two minutes later and his soft snores filled the room.
You turned onto your side, facing him. Through a beam of moonlight steaming in through a crack in the curtains, you could just make out the outlines of his facial features. He’d fallen asleep facing you.
Closing your eyes, your body sank further into the mattress, heavy with exhaustion.
Taut, tense muscles finally relaxed.
Tight jaw finally unclenched.
You’re safe.
You slowly started drifting off to sleep.
With Joel beside you, no nightmares came to visit.
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tojifile · 6 months
Hey, can I make a request for your event?
Fyodor x fem!reader, except he's madly in love with her but doesn't accept it bc he thinks it's useless :)
@Fyodor Dostoevsky . . . (^-^)
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Tags: smitten!fyodor, fluff, angst if you squint, gn!reader, domestic Fyodor, kinda ooc, vol 14+ doesn’t exist, yandere themes if you get 400+ graded glasses
A/N: Hello anon !! I’m so sorry this took so long, probably 2-4 months (?) I’ve been so busy with school that I just didn’t have time for requests. I’ll treat my fics like those “mafia!dazai who…” type of posts, if that makes sense. I know it’s a big change from my old writing style but I really hope you would still like it :))
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smitten!fyodor who met you while walking around Yokohama. He asked you for directions one day and as faith would have it that was the exact place you were going to as well. Although, he didn’t actually need directions, he just wanted to test his skills in deceit.
“Excuse me miss, pardon me for being a bother. Could you please tell me where the nearest train is?” You softly smiled at the gentleman who had gotten your attention. “Of course, I was just heading there myself, you could just follow me if you’d like.”
smitten!fyodor who was fond of the way you spoke to him in such a polite manner. It was endearing to have someone be so courteous (bare minimum, I know).
smitten!fyodor whose voice you couldn’t forget. Softer than silk yet even the sun itself would revolve around its gravity.
smitten!fyodor who “accidentally” bumps into you from time to time. It’s been going on for several months now and during the first few times you jokingly accused him of stalking you.
“Fyodor-san? This is the fourth time this month, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were stalking me!” You teased. He responded to your joke with a small chuckle.
smitten!fyodor who denies feeling anything for you since he thinks it would hinder his plans for a better world. He constantly tells himself that it’ll pass, but each day he spends with you feels like a dream.
smitten!fyodor who reassures himself that this was all part of his master plan; that you were just another pawn in his epic chess match with Dazai. Surely someone as simple as you couldn’t destroy his plans, right?
smitten!fyodor who tells himself that keeping you happy is all part of his mission to save the world. When he’s overthinking his actions around you he tells himself that he only keeps you happy because a world where you’re sad confuses and frustrates him—oops, wrong thought!
What frustrates him further is the fact that he can no longer tell himself that you’re just a pawn. He never has internal struggles, so how could you do this to him? For years and years he chased his ideals. He tried to attain the unattainable, he never thought something as simple as affection could be that unattainable thing.
smitten!fyodor who saw you on a date with somebody else and he felt like that was God’s way of telling him that he should continue to fulfill his mission rather than chase someone who clearly doesn’t like him back.
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Comment 🪩 to be on my taglist !
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hertzwritings · 1 year
You spin me right round (baby, right round)
A/N: Am I alive? Physically, yes. Am I okay? Probably not. Did I miss all of you guys and writing? YES. Honestly, it’s been weird not writing and keeping in contact with all of you, but I’m trying to get back to it – and that brings us to here. Also, I’ve been listening to Sleep Token on repeat, so I’m feeling things.
I don’t have a set schedule right now, mostly because I have no idea if I’ll be posting regularly or just on a whim, but for now, I’m just getting back in the groove of things!
Your comments, likes, reblogs mean the world to me and would definitely help me stay on it, so if you’ve got anything to say, say it, my loves.
Remember English isn’t my first language, so if there’s errors in grammar or language, try to overlook it. Love you all!
Also, please be gentle wit me on my first day back – it’s like being nervous to start a new school, really.
Ask me anything/requests/tag list requests
Pairing: NotFamous!Henry Cavill x female reader
Warnings: Language, dorks being dorks, meet cute, strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers, smut (18+, minors DNI), dirty talk, slightly dom/sub, spanking, p in v, tongue on v, blowjobs, slight Msub to Mdom, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, creampie, petnames
Wordcount: 4633 (whoops)
You spin me right round (baby, right round)
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  Laundry day. Probably the worst of days, especially considering the hefty trek from your 5th floor apartment to the basement, which would be bad enough in and of itself, but carrying the massive load of laundry down without a functioning elevator without spilling half of your delicates did seem like an almost impossible task.
At any rate, you were going to do it, and you were going to be a strong, independent woman, who could definitely carry it down and back up again without dropping a thong or three (like last time, where Pete from 5D was lurking).
You heaved the blue IKEA-bag higher on your shoulder, silently cursing yourself for not actually doing the damned laundry more than you did, and began the descent into the musty basement, your trusty laundry-tokens jangling in your pocket of the loose shorts, you were wearing.
It took longer than you’d like to admit, and you almost did drop the entire bag down a flight of stairs, but you made it and with a loud grunt, you pushed the door to the basement and laundry-room open, almost stumbling inside.
“Oh.” You locked eyes with a very handsome stranger, who looked up from the only dryer, hands still buried pretty deeply in there. “Oh, you need this one?” He asked politely, and that voice – smooth velvet, mixed with a deep rumble that settled nicely in your chest and between your legs. The accent didn’t help at all with how attractive you found him, either, and you shifted your weight slightly. Fuck.   “I-I… I’m… Not right…” You squeaked, silently cursing yourself for wearing your gray, tattered t-shirt with a faded logo on it, that definitely did not do anything nicely for your shape. You cleared your throat. “No, I’m sorry, no. I’m still in the early laundry-stages.” You said with a smile, and immediately wanted to die. Laundry stages?? He grinned, a fanged tooth catching his lower lip. “Alright. New to the building?” He asked, casually loading a basket with his clothes.
  “Sort of. More of a recluse, that have been living here for a month, and just never do laundry at normal people-times.” He chuckled and stood up to his full height. He was an impressive man, easily towering a head and a half above you, and he looked enormous. Muscles rolled under his perfect skin on his arms, and you couldn’t help your brain going in all other directions than polite talk with a neighbor. “Well, nice to meet you, recluse. I’m Henry.” He balanced the basket on his hip (a beautiful move, if you were honest) and extended his hand, which you cautiously shook. “I’m Y/N.” You said with a small smile. His hand was warm and the grasp was firmer than you had expected, small callouses on the tips of his fingers that graced the inside of your wrist deliciously. Fuckedy fuck. “Y/N. Good name.” He winked at you. “Oh, don’t use the second washing machine…” He pointed to the washer with a bright red 2 painted on it. “Stinky Pete from 5D used it, and I don’t want to imagine what on earth he washed, but it still smells vaguely like rot.” He winked at you. “Bye, Recluse Y/N!” And with that he left, leaving you slightly shellshocked and a scent trail of hazel and wood behind.
It went on like that for a few weeks; you showed up, he was already there in various states of undress (once you even came face to face with him in just boxers, because he had spilled what appeared to be red wine everywhere) and you exchanged pleasantries before leaving the basement and going back to your apartment, sighing deeply over the fact, that you never actually talked to the handsome stranger.
 A while later, a little past midnight, you were back at it (still no working elevator) and found yourself face to face with the very handsome British man, who this time was wearing fucking gray sweatpants and a tank top, that definitely didn’t leave anything to the imagination. You could see every single muscle underneath the shirt as he loaded the laundry.
“Ah, look who’s back!” he grinned at you. “I saved the best washer for you, but don’t tell Mrs. Selton on the fourth. She can’t know I play favorites, or I’ll never get cookies again.” You laughed. “Alright, your secret’s safe with me, sir.” You said and stood next to him, before starting to load the washer. He tried to say something, but almost bit his tongue and groaned at the sensation. “Are you always this smooth?” You asked, laughing slightly, as he began coughing. “Inhaled… Spit…” He coughed again. When he was finally breathing normally, he raised an eyebrow at you. “I’ll have you know, this is in no way an indication of how I handle normal interactions with people. It’s late, and I’m slightly flustered.” He said with a small smirk.
“Mhm.” You nodded, while mindlessly stuffing your washer. “Sure, I’ll believe you.” “Hey, you don’t know me.” He said, leaning against the dryer and crossed his arms. “Maybe you know my name, and probably the color and general state of my underwear, but you don’t know me.” “I never said anything.” You grinned and closed the lid on the washer. “Wait, that’s not even close to full.” He tsked at you and opened it again. “You have to really stuff it in there, or you’ll be down here until morning.” “Excuse you, can you get your hands off of my laundry, you weirdo.” You slapped his hand away. “Maybe I don’t want my clothes overly wrinkled, have you considered that?” You asked. “Pfft. That’s the charm of communal laundry. It’ll always smell a little like other people and it will be wrinkled.” You guffawed. “Sure thing, Henry. Any plans for tonight?” you asked, mindlessly pouring detergent into the container. He looked at you with his head tilted slightly, a few stray curls bouncing onto his forehead. Goddamnit, it should be illegal to look like that when doing laundry. “Eh, not really. It’s Sunday, Sundays are for me and my boy.” You raised an eyebrow. “Your boy, huh?” “Oh, didn’t I tell you? I am indeed a parent. I have a child.” He said proudly, leaning over you to press the on-button for you. You jumped onto the counter behind you and sat down on it, insistingly ignoring the creaking of the wood beneath your butt. That’s an insecurity for another day. “Really?” He nodded. “Would your boy happen to be a giant dog?” he frowned. “How the hell did you know that?” You pointed to the unwashed load of laundry, where a suspicious amount of hair had settled on pretty much everything. “Why are you pointing at my... Yeah, well, that is a lot of hair…” He looked back at you with a furrowed brow. “Why are you even looking down there? My laundry should be sacred!” He said teasingly, covering the basket with his arm. “Well… That’s… Uhm… Anyway.” You laughed. “Are you just down here for fun, or did you wait for me?” You asked with a grin. He shrugged. “Oooor… Did you wait for me down here, because we’re the only people in this building that are somewhat close in age, and you are trying to befriend me, which is why you’ve hidden a bottle of wine in your laundry?” “Stop making assumptions that are astutely accurate, it’ll turn weird soon.” He groaned, and – as you thought – pulled a bottle of rosé out of his laundry. “I’m not astutely accurate, I didn’t know it was rosé.” You grinned. He laughed lightly and cocked an eyebrow. “To be fair, it’s mostly because I have nothing to do, and I have a feeling you never celebrated moving here. So…” He opened the bottle with a swift move and pulled two red solo cups out of the basket. “Drink?” You laughed.
“Love to.”  
 “Okay, come on, why on earth are you keeping these?” He asked, holding a very old thong between his fingers. “Shut up, and stop fondling my underwear, you freak!” you quickly grabbed it from him with a laugh. The bottle had been emptied, and a new one had been brought down and for some reason, in your tipsy mind, it was a great idea helping each other folding each other’s clothes while you were waiting on the load that was currently spinning in the dryer. “I’ll have you know, some clothes are sentimental!” You said, throwing the thong into your blue IKEA-bag. He snickered. “How on earth is tattered and holed thongs sentimental? Besides, to be quite frank, at this point it’s just… Like… A string.” He laughed. “You’re the one to talk! You threw a pair of his socks at him. “I have never seen so many pairs of boxers with holes in them!” He shrugged. “I call it the surprise.” You frowned. “The surprise?” “The surprise.” He moved closer to you, and every single hair on your body stood up, while your breath hitched. He whispered into your ear, closely enough for you to feel his lips touch your earlobe. “If I’m feeling very saucy, I’ll simply rip them off and yell surprise!.” He said and laughed, sending vibrations through your entire body. “Ah, why of course. That’s a totally normal thing to do.” He pulled back slightly, his eyes a little darker than usual. “As opposed to being sentimentally attached to a thong?” he asked, his arms caging you in – it wasn’t an unpleasant experience, but it did make your thighs shake a little. His scent enveloped you completely and made it almost impossible to think. “Many tings are sentimental. Underwear, stuff…” You answered lamely. He laughed, a low rumble in his chest and cocked an eyebrow at you. When did his face get so close? “Ah, of course. Stuff and thongs. Nothing better than relieving the good, old days of… Black thongs?” He said softly, his breath fanning over your face. It was intoxicating. “Right. Besides, you have no right to judge me when your underwear looks like it could’ve been made during World War two.” You retorted, shifting slightly in place. He chuckled. “Well… Maybe I have to get new ones, then.”
His lips were so, so close to yours, all it would take was just a little nudge and you would be connected. He was intoxicating as he had you caged, muscles rolling in his arms, his scent of wood and something inherently Henry fully filled your brain, and you almost moved your head, but the sound of the dryer going off pulled both of you out of whatever that was.
“Second load done, one more to go!” He said a little breathlessly and pushed himself away from you – you let out a breath, you didn’t know you were holding and jumped down from the counter. “Great.” You whispered, bending down to grab whatever was in there – you would’ve just kept going, if it wasn’t for the small groan that sounded behind you. You turned your head around and caught Henry looking at your ass. “Excuse you.” You smirked. He cleared his throat. “Were you just looking at my ass, Henry from 4C?” “Uhm… No, I… I-” He groaned. “Fine, I was, but you can’t blame me! You’re bending down like that, and you’re wearing those fucking shorts… I can’t help it, you’re fucking gorgeous, darling.” You shivered. “Oh.” A thick silence fell between you, and you slowly stood up, laundry be damned. “Yeah, well… It’s an unfair advantage, I really tried to be proper and all that, but... Jesus Christ, Y/N.” he groaned again and closed his eyes – the small twitch in his gray sweatpants did not go unseen by you. “Respectfully, are you wearing anything underneath those sweatpants?” You asked, slightly out of breath while heat and wetness were pooling in your panties by the mere idea. “Maybe, maybe not. Are you wearing anything under that?” He asked, opening his eyes slightly. “No, my sentimental thongs are in the laundry.” Wherever the confidence came from, you had no idea, but his reaction to you was more than enough for you to keep going. You were slightly shaky as you moved a step closer to him. “Y/N…” He whispered. “Henry…” You were chest to chest to him now, his lower back against the counter. It was slightly exhilarating to have the control, especially over such a big man as Henry. “Henry…” You whispered his name again, and a fucking whimper fell from his lips. Yeah, fuck this.
You pounced – as best as you could, height difference and all – and the moment, he realized what you were doing, his arms wrapped around you and lifted you slightly, so your lips could connect. It was electric. No, not electric, it was like a symphony of colors, feelings and it was like plunging into cool water, when his lips touched yours. You moaned against his lips, and he gasped, letting your tongue glide against his. Deepening the kiss, he straightened up slightly, allowing your legs to wrap around his waist, holding on for dear life. Your lips and tongues slid against each other fervently, a slight groan reverberating from his throat send you over the edge. You bit his lower lip, pulling a soft moan from him, and wrapped your hand in is hair, tugging it slightly. The reaction was better than you could’ve ever imagined. His hands moved from your waist to your ass, squeezing hard, while a mix of moans and your name tumbled from his lips to yours – you could feel his hard length pressing against the sweatpants and your shorts, and you were sure you were leaving wet spots on his pants. “Fuck, Henry…” You mumbled his name, and he turned around to place you on the counter, before going to your throat, kissing and biting. You moaned at the feeling and threw your head back. “Harder.” You moaned, and felt him smile against your skin, before his teeth sunk deeper into your skin, his large hands tightening their grip on your thighs, causing you to roll your hips. “Fucking hell, darling, I can almost taste you from here…” He whispered against you, his hands moving upwards. “Hmm, really?” You moaned, rolling your hips again. “Nobody’s stopping you.” You tugged his hair again for good measure. “No, you’re right about that.” He mumbled, his hands dancing up, up, up, until they reached the waistband of your shorts and gently pulled them down, letting the fabric slide down your legs – you lifted your ass from the counter, allowing them to fully fall off of you, and he groaned at the sight in front of him. “Fuuuck, darling… I can see how fucking wet you are… Can I taste you?” He asked, his darkened eyes finding yours, chest heaving. You cocked an eyebrow. “Ask nicely.” He chuckled, a thick finger gliding along your hip, slowly inching towards your mound. “Please, Y/N, please… Fuck, I need to taste you, please, let me taste you… let me eat you out until you cum on my tongue.” For a seemingly proper British man, he was filthy. “Yes.” He didn’t wait a second before moving down your body, teeth catching both fabric and nipple on his way down, before he stopped, licking his lips, while looking at your exposed, dripping pussy. “Y/N…” He mumbled your name like a prayer, and before you even had the time to breathe, he licked a thick line along your lips, parting them with it. He moaned at the taste and dove in like a man starved. You mewled at the feeling, his tongue moving around your clit, fingers still on your inner thigh, and you could barely hold your upper body up as his tongue dipped inside of you. “Fuck, yes… I want to feel you cum on me, darling…” He mumbled against you, his hips rutting slightly into nothing. “Fingers. Please, fingers.” You managed to moan as his tongue went back to your clit, hardening against it as he began to eat you out with an intensity you’d never experienced before. He obeyed silently, adding two thick fingers into your dripping pussy, curling them upwards. You bit back a scream as they filled you, slowly sliding in and out, hitting your g-spot over and over, while his tongue did magic on your clit; you’d forever be ruined by this man, and he hadn’t even been inside of you yet. “Fuck!” You bit back a scream as he sped up, tongue and fingers working in perfect unison to pull you closer to the edge; he chuckled darkly against you, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your clit. “Be quiet, little bird, or someone will hear.” He said slowly, taking a small break from your clit. “Fuck off, it’s like three in the mo-or…” You didn’t finish your sentence, as he dove back in, this time with a speed and intensity, that could’ve killed you on a different day. “Shit, I’m gonna…” He moaned as you tightened around his fingers, and he slurped your juices from you, keeping the pace as best he could. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight, baby… I want to feel you cum, can you cum for me, please…” He whimpered as your pussy pulled his fingers deeper inside of you, and you shook slightly.
You couldn’t stop it, even if you wanted to. Your orgasm hit you like a fucking train, white spots appearing in your vision, and you felt, more than heard, his moaning as you rode your orgasm out on his face and fingers.
“Fuck, baby, look at you… You squirted for me, didn’t you, darling?” he looked up at you with a devilish smirk on his face, that was shimmering with your cum under the low fluorescent lights. You moaned – his fingers were still going in and out of you. “Now…” he whispered, his voice dangerously low. “You get on your knees, darling.” E stood up and wiped his face gracefully, putting a single finger in his mouth. “You taste fucking amazing.” He grinned at you and stood to his full height, a sense of authority filling the room. “Knees.” He commanded, and who were you to deny that? You slid down from the counter on shaky legs and landed on your knees, looking up at him. “Fuck, darling, you can’t look at me like that, I’ll fucking cum here and now.” He groaned. “Well, where’s the fun in that?” You said while your fingers grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and pulled them down, letting his cock spring free. You almost salivated at the look of it. Thick, throbbing slightly, a thick vein running down the length of it and a drop of precum sparkling under the lights. He was huge. “Well, what are you waiting for, little bird?” he chuckled, before he cut it off with a moan, as your lips wrapped around the tip, and you slid down as far as your jaw and throat allowed you to. He moaned as the tip hit the back of your throat and you choked slightly on it – you were dripping wet, as you began to move back and fort on his length, swallowing as much as you could, reveling in the taste of is precum. He twitched slightly and a choked moan spilled from his lips, as he thrusted forwards. “Fuck, baby… Shit, you’re really... Fuck… Good at this…” He moaned. You smiled around his length and moved faster, hearing the choked moans above, spurring you on. “Fuck, baby, stop, stop, stop… Stop, I’ll cum if you keep going…” You whimpered as he pulled away from you, a line of spit connecting you, and you looked up at him with big eyes. He groaned and held your chin with a large hand. “Good girl. I want to feel you before I cum, darling.” He whispered, gently guiding you up to your feet again by your chin. He kissed you deeply before turning you around, bending you over the counter. “Fuck, this ass… You’re a fucking wonder, baby…” He reveled, a hand falling on your ass. You moaned at the sensation and your hips bucked, exposing yourself more to him. “Oh, look at you, doing so fucking good for me already, aren’t you?” he whispered. You moaned again. “Henry, please…” You whimpered his name and tried to push back to get him inside of you, but he chuckled and held you tightly in place. “No, baby girl, you’re going to stay right there.” He ran a hand down your spine and slapped your ass again, forcing a whimper from you. “Now, you ask nicely, and I’ll fuck you right here, right now.” He said darkly, his hand gently running circles over your ass, sometimes dipping between your legs. You coked on a moan, and barely had the wherewithal to create a coherent sentence. “Please, please, p-please, fuck, Henry, please… Please f-fuck me, I’m begging you-u…” His finger dipped inside of you. “You want to feel my cock slowly slide inside of you, baby?” He asked, dragging his finger in and out painfully slow. You whimpered a broken yes. “Want to feel me dragging against your walls, huh? Want me to fill you, let my cum drip out of you?” You were a shaking mess as another finger was added. “Y-yes…” You felt like crying. It was so good, but so torturous to feel his fingers glide so fucking slowly. “Ah, you can do better than that, darling.” He said, bending over you – you could feel the tip of his cock against your ass, as his mouth found your neck again. “P-please, Henry, please… I want to feel your cock in me, please…” “Mhm… I want to fill you up, darling… I want to watch my thick cock slide in and out of your tight pussy, seeing you take me…” He rambled, fingers moving faster now, and you groaned at his words. “Fuck, y-yes, Henry, I’m b-begging you, please…” you mewled. He withdrew his fingers too quickly for your liking, and he spat on your already soaked pussy, before lining himself up. “You think you can take all of me right now, baby? Let my thick cock go as deep as it can, huh?” He asked, rubbing the tip against your entrance, smearing the wetness around. You nodded, desperate for anything at this point. “No, no, that won’t do, little bird.” He tsked at you and his free hand wrapped around your hair and tugged slightly, arcing your back as your head got pulled back. You moaned loudly. “Mhm, keep the sound down, we’re in a public area, sweetheart.” He said with a small chuckle. “Ask me and mean it.” He ordered, the tip of his throbbing cock so fucking close to glide inside of you. “Fucking fill me, or I swear to god…” you begged, and whatever you wanted to say got lost in your throat, as he slid inside of you swiftly and in one, single thrust, bottomed out.
You shrieked in both pain and pleasure, your legs shaking and if he hadn’t kept a tight grip on your hair and waist, you’d probably collapse. “Oh, good girl, look at you taking all of me… Sit, it looks to fucking good to see my cock in you, baby…” He mumbled. He didn’t move yet, simply allowing you to adjust.  After a few seconds, you rolled your hips to let him know you were good, and he chuckled darkly. “There’s a good, little slut, darling.” His words combined with his voice sent wetness down your thighs as he began moving, slowly at first, before picking up speed. You felt every single twitch inside of you, and he filled you to the brim. You had never been so fucking full before, and you’d never want to stop, if you were honest. He angled himself a little better and pistoned in and out of you; you saw stars and a red-hot burning started in your abdomen seconds before your orgasm hit you; it was blinding and your legs were barely functioning as you came around him, your pussy pulling him deeper, as your thighs got soaked and he moaned. “Fuuuuck, you’re so fucking tight, Y/N… Fuck, I’m not going to last long…” He moaned as you twitched around him and met his thrust, the sound of your skin slapping against each other filling the otherwise quiet room. “Fucking fill me, please… I want to feel you cum, I’m b-begging you…” you moaned, almost delirious at this point. He roared and bit down on your shoulder, before he picked up speed and began fucking you fiercely, his tick and long cock hitting your cervix slightly. You mewled and another rush of wetness went down your legs, as you neared another orgasm while he whispered praise and encouragements in your ear.
“Look at that fucking… Oh, fuck…” He groaned and thrusted harder than ever, his rhythm becoming irregular. “Look at you taking me so well, darling… You’re doing so good for me, can you cum again?” He licked the spot, he had just bitten. “Can you cum for me again, baby girl? Let me… Fuck… Feel you cum again?”
As if you could deny him.
He clamped a hand over your mouth as you came wit a scream, your pussy tightening and pulsing around his length as he fucked you into oblivion. He roared with pleasure and his hand moved from your waist to your ass, grabbing it harshly before picking up speed and chased his own high. You were shaking, barely coherent as he fucked you relentlessly. “Henry… Fuck, please… Let me feel you cum… Fuck, p-please, I want to feel you fill me, please…” You moaned his name like a prayer, and he growled before his speed stuttered. “Fuck, baby… I’m going to fill you up, you’ll be dripping for days… I’m so fucking deep in your tight pussy…” he mumbled, his hand bruising your ass, wile he pistoned back and forth; he fell silent for half a second, before you felt him swell and twitch slightly. “Tell me you’re mine.” He growled. “Mine.” His cock pounded you relentlessly. “H-henry… Shit, y-yes, yes, I’m yours!” You mewled as he twitched again.
Ropes of his cum painted your insides, and you came with him as you felt the heat of his spend inside of you. Henry growled as you tightened around him again, and he jerked his hips so he was a deep as e could be, whispering praise to you, as you rode out your own orgasm.
 You stayed bent over the creaky counter, sweat dripping form the both of you, his cock still inside of you, for a few minutes, trying to catch your breath.
“Shit, that was…” he whispered, kissing the bitemark on your shoulder gently. You shivered. “Mhmm…” Words did kind of fail you at the moment. He seemed to understand whatever you meant, at any rate, and chuckled gently, before slowly pulling out with a hiss. “Jesus Christ… You’re a fucking wonder, you know that, Y/N?” He asked, the sweetest smile painting his features. You grinned with slightly bruised lips, and pulled your shorts back up. No reason to try and clean up. “Says you.” He bent down and grabbed the black thong, that was more string than fabric at this point, at stuffed it in the pocket of his sweatpants.
“Sentimental value, you know?” You laughed. “Does this mean I get to see your surprise-move?” You asked jokingly. He cocked his eyebrow and a smile spread across his face – he was a goddamn Adonis.
“Well, I do have more wine in my apartment… And a bed…”
“Lead the way.”
@acaceta @a-skov @buckyshattergirl​ @angelmather1 @cooldreamlandsandwich @doubletriplepowerbomb @est1887@enchantedbytomandhenry @fionnthebandersnacc @herroyalbubbliness @jeepgirls-stuff @Keiva1000 @kebabgirl67 @littlebirdofrivia @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler @pandaxnienke @perfunctory-username69 @penneferofvenerburg @sleutherclaw @sofiebstar @summersong69 @spookyboogyuniverse @stardusted26 @thereisa8ella @timetraveller4@thatonechickhere @themanfromu @thelastpyle @tragicphoenix13 @yourlocalhoney @wheretheriversrunintothesea @severewobblerlightdragon @leigh70 @phildunphyisadilf​
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tenthousandyearsx · 10 months
Thanks so much for tagging me @wolfpants, I loved reading yours! I've pretty much only published lots of PWPs so far, and while I loved writing every single fic I've posted, self-recs always feel a bit weird. x_x Anyway, I'll give it a go!
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Passably Wrecked (Drarry, E, 4.6k)
“Potter,” Malfoy says, sitting down next to him at breakfast. “I think we should have sex.”
Starting with this one because it's fairly recent and I don't think I've shared it here! Malfoy expresses scepticism about Harry's sexual prowess. Harry is having none of it.
Keep your hands on me (Drarry, E, 21k)
Malfoy binds himself with a sex curse. Harry cannot get enough (but would much prefer to keep Malfoy for himself).
Still the filthiest thing I've written imo – it's 21k of smut and I didn't self-censor at all, but I ~think~ I consider it porn with character development rather than pwp. I wrote the whole thing in a daze, which is my favourite way to write when the muses allow – and to my absolute astonishment (I was sure it was going to get hate), it tends to get my favourite comments too. ​‎‎ㅤ
Just a trial run (Drarry, E, 9k)
Potter in his living room was a novelty and Draco could not take his eyes off him. He fixed both of them a drink, handed Potter his Firewhisky, then sat on the sofa. “From Saviour to Auror to whore,” he said. Potter choked on his drink. “Tell me, Potter, how does that happen?” In which Harry wants to get into sex work and Draco would prefer to keep him for himself.
I'm very fond of this fic and this Draco. I wrote it while I was working on KYHOM because I wanted to try a somewhat similar premise with the opposite dynamic, with top Draco and a more submissive Harry. It has both a paid sex kink and alcohol kink, which I have no idea where they came from, and while I've been postponing doing some proper edits on the second chapter, I absolutely loved writing it. ​‎‎ㅤ
Trouble with your tie, Potter? (Drarry, E, 6.7k)
The last thing Harry expects when Slughorn partners him up with Zabini is Malfoy shooting them furious looks throughout the whole class and then unceremoniously snogging Harry in the corridor.
My Erised fic from last year! I was actually working on something else entirely, a much longer fic that fizzled and died on me halfway through. I have a self-imposed rule that the energy of a story has to be right and has to be such that the story drives itself – and, specifically for fic, that if I don't enjoy writing it, there's no point in doing it. So when writing a fic becomes a slog, I just go back and delete mercilessly. It still didn't help in this case though x_x, so I started writing "Trouble with your tie" instead, which was an absolute joy to work on and I'm so happy I did. There are some parts I still think I'll probably rewrite at some point, but I really loved writing H and D's dynamic here. Even though I don't agonise over my prose when I write fic, I am super careful about the energy I'm putting out and especially the feeling I'm leaving the reader with at the end, so I'm really happy they hit the mark in this case. ​‎‎ㅤ
Not very gallant (initial Dronarry but endgame Dron, E, 3.3k)
“He likes it when I hurt him,” Harry tells Ron with a smirk. “And then you come in and soothe him.”
I wanted to include a non-drarry fic so here's a very recent one! I think I probably could have done more with it, but I loved writing Ron in this. Please mind the tags!!! Everything is super undernegotiated!!! It's endgame Dron, but Harry is perfectly fine with it. I should also probably mention that Harry is a bit of an asshole in this fic compared to the way I usually write him, but because I usually write Drarry and wanted this to be endgame Dron, I had to find a way for the dynamic to be in character, hot, and sexually charged, but not in a way that made me ship drarry too much. I'm also usually not good with threesomes or poly relationships because I always feel like someone is left out x_x, so I tried to put my own spin on it. This is what worked for me and I loved writing it! Do not expect considerate behaviour for like... most of it though.
Tagging @crazybutgood , @magpiefngrl , @orange-peony , @lumosatnight and anyone who'd like to join!
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dotster001 · 11 months
Le Chasseur d'Amour Part Four
Summary: Rook x reader. Rook's impatience to see you may not have gone as he'd anticipated...
A/N: my wifi is bad where I am, but I'm super excited to post this, so you can find all the other chapters accurately linked in three before I have a chance to fix it
Chapters: One Two Three Five
In hindsight it wasn't a good plan. In fact, it was probably the worst plan you could have come up with.
The second your foot hit the floor to run, Rook's arms were around your middle. You struggled in his grip, while he patronizingly pet your head, and sang the song, from your previous dream, to you.
"What the fuck!" The blond model hissed. Startled, you looked at him, and saw him clutching his bleeding nose, raw fury clouding his face as a purple aura rose up around him.
"You broke my nose! Do you have any idea what that's going to do to my image?"
"I think you'll be ruggedly handsome with a broken nose," Rook said, as he snuggled into your neck, ignoring your struggles.
Vil growled, eyes flashing. "I didn't ask you for your opinion."
"Let me go!" You finally got the courage to shout, followed by an attempt to bite whatever part of Rook you could reach. "You won't take me again! I'm not going back! You can't make me!"
Rook held still. This scared you more than him caressing you.
"Mon amour," he trailed off, swallowing audibly. "You no longer love me?"
Vil seemed to calm down enough, hearing that. But he was still angry about his nose.
"Aw Rook. I told you this could be a possibility."
Rook's grip tightened on you, before burying his face back in your neck.
"I have never stopped loving you. Ever since you vanished, I've been searching. Why? Why don't you love me?"
"Seriously?" You snapped indignantly. "You kidnapped me and stole four years of my life! Why would I ever love you!"
Rook's grip loosened as he turned to finally look you in the face. God, he was handsome. No wonder your brain decided to love him. But you couldn't let yourself slip back under. You'd worked far too hard.
He and Vil shared a look. One of complete confusion. You had no idea why, but it made you feel nauseous.
"I'm sorry!" Vil spoke up, "kidnapped you? Is there something I'm missing here?"
"No," Rook said, tightening his grip again, this time more of a hug, than a hold. "Normally your jokes amuse me to no end, but this one isn't funny."
"Says the man who tracked me to a cabin I rented, and broke in in the middle of the night!" You shouted, now attempting to kick him in the shins. This had no effect.
"Told you," Vil hissed as he touched his still bleeding nose, looking in his compact mirror.
"Mon lapin, you know me well enough to know that waiting is not-"
You finally got a good angle and kneed him right between his legs. With an "oomph" he dropped you, and you tried to run. You shouldn't have angered Vil. Because something had wrapped around your ankle and yanked you to the ground.
You looked at your foot, and saw a vine with roses wrapping itself around your legs, Vil standing over you, a pen in his hand glowing purple.
"Oh God, oh no, oh God, oh no, oh God," you started hyperventilating. There was no way this was happening. Seeing him had retriggered your delusions. That had to be it. Cause why the hell would a rose vine be wrapping itself around you?
"Mon lapin, you are such a strong little bunny. I've always loved that about you," Rook wheezed as he walked over to your continually tied up form.
"But playtime is over now. It's time to go home."
He pulled something small from his pocket, followed by a glowing purple pen. The small thing grew into a giant mirror, which Vil walked through with a huff. Rook gently picked you up, and walked through before you could even shout a strangled, "No!"
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir @urminebutidontwantyou @b10h4z4rd @mahi-does-some-art
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jnnul · 1 year
‘i love you’ - enhypen
a/n: real ones know that this is a repost bc my post isn’t showing up in any of the tags. y’all what is that called btw
genre: fluff but also angst, ngl everyone except jay and sunoo are kinda emotionally constipated, #sorrynotsorry, idk why sunghoon’s and ni-ki’s are so angsty either don’t ask pls tw: mentions of insecurities, shitty communication skills
word count: 2.4k (they only get longer from here oops)
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gif credits: @kimsunoo
“i love you.”
you would say it first, for sure
i feel like you would say it as a passing remark; like when he’s leaving your place to go back to the dorms
you kinda just say it
no real thought of planning it out or anything
just...i love you.
and heeseung’s well-loved by fans, family, and friends but romantic love? it’s rlly different to receive, even if it isn’t necessarily his first time
i feel like he would struggle with himself at first
bc he wants to say it back but he’s not rlly sure of himself
like he knows that the appropriate response is to say it back but he doesn’t want to say it back to just say it back
he wants to mean it as much as you mean it when you say it
and i feel like he’s more prone to dating someone who’s a little more lighthearted and carefree than him so i feel like if he doesn’t say it back, you wouldn’t rlly mind?
you said it bc you wanted him to know that - you didn’t say it to hear it back
like he kinda gets in his head abt it and saying it at the right time but you’re more of the type of person to do things when you feel like doing them, not when there’s a right time for them
it’s one of the many things that he loves abt you
but heeseung’s a little different. he has to process it, understand it, and truly feel it to be able to say it
when he does say it though, trust me, it’s unforgettable
he doesn’t make it a big huge deal like a candlelight dinner or anything, but it’s clear he’s got something on his mind the entire day
you ask him but he just shakes his head
and so when you’re about to hang up the ft call, he blurts it out
“i love you.”
[rest of the members under the cut!]
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gif credits: @enh4s​
“i love you.”
he says it first
but even though he says it first, he probably waits until you’re about seven months into the relationship
which could be considered a long time
but jay’s love language is quality time - and i feel like he would be with someone who also has a similar love language
so even though technically you had been dating for seven months, you had only spent enough time together as a normal couple who was dating for maybe four months would
but you can feel the love, regardless
even before he says the words out loud, you can feel the love he has for you and vice versa
you feel it in the way he orders takeout to your apartment when you’re tired after school/work
or when he calls you in the middle of the night in his time bc he’s going thru withdrawal from your presence
when he says it, it’s kinda similar to heeseung - he just says it
jay would try and wait for the right moment or the right place but i feel like ultimately, he just says it when it kinda clicks in his head
like when the two of you are watching the stars together on the han river
and you’re kinda just looking at the stars with so much life in your eyes
jay swears he’s never seen a prettier picture. you’re looking at the stars and he’s looking at you
and he says it.
you would it say it back in that moment itself
just such a serene and special moment
you guys start saying it every time you see each other from then on.
“oh you’re leaving? bye - ”
“ - i love you.”
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gif credits: @karomiiz​
“i love you.”
why do i feel like jake would say it on accident on like the third date
i feel like jake is a person who is filled with love but as he grows older, he realizes how careful he has to be with who he gives it to
so when you go out to get food on the third date, jake’s rlly scared
he knows he wants to make things official (i mean come on, you’re so good together!) but also...should he?
and he says as much to you bc he doesn’t want to trap you in a relationship that isn’t real
he wants to give you everything you want - even if that means not seeing you again
but to his relief, you just laugh and shake your head, stealing one of his french fries
“jake, i’d wait forever for you.”
“...i love you.”
you’re baffled at first.
yeah, you’re a passionate person and yeah, you said that you’d wait for him until he was ready
but...what the fuck. how can you say i love you and i’m not ready to make things official in the same breath? (21st century tings)
he’s mentally berating himself as you try to come up with something to say, waiting for the inevitable, “maybe we should stop seeing each other for a little while.”
but it never comes
he knows that you’re just as crazy as he is when you lean over the table to press a sweet kiss to his cheek and offer him your cheesiest smile
“that’s all i needed to say to make you commit?”
it becomes a little bit of an inside joke from then onwards as you guys make things official and wait to actually say the words and mean them
it comes pretty quickly tho
you’re not sure if it’s bc you started the relationship saying the words but it truly feels right to say them early on in the relationship. so you do!
“i love you.”
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gif credits: @hooned​
“i love you.”
you would definitely say it first and you’d have to throw sunghoon off the eiffel tower before he says it back
i feel like he’s kinda like heeseung
where he can feel the love and he can feel safe enough to say it but somehow he can’t
like the words are stuck at the tip of his tongue
sunghoon is a private person, i think
it takes a lot of trust and time for him to open up about even smaller things so getting him to talk abt why he’s so scared of romantic love takes almost a full year
like genuinely, i feel like you would have to be so strong dating him bc you say i love you to him almost every time you see him
and he just doesn’t say it back
sometimes, he just hugs you when you say it to him and other times he just smiles and nods
but i feel like being around a person who doesn’t feel cautious around love and gives it freely to others (like you) would start to melt sunghoon’s heart
bc when you say it, you can see his eyes sparkle a little brighter and that’s when you realize the issue
he doesn’t believe you.
he thinks you’re saying it out of obligation and not bc you truly mean it
so sunghoon tries to protect himself subconsciously by not saying it back at all. almost like he’s waiting for the ‘gotcha’ and he wants to be one step ahead of it this time
ngl, it can be frustrating. bc i feel like sunghoon is such a private person, sometimes it can feel like you’re the only one putting in effort for the relationship bc he’s just kinda detached?
but when you tell him that you’re not feeling cared for, you see him cry
that’s the last thing he wants you to feel like
he was so scared of getting hurt by you that he didn’t realize how much he was hurting you and that realization breaks his heart
and for the first time, he finally lets himself be fully vulnerable around you
“i love you.”
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gif credits: @jungwoned
“i love you.”
i feel like you and sunoo are just kinda on the same wavelength on a lot of things
whether it be personality, preferences, or the way you see the world
you guys are very similar
so later on, once you guys have been dating for a while
you just kinda start saying it?
like one day, after he sleeps over in your apartment, he wakes up to you cooking breakfast
and he just slowly shuffles over and back-hugs you, making you waddle around the kitchen trying to whip up some pancakes
the two of you are sitting in peace, just happy to be in each other’s presence as you and sunoo don’t get to spend too much time together in general
you don’t really remember who says it first, even when you’re asked by other people
sometimes you say that he said it first and sometimes sunoo says that you said it first
you’re not really sure who said it first
all you know that someone said it and the other person said it back and that was that
there was no big fireworks and fanfare, like you thought there would be
it was perfect for the two of you
quiet, intimate, soft.
just everything you and sunoo were when you were with each other
you don’t say it very often bc it just feels strange to say it super often
but you say it every time you feel like it bc you know that you mean it when you say it
so when sunoo is packing his bags, saying something abt how long he’s going away on tour, you just want to make sure that he knows how much you care for him
“i love you.”
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gif credits: @hoonclub​ (oh he’s so bf)
“i love you.”
i feel like you would have to say it first with jungwon too
he’s a very careful person and i feel like he has to reason things out in his head before he says smth
like i don’t think he processes emotion in a “i feel [x] so i will act like [y]” type of way.
it’s more of a “i feel [x]. would it be more appropriate for me to act like [y] or [z]?”
maybe it’s bc he’s the leader of such a big group at such a young age but when you say it to jungwon, i feel like his first instinct is to just diffuse the situation
like how does he accept your love without saying it back, hurting your feelings, but also letting you know that he cares for you too?
and in the end, kinda like sunghoon, i feel like he ends up hesitating for so long that he just ends up hurting even though he wanted to do the exact opposite
it would kinda end up in you and jungwon having to take a short break from each other, which rlly stings bc you just confessed that you loved him
and now you’re not speaking to each other?
but as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder and jungwon’s left staying up at night trying to figure out how to win you back
he doesn’t want to say i love you just to get you to be with him if he’s not 10000% sure that he wants to say it
idk, i feel like it would make the situation all too real for him
and for someone who hasn’t been handed the opportunity to have too much freedom (which then kinda relates to how cautious he gets to be bc of it)
jungwon kinda just starts malfunctioning
it doesn’t feed into his streamlined process of functioning bc he’s not sure if he’s right or wrong anymore
everything’s so morally ambiguous and he realizes just how much he had been confining himself to his own expectations and burdens
and he shows up at your door, sopping wet from the rain bc he doesn’t realize how freeing it is to exist out of the patterns of what he thought he had to act like
ofc he’s still careful bc he’s still jungwon at the end of the day, but when he’s standing at your door with a stupid, heartbreaking smile, all you can think abt is what he says
“i love you.”
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gif credits: @epipens​​
“i love you.”
another member of the ‘over my dead body’ squad bc these men are emotionally constipated
not to mention that riki is very young
he’s been thrust into the spotlight and found so much success and fame at such a young age but he rlly just is 17 years old
and for all of his sped-up growth, he hasn’t had a chance to rlly make mistakes and grow from them bc if he makes mistakes, the entire world bashes him
so when you tell him that you love him (it’s gotta be like 3 years into your relationship bc you guys met when you were so young), i highkey feel like he just
there’s no better word for it
he just doesn’t know what to do or say and bc he’s just so inexperienced, i feel like he would panic and his flight or fight kicks in
and ni-ki would choose flight
he kinda just ends the ft call that you’re on bc he’s on tour and then radio silence
you can’t believe you’re getting ghosted by your own boyfriend but at the same time, you’re really not all that surprised
you know riki better than he’s willing to admit and the thought that someone who knows so much abt him can still love him is just so frightening to him
but he doesn’t know that’s what it is ofc, so he just ghosts you instead
and then two days later, he asks you to break up.
you agree bc what else can you do while he’s on tour and you have no way of communicating w him besides technology which he’s not responding to
but for the rest of the tour, riki is just out of it. his body is on auto pilot and even the fans start noticing that riki doesn’t seem to be as engaged as usual
and he realizes how much of a mistake he made when he doesn’t see your sweet voice messages and how his instinct whenever he gets good news is to txt you, only to see that you’ve blocked him
he literally doesn’t know how to talk to you and ends up resorting to calling you on jake’s phone
riki is sobbing as he tells you how much he misses you and how could you even stay mad at him when it’s so clear that you can’t be without each other?
“i love you.”
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
Survey Says-! (18+ Rodimus/EVERYONE)
Chapter 3: Chatterbox (Rodimus/Swerve)
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Rodimus is NOT bitter about the results of the crew satisfaction survey, in fact, he’s fully prepared to change! He’s determined to change his crew’s minds, and what better way to do so than to get to know them- in the carnal sense that is. 
There are no problems with this plan in Rodimus’s mind. There are many in Ultra Magnus’s. Magnus engages in some unfortunate(for Rodimus) damage control as head of Cybertronian Resources. Rodimus is not easily deterred. 
Read on AO3 here! Other Chapters Here!
FIC TAGS: Rodimus/Everyone(But y’know, not like. EVERYONE. Just a lot of various background characters and also more specifically with some others), Takes place post dark cybertron, but pre the whole ship disappearing thing and the mutiny, smut, Chastity, denial, Rodimus is a slut, Ongoing humiliation, HR Violations as comedy, Ultra Magnus is clueless, sticky sexual interfacing, comedy, sexual comedy, dubious consent (if you squint and tilt your head), contains illustrations
Authors notes: Ok so my personal headcanon is that Swerve can absolutely get it, and the whole crew would probably let swerve hit on some capacity, but he never wants to ask so he's very pent up. I think he and rodimus fuck a lot as well, like out of convenience.
CHAPTER TAGS: rodimus/swerve, blowjobs, oral fixation, subspace(I think??? rodimus gets loopy from how horny he is), dirty talk(but like in a swerve will not shut up kind of way)
Rodimus was adjusting to his punishment quicker than Ultra Magnus had expected. He appeared to be more efficient during his shifts, still fidgeting in the captains chair, but now no longer interfering and bothering those others on duty. Magnus was exceptionally pleased with his work in the past 3 cycles. He could practically already hear the joy coming just around the corner for Rodimus, when his efforts to become more professional rewarded him with the praise the prime so desired.
Ultra Magnus remained still by the captain’s side, listening to him confidently delegating, listening to the tone with which Rodimus ordered Mainframe to adjust their trajectory to closer suit their previous path. A more focused, concentrated expression set itself across Rodimus’s faceplate, a contemplative hand resting over his intake and chin. For once, Rodimus was keeping his field close to the chest, which Ultra Magnus decided must have been an intentional choice to maintain a professional face. The larger bot beamed internally, turning his gaze out to the observation window. 
Hazarding a moment of praise, Ultra Magnus sent Rodimus a brief ping. 
UM: Your professionalism is noted and appreciated, Captain.
Rodimus stiffened further in his chair, optics briefly flicking to Ultra Magnus before refocusing out the window.
After a moment of quiet, Rodimus responded. 
R: Thank you, Magnus.
Ultra Magnus’s spark swelled with pride at Rodimus’s progress. If things were going this well after only 5 cycles, Magnus had no doubts that this punishment would be over sooner than either of them had expected.
“This is somehow worse than I ever could have thought.” Rodimus moaned, faceplate flaring purple with energon as his friends gazed piteously at the magnetizer around his panels. He had propped himself up on one of the table booths at Swerve’s, now being treated as a makeshift examination table as Whirl, Skids, Tailgate, and Swerve crowded around. It was off hours, and the bar was empty, save for the group that had gathered around the ailing captain. 
“Is it really that awful?” Skids asked, cocking his head. “I mean… It’s not like it’s really constricting anything, yeah?” 
“Well no, not NOW, but when I’m- Y’know, when the junk can’t exactly escape the trunk-” Rodimus gestured unhelpfully over his crotch, earning a stifled snicker from Whirl. 
“Yeesh, yeah that sounds tough, Rodimus.” Tailgate winced sympathetically. 
“Yeah, it is tough.” Rodimus huffed, crossing his arms over his chassis. “And can you believe ratchet didn’t take it off? My health could have been at risk and he didn’t even consider it!” 
“Uh, yeah I can absolutely believe that Ratchet did that.” Skids chuckled. 
“He could have at least checked!!” Rodimus glared at Skids, earning a slag eating grin. “I thought I was Ratchet’s friend, I can’t believe he’d let this happen to me.” 
“Must be slowing ‘The Rodimus Apology Initiative’ down somethin fierce then, eh, Roddy?” Swerve asked, nudging Tenn in a different direction to mop a half dry energon spill off the ground. 
“I’m still trying to squeeze as many meetings in as I can, but they take longer to bounce back from now.” Rodimus sighed, sitting up and going to slide off the side of the table.
“Wait! I bet I could get it off!” Whirl piped up. Rodimus turned to him hopefully. “Just lay back down, trust me.” Whirl snickered, clacking his sharp claws together. Rodimus’ tank squeezed uncomfortably at the idea of those things feeling around his junk. 
“Ha Ha, I don’t think so.” Rodimus scoffed, shifting up off the table and stretching. He sat back down on the booth’s seat, snatching his engex cube up and taking a long, laboured swig. 
“Y’know roddy, you could always just… not torture yourself with the meetings?” Tailgate pointed out. 
“And forfeit connecting with my crew? For shame.” Rodimus placed an offended hand on his own chassis, faceplate aghast. 
Skids looked as if he was about to say something as Siren’s voice crackled over the speakers. 
“Attention Crew! We are currently on course to pass into a minor cosmic storm in 10 kliks. There is nothing to fear, however, we encourage all those not currently on duty in the engines and bridge to take shelter within their personal hab suite, so as to prevent any damage caused to communal areas. Thank you!”
The group took a moment to process, before sighing and beginning to disperse. 
“Be seein you.” Skids nodded, stretching a bit before jogging out of the bar. 
“Take care fellas!” Tailgate chirped before trotting away.
“Good luck with you spike issues!” Whirl snickered halfway through his transformation.
Rodimus groaned, slowly taking a long sip of engex. He wasn’t exactly feeling hot in the panels, but all that observation had done something to liven him at least a bit. He felt warm, just on the edge of pleasant and uncomfortable, like an itch you can reach but never seem to satisfy. 
Swerve gathered up the empty cubes the group had left, wandering to put them away. He noticed Rodimus was lingering and cleared his vocalizer. 
“So uh… wanna come back to mine for some holovids?” Swerve asked.
“Frag yes.” Rodimus answered.
(go to my AO3 for the illustrated version)
It wasn’t as if this was the first time he and Swerve had fooled around like this. Far from it in fact. Whenever there was downtime, the two of them always seemed to be in the right place at the right time to blow off some steam.
This was different though. 
“Y’know, he actually ad libbed that line, it was like- Ah- s-slower please- it was like a stroke of genius, right?” Swerve babbled, his clumsy digits petting at the side of Rodimus’s helm. The couch was comfortable under Rodimus’s side, giving his knee joints a much needed break as he laid his helm across Swerve’s lap and attended to the minibot’s spike. The captain lazily dragged his glossa around the side of his shaft, mouthing at the tip gently. His optics felt glazed and unfocused, gazing out at the holovid screen and only halfway understanding what was going on.
Apparently it was a human parody of another human movie, something about their approximation of space travel before they’d really achieved anything in that field outside of throwing some of them to their moon. Rodimus swiped his glossa over Swerve’s tip, gathering the prefluid that had beaded there and swallowing it down.
“A-ah-AND! See, there, they’re like, doin kind of a riff on how in the original movies-” Swerve choked as Rodimus sank his helm down on his spike, taking it easily into his mouth. “Ghh-hah- Roddy-”
Rodimus hummed lowly, indicating for him to keep talking. He didn’t really know why he did, Swerve was a thousand times more annoying like this. He was a lot less chatty when Rodimus was spiking him, and the constant trivia about this movie wasn’t exactly a turn on. Under different circumstances, Rodimus might have been inclined to file this night away in his memory banks as yet another sub par interfacing. 
Rodimus felt his fans flare a bit as Swerve’s hand absently stroked over his jaw and neck cabling. Rodimus huffed weakly, dragging his glossa gently up the underside of Swerve’s spike. 
“I- hah… I really gotta make you watch Star Wars sometime…” He said, digits stroking over the cables at the back of Rodimus’s neck. “Ouh- I think you’d love Han, he’s like T-t-Taa-ahah- t-totally your style-” 
“Mhhmm….?” Rodimus hummed out, slowly pulling his helm back up to lay wet kisses against Swerve’s tip. He was really trying to keep this casual, genuinely, he knew this was just some fun like they usually had… but primus… it felt like he was on fire. Heat oozed from his plating, so much so Rodimus was worried he might melt through the couch cushions. His processor was getting those popups again, warning him of his overcharged frame and his closed panels causing him elevated discomfort, as if he couldn’t feel them himself without the warning. 
Rodimus’s optics flickered as Swerve’s digits found a sensitive spot just below his audial. He shuddered and let out a long curl of steam against the minibot’s spike. 
“Oh totally,” Swerve panted a bit, grateful for the reprieve, “He’s like a smuggler, but he becomes a hero. It’s all super cool.” 
“... cool…” Rodimus agreed, tilting his helm into Swerve’s touch. 
“Honestly though? You might like Star Trek better, it’s like the human version of whatever we’re doin, y’know? Explorin the universe?” Swerve’s servo gently urged Rodimus back to work. Rodimus gratefully took the spike back into his mouth halfway, bobbing his head. He was lucky for the other mech’s lack of endowment, or his throat would have been shredded by then. He savoured the blocky seams and soft mesh of Swerve’s shaft, greedily laving his glossa against a flickering biolight and shivering at the lick of charge that rippled down his throat. 
The lack of attention Rodimus’s array was getting left his whole frame feeling sensitive. Each gush of prefluid Swerve left on his tongue left the bigger mech’s intake tingling pleasantly, like his whole head was filled with comfortable static. His glossa in particular felt afferent, conducting each spark of charge down through Rodimus’s frame and leaving him quivering. Somewhere in his slowed down processor, his mind produced the image of him overloading just from oral sensation alone. Rodimus whimpered and squeezed his legs tighter around his panels. 
“You ok, cap?” Swerve asked, finally turning his face to look at him. He went to place a comforting hand on rodimus’s shoulder plating, only to draw it back with a hiss. “Ah- you’re burnin up-!”
Rodimus sluggishly pried himself off Swerve’s spike, licking his own drool from his dermas. Primus, even they felt sensitive. “‘M fine, Swerve.” He said, immediately going back to mouthing at Swerve’s tip. 
“H-hah- If you're uh- If you’re sure- just- Ah- Y’know um-” He reset his vocalizer, digits stroking over the backs of his forehelm finials. “It’s cool if you wanna stop- I don’t want you to overheat or anything-” 
I don’t want to stop, I want to keep going, I want to keep using my mouth like this, I want to taste your-
Rodimus pulled back again, just briefly. “I can’t leave a bot hurting like this.” He murmured, tucking one of his arms up under Swerve’s leg and gently rubbing an overcharged digit against Swerve’s valve. Swerve made a noise like his engine was stalling, servo suddenly tightly grasping Rodimus’s finial. 
“J-just focus on the spike, Roddy-” Swerve gasped out, steam hissing out through his gritted dentas. Rodimus drew his hand back. On another night he might have pouted about it, but the bartender’s digits gripping at his finials made his processor feel even fuzzier than it already was. 
“Uhuh…” Rodimus mumbled, swallowing thickly before returning to his task. 
Swerve’s thumb caressed gently up the backside of his finial, grazing at the tip. A lick of charge fizzled between their contact. “I don’t wanna finish too soon… wanna keep your intake on me-ah- as long as possible…” 
Rodimus bit back a needy whine, feeling his fans bursting out another gust of hot steam. He rested his helm against Swerve’s retracted modesty panel and licked slowly at the topside of his spike. 
“Y’know, its nice you’re doin’ these apologies, I can’t remember the last time ya sucked my spike… you could work on bein’ more generous.” Swerve chuckled breathlessly, canting his hips up to smear the tip of his spike against Rodimus’s cheek. 
I never do this because you never shut up. Rodimus thought to himself dazedly. 
“... uhuh?” He mewled out, tilting his helm to lay an apologetic kiss against Swerve’s tip. 
“Yeah, with an intake like this? ‘S downright greedy not to share.” He scolded teasingly, his servo wandering off of Rodimus’s helm and over his spoiler. Rodimus shuddered, his optics flickering and resetting without permission as Swerve dragged his digits through the gathering coolant there. 
Rodimus stopped trying to form coherent thoughts at that point. He let out a desperate, weak moan, obediently licking and mouthing at Swerve’s spike as the minibot groaned lowly in approval. 
The kliks came slower after that. It felt like he’d switched his processor off, his movements sluggish and lingering, desperate to taste and feel every crevice and edge and cable Swerve’s spike had to offer. He could distantly feel his panels were wet and leaking again, but Swerve’s digits were petting his spoiler and back plating and finials so gently, melting every worry away. 
He could distantly hear Swerve still talking, mentioning the movie, trivia, calling the actors by name like old friends. Occasionally Swerve would say something nice about Rodimus’s intake, or his frame, sending sparks of charge down his overheated body and making him wriggle. 
Rodimus felt Swerve’s servo shift, finally urging him to go faster. He wrapped his dermas tight around Swerve’s shaft and began to rock his head. He let his optics flicker off, a dazed giddiness gathering in his overheated processor as he swallowed more and more of the other bot’s prefluid. 
“-Rodimus- oh primus- frag-!” Swerve’s vocalizer was raw and glitchy, his hips no longer able to keep from bucking up into his captain’s intake. 
Rodimus hollowed his cheeks and pushed his head down further, greedily swallowing around Swerve’s twitching, straining spike. 
“A-ah- Oh- Frag, Roddy, I’m gonna- fuck- Like that-!” Swerve babbled out, digits going taught around Rodimus’s spoiler and finials. 
Rodimus’s frame surged with excess charge as Swerve unloaded into him, filling his throat with sticky, hot transfluid as the minibot tensed and gasped out steam. Rodimus’s body was alight with energy, his plating flaring and clamping and shaking with unspent charge. It had nowhere to go but out into heat through his desperate, wheezing fans, unable to vent off the heat fast enough. Rodimus felt like his processor was melting, thick and gooey and slow like blown glass. He moaned dumbly. 
Swerve finally went still, chassis heaving as he tried to regain control of his vents. “Primus- haaaaaahh….” He wheezed, shakily letting go of Rodimus’s kibble. “... you ok, cap?” 
Rodimus pulled back, clearing his vocalizer. “Nnnhhaaahh….” came his glitchy reply. He reset his vocalizer again, offlining his optics and shaking his helm as he began to finally dismiss the army of popups in his processor. “J-just peachy, bud, don’t you worry.” 
Rodimus shifted, beginning to return to a sitting position. He made a point not to acknowledge how drenched his thighs were, or the puddle he’d left on Swerve’s couch, in the hopes that Swerve wouldn’t notice.
“Good god, Roddy, what the frag did I do that made that happen?” Swerve snickered. Rodimus cursed internally. 
“Shut up.” He mumbled, embarrassment hot in his tanks. 
“I thought you were exaggerating about the whole leaking thing, man, you should get that checked out-” 
“I did!!” Rodimus sniped hoarsely, still trying to get his vocalizer under control. “Ratchet graciously told me he wouldn’t take it off and gave me some stuff to keep me from overheating.” 
“You could ask First Aid?” Swerve suggested, sliding off the couch and closing his panels. 
“... I guess. I doubt he’d do anything about it, he’d just defer to Ratchet.” Rodimus huffed. He was still trying to cycle his fans back down. There was steam hissing from between his plating in embarrassing, non-vent places. He must have looked obscene. 
Swerve thought for a long, uncharacteristically quiet moment. He returned to the couch with a towel to begin mopping up Rodimus’s mess. The captain bit down on his lower derma to keep quiet as the soft fabric pressed against his panels and inner thighs. He’d never missed that awful, painful overload Blaster had given him more. “Well if you can’t convince any medical staff to get it off ya, there’s always the scientists?” 
Rodimus raised his brow ridges. He hadn’t considered that. He began to do the calculations in his processor. Perceptor might be a hard sell, but Brainstorm might be more inclined. He didn’t know Nautica well enough to judge her thoughts on the matter, but it couldn’t hurt to find out. 
“That… Is a very good point, Swerve.” Rodimus mused, a scheming smirk slowly pulling at his dermas. 
“As you can see, the damage to the hull is negligible, however, if left, could pose some problems in the future.” 
Rodimus nodded sagely at Mainframe’s words. “We’ll slow the engines a bit then, send out some maintenance crew to the hull to patch the worst parts. We can dock somewhere later on to address the more minor stuff when we have the time.” 
“Yes, Captain.” Mainframe nodded.
“Blaster, send the maintenance crew my orders, please.” Rodimus called, turning on his heel as Blaster relayed the message. He made his way back to the captain’s seat, about to sit down when the shift change ping appeared in his processor. 
Right on time, Megatron entered the bridge, nodding to Ultra Magnus as he passed him. Rodimus bit back a frown and also nodded back at Megatron’s curt greeting. 
Rodimus cleared his vocalizer a bit, wandering up to Ultra Magnus. “I’m going to consult with Brainstorm about fixing the ship’s shield generators.” He lied, keeping his tone professional and stiff. It felt more like he was doing an Ultra Magnus impression than anything else. 
A little spark of guilt bloomed in his chassis when the larger mech’s dermas quirked up in the smallest of smiles. He could feel the unearned pride in Magnus’s field. “Very good, sir.” 
Rodimus offered a halfhearted smile, before turning and strolling off down the hallway. It took about 2 kliks of considering how easily he’d get that magnetizer off before all his guilt melted away into giddy excitement, and his faceplate was set in a smug, impish grin. 
There was absolutely no way this could go wrong.
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