#the wingman chapter 5
A few gifs that sum up the reader during this chapter:
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alonelystargazer · 1 month
ItaFushi Fic Rec List
I've compiled a list of my current favorite ItaFushi fics, both completed and in progress!
Completed Works
Perfect Shots [Rated T, 25k words, 7 chapters, AU]
Megumi works as a barista and Yuji is a photagrapher. It's so sweet.
A Cat in Hell's Chance [Rated T, 21k words, 2 chapters, AU]
Adult ItaFushi. Yuji has a cat named Sukuna and takes him to the vet and it happens to be Megumi, his high school crush. Gojo plays wingman. Antics ensue.
Twitch Streamer Yuuji and Youtuber Megumi [Rated T, 43k words, 8 chapters, AU]
Yuji is a twitch streamer who gushes about his secret crush on this book review youtuber named Megumi to his huge audience and everyone is trying to figure out who it is and hopefully get them to meet. Megumi doesn't know anything about this, but his friend Nobara gets him to watch Yuji's streams and gets a crush on him, not knowing he's the object of Yuji's affection.
I want to renew you again and again [Rated T, 14.8k words, 5 chapters]
Yuji and Megumi help each other tend to their wounds, and their hair, while navigating their feelings in the aftermath of the Shibuya Incident.
The Unbearable Weight of Being Itadori Yuji [Rated T, 6k words]
In the aftermath of the Shibuya Incident, Yuji distances himself from Megumi, but Megumi isn't having it, and they both share in the guilt and suffering.
heart on my sleeve [Rated G, 2k words]
Megumi helps Yuji with wound care.
i will always choose you [Rated M, 5.6k words, AU]
Yuji and Megumi have a movie date night, ft. Choso
Your Heartbeat is My Comfort [Rated T, 1.2k words]
Megumi wants to protect Yuji from the cruel world that brought him so much pain and grief. Listening to his heartbeat grounds him.
traditions [Rated T, 6.8k words]
Megumi is completely smitten with Yuji and every day it's getting harder for him to not combust. Every Saturday, he and Yuji have movie night, and his feelings grow even more.
Sweet Tooth [Rated T, 21.6k words, 5 chapters, AU]
While walking his dogs, Megumi literally runs into a handsome stranger named Yuji and gets a crush on him.
that's the spirit! [Rated G, 9.2k words, 2 chapters]
Megumi gets an unlikely wingman, the ghost of his father.
save your love (for someone like me) [Rated T, 11k words, AU]
College AU where Megumi gets a crush on his best friend Yuji, but it seems like Yuji is interested in another guy, and he gets jealous.
living and dying without regrets [Rated T, 18.3k words, canon divergence]
Nobara asks Yuji for advice on how to ask out Maki, thinking that he and Megumi have been dating. Fake dating ensues.
question marks [Rated T, 3.5k words]
Megumi gets a letter with a love confession on it from Yuji by mistake.
fragile [Rated T, 5.8k words]
Megumi gets hit with a curse that makes him respond with only the truth when asked. It's hard to keep from spilling his secret crush.
miss you in the june gloom [Rated T, 1.6k words]
Megumi has to watch Yuji die and doesn't know how to deal with the unrequited feelings.
To Y, Happy V-Day, Love M [Rated T, 4.9k words, AU]
Yuji wants to give Megumi a romantic Valentine's Day, but Megumi isn't exactly the romantic type. It doesn't help that Megumi has to work that day.
i never would have known from the look on your face [Rated T, 5.6k words]
Yuji keeps asking Megumi out as a joke, until it doesn't become a joke anymore.
i like you (say it back) [Rated T, 4.7k words]
Megumi doesn't realize his shikigami have been activated, but notices that they only appear when Yuji is around.
In Progress Works
and i've been trying not to feel it [Rated T, 56.4k words, 9 chapters, AU]
Megumi goes to a college party where he meets Yuji, who he immediately finds attractive but is extremely annoyed by it. He must content with his feelings the closer he becomes to Yuji.
dancing with a stranger [Rated T, 10.8k words, 5 chapters]
Megumi is a ballet dancer who has to take a hip-hop dance class to complete his credits. He struggles with the new style of dance, and his growing feelings for his tutor Yuji.
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hellfirenacht · 7 months
Wing Man Part 5
Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wingman for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Ranting about Ozzy Osbourne counts as flirting, right?
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a/n: I wanted to get this chapter out before Flight of Icarus on Halloween. I am MILKING that preview we got for all it's worth. I want y'all to know in this chapter I am projecting HARD on what I think the book will be like and how it will affect Eddie. Also say thank you to @hellfiredarling and @crocwork-clockodile because without them, this wouldn't have gone past 2 chapters. Also shout out to @hellfiredarling for letting me borrow her OC Tara for this fic as well. 💜
WARNINGS: This chapter discusses the Ozzy Osbourne Bat Incident. Nothing is really talked about in graphic detail, but I figured I'd throw that out there, just in case.
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Eddie Munson would never consider himself a homewrecker. He was a lot of things; a freak, a metal head, the occasional dealer, a musician, but never a homewrecker. 
But he’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t enjoy flirting with you as Steve was right there. Steve hadn’t even made any sort of move to make it clear that you were actually on a date anyway. Eddie had expected some sort of reaction from Steve from the banter that bounced between the two of you, but he’d only sat back and watched. 
You were far too good for Harrington anyway. 
But he could have figured that out the second time the two of you had met so many years ago. You didn’t remember Eddie, and he didn’t blame you too much for that. You had been in a rough state that time, shaken up and worried out of your mind. Hell, Eddie himself could barely remember the first meeting it had been so long ago. 
He couldn’t help himself though, not when you showed an interest in his band, his club, and (he was starting to hope) him. The back and forth between the two of you had excited him. He swore (lied) to himself that he was only flirting and chatting with you to annoy Harrington, and the last thing he had expected was for you to start flirting back. It was night and day compared to Sidequest Day. Eddie completely forgot about Steve the second you mentioned WASP as a favorite band. He probably could have stood there all night, asking you how you fell into the genre, what songs you add to your mix tapes, and bragging not-so-subtly about his band and guitar skills. 
But reality always shows up, and Eddie was needed to fix the amp again. It was old and beat to hell and back, but it was all he could afford to fix. A new amp would always be out of the question unless the Hideout decided to start paying the high schoolers for their performance every week. 
He made his way to the van to grab his toolbox (Wayne’s toolbox, but he insisted that Eddie keep it in his van) when he realized that he was an idiot. Shit, he’d offered you a ride home, and he was really hoping you’d take him up on that offer, intoxicated or not. 
The back of the van was gutted, making it far easier to transport Gareth’s drum set, the amp, and all of their other equipment to their weekly gig. There was even room for two of his friends to (very illegally) sit back there while one person sat up front with him. 
Would you even want a ride home like that? Eddie had no problem forcing everyone else to ride in the back while you rode shotgun. Then it was the long ride to Gareth’s place to drop everything off, then dropping off Jeff and Zack. 
He could drop you off first, but that would defeat the purpose of offering you a ride. 
Whatever, he’d wing it. He’d figure out the details later after the show. Right now he had to fix the amp again and focus on the music. 
There was a moment before every show, when the janky spotlights would turn on and temporarily blind Eddie, that transported him to another world. Any time he picked up his guitar, be it his electric one or the acoustic, he could feel a charge in the air. Music was as natural as breathing to him, something that just was. 
Someone once asked Eddie, why music? Why this music? 
Because it’s fucking badass. Because it’s an escape to a different world, a different dimension. 
When Eddie played, he didn’t have to be in Hawkins. He didn’t have to be a freak. When he felt the sharp strings press into his fingers he became a Rock God. His music made him feel badass, indestructible, a fucking hero in his mind. 
During a really good show, Eddie could lose himself completely. He could imagine that there was a large crowd cheating his name, his band. The sound of his guitar screeched like a demonic bat, and he could imagine that the audience was looking through a portal to another dimension, watching as Corroded Coffin used their music to kick ass and take names. 
Eddie never thought about what it would be like to look through the other side of the portal. To look back and see someone looking at him the way he imagined it. That was, until the first song started and his eyes met yours through the near empty bar. 
There was a smile on your face, and an intense look in your eyes as you watched him play. The excitement in your eyes couldn’t have been mistaken for anything else. It was the same look that Dustin had given Eddie the first time he made the kid a mix tape, it was the look that his bandmates had when they booked their first gig ever that wasn’t some talent show or open mic night. 
It was the look Eddie had when he held a guitar for the first time. 
Sure, Eddie had fans. At least 5 people would drunkenly cheer for him on Tuesdays. They were mostly older though, blue collar workers who were reliving their youth through Corroded Coffin. Occasionally he could even have a semi-coherent conversation with them about music after the set. Not often though. The sets usually ended with high fives from the band, maybe a pat on the back and a beer slipped over to Eddie. 
The way you were smiling up at him was different though. Even with the drink in your hand you were alert and paying attention to every song and every lyric. Eddie’s voice wasn’t the most well-trained but he let his guitar do most of the work. As they worked through their set, his eyes kept falling back to you. Of course it was easy, considering the fact that you were a cute girl sitting front and center, and most of his other ‘fans’ were by the actual bar on their fourth or fifth round for the night. 
Paige had once mentioned off-handedly that he had the look and the stage presence. She’d even said that he looked good once and that was a compliment that he had ridden the high of until everything came crashing down again. When that dream disappeared along with her, Eddie had gone back to just being the Freak of Hawkins. But, fuck, when you were looking at him like that he could almost believe it again.
When the echoes of the final chord faded into the air and the portal closed, Eddie was left smiling at the one person in the bar that bothered cheering like they meant it. You. 
He took his pick and tossed it to you, and you caught it between your hands like you had with the air hockey puck just a few days ago. Eddie felt a sense of pride as your cheeks darkened, and he hoped it was because of him and not the drink you had been nursing for the past hour. Your eyes darted between him and Steve- oh right. Harrington was here too. Right. 
Eddie turned away and started helping with packing up. The sooner they got the equipment to the van the more time they would have to hang out before curfews for everyone else hit.
During the summer they had gotten away with staying out a bit later, but it was now the school year. That meant they had about twenty minutes to mingle, pack, and head out. The last thing he needed was to piss off Gareth's parents (again) and lose their place to practice. 
Eddie was already on thin ice with the parents of his bandmates and club members, except for Zack’s. He wasn’t gonna push it. 
With everything tucked securely back in his van, Eddie made his way back inside to find you.One of his regulars gave him a clap on the back for a good show and handed him a beer which he gladly accepted. He should back off, stay away when every time he’s seen you in recent memory was with Steve Harrington. But when he caught a glimpse of you sitting at the table still fiddling with the pick between your fingers and finishing off your drink he couldn’t stay away. Steve was nowhere to be found. 
“So, did you enjoy the show?” Eddie asked, taking a seat next to you. You had been lost in thought and jumped slightly. When you realized he was there, you smiled at Eddie as if he was the one person you wanted to see in all of Hawkins. 
“Holy shit, you guys are good!” You said brightly. There was the tiniest slur to your words, made noticeable by how fast you were talking. “Your amp makes a weird sound with your guitar but I don’t think that’s a bad thing and you were going so fast! How’d you get your fingers to do that?!”
Eddie laughed and had you been in a more sober state of mind he might have made some sort of dirty joke about that. “I’ve been playing since I was a kid, and I practice so much it’s second nature to me.” 
You glanced at his calloused fingers and nodded, before looking back at your own. “I don’t have the finger dexterity for that.” you said, moving your fingers around. “See? My pinkie is kind of fucked up.” You gave your fingers a wiggle and your pinkie definitely moved in a more jerky fashion than the rest of your finders. 
“It’s because you don’t use it enough.” Eddie said, grabbing your pinkie and shaking your hand around, making you laugh. “Just start playing guitar for about four hours a day until your fingers bleed and I’m sure you could fix it.”
“That sounds like a lot of work that I don’t have the passion for, so I think I’ll leave all the fingering to you-” You closed your eyes and took a very deep breath as your brain caught up to your mouth. Eddie watched in amusement as you slumped your head to the table. “Can I get a do over?” 
Despite the embarrassment you were laughing, which Eddie took as a good sign. His next move was risky, but he was going to go for it. 
“If you had a g string I could show you how to finger it.” 
“Nooooo!” you groaned through your laughter as you sat back up. “Low hanging fruit, Eddie! That was too easy!” 
“You handed that one to me on a silver platter! I don’t think I’d be allowed to play guitar anymore if I didn’t go for that joke!” Eddie said in mock offense. 
“Eddie, did you know that when you order one drink here, they actually give you three drinks in one glass?” you asked, motioning to your empty cup. “Because I did not.”
He looked over at the bar, and then back to you. “Sam’s working. Yeah, he’s pretty heavy handed with his drinks. Are you good?” 
You gave a nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. I mean, I can’t drive probably but I’m not blackout wasted or anything.” There was still a slur to your words, but your eyes were still alert enough that he felt confident that you weren’t going to make any decisions that weren’t completely your own.
“So how come I’m the one who offered you a ride home and not your date?” Eddie didn’t want to bring up Harrington, but curiosity always got the better of him in one way or another. 
“Date?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before realization dawned on your face. You looked at Eddie with such intensity that it made him feel nervous for a second. “I am not dating Steve Harrington.” There was firmness in your voice. “He’s dating every other girl in Hawkins.”
“Do you... want him to be dating you?” Eddie wasn’t sure where you were going with this and he took a sip of the beer that he’d been neglecting for the past few minutes. . 
That one word had him nearly choking on his beer as it went down the wrong pipe. He made a strained sound between a cough and a laugh and you smacked him on the back a few times with concern before he waved your hand off.
“‘Ew’?” He managed to finally choke out, looking at you in disbelief. “So you’re telling me that you and Steve Harrington just happen to hang out but you aren’t dating?” 
This had to be a joke, some sort of prank where Harrington would pop out of the bathroom, throw his arm around you, and laugh at Eddie for believing for even a second that someone as cool as you was single. 
“We’re just friends and we have a kind of deal going on.” you said, messing with the ice in your empty glass. “I help him and he uh...” Eddie watched as you hesitated and your mind looked for the words. “He helps me get out of the house.”
“I thought you said coming out was your idea?” Eddie tilted his head, watching as your expression changed to one of a kid who’s hand was caught in the cookie jar. 
“I lied.” You said bluntly. “I had no idea about you playing or that you had a band or even that the Hideout had any live music ever. It was Steve’s idea.”
Eddie watched your expression carefully for any sign that you didn’t actually have feelings for Steve. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, knew better than to get his hopes up. The Munson’s weren’t exactly known for being lucky in love, and he was no different. Eddie could count on one hand the amount of times he’d had any sort of romantic connection to a girl and most of those had crumbled to dust in his hands. 
“Harrington brought you here?” He said slowly. “To get you out of the house?”
“I pretty much live at work and home.” you shrugged, sucking the last bit of moisture that had melted in the bottom of your glass. “He’s a good friend. And that’s all he is.” 
Even Eddie wasn’t stupid enough to ignore the blatant flag that you were waving over your head. 
Two drumsticks came crashing down on the table between the two of you. Eddie didn’t even realize how close you two were getting until Gareth managed to squeeze himself between the two of you, banging his sticks rhythmically on the table. 
“Eddie we gotta go.” Gareth said. “Mom’s gonna kill me if I’m late tonight. Grandma’s visiting.”
“Shit.” Eddie muttered to himself and then looked at you. “Do you still need a ride?” 
He hoped you’d say yes. He hoped you didn’t mind his band while they all drove home so illegally. 
“I think I can’t say no.” You glanced at the drink. “Because that was waaay stronger than I expected it to be and I can alway bully Steve into helping me get my car in the morning.”
“Why was Harrington even here?” Gareth asked, looking at you with confusion. He glanced at Eddie in a questioning manner and a sharp look from Eddie shut him right up. 
“He’s my friend. He left. Said he wasn’t feeling well.” You replied nonchalantly. 
Harrington just left you drunk at a bar?! Eddie looked at you with wide eyes and his mouth hung open. What kind of bullshit friend was that? Henderson had spent so long talking up Steve Harrington, and how he was a total badass and not a dick and he left a friend drunk at a bar? He had been willing to play nice for Dustin, but any chance of that was thrown out the window. 
Eddie stood up, the chair scraping behind him as he tried (badly) to hide his frustration. “We’re giving her a ride home. She gets shotgun.” 
“What?!” Gareth protested, looking at you like you’d personally offended him. “If my parents see me get out of the back-”
“They won’t unless you plan on telling them to wait up for you.” Eddie said firmly. “She’s shotgun.”
There was a look of guilt on your face as you sat there awkwardly. “Mom, Dad, I can sit in the back or I can just stick around her for another hour with some water and I’ll sober up.” 
Eddie grabbed you by the scruff of your jacket and hauled you up quickly. “Nope, you’ve already had one person ditch you tonight. I’m not leaving you drunk in a bar alone.”
He winced internally at how roughly he’d just handled you. Eddie was so used to handling and rough housing with his club that he forgot that he shouldn’t be doing that with other people. But it was so easy with you. The few conversations you’ve had made him feel like you should have been part of Hellfire to begin with. If he ever saw Chris Morrison again, he’d deck him in his smug little nose. 
There was no time for protesting from either you or Eddie as he pushed the two of you out the door and towards his van. It was chilly out, the autumn air biting his skin as he pushed Gareth towards the back of the van. He released your jacket and stepped to open the door of the van for you. 
“After you-” He did his best to give what he hoped was a charming smile as you hopped into the van. He heard Zack mutter something in the back of his van followed by a round of snickering between his bandmates before he closed the door and hopped into the driver side seat. 
Metal came blasting out of the speakers and he fumbled to turn it down so that it didn’t blow your eardrums. 
“Wait no, turn that back up!” you said, reaching for the knob to elevate the voice of Ozzy Ozbourn as it thrummed through the van. 
“So uh, this is my new friend.” Eddie said, hating how that sounded as he tried to break the ice. 
You turned around in your seat immediately and stuck your hand in the back, introducing your name. Eddie was amazed as you wasted no time launching into how great the set was and asking a million questions as to who they were, how they started playing music. 
You weren’t shy, that was for sure. Actually the buzz you had going on made you even more interested in talking to everyone. Soon there was a lively conversation happening, enthusiastically about the tape that was playing. 
“My mom hates Ozzie.” Jeff said. “Says that he’s an animal abuser because he bit the head off that bat.”
“Everyone wants to talk about that, but no one wants to talk about how that happened!” You threw in. 
“What do you mean?” shot back Gareth. “With his fucking teeth!” 
“That’s not what I meant, Dingus!” you snorted. “Where do you think the bat came from?” 
Eddie gave pause and slowed his driving down just a touch. He was already going slow to avoid any cops out, but you had asked a question that he’d never even considered. 
The question gave pause to everyone as they looked at each other with confused shrugs. 
“I thought he just pulled it out of his pants.” Said Zack 
“His pants?!” 
“Why would he keep a bat in his pants?!”
“To pull it out and bite the head off of it, duh!”
“Where else would he keep a bat?”
“I don’t know, a cage?!”
The conversation was delving into chaos and Eddie could see you grinning out of the corner of his eye as you watched them squabble amongst themselves. 
“Maybe it just flew in?” Eddie threw that out there, wishing that he didn’t have to be driving so that he could focus on the mischievous glint in your eyes. 
“It was a closed auditorium, actually.” You smiled at him. “I highly doubt that a bat is just gonna fly into a random building filled with screaming people.”
“Yeah, but it’s not just a random building. It’s a building where Black Sabbath was playing.” Eddie laughed, glancing between you and the road. “Maybe it was a metal fan.”
“Not anymore.” 
“Jesus, Zack” 
“Alright, I’ll bite-”
“The head off a bat?”
“No! Okay, so you clearly know what happened so just spit it out!”
“Like Ozzy did with the bat head?”
“ENOUGH!” Eddie yelled out, hitting the breaks just enough to make the van jerk and you all to have his attention. You laughed as he resumed normal driving, thankful that it was almost 10 pm on a Tuesday night and the roads were dead and empty. “Let her talk.”
The van went quiet after a few apologies and you reached over to turn down the radio. 
“Alright, so,” you started. “I’m just gonna start from the beginning and if you all hear me rant about this once, you’ll probably hear me rant about it a hundred times in the future because this is my go-to drunk rant.” 
You glance at Eddie, and he could see the excitement in your eyes that you got to talk about this with fresh people who would actually appreciate it. 
“So we’ve established that this was a closed auditorium that he was playing in, and this wasn’t planned at all.” you continued. “So the question everyone needs to ask is where the fuck this bat came from. Everyone always talks about it like he reached up and grabbed a random bat out of the air and ate it whole but that’s not what happened. What happened is that a fan threw the bat on stage- mind you, he has no reason to believe that it’s a real bat. He thinks it’s a rubber bat! Who in their right mind would think that someone would throw a real bat on stage?”
“Isn’t Ozzy on every drug ever?” Jeff asked from the back. 
You turned around in your seat to look at him, your finger extended. “You... are absolutely correct and make a very valid point. That aside though, let’s think about this. What kind of person managed to get a live bat, sneak it into a concert, and get close enough to the stage to throw it at Ozzy?”
They were pulling up into Gareth’s neighborhood now, and Eddie drove under the speed limit, stopping fully at every stop sign just to prolong this time together. He was fully invested in the excitement and passion in your voice as you told this story. 
“Who was it?” Eddie asked. 
“Get this- a seventeen year old high school girl.” You said. “A fucking junior in high school, managed to get a live bat, sneak it in, and throw it at Ozzy! That’s insane, right?!”
“How the hell did that happen?”
“I have absolutely no clue!” you laughed. “The two interviews I read about it didn’t talk about who she was or anything. They just talked about how Ozzy saw the bat and didn’t realize it was alive until he took a bite! It’s actually kind of fucked up, and Ozzy did not deserve that but holy shit right?”
Eddie pulled into Gareth’s parent’s driveway, and everyone in the back went into band mode as Gareth immediately hopped out of the back and hoped that his parents weren’t watching. You moved back in your set and glanced at Eddie who had to pretend he wasn’t staring a hole into the side of your head. 
“Need any help?” you offered. 
He shook his head, “Just hang tight while we unpack. It’ll only take a second.” 
The boys made quick work of unpacking the drum set and rearranging the back so that the remaining two club members could more comfortably fit for the final leg home. Thankfully Jeff and Zack didn’t live too far from each other. You stayed in the van, zoning out pleasantly to the end of the tape. 
In the garage, Eddie was getting roasted. 
“So now you’re taking home girls after shows, Eddie?” Jeff asked with a shit-eating grin. 
“Next time warn us so we can get a different ride.” grumbled Gareth. 
“She seems nice.” Zack added. 
“Look, it was a last minute thing and she was left alone and drunk in a bar.” Eddie tried to explain as they put up the drum kit. 
“So the only girl you can get is a drunk girl?” ribbed Jeff. 
“A drunk girl who was ditched by a jock- ow!” Gareth rubbed his arm where Eddie had socked him. 
“I told you, it was a last minute thing.” Eddie said more firmly, narrowing his eyes at Gareth. “I’m just making sure she gets home safe.” 
“Wasn’t she also at the arcade last Saturday?” Jeff asked. “Weird how she keeps showing up.”
“If it means we get someone else watching our band, who cares? She liked the set and we need the support.” Zack added. “Night Gareth”
“Night.” Gareth said before closing the garage door. 
They all made their way back into the van, just in time for the cassette to be spat back out for you to flip it over and push play again. The drive to drop off the remaining two members was quieter, as the school day plus the set caught up to them. Eddie was still wired, and he was looking forward to having a joint when he got home to calm himself after everything that had happened tonight. 
When the van was just the two of you, and you gave him directions to your small apartment, there was a comfortable silence between you. Eddie watched you from the corner of his eye at a red light, taking in the way your eyes were closed and your lips were upturned as you soundlessly mouthed the words to the song playing. 
“So, where’d you get your tattoos?” you asked after a few minutes. 
Eddie grinned. “Why? Are you looking to get some ink done?”
“Well, the last time I checked tattooing was illegal in Indiana.” you replied, glancing at the colony of bats flying up his arm. “So have you ever left the state or should I be concerned about whatever shady basement you visit to get those?”
He scrunched his face and blew a raspberry. “Don’t worry about the legalities, are you gonna tell Hopper on me?”
“Scratcher tattoos?” you frowned. “You are so lucky that those didn’t get infected.”
“She did it as a favor for me, she wasn’t some sketchy dude I met in a bar.” Eddie said defensively. “Her name’s Tara, she moved her from California where tattooing is legal, and she’s still technically licensed.” 
“Just not for Indiana.” 
“Not even a little.” he laughed. “But I helped her and she repaid me with these sweet ol’ tatties.”
You snorted into your hand at his verbiage. “How many you got?”
“Three on my arm and two on my chest. I got my first about three months after I turned eighteen when Tara moved in.” He explained. 
“Damn, and here I am looking at leaving the state to get something done legally like some sort of square.” You laughed. 
“So you are looking for some!” Eddie pulled into the parking lot you pointed to, right outside your building. 
“What can I say, I’m a rebel at heart. I shouldn’t be telling you this but I did jaywalk last week.” You smiled up at him, not bothering to move yet from the passenger side seat. 
“Jaywalking? Shit, and here I thought you were a quiet goody two shoes.” He shook his head. “I think you’re gonna be a terrible influence on me.”
“The worst.” you agreed. 
There was a silence that seemed to crackle with the old stereo. Eddie’s eyes met yours and he felt something that he hadn’t felt in almost two years. 
Oh shit.
Flashes of his first senior year raced through his mind as he felt something begin again. He would have hoped that when he felt that jolt in his stomach again he’d be alright. Eddie looked at you, his mind racing a million miles per hour over what to do now. 
He had to get out of there. 
You were reaching out for him, shit- he wasn’t ready. Your hand was reaching across for his and gripped it, pulling it towards you. You were making a move and-
The sound of a maker’s cap reached his ears. Eddie felt the tip of the felt glide over the skin of his forearm, the temporary ink sinking into his skin and spelling out your name and phone number. 
Jesus Christ. What the fuck was that about?
“We should hang out again, on purpose.” you said, putting the marker back in your bag. 
Eddie’s shoulders relaxed and he nodded. Fuck, he needed a joint now. “Fifth time’s a charm.” he said. 
Without another word you gave him a wave and hopped out of the car, towards your unit. He watched to make sure you made it inside before smacking his head against the steering wheel as the night replayed in his mind. 
Sweet ol’ tatties?
Freaking out when he thought you might kiss him?
He knew that everything that happened two years ago would have an effect on him. Anyone who was close to Eddie knew the toll it took on him. He’d always been cynical, but ‘84 changed something deeper. 
Eddie didn’t want that to affect you. 
But he looked at the dried dark green ink on his arm with a sigh. “Dammit.” he muttered to himself before pulling out. 
He shouldn’t drag you into his problems. He should turn around and leave it at that- just four meetings between the two of you. Four odd, awkward, and admittedly nice meetings. 
The fifth meeting was inevitable. 
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“So, I think you need to leave, Steve.” you said as you watched Corroded Coffin pack up their instruments. 
“Wait, what?” he looked at you with wide eyes, glancing down at the guitar pick that you were fiddling with between your thumb and forefinger. The smooth plastic and the slightly sharper edge had a nice contrasting feeling as you played with it. 
“Steve, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I do. But I think if you stick around I’m gonna lose this chance.” 
“You’re really gonna go for it? For him?”
“Yeah, I think I am.” You watched the man on stage and gulped down the last of your drink. It was a bit stronger than expected and you had a nice buzz happening, but nothing alarming. You could easily hang out for another hour with some water and some pretzels and be perfectly fine to drive home if needed. But playing it up just a little wouldn’t hurt, would it? It had definitely loosened you up and relaxed you enough that you were starting to feel excited about talking to Eddie again. 
“How sober are you?” Steve glanced at the drink and back at you. “I need to know that you’re of sound mind and body before I leave you alone with some guy we barely know.”
“Awww, look at you caring about me.” you teased and pinched his cheek as he swatted your hand away. “If Dustin vouches for him, I’ll trust the kid’s judgment. And I’m fine, the worst I’ll do is run my mouth worse than normal and rant about things you won’t understand.”
“How’s that different from normal?”
“Ha ha. Okay, seriously. I love you, but you’re cockblocking me.” 
“Okay, okay I’m going, sheesh.” he stood up. “This is the thanks I get for introducing you to a guy.”
“Did you, or did you not get laid at least four times since we started this?” 
“Don’t forget to use protection.”
“Thanks Mom.” 
You liked Eddie’s friends, you decided. They were just as weird and loud and rowdy as you expected a bunch of high school boys to be. Gareth kept challenging you every few sentences, but the conversation didn’t feel as awkward as you were worried it’d be after being manhandled to Eddie’s van. Maybe even if this didn’t work out, you could at least be friends with them. 
And when the band was dropped off, it was just you and Eddie in his van. Talking to him was easy, almost as easy as it was to talk to Steve. You never had anything to prove to the jock, and you wished that you could feel the same about Eddie. You wanted him to like you, you wanted him to like you so much. 
Eddie parked and there was a charge in the air that made your stomach flutter. For the past two months you’d actually avoided moving ahead with Steve’s end of the bargain. As much as you wanted companionship, putting yourself out there was scary. But when you were next to Eddie, making small talk, awkwardly flirting, and screaming about music it wasn’t as scary. 
You wanted to move forward. 
You wanted to know him, and get out of this damn rut of home and work and little else. You were tired of hearing about everyone else living while you just coasted. 
So you decided to go for it. You wished you had grabbed a napkin from the bar, but all you had in your bag was an old green sharpie that you were praying still worked. You reached for his arm and you jotted down your name and phone number, putting the ball firmly in his court. You’d made your move, and now it was his turn. 
“We should hang out. On purpose.” you said, releasing him. 
“Fifth time’s a charm.” Eddie said. 
You gave a wave and made your way back to your small one bedroom apartment. As you dropped your bag and kicked off your shoes, that’s when you realized something. 
Today. Saturday. That was-
You looked down at your hand and put down two fingers. 
“What did he mean, five?!”
Part 6
Dividers by @strangergraphics
A/n: Drop a comment of what you'd want to see Reader get as a tattoo and I might add it later. See you all on the other side of Flight of Icarus.
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1083 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @mistook @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh @halialex1119
Please reblog 💜
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hanniluvi · 2 years
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synopsis : You've never had good luck with dating. You just couldn't seem to make it work. You were led to believe that was how things would always be. You had no idea but, Jungwon, one of your classmates has been crushing on you for a long time. But because you are you, you never paid attention to him in class. After seeing him staring at you for a time, you finally identify him as a barista at the aroma café. Will anything ever change for you? Will you be able to establish a committed relationship at last?
pairing : nonidol! jungwon x nonidol! fem! reader
genre : high school au, smau, fluff, lots of crack, strangers (?) to lovers, classmates to lovers
featuring : all enhypen members, eunchae and yunjin from le sserafim, beomgyu from txt, hyunjae from the boyz
warning : cursing, use of kms + kys jokes, jungwon and yn being kind of dense..
status : completed! [oct 30 2022 - nov 16 2022]
author’s note : first time writing an smau 😧😧 so this may not be the best smau 🤗 kind of scary but fun at the same time.. the updates might not be fast since i’m in school!! so please be patient while waiting for me to give updates ^^ (also i moved this to my main blog LMFAO)
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PROFILES : bitchless [y/n] | the idiotic mfs [jungwon]
1. no bitches???
2. jungwon hate club
3. eye twitches
4. his name starts with a j?? (written + smau)
5. HES BACK ?? OMG ??
6. she knows me. what.
7. jungwons first win ‼️‼️
8. jake watch out.
9. study session (written + smau)
10. am i dreaming?
11. niki shut up challenge !
11.5 will you be the fiona to my shrek 😘😘
12. hes kinda…
13. even a girlboss has her weak moments..
14. im his fav customer!! (written + smau)
15. the plan.
16. dude who is he
18. can he js ask me out already 🤗
18.5 me + j = love
19. planning the confession.
20. giggling saur hard rn
21. jay and hyunjae bsfs now??
22. something is going on here..i dont like this.
24. confession. (written + smau)
25. together at last <3
26. i hate couples.
26.1 jungwons jealous
26.2 baking with jungwon <3
26.3 fuck shrek!!
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thank you for liking this smau <333
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llamagirl28 · 7 months
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The Patreon/Kofi demo has been updated!
What's new?
More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)
Elaine's POV. Note that it doesn't come up where the demo last left off; it takes place right after the magic lesson scene and before bumping into Elaine in the inner courtyard.
Play wingman!
Greet the guests! So far, the only guest you're actually greeting is Elewen. But Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin and the others are on their way! How does Mordred feel in anticipation of finally meeting the Royal Sorcerer? 👀
And also, edits, edits edits!
One of them is very relevant in order to get the right text/choices during a little convo you can have with Elaine while waiting for the guests to arrive.
Added a new variable in Mordred's chamber scene with Elaine; it keeps track of your romantic status with her, so it's very important to replay through it again, otherwise you'll receive her platonic scenes
I think it mentioned in a previous update that Mordred also keeps in touch with Guinevere if they're close to Arthur. In chapter 4, we find that Guin regrets missing Mordred's birthday party due to a spell of illness. Additionally, Guinevere knows about Arthur being their father, the prophecy and everything else. This info has been added in chapter 3, where Guin is mentioned alongside Kay in Arthur's POV. And if you choose to spend time with Arthur by the river, either to bond or find out more about your Pendragon powers, Mordred gets a chance to ask him if Guinevere knows.
Some changes to dragon lore I teased a while ago. It's kind of a long rant, so I'll be going into it in a different post. (you can also find details on the update post on Patreon/Kofi)
Hope you enjoy the update!
Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/llamaswriting
Kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/llamaswriting
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its-the-pilot · 8 months
Waves | 6 | Rooster x Reader
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Waves Masterlist | Masterlist |
This chapter is a little longer than I was expecting, I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: You and Bradley make a decision. (Mav's niece!reader)
Warnings: swearing, adult banter
Length: 3.4k words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Message or comment to join the taglist!
Chapter Six
The weeks that followed the kiss on your front porch proved to be hectic for both you and Bradley. Your schedules had become jam-packed with early mornings and late nights, leaving few opportunities for you to spend time together.
Fortunately, the whispers and stares that followed your outburst had died down and you felt comfortable spending a night out at the Hard Deck again, so you had made plans to meet there after work. That’s where you found yourself nursing a glass of wine and checking your phone every few minutes, hoping for a text from him.
Penny wiped down the bar as she prepared for the Friday night rush, casting a knowing glance your way. Her eyes took in the fitted navy blue dress you had worn to work that day and offered an appreciative nod. “You look cute tonight, honey,” she smiled. “How late is he?”
Looking up from your phone, you took another drink of your wine before answering. “Almost an hour. I texted him and he hasn't said anything yet, but I doubt he's still in the air, the others are here already.” You sighed, motioning toward the pool table not far from you, where the other aviators were hanging out. “I thought things were going so well, and I just… what if he changed his mind?”
Penny nodded in understanding and reached across the bar to take your hand, squeezing it gently. “You’re overreacting, hon. Men in uniform, especially aviators, have unpredictable schedules, you know that. There’s probably a perfectly good reason for why he’s late. Give him a chance to explain.”
You squeezed her hand back in silent thanks and smiled when you heard a familiar voice behind you. “Sorry to eavesdrop, but you’re looking for Bradshaw?” 
Turning your head, you found Jake standing there holding a pool cue. “Yeah… do you know where he is?”
“Probably still back at the hangar,” he offered, moving to sit on the stool next to yours. He had been half listening to your conversation with Penny since you sat down, curious to know more about the woman that had Rooster smiling lately. He'd tried getting it out of the man himself, but was unsuccessful. “Got stuck doing push ups after his flight.”
It was common knowledge among those who worked with the pilots in training that any screw-ups in the air led to some sort of correction on the ground. In recent years, that correction had taken the form of push ups numbering in the hundreds depending on the infraction. 
“What happened?” You asked,  shifting to fully face the blonde as Penny attended to other customers. Jake had come by your office for sessions a few times since your first encounter, and you were starting to build a rapport, seeing the real man behind the Hangman mask. 
He passed the pool cue he was holding to another aviator, his shrug conveying a sense of indifference. “He was just being Rooster.”
With an eye roll, you finished your wine and set the glass aside. Callsigns and how they were determined had always seemed silly to you and for the most part, you chose to ignore them. “I don't know what that means, and something tells me I don't want to.”
“He doesn't take any risks. Always waiting for the perfect moment,” he elaborated, resting his elbow on the counter. He was wearing his civilian clothes tonight, a pair of well fitted jeans with cowboy boots and a t-shirt that said Fly Navy on it, his sunglasses hanging from the collar. 
“So he’s cautious. Sounds like a good thing to me, especially if he’s looking out for his wingman.” You ordered another glass of wine for yourself and a beer for Jake when Penny passed by.
Jake thanked you for the beer, but shook his head at your statement. “He has to be able to take the shot, even if the conditions are less than ideal, and he doesn’t. At least he didn’t today.” He considered you for a moment, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips. “You ever fly one?”
“Only in training, but I go up a few times a month with different pilots for research.” Although you had earned your wings during your training, it was your least favorite part of the job, though undeniably necessary. 
His grin widened and he leaned in, his voice slightly raised to be heard over the music as the jukebox kicked on “Maybe I can take you up sometime, show you how it’s done.”
That was what Bradley saw when he walked into the bar, still wearing his flight suit, the top half tied around his waist exposing the black t-shirt he wore underneath. He hadn’t changed, wanting to get to the bar as soon as possible since he was over an hour late.
It didn’t take him much time at all to cross the bar, his eyes narrowing as he approached you and Jake, his emotions clearly running high. He couldn’t hide the pang of jealousy he felt when he saw you laughing at something the blonde had said. He called your name just before he reached you, wrapping his arm around you possessively and pressing his lips to yours when you looked up, your eyes wide with surprise. 
He felt your body tense under his fingers, the initial flicker of panic running through you before you realized it was him and he smoothed his hand over your back, a silent apology for startling you. 
Jake leaned back against his bar stool, taking a swig from his beer, a devilish smirk playing on his lips as he watched the scene in front of him. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. How’d those push-ups treat you, Rooster?”
When Bradley finally broke the kiss he looked over to the other aviator, his arm still wrapped around you. “No problem, Hangman. It was arm day anyway,” he quipped, motioning between you and Jake. “What’s goin’ on with you two? Having a good night?”
“Just offering Doc a flight, to show her how it’s supposed to go,” Jake replied, seeing the flush creeping up on Bradley’s cheeks as he continued to tease him. 
You found yourself caught in the middle, feeling like a toy they were fighting over. “Children…” Shaking your head, you turned to Jake with a polite smile. “I was just telling him it was unnecessary. I already have my flights for the month scheduled. Thank you for the offer though, Lieutenant. I’ll see you around.”
Hangman looked as if he had more to say, but he thought better of it, choosing to back down as you dismissed him. He stood and gave you a two-fingered salute before heading back to the pool tables, leaving you alone with Bradley. 
Once you were in private, you turned and smacked him in the chest, earning a grunt of surprise from him. “What the hell was that?” You hissed, your cheeks flush with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. His unexpected entrance was clearly fueled by jealousy over your conversation with Jake, and while you didn’t mind the kiss, you didn’t appreciate being treated like his possession.
Bradley moved to take a seat on the stool that had just been vacated, a look of confusion on his face. “Hangman is only out for himself, Dimples. You gotta be careful around him.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “You have got to be kidding me, Bradley. We were just talking. He came over to tell me where you were, since you couldn’t be bothered to do so yourself.” Feeling Jake’s eyes on the two of you from his spot near the pool tables, you decided to defuse the situation by taking Bradley’s hand and leading him out to the deck, away from the growing crowd inside.
“I didn’t have my phone on me, and when I was done I came right over. I didn’t think a text was gonna matter that much.” He tried defending himself, but the look on your face told him he was failing. “I’m sorry.”
With your arms crossed over your chest, you leaned against the railing of the deck and studied Bradley intently. “You used to do this in high school. There’s a difference between being in a relationship and being treated like a possession, Bradley. Besides, we agreed to take things slow.”
He sighed and ran a hand over his face, his gaze shifting to the multicolored sky as the sun set. You were right, he had struggled with jealous tendencies growing up, and you had worked hard to help him overcome them. But seeing you again reignited those feelings, particularly when it came to Jake. “The guy just gets under my skin.”
“Well, maybe you should hash shit out with him then,” you suggested, your tone gentle but firm. Conflict resolution and letting go of grudges had never been Bradley’s strong suit, evidenced by his difficulty talking about Maverick even after nearly fifteen years since their last argument. “But stop putting me in the middle. I’m allowed to have friends, and you don’t get to approve or reject them.”
Nodding, he stepped forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his mustache brushing your skin. “Forgive me?”
You looked up at him for a long moment, finally nodding. “This time, Lieutenant,” you warned, giving a teasing smirk as you looked him over, appreciating the flight suit and tight black shirt he was wearing. You typically didn’t like uniforms, but seeing Bradley in one gave you a new appreciation. “If we go back inside, can you behave?”
“Only if you can,” he smirked, a playful glint in his eyes as he noticed the way you were looking at him. Reaching for you, he pressed his body against yours, trapping you against the railing of the bar’s deck as he got the scent of sweat and jet fuel all over your clothes. 
“Stop!” you squealed, laughing as you managed to get him to step back by tickling his side. Once he did, you gave him a light pat on the chest. “Let’s go get you a beer.”
The rest of the night went well, the earlier tension fading as you sat with Bradley, chatting about your week while sipping your drinks. At one point, Jake caught your eye from his place near the pool tables and raised his glass in a mock toast. You smiled in return, silently appreciating the way he didn’t let the earlier dramatics bother him. 
Bradley, for his part, kept a watchful eye on your interactions but managed to refrain from any further displays of jealousy. 
When the crowd inside the bar started to thin out, he stood and offered you his hand, the familiar opening chords of REO Speedwagon’s “Can’t Fight This Feeling” playing on the jukebox. “Dance with me?”
Your face lit up with a warm smile as you recognized the song. “Of course, it’s our song,” you replied, taking his hand. He kept a respectable distance between you, one hand gently on your waist while the other held yours as you swayed to the music. 
As you moved together, you couldn’t help the way it stirred up memories of your past together. “I remember the night we decided on this one.”
Bradley’s eyes were locked on yours, filled with tenderness and nostalgia. “Yeah, me too. Pulling out my mom and dad’s old records and losing ourselves in the music, sleeping on the floor in front of the fireplace… some of my favorite memories are from that night.”
Moving closer, you rested your cheek against his shoulder, your eyes closed as you allowed the memories you had pushed to the back of your mind to resurface. You recalled the cozy nest you created with blankets and cushions, a place where you held each other and listened to music until sleep claimed you. It was the two of you against the world, especially when your uncle was away and you had the house to yourselves, and back then you thought those moments would last forever. 
As the song ended, you lifted your head from his shoulder. “I missed this,” you whispered, your voice filled with longing. 
Bradley tightened his arms around you and placed a tender kiss on the top of your head. “I did too. Honestly, this? Us coming together here, after all this time? Feels like fate. A second chance.”
You pulled back reluctantly, though your hand remained in his as you bit your lip and looked up to him. “Will you take me home? We can talk more there.”
He nodded, fishing his keys out of his pocket and handing them to you. “Go ahead and start the truck, I’ll take care of the tab.”
Taking the keys, you walked out to the Bronco and started the engine before sliding over to the passenger side, waiting for Bradley to return. The engine’s purr seemed to echo the mix of emotions that swirled within you -- trepidation, a touch of excitement, and a sense of anticipation that had been dormant for far too long.
Once Bradley climbed behind the wheel, he put the truck into gear and you exchanged a soft smile, confirming that you were ready to leave.
The drive to your house was quick, not giving either of you much time to think about the feelings that simmered in the air between you. When you moved inside, you settled on the couch beside Bradley, the room enveloped in a warm, comforting glow cast by a lamp.
After a moment of quiet, you took a deep breath and looked into his hazel eyes. “What are you hoping for between us, B? Do you want me to fall back in love with you?” Your voice dropped to a whisper. “'Cause I don’t know how to do that when I never stopped.”
“I never stopped loving you either.” He admitted, his expression a mix of sincerity and vulnerability.
The admission hung in the air between you, a testament to the complex emotions that you both dealt with throughout your time apart. Your fingers idly picked at a piece of lint on your dress, a nervous habit, before you mustered the courage to speak. Your voice wavered, but you pressed on. 
“Then why didn’t you come back?” You asked, your eyes locked onto his, seeking answers.
“Because I… I know this doesn’t make sense,” he tried, his hand gently covering yours in an attempt to offer comfort.
“It doesn’t.” Your response was straightforward, heavy with unspoken hurt that you had carried for years. 
Bradley leaned in, never taking his eyes off of yours. “Alright, please, hear me out,” he pled, his voice soft and sincere. “I wanted to do something good. I wanted to spare you pain.”
Tears welled in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. “You didn’t save me from anything. I lived with that pain every day, Bradley, and I blamed you. I blame you for thinking you knew what was best for me when it was you all along.”
His shoulders slumped under the weight of your words. Releasing your hand, he ran it through his caramel curls, leaving them tousled. “I know,” he admitted, his voice remorseful. His eyes mirrored the way you were feeling, revealing the struggle he had with his past decisions. “I didn’t want you to wait for me. There was so much you wanted to do.”
“I wanted to do all of it with you!” Your voice cracked, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “And I would have gladly waited for as long as it took.”
He swallowed hard, his throat working as he struggled to find the right words. “I don’t deserve you,” he replied, the weight of regret plain on his face.
“Deserve me? Jesus, Bradley, don’t you understand?” You asked, frustration lacing your tone as more tears fell down your cheeks. “When I was alone at night I wanted you! And I cried for you, and I even hated you at times. I hated you because… because I would have chosen you no matter what. And you took that choice away from me.”
“I made a mistake,” he declared, lifting his hand to gently cup your cheek as he brushed the tears away with his thumb. He hated seeing you cry, it broke his heart in ways he didn’t think were possible. 
You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “Yes, you did.”
“I did,” he confirmed, searching your eyes as he continued. “I hurt you, and I would do anything to take that back. But look me in the eye and tell me you don’t care about me the same way I care about you, and I’ll walk away.”
Shaking your head, your hand lifted to cover his that rested on your cheek. “I can’t.” You felt his hand move, his fingers lacing through yours before resting on your lap. “I do care about you. Which is why we can’t…” you pulled your hand away from his gently.
Every insecurity you had was rearing its ugly head at the same time and there was nothing you could do to stop it. “You’re gonna graduate from TOP GUN and go back to your squadron, on the other side of the country. Who knows when or if you’ll be back. We can’t start something.”
Bradley could sense the anxiety rising in you and frowned, whispering your name. “I’m just as scared as you are, okay? I haven’t felt this for anyone in my life but you. I didn’t think I ever would again, but then you walked up to me at the bar… from the moment I saw you, I knew.”
He was saying all the right words, dismantling your defenses one by one, and you hated that after all these years he still had that power over you. There was something about him, an unwavering confidence you’d never possessed growing up, and that certainty about everything had helped ground you more times than you could count. 
Just being in the same room as him made you feel safe, and it was that feeling that left a Bradley Bradshaw-shaped hole in your life for fourteen years. You had learned to live without him, and now that he was here, practically throwing himself at your feet for forgiveness, you needed to decide if you wanted him back.
“I can’t stop how I feel,” he blurted out after waiting for your response, which had yet to come. “I know… what I’m asking is a lot. I can’t change the past, what I did, how I hurt you… but I want to be a part of your future.”
You finally reached for his hand again as you took a deep breath, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. “I can’t change the past either, and I won’t pretend I’m not still hurt by what happened. But you’re here, asking for a second chance… that means something.”
Bradley’s face brightened with hope, but you continued with a note of caution. “If you want us to have a future, you have to know it won’t be easy. I’m not the same girl you left, and I’ve had my trust broken a lot, so it’s gonna take time to earn mine.” You paused, your grip on his hand tightening. “If you’re willing to work through this together, to prove that your words aren’t just empty promises, then I’m willing to give us another chance.”
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes, Dimples,” he promised, the relief in his eyes unmistakable. This was what he had been waiting for since he saw you that first night at the Hard Deck. “I’ll spend every day proving to you that I’ve changed, that I’ve learned from my mistakes.”
Your eyes never left his, searching for any signs of deception. When you found none, you closed the gap and kissed him deeply. Bradley responded with equal fervor, pulling you closer until you were comfortably settled on his lap, the skirt of your well-fitted dress bunched around your thighs. 
When you finally parted for a breath, you spoke softly. “Stay. Please.”
“I just got you back,” he smiled, stroking your thighs tenderly. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, sweetheart.”
Chapter Seven
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Out of All: Chp 5
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Jake Seresin x OC! Anna Bradshaw
Brothers' Best Friend Series! Follow along as these characters navigate the treacherous waters of love, loyalty, and desire, all while facing the ultimate taboo: falling for your sibling's best friend. From heart-pounding moments to steamy encounters, this series is a rollercoaster of emotions that will keep you hooked until the very end. Brace yourself for intense romantic tension, sizzling chemistry, and enough drama to keep you guessing. Are you ready to embark on this captivating journey?
This chapter includes explicit sexual content with detailed descriptions of sexual activity and intimacy between characters. Scenes depict physical intimacy, including kissing, touching, and biting, with characters described in states of undress. Emotional intensity is explored, encompassing themes of longing, desire, and vulnerability, with brief references to past trauma. Characters may be shown consuming alcoholic beverages, and mature themes such as casual relationships
It's been two weeks since your panic attack and excuse of being sick.
For the past few weeks you and Jake have been sneaking around. He's perfectly fine with knowing your Bradley sister and your fine with him being your older brothers wingman. At the start it was weird, it felt like I'm some way you were lying to Bradley even though he had no way of knowing but now it was more fine.
Jake and you made up a sort of schedule. You'd meet Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Not every week and not all those days but those were the day the two of you were available and possible to meet. Sometimes it worked that you'd only meet once a week on a Friday so next time you'd see him only for the following Sunday.
This week the day fell on a specific date which let's put it nicely…scared you. You didn't know if he'd still meet or if he would want to in the first place. The next date turned out to be valentine's day. But you and Jake technically have no feelings towards each other which complicated things more. You told Jake about the situation that you didn't know I he still wanted this to happen but he said you could come over.
This kind of situation was an experience for you and Jake. You'd try things you've never done before in the past and this was one of those things. You are extremely nervous. Jake has ate you out many times before but the idea of sitting on his face was a little scary to you. You're not sure why you are so nervous. Maybe it's the fact that you find sitting on someone's face to be uncomfortable. But Jake assured you you're going to love it
"Ready?" Jake asked from his position on the bed.
"Think so." you reply back with a nervous laugh.
Jake can see you're nervous, so he sits up and reaches to embrace you in a hug. A very naked hug. Well, Jake has on boxers but you on the other hand are completely naked. "You're going to be fine. You'll love it. I've never not had a girl enjoy it by the time she finished sitting on my face." You just nodded and relaxed into his body. You knew you were being silly. Why wouldn't you enjoy it. Jake's mouth has done wonders to your pussy every time it goes near, so of course you'll like it.
Jake breaks the hug and lays down flat on his back in the middle of the bed. "Alright, come on. Hover your perfect little pussy over my face and hold onto the headboard for support." Jake demands in a relaxed manner. You do as you're told, trying to forget about your previous nerves. Once your pussy is right over his mouth, with your legs on both sides of his head, supported by your knees, Jake asks, "I'm gonna start now, alright?"
You love how Jake always asked for your consent to touch you. Makes you feel good knowing he'd never do anything you didn't want done to your body. Makes you comfortable knowing you can fully trust someone with your body. "Yes, I'm ready." you reply back. Jake brings both of his large hands to your waist and pulls you down onto his face. Now your pussy is directly on his mouth. First, Jake lays subtle kisses around your lips. His intentions aren't to be teasing but more so ease into it. He wants you to be turned on as much as possible.
At first, you can't look down at him. Too scared to see what this situation looks like, so you just lay your head on your forearm that's resting on the top ledge of the headboard. Right now the gentle kisses he's giving to you around your pussy are delightful. Feels really nice, but you do wish Jake would hurry up because your clit is getting to the point of throbbing. You're just so turned on at this point. Just as you were silently praying he'd do more, Jake swipes his tongue in-between your slit, collecting your clear arousal on his pink tongue. You jump slightly, but his tight hold on your waist doesn't allow you to go very far.
"Mmm, taste so good for me love." Jake mumbles beneath you. His hot breath fanning over your glistening pussy, making shivers run up and down your spine. Then Jake wastes not another second before putting his tongue where he knows you want him most. Your clit. He gently strokes your clit with his tongue, making you just about whine. You're so incredibly sensitive right now. Repeatedly, Jake cat licks your tiny clit, giving you oh so much pleasure.
"Ughh." you moan out.
"Shh love. Relax your muscles and don't be afraid to put your body weight on me." Jake speaks while centimetres away from your throbbing clit. You actually take him up on his offer and lower some of your weight on his face because you realized just how much tension you were holding in your upper body for support. When you do this, Jake takes the opportunity to enclose his mouth completely over your clit. His mouth does wonders you think to yourself. It's so warm and his tongue is so gentle with your most precious parts.
While the entirety of your clitoris is in his closed mouth, Jake does subtle sucking motions. Similarly to how a baby sucks a nipple. He can feel your clit pulse in his mouth and he loves it.
He loves everything about your pussy. The way your arousal taste. The way your pussy lips are shaped. The size of your clit; small but not to small. He loves it all. Jake also loves how reactive you are to his touch. Every lick he makes on your sensitive nerve, you moan and groan and Jake knows those are your pleasure moans. He can always tell the difference in your I'm in pain sounds to your God this feels so good sounds.
Jake alternates between suctioning his mouth on your clit to licking it with the tip of his tongue. You can feel your stomach muscles tighten with every motion he puts into action on your vagina. A few times he'll swipe his tongue back in-between your pussy lips to collect more of your dripping liquids to bring back up to your clit, swirling it around. You feel overwhelmed but in a good way.
You reckon because you're sitting straight up, all the blood is going straight to your pussy, making the whole thing so much more sensitive then it would be if you were lying down flat.
When you feel you're near your climax, you get the courage to glance down to see the actions Jake is doing to your core below. You lift your head from its position on your forearm and look down to see Jake looking right at you. You make eye contact and you feel like you could burst on the spot. His green, glossy eyes, with his long eyelashes staring into your sole.
You wonder if he's been watching you the entire time. Studying your perky breast and the way your chest heaves when he sucks or licks particularly hard. Then you move your vision slightly back some to making eye contact with his mouth. You study how his mouth is working you to orgasm. Jake's perfectly swollen red lips around your clit, turning you on even more just by the sight. Then he suddenly releases you from his mouth, making you whine, and says in a panting voice, "Ride me tongue."
"What?" you respond, confused at his request.
"Move your hips back and forth on my tongue. Like when you're riding my thigh that you love so much."
Jake sticks his tongue out flat and you start moving your pussy back and forth on it. Each time stimulating your clit. Now that you're more comfortable, you keep eye contact with him, focusing on the pleasure his tongue is giving you. After a minute or two of riding his soft, wet tongue, you moan out in broken breaths, "I think I'm about to come. Oh god I'm gonna come."
When you say that, Jake presses one hand to your lower back and his other to your lower stomach and pulls your body down as much as possible. Then he once again encloses his mouth on your tiny clit, sucking is with the most suction he's done so far. All the sudden, with how powerful his mouth is sucking on your clit, you come. Out of instinct, you reach down and grab a handful of his blonde curls and pull it tight. You know Jake loves to have his hair pulled during sex, so he doesn't mind at all. Actually enjoys the slight pain it brings. Then you push your body down as hard as possible to get the most pleasure possible.
You eventually have to screw your eyes shut because the orgasm is so strong your vision goes blurry. Your thighs are shaking around his head. You try and rut your hips against his mouth but his hold doesn't allow you to anymore.
This whole time, Jake still looks up at you. Watching your every move. Every facial expression. Every sign of pleasurer. Makes him feel good knowing he's the cause of your euphoric state of mind. As you come down from your orgasm, Jake releases your now enlarged clit from his mouth but still kitty licks it a few times to elongate your orgasm as long as possible. When you feel so sensitive it's almost painful, you jerk your pussy away from his mouth and stand on your shaky knees.
You open your eyes and see Jake staring up at you with a big grin on his face. The face that's shining from your cum. Your chest is heaving heavily. There is beads of sweat on your hair line. You are so relived but exhausted at the same time. Jake takes the back of his hand and wipes your cum off his face, then he takes a hold of your waist and pulls you down and over his body.
Now you're laying directly on top of his m chest with your face burred in his neck, trying to control your breathing. Jake pets the back of your head and runs a hand up and down your naked back.
A minute later, Jake breaks the comfortable silence with asking, "So…., how was it."
You pick up your face from his neck to look at his face and reply back with a happy smile plastered on your face, "So good."
"Good, I knew you'd like it," he cups each of your breast in each of his hands.
After that, you and Jake have a few more rounds till you properly collapse beside each other. Both of your sighs are the only sounds in the room but Jake breaks it, "How did Bradley let you out this whole night?"
"My friend is out of town and left me her keys to feed her cat so I told him I was going to go feed it and watch movies."
"Chick…. what about the cat?"
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littlemrsfoxxyart · 3 months
Chapter 1 the wing man visits in order so you don’t have to scroll so far
It occurred to me that tumbler format isn’t all that friendly to get to the first part so I’m simplifying this now 💕💕💕
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pipnchips202 · 4 months
while i eat up practically every valgrace fic i see, down bad jason grace for leo valdez is always one of my absolute favorites; so, here are 5 valgrace fics where jason is the pining one :)) (for the most part)
1. hopeless case by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“Nico,” Jason wheezes as he slams the door to the Hades cabin open. “Nico, I think I’m in love with my best friend.”
“No, really?” Nico drawls, barely looking up from his book.
Or: in which nico is jason’s wingman this time around.
AHHHHH!!!!!! this is REALLY good; i love the characterization and the many implications of jason having helped nico get with will prior to the events of the fic. also, platonic jasico will ALWAYS get me.
2. EP: things leo does; by jason grace by jacksonpercy (robertmontauk)
rating: not rated
warnings: none
God, he loves Leo’s laugh. It’s more like a giggle than anything - all high-pitched and bubbly; his mouth stretches into the widest smile Jason’s ever seen, and his tongue sticks out of his tongue just a little bit, and holy fuck Jason’s in love with Leo.
[leo does things sometimes, and jason notices.]
i was very much obsessed with this fic at some point (still kind of am, actually). it’s basically a 5 + 1 of jason just pining for leo and i LOVE it. small warning though, there is a mention of kinks in the second chapter, if that’s weird for you. it’s really just an offhand comment and doesn’t get brought up again, so do with that what you will. they are teenagers after all, and as a teenager myself, i can confirm i’ve thought of similar stuff several times! but, anyway, this fic is really good.
3. staring at me (with your lips and tongue) by ethannku
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You really believe all that?” Leo asks, and if Jason were more aware of the world, he might’ve registered the hopeful breathiness in his voice. But as it is, he’s far too focused on the hand on his chest. He nods anyway, once he realizes Leo’s asked him a question.
Leo huffs and leans closer while simultaneously pulling Jason closer.
For a moment, they just look at each other, their noses inches apart. Leo’s breath comes in soft puffs on his face. There’s a hint of a smile on Leo’s face, but the corners waver as if he’s having second thoughts. Jason registers Leo’s eyelashes flickering, and his blood sings when he realizes he’s looking at Jason’s mouth.
Or; Jason is down bad, and Leo might be too.
this one’s really good, too. lot of kissing. a few suggestive references/jokes but no suggestive actions, just kissing. also has many piper moments mixed in :)
4. Crooked Glasses by thebigqueer
rating: teen and up
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
leo & jason confess their feelings for each other in an arcane-themed alternate universe.
Leo has always been flirty. When he casually smirks at Jason and tells him how handsome he looks; when he bites his lip suggestively and tells Jason that no, he doesn’t mind if he changes his shirt in front of him; when Jason asks what’s for dinner and Leo responds, “Not sure, but I know you’re the desert,” Jason doesn’t make much of it. Sure, an occasional blush and an attempt at jokingly flirting back, but Jason knows he doesn’t mean it. Besides, he isn’t special. If Jason had to count the amount of people Leo had made out with just in the past year, it might take both his hands.
But lately it’s been different. There’s a softness in Leo’s eyes when he catches sight of Jason, a more soulful smirk when he offers that they sleep in the same bed, a hopefulness when he asks Jason if he wants to come with him on his next haul.
i’m gonna be honest: although i plan to someday, i’ve never seen arcane. and this is an arcane au. however, even though i know absolutely nothing about arcane, i did understand this, i think. i’m putting it here because a) it’s well written, b) it does in fact feature pining jason grace, and c) i have very limited options when it comes to valgrace fics anyway, so i don’t have much of a choice. yes, there is action and a mild fight with sherman yang and connor stoll, but it’s not that graphic in my opinion, but that’s just me; what’s more graphic is actually the gratuitous descriptions of leo’s gorgeousness from jason’s pov (understandably so). anyway, this is a good fic; if you’re not familiar with arcane, you can probably still read it, because i enjoyed it quite a lot!
5. hold me, thrill me, kiss me by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You love me,” Leo declares, his smirk widening with every passing second. “You, the great Jason Grace, love me.”
He fumbles for his words, but they melt in his mouth as Leo's hands snaked up the small of his back – those delicate fingers tracing patterns into his skin that burnt worse than his SPQR tattoo.
“I wouldn’t call myself great,” he mutters at last. Leo leans in, raising one thick eyebrow.
“I dunno,” he says, “I’d say you’re pretty great.” His lips brush over Jason's, once, twice. “You know. For loving me.”
In which Jason falls and Leo catches him.
okay, so i was debating whether or not to put this one because jason is still dating piper during this fic. she doesn’t make an appearance, she’s only mentioned, but jason and leo kissing is referred to by the both of them as an affair, which might make some uncomfortable. however, this has absolutely gorgeous writing. is jason still in love with piper during this fic, though? no. a bit complicated. however, it is, once again, pining jason as promised. they kiss a lot in this one, too.
— piper <33
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
ST Fics Masterpost Updated 5/3/24
Walking in On Your Parents ONESHOT
Turkey Day ONESHOT
Supernatural Steddie Part 1 AO3 alt (has more parts)
Steve Disappears in the Upside Down: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 COMPLETED
Wingman Nancy: Original Post Pilot post Part 1 Official Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Steve being jealous of a guitar  spicy extra COMPLETED
Older kids and walkie-talkies ONESHOT
Welcome to Hawkins: Primer Main Body (AO3)
Newly Wed Game: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Dustin’s Nature Doc Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Soul Eater ficlet ONESHOT
Steve plays Dnd in secret ONESHOT
Incubus!Steve x Vampire!Eddie ONESHOT
Argyle Babysits ONESHOT
Eddie and his Puppybats Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Ronance Working together Part 1 ONESHOT
Demon!Steve smut ONESHOT Extra
Steve thinks their son takes after Eddie ONESHOT
Steddie vampires ONESHOT
Vampire!Eddie wants Steve ONESHOT
Rock and Rule AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Eddie being jealous of himself ONESHOT
Steve being the grim reaper of sex ONESHOT
Tommy watches Part 1 Part 2 COMPLETED
Eddie being alive ONESHOT
Steve seducing Kas!Eddie ONESHOT
Night at the Museum AU ONESHOT
Thumbelina AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie and Kas body sharing Part 1 Part 2 Part 3A Fluffy Part 3B Smutty  Part 4 Part 5 COMPLETED
Wayne shows the baby photos ONESHOT
X-men au scene
King Eddie and Prince Steve Part A Part B Part C Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Reverse Little Mermaid Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Cindereddie Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Steve falling for Eddie's goofiness ONESHOT
Steddathan Fake Dating (Steve/Eddie/Jonathan)  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 COMPLETED
Eddie drinking Steve’s blood ONESHOT
Steddie goes to Action Park ONESHOT
Short abo scene
5 times Eddie singled out Steve at a concert ONESHOT
The Bright Side (sitcom au) E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 AO3 alt E07 E08
Steddie singing when they part ways ONESHOT
Mafia short scenes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve and Eddie break out into song while giving Lucas advice
Steve seduces Eddie to catch some zzzs
Time loop scene
2 Eddies, 1 Steve ONESHOT
Noir detective Eddie on the case of who cut Steve’s hair ONESHOT
Stobin working as burger joint carhops ONESHOT
Steve being an offering to the village god ONESHOT Extra
Steve sacrificed in a cult Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie’s search for the treasure between Steve’s legs ONESHOT
Steddie dimension hopping Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Dialogue Prompts Prompt 1 Prompt 2 Prompt 3 Prompt 4 Prompt 5A Prompt 5B Prompt 6 Prompt 7 Prompt 8 Prompt 9 Prompt 10 Prompt 11 Prompt 12 Prompt 13
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version A ONESHOT
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version B Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Eddie steals a diamond for Steve ONESHOT
Infinity Train AU Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3
Barbarella!Steve Part 1 AO3 Steddie chapter
Steve’s Doppelgangers Part 1 AO3
Eddie gets his tonsils removed ONESHOT
Steve’s parents play matchmaker Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Wrong Number au Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Random word blurb
Fruity Four Sense8 ficlet
Ask Meme Prompts Prompt 1 Pining co-workers ficlet Tattoo shop ficlet  Artist!Steve Eddie gives some milk Mermaid/Pirate Baby Ollie Loneliness Steve sets up a scavenger hunt  Fantasy outcast sanctuary Grimm/ST crossover Steve had a puppy Bad barista Wayne makes the vest Frat Boy Steve Kiss Prompt
Passenger princess Steve ficlet
Stargyle ficlet
Pregnancy fluff a/b/o
Every Baby Needs a Daddy (sugar baby au) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 COMPLETED
Pre S4 Rivals (Gift Fic) ONESHOT
Steddie parents think their kid might be fighting monsters ONESHOT
Forest Guardian WIP
Steddie Bingo 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -
Hot for Teacher(s) AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Trans Eddie smut ONESHOT
Steve goes on a trip and Eddie misses him ONESHOT
Steddie make love in a church before their wedding ONESHOT
Family Planning (a/b/o flour baby au) Part 1
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rhoorl · 4 months
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 13: Pike's Place
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Series Summary: In this AU, the boys of Delta Force start a new business post-Colombia. 
Series Masterlist | Chapter 13 A03 Link
Word Count: 6.6k
Previously on As the Mule Falls: The Miller brothers had a heart-to-heart. Tio Frankie left Dallas and made his way back to Tampa by way of Atlanta (and met someone on his flight). The Neighborhood Watch descended upon a skating rink for some Star Wars-themed birthday fun. Frankie had to leave a little early for…reasons. 
In this Episode: Benny gets an earful from Cousin Joel. There’s a full house at the gym to help train Benny. The neighbors set up another party - cue a Neighborhood Watch group chat. The Pikes close on their house and move in. Obligatory corgi scene. Benny gets a bit flustered as we meet someone new.
Chapter Warnings: Marcus Pike comes with his own warnings - we get domestic!Marcus, dad!Marcus, wingman!Marcus, supportive brother-in-law!Marcus. (Can you tell I have a soft spot for him). Cousin Joel makes a cameo. A little flustered and shy Benny along with a distracted Fish. David being David. A few Spanish phrases are scattered throughout. While I try and keep all of the OCs somewhat neutral regarding physical descriptions (I’m still learning, so I’m not always good at this!), a new OFC will be described more specifically (especially in episodes to come). Two characters have V names. Marcus’ wife’s name is Victoria. Her sister’s name is Vanessa.
*Cue the theme music and roll opening credits*
Will had just poured himself a cup of coffee when he heard a soft knock at the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone over so early. Benny was still sleeping and it was too early for Santiago and Frankie to show up. He thought maybe it was Lucille stopping by with some treats, so he padded over to the front door, pulling a T-shirt over his head on the way.
When he opened the door, he saw Olivia with Diana balancing on her hip as she held a couple of gift bags in her hand.
“Hi Will, sorry I didn’t interrupt anything did I?” She smiled, trying to be discreet as she looked past Will and into the house.
Will cleared his throat, “Ah, no…just me. Hey there, princess,” he brought his thumb up to rub Diana’s cheek, eliciting a little giggle from the toddler. 
“Oh ok. Sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you. I kind of forget that other people aren’t up at like 5 in the morning every day like me,” she laughed softly. “Um, anyway, I meant to give you boys these,” she handed the bags to Will. 
“You didn’t have to get us anything, Liv. Thank you,” Will smiled as he looked through the bag of Star Wars-themed party favors, including some Lego mini-figures, stickers, and candy.
“You’re welcome. Don’t tell David, but I snuck a little something extra into your bag,” she winked.
He tilted his head to the side and peeked back into the bag, pulling out a couple of Polaroids. One was a candid of the four guys, laughing and having a good time. A small smile came over Will’s face; it had been so long since the guys all looked so carefree. The second photo was of Will with his arm around Katie’s shoulder. He looked at her as she threw her head back in laughter at Benny who was mid-story.
“Thanks, Liv, this was nice of you to bring over.” He murmured as he looked at the photos, his eyes crinkling as his smile grew wider.
Olivia regarded him for a moment, wanting to say more but also didn’t want to pry. “Well, I’ll leave you. I have to go deliver a few more of these. Got any fun plans for today?”
“Nah, just hanging out probably. I don’t know how you do it, Liv. I’m worn out from yesterday. You’re a superhero,” he laughed.
“I have my days, don’t let the cuteness fool you,” she motioned down to Diana, who played with her pacifier. “Say hi to the boys for me.”
“You girls have fun delivering your goodie bags,” he winked at Diana.
As he walked back to the kitchen to microwave his now lukewarm coffee, he plopped the gift bags on the counter. He pulled out the two Polaroids, looking at them before grabbing a couple of magnets and placing them on the refrigerator. 
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“What do you mean you signed up for a fight?” Joel demanded, the tension in his voice palpable.
Benny winced, pulling the phone away from his ear before putting it back, “I…I just kind of did it on a whim,” he said weakly like a little kid being scolded. “Besides, it’s too late to get out of it now since we’re only a few weeks away.”
He paced around his kitchen, chewing his thumb as Joel continued to lay into him for making such a rash decision. After a while, Joel calmed down.
“Bean,” Joel sighed, “I wish you wouldn’t do this shit anymore, man.”
“Yeah. Sorry, I was just…mad and I wasn’t thinking and one thing led to another and I called Herb and here we are.”
Joel paused for a moment. “When’s the fight?”
“Middle of next month.”
“The actual date Bean, when is it?” Joel asked tersely. 
“Um…I think…hold on lemme go to the calendar, Will wrote it down,” Benny trailed off as he walked toward the refrigerator and flipped the calendar to the following month. “Why?”
“If I can swing it I’ll come.”
Benny stopped, a big smile coming across his face. “Wait, really? Y-You don’t have to do that man.”
“I’m not making any promises, we got a shit ton of deadlines and I’m waitin' on these goddamn permits to go through.” Joel pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh ok, sure…no, I get it.” Benny replied flatly, he didn’t want to get too excited about the prospect of Joel visiting. He couldn’t remember the last time Joel went on a vacation so he was tempering his expectations. 
Benny proceeded to throw out a bunch of dates, explaining his training schedule and what his plan was before Joel cut him off.
“Hey Bean - look I gotta go, I just got to the site. Send me a picture of the calendar so I can see all the shit you just spouted off. I’m not gonna remember everything you just said.”
“Yeah, you got it. Hold on…ok sending it right now. Hey J, no pressure or anything man, I know you have Sarah, but I’d really like it if you came.”
“I know Bean, I’ll try. Talk to you later, bud.” 
Joel hung up the phone as a text message came through. He opened the photo and zoomed in, cursing the fact that part of him knew he needed to get glasses. Rather than look at the calendar, his eyes were drawn to a photo stuck to a magnet on the refrigerator. Pinching the photo to further inspect it, the shadow of a smile came across his face.
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“Where’s Fish, I thought he was supposed to meet us here,” Will looked over at Santiago as he, Benny, and Connor got out of Will's Jeep and walked up to the gym. 
Santiago shook his head and shrugged. “He’ll be here.”
“I thought he was usually done with his meetings by now, that’s why we picked this time. He’s good, right?” Will furrowed his brows.
“Yeah, isn’t it coming up on a year?” Benny followed up.
“Oh shit, you’re right,” Santiago brought his palm to his forehead. “Fuck…yeah it’s next week, we’ll have to figure out something to do for him. But no he’s all good. I promise I heard from him yesterday, briefly. Turns out that girl he met doesn’t live here. She was here for the weekend and flying back this morning.”
“So he’s going to be in a real great mood then huh,” Benny scoffed as he adjusted the strap of his gym bag on his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine. He knows you need him. Plus, this will be a good distraction because otherwise, he’ll be in a pissy mood,” Will reassured his brother.
“Yeah and none of us want to be around a pissy Fish,” Santiago smirked. “You ready to go bud?” Santiago looked over to Connor, grabbing his shoulder.
“Yeah, happy to help however I can.”
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David: Goooood morning! Anyone down for a 4th of July pool party tomorrow?
Megan: You offering? Have you asked Ty already?
Ty: Yes. All good. Figured we could do something kind of small. 
David: And we HAVE to invite the guys. It’s a pool party after all. Need to see some wet Frankie hair again 🫠
Olivia: 😂
Katie: OMG David. 
David: Oh come on, like you’re one to talk. Will in trunks isn’t too bad either. Hell, all of them. Alexa: Add one of each to my cart.
Ty: After the twins’ party I think I’m now Team Santiago 😉
Melissa: I can bring food, just tell me what I should plan for.
David: Damn ok. Wasn’t quite ready for logistics yet…I was still thirsty buuuuut anyway. I’ll shoot you guys over my thoughts later. I need to sit with my mood board for a bit.
Megan: It’s a Fourth of July party - isn’t that enough of a mood?
Ty: you know who you’re talking to right? 🙄
Lucille: Count on me to make whatever you want.
David: Love you Lulu ♥️ Katie - you’re in charge of texting Will so he can tell the guys.
Olivia: Why don’t we just add them to the group chat?
David: ARE YOU CRAZY?! This is my safe space.
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Marcus was beaming as he bounced Mariella on his lap and watched Victoria sign the last in the giant stack of papers. 
“Well, Victoria….Marcus, congratulations, you’re the proud owners of 306 Mule Fall Court,” Ethan smiled as he got up and shook hands with the couple, giving Nicolas a high five. “
Once Ethan handed over the keys, the family posed for a quick photo for his Instagram and then made their way to their SUV. Marcus unlocked the doors as Nicolas hopped in, grabbing his tablet so he could go back to playing his game. Meanwhile, Victoria worked on buckling Mariella into her car seat. She handed the toddler her milk bottle and closed the door, surprised Marcus was right behind her.
“Baby, you can’t sneak up on me like that,” she smiled as Marcus cupped her cheek and leaned in for a kiss.
“Congratulations Mrs. Pike, you finally have your dream house,” he smiled against her lips, his thumb rubbing her cheek. 
“Hmm..well, Special Agent Pike,” she wrapped her arms around Marcus’ neck. “Our first night in the house is going to be a little bit different than our first place, huh?” She winked. 
Marcus chuckled, reminiscing about their first apartment together and the rather eventful night they had christening their first shared space. “Vanessa can’t get here soon enough so she can watch the kids, I need to take you out on a date. Speaking of, when is she getting in?”
“She texted she’s only a few hours away. Hey tomorrow, I figured we could maybe do a barbecue or something since we won’t have much of the kitchen stuff unpacked.” The corners of her mouth curled up as Marcus rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“I guess that means getting the barbecue set up is among my first orders of business today then, huh?”
“Yes, and our bed,” she winked and then froze as she realized where she was. “The kids…fuck…the kids…it’s so hot Marcus, get in and blast the AC,” she abruptly turned around and opened the door as Marcus ran to the other side of the SUV to turn it on.
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Katie was walking back to her office with her second coffee of the day. She figured now was as good a time as any to text Will and see if he and the guys wanted to go to David and Ty’s party. 
Katie: Hey! You boys have plans for the 4th?
Will: No, not really.
Katie: No?! Figured it was a big day for you all.
Will: It’s a complicated day.
Katie furrowed her brows at Will’s responses. He was normally curt, but he seemed especially abrupt.
Katie: Oh ok. Well, David is having people over and you guys were my responsibility on the phone tree to invite.
Will: Nice, ok yeah. I’ll check with the guys in a bit and get back to you? We’re at the gym.
She breathed a bit of a sigh of relief but chastised herself for not stopping to think that he may actually be busy.
Katie: Yeah sounds good.
Will: Get back to work Kat 😉
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Frankie rolled into the gym about an hour late, having missed all of the cardio and weights.
“There he is!” Santiago clapped his hands as Frankie walked towards the ring. He came in for handshakes and hugs with all of the guys, including Connor.
“You good Fish?” Benny cocked his head to the side, taking in how Frankie’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.
Frankie cleared his throat, pulling his hat off and running his hair through his curls. “Yeah man, I’m good. Are you?”
“He’s better now that you’re here, Fish,” Will clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Now the fun begins!”
“Yeah, let’s do it,” Frankie went to put on some sparring gloves, not seeing the looks all of the guys exchanged. They were all walking a bit on eggshells trying to gauge Frankie’s mood. 
It turned out that sparring with Benny was exactly what Frankie needed; he was able to get out some of his frustration while giving Benny a worthy opponent. 
“C’mon Ben, you have to try and dodge me. The guy is going to be walking all over you if you don’t pick up your feet,” Frankie panted as he ducked around Benny’s punches. 
“Atta boy Benny, show that old man what’s up!” Santiago yelled with a cupped hand around his mouth.
“Fuck off Pope, I want to see your ass in here,” Frankie muttered, rolling his eyes.
“Can’t, doctor’s orders,” he called back, looking over to Connor with a wink. “Couple of neck surgeries and shit knees,” he tilted his head forward, showing off his scar.
“Aka he’s old,” Will smirked as Connor stifled a snort. 
Meanwhile, Benny locked in a decent combination, pinning Frankie to the ropes as he tapped out. 
“Good, Ben. Wanna take a break?” Franke huffed. 
Benny nodded and he and Frankie took off their gloves, sitting on the side of the ring as the other guys brought them water.
“Oh, since we’re all here,” Will started, “Katie said there was some Fourth of July party tomorrow. We’re all invited.”
Benny, Frankie, and Santiago looked between each other and then back to Will.
“D-do you guys not celebrate the Fourth?” Connor asked.
“It’s…” Benny started.
“Complicated,” Santiago finished as Frankie pointed towards him in agreement.
“Oh, so you guys don’t want like … a lot of attention or whatever?” Connor looked between the four men. “If it makes you feel any better, it’s really more of a pool party than anything else. Ever since that one year, Ty won’t let David shoot off fireworks,” he chuckled to himself.
“Are there…uh…other people who set off fireworks in the neighborhood?” Will crossed his arms in front of him as Benny side-eyed him.
‘Uh, yeah. I think Aria’s neighbors are the ones who do it now…but they live a few streets over.”
“But it’s still probably loud huh?” Frankie mirrored Will’s body language as he looked over at his friend.
Connor straightened up, sensing the tension coming off from the guys, especially Will. He was unsure what to say, not wanting to upset them.
“Ironhead isn’t one for loud noises, hell, none of us are any more,” Santiago spoke up, seeing Connor slightly relax.
“Oh, I hear ya. Ms. Olivia always gets mad because the twins get woken up….I dunno my mom and her always end up talking about it and reading what people are saying on Facebook,” he laughed. “I can ask Mom if she knows if anyone’s going to do fireworks. That way you guys know?” 
“That’s nice of you man,” Benny brought the boy in for a half hug. “We may decide to leave a little early but I think we’re all down for a pool party aren’t we boys?” He looked around and saw them all reluctantly nod. “Well that settles it,” he smiled.
“Alright Ben, let’s get back to it, you’re not done,” Frankie slapped Benny across the chest and then motioned toward the weights.
As Benny, Will and Connor made their way over, Santiago quietly pulled Frankie to the side. “Everything good hermano?” 
“I’m ok,” Frankie muttered as he took the tape off his hands. 
“You gonna see your girl again? Or was it just a weekend thing?” He brief smirk quickly replaced by a look of concern. “Sorry, Fish.”
Frankie sighed, “All good man. I’m going to see her again…at least I hope I can see her again. We uh…didn’t really talk a lot about it,” he let out a soft chuckle, rustling with the back of his hair where it poked out from his cap.
“Ah mano, I’m sure you didn’t,” Santiago winked, eliciting a reluctant smile from Frankie. “You don’t have to tell me all about it now. But seriously, how long’s it been? I figured after finally getting some you’d be less of a dick.” He dodged a playful punch from Frankie, who got him into a headlock.
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“Nico, can you help me with that box?” Marcus pointed to the trunk of his SUV as his son eagerly nodded.
“Dada, I big helper too,” Mariella waddled over making grabby hands up at Marcus’ knees for him to pick her up.
“Ah muñeca, yes, you are a big helper too, here,” he handed the little girl an empty plastic bag which she happily took as she trotted up the driveway to her mother.
“Mama I’m a big helper!”
“Wow! Look at that!” Victoria smiled as the family worked on emptying the SUV with their first round of belongings. “Babe, when’s the moving truck getting here?”
“Should be any minute now,” Marcus checked his phone.
“Doggie!!” Mariella yelled as she started running down the driveway, with Nico on her heels.
“Hey, hey, be careful,” Marcus chased after them, scooping his daughter up and redirecting Nico away from the sidewalk as a woman and her corgi approached. “Sorry about that! They both love animals,” he called over.
“Oh, it’s ok! He’s friendly if they want to say hi,” she smiled, motioning down to her dog. 
Marcus walked down the driveway with Mariella on his hip and Nico holding his hand.
“This is Bucky, say hi Bucky,” she looked down at the dog who excitedly looked between all of the new people. “I’m Megan by the way….I live a few doors down, the one with the basketball hoop,” she motioned over her shoulder.
“I’m Marcus,” he reached out to shake her hand. “This is Mariella and Nico…my wife Victoria,” he nodded behind him as Victoria made her way down the driveway.
“Hi! Are you one of our neighbors?” Victoria asked with a warm smile. 
“Yeah, I’m kind of the unofficial welcome wagon,” Megan chuckled as Bucky looked up at her and whined. “You too buddy, you’re part of the committee too,” she winked at the couple. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you all if you’re moving in. I’m sure you have your hands full.”
“Oh it’s ok, we’re waiting on the moving truck, and then my sister,” Victoria said as she reached down to pet Bucky, who rolled over on his back as the kids giggled.
“He hates attention as you can tell,” Megan laughed. “Hey, I know it’s probably a lot and you may already have plans, but we’re having a Fourth of July barbecue tomorrow if you all want to come. All the neighbors will be there. We just had some guys move in a few weeks ago, they’ll love to no longer be the new kids on the block,” she winked.
“That’s so nice of you, thank you,” Victoria smiled. 
“Yeah, here let me get your number,” Megan pulled out her phone and handed it to Victoria who eagerly entered her contact information.
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“Hey, I'm thinking we can get started on Melissa and Danny's backyard the day after tomorrow. I wanted to swing by Home Depot, get a few things, and drop it off so we can just get started right away on Wednesday. Anyone wanna come with?” Santiago asked the group as they were walking out. Frankie was busy checking his phone and not paying attention.
“I, uh, I should get home. I told Lulu I'd help her with some stuff … I'm getting lunch out of it,” Connor chuckled.
“Damn, don't go eating all of the empanadas, she said she'd save some for me. And she probably made something special for you now that you’re back, Fish,” Benny laughed, his face scrunching up when Frankie ignored him. “Fish?”
Frankie looked up from his phone, “Hmm? Oh … ah yeah…sure,” he gave a tight smile.
Will furrowed his brows, looking away from Frankie and focusing his attention on Connor. “How about I drive you home and these three can head to Home Depot? It'll be easier probably with your truck Fish.”
“Hmm, sure yeah that's fine.” Frankie’s lips twitched as he checked his phone again.
“Okay,” Santiago cut in, trying to cover for the fact that Frankie was clearly distracted and had his mind elsewhere. “That settles it, see you back at the house Will.”
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“Babe, I think Santi and the boys are going to drop off some stuff … you going to be around?” Melissa walked into the living room, putting on her earrings as Danny played a video game.
“Uh ok, cool,” he paused the game. “You not gonna be here?”
“No, I…uh…I have to go grocery shopping for tomorrow. I told David I’d bring something.”
“Ooo nice, what did you decide on?”
“Ah, I don’t know yet. I figured I’d go to the store and see what speaks to me.” 
“Any instructions I need to know for the guys?”
“Nope, they should be outta here before you know it,” she walked over to the kitchen counter to grab her crossbody and keys. “I’ll be back, love you!” 
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“Ok. Hold tight, let me go check and see where she wants the stuff,” Santiago instructed as he jumped out of Frankie’s truck and bounded up the driveway.
“Looks like the neighbors are finally moving in,” Benny observed, looking at the passenger side window.
He recognized the family from the other day. The husband held onto a little girl while a little boy played with a plastic golf club set. He spotted the wife coming out of the house with one of the movers. 
“Yeah, that moved pretty fast, huh?” Frankie responded absentmindedly as he tapped on his phone.
“Fish, look, I don’t wanna pry or anything….but is everything ok? I've never seen you on your phone this much and it’s kinda weirding me out,” he laughed.
Frankie put his phone in his lap and took a deep breath. “I ah…I kinda met somebody,” Frankie looked up sheepishly.
“Well, that’s obvious Fish,” Benny smirked.
“It’s moving kinda fast,” Frankie twirled the curls sticking out of the back of his hat.
“It’s ok, fast can be good…well…not in some cases, but you know what I mean,” Benny snorted as Frankie groaned.
Santiago tapped on the passenger side window, motioning to Benny to roll it down. “We just missed Melissa apparently, but Danny’s gonna open the gate to the backyard and we can just set everything back out by the shed. We’ll figure it out later.” 
“Sweet. Let’s get to work, I wanna get home and take a shower” Benny clapped his hands, getting out of the car and waving to Danny. “Hey, man!”
“What’s going on guys? Lemme go open the gate real quick and I can come help!” Danny held up a key as he walked to the side of the house.
“All good man, take your time,” Santiago shouted back as he unlocked the bed of Frankie’s truck.
The guys started unloading a few things and followed Danny into the backyard, missing the arrival of another black SUV at 306 Mulefall Court.
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“Tia Nessa!! Papa! Tia Nessa is here!” Nicolas’ face lit up as he saw his Tia Vanessa park and get out of her car. She placed her sunglasses on her head and opened her arms up for a hug.
“Oye mi corazón!” Vanessa knelt on the ground, bringing her nephew in for a tight hug. “Ah, I missed you. Everything going ok? You helping your mama y papa?”
“Si, Tia Nessa, I’m helping,” he smiled back, “I’m really strong…look,” he flexed.
“Ay dios mio, wow!” She laughed before turning her attention to her little niece. “Oh! Look at you walking mi chiquitita!” she clapped her hands as Mariella made her way over. She picked the little girl up and twirled her around.
“Hey Vandy,” Marcus greeted her with a warm smile followed by a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Thanks, Buck, happy to be here,” she smiled, rubbing his arm with a tight smile. Even before he was “officially” her brother by marriage, Vanessa always had a soft spot for Marcus, the two sharing a sweet, unspoken bond. 
“I like your hair…in the light it looks…purple?” He reached towards the end of the hair sticking out of her claw clip.
“Thanks, had a bit of a crisis so I dyed it,” she chuckled. “Look at yours! I don’t think I’ve seen your hair this long in a while! And with this scruff?! Vic must be losing her mind,” she winked.
“Ha,” a slight flush washed over his face as he cleared his throat. “I’m gonna need you to take care of this before I go back to work on Wednesday,” he said as his hand ruffled through his curls.
“Please don’t cut it too short,” Victoria walked up with a pout before embracing her little sister with a tight hug and a huge smile plastered across her face.
“We won’t go as short as normal, right Buck?” Vanessa winked. “Just shape it up a bit.”
“Ah, I am so excited you’re here!” Victoria squeaked. She was about to bombard her sister with questions about the drive and what she packed, but she got distracted by some movement in the yard next door. “Oh, hi!” She waved at the group of men making their way towards a green pickup truck in the neighbor’s driveway.
Vanessa followed her sister’s gaze, checking out the group. She took a particular interest in the taller man in the bunch. He had a black backward baseball cap on and a T-shirt that fit snugly around his biceps. Their eyes locked briefly and she sucked in a breath as he gave her a lopsided smile. She then noticed his soft, kind eyes that were the prettiest shade of blue. She heard one of the other guys exchanging pleasantries with Marcus, who had walked over to greet the group.
“Damn, I didn’t realize the landscapers were gonna be so hot,” Vanessa whispered to her sister with a smirk. “You have any projects planned?”
“They aren’t landscapers,” Victoria laughed and pulled her sister close as she gave her the rundown of the men. “And the one in the black hat? That’s Benny. He lives a few houses down with his brother...who I don't see.” She side-eyed her sister, who was absentmindedly biting her lower lip as she watched Benny and the rest of the guys chat with Marcus. “Want me to go introduce you?” she waggled her eyebrows, playfully bumping Vanessa in the shoulder.
“No, Vic. Don’t make it weird,” she turned to face her sister. “We have unpacking to do and I am desperate for you to show me around this beautiful house!” 
“I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to help you unpack a box or two,” Victoria smirked.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and knelt to get to eye level with her nephew, “Nico, you wanna help me get some stuff out of my car and then show me your room?”
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” Nicolas jumped up and down, running over to Vanessa’s SUV as Marcus walked back over to his lawn.
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“That must be the sister,” Santiago motioned over with his eyes as the guys grabbed another load from the back of the truck. 
Frankie noticed Benny try and steal glances behind him. “She’s pretty,” Frankie commented, looking Benny up and down trying to gauge a reaction. 
Benny nodded and cleared his throat before hopping up onto the bed of the truck to continue unloading. His eyes looked past Frankie, finding hers once again from a distance. It had been so long since he’d approached a woman and he felt uncharacteristically nervous. He shook his head to collect himself before jumping down from Frankie’s truck to help Santiago carry a bag of soil.
As they walked up the driveway, his eyes quickly cut over just in time to see her leaning into the backseat of her SUV to grab something. She was wearing workout pants and an oversized T-shirt and her hair was casually up in a clip. Benny’s eyes trailed down her body, lingering for a moment on her ass as she bent down. He felt his pulse quicken a little bit, a thrill he hadn’t experienced in a while.
“You into girls with dark hair now?” Santiago chimed in, pulling Benny’s attention.
“What?” Benny cleared his throat, his brows furrowed as he regarded a smug Santiago.
“Just an observation. She’s not your usual type.” He used his lips to point back towards the driveway next door. 
“What? I…uh…” Benny tried to play it off with a laugh, but Santiago exchanged a knowing look with Frankie.
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“Psst, ven aquí,” Victoria whispered to her sister as her husband and son went upstairs to drop off some of the bags from Vanessa’s car. 
“What’s up?” 
“He’s hot, right?” Victoria asked with a smirk.
Vanessa furrowed her brows, “who?”
“Benny, silly. C’mon, you have to admit he’s like super hot, right?” 
“I didn’t realize you were looking, hermana. I figured out of all of them you’d be most interested in the curly-haired one in the hat who kinda looks like Marcus ow-!” Vanessa laughed as her sister playfully slapped her arm. 
“You know what I meant tonta.”
“Don’t give me that look,” Vanessa narrowed her eyes.
“I’m not giving you a look. I’m just surprised. He’s not your usual type is all.”
“Who’s not who’s type?” Marcus asked as he came around the corner.
“Nothing. It’s nothing. C’mon, there’s still a bunch of stuff in the trunk,” Vanessa turned on her heels as Marcus winked at his wife.
“Meddling already and I just got here,” Vanessa muttered to herself as she walked back outside to her car, stepping over some of the toys scattered on the front lawn. When she reached her car, she took a deep breath and collected herself as she waited for her trunk to open.
Moving in with her sister and brother-in-law wasn’t something she had on her mid-30s bingo card, but here she was. She was grateful to them for their generosity, even though it still made her feel inadequate and a bit like a charity case. For the past six months, she felt like she was floundering and was hopeful a change of scenery could give her the reset she so desperately wanted.
She stacked a couple of boxes, struggling a bit to carry them but she was determined to not drop them – especially since she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of the guys next door. Her mind was elsewhere as she walked up the driveway, cutting up into the lawn as her foot caught something. Then, everything felt like it was happening in slow motion.
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“You gonna keep staring or are you gonna go and say hi?” Santiago peered over to Benny as he watched the woman walk back to her car. “She’s clearly going to be a neighbor, welcome her to the neighborhood,” he waggled his eyebrows as Benny shook his head and averted his eyes.
“Nervous to go talk to a girl? This is unlike you Benjamin,” Frankie smirked as Santiago snorted.
“Ha ha very funny,” Benny rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath and looking as she struggled with a couple of boxes she had stacked on top of each other.
His hands twitched, wanting to run over there and help her, but he also didn’t want to offend. Thanks to his ex, he second-guessed everything. Benny’s eyes again raked down her body as she walked with the boxes stacked high; he smiled to himself to see her determination. And then, it felt like everything stopped and happened in slow motion. 
She didn’t notice the golf club lying haphazardly in her path. Her shoe caught it and Benny instinctively took off in her direction, knowing he was too far to do anything. She stumbled, unable to recover her footing, and fell forward as the boxes tumbled, scattering their contents onto the lawn. 
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“Vandy!” Marcus shouted as he ran out the front door. 
“Fuck,” she muttered to herself as she got to her hands and knees, hoping that no one else saw her fall. Then she heard a couple of heavy footsteps running up the driveway.
“Are you ok?” She heard an unfamiliar deep voice, noticing the Southern drawl.
She turned her head to see the man with the black cap towering over her. His eyebrows were knitted with concern as he bent down, offering his hand so she could stand up.
“Uh, y-yeah,” she gave a weak smile, mesmerized that his eyes were even more beautiful up close than they were from a distance. When he smiled at her, she felt her knees go weak, it was a miracle she was able to stand. “I…um…I’m usually not so clumsy,” she laughed nervously pausing when she looked down to see he was still holding her hand.
“Vandy, are you alright?” Marcus ran up in a huff and brought his hands to her shoulders to steady her. 
Benny dropped her hand and ran it down his mouth and across his jaw, finally resting it on his neck as he watched.
“Yeah, I’m ok, just startled me more than anything,” she reassured her brother-in-law. 
“Sorry, Nico had stuff everywhere, I should have had him put it all away…”
“Buck, it’s ok. I’m ok,” she smiled.
“Here, let me help y’all pick this stuff up,” Benny cut in, realizing he was just awkwardly standing there. He bent down to start collecting the items which consisted of a lot of knick knacks. 
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Vanessa crouched down, embarrassed that the man is getting to see her Funko pop collection scattered across the lawn. But he was working so quickly to help that it brought a smile to her face.
Marcus observed this encounter with a smirk. It had been so long since he’d seen her smile like that and he was amused, even though he knew Victoria would chastise him for gawking. 
“Here, I can take this in for you,” Benny smiled as he picked up one of the newly repacked boxes
“Uh, t-thank you…”
“Benny. I’m Benny,” he smiled and Vanessa felt the butterflies erupting in her stomach.
“Vanessa.” Her eyes locked on his and she thought she saw the faintest blush coming across his face.
“Benny lives down the street Vandy, with his brother Will,” Marcus chimed in.
“Oh, nice,” she smiled tightly, hoping that Marcus wouldn’t make it awkward but she saw that glimmer in his eye. Bless him, he tried over the years to set her up with friends but it never quite worked out.
Benny cleared his throat, “Yeah, we’re just down that way,” he motioned down the street with his chin. 
Benny and Vanessa stayed looking at each other like time stood still. Neither was sure when they last took a breath.
Marcus, meanwhile, happily played the bystander watching the back and forth like it was a tennis match. When he realized neither of them was going to say anything, he cleared his throat. “So, Vandy you gonna keep us standing here holding your stuff or are we heading in,” he smirked.
“Shit, yeah, sorry. Ah, here I can take that.” She motioned to the box but Benny pulled it back.
“Nuh uh, I”ll take it. Lead the way boss lady,” Benny winked letting her walk in front. He couldn’t help how his eyes swept down her body and as he was admiring her ass his view was blocked by Marcus who stepped in front of him with a smile. Benny cleared his throat and got in line behind him.
“I was wondering where you all we-,” Victoria’s eyes widened as she saw her sister and husband walk back into the house followed by Benny. She crossed her arms and rested her weight on one foot, ‘Wow Benny, you’re just a jack of all trades aren’t you,” she winked as Benny laughed.
“Here Benny, it’s up this way,” Marcus nodded for Benny to follow him upstairs. 
Vanessa winced as she rubbed her knee, thankful she fell on grass and not the pavement. “You fell? Are you ok? Let me grab my kit real quick…” Victoria trailed off.
“Calm down Nightengale, I just tripped on the lawn,” Vanessa rolled her eyes, straightening up when her sister gave her that look. “Ok, I fell. But it’s not a big deal. I’m more embarrassed than anything.”
“So you pulled the whole damsel in distress thing to get Benny to come over, huh?” She waggled her eyebrows.
“You and I both know I’m not coordinated enough to pull that off…clearly,” Vanessa chuckled. 
Just then the sisters heard some laughter coming from the staircase as Marcus and Benny walked down the steps.
“Got another load or two maybe, you good to help?” Marcus looked over his shoulder.
“Oh you really don’t have to do that,” Vanessa started to follow before Victoria grabbed her by the arm.
“Can you stop? Let him help you.”
“I can do it myself,” Vanessa huffed.
“I know you can, but accept the help sometimes,” the deeper meaning behind the words was not lost on either sister.
A few moments later, there was laughter and commotion at the door as Marcus came back through with Benny and some additional helpers.
“Got the whole thing unpacked, Vandy. Look at how fast that was thanks to our neighbors,” Marcus winked as he made his way up the stairs. Benny was right behind and gave her a shy smile as he walked by.
A good looking shorter man with curly hair was next. He had an air of confidence and seemed like the kind of guy who would coax you into bad decisions. “Hi, I’m Santi…that’s Frankie,” he nodded behind him. The man with the baseball cap smiled as he followed the group upstairs.
When they were alone, Victoria snorted, trying to contain her laughter.
“Stop it,” Vanessa rolled her eyes. 
“Ok ok, I won’t say anything,” Victoria smirked. “But, how are you thinking of repaying him for his kindness ow-” she ducked as Vanessa threw a cleaning rag her way with a laugh.
“Uh oh, that can only mean trouble,” Marcus called down as heavy footsteps made their way down the stairs. “Can’t leave those two alone,” he winked at Benny.
“This is a beautiful house,” Santiago remarked, taking a look around.
“Thanks, I’m excited to make it ours,” Victoria walked over to Marcus, wrapping her arm around his waist and looking up at him like he personally hung the moon in the sky.  
Santiago looked at Benny, who readjusted his hat, looking down at the ground nervously. “You all coming to the party tomorrow?” 
Vanessa looked at her sister and brother-in-law with a confused look. “You guys have been here a couple of hours and are already getting invited to parties. Wow, that’s a record,” she smirked.
Benny snorted, his eyes meeting hers.
Victoria ignored her sister’s quip and looked at Santiago, “We’ll all be there. Will you?”
“Yup, we’ll be there, won’t we Benny?”
Benny cleared his throat, “Ah y-yeah, should be fun!” 
“It’s a…um…pool party,” Frankie offered, gesturing towards Nicolas who had just walked into the kitchen with his little sister holding his hand.
“Pool party?! Yeaaahh!” The little boy cheered as everyone laughed.
“Well, we look forward to it. Should be a grand ol’ time,” Marcus smirked.
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Next Time on As the Mule Falls: We are headed to another neighborhood party - when you have David as your defacto neighborhood social director, expect lots of fun. The boys have some complicated feelings about being the center of attention because of the holiday. Prepare for some Will angst, some Pike smut, and more cuteness with Benny and Vanessa.
A/N: We’ve got a lot of storylines cooking now! In case you missed it, I made a Delta Landscaping Bingo card to keep track of all of the PPCU character references. Based on the plans I have for this series so far, you can make a “bingo” three ways. Not to add additional reading, but my little Frankie series Turbulence gives a bit more insight into what he was up to over the weekend. There is a part 4 coming out soon and after that the story will be weaved into DL. I’ve got a few other surprises up my sleeve 😉
Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story. 
I forgot to post a chapter mood board earlier this week, so here it is...
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Taglist: @goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @noxturnalpascal / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beboldbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @pimosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain / @partyofone3413 / @inthedarkestnight / @millennial-teenybopper / @csarab615 / @darkheartgatita / @southernbe / @weho2kcmo / @itspdameronthings 
103 notes · View notes
jerzwriter · 4 months
A Different Fate - Final Chapter
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OMG, it took me entirely too long to complete this, but I'm so happy now that it's done! I am so, so grateful to the anonymous (to you, not to me 😉) donor to the Write for Gaza project, who requested I finish this by the end of January. Well - I did it! And thank you so, so much - I can't tell you how much it means!
A Different Fate - Series Masterlist
Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (past)
Featuring: Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Words: 3,700
Category: Short-Series/AU/Lost Love
Summary: Ethan's first attempt to talk to Casey didn't work out, but now, with Tobias & Sienna's help, will it finally work out? Or will they have to resign and accept their fate?
A/N: When I started this, it was supposed to be a one-off, and now, I'm finally done after 5 parts! It's funny how these things take on a life of their own. I know a few of you have been very anxious for this to post, and I thank you for your extraordinary patience. I hope you find it's worth it in the end! @choicesjanuary2024 Day 23 - Hope Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist | My Full Masterlist
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The bus jolted forward the moment the light turned green, jostling its passengers around like dolls—every passenger except for Sienna Trinh. Growing increasingly impatient with her “charge,” she sat firmly in place, arms crossed defiantly before her chest.  
“This is a stupid idea!” She said, slapping a startled Ethan’s arm across the bus aisle.
“Don’t oww, me!” She fired back. “You blew my advice off yesterday, and look how well that went. Maybe you should listen to me now.”
“I know,” Ethan droned. “But this is different.”
“Si, I have to agree with Ethan on this one,” Tobias said, his face twisting as he realized his words. “Shit! It hurt more than I expected to say that.”
“Thanks, pal.”
“Don’t mention it,” Tobias smirked. “Si, he can’t do this right now. He’d have to ambush her at work, and you see how well that went. We have a plan in place; it will be fine.”
“Normally, I’d agree with you, but I’m done tempting fate with these two. Something always goes wrong.”  
“Look, the bonehead has put it off eight years. It can wait another eight hours to ensure it’s done right.”
“You know,” Ethan interrupted, “it might be helpful if the two of you wouldn’t talk about me like I wasn’t here.”
Sienna turned to him, brow raised. “It would be great if you didn’t need the two of us here to make sure you don’t blow it!”
“She makes a point,” Tobias nodded, pleased with Ethan’s exasperation.
“Can we stick to the point?”
“The point is, you’ll speak to Kaycee tonight.”
“Yeah, after your date,” Ethan chuckled ruefully. “
“It’s not a date!” Tobias spat. “You know damn well I’m just going to the party with her to get that asshole Douglas off her back.”  
Ethan shot a half-doubtful look.
“Really?” Tobias said incredulously. “I’ve been rooting for you two since she left Boston, and this is how you treat me? Trust me, Ramsey, all Kaycee wants is you, and the last thing I’d ever want is to have you as a metamour.”
Sienna’s nose scrunched. “A meta-what?”
Tobias waved her off with a chuckle. “Trust me, Si, you’re better off not knowing. Now, stop worrying. I’ll take Kaycee to the party, give the creepy doctor a few death stares, and after a drink or two, I’ll mention you’re in town, play wingman, then you swoop in for the grand finale. We’ve got it under control.”
“Yeah,” Sienna rolled her eyes. “With you two at the wheel, what could possibly go wrong?”
“I’m coming!” Kaycee clumsily rushed across her apartment to answer the door, slipping into her silver heels along the way. She opened the door breathless but stunning nevertheless. “Hey,” she smiled.
A grin spread across Tobias’s face; he had forgotten how well Dr. MacClennan cleaned up. With her long blonde curls cascading over her shoulder, barely skimming the bodice of her strapless ice-blue gown, she looked more like someone who spent her day posing for Vogue than saving lives in scrubs.
“What do you think?” she grinned.
“What do I think? If this is how you look for a fake date, what the hell do you do on real ones? How many heart attacks have you been responsible for, MacClennan?” 
“Shit!” She said with a stomp of her foot. “I screwed up! I shouldn’t have brought you tonight!”
“Oh, why?”
“I should have invited Dr. Douglas himself! If I knew cardiac arrest would be the result, well, that would be one way to be rid of him.”
Tobias burst out laughing. “I forgot just how wicked you could be.”
Slipping an earring in, she winked. “I’d feel guilty about it ten minutes later. Not guilty enough to start CPR, but guilty all the same."
"Well, I'm happy to provide a less lethal way of getting rid of Dr. Jackass.”
She grabbed her clutch off the side table and looked at Tobias, casually leaning against the door.   She swore he hadn’t aged a day, still wearing that signature confident swagger as well as he wore his dark, tailor-made suit. She crossed her arms and shook her head disapprovingly.
“What?” He asked, checking his attire to see if something was wrong. “Do I not clean up as well as you?”
“Too well. If word gets out that I’m dating you, no one will ask me out again. They’d be afraid of the competition.”
He chuckled softly, visions of Ethan in his mind. “Well, let’s hope it won’t come to that.”
Stepping to Kaycee’s side, he offered his arm. “Shall we?”
“Let’s go!”
The party was exactly what one would expect to cap off the career of a renowned doctor from one of the top hospitals in the world. The rooftop ballroom’s floor-to-ceiling windows provided a panoramic view of the City’s famed skyline; fairy lights scattered throughout the room illuminated it with an ethereal glow. Warm notes from the piano wafted through the air, competing with the gentle hum of convivial chatter as tuxedoed waiters distributed flutes of  Dom Perignon. Tobias and Kaycee were on a mission and played the part of an enamored new couple so well that they earned envious stares, not only from Dr. Douglas but from several others as well. But as much fun as that was, Tobias couldn’t get his mind off his primary goal of the night: getting Ethan and Kaycee together. He looked at his watch. She only wanted to stay two hours, and they were about to hit that mark.
“Hey,” he whispered, “Wanna take a spin around the dancefloor before we blow this joint? Make this look legit?”
Wordlessly placing her empty champagne flute on a passing waiter's tray, she took Tobias’s hand and led him to the dancefloor. Ironically, finding the most privacy they’d had all night. 
“Dancing was a good idea,” she said. “Everyone knows I wouldn’t leave a party without dancing... and it’s not like you’re a stick in the mud that would refuse me.”
“Kacyee, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse you.”
“Yeah,” she smiled sadly, “You’d be surprised.”
“I don’t know about that. For Christ's sake, you used to get Ramsey to dance back in the day. I thought only an act of God could accomplish that!”
Kaycee’s body tensed, and her feet seemed to forget what they were supposed to do. As she stood still on the dance floor, Tobias looked her in the eye.
“I’m sorry, did I overstep?”
Kaycee shook her head and continued to dance. “It’s been so nice seeing you, but it takes me back, and sometimes, that can be hard, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. It takes me back, too, but is that such a bad thing? We had some good times.”
“Ha! It all depends,” she chuckled. “Do you have a time machine? Because I’d be happy to go back, but only if I could write a different fate.”   
“I can’t do that,” he sighed. “Not the time machine part, but... maybe I can help with the different fate.”
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
“Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “Follow me.”
Kaycee remained silent as they ran down the plushly carpeted hall. But, when they found an empty banquet room, she wanted answers.
“OK, we’re alone now. What’s going on?”
“I want to talk to you about Ethan.”
Kaycee shook her head, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.   
“We did that. We had that conversation at dinner the other night. We don’t need to do it again.”
“Did we have that conversation? Because as far as I remember, I didn’t tell you that he was here.”
“He’s what? He’s here... like in New York?”
“I’ll do one better,” he smiled. “He’s sitting at the bar in the lobby.”
Her eyes narrowed, and Tobias wasn’t sure if he saw shock or anger flickering in them.
“You told me he was in Boston. You said he refused to come with you!”
“He was. Or at least I thought he was. But when I got to my hotel that night, he was there.”
She crossed her arms smugly. “So he came to attend the conference. Right?”
“Nope. He didn’t come for the conference. He came here for you.”
“For me?” Her voice cracked. “He came here for me. Yet he’s been in town for two days and hasn’t reached out to me once.”
“Well... about that. He did. He stopped by Langone yesterday and sort of heard you tell Dr. Douglass that you had a thing... for me.”
Kaycee felt her stomach drop. “No!”
“No, no, no, no! He doesn’t really think I want you, does he?”
“Hey, don’t act so disgusted!” Tobias said defensively. “Believe it or not, most people would kill to get with this... but Ethan knows you’re not one of them. I can’t give you a time machine, but you can give yourself a second chance.”
She remained silent, her heart beating faster as she stared out the window into the night.
“Tobias, it’s taken me eight years to say his name without crying. To recall our time together and feel whistful, not just sad. I’m content with my life here, and if I open that door and it slams shut once again... I don’t know that I could take it.”
“Kaycee, you’re right. Eight years have passed, and a lot has changed. Like you – you’re not a young, wide-eyed resident anymore. You have a brilliant career that can only be attributed to one thing – and that’s you. No one could dare say you made it because you were involved with him. You love each other. Why keep denying it.”
“He loves me?” She asked. “He used those exact words.”
“Well, he didn’t actually say the words, but... why would he say them to me? Why don’t you give him a chance... to say them to you?”  
“But Tobias,” she said with a quiver in her voice. “What if... what if it doesn’t work?”
“But Kaycee... what if it does?”
Boston and Philadelphia had skyscrapers for sure, but neither city could hold a candle to New York, and right now, Kaycee couldn't be more grateful to the town she now called home. Sixty-eight floors, she thought, taking a tentative step into the elevator. Sixty-eight floors stood between her and the lobby, and she hoped they’d stop at each one.
Standing in the back corner, she relied on the walls to keep her upright as passengers piled in. She needed time. Time to think, to decide what she’d say, to breathe.... sixty-eight floors should have given her the time she needed to center and gain a semblance of composure. But it went by in an instant, and when the elevator doors began sliding over, all she could do was watch in horror.
Her head was spinning, and her mind was lost in a cloud of confusion. Ethan was waiting in the lobby... for her? It couldn’t be real. Tourists and locals alike chatted happily about their evening plans as they stepped out, a direct contrast to Kacyee, who stood frozen in fear. Only the elevator operator’s gruff voice brought her back to reality.
“Ma’am, are you getting out?”
She turned to him, then back to the door, and considered returning to the grand ballroom. But something inside her stirred. Tobias was right; she was no longer playing the part of the ingenue, filled with hope and naivete that were somehow both her greatest strength and weakness. No, she was a big girl now, and whatever happened when she walked through that door... she’d be able to handle it.  
“Ma’am," the man repeated with increased irritation. “Shall I close the doors?"
“Uhm. No," she said, standing upright and dusting off the front of her gown. “No. I’m getting off here.”
The world seemed to move in slow motion as she stepped into the lobby. If this were a movie, Ethan would be waiting across a crowded room, their eyes would meet in an instant, and the credits would roll as soon as they shared a perfect kiss, one that left no doubt that they were destined for happily ever after. But real life seldom ran so smoothly, as Kaycee was about to confirm. She looked all around, to the left and the right, but no sign of him. She walked the perimeter of the room, even just outside, and still... nothing. Tobias said Ethan would be at the bar, so she returned and hopped on a stool to wait and wait. She was patient at first, but five minutes passed, then ten. Her fingers began to rap against the rich mahogany countertop when it reached fifteen, and by twenty? By twenty, she had enough.
Standing up with a weary sigh, she chastised herself for opening that door even a crack. You should have learned by now, she thought as she headed toward the exit. She was almost outside when she saw Tobias coming off the elevator. She turned on her high heel and headed his way. Why lambast herself if she could lambast him? He didn’t see her coming and reacted with surprise when he felt the shove on his shoulder.
 “He’s here, huh? He’s waiting for me at the bar? Well, guess what? He didn’t show!”
“Kaycee,” Tobia started, but she wouldn’t allow him to speak.
“No! Don’t Kaycee me! This is precisely l why I didn’t want to get my hopes up! This is how it always ends with us... either he walks away, or he doesn’t show... and I swore I wouldn’t put myself in this position again!”
“Kayce, if you’d just let me....”
“NO! No, I don’t want to hear what you have to say because all that matters is that he’s not here! He’s not here, and....”
Her breath hitched when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Is that....” she whispered.
“You know,” Tobias smirked. “You might want to turn around.”
She turned around slowly, and just like that, life was imitating art. A feeling of warmth surrounded her the moment their eyes met. He may have aged a little, but she’d know him... she’d know those eyes... anywhere.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, handing her a single red rose. “I stepped out to buy this from a street vendor. I thought it would be a nice touch.”
With her heart racing, she lifted the flower to her nose and inhaled its fragrant scent.
“And that took twenty minutes?” she grinned, putting Ethan at ease.
“Well, I also needed to go to the men's room. It took more than one glass of Scotch to get up the nerve to offer you an apology that could make up for eight years.”
“Ethan,” she whispered, at a loss for words.
“Well, this is the shittiest rose ceremony I’ve ever seen, and I’ve had to suffer through many an episode of The Bachelor,” Tobias observed. He pat Ethan on the back. “Nice touch, a little cheesy, but not bad for you.”
“You can go now,” Ethan grumbled.
“I was planning on it,” Tobias nodded at Kaycee, then looked Ethan in the eye. “You two can take it from here. Don’t fuck this up.”
“Can we?” Kaycee asked once Tobias was gone. “Can we take it from here, or will one of us mess it up somehow?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” he smiled. “Why don’t we go someplace and talk.”
She couldn’t remember leaving the hotel lobby or how they decided where they would walk. All she knew was they ended up strolling along Central Park West, a comfortable distance between them, as she chattered aimlessly about nothing at all. Anything to avoid an awkward silence or, worse yet, an awkward conversation. While Kaycee faced straight ahead, Ethan couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was as beautiful as he remembered, perhaps even more so. He was afraid if he took his eyes away, she’d disappear, and he wouldn’t allow that. Then, even in the dim streetlights, he saw her starting to shiver, and without missing a beat, he removed his jacket and placed it over her shoulders, bringing her to a stop.
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a half step back. “You looked cold.”
“Yes,” she smiled nervously. “It is... it is getting cold.” She motioned to a food truck on the edge of the street and smiled. “I’d suggest we get coffee to warm up, but I know that wouldn’t meet your standards.”
“Is that what you want?” He asked. “Go. Go sit on that bench, and I’ll get us some.”
“You’re going to drink coffee... from a food truck?”
Ethan shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have to start living a little sometime. Tonight sounds like the perfect time to start.”
He walked away, and Kaycee hollered after him. “Wait, you didn’t ask how I wanted my coffee."
He turned around with his hands in his pockets and utter confidence. “At this hour? Decaff. Definitely, decaff with a splash of milk, preferably almond, but if they don’t have that, plain milk will do. And Splenda, two Splenda... even though you know they’re not good for you.”
A slow smile spread across Kaycee’s lips. “You... remember.”
“Yes,” he nodded. “I remember everything.”
“Well, I take three Splenda now,” she winked, and he felt his heart flutter.
“Go sit,” he smiled, and she all but skipped away.
She watched his silhouette in the ethereal light, still attempting to convince herself this was real. But she had to believe it was true when she felt the steaming hot cup in her hand. She watched with anticipation as Ethan took a sip from his cup and couldn’t help but laugh when he tried to contain a grimace.  
“Oh, it’s funny,” he smiled. “Do you enjoy watching me suffer?”
“No,” she whispered, gently taking his hand and placing her coffee on the bench beside her. “No, I think we’ve both suffered plenty, and I don’t want either of us to suffer anymore.”  
The touch of her hand impacted him more than he could have imagined, and he found himself unable to speak. He turned to her with tears in his eyes, just managing to mutter her name before pulling her into a tight embrace. Kaycee buried her face in his shoulder, taking in the warm, familiar scent she used to know so well. One of Ethan’s hands was entangled in her curls, while his other arm pulled her as close as he possibly could. They stayed there a long while, silent and amazed at the reality – both had assumed if this day were ever to come, it would be filled with fireworks. An explosion of passion that couldn’t be felt miles away. But the reality was different. It was warm, safe, comforting, a loving embrace each had desired for so long – it wasn’t fireworks, it was coming home.  
“I can’t believe you’re here,” her voice cracked. “I can’t believe you’re in my arms.”
“I’m trying to believe it myself,” he said, pulling back to gaze into her crystal blue eyes. His hand cupped her chin, his thumb tenderly stroking her cheek. “You’re so beautiful. What kind of fool am I depriving myself of seeing this face for so long?”
Kayce reached up to take his hand, gently placing a kiss on it. “Then, shall we try to rectify that now?”
“We could. If that’s what you want.”
Kaycee sat back with a smile so gentle and warm Ethan didn’t need words to know her answer. She reached up and messed up his hair. “How did we screw us up so badly? I mean, I can blame it on being young and stupid, but you didn’t have that luxury.”
Laughing, he took her hand. “You may have been young, but you were never stupid. You knew so much more than me. I know there’s no fairy godmother that will show up with a magic wand, and I know we will still have things to work out. But the thing I know most of all is that I love you. I love you with all my heart, and I’ve wasted too many years without you by my side. I’m determined to put an end to that as soon as I can.”
“You love me,” she sighed. “Well, that’s good... because I love you. I love you so much.”
Ethan reached over and embraced her, letting out a joyful groan as he lifted them to their feet. She held on tight as he spun her around, stopping to gently put her back down. They stood face-to-face, a world of memories crossing their minds as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Time and distance had done nothing to them; their love remained the same. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, lighting a flame that had flickered but never extinguished. It was more than a kiss. It was a promise, a silent vow that was a testament to their love, which had never, ever died.
“We can’t screw this up, Ethan,” she said as they broke away. “If we’re going to do this, I want this to be forever. I can’t lose you again.”
“Good!” He grinned brighter than she had ever seen. “Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Ethan offered his arm, which she gladly accepted, nuzzling her head into his shoulder as they started to walk.
“So, where are we going?” She asked.
“Well, I do have a hotel room nearby.”
Kaycee playfully nudged him. “A hotel room? Mister, I have a whole apartment, and it’s quite nice! You know, your girl did all right for herself!”
“Oh, I’ve kept tabs on you. I know you did.”
“Then let’s go!”
As they walked to her apartment, they passed the café Kaycee had dined in not too long ago, and she told Ethan the story of that night. How two estranged lovers had come together, and he professed his undying love. She relayed how she was trying to listen in on their conversation, but in the end, she didn’t need to since the young man yelled it out for all to hear. The crowd applauded, and she secretly paid their bill. It was straight out of a movie.
“I’m glad you got to see that,” Ethan smiled. “You always loved a happy ending.”
“Mmm-hmm,” she agreed. “And now, I’ve got one of my own.”
(Yep that last part was from Part 1. 😊)
Thanks so much for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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vampirecatsw · 6 months
Transmigrator Kaito AU
part 2:
(lol i haven't written any resembling a fic for this au yet but feel free to ask questions)
Kaito's favourite manga is Detective Conan. Instead of crossing over with Magic Kaito, it crosses over with Yaiba.
The Yaiba content annoys Kaito to no end because he's jealous~ He's like "Ugh, crossing Conan over with say like, a Phantom Thief would be perfect! Not Yaiba! >:("
He's definitely read and written Kaitou KID / Detective Conan crossovers HAHAHA
(I still need to do more research about Yaiba but I know there's Yaiba characters in dc so that's why I chose this. Sorry I don't know much about Yaiba but I thought it would be a fun idea)
Kaito picked it up when his dad died and still reads it to this day. Yes, it's long running series too :)) He reads it in his downtime, including before and after heists. He's basically memorised every detail.
Out of all the characters, Conan/Shinichi is Kaito's favourite character. When Kaito got frustrated, he always came back for him. And he's a huuuuge fanboy as well! He knows all the little details >v0 and admires Shin-chan a lot.
I'm still deciding on making this romantic ShinKai or queerplatonic (like some third thing other than platonic and romantic) but eh it's still in the air ig. Kaito adores Shin a lot either way.
Kaito doesn't know that in the final chapter of Conan, it was revealed Shin and Ran decided they had a sibling relationship. Kaito keeps trying to wingman them in increasingly absurd ways that makes Shin think he's actually trying to serenade Ran.
When the final chapter is going to come out, Kaito goes on a heist but everything goes wrong. He ends up finding Pandora, but Snake finds him first and manages to mortally wound him. As he bleeds out on the rooftop, Pandora drenched in blood and lying in his limp hands, Kaito's last regret is how he never got to read the final chapter of Conan.
More details below cut:
Suddenly, Kaito wakes up to a vicious pinch in his cheek.
"Ba-kai-to! Wake up! I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes!"
"Ow! A-Aoko?? Wha-"
Kaito raises his head and sees... his normal classroom? Huh? Was everything just a dream? That final heist?
Kaito quickly pats down his chest. Nothing hurts... except for his sore throbbing cheek, and he's clothed in his normal school uniform, not the KID suit.
He keeps glancing around, trying to find any differences. Aoko's still standing in front of his desk, hands on her hips and a concerned look on her face. The classroom hasn't been filled up yet and the board is still freshly cleaned from yesterday, meaning it's the morning and class hasn't started yet. Akako hasn't arrived either. And Hakuba's reading a newspaper about Kudo Shinichi...
Kudo Shinichi???
Kaito lunges over his desk. "Hey! Give me that!"
Hakuba is too stunned at the sudden attack.
Kaito rapidly skims through the article .The paper crinkles in his trembling grip.
"Kudo Shinichi, the Heisei Holmes has done it again! He solved another case flawlessly last Monday..."
Hakuba adds hesitantly, "Yes? Kudo Shinichi. He's been making a name for himself recently. It would be a pleasure as a fellow detective to work alongside him one day."
Hakuba says this all naturally, like Shinchi's been real this entire time. Like he wasn't just a manga character yesterday.
Kaito gulps ...There's no mistake. The impossible has happened, and Detective Conan is somehow real.
~ Kaito in this AU is just... a Kudo Shinichi fanboy. He's absolutely ecstatic to challenge Kudo Shinichi. He's even more excited to amaze his critic, and every time they meet, Kaito's pokerface works overtime to hide his delighted blush and adoring grin on his face. Jii is so confused but also very supportive.
... Kaito really wants to squish Shin-chan's cheeks and tease him until his entire face turns a pretty pink, dangers be damned.
Meanwhile Shinichi keeps getting annoyed by this clingy thief who keeps coming back for more. What's so interesting about him anyways??? Why does he keep teasing him???
(This au also includes pre-conan and during conan. Kaito is extremely charmed by Conan and his pokerface works extra-overtime than when he met Shinichi. If that is even possible. After every heist he screams in his pillow and recalls every moment)
Kaito takes a solid week to slide himself into the Kudo Shinichi fan-server and cement himself as the Shinichi Expert. After a month he actually gets elected as co-president. Yes he's absolutely insane.
Kaito regularly sends fan letters to Shinichi, even after his 'disappearance'. They always wish Shinichi the best and includes random funny snippets of Kaito's day. They're addressed as "Kai-san" and are pretty polite. They always come with Kaito's genetically engineered blue and red roses that he grows in his garden. He doesn't gift the blue roses to anyone but Shinichi haha
Akako does exist in this universe. It's just that she sensed such a major disturbance that she stayed at home and researched it vigorously to make sure the fabric of space-time wasn't unravelling.
Kaito is like a proud peacock whenever Shin/Cone shows up. He literally pulls out all the stops and Jii is confused, yet very supportive. Agasa who provides the gadget just sighs at the huge and absurd list. It doesn't escape his mind that it happens whenever Conan/Shin attends a KID heist.
OVA 1 is really fun so I thought it would be extra funny for it to be somewhat plausible in this au. Not sure if Yaiba would be turned into a manga series when Magic Kaito becomes the main crossover (if that makes sense). When Kaito robs the sword, he would use his knowledge to cause the most chaos. Yes Kaito read Yaiba out of spite, and also 'know thy enemy, know thyself'
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sofasoap · 1 year
Love at first sight - 2
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Alejandro the wingman. Part I, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,Part 6,Epilogue
Warning: M rating. not beta'ed and proof read ( it's nearly 2am. ) I apologise I don't know any Spanish or Mexican culture. I had to google and make up some fictional festival for purpose of this chapter. Thanks to @kaplerrr for giving me guidance to some exclaims in Spanish :)
Rudy’s turn to get some Mini love!!! :) like Gaz, he is sooooo underrated.
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse
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Alejandro doesn’t pray often. When he prays, he prays for his family’s safety and well being. Or for the success of the mission.
Or his hermanos survival when they are in the deep of things. 
Or when his thick as a rock brother Rudy, who is mindlessly scooping food into his mouth, while staring at you across the mess hall, like a love sick puppy, to have the courage to finally go up to you, to initiate a conversation, no, actually,  just to say hi will be a miracle and a wish come true.
“Close your mouth. Rice is dropping out from the corner of your mouth.”
Quickly wiping his mouth, with embarrassment, he turned his attention back to his plate of food.
“... who ate all my food?”
Alejandro sighed, rubbing his forehead, “You did. Now, have you even tried to talk to Mini yet?” 
“No, Why?”
“Because you are staring at her again. Obviously you are interested in her.” 
Rudy looked down at his food, poking the leftover capsicum around the plate, not replying, deep in thought again.
Dios mío, Do I have to do everything for him??? Making up his mind, “MINI!” Alejandro yelled across the hall. “Come and sit with us! Rudy wants to ask you something.”
Rudy snapped his head and looked at Alejandro with shock in his eyes.
You looked up from amongst the new group of friends you made after the joint missions with Los Vaqueros and smiled, turning back for a few seconds to excuse yourself, you pick your plate and drink up to move towards the table Alejandro and Rudy is currently occupying.
“Good evening Colonel,” Turning towards Rudy, with a softer smile on your face, “Sergeant Major.”
“Please, we are all off duty, don’t need to be so formal.” Alejandro waved and pointed to the spare space on the bench beside Rudy, “Come, take a seat.”
Rudy shuffled slightly to the side , giving you more room to sit down. Still too shy to look you in the eye. 
“You are not as strict as Johnny then. He kept insisting that I call him Sergeant even when we were at home.” Rolling your eyes you let out a puff, complaining about your annoying brother. 
“Siblings.” Alejandro laughed. Taking a sip of water before changing the subjects, “I hope you are not having too much trouble blending into the team. If you need anything, please let me or Rudy know.”
Shaking your head, “Everybody has been very friendly and helpful. Especially when my Spanish is very limited to saying Hello and goodbye and how are you. Oh. of course swear words.”  you laughed.  “It is an eye opener and great experience to exchange knowledge in how you do things differently here. I am honoured to be part of it.” Turning your head towards Rudy, “Sergeant Major, you've been very quiet the whole time, what was it you wanted to ask me?” you scooped a bit of rice into your mouth as you remember why Alejandro called you over.
Rudy opened his mouth, and closed, and opened again. He looked at Alejandro with pleading eyes.
Sorry hermano, I have created a chance for you. you are on your own now. Alejandro replied with his glare. 
You tilt your head, with a smile on your face, waiting for him to reply.
“... You like the food here?” was all Rudy could squeeze out.
Ay Dios mío ayudame, Alejandro wanted to cry, he quickly interjected while giving Rudy a kick under the table, “What he was meaning to ask was, this is your first in Mexico, No? Your new friend told you about the festival coming up in Las Almas?” Nodding your head and eyes goes brighter with the mention of the festival, “Been to the States a few times for missions with Laswell, but crossing the border down here is the first time. So what is this festival about?” 
Alejandro smiled, “Well, apart from a lot of food, it’s a celebration of harvest, or just an excuse for everyone to get together and drink and dance. I think my brother here,” Hitting Ruby on the shoulder, made him spill the drink, “ can be your guide and escort to the fiesta, if you are interested.” 
You bit your lip, hesitating.  Rudy was getting fidgety, nervously waiting for your reply. 
“If it isn’t too much trouble, I would love to go.” Looking down at your uniform. “ I got no suitable attire to attend the festival though..” “Don’t worry. Leave that to us.” Alejandro reassures you.
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Rudy’s jaw dropped when he saw you coming out from his sister’s room, dressed in a white beautiful bare shoulder peasant blouse and colourful embroideries of little flowers on the frills, and bright blue Folklorico skirts with colourful ribbons around the helm, a red and white flower headpiece was pinned on the left side of your hair. Well, at least he is sure you ARE SINGLE. 
Lifting the skirt while you twirl around to show off the skirt, “How do I look?” you ask shyly. “estás bella”. Rudy mumbled, couldn’t take his eyes off you. You look absolutely stunning in the dress. 
 “Hmm?? Sorry?” “My idiot brother said you are beautiful.” Rudy’s sister Camila chuckled as she followed behind you.  You gasp at her comment, and looked at Rudy, who has turned into a bright red like a capsicum. “Well, hurry up and go, you two don’t want to miss the start of the festival.” Shaking her head as she pushes two out of the door, after thanking her for gifting you the dress.
Alejandro asked you for your phone number after the conversation at the mess hall that night. “I remember Rudy’s sister had a few spare dresses, why don’t you pass Mini’s number onto Camila, so she can find something for her to wear? And it will be easier for Rudy to contact you as well to organise something.”
You passed your phone to Rudy, which he quickly typed in his number, and you rang his phone so he will have yours as well. “ There you go. Thank your sister in advance for me please!”
When you walked into the Parra household on the day of the festival, you saw an elderly lady who you assume to be Rudy’s mother who immediately burst into tears and started mumbling away and making praying signs. “Don’t mind my mother. She is overcome with joy. Hola! I am Camila, Rudy’s sister. We spoke over the phone”
“Hello, nice to finally meet you.. Overcome with joy?” You asked. Slightly worried why you walking into the house has caused such a commotion, even the neighbours were gasping as you walked into the front yard. 
“She is thanking every deity out there for her to see this day while she is alive.”
“ Um? I don’t quite understand.”
“Rudy finally brought someone home!” “I .. I am just his work colleague. Alejandro said Rudy can be my escort to the festival..” you tried to explain awkwardly. But no one was listening to you. Camila eagerly pushed you towards one of the bedrooms, “Come on, my brother is getting changed. I got a few dresses from my younger days that I think will suit you very well.” 
What you didn’t expect was Camila going overly excited and gave the beautiful dress to you instead of just lending it to you for the night. 
“No, how can I possibly accept this? This is such a beautiful piece of work, I can’t take it!” “Hush, this is a time of festival and celebration. Celebrating my brother finally bringing someone home!!” “Um, I am not….”
Two of you walked out into the street in silence, after bidding farewell to the Parra family ( and a still sobbing Mama Parra ), it’s early afternoon, sun still shining quite bright, with slight breeze, it’s quite a pleasant day for a walk. You look into the distance into the mountains, and try to strike up a conversation to break the silence;
“Alejandro said he often skipped school and ran around the mountain trails when he was younger?” you pointed towards the hills and asked. 
Smiling at the memory, he chuckled. “He was the total opposite to me. Can’t sit still, skipping so much school his mother often drags him to school personally making sure he is actually AT the school, but still doesn’t stop him from snuck out after she left.” 
“Well that experience certainly helped with all the operations. Fighting off the Cartels.”
“Fortunately, or unfortunately yes,” he sighed. “All of us love our town. And we will fight to protect it, clearing them out of the mountains, every single one of them.”
You turned to look at him while he talked. You are glad he is finally opening up from his shell a little bit more.  When you first met, you weren’t quite sure if he was not keen to interact with you, by the way he introduced himself, with Alejandro doing most of the talking half of the time. As you spend more time with the Sergeant Major, you notice it is just his personality. Always quietly following the Colonel, observing everything. Taking everything in. Anticipating what Alejandro needs and assisting him with planning. Making sure everything runs smoothly. A very calming person. You admire people like that. Total opposite to your headstrong and fiery personality.
Two of you share childhood stories while walking towards the festival, you telling him stories of Soap and all the daredevil stunts he used to do when he was younger while you are always the one patching him up, “ I guess that’s why I became a doctor. “ You laughed. And Rudy tells you stories of the mischiefs him and Alejandro use to get up to, to the dismay of both their mothers. 
Soon you arrived at the town centre, which was already alive and buzzing with activities. Food stalls, music and bands playing, people dancing in the middle of the square. You look around at the colourful decorations, in awe.
“Come Rudy!! What is that over there??” In your excitement,  you loop your arm around his, pulling him towards a food stall. You subtly notice him stiffening up as you come in contact with him. The food stall owner was quite shocked and mumbled a few exclamations underneath his breath, you think something along the lines of if their eyes are seeing things correctly, a girl with Rudy etc. And this continues on for the whole night, and you clearly can see everyone’s shock and surprises as the two of you go around all the stalls and sights, enjoying the festival.
Both of you came to the middle of town square, where a band was playing and people were dancing away. A few ladies pulled you into the crowd, with a mixture of Spanish and English, trying to show you the local traditional dances. You giggled and laughed as you twirls and attempted to move your feet to keep up with the fast pace music. You turn and glance at Rudy, who is patiently waiting on the side with the drinks, smiling softly at you as he watches on. Oh he has a very cute smile. You noticed. 
The moon was well above the head by the time both of you walked back to his house. Soap was going to pick you up from there. “Always your taxi driver.” he grumbled. You slap your brother on the arm, “hey, how many times did I have to be the sober driver and endure your drunkenness.”
“Thank you Rudy, I had a great night. It was so lovely to see the local festival and everyone finally happy and enjoying themselves without the fear of the cartel.” Looking down as you fiddle with your hand. 
Rudy took a deep breath, summoning his courage, he took your hand into his, giving a soft squeeze. You look up at him, that little soft smile again on his face. “My pleasure.” Two of you stood there, just looking at each other without words. You could see the headlight of a jeep coming towards the front gate, you knew Soap was arriving soon. Taking a step closer, you tip-toed up and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek before letting his hand go.
Rudy stood there, in shock, watching you getting into the car, Soap gave him a wave through the window. 
“Had a good time?” Your brother asked as he drove back towards the base. 
“Mm-hmm. It was good, there were so many things to see.” you stare out the window, humming away the tunes you heard throughout the night. 
“So what is happening?” 
“What do you mean what is happening?” You turned your head slightly, confused.
“You and Rudy. Officially dating?” “Uh, Um. This isn't a date? He was just being nice and showing me around his home town…” or is it? Maybe it is. And you did give him a kiss at the end, even if it was on the cheek. Holding your hand up to your cheek, you can feel it starting to burn. Oh gosh, you are not a sixteen year old just went on her first date! “You do know this will be hard work, and might not work in the end right?” Soap warned. 
Lip pressed tight together, you don’t want to admit it, but that did cross your mind. Maybe that is why you keep suppressing that feeling the first time you see him. That little tingly feeling in your heart. You eventually will have to head back to Europe. You will be thousands of miles away from him. The long distance relationship never works. You see it failing too many times between the soldiers and amongst your friends. Every time you hear about it, you always warn yourself never to fall into that trap. 
Maybe you made a mistake tonight. Maybe you are falling in. A trap called love. 
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@captainpriceslover @floral-force @homicidal-slvt @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @deadbranch
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wannab-urs · 9 months
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Outtakes - Non-smut Vol 1
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist | Vol 2
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Hi friends! Sometimes we want fics that are SFW or we just want to make ourselves sad or we need a little pick me up. I'm here with a list of fics that have no (explicit) smut as of posting! They may have smutty thoughts or mild allusions to smut, but those are marked in the warnings!
I know, me, posting non-smut fics.... but they deserve love too! Note that while many of these are rated T, they are posted on blogs that are 18+ so MDNI <3
Summaries and tags are, in most cases, provided by the author - please be sure to read them as some of these fics may have content you do not wish to read.
Updated 5/24/2024
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Whiskey, Dark and Deep - Jack - @prolix-yuy
Summary: In the short time you’ve known Jack Daniels, he’s disappointed you three times. Warnings: M, violence, blood, injuries, gunfights, so so so much yearning, full on cowboy tropes.
A bearable weight - Javi G - prolix-yuy
Summary: New Years Eve is the holiday of new beginnings, and you take a leap to see if Javi might be one of them. Story Warnings: T, plenty of sweetness, more ridiculousness because I can’t help myself, some lightly spicy kisses.
One Hundred and Fifty Seven - Din - @theidiotwhowritesthings
Summary: Din fakes his death for some reason. They leave reader behind thinking he’s dead. Months go by and he returns but reader is like super not okay. Say she’s been super into spice because then she can see Din when she’s high. Anyway, happy ending but loooots of angst please! Also, can it be a bit between him returning and reader being okay with him being back?” Warnings: angst with happy end, drug use, drug addiction, mentions of death, brief canon violence, self loathing, anxiety, self doubt, boba adopts reader b/c i couldn’t resist
In an instant - Joel - @mishasminion360
Summary: Happy Birthday, Joel Miller... Warnings: Um…..😳🙄 (ed. note: I hate to spoil the story, but since this list is intented to help people avoid triggers, I must; Major Character Death (reader), angst, loss of pregnancy)
It would be - Din - @fuckyeahdindjarin
Summary (aka prompt I gave myself): ‘It would be easier if you just married him.’ Warnings: angst, jealousy, fighting, pining, yearning, no use of Y/N
Just Keep Breathing - Javi P - @swiftispunk
Summary: javi finds it harder and harder to keep up with the more physical aspects of his job. reader offers him some love and words of comfort. warnings etc: BODY REPRESENTATION <3 (reader is described as having thicker thighs, a belly, and crow’s feet), smoking + smoking related health issues, hurt/comfort, back massages, fluff, angst, bein in ur 30s/40s, established relationship. probably bad spanish (please correct me). NO USE OF Y/N.
Every Pilot Needs a Wingman - Frankie - @kikis-writing-world
Summary: You have been pining quietly over your neighbor for months. He hasn’t noticed, but apparently his friend has… Warnings: Smutty thoughts - grey sweatpants should be their own warning. Fleeting mentions of masturbation and sex toys. Swearing. Santi gives the reader tips on how to impress/pick up Frankie, I don’t know if that might come off as shady or triggering to people so I want to mention that.
A girl walks into a bookshop - Ezra - @oonajaeadira
Summary: Set a couple of years after the events of the film. Ezra owns a bookshop. You walk in. Warnings: The coziest, softest romance. They do work up to intimacy, but it is sequestered in it’s own chapter–the “Interlude”–which can be skipped without losing any of the story. 
Breathe Through It - Joel - @tommysversion
Summary: you have a panic attack. Joel helps. Warnings: Descriptions of mental health conditions (namely PTSD, but can be read as any anxiety based disorder with panic attacks) / graphic description of a panic attack / some adult language/ references to past trauma (nothing explicitly described but inferred).
A kiss before dying and in death we combine - Joel - oonajaeadira
Summary: When Joel becomes infected, you make the decision not to leave him alone. Warnings: Blood and wounds. Bodily character death. Loss. Love that hurts. Sex of course, but blurred to the edges. Playing fast and loose with the cordyceps and how fast it grows.
102 - Frankie - @tieronecrush
summary: every week, you and frankie meet up at the same spot at the same time to catch-up and share a coffee. you’ve been his best friend for years. through thick and thin, always there. thing is, frankie’s been in love with you for nearly as long as he’s known you and hasn’t worked up the courage to tell you. warnings: no use of Y/N, post-film timeline, au where frankie doesn’t have a kid, use of pet names (solecita, mi mejor), high school level spanish (mostly swear words), unrequited love, self deprecation, alcohol use/drunkenness, smoking
Safe in my arms - Ezra - mishasminion360
Summary: Ezra harbors a secret hatred for his absent arm, but his feelings come to a head when his newly acquired handicap fails to do the one task he vowed never to fail in: keep you safe from harm. Warnings: Language; light angst; feelings of insecurity; body dysmorphia; brief allusions to smut; hurt/comfort; fluff.
Leave Off Your Wandering - Joel - oonajaeadira
Summary: An area native, long-term resident and shepherd in Jackson, you prefer quiet and isolation and the company of sheep. It seems this new resident Joel Miller and his young ward might share your interests. Warnings: M (possible canon violence and language. most likely non-explicit sex further down the line.) (ed. note; no smut as of chapter 2)
Peace - Joel - swiftispunk
summary: jackson era, post-tlou. you and joel discuss what it means to die. warnings: angst and fluff, discussions of death and dying, discussions of sex but nothing too explicit, age difference implied but not specified (joel is older than you but the number of years is not relevant), established relationship. NO USE OF Y/N.
This is me trying - Joel/Ellie platonic!! - swiftispunk
summary: jackson. a flashback on a film reel sparks a memory. joel tells ellie how it feels. warnings: angst, discussions of child loss, discussions of grief and death, ig fluff
Epiphany - Joel - @jksprincess10
Summary: Your new neighbor is a war veteran with a lot of scars. (1k words) Warnings: AU where Joel is in the military, age gap, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, allusions to smut, suicidal thoughts, sad ending. Beware!! 
Significant - Din - softlyspector
Summary: Din has been calling you riduur for months. You finally find out what it means, and get a little more than you bargained for. Warnings: pining, absolute FOOLS in love, bit of grumpy x sunshine, lil angsty, possibly incorrect lore, fluff, lots of Mando'a (translations for the Mando'a at the end
A pile of cards - Javi P - @undercoverpena
summary: it’s become a tradition. he presents you with a birthday card so you can collect his words, while he collects the expressions you share as you read them. warnings: javi through the seasons, narcos season two/three spoilers. cute, fluff. happy ending.
Fire - Din - jksprincess10
Summary: None Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, this is pretty short, mando still has the crest, canon divergent.
Honeyed - Joel - softlyspector
Summary: You hate being touched, but you might be willing to put aside your discomfort for a tattoo from Joel. Warnings: slow build, no outbreak tattoo!au, reader has issues with touch and is mostly touch adverse, tattoos and getting tattooed (the reader only has one tattoo that is described in any detail), description of a past abusive relationship and a bad experience getting tattooed, insecurity, anxiety, loneliness, implied undefined past trauma with men, Joel gets to have both his daughters in this, you can decide if this is game joel or show joel
The Art of Healing - Marcus Pike - @northernbluess
Summary: Marcus Pike was feeling lost—unfulfilled and unmoored. After a failed marriage, heartbreak courtesy of his ex-fiancée and relocating to D.C., Marcus knew that he needed more than the FBI. Seven years later, Marcus has traded in Special Agent for Doctor and is now a clinical psychologist specialising in art therapy. He combines his two loves of art and psychology, spurred on by his experience in art crimes, FBI psych courses and his own time in therapy. Josephine is referred to Dr Pike, having just been discharged from treatment for an eating disorder. While Dr Pike is fresh to his new career, he is knowledgeable, warm, kind and attentive. Over time, as she bares her soul to him, he falls for her and the bond between them ties both their heads in knots. As her therapist he knows it’s wrong but he begins to feel incapable of separating his feelings from his work. Before long neither can truly live without the other — if only she knew that. Warnings: (warnings will be specified in each individual chapter, however, please read these carefully) Art Therapist!Marcus Pike, eating disorder, therapy, mentions of disordered eating patterns, hurt/comfort, slow burn, lots of pining and tension, angst, age gap, strained familial relationships, so much softness and feelings, eventual smut (ed. note: no smut as of chapter 5 and worth the read up to that point)
The Man That I Love - Joel - @lumoverheaven
Summary: None (ed. note: Joel is an idiot who doesn't know what he has until he almost loses it). Warnings: None (ed. note: angst)
Not Strong Enough - Joel - @beskarandblasters
Summary: Fem!Reader and Joel are in an established relationship, having met shortly after the events in Kansas City. They’re living in Jackson, Wyoming together, post Salt Lake City with Ellie. Things are going well until an incident happens during patrol and Joel questions whether or not he’s good enough. Written in third person. Warnings: angst, feeling inadequate, canon types of violence, swearing, bar fight, Joel is an asshole :/
Do You Love Me - Dieter - me
Summary: here is a fluffy (by my standards) little drabble in the A Ghost of You universe. Can be read standalone Warnings: There's just some kissing and no mentions of anything bad because I'd never do anything bad to D, would I?
Thunder Buddies - Joel - me
Summary: Joel comforting reader who is scared of thunderstorms Warnings: descriptions of a panic attack, Joel being adorable, cuddling, cuteness, a distinct lack of angst or smut - which is really weird coming from me.
Wash Day - Marcus P - @secretelephanttattoo
Summary: Some completely self-indulgent romantic fluff about Marcus Pike washing your hair. Warnings: none
Personal Best - Marcus P - secretelephanttattoo
Summary: This picture of Pedro holding a dog inspired me to write a fluffy meet-cute for Marcus Pike & Reader. I'm feeling 90s romantic comedy vibes, I don't know if I'll write anything more on this but we'll see if people like it. Warnings: none
Context and Perspective - Marcus M - @elvenmother
Summary: The newest member of the Heroics has gone missing and as one of the better-known Villains on the scene, you are blamed. Then your sidekick goes missing. You must go after the Heroic’s leader to try to get them back and clear your name. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injuries, mentions of blood
A Very Furby Christmas - Joel - @proxima-writes
Summary: it’s christmas eve 1998 and joel miller thinks everything is perfect. well, until his brother admits he didn’t get sarah the one present she wanted - the furby. now, joel has to go out on christmas eve to find the year’s hottest toy that’s been sold out for months. turns out, you’re on the same mission. and you’ve both found the last furby in town. Warnings: pre-outbreak, no use of y/n, holiday/christmas fic, the last toy trope, no smut, age gap - not explicitly specified but joel is 31 and reader is mid-20s, the great miller gingerbread construction competition, operation get sarah miller a furby, some kissing.
The Haunting of Dieter Bravo - Dieter - @idolatrybarbie Summary: "ghosts aren't real, except when they are." Warnings: referenced substance abuse, mentions of alcohol, dieter is sober, one song-based joke (please get it plsplspls), reader is gender neutral, a good ol' haunting tale.
The Locksmith - The Thief - oonajaeadira
Summary: A Thief you’ve known for years and have conflicting feelings for brings you a gift. The gift is a not only a puzzle in itself, but part of a larger mystery, one only you can crack. Warnings: reader is an adult, reader is AFAB, no physical descriptions of reader
A Piece of Cake - Frankie - idolatrybarbie
Summary: It's been a long time since you've seen Frankie Morales. Warnings: Angst, discussion of addiction, mentions of cocaine, alcohol consumption, bowling
The Parents That Are Left - Joel - @frenchiereading
Summary: There weren't many patrol partners Joel Miller tolerated: his brother and Iris. On a cold January day, Joel pays her mother a visit and finds out you can bond over anything. Unfortunately. Warnings: canon-typical violence and language, heavy angst, talks/mentions/descriptions of death and dead bodies, heavy discussions/thoughts of feelings/grief/guilt, suicidal thoughts, alcohol consumption, Jackson-era Joel, no reader, no y/n, OFC, not a single ounce of romance
For the Love of Horror - Dieter - @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist
Summary: Dieter and you watch a scary movie. Warnings: No use of y/n, horror movies, euphemisms, fluff, suggestive language
Stages of Grief - Joel - @bonezone44
Summary: After a tense interaction with a family member who raised you when you were little, you spiral. Joel talks you through it. Warnings: Gender neutral reader, familial trauma, angst, grief, neglect, trauma, childhood emotional/physical abuse
The Riding Lesson - Jack - @bluestar22x
Summary: When you are hired at a ranch as a trail guide, the owner asks the foreman to teach you how to ride Western style. Warnings: Suggestive thoughts, sexual tension, equestrian terms
Frankie and Din - Frankie/Din - @avastrasposts
Summary: a one-shot with our favourite pilot, sweet Frankie and our favourite space boy, broody Din based on the line; "Go on then, space boy, fly this.” Warnings: none
Light Only Shows You Where the Shadow Are - Max Phillips - oonajaeadira
Summary: The only thing that can get rid of a minor jerk is a major jerk. Warnings: Non-consensual attention (not Max), stalker behavior (when there’s trouble, Max always seems to be watching from nearby), vampire violence.
It's always been you - Dieter - @alwaysmicado
Summary: After a year of dating Dieter Bravo, you are forced to face reality. All good things must come to an end, right? Warnings: angst, age gap (unspecified), swearing, brief mention of p in v sex, brief mention of disordered eating and suicide, mention of black eye, toxic relationship, drug use, reader's coping mechanisms are unhealthy
John Wayne - Joel - @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Summary: twenty years after the world ended, you find yourself face to face with Tommy Miller. The brother of the man who was your boyfriend at the time of the outbreak. Warnings: talk of attempted suicide, child loss, grief, angst
illicit affairs - Joel @chaotic-mystery
Summary: it’s my take on what illicit affairs means. Every time I listened to it I imagined Joel, specifically dbf Joel. I hope the swifties go *easy* on me and pls don’t say anything if you didn’t like it. Warnings: angst. And more angst. Swearing, forbidden relationship, arguing, fwb, alluded age gap but not specified. Use of nicknames (kid, baby……don’t look at me ok I didn’t do IT), reader is not physically described, no use of y/n.
Stay Close to Me - Jack - @alwaysbethewest
Summary: You're a rookie agent sent to work undercover with Jack as a married couple!Fake/undercover marriage! Statesman casefic! Warnings: A little romance, kissing, coarse language, very mild peril and hurt/comfort, and a splash of alcohol. Reader is a junior agent and has some muscle but otherwise no physical/age descriptions. As with any good Kingsman fic, my first step was to disregard half of canon, so this is either pre-movie or an AU.
To Know the Light - Din - @burntheedges
Summary: to go in the dark with a light is to know the light. Warnings: fluff, a teensy bit of angst, introspection, winter, food mention, reader has no description, gn!reader
O, Christmas Tree - Dieter - @covetyou
Summary: As PA to Dieter Bravo, you were used to the strange, unusual and downright weird. What you weren't used to was taking in a shipment of - what? And how many? Warnings: sex toys (so many butt plugs), Dieter being a menace to his PA, no smut, pure silliness.
In Fiction - Dieter - @sin-djarin
Summary: Dieter comes to bed. Warnings: Established relationship, mentions of self doubt, no physical description of reader, no dialogue, no use of y/n.
The Serpent Under It - Dave York - @brandyllyn
Summary: Dave is very good at his job Warnings: Canon typical violence. kinda dark yo, soulmate AU
I'll Leave a Light On For You - Max Phillips - oonajaeadira
Summary: Max has reservations when it comes to love, and for very good reasons. Warnings: Angst. Character death. Allusions to the atrocities of war and its lasting effects. Max is a vampire. Traumatic soul memory. Me assuming I know anything about French culture of the 1930s.
Cocoon - Joel - secretelephanttattoo
Summary: A short ode to Joel's coat. / a bath with Joel Warnings: Angst and intimacy. 1 reference to blood and allusion to canon typical violence (nothing is described)
Home - Frankie - @dancingtotuyo
Summary: Frankie always comes home to you. Warnings: fluff, angst, girl dad!frankie, recovering!Frankie, references to drug use, references to violence, trauma, healing.
Negotiations - Max Phillips - prolix-yuy
Summary: Max Phillips never found marketing to be all that helpful. Hell, running an ad on Facebook was easy enough. But then you walked in the door and he knew he had to have you, in all the ways he could. Warnings: T, descriptions of male and female bodies, some fantasizing and suggestive themes.
sweets for my sweet; sweets from my sweet - Ezra - @tinytinymenace
Summary: you are a cook at an exploration camp and one of the miners asks you about Earth and brings you a treat Warnings: Brief mentions of planet death (RIP Earth) and strained family dynamics but on balance this is soft.
Caught Kissing Santa - Dave York - @wildemaven
Summary: Alice saw you kissing Santa Claus Warnings: reader is married to Dave and stepmom to his kids, mentions of food and drinks, non-religious Christmas celebrations and Santa beliefs, alluding to sexy time but no smut, kissing, mentions reader is wearing pajama pants, fluff, soft Dave, one use of ‘good girl’.
Unwind - Dieter - @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Summary: Dieter helps you unwind when you get your period after an already long day. Warnings: established relationship, reader menstruates, drug use (marijuana), reference to past drug use, reference to bad horror movies, Dieter being our favorite trash panda, sweet, fluff, domesticity
One Night - Marcus P - secretelephantattoo
Summary: You get one night with Marcus Pike. Warnings: Implied/referenced smut but nothing is explicitly described. Smoking and alcohol. Angst because they only have one night together. Marcus is a flirty menace. House party nostalgia. Heavy petting in a stairwell
Lovesick - Joel - prolix-yuy
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long. Warnings: descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use, no actual smut
Happy Reading!
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
of paper planes and wildflowers; masterlist
ft. ominis gaunt with f!reader
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themes: enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, anonymous pen pals, fluff, angst, ravenclaw!reader, reader is not mc, reader is in 5th year (loosely follows the canon plotline)
warning: nsfw, smut, non-specified ages, not spoiler-free
summary: it was the most random idea you’ve ever had: you were going to send a random letter to a random person, and you were going to let your poor owl bring it to its random person of choice. who would’ve thought your silly little random letter would end up in the hands of the boy you’ve been secretly hate fucking a month ago.
main masterlist || AO3 || wattpad
a/n: typically updated every two weeks/twice a month for now. i don’t have a solid posting schedule since i only write whenever i have spare time. please do note that the number of parts may get increased or decreased. chapter titles are also subjected to change as i deem fit. ;)
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main storyline:
chapter 1 - liquid luck? or liquid fuck 🔞
chapter 2 - what a mess! 🔞
chapter 3 - the wingman with wings
chapter 4 - an adventurer’s whims
chapter 5 - did i?
chapter 6 - blurred lines 🔞
chapter 7 - denial and desires 🔞
chapter 8 - carpe diem 
chapter 9 - uncontrollably fond
chapter 10 - desiderata
chapter 11 - the duality of man
chapter 12 - the art of subtlety
chapter 13 - a hideout within a hideout 🔞
chapter 14 - in plain sight
chapter 15 - tba...
[ more chapters to come... ]
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a/n: one-shots, blurbs, writing practice, moodboards, ocs, etc.
the stars of dawn and dusk (ominis gaunt x f!reader; tudor au)
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update [6/30/2023]: due to sudden changes in plot and future plans, this series will have more chapters (possibly around 25-ish?) and a possible sequel. 
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