#the wolf among us hc
yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you still wrote for the wolf among us?
I can’t find anyone who does that does platonic/familial pairings.
Anyway if you don’t then please ignore this!
Okay so I was wanting A Bigby wolf x teen! Daughter reader. She’s around 16-18 years old. Bigby is her biological father and has been the only one raising her. Just want some fluff between the two. Maybe some angst since she is a teenager. I think Bigby would give the only room in the apartment to her also since she is a teenager. Anyway I hope this ain’t too much! xxx
wait this is so sweet ahhhhh my heart
Bigby had taken Y/N in not that long ago.
She was on the streets,
Unable to afford glamor,
And he couldn’t help but help her.
Snow and him hunted for weeks,
But were unable to find a home for them.
As time waned, Bigby's fondness for the teen grew.
He couldn't stand her staying overnight in the offices.
So, he made her an offer.
When he offered that she could stay with him, her eyes widened,
Then beamed.
“Really?” She was practically breathless.
Bigby gave a faint smile and nodded.
“Yeah, why not?”
She wanted to hug him, but didn’t.
She worried that was a tad too far.
That evening, Bigby took her home,
Opening his apartment door and carrying their bag inside.
“I’ll show you where your room is.”
He brought her to the single bedroom that was once his own,
Freshly cleaned and organized,
Just for her.
He had been prepping.
He knew he was going to offer her a place to stay for a while.
He wanted to make sure it was as clean and comfortable as possible.
“You can lock the door too, whenever you need.” He assured.
He set the bag down on the bed,
Then wandered back to the doorframe.
He watched as she admired the room,
Eyes wide as she brushed her fingers against the bed.
He could only imagine how long it must have been since she had an actual bed to sleep in.
He smiled to himself,
Then quickly shook it away.
“I’ll leave you to make yourself comfortable.”
It wasn’t more than 10 minutes later that she emerged.
“I really like it in there,” she said meekly,
Clasping her hands in front of her nervously.
Bigby smiled softly.
“I’m glad.”
After all, he knew he didn’t have much to unpack.
He just assumed she would want some privacy.
Knowing that she wanted to spend time with him?
He couldn’t deny that it made his heart warm.
Later, Y/N woke up in the middle of the night.
She wandered to the kitchen, wanting some water,
And spotted Bigby sprawled on the couch.
An ashtray sat on the coffee table near him,
And his head was propped up with a folded blanket.
Her eyes widened.
He had given his room just for her to feel comfortable.
To feel safe.
She felt herself growing misty eyed,
But shook the thought out of her mind to fetch her water.
She would find a way to thank him.
Every morning, Bigby woke up early,
Not wanting her to see that he was sleeping on the couch.
She always noticed him stretching his arms and back while in the kitchen.
Especially when he was making breakfast.
“Where do you sleep?” She finally asked one morning,
Watching as he attempted to loosen his sore muscles.
He turned around stiffly.
“Just in the other room.” His voice was gruff and hoarse.
He was in the process of finding another place to stay,
Or even finding a pull-out couch,
But it wasn’t that simple.
Y/N tilted her head.
She knew he was lying.
She was staying in the only room.
“By the way,” Bigby said, “we need to swing by the office together today.”
Y/N raised a brow. “Why?”
Bigby set down a plate of breakfast for the teen.
“Your adoption papers are ready.”
“My adop…”
Her voice trailed off.
Her eyes widened, starry and bright.
Bigby passed her the plate, smiling tenderly.
“So, eat up.”
Y/N was speechless, eyes growing teary.
He was adopted her.
He wanted to adopt her.
She was on the top of the world.
She just couldn’t wait for the papers to be signed.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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callie-the-creator · 5 months
being bigby wolf’s mate would include… (sfw and nsfw)
nsfw below the cut. mdni. warnings: tried to make the reader as gender-neutral as possible, mentions of jealous, creampie, heat cycles, aggressive smut, biting, etc.
author’s note: i cannot wait for the second game to be released. i’m so excited! 💗
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• you are one of bluebeard’s ex-partners, having escaped him and avoided decapitation in the old days. sadly though, you didn’t get to meet bigby when he was in his prime— only heard stories and legends about him— until you along with all the other fables moved from the homelands to the mundy world.
— more specifically, you were brought into questioning since you knew a thing or two about brutality against women (which is exactly what was happening with the working girls at the pudding & pie, like faith) and you helped snow and bigby’s investigation at times…
• that’s how you two acquainted yourselves.
• it should also go without saying that you are filthy rich and since you’ve grown an attachment to sheriff bigby, you came to find out that he lives in the smallest apartment in the woodlands, you’ve invited him over to your place countless times at the beginning of your relationship so he can get out of that crowded space and sleep in an actual bed.
— that and colin can be a real pain in the ass. it’s good for bigby to be away from him, even if it is for a few days.
• bigby always found you to be attractive. it was a bit part of your fairytale back in the homelands, but he tried not to show his attraction toward you…but it was hard for others not to pick on the big bad wolf after they see him tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, helping you out of cars, holding doors for you, having a special soft spot for you, all sorts of chivalrous shit.
• you two ended up being a thing a few days after the investigation about faith and the crooked man came to an end. more specifically, you were outside with bigby when all of a sudden you were pushed by a mundy and you lost your footing. luckily, bigby was able to catch you and pull you close to him, cursing the blatant rudeness of the mundy, under his breath before checking up on you to see if you were okay.
— then, what followed was you two looking deeply into one another’s eyes before you wrapped a hand around bigby’s tie and pulled him closer, kissing the sheriff.
• i want to say that bigby’s libido is average. nothing too unbearable, but as soon as spring rolls around, it does a complete 180° and bigby becomes the epitome of needy.
— during this time, he can be a bit rough, he gets way more animalistic than usual and there are times when bigby takes a brief vacation from work just so he can pound you all day, leaving you unable to walk on your own.
— his favorite thing to do is to put you into a mating press, so he can penetrate you deeper as he fills your hole with his cum. the alternative, of course, is him mounting you.
• he always wants to be able to mark you, in some way, whether that be by leaving bite/scratch marks all over your body or hickeys. it’s bigby’s way of telling the world that you’re already taken and satisfied sexually.
• it’s hard to hide whenever you’re in the mood from bigby because of how strong his sense of smell is. once he catches a whiff of your arousal, he almost loses all strength in his body, his mouth watering, but if he’s in a public setting, it takes every fiber of his being to go against of his instincts and you know the power you hold over him at times like this because of the way bigby stares at you, raptured with barely contained lust.
• it’s only when bigby regains his senses, he apologizes for being so rough on you (he is scared that because of how rough he can be, he’s a terrible mate and you’ll want to leave him for someone better). soooo…he tries his hardest to make it up to you by doing whatever you want him to, amping up his arm, and overall being super gentle and sweet.
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mitsuristoleme · 5 months
I just saw your requests are open so I might as well jump in BECAUSE SKDNDNSN ok buttttt what about sukuna + his tummy having a mind of its own BEFORE you were their wife, like, you know nothing about this man but everytime you come in sigh you hear the most direct cat calling you've come across only to see a man with an expression of "God kill me now" so you don't know what's happening but it makes you really curious so you just... Provoke him? Like, use revealing clothing, put on an expensive perfume, etc. AAAH I Just love that hc of his stomach mouth having a mind of its own istg aaaa
a/n: ok so im gonna write this in a modern au because lets be real heian era Sukuna did NOT care about dating/courting
formatted into a bullet point headcannon post because im having way too much fun with this and nothing is connected in a cohesive form (pls forgive me for that but my brain is going ham with this concept)
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cw: gn!reader, cursing, sexual content, bestie!gojo, Sukuna’s tummy mouth is a menace but wbk
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imagine you’re a teacher at jujutsu high and a special grade sorcerer (because i enjoy feeling strong and this is a little self indulgent) (yall can choose if you want to be gojo’s classmate or nanami’s it doesn’t really impact anything)
Sukuna gets reincarnated without a vessel (dont ask me how it just happens ok) and to everyone’s surprise, he volunteers to be an instructor at jujutsu high
he says its to “make these pathetic kids somewhat decent sorcerers so they dont ruin the name of jujutsu”
for whatever reason, the higher ups assign him a spot among the teachers at the school
imagine your shock when this 1000 year old 7 foot tall motherfucker shows in the middle of your class to introduce himself as the new teacher
you’d heard about his whole situation but you didn’t expect him to show up in the middle of a lesson
you attempt to shoo him away but he doesn’t even move (i mean what did you expect really?) and you’re forced to end class early
weirdly enough he keeps a hand clamped over his stomach the entire exchange?? you chalk it down to a stomach ache or something (that night you do wonder if curses, or er, the king of curses, even get physical pains)
ok so before i get into the whole thing lemme just-
in my head, the tummy mouth has the humour of a middle school boy and the self control of the dog from ‘absolutely anything’
so yk. its a mess.
you see him the next day in the staff room
hes wearing a starched white shirt (it accommodates all his four arms and you question how he got one made in a single day) and a pair of fitted slacks, looking WAY too good for a curse
you realise you’ve been staring through the glass window if the staff room and finally enter
only to be greeted by a LOUD wolf whistle followed by a “OOOOH HEY HOT THANG” in the deepest, raspiest, most demonic ass voice you’ve ever heard
sukuna looks like he wants to kill himself.
he gets up and leaves the room immediately
you hear the a faint “NO GO BACK AND FLIRT WITH THEM YOU WIMP ASS HOE” in the same demonic voice as he stalks away
and you’re standing there
wondering what the actual fuck just happened
did you just experience harassment in your workplace?? but his mouth never even moved???
Gojo enters the staff room right after Sukuna vanishes and you IMMEDIATELY fill him in on whatever happened in hopes that he would have any explanation
hes confused, curious and amused all the same time
this doesnt mean hes of any help though
no, the piece if shit just laughs at you and goes off to terrorise the first years take class
before leaving he very unhelpfully reminds you that you have to share classes with Sukuna today
you enter the classroom a couple minutes before the students (you literally have 4 students and one of them is a panda god knows what the point of 2 teachers for such a small class is) and find Sukuna already in the room, leaning back on the chair, his legs resting on the table, eyes closed
once again
looking WAY too fine
just as you internally celebrate that nothing weird happened THE SAME OLD DEMONIC VOICE booms a “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK FINE, CMON LEMME TAKE YA HOME”
“wha- I- Eh??? I’m sorry what the fuhck?!?” you sputter, eyes wide
Sukuna has leaped up from his chair, a mixture of embarrassment and murderous rage on his face
he hisses a “shut the fuck up” in the vague direction of his abdomen before turning to you and apologising
“i am so sorry,” he says sheepishly “i owe you an explanation at the very least after two incidents”
and once again. you’re standing there. shook.
Sukuna turns to you again with an expression that clearly says ‘Gods please strike me down right now’ and asks if you know about him having multiple body parts
you’ve heard of the legends and stories: four eyes, four arms and mouths he can will to appear wherever he wants, so you nod
“Well it just so happens that the mouth on my stomach is sentient, and extremely vulgar. Although i’m sure you noticed the latter.”
his voice is a wonderful contrast to that of his tummy mouth
deep, melodic and smooth
he just got even more attractive.
you realise you haven’t given him a response and nod dumbly muttering out a quick “uh-huh”
thankfully the students enter at that moment saving you from any awkwardness
what you have recently come to identify as Sukuna’s tummy mouth stays blissfully quiet throughout the class and shockingly enough the silence on the belly front continues throughout the day as you discuss lesson plans with your ridiculously hot coworker
that night as you’re getting ready for bed, you remember the exchange between Sukuna and his appendage (specifically the part about Sukuna thinking you’re hot) and a mischievous idea forms in your brain (hey gojo satoru’s influence was bound to kick in at some point)
the next day you leave the top few buttons of your work shirt undone and put on some of the pheromone perfume you got as a gag gift in an (what you presume to be potentially successful) effort to rile Sukuna up (lets be real you think hes pretty damn hot too)
clap yourself on the back for that one bestie because the second you enter the staff room, Sukuna’s eyes nearly bulge out of his skull and the tummy mouth starts BARKING
and drooling apparently (how do you know? well maybe because the front of sukuna’s pristine white dress shirt is now sopping wet)
the sound of a coffee cup shattering interrupts whatever was gonna come after that
you’re met with Nanami’s incredibly unimpressed gaze
without saying anything he leaves the room, muttering, “its too early for whatever the fuck this is”
that happened.
yall get together eventually
gojo tells you “i knew you wanted to fuck him”
before you can come up with any sort of response, your boyfriend’s stomach pipes in with a “OH HE DEFINITELY WANTED TO FUCK THEM”
this is your life now.
good luck.
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a/n: HI IM HERE TOO THIS TIME!! i left the ‘getting together part kinda up to interpretation because im shit at writing the ‘getting together’ arcs but we’re gonna pretend like it was because i want you to be able to go wild with whatever you want
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please dont copy or repost my work without my permission
comments and reblogs are appreciated
check out my masterlist
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dividers by @/vanillekiss
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mimicmockingbirds · 1 month
Yellowjackets - Werewolves HCs
I know absolutely no one asked for this, but I'm missing the Yellowjackets crew, and I've been binging a horror media all week, so here are my loose ideas for a werewolf AU as inspired by this post
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Van & Taissa:
Obviously Van is the first one to turn, having been attacked by a rival werewolf during her side-quest with Tai, Mari, Akilah, and Misty like in the show
Tai also gets bitten in the process of helping Van heal/deal with her first transformation
From there, they spread the curse to the rest of the group, making them the leading alpha pair by proxy of "creating" the rest of the pack like alpha-parent pairs in the wild
Van struggles with the leadership role, considering herself more of a follower than a leader when in human form
Tai leans into it, being a natural leader in human form; although, since it was her idea to go on the side-quest that got Van bitten to begin with, she is more cautious when it comes to making decisions
Tai also gets more protective of the group as a whole, often herding them or biting their scruffs to keep them in place (i.e. safe) from rival wolves
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Instantly embraces having a bigger, physically stronger body as a wolf
Uses it to unleash all of the compartmentalized anger and aggression she carries in human form, making her the most snappish of the group, bordering on feral
Consequently, she really struggles to submit to Tai and Van as the alpha pair, often testing their patience by trying to go off on her own or stealing scraps of their food
Has a lot of nicks on her body from Taissa constantly having to correct her behavior
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The complete opposite as Shauna; she absolutely hates having a second body and the strangeness of having to navigate it
Is the most resistant to change in general, so her transformation process is particularly difficult
Stays in her human form as much as possible; only really shifts when there's conflict among the other wolves and they need a mediator to calm things down (especially because it's usually started by Shauna)
Since she's in human form so often, her social standing in the team/pack starts to decline, making her more submissive and subdued
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Is resistant to the change at first, as she is resistant to the supernatural in general
Gradually starts to embrace having a wolf side when it proves useful in hunting/providing for the others
Starts to thrive because wolves naturally communicate via actions, which she prefers as someone who was raised on volatile emotions rather than rational words
Sometimes stays in wolf form just to vibe and show her affection for others, clambering on top of them or licking their muzzles when she's in a good mood
Mostly reverts to human form when she's upset, because it's easier to hide her emotions that way (although it quickly becomes a sign in and of itself that she's in a poor mood)
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Is absolutely enthralled with having a new, bigger body with better senses and strength
She is still the smallest of the group, so she compensates by being very vocal as a wolf, constantly yipping or howling
Shifts between human and wolf the most often, usually at random, because she does still value having human qualities when she needs to play group medic
As a human, she lacks a lot of social awareness for boundaries; as a wolf, that becomes even worse
Constantly inserts herself into others' personal space, butting her head or muzzle against theirs to see what they're doing or where they're going; consequently, she receives a lot of corrective behavior from the others, like nips to the ear or base of her tail
It works for about 5 seconds, then she's right back in their space
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Laura Lee:
Absolutely hates shifting
Still views the entire situation of being stranded, and now forced to deal with transformations into another body, as some form of divine punishment
Like Jackie, mostly keeps to her human form whenever possible, and shifts only to play mediator when the others need it
However, unlike Jackie, her social standing doesn't suffer, since she has status by proxy of being friends with the likes of Van and Lottie
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Is disorientated by the transformation process at first, wondering whether it's another symptom of her mental illness or withdrawal from her meds
Eventually accepts it, and is even comforted that she's not the only one suffering from strange phenomena for once
Due to her acceptance to change and the unknown, she is able to shift the most easily from one body to the other
She's the most attuned to the Wilderness as a human, so she has the best senses as a wolf; starts to accompany Natalie on hunts, wherein she tracks down the prey for Nat to kill
Is very anxious, so she is often scratching or grooming herself; her fur gets patchy around her paws from licking them so much
Builds a closer friendship with Natalie (from hunting together) and Van (for gifting her the bone-necklace), so they try to console her anxious habits, either by laying next to her or directly on top of her to keep her still
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Only embraces the change when Natalie does, especially since it proves so useful in hunting
Despite being a bigger size than the girls, he has the lowest social standing, since he was never officially on the team and thus, is considered an outsider to the instinctive pack dynamic
Mostly hovers at a distance from the girls during any gathering; however, he only exhibits outwardly submissive behavior like lowered ears and a tucked-in tail towards Van and Taissa, since they're the official alpha pair
Prefers to flee rather than fight during conflicts amongst the pack, only becoming aggressive when his hunting partners (Nat and Lottie) are involved
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adawngswife · 6 months
sean diaz + daniel diaz modern hcs
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i kind of forgot this was exclusively modern at the end just ignore that LMFAO
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- sean has no social media presence whatsoever
- a lot of people from school follow him but he only follows lyla and his track team back 😭 popular loner energy 🥀🐺
- i feel like if sean went to hs now hed be sm more popular esp w girls but hes rlly humble so he doesnt see it at all
- hes stupid and just thinks theyre being nice
- it gets on lylas nerves bc he refuses to believe anybody wants him 😭
- all his stories are like fireworks he posted when he was thirteen that he never bothered to delete
- its titled Highlights bc he doesnt know how to make an aesthetic instagram
- if anything, if he posts now its skate videos, drawings, or funny pics of daniel
- sean def takes 0.5x photos of daniel where his eyes go two diff directions and threatens to send them to lyla whenever he starts acting up
- daniel always throws a tantrum and esteban gets mad and tells sean to delete the pics (he doesnt)
- speaking of daniel he def got wayyy into skibidi toilet
- daniel tries to explain skibidi toilet n sean just tunes him out and says “uh huh” every so often
- hes those impressionable kids that gets into literally anything on the internet. among us, squid games, ROBLOX FOR SURE. sticky ipad baby energy overall!
- sean plays roblox with daniel on very rare occasions. i can imagine daniels avatar is decked out with limited items and sean is a bacon haired woman 😭
- daniel has definitely swiped estebans card a couple times under his nose for his robux…
- daniel purposely chooses games hes good at to watch sean struggle and die over and over again
- daniel watches weird kid youtube videos like… among us 24 hour challenge with spiderman and elsa giving birth kind of videos. sean gets really pissed off partly bc theyre rotting daniels brain and partly bc daniel always put it at max volume in the living room
- once sean gets paid he always goes thrifting. he fs goes to the bins and finds dirty dookie drawls every weekend 😭 but its worth it bc he finds cool shit
- as a skater boy i feel its obligatory for him to wear those afflication types of clothing as well as ironic graphic tees
- sean def wears baggy jeans in 2023 🙅‍♀️ none of that straight leg jeans from the game!!
- he also probably loves those ironic wolf shirts w the galaxy print n thinks theyre so funny
- sean also buys clothes in his style for daniel from the thrift n records 360s of daniel in his skater outfits
- “can i go play roblox now?” “no u have to cover ur nose when u turn around”
- got a buzzcut and surprisingly it looked really good
- esteban, daniel, lyla, and practically everyone else in his life kept making fun of him for being bald and would rub his head like a genie bottle tho
- daniels go-to is “well- well at least i don’t look like… look like caillou!” bc i imagine he tries to make funny comebacks but always stutters in the middle 😭😭
- eventually grew it back out bc he got annoyed at everyone making fun of him. they dont see his blond album cover early 2000s vision 💔
- daniel has no room to talk bc sooner or later he goes to the barber and gets a fucked edgar bowlcut
- sean laughs until he can barely breathe 😭 when lyla sees she TRIES to cheer him up about it but its too late
- even esteban laughs a little but only when daniel cant see bc he knows how much itd hurt him
- back to the blond album cover… sean LOVES music. his playlists are hours long
- i feel like he indulges in a super LARGE range of music likeee from bad bunny to deftones to pinkpantheress
- everybody hates it when he has aux and boos him off
- when esteban orders mexican food, sean and daniel both get horchata. sean dgaf if hes grown he still loves it!!
- i imagine esteban slowly stopped enforcing mexican food and culture overtime. bc of this, daniel knows barely any spanish and has 0 spice tolerance. sean always makes fun of him bc he goes gets water after a couple hot cheetos
- daniel tries to recreate those videos of people eating carolina reapers in hot sauce to prove a point and almost dies
- sean absolutely LOVES halloween. horror movies, costumes, the weather, everything abt it
- a part of him always gets jealous of daniel bc hes no longer considered trick or treating age anymore
- lowkey hed be willing to pull up in a full body costume just so he can trick or treat again
- when watching horror movies, sean will get way too immersed and start judging the people in the movies 😭
- daniels not allowed to watch but he peaks around the corner when estebans not watching
- “why the fuck is she just standing there? RUN! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!”
- “language mijo”
- he acts like he cld fight off the killer and explains his mastermind plan during the movie
- he doesnt admit it but he gets jumpy after a horror movie 😭 esteban and daniel take advantage of this every single time
- sean daniel and esteban are a tight knit family REGARDLESS of sean’s moodiness and daniel’s annoying gen alpha brainrot theyre so 😢
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yes im aware that 2016 wasnt tjat long ago but i dont want to imagine sean diaz enjoying dank memes and saying boi 💔
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kid-az · 9 months
All Tomorrows: Vanga-Vangog Stickmen Hc’s
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Say hello to Vanga’s Stickmen, the descendants of the infamously tall and frail Strider’s. Unlike in canon where they would all be devoured mercilessly by giant chickens, the Stickmen’s ancestors managed to survive by climbing and living on the giant, skyscraper-like trees of their world.
Although a little less tall than the Stickmen, they are much sturdier due to needing to jumping across different trees and survive falls. They communicated visually via the rapid changing of colors and shapes of their leaf-like growths and sign language, and their culture emphasized coexistence, patience, and pacifism.
As philosophical as the Pterosapien’s yet opposite in their overall message, the Stickmen are one of the most interesting fanmade species I’ve seen yet, and I wish to post my headcanons about them like I did for the others.
-Because of their very low metabolism’s and the wonders of medicine, Stickmen were among the longest-lived posthumans in the second empire, capable of living hundreds if not over a thousand years! Friendships with other, shorter-lived species would last long after death, with the Stickmen befriending their friends children and grandchildren, giving them sagely advice and wisdom or just cheerfully, casually talking to them.
-Because of their arboreal lifestyle and pacifism, the Stickmen did not have the same domestication process as other posthumans. They did not domesticate a wolf equivalent nor any grazing animals, instead domesticating giant, eagle-sized colonial bees for honey and other byproducts, giant pigeon descendants for the harvesting of feathers, infertile eggs, and as message carriers, and even a species of giant, flying pig descendants larger than the Quetzalcoatlus, who were often used to protect these pigeons and bees from any predators. Also domesticated colonial spiders for their webs, which they used to make ropes and clothing.
-Their domesticated plants were also different. They would carefully tend their trees for the harvesting of boulder-sized fruits and tree nuts, grow mushrooms via large, house-sized stacks of logs from trees which naturally passed away, and also grow algae in vast pools of shallow water. Outside of the algae, their foodstuff was bigger due to it having naturally evolved that way.
-Due to their need of visual communication, their clothing was usually light, never covering their heads, shoulders, or forearms. Their clothes would be made from mycelium threads, feathers from their domestic pigeons, and webs from their domesticated spiders. Yes, their shirts were always off-shoulder tops, teachers hate them!
-A running theme for these Hc’s is that they never developed capitalism, and the Stickmen were no different! In fact, most of their goods were handmade, carefully and delicately made over weeks or months to be as high of quality as possible, and gifted to close friends and family. Only absolute necessities such as medication, infrastructure, and purified water would not be homemade, and it would still be a careful process that emphasized the lack of harm to anyone, both their own and other species.
-This included movies and videogames, with practically zero in the way of crunch or abuse. The former of which would last hours if not days, and the latter would often resemble that of animal crossing, a tactical rpg ala Fire Emblem, or literally just Minecraft! No joke, they remade Minecraft on complete accident!
-Their art was primarily that of tattoos and body modifications to distinctive themselves, large-scale land art made from specially grown plants, fungi, stones, or non-toxic paint, meant to be appreciated fully from the top of treetops or skyscrapers, and gardens that allow for peaceful meditation. They had little music however, as sound travelled poorly in their world.
-They are one of the four founding species of the Second empire, along with the Satyriacs, Killer Folk, and Rot Eaters. They were stereotyped as spaced-out, yet extremely wise and peaceful, thought of as the mediators of the other 3 species. This, of course, was a stereotype, one that many Stickmen found a little insulting.
-Because of a culture emphasizing patience and the fact high gravity worlds would kill them, they decided on the extinct Lopsider’s idea of creating an artificial race to colonize the stars. Unlike with the Asymmetric’s however, it wasn’t a rash, cold-hearted process meant to create slaves to do dangerous, dirty work for them, but instead a slow, caring process that would go into the centuries, meant to be sure the Stickmen’s descendant species would have lives much better than their own, not struggle in the colonization of new planets, and modified to be superior in every way outside of height. (A given due to square-cube law) These people would be allowed to live free, independent lives from their parent species, and would pick a name for themselves. This name? The Sproutlings.
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Hi where’s the Remus after hogwarts headcannons
Sitting in my drafts for far too long 😅 HOWEVER I have finished a list of HCs for what happened to Remus between 1981 and 1993!
Remus, like the other Order members, thought there was a spy. He was shocked at first when he found out it was Sirius, but then came to believe it because Sirius was capable of doing dark things (like setting Snape up to meet a werewolf). He was hurt and betrayed, but ultimately not surprised when Sirius "killed" 12 Muggles and betrayed the Potters.
He mourned Peter's death hard. He and Peter were always the underdogs.
He mourned the Potters' deaths even harder. While Sirius had his darker moments, James was like a ball of sunshine. Lily was kind, too, and their family felt like Remus's own.
He went to the funeral alone. There was no one left for him.
Remus did try to see Harry once. Petunia slammed the door in his face and he never tried again.
After the war, Remus struggled to find a job. Voldemort was gone but prejudices weren't.
He lived with his father for a few weeks, but felt like a burden. His mother had died by then and Lyall was finally living comfortably with a steady, but modest Muggle job (he had been ostracized from the Ministry when Remus was bitten).
Remus held at least 100 jobs between 1981 and 1993.
The shortest he was on the job was 3 hours, when someone pointed him out and said he was a werewolf.
Most of his jobs were Muggle ones. Hourly jobs at bookshops, grocery stores, restaurants, and seasonal gigs filled his time.
Being sick at the full moon meant he usually lasted between 1-3 months per job. It's not like he could apply for exemptions for work through the NHS or the Muggle government; he worked under the table and had no protections in place.
He made just enough money to feed himself. He liked working at restaurants best, because his shifts usually came with a meal (or two).
His wizard wardrobe is so tattered and worn because he didn't bother getting more robes. His Muggle collection of clothing isn't half bad, because it was cheaper for him to buy Muggle clothes and wear them to his jobs.
When he was among wizards he always wore robes so as to not draw suspicion, even if they were patched and darned more times than he could count.
He took some tutoring jobs when he could. He always loved teaching and managed to get a couple decent tutoring positions for short periods of time.
To amp up his credentials for tutoring, he got a briefcase with the lettering "Professor R.J. Lupin."
He tutored in history and literature, and while he was never going to get a full time job as a teacher, it gave him extra, short-term income.
Every once in a while, Remus would have a short-lived relationship. It was always with Muggles, but they were never long-term relationships. Every time he got close enough to feelings, he'd bolt.
Whether you HC him as straight, bi, pan, or anything else, he's ridiculously choosy with his partners and intimacy.
He never got romantically involved with a witch or wizard because of his lycanthropy, at least not before Tonks.
Remus was extremely lonely for most of his twenties. He had plenty of practice with loneliness as a child to help him through, but it was harder after having friends.
Every once in a while, he would find a werewolf pack and live with them. It was freeing, in a way, to have others like him around, but he never felt like he fit in. He was too wizard for them and too wolf for the magical community.
He visited his father about once a year, at Christmas. He never stayed longer than two nights, thinking he was too much of a burden.
He was fired from jobs as often as he quit. Usually, he didn't even give a notice. He just stopped showing up.
He gave fake names at half the jobs he worked. Richard, Ryan, Reginald, Rowan, Rick might've been a first name. He often used his mother's maiden name as a surname, Howell.
He was never strictly homeless, but he was often close to it.
He usually rented with roommates for up to a month, a few if he was lucky. His entire life could be packed into that battered briefcase in minutes.
Sometimes he just squatted in places that were abandoned or condemned. He'd use magic to make it livable. Those were the best places to live because Muggles wouldn't bother him.
Occasionally, he got wizarding jobs, but they were usually simple jobs, like getting rid of grindylows, boggarts, or other dark creatures that were nuisances.
Monthly transformations got harder as he grew older. When he was younger he would manage, but the stress of finding a place to go, transforming, and putting himself back together grew worse.
He used different excuses for why he was wounded or sick. It was always harder to justify when Moony hurt himself by getting into a fight with another animal (or werewolf, if he was at an encampment) and there was a physical wound in addition to the soreness and exhaustion.
He lived in constant terror that he'd hurt, infect, or kill someone.
He didn't have friends. He had many acquaintances and learned to barter and read people.
Remus struggled to find meaning and a reason to live. There were many days he didn't think it was worth continuing.
Guilt was one of the things that kept him going. He imagined James and Lily wanting him to keep living. He imagined Dumbledore telling him to keep going.
He also kept hoping against all hope that things would get better someday.
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hassedah · 6 months
Do you think anyone is left handed? XD ooh, how does their handwriting look like? I have a hc that Aaron has dysleyia and thus never learned how to read fluently. But he still likes to read sometimes x) What are yours?
How do boys write?
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here is the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it! ^^
I like the idea of Aaron being dyslexic. What's more, I doubt he learned to read and write as a child. It wasn't common at the time and Aaron was born at a rather complicated time in medieval history (between war, famine and a plague that had been over for a few decades but still had consequences). So I doubt that his little mother would have found the time, money and opportunity to teach him to read and write (although she would have had to know how to read and write herself, and given the literacy rate among women at the time, that's highly unlikely). Aaron must surely have learned to read and write later, perhaps by joining his wolf pack.
Dyslexia would probably not have been detected, not only because the word didn't exist, but also because someone who had difficulty reading and writing wouldn't have seemed surprising.
However, Dyslexia could be detected at the manor. If Ethan has any knowledge on the subject it would be possible. If not, with a dyslexic MC themselves. I think that would be the most coherent because I can't think of any reason why Ethan should have been interested in the Dys disorder.
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
Vladimir is right-handed, but he can write with his left hand if necessary. His handwriting is not disastrous with his left hand, but it is even slower than when he writes with his right hand.
His handwriting is beautiful and neat, but he writes very slowly, even when he's in a hurry. This is because he needs to concentrate a lot to have a neat handwriting. If he tries to write faster his handwriting tends to become illegible (something his teachers used to reproach him for when he was a child (while asking him to write faster)).
He writes quite small. As a result, he generally doesn't take up much space on a sheet of paper. His letters are very tight and his handwriting tends to lean to the left of the page. He can write in Braille. He learnt it so that he could talk to Raphaël when they were still exchanging letters.
He always signs with his surname, which is rather unusual for a vampire given that the majority of them only sign with their first name, but Vladimir is incapable of not using his, it's far too important to him to give it up.
He is the one in the manor who masters the most different languages, especially when it comes to the written word (this is due to his education). He can easily read and write texts in French, English and Italian, as well as German, Hungarian and Latin. He makes very few spelling mistakes in these languages and is usually the one to go to if someone has a grammatical or spelling question. He can also read Old English. He also reads Russian and Ancient Greek easily (although with a little more difficulty for the latter).
As he is very clumsy, writing requires a lot of concentration (he probably suffers from dyspraxia but has never been diagnosed for this). But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy writing. In fact, he loves writing. The other members of the manor have already offered to buy him a typewriter so that he can continue to write his stories with less fatigue, but Vladimir thinks that the quality of his writing is not worth the expense.
Béliath :
Béliath is right-handed. He can write with his left hand if he really needs to, but in that case he writes very badly, much to his dismay. So if he gets injured and can no longer use his right hand, he will usually ask others to write for him (and the best choice is Ivan or Vladimir).
Béliath writes mainly in cursive and his handwriting is quite ancient. He's not particularly aware of it, because that's how his sister taught him to write, several centuries ago, and he's never thought of changing the way he writes, even less since the people at Moondance have been complimenting him on the beauty of his handwriting. It's true that his handwriting is very pretty and rather neat, and the letters are spaced far enough apart not to be unpleasant to read. He sometimes boasts about it to the others at the manor, and it has to be said that he easily has one of the most beautiful handwritings.
He writes rather quickly (no doubt because of the invitations to his parties, which he has to write by hand since Vladimir refuses to buy a computer and a printer), while keeping his handwriting legible for everyone. His handwriting tends to lean to the right of the page.
Its writing is neither too small nor too large. The letters are easy to read and different enough not to be confused with each other when reading.
Like most vampires and supernatural creatures, he signs with his first name. He doesn't really have a surname anyway, unless you consider Son of Asmodeus to be a family name. His signature is rather complex, with a lot of interlacing around his first name, which makes for a rather complicated signature to reproduce.
He can write in several different languages with varying degrees of spelling ability. He has a perfect command of the demonic language his sister taught him, he can write in Latin and his French and English are not bad (if you ignore the fact that he never uses accents in French). As for the rest, he generally speaks them much better than he writes them.
Ivan :
Ivan is right-handed and can't write with his left hand. It's illegible every time. He tries to practise, though, because he thinks it's cool to be able to write well with both hands, but he can't really do it. If he gets injured and can't write with his right hand, he'll try to write with his left before giving up and asking Vladimir or Beliath for help.
His handwriting is simple, not pretty, but perfectly legible for everyone. It's a quality he really appreciates, because Aaron has already told him that he prefers his handwriting to Beliath's. Ivan has rarely been so proud of himself, after all, everyone in the manor recognises that Beliath's handwriting is pretty.
He can write quickly when he needs to, but this affects the legibility of his handwriting, so he avoids doing so most of the time. He also has a tendency to write quite large, which means that he generally needs a lot more paper to write a text than the other members of the manor.
He has asked Vladimir and Raphaël to teach him to write and read in Braille. He still wants to be able to communicate with Raphaël, even if he leaves the manor, and he would like to be able to read the little stories that Raphaël writes himself and not always have to ask Raphaël to read them for him. He still has a bit of trouble reading quickly, but he's getting better at it, although writing in Braille is still very difficult for him.
He has kept the signature he had before his death, so he continues to sign with his surname, signing with his first name seems strange and… unpleasant. It's not that he doesn't like his first name, but he thought he'd be using his family name signature for decades to come, and having to give it up so soon is still too painful for him.
He can only write in French, although Vladimir persists in trying to teach him at least English (at first Vladimir wanted to teach him Latin). Ivan makes relatively few spelling mistakes (which he's proud of, given that Ethan makes more spelling mistakes than he does in French).
Aaron :
Aaron is normally left-handed, but at the time he was born it was very much frowned upon. So he was forced to learn to use his right hand to work, write and fence, which didn't help his handwriting, which was already difficult to read, and he was much more awkward using his right hand to fight with a sword. Today, he has stopped using his right hand for writing and fencing and has become much more skilful.
He had to concentrate to achieve a beautiful handwriting. The shapes of his letters are simpler than Beliath's because he favours ease of reading over beauty. He also writes quite slowly and never tries to write faster. He knows that writing faster only makes his text more illegible.
Like most supernatural creatures, Aaron signs with his first name. His signature is quite simple, and he sees no point in trying to embellish it with interlacing or lines. For him, it's a waste of time and doesn't fit in with his idea of a signature that should remain legible. After all, with all the interlacing that Beliath puts around his first name, he sometimes finds it hard to read his signature.
Aaron speaks far more languages than he writes, particularly Elvish, and is the only member of the manor to do so. He has a tendency to make a lot of spelling mistakes, but in his defence, between language changes and spelling reforms, he never knows where to turn. He barely has time to understand a spelling rule before humans are happy to change it straight away. He only spells Spanish. For the rest, he always asks Vladimir.
Despite the difficulties, Aaron loves to write and read poetry. Along with Raphaël, he probably owns the largest number of poetry collections. However, he is quite precise about the books he looks for: the text must not be too small and the lines must be spaced far enough apart to be pleasant to read. That's one of the reasons why he doesn't really like Vladimir's old books: the writing is too small and he has a hard time distinguishing between the lines.
Raphaël :
Raphaël is totally ambidextrous, but as a child he was left-handed. His parents insisted that he write with his right hand, but he didn't really want to, so as soon as they weren't watching him he would write with his left hand again. He eventually learned to use his right hand for writing and fencing, but this was only to surprise people who thought he was only left-handed.
When Raphaël was writing in cursive, he loved writing poetry, especially for Margarita and Alessio, who regularly received poetry from Raphaël. He still loves to write, but now he uses a slate and stylus to write in Braille. In fact, he always carries a slate and stylus with him in case he needs to write down an idea somewhere other than his bedroom or the library. The problem is that he always ends up forgetting the paper somewhere.
He found Braille much easier to learn to read than to learn to write. This is because to write braille text, you have to write it the other way round, as the dots are made on the back of the page. It wasn't at all instinctive at first and he got it wrong more than once. Now he's quite happy to be teaching Ivan to write in Braille.
He always signs with his first name and his signature hasn't changed much, but it's still complex to reproduce. There is a lot of interlacing around his first name and the capital R is huge compared to the other letters.
He likes to exchange messages with Vladimir and Ivan, as only the three of them can read them, they usually use them to prepare surprises for the others or to complain that so-and-so has forgotten to clean up again or that Ethan keeps slamming doors.
Raphaël is not bad at spelling and grammar, not as good as Vladimir, but unlike Vladimir, he doesn't read grammar books for pleasure. He can speak more languages than he can read and write. But he reads and writes easily in English, Latin, Italian and French.
He reads a lot, and is one of the biggest readers in the manor. When he first arrived, he only had Braille books, which limited his reading possibilities because they were big books and didn't always cover the subjects that interested him. The arrival of Ivan, introduced him to audio books. He listens to a lot of them now, especially romance novels, and loves the fact that he can listen to books while lying comfortably in bed or cooking.
Ethan :
Ethan is left-handed and he really can't write with his right hand. It has to be said that it never occurred to him to try, and his parents never tried to force him to write with his right hand either. If he gets injured and can no longer write with his left hand, he always asks Beliath to write for him.
Ethan's handwriting is not legible. His "a's" look like "e's" or "o's", his "u's", "i's" and "n's" also look very similar, he never dots his "i's", so they can also be mistaken for "l's", and when he writes in French, he doesn't use the slightest accent, whereas he does in Finnish. It's an ordeal for everyone in the manor to reread what he's written, and Aaron doesn't even try anymore. The only one who manages to read it is Beliath.
He writes very small, which doesn't make it easy to read his handwriting, and he also writes quite quickly. He doesn't like writing anyway, his texts are full of abbreviations and drawings to speed things up, and he's the only one who can decipher the notes he takes. If he can do maths for the sake of doing maths, sitting down to write is an ordeal for him. He doesn't have the patience for it.
Like most vampires, he signs with his first name, a habit he picked up fairly recently after arriving at the manor. His signature is rather simple, with few lines and no interlacing, he framed it with just two lines. The main thing for him was that it was quick to make.
He is quite good at spelling, although his handwriting is not very legible. He writes and reads texts easily in Finnish, English, German and French. He can also read a simple text in Latin… if he has no choice, really, no choice.
He has no idea why everyone finds his handwriting difficult to read. He finds that what he writes is always perfectly legible.
Neil :
Neil is right-handed. He can write with his left hand, he even writes quite well, but he doesn't feel comfortable with it at all. So he will always write right-handed unless he really has no choice.
He's always had a nice handwriting, and that's even truer now that writing has become easy and enjoyable. Before, writing wasn't really something that could be described as enjoyable, given the difficulty of the task. He generally prefers to use a beautiful fountain pen for writing, and doesn't hesitate to buy the most expensive ones. He always has one with him in a small box and several in his desk drawers, and tends to change fountain pens according to his mood.
He always writes in a cursive script that looks rather ancient. There is a lot of curl, especially in the capital letters. His letters are easy to distinguish from one another and the words are spaced far enough apart not to give the impression that the text is cramped. His handwriting always leans very slightly to the right.
His signature is elegant and simpler than his usual handwriting. He always signed with his first name.
He has the impression that the rules of spelling and grammar are constantly changing, as are the meanings of words. He tries to follow them, though, because he doesn't like making mistakes, but he gets tired of constantly having to unlearn what he's learned.
The language he knows best is still Irish, and although he has completely lost the habit of speaking Old Irish, he can still read it easily, as well as Middle Irish and Modern Irish.
He also reads and writes in many other languages without difficulty. The languages he knows best apart from Irish are: English, Greek and Ancient Greek, Latin, French, as well as German, Italian, Spanish and Scottish Gaelic. He can also read and follow a simple discussion in Arabic, Mandarin and Russian. To his dismay, knowing so many languages is more of a problem than anything else, and he tends to switch languages when he can't find the right word in the one he spoke before, which means he loses most of the people he's talking to.
Léandra :
Léandra is left-handed. However, she can write with her right hand if she needs to. Before teaching Beliath to write, she had never written with her right hand. She forced herself to write with her right hand, seeing that it was the one her little brother used all the time; she wanted it to be easier for him to copy her movements that way.
She doesn't really take care of her handwriting. However, if she forces herself, she can have very pretty handwriting, but it's not something that interests her. For her, writing has to be practical before it's pretty; she writes to get a message across or to give information, so she doesn't really see the point of trying to turn it into a work of art.
Léandra is used to writing fast and big. She doesn't think writing should take up too much of her time. In fact, she's never understood how her little brother could enjoy spending so much time writing beautiful letters.
She always signs with her first name and her signature is quite complex. There's a lot of interlacing that surrounds her, like a shield around her signature.
She is quite good at spelling, having taught Beliath to read and write in several different languages, including the demonic one.
She is fluent in several different languages, written and especially spoken. She can write and read demonic, English, Italian and Latin texts with ease. For the rest, she much prefers an oral discussion. This is not to say that she would be unable to write in other languages, just that she sees no point in learning their spelling if she can manage in an oral discussion.
Farah :
Farah is right-handed, but she can write with her left hand if she has problems. However, this affects the quality of her writing, which is harder to read.
Her handwriting is simple but neat. Her brother taught her to write, shortly after they left home. She's happy to be able to read and write, of course, but writing has never been an activity she's been keen on: sitting down for several minutes to write a letter always seems horribly boring to her. Whereas reading, may not be her favourite thing to do, but she'll never turn down a new book, especially a fantasy one.
Her letters are mainly in block letters, as she finds cursive writing too time-consuming. She generally writes fairly large and fairly quickly.
Her signature is very simple: she signs only with her first name, without adding the slightest line or interlacing around it. She clearly doesn't see the point and doesn't want to spend any more time signing than she has to.
As she has travelled a lot with her pack, she speaks and reads a lot of different languages, but this is less the case when it comes to writing. In any case, she doesn't always have the necessary writing materials with her and she always loses her notepads or pens when she does have them. She can write Latin and Spanish fairly easily, but the rest is much more complicated. She rarely masters the written word in other languages, even though she can read them. For example, she can read texts in English, Italian and French without being able to write in those languages. And although she can hold a discussion in Arabic, Swedish and German, she is unable to read or write a text in these languages.
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avonne-writes · 2 years
Merman AU HC Masterpost
Tumblr media
Tail colours
Luke and Aemond's first meeting
Reproduction (1, 2)
Storyline (so far):
Merman king Viserys fell in love with human Aemma and had Rhaenyra, who's half-mer. She can grow gills and some scales on her legs, but no tail.
Rhaenyra turned away from the sea when Viserys didn’t let her marry Daemon and because she wasn't accepted as future queen due to not having a tail.
She moved to the nearby fishing town and married Harwin, never telling him about her heritage. But she couldn’t keep her sons away from the sea, especially Luke - he carries too much of her in his blood to be separated from the water.
Luke became a fisherman, while Jace is learning to take over Harwin's and Rhaenyra's family business (not specified yet).
One day, while Jace is taking a stroll on a more secluded beach, he finds a naked man on a rock, who looks drunk off his ass.
It's actually mer!Aegon, who ran away from home a few days ago because he hates his prince duties. Then he got high on puffer fish and sunbathed on that rock so long that he got dry and shifted into human form. He's crying because the transformation hurts.
Jace takes the guy to his place to help him, trying to sober him up under the shower. After a few minutes, Aegon shifts again, moaning in pain pitifully. Then he gets a good look at Jace and forgets all about that because Jace is cute. And freckled. No one has freckles among the merfolk.
Sitting on the bottom of Jace's tub and shamelessly flapping his pink tail fins, Aegon tries to flirt. Jace just gapes, questioning his own sanity.
Aegon knows a few human words, so he tries using them, asking for fish. In a daze, Jace brings him some - and Aegon flashes him a row of razor sharp teeth as he wolfs the whole thing down in one second flat. Then he goes back to batting his tail fins at Jace.
Meanwhile, Luke is out on the sea, pulling one of his larger fishing nets out of the water. It's not only fish that he pulls out though, but a trashing, panicked mer.
It's Aemond - he's been dutifully searching for his brother upon his mum's request. Normally, he wouldn’t come this close to humans, since he lost his eye because of them when he was a child, but he also knows that Aegon wants to escape to the land so he's more likely to be found by the shore.
Aemond thinks he's fighting for his life while the human's ridiculously warm hands slide over his skin to hold him down, but he can't escape the ropes.
When Luke approaches him with a knife, he's ready to bite him, to fight in any way necessary, but then it turns out that Luke just wants to cut his bonds. Mumbling human words that Aemond doesn't understand ("Shh, it's okay.")
Aemond wants to go back to the water immediately, but he sprained his tail with his writhing and he tired himself out. He knows he wouldn’t make it far. Vhagar can't come help him either because there are too many ships nearby.
But this human doesn't seem threatening, upon second glance. He has very interesting tan skin and he smells nice. Aemond decides to hang around until some of his energy replenishes. He and Luke sit across from each other in almost complete silence while he slowly, warily munches on a fish from the pile around him, never taking his eye off Luke.
Luke is already in love.
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quill-pen · 3 months
So, question for something ... PERHAPS a little predictable, but regarding Wolf and Bess, do you have any baby nursey hcs for them? :)
These two end up having such a big, loving family, after all. Do they go all out with themes? Or, are they more subtle, and try to make the nursery just a cozy space in general? Or, perhaps a blend of the two?
Ooh, what a good question!
I'd say the theme stays the same throughout all the kids and doesn't get personalized to each new addition much, because once they have their first, it's like, "Since it's possible, we're going to have as many as we can." So the nursery gets planned on being used a LOT.😅
That said, it's not devoid of personality. I see Bess painting the walls up with a soft, soothing, nighttime forest theme. Behind where the crib sits, there's a little mural of a howling wolf on a cliff, silhouetted by a bright full moon. And with each new baby, a little wolf pup silhouette (all painted in slightly different colors) joins Daddy Wolf. The mural continues on with a genuine forest painted around the room (Mickey was absolutely commissioned and paid well, though he probably also volunteered his services as these technically are his nieces and nephews being born after all), and lots of families of forest critters painted in amongst them. Animals of all kinds are heavily featured throughout the decor. In the modern era, I see pale blue fairy lights that have a dimmer strung around the ceiling instead of a nightlight being in use. I don't see neutral colors in the room, and I don't see lots of bright colors either, but I do see soft pastels in use among the darker nighttime shades. It's a very calming and cozy vibe in that room, even with the fussier pups inhabiting it.
Some visitors have mentioned they think it's "too dark and claustrophobic" for a nursery. ("A baby deserves a bright, airy, open place to grow!") The Wolves don't care. It works for their little ones well. And there is a very large (and shuttered and locking) window to open during the day that makes the room as bright and open as any other. Above all else, it's a room crafted and filled with love.
So, all that dreamed up, take what you can out of this to fashion a Sims version for them.😅
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
idk if you still do wolf among us Headcanons but saw the newest trailer and wanted ask for some Flycatcher (Aka frog prince) ones please. Maybe some on him turning back into a frog?
awe this is gonna be so fun!!! I’m so excited for season 2 it’s unreal omg omg
Flycatcher didn’t mind his cleaning work.
In fact, some days, he rather liked it.
He could let his mind wander and roam,
And he could remain by his lonesome.
However, being alone all the time would start to get to him.
He longed for more connections in his life.
More friends, a partner, a family,
Someone or something he could trust.
And one night, as he worked, that was all he could think about.
He finished the mopping plainly,
Headphones on,
Mind elsewhere.
Y/N wandered through the front doors,
Hoping the business was still open,
But spotted Flycatcher instead.
He turned, startled at the sight of a stranger in at this hour,
Fell back,
And poof.
In a puff of smoke, there he was.
A frog.
It happened whenever he got intensely scared or shocked.
That, and him running out of Glamour.
Y/N paused, then smiled,
Chuckling to themselves.
“Sorry?” They said, more a question than a statement,
They chuckled to themselves again.
“I wasn’t expecting that.”
Flycatcher croaked.
How embarrassing.
“What are you looking for?” He asked sheepishly.
“A map. Do you guys have any?”
“Shit,” Y/N sighed,
Then shrugged.
“Oh well. Thanks anyways.”
Instead of leaving, Y/N knelt down,
Scooping the frog into her hands,
And setting him down on the front counter,
Ensuring he wasn’t at risk of harm.
After giving a small wave, they left,
The door, jingling behind them.
Flycatcher sighed, croaking to himself,
Then hopped into one of the back rooms,
Waiting for it to wear off.
The next morning, no longer dejected,
Flycatcher rolled in at opening time,
And clocked in,
When he wandered back into the lobby, Y/N was there,
And smiling when they locked eyes.
His eyes widened.
Teasingly, Y/N lifted th3eir hands. “Don’t freak out,”
They chuckled and Flycatcher gave a nervous smile.
“I don’t want you turning again.”
“Trust me, I don’t want that either.”
Y/N smiled sweetly,
Charmed by the redhead.
“I wanted to come by to apologize for scaring you last night,”
Flycatcher felt heat in his chest.
Wow. How sweet of them.
“Thank you,” he said with a chuckle.
Quickly, he cleared his throat and spoke again.
“U-Uh but you don’t need to apologize,” he finally fumbled out.
Y/N grinned.
“I’m glad it wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Not at all,” he said,
Waving one of his hands casually.
With a nod, Y/N turned and started for the door.
“Until next time,” they said,
Then vanished.
Every now and then, Y/N would pop in.
To say hi and make small talk before leaving.
Eventually, they started coming in later and later,
Closer and closer to closing.
Finally, when they popped in one day, Flycatcher jumped,
And boom.
Y/N jumped.
“Yes! I did it!”
Flycatcher croaked.
“You were trying to?”
“I wanted to see it again,” Y/N said plainly,
Wandering forwards and picking the creature up.
Suddenly, Flycatcher felt flustered.
“I think it’s adorable,” Y/N said softly.
“Because now I get to talk to you about more than just the weather and you can’t go anywhere.”
Flycatcher smiled coyly,
Finally understanding.
If only Y/N knew he would’ve chatted with them regardless.
He loved their company.
He didn’t need to be forced.
“Works for me,” he said through a chuckle,
And Y/N tenderly smiled.
They might have been the first person to be charmed by Flycatcher’s ‘real self’.
He loved that.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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onyxsboxes · 2 months
i absolutely love your wolf au!! i always get so happy when i see that it's updated
do you plan to write more things about it? like hcs or prompts
About this fic
Thanks for the kind words, I'm really glad you like it 💜💜💜
I have other parts for this au in mind and some of the comments have given me new ideas too (thanks for them).
One is almost finished and will be posted after the end of Wait, WHAT?, for the others I don't know yet. (I prefer to write them before talking about them otherwise I won't do it 😟)
I've never done a prompt before. If you want, feel free to send me a few. I can't promise I'll be able to do anything, but I can try.
Here are a few hcs from this au :
Wolf Buck is Gale without all the thinking. For him, being in his wolf form means freedom.
Wolf Buck would live in Bucky's arms if he could.
Wolf Buck is a wild plushie
Gale is capable of transforming all the time, but he's used to not doing it.
Bucky was told as a child that he was too much, too energetic, too wild, too hot-tempered. His former loves find him too much to handle.
But Gale, who's had nothing but bad attention all his life, relishes in it. He loves having all Bucky's attention on him (he still can't believe he actually has it).
And Bucky loves being able to be himself around Gale without having to worry about his reactions and actions.
Bucky is more of a city person, while Buck is more of a wild person.
DeMarco comes from a family of weres.
DeMarco and Brady know that Buck is a werewolf, and they love to see the other 100ths come up with wild theories and completely miss the point.
The other majors and higher-ups know, too.
They all form a club where they come up with new ways to stir up trouble among the 100th.
Kidd just wants people to stop going to Buck when he's asked them to go to Bucky. It's for their own safety. Bucky's protective, go see him before he gets mad at you for bothering Buck when he's not feeling well.
PS: chap 6 just dropped
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pinkprimrose05 · 9 months
character asks bc other anon was a coward: blade
General opinion/How much I care about them: Ren Blade Yingxing my beloved beloathed depressed miserable angsty bastard aaaaaaa-
This man, oh my god. This edgy mess is somehow the second fastest blorbo to be coined as such in my blorbo-having history, and I think that alone says a lot. But even if not, he has his special little spot for being: 1) my first HSR fave, 2) my current main (the gameplay is ridiculously fun holy shit), and 3) the reason I downloaded the game at all (shoutout to Bronya, of course, but it was mainly Ren).
Also I really like the fact that he's genuinely batshit insane. An unapologetic menace to the galaxies. He can be so unhinged and evil sometimes, and that's a new flavor of fave in my collection. Did I mention the story doesn't try to redeem him at all? Because it's true! Extremely uncommon win on the hyv writers' part there; doubly so because they manage to balance this aspect with the subtle gap moe they love to give to all their stoic characters.
Yes. Ren is simultaneously edginess incarnate and a tired grandpa that sucks with words and doesn't know shit about technology. Oh and he keeps getting roped into Situations by his colleagues- and goes along with them all the time! The dude was literally asked to pose for a movie cover and he just. did that. No questions asked. Nothing.
I care about him a very normal amount. He's so neat and- oh my god I forgot to mention the aesthetic. Black/blue/red/gold is such a banger color scheme. He also has a spider lily motif and that looks very cool! And the pretty ribbon on the back of his coat is a 10/10 design choice. His only problem is that the game keeps forgetting to edit his silly beta design sneakers out of splash art, and that the washed out jeans clash hard with the coat. But otherwise? Perfection. I could (and did) stare at him for hours on end.
A ship I love: Kafblade is one of those pairs that you can read as romantic or platonic with equal efficacy and I love that for it. They're partners in crime! There's a great sense of trust and faith between them! They're each other's guardian and tether and the one who understands them best and they're such an awesome dynamic, good lord.
Honorable mention goes to jingren for the old man yaoi potential to take the relationship in a very (bitter)sweet or very sad way. There's something to be explored here and I wish canon could give it consideration someday.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Stellaron Hunter agenda!!! They're so awesome individually and as a group, and the comedy is just lovely. You have Ren wrangling two terribly reckless women because in some way, by some miracle, he happens to be the braincell holder among the three. You have him trailing after Kafka on one of her shopping sprees with a whole bunch of bags and coats, you have him going to an arcade with Silver Wolf because she wanted to show him this brand new game she's been talking about nonstop for four days, and you have him in an impromptu shooting session with them both because they wanted to make silly movie covers and needed an extra actor.
They're one small hilarious family and I adore them so so much, you have no idea. Can't wait until Sam and Elio make an appearance in the story so I get more fuel for shenanigans.
The NOTP: None here sir, as long as the ship is normal it's fine by me.
My biggest headcanon about them: Ren is autistic and you will pry this hc from my cold, dead hands. He's stuck in his own head 80% of the time. He doesn't do conversation at all. Back when he was still Yingxing, he used to spend so much time at the forge when inspiration struck him, to the point of tuning out everything until his friends physically dragged him out to touch grass. He's an autistic nerd through and through, and even several thousand deaths can't take that from him.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: One idea I've been curious about lately is what would happen in a roleswap scenario, where the Astral Express crew find Ren before the Stellaron Hunters do. He may not make for a great archivist, his state of mind may be less-than-stellar, but it's interesting to imagine the dynamics between him and the crew- and hey, who doesn't love taking sad guys out of situations for a change?
I'm filing this concept for later, just in case. Who knows? The writing ghost visits when I least expect it.
Something that makes me think of them: Everything these days The flute, the sound of wind blowing, red spider lilies, and -to the immense detriment of my composure in public- mentions of the word blade in any context ever. Why gee, thanks for permanently altering my brain chemistry.
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Also I want to request cuddles hc with Tetora and Koga!
And... can I be 🔮 anon :D?
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Cuddle Headcanons!
w/ Tetora Nagumo & Koga Oogami x GN! Reader
omg my first anon that makes me happy ofc u can be 🔮anon!
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Warnings: Nothing in particular, it gets a bit sad at Koga's part but nothing major!
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Tetora Nagumo
✩ Tetora would absolutely LOVE cuddles. But there is one key problem, this man would not know how to ask for it, he wants to be a man among men after all! And cuddles aren't exactly... the manliest.
✩ The first time you two cuddled was after one especially tiring RYUSEITAI practice for Tetora, he basically jumped into your arms and was begging to be spoiled.
✩ Poor boy didn't realize he'd get hooked on it. Feeling your body so close to his, intimate yet still innocent and sweet. Your hearts being right against each other, the feeling of slotting his head right against your neck, all of it was just too perfect!
✩ If he could, he'd love to cuddle everyday! Being Ryusei Red was no easy task after all! But just jumping into your arms and acting like a baby isn't very manly, is it?
✩ His inner turmoil over something so simple was INTENSE, let me tell you. As much as he wanted to just squeeze you as tight as he could, never letting you go and just admiring how (literally and metaphorically) close you two are. It certainly goes against the code of manliness he's been trying to uphold all this time.
✩ Then, he realized just how he could get his cuddle fix without ruining his image of being a manly man.
Classes just ended at Yumenosaki High, and Tetora was so amazed by what he thought that 'rushing to you' couldn't describe just how fast he made his way towards you.
Tetora slammed his hands against your desk, "(Y/N)! I just had the greatest idea!" Certainly, your curiosity was piqued with such words. You egged him on, wondering where he was going with this. "If it's just the two of us, we can cuddle all we want!"
You stifled a laugh, wondering if that was seriously the great idea he came up with. "So, why's it such a good idea? I didn't even know you liked cuddling THAT much." You could only think of how adorable he was as his face flushed a light pink.
"W-well you know... If it's just the two of us... Then it's like... I don't have to worry about how others would see me? Yeah?" He sounded unsure towards the end, but he continued before you could press him on it. "So that means, I get to show you a side that only you can see. Or something? Haha?"
Tetora himself did not understand what on earth he was going on about, panicking at the thought that you might not appreciate his word soup either.
"Hmm, we're all alone in the classroom right now." You state, giving a cursory look just to make sure. You reached out your hands to him, inviting him in for a hug.
Before you knew it, Tetora practically jumped into your arms. Wrapping his arms around your body too. Ah, it was at this moment that Tetora understood why he liked these cuddles so much.
"Hey, (Y/N), I really love you. I feel like... I don't have to be tough when I'm with you." He started, your warmth making him feel so comfortable to be this vulnerable.
✩ Don't get me wrong, Tetora is still plenty manly. But after realizing that he loves you so much, that he can just, show his truest self to you without fear of rejection?
✩ He's become a REAL cuddlebug. Even if for just a few seconds of solitude, he'll wrap his arms around you, taking in your warmth and just being so grateful for how lucky he is to have you.
✩ Little does he know that he's not actually that good at hiding this affectionate side of him. Pretty much everyone knows that Tetora loves nothing more than cuddling with his S/O, but telling him that would probably make his brain short circuit.
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Koga Oogami
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✩ Koga does not cuddle. He's a self proclaimed lone wolf after all! He'd never do something so... like that!
✩ Don't even try it with him, a sneak attack won't work no matter how hard you try! Then he'd probably tease you about it real bad.
✩ Sure you might be his S/O, and he loves you almost as much as he does Leon and Rock, (okay maybe you're on the same tier) but no way would he be caught dead cuddling.
✩ He can already hear everyone getting on his case for it, and he does not want to bother with that.
✩ Absolutely no cuddles! This wolf doesn't need that kind of affection! He's the strong and independent alpha of the pack!
✩ But see, even lone wolves have their off days, and Koga is no exception. Everyone has their moments where they mess up.
✩ Koga messed up pretty bad this time though, getting way too absorbed into a performance and disrupting the balance that UNDEAD usually have in their lives. UNDEAD might seem like a chaotic and wild group, but it's not like any of them can just go crazy and try to outshine the other members in a live.
✩ Being scolded by the likes of Rei was definitely not a good feeling either. In moments like these Koga would really like nothing more than to be alone, playing his guitar or messing around with Leon in hopes of alleviating his stress.
✩ Sadly, both of those weren't available to him right now, seeing as he was all alone in a practice room. Koga was a diligent boy after all, he always wanted to make sure he wouldn't make the same mistakes twice, so he was out here practicing by himself.
"Hi, Koga!" He almost jumped at the sudden intrusion, seeing you just bust into the room without so much as a knock on the door. "You've been at this for quite a while now, don't you think you should take a break?"
Koga realizes that he did in fact lose track of time, seeing as it was already dark out. "... This aint' your business." Sure he was happy to see you, but he didn't think he could face you the way he is. Still immature and brash.
You definitely picked up on that, taking a more serious tone as you sat close to where he was practicing. You didn't say a word, just sitting down with your arms stretched out.
It didn't take long before Koga was inbetween them, burying his face into your shoulder. Neither of you were saying anything, but it was as if you truly understood each other at moments like these.
Koga was frustrated, how could he not be? He works so hard everyday but he's still no match for Rei, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, even Kaoru has a leg up on him in some stuff. He loves them both, but he oh so wants to show them how much he's grown.
He understands full well too that his personality isn't the most palatable one. But that's really just how he is, and he's truly grateful that you still decide to stick with him despite that.
Koga didn't even flinch when he felt your hands start patting the back of his head in a soothing rhythm. The distinct feeling of hot tears staining your shirt.
And just as quick as it started, he practically leapt off of you. Turning the music back on as he psyches himself up to practice some more. His golden eyes held a fiery determination that sent a message that didn't need words to be conveyed.
"I'll make sure you never regret falling in love with me."
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Likes and Reblogs are Greatly appreciated!
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littlebear1537 · 9 months
Mira Annabeth Armstrong - FMAB Oc
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OBVIOUSLY Olivier had to have a hot, rich, lesbian aunt!! AND GUESS WHO GAVE HER ONE??? YEP- ME- KGFJDJLKG
My sister and I actually had a hc for awhile that Olivier had an aunt and that's where she gets her personality from! AND HERE I FINALLY DREW HER!!
A little bit about her and how she connects to FMA and my Oc Sam's story!
She is a HUGE Lesbian (Literally- She is like 6'10)
She is the Older sister to Phillip Armstrong (Olivier's father)
She wasn't apart of the military because of the discrimination against women in the military, HOWEVER she was hired as an agent for different missions that were not instructed by the "public military". This is how she learned how to use a sword and to fight.
She is a skilled fighter and has mastered the sword
I believe that the person who "Passed down Olivier's sword through the generations" was given by her aunt!
Also - Olivier's middle name was given to her by her aunt. Both of them are the oldest siblings!
Mira took Olivier under her wing throughout her childhood because she didn't think her mother was a good fit for someone so strong willed
Olivier's mother blames Mira for how Olivier turned out (aka - Mira is very much a lone wolf in the family and rarely gets along with anyone - Yet she is one of the most loved and respected among the elders)
Mira was very proud of Olivier for joining the military! Yet Mira doesn't fully agree with the military, she is glad that her niece is able to kick ass like she always wanted to!
Mira 100% knows that Olivier is in love with Sam and purposefully brought Sam along on any trips with them!!
Some physical features:
She has an automail leg. She lost it during an undercover mission in Aerugo. No one knows how she lost it except herself. Some say she was out hunting and got mauled by a bear. Others believed she fell really badly. And even some say she just wanted a cool leg... Only she knows what actually happens and she will never tell a single soul.
She has a cane that she uses! Some believe she uses it for her automail however it's actually her other knee that's bad and she laughs at people who think her automail isn't working properly!
She has scars across her body however she likes to cover them. No one knows about her past so showing scars that are clearly Not From Hunting is a lot to explain... Though if she could brag about her battles, she would do it in a heartbeat! She does however have two scars above her eyebrow that were a lot bigger when she first got them!!
(She has a necklace with two rings which symbolizes her marriage with her partner 0,0,,,, Yet no one knows they are together - They are just "good friends")
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BTW when I designed BEN's lamb fursona, I picked a specific sheep breed, not just Generic White Sheep, he's a Dorset Horn sheep, just a very young ram.
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They're a dual purpose breed for wool and meat, and both the rams and ewes have horns, with the ewes having a crescent moon shaped horn. And they're also unique among English breeds with their ability to lamb at any time of year, as opposed to being limited to breeding in the fall and lamb in the early spring. They're not very popular as a milk breed, BUT usually have no trouble producing enough milk for their lambs, and are EXCELLENT mothers. They're very calm and docile, and a "heavy" breed (meaning not very flighty compared to other sheep breeds). The only exception is that rams are unpredictable, and should be approached with caution, but that's true of ALL sheep.
Seemed very fitting for BEN, a lamb from a breed so perfect for farmers that it's recommended as a homesteading beginner friendly breed, known as an excellent mother (fits with my hc that BEN's always wanted to be a mother, and that helped BEN figure out her weird gender stuff), can be horny pretty much whenever, and rams being unpredictable leads nicely into the "wolf in sheep's clothing" twist I want for them >:3
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As a thank you for putting up with my word vomit, here's a reference I used that's HILARIOUS to me of one with the hugest nutsack I've ever seen on an animal
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