#twau hc
yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you still wrote for the wolf among us?
I can’t find anyone who does that does platonic/familial pairings.
Anyway if you don’t then please ignore this!
Okay so I was wanting A Bigby wolf x teen! Daughter reader. She’s around 16-18 years old. Bigby is her biological father and has been the only one raising her. Just want some fluff between the two. Maybe some angst since she is a teenager. I think Bigby would give the only room in the apartment to her also since she is a teenager. Anyway I hope this ain’t too much! xxx
wait this is so sweet ahhhhh my heart
Bigby had taken Y/N in not that long ago.
She was on the streets,
Unable to afford glamor,
And he couldn’t help but help her.
Snow and him hunted for weeks,
But were unable to find a home for them.
As time waned, Bigby's fondness for the teen grew.
He couldn't stand her staying overnight in the offices.
So, he made her an offer.
When he offered that she could stay with him, her eyes widened,
Then beamed.
“Really?” She was practically breathless.
Bigby gave a faint smile and nodded.
“Yeah, why not?”
She wanted to hug him, but didn’t.
She worried that was a tad too far.
That evening, Bigby took her home,
Opening his apartment door and carrying their bag inside.
“I’ll show you where your room is.”
He brought her to the single bedroom that was once his own,
Freshly cleaned and organized,
Just for her.
He had been prepping.
He knew he was going to offer her a place to stay for a while.
He wanted to make sure it was as clean and comfortable as possible.
“You can lock the door too, whenever you need.” He assured.
He set the bag down on the bed,
Then wandered back to the doorframe.
He watched as she admired the room,
Eyes wide as she brushed her fingers against the bed.
He could only imagine how long it must have been since she had an actual bed to sleep in.
He smiled to himself,
Then quickly shook it away.
“I’ll leave you to make yourself comfortable.”
It wasn’t more than 10 minutes later that she emerged.
“I really like it in there,” she said meekly,
Clasping her hands in front of her nervously.
Bigby smiled softly.
“I’m glad.”
After all, he knew he didn’t have much to unpack.
He just assumed she would want some privacy.
Knowing that she wanted to spend time with him?
He couldn’t deny that it made his heart warm.
Later, Y/N woke up in the middle of the night.
She wandered to the kitchen, wanting some water,
And spotted Bigby sprawled on the couch.
An ashtray sat on the coffee table near him,
And his head was propped up with a folded blanket.
Her eyes widened.
He had given his room just for her to feel comfortable.
To feel safe.
She felt herself growing misty eyed,
But shook the thought out of her mind to fetch her water.
She would find a way to thank him.
Every morning, Bigby woke up early,
Not wanting her to see that he was sleeping on the couch.
She always noticed him stretching his arms and back while in the kitchen.
Especially when he was making breakfast.
“Where do you sleep?” She finally asked one morning,
Watching as he attempted to loosen his sore muscles.
He turned around stiffly.
“Just in the other room.” His voice was gruff and hoarse.
He was in the process of finding another place to stay,
Or even finding a pull-out couch,
But it wasn’t that simple.
Y/N tilted her head.
She knew he was lying.
She was staying in the only room.
“By the way,” Bigby said, “we need to swing by the office together today.”
Y/N raised a brow. “Why?”
Bigby set down a plate of breakfast for the teen.
“Your adoption papers are ready.”
“My adop…”
Her voice trailed off.
Her eyes widened, starry and bright.
Bigby passed her the plate, smiling tenderly.
“So, eat up.”
Y/N was speechless, eyes growing teary.
He was adopted her.
He wanted to adopt her.
She was on the top of the world.
She just couldn’t wait for the papers to be signed.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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callie-the-creator · 5 months
being bigby wolf’s mate would include… (sfw and nsfw)
nsfw below the cut. mdni. warnings: tried to make the reader as gender-neutral as possible, mentions of jealous, creampie, heat cycles, aggressive smut, biting, etc.
author’s note: i cannot wait for the second game to be released. i’m so excited! 💗
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• you are one of bluebeard’s ex-partners, having escaped him and avoided decapitation in the old days. sadly though, you didn’t get to meet bigby when he was in his prime— only heard stories and legends about him— until you along with all the other fables moved from the homelands to the mundy world.
— more specifically, you were brought into questioning since you knew a thing or two about brutality against women (which is exactly what was happening with the working girls at the pudding & pie, like faith) and you helped snow and bigby’s investigation at times…
• that’s how you two acquainted yourselves.
• it should also go without saying that you are filthy rich and since you’ve grown an attachment to sheriff bigby, you came to find out that he lives in the smallest apartment in the woodlands, you’ve invited him over to your place countless times at the beginning of your relationship so he can get out of that crowded space and sleep in an actual bed.
— that and colin can be a real pain in the ass. it’s good for bigby to be away from him, even if it is for a few days.
• bigby always found you to be attractive. it was a bit part of your fairytale back in the homelands, but he tried not to show his attraction toward you…but it was hard for others not to pick on the big bad wolf after they see him tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, helping you out of cars, holding doors for you, having a special soft spot for you, all sorts of chivalrous shit.
• you two ended up being a thing a few days after the investigation about faith and the crooked man came to an end. more specifically, you were outside with bigby when all of a sudden you were pushed by a mundy and you lost your footing. luckily, bigby was able to catch you and pull you close to him, cursing the blatant rudeness of the mundy, under his breath before checking up on you to see if you were okay.
— then, what followed was you two looking deeply into one another’s eyes before you wrapped a hand around bigby’s tie and pulled him closer, kissing the sheriff.
• i want to say that bigby’s libido is average. nothing too unbearable, but as soon as spring rolls around, it does a complete 180° and bigby becomes the epitome of needy.
— during this time, he can be a bit rough, he gets way more animalistic than usual and there are times when bigby takes a brief vacation from work just so he can pound you all day, leaving you unable to walk on your own.
— his favorite thing to do is to put you into a mating press, so he can penetrate you deeper as he fills your hole with his cum. the alternative, of course, is him mounting you.
• he always wants to be able to mark you, in some way, whether that be by leaving bite/scratch marks all over your body or hickeys. it’s bigby’s way of telling the world that you’re already taken and satisfied sexually.
• it’s hard to hide whenever you’re in the mood from bigby because of how strong his sense of smell is. once he catches a whiff of your arousal, he almost loses all strength in his body, his mouth watering, but if he’s in a public setting, it takes every fiber of his being to go against of his instincts and you know the power you hold over him at times like this because of the way bigby stares at you, raptured with barely contained lust.
• it’s only when bigby regains his senses, he apologizes for being so rough on you (he is scared that because of how rough he can be, he’s a terrible mate and you’ll want to leave him for someone better). soooo…he tries his hardest to make it up to you by doing whatever you want him to, amping up his arm, and overall being super gentle and sweet.
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
I've seen your wolf among us ship headcanons and I don't think I saw one of them. So I thought I'd ask, think you could do a HC of dating the tweetle bros? Maybe one for Dee and Dum separately and maybe one of dating both?
Hmm I'm not gonna lie I've never really considered writing for them at all just because I sorta feel like they're the same character? Sorta just mirror off each other or play off one another so it's easier to get them confused for being twins aside from them literally looking the same lol.
But I'll definitely like think about it. I do have other TWAU characters I wanna write for like Jack and Flycatcher! And considering Snow White and/or Bloody Marym
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mugenloopdalove · 10 months
oooh, can i get general romance hcs for bloody mary from twau? my s/i is goat man (nonbinary), very much a trickster/card game cheat type of person, please and thank you!
Bloody Mary omg she's so good even if she STRESSES ME TF OUT every time I play hdbddhdb
Ill try to make some things specific to your s/i too!!
She tends to roll her eyes and scoff at the Trickster stuff but she cannot hide her smile no matter how hard she tries.
The Tweedles do not get this same privilege. Their antics are met with nothing but rage and threats.
She brags about kills. She wants praise for them.
If you don't like someone she'll kill them for you just say the word.
If you wanted to she'd absolutely let you get involved in some sadistic killing and stuff. Bonding!
At the same time, she won't send you on any work you don't want to do. If she asks you to do something and you so much as pouts she demands someone else do it.
Much like with the Tweedles' antics, no one else gets the privilege of refusing her.
Her love language is words of affirmation! She will praise tf out of you. Also acts of service!!
She will use her abilities to play around with you if you ask enough. She thinks it's foolish but she always ends up having fun. It's kind of like tag.
If push comes to shove she WOULD defy or even kill The Crooked Man for you.
You kind of have a thing where if you're ever sad looking at your reflection and she's nit aeiund, just summon her and she'll give you affection til you feel better.
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rakeshouseparty · 9 months
Hey what’s your cannon voice for your rake? Or options…. For…. No reason in particular ⚫️_⚫️
I legit don’t have a actual hc for that, i used to always think about it and speculate, but gave up because Rake in general just seems too odd and unknown to me to be able to pinpoint an actual specific one type of voice!
I think one of the ideas i’d have floating around in my head was that Rake sort of had a sorta, fucked up shaky, whisper-y echo sound surrounding their speech similar to Bloody Marys weird hunting/sneaking sounds in TWAU when u get to that final fight with her <- loser moment
Other then that tho,I have no proper voice idea or hc for Rake >< voice hcs are too hard for me to properly think up! Lollll!!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 years
Headcanons I have for some TWAU character. -Bigby: the type to begrudgingly allow his drunk friends to crash on his couch. -Snow White: definitely the motherly type. She the type who remembers how you like your coffee. And always offering an ear if one needs someone talk too. -Bufkin: watches a lot of reality television like big brother and survivor. He always keeping an ear out to hear the most recent drama going on in fabeltown. Flycatcher wants him to go Alcoholic Anonymous
Hi I love all of these
Bigby could come home to a cat on his chair and would sleep on the floor
Snow remembers *everything* you like so she is always the christmas and birthday gift mvp
Bufkin is sad man. Him a hyper intelligent magic monkey who isn't seen as an equal in Fabletown, and yet can't blend in as a mundy animal. Probably has some deeply hidden anxiety that he masks with wine. Gossip king
Flycatcher is the biggest sweetie ever, i would kill for him
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Curious if you could write some headcanons of Snow White x reader like just some general fluffy dating type headcanons
A/n: Yess...I am so sorry I lost your request but I am very happy you re-sent it. Sooooo if I remember correctly you wanted it to be Snow x Female reader.
If this is not the same person then I'd be happy to write another one.
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-❄️ You knew Snow back in Fable town, you were one of the maid's that worked in the Castle. It didn't take long for you both to become fast friends, your first kiss happened under the apple tree though you two eventually drifted apart as you both grew older.
-❄️ When you left Fable Town you started to work with Snow again and it is Bigby that got you both together.
-❄️ Once you start to date this girl is protective as fuck, she won't let Crane or any one else talk bad about you when they learn of your relationship.
-❄️ Though she loves it seeing you get protective of her, its even better when you tell Crane off.
-❄️ Is the one that spoils you, Snow loves to treat you, loves to take care of you.
-❄️ She loves to take you out to restaurants, she just loves to show you off.
-❄️ Though she really loves to stay in with you, watching movies, cuddling. Snow just really loves to hold you as you two sit on the couch.
-❄️ Holding hands in public is something that she loves to do, while she was nervous at first the woman got used to it.
-❄️ It took her some time to get used to kissing in public but now it is one of her favorite things to do.
-❄️Soft kisses before she steps into her office, a kiss on the cheek to relax her, or a passionate kiss to calm her down.
-❄️ She loves them but most importantly she loves you.
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uberbee · 4 years
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I made myself sad with the hc that Bigby’s mom died from the Hanahaki disease because the north wind left her :((
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falloutstasis · 2 years
HC Differences and similarities between my DA and my Captain
HCs under the read more just in case the post gets too long!
Even though she has dreams of being a DA, her neck and stomach hurting afterwards, she is a different character than DA. Also goes by Space!Kelsey or Spacesona by me.
A little more upbeat than the DA, wants to help her crewmates anyway she can.
Looks up to Gunther, but never really tells him this nor anyone else.
Normal human being with a baseball bat as a primary weapon, knows how to use a laser gun, grenades, etc basic weaponry.
During her adventures through the warmholes, she's meet Wilford, Jim, and Yancy.
Captainsona is also the date with Mark (ADWM), and Heistsona (AHWM). She is also GhostHunter!Kelsey (who i'll get in to on a later date).
Has a good relationship with her crewmates. She's very impressed in Burt's poet skills. Best friends with Space!Mark.
Is Neutral Good.
Is called DAsona, District Attorney, DA!Kelsey by me. In story nicknames are Partner by Abe. However, when she frees herself from the mirror, she is called Geist.
She can see and talk ghosts, uses mirrors as a means of transportation (or any reflective surfaces), and move around objects like a poltergeist. She'll know who's spying on her if anyone else uses a mirror to see through and/or at her. 10 times out of 10 will result into breaking said mirror. (like what happened in TWAU with Bloody Mary if you played the game)
Keeps her what her human form was previously and weirdly enough retains most of her personality. However, being stuck in the mirror for years has changed her. But there's still some of the DA in Geist.
Before she passed, she was best friends with Damien.
Looks up to Abe. Like a student-mentor type relationship.
Wants to kill Actor!Mark for what he did back at the manor. She works alongside Dark, but is very distant with him.
Doesn't have a grudge against William/Wilford, forgives him for shooting her. But every now and then black blood will drip out from her stomach and her neck will bruise randomly. There's no pain attached to it nor will she die (She's a demon after all). It's just a thing that happens to her.
She glitches every so often, not as much as Dark, and usually is seen with purple aura following and flowing behind her. If her baseball bat is left unattended, the same thing happens to it. Glitches come up when she's really sad or angry.
If she had a theme her theme would probably be this.
Is True Neutral.
Similarities between them:
They are both agender with She/They pronouns.
Have baseball bats as their main weapon. (This whole idea was based on the Host/Author's first appearance, as seen holding a baseball bat and from Aubrey in Omori who also has a baseball bat with her.)
They can be quiet and laid back. (But Captain talks more so than DA/Geist. Someone can mistake DA/Geist for being mute, because she hardly talks 90% of the time.)
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
idk if you still do wolf among us Headcanons but saw the newest trailer and wanted ask for some Flycatcher (Aka frog prince) ones please. Maybe some on him turning back into a frog?
awe this is gonna be so fun!!! I’m so excited for season 2 it’s unreal omg omg
Flycatcher didn’t mind his cleaning work.
In fact, some days, he rather liked it.
He could let his mind wander and roam,
And he could remain by his lonesome.
However, being alone all the time would start to get to him.
He longed for more connections in his life.
More friends, a partner, a family,
Someone or something he could trust.
And one night, as he worked, that was all he could think about.
He finished the mopping plainly,
Headphones on,
Mind elsewhere.
Y/N wandered through the front doors,
Hoping the business was still open,
But spotted Flycatcher instead.
He turned, startled at the sight of a stranger in at this hour,
Fell back,
And poof.
In a puff of smoke, there he was.
A frog.
It happened whenever he got intensely scared or shocked.
That, and him running out of Glamour.
Y/N paused, then smiled,
Chuckling to themselves.
“Sorry?” They said, more a question than a statement,
They chuckled to themselves again.
“I wasn’t expecting that.”
Flycatcher croaked.
How embarrassing.
“What are you looking for?” He asked sheepishly.
“A map. Do you guys have any?”
“Shit,” Y/N sighed,
Then shrugged.
“Oh well. Thanks anyways.”
Instead of leaving, Y/N knelt down,
Scooping the frog into her hands,
And setting him down on the front counter,
Ensuring he wasn’t at risk of harm.
After giving a small wave, they left,
The door, jingling behind them.
Flycatcher sighed, croaking to himself,
Then hopped into one of the back rooms,
Waiting for it to wear off.
The next morning, no longer dejected,
Flycatcher rolled in at opening time,
And clocked in,
When he wandered back into the lobby, Y/N was there,
And smiling when they locked eyes.
His eyes widened.
Teasingly, Y/N lifted th3eir hands. “Don’t freak out,”
They chuckled and Flycatcher gave a nervous smile.
“I don’t want you turning again.”
“Trust me, I don’t want that either.”
Y/N smiled sweetly,
Charmed by the redhead.
“I wanted to come by to apologize for scaring you last night,”
Flycatcher felt heat in his chest.
Wow. How sweet of them.
“Thank you,” he said with a chuckle.
Quickly, he cleared his throat and spoke again.
“U-Uh but you don’t need to apologize,” he finally fumbled out.
Y/N grinned.
“I’m glad it wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Not at all,” he said,
Waving one of his hands casually.
With a nod, Y/N turned and started for the door.
“Until next time,” they said,
Then vanished.
Every now and then, Y/N would pop in.
To say hi and make small talk before leaving.
Eventually, they started coming in later and later,
Closer and closer to closing.
Finally, when they popped in one day, Flycatcher jumped,
And boom.
Y/N jumped.
“Yes! I did it!”
Flycatcher croaked.
“You were trying to?”
“I wanted to see it again,” Y/N said plainly,
Wandering forwards and picking the creature up.
Suddenly, Flycatcher felt flustered.
“I think it’s adorable,” Y/N said softly.
“Because now I get to talk to you about more than just the weather and you can’t go anywhere.”
Flycatcher smiled coyly,
Finally understanding.
If only Y/N knew he would’ve chatted with them regardless.
He loved their company.
He didn’t need to be forced.
“Works for me,” he said through a chuckle,
And Y/N tenderly smiled.
They might have been the first person to be charmed by Flycatcher’s ‘real self’.
He loved that.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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smokeplumed-blog · 6 years
❝ You’re in a good mood today. ❞
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Bigby must of become so used to Gren’s presence beside him sitting on his stool, his musky scent and cheap cologne he doesn’t even mind anymore becoming just a part of the Trip Trap, part of him, that his low drawl of a statement surprises him, bringing him out of his reverie. 
He thinks about it, how he’s found himself spending more and more of his time in the Trip Trap with their crap squiggly wallpaper, the mystery over the purpose of the pickle jar cruelly taunting him always, the free Huff n’ Puffs on the house, the shitty music that fills half of their juke box that gives him physical and mental headaches, but liking all of it regardless. He remembers being taken under both Gren and Holly’s wing before he knew it at the beginning of things; bringing him food as thanks, asking him to come over and hang out afterwards, their treat; mending relationships and finding out they have a lot more in common then they thought; finding himself helping out on sorting out regulars, and those not so regular, easing up things for Gren; late night talks over how confusing it was to be ❛ human ❜ when they weren’t in the first place, how easy other Fables who weren’t like them forgot that this isn’t their norm despite practicing it for centuries now, how they yearned to be one with the wild again because it was simpler.
They’d also been making sure to remind him, endlessly, they’d both gladly hand his ass to him if he doesn’t take better care of himself, especially when they’d discovered how bad his side’s been fucked since Bloody Mary crippled it with that silver bullet, a target unfortunately taken advantage of before the bastard he’d been trying to catch from a past case escaped, leaving him delirious from blood loss and silver poisoning — all because of an overlooked shard that hadn’t been dangerous till now — by the time he made it over to the bar before collapsing in a broken heap, ruining Holly’s newly mopped floor, the smell mixing with copper as he bled out from his open, messy wound before being stitched up again by Swineheart, both hovering with anger and worry over it.
So Bigby merely smirks at the memories surfacing up in his mind, taking a swig of his neat whiskey, having a feeling that it wasn’t just the alcohol giving him this hum of a warm feeling in his gullet; ❝ I guess so. ❞
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snapitkeeper · 7 years
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BPD care 101
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scullyy · 4 years
(for the hc thing) • Snow and Bigby are together. You cannot change my mind. (I'll sue Adhoc and I won't feel bad if I'm wrong) •Nerissa=Faith (that's obvious but I still need confirmation) • Woody is actually a nice person. (Somewhere...) He just doesn't want to be bothered by shit since he's been through enough in the Homelands & Fabletown. He also has trust issues bc of those things. • Snow and Bigby live together. If not, then I'm pretty sure they both check up on the other pretty often.
Hello Soph my darling!
Honestly twau did such a better job at showing the relationship between Bigby and Snow within five episodes than Billy Willy did in 150 issues (or volumes idk how comics work). I won’t change your mind there sis I’m with you.
Nerissa=Faith there is no other equation, I doubt season 2 will touch upon her and what happened (given it’s supposed to take place a year after the events of season 1) so I guess we’ll never truly know :(( unless hopefully there is a throwaway line or conversation about her in the next game??? Please adhoc, let us know what happened pleas-
Honestly Woody does seem like a relatively nice dude and he could really be something if he stopped drinking so much. I agree with you there, the only two people he trusts are probably Holly and Gren, even then he still brings in trouble for them.
Snow and Bigby being roommates would be the most chaotic and yet sweetest thing ever. Bigby’s messy nature combined with Snow’s meticulous handling it would lead to plenty of shenanigans. But despite Bigby leaving his shoes everywhere (the guy only has the one pair tbh but Snow always trips over them somehow), he’s always there to comfort her after a nightmare and he’ll fetch her a copy of the morning paper + a coffee (the amount of restraint Snow must use to not make a dog joke every time he does it-)
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the-kelly-among-us · 5 years
In Response to “Bigby is Fat”
Find the post by @bibbywolf here! https://bibbywolf.tumblr.com/post/186672565741/for-those-back-in-the-day-who-didnt-believe-me
So, to start this off, I want to say that I’m not doing this to be confrontational, but rather to educate about body types! And to open meaningful discourse and not just mindless shit flinging.
A lot of people don’t know the difference between fat/chunky and fit, and that’s totally fine! Not everyone has the proper anatomy and physiology knowledge to make the distinction - I didn’t really learn until my anatomy classes in college, followed by years of studying live models of all body types.
So let’s look at the claim here: Bigby is fat. Which is fine! It’s great even! It’s awesome to have such diverse headcanons about things and put those into your works - it’s what makes fandom great. Everyone has a different idea of how a character looks. But the term that’s important here is HEADCANON. Meaning that it’s not canon. And that you can’t enforce it and shame others for feeling differently about a certain character. 
Now it’s totally fine to practice Death of the Author and ignore whatever Willingham intended - shit, that’s what I do. And the main Fables run didn’t really give us good views of Bigby shirtless - almost as if they’re shy about it. But The Wolf Among Us had no such qualms. They showed us all of what Bigby looked like. (What a power move.) So what does Bigby look like in TWAU?
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Which is awesome, because it gives us the whole “fit action badass” that people seem to enjoy. But what a lot of people don’t know is that this is NOT what fitness looks like. At all. You see, to get muscle definition like this, you have to strip away your body’s fat reserves, dehydrate yourself, and eat a mostly protein diet. It’s not healthy at all. There’s a reason this body only exists in media - in movies, comics, games, etc - and that’s because it is so hard to maintain and so detrimental to one’s health that they shouldn’t maintain it. 
Now, this is easy to discuss in the abstract, so let me pull in an example from real life.
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This is Jason Mamoa, specifically in his role for Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. Look at those biceps! Abs! Pecs! Yummy, am I right? But this body is only possible through careful calculation - he has a personal trainer, a dietitian, and a director who demands he look like this. And sure, he looks like this for a few weeks to even a few months, but that’s terribly unhealthy for him. I can’t imagine how dehydrated he must be all the time. But what does he look like when he’s not filming?
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Almost like a different person! See, this is what Jason Mamoa looks like without the program and diet. But make no mistake - he’s fitter than you and I will ever be. Because even though he’s not filming, he’s a big movie star. Meaning that his job between movies is to maintain a body that can be movie ready in 6-8 weeks. So he’s still incredibly fit, even though people on twitter like to call this a “dad bod.” 
How can we tell if he’s fit? Well, look at his hips. See how he still has a V for his hips, even though his abs aren’t cut? And his biceps are still massive and look great. and the pecs are still perky and defined.
Now compare this image to the image of Bigby cleaning his shirt off. In the long shot panel, you can clearly see lines indicating the side of his ab muscles, meaning that he has abs underneath that skin. His biceps are huge, and his pecs are defined and perky. Meaning that - say it with me now, class - Bigby is FIT. Really fit! Healthy fit! Which is awesome!
But fit does not mean fat. If he were “fat” as was claimed, his pecs would sag, and his belly would jut out in that side view provided. No, instead, his belly is flat in that suit. 
Wheeling back around to my first statement - it’s totally fine if you HC Bigby as fat! It’s awesome! But you can’t say it’s canon when it’s clearly not, nor can you look down, mock, and belittle people for saying otherwise. Nor can you act like you stand on a moral high ground for drawing Bigby as fat. This is where the real issue stems from, I think.
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dr-pillowteeth · 6 years
I don’t know if this is old news but I love your TWAU fanart. Gren’s a cutie & I have a personal habit of projecting and lumping all my gay trans dude HCs onto him so I? really appreciated you finding a style to draw him in that simultaneously accentuates his grodiness & masculinity but makes him kinda pretty, too!! It feels good to see an aesthetic so reflective of myself, intentional or not. (also your lighting was fantastic in that picture so ... smh)
sobs, thank you so much!!! your words really mean a lot to me, and i’m also really happy that i could capture him that way. i actually really like gren as a character; there’s something about him that i think is actually quite sensitive, despite the temper and crassness :’0
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Amortentia bigby ❤️
A/n: Ahh Bigby! Yess.
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“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.”
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Bigby Wolf: Huff an Puff Cigarettes {{ Since the scent helps block out other over powering scents. }}, Freshly brewed coffee, Maple/Pine trees.
Wrinkling his nose, Bigby did his best to ignore the over powering scents that seemed to consume him on a daily bases.The man wasn’t even from Massachusetts, he was a New Yorker. But when he was offered a position at Ilvermorny to be one of the new professors at the school the man could hardly refuse, especially not since when he found out his childhood crush was teaching their thanks to Snow.
Sighing the man was going over some papers though lighting a cigarette Bigby nearly burned himself when her heard a clearing of a throat.
“ Those would kill you...ya know.” Grinning at the man Bigby just rolled his eyes stubbing out the death stick. 
“Something you need Y/n?”
“Oh no...I just wanted to check on you....and uh maybe you can be the guinea pig for the potion I made?”
Sighing Bigby pinched the bridge of his nose then nodded his head. “Fine...but what is it?”
Holding out his hand you gave him a large grin placing a small tube in his out stretched palm.
“It’s Amortentia, I made a batch...Im doing it for my students and I want to know what you can smell.”
Giving him a wink Bigby let out a reluctant sigh as he uncorked the small bottle, giving it a tentive sniff he was imidietly hit with the scent of his cigarettes though it didn’t take long for it to change to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, if he didn’t smell your stupid little potion he could have sworn someone was brewing a fresh pot nearby. Though it was the last scent that hit him hard. It was the combination of fresh pine and maple trees, a mixture of Winter and Fall. It reminded him of home though most importantly it reminded him of you.
Wrinkling his nose he quickly corked the bottle thrusting it back into your palm, clearly embarrassed.
“Well what?!”
“What did you think?”
“It’s wonderful! Not stop bothering me.”
Pouting for a moment you slipped the away eyeing him closely. “You’re not going to tell me what you smelt.”
Glancing up he gave you a half grin. “Buy me a drink first then I will.”
“Perfect! Let’s meet up in Salem!”Giving him a wink you rushed out of his classroom before he could protest.
“Damn”Chuckling Bigby stood up then walked away from his desk, eager to get ready for this little date.
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