#the zeppeli family
ladykailolu · 7 months
Ok but, I can't imagine how shocking and terrible it would feel,
Like, you and your fam are tryna escape some political disaster going on in your country.
And then some kid comes up to you form a boat and is all like
"Hey! Here's your oldest son's corpse!"
"He was shot and killed, but I killed the murderer so don't worry"
"Ok byee!"
I know Greg is a bit of a hard ass but still.
Also I'd imagine that would be horrific for Gyro's mom
Cause I have reason to believe they at least aren't as much of a hard ass as Greg is.
So abruptly finding out about your son's demise has got to mess you up, right?
To be fair, I'd bet that Gregorio knew that it was coming. Time and time again, he's told Gyro not to become too sentimental or else that would spark his downfall. He knows that Gyro has not heeded his words after hearing about the incident in the prison where one of Gyro's prisoners momentarily broke free and bit off another guard's fingers. Greg warned his son of the dangers of being sentimental, but in the end, it was not successful. Gyro hadn't changed, and there was no way he would execute a boy for a crime that he didn't commit!
Even so, that doesn't make the outcome any less bitter. Greg was dreading the day he would discover that his son was dead, and here it was: a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, fair skinned foreigner presented him a sealed wooden coffin. Inside were Gyro's remains. It would take months for Johnny to cross the Atlantic Ocean by sea then some time to travel all the way to Naples. So, you can bet that Gyro's corpse had decomposed somewhat, so they can't open the coffin and see him.
Gyro's mom would be a mess. I figured that she would be close to all of her sons. There's a stereotype of Italian mothers in that they dote on their sons so much that their adult sons kinda sorta stay at home for an extended period of their lives and have their mothers take care of them. Or the sons marry and move in with their wives...and take their mothers with them lol. So, Liona tended to fawn over all five of her sons, but Gyro was special because he was her firstborn.
Then the political strife goes on and the Zeppelis have to leave Naples. Since they buried Gyro in Naples, they can't even return to his grave and visit! Not even Johnny can--he lives too far away. Maybe Johnny keeps Gyro's steel balls as a memento of him. Whenever the steel balls are nearby, it's like Gyro's spirit is with Johnny, standing behind him, very closeby but just out of reach.
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aurry2568 · 1 year
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Rising Suns Joel Arc, the year 2021 (he’s gonna fucking kill you edition)
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deusluxuria · 10 months
headcanon that since johnny grew up about 10 years in kentucky and 10 somewhere in rich person england, he has a mixed accent, and gyro one day was like "if it were anyone else, i wouldn't be able to understand half of what they were saying, but when i look at you it's somehow crystal clear" and johnny just kinda stared and said "that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, please don't ever say that again"
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freinhardt56 · 7 months
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My favorite panels in Manga.
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bugslaststraw · 4 months
"the Zeppeli family is honourable and self-serious" actually statistical factoid. Family Honours Georg, who got crushed by a rock,
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
What Am I To You?
Different kinds of love: JJBA edition.
Synopsis: How they saw you, did they love you? Did they only liked you as a friend? Did they at least noticed?
Warnings: Heart breakdown, Unrequited feelings, character´s death, spoilers
Jolyne Kujo
Wounds heal but scars prevail
- You weren't blind, not yet, every time that you got to California by matters related to the SWF you tried to at least say hi to Jotaro and his little family, that atmosphere was tense and sometimes you thought that was going to affect your son, Rei.
- But no, Rei lived for the days that he could trip with you to California and see his beloved "big sis Jolyne" like he would always call her.
- You called her "Baby JoJo" because the family tradition of everyone getting the same nickname ended with you saying it and having Josuke and Jotaro turn their heads to you, Jolyne was a little kid then, so "Baby JoJo" remained.
- Jolyne was older but she was patient with your gremlin of a son, maybe she inherited that patience from her mother's side, hardly from Jotaro.
- And talking about Jotaro...
"Have you seen him recently?" Jotaro's wife was beautiful, you give her that, but her eyes were swollen, eyes red, a sad expression on her face.
"I haven't seen him since the last month" if she had any tears left in her, she could have spilled them by now.
- You were so gonna punch him in the face.
- The two of you only remain in silence, hearing how Jolyne was telling Rei a story, her japanese was better than the last time.
- She was a kind girl, and you believed that deep down she kept that kindness somewhere.
- Being a police officer helped to know the news, first there were charges, minimal, and most of the time proved that the girl was wrongly accused, you tried to be as unnoticed as possible because you were investigated after being contacted by a person of interest for the PD in Italy.
- Just when you were investigated Jolyne was sent to prison, Jotaro was again in radio silence and Rei ran away from home in the middle of the night, leaving a letter that said "Jotaro-san contacted me, Jolyne-nee needs me"
- You appeared in the prison, with proof that Jolyne was inocent, with your Stand ready to punch Jotaro in the face and to drag Rei back home.
- The moment that you got there it was a mess, Jotaro was half death, Jolyne didn't want the proof because her father's soul was somewhere inside the prison, Rei dressed himself as a girl and got inside with Jolyne before you could stop him.
- It was such a mess.
- And now you were in charge of seeing Jotaro, your jerk ex back in your teenage years, he was almost death, Jolyne and your son were in danger and you didn't give a shit about your work anymore, Josuke would take care of Morioh in your place, he was ready, you believed in him.
"What are you doing here?!" Jolyne didn't know why you would put so much in line for her and her father, in her mind you were some kind of intrusive figure, every time that you could go to her house her mother would cry and ask you for her father but you wouldn't answer, her mother could only contact her father by you.
- Jolyne also kind of disliked Rei, because Rei had black hair and aquamarine eyes, just like her father´s, this only fueled her own conviction, not knowing a thing about Rohan, the father of Rei and Julius, your younger son, who also had green eyes and dark hair.
- Jolyne thought that you and Rei were her father's other family.
- But if that was true why were you there.
"Run away from here!" You thrown Jolyne and Rei out of the way with your Stand, Pucci was coming, fast, and all of you couldn't stand a chance against him.
"Wait, I'm not going to leave you here!" Jolyne screamed, using her Stand to drag you to their side, one that you were totally sure she didn't have before, you were so gonna ask Jotaro about this.
- You got severally injured but Jolyne saved your life.
- Rei activated his stand and got the three of you out, all your group could get to your final point.
- You lost everything, in your final moments you thought of your kids, Rei was bleeding to death by your side, his body floating, you couldn't protect him, Julius was in home with Rohan, your fool of a boyfriend would keep him safe, those two would be fine, you hoped, and you also swore at Rohan in your mind because after all these years he never asked if you wanted to marry him.
- Everything was a blurry picture, something touched your hand, your head was loosen up, you got to see Jotaro next to you, his hand touched yours, he didn't move, he wasn't breathing, no one was, Jolyne was still fighting, someone crying in the horizon.
"JoJo... Baby JoJo..."
- Everything was a blurry picture, and then everything was black.
Johnny Joestar
The right person at the wrong time
- Both of you came from noble families and business associated, both of you born with a golden spoon on the mouth.
- You were engaged to Johnny while kids, just because you were too young to be married off to Nicholas, his older brother.
- Johnny had a lot on his plate, you knew that, you tried to understand him, the little guy that would be scared of his father and searched for warm arms to receive him when everything was just too much, if his brother couldn't be that warm then it would be you if he could get to you when your parents weren't near.
- His hair was smooth, your hand going through it, trying to calm his silent cry, his little hands on your clothes.
- Johnny had you to appease his injured heart, your clothes with tears and mucus, your parents reprimand was near, you knew that, and he compensated you in many ways.
- He would talk, timidly, gripping your hands in his and going with you around the Joestar's state and stables.
- For your parents you didn't have much value, you could only be a bargain coin in some business, you were happy that Johnny was the person that you would marry, you were lucky, you felt in debt with him.
- Year after year you heard people talk, you were so lucky, that's what they said, every year was a step closer to marry the genius Johnny Joestar, you were so lucky to be married off to the important Joestar family.
- People would talk, about Johnny and his scandal with way more beautiful young ladies, how he would call of the engagement at any moment to live his own life, about your family falling in debt.
- The Joestar family left your's in the street and your parents, who lived in riches till then, couldn't stand that kind of life, leaving you alone shortly after to survive by your own hand.
- Something attached to you the moment you saw your parents death inside that alley, they used the little money you had left to die after drinking and eating some expensive things.
- A few years later, you heard of Johnny's attack, but you didn't even try to help him.
- You were a problem to him back in the day, you would also be a problem now, he already had enough on his plate, again.
- Then, you realized, you didn't need him to be happy, to be lucky, Johnny needed you, just to some extent, but there it was.
- You tracked him to the competition, asking to yourself why was he there, and you were already a few days late, but it was no problem, you could catch up to him in a few days.
"Something is burning?" Gyro would ask, it smelled like fire wood near.
"I don't think so?" Johnny was starting to believe that Gyro was going crazy.
"No, I swear, something is burning- Sweet mother of-?!" Gyro knew of Stands, but he didn't have any idea of a burning skeleton mounted in a death horse in flames that was coming at an stupid fast rate to them.
- They thought that some kind of demon or strange Stand user was there to stole their parts of the Corpse.
"Johnny, it's me!" Maybe your distorted voice didn't help, and by the steel ball that almost broke your skull maybe you frightened them.
- He recognized you after your stand was gone, your horse looking like a normal one and you back with your flesh and skin in place.
"How come that you are here?!" You needed to help him, he really was paralyzed, his hands on your arms and your clothes, it took you back to those days.
"I'm here to help you" Johnny had tears on his eyes, your words being like some kind of divine grace after so long.
"Are you friends with the devil?!" And there was a man that you didn't knew and was screaming like a madman.
- Surviving wasn't easy, you couldn't give them the food that you caried along, those were the rules, you couldn't help them much.
"Why are you here then?" The man, Gyro, asked while seeing you sunbathing with your horse, both not needing food thanks to your Stand.
"There are some people that aren't participants" Johnny was sleeping, you were close to him, preventing him from falling of his horse, "leave those to me, they are mostly bad people, I will eat them"
"Ex-fucking-cuse me?"
- Gyro liked you as a person because you were sincerely good to Johnny, but he was also scared of you.
"Johnny, where did you got this one?" Gyro noticed you capturing a man that was about to attack them.
"My ex-fiance" both heard the screams of horror and the the body falling to the ground, your Stand eating that man's soul.
"...Of course, why not?..."
- Johnny almost lost, you almost lost him, but Gyro was there, then he wasn't, you wanted to "eat" Valentine for that, Johnny did something worse to him.
- Johnny could end it all, he decided to live his own life.
"Where are you going?" He asked you, you had dried blood on your face, Gyro's blood, this was too much.
"I can come back when you need me" Johnny tried to talk to you, but you mounted your horse, "I know that you are going to be happy, I can't stay by you, my stand will kill you the moment that you feel 'negative' again!" You were crying, it was strange, Johnny was the cry baby, not you.
- Johnny also cried.
"I don't want to lose you too!" he hugged you, you wanted to return it with fervour, but if you did that, you would stay, your Stand was a danger for him.
"Safe travels, my dear friend"
- Years later, you heard of Johnny's death.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
He knows that you are important, he doesn't know why
- Josuke wanted to hide away from you, as far as possible of your sad face, but he also wanted to stay near you, put his head on your shoulder and sleep forever in your embrace.
- It was so strange.
"Do I know you?" Your voice is familiar in a bizarre way, Josuke is sure that he doesn't know you, not even from a photo or of name.
- Josuke learned not to talk to strange people, Yasuho told him that.
- Not even caring about that his body was already on his own way to your side while you were in a park, crying and drying your tears.
- Your hands were full of scars, and he thought for a second how much that could have hurt at the moment, you had a green pendant with the form of a cat on your neck.
"No, I don't" he was saying that, but his hands were aching to touch you, touch your hands and every scar on them.
- You were crying, all alone, on this abandoned park, Josuke couldn't just left you there, sad.
- Josuke thought that you were strong, after drying your last tear you took a total 360° change in your demeanor.
"Do you need help?" In reality, he did, he needed help, he was lost, not even an idea of were he was, Josuke was sure that Yasuho was going to be mad at him, "You look lost"
"You are the one that looks lost" Josuke could be explosive at times, and then quite dry, he wasn't neither at that moment, he felt strange.
"That's not-" you stopped your words, red eyes with tears again, "I live around here"
- Josuke didn't believe you, he knew, somehow, that you were lying.
- You took Josuke to the police station, he looked young, maybe he was lost and his parents were searching for him, you told him to follow you and he didn't complain.
- As you started walking on your own, you felt something in your hand, it was him, that boy, Josuke's hand was grabbing yours, trying to interlock your fingers with his.
- Your Stand reacted faster than you, throwing him far.
"Oh my god! Young man, are you okay?!" What would people say of you, a marine officer, attacking a kid in the middle of the day?
- Josuke was knocked out for a long time, in which you carried him, it took you back to some memories, of Yoshikage being drunk, you carrying him, your Yoshi with a silly drunk smile on his face, so different from his usual stoic face, while saying that he loved you, ending in your appartment where he would sleep with his head on your shoulder.
- When you got the boy to the police station you handled him to an officer, Josuke opened his eyes and you saw them, his eyes were strange, maybe Yoshi would be interested in such an anormal trait, if he was still with you.
"You need to be more careful, young man"
"..." Josuke couldn't say anything to you, not even a good bye or thank you, you were already on your way.
- Josuke had a sad feeling when he saw your swollen eyes and your hands full of scars, the green cat pendant on your neck shining with the sunlight.
- Yasuho told him again about how dangerous is to talk to someone he didn´t knew but he was lucky that you helped him.
- It was a shame that you didn't even told him your name.
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goatpaste · 1 year
If somebody from Bucci's gang were to have hamon I'd say it'd be a hard choice between Guido and Narancia for comedic factors. Both seem like the type who'd randomly say "hey watch this" as they turn a glass of wine upside down to win a bet with no explanation of how the wine isn't pouring out. Though honestly? With Fugo's stand being a heavy breather + its toxins being weak to sunlight I think it'd be pretty interesting if Fugo Zeppeli were a thing & he's just not calm enough all the time to harness his natural hamon all that well.
Narancia would be fitting because I could see him doing stupid tricks like that while ppl are trying to explain something to him
Also the whole factor of his stand being about reading carbon dioxide radar would be both funny to be fitting as well as to be like, "I didn't knoW I just thought it was apart of my stand ability I didn't think it was it's own separate thing too"
Especially when you think about araki talking about how Joseph's stand was meant to be a manifestation of how his hamon felt to use or whatever, hamon having an effect on ppls stand abilities as it's so essentially apart of them...
Also... those zeppelis sure love to not be alive...
Thinking thinking..
But also zeppeli fugo I am seeing the concept there to mm
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mercenariespod · 1 year
Rip Caesar Zeppeli you would've loved Alec Romano
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This is a what if scenario inspired by an incorrect quote I made last month: Link
I'm not exactly sure if I wanted this to be canon due to the fear of my OC being called a Mary-sue. But I wanted to play around with this idea just for fun, let me know what you guys think?
Anyways, the story here takes place after the "Pet Shop arc" where Kakyoin and Iggy reunited with the group, except they took a breather at a Cairo hotel for food and sleep instead of heading to DIO's mansion immediately, they need some energy y'know. 
And Medea, a servant of DIO who was forced to work with the group, started to question her loyalty to her "Master" after spending a long time with her supposed enemies and watching over a formally-blinded Kakyoin, eventually warming up to them.
During dinner, when Jotaro mentioned how he learned Italian from his Mother, Medea let slip that her Father is actually Italian-American instead of full-blown American, revealing that this is due to her Paternal Grandmother being an Italian immigrant during WW2(which Joseph had been dragged into during "Battle Tendency" as you all know). 
When asked about her family history, she explained that her Grandmother had hidden her original last name from her family with the only clue being that it starts with a "Z", as well as her and her Father inheriting the same eye color as her long-lost Granduncle, whom she never met due to dying in Switzerland in the 1930's. All of this sounded way too familiar to Joseph and asked who was her late Granduncle, she replied that his name was "Caesar". Causing Joseph to yell out: "OH MY GOOOOOD!"
Afterwards, after making some calls to the Speedwagon Foundation, they did a little geological research and found out that her Paternal Grandmother was actually one of Caesar's younger sisters, which makes Medea one of the last living members of Zeppeli bloodline.
And the reason the Grandmother kept this hidden from her and her Father was because she didn't want to lose anymore family members to anymore tragedies involving Vampires, Stone Masks, and the Joestar bloodline(which unfortunately happened anyways).
This discovery made everyone question whether or not DIO is aware of this and is just using Medea as some cruel form of revenge against the Joestars by having the Zeppelis turning against them... This also kinda explains why Medea has an extensive collection of Legends and Myths regarding the "Pillar Men".
I made a family tree to explain how Medea's related to the Zeppelis better. Actually, I wanted to add the Zeppeli bloodline from the "Steel Ball Run" universe for laughs, but decided against it because Medea doesn't appear in the Second timeline.
Medea King and Aeetes King belongs to me
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ladykailolu · 2 years
The Zeppeli family developed a system of saying things without actually saying them. For example, if they have guests over and one of them pours the wine, the way that they position the bottle signals to the other if the person they're talking to is worthy. If they have the bottle rotated backwards then that's them saying "Don't talk to this guy, he's no good", among other little cues. It was also considered a great sign of disrespect if a waiter did not wait on the most senior person in the party if they went somewhere nice to eat. Or if the women did not wait on the patriarch of the family first.
And that is another thing: when the fam gets together, all the men talk to each other in a great foyer somewhere with couches and fancy end tables and ofc wine. Everywhere there was the wine!
And the women, they go somewhere else and don't listen to the men talk.
They're also very traditional, which posed a problem for Mela (and Gyro, to some extent). Mela wants to bring her girlfriend Jodie over but she can't let anybody know that she's seeing Jodie. Cant let nobody know. Gyro has a similar issue when he invites Johnny over, and Caesar has this roundabout thing for Joseph. They gotta keep it hush hush.
Enter Paxe, Gyro's eldest child. She wants to join the men in talking about whatever they're talking about because staying with the women and helping to cook is very boring to her. But it's considered disrespect and out of place for a girl to be talking among the men during these get togethers. The Zeppeli men don't say nothing at first and watch Paxe, each staring from their place to impart the message that she shouldn't be there. And she got it but she didn't care. She wanted to be where her papà was, so she wanted to stay and pretend that nothing was wrong. Then one of the men piped up at Gyro. "You gonna let this kid stay here or what?" And Gyro knew that he was already disrespecting the family but not controlling his child and if he didnt do anything, there would be problems down the line.
So he pulls Paxe aside and pleads with her to stay with her grandmother and cousins and do what they tell her to do. If anybody else told her that, Paxe would dig her heels in like a little bull and go right back to what she was doing. But she could never stand like that against her father. She loved and respected him too much, and ever since her mother died, the last thing she wanted to do was to make him angry.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 10 months
the pillarmen reacting to the severed heads
kars: *gives jonathan a pat* "they do make for some quite amusing house pets"
wamuu: *cradling erina and speedwagon* "show them some respect, lord kars. i've been a severed head before and it was a hassle"
esidisi: *pokes zeppeli with his finger* "well i've been a disembodied brain once and it was even worse"
santana: *on all fours and batting around steely dan and alessi like a cat with a ball of yarn* "they are bouncy"
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ruarism · 2 years
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‘draw your faves’ challenge on twt
part 1
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vocaloightmares · 1 year
TW bio updates and changes galore:
• Teen Wing’s emotions are connected to her Supercharge powers. The intense her feelings become (positive or negative), the stronger and terrifying her illusory powers can overwhelm opponents. However, TW can go out of control with her powers, and the key to maintaining them is an emotional balance.
• One of her major goals has changed: TW is solving the mystery of the original Kid Wing, who is a Legendary Super Wing that mysteriously disappeared long ago.
For reference, TW has two other goals: 1) Boost Teen Troupe’s success in order to cheer up her father, and 2) Continue KW’s legacy under a succeeding mantle by kicking crime butt around the world.
• TW doesn’t know much about Billy Willy and his group, other than fighting them once. BW’s toy factory was greatly overshadowed by Teen Troupe’s international success, and the villain sought to take the troupe down.
• Vicky isn’t actually a teen. She named her superhero alias “Teen Wing” because 1) The creator wants to avoid confusing Kid Wing with two of her OCs and Alister’s masked identity from Halloween Havoc, and 2) Vicky wanted to intimidate her biggest and smallest opponents. In other words, she is the same age as a couple of younger Super Wings like Astra.
• Teen Troupe is TW’s dysfunctional found family. She’s been working with them since she was a toddler actor, and has been taught by a few veteran members like Spino and The Dreamscapist, but mostly the latter whenever Draco is not around.
I mean, Teen Troupe worked their darndest to get TW back up after her near-death experience with Scorpia.
• TW is an aroace demigirl.
• TW has more relatives beyond Kazumi, but that’ll be revealed in the future. TW doesn’t bond well with any of them.
• Instead of Scorpia, it’s a mysterious villain by the name of Despairada that scarred Teen Wing. I’ve been having second thoughts about Scorpia being the one to put Teen Wing out of (temporary) commission because I wanted to include proper relevancy to TW’s arc.
And now for Teen Troupe after months of not mentioning them more often:
• Mesmera is a little sister TW never had. She’s often the first to calm her (second) boss down, and has been even more active ever since TW received her Super Pet.
• Spino, Queen Viola, The Dreamscapist, and Captain Tross are the veteran quartet. They’ve been Teen Troupers for a long time that they taught younger members that joined the team.
• Teen Troupe hold several parties, especially when their major performances result in success.
• Muffin is an old friend of Lime. The two have good contact with each other.
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thedaythealienscame · 2 years
awful that i used to call myself adam when i was 13/14 and i CAN'T go back to that now without looking like a kinnie
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eternaleepy · 5 months
oh no bro i have a jojo x hunger games au forming in my noggin
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