#their friend is continuing it and I just. like holy shit the strength that must take
blazewatergem · 1 year
That was a gut punch
I’m ok but woah. Shook up I guess? I don’t know how to say this imma try in tags.
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Suit Vlogger: First Video
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Channel Name: Swapsider99 Subscriber Count: 2
Aiden: Hey, guys! Welcome to my newly made channel – Swapsider99. I am so excited to start this journey with you all. In this channel, I will review the hip and fad apparel everyone is crazy about these days – bodysuits! I recently bought one and decided to do a vlog about it because it seemed like nobody else had done it so far.
[Aiden grabbed a box offscreen and showed it to the camera]
Aiden: I know, the box looks cheap. It’s just a simple bag with BodyCo’s logo on it. I can’t begin to imagine the hours I had to work just to buy this suit. I imagined it’d be worth it once I tried it out. 
[Aiden rips out the bag and shows the contents to the camera]
Aiden: Oh! Wow! One thing I noticed first is how life-like the skin texture is. There’s still a little bit of the unnatural smoothness, like a powdered bum of a baby, but everything else blows out of the water! It’s surreal, holy fuck! If any viewers realized, yes, this suit is modeled after me. I bought add-ons, like a little more body hair and leaner muscles. I could’ve added more, but you know… money issues. 
Aiden:  The skin’s a few millimeters thick – a bit thicker than a condom sold at a convenience store. It’s not as sticky or slippery, though. Like the skin, the hair looks and feels realistic. I can’t seem to pluck any of the hairs, though. It’s just a rumor, but they said this is one way of differentiating between an actual person and someone wearing a suit. It’s real, I guess. Other than the hair, there’s a massive slit on the back and that is where I will enter the suit.
[Aiden opens the suit and shows the inside to the camera]
Aiden: The surface of the inside looks just like what’s outside. There are a few areas where the thickness of the suit is thicker, like the abs and biceps. The inside surface is devoid of any hair or skin pores. The product video I’ve watched before said the inside surface is studded with trillions of neuropathic junctions connecting to your nervous system. I’ll feel everything outside the suit as if I wasn’t wearing it in the first place. Look at this hole in the crotch area. This is where I’ll insert my dick. Judging from how long and spacious the cavity is, I guess those additional $200 were well spent. 
[The video cuts to the next scene where Aiden stripped his apparel. The video aimed at the top part of his body, but a carefully placed mirror sneaked a view of his 4-inch flaccid penis.]
Aiden: My hands are trembling with how excited I am to wear this suit. Not to brag, but I am the first among my friends who bought a bodysuit. I can’t wait to see the look on their face when they see the new me. 
[Aiden dipped his foot inside the suit and followed it with another.]
Aiden: Whoa! I felt a tingle from my foot. It’s quite euphoric if that’s the proper term. It’s like a jolt of electricity traveling through my veins and spine. It’s like feeling the kick of a strong and dark coffee. I’m more alive than ever! 
[Aiden continued to wear the rest of the suit, his face getting more ecstatic by the second.]
Aiden: Holy fucking shit! They didn’t lie when they said I’ll feel everything the suit feels. There’s a bit of numbness, but that’s it. I could feel the breeze from the air conditioner, or the touch of my fingers when I coursed through my arms.
[With a smile, Aiden showed his arm and ran two fingers across it]
Aiden: I- I could feel it! Hahahahaha!
Aiden: And look! When I flex my arms, my bicep bulges out! The- That wasn’t there before, and now it is! Hahaha! I have the strength of a thousand cowboys running through my veins. Hah! This would be amazing if not for this stupid flap of the suit’s face attached to my neck. I better get to it, then.
[Aiden pulls the mask over his face, thus completing the rest of the suit.]
Aiden: Ahhhh!!! Fuck! Th- that was amazing! I have never taken drugs in my entire life, but this must be what it feels like. I still have my devilish looks, but with an improved physique! I didn’t even need to go to the gym to get this body. And man! I look even better with these muscles attached to my body. The hair on my chest and groin make me even sexier. Holy fuck! This suit is one massive ego boost. I never talked this way before, but it feels natural now. 
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Aiden: Well, guys, that's it for today's vlog. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Thank you so much for watching, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content like this.
Aiden: Before I go, I just want to give a shoutout to my future viewers. I hope to come back with more bodysuits to review. Until next time…
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On that note, this absolutely relates to how flimsy the argument is that moneyless societies or UBI economic systems (flawed but you know what I’m getting at) would fail because “people wouldn’t work”… of course they would. We deadass get bored out of our minds without working, it’s why video games are so popular. Hard tasks that are rewarding and still engaging and intriguing with a true buy-in are something with LIVE for - in balance with time for rest and idleness, which are equally as necessary for our wellbeing. We love to work with purpose and dignity and the freedom and knowledge that we are in an environment that is safe for us to self-determine our own needs around rest, like helping a friend move. We are actually really good at pushing ourselves past what we’d maybe ideally want to do in terms of work when we deeply care and want to make sure the work is done right and expeditiously, and then just take even more rest later. It’s actually not remotely toxic to need to feel needed to a degree, it is actually an essential component to bonding especially when it is reciprocated and that smaller percentage of the time where we need/are needed, it’s being met to the best degree of everyone’s abilities without harmful overextension. It’s actually incredible emotional hygiene to let people help you EVEN IF you are technically capable of finding ways to do it on your own or even perfectly capable of doing it on your own. This is one of the essential and dare I say almost sacred places where we connect as living, feeling beings of a social species. We self-mutilate when we cut ourselves off from being generous and receiving/expecting generosity (being understood as the practice of extending ourselves and understanding that occasional overextension when the alternative is unacceptable is inevitable if we want to protect someone’s basic survival, but NOT the practice of continually consciously/unconsciously overextending ourselves when stakes aren’t life or death). If you want the good stuff, you must be willing to give and receive happy work from your people. It is mutually beneficial in ways that total self-reliance and feeling that you don’t owe others occasional discomfort or effort you wouldn’t elect on your is truly a deeply damaging product of modern western culture and it’s harmed us greatly that this is the default. The fairy tale that great love has no trials is simply a false narrative, but we all seem to buy it and believe that the reality of love is “settling”. The truth is that suffering in life is inevitable, and love is not some magic armor that means suffering cannot touch you, that your partner is someone you hired to play a role of someone impervious to the lack of control we have in life who can operate how you want them to at any moment and when they can’t exert omnipotence, they are committing an injustice towards you. Trials are inevitable even among the most evolved and capable people. But the trials are part of the sweetness and they should be a call to do an audit of our own maturity, strength, patience, and actual capacity for knowing and giving love. We need faith in our own critical thinking skills to perceive the difference between the reality of love sometimes not being only ease and happy feelings, and when we are actually being used/abused. Love is an action.
Holy shit it’s been a hot second since a proper midnight ramble that somehow drifts ten miles downstream from the original thesis but I’m wired from having such a different schedule the last couple of nights (no regrets).
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advernia · 1 year
— bearskin. assorted post-reading notes for this post!
obviously longer than the jamil piece bc ngl this was rly fun!!!! went back to trying to write like the ye olde.... aaaaaaand that just made my process longer bc i was spewing out fancy dialogue...... plus i just liked imagining silver in the wintry setting.........
so bearskin ft. silver! this was interesting in the sense that i was thinking hard of what rendition to follow as my foundation, but i still went with my usual reference as the soldier's encounter with the devil has more substance!
other stuff that stood out to me from other renditions: in the austrian ver., a very filthy boy becomes the keeper of hell for seven years. the philippine ver. has a mother so desperately praying for a child that she ends up also praying to the devil, and when her child had turned seventeen the devil comes to claim her child. the russian ver. has a washed out soldier that agrees to stay as bearskin....... for fifteen years LMAOOOO that's the longest condition i've read!!!!!
anyway the first thing i thought of before anything else was HOLY SHIT DO I MAKE SILVER KILL THE BEAR KSKSKSKSKS but that aside!!!!! i've always thought that the level of devotion animals have for silver is the type that if for him and if he needed to, they would give their lives for him.
though again, i wouldn't think silver would be the type to accept any sort of sacrifice be it from his animal friends. if it concerns malleus however........ he'd probably consider, but that is one option he'd prefer not to think about even if he was desperate.
silver admits like... yeah... he's a fool for giving away provisions to random animals like charity but if you do look at it, it would be funny if he just.... actually dies in his sleep bc he was careless of the cold (which he's been used to his whole life). not of hunger. or thirst. both he could've possibly experienced during war. then y'know, war proper. so yeah.............
changed stuff up early by showing silver being a disney princess doing good deeds even before he meets the devil. there's actually not much detailing the years of bearskin's travels (or pre-bearskin), but the common thought is that he went around either doing good things or spend cash like water despite his awful appearance (bearskin state, of course).
it's always bearskin on his own, so if i'd actually continue this piece i'd spice it up by letting the devil tag along with bearskin as he goes around the world in seventy days whoops wrong story as he'd go around wandering for seven years!
that's actually what i kept wondering about on every rendition i read, but it does make pretty good sense - you'd think that a person (despite their horrible appearance) granted with unlimited cash for seven whole years would turn foul precisely because they have the power to spend and buy at whatever price. the devil must've been confident that over time this man would be no different from others, and he would soon fall to greed and arrogance. well.
or the devil must have underestimated the man's strength of will! certainly a weary man that had come back from the war would seek some companionship of some kind - seven years of isolation would do the man no good, and he may give up and strip the bearskin of his own accord. lol..... none of this happens though aha but oh well the devil gets two souls at the end anyway.
those points made, i think i was pretty lucky to have picked up silver from the randomizer to star in this one! silver is a relatively good person, and plus points for the main chara of this story being a soldier as silver is somewhat close to that. not to mention his affinity towards animals gave me some plot points to work with.
........ obviously the devil being lilia is my self-indulgent copium LMAOOOO ch7 update this late may don't disappoint me now.........
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bylerboyfriends · 2 years
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Here it is!
PART 2 OF 2!!
You can find part one here !!
I would like to preface this again by saying this is my first time writing an “x reader” fic, so I’m sorry if it isn’t perfect but I hope you enjoy it!
tw: Nate is an abusive asshole, cussing
Woah. This is the fullest you’ve seen the auditorium since the school’s production of Beauty and the Beast. Who knew this production was going to be so huge?
The seats are full of people chatting, anticipation in the air. You walk down the aisle between seats searching for one with a “Reserved” sign on it. And there it is, right in the middle of the third row, directly in front of another single reserved seat, that must be the one for Lexi’s guest.
“Wow this really is a good seat!” Your friend says from beside you. Of course you wouldn’t break a promise you made to Ethan so you brought along a friend you had from middle school that went to a different high school. It’s embarrassing to admit, but Ethan was the only person you’d really gotten close to in high school other than that asshole you used to call a boyfriend.
You and your friend take your seats and wait for the show to start. But shortly after you sat down, someone came out from backstage dressed in all black carrying an envelope. The tech member walked up to you, handed you the envelope, and said, “From Ethan.” The techie then smiled, winked, and quickly greeted a few audience members before returning backstage.
“Awww, he wrote you a note? Aren’t the audience members supposed to be the ones sending good-luck notes backstage?”
You laugh and roll your eyes as your cheeks continue to get more red. You open the envelope to find a short note from your best friend.
I’d like to dedicate my performance tonight to you. I couldn’t have channeled the character I’m playing without all of your exclusive info on him.
Love always,
What? You open the playbill that was handed to you before the show and search for Ethan’s name in the cast list. And sure enough….
“Ethan Lewis as Suzanne Howard
Nate Jacobs
Various Featured Roles”
Holy shit, what is this play? You start to get nervous and look around, it doesn’t take long before you spot Nate towards the back sitting with none other than Cassie Howard. He seems careless, nonchalant. He probably didn’t even glance at the playbill. He catches your eye and you immediately turn back around, your heart racing.
Your friend must notice your anxiousness because she places a hand on your arm. “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t even worry about that idiot. He’s not going to hurt you in such a public space. Just get excited! I have a feeling that cutie you like is going to be pretty entertaining.”
“Oh, shut up.”
You smile at her, though. The comfort is appreciated. Within the next minute, the lights are dimmed and people are shushing each other.
Lexi steps out on the stage, gives a short speech that is followed by applause, and the show begins seconds after.
About halfway through the first act, several actors come out on stage in golden football pants. Including Ethan. Oh gosh, is this what he was talking about? You perk up a bit in your chair when you hear the beginning of a song running in the background. Holding out for a Hero? How did they get the rights to this? Surely it isn’t public domain yet, right?
You stop caring about all that when the scene gets more intense and Ethan starts lip syncing and-
Holy shit this dance is homoerotic. How did Lexi get this approved by the school?
Doesn’t matter. This has got to be the funniest thing you’ve seen in your entire life. You’re laughing so hard people in the row in front of you are turning around with annoyed looks. That’s when you try to hide your snickers and… woah did Ethan always have abs?
You find yourself following Ethan with your eyes, basically tuning out the music and choreography itself and only paying attention to Ethan. How his hips move, the strength in his arms… then he makes a funny face in the midst of his lip sync and it brings you back to reality.
By the end of the scene, you realize this is the hardest you’ve laughed in a long time. The smile won’t leave you face. You turn around hoping to see a mortified Nate but… he was no longer there. Oh shit. It must have really got to him….
After the show, you impatiently wait for Ethan to come out from backstage and as soon as he does, you nearly tackle him with the power of your hug. He laughs and squeezes you tightly. “So you liked it?”
“Ethan, you were amazing! Lexi is a genius for that locker room scene, oh my gosh. Everyone in the crowd was cackling, it even got to Nate so bad he left!”
As soon as you said that, the smile dropped from Ethan’s face, and you realized….
Oh no.
“Oh shit. Lexi was scared this was going to happen. It wasn’t supposed to actually piss anyone off, only get under their skin a bit.”
You were on such a serotonin high that you didn’t stay anxious for long. “Oh, who cares? What’s he gonna do, cry to his daddy? And even if he does try to start something, it looks like you can fight him off. Since when did you get abs?”
That makes Ethan laugh hard. You loved his laugh. You especially loved making him laugh. It was such a pure and pretty sound.
“I started working harder at the gym when I got casted as Nate but it wasn’t too hard to get to this point. I’ve been working out ever since-“ He paused, eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.
“Ever since what?”
His voice was much lower when he responded, “Since the first time Nate hurt you.”
His face was red now, so was yours.
He looks into your eyes at the mention of his name and butterflies soar through your body. You’re both eyeing each other’s lips when-
“Hey, Lewis. What the fuck was that, man?”
Nate bursts through the auditorium door, and that’s when you realized it was just you and Ethan left in there. And now Nate… oh shit.
“Hey man, I was just performing it wasn’t personal.”
“I don’t give a damn what it was, it was homophobic as shit. And, y/n? What the hell are you doing with him? Are you homophobic too now?”
“It was a fucking play, Nate, get over yourself,” you said. You’re not sure where the confidence to stick up to him came from, but it was probably from having Ethan there to support you.
That’s when Nate grabs your arm, “Come on,” he says, “Get out of here, I don’t want you to watch me beat this guy’s ass.”
“Get off her.”
That came from Ethan. You try to look at him but the grip Nate has on your arm makes it painful to look over your shoulder. That grip doesn’t last long though, because before you can even blink, Ethan throws a hard punch at Nate’s face.
He lets go of your arm as he falls to the ground.
“Look man, I’m not one to kick someone while their down so you can either get the fuck up and leave or have your ass fed to you like it was on New Year’s.”
You’re flabbergasted. Nate’s lying on the floor, his hands covering the cheek that was just punched. Ethan standing over him, fury in his eyes. Your heart was beating out of your chest.
Nate slowly gets up from the floor and turns to you. “Come with me, y/n. You know I’m better than this drama geek.”
“Oh yea? The drama geek that just decked you? Didn’t you come here with Cassie, anyway?”
“Yea, I did, but I wanna leave with you so come on.”
He holds his hand out to you expectantly, anger in his eyes. Even if you wanted to go with him, you knew it wouldn’t be a good idea. He’s never good to be around when he’s angry.
“No,” you say.
“No?” He responds, incredulously.
You had always gone back to Nate. After every fight, every argument, every time he hurt you. But you finally opened your eyes to the one person who was always there for you throughout your shitty relationship with Nate. And that was Ethan.
Ethan, who just decked the strongest person in the school for you. Ethan, who never raised his voice at you. Ethan, who always treats you so gently and with so much care. Ethan. It had always been Ethan.
So instead of responding to Nate, you walk over to Ethan and all but slam your lips into his. He was surprised but starts to kiss back quickly, wrapping his arms around you, leaning into it. And oh it was so good.
Those butterflies from earlier were back, and they were violent, like they were fighting in your stomach. But it also felt like you were floating, your head was weightless.
You would have kissed him all night if you both weren’t startled out of it by the sound of the auditorium door being slammed from Nate leaving.
You turn to Ethan with a smile, but he’s still in shock. “Woah,” he says, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Oh yea? How long?”
He blushes. “Uhm. Well I-”
You cut him off with a laugh. “I think I’ve wanted to as well I just… didn’t know it until now.” You lean your forehead against his like a few nights before. “Thank you, Ethan. For being so patient. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize what I was missing.”
“Hey, don’t apologize. I told you I’d wait forever for you. I meant it.”
He flashes that beautiful smile of his and pulls you closer. You stand hugging each other for what felt like hours in that auditorium. And it couldn’t be more perfect.
And there you have it!! I really hope you enjoyed. I’m going to start working on the other requests as soon as possible but I start work again tomorrow so please be patient if I don’t get to yours as quickly as you’d like!
Please leave a comment with feedback or even just your reaction! I love hearing your thoughts!
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Since people actually liked it here's the continuation of the modern Xiao camgirl!darling post I cut from the original, as promised, most if it's under a cut. Here’s the original post. I didn’t think people would actually like the camgirl concept so I thought I was rambling too much and cut this part out lol but here it is now!
Tws: derogatory language/female slurs, mentions of reader being a cheater, reader is promiscuous, murder, incel-y mentality (our modern boy would be a 4chan user, look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong) and mentions of upsetting realistic things, this one's darker than the first part. If you're bothered by other modern stuff for being too realistic best avoid this too probably, involuntary pornography ---------- Coming up on one year since you gained your most loyal subscriber, you get a rather... Unsettling request. He has something he would like this month, in fact, he adds a few hundred to the regular amount (he's been saving up just for this) and asks for just the answer to one simple question. What's your name?
Your real name, he clarifies. He doesn't need a last name, nothing like that. It would just... Make him feel closer to you. He avoids using the term "anniversary," even though that's what comes to mind. He also doesn't tell you that he already knows, that this is just a test of your honesty. For someone who's so cautious, you would think you would think to give a fake name whenever you go to coffee shops for them to yell out, or change it on the packages you get. You hesitate. And it would be easy to give him a fake one, yet, you don't really think about it too much, you kinda think about that as an afterthought, what you should have done, but your very real name is typed out and sent before you really process it, and you feel a sort of unease, but it's already sent. No big deal. He can't do much with just your first name, right? If your name is common, you feel pretty safe, but even if it's a rarer one, surely there are other people with it, right? He's happy though. Kinda surprised, really, that you didn't lie to him. Maybe you trust him?
You're not stupid, you know something is wrong, you're becoming paranoid. And you connect the weird feeling to him, bc he goes radio silence for several days leading up to finally taking you. This dude who used to respond to any messages you sent within 10 seconds suddenly... It's like he disappeared? He hasn't responded to anything you send him ever since you said your name. You send him messages saying you haven't heard from him in a while and you're worried... The way you word it makes it sound like you're worried about him, but you both know that's not what you really mean. You're hesitant and suspicious of every guy you meet. You buy pepper spray and start carrying some around, you nearly spray a poor guy who you thought was trailing you, turns out he just lives in your building. He makes note of it. He watched you buy it, and is quick to realize you always hold it in the same hand. That must be your dominant hand, that's an important mental note for the future, since you're more likely to try to attack him with that hand. He'll remember. He has a note in his phone with information like that. Height, weight, birthday, social security number, parents' names, school she graduated from. All in little bullet points. He adds dominant hand to the list. He's not worried at all really. Already watched you struggle to carry packages he could lift with one hand, your strength doesn't cross his mind as a threat. At first he just doesn't know what to say, and that's why he stops responding, he feels too awkward but... He starts to enjoy the weird feeling of power the whole situation is giving him. You're worried, you're constantly paranoid, and it's because of him. Now you finally understand the same feeling you inflict on him, how you consume his thoughts every waking moment of every day. It used to irritate him that you held so much power over him, while he meant nothing to you. Now, the tables have turned. You're forced to have him constantly in your mind, whether you like it or not, just like you are in his. It's giving you what you deserve. It gives him a feeling of significance. He matters, even if it's not in a good way. And he keeps telling himself that once he's all you have, he'll matter even more. He's smart enough to realize that if you're paranoid, you might have mentioned him by username to someone else, so to ensure he knows what to do from this point, he has to sneak into your apartment at night as you sleep. It's so unbearably tempting, you have no idea -- you're right there and so vulnerable. He has to hold himself back because he knows that if he so much as touched you, he couldn't hold back. But it's torture, standing there so close, watching your chest rise and fall as he fiddles with the phone. Even when he unlocks it with your thumb, he tries to hold the phone from an angle to do so, even if the skin of his hand grazes yours, it would be too much. You have a lot of contacts across your messages and a bunch of different apps. You have one guy in your online chat you've exchanged far more messages with than anyone else! Hundreds upon hundreds of messages, and huge paypal cash drops, who the hell is -- oh, wait, that's him. Nevermind. But, to his pleasant surprise, he's the only one of your... customers that you regularly talk to, the rest just have a few paypal notifications or clarifications on your policies, but no actual conversations like you have with him. Of course, that's literally part of your deal, he's literally paying for it, but it makes him happy nonetheless. But as he goes through your personal messages, he finds that you are... in no shortage of options. Like, holy shit. It was kind of expected. You *are* really pretty, that's how you have so many followers after all, but this is a lot. So many contacts named some variation of "DO NOT ANSWER!!!" or "creepy guy that forced me to give him my number at the club", etc etc. Plenty of unsaved numbers texting you to never get a response. You've ghosted enough dudes to make your place haunted. It's... kinda awful, really. It also kinda hurts his heart a bit more than he expected. You have so, so, so many options, even without the cam thing, he's more insignificant than he even realized. ...Well, for now, at least. He'll be significant to you soon enough. And then you seem to have a sort of "boyfriend of the month" deal going on, aside from that. Plenty of male-name contacts whose last exchange is a "don't talk to me again!" message from you, plenty of messages corresponding to the same time as those to your girl friends about how you can't find a good guy and every relationship ends badly. How unfortunate. See, it's because you choose bad guys. You probably go for dicks and not.... well, he can't exactly pull the "nice guys like me" mentality, he doesn't delude himself into thinking he is one. He's lucid enough to realize that most nice guys would not be sneaking into your house and standing over your sleeping body to stalk your phone as they make plans to kidnap you. He knows he would probably fall under the classification of a creepy guy. He's just too far gone to care. Still, he would be so much better to you, he tells himself, not a cheater or a player like you complain about. To say he resents those kinds of guys -- ones that can do the unthinkable and actually talk to girls, let alone successfully, only to be assholes, and yet girls like you still go for them -- is an understatement. You're basically just a slut, you probably ignore all the guys that would be nice to you, just like all those internet forums he reads talk about. Typical.
Well, those forums also make fun of guys like him who pay for girls like you, but he can't blame them. It *is* kinda pathetic. There is one dude you talk to, though, now. Current boyfriend of the month, from the looks of it. You have a little heart emoji next to the name. He knows it's kinda pathetic that something so simple and insignificant sets him off, but it does, makes him pout and grind his teeth and curl his other hand into a fist. It's so unfair. Some dude you barely know gets to fuck you, and you haven't even known him nearly as long as you've known him! He doubts this dude -- hell, any of your boyfriends -- has put in the same amount of money that he has into you. They fuck you practically for free. And that, unfortunately for you, only solidifies his decision. If you're fucking some dude for a month because they buy you dinner every now and then, if we're going by that scale, then you owe him quite a good deal of pussy. Any hesitancy or guilt he had about the whole thing is gone. And he's a little mad. Keeps grumbling to himself that you're just a loose whore, fucking so many people and putting yourself out there on the internet. He wonders if they even know about what you do. Probably not, you probably don't tell them. Yeah, that sounds like what you'd do. Really, you're kinda lucky that someone like him is so willing to commit to you, since you are a slut. You don't deserve it, but he loves you anyway. And you'll probably have the nerve to be ungrateful for it too. Sigh. On the bright side, by some miracle, it would appear that you have not told any real-life people about him, you haven't sent out any hey if I disappear you should probably look into this creep type of messages. But he can't afford to have you doing so in between now and when you move in with him, so, he decides he has to act within the next 24 hours. While he's here, though, he decides to do a quick sweep of your place. Makes note of what snacks and drinks you like, what brand of toothpaste and shampoo and the like you use, so he can buy some for you. Maybe you'll adjust better if you have some of your favorite things. And then, after days of silence, he sends you a message, says it's fine, his internet went out for a few days. He means it to reassure you, but somehow it makes you feel more uneasy. He has everything planned out, or so he thinks. But you deviate from your usual schedule. When you leave work or class, you don't go home, you go somewhere else, first. How strange. Maybe picking up groceries? He follows from a distance. No, looks like you're going out to eat...? Maybe you're meeting friends or family or -- no that's a guy. Fuck. You must have planned this just earlier today, since there were no messages on your phone. It makes a bitter feeling rise in his gut. He hates that he can't get close enough to listen to your conversation. Well, he hates the whole thing, sits there and seethes the whole time. Watches you through the windows in the parking lot, thankfully you chose to sit outside. Feels his eye twitch and his hand clench every time you smile and laugh. It takes way too long. The fact that you split the bill feels like a punch to the stomach too. Shouldn't you be used to taking guys' money? Oh, and what's this...? This guy isn't the picture on boyfriend-of-the-month's contact. Well, well, well. You really are a whore. See, it's a very good thing he's taking you off the market. You're probably a reckless heartbreaker too. He's doing all the other men of the world a favor by taking on such a burden as you. And it makes him feel far more justified in keeping you locked away, since he has every reason to believe, now, that you'd run off and fuck someone else if given the chance. Halfway through, the guy briefly gets up and runs to the bathroom or something. While he's gone, he sees your face fall a bit. And then he sees you look around. You turn your head from one side to the other. Your eyes scan the area. You shuffle uncomfortably and you bite your lip and your eyebrows furrow. You're scared. You feel like -- no, you know you're being watched and it scares you. That makes him a little happy, for some reason. He wouldn't be sure what to do if you went home with the guy, but thankfully you don't. No big deal, this was just a bump in the road, he still beats you back to your building and he still goes through with the original plan. Even better, now that it's even darker outside. If anything, now he's got extra aggression and testosterone in his blood, running over the events in his head and going through some... very forceful and violent fantasies. The message he sent had you uneasy, and it's also how you immediately know what's going on when it does finally happen. You keep telling yourself you're being unnecessarily paranoid, that it's nothing, maybe that guy actually got his life together or got a girlfriend or something. Things like... What you fear, don't happen in real life, that's stuff that only happens in movies and stuff. You keep calling it that or it in your head. That won't happen to you. It's not going to happen. The series of events that play out in your head, scenarios you try to push out of your mind. Sure, in the movies it always takes place in the stairwell, but that's fiction, so you go up the apartment stairwell as always. You're not gonna let a bunch of B-grade old films scare you. And it's always some dude standing and waiting, but that nice young boy that you've never seen before is just leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone, he only glances up for a second as you pass by, he's not a threat, you're being paranoid. You flash a smile and a little wave as you walk by, he doesn't return either, just looks back down at his phone. See? This guy doesn't even care, you're being paranoid for nothing, you tell yourself. But as you make the turn to go up the next set of stairs you hear the click of a phone being put on the lockscreen, a few metallic footsteps ringing out in the open hall and echoing, coming up right behind you, but for that split second you expect a tap on the shoulder, maybe he has a question, it's not like movies, it's not like movies, you're not gonna get a cloth shoved over your face and--- Well, it's not exactly like the movies. You were prepared, but it all happens in one motion - one hand grabs the hand with the spray and twists it, making you drop it, the other wraps some material over your mouth. You were prepared enough that you don't gasp in surprise, you hold your breath and thrash, but it doesn't make any difference, you wiggle and writhe for a few moments but can't even begin to break free, eventually succumb to the lack of oxygen and take a deep breath. It takes a few seconds to settle in, it's not so immediate. You instinctively panic and thrash again, but he has a complete iron grip. The dizziness takes a second to set in. He huffs a bit in frustration and says stop moving, it's fine. It's definitely not, but it occurs to you that that's not something a kidnapper looking for any potential vulnerable girl says. It's a poor attempt at comfort. It's someone specifically looking for you. And if that wasn't enough, he says your name. Your very real name. Maybe it was a mistake to tell him after all. But the worst part of it all is that there's not a single doubt in your mind, even in your panic you have the realization, it's definitely him and this is literally exactly what you were afraid of. And it's the last thing that goes through your head. And once he's got you out cold he just takes a sigh of relief. He may have been very neutral faced to you, but in reality he was incredibly nervous. He hasn't exactly made or used chloroform before, our boy is operating on YouTube tutorials here. He's got adrenaline pumping through his veins and carries you with his arms trembling. He's on autopilot carrying you out, but his mind is also consumed by holy fuck I'm touching her she smells so nice she's so warm her face is so close I'm actually touching her-- you get the idea. He feels bad about taping your hands and feet together and putting you in the trunk of his car, kinda. It feels too much like what a really bad person would do to a girl they didn't care about, like he's a trafficker or a murderer or a criminal or something, but that's not true at all. Sure, he's still mad at you for being a whore and all that, but it feels improper, he just has no choice. It's late at night, but he can't risk getting pulled or being at a stoplight and someone seeing an unconscious girl in his backseat, so, trunk it is. But once he's home, to his tiny little downtown apartment (he'll probably be able to move into a better place soon, since he's not paying you tons of money anymore), he takes a quick check to make sure the coast is clear, and drags you out, up the stairs, all the way into his apartment, sets you down on the bed, where you'll be staying. He even washed the sheets and cleaned the place up a bit for your arrival. You probably would not like to see what this place looked like before the five trash bags worth of cleaning was done. He'll probably be more motivated in the future, though, since now he won't be so depressed all the time. And then the adrenaline of the fear of being seen is over, and that's when it sets in that this is real. It's very, very hard to hold back. You're real, in the flesh, he can reach out and touch you with his hands! It feels like a dream. And he realizes he can take this opportunity to do things he would be far, far too embarrassed to do when you're awake. He takes a few minutes to do just that, cautiously reaches out to poke your face, and then run a hand down your neck, your skin is so soft! Your hair smells so nice, he lays down beside you and runs his fingers over it. Puts hands on your body and just lays there in awe of the fact that you're real. He's pretty certain he's never actually touched a human female before now. Everything about you feels soft. Weirdly feminine, which is something very foreign and confusing to him. And he kinda uh... Loses it. Goes buckwild with just taking in every aspect of you. Again, since you're unconscious he can be gross and entirely shameless about it. Peels your clothes off and runs his hands and mouth over every inch of flesh, takes the tape off your lips and presses his tongue into your limp mouth until he's forced to let go to breathe, fingers you and tonguefucks you and sucks on your nipples and your neck. Lays pressed against you and just breathes in your scent. It takes every ounce of self control he has not to fuck you already. But he does jerk off a few times. That way he'll last longer, so it's a win-win. And then... you twitch. Tape goes back over your mouth. And then, you twitch again. And this time, you make a little "mm!" under the tape, you start trembling and he sees you try to pull your hands apart. You whimper. It sounds scared and distressed. He feels kinda bad, but it also makes him hard, and that outweighs any guilt by far. Besides, it's what you deserve after what you did earlier. You tortured him mentally, it's only fair. On the good side of things, you suppose, you don't have to worry about the usual fears one would have over such a situation - you're fairly certain he's not going to kill you, nor sell you. In fact, the bed you wake up on is pretty soft. You're naked and the tape is uncomfortable, but... At least he was considerate enough to give you a blanket. He does care about you, after all. First thing he says is asking if you're awake. Can you hear me? You hesitate a moment, and then you nod. He's a bit new to this whole abduction thing. He wants to make sure he didn't pull a muscle or something with the tape. So... Do you hurt anywhere? Does your head hurt? Oh, right, the tape. He's not stupid either. You have to promise you're not going to scream. In fact, he's angry enough about earlier that he gets a bit meaner than he originally told himself he'd be. If you scream, I'll make you regret it. Understand? You nod, so he takes it off, holding it close in preparation in case you were lying, but you don't actually answer him, you're silent again for a minute, then just ask a question of your own. You're that guy, right? He's silent for a few seconds, there's no need for any clarification. Finally just says yeah. You just breathe again. Silently. Finally you summon the courage to ask him what he wants with you. And why are you doing this to me? And his answer is fairly simple. What do you think? You don't say anything for a minute, and neither does he. He's not good with words, and you don't really have ones for this situation. It occurs to you that offering to pay him to let you go is probably not the solution. After all, this is the guy that's dumped unimaginable amounts of money onto you, you couldn't even come close to paying him back. You figure maybe, after he gets what he wants... well, you get the courage to ask.  Is there anything... that I can do o-or... anything that will make you... are you gonna let me go, after you....? And the answer is, again, simple, but the one you did not want to hear. No. He's a blunt boy, so he doesn't beat around the bush, but he doesn't torment you by keeping anything from you. In fact, he's already rehearsed this speech a few hundred times in his head. He just wanted to make sure he's very clear so there's no misunderstanding, and while he likes some discomfort in a vengeful sort of way, he doesn't want you to be too freaked out to where you have a panic attack. He says he's just going to... keep you here. He has the things you'll need. He got your purse with your keys, so he'll even run to your apartment after this to go get some of your stuff. You don't need to tell him which number, he adds, he already knows which apartment you're in. He needs you here, he says. And he makes sure to add that it's your fault. If you were never out there selling yourself in the first place, this never would have happened. If you're good, he can make things a bit better for you. But you need to go ahead and accept that you're going to be staying and that no amount of begging or offers is going to convince him to let you go. He can be nice to you, he promises. A better boyfriend than the others. You just have to be a good girlfriend -- you know, obedient and sweet and do what he says. Just like you always were when you talked to him. Just keep being sweet like that and doing the things he tells you to do. You would argue that the terms boyfriend and girlfriend are not appropriate descriptors of the sort of relationship he's creating, but you keep that thought to yourself. Instead, you ask, How long are you going to keep me here? Which is a dumb question, since he's pretty sure he already made that clear. Forever. -----
There's a double homicide in the area. Takes place on the same night, and the same diameter of knife is used, so police believe maybe the two incidents are connected. Especially because they do have something in common, one girl. She was romantically involved with both of them. The girl in question's apartment has been vacated, very suddenly, and the girl has disappeared without a trace, taking things with her from the looks of it, so police believe she may be responsible, but other than that, they have no leads. A few weeks later, a video circulates all over the internet. Some famous camgirl finally started making porn, apparently. Just one video, but the description (which was totally written by her, it has to be since it's written in first person right?) says something about how she decided to quit camming, so this video marks the end of her career. She got into a relationship, so she says in the description, so she has to quit. It's roleplay porn, apparently, she's doing a good job at the acting. All tied up and gagged and getting fucked by some big-dicked guy holding the camera. He's silent, but she's making a ton of noise, cums several times. Really good acting, the fear and desperation in her eyes looks so real. Talk about going out with a bang. It gets a lot of likes. Tons of comments about how sad people are she's quitting. And of course, a lot of comments say, what a lucky guy.
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
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Pairing: tattoo artist!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: unprotected sex, rough sex, cum play, dirty talk, swearing
Word count: 1.8k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77​ @mrg-jjh (send me a message if you want to be tagged in future fics)
A/N: i’ll never get over Jaehyun with tattoos. Also I know very little about tattoos nor have I ever been to a tattoo shop (this was based on a story my friend told me lol) so please excuse any inconsistencies. Also excuse my unoriginal title lol
The little bell over the door tinkled softly as you entered the shop, much more warm and inviting than you expected it to be. You had been nervous coming in for your first tattoo, but your friend’s boyfriend, Yuta, had highly recommended the place so you decided to check it out.
You had expected the place to be dark, grungy, maybe some loud noise music playing, but it was quite the opposite. There were soft leather couches lining one wall, a calming zen water fountain in one corner, and a curtained off area where you assumed the work was done. You stepped further into the shop, noticing a soothing lavender scent, and just as you were inhaling and appreciating it, the tattoo artist came out from behind the curtained area.
You were a little taken aback by his appearance, which seemed to be out of place in such a serene, almost spa-like setting. He was wearing full black leather from head to toe, his black hair slicked back, tattoos adorning his neck. You couldn’t help but admire the beauty of the work, stepping a little closer to get a better view.
“You like it?” he asked, and when you looked up at his face he was smirking at you. You hadn’t realized how close you had gotten, and at that angle his face was stunning. He had beautiful cheekbones, and a perfect jawline, lips full and smirking at you, eyes twinkling looking down at you. You cleared your throat and stepped back, embarrassed at being caught staring, both at his tattoos, and at his face.
“Um, yes,” you responded nervously, looking around at the shop instead of his face. “I, uh, had an appointment?”
“Ah, yes, you’re Y/N?” he asked, tilting his head at you, the smirk never leaving his face. You nodded, and he clapped his hands together, “Perfect! You’re my last appointment of the day! I’m Jaehyun,” he extended his hand and you shook it.  “Come with me.” He led you behind the curtain and closed it off, motioning for you to sit in the chair.
“So what are we doing today?” he asked, getting his tools ready. You explained what you wanted, and where you wanted it, and he just nodded along and when you were situated he got to work. It was a little embarrassing because you had to pull your leggings down a bit and hike your shirt up so he could get access to the area on your hip where you wanted it, but you figured as a tattoo artist he’d probably seen it all. You turned your head away anyway, knowing it would be more embarrassing if you could see his face.
“I’m gonna start now, let me know if anything’s uncomfortable,” he stated, and you heard the sound of the tattoo gun starting up.
You weren’t afraid of needles, you had a pretty high pain tolerance so you figured you’d be okay with it, so when the needle touched your skin you were pleased to notice it didn’t bother you too much. What did start to concern you however, was the cord of the gun, which had settled between your legs, and was vibrating.
The strength of the vibration wasn’t very high, definitely not as high as your vibrator could get, but it was just enough to keep you on a very low level of arousal. It didn’t help that you had a very good view of your tattoo artist’s ridiculously attractive face, not to mention his bare arms working on you since he’d taken his jacket off. You couldn’t help but admire the ink on his neck, but the arousal you were feeling took those thoughts to unholy levels. You wanted to know what it felt like to taste him, to suck on his neck and add some bluish-purplish marks to that ink. You admired the way his white t-shirt hugged his broad shoulders, and you wondered what it would be like to hang onto them while he fucked you. The muscles in his arms flexed as he worked, and you imagined what it would be like to be held up by them, or maybe pinned against the wall.
“What do you think so far?” he asked, breaking you from your fantasies. You could barely look at what he’d done, your eyes already starting to glaze over, so you just nodded weakly. He went back to work, the vibrations continuing, and you could definitely feel your underwear dampening. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, trying not to think any more dirty thoughts about your tattoo artist, but the cord had settled directly over your clit, and now you knew you were in trouble. You imagined it was him working on your clit, thumbing it, or licking it harshly with his tongue, and you could actually feel the knot in the pit of your stomach forming. Your hands gripped the seat as you felt your orgasm building, your heart beating out of your chest as you tried your hardest to keep still. Just as the knot was about to burst, the gun turned off.
“Are you okay?”
You opened your eyes to see Jaehyun staring at you, one eyebrow raised. You hadn’t realized you were panting, your chest heaving, and you tried your best to calm your breathing. The cord, even though it was off, still rested over your clit and you were still very sensitive, so you reached down and pushed it off. He watched your action curiously but it wasn’t long before he put two and two together.
“Hmm,” he said, that smirk coming back to his face, “what was this naughty cord doing to you,” he mused, taking a hold of the cord and tracing it down to where it lay between your legs. He must have spotted something interesting because the smirk on his face turned into a full on grin, a naughty one.
“Y/N, are you making a mess of my chair?”
Horrified, you looked between your legs to see the huge damp spot on your leggings, the moisture having transferred to the vinyl of the chair. You wanted to disappear, covering your face with your hands, but he only chuckled, getting up from his stool and standing over you, putting his hands on the armrests of your chair so that his body was caging you in.
“I don’t normally charge clients for damages like this,” he started, his tone serious but his voice low, “but for you I might have to make an exception.” His eyes raked over your body, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. You got even wetter as you watched him, his face so close to yours, his scent overpowering your senses.
“How much do I owe?” you stuttered, your breath coming out in short gasps. He watched your chest heave, shaking his head in awe at how aroused you were.
“You owe me a touch,” he said, and you nodded. His hand then went to your thigh and moved upwards, and you inhaled sharply when his thumb got very close to your heat. “And a kiss,” he continued, staring at your lips. You nodded again and he moved in, crashing his lips against yours. You moaned into his mouth, his lips were like heaven, and when he added his tongue you pulled him down so that he was on top of you, craving the friction and the feeling of his body on yours.
His hand moved to cup your pussy and he groaned, breaking from your lips to suck on your neck. “You’re so fucking wet,” he breathed against your neck, “I’m gonna have to charge you extra.”
“Yes! Anything!” you moaned, you wanted him so bad you were ready to sell your soul.
You could feel him smiling against your neck as he reached down and pulled your leggings off, then he rubbed your slit over your soaked panties, making you grip his shoulders and moan loudly.
“So fucking wet,” he whispered to himself, before he took a hold of your panties and tore them off your body. You yelped in shock, but then his hand was back, on your bare pussy now, just holding it there, while he brought his face very close to yours, his eyes dark and hooded as he looked at you.
“Ready to pay up?” he asked, breath fanning your face as his eyes scanned your form, half-naked underneath him.
“Fuck, yes!” you cried out, and your hands went to his leather pants, fumbling to undo them. When you got them down you tugged at his boxers, and you couldn’t help but be impressed by his cock, springing back up against his abdomen as you released it. You looked up at him and he smiled before he pushed your shoulders back against the chair, pulling your legs towards him so that your ass was perched on the very edge.
“I think this is a fair price to pay,” he whispered in your ear, and then his cock was sliding into you. He went slow at first, the initial stretch making you gasp out loud.
“Holy shit, so fucking tight,” he groaned, his hands grabbing onto your hips so he could pace himself. You could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, as he tried desperately not to just ram into you. When he was all the way in he gave you a moment to adjust to his size, then he made one experimental thrust.
“Fuck!” you screamed, unable to hold back anymore, fisting your hands into his t-shirt and pulling him down for a heated kiss. He started to fuck into you then, encouraged by your tongue in his mouth and how you moved your hips to match him thrust for thrust. The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed throughout the shop, drowning out the sound of the water fountain, only serving to heighten your arousal. The bruising pace he’d set was pushing you towards your climax, and you ran your hands under his shirt to dig your fingernails into his back.
“You ready to come, baby?” he growled, digging his fingers into your hips and thrusting even harder,  “Give it to me then.”
The coil in your stomach snapped and you let out a hoarse cry as your orgasm washed over you, your pussy squeezing his cock.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he groaned, releasing into you. He pumped once into your pussy, and then pulled back until only his tip was inside you, grabbing a hold of his cock and pumping the rest of his cum so that it filled you and then spilled out, mixing with your own slick and dripping down, right onto the seat below you.
“Shit, baby, you made another mess,” he grinned, looking down and admiring what he’d done, “you owe me another one now.”
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talatomaz · 3 years
crossing paths pt.ii | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. i’m not sure if I like how this went tbh but oh well
warnings: mentions of fighting
word count: 2.7k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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Home Sweet Home.
Exiting the train station, you exhaled a deep breath and took in your surroundings. Most importantly, the huge sign that had “WELCOME TO CENTRAL CITY” scrawled across the board.
After the events of the day, you’d decided that the best course of action would be to make your way to this Earth’s Central City.
You’d figured they had to have a Star Labs which you knew would hold the necessary equipment you needed to fix the extrapolator or at least the communication function so you could contact Cisco.
Luckily, whilst on your journey, you’d managed to hack into the train’s wireless computer so you could then erase the museum’s security footage from your phone. The footage of your fight with the robbers was the last thing you needed getting out.
Hailing a cab, you made your way to Star Labs, having pocketed one of the maps that detailed the route to the facility from the train station.
In little over 20 minutes, you had arrived. Paying the driver with what little cash you had left, you craned your neck to look up at this Earth’s Star Labs.
It was different to the one back home. Yes, it was modelled fairly similarly but this had a more...robotic feeling and was definitely a lot darker than yours.
Though you supposed that was because this Star Labs seemed to be more full, several employees walking in and out of the building.
Whereas the Star Labs back home, whilst full of technology, was only home to Team Flash and no one else. The risk far too great for ordinary people to see what you were doing.
Entering the building, you quickly donned a white lab coat and went in search for the equipment you needed to fix the breach device.
Finding a secure room, you put on your mask and used your powers to open the door.
As you walked in, you let out a small gasp. The room was larger than you’d expected; filled to the brim with computers and screens all hooked up to one another. Making your way to one of the larger ones, you began writing a line of code. Then you took out the extrapolator, placing it on the table and grabbed some tools that were on the desk.
You started to mend the broken device, remaining careful and alert incase someone was going to catch you. You were about halfway through when you felt a familiar rush of air and found yourself in an unknown area.
Not unlike Star Labs, it was filled with computers and the like but also held training equipment in the far side of the room. Then you felt yourself tied to the back of a chair, staring up at a group of men.
You recognised most of them, except the one that could only be described as a half-man, half-cyborg hybrid.
“Oh fuck.” You murmured to yourself.
This was all you needed.
To be captured by none other than Batman, Superman and the Flash.
“Yes, indeed. Who are you?” Superman asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
You narrowed your brows, analysing each of their outfits. This Earth’s Superman outfit was different to the one back home. Batman, you’d never really met before so you couldn’t comment.
But the most interesting was the Flash’s outfit.
It appeared to be made up of metallic materials whereas Barry’s was made out of intense heat-resistant and abrasion resistant polymer and some other stuff that Cisco had explained to you that you didn’t take note of.
“More importantly, where are you from?”
You heard a familiar voice say behind you.
You turned your body, as best you could since you were confined to a chair, and felt your jaw drop at the female who stood before you.
Not only was she the woman you’d met earlier at the museum but she was freaking Wonder Woman!
“Holy shit. Cisco is going to be so jealous he didn’t come here.”
“Who’s Cisco? And where did you come from?”
Not giving you time to answer, the brunette continued, “I saw you earlier at the Metropolis museum. You told me about the criminals.”
“We tried to pull the security footage but it had mysteriously been erased.” The man you nicknamed Cyborg said. “Why were you at Star Labs?” He asked.
“You know. You gotta let a girl answer before you continue asking questions.” You joked.
“This isn’t a joke. Tell us who you are.” Batman spoke for the first time, his voice coming out hoarse and rough. Probably from a voice distorter.
“I will. As soon as you untie me.”
When the five of them stared at you, you sighed.
“Guess I’ll do it myself then.”
With a flick of your fingers, the ropes that bound you came loose and you stood to face the group.
They immediately went into fighting stances, ready to take you down if need be.
“Oh, for God’s sake,” you scoffed, “I’m not going to hurt you. I just don’t like being tied up. Unless we’re in the bedroom.” You teased, laughing to yourself.
“You’re a meta.” Wonder Woman commented.
Placing your hand in your pockets, you were about to reply when you felt that they were empty.
“Wait, where the hell is the extrapolator?”
“Oh, you mean this?” The Flash said, holding the device in his hand.
“Give that to me.” You ordered, charging your way to the speedster before Batman stood in your way.
“I don’t think so.”
“Barry, that is not something to play around with. Give me that.” You repeated.
“Wait, how do you know my name?” He paused, everyone’s eyes trained on you.
“It’s a long story. Now please, put down that device.” You sighed when he placed it on the table beside him.
When he put it on the surface, he must have accidentally pressed a button because Cisco’s body popped up like a hologram.
“What on Earth?” You heard Wonder Woman say.
“Y/N! Where the hell are you? Woah, is that Batman?!” Cisco’s voice crackled through the device as the hologram glitched.
“Cisco, the device broke. Can you track what Earth I’m on using the GPS?”
“I can try. But I need you to fix the small chip that’s in the extrapolator first.”
The Cisco hologram glitched out and faded away.
“Shit.” You murmured to yourself.
“What do you mean ‘what Earth’? Who are you?” Batman said.
Sighing, you spoke, “I’m not from this Earth.”
“You’re an alien?” Barry exclaimed.
“What? No! The only alien here is Clark.”
You gestured towards the Man of Steel.
“How do you know who I am? Did Lex send you?”
“Oh, please. As if I’d work with that idiot. Besides, I like his sister much better. As I was saying, I’m from an Earth called Earth Prime.”
Then you gave them all a brief explanation of the rebirth of the Universe and how you’d arrived here.
“Ever heard of Everett’s many-worlds theory? Simply put, this Earth is not the only Earth that exists. I come from a parallel Earth where I work with the Flash and several other heroes, including Supergirl and Batwoman. Though no one’s seen Kate in a while.”
Looking into each of their eyes, you could still see apprehension.
Facing Wonder Woman, you held out your wrist, “Use your lasso of truth and you’ll see I’m not lying.”
“How did you-”
She started before you interrupted her, “Do it and then I’ll explain.”
You watched as she removed the rope from her armour and wrapped one end around your wrist.
Your eyes widened as the rope started to glow a bright yellow, the material feeling warm against your skin.
“What I just said was true. And I know about all of you. Your parallel selves are my family and friends back home. And Wonder Woman-”
“You may call me Diana.” She interjected, flashing you a kind smile.
“And Diana,” you corrected, “you’re somewhat of a Legend where I come from. I visited Themyscira once, it was beautiful.”
“My home is hidden from Man’s world. How did you see it?”
“My sister, Sara, travels through time with her team and when I worked with her for a brief period, my friend, Zari, and I, took Helen of Troy to your island to save her. Anyways, you do exist on my Earth but no one really knows of you.”
Diana stared at you for a few moments, her intense glare making you weak in the knees, if you were being honest.
It was as if she was looking right into your soul.
Whatever she saw must have pleased her because her gaze faltered and she removed the lasso from you.
“She’s telling the truth, guys.”
“Thank you. Now I need to fix the extrapolator or I won’t be able to get home.”
“So that little thing can make anyone travel between worlds?” Cyborg asked.
“Yes, exactly.”
“It’s like one of those damned mother boxes that almost destroyed our world.” Bruce said harshly. “We can’t risk having that here. We need to destroy it.”
“Don’t even think about it.” You spat out, your hands clenched at your sides.
You narrowed your eyes, watching for any indication of movement from the vigilante.
The only warning you had was Bruce’s muscle tensing before he reached for the table that held the device.
In a quick motion, you used your powers to throw the former into a pile of boxes to break his fall.
The playboy rose to his feet and charged at you, ignoring the shouts of his team.
You blocked his punch and deflected his kick. Ducking when he swung his arm, you used all your strength to throw him over you.
He reached into his cape and you flung whatever he was about to hurl at you into the wall. He swiped at your legs, making you stumble to the ground. You picked yourself up and when he ran at you, once more, you used your powers of telekinesis to rise in the air above him.
You extended your hand in front of you and lifted him in the air to face you. He struggled within your hold before you both looked down at Diana who’d shouted.
“Enough! Y/N, put Bruce back on the ground.”
With a crash, Bruce fell to the floor whilst you gracefully landed upright on your feet.
“Bruce, this device isn’t as harmful as the mother boxes. And it is her only way home, we cannot destroy it.”
Diana said calmly as Bruce huffed and murmured a curse.
“Listen, Batboy. I will kick your ass again if you don’t shut up.” You said, meaning every word.
“I’m not trying to be hostile here but I only came here to prove my theory which I’ve clearly done so now I just want to repair the device and go home.”
Walking over to the table, you picked up the extrapolator and inspected it. Your heart dropped when you saw a crack in the chip.
You knew that there was no way to fix the locator.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
Your voice not strong enough to answer, you shook your head. Clicking the communication button, you saw Cisco’s hologram appear again.
“Y/N, have you fixed the GPS chip yet? Y/N, what’s wrong?” Your friend asked in concern.
“The chip’s broken. Majorly so. I’m going to need to replace it but the only replica of the chip is-”
“Here.” Cisco finished. “Is there a Star Labs near you?”
“Yeah, I went there earlier to fix the damage but there wasn’t any chip. I checked.”
“Okay, I just need to create another extrapolator and then somehow come and get you.”
“Cisco, you know that can take weeks.” You sighed.
“Y/N, it’ll be fine. We’ve been stuck on other Earths before. Including with a telepathic gorilla. I doubt there’s any Earth worse than that.” He said, trying to inject some levity in the conversations.
“You’re right. Look, don’t tell the team. You and I both know that they’ll just worry and I don’t need them telling Sara or Dinah either because they’re too protective. Just lie and say that I was missing Laurel and decided to take a vacation.”
“You got it. Stay safe, y/n. And keep this extrapolator with you so I can speak to you.”
“You got it. Bye, Cisco.”
Once again, the hologram faded away and you hung your head.
Cisco was right.
It was not the first time this had happened and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. You were damned if you’d let this get you down.
Clearing your throat, you straightened and faced the group, having forgotten that they were there for the entire exchange.
“Guess I’m going to be in your hair for a little while longer.”
It had been 3 weeks since the day you’d arrived on this Earth.
Diana had kindly invited you to stay with her whilst you waited for Cisco to arrive. You remained in constant contact with the latter; he wanted to keep you updated on his progress.
You were still on rocky terms with Bruce, him not appreciating you beating him. He was stubborn and irritating but reminded you of Oliver in that regard.
You helped the Flash with his speed, giving him tips on how to manage it and retain his strength which you’d learned from having closely worked with Barry all these years.
You also got on fairly well with Superman and Cyborg and even met Aquaman who tried to hit on you the moment he saw you.
But out of everyone, you’d grown close to the Amazonian warrior. The first night you’d stayed with her, you found yourself talking to her all through the night until the sun had come up.
She had told you about her family back home and you told her about yours. You supposed it was easier to tell her than anyone else since she’d endured so much loss and pain and understood what it was like to be separated from her family.
“Y/N, you ready to go?”
Interrupted from your thoughts, you turned to face the beautiful brunette who had a soft smile painted on her face.
She had asked you to dinner a few days before, telling you she wanted to give you both a relaxing evening. You had graciously, and rather, immediately accepted the invitation.
The truth was that, over these past few weeks, you found yourself hoarding a crush on the Goddess.
You could have disregarded it as a schoolgirl crush but the last time you’d ever felt like this, was when you were with Thea. But that had ended amicably after she found love with Roy.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
After eating outdoors at a small bistro, the two of you strolled down the street. Then your heart skipped a beat when she slid her hand in yours.
Looking up at her, you saw a gleam in eyes as she smiled at you which you reciprocated. You basked in the feel of her hand against yours, her warmth spreading through you.
Then you both jumped when her phone started to trill in her pocket.
“Diana Prince.” She answered her phone, humming in response before disconnecting the call.
“That was Bruce. He needs us at Star Labs. Both of us.”
She answered when you opened your mouth to ask just that. Closing your mouth, you nodded and ducked with her into an alley so you could both fly to the building.
“What is it, Bruce?” Diana asked as the two of you walked into the facility.
“The mainframe’s been going crazy. It’s as if someone’s breaking in here but no one actually is.” Cyborg answered instead.
Running up to the screen, you noticed the flashing alarms on the screen.
“Well, at least you guys have better security than we do.”
Pulling up the schematics of the building, you furrowed your brows at the thermal energy reading.
Parting your lips, ready to voice your confusion, you jumped back when a breach opened up in front of you.
When it closed, it left two people in its wake.
Barry and Sara.
“Y/N, Cisco told us what happened. We’re here to take you home.”
Glancing behind you, your eyes fell on Diana whose eyes flickered between you and your friends.
“God, I’m going to kill Cisco.”
<- Part 1
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luvidzy · 3 years
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☆ genre: fluff
☆ pairing: kim seungmin x reader
☆ summary: an anonymous person is writing poetry and you are determined to get to the bottom of it
☆ word count: 3.2k
You honestly hadn’t even noticed at first. You weren’t really into the school paper, so you didn’t read it very often unless Felix decided there was something interesting you just had to know. Which is exactly how you found out about your secret admirer posting about you in the paper.
“Y/N, you have to see this!” Felix’s voice rang out as he slid into the seat next to you. You looked up, less than thrilled to be interrupted in the middle of trying to study for your Greek Classics test tomorrow, but you couldn’t stop yourself from setting your pencil down at Felix’s excited expression.
“Yes, Felix?” You asked, trying to hide the exasperation in your voice. If Felix noticed, he didn’t let him affect his excitement as he pulled the school paper out from under his arm, unrolled it and smacked it down on the table in front of you.
Your eyes scanned the front page, trying to figure out what Felix was so eager to show you, but nothing stood out. There was an article about the softball team, an article about an upcoming concert by 3racha, and a column that was talking about new things to do on campus. Nothing particularly interesting, and also nothing that you hadn’t seen before in the paper.
“So I was looking at the paper, and something caught my eyes. Come on, you have to read it,” Felix urged, his eyes sparkling as his freckles crinkled beside his eyes. You rested your forearms on the table, signalling to him that you were listening. Felix began to flip through the pages, before he landed on one of the latter ones. 
His finger pointed out a small section of writing in the upper right hand corner. You squinted slightly, bringing the paper closer so you could look at the words. From what you could tell it, was a small three line poem that anyone would overlook if you weren’t paying attention. Lucky enough for you, Lee Felix always paid attention to the paper.
she sits so sweetly
sweater too big on her back
perfect to me
Eyes wondering over the black lettering, you felt your eyebrows furrow. There was no signature and not even a hint of who the poem might be addressed to. It seemed so out of place, yet your curiosity was growing every second.
“Does anyone know who wrote it?” You asked, turning to Felix. The blonde shook his head, pouting slightly.
“I asked Seungmin, but he said that they had just found it on one of the desks in an envelope with a note asking them to publish it,” Felix explained. You sighed, before sliding the paper away from you in favor of getting back to your studying.
“Well, keep me updated. Maybe next time we’ll know who this mysterious poet is, or maybe who he’s writing to.” Felix nodded eagerly, before pulling the paper back towards him and opening it up to read while you continued to study.
Of course, the poem wasn’t dropped there as Felix brought it up to your friends again that night as you hung out in Chan and Changbin’s apartment.
“It’s romantic, for sure. But I feel like it would be even more romantic if the person who it was for actually KNEW it was for them, ya know?” Jisung said as he threw a cheeto in the air and tried to catch it in his mouth. You stifled a giggle behind your hand as the cheeto flew back down and hit him in the face, causing him to pout.
“Maybe they wanted to test the waters? See if the person responded well before they actually did anything that might give them away?” Jeongin suggested, before stuffing some M&Ms into his mouth. Seungmin shrugged as he leaned back into his chair.
“I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see if we get any more envelopes.” You sighed, smiling slightly as you leaned back into the couch you were sitting on.
“How nice it must be to have someone write poetry about you. I don’t think anyone would ever do that for me,” you exclaimed dramatically, throwing a hand onto your forehead for effect. Minho snorted as he threw a piece of candy at you, causing you to shriek slightly.
“Maybe, if you weren’t such a dramatic bitch, people would actually fall for you.” You stuck your tongue out at the older male, crossing your arms with a pout on your face. He was probably right, but there was no need for him to be rude about it.
The next time the mystery poet wrote in the paper, you found out about it way too late at night. Your phone began to buzz incessently as you tried to focus on your paper, to no avail. Finally you gave in and picked up the phone.
“Y/N, where are you right now?” Felix’s voice was rushed and enthusastic, and it took all your strength not to groan. How could he be so energetic this late at night, when all you wanted to be doing was sleeping instead of studying for you stupid exam. Seungmin, who had been joining you in your study nights the past few days, looked up with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m at the library with Seungmin. Why?” You replied, rolling your eyes to Seungmin who just snickered. He knew from personal experience that the only person who would give you this reaction so late at night was Felix.
“There was another poem posted in the newspaper! I was gonna tell you earlier but I couldn’t get a hold of you. Stay where you are, I’m on my way.” Felix rushed, before hanging up. You took the phone away from your ear, before looking to Seungmin with an accusing glare.
“There was another poem and you didn’t think to tell me?” You exclaimed, cringing as the librarian shushed you.
“I didn’t think you cared that much. Besides, why would I take away Felix’s gossip? What kind of friend would I be if I did that?” Seungmin chuckled at the pointed glare you sent his way, before you turned back to your paper to try and do some work before Felix got there.
You managed only another 2 paragraphs before Felix came bustling through the doors, trying to be as quiet and fast as possible. He finally crashed into the chair beside you, spreading the paper out before you. You shut your laptop as your eyes scanned the page, trying to find any sight of the poem.
“It’s a good one this time. You’ll have to see it,” Felix said, his grin more of a smirk as he flipped to the next page and pointed his finger at the lines of text that had been imprinted on the page. Your eyes immediately trained on it, scanning over the words in every line like a woman who’s seeing for the first time.
The girl in room 204
with the world on her shoulder
but a smile on her face.
I wish I could be your Atlas
and hold the sky up long enough
for you to take a breath and relax.
But despite the circumstances,
despite her exhaustion from
sleepless nights in the library,
her eyes glow as she talks
even if it is about the most mundane things.
I can’t help but stare and smile,
wondering if she will ever notice
that she means everything to me
and that I would gladly be condemned
to a lifetime of suffering if it meant 
taking your pain for just a little while.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the poem, before you noticed the small print that was sitting underneath the beautiful lines.
-to the girl in room 204 of Levantar Hall
Your heart began to pound and you could practically feel the blood rushing to your face as you reread the tiny tag, the realization only setting in after the 5th time looking it over.
“Holy shit! Felix, these poems are addressed to me!” You exclaimed, turning to look at the bright smile of your best friend. He nodded eagerly as you turned back to the poem, rereading it with this newfound knowledge.
“And you said no one would ever write poetry for you,” Felix teased. You hit him lightly, before taking the paper and shoving it into your bag. You grabbed your laptop, slung your bag over your shoulder, before looking at the boys you were sitting with.
“Sorry gentleman, I have some sleuthing to do,” you said, before rushing out of the library, completely ignorant of the adoration in Seungmin’s eyes as he watched you go.
You spent the next few days waking up extra early and camping out outside of the newspaper office to try and catch the mystery person in action of dropping off their envelope, but you were always met with disappointment as Seungmin came in every morning with no sign of the admirer.
You were a bit bummed about it until you decided to read this week's newspaper and came upon a startling revelation. 
Another poem. 
so close yet so far
she would never know my love
it’s not my nature
You immediately called Felix, who agreed to meet up with you at the nearest cafe to discuss the poem. It wasn’t until you were sitting at a booth, coffees sitting in front of you that a revelation decided to hit you.
“Felix! I’m an idiot!”
“I mean, I know. But how so this time?” Felix said, causing you to throw a playful glare his way. You looked at the poem, before pointing at the poem in the paper and reading the words aloud.
“Okay?” Felix questioned, an eyebrow raised. You rolled your eyes at the thought of having to explain it all to Felix.
“I know whoever this is, Felix! The words insinuate it’s someone that I know, and someone who is not very affectionate with me!” You said proudly, happy that you had managed to narrow the list down. Felix nodded in understanding.
“So, that leaves only a few people, right? Cause all of your friends are pretty affectionate, outside of Minho and Seungmin, right?” Felix said, and you nodded, before freezing. Minho…. or Seungmin. You didn’t want to immediately jump to any conclusions, but you hadn’t seen anyone outside of the newspaper room outside of Seungmin and, being honest, you kind of wanted it to be him. You had had a crush on Kim Seungmin since freshman year of college and it would be like something out of a novel if it turned out to be him.
“Earth to Y/N! What’s the plan now?” Felix brought you from your daydream as you took a sip of the coffee in front of you. You furrowed your brows in thoughts, before her eyes lit up.
“I know! Felix, I just need to mention something incredibly specific to each of them! Any good writer would take advantage of the creative inspiration and incorporate it into their poem!” you announced, quite proud of yourself for coming up with the idea. Felix thought for a moment before he nodded.
“That’s so stupid, it might just work.” You pouted at his comment, before immediately looking at your phone, seeing the time, and stumbling to get up and rush out.
“I completely forgot I need to meet up with Minho for our project! Phase 1 starts right now!” You rushed out of the coffee shop, Felix laughing behind you as you nearly ran into the door due to your excitement.
True to your plan, while with Minho you brought up the extremely intricate topic of Andromeda and Perseus, a tale which you had learned about a month ago in your Greek Mythology class. You loved the story and thought it was incredibly interesting and a great muse if Minho turned out to be the secret admirer in the paper.
You didn’t see Seungmin for a few days, but that gave you time to think of the perfect topic to bring up to him. You wanted him to be your secret poet so badly and you wanted to make sure you gave him something that would definitely end up inspiring the next poem. It finally hit you as you sat with Seungmin and Jeongin in one of your University’s common areas.
“We learned about the story of Icarus in my Greek class the other day,” you started, making sure to look at Seungmin and see if he was listening to you. Sure enough he perked up, looking up to show you that he was taking in the words that were coming from your lips.
“Essentially, Icarus was the son of this great inventor, Daedalus, and they were both imprisoned in a tower. Daedalus made them 2 sets of wings to escape the tower, but they were made out of feathers and wax. When they were flying to escape, Icarus decided to not heed his fathers words and flew too close to the sun. The wax in his wings melted and he drowned. It’s a sad story, but it tells a tale of curiosity and how being too curious can lead to your downfall,” you explained, noticing how Seungmin had stopped writing as you told your story. Jeongin stared at you with a questioning glance.
“Why would Icarus fly so high if he knew he would die?”
“Well, I guess that depends on how you look at it. Some say he was just foolish and brash, but I personally like to think Icarus knew what would happen to him, but decided that the ability to be free and live in the excitement for even a moment was worth the consequences he knew would befall him.” Jeongin nodded, obviously thinking about the story. Satisfied with your work, you looked back down at your work, not noticing how Seungmin had flipped to a blank page in his notebook and was jotting down what seemed to be lines of poetry.
It was a few more weeks until another poem was posted, and you were starting to be concerned that the admirer had given up and decided to stop. That was until Felix, as expected, rushed into your dorm one day, completely scaring you out of your concentrated state.
“The poem was posted! And you’ll never believe it, but your plan actually worked!” Your stomach flip flopped as you realized that the moment of truth was about to be upon you. The minute you read the poem that laid in the ink of the school newspaper, you would know who was your secret admirer. Felix handed it to you and as your eyes went to the words, you silently prayed that it was the man you so desperately wanted it to be. 
I am Icarus,
and she is the sun.
I don’t dare get to close,
even if her gleam,
bright against my rickety feathers,
warms me from the inside out.
I can never tell her how I feel,
I can never say a word,
but if I could I’d tell her she is golden to me.
That she is the heavens,
and I am just a mortal man 
begging for her to let me in,
begging for her to let me love her, 
begging for her to let me praise her,
because God knows that if I could 
I would never stop spilling words of devotion to her.
I am Icarus,
and she is the sun.
My faux wings melt like candle wax
as I force myself closer to her,
because I’d rather fall out of her atmosphere,
then never experience her at all.
Your mouth dropped open as you finished reading the carefully crafted poem, your cheeks heating up and your mind running a mile a minute. It was Seungmin. Your secret admirer was Seungmin.
You rushed out of your dorm, the paper abandoned on your bed as Felix called after you, but you didn’t have any time to stop and explain. You glanced at your phone, realizing that if you made haste, you could catch Seungmin alone in the newsroom before he left for the day. You weaved through the halls of the journalism building, the only thing on your mind getting to the boy who had written some of the most beautiful words about you.
Seungmin was standing outside of the door, locking up the room for the day, when you barrelled down the hallways and basically tackled him into a hug. He grunted as your arms wrapped around him and he stood there for a moment, completely unsure of what to do in this situation. You didn’t give him any time to react though, pulling back and staring at him with a smile rivalling the sun.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Tell you what?” Seungmin asked, genuinely confused. He had a long day and you weren’t making any sense right now. You rolled your eyes playfully, before looking at him with a smirk.
“That you were Icarus and I was the sun.” Seungmin’s mouth dropped open as you repeated the words he had written back to you. His usually sharp mind was completely blank as he tried to figure out what to say in response to you, but once again you didn’t give him time to think as you pulled him in for another hug.
This time, Seungmin allowed himself to wrap his arms around you in return and give you a squeeze. Months of pining after you and he was finally doing what he had fantasized about so many times. You nuzzled yourself into his neck, giggling as he let out a soft gasp, completely unused to the physical affection you were showing him.
“So, does this mean the poems worked?” Seungmin joked, his cheeks red as you pulled back again. You let out a laugh, nodding happily as you kept your arms slung around his neck.
“Of course! To be honest, I’ve had a crush on you for a while now. I was really glad when I found out it was you,” you said, staring at him sheepishly. He smiled softly at you, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“What gave it away though?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“You really think I just threw all that philosophical stuff about Icarus out there for nothing? I was hoping you’d pick up the clue and use it for some creative inspiration,” you said. Seungmin nodded, feigning a look of impressiveness.
“That’s pretty smart for you.” You punched him lightly in the arm, eliciting a chuckle from the boy as he grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers together, leading you down the hallway.
“So, does this mean your poems are going to stop?” you asked, unable to hide the pout in your voice. Seungmin smiled a little bit, giddy that you liked his poems so much.
“I mean, at least the public poems. But I’ll write you all the poems you want in private. But they will be for your eyes only. Can’t let anyone know that I went soft for you,” he said jokingly. You let out a laugh, squeezing his hand as he laughed along with you.
Honestly, you didn’t mind if the poems were public or private. It was more than enough for you that Seungmin was holding your hand right now, speaking words of love that held more meaning than any poem about Icarus ever could.
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missvifdor · 3 years
(The continuation of this post where during a spell class a portal opened and the boys' female doubles as well as MC's appeared in the class) (I think I could make it an independent "story" for the adventures of my MC /OC /YUU)
My MC /OC /YUU and his double crossing the gaze in the class: * Double bi panic *
*Now we will have to find a solution to bring these young ladies and this gentleman back to their reality, but in the meantime here is the look of our twisted guys if they were girls*
Dorm leaders:
Riddle: Looks both serious and cute, with a round cheeky face and big eyes with long thick lashes as well as a pretty pixie haircut. Obviously she stays small but is always bigger than my MC OC YUU, her voice both soft and sharp, a very interesting contrast.
Leona: Made more of a woman than a young girl, still has magnificent hair, bewitching eyes and has a very toned and nicely muscular body. His voice is deep with that tone both seductive and bored. She knows perfectly well that she is beautiful, that she has charm and adores the handset with her immense intelligence. It's an absolutely formidable combo. She is the same height as her male double.
Azul: Gives that mafia-like aura (Or Sugar Mummy), with her hair styled in an impeccable bun and her tailor that is both professional and flatters her gorgeous figure perfectly. Her smile is both sweet and dangerous. But we all know that deep down she is a sweet girl who needs reassurance and who needs to realize how smart, hardworking, and beautiful she is (and we know any of us don't would stop proving it to her). She must be two or three centimeters shorter than her male double.
Kalim: She's still a sun ball and a full cinnamon roll! So positive and supportive! Tie up her long silver hair with a cute headband and always do her makeup in warm tones (where instead Jamil helps her with her makeup like that). Always wears tons of gold bracelets on her wrists and ankles, is very tactile, and has no problem cuddling the people she loves and appreciates! Is the kind of friend who makes sure you eat well and that you don't miss anything. (I can see her thinking that she and Jamil have more of a sister relationship than a master and servant relationship). Is exactly the same size as her male double.
Vil: Let's be honest here, Vil would be the most gorgeous woman who hasn't set foot at Night Raven College for decades after The Beautiful Queen! You almost feel like she's straight out of a fashion magazine but no, it's just that our Reine des Poisons takes so much care of her and works so hard to come to such potential! Her magnificent hair would reach her shoulders, her voice would be as beautiful as honey on a slice of bread and her makeup and manicure would be as perfect as it gets! Maybe she would be a little taller than her male double (even without heels). (I don't know why but apart from her care and makeup, I also see her very well making her own jewelry as well as her perfume).
Idia: Haired with two long, fiery quilts, she would be more the type to have an e-girl style but with very loose clothes that would not show her forms (the poor one does not realize that she has the potential to become a model for lingerie). Her voice would be both sweet and high-pitched, and she could also be smaller than her male double. (And Husbando, so many Husbando!). Doesn't trust her smile because of her sharp teeth but that is her charm and she is so fucking cute! Maybe she would be more organized and manic than her double even if her room would still be in a very big mess (at least she didn't leave her underwear lying around in plain sight, she would die of shame if anyone saw the cute and childish little designs on it).
Malleus: This woman ... Would be exactly the same size as her male double! And she would be so beautiful and elegant! With long black hair that she would let hang down her back, as well as her incredible figure! (Also gives those Magical Sugar Mummy vibes). His voice, by all the gods ... The most sensual and that playful note we've ever heard. Her voice is also so deep and sweet (let's not even talk about her laugh or I'll die of happiness). Still gives that awesome and intimidating impression on people but is so sweet when you get to know her (Always make that adorable pout when she's sad or upset, you feel like hugging her tight and telling her that even though she is scary in the early days, she's the sweetest person we've ever met!).
The Vice-leader:
Trey: Don't lie to each other, give these married vibes over and over again. But beware, also hides his game very well because in private ... 🥵. Her beautiful hair tied in a ponytail and her voice in playful tones. Would be the type to wear stockings with his uniform and is the same size as his male double. Smells like cake and vanilla, it's both so nice and it also makes you so hungry!
Ruggie: Is quite skinny because as we know Ruggie often endures difficult months. Short and messy hair, has a cheerful voice and an infectious laugh (Quite fond of pretty things in the background, but since she doesn't have much money, she can't really afford it. If she could, she would certainly treat herself to some pretty hair accessories). Perhaps an unacknowledged Tsundere side. Since she cannot feed herself properly for someone her age, she is most certainly smaller than the average for a Beast Woman. Would probably like to have a cuter look, unfortunately she can't afford it as she doesn't want to look "weak".
Jade: Holy shit, this woman is so dangerous and sweetly sadistic, if you ever pique her interest and she likes you on top of that, I'm sorry for you. Her body is certainly muscular and graceful (She also has quite incredible strength). Has long, wavy hair that she wears half-loose and is exactly the same height as her male double. Her voice and at the same time so soft and cold, you don't know if you should feel comfortable or on the contrary, run as far as possible. Obviously loves going for long hikes, (Her legs are so muscular, if she catches you with that, you won't be able to go anywhere). His tone is so teasing, you can't resist him for long.
Jamil: Very tall, even a few inches taller than her male double. Just like Trey, she smells so good, like cinnamon. Has a fairly athletic build, and remained a very, very good dancer. Very skillful, maybe makes her own wrist and ankle bracelets, also wears a lot of jewelry (not as expensive as Kalim's, but still very pretty and it shows her really well, especially the snake designs ), also wears a lot of ear piercings. His hair is very long, silky, and worn the same way as the male Jamil (maybe with extra pearls in his hair). Her voice is deep (sensual) and with a note of irony and sarcasm. Her make up apply lightly but always in such beautiful warm tones (she also highlights her cheekbones), especially with eyeliner to highlight her intense gaze.
Rook: His hair is worn in the same way as the male Rook, also wears a multitude of hats as well as pretty earrings. Likes to tease those around her, smiling and bright. Has a French accent, of course. But remains someone dangerous in the end. Is the same height as her double, is athletic, skillful and has excellent eyesight (Normal for a hunter). See beauty in everything and everyone! Don't you think you're handsome? Rook will give you ten points for why she thinks you are beautiful and why you should stop thinking that way because otherwise she will stalk you until you accept this truth. Her voice is happy and confident, deep and warm. May like to wear accessories like long socks with natural or animal designs. Specialized in throwing knives.
Ortho: So cute! The little sister you will want to protect at the risk of your life! So smart and friendly, curious too. Wears a cute fiery pixie hairstyle and has a cheerful, thin voice. Is so small and skinny.
Lilia: Oh boy ... see Draculaura from Monster Hight? She has the same look. So much into jokes, loves to surprise people to scare them. Her voice contrasts completely with her appearance since it is deep and velvety. Same size as her male double. Even though she looks so young, she still acts like a child mom. (Obviously, is always so bad in the kitchen, she brings out stuff, sometimes you are afraid that it will come to life to devour you). Despite her jokes, she is still very good advice and listens.
The rest of our boys:
Cater: If fashionable, is certainly a great influencer. Cater pays so much attention to everything, especially the little details and accessories that she wear. Makeup always on top and colorful, could become a model if she wanted. Is smaller than her male double. Joyful and higher pitched voice, her hair is a bundle of silky curls always worn in a cute way (Like Ariana Grande). (Has a multitude of fans and contenders) carefree and likes to give cute or silly nicknames to people she loves and appreciates. Would be the type to flirt with his friends for fun. Probably has a passion for nail art and would be so proud to show off her designs on her Magicam account! Would act with the first years like a big sister although she is not always good advice. She is so teasing.
Ace: Short, messy hair! Pretty tomboy style, enjoys teasing others too much for his own good, always smiling like shit and communicative. Is a sporty person, and quite arrogant, maybe also a little Tsundere side. Is a hopeless hideaway romantic. Even though she likes to do her makeup, she doesn't like taking fifteen years to do it and does the minimum required. Of course has a more feminine side when she's out of school, but honestly, feminine clothes are never practical for big movements. Act confidently but not too deep down. Her voice is happy and dynamic. Is one or two centimeters smaller than her male double. Likes to wear necklaces and chokers. Rather skinny but not as much as Ruggie.
Deuce: So sweet and so want to do her best to make her mom proud of her. Wearing long hair tied in a low ponytail, her voice is high-pitched and strong. Is quite tall (even taller than her male double). Read romance books on the sly but can't help herself when someone finds out. Probably already dyed his hair blonde during his delinquent period and dyed it before entering Night Raven College. Likes to wear barrettes in her hair, also does her best with her makeup but was not used to it before (it was mainly Ace who taught her everything she knows). Secretly loves wearing skirts and dresses, she hasn't been able to experience it before because she didn't think it would look pretty on her (But she's actually pretty). Certainly be shy and insecure when she finds new people, afraid of doing things badly. Blushes so easily that it is funny. When his delinquent side resurfaces, his voice becomes more serious, threatening, his posture leaves no room for shyness! She might want to change for the better, but that doesn't mean she's going to let others do if they want to bully her!
Jack: Do you see Jasper in the Steven Universe? You now have Jack as a woman. She is muscular and strong! The part she's most proud of is her muscular back! His silvery hair his savage and remained indomitable (But that gives him a crazy charm). Don't take shit from people and still is a Tsundere. But her wagging tail always betrayed her about her emotions, as well as her ears. Same size as her male double. Secretly loves cute things and certainly has an army of adorable stuffed animals in her room in Savanaclaw. Wears a biker style, and because she lives in a cold region with her family, she doesn't get cold easily, so her muscular arms are uncovered all the time (for your viewing pleasure 😏). Her voice is serious, so serious! But if you're friends, you definitely hear that thoughtful little note in her voice. If his male version is the Best Boy, his female version is the Best Girl! She takes care of those she loves and is always ready to help!
Floyd: Is exactly the same size as his male double. Wear her hair short cut in a boyish style (she doesn't have the time or the energy to dwell on her hair). Her voice has high notes, especially when she finds something or someone cute! Very expressive, has no filter. Like her sister, she is muscular and graceful. Her dress style could be similar to those of men in the 40's (she much prefers masculine clothes because it is more comfortable and she doesn't have to worry about her chest with large shirts. does not have to wear a bra!). Love accessories like earrings or piercings. Has immense strength and doesn't always control it. Dislikes makeup, she doesn't want to bother with it (but finds it charming on others, that's just her personal opinion). If its male version is not to be upset, it also works with its female version! Especially when it is at this time of the month, run away poor fools!
Epel: The same problem as with its male version! Except that instead of being manly, she wants us to find her sexy and not cute! All her life in her hometown has not to stop telling her that she was cute! Really ? Was she nothing else ?! She wants people she finds attractive to find her sexy, not cute! Just because she is petite, because she has big, innocent eyes and a round, youthful face, doesn't mean it's her definition of beauty or femininity! Much like her appearance, her voice is cute, slender. Her hair is long, wavy and held up with a red ribbon in an elegant manner. Compare to her male version, Vil lets her speak with her accent because it is one of her charm assets. Her face is decorated with delicate freckles. Is quite skinny with a tiny bit of shape but not a lot (let's say she has a lot more than Riddle). Epel is a little smaller than the male Epel, but not much.
Silver: She is the equivalent of Disney Princess Aurora. Except that, unlike, even if she falls asleep anywhere, she doesn't need a knight to protect her, she is her own knight! Remain a formidable swordsman! In spite of everything, remains someone calm and taciturn, very easygoing. She is very fond of animals and as they naturally flock to her, she is very happy about this fact. Wear her hair up to the shoulders and tie it in a ponytail for practice. She has a fairly toned body, but not too much. Her voice is soft and measured. She is much smaller than her male double.
Sebek: Acts hard but is so soft in the end. Looks pissed off all the time but that's just her natural expression. Wears her hair like her male version, and is the same size. Her voice carries so far, it's very impressive the first time you hear her! It is a bit sharp, but not in an unpleasant way. Carries so much esteem and respect towards Malleus, she would also like so much to be like her but she would never dare to compare herself to her! Blushes so hard and so quickly if you press the right buttons, it's so funny to see her get annoyed! Her figure is quite toned and sporty.
And finally, My MC /OC /YUU: Just like his female version, he wears round glasses, is always 150cm tall and has long wavy hair. Has fairly broad shoulders and is slightly muscular without really being so. Does everything possible to make girls feel comfortable and safe in his presence! He knows how exhausting the life and daily life of women is because of societal pressures and the male gaze. He knows that because of assholes, women are afraid of men and are afraid to even be in the same room as them, so he will do his best to ensure that she never feels that way around him! And if someone has the audacity to make one of them feel these feelings, oh boy ... that person won't last long! He was raised by his mother alone, and she taught him respect, consent and righteous values. He is an ally, so rest assured 😊😉. His voice is soft and serious (Also watching him get angry and argued in French is quite impressive! The sound of Rs in his mouth sounds even more aggressive).
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ernmark · 3 years
One Possible Read of The Green Knight
I say one possible, because this is the story as I understood it as I was watching the film. When I mentioned it to my partner, he didn't take that away. I'm not saying my take on it is right or wrong (I think it's hard to say that about most reads for a movie like this), but I submit it for your consideration.
(Spoilers and a fairly thorough plot summary under the cut)
(Holy moly this got long)
A brief caveat:
Caveat the First: I'm basing this off a pre-existing understanding of medieval stories, which don't necessarily follow the same narrative structures as modern ones. The world they lived in was weird, so sometimes weird shit just happened for no reason, often very conveniently. (If anything, I think this movie did less of that than existed in typical medieval stories.) They also heavily relied on archetypes rather than distinct characters with backstories, as well as a pre-established understanding of the story you're listening to. Like the puppet show that shows up in the story, the kids in the audience had already heard the story enough times that they could follow it without any actual words. On that note, I've also read a version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Caveat the Second: I immediately distrust anybody who talks about any story older than three centuries or so having an "original" version. There are some stories that have distinct authors, but often these stories were retold and rewritten to suit the tastes of their latest audience. So I refer to the version I read, not "the original". I take my reading of that story into my interpretation of what I saw. I'll note the details from the version I read where it's relevant.
The Story
We start with Gawain, King Arthur's nephew, waking up in a brothel with his sex worker lady friend. She sends him on his way back home to Camelot where his mother greets him and kindly asks him where he's been all night. Oh, off at Christmas Mass, naturally, is what he tells her. She counters that clearly he's been drinking all the communion wine, because she can smell it on his breath.
She tells him she's not feeling well, so he should go to the Christmas celebration without her and tell her all about it afterward.
[I don't recall hearing her name in the movie, but in the version I read, the Green Knight is sent by Morgana. Between his mother being described in dialogue as Arthur's sister and a known witch, I'm gonna run with that assumption and call her that.]
This is where my reading diverges: I take all of this as being almost entirely Morgana's story. And from her perspective, it's kind of hilarious. Because this isn't the story of Gawain's journey into Manhood, but of a very frustrated mother's attempts to save her beloved (if disappointing) son.
While Gawain is partying with the sickly King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, Morgana joins three of her fellow witches and they enact a spell, summoning the Green Knight and a very specifically worded challenge. The Green Knight presents a game: any one person in attendance may injure him and get his badass axe as a prize, but in a year exactly he'll have to go to the Green Knight's chapel and allow the Green Knight to return the exact same blow to him.
Arthur says he wants to do it, but acknowledges he's too sickly to do so. Gawain, already embarrassed once at this party, jumps up and volunteers to be his champion. And when he steps into the ring with the Green Knight, he cuts off his opponent's head. He'd think that was the end of it, but the Green Knight just picks up his severed head, reminds him of the deal to bring the axe back and let himself get beheaded in a year, and leaves.
[In the version I read, this was a ploy on Morgana's part just to freak out Guinevere. Seriously, that was the entirety of it. Just fucking with her rival/sister-in-law.]
In the movie, I got the vibe that Gawain was never meant to be in the line of fire. I suspect that either Arthur or one of his knights was meant to be the Green Knight's opponent, who would die after a year to get his affairs in order. Given that Gawain was Arthur's next-of-kin, that would have given him plenty of time to pass the crown to Morgana's beloved son. Unfortunately, Gawain stepping up messed up her whole plan.
During the intervening year, we see Morgana and the other witches working together to weave the Girdle of Invulnerability. As the name suggests, it's laden with magic to protect him from all harm and all blows from anyone. So long as he wears it, she explains, he'll make it home in one piece.
[In the version I read, the girdle is given to him by another woman later on at a weirdly convenient time. More on that later.]
Gawain barely makes it out when he asks directions from a young man looting the corpses on a recent battlefield. Being the idiot that he is, Gawain takes the young man's directions straight into a trap, where the young man and several other bandits are lying in wait. Despite his mother's assurances that he's invulnerable, he stands down immediately, allowing the bandits to take the Green Knight's axe, his Magic Girdle, all his money, all his supplies, etc.
During all this, three things happen: first, we see A Fox. Second, when the bandit takes the axe he goes all weird and runs off on the horse, forcing the other bandits to chase after him and leaving Gawain unobserved. Third, we get a weird vision of the future where Gawain remains where he is, tied up, until he rots away and he's left nothing but a skeleton.
My read is that The Fox is either Morgana or one of the other witches shapeshifted to keep an eye on him (alternatively, the fox is Reynard or a similar magical creature employed by them for the same purpose.) The Fox then enchants the bandit into running off with the Girdle and the Axe, leaving Gawain relatively safe. And when he fails to do anything with this spectacular opportunity, the Fox gives him the vision of what's gonna happen to him if he just waits around to be rescued.
Prompted to action, Gawain manages to free himself and continues his quest on foot. Eventually he comes across an abandoned manor. Inside, he meets a ghost who asks him to retrieve her severed head, which was thrown into the nearby spring. After some hemming and hawing, he does. When he returns to the surface with the woman's skull, the ghost is gone, but the Fox is watching him.
My take is that the ghost disappeared. They do that. The Fox, being sent to watch him, saw him actually step up and do a brave and selfless thing for once. This is what cements to the Fox that Gawain isn't a perennial fuckup, he's able to grow and mature if he's given the chance.
Gawain returns the skull to the rest of the ghost's skeleton, and he's rewarded by regaining his lost axe. (The axe placed there by the Fox, who took it from the enchanted bandit.)
So this is great, right? Gawain's fuck-upery has been cured and he's doing the responsible thing. Yay, right?
Except he's a fuckup who spends more time drinking and hanging out in brothels than doing Knightly stuff, so he doesn't know basics. Like how to start a fire or get food. Offscreen, Morgana must have been bashing her head into a wall, because her beloved son is going to get himself killed.
The Fox appears to him, and after his initial attempt to drive it off, Gawain lets it stay with him. From this point forward it stays by his side, not-so-subtly giving him directions and keeping him generally safe.
Later we meet some giants, because sometimes there are just giants. We don't question these things in Arthurian fantasy. Gawain asks them to give him a ride to his destination, but when one agrees to help him, he freaks out at the last second and refuses. The Fox speaks to the giant, quite possibly apologizing for its very rude human friend, and the giants go on their way without him.
Gawain is most of the way there by now, but it's late December in Wales, he's super cold and hasn't eaten anything but trippy mushrooms, he can't build a fire, he's been walking for days. He collapses, but the Fox urges him to go a little further and leads him to another manor house. Fortunately for him, this manor has living people in it, who clean him up, put him in a warm bed, and give him food.
We get a dreamy scene where he's being tended by his mother before he wakes up in the care of the manor. My read on it was that this manor and the people in it were sent directly by Morgana to save him. I don't think the manor was even there ten seconds before he collapsed the first time. Because Morgana loves her son, but he is REALLY bad at this.
Notably, it seems that the only people here are the Lord and Lady of the manor, as well as a blind old woman who seems to be the lady's maidservant and/or mother? Hard to tell.
Some flirting happens between Gawain and the Lord and Lady. The Lord of the manor explains that conveniently, Gawain's destination is only one day's walk away and he's several days early, so why not take some time to rest and gather his strength. The Lady shows off her library and her fancy daguerreotype-like mechanism, etc. The Lord suggests another game (mirroring the game presented by the Green Knight) : the Lord will go hunting the next day and give Gawain whatever he catches. Gawain will in return give the Lord whatever he gains throughout the day.
[In the version I read, this happens over the course of three days. Each day the Lord leaves, the Lady tries to seduce Gawain but he refuses, only accepting a kiss from her on the first two days; when the Lord returns with a hunted animal each day, Gawain gives him the kiss that the Lady gave him. On the third day, the Lady also gives Gawain a previously-unmentioned enchanted Girdle of Invincibility, which he neglects to pass along to the Lord, opting just to kiss him instead.]
In the movie, this is condensed into only one day. Gawain wakes up with the Lady creepily watching him sleep, wearing the Girdle of Invincibility that Morgana made for him. She invites him into bed and offers him the Girdle, reminding him that it can render him invincible. The scene gets a bit weird after that-- sex acts of some sort ensue, and the Lady walks away, leaving Gawain with post-coital shame and the Girdle.
Upset, Gawain grabs his stuff and makes to leave. Along the way he runs into the Lord in the middle of his hunt, and he declares that he's going to meet the Green Knight a day early. Citing their game, the Lord presents Gawain with The Fox (who is alive despite having been caught by a hunter, hmmm) and requests Gawain's "winnings" in return-- which he claims by stealing a kiss. I dunno about you, but it seemed to me that Gawain was Into It, at least before he remembers to be freaked out and runs off.
He's nearly at the place where he's to meet the Green Knight when the fox stops him. Now it starts talking, its voice shifting from masculine to feminine. It tells him that he's done a great job, and he can turn back right now and go home and nobody will know but the two of them. He doesn't have to go through with this. But Gawain, determined to fulfil his quest, drives the Fox off once again and goes the last bit alone.
Here he meets the Green Knight in the ruins of an old chapel, though because he's early the Green Knight is little more than a statue, awake but unmoving until the appointed Christmas Day. All the while Gawain just has to sit there and stew in the knowledge that he's gonna die. Finally the Green Knight stirs, asks Gawain if he's ready to die, and readies the axe that Gawain returned to him.
Throughout this, the light hits the Green Knight differently, making him look an awful lot like the Lord of the manor. After Gawain flinches away from the axe the first time, he speaks gently to him, almost tenderly.
[In the version I read, the Green Knight and the Lord of the manor are the same person, and the Lord/Knight is aware of Gawain's magic Girdle, because this was all an elaborate ruse. Because of Gawain's invincibility, the Green Knight only scratches his neck, permanently scarring him as punishment for lying about it and cheating in both their games, but doesn't hold it against him. Gawain then returns to Camelot and they keep the Girdle at the round table as a symbol that all of them have their failings.]
In the movie, Gawain flinches one more time. We then get a second very lengthy vision of an alternate future: Gawain flees the Green Knight and returns home, where he's welcomed back without external consequences. However, he's haunted by his own cowardice, giving up a difficult love in favor of living up to expectation, only to lose everything in the end anyway. His life following the cowardly route was longer, but it wasn't a better life.
He stops the Green Knight one last time, only to remove the Girdle and set it aside before declaring himself ready. The Green Knight is genuinely pleased by this, and he leans in and simply traces a finger over Gawain's throat, before happily saying. "Off with your head."
The movie ends there. Whether the Green Knight leaves him alive or kills him is up for interpretation. But even if the Green Knight wasn't on Morgana's payroll, I feel like he's way too fond of Gawain to do him real harm at this point.
And so Gawain has grown up-- he's brave, he's honorable, he's learned to keep his word and face the consequences of his actions. And Morgana, after some major struggles and a lot of called-in favors, has managed to keep her son from dying on his quest. Victory all around.
There's also an after-credits scene: just a little girl playing with Arthur/Gawain's crown. Notably, this little girl is neither of the children Gawain had in his vision of the cowardly future, so I interpreted it as a new future with a new child with potential all their own.
But that's just my take.
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
Melone sick fic
for @dark-side-blog2 who could use some comfort right now <3
You woke up prematurely in the middle of the night by the soreness radiating off your chest.  You groaned, pulling the covers of your sheets over your head, trying to will yourself back to sleep.  Unfortunately, your body didn’t like that one bit, and you were shocked with red hot pain.  You couldn’t help yelping out loud, the pain unexpected from your healing skin torn. You bit your lip, trying to hold back whimpers-all you wanted to do was get some sleep.
“Oh, Darling, you’re up already?”  You hear your bedroom door open and a far too familiar voice calls out to you.  You didn’t bother holding back your groan this time:  Melone had let himself into your apartment again.  Melone lived directly across from you in your apartment complex, and had been glued to you since day one.  It didn’t matter whether you locked your door or not; he would let himself into your apartment, go through your belongings when he thought you weren’t looking, and introduce himself to your friends and house guests as your “lover”.  What’s worse, he was starting to wear you down, to the point where you (would never openly admit) were starting to find him...charming, in his own way.  You didn’t have romantic feelings or anything, you would swear up and down, but moving to a new town with no friends was surprisingly lonely, and to his credit, he’d helped you out a lot.
Right now, though?  You didn’t want to see anyone, let alone the guy who tracked your period on his phone bothering you in your time of pain. Especially not on an area as sensitive as the underside of your breast; there was no telling what Melone would do.
“For the love of all that is good in this world-leave, Melone.”  You hissed, peeking out from your sheets to glare at the intruder.  Melone smiled, unperturbed, and walked over to your bedside.
“Good morning to you too, darling <3!  I just came by to surprise you with breakfast in bed, and-”  He stopped, his smile dropping as he got closer to you. “You’re bleeding.”
You looked down at your bed covers, and saw that indeed, you were bleeding enough to soak through to your bed sheets.  “Holy shit!” you whisper to yourself, as Melone rushes over and removes the blankets. 
“Let me see,”  He orders, not asks, as he pulls up your shirt to examine your wound.  You squawk in indignation, yelling insults at him like “pervert” and “creep” to no avail.  Melone is...more serious than you’ve ever seen him, to be honest. He’s laser focused on your wound, which you can now see is even more red and irritated than it was last night.  The band-aid you had slapped over it was in bad shape as well, and seemed to almost melt into your skin, blistering and bleeding all over your shirt and sheets.
“It seems you had an allergic reaction to this band-aid, we’ll need to wrap this wound carefully in order for it to heal properly,”  Melone said, more to himself than you, as he gently pushed you back onto your bed.  “Excuse me for a moment, i’ll be  right back,” He says, and like that, he’s out of your place.  You blink, trying to process everything that’s happened, unsure of what you should do.  By the time you’ve convinced yourself to get up and try to clean yourself off, and are halfway off your bed, when Melone barges back into your room, toting a slew of medical supplies and several other tools you can’t identify.
“Ah ah ah! Don’t move, Darling, you might tear the wounds more!”  He reprimands you, tutting as he pushes you back onto the bed with unexpected strength.  You huff, getting more and more annoyed by Melone, who has not only forced himself into your room but seen at least one of your tits at this point, and is forcing you to stay in bed. Still…
To be fair, he clearly knows what he’s doing, as he cleans and wraps  your wound with doctoral precision, and has made no advances or inappropriate comments about your conditions.  In fact, now that he’s come over, you feel a whole lot better.  The stinging has stopped, and you’re able to move comfortably after he’s done wrapping your wound.  He also takes your bed sheets off of your bed and puts them in the laundry for you, helps you to the bathroom to clean yourself up and change.  If you didn’t know any better, you would say the Melone you know and tolerate has been replaced by a certified nurse.  When you come out of the bathroom, clean and refreshed, he’s replaced your sheets with new ones (they must be his, they’re an unfamiliar color and smell like cologne) and he ushers you to get back into bed.
“From what I could tell, the original wound was due to your bra’s underwire poking out of your bra and piercing your skin, correct?  We’ll have to dispose of it, as it’s no longer safe to wear.  Also, I think it would be best if you were to get an allergy test when you’re feeling better, to help determine what specifically you’re allergic to, so this can be prevented in the future.  In the meantime, rest and relaxation is the best way for you to heal right now.”  Flabbergasted, you simply nod and get into bed, still so confused by Melone’s, for lack of a better word, professionalism.  
For the rest of the day, Melone does nothing but dote on you.  While he does occasionally slip into his more familiar perverted ways, for the most part he’s very polite and comforting.  He has some sleeping pills and low grade pain medication for you to take (maybe you shouldn’t trust Melone with pills, but with the way he’s been today you give him the benefit of the doubt) brings you your meals on a tray in bed, and even lets you nap and surf the internet in peace.  Aside from an offer for a foot massage, which you do know by now to turn down, your day has been quite nice actually, and you have Melone to thank for that.  
Later in the evening, before you’re about to go to bed, Melone checks your injury and redresses your bandages one last time.
“You’re looking much better now, darling, I'm guessing you should be good to go tomorrow, and fully healed in a day or two.”  He tells you happily, patting you on the shoulder.  He turns to leave, only for you to tug on his sleeve and pull him back.  Both Melone and you are shocked-why are you doing this?
“Was there something you needed, darling?”  Melone asks, looking at you intently.  You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to find the right words for what you want to say.  It’s just… Melone’s been so kind to you today, and helped you out when you were going through a hard time.  He took care of you, kept you company when you wanted, and left you alone when you needed space.  To be honest, it was really nice having him here today.  You wouldn’t mind having more days like this, you know, as long as he behaves himself.
“These bedsheets...they’re yours, right?”  You mutter, just loud enough for Melone to hear. 
“Yes, Darling, but don’t worry, they’re clean!”  He answers.
“Then...you don’t have any blankets on your bed right now, right?”  You continue, unable to look him in the eyes.
Melone smiles, “Oh, don’t worry Darling, i’ll be fine-”
“Sleep with me tonight.”  You interrupt him, cheeks on fire.  Melone gaps like a fish, trying to process what you just said.
You clarify, “I mean, just so you can stay warm.  And it’s just for tonight, since my sheets are still wet. So, like, this is the only fair option, right??”  you finish lamely, clutching Melone’s sheets tightly in your hands.  Melone takes a moment to clear his head and respond.
“Well, if you insist darling<3”  He grins.  You aren’t even looking at him, you’re too embarrassed to, but you can hear the grin in his voice.  He carefully crawls into your bed on the other side, giving you ample space but still turned towards you.
“Goodnight, Darling.  I hope you sleep well,”  He whispers, smiling at you.  You turn off the lights, cheeks hot, but not comfortable enough to fall asleep yet.  After fiddling with your pillows and swallowing your pride, you inch yourself closer and closer to Melone, finding comfort in the warmth of his body heat.  His eyes are closed, and he looks so peaceful, but you can feel him wrap an arm around you.  You don’t push him away.
“Goodnight, Melone”  You whisper, and fall asleep.
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stressisakiller · 3 years
As You Wish
Steve Rogers x Reader Soulmate AU
(As you wish Part 2)
Summary: What happens when after moving into Stark Tower you run into a certain Captain
Warnings: None really, fluff, like one cussword a little bit of spice
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Fluffy chapter yay!  Let me know what you think and if you have any requests for future chapters! Thank yall for reading!’
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Life working side by side with Tony was dangerous. When Killian attacked Tony it was you not Pepper who was taken and subjected to the Extremis serum. This caused you to heal crazy fast and gave you super strength, which was pretty cool but not very useful for someone who spent most of their time in a robotics lab trying not to crush something when it wasn't working.
You later discovered that Killian mistakenly believed that you were in fact Tony's soulmate, while you had always thought that it was Pepper. She quickly refuted your claim when you told her, pulling the back of her jeans down enough to show the smiley face that graced her butt cheek. Turns out that her soulmate was none other than Happy the head of security.
 About six months after the battle of new york, after Tony and the whole Killian/Mandarin situation, Tony asked very nicely if you would move into the Avengers tower with him. He needed to get the Avengers tower going, and after everything that happened and his panic attacks, he really didn't want to live there alone. He was also hoping that if you lived in the tower that the avengers would be more willing to as well. By this point you had met and become friends with most of them save for Captain America, he hasn’t been around much. He was trying to find his place in this new world and taking as many missions as Shield will give him in order to feel needed 
The tower was much different this time than the last time you had been there. There was less plastic film and dust everywhere and all of the construction work was done. Most notably, the wall on Stark's living room floor was no longer a gaping hole.
The top eight levels of the tower were for the avengers. The penthouse was where Tony stayed, no surprise there. The level directly below was his lab space which was restricted access for the most part and then there was the common level under that. The common level was composed of a large kitchen and dining area, as well as a massive living room with the biggest tv you had ever seen. This floor also houses a theater, and an arcade room equipped with pool tables and any other game you could think of. Tony is such a child sometimes, not that you were complaining you loved to play pool. The next three floors are where you and the rest of the Avengers would live. You would each get your own suite that you could arrange and decorate however you saw fit. Each suite includes a kitchenette, and small living room that was separate from the bedroom, and a massive ensuite bath. The lowest two levels were dedicated to the training room and medical ward, as well as a giant pool and sauna area, these floors allowed for outside access as long as they were vetted.
Six months later, life in the tower was going well. You, Tony and Bruce, were the main people living there. You could understand that though, Nat and Clint were constantly out on missions for shield and mainly stayed on base in DC. Tony told you that Steve was currently living in an apartment in DC. He didn't want to live on base but he was running missions for Shield on and off. Thor was off-world with Loki so life was pretty quiet. 
 Then there was a mission that the Captain went on that didn’t go the way he thought. He was wounded and brought back a captive. You were in the common area when the door was thrown open and a bloody Steve Rogers burst through carrying a soaking wet girl over his shoulder.
“The Medical wing, where is it?” He questioned voice hard from pain or fatigue or both. 
“This way.” you hurried off, not looking behind you, you knew that he would follow. 
When you arrived, you called for Dr. Cho and Steve told her what was going on and placed the girl on a stretcher. The nurses pushed her to a room to monitor her until she woke up. He was then shown to a separate room to be looked over and have the bullet removed. 
 That night Tony pulled you into the living room to watch your favorite movie, the princess bride. It was about halfway through when an exhausted Steve came through the door and flopped down on the couch beside the one that you and Tony were currently lounging on. It was coming to your favorite part, Buttercup was currently yelling at the Dread Pirate Roberts and about to push him down the hill.
“Oooh,” you said hitting Tony’s shoulder, “I love this part,” you spoke along with Wesley as he rolled down the hill, “As you Wiiiisssshhhh.” you clapped your hands together, “that will forever be the best reveal ever.” 
You didn’t notice Steve’s stare as you said those words. Holy Shit he thought his tattoo finally made sense, and yet the girl that fate said was perfect for him had her legs thrown over Tony’s lap and was leaning against him while watching the movie. He stood quickly and stomped out of the room, today was just not his day. 
 You look over at Tony confused when Steve left.
“What the hell do you think that was about?” you asked, growing more confused as you noticed the smirk on Tony’s lips.
“Why are you smiling like that?” You had to stop yourself from slapping him when he started to laugh.
“What the hell, Stark, tell me what's going on?”
“I think that Capsicle just realized that you're his soulmate.” He said through chuckles.
“What the fuck do you mean he realized that I’m his soulmate?” you asked your whole body going still as you waited for him to elaborate.
“I thought you had realized this earlier,” he said looked genuinely confused, “The captain is your soulmate, I’ve known since we had that movie night after finding him in the ice. Your tattoo is his dog tags with the flower of his birth month and a phrase that I’ve heard him say multiple times while next to him in a fight.”
You just sat there frozen trying to comprehend what exactly the man sitting in front of you was saying. 
“You know, he may be a little jealous that his soulmate was cuddling someone else since he probably doesn’t realize that you're like a sister to me. You should probably go after him.”  His words seemed to break you from your trance as you threw yourself very clumsily from the couch to follow after him.
“Jarvis, where did Rogers go?” 
“He is in the training room miss.”
“Thanks, J”
You ran all the way down, opening the door you were met by the scene of Steve hitting a punching bag so hard that it broke and flew off of its chain.
“You know, I’m not sure that those are made to withstand the punch of a super soldier, maybe I should design one that can,” you said leaning against the wall and trying not to show the fact that your heart was beating a million miles a minute.
“And why would you feel the need to do that, I’m sure Stark has plenty of things that he needs you to design that are more important than a Steve-proof punching bag.” You could tell that he was gritting his teeth as he spoke, reaching for another bag. You step towards him slowly, making sure not to walk too quickly from fear of him leaving.
“Well I’m sure that the great Tony Stark can take care of himself, and anyways, I think creating something to make my soulmate's life easier is more important.”
He slowly pulled his eyes from the punching bag that he was hanging onto the hook to look at you, pain obvious in his eyes.
“Really? Cause you seemed pretty comfortable with him.” you could see the vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke, he had gone through so much already.
“Yes really, Tony is more like an annoying older brother than anything. I’ve been working around him for the past five or so years, trust me when I say that I have no desire to date him. You on the other hand.” You made sure that your voice turned teasing on the last words, you wanted to make him smile, you hadn’t gotten to see that yet.
“Well good, cause I think I may have to kick his ass if you did.” You could hear the teasing lilt in his voice and the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. But as quickly as it came it was gone.
“How long have you known?” his voice cracked a little as he spoke. You let out a small huff of a laugh.
“Would you believe me if I told you that Tony had to tell me when I was confused as to why you left the room?” His eyes snapped to yours.
“Really? You didn’t know?”
“After not meeting my soulmate by the time I turned 25 I just pushed it to the back of my mind, I stopped trying to figure out what my tattoo meant and I focused on my work. Plus there were a couple of life-threatening instances that distracted me." You joked. You weren't 100% sure how to handle this situation, your main friend group consisted of a playboy philanthropist and a science nerd that turned into a giant green guy when angry, not really the best people to show you how to be vulnerable.
“I understand that," he said pausing before continuing, "part of my problem was that my tattoo didn’t show up until after I came out of the ice.” he looked down at his hands and you noticed that they were fidgeting, he must be just as nervous as you.
“I didn’t know that,” you murmured, deciding to ask the question that was begging to be asked.
“What is your tattoo, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He shook his head, “Not at all.” he stepped towards you and pulled up his sleeve, and turned out his arm so you could see the flesh just under his armpit. As soon as you saw the tattoo you burst out laughing.
“Of course that’s what my mark is, man I’m such a nerd.” You clutched your stomach as you laughed, tears coming to your eyes from the range of emotions that you are currently going through.
“Can I ask why I have this tattooed on me?” He questioned, clearly curious to the reasoning as to why he had a movie quote on his arm forever. You were finally able to pull yourself together and sober up from the surprise of his tattoo.
“That movie came out the year after I was born and it was my mom’s favorite movie to watch with me, we watched it at least 4 times a year. But we always made sure to watch it on my birthday as a family, it became an integral part of my life, plus it’s just sooo quotable.” you said with a smile, “Do you want to look at my tattoo?” you asked motioning at your arm with your head. He slowly nodded, not able to find the words.
You slowly pulled your sleeve up, showing him the inside of your forearm and the dog tags that graced your skin. He stepped forward gently taking your arm in his hand so that he could study the markings on your skin. Tracing the outline and the words that he could see before smiling.
“What does it mean?” you asked softly looking at him through your lashes.
“It’s um,” he cleared his throat, “it’s my dog tags or at least the lower one is, it says my name, then Captain America and the city I was born in, Brooklyn. The top one however is something that I always seem to say when I’m getting beat up in a fight in order to remind myself that I could do it. And the flower… I think it’s the flower from my birth month? I was born in July so I think it’s a reference to that.” You nodded at his explanation, his fingers still gently tracing over your skin, causing goosebumps to pop up from the feeling.
“So, would you like to watch the movie with me? We can start it over so that you won’t be lost. I know that you struggle with pop culture, old man.” You smirked at him as you spoke, he just rolled his eyes.
“Be careful, this old man could still show you a thing or two.”
You laughed out loud at that, your laugh changed to a squeal when you felt him wrap his arms around your legs and throw you over his shoulder. 
“Ahh, let me down!!” you beat at his shoulders trying to get him to release you but he wouldn’t budge, he just continued to carry you until you ended back in the living room and he threw you down onto the couch. He wasn’t even breathing hard after carrying you up 2 flights of stairs, jerk. 
Tony was nowhere to been seen as you restarted the movie. You ran and grabbed some more popcorn to share, pouring in some M&Ms before plopping back down next to Steve and pulling on your couch blanket. It didn't take long for you to cuddle into his side and for your eyes to droop. 
Steve smiled at you when he realized that you had passed out before you even got to the part he had walked in on earlier. He didn't mind though, he just got comfortable and pulled you in closer before allowing himself to relax and fall asleep. 
Tagged Users: @writerwrites
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herwritingartcowboy · 3 years
‘Bad’ Marriage
I’m doing two underrated characters Gustav (Jerichos Brother) and Simon. Till next time bye my butterfly’s
Minors Don’t Interact
Fandom: Seven deadly sins
Character(s): Simon
Warnings: Toxic, cussing, smut
You were a strong holy knight even said you can stand or even beat Gilthunder in a solo fight. So how would everyone react to learning you got married to Simon of the emerald (or ruby can’t remember). 
It was more of a force on yourself as your mother was descendants of the demon Cusack and for her to marry your father Hendrickson, you had to continue that bloodline. For so long many have asked for your hand in marriage but you would say no (but as a baby and child you mother and father stepped in).
Simon would always be amazed by your beauty and strength but would never admit it, always thought you were out of his league but was surprise when you asked for his hand. 
He thought it was a joke at first only for you to take out a ring for only then he said yes. The real reason you asked for his hand is yes you want to continue your bloodline no matter what your parents try to say, but Gilthunder and Griamore were with the princesses and Howzer being one of your close friends couldn’t commit a relationship sense his sister needed him. 
The day of your wedding was actually good as you both said your i do’s but when you were both alone you did not make a move. “Y/n you okay” “i’m fine but i must leave” “What, we just got married” “If all you want is sex then go fuck yourself or get a hooker” “But Y/n it’s not that i know you a strong holy knight but i just want-”. You slammed the door behind you as you got on your horse and left.
Time skip-
You got back to your home as you walked in to see Simon sleeping on the couch, you can only grab a blanket placing it on him as you made dinner. Simon woke up feeling a little shake as his eyes fludered open to wide awake as he shall you. “Y/n! When did you get back, are you okay, oh my goddess” “Don’t soak your panties i was only gone for three days, now dinner is ready” “Okay.
You and Simon sat at the table in silence only hearing the forks on the plate and refilling of your cups. “So what did you do when i left” “Oh well i patrol around and did some chores, You?” “Well i had meeting killed a few monsters and i did go say hi to my mom and dad” “How are they” “They are okay” “Y/n your eye”. 
You touch your eye, “What is it” “You have a dark marking”. You then rushed to the bathroom seeing tow like arrows you couldn’t help but smile. “Y/n you okay” “Ha i knew i would  get this guess mom was right” “What are you talking about?” “You don’t need to know but i need to go out again” “Y/n really what about the dishes” “Can you handle it i have shit to do”.
Simon was upset first on your wedding night now this he was suppose to be your husband but he knew you would turn around. 
You did come back an hour later and went to your bed only to see Simon reading a book. Without saying nothing you went to bed.  
Time skip- 
Now that everything was over you had time to be with your family. Your first date with him was a horse back ride as Simon held onto your waist as speed around the field. 
Simon was happy you were finally treating him like your husband. When Tristan was born it hit you that it was time to have you offspring as the couples you knew were ready to have children. so you brought up the question, ‘ready to have kids?’. 
Simon can only moan as you bounced up and down sucking on his neck. As you rubbed his already hard nipples. He cried out your name holding onto your hair as his eyes roll back. “My prince, my love, you ready to cum” “P-please Y/n!”, Simon came inside you as you both tried to catch your breathes as you kissed his lips smiling.
(Smut over)
Soon you became pregnant with your child as you smiled when Simon hugged you rubbing your stomach
“Mommy, daddy your going to be grandparents!”, you yelled hugging your mother as you mom rubbed your back. “I’m happy dear this is what you wanted” “Yeah, and i promise i will do my best to be like you mom” “Don’t be like me my dear child that is what i always taught you” “But mom” “Y/n listen to your mom” “Thank you Hendy, but where is Simon” “Oh he went to go tell Slader the news” “But i need the two of you i need baby names”.
Time skip-
When it was time to give birth they had to drag Simon out the room sense your demonic magic was out of control. Simon was the first to see the baby as they had your H/c and his eyes. Simon held his baby as he cried when the baby started crying only for you to take the baby.
Time skip-
You raised your daughter teaching her all different skills she will need to know in life. You and Simon were doing good till you were called to the field hearing about chaos knights. “Y/n thye really need you out there again” “Yes have a problem” “Mum where are you going?”, your daughter came up to you as she tilt her head.
“Mom will be back again i promise”, you smiled as knee down with your hand on your chest. You soon left as D/n asked Simon to play with her and her dolls.
Time skip-
Simon rushed to the clinic with your and his daughter as he got new you were badly hurt during battle. Simon rushed to your room whe he shall you he can’t help but cry as he went to your side seeing you like this broke his heart as your daughter stood there seeing you like that and her father crying pushed something in her as a nurse came in.
You were able to go home and when you did Simon was be on pissed, “What the hell did i say you promised!” “Don’t you dare yell at me!”. You both argued for the whole night as you stood up all night doing paper work. 
The next day you woke up on your desk as you went to see Simon cooking. “Morning” “Morning, D/n wants you outside”, you only nod as you went outside to see your daughter use a long stick as a sword.  You watched seeing how she is still young. “D/n you okay” “Mum i want you to train me or can i train along side Edlin” “Wait hold on why” “Cause i don’t want you and dad sad and yell” “Sweetie you don’t have too, mum and dad just didn’t agree on something”. 
You daughter looked down as you scratched the back of your head, “I’ll take you to Howzer see what he has to say, but are you sure you want to be a holy knight?” “Yes!”. 
“Simon your sure we can let her do this”  “Y/n you already told her yes” “I know Simon but remember the holy war i can’t let her go through with that” “I know i’m scared for her too but if she is like her mum i know she will be okay”. You hugged you husband as he rubbed your back.
“You know i knew why you married me in the first place right?” “...” “But i was right i just waited for your love”, Simon said smiling only for you to pull his face to yours. 
“I always loved you”.
Tags-@mamanaga @fourcefulcupid
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btswrckd · 3 years
Hunting a Hybrid VI
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Black Panther!Hybrid Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Summary:  Four years after it’s made illegal to acquire hybrids as pets, you’re  approached by the daughter of your former employer to hunt down one that  had been gifted to her
Warnings: violence, mentions of past abuse, mentions of blood, slight fluff, angst, poorly written smut
A/N: It’s here! I apologize for taking so long and truthfully, this chapter isn’t as well edited as I wanted it to be, but it’s been so long since I updated and the longer I waited, the more guilty I felt for not getting on my own ass and continue writing. I actually wrote more than this but it’s not polished enough for me to add on. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy!
Oh, and the songs I listened to while writing were Heaven Help Me by RAIGN, Inside of Me by RAIGN, the Eric Lee Gravity Remix of Unsteady by X Ambassadors, and Walk Through the Fire by Zayde Wolf
The wet smell of dirt invaded your nostrils, making you scrunch up your nose in discomfort. Allergies were a bitch but Sangchul didn’t sympathize with your stuffy nose and pounding headache. A sharp hiss  escaped you as your grandfather tightened the blindfold around your head with more force than necessary. The added pressure against your temple made your eye twitch and your fingers curl into tight fists. 
“The comfort and ease of having all of your senses is a privilege, not a right. Some people have all of them, some people only have a few and must learn to adapt to the world around them.” Sangchul rasped as he stepped in front of you. “You may have all of them but what happens when some of the most important ones are taken away? Come at me.”
The urge to roll your eyes was great but what was the point when he couldn’t see you do it? Defying Sangchul was not a smart decision and years of punishment for the smallest of things should have taught you to know better. But defying him also gave you a sense of pride knowing that no matter how deep his claws ran, it wasn’t enough to have complete and total control over you. 
You huffed and lunged toward his voice but found yourself landing flat on your face. He was quick for an old bastard but he’d also had more training and experience than you did. You stood slowly and listened for the barest hint of where Sangchul may be but so far the only thing that caught your ear was your own heavy breathing. Birds chirped, the wind whipped against the trees, leaves fell to the ground, and somewhere a twig snapped in two.
You whirled around, thrusting your fist into what you hoped was your grandfather’s face but he gripped your wrist tight and used his other hand to land a swift jab to your stomach. It was quick and painful, leaving you to double over and dry heave as you tried to catch your breath. Sangchul was strong despite looking fragile, and that strength was made known every time you trained.
He didn’t give you the time to recover, instead moving to land a heavy kick to your rib cage. You coughed and lifted yourself with one arm while the other wrapped around your torso. The sound of his boot leaving the ground once more gave you the chance to gauge how far he stood from you, but you hadn’t realized how close to a tree he’d cornered you. Your back hit the trunk so hard that it knocked the air from your lungs and Sangchul was shoving his steel toed boot into your windpipe. You gasped for air but he kept you pinned, pressing on your neck until you were sure you’d pass out. One of your hands curled around his ankle, desperate to pry his foot away as your other hand tapped against his calf in surrender so he’d let you go. Neither of which happened. 
“You have two free hands, you moron.” Sangchul’s voice was calm as if he weren’t about to choke his granddaughter to death. “You want to live? Then fight.”
Air was becoming minimal and your already obscured vision was beginning to darken. There was always a small part of you that knew your grandfather would some day kill you, but here and now would not be the time. Your nails sunk into the fabric of Sangchul’s pants deep enough to break through to his skin and he hissed as you raked your nails up his calf, slicing and marring the flesh as you went. You weren’t allowed a knife or any kind of weapon when in training so you had to improvise, tearing at Sangchul like a wild animal until he was forced to remove his boot from your neck. You slumped to the ground and gulped in as much air as you could, gasping and coughing until your throat was raw and burning. Prying off the blindfold, you looked up to Sangchul with murderous intent. 
“You son of a bitch!” You sobbed, frustration and pent up tears surfacing without your permission. “What the hell is the matter with you?! You were really trying to kill me!”
“I was teaching you, you ungrateful brat!” He roared back, clutching at his injured leg. He lifted the leg of his pants and clenched his jaw at the blood trickling down his calf. “Where is it? Where’s your knife?!”
“I don’t have one,” you panted as tears rolled down your cheeks and you swallowed another sob threatening to wrack your body. 
“Bullshit!” Sangchul seethed before limping towards you and crouching down to grab at your already sore throat, forcing you to your feet. “The rules are no weapons during training, Y/N! You expect me to believe this kind of damage was done with just your fucking nails?”
You clawed at his arm, but the lack of strength and breath  wasn’t nearly as harmful as the adrenaline filled attack from earlier. You kicked your leg out as a last ditch effort to push him back, landing a surprisingly solid hit to his gut and he stumbled back. You weren’t sure what came over you or what kind of games your own body was playing, but there was enough left in you to tackle him to the ground. Using one knee to pin Sangchul’s bicep to the ground and the other knee to pin his wrist down, you raised your fist high in the air and brought it down across his face three times before he was fighting back. 
Sangchul pushed against your frame, rolling atop you and taking hold of your neck once more to keep you in place while he delivered blow after blow to your stomach more so than your face. The metallic taste of blood coating his gums fueled every punch and became the driving force behind the final hit to your cheekbone. He stood over you ruthlessly as you groaned and turned on your side to painfully curl into a ball, blood gathering on the corner of your mouth. 
“Your father might not have been as talented as you’ve become at hunting but he was never stupid enough to go against me either. You must get that from your mother.” Sangchul used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood gathered on his own lips and spat globs of it on the ground. “Get up and find your way back to the house or lay out here all night and freeze to death.”
Mud, tears, and blood stuck to the side of your face that now sported a broken cheekbone as you listened to his retreating footsteps. A heavy moan sliced the otherwise quiet air and it took you a moment to realize the sound came from your own mouth. You could already feel the bruises forming on your torso and wondered if he’d broken a couple of ribs. Taking in a sharp breath only made the pain worse and another wail shook the trees, scattering the birds that had witnessed your beating. 
You were unaware of how long you stayed on the ground, but it was dark by the time you managed to gather enough resistance to the ache in your bones before carefully standing up. You limped slowly through the desolate woods that only your grandfather could navigate and found yourself at his home almost the next morning. He stood with crossed arms and a cruel smirk on his lips, leaning against the door frame and greeting you casually. He took in your disheveled state, from your torn up pants and shirt to the swollen welt on your cheek.
“Well,” Sangchul chuckled as your body shook with the attempt to keep yourself standing, “I honestly didn’t expect you to make it back. It would take your father days before he recovered from his lessons. Your strength comes from your will to live, Y/N, and your father didn’t have enough of it. Let’s not make yesterday a regular occurrence. I’d hate to have to kill you before you’’ve reached your full potential.”
“Blood,” Jungkook breathed, dropping his chopsticks to his plate and standing from the couch quickly. His sudden outburst made Seokjin jump in his seat before he was up and trailing closely behind Jungkook. 
“Does it smell familiar?” Seokjin questioned. If it was your blood then he wanted to be prepared for how Jungkook may react.
“No,” The panther scrunched his nose up in disgust, “It’s not a lot either, it’s faint. It’s not Y/N’s.”
His senior huffed out a breath of relief, placing his palm against his chest and letting his posture sag a little. The tension in his shoulders was long gone by the time they made it to Taehyung’s apartment, Jungkook stopping at the foot of the door. Seokjin pulled his eyebrows together in confusion before he heard the muffled conversation.
“Holy shit, you should have seen it!” Hoseok was giddly explaining the fight to Taehyung, whose arms were crossed and glare focused solely on you. “She beat the shit out of them! And scared Suho! I mean he pretty much pissed his pants!”
“Hobi,” Yoongi interrupted his friend with a pat on his shoulder, nodding to a decidedly unamused Taehyung and your sheepish face as you bowed your head in apology for getting into another fight. “Maybe spare the details, okay?”
“Oh, right,” Hoseok flushed; he hadn’t meant to get caught up in the excitement but he’d only ever heard stories of your fighting skills and barely caught a glimpse of them when the fight broke out with Xiumin and Kai.
“Are you out of your mind?” Taehyung hissed after Hoseok finally calmed down, bracing his hands on the kitchen table and leaning over to scold you like a parent would a child. “You were only supposed to meet with the detective, not start a brawl with Suho and his men. You said you didn’t need backup so I let you go alone and now you’re in our kitchen covered in someone else’s blood. You know there’s a hybrid upstairs right now who’s probably already caught on to your scent and he’s going to come rushing down here any second to check on you. I don’t need a pissed off panther busting down our front door because you’re too stubborn to let anyone help!”
Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a surprised glance, neither of them ever hearing Taehyung lecture you as harshly as he had been in that moment. Yoongi whistled low as Hoseok looked to the ground in hopes of avoiding Taehyung’s wrath after expressing how much he admired your skills. Yoongi wasn’t all that surprised to find that you didn’t even bat an eye at your friend; you’ve obviously gone through this argument before.
“Are you done?” You sighed, standing from your seat at the table to head for the sink and run your hands underneath hot water. Scrubbing at the blood staining your knuckles, you hissed at the cuts lining them and cursed at the thought of your hand swelling. “Jungkook isn’t going to come down here. In case you’ve forgotten, he hates me right now so I don’t think you need to worry about that, Tae. It wasn’t like I was looking for Suho, he came to me so what was I supposed to do? Let him and his men beat the hell out of me?”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” Taehyung argued, “I’m---.”
“It’s not like I’m proud of what happened today,” You interrupted him, shoulders dropping. “It wasn’t exactly fun to use Suho’s trauma against him. You think I don’t remember what I did to him? How twisted I used to be?”
Taehyung opened his mouth to disagree but the beeping of the keypad caught his attention, the door swung open as Seokjin stepped inside with Jungkook behind him. Everyone stilled as the panther came into view, your back still facing him at the kitchen sink. 
You could feel Jungkook in the apartment. The pull of his mark was so intense that you were tempted to throw yourself in his arms. You sighed as you felt a headache coming on stronger than usual but addressed Taehyung, “you could have gotten killed that night and I admit, the way I handled it bordered on unhinged. When I hurt Suho, he was just a new hunter looking to make a name for himself and because of what I did...I made him who he is. I’m not proud of it, Taehyung, and running into him today just reminded me of the kind of person I used to be.”
Jungkook’s spine straightened as you finally turned to face him, locking eyes with him as he listened when you said, “I used to be a lot worse than what I am now, Jungkook. You may think Suho is just another idiotic hunter but the truth is that I did that to him. No hunter comes without a story and Suho? I’m his.”
“Y/N,” Seokjin put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze, “now might not be the best time.”
“You marked me, Jungkook,” You continued, stepping away from the sink and towards him, “we’re bonded and that was something you chose for us. You can hate me all you want because let’s be real, I deserve it. But everything I’ve done was to keep myself alive and then when Tae came along...he was my priority.”
Taehyung’s eyes softened when he saw the tears building in your own, threatening to fall with each step you took towards the hybrid. True, when he first met you the friendship was rocky, the ice in your veins making it difficult to gain your trust. He remembered when he finally broke through the wall you’d built and he became the most important person to you. He also remembered the night Suho had made a mistake and you nearly tore his head off for being incompetent.
“And then you,” Your broken whisper to Jungkook made Yoongi’s heart ache at how fragile you seemed compared to a few hours ago, “when you came to me, I knew there was nothing I wanted more than to protect you. So I reined a lot of myself in because I didn’t want to scare you. Last night when I said I’d always be a hunter...it was because I didn’t want to lie to you anymore. Hunting is who I am and yes, I’m scared of what could happen when this is all over. I’m going out of my fucking mind trying to figure out how...who I’ll be if I won’t be a hunter. I’m nothing without it but when you came into my life, being happy was the first thing that came to mind and you were right when you said I didn’t know how to handle it.”
Jungkook hadn’t noticed he’d been crying until you reached out to wipe his tears away, his cheek turning into the palm of your hand and his eyes falling shut. The ache in his chest grew larger the more you spoke, the pain becoming too much until finally, you touched him. Your fingers gliding along his cheek soothed him and the agony in his heart. 
You gasped when he pulled you into his chest, arms embracing your frame to his tightly as you buried your face into his shirt. You could feel his hot tears sticking to your skin when he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His body trembled in your hold much like Suho’s had earlier but this was for an entirely different reason, his gasping breaths flooding you with guilt that you’d made him feel so awful.
“Please stop being mad at me,” You whispered, fingers twisting the fabric of his shirt, “I can’t...be away from you.”
Jungkook could only squeeze you tighter and nod silently. He couldn’t be apart from you either and even though it had only been a day, he felt as though it had been an eternity since he last saw you. His hands slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips to keep you pinned to him. Holding you close felt like he could finally breathe again, his large frame slumping in your arms as his body betrayed him and let everyone in the room know just how exhausted he was.
One of your hands slid up the length of his chest to run your fingers through his long hair while the other wrapped around his broad shoulders. A relieved sigh escaped as you found yourself relaxing in Jungkook’s hold, the tension in your neck finally gone.
“Can I?” Jungkook mumbled into your neck, his lips brushing against the mark and canines tracing along it. The desperate need to freshen his claim clawed at his insides, especially with the faint smell of Suho all over you. Admittedly, he was planning on reclaiming you as it was, pissed at you or not, because he hated the smell of another man on your clothes and skin.
“Not here,” You blushed and tucked your face further into his chest, knowing full well that he could hear the blood rushing to your cheeks.
“Why not?” He nibbled on your skin as if prepping it for the sting of his teeth.
“Because we’re here!” Yoongi interrupted with a gagging noise so convincing that you had to jump back to see if he actually puked all over the floor. His joke, but not really a joke, serving as a reminder that you were not alone in the apartment. 
“Dinner?” Seokjin suggested loudly, face flushed and eyes boring into the floor. If anyone in the apartment knew just how intimate marking could get, it was him. He’s married to a hybrid, after all, and the times his wife reclaimed him often led to a night of passion so intense that they would forget they weren’t alone in the house and their daughter was just two doors down. 
“God, please!” Taehyung scrambled for his shoes and quickly shoved his feet into them. “I’m starving!”
“You were home all day and you didn’t cook anything to eat?” Hoseok scolded but was just as quick to throw on his own shoes and dash out the door.
“We’ll bring you something back,” Seokjin offered since going out for Jungkook wasn’t an option and figured it would do some good to leave the two of you alone. He shoved Yoongi to the door while the younger struggled against him, reluctant to leave you with Jungkook after your last night alone ended in disaster. “Come on, Yoongi, they’ll be fine.”
“But I—-AGH!” Yoongi yelped as he tripped over his own feet and nearly face planted in his attempt to get away from Seokjin.
When silence filled the apartment, Jungkook went back to laving at your neck with renewed vigor now that there was no one to interrupt. He heard the breathless call of his name but couldn’t really be bothered to fully understand what you were trying to say. 
The heat of his palms sliding underneath your shirt left goosebumps on your skin, a shiver running down your spine. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin of your neck as his hands travelled lower and lower, stopping briefly to squeeze the cheeks of your ass, and cupping the backs of your thighs to lift you onto the kitchen counter. Leaning back on your elbows, you laughed as Jungkook followed and loomed over your entire body.
“As sexy as this is,” You joked and smiled fondly at the twitching of his ears, “the marble of the counter is cold as hell, Kook, so maybe the bedroom…”
Jungkook was hauling you off the counter before you could even finish the sentence, your arms and legs clinging to his body, winding tight as he pressed your back to the wall instead. His eyes lit up that beautiful shade of emerald you came to love, irides slitting in true cat form and his canines elongating. The sharp prick of said canines made you squeak as they pierced your skin, a sound he seemed to take quite a liking to. 
“Oh,” You breathed, grinding against his crotch in a desperate search for friction. One hand tangled in his long hair while the other pulled at the button and zipper of his jeans until you were able to snake your hand inside. 
Jungkook groaned against your throat at the feel of your fingers wrapping around his length. He pulled away to lean his forehead on your shoulder, fingers gripping your thighs and parting them further to press against you even more. “Tell me, Y/N,” He whispered against your skin, “who is this I smell on you?”
“That answer depends on how pissed off you’ll get,” You laughed sharply at the feel of his claws poking out to grab at the muscle of your thighs possessively. “Judging by your claws, I’d say very.”
He growled out, using one hand to snatch yours from his jeans and pin it to the wall. “It smells like gunpowder.”
“Set me down,” You pushed at his chest, rolling your eyes as he grit his teeth and released his grip. With both feet firmly on the ground, you brought a hand up to run through the tangled mess of hair in order to think. “Suho’s guys, maybe?”
“They shot at you?” Jungkook couldn’t stop the growl rumbling from his chest if he tried. 
“No, but they must have fired their guns at some point during the day,” You looked at his face and winced at the shadow crossing his features. “Well it’s not like I would have been able to smell it on them. They ambushed me, all I did was fight back.”
“Yes. Against guns.”
“They didn’t have any on them when we fought,” You defended yourself but it really was just a poor excuse for not thinking Suho’s guys would be carrying. 
Jungkook sighed heavily and slammed his eyes closed before you could see the green coming forth. “Take a shower, Y/N, get the smell off you, and then we can go to bed.”
A scoff nearly made its way from your throat but he was right. Jungkook was sensitive to gunpowder and any kind of firearms; it stemmed from his less than pleasant encounters with them. You brought your arm up in a mock salute, earning yourself a glare as the words, “Yes, sir!” echoed down the hallway.
“Go,” He bit out and moved away to give you space to walk down the hall. Truthfully, he needed time to gain his bearings after catching a familiar scent. Not the gunpowder, but Suho himself. Suho’s stench had been all over Ye-Jin’s room when he first arrived at the Nam home. Judging by how much the smell lingered, Jungkook could only guess why the hunter spent so much time there. Ye-Jin’s escapades with Suho made Jungkook’s skin crawl, thinking of how hard she’d tried to seduce the panther himself. 
When the scent hit his nostrils, the panther in him was coming out full force and he needed to create some distance before he snapped. Now that he’d claimed you, the last thing he wanted was to cause harm by becoming feral.
The sound of running water made his ears and growing bulge twitch. He really needed to get a hold of himself. That thought had no time to be registered before his feet carried him to the bathroom. The handle was cold against his heated skin and he wasn’t at all surprised to find the door unlocked. A small nudge against the wood revealed your scattered clothes along the tiled floor, your scent invading his senses. Little by little, he shed his clothes as quietly as possible in hopes of giving you a small scare.
You really should have been paying more attention to your surroundings. Jungkook was the only one left in the apartment but you still should have been more careful in your decision to leave the door unlocked. The guys could have come back at any time.
“You should be more careful, baby,” Jungkook purred against your ear, hands snaking around to rest against your stomach and pulling your back to his naked chest. 
“Oh?” There was no reason to hide your amusement and he knew it. Your intentions were quite clear as you tipped your head back and met his shoulder. “Why is that?”
“Anyone could have walked in here,” He growled low, one hand clasping your hip while the other slid up to palm your breast.
“Anyone did,” You teased, gasping sharply at his wandering hands coupled with the feel of his lips at your neck. Steam enveloped the room and clouded your eyesight, leaving you at Jungkook’s complete mercy as his rough hands groped and ran about your torso. 
Water pelted Jungkook’s skin as he came to the realization that bathing with you would be his second favorite activity in a long time. The hand on your hip traveled lower between your legs until the tip of his index finger pressed against the bundle of nerves. The whining and whimpering had his ears flattening against his scalp as he pressed, circled, and worked at your clit ever so slowly. “Soon,” He promised softly, though for you an impending orgasm wasn’t soon enough.
“I will cut your tail off, panther,” You threatened lightly and his chuckle vibrated against your back. He enjoyed tormenting you, that much was obvious, deft fingers gliding lower and his other hand cupping your breast gently. “You’re an ass, Jungkook.”
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook smirked against your wet skin, sinking two fingers knuckle deep into your heat. “No ‘Kook’ this time, baby? That’s not very nice considering where my fingers are.”
“Please,” You groaned, head lolling forward and arm shooting out to press against the shower wall, pushing back against his erection. His tail wound around your thigh to pry your legs open, fingers pumping in and out ever so slowly.
“Please?” He mocked, ears twitching curiously at what may come out of your mouth next. In the short while he’d been living with you and Taehyung, he’d seen enough to know that you were not one to yield. To anything. So to have you begging and pleading for him was a pleasant surprise. “You want something from me, Y/N?”
“No ‘baby’ this time?” You hissed at the prodding of his fingers, deep and steady, and curled your own into a fist against the wall. “That’s not very nice of you, Kook, considering where my hand was earlier.”
“What if Taehyung had come in?” Jungkook hummed in your ear and let his thoughts run much wilder than necessary. What if Taehyung had come in? Or Yoongi? 
He wasn’t very fond of that idea given how close you were to them. His hand moved from your hip up to your throat, squeezing gently while you panted and squirmed against him. “Has he ever seen you naked?”
“Not now, Kook.” You groaned because yes, yes Taehyung had seen you naked before. He was the one you lost your virginity to years ago but Jungkook didn’t need to know that. “You really want to talk about Tae of all people right now?”
His thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing in tight circles as your thighs trembled and you whimpered out his name. “No, I’d much rather be inside of you but since the subject was brought up…”
“By you!” You yelped at the small press of his fingers against your throat and the way his fingers pumped faster. Your hips rocked in time to his hand, grinding into his hand and reaching your own hand back to tangle in his hair. “Jungkook, please.”
He smirked against your skin, ears perking up at the mix of pleas and threats spilling from your mouth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why you were deflecting and though usually he’d be upset by this new information, he was surprised to find it didn’t bother him as much as he’d first thought. His lips moved up the side of your neck, teeth nipping and sucking your skin. “You’re mine, sweetheart, aren’t you?”
Possessiveness was never really a turn on for you, but with Jungkook you found yourself clamping down on his fingers and nodding quickly in agreement. This, this was the panther in him and it was a huge relief to have him becoming more confident and comfortable. 
“Say it,” Jungkook hissed, pressing firmly on your clit as you tugged at his hair. “I need to hear you say it, baby.”
“I’m yours,” You moaned loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. “All yours, Jungkook. Only you.”
Your back was hauled against the shower wall unceremoniously, hands gripping your thighs, parting them as he sank deep inside in one solid thrust. Your fingers dug into his shoulders hard enough to break skin but he didn’t seem to mind. His lips were on yours roughly, muffling the strangled moan leaving your throat. 
Jungkook didn’t move, instead savoring the feel of your walls clenching around his cock. The kiss slowed to a languid press of your lips to his, your fingers combing through his shaggy hair and tugging on it to have better access to his neck. He closed his eyes, sighing in pleasure and winding his arms underneath your thighs, pulling himself back before surging forward again and again. The slow roll of his hips against yours had you panting and gasping with each solid thrust. You wound one arm around his shoulders, sinking your nails into his shoulder while the other hand gripped his hair so tight that you were sure he’d be bald by the end of the night. 
This wasn’t the same frenzied pace as the previous night, you realized. It was sweeter, softer in the way he moved and peppered your shoulder in kisses. Honestly it probably wasn’t a good idea to take your time since neither of you knew when Taehyung and the rest of the guys would be back. The last thing you needed was any of them walking in to see you and Jungkook going at it in the bathroom of all places. 
Seokjin, the maturer of the group, would most likely be the one to herd them all out yet again, but even he would crack some kind of joke about it. 
“I missed you,” Jungkook rasped against your mouth, breaking you from all thoughts as his thrusts became quicker and sloppier, one hand snaking between your legs to thumb at your clit once more. “Fuck, I missed you so much.”
You wanted to tease that it hadn’t even been a full day but you knew exactly how he felt. How empty and hollow your chest seemed with the distance and while you had spent most of your day occupied with the detective and Suho’s gang, Jungkook spent his holed up in an unfamiliar apartment with nothing but his own thoughts. Your nails bit into his scalp and he hissed at the feel, teeth coming down to clamp on his mark and tongue lapping at the skin. 
“I missed you too, Kook,” You whispered as his canines sank deep into his already prominent claim. You convulsed around him, body shaking and thighs trembling with the intensity of your release. “Fuck!”
Jungkook’s hand moved from between your legs to brace against the wall next to your head, a deep groan of agreement reverberating from his chest. The press of your knees against his rib cage, squeezing him tight, pushed him over the edge and he spilled into you. His mouth found yours in a deep kiss, tongue slipping past your lips as his hands massaged the tops of your thighs in soothing circles.
Three loud bangs against the bathroom door made you tense and pull away from Jungkook but he only shushed you as Taehyung’s deep voice boomed on the other side. 
“There better be hot water left, goddamn it!” Taehyung joked before striding back down the hall to the kitchen. He really wouldn’t have even gone to find you if Seokjin hadn’t insisted on it.
“Jungkook didn’t eat much earlier,” Seokjin had said when they returned to the apartment, “and I can bet neither has Y/N. They need something in their system.”
“But they already have each other,” Hoseok had mumbled and earned a nice slap across the back of his head from Yoongi. 
Taehyung shook his head before walking back into the kitchen to find Seokjin rummaging through his cabinets to find plates and cups. If anyone had told him a year ago that he’d have his best friend, a hybrid, and three older men that treated him like a kid rather than a hunter in his apartment, Taehyung would have laughed in their face. Still, it was comforting to have someone care for him like a person instead of a killer. His childhood was less than pleasant, his own father acting as if Teahyung were a nuisance and not the son he was responsible for. 
“Tae,” Seokjin frowned at the distant look on the younger man’s face, “are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Taheyung shook his head with a chuckle. “I was just thinking.”
Hoseok sat at the dining table with a tilt of his head, waiting to hear if Taehyung would elaborate further but Seokjin simply set a plate down in front of him before moving on to an empty space. 
“Then sit,” Seokjin smiled warmly and turned to the abundance of food waiting on the counters.
Yoongi peered down the hallway to the now empty bathroom, watching the swirls of steam seep out from the open door and grimacing at the thought of what happened while they were gone.
“Yoongi,” Seokjin called from the counter as he dug through a bag of food, “they’ll be out here when they’re ready. Come sit down and eat.”
Yoongi opened his mouth to protest when your bedroom door swung open and Jungkook strolled out fully dressed and running a towel through his hair. You weren’t far behind, also dressed in a baggy shirt and sweats, wringing out your hair in a towel. 
“Sorry, Tae,” You mumbled as you plopped down on a chair and avoided eye contact with everyone. 
“Just as long as there’s hot water left.” Taehyung playfully poked your side before you could scramble away from him.
“No, don’t!” You squealed, actually squealed, and launched yourself onto Jungkook’s lap as Taehyung reached out to tickle your side. 
Jungkook was sure he’d never heard anything sweeter than that. The sharp pitch of your voice slicing the air cutely before you were in his lap and clinging to him like a child. There was a grin on your face that no one except Taehyung had seen and Jungkook decided in that moment that he’d do anything to see it again.
“You’re such a baby,” Taehyung teased you, oblivious to the other men’s wide eyed expression, all four of them shocked that you could even smile that big.
You yourself hadn’t even noticed it and Yoongi caught a brief glimpse of the little girl you used to be in that one smile. It shook him to the core to realize how different you’d become and sure, he was used to the woman you were now but to see that little part of you from childhood still existed nearly made him tear up.
Jungkook’s arms were tight around your frame and he buried his face in your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of your shampoo, gripping your waist so hard that he was amazed you could still breathe. The small giggle that floated around the otherwise quiet apartment warmed his chest and he peeked up from your head to watch you poke Taehyung’s leg with your bare foot.
“Gross!” Taehyung wiped away at the invisible dirt on his pants as if you hadn’t just spent an entire hour in the shower. It eased the tension in his shoulders to be able to make you  laugh again, something he hadn’t been able to do in the past few months. He watched as you leaned into the crook of Jungkook’s neck and tucked yourself into the hybrids’ arms, a soft smile spreading across his lips. Taehyung often forgot how little of a childhood you actually had and that affection wasn’t something you easily accepted. But seeing you now, curled into the embrace of someone who looked at you with stars in his eyes, Taehyung had to tamp down the sob threatening to escape his mouth. He loved you like a sister and had wanted for so long to be able to escape the wretched life you’d known, but for years he didn’t think a semi-normal life was a possibility, until now. Now the dream of being able to walk the streets without looking over both of your shoulders was slowly but surely becoming a reality. 
Seokjin leaned his chin against his palm and wanted to scowl at how happy Jungkook was compared to two hours ago. The grin on the hybrid’s face was enough for Seokjin to forgive the way Jungkook had spent the entire day sulking about the upstairs apartment and mumbling under his breath all the ways the argument could have gone if you hadn’t been so stubborn. Love was a fragile thing and while Seokjin was sure neither you nor Jungkook had fully realized just what was happening between you two, it was quite clear the kind of lengths each of you would go through to keep the other safe. It could be argued, mostly by Yoongi, that the relationship was more lust than anything else but Seokjin knew Yoongi’s obsessive need to protect you stemmed from his knowledge of your upbringing. 
“Can we talk about your meeting with Namjoon?” Yoongi raised a brow in your direction. “If I’m not mistaken, it didn’t go entirely as planned but he didn’t shut down the idea either.”
You felt Jungkook tense and press a kiss to the top of your head. “He’s well aware of the risks being taken if he chooses to help us with this, but he’s on board. We’ll set up another time and place to meet soon. Hyungsik’s expecting progress too and he’s agreed to have Suho back off for now. I’m not sure how long that will last or if it even works at all, but our run in today will keep him at bay for at least a week, maybe two.”
“Depends on how fast he’ll recover.” Taehyung shoved a good portion of jjajangmyeon into his mouth and followed it with a long drink of water. “Suho’s never been quick to jump back into an assignment no matter how much he was or wasn’t injured. Despite his reputation, Suho only gets his hands dirty when it comes to showing up Y/N, but even then it’s usually as a last resort. I was surprised to hear how fiercely he was going about this one, then again it could be the reward money that’s keeping him so driven.”
Hoseok huffed from his seat and raked a hand through his hair. “If we can’t steer Suho in a different direction even for a little bit, then this will all be for naught. Two weeks sounds like a long time but not for us, especially with Hyungsik breathing down Y/N’s neck. Taking care of Suho should be the first priority right now.”
“Well, you’re not wrong.” Taehyung nodded his head in agreement and looked to you, watching the gears in your head turn as you became quiet. “Whatever you’re planning against Suho might give Hyungsik a reason to give you some breathing room. Suho’s a good hunter but he’s messy and not exactly shy about how he makes a living. Hyungsik is in a hurry to get Jungkook before Suho can make a public spectacle about all of this. With him out of the picture, it could give us the opportunity to ask Nam for more time to find Jungkook.”
You knew Tae was right. Hyungsik was always quick to hire you for a job because you were quiet and undetectable, something a lot of other hunters hadn’t quite mastered and with the new laws in place, it would be disastrous if the news that Hyungsik was still harboring hybrids became public knowledge. You also knew that Hoseok was nervous about Suho popping up unnecessarily but you looked to him and said, “Suho’s recovery time isn’t something to worry about. Like Tae said, it could take two weeks before Suho shows himself again and maybe even more. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Suho, it’s that he can’t take the chance of not being at full strength when he goes up against me again.”
“Why were you able to bounce back from his men so quickly but it’ll take Suho weeks to come back from almost nothing?” Hoseok wondered with a curious tilt of his head. He didn’t notice the tight grip of Yoongi’s hand on his cup, or the way Taehyung winced at the question. He only noticed the smallest hint of your nostrils flaring before you covered it up with a smirk.
“Endurance training.”
“Again.” Sangchul’s command was sharp. His fighting skills even more so as he dodged another swipe of your fist.
Blindfolded. Again.
Which meant relying on your ears and nose to detect him. He’d started out the day clean but as training went on, he began to sweat and while the smell was not revolting, it was also not flattering. The sound of his heavy boot alerted you to his movement as you thrust your elbow back and connected with the palm of his hand. Damn. He’d seen it coming and managed to counter your hit.
He pushed your elbow forward, sending you staggering out of reach. He watched as you whipped around quickly and brought your hands up to defend yourself if need be. Slowing his breathing and staying entirely still, he watched the fleeting look of panic in your frown. He didn’t want to admit how much you improved since your last session a few weeks back. The lessons would have continued the next day but there was tension in the air every time you were in the same room as him, the kind of tension that made him uneasy. He wasn’t willing to find out how far that tension would push you, so he made himself scarce far more often than he should.
A hunter with skills such as his should not be scared of a sixteen year old girl. He’d have laughed in someone’s face if that person had told him that his granddaughter would one day unnerve him. The day he left you in the woods after beating the ever loving hell out of you had changed something else in you. Something mischievous, rebellious, and down right evil had swirled in your eyes the moment you stepped out of the trees and into his line of sight. You hated him, he knew that, but he wanted to think that you were reliant enough of him that you wouldn’t use the skills he taught you against him.
Last time he didn’t give you time to recover, so you had expected him to attack you as soon as he let go of your elbow. You grit your teeth when he didn’t take a swing at you as he had before. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears, drowning out any kind of noise Sangchul would make. He had to have known you couldn’t hear anything but the deafening sound of your own breathing. What could only have been seconds felt like hours before he finally moved, the soft crunch of boots on dead leaves had you ducking an oncoming punch. As you crouched to the ground, the quick woosh of his other boot kicking up dirt had you placing your palms out towards his kick, blocking his assault. You were on your feet quickly, the heel of your steel toe boot catching on the root of the tree behind you but you held steady and acted as if you were going to fall backwards. 
Sangchul lunged forward even further, attempting to grip your shoulders to pin you down, but you gained your footing not a second later and he found himself pressed face first into the rough bark of the tree.
Your forearm was at the back of his neck, only one of his hands wrenched behind his back because there wasn’t a way for you to grab both. Your tiny victory was short lived as he used his free hand to push off the tree and spin around. His wrist rotated out and around to take hold of yours and pull it taught in the air. You cried out in pain after a sickening pop sounded around the woods.
“Clever.” Sangchul admitted with reluctance. “You’ve paid attention. Attempting to get out of my hold will only result in dislocating your shoulder. Which is exactly what needs to happen to get away from me. What will you do, Y/N? Are you willing to pop your own arm out of its socket to escape me or will you---?”
You didn’t give him the satisfaction of finishing his question before you were twisting your body out of his grip, shoulder popping out of place so unnaturally that Sangchul could have thrown up if he weren’t so damn impressed. Dropping to one knee, you panted out of exertion and the scream echoing through the trees. 
Sangchul could count on one hand the amount of times he’d had to teach the same lesson to his own son only to have it end in Donghoon crying and cowering in the corner of his room all night. His eyes were comically wide as you stood from the ground with a renewed sense of purpose, your shoulder hanging limp as sweat beaded across your forehead. It was as if the pain was your sole purpose to keep going and the determination to remain unafraid of him propelled you forward.
Your shoulder was hot, your body gradually warming with it before it started to feel like your whole being was on fire. The flames licked the back of your neck and shoulder blade, rendering your arms useless but not your legs as you swung around and landed the most satisfying kick to your grandfather’s jaw. The crunch of his bones and the thud of his body hitting the ground had a grin splitting your lips viciously, a smile cold and cruel that you’d seen him don thousands of times before. You didn’t have to see his face to know the power shift had begun. You could hear it in the way he struggled to breathe.
Taehyung quirked an amused brow at the way Yoongi burrowed further into the couch like a petulant child when Hoseok was trying to get him to leave. 
“Hyung, come on.” Hoseok ran a hand down his face, unwilling to believe that his senior could be so immature. “We’re due to open the bar in an hour and it’s a 30 minute drive from here. We need to leave now.”
“Let’s take a night off,” Yoongi suggested with a fake yawn and stretched himself across the length of Taehyung’s couch. He crossed his feet and brought his arms up behind his head as a makeshift pillow. “One night won’t hurt us.”
“I don’t think Taehyung appreciates you taking over his home without talking to him first.” 
“I have extra blankets and pillows.” Taehyung offered up as Hoseok shot him a glare from across the room. “Though if you’re only staying to keep an eye on Y/N, then it would probably be better to camp out in front of her door.”
“That’s not happening.” Jungkook came up beside Taehyung with a stern look on his face. Two weeks ago, he would have cowered at the sight of Yoongi after getting a gun pulled on him, but now Jungkook refused to be scared. 
Yoongi’s nostrils flared at being challenged by the younger hybrid and he scowled at Jungkook. “Oh yeah, kid? What makes you think she’ll be as quick as you are to kick me out?”
Hoseok buried his face in his hands, tired and sleep deprived from the long nights at the bar and the long days spent helping his new found friends. “You have a couch at home that you can sleep on, hyung.”
“I like Taehyung’s couch better.”
When Hoseok looked to Taehyung for help getting his friend out of the apartment, Taehyung simply hid a smile behind his hand. He opened his mouth to argue with Yoongi once more when you came down the hallway, footsteps so light against the carpeted floor that nobody would notice you if you hadn’t said anything.
“Go home, Yoongi.” You slapped at his feet before plopping down on the couch and tucking your feet underneath your thighs. “If Tae wanted you to invade his space then he would have said so.”
“He offered me extra pillows and blankets,” Yoongi sat up to face you, “I’d say that counts as an invitation.”
Jungkook had made his way to you at some point and scooped you up to take your spot on the couch, sitting you in his lap. The fresh smell of vanilla and lilac intoxicated him enough to press his face into the crook of your neck. 
Yoongi frowned in mock disgust and scoffed at the way Jungkook shot him a sly smirk. “The idea of sleeping outside Y/N’s room is tempting, but I think I’d rather sleep inside.”
Jungkook’s growl rumbled from his chest and against your back. You knew Yoongi was only teasing and meant no harm but Jungkook didn’t seem to share your amusement. “Maybe you should sleep in Tae’s room, Yoongs. He’s just as touch starved as you are.”
“I like to cuddle.” Taehyung nodded with the most serious look he could muster, blinking in surprise when a faint blush crept up Yoongi’s cheeks. 
You shot Yoongi a teasing smile, “what a coincidence, so does Yoongi. There were some nights he wouldn’t let me pry myself away.”
Heat prickled your bare rib cage as Jungkook’s fingers discreetly slid underneath your oversized shirt, the rough pads of his fingers leaving behind goosebumps. His palm flattened just underneath your breast bone, thumb teasing the hem of your bra, and pushing under the wire to skim across your nipple. You’d never pulled your knees to your chest quicker than in that moment, hoping to keep his hand from being seen roaming around. With the press of your knees, it kept Jungkook’s hand in place so he couldn’t venture further but he was not one to be deterred, instead wiggling his hand free enough to slide completely up and cup your entire breast.
“It’s not like you were complaining,” Yoongi’s voice brought you back to the present. “You showed up every night anyways so you can’t tell me that you didn’t like cuddling up to me just as much.”
Jungkook lightly squeezed your breast, kneading and pinching, all while keeping a face so impassive that you were starting to believe you were imagining things. His head tilted at the small hitch in your breath, ears twitching in delight, and he grinned when Yoongi caught a glimpse of your shirt moving where it should not be. 
“You--,” Yoongi began but Seokjin’s voice stopped him. 
“I think everyone should call it a night,” Seokjin suggested after catching the dark look in Jungkook’s eyes before Yoongi could call him out. “I also think if you’re going to stay here tonight, Yoongi, then you should be advised that this is also Jungkook’s territory now. Invading it aggressively will only end in less than pleasant results. Tread carefully.”
“Bed time.” Jungkook whispered against your ear, nipping it in the process and standing from the couch so quick that it made you dizzy. He laughed as you clung to him, padding down the hallway to your bedroom while Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Seokjin continued on with their conversation.
Taehyung threw his head back with a laugh that nearly shook the apartment. He hadn’t been so amused in such a long time that watching Yoongi scramble after Jungkook only to have the door slammed in his face had Taehyung doubled over in glee. He could hear Yoongi’s shocked sputtering all the way from the living room. 
Hoseok didn’t seem to be faring any better, clapping his hands while howling with laughter as well. It took a great deal to rattle Yoongi and Hoseok had only seen it happen a few times in all the years they’d known each other. Now that Jungkook was starting to show more of himself and how comfortable he’d become, Yoongi was left slack jawed a good portion of the time the group spent together. 
Seokjin couldn’t hide his chuckle as Yoongi came back down the hallway with a tic in his jaw. He was aware that the amusement and playfulness wouldn’t last long and the reality of the situation would once again crash into everyone like a brick wall. But for tonight, he would enjoy every smile, every laugh, and every teasing glance that passed between everyone because it would be short lived, and there was a high possibility of it all crashing down in flames. The odds against you were great and while you were stronger than most people, you were still human. With Jungkook at your side and bound to you, the hard shell of the woman you’d become was beginning to crack and Seokjin knew that if anything happened to the panther, you would lose yourself in your own head once more. 
It was no secret how special of a person you were to Yoongi. It was why he was still sulking around Taehyung’s living room instead of sleeping in his own bed. He was aware that Jungkook would sooner tear off his own arm than hurt you, but Yoongi still worried. The look of defeat after your fight with Jungkook was still fresh in Yoongi’s mind, and the way you fought against Suho earlier was just a taste of what could happen if you lost Jungkook again. There had been rumors about the vicious way you fought and he’d seen it first hand, but the encounter with Suho was on an entirely different level. Something in your eyes was inhuman, the curve of your smile struck a wicked resemblance to the grandfather you loathed, and Yoongi spent the entire time watching your eyes practically light up at the way you scared Suho. 
The person you transformed into the second Jungkook was back in your arms was startling. Yoongi didn’t think you could even still be that person, but Jungkook’s presence reeled in the part of you that lashed out against everyone and everything. You were starting to become that same little girl who would move heaven and hell to protect the ones important to you. Growing up, Yoongi had watched you save your mother from the drunken mess that was Donghoon. He’d seen you constantly jump in front of her, taking whatever slap or punch was meant for Iseul, and raising your head high as you hadn’t just been struck by a heavy hand. Time and again, you were scolded by your mother for getting involved, and time and again you would beg Iseul to pack up and leave Donghoon. The arguments often ended in you storming out of the house and stomping across the street to Yoongi’s house where he would clean you up and hold you in his arms until the crying and shaking stopped. 
The night your parents died, you were meant to be home. Meant to be helping your mother pack a weekend bag for a trip with that monster. But you’d argued with her before leaving for school that morning, screaming at her that one day Donghoon will do irreparable damage and you would not be there to pick up the pieces. Yoongi could still remember the agony on your face and in your voice when you ran up to the home that had become a crime scene in a few short hours. He remembered the screams, remembered the tears streaming down your face, and the desperate pleas for Iseul. He remembered being angry with his own parents for keeping him away from you when you needed him the most, but also remembered the way his father pulled him close and whispered in his ear that Sangchul was watching him carefully, that if he truly cared about you then he would let your grandfather handle the situation. He knew it was wrong, knew he should have fought harder to get to you, but then Sangchul was at your side and had taken hold of your shoulders with a solid grip. Yoongi wasn’t close enough to know what was being said or what could have caused the light to die in your eyes, yet he was able to watch what could only be explained as a switch being flipped and then you were no longer Y/N. Not the human part anyways. 
A large hand clapped Yoongi on the shoulder, shaking him from his walk down memory lane, and he looked over to find Seokjin’s brows pinched together with worry. He shook his head and gave his senior what he hoped was a smile. Seokjin could read Yoongi’s bullshit better than anybody and lately he’s been keeping Yoongi closer than ever, as if your presence would cause him to spiral down like it had when they’d first met in college. Yoongi couldn’t blame Jin for wanting to make sure he was okay, especially not after the frantic reaction he had when Jin called him the night you were injured. In all their years of being friends, Seokjin had never heard that type of fear in Yoongi’s voice or seen the trembling of his bottom lip once he saw the state you were in after leaving his bar.  
“It’s late,” Taehyung’s deep voice cut the tension in the air as he watched something pass between Seokjin and Yoongi. “We’re all exhausted and I’m sure none of you are up for the long drive home.”
Hoseok had already settled on the couch once he realized Yoongi would have to be dragged out of the apartment kicking and screaming if Taehyung really wanted him to leave. His eyelids were heavier than he expected them to be and soon his soft snores were drifting around the living room. His sudden slumber left Taehyung scrambling for a pillow and blanket so Hoseok wouldn’t be uncomfortable the rest of the night. 
“The offer to share my bed still stands,” Taehyung grinned at Yoongi after settling Hoseok in. The last thing he expected was for Yoongi to stomp down the hall to his room as if he owned the place. He turned to Seokjin and offered to sleep on the floor of his room so Seokjin could have the bed. “I really don’t mind, hyung. I’ve slept in worse conditions.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” Seokjin’s smile was endearing, a flutter of pride in his heart at being accepted by Taehyung. “Sleeping on the floor won’t be a problem for me.”
Taehyung nodded and led him down the hall where he flung his door open to find Yoongi spread out on his bed. He grumbled underneath his breath and shoved Yoongi to one side, creating space for himself before digging through his closet for the sleeping bag he’d bought years ago. He handed Seokjin an extra pillow and blanket, bidding him goodnight and good luck. “I had to sleep on this floor when I first moved in and I can tell you, it’s the most unpleasant night’s sleep.”
Seokjin bobbed his head and yawned, offering good luck to Taehyung in return. “Y/N’s right, you know. Yoongi likes to cuddle.”
Taehyung was ready to laugh at what he thought was a continuation of the joking from earlier but the arm that was quickly wrapped around his stomach made him squeak. He didn’t mind it and he certainly wasn’t going to object to Yoongi’s heartless facade finally crumbling. There was a deep and raspy chuckle that echoed around the room and he wasn’t sure if it was from Seokjin, or Yoongi. 
The faint smell of freshly brewed coffee drifting up Taehyung’s nostrils made him believe he was still dreaming, but the constricting hold of someone else’s leg curled around his was enough to startle him. He tried to bolt up and assess his surroundings until his back was squeezed to a solid chest, and it was then he remembered what had happened the night before. He looked at the hand pressed to his chest and trailed his eyes up the owner’s arm and to Yoongi’s sleeping face. 
Min Yoongi wasn’t just a cuddler, he was a goddamn boa constrictor with the way he clung to Taehyung with a surprising amount of strength. He wasn’t usually one for physical affection but he hated the feeling of an empty bed after you’d left years ago. To have someone next to him, be it man or woman, he didn’t care. He wanted the warmth of another body, the comfort of knowing the space next to him would be occupied when he awoke. He was well aware of the hesitation that came from Taehyung after the stunt Yoongi had pulled on Jungkook with a gun, which is why it had surprised him that Taehyung would offer his home as a place to sleep despite Yoongi having his own apartment. He liked to think it was because Taehyung was finally starting to accept him the way he accepted Hoseok and Seokjin.
A loud and obnoxious slurping coming from Taehyung’s bedroom doorway had both him and Yoongi groaning at being woken up before they were ready. Yoongi was tempted to throw a pillow at whoever it may be and seeing as how Taehyung fumbled around the bed to grip a loose one, it was clear that Yoongi was not alone in despising the morning sun.
“Well,” Your voice was dripping with amusement, a teasing lilt to it as both men’s eyes shot open to find that you were the one interrupting their sleep. “Don’t you two look cosy. I take it you’ve forgiven Yoongs then, Tae? Or this is a forbidden kind of thing that we’re all supposed to just pretend we don’t notice?”
“Get out!” Taehyung hissed, horror written all over his face as he noticed your phone poised and ready to take a picture. He was sure you already had a dozen or more since you took your sweet ass time waking them up. He would yell at you to delete them but there was a maximum of one photo on your phone, it being of you and your mother when you were still just a toddler. The fact that you were willing to keep a memento of a fonder memory at his and Yoongi’s expense was honestly okay with him. 
“Jin made breakfast.” You sauntered away from Taehyung’s room with your coffee mug, loudly announcing to Hoseok that he ‘just had to see this’, and Hoseok chirping ‘no way!’. Setting the mug down on the kitchen table, you heard fumbling, a thud, and then a loud groan before Yoongi came barreling down the hallway with accusatory eyes. “Good morning, Yoongs. How’d you sleep?”
“Don’t try that cutesy act on me, you little brat.” Yoongi glared at you, his eyes roaming your body in search of your phone. “Hand it over.”
Yoongi balked at your refusal, lunging after you and finding himself having to chase you across the length of the living room. He came close once or twice though he was sure it was more because you were just giving him a chance rather than he was actually as fast as you. Nearly tripping over the coffee table, he was appalled to see that you’d hidden behind Hoseok, and that Hoseok was full on shielding you from Yoongi’s hands.
At some point, Taehyung had finally emerged from his room and stopped short at the sight of a mischievous grin on your face. He didn’t think you even knew what fun was, but he had to remind himself that there had been a time when you were loved and cared for, and the man currently threatening to strangle Hoseok was one of the people who’d known you before your training. He had to wonder why Jungkook hadn’t stepped in yet when he looked to the kitchen and saw Seokjin setting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of the panther. 
The breakfast Seokjin had cooked up looked so mouthwatering that Jungkook didn’t even bother paying attention to you and Yoongi. In fact, it was entertaining to watch Yoongi attempt to keep up with your speed and agility. You moved so fluently and swiftly that Jungkook wondered how it was possible for a mere human to move the way he could in his panther form. When you launched yourself over the coffee table flawlessly and sprinted to him, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist as you plopped down in his lap. 
Yoongi was panting and two seconds from collapsing to the ground. You’d always been fast and nimble, two traits Yoongi wasn’t exactly envious of given the circumstances you’d gone through to obtain those abilities. He did, however, envy that you weren’t out a single breath while he was close to being dehydrated just from running around the apartment. “I swear to God, little one, if you don’t hand that phone over…”
“I don’t have it.” You smirked at him, accepting a forkful of eggs from Jungkook’s waiting hand. You had your own plate waiting right next to him, but given how long you left them to get cold, you couldn’t imagine they were appetizing. A fact Seokjin also factored in when he heard the commotion, now picking up the plate and shoving it in the microwave to heat up. You’d be surprised if it weren’t for the reminder that he was a parent, and that he must have gone through the same thing a million times with his young daughter. 
Taehyung had left the room a few minutes before and was now wandering back in with his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. Toothpaste was slathered all over his lips as he scrubbed at his teeth, not wanting to miss what else may occur in the battle between his best friend and Yoongi. He caught Yoongi’s eye and sent him a teasing wink, watching as Yoongi’s face flushed a bright red before he was sitting at the table to eat breakfast. 
Seokjin stood at the stove, munching on a strip of bacon and watching the scene unfold before his very eyes. The stark difference in your attitude and demeanor in the last few hours compared to the last few weeks since he’d known you left Seokjin baffled. The obvious flirting between Taehyung and Yoongi, who seemed to longer detest each other, caught him off guard. When he’d joked about Yoongi being clingy the night before, he did not expect to have seen Taehyung so comfortable in Yoongi’s arms. Seokjin didn’t want this to end, he realized. He wanted this every day and to introduce this new part of his life to his wife and daughter, to have his two worlds collide without the threatening weight of Hyungsik on his shoulders.
Hoseok set his empty plate in the sink, frowning as he turned to the table and brought up the crushing subject of the problem at hand. “I woke up to some disturbing texts this morning.”
You stilled in Jungkook’s arms, eyes flicking to Hoseok’s approaching figure.
“A hunter, Lee Dongwook, stopped by the bar last night because he had some information that he thought we’d find interesting.” Hoseok sighed and hung his head in frustration. “Some detectives were snooping around some local dive bars, said they were asking questions about previously known hybrid collectors. They wouldn’t tell anyone why but Dongwook was sure it had to do with some hybrids that had been found dead and their bodies dumped.”
“Meaning?” Yoongi wanted to shake Hoseok by the shoulders and hope that whatever he was hesitating to say would spill out. 
“It was the way their bodies were dumped.” Hoseok explained, his eyes boring into the side of your face. “No identification, no missing persons reports, no trace of the hybrid even existing. And the places they’d been dumped were void of any kind of evidence as to who could have done it.”
Yoongi’s gaze flickered to yours, which never seemed to leave the table. Bile gathered in his throat as he watched a sense of recognition flash in your eyes. “Get to the point, Hobi.”
“There’s only one hunter known to pull off a job like that.” Hoseok tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down so hard that he tasted blood. “Only one hunter that’s known to move like a ghost, blending and moving with the shadows.” 
“You didn’t.” Yoongi whispered over the silence that befell the apartment. “Little one, tell me you didn’t.”
“Not for a long time, Yoongi.” You stood from Jungkook and distanced yourself quickly. “Back when I first started hunting, it was easier to do a body dump than it was to actually catch a hybrid. At sixteen, nobody believed a girl like me could get the job done, so they saddled me with getting rid of the bodies.”
“God,” Yoongi breathed and stood up from the table, one hand propped on his hip while the other came up to cover his mouth lest the vomit stuck in his throat come spewing out. “What even…? How…?” He didn’t know what he was trying to ask, or why he was asking at all. He understood what you did as a hunter but he was under the impression that all you did was hunt. Somewhere down the line, he’d pushed the knowledge of your killings to the back of his mind and locked it away.
“I was a kid.” You inhaled deeply and looked to the ground, not sure you could bear the look in Yoongi’s eyes, or Jungkook’s for that matter. “Nobody would have suspected a kid, let alone question them for murder. Sangchul taught me how to get rid of evidence and set me out into the world of hunters and before I knew it... I was that ghost. I was that thing that could move in the shadows, Yoongi. My reputation started with those jobs.” Teahyung winced at the change of tone in your voice. To him, it wasn’t a surprise to hear about the beginnings of your hunting days. You’d told him all about it when you’d first met in hopes it would scare him away. But no. There was no scaring him away from you. 
“Are you trying to justify your shit by saying you were only sixteen?!” Yoongi’s voice boomed around the apartment and Hoseok had put a comforting hand to Jungkook’s shoulder. “All of it should be forgiven and forgotten because you were just a kid?! The world doesn’t fucking work that way, Y/N! Of course, those hybrids would never know because they won’t be getting the chance because of you! You destroyed them, you got rid of them, and didn’t turn back because it wasn’t your fucking problem anymore, was it?! Can you even tell me their names?!”
“Yoongi!” Seokjin tried to step in, watching the darkness swirl in your eyes as your gaze shot to Yoongi. 
“Seo-yun, Seung, Hyunwoo, Juwon,” You listed off name after name, your hands curling into fists at the memories each name brought up. The things you had done, the lives you had taken, and the slow, agonizing pain in your chest with each hybrid. “Changmin, Geon, Seokhoon.”
“Y/N, stop.” Taehyung pleaded, standing from the table and moving across the room but you stepped back. His heart cracked at the way you rejected him.
“Jeni, Areum, Bona,” You continued, chest heaving with anger as more names came spilling out. “Haneul, Nabi, Hwayoung. And so many more. Yes, I did that to them. Yes, I made them untraceable. But I was never the kind of ruthless that my grandfather wanted me to be. They died, Yoongi, but they weren’t tortured, at least not by me. To say their deaths were peaceful would be selfish, but they certainly weren’t painful either.”
“You killed them, Y/N.” Yoongi raked a hand through his hair, bewilderment and disbelief etched all over his face. “You ended their lives and you mean to tell me that you did it peacefully? Is there anything even remotely peaceful about being murdered?”
Your jaw clenched at his question. “What would you know about murder, Yoongi? You think because you happened to catch a glimpse of the damage my mother’s death caused that you’re an expert in the repercussions of it?”
“Don’t do that.” Yoongi hissed through clenched teeth. “Don’t try to justify your actions with your past trauma like you were the only one who lost something that day.”
Taehyung’s eyes darted to you as you took in a sharp breath. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He was downright terrified of the look in your eye. There had been but two times in the past years that Teahyung had called you out on your bullshit and excuses, and both times had ended in disaster.
“Iseul was important to me too.” Yoongi continued and watched as tears welled in your eyes at the sound of your own mother’s name. He could only guess that you hadn’t said her name out loud since the day she died, and hearing it now made you falter. “She wasn’t just your mother. She was the woman who made sure you were safe at all costs, made sure I was safe at all costs because you needed me. I needed you. We needed each other. She asked me to take care of you, asked me to love you the way you deserved to be because she knew that one day, your father would take her away from you. Iseul always knew that she wouldn’t live long enough to watch you grow all the way up, so she made me promise that I would always look after you no matter what. When she died, my heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces, and then you were gone too.”
Seokjin’s shoulders stiffened. He had never heard the full story of why Yoongi was so closed off and unwilling to make friends with anyone in college. Here and now may not have been the most ideal, but it was time everything came to light.
Yoongi’s hands shook as everything from that time came rushing back to him. The sleepless nights, the loss of appetite, the depression. All of it after you left town and not once since his reunion with you was he given the chance to let you know just how messed up he’d become.
“You were gone,” Yoongi continued, “and I couldn’t find you. It was like you fell off the face of the Earth. Do you know how helpless I felt? How desperate I became? For years I went out of my fucking mind because I didn’t know if you were alive or dead. I may not have had the same experiences as you after that day, but you can damn well bet that I was suffering too. Losing you and Iseul fucked me up just as bad, but I didn’t go off and become a murderer.”
“No. How could you?” You gasped through the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. The look on his face after learning the truth of who you’d really become reminded you of the time your mother had first looked at you the same way. Like you were the devil. “You weren’t born to the same monster that I was, Yoongi. You weren’t meant to be what I am. I know what you were going through. Every chance I had to get away from Sangchul, I went to find you. You were so broken that I couldn’t show my face knowing I’d have to leave again. When we got older, and Sangchul was dead, I kept my distance and you know why? Because you were finally happy again, and I thought if I showed up that I would only disrupt the new life you built. Look at you, Yoongs, you can barely look me in the eye knowing what you do now.”
Jungkook fought hard to resist his urge to spring up from his chair and hold you. He had admonished your decision to keep hunting, but that didn’t mean he didn’t fully understand what the life of a hunter meant. Yoongi’s bar was open to anyone and everyone, and although 90% of those people were hunters, he had never been fully immersed in their world. It wasn’t easy for Jungkook to forgive you and it certainly wasn’t easy to see it from your perspective, but surviving was your instinct just as it was his. Sometimes surviving meant doing things one would never be proud of and he understood that better than Yoongi did.
“The only reason I can’t look you in the eye is because I’m not sure who I’ll see when I do.” Yoongi blinked away his own tears, his chest aching with the newfound knowledge that you’d always been looking over him. “You have this mask that you put up whenever you start to shut down or need to keep someone at bay. That mask looks so much like Sangchul’s and Donghoon’s that I don’t even see Iseul in you anymore, Y/N.”
“That’s because she’s none of those people,” Taehyung had finally inched himself across the room enough to stand at your side without touching you. “Y/N is herself. Those people may have shaped her but over time, she created her own mould. Yoongi, you only want to see the little girl you took care of and no matter how many times you thought you could handle who she was, it wasn’t real for you. This, here and now, this is the reality we’ve lived and become accustomed to. You’re not ready for it. I don’t think anyone but me, Jungkook, and Y/N are, and yet here we all stand willing to take risks bigger than any of us had expected. I’m not saying you need to open your eyes and take in the cruelty of our world if you want to help, but that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“When was your last clean up job?” Seokjin didn’t want to ask. In fact, he was content with staying the hell out of the argument entirely, but someone had to shift the conversation back to where it began. 
“6 years ago,” your answer was immediate, giving Yoongi a little bit of relief that these last few bodies were not actually your work. “After I got my first tracking job, I never took on another clean up again.”
Hoseok perked up as if suddenly realizing something important. He dug his phone from his pocket to scroll through the text messages.”Dongwook said the other hunters didn’t give up your name to the detectives, but he heard chatter that maybe you’d started taking on clean up duty again.”
“How did he know to text you?” Yoongi asked him, almost glaring at Hoseok’s sheepish face. “Hobi?”
Hoseok scratched at his head nervously. “Dongwook was in the bar the night Xiumin and Kai attacked Y/N. He saw us take her to the back and figured we had dealt with her a different way but then he saw her leave and pieced it all together.”
“We’re really that transparent.” Yoongi sighed heavily, massaging the tension building at the nape of his neck. “If Dongwook figured it out then there’s no doubt that other hunters have as well.”
“Well yes, but who would really try and use it against us?” Hoseok shot a knowing look in your direction. “To them, the fact that we let Y/N go so easily that night just means we’re important to her. Nobody’s ever bothered to try and hurt Taehyung because they know what will happen if they do. In a way, the bar and us are under her protection.”
“Then who’s dumping the bodies? And who would be stupid enough to try and pin it on Y/N?”
“I’m still here.” You reminded them, tired of hearing them speak about you as if you weren’t present. Looking at everyone around the room, your eyes softened on Jungkook in apology. “I have to contact Namjoon today, before things get more out of hand. I’ll be gone for most of the day and maybe even tomorrow.”
Jungkook wanted to argue, wanted to lock you in the apartment even if he had to tie you up to do so, but he couldn’t do any of that. He could definitely try, and he didn’t think anyone else would object to it. Still, he couldn’t keep you from your nature or from your desperate need to keep him alive and well. Two days would be too long and that was just the minimum amount of time you’d estimated your absence. “Will Taehyung or Seokjin hyung be going with you?”
No, you said at the same time Taehyung said “yes”. You spun around to face him, lips pulled into a thin line. “You’re not going, Tae. I need you here with Jungkook.”
“Jungkook’s a full shifter,” Taehyung argued, “if anyone needs protection, it’s whoever is dumb enough to storm this apartment. Plus, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Yoongi can stay here with him, right Jungkook?”
“I’d feel better if Taehyung went with you.” Jungkook nodded at Taehyung in agreement. “It won’t be safe by yourself, and I’d rather not have a repeat of the night I had to stitch you up.”
You rolled your neck in irritation. Suddenly everyone thought arguing with you was a good idea and nothing pissed you off more than when Taehyung refused to see reason. You didn’t know what would happen when you met Namjoon and you didn’t want Taehyung in the middle of it. After spilling the secret of your grandfather’s death, you were sure Namjoon had something planned in order to bring you to justice. He wouldn’t be a good cop if he didn’t have a larger perspective. 
Without a word, you were storming to your room, changing from the baggy sweats and shirt to a pair of black tactical pants, a tank top, and a long sleeved thermal top over it. You pulled your hair into a low ponytail with a heavy sigh. “It isn’t safe to take Taehyung with me,” you called over your shoulder.
Jungkook wasn’t at all surprised that you’d sensed him in the room even if he hadn’t made any noise. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your stomach to pull your back flush against his chest. “I don’t even want you to go in the first place. If you don’t want Taehyung to go with you, then you’ll just have to stay here.”
You turned in his arms, resting your palms against the hard planes of his chest and sliding them up until your fingers were fiddling with the leather band around his neck. An ominous feeling came over you as you tapped on the tracking chip embedded in the charm adorning it. Something was going to go wrong, you could feel it, but voicing this to Jungkook would only further prove that whatever you have planned was not a good idea. 
“The longer I wait to set the rest of the plan in motion, the riskier it gets for you,” you stood on the tips of your toes, fingers sliding into his long hair, and pulling his mouth down to yours. It wasn’t a goodbye kiss, but it wasn’t an I’ll-see-you-soon kiss. You could tell Jungkook knew this with the way he secured your waist with one arm and his other hand tangled in your hair, tugging at the elastic band. 
He pulled you hard against him, deepening the kiss and nipping at your bottom lip until he was able to slide his tongue through your parted lips. He felt your nails dig into his scalp gently and he groaned against your mouth, savoring the taste of coffee on your tongue. He didn’t want to let you go, but the push of your hand against his chest forced him to release his grip. 
You pulled back to touch your forehead to his, both of you breathing heavily. You didn’t open your eyes to see his, it hurt enough that you were leaving, you didn’t need the image of his pleading brown eyes to be the last thing you’d seen before taking off. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” He whispered against your swollen lips. His hands fell to your waist where he bunched up the fabric of your shirt, his grip becoming too tight. “I thought you were a better liar than this.”
“I can’t lie to you no matter how hard I try.” You pressed a softer kiss to his mouth this time, bracing your palms against his chest and pushing away from him. Without giving him one last look, you were stalking out of the room. Your chest constricted with the ragged breath he puffed out to keep himself from crying. 
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thelastdrop · 3 years
Festival 2: Explanation
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TWICE Momo & TWICE Nayeon x Male Reader
3877 words
Categories: smut, threesome, oral
Read on AFF
You couldn’t get into the hotel room fast enough. Before you and Momo can scan the card to enter the room she’s already wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you in for a kiss. Once again taking charge she pushes her tongue into your mouth
Fumbling your way through the dark room, clothes are flying everywhere landing near each other on the floor as you take a seat on the edge of the bed. Momo makes quick work of your pants tossing them to the side and begins stroking your hardening cock in her hand.
Momo moves her lips up and down the side of your shaft before taking it into her warm mouth. Slowly and steadily taking you all the way down to the base, causing you to throw your head back onto the bed letting out a low moan.
When Momo had asked you if you’d like to go back to her room or your’s, you weren’t sure how to respond.
“Aren’t you sharing a room?” you asked curiously. She’d come here with all her friends so wouldn’t she be saving money by having her own place to stay?
“Our company is handling all our travel expenses, so each of us have our own room,” she cutely replies, swinging her shoulders.
“Oh well let’s just go to whoever's closer then.”
“Ooooooh eager to get me alone again, aren’t you?” Momo teases nudging you.
“How could I not be? I’ve wanted to see you begging for more since I laid eyes on you.”
“Begging for more huh?” a voice echoes from behind the both of you.
You turn to see Nayeon trailing close, almost too close, behind you two.
“So Momo you sure he’s the one you want to have with us while we’re here?” Nayeon continues, “I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to find someone to replace him now, you still have time.”
“Oh there’s no way I’m switching. Like I said before I know how to pick ‘em” she replies back, sending a wink in your direction.
“Well if you're so sure, you wouldn’t mind me tagging along would you? I mean our hotel is two blocks away so it must be the closer of the two rooms. And you’re going to need my help if you're going to make it to your room without them noticing.”
Without them noticing? What the hell did Nayeon mean by that? She must be talking about the rest of the girls, right? You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Momo then at Nayeon. Both seemed to be waiting on your approval of the whole situation.
“Well if it’s okay with Momo it’s okay with me.” Momo happily nods her head. She must really want to show you off to Nayeon the way she’s acting. “But I do have one rule, Momo gets fucked first we have… a previous arrangement.”
“That’s fine with me” Nayeon says, walking closer to you and placing her mouth close to your ear. “There are plenty of other ways you can take care of me while you fuck her,” Nayeon whispers, gently blowing on your ear.
Shivers run up your spine as she takes a step back and works out a plan with Momo. They both began talking in Korean, which you were only able to pick up on because your company deals heavily with importing and exporting goods to and from South Korea.
You still had no real grasp on the language, but could tell when someone else was speaking it.
Momo informs you of the plan. You’ll need to wait with her for about 5 minutes to let Nayeon have a head start, then you both can make your way to the hotel. Once Nayeon walks away Momo asks if you have any clothes in the backpack you’ve been carrying around all day. She scrounges around inside of it for a couple seconds and pulls out your favorite hoodie.
“Perfect! I was starting to get a little cold.”
A little cold? To you it felt super nice after how hot it can get in the middle of festival crowds being in the open air felt nice. And you could have sworn you saw Momo sweating while you were dancing together during Post Malhone’s set.
Nevertheless you and Momo made your way to her hotel. After a couple minutes of walking you notice Momo pull the hood up far enough to hide her face. Was she embarrassed to be seen walking with you? Once you got close and saw how much more extravagant it was compared to your own, which caused even more questions to start buzzing through your head.
As the elevator’s doors closed Momo quickly took off the hoodie and placed it back into your backpack. While still behind you she slyly snakes her hands around your waist she cups your dick in her hands.
“God I can’t wait to feel this stretch my tight cunt to its limits”
As you picked your head back up off of the bed to take a look at Momo giving you another mind blowing blow job, there was a knock on the door. Momo releases your dick from her mouth with a little pop.
“Don’t move.”
You give her a slight nod and watch her raise up walk toward the door. Watching Momo’s naked ass sway side to side as she strode toward the door, kept your dick firmly against your stomach as you waited for her return. You couldn’t wait to grab and squeeze it like there’s no tomorrow as you pound her into the mattress.
Momo moved onto tiptoes and peered through the eye hole of her door. Lowering herself down quickly, you watched her butt and thighs jiggle as she stepped to the side opening the door allowing the knocker to enter.
“Not even waiting for me before you st-” Nayeon’s words were cut off as she entered the room and saw you laying on the bed. “Holy shit Momo you really did pick a good one.”
“Oh trust me I know” Momo says cockily as she returns to her previous position.
Momo, not wanting to waste anytime, quickly takes you to the back of her throat. Swallowing around your head just like she had done several hours before. Working into a steady pace moving up and down your shaft, while her hands follow her lips twisting in a corkscrew motion is enough force yet another low moan out of your throat.
“I see you’ve started using some of my techniques now,” Nayeon says as she begins walking into the room making her way behind Momo.
“Oh my what’s this,” Nayeon coos as she kneels behind Momo. “Baby peach is soaked just from sucking on that big, thick cock?”
Nayeon reaches down and quickly shoves two fingers into Momo, causing her to hum around your dick sending vibrations throughout your body. Nayeon begins to furiously pump her fingers in and out of Momo’s cunt making an even bigger mess on the floor below her.
Momo’s lustful gaze is aimed directly at you while she continues to lather your dick in her spit and saliva, gagging every now and then as she takes you into her throat. Nayeon removes her fingers and brings them to her mouth. Momo lets out a whimper not wanting Nayeon to stop. Nayeon gives her a sharp slap on her ass, causing the girl to let out a muffled yelp, and locks eyes with you.
You are completely fixated on the stunning Korean girl standing in front of you. Nayeon begins strip teasing you as Momo continues working your cock and balls. Slowly crossing her arms and grabbing the hem of her top, she works it up her body revealing a delicious midriff, not quite as defined as Momo’s but still just as delectable.
She continues to pull it against her body, making you notice her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her top, signaling to you she must not be wearing a bra underneath. After a couple of quick jiggles she pulls it up far enough to free her tits with a bounce. While not nearly as big as Momo’s, the air of confidence that Nayeon has around her really accentuates her features. Biting her bottom lip she pulls it over her head and tosses it on the floor next to Momo.
With a slight spin she turns her back to you and grabs the waistline of her pants. Bending down, making sure to keep her pants tight on her ass, she slowly moved them down her legs freeing her delicious ass and thighs from the tight confines they were being held in. Almost instantly you notice that she was also going commando, giving you an excellent view or her already wet pussy.
Momo sensing you haven’t been paying attention to her takes you deep into her throat, forcing you to instinctively buck your hips up off the bed.
“Now Momo there’s no need to get jealous, you’re still going to get the first crack at Y/N,” Nayeon jests.
After several long seconds of being trapped in Momo’s throat she slowly rises up and releases you with a pop. Momo stands up chest heaving up and down, wordlessly her wonton body lets you know exactly what she wants. You reach for her arm and pull her onto the bed. You shifted into place over Momo and guided your cock toward her pussy. With a steady motion, you sank into her pushing all the way down. Feeling her tight walls stretch around you was almost enough to make you pass out after the intense blow job you had just received.
“Oh my God” you shuddered, hips bucking once at the feeling of Momo’s tight, wet heat. You needed to stay still though, feeling overwhelmed at how good it felt.
Nayeon came up behind you and pressed her bare chest onto your back. Feeling her soft tits roam up and down your back as her hands roamed your chest and abs just added to the sensations you were already feeling.
“Take it slow to start out” Nayeon whispered as she nibbled on your ear.
You gave a slight nod, pulling your hips back till your head is almost out, then sinking back in again. Momo’s tight walls continue their grip around you making each motion that much more difficult. Momo mashed her lips together at just how deep you were hitting inside her.
“F-Fuck your so big,” Momo moaned as you bottomed out inside of her.
Those words were all the encouragement you needed and caused a switch to flip inside you. Your hips took off, increasing in speed and strength filling the room with loud clapping sounds and your hips met Momo’s.
“Fuck!” She yelled as she grasped at your arms.
Nayeon sauntered her way up onto the bed leaving you without the warm sensation on your back you had become accustomed to. She straddled Momo's head, placing her pussy within licking distance of Momo’s mouth.
“We can’t have you making so much noise Momo, now can we?” She said as she lowered herself down onto Momo.
Momo began to hungrily lap at the folds before her now. Switching between long, slow licks and quick, focused ones around Nayeon’s clit.
“Shit Momo you always eat me out so well,” Nayeon moaned.
Feeling emboldened, you reached forward and grabbed the back of Nayeon’s neck and pulled her in for a lust-filled kiss. Keeping your hand firmly on Momo’s creamy thigh in an attempt to keep the pace that you were going, you pushed your tongue into Nayeon’s mouth fighting for dominance. Nayeon moaned into the kiss, throwing both her arms around your neck.
You then moved your hand downward till you found her nipple and captured it between your thumb and forefinger. You gave it a little tug which elicited another hum from Nayeon letting you know it was something she enjoyed. Opening your hand you palmed her tit and began to knead it.
Breaking the kiss you and Nayeon stared into each other’s eyes before you leaned back and grabbed Momo’s waist, lifting her up while increasing your pace once more. A long muffled moan escaped the lips of Momo as she continued to eat out Nayeon. She then moved her attention and latched onto Nayeon’s clit sucking it harshly. Nayeon let out a whine, moving both her hands to Momo’s swinging tits for stability.
As Momo gave one long lick along Nayeon’s folds, Nayeon started to buck her hips across the long, slick surface.
“Shit Momo I’m almost there.” Nayeon hissed out. Only lasting a couple of thrusts Nayeon’s eyes rolled back as she began to quiver on top of Momo. Covering her face with her warm honey. After about a minute had passed Nayeon leaned toward you, threw her arms around your neck again and gave you a deep, long kiss. This one felt... different though there was no battle for control, no sloppy use of tongues, just a deep, long kiss you hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
She broke your kiss and lifted herself off of Momo, freeing her. Momo’s mouth and chin was now soaked with Nayeon’s juices. You quickly leaned down and captured her lips so you could taste the mixture of both her and Nayeon.
“Goddamnit, your cock is so fucking good.” She moaned as clung onto your biceps and wrapped her legs around you.
You swallowed and moved lower to wrap her lips around a nipple, sucking lightly. Nayeon’s hand moved down along Momo’s body and began rubbing her clit. Momo became a mess at this point moaning both your and Nayeon’s name, so Nayeon pressed their lips together to silence her.
“Shit... I’m gonna cum soon.” You husk out.
“M-Me too. Oh fu-.” Her words were cut off as she began shuddering below you, coating your cock in her juices. Her walls tighten around your dick, making you grunt as you continue to thrust through it. Abs on fire you showed no relent as you continued your assault on Momo.
“Outside. Today isn’t safe for her.” Nayeon relayed as her friend continued to tremble beneath you.
You quickly pulled out and began to jack off. You only lasted a few more strokes before unloading all over Momo’s body. Some landing on her stomach, some landing on her tits. As your orgasm stopped Nayeon moved and began to lick all of your hot cum up off of Momo’s body.
Once she gathered it all up, she looked at you with lustful eyes and swallowed. Smiling, she looked down to see your cock, still hard and standing proud.
Your gaze was focused on Momo’s body, watching her chest chest heavy up and down as she was still coming down from the state of ecstasy you placed her into.
A tug on your arm causing you to flip on your back laying down next to Momo snapped you out of the trance-like state you were in.
“Just relax baby, I’ll take it from here.” Nayeon said as she began to straddle you.
As you looked upon the gorgeous Korean woman above you and the stunning Japanese woman to your side, you began to wonder if all your luck had been used up tonight. Had all of the good karma you’d been saving been blown in a one-night stand? Would you ever reach a more perfect place than the one you found yourself in now, with two of the most sexy women you had ever met vying to be with you.
Nayeon slowly lowering herself onto you brought you back into the present moment. Placing her hands on his abs as she took her time to savour the stretch that your cock provided.
"Fuck, that's big," she whined, hands tightening against you as she grit her teeth and tried to steady herself.
She then began to rock her hips back and forth making your cock hit every nook and cranny of her tight cunt. Nayeon wanted to get the full experience that this dick could provide her, trying to satisfy needs that looked like they hadn’t been in a long time.
Wanting more, Nayeon began to ride you hard and feverishly, moaning in ecstasy as she started up and down your big dick, a gasping mess greedily pursuing all the sensations she could muster. She was chasing something shameless, bouncing quickly and roughly on her new found toy.
You were happy to let her keep going at this pace, especially as her ample tits began to bounce and heave before your hungry and delighted eyes. Your hands moved up Nayeon’s soft, creamy thighs before they settled on her hips allowing you to lay back and enjoy the show that she was putting on for you.
“Fuck Nayeon you feel so good around my dick.”
"Mm, and I have to thank Momo for helping me get some dick this nice," Nayeon whined, biting down firmly on her lip as she continued to heave atop him proudly.
Being able to let a bombshell like Nayeon have complete control over you was something you gladly accepted, letting the waves of ecstasy roll over the both of you. Watching your dick appear and disappear while getting coated in a mixture of both Nayeon and Momo’s juices dragged you deeper into an amazing state of bliss.
Nayeon trembled, body inching closer and closer toward the excited rush of pleasure she craved. She knew her orgasm was drawing closer, able to feel herself aching and shivering with the hot, throbbing want and Nayeon didn't want it to stop. Not for anything.
“Y/N!” Nayeon yelled as she came, howling your name as she bucked and shivered.
Hearing other moans coming from beside you, you turn to find Momo playing with her pussy. Unable to hold back as she watched Nayeon work herself into a state of complete bliss. Watching her friend become lost in the hot, lustful desire that you had put her into was too much for her to just watch idly.
Planting your feet firmly on the bed you began thrusting upwards into Nayeon chasing after your own orgasm. The quick change of pace sent Nayeon into another orgasm, shuddering and digging her nails into you abs as you pounded into her.
“Oh fuck! Come inside me I need to feel your hot cum deep in my pussy.”
Losing yourself for the second time tonight, you roughly thrust upward grunting and groaning as you loosed a massive flood of cum deep into her pussy. You pulled Nayeon down for a sloppy kiss as she was lost in her own orgasmic state.
“Momo… you... REALLY... found a good here” she gasped as she laid her head on your chest.
“I’m glad you finally see that I do know what I’m doing when it’s MY turn.”
“Well I’m going to get cleaned up first. Unless someone would like to join me for another round?” Nayeon smirks looking at you.
“No way Nayeon you need to get back to your room, you don’t know when someone will be coming around to check up on us.”
“Fine, fine I’ll go alone,” Nayeon coincided, “but I can’t wait to brag to the others about the stallion Momo picked out.”
After Nayeon finished cleaning up you and Momo moved into the shower together. Other than groping Momo’s breasts as you applied soap to them or her fondling your empty balls doing the same, there were no advances made. Once out and drying off you finally had to figure out what was going on with this group of girls.
“Okay Momo you really need to start explaining. First, you and friends all pick out someone whenever you go somewhere, and make him your sex toy? Then you say your company is paying for you to stay in a super nice hotel like this one and everyone has their own rooms? And you guys had to, what, sneak me in here?” you asked tying a towel around your waist, “I know, I know it’s a lot of questions, but I can’t help but wonder what the fuck I got myself into.”
Momo lets out a sigh as she finishes putting her robe on and takes a seat on the bed. She pats the spot next her and looks at you. You oblige her request and take a seat next to her.
“Okay, so how do I go about this… Kinda, yes, yes.”
“... Kinda, yes, yes?”
“To your questions! Yes our company put us up in this hotel. Yes we had to sneak you in here. And to say we just pick someone out and make them our sex toy while we’re where we happen to be isn’t entirely true,” Momo responds. “With most places we go, we each take turns picking someone out to spend time with us while we are staying in that city. As soon as the majority of the group vetoes the choice though we move onto the next person’s turn. We’ve never all fully accepted someone that we’ve picked out. There’s always someone who doesn’t like the guy for various reasons, but with you…” she pauses for a brief moment and looks you in the eyes, “you’ll definitely be sticking around.” A warm smile creeps across Momo’s face as she delivers that last line to you.
Your heart skips a beat as she stares into your eyes. You feel your face getting hotter and turn to face the ground. Once you calm down, you turn to face Momo again.
“But what’s with all the secrecy? When we were almost to the hotel you hid your face while you were walking next to me.”
“That’s the other big thing we hide to start out, but I know that you wouldn’t let anyone know about what I’m about to tell you right?”
Thoughts start dashing through your head. Are these girls in some kind of Asian mafia, are they secret agents, powerful business women who would be ruined if they got caught cheating on their spouses? You take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. I mean honestly what’s the worst thing she could possibly say? She’s a part of some internationally popular girl group that has adoring and sometimes crazy fans?
���Yeah, sure whatever you tell me now I’ll never repeat to anyone else.”
Momo’s smile becomes even bigger. She leans in and gives you a deep, affectionate kiss.
“Okay so take your time to process what I’m about to say and let me know what you think.”
You give her a slight nod.
“So me and the eight other girls you met today are part of an internationally popular kpop girl group that has adoring and sometimes crazy fans.”
A/N Welp there it is. You’ve somehow gotten into some kind of relationship with TWICE. I hope you guys like where the story is going, and the plot doesn’t seem too boring. It took me a lot longer than I’d thought to get through this chapter, but I am really proud of how it turned out. Like always feel free to leave comments with your feedback or suggestions. Thanks for reading! 
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