#then they wont allow anyone else to have it either!!
wizardnaturalist · 9 months
reading environmental science books can be incredibly frustrating, because even when theyre written by professionals who actually know what theyre talking about, who are clearly passionate about their work and about the world, and know the steps needed to reverse the climate crisis, they are almost never radicals.
like they spend an entire book meticulously breaking down the importance of ecological stability, laying out the arguments that work for people who care, and for those who are only worried about money, putting together plans of action that require national and international action
and then at the end they go "and people should eat less meat and use paper straws :)" no!!!
for one thing "people need to-" is not an actionable plan. the people will not. it is not like policy or initiatives where, if you can convince the right people, you can make sonething happen. you cannot just change the habits if the entire world.
secondly, this fails to take into account the corporate interests in the situation. in massive national and international goods production such as the meat industry, supply and demand are no longer connected. it doesnt matter how many people stop buying meat, if the government is going to continue to subsidize its production and make up for any potential losses. and the government isnt going to stop doing that, because the meat industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and directly enriches congressmembers. this is not something where you can simply speak to the secretary of agriculture and force a change.
and finally, all these books seem convinced that it is the Fact of, in this case, cattle farming, and not the How that is the issue. wild bison roamed the (not yet) american west in numbers equivalent to the current population of beef cattle, but their grazing and methane production were not blights upon the environment. it is the cultivation of monoculture turf fields, the use of pesticides, fungicides, and antibiotics, and the feeding of corn and other low quality scrap food that produces the problems associated with modern cattle farming. there are already some ranchers making strides toward more sustainable methods, and it's a growing movement!
what I mean by all this is, the scientists who write these books, who are clearly intelligent and mindful of their subjects, all seem deathly reluctant to challenge the overall economic and social system under which we live. they have no issue pointing out the flaws in our personal habits, our laws, and our philosophical connection with nature, but never seem to take the final step and say that the very system that created it all is in the wrong.
and I dont think it's a matter of trying to keep their goals realistic either. advocating for the complete dismantling of the cattle industry, or noninterference protections for a third of the oceans, or a comprehensive and enforced global climate initiative are about as likely to happen in the next decade as america becoming a socialist nation.
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donttouchtheneednoggle · 11 months
how does one like. get a binder
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bittwitchy · 2 months
see the reality is i post on my rps usually when nobodys been there a bit and nobody is probably online, but the mental illness in me keeps saying its bc everyone secretly hates me and i dont deserve love, and when i tell a gov doctor that, they basically just say ‘take your antidepressant’s and shut up’ which is also funny when said gov doctor wont refill my fucking antidepressants in the first place
#what i need is smthn for my anxiety and PROBABLY the obviously worsening ocd#but anxiety meds and antidepressants dont mix well#just like adhd meds and anything else dont mix well#which is why i just have a redbull if i need to focus bx it works for a few hours and then i pass out#which isnt healthy but its better than going through the diagnosis process AGAIN bc they dont have my info anymore#its early sad times rn w brina who hasnt gotten an ounce of treatment at all hi#see the other thing is#if i talk about my mental health at all#people will either hate me for being annoying which is what my brain will pinpoint#or feel sorry for me which i also dont want#all i rly wanna do is vent but thats never really an option at all#like yes i know its not normal to want to have a breakdown and cry bc your fucking pillow isnt the correct fluff and wont dluff#i know its not normal to feel like you should die because something wasnt in fhe spot you put it in and was moved slightly#im aware. and the reality is nobody who can do anything about it cares#i have to get an authorization to see a therapist or get meds at all even tho the card claims i dont have to#and the doc tbey gave me wont give me one#they dont allow email so i cant leave a paper trail when bitching at them and my calls go ignored#im losing my mind steadily#and thats not even onto the physical problems#but also the sheer fucking audacity of the website being all ‘oh just go to ERs and UC snd we’ll cover it’ vs hospitals specifically saying#‘we will refuse you if you have Gov Ins unless you have the money to pay out of pocket#if youre on gov insurance you dont have fucking money thats the entire fucking point. you creedy fucknuts go shove tour nepotism in your#fucking eyes and die if anyone doesnt deserve to fuck its you fuckfaces#sometimes i just want to scream esp when this doesnt seem to be most other ppls issues#but then i talk to other women and it is#it just doesnt make sense and i hate it#but i never rly got help on private insurance either so#tbd#depression cw
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yanderehsr · 8 months
Yandere Nanook,Imbibitor Lunae,Dan heng (separately) with a flirty reader or a Venti reader UwU
I'm guessing you really want to see this cus this is the third time I've seen this exact request🤣
Anyways, hope you'll enjoy😁
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping, Murder
Nanook: He looks at you always, his gaze solely on you, he hates it all, he hates how other people can look at you, he hates how people can speak to you, he really hates how you flirt with everyone, and he especially hates how he can't destroy your planet for you would perish amongst them all.
He will send one of the Lord ravagers to fetch you, his patience has run thin with all your flirtatious remarks to others, only he should be allowed to hear your lovely voice. As soon as he can touch you, have you securely in his arms your planet is doomed, he makes sure you watch it, this was your doing after all.
"Even if you didn't know about how I feel, that still doesn't excuse you talking to others"
Imbibitor Lunae: His gaze is dark as he sees you flirt with someone else yet again, this time a foxian, you compliment their ears and tail. This isn't right, it should be his horns you're complimenting, his tail that you ask to touch. You are his mate dammit, even if it was unwilling on your side it doesn't matter, you are HIS.
Imbibitor Lunae will hug you from behind, he lays his head on top of yours and just glares at the foxian, he remembers every detail of them so he can search them up later for a nice conversation, for now he will drag you back to his temporary house, he needs to teach you a lesson in being faithful
"Really you should know that being mated with a dragon is a big deal, it isn't something you can back out of, and I wont let you try to either"
Dan Heng: He is a bit softer when he sees you flirting, he will interrupt you all the time so you don't get a chance to continue, instead he will subtly try and get you to flirt with him instead, he tries to make his good points stand out. He knows that you two aren't dating so you aren't cheating on him but it sure feels like that.
Dan Heng is also protective of you, who you are flirting with could be a murderer, or a criminal, wouldn't it be safer if you didn't flirt with just anyone you found pretty, he is right here, you can flirt with him, maybe if you were tied to his side you would finally consider him.
"You shouldn't just speak with just anyone, you have no idea who they might be, if you want to flirt with someone maybe you could consider me"
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animeniac-writings · 1 year
Child's Favorite Hero - BNHA Boys Preference
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Gender Neutral! Can be biological or adopted child, it matters not! no names or gender for the child either.
Ask for anyone else, boys or girls if you'd like! I just thought of this at like 3am and went with it.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero:,, he is so preening. Of course he's their favorite, he's the best of the best. His kid of all would know that too.
If your child says some other extra hero is their favorite: ?? Bakugo is furious. Ready to throw hands. 100% has gone toe to toe with some of his old classmates friends for being their favorite. You try reminding him they change their mind every week but he's already challenging Tokoyami to a death match.
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Midoriya Izuku:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will cry. Even if they've been saying it for years, every time they tell him he's their favorite hero he WILL burst into tears. Over time it will be watery eyes instead of break-the-concrete-waterworks, but he will always be emotional and so happy they he can make them proud.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Absolutely agrees with them! He's supportive of all hero and his friends and has appreciated every kind of hero! He's not jealous at all and loves helping them collect merch and ask for autographs for their 'best little fan' (alongside one for him too) and they bond over it.
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Shouto Todoroki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will be very surprised, though he's a strong and popular hero, he never really thought of what his child might think of him. He loved All Might at their age and never put too much thought into who they might admire, but when he finds out it's him, that he makes them happy, he becomes so very soft and hugs them. Shows up every time they ask after bragging that Pro Hero Shouto (The Best Hero!) is their dad.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Diligently listens to all their rants about their favorite hero! He's happy to encourage their love of heroes like he was never allowed, and will ask Midoriya for recommendations on merch his child might like. Bluntly asks the hero (even if their favorite frequently changes) for an autograph and tells them their his child's favorite hero, becomes very worried that he just made this up and coming sidekick hero turn to a literal puddle of tears.
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Kirishima Eijirou:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Manly tears, Deku challenging tears, he is so emotional. Kirishima always worried that he wouldn't measure up to other heroes, he's not the flashiest, not the strongest on the field, he's happy and comfortable with what he's achieved! But to hear he's their favorite? He loves your kid with all his heart already but now he's about to burst. You find him on his knees crying while they pat his back. Proudly brags he's their favorite.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He takes them to meet their hero! Eiji loves listening to them go on about why they like them and tells them how manly their hero is from experience. Will definitely get them merch like posters and hoodies, especially if they're not as popular a hero! He worked so hard for his Crimson Riot merch.
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Kaminari Denki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Oh man he is so stoked, listen he is a popular hero, fun and flashy, a Present Mic protege, but the fact this HIS KID thinks he's the greatest? Now that's something to be proud of. He brags about it in groupchat immediately. Hugs them as soon as they say it. If he didn't have such a good handle on his quirk, he would have fried himself from happiness.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He doesn't really notice how that mean's He's Not the best to them, Kami joins in on their praising of them! He is all for lifting up his fellow heroes and will tell them his greatest stories involving them, even if they're not close or really the nicest hero, he wont dampen your kid's view of them. Definitely takes them along to a function they'll be at without telling his kid.
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Tokoyami Fumikage:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He is very flattered at the praise of his young one, even for his little ray of light in the darkness of his world he did not expect to be seen in such a way. He tells them stories of his heroics (greatly embellished by Dark Shadow) and is very happy each time he hears your child say something about it.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: His child, biological or not, who follows him like another little shadow, standing beside him with a schooled expression and invites Dark Shadow to all their tea parties, speaks in the same dramatic dark prose as their father, favors the retired washing machine. Tokoyami isn't really sure what to make of that. He's not really a jealous guy but that stung a little. You remind him that they're only three. But they keep talking about how 'cool 'dark and mysterious' the appliance is.
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Shinsou has never been open or good with his own emotions, but he needs to go take a moment to himself after he hears this. After so much of his life being told he'd be a villain, working so hard to become a hero, Shinsou never thought he'd be someone's favorite hero. Even to his own child. They're often around flashier popular heroes, friends and old classmates he will never shake, with a collection of action figures and hero toys, but somehow HE'S the best in their eyes. Tells Aizawa about it immediately even though he really isn't saying much in shock.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's very interested in who their favorite is and in their reasoning, part of his reason for adoring Eraserhead was what they had in common, curious if your child is the same in choosing. Not as outgoing with Hero Connections as some of the others but Midoriya will not let him down when he asks for your kid to get to meet them, even if Shinsou himself is very stressed about the meeting.
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Mirio Togata:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Proud Dad Moment. You and your kid(s) are always his top priority and he wants to make you both proud, as person and as a hero. But to be told he's their FAVORITE? Wraps them in a big hug and says they're his favorite too. You bring it up later to tease him about their gushing about "The best hero Lemillion" and he gets so flustered.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Loves asking why that's their favorite and encourages them to talk about it! If he's met or worked with the hero he tells them all about it! Buys them a nice merch hoodie of theirs right after, he's so proud if it's one of his friends too (if it's Tamaki he will never hear the end of it). He likes telling them about his favorites too (but has them pinky promise not to tell.)
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Tamaki Amajiki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Please give him a minute, he is babie. Even after he's gained a lot of confidence overtime he still gets overwhelmed and never stops being shocked at his own popularity. But when his child? his greatest joy? says he's "The coolest and bestes hero there is!"?? He can't take it and wants to hide in your arms like old times. Mirio got the whole thing on video and he listens to it again at times.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He may be surprised by their choice but definitely listens! There's so many neat and strong heroes and wondered who they might like. If they ask him to let them meet their hero,, he asks Mirio to do it. Unless it's one of the handful of heroes that show up at his house already (Fatgum, Kirishima, Mirio, Midoriya), that's just. A lot.
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Toshinori Yagi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He may be one of the most loved and popular heroes in the world but he is so surprised and happy hearing them say he's their favorite! You're a little confused he's so affected but Toshinori is a soft man who loves your child and hearing he makes them proud has made him so happy. "I AM HERE!" (said in All Might form, with many tears, before coughing blood.) Also breaks down when they still say he's the best hero even though he can no longer be All Might.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: A little sad but not butthurt. You will find him moping around the corner after hearing them. He loves his fellow heroes and supports their decision and takes them to meet them! But also tries to "subtly" buy them extra All Might merch too... It's okay Toshinori. Midoriya still loves you.
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Aizawa Shouta:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Somehow this man who has never cared about popularity, is a pretty unknown underground hero with a 'dull' quirk, eyebags for days, and doesn't even like children (lies), has become the favorite hero of his own three kids. He understood Shinsou's admiration from similarities, and Eri has other heroes she loves, but your kid thinks he's the best too? Honestly he's very shocked but adorably flattered by it. Let's Mic talk him into one (1) small merch deal because they wanted something of their #1 Dad and #1 Hero.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's not surprised but will 100% critique their favorites and possibly chastise why, he will give them his personal accounts of the hero and grumble his own opinions while they gush over their favorite, but wont discourage them. Is frankly concerned if it's Dynamight though.
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Yamada Hizashi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Pray that Shouta is around when they tell him this or you'll all have hearing loss. He is happy, he is SO happy that his favorite little listener thinks he's the greatest hero!! There's an extra skip in his step for days, tells his radio listeners he found his true #1 Fan and is extra flashy in some safely televised battles and asks if they saw.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He droops, pouts, whines to you, Shouta, the entire teacher staff. He's not mad but definitely tries to suggest mention that he's a pretty cool hero too... He is wounded for life and needs kisses. Your child even slightly mentions that he's 'kinda cool too' and he takes that as a WIN, he is kinda cool. The coolest.
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indras-wife · 1 month
If you can, PLEASEE feed us with some Madara Headcanons girlie! I feel you will give some interesting ones both NSFW and SFW *wink wink* I am thirsty for that damn man
Aren't we all anon? That man was my first ever crush from Naruto so he holds a very special place in my heart. He is soo crazy interesting that he fits in EVERY scenario, be it yandere, cute or dirty kinky stuff. Slay man fr.
I had to give general and some romance information in the SFW part, but I went a little into details with the NSWF since its my first time writing it in my blog, had to make it good~ Enjoy reading it sweetie<3<3
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Madara is an extremely protective man! Despite being protective he is also very caring, something he rarely shows to his peers, clan members and friends (if he has any besides Hashirama)
I see Madara, both as a kid and a teen, spending lots of time in the library, reading martial arts books, trying to memorize each and every step and later on practicing them either with Izuna or someone else in the clan. He also uses the war strategies in multiple battles, which lead him to victory every time.
Being in full control of the situation he is in, is very important to him. This man spends hours and days figuring what he will do during a specific event. If he has a meeting, he plans the conversations between him and his guest in his head maybe 100 times. He trains himself to be ready to give an answer to every question, even the not logical ones. He will not be embarrassed by anyone.
One thing he won't ever talk about is how he deeply he misses his mother. Despite not having much contact with her, Madara respects and loves her and wishes he could spend more time with her, getting to know what maternal love was.
Moving into more romantic scenery, this big grumpy man ADORES when his s/o washes his majestic hair. It takes a long time to take a proper care of his long hair, and frankly Madara has no time for that. However, his s/o forces him to the bathroom and washes his hair, which helps him to be rid of the crazy headaches he always complained from. He is never vocal about this, but seeing his s/o take care of his hair and him in general, makes him feel loved and appreciated, something he did not feel for a long time.
He also loves hugging his s/o and sleeping like that. If his s/o wakes up in the morning, she has no way of getting out of bed because of the strong grip he has on her body. He is like a big, warm teddy bear at nights
As a leader of the clan, he expect his wife to respect him always and to always be next to him. For this man, there is no room for disrespect, especially from his wife, so she needs to be respectful no matter what, or else he may become a little...rude (and he wont be bothered by it). However, he would listen his wife if she talks about a topic that displeases her (he is a good husband)
Madara is VERY, VERY, VERY kinky. He is not touchy in public or in front of his clan with his s/o, but behind closed doors he does not hold back. He breaks one or two pieces of furniture each month. He loves tying her, denying orgasms, melting wax on his s/o skin, turning her into a mindless slut who will be nothing but his toy.
This man is HEAVILY into BDSM and every type of kinky things which allow him to assert dominance. This also helps him take his anger out during sex (not in an abusive way), something he is doing quite often but makes it feel so good his s/o doesnt mind the roughness.
He loves receiving oral, especially when he is working. He would have his s/o on her knees, under his desk, sucking him while he fills out the papers. If he is feeling spontaneous, Madara can even hold some meetings for hours, while his s/o is busy pleasuring him under the table. Not only does Madara enjoy getting the pleasure, he also enjoys torturing his s/o, as she cannot make any sound when he is in a meeting. Sometimes he would grab her hair and pull hard if she gets stops sucking him, to make her continue her job.
"You did good~ Time to be rewarded~" His rewards look like long orgasms which he makes his s/o experience with the help of his tongue and fingers. As much as he loves receiving oral, he loves giving it to his partner too. Seeing her face flush, breath becoming slow and her legs shaking is an absolute maddening sight for this man. His s/o begs him to stop as she is extremely sensitive after having 5 and more orgasms, but this man does not stop until he is satisfied.
Madara loves his s/o's moans. In general he loves every sound escaping her lips. They rile him up to do more and show that his s/o is enjoying being intimate with him.
He does not accept NO in sex. If he is in the mood to fuck, then he will get it. Middle of the night? He will either wake his partner or fuck her without waking her up. Early morning? Afternoon? The time doesnt matter for him. If he is horny, he will get his way.
Madara also loves when his s/o rides him. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to give too much dominance to his s/o, but later on after getting used to it, he orders his s/o to get on top of him nearly every night. He loves seeing her bounce up and down on him. That sight alone is enough to make this man release in her.
He may be rude and grumpy with his s/o, but he makes sure to still show her, sexually and not, how much he loves and enjoys her company in his life. She is one of the people who bring him peace, calmness and happiness.
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Lookism characters with a male reader with squishable looking chests or/and butts
Lookism characters
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Since theres a million different Lookism characters I just picked a some of my faves.
Zack Lee
Zack is the type who definitely notices and takes a peek every now and then, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to touch you unless he’s completely sure that’s what you want.
He also glares at anyone who looks at you wrong or talks lewdly about you. He will start fights if he has too, even after his training with Gongseob, that’s one of the few ways to make Zack see red. You’ll have to pull him away or tell him to stop when he gets like this, best way to do so is to hug him, maybe give him a kiss.
Vasco/Euntae Lee
Vasco takes his respect juice, so he would never touch or grab without being strictly allowed too. Honestly in the beginning he probably didn’t even realize, since he’s well… Vasco. He would realize how others leer at you though, and glare at them because staring like that makes them a bad guy.
But when he does realize he’s the type to be flushed about it, but again he would never stare to grab unless you tell him he’s allowed too. Then he’s more likely to use your chest as a pillow.
Warren Chae
Another one who devours the respect juice, you left him speechless the first time you met and he had to put great efforts into introducing himself, always scolds himself for looking at your chest or butt.
Even after you started dating, he always catches himself looking and immediately looking away with a blush, at some point your gonna have to just pull him to your chest and let him rest his head there as he goes beet red. After this he will allow himself to look, and even touch, but he’s still shy.
Vin Jin
Vin never stopped himself from looking since he’s wearing sunglasses, but he can’t see very well with them on, so he probably never realized just how squishy and touchable your chest and butt was. He will throw down with anyone who talks about you though, since you’re his partner.
Then the first time he takes his glasses off around you, he says and audible “damn…” when he sees. This results in you smacking him and he just laughs and hugs you, of course copping a feel because how can he not when you are right there.
Jake Kim
Can’t stop himself form looking every now and then, because how can he not when your so attractive to him, he enjoys when you sit on his lap too since he can support your weight with a hand under your butt, but he doesn’t grope you just hold you.
He doesn’t take anyone talking lewdly about you or catcalling you well, and because your Jakes boyfriend the rest of Big Deal wouldn’t put up with it either. Afterwards he makes sure your alright, please hug him, he wont initiate it himself but he loves it.
Sinu Han
The biggest respect juice drinker, would never look at your chest or butt because he wouldn’t want to be that type of creep, though he has to admit you are very attractive. He would at times make you wear his jacket or clothes, not to cover up but because he likes when you wear his stuff.
Is in absolute heaven if you let him rest his head on your chest or your butt, he just wraps his arms around you and lays there in his own little world. Please kiss his forehead and brush his bangs out of his face, he’s so sweet to you.
Johan Seong
So blushy and flustered, especially if you wear tight shirts or pants around him. To everyone else Johan is tough and scary, but to you he’s just sweet and so embarrassed because he has no idea how this whole dating thing works.
You’ll have to tell him its okay to look and touch, and after that he always has his hand in your back pocket or rests his head against your chest when he’s had a long day. You are his favorite pillow in the world.
Hudson Ahn
Hudson would never be the type to stare or touch you since he’s worked in places that had a lot of those creeps and he’s always looked down on them. This also results in him being protective of you when those creeps look your way.
Has made you wear his jacket more than once to cover you from prying eyes as he goes to deal with said creeps. Hudson is also the type to walk around with his hand in your back pocket or on your hip, not to cop a feel like many others would but just to be close to you.
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spacexseven · 2 years
GOD I am thinking so hard about yans going after a darling they previously rejected.
like. you have a crush on your coworker, [insert bsd yan here]. ur not subtle about it. ofc yan Knows, so does everyone else who watches you two interact. trouble is, they dont reciprocate. which is ok! theyre allowed to not like you! but they're also a huge dick about it which is the real issue here.
like, they do NOT let you down easy AT ALL. they might even lead you on a bit beforehand if they're the opportunistic type, paying attention to you up until you do what they want and then dropping you until they have another task lined up. they don't feel bad about it. they don't HAVE to indulge in your delusional little crush, be happy theyre paying attention to you at all! eventually they just completely shut you down. maybe you finally work up the courage to ask them out and they laugh right in your face, not able to stifle their amusement at the idea. or maybe you catch them on a bad day and your puppy-like desperation goes from being funny to annoying and they don't mince words when telling you to get lost. you're heartbroken, humiliated, maybe even a bit frightened if they said anything particularly scary in their tirade, and resolve to just avoid them as much as you possibly can from now on. maybe start looking for a new job somewhere else. 
they try to act like losing your attentions doesnt effect them at all, but they really feel your absence. they convince themselves that you're just giving them space after the… incident, but when they go looking around for you and you're nowhere to be found or you coincidentally have to leave whatever room you're in as soon as they enter it they realize that you're avoiding them. it hurts more than they'd like to admit, they find themselves seeking you out much more than they ever have before, only to be disappointed when you notice them looking at you and get visibly uncomfortable or lower your voice so they cant hear you anymore. if they ever DO manage to talk to you, you're freezing cold, all business. on your end, you're just trying not to irritate them, assuming that if they're suddenly staring at you its cuz you're doing something they don't like, but theyre completely torn up about no longer getting your attention. theyre distracted constantly by your sudden distance, no longer able to enjoy outings with coworkers if you don't attend- spending the whole time wondering if you didn't go cuz THEYRE there. now THEYRE the one following YOU around, trying to get back in your good graces in whatever way they can think of. it might start as a childish ploy to regain your attention after your ignoring them caused a blow to their ego, but the more you avoid them the deeper their feelings get. please please PLEASE stop being mad at them! they can't go on if you don't forgive them. 
id imagine it would all come to a head if they found out you were planning on quitting soon, or if they caught you going on a date with someone else in the office. they WONT lose you. they cant.
I think most characters could work with this, but especially dazai, akutagawa, jouno, chuuya, and kunikida (he wouldnt do anything out of malice hed just accidentally be pretty harsh turning you down and then feel like an idiot later.). maybe fyodor and gogol too, with some tweaking. this kinda came out a garbled mess sorry haven't slept in like 3 days lmao.
- 🩹
my friend please get some sleep :< like Seriously you are going to crash very hard at this rate i didn't get to elaborate on a lot here 'cos i wanted to write a little bit for everyone (dazai, chuuya, jouno, techhou, ranpo, akutagawa, kunikida, sigma, nikolai and fyodor) but if there's any particular group/character anyone wants to hear about send me an ask and i'll gladly ramble on and on :>
i can see either dazai or jouno doing this intentionally, genuinely liking to watch you look embarrassed and even teary-eyed at his blunt rejections. whether it's because they really couldn't care less about you or because they were just bored, they lead you on and go on to embarrass you publicly, effectively humiliating you and breaking your heart over and over.
consequently, these two also are hit the hardest when you start ignoring them. this probably happens when your carefully crafted confession is callously crushed, receiving jeering words and scornful laughter in response, and you decide you should move on from the toxicity these two carry.
jouno can sense you sneaking out the room when he enters and he pretends not to notice, but dazai straight up stares at you in a look you might even think of as betrayal if it wasn't such a crazy thought. both of them are beyond furious by your sudden withdrawal and badly concealed attempt at avoiding them. what, did you think you could hang around them for so long, smiling through all the insults and 'jokes' and then decide to one day turn around and drop them like you weren't just following them around every corner the week before?
they latch onto you with an overwhelming fervour, following you into every room and into every meeting, even the one they're not supposed to be in. mess around with your files on purpose so you'd have no choice but to come to them and ask for your things back, manage to grab themselves an assignment with you as their partner, even sit right across you during your lunch break. it's like you can never escape them, no matter how hard you try.
just try quitting, or trying to cling onto someone else. just you try, and it'll be far from an amiable ending. they're both extremely cunning and determined, and it won't end well for anyone ecept themselves.
kunikida, akutagawa and chuuya are the type where they didn't mean to be harsh but because they are so flustered/confused they end up coming out very coldly when they tell you to scram or just stop blabbering. you were only trying to be conversative by mentioning the new café downstaira and asking about their weekend, but either because of the stress of work or their inability to deal with your questions of genuine interest and helpful comments, they usually end up responding rudely. chuuya for one is known to scoff and briskly walk away while you're busy talking, hoping you don't notice his flushed cheeks after you complimented his hair. akutagawa's go to response is to just stare at you and wait for you to trail off, thinking he either did not want to hear you ramble on or he just spaced out, and quickly leave. kunikida...depending on the time of the day and how much of dazai's work he has to clean up after, it's either a resigned sigh as you continue talking (he enjoys your company after a long day, although he'll never admit it) or a sudden, angry burst of words you can barely make out.
confessing to either three is awkward, but in the unlikely scenario that it does happen, despite your belief that they barely tolerated you, they're secretly thrilled but unable to respond, leaving you dejected and them panicked. regardless, when you decide enough is enough and you should probably stop bothering them when they don't seem to want you around, they immediately try to stop you.
for chuuya, this means suddenly transforming into the helpful senior, scaring away other employees who try to dump their work on you and people who try to befriend you, as long as they want to talk to you. your unimpressed reactions only spur him on, deciding if you had nobody else, you'd finally come back to him. for kunikida, this is more subtle, taking on your workload and leaving completed forms and files at your desk, placing an energy drink nearby or someting of the sort. he isn't so reckless as to scare away everyone around you, hoping you'd realize you might have misunderstood him because he was always stressed out and come to befriend him again, as he's smart enough to know frightening you away by coming on too strong is not the best way to go. akutagawa might struggle with the subtle approach, but he tries, really. he starts lingering around you, following you silently in an unintentionally creepy way, even when you go to get something to eat. he hopes thta by sticking around you long enough, you'd recognize his intentions as good and not...anything else.
tecchou and sigma initially wouldn't realize why you kept staring at them and immediately look away when they notice. they're confused by your sudden attention on them, not recognizing the glimmer in your eyes as growing attraction and the pep in your step as enthusiasm.
eventually though, it registers, and they're over the moon. i can see both of them being pleasantly surprised, and even if a romantic relationship isn't in their plans at the moment, they like and appreciate you as a friend. still, after you keep smiling at them and asking them to accompany you for lunch, seeing you do that to anyone else is...unsettling, at the least. especially because they know what kind of intentions these other people have.
suddenly, tecchou's glare feels extremely dangerous, almost like lasers burning into the back of whoever's got your attention, causing them to awkwardly excuse themselves and leave you alone once they catch sight of his intense stare. and sigma (he's a higher up here) is piling on an insane amount of work to your companion, happily accepting your invitation to go out to eat every day of the week, now that everyone else was conveniently so busy.
nikolai would actually entertain your feelings, more so out of boredom than anything else. it's easy with him, he catches on pretty quickly—the obvious interest in your tone when you talk to him, the way you hang on to every word like a devoted worshipper, the little gifts you had on hand for him—he'd be a fool not to notice! (he kinda is one, but that's besides the point) you won't have to worry about confessions going south or a cold rejection. nikolai showers you in affection from the start, treating you warmly, laughs with you and is always there by your side.
it almost comes naturally when you admit you like him and he only pulls you closer with the arm he has constantly around you. don't be fooled though, despite not having any 'actual' feelings for you yet, he is unbelievably possessive. if you are upset about anything and decide to sulk and ignore him, nikolai is happy to annoy you endlessly until you either give in and forgive him, or if he sees you trying to busy yourself with anyone else, he's quick to come up with a lost of creative ways to get the outsider out of your relationship with him.
with nikolai, there's a lot of spontaneous skipping out on work (that you miraculously never get in trouble for), unplanned adventures and general good times until, of course, someone else tries to meddle. maybe it's a nosy coworker who firmly believes workplace relationships are unprofessional, or a newbie who stupidly ignores the obvious signs of nikolai and you being together; whatever it is, you won't have to worry, nikolai will swifltly remove all the obstacles.
eventually, he decides that life is a lot more fun with you, his partner in crime, always by his side. this is when things will really take a turn, and you start to realize he's a lot more unhinged than you would have thought previously...
ranpo is a bit of an interesting one...he knows you like him, even if you do a good job at hiding it. he obviously takes advantage of your feelings, purposely trying to make you jealous just to see you all riled up, and asks you to do things for him knowing you wouldn't deny him.
he's so proud of himself, as though he charmed everyone around him, and doesn't hesitate to poke fun at you for liking him. not as maliciously as dazai and jouno, but mean enough that it has you blinking in shock at the way he rudely declares that he was out of your league, skipping away to eat some snacks.
obviously, when he acts so high and mighty, you'd think he would be pleased by you finally taking his advice on "focusing on work instead of staring at him with hearts in your eyes" (not like he was doing anything productive most of the time), but it's the opposite. he notices your absence almost immediately, and imagine his shock and humiliation when you, who was supposed to ttail him around like a puppy, happilly eating out of his hand, were now deciding these boring work files are more important than him.
somehow they even placed the intern that just started with you for training, and now that's all that you're focused on. showing the newcomer around, chatting with them, offering your help with tasks—it was like ranpo ceased to exist and it infuriated him. similarly, if you started spending time around/with someone else from the company (cough nikolai cough), it would annoy him just as much if not more, knowing exactly what kind of intentions they had.
ranpo turns his annoying abilities to the max, now being the one to follow you around everywhere and whines at you to pay attention to him, asking you to feed him snacks and also trying to feed you in return, demanding you accompany him for lunch so he doesn't get lost, and anything else to monopolise your time. eventually, even if you stay strong, whoever you spend your time with now can't handle ranpo's overbearing and unavoidable presence, driving them away. (it helps if he's like a valued employee here too)
fyodor is the type to not do anything about your crush, not until you become useful to him. he'll entertain it, sure, staring back at you with that disarming smile and curious eyes, brushing his hand against yours for a moment too long when you hand him things, sitting right next to you when you ask him to come over and look at something—he knows the hold he has over you and he loves it.
he thinks it's cute to see you so entranced and in awe by him, and he genuinely enjoys your company as he recognizes your genuine work ethic and passion, but even then he doesn't exactly hold the same feelings for you. this is him acting to keep you onterested because he knows someone who is so in love with him despite not really knowing him is a pawn he shouldn't lose.
maybe one day you realize you'd rather not ruin a good friendship by involving your feelings, but trying to distance yourself won't be fruitful and busying yourself with another person would only lead fyodor to threaten their livelihood and even their lives. fyodor is a very jealous and possessivs man, even though you're not dating, he still doesn't like the idea of anyone other than him using you and doesn't want to risk you forgetting him.
generally, though, nobody tries to mess with fyodor, because while he's all amiable and charming to you, to everyone else he's intense and brooding; unapproachable. he has this look that makes everyone feel inferior, like he thinks of them as pathetic creatures—which he does, but you...he could make some use of you yet. he's impressed by your strong will to be by his side for so long despite receiving no sign that he might like you at all...maybe it's time he rewarded you tor your devotion?
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writing-in-sin · 4 months
Luffy loves to dance ever since he was a kid
It's fun and brings him joy. He takes any chance to dance, a lot of times, it's with his brothers around a fire. As he grew older, its with his crew and even those he helped liberate during parties and festivities
People would say that there's no rhyme nor rhythm whenever he dances and they'd be right that he's uncoordinated whenever he danced. He's a mess of limbs, moving to the beat of his own drum
But that's whenever he wants to have fun
There'd be times, rare as they may be, that Luffy wants to dance because he wants to express himself. To pour all of his emotions and heart with every move of his limbs and the sway of his hips
In respect to Luffy's connection to Brazil, I like to HC that Luffy prefers the samba whenever he wants to express himself. A lot of times, he's done this alone because while his nakama would dance with him, Luffy finds that none of them can dance with him, y'know?
Until he meets Torao
It's not long into their alliance when Luffy finds out that not only they're both in sync in battles, that connection has also translated into their daily lives too. They move easily around each other, matching and predicting one another a little too well.
Eventually, Luffy finds out that Law can dance with him too
It'd been after a nightmare and knowing he wont be able to fall back to sleep, Luffy does what he usually does to calm himself (besides a late night snack), which is dancing. It helps to concentrate on something else, letting his exhausted body move into familiar steps
But then a large hand reaches out of the darkness to catch his own before gently twirling him into familiar arms. Then, Torao's palm comes up to support Luffy's upper back to bring them close so that Luffy's still erratic heartbeat is flushed against a calm, steady thrum
Like instinct and as easy as breathing, they move together
That night, as Torao leads them into a dance full of elegant rise and fall turns and flowing movements of what the older captain calls as the waltz, is when Luffy discovers that he won't be dancing alone anymore
Not when Torao matches him move to move. Step by step. Predicting and meeting him halfway where none has ever done before. Challenging him and allowing (encouraging) Luffy to be vulnerable in expressing himself fully without censure or expectations of responsibilities
Luffy of course, never really thought about finding a dance partner. Was content as he is, dancing to the beat of his drum. Full of joy and freedom
But as Torao holds him close, Luffy can never imagine anyone else as his partner either which is very good because he doesn't want anyone else but Torao anyways
His perfectly imperfect partner
Thanks for reading this far!
If you want, you can find more One Piece and LawLu here on Eternal_Roll_66 (my Twitter side-account for all things One Piece & LawLu)
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astroidology · 2 years
some random astrology things ive noticed recently. (synastry & compatibility)
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Sagittarius & aquarius, pisces & libra, leo & capricorn , cancer & taurus , gemini & aries , scorpio & virgo. Usually get along the best, you dont notice right away but have lots of things in common.
Moon in aquarius are actually very chill and very open minded. They can become friends with anyone really but only allow few people get too close. They rarely show any negative emotion so you may think that they just dont ever feel bad. You'd mostly find them with a blank facial expression, as if they were not there, which makes them really hard to read at times. They do have an ego tho, even more than leo moons, because they know how to deal with their emotions and are great at separating personal life from everything else.
Moon in gemini have a very child like energy just like sagittarius and aries, but they're a lot more introverted than one would think. Really important to talk about is how witty and smart these people are, literally mind blowing. They catch on things fast. They enjoy learning and once they know you're listening, they can talk for hours. Also they are true empaths just as much as pisces moons, if they care about you, they'll be careful with their words or just stay quiet to not make you feel bad.
Is not that venus in aries falls in love quickly, is more that they mistake the feeling of attraction with love. So they can say that they love you within the first 2 days you were meeting and it wouldnt be a lie per say because thats how they feel it, but then that feeling goes away on the 3rd day and they're gone. They do like challenges but also would not be with someone that is not interested in them because they need the constant validation, and if it's rejection after rejection, they stop chasing.
Now venus in libra does fall in love quickly because they tend to idealize a lot. So they fall in love with ideas instead of actions. Have such high unsaid expectations that are almost impossible for anyone to reach. And its always them thinking they'll never find another person that makes them feel loved after every break up and then they heal and fall in love again and break up and so on... also, they tend to stay in toxic relationships and they rarely break up relationships at all.
When someone's mars fall in your 2nd house, they'll like your voice or something related to how you pronounce certain words or somthing but they'll notice it and usually let u know for sure,,,,
Having venus-mars synastry with someone such as conjunction & trines (especially fire signs) will make you compliment each other a lot and it wont feel weird at all, it flows naturally, almost like it's part of the convo.
Taurus suns are really easy to spot because you'd find them having the same routine every day, they rarely try different things bc they just get used to it and are honestly very chill about everything too. They dont be talking too much or too loud but when they do, you know it's the truth, or at least their truth. They're also very blunt in how they communicate and does not take anyone's sht. If they dont like you, they'll let you know. Now if they do like you, they be all giggly and joking around. As long as u dont mess with their food or eating schedule, you should be good. Also, do not joke around too much cuz they may get offended or annoyed. If they have a bad day then everyone must have a bad day too lol jk they do have a strong aura to them and its just very easy to read them even tho they dont express too much.
Having 8th house synastry overlays (moon, venus, mars in your 8th house) are usually felt more by the house person. A little too much more id say. Unless u have synastry within your personal planets as well then the planet person would get to feel it too, but when it comes to that always pay attention to degrees, the closest the better. But yea it does feel kinda like obsession and its either your lovers or enemies, you too scared of opening up yet you feel like the other person can already read you like a book. And any interactions that you had with this person, you'll remember vividly. Jealousy and alot of possessiveness too. Honestly everything is felt way too much.
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thekingofwinterblog · 6 months
Hell If I Care! - Soul Eater's Original Message
One of the way i find both of the endings of Soul Eater facinating, is how they overlap in so many ways.
This is not surprising, given the fact that Ōkubo Atsushi had his hand in both of them, and so he effectively got to do a doo over when he himself had free reigns for the Manga, withouth having to worry about episode limits... Unfortunatly in many ways, He learned the wrong lessons from the mixed reaction the original anime ending got when first released.
Asura was innitially heavily critiqued by fans for how he was defeated, so Okubo made sure to mix his stupidly high powerlevel with pretty much being completely unflappable, when the entire point of his character was that for all his power, he was a massive coward.
Thus removing that genuine fear removed pretty much everything that made him stand out from other uber powerfull Shonen villains.
The lesson Okubo should have taken from this, was to make sure to emphasise the fact that just like Kid, Asura was a living embodiment of a very volatile force, and just like his brother could he brought to his knees with incorrect symmetry, Asura could and were in the end, defeated by his own opposite, bravery.
Instead we got the sealed moon. Yay.
There were a lot of bad lessons learned from the anime reception, and in many points the result was to rewrite the overall plans, rather than refining them now that he knew what did, and didnt work.
One of those things that was very obviously changed, that stuck out to me, is something Crona says at the end of the manga as justification for resorting to sealing Asura away, rather than fighting.
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This is beat for beat the exact same thing Asura said at the end of the anime as he was going through his mental breakdown.
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Ultimately, the Thing that turned Asura into the person he was, was the certainty that nothing was absolute in the world. There was no guarantees that he would be safe, and would remain safe. That madness would always exist, and with it, the knowledge that he would have to face it for the rest of his life.
That is what drove him to madness, and here at the end, He is screaming this line of thoughts to Maka.
Even if she defeats him, the madness of the world that made him wont go away, sooner or later there will rise another Kishin up to take his place, a successor(Any potential demon egg that is allowed to reach its full potential), a junior(kid falling to madness like Asura did), a newcomer(really anyone could do it with the right set of circumstances), or a hidden number 2(Asura doesnt have one, but the point here is that maka cannot for absolute certain refute that he might in this moment) or really whatever else will pop up to replace him.
That is the ultimate point of Soul Eater's villains.
There will always be darkness, always be madness, so long as humanity exists, something, somewhere, will always pop up as the next great evil.
In asura's case, that is specifically a new incarnation of the madness of fear, but it goes for anything really. If Soul Eater shows anything, its that evil didnt begin with asura, and it wont stop with him either.
So with that in mind, what is Maka's response?
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Hell if I care!
This is the moment Soul Eater was building towards as it's climax, both the anime and manga. The culmination of the entire story, and it's themes is encapsulated in this moment.
Madness and Bravery are two sides of the same coin, but they are not opposites.
Fear and Bravery is.
The World is Terrifying, and anything can happen to you. You can die tomorrow, and you WILL die at some point. Everyone you know will die. Horrible, murderous people exists, and will be replaced by other, horrible, murderous people.
If you have a lover, they might break up with you tomorrow, or they might cheat on you. Your parents might break up. Your brother might turn out to be a deranged killer. you could be an orphan. Your Dad could be actively dying. Your mother might abandon you on the street. You might simply draw the genetic lottery and be doomed to subpar talent and always remain second rate in doing what you love. Dictators exists, and will continue to exist somewhere in the world. And there is nothing you can do about any of it.
This is truth. It is true for countless people around the world, and will remain so for as long as humanity exists.
It is fully logical to fear it.
Soul Eater's message is not to deny this truth, but instead say that it doesnt matter. Everything horrible can happen yes, but by that same token, EVERYTHING that makes life worth living is full of risks.
Loving someone means exposing your heart to betrayal, but it also means opening it up for warmth that can only be found in companionship, be that of a lover, a friend, family, or a even a pet.
only by taking risks, and falling on your face, will you ever be able to grow, while those who run away will never grow at all, and remain stagnant, or even atrophate.
Great things in life, only comes by being willing to take risks, take chances, and confront the fact that the world is terrifying head on.
The future is terrifying, but so what?
If you want to live a life worth living, you have to be willing to face the risks of life head on.
It's a great message, even if the anime could have handled it better. It's a shame though that the manga ultimately abandoned it.
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aloneodi · 1 year
First date | Elizabeth Olsen
Summary: the first date but not their first date
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x male reader
Warning: little bit suggestive at the end, mentions of having sex and Y/N being overprotective and old schooled daddy~
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Elizabeth's pov
"Have you told him?" I look at Ellie and smile. She is so worried that Y/N wont allow her to go on that date she is so looking forward to. Secretly I'm worried too. I mean Eddie is dating since he is 16 and Y/N is ok with it, but this is his daughter and eventhough Ellie is nearly 17, to him she is still a little girl. Thank God he is strictly anti-gun because otherwise I could totally picture him sitting on the porch and cleaning his gun when the poor boy arrives.
"I will tell him now. I'll be back in a couple of minutes" I give her a another smile and make my way to our room. I knock and get in. He is on the phone so I decide it is best to bring him in a good mood. I walk around the desk and curl up in his lap. He smiles down at me and finishes his call.
"Why Mrs. L/N did you miss me while l was in here" he says with a sexy smirk and even after nearly 20 years of beeing married this particular smirk makes me squirm a little. "I miss you whenever I'm not with you but actually we need to talk."
"What have the kids done now" I giggle when he looks annoyed because every discussion about the kids starts with 'we need to talk'.
"Well they are all good, but there is something Ellie wanted to tell you but she was a little worried of your reaction so she asked me to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"There is a nice boy in her school and he asked her on a date. She would really like to go, you know eat at a diner go to the movies maybe they go to the pool hall after that a typical teenie date." Y/N gapes at me and next he get's up with me in his arms, plops me down on his chair and starts to pace in our room while he runs both hands through his hair. Crap thats not good.
"Liz, baby, she is a child, she is way to young for a date. The answer is no!" he says with finality in his voice but I'm not going to let him ruin this for Ellie.
"Y/N, Ellie is almost 17 she is not a little girl anymore, Besides Eddie is dating since he is 16 don't you think that this is double standard." he glares at me and when I first met him that look would have made me cringe but now I glare back at him.
"Elizabeth that's different Ellie is a girl and I know what teenage boys want and they won't do that with any of my daughters. I mean imagine we let her go and two months from now she tells us she is pregnant. I'm not ready to be a grandpa" Ok thats ridiculous and I roll my eyes at him.
"First Ellie is not the kind of girl who has sex on the first date and second she is on the pill..."
"WHAT?" Y/N damn near screams and now I do cringe. Shit I never told him. "Lizzie why is our daughter on the pill. Is there something I don't know?"
"Y/N please calm down. I haven't told you about this because Ellie was so embarrassed that she had to tell me that she made me promise not to tell anyone else. A year ago she told me that she had really bad cramps when ever she got her period. So I took her to Dr. Greene and she told us that this is very common for young girls and that the pill could help. So we tried and it worked. This has nothing to do with birthcontroll for Ellie."
"Oh really, last time I checked the pill was birthcontroll. If she has cramps than she can take painkillers or take hot bath."
"Y/N please I don't want my daughter to take painkillers five days every month, thats not exactly healthy and Ellie knows that if she wants to have sex, she has to tell the boy to use a condom."
"You had the talk with her?"
"Of course I had 'the talk' with her. I don't want to be a grandma either. Well not right now. And do you want to know what she told me. Ellie told me that she would wait with sex until she knows she has found the right guy. She is very mature for her age, but we have to give her some space. It's one date and I already told her that she could not go without Ryan following her and you know what, she is ok with that as long as he doesn't sit at her table while dinner or in the same row in the cinema. So the worst that could happen is that they are holding hands or kiss..."
"Kiss" Y/N gasps and I have to stiffe a smile because he looks shocked. "Yes Y/N teenagers do kiss."
"Not my daughter she is too young!" Oh Y/N!
"Y/N we have to let her make her own expirience and I'd rather she asks us and we can meet the boy than her telling us she is going to friends house and meeting someone behind our backs. Besides all her friends are already dating and Ava she has her third boyfriend already"
"Well she is Collin's and Scar's daughter that was to be expected" Y/N mutters petulantly. "Come on baby I know this is hard on you but remember we have two more daughters and they will all start to date eventually see it as practice" I say with a smirk and he walks over to the desk again picks me up, sits down and puts me back in his lap.
"Fine, I want to meet the little fucker and if I don't like him they are staying here where I can watch him. Wait why don't we go with them?" Ok now I'm laughing. "You can't be real Y/N we can't go with them Ellie would die of embarrassment cuz everyone in school would make fun of her and you know how paparazzi is, they will follow us and it will be lot of trouble"
"Why?" he looks at me like this is a serious question and I think he is really thinking of doing it. "Because no teenage girl wants a double date with her parents how would you have felt if your parents wanted to go on a date with you and a girl you liked?"
"I would have felt that they are very responsable and-" I hold both hands up to stop him "Oh please you would have not felt like that. Look we agreed she can go once we met him so I'm going to tell her that he should come here to pick her up on friday and you can call Ryan now and talk to him." I kiss him quickly and leave our room before he can change his mind though I really hope that Ryan can talk some sense into my constantly worried husband.
Friday evening (Ellie's date night)
I sit in the family room and sip on my wine while looking lovingly at my poor husband. Thank god our younger kids are staying at my parent's house tonight so he can only drive himself and me crazy. He has called Ryan every day since I told him about the date on sunday, Actually I was ready to tell Ellie to go on her date on tuesday just to get this over with. Poor Ryan by now Y/N has compiled a 5 pages long list with things he has to watch and of course Y/N told him that he would be fired if Ellie gives him the slip or if they have sex.
Louis, my husband's dear manager is a wreck too because he was trying to convince Y/N that it was not possible to run a background check on everyone who will be in the diner or the cinema. Of course that wasn't safe enough for my darling control freak so now he has a deal with the manager of the cinema that no matter which movie they want to watch, the will watch it alone.
"Of course Ellie nearly threw a fit when she heard that but I calmed her down and also talked Y/N out of renting a diner for the evening as well as that would have been just too much. Jeez he was never that crazy with Eddie, but than again Eddie is just like Y/N, he looks just like him and he shares Y/N's interest in martial arts so he knows how to defend himself. I mean I don't want anything to happen to Ellie either but I think she needs to make her own mistakes to learn from them and besides Ellie also knows how to defend herself as Y/N had all of our kids go to several safety trainings and they all have security following them so there is no way that boy could harm Ellie. Ryan would rather shoot the kid than let anything happen to Ellie or our other kids Kylie, Grace and Matthew.
I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Ellie appears in the family room wearing a lovely light pink dress with the pumps I borrowed her. Her blond curls are tied back in a high ponytail and she looks so pretty.
"Do I look ok??" she asks a little shy and Y/N steps forward. "You can't go out like that. No way no dress or skirt go change into pants" he says and I get up too. "You look lovely sweetie. I really like the dress, don't listen to your Dada he is just worried."
"Fuck liz she can't wear a dress it's to easy to grab feel of her."
"Daddy!" Ellie pipes deathly embarrassed. "Damien would never do that. He is a nice boy. Please, please don't embarrass me I really like him" she begs wringing her hands and Y/N sighs. "Fine where is the fu- umm guy" he corrects himself and just than Taylor announces Master Damien Hamilton- Ellie's date.
We all look expectantly to the hallway and I have to stiffle a giggle when a boy who is at least 3 or 4 inch smaller than Ellie comes in and nearly falls over his own feet Oh dear, the poor boy is shaking. He has floppy black hair, his shirt is a little wrinkled and he looks deathly pale and stares wide eyed at us.
"Mom, Dad this is Damien." Ellie says and I swear Y/N is biting the insides of his cheeks when Ellie pushes the poor boy further into the room.
"Mr L/N, Mrs L/N it's a- a ple- pleasure to meet you" he stutters and holds his hand out to shake. Poor boy has sweaty palms and now Y/N is smirking, " Well Damien it is nice to meet you too, I do hope you will treat my daughter with respect" Y/N says and the boy nods wide eyed when we all sit down though he stands frozen to the spot in the room. "Sit" Ellie snaps and obediently he sits. Wow she really is her father's daughter so dominant.
"So Damien tell me in what activities are you involved in school." Y/N asks and the boy takes a deep breath. "I'm in the debatting and chess club and also part of the math athletes I'm not that good in sports, Sir." he says and actually he looks a little bit like a nerd but in a cute kind of way.
"I see and what do your parents do for a living?" I ask hoping this will be enough information for Y/N. "My father is working as software developer and my mom is a lab assistant Ma'am"
"We need to go now. Come" Ellie says suddenly and he follows her like a puppy out of the room, while we walk out behind them and watch as they get into his car and drive of with Ryan following them in one of the SUV's.
I close the front door and look at Y/N expectantly. "I like the boy, yes Ellie can date him." he smirks then stalks over to me, picks me up so I'm hanging over his shoulder and gives me a firm slap on my ass making me yelp.
"Now that we are alone Mrs. L/N I think you have to keep me occupied until Ellie is back home." he says in a seductive voice and I grin. "Why Mister L/N I'd like that very much." and with that he carries me into our bedroom where I keep him occupied in our very special way.
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
Hi! Could I request headcannons for Wukong and Macaque (separate) with an affectionate werewolf! S/O?? Like they turn into a giant wolf if feeling strong emotions, like in turning red with Mei turning into a giant red panda ^-^ They’re basically just a giant therapy dog for them and I think they need really that.
I hope this is enough info :,))
( btw I did this on my phone so.. )
Category: headcanons
Fandom: LMK
S/O Gender: Gender neutral
The sun and moon duo having a affectionate werewolf!S/O !!
( seperate )
Lets start with..sun wukong !!
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( *ahem* ok so lets say time has passed after the lbd incident, and finally you'll be asking the legendary monkey king on becoming your future bf and going on dates together <33 )
You asked wukong to follow you in a forest and so he did, he somehow felt a chill down from the breeze and once you arrived at your destination it was a full moon
You thought it would be a perfect time to confess and so you did..you were filled with alot of emotions but you try to stuff them in untill you confess, wukong asked why you both were here and a cool breeze went behind you as you were too flustered to even speak
The full moon's glow glistening in wukong's skin..it made you flustered more..untill you didnt even realize that you turned into your true form..a werewolf..
Wukong gasped in shock while you were back to reality and ran away, "Y/N come back!" He said as he shouts in the void of trees, he tries to find you in the forest while you watch him in the shadows..
He finds you in a river looking at the bright full moon, he gets closer to you and told you that he isnt scared of you and that you still look beautiful even as a werwolf, you were flustered and brushed the tears of your eyes and finally confessed, he gave his love back to you and now your both madly inlove with each other
Wukong would most definitely make you flustered on purpose just to hug you 24/7
If he is sad he cuddles you in your werewolf form ( he probably also tells you stuff about his day while you listen to him )
If you feel somehow angry at him he would try to calm you down and not turn you into your werewolf form BUT if it was from someone else then he probably encourages you to fight them head on in your wereolf form
If you train then its a bonus point for him! Since you wanted a training partner for quite some time..but be warned..he wont go easy on you!
Sometimes you watch him and mk train and wukong would try his best to do the MOST FLASHIEST MOVES you will ever see!
Next up..the sixed eared macaque !!
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I can't think of a scenario for this emo monkey so I'ma head straight into the headcanons dkskwjwj ( sorry for anyone who suspected a storyline for him )
ANYWYASJSSMMS My boi would probably make you his personal therapist dog and no one is allowed to make you their therapist, only for him and not anyone else lmao
When he's sad you comfort him in your werewolf form and he gives back that affection by simply kissing you and words of affirmation
Bro probably wants to protect you at all cost cuz I mean..he doesn't want his precious therapist to just disappear right?
Also if you don't respond to him or feel gloomy he will give you a lil kiss and drag you down to the couch or bed to cuddle ( what do you think would happen? 🤨 )
Everytime he goes out, he comes back with either your favorite book or just something you like :)
Bro probably lurks in the shadows just to spy on you, and probably having an existential crisis on how he managed to get someone so absolutely stunning 😉
Everytime you talk to someone he lurks in the shadows or if he is present he would put his hand on your waist to keep you safe BUT if the person your talking to is wukong..OH BOI THEY BOUTTA START SCREAMING IN PUBLIC NYEEHHEHEHE
Sorry if the format of this looks kinda different..it's because I had to do this in different devices :')
Also because I went on vacation for 4 days straight and didn't have any connection
But either way..I hope you liked it !! <33
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Can you write yandere poly volturi kings and soulmate reader ? Please
ofc anon <3
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I'm getting a slight feeling my volturi works are popular lol. Since these all tie in together I'm just gonna do them in one longer post <3
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aro Volturi
aro is an obsessive yandere. he isn't the worst of the kings to get but isn't the best either.
he will keep you at his side at all times, in bed or in the throne room with you beside his throne, he wont ever let you have a moment without him.
he wont give you the choice of mortal or immortal he will turn you upon meeting. after all you'll be his forever so names and dates can happen later.
he wont allow anyone besides those he trusts near you, and anyone else who dares try to speak to you will die.
you'll never escape him, he practically has the entire volturi guarding you so theres no chance of ever leaving him.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Caius Volturi
of the three kings, Caius is the worst to get, both as a soulmate and yandere.
Don't get me wrong he will still love you and give you subtle affection but nowhere near as much as the other two.
he would keep you close, practically locked away in a room for his eyes only in fear of you running away or someone stealing you.
like aro, if he ever saw anyone who he did not approve of you talking to then he will not hesitate to tear them apart, even if you're standing there.
if you ever by miracle managed to escape from him expect that you will lose any bit of freedom when he catches you. because he will lock you away.
you will not be given a choice to turn or not. he will turn you and you will accept it or he will lock you away until you do.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marcus volturi
he would be the best of the kings to have as your soulmate and yandere.
he would never lay a finger on you to hurt you, the worst punishment he will ever give you is forced affection.
he will turn you, but he would be gentle about it, apologizing the entire time and talking of how he had to turn you so that he wouldn't lose you.
he will spoil you, giving you presents like jewelry and books. he would give you the world if you asked for it, he just wants to see his mate happy.
it would break him if you ever escaped, he would be so hurt that after all he did you left him.
of course he wouldn't let you leave for long, he would send Felix or Demetri to return you. and once back he wont punish you, he'll just claim that he hasnt been giving you enough love and that hes not angry for you leaving. after of course chaining your leg to the bed so you cant do it again.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Poly volturi
if you had all three of the kings as yandere's and soulmates then you are never seeing the light of day or anything out of the castle again.
they are obsessive and impossible to escape on their own but together you'll never be without at least one of them.
aro and Caius will ensure that no one besides them talks to you, while marcus try's to convince them not to kill anyone who does.
you will be turned by them, no matter what you will. just hope that its marcus or aro who does it because caius will be quite rough while doing it.
they will of course become jealous of each other, marcus is the nicest so the other two will be jealous of how you lean to him more. aro keeps you by his side most of the time and the others get jealous over him spending the most time with you. caius is the type to lock you in his room and keep you to himself for however long he pleases which causes anger more then jealousy in the others.
youre not escaping, there is no way that you can manage to escape them unless you have some insane gift that can fight off the entire volturi.
you're theirs for all eternity it doesn't matter if theyre together or separate you will not escape them.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
hi!! platonic dan heng,jing yuan and blade with a teen!reader who has a past like collei?
basically they were used as an experiment from a very young age, they managed to escape soon but were still traumatized from their time as an experiment,they are chronically ill which makes them weak and are scared of being touched due to their time as an experiment subject
Just found out about Collei's backstory😭. I later on went on a fatui hunting spree
Trigger Warning: Yandere. Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Murder
Dan Heng: Will never let you get out of his sight, danger could be around every corner, and the fact that you are chronically ill just makes him scared, he will search every corner of the world to find a cure. Even if he doesn't find one he will try and prolong your life.
You don't like being touched? Don't worry, Dan Heng will never touch you, he will never let anyone else touch you either. He will threaten them and if they don't listen, then their heads was wasted on their bodies anyways.
"I will find a way to cure you, please just hold on"
Jing Yuan: He is horrified when he knows that you were experimented upon, he will send cloud knights to apprihend this criminal. You are not allowed to leave bed, he can't have you stressed, he wont touch you but please just lie down.
Jing Yuan will have the best doctors of the Alliance try to cure you, if not that then atleast make sure you aren't dying soon. Even when you feel scared of the doctors, he will be there to calm you down.
"It's time for a check up. Don't give me that look, it's for your own best"
Blade: The second he finds out, they are all dead. No matter who they are, he doesn't even care if it goes against Elio's script, they need to be erased from the world. He's not quick about it either, they deseve long, outdrawn deaths.
Any battle that Blade is in, you need to be close by. He needs to see you at all times, just in case you get any worse. He never shows you that he is happy, the only time a small smile comes is when he is hugging you, just to make sure you're still alive.
"There is no need to worry, they're all dead now"
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l30ra · 7 months
From Under the Cork Tree and Internalized Homophobia - Part 2/2
A very poorly worded and formatted second post about all the FUTCT lyrics that I personally interpret as being about self destructive internalized homophobia and compiled into my interpretation of lore because I have an obsession with doomed yaoi apparently. Click here for first part!
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continuing to feel more and more depressed about having to hide his relationships to the point of suicide the guy being the only place he feels comfortable ("youre the only place that feels like home") but never wanting to tell him because it could ruin things ("just so you know youll never know" in reference to his intense feelings about him)
trying to decide if it would be better to come out, but deciding against it, so instead becoming depressed again
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mentioning his extensive lyrics about his secret relationship, and the lies hes told and feeling like hes the only one whose done this
continuing to not want to confront his own conscience and continuing to push it away
hiding behind walls of arrogancy as a means to try and protect his heart as he feels the guy doesn't care about him the same way he cares about him
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"dousing himself in cheap perfume" in reference to hooking up with a bunch of girls as a cover up to his relationship, but still feeling like hes unable to hide it forever
saying its incredibly fitting that he now constantly smells like cheap perfume, as a homophobic dig at himself
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referencing his arrogancy further here as being "vicious and carved out of stone" but only having become this way to push others away
trying to move past his feelings for the guy (what he "left") and live his life in his own protective shell (what he "has") but still missing himself intensely to the point it feels like hes dying
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still being in love with the guy, and not being able to find anyone new that the tabloids would like
feeling borrowed and used by the guy from previous encounters feeling like a cheap hookup
feeling continually depressed from having to hide himself and put up these fronts for everyone else
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admitting he messed up by revealing some of his feelings to the guy and dragging him back in to the relationship he was finally starting to progress moving through
saying that they'll never live this down because neither of them will ever be able to move past eachother
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on his path to cover up his secret relationship, he ends up hurting a lot of girls
wishing that one of them would just give him up and stop allowing him to use her as a coverup (the boy whose had too many chances) because he knows he wont be able to stop by himself so he dreams of her telling him to basically fuck off
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hating how the guy makes him feel but knowing he can't blame him, because they both have to make sacrifices (namely, hooking up with girls) to coverup their relationship
encouraging him to get in relationships with girls as a coverup but hating it anyways and ending up jealous
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more women giving up on their relationships with him because they all end up realizing hes a lost cause and clearly not over someone, and while they dont know who it is, they dont want to stick around for it
he knows hes a disaster, but he doesn't try to hide it ("what did you expect")
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still continuing this pattern of hooking up with girls to cover his relationship up,
making sure to put on a show for them so they have something to cover, trying to enforce his heterosexuality as much as possible
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the secret relationship finally coming out one way or another
neither boy can be mad, because they both knew this would happen and they never stood a chance at actually being happy together
trying to play it off as if it doesn't matter, but hes still obsessed with the guy and unable to move on, contributing to his own pain
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realizing this whole relationship and all the fake relationships hes had in the past were all some sort of self inflicted torture, but that the tabloids don't care nearly as much as either boy thought they would
now that his secrets out, he has to directly confront his own mind and internalized homophobia, which is an incredibly struggle
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once again talking about his obsession for this guy, and how much of his life is consumed by this guy now
wishing they could go back to being in the closet ("in the dark lying on top of you") and implying that was what made the relationship work ("you'd like boys like me better doing this specific thing which we cant go back to doing anymore because people know") so that he wouldn't have to confront his feelings and could keep surpressing them
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mentioning how since the start of the relationship hes wanted to go public but been unable to, as it was his worst fear
now that his secrets out, he starts self torturing in new ways, rebranding his depression of being in the closet to depression of being out of the closet (putting a new address on the same loneliness - his queerness, because the location has changed from in the closet to out of the closet)
realizing trying to dispell the rumors and stories arent worth the time or effort and becoming increasingly more and more depressed and contemplating death ("talkings a waste of breathe" + "livings a waste of death")
clinging on to the relationship until everything else fails around him desperately
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finding him in a crowd at a concert full of songs hes written about the guy
talking about going from being ashamed and lying about the relationship (closing his eyes to block out his shame and crossing his fingers) to pledging full heartedly to the guy ("i swear") because his lyrics are an outlet for him and hes trying to process
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essentially just referencing their various hookups and the trust they had in eachother to a certain degree (the keys to his car but never his house)
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referencing their old hookups (his "love") and how he would shut off his mind, much like hiding a bible in a drawer, because both were doing nothing but shame him for being with this guy
saying both the bible and his conscience never did much for him anyways
trying to force this guy to love him ("love never wanted me, but i took it anyways"), when all he really felt towards him was sympathy at best, so the guy ended up leaving
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still being obsessed with him, he wishes he would come back and blames his problems on him
finally recognizing that since the beginning of the relationship, all this guy has ever caused for him is heartbreak
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still being in love with this guy despite the harm caused by him, and keeping up with his relationships through tabloids and such ("through the keyhole i watched you dress" is him grasping at any information about his love life he can possible garner from such small sources of information)
realizing the relationship is thoroughly ruined and theres nothing he can ever do to fix it
The writer hooks up with another guy, and despite his internalized homophobia starts to feel some intense feelings towards said guy, while said guy feels nothing towards him. To keep up appearances, they both hook up with girls publicly, but continue their relationship in private. This starts making the writer incredibly depressed, as he continues falling more in love but struggles more with his internalized homophobia and how this could affect both his and the guys career if ever made public. Eventually it is made public and people don't see it as nearly half as big a deal as the boys thought they would, but now the writer is forced to confront his own internalized homophobia, and the fact that his feelings towards the guy aren't reciprocated, and move on past them.
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