#there's like a war or some mini battles
agrebel18 · 1 year
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entishramblings · 7 months
Watcher of Wanderers [Legolas/F!Reader]
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A.N: this was intended just to be a mini one-shot to get back into writing. although, I will admit I got carried away. oops. heh.
Pairing: Legolas X F!Reader
Song Inspo: Mountain Meditation by Chantress Seba
🌬️ I highly recommend listening while reading
Summary: Legolas senses a presence following the fellowship on their journey and it seems to be particularly fond of him.
Disclaimer: all mythology related to the reader was made up for plot purposes lol. not canon.
Word count: 5.6k (once again, idk why I’m like this)
Warnings: comfort, fluff, loneliness, flirting, suggested sexual innuendos, stalking sort of (yes, again, I know. you’re just gonna have to read it I can’t explain it)
Additional Content: moodboard linked here
When you are nothing but a breeze that passes through the travelers’ bending hair. When you are nothing but a tickle that brushes upon the vagabonds’ breaking skin. When you are nothing but a whisper that hisses upon the wanders’ deaf ear. When you are nothing but alone, you too are a voyager.
That’s what (Y/N) was, wasn’t she?
She sailed through the years, watching every war and every battle. She observed every lover as she observed every enemy. She attended to them all, from their start and to their end. She perceived them hunt—first for food and drink, the simplest things, then for more. She witnessed them build—smaller creations in the beginning, then large structures that reached deep into her sky. She gazed at them as they grew, in mind and body. They began as little screaming balls of flesh, then sprouted into large beings that walked and talked. They produced more of themselves. They multiplied. Families, they had called it. She saw each one of them go by, twisting with desire as they did with age. Each was sneaking to find something—riches, power, hope, love, safety—but it didn’t really matter. She just bore witness. She bore witness to the happiness and to the dread. Yet, even when it was dark and desperate, she did nothing. She was silent—as she was meant to be.
Cursed to ride the winds for all of her immortal years.
Cursed to guide them and bend them.
Cursed to behold them.
Cursed to be them.
A Watcher of Wanderers.
She was unescorted, unattended, and unchaperoned. She was unaccompanied as she wove through the desolate lands of Arda. Through the oceans, through the deserts, through the mountains, she bent and bellowed. But (Y/N) didn’t need anyone to accompany her, for she simply didn’t exist—at least not in the way one would think.
But after so long in solidarity, watching and observing, (Y/N) wondered what it would feel like to be more than what she was. She wondered what it was to taste and touch, to smell and see, to live and breath.
She thought how pain must feel. How did it bring red to the surface of their skin? How did it bring tears to their eyes? How did it bring screams to their throats?
Still, she wandered more.
She thought how laughter must feel. How did it bubble in their chests? How did it bring water to their faces? How did it bring glee from their mouths?
Still, she wandered more.
She thought about how love must feel. How did it soften their gazes? How did it bring drops upon their cheeks? How did it bring proclamations to their lips? How did it feel to welcome in another soul? Was it safe—not that she would know what safety felt like.
Still, she wandered more.
As each day passed and each traveler followed, she continued to question, guess, inquire.
Some of these creatures were more in tune with the natural currents of the word. It was the immortal beings, distinguished by the pointy ears that lent them an air of otherworldly grace and their lightning-quick reflexes. They were not just any immortals, but those whose lineages stretched back to ancestors who had walked among the Valar themselves. At times, (Y/N) entertained the fantasizing notion that they possessed the rare ability to hear her, though she recognized that this belief was nothing more than wishful thinking. As a watcher of wanderers, she liked these ones best.
Yet that did not mean that others did not catch her eye, for she was curious of anything unusual from the regular patterns of life. And when nine—born of various blood—walked together, her curiosity peaked.
So, she followed them.
One was a Maiar, but not like her. He shared the same celestial origin, shaped as one of the spirits meant to aid the Valar in their worldbuilding endeavors. However, his form differed greatly from hers—a form (Y/N) yearned for. She had seen him many times before, puffing his pipe. He had many names, but most knew him as Gandalf.
Two more figures accompanied him, mortal beings aging like the rolling seasons. Burling and tumbling they went, with their countless heavy weapons. One emanated kindness, his heart a wellspring of warmth. She had seen him before too. But the other, he was….troubled.
Another was one of the immortal, graceful, pointy-eared race—elves, she recalled. He was fluid and elegantant. He was observant and evaluating. He was tranquil yet vigorous. (Y/N) liked this one. She always had liked the elves.
From the mountainous regions of unyielding stone came another companion—a burly and gruff figure. His anger resonated in the sharpness of his words and the boastry of his laughter. (Y/N) could feel his temperament through the earth's vibrations. It wasn't always pleasant
Next, matched four more. They were stompers and stumblers, in a clumsy sort of way; yet, it was evident that they held no desire to ravage the earth. If anything, they seemed to harbor deep affection for it. The sad one broke her heart, the kind one warmed her soul, and the last two made her giggle….and sometimes she thought the elf could hear it.
See that was the thing.
Initially, her fascination led her to accompany them, drawn by their sheer otherness—such a strange assembly of beings walking in unison. But as she ventured alongside them, she felt connected to them. She got to know them, and one seemed to know her….sorta.
The first time she noticed such a thing was when a sound of joy escaped her being.
The two silly ones, which she found out to be named Merry and Pippin, were cracking jokes at one another and performing a game of riddles. As they did so, they ended up breaking into an argument. The most ridiculous words they called each other: mushroom murderer, squash squisher, beet beater…..
She couldn’t help but release a whisper of amusement, and when she did, the elf—Legolas—abruptly halted. His eyes brimmed with uncertainty, and he swiveled his head, as though searching for someone.
But he couldn’t….
He couldn’t have heard her….could he?
Of course, occasionally, all could hear her. In moments of anger, she would unleash her fury with deafening howls and piercing screams, causing gusts to bellow and trees to tremble. Her yell created a hollow sound as it funneled through the rest of the world—echoing upon mountains, bouncing off houses, riding along hills, drifting through the farmer’s mills. It took much frustration to create such a ruckus of vibrations. However, just a faint breath of joy? There was no way the elf could hear that….right?
The second time that a strange encounter occurred was when the group stopped by a deep river. Legolas had wandered a little way away from the group where the trees were denser and the light was less, and oh of course (Y/N) followed.
There, the elf stripped off his clothing, letting the moonlight bend and dip upon his muscled form. The cool night air played gently against his bare skin as he ventured into the water, welcoming the invigorating sensation. With his hands, he meticulously scrubbed away any lingering grime, running his palms across his arms and fingers through his damp hair until no trace of dirt remained.
Gently, he laid upon his back, floating at the surface of the smooth river.
(Y/N) watched as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply and repeatedly. Meditation, she recalled the elvish creatures of the world calling it.
Eager to draw nearer, (Y/N) gracefully glided closer, brushing ever so lightly upon the surface of the ripples. She circled him, her gaze drinking in every detail of his form slightly obstructed by the water—his elegant facial features, his sleek hair, his sculpted biceps, his toned abs, the sharp v-line of his lower abdomen, and, she couldn't help but notice his rather large…
A soft giggle escaped her lips, her warm breath brushing against his cheek.
Instantly, Legolas sprang upright, his feet finding a place upon the rocks beneath the now turbulent ripples. He swiftly pivoted, calling out, “Who’s there?!”
(Y/N) was still, shock and uncertainty shrouding her.
Legolas' cerulean eyes darted anxiously from side to side, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He moved with haste, continually spinning around in search of…..something.
“You…you can hear me?” (Y/N) whispered.
He did not respond and his state did not change. There was not an ounce of any recognition across his features.
The third time that Legolas was startled by the curious enigma that appeared to be haunting him was when the fellowship had set up camp for the night.
Gandalf and Legolas were on watch, their attentive gazes shifting from the crackling fire to the perimeters of their camp. Mithanduil contentedly puffed on his pipe, releasing wisps of smoke that ascended into the night sky. Legolas was methodically sharpening the tips of his arrows, preparing for the inevitable fight. The ambiance was strangely peaceful, with the imminent dangers appearing to be held at bay, at least for the moment, even in the face of the dread.
However, this serene atmosphere suffered a sudden intrusion, initiated by (Y/N)'s ever-present curiosity.
She loved watching the creatures of Arda. It was her favorite pastime over the eons. Well, her only pastime. After all, she was a watcher of wanderers. For, as her shapeless form, there was nothing more she could do with her existence.
Therefore, when the elf began to draw whetstone upon the tops of his arrows, (Y/N) wanted to observe. She crept closer to him, becoming entranced by the rhythmic and tranquil nature of his movements. Drawn into the spectacle, she leaned in further and further until, unintentionally, she brushed lightly against his form.
His hand instinctively reached for his shoulder as his wide cerulean blues initiated their frequent and fervent scanning of the dim surroundings—a routine that seemed to be occurring with increasing regularity nowadays.
Gandalf’s gray eyes drifted upon the elf curiously, his bushy brows lifting in questions.
“I swore…” Legolas began, still peering about the campsite. “I swore I felt…something.”
The wizard’s inquiring gaze only deepened, imploring the elf to add more to his rather empty statement.
Noticing Gandalf's unspoken request for more information, Legolas continued, "My apologies, Mithranduil. Lately, I've been sensing a presence. Yet, when I search for it, I'm met with nothing but emptiness and confusion."
Gandalf huffed before pressing his lips to his pipe again, his gaze drifting away in a dismissal of danger. “It is probably just (Y/N).”
“(Y/N)?” He questioned, still puzzled.
Gandalf glanced at Legolas, and with a nonchalant hum, he spoke again. “The spirit of the wind. A Maiar with a form that knows no shape.” He rolled his eyes as he gruffed out an additional mumbling sentence. “She has a particular fondness for elves.”
Legolas, still flushed with adrenaline, only stared at him. “I—I do not understand.”
The wizard’s gray gaze drifted back to the elf, who was clearly seeking answers. “(Y/N) is one of the Maiar, tasked many ages ago by Manwë to help shape Arda. She still lingers in this realm, often stirring up her usual mischief as she follows wanderers on their adventures."
Legolas frowned. “If she wanders this earth, why can I see her not?”
Gandalf drew another puff from his pipe before responding, "She was cursed to be without form, unlike myself."
“Cursed? But why?”
The wizard raised his bushy brows once more. “Her mischief irked many—especially Manwë.”
“What sorts of mischief do you speak of?”
Gandalf shrugged. “Inconsequential pranks and harmless tricks. Quite frankly, an annoyance to us all, but not dangerous.”
At that very moment, a gust of wind swept in rather forcefully, causing the wizard's beard to billow and lifting his hat into the air, sending it spiraling down to land by his feet.
Legolas's lips parted in surprise as the wind subsided, and Gandalf let out a string of curses and grumbles.
"I believe you might have offended her," Legolas remarked, amusement dancing in his eyes.
The wizard snorted, his irritation obvious, as he picked his hat up and placed it atop his head once more.
As the weeks continued on, Legolas took notice of (Y/N)’s subtle presence.
It seemed she was indeed traveling with them. On scorching hot days, a refreshing breeze would rise and caress them gently, offering some much-needed relief. As the autumn months settled in, that coolness transformed into a warm breath flowing through the air, comforting them. When they kindled fires, little gusts rushed forward, providing oxygen and nurturing the flames. If an item of clothing or a parcel were dropped, it would be delicately carried toward a hand ready to collect. It was as if the wind—(Y/N)—was assisting them along their quest.
It was particularly noticeable to Legolas that she often lingered in close proximity to him. Her presence seemed to envelop him frequently, becoming unmistakable and distinct.
When Legolas would be tasked to collect firewood, a gentle breeze would follow him. It would brush leaves out of the way to reveal dry wood and small sticks, perfect for kindling. The wind murmured songs among the soil, almost as if it were beckoning him to dance.
When Legolas would be hunting for food, a calm drift would search alongside him. It would twist through the brush, startling small prey to reveal them to him. The wind breathed wordless encouragement to him, as if challenging him to impress her.
When Legolas would be walking upon hard terrain, a playful gust would walk with him. It would blow his hair away from his face to reveal his features. The wind sent flirtatious laughter upon his elvish ear, chasing shivers along his nerves.
When Legolas would be changing out of mud or blood covered clothes, a devious wisk would linger behind him. It would push his tunic and undershirt upwards to reveal his muscled form then make his extra clothing scatter. The wind whispered sultry glee to him, teasing him in efforts to show more.
This mischievous presence that shrouded him seemed to flirt with him—challenge, play, and engage. Of course, Legolas recalled Gandalf's earlier assertion that the wind spirit held a particular fondness for elves, but the true depth of this fondness had only become apparent as her companionship persisted. He couldn't deny that their ongoing interaction held a certain allure, for he would be lying if he said their little game did not entertain him.
When the fellowship was in Moria, however, silence reigned. The usual gusts and breezes that had accompanied them were absent. It was as if the very air mourned with them. Yet, as soon as they exited, with grief heavy upon their soul, a quick adrenalized wind came to find them. It seemed to brush around the rocks, taking in the pain of the travelers and trying to process what it meant. Though, as the wind noticed one was no longer there, she took to sending warmth their way in hopes to soften the sorrow—shrouding Legolas for just a moment longer than the others.
When the fellowship was in Lothlorien, (Y/N) came too. Rustling up trouble among the elves with flirtatious gusts, lifting skirts and sweeping away cloaks, fostering much annoyance and embarrassment among the immortal elven folk. However, those brushes of wind often struck Legolas more than any other.
When the fellowship—or rather the three that remained—took to sprinting across Arda, the wind ran alongside them. It pushed them forward with encouragement, almost too eagerly and too persistent. It was as if she was whispering ‘hurry hurry’ in their ears—as if she possessed knowledge they did not. Though Legolas suspected neither Gimli nor Aragorn noticed the subtle guidance of the wind.
A watcher of wanderers indeed.
As the group arrived in Rohan, their hearts brimmed with renewed hope, for they had gained the knowledge of Merry and Pippin’s life and the presence of Gandalf.
Following Mithranduil's expulsion of the sorcery that had ensnared King Théoden, the weary travelers were ushered to various chambers where they could refresh themselves and find much-needed rest.
Legolas opted to bathe immediately, determined to liberate himself from the accumulated dirt and grime that had clung to his body through the arduous months of travel. He eased into the in-ground basin, the soothing warmth and enveloping steam creating a cocoon of comfort. He tended to his skin and hair with meticulous care until he finally felt rejuvenated. Elves did not like to linger in grime.
Emerging from the bath, he stepped into the adjacent bedroom, where his gaze was drawn to the open windows, allowing the cool breeze to waft in. The wind seemed to recognize him instantly, rushing forth with an almost mischievous enthusiasm. It nearly yanked his towel from his waist! It was only through his quick reflexes that he narrowly avoided a less than modest reveal.
Legolas ground his teeth. “(Y/N),” he mumbled in a chastising tone.
In response, the wind seemed to giggle, as if playfully toying with him.
He rewrapped the towel and hastened to close the windows, yearning for a night of undisturbed peace. Normally, he would tolerate (Y/N)'s whimsical outbursts, but on this night, his weary body and mind craved respite and tranquility.
Legolas changed into more comfortable attire and settled into his bed. He allowed his heavy eyelids to drift shut, for he craved sleep. But after a brief moment, they snapped open.
He watched as the curtains shifted ever so slightly, followed by the tapestry on the wall and the drapes above his bed. The blanket beside him rustled gently, and then, there was no movement in the room.
She hadn't left when he closed the windows.
She was still here.
Though he couldn't see her, he was acutely aware of her presence…right beside him.
The elf couldn't help but blush, a warm crimson hue creeping up upon his ears and cheeks. Oh, if his Ada knew he was flirting with the wind….
In an effort to divert his thoughts from such matters and avoid giving (Y/N) any indication that he was dwelling on them, the elf shifted onto his side, turning away from the playful Spirit whose home was the sky.
Legolas took notice of (Y/N)’s presence among the battles at Helms Deep and the Fields of Pelennor; although it wasn't until the latter that he knew for sure she was actively fighting alongside him.
Amidst the relentless chaos, the elf wielded his two silver blades, using them with deadly precision to cut the throat of one orc and immediately behead another. He swiftly pressed on, eliminating as many of the enemy forces as he could.
The men around him were growing weary, their energy dwindling, but Legolas continued to stand firm, even though he too felt the drain on his strength.It seemed the dark forces had taken notice of the relentless devastation he was causing among their ranks, as they began to single him out. Hordes of orcs began converging on him, and Sauron's archers took aim. However, the arrows meant for him didn't find their mark. They veered off course, curving with an unexpected gust of wind, plunging directly into three orcs nearby.
Legolas whipped his head around in astonishment, but it took only a moment for him to grasp the source of this unexpected intervention: (Y/N).
As he continued to take down orc after orc, she remained by his side, using her ethereal presence to force the creatures back into one another, granting Legolas a distinct advantage and a brief moment to catch his breath. She deflected arrows aimed at him and extended her helping hand when he faced the Oliphaunt. She even lifted him up with a gentle drift when his footing faltered. (Y/N) followed Legolas throughout the battlefield, her commitment unwavering, even after the war had drawn to a close.
Exhausted and burdened by grief and relief, the mortal, battle-weary soldiers sought solace and took to rest, heal, and eat.
Legolas volunteered to wander the battlefield in search of any survivors.
He tread carefully, his feet moving softly over the blood-soaked and red-stained earth. The ground seemed to bear witness to the agony, uncertainty, and hope that had marked their strenuous journey. Legolas had never anticipated surviving the trials that had befallen him, yet here he stood, alive and persevering against all odds.
With a heavy heart and the absence of survivors to be found, Legolas, fatigued and drained, decided to make his way back to his comrades who were attending to the wounded and offering peace to those in need.
In a sudden fierce gust of wind, Legolas found himself surrounded by an unexpected swirl. Swiftly, he whirled around, his keen elven senses alert, just in time to witness an orc raising an axe menacingly above his head, poised to strike.
However, Legolas was not met with such a gruesome fate. The wind seemed to rise against the approaching beast, as though an invisible force hindered its advance. However, that force began to no longer be invisible. A strange, translucent figure began to materialize into the opaque form of a woman. She stood, her back pressed against his chest and her front pushing firmly against the would-be assailant. With her arms raised high, she held the axe at bay, preventing the deadly blow from falling upon the elf.
Legolas' lips parted in astonishment, his eyes widening as he struggled to comprehend the event unfolding before him. But everything transpired too swiftly for him to intervene. The figure solidified, to the point that he could feel her against him, and the axe came down at an unusual angle, slicing into the woman's side.
A cry escaped her throat, and she collapsed to the ground, her pain echoing through the air.
Suddenly thrust back into the harsh reality of battle, Legolas swiftly grasped the knife strapped to his belt. In one fluid motion, he drove the blade into the orc's heart. The creature gurgled for a moment, blood pooling from its mouth, before finally collapsing lifeless.
Without hesitation, Legolas fell to the unconscious woman crumpled at his feet. His heart clenched with dread as he noticed the crimson stains spreading across the delicate, iridescent fabric that cloaked his form.
"No, no, no," he murmured, his hands pressing against the wound in a frantic attempt to stop the bleeding. Panic tinged his voice as he glanced at her face, his voice rising in desperation, " (Y/N), you foolish Maiar. Why did you intervene? Why did you put yourself in harm's way?" His bloodied hand gently cupped her cheek. "Wake up. Come on, wake up!"
She remained unresponsive.
Swiftly, Legolas gathered her into his arms, keeping one hand pressed against the bleeding wound, and hurried towards the makeshift infirmary.
Pushing the doors open, he called out in a voice laced with fear, "Aragorn!"
Immediately, the urgent tone drew the attention of those nearby, even in the midst of the ongoing chaos of the healing ward. The Ranger, alerted by the distress in his friend's voice, swiftly moved past the curious onlookers, with Gimli at his side and Gandalf following not too far behind.
“A-an ax to the side. She’s bleeding heavily,” he sputtered out. “Please.”
Pointing to a makeshift bed, Aragorn commanded. ‘Get her on that cot! Quickly now.”
Gimili, entirely bewildered by the unfolding events and his friend’s frantic behavior, called out, “Laddie, who is that?!”
Legolas, gently placing her form on the cot, didn't even bother to look at his dwarf companion as he replied. “(Y/N).”
The dwarf shook his head and raised his hands in confusion. “Who the fuck is (Y/N)?!”
The elf sent Gimli a quick, almost exasperated glance. "The wind!" he snapped back, a bit too sharply.
Gimli’s eyes drifted around the room, his confusion turning into concern for his friend’s well being. “The wind?” he questioned. “Did ya happen to get knocked in the head, tree boy?”
It was Gandalf that chimed in. “(Y/N), a Maiar, the spirit of the wind. She has been with us throughout our journey.”
Aragorn shot the wizard a brief look as he swiftly cut away the mysterious, translucent fabric cloaking the woman and began tending to the deep, bleeding wound.
“With us the entire time?!” Gimli bellowed. “Then why haven't I seen her once?"
Gandalf peered over Aragorn’s shoulder. “She doesn't have a corporal form. At least, she didn’t. I’m afraid this is the first time any of us are seeing her.”
Legolas ran his bloodied hands through his hair, his fingers trembling with anxiety as he stepped back. His chest felt constricted with worry while his eyes remained fixated on the woman as Aragorn worked. “Can you do it, Aragorn? Can you save her?” he implored, his voice quivering with a mixture of desperation and hope.
The man met Legolas' gaze. His determination to save her was unwavering, even in the face of this strange reveal of a profound connection between a force he didn't know existed and his dear friend. Seeing Legolas’ pain, he responded firmly, "I will try."
Gimli, moving to stand beside the wizard, watched the scene with a mixture of concern and curiosity. He couldn't help but murmur, "I've never seen him so frazzled before." His words were filled with a deep sense of empathy for his elven friend, for this had clearly shaken Legolas to his core.
Gandalf let his gaze shift from the elf to Gimli, offering the dwarf a knowing look in response.
The watcher of wanderers had now become a wonder to the wanderers themselves.
Legolas sat in a chair beside (Y/N). He was quiet and still as he watched her chest rise and fall steadily. Aragorn had successfully treated her wound, preventing infection, though she remained unconscious. She rested soundlessly, her expression peaceful—despite Legolas’ bloody handprint, now brown, dried, and cracking, that lingered upon her cheek. Her features were graceful and elegant. Each curve and bend of her face accentuated her beauty. He wasn't sure what he had expected her to look like, though how she appeared made sense with her temperament. He could see her flirtatious streak, her mischievous tone, and her protective aurora. She was exactly what wind would be: strong yet gentle, fierce yet calm, emotional yet stern.
He watched over her, just as she had watched over him. So intently, that he didn't notice one behind him until a hand pressed firmly upon his shoulder.
"Legolas," Aragorn began, his expression filled with gentle concern as he inquired, "How do you know this woman?"
Legolas sighed, keeping his gaze on her. "She has been traveling with us," he explained.
The sound of wood scraping against stone told the elf that the Ranger pulled a nearby chair over to sit next to him.
“So Gandalf said. Though I do not understand,” Aragorn admitted.
Legolas shifted. “I started to notice strange occurrences—unexplained events.”
Aragorn raised a brow, “Strange occurrences?”
Legolas felt his cheeks heat as he cleared his throat. “Yes, yes, but more importantly, I noticed something helping us. Consistently.” He paused, “I asked Mithranduil about it and he told me of her.” He shook his head. “He said she was cursed to watch us—us inhabitants of Arda—and not be able to walk among us.”
“Then how is she here now before us, like this.”
Legolas glanced at his hands, a hint of nervousness in his expression. “I asked Mithranduil that too,” he admitted. “He said her sacrifice must have ended her limbo.” He then let his eyes land on his friend and he spoke once more, his tone almost fearful and definitely shy—something Aragorn had never seen from the elf. “If she doesn't survive, because of me, will Arda have wind no longer? I haven't felt a single breeze since she fell.”
Aragorn sighed. “I do not know, my friend. I do not know.” He reached forward and placed his hand upon his shoulder. “Please go clean up and rest. You are no good to her like this. I will take care of her, I promise.”
Legolas hesitated, “But what if she wakes?”
The Ranger sighed again, “If she wakes, I will send someone to—”
He was interrupted by a soft groan escaping from the lips of the Wind Spirit.
Instantly, both Legolas and Aragorn turned to look at the woman.
Her eyelids lazily blinked open, and she gradually became aware of her surroundings. A frown creased her face as she emitted another groan. Her hand moved slowly, making its way down to her bandaged side.
"What... what is this feeling?" she murmured to herself, puzzled by the sensations.
To her astonishment, Legolas responded, “Pain.”
She scrambled to sit upright in bed, the pain surging through her body but the sheer force of adrenaline propelled her actions. “You–you can hear me?” she whispered, eyes wide.
Legolas moved closer, taking a seat on the edge of the cot. In a gentle tone, he answered, "I can hear you. I can see you." He tenderly raised his hand to her cheek, resting it on the dried bloody mark already there. "And I can feel you."
A hushed gasp escaped her lips as she reached up to touch his hand. "It's... it's warm," she remarked, her voice filled with surprise. "I didn't expect it to be warm."
The elf smiled gently in response.
A mischievous smirk then graced her lips, and her gaze, rather unmistakably, wandered down his figure and briefly settled upon his pants. “Is everything this warm?” she inquired with a teasing tone.
Taken aback by her words and her brazen gaze, he cleared his throat. A noticeable flush crept across his cheeks and ears as he broke eye contact. With that, Legolas turned to face Aragorn, who stood behind him with raised eyebrows and a playful grin forming at the corner of his mouth. “My apologies, Aragorn.” He glanced back at the Wind Spirit. “(Y/N), this is—”
She interrupted him, her eyes on the other man. “I know who he is,” she said with confidence. “Aragorn, son of Arathorn the second, also called Strider or Wingfoot, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, and the Uncrowned King of Gondor.”
The expressions on both men's faces contorted, morphing to sheer astonishment—how did she know all that?
(Y/N) grinned sheepishly. "I am the wind," she confessed. "I see and hear a great deal."
The Minas Tirith Castle was cloaked in the deep shroud of a late moonlit night as Legolas walked through its ancient halls. The soft flickering of torchlight painted wavering shadows on the weathered stone walls, lending an atmosphere that resonated with the weight of its history. His footsteps were silent as he moved, and his thoughts followed suit, meandering through the corridors of his mind.
However, up ahead, a figure bathed in a gentle glow caused Legolas to abruptly halt in his tracks, his thoughts instantly converging on the woman.
“(Y/N),” he called out, approaching her. “What are you doing away from the House of Healing? You shouldn't be out of bed. You should be resting!”
She let out an exasperated sigh, not appreciating his chastising tone. "I am a watcher of wanderers, Legolas. Therefore, I too am a voyager. It is not in my nature to stay still."
Legolas released a heated breath through his nose. “That may be true, but you now have a corporal form. No longer are you just a breeze.”
She rolled her eyes, shifting her feet to hide the persistent pain emanating from her side. “I may not be a breeze any longer, but I still control all the winds of Arda. I could knock you on your ass in seconds, injured or not.”
Legolas chuckled lightly. “I never would have gotten involved with the wind if I knew she was so temperamental,” he teased.
(Y/N), suppressing a grin, responded with a snarky retort. “Oh, so we are involved, are we?”
The elf sent her a look, trying to hide his expression of amusement. “I would be naive to think that all the times the wind flirted with me, it was just a ploy.”
“Maybe I enjoy a ploy from century to century, Legolas,” she replied.
He laughed lightly at her jest, then took a step closer, his demeanor shifting to one of seriousness. Gently, he pressed his hand to her bandaged side. “(Y/N),” he began softly. “Why did you do it? Why did you get in between that orc and I?”
She looked up at him, her eyes gleaming with sincerity. “You know why.”
“Say it,” he commanded.
“Because,” she began, her tone becoming shy and soft. “Because, I—I love you.”
Instantly, Legolas wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her close to him. He pressed his lips fervently against hers. As their mouths met with equal intensity, he tasted the essence of the wind. And oh, it tasted of adventure, suffering, and joy. It tasted of warm bread from the north, bitter nuts from the east, clear water from the south, and fresh fruit from the west. It tasted of eons and eons of wandering, yet still, she tasted of home. Her hands found their way into his golden locks of hair, twisting and tugging it lightly. He allowed her to siphon off his heat, for the wind was often cold and bellowing. Though, he could tell she was taking more than just his warmth—she was taking his love; and oh, he gladly gave it to her.
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Everything Taglist: @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @brun-lieve @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @sydney-1209 @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @redbirdbluebird333-blog @desert-fern @skairipakomtrikru @genderfluid-anime-goth @skairipakomtrikru @hemera1227 @sotwk @sirenofavalon @hobbitsesoftheshire @asianbutnotjapanese @mgchaser @heavenshumour @mgchaser @heavenshumour @casuallyeating-blog @cheari
Everything But Spice Tag: @goldfearless @cauliflowertree @heranintomyknife23times @mxmia @unethicallypleistocene @amessofmultifandom
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back @mylittle-escapingdreams @abandoncloud9 @aphroditesmoon @carojasmin2204 @high-sea-husbands @aheadfullofsteverogers
add yourself to my taglist
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circeius-invidioso · 2 months
I do not get why the Red Corsairs are not a popular choice.
Like here is the elevator pitch for the warband and then we can come to some justified conclusion.
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What isn't there to love?
You want me to turn into an infomencial and make a top 3 reasons why the Red Corsairs are great?
Cause I can.
And I will.
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The Diverse Working Enviroment
Here in the Red Corsairs we might have started as Ultramarines but the barrier for entry is on the floor. So anyone can join.
You are Night Lord with a bad rep and no ship.
Buckle up we got you covered.
You are a Fallen and have 20 Dark Angels all up in yo business? Trying to shoot down the boss babe you are?
Fear not, or in our case. Know no Fear. We are strapped and don't get clapped.
You are a traitor that likes their Legion but sadly you got in our way?
Tough luck buddy, you will join or die and your geene seed will join our cause. Nothing personal battle brother. Just business as usual.
Everyone is welcome as long as they follow Huron's guidelines and don't aggitate the topless sweaty Khorne worshipping Ultramarines in the basement.
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Unlike the corrupt Imperium of man and the corpse Emperor our leader is powered by miracles (which is trully a miracle how he survived but that on the next section), and we use 0 psyckers to power our crap.
Our carbon footprint is also minimum as we use salvaged goods and don't indulge in toxic industries that destroy worlds.
The Red Corsair base of operation is in the Eye of Terror and from there we expand our scope. A place greatly known for its constant shifts, and horrible conditions but the tan our serfs have are spectacullar from all that cosmic radiation.
Finally we are commited to recycling. As in we take from our victims benefactors and put those stolen goods to some great use. Nothing goes to waste, neither mortal, nor static object. If something is not nailed on the floor we will take it.
In fact we might take the floor too and the nails used to set it in place.
Nothing goes to waste!
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Unmatched Leadership
Last, but certainly not least.
The man.
The myth.
The Legend.
Huron Blackheart.
Aka Lufgt Huron.
Aka what would happen if we gave a compressed Guilliman a daemonic familiar and left him to ferment in a warp storm.
Not only the name is so edgy you might cut yourself by saying it out loud. But also it's complex enough that if you say it quickly three times without twisting your tongue theres is a chance furniture might start levitating.
The man has put his Ultramarine brain to use and amased enough influence and power to put the Black Legion to shame.
Huron went from 0 to 100 in no time, he is a self made Warmaster. With no daddy issues or troubles in the world, he goes into battle blasting Alestorm in the voxxcasters.
He does not care.
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He probably wears this when he wants to relax.
You think he cares?
He does not care.
He has a biker gang specifically organized to hunt down those who have betrayed him.
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They slap those things on their armors not for the usual biker reason
(which fun fact the meaning is, 99% of the bikers are law-abiding, where the 1% are not. That's where the 1% comes from. The more you know 🌈)
no they wear that 1% because that's how high are your chances of escaping from them are.
Is that a bit extreme?
You think he cares?
He does not care.
The dude once gathered his buddies and decided...
to you know. Have a casual outing. Nothing too serious, it was a sunday afteral.
So they decided on.
Kidnapping Guilliman.
Which they almost did if not for a Fallen of all people getting in the way.
But still.
The mad lad took Macragge's Honour and went on a joyride/ mini civil war.
Who in the galaxy can turn and say.
Yeah, I stole Macragge's Honour, almost captured my old Primarch. Told a daemon prince they are irrelevant on my way there. Anyway after crushing a fool who thought he could take my crown as king of the space pirates, I went to the home planet of the White Scars and kidnapped and tortured their Chapter Master. What did you do this week? 💅
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
You tell me I can be an immortal, gorgeous chaos Ultramarine goth boy going on pirate adventures across the galaxy?
Where do I sign up?
I don't need ink for a signature.
I will use my own blood.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
My Dearly Detested
Status: Prologue (7 part Mini-Series, 0/7)
Genre: Enemies to Lover troupe, Angst, Rude Neteyam, Comforting Lo’ak, some fluff, Romance, violence.
Warnings: Depictions of blood, Battles and cursing. Rude Neteyam😭. Reader is older then Neteyam by 1year.
Parings: Neteyam X Y/n (Reader)
Summary: Neteyam hates Y/n. He never liked how she always bested him in everything and never once sought the praises he was accustomed to. She had no one, yet she had everyone in the palm of her hand. He despised her, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. The but happens when the RDA threat comes and Jake tasks her with watching his sons? Neteyam can’t help but grow a newfound hatred.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: I know I said I would post this after I finished ‘Precious Tsyeym’ pt1 and pt2, but I just couldn’t wait!! So I opted to post the prologue in the meantime. Enjoy!!
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“Where are you!??!” Y/n calls, desperately trying to track her way through the foliage around her. Her steps are rushed and hasty as she tries to make her way to the clearing. Her heart rate quickens at the thoughts flashing through her head.
Where was he? Why did he disappear? Was he injured? Is he safe?
Feeling her steps falter she takes a deep breath in. She had to find him, she had to make sure he was ok. A boost of determination causing her to steps to speed up as the leaves and twigs beneath her feet snap at the force she ran with.
Just as she makes it to the clearing a large stick smacks her on the head, with great amount of force causing her to stumble backwards. Her hand reaches up to rub the wounded area, feeling the sting of the hit. Groaning in pain she glares at the perpetrator who smirks upon eye contact. He griped the stick tightly, standing above her at the staggering height difference.
“You have to be quieter Y/n! You gave away your position and you were running around like a baby Talioang. Just because you are in a hurry, doesn’t mean you can forget all your training.” Tarsem teases, his tone playful yet it still had an edge. He was her teacher after all.
Y/n huffs out, shrugging her shoulders in defeat. “I kinda panicked! You vanished. I thought you left me, or worse. Got hurt!” She argues, her lower lip jutting out at the thought of Tarsem hurt. He was like a brother to her. She wouldn’t know what to do if he got hurt.
Her eyes furrow in fear as Tarsem tosses the stick away, taking a step towards her. His eyes softened at her words but the smirk has yet to leave his face. He ruffles his hand through her locks, effectively removing some leaves that was struck in between them.
“I’m a great warrior Y/n. You gotta have more faith in your teacher. One day, I’ll be the Ole’tekayan’s right hand man! You’ll see” He beams at the thought, causing a smile to twitch at Y/n’s lips. Y/n knew of his dream, and she believed it would come true one day.
Despite being 16 years old, Tarsem was a a force to be reckoned with. His skills separated him from all the other children in his age group, rivalling some adults even. He was allowed on hunts and raids due to all his accomplishments. Not only was he a great hunter, but also a great teacher. He had many students who worshiped him. He had also already gotten many blessings from his elders, Jake Sully included.
They nicknamed him ‘Tarsem the wise’. He was calm, collected, and ruthless when need be. He was wise for his age, which the Na’vi were proud of.
Y/n’s eyes gloss over with admiration at the boy, the boy who was a man now. The very same boy who took her in under his wing to train, to become strong like him. She was grateful.
Losing her parents to the Great War , Y/n had been raised by Tarsem’s parents. Their families were really close, and when Y/n’s parents bravery cost them their life they in-trusted their only daughter to Tarsem’s parents. Granted they did a great job raising her, but so did the clan.
The Omatikaya banded together to collectively raise her, she learned how to weave from Naya’il, she learned how to mount a Pa'li by Ma’luk and she also received Tsahik trainings from Mo’at herself. Who was very fond of Y/n’s mother. The girl was raised with love and affection in many manners, that’s why she felt so compelled to become as strong as possible. To protect her people, her clan.
All that was remanning was being a warrior, which she always wanted to be, ever since she had bagan watching Tarsem show great promise. She wanted to become like him, be strong and noble on her own so the aching hole in her heart can be mended once she is truly happy. Truly gaining her spot amongst her people.
She felt as though if she achieved the most, she could feel closer to her deceased parents. Her father was a great warrior, known for his strength and bravery. And her mother was a great healer, Mo'at's student who had been just as great. She grew up hearing their praises, which only motivated the girl to make her parents proud. Thus gaining the love and fondness from within the clan.
Even Jake and Neytiri were fond of her, though busy with Olo'eyktan duties and taking care of their children, they always included Y/n for training and even dinners. That being said, Y/n was a very friendly child growing up. Everyone was her friend, everyone ended up becoming her friend. She had this calming air around her, letting those near her feel at ease. She was very close to Kiri, and loved Lo’ak thinking of him as her baby brother though he was only 2 years younger. Then there is-
“Tarsem?” A voice calls, stepping into the clearing. His expression of question quickly turned to that of distaste once his yellow hues handed on Y/n. Scrunching his nose in mild disgust. His eyes trail from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. He snorts in annoyance at the leaves that were caught within her locks and the mud splattered all over her body.
He averts his eyes quickly with a prominent scowl. As if the mere sight of her caused his entire mood to sour. He looks up at Tarsem, who was waiting patiently for his next words.
“I was looking for you. I didn’t know you were….busy” he says carefully, rolling his eyes slightly. Y/n looks down at the mud between her toes. Shuffling from foot to foot uncomfortably. She didn’t know what she had done, but the eldest sons distaste for her was very obvious. It was as if he never tried hiding it. And she didn’t know why.
“I’m sorry Neteyam. I was training Y/n. Did you need me for something?” Tarsem replies casually, not noticing the underlying tension in the air. Neteyam huffs disapprovingly. He glares at Y/n, a sneer almost breaking through.
“Why are you training her? She cannot even wield a bow” he points out causing Y/n to flinch. She looks up, her eyes meeting those of pure hate. She swallows nervously. She wanted to respond back, but something about Neteyam’s eyes and the stiffness in his posture caused her mouth to clamp shut.
Tarsem’s tail twitches at his tone but he chooses to hold his tongue. He was speaking to the figure Olo'eyktan. The very leader he hoped to one day gain the respect of. Neteyam was already doing great at 9 years old. Being able to wield a bow and his precision being out of this world. He seemed to have inherited his mothers archery skills. He was already starting off so strong, who knew what he would accomplish as he grew up to become a man.
“Well, Y/n is my student. I’m obligated to train her. You didn’t state why you are here? Alone.” Taresem takes a step forward standing in front of a shocked Y/n. Squeaking at the sudden movement she keeps her head low. Not bothering to see how the eldest son of Toruk Makto would react.
“I was hoping to train with you. Father wishes for me to polish off my skills. I don’t see why you are busy with her when you could be with me. I’d give you far less trouble” Neteyam says calmly. Tarsem nods in understanding. He didn’t want to argue. If Neteyam wanted to practice with him he’d do so in a heartbeat.
Tarsem looks over his shoulder at Y/n who realizes her session with Tarsem had ended before it even started. Her eyes wide with sadness as she awaits his final orders. She couldn’t help but jut her lower lip out in a pout, her ears laying flat against her head.
“I’ll stay back with Neteyam. Please get home safely Y/n. I promise to make this class up to you” he says softly. Y/n nods mechanically. She doesn’t spare Neteyam a glance before she sprints away from the clearing.
Her eyes stung with embarrassment and anger. Who was he to talk about her like that? Regard her in such a way? What has she ever done to him? She was older, why didn’t he respect her? And why did he ruin her training session, the session she’s been looking forward to all week.
Angrily wiping her tears away Y/n marches her way home. The only home she knew of, Tarsem’s families hut. As she disappears she couldn’t help but feel the burning sensation of someones eyes on her.
She knew it was Neteyam. It was always Neteyam, always glaring at her as if her presence was of that of a pest. Y/n's eyes squint with determination. She didn’t care when, she didn’t care how long it would take. She vowed to become the best warrior possible, for her people. To honor her parents. For her family that raised her. And so Neteyam could maybe one day learn to respect her.
As a warrior of the Omaticaya.
A/N: HIIII!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the prologue of ‘My Dearly Detested’. It’s going to be a 7-part Mini Series, where each part will be roughly 1-3k words each. I also have some information that you guys should know for the next chapter:
There is a 10 year time-skip from the Prologue to Part One
The ages will be: Y/n (20) is 1year older then Neteyam (19) and 2years older then Lo’ak (18). Kiri is also (18) and Tuk is (10). Tarsem (26) has a 6year age gap with Y/n.
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audreyscribes · 5 months
⚔ ARES: God of War and Violence 🐗
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, it’s either during or after a victorious battle. If it’s during a battle, like Capture the Flag, it’s when your blood is pumping and you’re on adrenaline high. You could be losing or winning, but you hit that point of state where you’re just so in the zone before you realize you’re covered in red. You decimate the other team, striking fear in their hearts as they see you running over their teammates, your weapon swinging like it’s your own limb. Everyone looks above your head as they see the floating red boar above your head and then you hear a roar of cheer from your now half–siblings. They let out whoops, howls, and cheers, slapping you on the back and some wrestling you if you’re still battle high, before they lift you up and carry you around. 
When you’re shown the cabin, you’re immediately nerved by the boar head posted above the door, its eyes following you…but you can’t focus on that because you’re immediately told and made to remember where the live mines are around the entrance. They didn’t clarify if they were actual mines or alternative mines…they said it was classified information and you didn’t have the clearance level yet. Either which you didn’t want to find out the hard way.
If the Hephaestus cabin is the forge, you bet you can imagine that the Ares cabin is their armoury. It's not on the scale as theirs, but its pretty close. Weapons galore. It's a weapon maniacs dream. You have equipment here to upkeep and maintain weapons and if you pick out a weapon that you're not sure how to maintain? You have siblings jumping up the chance to show you. 
You wanna try and wield different weapons? Go on ahead! Every Ares’ member has their own mini armoury and collection of weapons. 
Y'know how siblings like to push each other and get into play fights? Yeah, the Ares cabin is like that constantly. It goes from rough housing to actual sparring. If you're not a big fan of participating in it, you're going to learn how to redirect people's movements. Don't worry about it getting the heat off you, as long its not entirely personal, you have another Ares’ sibling ready to switch with you. 
You also begin to take on bets because with the amount of rough-housing and sparring, it's just too good of an opportunity. The currency ranges from actual dollars, drachmas, candy bars, or what have you. All currency is accepted.  
People often like talking with their fists, but it's mostly getting rid of the pent up emotions when you guys do some talk to talk. Got to be fair you know.
If you're not particularly looking for a fight, don't worry about it. While it is true, you're a war god child, you're also good at de-escalating. After all, there's a reason in the book, "The Art of War", Sun Tzu says "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting".
Blood was roaring in your ears with eyes red as you gripped your weapon high. Your veins were pumping with adrenaline, almost making you shake but you never felt more alive. You had just won and you thrust up your weapon high in the air, and let out a yell. Immediately, a cacophony of cheers and yells joined you, sending another spike of adrenaline and you faintly saw the claim of Ares above your head. People swarmed you and in the zone, you attacked them which they gleefully returned back the favour. Then they lifted you up in the air, cheering that about another child of Ares as you were carried back to the Ares cabin where your siblings plopped you in front of it, and Clarisse at the head. 
She grinned at you, her figure imposing but you kept your chin high. 
“Not bad, but expected as a child of Ares. Don’t let it get to your head because there’s plenty coming” she said. 
“Bring it on” you fired back with a grin as she gave a smirk. 
“I’m Clarisse Rue, cabin leader of Cabin 5. Welcome to the Ares cabin.” 
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green-alm0nd · 23 days
Hey hey! Could you do platonic headcanons with TBB where the reader reveals that she’s pregnant and they’ll be “uncles” after the events of the finale? Keep up the great work <3
[The Bad Batch x fem!reader (Headcanons)]: Platonic uncles
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After the events of the finale, you find out you're pregnant and you decide to tell your friends that fought hundreds of battles alongside you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none really, just fluff and Crosshair being a bit of an idiot.
I hope you like it Anon :p!
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Already knew because of his enhanced senses.
He could probably feel all the changes your body was going through.
He's really happy to see you happy.
Kinda protective over you throughout the entire 9 months.
Like yeah he knows you can protect yourself since you've fought alongside his brothers but he can't help but become just a tad bit protective.
When the kid grows up, he's probably going to teach them how to hear noises by concentrating (even though it's not as good as his enhanced senses).
One time he lost his vibroblade and found your kid with it.
You almost killed Hunter when that happened.
Overall, he's a good uncle and a very nice friend when he's around the kid.
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Actually surprised when you told him you were pregnant.
Like Hunter, he became slightly protective of you.
A bit reluctant when you introduced your significant other.
But if you trust them he trusts them too.
Best. Uncle. Ever.
Lets your kid play with his scomp link.
Echo is the type of uncle to tell your kids his story. From the Domino squad to him joining the Bad Batch to him joining the Rebellion.
Probably plays pirates with your kid because they told Echo he looked like a pirate because of his hand.
Overall: a cool uncle, probably a bit grumpy, but still a cool uncle.
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Super excited to have a mini-you running around Pabu.
When you actually told him he did not understand.
However, after a session of Tech's-info-dump, he got the idea.
I have a headcanon that he is a very nice uncle.
He will hide every single object from war so that the baby doesn't accidentally hurt themselves.
Actually tried to learn how to cook to make your kid Mantell mix. Spoiler: it goes wrong.
Will make shenanigans with your kid.
Overall, Wrecker is probably the most chaotic uncle of the entire galaxy.
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"Oh. Well, congratulations." Were his only words.
He is probably the least surprised out of the entire Batch.
Reminds you to take care of yourself.
Definitely keeps track of EVERYTHING.
He really cares for your safety and the safety of your kid.
Of course, he'd definitely be a good uncle.
I think Tech would be the uncle that-knows-it-all since he really is a walking Wookiepedia man.
Whenever he is alone with the kid, we will RAMBLE. Even though the kid will not understand, he will ramble until he needs to catch some air.
Overall: Human dictionary uncle (I love him for that)
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Will act pissed, but he's actually proud that you made a life for yourself after everything you went through.
Not surprised at all when you told him. He just shrugged.
And then he joked about it saying that 'If he couldn't handle you, he couldn't handle a mini, more hyperactive version of you'.
He learnt how to sew to fix Wrecker's tooka bear and give it to your kid.
You will find it endearing but he will deny it nonetheless because he does not like people seeing his sweet-side.
He's surprisingly good at calming the kid down for some reason you can't really figure out.
Not really protective because he knows you can take care of yourself. But, that doesn't mean he won't keep an eye on you some days.
When the kid grows up, he will NOT show them his rifles because he knows the risks and he knows that you will probably kill him for showing weapons at a six year-old.
Overall: he's the type of uncle that will disappear for ten months and then come back and act like nothing happened. But he's still a nice uncle.
Finals start this week :')
I hope you enjoyed your request anon!
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
I want to request for Buddy to be a Shatter glass Megatron long lost twin but has the original Megatron personality, i understand if you don't want to tho.
Ooooh! Haven't done one of these before! My knowledge of the Shattered Glass universe is a bit rusty, but I think this ended up pretty good for the knowledge. I did only 3 mechs this time around since these were the best I knew. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted.
Hope you enjoy!
Con’s reaction to Megatron’s twin with OG Megatron’s personality
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
He loves Twin really.
But sometimes he worries about his more… physical side. It’s a bit rougher than what he’d like it, but its perfect for the battle ahead.
“We need a plan!”--Starscream
“Anyone have any ideas?”--Megatron
Twin raising his servo.
“One that doesn’t involve with a frontal attack.”--Megatron
Twin lowers his servo.
Without a doubt Twin is one of the best fighters in his army. An excellent strategist on most days. But sometimes when things get a little too heated, the lines tend to blur.
Twin raising their mace over Sideswipe helm.
“Wait! Stop! He’s on our side!”--Megatron
“And how do you know that?”--Twin
“I was left for dead by the Autobots. I gave you the attack plans yesterday?!”--Sideswipe
“Oh… Now I remember. Sorry Sideswipe, please let me help you back to the medbay.”--Twin
“… Spinister and Bombshell aren’t going to like this.”--Sideswipe
“… I know…” –Twin
Which leads to a question many Decepticons had asked.
Why wasn’t Twin second in Command?
It was a simple answer. He didn’t want to be second in Command. He was a soldier and would follow Megatron and his superiors into battle without hesitation.
Megatron misses the days when they would just listen to Twins poetry and manifestos about the corrupt government. A part of him which was now buried under years of pain and suffering from this blasted war.
He is glad that his twin remained loyal to the Decepticon cause and did not move to the power hungry Autobot side.
Megatron has had multiple spark attacks as Twin will fight any of his greatest enemies on sight. No joke.
“It’s over Megatron. Time to meet your—”—Optimus Prime
“Stay back!”--Megatron
“Finally, a real fight.”--Optimus
They both met when the war was starting. Megatron himself gave him the introduction, which was interesting.
“Starscream, this is Twin, he is my brother.”--Megatron
“Well hello to you too. I look forward in working with you and the others.”—Starscream
“Likewise, Starscream.”--Twin
Despite some clash in morals and personality, the two worked well. Starscream had told him many tales of him and Skyfire before the war had happened. Twin is protective of Starscream after hearing how Starscream was nearly captured. It is on sight if Twin ever sees Skyfire.
“Skyfire, please reconsider!”--Starscream
“Enough traitor!”--Skyfire
“You’re the traitor!”--Starscream
Yes, they do argue, but it never escalates too much. Twin protects his friend.
They met through Megatron on a tour of their new base.
“Soundwave, this is my brother.”--Megatron
“Oh, Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! Wow you too look a like but I’m getting a different vibe from you than Megatron. How was the say? Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you? No, looks like they can kill you but is a cinnamon roll. Oh—I’m rambling again. Sorry about that, sometimes I do—”--Soundwave
Inside Twin’s helm
‘I’m going to befriend this mech so hard.’
He still doesn’t know if this was a good idea or not. Twin knows things just as quickly as Megatron because they are so close.
Twin sometimes looks after the cassettes if Soundwave needs to be somewhere else.
It’s rare but it happens.
“Hey, I’m bac—What happened here?”--Soundwave
Twin laying down with the mini’s napping all over his frame.
“This is how I die… leave me here.”--Twin
Like Starscream, soundwave has told twin about Blaster. And like Skyfire, it is on sight for Blaster.
Twin is fiercely protectively over his friends.
“Its current time you second class scum!”--Blaster
“That’s what you think!”--Soundwave
“That’s what I know. You ain’t got no cassettes and you’re weapons jammed. What else do—”--Blaster
“I’m outta here!”--Blaster
“Hey now, we’ve talked about the deep breathing exercises. Come on 1,2,3..”--Soundwave
“… 4,5,6…”--Twin
He does agree too much with the levels of violence Twin can get to, and there have been arguments about this. It usually gets resolved quickly though.
Faster than the others fight.
Has accidentally read his thoughts on the inner poet inside. Soundwave actively tries to get Twin to pick back the hobby. They sometimes share their hobbies on slower days.
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phoxey · 5 months
„Who knew you could be so cheesy…“
Chocol x fem!reader
CW: none :) this is purest pure little fluff
AN: at the end cuz i don’t wanna spoil the oneshot
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It was a cloudy November day. The Moon was barely to be seen and it was cold in the streets of Seoul.
Yet you were sweating. You stood in a small underground club, panting but grinning as heavy hiphop music blasted out the speakers. It was a smaller dance battle event but the place was crowded. In front of you the orange haired beast that was your girlfriend. But in this dancebattle she was your opponent and you weren’t going to go easy on her.
In her turn she threw every possible impressive move at you. It seemed like she really wanted to win over you. You knew that this battle wouldn’t be finished on this stage, but rather continued later in your bed in the apartment of you two. You had the deal, that whenever you two battled, the winner could control the sexy time in the evening.
Smirking you bit your lip, when she did that ground move of hers. It always made you go crazy over her and she knew it. Your girlfriend was so impressive and with every passing moment you fell in love more and more.
How can a person be so talented? So beautiful? So handsome? So gentle? So rough? So perfectly imperfect? So smart? So foolish?
She was everything at once. The whole package. And the Bonus? She was yours. Yours alone.
At the end of her turn she came to a halt before you and winked at you teasingly. Chuckling you pushed her back, by her waist. To be honest, you just wanted to feel her body in your hands for a moment. The entire day had been so hectic, so this was the first time of the day that you touched her. You felt how deprived you were. Chocol had been out with Haechi and Mini the entire day, doing god knows what.
You had a different style than Chocol, less wavy motions, less floor work. It was a hard hiphop style with krump elements sprinkled into it. And the music was yours, so that would be an easy win, you thought. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the judges nodding approvingly, but your eyes were fixed on your girlfriend. You copied her ending move and finished, standing in front if her and winking cheekily.
Chocols second turn started slowly and she had that smug grin plastered onto her face, she was planning something. You wondered what, because she had already used up all her killer moves.
A record scratch ripped you out if your thought process. Suddenly „Marry you“ by Bruno Mars was playing. Confused you looked over to the DJ, who was just grinning at you. You looked back to your girlfriend, to see if she knew what was going on. What Chocol was dancing, wasn’t a battle dance anymore. It was a Choreography.
She mixed some b-boying into her dance it seemed, as she swirled around on her knees and before you knew it, she was kneeling in front of you and was holding a black box in her hand. The music faded out. Even the crowds chatter died down. Everyone, including you, was holding their breath.
„We have been through endless battles together, on and off stage. For the past ten years you supported me through every storm and every war that i fought, especially the ones against myself. When in doubt you were always there. When we are apart i can think about nothing but the moment i will have you in my arms again. And when we fight, i am not afraid, because i know in the end it is you and me against the problem. You read me like an open book. You always know what to say and do to cheer me up. Though, if i am being honest, your mere existence makes me happy. Seeing you makes me happy. Hearing your sweet voice and laugh makes me happy. Holding and kissing you makes me happy. I want to make you happy as well… for the rest of my life i want to be the reason you smile and feel good. Please let me take care of you for the rest of my life and become my wife?“, she asked and opened the box. A simple but beautiful ring shimmered there.
The hand that had covered your mouth in shock, slowly reached for Chocol as you slowly nodded, as though you were in trance.
„Yes, oh god… yes, please.“, you whispered and the crowd erupted in cheers.
Chocol beamed happily and stood up. You jumped into her arms and quietly sobbed happy tears into her neck. Then she pulled away to slide the ring onto your finger. Gently she peppered your face in kisses.
„I love you.“, you whispered.
„I love you more.“, she whispered back.
Grinning you shook your head and pushed her playfully.
„Who knew you could be so cheesy…“
AN: This is how i want someone to propose to me... doesn't have to be Chocol. Doesn't have to be one of the SWF girlies... i just need a dancer gf, i suppose, so i can battle against her and have her propose to me.
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nowritingonthewall · 5 months
Hi! Can I ask for some random and domestic Poe HC? 🤧
Hello Nonnie, thank you so much for your request! I am sorry that my hcs always appear to escalate into mini-essays, I hope that you enjoy them anyway 🥰
!Content warning for allusions to past trauma (because it’s Poe) but it’s mostly fluffy!
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Domestic headcanons with Poe (x gn!reader)
- If you were honest, you would never have expected Poe to actually settle down after the Battle of Exegol and the fall of the First Order. After all, he had been on the run since he had been 16 years old, his family a bunch of rebels, his home scattered across the stars. You had fully expected him to make his new job as a flying instructor his whole new life, filling every second with something exciting to do, always chasing the next thrill, never slowing down and let himself think for even a minute.
Instead, after helping the New Republic to get back on its feet, he had put most of his energy and devotion into making a home with you.
Even though he loves his job teaching students (and spending a lot of time in his x-wing while doing so), he always makes sure to finish on time so that he can spend as much of the remainder of the day with you as possible. It has become one of your daily little rituals for you to wait for him, sitting on your porch, two mugs of freshly brewed caf in your hands. It never stops warming your heart to see that gorgeous crinkly-eyed smile lighting up his face as soon as he sees you waiting for him. Giving you an adorable little wave, he always quickens his pace before pulling you into a long and heartfelt hug.
Watching the suns painting the sky with the most beautiful colours imaginable, you’ll sit snuggled up against each other, listening to each other's daily adventures.
It usually doesn’t take long before Poe’s head grows heavy against your shoulders. The first few times he tried to fight it and wouldn’t stop apologizing, no matter how often you tried to assure him that you didn’t mind at all. But soon these late afternoon or early evening naps become just another part of your daily routine.
Poe spent more than half his life making sure that everyone around him felt safe. Now, with the war becoming a more and more distant memory each day, it’s like his mind finally allows his body to catch up on all the rest that he has been denied during all those years – finally feeling safe in your arms.
And there really aren’t a lot of things that you enjoy more than holding your sleepy boy with his head resting in your lap, one hand intertwined with his, as the other one plays with his hair. You smile at every patch of grey that you find among his inky curls, more than grateful to be given the precious gift of being allowed to watch him grow old with you. It makes the warmest and fuzziest feelings bloom inside your heart to see his worry lines relax under the soft touch of your hand as you listen to his content mumbling and cutest little sighs.
- He still can’t sleep without you around, though. Whenever he is in dire need of a nap, and the weather has gone too cold to sit outside, even under a heap of cuddly blankets, he’ll sit down on the couch, look at you with the most irresistible baby ewok eyes and his softest smile and tap on his chest to ask for his favourite human blanket.
Sometimes he falls asleep within seconds as soon as you snuggle up to him. Sometimes he finds that it wasn’t sleep that he craved after all but simply the comforting presence of you right next to him, listening to the soothing rhythm of your breathing as you drift into peaceful slumber until his breath synchronizes with yours in perfect harmony. And sometimes your planned naps turn into Poe and you talking nonsense for hours, exchanging forehead kisses and nose rubs between giggles.
Poe used to think that the only way to escape the constantly reoccurring ringing in his ears was to drown it out with something even louder. Now he realizes that all he needs to find relief is the soft warmth of you lying on top of him, the shape of your bodies fitting together as perfectly as if they had been custom made for each other.
- And he allows himself to take his time with everything that he does. No more bone crushing hugs that aren’t allowed to last longer than a second and that he’d hoped would convey everything that he hadn’t time for to tell you in case he wouldn’t make it back from a mission. No more quick and chaste kisses to whatever body part they would land on before hurrying off into the next briefing or meeting.
Now he makes sure to pour all of his undying love for you into every single hug until you feel nothing but warm and safe and cared for. Every kiss of him shows you that you are the centre of his universe, from the very first kiss in the morning to the last kiss goodnight. They have become so much more tender and gentler, yet they never leave a single trace of doubt about his feelings for you.
Quick shared showers that used to be a practical necessity turn into long shared baths that last until the water turns cold. Sometimes when you aren’t ready to step out of your cocoon of warmth just yet, you wrap each other in fluffy towels and make yourself comfortable on the heating unit waiting until you’re dried off.
As you cuddle up to each other, enjoying the closeness, you find a new softness and gentleness to your relationship that you had never thought possible. You are no longer clinging to each other for dear life, always scared that you might lose each other the next minute, constantly feeling like loving on borrowed time.
And Poe takes his time rediscovering and getting to know you all over again. Gently scrubbing your back in the bath or giving you a long tension-relieving massage. Learning everything there is to know about how you take care of your hair, while committing every single detail about you to memory. Not because he fears that every time might be the very last chance to do so but because he decided to commit every single fibre of his heart and soul to loving you. Because he chooses you. Over and over again.
It takes a while for him to get comfortable letting you take care of him the same way that he takes care of you. Yet every time it is your turn to hold him in the bathtub, he finds it a little easier to relax against your chest, melting into your embrace a little deeper. With every soft kiss pressed to his temple, he manages to let go a little further. As he rests his cheek against yours, while your hands are slowly caressing over his arms, he has never felt more vulnerable and at the same time more safe and protected than during those moments.
That’s when the tears tend to flow.
Those are the days when you make sure to take extra good care of him. Letting him rest his head against your shoulder as you carefully pat his back with a towel, gently kissing his tears away before placing a soft kiss on every single one of his scars, putting pain relieving lotion on his arm and massaging his tense shoulder. Only a few months ago this kind of special treatment would have made him feel more than uncomfortable. Seeing his own needs through your loving eyes, he slowly begins to accept that it is okay to take them seriously. And as he curls up against your chest, he doesn’t only allow it but he knows that he can completely trust you to take care of him.
- Poe has always loved to dance. Nearly as much as he loves to cuddle with you. Sadly, the days of the Resistance hadn’t exactly given you a lot of opportunity to do so and reasons to break into celebratory dances had been all too rare. So now he takes any chance he gets to hug you from behind, snuggle up as close to you as possible, rest his head on your shoulder and his cheek against yours while swaying the both of you to some music coming from your holopad or to a secret rhythm that only the two of you seem to be able to feel.
You dance in the morning while waiting for the first few cups of caf to brew, while waiting for something yummy baking in the oven, when you’re trying to dust the shelves, or while doing the dishes.
Doing the dishes never becomes a boring task with Poe. If he doesn’t turn it into a dance, there are bound to be lather battles that more often than not turn into tickle fights. And they always end with him using the dish cloth to draw you in for a long and wobbly-knees-inducing kiss.
This is also where most of your more serious conversations take place. It’s always been easier for Poe to talk about difficult topics while his hands have something to do. So whenever you feel like there’s something on his mind that he has trouble talking about, you’ll ask him “dish discussion?”, to which he answers with a relieved smile.
And, of course, should the topic require some serious hugging action, you can always continue your discussion on the kitchen floor, which proves over and over again to be the best place to solve any problem imaginable. And in case one of you should be in need of an even more comforting atmosphere, your kitchen cabinet features an extra compartment containing all the components required to build a blanket fort. It’s a habit that goes back to the early days of you joining the Resistance. And afterwards your blanket fort of safety can easily be converted into a blanket fort of romantic dinners and cuddle sessions.
- The two of you share a little garden with Rey, who doesn’t live too far away from you (I am sorry, LEGO, I refuse to believe that the trio would ever split up!). At least it was a little garden in the beginning. It all started when Poe noticed how Rey’s eyes would start to sparkle whenever she came across anything lush and green. So he began to present her with a special plant from every place that he visited. Pretty soon even her house was too small to accommodate her (not so) little personal jungle, so you helped her turning her backyard into a little garden. Which just kept on expanding. Because it never stopped warming Poe’s heart to see the way Rey’s face shining brighter than the suns whenever he found a new exotic plant for her.
He helped her create her special place of happiness both in her mind and in the physical world and you two are the only ones apart from Finn she trusts to take care of it. Even if your and Poe’s gardening sessions sometimes turn into several rounds of mud wrestling or splashy water fights.
Poe’s first very own gardening project featured the planting of a row of koyo trees. They weren’t even supposed to be able to grow in this climate but Poe Dameron has never been one to let logic or reason stand in the way of matters close to his heart. After all, he had managed to nurse a force tree back to health without any jedi tricks. And maybe Rey’s and Finn’s way with the force helped a little, too. Though he will always tell everyone willing (or maybe not too willing) to listen that it was your loving care that made the trees grow and flourish and bloom in the end.
His proud little face when he was able to harvest the very first fruit is another one of your many precious and treasured memories. Of course he let you have the first bite, almost a little nervous about your reaction.
The original plan was to turn the fruits into juice and jelly and lots of cakes. Which was a good plan. And it probably would have worked if the koyo fruits hadn’t been so damn tasty that you ate most of them before they ever had a chance to land in a basket. And what better way to spend the last days of summer than sitting lazily in the cool shadow of a koyo tree, taking turns to lie in each others lap while feeding each other freshly picked koyo fruits?
- During the nights when neither of you is able to sleep, you’ll climb onto the roof of your house, which offers a snug little platform that provides the perfect secluded retreat to lie on your back and gaze at all the stars in the galaxy. A galaxy that’s finally at peace.
Poe’s gaze keeps wandering back to you, though, and every time it does, he can’t stop smiling. As soon as you notice, you’ll snuggle a little closer to cradle his head and place the softest little kiss on his forehead, making him smile even wider. Softly stroking your cheek, he returns the kiss. On your nose, on your temple, across your jaw line, all over both of your cheeks, and everywhere he can reach.
You finally dare to make plans for the future again. Talking about all the stars and systems and planets you would like to explore together. Without rush, without being constantly on your guard, actually being able to look forward to visiting them.
The important thing is that Poe is no longer driven by the uncontrollable need to chase every single one of them. Because he has his own little galaxy lying right here by his side.
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
can you write something ab lando with a gf who’s scared of flying? can even be headcanons/a blurb, I’m just taking a flight in a few days and I’m nervousssssss
A/N: Girlllllll, I could not fly my main issue with my anxiety and stress is the complete lose of control and flying would be a nightmare for me, they'd have to knock my ass out! But, it's normal to feel nervous and your flight will go wonderfully.
"I can't, I'm sorry. I can't do this and you can't make me." You struggle fighting the tight grip that your boyfriend has your wrist.
To outsiders Lando looked like a parent having a tug of war with a toddler. Lando was rather calm, he had the two of you arrive a good few hours before the flight was to take off.
He knew you'd get super anxious and try to leave, refusing to get on the plane. "Y/n, sugar. We don't leave for another 2 hours. I can do this the entire time or we can walk around and help you lose some of those anxious jitters." Lando yanking you forward, as you lose the battle.
"I hate you, Lando. Honestly, flying is so stupid." You whimper, stomping your foot. He just hums, leading you towards the wing where you two will check in. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't make me do this." You beg, giving him puppy eyes yet he doesn't give in.
Lando had to remain the calm and mature one during these moments. You weren't like this, only when you needed to get on the plane. You were fine once you were up in the air but the checking in and sitting was a nightmare.
"I'll suck your dick, just please let's just drive or or boat something." Lando stops, eyes wide as passing people chuckle or give looks of disgust hearing your words. "Y/n, stop. Would I ever, ever put you in danger sugar? Honestly, don't you trust me?" You make a noise, nodding your head at his words.
"You're right, I'm sorry." Lando sighs, sliding his arm around your waist, kissing your temple. "It's okay. I get anxious too. Daniel, Carlos, and Oscar all distract me when I get like that. That's why I brought this." Lando reaches into his carry on pulling out a mini lego set.
"If you keep your hands busy, this help take your mind off." You take the box smiling at two lego cars you were about to build. Yes, it might seem childish, but if it made you feel safer and calmer. You didn't care.
"I love you." Kissing Lando gently on the lips he smiles. "Yeah, yeah. I love your ass too." Glad to know you had calmed down. He hated when you got this way, he couldn't protect you from those feeling no matter how hard he tried.
But, if it was the small things that made you better. He was going to do them for the rest of his life.
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sukioyakio · 6 months
MIGUEL O’Hara (Drabble)
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Ok hear me out what about Miguel as a cod character,GODDDD my guy would fucking rock that military clothes.(not because I’m imaging him in ghost clothes.. no no I could never 😄)
Cod!miguel x Fem!reader
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did not proread any of this but who cares 🤷‍♀️
Miguel is your upper rank,Your superior,the captain.You were his second in command,Always doing your job. Ever since you started here,you started at the military at the same time as Miguel did.You Always Wanted to get to know him better then his cold shoulders or his dirty looks.He wasn’t the “social type”you said,But the longer you were here with him,you having to work with him,He just an cold bastard;saying shit under his breath,in an different under his breath so you don’t understand what he’s saying,most of the time you would just think he’s insulting you.Easily making you rolls your eyes at his mouth.
BUT after some years (let say’s 2 years) the war was still going on,but it close to being over . . . Close to being over.And So here you are training the younger ranks,you were wearing your uniform without the armor stuff,(I’m too lazy to make details about the uniform),You had an serious face while teaching them how to defend themselves.But at times you broke that serious face and made jokes to lighten the mood.Most of the military members were just men who wanted to defend their country.
Until one of them suggests that we should fight eachother,like we have an mini battle with eachother and whoever wins all the battles wil have to fight you in the end.You had an amused look on your face,as you just watched the matches played though,until you met with the winner of the battles.
Miguel was watching from the shadows,getting more annoyed.He had an little obsession with you,an little.
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kittykatthatbitesback · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Beach Trip! Headcanons ;)
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angeldust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox, Lucifer, Adam, and Cherri Bomb
A/N: Y'all guess who's already ready for summer to start? These are gonna be my first headcanons, I had so much fun creating them, enjoy <3
Charlie 🐐🫶
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The optimistic Princess of Hell loooves going to the beach
Growing up in the sweltering armpit of Hell has caused her to love the heat, but also crave the refreshing coolness of the salty ocean
Has so much fun slashing in the waves and dragging a resistant Vaggie into the water with her
“Come on Vaggie, it will be so FUUNNNNN, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh”
Brings all sorts of fun toys and trinkets to play with at the beach
Volleyball, beachball, speaker, sand castle buckets and shovels, floaties, and a surf board
Is currently struggling to learn how to surf, but is determined to get good at it
Wears the most extravagant, tropical, neon pink swimsuit
Would definitely start an epic game of Marco Polo with the others
Her competitive nature would cause the game to escalate quickly into a war-like battle
Will be in a good mood for the next couple of days because she is so grateful that she can go to the beach with her friends and experience this mini vacation
Vaggie ❌🥀
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Vaggie is very much like a cat in water, she is practically hydrophobic
Has a thick layer of sunscreen, the largest sunglasses and sun hat, and will only stay underneath an umbrella
Stands in the sand with her arms cross refusing to get even a drop of water on her
Is wearing one of those scuba gear under suits, all black stretching down her arms and legs so that if water does get on her it doesn’t actually touch her skin
If someone tries to drag her into the ocean, the ex-angel grounds her feet into the sand, taking a battle stance, and threatens to gouge out their eyes
Unlessss it’s Charlie
For Charlie she will do anything
Despite her disdain for the water, watching Charlie have fun splashing in the waves causes a slight smile to form on her face, cracking her previous resting bitch face
Will go as far as to build sand castles and catch tiny crabs for Charlie so that she can please her
Tries helping her learn how to surf but is also is terrible at it
Alastor 🦌📻
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Alastor originally said he wasn’t going to go on this beach trip, yet somehow was found already lying on a beach chair by the time everyone arrived at the beach
Is wearing a Hawaiian T-shirt and red trunks
Brought a mini radio to drown out Charlie’s obnoxiously loud speaker, although ends up being isolated since no one else wants to listen to his old-time corny jazz music
Even though it’s lowkey a vibe
Actually prefers to have this new 50 feet radius of isolation, although Vox sometimes will sneak up on him to kick sand at him
Goes full on Radio Demon mode causing Vox to freeze in fear and slowly back up back to the rest of the group
Doesn’t go into the water and instead spends his time sunbathing to brainstorm evil masterplans like taking over Hell and ruining Vox’s life
Will send his shadows to go check up on the others’ beach adventures but will stick to himself
Also uses this time to practice his singing, specifically to the song “We’ll Meet Again”
Angeldust 🕷️❤️‍🔥
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Definitely is using his relaxation time to show off his new, sexy, hot pink thong
Is matching with Cherri and they’re serving cunt
Lies down on the towel in promiscuous poses to catch a certain grey cat’s eyes
Dances and makes choreographies with Cherri and Nifty to Charlie’s music
Snuck alcohol and drugs in that Charlie had to take away for the sake of “One normal vacation trip!”
“Aw come awn Charlie, a little fun never hurt no one”
Charlie does not buy this and refuses to let Angel turn this beach trip into something else
Walks along the beach shore to flirt with other beach goers and ends being a cheerleader for some hot hunks playing volleyball
Is dragged back to Charlie and the others by a very annoyed Husk
Husk 🐈‍⬛🍸
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Being a cat, obviously is not a huge fan of the water
Really only went for the company of a certain spider
Keeps his eye on him underneath his dark sunglasses, making sure Angeldust doesn’t get into some serious trouble
Was the one who helped Angeldust sneak the alcohol in and argues with Charlie that she can’t take away the alcohol because it’s his
“Charlie I swear to Satan, you better not throw away my supply of alcohol that’s for the hotel” “Then why would you bring it here?” Husk is left dumbfounded and ends up chugging it all down ignoring Charlie’s protests
Drunk Husk tries to play volleyball with the others, ends up stumbling around and falls into the sand after being hit in the face with the ball
Drunk Husk also exposes his jealous nature and after he sees Angel flirting with the hunks he stomps over to drag a whiney Angel back
Sir Pentious 🐍🥚
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Treats this trip as if it was a super important team mission, checking up constantly on the others and not resting until everything is perfect
Came to the beach in his blue soldier blazer and refuses to take it off even when swimming in case “a violent battle commences!”
Being a cold-blooded reptile, he ends up sunbathing for hours straight up raw: no sunscreen, no sunglasses, no umbrella or tent, bro is NOT afraid of a little sun
But is very much afraid of his Egg Bois boiling in the sun so as a precaution prior to the trip he engineered a clear cooler to fill with cold water that can drive around the beach kind of like a space rover
“My neeeeww invention called the Ultimate 360 Beach Sssimulator! allowsss for my Egg Boiss to sssee through the plexiglass walls and ssee their ssurroundings while sstimulating the wavessss of the ocean with cold water and hydro jetss! As well, there isss a waterproof joystick inside sso that they may maneuver wherever they pleasse!” “Thanks boss! I feel so relaxed and refreshed!” “Anything for my preciousss babiesss”
Can rest now that his Egg Bois are guaranteed to not cook in the sun
Being a snake he thinks it’s fun to pretend to be an electric eel and play pranks on the others
Specifically on Cherri
Until she decides to absolutely obliterate him and stomped on him slithering through the water
It hurt but he lowkey was into it 😉
Vox ⚡️📺
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The beach is not exactly Vox’s thing, and no one understand why he tagged along on this beach trip
Being an actual TV, he begins to overheat and his screen starts glitching and flashing random colors  (uh oh the TV’s buffering!)
He also can’t be in the water… because he is a LITERAL TV
This is the one time he feels insecure about himself because he is unable to do practically anything at the beach
Put on sunscreen? No, that would mess up his hardwire. Build sandcastles? No, the sand would clog up his cracks. Play volleyball? No, the ball might crack his screen.
At least he looked good, he specifically bought holographic trunks, although he only wore them for 20 minutes because had to leave early
Was so glad to be back in air conditioning and far away from any large body of water
Lucifer 🪽🐤
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The King of Hell acts like the most stereotypical tourist at this tropical beach, my god
Is of course wearing a bright red and orange Hawaiian t-shirt with a pink lei hanging around his neck, and came with a digital camera to take photos of the whole experience
“We’re going to remember this forever! Everyone say Satan!” 📸
Brought a bunch of his rubber duckies to float with him in the ocean
This white as hell angel needs a whole three inch layer of sunscreen all over his body, and brought a whole ass tent which he magically set up in a flash with his “pure angelic poweeer”
Was the most excited to go on this trip and is already freaking out over the fact that there’s a snow cone truck by the shore
“I want to get a large one with Tiger’s Blood and watermelon syrup and—oh Charlie, look, they have a piña colada flavor too!”
It’s obvious Charlie gets her optimism from her father
Is running around the beach trying to do everything he could in the time that they had
Adam 🎸🤘
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The first man is definitely living out his hot dilf summer
Brought beer and ends up hanging out with those hunks Angeldust was flirting with earlier
Has a cap on backwards, sunglasses, typical frat guy look, but is honestly looking pretty rad
Blaring rock from his boombox he dragged all the way to the beach
Brought some fishing lines as well to catch fish with his fellow “bros” just for him to slack off and accidently have his line get snatched into the ocean by some strong fish
Could care less and is only here for a good time
Cherri Bomb 🍒💣
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The bad ass Aussie sure knows how to have some fun at a beach
Has lots of practice back in Australia surfing, so is obviously a boss at this and throws her bombs in the ocean to create the most massive waves to ride on
Literally so cool, although she ends up nearly drowning everyone and it was at this point that Vox decided to leave
Is matching with Angeldust with her hot pink cunty bikini
Helped sneak in Angel’s flasks and stashed some drugs by hiding them inside her swimsuit bra
Is crazy energetic, has so much energy throughout this entire trip, that even afterwards on the car ride home she is belting songs at the top of her lungs
Yet when they arrive back at the hotel she is the first to pass out on the sofa
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i love splatoon noises
the sound design in splatoon is one of my most favorite things about the game. i love that every single sound and song and everything else happens in the game, i love that it's diegetic sound.
the distant conversations of the city's inhabitants, each and every little shop theme for the mini shops in splatsville, the sound of the airplane overhead, the train, the cars, the construction, all of those sounds play a huge part in making splatoon feel real.
every sound in splatoon is so memorable and recognizable, from the classic octarian 5 note onward melody throughout the games to the horn announcing a boss salmonid arriving on shore. even the smallest sounds, like when you collect a power egg or collecting armor are noises that you're always to able tell what they're from and what they mean.
the absence of noise in some areas really adds onto the overall ambience as well. for example, before you beat octo expansion the deepsea metro central station theme would play. but after you defeat tartar and save inkopolis, it's dead silent in the central station, which i find both comforting and empty. comforting, because in a way, that theme was kind of ominous. as in, you could have never prepared yourself for what was coming. empty because, well, you're done. there's no more problems in octo expansion to solve. you did what you had to do and you made it to the surface, safe and sound. there's nothing left for you here.
i love the music for turf/ranked, the lobby, and salmon run. i love that there's actual songs being played on speakers as you battle, i love that the salmon run music is the salmonid's war music, i love that the exact same song plays for every single person online in the lobby and in battles.
i love that in big run, the salmonids really did kinda take over and play this extremely eerie music in the square/grizzco lobby, and chop up c-side's clickbait and put their own spin on it. i love that in recon mode, there's no music playing because there is no battle currently happening, you're just there to look around or train. and even then, there's still noises. there's birds tweeting or water splashing or lots of things like that.
i love the music and sound in octo valley and octo canyon and octo expansion and alterna and on each and every stage.
alterna is one of my favorites when it comes to the sector/site music and sound design, simply because of the contrast it has. all the sites sound so upbeat and hopeful while the closer you are to the rocket, the more unsettling and disturbing it becomes, playing a verrrrry familiar tune that was turned into something silly.
the entrance terminals in the alterna kettles, specifically the normal entrance song. that one is so so calming to hear with the birds singing and what sounds like water rushing and the almost melancholic sounding piano, it just fills me with an indescribable feeling of sadness and joy. because those beautiful sounds of nature would be the last ones the remaining humans would hear before being wiped out forever.
the eerie rocket announcements. the preparations before launching, followed with an error. they try to change the trajectory and fix the error, but it doesn't work. in the final announcement, another error. the last thing on earth the humans had audibly said that we could hear. "Control system has encountered a ████. ████████." and the rest is history. the announcements make me so sad :(
(here's where i got the words from for the announcements)
i love the side order's trailer music, how surreal and ethereal and otherworldly it sounds, with faint talking in the background, with the slightly unsettling notes. i love it so much.
kind of off topic but. i absolutely love that it's not some fantasy land, it's all on our very own earth. they live just like we do, and i think that's both really cool but also sad. Something something repeated the mistakes of the humans that lived before them all those thousands of years ago something whatever lol. "splatoon" was never supposed to exist.
there are so, so many more things i have to say about splatoon's sound, but if i were to keep going, this post would never end.
anyways. i love you diegetic sound i love you splatoon noises i love you splatoon sounds i love you splatoon music i love you splatoon character themes i love you splatoon jingles i love you splatoon dialogue
i love you, splatoon!
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the0maski · 3 months
Late as always, but here are something’s about update part 7 Dawn
For some reason this gives me JoJo Bizarre Adventure vibes.
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( you can hear the silent "bitch”)
Listen to Time kid’s! The amount of Rupees I lost because of that scam “mini game” is embarrassing…
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( For those who never played OoT. As Teen!Link you get to race the Running Man/Postman from Gerudo Canyon to the bridge in the Lost Woods. Link will always lose, no matter how fast you try to get there or if you cheat, the Running Man will always be there first. That Bastard will also run into Link, throwing him aside if Link stands in the way of his route. )
First, I respect Sky for using Fi’s tracking system(forgot how it’s called in Game). Hated that mechanic in game so much that I would do anything to not use it. Most time I also found it useless, sorry Fi.
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Love that THAT is the exactly how you run 80% of the time with your sword in hand in Skyward Sword! Gotta love the detail!
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(Love this little game reference so much!!!)
Canonically confirmed, the only character with no trust issues whatsoever!
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Four was right and nobody is acknowledging that!
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(Also I don’t know if this is also a reference to Minish Cap, where you see the Postman leave Town but you never see him outside. It also kinda feels like he is teleporting from spot to spot in town when you don’t see him running.)
This scene, I think we can really see who are the mains in charge of the group!
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Legend and Hyrule: looking at Time
Wild, Twilight and Four: looking at Warriors
Wars and Time are looking at each other.
I already speculate that Time only falls at leader position, because he is the oldest, and that Time and Warriors stand in the same position, both lead in good teamwork together. Warriors as a captain has been clearly brought more into focus the last couple of updates, and I think he will take more role as a leader during battle plans.
Lot of people put Twilight in this, but he is more passive leading, being a big brother his priority is to make everyone feel protected and safe. Pointing Time and Warriors clearly out as guides for the chain.
I can not tell where Sky’s position really is. As far as I am reading it right, I speculate that he is quietly taking everything in. Not only the other of the chain, but all the new things he is learning on the surface. In the game Sky is said to be a dreamer, always with his mind somewhere, but a quick learner.
So I am putting him as the Information gather(?), of the chain.
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Go Sky! Drink your Monster Energy mix RockStar with a shot of RedBull, you deserve it.
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thisisnotthenerd · 6 months
and the other half of round two, the sidequests!
feel free to give reasoning/propaganda as you like!
the intrepid heroes poll
quick episode descriptions:
volcano of violence: all of the lotr parallels in one place. leiland being a cringefail after casting circle of death. markus negotiating with an eagle. the combination of grasping web and reverse gravity. balloon elf. sokhbarr raising the lava mog. the concept of galfast hamhead. efink facing her father and husband and beign conflicted
the great chase: caravan chase, mad max style on the teenager's bed. ti wants to blow up the boy. car-go and bean are remarkably effective. boomer is a boarding party. jizz balloons. lots of toy vehicles. car-go transforms with felix inside.
the horizon beyond the squall: marcid attacking a chimney. you wrote a whole song just to be mean to me. cheese, prince bitch. no kings for this captain. nat 20 medicine check to revive myrtle. destroy undead. beating a motherfucker with another motherfucker. bob's inflict wounds. ending with cheese getting a ship and the buccaneer buddies sailing off.
unfinished business: splitting up to resolve the mystery. buckster's legendary nat 20 persuasion to give advantage on stealth. daisy and the vicar sneaking in. sylvester failing at climbing the tower. lars killing the constable and pretending to be a ghost for lucretia. gangie and the vicar undulating. daisy and sylvester simultaneously arriving. shitting out of a window to "provide a cushion". daisy getting her story with sylvester's help. gangie falling into mrs. molesly's room. sylvester almost dying but getting a nat 20 death save with buckster's help. a wedding and bacchanal.
we're the heroes: one of these things is not like the others. collecting the bag of socks. jammer crying about weights. sam and philtrum. dates at the questing beast. the tournament. dream's cinderella moment. where did those mice get lithium. you don't get wet fire. i disavow you. what do you want me to tell your family. he had enough. blast him to the underworld. you can gps a phone. my girl just glinda'd your ass! that's some american magic, bitch! evan and dream lock up tallulah's wand in an orb.
i fucking love you: no one is surprised. incendiary cloud. OSTENTATIA'S DIVINE INTERVENTION ON A 19. god wants a bag from ostentatia. antiope will not submit. penny texts i'm in. nta 20 counterspell on finger of death. nonna wallace approves. katja trips a snake. i didn't even know you could trip a snake. antiope's incredible action surge turn that ends with showing her ass. sam is power word killed. that's my sister. danielle channels anima. revivify. bringing talura through the doorway in death. ending with graduation and 'take us to the book!'.
waylaid by werewolves: the werewolves are girls. zarb mini with six buttholes. chewing gum mist. fifi. shooting through the flamethrower. losing dracula. drago was the star. fifi becomes a werewolf. reading a letter in the middle of battle. florina under the carriage. enraged frenzy. i've heard of a cat scan. i make the horse fly. something seems very familiar about her. the dog is my wife! izzy holds with disappointment. a monster has been eating my letters to you.
duel on the southern lawn: rumor phase. rue writes the letter and commands wuvvy to burn it. i drank tea and went to bed. letter to wrackingspelt. rue's assistant. hob getting clocked by rue. wuvvy demanding satisfaction. andhera demanding satisfaction. wet wrestling. this is the biggest stretch of a fuckin' lifetime. nat 20 to be a slippy boy. hoisting andhera up by his taut cotton pants. accepting the hand of friendship.
yonder where the fruit do be lyin': quichei. deli's perception roll. raphaniel as a youth pastor. giant radish head. colin is covered in blue. extremely realistic fake orange. rick perry, you dog. silence. queen's losing it. raphaniel gets the orange down. banana boat guy. come on provolone! deli attacks queen pamela rocks. subtle spell shatter in the carriage. brennan kills pamela rocks again. you died for nothing. chasing and murdering the mushroom guy.
in the heart of death: brennan walks jujubee through an optimized turn. 49 damage immediately. troyánn slips. keekee starts falling. scorching ray. the devil works hard, but d20 works harder. buddy bear shoves zaria into the pit. lightning javelin in the titty. fireball. princess does like 70 damage and pushed kerwyn into the abyss. troyánn goes down. princess gets keena. nat 20 counterspell. twyla crits on morgan to end the battle.
case closed: the party converges on oblongata station once more. they're facing down the don and madam loathing, who can turn them against each other. imelda and dan flash the gangsters to wildly differing results. ivana rolls a 59 on hunch and he still comes back. elias punches his boss. dan goes down. the fix eats the key. conrad rolls a 57 [the number of heinz varieties] to bring down madam loathing. elias steals a birthday cake and runs out into the street, gets a date and reconciles his childhood trauma as he goes into witness protection.
evolution & revolution: warning the populace. pitching scam calls. driving the truck. phoebe is jaegering dr. wenabocker in a very gross maxi. the ground collapses. revenants are charmed. viola is very efficient. thorn calls lightning. tula attacks her son for 67 damage. ava attacks the groun for 109 damage and a long rest. jaysohn gets phoebe. lila fireballs. viola crits twice and kills one guy with paladin/fighter shenanigans and then kills the rest by kicking the trigger of a gun and hitting a gas tank. tula heals jaysohn, lukas, and herself a little bit. battle is over in 1.33 rounds.
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jwonsoon · 4 months
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amusement park date w/ enha 🫧🎠🎢
synopsis: enhypen headcanons for a cute little amusement park date!
pairings - ot7 non!idol enhypen x reader
(☼) a/n: happy new year lovelies!!! long time no see! things have been so busy :( but i went to lotte world during christmas break!! and this was all i could think about… enjoy <3
🖇️ jungwon:
- a SWEETIE PIE. just. omg. ur heart is fluttering the whole time he is so sweet and he’s so smiley
- ur photobooth pics are so cute. he would find all these goofy poses to do w u and get all the funny little props AND HED GET ALL RED LOOKING AT THEM STAWPP
- in the line he’d play w ur hands </3 he’s worried ur bored during the long waits so u guys are just non stop talking and playing around
- i think on scary rides he’d be a little scared but not as much as u. and he would know that so his hand is always firmly on urs and hes laughing bc he finds ur screaming so cute. WAHHHHH
- takes random photos and videos of u. and you’ll be like 🙄 and he’s like “what. u look cute i cant help it.” he’d try to take videos on the ride so he can watch them later and geek about u holding his arm hehe
- he’s so observant. like he can tell if ur tired u don’t have to tell him. he’ll just be like “u just wanna sit for now?” and you guys will just sit and enjoy each others company and watch w ur head on his shoulder </3.
🖇️ heeseung:
- just flirting with you the whole time he is such a little goof.
- strangely good at all the mini games and it’s so attractive.. like he’ll try one of those carnival games for fun and now all of a sudden you’re carrying around this huge bear he won for you
- finds you so endearing and it shows in his face :( when you’re scared or freaking out or just excited any emotion in general he’s like visibly geeking. he’s a man in love
- calm but also so cute when you’re on scary rides. but no matter what he’s gonna be ur arm to squeeze bc u are NOT calm
- competitive during those shooting games. like u are going to war. he acts all calm but when the game starts he’s in battle and ur just trying ur best 😭 (he’d let you win tho)
- you’re both lowkey clueless goofs together riding on like random rides that u join random queues with no idea if they’re kiddy rides or scary but u both love it anyway
🖇️ jay:
- gentleman. GENTLEMAN. constantly carrying ur shit he is so boyfriend coded
- has literally everything you need and things you didn’t even know u needed like ur battery ran out in ur handheld fan? he for some reason has batteries packed. he knows.
- buys you all the good food. and lets you try it first 🤭 wants to make sure you try all the classic amusement park food. u will never be hungry around him like u are always eating good
- buys you a goofy stuffed toy and you guys name it together based off of some random silly little inside joke you guys made 💔
- you definitely have cute goofy pictures of him in line messing around and he’s just making really stupid jokes and everything is funny when he’s around. i feel like he’d also have his arms around you and he’s right beside you just lowkey making sure you’re not scared or nervous
- overall calm during crazy rides but if you’re freaking out he’s just making you laugh and distracting you because he wants you to enjoy <333
🖇️ jake:
- the silliest ever. i don’t think you would have a single dull moment with him. he would be so hype and giggly it would be so fun
- so playful and fun in line. like he never makes u feel like ur boring him, spending time w him is so easy <3 like ur just asking each other stupid would u rather questions and playing silly little hand games
- scaredy cat. ur on a scary rollercoaster? ur on a regular ride? either way he’s screaming crying and laughing. he is holding onto your arm/hand for dear life. “I CANT DO THIS I CANT WTF HAHAHA THIS IS SO FUN”
- would tease u about being scared BUT if u were actually super scared he would be so quick to notice :( and he’d look at you with such concerned eyes like “wait are you ok we don’t have to” and be quick to physically comfort you </3 what a sweetie pie
- would definitely try and win a huge teddy bear for u and go “this one’s for u”…and probably lose. but it’s ok cus he’ll make up for it w matching keychains <3
- definitely puts random headbands and hats on both u and him at the souvenir shops and gets all excited AHHH. he’d also fix ur hair or clothes if it got messed up from a ride GOD IM GEEKING
🖇️ sunghoon:
- scaredy cat #2. the biggest one. he is so scared u have to drag him to the big rollercoaster you wanna do
- sunghoon loves the views and scenery, so your date is really relaxing and chill, he’s your personal photographer taking photos of you in the ferris wheel with his film camera!!
- but he knows you wanna do one scary one and hes comfortable enough and trusts you so he decides he’ll do it and you think it’s so sweet.
- he is SO NERVOUS he is shaking while he’s holding your hand but in the end he enjoyed and he was giggly the whole time but he’s like “Never again pls.”
- you’d put on one of those random hat souvenirs on him and he’d get shy but he still buys it (and a matching on for you <3)
- lowkey eats up the kiddy rides like that is his TERRITORYYY (and of course if there’s an ice-skating rink you best believe he’s dragging you there too)
🖇️ sunoo:
- photobooth photos EAT. you two are so photogenic hello pinterest couple photos
- lowkey matching everything. matching headbands matching keychains plushie, and lowkey matching clothes but not super obvious you just complement each other super well
- SCREAAAAM TWINSSS. you guys can be heard from neighbouring countries when u ride rollercoasters and it’s so fun
- so giggly and wants to do everything. like he is fearless he will do every ride with you. but at the same time if you don’t wanna do too many he’s totally fine with that too but he wants to film cute little tiktoks with you and show you off 🤍
- you will never feel bored or uninterested around sunoo. he always finds a way to talk about anything and everything with you in the lines for rides, waiting for your food, he’s always making conversation and you really appreciate it
🖇️ ni-ki:
- the most unserious and funny date ever. the type to play fight in the lines and the type where both of you are sitting and leaning on the railings and you guys almost lose balance
- points at every plushie or mascot or figurine or cartoon and says “that’s you” or if there’s more than one “that’s literally us”
- somehow spots every baby or pet in the park and he’s like “loook awww!!:!:!.l” and you’re like boy we gotta go!!!
- constantly taking 0.5s of both you and him. but mostly you. he takes one of you two moments before the disastrous drop of a ride and he almost drops his phone.
- such a tease and jokester like u cannot catch a BREAKKK. “eyyyy ur scared aren’t you.😏”
- every time you grab onto his arm or hold his hand or hug him in the line he is nonstop blushing even though he’s trying to be lowkey but it is NAWTTT working.
end of cut!
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