#this counts as pedicure right?
ragingbookdragon · 6 months
I Do My Hair Toss, Paint My Nails
Bayverse Transformers x Reader Blurbs
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I fucking wrote TF fanfiction omg. Enjoy! -Thorne
It’s only the fourth glance she takes out the window that has her nail tech snorting. “Are you worried someone is going to steal your boyfriend’s truck?”
She startles at his words, barely missing the drill bit going into her skin around her nail as she replies, “Huh?”
“You keep looking at the truck,” he says. “It’s your boyfriend’s, isn’t it?”
Her cheeks begin to warm as she swipes a fifth glance at the black GMC. “What makes you say it’s my boyfriend’s? It could be mine.”
“Please. You work in private security. And I know you drive a pink Porsche.” He takes his own look at the truck. “It’s a nice one. It is your boyfriend’s, right?”
“Something like that,” she replies as he dips the brush into the acrylic and begins to lay it over her nails.
He snorts again. “Okay, Miss Mysterious, keep it secret.”
She gives a smile as he continues to work on her nails and she admires them when they’re done, a sleek black stiletto. “Thank you, Ray.”
Giving a mock bow, he replies, “I do my best. Now off with you.”
Waving, she steps outside and nears the driver’s side of the truck, only to be caught off by a sports car slowing to a stop beside her.
“Hey baby,” the man greets, practically hanging outside of the window. “Where you headed?”
She blinks, offering a deadened stare and grips the door handle. “Nowhere you are. Have a nice day.”
“Now don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he replies with a smirk and starts to get out, but he stops when the truck rumbles with a violent noise. “What the fuck?”
“Easy, Ironhide,” she murmurs, and opens the driver’s door. “Have a lovely day.” Shutting and locking the door, she’s thankful that Ironhide’s windows are tinted and watches as the car pulls away in a hurry.
“You okay?” Ironhide asks. “I can always blast their tailpipe in.”
She laughs. “Thank you, but I think they got the message.”
“Hmm, I disagree, but I’ll take your word for it,” his voice hums through his speakers as he pulls off onto the street. “What did you do in there? You were gone for an hour and a half.”
“Oh, I got my nails painted!” she chirps and flashes her hands down. “See, I painted them black like your paint.”
This time, Ironhide rumbles but it’s with a subtle pride as he compliments, “As beautiful as my weapons, love.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and leans forward, pressing her lips to the center of the steering wheel. “How about we take a drive out of the city?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he replies and turns off to the main highway pointing out of the city.
“I do not understand the process of painting your nails,” Rachet comments as he watches her gently apply a mustard yellow to her nails.
“Which part don’t you understand, big guy?” she replies, not looking up, focusing intently.
“Perhaps it is more so I don’t understand why.”
He nods and gets closer, staring at her hands. “Why are you painting them?”
She looks up at him. “Why me specifically or why do humans paint nails?”
Rachet takes a moment to ponder her question. “Both.”
Sticking her hand under the small gel light, she answers, “Most people paint their nails as a form of self-expression. Others do so as it’s fashionable. Some just do manicures and pedicures to stay groomed. Think of it like you and the others maintaining your own bodies and staying in good condition.” She starts on the other hand when the first is cured. “Some cultures have historic context with painting nails or the length of nails and it’s symbolic to their people.”
“And what of you?” he asks.
“I guess mine is more so expression and maintenance. I work a lot so I can’t always have my nails maintained the way I want, y’know painted and with length. But I always try to keep them clean and nice looking.” She smiles as she paints a red line through them. “Sometimes I’m lucky enough that I get to paint them pretty.”
At that, Rachet tips his head a bit to see. “I’m no human but I do not think red and yellow are technically considered ‘pretty.’”
She gives him a fond look and pokes his nose with her cured pointer. “Really? Because I painted them to look like a similar Autobot I know. Or did you forget you’re red and yellow?”
He coughs slightly and looks away. “Well, now that you mention such a thing.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re flustered, Rachet.”
“Nonsense,” he retorts as he stands up straight, and she has to crane her neck to see him. “Autobots don’t get flustered.”
“I think you’re leaking oil, big guy,” she teases, and he turns hurriedly, patting himself down.
“What! Where!”
“I’m joking,” she says with a grin. “Still set on not being embarrassed?”
She sits at the station next to Bumblebee as he fumbles with the metal Rubik’s cube she had made for him. “What color should I paint my nails, Bee?” she asks, opening the case, and she really shouldn’t be painting her nails at work, but considering most of the higher ups are in meetings and the facility is a ghost town, she doesn’t have much to do.
Bumblebee looks down, optics zooming in on each color she lifts up for him to see.
“I’ve got blue…red…black…ooo, what about green?” she offers a deep evergreen up and he scowls and shakes his head. “No?”
He sticks a finger into the case and carefully digs around until he pulls out a tiny tube and hands it to her.
“This one?” she asks and looks at the bottle. “Sunrise Yellow,” she says and looks at him. “It matches you.”
This time he gives her a smile of pride and hands her the black bottle as well, gesturing to her middle and ring fingers.
“You want these ones painted black and the others yellow?”
“Yeah baby!” the line from a comedy movie comes over his voice and she snorts.
“Okay, Bee,” she answers and opens the bottles. “Nails that look like you coming up.” she watches as he grins to himself and dances slightly. “You keep it up, Bee, and everyone is going to know you like me.” She pauses and looks at her hands with a deadpan stare. “Actually, they’re going to think I like you.”
He bends down and gets face to face with her. “You do like me.” The words are easy enough to decipher in his rumbles and she looks away.
“Get outta heeya,” she mocks with warm cheeks, and he laughs at her. “Hey, you better stop laughing at me, or do you not remember how you practically tripped over yourself when I wore a dress the other day and you weren’t paying attention. Ran right into the high-beam and maintenance is still working on fixing it.”
At that, his battle visors come down and he hides his face as embarrassed rumbles escape him; she takes the opportunity to slide up onto his leg and sit with a smile as she paints her nails.
She greets the soldiers around her with a smile as she enters the facility and wanders back to her desk to set her things down. It’s only a few moments before Lennox finds his way to her desk and simply stands in front of it until she looks up. “Good morning, Will.”
“You’re late,” he retorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “We had training this morning. And you missed it.”
“And I think you forget I was transferred to private security.” She smiles amusedly. “I don’t work for the military anymore.”
He rolls his eyes. “Jesus, you get out and you turn into a completely different person.”
“I am not. Excuse me for enjoying not waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to go running.” She turns on her computer and sorts some paperwork on her desk. “I had an appointment if it appeases your annoyance, your royal eminence.”
“Oh, it’s not me that needs to be appeased. It’s a certain Autobot that was worried about your lateness,” he teases as she feels her cheeks heat up.
She gives him a surprised but pleasant look. “Optimus was worried about me?”
She knows she’s said too much when Lennox’s face splits into a smirk and he gloats, “I fuckin’ knew it was Optimus. Epps thought it was Sideswipe.” His grins grows as she throws her pen at him and he saunters off with, “Guys owe me fifty.”
A few minutes pass as the embarrassment begins to fade when a noise startles her and she lets out a groan and gripes, “William, go awa—Optimus!” she hides her files on her desk as if it will take away the fluster she feels. “I—I didn’t know you were there.”
The Autobot leader bends down to get level with her. “You weren’t at training this morning,” he notes, and she can’t help how her neck disappears into her shoulders.
“I was busy…I had an appointment.”
“Oh?” He blinks, blue optics watching her carefully. “Was it a medical appointment? Are you well?”
“I’m fine,” she replies. “I went to go get my nails done.”
He blinks again, this time almost confused as he asks, “Your…nails?”
She shows her hands, and he lowers his, gently taking both of hers in one; they only rest on one finger as he examines them. “In human culture, men and women paint their finger and toenails different colors. It’s called manicure and pedicure. I have acrylic nails. Made from acrylic glass and hardened with a liquid monomer. It creates a hardened surface that can be drilled and painted. Like mine.”
Optimus looks them over before he murmurs almost uncharacteristically quiet, “They are painted like my paint.”
Her cheeks warm and she looks away. “I…know we can’t exactly be open…people wouldn’t understand but…I just thought it would be a romantic gesture I guess.”
“I am honored,” he says with a smile. “They are painted beautifully…like you.”
“Optimus,” she replies with a warm smile. “Thank you.”
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𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 - Javier Peña
pedro pascal has me in a chokehold and i'm not gonna apologize for it. take this smut. also, this is basically just a self insert cause i couldn't help myself
Summary: All alone at a bar after being stood up by a blind date, you catch Javier's lustful eye.
Warnings: self insert basically (I'm half Mexican so...yeah, I made reader Mexican too. sue me), alcohol and drug consumption, dancing and leaving no room for Jesus (grinding), SMUT (MINORS DNI), one night stand, fingering, oral (m!receiving), spanking, kinda mean dom!Javi
word count | 4.3k🤙🏻
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You didn’t think your night could get any worse.
First, you get all dolled up just to be stood up by your date, then the friend you came to the club with abandoned you to hook up with some random guy. You hoped you’d at least meet someone here to soothe your bruised ego, but there weren’t any takers or anyone that met your standards. Yeah, tonight seemed like it would be a bust.
Unbeknownst to you, across the bar, Javier Peña couldn’t keep his eyes off you. After a rough day on the job, his partner encouraged him to come to this club to blow off some steam. He was content just hanging out with Murphy, until he saw you. The expression on your face is what caught his eye first, the way you had a permanent frown and look of disappointment. He instantly knew you must’ve gotten stood up, or broken up with. Why would anyone stand up someone as gorgeous as you? He’d never know. He really thought you were. Gorgeous. The way your eyes sparkled in the club lights, the way your lips wrapped around the rim of your margarita glass, leaving a subtle red stain with your lipgloss. Of course, he couldn’t help but notice your attire; a dress just above knee length lined with lace, hugging the form of your torso but flowing around your hips. He followed the curve of your ass down your legs until he got to your freshly pedicured feet that sported wedges that matched the dress. He hated knowing that you must’ve gotten dressed up for nothing.
You were such a stunner, Javier didn’t even register Steve was even talking to him. “Sorry, what?” He tried speaking over the music blaring over the speakers.
Steve only laughed, shaking his head as he took a swig of his beer. “You’ve been eyeing that bird ever since we got here. Just go talk to her, man.”
Javier shook his head, turning back around to face his partner. “Nah, I came here with you. It’s fine.”
Steve gave him an unimpressed look, totally not believing him. “You’re so full of shit. Right now, I know the last thing you wanna be doing is spending time with little ol’ me when you could be chatting up a beautiful woman. I’m alright, thinking about heading home to my woman actually.” He finished his drink and started to get up before Javier could even respond. “Enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it after the day we’ve had. See ya on Monday.” 
“But, I-” Javi’s voice trailed out the farther Steve walked away, leaving him alone and slightly buzzed. He looked back over at you, somehow looking even more pitiful and on the verge of completely giving up on fun. He sighed heavily before chugging the rest of his beer. “Fuck it.”
You didn’t hear the approaching footsteps over the music, getting startled out of your thoughts when you heard a voice from beside you. “Te ves como si te estuvieras divirtiendo.” The man beside you said, his voice straining a little so you could be able to hear him. At first glance, you thought about leaving right away, but once you got another look, this man was actually pretty attractive. He was tall, gruff looking, but his smile was sweet.
You smiled apologetically. “Lo siento, no hablo español.” You cursed yourself for never learning Spanish.
“Oh, no problem. I’m originally from the States, so. You’re not Colombian?”
“Mexican, actually.”
“Ah, muy bien.”
You giggled, taking a sip of your margarita to calm your nerves in front of this very handsome man. “Spent my whole life around Hispanics and never seemed to pick it up. My father is very disappointed in me.” His laugh made a blush bloom across your cheeks, but thankfully the lights in the club were dim enough to make sure he couldn’t notice.
“What are you doing in Colombia?”
“Holiday, invited by a friend.”
“And what brings you to this club tonight? Got a hot date?” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
You huffed. “Well, I was supposed to meet someone here, but he was a no show. I came here with my friend too, but said friend has ditched me tonight.”
His eyebrows furrowed into a frown. “They left you after you got stood up?”
“Oh, no, she wouldn’t do that. I told her she could, but that was before I was ghosted. She’s probably back at our hotel getting dicked down right now. So, I figured I’d stay here a while to give her some privacy or snag someone here for myself.”
“Any takers?” Javier already knew the answer to that, but he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
You sighed with a sad smile. “Nope. I’m completely alone here.”
He leaned in closer to you, resting his forearms on the bar stand. “Well, not anymore. Can I buy you a drink?”
You smirked. “I don’t even know your name.”
He reached out his hand. “Javier Peña.” You closed the gap, taking his course, warm hand in yours. He grinned as you told him your name, as if you just told him the secret of life. “Bonita. Two whiskeys, por favor.” He spoke to the bartender. Oh, this guy was good.
“You’re a bold one, aren’t you?” You giggled.
He shrugged. “Have to be in my line of work. Plus, if I wasn’t, I’d never get laid.” You almost spat out your drink. Well, bold was an understatement.
“And what line of work would that be?”
Javier seemed to hesitate at that, scrunching his face in a frown for a brief second. “DEA Agent.” You nodded in acknowledgement, your expression plain so he couldn’t guess what your stance was. You weren’t running away immediately, so that was a good sign.
Throughout the next hour or so, you both talked each other’s heads off. Each of you telling each other about your work, hobbies, likes and dislikes, even some political stances (the alcohol may have loosen your tongues).
Then, your eyes lit up as a popular Spanish song sounded through the speakers. “Oh my god, I love this song!” You beamed, your body instantly swaying to the beat in your chair.
Javier smiled, stepping away from the bar and extending his hand. “Dance with me?”
“You’re just gonna assume I know how to dance?”
“You’re Mexican, aren’t you?”
“Half.” You chuckled nervously.
He shrugged, grabbing your hand and pulling you off the stool you were sitting on. “You’ll be able to keep up. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. Promise.” He purred, bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles. Oh, he was trouble.
You let out a surprised squeal as Javier spinned you around with his hand before getting into the dance. The song was more fast paced, so you both settled on a messy salsa. Javier led you well, laughing off whenever you accidentally stomped on his foot. You had taken a salsa class before, so you weren’t too terrible. But you could tell Javier could’ve looked much better with a more experienced partner. But he didn’t choose someone else, he chose you. “See? You’re not that bad!” He shouted over the music, causing you to grin.
“Well, you’re an excellent dance partner.”
As the energy died down and a slower song came on, you and Javier stepped closer together, wrapping each other’s arm around the other as you started to sway to the music. Your heart thumped in your chest as he looked down on you with those dark, mysterious eyes. He didn’t even try to hide every glance down to your lips or your chest that was pressed up against his. Taking a look around, all the other couples on the dance floor were in similar positions, most making out which caused a blush to form on your cheeks. Javi seemed to notice as he smirked, stepping back to twirl you around, pulling your back against his chest, still keeping up with the beat.
“And what about this song? Is this another favorite?” He spoke against your ear, eliciting a shiver down your spine as you felt his breath fan across your skin.
You shook your head. “I’ve never heard it before.”
“Oh, it’s a great song. It’s about getting to know a woman’s body for the first time.” Your eyes widened. “What she likes, how she likes to be touched, learning if she likes it slow…or rough.” You silently gasped as Javi gripped your hips tightly, pulling your ass against his pelvis, bringing one hand to press against your lower stomach. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the music or maybe it was just you, but you subtly smirked as you grinded back against him, a soft groan escaping from his lips as he tightened his hold against you.
“That does sound like a great song. I bet you know all about that, hm?”
“I am a fast learner.” He growled, running his tongue up the side of your neck, instinctively allowing your head to loll back to rest against his shoulder. You bit your bottom lip to keep in a moan that threatened to escape as his teeth dug in gently. You smiled as you felt Javier’s bulge against your ass, the music allowing you to grind against him without raising any brows. 
“Should I guess what you like?”
He hummed. “If you come back to my apartment with me, you won’t have to.”
You turned back to face him, a bright smile on your face. “Will you be gentle?”
He smirked darkly. “I don’t think that’s what you want, querida.”
The both of you didn’t waste any more time in that dance club. You felt your arousal pool in your underwear as Javier all but dragged you outside to slam you against his car, his lips already brushing against every piece of exposed skin he could find before kissing you roughly, his mustache tickling. You moaned at the intensity of it, not having been laid in a long, long time. But you couldn't get too ahead of yourself, you weren’t at his apartment and you were still in public, but by how handsy Javier was being, you figured it didn’t bother him. “Are we going to your place or should I just take off my panties right now?” You giggled as you gently pushed him away, keeping him at arm's length.
“Sorry. I don’t normally take my time…” He whispered breathlessly, placing a feather light kiss on your cheek.
You smirked. “I have some weed if that’ll make you relax.”
Javier narrowed his eyes and pinched your side playfully, making you wince. “You know, I could arrest you for that.”
“Yeah. But from the hard on that pressing against me right now, you really want to get in my pants. Can’t fuck me when I’m in a jail cell.”
“I can be creative.” You let out a whimper as he smacked your ass hard, groping the fatty flesh through your dress before reaching behind you to open the passenger side door of his truck. “Get in.”
You chuckled at his demanding tone, clearly worked up, but you didn’t have the heart to tease him anymore so you obeyed. You almost flinched as he slammed the door shut, speed walking to the other side of the car and starting the engine as soon as he got in. On the road, Javier extended his hand towards you, palm facing it. You raised a brow in confusion. “The drugs.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Seriously? It was a joke. I don’t have any weed.”
Javier looked you up and down with a glance before a smirk came to his face. “So you wouldn't mind if I search you?”
“Where would I ever hide it? My bra? My cunt?”
“Scared I’ll find some?”
You bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling, shifting in your seat to slightly face him, leaning up against the door as you removed your underwear but keeping your dress covering your modesty. “I’ve got nothing to hide, sir.”
Javier’s eyes darkened as he glanced between you and the road. There wasn’t much traffic, so he figured he could get away with it. He reached his hand over and patted your torso down, reaching further and further until he got to your breasts, kneading the flesh softly until his fingers dipped in past your dress and bra. You sighed out as he roamed your tits, pinching your nipples until they hardened. “All clear?” You teased, squeezing your thighs together to get some friction.
“Not yet. I have one more place to check.” You tried not to shiver as his hand trailed down your body, lifting the hem of your dress out of the way and pushing your legs apart to lay his eyes on your glistening pussy. You could hear a soft growl from him as he slid one of his fingers through your slit, your wetness gathering at your entrance quickly. “Been a while, has it?” You gasped as his middle finger started to press against your clit, heat rushing to your face and neck, contrasting against the cold window your head rested against.
“A bit, yeah.” You exhaled shakily.
Stopping at a red light, Javier’s eyes were fixed on your face as he inserted two of his fingers inside you, watching the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head briefly as your lips parted in a moan. He groaned, curling his fingers rhythmically and trying to stretch you out preemptively. “So fuckin’ tight, babygirl. Squeezing my fingers so hard.” Well, it was hard not to when his fingers were so thick and long. He definitely was an expert in this field, finding that place inside you that always had you panting and whining, which is exactly what you were doing as he paired the thrusts of his fingers with his thumb circling your clit.
“Fuck, that feels so good Javier.” You moaned, holding on to the dash for dear life as you tried not to squirm too much.
“Call me Javi.” A sudden honk of a horn jerked you and Javier out of the moment, the spotlight turned red minutes ago, causing the car behind to lose their patience. You giggled as he cursed in Spanish as he sped off, faster than before, anxious to feel all of you. With his fingers still inside you, Javi hastily parked his vehicle on the street outside his apartment, ripping off his seatbelt to lean over to kiss you sloppily. “You were close before, weren’t you?”
You nodded with a whine, the windows starting to fog with your panting breaths. You held onto his shoulder as he forced you to that peak once more, just the right move to push you over the edge. “Javi, fuck-!” You whimpered, the wet squelching of his fingers moving in and out of you echoing in the truck.
“So wet.” He chuckled darkly. “Gonna come on my fingers, querida?”
“Yes. Yes, Javi!” You moaned loudly, heat taking over your whole body as you rode out that wave of ecstasy on his fingers. Javier groaned as he watched your face contort in pleasure, it almost making him come in his jeans untouched. He grinned as he watched your slick coat his fingers and pool into his palm, pulling his hand away to see your cunt make stringy cobwebs of cum. “All clear on those drugs, agent Peña?” You joked when you noticed his oblivious fixation.
He chuckled softly. “I don’t know. I think you’ll need to join me in my apartment for a further evaluation.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Your hands shook as Javier led you up the stairs to his apartment with heavy and hot gazes towards you, almost to make sure you were following him. Like you’d ever want to leave with the promise of getting laid. He seemed to be antsy like you, fumbling with his keys and having to take a deep breath before unlocking his door. But once you stepped over the threshold, all possible nerves promptly left his body as he pinned you to his wall and kissed you passionately. You whined as his hands wandered until they gripped onto your ass, grinding his clothed erection against you.
“God, I can’t wait to fuck you, hermosa.” He growled before latching onto the crook of your neck with his teeth.
“Then don’t.” You whispered shakily, palming his bulge which elicited a low, deep groan from him, the noise causing a pang of arousal to resonate through your entire body. You wanted to hear more, but Javi grabbed your wrist.
“So eager, babygirl. Want me to make you come again that badly?” He chuckled mockingly when you nodded. He led you to his bedroom, sitting you down on the edge of his bed with his lips latched onto yours. “Wanna feel those pretty lips around my cock.” He hummed as he unbuttoned his jeans. Your eyes widened and mouth watered as Javier took his cock out, thick and long. Obviously his jeans had hidden its actual size, you didn’t know if you’d be able to fit it inside. “Think you’ll be able to take it?”
“I’ve just never had someone as big as you, Javi.” That seemed to make him smirk with pride.
“Don’t you worry. I’ll go easy on you. First, at least.” Javier gently grabbed your chin, tilting your head up to look at him, suddenly feeling intimidated by his domineering stature; but it only turned you on even more. “You wanna suck my cock, princess?” You smiled in reply, licking your lips and leaning forwards to lick up the small bead of precum gathered on his slit, the action making him hiss softly. Making sure to keep eye contact with him, you licked the underside of his cock from base to tip, wrapping your lips around the head and suckling on it gently. “Oh, you’re a tease, huh?” You yelped as Javi grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled harshly, taking advantage of your surprise and shoving his cock in your mouth. You instantly tried to relax, sucking on him until he let out a lovely moan. “That’s it. That’s it…good girl.”
His praises and moans went straight to your core, making you even needier than before. He sounded so pretty. Even if your jaw started to ache, you wanted to keep hearing his breathless noises of pleasure. You made a pretty picture, Javier thought. Your lips and tongue around his cock, looking up at him with tears spilling out the sides of your eyes whenever he hit the back of your throat, your moans of exertion causing a delightful vibration. He wouldn’t last much longer like this. He needed to fuck you. Now.
You gasped as Javier pulled you off his dick, kissing you roughly before removing his shirt, your lips upturning in a smile as you admired his body. “Clothes off and lay back on the bed for me, sweetheart.” He ordered, and you had no problem obeying, might’ve even been a bit too eager, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Your face flushed with heat as his gaze fixed on your breasts, licking his lips and smirking. “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous, baby.” You giggled as he pounced on you, sloppily kissing you while positioning himself in between your legs.
You bit your lip as Javier rubbed his dick in between your slick folds, gasping as the head nudged your clit. “Want you inside me so bad, Javi.” You whispered, one hand cupping the side of his face and the other bracing yourself on his shoulder as he started to slowly push in. Your head fell back to the pillow beneath you with your mouth open in a moan, Javi fully sheathing himself inside your velvety walls.
“Fuck, babygirl.” Javier groaned, his brows furrowed, trying to restrain himself from plowing into you right away. He had a vice grip on your hip, while his other hand was groping your tit. “You feel so good.”
“Fuck me harder, Javi, please.” You whined, canting your hips upwards to try and get more friction, but he roughly pinned you down with his hands.
“Ain’t gonna last long if I do that.”
“I don’t care. Please.” You begged, looking up at him with your best puppy dog eyes. Javier growled as he pulled out of you, flipping you over on your front, head down and ass up, pushing himself back in your pussy harshly, setting a cruel pace. “Fuck!” You groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull in a pleasured haze. He fucked you hard and slow, each thrust making you jerk and cry out every time he hit the ends of you, a loud slapping skin against skin noise echoing through his entire apartment. You’d be surprised if his neighbors didn’t come banging on his door telling you to keep it down.
“You like this better, slut?” He mocked before letting out moans of his own, the new position one of his favorites, that much you could tell.
“Yes. God, yes, Javi!” You started to prop yourself up on your elbows, but Javi pushed you back down, keeping your face pressed against the pillow.
“Keep your fuckin’ head down.” He demanded, grunting loudly with every thrust. “Anything else you wanna complain about, sweetheart?”
“Can you…can you spank me, please?” You couldn’t see him from your position, but he grinned, followed by a couple hard slaps to both your ass cheeks, making you moan in appreciation. You could tell he enjoyed spanking you, since he did it often, your skin throbbing and raw but it felt so good. His grip on your hip he used as leverage started to turn painful as opposed to the pressure it previously felt, just knowing you’d have plenty of marks afterwards, and you couldn’t wait to see the masterpiece of bruises he left on your skin in the morning.
“Fuck, babygirl, you’re making it real difficult to keep it together. I don’t think I’ll be able to last much longer.” You lifted yourself with your arms, trying to turn yourself on your back. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I wanna watch as you come.” You smiled sweetly. Now how could Javi deny you when you looked like that? He allowed you to turn over, then he sat up on his haunches and wrapped your legs around his waist. He looked so fucking angelic from this angle, looking down at you with a pleasure ridden face, the sweat coating his body making him shine, his hair disheveled and a dark look his in eyes. The sight paired with his ruthless thrusts, his cock hitting that sweet spot inside of you, made your second climax of the night get closer and closer, you could almost taste it. 
Javier watched as goosebumps rose all over your body, your nipples hardening and your walls clenching around him tightly, signaling you were close. If it weren’t for how close he was as well, he’d surely have an arrogant smirk on his face from how drunk you were getting off his cock. “You gonna come for me again, querida?”
“Yes, Javi!” You cried, your body starting to shake uncontrollably as the first shock waves of your orgasm washed over you. “Oh my god, fuck, I’m coming!”
Javier let out a strained moan as your walls pulsed around him, soaking his cock and your face contorting in pure euphoria. He couldn’t resist grabbing ahold of your hand, giving you an anchor to ground yourself as you came down from your high, additionally giving him something to hold on to as he started to reach his own climax. “Where do you want me to come?”
“Inside…” You whispered breathlessly. “Come inside me, Javi. I want it. I need it.”
Javier grunted loudly as his warm ropes of cum painted your walls, his muscles tensing and soft whimpers escaping his mouth as he stilled inside you, panting as if he’d just run a marathon. He surprised you by kissing you softly, then your chin, cheek, and finally your forehead. Much more tender than he previously was. You almost whined at the loss of contact as he laid beside you, immediately lighting a cigarette, offering you one, but you politely declined, claiming you had your own. Instead, you slightly sat up in the bed and pulled out a joint from your bag, smirking to yourself as you knew he’d throw a fit.
You took glances over at Javier as you lit up your joint, resisting the urge to laugh as his eyes widened at the smell, immediately snapping his head towards you with furrowed brows. “Are you really smoking grass in front of me right now?” He scolded. “Seriously? You lied to me.”
You smiled. “What’re gonna do? Handcuff me?”
His eyes darkened, setting down his cigarette in an ashtray and leaned over to hover above you.“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You only replied by taking a puff of your joint and blowing the smoke in his face. You whimpered as he kissed you hard, biting your lip until he broke skin. “You know marijuana is a gateway drug?”
“Oh, shut up!” You chuckled, putting out your joint so you could focus on kissing him. “You really gonna arrest me, Javi?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, just…just don’t do it around me, alright?”
You raised a brow playfully. “Oh, so this wasn’t just a one time thing?”
He didn’t meet your gaze. “I mean, not if you want it to be. I was going to ask if you wanted to, ya know, do this again sometime?” He spoke softly, looking back up at you with a hopeful expression.
You giggled giddily, feeling like a teenager who just got asked out by your crush. The grin that stretched across Javi’s face at your reaction made your heart thump in your chest even faster. “Of course, Javi. I’d love that.”
“Good.” He smiled, kissing you one more time.
You smirked. “Hey, maybe you could use your handcuffs on me next time.”
“Whatever your heart desires, querida.”
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fuck sake
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shina913 · 7 months
I wish you would write a fic where....reader is going to get a pedicure but her normal nail tech is out, and the owner's cute son (you pick the member) who's back in town volunteers to do reader's appointment. (hehehe)
Jess!!! I did it 🤣 I didn’t think I could but I actually had a lot of fun with this! Thank you for this ask. I hope I did it justice 💜
Self-Care Sunday | JJK
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Pairing: NailTech!Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Meet cute; fluff
Warnings: Some naughty thoughts but nothing explicit; slight references to gender stereotypes and occupations
Word count: 3k+words
Summary: You arrive at your mani-pedi appointment to find out that your usual technician is unexpectedly out. Instead, the salon owner’s son offers to do your nails instead.
A/N: Just for fun! Also, I was too impatient and wanted to actually post on a Sunday, which is why I didn’t have time to find a proper banner image for this. I’ll fix that tomorrow 😅 Thank you @midnightagust for your eyes 🥰 hope you all enjoy this!
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Every weekend, you make a point to treat yourself to some form of pampering. Whether you went out to get your hair done or simply curled up on your couch to enjoy a book, ‘Self-Care Sunday’ was a big deal for you. It was a way to reset and prepare for the week ahead.
This weekend, you’re going for a mani-pedi. You walk into the nail salon about five minutes before your appointment time.
The small reception booth in front is empty, but the rest of the ladies who are busy with customers pause to greet you since you’re a regular. You begin to scan the room for your usual manicurist, hoping to check in and get set up.
Oddly, she’s nowhere in sight so you ask one of the ladies closest to you, who was giving a pedicure to another client.
“Annie just left. She said she was feeling sick,” she says to you.
“Oh no.” You look around again to see that everyone else is tending to their own clients. There’s no way any of these ladies would be able to take you on this morning. You’re disappointed but it’s not the end of the world. “I guess I could just reschedule my appointment–”
“No, hun, you don’t have to! It’s why she didn’t call to cancel. Our manager will take care of you.”
The salon’s manager, Lily, wasn’t afraid to jump in to help out whenever it was busy. It was a small comfort to know that the day wasn’t going to be a complete waste and you knew that you were in good hands.
The nail technician points to the vacant spa chair next to her and you help yourself. She pauses her work to fill the basin with warm water so you can soak your feet in while waiting for the manager.
“He’ll be right out, okay?” She says with a smile before turning back to her client.
Your eyebrows scrunch in curiosity. You could have sworn she said 'he,' but maybe you were hearing things. You dismiss the thought and activate the massage function on your chair, then start scrolling through your phone while waiting.
A few minutes later, you notice movement in your peripheral vision. As the figure settles on the low stool in front of you, you raise your head to greet them. Your voice gets caught in your throat when you realize that it isn't Lily.
You’re stunned at the sight of a man sitting in front of you. He looks young and devastatingly hot. You would never expect to see someone who looked like him at a nail salon, let alone working at one. His big, round, beautiful eyes make you want to melt into the water your feet were soaking in.
“Uhm…h-hi,” you choke out once your brain lurches back to life. “I thought the manager was going to do my mani-pedi.”
He grins proudly, spreading a towel on the footrest of the spa chair. "Yep! You're looking at him!"
You feel confused. Did Lily quit or hire someone new? It’s been three weeks since your last appointment. In the background, you hear the other nail technicians giggling amongst themselves.
Seeing the worried look on your face, he explains, "My mom is taking a break, so I'm filling in for her."
You vaguely remember Lily mentioning her children in passing. Since she looks relatively young for her age, she’s always said that people are shocked to hear when she tells them that she has a grown son.
Well, consider yourself shaken to the core.
"I'm Jungkook, by the way," he extends his hand towards you. You're both baffled and overwhelmed by how handsome he looks. The massage chair's tapping setting propels you forward, snapping you out of your daze.
You reach forward to shake his hand and introduce yourself. Although he has a firm grip, his hands are surprisingly soft, sending a chill down your spine.
“When Annie said that she wasn’t feeling well, I offered to take the rest of her appointments for the day,” he divulges.
You look at him skeptically. You’ve never received a manicure and pedicure from a male technician before—especially not from one who was this cute.
He chuckles. "I know, I know. You're probably thinking, 'Does this guy even know what the hell he's doing?' Well, let me assure you that my mom personally trained me. If she's ever worked on you, you can expect the same level of quality from me. But I understand if you feel uneasy. The last thing I want is for a client to feel that way.”
You’re still apprehensive but he sounds confident. You get a grip and nod, giving him consent to continue with the appointment.
“Thanks,” he says softly and with a look of relief. “You booked a deluxe pedicure and manicure, right?”
The deluxe mani-pedi comes with a longer-than-usual massage on your hands and feet. Thinking about this man's hands kneading your tired muscles makes you sweat.
“Y-yes, I did,” you nervously confirm.
He nods in acknowledgment, and you gulp as he begins to dip the pumice sponge into the basin to scrub your heels. He’s careful and gentle with each pass, totally unlike what you’ve been used to. It’s a stark contrast to these ladies, who have manhandled you in surprising ways—especially the petite, older techs. They’re still sweet, though, and they do a great job, but you admit that this is a nice change of pace.
The rest of your pedicure prep goes smoothly until it was time for the massage.
He drains the water from the basin then he props your feet on the footrest. The stool is too low for his frame but he doesn’t complain. He’d rather make the adjustment so you wouldn’t have to bend awkwardly from your seat.
After drying your feet with a towel, he squeezes some lotion into his hands and starts massaging it into your calf muscles. Typically, some ladies prefer to keep their gloves on for sanitary purposes, but Jungkook has taken off his gloves just before the massage. You figured he was the manager on duty, so he could do whatever he wanted. And not that you had any objections, as the skin-on-skin contact feels nice. Better, actually.
You don't know why, but your gaze is drawn to his thighs, which are spread widely in front of you. It's incredibly distracting and you struggle to look away. You wonder if the awkward positioning of his knees against the spa chair is causing him to sit like that, or if there is something else between his legs that he's trying to adjust for.
“Is the pressure okay?” His question pulls you back into reality.
"What? Oh, yeah. It's good. It's fine," you manage to cobble together. His touch is firm, yet gentle enough to be relaxing. Silently, you think, if he was this good with your legs, how would his hands feel on the rest of your body?
"Are you sure? I could apply more, if you prefer. I always try to start off slow, but I can go deeper, depending on how you like it."
You grip the chair's armrests in response as your mouth goes dry. "N-no, you don’t need to go deeper. What you're doing is...great.” Your voice comes out breathy, but in an effort to distract yourself, you dig your phone out of your purse and start randomly scrolling through your social media feed. Now was not the time to be getting horny over your nail technician.
He suppresses a smile at your response. "Okay then.”
You manage to survive the rest of the pedicure without any additional incidents, much to your relief. He slips your sandals back onto your feet with ease, without smudging your freshly painted toes, and helps you over to the manicure table.
Once you settle in your seat, you rest your hands on the cushion and dip them into a cuticle-softening solution while he sets up the rest of his tools. While waiting for your fingers to soak up the solution, he checks in with you.
“Can I get you anything while you wait?”
“I’m good right now, thanks.”
"Okay.” Then, he leans in, lowers his voice, and asks, “How do you think I’m doing so far?"
You smile warmly at him. "I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised." Your toes didn't look streaky, nor did he get polish on your skin. You were impressed!
Your response makes him smile from ear to ear, his nose crinkling in amusement.
"Thanks. I know most women think it's weird to get a mani-pedi from a dude."
You sigh and decide to fess up. He seemed self-aware and appreciated honesty. "Well, I have to be honest—I was definitely apprehensive at first," you admit then follow it with a shrug. "But then I thought, hey, it's a job. If you can do it and have the skills for it? Why not? It shouldn't be restricted by gender."
His brow arches at your remark. "My thoughts exactly!" He agrees emphatically.
You feel another spark of electricity surge through you as he lifts your hand. You watch as he examines your fingers under the light.
“Mm…nice, long, nail beds.” His compliment followed but his thumb brushing over your fingers makes your belly flutter.
“But I bet you probably get that a lot,” he adds with a laugh.
“Not as often as you think,” you say. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was coming onto you.
“Just a regular manicure, right? Not gel?”
“Yeah. I thought, if I got the gel, I can’t get the usual hand massage—”
“I can still give you the massage,” he interjects.
“Oh. But what about the oils? I thought it’s not good for the gel base?” You hesitate.
He shrugs as if it's a non-factor. "I can do the massage after I cure your nails under the light. That way, the polish adheres nicely and it’ll be all set. But if you still prefer a regular manicure, that's fine—we’ll do that. I just want you to know that you have the option," he assures you.
You purse your lips to think for a few seconds. “Well, if you’re sure the massage won’t mess with the gel—”
“It won’t, I promise!” He says confidently. “My mom’s old school and she’d never do it that way but I think that you can still make it work.” After he says it out loud, one of the female technicians next to him scoffs. Seems like she prefers the standard method, too.
Jungkook rolls his eyes subtly at her reaction and turns his attention back to you. “If you don’t like it, I’ll give you your money back.”
That sounded fair to you.
“Alright. I trust you.”
After you decide on gel polish colors, he begins to trim your cuticles and file your nails. But just when you thought you could easily survive the pedicure, him being this close, and at eye-level, was going to be an uphill battle. He looks so focused and precise in his movements; it’s relaxing to watch. Even the little pout he does while maneuvering your finger to apply the polish with the utmost precision to cover every surface of your nail is cute.
You make small talk while he works. Not the usual gossip that you’re used to with the female technicians. You feel comfortable around him but not enough to spill all of your secrets.
“So, are you doing this full-time?”
“No,” he answers before he guides your hand into the curing lamp. “I have a day job but I mostly work from home. My mom said that needed help and I didn’t hesitate to step up. She works very hard.”
Oh no…he’s not only cute but he also loves his mom. You can’t help but feel endeared. You also note that he doesn’t have a ring on his finger. Lily hasn’t mentioned any daughters-in-law, that you recall.
You decide to sound casual to break the tension a bit. “This job must be a great way to pick up women, too, huh?”
He pauses before meeting your gaze. The corner of his mouth curves into a cocky smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Your cheeks heat up. You immediately realize that your comment may have crossed a line, thinking you were at that level of comfort with him just because he touched your bare feet. You kick yourself internally for being presumptuous.
“S-sorry,” you shyly tear your eyes away from him. “I was just trying to make conversation.”
He brushes off the exchange. “It’s cool. Honestly, there aren’t many women falling over themselves to go out with a male nail technician,” he says in jest. “Some people have specific perceptions. They’re usually wrong but I don’t bother to correct them.”
“Oh,” you suddenly feel bad as you’d made assumptions about him too. “I mean, I think you have a lot of patience to be working on nails. Not to mention that you’re a handsome guy who gives great foot massages. I don’t see why any woman wouldn’t want to get more of that.” You catch yourself too late when you realize what you’ve just said.
He snorts your comment but doesn’t pile on it. “You’d think, right?”
You clear your throat and attempt to recover. “Well, you’re also easy to talk to. You keep the conversation flowing.” Your voice is still tight, embarrassed from your ‘cute guy who gives great foot massages’ comment.
“I appreciate that,” he smiles. He examines your nails, one last time, running the pads of his fingers over the polish to make sure that it has set properly. When he’s satisfied, he says, “Looks good. I’ll be right back, okay? Then we can get to your hand massage.” He excuses himself and gathers his tools to soak them in a cleaning solution.
When he walks away and disappears into the back room, you release a breath you seemed to be holding in for far too long. You’d never been this wound up during a mani-pedi.
A few minutes later, he returns and sets a warm towel down. He then moves the magnifying lamp out of the way, giving you a complete and unobstructed view of him. Unfortunately, this doesn't bode well for you.
“So, do you have any plans after this?” He asks casually while massaging circles into your forearms.
You’re all flustered again. “Not much. Maybe I’ll grab some mid-day coffee or something then head home.”
“Nice. Where do you grab coffee?” The feel of him dragging the pads of his fingers on your slicked skin, couple with his piercing gaze are causing your breathing to go ragged again. Suddenly, your brain blanks out on where your favorite coffee spot is.
“Just, uhm—” you struggle to pull the name out of your memory at first but manage to blurt it out when he squeezes your fingers. “It’s not far from here.”
“Oh. I don’t live in this neighborhood so I’m not familiar.” His thumb and forefinger knead your muscles in a way that should normally not feel arousing to you, but it does. And you can’t help when your thoughts slide back into wondering what else those magic fingers can do.
“I figured, if I was going to be helping out here more, maybe I should get to know the area– especially places to eat. You think you can you give me directions to the cafe?”
You shift in your seat. “Well, it’s sort of a hole-in-the-wall place. The GPS is kind of spotty on it. You have to be a local to really know where it’s at.”
“Well, my break’s coming up after this. Maybe we can drive together?”
It takes a couple of seconds for you to realize it. He's not stupid, and you were right – he's definitely self-aware. He knows that you're affected by him. Smiling to yourself, you’re happy to let him know that the feeling is mutual.
Your eyebrows twitch at how forward he’s being. “A break? But it’s only 11:30?” You laugh.
“What can I say? I think I worked you really hard–”
His response makes your eyes bulge and causes your jaw to drop.
“Oh, sorry–I meant to say, you worked me really hard.”
You throw your head back in laughter, and it makes him laugh out loud, too. He was a cocky little shit but you’re not mad at it.
When your laughs die down, he says, “I think we can both agree that we did our best to fight this–” he gestures at the space between you two.
“Oh, is that right?” You ask playfully.
"Yeah. I think we deserve a little treat. Maybe grab some lunch, wherever you want." You’re mildly aware that the massage is over but his fingers are still lingering on your hands while he patiently waits for your answer.
This is one of the most unusual ways you've been asked out, but there's a first time for everything. After thinking it over, you decide to give it a chance. "Okay. But if I agree to go to lunch with you, do I still need to tip you for the mani-pedi?”
He purses his lips in thought for a few seconds before countering. "Tell you what—if you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night, the service is on the house. We can call it even then.”
His playful proposition catches you off guard but it also intrigues you. Again, you find yourself unable to resist his charm.
Your response makes him smile full-on and it’s infectious, so you can’t help but smile back. He starts to clean up his station, then turns to the older nail technician next to him who saw the whole situation unfold.
“Auntie, please don’t tell my mom,” he whispers mischievously, causing her to laugh after she agrees not to rat him out.
You giggle at his request and tell him, “I guess I’ll meet you out front whenever you’re ready?”
“Sounds good. We’ll take my car so we don’t ruin my masterpiece there,” he points at your hands.
You laugh at his retort and shake your head. Never in a million years did you ever think that you’d find a date a the nail salon. It’s one of the better things to come out of your Self-Care Sundays.
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Main Fic Masterlist
You’ve reached the end! Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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strniohoeee · 6 months
chris painting readers nails
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris decides to paint Y/N’s nails, but he does a terrible job at it causing them to laugh about it, and enjoy each others company💙
Warnings⚠️: None, like one crude joke but not really loll. It’s just a short imagine because I wasn’t sure how to make it long and interesting🥺
Song for the imagine: Butterflies- Queen Naija
And I just wanna hold you all night long
Whenever I'm around you, nothing's wrong
I'm hoping that you'll always be around
You got me on a high, I don't wanna come down
“CHRISTOPHER Owen…what are you doing” I yelled at Chris
“I am painting your nails” he said in a matter of fact way
“You’re making it messy dude” I said shaking my head
“You act like I do this shit everyday. Obviously it’s going to be messy” he said giving me a dirty look
“Paint the fucking nail idiot” I said smacking him with my other hand
“I am painting the fucking nail” he said pointing at my hand
“You’re painting 90% skin and 10% nail” I said laughing
“This shit is hard, and your nail beds are short” he said rolling his eyes
“Hey don’t come for my nail beds because you’re a shitty nail tech” I said sucking my teeth
“I clean the edges once I’m done” he said going back to painting my ring finger
“I like this color too” he said looking at the bottle
“It’s my favorite, it’s called ocean oasis” I said
“Good name for a blue color” he said
“I agree” I said
Chris painted my other hand and did a little bit of a better job.
“You’re so lucky I’m madly in love with you because these look awful” I replied laughing
“Hey be nice….” He said closing the nail polish bottle
“I painted yours so nicely” I said looking at his nails that are the same shade as mine
“Well you always paint your nails, so you have an advantage there” he said ruffling my hair
“Okay that’s true” I said nodding my head
“Now we have matching nails” he said clapping his hands together like a happy child
“More like matching skin…dude you have to clean this before it dries fully” I said looking at him
“Ughh fine” he said sitting back down
Chris gently cleaned my stained skin to perfect his work, and actually his paint job wasn’t terrible.
“See after you clean it, it’s not so bad” he said throwing the cotton balls out
“Yeah not terrible” I said looking at my nails
“I couldn’t be a nail tech though” he said looking at them and laughing
“Yeah no you’d be awful, but hey it’s the thought that counts” I said giving him a smile
“Thanks for the support babe” he said planting a kiss on my lips
“Of course my love” I said blowing on my nails to let them dry
“Want to do my toes” I said wiggling my brows
“Fuck no do not put your feet next to me” he said smacking my legs away
“You don’t act that way when you suck on my toes in bed” I said giggling
“I have never sucked your toes in bed you weirdo” he replied laughing
“I know” I said looking down with a sad face
“Change the face” he said squeezing my leg
“Maybe if you give me a pedicure you’d want to suck my toes” I said sighing
“What is wrong with you kid. I’m not sucking no toes” he said laughing
“If you got a pedicure I’d suck your toes” I said rolling my eyes
“Yeah right” he said laughing
“I’d consider it” I said rubbing my chin like I was thinking
“The day you suck my toes will be the day I give you a pedicure and return the favor” he said to me laughing
“Mm I’ll be looking forward to it” I said wiggling my brows
“You’re so interesting” he said squinting his eyes at me
“I love you too” I said leaning over and kissing him
“I love your weird ass” he said kissing me again
Chris was such a cutie, and these innocent interactions made me fall in love with him more.
The End
I know this was super short, but I wasn’t sure what else to write for this. I hope you guys enjoyed it though! This was my last request. I can’t believe I wrote five stories today LMAOOO. Time to work on my Matt story tomorrow🤭🤭LOVE YALLLL🥹🖤🖤
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The Proposal
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hey hi hello! ☺️
Maybe you can write some natasha and reader gf story?
For example, how nat proposes to the reader, the wedding etc.
All of it with a lot od tickles and happiness ofc 🤍.
Good luck!
Note: Thank you so much for this wonderful request! I had a lot of fun writing it and it was a very creative idea! Enjoy!! :)
Warnings: This fic has kissing in it and tickles. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with this
Word Count: 2126
Your girlfriend Natasha was everything you had ever dreamed of. She was strong, witty, beautiful, and best of all…dominant. You guys had been dating for 3 years now, and there was no doubt in your mind that she was your endgame. 
However, you never quite knew what she was feeling or thinking. You knew that she loved you more than anyone besides her sister Yelena, and that she cared for you immensely. You just weren’t sure if she was ready to commit. There was always some seed of doubt planted in your mind that you weren’t good enough. Maybe you were just an overthinker…
Today was the day of your 3 year anniversary. You weren’t sure if she had planned anything and you weren’t sure what to expect. You had bought a gift for her already and you were planning on when to give it to her.
Early that afternoon you got a text from Yelena asking you to go with her to get a manicure. You found it a bit odd since Yelena wasn’t the type to get manicures, but you agreed and got ready to go out. 
“Where are you going?” Natasha asked curiously.
You paused, not knowing if she already knew where you were going. She was a spy after all. 
“I’m just going out to get something…” you said, your answer falling flat as Natasha smirked at you.
“Enjoy your manicure,” Natasha said, as your mouth opened with disbelief. 
“How did you know?” You asked, eyeing her suspiciously. 
“I know everything,” Natasha said cockily. 
You rolled your eyes with a huff, now leaving for your manicure with the blonde.
“What took you so long?” Yelena asked as you arrived.
“Sorry, I got stuck in traffic,” you complained.
“Anyway, what color are you getting?” Yelena asked.
“I want something bold,” you stated, looking at the reds and blues.
“Yeah I wouldn’t go for something light-colored,” Yelena commented.
“Why is that?” You asked suddenly.
Yelena pursed her lips slightly, thinking quickly.
“Well, you know, you want to stand out, don’t you?” Yelena asked.
“I guess so…?” You said with uncertainty.
“C’mon let’s get these nails done,” Yelena rushed.
“Are you getting a pedicure?” You teasingly asked Yelena, knowing that she was too ticklish for one.
“Are you?” Yelena responded back.
You glanced at your feet knowing that they were too ticklish as well.
“That’s what I thought,” Yelena said triumphantly. 
After the manicures, you and Yelena stopped at a nearby food court for a light snack. What you didn’t know was that during this time, Natasha was planning something big.
You admired your royal blue nails as you sipped a lemonade and took a fry from the basket between you two.
“So what are your plans tonight?” Yelena asked.
“Well, I got your sister a gift but I’m not sure what else we’re doing,” you responded.
Yelena wiggled her eyebrows at you, hinting that Natasha was gonna do something naughty. You rolled your eyes and threw a balled up napkin at her as she laughed at your reaction.
You got home around 4:00 pm, and Natasha was right where you left her.
“Have fun?” Your girlfriend asked.
You nodded and told her about how it went.
“Good color choice,” Natasha commented, glancing up at you to see if you knew.
You eyed her for a bit before asking if you guys were doing something.
“Well, I have a reservation for two tonight at a fancy restaurant on the beach,” Natasha said casually.
“Am I the second person in that reservation?” You asked jokingly, which caused the redhead to pull you into her lap and trap you with one arm, while tickling your sides and stomach with the other.
“NAHAHAT STAHAHAP,” you squealed, trying to wiggle out of her grip.
“Are you gonna stop being a cheeky brat?” Natasha asked, working her fingers up your ribs, causing you to panic.
“I DOHONT KNOHOHOW MAYBE YOU HAHAHAVE A MISTRESS,” you responded through your laughs, as you squealed when she used her fingers to dig into your armpit.
Natasha just shook her head as she continued to tickle torture you and you eventually pleaded for her to let you go. 
“You’re such a troublemaker,” Natasha said with a playful eye roll.
“But I’m your troublemaker,” you emphasized, giving her a wink.
The two of you then got ready for the fancy dinner on the boardwalk of the beach. Natasha wore a fancy black dress and you wore a bold red dress.
You two mulled over the menu for a while, as there were so many options.
The waiter came over in a fancy tuxedo, asking what you guys wanted to order.
“Just to make sure, but you guys don’t have chicken tenders right? Because that’s all she eats,” you said jokingly, gesturing towards Natasha.
The waiter laughed and apologized that they did not serve chicken tenders.
Natasha narrowed her eyes at you, before ordering chicken parmesan. You ordered after her and got fettuccine alfredo with chicken. Once the waiter wrote down the order and left, Natasha gave your knee a squeeze under the table, causing you to yelp and hit your knee on the table.
You glared at her in embarrassment asking why she did that.
“Just a little revenge for your cheekiness you brat,” Natasha said quietly, giving you a pinch to your side, making you jerk away and turn red. You were used to her tickling you whenever she felt like it, but having it done in public was something that would always embarrass you.
You swatted her away and eventually the food came. You eyed the food suspiciously, wondering if Natasha had told them to hide the ring in the food somewhere.
You poked around for a bit before digging in, reaching the bottom of the bowl and finding no ring in sight.
For dessert, you guys ordered cheesecake and oreo ice cream, taking in the richness of each one.
“This is the best cheesecake I’ve ever had,” Natasha marveled, which you knew meant the cheesecake was superior. Natasha was hardly ever impressed by food. 
After safely eating the dessert with no ring in it, you two took an evening stroll on the boardwalk, taking in the cool summer breeze.
“So…three years. Long time,” you said awkwardly.
“And yet you’re still so awkward around me,” Natasha said with a chuckle.
“Well, what can I say? I get shy around beautiful women,” you said, giving her your cutest smile.
“You are so cute,” Natasha commented, as you blushed.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long. It felt like just yesterday I was learning about your habits and personality, and now I know it better than anything else,” Natasha said.
“I used to be so shy around you. You were scary, you know that?” You said with a grin.
“You’re still scared of me,” Natasha responded, reaching her hand out, threatening to tickle you. You quickly jumped away and covered your side.
“See? Always scared,” the redhead said with a smirk. 
“Where do you see us in the future?” You asked.
“I’m honestly not sure. Our lives are very different right now, but at the same time, there’s no one else I’d rather be with. I know it’s you Y/N, I just never know when the time is right.
You nodded understandingly.
“I wish we could know for sure what our future holds. But then again, does anyone really?” You responded.
“I just know that I have a ship and I am the captain of that ship,” Natasha said, looking out towards the sea.
You looked at her as she continued looking out to the sea. The sun was setting at its most perfect point. She turned slowly and looked you in the eyes for a minute. 
“Y/N, will you marry me and become my co-captain of the ship?” The redhead asked, breaking out into a smile.
Your eyes widened, panicking now. You knew relationships led to marriage sometimes, but it never seemed real until now. So many emotions were taking over you and you weren’t sure whether to cry or not.
“Natasha I love you so much, of course I will marry you. A thousand times yes,” you said, as she stood up and kissed you as you cried happy tears. She placed the ring on your finger, shining brighter than any star in the universe.
She swung you in the air out of happiness, as you giggled in glee. 
“I love you more than anyone else in the world,” Natasha said, leaning in to kiss you again.
Suddenly, you two heard a voice nearby.
“Wow those were some great pictures.”
You both spun around to see Yelena with a fancy camera.
“Don’t give me that look Natashka, you told me to hide and take pictures when the proposal happened,” Yelena said, now showing the pictures.
“Wow, you really timed it well for the sunset to be in the perfect position,” you commented.
“I needed it to be perfect,” Natasha said.
Yelena took some more pictures, also getting close ups of your ring. Now you understood why she took you to get a manicure.
After the pictures, Yelena gave you two some alone time on the beach.
Natasha looked at you mischievously. 
“Hey woah woah this ring is expensive,” you said defensively.
“Then I’ll just get your feet,” Natasha said, gently tackling you on the sand and burying your feet.
“Oh come on!” You whined, although you were secretly pining for tickles.
“I know your tense from not getting your evening tickles,” Natasha teased, as she removed your high heels and began gently tickling your feet.
“Wow so I guess when you get engaged your ticklishness doesn’t go away huh?” Natasha commented, as you tried to kick the sand away.
Natasha took a nearby feather and began to saw the feather between your toes.
“NOHOT THAHAHAT PLEHEHEASE,” you cried, as you were highly sensitive between the toes.
“We gotta celebrate somehow right?” Natasha asked, as you laughed against your will. 
Natasha finished it off by going for the kill, taking all her nails and scratching them against your heels, causing you to lose it.
“ENOHOUGH PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO MOHOHORE,” you cried, as she then let up and helped get you unstuck from beneath the sand. 
“Apparently people like you still stay just as annoying after they’re engaged,” you huffed at her.
“What was that?” Natasha asked, reaching out to tickle your stomach.
“NOHOHOTHING AHAHA,” you giggled out, rolling away from her.
“Do you like the ring?” Natasha asked, as you nodded and leaned in to kiss her.
The two of you made out on the beach as the sun continued setting before returning home to rest after the craziest day in your lives.
In the next few months, you two began planning your wedding. You guys had chosen the venue already and were now deciding on the food.
“I want mashed potatoes to be there,” you quickly interjected, as Natasha giggled.
“How about steak and mashed potatoes? With salad maybe?” She asked.
“Oooh yes!” You cheered.
“Do you want cake or something else?” Natasha asked.
You both didn’t like cake, so you decided to have an ice cream bar with all the toppings one could dream of. 
You had pretty much all of the details figured out. Location, food, dessert, guests, music, flowers, decorations, you name it.
The day of the wedding had finally arrived. It was sunny and beautiful outside and everyone was in a chipper mood.
After some socializing, the wedding began.
“Natasha Romanoff, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiator asked.
“I do,” Natasha said, beaming.
“Y/N, do you take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiator asked you.
“I do,” you said, squeezing her hand in excitement.
“You may kiss,” the officiator announced, as you two shared a passionate kiss as the crowd applauded and cheered.
The rest of the night consisted of dancing, eating, and drinking with friends and family. You enjoyed the mashed potatoes and ice cream the most however. 
Later that night, you and Natasha were in a hotel room before leaving for your honeymoon the next day.
“What a day huh? I just got to marry an Avenger,” you said, taking off your dress and revealing the lingerie you had been saving for her.
“You’re so lucky there were people around. I would’ve worn you down so much you wouldn’t have been able to say ‘I do’”, Natasha teased, pinning you down on the bed and tickling you wherever she could.
You burst out into laughter, knowing that you were gonna be her toy for the rest of the night…
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certifiedgeeker · 17 days
“Freak in you”
starting — choso kamo x black! coded reader
contents: college au, smut of course. some feet kissing, nothing too specific yet since it’s a preview
authors note: ahhhhh ik i was supposed to finish my collection like a year ago but i got y’all. i’m about to start being active because i’m ngl these fanfiction streets desperately need a good writer because some of y’all suck ass and don’t know how to make creative story lines or even congruently make a story flow and i’m sick of reading stories that look as though they were written by a 14 year old so here i go !
word count: 621
“you ever came off head before?” the question lazily mumbled against your ear made your heart race and your pussy throb. you were not supposed to be here in this man’s bed yet here you were.
“no.” you meekly responded to which he let out a chuckle sending another pulse through your core. fuck this man was fine and wanted to eat your pussy, couldn’t have better hit the jackpot.
“don’t do that.” you drawled sucking your teeth, twisting your face up at him.
“don’t be mad princess, i’m not making fun of you promise. just surprised is all—pretty girl like you ? i’d be dying to eat this pussy all the time.” he stated without the slightest bit of shame making you weak in the knees. how could he be so…vulgar.
everything about him was so tantalizing. choso kamo, he’s your lab partner for your forensics class. a quiet guy who didn’t talk much with you but when he did is was always so flirty. you’d told him before you had a man but he’d always respond with “if he was doing his job you would be ignoring me right now sweet girl.” that’d send a wave of heat to your cheeks and somewhere else too because it is was true.
he wasn’t doing his job, he’d been “down on his luck” more than a few times and it’s almost like he enjoyed living off you. while you were raised on nothing but expecting princess treatment from a man here you were taking care of one—which was no problem of course. it was all out of love but it’d be a favor that was constantly never returned.
that’s why when choso got a little flirty the other day after class you took the bait. packing up after a lecture you’d noticed him out the side of your eye staring you down.
“did you need something sir?” you asked, a bit of attitude coated your words.
“yeah for you not bite my head off, im not coming to bother you too much. was just hoping you could give me a bit of help understanding whatever that last bit of shit professor meant.” his words as lax as his stride as he approached you.
you knew choso was by no means unintelligent averaging a’s and b’s constantly on all class assignments. “you don’t need my help you just wanna bother me.” you stated matter of factly placing your hand on you hip as you sucked your teeth
“i’ll beg if that’s what you want.” he shot back way too quickly as if it’d been something he’d thought about before. “sir get the the fuck—.” you started ready to pop off but he’d already beaten you to it “i’m not expecting anything for free, i can pay you in return.” that lazy smirk gracing his face, the same one he sported as he lowered himself between your legs as he kept eye contact with you refusing to break it.
he left kisses in his wake down your stomach, across your thighs, even your ankles and feet making the heat rise to your face and look away though not for long. “make sure you’re watching me while i make you feel good, understand?” he questioned and you ignored.
“i need words, or else we can stop this right here.” no hint of previous playfulness in his tone just lust and the need to fuck your shit up.
“yeah i hear you.” was all you could say trying to not let the tremble of your voice show. “good girl.” he cooed pressing a warm kiss to the bottom of your pedicured feet before resuming where he left off which was studying every part of you.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
can we get a cute little something between yn and simone maybe current. maybe they do a little girls day and harry isn’t jealous but finds it hard to handle because yn has a special relationship with her since she spent so much time with simone. but harry would be the sweetest and be supportive and when they get back ask all about it.
you can totally change that i just rambled with what I thought apparently lol
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summary: three times young mom!reader and simone went on their mommy-daughter dates
word count: 3k
mostly y/n and not harry which y'all might not like, but i thought it was cute
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
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The first time Y/n took Simone out on a Mommy-daughter date, she was seven months pregnant. She was alone in Holmes Chapel, a town she was relatively new to, with nothing to do. Harry was across the globe on tour because his management wouldn’t let him come home until the last possible moment, his mother was at work, and she was in her boyfriend’s childhood home, balancing a bowl of chocolate covered almonds on her baby bump and flipping through British reality television, which was decidedly not as good as the American programs.
“What should we do today, little melon?” she asked, rubbing her belly. Laughing to herself, she added, “Not so little anymore.”
Not that there was anything to do. Holmes Chapel was fairly sleepy, with a small strip of stores on the main road and farmland. Lots and lots of farmland. It was nothing like Y/n was used to growing up, and while Anne was nice, she didn’t know the woman all that well and didn’t really know how to talk to her. It felt like there was a big elephant in the room every time they sat down to eat.
But Y/n was so bored. She was used to going out with friends, talking to people, feeling the sun on her skin. Holmes Chapel was not home, but it was too late to go back now, though the house she grew up in currently wasn’t all that inviting either.
She eventually decided on getting her nails done. Y/n had seen one salon when she went with Anne to the grocery store, and it was the first thing she thought of now. Struggling to an upright position, she put on some comfortable clothes, slid into her shoes, and set off. 
Y/n ignored the stares as she passed people on the street. She got a lot of stares now that she couldn’t hide her bump anymore. Friends of Anne asked who Y/n was with wide eyes the first time they’d gone out together, and Anne calmly explained that Y/n was a cousin’s friend who needed a place to stay. Not the truth, but they weren’t allowed to tell the truth. And since Y/n had a young face, people stared, showed their visible disdain or disapproval of her being pregnant at such a young age. She was sick of the looks, which was why she mostly kept to the confines of Anne’s home, but she was feeling particularly restless today and decided to just deal with everyone’s judgment.
Anne never judged her, though. Not once, which Y/n appreciated.
The nail salon was small with a tinny bell attached to the door, announcing her arrival to the establishment. The woman manning the front desk widened her eyes at the sight of Y/n’s belly, but thankfully recovered quickly. “Can I help you?”
“A manicure and a pedicure, please?” she asked, hating how heads turned at the sound of her accent. Another thing that made her stick out around here.
“Of course, right this way,” the woman said, pointing to one of the cushiony chairs with a tub attached. 
Y/n knew she didn’t really have much money to be spending on something like getting her nails done, but she just felt so gross some days. Her ankles were swelling, she had acne, got hot flashes, got nauseous around certain smells. This was a small thing to make her feel just a little more normal again.
She heaved herself into the chair, resting her head with her eyes closed once she got her feet up. The walk had made her tired, made her feet hurt, but it was worth it.
Y/n opened her eyes to find a different woman standing next to her. “Hi, sorry. Just a little tired.”
“Did you walk here?” she asked Y/n, eyes widening for a completely different reason than talking to a teen mom.
“Yeah, I—I don’t have a car,” Y/n said lamely. Not that she’d be able to drive in a completely different country anyway. “But it’s fine, I—Oh shoot. I forgot to pick out a color.”
She began to get out of her seat when the woman rested a hand on her shoulder. “No need. What color were you thinking?”
“Light yellow? Pastel?” she said, the color of one of the onesies she bought online the other day coming to mind. It felt silly to think about matching with her baby that hadn’t even been born yet, but it was out before Y/n could take it back.
“I know just the thing. Toes too?”
Y/n nodded before resting her head again. She picked up her phone. To play a game or scroll through Instagram, she wasn’t sure. Y/n didn’t like going on social media all that much these days. It was a reminder of her life back home, of all her friends moving on and doing normal eighteen year old things. She didn’t regret her decision in having the baby or moving, but some days were better than others. 
She decided on a message to Harry instead. He probably wouldn’t see it for a few hours, but she knew he would appreciate waking up to or coming off the stage to an update.
Y/n: on my first official mommy daughter date!
Before she hit send, she quickly erased the message and closed her phone.
I’m a mom, she thought. Y/n was seven months pregnant, and she would be having a baby soon, but she’d never called herself a mom before, didn’t believe it until right this second. But she was a mom. A good, bad, or average one time would only tell, but it scared her none the less.
“How far along are you?”
Y/n looked to her right at the woman who was sitting in the chair beside hers. Middle aged, clear skin, kind brown eyes. She didn’t look at Y/n the way other people did. There was no judgment, no preconceived notions about what kind of girl Y/n was, just plain curiosity.
Clearing her throat, Y/n said, “Twenty-nine weeks.”
“Almost to the end, then,” the woman said. “Have you thought of a name yet?”
“I think so. Have to run it by the dad first,” she said, resting her hands on her bump instinctively. “But I call her Simone.”
“That’s beautiful,” the woman said. “Can I offer a tip?”
“Uh, sure.”
“Lavender and chamomile,” she said. “Essential oils that help with relaxation and peaceful sleep.”
Y/n knew she probably looked exhausted, which was why the woman offered that particular piece of advice, but Y/n took it happily anyway. “That really helps?”
The woman smiled, and it wasn’t in a condescending way. “It does. The smells are supposed to relax you.”
Before Y/n could say anything else, her nail tech returned with two bottles of nail polish in slightly different shades of pastel yellow in her hand. “How do these look?”
For the next hour, Y/n didn’t worry about a thing. She let the nail tech take care of her, who encouraged Y/n to close her eyes and relax. And she did. For a whole hour, the baby didn’t kick, her back didn’t hurt, and she felt her shoulders slowly lose tension. She almost didn’t want it to be over. When it was, though, Y/n felt ten times better. She felt normal, a feeling that was hard to come by these days.
“Thank you,” Y/n said to her nail tech, handing cash over. “I…I really needed this.”
“Come back when your daughter is old enough,” the woman said. “You can get matching nails together.”
And when little Simone was old enough, Y/n did take her to the small nail salon. Her feet dangled in the cushiony chair, and she giggled when someone tried to touch her feet. She and Y/n got matching sparkly purple nails because that was what Simone wanted, and Y/n couldn’t help but comply. And everyone was just as nice and doting as the first time Y/n came in, and every time after that.
That was a favorite outing for Y/n and Simone when they did their mommy-daughter dates. They wouldn’t always go to the salon in Holmes Chapel, of course, but they got their nails done together frequently, from the first time with the sparkly nails and to Simone’s first dance and so on.
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“Are you sure Daddy can’t come?”
“It’s for me and Mommy only! No Daddy allowed!”
Harry clutched his chest as if Simone had wounded him. He leaned back on the couch and slid down a little, making a real show of it. He peeked an eye open to see Simone’s reaction. Her hair, which was tied up in two little pigtails with bows on each one, swung back and forth as she shook her head, clearly exasperated by her father’s antics.
“We can play later, Daddy,” she said, skipping over to Harry. She jumped onto his stomach and squished his cheeks between her hands. “Stop being sad.”
“I can’t. Your mother is hogging you. She’s hogging my baby,” he joked. Kind of.
Harry knew all about Y/n and Simone’s mommy-daughter dates. Y/n often went out with Simone when they joined him on tour. She liked to get Simone out of the hotel rooms, find something fun for the two of them to do together. Harry was all for it, of course. He didn’t like that Y/n sometimes felt trapped when she traveled with him, and this was an opportunity to see the world in a way that some people didn’t get to. He sometimes felt left out, but he imagined that was how Y/n felt a lot of the time.
“You’d hate it. We’re going to the American Girl Doll store.”
Harry raised his eyes to see Y/n standing at the foot of the couch dressed for the day in a flowy sundress that covered her baby bump. Baby number two, Harry thought excitedly. He didn’t think that would be in their cards, but all it took was a few months of him being on hiatus and bam! Y/n was pregnant.
Putting an affronted hand on his chest, Harry said, “I love American Girl Dolls.”
Y/n bent down and kissed his forehead. “Then we can go again tomorrow. I’m sure our little melon won’t mind, will she?”
Simone nodded excitedly. “You can come with us tomorrow, Daddy!”
Tapping Simone on the nose with his knuckle, Harry said, “Promise?”
Simone nodded, showing off her biggest smile, which was now missing a tooth. “Promise.”
Y/n reached down and stretched her arms out to take Simone, and she happily leapt up into her arms. Behind his daughter’s back, Harry stuck his tongue out at Y/n, and once Simone was settled with her, Y/n stuck her tongue out back at him.
Simone was asleep when she and Y/n came back. “A long day of shopping,” Y/n said, passing the sleeping five year old over to him. Harry spent the afternoon reading and watching TV and doing a little bit of writing while they were gone, but he just wanted to be with his girls, all three of them. He knew Y/n and Simone’s days together were special, and he knew that he could just as easily have his own special day with his daughter, but sometimes he felt like there was an invisible wall with Y/n and Simone on one side and him on the other. He was doing all he could to get past or move around it, but they were so close having spent so much time together, just the two of them.
“You know,” Y/n said, settling onto the bed next to him. “All my little melon could talk about was showing you the doll she bought today.”
“Mmhm. She wanted to wait until tomorrow to pick out all of the clothes and accessories because you have the best clothes.”
Harry grinned, running a hand over one of Simone’s pigtails. “Really?”
Y/n leaned over and kissed her husband’s cheek. “She loves you. Just as much as she loves me.”
“I know,” he said, a blush pinking his cheeks. “I know she does, but—”
“Simone idolizes you, baby,” Y/n said. “You, sir, are her hero. She asked me the other day if she could bring you to Career Day. And before that, she said she wanted to be you for Halloween.”
“I’d be the coolest dad at Career Day,” Harry said, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it.
“You would, and you’re the coolest dad here too. At home. So no more moping. No more pouting about mommy-daughter time, you hear me?”
“I hear you. No more pouting. Kiss?”
Y/n hummed, somewhat suspiciously. “Sometimes I think you pout just so I’ll kiss you.”
“I would never,” Harry said with a gasp, but he was grinning just the same as he leaned in. “Is it working?”
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “You’re lucky you’re cute. Come here.”
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“So, who’s the boy?”
“Wha—What are you talking about? There’s no—How did you know?”
Y/n grinned and winked at Simone from her seat in the salon chair. “I’m your mother, Simone. I know everything.”
Simone huffed and sat back in her chair. “I thought that was just a line parents used to scare their kids.”
“Sometimes it is, most times it isn’t,” Y/n said. “So…?”
Y/n knew Simone would’ve fiddled with her hands if she could, but the nail tech was currently working on painting one of them a pale yellow. “He…hardly notices me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“We sit next to each other in history class and sometimes we work on discussion questions together, but other than that it’s like—it’s like we live on two different planets. How do I get him to notice me?”
“How should I know? I don’t have much experience when it comes to guys,” Y/n said, joking with her daughter just a little. 
Seeing right through it, Simone narrowed her eyes at Y/n and said, “You’ve been with Dad since you were seventeen. You know something.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Y/n said. “I’m not gonna tell you how I charmed your father because you’ll go, ‘Ew you’re my parents! Don’t talk about Dad like that!’ So I won’t. What I can tell you is be yourself and if there is a common interest between the two of you that doesn’t have to do with history homework, and start there. Shared interests is always a great place to start.”
“It’s that simple?”
“It’s that simple.”
Simone and Y/n were quiet for few minutes while the women in the small nail salon they’d been going to for years worked on their hands. Y/n didn’t live in Anne’s house in Holmes Chapel, and she was far from pregnant, but she still liked to come back and get her nails done with Simone whenever they came back to visit Harry’s family. Simone got harder and harder to pin down as she got older, but Y/n was always surprised when her oldest daughter cancelled her plans when she offered they go somewhere, just the two of them. Y/n loved all of her children dearly and had a special connection with each of them. But these moments, this one on one time with Simone was something she held close to her heart.
“Dad’s gonna freak when he finds out, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. Not sure I can stop that, sorry.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Can’t you just not tell him?”
“He’s my husband, little melon. I tell him everything.”
“Well can you hold off until there’s actually something to say?”
Y/n took the free moment to lean over to Simone’s chair and kissed her forehead. “Course.”
After they finished getting their nails done, they took the familiar walk back to Anne’s house. Y/n looped her arm through Simone’s, enjoying the familiar press of her daughter against her side. “You know, when I was about your age—”
“You walked all the way from Nana’s house with me in your belly so you could get your nail’s done. I remember,” Simone said. Y/n told the story every time they went to the salon together.
“Are you going to let me finish?”
“Go ahead.”
So Y/n continued her story all the way until they reached the house. “And when I told your dad about it, he was so jealous. He was all, ‘I can get my nails done too, you know!’ But I said, ‘No. Get you’re own thing. This is ours,’” she said.
“Dad and I don’t have a thing,” Simone said.
“Sure you do. He’ll help you pick out your prom dress, pay for college, and walk you down the aisle. That���s three things right there.”
“Now I get to tell Dad something that’ll make him annoyed with you.”
Y/n playfully pinched Simone’s arm. “You listen here, my little melon, Harry Styles is a lot of things, and at the top of that list is an absolute pushover when it comes to his children. He would make traveling to the moon your ‘thing’ if you asked him.”
“I know. We go to the movies every two weeks. He and Julian go for drives to the grocery store when we’re all on our periods, and…I think he recently took up surfing with Maeve.”
Y/n knew all of this, of course. Harry was always looking to spend time with his kids, and now that they were all getting older and more independent, it was harder to get alone time with them. Except for Natalia and Geneva, who were still young and thought he was the coolest person on the planet. Y/n and Simone had their little dates, and now Y/n got to impart wisdom to her daughter from time to time, but for as long as Simone could speak she and Harry had their thing: she and Harry were terrible gossips.
“Hm. So, what do you think? Lunch before going home? Thrift store?” Y/n asked.
“Let’s just go back. I’m sure the house has descended into chaos without us,” Simone said, picking up her pace.
Y/n grinned and followed her daughter down the familiar sidewalk, each step bringing back memories of all the times she’d walked down it; from having a baby in her belly to holding her in her arms to walking side by side with her daughter who was now taller than her.
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munsonsreputation · 10 months
everything in between
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steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: [6.2K]
warnings: warnings: no use of y/n, established relationship, difficulties dealing with drunk-ness (steve), brief talk about anxiety, all around fluff
summary: you and steve are both new to this relationship thing, unsure if this will finally be the one — but it's already clear to everybody else that you two are perfect for each other and everything in between. based off "in between" by gracie abrams.
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It’s everything new and fresh, yet frightening between you and Steve.
The way that you both had found yourselves here without knowing if what was happening was right for either of you. If the decision to finally act upon feelings was going to be the end of broken hearts and tearful nights and replace them with mended tapestries and starry eyes.
For the both of you, it seems scary, giving love another chance after the horrible paths that you two had previously been on, but it seems like everyone else already knows that you’re both walking hand in hand on Lover’s Lane.
Something hopeful connecting you two together and bringing you both where you needed to be — becoming everything in between.
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Robin likes to tease Steve in the beginning stages of your relationship. Poking fun at him for the way he has always been irrevocably whipped and enamored by you even before he had finally asked you out.
He tries to play it cool like his persona, but deep down she knows it’s all just an act and he puts up so that it doesn’t seem like he’s moving too fast.
Her feet rest comfortably in his lap as they pass around the popcorn bowl, enjoying the new tape they had smuggled from Family Video. Not that they cared, since Keith never noticed. The couch seems a lot bigger without the rest of their friends there to hog it, but Steve still doesn’t mind the less than pedicured toes in his lap because it’s his best friend.
There’s a ring that comes from the house phone which is mounted to the wall on the other side of the room catching her attention quicker than the feeling of her legs getting pushed off his thighs as he rushes to answer it.
It’s sick, honestly down right repulsive by the way he never lets the phone ring for more than a second or two when he knows it you on the other line. And she knows, he knows that it’s you calling because he just feels it in his bones — even when it could be one of the kids prank calling at this late hour; he knows that it’s you.
“Hi Stevie!”
She can practically hear you bubbling on the other side of the receiver and she swears Steve smiles a little harder just at the sound of your voice.
She doesn’t hear you ask how movie night is going, too busy with stuffing her mouth with popcorn entertained with the way Steve is leaning against the wall and acting like a total school girl over the fact that you called.
He only makes eye contact with her for a split second before he’s wiping the smile off his face to the best of his ability seeing the way his best friend is smirking like an idiot over the way he’s acting.
“Y-yeah, it’s great! Just some boring movie about spaceships and aliens — Oh, yeah, Robin’s just eating all the popcorn right now. She doesn’t mind.”
Steve shakes his head, not wanting to hang up the phone so soon. If he could, he’d talk to you for the whole night and he’s pretty sure Robin wouldn’t mind at all because it’d be way more entertaining than the forgotten movie on the tv.
“Tell her I said hi and I can’t wait to see her tomorrow!” You say enthusiastically and Steve does everything but groan, knowing that this will probably lead to some sort of teasing that from Robin’s end.
He pulled the phone away from his ear, holding it out in the air towards Robin as he speaks, “She says hi and she can’t wait til tomorrow.”
She chews, a smile still splaying on her face as she swallows and licks the crumbs off her lips before shouting out loud enough for you to hear.
“Hiya sunshine! Miss you bunches, but not more than your lover boooyyy!” She singsongs with a cackle erupting as soon as Steve snatches the phone back to his ear.
Your own laughter overlaps Robin’s, and it silences the embarrassment that Steve’s feeling because the last thing he wants is for you to think that he’s moving too fast. But for you, he’s moving at the right speed, the speed that has you throwing your hands in the air with butterflies filling your stomach in all the right ways.
“Ignore her. She’s trying to be funny.” Steve tries to quip, yet you’re still giggling, and it’s the kind that makes his cheeks heat up because he knows you’re blushing and smiling like a maniac.
He wishes he were there to see it for himself, the way you’d try to hide your face behind your hands because of how hard you were smiling and how he’d have to plead for you to put them down just so he could catch a glimpse and save that mental picture in his head forever.
Your voice is laced with sweetness as your giggles die down and only a second or two of silence comes before you speak.
“Don’t leave Robs hanging and go watch your movie…I’ll call in the morning, lover boy.”
He sure as hell doesn’t let the first ring even finish before he picks up the next morning and Robin is quite pleased because it doesn’t wake her up.
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Steve’s house always seems to be the gathering place for get together’s, mostly because his parents are always gone and partly because the amount of room there is to roam around. And while there isn’t always alcohol at the functions because of the presence of the sneaky kids, when there is Nancy can always smell the anxiety in the air.
For her she knows that a piece of Steve is still mortified from the Halloween party a few years back which ended with spiked punch spilt all over her, a dramatic drunken argument, and the end of her and Steve.
She lives with that regret wishing she had been sober so she could’ve at least let him down easy and even after she had apologized she still knows that it haunts him, especially because she can see his face fall when she brings him a very intoxicated you.
“Woah, woah, hey,”
She guides you into his arms, watching the way he’s already grabbing at your shoulders and lifting your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. She sticks around, not knowing if she’ll need to help if you fall backwards in his living room. You definitely seem and look wasted, droopy eyes staring into Steve’s as you try your best to stand up straight.
“She might have had too many drinks.” Nance winces, looking back at the kitchen where empty solo cups are scattered over the kitchen table.
Steve breathes in, nodding his head and working your arm over his shoulders to keep you upright, “thanks, I’m gonna bring her to the bathroom to clean up.”
She nods, nibbling back a comment about how he shouldn’t bring you to the same upstairs bathroom that he had brought her in. It would be too much for him to handle this kind of situation again in the same place where she had broken his heart, but she knows you aren’t going to do that to him.
He proceeds, doing most of the holding up and walking, guiding you slowly up the stairs and down the hall to his bathroom where all your stuff is stored in your very a drawer he had cleared out just for you.
“Let’s sit, yeah?” Steve mutters quietly, closing the toilet lid and sitting you down on it.
He’s unsure of what to do, seeing as though you haven’t even spoken a word since Nancy brought you to him. Yet he knows you can hear him. The way your sluggish eyes stay on his let him know that you’re still aware that he’s here with you, he just doesn’t know what you’re thinking.
What is about to come out of your mouth when you finally begin speaking?
If it’ll be something that’s going to tear his heart apart and begin to make his eyes prickle. If he’ll have to beg you to not walk out because you’re not thinking straight. If this was all his love was ever going to amount to and end like this.
“S-staring,” You hiccup, your shoulders jerking
He furrows his brows, kneeling on the floor and squeezing your knee lovingly.
“Huh? What was that?”
You swallow back another hiccup, rubbing your fingers over your eyes, smudging your mascara, unknowingly.
“I said y-you’re staring.”
Steve watches when you pull your hands away, black pigment covering your finger tips though you don’t seem to notice or feel the slight sting of the product getting in your eyes.
Despite it all, a smile tugs up at the corner of your lips as you reach forward and wrap your arms around Steve’s neck, wanting to be close to his touch. You’re slouching into him, resting your forehead against his as he does his best to not laugh at the mess around your eyes.
“I was staring because you look like you had a lot to drink,” he says, smoothing your stay hairs behind your ear and cupping your cheek.
You close your eyes blissfully, taking him with you as you lean back slightly and reel in the feeling of his gentle touch.
“I think I had three…no four! cups of gin and tonic.” You mention, not bothering to open your eyes to catch his bemused look.
“Hmm, I believe it, sweetheart. Why don’t we take off your makeup then get you some water and a snack downstairs before bed?” He proposed met with your eyes opening and your head nodding.
He guides you towards the sink as you do your best to keep yourself upright against the counter as he swipes the damp makeup wipe over your face paying extra attention to the delicate skin around your eyes as he tries to get most of the mascara smudge off.
He knows which bottle is your face wash because he’s watched you do it a million times over at your place and he picked up a bottle to stay at his for when you spent the night. It’s like muscle memory for him even if this is the first time he’s doing it for you and he hopes it isn’t the last because it’s calming him down in a weird way.
What he had thought was going to be an explosive fight in his bathroom all over again was just you smiling and humming as his fingers glided over your face, happy that it was him taking care of you. Apparently you seem to enjoy it just as much, giggling as he smears the moisturizer over your face and rubbing it into your skin.
The task alone seems to wake you up enough that you’re beaming and talking a lot more than before.
“My face feels so soft!” You grin, tapping your palms on either side of your cheeks while Steve guides you back down the stairs and towards the kitchen.
Chuckling, Steve hoists you up on the countertops as he rummages through the dishes, finding a clean glass and filling it up with some ice and water.
“Really? You think I did a good job?” He urges as he carefully places the cusp between your lips and tilts it enough for you to sip slowly.
When you push your head forward, he knows you had enough, drawing it away and setting it on the counter. Both of his palms rest on either side, caging you in as your gaze is fixated on his face.
“The best job, ever…kisses?” You ask, playfully puckering your lips towards him.
He knows you mean, “can I kiss you for doing a good job” but he still gets it, flashing you a tender smile.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” He snickers, leaning closer as you hold his face in your hands and smile, “kisses, baby.”
A giddy smile plays on your lips as his lips touch yours. For you it feels just as special as the other’s kisses you two share even if your brain is half buzzing from the alcohol. But for Steve, it’s a wave of relief, one that washes away the cold and empty feeling from the past. All he wants to do is savor the sweetness of your lips and hands, keeping him grounded here with you.
“You’re gonna get me drunk.” Steve jokes against your lips and you giggle, pressing your lips harder against his to shut him up for a moment.
“Is that even possible?” You ask finally pulling away and running your thumbs over his cheekbones.
He shrugs, leaning into your touch, “Maybe, but I don’t mind.”
You grin, pressing one last kiss to his lips before pointing to the bag of Lay’s that sits unopen.
“Can I have some chips?” you request
“Sure, you can have the whole bag if you want,” He replies, reaching for it and tearing it open.
Steve’s more than happy to oblige, feeding you and offering you occasional sips of water while you both stay in the kitchen totally forgetting about the party around you.
It’s an endearing sight that Nancy can’t help but smile at from her place on the couch. She’s fulfilled with her own love that she shares with Jonathan, the boy who’s resting his head on her shoulder, tracing shapes on the scar in the palm of her hand.
But she’s especially fulfilled with the fact that she and Steve are on better terms now, one where they can be happy for each other now that they’ve found their person. She watches the way both of your faces light up with laugher and smiles even if you’re still a little tipsy. Steve doesn’t look at unease at all. If anything, he’s at peace knowing it’s you and this time, it’s different.
His home has seen plenty of ups and downs, tears and heartbreak, but love had found its way back in and new memories were replacing bad ones. It had been a long time coming and enough waiting around.
She knows you two found each other — the ones who will always care about each other and will always be there for one another.
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Steve isn’t sure if you are just trying to be nice or if you genuinely don’t mind that the kids tag along to the places you two go. He knows it’s the latter, but still likes to question it.
The movie at the park seemed like a great idea, at first. It was something different rather than just going to the theaters or watching it on his couch, and to top it all off it was a showing of your favorite movie, “Can’t Buy Me Love.”
But it was a great idea before the kids begged to tag along, promising that they wouldn’t talk during the movie and would even bring their own blankets and money for snacks. Steve tried to oppose the idea, giving the reasoning that it was a date which meant two people: him and you.
But you had shaken him off, telling them that you wouldn’t mind if they wanted to come along and if anything the more the merrier.
And who was Steve to argue?
For once, the kids were really on their best behavior, paying attention to the movie and passing their snacks and drinks around while they watched, but that was before their sugar rush caused them to crash, bringing fatigue to their eyes.
“Poor things,” you pout at the sight of the children sprawled out a few feet in front of you and Steve.
He snorts, seeing their jumbled limbs stretching over each other. You both tried to convince them to space out across the grassy area, but they insisted on being squished together like sardines in order to get to the snacks easily.
“S’okay, they probably needed the nap.”
He rubs your arm, keeping you warm against the chilly night breeze as you settle the back of your head against his shoulder, wrapping your arms across yourself.
“They’re gonna miss the best part.” You say wistfully, slumping into him.
“Honey, you practically spoiled it on the car ride here. I don’t think they’ll miss much.” He badgers as you turned your face into his chest and stifle your giggle there.
Your laugh is infectious, like music to his ears that he’d much rather listen to compared to the static-y audio that plays over the low quality speakers. There’s a kiss he lays on the crown of your head as you turn your sights back to the sleeping teens, hoping they’re not too uncomfortable with the lack of pillows and a comfy mattress on their backs.
“Remember how you said I have a soft spot for these twerps?” You mention serenely.
He hums, resting his chin on the top of your head, “yeah, what about it?”
“You’re right, but I just can’t help it. They’re adorable and I’d let them crash all our dates if you’d let me.”
Steve jokingly scorns, swinging his head against your, “Oh, don’t start, they’d never leave us alone.”
You roll your eyes half heartedly, turning your attention back to the movie. Meanwhile, Steve’s focus is still all on you, wrapping his arms over the front of your body and nuzzling his face between your shoulder blade to give the space beneath your ear a kiss.
“I’m so lucky to have you…even those little shit heads are lucky to have you.” Steve admits out of nowhere.
He can’t resist telling you how much he appreciates you even with a cheesy movie and his annoying children a few feet away. To him, you’re his world no matter what’s in front of him. You maneuver your head enough to look up at him as you swat his chest playfully, trying to brush off his compliment that has you blushing.
“No I mean it,” he insists, leaving another sweet kiss on your skin before cradling your face in his warm hands.
“You’re so beautiful and kind. You don’t ever get annoyed at the kids for crashing our dates. You don’t get annoyed at me for getting annoyed at them.”
You hide your cheek in your shoulder, wrapping your fingers over his wrists where he still holds you.
“Yeah, well, you’re not too bad yourself.” You nudge him with your elbow.
“Yeah?” He smirks with a curious glint in his words as you nod, “care to share?”
“Believe it or not, you’re so patient. I’ve never seen a guy handle teenage kids as effortlessly as you do. You’re so hardworking and even when you’re tired you give me all your time in the world. You’re generous and—”
He can’t resist interrupting mostly because if you keep talking he’s sure he’s going to permanently etch the world’s biggest smile on his face forever.
“Alright, alright, I get it, babe. I’m like the whole package and the best boyfriend ever.” He gloats jokingly, pulling your face closer to his in order to connect to your lips.
“Yeah you dork, you really are.” You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him deeper into you.
The movie is now long forgotten by you and Steve, too infatuated and caught up in each other to care about the corny love story that plays. You know that yours is better than any movie out there even your favorite one — you and Steve top them all.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the kids hear every single word you and Steve had uttered to each other thinking that they were asleep. For them, they know every word is true, the two of you always bragging about how special the other half is when they aren’t around — the fact that you two say it without reservation when you think no ones around to hear makes it clearer that you two are meant to be.
By the time the movie is over, you’re softly shaking the kids awake and Steve’s folding up the blankets.
“It’s already over?” Lucas yawns stretching his arms up dramatically.
“We missed it?” El says disappointedly going the extra mile by rubbing the ‘sleep’ out of her eyes.
You hum sympathetically, nodding your head, “You guys dozed off, but you didn’t miss much. Ronald and Cindy live happily ever after in the end.”
“Just like every other cheese rom-com.” Dustin sighs standing up and brushing the grass off his clothing.
Max rolls her eyes, lending out a hand toward El and helping her up, “that’s the whole point of rom-coms, idiot. They’re supposed to be cheesy and have some stereotypical trope. It’s more entertaining than realistic.”
You smirk, picking out a shard of grass from her red hair, “You’re right, because real romance is totally different. More special, you know.”
The kids don’t miss the way you look back at Steve and hold your hand out for him to take as you all begin walking towards the parking lot ready to load into Steve’s car and commence a night full of drop offs.
“Oh trust us, we know.” Will hailed out with a knowing smile.
They watch as Steve presses a kiss to your cheek, opening the passenger door and letting you in before everyone else.
“Ugh, they make me so sick,” muttered Mike with feigned annoyance, secretly happy that he got to sit in the trunk far away from you and Steve’s sappiness.
As far as everyone else was concerned, the movie in the park was a hit. It was totally worth it seeing the best love story play out — they just didn’t know they were the exclusive viewers.
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Joyce and Hopper finally tied the knot in a very small and intimate ceremony in their backyard. Steve had brought you around for the first time, though Hop and Joyce were pretty much familiar with you already, hearing so many good things from Steve.
He appreciated how they instantly welcomed you in, hugging you and thanking you for the small gift you had brought along to celebrate their special day. The two of you sat on the picnic benches, hands held underneath the table as you watched the pair share their first dance as husband and wife.
Half-way through, you had leaned into him, resting your cheek on his shoulder, and he promptly leaned into you, cushioning you snugly as you watched with adoring eyes.
“They look so in love.” You spoke faintly, looking up at him through your lashes with a grin on your face.
He glances down at you, pecking at your lips and nodding, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hop dance.”
You pursed your lips, shaking your head as you held back your laughter, “I guess love really does its thing.”
“It does.” He smiles, kissing your temple as the music dies down to something more upbeat and alive.
“C’mon, people, get up here and dance!” Joyce whistles, gesturing everyone over though everybody seems to hesitate for a moment.
But not Steve.
“Wanna dance?” He smirks, squeezing your hand as you lift your head.
You nod, looking up at him while he stands holding his hand out for you, which you gladly take without a second thought.
“I should warn you, your toes might get stepped on. I’m not the greatest at dancing.” He confesses kissing your head as you giggle and shake your head.
“I won’t mind, long as you’re the one carrying me off the dance floor by the end of it.” You say giving his hand a squeeze.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” He promises.
The two of you seamlessly sway back and forth, your arms draped over his neck and his wrapped tightly around your waist. You guys don’t seem to notice or care that you’re the only other couple on the dance floor — too much in your own world.
There are whispers and smiles that you and Steve share as you both loosen up to the music. His hand guiding you into a spin that makes you giggle and fall back into his chest, looking up at him dizzily.
While the dance floor isn’t anything special, just freshly trimmed grass underneath your foot, it feels like holy ground. A scared, special, one of the kind place that the both of you feel so safe in that it doesn’t matter if everyone else is watching.
“How long until you think they’ll get married?” Hop asks his wife, leading her to the picnic tables to catch a quick break.
She snickers, pinching his arm fondly, “Won’t be surprised if they ask the officiant to stay a little longer.”
They’ve got a front row view to a sight that reminds them of their own love. The younger versions of themselves that wished they had gotten together soon, but they’re more than happy for the both of you, clapping and cheering as Steve dips you low and presses a kiss to your lips.
You two can feel the fireworks, their plans to extinguish never dare to exist. It’s just you and Steve, the holy ground beneath you, and the sparks flying.
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Hangouts don’t feel the same when you’re not there, for Steve especially it feels like a missing piece that he’s thinking and worrying about even if you’re just working a night shift. He knows he’ll get to see you bright and early the next morning — will probably even call out of work just so he can be your human pillow while you caught up on sleep.
He tries not to think so hard about it, focusing on Eddie’s high score that he’s trying to beat on the Nintendo while Dustin breathes down his neck and the others watch the television screen.
“Mom! Phoneeeeeee!” Mike yells as the landline begins to ring.
It nearly throws Steve off and by this point he feels like he should just give up because he doesn’t stand a chance beating Eddie’s score. Yet he still tries to focus, thumbs nudging the joysticks and tugging his bottom lip between his teeth, almost drawing blood by how hard he’s trying.
The basement door swing open, Mrs. Wheeler covering the receiver with her palm as she speaks loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Steve, it’s your girlfriend.”
Only then does the controller drop from his hands like it doesn’t matter. His legs spring up, quickly looking up the stairs to give Karen a smile before she nods and closes the door.
“Dude, you almost had it!”
Dustin groans tugging at his curly roots, realizing he now owed Mike and Lucas $20 for the stupid bet. Eddie slaps the top of his head gingerly, urging them to be quiet as they all zero in on Steve picking up the phone.
“Baby?” He says hurriedly with a confused glint to his voice.
He can hear your sniffles and a small cough leaving your mouth on the other end. Worry and anxiety fill his veins on instance. Something is telling him that there’s something wrong, and he’s proven right when you finally reply weakly.
“H-hey, how’s game night?” You try your best to keep it together, to not let him know you’re holding back tears.
His foot comes tapping on the ground and his body begins to shake not knowing what’s going on.
“Y-you’re crying? What’s the matter, sweetheart? Did something happen? Where are you?”
Steve’s spitting out questions faster than you can answer and the others who are listening can only grow more concerned knowing that the Steve their seeing on the phone isn’t his sappy lovey self.
You swallow, sniffling again, “I’m okay, babe. I—I just needed to hear your voice.”
His heart aches hearing the obvious sadness in your voice that you’re trying to mask, but all it does is cause more worry. You’ve cried to Steve a hand full of times and each time it still breaks his heart, but it hurts even more that you’re far away and he’s not able to see you face to face.
“You’re scaring me. I’m gonna come there and get you.” He offers immediately, patting his pockets checking if he has his car keys which he doesn’t have.
“No, no, it’s fine, I called because I quit…I quit my job.” You explain with a heavy sigh.
There’s silence for only a quick moment, a breath of relief coming from Steve knowing that you aren’t in danger, but he’s prompt to offer to come and get you again.
“Oh…baby, I-I’m sorry. Did you want me to come there and pick you up? Eddie could drive your car back home and we’ll take my car together?”
He’s speaking gently, peering over his shoulder at Eddie who is already nodding and standing up ready to go wherever you are, knowing that Steve needs to know you’re safe.
You take a shaky breath, collecting yourself before speaking, “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine to drive…it’s just that I needed to hear your voice before I got into the car. Just a long night, I’m sorry for worrying yo—”
Steve shakes his head, waving his hand over towards Eddie, telling him that it’s okay and he can sit back down before mouthing a “thank you” before turning back to the call.
“Hey, no stop, don’t apologize. I’m right here okay? Not gonna hang up until you’re ready. I’ll be waiting for you as soon as you’re ready to hang up okay?”
You don’t try to hide it anymore, letting your sniffles and sobs loose. Every second that passes by is tugging on his heart strings wanting to do nothing more than to rush wherever you are, but he knows you’re going to be fine, you just need some more time with him.
“O—okay, just had a really long night. I was trying to just get through my shift but, I…I just couldn’t do it.”
You sound pissed off at yourself, irritated that you couldn’t make it through the night shift. But he knew it was for good reason if it made you up and quit — he didn’t blame you and he was far from mad.
“And that’s perfectly fine, sweetheart. Whatever it is, we’re gonna figure it out alright? We can look through the newspaper for job offerings and I can take you to drop off resumes. It’s all gonna be okay, ok?”
“Okay,” you whisper faintly, swiping away at your tears and nose.
He knows it’s important that you calm down before you get behind the wheel. If you don’t, he’ll drive down there himself, not wanting to risk you driving when you’re feeling like this.
“I’m right here with you, baby. Deep breath, in and out. That’s good, babe.” He guides you through it, hearing your shaky breaths slowly easing.
Steve doesn’t have to turn his head to know the worry etched on his friends’ faces is apparent. They’re anxiously waiting, wondering what’s going on, only being able to hear parts of it through Steve’s tender words that he offers you.
They know they all have a habit of teasing him and poking fun at the way he’s whipped over you, but this is a different side of him that they rarely get to witness. The vulnerable side that only comes out when he’s with you even with the distance that’s keeping you both apart.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon, alright, baby? Drive safely.” He speaks, nodding his head to himself before he places the receiver back on the stand and turns to face his friends.
“Is she okay?” Eddie asks worriedly as Steve nods and brushes a hand through his hair.
“She had a tough night and quit. She’s heading her now.” Steve reveals and everyone nods before Robin stands up and pats him on the back.
“C’mon, let’s go wait for her upstairs.”
The gang had migrated from the basement to the living room, awaiting your arrival. They had tried to do everything to reassure Steve, to get him to sit down and wait patiently, but they weren’t surprised that he didn’t budge and instead kept his place by the window, watching the driveway.
Everyone has their eyes on the clock, watching the minutes pass by and glancing every so often when headlights pass the street, thinking that it’s you.
The worried expression doesn’t leave his face until he finally sees two headlights turn into the driveway.
“She’s here,” Steve says under his breath, not wasting a moment to dash out the front door, slamming it behind him.
He’s at the driver’s side before you can even put the car into park. His fingers wrap around the door, pulling it open as you don’t hesitate to get out and wrap your arms around him, hiding your teary face in his neck as you melt into his embrace.
“Shhh, I’ve got you,” He says quietly, keeping one of his hands on the back of your head while the other rubs comforting circles on your back.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head and he can feel the tears springing from your eyes, trailing across his skin. The feeling burns him in every kind of way that tears his heart apart slowly. How he wishes he can take the weight of what you’re feeling off your shoulders and instead he can carry it for you. But all he can do right now is hold you, brush his hard over your head and pull you as close as he can get you, and whisper words of comfort, hoping it will take the pain away.
“I—I really needed you. I just kept thinking of how badly I wanted to run into your arms when I walked out of there. They made me feel so stupid and useless and I—”
He shushes you smoothly, shaking his head and tearing you away from his neck so you can see him.
“Screw them, baby. We can write a complaint or something because you don’t deserve to get treated like that, alright?” His voice is firm full of determination not showing you how angry he is at your boss or co-workers for letting this escalate.
Your palms come up to your eyes, rubbing them as your voice breaks. “I know, but I just feel so d-dumb—”
He shakes his head, tugging gently at your wrists to stop you from hiding, “Hey stop, don’t say that. You don’t know how much you mean to me and how much I hate when I hear you say those things about yourself.”
You sniffle, smiling at him apologetically, “Sorry, I know…I—I’m just happy to be here with you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m glad you called and I’m happier to know you’re okay. I was scared shitless.” He grimaces, grazing his sights over every inch of your tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” you say softly, “I was just planning on showing up here, but I guess everything was just building and building and when I finally quit and walked out of there I felt like I was going to collapse and I just needed you.”
His heart swells with love and admiration, for a minute it replaces the worry and anguish. It’s stupid because he shouldn’t be smiling as wide as he is right now with tears prickling his eyes in the best way possible.
You’ve never held back on telling him how much you cared and appreciated him for being the best boyfriend in the world…but to be needed is a whole different level that he’s new to. One that mends his heart of all the traumas and has him holding your face in his hands while he blinks the tears down his cheeks as you watch.
You’re confused, brows pinching together as you swipe your thumbs across his cheeks and wonder what he’s thinking and smiling about. It’s only when he speaks that you understand what’s happening.
“I love you, you know that?” His voice quivers, teeters on the edge of fear and letting go.
Your jaw trembles, new tears falling down your cheeks, this time in a happy way that has you forgetting about the horrible shift you had just endured.
None of that matters when you’re standing in the arms of the man who’s telling you that he loves you.
You’re laughing through the tears, feelings the comfort and safety in his embrace, “Y-yeah?” you ask stupidly, as if he could ever change his mind.
He nods, laughing weakly,“Yeah…like a lot. I love you so much and I’m always gonna be here…not gonna go anywhere. Right here whenever you need me.”
“I love you too, Stevie.” You cooed, standing up on your tiptoes and kissing him with every ounce of your being.
Your lips move in synchronicity, the familiarity of each other never building contempt, instead making you both stronger. It’s a feeling that will never get old and that neither of you would get tired of experiencing. Even at your worse, you know it’ll always be okay as long as you have him to keep you tethered.
Time freezes for everyone, not just you and Steve — your friends watching in the window and smiling at the scene before them.
They’ve always known that you and him were in love since the moment you two said hello. It’s just that now, it feels a lot nicer being able to witness the moment you two finally realize it. The love you share and everything in between.
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💌 reblogs, tags, comments, + likes are greatly appreciated! leave a comment and let me know if want to be added to my taglist!! 💌
a/n: i hope you guys like this little something something i wrote based off "in between" by gracie abrams. i absolutely love this song and it's so underrated (ITS UNREALEASED KINDA LOL). anyways, let me know what you think!
taglist: @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @astolenkiss @loving-and-dreaming @awkotaco24 @engenelxver @elfiaaaa @pbs-theundeadmaggot @johnricharddeacy @gaysludge @scoopshxrrington @micheledawn1975 @ihatepeanutss @bakugouswh0r3
393 notes · View notes
formulaforza · 1 year
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daddy-daughter dance-- d.ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader word count: 770 a/n: just like. who else would I write this about yk?
He’s been talking about it for ages, dreaming about it since you found out you were having a girl. They still do those, right? He’s asked, said his sister went to one every year when she was young. 
They do, still do it, you learned when she was five, and a newsletter came home with her from school advertising it. Baby, look at this, you told him, tapped on the headline in the corner of the page. Father-daughter dance. 
It was a Saturday, and he’d made a whole day out of it. Woke up early, earlier than usual, and made her favorite breakfast, served it to her in bed, woke her up with a soft kiss on the forehead, moving her sweaty hair from her face. 
After breakfast, they go to the spa–get pedicures. Daniel sends you lots of pictures, even more videos of her giggling uncontrollably in the big chair. After much contemplation, she chooses rainbow nails, with rainbow sparkles. A classy decision, Daniel tells her from behind the camera in the video he sent, very smart. 
When they get home she gifts you with two sets of foam toe separators, says they’re for the next time the two of you have a girls night. You thank her, put them in the bin that all of your nail polish is in, and then you start on her hair. 
She has his curls, long and thick and  wild and unruly. They’ve never been easy to tame. You wet them down, soak them with a spray bottle and slowly work through the tangles. “Are you excited to go to the dance with daddy?” You asked her, tugged on her hair and apologized. 
“I’m so excited!” She told you, mirrored your actions on the Barbie doll in her lap. “Me’s and Daddy will has so much fun.”
“You and Daddy will have so much fun.” You nod, re-align the part of her hair. “Daddy is sooo excited, too.”
“Really?” She says, shoots her eyes up to meet your in the mirror. 
You smile at her smile, at the crooked baby teeth and apple cheeks. “Oh, yeah.” You tell her, nod, reach for the curl cream. “The only thing he loves more than dancing is you.”
“You think?” She says, the th- sound horribly enunciated, dull and lispy and adorable. 
“I know.”
– –
Daniel’s in your bedroom, receiving updates from you, in your daughter’s room, via text. She’s wearing purple. You told him three outfit changes ago. Blue. I think we’ve settled on blue. She had not, in fact, settled on the blue dress. Yellow. Yellow, for sure. You finally said, after she looked into the mirror and said she looked like her favorite princess. 
You couldn't’ remember if he had a yellow tie–he has to, you think, you hope, because he is dead-set on matching her and there’s no way you’re going to make her pick a different outfit, no way your sanity can last another trip through her closet. 
She asks if you can put makeup on her, and you can’t imagine Daniel’s reaction to that–his little girl in makeup. You put the tiniest amound of blush on, a dollop of sparkly lipgloss, and run a dry spooly brush through her eyebrows and eyelashes. “Fabuolous!” She declares, spinning around in her dress and her dress-up disney-princess heels. 
She’s waiting on the couch, patiently playing with the tule on the skirt of her dress, picking at the sequins and the sparkles. She’s taken one of your purses hostage, a tiny white baguette bag slung over her shoulder. She put your lipgloss in it–just in case, Mom, she told you. Your lipgloss, and an old phone, sceen cracked and practically unusable, one she uses when her imagination is feeling extravagant. 
Daniel walks through the door with a bouquet of yellow and white flowers in his hand, and two plasti boxes–a white corsage and a matching boutonniere. You pin it on him, and he double wraps the elastic band of the corsage around her wrist so it doesn’t fall off, tells her she looks so lovely, beautiful like always. 
You take a million pictures of them on the front porch before they go, so many they’re both begging to go. We can’t be late, Mom, your daughter told you, huffed and crossed her arms. “Yeah, Mom.” Daniel teases, “We can’t be late.”
“Okay, okay.” You say, snap a couple more pictures, kiss them both goodbye. You watch on from the porch, hand over your heart, smile on your face while he helps her into the car like it’s a chariot, a horse-drawn carriage for a queen.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Awwwww, I loved your tony fic 🥹 I need to make a request for you. Fem reader is dating tony, and she's virgin (legal age, of course hehe), but she's ready to give her virginity to tony, he's the most romantic and caring with her, the cutest lovemaking, please please ❤️
Touched for the very first time
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PAIRING | Tony Stark x Virgin!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony have been going steady for a while, and you're finally ready to take the next step in your relationship. Tony wants to make sure your first time will be unforgettable and takes out all the stops to make you feel like the most special and beautiful woman on earth, which you will always be in his eyes.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Age gap (Reader is in her mid 20's, Tony is in his late 30's), smut [ fingering, protected sex, implied aftercare ].
A/N | Oh, dear Nonnie, thank you for this lovely request! I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I hope you will enjoy it too! I'm sorry it took me longer than expected, but I hope it will be worth the wait! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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It is a rainy Sunday night, and you and Tony enjoy a simple dinner with some Italian take-out and a sappy rom-com on the television. These nights are your favorite since you have already spent the entire day by his side in his lab and are enjoying a relaxing evening in the Compound.
However, there is something on your mind, and you need to figure out how to bring it up to your boyfriend. The two of you have talked about the fact that you're still a virgin, and he is very understanding, for which you are incredibly thankful. Right now, however, you're ready to take the next step in your relationship, but you don't know how to tell him.
Tony can feel your eyes practically burn a hole in the side of his head, so he turns his head to yours after pausing the tv. "Is there something wrong, Bubble Butt?" he asks, and you immediately turn bright red at the nickname he gave you when you started dating.
"I, uh, no. I'm sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts, is all," you say, but the flush on your cheeks doesn't go away when Tony keeps staring at you like that.
"And am I allowed to know what you are thinking about?" He asks, taking your hands in his to calm you down. "If there's something on your mind, you know you can tell me, right? Without judgment," he says, and you nod.
"Yeah, it's just… a little uncomfortable for me to talk about," you tell him as the red color on your cheeks deepens even more. "I… Uhm, I want you… to… well Iwantyoutotakemyvirginity," you ramble, but he doesn't quite hear you.
"What is that you said?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to ensure he can hear you.
"I'm ready to take the next step in our relationship, and I would like you to take my virginity," you say as your eyes are screwed shut.
"Okay, as much as I'd love to do that, I want us to talk it through first. It's not a decision to take lightly, so I'd like to talk about it," he says, and you nod.
"Okay," you whisper, cuddling into his side for now.
"First of all, I'm honored that you're asking this of me, but I want to do it right and make it absolutely unforgettable for you. You only have this chance once, so I want to make it special for you, Bubble Butt," he says, and it makes you smile to yourself.
"I appreciate that, but how were you planning on making it special?" You ask, wondering about what he is planning.
"I would like to make it an entire special day, so I would love for you to have a morning at the spa for a massage and get your nails done, both mani- and pedicure. Afterward, I want you to pick out the most beautiful dress and lingerie. I hope you can wear it to the restaurant I'm taking you to that evening. Afterward, I want to make sweet love to you," he says, and your insides are feeling warm and fuzzy at that idea.
"That sounds like the perfect way to do it," you tell him, and you sit up, letting him capture your lips with his pink, soft ones as you moan at the thought. The rest of the evening is spent with many cuddles and kisses, unable to leave each other alone for even a few seconds.
When it's time to go to bed, Tony grabs you and carries you over to the bedroom, plopping you down with a soft thud. "I love you, Bubble Butt," he says, and you grin big, enjoying the nickname he always calls you.
You still remember the first time he called you that in front of all the Avengers. You were over at the Compound and had met everyone for the first time since you weren't an Avenger or a part of S.H.I.E.L.D., to begin with.
He just introduced you to all of them, and now he pulls out your chair like a true gentleman. "Here you go, Bubble Butt," he says, and you sit down with a polite smile, but the both of you are getting a lot of weird looks from everyone.
"What? I think it's sweet he calls me that! Right, Bubba?" you ask Tony and all he can see is pure adoration in your eyes. He nodded in response before leaning over for a small kiss.
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The morning you and Tony had talked about finally arrived, and now you're getting ready to go to the beauty salon. He has booked an entire morning for you to get a massage, a full body wax (which you requested), and have your nails done.
You step out of the shower and get ready for the day, putting your hair in a ponytail and grabbing your glasses, not wanting to bother with contact lenses today. You wear a black and brown outfit, ready to take on the day ahead.
Tony invited you to sleep with him at the Compound last night, and you happily agreed; you always love sleeping over there because he has a huge bed, a luxury you can't afford for your small apartment.
Tony already left for an early meeting, and you know he's in his lab working right now, so that's where you're heading; ready to say goodbye for now.
When you open the door, he immediately notices you, and his face turns into a big smile, which Bruce and Steve notice, giving each other a knowing look. "Good morning, Bubble Butt; you look gorgeous today!" he says as he walks over to you.
"Mornin' Bubba. Thank you, I'm heading out to the beauty salon right now, so I'm just saying goodbye," you tell him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him closer, one of his hands on your cheek.
"I can't wait to see how much more beautiful you will be once you come back," he whispers in your ear before placing a soft kiss underneath it, teasing just ever so slightly. "I'll probably be busy when you return, but you can let yourself into my apartment and start getting ready for dinner. I'll be up there no later than 6 PM," Tony tells you, and you nod in agreement.
"Okay, good luck with work today. And I can't wait to see you again tonight," you say as you pull him closer by the back of his neck, capturing his lips in a breathtaking kiss. When the two of you pull apart, your biggest grin is on your face, and you wave goodbye to Steve and Bruce. "Bye, guys, it was nice seeing you again!" with that, you're on your way.
Tony hands you one of the keys to his car, and you walk over to it, opening it when you're close. You usually don't enjoy driving his cars, but his newest Tesla was the exception to his rule. Every time you borrow a car, it's this one since it's the least intimidating in your eyes.
The drive to the beauty salon is smooth, and you arrive on time, meaning you can immediately go on with your massage first. "Good morning, I'll be your-"is all the guy who massages you says before stopping mid-sentence.
"Bucky? You are a massage therapist here?" You ask, seeing the super soldier in his white tank top and jeans. His hair is slicked back into a high bun, making him look stunning. "Since when?"
"I've recently started working here a few days a week to get a break from being an Avenger. The calm here relaxes me too, and I enjoy putting my metal arm to good use," he explains as he shows you his metal arm.
"Wow, that's so cool! Sorry if I'm overstepping here, but do you mind if I touch it?" You ask, utterly starstruck by the metal limb, tracing the gold patterns on the black metal.
"Uh, only if you want to," he says, a blush appearing on his cheeks. He's not used to someone reacting that way to his arm. He walks over to you and puts it in front of you, letting you grab it and look at it from all angles.
"This looks amazing…" you whisper, and it makes Bucky smile a little. "Well, thanks. But shall we get started with your massage? You can check it out more when you're at the Compound," he says, and you nod.
"Yeah, sorry," you say, and Bucky leaves the room for you to strip down and get ready on the bed, a towel lying over your butt, covering it. "You can come in, Bucky," you say, and you hear the door open.
The next hour is spent massaging your back, shoulders, and legs, getting you completely relaxed, and having a light conversation between you. "Alright, I'm all done, I will leave now, and Jessica will be with you shortly for your next appointment. It was nice seeing you again," he says, leaving with a smile and a small wave.
You didn't have to wait long for Jessica to arrive because you were barely seated and covered like usual, and she knocked on the door. "Come in!" You say, and a woman with a bubbly personality walks in the door.
"Hi, and welcome to New York Beauty! My name is Jessica - but you may call me Jess - and I believe we're doing a full body wax today. Is this your first time, or have you gotten this done before?" She asks while she prepares the wax and puts on gloves.
"I've gotten this done before, just not here. My boyfriend suggested I'd go here; he comes here often for massages," you tell her, and she nods.
The wax is also over before you know it, and you feel smooth like a baby butt when you're done and ready to pay. The girl at the front desk tells you the total, but you want to add a tip for both Bucky and Jessica. "Will you add a 50-dollar tip for both of them?" You ask, and she happily does.
When that's done, you walk out of the salon, and it's almost lunchtime, so you visit your favorite small bakery. You get your favorite pastry and some s'mores cookies for Tony, together with an iced coffee. When you're about to sit down, your phone rings, and it's Tony FaceTiming you.
You grab your AirPods out of your bag and put them in before answering Tony's call. "Hey, Bubba," you say as you put the phone against the napkin holder on the table, so you can eat.
"Hi Bubble Butt, how is everything going? Having fun without me today?" He asks, sitting down in his office with his own lunch.
"It would be more fun if you were here, but I guess it'll do," you chuckle. "Had a great massage, and I'm all smooth again, so I can't complain. Also, I got some of your favorite cookies!" You tell him excitedly, showing the small box they have been put into.
"Oh, you're way too good for me!" He exclaims with a slight grunt, thinking of the delicious cookies heading his way later. The rest of your lunches are spent with him on the phone until you go to your nail appointment.
"Sorry, Bubba, but I have to go to my nail appointment," you say, and after your goodbyes, you head out and walk there; it's close by, so you decide that's easier.
When you arrive at the salon, you tell the lady behind the desk you have an appointment for both a manicure and pedicure, and you're taken to a big chair for your pedicure first.
"What color are we doing today, ma'am?" The lady asks you, and you look over to all the colors on the wall, finally deciding on emerald green.
She makes quick work of both your feet and hands, and in less than 2 hours, you're done, ready to pick out a dress, a pair of black heels for tonight, and a set of lingerie in the same color as your nails.
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You drove back to Tony's apartment around 4 PM, and Tony wouldn't be home for another 2 hours, so you decided to work from home a little; there were still a lot of emails that needed your attention.
By the time 5:30 PM rolls around, Tony is done with work, and he heads to his apartment instead of staying late for once, wanting to see you again. He puts his key in the lock and opens the door to some soft music, and he finds you on the couch with a blanket around you while working.
"Hi Bubble Butt," he says when you look at him walking in, immediately putting your laptop to the side and getting up to greet him. "Hey, Bubba, I'm happy to see you again!" You say as you jump into his arms, cuddling him like a koala bear.
"Shall we take a shower together?" You ask when you have pulled back a little to look at him. He doesn't answer you but walks to the big bathroom and puts you on the counter.
He undresses you and leaves kisses everywhere he can, his fingertips sliding over the places his lips can't reach. Once fully undressed, you give Tony the same treatment but get impatient as you know what's coming later tonight.
"I can see someone's a little eager, but I want to treat you right, Bubble Butt. It's the least I can do to make your first time absolutely special," Tony says, and you pout a little, which he quickly kisses away.
The shower took longer than expected because the two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other, making the soaping and washing much more complicated than necessary. Still, the many shared kisses, cuddles, and sweet words were worth it.
You decided to change in the walk-in closet instead of in the bedroom with Tony because you wanted to surprise him with the outfit you got. You let your hair fall naturally around your shoulders just like Tony, and your makeup is relatively minimal to not take away from the outfit.
"Are you ready?" You ask and open the door just enough to poke your head through. He nods, and his mouth practically drops onto the floor when you walk out.
"I had a feeling you would like this," you tell him, and you twirl a few times for him, feeling like an absolute goddess right now.
"I have one more surprise for you, Bubble Butt," he says and walks over to his nightstand, opening the drawer to find a big, square velvet box. He grabs it and walks over to you.
You open the box from him, revealing a gorgeous silver layered necklace. You turn over the rectangular pendant on the bottom and find a date. "Is that the day we first started dating?" you ask, and he nods.
"It is; I wanted you to wear it close to your heart so you would never forget it," he says, and you hold out the box so he can get the necklace out of it and hang it around your neck.
"I love it, Bubba. I can't believe you got me this after everything you've done for me so far," you say, a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"I want nothing but the best for my best girl," he says, kissing you softly on your cheek.
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Dinner went by way too fast for your liking since you were having so much fun with Tony, but you were also starting to get a little nervous about what was about to happen.
The two of you have made your way to the bedroom, and right now, Tony is peppering your neck with soft, sweet kisses to calm you down a little bit.
"Don't worry about what's going to happen, Angel. If you want to stop, you can always tell me, and we will stop. You can let me know if something's uncomfortable or painful, and we will stop. I won't ever do anything you're not okay with," he says, his thumbs stroking the apples of your cheeks.
"I-I know, it's just... I'm nervous," you say with a shy smile, and you drop your line of sight to the floor.
"And that's perfectly normal, but I will take it easy tonight. I'm not going to overwhelm you with doing every single thing at once. Tonight is about you and your pleasure, and we will take it slow," he says, and you nod, feeling a little reassured now.
"Now, let's get you out of this dress and see what gorgeous lingerie you're hiding from me," he says, and you can't help but laugh at his comment.
He slides the dress off your shoulders, and it falls around your feet in a silky puddle so you can step out of it and show Tony your lingerie in its full effect.
"Wow..." he sighs at the sight of you covered by the emerald green lace. Your ass looks absolutely to die for, and you're showing him why he gave you the nickname 'Bubble Butt' right now.
Tony captures your lips in a sweet kiss but doesn't deepen it immediately, knowing he wouldn't be patient if he did that.
"Let's get you out of this suit, hm?" you tell him, and he nods, so you quickly take it off. Not long after, you're lying comfortably on the bed with your head on the pillows; Tony is lying beside you as his hand trails slowly over your body.
Your lingerie has already met the same faith as your dress and is lying on the floor, leaving you entirely bare for him.
Once his hands reach your thighs, he takes it slowly, letting your legs fall open when you're ready. His lips have found your neck again, and he's softly sucking on the spot below your ear, turning you into a moaning mess underneath his touch.
As if they have their own will, your legs spread, and Tony walks over to your glistening cunt, slowly tracing his fingers between your folds to find your clit.
"T-Tony, yes!" you say when he finds it and starts rubbing short, quick circles to tease you. Your back arches off the bed, and your head lulls to the side, giving him even more access to your neck.
"Yeah? Does that feel good, Bubble Butt?" he asks, and you nod, unable to respond right now, only soft moans coming out.
"This may be a little strange, but it's okay. Just relax," he says, and you do right before Tony finds his way down to your entrance and inserts a finger.
Your legs immediately close at the feeling since it's weird, but you don't push him away.
"F-Feels good," you say as he slowly moves his finger in and out of you, your legs releasing their grip on his wrist, and he speeds up ever so slightly.
"Do you think you're ready for one more?" he asks after getting used to having one of his fingers inside you. You nod in response, and before you know it, you feel very full.
"Oh, f-feels... feels odd," you manage to say, and he nods.
"It's okay, you can take it; I won't add any more. Just relax into my touch and experience the pleasure," he says, and you do.
He moves his thumb to your clit and starts thrusting in and out a little faster while stimulating your puffy clit at the same time, making you cum on his fingers in no time at all.
"T-Tony! Fuck!" you scream out as your hips buck up and into his movements, your back arching off the bed too.
"Such a pretty girl when you cum for me. You're doing amazing for me," he says as he rides out your orgasm with his fingers and pulls them out carefully.
"Are you ready for me, Bubble Butt?" he asks after you take a few minutes to come down from what happened.
"Y-Yeah, I think so."
Tony grabs a condom from the nightstand and rips open the package after taking his underwear off and revealing his hard cock. You can't help but reach out and wrap your hand around it.
"Oh, yes, that's so good, Baby," he says as you move up and down a couple times, getting used to the feel of him in your hand first.
Your eyes snap up to meet his, and even though he knows what you're thinking, tonight is all about you.
"Don't worry, Bubble Butt, you can have a taste next time. Tonight is all about you," he says before leaning over and capturing your lips in a slow, heated kiss, your hands finding their way to his shoulders where your nails leave red marks as you accidentally scratch.
When he pulls back, he makes quick work of the condom and sits between your legs. "I'll go slow, I promise," he says before leaning in for another kiss.
His tip is pressing against your entrance, and just like he promised, he pushes in slowly, constantly giving you time to adjust while giving endless praises.
"Doing so well for me, you're amazing like this. Taking me so well; look at how well you're taking me right now. You feel so good," he says, and before you know it, he's buried deep inside you.
When the last bit sinks in, and he's completely buried, you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in, followed by a long moan.
"Please, start moving. Feels so good inside me," you say, and he does, starting with slow movements, which make you moan even harder.
"G-god, I'm close!" you say after he picks up his pace and thrusts into it steadily, and his thumb finds his way to your clit to pull you over the edge.
"Keep squeezing like that, and I'll come too," Tony grunts, and you do, falling over the edge simultaneously as him. He rides both of your orgasms out, and when he's completely soft again, he finally pulls out, ready to take the condom off.
The two of you take a bath afterward and talk about the entire experience, if there is anything you did or didn't like, and if there's something you might want to try later.
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It has been a couple of weeks since your first time with Tony, and you're finally at the Compound again. He was gone for a mission that took longer than expected, but you decided to surprise him with his favorite cookies.
You were quickly distracted, however, because you saw Bucky, Steve, and Nat when you walked by the living room.
"Hi guys, I'm sorry to interrupt," you say, but they don't mind.
"Hey, it's no problem! You're always welcome to interrupt when we're sitting here," Steve said reassuringly.
"Bucky? Can I finally take a closer look at your arm like you promised?" you ask, and he laughs loudly.
"Of course, you can, doll," he says, and you plop yourself down on the couch on his left side, completely enamored by his arm, the plates shifting when he makes specific movements and the black and gold design.
"So cool..." you whisper, and you don't notice Tony walking in too.
"Well, it appears I'm not getting my girlfriend back for a while," he jokes as he grabs the box of cookies and kisses you on your head.
"Yeah, yeah, see you later," you say with a slight wave, never tearing your eyes away from Bucky's arm. Right now, you're busy; you will catch up with Tony later.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 2 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings with some notes: Soft Dom Steddie and Singer Reader, Smut and angst, reader has flashbacks of her fight with Simon from the last chapter (Domestic violence trigger!), her need to numb with alcohol and drugs is touched on briefly, Eddie alludes to his past with his dad.
This chapter does deal with some darker themes of Y/N feeling like she's nothing because toxic people have made her believe that. Please never forget that you matter and your feelings ARE valid <3.
Word Count: 4305
Your eyes snapped open to darkness as the images from your nightmare were slowly beginning to fade away. Nightmares weren’t new for you but this one involving Simon trying to hurt you was. It took you moment as you sat up to catch your breath to remember you weren’t alone in your guest bedroom tonight. 
Ever the gentlemen, even though you asked them to sleep in bed with you, both men had fallen asleep as close to the edge that they could and on top of your covers. Eddie was facing you, his arms folded against his chest as he slept. Steve’s chest gently rose and fell as his head remained angled towards the bedroom door. 
Without jostling the bed too much, you crawled out from under your blanket and headed for the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You stared at the whiskey bottle on the counter, frozen in place as the night’s events played through your mind. 
Simon was already irritable when you came back from having lunch with the guys but after telling him where you were he had gotten extremely jealous. 
“They are security, not your fucking friends. Why are you having lunch with them?!”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe cause they earned it. They did protect your girlfriend from a mob last night.”
“A mob? Seriously? You’re so fucking dramatic.”
“You wouldn’t know because you weren’t fucking there even though you said you would be!”
“Are you fucking them?”
“I’m not even going to entertain that with an answer.”, you scoff.
Simon’s arm shoots out, gripping your biceps tightly as you whine in pain. “You will fucking entertain it. Tell me now or I swear to God, Y/N…”
“Let. Me. Go.”
“Answer me.”
“Yes, Simon. Oh my god. You caught me.”, you respond sarcastically as you widen your eyes in jest. “I just met them last week and I swear…I couldn’t get them inside me fast enough. Even though I’ve been planning an album, tour, and singing at the concert I had, I still had enough time to just blow their minds. It only takes 2 minutes, right, baby? ‘In and out’ At least that’s how I refer to our sex life.”
His palm collided with your cheek hard, knocking your back into the adjacent wall.
“I have never once heard you or any other fucking woman complain. You think you’re so smart and perfect. Let me tell you, sweetie, you’re not. You’re just like every other fucking small-town whore who comes to the city to become ‘something’. There is absolutely nothing special about you, babe, and deep down you know that. That’s why you ply yourself with drugs and fucking liters of vodka. You. Are. Nothing.”
A tear escapes down your eye and you scold yourself internally for letting him see how much his words were hurting you. Abruptly, you lift you knee, hitting his stomach, and running to your bedroom as he howls in pain.
“Jesus!” You jump as the glass in your hand falls to the ground.
“Hey. Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you alright?”, Eddie asked, hands held up in surrender as he slowly moves towards you.
“Yeah, I…shit. I didn’t hear you come in.” As you start to step forward, his hand reaches out to lightly grab your forearm. 
“No. Don’t move. You aren’t wearing any shoes or slippers. Let me clean this up for you.”
You couldn’t help but softly giggle as he bent down to get the big pieces of glass with his hands. “Neither are you.”
“True but my feet aren’t as pretty as yours. I mean with the…”, he gestures towards your pedicured toes. 
“Are you…security guarding my feet, Mr. Munson?”
A small smirk slides across his face as he rises and throws the pieces into the trash before reaching into a nearby closet to grab a broom.
“You could say that. They are a part of you and I’m supposed to protect you so… plus I like the pastel purple color thing you got going on there.”
“It’s my favorite color. Usually my nails have to match the outfit but depending on my shoes I can have that be any color really so I always choose purple.” Eddie’s grin grows as he nods his head, finishing his task and putting everything away. “Thank you…again…for tonight.”
“Of course. Probably a silly question but how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.”, you lie. 
He nods again, his fingers tracing your arm where Simon had grabbed you. You tried not to flinch but it hurt too much. The metalhead opens your freezer and takes the first frozen, bagged item he sees before waving you to follow him as he heads for your couch. 
Carefully, he places the cold object on your bruises making you wince. 
“Growing up, when I had bruises like these, my mom would put peas or steak on my wound and tell me that it had healing powers. For a while I believed her because the next day the cuts and bruises didn’t hurt as bad.”
“Were you just a rough and tumble kid? Why did you get hurt so much?”
“My father would probably tell you it’s because I deserved it.” His beautiful brown eyes met yours, telling a story that he couldn’t just yet. 
“Is everyone ok?” Steve sleepily sauntered into the living room and tossed himself onto one of your comfy chairs. 
“Took you long enough, Stevie. She’s been up for…”, Eddie glances at his watch. “…15 minutes. Give or take.” He chuckles at your shocked expression. “You were mumbling in your sleep and then kind of groaned when you woke up. That fully woke me up. I thought you were getting something to drink and then coming back. When you didn’t, I went searching till I found you staring into the void of the kitchen counter.”
“Yeah. I kind of got lost in thought for a moment.”
“Can we ask what you were thinking about?”
You turned towards the other boy, unsure if you should be honest. 
“I was going over the fight Simon and I had.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really. I’d rather talk about you guys.”
“I have an idea. Why don’t we make some breakfast, get some coffee, and then you can ask us anything you want to.”
“Ok. I don’t have many foods in here but…” Your eyes follow Steve as he stands up and heads for your kitchen. 
“Hm. I see eggs and bacon.” He starts pulling ingredients out and placing them on the counter, pausing to look at you. “Are you going to come help me or not?”
You giggle as you head his way, not noticing when Eddie smiles after you before getting up himself and disappearing down the hallway. 
“I have zero idea how to cook anything.”
“Well, thankfully, eggs are one of the easiest things to make.” Your eyes focus as you watch him work, listening to every tip he gives you. “Here, take this and I’m going to start the coffee.”
Panicking internally, you take the spatula from his hand, coping everything you had seen him do. After a couple of minutes, you felt his palm tenderly press against your lower back. 
“There you go. Pfft Miss I have no idea how to cook.” Steve grins down at you as your eyes light up at his compliment, proud that you were able to do something with the added bonus of making him happy. “Alright, let me plate this here. Ed! Food!”
Your eyes swing around the room, not realizing he had left it at all. 
“I’m comin’! Geez. I cleaned up the mess on your bedroom floor, Y/N. Later today, we’ll see about getting your door hooked back up, okay?”
“I…thank you. I could have helped you.”
Eddie takes a seat at your table as you plop down beside him and begin digging into your food. Steve brings you a cup filled to the brim with caffeine and sits across from his friend. 
“It’s no problem. He did more damage to the door and you…” You glance down at your plate as you take another small bite. Ringed fingers slide into your peripherals and tap your hand. “What did you want to ask us?”
“Are you from California?”
“Indiana actually.”, Steve answers. “Small town hidden away.”
“You said you were good at protecting people. Did you do that in Indiana?”
“At the bar in town, yeah. I used to play there with my band and on the weekends it would get a bit…rough. Steve saved my ass when some big, muscle-bound guy tried to punch me because he thought I was flirting with his girlfriend while we were playing.”
“He was but that’s beside the point.”, the other boy jokingly whispers making you laugh. 
“We also had some kids we grew up with that were bullied a lot so we protected them.”, Eddie smiled. “About two years ago, Harrington suggested we move out here to get more clients and make more money. For a while we were with this indie band but then they broke up.”
“Oof. I don’t have a band so no worries about that here. So, what’s your end goal? Do you want your own security company or…?”
“I mean technically we do have our own security company. Eddie and I are freelance so we don’t answer to anyone.” You nod your head at his answer as you take a sip from your cup. “What about you? Where are you from?”
“Haven’t goggled me yet, I see.”
“No fun in that especially when I’m sure whatever we would read would have some glaring plot holes.”
“True. I’m from a city down south. Definitely not a small town up bringing but very much a hardheaded one. My family always wanted me to be ‘something’ like a doctor or a teacher. I knew that wasn’t for me.”
“They don’t like that you sing?”
“My parents don’t get it. They see ‘real music’ as something like Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton. Since I’m not on that level I haven’t officially made it to them. I’m just fucking around on stage with a microphone.”, you roll your eyes. 
“I know Johnny Cash. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to Dolly Parton.” Your jaw drops open as you stare at Steve. 
“He’s a bit sheltered, sweetheart.”, Eddie teases. 
Quickly getting to your feet, you run to the bedroom to grab your phone, scrolling through it as you sit back down. “9 to 5” by Dolly Parton begins to play through the little speaker as you hold It out towards him. 
“On Saturday mornings, I remember waking up to my mom blaring this song with the windows open as she cleaned. The sun always seemed to shine through the windows perfectly and she seemed so happy. We would sing together while I helped her.” You smiled as your got lost in the memory. 
“I like it.”, Steve grinned as he bobbed his head. The music cut off as a phone call came through and you sighed, recognizing the ID. “Who is it this early?”
“Simon. He’s calling from the police station for me to bail him out.”
“Is that something you normally do?”, Eddie asked, huffing under his breath when you nod your head. “Y/N, he’s never going to stop taking advantage of you if you keep letting him and bailing him out.”
Anger suddenly flooded your expression as you turned on him. “Look, you don’t get it. I’m really sick and fucking tired of you two constantly pointing out how ‘weak’ I am by letting people ‘take advantage’ of me!”
“Did we say she was weak?” The metalhead turned towards his friend who promptly shook his head in response. 
“She’s definitely not weak. Scared maybe.”
“Pfft, please! What do I have to be scared of?!”
“Being alone, I imagine. Going back to being that southern little girl who was nothing.”, Steve shrugs as he leans back in his chair.
“I’m not nothing! Why do people keep saying that!?” You rise from your chair and stomp towards the kitchen, reaching for the bottle of vodka, popping the top, and chugging some of it back. 
You yelp as the bottle is yanked from your grasp and you watch as Eddie pours the liquid down the drain. “We didn’t say you were nothing. He’s saying YOU feel that way. Why is that, Y/N? Does Simon keep telling you that? Because if anyone here is nothing it’s that asshole.”
“You are not my father. You can’t just throw out my stuff like that!”
“Stop acting like a child and we’ll stop treating you like one.”
In defiance, you reach in your cabinet to grab another bottle of the hard liquor but Steve blind sides you as he comes up from behind and takes it from your hands. You stomp your feet as Eddie pours its contents down the sink as well. 
As you bend down to grab another, he blocks the area with his body.
“Move, Steve.”
He matches your glare with one of his one. “Make me. Hell, I’ll even make you deal. If you can move me, you can have what’s inside and we won’t stop you.”
Growling, you try and shove at his body with your small frame but it’s no use, he’s too strong.
“Stop it, Steve! Move!”
“Oh, come on, little girl. You’re giving up that easy?” 
You continue to throw a tantrum as you fold your arms over your chest. For moment you pause as you become slightly aware that you are being more of a brat than normal. Is it because they were pushing you? As your eyes shifted between theirs you noticed that dominate air return that you had only seen in them. 
They see it to within your demeanor as you partially descended into the headspace. They knew this was a professional boundary they shouldn’t cross but it was hard to be levelheaded when your big, beautiful eyes continued to penetrate theirs with need. A need to be protected and feel loved; to feel safe.
“You don’t need alcohol to make you feel better, honey.”
“Yeah? And what do I need, Steve?”
He took one confident step forward, backing you into the island behind you. “Personally, I think you need to be reminded how important you are and how much you matter. You need to be shown how fucking gorgeous you are and deserve to be treated right.”
Eddie’s lower belly grazed your hand as he came to your side. “You deserve to be up on a pedestal, Y/N.” Your eyes flutter shut as his lips graze the shell of your ear. “That way we can pull you off of it and make you cum till you’re begging us to stop.”
Your fingers tangle in the fabric of his shirt as you pull his lips to yours. Fuck he tastes so good…
You’re both panting once you’re finally able to pull away. 
“Th-this is…we shouldn’t be doing this.”, you whisper.
“No, we shouldn’t.” Steve’s palms grip your thighs as he lifts you onto the counter, kissing you passionately as you cling to his neck. 
You growl as your phone rings again but pause when their phones ping from different places in the house. Taking your device from Eddie’s grasp, you thank him as he hands it over to you. Resting your forehead against the man’s chest, you whine as you answer. 
“Hello Sarah.”
“You need to come down here now. We need to talk about the incident last night.”
“Can we do it tomorrow?”
“No, we can’t do it tomorrow! The morning news is already talking about this and we need to get ahead of it as much as possible. Get over here now, please.”, she commanded before disconnecting. 
“Hm. Well that would be my publicist, Sarah. I should go shower.” You flash them a soft smile as you slide down from the counter. “I’m sure you noticed but I have a shower in the guest room if you guys want to freshen up or anything.”
“Yeah, looks like your agent wants us there to.”, Eddie sighs as he shows Steve the text. 
“Our morning just got very exciting, gentlemen.”
“Ok, let me ask this out right because depending on how you answer is where we go from here. Are you going to bail him out?”
Your eyes shifted towards the boys as they leaned against the wall to the side of you. You did every single time something happened with Simon. No matter what it was, you were always there to bail him out but after what happened and what the guys told you about deserving better…
“Um, no. Not this time.”
Sarah makes an amused face as she nods her head. “Good for you, Y/N. Fuck him. Are you considering that your way of dumping his ass?”
“I, um, yes. I think so… I’m sorry. Its just last night was a lot and I haven’t even really had time to process it.”
“I understand, Y/N. Now I have to ask just so I can be prepared for anything he might say… What exactly happened?”
“I came home and he was angry--”
“About what?”
Her question quickly followed your statement throwing you off guard. “Um, I had lunch with some…some friends and he got jealous.” You didn’t need to look their way again to know their eyes were penetrating your body. “He thought I was cheating on him.”
“Insecure fucker always thinks that with you. Ok, and then what?”
“I told him to fuck off and he hit me.”
“And then you called these two?” 
Eddie clears his throat when you nod. “She said she needed help so we sped down there and handled the situation.”
“Ok. Ok, ok, ok.”, Sarah exhales as she leans against her desk. “I’m going to write a formal statement and give it to the press. Something along the lines of you’re safe and will no longer tolerate this kind of behavior. You…pray for him to heal and wish him all the best?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. “, you sigh as you nonchalantly wave your hand. “I feel like we could have done this over the phone.”
“We could have but we didn’t.”
“You didn’t say the fight you two had was about us.”
“You’re right, Mr. Harrington. I didn’t.” He and Eddie exchanged a look as the metalhead continued to drive back towards your house. “To be fair…he thinks I’m fucking everybody so…”
“Are you?”
“Excuse me?”, you ask angrily.
“We wouldn’t blame you, sweetheart. You put on that little display for us when you and Simon were fucking before you snuck out to the bar. You were in there for a while and I don’t think we heard you cum once.”
“Like men can tell when a woman climaxes.”
“We can…but that could just be because our girls are always screaming our names and begging for more.”, Steve chuckles as Eddie grins.
“Oh my god. So fucking cocky. Simon has made me cum.”
As they hit a hit a red light, Steve quickly gets out and switches to the backseat so he can be beside you. 
“He has? I don’t believe it.”
Your breath catches in your throat as he throws his arm behind your head against the seat, allowing his body to scoot closer to yours. 
“I mean… believe whatever you want…”
His fingers behind your head play with your hair as he moves it away from your face, his other palm coming to graze your thigh. 
“You seem like the kinda girl that makes a lot of noise when you cum.”
“Especially with a beautiful voice like hers.”, Eddie adds. 
Your eyes flutter closed as his nose glides along your cheek, the hand on your thigh gradually moving up your pant covered leg. You desperately wanted him to touch you more but refused to ask or even beg for it. Instead, you chose to ground yourself, placing your own hand on his knee as you clung to the fabric of his shorts. 
Steve’s lips delicately traced along your neck as his palm finally found its way between your legs. “Your so warm already. I wonder how wet you are. Can I find out?” Licking your lips, you aggressively nod your head. “Say it, honey. Use your words.”, he whispers in your ear. 
“You…you can touch me.”
His head tilts as he looks down at your body, moving your shirt to the side a bit so he can slide his massive hand under the waistband of your leggings and panties. 
“Fuck me, Y/N. You are just dripping.”
You moan as his fingers glide through your sex as he plays with your pussy, your hand on his knee rising higher. 
“Do you want to touch my cock, baby? You can.”, Steve murmurs against your skin, groaning when he feels your cunt flutter against the pads of digits. 
He shuffles closer to you as you lift your leg and place it over his own allowing him more access as one of his fingers breaches your entrance. His lips find yours, humming against them as your palm rubs his groin. 
“Jesus… Ed, she’s…she’s so fucking tight.” As he turns to talk to his friend, your mouth places feathery light kisses along his jawline to his neck. Your hooded eyes open when you feel his throat vibrate against you as he laughs. “You ok, man?”
“Yeah…f-fuck… we’re-we’re almost at her house. I need jerk off so fucking bad. Her moans are so fucking sexy.”
“You’re—mmm—you’re not gonna fuck me?”
Steve turns his attention back to you, his eyes meeting yours as he slips a second finger into your sex.
“No, pretty girl. Not today.”
Eddie parks the car in your shaded driveway, hastily unbuckling his seatbelt before turning around to face you both. You watched him with lust driven eyes as he unbuttoned his pants before licking his hand and stroking his length. 
“You…you don’t want me?” You barely even recognize the voice that just left you, sounding like a little girl who was denied dessert. What was it about these men that had you behaving that way?
A heavy sigh escaped Steve at the sound and you felt his cock twitch against your hand as you made a mental note of his reaction.
“We do, honey. Fuck do we ever… you just went through a lot last night. Your body and mind need to rest.”
As his fingers thrust faster into you, your hand tries to match his pace. “Can…can I?”
He nods, lifting his hips as you pull his shorts down just enough to free his dick from its confinement. Leaning over his lap, you spit onto his tip, and he mewls as your tiny hand wraps around him. Steve curls his fingers inside of you as his elbow locks, straightening out his arm.
“Fuck, Steve. Please.”
“Steve…tell me more—mmm—about how she feels.”
The man tried to focus to do what his friend asked but it was hard with your hand alone bringing him close to the edge. 
“Fuck, Eddie…so fucking tight. Her pussy is just gripping my fingers, man…feels…feels so good. I don’t know…how—fuck, baby. Faster—I don’t know how our…our cocks are going to fit.”
His filthy words shot straight to your core, clenching around Steve’s fingers as you came. Your free hand flew down to grab his wrist, trying to get him to stop as he continued to pump his digits inside of you. When your head collapsed on his shoulder, he held you tighter to him as his spend shot out and on his thigh.
Eddie panted as he soon followed after, throwing his head back as he cursed under his breath. 
Steve carefully slid his hand out of your pants, bringing his fingers to his mouth as he tasted you. 
“You taste so sweet, Y/N. Are you ok?”
You lazily nod your head as you tug yourself closer to his chest. This was new for you. Usually after anything sexual, you wanted to be left alone. Even with Simon, you would always recoil away when he would try to cuddle you after. Maybe it’s because you always felt like trash after he finished. Most of your sexual experience were done under an intoxicated haze or with a selfish lover who just wanted to use you to get off. 
As you listened to this man’s heartbeat, you suddenly felt extremely clingy, fearful that as soon as you let him go he would be gone forever. Eddie was already too far for your liking and you could tell he saw the panic in your eyes as his own gorgeous orbs scanned your face. 
“Hey.”, he cooed. “I’m right here, okay? We’re not going anywhere unless you want us to.”
At his friend’s words, Steve quickly craned his neck so he could look at you to. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you inside and back in bed. Do you think you can walk?”
What kind of question was that? Of course you could walk. The thing was…you didn’t want to. You wanted them to help you. You needed them to.
“Can Eddie carry me?”
The metalhead chuckles as he buttons his pants before getting out of the car and coming around to your side. “Whatever you need, princess.”
As he lifted you into his arms, you encircled your own limbs around his neck as you nuzzled his skin. After carefully placing you onto your mattress, he removed your shoes, socks, and pants so you could be more comfortable. You turned onto your side; eyes fully closed as you snuggled into your pillow. 
“Please don’t leave me here alone.”, you mumbled. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We aren’t going anywhere.”
@rckstrbee @melodymishahiddlestan @alienthingstwo
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neesieiumz · 2 years
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mellisonant - (adj) pleasant to the ear ————— | kento nanami |
Synopsis: he loves to take care of you, and loves to grant every wish you have, so when you ask to take him to a country club? How could he say no?
warnings: smut. 18+. semi-public sex. black-coded reader. possessiveness. praise kink. degradation. sir kink. kento is in his late thirties and early fourties. reader is in her late twenties.
ac: this the second time I’m posting this cause it flopped last time 😔. Hopefully y’all like it this time. I’m uploading Tokyo style after this one!
word count: 6.1k
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Kento doesn’t really remember how the two of you met, he recalls a restaurant, someone spilling something on someone, and the rest was history. At first, it started with small things, jewelry, packages sent to your address, and what-not. He loved it when you would wear them at your “meet-ups”, from the single charm ones to those of more refined taste, laid with jaded emeralds or ethereal sapphires. He would pay for your hair and nails, in exchange for choosing it every time of course, but he never left you high and dry with something you’d hate. You were a part of his life that he adores, despite his very… dreary life as a CEO. 
So when he had seen you come to him, crying about how your apartment was ruined, and all the gifts he had given you were gone or destroyed. All of your important things were torn up by a robber breaking in, he had no problem with immediately relocating you, having no thought about not paying for everything. He wanted to move you into your own house, but you compromised from a penthouse. Since then, your life has been nothing but luxury and high life, to the point when you even quit your job. The money he gave you was well enough to sustain you. 
He turned around, seeing you walk down the penthouse stairs, seeing your bright smile along with your outfit. It was a vintage floral bustier blouse, paired with a long silk skirt and clear open-toed heels that showed off your new pedicure, provided by him truly. Your hair was up, having long wavy braids in a high ponytail tied with a ribbon that matched the color of your skirt as well. You were smiling wide, reaching out your hands to wrap in a close hug. His hands slid down your waist while yours went up to his back, pulling each other in. He took in a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume. He pulled you away slightly, to be able to look into your eyes before pulling you into a deep kiss. Moaning slightly, his braids hands slid down your waist, easily cupping your behind and giving it a squeeze. 
“Kento, fuck, we’re gonna be late, fuck,” you let out breathily, despite your body grinding on him. 
He just chuckled, before letting your body go, but moving his hand towards yours. He held it, pulling you back into his body, face right near your cheek. You smiled, giggling as he left kisses along your cheek, slowly trailing them towards your neck/. He could feel wanting to pull away, so he let go, reluctantly he may add. He kept his hands on you somehow, resting them on your waist, still dangerously close to your pelvis. 
“Kento I know you missed me, but I really want to go to this,” your voice had a whiny edge to it, but you still had a wide smile on your face.
“Let’s go then,” he whispered against your ear, before leading and guiding you out of the penthouse. 
The two of you walked to the private elevator, going down to the private parking lot. Kento opened the passenger side of his luxury car, giving you a soft smile. The ride was smooth, he delved into the boring details about his recent business trip. Well, you didn’t think it was boring, it was as boring as what you would do (which is basically nothing.) He would soon drive on a private path, surrounded by trees and sunlight before revealing a wide vast land. At the end of the road, was the country club. A huge building, as if it was pulled out of Italy’s finest.
Imported palm trees from Peru, and the building looked exactly as you saw it on the website. Your eyes shined as you looked onto the building as it got closer and closer, bigger and bigger. You smiled over at Kento who was face forward, pulling up to the valet right outside of the steps to the building. There was a man, wearing a red vest that had a cursive label indicating "valet", giving a customer service smile as Kento pulled up. He parked, and unlocked the door, allowing the man to open your door for you. You smiled at him, taking his hand and thanking him. You waited as Kento handed him his keys, and was given a valet tag. Kento then took you in his arms, one hand around your waist while he tucked in his pocket as you both walked up the cobblestone stairs into the lavish building. The inside was quite different from the outside, with much more obvious renovations, giving it a more modern look. The two of you walked towards the reception area, where the lady looked up from her computer and immediately smiled in your direction. 
“Mr. Nanami, it has been a while. Will you be joining Mr. Gojo for his tennis matches?”
Stifling a giggle, you turned away as Kento’s face twisted with contempt. A bit of a funny sight to you. You heard of “Gojo” before but had never seen him. All you know is that Nanami trusts him as a business partner but hates his personality so much. 
“Are those today?” He asked the lady, pulling out some kind of card and giving it to her. 
She nodded her head, taking the card and scanning it, “yes, both he and Mr. Geto are currently enjoying our facilities as well. I’m sure they’d love the extra company.”
“No, I don’t think I will, is there space in the greenhouse? We want to be able to enjoy the flora today,” he tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you closer. 
The lady giggled a bit, before nodding her head, “there is always room for you sir.”
You opted to ignore the added saccharine to her tone, too invested in the scenery around you. You kept your long gazes to a minimum, not wanting to seem like a child clinging onto Kento. He simply thanked the receptionist one more time before pulling you to the right, taking you down one of the many hallways connecting all throughout the recitation hall. The hall was lowly lit, the beige walls decorated with different paintings, each having its own spotlight on them. One of the paintings was labeled to be a self-portrait. The woman was staring straight out at the painting, her deep brown eyes holding a multitude of emotions. Her hair was a fluffy brown, going with her deep olive-brown skin. It was long, going past her collarbone and into the loose wrappings of the dress she was wearing. SHe had a thin veil laid loosely on her head, most of her hair hiding it, and her face held a slight smile upon her plump lips. 
Kento noticed your vested interest in the painting, making a small mental note before tugging on your hand. 
“Come on, let’s go.”
You nodded, allowing him to continue to lead you towards the greenhouse area. You could see the light seeping through a glass door, and you could see bits and pieces of the scenery. Closer and closer you got, and soon enough Kento pushed open the door, revealing the beautiful scenery. The entire area was made of glass, allowing the sun to provide its natural light to illuminate everywhere. All over on the walls were different vines and flora, plants and trees all around, giving it a verdure look. The air smelled of lightly breezed jasmine and amber. You gaped at the area, looking all around it. Kento looked over at you, relishing in the spaced-out look in your eyes. He never misses out on that, which is why he loves to take you to places, and show you new things you never even dreamed of looking at. 
“Table for two?” You heard a waitress call out, breaking you out of your slight trance. 
“Yes please, and a table near the glass walls if you could, please?” Kento answered for the two of you. 
You gave him a glossy smile, while the waitress simply nodded, grabbing two menus before leading the two of you towards a seat. As you walked, you took in the scenery more, loving it more and more. She gestured towards a table with a perfect view of the outside gardens, along with the scenery of the greenhouse all around. He pulled out your chair, much like the gentleman he is, gesturing for you to sit down. You thanked him, sitting down with a wide smile. Once he was seated, the two of you opened the menu, slightly discussing what was on the menu. A waitress comes by and takes your order, you get a cajun shrimp alfredo while Kento gets a well-done steak with some sides. He also orders a bottle of expensive white wine, with water of course. 
“White wine…? What’s the occasion?” You gave him a smile as you handed the waitress the menus, placing your arms on your table, leaning forwards, and resting your chest upon them. 
Kento just gave you a slight smirk, leaning forwards as well, “can’t I just want to celebrate being back in your presence after so long?”
You laughed a bit at that, “you were only away for two weeks.”
“And you’re telling me you didn't miss me during that time, those late-night phone calls say different things.”
If you could blush, you’d be beet red but you could still feel the heat of the moment burn through your cheeks, looking away coyly. The waitress interrupted the moment the two of you had, brought over the white wine Kento ordered, and placed the waters each in front of you. You thanked her, and watched Kento as he poured the both of you a glass. He handed it to you, and together you gave gaslight toast, before taking sips of it. The conversation between the two of you was light, easy-going as it usually is, finding yourself in easy territory. The food arrived thirty minutes into the conversation, the conversation soon ceasing to allow the two of you to eat in peace. Kento didn’t like when people ate while speaking so it was constantly quiet between you during this time. 
You enjoyed the hum of the people conversing all around you, all different people from different high-paying careers all within one place. The food in front of you was amazing, enjoyed the nicely-seasoned shrimp, which left a kick in your throat. You cooled it down with a sip of your wine, before turning your focus towards Kento. His sleeves were rolled up, as he cut into his steak, eating it piece by piece. Your eyes followed the piece of meat between the sprung of his fork, him placing it in his mouth and chewing away at it. You couldn’t keep your eyes off his tongue that came out, wiping away the juices that dribbled on his lips. Squirming in your seat, and crossing your legs caused Kento to look up at you, noticing your behavior. He just smirked, gave you a look, and was about to go back to his food when suddenly, 
The two of you jumped simultaneously, turning towards the sudden call of Kento’s last name. You could hear Kento curse under his breath as a man, sweaty and wearing a white collared shirt and shirt while holding a tennis racket. He had white spiky hair and had a sweatband holding it up, with black shades hovering under his eyes. He had a huge smile on his face as he approached your table. You looked over at Kento who had just placed his hands on his temples, rubbing away at them. You held back your giggles at his expression, as the man stopped right in front of your table, hovering over the blonde man. 
“Aww, look at you overcome with joy at seeing me that you can’t even speak!!”
You couldn't hold back your laughter as you threw your head back at the man using his hips to nudge Kento, who was easily gaining a migraine with every noise. 
“Gojo… what are you doing here…? Wait, that’s a stupid question, how did you know I was here?”
The man simply just smirked down at Nanami, before telling how the receptionist off-handily mentioned it, before shutting up and realizing her mistake but of course but it was too late. So immediately, he made his way over here to come and bother him of course. You just sat back, enjoying the banter between the two men. Before something caught your eyes. Standing a couple of feet away from him, was a woman, also dressed up in a white-collar shirt and skirt, holding her own tennis racket as well. Her deep tan skin had freckles along her body and face, and her red bushy hair was held up in a high ponytail, with a visor on top of her. A necklace dangled from her neck, gold with the initials S.G on them. She must have noticed eyes on her because she looked towards you. You flinched a bit from the sudden eye contact but still, gave her a slight smile, and a wave. She blinked at this, but waved back, giving you a small smile as well. 
“Anyways, why didn't you join me for tennis, you know I would have enjoyed your company!”
Kento simply rolled his eyes, “I’d rather not join you for your or Geto’s games. I have better things to do.”
Gojo didn't let that deter him, looking away from Kento for a moment, and looking at his table which in turn made him look at you for what seemed to be his first time. He looked down at the table before looking back towards you, before giving you a smirk. 
“Oh, better things to do indeed.”
Kento groaned a bit at his teasing words, making Gojoj laugh aloud, slapping him on the back with each loud chuckle. At this point, the entire room was looking over at you subtly, and you knew their conversations had shifted towards what was happening at the table. You looked back at Kento, reaching over to the table and placing your hand over his. He looked up at you, as you gave him a cautious smile. 
Gojo must have caught the looks between the two of you. Chase stood up straight, grabbing his tennis racket on the way up. 
“I’ll leave you to it, Nanamin, have fun.”
With that, he left, the woman joining him right away. Gojo wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. You turned your head, simply ignoring the way his hands slipped into her skirt as the two of them walked out of the greenhouse. You stared at Kento, waiting for him to say something. 
“Sometimes I wish I never met that man,” he sighed, pulling himself back into his seat. 
“He’s just… eccentric, he seems nice enough,” you smiled at him, placing your fork down on your now empty plate. 
“Nice way of saying pain in my ass.”
Kento took some time to finish his food, before placing his fork down and waving down your waitress who immediately took your plates, placing them on a cart before pulling out sleek smaller menus. Your eyes lit up, seeing the menu placed in front of the both of you. You saw all kinds of different treats you wanted, from sticky cinnamon rolls to squishy sponge cakes, it was all so good. Kento’s own countenance brightened at the sight of yours.
“Would you like to see the desserts today?”
You looked over at Kento, “can I get it to go, I don’t think I can take another bit.”
He smiled at you, before nodding his head, your eyes lightened up at his assurance, before using your manicured finger to guide your eyes as to what caught your eyes the most. 
“Can I get a slice of black cherry cake, the red velvet mini cakes, and the pull-apart cinnamon rolls to go please?”
You giggled, walking along the cobblestone paths through the huge private gardens and forest. Holding your box of deserts close to you, the light breeze blew into the trees, cooling you down slightly from the heat. Kento trailed behind you slightly, smiling at the way you enjoyed the environment. Turning around, you looked at Kento who was looking at you. You gave him a smile, before turning back to your surroundings. The grove of Sakura trees lined the main pathway, leaving breaks for the smaller pathways that lead deeper into the club’s forests. The sun peeked through above the branches, often trees, shining through the baby pink leaves. There were  some leaves on the ground, not as much as one would expect. According to Kento, they get cleaned up every three hours, to provide a “clean” experience. Gojo’s words, not his, Kento said. The air smelled slightly sweet, mostly due to the cherry blossom trees you were just ogling at. 
“Baby,” you hear Kento call out to you, causing you to turn towards him. 
He stopped near the entrance of another trail, one hand in his pocket. The other was out, two fingers slowly gesturing for you to come close to him, which you immediately followed. You held your box of sweets close as you stepped right in front of him, bending your neck back to look into his deep brown eyes. For a moment, the two of you were silent a bit, the language of the winds and nature speaking in between you. Soon after that, you could feel his free hand up and cup the side of your face, caressing and holding it gently. 
“Kento?” You whispered against his hand, ever so gently, nuzzling into it. 
You could feel his thumb move over your lips, pulling down the bottom one ever so slightly, revealing some of your bottom teeth. He didn't mind the lip gloss staining his finger, ignoring the shining spot as he moved his hand from your face to your hands. He slowly took the box from your hands, holding it in one hand before taking your other, leading down the smaller private path. The sun slowly hid behind the sun of the much taller, thicker trees. The area became darker and darker as the two of you went further and further into the miniature forest. 
“Kento,” you couldn't hold back your giggles, “where are we going?”
All you got was a look and a smile that showed rays of that hidden mischievousness he would show ever so often. He continued leading you down until you got to a clear patch, the tree lined so rays of sunlight would peak out perfect for you to be able to see the wooden bench someone had clearly put there. Your smile beamed as he led you to the bench, placing your box down before sitting down and pulling you down right into his lap. 
You laughed at the feeling of his breath near your neck, the feeling tickling you as you could feel his hands caressing your lower back, rubbing circles into it. Your hands slid up his body, feeling his muscles underneath his shirt, before wrapping your hands around his neck, pulling his head towards your own. You licked your lips, the taste of your strawberry lip gloss tainting your lips before feeling Kento's own lips encapture your own. The kiss quickly became ravenous, much like he was right before you left for the country club. You could hold back the moan that fell from your lips, Kento’s hands went from your lower back to your thighs, hands digging under your skirt and slowly lifting the silk garment up. His fingers thumbed at the thong you were wearing, lifting it up ever-so-slightly before letting it go, snapping against your skin. 
You gasped into the kiss, letting go and hissing in pleasure at the twitch of pain. He smirked, lifting his hands up to rest them right on your plump bottom. 
“Kento,” you let out a breathy moan, “K-kento, fuck we're in public, we shouldn’t do this here.”
You could feel his wet lips lay kisses align your neck, the toe-curling feeling making you squirm within his hold. 
“Mmm, you telling me you don’t like the way you're feeling? Because I can stop right now.”
You could feel his movements slowing down and before you knew it, your hands flew up to his shoulders, your sharp nails gripping his shoulders. Your hips moved, grinding again this hard-on threatening to break his zipper and button. Kento smirked against your necks, before continuing his ministrations against you, having a good grip on your ass. 
“Kento,” you dragged out his name, whining, hoping, and begging he would stop teasing you. 
You could hear him chuckle against you, relishing in the way you squirmed against him. Your skirt was bunched around your waist, ass shown to the depths of nature. You could feel your braids grazing against your bare skin, the chirping of the birds in the distance, the silver ray of sun hitting your skin just right. Everything around you was heightened as you took in Kento’s actions. Your pussy was drenched at this point, leaving stains upon his dark pants. Kento groaned against your body, his dick twitching against its confines. Your hands moved back down, fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, only getting a couple off revealing part of his toned chest. 
“Kent--, sir, oh sir,” you moaned out loud as you could feel his hand move from your bottom to your wet cunt. 
His fingers skilly fully moved past the string covering your entrance, one of his thick, long fingers entered inside you while another rubbed away at your clit. You gasped at the euphoric feel, head thrown back and keening at the rush flowing through veins from your lower abdomen. His pace quickened, and your pussy only dropped even more, possibly coating his hands at this point. Despite all your writhing, Kento had a good grip on you, with one hand only. That realization only made your body willing and long for him more. Yout out a scream, legs twisting in anticipation as you could feel your first climax building up, so quick like a hasty bomb ready to explode. 
“Sir, I’m gonna cum, “ you let out a high pitched scream, and before you knew it, clear liquid came out, making a mess all over your thighs and Nanami’s shirt and clothes. 
You let out deep heavy breaths, spit and drool dripping down your lips and against your chin. You were a mess, eyes dripping tears, slightly dark from the mascara and eyeliner you wore today. Kento relished in the way you looked, good despite all appearances, and how much he loved to see you smile, he loved to see you cry and beg for him more. To know that he has you crying out for him, to forget all morals that you had for yourself. To let him break you down each time you fucked him, or rather he fucked you. Suddenly tasting pennies, Nanami glanced down to find his lip broken open from him biting his lips too hard. Look at him, it seems he got a bit carried away. 
Your sobs had quieted down a little, but he could still hear you as you spoke, whined really, begging for “sir to fuck you.” His debauched little slut, oh how he wished he could spend time forever floating with nothing but the two of you. That, however, requires a deeper conversation that both of you are willing to avoid, so rather he’ll take what he can get, or rather what you can give him until the both of you are ready. 
Kento moved the thin strap to the side once again, before whispering to your ear, “pull my cock out sweetie.”
His sudden command shook you out of your trance, but immediately you nodded your head. Your hands flew down to his pants, fumbling and hitting the button cause it was slightly slippery with your juices, but you got it off and you unzipped his pants. Only pulling down his boxers slightly, you gasped slightly as his dick basically flew out, making you jump slightly in his lap. The usually punk tip was an angry red, and it was slick with pre-cum, it was thick and throbbing in your hands. With every movement you made, you could feel him move, hear him hiss slightly, and groan. Slowly you moved your hands up and down, the pad of your thumb pressing against the very tip of his cock. 
“Fuck, Princess stop teasing me,” you smirked slightly as he groaned out, before gasping at the sudden smack he left on your bottom. 
Slowly, he held you underneath your bottom, lifting you up before placing you right over his cock. Slowly, you could feel pressure, choking on your spit as he slowly entered inside of you. You could feel your excitement tingling underneath your skin. The stretch felt so good, the pain making you yelp as you went lower and lower against him. Sweat dripped down your back, the same for Kento’s face and chest as you held him by the back of his head. His hands held a tight grip on your ass, as you gasped, the full feeling slowly etched itself into your veins. The smell of his musky cologne, the hint of vanilla, and the strong smoky smell of cardamom. You couldn’t help but clench around his length, pulling yourself close to him as he grunted. He was breathing heavily underneath you as he took in your wetness, placing a kiss along the side of your head, right near your ears. 
“So big,” you are your head back in complete ecstasy, eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
All of this immense pleasure had you forgetting you were even outside, you were lucky that Kento even took you someplace with a bit more privacy, but honestly, at this moment, you could not give a damn. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you stuttered out curses as you slowly lift your hips, your body still getting used to his size. 
Kento took your slow pace, allowing you to take control as best as you could. With every movement, you could feel him twitch and move within you. You could feel your wetness dripping all over him, allowing you to move more and more rapidly. Kento’s head was spinning, moving his arms up and down to help stabilize you as you rode him faster and faster. Your moans and screams echoed throughout the forest, and underneath he knew no one would come and disturb you. Your fingers weaved themselves with his short blonde hair, messing up the slicked-back style he had this morning. One of Kento’s hands moved from where he placed them, to the back of your neck, pulling your head even closer before swallowing your lips into a rough kiss, almost bruising your lips. Kento leg’s spread, making your own spread as well. He stabilized his feet, and before you knew it, he had started thrusting his hips into you, outpacing your now-medium one. 
“Oh fuck!” The sudden change of pace had you muffling your screams into his mouth, legs trembling and shaking. 
“God,” Kento grunted in your ear, “I can't get enough of you.” He whispered in your ear, as he let go of your lips, swollen from the harsh and intense kiss. 
“So full,” you babbled, “fuck you make me feel so full, sir,” you spewed out curses as Kento behind huff and puffing. 
“Hmm, I do, huh?” His teasing voices caused an almost visceral reaction within you, your body involuntary thrashing within his hold. 
“Yes sir,” you keened in his hold once again, feeling a pool of heat and pressure build-up within yourself. 
“All out in the open, all for me right?” His teasing tone took on a more slightly possessive one as he continued to ramble on, a signal that he was soon reaching his climax. 
You could only hum out confirmations, too tongued at this point to even speak. He continued to speak in your ear, getting more and more talkative by the second. You couldn't concentrate on his words, anymore, your ears filling with cotton with every second.
“So sweet and all for me, right. No one can fuck you like I can, isn't that right.”
You couldn't even respond to him, your moans going higher and higher in octaves as your hands moved from his hands to his shoulders, gripping onto him tightly as you dug your face into the base of his neck. A sudden smack to your ass jolted you out of your trance. 
“Fucking answer me.”
You squealed, “M’sorry sir!”
He smirked at that, that final “sir” sending him over the edge, and it seemed you had reached that same peak. With a few more hasty and uneven thrusts, he came right inside of you, with no intentions of ever pulling out of you, that’s what he put you on birth control for right. At the same time, you let out a final squeal, your nails dragging themselves into his shirt to the point where they tore through, allowing them to leave a few things all scratched on his skin. He hissed slightly at the pain, however it didn't deter him as you planted your lips on his once again. This time the kiss was softer and sweeter, allowing the two of you to ride out your sudden climaxes. Slowly he released his hold on you, allowing you to move around him just a bit, your joints cracking a bit. 
He let you release the kick, sitting up a bit as you moved around, grimacing at the wet sounds. Your bustier top had fallen due to the pressure, hand moving to your breast to push the top back up. He placed a kiss on your temple, before helping you up and off of him. You squealed at the sudden empty feeling, a mixture of both you and his cum dripping down the sides of your thighs. 
“I’m gonna get all sticky,” you whined, looking down at the juices slowly sliding down your skin. 
You moved your skirt back to its original position, but you knew that wouldn’t help the situation any better. Kento chuckled slightly at your situation, pulling his boxers back over himself before zipping and buttoning up his pants. Once situated, he stood up straight just as you were pulling down your skirt which was wrinkled to the extreme. You couldn't see yourself but you knew that your makeup was ruined. Kento could feel a cool breeze enter through the rips you made into his shirt as he approached you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, slightly grinding himself on you. 
“Don’t rile me up again, Kento. I’m already sticky and dirty,” but you couldn't hold back your giggles as your body followed along with his own. 
He simply smiled, giving you a peck on your lips before letting go of you, grabbing you by your hand before pulling you back down the path. On the way, he bent back down on the bench, picking up your box of sweets before going back the way you came. You soon made it back to the main path when you realized that Kento was leading you back to the country club building. Quickly, you pulled out your phone, realizing your intuition was right about your appearance. 
“Wait Kento, I can't go back there looking like this?!”
He looked over at you, tilting his head a bit before turning back towards the path. You tried to fight him every step of the way, but he just continued you on. You could see the tennis court up ahead, Gojo and his black-haired companion along with those girls no longer there. You tried to speak up again but then Kneto went off the main path again, this time leading to another one that led to the side of the building. There was an armored door, and on the side, you could see a card swipe mechanism. Kento went into his wallet, pulling out the same card the receptionist had scanned, and swiping it. Immediately the door had beeped a bright sound, the red light in the machine turned green and you could hear the door unlocking. Kento reached past you, going for the door and pulling it open, and gesturing for you to go inside. 
Immediately, you found yourself in a dimmed hallway, all with doors, all closed. As you took a couple of steps down, you looked at the door to your left and found the black door had its own card swipe locking machine, and there was a name plaque a few feet above it. You looked around and saw the different doors all looked the same, a black door with a card swipe machine but a different name on the plaque above. Kento got in front of you, leading you down a few doors, before stopping right in front of one. You peeked from behind just as he was unlocking the door, looking at the name plaque near the door. 
Nanami Kento.
The door unlocked, revealing a dark room at first, Kento had leaned over, turning on the lights revealing a well-decorated room, reminding you of the living room at Kento’s Osaka mansion. The room was mostly tan and beige, with wooden floors to align with it. In the middle of the room was a sunken circular sofa much like the mansion this area reminded you of. You took a few steps in before Kento grabbed you by the arm, leading you down throughout the room before arriving at another door. He opened it this time, revealing a smaller room. One look around has you realizing that this was a closet filled with Kento’s clothes. 
You turned towards him, eyes filled with stupor, “how-- how long have you had this place?”
He gave you a look, not even saying a word before going to another door that was connected to the closet. You stammered and sputtered, going after him about to give him a piece of your mind when you joined him in the other room you were looking at him and stopped right in your tracks. 
It was another closet, but this one was filled with… dresses and other outfits. You took even more steps inside, going to one of the racks connected to the many drawers and tall dressers. You pulled one of the dresses off the rack, before placing it right in front of your body, turning up to the overarching mirror on the walls. The dress was see-through and sleeveless, silver and shimmering with the design of a butterfly wing as the main design. It was short and asymmetrical, one side longer than the other, imitating a slit. There was one chain going from the neckline that seemed to wrap around your neck. You grabbed at the tag within the inside of the dress, seeing that it was exactly your size.
You turned towards Kento who was simply smirking at your reaction leaving against the doorframe. 
“The moment you asked about coming here. I had a simple membership before, but upgraded to the one that gives me my own private room.”
He stood up straight, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his wallet, before pulling out a card. Kento handed it to you, and you looked at it, eyes widening at what was on it. It was a membership card, allowing you complete access. You looked back up at him, eyes wide once again, before looking down at it. 
“This is for me?” Your voice was small, uncertain as to what was in front of you.
He confirmed it, using one of his fingers to push your head up to look at him, and a soft smile on his face. You broke out into a big smile, dropping the dress and wrapping your arms around him, squealing. Kento immediately responded, wrapping his arms around you, before hoisting you up. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled against his lips, right before he encaptured them into a deep kiss. 
Kento stumbled back into the wall near the door, holding you by the waist. Your hands trailed down his ruined shirt, fiddling with buttons once again. Breaking off the kiss, a sliver of spit connecting your lips, you gave Kento a devious look. 
“How about we,” you ground against his hips, feeling that familiar length rising up, “break in the new room?”
He looked down at you, giving you a slight smirk before immediately swishing and carrying you out of the room, making you laugh out loud, the joyous sound echoing all throughout the private room. 
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ james falls out of love; you go on a vacation.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 angst 𖦹ANGST 𖦹 hurt/no comfort 𖦹 guys this is pretty sad 𖦹 read at your own caution 𖦹 ANGST 𖦹 i did not proofread this⎝(ˊ0ˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 696
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You sat on the balcony of a hotel room, looking across the vast ocean. You wished it would swallow you—then the animals that lurked there would have something to eat, and you would have a purpose. It was hard to feel like you had any purpose these days. You thought maybe going on vacation would clear your mind. That's what all the movies say. They tell you that a vacation will solve all your problems, you'll run into a handsome man and fall in love, and he will love you back. Now you weren't sure of any of that. You weren't sure love was guaranteed. 
You had love once, and he left.
"James?" You asked. He hadn't answered your question—too busy staring at something else—someone else.
"Sorry," It took a second for his eyes to meet yours, "What was the question?"
You sighed.
"It's— never mind." You gave up as your eyes followed his. They landed on a beautiful girl with red hair and emerald eyes.
You closed your eyes, and a breeze swirled your hair around. You saw his eyes. Why is it you always saw his eyes? Wherever you looked, you saw his eyes.
"Who is that?" You asked, still following James's eye line.
"Her name is Lily," He said dreamily.
You could feel him falling, slipping through your fingers. You didn't want to believe it.
Gathering your jumbled thoughts and memories, you stood up—maybe the ocean would help clear your mind.
You slipped on your sandals; the black straps hugging your feet transported you to a happier time.
"It's almost sandal season, babe," James said as he sat in the pedicure chair, "Gotta keep the toes looking fresh and flamboyant."
All you could do was giggle. It was the first time he called you "babe."
"Sandal season," You murmured.
"Fucking sandal season," You said louder.
It was common for your sadness to turn into anger and vice-versa. How could James leave you? 
You walked to the beach, and your sadness felt silly. It had been a year and a half, and you still hadn't moved on. You should've moved on by now, right? He moved on before he left, and here you were, standing on sand, shoulders hunched, with unshed tears in your eyes.
You walked towards the water, focused on a shell. As you went to pick it up, a child screamed. "That's my shell!" He yelled.
Then, you heard it. You heard him.
"Harry, I don't think that shell's yours."
You turned your neck so hard it hurt.
James was looking down at Harry, ruffling up his hair. "You'll have to excuse my son. He's very," Then he looked at you. His mouth went dry, "He really likes the shells."
"He can take this one," You mumbled, "It's not mine, either." You walked over and handed the small boy the shell. He smiled, and your heart ached. His smile was just like James's.
"What do we say, Harry?" James asked, looking back down at his son.
"Thank you!" Harry excitedly spoke, staring at the conch in awe.
James wouldn't stop staring at her. Everywhere you went, she seemed to be there. And every time, James would stare. His pupils would go wide, and your heart would stop beating at the sight of it. 
Your boyfriend was in love with someone else.
"Thank you," James parroted his son.
"No problem. Again, it's not mine."
"Why?" You asked while tears spilled from your eyes.
"I just..." James paused, "I don't love you anymore. I'm so sorry."
"Why am I not good enough, James?"
"It's not that you're not good enough," He tried to console you; it didn't work.
"I'll be better, James. I'll do better. We can fix this, right?"
He shook his head.
"I can fix this. I'll be better," You repeated, "I'll love you better, James."
"I can't give you the love you're giving me, Y/n. I'm sorry." He stared at his shoes.
You stayed silent, and the atmosphere was damp with tears—heavy with the pieces of a broken heart.
"What did I do wrong?"
You had so many questions, and James didn't have any answers. 
He was no longer yours.
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mutuals ༄₊࿒*
@forourmoons @sw34terw34ther @masivechaos @innerloverpainter @nyxxxxxxxx @evergreenlover
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Helllo!! I’m so excited for your bangathon! I love your work so much! I can’t wait to read the drabbles!
I did spin the wheel and got the mermaid position. I was having a hard time deciding which boy to pick but I can see Frankie and his wife trying a new position to spice things up. I can see it being equal parts silly and sexy. 😂😂
Thank you so much!
Oh my god, you need to know that this exact position in this exact circumstance is EXACTLY why I wanted to do the bangathon in the first place!
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Wife Reader
Position: Mermaid
Word Count: 804
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, PiV sex, allusion to cumming on someone, so much silliness.
Notes: I love silliness in sex, and this was a perfect excuse to play with that. Plus Frankie can use a little lighthearted fun!
“Are you sure this is how it works?”
Frankie leans over to peer at the iPad propped up on the table next to you, which only tips you back into giggles as he squints with his mouth half-open.
“Your glasses are…”
“I can see it.”
You swallow back another laugh as Frankie helps scoot you a little closer to the edge of the dining room table, the only available surface that lines you and your husband up just right. He’s already snug inside your welcoming cunt, stomach twitching against the back of your thighs every time you feel another giggle threaten to take over. 
“Okay, then we do this…” he murmurs, bringing your legs up against his chest so your ankles frame his flushed face. 
“And it’s called the mermaid?” you ask, flat on your back in a way that pulls your hamstrings taught. It’s a little bit of a strain on your calves, nothing you can’t handle. Frankie’s attention comes back to you, broad shoulders firm under your heels. He strokes those big hands you love up your legs, a steady pull out and press back in testing the position. 
“Maybe this is your tail?” he says, a boyish smile crinkling his eyes.
“Best fish you ever caught,” you shoot back, arching your back a little to look more alluring.
“Only one in the sea for me,” he replies, pressing a kiss to your ankle. The playful groan changes to a real one as Frankie begins a firm pace, the creak of the kitchen table growing louder as he rocks into you. 
It’s…not bad. There were other positions you liked better in your quest to knock out the kama sutra. It’s just sort of…dull. Your mind wanders, admiring your husband’s dewy skin, the line of a farmer’s tan faint along his bicep. The way his curls bounce as he pants, eyes roaming your curves before making it back to your face. When your eyes meet his gaze sharpens.
“Not doing much for you?” he asks, slowing to a stop and stroking long paths up and down your thighs. You chew the inside of your cheek, contemplating.
“If I knew I was going to be looking at my feet so much, I would have gotten a pedicure.”
Frankie’s eyebrows shoot right up into those gorgeous curls, then his whole face scrunches up as he snorts and laughs into your calf. You tumble over with him, egging each other on until the laughter is uncontrollable and you’re both out of breath and half-crying. 
“My god, woman, you’re going to kill me with that mouth of yours,” Frankie gasps, leaning back to catch his breath.
“But really, come on, why would you put the least attractive part of my body right next to my favorite part of yours?” you say, your heart fluttering when Frankie’s smile softens. 
“I like your feet, they’re cute,” he rebuts, placing a too-ticklish kiss right in the arch to makes you squeal.
“I like you, you’re cute,” you reply, and the laughter smooths and melts into the glow of love that always seems to surround Frankie when he looks at you. You could live in his adoration for the rest of your life. 
“Okay, I saw another version, let’s try that,” Frankie finally says, shifting your legs so both are pressed against the same shoulder. Pressing your thighs together, Frankie’s hand splays across your stomach, thumb sliding into the slick folds of your pussy. Caressing your clit, he plants his other hand and bends forward just enough to start bringing your knees to your chest. Another circle of his thumb and your body zings with arousal.
“Oh,” you gasp, hands scrabbling to clutch at his bulging biceps.
“Yeah, there.”
“That’s good?”
“Fuck, yes, Frankie.”
Frankie’s pace speeds up, rocking his hips into the spot he’s mapped in every way you’ll let him take you. His thumb presses firmer in, rough pad dipping into the slick and smearing your clit into greater and greater pleasure. Tossing your head back, you let every noise spill from your chest, Frankie’s half-growls and panted praise your reward. The kitchen table protests but neither of you pay it mind, especially when a gush of your arousal drives Frankie to pound into you, the perfect roughness and power to topple you over the edge with his name tearing from your lips. 
“Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he groans, pulling out once your aftershocks subside. He rounds the other side of the table, cock and fingers milky with your cum. You tilt your chin to accept the ravenous kiss, limbs splayed and weak against the hardwood. 
“Gonna give this mermaid a pearl necklace?” you ask, his thumb rubbing along your swollen lips.
“God, I love you, baby,” he husks. You smile up at him.
“Love you too.”
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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enstrngmntprsm · 6 months
Pairing: Mina/Dahyun
Word Count: 1070
@judjira I swear I'll get this story done soon, but happy suuuuper belated birthday and merry early christmas lmao enjoy the snippet <3
It all started with her.
No one tells you when it happens, you just know. That everything seems to align so perfectly you can’t help but wonder if it perhaps was fate. It was fate Dahyun chose to sit in the second seat of a table that held three, along the right wall of her classroom. An empty seat on either side of her, because she always knew no one would sit by her.
True to her word, the class slowly filed in, taking their seats elsewhere, never sparing a glance. Not even a glance…not even a fleeting moment in which she perhaps momentarily existed in someone’s life, that made it feel like she mattered, just for that brief alignment.
Class began.
Then she walked in.
She, with long, gorgeous silver hair, set in waves on either side of her shoulders. That bounced, nearly cascaded down, complimenting paled skin. Her eyes roaming the class, but never glancing; stark, light brown eyes, wearing sharp eyeliner and dark makeup, with rosy, peachy lips. Her eyes lines with age, strong cheekbones with a hint of gauntness to her appearance.
She wore gray slacks, just barely scraping the floor as her black heels clinked against the linoleum flooring. If Dahyun really focused in, she could see the gentle pedicure, a fresh set of white nail polish, lining her toes. Matching true to her slacks, a gray blazer, one button set in place, a white button up hidden beneath the material. A pair of glasses rested against her nose, round almost perfectly circular frames with silver lining, all things winter and the iciness that came along with it.
Dahyun felt the shiver up her spine, as if an endless winter had waltzed into the classroom, the entirety of the warm yellow lights feeling as if they became pure white, focusing in on the reflection of the woman’s skin. Her eyes followed, each step the woman took, to the front of the classroom, setting her satchel down on the raised desk. Dahyun watched, eyes never leaving, too busy letting them dance down glaciers and peachy lips.
The class remained silent, not a single fidget from the small group, as the woman began to type onto the computer, turning on the system. In this entirety of her time, not once had her eyes even so as much as flickered to her cohort, who awaited a command, a single command, or perhaps even just a sound. Instead, they basked in the silence, the clatter of the keyboard filling in the empty space.
Dahyun watched, simply. Admiring the beauty before her, a feeling of uneasiness crawling up her stomach, clawing at her throat.
“Okay,” The woman finally spoke, her voice angelic and gently, lulling Dahyun deeper into the pit she found herself falling into, eyes still glued to the computer, “Hello.”
A murmur of greetings followed.
“Apologizes for being late,” The woman brought her glasses up, resting them atop her head as she sighed, lines of slight age lining her perfect features, “I’m still getting used to this university.”
A student raised their hand, one she took notice of; eyes finally landing on the lone student, a wave of envy pulsating through Dahyun’s mind. With a quick motion of her hand, the woman gave the student permission to speak.
“Are you new?”
“I am,” The woman nodded, “I’m coming in from finishing my post-doc. This is my first semester teaching in South Korea, please be patient with me.”
What was her name?
“My name,” The professor glanced around the room, but not once turning to watch Dahyun, something that made Dahyun squirm just a little in her seat.
“My name is Myoui Mina. Of course, refer to me as Professor Myoui. I am from Japan. I’ll be guiding you through the course content for the semester, this an especially passionate point in my research, so bear with me.”
Dahyun whispered the name along the lines of her lips, feeling the way they pressed together, how smoothly the name flew out, even without a sound. Mina. Myoui Mina. The rest of the professor’s words faded out, Dahyun could only focus on her dark tinted lips and her beautiful, sparkling eyes.
“-And with that, do I have any other questions to answer?”
Then it happened. Her eyes, mounds of honey and a twinge of sadness circling the outer parts of her irises, which had begun its course of glancing over to each individual student, as if taking them in fully since arriving at the room. Taking just a mere second to perhaps just get the gist of who each one was, the color of their hair and the expression plastered onto their faces. Like time had slowed down, Dahyun could only quell the shiver running up her spine when they glanced over to her, finally, for the very first time since realizing this woman existed (which, was only just mere minutes ago. But it already felt like a lifetime).
Mina gazed down to Dahyun, Dahyun could feel the way her eyes seemed to break down every piece of her body and maybe even deeper, somewhere buried within the depths of her soul. As if peeling every layer of Kim Dahyun there was to know, some parts she may have not even known herself. From the top of her hair, down the slope of her nose, over her body (Dahyun shivered), to the ends of her sneakers.
“No questions?” Professor Myoui repeated, but rather than looking to the rest of the room, she remained watching Dahyun, a small smile playing on her lips. Dahyun squirmed, internally, feeling so very small beneath her eyes. Instead of forming a coherent answer, Dahyun could only shake her head.
“Very well,” Professor Myoui bowed her head in the slightest, finally looking away from the lonely spot Dahyun sat between. Reality came crashing hard, when Mina strolled off, to the other side of the room, leaving Dahyun abandoned on an island she really had no idea how she ended up on. The breath Dahyun didn’t realize she had been holding was released, her tense body finally relaxing.
The class lulled on.
Dahyun had never felt lonelier, or as freezing as she felt as she did. All she could focus on was the warmth of honey-colored eyes, aching for them to take her all in once again.
It didn’t happen for the rest of the class.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Victim of Love Chapter 2: Undeniable Attraction
Series: Victim of Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Drake x Riley
Word Count: 1,456
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons
Song Inspiration for series: Victim of Love by The Eagles
A room full of noise and dangerous boys Still makes you thirsty and hot
My other stuff: Master List.
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He followed her through the familiar hallways of the palace. She led him to a room in the east wing of the first floor. The east wing was set aside for visitors, from nobles to diplomats, that needed sleeping accommodations during their stay, reinforcing his assumption that she was a visiting duchess or countess of some flavor. Perhaps from a neighboring country, as he was sure he knew all the members of Cordonian high society, having grown up amongst them.
They didn’t speak as he trailed behind her. She stopped at the last door on the right side of the hall. The largest of the guest rooms, reserved for guests closest to the crown. Interesting.
She glanced over her shoulder, giving him a smile that was almost shy before sliding her keycard through the reader.
That look-innocence and reticence, bordering on nervousness, mixed with anticipation and desire-turned his insides to liquid fire. He folded both hands into fists at his sides in an attempt to stop himself from grabbing her before they even made it into her room.
She placed her clutch on a small table next to the door as he closed it behind them. She turned to face him. The rise and fall of her chest betrayed her arousal. Her eyes lifted to meet his as her teeth sank into her bottom lip.
His eyes dipped down to her mouth, taking in her plump, full, luscious lips. With a soft groan, he reached for her, and she stumbled into his embrace. His hand cupped her cheek as he tipped her head up to give himself access to that sexy, pouty mouth.
Her lips parted under his, warm and soft. She tasted like cherries and fine wine. She smelled like lavender and lilac; the sweet scent flooded his senses as her body melted into his.
Riley Brooks had never given herself so unreservedly to a stranger before. From the moment he’d run into her in the ballroom, she’d been thrown off kilter. Heat radiated from his body; electricity snapped between them. His gaze penetrated her soul and the musky scent he gave off made her mouth water.
There were a million reasons she shouldn’t be doing this, but her lust-clouded brain couldn’t remember any of them in the moment.
Drake Walker had never had a woman push him so far off balance before and he’d never had one yield under his touch so quickly and so completely. He wound her hair around one hand and pulled her closer as his other hand roamed from her cheek, down the hollow of her throat to close around a voluptuous breast.
The soft moans that spilled from her throat at his touch sent lightning bolts through the entirety of his being. Emboldened, he moved his lips from hers to follow the path already blazed by his hand. He laid gentle kisses on her throat, her pulse thundering under his tongue. His tongue lavished attention on her decolletage as he released her hair and pressed his fingers into her back.
She arched up into his mouth, her hands tangling in his hair and pulling his head forward as the sounds issuing from her increased in both pitch and intensity.
Quiet curses fell from his mouth as he grasped and yanked the zipper of her dress. He shoved the dress, helping it fall down her body.
The dress pooled at her feet, leaving her bare before him, save for the strappy silver heels that graced her perfectly pedicured feet. He rested his forehead against hers as his eyes greedily drank her in. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
Riley shivered as the huskiness of his voice, the warmth of his breath, and the awe in his tone sent goosebumps cascading down her spine. His fingers trailed fire along her body as they resumed their journey, probing and touching every part of her as if it was his to take.
And for the moment, it was.
She surrendered every ounce of agency to him, she craved him, every bit of him, her body was ready to combust under his touch.
She was already soaking wet when his fingers slid between her legs, stroking, arousing, exciting her, and sending pure bliss thrumming through her body. He lowered his mouth to ear, “That’s right, darlin’, let me see you fall apart for me.”
Her knees turned to jelly as she did exactly that. White hot pleasure built to a crescendo then crashed over her like a tidal wave as she screamed out every profanity she knew.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” His desperate need for her kicked into overdrive as he watched the ecstasy flood her features. Scooping her up, he crossed the room to the bed in several long strides, tossing her onto it as he ripped his own clothes off.
He nearly tripped kicking out of his pants as the lust-fueled frenzy she had inspired in him made him careless, clumsy, and heedless of what his own body was doing.
When he was free of the cumbersome clothing, he turned back to her, pausing to take in the sight of her sprawled out on the bed, naked, flushed, and trembling. He closed his eyes tightly as he struggled to hold out long enough to get inside her. Drake Walker had never been a premature ejaculator before, but he was in danger of it now.
“What are you waiting for?” her voice shook with desire.
“Fuck!” He muttered as he crawled onto the bed and positioned himself over her. Something that felt almost as emotional as it did sexual slid through his chest as he sank himself into her.
Her body arched up to greet him, her nails sank into his back as her arms encircled him and her teeth scraped across his chest.
He had intended to go slowly, at least at first, but her touch, her scent, and the sounds she was making all conspired to send his self-control flying out the window. She was warm and wet and tight around him, and he gave up the idea of restraint as he lost himself in her. His thrusts quickly increased in both speed and strength as he pounded into her frantically.
The sound of her screams as she came apart underneath him, coupled with the exquisite sensation of her nails biting into his back pushed him the rest of the way over the edge. He slammed into her again as he exploded inside her with a ragged cry of his own.
Sweat coating his body, he collapsed on top of her, unwilling or unable to pull out. He buried his head in her hair, inhaling the intoxicating lavender and lilac scent as if to commit it to memory.
They lay wrapped around each other, breathing heavily, not talking, for several long minutes before hands and lips started moving again. Soft caresses quickly turned into demanding ones and before he knew it, he was on his back staring up at her as she bounced on top of him, his fingers digging into her hips as he came inside her again.
“I’ve never gotten hard again that quickly before,” he told her as she moved off him and dropped onto the mattress next to him.
“Good,” she smirked at him, the earlier self-consciousness gone.  
He rolled up on his side to look at her, “You said you’d tell me your name if I made you scream. I believe you screamed about four times tonight, ma’am.”
She gave him that brilliant grin that turned him inside out, “A deal’s a deal! I-“
The landline on the bedside table rang and the smile ran away from her face, “Sorry, hold on.” She picked it up and put it to her ear, “Hello?.... Resting, the ball became a little much, I needed a break…..how very benevolent of you to understand…..” Her voice was acrid. She listened for a moment then closed her eyes and blew out a sigh before telling the caller, “Yes, fine.” She hung up without saying goodbye.
Drake raised his eyebrows, “Boyfriend?"
“What?” she looked at him in surprise then shook her head, “Not really….sort of….it’s complicated…”
“Isn’t it always?”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
He took her left hand in his and kissed the back of it while looking up at her, “There’s not a ring on your finger, I may have just met you, but I’m absolutely certain that any man who’s had the opportunity, but not the sense, to lock you down properly, probably doesn’t deserve you. Besides, I’m not afraid of a little competition.”
She laughed as she drew her hand away, “It’s a competition now, is it?”
“Damn straight it is! And I think it’s only fair that you should know….I always win.”
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