#this guy is gonna sit in my brain for the rest of my life now
attaboy-art · 1 year
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watched evil dead with my bf the other night
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Ash Williams from The Evil Dead in profile in front of a dark background. He is covered in blood and looking towards the viewer from the side of his eye. There are two shining car headlights in the background. /.End ID.]
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rinhaler · 7 days
😩🤌 HOLD OOOOON JEALOUS UNCLE SUKUNA PLEASE? Extra Rough with a Sprinkle of loving
I got carried away but when don't I get carried away tbh also this is super icky sorry in advance hehe
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, incest, kinda cheating?, vaginal penetration, anal mention/slight teasing, degradation, pet names, jealousy, possessiveness, hair pulling, spanking, squirting, creampie.
words: 4.3k
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There are eyes on you that you don’t feel. For the first time in your life, you don’t feel them. You’re engrossed in your phone as you swing gently in the hammock chair on your porch. The one that’s been continuously taken care of and maintained by him.
He watches you as you smile and bite your lip, your thumbs moving a mile a minute as you send reply after reply and wait with bated breath for a response in return. Even clearing his throat does little good. Is he really so invisible to you, now?
“Who is he?” he asks, muttering to your younger brother as he stands at the entry gate in your front yard. Your brother is confused, unsure of who he’s talking about. He looks around, until Sukuna looks at him directly. “You aren’t that stupid, are you? Look at her. Who’s the idiot she’s texting?”
Your brother looks in your direction, the cogs coming to life in his brain as he realises what he’s talking about. He smiles at him, but it soon fades as he sees your uncles disgruntled expression.
“Oh, she’s been bringing this guy around a lot called Megumi but she keeps saying they’re just friends. We all think it’s bullshit but—”
“That’s enough.” he groans. He puts his finger and thumb into his mouth and whistles loudly. Your eyes dart up from your phone, your giddy expression soon changes to one of surprise. “Hiya, princess.” he greets you, disappointed expression unchanging.
You get up from your seat, dropping your phone, and walk over to him. Even with both of his hands filled with gift bags, he wraps one around you and holds the small of your back. He kisses your cheek sweetly, pulling away to look at you properly.
“You’re getting prettier by the day, sweetheart.” he finally smiles. “You should drop out and become a model.”
“Looks fade, uncle Ryo, I’ll be a lawyer ‘til I’m old and grey.” you smirk. “You got us gifts again? You didn’t have to.”
“Speak for yourself.” Yuuji mumbles as he walks by you and into the house.
Your uncle shakes his head at him, a warm smile returning to him as he looks at you. You allow him to guide you inside, your phone a distant memory while his hand holds your shoulder.
You join Yuuji in the front room, sitting beside him on the couch while your uncle places the bags in front of you both. He sits nearby, in your dad’s old chair, while he watches you both sift through your gifts.
Well, you assume he’s watching you both. But those ruby eyes of his remain perfectly fixed on you. They wander to Yuuji every so often when he expresses gratitude for the gifts he’s received, but all he cares about, truly, is you.
“Is this a new laptop?” you ask, jaw almost dropping to the floor as you see it. “This must have cost a fortune. You didn’t have to do this.” you smile.
“It’s fine, I got you both one. What’s the point of my sister having kids if I can’t spoil them? Where is she, by the way?”
“Wait,” you stop him as you go through the rest of your gifts. “New stationary, bags, files. You got me all of this stuff for college? Thank you.” you beam. You jump up and sit in his lap, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing tightly, the intensity makes him wonder if you’ll ever let go.
Unfortunately for him, you do.
“She texted me a few minutes ago saying they’ve changed her shift and she won’t be back until late.” Yuuji says nonchalantly as he continues looking through his stuff.
“What?! She said she’d give me a ride tonight. I’m gonna have to get a taxi, where’s my phone?” you ask, leaping up from your seat in your uncle’s lap as you check all of your pockets. You head towards the front door to check the last place you’d been with it, when you suddenly feel his hand encase your wrist.
“Talk to me.”
“She’s meant to be taking me to the movies for my d- uh, I’m meeting a friend.” you explain.
“Boyfriend, you mean.” Yuuji mumbles before coughing loudly to cover up his comment.
“Shut up.” you snap back. “But I’m gonna have to book a taxi and start getting ready now in case I’m late. Thanks for the gifts, uncle Ryo.” you smile as you turn away to leave. But he squeezes your wrist hard, pulling you back to him.
“I’ll take you. Alright?” he tells you. “Just let me know when you’re ready to go.”
“Really?” you smile. “Thank you.”
“… What are uncles for, hm?”
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Hours pass, time spent doing your makeup and choosing an outfit with texts sent to Megumi in between. Sukuna’s foot has been tapping incessantly as he waits for you, resisting the urge to check in on you every five minutes. He’d give anything to be in your room while you dress, allowing him to approve of your attire.
But instead, you appear hours later in a pair of shorts that would make him lose control in his younger years, but even now, he feels stirring in his slacks. A slight tightening that he’s fighting to ignore.
“Not leaving anything to the imagination, are you?” he grumbles, looking you up and down. You’re too irritated by his comment to notice the fact his eyes linger on your bare midsection and rake over your chest. Your little crop top almost looks too small for you, to him, with the way it accentuates your tits. “It’s a bit much for a movie.”
“Don’t start, I’m not changing. It’s so hot out I just wanna be comfy. Can we go?”
“Move, then.” he scowls.
You scoff, walking out ahead of him. He watches as you walk away before trailing after you. You’re mistaking his rage for sulking. You’ve never seen your uncle angry, not really.
If only you knew, he’s seething.
You spend twenty minutes in the car with him, panicking that you’re going to be late. You’d hate to picture Megumi there, waiting for you all on his own. You’ve texted him a few times to let him know you’re on your way, but you’re yet to hear back from him.
“Can you, like, do something?!” you ask before gluing your eyes back to your phone.
“What?” your uncle responds, teeth clenched as he looks over to you. His anger brewing further as he sees Megumi’s name with a bunch of heart emojis at the top of your phone. “Should I pick up the car and carry you it through the streets for you, darlin’?”
“If it’ll get us there faster, yes.”
“Tch.” he scoffs. “You know the world won’t end if you put your phone down for five minutes.”
“I’m letting him know I’m gonna be late! Is that alright with you?!”
“Him. The boyfriend, not friend. You lied.” and before he can stop himself, he speaks without thinking. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Your eyes widen at his words. And you can’t decide if you’re furious or devastated. Ashamed? Is he ashamed of you? You don’t know why he would be. He’s never said anything so mean to you before. In fact, you don’t think he’s ever said anything cruel to you in your life.
“What’s your problem?” you speak, your volume a little louder than intended.
“You are. I don’t even recognise you. Throwing yourself at college boys and dressing like a little slut. I thought I brought you up better than that.”
“You didn’t bring me up. Just because you visit with gifts every few months doesn’t mean you’re my fucking dad, Ryo. You’re barely an uncle.” you bite back. There’s more you could say, but you’re silenced by an incoming text from Megumi. “FUCK! I’m so stupid. Take me home, I got the time wrong.”
He grunts, turning the car around roughly before he parks down a nearby alleyway.
“Get out.” he orders.
“Get out of my car, princess. You think you can disrespect me like that in my own fucking car? Get out and call a cab.”
Your heart sinks when you realise he’s far from joking. He actually wants you to get out of his car. In fact, he’s waiting for it. It’s hard to know if it’s genuine, if he’s legitimately planning on leaving you in a creepy alleyway all on your own and driving away. You hope he’s just trying to scare you, but the air is getting thicker.
His stare becomes harsher.
Your heart beats faster.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to disrespect you…” you pout. “Don’t make me get out, please. You’ve been so… off with me today. And I’m embarrassed I got the time of this date wrong and—”
“So it is a date after all, huh?” he sighs.
“We’re, ugh, we’re friends but—” you cover your face in embarrassment. “We keep talking about taking things further, but it’s just a movie I don’t know if it’s a date. Maybe we’re just gonna be friends forever and he isn’t interested at all.” and with that, you’re officially sulking, humiliated that you spilt your little secret to your uncle of all people. You feel his eyes on you, but you don’t want to look.
If they’re the same harsh eyes that told you he’s ashamed, you don’t want to see them ever again.
“Is that why you’re dressed like an easy whore tonight? Hah? Thought he’d be more interested if you put more on show.”
“Why are you being such a dick?!” you yell. The silence is too much, his bewildered face catches you off guard. It’s like he hadn’t expected you to raise your voice. You both maintain your silence, equally at a loss for words. But it goes on too long, and unintentionally, you feel the need to fill it. “What, are you jealous? Bet it’s been a while since you got any action, old man.”
“Old?” he scoffs. “What are you talking about, action? You wouldn’t do that… would you?” he asks, there’s venom coating his tongue, but it’s overridden by curiosity.
“Why do you think I dressed like such a… ‘little slut’, huh?” you laugh as his expression changes once again, he’s uncomfortable, so you decide to poke the beast. “We got seats in the back row… I don’t even care about the movie, it’s just an excuse to put our hands down each other’s pants.”
“That’s enough.”
You watch him as he unbuckles his seatbelt with haste. If you had blinked you would have missed it, and it’s not long before he does the same to yours. You’re weightless as he pulls you from your seat and into his lap, a few pathetic ‘ow’s’ leave your lips as he positions you over him.
“What are you doing?” you ask him, a combination of worry and curiosity overwhelming you.
“You really wanna get felt up at the movies by a little college boy? How pathetic you are… I thought you were better than that.” you’re too stunned to speak as his words consume you. Has he always been so protective of you? Has he always had this side to him? You don’t want to move. You barely want to think in case he doesn’t like how your thoughts sound. You gulp, nervously, and he smirks in amusement.
His fingers trail lightly across your chin before he holds it carefully between his thumb and forefinger. He licks his lips as his eyes examine your features. There is hunger in his ruby irises, a starved man sizing up the meal he’s worked so hard for.
But he’s patient.
He thinks it’ll be fine, nothing he does will make you object.
Though he can’t be too careful. So he proceeds with caution, allowing his fingers to carry on tracing downwards. Your wide eyes turn to a heavy lidded gaze as you feel the pads of his fingers softly dance across the column of your neck. His eyes follow the path they take, looking up once or twice to make sure you still aren’t opposed to his touch.
You gulp, again, when you feel him touch atop your breasts, and his eyes stay fixed on yours for a moment longer. But he’s greedy, now, unable to withstand the growing bulge in his pants or the thoughts he has about you in order to cure him.
He hooks his index finger into the low scoop of your crop top and pulls downwards. You’re unable to stop yourself from shuddering, and he looks up at you with a sympathetic stare.
“This is… wrong.” you speak, a slight whimper in your voice.
He grins, though he tries to hide it from you.
“How can it be wrong, sweetheart?” he asks. He holds your hips in heavy hands and pushes you down onto his clothed erection. “Feel how good you make me feel? Let me make you feel good, too. Megumi won’t satisfy you, I promise you that.”
“Ryo…” you sigh, soon stifled as he helps you roll your hips onto him. “It’s wrong… you know it is…”
“Well, maybe I don’t care,” he hisses, his cock leaking from the friction between you. He allows his head to droop back against the head rest behind him, smiling up at you as he realises you’re beginning to move all on your own. “I don’t think you do, either.”
Your eyes fill with water, and you bat your eyelashes in a bid to dismiss it. How did this happen? How did you get to this point? Maybe you’ve been waiting for Megumi for too long. Maybe some part of you knew you’d end up here with him. And maybe you want it just as much as he seems to.
“Naughty girl… give me a kiss,” he demands, fingers caressing the column of your spine before he pushes you down towards him.
A little whine escapes your lips before you submit to him. The feelings of his bulge nudging against your clit is enough to make you lose all sense. It’s clumsy and uncomfortable, a chaste kiss as if you were kissing your uncle turns into a sloppy, tongue tangling kiss as you soon dismiss that familial bond.
He pulls away, groaning slightly before he yanks down your crop top and exposes your bare tits.
His jaw tenses as he looks up at you again, as if he were withholding something he so desperately desired to say. But instead, he silences himself, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking experimentally.
Your eyes roll back into your head, your hand carding through tufts of pink hair. It’s been a while since you’d been intimate with anyone like this, the sensation making you weak and needy. The slightest touch feels enough to make you cum, though you hold back, savouring the way his hand holds your other breast and rolls your nipple between his finger and thumb.
You wonder if he sleeps around a lot, you wonder if he’s gotten laid recently. You want to know how good he is. You’ve heard from girlfriends that older men do it better, but you’ve never experimented so cavalierly, you wouldn’t even know where to meet one.
Little did you know you’ve had an older man vying for your attention all along.
“How do you like it?” he asks, breath fanning across your drool soaked tit before he swaps which one he suckles. You hiss a little as he grazes your perked nipple purposefully between his teeth.
“I— It’s good,” you say, shyly, body heating up further when you hear a small laugh leave his lips.
“No, baby. How do you like to fuck?” he asks again. You think you might pass out from the shame. Though it’s shameful enough that you’re allowing your uncle to suck your tits. You screw your eyes shut before opening them again, hoping that this could possibly be a bad dream you just need to wake up from. But he’s still there when you open your eyes, still looking up at you with a cocky grin as he observes your embarrassment consuming you.
“I don’t— I don’t really—”
“You’ve proven yourself to be a little slut, so you must have a preference. What happened to that mouth of yours, huh? You were so desperate to talk about your little classmate touching you up later.” he reminds you, and you pant from the humiliation. Any attempt to wriggle away is halted by him wrapping his arms around your torso and keeping your body glued to his. “How many little pricks have you let slut your cunt out, sweetheart?”
“Ryo…” you gasp, breathing becoming erratic. It’s too much, he chuckles as you start to fan yourself. “I don’t know anymore. I can’t think.” you explain.
“Have you lost count, princess? That’s disgusting, don’t you think?” he tuts, mock repulsion lacing his words. He only half means it. He’s disgusted that so many useless little boys have felt you wrapped around them without any inkling of how to truly satisfy you. “They don’t matter, now. No one will make you feel as good as I’m going to, you won’t want anyone else when I’m through.”
“This is… it’s a one time thing. Okay?” you tell him, and his smug smile only grows wider.
“We’ll see,” he starts, his fingers dig into the flesh of your ass as your shorts ride up. A pathetic yelp flees from you as his stinging palm lands on your body. “I don’t really care how you like it, I was just curious.”
“… how do you like it, Ryo?”
“It depends, princess.” he bites his lower lip. “But if it’s just this once, you’ll let me fuck you how I like. You’ll be a good girl for uncle Ryo, won’t you?”
You blink a few times. Are you really so easily manipulated? Are you really still grinding down on the throbbing bulge of your uncle? Your silence speaks volumes, to him. And with his patience wearing thin, you find yourself being thrown awkwardly into the back seat.
He takes a deep breath before stepping out, from behind the wheel and opening the back door.
You watch him as he unbuckles his belt, and he smiles when he notices you watching. He slows down the action, allowing you to savour the sight of him undressing. He stops after his cock springs free, slapping off his abdomen and leaving a pretty trail of pre on his pristine white shirt.
“Have you never seen a big dick before? You look scared.” He chuckles. You don’t say a word, and without realising you’re shaking your head. You thought you had, but apparently they were nothing in comparison to actual big dicks. You’re terrified, almost horrified, but you can’t look away.
Not until he tells you.
“Sluts take it from behind. Turn around.” he orders, and you immediately position yourself onto your hands and knees.
You squeal when his fingers curl into the waistband of your shorts and yank aggressively. He doesn’t pull them off, they remain around your thighs and keep your legs perfectly pressed together. His cock throbs at the sight, holding one of your ass cheeks and moving your lower half from side to side. You’d decided to forgo panties, and he couldn’t be happier.
The sight of your drooling cunt makes up for what has felt like an eternity of patience.
You scream, again, as you feel a multitude of spanks in quick succession. He thinks he might legitimately lose it at the sight of your holes clenching, and surprise rips through you as you feel a thumb pressed to your puckered hole. You cover your mouth to stop you from yelping at the unexpected touch, but he merely groans.
“Have you taken it here before?” he asks.
“… no… I h—aven’t,” you answer honestly. He hums in contemplation. He spits down onto your asshole and rubs his thumb across it gently.
“Next time, hm?” he muses to himself. Despite his words, he guides his cockhead to your tight hole. The thick tip rubbing teasingly against it. He doesn’t breach it, but the teasing alone feels pleasant. “I think you’ll like it…”
And with that, he moves from your rear entrance and plunges brutally into your drooling slot. You cry out, the unexpected entry taking you by surprise. He hushes and coos as your walls adjust to his girth.
The intensity of the pressure gives away to pleasure soon enough. Internally, he wants to be rough with you. He will be rough with you. However, he can’t ignore the fact that you are and always have been so precious to him. The thought of hurting you is hold him back.
But a deeper, darker part of him with a bruised ego overrides his conscience.
His fingers grab your hair harshly and wrap around his hand as if you were a dog on a leash. He pulls you until your back arches gloriously for him, and he uses the leverage to fuck into you harder.
He’s all too aware of the risks he’s taking. If anyone were to walk by they’d see exactly what he’s doing and has made no attempt to hide. Standing confidently outside the car with your ass on full display for anyone who’d dare to look. He could get arrested, your family could find out.
But it’s been too long of a wait for this taboo coupling for him to let something so trivial deter him from this. From you.
He’d like to hold off in favour of extending your pleasure. He’d like to see you cum and make a mess of his cock before he fills you to the brim with his creamy load. He’d like to see your pussy twitch and struggle to hold in his kids after he fucks them into you.
But he’s just a man, after all.
He doesn’t care if you cum anymore. He did, but this is for him. His heavy tip rocks repeatedly into your sweet spot and your raucous moans are bound to catch attention sooner or later. He’d love to stifle you in some matter, whether by covering your mouth or shoving his cock down your throat. But he can’t. His hands are still filled as one remains wrapped around your hair and the other keeps a bruising grasp on your hip.
He wants to tell you to shut up, he wants to tell you you’re being too loud and you’re soon to be spotted. But he can’t, he’s proud of you. Your pussy begins to suck him in and pulses around his thickness.
He chuckles and further fuels your shame as your pussy begins to gush from the pressure. Clear liquid jets out of you, dousing his cock, your shorts and his leather seats as you cum from the staggering sensation of being ploughed by your very own uncle.
The sight has him gritting his teeth as he uses your quivering cunt to reach his own satisfaction. His head falls back as he spurts stream after stream of viscous white cum into your womb. The warmth makes you hum contently, giggling as his movements slow, still determined to fuck his seed deep into you. He doesn’t even want to pull out, but the chill of the night air brings him to his senses.
You’ve been lucky to get away with this.
He pulls out, admiring the sight of his sperm dripping down into your shorts as he tucks himself away.
Your body is tired, but you find the strength to pull up your now soiled shorts before slowing making your way back to the passenger seat. You sigh, taking a few deep breaths as you contemplate what just happened.
“You look tired.” your uncle says casually as he starts up the car.
He’s right. You look at yourself in the mirror before you fold it back up, too disgusted with yourself to even look at how dishevelled and smeared your perfectly applied makeup has become. It’s all ruined. There’s no point in seeing Megumi, now. As excited as you were, you can’t go like this. You can’t let him see you like this.
Whenever you see someone walk by as your uncle drives you home, you can’t help but think they know. When your car stops at a red light, you think the people in the car beside you know. If you go and see Megumi tonight…
He’ll know.
YOU: sorry Megs, can we reschedule? My uncle just got to town x MEGUMI: of course. don’t worry about it, have fun with your uncle x
He reads your messages out of the corner of his eye, and does all he can to supress the satisfied smirk desperate to break out across his face. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife, he understands. You did something wrong. But that isn’t why it’s so quiet.
You’re quiet, and uncomfortable, because you liked it.
You can’t make eye contact with him, because you liked it.
And you can’t talk to him normally, because you want to do it again.
Your body language tells him all he needs to know. He’ll be in town for as long as you need to wrap your head around this. As long as you need to confess how desperately you desire him once more. It’ll only be one more time. Every time you tell him, beg him, crave him to make you feel good again, you’ll say it’s the last time.
But that one last time will never come.
Poor Megumi, he has no idea just how much fun your uncle intends to have with you.
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© 2024 rinhaler
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ceruleansx · 1 year
visit | jack champion
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- "your more important than a movie."
↳ jack!actor x reader
↳ warnings : make out, fluff, sitting on lap
↳ summary : you visted jack at work, only to find him missing you so much. eventually you guys start to make out and all that spicy stuff, relation to smut (if u squint)
↳ a/n : yall liked the ethan landry one so heres a jack one! yall are gonna like this one 😉
jack was working on his new movie after scream 6. hes always been busy, although he's tried to do his best to spend as much time with you.
you wanted to suprise him while he was at work, because he was texting about how much he misses you.
you walked into the parking lot, and saw the hair designer. you walked up to her.
"hey! do you know where jack is?" you asked.
her face brightened up as she realized that you were his girlfriend. "oh y/n! thank god your here, he's just been talking about you the whole entire time."
you blushed at her words. even if you guys were a couple already, his actions and looks make your tummy fluster.
"he's just in his trailer." she pointed.
you said thanks and walked over. the door was labeled 'dereck', which was the character name. you could hear that he was blasting music in the trailer.
thats when you realized that it was the same exact playlist you made for him for when you two were crushing on each other.
your heart skipped a beat as you walked in slowly. he couldn't hear you since of the music, but he was shirtless. youve seen him shirtless before, but for some reason, it twitched your brain.
he was grabbing his shirt, until you ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. he flinched until he saw it was you.
"y/n!!" he squeled. he turned to you with the huggest smile ever.
"oh my gos- wait.." he walked over to his phone and lowered the volume.
he turned to you and smiled again. "your here!!" he ran up to you and lifted you up from the ground.
you wrapped your legs around his waist. he took his face out of your neck and just stared at admired your face.
"ive missed you so much baby oh my gosh i still cant believe your here i was totally not expecting it and-" he paused, "oh my gosh im talking to fast arent i?" he blabbered.
"yes but, i dont mind pretty boy," you pouted. "ive just missed your lips forever."
"well.." he smirked. "your wish is my command."
he placed you down at sat on the couch that was inside the trailer. he manspreaded, something that he knew you loved. you walked over at sat on his lap. you straddled him and stared into him lovingly.
he placed his arms around your waist, his thumbs rubbing the side. "look at you y/n.." he whispered.
"your so gorgeous, i can puke right now." he chuckled softly.
"theres no one i would rather spend the rest of my life with.." he said softly, his cheeks turning pink.
"me too pretty boy." you said before leaning down to kiss him.
he accepted the gesture gracefully. he took a deep breath before giving you the most sloppiest kisses ever. his breath hitched as you ran your hands down his abs. you then ran your fingers through his hair while tugging it. it made him groan into your mouth, causing the vibrations to shiver down your body.
you gripped his hair even tighter as you started to rock your hips back and forth on his lap. he pulled away fron your lips to whimper softly, eyes rolling behind his head.
"fuck y/n-" he shivered, "your gonna have to stop or else.."
you pulled away, each other saliva creating a string. "your right, you have to focus on your movie." you started to get up before he slammed your hips into his lap.
he tutted. "oh no no sweetheart, your more important than a movie."
you opened your mouth to say something before his lips attached to yours. this time, he was more open to the kiss. he entered his tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan. he responded back with a groan as he bit your bottom lip softly. you grazed your tongue on his bottom lip, which made him to feral.
you could feel his whole chest and body heat up from this. he started to breath heavy, and so did you. his hands were roaming all over you now, like creeping up your shirt with his hands.
after another 10 solid minutes, you two pulled away. you had to catch your breath after this occurence with jack. man, he was a good kisser.
you two stared at each other lovingly as you took in each others features.
"i love you baby."
"i love you more jack."
he smirked, "hmm not possible." he teased.
you gasped playfully, "how is that not possible?"
"wellll.. i fell in love first."
you tilted your head and smiled. "that doesn't count dingus." you poked his chest.
"ow!!" he laughed and smiled, "yes it does."
"says who?" you said while massaging both his arms.
he hesitated, "me, of course."
you both laughed as you fell on the couch. you were now laying down, facing each other.
"i love you y/n l/n.." he whispered as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
"i love you two jack champion." you smiled, knowing that you were about to spend the rest of your life with the best man ever.
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theemporium · 6 months
Hello my dear!!! So - I know your requests are closed for now, but I just had to tell you I am OBSESSED with your Danny Ric x Sunshine series, and I had a thought for once they’re open again… I know that Sunshine isn’t famous or anything, but what if she dated someone who was/is before she started dating Danny (ex. Joe Jonas)? Like maybe they were childhood sweethearts or something, and her ex shows up at the Miami GP as a musical guest or something and Danny goes FERAL and protective of Sunshine? I just think it would be so cute and fluffy 😍🥰
you are a cutie🥹thank you for requesting!!! i changed it a wee bit but i hope you enjoy! and sorry for making you wait so long🫶🏽
It wasn’t unusual for there to be famous faces dotted around the garage during the race weekend. 
Daniel was used to it and, if he was being completely honest, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed seeing familiar faces around the paddock, talking and chatting with them and meeting new and old fans alike. He was a social butterfly and he thrived in these situations, even if some drivers found it a little distracting or stressful when they were trying to get on with their jobs. Usually, Daniel loved it.
Except when these celebrities couldn’t seem to catch the hint.
You were gorgeous. Hell, in the eyes of Daniel, you were the prettiest human to ever walk the goddamn Earth. He was obsessed with you. He worshipped the ground you walked on. You were his sun and his life revolved around you and your love. He pinched himself every day that you chose to be with him, to love him, to be his forever partner. 
However, it seemed one of Red Bull’s recent garage guests didn’t seem to catch the hint that you were not single nor were you ready to mingle.
If he was being honest, he didn’t know who the guy was. He had heard from a few team members that he was some big, upcoming actor that most of the world was going crazy for but Daniel didn’t care. He didn’t care if the man was the biggest name in the world. He was going after Daniel’s girl and he didn’t like that one bit. 
Most guests tended to stick to their guided tours or near the back so they were out of the team’s way, yet this actor seemed to have gravitated towards you. He had been blatant in his attempts with flirting and chatting with you, going as far as leaning on the table you were currently working on until it became near impossible to continue with your job. He could see the discomfort in your face, could see the way you were getting progressively more annoyed and, despite knowing you could handle yourself, the last thing he wanted was you to be on the frog page after punching the douche in the face (even if it would've been well-deserved in his eyes).
“Got a problem here, mate?” 
The man—his name was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t bring himself to care to remember—turned away from you to look at the approaching driver. “Hey, Daniel, right? Huge fan. You’ve got a great team here.”
“Yeah, the best of the best,” Daniel said as he slided in behind you, his hand resting on your shoulder as your body relaxed under his touch. “Sunshine here has the best brain you could ask for in Formula One.”
The man’s gaze slid back down to you, his lips twitching upwards in what you assumed was meant to be a charming smile. “So, your name is Sunshine?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but Daniel beat you to it.
“Ha no, I can call her Sunshine,” he said with a massive smile on your face, one that would leave the people around you and out of ear shot to believe this was a happy conversation. “You can mind your own fucking business.”
The man’s face immediately soured. “Excuse me?”
“You’re a guest, courtesy of Red Bull, and that is the only reason I’m not dragging your sorry ass out of the paddock,” Daniel continued, stepping a little closer so you were leaning back against him. “Now, you can leave now or you can sit in the back of the garage like a good dog and leave my girl alone to do her work. What’s it gonna be?”
“You can’t talk to me like that,” he insisted with a scoff. “Do you know who I am?”
“No, but I don’t really care. You’re on my turf right now, and what I say goes. If I don’t want you here, you’ll be gone with a snap of my fingers.” Daniel stated so casually, like his whole body wasn’t humming with the desire to just punch the guy in the face. “Piss off now.”
You had barely waited until he was gone before you spun around in your seat, looking up at him with an amused smile. “Are you taking lessons from Max or something? That felt very Mad Max-coded.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “I was teaching him a lesson.” 
“No, you were jealous and it was hot,” you corrected with a grin as you reached towards him, your arms winding around his torso. “But thank you. I was two seconds away from throwing my laptop at his head.”
He laughed as he leaned down, hands gently holding your hair back as he kissed you. “Always here to be your knight in shining armour, Sunshine.”
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (part 7)
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A/N; Alright, fristly, thank you all so much for the love you're giving this fic. Seriously it warms my heart. This tag list is huge and it makes me want to cry. Also, i couldn't tag on the post cuz i had reached the word limit TT0TT I hope it works anyway
I'm getting more and more anxious to fail you guys, i just hope i'm not gonna fuck this up...
Again thank you for all your ideas and headcanons you guys are amazing!
Warnings: cursing?
The first month. You were in denial. You spent it overworking yourself, avoiding anything that could remind you of him. You had even put his stupid plush in his room, closing the door and keeping it closed. Laswell kept a close eye on you, you knew that. 
You'd spend most of your time on base, only going home to sleep. And then. You were put on time off. Forcefully. 
Laswell asked you to take a week off and to stay home. You had strongly fought over it but to no avail. So around the first week to the second month, your time off began. You thought you might go insane. But you received visits from your new neighbor who you learnt was named Peter. Peter was a nice guy, a bit shy. He'd pass by sometimes to drop one of your packages. You'd have small talk or conversations. 
It made you feel less alone. Because not only did you miss… Simon. You also missed the rest of the squad. The house felt dead..during that week, your mind had started going downhill. By Thursday you had gone back to his room to fetch the little reaper. Now you'd spend your days on your couch, cuddling the damn thing. 
Laswell had ordered you to work from home for the rest of the month. She passed by often. To check on you. She'd get in, not bothering to knock because you couldn't care anymore. 
Once she walked in on you, sitting on the bathroom floor in front of the washing machine, eating chips, watching the plush inside spin around. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Reaper is taking a bath." You had answered with very little emotion. 
During that month, Peter had spent a bit more time with you. He'd pass by to share some food, or to watch a movie. He seemed to have taken pity on you. Even though he picked up Reaper once and you had thrown him a murderous glare. 
And then Laswell had passed by. A serious look on her face. 
"The mission isn't going as planned. They're not coming home yet." 
You had felt yourself break a bit more. 
"Are they ok?" 
"From our intel, they're ok." 
You had sighed with relief. This was the third month they'd been gone. You didn't think you'd ever feel this type of sadness in your life. There was no point denying it. In such little time, Simon had managed to get his way through your heart and nest there. 
Your recent coping mechanism was putting on his hoodie, and sleeping in his bed with Reaper. He'd be so pissed if he knew. You were hoping he'd come back so he could be pissed with you. At least he'd be here. 
You'd spend your days at the base, this time your schedule was closely being watched by Laswell, and then you'd go home, absolutely hating it, trying not to cry. 
A heart wrenching thought kept stammering your brain. What if he never came back… the last things you would have said to each other would have been said in anger. You didn't think you could live through that. 
When the 4th month started, you had become unbearable for Laswell. You wanted to know everything about the mission. She kept refusing, reminding you it was a highly classified mission, as you replied you couldn't give a shit about classified or not. 
You wanted squad 141 back. Or as you had almost screamed once 'your team'. You had seen Laswell wanting to correct you that it wasn't your team but she refrained, understanding how you were feeling. 
She couldn't tell you about the mission but she made sure to keep you updated. They're fine. They've managed to get to the location. They've been ambushed but made it out. 
You were torn in between hating her updates and feeling relieved. To keep you busy and from having a nervous breakdown she put you up on a mission. Some drug lord that used the dark web to sell and buy his merchandise. You were definitely not into it. But if you could pass your anger on that asshole you would. 
You had easily infiltrated his little circle, managed to dismantle various locations, though he kept slipping through your fingers. 
You had gone back home that night, around the middle of the fourth month, absolutely frustrated from everything. 
"It's so fucking frustrating you know? It's like he's always a tiny step away." 
You explained as you were unpacking your food order. 
"He seems to know there's someone after his ass and I can't fucking get to him." You continued. "And Laswell is not letting me get onto the file for the mission the boys are on. GOD I could just … throw something on fire!" 
You groaned looking straight in the eyes of your friend. The plush looked at you without moving. 
You sighed. "I've been talking to an inanimate object." You said, putting your face in your hands. You dropped them on the table again.
"No offense Reaper." You apologized, turning your attention back to the food, the TV in the background filling up the silence a bit. 
You kept munching on your food. 
After you were done, you grabbed Reaper and sat on the couch, a blanket over you. You squished the fluffy death spawn in your hands. You missed him. You FUCKING missed him. 
You didn't even know how you'd react when he'd be back. You were still furious at him. Deeply hurt. But you were also so worried, and so sad. 
You groaned. You wanted him to be back. Even if it was to yell at him that he was an asshole.
A knock at the door was heard. You rolled your eyes. You got up, Reaper still in your arms as you went to open the door. 
You stared at Peter. 
"Hi Peter." You replied without a single emotion on your face. 
"Ah… bad day?" 
"Bad existence." 
He laughed. You walked inside, knowing he'd follow you. 
"I came to check to see if you wanted to watch a movie." 
You let yourself fall back down on the couch. 
"Not really into it tonight. Sorry." 
"Nah no problem I get it." He said sitting at the other end of the couch. "Is there something I can do to cheer you up?" . 
You looked at him for a little minute. You shook your head. "Alright. Want a beer?" 
"I hate beer." 
"Fine. A shot of vodka?" He proposed. 
You nodded. 
That guy was a lightweight. 5 shots of vodka and he couldn't properly form a sentence. You had walked him back to his apartment, making sure he was in bed and locking his door. You were a bit drunk too but not enough to erase your thoughts. 
You sighed. Walking into the hallway you stopped, looking right and left. You wanted to sleep in his bed again… you shouldn't. But you wanted to. You walked into the room looking at the bed. You remembered waking up in it, his body warm against yours. His morning voice was deeper. You liked it. You closed your eyes for a second before turning around and walking into your room. 
The alcohol helped as you closed your eyes, you fell fast asleep.
The day after had been the same. And the day after as well. But the next was a bit different. You were concerned by something during your work. It seemed that the drug lord had also a hacker in his ranks. And not a bad one. You could probably outsmart him or her but you had been neglectful. Your mind had been more worried about another mission that wasn't yours. 
You headed home after the day. You were exhausted. The fourth month was coming to an end. You didn't feel like eating. You didn't feel like anything. As you got home, you showered, drying your hair afterwards, slipping into one of Simon's black hoodies. You took Reaper with you, slipping under the covers of your bed. This time, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You hugged the round fluffy thing against you, wishing he was there instead. 
And it was with the tears that the Sandman took you away. 
Around 6 am, your phone rang. You blinked your eyes open. Without checking, which had become a habit, you answered. 
"Hello..?" You answered. 
"Laswell ? Kate… it's 6 am." 
"We have news from squad 141." 
You sat up in your bed. 
"What is it…" 
"They've completed their mission. The extraction was successful."
You closed your eyes, a shaky breath leaving your lips. 
"They'll be back in a little over 24h." 
"Thank you… really." 
"No problem. Go back to sleep." 
You chuckled. She hung up. You let yourself fall back into bed. They were ok. He was ok… you looked up at the ceiling. Now that you knew he was coming back, that he was safe. The worry, the anxiety had vanished. Pain and anger taking their place. How was he going to react? Will you be strangers? How will you react? One thing was for sure. You wouldn't be the one to give in. You wanted to… god you wanted to. You wanted to feel him near you. To hug him. But the way he left was printed in your memory. The way you felt when you got home, in an empty house. With not a single word from him. 
Pushed by a rise of determination, you got out of bed, grabbing each hoodie you could find that was his. You took off the one you were wearing, and walked to the bathroom, throwing them all in the washing machine. You put it to wash. He wants his hoodies back? Fine. He'll have them. Brand New. Without any trace that you wore them. 
And with that thought in mind you climbed back into bed. 
You had flung yourself back into work the next day, trying to suppress the new anxiety that grew in you. You were still trying to figure out who the hacker working for the drug lord was. He seemed to be good at cleaning any trace of himself. You didn't want to go home. You glanced at your phone. 2 am. You were still at the base. You were surprised Laswell hadn't come to drag you home herself as she sat not too far from you.
You had been sitting here for the entire day, trying to figure out your little con's next move. It was infuriating. Driving you insane. You blinked. 
Hi birdie. 
You froze. What? No. It was a coincidence. You checked that your location or anything that could be used to track you down was locked away and secure. 
You kept browsing the website deep in the dark web, shaking the odd feeling away. But this time, it was a whole sentence that made you frown. 
On a little branch was a little bird. The little sparrow, unaware of the cat lurking by, sang its heart away. 
You were sure. It was meant for you. That Goddamn hacker was taunting you. 
"Laswell." You called. 
"Yes?" She answered, stepping towards you. 
You pointed at the screen, highlighting the little text with your mouse. 
"Shit." She cursed. "what does it mean?" 
You shrugged. 
"It can mean various things. Obviously they know it's the Sparrow they are facing. But I've made sure my real identity was safe so I don't think they have that. My location is safe too, there was no hack attempt. These are just little messages scattered around the websites we're checking for their little trades." You explained. 
"So what? They're threatening you?" 
"I don't think so. It seems like they're trying to get on my nerves. Probably to distract me from something. Just got to find out what." You said with a sigh. 
"Alright. If you have anything new, call me. Now go home." She said a little tap on your back. 
You eyed the screen in front of you. This was interesting. If they truly were trying to distract you, it was a bit silly. You took a mental note to be more careful from now on. 
You had scanned all the little messages around the web sites, trying to find something that would link them. Clearly, they were all aimed at you. Whoever it was kept calling you birdie. And it was highly annoying. You were growing tired yet you felt so giddy. You felt nervous. You closed your eyes, sighing. It was time to head home.
The night had been short. You were exhausted. You rolled around in bed. You closed your eyes. Silence. 
Silence… and a laugh? You frowned. 
You got up, taking Reaper in your arms. You slowly opened the door, peeking out. There were definitely voices whispering. You opened the door wider, stepping out and tip-toeing your way to the end of the hallway. 
You looked around the corner and froze. 
"God fucking damn it!" You cursed out loud. 
You fully came into view now taking in the sight before you. 
The man jumped, running to you and swaying you in his arms. 
"God soap! You're squishing me and Reaper!" You complained. 
"Who?" Gaz asked. 
After putting you down you looked at soap, extending your arms to his face so he could be eye to eye with the plush. 
"Oh. Alright. Sorry Reaper." He said with a wide smile. 
You smiled jumping on him this time. They were back. They were safe!
"Hahaha!" He laughed. 
He put you down again. Stepping aside to let you greet the rest of the team.
You hugged gaz. Then Price took you in his arms, staying like that for a little moment. 
"Missed you dad" you whispered jokingly. 
"Missed you sweety." He whispered in the same tone. 
And then came his turn. Standing in front of each other, eye to eye. You wanted to run and hug him. Fuck you wanted to touch him to make sure this was real. Unfortunately for the both of you, the pain was deeper than anything else. He didn't move, no expression. Did he regret? Did he care? Had he already put aside anything feeling or affection you had towards each other? With a lump in your throat you spoke first. 
"Lieutenant." You greeted. 
He frowned. 
"Sparrow." He answered. 
Nothing else was said. It broke your heart. You could feel it. You turned around looking at the guys again, clearly sensing their discomfort.
"You were supposed to arrive a bit later, what happened?" You asked sitting down on the couch, the boys mimicking you. Ghost remained up, glancing at you from afar. 
"We managed to wrap it up and we jumped on the plane back. We've been told someone has been worried about us." Gaz answered, sending you a knowing look. 
"Really? Wonder who could it be…" you feigned innocence.
"Yes, it's odd, Laswell said she was pestered for weeks. " Price added. 
"Truly curious." You added an innocent look and batted your lashes, making the men laugh. 
"What about you? How's it going?" Soap asked. 
"I'm fine." You lied. 
"You look tired." Price noted. 
Suddenly you felt watched.. Everyone was staring at you. Ghost looked more tense than the others. 
"I've been working on a mission and it's been a bit complicated. I stayed at the base until pretty late- with Laswell." You looked at Price.
He smirked. 
"What's complicated about it?" Gaz asked. 
"It's… it was easy at first. But it seems that I'm facing someone like me…" you tried to explain without giving any details as the mission was confidential. "And he, or she, seems to always be a step ahead. And… mostly. It's been acting weird." 
You frowned, losing yourself a bit in your own mind.
"Hey, Sparrow" soap called. 
You looked at him. 
"You got this." 
You smiled at him. Nodding off. 
"We brought breakfast. Ghost said you like muffins!" Price chimed.
You glanced at the man again, still glancing at you. If he thought it'd be that easy he was wrong. 
You ate breakfast with the team, so thrilled to have them back. You felt as if life had been brought back into the apartment. The only thing that took away some of that happiness was the tension between you and Ghost. 
After helping you clean out they offered to take you to base, and you accepted. You excused yourself to go get dressed quickly. Once you were ready, you opened your door falling face to face with a skull mask. 
You stared at each other. You did your best to show an emotionless facade. 
"You washed the hoodies." 
"And you put them in my room." 
"Are you giving them back?"
"Fuck…" he cursed frowning. "Y/N-"
"Sparrow." You corrected. 
He looked hurt for a second. 
"Why?" He asked. 
"A beg your pardon?" You asked frowning too. 
"Why are you doing this?" He questioned. You could feel the frustration. 
"Doing what? Isn't this what you wanted, Lieutenant? You wanted to erase everything and you wanted your hoodies back." 
"Stop what?" 
He didn't answer. Your heart was beating so fast. It was torture not giving in. But this time you wouldn't let him get away with it. He couldn't just play with your feelings like this. He sighed, straightening up. He looked… embarrassed? For a second. 
"Did… did you have to wash them?" He asked. 
First you were confused. And then you remembered what he had said once. 
"Everytime I take back one of my hoodies there's your scent on it…" 
"What? I smell bad?" You laughed. 
"Quite the opposite…" 
You smirked.  Walking out of your room slowly and closing your door behind you. You looked up at him. 
"I wouldn't give you the pleasure of leaving my scent on it. You've lost that privilege." You finished with an innocent smile before turning away and walking away from him. 
You very distinctly heard him curse. You smirked. If he wanted you back, he'd have to fight for it. And if he didn't… then you'd be settled on his feelings. 
You had driven to the base with the squad. After getting out of the cars, you had all gathered. 
"It feels good to be back! See Sparrow? We're all good! We can come back to annoy you in your apartment!" Soap joked. 
"Don't you dare." Ghost had growled. 
"It will be my pleasure." You countered, sending a side glance to Ghost as he frowned again. Soap was thrilled. 
It was on a light note that you separated, the boys going their way to meet and start on the mission report, as you went back to your drug dealer. 
Walking in the big room, you sat down at one of the tables facing an enormous screen. Various setups with their own screens were scattered around the room, where people worked. You greeted everyone. You received smiles and little good mornings. 
You opened your laptop freezing on the spot. You blinked and gasped at the black screen. 'encrypted'. 
Laswell had immediately come to you. 
"What's wrong?" 
"My laptop is encrypted. Fuck!" You checked your phone. Also encrypted. 
"What does it mean?" 
"It means. Someone tried to get in. As a defense mechanism it encrypts itself, and the rest of the devices linked to it. It blocks anything or anyone from touching the data." 
You tried to explain, already trying to decrypt your device. 
"When did it happen?" 
"I don't know, recently. My phone was fine 20 mins ago." You explained. 
"Guys!" You called, gaining everyone's attention. "Any attack? Anything?" 
"No ma'am. We did find three other sentences on websites that were not on our radar. We managed to find 3 domains where the trades were active." The boy explained. 
"What…?" You were confused now. 
"He flagged these websites? He literally showed them to us?" Laswell interrogated.
You looked at your screen as it slowly booted back into your home screen. 
"Sparrow. What's going on." 
You were still in shock. The words written in a small window opened on the home's screen seemed to laugh at you. 
"Sparrow?" Laswell called again. 
You turned the screen to her. She frowned. 
"He served us these tips on a silver platter. And it wasn't to make a diversion on something big.  Because he's not working with the drug lord. Not anymore." 
You couldn't believe you were once again in this situation. Laswell sighed. 
"It's official. You're his target." 
You turned back to the screen, taking a deep breath rereading the words one last time. 
You're mine birdie.
Laswell had driven you home that evening. She had walked you to your door and walked you inside. There she was again. The mama bear. 
You sighed, dropping your bag on the floor, not even shocked to see the whole squad in the living room. You glared at soap. 
"Put down Reaper." You ordered. 
He immediately put it back on the couch, noticing your awful mood. Price had noted too, and had mostly noticed how Laswell was tense. 
"What's going on?" He asked, turning to Laswell. 
Before she could answer you chimed in, as you walked to grab a glass of water. 
"A mission going south. Nothing unusual in our field." You said, throwing a knowing look at Laswell.  
She looked pissed for a moment but brushed it off. 
"Y/N." She said seriously. You choked on the water. She had just spoken your real name in front of everyone. Everyone went silent looking at you and Kate. 
"You are not allowed to leave the base." She started. 
"I'm already not allowed to leave the base." You protested. 
"You are to be accompanied by someone each time you leave your apartment." 
You opened your mouth in shock, wait. This was going too far. The boys had turned serious. 
"You'll be closely watched by squad 141." 
"Oh come on! They've just come back from a mission!" You debated again. 
"No arguing." She ordered. 
"You are overreacting Kate." You answered in the same tone. 
"Hey hey. Intel." Price interupted, standing up. 
"No! No. Absolutely not." You snapped. "You are overreacting Kate. It wasn't even a threat. I'll get to him before he can even guess the continent I'm in." You started. 
"This isn't the first time Y/N! I'm not taking any chances." She tried to explain. 
"There's no need to take a chance. I'm literally at the base. I go nowhere else. I haven't gone into a civilian zone since… I don't even remember!" You debated. 
She crossed her arms. 
"Kate. Do you think I'm unsafe here, at the base?" You asked. 
"No." She was forced to admit. 
"Then no problem. No close security, no babysitters." You asked. 
She seemed to ponder. Then she sighed, relaxing a bit. 
"I still want to know." Price asked again. 
You rolled your eyes. You felt like you were being scolded by your parents. And God knows it hadn't happened in a very very long while. 
"I'm working on a mission. I had a target and it was being helped by a skillful fucker. Turns out, that fucker betrayed the target and seems a lot more interested in me." 
"Did he threaten you?" Soap asked. You had never seen him this serious. 
"Yes." Laswell interrupted. You rolled your eyes. 
"Not. Really." You added. Glancing at Laswell. "It was some cryptic message. But he did try to hack me personally." You finally said sitting down at the counter. You sighed. You had to make sure to find him before Laswell and now, by the looks of it, Price, had a nervous breakdown. 
"No need for the squad." 
A shiver ran down your spine. You slowly turned to look at Simon. 
"I'm not going anywhere."
You wanted to throw something at his face.  
This bitch. You had looked at him in utter shock and disapproval. You were pacing around in your room. This was all too much. Your mind was a mix of so many things, emotions, thoughts. A soup. Your mind was soup. Wait. What?
You closed your eyes. You were going to go insane. 
A knock on the door was heard. You rolled your eyes for what seemed to be the hundredth time today. 
You had that funny feeling again as you saw him walk into your room, closing the door behind him. 
Does he have any idea the hold he had on you? You glanced at his hand. You wanted to smile but bit your lip to avoid it. He had one of his hoodies in his hand. 
"Do you want it?" 
"You want me to wear it now? " You ask. 
"Never said you couldn't. Just want them back." 
"No thank you." You answered with a fake forced smile because clearly he was so cute. 
He looked away with what seemed to be a smirk under his mask. 
"Are you going to be mad forever?" 
He asked. 
The question made your blood boil, turning your mood back to something very sour.  
"Why? This what you wanted no? Didn't think about the consequences when you'd be back?" You asked, stepping closer to him. "You put a single thought into what would happen if you'd be back? Or maybe you just thought I'd jump into your arms as if you hadn't broke me and stepped all over my FUCKING heart?" You finished, a few inches from him. 
You blushed slightly. Your lips had moved faster than your brain. But you had been honest with him. He looked hurt for a second. Like he had the right to. 
"Y/N. I'm sorry…" he said. 
You bit your lip. No. Not so easily. 
"Simon. Sorry isn't going to fix this…" you answered. 
"What is then? Tell me." His voice lowered. 
"You're going to have to make up your mind Simon. Do you want me in your life or not? I can't keep being hurt each time you feel like pushing me away." You said honestly. 
He frowned. His fingers lifting up to your waist. The touch gave you goosebumps. You hadn't felt his touch since he arrived. And you craved it. For some reason, while looking into his eyes, you knew he did too. He just seemed afraid to scare you away. He leant down letting his forehead touch yours. The mask felt cold against your skin. His other hand joined your waist this time, more confidently. He wrapped his arms more tightly around you pulling you flushed against him. Your breath had quickened. 
"Simon…" you whispered. 
"I've been wanting to hold you since I arrived…" he growled. 
"S-simon…" you tried, softly pushing on his chest with your hands. 
"To touch you … fuck… you smell so good…"
"Is this what you really wanted… to hold me so your shirt smells like me…" you smirked. 
He chuckled. 
"Are you going to wear my hoodies…?" 
"No…" you whispered. 
He held you tighter. 
You felt so warm, god you had missed him. There was still something in the back of your mind just repeating to you that he hurt you. 
"You're not going to make it that easily Simon… you need to make up your mind.." you broke. 
He stared into your eyes, so God damn close to you. 
Knock knock knock. 
"Hey guys! We're leaving, come say bye bye!" 
You laughed at Soap's voice. 
You separated with a curse. 
"God damn it johnny…" Ghost said. 
You cleared your throat. 
"Seems like we have places to be." You said.
He grabbed your wrist, marking you look into his eyes.
"I'll apologize properly. I promise."
"Try to figure out what you want first..." you said, a heavy weight on your heart.
Once in the living room you hugged everyone goodbye. Laswell and Price were the first to leave. A bit later you and Ghost walked gaz and soap to the door. 
"See you tomorrow then!" Soap cheered. 
"Absolutely not." Ghost answered. 
"It'll be lovely Soap." You countered. "Get home safely." 
"Lose yourself on the way." Ghost added. 
You smiled and rolled your eyes. 
Behind Soap, a silhouette appeared. 
"Hey Sparrow! Got you some-" 
The squad turned to stare at the new arrival. You smirked, feeling Ghost lean closer to you. 
"Hey Peter." You greeted. 
"Hum…hi… so… you want the muffins?"
"We have muffins." You heard Ghost next to you. 
"It will be lovely Peter, thank you." You smiled as you walked to him, grabbing the bag. He smiled at you sheepishly. 
"Let me present to you the squad" you said, turning back to them. 
"Ah… i-its not necessary… squad 141 is famous… especially… Humm.." 
"Me." Ghost said. His voice had gotten darker.
You noticed how Peter seemed to be scared of Ghost.  
"So… hum, which one is your roommate?" He asked, turning to you with a smile. 
You smiled apologetically to him. 
"Me." Ghost said again, this time grabbing the back of your pants and pulling you back closer to him. You gasped. What the…? (t
Soap and Gaz were trying not to laugh and Peter… had changed expression. 
"Oh, Nice. Hum, I'm gonna go guys. Nice seeing you, Sparrow." He smiled at you. 
Then he glanced up. If it wasn't for a tiny second you would have missed it. The cold and dark gaze Ghost and Peter sent each other. 
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ghouljams · 11 months
Could we get Cowboy!Ghost getting drunk off his ass making a fool of himself and being overly affectionate, confessing his love to Goose, all in all just being a mess of a drunk pretty please?
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Of course Maelstrom anything for you 💜 I have a cowboy!König in the works for you and more cowboy!Soap "corruption kink" Mactavish cooking.
Simon is absolutely smashed. It's his own fault really, you told him you'd drink him under the table and he hadn't believed you. He isn't used to moonshine, you really should've stopped him before he got to this point, but it was so fun watching him go shot for shot with you. You're pretty sloshed yourself, but he is just... it's cute, it's really really cute.
You're crouched in the grass between his knees, rubbing his thighs, trying to ground him just enough that he won't vomit all over the place. Although that might be a good thing, get some of the liquor out of his system. No, the way he was boasting about being able to hold his liquor makes you think he'd be upset if you let him throw up.
"God, you've gotta get off your knees princess, give a man ideas." He slurs and if you weren't already so smitten with this man you might fall a little harder.
"Alright, shut yer eyes though, don't want you trackin' me with the spins," you wait for him to finish his grumbling and follow your order before you stand. You make the executive(drunken) decision to straddle his lap and he thumps his head onto your chest as soon as you settle on his lap.
His arms circle your waist and you let him hug you close to cuddle. You try not to coo at him as you thread your fingers through his hair, but he's so sweet like this you can't help one little affection. He grumbles more in response.
"Nobody told me you were gonna be a cuddly drunk," you grin, fingers dipping under his mask to scratch the back of his neck lightly. You press your thumb behind his ear, easy pressure points to keep the nausea at bay.
"'M not," you mumbles against your chest, you bite your lip and try not to laugh, "'m jus' in love with you." You are very much not laughing at that. Your fingers still and you feel Simon nuzzle against you, searching for more attention.
"You love me?" You whisper, because you don't want the rest of the group to hear. Their fun dims in the background, your world narrowing to just you and the man in your arms.
Simon hums an affirmative, "Want you to marry me, have my stupid fat babies."
"Babies? Plural?" Your brain latches on to the only thing it can, there's a non-zero chance Simon has blacked out and this is not how youre going to get engaged, "What happened to not fit to parent?"
He tips his head back, resting his chin against your sternum, the stars reflected in those gorgeous brown eyes you love so much. "I could do it with you," he tells you, and your heart could burst at how soft and honest he sounds, "I'm better with you."
God actually maybe this is how you want to get engaged. You want to bottle this moment, this look in Simon's eye, and save it for the rest of your life. His head moves with the steady rise and fall of your breaths, he looks at you like he never wants anything else than what he has right now. Just you and him sitting under the stars, breathing together.
You kiss him and he tastes like the best moonshine you've ever had, like canned peaches and stale tobacco, like the rest of your life, like Simon. His lips move against yours slow and gentle, he can never believe that a girl like you is kissing a guy like him. He savors everything you give him and then some.
The way you look when you wake up, the way you stretch your arms over your head and groan when you think no one's watching, the way you make every allowance for him and never ask him for anything but him in return. Why wouldn't he love you? Why wouldn't he tell you, show you, every chance he got.
"I love you too," you tell him softly, and his chest clenches so tight he thinks he might be having a heart attack out of shear joy.
"I'll get you a ring," he promises, and you really hope he hasn't blacked out because he's going to be real embarrassed in the morning if he remembers this.
"If we're being proper about this you gotta ask Daddy for my hand," you tell him just to watch him pout and shove his face back into your chest.
"Maybe we elope."
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apomaro-mellow · 5 months
King&Prince 10
After his foot was deemed fine, Dustin dragged Steve to a sitting room and pushed him onto a couch.
"Wait here. I need to get everyone", he beamed before running off.
Steve really didn't understand what had gotten into him, but figured that he might finally meet this enigmatic Eddie. It was odd that he hadn't made himself known. From how the kids talked, he seemed like a larger than life personality. Dustin must have sent his friends ahead first, because Max, El, and Lucas arrived, and then Will and Mike.
"Where were you this morning?", Max asked, arms crossed.
"I...went on an outing with the king", Steve answered. He didn't think it wise to admit that while on the outing, he had smacked him and ran off up into a tree. Now that he thought about it, the whole thing was embarrassing. Steve rubbed his eyes and groaned.
"What's wrong?", El asked.
"I think my father was right. I'm an absolute idiot."
"Yeah, but a useful one", Robin said, coming in, following behind Dustin. "If our liege is going to be taking you out like that, I suggest we draft up some kind of sign out sheet."
Steve brought his hands down from his face. "What? For me? Like a piece of equipment."
"The music room looks great now, thanks to you", Will pointed out.
"Dustin. Why are we all here?", Lucas asked.
Dustin really looked like his face would break from how hard he was smiling. "You guys aren't gonna believe this. Steve says he's never met Eddie. Ever."
Steve wondered when he got comfortable not hearing the title 'prince' before his name. Probably when people spat it out to him like a curse word. While he was meditating on this, the rest of the group shared confused looks.
Mike spoke up first. "But he-"
"I know!", Dustin giggled.
"Does he-", Lucas stammered, pointing to Steve. "Does he not know-"
"How is that even possible? Is he brain-dead?", Max asked.
"Starting to seem like a real possibility", Robin said.
"If you all came just to insult me, I'll be heading back to my room now", Steve said, standing when El grabbed his arm.
"Wait. Sit", she ordered softly, so he did. Then she looked to the others. "Don't be mean. It's not his fault he doesn't know."
"Know what?", Steve asked.
"Certainly the things a Harrington doesn't know could fill a book", the king announced his presence with that quip. "Perhaps several books."
"Perfect. We're all here", Dustin grinned.
Steve didn't get what he meant by 'all'. "You all were talking him up so much, I thought I was finally going to meet this Eddie." He didn't miss the way the king's eyes got wide.
"This is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen", Will grinned.
Dustin cleared his throat. "Steve, why don't you tell us about Eddie?"
"Why would I tell you about your friend?", Steve crossed his arms.
"Just, tell us how you'd describe him", Lucas urged.
Steve glanced at King Edward, always wary of him, even though there was a small table between them. "He's always hanging around you guys. Telling you stories that you like, playing with you."
"Which was your favorite story?", Dustin asked.
"Depends", Steve shrugged. "If it's the one he does with you guys, I sort of liked that one about the missing friend. I don't believe in leaving anyone behind and I can't believe you argumentative shits actually worked together long enough to find them."
"You gonna let your prisoner call your wards 'shits'?", Robin smirked at the king.
"If the boot fits", he replied, face unreadable.
Steve didn't actually know how the king felt about this band of children. They seemed to enjoy the benefits of having the king's favor, despite at least one of them being a servant's child. Not for the first time, he wondered what they were all doing here.
"Anyway", he continued. "If it's my favorite story about Eddie, probably the one you called the uh, what was it? The ribbon incident?"
The king shot up to his feet and pointed an accusatory finger to Dustin. "You told him about that!?", he squawked in a very un-kingly manner.
"I didn't, Max did", Dustin ratted right away.
"I did. It was funny", Max said.
"What about the nice things about Eddie?", El asked.
"Who's saying nice things about Eddie?", Robin asked, brow raised. "Like, out loud?"
"Great gusts, you'd think they worship him", Steve groaned. "Half the things they told me about were how amazing Eddie was."
"Okay, Steve you can shut up now", Mike warned.
"'Eddie did this and it was great', 'Eddie did that and we fucking loved it'. 'Eddie's the best', Eddie is-", Steve paused when he saw the king smiling. Not just smiling but looking...well and odd combination of smug and bashful. Why would he...wait...
"I'm going to ask a stupid question", he started.
"My word, I think he's got it", Robin said.
"Shh, birdie. There's no such thing as a stupid, little prince", the king looked to him.
There was something different about the way he said 'little prince' this time, but Steve forged ahead. "King Edward...are you Eddie?"
"That I am", he answered.
"You just-you just let these random children call you that?"
King Edward-no Eddie-no, he was still King Edward, looked around the room at the gaggle present. "I wouldn't call them 'random'."
Steve couldn't take it. He was looking at them with...well it could only be described as fondness, as adoration, something like love. He shot up from his seat and marched towards the door, needing to get away. This time, El didn't hold him back. But he did hear Dustin running after him and calling for him. Steve didn't stop until he was back in his room. Not his room, a cell. He might have a better bed and a window now, but this was still very much a prison.
"Hey, what the shit?", Dustin demanded, coming in without so much as a knock.
"You all just expect me to believe all of that? That King Edward is Eddie?"
"Yeah", Dustin jutted his chin out. "Why's that so hard to believe?"
"That man is the same one who cried when his favorite lute broke? The same one who used to sing El to sleep? The same one who ate so many strawberries that he passed out?"
"To be fair, he was shifted into a bat at the time, so it only took like ten strawberries", Dustin clarified.
"You're asking me to look at red and see blue."
"King Edward is not the same as Eddie. Those are two different people and I won't believe that they're the same." Steve turned to look out the window. He was wasting his time here. He had to think of an escape. It was far up but with enough sheets, this might be a viable option.
"Maybe I don't want you to see blue. Maybe I want you to see purple."
Steve's brow furrowed. "What?"
"You knew about one side of Eddie. Let's call that red. Now you know the other side, his blue side. Now you just need to put them together to make purple", Dustin explained.
"You're asking the impossible." Steve sat down on his bed but kept his eyes trained on the window.
Dustin came over and sat next to him. "Have you ever had someone look at you and only see one thing?"
"It's different with him. He's a tyrant."
“Did you ever think it might be time for you to get rid of that narrow worldview of yours and broaden your horizons?”, Dustin tilted his head like he was talking to a child.
Steve, ever stubborn, didn’t respond and kept looking out the window. He couldn’t see his kingdom from here, and at this point he was wondering if he’d ever lay eyes on it again. He didn’t know whether that would be a bad thing or a blessing. He didn't want to admit it, but Dustin had hit the nail on the head. Back home, he'd only been one thing or the other. People rarely got close enough to see the whole picture of what he was.
“Seriously, what’s the worst thing that can happen?”, Dustin urged, frustrated.
“I’m not going to be toyed with by your king.” At the end of the day, they were mortal enemies. There was no common ground wide enough to change that. A few stories of him not being a menace meant nothing. At least that's what he was telling himself.
"Henderson, leave us alone", the king said, also coming in without knocking.
Steve expected to hear protests, but Dustin got up and left without a word. Apparently he did actually respect the king's authority sometimes. Steve turned, knowing it wasn't wise to have your back towards the enemy.
"Suppose you're here to tell me how nice you actually are."
The king closed the door but didn't step away from it, keeping the distance between them. He looked uncertain and that enough threw Steve off. What did he have to be unsure about?
"There's something I need to tell you. Something I should have said days ago."
"What? Your nickname? I would have figured it out if those brats had any sense of awareness."
"They talk about you the same way."
Steve stood slowly, feeling somehow vulnerable even though neither of them were positioned to fight. "What?"
"Ever since they started talking to you, it was always 'Steve this, Steve that'", the king smiled in much the same way he had before. "'Steve knows so much, I learned a lot from him today'. It was kind of annoying to be honest."
Steve crossed his arms. He could relate, but he wouldn't let that show.
"I didn't want to believe that the son of my enemy could be good with kids. That he could be kind and gentle."
"Why are you telling me this?", Steve asked.
"Because I know you're not like your father. Or your grandfather. As much as you pretend to be."
"You don't know anything. And if you think being nice to me is going to get me to defect, you've got another thing coming."
"You're that loyal to your father?", he felt the words rising up out of his mouth like venom but couldn't decide if he wanted to poison the prince or protect him.
"I'm loyal to my kingdom", Steve said, voice full of sincerity. He knew he wasn't the perfect prince, but his father wasn't infallible either. But Steve's allegiance had been to his people for a long time. He felt as though he'd said too much though, when he saw the king's expression slip.
“Your king…Your father…”, Eddie looked away, unable to meet his eyes. Why was this so hard? Why couldn’t he say it? “When I sent the ransom letter, all I asked was to negotiate. Only then could I guarantee your safe return.”
Steve’s face showed no change. No realization. If anything, he looked resigned.
“King Alric has refused to sit with me.”
“So you can no longer guarantee my safety”, Steve surmised.
There was an even deeper resignation as his shoulders sagged and Eddie knew that Steve believed he was here to execute him. He shook his head frantically, making a decision right then and there.
“Your safety is between you and I now. It has nothing to do with that man.”
Steve frowned. "But you just said-"
"I said you're not your father."
"...So you'll let me go?"
Eddie could hear Nancy berating him and even Jeff giving him some choice words for releasing what should be a very valuable hostage without consulting them first. He pushed their voices away.
"If that is what you wish."
Steve didn't know if he felt a weight lift off his shoulders or a heavier one bear down on him. Before, his father had decided where Steve would go and he obeyed. Then he had been shackled by King Edward, only allowed where he let him. But now he was being giving a choice. To return home or to...to what? Stay here? Was it even a choice?
He felt completely unmoored and didn't know what was right.
"If you stay...", Eddie started, looking unsure himself. "If you stay, you won't be a prisoner anymore."
Steve let out a breath. "Then what will I be?"
Eddie grinned cheekily and Steve thought of the color purple. Dammit, Dustin.
"You'll be one of my little shits."
Steve laughed so sudden and loud that Eddie startled. Everything he'd been feeling had bubbled up and overflowed and finally found its way out. When he finished, he wiped a stray tear and caught his breath.
"Can we think of a better title while I think about it?"
"At your leisure, little prince."
Holy cow can you believe we're nearly done with the first arc?
Part 12
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void @0body0disphoria0 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @samsoble @jamieweasley13 @y4r3luv @xtkxkrzrizir @un-knownperson @greekgeek24 @justdrugsformethanks @potato-of-the-lord @notaqueenakhaleesi @swimmingbirdrunningrock @queenie-ofthe-void @nebulainajar @lil-gremlin-things @nicememerino @robininblue @hornedqueenofhell @anne-bennett-cosplayer @moomkin77 @here4thetrama @bookworm0690
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mistressreaper · 7 months
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Love on the Brain
Singer!Bakugo x reader
A/n: okay so first fic I’ve done in years😅 I’m gonna make this a series so let’s all hope it goes well! Thank you to @spark2flame for chatting with me and making this come to life in my head!
Summary: Being Katsuki Bakugo’s, Dynamight, manager is not easy. Especially since you two have been friends for years and what do you know, you’ve got a major school girl crush on him too! With the stress of being in the limelight on his shoulders you decide to keep your feelings to yourself, you don’t want to complicate things between you two. That is until you find out something shocking.
⚠️: this part contains adult themes at the VERY beginning and the rest of the series will too, swearing, descriptions of the body (I believe that’s all this chapter)
So without further to do and I sincerely hope this format looks better than it did when I first posted….Part 1!!
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“Just like that princess, fuck, there you go.” Katsuki moaned and threw his head back, his body full of pleasure. His hand had a fistful of your hair guiding your head along his cock while you took him as far as you could, tears falling from your eyes. Your nails dug into his thighs and Katsuki groaned. “Fuck baby, your mouth feels so good. Gonna cum down your throat then I’m gonna-I’m gonna fuck that pretty pussy of yours til you’re dumb.” He began stumbling over his words and pushing your head down on him harder. His tip hit the back of your throat over and over again and your moans sent a shiver up his body. “So close Princess, so fucking-
You shot up straight in bed gasping for air. Fuck, you thought, that’s the fifth time this month you’ve had that dream about Bakugo. You could feel the wetness in your shorts that had built up from your dream, “god damn it”. You looked at your clock and groaned, it was time for you to wake up anyway. You got out of bed and changed bottoms before deciding to just change your sheets later. You grabbed your phone and made your way to the kitchen for breakfast. You sat down at the table with your bowl of cereal while scrolling on your phone. “Fuck. Damn it Bakugo.” There was a video posted online of him punching the shit out of some guy at a bar. Why did he have to make the job of being his manager harder than it needs to be? Searching your contacts you dialed up Hizashi Yamada. “Hey Mic, I need to cash in that favor.”
“I am not bringing that asshole on my station.”
“Hizashi, please? I know he can be a dickhead but I promise he will be on his best behavior.” There was a silence for a minute or two.
“Bring me some of those cookies you make and I’ll consider it. You have to stay here with him though.”
You sighed, “Thank you Mic, I appreciate it.” He gave a hum in response and ended the call. Your phone pinged notifying you of a text.
Mic- 9 Am. And DON’T forget the cookies
You chuckled and took a bite of your cereal just as the door across from the dining table opened. Out walked Bakugo in his shirtless glory scratching his head and yawning, “What’s so fuckin funny?” You looked away because you could feel your cheeks heating up. He grabbed the box of cereal from the counter and the milk from the fridge before sitting down with you at the table.
“Was talking to Hizashi, you have an interview tomorrow at 9 AM.” You took another bite of cereal and almost choked when you saw the death glare Bakugo was giving you. Instantly killing the residual feelings from your dream this morning.
“What the fuck! Why so early?” He growled. “I specifically told you no more early interviews.” He shoveled a handful of Frosted Flakes in his mouth then took a giant gulp from the milk carton.
“Don’t piss me off and do shit I tell you not to. I told you not to fight that guy in the bar last week and what did you do? You broke his damn nose! You need to apologize and since we have no clue who that guy was right now a public apology is as best as we can do.”
“He had a big mouth! He fucking deserved it.”
“Deserved it or not Katsuki you can’t be getting into bar fights, especially now that your new songs are topping the charts and everyone’s eyes are on you.” Sighing you got up and grabbed a bowl and spoon and gave it to him. You never knew what was going on in his head, but you do know that stress has been weighing on him the last few months. Deadlines for new music, performances every other night, keeping up with the press. It’s a lot for you just to schedule it, much less for Bakugo to accomplish it all and still have that smug ass look on his face at the end of the day. “Don’t eat like a fucking animal.” Bakugo rolled his eyes as he poured milk in the bowl. “What the hell? The cereal goes first!”
A grunt is what you got in response. You just shook your head and made your way to your room, sometimes sharing an apartment with your best friend irritated you with the dumb things he did. Opening your closet you grabbed a big t-shirt, probably one of your older brothers, some shorts, and some undergarments. Thankfully today was a free day, no interviews, concerts, signings, just relaxing. You snatched a towel from the cabinet and headed to the bathroom to shower. As you get closer to the door you hear running water. “Seriously! You know I shower every morning!”
“I needed to this morning.” Bakugo’s voice was still rough from performing the night before.
“Why’s that?”
You didn’t get a response right away but eventually all you got was, “Reasons.” Huffing you sank down to the floor in front of the bathroom door. You’d just wait until he was done to chew his ass out. A few more minutes passed until the water shut off and you heard the rings of the shower curtain slide back. “Finally, now give me the real reason you didn’t shower last-“ you were cut off by the door opening and Bakugo standing there with only a towel sitting loosely on his hips. Part of you hated him right now for taking up your designated shower time, but the other part of you that enjoyed seeing him like this was beginning to take over.
His damp blonde hair sticking to the sides of his face, water droplets running down his bare chest over the jet black tattoos, down his stomach and past his tattoo on his v-line before soaking into the towel that obstructed the rest of your view. “Oi, you listening? Hey!” You snapped out of your trace, cheeks pink from embarrassment. “I said I was too tired to shower last night. Sorry I didn’t tell you.” He held his hand out to help you up.
You took it but your left leg had fallen asleep and you stumbled forward, fuck fuck fuck fuck Is all you could think as you went face first into Bakugo’s chest. Your whole face burned red now, no doubt about it. “Watch it. You okay?”
“I’m fine! Just really need to shower!” You pulled away and scurried around him into the bathroom before slamming the door.
Calmed down and now clean, you stepped out of the shower and dried off, you looked through your clothes for your underwear but couldn’t find them. “Hm, maybe I forgot to grab them.” After getting dressed and just deciding to go without underwear you made your way to the kitchen to get something to drink. Bakugo was sitting on the couch watching tv in grey sweats and a black tank top, thankfully paying no mind to you. You grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and poured you a glass and sat down at the table again, this time your back to Bakugo. You sighed and took back your thoughts from this morning, you’re glad you share an apartment with him.
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creative-heart · 27 days
"In the arms of love"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Lucia’s notes: This One Shot was fueled by my lovely @lastflowrr who said she heard the song “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby” by Cigarettes after sex and wanted to see it in writing. So here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy it, especially my girl Lucy. I also suggest you listen to the song while reading this. 😘😘
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+18 MDNI: Please stop reading after the cut if you don't want to read the smut part.
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Content Warning: Mention of past relationship trauma, Sex scene, a short mention of heavy social drinking, some degrading name calling.
Word Count: 1.2k
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Enzo knew from the moment you two got together for the first time, that getting you to overcome your fears and traumas wouldn’t be easy and he had been trying for the past three years to help you get past what you had lived through. The dark-haired man had to admit, that he liked the little dynamic you had established for yourselves, he didn’t mind being a little bit of a dominant person when it came to you and apparently, it helped you stay centered.
When he saw the way you were drinking at the party in Mati’s house, he knew he needed to tread lightly with you or it could go southways. So he approaches you from behind wrapping his long arms around the middle of your body and whispers “Be careful now baby girl, if you get too drunk I won’t be able to fuck you when we get back, and then I will have to punish you won’t I?” and as soon as you hear those words coming from his lips you can feel your skin filling up with goosebumps, and even through the fog of your brain courtesy of the alcohol you’ve consumed already you are now burning with the anticipation his words brought into the mix. You know full well that Enzo means what he said and so you nod softly before turning around and looking up into his now dark brown eyes biting your lips “I’ll be good, I promise”. The only problem with this is, that you kind of enjoy it when he punishes you because you know he would never actually hurt you, as he’s repeated to you tirelessly, nothing’s gonna hurt you, as long as you’re with him, you’ll be just fine; you know this is true, you trust this man with your life.
When you walk away from his embrace, you’ve already devised a plan for how you will push his buttons and test how serious he is about the punishing part. The first step of this plan is locating the guy you know is going to drive him the craziest you flirt with; you slowly scan the room until you find your target, sweet Santi is sitting on the couch having a beer and you make your way to him, your hips swaying honestly a little more than they should, you sit down next to him your leg crossed in a way your knees are brushing slightly. “Hi Santi, did you do something different to your hair? it looks exceptionally good tonight” You smile playfully playing with his blonde curls. You can already see two things happening, first, Santiago’s already blushing like crazy, and second, you can feel Enzo’s glare drilling into you from across the room.
Of course, it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes for your boyfriend to make his way to you and bend down to talk to you at a volume he knows no one else will hear above the blasting music “What did I say about behaving baby? now we’re gonna have to go home and I’ll have to do something about this” You can already hear the lust filling his voice and you can’t help but bite your lip looking up at him, you can’t help it, you love being a bit of a brat sometimes. Even if you know this may come at a price.
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As soon as you walk into the apartment your back is against the wall and your hands are up and out of the way held by one of Enzo’s big hands, the other resting on your hips squeezing just enough to make you feel it. “You enjoy making me jealous by flirting with my friends, don’t you princess?” It’s the tone of his voice matched with the sweetness of the pet names he uses which makes you weak at the knees, your breath hitching at the back of your throat as you nod softly looking at him through your lashes. “No no, use your words, baby girl, you know I like hearing your voice”. Just as you’re about to talk back you feel his right knee pressed up gently against your center and through your opened mouth instead of words comes a whiny, needy moan, your eyes fluttering closed. Just as your eyelids close you feel the grip of his hand on your hip tightening and you know that  to be your final warning so you force the words out of your mouth “Yes Enzo, I enjoy it” you say barely above a whisper. 
Just as you finish saying that Enzo picks you up tossing you firmly yet gently over his shoulder walking straight to your bedroom “well then… I guess that means there’s no orgasm for you tonight then, that’s what you get for being a little slut” He puts you down on the bed taking your clothes off before folding them neatly on the chair beside your bed. “Come on babyyy” you whine aching for some release between your legs, when he catches you  through the corner of his eye he turns his head clicking his tongue admonishingly shaking his head. Once you’re both in your underwear he grabs your legs behind your knees bringing you to the edge of the bed and without breaking eye contact with you kneels down between your legs “now… you know not to flirt with my friends, it’s not respectful to me” he says in his low sultry voice in between kisses up your inner thighs just before depositing the last one right on your already pulsating nub. When you feel his mouth making contact with your already slick aching center you close your eyes a loud moan flowing from your lip before you can even stop it digging your nails on the heels of your hands leaving crescent shapes on them knowing better than to tug at your boyfriend’s hair.
Enzo might enjoy this a little bit too much if he’s honest with himself, but there’s something about having you like that, laying on the bed and at the mercy of his skillful fingers and mouth begging for some release that just drives him crazy. He’s been at this for almost an hour now, his fingers moving in and out of your dripping center which so lusciously tightens around them as he accompanies each thrust of his digits with alternating sucking and lapping at your throbbing core and once more when he feels your breath hitching in the back of your throat and you trying to move your hips into him trying to look some release and pulls away before you can get the so coveted release you so much desire. As he gets back up to his full height he looks at you seeing how distraught you look and smiles softly “Come on babygirl, let’s get you into the shower, a nice warm soothing shower to get you better”.
Before you can protest he’s disappeared into the bathroom running the water, once  he’s back by the bed Enzo  picks you up in his arms cradling you against his chest and walks to the shower standing under the water gently placing you down as he proceeds to wash your hair and body making sure to give you a soothing massage until he feels you relax under his touch. It's become a habit now, after one of these sessions of yours, he likes taking care and pampering you, he knows sometimes he can get a bit taken away in the situation and more than anything, he wants you to remember nothing’s gonna hurt you as long as you’re with him.
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Lucia's notes: I relly hope you enjoyed this little one shot, as usual, reqs are still open for a bit longer until I get in the mood to start my new series.
Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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thecuriousquest · 10 months
hi! i love your yandere dabi alphabet, could you write a story based off it ? thank you sm!!
P is for Patience
Yandere Dabi x Fem!Reader
Tag List: @issamomma
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, non con, crying kink, daddy kink, branding, burning, slapping, drinking/mentioning of alcohol, implied kidnapping, genital piercing
Yandere Alphabet: Dabi can be found here.
Checkout my Master List here.
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Sitting at the bar all alone, your eyelids close as you heave a sigh. What the fuck has happened to you? Your life used to be so wonderful in comparison to this. Sure, you had your struggles. Who doesn’t? However, you’d take barely managing to make rent on time while working doubles everyday over being Dabi’s little play thing.
A familiar and warm hand on your shoulder alerts you to your captor’s presence.
“What’d I tell you about drinking?”
Without even hesitating or looking at him, you answer, “That I’m only allowed to get drunk on your cock.” Risking his anger, you take another sip. You really couldn’t care less at this point since you’ve already been caught.
He takes the short glass filled with scotch and throws it at the wall. It doesn’t faze you. Ice, shards of glass, and the strong smell of alcohol rest on the floor.
“I was drinking that,” you tell him without a note of anger in your voice. It’s more of a fact that you are simply stating.
Dabi laughs at your courage to be so cheeky. “Come on. We’re going to the room. I need to relieve some stress.”
The villain grabs you by the wrist, but his grip is relaxed. You pull your wrist out of his hand, and he cocks his eyebrow at you, not expecting you to be so defiant.
“I’ll go after I have a fucking drink since you interrupted me.”
Amused, curious, and slightly turned on, he leans his elbow on the bar next to you. “Princess, you really think it’s a good idea to test me right now after I had a rough day?”
Oh, he thinks he had a bad day?
He finally draws a reaction from you. Your eyes look as though they hold flames from hell as you glare at him with utmost disrespect.
“You fucking piece of shit. What? You really think you can get sympathy from me? Let me tell you about a bad day. A bad day is being drugged and kidnapped by the guy you were just supposed to have a one night stand with. A bad day is being forced to endure you and your filth ridden touches. A bad day is having to wake up and close your eyes to a fucking monster!”
The furnace in your chest opens, and you feel heat burning throughout your body. Your brain tells you to succumb to your violent tendencies, but you have more to say, and you won’t let yourself be interrupted.
“You think you had a bad day? What? The person you tried to kill got away? GOOD! The puppy you tried to kick for no reason bit you? I hope he made you fucking bleed!”
What’s really pissing you off even further is the blank face your kidnapper looks at you with. His electric cobalt orbs are trained directly on you, but it seems as though your words have no effect on him.
“I fucking hate you! I hope you rot in hell, you bastard! Maybe you’ll find true love down there since it’s a cesspool of deranged people like you!”
After a long pause, he sighs heavily out of his pierced nose. “Are you done? You finally done shrieking in my ear? Alright, let me tell you what’s gonna happen now.”
With demonic strength, he picks you up by your throat and slams you down on the bar counter.
“You’re gonna go to the room, you’re gonna get naked, and you’re gonna make this little incident up to me. Got it? Good.”
A light slap against your face is enough to push you over the edge. Fat tears line your lashes. All it does is cause Dabi to smirk and lean in against your ear.
You feel his burnt flesh against your lobe as he whispers, “Go on, cry baby.”
Forsaking your clothes out of anger, you throw them on the floor. You aren’t sure how much longer you can deal with this, with him. He hurts your heart as he treats you like a little whore rather than a person.
As you stand there all alone in the middle of the room, you find yourself growing calmer. With a clearer mind, the reality of your situation dawns on you: Dabi is angry, and he is going to take it out on you.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you cringe when you hear the creaking of the door.
“It’s good to see you following orders without throwing a bitch fit for once,” he mocks you as he leans against the doorjamb with his arms crossed.
“Dabi…I didn’t mean to yell at you so much. I just got mad.”
“You just got mad?”
Looking up at him with an unsure expression, you nod your head. He moves towards you, placing your chin in his clutch. Dabi strokes your cheek a few times with his other hand, lulling you into a false sense of security.
“That’s all? You seemed more than just mad. You looked really angry, Sweets.”
“Yeah, I was. I’m sorry I shouted at you.”
“Aw, I like it when you apologize like that. This is how you should behave more often. We all get angry, you know that.”
He’s understanding you. He’s finally getting it. With hope in your eyes, you nod, his hand moving with your jaw.
“But, then you had to go and call me a monster.”
Instantaneously, the hope lighting up your eyes dies out like a flame.
“In that shrill fucking voice.”
His grip on your chin becomes so tight that you feel like your jaw is about to crack.
“The fuck did you think was gonna happen? You think I’d just stand there and take it?”
He pushes you against a wall. When your back makes contact with the surface, a gust of wind shoots from the very depth of your being. Disoriented, you place a hand on a strip of chipped paint and exposed plaster for support.
“Dabi, I wanna go home!”
A heavy hand comes down on your cheek like a brick. As the numb pricking sensation turns into a jarring blaze and spreads across your cheek and jaw, your gasp becomes a fearful sob.
“You are home. The rest of your life is with me, bitch. I don’t really give a fuck if you like it or not, but you’re gonna learn to live with it.”
He grabs you by your waist and pulls you close to him, his fingers squeezing your flesh uncomfortably enough to make you yelp.
“This is why I don’t let you get drunk. It ends up making you think that you can talk to me however you want. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you a lesson, Sweets.”
The pyro heats up the skin on your hips to the point where he burns his fingerprints into your flesh. As he throws you down on the bed, you feel yourself sink into the dirty mattress beneath his weight. You fight him tooth and nail, but your movements are sluggish. You’re slow to react.
Damn, maybe you really shouldn’t have drank so much.
A bony shin traps your leg as he pushes your free knee to your chest before nesting between your legs. A dangerous glint in his eyes causes you to shudder as you attempt to squirm away from him.
He has you trapped as he dominates you. It’s not fair! It’s not fair that he never lets you speak your mind or even have a day where you’re not his cock sleeve.
Dabi licks up the tears that you didn’t even realize fell. You feel his hot breath and slightly wet tongue trail up your cheek as he delights in your salty lament.
He mops up your tears with his hand before stuffing your pussy with his fingers. His method acting as a lubricant for his own sick pleasure. He could care less if you enjoy it. All he wants is a slippery entrance.
Your back arches despite your mind trying to tell your body that you’d rather be dead than go a round with Dabi’s pierced cock. Your hips wriggle beneath him as he removes his digits and lines up with your wet cunt.
“Oh, isn’t that cute? You know, you can be such an adorable little slut when you’re not being a fucking bitch.”
Like lightning striking a tree, Dabi slams into your womb. Against your own wishes, you throw your head back with a moan at the sensation of that piercing rubbing against your slick walls.
“Can’t believe you forgot your fucking place earlier. I’m gonna teach you a lesson you’ll never forget. Make you so drunk on my cock you won’t want to leave my side. Imagine how- ah- fucking pathetic you’d look! Damn fucking whore.”
“Dabi, Dabi, please, please! Ah, fuck!”
You shake your head and clasp a hand over your mouth to keep from howling through your orgasm. Your eyes scrunch close, only to have them reopen upon feeling a hand snake around your wrist so that your limbs are pinned to the bed.
“Please what? Did you forget how to beg too?”
He intentionally slows down his pace to the point where you feel like that sweet pressure is vanishing.
It’s aggravating having him taunt you like this, but you just want all of this to be over with.
“Daddy, let me come?!”
A sinister chuckle rumbles from his throat. He moves his hand from your wrist to your chin. “I’ll think about it.”
Pulling away from you, Dabi makes contact with the burn marks on your hips from earlier as he flips you face down. Your bruised cheek rubs against the scratchy surface as there are no sheets on the mattress, but you have more to worry about than the comfort of the bed right now.
Dabi forces your knees apart as far as he can. You’re thankful that you’ve become more flexible during this time that you’ve spent with the outlaw. Otherwise, you’re pretty sure something would snap from the amount of stretching he puts you through.
The villain wraps an arm underneath your waist as he thrusts into you. Like a screen door in a hurricane, he bangs you with such intensity that you barely register your surroundings. All you know is that Dabi is making you feel such bliss that your juicy cunt grips him tightly, not wanting to let go until you come undone.
Your hips push back into him, trying to chase down that feeling he ripped from you earlier. You can feel it coming back. You clench around his girth, feeling that little metal ball in all the right ways.
Five. It’s as if time has stopped.
Four. All that’s left is you pushing yourself forwards and backwards with the little strength you have left in your arms.
Three. You reach with one hand to stroke the button at the apex of your slit.
Two. The pressure that has built up explodes as you feel something warm dripping down the insides of your thighs.
One. You fall forward, exhausted beyond repair.
The flame thrower stands up, adjusting his pants and buttoning them. You only now realize that he railed you with all of his clothes on while you laid there naked beneath him.
The fucking power dynamic.
He leans over you and snatches your hair, forcing you to look at him over your shoulder.
“What do you say after someone makes you feel good?”
With a burst of cold air running down your spine, you can’t help but tremble beneath his harsh touch.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you what?” His remains patient, not tightening his grip on your hair but not letting go.
“Thank you…Daddy.”
He releases your locks from his hold and pats your head. “Good girl. No, don’t fall asleep just yet. I’m nowhere near done with you.”
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jillianrose305 · 5 months
I know its midnight where I am but I had a cute thought: how the obey me cahrecters would react to mc saying "but aren't I too heavy?.."
not including Luke, thriteen,Rapheal,and mestipholis [or whatever his name is]
Tw:suggestive themes[if you squint] ,reader worried about their weight,angst,trauma,and pet names.
You guys are already dating
It was a normal night he was working and you came into his room looking for some sort of comfort and familiarity so you could finally rest. Lucifer sat at his desk about to start his last pile of paper work for the night. "Good evening MC" he didn't even look up to know it was you.
"Good evening lucifer" you approached his desk and when you did he looked up at you gazing at you with those dark charcoal eyes the glint of red like a dying star in an empty sky.
"did you need something my dear?"
"Couldn't sleep and I missed you" you spoke a yawn creeping out at the end of the sentence. He looked up at you smirking. "I just wanted to be near you I guess I couldn't fully relax without knowing you were still here." He reached up and caressed your face gently.
"You need to rest ,If you want to stay with me you could sit on my lap ill hold you while I finish my work after ill carry you to my bed for some well deserved rest." His small chuckle made it hard to deceiver if he was joking or not but the look on his face was serious and his hand started to slink around your waist.
"But wouldn't i be to heavy?.. and I would want to get in the way I can just wait for you on your bed..." you looked at the floor instead of him.
"Oh my love you could never be to heavy as far as I'm concerned you are as light as a feather to me. You don't have to sit on my lap if you don't want to but I highly recommend sitting down." After a bit of reassurance you sat down on his lap eventually relaxing he held you with one arm doing his work with the other. He will find out what or who made you think like this he wants you to have pride in yourself and who you are.
currently it was a day where Mammon was feeling very clingy he just wanted to be near you he didn't mind laying on you but he just wanted to hold you for a change holding you in his arms while you laid on him was all he wanted right now. "Hey Treasure i have a once in a life time opportunity for ya specially from the great mammon!"
"Oh and what would that be?" You asked . Currently you were finishing making a upgraded version of instant ramen for your boyfreind and you for movie night. You placed the bowl down on the coffee table infornt of his TV. Staring down at the handsome demon who laid on the couch.
"You can lay on my chest and I'll hold ya' for a change but I'm probably not gonna let ya' go for a while." He grinned proudly but you just stared trying to see if this was a joke. "Treasure whats wrong? Are you just too stunned by my amazing offer?" He tugged on the hem of your shirt.
"Wouldn't i be to heavy?.." you looked gloomy at your boyfreind.
"Eh?! Are you dumb or something what would go through your brain to think that? Just lay down I've missed your soft Skin" you seemed confused but laid on top of your boyfreind your head resting on his chest. His arms soon wrapped around you as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "My precious treasure is all mine.~" the night was filled with comforting moments. Though he isn't the best at showing it your boyfreind truly cared about you.
levi currently wasn't very happy. You had barely hung out with him all day and then when your here now you won't sit with him. It was true yall had spooned before or he rested on you ,you wouldn't sit with him in his chair. He just wanted his player 2 right next to him after not seeing you all day. He's currently using his tail to try and pull you onto his lap only for you to stop him. "Huh? Why won't you sit with me?." Levi pouted obviously about to start rambling about him being a disgusting Otaku.
"Levi its not that it's just..aren't I too heavy?" In that moment Leviathan started laughing he seemed to think it was a joke in one swift motion his tail wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap.
"Honey I'm the general of the navy and a demon no matter what you'll never be to heavy trust me" he spoke confidently but becoming flustured once he looked into your eyes. "Just..shut up normie I love you.."
Satan was chilling in his room reading his 3rd book of the day when you came to check up on him. As you knocked on his door you heard his voice from the inside "who is it?"
"Its MC" you called from the outside of his door. You heard a bit of shuffling from inside before the blonde opened the door.
"Good evening MC its lovely to see you" you gave him a gentle smile and he closed the door behind you.
"You've been in here the past 2 days I started to miss you" you wrapped your hands around his waist and hugged him.
"I'm sorry dear I hadn't realized so much time had passed" soon before you could object you were being held bridal style as he placed a kiss to your forehead. You tensed up.
"Aren't i too heavy?.." you looked up at him worriedly.
"Huh? Who would make you think such stupid things my dear?" He carried you to his bed laying your head on his chest. After a while of reassurance you relaxed. If you told him someone made you feel this way he would make sure they would be gone and not peacefully.
Currently you and Asmo were doing eachothers makeup he had already done yours but now it was your turn. No matter where you stood you couldn't find the right angle to do his mascara and eye shadow . "Are you ok bueatiful you seem to be struggling" he pulled you closer by the hem of your shirt causing you to stumble onto his lap and when you tried to get up he held you there by holding your hips.
"Asmo let me get up im to heavy to do this." Asmo traced small circles on your hips not letting you up.
"None sense now isn't this a easier angle to get my eyeliner done?~♡" the bueatiful demon gave a cheeky smile as you noded.
Currently you hadn't talked to beelzebub all day instead you were spending the day with solomon. Solomon stopped talking and looked behind you having a small smirk. "Hello Beelzebub I was just hanging out with my apprentice is there something you needed?" Solomons smirk was not welcomed by the hungry demon nor did he respond he simply picked you up and through you over his shoulder.
"Beel aren't I too heavy for this?" Beel quickly swallowed whatever he was eating.
"Not at all" after around 10 minutes you were in his room laying on his chest as he held onto you tightly. You knew you wouldn't be leaving for a while or atleast until beel ran out of the bag of food he had. Thinking back on it was a silly question to ask him.
This was new. Belphie had woken up and you weren't there when he went looking for you he was informed you had to attend a freinds birthday party. He had forgotten and now he was alone. Well aside from Beel. He pouted all day what human thought they had the right to take you away from him he would make sure they would be able to sleep for a while. You didn't return till 2 days later and he hadn't slept a wink. He couldn't without you. As soon as you walked in he was in his demon form and carried you up to the attic holding you protectively close to him. "Your never leaving again without telling me ok?"
"Belphie let me go im too heavy for you" you struggled in his grasp only for him to tighten his grasp his hand slipping around your neck not in a 'im gonna kill you' way but in a 'shut up and let me be so close im almost under your skin' way. You knew you wouldn't be leaving his side for atleast a month. When the rest sall you again belphie was clinging to you your neck and shoulder covered in bites. Even if you wanted to leave you couldn't he would simply use his magic to lure you back with his voice no matter how much you protested.
Lord Diavolo:
It was after a student council when he asked you to stay after dismissing anyone who tried to stay back with you. All he wanted was to dance with you as he hadn't gotten the chance at his last ball. It was going smoothly even if your a bad dancer diavolo had made sure to teach you. At one point Diavolo went to pick you up. "Wait! Aren't I to heavy for you to pick me up" he chuckled in response.
"Never my dear" he held you bridal style and spun with you in his arms before slowly letting you down giving you a gentle kiss on your lips. Needless to say you spent the night at the castle in his arms.
You were currently in your room at the house of lamentation while diavolo had a meeting with lucifer when ypu heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You called out.
"Hello my love" as he walked in you could sense something was off.
"Are you ok dear?" He took a step forward hoisting you up into his arms.
"I sall you've been thinking negatively about yourself" as soon as he spoke you knew you were about to be met with loving words but also a lecture so you just didn't say anything. Barbatis requested the night off so he could stay with you and Diavolo more then happily agreed.
[I don't really talk to solomon much hes not my favriote so im sorry if its not good]
You were teaching your boyfreind how to cook currently as he asked in turn for him teaching you magic. "And then you add- Hey put me down ! Aren't I too heavy?" You complained as your boyfreind littered you with kisses.
"Nonesense" he insited on holding you for the rest of the cooking lesson. And you couldn't object though you would get flustured at every flirtatious mark he made towards you.
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hutchersonsgurl · 5 months
Somethin about you Shane Walsh x reader
Paring yn greene with shane walsh
Synopsis you and Shane were together before the world fell and now you are meeting again when it ended. So now that the world has fallen you do everything in your power to protect your daughter
Special thanks to my bb @taylormarieee
⚠️ warnings blood smut 18+ graphic violence MDNI.
Word count:
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🥀Shane was the type of person where you can look at him and he'll either break your heart or fulfill it. You were one of those people who tried to guess. And believe it or not, the guess you made was completely wrong. He fulfilled your life with love. He didn't break it until later. Now the end of the world has happened and you could only imagine if he's either alive or one of these brain-dead zombies. 🥀
You were outside milking the cows when your dad came outside to tell you that your daughter Faith had woken up you walk into the house as you pick Faith up you hear screaming coming from outside you walk outside the front door to see two people you never thought you'd see again
"Rick? Carl? Oh my God what happened?" you ask
"He's been shot, please help us," Rick says shaking
You don't even see who's running in the background you tell your dad to help Carl
You gave Faith to Beth to watch her as you helped your dad get Carl stable you walked Rick out of the room to go sit down
*Maggie goes out to find lori to bring her to the farm*
"Here you go," you say as you hand Rick something to drink
As you stand up you see Shane standing in the doorway
"Holy sh--------" Shane says as he sees you
You walk away to go check on Maggie Beth and your daughter
You hear Shane and Rick talking as you walk into your bedroom
You pick up Faith from the bed and you walk out to see what is going on in the living room Otis your dad and Rick are talking
"What's going on? "You ask
"I need a respirator to be able to do surgery on Carl "your dad says
"What do we do? "You ask
The old high school they should have supplies there Otis says
"Well I said leave the rest to me is it to late to take that back?" Shane says jokingly
I'll go with you I know my way around you otis says
"Are you sure?" Shane asks
"We can talk about this till the sun comes up or we can get it done right quick" Otis says
"I'd take right quick" Shane says
"I'm coming with you two" you say going to your room for your stuff
"Honey why won't you let the boys handle it" your dad says
"No dad they'll need back up and like momma always said never let a man do a female's job" you said
You walk over to maggie who's holding Faith "mommy is gonna be right back I'm gonna help some friends okay?" You say as you give your daughter a kiss on the cheek
You give your dad a kiss on the cheek and hug him as you turn around you see shane staring at Faith like he knows something
I can't thank y'all enough rick says
No problem rick you know I always have your and Carl's back
"Honestly yn you really don't have to go "lori say as she comes up behind rick
"I got this lori and If you could help keep an on faith that would be great " you say
"Of course lori says as she hugs you"
The three of you head outside and get into the truck
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks
"Of course I am I ain't no damsel in destress" you say as you roll your eyes
"You two know each other? "Otis asks
"Yeah this is my ex boyfriend remember"? You ask
"Oh the dude who couldn't keep it in his pan- oops sorry" Otis says as he continues to drive
"You know something about you seems different yn" Shane says
"What's different besides the fact I ain't waiting on you to change" you respond back
The rest of the drive was quiet until you guys reached the high school
You open the door to get out grabbing your knife from your back pocket
"Yn you really should stay behind us" Shane says
"I'm good I can handle myself thank you" you say
"You really are your mother's daughter "Otis says
As you start to walk towards the back door you notice that there's two walkers hanging by the door
"Yn wai---" Shane says as he cuts off to chase after you
You walk up to one of the walkers and kick one in the knee and and stab it in the back of the head same with the other one
"Holy shit you took down two walkers "Shane says in shock
"Told you I can handle myself" you say as you walk into the school
Part 2 coming soon
Not edited
Lemme know what y'all think
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (gender neutral) Reader
Summary: stressing about the future is no fun, so Eddie takes you on an impulse trip to remind you to live in the moment, to remind you of just how alive the two of you are
Warnings: pure unadulterated fluff
A/N: consider this an apology for my Save a Prayer fic lmao!! this was inspired by Younger by Imagine Dragons, I highly highly recommend listening to this song whilst you read, or just listening to the song in general, bc honestly it’s just amazing!! I was also rushing to finish this and post it asap so sorry if it’s not my best work, but anyways I hope this fic brings you some comfort and I hope you guys enjoy <33
!! vol. 2 spoiler in the a/n at the end !!
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“What’s up, baby?” Eddie asks you softly, nudging your shoulder with his own gently.
You’d lost interest in whatever movie was playing a long time ago, drifting into a complete world of your own as your thoughts took over the entirety of your attention.
“Hmm?” You hum, still not even fully comprehending what Eddie had said.
He sits up next to you, turning the tv volume down a bit and then twisting so that he could face you. He brings his hand to rest on your thigh, his thumb moving back and forth in a small comforting gesture.
“I said, what’s up?” He repeats gently.
You blink a few times as you pull yourself out of your reverie. You rub your eyes with your fists as you try to get the real world back into focus. You were also trying to hide the tears that had been threatening to spill for nearly half an hour now.
But there was no hiding from Eddie; he just knew you too well.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You looks at you earnestly, dipping his head down so he could meet your eyes. “Was the movie really that bad?” He jokes lightly, bringing a tiny smile to your face.
You sniff as the tears finally break through. You shake your head.
“No. Honestly I wasn’t even watching it” you admit in a small voice. “I’m sorry, I just have so much other stuff on my mind” you can hear the sadness in your own voice, it was laced with something like defeat.
“So tell me” Eddie shrugs.
You let out a huff of air, shaking your head slightly.
“It’s all stupid anyway, mostly overthinking things I guess, it’s dumb” you ramble quietly, trying your best to look and sound casual.
“Tell me anyway” he pushes gently.
He looks at you so earnestly, with such softness and tenderness in those big dark eyes of his. You feel your heart swell and the tears brim in your eyes. You shrug and shake your head again as you speak softly.
“It’s just stuff about the future. Like what am I actually gonna do with my life once I finish school? Like where do I want to go next, what do I want to do, who do I want to be. I also have my parents’ expectations to try and live up to, and… I don’t know. It all just feels so big, so overwhelming. I feel like I need to have my entire life planned out already or something. Like there’s just no time, no room to breathe” you ramble quickly, the words leaving your mouth faster than your brain had time to make sense of them.
Eddie just nods and says nothing for a second as he takes in all your words.
“Wow, that’s a lot” he finally agrees after a moment.
“Yeah I told you it was dumb” you wring your hands in your lap awkwardly.
Eddie takes his hand and places it over yours, stopping you from fidgeting with them. He squeezes your hands gently.
“That’s not what I said, I just mean it’s a lot. It’s heavy stuff” he shrugs lightly, his thumb stroking the back of your hand reassuringly.
“Honestly it feels like a massive weight sitting on my chest. Like it’s only a minute away from crushing me all together. Like the stress of it all is literally taking over my body” you feel your lower lip start to quiver, a waiver in your voice.
“Being an adult, or I guess nearly being an adult, sucks huh” he chuckles softly, gaining the smallest of smiles from you.
“Hmm, take me be back to when I was younger” you muse quietly.
“Oh if I could, I would, my love” he lifts a hand to stroke your face gently. “But, if you think about it, we’ll never be younger than we are right now,” he raises an eyebrow at you, “so let’s go live like it, even if it's just for tonight”
You shake your head questioningly at him.
You suddenly see a mischievous gleam in his eyes, his lips tugging with a smirk. He’d just had an idea, you could see it plainly in his face.
“Come on, let's go” he wiggles his eyebrows at you before getting off the couch to stand in front of you.
“Uh, go where?” You half laugh in confusion.
“Nowhere. Anywhere. Everywhere” he whispers dramatically.
“It’s already past midnight you know...” you hesitate meekly.
But Eddie just extends his arm, holding out his hand to you.
“Do you trust me?” He continues with his melodramatic tone.
Despite your uncertainty at what he was up to you you nod, and place your hand in his. His fingers wrap around yours as he gently pulls you up off the couch.
“Good, then let’s go!” He winks, dragging you out the trailer.
Eddie grins practically the entire drive. His hand rests on your thigh as he drives, his thumb still keeping up the small reassuring stroking motion.
“Eddie, where are we going?”
You’d tried to work out where you were but dark country roads mad pit difficult to tell The only things you could see being fields, bushes, and the night sky. It was as if there was no one that existed right now but the two of you.
Eddie just grins even wider but keeps his eyes on the road.
“I told you baby, nowhere and everywhere” the dramatic tone returning to his voice. “Just trust me,” he adds a bit more seriously, “we’re almost there.”
You sigh but still can’t help the smile that plasters your face.
True to his word, not five minutes later Eddie is slowing down and pulling off to the side of the road. He drives through a small gap in the bushes that lined sides of the road. Eddie parks his van and quickly jumps out. A second later he’s round your side, opening the door for you. He bows and holds his hand out for you as if you were a princess stepping out of a carriage. You giggle and roll your eyes as he helps you down from the van.
You step round to the front of the car and can’t help the gasp of awe that leaves your mouth when you take in the view in front of you. You keep hold of Eddie’s hand, feeling him give you a light squeeze, as you stare wide eyed at where he’d taken you.
You were in a wide and open field that seemed to run on for miles. Just off to the left was a lake, with the most beautiful willow tree leaning just on the bank. Above you the night sky was alive. The stars shone so bright they almost didn’t look real. The complete lack of light pollution meaning they were free to burn in their full glory. The full moon shone just as brightly, letting you have just enough light to appreciate the scene in front of you. You look over to see Eddie grinning at you like a proud child.
“Eddie” you breathe, almost speechless. “This place, i- it’s...”
“Pretty cool right?”
You shake your head in slight disbelief. “I don’t think there’s a word magnificent enough to describe it.”
“Mhmm” he nods his agreement enthusiastically.
He goes to to walk further into the field, tugging on your hand. But you hesitate and pull back.
“But what exactly are we doing here Eddie?” You ask sadly.
“We,” Eddie starts as he comes to stand in front of you, his hands on your upper arms. “We are here to just get away. To live in the moment, to be free. No worries, no stresses, no future. Just here, just now. Just you and me.”
You look at him doubtfully.
“Come on” Eddie winks at you and tugs at your hand again..
“W-what?” You stare at him confused. “Where are we going now?”
“Just trust me” he winks again, pulling on your hand again until he gets you to move with him.
He starts to walk quickly, pulling you along with him, heading in the direction of the lake. But before you know it he’s running, dragging you along with him. The two of you were suddenly racing towards the lake, sprinting at full speed. You can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. You and Eddie running at full speed, hand in hand, in the middle of some field in the middle of the night.
You feel the night air whipping against your face, surging through your lungs, the air so cold it almost burned. All of it contrasting with the warmth of Eddie's hand in yours. The air fills with the sounds of the two of you giggling like giddy school children during recess. The only accompanying sound was the stomping of your feet as you continued to race into the night.
Eddie lets go of your hand just as you reach the edge of the lake, leaning over to rest his hands on his knees as he pants to catch his breath. You do the same, both of you still laughing even through your breathlessness. Eddie’s face is split with the biggest smile you think you’d ever seen as he looks back to you.
After a second, Eddie takes one long stride over to you and cups the back of your head with his hand. He’s then crashing his lips against your own. He kisses you breathlessly, messily, intensely. Your mind spins, both from the run and from the brisk air swirling around you. His hands wrapping around your body feel almost feverishly warm, and you keen into his touch. You can still feel the smile in his lips, his warm breathy laughter washing over your face even as he tries to keep kissing you.
When he pulls away he’s got that grin on his face again, but this time it’s laced with an edge of mischief.
“I have another idea on what might help with all those troubling thoughts running through your perfect little head,” he kisses your forehead quickly, "but you’ll have to trust me again, ‘kay?”
“Okay...?” You look at him quizzically.
“Okay” he nods, placing a kiss to the tip of your nose before letting you go and moving to take a few steps away from you
He then turns to face the lake, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck, as if he was preparing for some kind of physical altercation. You narrow your eyebrows at him, completely lost on whatever the hell he was getting up to.
Eddie takes a deep breath before he suddenly just screams into the dark of the night.
His voice bellows into the quiet of the night, echoing across the lake. His scream fades as he runs out of breath and soon the only noise is Eddie laughing like a child.
“Jesus, what the hell was that?” You balk at him.
He turns his head, that ridiculously big smile still adorning his ridiculously beautiful face.
“That was cathartic as fuck! That’s what that was” he laughs. “Come on, your turn.”
“Oh, n-no, no I don’t think so” you shake your head at him, hugging your arms around yourself.
Eddie just nods rhythmically at you as he walks back over to you, hugging you from behind and wrapping his entire body around you.
“Mhm yes I think so, come on” he kisses your cheek. “Just let it all out.”
"Don't worry, no one can hear us from here, I promise” he continues when you don’t respond for a second. "You’re all good, just let out all those worries and stresses, baby. Shout them into the night sky, let them be gone!”
He steps away from you again, giving you space. He opens his arms in a ‘go ahead’ gesture. You look at him, unsure, but he just smiles and nods encouragingly.
You take a deep breath, rolling your head to crack your neck; “fuck it” you exhale.
You give Eddie one final glance. His enthusiastic nodding gives you the final push of confidence you needed.
And so you scream.
You scream with everything you have. You let all your fears and worries be expelled from your mind, from your body, hurling them into the night with your voice. Your head starts to feel clearer, nothing mattering other than the cold night air and the burn in your chest.
Eddie was right, it was cathartic.
Eddie quickly joins in from behind you, screaming and whooping into the air. You both scream until your lungs just can’t take it anymore, until your body had no sounds left to give, save for your laughter.
“Yeah that’s it baby!!” Eddie whoops proudly, clapping like an idiot.
You squeal when he suddenly picks you up from behind, holding you against him and lifting your feet off the floor. He spins you about half a turn before the two of you fall into the soft grass together, both of you practically dying from giggles.
You’re both still laughing a minute later when you finally roll over to face him. You bury your head in his chest as you slowly start to calm down from the all the giggling, finally starting to catch your breath. Eddie still chuckles softly even as he brings his hand up to rub your back, holding you against his body. For a second you forgot you were the middle of a field; it was just as if he was holding you like usual when you were in bed together.
You place a soft kiss to his throat before you roll to lay just beside him, nuzzling into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder as his hand still runs up and down your side gently.
You look up at the glittery night sky, at the awe-inspiring beauty of the full moon. Everything you were stressing about seemed suddenly small and insignificant. How could anything possibly worry you when you had this perfect view and Eddie beside you?
You feel a tear prick your eye, but this time it’s of happiness. A tear of gratefulness for this idiot you called your boyfriend at your side. Your idiot who knew exactly how to cheer you up, even if his methods were somewhat ‘out there’. Eddie knew there was no point giving you some big speech about how everything was gonna be okay, to not stress about it, etc. He knew it would do you no good. Your brain would continue to linger on it regardless of what he said. No, Eddie knew that what you needed was distraction. And that’s exactly what he’d provided.
“Thank you for this” you mumble softly.
Eddie shakes his head and rubs your back a lil harder.
“Don’t even mention it sweetheart” he places a kiss to your forehead.
The future didn’t seem so daunting now. Didn’t seem so immediate. Because for now all you cared about was here and now.
All that existed was this infinite moment with Eddie.
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A/N: tagging my darlings @siempre-bucky and @chaoticvigilantes bc I know they're in need of the Eddie comfort right now :’) this was 100% a self-indulgent comfort fic bc I am also stressing about my future and also I needed the comfort of Eddie still being alive lmao! I hope you guys liked this <3
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
“Chief’s Daughter”
brian zvonecek x fem!reader
a/n: i got this idea from @winchesterszvonecek after reading trouble so i hope they aren’t too similar, you’re an inspiration 😘
warnings: mentions of sex, brian on blast lmfaoo, that should be it! enjoy 🤌🏻🤌🏻
me after writing this imagine ⬇️ i’m absolutely laughing my ass off rn
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“Anyone got any plans after shift? Cruz asks out to the rest of truck 81 sitting at the common table, “Oh and uno.” he added once he placed down a yellow draw two.
“Uh yeah, I’m meeting my girlfriend’s parents…” Otis replied while playing another draw two causing the next person to have to draw four. According to house rules anyway.
“Oh-ho-ho, meeting the in-laws. How long has this one been brewing?” Herrmann asked causing Otis to blush.
“About 4 months, we’ve been taking our time, nice and slow.” Otis lets out a soft chuckle leaving the rest up to their imagination.
“Really? You think it’s gonna last long?” Cruz asks in an irritated tone since he ended up having to draw 12 because everyone else around the table so conveniently had another draw two.
“Hope so. I really like her. Depending on how much of a hard ass her dad actually turns out to be I might even love her,” He laughs as he says it but he knows he’s already in love with you.
“Is the sex good?” Cruz asks and the whole table gives him a look. “What!? it’s a fair question and you don’t gossip to me about your love life anymore mister ‘i have a girlfriend and i need to spend time with her blah blah blah…’”
Once he finishes his rant that was for sure out of jealousy, (in a sense that Otis’ gf spends more time with him than joe does, not the fact that he doesn’t have a gf). Everyone expectantly looks at Otis.
“Well, I don’t want to brag, but it’s really good.” Is all Brian says and the guys are still giving him the same look.
“Details buddy let’s go,” Cruz says borderline actually annoyed.
“What else am I supposed to say? It’s good, it’s hot, it’s sexy. She’s the women of my dreams! She’s definitely not quiet, ‘Oh Brian, oh Brian!” He says in explicit detail mimicking your sex noises.
“What are we talking about here?” Chief Boden says as he was eavesdropping for the last 30 seconds.
“Oh, Otis is telling us about how hot the sex is with his new girlfriend!” Cruz shares a little too eagerly earning an unamused eyebrow raise from the Chief.
Otis then slapped Cruz in the chest now embarrassed of his friend.
“Well, go on, let me in on this ‘bro’ talk.” Boden says encouraging Brian to share.
“I mean I don’t want to bore you with the details sir…” Brian says embarrassed in front of his chief.
“Oh c’mon you gotta tell him about the part where she’s not quiet, and literally screams your name! You know the whole, ‘Oh Brian, Oh Brain!’” Herrmann says now mimicking Otis’ perception of you.
“Yeah he’s meeting her parents tonight! Says he might love her if her dad isn’t too crazy!” Cruz says dying laughing and still not fully grasping that this is extremely embarrassing for Otis. Meanwhile Otis sits in his self-loathe at the moment beat red wishing he never said anything at all.
“That is just…wow. What a coincidence though, I’m meeting my daughter’s boyfriend tonight. Dinner, at my place…7 o’clock.” Boden says piling on the details.
“Wow that is a coincidence…sir.” Brian coughs at the last second praying that his girlfriend is not his chief’s daughter. She would’ve mentioned something right? Like oh hey, just to let you know, your boss is my dad! She knew he was a firefighter at 51 why did she not say anything. Suddenly the room felt really hot and Brian was being cooked.
“You know, Otis, the coincidence is really just uncanny, like how my daughter’s boyfriend is a firefighter, and you’re a firefighter. And how my daughter’s boyfriend works at firehouse 51, and you work at firehouse 51, oh and also, my daughter’s boyfriend is coming over to meet us tonight, and you’re going to meet your girlfriend’s parents tonight. It’s just…wow! Absolutely…crazy.” Boden says finishing his train of thought smiling like a maniac getting an absolute kick out of this little ‘bro’ talk he decided to indulge in.
“I’ll go mop the app floor now.” Brian said getting up and excusing himself from this horrifying situation he’s found himself in.
“Make sure you wash all three trucks too. I wanna see my reflection in every single one head to toe. And don’t be late to dinner!” Boden said walking away laughing knowing he was going to call Donna and tell her everything.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
what about one based on fall outta love by salem?
the morning after a house party at ricks, eddie bumps into reader for the first time - hungover in a kitchen and they instantly fall for each other, but reader initially rebuffs him (and every other guy in hawkins) & eventually agrees to a date but despite her feelings for him she tells him to fall out of love with her, they keep hanging but he just falls harder and then finds out from someone else she had her heart literally ripped out and set alight by an ex so has built so many walls hence constantly telling him to save himself, fall out of love because that’s what she’s also telling herself. but obvioooooously, they will end up together 🫶
my god. this one got out of hand. i mean i really ran away with it. thought it’d be like 2k word count wise now here we are at 8k! since the song was in scream, I decided to have it be a Halloween party they meet at! I took a couple of creative liberties because I couldn’t think of a date idea fast enough to write in a satisfying manner (meaning decently, but Eddie would most definitely consider smoking in your car as a date, he’d consider anything with you a date, so long as you’d have him.) and I didn’t want to have too many large time skips, but I still tried to capture the root of the request! Hope you like it because i LOVED writing it!
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𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)
warnings: teenage angst, fluff, alcohol consumption, underage drinking, reader dresses as Ghostface, Eddie as Michael Myers and Heather Holloway meddles in your love life
a/n: we’re gonna pretend Scream came out in the early 80s (I have a whole fancast of an 80s version). let me know if the keep reading tab eats or repeats paragraphs so i can remove it!
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“Jesus Christ,” you groaned, forcing your eyes open in a squint as you were pulled from sleep due to the chill of the air. You could make out a mesh covered ceiling—wait no. You still had your mask on. 
You lifted your head from the cushion it had been resting on, frowning when you realized you’d wiped out on the couch at Reefer Rick’s. Your head was killing you and you could feel something sitting in your stomach, something that wouldn’t be going anywhere but up.
You’d caught wind of the party when Heather mentioned it to you. Initially, you’d been skeptical of attending─not because of the weed and drugs that would be going around, you were a hardy participant in that—since you were sure that it would disappoint you. It’s not like you expected anything life changing to happen at a drug dealer’s party, but you’d been faced with a lot of recent let downs and disappointment, not a whole lot was going on in your life. That was sort of the problem. You liked being on your own, it was safe; you wouldn’t get hurt and nothing would happen to you again.
But nothing was happening to you. 
It was like you were living your life on autopilot, finding barely any joy in things. Maybe part of you hoped you’d somehow find some at the party.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t remember shit, having blacked out after your friends talked you into a couple of shots. After the fifth, it was all you and by the ninth, caution was gone with the wind. It wasn’t even a blur to you, you legitimately couldn’t recall a single thing other than your own laughter along with your friends’ immediately after downing that last shot.
You’d gone dressed as Ghostface, a quick last minute costume that wasn’t too much effort (you wore something a little scandalous underneath the black gown just in case it proved to be a ‘sexy’ party instead of just a bunch of teenagers dressed however they wanted to be) and you liked the mystery it gave you, you could interact with anyone and no one would know it was you.
Your head throbbed as images popped up—memories. The memory blurs finally arrived and they were causing your brain a great deal of pain. You couldn’t recall too much and you didn’t want to because nothing good could have come from getting fucked up so fast and waking up on some pornstach having dealer’s couch (seriously, Rick was like thirty two and he was hanging out with teens? Red fucking flag). 
You sighed as you pushed yourself up, hugging the black gown of your costume a little tighter around you. You wished you’d gone with wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and some warm pants instead of the cheap black corset and black tights. Should’ve know better, really, because it was way too fucking cold to dress hot on Halloween.
The wind howled outside of the house, as if to prove your point and you stood up, stepping over the sleeping individuals that littered the ground. You noticed a couple of your friends but you hadn’t driven together so there was no point in waking them. Clearly, you hadn’t been the only one to pass out at the party and you made a note to never do that again. Anyone could have taken advantage of you.
You chanced a glance at your wrist and breathed a sigh of relief. It was still early, really early. Barely even 5am, so you could still make it home before your parents were up and realized you hadn’t met your curfew, you could also be sick in the comfort of your own clean bathroom. You made a beeline for the door.
“Another survivor,” a voice commented, disturbing the quiet of the thoroughly wrecked house.
You followed the voice, spotting Eddie Munson in the corner of the kitchen, leaning up against the counter there. 
You weren’t too familiar with him, had a couple of classes with him in the past, saw him around school and knew he dealt to a couple people, but you hadn’t ever had an encounter with him before. Never exchanged a single word.
The feeling in your stomach grew worse, as did the pulsing in your head, “I don’t know about that.”
Your voice was a near whisper, hoarse from whatever the fuck happened last night after you blacked out.
Eddie chuckled and you wondered how he was still functioning—and this early, too—but you hadn’t seen him around. Or maybe you had, you thought as you took in the blue mechanic overalls he was wearing and the Michael Myers mask by his side. Like you, and just about everyone else at the party, he hadn’t been the only one with that costume, so while you could recall seeing a couple of Michaels around while you were sober, you couldn’t be positive one of them had been him.
“Not feeling too good, Ghost?” He didn’t seem to have a problem talking to a total stranger, talking you up like he was familiar with you, which you highly doubted thanks to your mask.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Kinda just want to take my head off.” You rubbed the back of your head through the hood.
“You want some water?” He didn’t wait for your response, just went right into Rick’s fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, reaching over the counter to hand it to you.
Despite how it seemed to jostle your brain, you gave a brief laugh before you remembered people were still passed out and you hastily tried to silence yourself, covering your mouth which ended with you letting out an embarrassing snort. Then you quickly took the offered bottle into your glove-covered hand, but you didn’t drink it, regardless of how badly you wanted to. That would require taking off your mask.
Eddie just grinned, sliding his hands into the pockets of his costume.
“I like your costume.” You commented, your gloved fingers picking at the label on the bottle, heartbeat picking up as Eddie’s grin widened to expose his teeth. There was something about it, something secretive. Like he knew something you didn’t. 
“Thank you,” Eddie grabbed the Michael mask from where he’d placed it on the counter next to his own bottle of water. It flopped around in his hold. “Didn’t wanna show my mug.”
“That’s a shame.”
Pretty, is all you could think when he glanced to the side for a moment, looking all shy. His hair was a mess, yours was probably worse under your mask, definitely matted, but other than that, he looked put together. 
Suddenly, you were even more grateful for your mask. You hadn’t bothered putting on makeup since your face would be hidden for most of the night (save for pulling it over your mouth to drink). But god, you must have stunk. You couldn’t wait to get home where your shower and toothbrush were waiting for you. You were glad there was a notable distance between the both of you so he couldn’t smell you and the alcohol radiating off your being.
“So. So, so, so. I’m guessing you don’t remember.” Eddie leaned back against the counter behind him, looking very smug. 
Your blood went cold—colder, actually—at the implication.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no. What had you done?
Play it cool.
“I don’t know, do I?” You winced behind your mask. Cool, not stupid, you idiot! 
Eddie chuckled, glancing shyly down at the ground before his gaze flickered back up to you, warmth pooling in those brown eyes. 
Huh. You never noticed the color before. Or how big they were, or expressive. Very soft. 
“I don’t think so,” He responded, teeth biting at his lower lip as he stared at you from under his lashes.
“Damn. Didn’t expect you to call my bluff. Please tell me it wasn’t anything too embarrassing.”
“No, it wasn’t. Not in my opinion, we just—uh, hung out.” He licked his lips, suddenly looking very skittish. You did a quick mental body check, clenching down there to see if it felt different, sore to indicate you’d fucked someone but you felt nothing unusual, so you couldn’t have slept with him. He must have genuinely meant hanging out. 
“Oh. Okay. So, I did something pretty cool then.” It was the right thing to say, Eddie immediately perked up, leaving you amazed with how he somehow managed to go from sullen to glowing so fast.
“What? Not mortified that you spent time with The Freak?” He said it so nonchalantly, if you hadn’t seen how affected he’d appeared when he simply thought it moments ago, you wouldn’t think he cared.
“You’re no freakier than anyone else,” for some reason you offered him a smile even though he couldn’t see it. “But you appear significantly better dressed. In my opinion.”
Eddie looked like he was mulling something over, then he pulled his hands out of his pockets and took a step closer, grin morphling into a smile, a little more intimate, “You have an opinion of me?”
Oh, fuck. He was flirting. Oh, God. Eddie Munson was flirting with you.
He was flirting with you and he didn’t even know who you were. It made that feeling in your stomach more apparent because you knew the moment he found out who you were, he wouldn’t be interested. 
Just like—no. You couldn’t go there. You were finally in a good place and you’d be damned if you let any guy ruin it for you. Even Eddie Munson.
“It’s not very thorough. Well, it was nice meeting you, Eddie.” You didn’t wait for his reply as you returned to your original goal, ignoring the flash of disappointment you saw on his face in favor of slipping out the front door.
“He’s staring at you again,” Heather smirked, chin perched in her palm as she sat across from you in the cafeteria.
“Who?” You asked, trying to seem bored with the conversation to get her to drop it. Anytime she noticed some guy glance in your direction, she tried to convince you you had a new suitor. God forbid it actually was a dude who was interested in you. Heather always aggressively lobbied for you to do something about it then she’d get mad at you when you did, by telling them to move the hell on because it wasn’t gonna happen.
She leaned across the table, pretty brown eyes wide with excitement as she grinned. “Eddie. Munson.”
You tensed, swallowing the cucumber slice you’d popped into your mouth before she’d sprung the news on you. Despite how badly you wanted to, you kept yourself from turning to look at his table, almost clear across the cafeteria.
“What? Why?”
“Who cares? Eddie Munson is staring at you—has been every day this week and he’s been doing it in the halls, too,” Heather looked proud of herself for her snooping habits, curly side ponytail bobbing as she rattled on, “He’s cute, he can give you free weed—Lana Landon dated him for like a week and wouldn’t shut up about that perk, and I don’t know, he seems like a good guy. Maybe a little on the grumpy side, but I think that’s an act.”
You rolled your eyes and took a drink of water before responding.
“That’s all guys ever do. Act. He doesn’t know me, if anything he probably just thinks I’m pretty or something. He’ll get over it.” 
Heather smirked and you knew what was coming, “I think he’s still hung up on Ghostface.” 
She raised her eyebrows suggestively and you threw a chip at her, which she dodged with her palm.
“Hey! Friendly fire!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you that.” You groaned, shaking your head. After you’d gotten home and cleaned up, you’d called Heather, having remembered (with a great deal of panic) that she’d been there, too, and you might have left her there amongst the strung out people in the house. She seemed surprised at your relief when you heard her voice on the other side. Turns out, she’d left pretty early.
When you’d taken offense to her leaving you at some random party, she’d explained that she had initially tried to take you with her, but you’d been having such a good time talking with Eddie that you begged her to let you stay.
She hadn’t seen you like that over someone in a long time, so she’d actually threatened Eddie with bodily harm if anything happened to you and allowed you to stay.
Maybe that had been why Eddie was still around when you woke up.
“Look, I’m just saying you should talk to him. If he doesn’t know you’re Ghostface—which I’m pretty sure he does because he is doing some intense staring─then he’s just interested in you. Talk to him, give him a shot. Pleeeeaaase?” She batted her eyelashes, lower lip jutting out in a pout. 
You pretend to think it over, eyes raised to the ceiling. “Mmm—no.”
“Ugh!” You mimicked with a smirk, standing with your tray. “I’m gonna go smoke in my car, wanna come?”
“Yes,” She sighed but made no move to get up, in fact, she looked down right depressed. “But I can’t. I’ve gotta cram for Siegfried’s stupid stats test. There’s no way I’m getting anything higher than a ‘C’.” 
You failed to notice her gaze flicker behind you and back. “You have fun! Go! Give you brain cells a vacation.” 
Heather shooed you away, eagerness returning but that was Heather for you. She flip flopped through emotions pretty quick. With a shrug, you turned and made your way to a nearby trash can, dumping your tray on your way out. You’d made it halfway down the hall when you felt a presence behind you.
You swiveled around and flinched when you found Eddie just a foot behind you, hands raised to show he meant no harm with a sheepish grin on his face. 
“Sorry, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Geez! You’re really quiet, I didn’t hear a thing.” You calmed your breathing, running a hand over your hair.
Eddie snickered, gesturing down to his reeboks, “Sneakers.” 
A silence fills the space between you both as Eddie watched you fight to keep from smiling, bemused at how you were clearly losing.
“Get it?” He added to prompt your defeat. 
You succumbed to the smile, biting your lip to keep it from getting too big and Eddie looked thoroughly proud of his ability to be of some amusement to you.
“That was—that was really bad.” You admitted, still smiling. “It’s a good joke, great joke, just also very bad.”
“Belittle it all you want, it served its purpose.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders, scuffing one of his sneakers against the school tile. “Hey, uhm—where you going?”
You hadn’t expected him to be so direct, or nosey. “Not far.”
Eddie nodded, having expected you to be a little wary and pursed his lips, looking like he was ready for a kiss. Then he made a popping sound.
“Do you happen to smoke weed?” 
It was obvious to you that he was asking so he could offer and you remembered what Heather had said. About Eddie being able to give you free weed. Or rather, being used so he’d provide the weed. Truth was, you remembered Lana bragging about it, too, until Andrew Wilkerson from the baseball team started paying attention to her. She never mentioned Eddie or his weed again. And it hadn’t been just Lana, a couple of other girls took advantage of Eddie’s romantic side. You hadn’t cared all that much back then but after realizing he’d taken care of you on Halloween, had kept you company although he didn’t know you were you, thinking about what they did to him made you feel sick.
You didn’t use people, you knew too well how awful it felt. Still, Eddie looked so hopeful. You had a feeling he fully expected you to do the same thing as those other girls, but was too naive or resilient to give up. Reminded you a lot of how you used to be.
“I do,” you confirmed and when Eddie opened his mouth, ready to offer you what he had in that lunchbox of his, you continued, “I have a nug in my car, if you’d like to join me.”
Despite your better judgment, you’d indulge him, if not because so many others seemed to let him down. Nothing could come from it of course. And you wouldn’t use him, either. 
Eddie’s face split into a wide smile.
That’s how you wound up in your car, giggling as Eddie nearly hacked up an organ from the harsh bubbler you kept in a scooby doo themed lunchbox, under the passenger seat which Eddie was occupying.
“Jesus,” he croaked out, coughing into his elbow. 
“Feels like you burned a hole in the back of your neck, doesn’t it?”
Eddie nodded as he continued to cough, eyes watering. Once he’d managed to get it under control, he let out a sigh of relief. 
“How the hell do you hit that all the time?” He asked, passing you the small blue pipe.
You lit it again and took your own hit, coughing once you’d exhaled but not worse than Eddie had.
“I don’t,” you placed the bubbler in your cup holder and leaned against the driver’s door so you could face Eddie who was leaned all the way back, staring at you with happy looking red eyes, “It’s pretty harsh, so all that coughing gives a pretty intense and quick high. I’ll be good off of that for a couple of days. Also I have to give my throat some time to heal.”
Eddie laughed at your joke and you couldn’t help but think it was a pretty sound. “I’m more of a joint kind of guy, but pretty girls don’t offer me free drugs often, let alone smoke with me without getting so high they can’t function. Would’ve been stupid to say no.”
You tried to ignore the fluttering in your belly, you’d thought those butterflies had died out a while ago. And all he did was call you pretty. Pretty pathetic.
You may not not have been high enough to pass out like Eddie implied; however, you were high enough to feel brave.
“Is that what Lana did?”
Eddie looked momentarily shocked at your question, eyes rising to the ceiling of your car before he decided to answer your question.
“Uhm. Yeah. She—yeah. She was nice, sweet. Didn’t seem repulsed with me. Thought she just approached me for a deal, then she started flirting with me, I guess. Then, I thought we were a thing, but it turns out we weren’t. She actually was interested in just the deal.”
“Only, she didn't tell you that.” You finished for him, realizing despite having been wronged by her, Eddie wouldn’t paint her in a bad light, making it seem like it had been a misunderstanding. You’d heard the way Lana boasted. It hadn’t been a misunderstanding. “Did she lead you on, Eddie?”
“I don’t know. Maybe, I just did a lot of thinking. Not enough asking.” 
God, you wanted to punch Lana in the face. Eddie was so nice, he refused to admit that Lana—in that moment—had been a bad person. Blamed himself for thinking some girl was interested in him because she was intentionally flirting with him in order to gain something for her own selfish reasons.
“That’s how it works, Eddie. Leading someone on. They flirt, make you feel special, play coy or maybe make you think you’re worrying over nothing when you work up enough courage to question the slight gaslighting and affection-bombing—then they leave. ‘Cause they’ve taken what they wanted and you’ve got nothing left to offer. It’s not okay. She was wrong for that.”
Eddie was quiet, you could tell his mind wasn’t. When he did speak again, his voice was soft.
“But I flirt. A lot.”
You wanted to shake the victim blaming mentality right out of him, he was making another excuse for her! Or worse, he thought he was like her.
“Eddie, listen really carefully to what I’m about to say, okay?” You waited for his nod of understanding.
“There is a large difference between your flirty personality and leading someone on. You,” you lightly punched his shoulder, “flirt because you’re just a flirt. Lana, doesn’t. Lana singled you out, intentionally, with the hopes that making you think you two were more serious than just casually dating would get her free weed. When you intentionally single someone out with your flirting, it’s because you like them and you want more of them. Am I right?”
The weed in your system was why you were able to withstand the intensity of his gaze, almost burned more than the bubbler had.
“Yeah,” Eddie finally admitted, the side of his head leaning into the headrest as he shifted onto his side to face you, “You’re right.”
“You deserve better than that, Eddie. You deserve better than the rest of those girls, too.” He hadn’t mentioned the others and you hadn’t wanted to bring them up either, sensing his shame but you needed him to know. He couldn’t end up like you.
“Do you remember me?” He blurted out and you frowned.
“Yeah, we had English together last year.”
“No,” Eddie shook his head, “I mean from the party. Rick’s party.”
You froze, heart stopping. 
Eddie had that hopeful look on his face again as he tugged on a strand of his hair, nervous.
“You were Ghostface,” he prompted, as if it would trigger the memory you already recalled.
He knew it was you this whole time?
“How did you know it was me? Oh, fuck, please tell me I didn’t rant to you about my life while I was plastered. I’m so embarrassing.” 
You wanted to disappear until Eddie gave a nervous laugh, shaking his head again.
“No, no. Definitely didn’t do that. But uh, I saw you. With your mask off. While you were drinking. A lot.” He snickered at the memory of you throwing a shot glass back, then proceeding to refill it an almost concerning amount of times.
“Your voice is pretty distinct, too. You also meet your height requirements.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say, stunned that he’d even be able to recognize your voice. Up until the morning you’d woken up on that shitty couch (and the night before, apparently) you couldn’t remember ever actually speaking to Eddie. Still, somehow he’d heard you. That knowledge warmed the area in you where the butterflies had been fighting to survive all this time.
You weren’t stupid, you knew where Eddie was going with this. What his stare had meant when you reassured him he wasn’t like Lana.
Heather was right. Eddie Munson was hung up on you. You had to put an end to it.
Luckily, you were (in the most cliche of manners) saved by the bell when it rang, signaling the end of the lunch period.
You hurriedly got out of your car and Eddie scrambled out after you, hurriedly moving around to your side while you locked it.
“I gotta go,” was the poor excuse you gave him as you started to rush back to the main entrance of the school.
“Hey! Wait!”
“Eddie, please.” You whipped around to face, eyes pleading for him to understand. “I meant it when I said you deserved better than Lana and the other girls. You do. And you deserve better than me, too. I can’t give you what you want and I’m not gonna lead you on. So, we should just cut our losses now, before one of us gets hurt. Whatever you’re in, fall out of it. It was actually rather nice hanging out with you, and thank you for looking after me at Rick’s party, even though I can’t remember most of it. You’re a good guy and you’ll find a good girl. You will.”
You left him standing in the parking lot as you weaved through the cars, feeling an awful lot like you just cut off a limb that had miraculously been growing back. Tears were prickling in your eyes when you pushed through the doors and disappeared into the crowd of students. You didn’t feel the butterflies anymore.
And you didn’t notice Heather, crouched behind the school bus when you passed by it in your hurry to get as much distance between you and Eddie as you could.
She stood up once you’d gone in, looking remorseful over something she had no control of and watched as Eddie stood there, staring at the entrance like he hoped you’d be coming right back out. When he realized you wouldn’t be, he shoved his hands in his pocket and walked over to his van, sitting on the back bumper.
Heather waited until he couldn’t see before she snuck back into the school. She couldn’t miss the test in her last class, but she knew what she had to do after and she knew where she’d be able to find Eddie when school let out.
Eddie was drained. Mentally, emotionally and physically ‘cause he hadn’t eaten anything during lunch. He ditched the remainder of the school day, wallowing in the back of his van, despite the rapidly dying high he was nursing, he hadn’t been hungry. Still wasn’t. 
He figured he wouldn’t be regaining his appetite with a stomach already full of defeat.
Just when he finally thought things were looking up for him, life had to remind him that he wasn’t allowed to be completely happy. Had to have some sort of angst in his life, because apparently his mommy, daddy, background, academic, and financial issues weren’t enough.
He wasn’t allowed to have you, either.
A couple of weeks ago, that would have been fine with him. He hadn’t known you too well. You’d had some classes together over the years, though he only realized you were pretty in English class last year. Caught glimpses of you out of the corner of his eye every now and then, it was no big deal. Then, it was like he opened his eyes or something, because you were suddenly everywhere. 
Never center stage, always in the background amongst the crowd but always drawing his attention, like a moth to a flame. His locker was across from yours and a couple of lockers down so he was usually able to overhear your conversations with your friends. He figured loud mouthed, know-it-all Heather Holloway was your best friend since she was more often than not on the other end of those conversations. 
You were pretty fucking funny, witty, goofy and cool. He wouldn't have minded actually getting the chance to know you, maybe be friends. You even seemed like the type who would appreciate Hellfire, could offer to show you the ropes and extend an invitation.
He wasn’t ignorant enough to think he was infatuated with you or anything, didn’t even know you. He was just intrigued and he happened to play close attention to details.
It would have been a passing fancy, really, had it not been for Reefer Rick’s party. Eddie had gone under the guise that it was to strengthen his business relationship with the supplier, and not at all because a girl he was interested in would be in attendance.
Of course (because he’s Eddie) she’d gone, alright, and had been all over another guy. 
He hadn’t been too hurt by that one, they hadn’t held any meaningful conversations and she seemed pretty flighty.
Then he caught sight of you, one of the many Ghostfaces—the shortest of them all—and when he actually saw you take off the mask, the allure returned. You’d shown up in the background of his life again. 
Eddie had watched you (from a safe distance) get progressively more drunk and he was honestly pretty impressed with how much it took to get there. If he wasn’t gonna be getting the girl at the party, maybe he could gain a new acquaintance. With that, he’d approached you. Or rather, you plowed into him.
Heather had apologized for you as they both worked to steady you while you rambled out your own apologies a mile a minute.
“Hey—no harm done.”  Eddie held his hands out as if to showcase he was fine. Then he realized his own mask was in the way of his vision and yanked it off, though he had suspected you wouldn’t know who he was.
“Eddie!” You chirped, pointing a gloved finger in his direction like he didn’t know who he was. “I’ve seen you before!”
He raised his eyebrows, bewildered at your admission.
“You have?” He had to lean in closer to make sure you heard him.
“Yeah! We go to school together.”
Eddie barked out a laugh, eyes flittering to Heather as she slowly pulled away from the conversation, leaving just you and Eddie amongst the loud music and compacted bodies.
“I think we go to school with most of the people here, sweetheart.”
“Oh, yeah.” He watched as you glanced around before shrugging.
 “But I don’t know a whole lot of them. Like that girl,” You pointed at a girl dressed like Molly Ringwald. “Never seen her in my life.”
“That’s—actually, I don’t know her either,” Eddie squinted as he tried to recall her from somewhere but he’d never seen her before either. “Maybe she doesn’t go to Hawkins.”
“Freaking knew it.” 
Eddie laughs again, he knew you’d be funny.
“Are you Michael Myers?” You asked and Eddie smirked.
“No, I’m Eddie Munson.”
You didn’t appreciate the joke, pinching his shoulder through his coveralls.
“Ouch! Yes, okay! I’m Michael,” He rubbed the not-really sore spot, still smirking.
“Michael? I mean, he’s not really my type, I have no idea what he’s working with under the mask but he’s─”
“No!” Now you were the one laughing and Eddie’s heart kind of ached (in a good) way at the sound. He knew what that meant. “The mask, silly. Is the mask hot?”
“Oh, yeah. Kind of feel like the man in the iron mask with it on.” Precisely why Eddie probably wouldn’t be putting it back on. “What about yours?”
“It’s pretty breathable actually,” Lucky, yours had a mouth space made of mesh, allowing for some pretty easy airflow. “And it keeps my face warm.”
Yeah, but that meant Eddie couldn’t see it and he really, really wanted to. Up close.
“Plus, I feel mysterious.” You said it like it was something devious.
“Yeah? You like that?” Eddie was amused with the entire thing because you actually were mysterious, with and without the costume. To him, at least.
“Yeah, I mean I can be anywhere without actually being anywhere because people would have no clue it’s me, makes sense?”
No, but Eddie knew what you were tipsily implying.
“I get it.” 
“Oh,” you bent over, reaching down into your black boot as you pulled out a pocket knife and flicked the blade out. “I have a knife.”
“Oh my god.” Eddie grabbed it from you tucking the blade back in before he returned it, nervously looking around to make sure no one had noticed. “As hot as that is, you can’t just bring a knife to a party.”
“No, you can’t bring a knife to a gunfight.” You giggled, swaying in place.
Eddie rolled his eyes with a fond chuckle, “Damn, you’re still wrong. Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight.”
“Tomatoes, potatoes.”
“Those are also two very different things.” Were you always this adorable? 
“It’s for my protection. So if anyone tries anything, I’ll have my knife and I can stab them. Defend myself.” You tucked the pocket knife back into your boot, leaving Eddie curious as to why you didn’t seem to have any pockets under that black gown.
“So what? You just showing off for me?”
Your head bobbed, if Eddie could somehow see through your damn mask, he would’ve been enamored with the shy look on your face.
“Yeah, I mean—you look like you ‘preciate knives.”
“Oh, because I’m scary?” He got that a lot, didn’t mind the reputation at first because it kept people from messing with him but it also kept the good people from interacting with him. Not that he cared or anything.
Because he didn’t. 
“No, because you seem really cool. Look it, too. All metal-y. Suits you”
Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. You were nice, too. He was done for. 
He didn’t know what to say, a ‘thank you’ didn’t sound genuine enough for his liking. 
“I think you’re cool, too.”
You laughed again, threw your head back with it and Eddie wanted so badly to tear that mask and hood off your head. Needed to just get a look at you while you smiled.
“You don’t even know who I am.” You stated once you’d calmed down.
Eddie pursed his lips. He knew exactly who you were, he was also picking up on some major signs that you didn’t want him to know who you were under that mask, having realized you hadn’t bothered introducing yourself though you apparently felt comfortable enough to address him.
“You want to play a game?” He asked instead, not willing to risk souring your mood.
You gasped, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet, “A game? I like games. What game?”
“It’s called, ‘Move a couple of things around so Rick thinks he’s going insane when he cleans up tomorrow’.”
“That sounds like a fun game. Let’s do it.”
You both proceed to make your way around the house, moving a couple of random objects.
You both hit his bedroom first (what kind of dumbass doesn’t lock it?), finding it thankfully unoccupied. It was shitty and small, but you both transferred everything to opposite sides, literally flipping the room. It took some work—Eddie moved the heavier of the objects and the bed was blocking Rick’s bathroom door but you were satisfied so the two of you moved onto the kitchen.
Heather came by to take you home in the middle of your planning for the area, but you insisted on staying with Eddie (he wanted to jump up and down, he was so happy and he’d promised to take care of you, something he’d planned on doing anyway but Heather was pretty fucking scary and had told him she’d hang him up like a scarecrow with his own intestines if anything happened to you).
There wasn’t much you could do with the space or the living room, given the amount of occupants, but you rearranged the inside of the fridge and bottom cabinets while Eddie tackled the drawers and top cabinets, making sure everything was where it wasn’t supposed to be.
After that, you headed outside. Then immediately went back inside when you realized how creepy the area looked.
The game and the alcohol took its toll on you and soon enough Eddie was watching over you as you curled up on the couch. He hadn’t immediately realized you fell asleep due to that goddamn mask, once he had, he’d kept everyone away from the couch. Didn’t even sleep. He only left you once to get some water and that had been when you chose to wake up. 
You’d sobered up, so he figured he could try his luck and you’d all but ran out of there when he started flirting with you. 
It stung but Eddie wasn’t ready to just give up yet. No, he couldn’t just lick his wounds and go home, he had to watch your every move the entire week after, look for dumb reasons to be in the same place as you (why the fuck did you hang out on the bleachers outside so much? It was fucking freezing) and trail after you like some pathetic dog. 
And you didn’t even throw him a bone. He’d seen you leave the cafeteria, sans Heather for once and tripped over himself in his haste to get to you.
Then you had to be completely wonderful, had offered to share your own weed with him and validated his feelings after constantly being used because he was stupid enough to trust girls who so much as smiled in his direction. 
He’d been stupid and hopeful enough to try his luck again and driven you away.
The mean girls didn’t want him, the nice girl didn’t want him, maybe he really was just destined to be on his own.
He had moved his wallowing to the bench in the woods behind the school (still had to work, regardless of how depressed he was) when Heather appeared, aggressively clearing her throat to announce her presence.
Eddie dropped his hand from his chin to deadpan in her direction, “You here to kick my ass?”
“No, I’m not here to kick your ass. I’m here to help you, Munson. She’ll kick my ass for telling you this, but I can see it’s different with you. It could be, so, listen up and listen good. Do you know Duncan Carson?”
You were getting ready for bed, having scrubbed your face clean of makeup and slipped into your pajamas (consisting of your christmas onesie from last year, a family tradition, since it was pretty chilly and your mom liked to freeze the entire house) when the sound of something hitting your bedroom window made you jump. You assumed some dumbass bird barreled into again until it happened once more. As you got up from your bed, slowly approaching the window, you could see a small object hit the glass. A pebble.
What the hell?You yanked the window open, barely managing to dodge the next pebble thrown at it. It knocked a glass on your dresser over instead.
“Oh, shit! My bad–did I hit you?” You leaned out the window pane to see Eddie standing outside, in your yard. He gave you a timid grin, quickly tossing the pebbles he collected out of his grasp.
“Eddie, what the hell are you doing here? How do you even know where I live–are you stalking me?” You didn’t bother answering his initial question.
He glared up at you, arms crossing at your implication. “No, I’m not stalking you! Can you please come down? I-I can’t climb up there. I tried.” It was only then that you noticed your neighbor's rose bush, which extended just below the low roof of your garage, had been trampled. “What do you want?”
Eddie groaned, “I’ll tell you when you come down here!” “That sounds like something a stalker would say to lure me out of my house.” “Oh my god, look–you’re really cute but I’m gonna need you to stop being a jerk and come talk to me. Please?” Your mouth dropped open and you knew you were doing exactly what he wanted when you yanked on your shoes and stormed out of your room (quietly tiptoeing down the stairs to not alert your parents). “What are you doing here and how did you know where I live?” You demanded the moment the front door closed behind you. Eddie had moved to stand directly on your porch so you had to usher him back a little to create some space between the two of you. “Heather gave me your address,” He rushed out, wanting to focus on why he actually came. “Why can’t we be together?” Heather? Heather?! You were going to kill her. Ring her little neck. “Just because she gave you my address doesn’t mean you show up in the middle of the night─”
“It’s 7:30, cute jammies, by the way.”
“—and demand I come speak to you! I already told you, I can’t give you what you want. You’re better off.”
“What about you?”
“I said,” Eddie stepped closer, forcing you to take a step back, “what about you?”
You stuttered to find words, mouth open and closing as you started your sentence but were too dumbfounded by his question.
“Don’t you deserve better?” Eddie prompted, his voice gentle and gaze unwavering. “You do. You deserve better. Better than Duncan The Asshole Carson.”
Your eyes squeezed shut at the mention of your ex-something, trying to force the memories away. 
Fucking Heather.
Of course she didn't just give Eddie your address. She’d told him all about Duncan. A football player in your graduating class that had befriended you last spring. Unlike most of his teammates, he wasn’t a complete dick. He was funny, charming, sweet and things turned romantic. He’d hold your hand, kiss you, take you on dates and he’d even attended your powderpuff game toward the end of the school year. Life was bliss.
Until he asked you if you thought Heather would be interested in him. Your best fucking friend.
You’d been horrified and outraged that he’d even ask you that and he quickly got upset with you, arguing that the two of you hadn’t been in a relationship. You were just having fun. 
He hadn’t been interested in you, not genuinely. He’d been interested in the attention you gave him. All those months, all those moments. All fake and tainted. He’d used you to feel important, better about himself. And when he finally felt he was big enough, he’d dropped you. Let you fall.
You’d slapped the ego right out of him and ran off to some field outside of Hawkins. The dolt was stupid enough to try and approach Heather the same night. She’d also slapped the crap out of him and drove around town until she found you, crying your heart out in the middle of nowhere. Initially, she’d feared you’d be mad at her but you reassured her she wasn’t to blame. You were, for being stupid enough to fall in love. Heather tried to comfort you and convince you otherwise but you wouldn’t hear it.
You spent the entire summer broken and you thought you’d healed since, having promised to not put yourself in a situation where you could get hurt like that again, but here you were, the cracks in your heart still very much so apparent. 
“I’ll be fine on my own.” You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to meet his eyes even though you could see through the tears lining your own. You wouldn’t back down. Couldn’t. Not again. 
“Goodnight,” You turned to go back into your house when Eddie darted forward, grasping your wrist to keep you from leaving.
You glanced down at his hand then back up at him, sucking in a breath at the desperate glint in his eyes, brows pinched together in despair.
“The thing is, I can’t.” Eddie bit his lip, and you noticed the shine over his own eyes. “I can’t let you go. I could do it with the others, with Lana. I knew not to chase after them when they left. But I know I’ll regret it if I don’t chase you.
“You deserve someone who makes you feel special, someone who’d run across the school to get to your classes in time to walk you to the next, someone who will hold your hand and your backpack. Someone who wants to kiss you really, really badly. Like all the time. A-And hold you. Someone who wishes they’d talked to you a long time ago, could’ve kept a lot of heartache from happening. Someone who will help you rearrange another person’s house to prank them whenever you want. You said I deserve better than you but you’re wrong. You’re exactly what I deserve and I want to be what you deserve. I want to do it all, and only with you.”
“God, Eddie,” you wiped at the tears escaping your eyes with a sniffle, “Can you just stop? Stop saying nice things!”
“No. Never.” He used his hold on you to pull you closer and you didn’t fight him, didn’t push him away when his hands slipped to rest on your sides.
“What if this doesn’t work out? What if we get hurt?” You asked as Eddie leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours.
“I’m not stalker-ish enough to say I love you just yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m starting to, which means I’m probably gonna be the one that gets hurt. I’m willing to risk it if it means I get to have you, for even a little bit.”
You barely had to angle your head to kiss him. Eddie moved a hand to the side of your neck as his lips moved softly against yours, rings cool against your skin. He pulled away, just to get a glimpse of your reaction. When he saw no hesitancy, no traces of doubt in your eyes he leaned in for another taste, mouth pressing eagerly against yours. Your tongue licked at the seam of his lips and they parted for you, tongues finally meeting. 
Eddie pulled you flush up against him as you made out under the hazy glow of your porch light. The butterflies in your stomach had been revived, every single one of them was a flutter and all you could feel was bliss as the cracks in your heart faded away. 
Eddie pulled away again, panting out, “I just gotta make sure, does this mean you’re my girlfriend? Do you want me to ask? I can—fuck, no, you deserve to be asked.” 
Then he got down on one knee and you covered your eyes, grinning despite the slight embarrassment coursing through you. It was a good kind of embarrassing. The best.
“Will you be my girlfriend? Like exclusively, as in you can only do this mushy shit with me.”
“You’re so romantic,” you laughed out, still sniffling, “yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Eddie cheered, leaping back to his feet. His arms wrapped around your waist as he hoisted you into the air and spun you around. You clung to him, squealing in surprise. Your shared laughter echoed down the street before it was once more silent as you kissed him.
The next day when you pulled into the school parking lot, Eddie was waiting for you, leaning up against his van.
He practically bounded over to you, pulling your lavender backpack out of your grasp, before you could stop him he’d slipped his arm through the strap and slung it onto his back, the other hand outstretched to you.
You slipped your hand into his and used it to yank him closer to you. He made a sound of surprise but smirked when you pulled him down for a hungry kiss in the crowded parking lot.
It definitely caught some attention, you both smiled against each other’s lips when you heard Heather whoop in the background.
Eddie laughed when you pulled away, giving Heather a thumbs up before he intertwined your fingers and led you into the school, flipping off a stupefied Duncan Carson on the way and you gave Lana a look as you passed her locker, happy she’d fucked up with Eddie so he was yours for the taking. You planned on keeping him.
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
the power of love part 7 (steddie, stobin, steve whump fic)
Steve has a habit of surviving near death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
(also on AO3 here)
Chapter Seven
Eddie POV
Steve insists on being pathfinder lead for the next hour. 
Eddie’s gotta admit—following Steve, as he thrashes his way through the undergrowth, is the best entertainment that banishment has provided yet. Steve’s tight-fitting pants don't do any harm. Goddammit, the perspiration patches on Steve’s shirt make Eddie sweat even harder than Steve is.
“You need the fedora hat,” calls Robin, “and you’ve totally nailed the junior Indiana Jones look.”
Steve smirks over his shoulder. “I was channelling that guy out of Romancing the Stone.” 
“Michael Douglas? No way as hot.” Eddie flashes his best flirtatious grin with ever greater confidence. This afternoon, Steve has begun returning them. “Stick to Indy, man.”
By the time they reach the logging camp, however, they’re all beyond exhausted.
Eddie’s feet are raw with blisters, and Robin’s been complaining of the same for the past hour. She limps through the door of the first cabin they come to, which fortunately turns out to be a bunkhouse. She throws down her pack then throws herself onto the bottom of one of two sets of bunks. Steve collapses onto the other lower bunk and appears to fall instantly asleep.
Eddie considers crawling up onto one of the top bunks and seeing if sleep takes pity on him.
He doubts it would. The choppers were a stark reminder of the nightmare reality snapping at his heels, and he’s wired as hell. He begins to unpack their supplies. Robin, having taken a moment, sits back up.
“We should check this place out,” she whispers. “There must be a clean water supply somewhere, maybe a generator. Definitely canned food and that kinda stuff, for when the loggers come back in the autumn.” 
“I guess it’ll make a change from cardboard-flavoured cereal.”
“God, I know, right! I’d literally murder for some Count Chocular right now.”
They split up to search the various cabins. Eddie hits the jackpot first, in the guise of a crate of bottled beer. 
“Seriously?” says Robin, when she meets him outside the bunkhouse. Eddie sits on the beer crate he’s dragged out, taking a well-earned rest. “You’re gonna get buzzed?”
“You got it in one, sister.”
He doesn’t feel the need to justify this—I saw Chrissy butchered in front of my eyes. I’ve spent a week on the run from the cops. I BASICALLY DIED IN A WHIRLWIND OF EVIL KILLER DEMOBATS. And now I’m on the run again, with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, and I’ve fallen stupid hard for him. Oh, and there’s a small but real possibility he’s been flayed. Or something else freaky along those lines.
Robin hasn’t quit scowling at him. His smile is the first overtly false one he’s bothered with for a while:
“Forgive me, Robin. I’ve reached the point where, to quote my sweet old Granny—there ain’t nothin’ fuckin’ like it for me nerves. ’Course, she favoured hard liquor.” He offers one of two bottles he’s gotten out to Robin. “Want one?”
“I’ll stick to the cardboard cereal.” Her scowl lessens, though she remains deadly serious. “Look, promise me you won’t give too much to Steve.”
“What kinda pea-brain question is that? Despite the super-commando act, he’s still struggling, it’s totally obvious. Getting trashed is not gonna help.”
“Yeah, but… he’s improving, right?” Her slight wince betrays that, once again, they’re thinking the same thing. Perhaps Steve’s getting stronger, because he’s getting closer again to Lover’s Lake, Hawkins, Vecna, the Hive-Mind, and yet… “You know our little worst-case scenario, Rob? I’m still not buying it.”
The wind rustles the nearby trees. In sync, Robin’s hunched shoulders soften a little. “Me neither. Hand on heart, if Steve had a link to that evil shit, any at all, I’d sense it by now. Although… Was it just me who thought it was weird when the choppers came over, and then it suddenly clouded up?”
“Yeeeeaah, that really was just you. I was too busy eating dirt and shitting myself.” Now he thinks about it, mind, it was darn convenient.
She shrugs. “I guess I’m super-paranoid that way. I literally spent my Middle School years spotting aliens everywhere.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Then I realised they weren’t aliens. It was the Fae all along.”
“You sure it wasn’t dragons?”
“Now you’re being ridiculous.” Her laugh sounds as manic as his latest crazy smile. On the other hand:
“Maybe Steve really is getting better naturally,” he ventures, “and the set-backs are because he’s been overdoing it. I mean, yeah, we keep an eye out for anything cuckoo, watch for connections, make sure he takes rests, but… Time heals, huh?”
“Not always.” She purses her lips, veering straight back into scary mode. “Steve doesn’t like people to know, but since his second major concussion, he’s not supposed to drink. Of course, he does sometimes, but—”
“Message received. I’ll just have the one—for medicinal purposes, ’kay?” 
“Please yourself. Then wake Steve long enough to put our own bedding on those disgusting bunks. I don’t wanna be bitten to death by bed bugs.”
Robin stomps off toward the camp generator. Eddie is executing the important business of prying the top off his beer, when Steve appears, leaning in the cabin doorway. “Why did you both let me… Hey, is that beer?”
The top pops off with a treacherous fizz. “Uh, no?”
“You’re a useless liar.” Steve closes in. His messy, sleep-mussed hair renders him totally edible. 
“You got me.” Eddie darts his tongue nervously across his lips. “This indeed is the amber nectar of the Gods. You want some?” 
There’s a skewed logic behind Eddie’s offer. If he told Steve he couldn’t drink, like he was his mom or something, Steve would probably get mad. He opts to play a good cop, bad cop routine with Robin, who… 
Eddie glances toward the generator.
She’s not there. If bad cop isn’t gonna show, then he needs a Plan B.
“I guess I’ll have one.” Steve stretches to take the bottle. 
“Just gonna test it. Been here a while.” 
Eddie takes a glug, splutters it out across dusty ground. “Oh man, it’s worse than cat-piss.” He’s only slightly exaggerating. “There’s a reason those lumberjacks left this garbage behind.”
Steve yawns into the back of his hand. “Gonna be honest. I’m not supposed to drink anyhow. Long story.” Ooookay. That went easier than predicted. “Got any water left?”
“Yeah. By my pack.” Eddie hurries into the bunkhouse, and Steve follows. It’s the last bottle, so he hopes Robin’s busy locating fresh supplies. Though that proves the least of his worries.
Half a minute later, he’s sitting on the edge of a bunk, thigh-to-thigh with Steve. They pass the bottle of water and a bottle of beer between them.
And being this close to Steve, now Steve seems so much better? Exchanging chitchat about how long they can hideout here, and if any of them have the skills to hunt a deer or something?
It sends tingles up and down Eddie’s spine.
The way Steve looks at him underlines exactly why Steve was angry last night, when Eddie “assumed” he was straight. Eddie suddenly can’t look Steve in the eye. Trouble is, he then can’t stop staring at Steve’s mouth—those shapely, slightly chapped lips, moist and glistening with water and bad beer.
Then Steve blindsides him with: “Do you honestly think you died, Eddie? Before I did the CPR?”
“I dunno, Harrington.” Eddie squirms on his butt, all kinds of defences flying up. “It was like a dream. Apart from that, it wasn't a dream. It was a place, and Dustin was there, and Robin was there, and you were there, too.”
“Wow. Seriously?”
Eddie cackles out a mocking laugh. “I’m misquoting ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ dude.”
“Oh.” Eddie glances sidelong. Steve appears… oddly crestfallen. “It’s just… You know, I said when I get hurt, I feel like I come back different each time. I mean, I don't know if it's true or not, but... I never knew you before... and I know you now and... and…” Steve fluffs his hair. “Jesus, I’m blabbering.”
“Nah,” says Eddie. “You sound like you’re getting somewhere.” 
Compared to the meltdown my brain is having.
“Okay, well, here it is. I like you, Eddie. I really like you.” 
Eddie half wants to flee for the hills. He fixes on a beetle scuttling across the dirty floorboards. “Dude, you sure you’re not in love with Wheeler?”
“I… I… No!”  Steve doesn’t sound angry, only bewildered. “Yeah, I believed that once, and maybe I was. I guess she fitted in so many dreams I’ve had of my future, and I owe her a lot. But now I’m with you, and…” Their eyes finally meet. Steve’s earnest warmth sends a brutal shockwave through Eddie. “I know this seems fickle, but…” His gentle laugh is too much. “Who knows? Perhaps it’s because Nance has never been dead. Or, near dead. You know, we’ve gotten that in common, right?”
“Riiiiight,” Eddie says, stupidly, then, “Screw it, I like you too, Stevie. I really like you.” 
They fling their arms around each other, and tumble into the kiss.
For Eddie, the sensations are like no make-out session before, such is the hunger that zings between them. Eddie’s so blown away, that the brush of Steve’s lips seems to kindle an actual crackling, electric friction..  Damn, the boy can kiss! 
Eddie’s gotten a semi already, fingers threading up through Steve’s hair, toying at the nape of his neck. Steve does amazing twisty things with his tongue. Gnng! You wanna kill me again, Baby? Even the scrape of Steve’s shallow stubble totally unhinges him.
They work the kiss with their whole bodies, striving to get beyond close, as if they could slide beneath each other’s skin. Eddie can’t help wondering—can they get each other off, before Robin gets back?
Then something changes.
He senses Steve gasp, then moan into Eddie's mouth with something other than dumb teen passion. His arms, clinging around Eddie, falter and slip away.
Too late. Steve crumples against Eddie, totally senseless. 
“Steve?” squeaks Eddie, struggling to stop Steve slipping to the floorboards. “Robin! ROBIN!”
Part 8
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
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