#this is a good post why has it been lost in draft zone for 2 months
liquidstar · 28 days
"And someday, together..."
"Someday, together...?"
Someday, Together, We'll Take Ibuprofen
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bcntbouquet · 3 months
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to?
10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple?
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish?
17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
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1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
I think my first-ever legit rp muse was Herbert West (Re-Animator) and once upon a time, I didn’t really have the urge to write other characters (can’t you even imagine ME writing ONE character now, lmao). The first OC I really got into was my dude Gideon Brady, so he was my favourite for years—Then I found my way to Supernatural and Dean Winchester was the most at-home I’d probably ever felt in ANY muse ever to that point. Probably stayed that way until some time in 2023. I’ve created dozens of ocs and even quite a number of canon muses since then, but late last year I started writing Brian (Brain Damage) and Aylmer (Brain Damage) and I became very attached very quickly; around the same time, I decided to explore my under-used oc Derward (created c. 2022) and I find he’s easiest to write at this particular time in my life. I also enjoy playing Wonka a whole lot—because he’s so positive and optimistic—but it’s been brought to my attention that Derward and I share a lot of similarities—Which, I suppose, explains why he's become my default muse these days.
2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to?
Yes, I listen to music about 50% of the time that I write. A lot of 80s pop, rock, and new wave ngl. But there's other kinds I listen to, of course. The rest of the time I watch movies while writing… I know, you’d think it would distract me from the text, but most of the time films get me in that creative zone with any combination of setting, music, story, cast, etc.
10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple?
To quote Slugworth— “A good chocolate should be SIMPLE. Un-complicated.” I will admit I have a hard time reading/seeing (highly) formatted text. Bold, italics, colours, and certain fonts; those are all find by me. As for stylized icons… What’s even the point? Frankly, it’s lost on me. A visual should be just that. Any image or gif that takes interpretation in order to figure out what’s being presented doesn’t really belong… as it serves no purpose to enrich either the details of the narrative or the muse being portrayed. Granted, this is only my personal opinion. If stylized iconography somehow makes your creative juices flow, fellow writers... go for it. You do you. The rpc should always be an inclusive place.
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
Call me biased or indecisive af, but I hold all my ships dear. Romantic or platonic. I just love all my ships- as well as my shipping partners. Lil' shout out to @cvpidswings, @everyoneismytoy, @smolcuriouskitten, @rawbutprecious, and @frcsttitan. Everybody else I ship with, love you too.
'nother lil' shout to @cursedvessels and @miidnighters—Shimi and Callisto are one of my favourite duos in the rpc atp and I love reading about their joint antics. A canon ship I love is Zed and Addison from Zombies.
15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
Difficult to say... I don't find myself defining any of my muses by type. If I had to take a guess, I'd say kindhearted people with emotional trauma? Again, IDK.
16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish?
I'm a slow writer, so I usually post when I've finished a draft. I already keep people waiting a while for a reply due to my inherent speed, so a regular queue would just make things even slower.
17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
It just depends on the situation in the rp; during a lot of threads, I do well with a mix of winging it and plotting. 90% of the time, though, it's winging it. My muses are all control freaks in that they're usually more cooperative when I don't involve myself XD
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
Derward hasn't felt much love in his life, or support. He isn't the type to give up in any situation, but he probably really needs to hear that he's both wanted and needed. I think little compliments would serve him well, too. Maybe tell him that he's cute or that his hair/clothes are nice. He wouldn't always believe me about his clothes, 'cause he tends to wear tattered stuff throughout his various verses, but... If I could give him a big hug, I would. I'd give him a nice smooch on the cheek, too. Maybe wrap a blanket around his shoulders. That said, he should allow himself to put his burdens down from time to time. He's strong, and he knows this. What he doesn't know, however, is that he CAN be weak. He CAN be vulnerable. I would, hopefully, convince himself to free himself of such pressure. Dude needs a good cry five minutes ago.
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packernet · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2022/11/17/stubborn-not-stupid/
Stubborn, not stupid
The old saying goes: “you can’t fix stupid.”  Thankfully, stupid isn’t the issue for Packers leadership. It’s their pigheaded, “head-in-the-sand” stubbornness.  Along with countless experts and analysts, we could all see needed changes and course corrections Packers leadership could have made this year. Instead, they’ve been painfully slow to act, when they’ve acted at all.
Change could have come sooner
There’s a long list of missed opportunities by Packers leadership thus far in 2022:
The defensive tactic of soft zone coverages was not effective. It also did not play to their strengths. It took until weeks 4-5 for a response.
It appeared that draft pick Zach Tom was better than both Royce Newman and Jake Hanson, both higher on the depth chart since training camp. His elevation took until October.
Against Dallas Rodgers was 9-for-11 for 158 yards when under center. The offense is more effective with Rodgers under-center, opening up play-action, than in shotgun. A serious shift to that didn’t happen until last Sunday against Dallas, It’s no coincidence that’s when they ended their losing streak.
Safety play from Darnell Savage has been below average to terrible all season. It took a 5-game losing streak before Rudy Ford, rostered since week 1, saw more playing time. Clearly, he should have seen the field sooner.
It’s was clear that Amari Rodgers should have been cut at the end of training camp. Packers leadership didn’t accept that until 10-weeks into the season. He lacked confidence fielding punts and then showed us why by fumbling 25% of them. Yes, he fumbled 1-of every-4 he fielded and didn’t lose his job until week 10! More to the point he was not explosive as a returner or good enough to get playing time on a team starving for WR’s.
Blame stubbornness 
Brian Gutekunst, Matt LaFleur and Joe Barry didn’t get these NFL positions because they were stupid. But flexibility and responsiveness are also measures of leadership talent. Recognizing a problem, accepting it and finding a solution to address it quickly is a leadership test they’ve all failed this season. Ron Wolf said more than once that the bigger mistake, is sticking with the mistake.
  Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt
Gutey was stubborn enough to think Sammy Watkins and a couple rookies were enough to address the talent vacuum at wide receiver. Apparently his stubbornness included keeping Amari Rogers longer than his performance warranted.
Joe Barry was too stubborn to see his zone defense was not working. Also, too slow to make a change and it likely cost the Packers chances to win very winnable games against the Giants, Jets and Washington. That Rudy Ford sat for weeks while Savage struggled is equally puzzling.
Matt LaFleur stubbornly gave his stubborn willful quarterback too much control over offensive direction. This offense needs a religious commitment to a running game, which contributes to a more effective passing game. The productivity of the run game leads to better pass protection and more lanes for lesser receivers and Aaron Rodgers to exploit.
The season is not lost yet. The margin of error for the Green Bay Packers is now razor-thin. At most, they can afford 1-2 losses to have any chance at a playoff spot. They cannot afford continued stubbornness to needed changes they cannot afford.
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hobicomeholla29 · 3 years
Shatter - Part 1 - JHS
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Angst/ Romance/ Fluff in the future
Word Count:3.9k
Warnings: Mentions of death/Mentions of wars/Mentions(hints) of depression/Mourning
Rating: PG13
A/N: Hey! Hey! Before I get into anything else I first have to that all the beautiful who helped me with checkin, beta reading and giving me fantastic feedback in general! @sugaa-sugaaa​ @spicykoreantatertots​ @nottodayjjk​ Thank you so so much for your words of support and for pushing me through to deliver a good piece for everyone!
That being said, This is a 2 shot! Please look forward to part 2!
THIS IS A REPOST. Cuz it wasn’t showing up in the tags.
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, where humankind’s greed has lead planet earth to turn into a ball of dust, all Hoseok wants is a better and bright future, yet strong feelings and a positive mind doesn’t always cut it.
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The early morning sky was filled with an eerie fog that threatened to smother anyone who didn’t wear the appropriate attire for being outdoors.
You stood straight; hands balled in tight fists. A mixture of emotions running through your body. Sadness, anger, helplessness, fear…
You were the only ones standing in the middle of the empty field, no one else daring to stand still and be surrounded by the suffocating drafts of air that carried large amounts of toxins –a consequence of humankind utilizing nuclear weapons in the past.
You remember stories being told about your ancestors taking long walks through lucious fields without sporting gas masks on their faces, just imagine enjoying the air in the atmosphere instead of fearing it.
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Most parts of the beautiful earth that once existed were now wastelands, all thanks to what was called The Colossal War.
Civilization was anything but civilized after that, creating division and animosity between groups of people with different ideals.
Clans were created and with them the claiming of lands. Lands that provided resources for sustenance, yet the quick dwindling of resources and supplies made some clans selfish, refusing to barter with others and instead attempting to conquer their lands as well.
With bigger and stronger clans taking over the smaller and weaker ones, eventually only four major clans remained, the only exception being small factions that settled between the abandoned areas near the borders of each clan.
Some factions were harmless, only looking for a peaceful place to live, making them nomads, since they had to constantly move to avoid being forced to pledge to one of the four major clans. Others were rioters, ready to go against anything and anyone who posed a threat to their beliefs and wants.
During the long solars that came and went after The Colossal War, much had changed.
Technology, communication, transportation, settlements.
It had all changed, but you really couldn’t say it was all for good.
Technology had turned obsolete at a steady pace, leaving only a few gadgets that were still able to function without being saturated or losing signal without proper cell towers.
Most of them had been vandalized or burned to ashes, mostly to steal copper from the area.
The only remaining signal towers were those of glass recorders.
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A glass recorder was the device that kept track of a person’s life.
Since The Colossal War in 3010, civil wars had been blowing up everywhere. Causing inconvenience in simple tasks like having troops return to a fallen soldier’s clan to inform their family about their passing.
A simple duty as this one might have worked back in 2020 but not in 3011.
If troops were sent back, they were at risk of running into an enemy faction and breaking into another battle.
Hence, in 3015, glass recorders were created.
A glass recorder was a device made out of bulletproof glass. Its interior was filled with cables and microchips that contained a person’s personal information, tracking and broadcasting an individual’s vital signs at all times. Constant long-ranged waves went from the glass recorder - to the signal towers around the globe - to the chip installed in the individual’s neck and back.
You could say its data sharing function was similar to the behaviour of olden times bluetooth connections, except that the only information it could send and receive was vital signs and  identification details.
Many tried hacking them, attempting to rob information from the device and using it for ulterior motives, however they are designed with an auto destruction mode in case of hacking or death and their towers were heavily protected by troops from each clan.
Usually their sizes were similar to that of an old cellphone.
On one side there’s a knob, remarkably similar to what DJs back in the day used on their mixing boards. It acted as a switch between the different modes the glass recorder could be set on, them being Vitals, Information and Hologram. And on the other side there was a touchscreen, where vitals could be read and holograms could be activated.
There was also an XBS dock entrance on one side of the device. It was mostly used by the law enforcers by transferring any new information about an individual from their archives to the glass recorder, whether it was good or bad.
All of that information, including marital status, first degree relatives, occupation, date of birth and allergies could be found on information mode.
On vitals, details were given about their current health status and the sound of their heartbeat could be played.
And finally on hologram mode, you could see a three-dimensional scale of the owner’s body, making it easier to check for injuries or if any internal damage had been taken.
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Besides glass recorders, communication had jumped back to messaging via written letters or oral messages sent via a messenger.
Any vehicles that had existed on the face of earth, had been overhauled.
Updated to cater to the usage it now provided to the arid ground.
Motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks and ships, all modified.
Additional exhaust pipes, thicker tires, dust shields, dredging machinery, artillery and artillery holders, were examples of things you had seen being mounted on different transports, including aircrafts.
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As for yourself, you lived in a colony that had been forced to be part of one of the major 4 clans, The Jeon Clan.
The Jeon clan was strong, the Jeon clan was powerful, the Jeon clan was feared, the Jeon clan was blinded by its greed, the Jeon clan stood above everyone and if you refused their ways, then you refused living.
That’s how your small clan ended up under their command.
It was common to hear stories as an infant about how the Jeon clan conquered. They always portrayed the glorious stories of how leader -Jeon the 1st-  had tirelessly battled large creatures and evil men to save small clans from their miserable lives, however in each capsule each family shared the story with their offspring as they remembered it best.
Meaning some stories were wonderful, while others were resentful memories and stories of how their clans had been forced to change their ways or how they had lost loved ones to the Jeon reign.
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You were only 7 when it all happened.
You remember it so clearly, it felt like you were reliving it each time.
You stood in the middle of the large hangar, eyes searching left and right for your father.
Men and women ran all around, either towards shelter or towards the battle zone.
A military truck’s engine roared in the background, yet you couldn’t figure out which of the twenty something trucks near you had been brought to life.
You frantically ran in the opposite direction. You needed to find him, you needed to convince him not to go.
Running as fast as your short legs could take you, you tightly held on to the glass recorder in your hand.
Tears started prickling your eyes the longer it went without you being able to find him.
Two NSTV vehicles sped past you, swiftly followed by a caravan of men on choppers, armed to the teeth.
Luckily none of them seemed to be your father.
You were getting desperate.
All he had done was left a note on your bed with his glass recorder.
“My beautiful cyberflower, I love you so much. And because I love you, I must defend you. Papa might not be back for a while, but he will make sure that if he doesn’t come back at all, it is because he was able to create a better place for you to live in."
He promised he would never go, that he would stay no matter what.
That he wouldn’t do the same thing your mom did.
Leaving you behind was never the solution. You preferred having them both and figuring everything else out later than having none of them and still being lost.
Why was it so easy for them to leave you behind…?
You didn’t notice you had dropped to your knees, you didn’t notice the tears that cascaded from your face and you certainly didn’t notice how your mourning wail had halted all activities under the hangar.
All frozen in place, no one in the building could figure out why. How could the desperate cry of a child send shivers down their spine? How could it express without mistake, their inner thoughts and feelings.
They felt the grief and pain of having to put their lives on the line to give their loved ones a better future.
A future that should have been granted to them, but the Jeons thought differently.
Yet, your clearest memory from that day was the tight embrace that pulled you out of your dazed state.
The embrace that told you that even if everything didn’t turn out as you wanted, he would be there to walk you through it.
He would be there with that bright smile of his that cleared away all of your cloudy days.
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A rundown metallic shed stood at a distance, it was probably used in the past by troops as a hideout, yet for several solars it had been a place you used for solace.
The location gave you a quiet place to think, a quiet place to run away to when everything got too hectic at the colony, a place to yell out of frustration. It was your place -even if it was on enemy’s territory.
However, today said shed felt smaller, its tall walls choking you, suppressing your lungs, no calm remained in it as the words that dropped from your lover’s mouth bounced from wall to wall. The echo made you feel like the words were mocking you by constantly repeating what he said.
"I must go, and you must stay.”
You knew you had heard word of people in the colony joining forces with others near you, to topple the Jeon clan.
Nonetheless, you figured it was just tittle-tattle.
Yet here you are standing in the middle of the building, right in front of your lover, who is spewing the same nonsense your father did so many solara ago.
"Is this a joke? ‘Cause I’m not laughing…"
You saw his hands clenched into fists in annoyance, he tried holding in his feelings, yet the frustrated sigh that left his lips sold him out quickly.
Deep down he knew you wouldn’t take the news lightly, that you would want to accompany him on this journey as well or avoid the whole thing in general. But if he let you, if you came along, his departure would have no meaning. He was leaving for you. He thought you would be more rational.That the conversation would last less than a fraction of a solar, but he stood corrected.
"I can’t stay here on my own. You can’t leave me just like that.” You were distraught. Your eyes searched for his, yet his gaze remained on the door you had used moments ago to enter the shed.
You needed to bring his mind back to you, to the present where you both still remained, you needed to keep him away from thoughts of the unknown future and the doom that could be.
Why was he trying to be person number three on your mourning list?
Your eyes remained on his, yet your fingers occupied themselves trying to find his glove-covered ones, the action making him look down at your entwined fingers.
His eyes seemed to soften at your actions and that alone helped you breathe easier. Deep down you knew that you had to stay back and wait for him, it would be the safest place for you, the colony was your home, but the news he dropped on you like a bucket of cold water had your common senses frozen.Why would he want to leave you so suddenly?
Maybe he no longer wanted this, maybe you were too much, maybe that promise he made solars ago about walking the path with you was too heavy and too much of a burden…
“You must stay, for me,” He said, “and for them.” His eyes dropped to your stomach, his free hand caressing the bump that had started forming not long ago.
“Hoseok…please…” You had to try at least one more time. If he still was that warrior at heart that you had once met, then he was certain to leave even with you crying rivers.
“I must go, my love. I have to be a part of this fight that will give our family the freedom that they deserve. The freedom that WE deserve.” His eyes glossed over, yet not one tear abandoned his eye. He was sure of his decision and nothing could stop him now.
“You don’t have to… A lot of men are already there."
"And I am sure they also have families and other reasons to be there. I will lend them a hand and they shall lend me one. We will fight for a better life and world, a better place to raise our offspring, a better place to grow old.” At this point in conversation, his eyes are boring into yours, yet there is no anger towards you. Only love, strong, heated, unwavering, caring and passionate love. There was certainly no way for you to fight against that.
For a split second, his eyes left yours, and you followed the movements of his left hand. Carefully, he pushed his hand into his pocket, retrieving a device that you were very familiar with.
His glass recorder.
“I- I can’t."
"It’s the only way for you to know my status… and if it ever comes to worse, you’ll know not to wait for me any longer.” He said as he placed it in your hand.
“Please stop talking like you are a dead man already!"
"Y/n-” You interrupted him mid-sentence. You were blabbing now. All your thoughts and fears spilling out at once.
“No! I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want you to go! I want you here with me, with our babies. If you tell the Chief he will let you stay. We are expecting! I can’t lose you; you are walking to your grav-"
"Y/N!” His sudden yell made you flinch, but nonetheless, you looked him in the eyes, only to find them filled with tears. Filled with fear but determination as well.
He was always like this, a young man with a mission. Fire in his eyes, determined to make this world a better place, even if it scared him to the core. He always said…
“There is no better way to deal with fear than to walk right over it…” Those stupid words he repeated everyday since you were 7. “This is me walking all over it. This is me putting you -putting them over my fear of what may be."
"I love you."
"And I love you, my beautiful cyberflower.” His hand grabbed yours, slowly bringing each one of them to his face and kissing your knuckles and palms softly.
“I’ll always return to you."
And so, you watched him ride his chopper towards the horizon.
His silhouette quickly disappeared in the darkness of the night.
Even though the light of the moon shone brightly, it felt dark around you, as if your clouds had returned with the sole departure of his bright smile.
Your hand squeezed the device he left behind, your grip getting stronger the further he drove and now you really wondered, "How is it so easy for everyone to leave me behind?"
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150 solars and 149 lunars went by, yet nothing had changed.
Since the day Hoseok had left, your days consisted of nothing but worrying, eating, and visiting the shed.
An old steel bench was set outside of the old metallic building and just like any other day you’d visited, you sat on the edge of it, contemplating life and hoping today was the day Hoseok would return to you as he had promised.
As time flew by, you added this day to the list of other ones where your lover didn’t return and although you tried to remain as positive as possible, you couldn’t stop thinking about why life was so cruel? Why did any of you have to live through this? It certainly wasn’t fair. No one deserved to be forced to choose death if they didn’t choose what someone else wanted.
Since your great-grandparents’ days, the future was supposed to be glorious, beautiful, and bright. Technology was supposed to make everything better. But somehow it all turned to worse.
Pride, arrogance, and selfishness had created the horrible world that you now lived in.
People lost their lives as an exchange for a promise they never received.
They fought battles to free people who were slaves to their own fears and now this was the consequence of all that was done. What a sad life to live. What a horrible life to live.
You rubbed your stomach feeling your bump as it continued to grow. Time doesn’t stop for anyone, is what they say and your clear example is how close you are to being due.
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The walk back to your clan’s colony was an easy 10-minute walk that could turn mortal if taken while distracted, hence you carried a machete in your boot.
Once you set foot on your colony’s official territory, you swiftly made your way to your family home capsule, ready to wash off the sorrow and go to bed as you would wait for the next solar to come.
Sadly for you, that hope disappeared the second you made eye contact with someone you didn’t wish to see at the moment.
His eyes caught yours and you saw a mix of emotions: sorrow, understanding, relief and worry, all conveyed to you in a single glance.
You knew what was to come, it was always the same dialogue, but you didn’t want to do this today.
Today you felt drowned, disappointed, you could feel that dark cloud that loomed over your head enlarging day by day.
"You know it’s not s—”
“Save it, Namjoon. I’m not a chil—"
“—But you are a carrying woman, who is walking carelessly to a place where no one can or will follow you.”
“I am not carele—”
“Y/N, shut up for once and put this through your thick skull!! Hendra is enemy territory!!”
And with that he left to his own family capsule, stomping all the way to the door and slamming it closed.
For the first time, you felt different and maybe it had something to do with the fact that Namjoon and your argument didn’t end in the usual monotonous sermon he always gave you, where he remained calm all the way and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
The funny part about the entire thing was that you were cousins, and your family capsules were right beside each other, so you were sure you’d have to see his sour expression the following day.
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Finally in your own capsule - the one you used to share with Hoseok, you took that shower that you daydreamed about and headed to your room.
Just like every night, you muted your room to the outside world, opting to listen to the broadcast of your beloved’s heartbeat.
It was the only thing that helped you sleep at night and somehow you felt as if it pacified the two progenies in you.
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You didn’t know when or how it happened, but eventually 365 solars had gone by.
365 solars since the day of his departure and you weren’t getting any better at being without him.
You were now a mother of two. A dawn and a dusk. One born in the early morning and one almost 12 hours later.
So, you gave them names that matched their arrivals to this world, Dawn and Dusk.
All times prior to that day, you felt that once they arrived, there would be this large turning point in your life. That once you had someone who depended on you, your days would start to shift into something brighter, yet somehow, even after the arrival of your children, you felt almost no difference, bordering on saying that you might even felt worse.
Their faces were the perfect mix of your deoxyribonucleic acid and his. Two different beings creating harmony in the body of two newer ones.
Their father had left to give them a better future but, in the process, he had left a broken family behind. It felt incomplete and hollow and somehow you envied the blissful ignorance that your infants currently lived in. Not able to understand the sorrowful life that currently surrounded them.
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Another 365 solars went by.
You still listened to Hoseok’s heartbeats every night. The glass recorder remaining as your sole companion in addition to your —now— toddlers.
The night remained quiet. You could barely hear the murmur of voices from the capsule near yours. If you were right, you were sure it was Namjoon and his wife, discussing the plan for retrieving meals for the clan the following morning.
You shifted on the foam mattress that only reminded you more of him. A very faint and almost gone notion of his scent wafting up from what used to be his pillow.
From afar you watched the two small bodies –lying on the second mattress in your room— inhale and exhale deep in their slumber.
They had —just like you— fallen asleep to the beat of the heart of a stranger you placed in front of them and made them call him father.
You loved them, every bit of them. Would do anything for them not to suffer, and maybe just then, in that moment, you understood a bit of Hoseok’s reasoning.
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You toss and turn all of a sudden jerking awake from your slumber. You could not recall when you had fallen asleep, so your mind remained disoriented for a short minute, trying to grasp your surroundings. Your heavy eyes roamed around the room, picking up on every detail, the babies were still asleep, the clock read 3AM and the glass recorder wasn’t beating…
Violently, you pulled the sheets off your body, grabbing the device as soon as your hands were close enough to grab it.
“Why are you not beating? Why are you not broadcasting? What the fu—”
And it hit you like a train… but you didn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe it.
You shook it and twisted the knob and switched it to hologram mode, but it wasn’t working and you didn’t know what to do, your hands were shaking, your thoughts were jumbled…
“This can’t be happening.”
And when a fake solar illuminated your mind, you quickly turned around to plug it in to your old computer, however, the universe had other plans for you and without announcement the device cracked.
You watched it crack little by little, extending all around the recorder, slowly marking the beautiful device with horrible lines that marked its ending, it didn’t stop until it was no longer graspable and all that was left behind was crystal dust in your cupped hands.
You didn’t hear when Namjoon and his wife entered your room or when your kids were taken out of there. Your sobs alerting 3 capsules nearby of the sorrowful occurrence of the night.
It was the worst type of Deja Vu, because just like your mother and father, you’d never see him again…
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Thank you so much for reading part one of this 2 shot! Hopefully it didn’t scare you off for part 2!
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andmaybegayer · 3 years
Last Monday of the Week: 2021-03-01
First Monday of the Month. My boss just quit at work which means I'm now the only formally trained engineer left who has any particular specialization in embedded systems. This week is going to be a doozy.
I also wrote a Very Long set of media updates because I’ve been consuming some stuff that makes me think a lot. Never a good sign.
Listening: I spent all of Saturday playing Minecraft after talking with some friends about it during the week on IRC. Practicing what I preach with regards to my Large Biome Supermacy policy, which does involve a lot of walking. Hence, I started catching up on The Adventure Zone: Graduation again, I'm like ten episodes behind.
I don't really enjoy Travis' DM'ing style. It's very loose and he has a tendency to let players run wild without much structure which is a tricky thing to handle. He does a lot of worldbuilding and character design but doesn't seem to plan much in the way of arcs. That pays off sometimes (returning to the school to realize they broke a promise they made a few sessions earlier and had to deal with consequences, for example) and when it does, it’s really good, but it's finnicky. I know DM's who can do that, but, well, actually I know One Single DM who can do that well and she's absurdly smart.
Reading: Still on Worm, I just got past chapter 8 or so now. It lives in my phone browser so I've mostly been reading it whenever I get some spare time, which is a good sign. If a book doesn't grab me I need to really settle down in a quiet space to avoid getting distracted, but I can read Worm while someone else is on the phone in the same room.
It is a story with a lot of very well-conveyed feelings and events. It's very easy to imagine yourself in it. Characters actually act like they care about what they're doing, I feel like writing this took a lot of care to keep everyone on model.
There's also a certain care given to the superpowers that you'd usually only see in forum posts arguing about an actual superhero story. Everyone always likes to argue about how far you can push a superpower: can you use teleporting to fly? What prevents a speedster from catching fire in the air? Where does the energy for a  pyrokinetic ability come from? Worm takes these and runs with them as a way to make absolutely any fight become a series of gambits relying on whether a power can or cannot be used to perform some high-stakes trick.
The world certainly has some underpinning contrivances to explain why no one gets killed very often but I've always considered nitpicking the base contrivances of a setting silly, because that's precisely what they are: contrived, in order to allow the rest of the story to flow from there. Like arguing about Omega’s abilities in the famous thought experi-*I am dragged off stage by the ratblr police for making a by now extremely stale joke*
Watching: I came and edited this section in like an hour before this posts because I keep on forgetting to put it in. I don’t really like watching TV and with my parents stuck at home in Pandemic Times it’s how they pass the time.
I did finish S3 of the Good Place. It’s very funny. I’m glad I’m watching it and I’m going to have to go find S4 because ZA Netflix doesn’t have it for whatever reason. It feels a little like it was written by Phillip Pullman if Phillip Pullman was a comedy TV writer.
I also really enjoyed the PBS Spacetime video about how time causes gravity. Love when an explanation of concepts is good enough that you drawn the conclusion on your own.
Playing: Visual Novel Hell plus Minecraft.
I spent approximately seven hours in Minecraft over two days. I tend to hop in and out of games for 1-2 hours at a time but there's a handful that can suck me in for an entire day. Minecraft, Warframe, Horizon Zero Dawn, Night in the Woods. Bastion, to a lesser extent. I end up avoiding them because I don't like loosing entire days, but I wasn't really planning on doing anything this weekend anyways.
Minecraft was mostly a long-ass trek to find a saddle, because as previously mentioned, I enjoy playing it with Large Biomes for the sense of scale.
I also completed Act 3 of Psycholonials and Eliza.
Psycholonials is odd. It is doing the thing that Hussie does where it dances around what's ostensibly the story to carry out the actual story. You get used to the trope after your first encounter but it still makes you wonder when the other shoe will drop, and of course, there's no reason it ever has to. The story may remain in suspended animation behind the every growing mess of narrative red tape tying the B-plot together.
Stories about Social Media have no well established norms. I think I might pick up Feed by M. T. Anderson and also perhaps Hank Green's books sometime. See what context they set that in.
Eliza is frustrating to me. It's a game for programmers, by programmers, about programmers. I'm friends with a lot of Capital P Programmers, the types who go to university and get sniped for developer positions at Seattle or Silicon Valley tech companies and who make great and terrible things and then warn you about the deep problems that underpin the slowly rolling ball of venture capital and bloated technology that is the tech industry. But at the same time, it makes me feel like I've burnt out on that conceptually before I even went in. It’s a whole other world that I’m familiar with but very distant from. In fact, that’s kinda how I feel about Psycholonials too. I’m familiar with the social media rat race but I also don’t go there. Parallels!
My cousins (who are halfway to Capital P Programmers, only so much you can do halfway around the world from silicon valley) warned me not to go into CS, because it would bore me, and that's a non-trivial part of why I'm in Engineering. They gave the same advice about Biology and Physics, without that I may have ended up in Microbiology. it’s not my domain, but because of how Engineering is going, you end up a lot closer to programmers than you think. I found out the other day that most of the software developers on my team have no formal tertiary qualifications, which is accepted in CS but of course, right out when it comes to engineering. It’s a whole other world that I kinda expected to skip around. I might go into this another time, since this post is already getting long.
Making: I haven’t done any engineering scicomm posts on here in a while so I started a few blank drafts and finally got one off the ground. With some luck I’ll have that ready this week. What’s it about? Not saying! It might change!
I’ve been doing layout for a custom keyboard, I need to call a laser cutting place and find out what their kerf requirements are so I can adjust the path accordingly. Wouldn’t do to burn a couple hundred rand on an oversized part, I’m paying for this, not my employer like the other times I’ve done laser cutting, so I’m probably not going to spring for getting one of their designers to check my design. At some point I should CAD up a chassis, but at the same time I might just buy some wood and go ham with a router once I get the plates cut.
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Computers Slot: I got WeeChat set up properly on my desktop, which technically was just a matter of getting my SSH keys moved over. It’s taking me forever to move in to Cinnabar, in part because Stibnite lost her boot partition and I haven’t bothered to fix it.
So here’s a pitch for WeeChat as a good quality Terminal UI IRC Client. Many of my closest friends live there and it has a good set of tools to help me keep in touch.
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WeeChat is very configurable but with perfectly sane defaults, I didn’t configure it for years. The UI is smarter and less arcane than something like irssi, and if you enable mouse support it can be downright modern. Running it remotely like this limits some features but as long as you don’t mind jumping through a few hoops to do filesharing, IRC is really great like this.
One of the big ones is the ability to do that double-pane thing, I can keep an eye on two channels at once (really as many as I can cram on my screen, but usually two) which is great when you want to browse channels while talking in your home channel.
It also has a good array of remote access tools, from what I’m running up there, just weechat running on my server inside tmux connected over mosh for low-latency SSH, to weechat-relay, a relay protocol built in to weechat. At the moment relay only supports android phones and the glowingbear web client, but I’ve never really looked around since both of those cover all my needs. Easily one of the best ways to get IRC on a modern mobile device, barring maybe IRCCloud.
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lys-lilac · 3 years
The Realization of Importance
Part (2/3)
This was in my drafts for so long... So I thought not to let the cliffhanger stay for more time.
A/N: This is to say that all the characters and the main story line belong to Voltage Inc. Only the fictional story is a work of mine, as well the fictional characters, Hana, Touma and Akari. Also this story is based on dream event, because I had this as a dream many days ago. It might be a little different from the usual genre, a little more angsty, so this little girl wants to know your honest opinions about the work. Be honest and do let me know what you think. But, if it feels a little bit dreamy or weird, you can discontinue reading from here.
Part 1 II Part 3
                                                  Part (2/3)
Okay, now that I have cried so much and wiped away my tears, it's time to figure out things. How this all happened, or maybe I am still snoozing.
MC: But first, I need to find somewhere to live for now...
I can't probably return to my apartment, because the other me might be living there. Even if I go there, I will feel awkwardness surrounding me. So, I decide to take shelter in Asuka's home for tonight.
[Asuka’s Home] 
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{A/N: This is not shown in the MS, so I just added a fictional place}
A surprised Asuka greets me at the door.
Asuka: MC?
MC: Hey Asuka, if it's not troublesome, can I stay here for the night?
Asuka: Of course, come in.
Relieved that Asuka didn't doubt me, I put the slippers on and sit on the sofa in the living room.
Asuka: Color me surprised though, what brings you here, and today itself?
MC: Hmm? Can't I visit your home and stay over like we did in university days? I was just hit with nostalgia and-
Asuka: That's not the case. Didn't you tell me during lunch that you and Dr. Kasumi are going home together for the first time in two weeks of exhaustive work?
MC: ...
Now that I think about it, I arrived here in the evening, so it might be possible that I didn't know about the schedule beforehand. For now, I have to find an excuse to convince her.
MC: Err... yeah! Kasumi had some post-OP scheduled with new interns, so he told me to leave early, but due to the weather...
Wiping my hair and damp clothes with a towel, Asuka nods her head as if she understood what I meant.
Asuka: Poor girl... You could just have given a call, so that I could have rushed there.
MC: Asukaa!! You are literally my paradis-
Asuka: But, that would have caused Dr. Kasumi to blame me for stealing his girl.
MC: Wha?
With her light banter, we both break out into a laughter. She is really a savior to me, even though she doesn’t know the situation now.
Getting into a pair of PJs that Asuka gave me, I lie down on the sofa. Events of the day start reeling in my mind. Now’s the time to figure out what exactly happened. Is it just a dream? But it’s too realistic... Or what if I am thrown to another world, just like what happens in mangas?
A little bit confused, I open up to do list on my cell phone to check the schedule, but the next sight leaves me agape.
MC: I am a new resident in cardiovascular surgery starting from tomorrow?! 
And my name is not MC, it’s... Hana? Well, it’s better this way, as anyone will not get confused anymore. After all, I am someone who is not meant to be here...
MC: Gahh! I will think about it tomorrow, otherwise who knows what will happen to my brain... I might as well get an ischemic stroke in this situation.
Putting a lid to my thoughts, I doze off to sleep.
{A/N: From here, actual MC is Hana, and the other MC is just MC. I just came with a random name for the MC.}
Sekai: MC, you will be all fine... Don’t worry...
Hana: Aww Sekai, thank you... You really are my- wait what? Why are you addressing me as MC?
With a shock, I sit up. 
Hana: Just a dream, huh... Guess I better hurry up.
With a short yawn, I prepare for the day.
[Morning: Dean’s Office]
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Matsunaga: ...and therefore you will be assigned in the cardiovascular surgery starting from today.
Hana: ...
Matsunaga: Hana?
Hana: ! Ye-yes! I completely understand. It is a pleasure to be working with you all.
I bow deeply.
Matsunaga: Though I have to say, you really look like Dr. MC. Are you sure that you are not her long lost twin sister?
Hana: It’s a pure coincidence, haha. But I have a way to recognize both of us!
Matsunaga: Oh?
Hana: Yes. Look at this!
I show him the pearl beaded hair pin in my hair. I bought it when I went to the zoo with Kasumi. But, he might not remember this too.
Matsunaga: That’s a great way. You are really a smart girl!
Smiling on the approval, I bow once again, and leave the office to my work.
On my way to Cardiovascular medicine department, I decide to take a turn towards the EICU. After all the act I put there, I should at least apologize properly. It doesn’t matter if Kasumi doesn’t remember me now. Even though it hurts me to change my behavior towards him, just like strangers for now, I can never let the boy who suffered so much to lose his smile once again. Now, only my job matters!
[Seimei University Hospital EICU]
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As expected, everyone is there for the morning briefing, including the other me. I take a deep breath and knock on the door, making all of their gazes turn towards me. The confusion would have all been over now.
Hana: Good morning, everyone. I am here to apologize for the mess I created here yesterday. I am sure I had hit my head somewhere yesterday that I-
Takado: Can I tell you a copycat? You are exactly the same as this one over here, talking without stopping...
Hana: ...
They didn’t blame me for yesterday. I guess that’s good for now.
Hosho: I am now starting to believe that miracles are true.
Hana: Wha?
Hosho: Yes. I have never in my life met people with such exact features. It’s interesting but confusing at the same time.
Hana: Oh, about that, I have a solution! Look at the hair-pin tucked here. You will recognize me. And it’s not like I will work in the EICU. I have been assigned to the Cardiovascular Surgery from today. So I will rarely visit here.
Kasumi: Oh.
What makes him say that... Well, I can’t think of that myself. Maybe his curiosity is piqued, that’s all.
Kyogoku: Drop by the Pediatrics if you need any help.
MC: We would appreciate your help in the ER too.
Ok, now what? WHAT THE WHAT?! The legendary bodyguard is lending me a hand if I get in any trouble? And the other me... she is like 100 times more sweeter than me. No wonder Kasumi deserves a better one like her, not someone like me who behaves like a child till now.
Ekuni: And, if you run out of snacks, I can recommend you some.
Why are they all so sweet? Keeping my fast beating heart to myself, I mutter a small ‘thanks’, bow once again and leave the EICU. But, I feel a gaze looking at me from behind. Maybe I am hallucinating...
[Seimei University Hospital Cardiovascular Medicine Department]
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After some greetings in the Cardiovascular Surgery Dept., I get to work at once. Apparently due my good grades here too, I am immediately handed a case of a surgery. 
The patient is 11 year old, who is admitted today morning, has tetralogy of Fallot. This disease is generally congenital, which causes cyanosis, that is, bluish skin and oxygen-poor blood to flow out of the heart and to the rest of the body. If treatment is not done soon, it may become more severe.
Without any other delay, I head to the cabin where Touma is. Oh yes, Touma is the patient whose case I have been handed now.
[Seimei University Hospital Private Cabin]
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When I enter the cabin, I see a gloom Touma sitting on the bed with his mother, Akari.
Hana: Good morning, Akari, Touma.
Akari: Good morning, Dr. Hana.
Even though she smiles, I can see her face washed with sadness. It’s okay, after handing so many cases with Kasumi, I have stabilized myself enough to deal with my anxiety. I reach out to her, and with my hand on her back, I look towards Touma, who is also a little bit scared.
Hana: How are you, Touma?
Touma: I- I am fine.
Hana: I know you came here way early in the morning. How about we go and get a drink for ourselves to cheer you up?
A little happy, he nods.
Touma’s treatment is starting from today afternoon, so luckily, saline and other devices have not been put on him for now. Means, he is free to move.
Holding his frail hand, I lead him to the refreshment zone.
[Refreshment zone]
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I grab myself a can of coffee and give a bottle of orange juice to him.
Hana: So, what is Touma’s favorite activity? Hana is curious.
Touma: I like gardening, and going sightseeing.
Hana: Oh? You know how to plant flowers?
Touma: Yeah! Not only that, I know how to plant vegetables and fruits too! You know Hana, I harvested a lot of fruits, like strawberries, grapes last year that we had my friends and mama’s friends to finish it up.
Seeing Touma’s eyes sparkling, confiding in me and trusting me by calling my first name, I couldn’t help but smile.
Hana: Wow! You are really talented, little one! What about sightseeing? What places do you like? 
Touma: I like Hokkaido. The weather there is so beautiful! But... I know I couldn’t do that after the surgery.
The little sun who was brimming just now with happiness, looks like the flame of a flickering candle.
I hold his hand and say.
Hana: I know you can do it. With me here, you can share anything you want. You are strong to handle every problem that comes to you. I can get that from your passion of gardening. Even if a storm comes, you can do anything to protect your little space, right? I want that confidence of yours in you too. 
Touma goes silent. I see his face, surprised, and a little... flushed?
Touma: I brought some dandelions for you, Hana. I thought they could be my thank you gift to you for listening to me.
Hana: Thank you. That’s so sweet of you.
Oh my god. How sweet and mature he is! I was not even half of it during my teenage.
Touma: But, I have a favor to ask.
Hana: Sure, as long as it’s in my reach, I can do it for you.
Touma: After I recover, can you visit with me somewhere?
Hana: Where to?
Touma: I want to show you my garden.
Hana: Oh, sure. I would love to!
The happiness that left his face comes back.
Touma: It’s a date, then!
Hana: ...
What did I hear now? A. DATE. What?! But sighing, I put away the awkward thought and my lips curve upwards.
Touma: Although... Who is that guy behind you?
Surprised that I didn’t notice anyone, I turn backwards and see...
Hana: ?!!
This got a bit long, so I broke it further into two parts. Last part is on the last phase of editing. I will try to post it by tomorrow. Who do you think stands behind Hana? What will happen next?
Stay tuned.
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radramblog · 3 years
Every Boros Commander, Part 1
Every one of these rambles is going to be longer and nerdier than the last, I guess. We’ll see how long I can keep that up for.
If you aren’t or haven’t been at least a casual fan of Magic: The Gathering, this post is going to be completely lost on you, sorry.
Oh also I’m having to split this in half since it took basically all afternoon to write and its still juuuust not done.
Boros gets a lot of shit for being bad and having bad generals for EDH until recently, and seeing as its my favourite two-colour pair I felt like exploring, well, every option we have for the combo. I’m excluding the new Commander Legends partner commanders in this, since I don’t have all day, and I’m also not covering Akiri and Bruse Tarl since no-one ever builds just Boros with them, and I’m not including 3-5 colour decks that just happen to have red and white in them. That’s not Boros.
Boros’s strengths are in manipulating combat, in tokens, and with Voltron strategies. It is the best pair for Equipment decks and top tier for Aggressive decks, to the point of being arguably shoehorned by WOTC into such strategies for a long time. Its weaknesses are mostly to do with card draw and ramp, possibly the most important things in a casual game of Commander, but the former is alleviated by many of red’s recent card draw options and the latter easily supplemented with mana rocks- if you have enough money, any deck can have good ramp, but enough budget options exist these days that it isn’t too bad even for the “worst colors”.
Anyway, enough beating around the bush lets get into this. Going in Chronological order.
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Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran (29th most played as of writing)
…It seriously took until Ravnica to get a legendary RW creature? Heinous. Cool as Agrus is as protagonist of the Ravnica novel, his card simply does not hold up in 2021, let alone beforehand. He’s a Glorious Anthem style commander, except he works best only with creatures that are both red and white, and not nearly enough cards produce multicolored tokens for him to boost. Oh, also he’s a 5 mana 3/3 with no protection or evasion that has to attack to get his effect. Save it for the novel.
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Razia, Boros Archangel (30th most played as of writing, the last place finalist)
Speaking of Ravnica. Razia is fucking cool, between the art and unique, if underwhelming, activated ability. She is also 8 mana and not green. She is the only commander to my knowledge that can redirect damage to opponents’s creatures, so if that’s the deck you want to build, go for it, though enjoy the distressingly small cardpool. God, they couldn’t have given her an extra power, could they?
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Brion Stoutarm (6th most played as of writing)
Brion is the first actually viable commander of the bunch, being a pretty decent head to either a Fling deck with Ball Lightnings or Acts of Treason, or just Giant Tribal with his Lorwyn compatriots. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or played against Brion yet, but I’d be interested in doing so. Having lifegain in the command zone with a deck that likes throwing damage around is pretty nice. It’s surprising that he’s still so high, especially considering EDHREC (my data source) only now pulls from the last 2 years of decks, but I’m certainly not sad to see him there.
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Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer (19th most played as of writing)
Spoilers: Jor is actually the best Anthem commander. +3/+0 is huge, and when most of your ramp and some of your draw is artifacts you’re not going to have a hard time getting metalcraft. 5 mana is a fair chunk for an aggressive deck but he turns the damage output up enough notches that I think he’s pretty good. Underrated in my opinion. How are there more Tajic, Legion’s Edge decks than Jor Kadeen decks?
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Basandra, Battle Seraph (24th most played as of writing)
Basandra is the head of my current Boros deck, being a pillowfort/combat manipulation deck. She’s, uh, not ideal in that even, since she stops even you from casting removal and such during combat. Having an extra must attack effect in the zone is nice, though, and a flying commander can be nice for closing games out. Basandra at least has the gift of being fairly open-ended, but also, she doesn’t really do anything, so that’s probably got something to do with it.
On a side note, fuck you Terese Nielsen for turning out to be a cunt. No-one else seems to have drawn this character, so I can’t even make an alter. Fuck.
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Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (10th most played as of writing)
Gisela has a lot of very attractive words on her. Unfortunately, 7 mana and that ability means that as soon as you drop her out of the zone, you better use her quick because she isn’t sticking around long. Obviously lends herself to group slug or Earthquake decks, but the former paints an even bigger target on your head and the latter is even mana hungrier than normal. I prefer her in the 99.
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Aurelia, the Warleader (5th most played as of writing)
Aurelia was the “best” Boros commander for a long time, and it’s easy to see why- haste and an extra combat trigger add up to a lot of damage very quickly and it’s not like there was much competition for a while. She’s actually the only one of the top 5 Boros commanders that wasn’t printed in the last 5 years, so I guess she’s stood the test of time, much like Brion.  I’d argue she’s pretty boring though, seeing as she has the one thing she does, but she does it well and there’s no faulting her for that. She’s the closest we have to r/custommagic’s favourite “double combat triggers” legend. A lot of people seem to run her as Angel Tribal too, which of the available Angels in the zone I’d argue that’s a pretty good shout. The Red/Boros Angels are fun!
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Tajic, Blade of the Legion (20th most played as of writing)
The first on this list I’d consider playing as Voltron, Tajic’s first card is indestructible which as a former Sapling of Colfenor player is fucking excellent in the zone for when you have to play defensively. He does, however, require other creatures in the deck to truly shine, and you do have to have those creatures attack, so it can be awkward to get the most out of him. He’s a cool dude though, much better than his other card imo.
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Anax and Cymede (23rd most played as of writing)
The first draft I ever played was a Born of the Gods draft in which I splashed Anax and Cymede. Clearly, I had no idea what I was doing. Anax and Cymede look a lot like Tajic in deck, to be honest, since they’re creatures that like having buffs but also want other creatures around to benefit. Heroic is kind of an awkward requirement, however, and I suspect you’d be spending more time just having it as a buff for the royals themselves. Its nice to see a loving married couple as a Magic card, though, I’m sure things will be good for them always.
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Iroas, God of Victory (9th most played as of writing)
Somehow despite it being common in the 99 of aggressive decks, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Iroas deck in my local metas. I think it has the potential to be pretty powerful, since if you can meet his (admittedly harsh) requirement he’s an indestructible evasive commander with that magical 7 power making commander damage a 3HKO. And when he’s not ready to rumble, he’s nigh impossible to kill on account of the limited targeted enchantment exile people tend to play in the format. Otherwise, he makes attacking free and bountiful for other creatures, and so is just kinda good to have around- I can see running him for that alone.
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Munda, Ambush Leader (27th most played as of writing)
Somehow more people are playing Munda than Razia or Agrus, despite being just the worst commander with Ally in the text (outside the type line, love you Zada) and not doing actual anything outside of that. Why the fuck doesn’t he draw the cards? Why does he just stack them? God, Munda sucks. Also I have like 3 of them, since I drafted a lot of that deck in that environment and people just pass him around. Anyone want one? Be my guest.
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Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas (11th most played as of writing)
Precon face commanders always get a bit more love and a bit more power than the average legend, and Kalemne is no exception. Double Strike in the zone on a creature that gets bigger is just nuts, and it means she kills people astonishingly quickly. Even my non-voltron Kalemne deck that just wanted to play big idiots had her as a huge threat since even if she gets killed she stays big. Kalemne also happens to be probably better for Giant tribal than Brion, though he does at least get to yeet those removal magnets if they do get removed.
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Anya, Merciless Angel (26th most played as of writing)
I didn’t think Anya would be this low. While she is another indestructible commander, it is conditional, and her abilities are self-sabotaging- if someone is in range of being killed by her, you’re probably not going to want to attack them just so you can keep indestructible and buffs, but you also, yknow, want to kill them. I can see her being political in this way though- keeping someone alive with her swords at their throat can have some fun implications. I think shes underrated despite her awkwardness.
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Archangel Avacyn (14th most played as of writing)
(Her colour identity is RW since her other face is a red creature. It’s a bit odd, I know)
Avacyn was fucking unbeatable in draft and obnoxious in Standard (though one of my favourite magic stories involves her, so,), and since I never managed to get one for Kalemne when that deck was around I have no real love for her. She’s generically powerful without leading in a particular direction, but her flip ability is pretty cool as is her story in the set. It’s OK. Also why do people keep putting her in Angel decks? You know she doesn’t flip off those, right?
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Adriana, Captain of the Guard (22nd most played as of writing)
Adriana, Adriana. I didn’t dislike Adriana as much as I did until I actually did the math on her. Typical commander games are 4-player, so she is a +3/+3 anthem at maximum assuming you have good attacks on every single opponent and that none of them are dead yet. I’m really not sure why you’d play this over Jor Kadeen, and it looks like people aren’t, so. Melee was a fun mechanic in draft, but I completely understand why it hasn’t crossed over, ever, to other formats, seeing as there are 7 total cards with it and most of them are draft chaff. CONTINUED IN PART 2...ANOTHER DAY. PROBABLY SOON SINCE IT’S 2/3 DONE ALREADY.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
This will serve as a personal tracker of all of the fics I have ever written, all of the books and series I have consumed etc. I wrote this out to help me organize my thoughts since I have time now to reflect on this closet hobby of mine. I also put it up just in case anyone has ever read my stuff and is curious about how these works are doing in my head space.
Some were written back when I was way younger so apologies for the quality.
Come Home (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Memories don't keep people grounded in their present. They're the reason people think of what ifs and would haves, regrets and daydreams. Alex sees three dimensions of his reality and makes a decision. Set after Never Say Die.
Status: Done (I guess?), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet
Killing (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Spoilers for Never Say Die. Killing is like learning to ride a bike as Alex is going to figure out very soon. For Spyfest 2017.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet
Transparency (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Although the bank robbery made national news, the young boy who saved the lives of all the people in the bank didn't. First hand witness accounts said the boy was a hero, the media said there was no young hero in the bank and one journalist tries to get to the bottom of it all.
Status:WIP (could probably still finish it, it’s almost done anyway), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet)
Type II Error (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Written for Spyfest Week 3. Set before Ark Angel. The updates on payroll accounts and budgets lined up too well with mysterious deaths and undisclosed missions. An auditor working for MI6 decides for herself whether or not the orders of her bosses Blunt and Jones were worth prying into.
Status: Done (Oneshot), will post on tumblr yet
Unforeseen Circumstances (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
It's April, the time of year when most students start salvaging their grades. Missions had taken their toll on Alex's grades and he needs to start salvaging soon or risk repeating the year. Nature wasn't on his side though and it turned out that his devil's luck had just run out.
Status: WIP (8/15), On hold, not posted on tumblr yet
Levi and Hange’s Relationship in Erwin’s POV (Status: Completed, not posted yet)
A Tale of Two Slaves (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)  
"Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn't exist. Everything is a choice. At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him."
Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn't.
Status: WIP (6/?)
A Free Spot (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)  
Slight AU! Levi sacrifices himself in Chapter 132 instead of Hange and Hange deals with the consequences years later. Written for Levihan Angstober Week 4. Prompt: Free Spot 
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet
Division of Labor (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)  
"The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities the that awaited them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly..."
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Status: WIP (1/?)
En Prise (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Hange already had the innate analysis skills and the quick wittedness to excel in the classroom. Chess should have come easy for her. As she processed her fifth loss to the man in front of her, she started to understand that there was more to the game than meets the eye.
College AU! Levi is a little too good at chess and Hange gets roped into studying the game further.
Status: WIP (1/18), will try to create a backlog before I post more.
Heroes or Victims (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Post Chapter 115, Hange reflects on emotions, relationships, war philosophies, and a future while taking care of a severely injured Levi.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet
Household Planning (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
"It was Levi's household. The plates were arranged and sorted by color and use, the way Levi liked it. The cabinets and the storage were arranged in a way which would be efficient for cooking, or at least the way Levi would have wanted to cook."
Levi gets sick and Hange is left to navigate household chores.
Status: Done (2/2)
Passion Project (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)    
Levi tries to ignore Hange but it never seems to last. A ficlet detailing the development of Levi and Hange's relationship before canon.
Status: WIP (1/3) Timeline written, Chapter 2 rough draft complete, not posted on FFN yet
Rough Day (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
It should have been apparent to Hange by the weight gain and the sudden lack of red days. Somehow, Levi noticed it first.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet, will probably write more fluff similar to this
Sugar Rush
Marley brings the celebration of Halloween to Paradis. Hange and Levi go trick or treating with their child for the first time and start to realize how much the world has changed since the war.
A Halloween piece for the Levihan spookfest one year late.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet, will probably write more fluff similar to this
Would You Cry? (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Hange asks an innocent question and Levi finds himself reflecting on his emotions and his relationship with Hange. Written for LeviHan Week, Angstober 2020. Prompt: Silence/Screams
Status: Done (Oneshot)
Vulnerabilities (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Slight AU! Although Levi is humanity's strongest soldier in the battlefield, his rough childhood had left him weaker and more vulnerable to illness. Levi had always taken measures to prevent sickness nit anyone who has ever been close to him caught wind on it anyway. A series of oneshots throughout the story focusing on Levi's chronic weakness and others taking care of him.
Status: Sporadic updates depending on mood, not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Big Hero Six
Deal with the Devil  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
When mourning becomes too much for him, Hiro finds himself resorting to prayers and deals to bring back the brother he lost. The devil may have had pity on him but he never promised to let Hiro go unscathed.
Status: WIP, on hold, probably could get back to it just need to rewatch the movie, not yet completely posted on AO3 and tumblr
Fatal Flaw  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Grieving may be a long and painful process but in time most people do recover. For Hiro Hamada though something probably went wrong along the way because from what Aunt Cass could see, he was moving on yet at the same time, he wasn't.
Status: WIP, abandoned, completely forgot what I was planning, not yet posted on tumblr 
Dares, Pranks and Curses (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Written for the Coco Valentines Fanwork Exchange. The night of Dia de Los Muertos, Miguel ends up staying out late to play a little game with his friends in the cemetery. Hector, Imelda and Miguel reunite through a game of Ouija.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Somewhere between Life and Death (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Dia de los Muertos isn't the only day the dead can visit the living. Miguel is reunited with Hector, Imelda and his other relatives from the other side but in one of the worst ways possible and he finds himself caught in a struggle between life and death.
Status: WIP 9/20, on hold, timeline is complete just need to get it written, need to fix tumblr tags
Quest for Origin: Ranger’s Apprentice x Percy Jackson (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
A young boy gets washed up on the shore of Camp Half Blood with no memories whatsoever of his life before. How did he end up there? Is it all just a coincidence? Or is it a message from the Gods? What's with his uncanny skill with the bow?
Status: On Hold (25/35), timeline complete, will probably continue with PJO TV show comes out, not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Kingdom Hearts
Coded Connection  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Post KH3. If Kairi keeps Sora's memory alive, he'll eventually call out to her right? Then it will be her turn to find him, hold him and never let go.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr and ff
Kuroko no Basuke
Yellow, Red, Green, Blue and Purple  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Collab with friend back in high school. All Kise wanted to do was complete one more level of Flow Free before practice starts. When you have teammates as lazy, eccentric, hyperactive, sociopathic or invisible as the Generation of Miracles though, sometimes the things that sound the simplest, can be the hardest to do. Crackfic
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr
Ranger’s Apprentice
Being a Ranger’s Wife  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
As Will leaves on a suicide mission, Alyss ponders on her choice to have married him.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr or AO3
Danger Zone (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Rangers are human. Humans make mistakes. The difference though between an ordinary human and a ranger is the consequences they'll eventually face for past mistakes. Will should have known that for rangers, this included being on the run from an angry group of pirates with his silver oakleaf on the line.
Status: Probably Abandoned, first fanfic I have ever written lmao, completely forgot where I was going with this, not yet posted on tumblr or ffn.
Farmer’s Apprentice  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Will lied to Mr. Chubb about stealing from the kitchen years ago. How did that small decision change the course of the young boy's life? AU Crack fic.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr or AO3
Masters, Apprentices and Sons (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Gilan accepts Morgarath's challenge in the Plains of Uthal and Halt is left to care for his apprentice in the aftermath of the battle. Halt wonders why it took him this long to realize that there was no fine line between an apprentice and a son.
Status: WIP. I have written out all the way until chapter 5 but I completely lost the files. I don’t know if my current frustration will allow me to continue this.
The Fall of a Hero  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Will had fallen from his place as one of the top rangers in the corps and one of the top figures in Araluen and it's up to his friends to help pull him back up. Recovery Fic.
Status: WIP, timeline not written, could probably still continue this, just need to catch up to the series
Prince of Tennis
A Break from Ingenuity  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Timing is everything. Fuji gets his timing wrong, makes one misstep then finds himself facing a career ending injury. Maybe, that's when everyone will realize that he's human too.
Status: WIP. Will probs continue if new POT content comes out.
Yuri on Ice
Surprises  (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
With all the stress piling up for the Japanese National Championship and more importantly, the World Championship, one can expect an athlete to get injured. To have the coach be the one struck by a career ending injury during practice is another story. That's exactly how Victor surprised the crowd though, maybe for the last time.
Status: WIP (3/?), not yet posted on tumblr
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ofeliaslullaby · 5 years
Fleabag Season 2: A Discourse on Love
Finally caved and watched season 2 of Fleabag. And I say caved as if I haven't been waiting for this show to come back for a solid 2 years...but I was saving it for a day when I truly needed something to rival my own stuff. I knew Fleabag would, because it had when the first season premiered in the US. The poetry of the show really has a way of putting some things into perspective. Season 1 seemed like a discourse on friendship, grief, guilt and self-worth. Season 2 felt like a discourse on love. There will be spoilers.
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This season was a love story. Not the storybook, happily-ever-after love (There are no happily-ever-afters in Fleabagland, just there-will-be-pain-but-it-will-get-better-afters), but love in all it's grotesque complexity. After watching the season I took the "this is a love story" opener to not just be about Fleabag's ironic love for the Catholic Priest, but loving yourself (Belinda's monologue, Claire's haircut, Fleabag's new care for herself), familial love (Fleabag's relationship with her sister and father), Martin's love for Claire, and Claire's love for her work and Klare (Claire/Klare will never not be funny and cute). And the Godmother "loves" the Father and art but really I think she just loves attention and the idea of eccentrism.
The first episode hits you hard. It takes place over a year after we leave Fleabag at the end of season 1, and she's doing well, as is the guinea pig café. She is seemingly no longer blaming herself for Boo's death, no longer using sex as a form of escapism, and genuinely valuing herself. We once again get to voyeur through some of Fleabag's life moments. When it all kicks off we go from insufferable family dinner/engagement party for the Dad and the Godmother (who I didn't even remember were not married) with the Catholic Priest they got to marry them, brother-in-law Martin who we despise and the sister we haven't spoken to in over a year; to a tragic and intimate scene in the restaurant bathroom between the two sisters, and almost immediately back to the awkward dinner table where all hilarious hell breaks loose. This formula continues, as it did in the first. If you're not laughing, you're wanting to cry. Such is life, I suppose.
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You get a little more context this season behind Claire and Fleabag's relationship. Like all relationships its complex (I feel like there were times when it felt like my relationship with my older sister), but there is love there. So much love. In the bathroom scene in the first episode it is obvious Fleabag is concerned for her sister, while her Claire is distraught, embarrassed, and eventually we come to find out relieved. When they get back to the table and Martin makes remarks that are clearly only hurting the Claire's feelings, Fleabag intervenes because she loves her sister and doesn't want to see her suffer anymore that night. Championing Claire to leave Martin (was rooting for this), that was love. It was obvious Martin loved Claire, he says as much in the scene, but they were not right for each other. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you're meant to be (something we get shown more than once in the finale). A defining moment in their onscreen relationship is when Claire says to Fleabag that the only person she'd run through an airport for is her. A few episodes before this scene we'd learned that what always looked like disdain on Claire's part was jealously and resentment stemming from her own feelings of inadequacy. By the finale I feel like Claire had gotten over some of those issues. When she leaves the wedding for the airport (guess there was someone else she would run through an airport for), I was cheering for her. Phoebe and Sian have so many dynamic scenes together that wouldn't work if the two didn't have amazing chemistry. I love them as sisters, and I love the characters' relationship.
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Speaking of chemistry:
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Of course, Fleabag would fall in love with the emotionally unavailable. Phoebe and Andrew's chemistry is so good. They played easily off each other's quirks and The Priest sees Fleabag in a way the other characters aren't able to (he notices her zoning out/fourth wall breaks). I could've watched this relationship play out for years. But alas, some things aren't meant to be.
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It was obvious the two would end up together, just as obvious as it was that they were never going to last, as friends or a couple. When Fleabag breaks the fourth wall early on she says "we'll last a week". They're both a little dysfunctional, and we never fully get to hear why The Priest is the way he is (he always gets cut off when he tries to explain his past, only getting as far as "When I was a child..." and that he wasn't close to his mother). Through their relationship though, we see that even though it's been some time Fleabag is in fact still coping with the death of her mom and Boo. I feel like part of what she was looking for in their relationship was reassurance, as she turned to the Bible and prayer (something she would never have done previously, as an atheist), where she would normally have only turned to sex and alcohol or other ways to harm herself. When she and The Priest finally do have sex, we the invisible friend have our view almost immediately cut off. Has Fleabag ever done this? She usually narrated her sexual exploits. I feel that adds to the fact that this intimacy with the Priest was love, not a means of escape like the other times.
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What I said earlier about the Godmother I say with a tiny grain of salt because I do realize that it's all subjective. We only see Fleabag's point of view. However, she's still the worst. She collects "friendships" like commodities and talks about them in terms of listen descriptors, most clearly shown when she introduced people in the finale. There is no real redeeming of the Godmother for Fleabag after she went from being the Mother's "best friend" to the Father's special someone. And it's hard to tell if the Father really loves her or if he's afraid of her/afraid of being on his own. Fleabag has a lovely heart to heart with her Dad (which acted also as a callback to a scene a few episodes earlier at the mother's funeral) in the finale where in a foreboding moment he says to her "I think you know how to love better than any of us. That's why you find it all so painful." Fleabag replies to us voyeurs tersely, "I don't find it painful". She definitely did. Look at the way she dealt with Boo's death. Yes, there was guilt, but she loved her. She loved her mother and having to see her Godmother with her Father, and being told snyly says she modeled the bust after her mom, her reaction...that's pain from love. We know Fleabag's love and grief for her mother were just as strong as the love and grief she had for Boo. In a flashback scene to after her mother's death, she tells Boo she doesn't know what to do with all the love she felt for her mom and how painful it is. Boo says to give it to her, she'll take it. Boo was a real one. I don't remember Fleabag breaking the fourth wall in these flashback moments (maybe I need to watch it again), but that got me thinking that we're probably taking the place of Boo. The person she lost who shared her laughter, her love, and her grief. We're her echo.
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The final scene is heartbreaking to watch play out. You kind of know it's coming especially during his wedding speech, which he seemingly recited to her. The whole season spanned such a short period, but there is an immediate investment in what could be between these characters, and for the Priest this was the only real way this could end. There was no way he was leaving the priesthood. He warned her and thus we were warned, but we don't listen when it comes to the things we want. I was sad for her and him, but as Brittany Howard sings out to the credits (and The Priest's fox-foe pursues him); with a shake of the head that says "you don't need to follow me" and a wave goodbye we, the invisible friend, are reassured she's going to be alright. This was a wonderfully poignant way to end the series. It basically ended as the pilot ended, Fleabag on her way with the stolen bust of her mother in hand. I don't think it could've ended any better.
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*I've had this in my drafts for maybe six months, started a new blog, decided to finally edit and post it. If you're reading this I hope you enjoyed it. -S*
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biscuitreviews · 5 years
Biscuit Reviews The Witcher III Wild Hunt (2-year Anniversary Review)
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The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is perhaps my favorite game to come out of the PS4/Xbox One/Wii U-Switch console era. It’s won tons of awards and was game of the year for many people in 2015. I didn’t get into the Witcher series until Witcher II: Assassin of Kings was a free download for Xbox Live members in 2016. 
After I finished Witcher II, I immediately went to Witcher III and my god, talk about an amazing sequel. It was bigger, it was better, and for being the end of Geralt’s story, it did a great job for making newcomers such as myself, not feel lost at all.
I’m going to be spoiling the game so if you haven’t played Witcher III, definitely play it before going into this review.
The story of Witcher III, revolves around Geralt of Rivia, a witcher looking for his adoptive daughter Ciri alongside his on and off again lover Yennefer of Vengerburg.
Geralt will travel through large open world zones during his quest. Velen took inspiration from the Polish and Northern German countryside, Novigrad is reminiscent of the Polish city of Gdańsk during the medieval era, and finally you have the Skellige Isles, taking inspiration from Ireland. Each of these areas are massive and beautiful to look at. It’s easy to forget that you’re in a world currently being ravaged by war or filled with monsters until you stumble across areas that give you a stark reminder that there is a war happening.
One thing that I love about the game is how it handled decisions. There’s no clear good or bad decision, everything has a shade of grey. Sure there are choices that sound better in the short term, but it could have long term ramifications that could come back to haunt Geralt. One example is Triss’s quest line in Novigrad. Sure, you’re helping mages escape the city to where they no longer have to fear for themselves, but by doing so, you give the witch hunters a new target to pursue, which are non-human races such as elves and dwarves. However, if you don’t help mages escape, than later in the story Geralt’s dwarven friend, Zoltan, can help him with a jailbreak. If you do help the mages, Zoltan won’t be able to assist Geralt due to not wanting to face the wrath of the witch hunters.
Even the types of decisions you make are fantastic as well. All of these choices are actions that Geralt himself would make and do in that situation, it’s just a matter what you believe would be the overall choice he would go with. With many choice based games, dialogue options cover many aspects of a character archetype, because normally, you are making a character and are taking that character on the journey. In this case, Geralt is a character, he has his own beliefs, likes and dislikes, and dialogue choices reflect his specific personality rather than a personality a player would create.
It’s also why some aspects in gameplay are limited such as crafting. Geralt is able to craft oils and potions on his own as long as he has the formula and the ingredients. Applying the proper oil and drinking the necessary potions are necessary for fighting monsters in this game, which I’ll discuss more about later. When it comes to making armor and swords, Geralt has to seek out a Blacksmith to make these items as Geralt himself doesn’t have the kind of skill set, therefore he has to seek out a person able to build these items.
I also love how story quests and side quests interact with one another. Main story quests could go differently if you’ve done some side quests that relate to that specific quest and vice versa. Also the fact that side quests have just as much weight as the main quests make them feel more important and worth doing for that extra bit of lore or for that impact it could have on the main story.
As well polished and built the Witcher III is, it does have some minor glitches being an open world game. Sometimes you’ll find objects just randomly floating in air. Occasionally the input to talk to NPCs won’t work and you’ll have to either step back and walk forward to have the prompt reappear or just reposition Geralt himself for the NPC to talk to you. The fact that Geralt can either die or get heavily damaged from ridiculously low heights is also highly annoying and instills a fear of any small dropping points.
Another issue I would like to point out is that it’s not exactly the most socially inclusive. A lot of the main women are highly sexualized and sometimes feel that they’re nude for the sake of it. There are moments where you can choose anti-LGBT dialogue options when you encounter those characters, which I found exteremly baffeling that it was an option considering Ciri is bi and Geralt seems supportive in the dialogue they exchange. I get it, it’s a choice, you don’t have select those options, but the fact that they’re there to begin with just leaves a bit of a bad taste. Let’s not forget the entire ocean of white people in this game. I’m sorry, but including two people of color in a DLC just doesn’t cut it. Does it break the game for me? No, but I think not acknowledging that this exists within the game is even worse.
As mentioned previously, monsters have certain weakness and you are expected to exploit those weakness when fighting monsters. Using the proper tools to easily take down a monster feels great and makes you feel more invested in the world as you have to research these creatures in your bestiary to know their weaknesses. 
Going above and beyond to take on an extra tough enemy or a monster clearly above your level although feels great at first, it’s quickly brought down when the experience gained is very little and the loot isn’t something that equates the struggle you went through. It’s just a bit disappointing that you’re encouraged to research monsters and exploit weaknesses and when you do just that, the rewards just don’t reflect that.
There’s also one quirk with dialogue as well that’s honestly more funny than terrible, but the way it happened just made it more memorable to me.
This instance is going to a wake party with Yennefer in Skellige. She’ll comment on how she likes that Geralt is growing out a beard. Now if Geralt does have a beard in this instance, it makes sense, however if Geralt is clean shaven, Yennefer will still make the comment which I always found that to be a funny little programming quirk. It’s obvious that this response was to happen when Geralt has a beard and the programming within the game was supposed to read that. There are a couple of instances that NPCs will react to Geralt’s appearance and the reaction is appropriate in those moments. But the beard moment, always brings out a chuckle.
Granted for a game as massive as Witcher III to only have a few minor issues, it’s actually rather impressive. However, I will admit that it has been four years since it’s initial release and there might have been more bugs then, but now it’s a mostly smooth experience.
As mentioned in a previous post, I do refer back to this game a lot for professional research as well. CD Projekt Red used a branching writing program known as Articy Draft, a program I use in my day job. I’ll do different decisions, I’ll change the order of when I do quests and just imagine how the branching dialogue looked within Articy and the type of variables used to determine how certain events play out.
One also can’t talk about Witcher III without mentioning Gwent, what is perhaps one of the best mini-games within a game since Final Fantasy VIII’s Triple Triad. Gwent is an easy to learn, but tough to master card game at the start. It’s tough at first as Geralt doesn’t have many cards at his disposal, but once you finally get a win, the dam starts to break little by little. Geralt will begin winning more powerful cards that can be added to his deck. Eventually it does get to a point where everyone becomes a bit easy to defeat as you gain more powerful cards and build your deck for effective strategies. Regardless it’s a game within a game that you can easily get lost in. 
Witcher III also set what many gamers regard as the “Golden Standard” for how DLC should be treated. Witcher III includes 16 free DLC additions ranging from additional quests, items, additional costumes, and Gwent cards. Then there’s the two paid DLC expansions, Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine, which involves two new stories.
Both of these expansions also add additional gameplay mechanics to make Geralt stronger, which you will need to take advantage of for Blood and Wine as monsters and enemies in that particular expansion are a bit tougher than in the main game and Heart of Stone.
Blood and Wine also contains my favorite quest in the entire game. The quest is called “Paperchase” and it’s hilarious. Something about a legendary monster slayer still having to adhere to the bureaucracy of a bank to get a reward for saving a guy years ago is just amazing. It shows that not all great quests have to involve you having an encounter that puts you on the edge of your seat.
The Witcher III is a game that deserves the praise and reception it has received. It has made a mark on the RPG genre that many developers are taking note and implementing in their games. The most famous case being Ubisoft with the Assassin’s Creed series by following a similar dialogue decision based structure and having side quests impact the main story and vice versa. This is a game that has earned its status as a modern classic, which I’m sure will keep that status for a very long time.
As I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone on Tumblr or any denizen of the internet, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt receives a 5 out 5
So far it’s been quite an interesting two years on this site. Frankly, I expected to just be a reviewer that would continuously scream into the void. To my surprise, I’ve had quite a few of you that like and share my posts adding more to the conversation whether you agree or disagree. I’ve also recently passed the 50 reviews milestone as well so the 50 and the two year mark happened rather quickly!
Here’s to the march on getting to 100 reviews...at some point!
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coneygoil · 5 years
The Home We Built Together, part 3
Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love…
Part 1 | Part 2
Writer’s note: Finally getting this part posted! It’s taken weeks to work on, getting a little done every few days. 
Hiccup stared at the ceiling above, his head cushioned by his hand underneath him. She’d visited him at the smithy. Astrid had taken the time to walk to the blacksmith shop to see him! The tingling in Hiccup’s chest sent sparks into his limbs at the thought.
Astrid Hofferson – the girl he’d crushed on for years – was to be his wife. He would have been happy just going out on a date with her, but now he was to be with her the rest of his life!
As inciting as the prospect was, a small weight lingered in Hiccup’s chest. This wasn’t Astrid’s decision and though he was head over heels for her, he wished they could take it slower; to get to actually know each other before vowing to spend their lives together.
He wanted to make her happy; to take care of her as she deserved. Hiccup sighed deeply, his slender chest rising and falling in his eye line. He was only a 16-year old boy who could barely take care of himself, how would he possibly take care of another human being as well?
Hiccup pursed his lips, determination spurring up inside him. He’d try his best to be a good husband and prove to Astrid that he could be the Viking she deserved.
Astrid was a hard person to check up with. She was always on the go with dragon training and village duties, with the wedding preparations on top of all that. When Hiccup could slip away from the blacksmith shop during lulls, he’d go watch the dragon training.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her as Astrid battled the dragon of the day. Hiccup smiled broadly, and he couldn’t help cheer whenever Astrid succeeded. He wished he could be down there with the others his age, training to be a warrior. A slight bitterness remained in the pit of Hiccup’s stomach at his father’s decision to hold off on dragon fighting. Stoick concluded he was far too small and gangly still to train; “Odin, help us, maybe next year when there’s more meat on your bones.”
Hiccup had a plan to not miss his chance to slay one of the beasts; one of these days soon he’d get the calibration right and take down a dragon.
That evening in the Great Hall during suppertime, Hiccup spotted Astrid with the other teens at a table together. She’d been spending more time with the others since dragon training had begun. She wasn’t much of a participant in the conversations, Hiccup observed, but he caught her laughing along with the others every once and a while.
He wondered how it would be after they were wed. Would Astrid cook supper for them? Would he be welcomed into the group of his own age finally?
Working up the courage, Hiccup walked over to the table. “Room for one more?” he asked, feigning confidence.
Snotlout burst into laughter. “Haha! No! Not for anyone as useless as you!” The twins cackled evilly at the remark, while Fishlegs gazed at him with an air of judgement.
Hiccup peered at his cousin, the line of his mouth turned heavily down. Astrid remained quiet, her silence digging a hole in him.
“Oh look, that table has enough room…” Tuffnut pause before continuing the jab, “because it’s empty!”
Hiccup turned away before anymore remarks were spat on his behalf. He sighed deeply through his nose as he plopped down at the empty table, not feeling at all hungry anymore.
What was he thinking? Just because he and Astrid were betrothed that she’d automatically take up for him? She was thrown into this mess. Their marriage was her duty, but being obligated to help him fit in was not.
Hiccup started picking at his quickly cooling veggies, head hung low over his plate. Another plate suddenly appeared next to his. Hiccup looked to his left to find Astrid joining him. His heart sped up pace instantly.
“Hey,” she said quietly.
“Sorry about those guys. They can be pretty dumb sometimes.”
“I’ve been wrong. I thought they were dumb all the time.”
He waited for Astrid to stick up for the other teens, but she surprised him. “You’re right. They are dumb all the time.” She gazed side-long at him. “Aren’t you and Snotlout cousins?”
Out of everyone in the entire village, Hiccup had to be related to the most obnoxious person in the tribe. “Unfortunately.”
He caught Astrid wrinkling her nose, a little quirk he decided was cute on her. “Eww…I’ll be related to Snotlout.”
Hiccup laughed humorlessly. “Sorry about that.”
Astrid playfully bumped his shoulder with hers. Hiccup’s breath caught as he froze in place. “Well, we can’t choose who our family is. Unfortunately.”
Hiccup frowned, feeling his shoulders hunch at what he assumed included their arranged nuptials.
Astrid caught his reaction, and quickly clarified, “I meant blood relations. Not…y’know-“ She swirled her hands between them in an attempt to make her correction clearer.
Awkward silence fell between them as they both picked up their food.
Hiccup had prepared a declaration for Astrid. He’d pondered thoroughly what he would say to her in hopes to show her how he desired to prove that he could be worthy of her. All the perfect scenarios that he’d conjured in his head dissolved into a dark room among every other person in the village over a cold plate of dinner.
Hiccup set down his fork, turning to face his betrothed. “Astrid, I will prove to you that I’m worthy of having you. I promise I will shoot down a dragon someday soon and I will slay it and become a real Viking.”
Astrid peered at him for a moment, her eyes hooded under long bangs. She set down her fork, sighing through her nose. “Hiccup, you don’t have to prove anything to me.”
Her eyes sharpened upon him, cutting off his protest. “Quit trying before you or someone else gets hurt again by one of your contraptions.”
Hiccup knew he had a reputation on Berk, but it stung worse hearing Astrid bring it up.
Her expression softened, and concern filtered into her voice, “Do what you do best and stay safe working in the forge.” She flicked her eyes to the table, an uncertain air suddenly about her as she added, “Do it for me.”
Hiccup trekked back home at a slow pace, his mood a strange mix of being pleased that Astrid sat with him and frustration over her request. A stray rock went tumbling down the hill from the toe of his boot. Astrid didn’t understand what it meant to him to prove he could be a real Viking. She wanted him to be “safe”, but Hiccup was never one to stay in the safety zone.
He pushed on his front door, the weight of the wood seeming heavier tonight. All Hiccup wanted was to crash in his bed and disappear from his thoughts for several hours. His father, however, interrupted that plan.
“Son,” Stoick called out with an edge of firmness from his place at the table.
“Hey Dad,” Hiccup greeted, lacking gusto.
“Come here, I want to show you something.”
Hiccup reluctantly joined his father, glancing at the blueprints that were laid on the table.
“This,” Stoick swept a mighty hand over the papers, “is the final draft for your new hut.”
The statement made Hiccup’s insides seize up. It hadn’t crossed his mind where him and Astrid would live. A part of him automatically assumed they’d share his upstairs bedroom. His father’s hut was big enough for the three of them. Why did they need their own home yet? How was he supposed to be the leader of his own household at a mere 16 years old? He felt like choking when the crazy thought of babies shot through his mind.
“Dad?” he squeaked out then cleared his throat at an attempt to sound less like a scared kid. “Are you sure I’m ready for this? Because I really don’t think I am.”
Stoick made a grand gesture to emphasis his answer. “Sure, you are, son!”
Hiccup almost gave up right there. His father was boar-headed stubborn, but so was he. “I really have my doubts that I’m ready. Astrid is great and she’s…” the girl of my dreams, he was about to say but stalled before the words could escape his mouth, “she’s the kind of girl that I’d like to have by my side…just maybe not right now.”
Stoick shook his head, tisking and sighing. A scraping noise filled the room as he pushed back from the table to face Hiccup. “Son, I think it’s time ye knew.”
There was a somber tone in his father’s voice, and Hiccup assumed Stoick’s next words would be of his lost mother
“When I was your age, I was wed to a girl.”
Hiccup’s brow furrowed together. The timeline he knew of his parents did not go back that far. “But I thought you married Mom when you were older.”
“It is not your mother I speak of.”
Stories of his father’s endeavors before his birth were recounted throughout the village. Gobber always had a tale to spin of the epic “Stoick the Vindictive”. Every once and a while a vague story of his mother popped up in conversation. Never once was it mentioned that his father was married once before.
“I was-“ Stoick chuckled low in his gut, “a bit rough around the edges and needed to be reeled in sometimes. My father – your grandad – thought it would do well for me to take a wife to keep me in line and maybe smooth out those edges before I became chief. Inger was just what I needed.”
Stoick seemed lost in his own memories for a moment, his gaze glassy with a sad sheen in his eyes. Hiccup wasn’t sure how to feel. The fact that his mother wasn’t Stoick’s first wife was not a huge surprise. It wasn’t uncommon to lose a spouse and take up another. But Hiccup wasn’t sure he’d be able to shake off the punch that this first wife had never been mentioned by anyone in all of Berk – like she’d never existed.
“What happened to her?” Hiccup barely heard himself breathe.
Stoick bowed his head, the weight of losing not one but two wives hanging on his broad shoulders. “There was a terrible sickness one winter. Inger did not recover. I had her for two years, but in that short period, I’d grown to be a gentler person, a better person to become chief.”
If Inger had smoothed out his father edges, then was Astrid supposed to sharpen his?
Stoick cleared his throat, the sound finalizing his trip into the past. He sliced a vast hand down onto the table. “The point is, son, this marriage will be good for you in the long run.”
Hiccup released a sigh of frustration through his nose. There was no convincing his father of anything, not even giving him and Astrid more time to get to know each other. In a short two weeks, his life would change for better or the worse.
 Tagging peeps this time around: @chiefhiccstrid @bitter-feat-dragons @earline-nathay @martabm90
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dgfhhgh · 3 years
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swagobjectwinner · 3 years
Importance of Evergreen Content for your Hotel Website
Importance of Evergreen Content for your Hotel Website
Guest writer Cooper Jitts from TALK Agency shares the importance of Evergreen content in today’s time and why its important for a hotel website to increase conversions.
In the world of SEO and growth marketing, trending content is like a spring flower. It blooms quickly, attracts a flurry of visitors, then wilts and disappears forever. On the flip side, evergreen content is a camellia. It grows strong and steady, blooming throughout the year while attracting a steady stream of new and returning visitors. Which would you rather see on your hotel website?
Since the start of the pandemic, trends have been taking centre stage. But these trends have been focussed on doom and gloom. Then there’s the fact these are trends. They won’t generate interest forever. In fact, most people have had enough of them already.
However, if you build a content strategy focusing on evergreen content, you’ll soon enjoy year-round interest that carries on working for you long after it has been published. Unlike trending content, evergreen content helps you establish your authority, boosts your organic reach and can launch you up the search rankings, saving you time and money, year on year.
Why Is Evergreen Content Important?
If you take business growth seriously, then you’ll already know smart marketing plays a huge role in your success. The more people you reach, the more likely you are to see those lead conversions rise. However, reaching the right people is more important than reaching the most people – and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry (hospitality industry) or niche will build trust in your brand. But to summarise, here are 5 reasons why you need evergreen content in your life.
1 – Rank Higher In The Search Engines
As evergreen content tends to be informative, educational, always relevant and timeless, it typically performs better in the SERPs. By filling it with useful information about your property and room types along with the local tourist attractions, site seeing and food joints etc. will add more value. In this way, you’re likely to get more visibility, and it will help you climb those search engine results pages. The more content and value your site would provide, the lower the bounce rate will be – another major ranking factor.
2 – Boost Site Visitors And Traffic
With 95% of all traffic going to websites on page one of Google and Bing, just 5% venture to page two and beyond. Evergreen content and clean visuals tend to rank higher, it helps in attracting new visitors and reaching out to a wider audience. Evergreen content will also usually have a much higher word count, making it easier to use keywords and latent semantic indexing naturally. The more traffic you drive to your website – there are more chances of driving some commission-free direct bookings and increase profitability.
3 – Gain More Leads And Conversions
Every visitor to your site is a potential guest, meaning the more visitors you attract, the more guests you could drive. You could have the best conversion strategy known to man, but without leads it’s worthless. Increase efforts on lead generation with social media outreach, email campaigns, blogs etc.
4 – Builds Site Trust And Authority
By providing reliable and informative content, evergreen content is generally shared much more on social media than generic trending topics. The fact it offers so much value and info also helps you establish your hotel business or brand as an industry leader, someone to trust. Share travel stories of your guests, reward them for their posting reviews, sharing pictures and videos. Your happy customers could help you in building trust. Basically, the more trustworthy you come across as; the more likely you are to drive more guests.
5 – Works For You Long After It’s Published
Trends typically die a quick death, meaning most content is lost in the darkest corners of the SERPs. Why spend hours pulling together a post that will generate interest for a few weeks when you could create something that works months, years, even decades after it’s published? Ultimately, this drives consistent traffic to your site, helping reinforce all other aspects of business growth both in the short term and the long.
The Different Types Of Evergreen Content for accommodation providers:
So, we’ve briefly covered why evergreen content is important for businesses. Now let’s take a quick look at the different types of it you can create. You’ll probably be familiar with some of these, which is always a good thing as you’ll have a good idea of the direction to go.
(Can we link the below to our content assets? Like the Airbnb guide, other relevant blogs etc.)
   Checklists (If you are a VR owner or Airbnb Host)    Common Mistakes    Glossary of a Topic or Subject    How-To Guides (Travel and Local info)    Property Videos    Stay Reviews    Stay Resources & Ideas    Step by Step Instructions    Top Tips and Top Tens    Ultimate Guide To
Now while these types of content won’t necessarily see you gain instant evergreen status, the ways in which they are structured and written can. As an example, if you’re into a holiday or leisure business, you could write a post about the top 10 surfing beaches to visit in Sydney. Or perhaps you sell garden tools, in which case you could do an ultimate guide to getting a perfect lawn.
Think of how to deliver all of your knowledge, tips and advice to your audience in an educational yet entertaining way. Avoid using ‘trend techniques’ and add as much verifiable value as you can. Guide them from start to finish naturally, and of course, be relatable. How To Create Evergreen Content
1 – Streamline Your Subjects
Keeping your scope specific to the topic at hand is always better than going too broad with your info. Evergreen content is supposed to be useful and assist the reader with a specific subject matter. Going off-topic will likely drive them away. By zoning in on one or two important points, you can become an expert on the subject, gaining the reader’s trust along the way.
Always keep your audience in mind while developing content, know your guest profile and accordingly choose the Subject. Choose a catchy title and begin with a great engaging intro, incorporate relevant pictures and videos to make it effective.
2 – Use Relevant Keywords & Lsi’s
When creating content, you need to write for humans first, and search engines second. But that doesn’t mean one should be sacrificed for the other. Remember, ranking higher in search results is important but the content has been drafted for your guests to read. Weaving keywords and LSIs into content in a natural way can be hard – and the search engines know when your keyword spamming, using irrelevant links or being a clickbait creator. Yep. You don’t just need to know which keywords to target. You need to be able to use them naturally, building context and convincing the reader at the same time.
3 – Join The-Dots By Linking Content
Evergreen content works like mycelium. The forest floor is connected via a network of branching, thread-like fungi, each working to help the forest thrive. In return, the trees provide nutrition to the mycelium in a symbiotic relationship. This is the same for the content you create. Use your past and future content to provide context, back up what you say and drive your audience from one section to another. Do this and you’ll not only improve your ranking – but also your brand authority and trust scores. Interlinking within web pages will keep the guests engaged – create a lot of content and build a structured architecture for your website. For e.g.: If you are providing spa services at your property and having a webpage dedicated to the same, then you may provide links to other sections of your website where the guests may experience services such as: yoga, aerobics and wellness.
About the Guest writer
This article has been written by Cooper Jitts. Cooper is the Founder and Director of Talk Agency, a digital marketing company that provides white-hot service to clients while keeping on top of emerging digital trends.
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hobicomeholla29 · 3 years
Shatter - Part 1 - JHS
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Angst/ Romance/ Fluff in the future
Word Count:3.9k
Warnings: Mentions of death/Mentions of wars/Mentions(hints) of depression/Mourning
Rating: PG13
A/N: Hey! Hey! Before I get into anything else I first have to that all the beautiful who helped me with checkin, beta reading and giving me fantastic feedback in general! @sugaa-sugaaa​ @spicykoreantatertots​ @nottodayjjk​ Thank you so so much for your words of support and for pushing me through to deliver a good piece for everyone!
That being said, This is a 2 shot! Please look forward to part 2!
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, where humankind’s greed has lead plannet earth to turn into a ball of duts, all Hoseok wants is a better and bright future, yet strong feelings and a positive mind doesn’t always cut it.
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The early morning sky was filled with an eerie fog that threatened to smother anyone who didn’t wear the appropriate attire for being outdoors. 
You stood straight; hands balled in tight fists. A mixture of emotions running through your body. Sadness, anger, helplessness, fear… 
You were the only ones standing in the middle of the empty field, no one else daring to stand still and be surrounded by the suffocating drafts of air that carried large amounts of toxins --a consequence of humankind utilizing nuclear weapons in the past. 
You remember stories being told about your ancestors taking long walks through lucious fields without sporting gas masks on their faces, just imagine enjoying the air in the atmosphere instead of fearing it. 
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Most parts of the beautiful earth that once existed were now wastelands, all thanks to what was called The Colossal War. 
Civilization was anything but civilized after that, creating division and animosity between groups of people with different ideals. 
Clans were created and with them the claiming of lands. Lands that provided resources for sustenance, yet the quick dwindling of resources and supplies made some clans selfish, refusing to barter with others and instead attempting to conquer their lands as well. 
With bigger and stronger clans taking over the smaller and weaker ones, eventually only four major clans remained, the only exception being small factions that settled between the abandoned areas near the borders of each clan. 
Some factions were harmless, only looking for a peaceful place to live, making them nomads, since they had to constantly move to avoid being forced to pledge to one of the four major clans. Others were rioters, ready to go against anything and anyone who posed a threat to their beliefs and wants. 
During the long solars that came and went after The Colossal War, much had changed.
Technology, communication, transportation, settlements.
It had all changed, but you really couldn't say it was all for good. 
Technology had turned obsolete at a steady pace, leaving only a few gadgets that were still able to function without being saturated or losing signal without proper cell towers.
Most of them had been vandalized or burned to ashes, mostly to steal copper from the area. 
The only remaining signal towers were those of glass recorders. 
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A glass recorder was the device that kept track of a person’s life. 
Since The Colossal War in 3010, civil wars had been blowing up everywhere. Causing inconvenience in simple tasks like having troops return to a fallen soldier's clan to inform their family about their passing. 
A simple duty as this one might have worked back in 2020 but not in 3011. 
If troops were sent back, they were at risk of running into an enemy faction and breaking into another battle. 
Hence, in 3015, glass recorders were created. 
A glass recorder was a device made out of bulletproof glass. Its interior was filled with cables and microchips that contained a person’s personal information, tracking and broadcasting an individual’s vital signs at all times. Constant long-ranged waves went from the glass recorder - to the signal towers around the globe - to the chip installed in the individual's neck and back. 
You could say its data sharing function was similar to the behaviour of olden times bluetooth connections, except that the only information it could send and receive was vital signs and  identification details. 
Many tried hacking them, attempting to rob information from the device and using it for ulterior motives, however they are designed with an auto destruction mode in case of hacking or death and their towers were heavily protected by troops from each clan. 
Usually their sizes were similar to that of an old cellphone. 
On one side there’s a knob, remarkably similar to what DJs back in the day used on their mixing boards. It acted as a switch between the different modes the glass recorder could be set on, them being Vitals, Information and Hologram. And on the other side there was a touchscreen, where vitals could be read and holograms could be activated. 
There was also an XBS dock entrance on one side of the device. It was mostly used by the law enforcers by transferring any new information about an individual from their archives to the glass recorder, whether it was good or bad. 
All of that information, including marital status, first degree relatives, occupation, date of birth and allergies could be found on information mode. 
On vitals, details were given about their current health status and the sound of their heartbeat could be played. 
And finally on hologram mode, you could see a three-dimensional scale of the owner’s body, making it easier to check for injuries or if any internal damage had been taken.
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Besides glass recorders, communication had jumped back to messaging via written letters or oral messages sent via a messenger.
Any vehicles that had existed on the face of earth, had been overhauled.
Updated to cater to the usage it now provided to the arid ground.
Motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks and ships, all modified.
Additional exhaust pipes, thicker tires, dust shields, dredging machinery, artillery and artillery holders, were examples of things you had seen being mounted on different transports, including aircrafts. 
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As for yourself, you lived in a colony that had been forced to be part of one of the major 4 clans, The Jeon Clan. 
The Jeon clan was strong, the Jeon clan was powerful, the Jeon clan was feared, the Jeon clan was blinded by its greed, the Jeon clan stood above everyone and if you refused their ways, then you refused living. 
That's how your small clan ended up under their command. 
It was common to hear stories as an infant about how the Jeon clan conquered. They always portrayed the glorious stories of how leader -Jeon the 1st-  had tirelessly battled large creatures and evil men to save small clans from their miserable lives, however in each capsule each family shared the story with their offspring as they remembered it best. 
Meaning some stories were wonderful, while others were resentful memories and stories of how their clans had been forced to change their ways or how they had lost loved ones to the Jeon reign. 
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You were only 7 when it all happened.
You remember it so clearly, it felt like you were reliving it each time.
You stood in the middle of the large hangar, eyes searching left and right for your father. 
Men and women ran all around, either towards shelter or towards the battle zone. 
A military truck's engine roared in the background, yet you couldn't figure out which of the twenty something trucks near you had been brought to life. 
You frantically ran in the opposite direction. You needed to find him, you needed to convince him not to go. 
Running as fast as your short legs could take you, you tightly held on to the glass recorder in your hand. 
Tears started prickling your eyes the longer it went without you being able to find him. 
Two NSTV vehicles sped past you, swiftly followed by a caravan of men on choppers, armed to the teeth.
Luckily none of them seemed to be your father.
You were getting desperate. 
All he had done was left a note on your bed with his glass recorder.
"My beautiful cyberflower, I love you so much. And because I love you, I must defend you. Papa might not be back for a while, but he will make sure that if he doesn't come back at all, it is because he was able to create a better place for you to live in." 
He promised he would never go, that he would stay no matter what. 
That he wouldn't do the same thing your mom did.
Leaving you behind was never the solution. You preferred having them both and figuring everything else out later than having none of them and still being lost. 
Why was it so easy for them to leave you behind…?
You didn't notice you had dropped to your knees, you didn't notice the tears that cascaded from your face and you certainly didn't notice how your mourning wail had halted all activities under the hangar. 
All frozen in place, no one in the building could figure out why. How could the desperate cry of a child send shivers down their spine? How could it express without mistake, their inner thoughts and feelings.
They felt the grief and pain of having to put their lives on the line to give their loved ones a better future.
A future that should have been granted to them, but the Jeons thought differently. 
Yet, your clearest memory from that day was the tight embrace that pulled you out of your dazed state. 
The embrace that told you that even if everything didn't turn out as you wanted, he would be there to walk you through it. 
He would be there with that bright smile of his that cleared away all of your cloudy days. 
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A rundown metallic shed stood at a distance, it was probably used in the past by troops as a hideout, yet for several solars it had been a place you used for solace. 
The location gave you a quiet place to think, a quiet place to run away to when everything got too hectic at the colony, a place to yell out of frustration. It was your place -even if it was on enemy's territory. 
However, today said shed felt smaller, its tall walls choking you, suppressing your lungs, no calm remained in it as the words that dropped from your lover’s mouth bounced from wall to wall. The echo made you feel like the words were mocking you by constantly repeating what he said. 
"I must go, and you must stay.” 
You knew you had heard word of people in the colony joining forces with others near you, to topple the Jeon clan. 
Nonetheless, you figured it was just tittle-tattle.
Yet here you are standing in the middle of the building, right in front of your lover, who is spewing the same nonsense your father did so many solara ago.
"Is this a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing..." 
You saw his hands clenched into fists in annoyance, he tried holding in his feelings, yet the frustrated sigh that left his lips sold him out quickly. 
Deep down he knew you wouldn’t take the news lightly, that you would want to accompany him on this journey as well or avoid the whole thing in general. But if he let you, if you came along, his departure would have no meaning. He was leaving for you. He thought you would be more rational.That the conversation would last less than a fraction of a solar, but he stood corrected. 
"I can't stay here on my own. You can’t leave me just like that." You were distraught. Your eyes searched for his, yet his gaze remained on the door you had used moments ago to enter the shed. 
You needed to bring his mind back to you, to the present where you both still remained, you needed to keep him away from thoughts of the unknown future and the doom that could be.
Why was he trying to be person number three on your mourning list? 
Your eyes remained on his, yet your fingers occupied themselves trying to find his glove-covered ones, the action making him look down at your entwined fingers. 
His eyes seemed to soften at your actions and that alone helped you breathe easier. Deep down you knew that you had to stay back and wait for him, it would be the safest place for you, the colony was your home, but the news he dropped on you like a bucket of cold water had your common senses frozen.Why would he want to leave you so suddenly? 
Maybe he no longer wanted this, maybe you were too much, maybe that promise he made solars ago about walking the path with you was too heavy and too much of a burden... 
"You must stay, for me,” He said, “and for them." His eyes dropped to your stomach, his free hand caressing the bump that had started forming not long ago. 
"Hoseok...please..." You had to try at least one more time. If he still was that warrior at heart that you had once met, then he was certain to leave even with you crying rivers. 
"I must go, my love. I have to be a part of this fight that will give our family the freedom that they deserve. The freedom that WE deserve." His eyes glossed over, yet not one tear abandoned his eye. He was sure of his decision and nothing could stop him now. 
"You don't have to... A lot of men are already there." 
"And I am sure they also have families and other reasons to be there. I will lend them a hand and they shall lend me one. We will fight for a better life and world, a better place to raise our offspring, a better place to grow old." At this point in conversation, his eyes are boring into yours, yet there is no anger towards you. Only love, strong, heated, unwavering, caring and passionate love. There was certainly no way for you to fight against that. 
For a split second, his eyes left yours, and you followed the movements of his left hand. Carefully, he pushed his hand into his pocket, retrieving a device that you were very familiar with. 
His glass recorder. 
"I- I can’t." 
"It's the only way for you to know my status... and if it ever comes to worse, you'll know not to wait for me any longer." He said as he placed it in your hand. 
"Please stop talking like you are a dead man already!" 
"Y/n-" You interrupted him mid-sentence. You were blabbing now. All your thoughts and fears spilling out at once. 
"No! I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want you to go! I want you here with me, with our babies. If you tell the Chief he will let you stay. We are expecting! I can’t lose you; you are walking to your grav-" 
"Y/N!" His sudden yell made you flinch, but nonetheless, you looked him in the eyes, only to find them filled with tears. Filled with fear but determination as well. 
He was always like this, a young man with a mission. Fire in his eyes, determined to make this world a better place, even if it scared him to the core. He always said... 
"There is no better way to deal with fear than to walk right over it..." Those stupid words he repeated everyday since you were 7. "This is me walking all over it. This is me putting you -putting them over my fear of what may be." 
"I love you." 
"And I love you, my beautiful cyberflower." His hand grabbed yours, slowly bringing each one of them to his face and kissing your knuckles and palms softly.
"I'll always return to you." 
And so, you watched him ride his chopper towards the horizon.
His silhouette quickly disappeared in the darkness of the night.
Even though the light of the moon shone brightly, it felt dark around you, as if your clouds had returned with the sole departure of his bright smile. 
Your hand squeezed the device he left behind, your grip getting stronger the further he drove and now you really wondered, "How is it so easy for everyone to leave me behind?" 
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150 solars and 149 lunars went by, yet nothing had changed. 
Since the day Hoseok had left, your days consisted of nothing but worrying, eating, and visiting the shed. 
An old steel bench was set outside of the old metallic building and just like any other day you'd visited, you sat on the edge of it, contemplating life and hoping today was the day Hoseok would return to you as he had promised. 
As time flew by, you added this day to the list of other ones where your lover didn't return and although you tried to remain as positive as possible, you couldn't stop thinking about why life was so cruel? Why did any of you have to live through this? It certainly wasn't fair. No one deserved to be forced to choose death if they didn't choose what someone else wanted. 
Since your great-grandparents' days, the future was supposed to be glorious, beautiful, and bright. Technology was supposed to make everything better. But somehow it all turned to worse. 
Pride, arrogance, and selfishness had created the horrible world that you now lived in. 
People lost their lives as an exchange for a promise they never received.
They fought battles to free people who were slaves to their own fears and now this was the consequence of all that was done. What a sad life to live. What a horrible life to live. 
You rubbed your stomach feeling your bump as it continued to grow. Time doesn’t stop for anyone, is what they say and your clear example is how close you are to being due.
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The walk back to your clan’s colony was an easy 10-minute walk that could turn mortal if taken while distracted, hence you carried a machete in your boot. 
Once you set foot on your colony's official territory, you swiftly made your way to your family home capsule, ready to wash off the sorrow and go to bed as you would wait for the next solar to come. 
Sadly for you, that hope disappeared the second you made eye contact with someone you didn't wish to see at the moment.
His eyes caught yours and you saw a mix of emotions: sorrow, understanding, relief and worry, all conveyed to you in a single glance. 
You knew what was to come, it was always the same dialogue, but you didn't want to do this today. 
Today you felt drowned, disappointed, you could feel that dark cloud that loomed over your head enlarging day by day. 
"You know it’s not s—” 
“Save it, Namjoon. I’m not a chil—" 
“—But you are a carrying woman, who is walking carelessly to a place where no one can or will follow you.” 
“I am not carele—"
“Y/N, shut up for once and put this through your thick skull!! Hendra is enemy territory!!” 
And with that he left to his own family capsule, stomping all the way to the door and slamming it closed.
For the first time, you felt different and maybe it had something to do with the fact that Namjoon and your argument didn't end in the usual monotonous sermon he always gave you, where he remained calm all the way and you rolled your eyes in annoyance. 
The funny part about the entire thing was that you were cousins, and your family capsules were right beside each other, so you were sure you'd have to see his sour expression the following day. 
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Finally in your own capsule - the one you used to share with Hoseok, you took that shower that you daydreamed about and headed to your room. 
Just like every night, you muted your room to the outside world, opting to listen to the broadcast of your beloved’s heartbeat. 
It was the only thing that helped you sleep at night and somehow you felt as if it pacified the two progenies in you. 
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You didn't know when or how it happened, but eventually 365 solars had gone by. 
365 solars since the day of his departure and you weren't getting any better at being without him. 
You were now a mother of two. A dawn and a dusk. One born in the early morning and one almost 12 hours later. 
So, you gave them names that matched their arrivals to this world, Dawn and Dusk. 
All times prior to that day, you felt that once they arrived, there would be this large turning point in your life. That once you had someone who depended on you, your days would start to shift into something brighter, yet somehow, even after the arrival of your children, you felt almost no difference, bordering on saying that you might even felt worse. 
Their faces were the perfect mix of your deoxyribonucleic acid and his. Two different beings creating harmony in the body of two newer ones. 
Their father had left to give them a better future but, in the process, he had left a broken family behind. It felt incomplete and hollow and somehow you envied the blissful ignorance that your infants currently lived in. Not able to understand the sorrowful life that currently surrounded them.  
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Another 365 solars went by. 
You still listened to Hoseok’s heartbeats every night. The glass recorder remaining as your sole companion in addition to your —now— toddlers. 
The night remained quiet. You could barely hear the murmur of voices from the capsule near yours. If you were right, you were sure it was Namjoon and his wife, discussing the plan for retrieving meals for the clan the following morning. 
You shifted on the foam mattress that only reminded you more of him. A very faint and almost gone notion of his scent wafting up from what used to be his pillow. 
From afar you watched the two small bodies –lying on the second mattress in your room— inhale and exhale deep in their slumber. 
They had —just like you— fallen asleep to the beat of the heart of a stranger you placed in front of them and made them call him father. 
You loved them, every bit of them. Would do anything for them not to suffer, and maybe just then, in that moment, you understood a bit of Hoseok’s reasoning. 
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You toss and turn all of a sudden jerking awake from your slumber. You could not recall when you had fallen asleep, so your mind remained disoriented for a short minute, trying to grasp your surroundings. Your heavy eyes roamed around the room, picking up on every detail, the babies were still asleep, the clock read 3AM and the glass recorder wasn’t beating… 
Violently, you pulled the sheets off your body, grabbing the device as soon as your hands were close enough to grab it. 
“Why are you not beating? Why are you not broadcasting? What the fu—” 
And it hit you like a train… but you didn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe it. 
You shook it and twisted the knob and switched it to hologram mode, but it wasn’t working and you didn’t know what to do, your hands were shaking, your thoughts were jumbled… 
“This can’t be happening.” 
And when a fake solar illuminated your mind, you quickly turned around to plug it in to your old computer, however, the universe had other plans for you and without announcement the device cracked. 
You watched it crack little by little, extending all around the recorder, slowly marking the beautiful device with horrible lines that marked its ending, it didn't stop until it was no longer graspable and all that was left behind was crystal dust in your cupped hands. 
You didn’t hear when Namjoon and his wife entered your room or when your kids were taken out of there. Your sobs alerting 3 capsules nearby of the sorrowful occurrence of the night.
It was the worst type of Deja Vu, because just like your mother and father, you’d never see him again…
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kimberlykeebler34 · 4 years
Jim Harbaugh, Michigan football look like they‘re in for painful season
The last time Michigan football lost to Indiana, Jim Harbaugh was a rookie quarterback for the Chicago Bears. And as the Wolverines slid to a 1-2 record and snapped a 24-game win streak against the Hoosiers with a 38-21 loss on Saturday, two things became abundantly clear: The 1987 version of Harbaugh wouldn't be able to help the current team.And the 2020 version of Harbaugh probably won't be able to help much, either.Michigan is young, inexperienced and lacks depth at nearly every position. The Wolverines are not as talented as they have been in recent years, especially after losing 10 players to April's NFL draft. On top of that, AD: MK908P vs Maxisys Elite vs MS908S PRO vs MS908CV. their top receiver and top cornerback both opted out this fall.So it's not difficult to explain why Michigan simply isn't good right now. [ Windsor: Forget Ohio State. Michigan now lags behind Indiana, too ]A link has been posted to your Facebook feed.What should be especially concerning for the Wolverines is there aren't many avenues to getting better. After Saturday's loss - and last week's upset loss to Michigan State, which promptly lost, 49-7, to a previously winless Iowa team this week - it has become obvious Michigan's offense and defense is saddled with problems to which there are no easy solutions. "We're all competitive," said linebacker Michael Barrett. "None of us like to lose. We just know we have to come out and keep building."While the Wolverines have been carried by their defense for much of the past five years, the unit has played like one of the Big Ten's worst over the past two weeks. Indiana quarterback Michael Penix Jr. threw for over 200 yards in the first two quarters and finished with 342 yards and three touchdowns, and receiver Ty Fryfogle caught seven passes for 142 yards and a touchdown in the first half. The Hoosiers found success in the short and intermediate passing game - but their biggest gains occurred when Penix looked downfield and targeted cornerback Vincent Gray, who has been the weakest link of the defense this season.REACTIONS: Is Jim Harbaugh wearing out his welcome with Wolverines?GRADES: Michigan defense exposed for second straight weekLast week, Gray struggled to defend Michigan State's Ricky White and Jalen Nailor, and was eventually lifted for redshirt freshman Jalen Perry. After that game, Harbaugh reaffirmed his confidence in Gray, calling him the team's top cornerback while suggesting last week's removal was due to a big hit Gray took along the sideline.Saturday, Gray started at cornerback and was unable to keep up with Indiana's receivers. He was whistled for a crucial pass interference call onthird-and-9 in the third quarter, when he grabbed Indiana receiver Whop Philyor for no apparent reason. Penix's pass sailed incomplete and well beyond Philyor, but instead of the offense getting the ball back down 10, Gray's penalty moved the chains and the Hoosiers scored a touchdown a few plays later. The Wolverines can't trust Gray (or his battery mate, Gemon Green) to consistently hold up in press man coverage. And that puts defensive coordinator Don Brown in a tough spot. Brown has called plenty of zone coverage looks over the past two weeks, but there's not much he can do when his cornerbacks aren't making plays. Meanwhile, the front seven - which tallied five sacks in the opening game - has not consistently generated pressure on the opposing quarterback. For the second consecutive week, the Wolverines had zero sacks.As Harbaugh said this week, the secondary and the pass rush work in conjunction; each group's effectiveness depends on the other, and right now, the Wolverines can rely on neither.Your guide to Big Ten sports from the writers and columnists who know it best.Michigan's path to improvement on defense is unclear. The unit lost its top two defensive linemen, Kwity Paye and Aidan Hutchinson, to injuries during Saturday's game, with neither player able to finish the contest. Hutchinson entered the locker room and eventually was seen on TV watching the game in stre...
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starboyjxmin · 7 years
Blithe (One Shot)
Happy birthday my love.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
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“We’re going to be late if you continue to wait for that 99% to turn into 100%.” Your friend was anxiously waiting for you by the door of the bathroom which was ajar, enough to see you sitting fully clothed on a closed toilet, holding up your phone which was charging with what seemed as a string. 
“No, no, no, you need to understand that if I’m waiting for it to be fully charged you need to stop bothering me. I don’t bother you when you wait for the microwave to exactly get to zero.” You spat back, looking at the orange battery icon, knee bouncing as you patiently waited for it to be at its full capacity.
Today was an important day for Y/N. Emphasis on important, thank you very much.
“Y/N if we don’t leave now, we will be late to the airport and Jimin will have missed us, most importantly you.” He was practically hovering at this point.
“Okay, let’s go.” Your heart started to beat abnormally and your stomach began to squeeze, sending electrical shocks that were more of a death shock than a zoo in your tummy.
Today was the day that you finally meet your boyfriend from South Korea. Park Jimin was the oldest and sweetest soul you had ever known.
You had known him thanks to your best friend who had convinced you to join an online Korean book club that was interested in Harry Potter, which you first found to be a very ridiculous idea given that you didn’t know Korean to begin with, unlike him. However, according to him; “Best fucking thing I have ever done also, you’ll enjoy it.” And he had turned out to be right.
After a week of almost giving up (Google Translate was such a pain in the ass), the President of the club suddenly began to send you multiple text posts regarding Harry Potter head cannons in English. This would make you smile at 2 A.M. The President then began to speak to you a lot about his own theories regarding what he thought about Phoenix being Dumbledore’s horcrux.
Soon, the theories which were translated with what you presumed to be Google Translate, turned into Good Morning messages then-
[Starboy52]: “Sorry but can I have your number?” You stared blankly at your screen. Wait what?
[Moonchild13]:“Why?” Of course you would be hesitate, you didn’t know who he really actually was to begin with.
[Starboy52]: “The app sometimes crashes on me, and the website can be a bit slow as you can tell.” You giggled, fondly remembering how he once organized a giveway and announced the winners which took you three hours afterwards to find out who had won.
[Moonchild13]: “Even then, how can I know I can trust you? Plus, won’t you be charged for long distant texts?”
[Starboy52]: “How can I trust that you’re in America and actually speak English, not using a translator?” You giggled at his message.
[Moonchild13]: “Send me a picture of who you are then and I’ll send you one as well.”
Somehow this had become the start of many actual calls where both of you were mostly quiet and giggling because one would send the other messages that were translated. Soon, he began to teach you certain words in Korean as you taught him phrases in English.
“Hi, my name is.”
“Hi, my name is.” He repeated after you, a smile could be heard in his voice.
Things advanced, he called as soon as it was morning for you, and at night when he wasn’t busy during the day. Although the obvious language barrier between the two of you was very evident and high, it never stopped the two of you from enjoying each other’s presence on the phone, if anything this was comforting. This would sometimes lead to you sleeping until very late, but it was never a problem.
“When can I finally see your face?” You had agreed to yourself that if Starboy52, the president of the book club did not Facetime you in 5 months, you would confront him about his true identity.
“I’m not, mmm, I’m not cute.” Nonsense, he sounded cute.
“Oppa, please.” You could hear a muffled sound in the background and his low mm fill the space as well.
“Promise you won’t be angry.”
“Okay..” You were nervous, almost sick to your stomach as you waited in anticipation for the face of the man you were starting to fall in love with. The familiar sound announcing an incoming Facetime video call made you want to puke. Your finger hoovered over the accept button momentarily as cold terror spread from your fingertips, down your arm, and up to your shoulder, almost as if you had hit your funny bone.
“Aein.” A blonde haired, sweet faced boy with chubby cheeks and thick lips appeared on screen. He turned momentarily, out of shyness showing you his sharp jawline which left you in awe. 
He wasn’t cute, he was gorgeous. 
“H-hi.” That was the beginning of multiple Facetimes that would involve both of you falling asleep together despite the difficult time zones. Nothing was an obstacle for you and him.
“Terminal 5A will be unloading shortly.” You felt a familiar wave of anxiety fawned over your whole body and your hearing going numb as your friend was in your face saying something while pulling you around the airport. The overhead screens informed you that Terminal 5A was the plane from Seoul, making it further real to you that your lover was here, finally close and not a sick joke that your brain played on you.
“How will I know if you really mean everything and actually are coming to LA?” You heard some soft talking in the background.
“I-” He paused as you could hear his friend Namjoon helping him out with the translation so he could answer you back in English. “have my ticket, mmm,” His deep hums never failed to make you feel so at ease. “I go-be there soon,” He quickly corrected himself as you hear Namjoon laughing in the background. 
“Wait, really?” Okay now this, you never expected to ever be true much less for him to actually have the ticket so soon. You knew he was well off, he had simply told you that he was in a band that did okay but never told you what type of band or the name. It never came to you to google him either since you pent most of your time in school and dedicated to him. Jimin knew you were in college, and that you were 2 years younger with an older sister and a single dad who parented you. But he was very private about his family, the only information you knew was that he had both parents and a younger brother around your age who he loved very much. 
“Mhm, surprise!” Surprise indeed.
“I don’t want to be here, I’m nervous now.” You began to pull your friend’s hand off your wrist but he simply tightened his grip, giving you a puzzled look. 
“Wasn’t it you that tormented the poor boy to come visit you since you were low on money, and a broke college student?” Your friend rolled his eyes as he saw your pathetic face scrunch up. He knew that if he let you go on about with your tantrum, there would be no time to catch the boy on time so he pulled you about, determined for you to meet him.
“He makes me so happy, we laugh so much, I think he’s the one but I am nothing in comparison-” Your friend shot you a terrifying look as he continued to pull you around the airport by the arm.
“Do not say such stupid thing ever again.” He turned his eyes away from you as the lad now faced the arrival section. “Here we are.” 
“I don’t...” A tiny voice came out of you, sounding extremely shaken up.
“You are more than what he deserves. This guy makes you happy, yes, but guess what. You make him even happier. He does anything to make you smile. He finds the time in his very busy day to send you short messages, send you pictures and videos, and then he facetimes you despite having to sleep after a tiresome day. So why would you think you are nothing in comparison to him? Without you, there is no Park Jimin. Now get a grip, mate. He’s here.” 
“I-,” A loud heart pounding was heard in your ears, chest constrained, palms clammy as you caught sight of the blond mob of parted hair as a man with dark shades made his way towards you. The same chipped smile that had made you continuously blush whenever it was shown on the screen of your phone, was now here. No longer was it trapped in a small screen making Jimin’s smile no justice but rather in front of you and adorning his beautiful face. 
“Aein.” The tenor voice that use to aid you to sleep sometimes now sounded even richer mixed in with the air and buzz of the unruly airport. Here he was. Jimin was here. He was real. 
He jogged towards you, stopping only when his warm body hit yours, his arms engulfing you in a tight squeeze as he buried his face into your neck. 
Jimin would never admit this vocally but he had been wanting for the day that he could finally hold you and love you the same way you had all these months when he was lost as a overly worked idol. But you came into his life unexpectedly. All he ever wanted was to put his few free seconds into a book club and what he got was a girlfriend who was there for him at every waking second, supporting him, holding him in place when the stress of being perfect was making him wish he could just float away. But you were there. Making him keep his head and loved him for being just Park Jimin from Busan instead of Park Jimin of BTS. That was all he ever wish.
“Aein..” You said back, running a hand through the back of his head, feeling his hair between your fingers. “You’re here.” His arms tighten even more around you.
“I’m home.”
(A.N. // I wrote this 5 months ago but I didn’t know where I wanted this to go or much less what I wanted it to be. So it’s been sitting in my drafts collecting dusts but due to it being Jimin’s birthday, I now know why I wrote and where this was suppose to go. Also, I dedicate this to my Jimin anon who I love dearly and hope has been doing fantastic. Happy Birthday, Jimin. You’re alright, kid.)
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