#this is just a high tier shitpost
igneouswyvern · 9 months
One thing I’m glad about is that tumblr spambots make themselves very obvious. No real person would have a random blurry picture of a woman as a profile picture on tumblr dot com
On the flip side I found someone I think is a bot who followed my tournament blog (which typically attracts way fewer bots and way more humans) and it was just called dssroofing and all of its posts were advertisements for a roofing company and I was wholeheartedly convinced it was just a gimmick account really committed to the bit until I scrolled so far down that I realized it had to be a bot. Still, I feel a strange sort of connection to dssroofing. Unlike most bots it actually tries to advertise a product. It doesn’t try to lure you in with pretty women or make porn posts. A kind, harmless force in the world. I’ve allowed it to continue to follow my side blog and I won’t be reporting it. <3 thank you dssroofing you’re one in a million
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themintycupcake · 1 year
King Shit of Trash Mountain
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doubleca5t · 7 months
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Kevin Durant is a extremely high tier shitposter who just so happens to also be one of the greatest basketball players of all time
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ch3rr13zk1n · 4 months
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Alright its introduction time
Im CHERRIEZKIN! Please never fucking call me Chez ever EVER again. I dont wanna be associated with that oc anymore.
I occasionally make weird jokes about fictional characters (sorry about that I'm possibly hypersexual.) but i don't wanna see NSFW TOO often so purely NSFW accounts.... don't even like a single post of mine at all plz :3 (unless you make NSFW of characters i like like..... Heheh. Not really but really)
Also I'm a minor!!!!!!! Never forget that!
Anyways i got some interests like Solarballs, Shovelwares brain game (Ish since my internet dried up a little), Captain underpants, The youtube shorts arg, Vocaloid (Ish), Undertale , SMG4, DHMIS, Alphabet lore, OMORI, FNF (Ish since the fandom sucked and a part of me refuses to go back there for my own mental health. However Vs Bob is here since its just my humor n stuff as an FNF mod), Bugbo (Ish since it got pushed aside by my other fixations), The amazing digital circus, Pretty blood, Art, BFDI, Object shows in general, Riddle school (Ish since the creator sucks and i only mentioned it here because i know what it is) REGRETEVATOR, Tally hall (ish), Vs Bob and etc
though i post about some fandoms more than others but it doesn't mean i don't like any fandom on this list that isn't mainly being posted about here
its just that i draw Wallter from REGRETEVATOR pregnant instead of talking about how Rinny from Pretty Blood is a fucking bitch because my fixations are in a constant war
i also have a Tiktok and a mostly abandoned Youtube account (don't look at certain posts on my tiktok you'll go blind)
Also this account is mostly full of shitposts, Memes, Reblogs and doodles so good luck finding high quality art here!!!
Also Wallter is my favorite character.
And my heart cannot be put on a leash so i have a crush on that gayass
i respect the gay rep and its just that i got attracted because i don't fucking know (sorry)
Also a Wallmark and Jimter/Walljim shipper
i have a bit of a tier list showing my opinions on the regret characters (With a bit of bias and fandom influence)
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Also.. If you fucking portray one of my favorite characters as a rapist or an abuser.. I hope you die!!!
Cis males who indentify as lesbians.. Stay miles away from me too!!! (Trans or GNC people who indentify as that... You're decent. Not too much of a fan of the label you chose but labels are confusing so you do you ig??)
Same goes for the basic DNI criteria and anti furries. Yknow... Proshippers and shit.
Also who didn't tell me earlier that the Vs Bob fandom is on this site wtf man
anyways that's all you need to know uhh have a weird image!
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What do i even
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spectrum-core · 3 months
hi if you don’t mind me asking I’d love to hear more about serrated duo parallels?
Alright, just to make sure we are on the same page because I'm not sure if many people know who am I even talking about when I say serrated duo, I mean this pair of goofballs who I love very much.
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Fuckass essay about them and how this thing even came to be (which is not what you asked for but it's still important I think) under the cut, as a warning though this is EXTREMELY long, i'm also writing it assuming the readers have played ruina to completion, have at least glanced at the ruina artbook once and are decently familiarized with the pjm universe and its terminology.
"But Spec", you may (and reasonably so) say, "these guys show up in different story tiers, one is a glorified ranged attack tutorial with a minor lore exposition attached to him and the other doesn't even have anything going on due to being a general reception, what the hell".
So let's get into this, more meticulously organized than some essays I've submitted for my uni classes because I care that much about these guys (don't be like me and do your uni projects, please).
Table of contents:
How the fuck did this even come to be 1.1. Me yapping about character dessign
Liwei as a character 2.1. The surface 2.2. Emotional internal nature 2.3. Resentment
Dong Hwan as a character (sorry can't separate him into many categories bc there's NOTHING THERE man i'm absolutely grasping for straws here i KNOW it, but please bear with me)
Summarizing parallels
If you don't feel like sitting through my attempts to contextualize how this ship came to be and me desperately grasping for straws, feel free to skip all the way down to part 4
1.- How the fuck did this even come to be
Honestly the whole thing started as a sleep deprivation shitpost I rolled with because yeah i like these two guys a lot (if you read that one post talking among other things about why I like liwei so much in the first place, the short reply also applies to dong hwan and... Yeag, the only thing that's better than one hot guy is two hot guys and so on).
There was also an interesting aspect about this because maybe it's just me but based of liwei's dialogue lines and keypage text he suggests not trusting, or even liking/admiring/looking up to, high graded fixers (despite feeling that he's supposed to). With an emphasis put into colors because, I mean, he fucking died because he met one at the wrong moment, but I feel it's a general thing he feels for grade 2s and above.
With this in mind, putting him to interact with a grade 1 is... at the very least it has the potential to put them into a funny mutual vitriol kind of dynamic with lw constantly thinking "what's the deal with this guy? does he expect me to praise him just for having a high grade? well, tough luck, i'm no bootlicker" and dh constantly thinking "what's wrong with this man? is he unable to recognize greatness even if it punched him in the face...? should i punch him in the face?", but it becomes far more interesting when you try to imagine (and, with dong hwan being an absolute background character we can only assume things of from extremely vague hints, pretty much all we can do about him is imagining) what made them both special enough for each of them to think "wait, hold on, i actually like this guy" of the other.
After the initial shitpost stage was over, we (the guy who came up with serrated duo while sleep deprived and me) started talking about why we liked both characters and we essentially concluded that, at least dessign wise, they are the same type of guy (ofc I also added a couple of characters I like and who fit the criteria to my post but this post isn't about them).
1.1.- Me yapping about character dessign
On top of that, if you pay attention specifically to liwei and dong hwan in there, you can notice that there's a pretty neat balance of common and contrasting themes in their dessigns, almost in a two sides of the same coin way, so here's a non exhaustive list:
both characters have a primarily monochrome/dark aesthetic going on, with their eyes being the primary colored element that stands out in their dessigns (yeah, you could say that dh has brown hair too but it's a dark shade of brown that doesn't catch the eye nearly as much as the bright-yet-deep shade of red of his eyes)
on top of that, liwei's eyes are blue while dong hwan's are red (i thought they were reddish brown at first but that's just an effect of the transparency, if you separate the sprite in it's different parts, you'll notice his eyes are actually red), which happens to link with a certain trope about two-sides-of-the-same-coin pairs... (will elaborate on this later trust me).
despite the previously mentioned similar monochrome aesthetic, there's a clear contrast between their styles and how they wear their clothes, with liwei having a much more "only informal if it's more practical that way" type of look, with a focus on practicality over trying to stand out too much (for the most part at least, he was dessigned with the idea of a cool guy in mind after all), while dong hwan is essentially wearing a business suit in the most fucked up way possible (really, what the fuck dong hwan), which of course makes his dessign incredibly memorable. To further elaborate on this (and to add details that don't really follow this formal until unpractical/informal AND unpractical pattern): -Liwei's clothes stay in similar shades of grey and black giving him a more uniform look, while dong hwan uses more contrasting shades in his clothing (despite wearing primarily black clothes, that light grey shirt absolutely stands out, and by extension he does) -Liwei wears long boots, while dong hwan wears regular shoes -Liwei wears a long coat, while dong hwan wears a short jacket -Liwei has a fully buttoned dress shirt with a tie, dong hwan wears his shirt unbuttoned, in an universe where clothes are basically like armor this is essentially him saying that he's confident that his opponents won't be able to hit him in the chest, or that even if they did he wouldn't get too hurt from it, and it's a dessign detail that absolutely stands out in an universe where most characters only show skin in their head, neck and hands at most, as we know since its stated in multiple keypages and cutscenes, if a character shows more skin than the absolutely bare minimum, then that means that A. they are inmensely strong, and B. they are even more confident in their capacities, with this being a tactic to intimidate potential enemies for many factions -Liwei wears fingerless gloves while dong hwan wears regular gloves, while at first glance this detail seems to subvert the pattern, let's be real here... have you tried to hold any object and using it properly with gloves? unless you're wearing latex gloves or something made of very thin fabric that shit's absurdly hard, of course i assume there's weird city tech involved in dh's gloves but at least that's my own personal impression of that particular contrast)
and going back to common but not really details: both characters have something noteworthy in their ears (this is most likely just a result of the characters being visible as chibis in game so the best way to give them memorable dessigns is by slapping somewhat unique stuff in their faces and heads BUT IM GRASPING FOR STRAWS HERE OK) with liwei's earpiece (which serves a practical function) and dong hwan's earrings (which look cool as hell, going in line with both characters' general priorities)
similarly, both have something in their opposite eyes, with liwei partially covering his right eye with his hair and dong hwan having the scar going through his left eye.
the right-left motif is actually very relevant in their dessigns. You see, most character sprites in ruina switch the hand in which they're holding their weapons for certain frames (or at least, this is not uncommon to see), either for rule of cool, clearer silhouettes or whatever reasons. However, in every frame in which liwei is visibly holding his knife, he holds it with his left hand (and when he uses his pistol he holds it with both hands), suggesting that he may be left handed. On the other hand (see what I did there?), dong hwan consistently holds his knife with his right hand, in every. single. frame. of his sprite, suggesting that he's right handed instead.
And of course, both of them have elements in their opposite legs too, with liwei having these two stupid fucking belts (affectionate) in his right leg while dong hwan has... whatever the fuck that thing is, in his left leg.
Of course I'm not here saying that they were given contrasting dessigns on purpose, but all these details end up making both of them looking really cool when put together, specially with how their dessigns emphatize their personal preferences and priorities, something I will elaborate upon in each character's section later.
2.- Liwei as a character
Liwei is one of my favorite pjm characters as a whole, yes i like him more than ayin, yes i like him more than angela, yes i like him more than carmen, yes i like him more than dante, yes i like him more than your favorite sephirah/patron librarian/sinner, no im not saying i think any of these characters is bad or poorly written and in fact i think pjm has made an amazing job with protagonists so far catching my interest even with characters i thought i wouldn't vibe with at all, but i have a thing for unremarkable background guys.
As you may have guessed, this means that i have a lot, and i mean A LOT to say about him.
This also means that I have a very specific interpretation of him, this interpretation, while clearly taking bases from what we can see of him in game, is entirely fanmade and i'm not trying to claim this is what anyone intended to convey with him, but it's what makes sense for me.
This interpretation also strays away from some other fan characterizations I've seen of him. So if you think he's actually, at his core, a serious, formal, emotionally detached and unbearably professional, even outside work hours, guy who's deeply dedicated to the honorable task of murder and who is in good terms with the shi association or holds them in high regard? sorry, but for me he's nothing like that.
2.1- The surface
"But Spec", you may say again, "he does act emotionally detached during his cutscene, he even says that people die all the time! are you sure you are actually reading this character right?"
Of course I'm not, I'm just saying that I'm reading him in a way that makes enough sense to me, but I do have reasons to believe that the serious and emotionally detached attitude is an akward mixture of a facade he puts up to be taken seriously by others and an incredibly unhealthy coping mechanism, so let's start by analyzing his artbook profile...
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Wait a minute, is that..?
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Ok, I'll see myself out and continue writing the actual character analysis this is what people are here for.
Anyway, going back to the character profile, you may be inclined to see it and assume "well, that actually just proves that he's a serious and formal dude" at first, until you realize that artbook profiles, due to their in-universe explaination being that they were compilled by roland and angela from the information they could take out of the guests' books, are most likely to be about what the guests perceive themselves as/would say to describe themselves rather than what they actually are when looked at from an outsider's perspective. Further proof of the artbook profiles being subjective comes from how the profiles change almost erratically for distortions and ego users, with people in the middle of both states simply not knowing how to describe themselves, the fact that we lack any information about the agents of the head as they were never booked, or how characters such as tomerry have...
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This, which I mean, it's very clear that's just tomerry talking about themselves.
Now, liwei's personality traits, or at least what he'd use to describe himself, are "Meticulous, Efficient, and Sharp". We know that he has to be efficient at the very least, considering the nature of his job and guns in universe, the same thing goes for meticulous, we can assume he wants to do things the right away so that he gets paid, sharp as a personality descriptor can take multiple meanings and frankly i don't know which was the original korean word used to describe him so i can't tell which is the right one but most of them seem pretty accurate, at least when looking at him from a surface perspective.
To be honest, I don't think any of the traits mentioned there is precisely wrong, I simply don't think that they are the main or core ones, but they are the traits liwei tries to show, at least.
Another interesting detail is that all full stop fixer artbook profiles have food related items for the likes and and dislikes sections, except for stephan disliking dangerous jobs.
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Not particularly noteworthy for this category in particular but still tangentially linked to a point that I believe is also a core characteristic of all three full stop fixers and that is key to understand all three of them, their dynamics and the choices they make during their reception: they are Poor As Shit, because guns and bullets are expensive of course, we also get to see this in stephan's obssesive fixation in money (come on nobody actually checks their bank account as a hobby... right, guys?), and of course this ties in with wanting to be seen as someone serious and professional people will trust with their money AND with the idea of them having the need to maximize efficiency to... well... you... you know... not end up even worse than they actually are.
2.2- Emotional internal nature
Alright, and here we dwell into the actually spicy part of the essay, at least for liwei's character: the moments in which the mask of a professional and emotionally detached guy cracks and he shows his more emotional, and mostly caring, side. This is focused in the way in which he treats stephan and tamaki (compared with how several other faction leaders treat their underlings).
While I should probably need to read all the dialogue in the game to make sure this is a particularly notorious detail, something that inmediately caught my attention is... the fact that liwei never uses a single honorific when refering to other people, neither he's bothered by stephan's more informal speech and the fact that he doesn't refer to him by any honorific or title either (sure, you could say this is because they were in a life or death situation but also y'know, it says something about you that the people below you don't feel the need to use formalities when talking to you), the only person he calls by title instead of first name is... well, the blue reverb, whose real name we can assume he didn't know, with also him being someone perfectly capable of killing not only him but the guys standing beside him as well, you'd want to be as respectful as possible when talking to a guy like that and trying to negotiate.
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(even then he doesnt use any sort of honorific towards him, at least in the english translation of the text, he simply refers to him by title)
He neither uses any title or honorific when talking to angela, despite keeping a formal/respectful attitude, i honestly believe that he is genuinely formal and respectful but... you know, that's not the beginning and end of who he is.
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Of course, this isn't a major point, but I think it's worth mentioning considering how important honorifics can be to establish the speaker's relationship with the people a message is directed to, they can be used to distance oneself from others. So in a way it could be seen as him putting himself at an "equal" position relative to stephan and tamaki, as opposed to trying to assert that he's their superior (at least in the context of the mission they were working in, since his title is merely fixer, not operator, president, director or anything implying some form of leadership on his end).
Another extremely important detail is his inmediate first reaction once argalia shows up and ruins their plan is... not coming up with a plan b, not trying to fight him in any way, not doing anything about trying to save what little money they can, he quite literally tells stephan "forget about money, we need to survive now".
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His initial reaction is directly just yelling at his team to run away, and this stays consistent once he:
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Notices that stephan and tamaki are beginning to argue over the future of their mission and how much money they lost.
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Realizes that they can't outrun argalia as long as they're wielding their heavy (and again, extremely expensive) equipment. This says a lot as it shows that he cares enough for the people under his care to let the office go bankrupt if it means they can live.
Needless to say, stephan and tamaki refuse to do so and while he clearly isn't precisely happy about the inevitable confrontation with argalia, he doesn't argue about this, he does understand their concern about money, he's not like the other authority figures who will ignore their underlings' concerns at best and ditch them once they outlive their usefulness at worst (at least, that's what i imagine he thinks as he makes these choices).
Not to mention, once they are in a, if only slightly, safer situation in the library, his inmediate response is trying to comfort stephan and tamaki, things dont look good but theyre at least alive, for now.
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And there's this line which... doesn't seem to fit at first glance with the idea of him wanting his office to survive at all costs... right?
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That is until you realize that he says that line during yet another argument between stephan and tamaki, as an attempt to get them both to calm down, this could also fit in with him trying to keep or restore the cynical, stoic and serious act, but then again we get to see his more emotional and sincere side once he:
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Gets killed, quite literally saying that he didn't want to die yet, at least to me this line alone is enough to pretty much confirm that he didn't really mean it when saying that trying to delay their deaths was pointless, but if you need more, he also acts against that same line when he...
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Sees his allies die, and inmediately starts freaking out.
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Wins the reception, in which case his inmediate first concern is, again, not money, lost ammunition or anything, but rather if stephan and tamaki are okay and if they will be safe once they return.
I don't think that line was him fully lying though, it does say something about him that makes enough sense to me and fits with the rest of the characterization: that his cynism runs much, much deeper than stephan's.
Tl;dr he is extremely caring and emotional deep inside, and even though he tries to suppress that side of himself it always finds a way to show itself, I feel like in other contexts this makes him prone to emotional outbursts and generally make him an unpleasant person to be around... save for people who are already familiar with his personality quirks and the fact that he is Like That.
2.3- Resentment
Of course, this dissonance between the person he tries to pretend to be to fit in/keep his job and the person he actually is made him grow a pretty strong disliking of... well, everything he considers related to the fact that he has to act like that to get enough money to feed the people in his office.
I also feel like he feels genuine guilt over the fact that his job is essentially just glorified murder, I have no base for this other than the more detached way in which he refers to the church of gears, it almost feels like hes forcing himself to not care because its them or him and his office, and that he has genuine self-hating tendencies because of it (which he also uses his stoic act to hide, he doesn't want to worry his office and become a burden to them, after all), in a way he may be trying to overcompensate by being nice to his office to feel like there's people he can help/protect.
But this hatred towards himself also manifests in the form of hatred towards anything he can blame over him being the way he is and working the job he has.
As I said before, I don't think liwei likes colors, or most high grade fixers for that matter, you may also extend this to figures of authority, influential organizations or even the city's society as a whole (and honestly? i do personally, i don't think he's actually capable of forming any particularly healthy bond with people outside his office because of this, and even then saying that the relationships he has with his office are healthy is... generous to put it softly, this is not to say that he secretly hates the other people in the office, but rather that he fears that they may secretly hate him, because he's the highest graded member of the office, he hates people sitting above him so it only makes sense that people below him hate him for being above them, right?), and of course I'm not saying this because I'm projecting or because I think it's cool and edgy and sad but I actually have bases for this from what I can see in the game.
The first example of him not trusting high grade fixers AND influential organizations being one of the very first things he says when being introduced: that having an important person, from an important organization, belonging to an important section of said organization, approach him and give him a request was shady as fuck.
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And he turned out to be right, as Yujin was planning for him and his office to get sent to the library and die there so she could read their books and find some passage saying shit like "well we were found by the blue fucking reverb and our only choice was to come here and die even though we were royally fucked either way life sucks see you all in hell my final message 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕" so she could use that on her favor.
In this topic too, I'm personally firmly opposed to the idea of full-stop office being affiliated to the shi association and this is the hill i'm willing to die on, but I digress.
We see this same resentment on an even deeper level in his keypage where he talks about colors (and we can assume this view extends to other high graded fixers, and to a lesser extent to the hana association), he doesn't sound like he wants to become a color, he doesn't sound like he even likes the concept of colors being a thing that exists in the first place.
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The most important lines from these fragments to me being the following:
"A color is the dream [...] of all fixers who wish for freedom.", freedom is a VERY relevant concept in project moon and ruina makes a very clear point about how nobody is free in the city, roland says it, most plot relevant guests say it, some patron librarians say it too... a huge part of the story is how angela comes to terms to the fact that turning human wont grant her freedom and how she ultimately becomes free by embracing her nature as a machine (so free indeed that the head decides to kick her and the entire library out of the city, not only shes a machine that acts like a human, which is already a major city wide taboo, she made a choice that no human in the city should ever make). Essentially, liwei seems to see colors (and im assuming that by extension high graded fixers) as the ultimate example of an impossible aspirational class (think of these "self made" enterpreurs who received extremely generous financial support from their rich parents to start massive companies as the closest irl equivalent, except that obviously not the same, i will elaborate more on this later).
"They put forward the colors as great and successful people that other fixers will look up to. They dream of earning wealth and fame, and to be free like them one day." Why would he be talking in third person here if he too admired colors, or wanted to be like them, or thought that were free in any way? Also that separation between money and fame (something that colors objectively do have since they can afford exclusive high tech weapons and armor) with freedom (something that is debatable, but liwei seems to assume colors don't have) feels too much like a deliberate choice to further push towards that point of him seeing colors as not only an impossible goal to achieve for the average fixer but also that the ideal of a color as someone who is free is something impossible to achieve even if one were to become a color.
"Colors are assigned by the 'Hana Association'. [...] The title of a color is forcibly given to fixers who qualify essentially. Can a fixer be truly happy with freedom that was forcefully handed to them?" This particular fragment, specially the last sentence, is absolutely key for Liwei's characterization, and the final and most important part of him saying "wait, no, colors aren't free, because nobody is" to me. It is also worth noting that this fragment can be read in multiple ways, all of them are important and accurate for his characterization.
He thinks that the responsability and risks that come with being handed the title of a color are far greater than the prestige that comes with the title, can you really say that someone who cant afford to decline requests due to being contacted by the most important organizations in the city, whose closest friends or family WILL be regularly targetted by rivals either to extort them for money or just try to attack them to the point in which most high graded fixers abandon any personal attachment to others, who will have to see the horrible things that happen in the city in an almost day-to-day basis and will likely have to do even worse things in the name of corporate interests is free? Can you really call it freedom if you can't refuse it? Essentially he is saying "actually every single aspect of being a color is terrible and to make matters worse that life is forced on them after they go through extreme miseries in the hopes for a better life but all they get is more of the same if not even worse, they aren't free and shouldn't be refered to as such."
He thinks that in order to become a color (or any highly graded fixer, really), you must essentially lose yourself, which is to say abandoning all friendships or familiar bonds, only keeping shallow interactions with people, desensitizing themselves to whatever horrifying shit they may have to see, abandon all sense of morality as they never know what their next request will be and "im sorry but i dont do xyz, it does against my personal morals" isnt an argument that will work in a place like the city, this also fits into the whole "actually having a much more chaotic emotional side he's trying his absolute hardest to supress but failing" theme mentioned in point 2.2., someone who is so deeply emotional and whose actions are ultimately defined by what is the most likely to keep the people around him alive is obviously not going to like the idea of keeping his distance to them, or to dispose of people with lower grades than him because they were supposed to be expendables anyway.
I don't remember the exact quote and i dont feel like looking for it but in one of gebura's cutscene she claims that all power in the city only serves to strike those below but never up. You have to climb to get stronger and then you'll only be able to assert dominance (through violence) over people weaker than you are, and she grew to dislike this, as she wanted to protect others but was never able to do so because of how the city was dessigned.
Of course, liwei reached the same conclusion but he took the much simpler but much more unhealthy approach of assuming "well, if things are like that, then that must mean that everyone in a position of power (over me) must be responsible for this".
Of course this also comes with the side effect of him being as caring for the rest of the office as he can because he doesn't want to be like other figures of authority as i mentioned in point 2.2, but thats not to mean that things are all fine in the office, i feel like there are several moments in which he internally curses his position of authority but not quite (bc i don't think he's actually The Big Guy In Charge of the office, really), most obviously the aforementioned moment in which he yells at tamaki and stephan to drop their guns so they can run away and live when they clearly dont want to, i feel like at moments like that he feels like they only do things because he tells them to and they "can't argue" (except that they do, fortunately for him the enviroment in the office is healthy enough for the rest of full stops to not abuse this fact, but the "what if"s are absolutely eating him from the inside). As ironic as it sounds his earnest desire to not be Like The Others is the same thing stopping him from being the perfect and efficient leader he wishes to be, and he probably isn't sure of which thing he values more than the other (it's staying true to his own morals and keeping the people under him safe).
However, there's a key detail here that's worth noting: liwei has a tendency to treat everyone else as equals, sure he is formal and respectful when doing so (pressumably even when talking to people he'd rather never interact with if we assume his conversation with argalia was actually how he is and not him just walking on eggshells to not get killed) but he doesn't bother trying to make a clear distinction of who is above and below him, no matter what their title and rank may be, and for people who are used to being looked up to by everyone else this will be seen this as him insulting them in some way, it may come from a sincere desire of him to come off as insulting while not breaking any (major) social convention in an act of malicious compliance or just the type of person he is, that's up to you to determine.
"But how the hell does any of this relate to dong hwan?" we'll get there right now.
3.- Dong Hwan as a character
This is kinda... the hardest point to talk about, because sure I can yap all I want about him but... it's hard to without going "Source: I made it up" too much.
So, looking at his combat sprites you may notice one thing: he is unbelievably hot for real what the hell he has an incredibly smug aura, most people who care about him to some extent i've seen tend to depict him as a very prideful person, and honestly i dont think differently either.
HOWEVER, i feel like despite this he's still a levelheaded guy who can aknowledge his own flaws. On top of that, i think he's a pretty charismatic guy and he's capable of noticing other people's strenghts, and he'll let people know about their own strenghts too.
Also, to contrast with his smug and cheerful exterior, his combat lines depict him as someone very serious when at work, he doesn't even react emotionally to getting killed.
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His first "on kill" line is also particularly interesting, as it shows that he prefers to work on his own (unlike everyone's favorite monochrome moody boy), which makes sense considering that he comes alone to the library when you fight him, he may belong to a one-man office (which is the closest a fixer can do to be fully independent, as far as we are aware).
His keypage story also fits this more serious and analytical personality but not much of it is particularly noteworthy from a character analysis perspective, it doesn't say much that you couldn't notice from his combat lines anyway.
Another important factor to me and to contrast him to liwei is... okay, this may be the fact that he's a solo fight and he is, pressumably, an independent fixer, so he's not titled as a member of a particular organization, instead his title (for him, his reception, his keypage and his book) is "dong hwan, the grade 1 fixer", which i mean, again, is most likely just so we dont fight this guy with zero context on who he is and what hes even doing in the library in his own is he stupid? but i like to imagine that the in universe explaination is that he has tied his perception of himself and his own self worth to his grade, to the point in which using both his name and grade is what comes naturally to him when introducing himself, since books are essentially physical manifestations of the soul, then it just makes sense then that his book will give both his name and grade the same importance. This may come from a need to compensate for something else and i actually like to imagine that's the case because it adds yet another layer of parallels with liwei (source: trust me).
Another point is... remember that I mentioned how food was a very consistent thing in the full stops' likes and dislikes sections in the artbook? this point is also not relevant but dong hwan is frequently assumed to be the owner of that pub that shows up at that short side story about roland and angelica which i never watched because i Literally Can Not Care about angelica sorry, but, hey, it's a cute detail, i think he should cook for the full stops.
I feel like there's something to be said about dh's red eyes because in pjm when a character has red eyes you know that means one thing: they will be a big deal, but dong hwan, other than looking incredibly fucking cool and carrying me through the snow queen suppression (FUCK THE SNOW QUEEN ALL MY HOMIES HATE SNOW QUEEN) and star of the city tier 1 (thank you dong hwan i love you dong hwan)… he is rather unremarkable on the grand scheme of things, he's a general reception so you don't even need to defeat him to beat the game, and he only serves to give us some insight on who the fuck was the vermillion cross, and even then he does a terrible job at explaining who he was other than "well, he was a guy i guess" and honestly, the relevance of both liwei and dong hwan is ALSO an important factor in these parallels, as with one being the guy who introduces the concept of colors and the other being the guy who introduces one particular color fixer by casually mentioning being friends with him, both feel like characters who would be much more narratively important in any other story, but here they... aren't.
4.- Summarizing Parallels
Aka the part you may want to skip to if you don't care about me analyzing characters with little background info about them.
So, basically a list of personality (and background, i guess) traits they have in common and how they're different:
Both characters are putting some sort of facade, with liwei trying to act serious and stoic so he's taken seriously while dong hwan... i dont think he even knows what the facade he's putting even is, he's been putting an act for so long that his mask became his true self
In both characters' cases, the first impression they give isn't really the kind of person they truly are (in lw's case this is a deliberate choice and in dh's case i assume that's just the type of person he is), HOWEVER, while liwei acts serious and analytical (and to some extent he is), his true self is far more emotional and prone to form deep bonds with people, while dong hwan has a more passionate, smug and cheerful external attitude but he's much more serious and levelheaded deep down
Both characters have different, conflicting views about their grades, however these differences ultimately lead to both of them being able to treat each other as equals, or as close to that as possible in the city, i feel like liwei can see dong hwan as someone of worth so to speak for reasons unrelated to his grade, while dong hwan does see liwei as a good person (well, good is a subjective term specially in a place like the city) and far better at teamwork than most people in the city, in a way both value something in the other that the other never stopped to consider "hey this is actually a good thing i have"
Both characters are (pressumably?) trying to compensate over something, with liwei putting his professional and formal act to compensate for his sentimental self while dong hwan puts a strong emphasis on his high grade for... who knows, really, i just like this parallel being there because i think it adds a lot
Both have problems forming relationships, with liwei being a generally unpleasant person but being capable of forming deep, meaningful relationships with the people capable of seeing through it, while dong hwan is a charismatic guy liked by almost everyone he's met, but whose relationships tend to be shallow
Not really a personality thing but both characters have a thing for being remarkably unremarkable guys, dong hwan is obviously forgotten by most ruina playes because he's a general reception and the biggest impression liwei leaves in most players is "OH SHIT HE HAS A GUN", even though both are pretty intentionally dessigned with the intention of making them look cool however ive very rarely come across full stop or liwei fans (by which i mean people who like them particularly instead of "actually the entire pjm cast is cool and that includes them) and dong hwan fans are.... yeah, i think ive met like, 4 of them at most (thanks guys i owe you my life)
Something about their combat styles including their passives, liwei's only visible passive is called Concentration and gives him extra strenght for the first turn of a fight, after which he relies in the fact that his attacks weaken the enemy, so he comes off as the sort of guy who prefers to keep his distance and figure out the opponent's weak spot(s) (something he canonically is good at doing) to keep an upper hand at combat, however despite this he's still lacking in both strenght and technique, being only a grade 4 (which i mean let's be real the grades go from 9 to 1 and i feel like a majority of fixers are in the lower grades so he's still pretty much above average but he isnt doing all the cool shit you see the stronger characters do, because that's not the kind of character he is). On the other hand dong hwan's passives have much more cooler sounding names (Fervor, Carver of Scars, Toughness...), all of them focused on either inflicting bleed (status ailment that gradually makes the opponent lose hp)/buffing him against enemies with bleed or buffing him as he gains emotion levels, and his focus is just inflicting bleed like crazy, as well as delivering harder blows against people with bleed, prioritizing raw damage over strategy (but likely being able to figure out an opponent's weaknesses as well, brute strenght alone are most likely not enough to get you far in a world where the powerful people are INSANELY strong bc physical enhancements are commonplace)
I feel like in a way both admire each other, liwei admires dong hwan's capacity to keep a cool head at all times when at work and not letting his feelings have too much weight over his desicions, but dong hwan admires how honest liwei is about himself as well as his capacity to work in a team taking in consideration what will be best for the team as a whole even if it's perjudicial for him in particular.
In Conclusion
Your honor, two of them
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Art Commissions (January 2023 update)
Hello there! I'm open to commissions again and will gladly do illustrations, fan art, character design, portraits etc.
[email protected] for any inquiries
(Detailed price list and general guidelines under the cut. )
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Basic Guidelines:
Long-time Patreon supporters (over 3 months) have a 10% discount (TIers 1-3) or 15% (tiers 4 & 5) from the base price.
Will draw: human/fantasy/sci-fi characters, animals and environments, realistic or stylised. Subtle NSFW content or moderate gore is up for discussion.
Won’t draw: excessive gore or heavily sexual content. I retain the right to refuse cooperation without explanation if the theme just doesn’t work for me.
Painterly portraits: If you’d like to order a highly detailed portrait like that (the examples are at the end of this long post), let me know! The price for such a piece will be between 300-500$ depending on the complexity (as it’s really time and energy consuming), but the result will be worth it!
I am asking tons of questions and provide consistent communication and updates while working on a commission, so be sure to stay in touch with me throughout the work process and prepare all the needed references and notes beforehand. Keep them brief, as I won’t be able to read pages of text just to find the needed references for the visuals.
PayPal is now available in Ukraine, so I can accept payments through it, as well as Patreon pledges.
I will post the resulting artwork on my social media with a thanks to my client if not asked otherwise.
After confirming all the details of the starting sketch you should proceed with the full payment. After that you’ll receive your commission in high-res within a week. Don’t hesitate to ask for a print-ready TIFF, PSD original file or cropped images for posting online, if you need them!
Additional notes:
Drastic changes to the ongoing work are only allowed while I work on the rough sketch. After moving on to clean line art and colouring if you happen to change your mind about certain aspects of the commission, you can request changes for an additional fee.
! I do not permit using my artwork for commercial purposes, to train AI datasets or selling them as NFTs!
! If it’s an original illustrative work, then as a client you may also use the image for promotion of your writing material on the internet and on printed promotional materials.
The artist is the creator and copyright holder according to the Intellectual property laws of respective countries.
More examples of B&W, flat colour, full colour and painterly portrait works:
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Will be extremely grateful if you could reblog this post!
Thank you for your attention! Stay safe!
Much love, Дякую за увагу
P.S.: if you'd like to see my daily updates, join my Patreon server or follow me on Twitter! (Lots of war updates and political discussions there, fighting disinfo about Ukraine as much as I can amidst the shitposting).
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Blog Recommendations
Hello all, I decided to post a fic (coming out later tonight) to celebrate 2k followers, but also I wanted to recommend some blogs, cause 1. This other creators are amazing and 2. I wanna see milestone work
These aren't in any particular order and I'll put a brief blurb beside each one just to explain what they're about
@ink-and-dagger Ya know her, ya love her. Seriously if you're not following Inky or reading Drink with me, fool of a took. I'm gonna be following Inky into the end so if you're here for the long-haul be prepared
@a-gal-with-taste Gal has so many works, that it's hard to pick a favorite. But right now we're getting Flawed, and you should def check that out
@chickenparm You enjoy bastard blorbos? A variety of content awaits you here, with John Seed, Spike Spiegel, and Silco. I'm gonna be following Chicken for life, and with her writing skills, she'll get you to fall for new blorbos everyday
@vasiktomis also has John Seed content, but also has Marcus and Silco from Arcane (Vida is an excellent OC as well I wanna marry her AND have her punch me in the face). An artist and an author, they're amazing and also some grade A shitposts
@simpfiles Simp's headcanons are fucking high tier. Like same grade as fics I've read, have me staring at the screen and making (good) noises. Also incredibly funny with good takes A+ you should follow
@designfailure56 Design I love you, and you need to change your name to Design Success. With amazing designs for not only Silco x Reader fics, but Solas from DA art along with amazing DnD Designs, you should follow Design for some good art
@pomegranatebat They're a wonderful, tough funny lil guy. Bringing joy and shitposts to life, they also have amazing painting and animation skills. You should follow (and commission) them
@zkyfall amazing art, amazing fics. Funny and super nice. I have notifications on for when they post because I know it's gonna be amazing
@x-amount-verbs Helping Hand is becoming one of those fics where I know I'm gonna re-read it years down the line. A+ writing, super funny and kind. (You should also follow their main @onewhoturns)
@aromansoul love love love you Sharky, giving us amazing boxer Silco and that amazing Silco and Jinx comic. Gonna be following Sharky forever (and you should be too)
@insult-2-injury one of the funniest people here, I will continue to love her even if she wears a jiaper with some jorts overtop. An incredible fic writer too, and please check out the masterlist you will not be disappointed
@lemmielem WORKS WAY TOO HARD GIVING US AMAZING STUFF. Lemmie you need a day off, and a nice drink and to be read all the Silco fics, while we follow you around and fan you (because we're your fans)
@iseutz SUSU IS ANOTHER ARTIST AUTHOR COMBO. Writing beautiful fic, drawing amazing art. I adore you, would marry 10/10 person
@of-the-argonath I MISS YOU SHER. COME BACK. Writing incredible fics, such as a Dragon Arcane fic, and Love thy Neighbour, I am swooning and in love. Go read it
@kikorenart following for life. Kiko's art is beautiful, and your art with Silco is so inspiring, I got some stickers of it. Also creator of some of the most cursed art I've seen, love you <3
@lemonmancer another artist who needs to be fanned and adored. Drawing not juts Arcane, but Resident Evil too with the magento husband. Fanastic art, and also wrote some amazing x Reader fics
@six-feet-sleep fun fact, I didn't realize until like I went for a re-read Six wrote a fic I commented on and replied to me, long before I actually met her. An incredible author, one of the funniest authors I've ever seen, along with being an amazing artist
@mazikomo Not only one of the best fic headcanons or writers, with new fic In too Deep, but also one of the greatest bakers the world has ever seen. Really likes beans too, if you like em
@astudyincontrasts have you read penance yet? Cause me and Inky review the chapters each time one comes out. Personal lil bookclub, they also have amazing Viktor x Reader and some boxer!Silco fics!
@dad-dumpster The Daddiest with the largest dumpy. Art is A tier, I'm never gonna get over with how you draw Silco's hair, and now stuff with the DBD guys. I have so many emotions about it (all positive ones) go follow em
@arcanescribbles though their name is Arcanescribbles, I'm gonna be following even when the Arcane stuff stops. their artwork is beautiful and I know it's gonna be in art gallery one day
@thesaltybuns CREATING SO MUCH ART FOR US! o7 thank you for your service, and letting us view all of your art. It's amazing and I'm lucky to know you Buns! <3 <3 (you can also see @thespicybuns for some other artwork hehehehehehe)
This is getting pretty long so I'm gonna list some other accounts if you like Silco stuff here below, you should follow them for the good good content (also they all seem very nice!)
@purpurniymstitel @ashc-drawing-art-corner @cuckconnosieur @deny-the-issue @steponmesilco @vinciwolf @silcobussy @tsukioreo @heydeerie @fic-heaven @witchypandamonium @sunofzaun @itstracker @ironandglass @lilli-chae @shahs1221 @agoutighost @dust-of-starsandlittle-hopes @silcoitus @perfectlywingedcrusade @flower-of-zaun @whooooshhhhhh
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realwizardshit · 6 months
i think the most horrible people on earth are just in the wrong environment/profession/hobby. m*sk and tr*mp are high-tier advanced shitposters and they're meant to occupy the same niche as pathetic 4chan weirdos like DinoTendies for people to quietly examine without disturbing, like one might watch a critically endangered bug in a terrarium at the zoo. they should not have been exposed to the world
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echodrops · 1 year
I think instead of a “Go Ad Free” option, tumblr should have an option where you pay a dollar a month and they show you only the REALLY weird ads. Just the absolute weirdest they’ve got; nothing but the high-quality shitpost-tier absolute-nonsense ads.
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doomsayings · 2 years
it's about knowing the contours of your own story well enough to pick WHEN to poke at an overblown scenario with a little self-aware comic relief!! do it during the lulls in tension and the audience will love it and maybe trust you MORE with their suspension of disbelief than if you'd let it get Actively Weird that no one says anything. do it during a big dramatic high and you're just turning your insecurity about pulling it off into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
also yes so much of the funniest shit in Hannibal comes from just, like... keeping a 100% straight face but letting the absurdity and dramatic irony arrange themselves into something that's *almost* punchline-shaped but doesn't quite puncture the surface. gives it a spicy little narrative kick on first watch and then becomes hilarious the instant you step back. the innate symbiosis of the text being a horror opera and the fandom being a chaos pit of god-tier shitposting.
EXTREMELY WELL SAID yes!!!! I love that you've mentioned trust because its definitely crucial...It's interesting to me that I've seen people imply that Hannibal is 'accidentally comedic' when those moments are very carefully placed as you've said, and its clear the writers are aware of them! It makes for a really interesting and layered experience because that's also how it went for me - first watch, what hit the hardest was the horror and tragedy. second watch I noticed the dark comedy and operatic relationship drama haha!!
I actually went looking for that directors commentary and unfortunately couldn't find it unfortunately :'( I'll try to look for it another day because it was really interesting but yea!! thank you for your comments they were really interesting to read and i think you hit the nail on the head!!
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An exchange I just had on discord.
I’m using abbreviated usernames as to not disclose stuff because I have standards darn it.
Me: * looking around to make sure no one is here, I begin to pull out a saxophone. I then play the most god awful music known to man. *
Pez: *clapping *
me: *screams louder to assert dominance*
Jay: should we stop them or-
Pez: *can’t scream any louder *
Me: *grabbing a megaphone *
Pez: oh no
Jay: oh god…
Me: *dramatic inhale *
Jay: OP think of the children
*silence in the chat for like ten seconds *
Me: and that’s how you get a high enough frequency and pitch to shatter glass, any questions?
Jay: yeah just one. Why.
I need to share more discord conversations these are top tier shitpost content.
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Troy in HSM 2 vaguely reminds me of a toy from Toy Story I can't explain it I-
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gottliebcore · 5 years
‘no woobifying the kaiju’ .. I’m sorry I just gotta - they’re so BIg. Big babies
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tmmyhug · 2 years
i know we’re on tumblr so we’re obligated to act superior to tik tok but an ibuprofen fancam just came on my fyp and that’s a pretty high tier shitpost imo
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hey friends!! idk if ppl are even online rn but if u are:
just a reminder that im 22 years old and if that makes you uncomfortable to follow me/be mutuals (esp if you're a minor) please feel free to unfollow/ask me to unfollow you!! no hard feelings be safe and comfortable guys xoxo
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coldcocoamilk · 2 years
ch 10 | I Went to College and All I Got Was This Lousy Degree
if you've ever wanted a Levihan modern high school/college au here's your fic. coming of age, figuring out your true self, make it a little gay sometimes, a lot of poorly paced chaos - what's better for a college student?
a precursor to this fic is the absolutely crackfic shitpost hodgepodge that was Grape Four Loko available on Ao3.
if you wanna read the college au on Ao3, click here.
otherwise, ch. 10 is under the cut!
It wouldn’t be a Halloween party without just a little bit of costumery.
Neither girls had a full costume ready, but rather pieces from old costumes that made it all feel at least a little like the holiday.
Nanaba was dressed in a pair of silver disco pants, a glittery silver loose top, and a pair of cheap silver sandals. She wore her hair down and her face had cheap silver paint all over it. She looked vaguely like a bionic woman and vaguely like mech-head’s wet dream. Still, she made it work, adding spots of that silver glitter from Halloween on her lips and the high points of her cheekbones, letting a viewer know that in spite of it not really being a costume, it was at least creative.
Hange had gone a more traditional route, donning a pair of chunky black boots, ripped black skinny jeans, and a corset-like black top that was definitely intended more for lingerie and not for actual outerwear. She pulled a long-sleeved shrug over it all that was made purely of a thick lace and donned a large witches hat decorated with iridescent black feathers and netting. Her lips were painted black, of course, and Nanaba had done some magic eyeshadow work to make her eyes smolder and the rest of her face look a little more gaunt.
In short, they were cute and sexy and all ready to go.
The rich kid who owned the ranch outdid himself this year. There was a dry ice smoke machine set up near the front door and several inside, making it hard to see the floor and covering everything in a pleasantly cool thick fog. Fake cobwebs and spiders were everywhere, and many of the lights inside had been changed from regular bulbs to black light bulbs. A photo op had been set up in the back yard with a glittery black piece of cloth thrown behind stacks of haybales. And there were pumpkins everywhere. Carved, whole, huge, small, weird shapes and albino ones were all present throughout the house. As usual, music throbbed throughout the house, giving it an almost heartbeat type feeling.
And they were alive.
Jell-o shots were everywhere – some in tiny plastic cups, others in orange peels, and some dusted with starch just laying out on a metal sheet pan. The kitchen had more bottles than they could count, as usual. Wherever the hell this guy got all the resources to throw a party like this, Hange would never know – but they were always top tier.
Hange and Nanaba pounded three of the orange Jell-o shots themselves, the candy-like substance sliding easily down their throat and tasting only slightly of vodka. They were good. Hange grabbed a couple of the cupped versions in different colors in her hands and meandered through the party, almost immediately losing sight of Nanaba in the thick crowd of people in the back yard. She said hello to some of her classmates and waved to even more friends from her lunch crowd. Two more delicious Jell-o concoctions later with a graduate from last year, the liquor finally hit her and she found herself laughing a little too loud.
“Hey, I’mma go in and grab some water,” she told them, stumbling over her feet. Okay, maybe five shots within a thirty minute span of time wasn’t the best idea, and she knew better. A tiny voice in her drunk brain nagged that they were delicious, though.
Water was procured and two more cupped shots were as well, thanks to the part of her pea-brain that wanted to stay this level of drunk. She wandered through the house, her friends outside long forgotten, eventually just crashing on the couch next to someone.
“Hey,” she said, passing them a shot. “Do a shot with me.”
He looked at her, silently uncapping the treat and rolling his pinky finger around the edge of the cup. “Cheers,” he replied bluntly.
She uncapped the water bottle after that, chugging half it down in one drink. Gasping for air, she re-capped it, then poked her friend’s knee.
“Told you I’d find you,” she said.
“And you did,” Levi laughed.
“You okay? You seem kinda out of it,” she leaned into the couch further, feeling it’s leather envelope her like a soft hug.
He shrugged. “I’m fuckin tired, Hange. I couldn’t sleep all night. I shouldn’t have even come out, really.” His eyes wander over to her for the first time. “I’m glad you came, though.”
His eyes are glossy. Well, at least they’re both on the same level, she thinks.
“I’m glad I came,” she replies. “This place looks awesome.”
“You look… really good tonight,” he’s staring at her with shining eyes, and she feels his gaze travel from her head to her toes. It’s uncomfortable, unlike the other times she’s been aware of guys checking her out. Maybe… no. But, possibly?
“Thank you,” she says awkwardly, feeling her cheeks and ears heat up. “You look the same, but I like the jacket.”
He chuckles at that. “Thanks, I guess.”
He has a leather jacket on, with a graphic pumpkin tee on underneath. He wears regular blue jeans and boots like hers, and maybe a smide of – is that?
“Are you wearing eyeliner?” She accused.
That earns her another laugh before he quiets. “Come here,” he says, reaching over to her.
She scooted herself closer to him, to a point where she could feel the heat radiating off him from under his leather jacket and leaned her head on his shoulder. The cool leather was nice against her flushed cheeks and made her aware of her pounding heartrate. Why was she anxious? This was Levi. In her heart, she knew he was a safe person to be around, but…
“Hey,” he says softly, jerking her out of her trance. “Relax. Are you sure you aren’t tired too?”
“I – uh – yeah,” she replies jerkily, trying to bring herself back into reality with a breathless giggle. “Sorry, I  had like six shots, and I think they’re just hitting me now.”
He makes a noise deep in the back of his throat, something like agreement. “You know, we could just take a nap here.”
“We could,” she says, letting her eyes fall closed. “Bit of a waste of the night, but it sounds pretty nice right now, not gonna lie.”
“It’s not a waste. Hey,” he says in that same soft voice. She feels his hand trail up to her chin, gently nudging it up with one of his fingers. “Open your eyes.”
Her first thought is that his eyelashes are thick. She’s never really looked at him in the eyes like this, and she’s pleasantly surprised to find them peaceful behind all those lashes. For a moment, she’s jealous, and drinks their beauty in. Only for a moment, though.
Nobody expects their first kiss to be like the movies. And sure, she’s sure that this isn’t exactly like how the movies happen, but it’s pretty damn close.
His lips are soft, so much softer than she expected, and that finger on her chin is firm in tilting her head in the right directions. Before she’s aware of herself, she snakes her hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening the kiss. He smells like peppermint and lavender and well-oiled leather and tastes like booze and is just so very incredibly soft.
Levi’s hand travels down her chin and onto her chest, ever so gently resting with his palm open right above her breasts. His touch feels like velvet and fire both at once, and suddenly she’s craving it. Her other arm wraps around his hip, the first place she can reach, gripping onto the sharp bone. It earns her a gasp into her mouth and sends a rush of pleasure to her body.
No, it’s not quite like the movies.
One moment, she’s having a life changing experience, and in the next moment, she’s having a completely separate life changing experience. The yank on her arm was hard, hard enough to pop her shoulder weirdly and make her stumble off the couch and onto her butt and elbows. Her back hits the leg of the coffee table, sending a jolt of pain through her spine. The slap to her face was abrupt and confused her further, forcing her to look up at whoever was choosing violence tonight.
The girl was tall, probably around Hange’s height, with pin-straight black down to her lower back and flawless dark makeup. She wore painted on black skinny jeans with rips down the thighs and an equally tight fitting black crop top, with a chunky pair of black leather boots to finish off the look. It registers in Hange’s brain that she’s hot. She’s incredibly hot, even when she’s pissed.
“Get the fuck off my boyfriend, you whore,” the girl hisses at her.
“Lay off, Mina,” Levi called from the couch. He was sitting up properly now, but his eyes betrayed how drunk he was. “It didn’t mean anything. You don’t have to go and hit her.”
Mina turned to face Levi, shoving him back into the couch by his shoulders. “Bullshit. You and I are done. She even fucking copied my outfit. I’m burning your shit.”
Hange watched the two with wide eyes, speechless. Levi has a girlfriend? Levi… had a girlfriend? He had never mentioned a girlfriend. In fact, he didn’t seem like the girlfriend type at all.
She was yanked out of her thoughts, quite literally, by Mina once again, who half-dragged her to the entryway where everyone was still sat milling about. “This whore was kissing my boyfriend!” She screeched.
“Mina, I said lay off,” Levi’s voice called behind her. “She probably didn’t even know we were dating!”
“Oh, like I’m supposed to care? She should know better than to get all up on someone. Fucking sluts never care if he’s taken or not!” Mina’s voice was somehow getting into the surprised-cat range of screech.
“Let her go,” he said, prying her hand from around Hange’s wrist. She shot him a thankful look, rubbing the area. “It never came up! It’s not her fault.”
Mina shoved him in response to that, forcing Hange to take a step back, not wanting to get hit again. “Because you never wanted to show me off like all your other girls!”
The two dissolved into a fight, with Mina occasionally trying to throw a slap or a shove in Levi’s direction and him outright dodging all of them. “I won’t fight you, Mina. I won’t hit a girl,” Levi shouted at one point.
Quite suddenly, reality hit Hange like a bus.
She stumbled her way through the house, not entirely sure where she was going. Everything was blurry, like someone had taken her glasses and given her an entirely different prescription as a replacement. Nothing made any sense.
Somehow, she made her way to a tiny powder room upstairs hidden away from the rest of the house before she burst into tears. Her face hurt, her wrist hurt, and oh god, her shoulder hurt like hell.
She could still hear them arguing outside. The music was off. The party was over.
Her fingers fumbled on her phone, sending a hurried text to Nanaba. Within minutes, she had read it and was pounding on the bathroom door. With shaking hands, Hange unlocked it, only needing to meet eyes with Nanaba before she declared they were going home.
No, her first kiss was nothing like the movies.                          
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