#this is not to say that ballet doesn't have many many many problems
curiosity-killed · 9 months
we do not need to engage with all posts. sometimes people can be stupid on the internet and it's fine, actually. we do not need to correct people for making grandiose statements based on knowledge they acquired at age 11 and haven't updated since <- said through gritted teeth
#normally i'm not that peeved by like minor dumb shit on the internet#but this post about how ballet and american football are equivalent in terms of injury/shouldn't be allowed/etc#is rubbing me the wrong way#and the number of people being like well ACTCHUALLY i danced till i was ELEVEN and it should be BANNED#is. much more annoying as it turns out#this is not to say that ballet doesn't have many many many problems#including the harm that can happen in terms of injury and body image#and the classism racism sexism etc etc we can go on for a while here#but the way it's framed in this post and the way ppl are responding to it is making me remarkably annoyed#which is why i'm grumbling on my blog instead of responding to the post itself#bc we do NOT need to respond#hnnnnn#also. will freely admit that i'm probably a lil extra testy about it after 5 hr of class/rehearsal today#and killing my freeds after 2 hr :')#WHY shoes#anyway to the person who said pointe should be banned until they come up with specialized shoes to reduce the damage#GUESS WHAT#that's why they have pointe shoe fitting specialists#and yes! access to and equitable/fair treatment in those environments is troubled#but we are not running headfirst at each other until we all have super duper brain damage#okay. it's fine. it's fine.#upon further reflection i think a solid 75% of my irritation comes from calling ballet a sport. this is a hill i have been angrily guarding#since i was like 12#and am actually right about it. anyway. again. It's Fine. I'm letting it go
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Ballerinos paired together for romantic dance who initially can't stand each other.
Hob and Dream both found their way to a nontraditional ballet company - Hob didn’t really have the "body type" for your traditional ballet companies, he was very good but spent too many years in the chorus; Dream was also very good, had a rightfully reputation as a diva, but got injured by bad direction from Burgess, that was ultimately blamed on Dream. Dream has healed from his injury, but companies weren't interested in hiring him.
So they both need a chance and this "experimental" dance company might be the answer.
Their new company pairs them in a romantic pas de deux, but they are having the hardest time looking romantic with each other.
When they first met, Hob and Dream just rubbed each other the wrong way - it could have been a personalities clash, it could have been a seniority thing,,,,, it could have been the (unresolved) sexual tension. Whatever it was, it was making them clumsy and tentative with each other - who would ever think experienced dancers would be shy about putting hands on another for lifts. They could actually hurt each other if this keeps up.
So they are sent off for a weekend together to work it out!
Ooo I love this,,, the absolute tension and sexiness,,,
Hob is generally the kind of guy who can be very much trusted with lifts, throwing his fellow dancers around... even in the warm ups before rehearsals, all the young male dancers are practically begging him to please please please do an angel lift with them? They might never have the chance to be lifted again 🥺🥺 and of course Hob obliges.
Dream finds all of this very foolish. He's just waiting for the day when Hob acquires an unnecessary injury from messing around. His vibes when he's around Hob are full of disdain, and he makes Hob lose his confidence! His holds are terrible, his hands slip. Dream isn't helping at all. He seems to forget what he's doing half way through a movement. But the irony of it all is that they look amazing together.
So off they go to a small hotel in the country which doubles as one of those meditation retreats. And Dream spends the whole of the first day being a diva and ordering Hob around, until Hob finally snaps.
He says that Dream isn't the principle dancer and he needs to stop acting like it, that Hob is just as good as Dream if not better, it's just that Dream had the luck to be born pretty, and that if he doesn't wind his neck in then Hob is going to go and find a partner who doesn't make him feel like shit.
And after a blazing row, its inevitable: they fall into each other's arms, and fuck all over the hotel room. Dream graciously allows Hob to top in what feels like a metaphor for him relinquishing control - so Hob takes it very seriously and makes sure that Dream feels safe and has his mind completely blown.
When they both get back to rehearsals, they dance together beautifully and with such confidence, the rest of the company can't quite believe it. Hob is confident, Dream is trusting, their duet is everything is should be.
The only problem now is that they wont stop making out in the dressing rooms, but hey. Nobody's perfect!
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qsycomplainsalot · 3 months
Masters of the Air is great, if you've ever thought "wow Band of Brothers is nice but it's weird that the plot is moving from setpiece engagement to setpiece engagement with the same characters, I wish we'd see more of the boring stuff with characters we don't know" then this is the show for you. And don't get me wrong this isn't about turning WW2 into a glorious ballet of death, but when your eight hours long series about US army bomber pilots has maybe half an hour of aerial combat, already that's a problem. The only time Masters of the Air puts you in the thick of it it's to kill as many recognizable characters as possible so that you can lose interest in the cast faster, you don't get to experience the important turning points of the war as seen from their point of view. Because they're dead or in PoW camps, sure, but also because the series doesn't care to show us. Episode 8 somehow encompasses most of 1944 and exactly five seconds of D Day are shown. I was down to get an in depth look at what bombing missions contributed to the war effort, but they never get in depth about it. We never go through boot camp, we never get a strategic sense of things, every episode is just "go there blow shit up" and we never hear about it again. This is, if anything, yet another exemple of screenwriters inexplicably not understanding that scenes must be related in tone or narrative, have a set up and a pay off, all that crazy smart stuff moviemakers figured out in the 1890's. Like at this point when I watch some movies I feel like seeing the work of someone who knows putting letters in a row makes words but doesn't actually know what writing is. Like shit, okay, so I get that this is based on his memoirs but was there any point in showing us that Crosby's fling was a spy in France ? Did we need to have a grand total of five minutes of Tuskegee Airmen over the last two episodes ? Did we need to see Crosby get told to take a vacation then take it offscreen ? Or maybe, just maybe you could have cut all that shit out and wrought a compelling narrative about those two assholes Buck and Bucky who are in every episode, forge a friendship together, get shot down over enemy territory, get captured by the Germans, put into camp, get involved in the Great Escape, go on a death march and finally escape separately, getting back to their home base in the end, 90% OF THESE PLOT BEATS NOT BEING INCLUDED IN THE FUCKING SHOW. This series is an unfocused mess and the only emotions it got out of me were linked to me what World War 2 was, not any kind of cinematic skills. If I want combat footage with no characters I'll just watch a documentary at least that'd be good in its own way. At this rate making a show out of it is bordering on feeling gross and exploitative. "Well we made a series about the Army and a series about the Marines, now we gotta make a series about the pre-Air Force I guess." like "whatever the fuck we do it will sell cause WW2 is so moving and shit, and it's pretty much our version of brand recognition". In conclusion I can honestly say that Masters of the Air isn't only the worse out of the three big WW2 series, but it's also just a flop in general. No action, no tension, no emotion, no nothing. An expensive slideshow to serve as a demo reel for an amazing prop and costume team.
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
Nah cuz these drags won't work for Jimin lol
First of all, JIMIN is literally a unisex name which is especially given for baby girls in SK. So there's no need to add anything to make it more girly lmao. His name is commonly used by girls anyway.. we have many girl idols named Jimin but uses stage names because JIMIN is owned by mimi 🤷‍♀️
Second, people really think saying he looks like a woman is offensive ? The same person who asked 'what the heck is men ?', Regularly wears women clothing, drew a bigender tattoo on himself, thinks he looks beautiful when dressed as a girl, calls himself pretty, pretite and delicate, chose modern dance and ballet as his major which are not commonly done by men and is frowned upon in SK, repeated he's NOT manly multiple times in a single interview, likes to keep his body dainty, want to make his booty even bigger, used a woman as his reflection and is VERY fluid with his gender identity representation 🙄🙄 More than anyone else Jimin knows his feminine side and fucking embrace it proudly
If him, his dad and mom, his partner, his members, his freinds and his stans doesn't have a single problem with him not being the usual 'manly' guy then who tf have a problem with how he carries himself ?
The way it's mostly JK solos trying to drag him for this.. are they worried whether he'll steal their man or what 👀👀 or that their 'straight' man won't be able to resist a pretty Jimin around ? Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys shaz ? 🤔
While reading your ask it took me back to this moment
(Thanks @sarah2711)
RM literally short circuited 🤣😂😂😂 I can't with this clip coz RM takes me out every single time. 😆😆😆😆😆 Dead.
(Me digressing in 1....2.....)
I am surprised that JK doesn't seem to be simping here considering the fact that Jimin was super pissed during this bomb
coz JK wanted him to be in that snow white costume so badly.
Analysis no one asked for in 1....2....
Okay so Jhope says loser will have to dress up as snow white. If you look at Jimin's face, he is not happy
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But the best part for me is how JK is looking right at him 🤭🤭
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Yes... so are RM and Jhope but there is a reason I'm highlighting JK 😆😆
So Jhope says how this was all JK's idea. But look at Jimin's face when he says "that's right"
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This tells me Jimin knew why JK wanted him in that dress. He hee. Jin confirms that this idea is quite recent.
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RM concurs adding in this little detail:
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Thats the face of a cheeky man up to no good 🤭 Especially when Jhope repeats the rule... and while Jimin is frothing at the mouth 👇🏽 JK is watching him looking quite excited about the prospect of the loser being snow white
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We know JK expected Jimin to lose because that's what happens more often than not. Jimin always looses in RPS and JK was counting on this happening. But Mimi wasn't having it and not only can u tell because of how mad he looks, but also because he does the tongue in cheek thing
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And we all know depending on the context, this is usually a sign of annoyance.
So the members start to play and guess who JK is watching 😏😏
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The reason why this analysis is most probably accurate is because of the face Jimin makes when JK wins dramatically
Did you see that? Okay I will clip just Jimin's face since he moves too quickly for a proper screenshot. But just look how done he is. Zoom in and u can see it even better.
For reasons only known to Jikook, JK really wanted Jimin to be snow white and Jimin was 1300% done with his boyfriend.
Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys Shaz?
Hmm 🤔
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yjyt85r98r · 2 months
Aikatsu song reviews: Onaji chikyuu no shiawase ni
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This review might not go as in-depth as I want, or I might edit it later, because despite the fact that I like this song, I have not listened to it very many times.
This song feels fairy-like, but not in the traditional "small and delicate and ethereal" way. It's more like a "grand awakening" kind of way. Like taking heavy steps as flowers sprout out of the ground.
I think this is a good song, but I always feel kind of scared to listen to it because the beat is so loud. Aikatsu has done this with a few of their ballads, but this is the first and one of the worst. I get what they're trying to do. They want to give the song a 'heartbeat', to make sure it isn't boring. But in the end, it just hurts my ears and makes me unable to focus on the rest of the instrumentals.
I like how the key change doesn't happen all at once – instead, the song slowly lures the listener in and out of the new key. I find that type of key change far more pleasant and interesting than the kind that happens all of a sudden with no transition.
Anyway, I think that this song is a ballad done right. Ballads sort of have a bad reputation among those who prefer fast-paced songs, and when I hear a mediocre or overly-simple ballad, I can honestly understand why. But I think this one is pretty good. Of course it's not perfect, and I'm sure it's not for everyone, but it's still really nice.
The first time I listened to Sakura's vocals, it was in a duet song, and I thought that I would never actively want to listen to a solo song by her. But then I listened to this and changed my mind.
This song makes really good use of her voice's breathy quality. The vocals are mostly soft and gentle, but with surprising bursts of strength that make them much more interesting to listen to. That one low part in the chorus is especially fun... she almost sounds like a completely different person.
I... feel bad insulting the lyrics... but the English translation kind of reminds me of an 11-year-old's first attempt at a serious song. I don't think it's fair to say that about the Japanese lyrics since they contain some pretty high-level vocabulary that maybe an 11-year-old wouldn't know. I think it probably sounds better if you're fluent in the language, which I am not.
But I feel like these lyrics are exceedingly rare for an idol anime. These days, it feels like there aren't that many songs with lyrics about nature, so these lyrics are refreshing. They have a tone reminiscent of a poem or a folk tale, or even a sort of benevolent commandment, which is also quite rare. They feel strangely nostalgic.
One of the most ballet-like dances in Aikatsu, outdone only by Aria's performance. It has the same problem as a lot of choreography for slower songs: a bit too much energy. Most of the dance is slow, but then suddenly there will be this fast series of leaps and spins. The dance would be too boring without them, so I don't think it's a bad thing. It's just a thing that happens when choreographing a slower song. If there was any way to improve it, I think that would just be to create a better flow between the energetic and calm parts.
I feel like the choreography of this one might have influenced the choreography of Alicia's song. Some of the poses and movements are similar.
The dance seems like it would be fun to do.
This was one of the most visually experimental performances in Aikatsu, or at least in season 1. They had the performer jumping off a platform, moving patterns on the stage, partially blurred shots, plants briefly obscuring the screen, and a sky that changed mid-song. The CGI was starting to get better, and they made full use of that.
And the stage design! It sort of looks like a level of a nostalgic video game, but I couldn't tell you what game because it isn't any one in particular. It just looks really magical. I love the fireflies and the lily of the valley flowers, and how they're so big that it makes the performer look like a little fairy. Sakura's aura matches the visuals so well that could be mistaken as part of the stage. And the way it grows when it first appears is so whimsical. It's all so pretty, it's a shame it was only used in the anime, like, once.
Good points: Good vocals Bad points: Beat is too loud
Rating: 7.3/10 Personal rating: 7.3/10
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purple-plum-petals · 2 months
Hello! Please forgive me. If its alright with you, can I get a romantic fnaf security breach matchup? I want to change some matchup details
My pronouns are she/her and I am an introvert. I am straight and prefer guys but if that doesn't count than you can ignore. I don't really like revealing much about myself so you can say that I'm shy and mysterious. My hobbies include dancing (especially ballet and sometimes kpop) and video games like Street Fighter and Mobile Legends. My talent is fitting into kids clothes because of slender my body is. I am a little pale and I get cold very easily, and I guess a little fragile (my bones pop often). My expression tends to look very distant and sad. I cannot emphasize enough how much I want to look like a Ball Jointed Doll, so I try to get as many sweet lolita dresses as possible. I love candy (especially strawberry flavoured ones), but I love tea and coffee more. I also like wearing (and buying) anything pink. I don't like heavy or gourmet meals (or food in general). If I were to be an animatronic, I'd be a cat.
Thank you so much! Feel free to ignore this!
Thank you for sending in a match-up; I think that either Sun or Glamrock Freddy would be good matches for you! I also incorporated the love languages you had mentioned in one of the other asks you had sent me.
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Sun is nearly the complete opposite of you personality-wise, but I think that could be something that could benefit both of you in different ways; he could help brighten up your day while your more reserved nature reminds Sun to hold back a little when it comes to his own outgoing (and occasionally overwhelming) personality. Sun loves seeing you smile, so he'd do whatever he can to turn your usual resting frown upside down. Sun also enjoys dancing much like you do, and he would love to watch you dance or even dance with you if you were alright with that! He may look scrawny, but he's actually very strong and could lift you up into the air with no problem. Sun also tends to run on the hotter side so, if you ever needed to warm yourself up, he'd be happy to be your personal heater. I feel like Sun would adore your sense of style as well, always excited to see what cutesy and frilly outfit you put together; he'd be your #1 cheerleader and would be sure to hype you up whenever he had the chance! You and Sun also have very similar love languages (physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift-giving), so you'd both be able to express and receive what you need out of the relationship easily.
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Freddy is a very understanding and caring individual who will always be there if you want to talk or need any kind of support; this animatronic is the king of affirmation. While not being very light on his feet (or paws, in this case), Freddy would still want to dance with you if you ever wanted to show him first-hand your love of dance; when not dancing with you, though, he'd be happy to play some music for you and simply watch you from the sidelines. Despite not being that great when it comes to video games, he'd be happy just being able to spend time with you playing the games you like while you most likely completely destroy him in Street Fighter; he's a great loser, though, and always makes sure to compliment you on your amazing wins. Freddy would also keep a stash of candy on his person at all times just in case you got a sudden craving for sweet treats, always making sure he's stocked up with strawberry-flavored candies as they’re your favorite. Freddy also makes sure to compliment your outfits every time he sees you, almost in awe of your style; he doesn't have the opportunity to change much about his appearance, so he loves seeing what outfits you manage to put together whenever he sees you.
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
Hello! I DONT KNOW IF UR REQUESTS R OPEN so feel free to ignore this if they're not.
This is a request for a romantic male matchup (from star rail, and genshin), coming from a female requester. Pls feel free to ignore this request if it makes you uncomfortable.
Gender: Female
Heterosexual (afab)
My pronouns are she/her. I am an adult. My height is 5'4. I am south asian, I have collarbone length dark brown wavy hair, my eyes are the darkest brown possible. I would say I have soft facial features.I am mostly thin, but I carry a lot of weight on my thighs, something I’m love and hate at the same time.I try my best to appear alert, but many times, I often zone out and look very clueless and blank, and have no idea what is going on. I am very shy generally, and I'm kinda awkward too. I care a lot about my close friends and would do anything for them. I am very soft spoken, and can be a doormat sometimes. It takes a long time for me to get comfortable with people, so I may seem boring at the start. I also dislike making the first move, as I’m utterly clueless on how to. I’m pretty lazy too, I can sleep for 2 days at a time. I also am a bit sensitive, if someone close to me does something, I get a little worked up over it. I tend to disassociate under tense situations. I have very few friends, as I cannot handle too many. I would also consider myself to be a hopeless romantic. I often tend to become completely block out my emotions, but sometimes, I’m extremely sensitive and will cry over anything, no in between.
I would describe my dressing sense as kinda elegant, feminine and colourful, i love wearing dresses and mary jane shoes.
I love shopping, jewellery, and perfume, though I’m broke (college is hard). I get flustered, really, really easily. 
Likes: I love making miniature things like miniature houses, buildings etc. I love watching ballet, though I could never learn ballet myself. I also love going outdoors. I also like hanging out with my friends, and sweets.
Dislikes: crowds, unhygienic surroundings are a major peeve, being left out, bland food, horror movies, really scary amusement park rides, being yelled at.
Love language:
Giving: all of them but mainly words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. I am pretty vocal about my love, and if I’m deep into the relationship, I tend to forget that there are people around who are being made uncomfortable by the pda.
Receiving: Anything is fine, as long as it reminds me that I’m loved.
I would like someone who will make the first move, and remind me that my love is reciprocated.
*sniff sniff* yeah I know who it is
Your matchup issss......
You can be a doormat to people? Don't worry babe you're gonna be a freaking queen to Jing yuan.
With him next to you he won't allow anyone to even try to take advantage of your kindness
Don't like making the first move? Don't worry Jing yuan already asked you out, and he's very chill about it, my man's not putting any pressure on you
Also I think Jing yuan would spoil you ROTTEN.
Like money problems? He ain't heard of em
Hes also the type of person to be quite open about his love for you
So never have to worry about feeling like he doesn't love you, because at least 5 times a day he tells you how much he loves you, how proud he is of you, how amazing you are . . . You get the jist
He's also an act of service type of guy so expect a bit help with chores/tasks here and there >:)
Flirty boyfriend x easily flustered girlfriend
The matchup may seem weird but trust I think it would be cute
Also Heizou would 1000% find his way into your heart, you got to do nothing!
Heizou...will show his love to you very audibly and often
From physical affection to words of affirmations to gift giving...everything
Literally all the 5 love languages are his to give you
Aside from his flirty demeanour he's also very caring, he'll always make sure you're comfortable, especially around other people
He's also aware of your emotional state and will assist you no matter if you're feeling emotional or emotionless, he's really a shoulder to cry on and someone to worry about you
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annbourbon · 7 months
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Well hello folks! It's that time of the year again! And here's my 2023 movie list, keep on mind I actually made the effort to watch movies I have never seen before, even though they're old... so even if you already watched them because they're classics, I didn't until now.
I actually need to get some books to read but for now binged all these days to watch 31 movies & series in a couple of days.
1. Mask Girl (K-Drama, series)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay this series was amazing. I've been a fan of Orange Caramel even though they're now disbanded, so seeing Nana back on the scene was so cool. But that's not all, honestly:
* Insane plot, made me gasp a couple of times and I've been into K-Drama for a while now so...
* I was actually rooting for Kim Mo-mi the whole time, but also I couldn't find myself to hate the other characters because the actors are so good<3
* Did I mention Nana is there?
* It has so many layers and many points of view which makes it so interesting to watch
I'm not saying anything else because I highly recommend this one.
2. The Platform (movie) ✅⭐⭐
A bit boring at times but quite interesting too. I watched it because someone recommended it to me. I was so disappointed with the ending but at the same time I understood why it finished the way it did. I'm not going to watch it again though. Definitely hated it.
3. Scream (movie, 2023 ver.) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I already watched the original one. This one was awesome. I loved the original cast coming back, and also, Jenna Ortega 😍😚
4. Suspiria (remake)✅⭐⭐⭐
I got bored lol it is aesthetic but not a lot. I prefer the school on the original movie. Like, it's so pretty...
Actually I got, really bored at some parts. I wanted the whole ballet concept to be more... macabre and beautiful. They could have put anything else and the idea would have been the same.
I enjoyed the dance. But it's not classical ballet. I'm giving it an extra star because of the aesthetics. It's not creepy or scary. Just another film. Some parts are awesome but mostly... bland.
5. The Deep House ✅⭐⭐
I think, I was disappointed. It's one of those old school movies, you either love it or hate it. I ended up disliking it a lot because it felt kind of lazy. There was no message behind, there was no reason for me to actually care about them as characters, and BTW, the dude there, he was sooooo toxic. I ended up hating him the whole movie except for his last moments. I really don't recommend this one lol but here you have me, trying to find something different.
Well, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
6. Doctor Sleep ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
I need to be honest, he's still one of my first celebrity crushes. So I might be a bit biased. But I loved the movie. Before you say anything to me, I have watched The Shinning already.
7. Gothika ✅⭐⭐
I might as well be honest. I saw this movie when I was a kiddo. But I had a lot of nightmares about it. Still, now I got to watch it fully. And I realized that it's not as intense as I thought it was. I mean, yes. It has some scenes. But I'm a Hannibal Lecter and Criminal Minds fan now lol it's kind of difficult to get past that.
8. Dreamcatcher ✅⭐⭐⭐
It started pretty average and I was expecting nothing from it. But it got better. And really scary. I hated the bathroom scene but also loved the whole movie.
9. Only Mine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Scary but because it's based on a real story. The movie is pretty decent.
10. Train to Busan ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Was so cool 💕 😢 more than scary it was inspiring me a lot. IDK how to explain it. But I'll be watching it again because *feelings*
I think it's becoming one of my favorite horror movies.
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11. Annihilation ✅⭐⭐
Mmmmm I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. And it was not that interesting. I loved the colors though. If I have to say anything about it lol 💤😴
12. Psycho (1960) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I can't believe it took me so long to watch this one!!! I love this movie I swear. It's such a good one. It's not as scary as I thought it would be but I think that's a "me" problem lol since it seems like I'm so used to scary things nothing really scares me anymore.
However, the suspense was so in point and I can't even believe that I was holding my breath. Like, how? This movie is so old no? It should be boring and all that uh? Well it doesn't matter. Hitchcock definitely knew his way around. It caught my interest and hold me captive till the end of the movie. I didn't even start scrolling my phone or got bored!
Sure there are a couple of plots that can be "fixed" because we now have better phones and technology, but the whole movie it's timeless. It definitely holds. I loved it. A lot. That can't be said of several other movies and tv shows.
13. Constantine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Not really scary. But really cool. I was having a crush over Tilda Swinton the whole time lol sadly she doesn't get to have a lot of screentime but I repeated her scenes for a while before going to the next movie.
14. Beowulf ✅⭐⭐
By now I'm getting tired AF of bloodbaths. Like it's not even scary. It's disgusting and tiresome. I want to see something else. I really did not enjoy the movie. I'm starting to realize that binging on a certain genre can desensitize a person and it certainly feels like I'm way over it. I remember the movie but I can't remember anything that is worth of comment. Except, maybe... that Beowulf is an asshole, so is the king, and apparently the next king will do the same thing and everyone there deserved what happened to them except ofc the people in town and kids. I don't think I liked the story or movie at all. 💀
15. Disturbing Behavior ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay so James Marsden and Katie Holmes are so cute together. And they're literally kids here. It was a bit awkward lol but I enjoyed the movie. It's kind of interesting and definitely talks about how society pressures you on behaving in a certain way. All that while making a scary movie. Which is why I might've ended up liking it a bit more than the others. Interesting how parents were so on board with this behavior too. Anyway, since I'm on a marathon I don't really have a lot of time to analyze it as much as I usually do. I probably won't be watching it again, but it's a good movie to analyze and enjoy for a while. For real.
16. The Exorcist (original) ✅⭐⭐⭐
Now we're getting serious lol or not...
Honest reaction
Before the movie>> I'm so scared of it 😭😿😱
During and after the movie>>> wow... It's so... meh 😑
I was a bit distracted during the whole movie. And it's not that scary. Just sad, long, boring and disappointing. Nothing else to comment.
My brother said that I needed to appreciate it a bit more since it's an old movie, but honestly... I prefer Psycho to the Exorcist. Like, I get it. Old movie. Different type of special effects and all that. But still, the whole thing, even the characters feels kinda flat? Nvm the spoilers. I received a similar amount of spoilers from both movies and I still enjoyed Psycho more. I did laughed a lot. But it's not supposed to be a comedy movie 😭🤣
17. 12 Monkeys ✅⭐⭐⭐
TT~TT okay? I really cried for a while. And I had to take some days off because of this one. I started watching other series, kdramas and stuff that made me laugh and forget about this one.
18. Ghost Ship ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I remember seeing this one everywhere when I was a kid and my parents trying to make sure I didn't watch it. One of the reasons I finally got my hands on it and watch it lol
I really enjoyed it. I was so sad about the girl on the ship. And I usually do not like slashers but somehow I ended up loving this one. Definitely is going to be one of my favorite movies from now on.
19. The exorcism of Emily Rose ✅ ⭐⭐
Boring at the beginning but interesting after 30 minutes into the movie. Which in a way, it's not good lol but let it be. I was thinking to call the Winchesters all the time.
Mmmm I think these two are one of the reasons I stopped disliking horror movies.
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The other one would be Fi from So Weird
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Which TBH is the original reason I stopped disliking ghosts and monsters. I joined Fi team first before Supernatural. Supernatural was me being edgy and sarcastic all the way, especially on my worse days. But Fiona, she's the one I truly aspired to be. Now I think I'm a mix of both and it's okay. I still prefer Fi over the Winchesters because she gives everyone a chance to be. I mean, I love the brothers a lot... okay not the point of this lol sorry... Ummmm I think you can see I got distracted while watching the movie. 💀🤣
Interesting though, a mix of lawyer-ish fight with "medical terms" and all that in a demonic possession case. Different P.O.V. sure. It definitely makes more sense than the Exorcist where the story ends without anyone (no cops, no lawyers, no other authorities) involved despite several people dying.
"Touched by the hand of God" they said. And believe me when I said "ew" during that part 😭🤣 I wasn't even trying to be funny. Seriously though... there's only one thing I despise more than movie slashers. Religion, especially inside movies. And inside books too. I was so disappointed by Susan's problem when I found out what it was about. I also spent almost my entire childhood inside several Catholic and Christian schools. Most of the time being bullied by everyone there. Please lol I can't stand them (I do realize that not everyone is like that but it left a huge trauma on me so I can't stand those things.) The fun part is, I don't have anything against religions. Just against hypocrisy and lack of comprehension. Still, it's okay for a movie. One or two hours of it won't be bothering me so much. Didn't scare me. But made me uncomfortable. I wish I could hear more about Dr. Adani (?) P.O.V. though.... I believe I will have to watch Heroes (series) for a similar take on that.
20. The Barcelona Vamp ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was... triggering. And not about vampires. But about CP and apparently a real case. Obviously Hollywood has its own take on this so I can't say anything about it until I do my research on the real deal. But the whole movie was interesting and also very, very triggering. Really scary. Some scenes were too uncomfortable to watch so I had to pause it several times. Why? These things are so so close to us and people, sometimes people we know, keep hiding these things from us. Maybe the Barcelona Vamp was innocent. Maybe it wasn't. The only thing that it is true is that nothing like this happens without another one getting involved too. Another one keeping silence. Someone refusing to act. That's how bad it is. Not the movie ofc.
I love the use of color and the use of black and white too. It's definitely a good film. The dialogues... they were too realistic. Sadly. I have known people that say things like that. That keep blaming it onto the victims no matter if they're 40 or 6 years old. Don't watch this movie if child abuse triggers you. While it is not graphic it definitely makes you uncomfortable. And it should. Another thing to say about this movie: the original language is in Spanish. And when I saw it on HBO the English subtitles were lacking. So were the subtitles in Spanish. So either you learn/practice your Spanish or you'll need to find CC and the mp4 file too. To make sure you get it otherwise you'll be missing half of the story.
21. Dracula (1979)✅ ⭐⭐⭐
Okay the whole time I was so into the aesthetics. But sometimes I found it funny. Mmmm but I decided to give it a go because it was an old movie. Honestly it wasn't that bad. A bit cringe but kinda okay. The aesthetics were really pleasing tho.
22. Army of the Dead ✅⭐⭐
I started watching it because... it looked fun. Zombieland type of fun.
The OST is awesome. I'm not taking this movie seriously. I don't know why... oh yeah okay... now I kind of understand why.
Okay it has a lot of tits and a lot of blood in the very beginning. If this is how's gonna be... or not. Oh... it gets better after the first minutes 😜 A bit of character development...
I like this idea of zombies being strong and somewhat more fast. Like Korean zombies.
I fell asleep. Again... *sighs* this is ridiculous. I'll have to rewatch just... I'm not sure...
I'll be back. Let me do a quick rewatch.
Zombie tiger Valentine was awesome. Smart zombies? Cool!!
I think I'm bored...
I mean, it's a cool movie. But I prefer Zombieland.
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They're supposed to be great at shooting, so why do they spend so many bullets on killing one zombie if they already know to aim for the head?
I'm rooting for the king. He actually seems decent.
Ohh no they killed his baby 😭
They should pay for it.
Okay... okay, wait a second lol I'm getting an idea...
Why there are no movies with zombies as main characters where the humans are the bad ones?
I mean, we have all what it takes: Usually someone, a doctor, trying to play God, and making a human turn into zombie. The whole zombie apocalypse goes on because they kill the family of subject Zero and all that.
This movie deserves another star just cause the OST is really awesome. Seriously. I'm not going to give it one more though lol the whole thing was quite disappointing.
23. The Fall of the Usher House (Netflix series) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay I saw this whole series in what? Two days? The adaptation was incredibly well done. I'm aware that the story on the book is different but I quite enjoyed the show. Although it's quite graphic. So there's my trigger warning ⚠️ if anything lol honest question, do we need trigger warnings for horror movies?
Carla Gugino's still one of my unexplained crushes, she is still as beautiful as the day I saw her for the first time, does she have a fountain of eternal youth hidden somewhere? Anyway, it surprised me how good she's within the horror genre. To be honest I haven't followed her in years but now she captured my attention so I definitely will be paying attention from now on.💕
I actually screamed during Tammy's death. Her acting is truly on point. It made me feel everything that the rest of the Ushers couldn't. Considering how tired and how much I've disassociated these weeks to be able to watch horror movies every day, I think you can say she's the best of the best.
Ironically, she wasn't even my favorite character but Aunt Madeleine and Camille who I felt they were so alike. And in a way I kept admiring them. And also Lenore but for different reasons. Still I felt captivated by the whole series. Aunt Madeleine monologue is wow! But Tammy's death and the way it was presented to us, I truly felt like I was inside with her. Grieving and feeling all that. I couldn't stop watching despite how much I wanted to.
24. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein✅⭐⭐⭐
It made me jump several times 😭🤣 but I can't quite put my finger on why... maybe because it was raining while I was watching the movie. Maybe because the timing was so on point every time the lightening strikes inside the movie, the same thing happened here...
Anyway this is my first time watching Frankestein and the aesthetics are so good 😍💖 also.. Helena Bonham Carter is there!? And considering how good Kenneth Branagh was playing Gilderoy Lockhart I really found hilarious and on point sawing him play Victor Frankenstein too.
25. #Alive✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐
What a movie! I wonder if this is tied to Train to Busan and All of us are Dead. I mean, technically it's not. But the fandom can always take upon it and make it a thing. It has happened before lol right?? Please someone needs to make it a thing 😭 even if it's just a fanfic or something. I'll be so happy.
It keeps reminding me of coronavirus 😭
The guy is a good person but... why is he eating such a big ramen? He should be breaking it into small portions lol he really does not know anything about survival. Poor thing 😕 I shouldn't be laughing so much about it but... he's really stupid at times. If he survives it'll be a miracle lol
Oh... she's cute 🥺 kind and smart. She's going to die lol
They are so lucky to have each other. 🥺😭
Okay... let's start counting how many times he actually screwed it off lol
Every time I think he's about to screw it off, he saves her lol and I like their dynamic so much 🥺😭 like, not really shipping them. Just, rooting for them and loving their friendship. That's a friendship right?
OMG she's so cool...
No way... see? This is why I enjoy Korean movies so much... their plot twists are insane...
26. Freaky✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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O.M.G. it's definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Scary but original. And funny. I loved it. Great characters. Awesome development. Good acting. Made me laugh a lot and I was rooting for the heroine. But also... aw 🥺🤧 that ending... And the beginning! 😱💕
27. A nightmare on Elm Street ✅⭐⭐⭐
It's a great movie. Seriously. But I had to pause it several times because I felt sleepy... really sleepy. Which is so weird because I usually don't feel like that while watching a horror movie.
Anyway I found odd watching Johnny Depp as a kid 🤣 but I was rooting for Nancy's character all the way.
28. The Wizard of Oz ✅ ⭐⭐
Aw... cute singing...
Toto what!? 😱 Well...
I'm not sure I liked the movie lol it felt like.... why are they singing so merrily about the death of the witch!? I feel like they're so mean 😭💀
.... Did Glinda just decided to make Dorothy part of her beef against Elephie? (Ignoring the musical plot ofc) they're so mean lololol
Pretty sure lions and tigers are not part of the forest 😭🤣 okay maybe there are tigers on the rainforests. But pretty sure you won't find one... in middle of the forest. Nvm. I realize it's supposed to be a movie... sorry about that lol
Ohhh that last part when they are all together, facing their worse fears together. It's so cute.
I love the hourglass. It's red!! 😍 so pretty.... the movie is cringy lol but the songs are catchy. The red shoes are marvelous too 😍
And that's it. I don't like this movie lol but the songs are awesome.
29. Cirque du Freak ✅⭐⭐
Ken Watanabe!? Josh Hutcherson, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek and William Dafoe!? How come I didn't watch this first!? 😭😱 looks so cool...
The intro is so long... but kind of interesting lol
I was eating... lucky me, I don't really get nauseous or sick of watching gross things. I used to watch Dr House or Hannibal when I was a kid while I was eating. That's how strong my stomach is lol
... Is it just me or Evra looks a bit like Ross Lynch here? I love Ross Lynch.... maybe that's why lol
Being honest it was below average. But I also liked it. So... the stars do not say how much, because then it'd be a 3 or 4 but the movie deserves only two.
30. Suspiria (original)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
The aesthetics are so 😍💕
Did I mention I'm a Dario Argento fan? Okay, I'm a new fan lol like, I'm barely starting with his movies and all that, but still, he's the only one who has actually made me feel so excited and terrified at the same time. Like actually screaming and keep me horrified for several minutes. I loved Phenomena with Jennifer Connelly. Suspiria seems like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
She looks like Lily Collins 😳
God... the aesthetics... that blue, and those walls... 😍💖
It's actually ballet! 😭😚
The music gives you an actual headache...
Are they trying to drown her!? That diet seems so... lol still... I wish there was a school like that. Minus the bloodbath ofc
lol I like how Susy prefers to sleep before spying on the teachers. I'd be pissed irl because there's nothing better than a mystery but... the movie's making me laugh a little with that. I think they're putting something on her food though.
Okay Susie's definitely taking pills to sleep, you do recognize the signs after a while... I'm surprised I didn't notice before... but Sara keeps shaking her so much it's impossible for her not to be awake unless she's on drugs 😭
Okay... the ending was a bit disappointing. But also good? Still, that makes me like the remake a bit more. Ummm... I think I like both movies now. I'm keeping this on first place because the aesthetics and music. Some parts are dark but nothing big if you're into horror movies. Still... I think I want to watch it again because of the aesthetics. *sigh*
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31. (No title. I'll be watching a movie with a friend 😚💕)
🦇✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🦇
My take: I'm usually a person who likes horror movies. A lot. But... I'm so tired of them RN so I definitely took some horror movies out to make it a bit more light and that's why I ended up watching The Wizard of Oz and Cirque du Freak. And I still ended up hating them lol that's how tired I am. I'm about to puke already. Seriously. Someone please get me something else to watch lololol
I am now looking for the original books of Oz after watching Return to Oz and The Wizard of Oz (which tbh I never saw the original one until now, but several animated ones, and I always found them so creepy I could not even.)
I'm definitely not going to watch horror movies in a while. I'm so done with it. Also, this is why I was struggling so much and couldn't find another movie to make it 31 to the point I almost fall asleep with most of them. I can't feel a thing with most of them. And I love Suspiria. I'm not going to watch anything else after this movie. Not right now at least.
I did enjoy the movie with my friend. I think it's one of the best things. Just because I spent almost 2 hours with that person. That already makes everything 1000% better.
Things that I've learned:
* I hate slashers, unless they're really good or do not have so many gory details. Or it's a bit more "elegant" lol idk how to explain it, except for me liking more Hannibal than a random freak with a knife. You guys get it no?
* My favorite Halloween movies are with ghosts, but I prefer psychological thriller movies.
* I can endure religions on movies but I hate them with passion.
* Monsters are not my thing because they usually are so brainless and so are the people around them trying to kill or run away from them. Use your brain! (This is why I'm a Ravenclaw -.-)
* American zombies suck. They're slow and boring. Please do not mention to me War Z. Korean zombies are awesome and they're the only reason I started watching zombie movies 💀 I like them fast.
* I will root for the brainy and most sassiest person in the room. If this one is killed I will root for the killer.
* I don't think I'll be celebrating Halloween with horror movies next year lol but who knows right?
* The winner of this list would be: Psycho. And in second place I'd be picking Freaky cause I really enjoyed that movie.
* I'm growing less and less fond of Halloween the more time it passes (not the idea itself, death and undead will never scare me but the whole horror show puts me a bit.... off now. I'm starting to understand my own roots a bit more too like being fond of this time of the year because it ends but not because of the horror, ya know what I mean? I'm getting old I think. Or maybe I'm coming back to the person I used to be.)
* Most horror movies and series lack of character development or something that makes it attractive and lets the audience feel compelled to root for them. That's why many people started rooting for the monster. It lacks humanity. They're just bloodbaths. It's boring.
* It took me so many hours to think of my costumes, design something somewhat decent, pull all the pics and watch movies at the same time 😭 🤣 it was fun but I won't be doing this again.
* I love autumn 🍂🍁🍂
* Somehow I'm more in touch with my feelings right now.
* Some movies and series actually made me feel inspired to go back and write!
* I really, really love autumn 🍂 it's just this cozy, nostalgic feeling. I'm trying not to cry whenever I see the sunlight through the leaves. 🍁
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101flavoursofweird · 1 month
1, 2, 12, 14 for the character ask - Janice & Melina (either or both!! I love the movie)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love Janice and Melina, even though we don't see much of them individually or together. Even with their little screen time, you can see how much they care for one another.
I like how truly selfless Janice is... This may seem like a common, boring trait - many characters in PL could be called 'selfless' - but in the Eternal Diva novelisation, Melina makes a point in her narration of how much Janice sacrifices so that Melina can live on through her. 'Self sacrifice' doesn't necessarily mean dying for someone else, like Descole when he saved Luke from Azran lasers. Janice doesn't die (Though, I'm sure she'd try for Melina!), but she did give up her life for Melina for about a year and if Janice had been given the choice, I'm sure she would have let Melina stay forever, while she quietly faded away. In some ways, that would have been worse that death... Would anyone (like Janice's family or friends) have been aware that Janice had disappeared, if Melina had kept acting in her place?
Alternatively, I like how selfish Melina was for a short period of time. Janice voluntarily buries her personality (doubtful whether Whistler told her about the true nature of the Detragon) and practically begs Melina to stay when she's given Melina's memories:
“Do you realise how much I missed you? How much I missed my best friend while you were gone… This isn’t just for you. This is also for me."
So, Melina stays and assumes Janice's life. She can walk, dance, sing, eat ice cream, hug cute dogs - whatever she wants. It's completely understandable, given how ill Melina was, that she'd enjoy this for a little while - and Janice wants her to stay, so what's the problem? It's nice, in a series full of men wanting to resurrect their female loved ones, that we get to see so much of Melina's perspective and she actually wanted this for a while. She never wanted to hurt anyone but she still took over her friend's life for a short time. But then, Melina realises it's wrong, and decides to put a stop to her father's plans.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
For Janice, I love the lesson she goes through about needing to live her own life again. (It's conveyed through such a short scene when the two of them say goodbye, but it's still effective.) For Melina, it's her love of romance and of dogs. I also love how scornful of Descole Melina is in her narration in the novel.
"It was no wonder that you hadn’t noticed, Descole. Someone like you would never understand Janice’s kindness, or the nobility of sacrificing oneself in order to keep others alive."
(Melina is right, in that moment, but I love how Descole later sacrifices himself to save Luke at the sanctuary.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
For Janice, she took some Italian lessons from her friend Carmine in university, and this helps when she sings some operas in Italian. For Melina... She took ballet lessons when she was younger.
14: Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Both of their colour schemes (purple and green) make me think of springtime sorry this is a bad answer
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Aight so we’ve heard what paternal feelings Arthur and Francis have re: their people, but I’m curious to hear your impressions of nations who don’t actually have kids of their own. Gilbert has Ludwig but they’re still very much brothers, not parent/child. Does that change the dynamic? What about, say, Mexico? She doesn’t have kids but family is massively important to her culture. Then you got ones who act like actual children more often than not—USA or Australia would be my first thought.
Idk this is a fascinating thought experiment I’m curious to hear more
!!! Hello you, I haven't seen you in an inbox in a while <3. So I've got a question in the box about this for the young Anglos going to focus on Gilbert, Ludwig and Maria.
Gilbert, before 1918 takes a rather heavy-handed approach to his citizens in many contexts. I have varied wildly with whether Ludwig calls him his brother or Papa throughout my time in this pit. But is it a very paternal relationship in general? Being raised in a militaristic order with the hierarchy of the church and then later becoming what's essentially an army that just happens to be attached to a state made him a man who tries very hard to be both strict and fair. The Prussian education system was the finest in the world for much of the 19th century, with the larger German-speaking world leading the way in medicine, education, chemistry and several other fields. He wants to see his people thrive. He has a certain callousness regarding the lives of men; war is, after all, the endless meatgrinder, and it is what he's best at. But with his women and children, that relationship also exists. Obedience, discipline and loyalty from them correspond to Gilbert's devotion, even-handedness and sense of duty in return.
Ludwig for much of his history in the structure of the Prussian-dominated German Empire, where Gilbert filled the role of pater familas, soldier and usually had the final say; Ludwig filled that more domestic, civilian counterpart. He was and still is very young. He loves trains, he loves cars, he wants all the engineering advancements and is keenly interested in them and their practical applications of improving the quality of life for his people. In addition, he has always been very awkward in artistic spaces (baby gay didn't know why the fuck he liked men's butts so much yet) but is still very interested in the artistic developments of his people. Especially musically. I've always thought of adult Ludwig as having a very pleasant baritone singing voice and a very clear crystalline one as a child. He goes to the film premieres, he goes to the ballet, and he subtly pushes for artistic funding if he feels he can help there.
Maria, in my view, doesn't view herself as much of a maternal figure in the lives of her people. As semi-magical, semi-immortal creatures, they have that slightly uncanny effect. In some nations, people are just comfortable handing their children over to be held. She's one of those. She'll hold babies a bit awkwardly, but she loves them. And due to what she is, people don't comment on her singleness or her lack of an immediate family in Mexico itself. She feels most herself amongst them and usually passes among them without any problem. On the Day of the Dead, she's just another daughter putting flowers on her mother's grave. When the population takes to the streets, she's another protestor in the streets. She speaks Nahuatl She shops and eats in the markets. She has Valencia and Navelina orange trees in her yard. She doesn't mind the local children plucking their share from the branches. She lives and works and loves amongst her people.
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Tag game!
Tagged by @happy-mokka, finally you got me to answer one of those, hope youre proud of yourself 😘
1. Were you named after anyone?
Indeed, I was. I was named after a Dutch actress. But why that is, I have never been able to get out of my parents.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh, I cry regularly. My mental health is not as stable, as i wish it would be.
3. Do you have kids?
Nah, have never really been feeling the idea. But I have a nephew, whom I adore and he says I'm his favorite aunt (it doesn't matter that I'm his only aunt. At least it doesn't matter to me).
4. What sports do you play / have you played?
Until I was a young teen, I did ballet. But I had so many bad experiences with team sports that I stopped with them.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I ooze sarcasm from every pore of my body. Most people who know me are already used to it.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm not really a people person. It takes me ages to actually connect with people. But usually I know from the start if a person has some form of problem and needs help. I'm a problem solver.
7. What's your eye color?
It has been described as a warm brown with a black sun around the pupil.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm up for both. Normally, I'm not the person for sappy things, but from time to time, one needs them to balance the soul.
9. Any talents?
I would say I'm a rather capable cook, and I really like to crochet.
10. Where were you born?
Southern Germany in an area that is mainly known for its cheese.
11. What are your hobbies?
Movies, reading, cooking and baking, crochet, and painting (but I suck at that one)
12. Do you have any pets?
I had cats for a long time, but it seems like I have developed an allergy against them over the past few years.
13. How tall are you?
1,70 m
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music, German and history
15. Dream job?
That changed a lot over the years. Wanted to become a professional oboe player. Wanted to take over my grandmas farm. Wanted to become a chef or confectioner. Now I don't really have a dream job anymore. I work in finance, don't really care for it, but it pays the bills.
So, I'm not gonna tag anyone, but I'm done now.
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fitzrove · 1 year
☕️ + Rudolf Affaire Mayerling’s vs Mayerling Ballet’s depiction of the story!
I still haven't watched the ballet in its entirety so I'm going off of the Wikipedia summary and scattered clips 😳😁
Affaire Mayerling, in my opinion, completely fails in depicting the story in a thoughtful way and there's no good reason for it to exist as a musical except as a cash grab after Elisabeth's success. XD I think the problems mostly lie in
- The show being conceived of as a grand life-changing love story between Rudolf and Mary (historically they only knew each other for a very short time & it was 17yo Mary being basically a fangirl and throwing herself at him & Rudolf being a toxic adult man and seeing nothing wrong with this lol. It feels inappropriate to speculate about historical figures' relationships but I shall just say that I don't think it was a grand love story. I think it was two depressed people making bad choices and enabling each other with no grander agenda than self-destruction.)
- The thematic wonkiness that results from this approach - ie. their "love" is special and super romantic because they take their own lives together. Gross! I can't watch the finale scene because it makes me want to throw things every time. They also added Mary being interested in Rudolf's politics to portray her as more of a girlboss, which is also historically very eh to me (one of Rudolf's main tragedies imo was that so many people dismissed his political views, which made him feel like his life had no meaning).
- Why is Taaffe here LOL. The show tries to shoehorn in some wider political context but I feel like the way it does it is unrealistic & playing into conspiracy theories 😭 This is also why I dislike the song 'Conspiracy' in Elisabeth. There's no solid historical evidence for Rudolf conspiring with Hungarians, especially not to crown himself King of Hungary. Same goes for Taaffe trying to bribe Mary to leave Rudolf. I get that they want to add drama but it gets super iffy when it plays into conspiracy theories (Hungarian nationalist ones in the case of the conspiracy & Mayerling assassination theories re: the Mary thing).
Now for the ballet :D
I think that it's less messy for sure - more female characters whose relationships with Rudolf are rendered in more detail. (Elisabeth is there & more Mizzi & more Stephanie & Mary's unrealistic idolisation of Rudolf is actually shown). It does have historical inaccuracies that annoy me - Mary being introduced to Rudolf soon after he married Stephanie (she was actually 10 years old at the time of Rudolf's wedding...), Rudolf and Steph's marriage being unhappy from the start, and most egregiously, Mizzi betraying Rudolf and running off with Taaffe (???? Slander??? Mizzi Kaspar did not try to single-handedly save Rudolf's life & protect his memory after his death for the rest of her life for this. Also I feel like this is playing into the treacherous courtesan trope).
But I feel like the ballet has more reason to exist than the musical does, and considering that it was made in 1978, it kind of baffles me how it managed to be a more complex and fair portrayal than a musical made in the 2000s. It does still simplify things for the sake of storytelling (a direct confrontation between Rudolf and Taaffe, Rudolf never having positive relationships with any women ever lol), but it doesn't actively play into conspiracy theories in its portrayal of the incident or romanticise Rudolf and Mary's relationship to the same degree. Most Mayerling adaptations (and even most media discourses about the event in stuff like newspapers) do really emphasise the connection between violence and mental illness, and I'm not quite sure where the ballet stands on that... in any case, I'm really happy that Elisabeth exists, because it means there's at least one adaptation where Rudolf's mental illness is portrayed as chiefly hurting him emotionally (and his loved ones, eventually, considering Totenklage).
So yeah, TL;DR - Ballet is better for having more female characters with more complex relationships with Rudolf and less invented political drama. (Oh, the ballet also has Bratfisch, Hoyos and Loscheck gjldkf so I would also consider that a win).
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kamyru · 1 year
Voltage Inc characters as strange things I do (Headcanons)
Jin Namba: Doesn't understand the lyrics of the song until searching for the lyrics. This man can be fluent in as many languages as he wants. However, this is true even for his native language. He can't get the entire meaning of the song until seeing all the lyrics at once.
Hideki Ishigami: Laughs in his sleep. No, Ishigami doesn't sleep talk. It would be okay if he did. However, from time to time, he laughs, not giggles, but hearty laughs. And when MC asks him what's so funny in the morning, he has no idea. Sometimes, he wakes up due to his laugh but still doesn't remember why.
Hyogo Kaga: Doesn't own Winter clothes. He probably does, but he hasn't worn any of them in ages. There's a more chance he will put on two warm t-shirts instead of a jacket. The strangest thing is that his hands are always hot.
Shusuke Soma: Goes for a walk in the middle of the night. He finds it comforting to be alone at night, thinking about his things and getting something random from the convenience store. Sometimes he gets MC with him, and they share deep conversations while walking through the city.
Takaomi Tsugaru: Sleeps under the bed during hot Summers. And if MC asks him why he doesn't use a futon, he will say that the bedframe gives shadow and makes it chillier than a futon. The question that everyone has when seeing him like this is: HOW THE HECK HE FITS IN THERE?
Seiji Goto: Asks MC to hug him while he tries to put the duvet cover on. Do you know when you have your hands on the corners of the cover before putting it on the duvet? That's when he asks MC to hug him because it adds extra softness.
Ayumu Shinonome: Buys chips, Kinder eggs, etc., if they have dinosaurs as prizes. Then, he gets an entire reserve of these. However, he is interested more in the dinos than in the food. Moreover, he can find ways to know what dino he will get without opening the package.
Toru Kurosawa: He watches YouTube videos about food when hungry. Everyone thinks it's pointless, but that's his way of fulfilling his cravings. While doing this, he will say at least twice: "I want to eat cake. I want some barbeque," or whatever he is watching.
Yukihisa Maki: Knows the plot of books/manga/movies without reading or watching them, even if he plans to do it later. He doesn't care about spoilers. He likes the process of reading more than its result.
Shunichiro Tachibana: He can do a strange amount of things due to extracurricular activities in his childhood and teenage years. He probably, plays at least three instruments, can draw, horse-ride, dances ballet, solves math and physics problems for fun, etc.
Jun Araki: Has the most monotonous voice ever. MC or Rei at least once asked him to read smut. Both of them have the recording saved because it sounds like he is reading the Bible. He won't even chuckle at the strange things that happen there.
Toshiaki Kijima: Zones out while making coffee or tea. He's that annoying person who keeps mixing the sugar/coffee in the cup for entire minutes till everyone asks him to stop, just because he zones out while making it. Also, he looks at his already prepared coffee/tea as if it has spawned out of nowhere before starting to drink it.
Toma Kiriya: Listens to sad songs every time. Ask what's his comfort song, and he will probably say something about death/suicide/addiction. When he's happy, he also listens to them. His playlist is enormous. However, less than 15% are joyful.
Nasume Asaoka: Watches the same shows/movies/videos over and over again. It's not as if he doesn't enjoy new things, he does. However, he finds more comfort in watching a funny video from YouTube over and over instead of finding anything new. And there are probably movies that he watches yearly, not getting tired of them.
Ikki Tatsumi: Has to have the coverlet perfectly put on the bed. If he feels or sees any wrinkles, he will get up and ask everyone who stays on the bed to get up and will redo the whole thing.
Ukyo Senkawa: "It's five minutes away," Ukyo says and starts walking at 7 km/h. He can make 30 000 steps a day as if it's nothing. Also, he forgets that not all people can do the same or keep up with him. There are only two ways of catching up with him: run fast after him, or call him to ask him to stop.
Daimon Togo: Can't let himself feel sick if someone feels sicker. He may be on the verge of fainting. Yet, if he sees MC or his family in distress, he will do everything possible to be the "healthiest" one. Even if the world gets blank in front of his eyes, he will be the one to catch MC while fainting.
Kunihiro Kasai: If he is sleepy but has a lot of things to finish, he puts a video or music on and naps like this, sometimes with his laptop on his lap, because he doesn't sleep deep like this and can wake up any moment.
Kuranosuke Kiba: He repairs the things in the house just for fun. Like, what's the worst thing that this can end up with? An even more destroyed thing? So, after years of doing this, Kuranosuke is a master of using a screwdriver.
Eiji Takao: Answers to questions with delay. MC or the twins can come to him and ask: "Did you see the remote control?" And he will be dead silent while writing something on his laptop. Ten minutes later, he will say: "The remote is on the window sill."
Shu Hasunuma: Has the dumbest dreams ever. Everyone close to him knows that all the memes about strange dreams are about him. He was a frying pan, had a pet penis, saved his colleagues from getting eaten by zombies, watched entire inexistent movies, and invented new words and historical events in his dreams (that's a short list of dreams I have had during my life).
Toshiki Kasumi: He knows an incredible amount of strange facts. Hosho will talk about wedding bands, and Kasumi will be like: "Do you know how holly water is made?" He is why the EICU knows what "defenestration" means, that there's a possibility higher than 0 to walk through an intact wall etc.
Munechika Takado: Ignores the messages he doesn't think are worth answering. It's not as if all the messages he ignores aren't worth answering. Sometimes, Takado doesn't have enough time or doesn't know how to continue the conversation. However, if people ask annoying questions, like his sister constantly asking when he comes back home, he will ignore them.
Taro Akuchi: Can't sleep if someone else is awake. He probably can sleep everywhere, but not when the people he cares about (MC and Suzumu) are awake. That's the same when he wakes up. Taro isn't comfortable knowing that he is resting while others aren't.
Suzumu Mado: Talks everyone's ears off about how much he craves something, then doesn't buy it because it's too expensive. The person he is shopping with begs him to indulge his cravings, but he is too stingy for this.
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myriadparacosm · 4 months
Headcanons Siblings Black/Rosier Charmed AU
Sirius, Regulus & Evan, Pandora are half-siblings from Walburga side (read the story if you want to understand why/how) and they all start living together.
They don't look similar - the Rosier's genes are strong but the Black still shines a bit by their eyeshapes and they have inherited the rare gene of blond, white, hair like Narcissa which is rare. Pandora and Evan's skin are not as black as their father's but it's stronger than the pearly white skin of the Black bloodline. You wouldn't think they are siblings.
Sirius is the last one coming into this relationships because Regulus was already friends with Evan & Pandora, so he needs a bit of time to adjust to having 2 new siblings, but he loves it.
Pandora is considered the youngest despite being Evan's twin and works at a rescue animal center, as she studies science (mad scientist vibes) and mostly takes care of the garden in the house. She has a strong fear of butterflies but not moths ('because their arses are not naked' she says) and is the one who deals with insects in the house unless it's butterflies.
Evan is forbidden from dealing with insects since he feeds them to his reptile pet but he takes over the garden for her when there are too many butterflies for her comfort. He likes to sing and make up his own lyrics as he cooks, his main occupation as he tries to find a vocation, and he is the worst driver because he always gets too much into the music. The car has many dents from him and Sirius never plans to let him touch his motorcycle.
Compared to Sirius and Pandora who are always ready to dance, even without music, Evan likes to dance when there is a choregraphy because he feels awkward without one. He can improvise lyrics but dancing? Too many limbs to move. Pandora always creates some choregraphies for his sake and Sirius tells him to simply copy what he does.
Regulus doesn't dance much despite his years of ballet classes, which he enjoyed, except when he is really drunk or comfortable enough. He is also the one who uses all the hot water. In the morning he needs to drink one cup of coffee before becoming somewhat approchable and hates loud noises, which is a bit of a problem sometimes because Pandora likes to wake up with an episode or two of a cartoons or a tv show or she will fall asleep without any good distraction.
Evan is a bit the care-taker and he enjoys it more than he thought but doesn't like it when people mentions it. He studied law and graduated, resulting into a burnout, before he and Pandora decided to leave the family business (Pandora was meant to marry into a rich stuck-up) and they moved in with Regulus. Now he tries to decide what he wants to do with his life.
Their living situation is not perfect because they all have particular habits and it gets worse when almost everyone get boyfriends.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
I know that nathan drake isnt a fighter, his persona has always been surviving crazy situations out of sheer luck. The reference of many of the fight scenes was jackie chans comedy action films ( which was prop heavy, unpredictable and little clumsy) the problem how they went about is it just wasnt good and the choreography just doesnt work. Maybe I phrased it wrong about not being a good action lead, cause I didnt know how to describe that fact that tom felt both miscast and but also perfectly casted. I think he gets the charm, and cheesy humour of nathan drake but I dont think he gets the action right. Spiderman is action sure but tom is casted perfectly for that character and his style that doesnt mean it translates well to all action films or that makes you the right lead for all types of action films.
Tom cruise, a young denzel, bruce willis, jackie chan, wesley snipes , michelle yeoh, harrison ford to name a few like they can do a wide variety of action films and I would consider them action stars, you put them in any action film and they will knock it out of the park. From silly to serious types. Im not dissing tom at all hes definitely got natural charm and I think musicals rom com are his thing and of course spiderman.
Think of ryan reynolds is great in deadpool and the absurdist over the top violence/ action but I cant picture him in doing john wick, big trouble in little china, or bloodsport. Or timothee is good in dunes ( sci fi action) ballet esque intricate call and response knife fights but I cant see him anything outside of that in terms of action. (Timmy also proves just b/c an actors does most of their own stunts and is a lead in action/scifi in this case doesnt automatically make you an action star though hes perfectly casted as paul ngl)
Similarly with tom weve seen him do spiderman (lets not bring up nwh fight choreography with green goblin b/c it was alright and you can clearly see punches not land)but could he do die hard or james bond, mission impossible or police story esque type film Im being honest probs not.
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Okay, fair enough Anon. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree!
BTW, I think you can be an action star for a particular genre of action, but maybe not for others? Just like I don't think Will Smith or Bruce Willis could do Peter Parker/Spider-man action either. It doesn't make them any LESS of an action star.
I would say the same about Tom? Just cuz he might not be a James Bond or Die Hard type, it doesn't mean he's NOT a good action star.
I think there are different genres of action films tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Your last paragraph....
Idk Anon! We haven't seen that yet! We really don't know for sure! Tom might be able to do it! 😁
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gacmediadaily · 7 months
"To be able to see my kids watch it and see what Papa does on the screen, I'm really excited for that," the father of two tells PEOPLE
Nothing feels quite as festive as Paris at Christmas.
In PEOPLE's exclusive debut of Great American Family’s A Paris Christmas Waltz trailer, retired dancer (Matthew Morrison) gets back in the game to pair up with an overworked accountant (Jen Lilley) for a competition in Paris.  “Christmas movies just bring so much joy. I love them,” Morrison, 45, tells PEOPLE. “There's so many of them, and I think there's so many for a reason. You want to have those feelings that it evokes for the holidays.”
Despite being trained in ballet, tap and jazz and dancing on Broadway, Morrison found it challenging learning to ballroom dance for A Paris Christmas Waltz.
“I think it would almost be easier if I didn't know how to dance going into this,” the Glee alum says. “I had to unlearn a lot of stuff that I knew because ballroom and Latin are so different and such different counterpoints and timings and stuff, so it was really challenging to unlearn. But then once I got it, it was such a feeling of accomplishment.” 
Morrison also sings in A Paris Christmas Waltz, but dance “is what moves me,” he says. “To be able to tell stories through movement has always been so special to me and something that I feel very lucky that I'm able to do. I love being a storyteller through that way because I think it can evoke different types of emotions that I don't think you can convey in other arenas.”
Like in the movie, Morrison went on a journey with Lilley, 39, to learn how to dance.
“Jen was not much of a dancer going into this, so that made it very special,” Morrison says. “It was also special just having two weeks of just dance rehearsals before we even started shooting. It really built up the chemistry between her and I and going into it.”
Morrison and Lilley shot A Paris Christmas Waltz in Paris as well as Bucharest, Romania. After filming wrapped, Morrison and his wife Renee Puente embarked on a European vacation. 
The father of son Revel, 6, and daughter Phoenix, 2, admits Christmas festivities have already begun in his house. 
“My son is on one with video games,” Morrison says. “We do not do video games. He has never been introduced to a video game, but he is obsessed with Super Mario, with Minecraft. We did Santa's list a couple mornings ago, and he was naming all these video games, and I was like, ‘Santa makes toys. He doesn't do video games.’ So I had to break the news to him about that he should not expect any video games for Christmas.”
He wants to hold off on putting up the tree for a little bit, though.
"We usually put it up after Thanksgiving, but I think this year we're going to maybe put it up in the next couple weeks," the actor says. "There's never enough time with a Christmas tree. The problem with the Christmas tree though [is], once you put it up, the kids start asking for presents and expecting stuff to be under it."
Morrison plans to make watching A Paris Christmas Waltz part of his family’s holiday celebrations this year. 
“This is one of those that I'm really proud of,” he says. “When you have your own children, it really reignites the [Christmas] experience again in a much deeper, more heart-centered way because you are seeing the wonderment through your children's eyes. That is something that's so special and particularly in a movie like this, to be able to see my kids watch it and see what Papa does on the screen, I'm really excited for that.”
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