#this is such an og army meme
imsadstuff · 10 months
jungkook took this personally
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usnatarchives · 9 months
World War II Aviation Propaganda Posters: When Art Took Flight in the War Zone 🛩
If you think memes dominate the digital age, buckle up! During World War II, aviation propaganda posters were the OG memes, taking the skies and the hearts of people below. The powerful images and slogans displayed on aviation propaganda posters aimed to mobilize, inspire, and boost morale.
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Before Top Gun made flying cool, WWII posters did it first! Many posters targeted potential pilots and ground crew, emphasizing the honor and heroism of joining the air force. The U.S. Army Air Forces, for instance, frequently used images of sleek aircraft, proud pilots, and epic aerial battles to inspire young men to enlist.
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Aviation propaganda was also used to encourage the public to purchase war bonds. These posters linked the success of the air force directly to civilian financial support. A classic example from the U.S. shows an imposing B-17 bomber with the caption "Keep 'Em Flying! Buy War Bonds."
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With many men on the frontlines, women's roles evolved. Posters showcased women building aircraft, highlighting their essential contribution to the war effort. The iconic "Rosie the Riveter" may be the most famous image from this category, but numerous other posters conveyed similar messages.
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World War II aviation propaganda posters were more than mere pieces of art. They were tools used to shape public opinion, motivate enlistment, ensure security, and raise funds. These iconic images not only provide a fascinating glimpse into wartime sentiments but also reflect the broader social, political, and cultural shifts of the era.
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uh-oh-its-bird · 1 year
Fun starwars fic idea;
Countless years after the rise of the empire (the exact number and thus the cast of characters around up to you) an old tablet that used to belong to a clone commander is found. Curious as to what's was on its camera, the finder ends up slowly posting the cache of data online, including the many messages and videos stored on it -- both filmed on it and from the GAR chats it's still connected to.
TLDR; social media fic revolving around the general galaxy reacting to old messages, videos and pictures documenting the daily lives of the clone army, who ofc propaganda has painted to be emotionless droids, the very picture of obedience.
Sprinkle in some fun inside jokes, clone culture, jedi positive relationships and funny GAR pranks and memes, and decades after these brave men were alive, they finally seem to be getting their due.
(And some are left wondering just how exactly it all went so wrong)
Im thinking especially hard about internet sleuths drawing lines between the clones and later reports of where they were the day of the jedi purge. How these videos show Bly's near legendary simping for his Aayla, or Cody and Obi-Wan's pet names and undying loyalty to eachother and how the clones love their jedi and they love them back just as strongly -- only for reports to show the very same killing their loved ones.
I just love a good outsiders POV is all honestly. And I love the idea of not only civilians watching but also stormtroopers too -- who've specifically been taught taught and held up to the supposed standards of perfect obedience that the clones upheld. Depending on what year this is in to, you could have the few surviving clones or jedi seeing these videos and just. Painfully reminiscing.
Imagine someone of the public recognizing a specific clone from the videos, now so much older and possibly still chipped, and the internet just EXPLODING. Or the sudden jedi positive feels and clone/jedi shippers as they watch them be all dumb and domestic between fighting for eachothers lives. The online personality "what clone are you" quizzes and the online Aayla Secura fanclub where their front page declares Bly the founder and OG simp.
Just. Having so many thoughts
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star-going-supernova · 6 months
You wrote a few times about the old animatronics and Vanessa would you mind writing about them and Gregory?
Maybe the new animatronics are jealous over how much time Gregory is spending with them. Or just how the old animatronics admire Gregory for sticking up to good ol SpringB***h and how brave and kind he is.
Gregory deserves an army of animatronics that would kill for him and adore him.
That just reminded me of the meme “I only had __ for a day and a half and if anything happens to him I would kill everyone in this room then myself” lol
We’ve got tumblr generated prompt number 16 here! I got waaaay too into the setup for this, lol, so it’s a bit long. Who am I kidding, a bunch of the ficlets for this round have been longer than usual. And I don’t know why, but when I write the OG bots in SB’s setting, I have a preference for leaving them silent. 
Speedrunning a Family
On that first night, so full of panic and running around and grabbing only what he needed before he could be cornered, Gregory barely spared a second glance at the dusty animatronics packed into a room in the basement. The only real thought he had about them was the hope that they wouldn’t join the hunt as yet more potential threats to his life. And then he forgot about them, and they never did make an appearance, and that was that. 
After, though, after murderers were caught and viruses were removed and injuries healed up, Gregory remembered the four worn-down animatronics. And he got curious. 
He spent a lot of his days and nights in the pizzaplex now that no one was trying to kill him, and his new robot friends were pretty busy during the day, leaving Gregory to entertain himself. 
What could be more entertaining than investigating the animatronics who, he was told, were the very first iterations of the band? 
It was easy as anything, sneaking around places he definitely wasn’t supposed to be. No one, not guest or employee or robot, noticed the boy slipping through supposedly secure doors and down hallways that were off limits to the public. It was barely a challenge at all, even, compared to the absolute STAFF-bot-infested hell the pizzaplex had been on That Night. 
They were right where Gregory remembered they were, a bear, bunny, fox, and chicken tucked away in the shadows, forgotten. 
Almost forgotten. 
He sneezed a few times as he poked around them, and that was hardly stealthy. Being furry instead of smooth plastic and metal made it harder to clean them up, but Gregory was highly motivated and refused to get caught because of a dust bunny. 
They didn’t look so bad once all the dust and grime was wiped away. Clearly well-used, yeah, and with their fair share of dents and tears, but the suits were still fluffy and soft no matter how discolored they were. 
It took more time and effort to find a way to recharge their dead batteries than it did to clean them, but again—highly motivated. Gregory simply refused to back down from a challenge, especially when the reward was so promising. To his luck, all the stuff related to these particular animatronics had been shoved into the same storage room. Once he found the charging cables—much easier to deal with than stations—it was merely a matter of fixing up some exposed wiring and dealing with a bit of rust, but it was only a few days after Gregory initially set out on his quest that he got them all recharging. 
He sat back with a book, stayed close to the door just in case, and waited.
• • •
It seemed fitting, in a way, that Freddy was the first to power up. His head lifted from its slouch forward surprisingly smoothly, his blue eyes flickering a bit before firmly staying on. Gregory watched with bated breath as he looked around. 
In silence, Freddy examined Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy—Gregory had done his research—where they were still limp and shut down. And then he noticed Gregory, sitting on the floor a few feet away. He blinked at Gregory; the snap of his eyelids coming down was audible in the quiet room. 
Unafraid, Gregory waved. He had considered whether he should be on his guard and prepare to shoot up and sprint from the room at the first sign of trouble but ultimately deemed it unnecessary. Even if only because these bots were bulkier than the Glamrocks, and he doubted Freddy would be able to stand quickly. 
After a brief pause, Freddy reached up and tipped his little top hat in greeting. 
Gregory beamed and scooted closer. “I’m Gregory. Do you know where you are?” This was the moment of truth. Were these old animatronics aware the way the Glamrocks were? Or were they no more advanced than the stupid STAFF bots? He crossed his fingers. 
Freddy examined the room at large for a moment, then shook his head. Undeterred by the silence, Gregory inched closer still. 
“It’s storage,” he explained, and Freddy watched him attentively. “We’re in the basement of another pizzeria. Yours is gone—sorry—so I guess you could consider this your retirement.” 
And though Freddy’s mouth didn’t move, deep, echoing laughter came from within him, and he shifted back against the wall in a way that read as getting comfy. 
Oh, they were going to get along just fine.
• • •
The Glamrock animatronics never seemed quite sure what to do with the four old ones. Freddy—Gregory’s Freddy, or maybe, his first Freddy—had said they didn’t talk ever, not even over their internal communications system. Other than some programmed sound bites, like Freddy’s laughter, they relied solely on gestures and body language to communicate. 
And Gregory, as it turned out, found it an easy language to learn. 
He loved all the bots—though not necessarily equally, heh—and that most certainly included the old models. Partly as a joke, given their age, and partly because he couldn’t reasonably go around calling both Freddys by name, he started calling the older one Grandpa Freddy. Then it shortened to just Grandpa, then Pops, and, well, there were two Chicas too, and even with Glamrock Bonnie gone, it would have been confusing, and then Foxy got huffy about it, and at that point, Gregory would have felt bad about leaving him out. 
So that was how he ended up with a father figure in Freddy, assorted aunts and uncles (and grunkle for Foxy because such a crinkly looking word fit best for him, and Foxy liked having a title all of his own) across both generations, and Nana for Chica and Pops. 
Gregory was living the dream: he had literally gone from zero to nearly a dozen family members, and he’d bite anyone who said they couldn’t be his family on account of them being robots. 
It occurred to him at some point that maybe the buried pizzeria had been theirs, so one night, he brought them down. And as they explored the ruins of the building with nostalgic familiarity, Gregory told them about the monster even further below them, the one that had tried very hard to kill him. 
He told them of how he had killed the monster instead. 
Pops fell still as Gregory finished describing the final showdown. He turned slowly from where he stood in front of the broken stage, and his eyes were dim. 
That could mean any number of things. “Pops?” Gregory asked, swinging his feet beneath the wobbly table he’d taken a seat on. “You okay?” 
The others all stayed where they were, watching in silence. He was used to their quiet, but even this felt different. Pops walked up to him, his feet scuffing against the debris littering the floor. 
With a burst of static, a crackly recording played from Pops’s speakers. It wasn’t a sound bite, wasn’t anything Gregory’d ever heard before. It was a proper recording, a memory brought to life. 
It wasn’t much, just a man laughing. But it wasn’t really a happy sort of laugh. 
After a moment, Gregory recognized it. The monster had laughed too, when it seemed that he would succeed in taking over Freddy. 
“Oh,” he said. 
Pops’s body heaved a little, like a great sigh, and then he was reaching out to scoop Gregory up. He was maybe a little below average height-wise for his age—malnutrition did him no favors—but he never felt smaller or lighter than he did when any of the animatronics effortlessly picked him up and cuddled him close to their chest. 
He wondered, as he latched on to Pops’s soft fur, if this was a hug to comfort him or Pops. No good could come from knowing the monster, and if what he’d almost done to Freddy and the others was any indication, Gregory doubted any animatronic who crossed the monster’s path came away better for it. Whatever the four original robots had witnessed or were unwillingly part of, he didn’t know. He didn’t have to know. 
Gregory pressed his forehead to the curve of Pops’s jaw. “I’m here,” he reassured him. “And you’re here, and he’s not. He’s gone.” 
As ever, Pops didn’t respond with words. His hand pressed a little more firmly into Gregory’s back, holding him tight. It felt a bit like agreement and relief and maybe a touch of protective anger that the monster had been a threat to Gregory at all. 
“C’mon,” he muttered. “Let’s get out of here.” 
A hum that was more vibration than sound answered him, and Pops turned to leave the pizzeria without releasing Gregory. He huffed in amusement and rolled his eyes over Pops’s shoulder at the others as if to say can you believe this guy? 
They left the buried building behind, and Gregory got the feeling that they wouldn’t be returning any time soon. 
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
Hot take (granted it’s about a show almost 40 years old but I’ve never seen this come up anywhere else): Muten Roshi, the Kame Sen’nin, is one of the most traumatized characters in Dragon Ball. 
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Yes. This dork.
Wait, wait, hear me out, I know his reputation, but bear with me...
I’m essentially expanding on thoughts I’ve had for a while and started putting into to words through an ask for @dragonballwish​ but I had another epiphany on the subject a few days ago and now it’s all boiling over. 
All right, everyone knows Roshi is the OG Dragon Ball sensei character, the one in the memes about perverted old men, who people probably like to laugh at but maybe not talk about at length. I’m not going to list instances of the sort of behavior that gave him this reputation, IYKYK and all, but what if Roshi had a reason for living isolated in the middle of the ocean, away from people, interacting more with animals and sea creatures than other human beings, who in all likelihood will die long before he does?
No, I’m not accusing Toriyama of doing anything other than his usual MO of flying by the seat of his pants, I’m just saying, the pieces are there for a pretty compelling narrative/character arc.
Roshi’s vague about his personal history. When Dragon Ball gets rolling with the Wuxia elements of the story, he’s iffy about taking on pupils; he primarily makes the initial offer to Goku because he’s Gohan’s grandson. He only takes on Kuririn after the boys bring Lunch back to Kame House for... let’s call it companionship. Despite his choice to live alone, one could infer that he’s actually truly lonely. Hell, his goofy perversions could easily be the result of extended isolation, which all of us know does weird things to the mind.
Wish actually brought up this point; his isolation likely started after seeing the results of his teachings in Ox-King and Son Gohan, one a pillager, a murderer and a hoarder of treasure, the other thankfully not violent but uninterested in interacting much with the world (seems like Gohan also had his own sad story.)
He takes great pains to keep Kuririn and Goku from getting swelled egos; perhaps not only for the sake of their growth, but so as to avoid the mistakes he made with his previous pupils, Son Gohan and Ox-King. 
He’s unfazed by most forms of threat to his life; Goku’s Ozaru form startles him, sure, yet he refuses to kill his student despite clearly being capable of doing so and chooses a far more drastic alternative instead. The Red Ribbon army showing up at his house only get taunts, a chuckle and a beating until someone takes Lunch hostage. Even then, he discourages her more violent persona from killing the soldier who threatened her; his appreciation for the sanctity of life could be part of his own disciplines, but it’s just as likely something shaped by his experiences.
He drops out of the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, despite hints that he could’ve gone to the finals again if he’d continued; he plants seeds of altruism in Tien’s mind to sway him away from Shen’s violence and in his words, foster the growth of a new hero. 
We only learn anything of substance about Roshi’s past when 22nd Budokai arc ends and kicks off the start of the Piccolo Daimao saga. 
And it’s here that we see Roshi well and truly rattled for the first time. 
Roshi fought Piccolo Daimao alongside Mutaito and his fellow students; the battle cost him the lives of his friends and his master. Worst still, Shen, the only other martial artist shown to have survived the fight and the Kuririn to Roshi’s Goku, turned bitter; the last friendship Roshi had became so sour and resentful that neither of them could stand each other. 
When the time comes for Roshi, Tien and Chaozu to confront Piccolo, the old hermit refuses to let anyone else face him; for all he’s lived through, he wouldn’t survive fighting another doomed battle alongside friends.
Toriyama doesn’t show or explain anything else about Roshi’s past, but we can infer that, at some point in the intervening years before Goku’s story begins, Roshi established his reputation as the Kame Sen’nin, while Shen did the same as the Tsuru Sen’nin. 
In contrast to Shen, who garnered his reputation alongside his brother for taking the technique and skills he learned from Mutaito and twisting them for the purposes of torture, pain and assassination, Roshi must have gone to lengths to heal, at least somewhat, from the trauma and survivor’s guilt and grow stronger. Personally, I think to assuage his guilt, he would’ve traveled and helped people (maybe ‘twas in this time when he met and grappled with Korin) as something of a... hero.
I know it might feel like a stretch to see him that way, and I suspect he doesn’t feel much of a hero himself despite the somewhat flashy façade he puts on as Jackie Chun. But consider this fact: 
There was a time when Roshi could ride Kinto’un.
We don’t see it, nor is it explicitly stated (that I can remember) but both Roshi and Turtle are surprised when he falls through the magic cloud instead of landing on it when he passes Kinto’un on to Goku. So something that happened between his Master’s demise and the start of the story we’re shown that robbed his purity of heart, at least by Kinto’un’s definition. 
Again, was this traumatized survivor narrative what Toriyama intended for Roshi? Probably not.
I’m just saying, all the pieces are there.
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Aaand another AU thing because I love your mind. Avengers Endgame but Emma is there because I love your Emma/Tony :D (while I'm writing this I'm having the "Endgame if Emma had a machine gun" meme in my head LOL).
I did not forget about this!
When Tony makes it home from space, his DNA is slightly altered from the chemicals in the other planet's atmosphere. It gives him an elevated healing rate and probably other minor mutations. So he reaches out to Emma. During that time, he also finds out that Pepper's pregnant - they don't stay a couple, just friends who decide to co-parent. When Morgan is born and through her first four-five years, they realize that she never gets a cold or flu, scrapes and cuts heal within hours to a day. So they reach out to Emma again, she brought Hank, and they did the tests and discovered that Morgan indeed has the mutant gene.
Emma spends much of her time at Tony's cabin, helping him and Pepper with Morgan. During this time, Tony and Emma become very close. (Also during this time, because Pepper is still running Stark Industries, and is back and forth, she starts a comfortable relationship with Rhodey, who is far better suited for her and is not now nor ever has been a fucking Skrull.) The Avengers come visit Tony and Morgan, and at one point, Emma informs Thor that Loki is still alive - she picked it up from Carol's brain that Carol had run into Loki while he'd crawled from space into the nearest place where he could heal. She sends some of the mutants with Thor to retrieve Loki and bring him home for the fight with Thanos that she knows will happen once Tony and the others figure out the 'time travel thing'. Emma also promises that mutants will fight with them because some of their number were dusted in the first snap as well. She wants Magneto back with them among others.
Just before the fight comes to the Avengers Compound, Emma has Kurt teleport Morgan to the school where she'll be safe with the other children.
The fight looks just nearly as unwinnable as canon, but Emma's on the battlefield with everyone else, in and out of diamond form, and when she's out, she's able to make Thanos and his army much more vulnerable so that it's easier for the good guys to put them down. Thanos and his people are never able to keep track of where the gauntlet is or who has it because Emma, Loki, and Strange are able to play enough with misdirection, so what WHEN Tony gets a hold of the stones on his own gauntlet, Thanos has no chance. Tony snaps, the good guys win.
Because of Tony's new mutation with the healing, he lives. Emma rallies her own Frost Ltd along with Stark Industries, Rand Enterprises, etc to help financially with all the people returned from the OG Snap. When she reads in Steve's mind that he might stay in the past with Peggy, Emma insists that someone else return all the stones and tells Steve that he needs to realize what a huge family he's got in the present and that he's not a man out of time anymore. After that, when the end of the day comes, and all their efforts of putting things to rights are in effect, Emma and Tony curl up in the cabin with Morgan playing until she falls asleep.
Potential AU Ask.
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Legacy of the Green Ninja” E13: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy!
Be sure to reblog, comment, and/or like, and tell me your thoughts!
- Final appearance of the OG intro! ✅
- Technically the title should be “Rise of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master,” considering that all the ninja are referred to as Spinjitzu masters. Granted, the title of this post is already much longer than it needed to be, so leaving it out kinda does me a favor… except I don’t care soooooo ❌
- Dareth survives this. That’s not a sin because it’s unrealistic, but because I didn’t want him to ❌
- “But I don’t remember my father any other way.” Sure, Garmadon was always an evil warlord bent on destruction, but he still cared deeply about Lloyd, which is a stark contrast from the Overlord that you’d think Lloyd would pick up on. ❌
- “For once, I am afraid there is nothing to learn.” Wu thinks that just because he can’t pull some contrived lesson out of his a*s it means that there is no lesson to be found at all. Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve properly sh*t on Wu for no real reason other than I want him to burn… feels nice to be back in practice ❌
- “And when [the FSM’s] back was up against the wall did he quit? No, he found a way to keep the fight going.” Yeah, by forcing it onto a bunch of kids in the future so he wouldn’t actually have to deal with it. I get that if he couldn’t win, it was the right choice to extend the fight, but you can acknowledge something as being the only viable option while also not treating it as this massive sacrifice because ultimately, he’s the only one that didn’t get hurt ❌
- “He passed his elemental powers onto us - of all people! A bunch of kids! There’s must’ve been a reason he chose us…” I get that the writers didn’t know there’d be more seasons but watching this knowing what we know now about elemental masters… it falls a bit flat ❌
- “And ninja never quit!” He said it guys! He said the line!! ✅
- Also, Kai was the first to float something resembling the “ninja never quit” line back in S1, and I find it adorable that Lloyd listened well enough to actually remember ✅
- But also, Lloyd plagiarizes his brother. Where’s your in text citation, Lloyd? WHERE? ❌
- How did the Falcon know about the mech? ❌
- Not a single one of the ninja puts their sword into their respective slot ❌
- ^(I swear that wasn’t meant to be a s*x joke)
- I get that Garmatron was big, but how the f*ck did it turn into that tall a building??? ❌
- “I can’t wait to see the look on the Overlord’s face when he sees us!” “Is that the look you were hoping for?” “Zane… no.” Well, look who found a sense of humor! ✅
- “I know we’ve always drawn a crowd, but this is ridiculous!” I know early Jay was an a*shole but I still miss him ✅
- “Where’d ya get [elemental blades]? I want one!” Same, Dareth ✅
- You know that meme where it’s like “the final boss when you fight vs. unlocking them as a playable character?” The Stone Army is the embodiment of that meme ❌
- I will never not be emotional over Jay literally pushing Lloyd away and taking the hit for him. ✅
- “No, there’s only one green ninja!” Kai’s character development ✅
- “I have come here to fight you!” Really? D*mn, this whole time I just thought it was game night ❌
- “You don’t even have a sword!” “I don’t need a sword.” AU where Lloyd pulls out a gun
- “Then all I have to say is… goodbye.” ✅✅
- “I am the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master!” Amazing, the triple zoom-ins, the cinematography, the suit change, the line delivery - flawless, spectacular, perf- ✅
- “Where there is light, there will always be shadow!” “Unless my light is bright enough!” Green bean I love you but… that’s not how light works… D*mmit, Wu, this is what happens when you pull kids out of grade school! ❌
- Was the fight itself a bit underwhelming? Yes, it was, but you know what? The drama of it, the music, the cinematography - all of it well makes up for the relative lack of action ✅
- Alas, I have to do me and mention the lack of Lloyd’s character development. S1 (while not perfect) did a good job of giving each ninja a respective arc and episode that made their true potential feel earned, deserved, and personal to each of them, but that feeling just isn’t there for Lloyd. As much as I love over-analyzing, the importance of this scene and what it meant for Lloyd and his character shouldn’t be implied. ❌
- “Should the Overlord decide to show his face around here… we’ll be ready!” “And next time we’ll be a little more humble.” “And a little more wise.” “And with better catchphrases!” Why the f*ck am I crying ✅
- Also, I can guarantee they won’t ❌
- “You think we should dog-pile em?” Yes! “Let’s give them their moment.” D*mmit! ❌
- “Speak for yourself! I’m looking forward to doing a little more inventing, dabble in model-building, little bit of poetry-“ Pilots reference! ✅
- Sure is sad that Ninjago only got two seasons, I mean, doing this for every episode was fun! But I supposed everyone has to move on eventua- wait, what do you mean there’s more seasons? How many? 15 AND A HALF?? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!? YALL IM COLLEGE SEARCHING RIGHT NOW. AM I GONNA BE DOING THESE POSTS WHILE STUDYING FOR MY MAJOR?!? AM I EVER NOT GONNA BE OBSESSED WITH THIS F*CKING SHO-
- Anyways, I’ll see y’all in season 3!
Sentence: Not Final Final Battle
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cwarscars · 10 months
I haven't seen any other Heid's but I LOVE how you play him. You give him a human element....which he is after all. No one was born a tyrant. I love to see that you have given him so much story as well as we don't really get much. I love to see how creative people can be with giving stories to characters. I absolutely love writing with him.
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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OTHER HEIDS? mate, i wish. imagine an army of heids? they'd all be shouting at each other. it'd be GLORIOUS. but thank you lovely; you know how much i adore izzy & your entire way of writing her / the story you've given her & i'm really enjoying / enjoyed the things that we've written together so far. i said it to you not long ago but like, i just equate her with og ff now - like, if i ever made a mod you bet your BOTTOM she'd be there, pottering about beside hojo like his top no.1 highest onlyfans paying simperino (or is the other way around? owo) all in all tho, you're wonderful and i appreciate the kind words <3
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A little show and tell of our server badges! Fun fact i make all of these on Paint on 100x100 canvases haha!
So in order of appearance but not of creation- here are some of our badge
April Fish 2022
This badge was given to all of the Events user on April 1st for participating in the fishification of the server as part of April Fool’s day! It has been an annual occurrence since 2021!
Boba Tea Badge
Given as a joke to some of our users, I made this badge for our users who tried bubble tea! Whether they liked it or not doesn’t really matter lol
Crow Army badge You remember our mishap of last year, where our server owner deleted the OG server? yeahhh This badge was given to honorary member of the crow army. The Crow Army was a small group of users who had in mind to help us gather the users to the New server! They were also given the badge for the meme
Cryptid Chaos Rebrand
Following the Exverno debacle, we somehow managed to shift the entire server to a new name and over time we have built new lore. The Rebrand badge was meant to be given to all the OG server users, the badge exists and is up for grabs for those who saw the rebrand happen. Just ask us if you want it!
Egghunt 2022
This was the first large scale event we made since Exverno! The Egghunt spanned over Easter weekend, where users were sent on a quest on the server and beyond to find various hidden eggs! It was hard to figure out how to ‘’hide’’ the eggs, but the event was pretty fun!
The French Revolution During the OG server’s deletion, a similar group to the Crow Army was made! The French Revolutionist would spam Les Mis lyrics and just overall add a littl french Chaos to their names by writing their names in French and having the French flag everywhere, that also was pretty funny haha
Ridiculous Cosplays In an attempt to reconnect with a specific crowd we made a series of mini prompted events, ridiculous cosplays was one of them! During the event, we prompted user to make closet cosplay plans for fun! Not many users participated but it was very fun, even I cam up with something lol
World Domination As it was customary on the OG server, every once in a while, the server would get taken over by some meme. The crab world domination event was created in honour of Soupy’s birthday. The event was their birthday gift from the moderation team!
Saturn Gets Renamed Again Those of you who know the server might recognize me as Saturn, one of the eldest mods on the team. The users tend to misname me by mistake and so I change my nickname accordingly lol Over time I wanted to highlight this fun detail, and so the Sat gets renamed badge is also up for grabs for those who get the meme lol
And there you have it! This is not all of the badges currently on the server, but it’s some of them. Thank you for reading, see you on the server!
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Ch505: The Fire
kon! long time no see :’)
“burn. i am finally able to express my condolences. choujirou.” the guardian of hell...that turns everything into ashes....
/lies down, eviscerated by the old man yaoi of it all (also the loyalty that reminds me a bit of ikkaku & ken-chan....inch resting...)
CANG!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!
“it’s been over 1000 years. juha bach. i came here...to annihilate you.” DAMN!
Ch506: The Fire 2
wait so this bach is one of the twins, right? so did ken-chan actually dispose of the other one or
“my dad can beat up your dad” - accutron
Ch507: The Fire 3
i see we have reached the era of “trollface comics included at the end of the chapter”
Ch508: Like a Raging Fire
Ch509: Tenchi Kaijin
man this art is so incredible and gorgeous
“you cannot steal something whose limit is unknown” huh
Ch510: The Extinction
so that /was/ the last time he and okikiba talked....oh :(
Ch511: Die Standing
who knows how much of this yamajii backstory is true given that it’s coming from bach...although he and unohana definitely were that kind of person back in the day so it’s perhaps at least somewhere in the middle
Ch512: Everything But The Rain
ahh it’s raining....i’d forgotten that this chapter had this title as well
“i will not last much longer...despite being a captain of one of the gotei 13, i was unable to defeat the foul enemy who invaded seireitei. i let many valuable soldiers die, causing the suffering of their subordinates and families, and in the end i was defeated miserably. i am ashamed of this. on the other hand, you are a human. normally, not only you shouldn’t be involved in all this...you should not even be here now...yet...i’m going to ask you a favor. please forgive this despicable behavior of mine. please...protect soul society, ichigo kurosaki!”
and the ending meme refs his ‘death’....we could not have known. we never could have known.
Ch513: The Dark Moon Stroke
“byakuya, the noble shinigami, entrusted him with his last will!” yeah there was no ambiguity there SHUEISHA
the getsuga tenshou comes out in a shape like the crescent moon huh...that would, i suppose, be the titular “dark moon stroke” (i am slow at these things sometimes ok)
Ch514: Born in the Darkness
telegraphing just as loud as your quincy bedspread in the anime: you, my child, are a quincy. surprise!
ooooh i see....kyoka suigetsu strikes again
Ch515: Relics
isane....unohana....man. we see how tough this is on shunsui, but for unohana--she’d known yamajii longer than anyone, sasakibe probably the same, all their old comrades from back then had died...this is the final order yamajii gave her (& her squad) and she’s holding onto that, and him, for just a little longer...and she probably knows she can’t wait any longer for her rematch with ken-chan, in which she’s going to have to die....and all of this happened within a few days and she is thousands of years old. :(
“-sama” wrow ichigo
and it’s still raining. and rukia doesn’t know about byakkun (did they really reveal he was ~alive~ this soon after? maybe that really long hiatus was between these parts but for some reason i thought it was like....august-september and one of the earlier chaps in this part mentioned it was mid-september on the wsj cover but it was uh. almost 10 years ago and this recap series has demonstrated the faultiness of my memory already)
heh the meme at the back was like “bleach will never end!” and....they were right, but they didn’t know it :’)
Ch516: The Squad Zero
sldfkj is there anyone who /doesn’t/ know about ikkaku’s bankai
Ch517: The Stairway to Heaven
thanks for the earworm kubo
Ch518: The Shooting Star Project (Zero Mix)
og shooting star project (& its remix) were kuukaku.
lol grimmjow pls
kisuke ur right on the money, ofc ichigo will protect everyone
“ganju...he became huge and turned into stone, so im using him to hold the banner” KUUKAKU PLS
and the return of fullbringers huh
Ch519: Hot Hot Heat
so many great ichigo faces...
Ch520: Killers Not Dead
meanwhile, in soul society...!?
“i can see why the king of souls would fall for him” sldkfjs 
Ch521: A Piggy Party
ichigo, to renji: you’re staying on the bottom!
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it’s just like how ichigo looks in orihime-vision....
Ch522: Love It
“mysterious plushie-chan” sldkfj
Ch523: Words of Origin
which is on top? well, sexually, yes, but also who is the king and who is the horse?
speaking of who’s on top...”you’re taciturn, but i like that. because as long as i hear your voice, the only wound i have can’t stop throbbing.” i don’t remember it being this shippy!
Ch524: The Drop
isane and the love letter huh....she /did/ know about the scar, confirmed and all, so...i wonder. and she was confirmed in love with unohana--did unohana know? were they together?
Ch525: Edges*
it’s ‘if i’m admiring i can’t surpass’ all over again huh
Ch526: The Battle
“you’re the only man in the world that could make me happy” as she is impaled on a blank background. good romantic shit.
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yes being impaled on a sword is always romantic but like, the pose here? incredible. lovely.
(also thinking about how her power resembles barragan’s a bit...)
Ch527: Eliminate From Heaven
“you have enemies to fight...friends to argue with (byakuya, ichigo, and...renji apparently?)”
“the one that’s been watching” huh...well. yes i suppose.
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ultragamerz · 15 days
2024 The Wild World of Meme Coins: A Look at 12 Popular Tokens
New Post has been published on https://www.ultragamerz.com/2024-the-wild-world-of-meme-coins-a-look-at-12-popular-tokens/
2024 The Wild World of Meme Coins: A Look at 12 Popular Tokens
The Wild World of Meme Coins: A Look at 12 Popular Tokens
The cryptocurrency market can be a serious business, but there’s also a lighter side fueled by internet humor and virality. Enter meme coins – cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes and online jokes. While they may lack the perceived utility of other crypto projects, meme coins can experience explosive growth thanks to community hype and social media trends. Let’s take a deep dive into 12 of the most popular meme coins, exploring their origins, functionalities, and potential:
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Which one will you Buy during this dip?<a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24DOGE&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$DOGE</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24FLOKI&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$FLOKI</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24SLERF&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$SLERF</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24DUKO&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$DUKO</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24MFER&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$MFER</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24PENG&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$PENG</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24BOME&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$BOME</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24CANDLE&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$CANDLE</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24TROLL&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$TROLL</a><a href=”https://twitter.com/search?q=%24MUMU&src=ctag&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>$MUMU</a></p>— Elon Musk (Parody) (@ElonMuskPDA) <a href=”https://twitter.com/ElonMuskPDA/status/1783102815017308291?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>April 24, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>
1. Dogecoin (DOGE) – The OG Doggo Coin (https://dogecoin.com/) Dogecoin, the granddaddy of meme coins, features the iconic Shiba Inu dog from the “Doge” meme. Launched in 2013 as a joke by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, Dogecoin gained mainstream popularity with tweets from Elon Musk and garnered a passionate community known as the “Doge Army.” DOGE has limited functionality beyond being a medium of exchange, but its cultural significance and strong community backing have fueled its success.
2. Floki Inu (FLOKI) – Taking Over for Doge? (https://floki.com/) Capitalizing on the Shiba Inu theme, Floki Inu claims to be the “son of Doge” and has gained traction with its association with Elon Musk’s dog of the same name. FLOKI aims to be more than just a meme coin, offering features like an NFT marketplace, a play-to-earn game, and a charitable arm. However, its long-term success hinges on the execution of its development roadmap and maintaining community interest.
3. Slurp ($SLERF) – All About the Memes (https://blockworks.co/) Slurp embraces the meme culture with a constantly evolving mascot, often featuring internet-famous characters and references. The project prioritizes fun and community engagement, hosting regular contests and giveaways. SLERF has limited real-world use cases beyond being a community token, but its focus on fun and lightheartedness could attract users seeking a more light-hearted crypto experience.
4. Ducky Inu (DUKO) – Quacking its Way into Crypto (https://www.duckychannel.com.tw/) DUKO features a cute duck character and aims to provide a fun and easy entry point for new crypto users. The project offers a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a staking platform within the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. However, DUKO faces stiff competition from established DEX platforms, and its long-term success relies on attracting and retaining a loyal user base.
5. Mothership (MFER) – Bringing the Memes to DeFi (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mothership/) MFER takes a different approach, utilizing the “Mfers” meme within a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem. The MFER token grants access to a platform offering various DeFi features like staking, governance, and potential future NFT integration. While the project holds promise for DeFi enthusiasts, its success hinges on attracting users who value both the meme aspect and the DeFi functionalities.
6. Penguin Finance (PENG) – Waddling into the Market (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/penguincoin-old/) PENG features a penguin mascot and focuses on building a decentralized exchange (DEX) within the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. Unlike some meme coins with limited functionality, PENG offers a real-world use case for users seeking alternative trading platforms. However, the success of PENG relies heavily on the overall adoption and liquidity of its DEX platform.
7. Bombshell (BOME) – Making a Big Bang (https://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-blockchain-hacking-arrests-93a4cb29)
BOME utilizes a sexy anime character as its mascot and aims to create a fun and engaging community around its token. The project has plans for an NFT marketplace, a play-to-earn game, and its own anime series. However, BOME faces criticism for its reliance on a potentially exclusionary mascot and the ambitiousness of its development roadmap.
8. Candle (CANDLE) – Burning Bright in the Memeverse (https://www.candlestick.io/)
CANDLE features a simple candle chart as its logo and focuses on building a sustainable meme coin through a deflationary token model. A portion of every transaction is burned, reducing the total supply of CANDLE tokens over time, which some believe can increase its value. However, the effectiveness of this model in a volatile market like meme coins remains to be seen.
9. TrollCoin (TROLL) – Feeding the Online Antics (https://www.coinbase.com/price/trollcoin)
TROLL uses the “trolling” meme as its inspiration and aims to create a fun and engaging community for internet pranksters. The project has limited real-world use cases beyond being a community token, but its focus on humor and lightheartedness could resonate with users seeking a more playful crypto experience.
10. Mumu the Bull (MUMU) – A Bovine Take on Meme Coins
Mumu the Bull (MUMU) takes a unique approach to the meme coin space by featuring a bullish character instead of the more common dog theme. Inspired by the “Mumu the Bull” meme, popular within the crypto community as a symbol of bullish market sentiment, MUMU aims to capitalize on this positive association.
The project has plans for a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a yield-generating mechanism for MUMU holders. However, the long-term success of Mumu the Bull hinges on the execution of its development roadmap and attracting users who see value in its specific meme and its functionalities.
11. Hege Coin (HEGE) – Inspired by a Controversial Figure (https://coinmarketcap.com/dexscan/solana/CJcu7ciRHBHu4BDnpLgAUm1A6iSp9RuhJMG36rjjrxnd/)
HEGE is a more controversial meme coin, inspired by a historical figure. While the inspiration can be a source of community engagement, it can also raise ethical concerns and potentially limit its mainstream appeal. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research on the project’s background and community before investing in HEGE.
12. MongCoin (MONG) – Bringing Memes to the Real World (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mongcoin/)
MONG aims to bridge the gap between the meme coin world and real-world applications, focusing on charity and social good. The project partners with various charities and donates a portion of its transaction fees to support them. MONG offers a unique approach within the meme coin space, potentially attracting investors seeking to combine meme culture with social impact.
Important Note: Meme coins are inherently risky investments due to their high volatility and lack of underlying utility. Always conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency, and consider your risk tolerance. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.
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borahaejenn · 2 years
This is the original OG ICONIC MEME
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This one is for Jin lol because one does not simply do an EAT JIN unless you are Seokjin lol 
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
Shawn's new VMAN and GQ shoots are so good..... ....do y'all think Benito?-
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lazyliars · 3 years
Before I get into it, I want to state that is EXPLICITLY an analysis of the Characters, and is not intended to touch on how the cc’s played them in a meta sense unless specifically stated otherwise.
Also, this is technically a part two to my other post, which took a more in depth look at Techno and Phil’s reactions to Tommy’s death. It’s not necessary when reading this post, but I don’t address their reactions here.
So. The question must be asked.
Are we [the Syndicate] the baddies?
The End.
 Why are the Syndicate the baddies?
They got damn logo is a wither skull.
The End.
That's not how this works.
Yeah, yeah. You’re right.
The Syndicate's goals as an organization are not inherently bad. They seem to have good intentions behind them, and the focus on the freedom of it's individual group members is important to remember when talking about it; It is not a government. There is no hierarchical power system. No one is forced to do anything against their will, or surrender any of their rights or power to remain a member. It is not a government.
I also want to address Techno and Phil backing Ranboo into a corner – I see them getting a lot of flack for this, but I personally do not think it is relevant to the greater discussion, or necessarily representative of any contradictions within the organization. It was clearly played for laughs, and after they back off they clarify to Ranboo that they won't force him. Then later when Phil and Ranboo are alone, Ranboo feels safe enough to express that he felt like he was pressured into it, and Phil assures him he is allowed to leave whenever he wants; He is not being forced to do anything, and he is not being coerced or blackmailed.
None of the Syndicate members have done any wrongs against each other in the context of the Syndicate, OR gone against any of the Syndicate's core principles.
That, said, holy shit are they the baddies.
Listen, there's trying to telegraph a meaning or message to the audience and then there's having your logo be wither skulls on blackstone. That is straight out of the skit I keep referencing, seriously.
Okay, but, they laughed at it! It was played as a joke, just like the Ranboo thing!
The Ranboo thing was improv, the Syndicate's headquarters were planned – the artistic choices that they made reflect on what role they want the build and the organization inhabiting it to play in the future storylines.
Wither Skulls kind of have some CONNOTATIONS. Techno is an English major, I don't think he chose the most threatening imagery possible on accident, and then joked about the way people would interpret it just to stir the pot. This reads as hugely intentional.
And beyond that, the jokes they make during this part aren't “haha yeah, we look bad but we're actually good!” they're “you can tell by looking at these that we're the good guys wink wink, this is good guy stuff right here :)” It is a joke about how they are definitely not the good guys. This isn't even a case of unreliable narrators, this is one step down from flat out saying the meta intent.
But okay, I hear you, I'm talking about things that haven't happened yet. The Syndicate hasn't used any Withers, they could be an aesthetic choice.  Lets look at what they do in practice.
So, they barge into private property, assess Snowchester's right to continue existing based entirely on their own ideals of what Freedom is, and then only once Tubbo assures them that they have no standing leader do they grant the place their approval to, and I gotta stress this part, continue existing.
 In my Quackity meta, I already talked about how Government in the context of a M1necraft RP cannot be compared to IRL Governments on a one-to-one scale. They don't serve the same purposes or have the same type of power. What I didn't talk about was Agency in the context of m1necraft governments.
In an irl government, if you are born into one, you can't really leave without committing a massive overhaul on your life, which can be expensive and difficult, if not impossible for many people. Even in a “benevolent” government, the simple physicality of where you were born can prevent you from leaving it easily.
The same hurdles do not exist in the Dream SMP. People who join M1necraft governments choose to. They want to, either at the beginning when they form one, or later on when they join up. So far, no Government has just Sprung Up and forced the current residents of an area to become dependent on them, except maybe the Eggpire, who's status as a government is... shakey.
And even when people want to leave or separate from the government, they have been historically able to do so without any trouble or any effort from said governments to stop them. Jack Manifold emancipated from Manberg. Fundy and Quackity both left to start new nations. In all cases they were allowed to do so without any attempts on the part of the governments to stop them, either through force, or institutions preventing them from doing so.
The most anyone has lost when leaving a government is their house, which is still usually their property anyway, and is something that is easily rebuilt elsewhere and is inconvenient to move anyway.
The only exceptions to this might be Schlatt exiling Wilbur and Tommy - but even then, they weren’t trying to leave, they were trying to get back in, and of course the original L’manberg revolution, where Dream attempted to force L’manberg back into the Dream SMP, which wasn’t even a government at that point in time.
I don’t consider Phil’s house arrest an example of a government forcing someone to stay a citizen - that was treated less as a matter of a citizen wanting to leave the country and more as a threat to national security. Still pretty fucked up, but it’s a different issue.
What I'm saying is, If Tubbo wants to create a government out in the middle of nowhere, threatening no one, forcing no one to join either through force or desperation, and allowing people to join willingly because they want to, then he should be allowed to do that.
The Irony of the Syndicate, a group of people consisting of some of the richest, strongest people on the server, going around and enforcing 'Freedom' that entails no one person having more power than any other, is absurd. 
It shows an extreme lack of self-awareness and/or self-righteousness, as they seem to think that they deserve to be the ones who decide what constitutes a government.
Snowchester is a small independent nation - they shouldn’t have to live in fear of being obliterated if they don’t walk on eggshells to meet an arbitrary standard decided by people who’s only authority on the matter COMES FROM THEIR PERSONAL POWER. No one elected them! No one chose them! They were not “approved” by the server at large to enact this kind of law.
The Syndicate are not a government, but they are an unsupervised power structure exerting their ideals on a land that did not ask for them. Like, These people have invented an actual Authoritarian-Anarchist faction. How the hell did they manage this?????
Back on topic.
Tubbo shows them the crater left by his nukes. The reaction is oddly positive – the nukes are fine by the morals of the Syndicate, apparently. I'd argue that they come across as more impressed than anything else; they seem to respect Tubbo for having gotten ahold of “real” power.
(There's a few good memes out there about “We can excuse nuclear weaponry, but we draw the line at Government!”)
So. By the Syndicate's standards: A single person or group of acceptably equal persons with weapons of mass-destruction are only worth “keeping an eye on” because they might provoke other people.
Like, I consider Project Dreamcatcher to be one of, if not the most morally ambiguous thing Tubbo has ever done, largely because it was all on his own initiative. He holds some culpability for The Butcher Army and Phil's house arrest, but they weren't his ideas and he was mostly following Quackity at that point.
“Looks like you've reformed a little bit Tubbo, I'm proud.”
And it's fine. Crimes against nature? Fine. A sign of healing in fact!! Tubbo is having a sweeeelll time and he definitely didn't make these nukes specifically in fear of being attacked by these exact people! Tubbo is doing great. Tubbo is doing fine. Tubbo. is. FINE.
I don't think this presentation of the Syndicate was an accident. Looking at the greater lore of SMP right now, after the Egg is done, their list of enemies is slim, and considering that they seem solely invested in taking down governments, that leaves maybe Snowchester, Kinoko Kingdom, and Eret and the greater Dream SMP.
Snowchester has not been shown to be corrupt, evil, or have any intent to go down that route. The most ambiguous thing they've done is, again, is the nukes. Other than that, it's pretty much your average cottagecore snow village.
Kinoko is presented in an even more morally 'good' light, Karl having founded it specifically for his Time-travel library purposes, which are currently being treated by the narrative as a selfless act, if not downright heroic.
Eret is also a fairly 'good' aligned character atm. He's been on that redemption grind since the og betrayal, and doesn't seem keen on backtracking. He's actively tried to leverage his position as king to make things better, and hasn't been quiet about that. He was also 'validated' by Tommy*, a character who has been described both by his allies and enemies as “the hero,” so take that as you will.
What I'm getting at is, all of the current potential enemies for the Syndicate aside from the Egg, are currently being cast as 'good,' and if they were to be attacked, they would undoubtedly have the moral high-ground, unless something drastically changed.
The only potential shakeups I can think of is are a Dream escape and/or a Wilbur revival, both of which could draw the Syndicate's attention and ire, depending on how things go. That said, it's just as likely that either or both of them would join the Syndicate – Dream still has that favor, and Phil and Techno both seemed to think Wilbur would've agreed with their blowing up L'manberg.
Both of those characters are currently **villains – the fact that they're both prime candidates for the Syndicate is a huge indication of the direction it's going to go as the plot moves forward.
((*I know some people are gonna come at me for painting Tommy as the “deciding factor” of what is morally good, so lemme just stop you there. I'm not talking about Tommy somehow having the 'right' to decide who is and isn't good, and definitely not the right to decide who should and shouldn't be king. I'm saying that Tommy, a character who the narrative treats as, if not a good person, then a person who is trying to be good, was in support of Eret, a character who has also been trying to be good.
Eret doesn't gain the moral highground because Tommy said so, he gets it because a character who the narrative treats as trying to do better, acknowledged Eret's earnest attempts at doing the same.
**I'm referring to Wilbur here as a villain because Tommy seemed convinced he would be if he were to be brought back. There is always the possibility that he's wrong.))
So, to summarize this: I read the Syndicate as being intentionally positioned as future antagonists, if not outright villains of a future arc. They are NOT a Government but their goals are contradictory with their means, and it is important to keep in mind that they plan to enforce their own brand of freedom on people who did not grant them either the authority or permission to do so.
So, uh. Can you tell I loved these streams? They were seriously so good. I kept switching between Ranboo and Techno's POV's trying to keep up with everything. I still have to watch Niki's!
All in all, I'm super, super excited for whats coming next, egg stuff, Syndicate stuff, Tommy stuff, all of it.
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nunchiimagines · 3 years
OT7 Request
You And Your Girl Group Do An Interview With BTS
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Requested By: @saltyrebelgiantprune​
Request: OT7 request where u and your girl group do a interview with the boys and it’s all cute and fluff ( sorry if it’s not enough details or it doesn’t make sense 😓 I never done a request before) and thank you for time 💜
— Pairing: BTS x Reader
— Genre: Fluff
— Word Count: 2.2k
— Warnings: slight crack? maybe?
Here’s request number 4! Enjoy!
You and your group were preparing for one of the most exciting collaborations you’d ever done; a one-on-one interview with none other than BTS located in Seoul, South Korea. VIP was the name of your three person group, each letter having a significance to each member. Your fanbase name was called the OG’s, affectionately as a collective being known as “VIPOG”. Luckily, this relationship had only grown exponentially going worldwide and internationally.
Sense starting out, you guys were pretty small, trying to get by as best you could by staying true to yourselves and passionate about your art. There was Bomi, the oldest, the leader, and the rapper in the group. She’s a korean-american who was looking to fulfill her dream in the american music industry as a soloist after having integrated to the states at the age of 7. It wasn't until her manager pitched the idea of forming a group that she had changed her mind on going solo. Next was Monroe, the lead dancer and main visual. She’s an afro-latina from Brazil. Her love for dance awarded her opportunities to travel to all over the world and spend time with some amazing professionals. She was allowed to dance to many types of forms and routines, allowing for her to construct her own style in the process. Her and Bomi met first. Lastly, was you, the main vocalist and instrument player, as well as the youngest. You met them last, the two of them fawning over you like you were their little sister.
As you guys began to get more popular in the states, your recognition went worldwide when you performed for the BBMA’s, nabbed exclusive interviews, won a few awards, and even went on James Corden. It was his talk show that you admitted that much of your inspiration came from Asia, specifically the Korean music industry. It was also there that you happily, yet shyly, admitted your admiration and love for BTS sense you were in high school. That really got your name specifically spread as ARMY and OG’s thought your deep rooted respect was something they wished more westerners portrayed for foreign acts of all kinds.
So of course, people begged for you guys to be able to hopefully one day meet BTS and finally have the well deserved conversation you had only dreamed of. But it never seemed to work out in your favor. Your groups had either missed each other by just a few minutes or were forced to be put on opposites of the venue for award shows. It felt like fate was keeping you guys apart and it allowed for a few memes and fan made videos to circulate around touching base on the topic.
Even K-ARMY’s took notice and begged Big Hit to fly you all over to Korea so they could meet the guys. Of course all of this was so much easier said than done, as schedules are pretty important and take up a majority of yours and there day. Not to mention you guys being stationed in America and them being stationed in Korea. So when the time finally came where you guys were offered the opportunity to perform at Seoul Olympic Stadium, you were excited for more than a few reasons.
That same night you three were offered the opportunity to perform, your manager also showed you guys a pre-recorded clip of Bang Si-Hyuk offering an exclusive collaborative interview with you all and BTS. You all were excited, but not as much as you in particular. You cried like a baby, unsure if such words were truly being offered to you. Bomi and Monroe laughed at how happy you were and teased you in the process. You’d looked up to them for so long and now you were given the opportunity to not only meet, but sit down and speak with them personally. So that’s how we got to our current position.
“Wow, you look so pretty Y/n.” Monroe teased.
“Did you get extra dolled up for someone in particular?” she continued with a giggle.
Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment, hoping that your extra efforts to look nice weren’t so obvious.
“I..no..I just..wanted to look nice.” you meekly retorted, knowing full well she caught you red handed.
Monroe laughed, finding your innocence endearing and so very much like you when you get shy.
“Monnie, stop teasing her!” Bomi chided.
“Listen Y/n, you look beautiful. You could’ve gone barefaced and still looked gorgeous to them.” she genuinely smiled.
You froze at that. Despite her kindness, you knew she was teasing you too.
“Hey! I...I just don’t want to look bad is all. I’m not doing this to satisfy them...or anything. I just wanted to look good and that was that. This is a big deal for me so I want to look my best!” you retorted.
Both women laughed, knowing you had a slight crush on all of them for different reasons. They were charming in their own right, somehow making it hard for you to be particularly fond of one over the other. They knew this and they knew your intentions were pure at heart as well. But sometimes they couldn’t help that their adorable little sister gets all fangirly when she had gone so long ignoring the longing gazes of previous suitors.
You’ve always been a bit of a shy flower, never really looking to date due to your career being so important to you. So when guys had gone out of their way to show interest in you, you were either oblivious, not interested, or played dumb. Bomi and Monroe understood exactly where you were coming from, having a similar mindset as well. However, they also knew that your heart had only ever been fond of 7 particular individuals and no one could ever come close to the special place they held in your heart.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jimin held his phone in his hand, smiling happily at the familiar interview of you being on James Corden. The way you shyly explained your interests and then got excited when you elaborated on how much you looked up to BTS warmed his heart. It was cute, charming, endearing even. You were like an adorable little kid who couldn’t wait to tell their parents about their day. No wonder ARMY’s fell in love with you so quickly. Even Corden must've found it sweet as he lightly teased you causing you to apologize for being so overbearing.
“Ahhh~ so cute!” Jimin chuckled.
“Is that the interview with VIP?” Namjoon asked.
“Yeah, they’re so amazing but this one,” Jimin said pointing to you.
“She’s so cute! I can’t stop smiling.”
Namjoon took a closer look and immediately grew a fond smile.
“Ha, yeah that’s Y/n. She’s really sweet. Very talented too.”
“I can’t wait to meet her in particular! She kinda reminds me of Jungkook a bit. Ya know, when he was all shy when talking about himself? I wonder if all my questions will be able to get translated to them without it being too much.” Jimin added.
“You know they all speak Korean, right?” Namjoon asked, going on about his original task.
“What? Really?”
At this moment Jungkook and Taehyung walked into the area, only having heard a brief part of the conversation.
“Who speaks what now?” Jungkook asked out of curiosity.
“All of VIP speak Korean!” Jimin repeated.
Jungkook and Taehyung widened their eyes in disbelief.
“Wait, isn’t Bomi Korean?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah, the other two aren’t.” Namjoon said.
“Monroe studied in Korea for a short period of time, she was required to learn the language. Y/n, on the other hand, taught herself due to money constraints.” he clarified.
“Woah, that’s awesome!” Taehyung complemented.
“So that means...we can speak without translators then? To westerners? Has that ever happened before?” Jungkook asked with surprise and amazement.
“For the most part.” Yoongi chimed in out of the blue, an iced americano in one hand and his phone in the other.
“They’ll be a translator there just in case.” he added before yawning tiredly.
“Typically there’s a translator so this will be a bit different from most of our other interviews.” Jin said.
“Well this’ll be exciting!” Hoseok exclaimed happily.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When you and your group entered the building used for the interview today, your excitement skyrocketed through the roof. You rode the elevator up to the 7th floor, met with some of Big Hit’s staff, and were guided to a dressing room to do touch ups. When they had announced that you were ready to go on set, you three made your way out there until Namjoon announced the special guest for tonight's interview. When you made your way in front of the cameras you all exchanged respectful bows and formal greetings.
The interview went underway and in a manner I don't think any of you would’ve expected. For the fans it was like watching a Run episode. It started off like a normal introductory interview from both sides; talks on process, inspiration, what to do when dealing with burnout, and even good mental and physical routines to get back into the spirit of everything. Of course there was an awkward air of uncomfortability but that all changed when Jimin decided to speak to you.
“So Y/n, I saw that you taught yourself Korean. That’s honestly pretty amazing. It’s not an easy language to learn by yourself.” Jimin complimented.
“You’re actually really good at it! I would’ve assumed you grew up here based on your pronunciation.” Hoseok added.
“Oh! Hahaha, thank you. It wasn’t easy at first, if I’m being completely honest. It was fun though, and I learned a lot about the culture just from the language alone!” you said bashfully.
“She was inspired by RM actually.” Monroe slyly threw out.
“Yep. She had always wanted to learn another language, torn between Japanese and Korean I think? Anyway, when she found out that you learned english through your own means she wanted to do the same!” Bomi stated proudly.
“It really lit a fire under her when she saw how hard the rest of you did english despite your hectic schedules! Even if those times were brief, you guys still did well speaking english and so many other languages depending on the country you went to!” Monroe added.
“Ah~! Remember when got excited when she spoke her first full conversation!” Bomie asked.
“Or when she managed to translate the first 15 minutes of Suga’s Vlive?” Monroe laughed.
This went on for quite some time, the two content on spilling your embarrassment to the guys. It made everyone in the room laugh, Jimin and Hoseok falling out of their chairs from laughing so hard. This escalated the ambience of the room, everyone feeling much more comfortable with one another. That was when the staff thought it would be fun to have you guys play games. One in particular was a memory game.
The objective was for both sides to try and remember facts about the other based on the introductory interviews in the beginning.
“Weren't you born in South America?” Jungkook asked.
“You’re definitely getting warmer!” Monroe encouraged.
“Wasn’t it Brazil?” Jin asked.
“Pretty sure she said Argentina.” Taehyung corrected.
“She did not say Argentina!” Jin shouted, making everyone laugh.
“Yoongi has a fondness for tangerines.” you proudly voiced.
“Tangerines, oranges, or mandarins?” Bomi questioned for clarity.
“Does it matter, they’re all the same.” Monroe laughed.
“No they’re not!” both you and Bomi shouted at the same.
“How so?!” Monroe barked back.
“Tangerines are definitely more sweet.” Namjoon said.
“Oranges are a bit more tart to me.” Jungkook added.
“Wait…” Bomi announced, unintentionally quieting the room.
“What if it’s clementines instead?” she asked.
Both Monroe and you went silent.
“I mean-”
“Are you kidding me?! Why does it matter! They know what we mean!” Monroe laughed, cutting you off out of frustration.
This playful banter and uplifting aura stayed this way the entire length of the broadcast. In fact, you all were having so much fun that you lost track of time in the process, looks of disappointment from both sides when the time was up. The fans went crazy for the fun and lively show, it having tended number 1 on naver and twitter for a bit. Pictures, memes, video edits, and even articles circulated the internet about how refreshing and encouraging it was to see two different cultures come together and enjoy one another’s company.
When the cameras had turned off and you guys were on the cusp of separating, your group was offered an unexpected extension to spending more time with them.
“Would you guys like to go to dinner?” Namjoon asked happily.
“Of course! Today was really fun! We’d love to get to know you all a bit better behind the scenes as well.” Jin agreed happily.
‘I don’t see why not. We’re free for the rest of the day!” Bomi said with a small smile.
“Plus,” Monroe said wrapping her arm around your shoulder and tugging you close to her.
“This one here would be more than happy to get to know you all a bit better. Wouldn’t you?” she teased openly.
Your face reddened considerably as knowing smiles and find laughs echoed throughout the room. This was only the beginning of an unexpected friendship that would last a lifetime.
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randomnameless · 2 years
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So, bar Seliph, I’m sure no one will make the cut, but for fun!
Elincia : Best Lord - I know she’s most likely going to get a Legenday alt one day, but even so I love her.
Nyna : it became a meme now, but she will never be added (or in a duo with turban Hardin for the Love festival, for maximum salt) - but the OG princess who had to choose between two shitty situations, and no matter what choice she’d have made, Archnea was bound to be doomed ?
Honestly there’s so much to say about Nyna, but no one cares at IS, and it makes me sad.
Best mom : Bravest mom
Amalda : Novelty here, but with all those “uwu sad to kill a character i had tea time with”, Amalda, in a certain route, would encompass all of that “uwu” with 4 lines but 45 actions - Amalda might be a random serving under Oldvis’s army, she’s still a general who will defend a village from brigands, a general who was demoted to random gatekeeper in the B route because she criticised her leader and a leader to her troops.
And she never shies away from the actions she committed during her time in the Empire, wanting to atone for the rest of her life (if she lives) or being fine with dying, because she thinks she’s a above everything, a murderer. So if Amalda has only 1 vote, know that it comes from here.
Rhea : Yes she has the festive!lady alt and her “Seiros the Warrior” alt, and will eventually get her normal version in the game, but if this is a popularity contest, then I like that lizard lady, and to be honest? Hope FEH will add her in, to get more lore about her because FE16 didn’t deliver on this point.
Seliph : the only “useful vote” here, but I like Seliph, and I’d like to see what they’re going to do with his B!alt. Maybe he could be a swordmaster like Shanan, or a shaman like his sister and mom or have a duo unit with his sibs
Saias : only to get a red eyes Saias  This loser is why this blog started, and while I’d love a new art closer to hirota plz Saias will, to me, forever be the biggest nerve wrecking dastard in, at least, FE5. See all the flak Rhea receives for being too passive? Here you have this guy, who knows “more than anyone else” what is going on with his lil’bro, but still heals him from the flu, and does no proactive action to, hm, rescue children or mitigate the crap Julius is doing. In a game where Amalda protects villages, Saias only helping people when asked to stings.
I love him.
I might have voted Galzus too - even if he will eventually be released in an upcoming FE5 banner - only to see what kind of AU the FEH devs might have given us, an AU where Galzus wasn’t kicked away from Isaach and rules with Shannan, or an AU where Galzus is the Isaachian King? (part of this vote might also fuel my Isaachian salt, where Ayra, Larcei and Shanan have their regnal astra nonsense - Larcei even getting an axe alt ! - when Mareeta should have shared it bcs fluke or not she’s also part of Isaach’s royal fam)
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