#this is the only time i'm gonna use this tag i think. all other fonts have been ripped
splatoongamefiles · 4 months
would it be possible to get the font file that appears in the title reveal here? thanks!!
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i found the font but unfortunately it doesnt have any letters that dont appear in any of the languages
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it's also got some deeply messed up spacing, instead of having set bearings, most letters have 0 spacing and everything is done with kerning pairs
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This font is basically unusable. but i know how to rip fonts now!
here's raw (converted) font file
and an edit where all letters are equally spaced with no kerning pairs
if anyone wants to make this an actual font be my guest. i will love you forever
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fabbyf1 · 11 days
I’m not sure of this is how to go about this correctly.
I’m not sure what your position is on others drawing inspiration/directly from your incredible fan fiction writing but, on Ao3 there is a fic called ❤️lestappen- One shorts💙 by lestapeeen. The most recent chapter (14) is very similar to the monza chapter of long live(twwct) specifically the piggy back and proposal promise. some of the dialogue is exactly the same.
I figured you should know. If it’s a cool with you or if you knew already, sorry to be a bother.
DISCLAIMER: This post, by no means, is asking for ANYBODY to send this author mentioned (and tagged) below hate. On anon or main. I have been pretty damn clear with my feelings on the matter below. They know what they've done, and I won't stand for it. Nobody needs to make this worse by sending them death threats. With that out of the way, let's deep dive, shall we?
First off, god bless you, bestie. God BLESS you. I want to smooch you on your incredibly wonderful forehead. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I cannot be everywhere at once and cannot possibly read every fanfic posted to AO3, but it's not fucking cool for people to straight-up plagiarize my shit.
Secondly, I'd like to ask that if ANY of my followers come across something that looks very suspiciously similar to my fics, please let me know. You can for sure send it on anon, or send me a dm.
Now, with that being said, I clicked on this fucking fic not knowing what to think. I went into it with a pretty open mind, knowing that there are quite a few authors currently posting fics that are verrrrrrrrrrry similar to my writing style. I've gotten pretty close to calling a few of these authors out but haven't for a few reasons.
Fanfics based on the same ship, in the same canon setting, are always going to be... let's use the word "similar" here. The plot can only change so much when you're following canon events, you know? I don’t write AUs, so I’m only going off canon-inspired fics. My fics generally follow along with canon timelines and therefore, other author’s fics that follow the same timeline are going to be... similar. I get that and accept that.
Characterizations are bound to be... well, fuck it, let's use that word "similar" again. I'm gonna be pretty forgiving when someone's Max is damn near the same as my Max because one: I'm a good and forgiving person, and two: I think my characters (while totally fucking fictional) are very life-like to the real person. So, with that in mind, when I read a fic with characterizations similar to mine... I will usually give somebody grace... and accept that maybe, just possibly, they see Max Verstappen (the person) the same way I do (fictionally) and it’s a big old coincidence that our fics read so similar. You know? Does that make sense?
But with all that being said, I’m not a fucking idiot. 
And honestly? I give more grace than I should on this goddamn website. (lmfao, respectfully.) This is sadly not the first time that somebody has very much written in my likeness, and I know it won't be the last. But this is definitely the boldest version of plagiarism I've seen. I haven’t clicked on any chapter except for 14, and I heavily skimmed the first part, but let’s take a little deep dive into some of the highlights. Because I will show the receipts, bestie.
from their story:
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from long live:
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..... right, let's move on.
from their story:
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from long live:
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okay................. sure
from their story:
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from long live:
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If you're going to plagiarize my shit... you could at least put it in a different font, so to speak. "Hey, can I copy your homework?” “Sure, but change it up a bit.” 
Girlie pop, you stopped even trying to change it the fuck up. 
Let me be clear: I do not authorize anybody to translate, re-post or distribute my work without my written consent. This is in a disclaimer (that I will post below) in every single one of my fics. Taking MY dialogue is NOT okay. 
Direct quote from the beginning note of Long Live:  DISCLAIMER #4: This is 100% fictional, and I do not own any person, team, or sponsor referenced in this story. I mean no offense to any person(s) mentioned and characterized in this story. I am not affiliated with any part of Formula 1 or its subsections. Please do not translate, re-post, or distribute my work without my written consent. I will cry.
To sum up, writing is not easy, and it takes time and effort. Time away from my friends, my girlfriend, my family. Time away from my job and my other hobbies. Long Live is 76 thousand words and took me countless hours to write.
To have somebody so blatantly and disrespectfully post MY SHIT as their own and not even try to give me credit? To not write a note that said, “Heyyyyy go read long live, which I [clearly] really enjoyed!” or even a “Some of this dialogue was inspired by @fabbyf1” or even just a “lmfao some of this i didn’t write but the rest i did” really pisses me off.
Why did it ever have to come to this?
I am SO disappointed right now.
Happy fucking Friday, I guess.
For full transparency, here is the link to their fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55255699 and here is the link to their tumblr: @l-estappen
Here is the link to MY fic, which was posted on April 2nd, 2023, and written in Google Docs with revision history about a month before that. I have receipts out the fucking ass, my dear. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284915
Be well.
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zuzsenpai · 2 months
Little delights from my day
that post I reblogged yesterday (4/9/24) where you tagged the little positive delights from your day.... I feel like that might be a fun challenge to do every day, or as many days as I can remember. I almost never stop to think about those things, and I do think it might be nice to look back on and read every once in a while. So that I don't bother everyone with this daily quest, I'm going to just update this post every day with a new bullet point (under a cut), and I'll link this post in my pinned post. If that makes sense.
List of daily positive delights under the cut:
4/9/24: My pomegranate arils were NOT expired. Someone spilled maple syrup in the microwave at work and now it smells really good every time someone uses it
4/10/24: Was able to pre-order the new Apollo Justice Trilogy plushes
4/11/24: Found a cute, nice-looking font to write fanfic with. Hoping that using a fun font will motivate my writing. UPDATE: I wrote close to 1,500 words with the new font today!
4/12/24: My manager took the day off so I got burritos with my coworkers. The chicken wasn't too spicy this time, so I enjoyed it a lot
4/13/24: I saw a lot of Homestar Runner posts on my dash because it’s Homestuck day. Can’t find this shit on any other webbed site.
4/14/24: It was 72 and sunny so I spent some time writing outside
4/15/24: Got a nice comment on a fic I never get comments on
4/16/24: Sweet potato tempura roll my beloved. Oh okay also that post on tumblr with the map of all the locations those idiots on Supernatural went and they literally went to my city
4/17/24: My own writing made me cry, in a good way
4/18/24: Saw a really interesting lost media video on YouTube
4/19/24: Cute spider on the wall in the hallway at work
4/20/24: Decided not to skip this day after all. I played some Animal Crossing Wild World
4/21/24: I really am lucky to have caring friends. Also kittens in the discord!
4/22/24: My friend made a fun picrew
4/23/24: I set up a humidifier and an air purifier in my office to help with my dry/itchy/red/painful eyes. I think it might be working already????? My eyes feel good today
4/24/24: I did a request for an isolated Digimon BGM and it came out really good!
4/25/24: Made a neocities page and messed around with templates
4/26/24: Had a yummy impossible burger
4/27/24: Went to a craft fair and found a necklace that goes really nicely with the shirt I'm wearing today. Also pad see ew with beef happened
4/28/24: Went bowling and got some writing done
4/30/24: It’s gonna be May!
5/1/24: Working on Digimon BGM again!
5/2/24: Some ship pins I ordered on Etsy arrived
5/3/24: Not to be repetitive, but Digimon BGM work is very delightful!
5/4/24: idk crispy chicken blt wrap
5/5/24: Whole pomegranates at my grocery store
5/6/24: Had a really productive writing sprint
5/7/24: Told my boss about my Digimon isolated BGM project and she seemed proud that I was able to master some audio editing skills
5/8/24: Been doing this for 30 days and only missed one! Proud of myself
5/9/24: Got through a stressful doctor’s appointment with composure and bravery
5/10/24: My friend and I bought friendship earrings in the shape of Ty Beanie Baby tags
5/11/24: Went to a local hockey game and there was an AMAZING parody video they played on the jumbotron.
5/12/24: Got some good writing done.
5/14/24: Got some phonecalls done that I had been putting off. I know this isn't really a little delight, but I'm proud of myself.
5/15/24: Received a really kind and detailed comment on a fic that I wasn't confident in when I published it
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
tag game from @cadriona~~ 15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone? uhhh my middle name comes from like, One of my white ancestors, though i don't remember the exact tracing of the bloodline rn
2. when was the last time you cried? honestly not sure, but i feel like it was not terribly long ago. less than a month ago, i think; i can be a crybaby sometimes
3. do you have kids? legally no; biologically also no; but emotionally? the number is fathomless.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? i don't feel like i'm a terribly sarcastic person, but many other people disagree. just today one of the kids at work asked me why i use sarcasm a lot! i think at this point my habit of "saying ridiculous things with full sincerity and then expecting people to understand that its sheer absurdity means it's a joke (but still actually doing said ridiculous thing if people call it a bluff)" is just hard for people to parse in general, but since i just roll with whatever they think i'm being, it's not a big deal.
5. what sports do you play/have played? this question is so funny bc recently i've been joking that i'm the only non-jock at my workplace, but my coworker in aquatics tried to rope me into lifeguarding for the summer when he found out i could swim, and i did marching band in high school. oh, and i took a fencing course in uni before plague.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? their jacket, then their hair. if you change both of these things at once i might have trouble recognizing you.
7. eye color? brown. you know how dominant genes are.
8. scary movies or happy endings? for the most part happy endings, but if you're too saccharine about the beginning and middle then i'm going to wish you gave me a scary movie instead.
9. any special talents? i can do calligraphy with italic / oblique pen tips (think gothic blackletter, even tho gothic is probably one of my shittiest hands); i can burp at will still; i can touch type at around 92 wpm (certified)
10. where were you born? in a hospital <3
11. what are your hobbies? good lord that's a doozy these days. regularly i read n write fic (obviously), play genshin (still), study fandom (specifically the weeb sphere and its history), and code my shrine of cringe neocities. (and also sometimes stream any one of these things to friends) irregularly i watch youtube, keep a diary, read manga n watch anime, press flowers, do calligraphy, scanlate manga, typeset n bookbind fic (physically restrained by everyone from buying $500 worth of fonts bc Literally no one understands my font disease except other typesetters) mostly, but i have god knows how many other dormant hobbies (arranging music, editing fonts, edit videos, etc.) hiding in the cracks that i should probably just put on a resume by this point. you know how it is with adhd.
12. do you have any pets? not anymore, unless you count [pet] projects, in which case yes, the spreadsheet project abt fandom migrations in particular
13. how tall are you? abt 5'6", more specifically 166.4 cm.
14. favorite subject in school? chemistry, though i english/literature was a close second, and math (aside from geometry and statistics) is still beloved.
15. dream job? someday i'm gonna teach chemistry to a bunch of high school idiots, and i'm gonna love them all so fucking much, and i'm gonna be so fucking happy that i'm still alive.
tagging (if you want!!) @stardust-make-a-wish @reach-4-thesky @cece-0708 @yongnep @kanonavi @krackerka @isnt-it-pretty @yume-fanfare @aranarumei @italiantea and now staring at my mutuals list i have started to lose my nerve so i'll leave it at ten LOL but if you wanna do it too you can just say i tagged you ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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minuy600 · 6 months
Atari 2600 Chronicles 1980 #9 - Dragster
Dragster is interesting, it's a game whose legacy is far more significant than what the title actually has to offer. Todd Rodgers, anyone?
Yeah. The guy who claimed to have popped off hard and 'beat the simulations' back in '82, as he supposedly did with various other Activision games as well. That, he didn't do. As proven by a disassembly of the code that showed that Rodgers' claimed time was a whole 0.06 faster than what was legitemately possible. He was stripped of all his 'achievements' just a couple years back in 2018. Whoops!
The gameplay itself, I kid you not, is nothing more than accelerating, shifting gear on time and MAYBE steering if you have set it to the appropiate setting. That's IT. A round lasts no more than 10 seconds. However, I will maintain, that those 10 seconds are actually really quite fun to get a grasp off. It's immensely satisfying to follow a certain rhythm and shave off a couple more hundreds of a second. This is the kinda time trial I do seriously enjoy, even if it's only a fraction of it's potential that is being utilised here. Gives me memories of when I was trying to be seriously competitive on Mario Kart and F1 2021.
Still, this game was never worth it's original price tag. If you're only gonna make the gameplay loop shallow, at least add some confetti and sprinkles to it in the way of wacky extra modes. Multiplayer and a real-life patch can only get you so far.
The Verdict
Graphics (7): This is a weird one. It's hard to see what the drag racing car is supposed to be since it lacks any and all color, but damn, something about the color scheming otherwise and the subtle animation details is quite satisfying to me. I like it. Obviously, Activision bias applies here, the fonts are also significantly more polished than what Atari was doing.
Sound (7): Hmmm, this is a step up over other 2600 racing games I think. What I like the most about it has gotta be how realistic (for 1980 standards) it is to have to listen to the engine firing up gradually and shifting just as it sounds like it's gonna blow. Would be a little bit before we'd see that properly recreated on a home system once more, I reckon.
Fun Factor (8): As mentioned earlier, this may only be a small smidge of how expansive it could be, but this is a perfect example of how superb it is to learn how to get FAST at a game. Either via a time trial mode or straight up speedrunning. The essentials are all there. Learning the controls > completing a run > getting gradually faster > trying another mode. The controls are not even that easy, you wouldn't know how many times I blew the engine by putting on too much gas or popped the brakes too eary. Thankfully, you're not punished particularly severely if you lose out, so as long as you keep your console close to you. The game is very quick to reset with the flick of the switch, it doesn't hesitate in starting the countdown right as you do so.
As a little side tangent, man, the DualShock 2 feels amazing to use with this game. I know not everything is made equal on Activision Anthology, but this is one of those good ones. Clicky stick, solid X button to press down, the Select button is what functions as a game reset, it's bliss. Definitely a recommendation to play first and foremost if you nab a copy.
Longevity (5): Strictly, and I mean STRICTLY, for those with the patience of a monk and desire to join a site like Twin Galaxies. If you need elaborate mind games and/or external factors to make it worth playing for more than maybe an hour total, you already more or less lost this argument. If you do fit the criteria needed to enjoy the grind, this score can be a little higher. It's one of the very earliest speedrunning games after all. I'm personally quite happy with being in the low 6 seconds territory, but I could be persuaded to get below that milestone.
In Conclusion
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frozencapybara · 1 month
Happy Eurovision Semifinal 2! (reminder to block the tag "capy watches eurovision" if you don't care!)
Overall this felt like the weaker semifinal by far, but there were a few standouts. Unfortunately several of them stood out on the "why" side.
On the other hand, at this point I have forgiven Sweden for beating Finland last year, even if it was the wrong result. They're having a lot of fun with the hosting - and we got Käärijä!
My semifinal 2 rankings, in tiers this time because I had a hard time picking a clear winner: Tier 1: Switzerland, San Marino (DNQ, boooooooooo) Tier 2: Netherlands, Estonia Tier 3: Armenia, Austria, Czechia (DNQ), Norway
Full commentary:
Malta (did not qualify): It’s fine. A solid pop entry, not memorable.
Albania (did not qualify): It’s also fine. A solid ballad entry. Not memorable. 
Greece (qualified): An otherwise decent pop entry but the Instagram-live framing is GRATING. I grant that this is probably a me problem but I HATE it. Please never use Insta Live framing non-ironically it is the worst. 
Switzerland (qualified): OK, this I like. It’s fun, it’s poppy but not the same pop song as everyone else. I  hear this is getting good odds in the final and I am not mad about it.
Czechia (did not qualify): I liked this a lot but it felt like it was missing something? Like it’s great but I wanted more, there wasn’t a lot to set it apart. 
Austria (qualified): Staging is a 90s laser school portrait (affectionate). It’s fun and I’m here for it. Not my top pick but I want to see it in the final.
Denmark (did not qualify): DON’T YOU KNOW THE STAGE CREW HAS TO SWEEP THAT GLITTER UP. This song needs about 40% more lyrics. Great voice though?
Armenia (qualified): Well somebody’s got to bring the modernized folk music, and I guess it’s Armenia’s turn this year. It’s fun! I like it. 
Latvia (qualified): Bald man in a circle. Blue Man Group stars in Gladiator, but only the non-action bits. Cirque du Unmemorable Entry. 
San Marino (did not qualify): YESSSSSSS. This isn’t beating out Ireland or Croatia, but I think it’s my third pick overall so far. (and then it didn’t qualify, BOOOOOOOOOO)
Georgia (qualified): As look-at-my-butt entries go, this sure needs some work on the dancing front. 
Belgium (did not qualify): He was wearing spikes and a hat with metal-band-font in the intro and then it’s a fucking ballad. In English. I feel lied to. C for the song, D- for failing to meet expectations.
Estonia (qualified): The other updated folk music. This one SLAPS.
Israel (qualified): all I’m gonna say is that this should have been DQ’d on multiple fronts and otherwise I’m not getting into it. ...ok I'm also gonna say it's a mid song at best and if it wins because of [*waves hands at europe*] I'm gonna be big mad about it.
Norway (qualified): Much like Czechia, I really like this, but I feel like it could have been better? Could have been at least 43% more metal. I'm glad it made the final though. 
Netherlands (qualified): PEAK EUROVISION NONSENSE. Yes please!
Bonus Pre-Qualified:
Italy: As look-at-my-butt entries go, this is pretty peak. It’s catchy and fun and I like the staging. It is aggressively Italian.
Spain: Song is fine. Staging is BUTTS er I mean GREAT. Keytaurs, men in corsets, butts, what’s not to love?
France: The Lewis Hamilton We Have At Home. That giant step away from the mic was hell of a flex, but otherwise the song was pretty forgettable.
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jenna--ortega · 2 years
sorry to hear that. wow! i’ve always wanted to go to comic con! do you go regularly or was this your first time? and how was it? did you go full out with a costume? did you get to meet anyone?
how was the tour?
so you have been gifing for a while now. what was your first fandom? and what would you consider to be your “home fandom”? &do you have any favorite color schemes and fonts?
-psc secret santa anon
idk if you really like asks so if you want me to chill please tell me and i’ll only message you when it comes to your gift! 😅
Hi there! It was my second comic con 🤩 first one in the states though. Cons in US are such a huge thing, they're so well ran so as to accommodate so many people. Photos ops were so efficient like I've never seen Americans work this fast before 😅 now I see why smaller cons are better if you want to spend a little more time with your favourite celebs.
I didn't go with a costume, I just don't go to cons regularly enough currently to justify an expensive set of costume, but I do hope to do so one day. Met some cosplayers, they're really nice and the costumes are banging 😍
I went there to meet Ming-Na 🥰 she is the nicest person honestly, she takes her time, let you take selfies with her even though the staffs say no. The joy of meeting her is gonna keep me going for the next couple of years 🥹
The WB studio tour was amazing! Highly recommended if you're a fan of Harry Potter, DC or friends. And I've seen many of the shows mentioned in the tour too, even though I'm terrible at recognising anything. Learnt a lot of magic tricks used in sets, and now that I know just how damn much it is to rent in those studios, I understand why shows get cancelled all the time 🥲 I went to the Paramount one too even though I didn't plan to at first, I just had such a great time at WB. I would say Paramount is more for old Hollywood fans, there's too many movies I've heard but have never seen.
My first fandom was Castle (and it'll forever be my favourite show), it ran for like 8 years and was pretty much my life from elementary school till uni 😅 It was just something that I always looked forward to during it's run and kept me going all those years.
Not sure what "home fandom" means, but I started giffing on Tumblr with the show Agents of SHIELD (AoS) and it's sorta my home here on Tumblr. I've giffed that show so much I can recall most episodes while tagging other people's gifs (I'm usually really bad at recalling things, but it makes rewatched really fun though 🤣). How about you? Like what got you started in gif making and what is your home fandom?
Favourite colour scheme really depends on the show, like with AoS it's pretty dark and cool tone so I often go with blue & purple. I would say I like any colour but green 😅 I've had enough "trauma" with it, like I don't know how I always ended up on the green house/ team (no offense to team mixer I love you guys but I just don't vibe with that colour). Font wise I like a bold sans serif font and a fancy cursive decorative one for accent in those big gifs with text in the middle. Honestly, typography is a constant struggle.
I think asks are fun so feel free to send as many as you like 🤣
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The boyo is now 22
And he...
Decided to write a letter to people really important for him
Tw: death and war mention! Stay safe!
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I'mma tag a couple of people
Mimosa is a dark cream shipchild inspired by @zu-is-here 's dark cream comic
Cross belongs to @jakei95
Shattered Dream belongs to @shattereddreamsau
Shine and Malignance belong to @creative-firebug
The rest of the characters (Lint, Mynn, "the messenger" aka Jasy ) in are mine, @bluepalleteuniverse
I used this website to turn the text into some sort of letter (I wanted to use Mimosa's font, "happy monkey", but was feeling too lazy to spent time searching how to do that)
Under the cut the same text but typed
Hello dads, 
I'm finally writing to you like I wanted to for a long while. But it was hard to find the words, you know? Each time, I ended up crying and messing with the ink after the two first sentences. But I guess I'm more ready now. Am I really? Well, I'm as ready as I can. And it only took me what? 14 years! It has been a long while, uh. I'm no longer the child you knew.I'm 21 now. No, actually I'm 22, it's my birthday today. I lived longer without you two than with you now...
I have to warn you, Daddy, Dada, this letter will be long and probably messy. A lot of things happened in 14 years and I want to lie down on the paper many thoughts I had during those. So hum, story time ?
I don't think I'd muster the courage to make this letter without a recent someone's visit. You must have seen them before, they were carrying a message from you after all. And what a message it was. I'll write it down here. I know you surely remember it still but I'm gonna keep this letter anyway and I never want to forget it. I'll put it at the end of the paper so you can easily ignore it and I can easily find it to read later. 
I never want to forget something that important ever again. Like I did with Mu when I was young. Yes, I remember Mu. I remember my dear little sister. And you were right, she was alive. I found her randomly when Lint dragged me- Lint is a friend who is also a half-sister? Like one of her parents is you, Daddy, but less dark ? Ok so, I found her during a play trip. She was in a house in an empty town nearby. Near where you died. Oh, I thought my hand would shake harder than that writing that! I guess time really heals anything...
Well almost. You're still pretty much dead. So I found her so no need to worry anymore! She's doing extra well! She decided to go to school in a deltarune au. You must know this kind of universe, well Fancy told me you knew and since he has your memories I think I can believe that information. Fancy is one of the persons who took care of Mu by the way. He's a nice guy. You would have found him a bit weird? Especially with the whole "I-was-born-from-a-war" thing. I should ask him what you'd think about him later...
Speaking about the war stuff...
Yes, I know why you left. However I'll do as if I didn't hear your message yet or learnt what I know for a second. I'm gonna be honest, a lot of things went through my mind that day and none of them including the fact you left without warning to fight in a war you'd die in. Once I learned the truth. I was relieved about one thing. You didn't leave because of me. I thought for long it had been my fault. That I had been a bad child that you ended up being fed up about. It's probably why I tried so hard to please anyone I'd reluctantly accept to get close enough to call them family. At least, that way of thinking did give me a new family. Plenty of siblings and friends spread across universes and multiverses. I never was truly alone since you left but for long I felt like I was alone even with others. I couldn't get the right words on it when I was young but I guess I really missed you. Yes, even you, Daddy, I don't blame you for shouting at me when Mu disappeared. Not that I think it was right of you to do that obviously. But I forgave you long ago. So don't you dare guiltrip yourself with that!
When I'm still not ready to forgive is the fact you didn't tell me you were leaving the house... Hey but I'll write you another letter when I'm ready. So don't you worry about that! And give me a bit of time. I promise I'll make an effort about that! :D
Also you know how you were worried about the fact I couldn't use magic ? Well except for vital stuff like seeing or eating. I can use magic! I still can't do stuff like throwing bones, summoning constructs, heal easily or just move my tentacles (I'm a bit salty I never manage to move these but life is life) but!
I can do portals !
Really inconvenient portals but still! 
I use them to visit various universes and gather stories! Oh yes I forgot to tell you. I'm a sort of storyteller now? I move around, listen and tell stories to who's ready to listen. It's not a well-paid job or something very important but I like it. I know you'd prefer if I had been some kind of warrior however I stay pretty bad in a fight. I had plenty of people who tried to teach me some moves and it never stuck. Even if I did know how to fight, even then I'm not sure I would nonetheless. But I know how to dodge and I'm fast so I usually don't even have to think about fighting ! I wonder if you'd like my friends? Lint is a bit chaotic but always somewhat nice to others, Mynn is responsible but stubborn. Would you have liked my adoptive siblings, Shine and Malignance, as well ? They saved me. And continued to save me again and again since then. Without asking questions. I never felt alone with them. Well, I felt alone but I never truly was? I don't know if I'm making sense but I can't explain it any better. 
What could I tell you other than that? Oh yes! I know what's up with my magic. A monster named "Sci" or was it a nickname ? He examined my soul. I know you told me to never show it to a stranger but it was a health matter. My family. Uh my new family I mean. They wanted to be sure I was ok. Because as you know, my healing is far worse than most. I didn't understand everything. But it's a matter of corruption, he told me. My soul and my magic doesn't like the corruption I was born with so they fight. They use all their strength to avoid that the corruption touch my soul and that's why I can't move my tentacles! They're just not connected to my soul ! Which sadly means I'll never be able to move them but at least I know why... I just hid them in my backpack these days, it's easier than dragging them around. I was told to avoid being low in magic and big stress? I'm not entirely sure why but I swear I'm being careful ! So don't you two worry about that. I'm making friends from everywhere and life is great. I still miss you sometimes. Often. 
Do you know sewing with a knife isn't that hard? As long as the knife isn't too sharp and the string too thin it's pretty easy. I practiced for a while and now nobody would be able to guess I'm making my stitches with anything other than these horrendous things called "sewing needles". Let's not talk about those...
I'm running out of things to say, am I not? I need to say goodbye soon. But I don't want to. Not yet.
I waited so long, wishing to be able to say a proper goodbye. However, now that I have reached that moment... I don't want to anymore. I feel as if you two (or more so my memories of you two) will fade away the instant I write these final words? 
Allow me to be selfish for a little longer, will you?
I need to end the letter soon, I'm starting to shake again. 
But I just wanted you to know I survived alright. I couldn't follow all your advice as I got your message a bit late. And I would have loved to find the knives you were talking about but Fancy told me the house was destroyed... I don't need them anymore however.
I'm building my life.
I don't know where I am going exactly. But I am.
I am going.
Thanks for taking care of me for 8 years.
Your message or what I remember of it (and I asked the messenger to tell it again and again so I think I remember everything right):
"Mimosa my baby, we're sorry. So so sorry but you're gonna... You're gonna have to continue alone. We- We made a mistake and I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. We shouldn't have left you alone like that. I guess we thought it would be quick. *Ugly chuckles* But now... We can't even come back and you're alone in this big house. And we were living such a hidden life that I know we were all you had. You never complained about that but I- no We were wrong and I can see that now. You don't even have any friends because of that. But after Mu... It was your lil' sister but you forgot about her. She disappeared when you were 4 and after that... We were afraid to loose you as well if we left you out too much... Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.  We left the messenger a bunch of names and places you could ask for help. But I have no idea how many are still... there...
"Stop avoiding the words. They're dead. Probably all of them. We're dead, Mimi. We won't come back. You have to be strong and survive. You are strong and fast, not powerful, but you can do it. Flee when you can't win, be smart. If you see us again, you're allowed to punch as hard as you can then run. Run for your life. Steal, hurt, swear. I want you to do anything you have to do to live. Maybe you'll end up finding your little sister on the way."
'No, I'm sure she's alive somewhere. If you find her, protect her. You're the big brother after all. Orange eyes. Mute girl. A tentacle around the neck. You can't miss her.
Take the knives I'm hiding under my pillow as well. And take care of yourself or else-
I love you you lil' crybaby"
"I love you too"
See you Daddy,
See you Dada,
your son,
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biillys · 3 years
How do you make your song GIFs?? They are amazing and 10/10 - I have so many ideas but literally no idea how to even start making them
Also all your content is amazing thank youuuuuu
hello ily i am sorry for the late reply but i was like. in love with this msg and re-reading it to make me feel inner joy 🥺
okay i feel like lyric sets are my WEAKEST point of like. making shit. (hence the JOY in reading this msg) but like, i will TRY and remember and tell u what helped me!!
first off all. have IDEAS! which u have, so that's literally amazing and basically the KEY to what u need. just some good solid fucking ideas.
have decided to actually make another lyric set as i type this to jog my memory and hopefully actually help you okay so
1. have your idea!
pick your song!!! pick out the specific lyric(s) that you feel would fit best!!! float through the scenes in your head from the show that you feel would maybe like. match it? or pair well with those lyrics? just like, have an idea that you can VAGUELY visualise!!!
i think i've mentioned it before and talked about it with other lovely billy stans but, sometimes we hear a happy/hopeful song that we wanna slap over some shots of them but like. billy's constantly either in pain or suffering or BOTH? and slapping some tswift lyrics over that just doesn't really work a lot :(
im personally gonna go with almost had me - Iights cos i've been vibing the fuck out of Iights lately
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2. pick your scenes!
this is the bit where i either come completely undone and contemplate uninstalling photoshop OR i'm like wow this fits perfectly this is gonna be incredible i'm amazing.
depending on how technical and/or complicated your Vision is, this can be relatively quick or it can be very time consuming. some very talented people out there can do like. the blending and the insane crazy good colouring and the 5 gifs in one canvas etc etc but like. maybe keep it simple for the first couple sets you make until you're happy with your results!!!! just some big gifs with some lyrics over top will look great!!!
i'm technically only gonna use 4 lines from the chorus, not the entire thing, but i'm gonna import like. more than 4 gifs. becos i know myself and sometimes at the end after i've been staring at them for a Very Long Time, i'm like well shit i wanna see what it would look like over THAT scene instead of THIS scene. so usually i import just any scene that i think will work and that way i can play around with it!!
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3. cut/colour/sharpen/edit your gifs!!!
i'm assuming that since your asking about lyric sets specifically and not gifs in general, that you already know how to make gifs? if you don't, that's completely okay!!!! there are so so SO many tutorials out there and lots of people willing to help you learn!! between tumblr and youtube, you have a LOT of options <3 i am more than happy to answer any questions you have or make that tutorial for you and technically have a tutorial basically ready to go that i made for a friend a few months ago, but also. as we can see. my tutorials are all over the place, so if you want links to tutorials that are more in depth, i can definitely hunt some down for you!!! here is Gif Making Tutorial but i personally do not do it that way and it seems mildly complicated omg
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4. slap those lyrics over top!
okay the heading made it sound simple but it's NOT. becos now, you have to choose FONTS. and fonts, in my personal opinion, are SO hard. literally my weakest point. the amount of lyric sets i have not made simply becos i did not want to deal with Font Dilemmas. luckily, we have masterposts and tutorials from other gifted content makers to help out, thanku to those heroes
talented tumblr users fave fonts list
guide to font pairing masterpost
another talented tumblr users fav fonts
some fonts
more fonts
clubgifs typography tag!
literally just download any font that you even think looks good and before you know it, you'll have plenty to choose from. i have a word document that's just the same lyric repeated over and over and over again but in every single font that i've ever downloaded so that i can see what they all look like and it's easier to choose from when we get to this stage of the gif making process!
you can then play around with colouring and shadowing and strokes and gradients for your text, but like i said before, starting off simple is usually best! and then when you feeling better about it, theres a heap of tutorials out there to help <3
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i, myself, decided to experiment with doing the white outline text thing (tutorial!) with unfortunately a not quite detailed tutorial at first and suffered through trying to make that work for like. an hour and a half. before giving up. then after checking for a different tutorial and thankfully finding one that was a LOT clearer, actually got it to work, so that's fucking exciting for me lmao
5. save and post!
you've got your gifs, you've slapped on the text, you've cut and coloured, you're good to go!
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
Just Like Him
Double Square: Locked in a Room/Closet Together & Quote
Tags: @thisismysecrethappyplace and @spnquotebingo
Paring: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Side Characters: John Winchester(mentioned), Sam Winchester,Bobby Singer, Castiel, Werewolf pack.
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"I can't you believe you got us into this, Winchester." Y/n quietly hissed at the man she was face to face with in the dark of a wardrobe of the mutts they we're hunting. It went down hill after they found the packs home which was one of the largest houses in town. A whole ass family of werewolves lived here and they all just got home every single one of them. "Why are you blaming me?!" He harshly whispered back.
Y/n rolled her eyes as the loud noises of a party or feast down stairs shock the floor beneath them. "You said the pack can't be that big. Let's just go in and see if we can gank em." She said mocking his deep voice. "Now were stuck in a closet while are guns are under the bed." The women pushed up on his chest since she was well past aggravated. "Hey at least we can know what were up against." He said with a smirk as their eyes adjusted to the darkness.
The oldest Winchester was glad that they barley had any room or he would have silently been beaten to a pulp. "Do you have your phone? We need back up...there must be around triple the amount of a normal pack has." She muttered to herself. Dean looked at her sheepishly and the anger in her eyes grew brighter. "I left it in baby." He said with a wince. "Y-you left it behind? I'm going to rip a hole in ya before those flee infested mutts can!" Y/n whispered yelled trying to move her arms in vain.
"What about your phone?!" He said trying to shift the blame on her. "Well since you don't remember. You threw my bag into our room breaking it!" She sighed heavily her temper was only rising. "I can take em on,Y/n." Dean defended. "No you can't." She said resting her head on the wall of the wardrobe.
Foot steps made there way up the stairs sound like a couple sets. The noise stopped outside of the room and both hunters strained their eyes to hear them. "I smell something off,Claudette." A young male voice said along with light sniffing. "Clark you're being foolish no one is dumb enough to come here." A female voice scoffed. Y/n looked at Dean and mouthed the words 'Dumbass' making him mouth a 'Fuck you' in return. The foot steps went into the room. "It doesn't smell right in here." The man said walking around. Looking at Dean he had a stupid look on his face and that made her eyes widen as she shock her head. His lips moved counting down from three.
When he got to one the wolves was right in font of the closest doors when they slammed open knocking him on his ass. "CLARK!?" The female said in shock as she rushed over to attack the hunter on top of her pack mate. Dean has wrestled the the now shifting wolf towards the bed and slipped his hand underneath it grabbing his revolver. The barrel was pushed against his chest and was fired. "YOU HUNTER SCUM.!!" She yelled attacking him. Y/n stepped out of the closet and swiftly moved to the other side of the bed to get her shotgun. The women was about to rip into Dean's throat with her claws when the pump of the shotgun made her freeze before she was shot and her body went limp.
Blood painted his face and clothes as he let out a huff,but that was short lived as the rapid stomping of feet rushed up the stairs. "Dear Chuck I hate you." She groaned as the door busted almost of the hinges. There was several werewolves in the doorway and more behind them. Dean and Y/n fought for as long and as hard as they could,but they were out numbered more then they ever have been before. Instead of them getting their hearts ripped out they were both knocked unconscious.
Y/n was woken up by the shouting of Dean. He thrashed in the shared binds uncontrollably trying to get the tall man in front of him to move away. Looking up she can see that another stood before her,but her eyes widen when his sharp fangs dug into her arm. She howled in pain as she regained her senses quickly after that. "Don't worry darling. We'll make sure your well feed." Who can only be the alpha said as the few mutts with them left them tied to a metal pillar in the center of the damp room. They didn't turn the oldest Winchester with their gagged teeth they wanted him to suffer in a different way.
"Y/n/n I'm gonna get us out of this and get you a cure." He said with such confidence,but it only made her angry. "Shut the fuck up! We're in this because of you and you have no one else to blame,but yourself." Her E/c eyes glistened with ushered tears that he couldn't see. Dean was stunned at the back lash. "If you could have just listened to anyone...ANYONE!!! but yourself for two fucking seconds we could have been prepared. You're acting just like John." She paused to breath as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Can't expect help. Have to be all macho and the best there is. Look where that got him!!! Hated by all hunters,putting people he cared about in danger,and getting himself killed." Y/n left the tears slip past down her heated face.
It was Dean's turn to get defensive. "Don't compare me to my dad. I'm nothing like him!" He shouted even though at times he kind of was. "I didn't compare you to him. I said you were acting like him." She said sighing. Y/n contained a groan of pain as she felt her a new set of teeth form within her mouth. "D-dean...you're nothing like John. You've proved to be better man then he ever was,but when you think that only you can carry the weight of the world it puts you in a mind set that you must be the savior." A pained grunt left her throat as her nails were shoved out and replaced with claws. The moon shined through a small slit for a window it was late at night that the sun will soon rise again.
She wanted no needed to confess something to Dean before she turned she couldn't go being pissed at him. "Y/n tell me what to do. What can I do?" He sounded like he was the one who was pained. "I need you to get out of here and live. I'm running out of time and as long as I don't eat a human you'll have a chance to get me cured." She said with a toothless smile there was still something she had to get of her chest before he escaped. Straining her ears she can hear that what was left of the pack was gone to get a large enough meal. "I love you,Winchester. If you come back and I'm too far gone put me down cause I know you will." She said as she used her new claws to cut the ropes. It fell limply on their waists and Dean stood up as Y/n stayed seated.
He handed her her shotgun and he took his own weapon. "I-I love you too,Y/n/n. You'll pull through this you're a Singer." Dean said as he left her behind slipping through the window. He was going to make her proud he didn't listen to her before,but he'll make sure that her words won't fall on deaf ears. Dean went back to their motel room and used his phone to call Sam and Bobby before he prayed to Cas. After the two hunters and angel arrived hours later it was time to save his childhood crush ever since John took them to Bobby's house.
[After Dean left. Back to Y/n]
The moment Dean climbed out of the basement she stood up and went up to the door it was lock. She smiled showing her sharpened teeth grabbing the doorknob she crushed it in her hand making it impossible to unlock. Hours after the impala's loud engine faded away she hear the teen wolf wannabe bastards come back. Y/n sat back down at where she first woke up. She would be damned if she became one of the things she hunted since she was nine.
The door shook violently before the slab of wood was knocked down kicking up dust after it fell down the stair. Spinning the shotgun in her hand she looked up at the dozen werewolves in front of her. "Let's dance." She said with a smirk as her E/c turned golden eyes gleamed with a new fight. Fighting was tough since they've all have feasted on human flesh and were more resilient to her attacks. Y/n had her arms and legs pinned as she thrashed viciously making the supernatural bastards sweat.The alpha of the pack leaned over her head. He tisked at her as he tilted her head to look at him. "Soon pet all that fights gonna leave you. Just take your first meal and be as strong as us." He said brushing his fingers down her cheek. "My what big eyes you have" He teased looking into her eyes. "Better to see you lifeless corpse." She hissed. "What sharp teeth you have."A deep chuckle came from his throat as she tried to bite as his fingers.
He stood up as his ears twitched along with the others. A wolfish grin pulled on her lips as she heard the front door get smashed in. "I think you have company." She said as several of the wolves in human form ran off. "We're not done here pet!" He snapped. "Yes. Yes you are." A voice said from the staircase. Dean stomped down the stairs as havoc continued just a floor above them. He shot the few wolves that stayed in the basement with silver bullet killing them easily in their human forms. The alpha snarled and shifted with the lack of full moon and charged at the oldest Winchester. "I don't need a bloody pack at my defense to make you suffer!" The now fully shifted werewolf lunged forward and started to fight Dean.
Y/n dragged herself to the nearest wall and pulled herself up. There were claw and bite Mark's littering her body she was bleeding so much and was already trying to fight the animalistic urges that started to over power her. It was getting harder and harder especially with the scent of humans near. A spine chilling growl came from the corner of the room. "Dean! How about that cure?!" She yelled fighting herself to not attack him as he fought. "Bobby's looking for the sire and you'll be back to telling me off." He said in response.The wrestling match went on,but it went down to a hand to hand match when Dean's gun was thrown across the room. With quite grunts and heavy breaths the women with (h/c) got up fully and used all the strength left in her to jump on the back of the mutt and fight. If she was going to lose any battle it was going to be on her terms and she refused it to end with the person she loved dead and heartless.
Dean was shocked for a moment before he made his move to grab his gun. He check it and it was empty tossing it aside he looked around for anything with silver that's when he saw it. ~"Hello?! Y/n are you listening?" The young blonde groaned. "Tell me what you're doing again?" The teenager layed across his friends bed as he watches her organizing quarters. "It's for emergency's." She said with a giggle as she puts another roll of coins in the small bag. "What kind of emergency would need hundreds of dollars worth of coins?" He argued sitting up with a sigh. "One day you'll be thankful for thousands of pieces of silver." ~The largest smile grew on his face as he grabbed the bag and Y/n's shotgun and put the now custom bullets of condensed quarters in the barrel. Cocking it he rushes over and shoots the werewolf in the back. Using the second shot he had he fired it in his chest killing the alpha.It was silent for a moment before he pushed the now lifeless body out of the way. Y/n layed there panting and bloody. "Y/n/n I got you. SAMMY! BOBBY!" Dean yelled at the end. Multiple sets of foot steps came down the stairs the older hunter held a syringe of yellow liquid. Pushing the plunger down the hunters sat in silence as they waited for any sign that it worked. Cas came over and healed her wounds as she shot up gasping the claw and bite marks gone.
[Time Skip because filler is boring]
Y/n rested in her bed at the bunker. Her father went home and Cas went off to heaven after she was safe. Dean sat by her side talking with her. "You know Winchester. At times you can act just like John,but I sure do love it when you take down that soldier act and become a hero...my hero." She said with a fond smile as she brushed her hand through his hair. Dean chuckled leaning into her touch as his mind wondered even if he was different from his father,but that still didn't change the fact that when it came to protecting the one's they love they'll do just about anything. Maybe he was just like him.
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Five more to go woah!
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the-clocktower · 5 years
Hey, CW! I love your blog and personally apologize that you were forced into making it (I feel that on many levels), but, uh, quick question... how bad are you at web design because this design is awful and I'm sorry. The body text is a poor font choice for readability, the tag color is the same as the background, everything blends in FAR too much, there's no visuals whatsoever which is fine, maybe, if the colors differed, but you NEED a background of #4d0066 and an off-white text and also
Danny waited patiently after explaining his plan clearly and concisely, giving his friends the time that they needed to think everything over before deciding. He gave them twelve seconds, which, really, that was plenty of time. “So? C’mon, let’s get to work! CW is only gonna be distracted so long.”
“No, no, no, back up here. You stole their laptop- They have a laptop?” Tucker looked some mixture of delighted and confused, Danny feeling a surge of empathy for the same exact feelings he had gone through when discovering the laptop and subsequently the blog that CW had actually made (an event shortly followed by Danny being forced to sit down and finish his homework). “And you want to… what do you want to do?”
“Change their blog, duh. I mean, look- Here, let me show you what it looks like right now.” Danny, still in his ghost form, flew over to Sam’s large and ridiculously extravagant bed before letting himself fall and bounce a couple times before settling, making sure he was stable before pulling the borrowed laptop out of his backpack.
Sam and Tucker were quick to settle on either side of him, both of them making similar noises of disgust and horror once Danny brought up the correct blog, which, thank you, honestly. CW finally made a blog and apparently knew nothing about design.
“Jesus… I feel like I might actually cry over this- Did they use the same color for the text and background- What is this font- Danny. Danny, I can’t- I’m having an attack.” Tucker dramatically clutched his heart and fell backwards as he ‘died,’ Danny snorting as he turned to Sam.
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“Well… it could definitely use some work,” Sam admitted, taking the laptop and getting to the customization screen in a few short clicks. “There, now if anything happens, they can blame me and you won’t have to go around pouting at being yelled at.”
“I don’t pout,” Danny muttered, leaning up against Sam as Tucker scrambled and moved to sit on Sam’s other side so she was now in the middle, laptop easily reachable by all of them. “Okay, so, that background color has got to go first. Like. Now.”
“No, no, we need a title for this blog first,” Tucker argued, leaning over to jab a finger at the screen. “Look at that empty space. It’s making me cry, Danny.”
“Boys, boys, settle down,” Sam made a clicking noise with her tongue, clicking around on the screen before bringing up a list of themes - free ones, Danny noticed. Honestly, disgustingly rich and she still searched for whatever was free or cheapest, which… fair. “We’re changing this blog theme, first. It’s disgusting.”
The three were silent as they scrolled through the choices, communicating in grunts, mutters, and disgusted noises. Danny was almost sure they wouldn’t actually get anywhere before he was jabbing the screen hard enough to move it, “There. That one. It’s perfect-”
“We are not giving him a Miraculous Ladybug themed blog, Danny,” Sam sighed, Danny offended at how Jazz the tone she used was. “We’re all better than that.”
“Speak for yourself,” Tucker snorted, finally shaking his head. “Forget it, colors and title first, then blog. At least with colors we’ll know what we’re looking for better, right?”
“Alright, alright,” Sam groaned. “Colors and title first. What should we use for a title? I don’t know enough about them to choose anything good.”
Danny blinked as the two turned to look at him, panicking for a moment before blurting out the first thing that came to mind. The looks only turned into confused frowns and baffled expressions, which, okay, fair, since Danny had spoken in Latin.
Clearing his throat, he spoke it more clearly, giving a shrug, “Pulvis et umbra sumus. It’s something I learned when they were helping me with Latin, it just means we are but dust and shadow.”
Sam and Tucker went quiet, shared a look, and then nodded together before Sam was typing it in with a quiet, “Fitting.” It really was, when Danny thought about it, so, there. That was one thing done. “Okay, next up is title font.”
Clicking open the options, Tucker was half-shouting at once, “Comic Sans! Sam, we gotta give him Comic Sans-”
“No, no, choose that Grumpy one, now that is perfect.” Plus CW’s reaction would be hilarious.
“What? No- Comic Sans!”
“But Tuck, c’mon, the pun-”
“Both of you shut up,” Sam snapped, glaring at the two of them almost at once which was actually impressive, if Danny had to admit to it. “We’re giving them 1785 Baskerville.”
Danny and Tucker were both quiet, sharing a long look before Tucker decided he wanted to become a ghost ahead of schedule, “Boo, you goth.” He was shoved off the bed for his troubles, something which Danny managed to not laugh at if only so he wasn’t shoved off as well.
Once Tucker crawled back onto the bed they got back to designing, arguing over colors (“Oh my God, it should not be taking this long to have a sample color just pick something!”), font choices (“No, screw you both, we’re going to use Google Fonts like a normal family we are not having another fight over this!”), and which theme they should go with (“You know what? Screw it- Screw it! We’re just going to use the Tumblr Official theme like heathens and edit that!”)
It was taking longer than Danny thought it would, but slowly and surely the blog was coming together, Tucker having firmly taken over once it got to the actual coding part of the website, which was how they ended up with transparent textures to go with their background color (“Aw, but, guys, c’mon, this texture looks like stars! How cool is that!”), a transparent texture for the posts themselves (“I know you like your stars, Danny, but it won’t work with the font color and look, the parchment fits, don’t you think?”), and even a cooler looking blog title (“You know what? Here, no, we’ll put a text-shadow command on the title- There. That looks pretty cool, don’t you think?”)
There were a few hiccups along the way in choices (“No, no, make his avatar shape a square, because… you know. He’s such a square.”), but at the end they had a nice blog that really had taken way too long and Danny was half-certain that CW was about to show up and yell at them any second.
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“You know,” Sam said at the very end, “This is still kind of a boring looking blog, everything considered. We could have gone way more crazy with all of this.”
“I mean… yeah, I guess so,” Danny admitted, closing the laptop and carefully putting it back in his bag. “But I didn’t want to like, you know, really make something crazy, I guess. I mean… Their blog sucked, but it’s still their blog, you know?” Danny shrugged, floating off the bed and giving a light stretch. “Dunno, just figured I’d tweak it a little to fit them better instead of having them waste time on it. You know, show off that wise old mentor who cares and has everything together and stuff thing.”
Danny barely even finished before a pillow being thrown at his face, Tucker laughing as Sam booed him. “You’re too nice! Get that sickeningly sweet attitude out of my room!” She was grinning even as she ‘yelled’ at him, Danny rolling his eyes with a laugh as he did as told.
Not even half an hour later and Danny was back where he started, laptop returned to its proper place and back open and waiting.
It was the latest ask that he saw in the inbox that had him pausing, Danny reading through the ask and unable to help himself whatsoever as he snickered before clicking the ask to respond.
you know what asker? you’re absolutely right so lets try this out
            [Story and blog re-design by ibelieveinahappilyeverafter.]
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mowseries · 6 years
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Damn, I appeared not to have tagged the thread! How stupid of me, I’ll have to look for it by hand. Gimme a sec, I think I can narrow down the time frame…
{Some Time Later…}
Here we go.
If you want the behind the scenes (without the font effects, it’ll take like half an hour to add those in), here’s what happened in conjunction:
<DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -Ping- [MN.8] //: -Muffled- Mmn--
[MN.8] //: --Sorry, was eatin' breakfast. What's up, Cards? <DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > Keep this quiet, because I'll tell the others in just a moment, and want their unvarnished reaction, 'kay? BJ
<DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -Seems rather amused- [MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -Alright now ya got him curious, what you do-(edited) <DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > More like what Issimo did. [MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -Oh this is gonna be good-- <DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > Nevertheless, we are BOTH in the joint in the future. BP [MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -PFFT--
[There's the sound something getting knocked over, over the feeds--]
[MN.1] //: -Shade, you knocked over your glass of juice, why are you grinning--
[MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -TRYING to keep his data muffled but it's REAL HARD this time-- <DLN-000>: > -PING!- [MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -Was ONLY a matter of time, BWAHA-- <DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -Y' ain't the first to say so, HEH— -
<DLN-000>: > Mornin', guys. How are you all? [MN.1] //: -SQUINTS-
[MN.2] //: COOL, though Shade here is kinda in a laughing fit at the table--COME ON DUDE SPILL IT--like you did with your juice, not cleaning it up by the way--
<DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -Snorts at Pyro's immediate suspicion- [MN.8 to DLN-000] //: -Ah know he's even doin the face even though you ain't here, HA-- <DLN-000>: > Oh? Well, they say laughter is good for the soul. Or something.
<DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -CAN'T, nope, we're grinning- [MN.1] //: -If this ends up in the news with whatever you did, I swear-- <DLN-000>: > -Bursts out LAUGHING- [MN.1] //: -SO YOU DID DO SOMETHING--
[MN.8] //: -CAN'T--
[MN.9] //: Did they do a thing? Is it on the news again--
[MN.6] //: NEGITORY, Beckos--shaaaame, last time was funny--ish-- <DLN-000>: > I have the feeling that there will be faaaairly similar reactions…
<DLN-000>: > …from most of you… BJ
[MN.7]//: -SIGH, nope, too early for this Nonsense--
[MN.3] //: -NnnnOPE you are zzstaying right here--
[MN.7] //: -WHY- <DLN-000 to MNN-008>: > -Very much enjoying this, stringing Pyro along especially-
<DLN-000>: > Relax, guys, I didn't go out and do anything, and it's not in the news.
<DLN-000>: > I'd think there'd be a lot more reporters out here if it had made headlines. [MN.8] //: -snorts, heheh--
[MN.5] //: -Does make a good point- -Goes back to eating breakfast-
[Oho, he was playing the semantics game, was he? One of his best.]
<DLN-000>: > -Clearly amused-
<DLN-000>: > After all, if they'd noticed they got their hands on the oldest AI&A ever built…
<DLN-000>: > …you'd think a bunch of Reploids would raise more of a fuss. [MN.9] //: ...Reploids? Are you with Nero or something? ?.? <DLN-000>: > Noooooot quite, though I imagine he's all "…" about this. BJ [MN.9] //: -He's kinda like that all the time though--
[MN.7] //: -~- -Will you quit stalling already and get to the point, Cardinal--
<DLN-000>: > ~
<DLN-000>: > Remember OXN-002? [MN.1] //: ...Issimo? <DLN-000>: > Yeah. [MN.8] //: -Snorts, heh--still gotta meet the guy proper, yeah-- <DLN-000>: > -I can't wait for that by the way- -Glee data-
<DLN-000>: > But yeah, Issi! He's back, and is actually staying for a while this time. Hasn't been sent out undercover again yet. -Grins-
<DLN-000>: > You guys might not remember this, because I only mentioned it once or twice in passing, but…
<DLN-000>: > -Heh…- Issi kinda…
<DLN-000>: > …tends to "party hard," I think the saying goes—
[MN.2] //: -HE DOES?? AW YEAH--
[MN.8] //: -LAUGHS--
[MN.9] //: -Uuuh...- -Slightly confused-
[MN.7] //: -Facepalm-
[MN.5] //: -Mildly amused- So one too many, huh?
<DLN-000>: > BWAHA—
<DLN-000>: > SEVERAL, I think!
<DLN-000>: > Geez, that guy was three times his size— [MN.2] //: -GLITCH HE TRIED TO FIGHT SOMEONE WHILE SMASHED??? RESPECT POINTS PLUS 50-- <DLN-000>: > -Laughing- I had to yank him down to the floor to avoid a swing, so— [MN.1] //: -Aaand of course you were with him-- <DLN-000>: > So then this guy—PFFT, he was LARGE—thinks it'll be a smart life choice to go after me instead, since I'm… smaller… B] [MN.6] //: -EXTREMELY POOR LIFE CHOICE--
<DLN-000>: > Small, maybe, but hardened veteran— and also, quite sober— [MN.2] //: -SO DID YOU AND DRUNK ISSI KICK HIS CHASSIS-- <DLN-000>: > More or less, heh heh…
<DLN-000>: > Blocking him was easy, and then I kicked him off of me with a double shove. He staggered back into a wall.
<DLN-000>: > May or may not have been some tables and chairs in the way. BJ
<DLN-000>: > I grabbed Issi and made a run for it, but… heh… got kinda lost, haven't been to his base very many times.
<DLN-000>: > So that's why the police cau—
[MN.1] //: -for the love of XEL--
[MN.5] //: -Saw this comin' since he mentioned the partying-
[MN.8] //: -He's WHEEZING--
<DLN-000>: > -Laughing-
<DLN-000>: > You got thrown in the drunk tank, Avs? -Can't, he's grinning so hard-
[MN.7] //: -Is this really a big surprise, it was only a matter of time before he got himself arrested--
[MN.6] //: -NO-- D<
<DLN-000>: > -Laughs harder-
<DLN-000>: > -SNRKT- Sorry, just— imagining you hovering around loudly in the cell, flailing about—
<DLN-000>: > -So amused-
[MN.1] //: -Such exasperated data, of course you got arrested, why would I expect anything else--
<DLN-000>: > -Amused- A lot more geared toward robots, that's for sure— <DLN-000>: > And yeah, I figured teleporting off would only make them give chase, soooo… <DLN-000>: > After the mess that came with us trying to run after getting our cover blown in your world, I decided to cut my losses and stick around to make sure Issimo got through it alright. BP [MN.8] //: So how long did it take for him t' sober up--(edited) <DLN-000>: > Hours. Heh. <DLN-000>: > Based on his coworkers' reactions, this ain't the first time this has happened. [MN.8] //: -Lord--
[MN.3]//: -Welp that'szz the wrong side of the night life for you--sort of--
[MN.2] //: -So wait are you like--still in a cell-- <DLN-000>: > His coworkers said they'd pull some strings for me to get me out by morning, last I'm allowed to recall, so… I'm gonna say "no." BP
[BWIP!] [Cardinal appears next to Shade, using him as a leaning post.]
Cardinal: -Cheeky grin- I'm too pretty for jaaaaiiil~ Shade: -SNORTS VERY HARD AT THAT-- Dyna: -TOO FAB FOR BARS, BRO- -Sharkgrin~- Cardinal: B] Cardinal: This bird was never meant to be caged.
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god-and-janjo · 7 years
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How To Make a Blog - Step by Step create a wordpress blogging for Beginners
How To Make a Blog - Step by Step create a wordpress blogging for Beginners
alright so this is a video tutorial about how to make a blog there's a bunch of a ways I mean people going to tell you different things different times during one of the easiest ways is to come over here to wordpress.org and sign up for an account and you can start making a blog and i'll show you how to edit it's kind of the same way the only thing is if you're actually doing this to you know you want to get traffic and you know make some money and have people see your site it wordpress is ok but I'm and you're going to be spend most your time out promoting it I'm as far as you know SEO which is search engine optimization it's all right you can tag it like YouTube and that kind of stuff in it and it might come up but you really need to put you know some good plugins if you want your in also if you want to go and make you have sliders and all that kind of stuff on your on your blog to make it fancy so people enjoy it and add other widgets and that kind of stuff just getting a free account here at WordPress you know it's you're not gonna you're not going to be able to do all that stuff and your SEO is going to be okay at best you really need to get SEO plugins and that kind of stuff so i'm going to show you that all in this probably nice long tutorial but anyhow so either a you can probably hear a word press and you could do that that'd be the second way is to get a a preferred to is to get a host i'm using one and one for so on my blogs i'm going to show you guys on one on one just because one they're cheap you know you can get a you can get a hosting plan here for I don't know four dollars a month something like that like yeah it's not much like four dollars a month but when you log in the back end you have they they have a system that will automatically install the WordPress for you so you don't got to install it I mean there's there's videos on on my channel and videos under the Google channel that actually shows you how to install it and install it yourself on your own database is a little better if you're if you're going to use like really intense themes but just to get started and using a basic theme are kind of building your own theme with what you got or are using a theme inside there it works fine and it's easy its quick you can get it done in 10 minutes and you can start you know blogging because after you start blogging now you're going to start writing about backlinks and SEO but i'm going to show you really easy tricks to get your brand new blog ranking quick so anyhow let's get started so what we're going to do is you're going to if you use one and one most of these admin panels like 110 skater hostmonster you know i think even go daddy they all have this this quick integration so you can if you decide to...
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgawvfYLn2I
Website design Idea You Could Use Today
If are unfamiliar with exactly what all web design is, you certainly are not the only one in this thought. There are many people that either do unknown just what web design entails or how vital it is accompanying promoting a business. Review this short article to get a good background about the topic. For multimedia presentations, make use of the new HTML5 criterion. Although HTML5 isn't quite as durable for computer animation and also games as Flash, it has the benefit of functioning stably on smart phone internet browsers, consisting of those had in Apple equipment. HTML5 is also a fair bit leaner compared to Flash, so load times will certainly enhance, also. It may look quite, yet stay away from having too many animations on your site. Having your sales spray web page revolve, rotate as well as blink might look awesome to you, however it will likely drive prospective viewers away. When you add way too many fancy splashes like that, it makes your site look unskilled which is not the message you want to share. Prevent cramming page components with each other. Each section of your page need to be naturally separated from each different, as this makes the function of each area a lot more clear. The simplest way to separate parts is by using DIVs, yet there are different ways, including outright positioning (not recommended), the CSS margin command, as well as drifts. Separate long content blocks. Having a big wave of content is unnecessary for any sort of site, especially when you could destroy it up by using images, and even dividing it right into different pages. Dull your customers will only make them leave, so maintain things as basic as well as fresh as possible. If the major translation solutions work appropriately when translating your site, examination your site to see. Some sites get many worldwide visitors, and also these site visitors in some cases use services like BabelFish and also Google Mean translate the content to their language. Certain website design problems, particularly bad web server side code, could break these services. Know the background on your internet site. You don't want your text to be tough to review! A disruptive background is ... well, distracting. Pick backgrounds that coordinate with your site, as opposed to encountering it, and your message will certainly be far more clear to your site visitors. Have a website map. These serve to your customers as well as the search engines, as they provide a thorough summary of your whole web site. It can be a guide for audiences searching for a particular component of your site, and also permit you to keep track of its structure and also format. Discovering some basic HTML will certainly aid you include some interesting bonus to your website. For instance, you can have words that follow your cursor, or a banner that flashes crucial details. Make sure to alter the font styles as well as shades sometimes, so you appear a lot more entailed accompanying the internet site as well as its design. When designing your site, you should utilize cascading design sheets, or CSS. These style sheets could be put on every website on your website, and will certainly guarantee that the user encounter corresponds throughout the site. They are likewise effective for making quick layout modifications to your web site because of that you just have to transform the style sheet as opposed to making modifications on every webpage. Assembled a great web page regarding you or your title as well as company it "Around" or "Concerning United states." A lot of websites make use of boring, common biographies. Make this area of your web site more interesting. Intention to give visitors a tiny glimpse of your personal background. Show how you started website design, the people that motivated you to do this, as well as exactly what your company objectives are. To cover it up, you were uncertain of the important duty that website design plays in a company's success, now you have rather an excellent feeling for it. Preferably, this short article will be sufficient to allow you to pass this information on and also help other people with the very same questions.
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